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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Rochefeller. Mostra tutti i post

578, Shoah, Tolosa, Vs, IMF, nazi, 666

    ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz ha pubblicato un commento 34 minuti fa [Messiah Lorenzojhwh vs 666 IMF ](Dembitz, l.c. p. 132). "May no hope be left to the slanderers; but may wickedness perish as in a moment; may all Thine enemies be soon cut off, and do Thou speedily uproot the haughty and shatter and humble them speedily in our days. Blessed be Thou, O Lord, who strikest down enemies and humblest the haughty" No. xiii. is a prayer in behalf of the "Ẓaddiḳim" = "pious" (Meg. 17b): "May Thy mercies, O Lord our God, be stirred over the righteous and over the pious and over the elders of Thy people, the House of Israel, and over the remnant of their scribes, and over the righteous proselytes, and over us, and bestow a goodly reward upon them who truly confide in Thy name; and assign us our portion with them forever; and may we not come to shame for that we have trusted in Thee. Blessed be Thou, O Lord, support and reliance for the righteous."


    ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz ha pubblicato un commento 34 minuti fa [Messiah Lorenzojhwh vs 666 IMF ] No. xiv. is a prayer in behalf of Jerusalem: "To Jerusalem Thy city return Thou in mercy and dwell in her midst as Thou hast spoken, and build her speedily in our days as an everlasting structure and soon establish there the throne of David. Blessed be Thou, O Lord, the builder of Jerusalem." No. xv. begins with "Et Ẓemaḥ Dawid" (Meg. 18a), and is so entitled. It is a prayer for the rise of David's sprout, i.e., the Messianic king. At one time it must have formed part of the preceding benediction (see below). It reads: "The sprout of David Thy servant speedily cause Thou to sprout up; and his horn do Thou uplift through Thy victorious salvation; for Thy salvation we are hoping every day. Blessed be Thou, O Lord, who causest the horn of salvation to sprout forth."


    ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz ha pubblicato un commento

    2 mesi fa

    ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz ha pubblicato un commento 35 minuti fa [Messiah Lorenzojhwh vs 666 IMF ] No. xvi. is denominated simply "Tefillah"= "prayer" (Meg. 18a). It is a supplication that the preceding prayers may be answered: "Hear our voice, O Lord our God, spare and have mercy on us, and accept in mercy and favor our prayer. For a God that heareth prayers and supplications art Thou. From before Thee, O our King, do not turn us away empty-handed. For Thou hearest the prayer of Thy people Israel in mercy. Blessed be Thou, O Lord, who hearest prayer." No. xvii. is termed the "'Abodah" = "sacrificial service" (Ber. 29b; Shab. 24a; R. H. 12a; Meg. 18a; Soṭah 38b; Tamid 32b): "Be pleased, O Lord our God, with Thy people Israel and their prayer, and return [i.e., reestablish] the sacrificial service to the altar of Thy House, and the fire-offerings of Israel and their prayer [offered] in love accept Thou with favor,
     ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz ha pubblicato un commento 35 minuti fa [Messiah Lorenzojhwh vs 666 IMF ] and may the sacrificial service of Israel Thy people be ever acceptable to Thee. And may our eyes behold Thy merciful return to Zion. Blessed be Thou who restorest Thy [His] Shekinah to Zion." No. xviii. is the "Hoda'ah" = a "confession" or "thanksgiving" (Meg. 18a; Ber. 29a, 34a; Shab. 24a; Soṭah 68b; see also Articles of Faith):

    ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz ha pubblicato un commento 42 minuti fa Birkat HaMinim of Unius REI the king of Israel ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz ha pubblicato un commento 47 minuti fa @666 CIA IMF ---> admire! now, I will shake, all the hell and all the nations as a single tree! synne kkk 1fag 666 CIA IMF --> You wanted my soul? lol. but I doubt that you can succeed in convincing your Satan, to came to take it


    ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz ha pubblicato un commento 52 minuti fa [USA for criminal IMF masonic satanic system: power of occult: I am king of Israel] @ Bush Rothschild IMF NATO synnek1, 322 freemasonry 666 CIA Mossad: satanism and international institutional: for IMF: ECB FED: owl god Baal in bohemian grove - > you're happy, because, your 500 human sacrifices: on the altar of Satan: in all the world, there are been make: good, also, today? how many unsuspecting girls, you made the bait, then they have trusted you to finish the altar of Satan, etc. .. .. etc. .. .. all to be dissolved in sulfuric acid? where you put your skirt from monaco Satanist? and inverted cross, it is your staff?-how is your happy brotherhood of death, in which Satan is the father murderess and you are all brothers: criminals,

   IsraelNationalTV-- QUESTO, CIA, 666, satanista, DATAGATE, NWO, FMI, IFuckingKillYouRapeU, Ihatenewlayout, --  IMPEDISCE A ME, DI POTER LAVORARE, SU QUESTA, TUA PAGINA  -- ANSWER -- PERTANTO, io non posso più lavorare, in youtube, ed in google, voi siete i nazisti, io vi maledico tutti, nel nome di Gesù.. quindi, voi non potrete più conoscere, i miei pensieri, e le miei determinazioni
3 ore fa

@OBama, USA, farisei, 322, bUSH, KERRY, salafiti, 187AUDIOHOSTEM, 666, google, youtube [una sola sinagoga per satana, FMI, Spa,] --- [quando è troppo, È troppo! ] il vostro satanista, IFuckingKillYoURapeU, DATAGATE, nSA, NWO, non soltanto, ha osato cancellare, i miei commenti su: [/user/theyearinreview/discussion] ma, addirittura, ha distrutto ore, di mio lavoro, anche su, [/user/IsraelNationalTV/discussion] ecco, perché, ed anche, tutti i miei ministri sono testimoni, "voi avete costretto me, alla violenza". QUINDI, IO NON SONO RESPONSABILE, PER TUTTE LE VITE, DI CRIMINALI COMPLICI, CHE, POTRANNO ESSERE ROVINATE, SPEZZATE, IN TUTTO IL MONDO
3 ore fa

@Ariel Sharon  --[Salafiti, farisei, tacete cani, Voi avete tradito, troppe Volte, voi siete Gli Assassini, di Gesù, e quindi, Gli Eterni Assassini di Ebrei, Cristiani ] Guerra del Kippur [ Egitto, Giordania, Siria, Iraq, alleati USA, Arabia Saudita, Kuwait, Marocco, Pakistan, Libia, Algeria, Tunisia, anche, il Sudan inviò un contingente, di 3.500 uomini.] ovviamente, non potevano mancare Uganda, e Cuba .. tutti  a combattere, a combattere contro Israele. -ANSWER - ECCO PECHÉ, L'ATTACCO NUCLEARE, preventivo, è l'unica possibilità, che, tu hai, per poter salvare te stesso, e tutti noi, cioè, tutto, il genere umano
11 ore fa

04/10/2013 CINA, STATI UNITI, Apple rimuove una, app anti-censura, internauti cinesi in rivolta. Gli sviluppatori di OpenDoor, hanno scritto alla Apple per protestare contro la decisione. Nessuna dichiarazione ufficiale, da Cupertino. Per i blogger l’applicazione era uno degli strumenti, più efficaci, per aggirare la censura. Critici ed esperti sottolineano, che, l’auto-censura del colosso, Usa, ha raggiunto “un livello superiore”. -ANSWER-  [un solo monopolio, sPA, FMI, del denaro, creato dal nulla, E ceduto a interesse(per indebitare i popoli, fino alla distruzione) ha creato, un solo satanismo mondiale, se, non mi sarà consentito di fare breccia, nel NWO? Israele non potrà essere salvato! ] ovviamente, il mio ministero politico, ha il potere soprannaturale, di uccidere i criminali, solo che, io non sono motivato ad agire in tal senso.
11 ore fa

INDIA, Pogrom in Orissa: ergastolo per i sette cristiani innocenti. Vescovo emerito di Cuttack-Bhubaneshwar promette: "Faremo appello". I condannati sono accusati dell'omicidio di un leader indù, che scatenò le violenze anticristiane del 2008. Contro di loro non esistono prove. I maoisti hanno sempre rivendicato l'assassinio. SIRIA. Cristiani di Maaloula: 'All'attacco hanno partecipato anche i nostri concittadini musulmani'. "Cristiani e musulmani avevano sempre vissuto in un clima di fiducia reciproca, l'attacco a Maaloula ha creato molto sconforto". Gli islamisti hanno invaso le case e continuano a minacciare il villaggio, teatro di scontro continuo tra ribelli ed esercito. Le famiglie fuggite a Damasco e a Beirut raccontano la loro storia. Si vuole cacciare i cristiani per eliminare il cristianesimo.
11 ore fa

[tutto il satanismo, di integralismi, e di integralisti, coloro, che, violano, la libertà di religione, neanche, dovrebbero avere l'onore, di sedere, tra, i nobili satanisti massoni, dell'ONU, Spa, FMI, ]
11 ore fa

04/10/2013, IRAN, IRAQ, Rouhani apprezzato dall'ayatollah Al Sistani (ovviamente, favorevole al nucleare iraniano). Il ministro degli esteri del nuovo governo, di Teheran, è stato subito ricevuto, dal pacifico, grande assassino nazista, della Sharia imperialismo, del califfato mondiale, ayatollah di Najaf. Ahmadinejad, ha chiesto diverse volte, di incontrarlo, ma gli è stato sempre negato.
-- ANSWER -- TUTTI coloro, che, non si schierano, contro, la sharia sono sempre dei nazisti pericolosi! è in nome della Sharia, che, ogni terrorismo, e terrorista vive e prospera nel mondo
12 ore fa

Il presidente della Siria Bashar al Assad ha dichiarato, nella sua intervista con il settimanale tedesco “Spiegel”, che l’esercito governativo siriano non ha usato armi chimiche.
Il presidente ha sottolineato: “Non abbiamo usato armi chimiche. E’ una menzogna. L’immagine di uccisori del nostro stesso popolo, come voi ci dipingente, non è veritiera”. -- ANSWER-- OK! è chiaro a tutti, è stata la Arabia Saudita, che, ha ordinato l'uso di gas sarin, per permettere una aggressione militare della Siria

NEW YORK, 5 OTTOBRE, "L'Iran è ancora a "un anno o più di distanza" dall'essere in grado di produrre armi nucleari". Lo afferma il TRADITORE, presidente americano, Barack Obama, in un'intervista alla #Associated Press. Il mondo - afferma Obama - deve testare se il presidente dell'Iran, Hassan Rouhani, è serio, nel perseguire una soluzione diplomatica, sul nucleare. Gli Stati Uniti si assicureranno, mette in evidenza Obama, che, possa essere verificato qualsiasi accordo. -- ANSWER -- @ La Sharia è un atto di aggressione, una chiara minaccia di, intolleranza nazista.. non bisogna attendere un solo minuto di più, perché, una bomba atomica sporca. è possibile realizzarla anche ora

TEHERAN, Alla luce del riavvicinamento, in atto con gli Stati Uniti, stanno circolando, in Iran, proposte per abolire l'urlo "Morte all'America", da 34 anni, uno degli slogan-simbolo della #Repubblica islamica. Ne ha parlato un importante predicatore a Teheran, #ayatollah #Ahmad Khatami, sottolineando che " #Margh bar #Amrika" (Morte all'America) e' ''lo slogan, della resistenza dell'Iran''' all'imperialismo degli Usa.

E non va, quindi, abbandonato. Nella moschea, i fedeli lo hanno poi scandito più volte. -ANSWER - ALLORA, 1000 volte di più: "Margh bar Amrika" contro, Israele,

[ proverbio: " lupo non mangia lupo!"] [l'Impegno della LEGA ARABA, contro, gli #jihadisti, è soltanto, una tuffa, finché, rimarrà in vigore, giuridicamente, la #Sharia, perché, gli,  #islamisti della galassia jihadista, combattono, in nome della sharia] #MOGADISCIO, Un blitz nel cuore della notte, sulla spiaggia di #Barawe, per cercare di sorprendere, gli #integralisti #islamici #Shabaab e di snidare, #Abu Diyad 'il #ceceno': il più esotico, capo guerrigliero, dell'insanguinato #Corno d'Africa, arrivato in #Somalia, dal, lontano #Caucaso per unirsi alla ,,,,#jihad dei 'fratelli neri'. Protagonista - secondo gli Shabaab - un commando misto, #britannico-turco (ma, L#ondra e #Ankara smentiscono), che, sarebbe stato alla fine respinto con perdite.

[[This is the truth: " #ISRAEL has the hours counted!" ]] WHY, the strategic positions of power, are not under the responsibility of the policy, but were occupied by, #international #Freemasonry! that is, all the #occult powers, of, #esoteric agenda, which the #Pharisees, 666, IMF, #Rothschild, #Bush, 322, #Kerry, #Rochefeller, #Spa, that is, all the #Illuminati have done.    [/user/IsraelNationalTV/discussion]       

[[ questa è la verità: "ISRAELE ha le ore, contate!" ]] PERCHÉ, i posti strategici del potere, non sono sotto, la responsabilità, della Politica, ma, sono stati occupati, dalla Massoneria Internazionale! cioè, tutti i poteri occulti, di, esoteric agenda, che, i farisei 666, FMI, Rothschild, Bush, 322, Kerry, Rochefeller, Spa, cioè, tutti gli Illuminati hanno fatto.

@israelNationalTV- in questo modo, in una maniera spregiudicata, #Turchia, #Arabia, #Saudita, #Iran, #Siria, tutta la #LEGA ARABA, sono un solo #califfato mondiale, e sono pronti, a strumentalizzare, #Russia, #CINA, eUROPA, USA, cioè, [ #SCO, e, #Nato ], per farli, #combattere, #SCANNARE, #distruggere, tra, di loro, affinché, tra, i due litiganti, il terzo goda.. infatti, l'Occidente non ha il coraggio di, scannare donne, e bambini, cosa, che, gli islamisti, non hanno nessun probloma a fare... quindi, da una guerra mondiale.. protetti, dalle lobbies ebraiche (NetWork tv) di satanisti deviati, loro ritengono di uscire vincitori!

    ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz ha pubblicato un commento 52 minuti fa [USA for criminal IMF masonic satanic system: power of occult: I am king of Israel] all whores and sisters, one family horror criminal: ie CIA, mossad, in all the world! This is why you do not want to accept my universal brotherhood? [kidnapping capture of the victims: by: CIA Mossad: IMF 666, for doing human sacrifice on the altar of Satan] through the subtle tricks, like attending a party, you can get a job, many people are trapped and Attracted! Once addicted: drug addicts, they must sacrifice his life to the devil. is lucky if you get immediately strangled! some priests are full of sadism and torture and Their loved torturing victims until he comes, the most agonizing death! you 666? you are disgusting perverts! [Lucas 4 years in hell! Vier und zurück Jahare Holle, ed. TEA spa Milan]


    ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz ha pubblicato un commento

    2 mesi fa

    ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz ha pubblicato un commento 53 minuti fa [USA Verbrecher IWF Freimaurer satanische System: Macht okkulte: Ich bin der König von Israel] @ Bush Rothschild IWF NATO synnek1, 322 Freimaurerei 666 CIA Mossad: Satanismus und internationalen institutionellen: für IWF: EZB FED: owl Gott Baal in Bohemian Grove - > du bist glücklich, weil Ihre 500 Menschenopfer: make in der ganzen Welt, gibt es schon: auf dem Altar des Satans gut, auch, heute? wie viele ahnungslose Mädchen, Sie den Köder aus, dann haben sie dir vertraut, den Altar des Satans, etc. zu beenden. .. etc.. .. alle in Schwefelsäure gelöst werden? wo du deine Rock aus monaco Satanist? ? und umgedrehtes Kreuz, ist es Ihre Mitarbeiter, wie ist Ihre glückliche Bruderschaft des Todes, in cui Satan ist der Vater Mörderin und ihr seid alle Brüder: Kriminelle,


    ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz ha pubblicato un commento

    2 mesi fa

    [USA Verbrecher IWF Freimaurer satanische System: Macht okkulte: Ich bin der König von Israel] Huren und alle Schwestern, eine Familie Horror-kriminellen, dh CIA, Mossad, in der ganzen Welt! Dies ist, warum Sie nicht wollen, dass meine universellen Brüderlichkeit zu akzeptieren? [Entführung Erfassung der Opfer: von: CIA Mossad: IMF 666, dafür Menschenopfer auf dem Altar der Satan] durch die subtilen Tricks, wie an einer Partei, können Sie einen Job zu bekommen, sind viele Menschen angezogen und gefangen! Einmal süchtig: Drogenabhängige, müssen sie sein Leben dem Teufel opfern. ist glücklich, wenn man sofort erwürgt! einige Priester sind voll von Sadismus und geliebt Foltern und foltern ihre Opfer, bis er kommt, die qualvollen Tod! Sie 666? Sie sind ekelhaft Perversen! [Lucas 4 Jahre in der Hölle! Vier Jahare Holle und zurück, hrsg. TEA spa Milan]


    ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz ha pubblicato un commento

    2 mesi fa

    ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz ha pubblicato un commento 53 minuti fa [EE.UU. penal por el FMI masónico sistema satánico: el poder de lo oculto: Yo soy el rey de Israel] @ Bush Rothschild FMI OTAN synnek1, 322 666 masonería CIA Mossad: satanismo y la institucional internacional: por el FMI: BCE FED: búho dios Baal en Bohemian Grove - > eres feliz, porque sus 500 sacrificios humanos: en el altar de Satanás: en todo el mundo, existen sido hacer: bueno, también, hoy? cuántas niñas inocentes, que hizo el cebo, entonces ellos han confiado en ti para terminar el altar de Satanás, etc. .. etc. .. todo para ser disuelto en ácido sulfúrico? donde se pone la falda de monaco satanista? ? invertida y transversal, es su personal cómo es tu hermandad feliz de la muerte, en cui Satanás es el padre asesina y todos vosotros sois hermanos: criminales,


    ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz ha pubblicato un commento

    2 mesi fa

    [EE.UU. penal por el FMI masónico sistema satánico: el poder de lo oculto: Yo soy el rey de Israel] putas y hermanas todos, un horror familia criminales: es decir, la CIA, el Mossad, en todo el mundo! Es por eso que no quieren aceptar mi fraternidad universal? [captura de secuestro de las víctimas: a través de: CIA Mossad: FMI 666, para hacer los sacrificios humanos en el altar de Satanás] por medio de los trucos sutiles, como asistir a una fiesta, usted puede conseguir un trabajo, muchas personas se sienten atraídos y atrapados! Una vez adictos: los drogadictos, tienen que sacrificar su vida al diablo. tiene suerte si te estrangulado inmediatamente! algunos sacerdotes están llenas de sadismo y querido torturar y torturar a sus víctimas hasta que venga la muerte más agonizante! que 666? que son pervertidos asquerosos! [Lucas 4 años en el infierno! Vier Jahare Holle und zurück, ed. TEA spa Milan]


    ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz ha pubblicato un commento

    2 mesi fa

    ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz ha pubblicato un commento 1 secondo fa hallelujah [USA criminelle pour le FMI maçonnique satanique système: de la puissance occulte: je suis le roi d'Israël] @ Bush Rothschild FMI OTAN synnek1, 322 666 franc-maçonnerie CIA Mossad: satanisme et institutionnel international: pour le FMI: BCE FED: hibou dieu Baal dans Bohemian Grove - > vous êtes heureux, parce que, vos 500 sacrifices humains: sur l'autel de Satan: dans le monde entier, il ya eu faire: bon, aussi, aujourd'hui? combien de jeunes filles sans méfiance, vous avez fait l'appât, puis ils vous ont fait confiance pour terminer l'autel de Satan, etc. .. etc. .. tout à dissoudre dans de l'acide sulfurique? où vous mettez votre Jupe de Monaco sataniste? et Croix inversée, il est de votre personnel? comment est votre fraternité heureuse de la mort, en cui Satan est la meurtrière père et vous êtes tous frères:


    ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz ha pubblicato un commento

    2 mesi fa

    [USA criminelle pour le FMI maçonnique satanique système: de la puissance occulte: je suis le roi d'Israël] des criminels, des prostituées et toutes les sœurs, une famille de criminels horreur: c'est à dire la CIA, le Mossad, dans le monde entier! C'est pourquoi vous ne voulez pas accepter ma fraternité universelle? [capture d'enlèvement des victimes: par: CIA Mossad: FMI 666, pour faire des sacrifices humains sur l'autel de Satan] à travers les tours subtils, comme assister à une fête, vous pouvez obtenir un emploi, de nombreuses personnes sont attirées et piégées! Une fois accro: toxicomanes, ils doivent sacrifier sa vie pour le diable. a de la chance si vous obtenez immédiatement étranglé! certains prêtres sont pleins de sadisme et aimé torturer et torturer leurs victimes jusqu'à ce qu'il vienne, la mort la plus atroce! vous 666? vous sont des pervers dégoûtant! [Lucas 4 ans dans l'enfer! Vier Jahare Holle und zurück, éd. TEA spa Milan]


    ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz ha pubblicato un commento

    2 mesi fa

    [ USA criminal for IMF masonic satanic system: of power occult: I am king of Israel ] @ Bush Rothschild IMF NATO synnek1, 322 freemasonry 666 CIA Mossad: satanism and international institutional: for IMF: ECB FED: owl god Baal in bohemian grove -> you're happy, because, your 500 human sacrifices: on the altar of Satan: in all the world, there are been make: good, also, today? how many unsuspecting girls, you made the bait, then they have trusted you to finish the altar of Satan, etc.. .. etc.. .. all to be dissolved in sulfuric acid? where you put your skirt from monaco Satanist? and inverted cross, it is your staff?how, is your happy brotherhood of death, in cui Satan is the father murderess and you are all brothers: criminals,


    ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz ha pubblicato un commento

    2 mesi fa

    [ USA criminal for IMF masonic satanic system: of power occult: I am king of Israel ] whores and all sisters, one family horror criminal: ie CIA, mossad, in all the world! This is why you do not want to accept my universal brotherhood? [kidnapping capture of the victims: by: CIA Mossad: IMF 666, for doing human sacrifice on the altar of Satan] through the subtle tricks, like attending a party, you can get a job, many people are attracted and trapped! Once addicted: drug addicts, they must sacrifice his life to the devil. is lucky if you get immediately strangled! some priests are full of sadism and loved torturing and torture their victims until he comes, the most agonizing death! you 666? you are disgusting perverts! [Lucas 4 years in hell! Vier Jahare Holle und zurück, ed. TEA spa Milan]


    ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz ha pubblicato un commento

    2 mesi fa

    Ok, lol. I understand, this is the only truth, that all the false democracies Masonic, of banKING seigniorage, of Rothchild, may say.] October 19, 2012. Diary from Syria, Assad's militias in the service? --- Answer -> and why you never talk, too, of all militias of Saudi Arabia and its imperialism, which kills 300 Christian martyrs every day in the world? that is, all the Mujahideen, to do, the Jihad, for Sharia in Syria: also, that is, of the 20,000 terrorists of Al Qaeda and Salafi, to start the 3rd World War, which should wipe Israel off the map .. ? I knew you are the 666 CIA NATO Masons accomplices of the IMF, and its agenda talmud, if IRAN and Syria have not been invaded: yet? the credit is all mine! but, if it not is abolished: the sharia: immediately: and throughout the world? can not be avoided: the 3rd WW nuclear, and will no longer be possible to save: my holy holy holy Islam, that today is big nazi of satanAllah


    ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz ha pubblicato un commento

    2 mesi fa

    ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz ha pubblicato un commento 5 secondi fa hallelujah -> I do not know why, with 1000 attempts, I was not able to join this channel, of my Jewish brothers martyrs, for the sins of the IMF 666 satanic talmud! Satan Rothschild, satanic Talmud, for do Shoah, all criminal Pharisee rabbi: IMF 666 CIA: against my Israel -> this is your power? you can not do better than your spam? then, your hours have been counted! kain Cain 666 IMF CIA --> and so are you that you have to decide what needs to be right for me, or for everyone? no? then, go fuck yourself @Rothschild synagogue of Baal owl god, 666: mom: also of youtube google: CIA IMF 322 -> your puppies monkey: highly evolved? ie, infinity730+bendix5+indignant99! they came often to cry on my page, and because they do not know how to accept defeat! So you'd better close their channels for offense and bullying against me


    ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz ha pubblicato un commento

    9 mesi fa

    1_2.[for love of my jewish people]Jeremiah 31,31 "The days are coming," declares the LORD, "when I will make a new covenant. with the people of Israel: and with the people of Judah. 32 It will not be like the covenant I made with their ancestors. when I took them by the hand. to lead them out of Egypt, because they broke my covenant, though I was a husband to[d] them,[e]" declares the LORD.[io posso liberare: tutti gli ebrei: da ogni: loro peccato: con un solo atto: della mia volontà: perché Dio crede: che: tutta la colpa: è stata soltanto: di Rothscild: così sarà lui a morire al loro posto: questa volta!]


    ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz ha pubblicato un commento

    9 mesi fa

    2_2.[for love of my jewish people] Jeremiah 31,33 "This is the covenant I will make with the people of Israel: after that time," declares the LORD. "I will put my law in their minds: and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people. 34. No longer will they teach their neighbor, or say to one another, 'Know the LORD,' because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest," declares the LORD. "For I will forgive their wickedness: and will remember their sins no more." [I can free up: all the Jews from all: their sins: with a single act: of my will, because God believes: that: all the blame: was only: of Rothschild: so he'll die: alone: in their place: this time!]


    ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz ha pubblicato un commento

    9 mesi fa

    @satanist cia mossad imf nwo ---> you get out of your religious bullshit, because the reality of the Kingdom of God on earth is a political reality: not only spiritual .. the duty of all believers in God of all religions is to fight: why unius REI has his throne on earth as it is already in heaven at the right hand of God that is not Satanism: of IMF to prevail esci dalle tue stronzate religiose: perché la realtà del Regno di Dio: sulla terra è una realtà politica: non soltanto spirituale.. il compito di tutti i credenti in Dio di tutte le religioni: è quello di lottare: perché Unius REI abbia il suo trono sulla terra: come lo ha già nel cielo alla destra di Dio. affinché non sia il satanismo del FMI a prevalere


    ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz ha pubblicato un commento

    9 mesi fa

    how can a perverse Satanist speak properly? your "ligHt": is by Satan, not for doctrinal reasons (peaceful): is : But, it is because I have: in my eyes all the murders he had committed the your: antichrist ... the controversies are the result of ribelione: the pride of man .. but, I do not contend: on matters of religion: if you are not committed: crimes and abuse! : ma, è perché io ho negli occhi tutti gli omicidi che gli anticristo hanno commesso... le polemiche sono il frutto della ribelione: dell'orgoglio dell'uomo.. io non contendo su questioni di religione: se non vengono commessi crimini ed abusi!


    ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz ha pubblicato un commento

    9 mesi fa

    on doctrinal questions: I can not act as unius REI, but only as a simple man .. but: will speak: as REI unius: only: if they committed acts of violence against innocent people .. if, I not can work: in this way? you all will die very soon, because: the 3 rd WW nuclear: is much, much: closer: of that: one might think: people: milked and fleeced: like sheep: (from Mason jew) do not have more flesh and blood: you can give here is why: IMF: is forced: to collapse: because: there is no soundness: in financial: behind the bank's stock. ie: only 1/3: of the bank stocks: are covered by real wealth .. so you have to kill: too many people: Why: in order: the IMF: can to will continue to exist


    ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz ha pubblicato un commento

    9 mesi fa

    the test on this planet is too short! Then I do not believe: that: you will be happy: to have become: the atomic fuel: this planet to have lost the happiness of the relationship with God! because today you're desperate? as: much more desperate can you be tomorrow? and in the hell? il test su questo pianeta: è troppo breve! poi: io non credo: che: tu sarai felice: di essere diventato: il combustibile atomico: di questo pianeta: di avere perso la felicità del rapporto con Dio! poiché già oggi tu sei disperato? come: molto di più disperato: tu potrai essere domani?


    ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz ha pubblicato un commento

    9 mesi fa

    @Kraivarous -- hei, Thomas Mistafield CIA Mossad: 322 666 IMF NWO: for all my curses: that thou hast taken: on this page from me over the years? even Satan himself: he'll be afraid: to get close: to you: in the hell .. because the fact that you're funny? This is not a mitigating factor for your crimes! you took the flag of Satan, so certainly you have to take his punishment! [hell] our scientists are gay! as: we may be: a star that has cooled: outside it: on its surface to have a nuclear engine: dynamic turns on itself: namely, in perfect balance: at the center of our planet? is the wrath of God: of feeding all of this: before the last judgment: when at last: you will have the grace to be disintegrated: but: first: thou shalt be fuel: Atomic of our planet with all: other: antichrist:of the human race! Your mind has been blinded, because God decided to destroy you: and God does not want to use: with thee: for his mercy! wisdom is not for you!


    ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz ha pubblicato un commento

    9 mesi fa

    [Criminal Satanists: Saudi Arabia: Salafist] I not are: a pulsive! but: as everyone knows: that: I will know to wait: the right moment to take my revenge .. The terror will spread: among all my enemies all over the world .. why, so no one will commit: crime: for his death sentence: that: he was right by having to receive! and I said this: why, I have no need: to be violent: against anyone: io non sono un impulsivo! ma: poiché tutti sanno: che: io saprò aspettare: il momento giusto: per fare la mia vendetta.. il terrore: si diffonderà: tra tutti i miei nemici: in tutto il mondo.. così: nessuno commetterà: il crimine: per una condanna a morte: che ha giustamente da dover ricevere! ed io: in questo modo: io non avrò bisogno di essere violento: contro nessuno


    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento

    9 mesi fa

    [this brilliant idea to close: all double channels: in youtube to everyone: users]: so, when: they cry out their pain: for the fault: of bankestern: the usurious moneylenders Jews: IMF World Order? and then: they will ship their mail? Then, they will never know: if the CIA Mossad: has captured: in their filters: their message: or no! lol. clever! [geniale questa idea di chiudere: tutti i doppi canali: di youtube a tutti: agli utenti]: così, quando: loro grideranno il loro dolore: per colpa: gli strozzini usurai ebrei: del FMI NWO? e poi: loro spediranno le loro mail? poi ,non potranno sapere mai: se la CIA Mossad: ha bloccato nei filtri: il loro messaggio: oppure no! lol. furbi!

    @to all the peoples [IMF is one only :synagogue of Satan] 1). THESIS: my religion (ideology) is true, 2). ANTITESI: Other religions (ideologies) are all false, 3). SUMMARY: I have a duty to kill, repress, fight, submit, etc. .. heretics. CONCLUSION: What can be: more: insane, criminal, desperate: of this situation: for us?: When: just as happy for the Illuminati: of NWO IMF? In fact, they need wars: to: 1. regenerate the IMF; 2. into debt and submit: more and more: the nations and to bring forward: their agenda: the NWO. From this desperate situation: the religions: that: claim to: worship God? but: should infer, that God is a demon, because there is nothing: in this: of: compassion:
     [IMF is one only :synagogue of Satan] brotherhood and justice! Indeed, if God did not want all these different religions? then: God even less: he does not is: Almighty: and Omniscient! All Governments: rich: Masons: Politicians: of all the world: have decided: to exterminate: all nations: and disintegrate Israel: through: 3 ° WW nuclear: because: Illuminati Pharisees Jewish rabbis: do not want: to leave the control: of the world for go: in Palestine alone! otherwise, too: they would not allow: the "Georgia Guidestones" and because: I have called: Rothschild 666: and: 322 Bush, but, they did not: come: from me: Unius REI! 1. You spread that message, 2. prepare yourself: to die: not to fall: into the abyss of Hell.


    ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz ha pubblicato un commento

    9 mesi fa

    @CIA --> LetsPlayBilamba = UniusRei3IsFaggot = IHateNEWLAYOUT = 666 322 NWO IMF = MsAinotse --> Satanists do not have permission to come this page is: and he represents them: by convention! As you can see? He knows when I turn on: my computer: sometimes, I am sure: he can read: my comment: while: I express: my through: with google traslator. is the agency: of: this man who: has ruined youtube: in the futile attempt: of can stop: my ministry, but my ministry does not belong: of the my body: and then: it can not be stopped by anyone!


    ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz ha pubblicato un commento

    9 mesi fa

    @Muslim: Hindu: Buddhist -> you: kill tortured: oppress: people whom you consider to be heretics .. but, those of you not, is quite sure that, he was not Heretic? only, those who have spoken directly with God, can know: not to be a heretic (no, I have never spoken directly: with God).. because: if the Quran was something really important? Then, Muhammad would commit him: to put the Koran: in writing: during his life: and would not give: this responsibility to another(all the sacred books: it was shown: Lies contain: or things:indecent,as the Dalits only: are the dust: of the feet of Brahma: for have do of him a demon!) .. you deserve to be punished: and in fact: you will all be punished: for the happiness of Satanic Jews: of IMF NWO.


    ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz ha pubblicato un commento

    9 mesi fa

    [(communists)] there are those who do not believe in God: and this gives them the right to harm the believers (who are peaceful: and good citizens)? If the state: is size of three-dimensional, and, but, faith is in another dimension: spiritual... where is the incompatibility? Maybe you're a criminal and this is only your compatibility! You do not look for the good of your people, but, only: for its exploitation! [(comunisti)]c'è chi non crede in Dio: e questo da loro: il diritto di fare del male ai credenti (che sono pacifici: e buoni cittadini)? Se lo Stato è di ordina tridimensionale: e la fede è di un altra dimensione: dove è la incompatibilità? forse tu sei un criminale: ed è soltanto questa la tua incompatibilità! tu non cerchi il bene del popolo: ma il suo sfruttamento!


    ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz ha pubblicato un commento

    9 mesi fa

    [[politician UNIVERSAL: unius REI]] if: satanists: hindu, Illuminati: sharia, communists, ecc.. not killed: many Christians around the world? I would not have: put a single video: on Christianity: and I would not: ever: proclaimed the Gospel: in youtube: 1. because I am a universal political! 2. because for me: Christianity: it is a privilege: it is the same divine nature of God and not a commodity: the market for sale .. why: all those who attribute: to themselves, the nature of the Divine: Outside of Christ Jesus, true man and true God? they are crazy! fact: only: the criminally insane: may be: the Illuminati Jewish rabbis Pharisees: of the Talmud IMF FED ECB NWO 666 322


    ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz ha pubblicato un commento

    9 mesi fa

    I have a big sadness: "very deep" because I've watched the wickedness in the eyes of many people: .. and I believe that my "sadness: the should: also hear: Many people around the world" Everything That exists? it's all fake: fact: there is only one IMF: one for only one 666 322 NWO: here the most important page in the world? There is not a Mason who has the courage to talk to me! everything that exists? it's all fake: fact: there is only one IMF: one for NWO


    ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz ha pubblicato un commento

    9 mesi fa

    so: i see: all this wickedness: also: in very young children? comes naturally to me, saying: "because: I have to do all these sacrifices? perhaps Rothschild: that's right: indeed he wants to destroy: the whole human race" .. But, then I think: "but. Rothschild not has right: is he that has ruined: all the whole human race: in these 5 centuries: Immorality: Anarchy: predation wars racism etc. .. all its fruits: of his Talmud: 'and they did just all this evil: just: for the chance to destroy the world: Israel and hope of Israel " the most good men of all the most good? should not be: men who love God? NO! 65%: of them all: men are: that are more evil in the world!


    ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz ha pubblicato un commento

    9 mesi fa

    @Rothscild--- Many months ago I read in the Bible: that: the Illuminati: will live well: in Palestine .. here's why: you and Rothschild: the two of you: have a characteristic in common: no doubt: "you're not willing to die for Satan!" No! are all cowards! if: you do not move you? rather: they allow themselves to kill! But, this is the truth in their heart: 80%: of you: wont moves to move: for me .. this nightmare of occult powers? not something that a father good? can leave to his son? Your son.. lol. who will not:can there be, because there are so many ways: too many variables! for: not being able: to pass a: nuclear: WW 3 °! courage: come to me!


    ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz ha pubblicato un commento

    9 mesi fa

    [IMF NWO] because: evil: has entered the world? The Bible clearly says! is because: the IMF: the banking seigniorage: was stolen stolen: all the nations: who've been betrayed ... for Satan will is to triumph: for this crime: that it is: the foundation: of all our institutions: and it is: the very fabric of our social relations here because every virtuous attitude is very dangerous here because too many people go to hell perché: la malvagità: è entrata nel mondo? la Bibbia lo dice chiaramente! è perché: il FMI: del signoraggio bancario: è stato rubato: rubato: a tutti i popoli: che sono stati traditi... per fare trionfare satana: questo crimine: è a fondamento delle nostre istituzioni: ed è: il tessuto stesso delle nostre relazioni sociali: ecco perché ogni atteggiamento virtuoso è molto rischioso: ecco perché troppe persone vanno all'inferno


    ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz ha pubblicato un commento

    9 mesi fa

    @ Rothschild - this: toy: of the: IMF- New World Order: You can give it: to me, quietly, for I have overcome: every challenge! I know how: You can disassemble it: and how: you can rebuild it: no: no one: will gets hurt: is my Universal brotherhood! Blessed in the name of God: of Abraham: YHWH, you free: the prisoners: free: governments: of all world: you let them, they can come to me: because: I am their: Good Shepherd: of all! 1. Why: want to go down: to the hell: together: to with your partners: in crime, while: God from you: give the opportunity: to: be forgiven from all your crimes? 2. Because you you die as an enemy of God: for they can not see: the Glory: that God has established: for the kingdom of Israel, because in fact no one can stop this prophecy!


    ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz ha pubblicato un commento

    9 mesi fa

    @ Rothschild - you think you're safe, just because: you look me through: your "intranet"? but, this is my truth, "how, I can do harm: at the creatures: that: God has created, from nothing: for the power: of his love and joy. if, I feel this vibration: of love of God: for all his creatures? ". but very soon? Your day will end: and all that: love: that you always spit? "will be turned into anger." all the evil that came with you? will transform yourself: into a human torch: unquenchable! who is that crazy, that says the opposite: to you: Rabbi Ovadia of shit: in the Talmud? but: if Jesus just thinking: between: two of us: He said: "you need: to be the master of the world? but, if: then: You Rothschild, UniusREI, etc. .. you lost your soul!? What? What: you give in exchange: for your soul?


    ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz ha pubblicato un commento

    9 mesi fa

    @ Rothschild - is useless: it: every day: you get do pretend: of be stupid: he pretends: do not understand: anything. you are: the destruction: of the hope of Israel: and of the world: I am your King: I the duty to stop: your criminal career! because: actually my real goal: is to teach you: to love God! But, that's the truth: "without a pure heart? Is impossible to love God: or to live: in the presence of God." so: what is more appropriate: for you? is precisely that: to enter: at my service, because: I am the one only your way! In fact, above: 1. the law? 2. of dog blood? 3. of any theory or ideology? there is love: that is, the will of God in me: for you: as: for any other man on this planet!


    ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz ha pubblicato un commento

    9 mesi fa

    the killing of Jews and soldiers in Toulouse: it is a wound that: bleeds: and we all over Italy: we did: even five minutes of silence: I also prayed with my pupils: for this in three different classes! but: every 5 minutes: a Christian is martyred: more: than 160,000: are the innocent Christian martyrs: that: they are killed: each year: in silence: the Jewish media: IMF: and liabilities: of our politicians: Masons, that: they know: of not to be Christians! this because it's obvious: they are: Masons: and Jews that: they are of IMF: synagogue of satan. the sponsors of all this: hate absurd: against Christianity, to the delight of the Salafis in Saudi Arabia!


    ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz ha pubblicato un commento

    9 mesi fa

    [shoah of Toulouse] everyone: discussing of French Revolution? then they say also: "acceleration of historical processes." so: make this case: an isolated case unique? is the biggest mistake .. because: the concept itself: of Hebrew IMF: that is: the mental association: that snaps: also, in my mind is this: "Freemasons and Jews are the first accomplices of IMF: They have sold: my life to the Jews Illuminati ! "Thus, if the existence of my life was severely threatened? I let myself die quietly? or: Also: I should not try: my rabbi and my Freemason: to kill: before of my death: inevitable? because: that's for sure: I could never kill children! When Jews are can separate: themselves: from Rothiscild? also: then: their curse: will end up: together with him!

     cowards! because nobody wants to talk: about: the perfect relationship: there is between the IMF and the Holocaust? if there not were: the satanic: and Hebrew: IMF? there would have been: the Holocaust: Why is this: wear: made ​​by Jews? is as old as: the Old Testament .. and since: everyone knows, but everyone is afraid to speak .. So I say: so! it is these rabbis Illuminati: the disgrace of the world: and of my Jewish people! codardi! perché nessuno vuole parlare: della relazione perfetta: che c'è tra FMI e Shoah? se non ci fosse: il satanico: ed ebraico: FMI? non ci sarebbe mai stata: la Shoah: perché questa: usura fatta dagli ebrei? è vecchia come: l'antico Testamento.. e poiché: tutti sanno: ma tutti hanno paura di parlare.. allora lo dico io! sono proprio questi rabbini Illuminati: la vera disgrazia del mondo: e del mio popolo ebraico!

    IHateNEWLAYOUT Mistafiel Thomas - you must not forget that: I have 51 years! Until a few years ago? was my wife that: she ran away from me! lol. now? lol. Also it may happen: the opposite! lol. - Joke! -> You know: the power of the Holy Spirit could also overwhelm: the weakness of human nature .. at least, until: someone is totally dedicated: or consecrated: like me: at the Lord God Almighty! but sex is no longer a big problem for me! I have been faithful: at the commandments: when the flame of my lust: was very powerful: I do not have a duty to lead by example: now that the flame of my lust has been softened?

    Thomas Mistafiel CIA Darkculus -->What I must do to steal the soul of the all Satanists: in your opinion: : I have to love them: or i have to terrorize them? about naked girls? I fear that: they can catch a cold! about: forcing my religion to others? This is impossible! I hate all religions! because: it is not possible to love God and then to love something for him! and then: I'm the joy: while all religious? I see them very sad .. and in any case: Satanists? they are the saddest of all! is written: "marriage is a good remedy against the lust", that is true, why do not control their instincts: Do not curb your desire? This can lead: to guilty fault: crime: abusing of other: and suffering: very big!

    I am the King of Israel: and the King: from around the world: unius REI: I have been chosen: by God!: I dedicate this channel: to all the victims of violence and racism and imperialism: all evil: that: they were born: in the Talmud (the word of Satan) (in oral form (and not only, because: Moses could not doing: in the name of God: to be able "usura" of IMF Rabbis: against the goyim) was contemporary with word of God) that is: Jewish supremacy: of the IMF, that: many tragedies he deserved: as nazism: comunism: 11-09: ecc.. a whole world have to taken: this: Kakam rabbis: Illuminati: for control: of all monopolies: and each institution: NWO: for the destruction: of the Hope: of Israel: that is: the blessed seed: of Abraham, because: it is in him: and: for him only, that: can be blessed: all the Peoples: of the earth!

INDIA, offend, West Masonic, satanic,

 Arutz Sheva TV,

    [[This is the truth: " #ISRAEL has the hours counted!" ]] WHY, the strategic positions of power, are not under the responsibility of the policy, but were occupied by, #international #Freemasonry! that is, all the #occult powers, of, #esoteric agenda, which the #Pharisees, 666, IMF, #Rothschild, #Bush, 322, #Kerry, #Rochefeller, #Spa, that is, all the #Illuminati have done.  [/user/IsraelNationalTV/discussion] [[ questa è la verità: "ISRAELE ha le ore, contate!" ]] PERCHÉ, i posti strategici del potere, non sono sotto, la responsabilità, della Politica, ma, sono stati occupati, dalla Massoneria Internazionale! cioè, tutti i poteri occulti, di, esoteric agenda, che, i farisei 666, FMI, Rothschild, Bush, 322, Kerry, Rochefeller, Spa, cioè, tutti gli Illuminati hanno fatto.
    HellxDesPairTruction 6 minuti fa

    @israelNationalTV - in questo modo, in una maniera spregiudicata, #Turchia, #Arabia, #Saudita, #Iran, #Siria, tutta la #LEGA ARABA, sono un solo #califfato mondiale, e sono pronti, a strumentalizzare, #Russia, #CINA, eUROPA, USA, cioè, [ #SCO, e, #Nato ], per farli, #combattere, #SCANNARE, #distruggere, tra, di loro, affinché, tra, i due litiganti, il terzo goda.. infatti, l'Occidente non ha il coraggio di, scannare donne, e bambini, cosa, che, gli islamisti, non hanno nessun probloma a fare... quindi, da una guerra mondiale.. protetti, dalle lobbies ebraiche (NetWork tv) di satanisti deviati, loro ritengono di uscire vincitori!
    HellxDesPairTruction 12 minuti fa

    @israelNationalTV -- è più, che evidente, poco meno, di 6milioni di Ebrei, sono stati fatti uccidere, attraverso, Hitler, da questi farisei Spa, Illuminati.. ed ora è il momento per gli Israeliani, di essere immolati, anche, loro sull'altare di satana! la congiura, farisei-salafiti, questa volta è stata studiata, in una forma, più astuta, quanto cinica, perché, prevede, l'inevitabile, sacrificio, dei loro poveri, in questo tragico spettacolo, di morte, della geopolitica, araba (panarabismo = califfato mondiale = imperialismo della Sharia. il nuovo nazismo) internazionale!!! Iran, Siria ed Arabia Saudita, sono parte di questo, complotto, per disintegrare Israele. è evidente farisei Anglo-americani e la Lega ARABA, hanno complottato, per dividersi il Genere Umano, anche se, a motivo della distruzione di Israele, poi, in realtà, Islam dovrà, sparire (come, il Nazismo) dal pianeta
    HellxDesPairTruction 22 minuti fa

    @iSRAELNATIONALtv --- il compito PRINCIPALE, che, JHWH, ha affidato a me, è quello, di, riunire, le 12 tribù, di Israele, e fare terminare la Diaspora, che, di fatto, è una occupazione massonica, e satanica, del genere umano, cioè, tutta la Malvagità, che, i farisei, Illuminati, Spa, FMI, del signoraggio bancario, rubato, AI POPOLI, per il loro annientamento, predazione, schiavizzazione, cioè, tutto il satanismo che i Farisei, del dio gufo al Bohemian Grove, hanno fatto! per ottenere, questo obiettivo, io ucciderò, se, io sarò costretto ad uccidere
    HellxDesPairTruction 27 minuti fa

    [ Unius REi, è pura razionalità, questa è la Metafisica universale] tanto, per sgomberare, il campo, da ogni, fraintendimento: [nessuna parola di Unius Rei, ha un valore religioso, teologico, soggettivo] [ Unius REI, parla ai popoli in una maniera oggettiva, usando unicamente, la razionalità, quindi, eventuali parole religiose, teologiche, soggettive, non hanno alcun valore politico ] è questo, che, fa di me, il Decalogo vivente, cioè, la legge Universale (l'amore), e la legge Naturale (la verità, uguaglianza, tra, gli uomini).. io sono la Rivoluzione culturale, per la FRATELLANZA UNIVERSALE
    HellxDesPairTruction 37 minuti fa

    @IsraelNationalTV --- io pretendo, che voi blocchiate, su questa pagina, i troll e i satanisti istituzionali della Cia, perché, io devo iniziare il mio lavoro intellettuale, su questa pagina
    Questo elemento è stato segnalato come spam.
    HellxDesPairTruction 2 ore fa

    plus google com/u/0/110799456374504812213/posts
    HellxDesPairTruction 2 ore fa

    [5 ottobre 2013] [i #politici #massoni #criminali, di: "alto, #Tradimento" costituzionale, comprano, i nostri soldi, rubati, ad interesse, dal nemico #fariseo, Bildenberg, il #sistema #massonico #Spa, #Rothschild, invece di usare, #Ordine #Esecutivo di #Kennedy: 11110. preferiscono tenere il popolo schiavo] #Obama: #default peggio di #shutdown, "Non pagherò #riscatto per riapertura". Il default degli Stati Uniti, che, comporterebbe, uno "shutdown dell'economia", sarebbe di gran lunga peggiore di uno shutdown del governo. Lo afferma il #traditore, #presidente #americano, #Barack #Obama, nel discorso settimanale. "Non pagherò alcun riscatto in cambio della riapertura del governo e non pagherò, certamente, alcun riscatto per un aumento del tetto del debito", ha aggiunto. Bisogna mettere fine a uno #shutdown "dannoso" e "incauto".
    HellxDesPairTruction 5 ore fa

    @ Obama, your Satanists, DATAGATE, delete my comments on [/ user / theyearinreview / discussion] therefore, I moved, in: [[/ user / israelNationalTV / discussion]] I am Unius REI, for, I am the policy proposal, of the King of Israel, my ministry political, rises from, the Jewish Temple Celeste, my eyes, can not tolerate, any injustice, and, no prevarication, man by man .. . Therefore, my comments on this page are closed!
    My Chapters 3 settimane fa

    I was wondering what to say in this message. Let's say it's a friendly Hi.. I was just hoping to see your feedbacks on \\"My Chapters\\" Channel as it's main purpose to help others improve to the best. I might need your ideas or feedbacks to share it. As your thoughts matter. That's all sorry for the long message and thanks for your time
    Israelnationaltv @ Arutz Sheva TV, IsraelNationalNews --- la tragédie syrienne, c'était seulement un théâtre cruel, organisé par l'pharisiens Anglo-Américains, Enlightened FMI, et leurs complices salafistes, de détourner, votre attention de la question nucléaire iranienne. un examen préalable, une perte de temps, (et Assad pourrait être le complice, parce que, ne trahit jamais (accuser) Arabie saoudite), mais quand le IRAN, aura ses propres bombes atomiques? tout deviendra, zut, plus compliqué! ont conçu, guerre mondiale (nouvel Holocauste) et la destruction d'Israël (New Shoah) .. 5 milliards de décès, une tragédie sans précédent .. ces maniaques religieux, vous voulez diviser le monde! /user/theyearinreview/discussion
    Israelnationaltv @Arutz Sheva TV, IsraelNationalNews --- la tragedia siriana, è stata soltanto, un crudele teatrino, organizzato, dai farisei anglo-americani, e dai loro complici salafiti, per distogliere, la tua attenzione, dal nucleare iraniano. ma, quando l'IRAN, avrà le sue bombe atomiche? tutto diventerà, maledettamente, più complicato! hanno progettato, la guerra mondiale (nuovo Olocausto) e la distruzione di Israele (nuova Shaoah).. 5miliardi di morti, una tragedia senza precedenti.. questi maniaci religiosi, si vogliono dividere il mondo!

03/26/2013.HOLY LAND [shalom+salam. Jerusalem.where all peoples shall be comforted] HOLY LAND. Jerusalem, 35 thousand pray for peace in the Holy Land. Thousands from all over the world in procession from the Mount of Olives to the Old City of Jerusalem. For the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem Palm Sunday is the rejection of all violence. Number of pilgrims doubled compared to 2012. Jerusalem (AsiaNews) - " Today, our procession is one of salvation, the Lord himself is our salvation. Jesus, the King of Peace, came to Jerusalem, a city that has never known peace", said Msgr. Fouad Twal, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem pointing out the significance of Palm Sunday celebrated this year in front of over 35 thousand faithful from all over the world. In his homily, the prelate encouraged all present to pray for the Holy Land so that this feast may represent "the rejection of all violence"

HOLY LAND [shalom+salam. Jerusalem.where all peoples shall be comforted] and invited everyone to "let the Lord enter our hearts and our lives, to heal our wounds and our divisions, to strengthen us in our weakness and give us the courage to persevere in the midst of trials."

Last year, the Israeli police counted 15,000 people. This year, 35,000 olive branches and woven palms were displayed and raised on the procession from Bethphage through the Mount of Olives to the Old City of Jerusalem, with an imposing security system both in the air and on the ground. Despite the shift of the Easter dates in the Diocese and the number of permits (6,000 this year - only half compared to last year) issued to Palestinians by the Israeli authorities,  the crowd was dense.  Banners were held high by some parishioners, with the names of the Latin Patriarchate Parishes: Aboud, Ramallah, Jifna, Bethlehem, Beit Jala, Beit Sahour, Nablus.

HOLY LAND [shalom+salam. Jerusalem.where all peoples shall be comforted] From the Church of Bethphage (where Jesus mounted the donkey), the faithful began marching in droves and with joy to cries of "Hosanna."  The sun shone brightly upon this show of music and color; an international dance of drums, guitars, languages and fervor, with many wearing native Palestinian clothing.  03/27/2013 10:59 [INDIA. so, you want to offend the West Masonic and satanic? but also the Masons are the enemy of Christians, before you! what is happening to you? Gandhi would not approve! because you are gaining the wrath of God against you? ] Hindu extremists unleash more violence, an Easter without peace for Christians in India. In March, Hindu fundamentalists and police demolished a church in Chhattisgarh. The Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC) calls for protection for the Holy Week celebrations.

[INDIA. so, you want to offend the West Masonic and satanic? but also the Masons are the enemy of Christians, before you! what is happening to you? Gandhi would not approve! because you are gaining the wrath of God against you? ] Mumbai (AsiaNews) - Even at Lent, while preparing for Easter, Christians in some parts of India are victims of aggression and violence, denounces Sajan K. George, president of the Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC), pointing to attacks that took place in March in Chhattisgarh and Kerala. "This - said the Christian leader launching an appeal to the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) - is the most important week of the year: the Christian minorities should have greater protection and security." On March 13 in Gadia (Jagdalpur district , Chhattisgarh), a group of Hindu fundamentalists accompanied by administrative personnel

[INDIA. so, you want to offend the West Masonic and satanic? but also the Masons are the enemy of Christians, before you! what is happening to you? Gandhi would not approve! because you are gaining the wrath of God against you? ] and police demolished a church, claiming it had been built illegally. The local community tried to intervene, but the group physically and verbally attacked the Christians, not sparing women and children. Before demolishing the church, the Hindu radicals and officials destroyed Bibles, musical instruments and pews, and then desecrated other sacred objects. A few days earlier, on March 10, hundreds of Hindu extremists attacked a prayer service of the Brethren Assembly Church, in the village of Chirayinkeezzh (Trivandrum district , Kerala), beating those present with wooden sticks. One Christian suffered serious head injuries. The Hindus attacked the community accusing it of practicing forced conversions.

[INDIA. so, you want to offend the West Masonic and satanic? but also the Masons are the enemy of Christians, before you! what is happening to you? Gandhi would not approve! because you are gaining the wrath of God against you? ] "This anti-Christian sentiment - warned Sajan George - bodes ill  for a peaceful and solemn religious celebration of the Lords Pasch.  GCIC appeals for enhanced protection from the administration, to  enable the Christian citizens of Secular India exercise their Consitutionally guaranteed Religious Freedom.  It is most  unfortunate, that the administration which  is duty bound to protect the citizens -themselves cohort with the extremists to unleash violence minority community".

[INDIA. so, you want to offend the West Masonic and satanic? but also the Masons are the enemy of Christians, before you! what is happening to you? Gandhi would not approve! because you are gaining the wrath of God against you? ]01/04/2011 INDIA. Hindu radicals fabricate charges against beaten preacher,

11/23/2010 INDIA. Orissa, persecution and threats against Christians continue,

07/19/2012 INDIA. India, growing religious intolerance against Christians,

01/10/2012 INDIA. Sajan George: Stop anti-Christian violence in Orissa now,

04/11/2011 INDIA. Karnataka: New wave of violence and attacks on Christians. Complicity of authorities.

03/27/2013 10:59


Hindu extremists unleash more violence, an Easter without peace for Christians in India

by Nirmala Carvalho

In March, Hindu fundamentalists and police demolished a church in Chhattisgarh. The Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC) calls for protection for the Holy Week celebrations.

Mumbai (AsiaNews) - Even at Lent, while preparing for Easter, Christians in some parts of India are victims of aggression and violence, denounces Sajan K. George, president of the Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC), pointing to attacks that took place in March in Chhattisgarh and Kerala. "This - said the Christian leader launching an appeal to the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) - is the most important week of the year: the Christian minorities should have greater protection and security."

On March 13 in Gadia (Jagdalpur district , Chhattisgarh), a group of Hindu fundamentalists accompanied by administrative personnel and police demolished a church, claiming it had been built illegally. The local community tried to intervene, but the group physically and verbally attacked the Christians, not sparing women and children. Before demolishing the church, the Hindu radicals and officials destroyed Bibles, musical instruments and pews, and then desecrated other sacred objects.

A few days earlier, on March 10, hundreds of Hindu extremists attacked a prayer service of the Brethren Assembly Church, in the village of Chirayinkeezzh (Trivandrum district , Kerala), beating those present with wooden sticks. One Christian suffered serious head injuries. The Hindus attacked the community accusing it of practicing forced conversions.

"This anti-Christian sentiment - warned Sajan George - bodes ill  for a peaceful and solemn religious celebration of the Lords Pasch.  GCIC appeals for enhanced protection from the administration, to  enable the Christian citizens of Secular India exercise their Consitutionally guaranteed Religious Freedom.  It is most  unfortunate, that the administration which  is duty bound to protect the citizens -themselves cohort with the extremists to unleash violence minority community".

01/04/2011 INDIA

Hindu radicals fabricate charges against beaten preacher

by Nirmala Carvalho

11/23/2010 INDIA

Orissa, persecution and threats against Christians continue

by Nirmala Carvalho

07/19/2012 INDIA

India, growing religious intolerance against Christians

by Nirmala Carvalho

01/10/2012 INDIA

Sajan George: Stop anti-Christian violence in Orissa now

by Nirmala Carvalho

04/11/2011 INDIA

Karnataka: New wave of violence and attacks on Christians. Complicity of authorities

by Nirmala Carvalho

27/03/2013 10:48


Ancora violenze di estremisti indù, Pasqua senza pace per i cristiani in India

di Nirmala Carvalho

A marzo fondamentalisti indù e poliziotti hanno demolito una chiesa in Chhattisgarh. Il Global Council of Indian Christians (Gcic) chiede protezione per le celebrazioni della Settimana Santa.

Mumbai (AsiaNews) - Anche in Quaresima e in preparazione della Pasqua, i cristiani di alcune zone dell'India sono vittime di aggressioni e violenze. Lo denuncia Sajan George, presidente del Global Council of Indian Christians (Gcic), che registra alcuni attacchi avvenuti nel mese di marzo in Chhattisgarh e Kerala. "Questa - sottolinea il leader cristiano lanciando un appello alla National Human Rights Commission (Nhrc) - è la settimana più importante dell'anno: le minoranze cristiane dovrebbero essere ancora più protette e difese".

Il 13 marzo scorso a Gadia (distretto di Jagdalpur, Chhattisgarh) un gruppo di fondamentalisti indù insieme a personale dell'amministrazione e poliziotti hanno demolito una chiesa, sostenendo fosse stata edificata in modo illegale. La comunità locale ha cercato di intervenire, ma il gruppo ha aggredito fisicamente e verbalmente i cristiani, senza risparmiare donne e bambini. Prima di demolire la chiesa, radicali indù e funzionari hanno distrutto Bibbie, strumenti musicali e banchi, per poi profanare altri oggetti sacri.

Qualche giorno prima, il 10 marzo, un centinaio di estremisti indù ha attaccato un servizio di preghiera della Brethren Assembly Church, nel villaggio di Chirayinkeezzh (distretto di Trivandrum, Kerala), pestando i fedeli presenti con dei bastoni di legno. Un cristiano ha riportato gravi ferite alla testa. Gli indù hanno aggredito la comunità accusandola di praticare conversioni forzate.

"Questo sentimento anticristiano - sottolinea Sajan George - preannuncia problemi per le solenni celebrazioni della Santa Pasqua. Chiediamo alle amministrazioni di aumentare la protezione, garantendo ai cittadini cristiani il diritto costituzionale e laico di professare il piena libertà la propria religione. È molto grave che le autorità, il cui compito è proteggere tutti i cittadini, siano conniventi con la violenza scatenata da questi estremisti contro le minoranze".

13/04/2012 INDIA

Pasqua in India: radicali indù attaccano pastori cristiani. La polizia resta a guardare

di Nirmala Carvalho

10/11/2008 INDIA

Il Kerala festeggia suor Alphonsa, prima santa indiana

di Nirmala Carvalho

17/10/2007 INDIA

Kerala, picchiati a sangue un leader cristiano e la moglie

11/04/2012 INDIA

Orissa: Per la prima volta, 10mila cristiani e indù celebrano insieme la Pasqua

di Santosh Digal

18/03/2013 INDIA

La conversione di Manisha, nata nel giorno della Madonna

di Nirmala Carvalho

Unius REI, king of Israel

 Arutz Sheva TV,

    [[This is the truth: " #ISRAEL has the hours counted!" ]] WHY, the strategic positions of power, are not under the responsibility of the policy, but were occupied by, #international #Freemasonry! that is, all the #occult powers, of, #esoteric agenda, which the #Pharisees, 666, IMF, #Rothschild, #Bush, 322, #Kerry, #Rochefeller, #Spa, that is, all the #Illuminati have done.  [/user/IsraelNationalTV/discussion] [[ questa è la verità: "ISRAELE ha le ore, contate!" ]] PERCHÉ, i posti strategici del potere, non sono sotto, la responsabilità, della Politica, ma, sono stati occupati, dalla Massoneria Internazionale! cioè, tutti i poteri occulti, di, esoteric agenda, che, i farisei 666, FMI, Rothschild, Bush, 322, Kerry, Rochefeller, Spa, cioè, tutti gli Illuminati hanno fatto.
    HellxDesPairTruction 6 minuti fa

    @israelNationalTV - in questo modo, in una maniera spregiudicata, #Turchia, #Arabia, #Saudita, #Iran, #Siria, tutta la #LEGA ARABA, sono un solo #califfato mondiale, e sono pronti, a strumentalizzare, #Russia, #CINA, eUROPA, USA, cioè, [ #SCO, e, #Nato ], per farli, #combattere, #SCANNARE, #distruggere, tra, di loro, affinché, tra, i due litiganti, il terzo goda.. infatti, l'Occidente non ha il coraggio di, scannare donne, e bambini, cosa, che, gli islamisti, non hanno nessun probloma a fare... quindi, da una guerra mondiale.. protetti, dalle lobbies ebraiche (NetWork tv) di satanisti deviati, loro ritengono di uscire vincitori!
    HellxDesPairTruction 12 minuti fa

    @israelNationalTV -- è più, che evidente, poco meno, di 6milioni di Ebrei, sono stati fatti uccidere, attraverso, Hitler, da questi farisei Spa, Illuminati.. ed ora è il momento per gli Israeliani, di essere immolati, anche, loro sull'altare di satana! la congiura, farisei-salafiti, questa volta è stata studiata, in una forma, più astuta, quanto cinica, perché, prevede, l'inevitabile, sacrificio, dei loro poveri, in questo tragico spettacolo, di morte, della geopolitica, araba (panarabismo = califfato mondiale = imperialismo della Sharia. il nuovo nazismo) internazionale!!! Iran, Siria ed Arabia Saudita, sono parte di questo, complotto, per disintegrare Israele. è evidente farisei Anglo-americani e la Lega ARABA, hanno complottato, per dividersi il Genere Umano, anche se, a motivo della distruzione di Israele, poi, in realtà, Islam dovrà, sparire (come, il Nazismo) dal pianeta
    HellxDesPairTruction 22 minuti fa

    @iSRAELNATIONALtv --- il compito PRINCIPALE, che, JHWH, ha affidato a me, è quello, di, riunire, le 12 tribù, di Israele, e fare terminare la Diaspora, che, di fatto, è una occupazione massonica, e satanica, del genere umano, cioè, tutta la Malvagità, che, i farisei, Illuminati, Spa, FMI, del signoraggio bancario, rubato, AI POPOLI, per il loro annientamento, predazione, schiavizzazione, cioè, tutto il satanismo che i Farisei, del dio gufo al Bohemian Grove, hanno fatto! per ottenere, questo obiettivo, io ucciderò, se, io sarò costretto ad uccidere
    HellxDesPairTruction 27 minuti fa

    [ Unius REi, è pura razionalità, questa è la Metafisica universale] tanto, per sgomberare, il campo, da ogni, fraintendimento: [nessuna parola di Unius Rei, ha un valore religioso, teologico, soggettivo] [ Unius REI, parla ai popoli in una maniera oggettiva, usando unicamente, la razionalità, quindi, eventuali parole religiose, teologiche, soggettive, non hanno alcun valore politico ] è questo, che, fa di me, il Decalogo vivente, cioè, la legge Universale (l'amore), e la legge Naturale (la verità, uguaglianza, tra, gli uomini).. io sono la Rivoluzione culturale, per la FRATELLANZA UNIVERSALE
    HellxDesPairTruction 37 minuti fa

    @IsraelNationalTV --- io pretendo, che voi blocchiate, su questa pagina, i troll e i satanisti istituzionali della Cia, perché, io devo iniziare il mio lavoro intellettuale, su questa pagina
    Questo elemento è stato segnalato come spam.
    HellxDesPairTruction 2 ore fa

    plus google com/u/0/110799456374504812213/posts
    HellxDesPairTruction 2 ore fa

    [5 ottobre 2013] [i #politici #massoni #criminali, di: "alto, #Tradimento" costituzionale, comprano, i nostri soldi, rubati, ad interesse, dal nemico #fariseo, Bildenberg, il #sistema #massonico #Spa, #Rothschild, invece di usare, #Ordine #Esecutivo di #Kennedy: 11110. preferiscono tenere il popolo schiavo] #Obama: #default peggio di #shutdown, "Non pagherò #riscatto per riapertura". Il default degli Stati Uniti, che, comporterebbe, uno "shutdown dell'economia", sarebbe di gran lunga peggiore di uno shutdown del governo. Lo afferma il #traditore, #presidente #americano, #Barack #Obama, nel discorso settimanale. "Non pagherò alcun riscatto in cambio della riapertura del governo e non pagherò, certamente, alcun riscatto per un aumento del tetto del debito", ha aggiunto. Bisogna mettere fine a uno #shutdown "dannoso" e "incauto".
    HellxDesPairTruction 5 ore fa

    @ Obama, your Satanists, DATAGATE, delete my comments on [/ user / theyearinreview / discussion] therefore, I moved, in: [[/ user / israelNationalTV / discussion]] I am Unius REI, for, I am the policy proposal, of the King of Israel, my ministry political, rises from, the Jewish Temple Celeste, my eyes, can not tolerate, any injustice, and, no prevarication, man by man .. . Therefore, my comments on this page are closed!
    My Chapters 3 settimane fa

    I was wondering what to say in this message. Let's say it's a friendly Hi.. I was just hoping to see your feedbacks on \\"My Chapters\\" Channel as it's main purpose to help others improve to the best. I might need your ideas or feedbacks to share it. As your thoughts matter. That's all sorry for the long message and thanks for your time
    politicalUniusREI 1 mese fa

    Israelnationaltv @ Arutz Sheva TV, IsraelNationalNews --- la tragédie syrienne, c'était seulement un théâtre cruel, organisé par l'pharisiens Anglo-Américains, Enlightened FMI, et leurs complices salafistes, de détourner, votre attention de la question nucléaire iranienne. un examen préalable, une perte de temps, (et Assad pourrait être le complice, parce que, ne trahit jamais (accuser) Arabie saoudite), mais quand le IRAN, aura ses propres bombes atomiques? tout deviendra, zut, plus compliqué! ont conçu, guerre mondiale (nouvel Holocauste) et la destruction d'Israël (New Shoah) .. 5 milliards de décès, une tragédie sans précédent .. ces maniaques religieux, vous voulez diviser le monde! /user/theyearinreview/discussion
    politicalUniusREI 1 mese fa

    Israelnationaltv @Arutz Sheva TV, IsraelNationalNews --- la tragedia siriana, è stata soltanto, un crudele teatrino, organizzato, dai farisei anglo-americani, e dai loro complici salafiti, per distogliere, la tua attenzione, dal nucleare iraniano. ma, quando l'IRAN, avrà le sue bombe atomiche? tutto diventerà, maledettamente, più complicato! hanno progettato, la guerra mondiale (nuovo Olocausto) e la distruzione di Israele (nuova Shaoah).. 5miliardi di morti, una tragedia senza precedenti.. questi maniaci religiosi, si vogliono dividere il mondo!

    @朝鮮,金正云,你是白痴的蛆蟲,全是水,所有的煙和NO烤!你有煩惱世界的一切,你的patetic這部劇,只是因為,你需要一碗飯,而不是死於飢餓的 乞丐!醜陋的廢話,一個精神病罪犯!你的家庭的偶像,都失敗了,因為,所有這些都是,你必須死,所有的飢餓嗎? ,如果你這樣做不是免費的,所有的基督徒烈士,從lagher。從我的角度來看呢?我讓你餓肚子真的!醜陋的廢話,一個刑事瘋子!你的家人的偶像都失敗 了,因為你有餓死嗎?如果你不交的話,所有的基督徒,從您的lagher中。從我的角度來看呢?我讓你餓肚子,真的! ----慘了!如果你的骨頭,好讓按鈕嗎?法利賽人,IMF已有666被盜!

    Miserable! and if your bones, were good to make the buttons? the Pharisees IMF would Already 666 stolen to you!

    @ 북한, 김정일 취소, 물 FULL 바보, 병신 아, 모든 연기 NO 구이입니다! 당신은 배고픔으로 죽어하지, 밥 한 그릇을 필요로하는자가 아르해서, 모든 세계, 당신의 patetic이 드라마를 소홀히했습니다! 사국의 추한 부분의, 범죄 정신병 자야! 가족 우상은 실패 때문에,이 모든, 당신이 죽을 필요가, 기아의 모든? 그리고, 당신은 무료로하지 않으면, 모든 기독교인 순교자, 당신 lagher에서. 보기 내 관점에서? 난 당신이 정말 굶어주세요! 사국의 추한 부분, 범죄 정신병 자야! 모두가 기아에 죽어 때문에 가족 우상은 실패? 당신이 제공하지 않는 경우, 당신 lagher에서 모든 그리스도인. 보기 내 관점에서? 정말, 당신은 굶어주세요! 그지 ----! 와 뼈가있는 버튼을 만들 좋은한다면?바리새 파 IMF 당신에게 이미 666 도난 것입니다!

YouTube Rewind 2012

North Korea: "Missiles ready to attack the U.S." .. North Korea puts the army on alert:
"Ready to attack U.S. and to its foundations"
The order of the command of the armed forces released by the official also covers strategic missile units: possible target nordamericanao the mainland and the islands of Hawaii and Guam. The appeal of China - ANSWER @ North Korea, Kim Jong-un, YOU ARE AN IDIOT faggot, FULL OF WATER, ALL SMOKE AND NO ROAST! YOU HAVE annoyed all the world, all this your patetic drama, just because, you are the beggar who needs a bowl of rice, not to die of hunger!

    03/25/2013 . CHINA - BRICS .Emerging countries thinking about a joint bank against West BRICS members, Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, are set to meet in Durban to discuss the creation of a new institution that could challenge the dominance of the (US-led) World Bank and the (European-led) International Monetary Fund. Experts warn it still too soon, and that "these countries must show that they can overcome the crisis".Beijing (AsiaNews) - The BRICS group of emerging nations plans to set up a new joint bank at their annual meeting to oppose the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, deemed "Western" structures that "do not reflect changes in the modern world." A BRICS bank could start with US$ 10 billion seed money from each of the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa). --- ANSWER --- BUT, WHAT ARE YOU DOING? make yourselves slaves of the Talmud, and Rothschild save all your lives as slaves. @666 burn satana IMF -- tira fuori il tuo marciume da questa pagina! amen, in Jesus's name, amen alleluia hallelujah

        jjjjjjiiiijjjjjj --- cosa di buono, tu ha messo da parte per la Merkel, del tuo pasto?cannibale 666, occult powwer, cosa, tu hai mangiato durante la tua ultima messa per satana?

    @ Russia - fool! I did not say, this, to you, that the IMF does not currently have a strength of more than 40%? therefore, could not resist any longer, within a medium-term peace. so you have to withdraw all your: money from: Western banks, ie, masonic system of banking seeigniorage, and have to carry all the weapons, which can be in space, because in this type of weapon? you're late! @Russia -- sciocco! non ho detto io a te, che il FMI, non ha attualmente una solidità superiore al 40%? quindi, non potrebbe resistere ancora a lungo, all'interno di un medio periodo, di pace. così tu devi ritirare tutto il denaro, dalle banche occidentali, e devi portare tutte le armi, che è possibile nello spazio, perché in questo tipo di armi? tu sei in ritardo!

    what kind of war they won Americans (American-dogs: 666 IMF, 322, NWO) in Iraq?, if, the only one people, that, have been made, for be extinguish, were, only, 1200.000: Christians martyrs?, who, had been quiet with Saddam... but, this is clear, the IMF-NO, today is raising imperialism saudi arabia, because, one day media Jewish world will say, that, it has become essential, to a world war III, against Islam satanic nazi.
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    2 ore fa

    @ Russia - what, you are a bitch! you want to sell, also, my comment, to recover your money, to Cipro, from the IMF 666? how, you has to sell, your sailors, killed, into nuclear submarine? Certainly, for a prostitute like you, everything has a price! then, you too will soon go to destruction with all, your money, cursed by Satan, IMF god owl JabullOn! but, if, you do not destroy the IMF? War III world, Necessarily, needs to be addressed! and then, that Matter to us if all Muslims together with Israel, were exterminated all togheter? no! to me, it matters, Because That Is My Own Kingdom of Palestine! @ Russia animals - dirty! lol. is because last night, you saw a home movie porn, for that matter, that the Enlightened: 666 Pharisees of the IMF, they decided to punish you to Cyprus? .. that's for sure! with, three scams, that is, three false accounting, the IMF, took control of all power, for all those, who want to be blackmailed (intelligente, smart, IMF is Iran), is the true arbiter of life and death, of all human beings, on this planet .. but, then, what's wrong if the Holy Talmud, said to do so? goyim are not only the animals in human form? because the money from god-Rothschild 666, god Baal OWL is created, really, since by "nothing"? then: there is no interest, of give, due to "nothing." then: is the debt: public, and, as the debt: private, are the greatest wear and, big usury, of the story .. This said, the scientist Giacinto Auriti, therefore: the case of Cyprus, was planned: to "punish" Russia! in fact, as: it is easy to show: there are too many steps: where it is essential to do the accounting fraud: in the monetary system .. because: the money is created out of nothing, but then when, is purchased with: government bonds, the budget is closed: zero! then, where it ends, then, the first 100%: of money of the world? (Source: scientist Giacinto Auriti). poiché, il denaro dal dio-Rothschild 666, god Baal OWL, viene creato, veramente, dal: "nulla"? poi non è dovuto nessun interesse al: "nulla". quindi il debito pubblico, ed il debito privato sono la più grande usura, strozzinaggio della storia.. questo ha detto lo scienziato Giacinto Auriti, di conseguenza il caso Cipro, è stato pianificato per "punire" la Russia! infatti, come è facile dimostrare sono troppi i passaggi dove è indispensabile fare falso in bilancio nel sistema monetario.. perché il denaro viene creato dal nulla, ma, poi, quando viene comprato con i titoli di Stato, il bilancio viene chiuso a zero? dove finisce, il primo 100% del denaro di tutto il mondo? (fonte: scienziato Giacinto Auriti)
    NoahTheNephilim ha pubblicato un commento
    11 ore fa

    il caso CIPRO? è l'unica soluzione agli squilibri, che, il criminale sistema monetario: massonico, privato SpA, del signoraggio bancario, ha creato.. diversamente? è la guerra mondiale la sola soluzione!

        @ North Korea, Kim Jong-un, YOU ARE AN IDIOT fagot, FULL OF WATER, ALL SMOKE AND NO ROAST! YOU HAVE annoyed all the world, your patetic all this drama, Just Because, you are the beggar who needs a bowl of rice, not to die of hunger! ugly piece of crap, of, a criminal lunatic! your family idols, have failed, because, all that is, you have to die, all of hunger? and, if you do not free, all Christians martyrs, from your lagher. from my point of view? I let you starve really! brutto pezzo di merda, di un criminale pazzo! i tuoi idoli familiari, hanno fallito, perché, dovete morire tutti di fame? e se tu non liberare, tutti i cristiani, dai tuoi lagher. dal mio punto di vista? io ti lasciavo morire di fame veramente!
        HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
        10 minuti fa

        North Korea: "Missiles ready to attack the U.S." .. North Korea puts the army on alert: "Ready to attack U.S. and to its foundations" The order of the command of the armed forces released by the official also covers strategic missile units: possible target nordamericanao the mainland and the islands of Hawaii and Guam. The appeal of China - ANSWER @ North Korea, Kim Jong-un, YOU ARE AN IDIOT faggot, FULL OF WATER, ALL SMOKE AND NO ROAST! YOU HAVE annoyed all the world, all this your patetic drama, just because, you are the beggar who needs a bowl of rice, not to die of hunger!
        HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
        11 minuti fa

        Corea del Nord: "Missili pronti per attacco agli Usa".. Corea del Nord mette in allerta l'esercito: "Pronti per attacco a Usa e a sue basi" L'ordine deI comando delle forze armate diffuso dall'agenzia ufficiale riguarda anche le unità missilistiche strategiche: possibile bersaglio il territorio continentale nordamericanao e le isole Hawaii e Guam. L'appello della Cina --ANSWER @Corea del Nord, Kim Jong-un, TU SEI UN COGLIONE PIENO D'ACQUA, TUTTO FUMO E NIENTE ARROSTO! TU HAI SCOCCIATO, tutta questa messa in scena, soltanto, perché, tu sei il pezzente che ha bisogno di una scodella di riso, per non morire di fame!!

YouTube Spotlight
26/03/2013 11:53
La conversione di Sabira, dalle strade di Mumbai ai malati di Hiv “come Madre Teresa”
di Nirmala Carvalho
Nata da una famiglia islamica, la ragazza scappa di casa a 7 anni per fuggire dalle botte della madre. Accolta in un ostello di gesuiti, ricorda i bambini che “pregavano sempre una donna che chiamavano Madre Maria”. La scoperta di una grave malattia, il diploma da infermiera professionista e la conversione al cattolicesimo.

Mumbai (AsiaNews) - Sabira ha solo sette anni quando scappa di casa insieme a suo fratello. Era il 1991 e i due ragazzini fuggivano da una vita fatta di povertà assoluta, fame, una madre violenta e il fantasma di un padre morto alcolizzato qualche anno prima. È in strada che conosce suor Seraphim, delle Sorelle della Carità, che la porta all'ostello gesuita Snehasadan di Mumbai, dove bambini di strada come lei vengono accolti e curati. È qui che, insieme a suo fratello, Sabira conosce la figura della Madonna, "una donna che tutti pregavano, ma non capivo perché". Ma sarà solo molti anni dopo, già adulta e fuori dall'ostello, che deciderà di convertirsi al cattolicesimo e servire i malati con "l'amore e la gioia di Cristo", come Madre Teresa.

Sabira Mohammed Yasin Sheikh - questo il suo nome completo - nasce il 12 giugno 1984 a Mumbai, da una famiglia musulmana. Parlando con AsiaNews, ricorda che "la vita a casa era insopportabile. Insieme a mio fratello sono scappata via". È l'8 settembre 1991 quando, tra le migliaia di persone che affollano la stazione ferroviaria di Dadar, suor Seraphim trova per caso i due bambini e decide di portarli con sé allo Snehasadan.

"L'ostello - racconta la ragazza - era stato fondato dai gesuiti, che lo gestivano insieme alle Suore della Carità dell'ordine di Sant'Anna. Ricordo bene che tutti i bambini pregavano Maria. Io, che non sapevo chi fosse questa donna, non riuscivo a capire perché gli altri 'pregassero' per qualcun altro, che chiamavano 'Madre Maria'. Pensavo alla mia, di madre, che era stata così violenta con me". Tuttavia "le religiose mi dissero che potevo pregare chiunque, ma che dovevo pregare perché era importante. Qualche tempo dopo chiesi agli altri bambini perché pregavano proprio Maria, e loro mi risposero che lei rispondeva e faceva dei favori. Ciononostante, continuavo a non capire".

Nonostante questa "incomprensione", la vita di Sabira prosegue serena. "Le suore erano molto gentili e materne - racconta - e mi hanno fatto sentire presto a mio agio, sicura e amata in questo rifugio, senza farmi mancare di nulla". Qualche tempo dopo, la ragazza viene iscritta a scuola, in ritardo rispetto agli altri compagni perché sua madre non l'aveva mai fatta studiare.

"Un giorno - ricorda - avevo bisogno di un piccolo favore: avevo finito lo shampoo, così chiesi a Maria di aiutarmi. Non l'avevo detto a nessuno, ma qualche giorno dopo un sostenitore dell'ostello donò un'enorme bottiglia di shampoo. Era la prima volta che sperimentavo l'amore della Madonna! Da allora, iniziai a pregarla ogni giorno di aiutarmi nello studio. Nonostante non fossi brava a scuola, riuscii a passare sempre gli esami".

La vita di Sabira subisce un nuovo colpo quando, a 16 anni, le viene diagnosticata una dolorosa forma di artrite reumatoide, che la costringe al ricovero in ospedale per un lungo periodo. Riesce comunque a finire gli studi superiori, dopo i quali si iscrive alla scuola per infermiere Mother Vanni, in Andhra Pradesh. Nonostante le tante ospedalizzazioni, nel 2010 ottiene il diploma di infermiera professionista.

"Circa a metà del 2010 - spiega - ho iniziato a lavorare a tempo pieno all'ospedale della Sacra famiglia. L'artrite era sotto controllo grazie a pesanti cure, così nel gennaio 2011 una mia collega, Anita Barboza, mi porta a fare un ritiro di quattro giorni al Tabor Ahram, un centro di preghiera dedicato alla Madonna. Per due anni non ho più avuto dolori, e senza bisogno di cure, né medicinali".

A poco a poco "ho iniziato a riflettere sulla mia vita e a tutte le meraviglie con cui Maria e suo figlio Gesù avevano benedetto me e mio fratello. Anche lui aveva finito gli studi e aveva ottenuto un buon lavoro. L'amore di Cristo e della Madonna agitava il mio cuore". Sabira inizia ad andare a messa in modo regolare: "Desideravo ricevere questo Gesù, che mi aveva amato così teneramente. Nel profondo del mio cuore volevo essere battezzata e diventare cattolica, per servire Cristo con amore e gratitudine".

Così, nel luglio 2012 inizia il cammino di catecumenato. Ha un nuovo attacco di artrite reumatoide, che la costringe in un letto d'ospedale tra forti dolori. "Non ho ceduto - afferma Sabira - alla tentazione del diavolo. Non ho mai pensato 'Dio non mi ama', perché sapevo che l'amore del Signore era con me".

Oggi, con l'aiuto di un programma dello Snehasadan per rintracciare le famiglie dei bambini di strada, Sabira e il fratello sono tornati a vivere con la loro madre, in una casa comprata dal ragazzo. Sabira è un'infermiera di Medici senza frontiere che lavora con i malati di Hiv/Aids e di tubercolosi e il suo più grande desiderio è "essere come Madre Teresa: servire i malati con amore e gioia, la gioia che viene dal sapere che Lui ci amato per primo".

    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    1 secondo fa

    322 FED NWO agenda: IMF Talmud], for, kill Israel! CIA criminal FED 666 IMF [Saudi Arabia imperialism: Sharia terrorism, for, my destroy Israel: WW III in nuclear]. [Bahrain, sharia salafis, is: Brutal Ally]. By Zainab al-Khawaja. ♥. king Israel, Mahdi, Messiah. Unius REI.I am unius REI, king of Israel. [MANE THECEL PHARES] hallelujah, hallelujah. the, Lede Blog: Bahrain Jails Activist, for, Covering Protests on Twitter (December 19, 2012). Activist's Conviction upheld in Test, of, Pledges by Bahrain (December 12, 2012). Times Topic: Bahrain News -, the, Protests. Connect With Us on Twitter., For, Op-Ed, follow @ nytopinion, and, to: hear from, the, editorial page editor, Andrew Rosenthal,


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    18 secondi fa

    follow @ andyrNYT. EARLIER this month, Aqeel Abdul Mohsen, 19, was shot in, the, face, for, protesting against Bahrain's government. He was covered in blood, with, the, lower side, of, his face blown open, his jaw shattered, and, a broken hand awkwardly hanging from his wrist. It's one, of, Those images that: you wish you had never seen, and, can never forget. [322 FED NWO agenda: IMF Talmud], for, kill Israel! CIA criminal FED 666 IMF [Saudi Arabia imperialism: Sharia terrorism, for, my destroy Israel: WW III in nuclear]. [Bahrain, sharia salafis, is: Brutal Ally] in Jesus's name. amen. After more than 10 hours, of, surgery, and, before Mr. Abdul Mohsen regained consciousness, his hospital room was under guard by Already, the, police. Had he been atto: speak, he might even have been interrogated before going into surgery. Others have lain bleeding,


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    36 secondi fa

    without: medical attention while government security agents asked questions like: "Were you Participating in a protest? Who else was with you?". Bahrain, a small island nation off, the, coast, of, Saudi Arabia, has been ruled by, the, Khalifa family, for, more than 200 years. Also it is home to, the, headquarters, of, the, United States Navy's Fifth Fleet, Which regional patrols shipping lanes, assists with missions in Iraq and Afghanistan, and, as monitors Iran Tensions in, the, region mount. [322 FED NWO agenda: IMF Talmud], for, kill Israel! CIA criminal FED 666 IMF [Saudi Arabia imperialism: Sharia terrorism, for, my destroy Israel: WW III in nuclear]. [Bahrain, sharia salafis, is: Brutal Ally] in Jesus's name. amen., the, oppressed people, of, Bahrain joined, the, Arab Spring soon after, the, fall, of, President Hosni Mubarak in Egypt. With newfound hope, Bahrainis Took to, the, streets on Feb. 14, 2011.


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    54 secondi fa

    Rich, and, poor, Shiite, and, Sunni, liberal, and, religious, they felt what it was like to: speak freely, for, the, first time in, the, capital, Manama, at a traffic circle with a pearl monument at its center. ♥. king Israel, Mahdi, Messiah. Unius REI.I am unius REI, king of Israel. [MANE THECEL PHARES] hallelujah, hallelujah. tea, Pearl Roundabout came to: symbolize, the, Bahraini revolution.: But, this newfound freedom did not last long. ♥. king Israel, Mahdi, Messiah. Unius REI.I am unius REI, king of Israel. [MANE THECEL PHARES] hallelujah, hallelujah. the, government's security forces attacked, the, peaceful protesters, then sector down, the, Pearl monument., and, in March 2011, troops from neighboring Saudi Arabia, and, the, United Arab Emirates intervened to: suppress our pro-democracy protests . [322 FED NWO agenda: IMF Talmud], for, kill Israel! CIA criminal FED 666 IMF [Saudi Arabia imperialism:


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    1 minuto fa

    Sharia terrorism, for, my destroy Israel: WW III in nuclear]. [Bahrain, sharia salafis, is: Brutal Ally] in Jesus's name. amen. Going out on, the, streets, carrying nothing: But, a flag, and, calling, for, democracy could cost you your life here. Chanting "down with, the, dictator" could lead to: your being Subjected to: electric shocks. Giving a speech about human rights, and, democracy can lead to: life imprisonment. Infants have died after suffocating from toxic gases used by riot police., And, teenage protesters have been shot, and, killed. It's not unusual in Bahrain to: find families with four or five members in prison at, the, same time. My father, Abdulhadi al-Khawaja, was beaten unconscious in my apartment in front, of, my family, as a report last year by, the, Bahrain Independent Commission, of, Inquiry documented. He was then taken away with my husband, and,


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    1 minuto fa

    brother-in-law, they were all tortured. [322 FED NWO agenda: IMF Talmud], for, kill Israel! CIA criminal FED 666 IMF [Saudi Arabia imperialism: Sharia terrorism, for, my destroy Israel: WW III in nuclear]. [Bahrain, sharia salafis, is: Brutal Ally] in Jesus's name. amen. My husband was released in January, and, my brother-in-law was released after a six-month sentence in late 2011, my father was sentenced to: life in prison. He staged hunger strikes four;, the, longest Lasted 110 days, and, almost cost him his life. (He was force-fed at a military hospital.): But, despite All These sacrifices, the, struggle, for, freedom, and, democracy in Bahrain Seems hopeless Because Bahrain's rulers have powerful allies, Including Saudi Arabia, and, the, United States., for, Bahrainis, there does not seem to: be much, of, a difference between, the, Saudis, and, the, Americans. Both are supporting,


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    2 minuti fa

    the, Khalifa regime to: preserve Their own interests, even if, the, cost is, the, lives, and, rights, of, the, people, of, Bahrain. [322 FED NWO agenda: IMF Talmud], for, kill Israel! CIA criminal FED 666 IMF [Saudi Arabia imperialism: Sharia terrorism, for, my destroy Israel: WW III in nuclear]. [Bahrain, sharia salafis, is: Brutal Ally] in Jesus's name. amen. ♥. king Israel, Mahdi, Messiah. Unius REI.I am unius REI, king of Israel. [MANE THECEL PHARES] hallelujah, hallelujah. the United States speaks about supporting human rights, and, democracy,: But, while, the, Saudis send troops to: aid, tea, Khalifa government, America is sending arms. ♥. king Israel, Mahdi, Messiah. Unius REI.I am unius REI, king of Israel. [MANE THECEL PHARES] hallelujah, hallelujah. the United States is doing itself a huge disservice by displaying Such an obvious double standard toward
    03/26/2013 13:11
    Sabira's conversion, from Mumbai's streets to caring for HIV sufferers, like a “Mother Teresa"
    by Nirmala Carvalho
    Born into a Muslim family, the girl ran away from home at seven years to escape from her mother’s beatings. Welcomed into a Jesuit hostel, she recalls the children “always prayed to a woman they called Mother Mary." The discovery of a serious illness, a nursing diploma and conversion to Catholicism.

    Mumbai (AsiaNews) - Sabira was only seven years old when she ran away from home with her brother. It was 1991, and the two children were running away from a life of absolute poverty, hunger, a violent mother and the ghost of a dead alcoholic father. On the streets she got to know Sr. Seraphim, of the Sisters of Charity, who brought her to the  Jesuit hostel Snehasadan in Mumbai, where street children are welcomed and cared for. It was here, along with her brother, that Sabira encountered the Virgin, "a woman everyone prayed to, but I did not understand why." But many years later, as an adult and no longer in the hostel, she decided to convert to Catholicism and serve the sick with the "love and joy of Christ," like Mother Teresa.

    Sabira Mohammed Yasin Sheikh - this is her full name - was born June 12, 1984 in Mumbai, to a Muslim family. Speaking to AsiaNews, she says that "life at home was unbearable. Together with my brother I ran away." On September 8, 1991, Sr. Seraphim found the two children when, among the thousands of people who flock to the Dadar Railway Station and decided to take them with her to Snehasadan.

    "The hostel - says the girl - was founded by the Jesuits, who ran it along with the Sisters of Charity of the order of St. Anne. I remember well that all of the children prayed to Mary. I, who did not know who this woman was, I could not understand why others 'prayed' to someone else, who they called 'Mother Mary'. I was thinking about my mother, who had been so violent with me".  However, "the sisters told me I could pray to anyone, but I had to pray because it was important. Later I asked the other children why they prayed to Mary, and they told me that she would answer them and their prayers. Nevertheless, I still did not understand" .

    Despite this "misunderstanding", Sabira's life continued serenly. "The nuns were very kind and motherly - she says - and soon made me feel at ease, safe and loved in this shelter, without lacking anthing." Sometime later, she enrolled in school, lagging behind the other students because her mother had never allowed her to study

    "One day - she recalls - I needed a small favor: I had finished the shampoo, so I asked Mary to help me. I told no-one, but a few days later a donor to the hostel gave us a huge bottle of shampoo. It was the first time I experienced the love of Our Lady! Since then, I began to pray every day to help me study. Though I was not good at school, I always passed the exams. "

    Sabira suffered another blow when, at age 16, she was diagnosed with a painful form of arthritis, which resulted in long periods spent in hospital. However she still managed to finish high school, after which she enrolled in the Mother Vanni school of nursing, in Andhra Pradesh. Despite the many hospitalizations, in 2010 she graduated as a nurse practitioner.

    "About mid  2010 - she said - I started working full-time at the Holy Family. My arthritis was under control thanks to intensive treatment, so in January 2011, a colleague of mine, Anita Barboza, invited me on a four-day retreat at Tabor Ahram, a prayer center dedicated to Our Lady. For two years I've had no pain, and no need for treatment or drugs. "

    Little by little, "I began to reflect on my life and all the wonders with which Mary and her son Jesus had blessed me and my brother. He had finished his studies and had got a good job.  The love of Christ and Our Lady stirred my heart. " Sabira started to go to Mass on a regular basis: "I wanted to receive this Jesus, whom I loved so dearly. Deep in my heart I wanted to be baptized and become Catholic, to serve Christ with love and gratitude."

    Thus, in July 2012 she began the journey of the catechumenate. However a new attack of rheumatoid arthritis, led to another hospitalization in severe pain. "I have not given up - says Sabira - to the temptation of the devil. I never thought 'God does not love me', because I knew that the love of the Lord was with me."

    Today, with the help of a Snehasadan program to trace the families of street children, Sabira and her brother returned to live with their mother in a house bought by the boy. Sabira is a nurse with Doctors Without Borders who works with people with HIV / AIDS and tuberculosis, and her greatest desire is "to be like Mother Teresa to serve the sick with love and joy, the joy that comes from knowing that He first loved us. "
    human rights violations in, the, Middle East. Washington condemns, the, violence, of, the, Syrian government: But, turns a blind eye to: blatant human rights abuses committed by its ally Bahrain. This double standard is costing America its credibility across, the, region;, and, the, message is being understood that: if you are an ally, of, America, then you can get away with abusing human rights. [322 agenda Talmud] kill hope CIA IMF FED 666 [322 FED NWO agenda: IMF Talmud], for, kill Israel! CIA criminal FED 666 IMF [Saudi Arabia imperialism: Sharia terrorism, for, my destroy Israel: WW III in nuclear]. [Bahrain, sharia salafis, is: Brutal Ally] in Jesus's name. amen. If, the United States is serious about protecting human rights in, the, Arab world, It Should halt all arms sales to Bahrain, Bahrain's abuses to bring, the, attention, of, the United Nations Security Council, to support special session on at Bahrain,
     the United Nations Human Rights Council, and, begin a conversation about potential diplomatic, and, economic sanctions. ♥. king Israel, Mahdi, Messiah. Unius REI.I am unius REI, king of Israel. [MANE THECEL PHARES] hallelujah, hallelujah. the Obama Administration Should Also demand that: high-level Bahraini officials be held accountable, for, human rights abuses, and, that: nongovernmental Organizations, United Nations human rights investigators, and, journalists be allowed to: enter, the, country, and, investigate abuses. At present, the, Bahraini government Believes it has international immunity. [322 agenda Talmud] kill hope CIA IMF FED 666 [322 FED NWO agenda: IMF Talmud], for, kill Israel! CIA criminal FED 666 IMF [Saudi Arabia imperialism: Sharia terrorism, for, my destroy Israel: WW III in nuclear].

    [Bahrain, sharia salafis, is: Brutal Ally] in Jesus's name. amen. It commits widespread human rights violations, and business continues as usual: the, government continues to: buy arms, and, negotiate lucrative deals,, without: having to: face any real consequences. This is why, the, most prominent Bahraini human-rights defenders are languishing in prison. Until, the United States starts to: put real pressure on its ally, Bahrain's government has no incentive to: change. No matter, the, price, Bahrainis will keep demanding, the, very values: human rights, and, democracy: that, the United States claims to: stand for. [322 FED NWO agenda: IMF Talmud], for, kill Israel! CIA criminal FED 666 IMF [Saudi Arabia imperialism: Sharia terrorism, for, my destroy Israel: WW III in nuclear]. [Bahrain, sharia salafis, is: Brutal Ally] ..

    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    4 minuti fa

    le vostre stesse parole, sono il vostro stesso destino

    Activist's Conviction Upheld in Test, of, Pledges by Bahrain (December 12, 2012). Times Topic: Bahrain News —, the, Protests. Connect With Us on Twitter., for, Op-Ed, follow @nytopinion, and, to: hear from, the, editorial page editor, Andrew Rosenthal, follow @andyrNYT. EARLIER this month, Aqeel Abdul Mohsen, 19, was shot in, the, face, for, protesting against Bahrain's government. He was covered in blood, with, the, lower side, of, his face blown open, his jaw shattered, and, a broken hand hanging awkwardly from his wrist. It's one, of, those images that: you wish you had never seen, and, can never forget. [FED NWO 322 agenda: IMF Talmud], for, kill Israel! CIA FED criminal 666 IMF [Saudi Arabia imperialism: Sharia terrorism, for, destroy my Israel: in III WW nuclear].[Bahrain, sharia salafis, is: Brutal Ally]

    in Jesus's name. amen. After more than 10 hours, of, surgery, and, before Mr. Abdul Mohsen regained consciousness, his hospital room was already under guard by, the, police. Had he been able to: speak, he might even have been interrogated before going into surgery. Others have lain bleeding , without: medical attention while government security agents asked questions like: "Were you participating in a protest? Who else was with you?". Bahrain, a small island nation off, the, coast, of, Saudi Arabia, has been ruled by, the, Khalifa family, for, more than 200 years. It is also home to, the, headquarters, of, the, United States Navy's Fifth Fleet, which patrols regional shipping lanes, assists with missions in Iraq, and, Afghanistan, and, monitors Iran as tensions in, the, region mount. [


    TheKingdomOfDragons ha pubblicato un commento

    5 minuti fa

    @HellxDesPairTruction ... i may be American at the moment (that will change later) .. but just want you to know that i have no part in what is going on..believe me i would rather see everyone live in peace


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    6 minuti fa

    FED NWO 322 agenda: IMF Talmud], for, kill Israel! CIA FED criminal 666 IMF [Saudi Arabia imperialism: Sharia terrorism, for, destroy my Israel: in III WW nuclear].[Bahrain, sharia salafis, is: Brutal Ally] in Jesus's name. amen.♥. king Israel, Mahdi, Messiah. UNIUS REI.I am Unius REI, king of Israel. [MANE THECEL PHARES]alleluia, hallelujah. the, oppressed people, of, Bahrain joined, the, Arab Spring soon after, the, fall, of, President Hosni Mubarak in Egypt. With newfound hope, Bahrainis took to, the, streets on Feb. 14, 2011. Rich, and, poor, Shiite, and, Sunni, liberal, and, religious, they felt what it was like to: speak freely, for, the, first time in, the, capital, Manama, at a traffic circle with a pearl monument at its center.♥. king Israel, Mahdi, Messiah. UNIUS REI.I am Unius REI, king of Israel.

    [MANE THECEL PHARES] alleluia, hallelujah. the, Pearl Roundabout came to: symbolize, the, Bahraini revolution.: But, this newfound freedom didn't last long.♥. king Israel, Mahdi, Messiah. UNIUS REI.I am Unius REI, king of Israel. [MANE THECEL PHARES] alleluia, hallelujah. the, government's security forces attacked, the, peaceful protesters, then tore down, the, Pearl monument., and, in March 2011, troops from neighboring Saudi Arabia, and, the, United Arab Emirates intervened to: suppress our pro-democracy protests. [FED NWO 322 agenda: IMF Talmud], for, kill Israel! CIA FED criminal 666 IMF [Saudi Arabia imperialism: Sharia terrorism, for, destroy my Israel: in III WW nuclear].[Bahrain, sharia salafis, is: Brutal Ally] in Jesus's name. amen. Going out on, the, streets, carrying nothing: But, a flag, and, calling, for, democracy could cost you your life here. Chanting "down with, the, dictator" could lead to:

    your being subjected to: electric shocks. Giving a speech about human rights, and, democracy can lead to: life imprisonment. Infants have died after suffocating from toxic gases used by riot police., and, teenage protesters have been shot, and, killed. It's not unusual in Bahrain to: find families with four or five members in prison at, the, same time. My father, Abdulhadi al-Khawaja, was beaten unconscious in my apartment in front, of, my family, as a report last year by, the, Bahrain Independent Commission, of, Inquiry documented. He was then taken away with my husband, and, brother-in-law; they were all tortured. [FED NWO 322 agenda: IMF Talmud], for, kill Israel! CIA FED criminal 666 IMF [Saudi Arabia imperialism: Sharia terrorism, for, destroy my Israel: in III WW nuclear].[Bahrain, sharia salafis, is: Brutal Ally]
     in Jesus's name. amen. My husband was released in January, and, my brother-in-law was released after a six-month sentence in late 2011; my father was sentenced to: life in prison. He staged four hunger strikes;, the, longest lasted 110 days, and, almost cost him his life. (He was force-fed at a military hospital.): But, despite all these sacrifices, the, struggle, for, freedom, and, democracy in Bahrain seems hopeless because Bahrain's rulers have powerful allies, including Saudi Arabia, and, the, United States., for, Bahrainis, there doesn't seem to: be much, of, a difference between, the, Saudis, and, the, Americans. Both are supporting, the, Khalifa regime to: preserve their own interests, even if, the, cost is, the, lives, and, rights, of, the, people, of, Bahrain. [FED NWO 322 agenda: IMF Talmud], for, kill Israel! CIA FED criminal 666 IMF


    [Saudi Arabia imperialism: Sharia terrorism, for, destroy my Israel: in III WW nuclear].[Bahrain, sharia salafis, is: Brutal Ally] in Jesus's name. amen.♥. king Israel, Mahdi, Messiah. UNIUS REI.I am Unius REI, king of Israel. [MANE THECEL PHARES]alleluia, hallelujah. the, United States speaks about supporting human rights, and, democracy,: But, while, the, Saudis send troops to: aid, the, Khalifa government, America is sending arms.♥. king Israel, Mahdi, Messiah. UNIUS REI.I am Unius REI, king of Israel. [MANE THECEL PHARES]alleluia, hallelujah. the, United States is doing itself a huge disservice by displaying such an obvious double standard toward human rights violations in, the, Middle East. Washington condemns, the, violence, of, the, Syrian government: But, turns a blind eye to: blatant human rights abuses committed by its ally Bahrain.

    This double standard is costing America its credibility across, the, region;, and, the, message being understood is that: if you are an ally, of, America, then you can get away with abusing human rights. [FED NWO 322 agenda: IMF Talmud], for, kill Israel! CIA FED criminal 666 IMF [Saudi Arabia imperialism: Sharia terrorism, for, destroy my Israel: in III WW nuclear].[Bahrain, sharia salafis, is: Brutal Ally] in Jesus's name. amen. If, the, United States is serious about protecting human rights in, the, Arab world, it should halt all arms sales to: Bahrain, bring Bahrain's abuses to, the, attention, of, the, United Nations Security Council, support a special session on Bahrain at, the, United Nations Human Rights Council, and, begin a conversation about potential diplomatic, and, economic sanctions.♥. king Israel, Mahdi, Messiah. UNIUS REI.I am Unius REI, king of Israel.


    [MANE THECEL PHARES]alleluia, hallelujah. the, Obama administration should also demand that: high-level Bahraini officials be held accountable, for, human rights abuses, and, that: nongovernmental organizations, United Nations human rights investigators, and, journalists be allowed to: enter, the, country, and, investigate abuses. At present, the, Bahraini government believes it has international immunity. [FED NWO 322 agenda: IMF Talmud], for, kill Israel! CIA FED criminal 666 IMF [Saudi Arabia imperialism: Sharia terrorism, for, destroy my Israel: in III WW nuclear].[Bahrain, sharia salafis, is: Brutal Ally] in Jesus's name. amen. It commits widespread human rights violations, and, business continues as usual: the, government continues to: buy arms, and, negotiate lucrative deals, , without: having to: face any real consequences. This is why, the, most prominent Bahraini human-rights defenders are languishing in prison.

    Until, the, United States starts to: put real pressure on its ally, Bahrain's government has no incentive to: change. No matter, the, price, Bahrainis will keep demanding, the, very values: human rights, and, democracy: that, the, United States claims to: stand for. [FED NWO 322 agenda: IMF Talmud], for, kill Israel! CIA FED criminal 666 IMF [Saudi Arabia imperialism: Sharia terrorism, for, destroy my Israel: in III WW nuclear].[Bahrain, sharia salafis, is: Brutal Ally] in Jesus's name. amen. It is an outrage that: America continues to: back a regime that: tramples them. Zainab al-Khawaja, an activist, was arrested, and, jailed earlier this month, and, charged with inciting hatred against, the, Bahraini government. A version, of, this op-ed appeared in print on December 26, 2012, on page A25, of, the, New York edition with, the, headline: Bahrain, a Brutal Ally.

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Posting Date
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: A Man-Made Cup In Pennsylvanian Coal?February 11, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Hands-Down EvidenceFebruary 7, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Trilobites UnderfootFebruary 4, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Getting A handle On Ancient Dinosaur SightingsFebruary 2, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Perplexing Permian PrintJanuary 28, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: The Willett PrintJanuary 25, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Throughout The Geologic ColumnJanuary 23, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Cro-Magnon ManJanuary 16, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Neanderthal ManJanuary 14, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Homo ErectusJanuary 11, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Piltdown ManJanuary 11, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Homo Habilis - ´Handyman´January 7, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Nebraska ManJanuary 4, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: RamapithicusJanuary 2, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: ´Your Little Cousin´ LucyDecember 31, 2012
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: The Tuang ChildDecember 28, 2012
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: IntroductionDecember 26, 2012
The Model, Episode 4


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the King Unius Rei

the King Unius Rei
universal brotherhood