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Christian blood, JEWISH RITES,

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САЩ, Lady Liberty ] е [ "зло" , богинята , Ащар Шеран , демоничното , вавилонски , пантеон. на Marduk , с неговите човешки жертвоприношения ] е ИЗМАМА " ВИНАГИ ... " И не е чудно , защото , тя също самият Сатана преправя на светъл ангел . " Астарот , той е един от многото , демоните на еврейската култура , които в съответствие , към традицията , неканонично , избута Каин да убие брат му Авел. Първоначално , Астарта , беше в езическа богиня , трансформирани от евреите : в , ужасяващ демон , и отблъскваща . Ащар Шеран , демон водачи , духовни водачи в , извънземни отвличане : тя казва: " ... думите ми са важни къпини, Декалога , на Синайската планина ..." и , разбира се, този демон , като, всички демони , комунисти , масонството , ислямисти , фарисеи, ара , Вавилон, NWO мощност , 666 , голямата блудница , който извърши блудство, с , всичките царе , на Земята. Следователно , убиват за , отново, потомството на Авраам , в следващия , предстоящо, Холокоста , срещу , Израел
[ ] CIA , DATAGATE , майната ти с неподходящ човек , Световната банка, 666 , 322 Bush , Kerry, [ OSAMA ОБАМА - ] марихуана, ПАРТИ В САТАНА SYNAGUE BILDEDNBERG , фарисеите , Illuminati CULT Бог , OWL , в Bohhemian Grove , Ваал , JabullOn , freemasory , сеньораж банкиране измама , МВФ, FED , ECB , микро - чип , извънземни отвличане, дневен ред. ГМО Моргелонс - отговор - аз може да унищожи САЩ, сега, или между 150 години.
666 , CIA , DATAGATE , HACKER , UFuckWithWrongPerson - когато отиде в Китай, с , жена ти направи за бизнеса , това , ( ! Тогава, са били провал ) Защото , ти ме помоли за помощ , а не, помоли за помощ , си Сатана , от времето , което ти каза : "Сатана ме спаси ! " и как той може да ви спаси , или други, ако няма някой, който да го спаси от ада ?
@ King Саудитска Арабия - Надявам се, че не , ще имате безсрамие , за да ме помоли да спре , руските танкове, и китайските танкове, Когато отиват Защото , заедно с фарисеите , Spa МВФ , Буш , и , компанията корпорации, масонски системи , измама , банковата сеньораж ? , вие сте най- омразни неща в света .. и, разбира се , не мога да направя , ми Всемирно братство , с теб , в живота !
@ King Саудитска Арабия - на учителя , който съм Заменен тази година (и всички казват ) , този урок , че никога не е направил , както и на заместник-председателя , в действителност, ме обвиняват , казвайки: " Професоре, вие трябва да разберете , на студенти, които не се използват , за да направят клас религия ", но , от друга учителка , той също не го прави, урок , клас на религията. е в мъка, Защото , сега тя може да стане , много , унизително , неудобно , и , рязък , за него , сравнението между мен и него, и , след това , започна да ме клевети . хаха. За щастие, това , имам приятел като теб , които ти, може да ме разбере ! В действителност, дори и на пророк Еремия, където и той пламна , разпри , и , караници .. но , Това каза, на историята, на пророк Еремия, видях умират, всички тези за кого , той говори .. Всъщност, вие не сте, няма шанс да бъде в състояние да спре руските танкове и китайски .. , ако не и преди това , идвам да те убия , всички ислямисти , Ердоган луд, шериата нацистка , за да спаси , Израел, и на човешката раса.
@ King Саудитска Арабия, днес, в четвъртия си ITIS , на черната дъска " Лим " с ADSL, [ (връщане към живота - Resurrection : A Историята на ХХ век ) , A овчар умря , в Нигерия, автомобилна катастрофа , след четири дни , Бог го възкреси, с молитва , петдесятна , харизматична ], но , в Нигерия, където не е твоя, Боко Харам , те правят кланетата на християни мъченици , невинен ? -> Видеото се спира и cromium , даде преди , след , самостоятелно , 1. порнографски материали 2 . след това , сам [ Translate Google ( . ) ] четенето на Ave Maria , напротив ( богохулство , сатанизъм ) , а след това пише и чете: [ свещеник , трябва да умреш ] , и traslator чете , обаче , също така, ако аз имаше преди заглушен [ сега , аз казвам , ако си глупав ? Аз не съм виновен ! ]
[ @ Обама - ако вие също, че не плюе срещу Конституцията , както те направиха , Bush 322 , Kerry 322 , а след това , също така , можете да го направите , Изпълнителна заповед Кенеди 11 110 , за да спаси хората си ] го прескача бюджета на сделката : след " затваря " седемнадесет години държавата ... Вашингтон - ( Adnkronos / Ign ) - Конгресът не , намира споразумението за финансиране на държавната машина , а сега администрацията вече не е в състояние да плати най-много, на публичните услуги , с най-малко 800 000 , гражданското служители в риск. -> @ Обама - ако вие също, че не плюе , против, на Конституцията , както е направил , Bush 322 , Kerry, в фарисеите езотерични сатанински дневния ред ? След това , също можете да го направите , изпълнителна заповед Кенеди , 11 110 , за любов , вашите американски народи
[[ Popeye Obamacare , рискът Използвайте " shutdown" ]] @ ОБАМА , можете да станете , HERO ! Ако наистина обичаш хората , а ти си не друг , масон престъпник, като , Клинтън , Буш , Кери и др .. ? можете да отпечатате всички пари е необходимо, с помощта на изпълнителна заповед , от Кенеди , на 11 110 , само , че тогава не е нужно да се покаже , на обществени места, защото фарисеите просветени Anglo - American , Spa МВФ , FED ? Ще те застрелям !
[[ Провалът на Владимир Путин Барак Обама , в случай Сирия ]] Предложението на Кремъл да се сложи , под международен контрол на химическите оръжия Башар Асад се извежда начин " за Обама . Но дори и пречка за него - ОТГОВОР - Тази статия говори за слаб Обама .. но , на сила не би било , че , за да продължи унищожат , шиити , християни и в Сирия , която става самият Ал Кайда (от Обама , а, Osama ) ! Катастрофата на Обама , е идеологически и морално , той е враг , марионетка на еврейската християнска цивилизация , враг на монетарния суверенитет , истинска марионетка в ръцете на фарисеите , Spa , Banca свят , които искат да унищожат Израел, заедно , цялата човешка раса , но аз съм на еврейско- християнската цивилизация , която е , аз съм на човешката раса !
@ Путин - ти си голям пенис , без топки , ти си просто един жалък предател. никога не може да се спечели войната срещу фарисеите англо- американците , в действителност, да купите от тях, за да заинтересува парите си ..
30 септември PARIS , '' Извличане Силвио Берлускони заплашва стабилността на еврозоната '' - . ОТГОВОР - @ Illuminati фарисеите Bildenbeg , МВФ, ЕЦБ, ФЕД Spa , вие , масоните , сте приели , вземане на заложници , всички народи , в действителност, ти са откраднали всички тях, на паричния суверенитет ( сеньораж банкиране) , можете са откраднали от тях , тяхното бъдеще , и се надявам , всъщност, сте направили , хората , си роби ... [[ Е слуга , купуват пари, а е интересът роб заплащане .. не са човешки същества , вие сте чудовища на безмилостни престъпници, убийци .. ]]
@ Фарисеите , Rothschild Rochefeller , Bildenberg , Illuminati мръсни, прасета престъпници - това няма значение , че са лицемери , защото те не виждат порнография, вие сте винаги , подбудители ! защо на " наркодилър " , това е, ( собственик на нито един монопол , ( Spa МВФ) трябва да бъде господар на всичко , тя винаги е по- сериозна, че да направи потребителят " на лекарства ) в зависимост от вашите Тора ? сте били осъдени на смърт от мен. Всъщност, бях , подредени за вас, за да премахнете всички непълнолетни , порнография, а вместо това , също така , в порно сайтове , основни , бяха , все още се правят, деца. тогава, изречение ти до смърт всички тези педофили , също тези , които правят видео порно с деца , както и малолетни , все още трябва да ги .. убит от сатанисти
[ Иран, 200 бойни глави , в израелския ядрен арсенал ] Javad Zarif , министър на външните работи на Иран, по време на интервю с американската телевизионна мрежа ABC , - отговор - защото , ти си на нацистите , които измъчват невинни християнски мъченици , Близкия изток .. - Отговор - OK ! SE , е 200 , имам достатъчно !
30 Септември, 17:46 , нацистка Судан, без свобода на религията , Хартум , са публикувани в интернет, снимка шок, който ще покаже на жертвите на насилие потушаване на протестите в Судан от полицията .. - Отговор - @ 666 САТАНА , САЩ, МВФ , фарисеите англо- американците - в Судан , християни са били убити всички, и децата на християните , са били продадени като роби , Саудитска Арабия, така че можете да убие всички тях , с всичките си лъжи !
На 30 септември, 19:18 часа . Иран, Обама , Нетаняху , нищо , атомна , Ню Йорк, председател, ползване Барак Обама , е съгласен с израелския премиер Бенямин Нетаняху : ... Целта на Иран е винаги там , за да унищожи Израел '' ,'', каза Нетаняху . дрън, дрън , дрън , - ОТГОВОР - чакали , както беше Rothschild , който ви е научил да играе в масонството , дрън , дрън, дрън ? когато ядрената авария , че израелските разузнавателни служби ще , като авто - атака да направите , започнете агресия срещу Иран и ядрената световна война?
[ Политици, израелци ] от деня Шестдневната война , с връщането на египетската пустиня ? Ye са винаги в дневния ред на фарисеите илюминатите сатанисти ! Ако сте предатели ! вие сте най-голямата заплаха за Израел !
[ @ 666 , Обама , DATAGATE , -> Аз съм наистина ядосан , защото сте блокирали , моя OS , Linux мента 15] @ ми YHWH - като Израел, може да устои , че тя е толкова млада и малка , в лицето на злото , на 1 . Арабската лига и нейните съюзници , 2 . 666 фарисеи, англо американците , и всичките му , 3. политическа масоните корумпирани, които , всички заедно , заговор , съдебен заседател , предназначена да го унищожи , отново, в нова Холокоста ?
Premier , турска , ислямистка нацистка Салафи wahhadita , Реджеп Тайип Ердоган , се готви , бързо , във война и да се премахнат вътрешните напрежения се стреми също така да имат повече войници, повече пушечно месо , и избутва нагоре, вече си , а не огромна пренаселеност . [ Също , Мусолини направи същото ] 1 , [ Турция Ердоган реформи за кюрдите ]] 2 . [[ АНКАРА, Ердоган : три деца не е достатъчно , направи 4 ]] - отговор - ми @ YHWH , по-скоро , че инвестират в мир, и rinuncire , на шериата Арабската лига , реши да отиде надолу, във война срещу мен , за разширяване , на империализма , си престъпник, нацистка , религиозно откровение , за нищо на света !
@ Луд престъпник, ИРАН, за роби dhimmis --- I е предложен един съюз , който вече , това mornig , 1 . ви унищожи шериата , бързо , и , 2 . на унищожаване , масонска държава , Израел 3 . След това , ние правим на персийското царство , или на Палестина , заедно със Сирия , 4 . Аз съм вашият крал , - заключение - ако , ти приемаш този завет , можеш да живееш отново! Нали знаеш , за мен отговор на въпроса си , защото , за мен, не обича да чака .. I губят търпение, лесно
[[ ПАКИСТАН , ИСЛЯМ , Пешавар престъпник, цар , Саудитска , Саудитска , които сте направили , вашата религия , оръжие , за да рушат народи ! ако не го направиш , ти беше един демон , малкото зло? Сатанистите американците , DATAGATE , голямото зло , не, те ще бъдат , вашите съюзници ! ]] Повече кръв в Пешавар . Християните се молят за жертвите , и мир в страната. Вчера сутринта , кола-бомба порази, пазарен град , не , съвсем не , на All Saints Church , мястото на клането , от 22 септември . Най-малко 33 загинали и ранени , 70 , в третата атака, в рамките на няколко дни. The Bishop , на , Исламабад : " Пакистан е на кръстопът ; останат обединени , с тероризма . " Пешавар ( AsiaNews ) - Повече кръв, и насилие, в Пешавар , столица на Кибер Pakhtunkhwa , провинции на Пакистан, на театър, през последната седмица , на три, самоубийствени атентати , на , ислямистки произход. Вчера сутринта кола-бомба Изиграни в град пазар, избухна в пиков час , при което загинаха , 33 души , и , като контузи къпини , отколкото , 70 .
CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  1  Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. if, Nazism more dangerous seems to be: the Islamists, is why:the Nazism more deadly: occult has been: of Pharisees of the Talmud: Neturei Kerta, which are: those who planned: World War III, the destruction of Israel, and Islamic terrorism, etc. .. That is, the imperialist plans:of Satanists NWO! but the real power: of: IMF FED ECB, was made invisible: by the Freemasons politicians (from the foundation of the Bank of England: for the wickedness of the British royal family: and their religion parallel: of JabullOn), who made invisible, all structures, parasitic, anti-constitutional, ie, banking seigniorage (of which it is still forbidden to speak) that have them now, the Masonic system of power of all the false democracies, that: have won: the power absolute: To bring all peoples to the slaughter! because, without World War III? the IMF would collapse: it is full of financial bubbles, and derivates

il nazismo più pericoloso: sembra essere quello: degli islamisti, è: perché: il nazismo più letale: è stato reso occulto: dai farisei del talmud: Neturei Kerta, che, sono loro: quelli che hanno pianificato: la III guerra mondiale, la distruzione di Israele, e il terrorismo islamico, ecc.. , cioè, i progetti imperialistici: dei satanisti! ma, il potere reale: del: FMI FED ECB, è stato reso invisibile: dai massoni politici(sin dalla fondazione della banca di Inghilterra: per la malvagità: della famiglia reale britannica: e della loro religione parallela di JabullOn), i quali hanno reso invisibili: tutte le strutture, parassitarie, anticostituzionali, del signoraggio bancario(di cui: è ancora proibito parlare): che, sono loro: ormai, il sistema massonico di potere: di tutte le false democrazie: che: hanno conquistato: il potere assoluto: per portare tutti i popoli al massacro! perché senza la III guerra mondiale? il FMI crollerebbe: infatti è pieno di bolle finanziarie

sistema monetario, massonico, privato, SpA, signoraggio bancario

R:ozoneresearch ti ha inviato un video: "Ozone Therapy Information and What Happens With the Heart Live!"

1 /41 by  Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda.  by  Unius Rei king of Israel.  [Christian blood: in the: JEWISH RITES]: this: work: [the: BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES: of the: MODERN SYNAGOGUE. REVELATIONS: Neophyte: EX RABBI: GREEK MONACO:]? is: the: Reply to: this other masterpiece that: paradoxically is: fall: below the jerseys: of the: censorship: "[[[Ariel Toaff: Easter: of: blood: the Jews of Europe: and: ritual murder: the publishing company: the: Mill]: the: censorship: in: this: if: not: is: dull and ignorant: but: is: an ideological crime: why: the: Jewish bankers "Illuminati" have lost: the : forced complicity: of the: Jewish community: support: that: always: Their: enjoyed: for: all the throttling: peoples: an: that: to: spite: of: any Holocaust: or: shoah: made subject to the people elected: of the: our Patriarchs Abraham, Isaac: and: Jacob, the: hope of: Israele ..

2 /41 by  Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda.  by  Unius Rei king of Israel.  [Christian blood: in the: JEWISH RITES]: but: everyone knows: as, I am the: Jewish Messiah: Re: of Israel: and only king of the: Human Gender: unius REI. So: if: public self something? No one can contest to: me! because: the: intentions: of the: censorship: not: be: of: avoid: to: anachronistic anti-Semitism that: is: instead: Masonic physiological system: and: bank: of the: bank seigniorage! Ariel Toaff: is: the famous scholar of the illustrious Chief Rabbi: Judaism Italiano Representative: creator: of the: ecumenical language: His Holiness John Paul II .. Toaff is: my brother, because he like me is: to: Zionist: for: the: United: of: Israel]]] [[[Chapter XIII: Death: and: kill: for: love of God: ]]] the: BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES: of the: MODERN SYNAGOGUE.

3 /41 by  Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda.  by  Unius Rei king of Israel.  [Christian blood: in the: JEWISH RITES] REVELATIONS: Neophyte: EX RABBI: GREEK MONACO: the: title? is: it all a mental imbalance: but no one should think that: the: Something missing: of: logic: Their: problem is: represented: only: by: wrong reasons! Since: is: evident: that: I: not: I can kill (ie: violating the: 5 th commandment) to: innocent Christian child: that: the: His blood can cleanse me, from 3 rd commandment that: I I have done: not: respecting the: Saturday: (ie: to: to: sin more: for: purify: to: another sin less?: but: this: is: the: best way: for: received: to: "evil evil": ie: receive extraordinary generational curses: how to: say ": for: the: too much science is: become an idiot!").

4 /41 by  Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda.  by  Unius Rei king of Israel.  [Christian blood: in the: JEWISH RITES] As is: wrote: "I confound: the: wisdom of the intelligent but "...:: all: this: instead: is: more: that: logical: if: the: Talmud: that: for: all: the: Jews of the: world is: the: holy word of, God. he himself says that: the Christians are animals: in: human form! is: in: this: so: that: the: Christian children have replaced: the: lambs of the: Jewish Temple lost: and: the: adults: they replaced: the donkeys: how what: that: Rabbi naive is saying !: this means a document? is: real! These crimes? They are committed today as they made yesterday: and: will always be committed until the Judaism: not: decide: of: the repeal: Talmud: and: this: it can only be done under the authority: of the: king: of Israel !: but: think: that: the: Jews know: these topics?

5 /41 by  Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda.  by  Unius Rei king of Israel.  [Christian blood: in the: JEWISH RITES]: or: that: knowing them: not: be afraid: n: that: Their: of: to lose: the: life? is: madness! If: then: I: not: I forgive all: the: various categories of: cowardly traitors: if: repented: n: that: those: that: they went to: swear: for: Satan in the: Freemasonry? Then, I should be: worst of the 3 ° WW nuclear power: that: I am looking for: of: to avoid: to: all the: human race!: But: even crazier: is: thinking: that: the: expulsions of Jews from various countries: they're just: the: result: of: to: superstitious behavior: because we know how: is: serious: the: Catholic Church: in the: its pronouncements! An: that: if: the: ILLUMINATI: through: 5 centuries: of: this: our system: Masonic: and: Bank: destroyed: most of the: documents:

6 /41 by  Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda.  by  Unius Rei king of Israel.  [Christian blood: in the: JEWISH RITES] to:: Their: unfavorable: and: Their "tea: pure" have spread: evolution: and every form: of: perversion: and: Satanism: only : for: have: the: legal reasoning: of: to destroy: the: other Jews because we (all the: people) like animals: the: human form: us not: we have no right: by: to rely on : it: we were created: by: God only: for: being exploited by the Jews according to the ideology Babylonian of the: god Marduk: that: is: the: Denial: or: ideological opposition: of the: Genesis Biblical (and is, precisely: this: Satanism: that: the order and says: Babylonian Talmud: of: do that: it is: become: even: most important of the: Torah: in: all: the: community: Jewish: that: scattered: for: the: world!)

7 /41 by  Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda.  by  Unius Rei king of Israel.  [Christian blood: in the: JEWISH RITES]: and: for: what is: the creepy: that: said the: Talmud? Because he places only: the: background: of the: human sacrifice (LOL. I mean: of: animals: in: human form) of the: Blood: that: the lessons: that: not: they are discovered, they are passed on: only verbally: of: father: in: child (to: to: one son, possibly firstborn: but:: in: this: how: however: Their: not: include: of: they have become Satanists).: Their: power today : is: at the top: is: at the height: of: one: powerful Masonic pyramid: (the: masters of: all the: our money at interest (bank seigniorage): ie: very few: men: that: they are the: owners : of: at least: of the: 200% of the contract: Value: of: all the: money in circulation: in the: world) thanks to the traitors of the: political: of the: rich: and: of the: leaders:

8 /41 by  Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda.  by  Unius Rei king of Israel.  [Christian blood: in the: JEWISH RITES]: of: all the: world is: to: power: of: extermination of: all the: rich: against: all the: people: that: not: it can be challenged: human: that: not: it can be controlled by the institutions visible: all daughters of the: bank seigniorage: through: the: foundation: of the Bank: of England!: the: Illuminati: they have manipulated the: sources: of the: history: to:: Their: interest as well: an: that: the: the Catholic Church is: was forced to: lose: the: its ancient memory now aware: of the: his impotence: and: of the: useless: of: all the: of the centuries: fighting desperate: the: Masons: having taken the: possession: of the: power: of the: political betrayed: the: truth: since: Their: foundational principle : for: Their: economic interest: for: Their silks: of: power:

9 /41 by  Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda.  by  Unius Rei king of Israel.  [Christian blood: in the: JEWISH RITES] because they were: the: Jews to: create all: this: set to: communism: and: democracy. However: all: not: it can be destroyed: and every historian worthy: of: this: name: knows: the: acts: of the: court: of: Trent: and: of the: Martyrs four children: (CHIR: that : Italian TTI) approx: not: polarized: the Catholic Church!: tea: what the Catholic Church ever: In: 2000 years has done: to: ruling wrong!: but: Today, after centuries of: desperate and learn struggles: after: 600 excommunication: that:: against:: the: Freemasonry: the: the Catholic Church is: was reduced to silence: for,: the: men have decided, of: go to hell: in: Mass!: this: empire of the: evil: Hebrew: and: UK: bank: and: Masonic: Master: and: exploits: the: Human Gender: by: most: of: 500 years:

10/41 by  Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda.  by  Unius Rei king of Israel.  [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES]: for: religious reasons (rule: and: subjugate: all the: human race: in: name of the: ideology of the: Talmud)!: This: is : to: empire of the: evil: to: absolute power! Of which: the: Jews themselves: they are: the: intended victims: because: most: of: other: they betrayed: the: rigid moral dictates: that: of the: Rabbis "Pharisees" or: ILLUMINATI: imposed to: if: same: formally: hypocritical: and: in: fundamentalist way: as: as we shall see: in: this: long document: Their: using: the: blood of the Christians (animals: in: human form) that: Their : kill: can the:: this: to: to: purify the Their: sins: but: for: the: Torah condemns to: the death: wicked: of the: law: and: everyone knows: that: Their: not: believe the New Testament!

11/41 by  Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda.  by  Unius Rei king of Israel.  [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES]: the: religion he ILLUMINATI: Rabbis: and: Pharisees: not: it provides the: proselytizing: why: is: founded: on ties: of: blood only, because, is: the only religion that: prevents the: proselytizing: this: is: become: really: to: I hate absolute and invincible:: against: all the: human race: for: the: destruction of: all: the : Jewish bastards: ie: the: Jews: that: not: have lines: of: blood: that: exceed the:: 2500 years.: or: for: the: destruction of: all: the: Jews: that: have betrayed: the: Torah!: but: an: that: if: each document relating to the: crimes described: in: this means a document: they were destroyed? be enough: the: my word to authenticate the: this document: why I am the only man in the: history of the: Mankind:

12/41 by  Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda.  by  Unius Rei king of Israel.  [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES]: that: not: he needs: of: to demonstrate that: that: said: I am in fact: the: Metaphysical: unius Rei. is: the same Holy Spirit to authenticate: in: all: the: creatures: the: my authority! And to apply one: Judgement: of: destruction:: against: all the: rebel! Because: the: strength: of the: my political authority: it belongs: to the Kingdom: of God: and: not: is: due to my biological body: so: however: and: in: the way: the: my term : you can only use up: after the: the next 50 years! If: the: Jews knew: this: document: ie: about the: in the Christian blood: rites by the rabbis?: Their: they would know: that: are: for: die together to: all the: human race: and: this : is: the: reason: for: in: n: that: Their: not: they know nothing, but: this: document

13/41 by  Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda.  by  Unius Rei king of Israel.  [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] must include an: that: the Jews: of: that: What are all based: the: institutions: of the: world, with an: that: the: Their: naive complicity and what are: the: real reasons of: every: Shaoh: or: Holocaust: in: all: the: history of Israel (of the last 3000 years): because these criminals are: fanatics: that: they took the: control: of Israel: and they corrupt the: Jewish religion! So is: indispensable for: us of: go to the knowledge of the: the occult world of the Illuminati! Since: Their: I am still forced to: make these sacrifices: of: blood, because: not: know: to: another remedy: for: Their: sins: and: for: Their: diseases! "In the: Blood there 'is: the: life" says the: Bible! Honestly: I: not: believe: that: I will be hated by: Their:

YouTube Rewind 2012


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    1 secondo fa

    @ Russia - what, you are a bitch! you want to sell, also, my comment, to recover your money, to Cipro, from the IMF 666? how, you has to sell, your sailors, killed, into nuclear submarine? Certainly, for a prostitute like you, everything has a price! then, you too will soon go to destruction with all, your money, cursed by Satan, IMF god owl JabullOn! but, if, you do not destroy the IMF? War III world, Necessarily, needs to be addressed! and then, that Matter to us if all Muslims together with Israel, were exterminated all togheter? no! to me, it matters, Because That Is My Own Kingdom of Palestine!


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    25 minuti fa

    @ Russia animals - dirty! lol. is because last night, you saw a home movie porn, for that matter, that the Enlightened: 666 Pharisees of the IMF, they decided to punish you to Cyprus? .. that's for sure! with, three scams, that is, three false accounting, the IMF, took control of all power, for all those, who want to be blackmailed (intelligente, smart, IMF is Iran), is the true arbiter of life and death, of all human beings, on this planet .. but, then, what's wrong if the Holy Talmud, said to do so? goyim are not only the animals in human form?


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    2 ore fa

    because the money from god-Rothschild 666, god Baal OWL is created, really, since by "nothing"? then: there is no interest, of give, due to "nothing." then: is the debt: public, and, as the debt: private, are the greatest wear and, big usury, of the story .. This said, the scientist Giacinto Auriti, therefore: the case of Cyprus, was planned: to "punish" Russia! in fact, as: it is easy to show: there are too many steps: where it is essential to do the accounting fraud: in the monetary system .. because: the money is created out of nothing, but then when, is purchased with: government bonds, the budget is closed: zero! then, where it ends, then, the first 100%: of money of the world? (Source: scientist Giacinto Auriti)


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    2 ore fa

    poiché, il denaro dal dio-Rothschild 666, god Baal OWL, viene creato, veramente, dal: "nulla"? poi non è dovuto nessun interesse al: "nulla". quindi il debito pubblico, ed il debito privato sono la più grande usura, strozzinaggio della storia.. questo ha detto lo scienziato Giacinto Auriti, di conseguenza il caso Cipro, è stato pianificato per "punire" la Russia! infatti, come è facile dimostrare sono troppi i passaggi dove è indispensabile fare falso in bilancio nel sistema monetario.. perché il denaro viene creato dal nulla, ma, poi, quando viene comprato con i titoli di Stato, il bilancio viene chiuso a zero? dove finisce, il primo 100% del denaro di tutto il mondo? (fonte: scienziato Giacinto Auriti)


    NoahTheNephilim ha pubblicato un commento

    8 ore fa

    il caso CIPRO? è l'unica soluzione agli squilibri, che, il criminale sistema monetario: massonico, privato SpA, del signoraggio bancario, ha creato.. diversamente? è la guerra mondiale la sola soluzione!

14/41 by  Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda.  by  Unius Rei king of Israel.  [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] as: n: that: Their: want to be helped: Their: would like to go: by: this: Their Part VIII: Jason: ie: abyss: of: despair: in: Satan holds them captive in the same! [For: the: institutions have prevented: the: presence: of the: this document: in: a: text: in: all the: web.: For: valid reasons: in fact: not: there is: in: this: document : one: logic: of the: mutual acceptance: or: of the: recognition: of the: their truth: between Jews and Christians: but: seen this attitude of: excommunication intolerant: and: mutual (between Christianity and Judaism). Positions, now surpassed them: the story of: the two religions. However, the: danger is: that: this: boring: and: repetitive document: by: I summed up (in the parts: not: significant):

15/41 by  Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda.  by  Unius Rei king of Israel.  [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] can stir up: to: new: late: the anachronism: anti-Semitism in the: social component! An: that: why:: the: real culprits: of: all: this: they are only, one: a special class of: Rabbis. Also: how is: explained: in: this: document: an: that: by the author: there are very few: the: Jews: that: they do: and: that means that they have: of: these crimes: ugly: to: because: of the: few: of: Rabbis mondialists: globalists: the: masters of the: World Bank: IMF. ie: of: the great Jewish bankers: that: indeed: Their: Satanists are: from our point of: view: but: Puritans are: of the: real gurus: from: Their: point of: view: for, are: the: scribes: and: the: Pharisees: that: they took the: control: of the: Jewish religion.

16/41 by  Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda.  by  Unius Rei king of Israel.  [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: Jewish rites] so: this: document: Been is:: by: I had prepared: that: it is known to the Jews, because: they are: Their:: that: they must have: in: courage: of: the emergence, from: Their: subconscious: the: nightmares: the most horrible of: to: Their: the ancestral past (today: and: that: for: the: next: 365 days: Their: not: they have : still nothing yet: by: fear: first: that: the: great fear is once again wide open!) because: contrary?: not: there could be: to: future humanly possible: I: for: Their How, Nean : that: for: us.: if: the: history: not: he wants to be revived: in: one: even more dramatic: and: devastating: to: of the reason: new technologies of: destruction: and: of: mind control: and: spiritual. I will: and I will have to be: the: Re: of Israel!

17/41 by  Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda.  by  Unius Rei king of Israel.  [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] Because: the: ILLUMINATI: MAY: entrust: Their: lives: only in my hands! Therefore: this: document: not: is: One: Threat: for: what: that: jew: but: we all have to be: close to:: Their: for: to make you feel:: Their: all the: our love: and the: our encouragement!: this: is: strategic in: no way: the: Jews must feel threatened: because: Their: instinct: of: self-protection: and: of: survival, they would flee again: in: themselves: ie: in the:: Their: obscure subconscious is: come the: moment: for: all:: all the: world of: understanding: that: we are one: one family: since no one could be sure: by: alone!: or: if: the: Safety: of: someone is threatened!

18/41 by  Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda.  by  Unius Rei king of Israel.  [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] here is why:,: Their: not: they can go: by: this common threat: no: of: us: and: us not: we may be saved: no: of : Their no one could do it: by: alone! since: is: the curse: for: ILLUMINATI: that: kill us all: all together! So: in: these days we can only hope: that: something: of: strategic: you can move between: the: Jews! Since: n: that: the last bastion for: in: our defense: the: the Catholic Church is: was gagged: and: not: always to: wrongly discredited! When: every historical document relating to the: Christian blood: in the: Jewish rites: destroyed! well: in: this: so: is: unthinkable: groped one: contrast: an anachronism: when that was impossible: on the: street: of the: violence!

19/41 by  Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda.  by  Unius Rei king of Israel.  [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES]: but: we can: with the: our sincere love in the spirit of Jesus: Gandhi etc. .. we may believe: that: is: can one construct: Company: World: finally humanizing: the: secular society: of the: universal brotherhood! tea: this document: fills us: of: horror: for: the: innocent: that still today are sacrificed: but: it fills the: pity: and: of: emotion: in the: consider: as the: Jewish system International: IMF-New World Order is able to reach: to: to: level: of: Satanism so great: and: despair: not: is: can face: this: work: not to keep the stomach: in: hand: as: in : these topics are widely exceeded the: human limitations: for: all of these fields: that: occult

20/41 by  Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda.  by  Unius Rei king of Israel.  [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES]: that: have been taken up and amplified an: that: from U.S. institutional Satanism: and: now European ciois: tea: about 200,000 human sacrifices: of each year: the facts : for: the: power: of: Satan, as the FBI: he said: of: Do as: that: not: able to: find out: to: only culprit: for: all those crimes: and it is Been:: made: to: real army: of: Satanist: that: is: so: tenacious: convinced that: Satan will be to: win: Against: all the: human race: it is: to:: this: trustworthy staff: that: have been entrusted to: the: secret weapons: and: strategic: that: U.S. Army: how, even: that: the: management of the: underground bases: alien: and: of the:: Their: flying saucers!! if: the: Jews: not: have the: courage: of: addressing:

21/41 by  Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda.  by  Unius Rei king of Israel.  [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] this: Their: darkness: ie: of: having tea: heartbreaking task: and: sad: of: to bring to light all: the: wounds: of: to: Their : the distant past: and: of: to: Their: abysmal: and: dark subconscious? So: not: there is one more: hope: for: all the: human race!: But:: that: it represents: the: dark and hidden: reality: of: some: of: Their: ie: more men powerful: of the: planet! Right: of: those: that: have interest primarily to: know: for: it emerge from the subconscious to the conscious! All the: crimes reported: in: this means the document are true: and: they are still committed: of: hidden: by: this: select group: of: perverse fanatics: the: who misrepresent: the: Password: of: God revealed: because the: Talmud: and: the: cabal:

22/41 by  Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda.  by  Unius Rei king of Israel.  [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] took the: control: of: all: the: our institutions through: the: Freemasonry and the: bank seigniorage! One: Indication: for: all: "Who: not: believe: that: both: the: his compassion: and: the: to his mercy: to prevail?: not: read: this means a document: why: would: of the: evil only to: him! "Is: a reputation for: in: All: youtube: for: all these years: in:the lorenzojhwh "I have exercised: the: my ministry political and: Theological: unius Rei: for: about 6 hours: every day: such as I have been gifted by God: of: One: detail: as rational intuitive feature: the: Metaphysics: for: to be me: the: legendary: and: mythical figure: of the: King metaphysical UNIVERSAL : the only leader: of: all the: human race.

23/41 by  Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda.  by  Unius Rei king of Israel.  [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] here is why:: to: spite: of: any documentation: destroyed by the current masters of the: world ie: from REAL principals: and: authors of: all these crimes: I can testify, through: the: authorities: of: this: my ministry: that: all the: facts described: in: this means the document are true: own: the: good faith of: those: that: they believed : of: the attribution: an: that: the Jews: the: unfounded guilt: of the: missing if any: of: what: that: person:: improperly! I write this: document: mainly: for: the: Jews only: because: Their: is power: real and is: to top: that of the: our Governments: and: of the: our religions: it is: now: to: universal power: they are: Their: that: they must decide: then:

24/41 by  Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda.  by  Unius Rei king of Israel.  [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] tea: our common destiny: and: must express: the: determination: of: wanting to quit: by: this curse: or: of: wanting to fall: of: new: set : to: all the: people: in the: well-deserved divine punishment: Since the last word will be the: of: to: God the Creator: angry: for: to have done: of: he: perfect: love: and: perfect justice: to: god of: horror: and: of: cruelty: therefore: not: is: can hope for: the: mercy: by: the: of: those: that: they put on the God of Abraham: the: mas: that: ra horrible of Satan himself: Talmud: Reincarnation: Sharia: communism! We need: of: understanding: that: n: that: the: Jews are people like us ..: that: the: extreme tests, to: which: the: Jews were subject: why,: Their God:

25/41 by  Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda.  by  Unius Rei king of Israel.  [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] YHWH has abandoned them: after: that:: Their: they had betrayed the: covenant: and: committed: the: Idolatry: opposing the Torah: the: of the oral tradition: : Their: rabbis (which resulted in the: Talmud): We do: not: we can judge: the: history: but: we can: and we must: be responsible for: for: the: of the future: our children! here is why: this means the document is: important!: not: we can say it: the: Jews have had one: terrible story ..: that: brought them appropriately (racism) and unjust (libel): several times: verge: of the: extinction: this: is: to: Their: problem!: and: this: not: to: our interest in: Their: Please! Moreover, the: our aid in the:: Their: against: not: is: motivated only: the fact: that: Their: are the: Our masters:

26/41 by  Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda.  by  Unius Rei king of Israel.  [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] ie: the: masters of the: IMF-New World Order, and have tea: real power: on every strategic resource ..: but: why: we all must love one another: the: one: for: the: .. other: not: we can think of that: the: problem of: a: not: is an: that: the: problem of: everyone! Thus, the incredible Jewish condition: enabled: to: occult system: of: management: of the: horrible secret ": that: alone can justify the: bank seigniorage: ie: of the: most important institution: of the: world : but: of: which is: not allowed to talk about it publicly! What: that: Error: of the: present work: are: the: complexity of the: statements contained herein!: but: us not: we are Nazis for: fall as: stupid: in: this trap of hatred: and: of the: Racism! ie: the: old: and: false accusation of: feel guilty: all: the: Jews:

27/41 by  Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda.  by  Unius Rei king of Israel.  [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES]: of the: crime: of: extermination of the: people: to: reason: of the: bank seigniorage! Slander real: to: turn: Indoor by: so many other lies: and: superstitions: Crime: that: today is: committed by the globalists themselves: of the: IMF: but: that: as yesterday, and an: that: today again will be charged: to: the all: all nations (Jews included). Indeed, to date: is: the deafening silence: of: all: the: institutions: and: of: all: the: religions: about to:: this: crime: of: bank seigniorage: why: these Jews Satanists called enlightened: after destroying: the: Catholic monarchies: that: then: Their: they gagged: the: Catholic Church: this: after centuries of: bloody struggles: and: hundreds: of: unnecessary excommunication: that: by: the Catholic ...

28/41 by  Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda.  by  Unius Rei king of Israel.  [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES]: that: then: this: enormous crime: of: vilification: against: all sovereignty Constitutional: with: the: Jews: not: a lot has to do: is: demonstrated the fact: that: the: Jews innocent were put to death too easily: though innocent! since: is: only the: Satanism ideological and: practical of Rothschild: 666,: and: of the: his partner: of: snacks: 322: Bush! By: this: document?: In the: network is: can only: to find images for: in: format: pdf.] Time: that: of: this work: that: in: with text: is: so: by: think : one: My first fruits: or: to: my intellectual property: because: to: me, nothing can be denied! So: this: my work is: to "unique literary": for: in: of: this: document is: granted unless:

29/41 by  Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda.  by  Unius Rei king of Israel.  [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES]: the: play: or: Publication: or: dissemination of the entire document for: in: machine-readable form: including: of: all: the: added: or: comments.: the: reflections: as: the: subtraction: by: I have made: for: practical reasons?: not: disrupt the: content: of: this: repetitious: and: stucco: that: Vole: document: so: of the: present Intellectual property: is: forbidden: thus: the: partial reproduction: or: the: edit: is: of the: his translation: that: of the: My interpretation: everything is: bound: and is: of: owned: of the prof. Lorenzo UniusREI Kingdom: that: the: yield: to: free of charge: the world like any other document: of the: history: that: is: and: remains: Heritage: of: all the: human race! All: the: authorities are requested: of: to enforce the: my rights!

30/41 by  Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda.  by  Unius Rei king of Israel.  [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] [[: this means the document is: strictly prohibited to minors: and to: all: the: people: that: they think that: not: is love: and: tea: perfect equality: between: the: men: the: unique solution to: all the: ills: of the: world]] the: BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES: of the: MODERN SYNAGOGUE. REVELATIONS: Neophyte EX RABBI: MONACO GREEK: for: the: FIRST TIME: Display:: ITALY: THE GREEK VERSION: of the: Professor NFS [[Believe in extravagance: of: this: document? it seems really hard!: but:: if: these Jews were imprisoned: in: ghetto: and: if: they were frequently expelled from the nations? something of: The monster must be really existed: in the: Jewish society ..: if: these monstrosities: always existed: or: if: were: the: result: of the: persecution:

31/41 by  Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda.  by  Unius Rei king of Israel.  [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] resulted from the accusation of: to be God-killers?: This: I said not: I know!: But: what: that: not: it must never be forgotten is: an: that: all: the: incredible violence and injustice: that: this: people wandering: the minority has had to endure: and: bear! because: not: it may be doubted: of the: seriousness of the Church Catholic: and: of: all the: its "official pronouncements" and: n: that: if: this: document: is: now: obviously anachronistic : it must be known .. why:: something: of: monstrous by: here is: derived: ie: the: bank seigniorage: modern: that without this explanation: not: it may have no other explanation ..: this: is: that: Been is: planned : for: crush: in: silently: all the: people: n: that: and: above:

32/41 by  Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda.  by  Unius Rei king of Israel.  [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] the: valuable (if: believe: of: to be elected were: for: the show to the world: holy face: of the: law: and: of the: Justice: of God? thn ok!): or: deadly (if they are convinced, as racists: of: one:: Their: boasted: genetic superiority: or: theological) people of the Jews: that: it must have: priestly duties: and: right: for this: because: become: the real victims: of this: Jewish bankers Satanists: of the: IMF: NWO. How to: all: the: tragedy of the: people "elected" showed: because: Their: curses predate the founding: of the: Christianity] [the: censorship? is typical: of the: most devastating: and: criminal, dictatorial regime: since only the criminals are afraid: of the: truth: or: of: to: historical document that: to:their: say not has the most: to: social interest:

33/41 by  Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda.  by  Unius Rei king of Israel.  [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES]: but: this: is: the: dramatic truth: we are: in: One: false democracy of the: system: bank Hebrew: and: Masonic: ie: of the: bank seigniorage: that: Been is: robbed to: all of us: by: everyone: that: have perjured himself on the:: Their: Constitution!] [if I say, not: I will be unius Rei: and: Re: of Israel? Few of: you can survive in: this already planned nuclear WW 3 rd: of: all the: great Masons: how Albert Pike that: the their knew: projects, including: the: destruction of the State: of Israel: to: no one could think of: in the: first: of the: 1900] [nothing is: the most devastating of the: racism: i: of the: to conceive: if: more than the same: to: another man: for: one : what: that: motivation: ethnic politics: ideological or: religious! As is: this diabolical:

34/41 by  Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda.  by  Unius Rei king of Israel.  [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] comes to influence: for do of God (: or: the supreme authority of the philosophy):also a racist but: this is: one: total perversion blasfemy apostasy .. why: is: necessarily unique: the source: of the life!]] is astonishing today: theological ignorance: of the author: of: this document: that: he was one collective ignorance: that: led: the Jews in Their despair: So the Christians: not: able to understand: how: Their same could be the: same cause of attitudes of: reaction only: that: the: characteristic of the Jewish people is of: remember: and: of: celebrate: this remember! Here is why: the: capacity: of: to forgive is harder: for: Them that: not for: us! (This means the document is: now here to be found: in: Internet: in: textual form: to: reason: of the: Jewish censorship: and: Masonic: however, to: me:

35/41 by  Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda.  by  Unius Rei king of Israel.  [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] "lorenzojhwh" political Ministry: and: theology: for: the: universal brotherhood in: youtube: nothing can be denied: for I am the very: Re: of : Israel planned: by God: for: the: salvation of the human race: the planned nuclear WW 3 °! and: if: these heinous crimes have disappeared: or: are the: Heritage: of: any psychopath: the: atmosphere: of: racism: that is: a fact: of the chosen people: to: because: of the: Talmud: and: of the Kabbalah: is real!): if: this: the phenomenon is: become invisible as the: 200,000: human sacrifices to Satan: the: reason is: given only by the fact: that: when you enter in 'horror: the human mind: for: protect: Itself: by the madness is: forced: in: to automatically: one to process:: of: removal: of the: horrible horror.

36/41 by  Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda.  by  Unius Rei king of Israel.  [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES]: and: as the: wild rabbit: that: the ermine sees jump: but: paralyzed, that him not: can move any more .. since the scale of level of: his fear is: so high: that: the: fear is removed: lost: is so: for the: social body every opportunity of: reaction! One FOLLOWS: APPENDIX HISTORICAL: LAWN: TYPOGRAPHY ALREADY: that: TTI, C. & SON .1883 .. Portrait of the: Monaco greek: Neophyte former: Moldavian rabbi. "Benedictus Deus here vult omnes: Salvos homine proud." the: BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES: of the: MODERN SYNAGOGUE: *** Editor's Preface Italian: Neophyte Monaco greek: born jew: in the: Moldova: to: the: half: of the: last century, turning: if: the same: by: Rabbi: in: Christian: in the: her age: of: thirty-eight years, he published in the: 1803: in: Moldovan language:

37/41 by  Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda.  by  Unius Rei king of Israel.  [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES]: to: its very important: not: not: that: curious: booklet entitled: by: him: "'Rebuttal: of the: religion of the Jews: and: of the: Their: rites with demonstration of the S. Writing old: and: new. "". the: which, translated: in: modern greek: by: John of: George and: n: that: by: other: in Arabic, was published several times to: Nafplion: of Romania, to: Constantinople and elsewhere: in: East: in: various: and: copious editions. All of course: they were to: slightly to: little: and collected: destroyed by the Jews, of course very interested to: to wipe every trace of the: revelations: this: the book contains: about: tea: secret of Their: bloody ritual : of: which: former Rabbi Neophyte concerns: the: the clearest evidence: and the: minute detail: is known: that:

38/41 by  Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda.  by  Unius Rei king of Israel.  [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: Jewish rites] in the same: East: now: not: if: it is now, almost more than yours ... "The: reason of: the shortage: is: gold jew: that: try corrupts" make disappear from the world: even: the: heart. "Among us, then: in: West: and: especially: in: Italy, we believe: that: very few, they are: that: to only know the existence of: this: booklet. Is true: that : I talk: I quoted: several traits: Achille Laurent, member: of the: Eastern Company, to: page 378: and: following: of the Volume: 2 °: of the insignia of his works: Relation historique: des affaires de Syrie depuis 1840: jusqu'en etc. 1842. Paris, Gaume 1846;: and: that: by: he copied it:: that: one: part: the: Mr. Gougenot in the des Mousseaux: her: the: Juif: the Judaism: and:Judaisation:

39/41 by  Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda.  by  Unius Rei king of Israel.  [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] des peuples Chretiens, Paris: Plon, 1869.: But: as well as: an: that: these two works: and especially: the first: of the Laurent: I now exhausted and: arduous to be (no doubt: for the same gold jew: of sake),: not: quote them: that: a few lines: of the: booklet: of Neophyte, ever want to leave to you: his knowledge fuller. To obtain: the: what we could, for first for of the: aforementioned: character: of: Damietta: the: copy of which they held: one copy in the Arabic version: there'll dispatch one: its Italian version: tea: what, strictly speaking, there would have been sufficient: for this purpose: but: it is, after other research: that: come: in: possession: of: one exemplary Greek edition PRESENTED: to Constantinople: in the: 1834: in the: patriarchal printing:

40/41 by  Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda.  by  Unius Rei king of Israel.  [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] Mr. John, of: George: above: (already mentioned above);: and: got the document: by: a learned professor: one: of new version (identical: at, in the: concepts, sent to us by: Damietta) believed the come: time should be: of: submit: the: the: that: it is our purpose: to all readers: Italian , Christians and Jews .... etc. .. continues .. etc. .. [[@ ComunitaEbraicaRoma, 2628342 .-- brothers! I have: the: my divine nature: and: the: my perfect: and: dynamic: Perpetual: sanctification only thank to Jesus: of: Bethlehem, the Christ! However, I as Toaff? we are Zionists: for: the: kingdom of Israel! is: for: this: love: that: I have given up on my: identity: Nationality: Religion! What: that: you see: of: me? is: only an: envelope! I have become: truly:

41/41 by  Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda.  by  Unius Rei king of Israel.  [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] the: heart: of the: world: is the: universal brotherhood! is: come: for: you: the: moment of: delete from your symbol: the: star: of: Satan: of six points: Rothschld: that: is: the: IMF-World Order! the: work: that: I'm doing: is: the labor pains: the more more painful work of the: my life .. but: I: not: publish it: on the: your page: to ensure that: all the : the world knows: that: I've decided: of: not: moving: against: you, no charge! no guilty!]] is God? he said to: me: that: not: has never let these crimes of to go unpunished! God is: in: control: of the: history! you not: be afraid! why:: not: kill me: the "Illuminati"?: why, Their power is an absolute power: and: why: no dog: of: Judge: or: of: politics: never lend the his attention: at the my words!

41/41 by  Unius Rei king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF agenda.  by  Unius Rei king of Israel.  (a) [conclusion] [Christian blood: in the: JEWISH RITES] Israel is: one: beautiful woman and I are to: male rough: not: is: easy: for: me: Do the: pampering: etc. ..: or: go to: home carrying: one: flowers: ecc.. but:: in: Compensation: I am invincible in the: my loyalty: it goes further: the: death! this: they know in the Kingdom of God: and: know: also: in my country: Grumo Appula: is: by: 5 centuries: that: in the: my genealogy is: been called: "Larinz fdel" ie: Lorenzo the: FAITHFUL! Me: not: betray: and no one potrabbe betraying me, because everyone knows: that wrath of: one: King alone: Unius Rei: not: leave: in: feet: no also the: forest! I am meek ​​as Moses, but: like him not: I have a: problem: the killing: guilty: for: the: My law is universal: the: law: of the: eye for an eye!: The: translation: of: this: item will be on "rrmbgpym": while: in: Italian language is: to "shalomnaumann"

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Posting Date
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: A Man-Made Cup In Pennsylvanian Coal?February 11, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Hands-Down EvidenceFebruary 7, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Trilobites UnderfootFebruary 4, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Getting A handle On Ancient Dinosaur SightingsFebruary 2, 2013
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Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: The Willett PrintJanuary 25, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Throughout The Geologic ColumnJanuary 23, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Cro-Magnon ManJanuary 16, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Neanderthal ManJanuary 14, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Homo ErectusJanuary 11, 2013
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Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: The Tuang ChildDecember 28, 2012
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: IntroductionDecember 26, 2012
The Model, Episode 4


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the King Unius Rei

the King Unius Rei
universal brotherhood