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Programm: Aliens entführt

[Für meine Liebe zu Israel: &: alle meine Völker: Ich bin Uniuversal Brotherhood] 1_7. gegen satanische :: Talmud: in den USA: IWF FED CIA 322 -> 1. sorry, in dem shop: kann ich kaufen eine Dose: zwei Tonnen: von: Schwefelsäure: für: auf die Polizei sagt, sind: I, dass ich lösen Hunderte von: Leichen? 2. sorry, da: Tausende, und: Tausende von: Menschenopfer gemacht: auf der altair: von: Satan, du nicht: zu entdecken, nie: ein nur: schuldig? 3. davon: industrielle Macht, politischen, institutionellen, Medien, Finanzen hat es möglich gemacht: die Schaffung: 11-09? Diese Monster: von: Satanisten, Das können sie zu Fuß: in der Mitte: der Mensch: und jetzt haben den Ehrgeiz: die Welt erobern: zu überlegen: uns ist: Die the-Reichtum und: Technologie Aliens!

[Für meine Liebe zu Israel: &: alle meine Völker: Ich bin Uniuversal Brotherhood] 2_7.against: Satanic Talmud: in den USA: IWF FED 322 CIA ->: weil man hat: bandit: alle religiösen Symbole: (außer rovescite die Kreuze , die Sterne: umgekehrt: zusammen: in: alle Symbole blasphemischen: der: symbol Metall: dass sind: satanische Symbole)? weil Sie vermitteln die Lehren aus: Witchcraft in den Schulen? dann ist gut für: Ihnen, dass Sie konsequent sind! Sie alle zu entfernen: Ihre satanische Symbole: und: die Gotteslästerer Ihres: Nation! Diese Monster: von: Satanisten, Das, gehen sie kann: in der Mitte: zu den Menschen: und jetzt haben: Ehrgeiz: von: erobern die Welt: weit überlegen: uns ist: Die the-Reichtum und: Alien-Technologie! Bosheit, hat Grausamkeit sehe ich an: jang Frauen: gelöst durch Schwefelsäure: der: stomach down!

[Für meine Liebe zu Israel: &: alle meine Völker: Ich bin Uniuversal Brotherhood] 3_7.against: Satanic Talmud: USA: 666 322 IWF-FED CIA -> Satanisten: haben: die Steuerung der: Macht! Ich habe Frauen gesehen aufgespießt: den Anus bis zur Mündung: diese Frauen waren: stecken: a pole: aus Holz: Spitz, oder: diese Frauen wurden auf dem Grill legen: stecken: vom Spieß ein Schwein! CLEAR? wer kommt in den Satanismus: CORPORATE: erhalten eine perfekte Mind-Control, weil er glaubt: dass der Priester: Satan, er kann lesen: auch: Gedanken! jetzt, diese Monstrosität: als: es kann gemacht zu Ende sein? da dies Ihre: Satanismus: Institutionelle: Es geht um Institutionen / Regierungen: von: England, Frankreich, Deutschland und ist: diese "Operation" in all den falschen Demokratien (demon-crazy) der: Bank Seigniorage? Beispiel: das ganze Menschengeschlecht: ist: jetzt in Gefahr?

[Für meine Liebe zu Israel: &: alle meine Völker: Ich bin Uniuversal Brotherhood] 4_7. gegen: Satanic Talmud: USA: 666 322 IWF-FED CIA -> der Satanismus: ist: der schlimmsten: Kannibalismus, denn: ist: ein: Erfahrung: geistige, seelische, psychische, somatische, "mit Nein Möglichkeiten: return: oder : von: Redemption ", in der Tat, wer: Betrug: denken? wird sofort getötet! diese Satanisten institutionellen essen rohes Herz bei: Menschenopfer: während das Opfer ist: noch lebt, sind: die Technik, die Institution, die Perfektion der: Kriminalität: und: Horror! die Satanisten: haben: Fachleute: hoch: specialized! notwendig: an: Kriegsrecht: für: Beseitigung dieser Krebs: Zivilgesellschaft? Die geheimen Waffen: American? kann nicht gewonnen werden: eine militärische! das ganze Menschengeschlecht zu überleben müssen mit mir kommen: Ich bin unius REI!

[Für meine Liebe zu Israel: &: alle meine Völker: Ich bin Uniuversal Brotherhood] 5_7. gegen satanische :: Talmud: USA: 666 322 IWF-FED CIA -> Sie erstellt haben: all diese Ungeheuerlichkeit: unterirdische Städte: (protected: military secret), wo die Menschheit ist: verboten wurde: Der HORROR: regiert ever! genetische Experimente, etc. .. etc. .. keine Einschränkungen! Jetzt? als: auszurotten: diese Monster (das sind: bereit: Mit ihrem: Opferung: bis: Ihre Show: die Treue zu: Satan) Sie besitzen, haben Sie da: bis: dieser Satanisten: Je mehr: kraftvoll, Geheimnis: ausgereifte Technik? Diese Monster, die laufen können: In der Mitte: der Mensch, und jetzt haben: den Ehrgeiz: erobern die Welt so überlegen: uns ist: Die the-Reichtum und: Alien-Technologie! Die geheimen Waffen: American-Hunde? kann nicht auf das Militär zu gewinnen! das ganze Menschengeschlecht zu überleben sollte mit mir!

[Für meine Liebe zu Israel: &: alle meine Völker: Ich bin Uniuversal Brotherhood] 6_7.against :: satanischen Talmud: USA: 666 322 IWF-FED CIA -> [wenn ein Bürger: ist: von: Front: die Ihre: Einstellung : der: Satanismus? er ist: ein toter Mann] Sie gefährden das Überleben der: Spezies Mensch auf alles: die Planeten, weil die Satanisten? Deren: nicht: mehr: ein: die menschliche Spezies! "Wie?" und Männer: Frauen sind: verschlissene: Natürlich Ehebruch etc. .. etc. .. so ist: Kann zu institutionalisieren: evil:? für: make überzeugend: auf den Punkt: der: delete: freier Wille: von Gott gewollt? für: to have: Slave: absolut: zuverlässig: und treu: für: die satanische Talmud? Sie sind Satanisten geisteskranke Kriminelle! [Josua 24, "Sie entscheiden, wem Sie dienen wird!" Gott sagte zu mir: "Was macht Ihnen Ihm, der Böses tut: seine bösen sterben!"]

[Für meine Liebe zu Israel: &: alle meine Völker: Ich bin Uniuversal Brotherhood] 7_7. gegen: Satanic Talmud: USA: 666 322 IWF-FED CIA -> ist natürlich Sie: Je mehr: gefährlich: und: Je mehr: Verbrecher: alle Völker! aber: Dass die Kirche hatte exkommuniziert Freimaurerei 666 mal? sie wusste, dass, würden wir bekommen: this! (Wenn Saudi-Arabien sagt: me: dass ist: musste: den Islam aggressiv: War es Ihnen:? Ihr werde ich verzeihen) Wie dem auch sei, die Zivilgesellschaft so zerbrechlich: und: ohne Souveränität: Angesicht all dieses Grauen? aber: ist: das Grauen, das jetzt in Besitz nahm: die: Geheimwaffen: die geheimen Basen: hat: Kontrolle der: Programm: Aliens entführt, weil die sataniti: sind: verbündeten sich mit den Dämonen! Satanisten halten meine Kommentare auf dieser Seite: trotzig: gegen die ganze Menschheit! aber sie wissen auch: dass nur unius REI: treffen können diese Herausforderung tödlich gegen sie!

[For my love of Israel: &: all my Peoples: I am Uniuversal Brotherhood] 1_7. against satanic :: Talmud: in USA: IMF FED CIA 322 -> 1. sorry, in which shop: I can buy a can of: two tons: of: sulfuric acid: for: to say to the police are: I, That, I dissolve Hundreds of: corpses? 2. sorry, because of: thousands, and: thousands, of: human sacrifices made: on the altair: of: Satan, not you: discover, never: one only: guilty? 3. which: industrial power, political, institutional, media, finance has made it possible: the creation: 11-09? These monsters: of: Satanists, That, they can walk: in the middle: to the human: and now, have the ambition of: conquer the world: too superior to: us is: Their the-wealth and: technology aliens!

[For my love of Israel: &: all my Peoples: I am Uniuversal Brotherhood] 2_7.against: Satanic Talmud: in USA: IMF FED 322 CIA ->: because you has: bandit: all religious symbols: (except rovescite the crosses, the stars: reversed: together: in: all symbols blasphemous: of the: symbol metal: that, are: satanic symbols)? because you impart the lessons of: Witchcraft in the schools? then is: good for: you, that you are consistent! you remove all: your satanic symbols: and: the blasphemers of your: nation! These monsters: of: Satanists, That, they can walk: in the middle: to the humans: and now have: ambition: of: conquer: the world: much superior to: us is: Their the-wealth and: alien technology! wickedness, cruelty I see has an: jang women: dissolved by sulfuric acid: of the: stomach down!

[For my love of Israel: &: all my Peoples: I am Uniuversal Brotherhood] 3_7.against: Satanic Talmud: U.S.: 666 322 IMF FED CIA -> Satanists: have: the control of the: power! I have seen women impaled: the anus to the mouth: these women were: stuck: a pole: of wood: Pointed, or: these women were put on the grill: stuck: from the spit of a pig! CLEAR? who enters in the satanism: CORPORATE: receive a perfect mind control, because, he believes: that: the priest of: Satan, he can read: also: thoughts! now, this monstrosity: as: it can be made to end? since this your: Satanism: Institutional: it involves institutions / governments: of: England, France, Germany and is: this "operation" in all the false democracies (demon-crazy) of the: banking seigniorage? as: the whole human race: is: in danger now?

[For my love of Israel: &: all my Peoples: I am Uniuversal Brotherhood] 4_7. against: Satanic Talmud: U.S.: 666 322 IMF FED CIA -> the satanism: is: of the worst: cannibalism because: is: an: experience: mental, spiritual, psychological, somatic, "with no: possibilities of : return: or: of: Redemption ", in fact, who: think of: cheating? is killed immediately! these Satanists institutional eat the raw heart during: human sacrifice: while the victim is: still alive, are: the technique, the institution, the perfection of the: crime: and: horror! the Satanists: have: professionals: highly: specialized! necessary: ​​an: martial law: for: eradicate this cancer: civil society? The secret weapons of: American? can not be won: a military! the whole human race to survive must join with me: I am unius REI!

[For my love of Israel: &: all my Peoples: I am Uniuversal Brotherhood] 5_7. against satanic :: Talmud: U.S.: 666 322 IMF FED CIA -> you have created: all this monstrosity: underground cities: (protected: military secret) where humanity is: was banned: The HORROR: reigns ever! genetic experiments, etc. .. etc. .. no restrictions! Now? as: exterminate: these monsters (which are: ready: with Their: immolation: to: Their show: fidelity to: Satan?) you own, you have given: to: these Satanists: the more: powerful, secret : sophisticated technology? These monsters, who can walk: in the middle: the human and now have: the ambition of: conquer the world so superior to: us is: Their the-wealth and: alien technology! The secret weapons of: American-dogs? can not be won on the military! the whole human race to survive should join me!

[For my love of Israel: &: all my Peoples: I am Uniuversal Brotherhood] 6_7.against :: satanic Talmud: U.S.: 666 322 IMF FED CIA -> [when a citizen: is: of: front: the your: setting: of the: Satanism? he is: a dead man!] you have compromise the survival of the: human species on everything: the planet because the Satanists? Their: not: are more: an: the human species! "How?" and men: women are: worn: of course adultery etc. .. etc. .. so, is: can institutionalize: evil?: for: make compelling: to the point: of: delete: free will: willed by God? for: to have: slave: absolutely: reliable: and: faithful: for: the satanic Talmud? You are Satanists criminally insane! [Joshua 24, "you choose whom you will serve!" God said to me: "What worries you? Him who does evil: his evil will die!"]

[For my love of Israel: &: all my Peoples: I am Uniuversal Brotherhood] 7_7. against: Satanic Talmud: U.S.: 666 322 IMF FED CIA -> of course, is you: the more: dangerous: and: the more: criminal of: all nations! but: That the Church had excommunicated Freemasonry 666 times? she knew that, we'd get to: this! (When Saudi Arabia says to: me: that: is: was forced to: make Islam aggressive for: was it you?: Their I will have to forgive!) As it may, the civil society so fragile: and: without sovereignty: face all this horror? but: is: the horror that now took possession of: the: secret weapons: the secret bases: has: control of the: program: aliens abductions, because the sataniti: are: allied with the demons! Satanists keep my comments on this page: defiantly: against all mankind! but they know well: that only unius REI: can meet this challenge deadly against them!

[Pour mon amour d'Israël: &: tous mes peuples: je suis Uniuversal Brotherhood] 1_7. contre satanique :: Talmud: aux Etats-Unis: la CIA FMI FED 322 -> 1. désolé, dans laquelle magasin: je peux acheter une cannette de: deux tonnes: de: Acide sulfurique: pour: dire à la police sont les suivants: I, Voilà, je dissoudre Des centaines de cadavres:? 2. désolé, en raison: des milliers et des milliers d':: sacrifices humains faits: sur la altair: de: Satan, n'est-ce pas: découvrir, jamais: seul: il coupable? 3. Dont: puissance industrielle, médias, politiques, institutionnels,, la finance a rendu possible: la création: 11-09? Ces monstres: des satanistes: Que, ils peuvent marcher: au milieu: à l'être humain: et maintenant, l'ambition de: conquérir le monde: trop supérieure pour: nous, c'est: Leur richesse et l': les étrangers de technologie!

[Pour mon amour d'Israël: &: tous mes peuples: je suis Uniuversal Brotherhood] 2_7.against: Satanic Talmud: aux Etats-Unis: le FMI FED 322 CIA ->: parce que vous a: bandit: tous les symboles religieux: (à l'exception rovescite les croix , les étoiles: inversés: ensemble: en: tous les symboles blasphématoires: de l': métal symbole: que sont: symboles sataniques)? parce que vous transmettre les leçons de l': la sorcellerie dans les écoles? est alors: bon pour: vous, que vous êtes cohérent! vous supprimez tous: vos symboles sataniques: et: les blasphémateurs de votre nation:! Ces monstres: des satanistes: Cela, ils peuvent marcher: au milieu: les êtres humains: et maintenant: l'ambition: conquérir de:: le monde: bien supérieurs à nous: est: Leur richesse et la-: la technologie alien! la méchanceté, la cruauté que je vois a un: les femmes jang: dissous par l'acide sulfurique: de l': estomac vers le bas!

[Pour mon amour d'Israël: &: tous mes peuples: je suis Uniuversal Brotherhood] 3_7.against: Satanic Talmud: États-Unis: 666 322 FED FMI CIA -> satanistes: avoir: le contrôle de la puissance:! J'ai vu des femmes empalé: l'anus à la bouche: ces femmes étaient les suivants: coincé: un pôle: du bois: pointu, ou: ces femmes ont été mis sur le gril: collé: de la broche d'un cochon! EFFACER? qui entre dans le satanisme: ENTREPRISE: recevoir une commande d'esprit parfait, parce que, croit-il: que: le prêtre de: Satan, il peut lire: aussi: pensées! maintenant, cette monstruosité: que: il peut être fait à la fin? depuis ce votre: Satanisme: institutionnelle: elle implique des institutions / gouvernements: d': Angleterre, France, Allemagne et est: cette "opération" dans toutes les fausses démocraties (démon-fou) de l': seigneuriage bancaire? que: tout le genre humain: est la suivante: en danger maintenant?

[Pour mon amour d'Israël: &: tous mes peuples: je suis Uniuversal Brotherhood] 4_7. contre: satanique Talmud: États-Unis: 666 322 FED FMI CIA -> le satanisme: est: du pire: le cannibalisme parce que: est: un: l'expérience: mental, spirituel, psychologique, somatique, "sans: possibilités d': retour: ou : de: Redemption ", en fait, qui: penser: la tricherie? est tué sur le coup! ces satanistes institutionnelle manger le coeur brut pendant: le sacrifice humain: alors que la victime est la suivante: encore en vie, sont les suivants: la technique, l'institution, la perfection de l': le crime: et: horreur! les satanistes: a: professionnels: très: spécialisé! nécessaire: un: la loi martiale: pour: éradiquer ce cancer: la société civile? Les armes secrètes de: Américain? ne peut être gagnée: un militaire! tout le genre humain pour survivre doit se joindre à moi: je suis unius REI!

[Pour mon amour d'Israël: &: tous mes peuples: je suis Uniuversal Brotherhood] 5_7. contre satanique :: Talmud: États-Unis: 666 322 FED FMI CIA -> vous avez créé: tous cette monstruosité: villes souterraines: (protégé: secret militaire) où l'humanité est la suivante: est interdite: l'horreur: règne jamais! expériences génétiques, etc .. etc .. aucune restriction! Maintenant? comme: exterminer: ces monstres (qui sont les suivants: prêt: avec leur: immolation: au: Leur spectacle: la fidélité à: Satan) que vous possédez, vous avez donné: à: ces satanistes: le plus: puissants, secrets: une technologie sophistiquée? Ces monstres, qui peuvent marcher: au milieu: l'humain et maintenant: l'ambition de: conquérir le monde si supérieur à: nous, c'est: Leur richesse et la-: la technologie alien! Les armes secrètes de: American-chiens? ne peut être gagnée sur le plan militaire! tout le genre humain pour survivre doit se joignent à moi!

[Pour mon amour d'Israël: &: tous mes peuples: je suis Uniuversal Brotherhood] 6_7.against :: satanique Talmud: États-Unis: 666 322 FED FMI CIA -> [quand un citoyen: est: de: avant: la votre: réglage : de l': satanisme? qu'il est: un homme mort] vous avez compromettre la survie de l': espèce humaine sur tout: la planète parce que les satanistes? Leur: non: plus: un: l'espèce humaine! "Comment?" et les hommes: les femmes sont les suivants: usée: l'adultère, etc des cours .. etc .. donc, est la suivante: peut institutionnaliser: evil:? pour: make convaincante: au point: de: supprimer: le libre arbitre: voulu par Dieu? pour: avoir: esclave: absolument: fiable: et: fidèle: pour: le Talmud satanique? Vous êtes fous criminels satanistes! [Josué 24 », vous choisissez qui vous voulez servir!" Dieu m'a dit: "Qu'est-ce qui vous inquiète celui qui fait le mal: son mal va mourir!"]

[Pour mon amour d'Israël: &: tous mes peuples: je suis Uniuversal Brotherhood] 7_7. contre: satanique Talmud: États-Unis: 666 322 FED FMI CIA -> bien sûr, c'est vous: le plus: dangereux: et: plus: criminel de: toutes les nations! mais: que l'Eglise avait excommunié la franc-maçonnerie 666 fois? elle savait que, nous obtiendrions à: ça! (Lorsque l'Arabie Saoudite dit: moi: que: est: a été forcé de: faire de l'islam agressif pour: est-ce vous?! Leur je dois pardonner) Comme il peut, de la société civile si fragile: et: sans souveraineté: face à toute cette horreur? mais: est la suivante: l'horreur qui prit possession: les armes secrètes: les bases secrètes:: a: le contrôle de l': programme: enlèvements extraterrestres, parce que le sataniti: sont: allié avec les démons! Satanistes garder mes commentaires sur cette page: un air de défi: contre toute l'humanité! mais ils savent bien: que seul unius REI: peut relever ce défi mortel contre eux!

Para mi el amor de Israel: y: todos mis pueblos: Soy Uniuversal Hermandad] 1_7. contra satánica :: Talmud: en EE.UU.: FED FMI CIA 322 -> 1. Lo sentimos, en qué tienda: Puedo comprar una lata de: dos toneladas: de: ácido sulfúrico: donde dice: decirle a la policía son: I, Eso, disolver Cientos de cadáveres:? 2. Lo sentimos, debido a: miles y miles, de:: sacrificios humanos hechos: por altair: de: Satanás no, usted: descubrir nunca: uno sólo: culpable? 3. que: el poder industrial, medios políticos, institucionales, las finanzas han hecho posible: la creación: 11-09? Estos monstruos: de: satanistas, eso, pueden caminar: en el centro: a lo humano: y ahora, tiene la ambición de: la conquista del mundo: muy superior a: somos nosotros: su la riqueza y medios: la tecnología de los extraterrestres!

[Para mi el amor de Israel: y: todos mis pueblos: Soy Uniuversal Hermandad] 2_7.against: Satanic Talmud: en EE.UU.: FED FMI 322 CIA ->: porque usted tiene: bandido: todos los símbolos religiosos: (excepto rovescite las cruces , las estrellas: Invertida: juntos: en: Todos los símbolos blasfemos: del: metal símbolo: que son: símbolos satánicos)? porque impartir las enseñanzas de: Brujería en las escuelas? entonces es: buena: tú, que eres constante! quitar todo: sus símbolos satánicos: y: los blasfemos de su nación:! Estos monstruos: de: satanistas, que, se puede caminar: en el medio: a los seres humanos, y tenemos ahora: ambición: de: conquistar: el mundo: muy superiores a nosotros: es: Su riqueza-la y: tecnología alienígena! maldad, la crueldad que veo tiene una: las mujeres jang: disuelto por el ácido sulfúrico: de la: boca abajo!

[Para mi el amor de Israel: y: todos mis pueblos: Soy Uniuversal Hermandad] 3_7.against: Satanic Talmud: EE.UU.: 666 322 FED FMI CIA -> satanistas: tienen: el control de la energía:! He visto a mujeres empalados: el ano hasta la boca: estas mujeres fueron: atascado: la bandera: la madera: en punta, o bien: estas mujeres fueron puestos en la parrilla: pegado: desde la saliva de un cerdo! CLEAR? que entra en el satanismo: CORPORATIVA: recibe un control de la mente perfecta, porque, en su opinión: que: el sacerdote de: Satanás, él puede leer: también: pensamientos! ahora, esta monstruosidad: como: puede hacerse a fin? ya que su: satanismo: Institucional: se trata de instituciones / gobiernos: de: Inglaterra, Francia, Alemania, y es esta: "operación" en todas las democracias falsas (demonio loco) de la: señoreaje bancario? como: el género humano: es: en peligro ahora?

[Para mi el amor de Israel: y: todos mis pueblos: Soy Uniuversal Hermandad] 4_7. en contra: Satanic Talmud: EE.UU.: 666 322 FED FMI CIA -> el satanismo: es: de lo peor: el canibalismo porque: es: una: la experiencia: mental, espiritual, psicológico, somático ", sin: posibilidades de: retorno: o : de: Redemption ", de hecho, ¿quién piensa en: trampa? muere inmediatamente! estos Satanistas institucional comer el corazón crudo durante: el sacrificio humano: mientras que la víctima es: sigue vivo, son: la técnica, la institución, la perfección del: el crimen: y: horror! los satanistas: tiene: profesionales: alta: especializado! necesario: una: la ley marcial: donde dice: erradicar este cáncer: la sociedad civil? Las armas secretas: Americana? no se puede ganar: un militar! toda la raza humana para sobrevivir debe unirse a mí: soy unius REI!

[Para mi el amor de Israel: y: todos mis pueblos: Soy Uniuversal Hermandad] 5_7. contra satánica :: Talmud: EE.UU.: 666 322 FED FMI CIA -> que ha creado: toda esta monstruosidad: ciudades subterráneas: (protegida: secreto militar), donde la humanidad es: fue prohibido: el horror: reina nunca! experimentos genéticos, etc .. etc .. sin restricciones! ¿Ahora? como: exterminar: estos monstruos (que son: listo: con su: inmolación: Para: Su espectáculo: la fidelidad a: Satanás) es el propietario, usted ha dado: a: los satanistas: el más potente, secreto: la tecnología sofisticada? Estos monstruos, que pueden caminar: en el medio: el humano y ahora tiene: la ambición de: conquistar el mundo tan superior a: somos nosotros: su la-riqueza y: tecnología alienígena! Las armas secretas de: American-perros? no se puede ganar en el ejército! toda la raza humana para sobrevivir debe unirse a mí!

[Para mi el amor de Israel: y: todos mis pueblos: Soy Uniuversal Hermandad] 6_7.against :: satánico Talmud: EE.UU.: 666 322 FED FMI CIA -> [cuando un ciudadano: es: de: frente: el su: ajuste : del: satanismo? que es: un hombre muerto] tiene en peligro la supervivencia de la: especie humana en todo: el planeta porque los satanistas? Su: no: es más: una: la especie humana! "¿Cómo?" y los hombres: las mujeres son: desgaste: de curso, etc adulterio .. etc .. Por lo tanto, es: ¿puede institucionalizar: evil: para: hacer convincente: al grano: de: delete: el libre albedrío: querida por Dios? para: tener: esclavo: absolutamente: fiable: y: fiel: donde dice: el Talmud satánico? Usted está Satanistas criminales dementes! [Josué 24, "decide quiénes van a servir!" Dios me dijo: "¿Qué le preocupa a aquel que hace lo malo: su malvado morirá!"]

[Para mi el amor de Israel: y: todos mis pueblos: Soy Uniuversal Hermandad] 7_7. en contra: Satanic Talmud: EE.UU.: 666 322 FED FMI CIA -> por supuesto, es la siguiente: cuanto más: peligroso: y: más del: criminal de: todas las naciones! pero: Para que la Iglesia ha excomulgado masonería 666 veces? sabía que, obtendríamos a: esto! (Cuando Arabia Saudita dice: Yo: que: es: se vio obligado a: hacer del Islam agresivo para: ¿era usted:?! Su tendré que perdonar a) Por lo que fuere, la sociedad civil, tan frágil: y: sin soberanía: frente a todo este horror? pero: es: el horror que ahora tomó posesión de: las armas secretas:: las bases secretas: cuenta con: control de la: Programa: secuestros extraterrestres, ya que el sataniti: son: aliado con los demonios! Satanistas mantener mis comentarios en esta página: desafiante: contra toda la humanidad! pero saben bien: que sólo unius REI: ¿puede responder a este desafío mortal contra ellos!

que: el poder industrial, medios políticos



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  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    1 secondo fa
    @Regina, mia Sorella: Regina Elisabetta II, sorry, io non riesco a valutare: il tuo livello, di responsabilità: in tutto questo crimine: del Satanico FMI: forse non è un crimine superiore: a quello di: tutti gli altri: leaders and Elite
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    12 minuti fa
    [For love of Israel: & all my Peoples: I am Uniuversal Brotherhood] 1_ 7. against satanic: Talmud : in USA: IMF FED CIA 322 ------> 1. sorry, in which shop: I can buy a can of: two tons: of: sulfuric acid: for: to say to the police are: I, That, I dissolve Hundreds of: corpses? 2. sorry, because of: thousands, and: thousands, of: human sacrifices made: on the altair: of: Satan, not you: discover, never: one only: guilty ? 3. which: industrial power, political, institutional, media, finance has made it possible: the creation: 11-09 ? These monsters: of: Satanists, That, they can walk: in the middle: to the human: and now, have the ambition of: conquer the world: too superior to: us is: Their the-wealth and: technology aliens!
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    14 minuti fa
    [For my love of Israel: &: all my Peoples: I am Uniuversal Brotherhood] 2_7.against: Satanic Talmud: in USA: IMF FED 322 CIA ->: because you has: bandit: all religious symbols: (except rovescite the crosses, the stars: reversed: together: in: all symbols blasphemous: of the: symbol metal: that, are: satanic symbols)? because you impart the lessons of: Witchcraft in the schools? then is: good for: you, that you are consistent! you remove all: your satanic symbols: and: the blasphemers of your: nation! These monsters: of: Satanists, That, they can walk: in the middle: to the humans: and now have: ambition: of: conquer: the world: much superior to: us is: Their the-wealth and: alien technology! wickedness, cruelty I see has an: jang women: dissolved by sulfuric acid: of the: stomach down!
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    14 minuti fa
    [For my love of Israel: &: all my Peoples: I am Uniuversal Brotherhood] 3_7.against: Satanic Talmud: U.S.: 666 322 IMF FED CIA -> Satanists: have: the control of the: power! I have seen women impaled: the anus to the mouth: these women were: stuck: a pole: of wood: Pointed, or: these women were put on the grill: stuck: from the spit of a pig! CLEAR? who enters in the satanism: CORPORATE: receive a perfect mind control, because, he believes: that: the priest of: Satan, he can read: also: thoughts! now, this monstrosity: as: it can be made to end? since this your: Satanism: Institutional: it involves institutions / governments: of: England, France, Germany and is: this "operation" in all the false democracies (demon-crazy) of the: banking seigniorage? as: the whole human race: is: in danger now?
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    15 minuti fa
    [For my love of Israel: &: all my Peoples: I am Uniuversal Brotherhood] 4_7. against: Satanic Talmud: U.S.: 666 322 IMF FED CIA -> the satanism: is: of the worst: cannibalism because: is: an: experience: mental, spiritual, psychological, somatic, "with no: possibilities of : return: or: of: Redemption ", in fact, who: think of: cheating? is killed immediately! these Satanists institutional eat the raw heart during: human sacrifice: while the victim is: still alive, are: the technique, the institution, the perfection of the: crime: and: horror! the Satanists: have: professionals: highly: specialized! necessary: ​​an: martial law: for: eradicate this cancer: civil society? The secret weapons of: American? can not be won: a military! the whole human race to survive must join with me: I am unius REI!
  • outlaw7671 
    outlaw7671 ha pubblicato un commento 
    15 minuti fa
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    15 minuti fa
    [For my love of Israel: &: all my Peoples: I am Uniuversal Brotherhood] 5_7. against satanic :: Talmud: U.S.: 666 322 IMF FED CIA -> you have created: all this monstrosity: underground cities: (protected: military secret) where humanity is: was banned: The HORROR: reigns ever! genetic experiments, etc. .. etc. .. no restrictions! Now? as: exterminate: these monsters (which are: ready: with Their: immolation: to: Their show: fidelity to: Satan?) you own, you have given: to: these Satanists: the more: powerful, secret : sophisticated technology? These monsters, who can walk: in the middle: the human and now have: the ambition of: conquer the world so superior to: us is: Their the-wealth and: alien technology! The secret weapons of: American-dogs? can not be won on the military! the whole human race to survive should join me!
  • outlaw7671 
    outlaw7671 ha pubblicato un commento 
    15 minuti fa
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    15 minuti fa
    [For my love of Israel: &: all my Peoples: I am Uniuversal Brotherhood] 6_7.against :: satanic Talmud: U.S.: 666 322 IMF FED CIA -> [when a citizen: is: of: front: the your: setting: of the: Satanism? he is: a dead man!] you have compromise the survival of the: human species on everything: the planet because the Satanists? Their: not: are more: an: the human species! "How?" and men: women are: worn: of course adultery etc. .. etc. .. so, is: can institutionalize: evil?: for: make compelling: to the point: of: delete: free will: willed by God? for: to have: slave: absolutely: reliable: and: faithful: for: the satanic Talmud? You are Satanists criminally insane! [Joshua 24, "you choose whom you will serve!" God said to me: "What worries you? Him who does evil: his evil will die!"]
  • outlaw7671 
    outlaw7671 ha pubblicato un commento 
    16 minuti fa
    eat shit
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    16 minuti fa
    [For my love of Israel: &: all my Peoples: I am Uniuversal Brotherhood] 7_7. against: Satanic Talmud: U.S.: 666 322 IMF FED CIA -> of course, is you: the more: dangerous: and: the more: criminal of: all nations! but: That the Church had excommunicated Freemasonry 666 times? she knew that, we'd get to: this! (When Saudi Arabia says to: me: that: is: was forced to: make Islam aggressive for: was it you?: Their I will have to forgive!) As it may, the civil society so fragile: and: without sovereignty: face all this horror? but: is: the horror that now took possession of: the: secret weapons: the secret bases: has: control of the: program: aliens abductions, because the sataniti: are: allied with the demons! Satanists keep my comments on this page: defiantly: against all mankind! but they know well: that only unius REI: can meet this challenge deadly against them!

Para mi el amor de Israel: y: todos mis pueblos: Soy Uniuversal Hermandad] 1_7. contra satánica :: Talmud: en EE.UU.: FED FMI CIA 322 -> 1. Lo sentimos, en qué tienda: Puedo comprar una lata de: dos toneladas: de: ácido sulfúrico: donde dice: decirle a la policía son: I, Eso, disolver Cientos de cadáveres:? 2. Lo sentimos, debido a: miles y miles, de:: sacrificios humanos hechos: por altair: de: Satanás no, usted: descubrir nunca: uno sólo: culpable? 3. que: el poder industrial, medios políticos, institucionales, las finanzas han hecho posible: la creación: 11-09? Estos monstruos: de: satanistas, eso, pueden caminar: en el centro: a lo humano: y ahora, tiene la ambición de: la conquista del mundo: muy superior a: somos nosotros: su la riqueza y medios: la tecnología de los extraterrestres!

[Para mi el amor de Israel: y: todos mis pueblos: Soy Uniuversal Hermandad] 2_7.against: Satanic Talmud: en EE.UU.: FED FMI 322 CIA ->: porque usted tiene: bandido: todos los símbolos religiosos: (excepto rovescite las cruces , las estrellas: Invertida: juntos: en: Todos los símbolos blasfemos: del: metal símbolo: que son: símbolos satánicos)? porque impartir las enseñanzas de: Brujería en las escuelas? entonces es: buena: tú, que eres constante! quitar todo: sus símbolos satánicos: y: los blasfemos de su nación:! Estos monstruos: de: satanistas, que, se puede caminar: en el medio: a los seres humanos, y tenemos ahora: ambición: de: conquistar: el mundo: muy superiores a nosotros: es: Su riqueza-la y: tecnología alienígena! maldad, la crueldad que veo tiene una: las mujeres jang: disuelto por el ácido sulfúrico: de la: boca abajo!

[Para mi el amor de Israel: y: todos mis pueblos: Soy Uniuversal Hermandad] 3_7.against: Satanic Talmud: EE.UU.: 666 322 FED FMI CIA -> satanistas: tienen: el control de la energía:! He visto a mujeres empalados: el ano hasta la boca: estas mujeres fueron: atascado: la bandera: la madera: en punta, o bien: estas mujeres fueron puestos en la parrilla: pegado: desde la saliva de un cerdo! CLEAR? que entra en el satanismo: CORPORATIVA: recibe un control de la mente perfecta, porque, en su opinión: que: el sacerdote de: Satanás, él puede leer: también: pensamientos! ahora, esta monstruosidad: como: puede hacerse a fin? ya que su: satanismo: Institucional: se trata de instituciones / gobiernos: de: Inglaterra, Francia, Alemania, y es esta: "operación" en todas las democracias falsas (demonio loco) de la: señoreaje bancario? como: el género humano: es: en peligro ahora?

[Para mi el amor de Israel: y: todos mis pueblos: Soy Uniuversal Hermandad] 4_7. en contra: Satanic Talmud: EE.UU.: 666 322 FED FMI CIA -> el satanismo: es: de lo peor: el canibalismo porque: es: una: la experiencia: mental, espiritual, psicológico, somático ", sin: posibilidades de: retorno: o : de: Redemption ", de hecho, ¿quién piensa en: trampa? muere inmediatamente! estos Satanistas institucional comer el corazón crudo durante: el sacrificio humano: mientras que la víctima es: sigue vivo, son: la técnica, la institución, la perfección del: el crimen: y: horror! los satanistas: tiene: profesionales: alta: especializado! necesario: una: la ley marcial: donde dice: erradicar este cáncer: la sociedad civil? Las armas secretas: Americana? no se puede ganar: un militar! toda la raza humana para sobrevivir debe unirse a mí: soy unius REI!

[Para mi el amor de Israel: y: todos mis pueblos: Soy Uniuversal Hermandad] 5_7. contra satánica :: Talmud: EE.UU.: 666 322 FED FMI CIA -> que ha creado: toda esta monstruosidad: ciudades subterráneas: (protegida: secreto militar), donde la humanidad es: fue prohibido: el horror: reina nunca! experimentos genéticos, etc .. etc .. sin restricciones! ¿Ahora? como: exterminar: estos monstruos (que son: listo: con su: inmolación: Para: Su espectáculo: la fidelidad a: Satanás) es el propietario, usted ha dado: a: los satanistas: el más potente, secreto: la tecnología sofisticada? Estos monstruos, que pueden caminar: en el medio: el humano y ahora tiene: la ambición de: conquistar el mundo tan superior a: somos nosotros: su la-riqueza y: tecnología alienígena! Las armas secretas de: American-perros? no se puede ganar en el ejército! toda la raza humana para sobrevivir debe unirse a mí!

[Para mi el amor de Israel: y: todos mis pueblos: Soy Uniuversal Hermandad] 6_7.against :: satánico Talmud: EE.UU.: 666 322 FED FMI CIA -> [cuando un ciudadano: es: de: frente: el su: ajuste : del: satanismo? que es: un hombre muerto] tiene en peligro la supervivencia de la: especie humana en todo: el planeta porque los satanistas? Su: no: es más: una: la especie humana! "¿Cómo?" y los hombres: las mujeres son: desgaste: de curso, etc adulterio .. etc .. Por lo tanto, es: ¿puede institucionalizar: evil: para: hacer convincente: al grano: de: delete: el libre albedrío: querida por Dios? para: tener: esclavo: absolutamente: fiable: y: fiel: donde dice: el Talmud satánico? Usted está Satanistas criminales dementes! [Josué 24, "decide quiénes van a servir!" Dios me dijo: "¿Qué le preocupa a aquel que hace lo malo: su malvado morirá!"]

[Para mi el amor de Israel: y: todos mis pueblos: Soy Uniuversal Hermandad] 7_7. en contra: Satanic Talmud: EE.UU.: 666 322 FED FMI CIA -> por supuesto, es la siguiente: cuanto más: peligroso: y: más del: criminal de: todas las naciones! pero: Para que la Iglesia ha excomulgado masonería 666 veces? sabía que, obtendríamos a: esto! (Cuando Arabia Saudita dice: Yo: que: es: se vio obligado a: hacer del Islam agresivo para: ¿era usted:?! Su tendré que perdonar a) Por lo que fuere, la sociedad civil, tan frágil: y: sin soberanía: frente a todo este horror? pero: es: el horror que ahora tomó posesión de: las armas secretas:: las bases secretas: cuenta con: control de la: Programa: secuestros extraterrestres, ya que el sataniti: son: aliado con los demonios! Satanistas mantener mis comentarios en esta página: desafiante: contra toda la humanidad! pero saben bien: que sólo unius REI: ¿puede responder a este desafío mortal contra ellos!


IsraelNational News TV

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  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    1 secondo fa
    [Pour mon amour d'Israël: &: tous mes peuples: je suis Uniuversal Brotherhood] 1_7. contre satanique :: Talmud: aux Etats-Unis: la CIA FMI FED 322 -> 1. désolé, dans laquelle magasin: je peux acheter une cannette de: deux tonnes: de: Acide sulfurique: pour: dire à la police sont les suivants: I, Voilà, je dissoudre Des centaines de cadavres:? 2. désolé, en raison: des milliers et des milliers d':: sacrifices humains faits: sur la altair: de: Satan, n'est-ce pas: découvrir, jamais: seul: il coupable? 3. Dont: puissance industrielle, médias, politiques, institutionnels,, la finance a rendu possible: la création: 11-09? Ces monstres: des satanistes: Que, ils peuvent marcher: au milieu: à l'être humain: et maintenant, l'ambition de: conquérir le monde: trop supérieure pour: nous, c'est: Leur richesse et l': les étrangers de technologie!
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    20 secondi fa
    [Pour mon amour d'Israël: &: tous mes peuples: je suis Uniuversal Brotherhood] 2_7.against: Satanic Talmud: aux Etats-Unis: le FMI FED 322 CIA ->: parce que vous a: bandit: tous les symboles religieux: (à l'exception rovescite les croix , les étoiles: inversés: ensemble: en: tous les symboles blasphématoires: de l': métal symbole: que sont: symboles sataniques)? parce que vous transmettre les leçons de l': la sorcellerie dans les écoles? est alors: bon pour: vous, que vous êtes cohérent! vous supprimez tous: vos symboles sataniques: et: les blasphémateurs de votre nation:! Ces monstres: des satanistes: Cela, ils peuvent marcher: au milieu: les êtres humains: et maintenant: l'ambition: conquérir de:: le monde: bien supérieurs à nous: est: Leur richesse et la-: la technologie alien! la méchanceté, la cruauté que je vois a un: les femmes jang: dissous par l'acide sulfurique: de l': estomac vers le bas!
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    36 secondi fa
    [Pour mon amour d'Israël: &: tous mes peuples: je suis Uniuversal Brotherhood] 3_7.against: Satanic Talmud: États-Unis: 666 322 FED FMI CIA -> satanistes: avoir: le contrôle de la puissance:! J'ai vu des femmes empalé: l'anus à la bouche: ces femmes étaient les suivants: coincé: un pôle: du bois: pointu, ou: ces femmes ont été mis sur le gril: collé: de la broche d'un cochon! EFFACER? qui entre dans le satanisme: ENTREPRISE: recevoir une commande d'esprit parfait, parce que, croit-il: que: le prêtre de: Satan, il peut lire: aussi: pensées! maintenant, cette monstruosité: que: il peut être fait à la fin? depuis ce votre: Satanisme: institutionnelle: elle implique des institutions / gouvernements: d': Angleterre, France, Allemagne et est: cette "opération" dans toutes les fausses démocraties (démon-fou) de l': seigneuriage bancaire? que: tout le genre humain: est la suivante: en danger maintenant?
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    53 secondi fa
    [Pour mon amour d'Israël: &: tous mes peuples: je suis Uniuversal Brotherhood] 4_7. contre: satanique Talmud: États-Unis: 666 322 FED FMI CIA -> le satanisme: est: du pire: le cannibalisme parce que: est: un: l'expérience: mental, spirituel, psychologique, somatique, "sans: possibilités d': retour: ou : de: Redemption ", en fait, qui: penser: la tricherie? est tué sur le coup! ces satanistes institutionnelle manger le coeur brut pendant: le sacrifice humain: alors que la victime est la suivante: encore en vie, sont les suivants: la technique, l'institution, la perfection de l': le crime: et: horreur! les satanistes: a: professionnels: très: spécialisé! nécessaire: un: la loi martiale: pour: éradiquer ce cancer: la société civile? Les armes secrètes de: Américain? ne peut être gagnée: un militaire! tout le genre humain pour survivre doit se joindre à moi: je suis unius REI!
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    1 minuto fa
    [Pour mon amour d'Israël: &: tous mes peuples: je suis Uniuversal Brotherhood] 5_7. contre satanique :: Talmud: États-Unis: 666 322 FED FMI CIA -> vous avez créé: tous cette monstruosité: villes souterraines: (protégé: secret militaire) où l'humanité est la suivante: est interdite: l'horreur: règne jamais! expériences génétiques, etc .. etc .. aucune restriction! Maintenant? comme: exterminer: ces monstres (qui sont les suivants: prêt: avec leur: immolation: au: Leur spectacle: la fidélité à: Satan) que vous possédez, vous avez donné: à: ces satanistes: le plus: puissants, secrets: une technologie sophistiquée? Ces monstres, qui peuvent marcher: au milieu: l'humain et maintenant: l'ambition de: conquérir le monde si supérieur à: nous, c'est: Leur richesse et la-: la technologie alien! Les armes secrètes de: American-chiens? ne peut être gagnée sur le plan militaire! tout le genre humain pour survivre doit se joignent à moi!
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    1 minuto fa
    [Pour mon amour d'Israël: &: tous mes peuples: je suis Uniuversal Brotherhood] 6_7.against :: satanique Talmud: États-Unis: 666 322 FED FMI CIA -> [quand un citoyen: est: de: avant: la votre: réglage : de l': satanisme? qu'il est: un homme mort] vous avez compromettre la survie de l': espèce humaine sur tout: la planète parce que les satanistes? Leur: non: plus: un: l'espèce humaine! "Comment?" et les hommes: les femmes sont les suivants: usée: l'adultère, etc des cours .. etc .. donc, est la suivante: peut institutionnaliser: evil:? pour: make convaincante: au point: de: supprimer: le libre arbitre: voulu par Dieu? pour: avoir: esclave: absolument: fiable: et: fidèle: pour: le Talmud satanique? Vous êtes fous criminels satanistes! [Josué 24 », vous choisissez qui vous voulez servir!" Dieu m'a dit: "Qu'est-ce qui vous inquiète celui qui fait le mal: son mal va mourir!"]
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    1 minuto fa
    [Pour mon amour d'Israël: &: tous mes peuples: je suis Uniuversal Brotherhood] 7_7. contre: satanique Talmud: États-Unis: 666 322 FED FMI CIA -> bien sûr, c'est vous: le plus: dangereux: et: plus: criminel de: toutes les nations! mais: que l'Eglise avait excommunié la franc-maçonnerie 666 fois? elle savait que, nous obtiendrions à: ça! (Lorsque l'Arabie Saoudite dit: moi: que: est: a été forcé de: faire de l'islam agressif pour: est-ce vous?! Leur je dois pardonner) Comme il peut, de la société civile si fragile: et: sans souveraineté: face à toute cette horreur? mais: est la suivante: l'horreur qui prit possession: les armes secrètes: les bases secrètes:: a: le contrôle de l': programme: enlèvements extraterrestres, parce que le sataniti: sont: allié avec les démons! Satanistes garder mes commentaires sur cette page: un air de défi: contre toute l'humanité! mais ils savent bien: que seul unius REI: peut relever ce défi mortel contre eux!
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    7 minuti fa
    [for love of my Israel:&: all my Peoples: I am Uniuversal Brotherhood]1_7. against:: Talmud satanico: in USA:IMF CIA 322 FED --> 1. sorry, in quale negozio: io posso comprare un bidone of: due quintali: of: acido solforico: for: dire alla polizia: are:io, that, io sciolgo: centinaia of: corpses? 2. sorry, perché of: migliaia, and: migliaia, of: sacrifici umani fatti: on the altair: of: satana: voi not: scoprite, never: one only: colpevole? 3. which: potere industriale, politico, istituzionale, mediatico, finanziario ha permesso: la realizzazione: dell'11-09? Questi mostri: of: satanisti, that, possono camminare: in mezzo: to the human: et now, have l'ambizione of: conquistare, the world: too superior to: noi is: la their: ricchezza and: tecnologia aliens!
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    8 minuti fa
    [for love of my Israel:&: all my Peoples: I am Uniuversal Brotherhood]2_7.against: Talmud satanico: in USA: IMF CIA 322 FED -->: poiché, you has: bandito: tutti i simboli religiosi:(tranne le croci rovescite, the stars: rovesciate: insieme: a: tutti i simboli blasfemi: of the: symbol metal: that, are: symbols satanic)? poiché, you impartisci, le lezioni of: stregoneria: in the scuole? allora is: bene, for: te, che, you sia coerente! you rimuovi all: your symbols satanic: and: blasfemi of the your: nazione! Questi monsters: of: satanists, that, possono camminare: in mezzo: to the humans: ed now have: l'ambizione: of: conquistare: the world: tanto superior to: noi is: la their: ricchezza and: tecnologia aliena! malvagità: crudeltà: io has see an: women jang: sciolta dall'acido solforico: of the: stomaco: in giù!
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    8 minuti fa
    [for love of my Israel:&: all my Peoples: I am Uniuversal Brotherhood]3_7.against: Talmud satanico: in USA:666 IMF CIA 322 FED --> i satanisti: have: il controllo of the:potere! io ho visto donne impalate: dall'ano alla bocca: queste donne erano: infilzate: da un palo: of: legno: appuntito, oppure: queste donne erano messe sulla brace: infilzate: dallo spiedo of: un maiale! CHIARO? who: entra nel satanism: ISTITUZIONALE: riceve un perfetto controllo mentale: perché; lui crede: che: il suo sacerdote of: satana: egli può leggere: also: i pensieri! ora, questa mostruosità: as: può essere fatta finire? poiché, questo tuo: satanism: Istituzionale: coinvolge le istituzioni/ Governi: di: Inghilterra, Francia, Germania: ed is: presente: "operativo": in tutte le false democrazie (demon-crazy) of the:signoraggio bancario? as: tutto il genere umano: is: in pericolo: ora?
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    8 minuti fa
    [for love of my Israel:&: all my Peoples: I am Uniuversal Brotherhood]4_7. against: Talmud satanico: in USA: 666 IMF CIA 322 FED --> il satanism: is: peggio of the:cannibalismo: perché: is: an: esperienza: mentale, spirituale, psicologica, somatica: "senza nessuna: possibilità: of: ritorno: or: of: redenzione!", infatti, who: pensa of: tradire? viene ucciso immediatamente! questi, satanisti istituzionali, mangiano crudo il cuore: durante: il sacrificio umano: mentre la vittima is: ancora viva, are:la tecnica, la istituzione, la perfezione: of the:crimine: and: dell'orrore! i satanists: possiedono: figure professionali: altamente: specializzate! occorre: an: legge marziale: for: estirpare questo cancro: la società civile? Le armi segrete degli: americani? non possono essere vinte: sul piano militare! tutto il genere umano per sopravvivere: deve unirsi a me: Io sono Unius REI!
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    9 minuti fa
    [for love of my Israel:&: all my Peoples: I am Uniuversal Brotherhood]5_7. against:: Talmud satanico: in USA: 666 IMF CIA 322 FED --> voi avete creato: tutta questa mostruosità: città sotterranee:(protette: dal segreto militare) dove l'umanità: is: stata bandita: l'ORRORE: regna assoluto! esperimenti genetici, ecc.. ecc.. nessuna limitazione! Adesso? as: sterminare: questi mostri:(che, are:pronti: con la their: immolazione: to: dimostrare la their: fedeltà to: satana?) proprio voi, voi avete dato: to: questi satanisti: la more: potente, segreta: sofisticata tecnologia? Questi mostri, che, possono camminare: in mezzo: agli umani: ed ora have: l'ambizione of: conquistare il mondo: tanto superiore to: noi is: la their: ricchezza and: tecnologia aliena! Le armi segrete degli: ameri-cani? non possono essere vinte sul piano militare! tutto il genere umano per sopravvivere: deve unirsi a me!
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    9 minuti fa
    [for love of my Israel:&: all my Peoples: I am Uniuversal Brotherhood]6_7.against:: Talmud satanico: in USA:666 IMF CIA 322 FED --> [quando un cittadino: si trova: of: fronte: alla Vostra: istituzione: of the:satanismo? lui is: spacciato!] voi avete compromesso: la sopravvivenza: of the: specie umana: su tutto: il pianeta: perché i satanisti? their: not: are:più: an: specie umana! "come?" uomini and: donne are:portati: naturalmente all'adulterio ecc.. ecc.. così, is: possibile istituzionalizzare: il male?: for: renderlo coercitivo: fino al punto: of: eliminare: il libero arbitrio: voluto da Dio? for: poter possedere: degli schiavi: assolutamente: attendibili: and: fedeli: for: il Talmud satanico? voi siete satanisti pazzi criminali! [Giosué 24, "voi scegliete chi volete servire!" Dio ha detto: a me: "cosa preoccupa te? Colui che, fa il male: del suo male morirà!"]
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    10 minuti fa
    [for love of my Israel:&: all my Peoples: I am Uniuversal Brotherhood]7_7. against: Talmud satanico: in USA: 666 IMF CIA 322 FED --> certamente, siete voi: la more: pericolosa: e: la more: criminale of: tutte le nazioni! but: la Chiesa that, aveva scomunicato la Massoneria 666 volte? lei sapeva, che, noi saremmo arrivati to: tutto questo! (quando l'Arabia Saudita: dirà to: me: che: is: stata costretta to: fare l'Islam aggressivo: for: colpa vostra?: io dovrò their: perdonare!) come, può, la società civile: così fragile: and: senza sovranità: affrontare tutto questo orrore? but: is: l'orrore: che, ormai, ha preso possesso: delle: armi segrete: le basi segrete: ed hanno: il controllo of the:programma: aliens abductions, perché, i sataniti: are: affini con i demoni! Satanisti conservano i miei commenti su questa pagina: in atteggiamento di sfida: contro tutto il genere umano! ma, loro sanno bene: che soltanto Unius REI: può vincere questa sfida mortale: contro di loro!
  • WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento 
    8 ore fa
    Comment on your video: infamous Freemasonry MARIO MONTI ECB FED IMF NWO ::: antonKASA2007 SAID: "is this a real picture ... hmmm .. so the mountains is a mason ... very interesting That many important leaders in europe are masons When the church looks behind the European (EU) ... and is not in the same pot with masons ... who know who rules and who is mixed with who that Is not clear inside the eurozone "- answer -> this is big evil, too bad! this is the triumph of socetà hidden (Satanism): against: the real, Royal Society: AMEN; this is triumph of darkness: against: the light! Alleluia!
  • HolyJHWHsanto 
    HolyJHWHsanto ha pubblicato un commento 
    2 giorni fa
    @ Hallelujah my YHWH -> Elizabeth II is the Queen Jezebel II: ie, of 666 IMF: and his is the 322: Queen of the New World Order - answer-> and now? can also close this channel: 1. Community Guidelines: Has a good reputation 2. Warnings about copyright: Has a good reputation 3. Content ID Claims: He has a good reputation. lol. Because These Satanists Americans of googgle CIA? they are capable of anything! HolyJHWHsanto HolyJHWHsanto posted a comment 10 minutes ago Elizabeth II is the Queen Jezebel 666 IMF
  • HolyJHWHsanto 
    HolyJHWHsanto ha pubblicato un commento 
    2 giorni fa
    CIA IMF 666 @ google -> for my: satanqueenfagot-blogspot-com,,, only in your search engine, there are Approximately, 9.580 results (0.23 seconds), all the murders committed against the Christian martyrs! this is obvious: you are a satanic world system: you are the star of Israel: ie IMF: occult power against all Peoples, together with your IMF, you are happy for all this killing of innocent Christians! for my: satanqueenfagot-blogspot-com,,, only in your search engine, there are Approximately, 9,580 results (0.23 seconds), all the murders committed against the Christian martyrs! this is obvious: you are a satanic world system: you are the star: occult, together with your IMF of all this killing of innocent Christians!
  • HolyJHWHsanto 
    HolyJHWHsanto ha pubblicato un commento 
    2 giorni fa
    @ 666 blobber google: ie CIA for IMF! --- You're a criminal penalty too -> how I can continue to working, with your blogger now? our collaboration? is over! I denounce you before my attack to Israel: and extermination against all peoples, @ Obama crimial too -> your Satanists who are in the CIA? they also close my: sites: blogspot, like my "satanqueenfagot" where I reported, all crimes, That have committed: the criminals countries, against innocent Christian martyrs innocent! I will have a terrible supernatural rage now! you in the U.S.: you have become a dictatorship: a dictatorship satanic, because i do not can never be a criminal, That he deserves the closure of sites. close the youtube channel? is not to close the blog linked to gmail, That, you force me to do reporting of war, against, the Queen of England, if you do not returned, to my blog: quickly!
  • JewsxMessiahUniusRei 
    JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento 
    3 giorni fa
    One who can save Israel from annihilation (new shoah), which Rothschild has planned? He is the King, the true "Messiah: Jewish," he is worthy to marry: with, Mrs. Israel! @ Russia -> as, all whole army of Israel will be annihilated: during the 3rd WW nuclear? you do not enter its territory, and this: my will? and my will: is eternal! In fact, you did not plan to receive: Armageddon, more than once, That Is, also, during my kingdom! One who can save Israel from annihilation (new shoah), which Rothschild has planned? He is the King, the true "Messiah: Jewish," he is worthy to marry: Mrs. Israel! @ Russia -> like, the whole army of Israel: it will be destroyed: during the 3rd WW nuclear? you do not enter its territory, and this: my will? is a mis eternal will! In fact, you did not plan to be Armageddon, more than once, that is, during my kingdom!
  • HolyJHWHsanto 
    HolyJHWHsanto ha pubblicato un commento 
    6 giorni fa
    @ CIA IMF 666 322 ---> WE in the KINGDOM OF GOD? WE ARE TIMELESS! we are not of excrement, for During decomposition like you!
  • HolyJHWHsanto 
    HolyJHWHsanto ha pubblicato un commento 
    6 giorni fa
    HONESTLY? Like all: I do not know: God's timing! but of this I am sure: unius REI: he is: the obsession with destruction, death, despair and anguish (I know, in mode supernatural): all Satanists criminals: racist: liars, predators, until, to the end of the world: until: the True Messiah came: Son of God: will be revealed, and this corrupt nature, finally, will become immortal! but, UNIS REI: Because is: he sat: on the throne of God: as a puppy dog​​: is sitting on the lap of his master. @ AMEN -> My anger devours men! and the terror burn: came before me is: is why: terror comes early: my appearance: is in my anger burn, also, into hell all together, all my enemy, indeed, is the hell, That, came to Followed me, the my anger, for to: swallow: devour all my enemies: because I am REI Unis: forever and ever!
  • HolyJHWHsanto 
    HolyJHWHsanto ha pubblicato un commento 
    6 giorni fa
    l'insegnamento di oggi? serve a dimostrare: come, la Parola di Dio: è soltanto: i 10 Comandamenti di Mosé! e come la parola divina: è visibile negli occhi di ogni bambino:che viene nel mondo! come, nella foglia, ed in ogni sentimento: di bontà e di giustizia, ecc.. e loro non sono animali: dalla forma umana(come dice il tamud): o idolatri(come dice il corano: oppure della polvere come dicono i Veda: contro i dalit)! perché, gli uomini della religione: diventano satanisti: troppo facilmente! e tanti mali: violenze, malvagità e crimini: sono diffusi nel mondo: è perché, pochi tra di loro: sono degni degni di ospitare lo: Spirito Santo, che è la Purezza, della sapienza: che è lo Spirito Santo!
  • HolyJHWHsanto 
    HolyJHWHsanto ha pubblicato un commento 
    6 giorni fa
    @ REI: King Universal: ie, King of Israel -> in reality, ie, its nature, is: Among Those , is most myths: of the history, of mankind (like Moses), but However, 1. He is the terror: is before: to above him! and, 2. the hell: it is follows to him, for: swallow : all his enemies: liars, murderers, thieves, usurers, racist, religious maniacs, capitalists, Satanists , Freemasons. and all the criminals, that: they do evil: a peace-loving people: and innocent: people with fake motivation for some religious or ideological all bullshit: for the Talmud, Torah, and the Koran ! In fact, this is obvious: all the sacred books : they have Suffered contamination: because, some statements they are in contradiction with the general context: that is, the sanctity of God's infinite feelings Which is his infinite love: and his mercy for to all creatures! is why, the private property: it is not the absolute value !
  • HolyJHWHsanto 
    HolyJHWHsanto ha pubblicato un commento 
    6 giorni fa
    HolyJHWHsanto 29 minutes ago --> IMF? are satanic .... sonosatanici. / drinkYpoisonJHWHwins posted a comment 52 minutes ago--> hallelujah JewsxMessiahUniusRei posted a comment 1 hour ago: az99920 رد: R: رد: R: رد: R: رد: frind came on كويتي بحق! شكرا اخي العزيز لك كل التقدير التي تشع نور
  • HolyJHWHsanto 
    HolyJHWHsanto ha pubblicato un commento 
    6 giorni fa
    of what of God has always left me shocked: is his humility and his infinite goodness and infinite patience! That God is so humble, you can slap to him, mistreat, abuse, evil against Him, etc.. .. but, he will always continue to love you with an everlasting love! no! but I'm not so: like him? i am not! HolyJHWHsanto HolyJHWHsanto posted a comment 24 minutes ago God is the person more December humble that: I have known, in fact, I can not seem to bear myself, but: he supports me! if you say to God: "Hello God!" he said to you: "Hello!" Because God is a very gentle and polite person! God is the person more humble that: I have known, in fact, I can not seem to bear myself, but: he supports me! if you say to God: "Hello God!" he provided with address: "Hello!", because God is a very gentle and polite!
  • HolyJHWHsanto 
    HolyJHWHsanto ha pubblicato un commento 
    6 giorni fa
    as fish live in the sea? I know, we all live in God! unique: true: the word of God? is only that: God YHWH, he has personally wrote, to Moses, but, all the other sacred words? they may be more or less divine words! here's why: in all the sacred books: Satan was atto do his job criminal, Because: i mean, the dickhead? I've never been too few! as fish live in the sea? so, we all live in God! unique: true: the word of God? is only that: that: he wrote personally to Moses all the other sacred words? they may be more or less divine words! here's why: in all the sacred books: Satan was able to do his job criminal, because: i mean, the dickhead? I've never been too few!
  • HolyJHWHsanto 
    HolyJHWHsanto ha pubblicato un commento 
    6 giorni fa
    Certain: The unius REI: I live to do the will of God, but God Also, he lives to do my own will: in fact, I have not received a prophecy, but, I have received to send: (in an intuitive way: for or metaphysics) and how, if God had said, "you put order in the world of crazy: racist murderers selfish criminals, first, That they destroy: finally: like crazy: yourself, in atomic fire: everything! any, and everything! here's why: God also, now, he is forced to obey me! certain: I unius REI: I live to do the will of God, but also God, he lives to do my own will: in fact, I do not I received a prophecy, but, I have received a mandate: (so intuitive or metaphysical) and how, if God had said, "you put order in the world of crazy: racist murderers selfish criminals, first, that they destroy: finally: like crazy in atomic fire: everything! here's why: God also, now, he is forced to obey me!
  • HolyJHWHsanto 
    HolyJHWHsanto ha pubblicato un commento 
    6 giorni fa
    Abraham hatte noch nie gesehen, Melchizedek, aber sofort machte einen Akt der Unterwerfung oder Vasallen ihm und gab ihm den Zehnten von allem, denn: Er wusste sofort, dass Melchisedk ihm überlegen war! es ist wahr! Abraham war nicht allzu heilig! und es war nicht der erste Mann, dass er glaubte: in ein Gott! Allerdings ist nur Abraham der Gründer des Monotheismus! aber obwohl: Melchised war sehr heiligsten Abraham, aber war ihm nicht, dem Begründer des Monotheismus, sondern Abraham nur wurde gewählt, um der Vater aller Völker sein, während Melchiseck: ist der Erstgeborene der ganzen ewigen Priestertum! Warum hat Gott mich erwählt zu sein (Unis REI) über: als jede Kreatur, Mensch oder Engel? es ist, weil ich das ehrgeizigste Mann war, sondern, wie ein Sünder sein? lol. Ich gewinnen kann jeder Bestenliste!
  • mrUniversalMetaphysc 
    mrUniversalMetaphysc ha pubblicato un commento 
    1 sett. fa
    @ God 666 IMF Rothschilf owl -> no! I have not: 1. disorders religious or 2. I have no mystical crisis: 3. I have no supernatural gifts: I am not totally rational and spirits as Could to my presence without being disintegrated here is why: I do not see: and hear nothing: that: is not. in three dimensional mine? is only a speculation, deduction: intuition: philosophical linked to faith in the Bible that: is it Called Metaphysics! fuck Rothscind: I have not entered into Freemasonry, as you'd want! Your slander Against Me? You can put in your ass! no! I did not: 1. disorders religious or 2. I have no mystical crisis: 3. I have no supernatural gifts: I am totally rational and no spirit could come to my presence without being disintegrated here is why: I do not see: and hear nothing: that: is not three dimensional mine? I have not entered into Freemasonry tops you'd want! Your slander against me? You can put in your ass!
  • mrUniversalMetaphysc 
    mrUniversalMetaphysc ha pubblicato un commento 
    1 sett. fa
    @Israele --> tra, le poche persone, che, conoscono: in modo razionale, questo segreto? c'è il re dell'Arabia Saudita: infatti, c'è un esplicito accordo: tra: lui: e gli Illuminati: per distruggere Israele! questo è: il loro momento: per diffondere l'islam: attraverso: il denaro, e la violenza intollerante: dei salafiti: di cui: il braccio armato è Proprio Al Quaeda!(ecco perché possono morire ogni giorno 400: martiri cristiani: nell'indifferenza generale: ma, il vero obiettivo di quel martirio innocente? è arrivare a colpore voi!)
  • mrUniversalMetaphysc 
    mrUniversalMetaphysc ha pubblicato un commento 
    1 sett. fa
    1_2: @ IsraelNationalTV, mon frère -> parce que: tous les Juifs sont les suivantes: devenir chrétiens: à la mode occulte? pourquoi: ils peuvent être été exterminés: par Illuminati: le FMI: d'une manière systématique (tout, après tout 70 ans: à propos: et maintenant, c'est au tour d'Israël à être effacé: pour sa Holocauste), lorsque: un animal meurt étouffé: et: Tout son sang (c.-à-sa vie: c'est lui, pas vous en mangez, mais vous ne le manger: à un goyim: comme moi, parce que: en tant que votre Talmud dit: "Je n'ai pas de: le danger de devenir un animal ":
  • mrUniversalMetaphysc 
    mrUniversalMetaphysc ha pubblicato un commento 
    1 sett. fa
    (pour manger le sang d'un animal), en fait, je suis déjà un animal de la forme humaine pour votre Talmud Ceci, cependant, est pour votre Kakam: super rabbins Lumière: et, leur monde occulte:! vous ne pouvez pas savoir que c'est, Illuminati: Super pharisiens rabbins: kakam: du FMI: ils circulent: de l': composé: qui contiennent, en tant que pourcentage est le sang des enfants catholiques: sacrifié, comme des agneaux pour la purification: des pécheurs,
  • mrUniversalMetaphysc 
    mrUniversalMetaphysc ha pubblicato un commento 
    1 sett. fa
    2_2: @ IsraelNationalTV mon ami! ---> Mais le sang (c.-à-, le composé: de la poussière, cendres), est faite, aussi, de manger: ((inhalation: injecté: avec des médicaments)) par le biais: de nombreux rituels religieux: comment, avec les œufs de le rituel du mariage, etc ... pourquoi, vous les Juifs: vous avez tous été volés: des e ton de nos droits de judéité (il n'ya pas plus): et vous êtes devenu: tout ce que vous aussi: comment sont les Goyim, ici, parce que: dans un mode secret: vous êtes tous devenir chrétiens ((Ceci est le sang du Christ: ce qui suit: par le sang des chrétiens:! qui est dans tes veines))! ici, parce que: en ligne avec l': la loi: et cycliquement: les Illuminati: doit faire: et avoir: le pouvoir de planifier l'Holocauste: Shaoah: contre tous les Juifs! En fait, vous avez été évincé: de la judaïté de leur: de leurs droits (d'avoir mangé du sang d'enfants chrétiens), mais cela? vous ne savez pas!
  • mrUniversalMetaphysc 
    mrUniversalMetaphysc ha pubblicato un commento 
    1 sett. fa
    3_3 @ IsraelNationalTV -> C'est parce que, que, les pharisiens Illuminati:. Du FMI, 666: chouette dieu: Baal MArduck, ils savaient très bien que seules les personnes des Juifs pouvait: faire arrêter: à leur satanique: le pouvoir: criminelle (parce que, sur: les francs-maçons satanistes:? ils pouvaient se fier aveuglément)! Ici, le super pharisiens Kakam: Illuminati par Lucifer, ils ont toujours prévu: l'extermination (Holocauste): Shoah: des Juifs ((comme maintenant: Israël doit être détruit dans l'inévitable: WW nucléaire: 3 °))!
  • mrUniversalMetaphysc 
    mrUniversalMetaphysc ha pubblicato un commento 
    1 sett. fa
    Mais parce que les Juifs seraient tués: juridiquement: les Juifs devaient être déclassées: au niveau de l'goyim C'est pourquoi: pour les Juifs a été fait boire (traîtreusement): le sang des enfants catholiques! Il est également de ceci: la vraie raison: occulte invisible, en mode surnaturel: le pourquoi, les musulmans veulent tuer les juifs parce qu'ils sentent que les musulmans (pour la puissance de SatanAllah charia), que les Juifs sont de plus en Christian (en mode occulte !)
  • mrUniversalMetaphysc 
    mrUniversalMetaphysc ha pubblicato un commento 
    1 sett. fa
    @Israel National TV --> poiché, gli Illuminati del FMI 666: dio gufo: Baal MArduck, loro sapevano molto bene: che, soltanto, il popolo degli ebrei: avrebbe potuto: fermare: il loro satanico: potere: criminale (poiché, dei satanisti: della massoneria?: loro si potevano fidare ciecamente)! Ecco che, i super farisei Kakam: Illuminati da Lucifero, loro hanno sempre pianificato: lo sterminio (Shoah) degli ebrei! Ma perché gli ebrei: potessero essere uccisi: legalmente: gli ebrei: dovevano essere declassati: a livello dei goyim: ecco perché: agli ebrei è stato fatto bere (a tradimento): del sangue di bambini cattolici! ed è anche, questo: il vero motivo occulto: invisibile, soprannaturale: del perché, i musulmani voglio uccidere gli ebrei: perché, i musulmani intuiscono(per il potere di satana), che, gli ebrei sono: diventati dei cristiani(occulti)!
  • mrUniversalMetaphysc 
    mrUniversalMetaphysc ha pubblicato un commento 
    1 sett. fa
    Paz @ -----> aleluya mi gloria SANTO SANTO SANTO YHWH SHALOM Salam Hallelujah Salama Salaam PAZ PAZ 和平 평화 שלום السلام ΕΙΡΗΝΗ शांति МИР BARIS Hoa Binh kapayapaan paix Paz Paz 平和 --- bendiciones también -> Amor
  • mrUniversalMetaphysc 
    mrUniversalMetaphysc ha pubblicato un commento 
    1 sett. fa
    1_2:@IsraelNationalTV my Israel --> perché: tutti gli ebrei sono diventati cristiani in modo occulto? e perché possono essere sterminati dagli Illuminati del FMI: in modo sistematico(ogni 70 anni: circa: ed ora è il turno per Israele: di essere sterminato), quando un animale muore soffocato: e tutto il suo sangue(cioè, la sua vita) è in lui: tu non lo mangi, ma, tu lo fai mangiare: ad un goym: come me? perché, come dice il tuo talmud: io non ho: il pericolo: di: diventare un animale:(mangiando del sangue) infatti, io sono già: un animale: dalla forma umana(per il tuo talmud)! Questo, però tu: e tuoi rabbini: voi non lo potete sapete: è: che: gli Illuminati Super Rabbini: farisei kakam: del FMI: loro fanno circolare: delle: soluzioni: composti: che: contengono, in %(percentuale) il sangue: di bambini cattolici: immolati come agnelli: per purificare: i peccati,
  • mrUniversalMetaphysc 
    mrUniversalMetaphysc ha pubblicato un commento 
    1 sett. fa
    2_2:@Israel National TV --> ma, quel sangue(composto: polvere: cenere), viene fatto, anche mangiare: attraverso: molti riti religiosi: come, con le uova del rito: del matrimonio, ecc.., ecc.. ecco perché, voi ebrei: siete stati tutti derubati: dei vostri diritti di ebraicità: e siete diventati: tutti anche voi: come, sono i Goyim, ecco, perché: in modo occulto: voi tutti siete diventati cristiani! ecco, perché: giuridicamente: e ciclicamente: gli Illuminati hanno: l'autorità di pianificare l'Olocausto: contro: di voi! infatti, voi siete stati estromessi dai diritti della ebraicità, ma non lo sapete!
  • mrUniversalMetaphysc 
    mrUniversalMetaphysc ha pubblicato un commento 
    1 sett. fa
    @IsraelNationalTV --> per favore: fratello mio! tu aspetta: altri 30 giorni: prima di fare aggredire: l'Iran(noi vediamo: se lui rinuncia alla Sharia, e se: a sue spese: l'Iran costruisce: una Chiesa: con 50 posti a sedere: in ogni città: con più di 40.000 abitanti!), perché, sarebbe utile: per noi: di fare la guerra insieme a lui: contro: il "Piccolo Satana": cioè: contro: l'Arabia Saudita! questa guerra: è la nostra unica possibilità: di fare evitare: la 3°WW nucleare: dove senz'altro: Israele, andrebbe perduto(perché: proprio: questa: è la Agenda: dei tuoi amati Illuminati Farisei: i rabbini Kakam(quelli con i merletti: che succhiano il sangue ai bambini cattolici): gli Enlightened del FMI: per: di ruggere ogni monoteismo: nel mondo: tutti gli adoratori del dio gufo: Baal; gli amici di: 322 Zio: Bush(il Grande satana): il NWO: per fare di tutto il genere umano un solo branco: di schiavi: come dice il talmud)
  • JewsxMessiahUniusRei 
    JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento 
    1 sett. fa
    @justicepartyuk ---> you are an enlightened ? , That he wants to keep the Jews to do the parasites: of the satanic Talmud : for damage to: all over the world, through, IMF: namely, in the Masonic system: of: all the false Democracies: of the seigniorage banking? Also, the Jews: Must Become: a people: at last, or: They Will Hurt: us all, Because: They Have Become: the masters: of every monopoly: why is, Jews lobby HAVING control of the money They charge us for the value of 270 % (100 % banking seigniorage) , 100 % debt pubblic: fractional reserve and 70%: ie, private debt (source: Giacinto Auriti ) here Because The Jewish Pharisees : They are the sponsors of Holocaust Each ! in truth, if all nations would not submit: Their, into my Sovereignty: of: unius REI ? all mankind will be annihilated: by : 3 rd: World War : Nuclear: very soon!
  • justicepartyuk 
    justicepartyuk ha pubblicato un commento 
    1 sett. fa
    God never gave Israel to Jews, Israeli politicians & religious bigots lie
  • mrUniversalMetaphysc 
    mrUniversalMetaphysc ha pubblicato un commento 
    1 sett. fa
    my @ YHWH: ie, my Holy God -> Been is: That my anger burned Their impure blood: Their bones and all unclean, on the mouth of Hell! for a gentle man like me? Been was something very disgusting! but, it is for Been do, the honor to you, at thy holy name That I defended why: there was not Been choked, forever: the hope of Israel: These perverts from: Masonic system of: of all the false Democracies seigniorage banking ! all evil criminals: Against: christians innocent martyrs is my anger that burned their impure blood: the mouth of Hell! for a gentle man like me? was something very disgusting! but, it is the honor of thy holy name that I defended why: there was choked forever: the hope of Israel: from these perverts: Masonic system: all the false democracies bank seigniorage!
  • mrUniversalMetaphysc 
    mrUniversalMetaphysc ha pubblicato un commento 
    1 sett. fa
    @ Hallelujah my YHWH, Allah my HALLELUJAH --------> Palestinian Palestinians or not ? I will kill all: every Muslim, That, proposes, Sharia law, because, this is Satanism : it is murder; turn for corrupt, in holy religion of God: in an imperialist project : because God does not hate good and peaceful people , That God does not hate His Creatures (all innocent people: martyrs ) created by the His infinite love ! @ To all Peoples --------------> 1... I am unius REI: Universal humanumgenus the King! 2... @ To my jewish People: I am Jewish Messiah : lorenzojhwh: the King of Israel! 3... @ To my Palestine People: I am Mahdi lorenzoAllah ... Shalom: +: + salam: =: blessings too: 4... I am Universal Brotherhood! halleluijah hallelujah
  • mrUniversalMetaphysc 
    mrUniversalMetaphysc ha pubblicato un commento 
    1 sett. fa
    @ IsraelNationalTV -> no problem for the desert: they will give it for free! and then? with slingshots? we have: already: killed many giants GOLIATHs! @Israel National TV --> nessun problema: per il deserto: loro lo daranno gratuitamente! e poi? con le fionde? noi abbiamo: già: ucciso i tanti: GOLIA
  • mrUniversalMetaphysc 
    mrUniversalMetaphysc ha pubblicato un commento 
    1 sett. fa
    [ Who is the person that : I love: more, throughout the world in ? is Benny Hinn , he is!] Infact: Benny Hinn: Shepherd and his friend: in The Bahamas: They taught me: The Political Implications: of the Kingdom of God , on this planet and without them? I Could Never Become: unius REI ! behold, now, Because: my best friend , Benny Hinn: he is an: jew traitor: that: he's not living in Israel! Shall I begin to Kill Him and his family ! Because: Requires the law: to every jew: not live outside of Israel ! here is why: I will take: half: of the desert to Egypt , and the middle :: of the desert to Saudi Arabia ! why : if These Jewish murderers and Satanists do not return everyone in Palestine ? We're all gonna die, Because The IMF: and his Talmud has decreed the extermination of all peoples ! for Jews who , They Do not return? I will send Them killers! Because, the traitors are the worst threat to Israel
  • mrUniversalMetaphysc 
    mrUniversalMetaphysc ha pubblicato un commento 
    1 sett. fa
    666 CIA NWO 322: IMF: ie: IHateNEWLAYOUT ---> and, who, may do harm to youtube, if, not the section: 666 CIA of Satanists? that: are the dogs of the IMF-322 Talmud Kabbalah (Those, with the Mossad, have fired 11-09: to justify the aggression of a sovereign country: Iraq: where you have endless: for kills also: 1000.000: Christians innocents: in mode intentionally!)! But, you may not: imprison: unius REI: why: he's a metaphysical energy! ---> And who may do harm to youtube, if not the section: CIA satanists? that: are the dogs of the IMF (those with the Mossad did 11-09: to justify the aggression of a sovereign country: Iraq: where you have endless 1000,000: Christian innocents intentionally!)! But, you may not: imprison: unius REI: why: he's a metaphysical energy!
  • mrUniversalMetaphysc 
    mrUniversalMetaphysc ha pubblicato un commento 
    1 sett. fa
    @ 666 CIA IHateNEWLAYOUT ---> sorry, you bear with patience: the young, inexperienced and presumptuous! They have not yet experienced the pain: like us! then. only one IMF: satanic: Talmud: and also: only one NWO: satanic: Talmud: ie, only one masonic system synagogue of Satan, 322 666! is the heresy of the Pharisees Kakam Illuminati by Lucifer, That has sunk: in the curse: my Jewish people: and all peoples: of the world: and in any olocaust shoah .. but where he failed the King Solomon and the court of the Inquisition? I will not fail! is the heresy of the Pharisees, that has sunk: the curse: my Jewish people and all peoples of the world: but where he failed the King Solomon and the court of the Inquisition? I will not fail! you bear with patience: the young, inexperienced and presumptuous! they have not yet experienced the pain: like us!
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    1 sett. fa
    @ IsraelNatinalTV -> if love: it is to make our life: an extreme gift of love for the homeland and for all peoples? until to martyrdom? then, Jesus Christ in Bethlehem taught to love, to all of us! as can be Shall be punished as a person who, he has done of the enemy of Jesus Christ Himself? @ Israel Natinal TV -> if you love: it is to make our life: an extreme gift of love for the homeland and for all peoples? to martyrdom? then, Jesus Christ in Bethlehem taught to love, to all of us! shall be punished as a person who, he acted himself the enemy of Jesus Christ?
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    1 sett. fa
    killers of satanallah: they kill: 300: Christian martyrs: innocent : every day in the world to imperialism Saudi Salafi: ie Al Qaeda!] Syria has been suspended by the Organization: To Islamic Cooperation (OIC). Decision: It was made known: with: a statement: at the end of the summit: Organization: Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Participants: criminal accomplices have agreed: "the need to end: immediately the violence in Syria ( from Their planned : and Financed: To expand imperialism Arabia and to suspend: this country by the UCI. " The summit, said he was "deeply troubled, for the massacres and inhumane acts: Suffered by the Syrian people because of Their Salafist terrorists : AlQueda of: that: are not prisoners and kill All Those , That Do not enlist the army of the opposition

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Posting Date
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: A Man-Made Cup In Pennsylvanian Coal?February 11, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Hands-Down EvidenceFebruary 7, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Trilobites UnderfootFebruary 4, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Getting A handle On Ancient Dinosaur SightingsFebruary 2, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Perplexing Permian PrintJanuary 28, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: The Willett PrintJanuary 25, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Throughout The Geologic ColumnJanuary 23, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Cro-Magnon ManJanuary 16, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Neanderthal ManJanuary 14, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Homo ErectusJanuary 11, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Piltdown ManJanuary 11, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Homo Habilis - ´Handyman´January 7, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Nebraska ManJanuary 4, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: RamapithicusJanuary 2, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: ´Your Little Cousin´ LucyDecember 31, 2012
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: The Tuang ChildDecember 28, 2012
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: IntroductionDecember 26, 2012
The Model, Episode 4


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the King Unius Rei

the King Unius Rei
universal brotherhood