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@Youtube-  ReiUnius. ♥ hallelujah.  King of Israel! [salmo 150] MUSICA [1]Alleluia. Lodate il Signore nel suo santuario, lodatelo nel firmamento della sua potenza. [2]Lodatelo per i suoi prodigi, lodatelo per la sua immensa grandezza. [3]Lodatelo con squilli di tromba, lodatelo con arpa e cetra; [4]lodatelo con timpani e danze, lodatelo sulle corde e sui flauti. [5]Lodatelo con cembali sonori, lodatelo con cembali squillanti; ogni vivente dia lode al Signore. Alleluia.

 humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3---

♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?  make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..

    ♰ @ Youtube-  ReiUnius.     ♥ hallelujah.King של ישראל! [תהילים 149] [1] הללויה. שירו ליהוה שיר חדש; שבח שלו באסיפה של המאמינים. [2] תנו ישראל לשמוח בשמחה שלה Maker, ב מלכם את בני ציון. [3] תן להם להלל את שמו עם רוקדים עם תוף ונבל. [4] ה 'אוהב את עמו, הוא כתרים הצנוע עם ניצחון. [5] לעלוץ נאמן פאר שמחה להתעורר ממיטותיהם. [6] בשבח האל בפיהם וחרב פיפיות בידם, [7] להתמודד מתוך נקמה על אומות ולהעניש אנשים; [8] כדי מנענעים בראשיהם בשלשלאות, ואצילים שלהם כבלים של ברזל ; [9] לבצע על המגרש הם כבר כתב: זה כבוד עבור כל המאמינים שלו. הללויה.

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Posting Date
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: A Man-Made Cup In Pennsylvanian Coal?February 11, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Hands-Down EvidenceFebruary 7, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Trilobites UnderfootFebruary 4, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Getting A handle On Ancient Dinosaur SightingsFebruary 2, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Perplexing Permian PrintJanuary 28, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: The Willett PrintJanuary 25, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Throughout The Geologic ColumnJanuary 23, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Cro-Magnon ManJanuary 16, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Neanderthal ManJanuary 14, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Homo ErectusJanuary 11, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Piltdown ManJanuary 11, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Homo Habilis - ´Handyman´January 7, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Nebraska ManJanuary 4, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: RamapithicusJanuary 2, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: ´Your Little Cousin´ LucyDecember 31, 2012
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: The Tuang ChildDecember 28, 2012
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: IntroductionDecember 26, 2012
The Model, Episode 4


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the King Unius Rei

the King Unius Rei
universal brotherhood