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Peshawar criminelle, Satanistes Américains,

mrUniversalMetaphysc  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 8 mesi fa
[Talmud] 140. [Eight years were used for the construction of the Temple, many more than: those who have served: a: you for the building: this Tehom (abyss). And when Solomon had finished the temple, what you see, that the Scripture says to: About: it: The priests do not: they could be erected to give service: a: because of the cloud, in fact, the glory of God had filled the house of the Lord (Chron. II, Chapter 5.14). But if someone load a donkey: rotting garbage: and: in the lead: this abyss you, no one would notice the difference! "The Emperor Henry then replied:" If you do not: I had sworn to: let go unharmed, give orders, that you were beheaded. "" 3. GLASSES:
[# USA , # Lady Liberty ] est [ «mal» , la déesse , # Ashtar Sheran #, la # démoniaque , babylonienne #, # panthéon . Nombre de Marduk, avec ses sacrifices humains #] 'S DECEPTION " TOUJOURS ... «Et pas étonnant, car , elle aussi , # Satan lui-même se déguise en ange de lumière. " # Astaroth , c'en est un, du plus grand nombre , # # démons de cultures juives , qui, selon , d'une tradition , non- canonique , poussé # Caïn à tuer son frère, Abel # . A l'origine, # Astarté , déesse était à # païen, transformée, par les Juifs : en , démon # # terrifiant , et # repoussante. # Ashtar Sheran #, # # guides de démons , guides de Spirit # , # en # aliens enlèvement : elle dit: « ... mes mots sont mûres importants, le Décalogue # # , du mont Sinaï ... » et, Bien sûr, ce démon , comme, tous les démons #, # communistes , franc-maçonnerie #, # # islamistes, les pharisiens , aras , Babylon #, # puissance NWO , 666, le grand # prostituée qui commet la fornication # # , avec, tous les rois , de la terre. Par conséquent, tuer pour , encore une fois , le # postérité d'Abraham , dans le prochain , imminent , # Holocauste, contre , # Israel
[ ] # CIA , # DATAGATE , vas te faire encule avec mauvaise personne , la Banque mondiale , 666, 322 Bush , Kerry # [ # # OSAMA OBAMA - ] # marijuana , # PARTY IN SATAN # # SYNAGUE BILDEDNBERG , # pharisiens , Illuminati culte dieu , # OWL , au # Bohhemian Grove , # Baal , JabullOn #, # freemasory , le seigneuriage escroquerie bancaire #, # FMI , # FED , BCE # # micro- puce , # # étrangers enlèvement , l'ordre du jour . # # Morgellons OGM - RÉPONSE - Je peux détruire le # USA , maintenant, ou , entre 150 ans.
666 , # CIA , # DATAGATE , # HACKER, UFuckWithWrongPerson - quand vous êtes allé à la Chine, avec , votre femme faire pour une entreprise , qui , ( ! Alors , ont été été un échec) Parce que , vous m'avez demandé de l'aide, et non, vous avez demandé de l'aide, votre satan, de temps, ce qui , vous l'avez dit , " Satan m'a sauvé ! " , et comment il peut vous sauver, ou autres, s'il n'y a pas une qui peut le sauver , de l'enfer ?
@ # Roi Arabie Saoudite - J'espère que vous avez pas, vous aurez l' impudeur , pour me demander d'arrêter , les chars russes # # , et les réservoirs chinois, quand ils vont parce que, avec les pharisiens , # # Spa FMI, # Bush , et les sociétés de l'entreprise système #, # maçonnique, escroquerie , # banking seigneuriage ? , Vous êtes la merde plus odieux dans le monde .. et certainement , je ne peux pas , ma fraternité universelle , avec vous , dans la vie!
@ # # # Roi Arabie Saoudite - l'enseignant, qui , je l'ai remplacé cette année (et tous ont dit) , La leçon qu'il n'a jamais fait, et le # # vice-président , en fait, m'a reproché , en disant: "# Professeur , vous devez comprendre , les étudiants ne sont pas utilisés , à faire # classe de religion », mais , l'autre professeur , lui aussi , n'est-ce pas , # leçon , classe de religion. est dans l'angoisse parce que, maintenant, il peut devenir très , humiliant #, # embarrassant, et , # strident , pour lui, la comparaison entre lui et moi , et , ensuite , a commencé à me calomnier . lol. Heureusement, Voilà, j'ai un ami comme vous, qui , vous, pouvez me comprendre ! En fait, même le # # prophète Jérémie, où il a été suscité #, # querelles, et , # querelles .. mais , cela dit, l'histoire, le prophète Jérémie, a vu mourir, tous ceux - qui , il a parlé .. En fait, vous ne l'avez pas , aucune chance d'être en mesure d'arrêter les chars russes # et # chinois .. si , pas avant , je viens à vous , tous les # islamistes , Erdogan # fou, # # charia nazi, pour sauver , # Israël , # et la race humaine tuer.
@ Roi Arabie Saoudite, aujourd'hui , dans ma 4ème ITIS, le tableau noir " lim " avec ADSL, [ ( retour à la vie - Resurrection : Une histoire du XXe siècle ) , un berger est mort , au Nigeria , un accident de voiture , après quatre jours , Dieu l'a ressuscité , par la prière, pentecôtiste , charismatique ] mais , au Nigeria, où il n'est pas le vôtre , Boko Haram , ils font des massacres des martyrs chrétiens , innocent ? -> La vidéo est arrêtée et cromium , donné avant , puis , seul, 1. 2 vidéos pornographiques . puis , seul [ Google Translate ( . ) ] lire , l'Ave Maria, au contraire ( blasphème , satanisme ) , puis écrit et lu : [ prêtre , vous doit mourir ] , et traslator lire, cependant , aussi , si je avait déjà mis en sourdine [maintenant , je le dis, si vous êtes stupide? Je ne suis pas responsable! ]
[@ Obama - si toi aussi, tu ne craches à la Constitution comme ils l'ont fait , Bush 322 , Kerry 322, puis , aussi , vous pouvez le faire , le décret 11110 de Kennedy, pour sauver votre peuple ], elle ignore l' accord sur le budget : après la fermeture de '17 ans, le # Etat ... # Washington - (# Adnkronos / Ign) - Le # Congrès , non , # trouve l' accord sur le financement de la machine de l'Etat, et maintenant l'administration n'est plus # en mesure de payer plus , des services publics , avec, à moins 800 mille fonctionnaires # civiles en danger. -> @ Obama - si toi aussi, tu ne craches , contre la Constitution, comme l'a fait , Bush 322 , Kerry, dans ésotériques sataniques ordre du jour pharisiens ? Puis, aussi, vous pouvez le faire , l'exécutif afin de Kennedy, 11110 , d'amour, vos peuples américains
[ [ Popeye # Obamacare, le risque # Utiliser le " # shutdown "] ] @ # OBAMA, vous pouvez devenir un , # HÉROS! Si vous aimez vraiment les gens, et vous n'êtes pas un autre , franc-maçon # # criminelle , comme , # Clinton, Bush #, # Kerry , etc .. ? vous pouvez imprimer tout l'argent nécessaire , en utilisant l'ordre exécutif , # de Kennedy, le # 11110 , seulement, qui , alors , vous n'avez pas à vous montrer en public , parce que les Pharisiens # # # éclairés anglo-américaine , # Spa # FMI , # FED ? 'll vous tirez pas!
[ [ L'échec de # Vladimir Poutine # # # Barack Obama , sur le cas # Syria ]] La proposition du Kremlin de mettre #, # sous un contrôle international des armes chimiques # # Bachar al -Assad est sortie une manière « d' # Obama. Mais même un revers pour lui - RÉPONSE - Cet article parle d'un faible Obama .. mais , la force n'aurait pas été , que, pour finir exterminer , # chiites , chrétiens et # à # Syrie , en devenant lui-même # Al- Qaïda ( à partir de , Obama, a, # Oussama ) ! La catastrophe d'Obama, était idéologique et moral , il était l'ennemi , # marionnette de la civilisation judéo-chrétienne , l'ennemi de la souveraineté monétaire , un vrai # marionnette dans les mains des Pharisiens #, # Spa , # Banca monde , qui veulent détruire Israël # , ensemble, toute la race humaine , mais , je suis la civilisation judéo-chrétienne # , qui est, je suis de la race humaine !
@ Poutine - vous êtes une grosse bite , pas de couilles , tu n'es qu'un traître pathétique . vous ne pouvez jamais gagner une guerre contre les pharisiens Anglo-Américains , en fait , vous achetez d' eux, d'intéresser votre argent ..
30th Septembre # PARIS, '' Ripping # # Silvio Berlusconi menace la stabilité de la zone euro .'' - RÉPONSE - @ # Illuminati # Pharisiens Bildenbeg #, # FMI , # # FED BCE Spa, vous , les francs-maçons , vous avez pris , otage, tous les peuples, en fait, vous ont volé tous, la souveraineté monétaire # # ( # # seigneuriage bancaire ) , vous avez volé , leur avenir et d'espoir , en fait , vous avez fait , les gens, votre esclaves ... # [ [# Est le serviteur , acheter de l'argent , et c'est l'intérêt de paie # esclave .. # Vous n'êtes pas des êtres humains , vous êtes les monstres des tueurs impitoyables criminels # # .. ] ]
@ # Pharisiens , # Rothschild # Rochefeller , Bildenberg #, # # Illuminati sale , # # porcs criminels - ce n'est pas grave , que vous êtes des hypocrites , car ils ne voient pas le # pornographie , vous êtes toujours , instigateurs ! Pourquoi les « trafiquant de drogue », c'est (le propriétaire de tout monopole , (# Spa # FMI) est d'être le maître de toutes choses , il est toujours , plus grave, qui font l'utilisateur " de médicaments ) selon votre # Torah ? vous avez été condamné à mort par moi. fait , j'avais , a ordonné de vous , de supprimer tous les mineurs , la pornographie et à la place , également , dans les sites porno # # principales , étaient encore impliqués , le # enfants . alors , je vous condamne à mort # # # tous ces des pédophiles , aussi, ceux qui ne # video # porno # avec les enfants et les mineurs # , vous avez encore eux .. tués par les satanistes
[# Iran, 200 têtes , dans l'arsenal nucléaire israélien # # #] Javad Zarif , ministre des Affaires étrangères # # de l'Iran, lors d'une interview avec la chaîne de télévision américaine ABC # , - RÉPONSE - parce que , vous êtes les nazis, qui torturent l' martyrs chrétiens innocents, au Moyen-Orient .. - RÉPONSE - OK! SE, IS 200 , j'en ai assez !
30 Septembre , 17:46 nazi Soudan, sans la liberté de religion , # KHARTOUM , ont été publiés sur l' internet , photo # choc, qui montrerait les victimes de la répression violente des manifestations en # Soudan par la police. . - RÉPONSE - @ 666 SATAN , # USA , # FMI, # # pharisiens Anglo-Américains - Au Soudan , les chrétiens ont été tués tout le monde , et les enfants des chrétiens , ont été vendus comme esclaves , # Arabie Saoudite, afin que vous puissiez les tuer tous , avec tous tes mensonges !
30 septembre 19h18 . # Iran , # Obama , # Netanyahu, rien , atomique #, # NEW YORK , président , utilisez # Barack Obama, est d'accord avec le # # Premier ministre israélien , Benyamin Netanyahu # # : ... L'objectif de l'Iran est toujours là, '' la destruction d'Israël '', a déclaré Netanyahu. blah, blah , blah, - RÉPONSE - chacals , comme ce fut # Rothschild, qui vous a appris à jouer # franc-maçonnerie , blah, blah , blah ? lorsque l'accident nucléaire, que les services de renseignement israéliens , comme un auto - attaquer à faire, démarrez l'agression contre l' Iran et la guerre nucléaire mondiale ?
[# # Les politiciens, les Israéliens ] de la guerre des Six jours , avec le retour du désert égyptien ? Vous avez toujours fait l'ordre du jour des satanistes pharisiens Illuminati ! vous êtes des traîtres ! vous êtes la plus grande menace pour Israël !
[@ 666 , # Obama , # DATAGATE , -> je suis vraiment en colère , parce que vous avez bloqué , mon OS , Linux Mint 15 ] @ ma YHWH - comme Israël, ne pouvait résister , qu'elle est si jeune et petit , dans le face au mal , de 1 . LIGUE ARABE # # , et ses alliés , 2. 666 pharisiens, Anglo # # Américains , et tous les siens 3. # # Politique # maçons corrompus, qui , tous ensemble, conspiré , juré , conçu pour détruire, encore une fois, dans un nouvel Holocauste ?
Premier #, # turc, # islamiste # nazi # salafiste wahhadita #, # # Recep Tayyip Erdogan # , se prépare , rapidement , à # guerre et cherche à éliminer le stress interne vise aussi à avoir plus de soldats , plus la chair à canon , et pousse vers le haut , le son déjà , plutôt que d'une énorme surpopulation. [Aussi , # Mussolini a fait de même ] 1 , [# Turquie # # Erdogan réformes pour les Kurdes ]] 2. [ [# ANKARA , # Erdogan : 3 enfants, ne suffit pas, Make it 4] ] - # RÉPONSE - mon # @ YHWH, plutôt que d'investir dans la paix, et rinuncire , la charia # # # Ligue ARABE, a décidé d'aller vers le bas , en guerre contre moi, pour # étendre , le # impérialisme , son # criminelle nazie, révélation # # religieux , pour le monde!
@ Fou criminel , l'Iran, pour les esclaves dhimmis --- I a proposé une alliance , déjà , cette mornig , 1. vous détruisez la charia , rapidement , et , 2. le détruire, Etat maçonnique , d'Israël 3. ensuite , nous faisons le royaume de Perse, ou de la Palestine , avec la Syrie , 4 . Je suis votre roi , - conclusion - si vous acceptez cette alliance, vous pouvez revivre ! vous savez , pour moi votre réponse, parce que , pour moi, n'aime pas attendre .. Je perds patience, facilement
[ [# PAKISTAN , l'islam #, # # Peshawar criminelle , # roi # Saoudien, #, vous avez fait , votre religion, une arme à la ruine des peuples ! Si vous ne le faites pas , vous étiez un démon, le petit Satan? Satanistes Américains , # DATAGATE , grand Satan , non, ils seraient , vos alliés ! ]] Plus de sang à Peshawar. Les chrétiens prient pour les victimes , et la paix dans le pays. Hier matin, une voiture piégée a frappé, marché de la ville , non loin de l' église All Saints # , le lieu du massacre du 22 Septembre . Au moins 33 morts et 70 blessés , dans la troisième attaque , dans quelques jours . L'évêque , de , # Islamabad: «Le Pakistan est à la croisée des chemins ; rester unis contre , # terrorisme. " # Peshawar (# AsiaNews ) - Plus de sang , et , à la violence , à Peshawar , capitale de la # # Khyber Pakhtunkhwa #, # provinces du Pakistan , le théâtre #, la semaine dernière , de trois, # # attentats-suicides , d' , # islamiste origine . Hier, matin, une voiture piégée # # Placé dans la ville # marché # , # explosé à l'heure de pointe , le meurtre , 33 personnes , et blessant mûres , de , 70 .

  mrUniversalMetaphysc  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 8 mesi fa
[Talmud] 141. [The glasses used for the Sacrifice of the Mass are called by the name of the pottery, which is used to deliver dirt to idols. Moses Kozzensis, in Hilkoth Abhodah Zarah (10b) says: "The jew, who buys the Goi glasses, which have been broken: and: discarded: no: it can sell them: to: them, because the priest of Baal would use them for the worship of the idol. "4. BOOKS The Talmud calls: the books of the Christians Minim: -: heretical books: -: Siphra Debeth Abidan: -: House of Books: Perdition. The Talmud, particular about the books of the Gospels. So in Schabbath (116a) Toseph: "Rabbi Meir calls: Aaven Gilaion heretical books (volumes: iniquity) why they call them Gospels.

  mrUniversalMetaphysc  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 8 mesi fa
[Talmud] 142. ["And Rabbi Jochanan call: Aavon Gilaion these books, books of evil. Schulchan The Arukh, edition of Krakow, makes this name as Aven Niktabh Haggilaion to: -: a book written in iniquity. Buxtorf says: "Nell'Arukh c" is a note to Scheker Niktabh Gilaion, that means: the lie written in a book. " All scholars of the Talmud are agreed, that the books of Christians should be destroyed. They do not: I agree only with regard to this, that, you should make the name of: God, who appears in them. In Schabbath (116a) it says: "The Glossaries of our own books: and: the books of the heretics do not: they must be saved from flames, if they were to ignite in day: Saturday.

  mrUniversalMetaphysc  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 8 mesi fa
[Talmud] 138. [ " A questo punto possiamo aggiungere ciò, che, un certo rabbino Kelomimis disse circa, una chiesa cristiana (nel libro: Nizzachon) all'imperatore Enrico III, che, gli diede il permesso di: dire la sua opinione liberamente sulla Basilica, che, aveva recentemente costruito: a: Spires: "Dopo, che, l'Imperatore Enrico III, un uomo molto malvagio, ebbe finito la costruzione di: quell'Abisso," egli mandò: a: chiamare il rabbino Kelominus: e: gli disse: "Voglio chiederti come ti sembra questa Basilica, che, io ho costruito: a: paragone del Tempio di: Salomone sul quale sono stati scritti tanti volumi. "Egli rispose: "Mio Signore, se mi permettete di: parlare liberamente, e: se mi giurate di: lasciarmi andare illeso, vi dirò la verità.

  mrUniversalMetaphysc  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 8 mesi fa
[Talmud] 139. ["L'imperatore rispose: "Hai la mia parola di: amante della verità: e: di: imperatore, che: non: ti sarà fatto alcun male. "Allora l'ebreo disse: "Se voi raccoglieste tutto: quello, che, avete speso fino ad ora: e: lo aggiungeste: a: tutto: l'oro: e: l'argento del vostro tesoro, tutto ciò: non: sarebbe sufficiente nemmeno: a: pagare gli operai: e: gli artigiani, che, impiegò Salomone; infatti, sta scritto (Cron. II. Ch. 2): E Salomone ordinò, che, uscissero tre dozzine: e: diecimila uomini per portare i pesi, e: quattro dozzine mille per tagliare nelle montagne, e: tre mila: e: seicento per sorvergliarli.

  mrUniversalMetaphysc  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 8 mesi fa
[Talmud] 140. [Otto anni furono impiegati per la costruzione del Tempio, molti di: più di: quelli, che, sono serviti: a: voi per la costruzione di: questo Tehom (abisso). E quando Salomone ebbe finito il suo tempio, vedete quello, che, la Scrittura dice: a: proposito di: esso: I preti: non: potevano rimanere eretti per rendere servizio: a: causa della nube; infatti, la gloria di: Dio aveva riempito la Casa del Signore (Chron. II, Cap. 5,14). Ma se qualcuno caricasse un asino di: putrida immondizia: e: lo conducesse all'interno di: questo vostro abisso, nessuno si accorgerebbe della differenza!" L'imperatore Enrico allora rispose: "Se: non: ti avessi giurato di: lasciarti andare illeso, darei ordine, che, ti fosse tagliata la testa. "" 3. CALICI:

  mrUniversalMetaphysc  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 8 mesi fa
[Talmud] 141. [ I calici usati per il Sacrificio: della messa vengono chiamati con: il nome del vasellame, che, si usa per offrire sporcizia agli idoli. Mosè Kozzensis, nello Hilkoth Abhodah Zarah (10b) dice: "L'ebreo, che, acquista dei calici del Goi, che, siano stati rotti: e: gettati via: non: può rivenderli: a: loro, perché, il prete di: Baal li userebbe per il culto dell'idolo. " 4. LIBRI: Il Talmud chiama: i libri dei cristiani: Minim:-:libri eretici:-:Siphre Debeth Abidan:-:Libri della Casa di: Perdizione. Il Talmud in particolare parla dei libri dei Vangeli. Così in Schabbath (116a) Toseph: "Il rabbino Meir chiama: i libri eretici Aaven Gilaion (volumi di: iniquità) perché essi li chiamano Vangeli.

  mrUniversalMetaphysc  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 8 mesi fa
[Talmud] 142. [" E il rabbino Jochanan chiama: questi libri Aavon Gilaion, libri del male. Lo Schulchan Arukh, edizione di: Cracovia, rende questo nome come Aven Niktabh al Haggilaion:-: iniquità scritta in un libro. Buxtorf dice: "Nell'Arukh c"è una nota: Scheker Niktabh al Gilaion, che, significa: menzogna scritta, in un libro." Tutti gli studiosi del Talmud sono d'accordo sul fatto, che, i libri dei cristiani dovrebbero essere distrutti. Essi: non: sono d'accordo solamente per quanto riguarda ciò, che, si dovrebbe fare del nome di: Dio, che, appare in essi. Nello Schabbath (116a) si dice: "I glossari dei nostri stessi libri: e: i libri degli eretici: non: dovranno essere salvati dalle fiamme, se dovessero prendere fuoco in giorno di: sabato.

  mrUniversalMetaphysc  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 8 mesi fa
[Talmud] 133. [1. Priest: The Talmud speaks of priests, ministers of Christian worship, as: idolaters, belonging to the god Baal. They are also called Komarim: -: fortune tellers, and even, Galachim, the shaved, because you shave your head, especially the monks. Nell'Abhodah Zarah (14b) Toseph, he says, "is prohibited sell the books of the prophets to the soothsayers, given that they can use them for their worship of evil in their temples where they practice idolatry. Those, which I they sin against the law, which forbids us to: put an obstacle in the path: a blind man. it is also forbidden to sell them to Christians who do not: they are shaved, as they surely will, or: Sale:: one: those who are shaved. "

  mrUniversalMetaphysc  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 8 mesi fa
[Talmud] 134. [2. THE CHRISTIAN CHURCHES: A place of: Christian worship is said (1) Beth Tiflah, house: vanity: and: folly, in place of Beth Tefilah, a house: Prayer, (2) Beth Abhodah Zarah, House Idolatry, (3) Beth Hatturaph Letsim Schelling, House of Evil Laughter. Nell'Abhodah Zarah (78), the Perusch of: Maimonides, one reads: "You know, that thing is definitely prohibited by law through a city where there is a Christian house: vanity, that is, a house of idolatry, to: the more reason to live there. But we today, as punishment for our sins, we are subject: to: them, and we are forced to live in their countries, as foretold in Deuteronomy (IV, 28):

  mrUniversalMetaphysc  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 8 mesi fa
[Talmud] 135. [And there you shall serve gods, the work of human hands, of wood: and: stone ... Thus, as predicted if it is allowed to: move around a Christian city: a: the more reason you should pass around a temple where we practice idolatry, nor are we allowed to look inside: and: especially to enter. "The Jew is forbidden not: only get into a Christian church, but, even, approaching it, except in special circumstances. In Iore Dea, 142.10) it says: it is forbidden to linger in the shade: a house idolatry, both inside, outside, for a distance of four cubits: the front door.

  mrUniversalMetaphysc  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 8 mesi fa
[Talmud] 136. [It is not forbidden, however, stand under the shadow of the back of: a church. Nor is the shadow forbidden us if the church is located in a place where first, there was a public road, taken to the community, where he was built the house of idolatry. In fact, the road is still there. But if the house idolatry existed before the road: no: it is allowed to pass: there in any circumstances. "Nor can a Jew or listen: enjoy the beautiful music of he asked. In: 'Iore Dea "(142.15) it says:" it is forbidden to listen to the music of idolatrous worship, and to examine the statues of their idols, in fact, also, just by looking, you may become influenced by the evil of idolatry.

  mrUniversalMetaphysc  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 8 mesi fa
[Talmud] 137. [But you can look if you want to: not: be affected. " In the same way the Jews do not: they can have the house near a church: and: nor is their permission to rebuild a house that was destroyed in the the place. In Iore Dea (143.1) it says: "If I get a house near a temple idolatry belonging to the Akum (Christian): not: it must be rebuilt. The jew has to move a certain distance if you want to rebuild it. But should fill: bushes: and: trash the empty space between his house: and: the church in such a manner that: no: it can be used to expand the temple of idolatry.

  mrUniversalMetaphysc  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 8 mesi fa
[Talmud] 133. [1. PRETI: Il Talmud parla dei preti, i ministri del culto cristiano, come di: idolatri appartenenti al dio Baal. Essi sono anche, chiamati Komarim:-: indovini; e anche, Galachim, i rasati, in quanto si rasano il capo, particolarmente i monaci. Nell'Abhodah Zarah (14b) Toseph, si dice: "è proibito vendere i libri dei profeti agli indovini, dato, che, essi possono usarli per il loro culto del male nei loro templi dove si pratica l'idolatria. Coloro, che, lo fanno peccano contro la legge, che, ci proibisce di: porre un ostacolo sul percorso di: un cieco. è anche, proibito venderli ai cristiani, che: non: sono rasati, in quanto essi sicuramente lo daranno o: venderanno: a: uno di: coloro, che, sono rasati. "

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[Talmud] 134. [2. LE CHIESE CRISTIANE: Un luogo di: culto cristiano è detto (1) Beth Tiflah, casa di: vanità: e: stoltezza, al posto di: Beth Tefilah, casa di: preghiera; (2) Beth Abhodah Zarah, Casa dell'Idolatria; (3) Beth Hatturaph Schel Letsim, Casa del Ridere Maligno. Nell'Abhodah Zarah(78), il Perusch di: Maimonide, si legge: "Si sappia, che, è cosa indubbiamente proibita dalla legge attraversare una città: cristiana in cui ci sia una casa di: vanità, cioè una casa dell'idolatria;a: maggior ragione abitarci. Ma noi oggi, come punizione per i nostri peccati, siamo soggetti: a: loro, e: siamo costretti ad abitare nei loro paesi, come predetto dal Deuteronomio (IV, 28):

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[Talmud] 135. [E là voi servirete gli dei, lavoro delle mani dell'uomo, di: legno: e: pietra... Così, se è permesso come predetto di: passare attorno ad una città cristiana: a: maggior ragione si dovrà passare attorno ad un tempio dove si pratica l'idolatria; né ci è permesso guardar dentro: e: specialmente entrarvi. " All'ebreo è proibito: non: solo entrare in una chiesa cristiana, ma, perfino, avvicinarsi ad essa, eccetto in particolari circostanze. Nello Iore Dea,142,10) si dice: è proibito sostare all'ombra di: una casa dell'idolatria, sia all'interno, che, all'esterno, per una distanza di: quattro cubiti dalla porta principale.

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[Talmud] 136. [ Non è proibito, comunque, sostare sotto l'ombra del retro di: una chiesa. Né l'ombra ci è proibita, se la chiesa sorge, in un luogo dove prima, c'era una strada pubblica, presa alla comunità, dove poi è stata costruita la casa dell'idolatria. Infatti, la strada è sempre lì. Ma se la casa dell'idolatria esisteva prima della strada: non: è permesso passare di: lì in nessun caso. " Né un giudeo può ascoltare o: ammirare la bella musica delle chiese. Nell: "Iore Dea", (142,15) si dice: "è proibito ascoltare la musica del culto degli idolatri, ed esaminare le statue dei loro idoli; infatti, anche, solo guardandoli, si può rimanere influenzati dal male dell'idolatria.

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[Talmud] 137. [ Ma si può guardare se si intende di: non: restarne influenzati." Nello stesso modo i giudei: non: possono avere la casa vicino ad una chiesa: e: nemmeno è loro permesso ricostruire una casa, che, è stata distrutta in tale luogo. Nello Iore Dea (143,1) si dice: "Se cade una casa vicino ad un tempio dell'idolatria appartenente agli Akum (cristiano): non: deve essere ricostruita. L'ebreo deve spostarla ad una certa distanza se desidera ricostruirla. Ma dovrà riempire di: cespugli: e: immondizie lo spazio rimasto vuoto fra la sua casa: e: la chiesa in maniera, che: non: possa essere usato per allargare il tempio dell'idolatria.

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[Talmud] 128. [13. THE SOUL OF CHRISTIANS AND MALIGNANT is unclean. The teaching of the Jews is that God created two natures, one good: and: the other evil, or a nature: two sides, a pure and: a foul. [[This teaching is blasphemy! Because, should assume the existence of evil in God!]]. It is said that the souls of Christians, both came from the unclean side, called: Keliphah: -: or zest: scabby crust. In Zohar (I, 131st) it says: "The idolaters, however, pollute the world since there: because their soul is out: the unclean side.". And in Emek Hammelech (23d) it says: "The soul of the wicked: Keliphah comes from, that is death: and: shadow: death."

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[Talmud] 129. [Zohar (I, 46b, 47a) proceeds: to: demonstrate that this side foul is the left side, from which came the soul of Christians: "And he created: all living things: that the Israelites, in that: are children High, and: their soul is from Him But where is the soul of Gentiles idolaters? Rabbi Eliezer says: from the left side, which makes their unclean souls. They are therefore unclean: and: contaminate all those who, come into contact with: them. "

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================================ [Talmud] 130. [14. AFTER THE DEATH BE IN HELL. Elders teach that Abraham sits at the entrance of Gehenna: and: prevent: to: everyone: no: circumcised to: enter, but that, all uncircumcised go to hell. In Rosch Haschanach (17a) it says: "The heretics: and: the Epicureans: and: The Traitors go to hell." 15. THE FATE OF DEAD CHRISTIANS. After death, the bodies of Christians are called to: the odious name: Pegarim, that is the word used in Holy Scripture for the dead bodies of the damned: and: animals, but never, for the body of men pious, which is called Metim. Therefore, the Schulchan Arukh orders: speaking of Christians died in the same manner of dead animals.

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[Talmud] 131. [In Iore Dea (377.1) it says: "You do not have to do Condolences: to: none: to: cause of death of his servants, or: need. All than that, we can say is "May God give back what, that you have lost, as says to someone, who has lost a cow or: a donkey. "Neither is avoiding Christians for seven days after that, they have buried someone, as established the law of Moses, given that they do not: they are men, in fact, the burial of the animals do not: it is due to: contamination. In Iebhammoth (61a) it says: "The Nokrin not: mingle with: the funeral. In fact, it is written: You are the My sheep, the sheep of my pasture, you are men.

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[Talmud] 132. [You are therefore called men do not: the Nokrim (ie Christians or Nimal) (ie Christians or animals). Article III: -: The Cult: and: Rites Christians. Given that, Christians are considered idolatrous by the Jews, all their forms to: worship belong to idolatry. The priests are called priests of Baal, and their temples are called churches: falsehood: and: idolatry, and: all: what, contain, such as chalices, statues and: the books are as objects made for the worship of idols, and their prayers, both public, that private, are sinful: and: insult: to God, and: their festivals are called days of perversity.

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[Talmud] 132. [Voi siete perciò chiamati uomini: non: i Nokrim (cioè cristiani o nimali) (cioè cristiani o animali). Articolo III:-: Sul Culto: e: i Riti Cristiani. Dato, che, i cristiani sono considerati idolatri dagli ebrei, tutte le loro forme di: culto appartengano all'idolatria. I preti sono chiamati preti di: Baal; i loro templi sono chiamati chiese di: falsità: e: idolatria, e: tutto: ciò, che, contengono, come i calici, le statue: e: i libri, sono considerati oggetti fabbricati per il culto degli idoli; le loro preghiere, sia pubbliche, che, private, sono peccaminose: e: recano offesa: a: Dio;e: le loro feste sono chiamate giorni della perversità.

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[Talmud] 131. [Nello Iore Dea (377,1) si dice: "Non si devono fare le condoglianze: a: nessuno: a: causa della morte dei suoi servi, o: serve. Tutto quello, che, si può dire è "Possa Dio ridarti quello, che, hai perso, come si dice: a: qualcuno, che, ha perso una mucca o: un asino. " Nè serve evitare i cristiani per sette giorni dopo, che, hanno sotterrato qualcuno, come stabilisce la legge di: Mosè, dato, che, essi: non: sono uomini; infatti, il sotterrare gli animali: non: è causa di: contaminazione. Nello Iebhammoth (61a) si dice: "I Nokrin: non: si contaminano con: i funerali. Infatti, sta scritto: Voi siete le mie pecore, le pecore del mio pascolo; voi siete uomini.

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[Talmud] 130. [14. DOPO LA MORTE VANNO ALL'INFERNO. Gli anziani insegnano, che, Abramo siede all'ingresso della Gehenna: e: impedisce: a: tutte le persone: non: circoncise di: entrarvi; ma, che, tutti gli incirconcisi vanno all'inferno. Nel Rosch Haschanach(17a) si dice: "Gli eretici: e: gli Epicurei: e: i Traditori vanno all'inferno."15. IL DESTINO DEI CRISTIANI MORTI. Dopo la morte, i corpi dei cristiani vengono chiamati con: l'odioso nome di: Pegarim, che, è la parola usata nella Sacra Scrittura per i corpi morti dei dannati: e: degli animali, ma, mai, per il corpo degli uomini pii, che, viene chiamato Metim. Perciò, lo Schulchan Arukh ordina di: parlare dei cristiani morti, nella stessa maniera degli animali morti.

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[Talmud] 129. [Zohar (I,46b,47a) procede: a: dimostrare, che, questo lato immondo è il lato sinistro, da cui è venuta l'anima dei cristiani: "Ed egli creò: tutte le cose viventi: cioè gli israeliti, in quanto: sono figli dell'Altissimo, e: la loro anima viene da Lui. Ma da dove viene l'anima dei gentili idolatri? Il rabbino Eliezer dice: dal lato sinistro, che, rende le loro anime immonde. Essi sono perciò immondi: e: contaminano tutti coloro, che, entrano in contatto con: loro. " ================================

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[Talmud] 128. [13. L'ANIMA DEI CRISTIANI è MALIGNA E IMMONDA. L'insegnamento degli ebrei è, che, Dio ha creato due nature, una buona: e: l'altra malvagia, oppure, una natura con: due lati, uno puro: e: uno immondo. [[questo insegnamento è una bestemmia! Poiché, dovrebbe supporre l'esistenza del male in Dio!]]. Si dice: che, l'anima dei cristiani, sia venuta dal lato immondo, chiamato: Keliphah:-: scorza o: crosta rognosa. In Zohar (I, 131a) si dice: "Gli idolatri, comunque, insozzano il mondo da quando esistono: in quanto la loro anima è uscita: dal lato immondo.". Ed in Emek Hammelech(23d) si dice:"L'anima degli empi: viene da Keliphah, che, è morte: e: ombra di: morte."

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============================= [Talmud] 123. [10. Worse than animals. Rabbi Schelomo Iarchi (Raschi), famous Jewish commentator, explaining the law of Moses (Deuter.XIV, 21), which prohibits: eating meat: injured animals, which shall instead be given to "strangers within your gates, "or, that, according to Exodus (XXII, 30), must be thrown to dogs, has the following to say:" ... in fact he is like: a: a dog. We must take the word "dog, , appears here literally? Certainly not. In fact, the text, speaking of: dead bodies, says: "Or you can sell it to a stranger. A fortiori, this applies to meat: a wounded animal, that is made available to accept the payment.

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[Talmud] 124. [Why, then, the Scripture says, that can be thrown to 'dogs'? To teach, that the dog must be respected more than Nokri.. "11 It spreads like beasts. In Sanhedrin (74b) Tosephoth, it is said:" The sexual relationship: a Goi is like that of: a beast. ". And in Kethuboth (3b) it says: "The seed: applies to a Goi: a beast.." From which we must show that Christian marriage: not: it is a true marriage. Kidduschim In (68th) , is said :"... How do we know? Rabbi Huna says: "You can read: Stay here: the donkey, ie: people like ass. Hence we see that they are incapable of: to marry. "And in Eben HAEZER (44.8):

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[Talmud] 125. ["If a jew / Jewish woman: marriage contracts: an Akum (Christian) (a Christian man: a Christian woman:) or: with: his servant /: housekeeper, the marriage is void. In fact, they are unable of: marriage. Similarly, if an Akum (Christian) or a servant / a: marriage contracts: a jew /: Jewish woman, the marriage is void. "In the Zohar (II 64b) it says:" The Rabbi Abba says: If they had sex very idolaters, the world will not: continue to exist. So we are taught that a jew not: he must give in: to: those infamous robbers. In fact, if you propagate in greater numbers, would be impossible for us to continue to exist: a: because of them.

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 [Talmud] 126. [12. In fact, they give life to: puppies in the same way as dogs. "CHILDREN OF THE DEVIL In Zohar (I, 28b) we read:" Now the serpent was more cunning than: any beast of the field, etc.. (Genes.III, 1) "The more astute" ie in respect of the evil; " that all the beasts, that the idolaters of the land. In fact, they are sons of Satan, who seduced Eve. "The best argument used by the Jews to prove that Christians belong to the race of the devil is the fact that not: they are circumcised. The foreskin of: no: Jews prevents them: to be called children of God.

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[Talmud] 127. [In fact, with: circumcision, the name of God: -: Schaddai - Jew circumcised in the flesh is completed. The shape of the letter Isch is in his nostrils, the letter Dalethnel his arm (flexed), and: "ain" is sexual organ by circumcision. In kind: it: circumcision, and: therefore, in Christians, there are only two letters, Isch: and: Daleth, which form the word Sched, which means devil. Thus they are children of the Sched, which means devil. ====================================

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============================= [Talmud] 123. [10. PEGGIO DEGLI ANIMALI. Il rabbino Schelomo Iarchi (Raschi), famoso commentatore giudeo, spiegando la legge di: Mosè (Deuter.XIV,21), che, proibisce di: mangiar la carne di: animali feriti, che, deve invece essere data agli "stranieri entro le tue porte," o: che, secondo Exodus (XXII,30), deve essere gettata ai cani, ha quanto segue da dire: "... infatti egli è simile: a : un cane. Dobbiamo prendere la parola "cane, che, appare qui letteralmente? Certamente no. Infatti, il testo, parlando di: corpi morti, dice:"Oppure tu potrai venderlo ad uno straniero. A maggior ragione, ciò si applica alla carne di: animali feriti, per cui: è permesso accettare il pagamento.

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[Talmud] 124. [Perché allora, la Scrittura dice: , che, può essere gettata ai "cani"? Per insegnare, che, il cane deve essere rispettato più del Nokri."11. SI PROPAGANO COME BESTIE. Nel Sanhedrin (74b) Tosephoth, si dice:"Il rapporto sessuale di: un Goi è come quello di: una bestia.". E nel Kethuboth(3b) si dice: "Il seme di: un Goi vale quanto quello di: una bestia.". Da cui si deve desumere, che, il matrimonio cristiano: non: è un vero matrimonio. Nel Kidduschim (68a), si dice:"... Come lo sappiamo? Il rabbino Huna dice: "Si può leggere: Rimani qui con: l'asino, cioè con: gente simile all'asino. Da cui si vede, che, essi sono incapaci di: contrarre matrimonio." Ed in Eben Haezer (44,8):

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[Talmud] 125. ["Se un ebreo/ donna ebrea: contrae matrimonio con: un Akum (cristiano) (un uomo cristiano: donna cristiana: ), o: con: il suo servo/:serva: , il matrimonio è nullo. Infatti, essi sono incapaci di: contrarre matrimonio. Similmente, se un Akum (cristiano) od un servo/: a : contrae matrimonio con: un ebreo/: donna ebrea, il matrimonio è nullo."Nello Zohar(II,64b) si dice:"Il rabbino Abba dice: Se avessero rapporti sessuali solo gli idolatri, il mondo: non: continuerebbe ad esistere. Perciò ci si insegna, che, un ebreo : non: deve cedere : a : quegli infami ladri. Infatti, se si propagassero in numero maggiore, sarebbe impossibile per noi continuare ad esistere: a : causa loro.

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============================== [Talmud] 126. [12. Infatti, essi danno vita: a: cuccioli nello stesso modo dei cani. " FIGLI DEL DIAVOLO: Nello Zohar (I,28b) leggiamo: "Ora il serpente era più astuto di: qualsiasi bestia del campo, ecc.(Genes.III,1) "Più astuto" cioè per quanto riguarda il male; ", che, tutte le bestie, cioè gli idolatri della terra. Infatti, essi sono figli dell'antico serpente, che, sedusse Eva." Il migliore argomento usato dagli ebrei per dimostrare, che, i cristiani appartengono alla razza del diavolo: è il fatto, che: non: sono circoncisi. Il prepuzio dei: non: ebrei impedisce loro di: essere chiamati figli dell'Altissimo Iddio.

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[Talmud] 127. [ Infatti, con: la circoncisione, il nome di: Dio :-:Schaddai -- si completa nella carne dell'ebreo circonciso. La forma della lettera Isch è nelle sue narici, la lettera Dalethnel suo braccio (flesso), e: :"ain" appare nell'organo sessuale attraverso la circoncisione. Nei gentili: non: circoncisi, e: perciò nei cristiani, ci sono solo le due lettere, Isch : e: Daleth, che, formano la parola: Sched, che, significa: diavolo. Essi perciò sono figli dello Sched, che, significa: diavolo. ====================================

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================================== [Talmud] 118. [7. NOT LIKE MEN BUT THE BEASTS. In Kerithuth (6b p. 78) says: "The teaching of the Rabbis is: He who pours oil on: a Goi, and: bodies of dead is freed from punishment. This is true for an animal why not: it is a man. But how can you say that, by pouring oil on to: a Goi: it is freed from punishment, given that a Goi is also a man? But this is not: it is true, is, in fact, wrote: You are my flock, the flock of my pasture are men (Ezechiel, XXXIV, 31). You're so called men. but the Gentiles: not: men are called. "

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[Talmud] 119. [In the treatise Makkoth (7b) it is said, that a person is guilty of: murder. "Except when, intending to kill an animal, he accidentally kills a man, or: kill a meaning: Goi, he kills an Israelite. "Orach Chaiim Nell'Orach (225.10) it says:" He, who sees beautiful creatures, even if it is: an Akum (Christian) or: a: an animal, he will say: "Blessed be you Lord our God, King of the Universe, who has put these things on earth! "8. OTHER THAN ANIMALS ARE ONLY FOR THE FORM. Midrasch In Talpioth (fol. 225d) it says:" God made them in the form of men for the glory of Israel.

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[Talmud] 120. [But Akum (Christian) were created for the sole purpose of: serving ((Jews)) day and by night. Nor can they ever be relieved from this service. is convenient, that the son of: a king ((an Israelite)) is served by animals in their natural form: e: from animals in the form of: human beings. "We can quote a: this point, even as Orach Chaiim nell'Orach is said, to 57.6: "If you must have compassion when suffering of pigs: a: because of: illness, because their intestines are similar to ours, as we should have compassion for Akum (Christian), afflicted in the same way. "

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[Talmud] 121. [9. PETS: In Zohar, II, (64b) it says :"... people, who worship the idols: and: that is called: cow: and: ass, given that it is written: I have a cow : e: an ass ...." Bechai The rabbi, in his book Kad Hakkemach, ch. I, that starts with: Geulah the word: redemption, referring to Psalm 80, v. 13: The boar, which is located out of the woods, it really spoils, says: "The letter" ain "falls ((is suspended / hanging)), in the same way, in which worshipers are followers of these: one, that was hung / suspended. " (((: A: purpose of the letter: "ain", see below, at paragraph 12: -: ndt)))

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[Talmud] 122. [Buxtorf Lex. ) Says: "For wild pig the author here means the Christians, who eat pork, and that, like pigs, have destroyed the vineyard of Israel, the City of Jerusalem, and who believe in Christ "hung." The letter "ain" is dropped in this word because even they, as worshipers of Christ, which was suspended, are dropped. "Rabbi Edels, commenting on Kethuboth (110b) says:" The Psalmist compares the Akum (Christian): the unclean beasts of the woods. " ================================================== ===

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================================== [Talmud] 118. [7. NON SIMILI AGLI UOMINI, MA ALLE BESTIE. Nel Kerithuth (6b p. 78) si dice:"L'insegnamento dei rabbini è il seguente: Colui, che, versa olio su di: un Goi, e: su corpi morti: viene liberato dalla punizione. Questo è vero per un animale perché : non: è un uomo. Ma come si può dire , che, versando olio su di: un Goi: si sia liberati dalla punizione, dato, che, un Goi è anche, un uomo? Ma questo : non: è vero: sta, infatti scritto: Tu sei il mio gregge, il gregge del mio pascolo sono gli uomini (Ezechiele, XXXIV, 31). Voi perciò siete chiamati uomini. ma, i Goim: non: sono chiamati uomini. "

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[Talmud] 119. [Nel trattatello Makkoth (7b) si dice: , che, una persona sia colpevole di: assassinio."eccetto quando, intendendo uccidere un animale, egli uccide per sbaglio un uomo, o: intendendo uccidere un: Goi, egli uccide un israelita. "Nell'Orach Chaiim (225,10) si dice: "Colui, che, vede delle belle creature, anche, se si tratta di: un Akum (cristiano) o: di: un animale, egli dovrà dire: "Benedetto sia tu Signore Nostro Dio, Re dell'Universo, che, ha messo tali cose sulla terra!"8. SONO DIVERSI DAGLI ANIMALI SOLO PER LA FORMA. Nel Midrasch Talpioth (fol. 225d) si dice: "Dio li creò in forma d'uomini per la gloria di: Israele.

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[Talmud] 120. [Ma gli Akum (cristiano) furono creati per il solo scopo di: servirli ((gli ebrei)) giorno: e: notte. Nè essi potranno mai essere sollevati da tale servizio. è conveniente, che, il figlio di: un re ((un israelita)), sia servito da animali nella loro forma naturale: e: da animali sotto forma di: esseri umani." Possiamo citare: a: questo punto, anche, quanto è detto nell'Orach Chaiim, 57,6a: "Se si deve avere compassione dei maiali quando soffrono: a: causa di: una malattia, in quanto, i loro intestini sono simili ai nostri, quanto più si dovrà avere compassione, per gli Akum (cristiano), afflitti nello stesso modo. "

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[Talmud] 121. [9. ANIMALI: Nello Zohar, II, (64b) si dice:"... la gente, che, adora gli idoli: e: che, viene chiamata: mucca: e: asino, dato, che, sta scritto: Io ho una mucca: e: un asino...." Il rabbino Bechai, nel suo libro: Kad Hakkemach, cap. I, che, inizia con: la parola Geulah: redenzione: riferendosi al Salmo 80,v.13: Il cinghiale, che, si trova fuori dal bosco, lo sciupa davvero, dice:"La lettera:"ain" cade ((è sospesa/appesa)), nello stesso modo, in cui questi adoratori sono seguaci di: colui, che, fu appeso/sospeso." (((: a : proposito della lettera :"ain", vedere più avanti, al punto 12 :-: ndt)))

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[Talmud] 122. [Buxtorf Lex. ) dice:"Per maiale selvatico l'autore intende qui, i cristiani, che, mangiano maiale: e, che, come i maiali, hanno distrutto la vigna d'Israele, la Città di: Gerusalemme, e, che, credono nel Cristo "appeso". La lettera :"ain" viene fatta cadere in questa parola perché anche, essi, come adoratori di: Cristo, che, fu appeso, vengono fatti cadere."Il rabbino Edels, commentando il Kethuboth (110b) dice:"Il salmista paragona gli Akum (cristiano): alle bestie immonde dei boschi. " =====================================================

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[Talmud] 113. 4. FORNICATOR. Nell'Abhodah Zarah (15b) it says: "Animals: male: not: they must be left in the stables of the kind: their men, or animals: female, with: their women, much less have animals: female sex be left with: their men, and: of: with a male: their women. Not even the sheep will be left to the care of their pastors, nor will you have with: their (((with: the Gentiles: -: ndt))) no sexual intercourse, nor children should be: their care to learn: a trade or a: read. " A little "later in the same treatise (22a), explains why: why animals do not: they must be left in the barns of the Gentiles,

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[Talmud] 114. and, because the Jews: it is made available to: have sex with: their (((the Gentiles: ndt ))):" must not be allowed, that the animals are as close to the Gentiles, because they suspected that (((the latter: ndt))) to have sex with: them. Neither women must live with: the Gentiles: because they are overly sexual. " Pag.22b In the same book: it explains why the animals, especially of: female, must be kept away from their wives (((Jewish women: ndt ))).".. because when men kind: they are the homes of their neighbors, to commit adultery with: their wives: and: not: find them: at: home, they fornicate with: the sheep barns.

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[Talmud] 115. E: to: Sometimes, even when the wives of their neighbors are in: home, they prefer to fornicate with: animals, for they love the sheep of the Israelites more than their own women. "Is for the same reason that : no: you must entrust the care of the animals of the shepherds of the Gentiles, nor children to their teachers. 5. unclean The Talmud gives two reasons why: the Gentiles are unclean: because: they eat unclean things, and, because : no: have been cleansed (from original sin) on Mount Sinai. Schabbath In (145b) it says: "Why: the Gentiles are unclean? Because they eat abominable things: and: animals that crawl on their bellies. "Similarly, in Abhodah Zarah 22b:" Why are the unclean Gentiles?

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[Talmud] 116.Perchè they do not: they were present on Mount Sinai. In fact, when the serpent entered into Eve he infused into the garbage. But the Jews were cleansed from that on Mount Sinai, the Gentiles, however, that: no: Mount Sinai were not: they were cleansed. "6. Compared to DUNG." When ten persons are praying together in one place: and they say Kaddisch or Kedoschah, everyone, even if not: they are the place, may respond Amen. There are some, however, that, say, you do not: there must be no excrement or: Akum (Christian). "In Iore Dea (198 48) Hagah, they say: When Jewish women come out of the bathroom, they should seek to: meet a friend first, and not: a person or foul: a Christian.

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[Talmud] 117. If you happen to meet him, in fact, if you want to keep clean, will come back: to: take a bath. 'Worth: Please note that the following list: unclean things is presented in Biuro Hetib, a commentary on: Schulchan Arukh: "Women should wash clean, fresh if they see an unclean thing, like a dog, a donkey, or: People of the Earth and a Christian (Akum (Christian)) a camel, a pig, a horse and a leper."

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[Talmud] 113. 4. FORNICATORI. Nell'Abhodah Zarah (15b) si dice: "Gli animali di: sesso maschile: non: dovranno essere lasciati nelle stalle dei gentili con: i loro uomini, né gli animali di: sesso femminile, con: le loro donne; tanto meno dovranno gli animali di: sesso femminile essere lasciati con: i loro uomini, e: di: sesso maschile con: le loro donne. Nemmeno le pecore dovranno essere lasciate in custodia ai loro pastori; né si dovrà avere con: loro(((con: i gentili :-:ndt))) alcun rapporto sessuale; né i bambini dovranno essere: loro affidati per imparare: un mestiere o: a: leggere." Un po" più avanti, nello stesso trattatello (22a), si spiega il motivo: per cui gli animali: non: devono essere lasciati nelle stalle dei gentili,

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[Talmud] 114. e: perché agli ebrei: non: è permesso di: avere rapporti sessuali con: loro (((i gentili:ndt))):"Non si deve permettere , che, gli animali si avvicinino ai Goim, perché si sospetta, che, (((questi ultimi:ndt))) abbiano rapporti sessuali con: loro. Nè le donne dovranno coabitare con: i Goim: in quanto sono esageratamente sessuali." A pag.22b dello stesso libro: si spiega il motivo per cui gli animali, specialmente se di: sesso femminile, devono essere tenuti lontani dalle loro donne (((dalle donne ebraiche: ndt))).".. perché quando gli uomini gentili: vengono alle case dei loro vicini, per commettere adulterio con: le loro mogli: e: non: le trovano: a: casa, essi fornicano con: le pecore nelle stalle.

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[Talmud] 115. E: a : volte, anche, quando le mogli dei loro vicini sono: a : casa, essi preferiscono fornicare con: gli animali; essi infatti amano le pecore degli israeliti, più delle loro proprie donne." è per lo stesso motivo, che: non: si devono affidare degli animali alle cure dei pastori dei Goim, né i bambini ai loro maestri. 5. IMMONDI: Il Talmud fornisce due motivi: per cui: i Goim sono immondi: perché: essi mangiano cose immonde, e: perché : non: sono stati purificati (dal peccato originale) sul Monte Sinai. Nello Schabbath (145b), si dice: "Perchè: i Goim sono immondi? Perchè essi mangiano cose abominevoli: e: animali, che, strisciano sul ventre." In maniera simile, in Abhodah Zarah 22b: "Perchè sono immondi i Goim?

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[Talmud] 116.Perchè essi: non: erano presenti sul monte Sinai. Infatti, quando il serpente entrò in Eva, egli le infuse l'immondizia. Ma gli ebrei furono purificati da ciò sul Monte Sinai; i Goim, comunque, che: non: erano sul Monte Sinai: non: furono purificati. "6. PARAGONATI AD ESCREMENTI. "Quando dieci persone pregano insieme in un posto: e: dicono Kaddisch, oppure Kedoschah, tutti, anche, se: non: sono del luogo, possono rispondere Amen. Ci sono alcuni, comunque, che, dicono, che: non: deve essere presente nessun escremento o: Akum (cristiano). " Nello Iore Dea, (198 48) Hagah, si dice: Quando le donne ebree escono dal bagno, devono cercare di: incontrare un amico per primo, e: non: una persona immonda o: un cristiano.

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[Talmud] 117. Se per caso lo incontrano, infatti, se vogliono mantenersi pulite, dovranno tornare: a : fare il bagno." Vale la pena di: notare, che, il seguente elenco di: cose immonde viene presentato nel Biur Hetib, un commentario sullo: Schulchan Arukh: "Le donne dovranno lavarsi di: nuovo se vedono una cosa immonda, come un cane, un asino, o: Gente della Terra; un cristiano (Akum (cristiano)) un cammello, un maiale, un cavallo ed un lebbroso."

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[Talmud] 107. 1. Idolaters. Given that, Christians follow the teachings of that man, that Jews consider Seducer: and: Idolatrous, and: given that they worship him as God, it follows clearly, that they deserve the name: idolaters: not: otherwise of: those among whom the Jews had lived before the birth of Christ, and: that, according to their teaching, were to be exterminated in every way possible. This is best demonstrated by the names used for the Christians: and: the unequivocal words: Maimonides, which demonstrate that all those who bear the name of Christians are idolaters.

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[Talmud] 108. And anyone who examines Jewish books, which deal with the "Worshippers of the Stars: e: of the Planets" of the "Epicureans," the "Samaritans," etc.. Not: it can, that, conclude that these idolaters other: no: are, that the Christians. The Turks are always called "Ishmaelites," never idolaters. 2. CHRISTIANS ARE WORSE THAN THE TURKS. Maimonides in his Hilkhoth Maakhaloth (cap.IX) says: "It is not allowed to drink wine: a stranger, that is converted, ie: a person who accepts the seven precepts of Noah, but is allowed to draw any, benefit. is permitted to leave him alone with: wine, but do not: Putting: front.

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[Talmud] 109. The same is allowed in case of: all the Gentiles who do not: they are idolaters, as the Turks ((Ishmaelites)). Jew, however, does not: it is allowed to drink their wine (((the idolaters: ndt))), even if this can be used: to: his advantage. All the most famous rabbis agree on this point. But given that Christians are idolaters: no: it is even allowed to use their wine: to: their own advantage. "3. MURDERERS. Nell'Abhodah Zarah (22a) it says: The jew: no: it must be associated with: the Gentiles as they indulge in the shedding of: blood.

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[Talmud] 110. "Similarly, in Iore Dea:" Israel: No: you must be associated with: Akum (Christian) ((Christian)) because they indulge in the shedding of: blood. "Nell 'Abhodah Zarah (25b) it says: "The rabbis taught: If a: a Goi joins an Israelite on the road, he ((the jew)) should walk: to the right. Rabbi Ishmael, the son of Rabbi Jochanan, the grandson of: Beruka says: If the Goi carries a sword, the jew has to walk on his right. If the Goi carries a stick, the jew will have to walk to his left.

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[Talmud] 111. (The translation is literal, but you can have a logical meaning only if instead of the words "to the right" and "to the left" are used respectively "to the left" and " to the right ": ndt) If you are climbing a slope or on: going down a steep descent, the jew: no: should walk in front with: the Goi behind, but the jew must follow behind: and: the Goi in front, or you must lower: front: to: subject him to, that's the Goi might crack his skull. And if you were to ask the Jew to the Gentile: to: where to go, he must pretend: to go very far, as said Jacob, our father,

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[Talmud] 112.: Wicked Esau: Until: to: you do not: arrival of my Lord. to: Seir (Gen.XXXIII, 14:17), but (((One would love to clarify the subject of the verb, which follows: e, that the scripture should be: ndt))) adds: Jacob Party (better, went) to Sukoth. "Orach Chaiim Nell'Orach (20.2) it says:" Do not sell your overcoat (Talitha) with: the fringes to an Akum (Christian), so that he not: join a jew by the way: and: kill him. it is also forbidden to do:: Changing the overcoat: a kind, or to sell, except that, for a short time when you do not: there is nothing to fear from him. "

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[Talmud] 107. 1. IDOLATRI. Dato , che, i cristiani seguono gli insegnamenti di: quell'uomo, che, gli ebrei considerano Seduttore: e: Idolatra, e: dato, che, essi lo adorano come Dio, ne consegue chiaramente, che, essi meritano il nome di: idolatri: non: diversamente di: coloro fra i quali gli ebrei erano vissuti prima della nascita di: Cristo, e: che, secondo il loro insegnamento, dovevano essere sterminati in tutte le maniere possibili. Ciò è meglio dimostrato dai nomi usati per i cristiani: e: dalle inequivocabili parole di: Maimonide , che, dimostrano, che, tutti coloro, che, portano il nome di: cristiani sono idolatri.

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[Talmud] 108. E chiunque esamini i libri ebraici, che, trattano degli "Adoratori delle Stelle: e: dei Pianeti" degli "Epicurei," dei "Samaritani," ecc.: non: può, che, concludere , che, questi idolatri altro: non: sono, che, i cristiani. I turchi sono sempre chiamati "Ismaeliti," mai idolatri. 2. I CRISTIANI SONO PEGGIO DEI TURCHI. Maimonide nel suo Hilkhoth Maakhaloth (cap.IX) dice: "Non è permesso bere il vino di: uno straniero, che, si converte, cioè di: una persona , che, accetti i sette precetti di: Noè, ma, è permesso trarne qualche, beneficio. è permesso lasciarlo solo con: del vino, ma: non: metterglielo di: fronte.

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[Talmud] 109. Lo stesso è permesso nel caso di: tutti i gentili, che: non: sono idolatri, come i turchi ((Ismaeliti)). All'ebreo, comunque, non: è permesso bere il loro vino (((degli idolatri: ndt))), anche, se ciò può essere usato: a: suo vantaggio. Tutti i rabbini più conosciuti sono d'accordo su questo punto. Ma dato, che, i cristiani sono idolatri: non: è permesso nemmeno usare il loro vino: a: proprio vantaggio." 3. ASSASSINI. Nell'Abhodah Zarah(22a) si dice: L'ebreo: non: deve associarsi con: i gentili in quanto questi indulgono nello spargimento di: sangue.

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[Talmud] 110. "In modo simile, nello Iore Dea: "L'Israelita : non: si deve associate con: gli Akum (cristiano) ((cristiani)) perché indulgono nello spargimento di: sangue."Nell' Abhodah Zarah (25b) si dice:"I rabbini hanno insegnato: Se un: Goi si affianca ad un israelita lungo la strada, egli ((l'ebreo)) deve camminare: alla sua destra. Il rabbino Ismaele, il figlio del rabbino Jochanan, il nipote di: Beruka, dice: Se il Goi porta una spada, l'ebreo deve camminare alla sua destra. Se il Goi porta un bastone, l'ebreo dovrà camminare alla sua sinistra.

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[Talmud] 111.(la traduzione è letterale, ma, si può avere un significato logico solo se al posto delle parole "alla sua destra": e: "alla sua sinistra" si usano rispettivamente "alla sua sinistra": e: "alla sua destra": ndt) Se sta salendo un pendio o: scendendo in ripida discesa, l'ebreo : non: deve camminare davanti con: il Goi dietro, ma, l'ebreo deve camminare dietro: e: il Goi davanti, né si deve abbassare di: fronte: a: lui per tema, che, il Goi gli possa spaccare il cranio. E se il gentile dovesse chiedere all'ebreo fino: a: dove deve andare, egli dovrà far finta di: andare molto lontano, come disse Giacobbe, nostro padre,

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[Talmud] 112.: all'empio Esaù: Fino: a: che: non: arrivo dal mio Signore. a: Seir(Gen.XXXIII,14:17), ma, (((qui ci sarebbe da precisare il soggetto del verbo, che, segue: e, che, dovrebbe essere la sacra scrittura: ndt))) aggiunge: Giacobbe è partito (meglio, andò) per Sukoth. " Nell'Orach Chaiim (20,2) si dice:"Non vendere il tuo soprabito(Talith) con: le frange ad un Akum(cristiano), affinché, egli: non: si unisca ad un ebreo per la via: e: lo uccida. è anche, proibito fare: a: cambio del soprabito con: un gentile, o: venderglielo, eccetto, che, per breve tempo quando: non: ci sia niente da temere da lui. "

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[Talmud] 100. In the Hebrew books, which deal with idolatry, the worship of idols are often called by: the name alone: ​​Goi. For this reason, in recent editions of the Talmud, the use of the word Goi: is avoided: the way: and: other words are used instead for not: Jews. is a known fact that, in Hebrew, the Jews call Christians among whom they live, the Gentiles. And the Jews themselves: not: deny it. Sometimes, in their popular magazine, they say, that this word is not: it means: nothing: evil or: of: harmful. But the opposite can be checked in their books written in Hebrew.

  mrUniversalMetaphysc  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 8 mesi fa
[Talmud] 101. For example, in Choschen Hammischpat (34.22), the name Goi is used in a defamatory sense: "Traitors and Epicureans: and: apostates are worse than the Gentiles." 7. Nokhrim: Foreigners, foreigners. This name is used for all those, who do not: they are Jews, and: therefore also for Christians. 8. Amme Haarets: -: People of the earth, idiots. Some say, that with this name, do not: they show people: other breeds, but only uneducated people: and: rough. However, there are steps that do not: they leave no doubt about the matter. In Holy Scripture, Book: Esra, cap.X, 2, reads:

  mrUniversalMetaphysc  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 8 mesi fa
[Talmud] 102. We have sinned against our God, and have taken foreign wives (nokhrioth) of the people of the earth. That the words the people of the earth denote: the idolaters: it is clear: in Zohar I, 25a: "The people of the earth: Obhde Abhodah Zarah, idolaters." 9. Basar Vedam: Meat: and: blood carnal men: destined to perdition: and: you do not: they can enter into communion with, God That Christians are flesh and blood, as demonstrated by the book of prayers: "Whoever meets a wise man: and: educated Christian can say: Whether you or blessed, Lord, King of the Universe, that you have relieved a little of your wisdom with the flesh: and: Blood," etc.. Likewise in another prayer, in which Jews ask for God to:

  mrUniversalMetaphysc  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 8 mesi fa
[Talmud] 103. restore the kingdom to: David: and: to: send Elijah and the Messiah, etc.. they ask him: take away from poverty in their way: no: you need: to accept gifts from "flesh and blood, "nor: trade with: them, and: either to: seek to: obtain a salary from them. 10. Apikorosim: Epicuirei. They are called by this name all those who do not: keep the commandments of God, as well as all those who, even if Jews, express private judgments concerning: faith. The more treat in this way a Christian! 11. Kuthim: Samaritans. But given that: no: there are more of the Samaritans, and: given that in recent Jewish books, we talk very often: Samaritans, there can be no doubt,

  mrUniversalMetaphysc  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 8 mesi fa
[Talmud] 104. that, with: the word you wish to Christians? Moreover, in this affair: to name: to: those who do not: they are Jews, it should be noted in particular that, in Jewish writings, these names are used indiscriminately: and: either with the meanings. For example, in the tract Abhodah Zarah (25b) is used the word Goi, but at Schulchan Arukh (Iore Dea 153.2) is used: the term Akum (Christian). Kerithuth (6b): use: Gentiles; Jebhammoth (61a) uses: Akum (Christian), Abhodah Zarah (2a): use: Obhde Elilim: Toseph uses the Gentiles: and: Obhde Ab Choschen Hammischpat (Venetian edition) uses Kuthi; ( Slav, ed.) Akum (Christian).

  mrUniversalMetaphysc  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 8 mesi fa
[Talmud] 105. And you could cite many other examples. In his book on idolatry, called Maimonides: all of them indiscriminately idolaters: the Gentiles, Akum (Christian), the Obhde Kokhabhim, the Obhde Elilim, etc.. Article II: This, that, the Talmud teaches about Christians. In the previous chapter we saw that, what the Jews think of the Founder of the Christian religion, and: because they abhor his name. That being the case: no: you can expect that, can not have a "better opinion of those, who follow Jesus the Nazarene.

  mrUniversalMetaphysc  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 8 mesi fa
[Talmud] 106. Indeed not: anything you can imagine: the most abominable: so, you have to say about Christians. They say, that they are idolaters, the worst kind of: people, much worse than the Turks, murderers, fornicators, impure animals, similar to: garbage, unworthy: to be called men, beasts in human form, worthy of the name of: animals , cows, donkeys, pigs, dogs, worse than dogs, which can propagate in the manner of beasts, which are: diabolical origin, that their souls are from the devil: and: that, after death to the devil in return 'Hell: and: that even the body: a dead one: no: it is better: to: a pet.

  mrUniversalMetaphysc  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 8 mesi fa
[Talmud] 100. Nei libri ebraici, che, trattano dell'idolatria, gli adoratori degli idoli: sono spesso chiamati con: questo solo nome: Goi. Per questo motivo, in edizioni più recenti del Talmud, l'uso della parola: Goi: viene evitato di: proposito: e: altre parole vengono usate al suo posto per i: non: ebrei. è un fatto noto, che, nella lingua ebraica, gli ebrei chiamano i cristiani fra cui abitano, Goim. E gli ebrei stessi: non: lo negano. A volte, nelle loro riviste popolati, essi dicono, che, questa parola: non: significa: niente di: male o: di: nocivo. Ma, il contrario può essere verificato nei loro libri scritti in ebraico.

  mrUniversalMetaphysc  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 8 mesi fa
[Talmud] 101. Per esempio, nel Choshen Hammischpat (34,22), il nome Goi si usa in senso diffamatorio: "I traditori gli epicurei : e: gli apostati sono peggiori dei Goim."7. Nokhrim: Stranieri, forestieri. Questo nome viene usato per tutti coloro , che, : non: sono ebrei, e: perciò anche, per i cristiani. 8. Amme Haarets :-:Gente della terra, idioti. Alcuni dicono , che, con: questo nome, : non: si indicano persone di: altre razze, ma, solo persone incolte: e: rozze. Esistono comunque dei passi, che: non: lasciano nessun dubbio sulla questione. Nella Sacra Scrittura, Libro di: Esra,cap.X,2, si legge:

  mrUniversalMetaphysc  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 8 mesi fa
[Talmud] 102. Noi abbiamo peccato contro, il nostro Dio, ed abbiamo preso mogli straniere (nokhrioth) del popolo della terra. Che le parole popolo: della terra denotino: gli idolatri: risulta chiaro: in Zohar,I,25a: "Il popolo della terra: Obhde Abhodah Zarah, idolatri."9. Basar Vedam: Carne: e: sangue; uomini carnali: destinati alla perdizione: e: che: non: possono entrare, in comunione con: Dio. Che i cristiani siano carne: e: sangue, lo dimostra il libro: di: preghiere: "Chiunque incontri un saggio: e: colto cristiano: può dire: Sia tu benedetto o: Signore, Re dell'Universo, che, hai dispensato un poco, della tua saggezza: alla Carne: e: Sangue," ecc. Nello stesso modo, in un'altra preghiera, nella quale gli ebrei chiedono: a: Dio di:

  mrUniversalMetaphysc  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 8 mesi fa
[Talmud] 103. ripristinare il regno di: Davide: e: di: inviare Elia: e: il Messia, ecc., essi gli chiedono di: togliere da loro la povertà in maniera di: non: aver bisogno di: accettare dei regali dalla "carne: e: sangue," né di: commerciare con: loro, e: nemmeno di: cercare di: ottenere, uno stipendio da loro. 10. Apikorosim: Epicuirei. Sono chiamati con: questo nome tutti coloro, che: non: osservano i precetti di: Dio, come pure tutti coloro, che, anche, se ebrei, esprimono giudizi privati in materia di: fede. Quanto più tratteranno in questa maniera un cristiano! 11. Kuthim: Samaritani. Ma dato, che: non: ci sono più dei samaritani, e: dato, che, nei libri ebraici recenti, si parla molto spesso di: samaritani, può esserci alcun dubbio sul fatto,

  mrUniversalMetaphysc  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 8 mesi fa
[Talmud] 104. che, con: questa parola si intendano i cristiani? Inoltre, in questa faccenda di: attribuire un nome: a: coloro, che: non: sono ebrei, si deve notare in particolare, che, negli scritti ebraici, questi nomi vengono usati indiscriminatamente: e: indifferentemente con: lo stesso significato. Per esempio, nel trattatello Abhodah Zarah (25b) viene usata la parola: Goi, ma, nello Schulchan Arukh (Iore Dea 153,2) viene usato: il termine: Akum (cristiano). Kerithuth(6b): usa: Goim; Jebhammoth(61a) usa: Akum (cristiano), Abhodah Zarah (2a): usa: Obhde Elilim: Toseph usa Goim : e: Obhde Ab, Choshen Hammischpat (edizione veneziana) usa Kuthi; (Slav, ed. ) Akum (cristiano).

  mrUniversalMetaphysc  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 8 mesi fa
[Talmud] 105. E si potrebbero citare molti altri esempi. Nel suo libro: sull'Idolatria, Maimonide chiama: indiscriminatamente idolatri tutti costoro: i Goim, gli Akum (cristiano), gli Obhde Kokhabhim, gli Obhde Elilim, ecc. Articolo II: Ciò, che, il Talmud Insegna Sui Cristiani. Nel capitolo precedente abbiamo visto, che, cosa gli ebrei pensino del Fondatore della religione cristiana, e: quanto essi aborriscano il suo nome. Stando così le cose: non: ci si può aspettare, che, possano nutrire un"opinione migliore su coloro, che, seguono Gesù Nazzareno.

  mrUniversalMetaphysc  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 8 mesi fa
[Talmud] 106. Infatti: non: si può immaginare nulla di: più abominevole di: ciò , che, hanno da dire sui cristiani. Dicono, che, sono idolatri, il peggior tipo di: persone, molto peggiori dei turchi, assassini, fornicatori, animali impuri, simili: a: immondizia, indegni di: essere chiamati uomini, bestie in forma umana, degni del nome di: bestie, mucche, asini, maiali, cani, peggio dei cani, che, si propagano nella maniera delle bestie, che, sono di: origine diabolica, che, le lor anime vengono dal diavolo: e: che, dopo la morte ritornano al diavolo nell'inferno: e: che, perfino il corpo di: un cristiano morto: non: è meglio di: quello di: un animale.

  mrUniversalMetaphysc  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 8 mesi fa
[Talmud] 93. CHAPTER II. CHRISTIANS. Three things must be examined in this chapter: 1. The names, that the Talmud uses for Christians. 2. In which, the Talmud paints a Christian, 3. What says the Talmud of the religious worship of Christians. Article I: Names given to Christians in the Talmud. As in our languages ​​Christians derive their name from Christ, so in the language of the Talmud Christians are called Nostrim, from Jesus of Nazareth. But Christians are called to: the names used in the Talmud to refer to all: no: Jews Abhodah Zarah, Adum, Obhde Elilim, Minim, Nokhrim, Edom, Amme Haarets, nations, and Apikorosim, Kuthrim. 1. Abhodah Zarah: Worship strange idolatry. The Talmudic Treatise on idolatry is titled as follows:

  mr Universal Metaphysc  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 8 mesi fa
[Talmud] 94. Obhde Abhodah Zarah: Worshippers: idoli.2. What Abhodah Zarah really means the worship of idols is clear from the Talmud itself: "Let Nimrod: a: testify, that Abraham did not: he was a servant: Abhidah Zarah.3. "But in the days of Abraham, not: there was no strange cult, or the Turks or the Nazarenes, but only the worship of the true God: and: idolatry. 4. In Schabbath (ibid., 82nd), we read: "Rabbi Akibah says: As we know, that Abhodah Zarah, like an unclean woman, contaminates those, who accept it, why Isaiah says: You'll have to eliminate them as a cloth of menstruation, and: it will say, Go away, "In the first part of: this verse mention is made of the idols of" gold: and: d "silver.

  mrUniversalMetaphysc  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 8 mesi fa
[Talmud] 95. Also, the scholar Maimonides clearly demonstrates, that the Jews consider Christians Abhodah Zarah. In Perusch (78c) reads: "And you know, that the Christians, who follow Jesus, although their teachings are different, are all worshipers: Idols (Abhodah Zarah)." 2. Akhum: This word is formed from the initial letters of the words: Obhde Kokhabkim U Mazzaloth: worshipers: stars: and: planets. It was thus, that the Jews from the beginning described the Gentiles, who were without the knowledge of the true God Now, however, the word Akum (Christian) in the books of the Jews, especially in Schulkhan Arukh, is applied to Christians. This is evident in several steps:

esorcismi, 666, didelis prostitutė

JAV Lady Liberty ] yra [ "blogio" ,deivė , Aštaro Sheran ,demoniškas , babiloniečių , panteonas . iš Marduk su , jo žmogiškosios aukos ] 's DECEPTION " VISADA ... Ir nenuostabu, nes ji taip pat pats Šėtonas Maskarāde kaip šviesos angelas. " Astaroth , jis yra vienas , iš daugelio , demonų žydų kultūrų , kurios pagal , su tradicija , ne kanoninė , stumdosi Cain užmušti , jo brolis , Abel . Iš pradžių tiesų pradėta czcić Asztartę , buvo pagonių deivės , paverstas metodu žydų A, siaubingą demoną , ir atstumiantys . Aštaro Sheran , demonas vadovai , dvasios vadovus , užsieniečių pagrobimo : ji sako: " ... mano žodžiai yra svarbūs gervuogės,Dekalogas , Sinajaus kalno ..." ir , žinoma, tai demonas, kaip, visi demonai , komunistai, Masonai , islamistus , fariziejai , aras , Babylon , NWO galia , 666 ,didelis prostitutė , kuris įsipareigoja ištvirkimo , su , visi karaliai, žemės . Todėl nužudyti , vėlgi, o Abraomo palikuonys , į kitą , yra neišvengiamas, holokausto , prieš, Izraelį
[] CŽV, DATAGATE , JŪS Fuck Su kitu asmeniu , Pasaulio banko , 666 , Bušas 322 Kerry [ OSAMA Obama -] marihuana , partijos šėtonu SYNAGUE BILDEDNBERG , fariziejai , Iliuminatai CULT Dieve, OWL , ne Bohhemian Grove, Baal , JabullOn , freemasory , senjoražo bankininkystės sukčiai, TVF , FED , ECB, mikroschemą , užsieniečių grobimu , darbotvarkė . GMO Morgellons - atsakymas - aš galiu sunaikinti JAV , dabar , arba tarp 150 metų .
666 , CŽV, DATAGATE , hakeris, UFuckWithWrongPerson - kai Jūs patekote į Kiniją , su , jūsų žmona tai už verslą, kad ( ! Tada buvo Been ,nepakankamumas) Kadangi , jūs paprašė manęs pagalbos , ir ne, jūs paprašė pagalbos , jūsų šėtonas , nuo metu, kuris, sakei , " Šėtonas išgelbėti mane!" ir kaip jis gali išgelbėti jus , ar kiti , jei nėra nė vieno , kuris gali išgelbėti jį iš pragaro ?
@ Karalius Saudo Arabija - Tikiuosi, jūs ne , turėsite begėdiškumas , paklausti manęs sustoti, Rusijos tankai, ir Kinijos tankai, kai jie vyksta, nes , kartu su fariziejais , SPA TVF , krūmas , o bendrovės korporacijos , Masinu sistema, sukčiai , bankininkystė senjoražo ? , esatelabiausiai nekenčiamas šūdas pasaulyje .. ir, žinoma , aš negaliu padaryti , mano visuotinės brolybės , su jumis, gyvenime !
@ Karalius Saudo Arabija -mokytojas, kuris , aš Pakeistas šiais metais (ir visi sakė ) , Ši pamoka jis niekada padaryti, irviceprezidentas , tiesą sakant, kaltino mane, sakydamas: "Profesorius , jūs turite suprasti , studentai yra nenaudojami, kad tikėjimas klasę ", bet ,kitas mokytojas , jis taip pat ar ne , pamoka , klasė religija. yra iš skausmo , Nes dabar jis gali tapti labai , žeminanti , nepatogus , ir triukšmingesni , jam,tarp manęs ir jo, ir palyginimas, tada Pradėjo šmeižtas mane. Lol . Laimei, kad aš turėti kaip jums draugas, kuris jums gali mane suprasti ! Tiesą sakant, netpranašas Jeremijas , kur jis buvo sujaudinti , nesantaikos , ir kivirčai .. Bet, kad sakė ,istorija,Pranašas Jeremijas , pamatė mirti , visi tie, į kuriuos jis kalbėjo .. Tiesą sakant, jums ne, ne , kad galėtų sustabdyti Rusijos tankus, ir kinų galimybę .. jei ne anksčiau, aš einu užmušti , visus islamistus , Erdoganas kvailai, šariatas nacių , išsaugoti , Izraelis, iržmonių rasės.
@ Karalius Saudo Arabija , šiandien , mano 4 TELŠIAI ,lenta " LIM" su ADSL , [( Grįžti į Gyvenimas - Prisikėlimas :XX amžiaus istoriją) ,ganytojas mirė Nigerijos,automobilio avariją , po keturių dienų Dievas prikėlė , malda , sekmininkų , charizmatiškas ], bet , Nigerija, kur ji yra ne jūsų, Boko Haram , jie daro krikščionių kankinių žudynes , nekaltas ? ->Vaizdo sustojo ir cromium , davė anksčiau, tada , vienas, 1. pornografiniai filmai 2. tada tik [ Translate "Google" ( . )] skaityti,"Ave Maria" , priešingai ( piktžodžiavimas , satanizmas ) , tada rašė ir skaityti : [ kunigas tu, turi mirti ] ir traslator skaityti , Tačiau , jei aš, turėjo anksčiau išjungtas [ dabar sakau , jei jūs kvailas? Aš nesu atsakingas ! ]
[@ B. Obama - jei jums, taip pat , ar ne spjaudyti prieš Konstituciją kaip jie tai padarė , Bušas 322, Kerry 322, tada taip pat galite tai padaryti , Kennedy vykdomąjį įsakymą 11110 , išsaugoti savo žmones ] jis praleidžia biudžeto pasiūlymą : po 17 metų " užsidaro "valstybės ... Vašingtonas - ( Adnkronos / Ign ) -Kongresas , o ne , randa dėl valstybės mašina finansavimo sutartį , o dabaradministracija nebegali mokėti dauguma, viešųjų paslaugų , o bent 800 tūkst , civilinės tarnautojai , kuriems gresia pavojus . -> @ B. Obama - jei jūs taip pat , ar ne spjauti , prieš, Konstitucijos , kaip tai darė GWBushas 322, Kerry, ezoterinių satanistų darbotvarkės fariziejų ? Tuomet, jūs galite tai padaryti , Kennedy įsakymą , 11110 , meilės, savo amerikiečiams tautų
[ [ Popajus Obamacare ,rizikos Naudokite " išjungti " ] ] @ Obama , galite taptididvyris ! Jei tikrai myli žmones , o jūs nesate kitą, masonas nusikaltėlį, kaip , Clinton, BUSH, Kerry , ir tt ..? galite spausdinti visus pinigus reikia , naudojant įsakymą , Kennedy ,11110 , tik , kad tada , jūs neturite rodyti, viešai, nes fariziejai šviesus Anglo-amerikiečių , SPA TVF , FED ? "LL šaudyti jums !
[ [Vladimiras Putinas Baracko Obamos nepakankamumas, dėl bylos Sirija ]], Kremliaus pasiūlymas tariant, pagal tarptautinę kontrolės cheminių ginklų Bashar al-Assad yra būdas " išėjimas Obama. Tačiau netjam nesėkmė - ATSAKYMAS - Šis straipsnis kalba apie silpną Obama .. betjėga nebūtų buvę , kad, siekiant baigti išnaikinti , šiitai , krikščionių ir Sirijoje , tapdama , pats "Al- Qaeda" (nuo B. Obama ,, Osama ) ! B. Obama katastrofa buvo ideologinė ir moralinis , jis buvopriešas, lėlių žydų krikščionių civilizacijos ,pinigų suvereniteto ,tiesa lėlių į fariziejų rankas , SPA, Banca pasaulio , priešas, kuris nori sunaikinti Izraelį , kartu,visa žmonija , bet aš tikiu,žydų ir krikščionių civilizacija , tai yra , aš esužmonija !
@ Putinas - esatedidelis penis , jokių rutuliai , jūs tiesiogapgailėtina išdavikas . jūs niekada negali laimėti prieš fariziejų Anglo - amerikiečių karo , iš tiesų, jūs perkate iš jų, sudominti savo pinigus ..
Rugsėjis 30 PARYŽIUS , '' kopijavimas Silvio Berlusconi kelia grėsmę euro zonos stabilumui '' - . ATSAKYMAS - @ Iliuminatai fariziejai Bildenbeg , TVF , FED ECB SPA , jūs, masonai , jūs turite imtis , įkaitų , visas tautas , iš tiesų, jūs turite pavogti juos visus ,pinigų suverenitetas ( senjoražo bankų ) , turite pavogti iš jų , savo ateitį , ir tikiuosi , tiesą sakant, jūs turite padaryti , žmonės , jūsų vergai ... [ [ Yratarnas , pirkti pinigų, ir yravergas mokėti palūkanas .. jūs ne žmonės , jūs esate negailestingas žudikus nusikaltėlių monstrai .. ]]
@ Fariziejai Rotšildas Rochefeller , Bildenberg , Iliuminatai purvinas, kiaulės nusikaltėliai - nesvarbu , kad esate veidmainiai , nes jie nemato pornografija , jūs visada , kurstytojai ! kodėl"Narkotikų prekiautojas" , tai yra, (bet monopolio savininkas ( SPA TVF) turi būtivisų dalykų meistras, tai visada , rimtesnė , kad padaryti user " narkotikų ) pagal savo Toros padėti Jums buvo nuteistas mirties bausme per mane. tai , aš , įsakė jums pašalinti visus nepilnamečius , pornografija , o vietoj to , taip pat į porno svetaines , pagrindiniai , buvo vis dar dalyvauja , vaikai . tada aš sakinys jums mirties visus tuos pedofilus , taip pat tie, , kas, video porno su vaikais ir nepilnamečiais , jūs vis dar turite juos .. nužudytas satanistai
[Iranas , 200 kovinių galvučių , Izraelio branduolinio arsenalo ] Javad Zarif užsienio reikalų ministras Iranas, metu su Amerikos televizijos tinklo ABC , interviu - atsakymas - todėl, kad esate nacius , kuris kankinti nekaltą krikščionišką kankinius ,Artimuosius Rytus .. - ATSAKYMAS - Gerai ! NE, IS 200 , aš turiu pakankamai !
Rugsėjo 30 17:46 , nacių Sudanas, be religijos laisvės , Khartoum, buvo paskelbtas internete , foto šoko , kuris turėtų parodyti žiaurias slopinimo protestų aukų Sudane policijos .. - ATSAKYMAS - @ 666 Satan , JAV, TVF , fariziejai anglo- amerikiečių - Sudane , krikščionys buvo nužudyti visi , o krikščionių vaikai , buvo parduodami kaip vergai , Saudo Arabija , todėl jūs galite žudyti juos visus , su visais savo melu !
Rugsėjo 30 19:18 . Iranas , B. Obama , B. Netanyahu , nieko , atominė , NEW YORK , prezidentas , naudojimas Barackas Obama sutinka su Izraelio premjeru , Benyamin Netanjahu : ... Irano tikslas yra visada, '' sunaikinti Izraelį , '' sakė B.Netanyahu . bla , bla , bla , - ATSAKYMAS - šakalai , kaip buvo Rotšildas , kas tave išmokė žaisti Masonai , bla , bla , bla ? kaibranduolinės avarijos, kad Izraelio žvalgybos tarnybos , kaip auto - pulti daryti, pradėti prieš Iraną agresiją ir branduolinės pasaulinio karo ?
[ Politikai, Izraelis ] iš Šešių dienų karo , su Egipto dykumoje mainais? Jūs visada padarė Iliuminatai satanistai fariziejų darbotvarkę ! esate išdavikai ! esatedidžiausia grėsmė Izraeliui !
[@ 666 , B. Obama , DATAGATE - > Aš tikrai piktas, nes jūs užblokuotas, mano OS Linux Mint 15 ] @ mano YHWH - kaip Izraelis, galėtų priešintis , kad ji yra labai jauna ir maža, akivaizdoje blogis, 1 . Arabų lyga ir jos sąjungininkai , 2 . 666 fariziejai Anglo , amerikiečiai , ir , visi jo , 3. politinis masonai sugadintas, kurie visi kartu, sąmokslą , žiuri narys , skirta sunaikinti jį , vėlgi, į naują holokaustą ?
"Premier" , Turkijos islamo nacių salafistinės wahhadita , Recepas Tayyipas Erdoganas , rengia , greitai, kariauja ir siekia panaikinti vidinio tempimo , taip pat siekia, kad daugiau karių , daugiau Lielgabalgaļa ir stumia aukštyn, jau ir savo , o ne didžiulis perteklius . [Taip pat , Musolinis padarė tą patį ] 1 [Turkija Erdoganas reformas dėl kurdų ] ] 2. [ [ Ankara , Erdoganas : 3 vaikai , o ne pakankamai , kad ji 4 ]] - ATSAKYMAS - mano @ JAHVĖ , o , kad investuoti į taikos ir rinuncire ,šariato Arabų lyga, nusprendė eiti žemyn, kariauja prieš mane, už plėstis, kad imperializmo , jo nusikalstama nacių , religinio apreiškimo , visam pasauliui !
@ Pamišęs nusikaltėlis , Iranas , už dhimmis vergai --- man pasiūlė sąjungą , Jau šį mornig , 1. jūs sunaikinti šariato , greitai, ir, 2 . sunaikinti , masonų narė , Izraelio 3. tada mes darome of Persia , arba Palestinos karalystę , kartu su Sirija, 4. Aš esu tavo karalius , - išvada - jei jūs priimate šią sandorą , galite vėl gyventi ! jūs žinote, kad man savo atsakymą , nes, man nepatinka laukti .. Aš prarandu kantrybę , lengvai
[ [Pakistanas , Islamas , Pešavaras baudžiamosios , karalius, Saudo Arabijos, Saudo Arabijos, jūs turite , jūsų religija ,ginklas , griauna tautas ! jei ne , tai buvodemonas,tiek Šėtonas ? Satanistai amerikiečiai , DATAGATE , puikus Satan , ne, jie būtų , jūsų sąjungininkai ! ]] Daugiau kraujo Pešavare . Krikščionys melstis už aukas , ir taiką šalyje. Vakar ryte ,automobilių bomba sukrėtė , miesto rinką, ne, toli gražu ,Visų Šventųjų bažnyčia , vieta, žudynių , rugsėjo 22 d . Mažiausiai 33 žmonės mirė, ir, sužeista 70 , trečioje atakos per kelias dienas . Vyskupas , iš , Islamabadas : " Pakistanas yra kryžkelėje ; išlikti vieninga , prieš, terorizmo ". Pešavaras ( AsiaNews ) - daugiau kraujo , o smurtas , Pešavare , kapitalo Khyber Pakhtunkhwa provincijose Pakistane ,teatras, praeitą savaitę , tris, savižudžių sprogdinimų , iš islamo kilmė . Vakar rytąautomobilis bomba statomas miesto rinkoje, sprogo piko valandą , žuvo , 33 žmonės , o sužeisti gervuogės , negu 70.

✙♔ ✙.lorenzojhwh:ReiUnius&King of Israel, from: the throne of God & for: the glory of His throne,& who is sitting: God of Abraham and Melchisek, Our patriarchs and prophets, who Revealed to His Name Holy to Moses: YHWH: the big name of: YHWH & for all: the churches land, the heavenly church and purgative: the Kingdom of God, for all pure souls and prayers of all saints and heavenly and divine creatures, for all mankind and in: the name of Jesus: the power of the Holy Spirit binds, with and through all creatures: is for the blood of Jesus all at the foot of the cross and for all: the martyrs: The order to St.Michael: the Archangel and all: the immediate removal for fire angelic: the destruction of Satan and all of His satanic symbol on this planet with immediate effect ✙ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSM VSMQLIVB ✙ Halleluja✙MENETECHELPERES✙
AMEN.hallelujah! ♚✙. God can close your life now! But for what: will go on your damn life? You snake will live forever under: the gaze of my Spirit. When I Shall see thee to descend into the abyss? then, I will let you go! accuses you: the Holy Spirit. You have loved: the curse? Falls on you! AMEN. hallelujah! Took possession of Terror: the children of darkness. The order at Saint Michael Archangel and to all my angelic divisions to proceed to slaughter of all: the Satanists of all: the world AMEN. Alleluia. You Have Loved: The Curse? Falls on you! AMEN. hallelujah! ♚ MENE ♛ ♛   Techel PERES ✙PAX CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✙ AMEN. hallelujah! ♚ MENE Techel ♛ ♛ PERES ✙

[ ★ "✙ PAX ✙ [  ★  ✞  alleluia amen  hallelujah -->✙   I have done :the wrong to all those criminals who toppled :the cross ✙[♚MENE♛TECHEL♛PERES♚] ✙PAX ✙ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✙"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✙

@Youtube ★>. I command in Jesus' name, that :the blood of Jesus be upon you, and all men and women of : all the world: the blood of Jesus is all about on: channels, web sites, videos, comments, users and all people of the world &web. Glory to God for this precious blood of Jesus for protect, heal, heal and release prisoners. Blood of Jesus over Satan, principalities, powers, powers, thrones, dominations, demons, devils, aliens, Illuminati, Masons, Satanists, banks, SpA, web, occult powers, network, politics, religion and institutions of this dark world. You are all sons of the devil, you are destined for hell! die![★"✙PAX✙★✙   I have done :the wrong to all those criminals who toppled :the cross ✙[♚MENE ♛TECHEL ♛PERES♚] ✙PAX ✙ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✙"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✙
AMEN. ☠pax☠ +++ ☠pax☠ alleluia AMEN.

La cosa peggiore non è la 3°WW con 5 miliardi di morti, in cui, sarà fatto cadere il FMI. Un satanista ha detto a me, lorenzojhwh: “tu hai bloccato l'evoluzione del genere umano!” 1. Chi ha dato a questi mostri, l'obiettivo di conquistare, tutto il genere umano? 2. Chi ha dato un corpo ai demoni, realizzando gli alieni e i dischi volanti? -ANSWER->. Solo gli ebrei illuminati potevano commettere questa mostruosità! 1. Questo messaggio è per 10.000 indirizzi; 2. QUESTO è per la vergogna di tutti gli: ebrei, massoni, politici del mondo. Ma ho una notizia per tutti loro: “terrore”, infatti, i capi del satanismo hanno imparato a bloccarmi:

I command in Jesus' name, that :the blood of Jesus be upon you, and all men and women of :the world: :the blood of Jesus is on all. You are all sons of :the devil, you are destined for hell! [ ★ "✙ PAX ✙ [  ★  ✞  alleluia amen  hallelujah -->✙   I have done :the wrong to all those criminals who toppled :the cross ✙[♚MENE ♛TECHEL ♛PERES♚] ✙PAX ✙ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✙"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✙

[ ★ "✙ PAX ✙ [  ★  ✞  alleluia amen  hallelujah -->:the time of hope has expired: you wait for :the collapse of :the IMF in 3°WW. you've wasted your life given: by God
You have your legacy: is infinite despair. I command in Jesus' name, that :the blood of Jesus be upon you, and all. You are all sons of :the devil, you are destined for hell! ✙   I have done :the wrong to all those criminals who toppled :the cross ✙[♛MENE ♚TECHEL ♛PERES✙PAX] ✙ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✙"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✙

you have betrayed God and the people you are a subject of :the jew banker who decided to kill you: 3° WW nuclear: die! amen ☠ ★ ★  pax  ✞  alleluia amen  hallelujah -->. What you have done to others? Now i will do to you! +1.Brucia!Mene Tekel Peres: the weed bad, is burned with fire:"You must burn in :the name of Jesus Burn!Burn!Burn!" AMEN.. Alleluia. +2. Muori!Mene Tekel Peres Die!:the traitor is sentenced to death"In :the name of Jesus you must die! Now! Die!Die!Die!" +3. Grida! you have to scream!Mene Tekel Peres. Screaming bloody his despair. You have to scream now your desperation on my channel:cry! cry! cry! AMEN.. Alleluia! CSPBCSSMLNDSMDV RSNSMV SMQL(IVB=­­­­drink your poisons made by yourself) ✙♛ ME­­­­NE TECHEL PERES
☠pax☠ +++ ☠pax☠ alleluia AMEN. ✙"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✙i am from God. iI do evil to bad & selfish like you I kill, Satanists and all:the accomplices of :the IMF-NWO: only ie 500 million people for I am Rei Unius. [★  " ✙  PAX ✙  ★ " ]you've wasted your life given: by God you have been rejected: by God You have your legacy: is infinite despair I command in Jesus' name, that :the blood of Jesus be upon you, and all men and women of :the world: :the blood of Jesus is on all. You are all sons of :the devil, you are destined for ****! ✙   I have done :the wrong to all those criminals who toppled :the cross ✙ [ ♛  MENE ♚  TECHEL ♛  PERES✙ PAX] ✙  C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✙ "Drink your poisons made by yourself"✙
MARANATHA! Come Holy Spirit, sent to us from heaven a ray of your light, come father of the poor, come giver of gifts, light hearts Come, comforter, sweet guest of the soul, sweet relief, safe in the heat, solace in sorrow, infuse your intimate peace, without your strength? man is nothing, nothing without force, lava that is sordid, warm what is cold, halyard that is crooked, your faithful that only gives you trust in your holy gifts, gives reward to virtue, gives death saint, gives eternal joy. AMEN. Hallelujah! vieni Spirito Santo, manda a noi dal cielo: un raggio della tua luce, vieni padre dei poveri, vieni datore dei doni, vieni luce dei cuori, consolatore perfetto, dolce ospite dell'anima, dolcissimo sollievo, nella calura riparo, nel pianto conforto, infondi nell'intimo la tua pace, senza la tua forza? nulla è nell'uomo, nulla senza forza AMEN. ALLELUIA!
[This is for your miracle] YHWH: the God of Abraham and Moses must humiliate all enemies of ReiUnius: lorenzojhwh. Thanks for me, created HAVING me, Have Sacrificed your only son Jesus Christ: the Messiah King of Israel, for me! Is for the Blood of Jesus on: the cross, Which I am now in your presence as a angel! Is for Body Wounds of Jesus on: the cross, Which I destroy / to order all my diseases and all my problems, "Satan begone! drink your poisons made by yourself!" Jesus is: the innocent lamb slain for me, that's why: I Can Be: happy, feel good, victorious, No have financial problems. AMEN. Alleluia. I proclaim before: angels, saints to: The World That "Jesus is my God, my only Lord and Savior's. Why, I am Entitled To receive all the fullness, Because my debt is paid I am divine, immortal, Transfigured and glorified. Glory to JHWH, in the name of Jesus: the Holy Spirit! This is the miracle that, I want to give Public Testimony HALLELUJAH

"If you confess with your mouth: 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from :the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved." Romans 10:9,10 Dear God, I realize I am a sinner and that my sin will keep me from Heaven. I believe Your Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, paid for my sins by dying on the cross and that He can forgive all my sins. I now trust Him alone as my ✙.Savior. Thank you for your gift of love and of eternal life✙. Some Bible Verses that say >Jesus is God<<< Atheist people claim to believe that Jesus was a good prophet, but, they deny that Jesus is God. If that is you, I would like to encourage you to consider some Bible verses:
We have to go through things before we are saved. It is called going through trials. It is a test to see if we can make it untill Jesus returns. If we make it :then we will go to be with him. Get in an Apostolic Church and get baptized in :the name of Jesus Christ and recieve :the holy ghost. Read Acts 2:38, it is :the right way and :the only right way to be baptized. Objet: I would cry for :the 3rd skyscraper that fell to 11-09 TECKMASSE said: "Yes I cry too, but love is in our children and we must be strong for :them ... Listen children say and forward please."-ANSWER->. You OWN FOR YOUR CHILDREN, THAT YOU MUST LEARN TO PULL : the FINGER, life of all peoples of :the world? is in extreme danger!

@Rrmbgpym->.[:the biggest abomination] :the king of Israel that built the Temple? has always been :there! In fact it is :the king of the world: NWO. ie, what controls :the world bank: IMF. However, it is unfortunate that he is a banker jew illuminated by Satan. That is :the greatest murderess and criminal of history of all mankind. :the good boy of YHWH? This offense did not deserve! Since it is written: "Thou shalt not kill! Not steal! Prisoners free", then you must first surrendered monetary sovereignty to the people, thief of a murderess and then you can build the Temple! that you are celebrating :the triumph of Satanism? History has taught you nothing? these bankers are preparing a new holocaust of Jews!
@Rrmbgpym->.Jews can not build a Jewish temple as :there is :the satanic domain, of :the Enlightened Jews that have created a virtual dictatorship: this corporatocracy/multinationals: seignorage banking are at act with :the same unitary identity of Satan is :the most clandestine empire whereby have subjugate to slavery all peoples, whose only goal is to maximize profits, with no respect for the environment and humans. "No one shall be enslaved more distressing to those who believe to be free"-Goethe. This is an extermination against all :the peoples who are doing :the World Bank-IMF NWO: satanic empire. Before it is too late: you withdraw your money from :the bank. But, since we missed :the "purpose of :the contract", :the contractor no longer has to repay/mortgage loan to :the bank. so you not pay : the mortgage [/watch?v­­­­=CP9-CzBk­iIA]
Re:Leave :the old ideas sami7002 SAID: O Abdullah. One god is not a partner in :the King and all :the jinn are all servants of God. I love Jesus peace be upon him (284):the messenger believeth in that which hath been revealed unto him from his Lord and (so do) believers. Each one believeth in Allah and His angels and His scriptures and His messengers ★  We make no distinction between any of His messengers -and :they say: We hear, and we obey. (Grant us) Thy forgiveness, our Lord. Unto :thee is :the journeying.(285)★- ANSWER- ★  -- ✞ ->. friend! God is much bigger than one religion and also of all religions put toge:ther. he is always bigger! I love ✙.ISLAM✙.holy ★ I love YOU: peace be upon YOU! What you have said is too precious! Islam holy for my not is religion, but is spirituality: high mystical level of adoration of :the infinite beauty:✙.Allah✙.!!there is still hope in :the world: :then! no violence on religion: then!
this is :the cost of our money: [(1)]☠ 100% bank seigniorage (Euro Dollar vs bills: Bott & CCT) +[(2)]☠ 100% debt public (interest required to bill) +[(3)]☠ 70% fractional reserve is required when a mortgage is asked at :the bank. +[(4)]☠ inflation. +[(5)]☠ recession. +[(6)]☠ rarefaction monetary. +[(7)]☠ 3°WW nuclear inevitable and essential as stated ":theElectroAllstar": "Dalai Lama. Give peace a chance! But, between ourselves: Who :the fuck gives peace really a chance? War is :the greatest business of all times. And business is war. Yeah, ladies and gentleman, that's capitalism, welcome to our world. +[(8)]☠ W JEW satanic x NWO perfect! -ANSWER->.☠ This system is rotten! it is about to collapse on you, that's why you will die like rats crushed ☠pax☠ + good 3° WW x you
@Enlightened, what is the thing that you have afraid more of best? is JESUS is Him: ALLELUIA! 1. King of kings; 2. Messiach; 3. Savior; 4. Lord; 5. Emmanuel 6. Anointed 7. One; 8. Prince of peace; 9. Light of the world; 10. wai, truth, life; 11. Son of God & man; 12. the Word; 13. Mornig star; 14. Alpha & omega; 15. Name above all name.  ★  ★  ★  amen  hallelujah -->ANSWER ★  ->lol. stingy ugly: put the hands in their pockets or around the world will become one Christianity very soon!
by your  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   King-of-Jerusale­­m­­­­★  &P­­a­­lestine✙. ✙  ReiUnius.. Yahushua Messiah bless you too! I am King of Israel & ReiUnius! God is Awesome! a great victory for the Lord our God: Yahushua Messiah. Bless you!
[perpetuates curse on this page] against: Racism Satanism, to bring hatred and vulgarity on world, do for an abuse of That page of YouTube, against: Sharia Zionism cowardly abominable killers sexually immoral sorcerers idolaters masonry liars horror porn enlightened leaders lobby Governments IMF NWO elite Corporations SpA: Have taken on this page, the disease that they fear. That is established in the name & blood of Jesus: amen. I am the metaphysics of natural law: universal brotherhood. hallelujah. if you do not stop your spam against people? I exorcise in all youtube again, But of your death? only you will responsible!✙   I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross CSPBCSSML NDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB✙ I am Rei Unius & king of Israel:.alleluia!✙ Begone Satan!✙  !Their part is in lake sting at fire & brimstone, very soon be dead! [ MENE Techel PERES ]✙ pax "Drink your poisons made by Yourself".✙  amen
[Psalm17 I love you JHWH my strength] the earth shook appeared the seabed. For the spirit of your fury from his mouth came a devouring fire: he flew coals. glared at them with his arrows! Because JHWH save the humble people. With you I can break any barrier. With my God I can scale the walls. an expanse of dead bodies I leave behind me! (110) Because you have trained my hands for battle, my arms to stretch: a bow of bronze. YOU have put me in charge of Nations. A people who did not know I was served; to hear me? they immediately obeyed me! Foreigners tried the my favor, paled foreign men and come trembling out of their hiding places. In the name of Jesus: order at my Spirit to make: until the end of the world: slaughter of the satanists: Terror takes possession of the sons of darkness on all mankind. Alleluia!Go satana!"Drink your poisons made by yourself"CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMV­SMQLIVB♚  MENE ♛  TECHEL♛   PERES ✙ ♛
Sure, God loves all his children. But you are a child of Satan and when with your bloody death will end your fucking life. It'll finally mercy for you will end. In fact, in Luke 19.27 ★ Jesus says: And those enemies of mine who did not want me for their king, bring them here and slay them before me" Alleluia! Revelation of St. John says: "those who take the mark (666 or micro chip) will have to drink the cup of God". We're talking about something that is: 1. size of a grain of rice 2. invisible because it is put into the body. But looking at you, one sees the spectacle of Carnival of an entire city. You and this joker of Satan, you are both whit serious psychological problems: I have the right medicine for you: the fire of Sodom! Amen! Alleluia! /watch?v=HBkTnaP0AWU * /watch?v=bct4A70HLC4 * /watch?v=VCuTWA9ucy8 */watch?v=Wk_5AxLjX50 * /watch?v=-WA7T7yIgSA * /watch?v=41D9hF9lcDc amen
I prophesied about you misfortune, in the name of Jesus, throughout 2010. Amen. Alleluia. Now go to die or remove your filth, from the world. I have many atheist friends in my lists, because i have love and esteem for them: they are dignified positive honest. you: filthy. You will can not overcome, the test of fire! You remove this site blasphemous, now?You will not see the 2013! Throughout 2012? your life is in danger you must be careful at all odd days but are those par: that want kill you:will be alive in 2013? I command in Jesus' name the destruction of all Satanism, throughout the world. Satanists of all of your lists? The doctor is calling them! ✙ CSPBC SSMLNDS MDVRS NSMVSMQLIVB this is virus deadly ★ AMEN ★ Alleluia "Drink your poisons made by yourself"  God has programmed me to win. /watch?v=HBkTnaP0AWU * /watch?v=bct4A70HLC4 * /watch?v=VCuTWA9ucy8 */watch?v=Wk_5AxLjX50 * /watch?v=-WA7T7yIgSA * /watch?v=41D9hF9lcDc amen
satanist you're to listen to them rant and rave through programmed fake electronic music over and over and over again (broken record); and you and the illuminati use the same baphomet signs and worship the same lucifier. you should be a little bit more honest when you call others crazy, I mean really, especially with the things you do in the dark? And when you think no one can see you? those are the most crazy. You don't have to get all defensive towards Jesus or God; cuz the ibex mountain goat you pervert and use as a familiar object to represent satan without justification or authorization.You will stand in judgment of you himself? as he does on this page. Hard Its not a question of
cosa dad can beat whos dad up.CSPBCSSML NDSMDVR SNSMVSMQLIVB my father God has already defeated your father the devil on the cross over 2000 years ago. you verminous worship so a REAL LOSER. How crazy is that?"Drink your poisons made by yourself"
alleluia!God has given me all right!Even a child can tell you:"You go like a soul damned!"all the fortresses were broken! if still standing? is because they kill each other in 3rd WW Nuclear which is for given the blame of the collapse of IMF and the planned slaughter of all mankind. I know every secret, even yours! On this planet, no one WILL can live according to natural laws: so all the enemies of God will die: everywhere! now you satanists, whether if they be atheists or believe however, you have only this life to "enjoy"=lol. outputs then, go away from  all together in a mass for protest. because this will be noticed and may be a solution, to extend the your life.this is not a request: for your conversion:no! But you can continue to do so the pig again!ok?✙ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQL IVB Drink your poisons made by yourself ✙ MENE TECHEL PERES✙ end game in the name of Jesus:"You are all lost!"Luke19.27
bless! as a whole: the theory of evolution has transformed the ideology of the NWO, international Jewish finance in an ideological crime: that is, proof against God lol. while it is against logic, since God is timeless. Sure, we have the evidence of evolution in the same species, but we do not have a single fossil that is the passage from one species to another. All those shown? Have been portrayed as false: after. We, refined metallurgical findings in the "coal" and "polistrate fossil", the nephillim, all these tests prove it: 1. the Flood. 2. the existence of advanced antediluvian civilization. among the hundreds of surveys, measurements and finds pictures of Noah's Ark on Mount Ararat: we also had the inspection: Russian army at the time of Tsar Nicholas II
@rrmbgpym->For the glory of God of Abraham & his Throne: lorenzojhwh is the ReiUnius: the best power spiritual & political & authority metaphysics Universal of human kind. anyone who opposes his authority? he no has love for the natural law, ie will be punished as Exodus 20.12 says: "his life will be shortened". On all those who are responsible for having innocent blood shed, I put as seal of my power the damn symbol of Cain, on all murderers. This is decreed in the name of Jesus for the blood of Jesus every demon & man is bound at the foot of the cross. ✙ ✙♔WELCOME in my LIVE!✙ ✙ ✙ C SPBC SSMLND SMDV RSN SM VSMQLIVB ✙ MENE TECHEL PERES✙ AMEN "Drink your poisons made by yourself"✙ *This is the victory that has conquered the world; the Our Faith! 1 Giov5,4
the power that was given to me by God? is awesome, terrible: the love! can not be contained and can not be supported in any way by men. I'm learning to use this power in this days. Indeed, the terror is spread among Satanists, and among all the children of darkness! I received all the powers of representation of the Kingdom of God: justice, truth, humility, love, forgiveness. What I establish on earth? Is immediately written and ratified in heaven! I'm like a rod of iron, and in fact, everything I have by shatter? I will shatter! as the various of clay. Re:   Arabs do not know that for to do: the 11-09 were the Jews satanist of the IMF, called "enlightened" or Masons to destroy Iraq and to reduce the constitutional liberties and better to damage: of the whole human race: NWO
You are already free, if you want to be free: is the truth!"all your debts have been paid" and you will not be found guilty. you will free and happy? you'll be full of power of the Holy Spirit, just like me. you can get out of this prison you can break every chain:Jesus is already on your side. first break the chain with Jesus. very soon all your chains fall. I have the power, promise to you on behalf of God that no one can hurt you. I promise you in Jesus' name You'll be blessed happy protected! son delete this site immediately. for the love of: God saints, good souls for the future of mankind for your salvation now, now destroy this site! I'm on your right while Jesus is on your left. Immediately delete this nightmare and you get the freedom of God's children you can do. your example will be followed by millions of kids! you become famous: for better or for worse? how you can take to go all to hell? millions of children?
REPENT OR PERISH. 1Corinthians 6:9-10.Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. Revalation 22:15.For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie. Galatians 6:7. Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Matthew 10:28. And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. Seek Forgiveness and Redemption Through Your Saviour Jesus Christ. Repent: for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. (spread this message)
Investigate! never forget 9✈11. Inform yourself or stay in the dark or perhaps you are: the dark?! God has programmed me to win:  ♛  ✙  ♛  ★  amen  hallelujah    the fortresses have been broken; hell is in most total despair, all Satanists are lost! For the holiness of: 1. God of Abraham, 2. His Throne, 3. His name "YHWH", 4. angelic choirs. lorenzojhwh decrees, all the curses on all Satanists and their accomplices, forever: "Amen.CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB Hallelujah." can not be counted: dead, disease, illness, accidents, infections obsessions, possessions, anxiety, depression, disorders, insomnia, despair, madness: "Amen. Hallelujah."Mene Techel Peres PAX CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB Drink your poisons made by yourself! this is virus deadly ★ AMEN ★ Alleluia "Drink your poisons made by yourself"
[to all Satanists]if I not build a Jewish temple? then all you die because this is what the international jew banker. decided for many of you much ago long in short, as did the11-09.this is true: he does a good job, for to kill you.But you are not prepared for death, because: of course you go into a hell of fire and desperation. your company is self-destructive! because you breed+spread hatred? The power and security that come from fear? are: 1. only for few; 2. very fragile. But, Love, beauty, wisdom, do not fear confrontation, not weaken in Division: are strongest! love has already won over death! If all farmers of love, did not have a weight? I'd enough ★ alone ★ to sink you, in what you all want to give to others. ✙ ✙ ♔ WELCOME in my LIVE! LOVE!✙ Rei✙Unius♔ Each demon is forced to go by his exorcist? Then the enlightened come to me! ✙ ✙♔ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ✙drink your poisons made by yourself. We love: are all equals and brothers
@crippledfonz-★  > you got to keep moving? for how long: still?falling down like hail to hell in the fire of infinite despair: a day endless tirelessly ceaselessly rest AMEN CSP BC SSM LNDS MDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ✙  drink your poisons made by yourself. this is pathetic for you. a colony: the planet earth is rebel against the Kingdom of God from which is? there is no proportion between the spiritual energies into play! Truly God has staked himself with Christ. But because Christ is risen then, everything has already been established and then your lives are really in danger. My position is for all Satanists in the world: a real threat. you have not tried: a satanic ritual on me? now if I had a passive attitude against you? The Holy Spirit inside me that did not is for rise up against my enemies: spontaneously? the Bible is not a book to read, as the Koran. the Bible is God; the Word; wisdom. That is Christ. AMEN there is not a future for Satan, for you
Re:✙  drink your poisons made by yourself. "HipHopMessiah09" SAID: "hell is on earth and i'm serving my life sentence, death will set us both free of the chains that are here to bind us from being free on earth! i know life and death, can create life and take it away, does this make me a god? i fear only my own actions and what this cold world has made me capable of doing! but don't hate me, i am just a reflection of yourself!" -ANSWER-> no! You are a reflection of Satan, but I am a reflection of God! himself You say that it is a failure, cursed, unhappy now that the occult powers of the IMF dominate the entire planet, as then your situation will be desperate for you, after death. while, I have the joy, even now. I Decided to pull "discharge" of water and you go down. @Rrmbgpym-> we are at final stages Satan's breath blessed my friends + Curse my enemies for I am invincible.Alleluia: the kingdom of Satan now: falls is crumbling Amen Alleluia
enough: Cancer. now. for those. who have in : animal sex; porn; horror; Satanism; kisses with tongue; vulgarity; negative educational impact for children? I'm Rei Unius the King of Israel in Jesus' name I command that: the first dangerous che will disease to which their thinking think? is own one that should receive: invincible disease that leading to death: loved the curse? Falls on him! Drink your poisons made by yourself CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVBME­­­NETECHELPERES✙PAX
If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior I am here to tell you that Jesus loves you. He loves you so much that He gave His life for you. God the Father also loves you. He loves you so much that He gave His only Son for you by sending Him to the cross. At the Cross Jesus died in your place. Taking upon Himself all of your sins and all of my sins. He was judged for our sins and paid the price for our sins. Therefore our sins will never be held against us. Right where you are, you now have the opportunity to make the greatest decision in your life. To accept the free gift of eternal life by truly believing that Jesus Christ died for you. So wherever you are, pause to reflect on what Christ has done for you and say to the Father, "Father, I believe that your Son, Jesus Christ, died on the cross for the forgiveness of my sins."
Your time is near, time to show your extreme loyalty to Satan.Alleluia! +Mene+ Techel +Peres + ★  >PAX. Amen. rises YHWH and His enemies be scattered! like chaff scattered by the wind, like burning wax so are the wicked for Glory of the Lord. Sons of Darkness "lorenzojhwh" tells in the name of Jesus: "Now you must burn!" STOP: halloween antichrist pride slavery blindness Satan Go! CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB for the destruction of your: satanic alien SpA Freemasonry seigniorage banking for you: fire food is harmful diseases shame Dishonor depression obsessions infestation Cloak of lead. Woe to you cursed. Elijah is back and you'll need to get off the river Kishon with him where you will be executed: and your boss jew belonging to Marduk. with this ceremony, I hit your ascending hierarchy (up to the enlightened) and descended. I linked you, to the foot of the cross, to knowledge of your opinion of damnation.Amen
SAID: most satanists do adhere to a Moral Code-ANSWER->You're crazy! The unique character of Satan is the breaking of all morality, that exalt the freedom for to bring at the idolatry of himself: all the lies of satanists? can never deceive me that are an exorcist! but I'm back for this extraordinary words of MrAndocalrisian said: " I've needed a good laugh, because I've had this spiritual tumor growing inside me. I think the only cure for spiritual tumors is a good laugh" -ANSWER-> EVERY CANCER SPIRITUAL is inevitably destined to become physicist! the only medicine to eradicate it? is back in communion with God here all admit supernatural phenomena and then deny God or Satan? This is absurd! then if I say: I know them both?" you do not believe to me and continue to take in  so much filth to ruin the children? I will ruin you and certainly have the power to do so.
[Psalm 140] from the rock were thrown their leaders, that I had heard sweet words by me. As cracks the open is of land, their bones were scattered on the mouth of hell. [Psalm 149] Sing to the Lord a new song, his praise in assembly of the faithful, Let Israel rejoice in his Maker, they must exult in their king the sons of Zion. They praise his name with dancing with drums and harps, they sing hymns to him. The Lord loves his people. He crowns the humble with victory. Should exult: the faithful in glory to glad arise from their beds. The praises of God in their mouth and two-edged sword in their hands, to carry out vengeance to the nations and punish people: Hallelujah to tighten the their heads in chains, their nobles in fetters of iron; to perform on the sentence already wrote on of their: This is the glory for all his faithful.
[Ultimatum to the Satanists and their protectors: mason elite leader statesmen]God has put more energy and love to create you, that not to create all the galaxies and all the angels. you instead for gratitude, you have reversed the cross, which is why that there is no remedy for your downfall and your desperation is without no relief. lorenzojhwh you puts to head down into the abyss, you will have agonizing days and your life miserable must end in dramatically in nuclear 3WW: before and not after. If you have sold your life to Satan in  for metal, horror, porno, ecc. if you have had an old site: this you Need to Know, who he was before of you is died: I killed him, so I kill also you! ✙ ✙♔ is virus deadly AMEN "Drink your poisons made by yourself"✙ I order, in the name of Jesus: immediate destruction of Satan and of all his satanic symbol ✙Halleluja ✙MENE ✙TECHEL✙ PERES✙­­ "You are all lost!"Luke19.27✙ C SPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB
YHWH Father in Jesus' name with the his Blood bind the foot of the cross all men and all the demons of this world. Who dared to overthrow the cross, symbol of the greatest love? What the Constitution decided that the people had to be a subject of bank seigniorage? and all his institutions of hidden power, like: Satanism, Freemasonry, intimidation, corruption? Because ideologies: kabbalah, Zionism, Sharia, idolatry, witchcraft, porn horror. Who has allowed corruption and Halloween in all world? Who destroyed the Christian civilization and imposed evolution? human life in  is profaned and man is now considered as an animal. has been destroyed: your dignity in him. Which politician has legalized this abomination? is for sinners: all evil of evil. They have the first disease dangerous that is in them mind: in this year, not accounting the misfortunes of all kinds: accidents, the shame and dishonor on their children: oppression, despair, anguish and tribulation infestation.
YHWH thou hast made man in Your image but Jew: son of the devil "enlightened" usurpers of power with the bank seigniorage, they have made man in the likeness of an animal. I curse him with all his accomplices, not until they see the destruction of all their children with their eyes. God of Abraham exterminate these evil of illuminated by the earth face, I can see their ruin, that they can get all the depths of hell in this year. That's enough! for all those who have in : 1. animal sex 2. Porn 3. horror 4. Satanism 5. kisses with his tongue 6. vulgarity; 7. negative educational impact, that is not suitable for children? I Rei Unius the King of Israel in Jesus' name I command that: the first dangerous will disease to which their thinking think? is own the one that should receive, an unconquerable disease that leading to death. Loved the curse? Falls on him! Amen, hallelujah! CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♚  MENE TECHEL PERES ✙   PAX
Re:Amen hallelujah!♚MENE♛TECHEL♛PERES✙­pax­­ "nargargoole" SAID: i am going to help you make your game stronger.. or you will die soon.. or someone very close to you will. so this is like the Devil doing you a favor..learn it. then come back when you are not so weak and inputent. okay ★-ANSWER-> That's it? I can do more! tout est sous contrôle:"Jesus live!"This ministry can not be faced! lorenzojhwh in Jesus' name i command: i orders destruction of all satanism institutional: government, secret services, military, religion, aliens, administrative, ideological. Alleluia Begone Satan:go! Drink your poisons made by yourself enough: Cancer now: for blood of Jesus Christ, I bind all Satanists at the foot of the Cross, for their immediate process. for their internal their demons, and angels from the outside: hit hit hit all them until the onset of insanity, consumption and death. Loved the curse? Falls on him! end game: "You are all lost!" Luke19.27
i am Rei Unius [✙ ♔ ✙] Dio è ✙   ★  amen  hallelujah   Dio è ✙   ★  amen  hallelujah   Dio è ✙  [  ✙ ♔ ✙  ]  ♛ ✙  ♛  CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQL(IVB=­drink your poisons made by yourself) pax ♛ ✙ ♛  ME­­­­NE TECHEL PERES ReiUnius ✙king x Israel ♔ ♛ ✙ ♛  planet earth? this is my kingdom! If you let Satan you will do again the experience of happiness .. a new life.I can not let Satan in my kingdom: Therefore, all
Satanists should be killed in a mode supernatural✙ ✙♔  WELCOME in my LIVE! ✙ ✙ ♔ I am the door metaphysics, secular positive natural, rational justice, to open to all honest men, from first to last atheists: the heaven in Jesus' name. Amen Alleluia God gave us men to our love, our sense of justice and equality, the universal ability to relieve the pain of men of all the our brethren of all mankind. ✙  ✙   ♔   WELCOME   amen  hallelujah   in my LIVE!
kneel! can not you see? passes the Lord! amen alleluia + love + shalom +salam..what is it made? is received! we collect all that we will have sown! vas a  que destruir esta abominación de Satanás I have news for you: amen "He who is in me? is stronger than him: Satan that is in the world. All hell? is powerless against me! " you are completely helpless against me. you can not defend yourself from me, all hell with Satan can not. you're lost. you go to  you destroy this abomination of Satan. You're Already at the cemetery You're About to Lose His senses Satan is your destruction! now? burn! in the name of Jesus: now you must burn! Amen, hallelujah! in the name of Jesus: "Now you must burn!"
STOP: halloween antichrist pride slavery blindness Satan Go!CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB for your destruction:as is the cemetery? what the hell you feel at the hell? Amen, hallelujah! MENE♛ TECHEL ♛  PERES✙  PAX ♛  Terror took possession of the children of darkness.
1/2[109 Ps] God of my praise, you will not be silent, as against me: they open the mouth the wicked man and of fraud; speak against me with a lying tongue. They invest me with words of hatred, they fight against me, for no reason. In return of my love, I move the accusations, while I am in prayer. Make me evil for good and hatred with love in return. Raises a villain against him. an accuser is always to his right. He is convicted and his appeal is terminated: in sentencing. Few are his days and his place be the deal another. His descendants will be devoted to destruction. The iniquity of his father and his mother is mentioned continually to the Lord. Because he refused to show mercy and
persecuted the poor, to kill those who are broken-hearted. Loved the curse? Falls on him! Amen, hallelujah! ♚  MENE TECHEL PERES ✙ PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB
✙♔✙♔lorenzojhwh the Rei Unius King of Israel, from the throne of God and for the glory of his throne and for who is sitting: in the name of the God of Abraham and Melchisek, our patriarchs and prophets, who revealed his name Holy to Moses: YHWH: in the name of: YHWH and of all the churches land, the church purgative and heavenly: the Kingdom of God, for all pure souls and prayers of all saints and heavenly and divine creatures, for all mankind and in the name of Jesus the power of the Holy Spirit through all creatures and binds with the blood of Jesus at the foot of the cross and for all the martyrs: I order to St.Michael the Archangel and all the angelic of fire immediate removal and the destruction of Satan and of all his satanic symbol on this planet with immediate effect ✙ C SPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSM VSMQLIVB ✙Halleluja✙ MENETECHELPERES✙
Amen, hallelujah!♚MENE♛TECHEL♛PERES✙­.God can close your life now! But for what will go on your damn life? You snake will live forever under the gaze of my Spirit. When I shall see thee to descend intotheabyss? Then, I will let you go! you accuses the Holy Spirit. you have loved the curse? Falls on you! Amen, hallelujah! ♚MENE ♛TECHEL♛ PERES ✙PAX CSPBCSSM LNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself"✙Amen, hallelujah! MENE♛ TECHEL♛ PERES ✙PAX♛ Terror took possession of the children of darkness. I order at Saint Michael Arcangel and to all my angelic divisions to proceed to slaughter of all the Satanists of all the world Amen Alleluia. you have loved the curse? Falls on..  you! Amen, hallelujah! ♚MENE ♛TECHEL♛ PERES ✙PAX CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself"✙ Amen, hallelujah! ♚MENE ♛TECHEL ♛PERES✙

[ ★ "✙ PAX ✙ [  ★  ✞  alleluia amen  hallelujah -->✙   I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✙[♚MENE♛TECHEL♛PERES♚] ✙PAX ✙ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✙"Drink your
poisons made by yourself" ✙  I command in Jesus' name, that the blood of Jesus be upon you, and all men and women of the world: the blood of Jesus is all about on: channels, web sites, videos, comments, users and all people of the world. Glory to God for this precious blood of Jesus for protect, heal, heal and release prisoners. Blood of Jesus over Satan, principalities, powers, powers, thrones, dominations, demons, devils, aliens, Illuminati, Masons, Satanists, banks, SpA, web, occult powers, network, politics, religion and institutions of this dark world. You are all sons of the devil, you are destined for hell! [ ★ "✙ PAX ✙ [  ★  ✞  alleluia amen  hallelujah -->✙   I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✙[♚MENE ♛TECHEL ♛PERES♚] ✙PAX ✙ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✙"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✙
amen ☠ pax ☠ ✞  ☠  pax ☠  alleluia amen  hallelujah

La cosa peggiore non è la 3°WW con 5 miliardi di morti, in cui, sarà fatto cadere il FMI. Un satanista ha detto a me, lorenzojhwh: “tu hai bloccato l'evoluzione del genere umano!” 1. Chi ha dato a questi mostri, l'obiettivo di conquistare, tutto il genere umano? 2. Chi ha dato un corpo ai demoni, realizzando gli alieni e i dischi volanti? Solo gli ebrei illuminati potevano commettere questa mostruosità! 1. Questo messaggio è per 10.000 indirizzi; 2. QUESTO è per la vergogna di tutti gli: ebrei, massoni, politici del mondo. Ma ho una notizia per tutti loro: “terrore”, infatti, i capi del satanismo hanno imparato a bloccarmi:

I command in Jesus' name, that the blood of Jesus be upon you, and all men and women of the world: the blood of Jesus is on all. You are all sons of the devil, you are destined for hell! [ ★ "✙ PAX ✙ [  ★  ✞  alleluia amen  hallelujah -->✙   I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✙[♚MENE ♛TECHEL ♛PERES♚] ✙PAX ✙ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✙"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✙

[ ★ "✙ PAX ✙ [  ★  ✞  alleluia amen  hallelujah -->the time of hope has expired: you wait for the collapse of the IMF in 3°WW. you've wasted your life given: by God. You have your legacy: is infinite despair I command in Jesus' name, that the blood of Jesus be upon you, and all. You are all sons of the devil, you are destined for hell! ✙   I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✙[♛MENE ♚TECHEL ♛PERES✙PAX] ✙ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✙"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✙

you have betrayed God and the people you are a subject of the jew banker who decided to kill you: 3° WW nuclear: die! amen ☠   ★  ★  pax  ✞  alleluia amen  hallelujah --> What you have done to others? Now i will do to you! +1.Brucia!Mene Tekel PeresThe weed bad, is burned with fire:"You must burn in the name of Jesus Burn!Burn!Burn!" Amen. Alleluia. +2. Muori!Mene Tekel Peres Die!The traitor is sentenced to death"In the name of Jesus you must die! Now! Die!Die!Die!" +3. Grida! you have to scream!Mene Tekel Peres. Screaming bloody his despair. You have to scream now your desperation on my channel:cry! cry! cry! Amen. Alleluia! CSPBCSSMLNDSMDV RSNSMV SMQL(IVB=­­­­drink your poisons made by yourself) ✙♛ ME­­­­NE TECHEL PERES
☠pax☠ +++ ☠pax☠ alleluia amen ✙"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✙i am from God. I will do the evil at bad & selfish like you. I kill, Satanists and all the accomplices of the IMF-NWO: only 500 million people, why I am Rei Unius [★"✙PAX✙★"]you've wasted your life given: by God. you will rejected by God. You have your legacy is infinite despair I command in Jesus' name, that the blood of Jesus be upon you, and all men and women of the world: the blood of Jesus is on all. You are all sons of the devil, you are destined for hell! ✙   I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✙   [ ♛  MENE ♚  TECHEL ♛  PERES✙  PAX] ✙ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✙"Drink your poisons made by yourself"✙
Why lorenzojhwh: Is Convinced that: the monarchy is the best form of government? ♔  [ ★  ✙  ✙  ✙ ★ ✝  ✭    ] ♔  The lorenzojhwh the "Rei unius" I can go down to hell, as to climb, the Throne Room of the One: YHWH, for to take it. I Had legal rights. The order at the "enlightened" in the name of: YHWH God of Abraham: of return to me: the King of Israel the Monetary Sovereignty, That You Have stolen to all the peoples. [PAX ✙  ★  ★ ✙  ] I ✙Have the wrong done to All Those Criminals, who Toppled the cross. ✙[♚ MENE ♛ ♛   Techel PERES ♚  ]  PAX amen hallelujah ✙  ✙  ✙  CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✙  we can propel America's growth and prosperity to steal the world! No! God has cursed the United States of America! the FED-IMF-masonry satanism have betrayed. the seigniorage bank has violated all law, the Jews banking have steal all the sovereignty of the people

@satanist enlightened freemasonry&all forces occult of NWO-IMF amen ☠  ★  ★  pax  ✞  alleluia amen  hallelujah --> I would have saved you, but you did? sacrilege desecration contempt scandal insult blasphemy. You are a criminal! you have no respect for the noblest ideals & of the crucifix that is a symbol of the greatest love! I condemn you to death in the name of Jesus: you are a child of the curse for burn in hell, but now, you will die desperate. I command the demons of hell to torment you and the angels to hit you, with any punishment. I am "Rei Unius" the metaphysics, my kingdom is the universal brotherhood! ie is the only chance of survival in this time! My Ministers "angels"? will kill you for impose my kingdom: I decree: curses & punishments: in Jesus's name, against you. [★"✙  pax ★  I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross [MENE TEKEL PERES]CSPBCSSMLNDSM­DVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ✙"Drink your poisons made by yourself"✙
[ultimatum to all Muslim & Comunist country]will be destroyed by God: why you kill 260,000 innocent Christians every year! You never get out from yours curse of blood, as is to Jews for seigniorage banking of IMF-NWO for to be bad with Them. for the sanctity of Allah and Islam holy: Sharia Talmud Zionism, capitalism, communism? are convicted! I order the secularization of all government, to starting with Saudi Arabia to removal of the religious by document identification and every discrimination between citizens. I ordered to St. Michael the Archangel and all my angelic divisions the death and destruction all the rebels. Amen, hallelujah! ♚ Terror took possession of the children of darkness. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ✙"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✙  ♚  MENE  ♛  TEKEL ♛  PERES✙  Amen,  ★  ✞  alleluia amen  hallelujah --> hallelujah! too naive, the Jewish lobby, that are attracting the hatred of Christians to make the agenda of the enlightened to create a new holocaust! STOP: PORNO HORROR HALLOWEEN!
I has prophesy in the name of Jesus, your tragic death in 2011, your blood will be paid on the asphalt: [  pax  ★  PAX  ✙  ★ " ]  amen  hallelujah -->I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross [MENETECHELPERES]CSPBCSSMLNDSM­D VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself we bet that you'll be dead in 2011?  you will not be alive in 2012 to say "you wrong!"

Satanism is in  too with every perversion with all people of good we will migrate of all to another server that has moral commitments. you find it for me and if there is not? you have to work to create it! You have to work for the survival of mankind! and to defend the Christian faith, menaced by the Masonic and Jewish lobby

atheists are religion have decided to "not believe in the existence of God." is how to think for a fart (Big Bang) without the ass that produced it (God). I'm angry with God because yesterday, he killed only few people for me! Big Bang has never existed, the only noise is the sound of bouncing of the heavenly bodies. it is tragic as we have all become victims of dreamers & storytellers, against all scientific process of reasoning. With lockers that are full of "fossils" that deny evolution
@Cowards @Incredulous @Abominable @murderers @Fornicators @Wizards @Idolaters @Liars @masonry @seigniorage banking @NWO.: ★> Their part in the lake of burning fire & brimstone, then? will be the second death: the disintegration of 21.8-Apocalypse very soon you'll be dead! amen Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux Non Draco Sit Mihi Dux stand for Crux Sancti Patris Benedicti Vade retro Satana; nunquam suade mihi vana Sunt mala quae libas; ipse venena bibas I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✙[♚MENE♛TECHEL♛PERES♚] ✙PAX ✙ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✙"Drink your poisons made by yourself"✙
I has prophesy in the name of Jesus, your tragic death in 2011, your blood will be paid on the asphalt:
[ ★ "✙ PAX ✙ [  ★  ✞  alleluia amen  hallelujah -->I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross [MENETECHELPERES]CSPBCSSMLNDSM­D VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself
we bet that you'll be dead in 2011?  you will not be alive in 2012 to say "you wrong!"


@jew->Leviticus25.44 allows the Jews to kill all of the people through the slave trade and usury banking, but for what we know of God from Adam, this can only be Satanism, the priests of the Jewish Temple, when they came from Babylon, but they hates Jesus that died loving his killers. Jews, why do you hate Jesus and hate, the Christian love? In fact, The Jewish Talmud, claims to boil, in extrement Christ? Do you want to kill also me, how did you kill Zerubbabel and Jesus? It would not be new to you, the one to kill your king, As Babylon hath made you the Satanists! for then end it in Auschwitz: again? This is the power of enlightened, that they kept for 500 years. for controlling the money then all other the institutions are been involved or manipulated. How to make understand this trap of the Jewish lobby to my people jew?
★ by your King-of-Jerusalem. ★ &. ✙Palestine. ✙ReiUnius. for. Yahushua Messiah. bless you too! I am King of Israel! God is Awesome! a great victory. for the Lord. Our God: Messiah Yahushua. Bless you! Yahushua is the Messiah and Savior! Light of the world! Bless you. nel nome del Padre, e del Figlio, e dello Spirito Santo..  vattene satana! nel nome di Gesù: vattene satana! in the name of the Father and the Son, and Holy Spirit. Begone, Satan! in the name of Jesus: Begone, Satan! the name [Yahushua] is the name above every name
Jehovah-rapha (the Lord who heals)
Jehovah-Nissi (The Lord Our Banner)
Jehovah-Shalom (The Lord Our Peace)
Jehovah-ra-ah (the Lord my shepherd)
Jehovah-shammad (the Lord is present)
Jehovah-Elohim (the Lord God)
El Elyon (the Most High God)
Adonai (our master)
El Olam (Everlasting God)
El Shaddai (Almighty God, Who Gives me my strength)

@jew Zionist sick- ★  -- ✞ ->. Talmud is all for:. Homosexuality, pedophilia, hatred of christianity, atheism, war, Freemasonry, pornography, violence, drugs, loss of freedom of speech, the financial crisis around the world for seigniorage banking IMF, the wars in the middle east, most of the diseases the human race now suffers from, the list is endless and I can prove almost all of it. Pray and educate.  almost all of the blood rituals performed by the Illuminati are the same as the ones from the ancient Cabala that the Talmudists STILL practice. Many human sacrifices will be offered tonight. Why they are satanists! [ ★ "✙  PAX ✙   [  ★  ✞  alleluia amen  hallelujah -->I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross [MENETECHELPERES] CSPBCSSMLNDSM­D VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself. we bet that you'll be dead in 2011?  you will not be alive in 2012 to say "you wrong!"

Is God a Being Merciful! The Lord is pitiful, and full of mercy (Jas: 11) His tender mercies are over all His works (Psalms) But You are evil! In deed: [14] Then smash, against each other, fathers and sons together ★ says the Lord-, I will not have mercy, do not spare them no mercy I will use in destroying them. " (Jer 13:14) Have no pity on Them, But slay Both man and woman, infant and suckling (Sam 15:2) AMEN. ☠  pax ☠  hallelujah ☠ pax ☠  alleluia. AMEN. As I said before. Muhammad carried out apostasy killings and so did all 4 califfs. It also says that in the hadith. Along with adultery and many other horrid reasons to kill people.

Gli antichi uomini giganti, descritti dalla Bibbia, esistettero. Gli uomini giganti (descritti dalla Bibbia) esistettero. Genesi 6:4; Deuteronomio 1:28; Deuteronomio 2:10-11,20-21; Deuteronomio 9:2; Deuteronomio 3:11; Numeri 13:33; 1Cronache11:23; 1 Samuele 17:4; ecc..

Valllick SAID remind me of the babe: wat babe? the babe with the power, what power? the power of voodoo. ((David Bowie in Labyrinth ★ Magic Dance)) ★ answer-> voodoo has no power: Against Me! If you read in my comments? You will find, as God allowed, That a needle: it pierced my heart! He allowed this: to give a tremendous terror: a declaration of death Against The Empire of Satan: 666 Rotshild, Bush and company 322, Sharia, enlightened, Zionist masons, etc. .. You are at, the: orc monsters That will soon be rejected in the sewer!

@HomoFugitVelutUmbra SAID: Have a nice friend...and...don't forget your pills..-ANSWER-> Luke.19.12-Luke.19.27 : He said: "A man of noble birth went to a distant country to have himself appointed king and then to return.
Luke 19.27. Jesus said "But these enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, bring them here and slay them in my presence."
CSP.BCS.SML.NDS.MDV.RSN.SMV.SM­QL (IVB = drink your poisons made ​​by yourself). If You Are become: an Criminal: mansons Satanists, lobby, corporations, obstinate sinner, he calls good evil and evil good? You are become wicked! but God's patience has a limit for you!
mistafield cap064 SAID: I failed miserably looks like the CapGod.why must we be so disappointed. -ANSWER-> the synagogue of Satan (the monsters), has won using the ruthlessness, deception, murder, corruption, complicity through the protection of God's people (the Jews) and The Most Evil Men: Freemasonry has created many criminals Institutions: Satanism: aliens, porn: Horror: lobby: corporations, secret service, IMF, NWO, etc.. and then: you say that religion was wrong? You are a Damn: without hope! Complicit in all this! Since the responsibility of the religion is of all us, Is Also Politicians too. But, this is true: Losing faith is? also: morality is lost! But, if the banking system has made ​​the people That, lose the faith, It's Only Because He Planned to an massacre of men transformed into animals! This is the agenda of the synagogue of Satan, or enlightened

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Posting Date
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: A Man-Made Cup In Pennsylvanian Coal?February 11, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Hands-Down EvidenceFebruary 7, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Trilobites UnderfootFebruary 4, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Getting A handle On Ancient Dinosaur SightingsFebruary 2, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Perplexing Permian PrintJanuary 28, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: The Willett PrintJanuary 25, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Throughout The Geologic ColumnJanuary 23, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Cro-Magnon ManJanuary 16, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Neanderthal ManJanuary 14, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Homo ErectusJanuary 11, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Piltdown ManJanuary 11, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Homo Habilis - ´Handyman´January 7, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Nebraska ManJanuary 4, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: RamapithicusJanuary 2, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: ´Your Little Cousin´ LucyDecember 31, 2012
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: The Tuang ChildDecember 28, 2012
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: IntroductionDecember 26, 2012
The Model, Episode 4


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the King Unius Rei

the King Unius Rei
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