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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Jews. Mostra tutti i post

584, Jews, Palestinians, sulfuric acid, dissolve corpses

    @youtube-  Rei Unius♥King of Israel alleluia!♰[Psalm 116] [1] Alleluia. I love the Lord hears the cry of my appeal. [2] To me he turned his ear the day when I called him. [3] I clutched rope of death, I was caught in the toils of hell. My sorrow and distress [4] and I call upon the name of the Lord: "Please, Lord, save me." [5] The Lord is good and right, our God is merciful. [6] The Lord protects the simple: I was helpless and he saved me. [7] back, my soul, to your rest, because the Lord has been good, [8] he has taken from me by death, freed my eyes from tears, has kept my feet from stumbling. [9] walk in the presence of the Lord land of the living.

    il caso CIPRO? è l'unica soluzione agli squilibri, che, il criminale sistema monetario: massonico, privato SpA, del signoraggio bancario, ha creato.. diversamente? è la guerra mondiale la sola soluzione!

♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?  make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..

    ♰@Youtube-  ReiUnius. ♥ hallelujah.King of Israel! [Psalm 145] O God, my king, I will extol and bless your name for ever and ever. [2] I will bless you every day, praise your name for ever and ever. [3] Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise, His greatness is unsearchable. [4]. One generation shall laud your works, declare your wonders. [5] proclaim the splendor of your glory and tell of your mighty deeds. [6] They say your awesome power They speak of your greatness. 7] They will recall your abundant goodness; acclaim your justice. [8] The Lord is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, abounding in love. [9] The Lord is good to all, his compassionate to all creatures. [10] I praise you, Lord, all your works and thy saints shall bless you. [11] They shall speak of the glory of your kingdom and tell of your power,

 humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?  make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..

    ♰@Youtube-  ReiUnius. ♥ hallelujah.King of Israel! [Psalm 145][12] to make known to men your mighty deeds and the glorious splendor of your kingdom. [13] Your kingdom is a kingdom of all ages, and your dominion extends to every generation. [14]. The Lord upholds all who fall and raises up all who are bowed down. [15]. The eyes of all look to you in hope and you give them their food in due time. [16] You open your hand and satisfy the hunger of every living thing. [17] The Lord is righteous in all his ways, holy in all his works. 18] The Lord is near to all who call upon him, to those who seek Him with a sincere heart. [19] fulfills the desires of those who fear him, he hears their cry and saves them. [20] The Lord protects all who love him; but all the wicked. [21] Let me speak the praise of the Lord and all flesh bless his holy name, forever and ever.

 humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?  make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..

    @SpammerTubber --  there is not a heaven waiting for you. but there is only destruction! The whole universe is the thought of God! Now it is not possible for a thought to leave the head or have an independent life! אין גן עדן מחכה לך. אבל יש רק הרס! היקום כולו הוא המחשבה על אלוהים! עכשיו אין זה אפשרי עבור מחשבה לעזוב את הראש או יש חיים עצמאיים!

 humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?  make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..

    @ SpammerTubber -  רק כת השטן צריך להתבייש להיות כת השטן ... לא כל האחרים! יש לי תרופה טובה לכולם! אבל לך יש לי רק את הרעל! אתה רשע! אתה לא יכול לקרוא? יהודים הם כולם אנשים טובים! רק הם מצעדי בלובי האליטה או רק יהודים הבונים החופשיים plutocratic להיות כמוך! זה להיות כת השטן!

 humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?  make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..

    @ SpammerTubber -  only Satanists should be ashamed to be satanists not all the others! I have a good medicine for everyone! but for you I only have the poison! @ SpammerTubber -  solo i satanisti si devono vergognare per essere satanisti non tutti gli altri! Io ho una medicina buona per tutti! ma per voi io ho solo il veleno!

 humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?  make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..

    @ SpammerTubber -  You are evil! You can not read? Jews are all good people! only They are the elite or only Jewish-Masonic lobby plutocratic marches to be like you! That is to be Satanists! @ SpammerTubber -  Tu sei perfido! Tu non sai leggere? G gli ebrei sono tutte brave persone! Sono le elite : soltanto o lobby ebraiche-massoniche plutocratiche ad essere marce come te! Cioè ad essere satanisti!

 humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?  make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..

    @ SpammerTubber -  you're not happy? Satanists all want to die young! and so deliver the ultimate act of fidelity to Satan! ok, fine: it's time for your happiness now! @SpammerTubber --  tu non sei contento? tutti i satanisti desiderano morire giovani! e così esprimere il supremo atto di fedeltà a satana con il sono della vita! ok, bene: è arrivato il momento della vostra felicità, adesso!

 humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?  make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..

    @ SpammerTubber -  איך אני אסיים את התהילים של דוד? אני יכול להגדיל את הקורבנות שלי בין כל החברים שלכם ברחבי העולם בשמו של ישו! השהאדה היא הכוח של הנצרות! זו הסיבה הבונים החופשיים כת השטן של קרן המטבע, כלומר את הלובי היהודי, למנוע אלימות, אבל לפעול עם עורמה, כך שהוא יכול להחיות אנטי ציונות חדשה. הנאור להשקיע על השחיתות: אימה פורנו, ואת ליל כל הקדושים שבה אלינו הוטל, עדיין, זו "מפלגה" לא שייך לתרבות שלנו. אם הלובי היהודי לא לחזור? לא, הם לא חוזרים! כי המטרה האמיתית שלהם היא שואה חדשה של יהודים. העובדה שהם יהודים, לא לומר כי הם לא כת השטן!

 humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?  make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..

    @SpammerTubber --  How I'll finish the Psalms of David? I may increase the my victims among all your friends around the world in the name of Jesus! martyrdom is the power of Christianity! That is why the Freemasons and Satanists of the IMF, ie the Jewish lobby, avoid violence, but act with guile, so that he can resurrect a new anti-Zionism. The enlightened invest on corruption: horror porn, and halloween which to us was imposed, yet, this "party" did not belong to our culture. If the Jewish lobby do not go back? No, they do not go back! Because their real goal is a new holocaust of Jews. The fact that they are Jews, not to say that they are not Satanists! During the desperation of a world war? The unthinkable happen!

 humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?  make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..

    ♰@Youtube-  ReiUnius. ♥ hallelujah.King of Israel! [[Psalm 144] [1] Alleluia. Blessed be the Lord, my rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle. [2] My blessing and my fortress; my refuge and my release, my shield in whom I trust, who subdues peoples under me. [3] Lord, what is man that you care for him? A son of man that you are giving thought? [4] The man is like a breath, his days are like a passing shadow. [5] Lord, lower your heavens and come down, touch the mountains and they will smoke. [6] Your enemies disperse lightning, shoots arrows, sconvolgili. [7] Lay down your hand, scampami and save me from deep waters, from the hands of foreigners. [8] Their mouth says lies and raising his right swear falsely.

 humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?  make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..

    ♰@Youtube-  ReiUnius. ♥ hallelujah.King of Israel! [ [9] My God, I will sing a new song; I'll play for you on the ten-strings; [10] to you, who dedicated the victory to your own, that free David your servant. Save me from the sword unfair, [11] deliver me from the hand of foreigners; their mouth tells lies and their right to perjure. [12] Our children are like plants grown in their youth; our daughters as corner columns in the construction of the temple. [13] Our granaries are full, overflow with fruit of every kind; are thousands of our flocks, myriads in our countryside; [14] are full of our oxen. No breakthrough, no raid no cry in our streets. [15] Blessed is the people who owns these goods: Happy the people whose God is the Lord.

 humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?  make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..

    ♰@Youtube-  ReiUnius. ♥ hallelujah.King of Israel! [Psalm 142] [2] With my voice I cry to the Lord, with my voice, I pray the Lord; [3] before him pour out my complaint, before thee vent my anguish. [4] While my spirit fails, you know my path. In the path where I walk I have laid a snare. [5] Look right and see: nobody recognizes me. There is no escape for me, no one cares for my life. [6] I cry to Thee, O Lord; I say: You are my refuge, you are my fate in the land of the living. [7] Hear my prayer: I brought very low. Save me from my persecutors because they are stronger than me. [8] out of prison my life, because I give thanks to your name: the righteous will crown me when you will grant me your grace

 humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?  make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..

    ♰@Youtube-  ReiUnius. ♥ hallelujah.King of Israel! [Psalm 141] Lord, I cry to you, haste to help me; Hear my voice when I cry. [2] rise like incense to you my prayer, my hands like the evening sacrifice. [3] Place, Lord, an enclosure to my mouth, monitors the door of my lips. [4] Do not let my heart bent on evil unfair and perform actions with sinners: I do not enjoy their delicious food. [5] I smite the righteous and the faithful reproach me, but the oil smells ungodly not my boss; between their wickedness to continue my prayer. [6] from the rock were thrown their leaders, I had heard that sweet words. [7] and crack open the earth, their bones were strewn at the mouth of hell. [8] To you, O Lord my God, my eyes are turned; I take refuge in thee, spare my life. [9] Keep me from the snare that I tend, ambushes by the wrongdoers. [10] The wicked fall together into their networks,but I will pass over unharmed.

 humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?  make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..

    ♰@Youtube-  ReiUnius.  ♥  hallelujah. King of Israel! [Psalm 139] [1] To the choirmaster. Alleluia. Psalm. Lord, you search me and know me, [2] you know when I sit and when I get up. My thoughts from afar, [3] examine me when I walk and when to rest. We are known all my ways; [4] my word is the language and you, Sir, already know it all. [5] Behind and in front of me round and set your hand on me. [6] wonderful for me your wisdom too high, and I do not understand it. [7] Where to go from your spirit, where can I flee from your presence? [8] If salmogo in heaven, you are there; if I go down to Hades, here. [9] If I take the wings of dwell in the uttermost sea, [10] even there your hand shall lead me and thy right hand shall hold me. [11] If I say, 'Let only darkness cover me and around me be night, "; [12] even the darkness to you are obscure, and the night is as clear as day; Darkness and light are the same.

 humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?  make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..

    ♰@Youtube-  ReiUnius.  ♥  hallelujah. King of Israel! [Psalm 139] [13] For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. [14] I praise you because I have a wonderfully made; Wonderful are your works! You know me through. [15] you were not hidden my bones. When I was made in secret woven in the depths of the earth. [16] have seen my unformed your eyes all are written in your book; my days were shaped, even when no one came. [17] How deep to me are your thoughts, how great their number, O God; [18] into account if they are more than the sand I think if they finished with you yet. [19] If God suppress the sinners! Get away from me, bloody men.[20] They speak against you with deception: rise up against you with fraud. [21] do not hate, maybe, Lord, those who hate you and do not hate your enemies?

 humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?  make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..

    [22] I hate them with perfect hatred as if they were my enemies. [23] God, examine me and know my heart, test me and know my thoughts: [24] See if I enter a path of lies and lead me in the way of life.

 humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?  make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..

    ♰@Youtube-  Unius Rei  ♥ hallelujah King of Israel! [Psalm 138] Music [1] Alleluia. I thank you, Lord, with all my heart: you heard the words of my mouth. I will sing to you before the angels, [2] I bow down toward your holy temple.I give thanks to your name for your faithfulness and mercy: You made your promise greater than any fame. [3] On the day when I called, you answered me, have increased the strength in me. [4] I will praise you, Lord, all the kings of the earth when they hear the words of your mouth. [5] will sing God's ways, For great is the glory of the Lord; [6] The Lord is high and looks to the humble but the superb turns his gaze from afar. [7] If I walk in the midst of misfortune you are breathing life back into me; against the wrath of my enemies, stretch out your hand and thy right hand shall save me. [8] The Lord will complete its work for me. Lord, your love endures forever: not to abandon the work of your hands.

 humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?  make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..

    ♰@Youtube-  Unius Rei  ♥ hallelujah King of Israel! @Pacovl8 -- BURN BABYLON!-I do not need to kill the Illuminati, in fact they are killing themselves, but are not aware!! --  [Psalm 137] [1] By the rivers of Babylon, we sat there crying when we remembered Zion. [2] the willows of the land hung our harps. [3] asked us words of song those who were deported, songs of joy, our oppressors: "Sing the songs of Zion." [4] How to sing the songs of the Lord in a foreign land? [5] If I forget you, Jerusalem, is paralyzed on my right; [6] I will stick his tongue to the palate, if you drop your memory, if we do not Gerusalmme above my chief joy. [7] Remember, O Lord, the children of Edom, On the day of Jerusalem, said: "Destroy, destroy even its foundations. " [8] The daughter of Babylon devastating Blessed is he who will make what we've done. [9] Blessed are those who seize your children and slam them against the stone.

 humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?  make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..

    religion is a powerful institution should not be demolished but purified. About only a fool can not understand as the Church is the best /most proportions of GOOD What would our nation without the parishes? la religione è una istituzione potente non va demolita ma purificata. Riguardo alla Chiesa solo un folle non è in grado di capire le proporzioni di BENE cosa sarebbe la nostra nazione senza le parrocchie?

 humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?  make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..

    WeShallFightOn SAID: I'm sorry, i really am. You say for the survival of mankind, the ONLY way mankind will survive is if it evolves (sorry) out of the delusion that is religion. it's a fairy tale. No offence. -ANSWER-  I'm sorry, i really am. What are the "monopolist fossil"? and the "nephillim? and the findings in the metallurgical coal - fossil "? etc. .... here in youtube, we have many videos, so you can begin to have a different perspective. # grid/user/978512115F36DDC8 please. You know, like all fathers of modern science? they were creationists! Evolutionism? is a conspiracy: the Illuminati Jewish Masonic Satanists of IMF-NWO

 humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?  make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..

    ♰@Youtube-  ReiUnius. ♥ hallelujah.King of Israel![Psalm 149] [1] Alleluia. Sing to the Lord a new song; his praise in the assembly of the faithful. [2] Let Israel rejoice in its Maker, delight in their king the sons of Zion. [3] Let them praise his name with dancing with tambourine and harp. [4] The Lord loves his people, He crowns the humble with victory. [5] the faithful exult in glory glad arise from their beds. [6] The praise of God in their mouth and two-edged sword in their hands, [7] to deal out vengeance to the nations and punish people; [8] to shake their heads in chains, and their nobles in fetters of iron; [9] to perform o n the court they already wrote: This is the glory for all his faithful. Alleluia.

 humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?  make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..

    SpammerTubber @ - השטן הסתלק ! אתה רוצה בישראל, רק בגלל שאתה רוצה להמשיך לפגוע בכל אלה אנשים טובים הם אחיי היהודים והפלסטינים. וגם כי אתה פוחד מכך, כל יהודי בעולם יכול לחזור! השטן אין מקום בשבילך בממלכה שלי! יש לי חדשות בשבילך! כל אחיי היהודים יחזרו פלסטין, כי זה יהיה סוף סוף להפוך לגן עדן של אלוהים עבור כל מי שנראה? הם יאמרו, "זו באמת היא ארץ הקודש!"

 humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?  make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..

    @ SpammerTubber - Begone Satan! You want Israel, just because you want to continue, to hurt all those good people, who, are my fellow Jews and Palestinians. and also because you're terrified of the fact that, all the Jews of the world can come back! Satan there are no place for you in my kingdom! I have news for you! All my fellow Jews will return to Palestine, because it will finally become a paradise of God for all who shall see? they will say, "this really is the holy land!"

 humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?  make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..

    @ SpammerTubber - Vattene satana! Tu vuoi Israele, soltanto perché tu vuoi continuare a fare del male a tutta quella gente buona, che sono i miei fratelli ebrei e palestinesi. e anche perché tu sei terrorizzato del fatto che, tutti gli ebrei del mondo possano ritornare? Satana non c'è posto per te nel mio regno! io ho una notizia per te! Tutti i miei fratelli ebrei torneranno in Palestina, perché sarà finalmente diventata come il paradiso di Dio. tutti quelli che la vedranno? potranno dire: "veramente questa è la terra santa!"

 humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?  make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..

    ♰@Youtube-  ReiUnius. ♥ hallelujah.King of Israel! [Psalm 148] MUSIC [1] Alleluia. Praise the Lord from heaven, praise him in the heavens. [2] Praise him, all his angels, praise him, all his hosts. [3] Praise him, sun and moon, praise him, all you shining stars. [4] Praise Him, highest heavens, you waters above the heavens. [5] Let them praise the name of the Lord for he commanded and they were created. [6] has established them forever, asked a law that does not pass. [7] Praise the Lord from the earth, you sea monsters and all depths,

 humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?  make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..

    ♰@Youtube-  ReiUnius. ♥ hallelujah.King of Israel! [Psalm 148] MUSIC [1] Alleluia. [8] Fire and hail, snow and fog, stormy wind fulfilling his word, [9] and all ye mountains, hills, fruit trees and all of you, the cedars, [10] you shows and all the beasts, winged reptiles and birds. [11] The kings of the earth and all peoples, the rulers and judges of the earth, [12] and young girls, old with children [13] Let them praise the name of the Lord: because his name alone is exalted; his glory is above earth and heaven. [14] He raised the horn of his people. It is the praise of all his faithful, for the children of Israel, the people he loves. Alleluia.

 humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?  make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..

    ♰@Youtube-  ReiUnius. ♥ hallelujah.King of Israel! [Psalm 147] [1] Alleluia. Praise the Lord, it's nice to sing to our God, sweet praise as he should. [2] The Lord builds up Jerusalem; gathers the outcasts of Israel. [3] heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds

 [4] he counts the number of stars and calls each by name. [5] Great is the Lord Almighty, his knowledge has no boundaries. [6] The Lord lifts up the lowly but the wicked down to the ground. [7] Sing to the Lord a song of thanks, hymns sung on the lyre to our God [8] He covers the heavens with clouds, prepares rain for the earth, makes grass sprout on the mountains. [9] provide food to the cattle, to the young ravens which cry out to him. [10] does not account the effect of the horse, does not appreciate the nimble human race.

 humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?  make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..

    ♰@Youtube-  ReiUnius. ♥ hallelujah.King of Israel! [Psalm 147] [11] The Lord delights in those who fear him, of those who hope in his grace. Praise the Lord, Jerusalem praise your God, Zion. [13] He has strengthened the bars of your gates, among you has blessed your children. [14] He makes peace in your borders he feeds you with finest wheat. [15] sent to earth to his word, His message runs fast. [16] He sends down the snow like wool, as scatters frost. [17] He throws the hail like crumbs, in front of her who resist frost? [18] sends forth his word and melts, does the wind blow and the waters flow. [19] declare to Jacob his word, his statutes and his ordinances to Israel. [20] He has done with other nations; has not indicated to them his decrees. Alleluia.

 humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?  make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..

    ♰@Youtube-  ReiUnius. ♥ hallelujah.King of Israel! [[Psalm 146] [1] Alleluia. Praise the Lord, O my soul: [2] I will praise the Lord all my life, long as I live I will sing praise to my God [3] Do not trust in princes, a man who can not save. [4] breath, they return to clay on that day all his plans. [5] Blessed is he whose help the God of Jacob; those who hope in the Lord his God, [6] Creator of heaven and earth, the sea and all that. He is forever faithful, [7] does justice to the oppressed, gives food to the hungry. The Lord sets prisoners free, [8] the Lord gives sight to the blind, the Lord raises up those who fell, the Lord loves the righteous, [9] The Lord protects the stranger, he sustains the orphan and the widow, but the way of the wicked. [10] The Lord reigns forever, your God, O Zion, through all generations.

 humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?  make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..

    1. LOL. כמו המפלצות יכול לעשות דברים יפים? 2. LOL. מה יפה בבית הקברות? שלך טינופת! 3. מה אתה אומר שאני חלש? אם תפגוש אותי אז היית יודע בבית פעם אחת שלך היא גיהינום "היא גהנם, שבו תולעת שלהם לא ימות, והיכן הלהבה היא לא כבתה." הגיהנום הוא עונש מידתי כדי אכזריות שלך & בגידה! למען האמת, אין לישראל זכות קיום מבחינה משפטית, אבל יש זכות קיום, רק מלכות בית המקדש היהודי. אם היית קורא את התורה? אז אתה לא תהיה כל כך בורים!

 humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?  make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..

    @ SpammerTubber - 1. lol. as the monsters can do beautiful things? 2. lol. What's beautiful in the cemetery? Your filth! 3. What do you say I am weak? If you meet me then you would know at once the your house is hell "is Gehenna, where their worm does not die, and where the flame is not extinguished." Hell is the punishment proportionate to your cruelty & Betrayal! In truth, Israel has no right to exist legally, but has a right to exist, only the Kingdom of the Jewish Temple. If you were to read the Torah? then you would not be so ignorant!

 humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?  make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..

    @ SpammerTubber -  1. lol. come i mostri possono fare le cose belle? 2. lol. cosa c'è di bella al cimitero? Il tuo putridume! 3. Cosa ti dice che io sono debole? Se tu mi incontrassi poi sapresti subito casa è l'inferno: "è la geenna, dove il loro verme non muore, e dove la fiamma non si estingue!". l'inferno è la punizione proporzionata alla vostra crudeltà & tradimento! In verità, Israele non ha diritto di esistere giuridicamente, ma ha diritto di esistere, solo il Regno del Tempio Ebraico. Se tu leggessi la Torà ? poi tu non saresti così ignorante!

 humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

YouTube Rewind 2012

    @ Russia - what, you are a bitch! you want to sell, also, my comment, to recover your money, to Cipro, from the IMF 666? how, you has to sell, your sailors, killed, into nuclear submarine? Certainly, for a prostitute like you, everything has a price! then, you too will soon go to destruction with all, your money, cursed by Satan, IMF god owl JabullOn! but, if, you do not destroy the IMF? War III world, Necessarily, needs to be addressed! and then, that Matter to us if all Muslims together with Israel, were exterminated all togheter? no! to me, it matters, Because That Is My Own Kingdom of Palestine!

    @ Russia animals - dirty! lol. is because last night, you saw a home movie porn, for that matter, that the Enlightened: 666 Pharisees of the IMF, they decided to punish you to Cyprus? .. that's for sure! with, three scams, that is, three false accounting, the IMF, took control of all power, for all those, who want to be blackmailed (intelligente, smart, IMF is Iran), is the true arbiter of life and death, of all human beings, on this planet .. but, then, what's wrong if the Holy Talmud, said to do so? goyim are not only the animals in human form?

    because the money from god-Rothschild 666, god Baal OWL is created, really, since by "nothing"? then: there is no interest, of give, due to "nothing." then: is the debt: public, and, as the debt: private, are the greatest wear and, big usury, of the story .. This said, the scientist Giacinto Auriti, therefore: the case of Cyprus, was planned: to "punish" Russia! in fact, as: it is easy to show: there are too many steps: where it is essential to do the accounting fraud: in the monetary system .. because: the money is created out of nothing, but then when, is purchased with: government bonds, the budget is closed: zero! then, where it ends, then, the first 100%: of money of the world? (Source: scientist Giacinto Auriti)

    poiché, il denaro dal dio-Rothschild 666, god Baal OWL, viene creato, veramente, dal: "nulla"? poi non è dovuto nessun interesse al: "nulla". quindi il debito pubblico, ed il debito privato sono la più grande usura, strozzinaggio della storia.. questo ha detto lo scienziato Giacinto Auriti, di conseguenza il caso Cipro, è stato pianificato per "punire" la Russia! infatti, come è facile dimostrare sono troppi i passaggi dove è indispensabile fare falso in bilancio nel sistema monetario.. perché il denaro viene creato dal nulla, ma, poi, quando viene comprato con i titoli di Stato, il bilancio viene chiuso a zero? dove finisce, il primo 100% del denaro di tutto il mondo? (fonte: scienziato Giacinto Auriti)

    lorenzojhwh  by  Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.

♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?  make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..

566, reason, extermination, camps, Jews, swindling, gentiles right

10/05/2013. ITALY, IRAQ, [@Salafiti, farisei --- tacete cani, voi avete tradito, troppe volte, voi siete gli assassini, di Gesù, e quindi, gli  eterni assassini di ebrei, e  cristiani] Chaldean Patriarch, martyrdom , charisma and gift of the Iraqi Church
by Joseph Mahmoud, At the conference for peace promoted by the Community of Sant'Egidio , Mar Sako stresses that martyrdom " is not an ideology or aim ," but " an everyday reality " of testimony. His Beatitude invites "persecuted Christians " to renew " their faith and their commitment " and stresses the value of their presence in the Middle East as a "sign of hope and peace." Rome (AsiaNews ) - The " martyrdom " is " the charism of our Church " in Iraq , a country in which faith "is not an ideological issue " but

 ITALY, IRAQ, [@Salafiti, farisei --- tacete cani, voi avete tradito, troppe volte, voi siete gli assassini di Gesù, e quindi, gli  eterni assassini di ebrei, e cristiani]" a mystical reality " the result of " a personal encounter with Christ." For this reason " persecuted Christians " can help our brothers and sisters around the world to " renew their faith and their commitment ." These are some passages from the address of the Chaldean patriarch of Baghdad , Mar Louis Sako, at a conference held recently in Rome , on the occasion of the XXVII edition of the International Meeting of Prayer for Peace promoted by the Community of Sant'Egidio. His Beatitude then emphasized the importance of the support of the West, which is a source of "courage" to " resist and stay in our land and in our churches "

 ITALY, IRAQ, [@Salafiti, farisei --- tacete cani, voi avete tradito, troppe volte, voi siete gli assassini di Gesù, e quindi, gli  eterni assassini di ebrei, e cristiani] in the face of persecution and violence that have almost halved the population in 10 years. The 2013 edition of the international meeting , held in Rome from September 29 to October 1, focused on the theme : "The courage to Hope - Religions and Cultures in Dialogue" . The meeting was attended by 400 representatives of the major religions and representatives of European political and cultural life and from 60 countries across the world. An event that renews the "spirit of Assisi" , the destination of yesterday's pilgrimage by the Pope in the footsteps of Saint Francis . Among the topics covered in the three-day conference the 50th anniversary

 ITALY, IRAQ, [@Salafiti, farisei --- tacete cani, voi avete tradito, troppe volte, voi siete gli assassini di Gesù, e quindi, gli  eterni assassini di ebrei, e cristiani] of " Pacem in Terris " , the crisis in the Middle East and the role of religions in Asia. In his speech Patriarch Sako pointed out that " for us Christians of Iraq , martyrdom is the charism of our Church, dating back more than 2 thousand years. As a minority, we are continually faced with the difficulties and sacrifices, but we are aware that, being a Christian is not an easy choice, being a Christian really means to incorporate in Christ to be His witnesses, and can mean coming to the end, "to martyrdom".  Martyrdom is not an ideology or a purpose as some people think, but it is a choice and a commitment.

 ITALY, IRAQ, [@Salafiti, farisei --- tacete cani, voi avete tradito, troppe volte, voi siete gli assassini di Gesù, e quindi, gli  eterni assassini di ebrei, e cristiani] So martyrdom is a daily reality". In a country torn apart by violence and sectarian, ethnic and political clashes Mar Sako said that martyrdom is the "absolute expression " of love for Jesus , as witnessed in October 2010 by Fr. Wassim in the Syrian Catholic cathedral in Baghdad when he cried out to the terrorists "Kill me, but free the faithful. He knew what he is saying: It is his commitment as a shepherd and as a lover of Christ and of his own parishioners." The testimony of Iraqi Christians can help the faithful of the whole world " to find a meaning in life ," explains the Chaldean Patriarch , according to whom the prayers and celebrations "

 ITALY, IRAQ, [@Salafiti, farisei --- tacete cani, voi avete tradito troppe volte, voi siete gli assassini di Gesù, e quindi, gli eterni assassini di cristiani, ed ebrei] are strong and privileged moments of celebration, hope and joy." At the same time, the friendship and solidarity of the West are a source of courage to "resist and stay." Lastly , Mar Sako renews his call to Christians in the Middle East to " continue their testimony " , looking at suffering as " a true sign of hope and peace ." He asks the laity to be "more involved and active in the cultural , social and political development of their countries and not to be afraid to claim their civil rights and equality of citizenship ."
     Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. 2628342 ----- il ghetto: non era una forma di disprezzo: ma, una forma di protezione dei cattolici: contro: la malvagità del Talmud.. purtroppo: i rabbini kakam: Illuminati: ordinarono: che fosse messa la cera: nelle orecchie: degli uomini: che: erano costretti: ad ascoltare le prediche settimanali: in giorno di sabato.. questi sermoni: non erano fatti: con lo scopo di convertire al cristianesimo, poiché: erano dei sermoni: predicati: dai più famosi studiosi.. era un tentativo culturale: di fare comprendere: tutte le menzogne del talmud.. e il suo satanismo! Nella speranza, che, potesse sorgere un movimento culturale umanistico: tra gli ebrei... ma questa è l'unica verità.. gli ebrei sono sotto ipnosi: infatti: nessuno di loro ha potuto: parlare con me


     Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  2628342 ---- How could: the ministers of God: like you, tolerate, to be the accomplices and even be the supporters: the most powerful form: of Satanism, that, has ever existed in the history of mankind? Since: Popes and the Catholic Monarchs: they knew: very well: 1. [[as you have washed: your sins in the blood of Christian babies: lambs: animals in human form,]] 2. [[All the hatred of your Talmud]]: it is clear they thought they could control this situation .. but now they are all dead! But, without love (mercy and compassion) of the Catholic Church and the Catholic Princes: to: our shared patriarchs, etc. .. etc. ..? today would not exist: one only jew: into the world: such as you have been cursed mightily: by IMF: Illuminati rabbis kakam:: scribes and Pharisees! ! Now, return to us: the gift of life that has been done to you: you take down: you destroy the IMF!


     Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. Israele----- Isaia 22  Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. youtube ----- Giobbe: 35


     Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  youtube ---- you can go to hell: you too! I do not: not are: too good: how, was good: Noah: who: him: he could talk to animals: how could he do also: St. Francis of Assisi! I say that you are a satanic beast of an animal: you're worse than an animal! for making this site: full all: this satanism: and all full: this pornography! and to have believed you too: the scam: at the evolution: that is the religion: of IMF.. that: is: crime ideological of: Satanism: of: the IMF: the new: Tower of Babel: I will not write: no more: of this page: because: even your days were been numbered: in fact, the wrath of God is against you, too .., since you are the system of the NWO: Also!


     Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  IsraelNationalTV ---- with this declaration of war world: against: you, and against everyone: leaders, politicians and elite of all the world: guilty and  accomplices: of Satanism: of banking seigniorage(IMF NWO): synagogue of satan: ie new Babilon Tower? I Unius Rei: I the, Kingdom of God: JHWH:Today: 03.03.2012: I'm leaving: of the your page: and: from page of youtube/youtube


     Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  IsraelNationalTV ---- with this declaration of war world: against: you, and against everyone: leaders, politicians and elite of all the world: guilty and accomplices: of Satanism: of bankink seigniorage(IMF NWO): synagogue of satan: ie new Babilon Tower? I Unius Rei: I Kingdom of God JHWH:Today: 03.03.2012: I'm leaving: of the your page: and: from page of youtube/youtube!  Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. IsraelNationalTV ---- con questa dichiarazione di guerra: contro: di te, e contro tutti: i leader, politici ed elite del mondo: complici del satanismo di signoraggio bancario? io Unius Rei: oggi stesso:03.03.2012: io abbandono: la tua pagina: e la pagina: di youtube!


    [Fuck you! ]  Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  IsraelNationalTV ---- is also guilt of your complicity in the IMF: if the whole human race will be destroyed! I unius Rei: the legitimate sovereign: and legitimate representative: of the Kingdom of God on earth: I sentence you to destruction, along to all my enemies! [fottiti! ]  Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  IsraelNationalTV ----è anche colpa: della tua complicità al FMI: se tutto il genere umano: andrà distrutto! Io Unius Rei: il legittimo sovrano: e il legittimo rappresentante: del Regno di Dio: sulla terra: io condanno a distruzione: tutti i miei nemici!


    [You no longer have a life! ]  Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  IsraelNationalTV ---- Boy you a journalist: thou art lost! because: all of our: institutions, and all our: religions or have been shaped (invented: as: capitalism, communism: new age: Satanism Freemasonry: Trilateral Bildenberg: Aliens) or reshaped (corrupt: changed: as was the case: to have cursed all religions and all institutions) all this was because of: banking seigniorage: the IMF, that is: Satanism ideological and practical! your: leading elite and rabbis? they sold you: to: 1. destruction and: 2. ruin your life! you for your silence, that: even: you! why, thou hast made: for yourself, the accomplice of all this: Satanism! so all of your inheritance: (A). is: political-natural (B). such as supernatural divine is lost!


    [You no longer have a life! ] Because, you like all journalists in the world: you have sworn to Satan in Freemasonry: and doubly: as a jew you: you also have: betray your people (Israel's hope) you have violated: the Alliance: of Moses : done: on Mount Sianai! you has hiding: this crime: of: banking seigniorage: ie: the crime, of: 1. high: Treason: against God: 2. high: Treason: against: the Constitution! What, you might survive, if the enlightened: they need: 3nd WW nuclear: and if I: unius Rei: the Kingdom of God: I need: the 2nd World War: [After: The Flood: Universal]. why: in this: the Illuminati Satanists rabbis: they have achieved: their total victory: "The social fabric: of all world: has become: so rotten, that: it can not be mended: repaired. it waits to be: only: to be burned by fire ! "


    [ tu non hai più una vita! ] Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. IsraelNationalTV ----- ragazzo tu giornalista: tu sei perduto! poiché: tutte le nostre: istituzioni, e tutte le nostre: religioni: o sono stati plasmati(inventate: as: comunismo capitalismo: new age: satanismo massoneria: Trilaterale Bildenberg: Alieni): o riplasmati(corrotte: modificate: come è avvenuto: per avere maledetto: tutte le religioni: e tutte le istituzioni) tutto questo è stato per colpa del: signoraggio bancario: del FMI: che è: il satanismo ideologico e pratico! i tuoi: leader elite: e rabbini? loro hanno venduto: alla: 1. distruzione e: 2. perdizione la tua vita! è per la tua omertà: che: anche: tu! tu hai fatto: di te stesso: il complice di tutto questo: satanismo! così tutta la tua eredità: (A). è: politica- naturale: (B). come: soprannaturale divina: è andata perduta!


    [ tu non hai più una vita! ] perché tu come tutti i giornalisti del mondo: voi avete giurato: per satana nella massoneria: e doppiamente: tu come ebreo: tu hai anche: tradito il tuo popolo(la speranza di Israele): tu hai violato: la Allenza: di Mosé: fatta: sul Monte Sianai! nascondendo: questo crimine: di: signoraggio bancario: cioè: il delitto di: 1. alto: tradimento: contro di Dio: 2. contro la Costituzione! come, tu potresti sopravvivere: se gli illuminati: hanno bisogno della: 3°WW nuclear: e se io: Unius Rei: il Regno di Dio: io ho bisogno: della 2°guerra mondiale: dopo: il diluvio: universale. perché: in questo: i satanisti rabbini Illuminati: loro hanno ottenuto: la loro totale vittoria: "il tessuto sociale: è diventato: così marcio: che: non può più essere rammendato: riparato. esso attende di essere: soltanto: bruciato dal fuoco!!"


    [[org/deport-muslim-extremists/]] Fellow patriot, "'Strict Muslim' raped four women at: "knife point" to 'punish them for being on the streets at night'," reads the headline in the Daily Mail."Sunny Islam, 23, who comes from a strict Muslim family, dragged his terrified victims - including a 15-year-old - from the street at knifepoint, bound and assaulted them during a two-month reign of terror.""Islam, who told the jury he was a practising Muslim, was convicted of seven charges of rape, one of sexual assault and one of kidnap."This horrific case is a damning indictment of the chronic lack of respect for woman that lurks in extremist Islam. These Muslims feel they have a right to ignore the values and laws of the United Kingdom and enforce their own medieval, Middle Eastern barbarism on women!


    [[org/deport-muslim-extremists/]]Fellow patriot, One of Islam's victims said, "He treated me like an animal and made me feel worthless - I thought I was going to die." Britain First has had enough of Muslims abusing our benefits system whilst preaching hate against our country, or abusing our soldiers on homecoming parades, or burning poppies on Remembrance Day, or letting off bombs on our underground transport system...our battle cry is 'DEPORT MUSLIM EXTREMISTS - NOW!' Please click on the link below and sign our petition - we will be delivering this to the Home Secretary Theresa May in two weeks time. Remember, this could easily have been your daughter, your sister, your mother or your wife....don't delay, sign today! britainfirst . org/deport-muslim-extremists/ ... Yours sincerely: Paul Golding: Chairman, Britain First


    [[World War 2: of the Kingdom of God: after the Universal Flood!]] ---- It's because of the IMF: ie banking seigniorage: that is been stolen and transferred: by Jewish bankers: against all peoples: that: all (morally economically culturally ) will: always bad to worse, and always will be everything for the worse: so: behind this monetary depression? there can only be: the catastrophe of nuclear WW 3 °! here's why: I have sworn, by the living God of Israel: and in fact: it is for this reason: that: I have: most: I'll get my bloodbath: but, to the future?: my bloodbath is against: all the rich: and against: all the enemies of God!


    [[World War 2: of the Kingdom of God: after the Flood Universal!]] ---- Is not correct: that: always, the innocent must die .. now, is the time to do a little justice on this planet, God has promised: to me: 500 million: of deaths, as well: the time has come for God: to pay debts HIS: ie: that is: He: JHWH: has contracted with me! ♰ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ♰ [♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♚] PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB"Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★: ReiUnius♰:King♥:Israel:♥Mahdi


    [Each year 160,000 Christians are martyred killed out: of hatred for Christ]: These are the: 50 Most Criminals Nation: in the world:1. North Korea;2. Iran;3. Saudi Arabia;4. Somalia;5. Yemen;6. Maldives;7. Mauritania;8. Afghanistan;9. Bhutan;10. China;11. Laos;12. Uzbekistan; 13. Pakistan;14. Turkmenistan;15. Eritrea;16. Comoros;17. Chechnya;18. Iraq;19. Qatar;20. Egypt;21. Algeria;22. Azerbairgian;23. India;24. Myanmar;25. Libya;26. Nigeria;27. Oman;28. Kuwait;29. Brunei;30. Sudan;31. Tajikistan;32. Tanzania;33. Turkey;34. United Arab Emirates;35. Morocco;36. Cuba;37. Djibouti;38. Jordan;39. Sri Lanka;40. Syria;41. Tunisia;42. Biellorussia;43. Palestinians;44. Bahrain;45. Bangladesh;46. Ethiopia;47. Indonesia;48. Kyrgyzstan;49. Kenya;50. Vietnam. I swear by the living God: in Jesus' name: the blood of martyrs will suffocate you. I come to snatch your soul: "You will soon go down to hell!" "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★: ReiUnius♰:King♥:Israel:♥Mahdi


    [Declaration of War: World: against: all the criminals on the planet:] I: Unius REI: The Kingdom of God: and: the King of Israel: I declare war: against: Sharia Talmud Kabbalah: seigniorage banking: IMF FED ECB! Services: secrets! Elite Leader: Politicians! all ideologies and religions: ie: anyone: that: they conduct criminal .. will be beaten to death: Illuminati Freemasons: Satanists: all thieves, liars parasites: the exploiters and speculators: usurers: pornographers .. Will be hit: affected: both: in mode individual: that: all nations: in the name of Jesus.: I has command: to: angels: and: to demons: and: they run: at my command: Until: at time of your death: that comes: as: against all my enemys .. Amen .. Alleluia: hallelujah .. drink your poisons: made ​​by yoursef! son of the evil demon, hell is: your home, of despair: your eternal destiny and immediate!


    DECLARATION OF: WORLD WAR]: lorenzojhwh BY: KING OF PALESTINE: AND: ISRAEL, AGAINST: The 50 nations: that they are criminals, why do not respect, the freedom of religion! I have done evil: to all those criminals: who have overthrown: the Cross ♰ [♚ MENE ★ ★ Techel PERES] ♰ ♰ PAX CSPB CSS MLND SMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ "Drink your poisons made ​​by yourself" by ★ ♰: Rei unius: ♥ king ♥: ♥ Israel Palestine Mahdi .. I have done wrong: to the All Those: criminals: who the cross HAVE: Toppled ♰ [♚ MENE ★ ★ Techel PERES] ♰ ♰ PAX CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ "drink your poisons made ​​by yourself" by ♰ ★ ReiUnius ♥ ♥ King ♥ Mahdi Israel


    [DÉCLARATION DE GUERRE]: des lorenzojhwh: Contre: 50 nations: qui sont les criminels: pourquoi, ne respectent pas la liberté de religion! J'ai fait l'erreur de tous ces criminels qui ont renversé la croix ♰ [♚ MENE ★ ★ Techel PERES] ♰ PAX ♰ SSPP CSS MLND SMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ "Buvez votre poisons faites par vous-même" par ♰ ★: Rei unius: ♥ Roi ♥: de: Israël, la Palestine ♥: Mahdi: Messie juif: Amen: au nom de Jésus! alléluia


    between: 300 years: about: evil ends, because: the Messiah: will returns: Findings for the univeral! end: every form of evil .. because it will change the biology of the creatures that have earned eternal life! In fact, we will all: below the guidance of the spirit: as: unfortunately: today we are all, under the guidance of the soul or psychic mind: that: it is an ally of sin! tra: 300 anni: circa: il male finirà: perché: il Messia ritorna: per il Giudizio univerale! finirà: ogni forma di male.. perché cambierà la biologia: delle creature: che avranno meritato la vita eterna! infatti, noi saremo tutti: sotto: la guida dello spirito: come: purtroppo: oggi: noi siamo tutti: sotto la guida dell'anima o mente psichica: che: è alleata del peccato!


    CINA -- VATICANO Mons. Savio Hon: Libertà per i vescovi e i sacerdoti arrestati, fa bene anche alla Cina di Bernardo CervelleraAnche se il governo non dà risposte né alla Santa Sede, né ai diplomatici, né ad amici del Vaticano e della Cina, è importante che "nessuno li dimentichi". La risposta ufficiale del governo cinese quando si chiedono notizie è sempre: "Non sappiamo". "Occorre anzitutto pregare", "ma occorre anche appellarsi a coloro che li detengono". CINA - VATICANO Appello: Vescovi e sacerdoti scomparsi o detenuti in prigione, a casa per il Capodanno cinese di Bernardo CervelleraIn occasione dell'Anno del Dragone, AsiaNews chiede al presidente Hu Jintao e all'ambasciatore Ding Wei la liberazione di tre vescovi e sei sacerdoti cinesi scomparsi nelle mani della polizia o nei campi di lavori forzati.


    [[Publishing by St. Paul]] films: "Christian history: Pope John Paul I "-----. he saved the life of a group of Jews: "I beg you: do not denounce you: Rabbi says: tomorrow: we will depart for Switzerland!" The risk was enormous: that is, to lose the diocesan seminary: as well as life itself .. because: these Jews had refugees: in the basement of the seminar .. unfortunately: the same day: they irruption: raid: the Nazis as well: already a jew was disguised as a priest .. Albino Luciani: took all of them suffered in the Church: and pretended: to administer baptism: The person responsible: of the group of Jews: said, "because you: that: is a Catholic priest: she risks his life for us?" .


    [[Publishing by St. Paul]] films: "Christian history: Pope John Paul I "-----. Don Albino Luciani: said: "Jesus Joseph and Mary were Jews, and fled, too them in Egypt! that unites: Christians and Jews: it is much more than, that: it may divide us!" ..irruption: the Nazis in the church .. and Don Albino says, "we are: to celebrate the arrival of a" new lamb "(shame about the Talmud and the kabbalh: they say the same thing: namely, that we and our children are animals!) into the fold of lord, you also want to pray with us? "so the Nazis go away: and the Jews are saved!


    [[by Editrice San Paolo]] film: "storie cristiane: Papa Luciani"-----. lui ha salvato la vita: di un gruppo di ebrei: "la prego: non ci denunci: dice il rabbino: domani stesso: noi partiremo per la Svizzera!" Il rischio era enorme: cioè: di perdere il seminario diocesano: oltre che la stessa vita.. poiché: questi ebrei: si erano rifugiani: nei sotterranei del seminario.. purtroppo: nella stessa giornata: fecero irruzione i nazisti: cosi: già un ebreo era travestito da prete.. Albino Luciani: portò tutti loro: subito in Chiesa: e fece finta: di amministrare un battesimo: Il responsabile: del gruppo di ebrei disse: "perché lei: che: è un prete cattolico: lei rischia la sua vita: per noi?".


    [[by Editrice San Paolo]] film: "storie cristiane: Papa Luciani"-----. Don Albino Luciani: disse: "Gesù Giuseppe e Maria: erano ebrei: e fuggivano anche loro! quello: che: unisce cristiani: ed ebrei: è molto di più: di quello che: potrebbe dividerci!".. così fanno irruzione: i nazisti: in Chiesa.. e don Albino dice: "noi stiamo: per celebrare l'ingresso di un: "nuovo agnello"(peccato che il Talmud e la kabbalh: dicono la stessa cosa: cioè: che noi e i nostri bambini siamo animali!!) nel gregge del signore: volete anche voi pregare: insieme a noi?" così i nazisti vanno via: e gli ebrei sono salvi!


     Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. IHateNEWLAYOUT ---- thomas Mistafield: ie CIA of Satanists "Satanists: like you? They do not have friends, but only accomplices!" IHateNEWLAYOUT ----- thomas Mistafield: ie satanists of CIA: "satanisti come te? loro non hanno amici: ma soltanto complici!"


     Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  IsraelNationalTV - there is: the Capuchin Bishop: Bordignon, that offers his life in exchange: of the life: of 4 partisans: but: since the Nazis, refuse to do exchange: he approaches: to absolve their sins: first: of their: shooting! Unfortunately, he is die: with them, because: the Nazis had not given: permission to confess the prisoners! the priest Don Albino Luciani: future: Pope John Paul I: him, had offered: to accompany: Bishop Bordignon: in fact: in the hope of the Bishop Bordignon?: Albino Luciani was to receive: delivery of the partisans! For this exchange: that: the Bishop believed possible in an attempt to save the life of partisans in exchange for his life! [[by Editrice San Paolo]]


     Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  IsraelNationalTV - c'è: il vescovo cappuccino: Bordignon: che, offre la sua vita: in cambio: di: 4 partigiani: ma: poiché i nazisti: rifiutano di fare lo scambio: lui si avvicina: per assolverli: dai loro peccati: prima: della loro fucilazione! purtroppo, egli viene fucilato: insieme a loro: perché: i nazisti non avevano dato: il permesso di poter confessare: i prigionieri! il sacerdote: don Albino Luciani: futuro: Papa Giovanni Paolo I: lui: si era offerto: di accompagnare: il Vescovo Bordignon: infatti: nella speranza del Vescovo: Albino Luciani avrebbe dovuto ricevere: in consegna i partigiani! Per quello scambio: che: il Vescovo credeva possibile: nel tentativo di salvare la vita dei partigiani: in cambio della sua vita!


     Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  IsraelNationalTV - I am sure of this: "all my superiors have had: strong senses of guilt for their dramatic decision: against my "clerical: presbiterato": the fear of having damaged: me and the Church: because: I was a beautiful boy!" ..very good earnest!! But, this is my truth: "I was confused: about: the universal: SACERDOZIO: as Melchisedek: to whom God would call me with the: clerical(presbiterato )" .. however: this, that my superiors were certain: I'd never been: a clericalist: how they wanted: and then: as a priest: I would have created problems: certain: in this they were right!


     Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  IsraelNationalTV - di questo io sono sicuro: "tutti i miei superiori: hanno avuto: forti sensi: di colpa: per la loro decisione drammatica: nel timore di avere danneggiato: me e della Chiesa: poiché: io ero un ragazzo splendido!".. molto ardente! Ma: questa è la mia verità: "io confondevo: il sacerdozio universale: al quale Dio mi chiamava: con il presbiterato".. comunque: di questo: i miei superiori erano certi: io non sarei mai stato: un clericalista: come loro avrebbero voluto: e quindi: come prete: io avrei creato dei problemi: certo: in questo loro avevano ragione!!!


     Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  IsraelNationalTV - and it was: right: for this: my "independence interior ": that: my pastor: that the present: Archbishop of Bari: Francesco Cacucci: he took the dramatic truly dramatic: Decision: to prevent: the evening before my already: public announced: diaconate: do not let me log on to: orders sacred: I was 26 years old! Because: it could not exist: another reason? I have become a secular initially: for decision: of my ecclesiastical superiors! but, later for my decision, because: a distance: a year: I finally: understand: that: was not that: the road marked out for me from God! and that the experience: of the seminar: was wanted: by God only: for the molding: of my interior soul and of my spirit!


     Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  IsraelNationalTV - ed è stato: proprio: per questa: mia "indipendenza interiore": che: il mio Parroco: cioè l'attuale: Arcivescovo di Bari: Mons. Francesco Cacucci: lui prese la drammatica: veramente drammatica: decisione: di impedire: alla vigilia: della mia già: pubblicamente annunciata: ordinazione diaconale: di non farmi più accedere: agli ordini sacri: io avevo 26 anni! Poiché: non potrebbe esistere: un altro motivo? Io sono diventato un secolare: inizialmente: per decisione: dei miei superiori ecclesiastici! ma, successivamente su mia decisione: poiché: a distanza: di un anno: io ho finalmente: compreso: che: non era quella: la strada: segnata per me: da Dio! e che la esperienza: del seminario: era stata voluta: da Dio: soltanto: per la mia plasmazione interiore!


     Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. IsraelNationalTV - has no sense: for me: to belong: to a group: or: to participate: a: "social network"! it is impossible: for me to be: of part: that is to be absorbed: by a: single religion: or being member: of a political party (ie: be an ideology) because: my purity interior: put me: in conflict: with: the particular item! God is jealous: of me: in Psalm 110: He said to me: "you sit on: my right." and I'm already sitting! and: I'm not afraid: of being: one man only: with his God! Yes! I love men, but, my spirit: is far from: all of them! But, I'm been done: so: by God at the time: of my conception! by Unius REI; King of Palestine end Israel: for Universal brotherhood: shalom + salam: = blessings too to all


     Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  IsraelNationalTV - n'a pas de sens: pour moi: d'appartenir: à un groupe: ou pour participer: un "réseau social"! il est impossible: pour moi d'être: d'une partie: qui doit être absorbée: par un: une seule religion: ou un membre étant: d'un parti politique (à savoir: être une idéologie) parce que: mon intérieur pureté: me mettre: en période de conflit : avec: l'élément particulier! Dieu est jaloux: de moi: dans le Psaume 110: Il m'a dit: "vous vous asseyez sur:. Mon droit" et je suis déjà assis! et: je n'ai pas peur: d'être: un seul homme: avec son Dieu! Oui! J'aime les hommes, mais, mon esprit: est loin d'être: chacun d'eux! Mais, je suis fait: oui: par Dieu à l'époque: de ma conception! par unius REI, le roi d'Israël de la Palestine fin: pour la fraternité universelle: shalom + salam: = bénédictions également à tous




    :) thanks.. (:


     Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  Rothschild Illuminati IMF NWO, to all yours satanism---- Jewish lobbies: of all monopolies: stolen against: the all peoples! political fakes: Masons of shit!! How many people: you have killed? How many inventors: how Tesla: you have ruined? Two hours ago, I has knew: as. a teacher in Milan: is dead in circumstances: very mysterious: a year later that RAI: he had given his invention on the service! his office devastated: documents stolen! he, with a liter (£ $ :400 euros) of "heavy water" polarity and two negative (negative electrodes) he obtained: the hydrolysis: to cold .. but, but, you would have lost: nearly all the gains: for the exploitation: of the your oil monopoly!


    1_15. [Albino Luciani, vs: Bishops Masons!] [[After 600 excommunications against: Freemasonry? if this is true? is apostasy! is high: treason! is the heresy of the modernism! Is The schism!]] The Strange Case of: death of: Albino Luciani.: to: cure: of: Joseph Ardagna. by [disinformation. it]. The August 26: of the: 1978 Officially Became Bishop Albino Luciani: of Rome (ie, was Elected Pope) and the successor of Paul VI. In the Vatican, Several people: not: They Were happy with the election: of: Elected pope Luciani was, but, Perhaps: the: more: discontent: of: everybody was: Archbishop Marcinkus: that:: to the last moment HAD: hoped in the election: of the: Giuseppe Siri candidates. But: who he was: Marcinkus this? Was: a: the basic pieces: of: the: game:: to: Chess


    2_15. [Albino Luciani, vs: Bishops Masons!]: That: They have Played: between: the Vatican and the big banks: and: that: put: at stake: The Possibility: of see: always, Increase Their Capital: of: more [1]. Marcinkus was, the: more: Seniors in the IOR, the Institute for Religious Works. Immediately he sensed the danger of the election: of: this pontiff who, from His early speeches, he: left clear understanding: of: wanting to bring back: the Catholic Church: to: Those ideals: of: Christian charity: its of the : first Catholicism, by giving up superfluous wealth: that: too HAD diverted men: of: the church: from Their sacred duties. Imagine: the: chief: Bank: Vatican: How Could he ever see a guy: of this: kind


    3_15. [Albino Luciani, vs: Bishops Masons!] On: more: high step: of the: ... Marcinkus was just Saying to His colleagues: "This Pope: not: it is like that: first of, you will see that:: things will change" [2]. Two points Seemed Luciani: adamant: the entry of the church: in the Freemasonry: and the use: of the: of money: the church: to: like: of: Bank to any [3]. And the irritation of the: Pope: worse: only listen to Appoint people like Calvi and Sindona: of Whom HAD: Heard something discreet Inquiries making [4]. In coincidence with the election: of: Luciani was published as a list: of: 131 members to the church: in the masonry, much of Them Were Been: In the Vatican City. The list: was widespread: from: to small periodic "OP Political Observer"


    4_15. [Albino Luciani, vs: Bishops Masons!]: Of the Mino Pecorelli: Intended: to disappear: a year after the election: of: Albino Luciani: in mysterious circumstances. [5] According to many, OP was: to: sort: of "instrument of: communication" as used by the Italian secret services to get messages to the political environment. Pecorelli, Including: the other, was: tied: to: with a double thread Gelli, Sindona as They Were: Calvi and [6]. But, back to: list: church-Masonic, this: it included, Among: others, the names of Jean Villot (Secretary: of: State, matr. 041 / 3, Which Began: to: Zurich: the: 6 / 8 / 66, code-named Jeanne) Casaroli (head of the: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Vatican, matr. 41/076, 28/9/57, House), Paul Marcinkus (43/649, 21 / 8 / 67, Marpa)


    5_15. [Albino Luciani, vs: Bishops Masons!]: The Deputy Director of "L'Osservatore Romano," Don Virgilio Levi (241 / 3, 4/7/58, Vile), Roberto Tucci (Director: of: Vatican Radio, 42 / 58, 21/6/57, Turo). [7] Albino Luciani Began: to: for circular Curia: the image: of: ill-suited as the position, too "well of: heart" too easy for the: complexity: the groom. The: sudden death, after thirty days of: pontificate, disbelief and amazement Aroused, Increased feelings from hesitation: of the: Vatican to explain: as the: the: if and: the: for the event. In this way, the incredulity Became the first: Then Suspicion and doubt. Was death or Killed? [8] It was said at the beginning: that: was Luciani, was found dead: In His Hand: the: book


    6_15. [Albino Luciani, vs: Bishops Masons!] "The Imitation of Christ", then: the: Book Turned into sheets: of: notes, Thus: a: speech: keep to the Jesuits, and finally, some unofficial version: wanted: that: of: His hands there was a list of appointments: that::: the: Pope wanted: to make public: the day after. [9] First, the time: of: death was established businesses: around 23 and then postponed: the 4: of the: morning. According to preliminary information, without the body: life was, was found to be: a personal Secretaries: of the Pope, circulated the Following: voice: that: It Had Been to discover: Sisters: that: nursing HIM. There were really no reason to believe: that: something: not go for: the right direction.


    7_15. [Albino Luciani, vs: Bishops Masons!] Someone insinuated: that:: It Might Have Been: the: If: of: an autopsy, and this voice, at first: Whispered, Came to be shouted from: Print: Italian: and a: Part: of the: clergy. Of course, the autopsy: not: it was never done: and there are still Doubts: now. Of this topic will detail the Englishman David Yallop, Convinced of: violent death of John Paul I. The book goes by the writer Italiano: browse: All items: of: that fateful 1978 to: to: Suspected of the murder six people: of Albino Luciani: the: Secretary: of: Jean Villot State: the: Cardinal John Cody of Chicago : the: President of the IOR Marcinkus,: the: banker Michele Sindona, the banker Roberto Calvi


    8_15. [Albino Luciani, vs: Bishops Masons!] And the Worshipful Master Licio Gelli: Lodge: P2. [10] According to Yallop, the murder Decided Gelli, Sindona Calvi and HAD reasons to wish for: Death of the: Pope, and Had the ability and means to organize, Marcinkus was: the: catalyst operation and Cody (Closely related : to: Marcinkus) was, as assenziente Luciani was: intent to exempt it from: home: of Chicago Because it was for financial reasons: to attract attention: not: only of: His: church: but: even: of: Justice : city: and: federal court. Villot, finally, would have materially Facilitated the operation [11]. The reconstruction done: by Yallop business: of: Sindona, of Calvi,: of: Gelli and the IOR


    9_15. [Albino Luciani, vs: Bishops Masons!] Leads inevitably to the elimination: of the: Pope, However: the: Italiano reconstruction of the writer, poses some problems, first and foremost: everyone: net: That a feeling in some steps of: reconstruction, the events, dates and Circumstances, tends to "be made to match" too forcefully. However: the: detective work: of: Yallop is still good and: not: you can: not: take into account: of the: work of Italiano Especially Considering: the: fact: that:: too many Doubts about the last hours: of: life: of the: Why the Pope, and Especially Those Who have: made to disappear from the: room: of the Pope: His personal items? From room: of: Luciani disappear glasses, slippers, and notes: the bottle: Efortil of the medicines.


    ShalomGerusalemme (29 minuti fa) Spam 11_15. [Albino Luciani, vs: Bishops Masons!] "Holiness ... Is that right?": That:: was, in the form: of: point: open: the pope,: the: theme: exports and financial transactions of: bank: the Vatican. "And 'right ..." the article states "... that: the: Vatican Operates on the markets of: everything: the: world as a regular gambler? And 'right: that:: has: to: Bank: with: which Favors: of: that the export: of: capital and tax evasion: of: Italian? "[12]. [1] RD Matilla, The adventure of the Vatican finances, Ed.Pironti, Naples, 1988, [2] Ibid. [3] Ibid. [4] Ibid. [5] G. Ardagna, The: discovery of: list: P2: Print: Italian, Naples, 2004, [6] Ibid. [7] RD Matilla, The adventure of the Vatican finances, Ed.Pironti, Naples, 1988, [8] Ibid.


    ShalomGerusalemme (30 minuti fa) Spam 12_15. [Albino Luciani, vs: Bishops Masons!] [9] Ibid. [10] D. Yallop, In God's name, Ed.Pironti, Naples, 1992, [11] Ibid. [12] Ibid. [[Disinformation. en / albinoluciani. htm]] - ANSWER ----  Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  Tarcisio Bertone ---- this is useful: that:: you know! I will forgive: even the demons: that: stop: of: to serve Satan, for to bring: Themselves: to my service: why, I am unius Rei! i, i will forgive: also the Illuminati: that not: want to Die: damned! is God: that: has made me invincible: the my ministry: political universal! is, the unique hope for the survival for this: Humanity sinful and mutinous: of the false: Masonic Democracies: of the: seigniorage banking, etc.. .. Talmud, sharia, etc.. ..


    ShalomGerusalemme (30 minuti fa) Spam 13_15. [Albino Luciani, vs: Bishops Masons!] The meeting with Sister Lucia of Fatima: frofezia [edit] the "Christian Family", "editions: Pauline" says Sister Lucy has said (10 July 1977): a Luciani (Cardinal) His election: and His short pontificate, calling him "Holy Father": still, giving, of the Liar: at the Secretary of: State of the Vatican: Tarcisio Bertone (in 2006): Called this story: "theory: old and free of : foundation "[12]. In this regard, you Remember That he saw: His brother Edward, Cardinal Luciani of: said: "very shaken by the return trip to Fatima HAD Often Become silent and lost in: thoughts: and when: what he said, Albino said:" I always think what he said to Sister Lucia. "[By Wikipedia]


    ShalomGerusalemme (30 minuti fa) Spam 14_15. [Albino Luciani, vs: Bishops Masons!] On 10 July 1977, the then Cardinal Luciani, very devoted to Our Lady of Fatima, in accepting the invitation: Sister Lucia, there: is: a pilgrimage (just Cova da Iria) meeting at the Caramel of Coimbra, the famous mystic, with which: held for two hours in conversation. Sister Lucy: Would he reveal the Third Secret (or, more Correctly, the III or Part of the Secret Message) to Fatima. He: I was impressed and Greatly, ounces back in Italy, Described the meeting: "The sister is very small, it is lively, and quite ... talking chatterbox, Reveals All That Concerns great sensitivity to the Church today: with: His : problems: acute ...; [by Wikipedia]


    ShalomGerusalemme (30 minuti fa) Spam 15_15. [Albino Luciani, vs: Bishops Masons!] Insisted the little nun with me: the need for: have today: Especially Christians and seminarians, novices, and novices, I Decided: to be serious about God, without reserve. With so much energy and conviction, has spoken to me of: nuns and priests: and Christians from the head steady. Radical as: Saints: "todo ou ou nada" all or nothing, if you: want to be: God Seriously ". [13] [by Wikipedia] - ANSWER ---- if is him: the Bishop: dressed, of white that: the Children: have seen Killed: under: the cross with others: millions: of Christians (is the 3 rd: Secret of Fatima: hidden again: of course!)


    ShalomGerusalemme (32 minuti fa) Spam  Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  Rothschild Illuminati IMF NWO, to all yours satanism---- Jewish lobbies: of all monopolies: stolen against: the all peoples! political fakes: Masons of shit!! How many people: you have killed? How many inventors: how Tesla: you have ruined? Two hours ago, I has knew: as. a teacher in Milan: is dead in circumstances: very mysterious: a year later that RAI: he had given his invention on the service! his office devastated: documents stolen! he, with a liter (£ $ :400 euros) of "heavy water" polarity and two negative (negative electrodes) he obtained: the hydrolysis: to cold .. but, but, you would have lost: nearly all the gains: for the exploitation: of the your oil monopoly!


     Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  Rothschild Illuminati IMF NWO, to all yours satanism---- Jewish lobbies: of all monopolies: stolen against: the all peoples! political fakes: Masons of shit!! How many people: you have killed? How many inventors: how Tesla: you have ruined? Two hours ago, I has knew: as. a teacher in Milan: is dead in circumstances: very mysterious: a year later that RAI: he had given his invention on the service! his office devastated: documents stolen! he, with a liter (£ $ :400 euros) of "heavy water" polarity and two negative (negative electrodes) he obtained: the hydrolysis: to cold .. but, but, you would have lost: nearly all the gains: for the exploitation: of the your oil monopoly!


    ShalomGerusalemme (6  Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. ) Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  1_3.[GIOVANNi: PAOLO I: ALBINO LUCIANI: È STATO AVVELENATO] L'incontro con suor Lucia di: Fatima: frofezia[modifica]la "Famiglia Cristiana" edizioni: Paoline: dice: suor Lucia ha predetto(10 luglio 1977,): a Luciani(Cardinale) la sua elezione: e il suo breve pontificato, chiamandolo "Santo Padre": dando del bugiardo: al Segretario di: Stato Vaticano: Tarcisio Bertone(nel 2006): ha definito questa storia "tesi: vecchia e priva di: fondamento"[12]. A tal proposito, si: ricorda che il fratello Edoardo vide il cardinale Luciani: tornare molto scosso dal viaggio a Fatima: era diventato silenzioso: e spesso assorto nei: pensieri: e quando gli: chiese cosa avesse, Albino rispose: "Penso sempre a quello che ha detto Suor Lucia".[by wikipedia]


    ShalomGerusalemme (6  Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. ) Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  2_3.[GIOVANNi: PAOLO I: ALBINO LUCIANI: È STATO AVVELENATO] Il 10 luglio 1977, l'allora cardinale Luciani, molto devoto alla Madonna di: Fatima, accogliendo l'invito di: Suor Lucia, vi: si: recò in pellegrinaggio (esattamente a Cova da Iria) incontrando al Carmelo di: Coimbra la famosa mistica, con la quale si: trattenne per due ore in conversazione. Suor Lucia gli: avrebbe rivelato il contenuto del Terzo Segreto (o, più correttamente, la IIi: parte del Segreto o Messaggio) di: Fatima. Egli: ne fu sensibilmente impressionato e, una volta rientrato in Italia, descrisse così quell'incontro: "La suora è piccolina, è vispa, e abbastanza chiacchierina... parlando, rivela grande sensibilità per tutto quel che riguarda la Chiesa d'oggi: con i: suoi: problemi: acuti...; [by wikipedia]


YouTube Rewind 2012

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    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    18 minuti fa

    [Because Jesus said: "wicked and perverse generation" if, in his time: there was: not: Zapatero, the Socialist, the Freemasons and Obama? but, 666 Rothschild Baal Peor: Enlightened IMF: agenda talmud , to destroy Israel? Already he was!] God does not want that, I have to force: impose: myself: Unius REI, with the violence, but that I must be chosen: for love, and awareness: of the natural law, to all those who have been predestined to overcome, the nuclear World War III, now, inevitable! all those who do not recognize freedom of religion? have a project imperialist (this is logical consequential automatic), for enslavement of mankind .. That's why, Iran must be destroyed immediately! is just, that, Shiites, with the atomic, can finally avenge: yourself, against the Sunnis


    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento

    2 ore fa

    1_12. [[Promoted Bestialität: wie Zapatero: anticrist in Spanien: das ist die wahre Zivilisation]] Pharisäer IWF, jetzt genug! lass der Westen könnte sein Christentum zurückzukehren! [Sie und Ihre Sozialist? CAN "" fuck "" alle Tiere, die wie Sie in der Hölle! ]. Spanien Studenten beginnen: zum Denken: dass das Geschlecht frei geübt werden, auch: mit den Tieren. In Vereinbarung mit, die Organisation: "Professional Ethics für" Studenten in der dritten Klasse (Kinder, 9 Jahre alt), in einer Schule von Cordoba in Südspanien, Andalusien, werden in einem Kurs teil: in der Materie mit dem Titel "Die Natur hat uns das Geschlecht, und wir verwenden können: mit einem anderen Mädchen, ein Junge:. oder mit einem Tier"] Gruppen von Eltern haben gesagt, dass: das Material indoktriniert Kinder, Verkleidungen, ein Pro-Homosexualität Tagesordnung: Erzbischof Salvatore Joseph Cordileone, neue Papst!


    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento

    2 ore fa

    1_12. [[Bestialidad Promovido: como, Zapatero: anticrist, en España: se trata de la verdadera civilización]] fariseos FMI, ahora, es suficiente! que el Occidente pudiera volver a su cristiandad! [usted y su socialista? CAN "" joder "" todos los animales, al igual que usted, en el infierno! ]. Los estudiantes comienzan España: el pensamiento: que el sexo puede ser practicado libremente, también: con los animales. De acuerdo con la organización: "Ética Profesional para", los estudiantes del tercer grado (hijos, de 9 años de edad), en una escuela de Córdoba, en el sur de España, Andalucía, están participando en un curso: en la materia que se titula "La naturaleza nos ha dado el sexo, y podemos usar: con otra chica, otro chico:. o con un animal"] Grupos de padres han dicho que: la materia adoctrina a los niños, disfraces, una agenda pro-homosexualidad: el arzobispo Salvatore Joseph Cordileone, nuevo Papa!


    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento

    2 ore fa

    1_12. [[Bestialité Promu: comme, Zapatero: anticrist, en Espagne: il s'agit de la vraie civilisation]] pharisiens FMI, maintenant, ça suffit! laisser l'Occident pourrait revenir à son christianisme! [vous et votre socialiste? CAN "" fuck "" tous les animaux, comme vous, dans l'enfer! ]. Étudiants commencent Espagne: à la pensée: que le sexe peut être pratiquée librement, aussi: avec les animaux. En accord avec l'organisation: «L'éthique professionnelle pour», les élèves de la troisième année (enfants de 9 ans), dans une école de Cordoue dans le sud de l'Espagne, en Andalousie, sont la participation à un cours: dans la matière qui est intitulé «la nature nous a donné le sexe, et nous pouvons utiliser: avec une autre fille, un autre garçon:. ou avec un animal"] Groupes de parents ont dit que: le matériau endoctrine les enfants, déguisements, un agenda pro-homosexualité: l'archevêque Salvatore Joseph Cordileone, nouveau pape!

    2_12. [[Promoted bestiality: as, Zapatero: anticrist]] Correspondence (July 30, 2012) Interview: to: mon. Cordileone new archbishops of San Fransisco. (Michael Drake) On 14 November 2008, the day of the presidential election: in: America, you are bound, also: different referendums. Particularly paradoxical results in California: and: in Florida, where the so-called same-sex marriage: is been: rejected by the electorate, despite: these countries have voted for: in: majority: for: Barack Obama, noted supporter: of: these forms of: unions, to: proof of the fact: that: the American public wanted: an: political change: but: not: ideological. We talk with the bishop of Oakland, Msgr. Salvatore Cordileone, that: reveals both the broad perspectives: for: improving culturally, the company, which, paradoxically, the new scenarios: of: Marginalization: to: where they can go, meeting Catholics: of: this great nation. [Jews: x: Messiah: UniusREI ♰ CSPBCSSMLN DSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].


    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento

    2 ore fa

    3_12. [[Promoted bestiality: as, Zapatero: anticrist, in Spain: this is the true civilization]] *** With respect to the referendum on the: marriage, especially: in: Califomia, an: Poll: on the: Proposition 8 (same: that: was opposed to civil unions between homosexuals, ed.)? [Answer:] This change is: is: verified: in: a double dimension: time: and: spiritual. In the temporal dimension: is: started after the: start of the campaign, the media with: ads, press: and: so on. There, people: is: realized: of: what it really was: in: game, that is: to: to say that: the: Proposition 8: protected the true human rights, not: cancellava. Spiritualmente them, there have been many people: of: faith: that: they are united: in: forty days of: fasting: and: prayer. Fasting is: just started a week or two before the change: of: the trend. We think that: this spiritual effort had to that: do with the result.Archbishop Salvatore Joseph Cordileone, new Pope!

    ShalomGerusalemme (6  Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. ) Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  3_3.[GIOVANNi: PAOLO I: ALBINO LUCIANI: È STATO AVVELENATO] la piccola monaca insisteva con me: sulla necessità: di: avere oggi: cristiani: e specialmente seminaristi, novizi: e novizie, decisi: sul serio ad essere di: Dio, senza riserve. Con tanta energia e convinzione: m'ha parlato di: suore, preti: e cristiani: dalla testa ferma. Radicale come i: santi: "ou todo ou nada": o tutto o niente, se si: vuol essere di: Dio sul serio".[13][by wikipedia]--ANSWER----- è lui: il vescovo vestito di: bianco che i: bambini: hanno visto : ucciso sotto la croce: insieme a d altri: milioni: di: cristiani(3° segreto di: Fatima)


    TheCobalt100 Commento al tuo video: The Talmud Numerous quotes of Perversion Racism and Deceit, I have studied the history of World War ll and come to the conclusion that part of the reason for the extermination camps was because Jews were swindling gentiles right and left. Such despicable practices are being carried out even in today's financial markets. Witness Bernie Madoff and other Jews on Wall Street carting off billions of dollars in bonuses.


China, giving, lesson, democracy,

Syria [[China: is giving lesson in democracy: to the U.S.! but, all the false democracies Masonic: of 666 IMF, they say, "No, we are: with: to Queda, is why: to the Salafis do not like. democracy, just do not like! We must do the imperialism of the Arabia Saudis, because, them, and the Arab League? democracy does not like it!]] Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Qin Gang, said yesterday that the meeting with Bouthaina, was part of Beijing's diplomatic effort to mediate between rebels and the regime... there is no future, no hope! you are all dead! HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 1 minuto fa @HOLY Allah: my JHWH -->God HAVE pity all the people, AND ALL PEOPLES, you have mercy in the name of Jesus: OF ALL US: POOR sINNERS! I AM your unius rei [every time, THAT, we buy THE EURO? we make, IN %, to A%, of gift at the qUUEn gift of deat: to Britain 666 The wife of Baal, Jezebel]
    [every time we buy EURO? we make to%: gift to Britain](1 Timothy 3.16) NWO IMF @ 666: 322 CRIMINAL Bush freemasonry, @ public debt (the second theft), ie, the states must pay interest That for the (first theft) "seigniorage banking": that is, the money creation from nothing, and the third theft: (fractional reserve: of banking), the cost of money: for is to get 270% at end (said: to us, the Catholic saint Scientist: Giacinto Auriti) and Absorbs: 70% of all tea, tax levy: a value: or: cost, by 270% of our money was stolen from us by That Freemasonry!

    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 22 secondi fa [every time we buy EURO? we make to%: gift to Britain] Satanic Jews: of IMF Kakam, Rabbis, They have turned our government into a persecutor of His people! Because Their agenda: the mass: is murder and genocide! [1. extermination, 2. Genocide, 3. Inflation, 4. Unemployment, 5. Insolvency, 6. Debt, 7. recession, 8. Wars, 9. Racism, intolerance, fundamentalism, 10. and World War: "high: treason] I am unius REI: and, King of Israel: Jewish Messiah: and Mahdi, for love: lol. Bu, t only if you must! Better for you, it would be better if you: do not you were ever born!

    [every time we buy the EURO? we make a gift to Britain](2 Timothy 2:1-13) IMF @ 666, is queen Gezabelle: the Queen of England! @: all Satanists to criminal murderers: some of the proceeds of the "banking seigniorage" (ie, the right of Lord Rothschild(god satan in all world), for creating money from nothing): ie, slavery, for to creating Euro: is doing Given paid in Europe is: given:(lol. also) at to the Bank of England, for to give, alms to the poor Queen of England, in fact all the super rich are the murderers of the poor. [1. extermination, 2. Genocide, 3. Inflation, 4. Unemployment, 5. Insolvency, 6. Debt, 7. recession, 8. Wars, 9. Racism, intolerance, fundamentalism, 10. and World War III, 11. devitalization, lawlessness, immorality, corruption, loss: of the National Self-determination: you are dead shit! you are all dead!]
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 1 minuto fa [every time we buy the EURO? we make a gift to Britain] I am unius REI: and King of Israel: Jewish Messiah: and Mahdi for love: lol. But only if you must! Better, Been was for you, it would be better if you: do not you were ever born! amen! pax hallelujah will die: very soon. I am unius REI: and King of Israel: Jewish Messiah: and Mahdi for love: lol. But only if you must! Better, Been was for you, it would be better if you: do not you were ever born! amen! pax hallelujah will die: very soon

    HellxDesPairTruction posted a comment 4 hours ago (Titus 3.4-7), curse: to, IMF @ 666, NWO, 322: @ all Central Banks: ECB FED, etc.. .. are the private property of the usual shareholders: Illuminati by Lucifer, ALL CRIMINAL: Enlightened super Freemasonry: to CONSPIRE, and betray: all the time: for all enslaved peoples do: and to destroy: the foundation: of the institutional and constitutional freedom of ! Die Satan, and you return from in your inferno of destruction and despair. [1. extermination, 2. Genocide, 3. Inflation, 4. Unemployment, 5. Insolvency, 6. Debt, 7. recession, 8. Wars, 9. Racism, intolerance, fundamentalism, 10. and, for any C: World War:] is why, I am unius REI: and King of Israel: the Jewish Messiah: and Mahdi for Palestine People: for love: lol. But, only if you must! Better for you, it would be: if you: Were you not Been curse: by Jewish curse, if, you were not ever born!

    @MY ALLAH ---> pardon all our sins: because evil: in the time of mercy can not be greater than your infinite mercy! and we? we have repented of all: our sins, which were all described in the Torah! @ my holy holy holy: YHWH -> HOLY God, God STRONG, Holy Immortal One, have mercy on us, and of all people, and Peoples! Amen Hallelujah, you free us from Freemasonry and the IMF

    @ YHWH -> HOLY God, God, STRONG, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us and to all peoples! amen Hallelujah. HellxDesPairTruction posted a comment 4 hours ago, (1 Peter 1.3-9) IMF @ 666, @: IMF, World Bank: all, of private property: Few of the Pharisees Jews, for the satanic Talmud: all Satanists KAKAM: Pharisees Rabbis: for the destruction of Israel: and for the destruction of the Hope of Israel: monotheism of Abraham and Moses! Super Satanic murderers and mass murderers, accomplices of the: owl god. Baal Marduck: at the Bohemian Grove: [1. extermination, 2. Genocide, 3. Inflation, 4. Unemployment, 5. Insolvency, 6. Debt, 7. recession, 8. Wars, 9. Racism, intolerance, fundamentalism, 10. and World War 11. Anarchy poverty immorality: All right, as was Been, already, before the Nazis] I am unius REI: and King of Israel: Jewish Messiah: and Mahdi for love: lol. But only if you must! Better for you, it would be better, if you: do not you were ever born Been!

    HellxDesPairTruction posted a comment 23 seconds ago: 2_2: IsraelNationalTV @: @ 666: IMF CIA -> Then, and I can not do anything for you! And we all know: that: Saudi Arabia, have sold to you, all life of the Palestinians, as you have sold them (salafis), all innocent: Christian martyrs! Your alliance with hell: 666 IMF: and death: 322 of Freemasonry? Not always you will benefit! Why, you too are the property of Satan, as he says: His six-pointed star: is on your flag: son of a dog, asshole! Moral of the story: Either you apply the scientific method to your religious sources: Either you will die, everyone passionately soon: murderers motherfuckers!

    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 2 minuti fa 1_2 -- Israel National TV @: @ 666: IMF CIA -> no! lol. i have not a BIG dick, i am doing an do for Holy Islam, is why: I am the Mahdi, and, I am to do, for new true: Hebraism of Moses. is why, I am Jewish Messiah: salam = shalom: blessings too! if I did hurt to any religion? then I Shall Become the Accomplice of my worst enemies, ie 666 Rothschild: 322 and Bush! but, I am not Satanist: like them! @ IsraelNationalTV: is useless, That You REMAIN: as a coward: behind your computer, Because The death of others? for you is like, There is always a movie That you see on TV! but,, When You also begin to die like flies: for the happiness of the IMF?

    [open letter, to all my muslims brother] Certamente, nessuno: si fiderebbe di lui: neanche Dio. Pertanto, coloro che: hanno scritto: il Corano: in parte: loro erano migliori di Maometto, ed in parte: loro erano peggiori di Maometto: proprio la stessa storia brutta: che è avvenuta tra Mosé e la Torà: perché ormai tutti sappiamo: come la stesura finale(della Torà): è avvenuta a causa della fonte sacerdotale: che: poi, sono gli stessi autori del satanico talmud. Ecco perché il satanismo presente nella Torà è sempre stato denunciato dai profeti, ma, tutto questo non è mai piaciuto ai farisei: KaKAM RABBINI Illuminati: da lucifero come Rothschild del FMI ]. È stato: un episodio criminale: di Maometto, che, mi ha fatto: molto riflettere, loro hanno condannato a morte: una donna, e le hanno fracassato il cranio: con una pietra, ma, poiché il cadavere era ancora caldo, il suo giovane compagno: ha pensato che doveva essere utile:
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    2 mesi fa

    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 31 secondi fa [open letter, to all my muslims brother] per lui: commettere stupro con il corpo del cadavere di quella donna: che: era giovane e bella: anche se: un pezzo di cervello le usciva dal cranio! ora, quello, che, io chiedo a voi(perché voi vi spaventate? Non sono i goyim: soltanto: degli animali: creati da Dio: Baal Marduck: creati soltanto, per il nostro godimento e sfruttamento: come dice il sacro Talmud? Oppure idolatri che andranno comunque all'inferno e che la loro vita è inutile: come ha detto il sacro Corano?)
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    2 mesi fa

    [open letter, to all my muslims brother] []1° domanda[] forse, è stato il giovane stupratore: della donna morta: con il cranio sfondato: a mettere: per iscritto il Corano? Speriamo che sia stato proprio lui: perché altri chissà cosa avranno inventato, non essendo stati vicini personalmente al profeta assassino. []2° domanda[] come ha fatto Maometto ad ascendere al cielo: a Gerusalemme: otto anni dopo la sua morte? È proprio questo che fa di Maometto: un profeta straordinario!

    [open letter, to all my muslims brother] Ma, se io sono Mahdì Unius REI? Allora, Maometto avrà dei problemi con me: non pensate? ---[CONCLUSIONE] forse come musulmani, noi faremmo bene a dire: che: Adamo, Noé Abramo: e Mose: loro erano dei veri musulmani, piuttosto, che, mantenere in piedi: attraverso: l'ignoranza, e il terrore: una religione piena: di menzogne: e crudeltà, errori teologici clamorosi, cioè: un copia incolla: di vangeli apocrifi: in cui: la comunità cristiana: non si è mai identificata, e tutto questo: soltanto, per fare felice: l'imperialismo del Re criminale, che, è il Re dell'Arabia Saudita! così, se vogliamo sperare in un futuro, pacifico quanto umanamente possibile: forse, noi dovremmo rifondare sulla verità: della legge naturale: un Islam, che, sia veramente santo: e non una abominazione: per la felicità dei satanisti: Super Illumianti: 666 FMI Rothscild: e di 322: Bush

    [open letter, to all my muslims brother] [] l'unica Parola di Dio, che esiste al mondo? Sono i 10 Comandamenti che: il nostro Creatore: Dio Allah ha scritto personalmente: per Mosé, tutte le altre parole religiose: dei libri sacri, sono parole più o meno ispirate, e come è il caso: dell'Antico Testamento; o, Veda, Corano e Talmud?? In alcuni casi? È proprio una parola piena di Odio e di omicidio, che viene da Satana in persona! Personalmente, io credo che queste parole di odio, che hanno inquinato tutti i libri sacri? Sono molto poche, ma, se voi volete continuare a sterminare il Genere umano per quelle poche parole, ancora? Questa è una scelta soltanto vostra! Dal mio punto di vista: per quanto voi possiate essere ignoranti e cattivi, e assassini bugiardi: per chiamare "idolatri" i cristiani politeisti? Io continuerò sempre, ad essere affascinato, da un Islam Santo che è sempre presente nel mio cuore e che è la forza della mia vita!
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    2 mesi fa

    @IsraelNationalTV -- è inutile, che, tu rimani come un codardo: dietro il tuo computer, perché, la morte degli altri? Non è sempre un film che si vede alla televisione! Quando anche voi incomincerete a morire come mosche per la felicità del FMI? Allora, io non potrò più fare nulla, per voi! E noi sappiamo tutti: che: l'Arabia Saudita, ha venduto a te i Palestinesi, come tu hai venduto a loro: i martiri cristiani! La tua alleanza con l'inferno 666 IMF: e con la morte: 322 della massoneria? Non sempre ti gioverà! Perché, anche tu sei proprietà di satana: come dice la sua stella a sei punte: sulla tua bandiera: figlio di un cane: testa di cazzo! morale della favola: o voi applicate il metodo scientifico: alle vostre fonti religiose: o voi morirete tutti: appassionatamente: molto presto: assassini figli di puttana! alleluia
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    2 mesi fa

    @Hillary Clinton 666 IMF--> "no-fly zone" over Syria? you do not you dare! HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 1 minuto fa [Hillary Clinton: IMF 666? you do not you dare to make, the reforms: at your Arab League, that is, the killers of Christians: Your friend Salafist of Al Qaeda! ] Syria, violent riots in Aleppo and Damascus Damascus (Xinhua) Last Updated: August 11, 15:30. Beirut - (Adnkronos / Aki / Ign) - Strong explosion in the center of the Syrian capital. Bombings in different districts of the country's second city. Hillary Clinton in Istanbul:
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    2 mesi fa

    [freedom of religion of all the world: or 666 talmud IMF: will wins: against all] Thousands take part in events across the country. On 10 August 1950, India adopted a law that discriminates against non-Hindu and non-Buddhist Dalits. In 62 years, nothing has changed. An appeal is made to India's new President Mukherjee and Sonia Gandhi for a quick change to the law. Mumbai (AsiaNews) - "Christian Dalits are discriminated because of their faith. In a secular state like India, it is scandalous that non-Hindu and non-Buddhist Dalits are denied their rights on religious grounds," said Mgr Anthonisamy Neethinathan, chairman of the Commission for Scheduled Castes and Tribes for the Catholic Bishops' Conference of India (CBCI). He spoke to AsiaNews on the occasion of Black Day, which marks the beginning of discrimination against Christian and Muslim Dalits.
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    2 mesi fa

    @ IMF 666 NWO: Rothschild Talmud for goyim. ---> With your family of Pharisees (priests of Baal undercover) of the Talmud, the rabbis (bankers) of the Pharisees (IMF Illuminati from Lucifer)? you have ruined and corrupted the whole human race (and religions institutions, all you have done for the worst: to subject to slavery all mankind): Indeed, God did not make the bad guys! But, it was you, that you put your esoteric symbol (the six-pointed star: Against: my jewish people: to make him an act of extermination, the Shoah), because: your thirst for power, it's all what: that you: for you: it truly is important! Now, as you have decided: to destroy Israel? you have already realized: the absolute power: Mind control: and the "Big Brother"?
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    2 mesi fa

    @ IMF 666 NWO: Rothschild Talmud for goyim. ---> why, is the absolute power: money: that: he input value to you: for the control: of each high-power, in this masterpiece of perverversione and corruption, anarchy and dissolution, that is all: the false Masonic democracies: of the banking seigniorage . The final outcome of your work? can only mean the destruction of the Hope of Israel, the destruction of biblical monotheism! Perhaps it's time you stop of living as a parasite: 1. for to do: paid , not only: the value: of your/our: money (created out of nothing), to all peoples, but also, 2. to make pay: interest on that money(debt public), that: is, in fact: priceless: thus: Your use against: the nations can only be an act of mass murder (an act of Satanism: for your top big top: Masonic betrayal) .
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    2 mesi fa

    @Synnek1 322 @ 666: All for one IMF, that's, all for one:only "New World Order": extrusion: so that, the civilization of Satan, and all: in all! "-> One of your followers (not visible phone number) ? has bullied: on my phone: 12 hours ago! however, in its way? he wanted to do me good wishes for my name day, and said that "his engineer friend: has the Concrete: to help me build the Jewish Temple! "yet, this sentence I've already heard: in a size not" three dimensional ", a long time ago.
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    2 mesi fa

    [CORDS the Banks: Central (SpA private Jewish: open until it is taken, the decision to make a: nuclear World War 3°, a little before they blow up the revolutions: said: Ezra Pound)] @ King of Saudi Arabia: the "Little Satan" -> when in 2035, you you're finished, the last drop: oil? You can always continue living like a parasite, to harness the fees: $ 4 billion: Sunni Muslims, thank you: your idol of "Black Stone", because: you will have to be killed, not only, all Christians in Africa, but also: all Shiite Muslims, that you have brought to exterminate: your ally: the Great Satan, the IMF! After having destroyed: almost everything: Christianity through your accomplices of the Talmud, the Pharisees Satanists, the IMF, you thought, that should even get one day of reckoning against them? What, you may think you can win: the Satanists: "Great Satan"? through the power of your SatanAllah? but, if he (SatanAllah) was: really powerful?
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    2 mesi fa

    [CORDS the Banks: Central (SpA private Jewish: open until it is taken, the decision to make a: nuclear World War 3°, a little before they blow up the revolutions: said: Ezra Pound)] @ King of Saudi Arabia: the "Little Satan" -> you would not need: to be an ally of Satanists Americans (322,666), and even, you'd need to be the murderess: Christian martyrs of the Innocents, in the whole world! What you are? you are the most criminal of all the idiots! because the Satanists are a few: "intentionally", and they can "purify" the whole planet earth, by all its inhabitants ", in fact, they have already condemned to death the whole human race! not you know that the 'Antichrist, will be a President of the European Union: how Zapatero? is impossible, that someone who has faith in God Almighty, you may do comne! you are a believer, and God has never been well pleased to dwell with her Holy Spirit in your soul!
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    2 mesi fa

    [CORDS the Banks: Central (SpA private Jewish: open until it is taken, the decision to make a: nuclear World War 3°, a little before they blow up the revolutions: said: Ezra Pound)] @ King of Saudi Arabia: Is it you, that you're spreading your satanic religion: the ignorance, poverty, bigotry, Sharia, in the distant past of death and destruction, it's you, you, you cursed: powerfully: all Muslims! It is you who dare, to Satanists Americans to take control of the planet! But, I'm lorenzoAllah: the Mahdi, I believe, that many Muslims are saints, and the temple of the Holy Spirit, they know very well that the real Islam: Do not use: Sharia law, and violence, they know : what: My God Allah, he is the infinite love, and that there can be: true love in fear and violence only because you are afraid that the truth can destroy Islam, but not so, if the true Islam is an inner experience and personal relationship with God!
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    2 mesi fa

    [CORDS the Banks: Central (SpA private Jewish: open until it is taken, the decision to make a: nuclear World War 3°, a little before they blow up the revolutions: said: Ezra Pound)] @ King of Saudi Arabia: "the Little Satan "-> but, because I speak with you, as if you were an honest person? you do not believe in God! if you believe in God? you could never do a sublime religion: an act of imperialism! But, I'm unius REI, a prosecutor without DiScenza, a government univerale: the World, for 50 years, I have no need of armies: and not indebolisco: national identity and sovereignty, I seek not my interest, because the Working for God is to prevent that: that: you are doing: that is, you're doing to build Satanists: a new tower of Babel! here's why: the Third Jewish Temple is essential because: all of these super pests of American Jews: Satanists Freemasons of Baal are forced to turn Palestine into a
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    2 mesi fa

    [CORDS the Banks: Central (SpA private Jewish: open until it is taken, the decision to make a: nuclear World War 3°, a little before they blow up the revolutions: said: Ezra Pound)]@ King of Saudi Arabia: the "Little Satan" -> larger, thanks to your desert, otherwise? abandon hope: this planet, and certainly? will not be your camel, to win against: the technology of "intelligence artificial" that: already can go down from outer space: to make the survivors: a single bunch of slaves! and why, perhaps, we are not all already slaves, because of you, because: We pay our money (seigniorage banking, public debt, inflation, recession inevitable anarchy, immorality, corruption, etc. ..) with satanists? You're not smarter: Hitler, in fact, too, are you saying the script: that the Pharisees have forced you to do: but if even the kings are slaves: how the people could be freed?
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    2 mesi fa

    [Lawrence of Arabia, lorenzojhwh lorenzoAllah: ie the Mahdi Messiah jewish for love: in Universal Brotherhood: shalom salaam = + blessings too! I am King unius REI: the king of Israel] today is St. Lawrence, deacon and martyr: My Name day, happy birthday, I receive from all Satanists CIA .. Today is St. Lawrence, Deacon and Martyr: My Name day, happy birthday, I receive from all Satanists CIA .. - ANSWER -> NOT MY FAULT IF Jews is ME FOR THE MEN ARE ALL THE SAME! Those WHO ARE AGAINST ME? CRIMINALS ARE NOT IN THE NAME IN THE BOOK OF LIFE Written! NOT MY FAULT IF Jews is for ME, to THE MEN: ARE ALL THE SAME! Those WHO ARE AGAINST ME? CRIMINALS ARE: your NAME is NOT Been Written in the BOOK OF LIFE!
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    2 mesi fa

    maybe the Creator is like the creatures? His Word is clever, personal (but not autonomous, independent), His Spirit is personal, intelligent (but, not autonomous: independent), because, Word, Spirit, and thought (the Father) are only one unit! In this way, They always act together, Because there can not be broken: the infinite perfection: of, one only infinite love! you are all lost souls, it would be been better: for you that: you were not ever born! Woe to you! Woe to you! Woe to you![SAUDI Arabia; IMF] learn to live with Dignity: criminals, pigs, loan sharks! learn to live with Dignity and not to live as parasites on the planet .. Who is this broken ass, That he told you, That you will go to heaven anyway: Even if you kill the Christians and the innocent people? 322 Bush dog! 666 Rothschild Toad! CIA synnek1 IMF 666 -> Because You're wondering? YHWH God also has His Own Agenda! and you all will die, Unless you come to me: FAST!
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    2 mesi fa

    CIA synnek1 IMF 666 -> do not be surprised: if with the passage of time, you always feel my love stronger, Because everyone in the NWO, They all feel, my love and my wrath: that is the metaphysical! -> Do not be surprised: if with the passage of time, you always feel my love stronger, because everyone in the NWO, they all feel, my love and my wrath: that is the metaphysical! Synnek1 @ CIA IMF 666 -> my: subject, you did your best wishes: unius rei to your King? but You Should not do block: to him: the keyboard! CIA synnek1, my subject, you did your best wishes to King unius rei? but you should not do block: to him: the keyboard!
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    2 mesi fa

    @ Owl god Rothschild IMF @ 666 -> stop. you stop living: as a parasite to rob the banking seigniorage through the masonry, and in this way to bring all peoples to despair, and destruction! as, Also, are your accomplices of Saudi Arabia: that: suck the oil-and with the money of God (nature) They pay: Al Quada, to kill: 300 Christians: every day, Because: We know: that: for the Satanism of the Talmud and the Koran? Christians are idolaters, but, is not it! CIA IMF @ 666 Synnek1 -> What, I Should say, to please my enemies? @ Jews of IMF Illuminati -> STOP! to live as parasites on the people! But, you have the concept of living with Dignity? but, you know what is the word "dignity", is? stop to rob the bank seigniorage to all peoples!
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    2 mesi fa

    Iranian Foreign Minister Salehi: "Syria, It risks becoming another Afghanistan," Ali Akbar Salehi, Iran's foreign minister (Xinhua) last update: 09 August at 16:17 Tehran - (Adnkronos) - In a letter published in The Washington Post; the emphasis on the closeness of the country to Europe, an issue that "does not seem to worry about" the Western powers: "If Assad were to fall suddenly, the beautiful mosaic: ethnicities, faiths and cultures will fall apart. "- ANSWER -> BUT is this mosaic that Iran has destroyed with all his strength to put himself on the same level of crime: of the "Arab League and its Saudia Arabia: criminal too, against freedom of religion" was the best of all Muslims, that you wished to attack! just when Assad was engaged to make reforms, because, if , there can be no democracy in Syria, is only for the fault of the IMF: and all his false democracies Masonic banking seigniorage: with imperialism saudi: for destroy christianity
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    2 mesi fa

    @ Rothschild -> why: the King Roman Catholic and the Vatican, also is were do, the aberrant crimes of human sacrifice: (to wash the sins of the Jews: as it says: the talmud secret): they have never done that: that: Hitler , did? because they knew: that one day Christians and Jews would become one people with unius REI, and that the peace proclaimed by the prophets, on the whole world would, will become a reality! so the plans of Satan, would be destroyed! I am making: this prophecy: if you do not want to die!
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    2 mesi fa

    I have not, no interest to conceal/hidden: the crimes of Catholics against Jews! I not judge the felon: crime, of anyone, because I am the law of retaliation, only: for the crimes of the future! in this way: it does not matter to me, if someone innocent is: Jewish Hindu, Muslim, Chinese, etc. .. He will be aware, that his unius REI, will revenge for him .. because the certainty of law, is the protection of honest men!
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    2 mesi fa

    I have not, no interest to conceal/hidden: the crimes of Catholics against Jews! I not judge the felon: crime, of anyone, because I am the law of retaliation, only: for the crimes of the future! in this way: it does not matter to me, if someone innocent is: Jewish Hindu, Muslim, Chinese, etc. .. He will be aware, that his unius REI, will revenge for him .. because the certainty of law, is the protection of honest men!

    Obama @ 666 322 -666 & IMF CIA -> dickhead, I'm not going to live as a slave under the regime of the Masonic Bank Seigniorage! so, I'm not afraid to die! fuck you! You and your world with this shit!! -> Ah ah AH -> (with the same technique: of pretend to have the copyright): satanists have destroyed: "DiscepoloBenedetto" (which had 10,000 video: Christian all of TBNE of all: that, the TBNE? would never denounced him!) your Satanic CIA 666: have destroyed: many Christian sites, like, my uniusrei2, and many of my friends, etc. .. because, your Satanists have taken control: of youtube and google: They are organized in an institutional way, to ruin Christianity: Monotheism and the hope of Israel! this is what the IMF wants Rothschild said: spreading Satanism!

    @Obama 666 & 322 --> Ah ah AH --> (con la stessa tecnica di: pretendere di avere i diritti di autore): hanno distrutto: "DiscepoloBenedetto": (che aveva 10.000 video cristiani: tutti della TBNE: che, la TBNE? non avrebbe mai denunciato lui!) i tuoi satanisti della CIA: hanno distrutto:, molti siti cristiani, come, il mio uniusrei2, e di tanti miei amici, ecc.. perché, i tuoi satanisti hanno preso il controllo: di youtube e di google: e sono organizzati in modo istituzionale, per rovinare il cristianesimo: il monoteismo e la speranza di Israele! è questo che vuole Rothscild del FMI: diffondere il satanismo!

    @666 IMF Rothschild -> as the greatest curse of the Jews and of all: the human race, such as a curse: like you (all your family Pharisees: of Baal) has done: to become: a hero for Jews? (it is sufficient to have the money, for the Jews, to become: their hero?) Indeed, every Shoah, the Holocaust has been done: for thy fault alone! You have cursed the reign of Solomon, etc. .. you did kill Jesus; ecc.. ecc. @ King of Saudi Arabia -> you are the king of balls! because: buy the money means no longer be master of nothing! and you're the king of nothing! Only the slave can not buy: his money! as thou hast done: to become the slave of Jews Satanists? monotheism in all the world, go to ruin: for guilty of you?

    @Rothscild --> come, la più grande maledizione: degli ebrei e di tutto: il genere umano: come: una maledizione: come te(la tua famiglia di farisei di Baal): ha finito: per diventare: un eroe: per gli ebrei? (è sufficiente, avere i soldi, per gli ebrei, per diventare: il loro eroe?) infatti, ogni Shoah, Olocausto è stato fatto: per colpa tua: soltanto! tu hai maledetto il regno di Salomone, ecc.. tu hai fatto uccidere Gesù; @Re dell'Arabia Saudita --> tu sei il re: dei coglioni! perché: comperare il denaro: significa: non essere più padrone: di nulla! e tu sei: il re del nulla! Solo lo schiavo può comprare: il suo denaro! come: tu hai finito: per diventare lo schiavo: di ebrei satanisti? per rovinare il monoteismo nel mondo?

    @ 666 IMF Rothschild ---> addirittura, noi possiamo fare: un regno: così grande: che va dall'Iran: all' Etiopia, tu smetti di maledire il mondo ed il mio popolo ebraico con il tuo satanismo: tu non puoi continuare ad essere così perverso e cattivo, perché, Dio finirà per fare del male: a te e a tutti i tuoi figli! indeed, we can do a kingdom so great: it goes from Iran: to all 'Ethiopia! .. you stop to curse the Jewish people, and all Peoples, and my world with your Satanism(kabbalah talmud 666 322 IMF FED ECB: seigniorage banking? NO! the seigniorage is of the peoples!): you can not continue to be so perverse and evil, because God will eventually do evil to you and all your children!

    @ 666 IMF Rothschild ---> Stop! to cursing mightily: my Jewish people and all peoples of the world! God hates: the Pharisees (and the Talmud): this heresy of Satan: that: he also contaminated some verses of the Torah: in fact: the prophets have said this: but you have not wanted to listen to them: because: you are murderers and thieves of the IMF, the exterminators of the NWO! 1. we can bring together: all Jews, 2. widen the Palestine and, 3. the Palestinians live as brothers with us, because as we are children of Abraham! two of us, we can do this, because as long as there the diaspora? Jewish temple: no: it not will can be built! with your family of rabbis (bankers) Pharisees of the IMF? you have ruined and corrupted the whole human race: for God did not make the bad guys! @ 666 thanks for the CIA have closed the server to my other channel

    @666 FMI Rothscild ---> Stop! a maledire potentemente: il mio popolo ebraico: e tutti i popoli del mondo! Dio odia: il fariseismo(e il suo talmud): questa eresia di satana: che: ha anche contaminato alcuni versetti: della Torà: infatti: anche i profeti hanno detto questo: ma, voi a loro non avete voluto ascoltare: perchè: voi siete assassini e ladri del FMI, gli sterminatori del NWO!! noi possiamo riunire: tutti gli ebrei, allargare la Palestina: e vivere con i palestinesi come fratelli: perché come noi sono figli di Abramo! noi due, noi possiamo fare tutto questo, perché finché esisterà la diaspora? il tempio ebraico: non: potrà essere costruito! con la tua famiglia di rabbini(banchieri) farisei del FMI? tu hai rovinato e danneggiato tutto il genere umano: infatti Dio non ha fatto gli uomini cattivi! @666 CIA grazie per avere chiuso il server all'altro mio canale
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    2 mesi fa

    @ Obama, Bush 322, 666 Rothschild: of IMF -> certainly, after the monopoly of the IMF , now, now, you also have a monopoly on truth! and youtube; Standards Community : Satanists are free to blaspheme Jesus Christ and to all forms of sexual perverversione: of course ! The following videos: feature: content: that: violates: These rules , Therefore: sono stati disabled: "Jewish ritual murder: kabbalah Talmud Grove 322 666 IMF : IMF Abduction 2 - ( allDavidDuke) -> what content? video was in English and I do not know the English spoken! but human sacrifices made ​​by (some Illuminati Jewish rabbis Farisei kakam ) from non-Jews all: have never been proved wrong! then, They still exist!: and I do not know the English spoken! but the sacrifices made by humans (some Jewish rabbis Enlightened) not by all Jews: that, are innocent! have never been disowned! then, they still exist!
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    2 mesi fa

    @Obama; 322 Bush; 666 Rothscild: of IMF --> certamente; dopo il monopolio del FIM; ora, adesso; voi avete anche il monopolio della verità! e in youtube; per le norme della community: i satanisti possono liberamente bestemmiare Gesù Cristo e mettere ogni forma di perverversione sessuale: ovviamente! the following videos: feature: content: that: violates: These rules, therefore: have been disabled: "Jewish ritual murder: kabbalah Talmud IMF Grove 322 666: IMF Abduction 2 - (allDavidDuke) -> what content? video was in English and I do not know the English spoken! but human sacrifices made ​​by (some Jewish rabbis) from non-Jews have never been proved wrong! then, they still exist!
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    2 mesi fa

    @ Obama -> I am a man, that he suffers too much to the survival of all mankind: and your CIA satanists? they should not cancel erased: my articles! @Obama --> io sono un uomo, che, lui soffre troppo: per: la sopravvivenza: di tutto il genere umano: ed i tuoi satanisti della CIA? loro non dovrebbero cancellare i miei articoli!
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    2 mesi fa

    Rothschild IMF @ 666 -> when I say to you, "my friend" I am not a hypocrite, because I promised (to God YHWH) to be a friend of every person on this planet, that's, why who thinks and says, something of bad: against me: unius REI? then, his name has not yet been written in the book of life! not are me: what: I choose to be the enemy of someone, because I have the level of political justice: the larger, more: that men may know! In fact, only: unius REI, is the rightful owner: the bank seigniorage, of all people! rather, this is your chance: for to go out, from where is the powerful curse: of your ancestors [() Illuminati of Lucifer ()] have decided to immerse you and your descendants into the hell!
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    2 mesi fa

    hallelujah -> @ Obama -> all CIA satanists your 666? have deleted, all my comments: all facts, with my channel: allDavidDuke .. Hallelujah -> @ Obama -> alle CIA-Satanisten Ihr 666? gelöscht haben, alle meine Kommentare: alles tun, um mich mit meinem Kanal: allDavidDuke .. aleluya -> @ Obama -> todos los satanistas la CIA el 666? tienen borrados, todos mis comentarios: todos lo hacen por mí, con mi canal: allDavidDuke hallelujah -->@Obama --> i tuoi satanisti della CIA 666? hanno cancellato tutti i miei commenti: fatti, con il mio canale: allDavidDuke hallelujah -> @ Obama -> tous les satanistes CIA votre 666? ont été supprimées, toutes mes commentaires: tous faire par moi, avec ma chaîne: allDavidDuke
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    7 mesi fa

    tu ricordi San Pietro: quando ha detto: che: le Sacre Scritture: non sono affidate: alla spiegazione personale: ma, che: è la Chiesa: che ha il mandato di poter interpretare le Sacre scritture.. ora.. tu non puoi uscire dalla storia: e cercare nel passato: una Chiesa e circostanze storiche e teologiche: che non esistono più... poiché la prima qualità di Dio: è l'amore: la seconda è la giustizia.. tu non puoi fare: di Dio un ingusto: che: condana qualcuno: a nascere da un eretico
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    7 mesi fa

    7_7.@CustodeDellaFede -- faith hope and charity are virtues: theological universal: therefore: also an atheist, possesses it, why not? he could not love: either to be virtuous.. you mix the divine nature: What: that, only Christianity: can give (ie: Trinity and dual nature of Christ) with all your crap: think: about: religious and moral. looks like a secondary thing: the divine nature?: What is for Lucifer: fallen: he losing himself? denied: the theological: and cardinal virtues: to other? but,: they can have all peoples, because God is merciful! This means not being able to see the reality and even offend God, as: which has been taught to do: to all the Jews and the all musumani, etc. ..
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    7 mesi fa

    1_6.@CustodeDellaFede -- I have no true virtue: you said ---> this way: my virtue is false! This is: a crime which condemns to hell: even: all Muslims: ecc. because: it is for reasons of conscience: they condemn to death: the Christian martyrs! ie: to believe that: the real virtue: can only be: in their own religion?: this is a crime against the universal right! is satanism of talmud Kabbalah Talmud 666 322: IMF NWO: rabbis kakam: Illuminati. if we ask a lawyer? Then you say that you have offended me: "because thou hast done: discrimination of order: racial or religious group" because: it is considered a crime: if, there is no: true virtue: in a person by reason of religion
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    7 mesi fa

    2_6.@CustodeDellaFede --. (I never thought that: a gay: can not be virtuous). my bad word? Folklore is .. is a way of saying .. not has a value penalty. and why: I reacted: at the grave coercion: of my dignity. well: the details of the lawsuit? are legitimate only for me! and: if, the international law condemns you? So: even God condemns you: of course! here's why: Sharia and Talmud: Satanism are .. that: then these Satanists: today: have the control: of the world ... this, says it all: on the fact, that: we're all going to die. and since: for the Jews: I am their King and Messiah? then: the anti-Christ, He is my enemy: twice: both: as a jew: that: as a Christian.
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    7 mesi fa

    3_6.@CustodeDellaFede -- boy: you will need to relax, because thou canst not see necessarily: in every heretic: an enemy: like Muslims. those donkeys donkeys like you? they must understand: that: the enemies are the Satanists of the IMF: only, that the heretics: they can be their allies: namely, their brothers, because the important thing is to love one another: between us! and if we do not turn well between us: how we beat the Satanists: ie the true Satanists: 322: 666. we say this: Satanists are to kill the believers ... and since: we are all heretics .. because for every believer, all others are heretics: for him, of course: and since:
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    7 mesi fa

    4_6.@CustodeDellaFede --heretics among us: we can not form an alliance: between us? then win the sataniti: and we all die ... Dickhead: in this way? the real antichrist is you! .you do not do the idiot: like Jehovah's Witness, that: put your head in the sand and says: if want to sodomize: Hi there .. why: we have: the duty to take control of political society: and not: to leave to: Masons Jews of IMF: from: to which of course: the Jehovah's Witnesses come: not groped: no resistance: (I know of) to this system: satanic and Masonic bank seigniorage. why: this is a comic fought:

Informazioni su hell x despair x destruction

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di HellxDesPairTruction
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