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MIDDLE EAST, SYRIA, distruzione

 Arutz Sheva TV,

    [[MIDDLE EAST, Syria. The Army of Islam, Saudi Arabia's Greatest Export, Galaxy jihadist imperialism is functional Arabia]] Jaish al-Islam is dominated by Liwa al-Islam, a large rebel group formerly of "FSA" branding, and led by Saudi-Zahran backed Alloush. Liwa al-Islam were Also a signatory to the aforementioned statement of denunciation toward the western-backed political opposition. These announcements have effectively put-to-bed the western myth propagated That was the "Free Syrian Army". Militant groups ostensibly the west touted as "secular moderates" yearning for "freedom and democracy" from a tyrannical regime, have now openly declared Their Salafi / Jihadi fundamentalist ideology, with the ultimate aim of creating a Syrian state ruled by Islamic law. (HACKERS HAVE TRIED THE BLOCK OF THIS COMMENT)
    HellxDesPairTruction 5 minuti fa

    10/04/2013. [[ MIDDLE EAST, SYRIA. The Army of Islam, Saudi Arabia's Greatest Export, la galassia jihadista, è funzionale all'imperialismo saudita ]] An expert on international politics and blogger analyzes the new steps of the Syrian opposition increasingly divided in itself, and becoming more and more fundamentalist. The West tries to give a more "moderate" image of it. But its project is similar to that of al Qaeda. San Diego (AsiaNews/Ich) - Recent developments regarding "rebel" groups inside Syria have shed further light on the ideologies and political aims of the militants waging war upon the Syrian state. On the 24th September, under the moniker of the "Islamist Alliance", 11 of the largest and most recognisable rebel brigades - a mix of supposed "moderate Islamists"
    HellxDesPairTruction 5 minuti fa

    [[ MIDDLE EAST, SYRIA. The Army of Islam, Saudi Arabia's Greatest Export, la galassia jihadista, è funzionale all'imperialismo saudita ]] such as Liwa al-Tawhid, the largest "FSA"-branded brigade in Aleppo, alongside more hardline Salafi/Jihadi brigades such as Ahrar al-Sham, and Al Qaeda ideologues Jahbat al-Nusra - released a joint statement denouncing the western-backed expatriates of the "National Coalition" (NC), along with its equally impotent military arm, the "Supreme Military Council" (SMC). Following this statement of intent, on the 29th of September, up to 50 rebel groups operating primarily in the area of Damascus merged to form Jaish al-Islam (Army of Islam). The Damascus merger also included a wide-ranging demographic of militant groups, from the supposed "moderate", to overt Salafist hardliners.
    HellxDesPairTruction 5 minuti fa

    [[ MIDDLE EAST, SYRIA. The Army of Islam, Saudi Arabia's Greatest Export, la galassia jihadista, è funzionale all'imperialismo saudita ]] Jaish al-Islam is dominated by Liwa al-Islam, a large rebel group formerly of "FSA" branding, and led by Saudi-backed Zahran Alloush. Liwa al-Islam were also a signatory to the aforementioned statement of denunciation toward the western-backed political opposition. These announcements have effectively put-to-bed the western propagated myth that was the "Free Syrian Army". Militant groups the west ostensibly touted as "secular moderates" yearning for "freedom and democracy" from a tyrannical regime; have now openly declared their Salafi/Jihadi fundamentalist ideology, with the ultimate aim of creating a Syrian state ruled by Islamic law.
    HellxDesPairTruction 6 minuti fa

    [[ MIDDLE EAST, SYRIA. The Army of Islam, Saudi Arabia's Greatest Export, la galassia jihadista, è funzionale all'imperialismo saudita ]] Already, these announcements are being portrayed as an attempt by Saudi Arabia - yes, ever tolerant and inclusive Wahhabi-preaching Saudi Arabia - and other leading Salafi factions supporting the insurgency to steer "vetted, or moderate Salafi" rebels away from the Al Qaeda aligned groups; particularly the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), who are now portrayed as simply "foreign jihadists" and have become the leading fall-guy in Western and Gulf media for every atrocity committed by the rebels. This false perception has been built as a result of a Western and Gulf initiated public relations campaign to "moderate"
    HellxDesPairTruction 6 minuti fa

    [[ MIDDLE EAST, SYRIA. The Army of Islam, Saudi Arabia's Greatest Export, la galassia jihadista, è funzionale all'imperialismo saudita ]] the image of the Salafi/Jihadi fundamentalists (as well as those more inclined to basic criminality, killing, and destruction) who may be more willing to meet the requirements of their Gulf donors and the United States. Yet, contrary to this divisive narrative, the same "moderate" Salafi's who are now supposedly being encouraged to disassociate from their Al Qaeda affiliates have happily fought alongside - more often than not as a junior partner - the West's supposed "number one enemy" (AQ) since the insurgency began in 2011.
    HellxDesPairTruction 6 minuti fa

    [[ MIDDLE EAST, SYRIA. The Army of Islam, Saudi Arabia's Greatest Export, la galassia jihadista, è funzionale all'imperialismo saudita ]] In further contrast to the aforementioned "Awakening" narrative, Jabhat al-Nusra (JaN) - the Syrian branch of Al Qaeda ideologues - are still very much in the mix. Although various pundits and analysts have made efforts to publicise tensions between ISIS and JaN, the two groups still share a similar Jihadist ideology and cooperate in key areas, particularly on paramilitary operations; as do the hardline Salafi groups such as Ahrar Al-Sham, who in turn fully cooperate with the western friendly "moderates" forming the backbone of Jaish al-Islam.
    HellxDesPairTruction 7 minuti fa

    [[ MIDDLE EAST, SYRIA. The Army of Islam, Saudi Arabia's Greatest Export, la galassia jihadista, è funzionale all'imperialismo saudita ]] In the recent ISIS takeover of the "FSA" held town of Azaz from the western-friendly Northern Storm brigade (of John McCain fame), Liwa al-Tahwid quickly offered to broker a ceasefire and acted as interlocutor between the two warring factions. ISIS in turn, rejected any "FSA" authority and have since taken control of the town - not that Liwa al-Tahwid could have stopped them anyway. These events directly contradict the notion that the new "Army of Islam" is in any rush to disassociate, let alone be able to wage war upon the ISIS or its extremist affiliates.
    HellxDesPairTruction 7 minuti fa

    [[ MIDDLE EAST, SYRIA. The Army of Islam, Saudi Arabia's Greatest Export, la galassia jihadista, è funzionale all'imperialismo saudita ]] Moreover, the leader of Jaish al-Islam, Zahran Alloush, publicly disowned his own "captain" after he warned ISIS there would be open conflict if they "continued this chaos". The leader claimed that the comments were "dangerous" and designed to "cause strife between muslims". Furthermore, in a recent interview with Al Jazeera, Alloush, free of his "moderate" chains, lets loose on his ideals for a future Syria, in which he aspires to resurrect the Umayyad Empire (2nd Islamic Caliphate with Syria at its core and Damascus as its capital), and "cleanse" Damascus of "Majous" (pejorative Arabic term for Iranians) "Rafideh" (Shi'ites) and "Nusayris" (Alawites).
    HellxDesPairTruction 7 minuti fa

    [[ MIDDLE EAST, SYRIA. The Army of Islam, Saudi Arabia's Greatest Export, la galassia jihadista, è funzionale all'imperialismo saudita ]] Rebel leaders openly espousing sectarian rhetoric has been a running theme throughout the conflict; in line with this trend, Alloush's statement can be taken as a clear indication that his new "Jaish al-Islam" is not in the least bit concerned with abiding by a western-friendly moderate image. Alloush, like the majority of rebel leaders, is a fundamentalist Salafist, who looks on at the minorities of Syria as kafir (unbelievers) who must submit to his interpretation of Salafi Islam or be killed. The western/Gulf media narrative surrounding this new "Islamist Alliance"
    HellxDesPairTruction 8 minuti fa

    [[ MIDDLE EAST, SYRIA. The Army of Islam, Saudi Arabia's Greatest Export, la galassia jihadista, è funzionale all'imperialismo saudita ]] is a re-hash of failed PR campaigns of the past, which attempted to mitigate the inherent fundamentalist ideologies of the insurgents waging war upon the Syrian state. In stark contrast to the Caliphate-inspired visions held by the majority of rebel leaders, Syria has been a pluralistic secular society for decades, the majority of its Sunni muslim population are conservative and have coexisted peacefully alongside the many other religions and ethnic minorities that make up Syria's diverse society, history, and culture. The people of Syria do not aspire to a Saudi sponsored Salafi/Wahhabi leadership or doctrine of law.
    HellxDesPairTruction 8 minuti fa

    [[ MIDDLE EAST, SYRIA. The Army of Islam, Saudi Arabia's Greatest Export, la galassia jihadista, è funzionale all'imperialismo saudita ]] Contrary to the popular narrative emerging in western and Gulf media that this new force will represent an indigenous "moderate Islamist" coalition capable of taking on the foreign elements and Al Qaeda, the majority of Syrians will be repelled by the sectarian language and ideologies of Zohran Alloush; his groups overt affiliations and pandering to Al Qaeda ideologues; and his "Army of Islam".
    HellxDesPairTruction 9 minuti fa

    [[ MIDDLE EAST, SYRIA. The Army of Islam, Saudi Arabia's Greatest Export, la galassia jihadista, è funzionale all'imperialismo saudita ]] Considering the above context, the narrative of home-grown Salafis somehow being more amenable to the Syrian population than their ISIS/JaN fundamentalist colleagues becomes even less tenable. Alloush's formation of Jaish al-Islam, alongside the "Islamist Alliance" denunciation of the western-backed political opposition, show a marked shift of the insurgency further toward the Al Qaeda ideologues fighting the Syrian regime, not further away from them. Phil Greaves blogs at notthemsmdotcom wordpress com/
    HellxDesPairTruction 43 minuti fa

    04/10/2013 CINA, STATI UNITI, Apple rimuove una, app anti-censura, internauti cinesi in rivolta. Gli sviluppatori di OpenDoor, hanno scritto alla Apple per protestare contro la decisione. Nessuna dichiarazione ufficiale, da Cupertino. Per i blogger l'applicazione era uno degli strumenti, più efficaci, per aggirare la censura. Critici ed esperti sottolineano, che, l'auto-censura del colosso, Usa, ha raggiunto "un livello superiore". --ANSWER-- [un solo monopolio, sPA, FMI, del denaro, creato dal nulla, E ceduto a interesse(per indebitare i popoli, fino alla distruzione) ha creato, un solo satanismo mondiale, se, non mi sarà consentito di fare breccia, nel NWO? Israele non potrà essere salvato! ] ovviamente, il mio ministero politico, ha il potere soprannaturale, di uccidere i criminali, solo che, io non sono motivato ad agire in tal senso.
    HellxDesPairTruction 50 minuti fa

    INDIA, Pogrom in Orissa: ergastolo per i sette cristiani innocenti. Vescovo emerito di Cuttack-Bhubaneshwar promette: "Faremo appello". I condannati sono accusati dell'omicidio di un leader indù, che scatenò le violenze anticristiane del 2008. Contro di loro non esistono prove. I maoisti hanno sempre rivendicato l'assassinio. SIRIA. Cristiani di Maaloula: 'All'attacco hanno partecipato anche i nostri concittadini musulmani'. "Cristiani e musulmani avevano sempre vissuto in un clima di fiducia reciproca, l'attacco a Maaloula ha creato molto sconforto". Gli islamisti hanno invaso le case e continuano a minacciare il villaggio, teatro di scontro continuo tra ribelli ed esercito. Le famiglie fuggite a Damasco e a Beirut raccontano la loro storia. Si vuole cacciare i cristiani per eliminare il cristianesimo.
    HellxDesPairTruction 50 minuti fa

    [tutto il satanismo, di integralismi, e di integralisti, coloro, che, violano, la libertà di religione, neanche, dovrebbero avere l'onore, di sedere, tra, i nobili satanisti massoni, dell'ONU, Spa, FMI, ]
    HellxDesPairTruction 53 minuti fa

    04/10/2013, IRAN, IRAQ, Rouhani apprezzato dall'ayatollah Al Sistani (ovviamente, favorevole al nucleare iraniano). Il ministro degli esteri del nuovo governo, di Teheran, è stato subito ricevuto, dal pacifico, grande assassino nazista, della Sharia imperialismo, del califfato mondiale, ayatollah di Najaf. Ahmadinejad, ha chiesto diverse volte, di incontrarlo, ma gli è stato sempre negato. -- ANSWER -- TUTTI coloro, che, non si schierano, contro, la sharia sono sempre dei nazisti pericolosi! è in nome della Sharia, che, ogni terrorismo, e terrorista vive e prospera nel mondo
    HellxDesPairTruction 1 ora fa

    Il presidente della Siria Bashar al Assad ha dichiarato, nella sua intervista con il settimanale tedesco "Spiegel", che l'esercito governativo siriano non ha usato armi chimiche. Il presidente ha sottolineato: "Non abbiamo usato armi chimiche. E' una menzogna. L'immagine di uccisori del nostro stesso popolo, come voi ci dipingente, non è veritiera". -- ANSWER-- OK! è chiaro a tutti, è stata la Arabia Saudita, che, ha ordinato l'uso di gas sarin, per permettere una aggressione militare della Siria
    HellxDesPairTruction 2 ore fa

    NEW YORK, 5 OTTOBRE, "L'Iran è ancora a "un anno o più di distanza" dall'essere in grado di produrre armi nucleari". Lo afferma il TRADITORE, presidente americano, Barack Obama, in un'intervista alla #Associated Press. Il mondo - afferma Obama - deve testare se il presidente dell'Iran, Hassan Rouhani, è serio, nel perseguire una soluzione diplomatica, sul nucleare. Gli Stati Uniti si assicureranno, mette in evidenza Obama, che, possa essere verificato qualsiasi accordo. -- ANSWER -- @ La Sharia è un atto di aggressione, una chiara minaccia di, intolleranza nazista.. non bisogna attendere un solo minuto di più, perché, una bomba atomica sporca. è possibile realizzarla anche ora
    HellxDesPairTruction 2 ore fa

    TEHERAN, Alla luce del riavvicinamento, in atto con gli Stati Uniti, stanno circolando, in Iran, proposte per abolire l'urlo "Morte all'America", da 34 anni, uno degli slogan-simbolo della #Repubblica islamica. Ne ha parlato un importante predicatore a Teheran, #ayatollah #Ahmad Khatami, sottolineando che " #Margh bar #Amrika" (Morte all'America) e' ''lo slogan, della resistenza dell'Iran''' all'imperialismo degli Usa. E non va, quindi, abbandonato. Nella moschea, i fedeli lo hanno poi scandito più volte. --ANSWER -- ALLORA, 1000 volte di più: "Margh bar Amrika" contro, Israele,
    HellxDesPairTruction 2 ore fa

    [ proverbio: " lupo non mangia lupo!"] [l'Impegno della LEGA ARABA, contro, gli #jihadisti, è soltanto, una tuffa, finché, rimarrà in vigore, giuridicamente, la #Sharia, perché, gli, #islamisti della galassia jihadista, combattono, in nome della sharia] #MOGADISCIO, Un blitz nel cuore della notte, sulla spiaggia di #Barawe, per cercare di sorprendere, gli #integralisti #islamici #Shabaab e di snidare, #Abu Diyad 'il #ceceno': il più esotico, capo guerrigliero, dell'insanguinato #Corno d'Africa, arrivato in #Somalia, dal, lontano #Caucaso per unirsi alla ,,,,#jihad dei 'fratelli neri'. Protagonista - secondo gli Shabaab - un commando misto, #britannico-turco (ma, L#ondra e #Ankara smentiscono), che, sarebbe stato alla fine respinto con perdite.
    HellxDesPairTruction 3 ore fa

    [[This is the truth: " #ISRAEL has the hours counted!" ]] WHY, the strategic positions of power, are not under the responsibility of the policy, but were occupied by, #international #Freemasonry! that is, all the #occult powers, of, #esoteric agenda, which the #Pharisees, 666, IMF, #Rothschild, #Bush, 322, #Kerry, #Rochefeller, #Spa, that is, all the #Illuminati have done. [/user/IsraelNationalTV/discussion] [[ questa è la verità: "ISRAELE ha le ore, contate!" ]] PERCHÉ, i posti strategici del potere, non sono sotto, la responsabilità, della Politica, ma, sono stati occupati, dalla Massoneria Internazionale! cioè, tutti i poteri occulti, di, esoteric agenda, che, i farisei 666, FMI, Rothschild, Bush, 322, Kerry, Rochefeller, Spa, cioè, tutti gli Illuminati hanno fatto.
    @israelNationalTV - in questo modo, in una maniera spregiudicata, #Turchia, #Arabia, #Saudita, #Iran, #Siria, tutta la #LEGA ARABA, sono un solo #califfato mondiale, e sono pronti, a strumentalizzare, #Russia, #CINA, eUROPA, USA, cioè, [ #SCO, e, #Nato ], per farli, #combattere, #SCANNARE, #distruggere, tra, di loro, affinché, tra, i due litiganti, il terzo goda.. infatti, l'Occidente non ha il coraggio di, scannare donne, e bambini, cosa, che, gli islamisti, non hanno nessun probloma a fare... quindi, da una guerra mondiale.. protetti, dalle lobbies ebraiche (NetWork tv) di satanisti deviati, loro ritengono di uscire vincitori!
    HellxDesPairTruction 3 ore fa

    @israelNationalTV -- è più, che evidente, poco meno, di 6milioni di Ebrei, sono stati fatti uccidere, attraverso, Hitler, da questi farisei Spa, Illuminati.. ed ora è il momento per gli Israeliani, di essere immolati, anche, loro sull'altare di satana! la congiura, farisei-salafiti, questa volta è stata studiata, in una forma, più astuta, quanto cinica, perché, prevede, l'inevitabile, sacrificio, dei loro poveri, in questo tragico spettacolo, di morte, della geopolitica, araba (panarabismo = califfato mondiale = imperialismo della Sharia. il nuovo nazismo) internazionale!!! Iran, Siria ed Arabia Saudita, sono parte di questo, complotto, per disintegrare Israele. è evidente farisei Anglo-americani e la Lega ARABA, hanno complottato, per dividersi il Genere Umano, anche se, a motivo della distruzione di Israele, poi, in realtà, Islam dovrà, sparire (come, il Nazismo) dal pianeta
    HellxDesPairTruction 3 ore fa

    @iSRAELNATIONALtv --- il compito PRINCIPALE, che, JHWH, ha affidato a me, è quello, di, riunire, le 12 tribù, di Israele, e fare terminare la Diaspora, che, di fatto, è una occupazione massonica, e satanica, del genere umano, cioè, tutta la Malvagità, che, i farisei, Illuminati, Spa, FMI, del signoraggio bancario, rubato, AI POPOLI, per il loro annientamento, predazione, schiavizzazione, cioè, tutto il satanismo che i Farisei, del dio gufo al Bohemian Grove, hanno fatto! per ottenere, questo obiettivo, io ucciderò, se, io sarò costretto ad uccidere
    HellxDesPairTruction 3 ore fa

    [ Unius REi, è pura razionalità, questa è la Metafisica universale] tanto, per sgomberare, il campo, da ogni, fraintendimento: [nessuna parola di Unius Rei, ha un valore religioso, teologico, soggettivo] [ Unius REI, parla ai popoli in una maniera oggettiva, usando unicamente, la razionalità, quindi, eventuali parole religiose, teologiche, soggettive, non hanno alcun valore politico ] è questo, che, fa di me, il Decalogo vivente, cioè, la legge Universale (l'amore), e la legge Naturale (la verità, uguaglianza, tra, gli uomini).. io sono la Rivoluzione culturale, per la FRATELLANZA UNIVERSALE
    HellxDesPairTruction 3 ore fa

    @IsraelNationalTV --- io pretendo, che voi blocchiate, su questa pagina, i troll e i satanisti istituzionali della Cia, perché, io devo iniziare il mio lavoro intellettuale, su questa pagina
    Questo elemento è stato segnalato come spam.
    HellxDesPairTruction 5 ore fa

    plus google com/u/0/110799456374504812213/posts
    HellxDesPairTruction 5 ore fa

    [5 ottobre 2013] [i #politici #massoni #criminali, di: "alto, #Tradimento" costituzionale, comprano, i nostri soldi, rubati, ad interesse, dal nemico #fariseo, Bildenberg, il #sistema #massonico #Spa, #Rothschild, invece di usare, #Ordine #Esecutivo di #Kennedy: 11110. preferiscono tenere il popolo schiavo] #Obama: #default peggio di #shutdown, "Non pagherò #riscatto per riapertura". Il default degli Stati Uniti, che, comporterebbe, uno "shutdown dell'economia", sarebbe di gran lunga peggiore di uno shutdown del governo. Lo afferma il #traditore, #presidente #americano, #Barack #Obama, nel discorso settimanale. "Non pagherò alcun riscatto in cambio della riapertura del governo e non pagherò, certamente, alcun riscatto per un aumento del tetto del debito", ha aggiunto. Bisogna mettere fine a uno #shutdown "dannoso" e "incauto".
    HellxDesPairTruction 9 ore fa

    @ Obama, your Satanists, DATAGATE, delete my comments on [/ user / theyearinreview / discussion] therefore, I moved, in: [[/ user / israelNationalTV / discussion]] I am Unius REI, for, I am the policy proposal, of the King of Israel, my ministry political, rises from, the Jewish Temple Celeste, my eyes, can not tolerate, any injustice, and, no prevarication, man by man .. . Therefore, my comments on this page are closed!
    My Chapters 
    I was wondering what to say in this message. Let's say it's a friendly Hi.. I was just hoping to see your feedbacks on \\"My Chapters\\" Channel as it's main purpose to help others improve to the best. I might need your ideas or feedbacks to share it. As your thoughts matter. That's all sorry for the long message and thanks for your time
    politicalUniusREI 1 mese fa

    Israelnationaltv @ Arutz Sheva TV, IsraelNationalNews --- la tragédie syrienne, c'était seulement un théâtre cruel, organisé par l'pharisiens Anglo-Américains, Enlightened FMI, et leurs complices salafistes, de détourner, votre attention de la question nucléaire iranienne. un examen préalable, une perte de temps, (et Assad pourrait être le complice, parce que, ne trahit jamais (accuser) Arabie saoudite), mais quand le IRAN, aura ses propres bombes atomiques? tout deviendra, zut, plus compliqué! ont conçu, guerre mondiale (nouvel Holocauste) et la destruction d'Israël (New Shoah) .. 5 milliards de décès, une tragédie sans précédent .. ces maniaques religieux, vous voulez diviser le monde! /user/theyearinreview/discussion
    politicalUniusREI 1 mese fa

    Israelnationaltv @Arutz Sheva TV, IsraelNationalNews --- la tragedia siriana, è stata soltanto, un crudele teatrino, organizzato, dai farisei anglo-americani, e dai loro complici salafiti, per distogliere, la tua attenzione, dal nucleare iraniano. ma, quando l'IRAN, avrà le sue bombe atomiche? tutto diventerà, maledettamente, più complicato! hanno progettato, la guerra mondiale (nuovo Olocausto) e la distruzione di Israele (nuova Shaoah).. 5miliardi di morti, una tragedia senza precedenti.. questi maniaci religiosi, si vogliono dividere il mondo!

    Marilyn Manson - Long Hard Road Out Of Hell 1408180 visualizzazioni di MarilynMansonVEVO 3 anni fa --ANSWER -- AUGURI OBAMA! QUESTO TU SEI! liiiilliiiil: ie, Synnek1 CIA IMF --- oh, my dear: sucker 666 skeletons: decaying!, for me, dreams, visions, and all supernatural phenomena: they have no importance in politics: why: my mind, is structured: as: the mind of an atheist, here's why: I ask Rothschild and his Obama puppy "of who is, to ownership, of our money, at the time of its release?" here's why: after raping the Constitution: in the most important monetary sovereignty, etc.. etc. .. and have spread Satanism: freemasonry?, they are afraid: of the people: now! so now: they want to prevent the possession of weapons, only because, they are must finish in front of a firing squad: for high treason! (the traitors of the IMF?: in our Masonic system? they have no right: touching the Constitution)
    liiiilliiiil: "Vor der Christus Kniefall war nichts für die Ritter lieber stehend sterben im Eisengewitter" - answer - a little while ago, I dreamed of the mighty knights, hard and unkind, as the iron ready to kill, on the altar of war: one: against, the other, before the duel, showed their swords, and I also showed her my sword! in fact, I was a knight like them, but, then, laid: against wall: has put my sword, and, I said to the knight, who: was, opposite: to me, and he feared me: that, also, my words could be weapons: against him: "my friend, my brother: where are you from?". and he said: "I am in Jerusalem!" then, as: if I no longer existed never more: for him, he has begun to speak amicably: the other knights and all the knights have become friends -ANSWER - ROTHSCHILD IMF, ONLY, HAS BECOME OUR SACRIFICIAL LAMB! we no longer need to kill: between to us: one another, we are brothers! please,of that, beast of Rothschild? leave a small piece of meat, even for me!
    my JHWH -- where are all the bodies you have promised me in Psalm 110? [Satanic Pharisee] IMF FED ECB Rothschild: "Whose is: money, at time: of his issue?'" is yours! So, you are the master Enlightened from lucifer: of all the world, and we are all: your slaves! but this is: high betrayal, cannibal, idolatry, blasfemy, Satanism and murder of all mankind.. my JHWH -- where are all the bodies you have promised me in Psalm 110?
    my JHWH -- where are all the bodies you have promised me in Psalm 110?
    [what I found: 1 Timothy 6.14-16: is really extraordinary] 14. I command you to observe: this commandment, to be without sin, blameless, until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ, at the end of the world [[ 15. Lord Jesus Christ, which: will be revealed [by unius REI:] at the time: [ by unius REI]: blessed and only Potentate, unius REI: the King of kings and Lord of lords]], 16. who alone: JHWH: has immortality and dwells in unapproachable light, whom no man hath seen, nor can see, to only: him be honor and power everlasting. Amen. -- answer -- that is, will be at the time: manifest: by, unius REI, the glory of YHWH, that, JHWH alone: dwells in unapproachable light! [Rothschild you have no right to sell: to all the peoples, your money of Satan]in the Masonic system: of banking seigniorage: of the Pharisees to do disintegrate Israel: again!
    @ My YHWH - [I am unius REI: where are my corpses of Psalm 110?] Luke 19:27. 1. "The parable of the ten mine: is calculated to fight four errors. 1. err. People could easily imagine: that: the kingdom of the Messiah would be revealed soon. 2. err. that would be: immediately visible in the earth, 3. err. that everyone would receive with joy: and finally: 4. err. that do not require his subjects: another task that: enjoy inaction: the graces received. No! you need to act now: politically, and economically! The first idea contradicts the fact that: the first has to be done a long trip, and then of course you must spend a very long time. The second expectation: it is refuted by the fact, that: the legitimate prince has to get elsewhere (in the sky) and not here, the reins of his government, before exercising his authority in all proprii domains: terrestrial and celestial.

    [Rothschild tu non hai nessun diritto di vendere: il tuo denaro maledetto: ai popoli] @ My YHWH - [I am unius REI: where are my corpses of Psalm 110?] Luke 19:27. To destroy, the third error: the Lord found it necessary: ​​describe the enmity open, obstinate, without foundation, and finally useless: that is aroused: against: him of his enemies. Contrast, the fourth opinion: the mandate given to the ten servants, namely: the duty imposed: all to cooperate advancement: its cause (kingdom of Palestine). Starting out, do not let them in the position of proud warriors, but in that of humble craftsmen, with a small capital to assert (yield), calculated image to disperse, for the moment at least, all the utopias of their imagination by presenting them rather than the needs of the most severe reality "(Oosterzee).
    [Rothschild tu non hai nessun diritto di vendere: il tuo denaro maledetto: ai popoli] @ My YHWH - [I am unius REI: where are my corpses of Psalm 110?] Luke 19:27. View Reflections: in Matthew 25:30. And the unprofitable servant: you cast him into outer darkness, there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Note that the command "Take off", above. to "throw: the outer darkness," A sinner is abandoned to its his ways, before being left to the judgment. What: now it is carrying out, decide for everyone: his destiny our future destiny: and immediate: Psalm 81:12-13. See Notes Matthew 8:12, Matthew 13:42.
    @ My YHWH - [I am unius REI] Luke 19.27. "In addition, lead here: my enemies (322, 666, masonic system: of banking seigniorage: IMF NWO), who did not want me to reign over them, and slay them before me." - ANSWER - These enemies, who had tried to prevent his ascension to the throne, were also used to tutt'uomo, no doubt, to damage, of his interests: in his absence, but: they came to the 'hours of pay, and a ruin inexorable hits them. Our Lord mentions: first place: the terrible fate that: the Jews expected disobedient, when, in his providence, he would send, to each other, the Roman army to carry out his revenge,
    @ My YHWH - [I am unius REI] Luke 19.27. to destroy their city and their nation, but his words also have in view, the final destruction of all those who will be dead in unbelief, and rebellion: against: him. Ryle sees in this verse, and reported a terrible punishment that awaits the day of judgment: the generation of Jews that: resisted Christ while: in the earth. "They will be resurrected," he says, "and brought before the court: of Christ, to receive the condegno: punishment enormous sin: killing the Lord of glory. Though: they have apparently triumphed on the day of his crucifixion, Christ proclaims in parable: that: they wait a day, to pay in mode: exemplary. "
    Luke 9.11 ... But when the crowds learned about it and followed him: and he received them: and spoke to them of: the kingdom of God, and healed those: that: they had need of healing. - ANSWER - because this is the truth: the Kingdom of God into Unius REI, is end: all injustice of: all wickedness, of the Pharisees, so all the world's poor will be protected: and all prisoners of this satanic: IMF 666 of seigniorage banking: the Masonic system: will be released! - ANSWER - Obama REBUKES YOU, THE HOLY SPIRIT: "YOU ARE THE REAL THREAT OF ALL AMERICAN CHILDREN! YOU MUST REMOVE YOUR: 322 MASONS, AND, YOUR 666 Satanists: only!: the people need weapons to kill a traitor as you: and to defend themselves from Satanists Rothschild! "
    [The World Government of unius REI] Acts 1.7. But Jesus: said: "It is not for you to know the times: and moments: that: the Father has fixed by his own authority" - ANSWER - You unius REI, THE COMPLETION POLICY:in EARTH: of the KINGDOM of JHWH, THIS, BECAUSE: EVERYONE KNOWS THAT the second coming of Christ, is to radically change: human nature, and, it is a coming irreversebile, that IS KINGDOM heavenly: will came for forever. , (so millennialists are theologically in error) Acts 1.7. Times (cronoi) are the major periods in history (millennia), the moments (kairoi) spaces are limited and determined that happens in the course of uninterrupted time (the 50-year reign of unius REI). about: "put in his own power?", potrebb'essere more clearly rendered, thus: "and it is not for you to know the times and moments, which the Father has fixed by his own authority determined: action to make, this Kingdom Unius REI. This is when God, in us, wait, watch, praying, his acting.
    liiiilliiiil posted a comment: 5 hours ago:"Vor der Kniefall Christus war nichts für die Ritter lieber stehend sterben im Eisengewitter" - answer - No! what is the truth of God's Kingdom? 1. the apostles were not religious, so that all who followed, a Messiah, they could achieve a agenda political: ie, political objective, Jesus No one has ever denied, to have an political objective, into UniusREI! In fact, after the resurrection, just before: to ascend to heaven, the apostles asked Jesus, Acts 1.6: So when they had come together, they asked, "Lord, is this the time when you will restore the kingdom to Israel?".
    [666 IMF FED ECB, W WAR, NWO 322 ] the Bible absolutely condemns the opportunity to give: the money at interest, but does not take: in: consider: the crime of extermination and Satanism, which is: seigniorage banking(in this masonic system), because: it is too evil, and criminal, the fact that: the Rothschild SpA, can sell their own money, to do: of the peoples, a his private act of predation. la Bibbia condanna in modo assoluto, la possibilità di dare: il denaro ad interesse, ma, non prende: minimamente: in considerazione: il crimine di sterminio: e di satanismo, che è: Signoraggio bancario, perché, è troppo malefico e criminale, il fatto che: il Rothschild SpA, possa vendere il proprio denaro ai popoli, per fare di tutti i popoli, un privato atto di predazione
    @ Rothschild you do not have the right to sell: your damn money:to anyone! but, the Bible, speaks only of wear (ie, for a consideration of: 1. interest: 2. debt public: 3. private debt), that, it's always been: made ​​a total condemnation by : of all the prophets, as, well, an absolute condemnation: by the whole context of the Bible. However, only one verse has been corrupted: by: the Pharisees (in the Torah) that, for this only verse that allows you to give at interest, money only to goyim (diprezzo, destruction, hostility, racism against: all non-Jews). so many crimes of genocide, war, etc. .. have been committed ... but, sell the money? this was, a crime of collective: induction at slavery: against: all the nations, that, the Bible has, not: has described, because: it was an unimaginable crime: of: racism of extermination, and Satanism !
    @Rothschild tu non hai il diritto di vendere: il tuo maledetto denaro: a nessuno! ma, la Bibbia, parla: soltanto, di usura(cioè, di un corrispettivo di: 1. interesse: 2. il debito: pubblico: 3. il debito privato) che: è sempre stata: fatta, una condanna assoluta, da parte: di tutti i profeti, come, anche, una condanna assoluta: da parte di tutto il contesto della Bibbia. Tuttavia, un solo versetto: è stato corrotto: da parte: dei farisei(nella Torà) che, per questo solo versetto: che, permette di dare ad interesse: il denaro ai soli goym(diprezzo, sterminio, ostilità, razzismo: contro: tutti i non ebrei). così, tanti crimini di genocidio, guerre, ecc.. sono stati commessi ... ma, vendere il denaro? questo non è stato un crimine: di induzione collettiva alla schiavitù: contro tutti i popoli: che, la Bibbia ha descritto, perché: era un crimine inimmaginabile: di: razzismo: di sterminio, e di satanismo assoluto!
    @Holy my Holy YHWH ---- it's all your fault, if I'm discouraged! where are all the dead bodies, that you have promised, to me, in Psalm 110? my story: will be: another your pathetic and ugly history, as has been pathetic: the story of Jonah! This is why, your throne is about to become impure, because I have a political mandate: that, was prophesied, but, yet, again, yet, : criminals and Satanists, are always, again and again, at power: 666 FED IMF ECB; NWO 322, masonic system, of the Pharisees, Enlightened, always to do evil: to all the nations, and the prisoners are not yet been released! shame on you, then!
    @my JHWH -- è tutta colpa tua, se io sono scoraggiato! dove sono tutti i cadaveri, che, tu hai promesso, a me, nel salmo 110? questa mia storia: sarà: un altra tua patetica e brutta storia, come è stata patetica: la storia di Giona! ecco perché, il tuo trono sta per diventare impuro, perché, io ho un mandato politico: che è stato profetizzato, eppure, i criminali e i satanisti, sono sempre, ancora, ancora, a fare del male a tutti i popoli: ed i prigionieri non sono stati ancora liberati! vergogna su di te, allora!!
    sorry, I are been: 12 hours, in my school: to finish your job: to polls quarter, and: and, I am not: so naive, to use: public service: to write on this page .. I did not commit: an naivety, for do happy: my enemies. but, 20 hours ago in Italy, it was 2.00(16.01.2013), and I had: the bladder pain, however, I was not going to get up (in fact, I do not ever get up: at night to go, to the bathroom), but, i am GONE : EARLY to BED: with a big feeling of frustration, however, I was forced to get up: for myself, because: 1. the lights of: hallway, kitchen and bathroom, switch in mode supernatural, and then were turned off, alone: in mode supernatural, 2. then, and an angel (which I never saw) has said, to other angels, that is, my celestial ministers: "He sleeps all the time, because it is discouraged!" - ANSWER - IT IS TRUE, I am discouraged!
    sorry, io sono stato 12 ore a scuola: per terminare le operazioni: di scrutioni trimestrale, e: inoltre, io non: sono così, ingenuo, da utilizzare: il servizio pubblico: per scrivere: su questa pagina.. io non commetto: delle ingenuità a favore dei miei nemici. 20 ore fa, in Italia, erano le 2,00, ed io avevo: la vescica dolorante, tuttavia, io non avevo intenzione di alzarmi (infatti, io non mi alzo mai: di notte: per andare al bagno), E SONO ANDATO: A LETTO IN ANTICIPO: con un sentimento di frustrazione, ma, tuttavia, io sono stato costretto, ad alzarmi: perché: 1. si sono accese: da sole: le luci, del: corridoio, cucina e bagno: e poi, si sono spente da sole; 2. poi, ed un angelo: (che, io non ho visto) ha detto ad altri angeli: cioè, i miei ministri celesti: "lui dorme sempre, perché è scoraggiato!" -- ANSWER -- SI È VERO, IO SONO SCORAGGIATO!
    USA NATO 666 IMF; make human rights, only against Syria! ie, in one only way: for destroy Israel, and support: horror salafis: Al Quaeda, sharia Islamic Nazism: to destroy civilization human: with: their accomplice satanist 666 IMF: globalist corporations, freemasonry JabullON: with their: satanAllah [but, where there are human rights, into: imperialism Saudi empire: for kill 300 christian martyrs every day? they decreed our destruction! therefore, it is essential for us to exterminate them all!] us in Palestine: we are not fighting: against: the Palestinians! but we fight: against: the sharia satanic terrorists Nazis, and, against: their allies IMF 666 NWO FED ECB, 322: all Masonic occult powers! So, we fight against the Satanists, to save the whole human race: from the monsters! []I do not need to write well, because I can speak in a supernatural, and divine: mode, to all the whole, of the human race
    [Enough! STOP! to be the accomplices of Satan 666 IMF, get out: FROM Babylon, my JEWISH! we do not have an interest in the heritage of Satan, New World Order, assembled your ranks ] Isaiah 40:1-11. "Comfort, comfort my people, says your God." 2. "Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and cry: that: the time of war is over, that: her iniquity is pardoned, because: it has received from the hand of the LORD: twice: for all her sins." 3. The voice of one (unius REI), which he crying in the wilderness: "Prepare the way of the LORD, make straight in the desert a highway for our God. 4. Every valley shall be exalted: and: every mountain and hill: made ​​low, the rough places to be rectified: and the rough places smoothed. 5. Then the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together, for the mouth of the LORD has spoken. "
    [Enough! STOP! to be the accomplices of Satan 666 IMF, get out: FROM Babylon, my JEWISH! we do not have an interest in the heritage of Satan, New World Order, assembled your: ranks ] 6. A voice says, "Cry!" And he replied: "What shall I cry?". "All flesh is grass, and all the goodliness thereof is as the flower of the field. 8. The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God remains forever. ". 9. Oh Zion, you who bring good tidings, get into a high mountain; O Jerusalem, you who bring good tidings: lift up thy voice with strength! Raise your voice, do not worry! Of 'the cities of Judah, "Behold your God." 10. Behold, the Lord GOD comes with might, and: his arm dominates him. Behold, his reward: it is with him, and his recompense before him. 11. He shall feed: his flock like a shepherd, will gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them: in his bosom, and guide: with: gentleness and care, the sheep who: have small.
    [lorenzoJHWH King of Israel! lorenzoAllah: king Palestine: Unius REI: on all the World!] human rights, in one only way: the sharia Islamic Nazism: to destroy civilization and Israel: with their accomplice satanist 666 IMF freemasonry JabullON satanAllah [where there are human rights, into: Saudi Salafi empire? they decreed our destruction! therefore it is essential for us to exterminate them all!] us in Palestine: we are not fighting: against: the Palestinians! but we fight: against: the sharia satanic terrorists Nazis and against: the IMF 666 NWO 322: Masonic occult powers: we fight against the Satanists, to save the whole human race: from the monsters!
    [what aliens did they say? the same things that they feel: say, during a seance ..] .. I'm not like Rothschild: 666 FMI: 322 NWO, and all his occult powers: the societies (nations) Masonic (occult powers: to do only one satanism) project: aliens abductions, Bildenberg, etc. .. that he wanted to do, the State of Israel, but forced him to be: in an hole asshole, because, 1. all Jews (all his main accomplices) they did not have to: be able to return, everyone in Israel, for do at to end: his empire of Satan's cock: against: all the world, and to do become slaves all peoples(micro-chip): that rape all peoples: through: banking seigniorage! Rothschild has a desperate need: to do: World War III, to give rise to, finally, the reign of Satan on all earth: so obvious! but, I will take for me: all the Saudi desert: and Egyptian: of which I will need, or, with the good, that, or the hard way!
    the Jew: Edith Stein: (vs): 666 nazi IMF FED! she: not: said to his sister (another cloistered nun): we are going to die for Jesus ", no, but said," we are going to die for our people "because, this covenant, of all community jewish, with IMF 666(ie, the Masonic system: 322), is something that is worse: the Satanism: the same is in fact a declaration of war, and it is an act of extermination against: all peoples! but, the prophet said, "will be abolished your covenant with death! " @ Israel - sometimes, to fail: or, losing a goal?.: It is the best way to win the peace! that advantage hast thou to do to become a giant goliath the Arab League: of Al Queda Salafis? the fact: that: : Libyan terrorists and Al Qaeda do not have a military uniform? this does not mean that Syria, not was been invaded: however, by: Israel, NATO CIA Arab League, then Iran must help Syria: now.
    → Israel - how? you want to do: David, while the Arab League, must to do: "Goliath"?, and if, instead, you make Samson, while the Arab League, they make the Philistines? then, it will not be Rothschild 666 322 NWO IMF to laugh alone!! you from your King: lorenzojhwh? you did not understand anything! for me the life of a jew, it is more important than the life of a Chinese! and if the Russians did not exist? you could never be able: to stop: Chinese army: still→Israele -- come? tu vuoi fare: Davide, mentre a La Lega Araba, deve fare:"Golia"?; e se, invece, tu fai Sansone, mentre la lega Araba, loro fanno i filistei? poi, non sarà Rothschild 666 322 NWO FMI; a ridere: soltanto? tu dal tuo Re: lorenzoJHWH? tu non hai capito niente! per me la vita di un ebreo, non è più importante della vita di un cinese! e se i russi non esistessero? tu non potresti mai riuscire a fermare: il solo esercito cinese
    Islamist formations outside: infiltrated, took the field control of the revolution and the war: against: the Assad regime. A twist, and a much more: what happened in Libya in 2011 (among other things in the Nusra there are many Libyan jihadists), which cooled the enthusiasm in Israel and in the West.. most intransigent at this point seem to Europeans, that next Monday will present to the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon a letter asking that "those responsible for the massacres in Syria" to be brought to the International Criminal Court in The Hague. The letter is signed by 53 members of the United Nations, almost all of those in Europe, many Asian and four African countries. - ANSWER - SO, and their complain : even for themselves, for all the troops of Salafi Al Qaeda. Arab League, that NATO CIA, has led in Syria, has make massacres, against, people innocent: that were neutral, in the conflict, or those that: win only see the massacres, of those who lose?
    [ammiraglio61 . wordpres] [ intopic . it] []Al Queda, CIA NATO MOSSAD SALAFIS[] Mossad agents: with three units of al-Qaida that have attacked the camp of Yarmouk. Mossad agents three units of al-Qaida that have attacked the camp of Yarmouk The battle raged on Dec. 9 in the Palestinian refugee camp of Yarmouk (south of Damascus) revealed new alliances. The strategic objective was to engage the Palestinians in the war in Syria, mobilizing on a sectarian basis (mostly Sunni) against the secular regime. But otherwise of Lebanon in 2007, when the mercenaries of Fatah al-Islam habbo tried to mobilize the Palestinians of Nahr al-Bared against Hezbollah, the refugees were not allowed to manipulate. Elements of Hamas, Khaled Meshaal favor, they let in the fighters of the Front-Nusra (Levantine branch of al-Qaeda) in the field, where they clashed especially with men of the PFLP (nationalists and Marxists).
    J. F. Kennedy was assassinated, because he printed banknotes (Executive Order 11110), On behalf of the people. His successor freemason: (damn, burn in hell) with his first act of government, withdrew the money of people - free of seigniorage banking: of satan, from the market. iRONY: is called the governor, the servant of Rothschild in his ECB, IMF, FED, because, its power is higher than that of a Head of State. Abu Antar has posted a comment 11 hours ago: " Eat your spam posted by yourself! "- ANSWER- if you wanted to offend me? this is only a problem between you and the Holy Spirit, I do not regard too, I always prefer to believe, to all: that: the people say, to me! because I can not run the danger of hurting an innocent person! after all, my power is too immense, because someone could be so naive as to lie to me.. Do yourself and your family a favor... Don't Fall into the Sheeple Pit.. TURN OFF YOUR TELEVISION! Ignore the TV Media. Investigate 911
    1_2. [the triumph of Satan: IMF Pharisees] the logic of the Pharisees is close to completion now, its infiltration, is too: invasive in all: institutions, monetary, political and religious ... [lo, the New World Order, 666, of seigniorage banking: of: all the false Governments Masonic] through the Cartesian planes consistent, you can pick up, all your information about: 1. Bildenberg, etc.. 2. private banking system: international: FED ECB to SPA: multinational corporations, 3. Satanists 4. aliens, 5. Jewish lobbies: of all monopolies, 6. other structures of the New World Order as the EU, NATO CIA .. then, you for: yourself, you can process in a concise, overlapping: the whole, ie, all the organization: of these structures, in order to obtain: a unified whole: as a three-dimensional image: of what can be achieved by the IMF of the Pharisees .. So what is the logic (that: it may be possible)?
    2_2. [the triumph of Satan: IMF Pharisees] only this: you will be able to guess what might be: the missing pieces of your puzzle, only in this way, you will be able to understand, what is the logic of IMF-NWO, Bush and Rothschild can not predict: no civilization, Jewish-Christian, Islam, never, national identity!: we will come all destroyed, in the most sophisticated bondage of supernatural and technological, that: break every hope and no resistance is possible! in this 3 ° WW nuclear: we will fight: one against: the others, unaware, of the threat. so that the kingdom of 666 IMF: the synagogue of Satan, micro-chip, which has already: all too many: and: its structures and institutions.. that: only Satan is worshiped as the only God of this planet! after all: all structures of the NWO are invisible to the people! thus the threat can not be perceived

Cardinal, holiness, Pope Francis, Army of Islam, Saudi Arabia

 Informazioni su hell x despair x destruction

Queen Elizabeth II? is the new: Jezebel, ie, the wife of the New World Order

[★] What? Queen ElisabettaII is the patron protector of the Freemasonry; but it is also the patron protector of the Anglican Church? This is a real BIG great abomination!

[★] What? 600.000 freemasons: official(occult istituzional) in UK; and 4.000.000 of satanists: official(occult istituzional) in USA. What could be the value of a democracy or a government: with all this shit a secret?

@enlightened: 666Rothschild, 322Bush, Queen ElisabettaII -- in the name of the: Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. amen.

sorry, I do not want to enroll myself to blogtv to talk to you, Because God has put me in youtube, for now. I'm not a bad thing, to want to do, to someone, and, I do not fear a confrontation with anyone, I know, in physical mode .. but, justice must be Witnessed at every corner of the world. youtube is much more, That, than just a site for me, is the environment where you can express my ministry, anywhere else? you could meet me, but, not my ministry, perhaps,, even in my mail,, you stopped talking to me, Therefore, I do not understand. Now your goal .. the written word, is more powerful than the spoken: word .. This is why, I avoid talking .. if it is not indispensable .. incidentally, you owe me too many answers, still: "how Satan can be saved?" you can speak Italian? I can only write, even in private mode .. this is my ministry. thank you, because i can see you, again

YouTube Rewind 2012

114.085 iscritti


HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

1 secondo fa

    sorry, I do not want to enroll myself to blogtv to talk to you, because God has put me in youtube, for now


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    3 minuti fa

    I'm not a bad thing, to want to do, to someone, and, I do not fear a confrontation with anyone, so, in mode physical .. but, justice must be witnessed at every corner of the world


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    6 minuti fa

    youtube is much more, that, than just a site for me, is the environment where you can express my ministry, anywhere else? you could meet me, but, not my ministry, perhaps, , even in my mail,, you stopped talking to me, therefore, I do not understand. Now your goal


    IHateNEWLAYOUT ha pubblicato un commento

    8 minuti fa

    me too


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    9 minuti fa

    the written word, is more powerful than the spoken word .. This is why, I avoid talking .. if it is not indispensable.. incidentally, you owe me too many answers still


    IHateNEWLAYOUT ha pubblicato un commento

    13 minuti fa

    talk to me on Blog tv


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    14 minuti fa

    you can speak Italian? I can only write, even in private mode.. this my ministry


    IHateNEWLAYOUT ha pubblicato un commento

    16 minuti fa

    talk to me


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    17 minuti fa

    how Satan can be saved?


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    18 minuti fa

    i see you


    IHateNEWLAYOUT ha pubblicato un commento

    27 minuti fa



    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    28 minuti fa

    in farewell speech to the Cardinal, his holiness Pope Francis has spoken: "the richness of diversity (of peoples, countries and religions)" mutual trust, which must not be destroyed by the enemy, which leads: discouragement , and has, specifically, in this rigurado, nominated twice the word "devil" .. nel discorso di commiato ai Cardinale, sua santità: Papa Francesco: ha parlato: "della ricchezza della diversità,(di popoli, Stati e di religioni) " della fiducia reciproca, che, non deve essere distrutta dal nemico, che porta: lo scoraggiamento, ed ha, in modo specifico, a tale rigurado, nominato, per ben due volte la parola "il diavolo".. --ANSWER -- BUT, no need to be discouraged, I thought, because God has given the world unius REI .. why, who has sown distrust and discouragement for a world wide were the Pharisees of the IMF: ie masonic system of banking seigniorage


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    37 minuti fa

    because, the chief priests and the Pharisees have cursed, the Israelis, that is, all the Jews? because the people, he rebuked, for a long time, all their authorities, about: the death of Jesus, so that: also: all: those did not believe in Jesus, and did not recognize him as the Messiah, then did not approve their crime, in fact, Jesus was taken by surprise, during the night, with a show trial, and only, the violence of their clientele, with, the guard of the Temple, could allow such a crime: so, that's why, the chief priests Illuminati, reacted to the anger of the people, and decided, to do lose, genealogies father, to all the people, this event brought, finally, to Satan, all the upper echelons of the Pharisees


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    1 ora fa

    masonic: France and England, they showed to the whole world: how to them are Satanists of Rothschild: IMF agenda: NWO, in Syria, the Masonic system of bank seigniorage, to raise the kingdom of Satan: New Babylon Tower, that is, , the destruction of Israel, because this is the agenda of the Talmud, even against: all the Jews, who have lost their genealogies father, in fact, for Kakam master: the Pharisees, also all Jews are equalized, at the goyim, here because, IMF, was allowed to Hitler to the Holocaust (Shoah), also all Jews, are made unclean, because,to treason: their chief rabbis: KAKAM, they ingest them, powders, which contain , a mixture of human blood. and it is normal, that, to make a very destructive world war, Hitler had to be helped, as now they are helped, the Chinese and the Salafis .. But the IMF is only a trap against all peoples and against Israel


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    1 ora fa

    I'm not interested, religion, or sex life of the people, but, I expect, that people are consistent, as far as possible with their own words .. I am happy with your new balance sexual too, but, if you're a Syrian, Chiristian or shiites? because you're not in Syria to defend your people: from criminal islamists Arab League, which they are doing, only, imperialism saudi, salafis for the worldwide caliphate?

YouTube Rewind 2012

114.085 iscritti

HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

1 secondo fa

    in farewell speech to the Cardinal, his holiness Pope Francis has spoken: "the richness of diversity (of peoples, countries and religions)" mutual trust, which must not be destroyed by the enemy, which leads: discouragement , and has, specifically, in this rigurado, nominated twice the word "devil" .. nel discorso di commiato ai Cardinale, sua santità: Papa Francesco: ha parlato: "della ricchezza della diversità,(di popoli, Stati e di religioni) " della fiducia reciproca, che, non deve essere distrutta dal nemico, che porta: lo scoraggiamento, ed ha, in modo specifico, a tale rigurado, nominato, per ben due volte la parola "il diavolo".. --ANSWER -- BUT, no need to be discouraged, I thought, because God has given the world unius REI .. why, who has sown distrust and discouragement for a world wide were the Pharisees of the IMF: ie masonic system of banking seigniorage


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    8 minuti fa

    because, the chief priests and the Pharisees have cursed, the Israelis, that is, all the Jews? because the people, he rebuked, for a long time, all their authorities, about: the death of Jesus, so that: also: all: those did not believe in Jesus, and did not recognize him as the Messiah, then did not approve their crime, in fact, Jesus was taken by surprise, during the night, with a show trial, and only, the violence of their clientele, with, the guard of the Temple, could allow such a crime: so, that's why, the chief priests Illuminati, reacted to the anger of the people, and decided, to do lose, genealogies father, to all the people, this event brought, finally, to Satan, all the upper echelons of the Pharisees


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    58 minuti fa

    masonic: France and England, they showed to the whole world: how to them are Satanists of Rothschild: IMF agenda: NWO, in Syria, the Masonic system of bank seigniorage, to raise the kingdom of Satan: New Babylon Tower, that is, , the destruction of Israel, because this is the agenda of the Talmud, even against: all the Jews, who have lost their genealogies father, in fact, for Kakam master: the Pharisees, also all Jews are equalized, at the goyim, here because, IMF, was allowed to Hitler to the Holocaust (Shoah), also all Jews, are made unclean, because,to treason: their chief rabbis: KAKAM, they ingest them, powders, which contain , a mixture of human blood. and it is normal, that, to make a very destructive world war, Hitler had to be helped, as now they are helped, the Chinese and the Salafis .. But the IMF is only a trap against all peoples and against Israel


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    1 ora fa

    I'm not interested, religion, or sex life of the people, but, I expect, that people are consistent, as far as possible with their own words .. I am happy with your new balance sexual too, but, if you're a Syrian, Chiristian or shiites? because you're not in Syria to defend your people: from criminal islamists Arab League, which they are doing, only, imperialism saudi, salafis for the worldwide caliphate?
    10/04/2013. [[ MIDDLE EAST, SYRIA. The Army of Islam, Saudi Arabia’s Greatest Export, la galassia jihadista, è funzionale all'imperialismo saudita ]] An expert on international politics and blogger analyzes the new steps of the Syrian opposition increasingly divided in itself, and becoming more and more fundamentalist. The West tries to give a more "moderate" image of it. But its project is similar to that of al Qaeda. San Diego (AsiaNews/Ich) - Recent developments regarding "rebel" groups inside Syria have shed further light on the ideologies and political aims of the militants waging war upon the Syrian state. On the 24th September, under the moniker of the "Islamist Alliance", 11 of the largest and most recognisable rebel brigades - a mix of supposed "moderate Islamists"

    [[ MIDDLE EAST, SYRIA. The Army of Islam, Saudi Arabia’s Greatest Export, la galassia jihadista, è funzionale all'imperialismo saudita ]] such as Liwa al-Tawhid, the largest "FSA"-branded brigade in Aleppo, alongside more hardline Salafi/Jihadi brigades such as Ahrar al-Sham, and Al Qaeda ideologues Jahbat al-Nusra - released a joint statement denouncing the western-backed expatriates of the "National Coalition" (NC), along with its equally impotent military arm, the "Supreme Military Council" (SMC). Following this statement of intent, on the 29th of September, up to 50 rebel groups operating primarily in the area of Damascus merged to form Jaish al-Islam (Army of Islam). The Damascus merger also included a wide-ranging demographic of militant groups, from the supposed "moderate", to overt Salafist hardliners.

    [[ MIDDLE EAST, SYRIA. The Army of Islam, Saudi Arabia’s Greatest Export, la galassia jihadista, è funzionale all'imperialismo saudita ]] Jaish al-Islam is dominated by Liwa al-Islam, a large rebel group formerly of "FSA" branding, and led by Saudi-backed Zahran Alloush. Liwa al-Islam were also a signatory to the aforementioned statement of denunciation toward the western-backed political opposition. These announcements have effectively put-to-bed the western propagated myth that was the "Free Syrian Army". Militant groups the west ostensibly touted as "secular moderates" yearning for "freedom and democracy" from a tyrannical regime; have now openly declared their Salafi/Jihadi fundamentalist ideology, with the ultimate aim of creating a Syrian state ruled by Islamic law.

    [[ MIDDLE EAST, SYRIA. The Army of Islam, Saudi Arabia’s Greatest Export, la galassia jihadista, è funzionale all'imperialismo saudita ]]
    Already, these announcements are being portrayed as an attempt by Saudi Arabia - yes, ever tolerant and inclusive Wahhabi-preaching Saudi Arabia - and other leading Salafi factions supporting the insurgency to steer "vetted, or moderate Salafi" rebels away from the Al Qaeda aligned groups; particularly the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), who are now portrayed as simply "foreign jihadists" and have become the leading fall-guy in Western and Gulf media for every atrocity committed by the rebels. This false perception has been built as a result of a Western and Gulf initiated public relations campaign to "moderate"

    [[ MIDDLE EAST, SYRIA. The Army of Islam, Saudi Arabia’s Greatest Export, la galassia jihadista, è funzionale all'imperialismo saudita ]]
     the image of the Salafi/Jihadi fundamentalists (as well as those more inclined to basic criminality, killing, and destruction) who may be more willing to meet the requirements of their Gulf donors and the United States. Yet, contrary to this divisive narrative, the same "moderate" Salafi's who are now supposedly being encouraged to  disassociate from their Al Qaeda affiliates have happily fought alongside - more often than not as a junior partner - the West's supposed "number one enemy" (AQ) since the insurgency began in 2011.

    [[ MIDDLE EAST, SYRIA. The Army of Islam, Saudi Arabia’s Greatest Export, la galassia jihadista, è funzionale all'imperialismo saudita ]]
     In further contrast to the aforementioned "Awakening" narrative, Jabhat al-Nusra (JaN) - the Syrian branch of Al Qaeda ideologues - are still very much in the mix. Although various pundits and analysts have made efforts to publicise tensions between ISIS and JaN, the two groups still share a similar Jihadist ideology and cooperate in key areas, particularly on paramilitary operations; as do the hardline Salafi groups such as Ahrar Al-Sham, who in turn fully cooperate with the western friendly "moderates" forming the backbone of Jaish al-Islam.

    [[ MIDDLE EAST, SYRIA. The Army of Islam, Saudi Arabia’s Greatest Export, la galassia jihadista, è funzionale all'imperialismo saudita ]]
    In the recent ISIS takeover of the "FSA" held town of Azaz from the western-friendly Northern Storm brigade (of John McCain fame), Liwa al-Tahwid quickly offered to broker a ceasefire and acted as interlocutor between the two warring factions. ISIS in turn, rejected any "FSA" authority and have since taken control of the town - not that Liwa al-Tahwid could have stopped them anyway. These events directly contradict the notion that the new "Army of Islam" is in any rush to disassociate, let alone be able to wage war upon the ISIS or its extremist affiliates.

    [[ MIDDLE EAST, SYRIA. The Army of Islam, Saudi Arabia’s Greatest Export, la galassia jihadista, è funzionale all'imperialismo saudita ]]
    Moreover, the leader of Jaish al-Islam, Zahran Alloush, publicly disowned his own "captain" after he warned ISIS there would be open conflict if they "continued this chaos". The leader claimed that the comments were "dangerous" and designed to "cause strife between muslims". Furthermore, in a recent interview with Al Jazeera, Alloush, free of his "moderate" chains, lets loose on his ideals for a future Syria, in which he aspires to resurrect the Umayyad Empire (2nd Islamic Caliphate with Syria at its core and Damascus as its capital), and "cleanse" Damascus of "Majous" (pejorative Arabic term for Iranians) "Rafideh" (Shi'ites) and "Nusayris" (Alawites).

    [[ MIDDLE EAST, SYRIA. The Army of Islam, Saudi Arabia’s Greatest Export, la galassia jihadista, è funzionale all'imperialismo saudita ]]
     Rebel leaders openly espousing sectarian rhetoric has been a running theme throughout the conflict; in line with this trend, Alloush's statement can be taken as a clear indication that his new "Jaish al-Islam" is not in the least bit concerned with abiding by a western-friendly moderate image. Alloush, like the majority of rebel leaders, is a fundamentalist Salafist, who looks on at the minorities of Syria as kafir (unbelievers) who must submit to his interpretation of Salafi Islam or be killed. The western/Gulf media narrative surrounding this new "Islamist Alliance"

    [[ MIDDLE EAST, SYRIA. The Army of Islam, Saudi Arabia’s Greatest Export, la galassia jihadista, è funzionale all'imperialismo saudita ]]
     is a re-hash of failed PR campaigns of the past, which attempted to mitigate the inherent fundamentalist ideologies of the insurgents waging war upon the Syrian state. In stark contrast to the Caliphate-inspired visions held by the majority of rebel leaders, Syria has been a pluralistic secular society for decades, the majority of its Sunni muslim population are conservative and have coexisted peacefully alongside the many other religions and ethnic minorities that make up Syria's diverse society, history, and culture. The people of Syria do not aspire to a Saudi sponsored Salafi/Wahhabi leadership or doctrine of law.

    [[ MIDDLE EAST, SYRIA. The Army of Islam, Saudi Arabia’s Greatest Export, la galassia jihadista, è funzionale all'imperialismo saudita ]]
    Contrary to the popular narrative emerging in western and Gulf media that this new force will represent an indigenous "moderate Islamist" coalition capable of taking on the foreign elements and Al Qaeda, the majority of Syrians will be repelled by the sectarian language and ideologies of Zohran Alloush; his groups overt affiliations and pandering to Al Qaeda ideologues; and his "Army of Islam".

    [[ MIDDLE EAST, SYRIA. The Army of Islam, Saudi Arabia’s Greatest Export, la galassia jihadista, è funzionale all'imperialismo saudita ]]
    Considering the above context, the narrative of home-grown Salafis somehow being more amenable to the Syrian population than their ISIS/JaN fundamentalist colleagues becomes even less tenable. Alloush's formation of Jaish al-Islam, alongside the "Islamist Alliance" denunciation of the western-backed political opposition, show a marked shift of the insurgency further toward the Al Qaeda ideologues fighting the Syrian regime, not further away from them.

    Phil Greaves blogs at  notthemsmdotcom  wordpress  com/

people, consistent, Treilea Război Mondial,

YouTube Rewind 2012

05/10/2013 09:15
Patriarca caldeo: martirio, carisma e dono della Chiesa irakena
di Joseph Mahmoud
Al convegno per la pace promosso dalla Comunità di Sant'Egidio, Mar Sako ha sottolineato che il martirio "non è ideologia o scopo", ma "una realtà quotidiana" di testimonianza. Sua Beatitudine invita i "cristiani perseguitati" a rinnovare "la loro fede e il loro impegno" e rilancia il valore della presenza in Medio oriente come "segno di speranza e di pace".

Roma (AsiaNews) - Il "martirio" è "il carisma della nostra Chiesa" in Iraq, un Paese in cui la fede "non è una questione ideologica" ma "una realtà mistica" frutto di "un incontro personale con Cristo". Per questo "i cristiani perseguitati" possono aiutare i fratelli del mondo intero a "rinnovare la loro fede e il loro impegno". Sono alcuni passaggi dell'intervento che il patriarca caldeo di Baghdad, Mar Louis Sako, ha tenuto nei giorni scorsi a Roma, in occasione della XXVII edizione dell'incontro internazionale di Preghiera per la Pace promosso dalla Comunità di Sant'Egidio. Sua Beatitudine ha quindi sottolineato l'importanza del sostegno dell'Occidente, che è fonte di "coraggio" per "resistere e restare nella nostra terra e nelle nostre Chiese" a fronte di persecuzioni e violenze che in 10 anni hanno pressoché dimezzato la popolazione.

 L'edizione 2013 dell'incontro internazionale, in programma a Roma dal 29 settembre al Primo ottobre, è incentrata sul tema: "Il coraggio della speranza - Religioni e culture in dialogo". Al meeting hanno partecipato 400 rappresentanti delle grandi religioni ed esponenti della vita politica e culturale europea e mondiale provenienti da 60 paesi. Un evento che rinnova lo "spirito di Assisi", meta ieri del pellegrinaggio di papa Francesco sulle orme del santo. Fra le tematiche trattate nella tre giorni di convegno i 50 anni della "Pacem in Terris", la crisi in Medio Oriente e il ruolo delle religioni in Asia.

 Nel suo intervento il patriarca Sako ha sottolineato che "per noi cristiani dell'Iraq, il martirio è il carisma della nostra Chiesa, antico di oltre 2mila anni". In quanto minoranza, aggiunge, siamo "continuamente di fronte a delle difficoltà e sacrifici, ma siamo coscienti che, essere cristiani non è una scelta facile". Ed essere testimoni fino in fondo di Cristo può anche significare "giungere fino alla fine, al martirio" che non è "una ideologia o uno scopo, come pensano i Mujahidin musulmani, ma è una scelta ed un impegno. Dunque il martirio è una realtà quotidiana".

 In un Paese dilaniato da violenze e scontri confessionali, etnici, politici Mar Sako spiega che il martirio è "l'espressione assoluta" dell'amore a Gesù, come testimoniato nell'ottobre 2010 da p. Wassim nella cattedrale siro-cattolica di Baghdad quando ha gridato ai terroristi "Uccidete me, ma liberate i fedeli". Quello era "il suo impegno di pastore e di amore per Cristo e per i suoi".

 La testimonianza dei cristiani irakeni può aiutare i fedeli di tutto il mondo "a trovare un senso per la vita", spiega ancora il patriarca caldeo, secondo cui le preghiere e le celebrazioni "sono momenti forti e privilegiati di festa, speranza e gioia". Al contempo, l'amicizia e la solidarietà dell'Occidente sono fonte di coraggio per "resistere e restare".  Da ultimo, Mar Sako rinnova l'appello ai cristiani in Medio oriente a "continuare la loro testimonianza", guardando alla sofferenza come "un vero segno di speranza e di pace". E chiede ai laici di essere "più coinvolti e attivi nella cultura, sociale, politica dei loro paesi e a non avere paura di rivendicare i loro diritti civili e l'uguaglianza della cittadinanza".

    I'm not interested, religion, or sex life of the people, but, I expect, that people are consistent, as far as possible with their own words .. I am happy with your new balance sexual too, but, if you're a Syrian, Chiristian or shiites? because you're not in Syria to defend your people: from criminal islamists Arab League, which they are doing, only, imperialism saudi, salafis for the worldwide caliphate?

    Abu Antar

    Abu Antar ha pubblicato un commento

    22 minuti fa

    meen erhabi? ana erhabi? keef erhabi w ana a3eesh fi bladi.

    Abu Antar

    Abu Antar ha pubblicato un commento

    25 minuti fa

    By the way ... la ana mish 3rab ... ana amriki wa ana masi7i.

    Abu Antar

    Abu Antar ha pubblicato un commento

    26 minuti fa

    What? You are out of your mind Lorenzo. I passionately defend the minorities in Syria. Do you not see my channel icon? It is the Syrian Government Flag. Not the rebel flag with three stars. Is this not a bold enough statement? I am not a sexual pig. I was promiscuous when I was young. I repented many years ago and I reserve myself for only when I'm in love. You mistook my boasting for promiscuity. I was boasting how I have been in loving relationships with exotic attractive girls from different parts of the world.


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    1 ora fa

    IHateNEWLAYOUT --- As I said yesterday, my wife has the leg in a cast, and I'm doing the cleaning, in his place, sorry for the delay in responses


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    1 ora fa

    did is not seem, to someone that you did a question, but, all the institutions of the world, the CIA, NATO, ecc.. they have to stop sucking the cock at the Pharisee Satanist Rothschild IMF, and they must be all at the my service, because the my authority, is a universal political authority. non è sembrato, a qualcuno, che, tu facessi una domanda: ma, tutte le istituzioni, del mondo, anche la CIA, loro devono smettere di succhiare il cazzo a Rothschild il fariseo satanista del FMI, e, loro devono mettersi, tutte al mio servizio: perché, la mia: è una autorità politica universale.


    IHateNEWLAYOUT ha pubblicato un commento

    1 ora fa



    IHateNEWLAYOUT ha pubblicato un commento

    1 ora fa



    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    1 ora fa

    in Unius REI: Universal brotherhood, all are associated, "legally", with, the alliance of the "New Testament", that is, the benefits, for saving, that is, the redemption of the Cross, in communion with the Orthodox Church and the Catholic .. preché, brothers evangelists, not having the Apostolic succession? they can be effective only: in a personal capacity, and not, in a mode universal ... that's why, unius REI, is salvation, that, can come out, from the scope of religion, as, a new outpouring of love and Holy Spirit, on all mankind, this is the last Pentecost, in my III Jewish Temple


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    1 ora fa

    Abu Antar -- you are a coward, because, 1. you're not defending the Shiites, and, 2. you are perverse sexual, because thou hast said to have sex with too many women in the world, but, you can redeem your dignity, and PAradise also, going to die in Syria


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    1 ora fa

    in UNIUS REI: la fratellanza Universale, tutti sono associati, "giuridicamente", alla alleanza del "Nuovo Testamento", cioè, ai benefici, salvifici, cioè, la redenzione della Croce, in comunione con la Chiesa Ortodossa e Cattolica.. preché, i fratelli evangelisti, non avendo la successione Apostolica? loro posso essere efficaci, soltanto, a titolo personale, e non a titolo universale

    Abu Antar -- What do you mean, "stupid"? you pretended to be a Christian for years, and now we find out that you pretended to be a Muslim, also?, to be only, an Syrian atheistic coward pig sexual, of adulterer,, who lives in America while his people die? God loves science! and wants to scientific progress! cosa vuoi dire, "stupido"? hai fatto finta di essere cristiano, per anni, ed ora dobbiamo scoprire che hai fatto finta di essere un musulmano, per essere soltanto, un siriano ateo vigliacco, che sta in America mentre il suo popolo muore? Dio ama la scienza! e vuole il progresso scientifico!

    IMF666synnek1 - [block my operating system? this is a "low blow" on your part! ] But, legally, all peoples and all religions are associated, with the Catholic Church too! are associated, too: also, those, Catholic Church can not accept, because I am a political layman, who do not care "primarily", of the judgment of God, on the people .. From this point of view only, "CustodeDellaFede" is excluded from communion with the Catholic Church, together with all religious maniacs, stubborn rebels, enemies of the Bible, as he .. In fact, Pharisees are well aware, the Kingdom of God is not about a moral dimension, but, rather, it is in relation to a legal situation, but, only the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church: alone: can represent [666 IMF, are creating major problems of access . also. like Obama can, blame China, then?]

    Abu Antar

    Abu Antar ha pubblicato un commento

    1 ora fa

    higgs boson particle

    IMF666synnek1 --[ bloccare il mio sistema operativo? questo è un "colpo basso" da parte tua! ] ma, giuridicamente, tutti i popoli e tutte le religioni: sono associati alla Chiesa Cattolica: anche! sono associati, anche: tutti coloro: che, la Chiesa Cattolica non può accettare, perché, io sono un politico, laico, a cui non interessa "principalmente" il giudizio di Dio: sulle persone.. da questo punto di vista, soltanto, "CustodeDellaFede" è escluso dalla comunione con la Chiesa Cattolica, insieme, a tutti maniaci religiosi, ostinati ribelli, nemici della Bibbia, come lui.. infatti, comei farisei sanno bene, il Regno di Dio, non è circa una dimensione morale, quanto piuttosto, è in relazione ad una situazione giuridica che, la Chiesa Cattolica, e Ortodossa, da sole possono rappresentare [mi state creando grossi problemi di accesso.. come Obama può rimproverare la Cina, allora?]




    @toksickxdeception -- AMEN ALLELUIA --- ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. toksickxdeception amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰ PAX ♛ Terror Took possession 15/03/13 ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. toksickxdeception amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰ PAX ♛ Terror Took possession . AMEN ALLELUIA


    CustodeDellaFede -- TU non sei, per qualcuno, in favore di qualcuno, per essere: contro qualcun'altro, perché, tu sei contro tutto il genere umano, che, è coerente, per essere tu, un maniaco religioso, di: salafita, islamista: fariseo, ecc... tu non ti rendi conto: di essere diventato: soltanto: un "satana, cioè, l'avversario di tutti", ecco perché Dio, non potrebbe mai essere con te!


    CustodeDellaFede ha pubblicato un commento

    3 ore fa

    L'ADL (Bnai-Brith) si congratula molto per l'"elezione" dell'apostata Francesco I.


    Papa Eugenio IV, Concilio di Firenze: ""(La Sacrosanta Chiesa Romana) Crede fermamente, confessa e predica che nessuno di quelli che sono fuori della chiesa cattolica, non solo pagani, ma anche Giudei o eretici e scismatici, possano acquistar la vita eterna, ma che andranno nel fuoco eterno, preparato per il demonio e per i suoi angeli, se prima della fine della vita non saranno stati aggregati ad essa;(...)"


    [to all my Nations in all the world: help me: Unius REI: THE UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD] Synnek1: ON MY PAGE said: "[BASTARD]" - ANSWER - he is the current: administrator "Chief Executive", "CEO" of youtube, in all the world, the accomplice, of all the criminals Satanists, for the destruction of Israel, and for: the enslavement of all mankind, That Is, the occult and Masonic: the agenda of the Pharisees of IMF-NWO: ie, masonic system : for banking seigniorage, in all false democracies in the world, Their, real objective: is to raise satanism: and, to Their human sacrifices, on the altar of satan, ie, owl god, at Bohemian Grove, for do RISES, the kingdom of Satan: in final mode, after, World War III.

    [help my AFRICA] Synnek1: ON MY PAGE het gesê: "[baster]" - antwoord - hy is die huidige: administrateur "Hoof Uitvoerende", "CEO" van youtube, in die hele wêreld, die handlanger van al die misdadigers Sataniste, vir die vernietiging van Israel, en: die slawerny van die hele mensdom, dit is, die okkulte en Masonic: die agenda van die Fariseërs van die IMF-NWO: dws, Masonic stelsel vir bank seigneuriage, in alle valse, demokrasieë in die wêreld, hul ware doel:Satanisme in te samel en al hul menslike offers, op die altaar van die satan, dit wil sê, god-uil, by Bohemian Grove, doen, die koninkryk van Satan in finaal af, na die Tweede Wêreldoorlog III.

    [help my Vietnam] Synnek1: TRANG MY nói: "[Bastard]" - ĐÁP - ông là hiện nay: quản trị viên "Giám đốc điều hành", "Giám đốc điều hành" của youtube, trong tất cả các thế giới, đồng lõa của tất cả các Satanists tội phạm, sự hủy diệt của Israel, và cho: nô lệ của tất cả nhân loại, có nghĩa là, huyền bí và Masonic: chương trình nghị sự của người Pha-ri-si của IMF-NWO: tức là, hệ thống Masonic: quyền của lảnh chúa cho các ngân hàng, trong tất cả các nền dân chủ giả trên thế giới, mục tiêu thực sự của họ:là nâng cao Satan: và, tất cả con người của mình hy sinh trên bàn thờ Satan, tức là, thần cú, tại Bohemian Grove, làm, vương quốc của Sa-tan: trong chế độ dứt khoát, sau đó, chiến tranh thế giới thứ III.

    [help my Turchia] Synnek1: MY SAYFADA söyledi: "[piç kurusu]" - CEVAP - Kendisi şu anda: İsrail'in yok edilmesi için tüm dünyada yönetici "İcra Kurulu", youtube "CEO", tüm suçluların Satanistlerin ortağı, ve için: IMF-NWO Ferisilerin gündemi: yani, masonik sistemi:, okült ve Masonik mi tüm insanlığın, köleleştirilmesi bankacılık senyoraj için, dünyadaki tüm yanlış, demokrasilerde, Onların asıl amacı: satanizm yükseltmektir: ve, tüm insan kurban, Bohemian Grove şeytanın, yani tanrı baykuş, bir sunak yapmak için, şeytanın krallığı: kesin modda, sonra Dünya Savaşı III.

    [help my Germania] Synnek1: ON MY PAGE sagte: "[BASTARD]" - ANTWORT - er ist der Strom: administrator "Chief Executive", "CEO" von youtube, in der ganzen Welt, der Komplize aller Kriminellen Satanisten, für die Zerstörung von Israel , und für: die Versklavung der gesamten Menschheit, das heißt, die okkulten und Freimaurer: die Tagesordnung der Pharisäer von IWF-NWO: dh, Freimaurer-System: für Banken Seigniorage, in allen falschen Demokratien in der Welt, deren eigentliches Ziel: ist Satanismus zu erhöhen: und alle ihre menschlichen Opfer, am Altar des Satans, dh, Gott Eule in Bohemian Grove, zum zu tun, das Reich des Satans: in der endgültigen Modus, nach dem, World War III.

    [help my Svezia] Synnek1: på min sida sade: "[BASTARD]" - SVAR - han är aktuell: administratör "VD", "VD" av youtube, i hela världen, medbrottsling av alla brottslingar satanister, för förstörelsen av Israel och för: förslavande av hela mänskligheten, det vill säga det ockulta och Frimurare: dagordningen för fariséerna i IMF-NWO: dvs masonic: för bank seignioraget i alla falska, demokratier i världen, Deras verkliga mål: är att höja satanism: och alla deras människooffer, om altare satan, dvs guden uggla, på Bohemian Grove, för att göra det Satans rike: i definitiva läge, efter det tredje världskriget.

    [help my America Latina, e Spagna] Synnek1: EN MI PAGINA dijo: "[BASTARD]" - RESPUESTA - él es el actual: administrador "CEO", "CEO" de youtube, en todo el mundo, el cómplice de todos los satanistas criminales, para la destrucción de Israel , y para: la esclavitud de toda la humanidad, es decir, el ocultismo y la masónica: la agenda de los fariseos del FMI y el Nuevo Orden Mundial, es decir, el sistema masónico: por señoreaje bancario, en todas las democracias falsas, en el mundo, su objetivo real: es elevar el satanismo, y, todos sus sacrificios humanos en el altar de Satanás, es decir, dios búho, en Bohemian Grove, para hacer que el reino de Satanás: en modo definitivo, después, la Tercera Guerra Mundial.

    [help my Russia] Synnek1: на моей странице сказал: "[BASTARD]" - Ответ - он тока: администратор "исполнительный директор", "генеральный директор" из YouTube, во всем мире, соучастником всех преступников сатанистов, для уничтожения Израиля , а для: порабощения всего человечества, то есть, оккультных и масонских: в повестке дня фарисеи МВФ NWO:

    то есть, масонская система: для эмиссионный доход банковской во всех ложных, демократии в мире, их реальные цели: является повышение сатанизм, и все их человеческие жертвы, на алтарь сатаны, то есть богу сова, в Bohemian Grove, для делаю, царство сатаны: в окончательном режиме, после Третьей мировой войны.

    [help my Romania] Synnek1: PE PAGINA MEA a spus: "[BASTARD]" - RĂSPUNS - el este actual: administrator "Chief Executive", "CEO-ul" de pe YouTube, în toată lumea, complicele tuturor sataniști criminali, pentru distrugerea Israelului , precum și pentru: înrobirea întregii omeniri, care este, oculte și masonice: ordinea de zi a fariseilor de FMI-NWO: de exemplu, sistemul de Masonic: pentru seigniorage bancare, în toate democrațiile false, în lume, obiectivul lor real: este de a ridica satanism: si, toate sacrificii umane, pe altarul lui Satana, adică, dumnezeu a bufniță, de la Bohemian Grove, pentru do, împărăția lui Satan: în modul definitiv, dupa, al Treilea Război Mondial.

    [help my Portogallo] Synnek1: Na minha página disse: "[BASTARDO]" - RESPOSTA - ele é o atual: "Chefe do Executivo" administrador "CEO" do youtube, em todo o mundo, o cúmplice de todos os satanistas criminosos, para a destruição de Israel , e para: a escravização de toda a humanidade, isto é, o oculto e maçom: a agenda dos fariseus do FMI-NOM: ou seja, o sistema maçônica: para senhoriagem bancário, em todas as falsas democracias do mundo, seu objetivo real: é elevar o satanismo, e, todos os seus sacrifícios humanos, no altar de satanás, ou seja, deus coruja, no Bohemian Grove, para fazer, o reino de Satanás: no modo definitivo, depois, a III Guerra Mundial.

    [help my Polonia] Synnek1: na mojej stronie powiedział: "[BASTARD]" - odpowiedź - jest prąd: administrator "Naczelny", "CEO" z youtube, na całym świecie, wspólnikiem wszystkich zbrodniarzy satanistów, do zniszczenia Izraela oraz dla: zniewolenie całej ludzkości, to jest okultyzm i masońskie: Porządek faryzeuszy MFW-NWO: tj. systemu masonic: dla emisji pieniądza bankowego, na wszystkich fałszywych, demokracji na świecie, Ich prawdziwym celem: jest podniesienie satanizmu, a wszystkie ich ofiary ludzkie, na ołtarzu szatana, czyli bóg sowa, na Bohemian Grove, za uwagi, królestwo szatana: w trybie ostatecznym, po, World War III.

    [help my Olanda] Synnek1: op mijn pagina zei: "[BASTARD]" - ANTWOORD - hij is de huidige: administrator "Chief Executive", "CEO" van youtube, in de hele wereld, de medeplichtige van alle criminelen satanisten, voor de vernietiging van Israël , en voor: de slavernij van de hele mensheid, dat wil zeggen de occulte en Vrijmetselaars: de agenda van de Farizeeën van IMF-NWO: dat wil zeggen, vrijmetselaars systeem: voor het bankwezen seigniorage, in alle valse, democratieën in de wereld, hun werkelijke doel: is het verhogen van satanisme: en, al hun menselijke offers, op het altaar van de satan, dat wil zeggen, god uil, in Bohemian Grove, voor te doen, het koninkrijk van satan: in de definitieve modus, na, de Derde Wereldoorlog.

    [help my Norvegia, dove io ho fatto il mio viaggio di nozze] Synnek1: på siden min sa: «[BASTARD]" - SVAR - han er den nåværende: administrator "Chief Executive", "CEO" av youtube, i hele verden, den medskyldige av alle kriminelle satanister, for ødeleggelsen av Israel , og for: slaveri av hele menneskeheten, det vil si det okkulte og frimurer: dagsorden på fariseere i IMF-NWO: dvs. Masonic system: for bank seigniorage, i alle falske, demokratier i verden, Deres virkelige målet: er å øke satanisme: og alle deres menneskeofringer, på alteret av satan, dvs. gud ugle, på Bohemian Grove, for gjør, Satans rike: I definitive modus, etter, World War III.

    help my Italia -- Synnek1: sulla mia pagina ha detto: "[BASTARD]" - RISPOSTA - che è l'attuale: amministratore "Chief Executive", "CEO" di youtube, in tutto il mondo, il complice di tutti i satanisti criminali, per la distruzione di Israele , e per: la riduzione in schiavitù di tutti gli uomini, vale a dire, l'occulto e massonico: l'ordine del giorno dei farisei del FMI-NWO: vale a dire, il sistema massonico: per il signoraggio bancario, in tutte le false democrazie del mondo, il loro vero obiettivo: è quello di aumentare il satanismo: e, tutti i loro sacrifici umani, sull'altare di satana, cioè, dio gufo, a Bohemian Grove, per fare, il regno di Satana: in modalità definitiva, dopo la terza guerra mondiale.

    help my Islanda --- Synnek1: á síðuna mína sagði: "[Bastard]" - SVAR - Hann er núverandi: Administrator "Chief Executive", "forstjóri" á youtube, í öllum heiminum, sem vitorðsmaður af öllum glæpamenn Satanists, um eyðingu Ísraels , og: að þrælkun alls mannkyns, það er, dulspeki og Masonic: dagskrá farísear AGS-NWO: þ.e., Masonic kerfi: að banka svokölluðum myntsláttuhagnaði í öllum falskur, lýðræðisríkjum í heiminum, alvöru markmið þeirra: er að hækka Satanism: og, allra þeirra manna fórnir á altari Satans, þ.e. guð Owl, í Bohemian Grove, að gera, ríki Satans: í endanlega háttur, eftir World War III.
    [help my Irlanda] Synnek1: ON MY PAGE dúirt: "[bastaird]" - FREAGRA - tá sé faoi láthair: riarthóir "Príomh-Fheidhmeannach", "POF" de YouTube, ar fud an tsaoil, an comhchoirí de na Satanists coirpigh, le haghaidh an scrios Iosrael , agus le haghaidh: an enslavement cine daonna go léir, is é sin, an asarlaíochta agus Masonic: an clár oibre de na Fairisínigh de CAI-NWO: ie, Masonic chóras: le haghaidh baincéireachta seigniorage, i ngach, ndaonlathais bréagach ar fud an domhain, a cuspóir fíor: Is Satanism a ardú: agus, go léir a n íobairtí daonna, ar altóir na satan, ie, dia owl, ag Bohemian Grove, do dhéanamh, an ríocht Satan: i mód cinntitheach, tar éis, an Dara Cogadh Domhanda III.

    [help my Indonesia] Synnek1: 3 minggu. Agustus: ON HALAMAN MY mengatakan: "[bajingan]" - JAWABAN - ia adalah arus: administrator "Chief Executive", "CEO" dari youtube, di seluruh dunia, kaki tangan dari semua setan penjahat, untuk kehancuran Israel , dan untuk: perbudakan seluruh umat manusia, That is, okultisme dan Masonik: agenda Farisi dari IMF-NWO: yaitu, masonik sistem: untuk seigniorage perbankan, dalam semua, demokrasi palsu di dunia, tujuan riil mereka: adalah untuk meningkatkan satanisme: dan, semua pengorbanan manusia, di altar setan, yaitu, dewa burung hantu, di Bohemian Grove, untuk lakukan, kerajaan Setan: dalam mode definitif, setelah, Perang Dunia III.

    help my Grecia --Synnek1: 3 εβδομάδες. Αύγουστος: στη σελίδα μου είπε: "[BASTARD]" - ΑΠΑΝΤΗΣΗ - είναι η σημερινή: διαχειριστής "Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος", "Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος" του youtube, σε όλο τον κόσμο, ο συνεργός του συνόλου των σατανιστών εγκληματίες, για την καταστροφή του Ισραήλ , και για: την υποδούλωση ολόκληρης της ανθρωπότητας, δηλαδή, τον αποκρυφισμό και μασονικές:

    η ατζέντα των Φαρισαίων του ΔΝΤ-NWO: δηλαδή, το σύστημα μασονικά: για κυριαρχικό δικαίωμα τραπεζικό τομέα, σε όλα τα ψευδή, δημοκρατίες στον κόσμο, το πραγματικό τους στόχο: είναι να αυξηθεί η σατανισμός: και, όλες οι ανθρώπινες θυσίες τους, στο βωμό του Σατανά, δηλαδή, θεός κουκουβάγια, στο Bohemian Grove, για κάνουμε, το βασίλειο του Σατανά: σε οριστική λειτουργία, μετά, Γ 'Παγκόσμιο Πόλεμο.

    [help my Giappone] Synnek1:3週間。 8月には:マイページに言った: "[BASTARD]" - 答え - 彼は現在のものです:イスラエルの破壊のための世界中での管理者"チーフ·エグゼクティブ"は、YouTubeの"CEO"は、すべての犯罪者の悪魔主義 者の共犯者、 、とのために:国際通貨基金(IMF)-NWOのパリサイ人の議題:すなわち、フリーメーソンシステム:、オカルトとフリーメーソンのある全人類の奴隷 化、銀行シニョレッジのために、世界のすべての偽の、民主主義では、彼らの本当の目的:悪魔を上げることである:そして、すべての人間の犠牲、ボヘミアン グローブでサタン、すなわち、神フクロウ、の祭壇の上で行うための、サタンの王国:決定的なモードでは、後に、第三次世界大戦。

    [help my Francia] Synnek1: 3 semaines. Août: SUR MA PAGE a déclaré: «[BASTARD]" - RÉPONSE - il est l'actuel: administrateur "de la direction", "PDG" de youtube, dans le monde entier, le complice de tous les satanistes criminels, à la destruction d'Israël et pour: l'asservissement de l'humanité tout entière, c'est-à l'occulte et maçonnique: l'ordre du jour des Pharisiens du FMI NWO: à savoir, le système maçonnique: pour seigneuriage bancaire, dans toutes les fausses démocraties dans le monde, leur véritable objectif: est d'élever le satanisme: et, tous leurs sacrifices humains, sur l'autel de Satan, c'est-dieu hibou, à Bohemian Grove, pour le faire, le royaume de Satan: en mode définitif, après la Troisième Guerre mondiale.

    [help my Corea: Nord and Sud] Synnek1 : 3 주. 8월는 : 내 페이지에 말했다 : "[나쁜 놈]"- 답변 - 그는 현재의 이스라엘의 파괴에 대한 모든 세계에서 관리자 '최고 경영자 (CEO)', 유튜브의 "CEO"모든 범죄자의 사탄 주의자의 공범자, , 그리고 경우 : IMF-NWO의 바리새 파 사람의 의제 : 즉, 프리메이슨 시스템 : 오컬트와 프리메이슨은 모든 인류의 노예화 은행 화폐 주 조세를 들어, 세상의 모든 허위, 민주의, 그들의 진짜 목적 : 악마 숭배을 마련하는 것입니다하고, 모든 인간의 희생, Bohemin 로브에서 사단, 즉 신 올빼미의 제단에 어떻게 들어, 사탄의 왕국 : 최종 모드에서, 이후, 세계 대전 III.

    [help my Cina] Synnek1:3個星期。八月:在我的網頁上說:"BASTARD" - 答案 - 目前,他是管理員"行政長官","行政總裁"的YouTube,在世界上所有的,所有的罪犯撒旦教徒的幫兇,以色列的破壞:奴役全人類,那就是,隱匿性和 共濟會的議程IMF-NWO的法利賽人:即共濟會系統:銀行鑄幣稅的,全是假的,民主國家在世界上,他們真正的目標是:是提高撒旦教,撒旦的國度,他們所 有的人的犧牲,在祭壇的撒旦,即神貓頭鷹,格羅夫在Bohemin,做明確的模式,之後,世界第三次世界大戰。

    [help my Saudi Arabia, and all muslims country] Synnek1: 3 أسابيع. أغسطس: ON MY PAGE قال: "[نذل]" - جواب - وهو الحالية: مسؤول "الرئيس التنفيذي"، "CEO" من يوتيوب، في كل العالم، وشريك لجميع المجرمين عبدة الشيطان، لتدمير إسرائيل ، و: استعباد البشرية جمعاء، وهذا هو،

    غامض والماسونية: جدول أعمال الفريسيين من صندوق النقد الدولي وNWO: أي نظام الماسونية،: للرسوم سك العملات المصرفية، في جميع الديمقراطيات، كاذبة في العالم، وهدفها الحقيقي: هو رفع الشيطانية: و، كل ما لديهم تضحيات الإنسان، على مذبح الشيطان، اي الله البومة، في جروف Bohemin، لذلك، مملكة الشيطان: في الوضع النهائي، بعد، الحرب العالمية الثالثة.

    [help my India] Synnek1: 3 सप्ताह. अगस्त: मेरे पृष्ठ पर कहा: "[कमीने]" उत्तर - वह वर्तमान है: व्यवस्थापक "मुख्य कार्यकारी", "सीईओ" यूट्यूब के सारी दुनिया में, सभी अपराधियों Satanists सहअपराधी इस्राएल के विनाश के लिए, , और: आईएमएफ NWO फरीसियों के एजेंडे: यानी, राजमिस्री के कार्य प्रणाली

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Posting Date
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: A Man-Made Cup In Pennsylvanian Coal?February 11, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Hands-Down EvidenceFebruary 7, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Trilobites UnderfootFebruary 4, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Getting A handle On Ancient Dinosaur SightingsFebruary 2, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Perplexing Permian PrintJanuary 28, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: The Willett PrintJanuary 25, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Throughout The Geologic ColumnJanuary 23, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Cro-Magnon ManJanuary 16, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Neanderthal ManJanuary 14, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Homo ErectusJanuary 11, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Piltdown ManJanuary 11, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Homo Habilis - ´Handyman´January 7, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Nebraska ManJanuary 4, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: RamapithicusJanuary 2, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: ´Your Little Cousin´ LucyDecember 31, 2012
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: The Tuang ChildDecember 28, 2012
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: IntroductionDecember 26, 2012
The Model, Episode 4


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the King Unius Rei

the King Unius Rei
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