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ECB jihad sharia communists, criminals, freemasonry

è perché non stampate una moneta nazionale, per uso interno, in sovranità monetaria? SOLTANTO GLI USA POSSONO STAMPARE TUTTO IL DENARO FINTO, CHE VOGLIONO PER METTERLA NEL CULO AL MONDO: CHE DIVENTA "FINTO", come il suo denaro, IN UNA GUERRA MONDIALE? ] [ BRUXELLES, 7 LUG - "Una Grexit sarebbe un terribile errore e un fallimento collettivo", per questo "la Commissione Ue ha una responsabilità storica per evitarla: noi non lo vogliamo". Così il commissario Ue agli affari economici Pierre Moscovici all'arrivo all'Eurogruppo.

Benjamin Netanyahu ] non avrei mai pensato, che: qualcuno: Rothschild 322 Bush NWO, avrebbe chiamato Hitler la Arabia Saudita Califfato jihadista, e nazismo: la sharia della LEGA ARABA! non mi piacciono i coglioni pieni di acqua che non agiscono! Mogherini: 'Trattative sull'Iran avanti per altri due giorni'. Lo ha confermato l'Alto rappresentante (SI, MA QUALTO LEI è ALTO? AL MASSIMO, come altezza, lei ARRIVA AL PENE DI BUSH 322, mentre Ban-Kimoon arriva ad altezza GENDER ) per la politica estera Ue da Vienna. I tecnici dell'Aiea lasciano la capitale austriaca, sottolineando che sono stati fatti passi avanti. Lavrov: "Ci sono 8 questioni da finalizzare"
my JHWH Holy ] ma, io ho sempre detto loro che io non sono un santo, e loro lo hanno creduto! CHE SE POI, loro MI FANNO ARRABBIARE? IO CHE COLPA HO?
to Hillary Clinton ] [ il Vostro sistema monetario truffa, usura, induzione al debito, suicidio, devitalizzazione, truffa, falso in bilancio, di Banca Mondiale SpA Fmi, Spa, ( di privati farisei del talmud i nostri padroni ) che tutto questo: è lobby massoniche, satanismo e nichilismo? ok, questo sistema truffa del debito pubblico, non si può più reggere in piedi da solo, senza soffocare i popoli ] Voi avrete il coraggio di soffocare i grandi capitali? (distruggere il 60% della massa monetaria mondiale? IO NON CREDO! ) QUINDI PRIMA DI ENTRARE NELLA GUERRA CIVILE, quella RIVOLUZIONE dei popoli CHE UCCIDEREBBE VOI I RICCHI: PER ALTO TRADIMENTO, SAREBBE PIù RAZIONALE ENTRARE NELLA GUERRA MONDIALE NUCLEARE ] soltanto che una guerra contro la CINA e Russia, non ha un esito scontato e potrebbe cancellare ogni forma di vita sul pianeta, l'unica soluzione razionale a questo punto, dato che voi avete deciso di essere le scimmie GENDER Darwin, contro ogni evidenza scientifica e quella di fare di tutta la LEGA ARABA sharia, una sola salciccia!

Hillary Clinton ha incoraggiato un adoloscente omosessuale, dicendo: "la tua vita sarà un successo!" ma, anche le parole più belle, messe, sulla bocca dei nostri leader massoni che nascondono il signoraggio bancario, diventano frasi inquietanti. Infatti la laicità dello Stato, circa scelte di coscienza dei suoi cittadini deve diventare uno standard in tutto il mondo! MA COSA CENTRANO LE LOBBIES? LORO STANNO OMOSESSUALIZZANDO LA SOCIETà, ALLO STESSO MODO COME LA LEGA ARABA NAZISTA STA ISLAMIZZANDO SEMPRE DI PIù LA SUA SOCIETà! Quindi i popoli sono diventati le vittime di potenti lobby ideologiche SCIENTISTE e religiose, vittime del signoraggio bancario! ALLORA, ANCHE LE PAROLE PIù BELLE NON HANNO PIù NESSUN SIGNIFICATO! Gli usurai di Rothschild, le scimmie di Darwin e le scimmie sharia di Maometto? hanno condannato il mondo al massacro!
STOP Obama GENDER [ to this ] your Satanic our institutions banking seigniorage: god owl at bohemian grove, and: all their infiltration: cultural nature, esoteric agenda, Gmos crime, masonic system, Monetary Scam SpA, occult power, SpA, your criminal SYSTEM FAILURE, stop to all this
STOP Obama GENDER [ to you criminal ] this is your Satanic world ideology: atheism, drugs, esoteric agenda, Freemasonry, Gmos, hatred of christianity, Homosexuality, loss of freedom of speech, masonic system loss of real democracy, Monetary Scam, occult power, pedophilia, pornography, SpA, banking SYSTEM FAILURE of all your financial crisis, Truffa Monetaria, usura, violence, war, ecc.. ecc.. really you are babylon tower: kingdom of satan
eih Obama GENDER where is my kingdom of Palestine?
eih Obama GENDER ] [ You can't say to me: "and I that we can do? is Rothschild Spa Bush, that, tells me everything I have to say, because they are bad boys! " tu non puoi dire: "ed io che ci posso fare? è Rothschild Spa Bush che mi dice tutto quello che io devo dire, perché loro sono dei ragazzi cattivi!"
my JHWH holy ] libera tutti i musulmani oppressi e minacciati dalla Arabia Saudita wahhabita, in tutto il mondo! my JHWH holy ] libera tutti i popoli schiavi della usura bancaria Spa mondiale dei Rothschild farisei usurai! Mio Dio VIVENTE libera tutti i popoli oppressi da ogni oppressione! my JHWH holy ] LIBERA I PRIGIONIERI! io pretendo che la sharia nazismo sutto egida ONU, deve essere abolita in tutta la LEGA ARABA ed io pretendo che Salafi brothers Muslims Saudi Arabia will become illegal in all Muslims Country
Lorenzojhwh Unius REI to 187AudioHostem ] amico, [ io non ho niente da dire! PERCHé TU SAI GIà TUTTO, circa, QUELLO CHE IO FARò, E CHE, circa, tutto quello che, IO HO DECISO DI FARE! QUANDO LA VALANGA SCENDERà NULLA POTRà RIMANERE IN PIEDI, E I FONDAMENTI DELLE COLONNE DEL MONDO TREMERANNO, come al tempo di Noé, tutte le cateratte degli abissi tracimeranno, E STARE SOTTO NON SARà MEGLIO CHE STARE SOPRA! il più grande massacro della storia del genere umano! TANTO HA MERITATO LA CATTIVERIA E L'EGOISMO DEGLI UOMINI!
eih Obama GENDER ] [ qui, in youtube, tutti sanno che, io ho previsto una sanatoria amnistia, o situzioni punitive in alcun modo, anche se, voi siete i più pericolosi criminali assassini seriali della storia del genere umano, che, proprio è quello che voi siete: "i satanisti massoni" QUESTO LO SANNO TUTTI! ma, IO SONO ABBASTANZA INTELLIGENTE PER SPERARE A SOLUZIONI EFFICACI E FATTIVE, NON PUNITIVE, E NON SANGUINOSE! In termini politici io non sono un rivoluzionario, che mette in discussione le Istituzioni, ma, voi fatevi da parte e lasciatemi lavorare, perché, voi potete soltanto distruggere il genere umano: infatti voi siete una geopolitica, che, può soltanto trovaRE false MOTIVAZIONI per ogni tipo di guerra! FORSE GUERRE GIUSTE, PER MOTIVI GIUSTI (e non per motivi economici) ANDREBBERO FATTE, MA, TUTTI SPERIAMO DI NO!
Grecia: 61,3% no al referendum, sì 38,7. Tsipras, ora accordo, trattare su debito ]] l'unica cosa che dovrebbe iniziare a funzionare è il plotone di esecuzione! [ hanno stampato denaro per oltre 100 volte il prodotto interno lordo del pianeta, quindi, o distruggono i grandi capitali che pretendono un interesse (debito pubblico), o distruggono i popoli nella guerra mondiale! [ la colpa non è della GRECIA, perché, il denaro dei Rothschild SpA costa il 270% del suo valore (fonte scienziato Giacinto Auriti) ] e questa è la verità: hanno fatto un pianeta di Stati tutti indebitati, di poveri sempre più poveri e di ricchi sempre più ricchi (quindi è venuto meno il principio: 1. della integrità territoriale, 2. della sovranità monetaria e, 3. della uguaglianza di tutti i cittidani di fronte alla legge), [ in conlusione: questo è alto tradimento massonico Bildenberg ] l'unica cosa che dovrebbe iniziare a funzionare è il plotone di esecuzione!
4 luglio, Obama: la liberta' non viene senza prezzo, 'Ma pagata da tutti le donne e gli uomini militari' ] Obama è un assassino, uno spudorato satanista, un traditore, un attore di Hollywood, perché senza sovranità monetaria non può mai esistere nessuna sovranità politica! ] [ il suo epilogo sarà la tragedia di una ormai inevitabile guerra mondiale nucleare, con almeno 5 miliadi di morti, proprio per colpa del suo sistema massonico usurocratico mondiale SpA truffa monetaria Banca Mondiale!
"Srebrenica fu sacrificata alla Realpolitik" ] non esiste una Realpolitik al di fuori della geopolitica congiunta tra: 1. satanisti massoni USA BILDENBERG NATO, e, 2. i nuovi diritti ONU sharia nazisti della LEGA ARABA: "allah akbar morte a tutti gli infedeli!" Genocidio della TEOLOGIA DELLA SOSTITUZIONE [ Infatti, non sa nessuno che dopo la guerra del Cosovo, su copertura, silenzio, occultamento della NATO CIA network Satellite TV, e dei loro internazionale islamica, galassia jihadista, hanno fatto il genocidio di tutti i serbi nel Cosovo, infatti, hanno distrutto 3000 tra, Chiese, Monasteri e Cimiteri.. furono trucidati soldati della NATO, civili serbi, tutto dopo la guerra, ma, questa è la verità: "NESSUNO NE SA NIENTE!" I tribunali internazionali sono una truffa ideologica, soltanto uno strumento repressivo a servizio degli USA e dei loro interessi geopolitici
Benjamin Netanyahu ] è finta la democrazia tra gli ebrei, Rothschild ucciderà Israele ancora una volta [ è il denaro il vero valore di un Ebreo, quindi, Spa Rothschild hanno il controllo della comunità ebraica mondiale! ] in questo modo, lui preparò Hitler, allo stesso modo ha preparato la LEGA ARABA.. il responsabile di ogni Shoah è sempre rothschild 666 Baal Peor talmud, e se gli ebrei non verranno da me: Israele andrà perduto, ancora una volta! E poi, come al solito la colpa è sempre dei cristiani europei e del Vaticano, quando noi sappiamo che è l'anticristo, SPA Banche Centrali monopolio universale NWO della Massoneria a governare il mondo! Loro gli Illuminati Padroni del mondo, hanno sempre reso impossibile, la espansione territoriale di Israele, pur avendone il diritto con le guerre che ha vinto, poteva prendersi mezzo Medio Oriente! Ad Israele sono stato fatte combattere delle guerre in cui ha rischiato la estinzione, in cambio di niente! è CHIARO: "PER I FARISEI ANGLO-AMERICANI ISRAELE è UN GIOCATTOLO CHE QUANDO NON SERVE PIù DEVE ESSERE DISTRUTTO.
Benjamin Netanyahu ] OGGETTIVAMENTE? BARAK OBAMA è UN BRAVO RAGAZZO: in se stesso, E sarebbe un sogno d'amore se rappresentasse il popolo americano, invece di rappresentare i tuoi SpA Fmi, Bush 322 Rothschild che hanno pianificato di ucciderti: e di fare disintegrare Israele! Quindi questo è il problema, come restituire a BARAK OBAMA una vera sovranità, perché possa diventare finalmente, quello che lui non è mai stato, cioè, diventare per la prima volta, il vero Presidente del popolo americano?
187AudioHostem ] è vero che la tua intelligenza si è andata deteriorandosi progressivamente, fino a diventare un: compromesso equilibrio mentale ( ma, poi, questa è stata la stessa brutta storia del tuo Lucifero che è diventato un Satana di coglione ) Quello che è sucesso a te, succederà a tutti i miei nemici, se poi, è vero che, io sono Unius REI, e questo tutti lo sanno: è vero che io sono Unius REI Governatore Mediatore mondiale, ed anche perché io sono principalmente il Re di Israele; 2. e poi, questo evento del tuo licenziamento: come direttore di YOUTUBE, licenziamento, che, io ho reso inevitabile? Questo non significa che io ho smesso di volerti bene! ANZI, IO TI VOGLIO PIù BENE DI PRIMA, PERCHé LA TUA ANIMA è STATA PREZIOSA PER GESù SULLA CROCE!
187AudioHostem ] non ti preoccupare amico mio: per me le persone non sono mai: "usa e getta!" ed anche se, il sommo saderdote cannibale di satana Bush 322, quello con i super poteri satanici voodoo, lui ti ha licenziato, per colpa mia? non ti preoccupare, di quel sbruffone, lol. io avrei voluto vedere lui: al posto tuo, io lo avrei disintegrato subito lui, in meno di due settimane! Ma, come ti dicevo: " tu sei sempre in servizio per me! cioè, io volevo dire, tu sei sempre al mio servizio" TU SEI IL PIù SIMPATICO e intelligente SACERDOTE DI SATANA, CHE IO HO CONOSCIUTO! anche se è IhateNewLayout il più affettuoso di tutti!
187AudioHostem ] disattivando i plugin, forse sono riuscito a mettere fuori del mio computer le tue lucertole della CIA [ anche se, io non ho un problema con la loro presenza, infatti, io non ho niente da nascondere a nessuno!
187AudioHostem ] perché Bush 322 NWO SpA, e Rothschild 666 Fmi, FED BCE: loro sono i due testicoli cancerogeni di Satana? [ perché il nostro sublime, ONNIPOTENTE Creatore holy JHWH, prima di creare l'Universo, lui già li conosceva! ] NON C'è NULLA CHE LORO POSSONO FARE PER PRENDERE me: UNIUS REI IN CONTROPIEDE!
187AudioHostem, Bush, 322, NWO, SpA, Rothschild 666 Fmi, FED BCE ] io lo so, che voi siete dei poveri disgraziati, che non vedete l'ora di essere liberati da me, dal potere di satana, e di essere liberati, dalla sua schiavitù [ PERò CAZZO POTETE ANCHE MUOVERE IL CULO DA QUELLA SEDIA!
Eih satana, tu getta la benzina su queste nazioni e bruciale! ] 1. North Korea, 2. Somalia 3. Iraq 4. Syria 5. Afghanistan 6. Sudan 7. Iran 8. Pakistan 9. Eritrea 10. Nigeria 11. Maldives 12. Saudi Arabia 13. Libya 14. Yemen 15. Uzbekistan 16. Vietnam 17. Central African Republic 18. Qatar 19. Kenya 20. Turkmenistan 21. India 22. Ethiopia 23. Egypt 24. Djibouti 25. Myanmar 26. Palestinian Territories 27. Brunei 28. Laos 29. China 30. Jordan 31. Bhutan 32. Comoros 33. Tanzania 34. Algeria 35. Colombia 36. Tunisia 37. Malaysia 38. Mexico 39. Oman 40. Mali 41. Turkey 42. Kazakhstan 43. Bangladesh 44. Sri Lanka 45. Tajikistan 46. Azerbaijan 47. Indonesia 48. Mauritania 49. United Arab Emirates 50. Kuwait

[[the end]] the money? is more than a symbolic element "is spiritual!": but the Jews, Satanists, the "Illuminati or enlightened, and Compay Rothschild666, Bush322". have made a "merchandise" (so, who we are become "commodity" means, "enslaved" all whole human race! see: EzraPound and Giacinto Auriti .. That's why, from the French Revolution (through the invention of the "Assigned") they have control of the world ... and have the NWO by the foundation of the Bank of England ... since it is money is an ideal value and conventional: that is, spiritual: the money can not be bought or sold ... here, because we are now, under the ideological and practical Satanism: the bank seigniorage, whose function is the predation of peoples, through all the wars that are necessary to regenerate a new IMF: since the cost of money: is equal to 270%, then the destruction or the war: they are an indispensable institutional: ie an arrangements istitutional

@ Mistafied -> after 11-09? I will never came with my foot in the USA! For me, it would be easier: go to North Korea, with a sign that says: "You: Kim Jong-il and your family: horror shit? Fuck, why Jesus is Risen!". But I'll never negi U.S., even if 666Rothschild: & 322Bush, you will cut the "pea" to be transsexuals! The Great Satan? Ended stop: closed their with me! He Did not make it through the first part. Go watch Esoteric Agenda. And refute that shit.

poiché la determinazione in favore del male: di: satana, demoni e alieni ? è una determinazione spietata ed assoluta... lui è bugiardo ed assassino: fin dal principio! non c'è fusione tra l'acqua e l'olio non c'è fusione tra il bene ed il male non c'è fusione tra la luce e le tenebre! e Dio, ha già vinto!!! ... poiché Cristo è Risorto

Commento al tuo video: Egyptian Islamic Police Killing Christians Coptic in the Churc cryfreeedom SAID: S=Steal L=Lie A=And M=Murder -- ANSWER -->Today it is! but tomorrow, in my Kingdom of unius Rei, Islam is no longer imperialism criminal, but only a beautiful religion! ... oggi è così! ma domani, nel mio Regno di Unius Rei, l'Islam non sarà più un imperialismo criminale, ma una splendida religione soltanto!

if the state Masonic and satanic: of Israel: that is, the seigniorage banking, the blasphemy of Israel: for 666 points star: of flag of Israel.. will not be destroyed? to enlarge the region: of Palestine: that: was given by God to all Jews in the world through a small part: of the deserts, of: Egypt: and: Saudi Arabia (about 200,000 sq km), then, will, only, the Satanist Rothschild IMF: to win: in his planned World War III! ie agenda 666 NWO, so, I will gather all Nations, of the Middle East: in one confederation!
is in this way that the Third Jewish Temple: it can be built: at last, on the Mount of Olives as the prophet Zechariah said

kkk nazi IMF 666 synnek1 CANNIBAL -- love mine, but I no longer have my heart, from for too long .. In fact, Jesus of Bethlehem took it . and, if I had my heart? you could have killed me, last year, when, with, all Satanism and witchcraft: voodoo, that is, when you used: your long pin voodoo against me to cross my heart! That's why I am immortal: is because, resurrection of Jesus Christ, is in me! and why the system masonic: of IMF-NWO, 322: FED ECB: has tried to kill me through black magic? Now all of them will die, because, I am the politician universal: UNIUS REI, for the kingdom of God, that is, the Kingdom of Palestine, THAT, needs to be done, in ALL the Middle East!

1_6. @king Saudi Arabia [my Holy Islam: my Universal brotherhood] And.. the Qur'an: Pescara, EXAM? Muslims instead: of: the Bible should attack: First: solve problems relating to the preparation of the Koran. I will mention at least: two principles: 1) after: the death of: Muhammad were: destroyed and: burned all the manuscripts from which the original Koran were "extracted" three Korans, but with outstanding differences between them. Even today Muslims: not: know: what they contained: the first three copies of the "original".. To know: just investigate their: tradition, volumes Al-Bukhari (note: the masters Muslims, too, if: not: it: they admit openly, believe, this collection: of: the most authoritative books of the Koran itself) . From these texts: that: tell: Islamic history written by the early Muslims, we learn: that: the text of the Koran is: Status: burnt.

2_6. @king Saudi Arabia [my Holy Islam: my Universal brotherhood] Here, the text: Al-Bukhari vol. 6, p. 479, 61.3.510: "Anas son of Malik narrated: Othman sent to: each province an: Koran: that: he had done: copy and: ordered: that: all other manuscripts (3) Quranic well as original fragments that: entire pages, were: burnt. " (Note: Othman was the third: caliph to: 19 years after his death: of: Muhammad. Othman took charge: of: to create "their" version of the Koran in 650 AD It was later murdered by his teammates for his destruction: believed the "true original".) Why burned?: Also: Muslims are asking right now why Othman and burned: destroyed the Koranic manuscripts and realized: copied from the first disciples: of: Muhammad. Is a valid assumption: that: this: Extreme: Act: of: assured destruction: of: to get the final version: of: a Koran (the fourth) among three other versions that: contradicted already: among them:

3_6. @king Saudi Arabia [my Holy Islam: my Universal brotherhood] ( there will be: were many differences in the texts ...) The Council: Qur'anic: he had therefore decided: to protect Islam from future investigations. Again we ask them, why? The vulnerability of Islam is: well made obvious by the same "authoritative tradition" even: to: a child.. 2) The version of "othmanica" of the Koran is: and now lost: practically non-existent. The tests are: in the manuscripts remaining Islamic Museums: of Istanbul (Turkey) and: to: Samarkand (Turkmenistan). The outcome: examinations carried out, expert scholars: the evidence: that: These manuscripts are being "rewritten" at least 170 years after the disappearance of the Qur'an: "Othman version." Islam hides these historical facts examined in the world today. We have: ask them these questions!

4_6. @king Saudi Arabia [my Holy Islam: my Universal brotherhood] In the light: of: this data: of: the fact, Muslim friends: not: can more we insist on at least: three things: 1): that: the current copy of the Koran is the exact copy filed in heaven: and: down directly (Nazil) from Allah. 2): that: is the true account: that: Muhammad have left: their: and: nor: that: is considered the "miracle of: Mohammed". 3): that: the Gospel has been: changed! Imaginary Interview: of: Magdi Allam: Dear Muhammad, we live in a dark age, marked by a fanaticism that: is inspired to: an Islam understood: as submission to: extremist interpretation of the Koran. "I: have: a man like any other, chosen: by God to spread his revelation. I: said to my disciples: that :: not: I worship you, too: are fallible. Muslims say that: the verses of the Koran are: in their beds: context: historical, combining: faith and: the reason for the prevailing

5_6. @king Saudi Arabia [my Holy Islam: my Universal brotherhood] in every age the essence of Islam: that, is not: submission but peace, security, respect, moderation and: justice. " What would you say to the terrorists that: kill in the name of Islam? "What are the criminals that: offend: Islam and: violates: the commandment, divine: second: that" whoever kills an: no person: that: this has murdered or another: taken: corruption in the land: is: as if: he murdered the whole of humanity. ' For the preachers of: hatred: Jews, Christians and also: Muslims: that :: not: submit themselves: to them the mercy they: extended: "corruption on earth." "The Jews and The Christians: not: are infidels but People of the Book. I: I: testimony: God: one: that is: the God of Abraham,: of: Moses and of: Jesus God himself: has: announced, 'We have done: of: the people you and various

6_6. @king Saudi Arabia [my Holy Islam: my Universal brotherhood] : to tribe that: you knew to: the story, but the most noble of: you: is: one: that more fears God. "Woe to the preachers of: hatred that: condemn: to: death Muslims, where the Clement and: the Merciful: has: warned that: "Let there be no compulsion in religion," and has: ruled: "The truth is from your Lord: who wants to believe, who: not: wants to reject the Faith. " What: is: the message that: she would send the Muslims today and: for all humanity? "That life is: the most valuable asset that: God you: has: given: and: that: today the true faith: is: to excel the sanctity of life: of: all. God himself: the Almighty has: prepended: the pious deeds ostentation of the cult: religious: "You are the best nation on the light for humanity: that: Invite to: do good, rejects this: That is ::: Deprecated, and: believe in God. '"

synnek1 KKK NAZI imf 666 BSTIA-- your alien ones, 666, which put the filters: to search engine: against: MY ITEMS? they are pouring blood from his mouth? I'm going to kill all your lizards: one of these days!
Synnek1 ha pubblicato un commento 10 minuti fa: [May The Lord have mercy on your GODDAMNED Soul] Jesus Christ Is Gonna [Cut You Up]: Into Little Pieces! --ANSWER -- in this situation: so confused: of: Queen Elizabeth II, which is her the worship of Satan JAbullOn? is normal, though many priests and many bishops of the Holy Church of England, they find quite normal to expect: to be able to do, and be: gays, while continuing to be: in the ecclesiastical hierarchy! [sorry Synnek1] thank you! but, for your outburst of love for me ..? however, this: there not seemed to be a response to my questions!

[sorry: This is an easier question!] @ 666 CIA: voodoo high priest: Synnek1 kkk nazi -- [sorry] --> as ever, Queen Elizabeth II, first: she makes Pasionaria, of IMF: ie: Satanism: ideological and practical: that: the banking seigniorage((stolen to all our: the Constitutions: to turn all Peoples into slaves: as: said: the scientist Giacinto Auriti)), to destroy Israel: and all peoples, through: the Pharisees of the Neturei Karta : The Enlightened: of the New World Order, that is, she's a representative of the entire English Freemasonry: that is the worship of: JabullOn: ie, Baal, that is, God owl at Bohemian Grove?]], and then, at the same time, she does, too, the representative of the Anglican Church, that is, the representative of God: my JHWH?

my brave President of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano (Naples, June 29, 1925) (born 10 days after my father) said to me: lol. "My son, you speak: about, the banking seigniorage: and, of the scientist: Giacinto Auriti, because, I'm afraid of being killed: like Jesus: by the Pharisees!" lol. mon président courageux de la République Italienne Giorgio Napolitano (Naples, 29 Juin, 1925) (né 10 jours après mon père) m'a dit: lol. «Mon fils, tu parles: environ, le seigneuriage bancaire: et, du savant: Giacinto Auriti, parce que, je le crains d'être tué: comme Jésus: par les pharisiens!" lol. il mio coraggioso Presidente della Repubblica Italiana: Giorgio Napolitano (Napoli, 29 giugno 1925)(nato 10 giorni dopo mio padre): ha detto a me: lol. "figlio mio, parla tu: di signoraggio bancario: e dello Scienziato Giacinto Auriti, perchè, io ho paura di essere ucciso, come Gesù: dai farisei!" lol.

@ King of Saudi Arabia - this your alliance with the Americans? is not something that: is here to stay .. without, freedom of religion?, and without a reform of Islam?, that is, to achieve a species of: ISLAMIC COUNCIL, which asserts the your primacy((theological)) of your: on all Muslims in the world! That theological authority: that all Muslims need to have, and so, to not: envy the Catholic Church .. of course, are not the Americans, to hurt you, because, simply, that you end up crushed: under the tracks: of the Chinese and the Russians! @666 IMF FED ECB -- [grazie signoraggio bancario] il 50% delle famiglie italine? non riesce più: ad arrivare alla fine del mese! [thanks seigniorage banking] 50% of the families italine? no longer able: to get to the end of the month! [merci bancaires seigneuriage] 50% de la italine familles? n'est plus en mesure: d'arriver à la fin du mois!

@ King of Saudi Arabia --- you do not have to be worried, about, any slander: put in: cleverly: against me, because, my spiritual life: has only, a private value! my mandate?: it is purely political: rational and therefore, none of that: that: I say, or, that, I believe in a personal (my spiritual) will ever have, an impact religious or theological. then, I do not steal: never, myself, to any visit: it is: medical or even psychiatric, because, I believe, that, every head of State: should be helped to understand: if it is time for him to leave, your own place to another! how long is that, you do not do: a psychiatric evaluation? because, the Satanists have said, that, they have taken control of your brain!

@ King of Saudi Arabia --- tu non devi essere preoccupato, circa, eventuali calunnie: poste in essere: abilmente: contro di me, perché, la mia vita spirituale: ha soltanto: un valore privato! il mio mandato: è esclusivamente politico: razionale: e quindi, nulla di quello: che: io dico: o che, io penso a livello personale(spirituale): potrà mai avere, una incidenza religiosa, o teologica, io non sottrarrò: mai me stesso: a nessuna visita: ne medica e neanche psichiatrica: perché, io credo, che, ogni capo di Stato: dovrebbe essere aiutato a capire: se è il momento, per lui, di lasciare: il proprio posto ad un altro! da quanto tempo, è che, tu non fai una visita psichiatrica? perché, i satanisti hanno detto: di avere preso il controllo del tuo cervello!

@ king of Saudi Arabia - in this context,make religion: the concept of national identity is an act of suicide, in fact, the only ground: where Satanists Pharisees IMF 666: can be defeated?: is the love! thus, it can not: be: a solution polarize: Nazism Islamic, against: Nazism of the Talmud: looking for: to overcome, with: criminal lies and hypocrisy, the opponent! we must walk: in the light of God, namely, in the light of truth! only if all the people, and if all religions will be united: (universal brotherhood of Unius REI) Satanists Neturei Karta, with all their hypocrisy and lies ("we have been punished by God, to not have: never more: a Nation ", etc. ..) can be defeated! because, for the Pharisees? their homeland? is the whole world, which is why, it is the institutional Satanism: the banking seigniorage: it is true: soul of the world!

@ King of Saudi Arabia - of course, those who have an interest in spreading atheism, ie, the Pharisees Neturei Karta: IMF: Enlightened by Lucifer, JabullOn: Baal Peor, the god owl at the Bohemian Grove, etc. .. Enlightened them: they, too, the interest in block: Islam: in his middle ages! because, Satanism: ideological and practical: of the banking seigniorage, of this criminal, and unconstitutional: Masonic system: of all the false democracies, to destroy Israel, which is the unique hope of the world! is why the IMF-NWO, is exploitation: until the extermination of all peoples, this: is: Satanism ideological and practical, that is, a spiritual act, which is why, lacking tools: cultural and spiritual: all the human race, becomes: soon: one only: single herd of slaves: in a kind of Nazism, occult: 666 NWO 322, which can no longer be broken!

 UniusRei1  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by Unius REI]   .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. . Alleluia. vota: Magdi Cristiano Allam
Synnek1 posted a comment 5 hours ago Report spam: "would you prefer I explain? - answer - to what am I to, that, his dark Dump height: for the first time, after: five years, he wants to answer my questions? 1. was: Your Bush 322: aliens abductions, "we will win: a cock in the ass" that, he said to you: "You talk to him, but, you never speak: with him!" 2. here's why: all four times: that: you missed, inadvertently: to say, something? I have seen thee: banging your head on the table! " --ANSWER --BUT BECAUSE, you insist? THIS IS MY QUESTION! as the CIA has done: buggering crazy: about: my friend: King of Saudi Arabia, to the point: that: he is doing: the Mohammed fucking, such as: if: 1400 years, for him, had never passed?
@Muslims @all muslims -> however: the reality is beyond, always, each film of horror: because we must not forget how the more big Satanists: are: 666Rothscild and 322Bush .. those Zionists who came to liberate the Bosnian Muslims, and this, not because they love Islam: obviously, But because "if enlightened not destroy, before: the Christianity? Then, they do not could never destroy Islam. "because this, should not be forgotten: the religion of Satanism? is an imperialism satanic: ie: IMF-NWO! much stronger, of imperialism satanAllah .. You Muslims shit, you have the responsibility to have cursed the holy name of Allah

SuperLion911 (1 day ago) كويتي بحق! صدقني اخي انا لوا اني كنت في ولدة قبل 1600 سنه لما لطغت يدي في دم مسيحي واحد والرحمه تمنعني ان اقوم بهذا العمل والله يحفضكم ويجعل السعاده والفرح في ايامكم Skateboarderx543 Is this war or something? - ANSWER-> I love you: my brother: (SuperLion911) and my friend (Skateboarderx543). these: Freemasons have destroyed: Christian civilization: and now, They No Longer Have The cultural categories, to make peace! and Therefore, No Longer know how to make peace! if you do not support the Christian Civilization: Humanities: personalistic: metaphysics? They all die very soon. is why. i am univesal Brotherhood

Commento al tuo video: AFGHANISTAN My JHWH's BLOOD MARTYRS CHRISTIAN @anderson45887 -->what you say, it's terrible .. God will punish all criminals! but they were Christians to liberate Kosovo, not you! instead you did after the war and the massacres have destroyed churches and monasteries ... you are the real criminal: of course! the soldiers are all criminals, but Islam is an ideology:criminal, still .... Christianity is a religion: only, so they are always the Zionists to do evil, through the symbols of Judaism and cristianesimo. However, the potential of Islam today are the worst offenders,criminals! for the lack of freedom of religion سعيد: SuperLion911 رد:v كويتي بحق ! انت محق الجميع في الظلام ولا احد يفهم معني النور

Riddimtownradio SAID: Isam is my life,and no one can change that.ok-- ANSWER->THE CEMETERY WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE: of course! since you buy, your money: to interest from your own mortal enemy, it's him, that he wanted to make you a bad man, for to hurt innocent Christians, who are among you! Because, your destruction should look, like, a necessary and just, as like: it was done, for Nazism too! Because it's true, that you are a criminal, not wanting to recognize the freedom of religion!... IL CIMITERO CAMBIERÀ LA TUA VITA: certamente! poiché tu compri, i tuoi soldi: ad interesse: proprio dal tuo nemico mortale, è lui, che, ha voluto fare di te, un uomo cattivo, per ferire i cristiani innocenti, che, sono in mezzo a voi! Poiché, la tua distruzione deve apparire, come, un atto necessario e giusto, così: è stato fatto, per il nazismo: anche! Poiché è proprio vero, che, tu sei un criminale: non volendo riconoscere la libertà di religione!

Riddimtownradio SAID: I am for Allah and Allah only. King of Kings --ANSWER-> Allah is God in heaven. but you are on earth: in this your Islamic Sharia your curse: for you will continue to kill and be killed! Therefore, you are a threat to world peace: and that's, what you have been for 1600 years! because you have turned a noble religion(Islam) in an act of imperialism! You can not live: more. if I not become your king. I am on earth: the highest level of truth and justice, as Allah is in heaven ... but it is about him that I am the Mahdi
1/26 Islam is worship God: is not Satanism! You will need to secularize your Govern. Hey, Muslim murderess! ->. CHALLENGE: I Will Publicly announce that: Islam is: an true religion, if: anyone can disprove Any of: the: dozen of: the: accusations that: I have made: against Muhammad. The allegations of Muhammad: being: an narcissist, an misogynist, an rapist, an pedophile, an lecher, an torturer, an mass murderer, an cult leader, an assassin, an terrorist, an mad man, an Looter ...

"- answer-> I am unius Rei and Mahdi ie, king of: Israel: for: holy Islam. This article is: my response to your rebellion and: criminal, Against your secularize Lack of: the: political life in all Muslim countries. I do not care where in the Hell is Mohammed: now in fact I do not judge the Dead who: Already Have Been Judged. but: Certainly you will go from HIM very soon, if: you continue to make asses with: horns. amen: in Jesus's name! Islam is not religion of: Mohammed or the Koran!. Allah and my Holy Islam? is more important!
01/21/2013 16:13
Sister Rima and the other hundreds of war victims should not be forgotten, says Vatican nuncio
The nun was killed in the attack on Aleppo University on 15 January. Her body has not however been found. A member of the Teaching Sisters of Dorothy-Daughters of the Sacred Hearts, Sister Rima was born in Aleppo where she for years worked with various charity organisations, as well as the Christian youth mission at the university. On the morning of her death, she prayed to the Lord to take her life to alleviate the suffering of the Syrian people. For Mgr Mario Zenari, "she is one of the many lives broken by the bloodbath."

Damascus (AsiaNews) - Sister Rima, 40, from Aleppo, was a member of the Teaching Sisters of Dorothy-Daughters of the Sacred Hearts. Together with an Italian-born fellow sister, she was involved in the local youth mission, running a female boarding school near Aleppo University. She was killed on 15 January in a bomb blast that killed 87 people at the university. Islamic extremists claimed responsibility for the attack. Her body has not yet been found, but Mgr Mario Zenari, Vatican nuncio to Damascus, confirmed her death.
The two women were the only Dorothean nuns left in their convent, the prelate said. Four other nuns had been recalled to Italy for security reasons. Sister Rima shared the suffering of this war with her fellow sister. Despite the fear, cold and danger of death, the two visited families in the neighbourhood, both Christian and Muslim. They also offered hospitality and spiritual help to displaced people, especially young female university students.
"The morning of the attack, Sister Rima had meditated over the passage in which Jesus chased the demons," Mgr Zenari said. "She confessed to God that she was willing to offer her life if her sacrifice could alleviate the suffering of the Syrian population. After their prayer, the two nuns went out for their daily visit to families and the sick, with an arrangement to meet for lunch at home."
The last person to see Sister Rima alive was the gardener of the nearby Carmelite convent, which is also not far from the university. He spoke with the nun who was on her awy back from her morning round when a wall of fire hit them. When he regained consciousness, the wounded gardener saw nothing but rubbles around him.
A moved Mgr Zenari said Sister Rima's relatives and her fellow nun "visited all of the city's hospitals, hoping to find her body at least." Sadly, "most bodies taken from the rubbles are beyond recognition. A DNA test will be necessary."
Sister Rima is the first Catholic nun to die in the war, the nuncio noted. "Unfortunately, she is one of the many lives broken by the bloodbath that is devastating the life of Syrians of every religion, ethnicity or political affiliation."
"The situation is tragic," he added. "If you do not die under the rubbles caused by the shelling or in shootouts, life is difficult. In Aleppo, as in other cities of Syria, everything is in shortage: power, gas, food, drugs. People are cutting down trees in the public gardens to keep warm."
"On the day of the university attack, 120 other people died in shootouts, shelling, and summary executions in other Syrian provinces. The final tally for that day was 216 dead."
These numbers have become part of daily life and the media are no longer surprised by them. However, behind each murdered victim, there are stories of suffering and sorrow that should not be forgotten." (S.C.)

2/26 MUHAMMAD:Pedophile-> Arab year is: lunar, Which is: shorter Than solar year. In solar years, Aisha Was 8 years 9 months old Muhammad consummated When His marriage with: her. Consummati? This is: annice way to say Raped her. According To Muslims, anwoman must consent to her or the marriage: marriage is: null. How can an6-years old child consent to her marriage? Without anconsent, how can we call this relationship Between an51 years old man and: an6-years old child marriage? Some Muslims claim that: It Was Abu Bakr who: Asking Muhammad approached HIM to marry His daughter. This is: not true. the: Prophet asked Abu Bakr for: 'Aisha's hand in marriage. Said Abu Bakr "but: I am your brother." the: Prophet Said, "You are my brother in Allah's religion and: His Book, But: she (Aisha) is: Lawful for: to marry me." Bukhari 7.62.18. Islam is not religion of: Mohammed or the Koran!. Allah and my Holy Islam? is more important!

  • 666 IMF FED 322 ECB jihad sharia hinduists, communists, criminals, freemasonry, -- figli del demonio, io saccheggerò, completamente, le vostre anime maledette, lasciandovi nella più totale desolazione!
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    40 minuti fa
    02/12/2013 [Obamaally of the Salafists, to destroy Israel]. SYRIA. After Muslim rebels seize two priests in Aleppo, there are fears for their life. An Armenian Catholic priest, Fr Michael, and an Orthodox clergyman were abducted last Sunday in Aleppo's Christian neighbourhood. Sources speak to AsiaNews about barbarous murders carried out my Islamic extremists. A car bomb explodes at the Turkish-Syrian border crossing of Cilvegozu. Aleppo (AsiaNews) - A group of rebels close to Muslim extremists on Sunday abducted an Armenian Catholic priest, Fr Michael, as well as a yet unknown Orthodox clergyman. Both were working in Aleppo. Sources, anonymous for security reasons, told AsiaNews that the city's Christian community is very concerned about the attack. "Extremist violence is getting worse day by day.
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    41 minuti fa
    [Obamaally of the Salafists, to destroy Israel]. SYRIA. Muslim militias are killing anyone suspected of ties with the regime, including women and children. People in the neighbourhoods are comparing these days to the Ottoman conquest five centuries ago." For several weeks, residents had complained about the presence of al-Nusra Front forces, Islamic extremists who want to turn Syria into an Islamic state, feared even by the rebel Free Syrian Army. On 6 February, Front troops stormed the Christian neighbourhood of Jdeideh where extremists had already destroyed the city's main Evangelical church in November. Al-Nusra forces include many foreigners, including Muslims from Indonesia and the Philippines, as evinced by a statement posted online by the leader of Abu Sayyaf, an extremist Muslim group with ties to al-Qaeda operating in the Philippines.
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    41 minuti fa
    [Obamaally of the Salafists, to destroy Israel]. SYRIA. In it, Muslims are urged to go to Syria and sacrifice their lives for Islam. "These fighters live for killing and violence. They act without pity and make distinctions among people," sources said. "When they kill, they turn to God as if they were making a sacrifice." Meanwhile, clashes between the military and rebel groups continue across Syria with more than 60,000 people killed so far. Yesterday, a car bomb killed 13 people near the Turkish border, at a road block in Cilvegozu, a border crossing some 100 kilometres northwest of Aleppo, the main route of escape for Syrian refugees fleeing the war. It has been in rebel hands for several months. (S.C.)
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    47 minuti fa
    02/14/2013 NEPAL - TIBET - CHINA Two more Tibetans self-immolate to protest against Chinese oppression A young monk sets himself on fire and dies in Aba Prefecture (Sichuan, southern China). Another monk does the same in front of the Boudhanath stupa in Kathmandu (Nepal). Since 2009, 101 Tibetans have self-immolated to protest against Chinese oppression. CHINA Party denounces St. Valentine's Day and decline of corrupt leaders Bo Xilai, the former chief of Chongqing, Liu Zhijun, a former railway minister, Chen Liangyu, former party secretary of Shanghai cited as an example of people dragged into corruption from love affairs celebrated with St Valentine's Day. Bloggers suggest rather than abolish the holiday it would be better to implement political reforms.
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    1 ora fa
    [strategia del FMI: e dell'Arabia Saudita, per distruggere Israele]+ Nucleare iraniano: e il burattino: Obama]]. Si allontanano, ulteriormente, le posizioni di Barack Hussein Obama e Israele, sul nucleare iraniano. Il solco, ancora più profondo, lo ha tracciato il nuovissimo rapporto del National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) consegnato, nei giorni scorsi alla Casa Bianca, e, che delinea uno scenario molto simile a quello prefigurato da Israele: l'Iran è sul punto di dotarsi di armi nucleari. Ora, qualsiasi altro Presidente americano avrebbe preso il rapporto del NIE, proprio, per la sua autorevolezza, come oro colato, e avrebbe agito di conseguenza. Non Barack Hussein Obama, che, alle giuste e legittime pressioni israeliane ha risposto, con un atto che chiamare provocatorio e sconsiderato è puro eufemismo: ha convinto l'Arabia Saudita a ritirare il suo appoggio agli aerei israeliani, in caso,
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    1 ora fa
    [strategia del FMI: e dell'Arabia Saudita, per distruggere Israele]+ Nucleare iraniano: e il burattino: Obama]]. di un loro attacco alle centrali nucleari iraniane e lo ha fatto, scientemente , poche ore prima che il rapporto del NIE venisse diffuso. Di fatto ha chiuso la via più probabile (e comoda) per un attacco israeliano alle centrali nucleari iraniane. Come a dire: a noi non ce ne frega un piffero del rapporto del NIE, fino a dopo le elezioni non se ne fa niente. A Gerusalemme sono allibiti da questa assurda ed incomprensibile posizione del Presidente americano, ma soprattutto sono infuriati per la porcata fatta da Obama a Israele con l'Arabia Saudita. Infatti, come il premier israeliano Benjamin Netanyahu ha più volte ribadito, Israele è in grado di difendersi da solo e non chiede un intervento americano,
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    1 ora fa
    [strategia del FMI: e dell'Arabia Saudita, per distruggere Israele]+ Nucleare iraniano: e il burattino: Obama]]. ma non può nemmeno tollerare che Obama gli metta i bastoni tra le ruote per una eventuale opzione militare sulle centrali nucleari iraniane. E la mossa fatta con l'Arabia Saudita è chiaramente volta a questo obbiettivo, cioè impedire a Israele di agire, anche se da solo. E' chiaro quindi che questi giochetti politici fatti ai danni della sicurezza di Israele non può stare bene e non può essere tollerata dagli israeliani. Il solco che divide Obama da Israele è sempre più profondo e ormai è chiaro che se si dovrà intervenire sulle centrali nucleari di Teheran per fermare il programma nucleare iraniano, Israele lo dovrà fare da solo. --ANSWER-- mi assumo io: la responsabilità, di un attacco nucleare contro la MECCA!
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    2 ore fa
    [Because Jesus said: "wicked and perverse generation" if, in his time: there was: not: Zapatero, the Socialist, the Freemasons and Obama? but, 666 Rothschild Baal Peor: Enlightened IMF: agenda talmud , to destroy Israel? Already he was!] God does not want that, I have to force: impose: myself: Unius REI, with the violence, but that I must be chosen: for love, and awareness: of the natural law, to all those who have been predestined to overcome, the nuclear World War III, now, inevitable! all those who do not recognize freedom of religion? have a project imperialist (this is logical consequential automatic), for enslavement of mankind .. That's why, Iran must be destroyed immediately! is just, that, Shiites, with the atomic, can finally avenge: yourself, against the Sunnis
  • UniusRei3
    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
    4 ore fa
    1_12. [[Promoted Bestialität: wie Zapatero: anticrist in Spanien: das ist die wahre Zivilisation]] Pharisäer IWF, jetzt genug! lass der Westen könnte sein Christentum zurückzukehren! [Sie und Ihre Sozialist? CAN "" fuck "" alle Tiere, die wie Sie in der Hölle! ]. Spanien Studenten beginnen: zum Denken: dass das Geschlecht frei geübt werden, auch: mit den Tieren. In Vereinbarung mit, die Organisation: "Professional Ethics für" Studenten in der dritten Klasse (Kinder, 9 Jahre alt), in einer Schule von Cordoba in Südspanien, Andalusien, werden in einem Kurs teil: in der Materie mit dem Titel "Die Natur hat uns das Geschlecht, und wir verwenden können: mit einem anderen Mädchen, ein Junge:. oder mit einem Tier"] Gruppen von Eltern haben gesagt, dass: das Material indoktriniert Kinder, Verkleidungen, ein Pro-Homosexualität Tagesordnung: Erzbischof Salvatore Joseph Cordileone, neue Papst!
  • UniusRei3
    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
    4 ore fa
    1_12. [[Bestialidad Promovido: como, Zapatero: anticrist, en España: se trata de la verdadera civilización]] fariseos FMI, ahora, es suficiente! que el Occidente pudiera volver a su cristiandad! [usted y su socialista? CAN "" joder "" todos los animales, al igual que usted, en el infierno! ]. Los estudiantes comienzan España: el pensamiento: que el sexo puede ser practicado libremente, también: con los animales. De acuerdo con la organización: "Ética Profesional para", los estudiantes del tercer grado (hijos, de 9 años de edad), en una escuela de Córdoba, en el sur de España, Andalucía, están participando en un curso: en la materia que se titula "La naturaleza nos ha dado el sexo, y podemos usar: con otra chica, otro chico:. o con un animal"] Grupos de padres han dicho que: la materia adoctrina a los niños, disfraces, una agenda pro-homosexualidad: el arzobispo Salvatore Joseph Cordileone, nuevo Papa!
  • UniusRei3
    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
    4 ore fa
    1_12. [[Bestialité Promu: comme, Zapatero: anticrist, en Espagne: il s'agit de la vraie civilisation]] pharisiens FMI, maintenant, ça suffit! laisser l'Occident pourrait revenir à son christianisme! [vous et votre socialiste? CAN "" fuck "" tous les animaux, comme vous, dans l'enfer! ]. Étudiants commencent Espagne: à la pensée: que le sexe peut être pratiquée librement, aussi: avec les animaux. En accord avec l'organisation: «L'éthique professionnelle pour», les élèves de la troisième année (enfants de 9 ans), dans une école de Cordoue dans le sud de l'Espagne, en Andalousie, sont la participation à un cours: dans la matière qui est intitulé «la nature nous a donné le sexe, et nous pouvons utiliser: avec une autre fille, un autre garçon:. ou avec un animal"] Groupes de parents ont dit que: le matériau endoctrine les enfants, déguisements, un agenda pro-homosexualité: l'archevêque Salvatore Joseph Cordileone, nouveau pape!
  • UniusRei3
    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
    4 ore fa
    2_12. [[Promoted bestiality: as, Zapatero: anticrist]] Correspondence (July 30, 2012) Interview: to: mon. Cordileone new archbishops of San Fransisco. (Michael Drake) On 14 November 2008, the day of the presidential election: in: America, you are bound, also: different referendums. Particularly paradoxical results in California: and: in Florida, where the so-called same-sex marriage: is been: rejected by the electorate, despite: these countries have voted for: in: majority: for: Barack Obama, noted supporter: of: these forms of: unions, to: proof of the fact: that: the American public wanted: an: political change: but: not: ideological. We talk with the bishop of Oakland, Msgr. Salvatore Cordileone, that: reveals both the broad perspectives: for: improving culturally, the company, which, paradoxically, the new scenarios: of: Marginalization: to: where they can go, meeting Catholics: of: this great nation. [Jews: x: Messiah: UniusREI ♰ CSPBCSSMLN DSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].
  • UniusRei3
    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
    4 ore fa
    3_12. [[Promoted bestiality: as, Zapatero: anticrist, in Spain: this is the true civilization]] *** With respect to the referendum on the: marriage, especially: in: Califomia, an: Poll: on the: Proposition 8 (same: that: was opposed to civil unions between homosexuals, ed.)? [Answer:] This change is: is: verified: in: a double dimension: time: and: spiritual. In the temporal dimension: is: started after the: start of the campaign, the media with: ads, press: and: so on. There, people: is: realized: of: what it really was: in: game, that is: to: to say that: the: Proposition 8: protected the true human rights, not: cancellava. Spiritualmente them, there have been many people: of: faith: that: they are united: in: forty days of: fasting: and: prayer. Fasting is: just started a week or two before the change: of: the trend. We think that: this spiritual effort had to that: do with the result.Archbishop Salvatore Joseph Cordileone, new Pope!
  • UniusRei3
    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
    4 ore fa
    4_12. [[Promoted bestiality: as, Zapatero: anticrist, in Spain: this is the true civilization]]*** this campaign since: was 52 %? [Answer:] The fall: is: cause for concern, the correct understanding of the problem is: is: an: po 'eroded: is: an: a real fact, but: not: so serious: such as it might seem. Analysts say that: you are lost at least: three percentage points, but: probably: of more, according to some: 7: and: even. 10 percentage points, to: because of confusing wording: the question is: was the ideal formulation: for: Defeat an initiative that: "eliminated: an: right". If this: not: it happened, we will have achieved at least 55%. However: is: always an: down and: is: worrying, but: for: to answer your question, because there are many lessons to be learned, we have found: that: there are many people: of faith, even: in California, and: that: faith still has the power: of: transforming culture.Archbishop Salvatore Joseph Cordileone, new Pope!
  • UniusRei3
    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
    4 ore fa
    5_12. [[Promoted bestiality: as, Zapatero: anticrist, in Spain]] ***: There is, an: link, direct, between the contraceptive mentality, sixties: in: then: and: this offensive: for: to promote sterile unions, between, people of the same sex? [Answer:] Surely there are philosophical ties. Those: that: studying this matter know: that: to the beginning: of the: erosion: the family: there was the contraceptive mentality, separating the procreation of the: conjugal act. Sex, is shrinking: to: something intended solely: for: pleasure. Also, I recently read some authors that: emphasize this explicitly. One: in: particular criticized strongly, Mormons, because even they, accept, contraceptives. This author simply was inconceivable that: someone sees sex as something else: the only pleasure: and: if there is only: for: pleasure, not: there are no limits. So Anything that gives pleasure? becomes lawful.Archbishop Salvatore Joseph Cordileone, new Pope!
  • UniusRei3
    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
    4 ore fa
    6_12. [[Promoted bestiality: as, Zapatero: anticrist, in Spain: this is the true civilization]] *** about: violence against: those: that: have supported traditional marriage?[Answer:] There should be a response to the: hatred: and: violence. There is much to say about it. We are concerned: that: what he really wants the other party. They are the ones: that more demand tolerance, but, when things: for: them not: go: for: the right way, they become extremely, intolerant. You say, "robbed" by: an: a fundamental right; but: how can: an: right artificially created (and in opposition to natural law): and: never existed before, have become essential? Then, an other thing: never, this right: is been harvested with: an: democratic process in any State where [sex "marriage", ed]: is been: legalized, it: is been: thanks to Rating: of: the four judges of the State Supreme Courts. Archbishop Salvatore Joseph Cordileone, new Pope! If, HE is: not: modernist, has the balls, to do the Pope!
  • UniusRei3
    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
    4 ore fa
    7_12. [[Promoted bestiality: as, Zapatero: anticrist, in Spain: this is the true civilization]] We have instead used: an: the democratic process. We took off the power: of: deciding to some: and: we have placed: in the hands of the people, in: so that it decide: that: Type: of: Companies want. I received an email this morning: an: a friend, a priest of my diocese. I am enclosing the paragraph: that: has written for: its bulletin, comparing, what, happened: the Kristallnacht: Nazi Germany: in 1938, when they were attacked Jews, their institutions: and: their shops. No one protested. The same thing is happening now: the Mormons: and: no public personality is protesting, simply because: Mormons are pronounced: an: democratic process: in: Please: of: the: that: believe to be: the common good, as indeed, also: us: and: not: for: spread: their particular point: of: the religious.Archbishop Salvatore Joseph Cordileone, new Pope! If, HE is: not: modernist, has the balls, to do the Pope!
  • UniusRei3
    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
    4 ore fa
    8_12. [[Promoted bestiality: Zapatero: anticrist, in Spain: this is the true civilization]] *** If this "marriage" between persons of the same sex were: an: day implemented: for: law, what might: on the Church, on church-related organizations, and: on non-profit organizations, for: example? [Answer:] Do not: is: a question of "live: and: let live." This: that: is happening in our society is: that: there are two concepts: the marriage mutually exclusive. An idea is: that of marriage, such as: is: always existed in society since the dawn of civilization, that is, the union: for: all my life, including: an: man and a woman: in: mutual fidelity for: procreation: . Society: and: the state will take: an: benefit because: for: to flourish, its citizens must be virtuous: and: children learn: the virtues above all: in their families, then: in communities of : education: and: of: faith. [Archbishop Salvatore Joseph Cordileone, new Pope! If, HE is: not: modernist, has the balls, to do the Pope!]
  • UniusRei3
    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
    4 ore fa
    9_12. [[Promoted bestiality: as, Zapatero: anticrist, in Spain: this is the true civilization]] This: is: the idea of: marriage: that: is: always existed. And: is: so: that: has a special status in the law. The other conception of marriage: is: that: that: claims: that: marriage is: any thing you want to define: for this. Therefore: not: there is moral difference: between: the so-called homosexual "marriages": o: heterosexual marriages and, therefore, any person who: thinks otherwise: is: an: freak: and: worthy: of: to be treated as such. The IRS [Office: for: revenue, ed] revoked the non-profit status: to: an association Methodist in Ocean Grove (NJ). is been: refused: to: a lesbian couple: that: he wanted to celebrate: their civil union, after: that: New Jersey had approved the legislation. And so many other cases, for: example, associations: of: love: of the: Archdiocese: of Boston. [Arch Salvatore Joseph Cordileone! If, HE is: not: modernist, has the balls, to do the Pope!]
  • UniusRei3
    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
    4 ore fa
    10_12.]] individual cases: of: consciousness, as the photographer dragged: in: court in New Mexico. County: of: San Diego, in my diocese, an: gynecologist is been: tried: for: refusing: of: seeding: artificially a lesbian. Not: to: because: of the: sexual orientation, but: why: not: she was married. There were: then: in the clinic: other doctors willing: to: do so. So, you see: as:, you will be marginalized: and: stigmatized.*** Provides: that: there may be problems with the curriculum? [answer] Nevertheless: that: they say, public officials, the evidence: and: the experience are clear: schools may be forced: to: teach equality, between, sex "marriage": and: heterosexual marriage. This already happens in Massachusetts, and: is: perfectly logical schools: not: must teach fanaticism, and: if it is considered a form: of: the general belief fanaticism: the company: that: the marriage of husband: and: wife: is: something: of: one,
  • UniusRei3
    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
    4 ore fa
    11_12. [[Promoted bestiality: as, Zapatero: anticrist]] to the point: of: the excluded sex "marriage", schools will be forced, to: teach equality: between: the two modes: of: union: is: perfectly conceivable: that: all schools, even: private schools, will have to adapt their program: for: to receive state subsidies. *** Our Catholic schools: not: be able to accept this: that: happen: then: if we are forced: they will have to close our schools?: And: that: when will happen: we will be forced: to: close: also, our hospitals? There is, already: an: the case of: an: Catholic hospital: to: San Francisco: to: where: been asked of: Do an: action: of: change: of: Sex: not : no way: that the State can handle the situation: in: case: of: a possible closure of the: Catholic hospitals. The Catholic Church provides: an: quarter: of the: healthcare: in: this nation.[Archbishop Salvatore Joseph Cordileone, new Pope! If, HE is: not: modernist, has the balls, to do the Pope!]
  • UniusRei3
    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
    4 ore fa
    12_12. [[Promoted bestiality: as, Zapatero: anticrist, in Spain:]]: not: teach: or preach from the pulpit, or: in: any other way, his opposition to sex "marriage"?] Not, it seems very likely: but: not: it would consider impossible: is: already happened in Sweden: an: Lutheran pastor: is been arrested: and: term: in: jail: for: preaching: on this from the pulpit. At least: an: Canadian bishop: is been: forced: to: withdraw from the diocesan website: a pastoral letter: on the: sanctity of marriage. We call upon: against: of: us: the law of incitement to hatred. Come to the pulpit? is: can. (also it has happened)--ANSWER-- Civil rights for all unmarried couples, are recognized, but the marriage, which is the foundation of our society and how, the natural order, is been done of the moral law: fundamental natural, can not be perverted! I command, that all their money is absorbed from all their: troubles, and misfortunes .. so: it is written, and: thus it is done: in the name of Jesus!
  • UniusRei3
    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
    4 ore fa
    [TALMUD AGENDA: 666 IMF FED ECB, MASONIC SYSTEM: FOR SLAVERY AGAINST GOYM: AND FOR DESTROY ISRAEL] Italy in longest recession for 20 years Last three months of 2012 sixth quarter of negative growth. 14 February, (ANSA) - Rome, February 14 - Italy is in its longest recession for 20 years, Istat said Thursday, after the country posted negative growth for the sixth consecutive quarter in the last three months of 2012. In the fourth quarter of 2012 Italy's gross domestic product (GDP) fell 0.9% with respect to the previous three months and 2.7% with respect to the same period in 2011, the national statistics agency said. Istat said that last time the nation posted six consecutive quarters of negative growth was between 1992 and 1993. Italy's GDP for the whole of 2012 was down 2.2% on the previous year, according to seasonally adjusted data.
  • UniusRei3
    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
    4 ore fa
    UniusRei3 posted a comment: 7 hours ago: until one does the dirty: in his house privately, and no one: sees him? will not be persecuted! --ANSWER-- my article? lol. Alleluijah: has had great success in Saudi Arabia! lol. I am also "sporcaccione", every three months, because, I see a pornographic: at my home video, every three months .. but, my children and my students? not need to know this! therefore, I do not have a specific problem against gays. but, any form of explicit sexuality, must be covered by shame, or disciplined, rational, and not so: in mode wild! accordingly: the privacy of individuals is sacred, but, only unius REI is not entitled to her private life, all over the world!

3/26 Islam is worship God: is not Satanism! You will need to secularize. Hey, Muslim murderess! ->. ONLY YOU PICT Those Verses (of: 6,000) that: SUIT YOUR AGENDA .. Muhammad Said But many good things: He Did not Follow His Own Advice and: did very bad things. Your logic that: Should we look only the: Few Good Things That: Muhammad Said or did and: forget about coming from His Crimes Against Humanity is an educated man: mind-boggling.. In the: case of: there are more bad Muhammad Teachings Than Good. How Can Any intelligent person considers Such anman as anmessenger of: God:? *** Sapere Aude! *** "Have the: courage to activate YOUROWN intellect" Islam is not religion of: Mohammed or the Koran!. Allah and my Holy Islam? is more important!

esorcismi, Hindus, Muslims, Communists

Amerika Serikat, Lady Liberty ] adalah [ " jahat " , dewi , Ashtar Sheran , setan , Babilonia , dewa . Marduk , dengan , pengorbanan manusia ] ' S PENIPUAN ' SELALU ... " Dan tidak heran , Karena , hal itu juga , Iblis pun menyamar sebagai malaikat terang . " Astaroth , ini adalah salah satu , dari sekian banyak , setan budaya Yahudi , Yang, Menurut , untuk tradisi , non - kanonik , mendorong Kain untuk membunuh , Saudara -Nya , Abel . Awalnya , Asytoret , dewi berada di pagan, Berubah , oleh orang Yahudi : dalam , setan yang menakutkan , dan menjijikkan . Ashtar Sheran , panduan setan , panduan roh , alien penculikan : katanya : " ... kata-kata saya blackberry penting , Dekalog , Gunung Sinai ... " dan, tentu saja , iblis ini , seperti, semua setan , Komunis , freemasonry , Islamis , orang-orang Farisi , macaw , Babel , NWO listrik , 666 , pelacur besar yang melakukan percabulan , dengan , semua raja , bumi . Oleh karena itu , membunuh , sekali lagi, keturunan Abraham , di akhirat , dekat, Holocaust , melawan , Israel
[ ] CIA , DataGate , ANDA Persetan Dengan Orang yang Salah , Bank Dunia , 666 , 322 Bush , Kerry , [ OSAMA OBAMA - ] ganja , PIHAK DI SETAN SYNAGUE BILDEDNBERG , Farisi , Illuminati CULT ALLAH , OWL , di Bohhemian Grove , Baal , JabullOn , freemasory , seigniorage penipuan perbankan, IMF , FED , ECB , mikro -chip , alien penculikan , agenda . Morgellons transgenik - JAWABAN - Aku bisa menghancurkan Amerika Serikat, sekarang , atau , antara 150 tahun .
666 , CIA , DataGate , HACKER , UFuckWithWrongPerson - ketika , Anda pergi ke Cina, dengan , istri Anda lakukan untuk bisnis , itu, ( ! Kemudian , yang Berkunjung , kegagalan ) Karena , Anda meminta saya untuk membantu, dan tidak ada , Anda meminta bantuan , Anda setan, dari waktu , yang, Anda berkata, " Setan menyelamatkan saya ! " dan , bagaimana ia bisa menyelamatkan Anda , atau orang lain , jika tidak ada orang yang bisa menyelamatkan dia , dari neraka ?
@ Raja Arab Saudi - Saya harap Anda tidak , Anda akan memiliki shamelessness , untuk meminta saya untuk berhenti, tank-tank Rusia , dan tank-tank Cina , Ketika Mereka akan pergi, karena , bersama dengan orang-orang Farisi , Spa IMF , Bush , dan perusahaan perusahaan , sistem masonik , penipuan , perbankan seigniorage ? , Anda adalah kotoran paling dibenci di dunia .. dan tentu saja , saya tidak bisa melakukan , persaudaraan universal saya , dengan Anda , dalam hidup !
@ Raja Arab Saudi - guru , yang , saya telah diganti tahun ini ( dan semua mengatakan ) , Pelajaran itu dia tidak pernah dilakukan, dan Wakil Presiden , pada kenyataannya , menyalahkan saya , mengatakan , " Profesor , Anda harus mengerti, siswa tidak digunakan , untuk membuat kelas agama , "tapi , guru yang lain , ia juga bukan, pelajaran , kelas agama . adalah dalam penderitaan , Karena , sekarang bisa menjadi , sangat , memalukan, memalukan , dan , melengking, baginya , perbandingan antara aku dan dia , dan , kemudian , Mulai memfitnah saya. lol . Untungnya , itu, saya punya teman seperti kamu, yang , anda , bisa mengerti saya ! Pada kenyataannya, bahkan Nabi Yeremia , di mana pun , ia terangsang , perselisihan , dan pertengkaran .. tapi , Yang mengatakan , cerita , Nabi Yeremia , melihat mati , Semua Orang untuk - siapa, dia berbicara .. Bahkan , Anda belum , tidak ada kesempatan untuk menjadi Mampu untuk menghentikan tank Rusia , dan Cina .. jika , tidak sebelumnya, aku datang untuk membunuhmu , semua Islamis , Erdogan gila, syariah nazi , menyimpan , Israel , dan Ras Manusia .
@ Raja Arab Saudi , hari ini, dalam ITIS saya 4 , papan tulis " lim " dengan ADSL , [ ( Kembali ke Kehidupan - Kebangkitan : Sebuah sejarah abad kedua puluh ) , Seorang gembala meninggal, di Nigeria , sebuah kecelakaan mobil , setelah empat hari , Allah membangkitkan dia , dengan doa , Pantekosta , karismatik ] tetapi , di Nigeria , di mana itu bukan milikmu , Boko Haram , mereka melakukan pembantaian orang Kristen martir , tidak bersalah ? - > Video ini berhenti dan Kromium , berikan sebelumnya , maka , sendirian , 1 . video porno 2 . kemudian , sendirian [ menerjemahkan google ( . ) ] read , Ave Maria , di Bertentangan ( penghujatan , satanisme ) , dan kemudian menulis dan membaca : [ imam Anda , Anda harus mati ] , dan traslator membaca, Namun , juga , jika saya memiliki sebelumnya diredam [sekarang , saya katakan , jika Anda bodoh? Aku tidak bertanggung jawab ! ]
[ @ Obama - jika Anda juga, jangan Anda meludah terhadap UUD seperti yang mereka lakukan , Bush 322 , Kerry 322 , kemudian , juga , Anda bisa melakukannya , Executive Order Kennedy 11110 , untuk menyelamatkan orang-orang Anda ] itu melompat kesepakatan anggaran : setelah 17 tahun ' menutup ' Negara ... Washington - ( Adnkronos / Ign ) - Kongres , tidak, menemukan kesepakatan mengenai pembiayaan mesin negara , dan , sekarang pemerintah tidak lagi Mampu untuk membayar sebagian , dari pelayanan publik , dengan , setidaknya 800 ribu , sipil hamba beresiko . - > @ Obama - jika Anda juga, jangan Anda meludah , melawan , UUD, seperti yang dilakukan , Bush 322 , Kerry , di esoteris setan agenda Farisi ? Kemudian , juga, Anda bisa melakukannya , agar Kennedy eksekutif, 11110 , untuk cinta , orang Amerika Anda
[ [ Popeye Obamacare , risiko Gunakan "shutdown " ] ] @ OBAMA , ANDA BISA MENJADI , HERO ! Jika Anda benar-benar mencintai orang-orang , dan Anda tidak lagi berada , freemason kriminal , seperti , Clinton , Bush , Kerry , dll .. ? Anda dapat mencetak semua uang yang dibutuhkan , menggunakan perintah eksekutif , dari Kennedy, 11110 , hanya , itu, maka , Anda tidak harus menunjukkan , di depan umum , karena orang-orang Farisi tercerahkan Anglo -Amerika , Spa IMF , FED ? akan menembak Anda !
[ [ Kegagalan Vladimir Putin Barack Obama , pada kasus Suriah ] ] Usulan oleh Kremlin untuk menempatkan , di bawah kontrol internasional kimia senjata Bashar al - Assad adalah output cara ' untuk Obama . Tetapi bahkan kemunduran untuknya - JAWABAN - Artikel ini berbicara tentang Obama yang lemah .. namun , kekuatan tidak akan , bahwa , untuk menyelesaikan memusnahkan , Syiah , Kristen dan di Suriah , untuk menjadi , dirinya , Al - Qaeda (dari , Obama , seorang , Osama ) ! Bencana Obama , adalah ideologi , dan moral, dia adalah musuh , boneka peradaban Kristen Yahudi , musuh kedaulatan moneter , boneka yang benar di tangan orang-orang Farisi , Spa , Banca dunia , yang ingin menghancurkan Israel , bersama-sama , seluruh umat manusia , tapi, aku peradaban Yahudi -Kristen , yang , saya umat manusia !
@ Putin - kau kontol besar, tidak ada bola , Anda hanya pengkhianat menyedihkan . Anda tidak pernah bisa memenangkan perang melawan orang-orang Farisi Anglo -Amerika , pada kenyataannya, Anda membeli dari mereka , untuk menarik uang Anda ..
30 Sep PARIS , '' Ripping Silvio Berlusconi mengancam stabilitas zona euro '' - . JAWABAN - @ Illuminati Farisi Bildenbeg , IMF , ECB FED Spa , Anda , para Mason , Anda telah mengambil , sandera , semua orang , pada kenyataannya , Anda telah mencuri mereka semua , kedaulatan moneter ( seigniorage perbankan) , Anda telah dicuri dari mereka , masa depan mereka , dan berharap , pada kenyataannya , Anda telah melakukan , orang-orang , budak Anda ... [ [ Adalah hamba , dibeli dengan uang , dan merupakan budak membayar bunga .. Anda tidak manusia , kamu adalah monster yang kejam pembunuh penjahat .. ] ]
@ Farisi , Rothschild Rochefeller , Bildenberg , Illuminati kotor, babi penjahat - tidak masalah , bahwa Anda adalah orang-orang munafik , karena mereka tidak melihat pornografi , Anda selalu , penghasut ! mengapa para "pedagang narkoba " , yaitu, ( pemilik monopoli apapun, ( Spa IMF ) adalah untuk menjadi penguasa segala sesuatu , selalu , lebih serius , yang membuat pengguna " obat ) menurut Taurat Anda ? Anda telah dijatuhi hukuman mati oleh saya . Bahkan, saya telah , memerintahkan kepada Anda , untuk menghapus semua anak-anak , pornografi , dan sebaliknya, juga , di situs-situs porno , utama, yang , masih terlibat , anak-anak itu, saya kalimat . Anda mati semua pedofil , juga, mereka yang melakukan video porno dengan anak-anak , dan anak-anak , Anda masih memiliki mereka .. dibunuh oleh setan
[ Iran , 200 hulu ledak , di gudang nuklir Israel ] Javad Zarif , Menteri Luar Negeri Iran , dalam sebuah wawancara dengan televisi Amerika ABC jaringan , - JAWABAN - karena , kau Nazi , yang menyiksa para martir Kristen bersalah , Timur Tengah .. - JAWABAN - OK ! SE , IS 200 , saya MEMILIKI CUKUP !
30 September , 17:46, Nazi Sudan , tanpa kebebasan beragama , KHARTOUM , telah dipublikasikan di internet , shock foto , yang akan menunjukkan korban penindasan kekerasan protes di Sudan oleh polisi .. - JAWABAN - @ 666 SETAN , Amerika Serikat , IMF , Farisi Anglo -Amerika - IN Sudan , orang Kristen telah membunuh semua orang , dan anak-anak Kristen , dijual sebagai budak , Arab Saudi , sehingga Anda dapat membunuh mereka semua , dengan semua kebohongan Anda !
30 September 19:18 . Iran , Obama , Netanyahu , apa-apa, atom , NEW YORK , Presiden , Gunakan Barack Obama , setuju dengan Perdana Menteri Israel , Benyamin Netanyahu : ... Tujuan dari Iran selalu ada , '' untuk menghancurkan Israel , '' kata Netanyahu . bla , bla , bla , - JAWABAN - serigala , seperti Rothschild , yang mengajarkan Anda untuk bermain di freemasonry , bla , bla , bla ? ketika kecelakaan nuklir , bahwa dinas intelijen Israel akan , sebagai auto - menyerang lakukan , memulai agresi terhadap Iran , dan perang dunia nuklir ?
[ Politisi , Israel ] dari Perang Enam Hari , dengan kembalinya gurun Mesir ? Kamu selalu membuat agenda Illuminati setan Farisi ! Anda adalah pengkhianat ! Anda adalah ancaman terbesar bagi Israel !
[ @ 666 , Obama , DataGate , - > Saya sangat marah , karena Anda telah diblokir , saya OS , LINUX MINT 15 ] @ YHWH saya - seperti Israel , bisa menolak , bahwa dia begitu muda dan kecil , dalam menghadapi jahat , dari 1 . ARAB LEAGUE , dan sekutunya , 2 . 666 FARISI , Anglo , Amerika , dan semua nya , 3 . Mason politik korup , yang , bersama-sama , berkonspirasi , juri , yang dirancang untuk menghancurkannya , sekali lagi , dalam Holocaust baru?
Premier , Turki , Islam Salafi Nazi wahhadita , Recep Tayyip Erdogan , sedang mempersiapkan , cepat , berperang dan berusaha untuk menghilangkan stres internal yang juga berusaha untuk memiliki lebih banyak tentara , lebih peluru meriam , dan mendorong ke atas , sudah nya , daripada kelebihan populasi besar . [ Juga , Mussolini melakukan hal yang sama ] 1 , [Turki Erdogan reformasi untuk Kurdi ] ] 2 . [ [ ANKARA , Erdogan : 3 anak , tidak cukup , Jadikan 4 ] ] - JAWABAN - my @ YHWH , bukan, bahwa , berinvestasi dalam damai , dan rinuncire , yang ARAB Liga Syariah , memutuskan untuk turun , berperang melawan aku, untuk memperluas , imperialisme , kriminal , Nazi , wahyu agama , untuk dunia!
@ Gila pidana, IRAN , untuk dzimmi budak --- saya telah mengusulkan aliansi , Sudah , mornig ini , 1 . Anda menghancurkan Syariah , cepat, dan , 2 . menghancurkan , Negara Masonik , Israel 3 . kemudian , kita membuat Kerajaan Persia , atau Palestina , bersama dengan Suriah , 4 . Aku adalah Raja Anda , - kesimpulan - jika , Anda menerima perjanjian ini , Anda bisa hidup lagi! Anda tahu , bagi saya jawaban Anda , Karena , bagi saya , tidak suka menunggu .. Aku kehilangan kesabaran , mudah
[ [ PAKISTAN , ISLAM , Peshawar pidana, raja , SAUDI , SAUDI , Anda telah membuat , agama Anda , senjata , untuk merusak masyarakat ! jika Anda tidak , Anda adalah seorang iblis , setan kecil? Setan Amerika , DataGate , BESAR SETAN , tidak, mereka akan , sekutu Anda ! ] ] Lebih banyak darah di Peshawar . Kristen berdoa bagi para korban , dan , perdamaian di negara tersebut . Kemarin pagi , sebuah bom mobil menghantam , pasar kota, tidak , jauh dari itu, Gereja All Saints , tempat , pembantaian, 22 September . Setidaknya 33 orang tewas , dan melukai 70 , dalam serangan ketiga , dalam beberapa hari . The Bishop , dari , Islamabad : " Pakistan adalah di persimpangan jalan , tetap bersatu , melawan , terorisme. " Peshawar ( AsiaNews ) - Lebih darah , dan kekerasan , di Peshawar , ibukota Provinsi Khyber Pakhtunkhwa , provinsi di Pakistan , teater , di minggu terakhir , tiga , bom bunuh diri , dari , asal Islam . Kemarin , pagi sebuah bom mobil Ditempatkan di pasar kota , meledak pada jam sibuk , membunuh , 33 orang , dan melukai blackberry , dari , 70 .

@:Israel->. too, & many acts of hostility committed in Israel Have Been Against the anti-Zionist That Are: Jews & Christians. Being a Christian in Israel? Means to be persecuted for sure! I curse the name of Jesus to the anti-Semites, and ferocious anti-Semites The Most Of Them, That Are the Zionists & Masons enlightened of seigniorage banking & IMF: of the Kabbalah and the Talmud. For The Destruction Of These Criminals? we thank you. You are all sons of the devil, you are Destined for Hell! [PAX ✙ ★  ★ ✙  ] ✙   I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ✙[♚ MENE ♛ ♛   Techel PERES ♚  ]  PAX amen hallelujah ✙  ✙  ✙  CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✙

@:Hindus, Muslims, Communists->.today, Christians are the largest community in the world that is unjustly persecuted with impunity! You should not be surprised, if I with my divine ministry will hurt you!I love those of you who are honest and peaceful, I am the universal brotherhood of peace=. shalom +. salam. But I have a duty to do evil to criminals and their children. You do not have to accept money from these criminals of Saudi Arabia, which exploits my "holy Islam", for political ends to conquer the world. You are all sons of the devil, you are destined for hell! [ ★ "✙ PAX ✙ [  ★  ✞  alleluia amen  hallelujah -->✙   I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✙[♚MENE ♛TECHEL ♛PERES♚] ✙PAX ✙ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✙"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✙
In the name of Allah, YHWH & Jesus of Bethlehem, I lorenzojhwh, I curse the sharia, and all: Muslim criminals of Saudi Arabia & world, that they have turned the my holy Islam, in one ideology of imperialism and of satanism, to destroy my universal brotherhood and to do slide so much blood of innocent Christian martyrs. You are all sons of the devil, you are destined for hell! [ ★ "✙ PAX ✙ [  ★  ✞  alleluia amen  hallelujah -->✙   I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✙[♚MENE ♛TECHEL ♛PERES♚] ✙PAX ✙ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✙"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✙
[Horror? at school of Satanism!] in Holland of the Monsters Of His political party of pedophiles (NVD). to make child porn and sex in 12 years. Actors porn in 16 years, legalizing sex with animals, run naked anywhere, Any legalization of drugs, etc... Came out a horror movie, directed by Dick Maas, against: St. Nicholas, that inspired the figure of "Santa Claus". to eradicate & profane, the values of the beloved saint of future generations. Too much horror, Also in the last movie of Harry Potter. What Happens When do damage your Christianity? The Curse is for all those, who for whatever reason are the accomplices of this negative & vandalization of human feeling. You are all sons of the devil, you are Destined for Hell! [PAX ✙ ★  ★ ✙  ] ✙   I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ✙[♚ MENE ♛ ♛   Techel PERES ♚  ]  PAX amen hallelujah ✙  ✙  ✙  CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✙

@XXXxThemessiahxXXX.★>. you are pathetic & childish, with this history of antisemitism. every Christian biblical fundamentalist, like me, he knows of to be the most perfect jew. while with all his being he lives in the Jewish temple. Israel is everything to me! You are all sons of the devil, you are Destined for Hell! [PAX ✙ ★  ★ ✙  ] ✙   I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ✙[♚ MENE ♛ ♛   Techel PERES ♚  ]  PAX amen hallelujah ✙  ✙  ✙  CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✙

@XXXxThemessiahxXXX-> 1. why are you so obstinate against the truth? 2. because we must lose our sovereignty and our money paid to private individuals SpA (seigniorage banking)? 3. because we also have to pay interest called (debt: public); 4. with the fractional reserve, commercial banking is the creation of money out of nothing, ie, that we get a mortgage, we arrive at a cost of borrowing 270%; 5. not there is a Christian project for world domination; 6. if there? would be a form of Satanism! In fact, I am for the refreshment of sovereignty: because happiness can only exist outside of an ideology, that is in universal brotherhood; 7. it's because of this system, that: 50 million people a year die of hunger, etc ... 1% of the population owns 50% of the planet's resources. as you can be complicit in all this? certainly you're going to hell!

we are going down by a long time: more and more, it is the Object of enlightened. We have since then fallen down more of the metal with Satanic rock and after, What We Have Left of Satan, in order to Improve or go on? the 3rd WWnuclear remains under the your descent. before rising again. You are all dead in 2013. you are all lost! ipse Venena Bibas! I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ✙[♚ MENE ★ ★ Techel PERES] PAX ✙  ✙  ✙  CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" by ★ ReiUnius ✙✙King ✙✙Israel Mahdi ✟ ✮   ✝  ✭  ✞ ✰ ✟

(Timothy 2, 3): 1 You should also know that in recent times will be difficult moments. The two men are selfish lovers of money, boastful, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, irreligious, 3 without love, unfair, false accusers, incontinent, intractable enemies of good, 4 treacherous, shameless, blinded by pride, attached to the pleasures rather than God, 5 with the appearance of godliness, but denying the power within. I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ✙[♚ MENE ★ ★ Techel PERES] PAX ✙  ✙  ✙  CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" by ★ ReiUnius ✙✙King ✙✙Israel Mahdi ✟ ✮   ✝  ✭  ✞ ✰ ✟
TheMrPantokrator SAID: Well, I have not studied theology ... It'll take me a little ', to explore the Scriptures completely. ★ Answer-> is the Holy Spirit, that is in you, common sense, which is a reflection of "infused knowledge", the absolute knowledge that the man had in the earthly in paradise before the fall. So it is: when we serve God and forsake sin, with self-centered world view: this knowledge is given, back to us here in your intuition because you're infallible! why it is **** a beast absolute, for as he is ignorant!
@:LiveLongPakistan:★> [culture is essential for survival] before speaking in Scripture, God speaks to the humanity, intelligence & kindness, of every man. But who does not listen to God in his heart, as will he listen to God in Scripture? That's why all the Muslim nations is a nightmare monster, a ruthless criminal system. Since it is in their laws, they bear the discrimination between citizens on religious grounds. Here, as they are, Muslims & those responsible for heinous crimes & of all violence, that the most ignorant, vicious and bigoted among them, and they can do against Christians. God curse these fools. No Muslim who does not want to publicly recognize the right to freedom of religion, will enter paradise. In fact, hell is full of the number of them.
Glorious prince of the heavenly militia, St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle against all the powers of darkness and their spiritual wickedness. Come to the aid of men created by God in His image and likeness, and redeemed at a great price from the tyranny of the devil. You are revered by the church as its guardian and patron, and to you the Lord has entrusted the souls that one day will occupy the seats of heaven. Pray therefore the God of Peace to hold crushed Satan beneath our feet, so it can continue to hold slaves for men and damage the Church. Presents the Most High with your prayers, because as soon descend, upon us His divine mercy, and you can chain up the dragon, that ancient serpent, Satan, and chained to push it into the abyss, from which it can no longer seduce the souls. [ ♚ MENE ♛ ♛   Techel PERES ♚  ]  PAX amen hallelujah ✙  ✙  ✙  CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB IV B. Ipsa Venena Bibas Drink your poisons yourself.
exorcise you, unclean spirit, satanic power, invasion of the infernal enemy, with all your legions, meetings and evil sects, in the name and power, and of our Lord Jesus Christ +: be eradicated: by the Church of God, turn away from the souls redeemed: by the precious Blood of Divine Lamb +. From now on, not daring, cunning serpent, to deceive the human race, persecute the Church of God, and to shake and riddle, such as wheat, the elect of God + commands it to you, Almighty God . [♚MENE♛TECHEL♛PERES♚] ✙PAX ✙ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✙Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni.  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   Rei Unius Re di Israele ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   alleluia!✙

Stands the Lord, and his enemies be scattered; flee before him, those who hate him. Vanish as the smoke fades away: as wax melts in fire, so, the sinners perish before the face of God exorcise you, unclean spirit, satanic power, invasion of the infernal enemy, with all your legions, meetings and satanic cults in the name and power of our Lord Jesus Christ: [♚MENE♛TECHEL♛PERES♚] ✙PAX ✙ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✙Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni.  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   Rei Unius Re di Israele ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   alleluia!✙

Satan, you may be eradicated from the Church of God, turn away from the souls redeemed by the precious Blood of Divine Lamb. From now on, do not dare, cunning serpent, to deceive: the human race, persecute the Church of God, and to shake and riddle, such as wheat, the elect of God the Most High God commands you, [♚MENE♛TECHEL♛PERES♚] ✙PAX ✙ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✙Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni.  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   Rei Unius Re di Israele ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   alleluia!✙

Thus, cursed dragon, and the whole diabolical legion, we break you for the Living God, the True God, the Holy God, for God who so loved the world that sacrifice to it his only begotten Son, so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life; ceases to deceive human creatures and pouring them, the poison of eternal damnation, ceases to be harmful to the Church and to put obstacles to his freedom. [♚MENE♛TECHEL♛PERES♚] ✙PAX ✙ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✙Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni.  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   Rei Unius Re di Israele ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   alleluia!✙

Begone, Satan, inventor and master of all deceit, enemy of man's salvation. Give place to Christ, on which you have found none of your works, you give way to the Church one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church, which Christ conquered, with his blood. Humble yourself under the mighty hand of God, tremble, and flee to the appeal that we make of that holy and terrible name of Jesus: that shakes the hell, to which the Virtues of Heaven, Powers and Dominions: they are submitted, that the Cherubim and Seraphim praise: incessantly, saying, Holy, Holy, holy, Lord God Sabaoth. [♚MENE♛TECHEL♛PERES♚] ✙PAX ✙ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✙Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni.  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   Rei Unius Re di Israele ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   alleluia!✙

 ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   ReiUnius✙Mahdì✙King of Israel ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   alleluia!✙ C .S.S.M.L.Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux (May the holy Cross be for me a light).
 ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   ReiUnius✙Mahdì✙King of Israel ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   alleluia!✙N.D.S.M.D.Non Draco Sit Mihi Dux (Let not the dragon be my guide).
 ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   ReiUnius✙Mahdì✙King of Israel ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   alleluia!✙ C .S.P.B.stand for Crux Sancti Patris Benedicti (The Cross of the Holy Father Benedict).
 ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   ReiUnius✙Mahdì✙King of Israel ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   alleluia!✙V.R.S.N.S.M.V.Vade retro Satana; nunquam suade mihi vana (Begone Satan! Suggest not to me thy vain things)
 ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   ReiUnius✙Mahdì✙King of Israel ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   alleluia!✙S.M.Q.L.I.V.B.Sunt mala quae libas; ipse venena bibas (The drink you offer is evil; drink that poison yourself)

@XXXxThemessiahxXXX.★>. as always to support Israel and to protect the world from terrorism. -RESPONSE->. you are the true terrorist! real terrorists are the Jews of the International Monetary Fund: that is, Rothschild and Rockefeller. that the Jewish lobby of the enlightened, which is the scum of Satan. If you were not so perverse? Maybe Muslims would be more good! You'll end up in a early destruction: you are all lost! ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✙[♚MENE  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   TECHEL  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   PERES] ✙PAX ✙ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✙"Drink your poisons made by yourself"✙by ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   ReiUnius✙King✙Israel✙Mahdì
This is: the cost of our money paid to the Jews: satanists [(1)] 100%: banking seigniorage: destruction of sovereignty☠] pays Euro or Dollar. with Bott and CCT) + [(2)] ☠ public debt of 100% (interest). + [(3)] x ☠ cost fractional reserve is 70% to generate a loan from: the bank. + [(4)] ☠ inflation. + [(5)] ☠ recession. + [(6)] ☠ monetary rarefaction. + [(7)], 3rd WW nuclear ☠ inevitable and essential to regenerate this IMF, in deed, Nations are exhausted: on based of: seigniorage and debt. "Is the war: is the biggest business of all time. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this is capitalism, welcome to our world of Satan + [(8)] ☠ the satanic NWO enlightened Jew-RESPONSE->. ☠ This system is rotten! is about to collapse on you all, that's welcome all you at to hell ☠ ☠3°WWnuclear ✙by ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   ReiUnius✙King✙Israel✙Mahdì
Illuminati, Freemasonry jew nwo imf

@XXXxThemessiahxXXX->. God is in control, but this is not good news for you &all the men of the NWO, that's Satanists, Freemasons, like you, the synagogue of Satan, everyone knows: that ECB and FED: are privately owned of central banks: SpA, and do not you? we are dying for this! as you can lie to the Holy Spirit and say: "I think you too believe in conspiracy theories. Hitler's Nazi Germany's own used to ride to power, saying the Jews had too much power." but, He was no less racist in your Talmud! Hitler was a criminal, but it was not a liar, like you. I curse you, in Jesus' name, along with all the Satanists: your entire breed of moneylenders. is for to be liars,for be murderers: also. [♚MENE  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   TECHEL  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   PERES] ✙PAX ✙ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✙"Drink your poisons made by yourself"✙by ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   ReiUnius✙King✙Israel✙Mahdì
MAKE YOUR DECISION TODAY! THIS IS A DAY VERY GLORIOUS, because are SLAUGHTERED many satanists [★"♛✙][For my life] thanks: My Father, in the name of Jesus: my Lord and King for:the criminalization &:the destruction any form of Satanism and opposition: at my kingdom: thanks! We thank you in behalf of :the Church, in Jesus Christ, true God and true man: Thank you for :the Holy Spirit on all over :the planet. you are all lost! ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✙[♚MENE  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   TECHEL  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   PERES] ✙PAX ✙ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✙"Drink your poisons made by yourself"✙by ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   ReiUnius✙King✙Israel✙Mahdì
"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✙ C SPBCS SMLNDSM DVRSN SM­VSMQLIVB alleluia♛✙satan is frocio=faggot. In the name of Jesus: satanist, go away! God has dedicated you  at the slaughter. Judges 1-5 When your carrion is dissolved, what remains? don't cancel your youtube, so will remain here at least your shame and God will make a terrible example. seem sweet the temptations, but :they have claws to rip :the soul.  I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✙[♚MENE  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   TECHEL  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   PERES] ✙PAX ✙ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✙"Drink your poisons made by yourself"✙by ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   Rei Unius  ✙  King  ✙  Israel  ✙Mahdì   ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah
@ultimatum to all satanists- ★ -- ✞ ->. I are armed by God to kill Satanists, but many things your belong to Satan :the fact that you're young? is slow down :the wrath of God upon you! then remove all traces of Satan in you! Satan is no joke. Satan is a usurper of our royalty and we can no longer be slaves of his lies! One in me: Holy Spirit is bigger than anything. I'm happy: I've already won! ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✙[♚MENE  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   TECHEL  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   PERES] ✙PAX ✙ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✙"Drink your poisons made by yourself"✙by ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   ReiUnius✙King✙Israel✙Mahdì
the Holy Spirit that in me is :the same Spirit of :the burning bush of Moses, that can not be controlled; that can not be sustained: :Satanists enlightened&:their accomplices NWO, have no hope Only God and lorenzojhwh "ReiUnius can kill.. but any murder is a crime of "high treason": against my kingdom, whoever kills by today (27-06-2010) he will must die! for the Holy Spirit that in me : the rebels: sharia, Satanists sionism:& their accomplices have no hope against me, for the 3rdWWnuclear? I am last hope! ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✙[♚MENE  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   TECHEL  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   PERES] ✙PAX ✙ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✙"Drink your poisons made by yourself"✙by ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   ReiUnius✙King✙Israel✙Mahdì

@satanist sharia zionist[★:PAX✙]Happiness! I have :the power to realize your dream of love! Soon you'll be with your Satan! From :the hell: thousands of your friends tell you: Come to me, in unquenchable fire, in absolute despair!John 8.44 says: "you are of your father:the devil and you want to do:the desires and works of your father. He is murderer and a liar from :the beginning and not stand in the truth, why, there is no truth in him. When he lies? speaks of him! why he is a liar murderer, the father of lies". ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✙[♚MENE  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   TECHEL  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   PERES] ✙PAX ✙ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✙"Drink your poisons made by yourself"✙by ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   ReiUnius✙King✙Israel✙Mahdì

@satanist sharia zionist[★:PAX✙]Happiness! you're gonna die of misfortune distress tumor accidents diseases for those who have in web: all forms of sex; horror; satanism; metal; vulgarity. I'm "ReiUnius" in Jesus' name: I command that,the first dangerous  disease, that will to which their thinking think? is own which by receive: that leading to death! you have loved:the curse? Falls on him! Drink your poisons made by yourself: AMEN. ✙Halleluja✙✙.♔consecration at Heart of the whole human race. ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✙[♚MENE  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   TECHEL  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   PERES] ✙PAX ✙ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✙"Drink your poisons made by yourself"✙by ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   ReiUnius✙King✙Israel✙Mahdì
are all curses: made by God to protect this ministry? Alleluia :these are comments that are scary to you? But you will read of worst: now! flying saucers are prototypes! aliens are genetically modified, that have given a body to the demons:  this is a red herring of "enlightened"that distracts us from real problems. Stop: porno horror, seigniorage banking .. is in preparing :the 3°WWnuclear! because the IMF can not be fall, out: of the war, why, this is his nature for its regeneration. ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✙[♚MENE  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   TECHEL  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   PERES] ✙PAX ✙ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✙"Drink your poisons made by yourself"✙by ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   ReiUnius✙King✙Israel✙Mahdì
Many here have already taken away: erased :their video unfit! And you? I have prophesied against you, in the name of Jesus, to protect children who are here. you want to continue to go from bad to worse? You can fight you with God? Now I want to meet you to a universal and permanent prayer all you, for:the good of the world: every Monday of your life, from 20 to 21 I will be with you, in faith, on the Mount of Olives: forever! no matter your religion or your atheism, lorenzojhwh is still near you! anyone reads this exorcism St. Benedict, of :the fifth century prayer for receives the freedom: ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✙[♚MENE  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   TECHEL  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   PERES] ✙PAX ✙ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✙"Drink your poisons made by yourself"✙by ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   ReiUnius✙King✙Israel✙Mahdì
God bless and assists you!:the rebels will be punished if not removed from youtube&web :the videos not suitable for children. In the name of Jesus: I have commanded, to every spirit: jealousy deceit family perversion depression prostitution illness deaf mute fear antichrist pride slavery blindness: go! GO! Terror takes possession of :the sons of darkness on all mankind. Alleluia. ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✙[♚MENE  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   TECHEL  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   PERES] ✙PAX ✙ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✙"Drink your poisons made by yourself"✙by ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   ReiUnius✙King✙Israel✙Mahdì
You are Satanist? you're a scandal to children? lorenzojhwh: in :the name of Jesus, decided that youtube is not good to your health: begone! you can count those who have already died here? you want to believe at the lies of Satan? everyone knows that he is a liar! You cancel your channel bad? Or your youtube remain in your eternal shame as a tombstone? Blood of Jesus on you to save or destroy. How many people have you seen that have been sacrificed to Satan? Of :these victims, what did you eat?ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✙[♚MENE  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   TECHEL  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   PERES] ✙PAX ✙ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✙"Drink your poisons made by yourself"✙by ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   ReiUnius✙King✙Israel✙Mahdì
In the name of Jesus: I have ordered :the destruction of bad videos, in youtube& all web.. rebels? they will be subjected to destruction. ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✙[♚MENE  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   TECHEL  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   PERES] ✙PAX ✙ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✙"Drink your poisons made by yourself"✙by ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   ReiUnius✙King✙Israel✙Mahdì

[Hell:Mt.18.8;5,22;5.30,]surely, the hell is began on earth, when one shuts himself up in selfishness and rejects :the love of God. so is that starts :the process of its self-destruction: the sense of guilt: hatred, violence, humiliation. that you receive to offend others,& to violate their freedom of religion. Hell is an extreme possibility of human freedom, it destroys any&all, the attempts made by God to save one of his creatures. lol. the 2/3 of mankind? are to end up in hell! alleluia! [♚MENE  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   TECHEL  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   PERES] ✙PAX ✙ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✙"Drink your poisons made by yourself"✙by ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   ReiUnius✙King✙Israel✙Mahdì

[Hell:Mt.18.8;5,22;5.30,]Satan laughs and thanks. knowing that little remains to him still by living. Satan is also, the banker jew of IMF, that Laughing still for the 11-09! they are having fun on you still. why, you are dying of bank seigniorage! JHWH "Be known on earth and among all Nations, before our eyes: the your revenge for the blood of your servants. Finally rise up to you: JHWH:the groans of the prisoners, with the power of your hand. ALMIGHTY: You save those who are were destined to die! "✙ ✙. ♔ WELCOME in my LIVE! ✙. ♔[♚MENE  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   TECHEL  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   PERES] ✙PAX ✙ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✙"Drink your poisons made by yourself"✙by ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   ReiUnius✙King✙Israel✙Mahdì
how Satanists Freemasons, bankers, politicians and enlightened I must kill again, before being considered? [For all mankind]. to all those who have :their hands stained with innocent blood? you are MURDERERS, as "accomplices"? For the blood of Jesus on the Cross :the innocent victim perfect, I order on you: a plague of evil spell: "You have the mark of Cain, into your body cursed & in your soul!" In fact, your spirit is dead, collapsing in your soul. Alleluia! you'll have a verminous plague, a painful thorn in your flesh damn! until you will not be a corpse. AMEN. Alleluia CSPB CSSMLNDSMDVR SNSMVSMQLIVBp­ax" "Drink your poisons made by yourself
for the precious name & Blood of Jesus of Bethlehem: 1. go at the foot of the Cross of the Innocent Lamb, all of you "enlightened". 2. begone Satana! go in hell! 3. on you and on everything is yours: cancer, leukemia and all diseases of hell. AMEN! Alleluia! 4. infestation, obsession, oppression on you and yours. AMEN. Alleluia! 5. God's wrath is upon you: it is an unbearable burden. ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✙[♚MENE  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   TECHEL  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   PERES] ✙PAX ✙ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✙"Drink your poisons made by yourself"✙by ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   ReiUnius✙King✙Israel✙Mahdì

"Drink your poisons made by yourself". I broke in :the name of Jesus every: Fortress, principality, power, domination, power occult, secret societies, secret services, bank seigniorage, Freemasons, aliens, UFO, Satanism, SpA, IMF, NWO, Net Work, subliminal language, porn , horror, begone Satana! I order in the name of Jesus to all :the demons of hell to aggression against you and against all your accomplices. AMEN. Alleluia. ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✙[♚MENE  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   TECHEL  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   PERES] ✙PAX ✙ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✙"Drink your poisons made by yourself"✙by ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   ReiUnius✙King✙Israel✙Mahdì
[Psalm 67] God arise& His enemies be scattered and flee before Him those: who hate him. As :the smoke dissipates? you disperse them! As wax melts before the fire? So perish the wicked, before God. the rejoice instead is of the righteous :they exult before God and sing for joy. In Jesus' name, I have bind now: :the foot of the cross, all the living, of the solar system. I pour :the blood of Jesus: "Innocent Lamb" on all. Every evil will receive his immediate punishment.AMEN. Alleluia. ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✙[♚MENE  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   TECHEL  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   PERES] ✙PAX ✙ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✙"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✙by ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   ReiUnius✙King✙Israel✙Mahdì
In the Lord's hand: is a cup filled with wine junkie. He pours! up the dregs :they must put up with all the wicked of the earth! AMEN. Alleluia". Revelation 1.5. "Yes, AMEN. I am the Alpha & the Omega, saith the Lord. "One who was, is, and that will:the Almighty!" Wooow!!! ✙ ✙. ♔ WELCOME in my LIVE! AMEN. Alleluia. ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✙[♚MENE  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   TECHEL  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   PERES] ✙PAX ✙ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✙"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✙by ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   ReiUnius✙King✙Israel✙Mahdì

also a form of carnival, that will involve as a character to represent, has its own responsibility, if he is bad. but a religious symbol is something much stronger. You're doing advertising for Satan. and here, :there are many kids who think this is a game. while, it can become something very dangerous of which, you make yourself responsible. also agnostican(wood) burn. not only burns the idolatry (straw). If Revelation says, of a grain of rice [micro chip]? you will not enter in :the sky! but you have much more than a grain of rice.ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✙[♚MENE  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   TECHEL  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   PERES] ✙PAX ✙ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✙"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✙by ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   ReiUnius✙King✙Israel✙Mahdì

1[Psalm17 I love you JHWH my strength]:the earth shook & appeared the seabed. For the spirit of your fury from his mouth came a devouring fire: he flew coals. glared at :them with his arrows! Because JHWH save :the humble people. With you, I can break any barrier. With my God, I can scale the walls. an expanse of dead bodies, I leave behind me! (psalm110). you have trained the my hands for battle, my arms to stretch: a bow of bronze.ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✙[♚MENE  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   TECHEL  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   PERES] ✙PAX ✙ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✙"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✙by ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   Rei Unius  ✙  King  ✙  Israel  ✙Mahdì   ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah

2[Psalm17 I love you JHWH my strength]: YOU have put me in charge of Nations. A people who did not know, they have served me. to hear me? immediately obeyed me! Foreigners tried :the my favor, paled foreign men and come trembling out of their hiding places. In the name of Jesus: order at my Spirit to be: until at the end of the world: slaughter of the satanists: sharia & zionism: Terror takes possession of the sons of darkness: on all mankind. Alleluia! begone satana!ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✙[♚MENE  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   TECHEL  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   PERES] ✙PAX ✙ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✙"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✙by ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   ReiUnius✙King✙Israel✙Mahdì
Mary Immaculate Conception SAID: Pray, My children, a constant vigilance of prayer. Pick up your cross and follow Me. I have wandered back and forth across your earth crying to you , begging that you listen to the counsel from Heaven. And I say this to you, for many of you are listening to the father of all liars, satan. Your world has become a playground for satan and his agents, for sin has become a way of life upon earth.ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✙[♚MENE  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   TECHEL  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   PERES] ✙PAX ✙ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✙"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✙by ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   ReiUnius✙King✙Israel✙Mahdì

Sure, God loves all his children. But you are a child of Satan and when with your bloody death will end your fucking life. It'll finally mercy for you will end. In fact, in Luke 19.27 ★ Jesus says: And those enemies of mine who did not want me for their king, bring them here, and slay them before me" Alleluia! ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✙[♚MENE  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   TECHEL  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   PERES] ✙PAX ✙ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✙"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✙by ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   ReiUnius✙King✙Israel✙Mahdì

Revelation of St. John says: "those who take :the mark (666 or micro chip) will have to drink :the cup of God". We're talking about something that is: 1. size of a grain of rice 2. invisible because it is put into :the body. But looking at you, one sees :the spectacle of Carnival of an entire city. You and this joker of Satan, you are both whit serious psychological problems: I have :the right medicine for you, the fire of Sodom! AMEN! Alleluia! ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✙[♚MENE  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   TECHEL  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   PERES] ✙PAX ✙ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✙"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✙by ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   ReiUnius✙King✙Israel✙Mahdì

I prophesied about you misfortune, in the name of Jesus. AMEN Alleluia. Now go to die or remove your filth that is in your life. I have atheist friends in my lists, why i have love and esteem for them: they are dignified positive honest. but you are filthy. You will can not overcome, the test of fire! You remove this site blasphemous, now. You will not see the 2013! your life is in danger. I command in Jesus' name :the destruction of all Satanism, sharia sionism. ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✙[♚MENE  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   TECHEL  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   PERES] ✙PAX ✙ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✙"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✙by ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   Rei Unius  ✙  King  ✙  Israel  ✙Mahdì   ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah

throughout : the world. Satanists of all of your lists? :the doctor is calling :them! satan-is-faggot. God has programmed me to win.  I have :the right medicine for you, the fire of Sodom! AMEN! Alleluia! ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✙[♚MENE  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   TECHEL  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   PERES] ✙PAX ✙ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✙"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✙by ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   Rei Unius  ✙  King  ✙  Israel  ✙Mahdì   ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah
satanist you're to listen to them rant and rave through programmed fake electronic music over and over and over again (broken record); and you and the illuminati use the same baphomet signs and worship the same lucifier. you should be a little bit more honest when you call o:thers crazy, I mean really, especially with the things you do in the dark? And when you think no one can see you? ibex mountain goat you pervert. You will stand in judgment of you himself? my father God has already defeated your father: satana devil, on the cross over 2000 years ago. you verminous worship so a real loser. How crazy is that? "Drink your poisons made by yourself"
[end game: the name of Jesus: "You are all lost!" Luke19.27] Alleluia! Even a child can tell you: "You go strong, like a damned soul!" All the fortresses were broken! if still standing? Because is they Kill each or is in 3rdWWnuclear for blame of the collapse of IMF with all the slaughter of all mankind. On this planet, no one can live according To Natural Laws: I know all: the enemies of God will die! ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✙[♚MENE  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   TECHEL  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   PERES] ✙PAX ✙ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✙"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✙by ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   Rei Unius  ✙  King  ✙  Israel  ✙Mahdì   ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah

[end game: the name of Jesus: "You are all lost!" Luke19.27] now satanists or atheists, believe However, You Have only this life to "enjoy" = lol. but you do not look happy. lol. all together go in a mass protest: against seigniorage banking. this is not a request: for your conversion: no! But, you can continue to do the pig again! Ok?ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✙[♚MENE  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   TECHEL  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   PERES] ✙PAX ✙ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✙"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✙by ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   Rei Unius  ✙  King  ✙  Israel  ✙Mahdì   ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah

theory of evolution? a tale of 150 years, that Darwin said he could not work, why were not found of transitional fossils. but enlightened have transformed in ideology of the NWO, international Jewish finance, ie in an ideological crime: that is, proof against God lol. while it is against logic, since God is timeless. ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✙[♚MENE  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   TECHEL  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   PERES] ✙PAX ✙ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✙"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✙by ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   ReiUnius✙King✙Israel✙Mahdì
theory of evolution?  Sure, we have :the evidence of evolution in the same species, but we do not have a single fossil that is :the passage from one species to another. All those shown? Have been portrayed as false: after. We have: refined metallurgical findings in the "coal fossil"; "polistrate fossil"; the nephillim, all these tests prove it: 1. Flood. 2. existence of advanced antediluvian civilization. among :the hundreds of surveys, measurements Share Noah's Ark on Mount Ararat: also the inspection: Russian army at the time of Tsar Nicholas II
@rrmbgpym->.For the God of Abraham: JHWH on his Throne: lorenzojhwh is the ReiUnius: a power spiritual and political, authority: metaphysics Universal ofthe human race. anyone who opposes his authority? he no has love for :the natural law, will be punished as Exodus 20.12 says: "his life will be shortened". ✙  ✙. ♔  WELCOME in my LIVE! ✙ ✙. This is :the victory that has conquered :the world; the Our Faith! 1 Giov5,4[♚  MENE  ★  ★  ★  amen  hallelujah  TECHEL  ★  ★  ★  amen  hallelujah   PERES] ✙PAX ✙ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✙"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✙  by ★  ★  ★  amen  hallelujah   ReiUnius✙  King✙  Israel✙  Mahdì
On all those who are responsible&accomplices in the bank seigniorage? for having innocent blood shed, as seal of his power: lorenzojhwh imposes the damn symbol of Cain on :the murderers. This is decreed in :the name of Jesus for :the blood of Jesus every demon and man is bound at foot of the cross. ✙ ✙. ♔WELCOME in my LIVE!✙ ✙. This is :the victory that has conquered :the world; the Our Faith! 1 Giov5,4[♚  MENE  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   TECHEL  ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   PERES] ✙PAX ✙ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✙"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✙  by ★  ★ ★  amen  hallelujah   ReiUnius✙King✙Israel✙Mahdì

Questa NON è una testata giornalistica

Questa NON è una testata giornalistica




Posting Date
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: A Man-Made Cup In Pennsylvanian Coal?February 11, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Hands-Down EvidenceFebruary 7, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Trilobites UnderfootFebruary 4, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Getting A handle On Ancient Dinosaur SightingsFebruary 2, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Perplexing Permian PrintJanuary 28, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: The Willett PrintJanuary 25, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Throughout The Geologic ColumnJanuary 23, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Cro-Magnon ManJanuary 16, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Neanderthal ManJanuary 14, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Homo ErectusJanuary 11, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Piltdown ManJanuary 11, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Homo Habilis - ´Handyman´January 7, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Nebraska ManJanuary 4, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: RamapithicusJanuary 2, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: ´Your Little Cousin´ LucyDecember 31, 2012
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: The Tuang ChildDecember 28, 2012
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: IntroductionDecember 26, 2012
The Model, Episode 4


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the King Unius Rei

the King Unius Rei
universal brotherhood