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agenda talmud evil kabblah

 agenda talmud evil kabblah, 666, 322, for masonic system, of banking seigniorage, "God save us", from horror family IMF FED ECB, private, SpA Corporations's Rothschild: III World War, for destroy Israel, and all muslims islamists country, "muoia sansone(Israele) con tutti i filistei (musulmani) --- Bonino (bildenberg) tipped to be foreign minister. Bank of Italy's Saccomanni favourite to be economy minister. 27 April, (see related stories) (ANSA) - Rome, April 27 - Former European commissioner Emma Bonino is likely to be foreign minister in the government Enrico Letta(bildenberg)

    NAPLES - Appeal of Authority President, Mahmoud Abbas, to Israel: "We know that Italy has forced to the peace process, and that, too, the U.S. is determined. Israel will seize: this: opportunity: greedy in the future: they might not, be similar occasions. We work: for this, for real peace, and: why: also: Israel may live: in peace and security. "- ANSWER - what you do, seal the three products: the price of two? really? What peace can there be, if: Jews and Christians are exterminated, and killed all over the world, because of the Sharia of your Islamists, Salafis and "Muslim brothers"? Islamists seize you, rather, this tempting possibilities of peace and renounce, to your criminal Sharia, differently? will be hell, of: a World War III, to take everything very soon! and then, we'll see who Allah, who will live, and who die!

    NAPOLI - Appello del presidente dell'Anp, Abu Mazen, a Israele: "Sappiamo, che, l'Italia, spinge, per il processo di pace, e, che, anche, gli Usa sono determinati. Israele: colga questa occasione: ghiotta, in futuro: potrebbero, non, esserci occasioni simili. Noi lavoriamo: per questo, per una pace reale, e: perché: anche: Israele possa vivere: in pace e sicurezza". -- ANSWER -- cosa fai, dai tre prodotti: al prezzo di due? Che pace: ci può essere, se: ebrei e cristiani: sono, sterminati, ed uccisi, in tutto il mondo, a motivo della Sharia dei tuoi islamisti, salafiti e: "fratelli musulmani"? cogliete voi islamisti, piuttosto, questa ghiotta possibilità: di pace e rinunciate alla Sharia, diversamente? sarà l'inferno, di una III guerra mondiale, a prendere tutto, molto presto! e poi, vedremo, chi Allah, farà vivere, e, chi morire!

    @ King Saudi Arabia - (in a movie) all the Cardinals, want to hit, chase, St. Francis, when, he asks to found: the Franciscan friars, but, then, the Pope inspired by God, he does call: again, St. Francis, and it is hoped with him, says: "... I also, when I was young I wanted to be like you ... I wanted to do, the friend, with the King: of the Muslims, and, instead: then, because of him, I was forced: to prepare: also, a crusade against: him! "- ANSWER - BUT, I have some good news for you! I IS NOT THE KIND THAT NOT TRUST: of bad judgments, or who allow themselves, by bad JUDGEMENT: by the OTHERS!, ALL THINGS? ALWAYS, WANT it, JUDGE by mySELF! why, I not can live , the danger, for me to have disappointed God, in all confidence, that, he puts in me! and, if one: it was really bad: in the past? this is not to say that he must continue: more: to be bad, also, against me too!
    @King Saudi Arabia -- (in un film) tutti i Cardinali voglio cacciare San Francesco, quando, lui chiede di fondare: i frati Francescani, ma, poi, il Papa ispirato da Dio: lo fa chiamare: di nuovo, e si confida con lui, dice: "... anche io, quando, io ero giovane: volevo essere come te, ... io volevo fare: l'amico con il Re: dei musulmani, ed invece: poi, per colpa sua, io sono stato costretto: a preparare: anche, una crociata: contro: di lui! " -- ANSWER -- MA, IO ho una buona notizia per te! io NON SONO IL TIPO, CHE, SI FIDA: dei giudizi cattivi, o che, si lascia condizionare, dal GIUDIZIO: degli ALTRI, TUTTE LE COSE? LE VOGLIO SEMPRE GIUDICARE PERSONALMENTE! perché, io nonn posso vivere, il pericolo, per me, di avere deluso Dio, nella fiducia, che, lui ripone, in me!

    BirmaniaRogo Islamic school Arsi live 13 kids.. Locked doors for fear of reprisals by the Buddhists after the recent violence against the Muslim minority in the central region of the country, which caused 43 deaths - ANSWER - to MY dear angels, in your paradise: heaven pray for my universal brotherhood, as well as I have prayed for you

    [God is teaching me not to be impulsive] In fact, I stop any, form of resentment, or desire, of the revenge, is why, it can prevent, the merciful will of God: my YHWH,, and, power of God: my YHWH, to be able manifest all HIS power.. because not all criminals are to be destroyed, but, they are for the mercies of God, are for the redemption .. it is not easy to learn, this, but, also, it is not impossible! if, I did I learn? So everyone can learn also, it must follow the flow of history, which is the breath, the wind of the Holy Spirit... beccouse God JHWH is love

    but, all this my political agenda, can not be achieved if all the Islamic states do not declare illegal the Sharia, therefore, if sharia is not removed, even Israel can not be released from his Satanism and we will all be forced to participate in World War III. . are, the Muslims, who must set the example for first, to start from Iran and Saudi Arabia! ma, tutto questo non può essere realizzato se tutti gli stati islamici, non dichiarano illegale la sharia, di conseguenza, se la sharia non viene rimossa, anche israele non può essere liberato dal suo satanismo e tutti saremo costretti a partecipare alla III guerra mondiale.. sono i musulmani, che devono dare l'esempio ad iniziare da Iran e Arabia Saudita!

    @ IIlIIlllI --- I'm glad that, at the highest levels, ie international institutional, more high levels satanic is, 666 Rothschild: IMF FED, which, 322 Bush NWO, they have included, such as: the esoteric star, with six points: on the flag of Israel , should be burned, and that: it's finally time, that, will be redeem, Israel, from, all his Satanism, the occult and Masonic seigniorage banking, equally, even, any, other: false democracies Masonic: will be, free released ! therefore, it is right, that the NWO, and the IMF, should be finally in my hands because I am: unius REI, the unity of the universal brotherhood, on all the World, and I are the unit of: all the Middle East, that is, I am the Kingdom of Palestine, for destroy masonic State of Israel.

    when, four years ago, through metaphysics, I have offered religious freedom to all, many too, very stubborn souls, they said: "no!, or you conquer us to Christianity, or we will never accept you as leader, unius REI ".. This attitude, to have all, everything, or, do not have anything? I was very surprised! This is why, from that moment on, I have bet, on the evangelization of Satanists. because, I said to myself, if I resco to convert Satanists, then, I can convert all Peoples, them all, but, however, can never be, any the religion for me, and I can never change the nature of my unis Rei, because the METAPHYSICS (is, wisdom, in secular form) is eternal! because, my most precious brother, who is, and will be, the high priest jew, he has yet to be elected, into his position, and he does not know that, he will become the high priest.
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    quando, io 4 anni fa, attraverso, la metafisica, io ho offerto, la libertà di religione a tutti, le anime ostinate, hanno detto: "no! o, tu conquisti noi al cristianesimo, oppure, noi non accetteremo mai te, come leader Unius REI".. questo, atteggiamento, di avere tutto, o di non avere niente? mi ha molto meravigliato! ecco perché, da quel momento, io ho puntato sull'evangelizzazione dei satanisti. perché mi son detto, se io resco a convertire i satanisti, poi, io posso convertire tutti, ma, tuttavia, io non posso mai essere la religione, ed io non posso mai mutare la mia natura di unis REi, perché, la METAFISICA(ciè, la sapienza, in forma laica) è eterna! anche perché, il mio più prezioso fratello, che, è il sommo sacerdote ebreo, egli, deve ancora essere eletto, al suo ruolo, e non sa ancora che, deve diventare il sommo sacerdote.
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    when [Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri] found that, Jesus of Bethlehem is the TRUE: Messiah, he has planned: his: terrible vengeance, against: all Enlightened of IMF-NWO babylon Tower, ie, the Scribes and the Pharisees, the chief priests, against all those who, in deliberately mode, had betrayed the Jewish people, through, masonic occult, darknes system. writing falsehood and calumny in the Talmud [Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri] decided to go down to hell, to go and spit in the face to all the ancestors of Rothschild, and against: all criminals Pharisees liars, thieves,of the banking seigniorage, the designers of any real Holocaust, against their own people, and then, after having beaten them, "put to death" again, sweeping, from despair, all of them, because, they would never have thought that
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    when [Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri][Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri] he had the power: to be able, to get out of the hell .. in fact, as the notary has read his statement?, his three angels costudi, went to pick him up in hell. as it is written, chiuque invoke, and publicly recognizes the name of Jesus, will be saved!
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    [cosa, yitzhak kaduri, ha detto ad Unius REI?.] Pochi mesi prima di morire a 108 anni, circondato dalla venerazione dei suoi discepoli, il rabbino e kabbalista Yitzhak Kaduri meravigliò tutti sostenendo, di aver incontrato il Messia. Ne parlò nella sua sinagoga, in un memorabile Yom Kippur, insegnando come riconoscerlo. Disse inoltre, che il Messia sarebbe apparso, in Israele dopo al morte di Ariel Sharon, l'ex premier, da più d'un anno in coma, ma ancora, in qualche modo vivo. Per di più rabbi Kaduri, scrisse il nome del Messia prossimo venturo, in un foglietto, che chiuse in una busta, chiedendo di aprirlo solo nell'ottobre 2007. Ora la busta è stata aperta: il nome del Messia è Yeshua, Gesù (3). Il testo del messaggio tradotto suona così: «Quanto alla abbreviazione, delle lettere riguardanti il nome del Messia,
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    [cosa, yitzhak kaduri, ha detto ad Unius REI?.] Egli rialzerà il popolo, e proverà che, la parola e la legge sono validi. Questo ho firmato nel mese della misericordia, Yitzhak Kaduri». In ebraico, le parola sopra sottolineate suonano «Yarim Ha'Am Veyokhiakh Shedvaro Vetorato Omdim». Le loro iniziali, ossia l'acrostico, formano il nome Yehoshua, di cui Yeshua (Gesù) è una semplice contrazione. Le due forme vengono usate indifferentemente dal profeta Zaccaria (6:11) e da Esdra (3:2) per la stessa persona, un sacerdote chiamato, dall'uno «Yehoshua figlio di Yozadak» e dall'altro «Yeshua figlio di Yozadak». Il nome viene dalla radice ebraica per «salvezza», dunque «Salvatore». Il messaggio di Kaduri ha gettato nello sgomento i discepoli della sua scuola rabbinica, la Nahalat Yitzhak Yeshiva.
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    [cosa, yitzhak kaduri, ha detto ad Unius REI?.] Solo la fuga di notizie provocata, dal sito ebraico «News Firts Class», e un articolo del quotidiano Ma'ariv (che ha definito il messaggio un falso) hanno costretto gli adepti a parlarne. «Quella non è la scrittura di mio padre», ha dichiarato rabbi David Kaduri, il figlio ottantenne del defunto, ed ha mostrato, al giornalista di Israel Today manoscritti del vecchio padre, risalenti però, a 80 anni fa, dove la grafia pareva diversa. Soprattutto, riporta Israel Today, «ciò che colpisce, nei manoscritti, fatti per uso degli studenti, sono i segni a forma di croce tratteggiati: da Kaduri sulle pagine». Ciò perché, spiega, «nella tradizione ebraica: non si usa disegnare croci. Anche il segno aritmetico 'più' è scoraggiato: perché: può essere preso per una croce» cristiana.
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    [cosa, yitzhak kaduri, ha detto ad Unius REI?.] Il che è la pura verità: nelle scuole d'Israele: è obbligatorio per gli alunni usare, al posto del nostro universale segno «+», una sorta: di: T: rovesciata. Nei manoscritti si notano anche: simboli indecifrabili: secondo il figlio, sono «segni degli angeli», ma: poi non ha saputo spiegare: cosa ciò significhi. Quando Kaduri - figlio ha saputo: che: persino il sito ufficiale del padre ( kaduri . net) aveva riportato il testo segreto, ha esclamato: «Oh no, è una bestemmia! La gente: può credere che mio padre accennasse a lui!». Ossia «al Messia dei cristiani», nota Israel Today. [questo deve essere compreso, i mistici, come anche Gesù sulla Croce, loro non hanno la misura terrestre del tempo]
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    il Regno di Dio, non è, in questo universo tridimensionale, non esiste, la luna il sole, e non esiste la notte, nel Paradiso, quindi, il fluire del tempo, non è paragonabile alla nostra dimensione.. è questo esalta la gloria del Paradiso, ed esalta la disperazione dell'inferno, perché felicità(adorazione armonia) e disperazione: sono estreme e senza oblio
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    yitzhak kaduri, cosa ha detto, [ Israele Viene Chiamato A Casa!!! Presto anche la Sposa Verrà Chiamata a Casa! ] Israele Viene Chiamato A Casa! Un anziano Rabbino fa appello a tutti i Giudei a ritornare nella Terra Promessa poiché dei TERRIBILI DISASTRI stanno per abbattersi sulle nazioni. L´articolo che segue è apparso sul Sito Web: Arutz Sheva - IsraelNationalNews . Kabalista Fa Urgenza Ai Giudei Di Ritornare in Israele Prima dei Disastri che Stanno per Venire. 15 Settembre, 05. Di Baruch Gordon. Il noto Anziano Leader Kabalista, il Rabbino Yitzchak Kaduri, Martedì sera ha fatto appello a tutti i Giudei del mondo a ritornare in Israele dovuto al fatto che dei disastri naturali minacciano il mondo. [se, gli ebrei riescono, a fare, a meno di me? io sono più felice!]
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    yitzhak kaduri, cosa ha detto, yitzhak kaduri, cosa ha detto, In una lezione tra le preghiere del Mincha (pomeriggio) e del Maariv (sera) nel suo seminario yeshiva di Gerusalemme, il Rabbino Kaduri espresse il seguente appello: "Questa dichiarazione io la trovo un soggetto adatto perché tutti i Giudei del mondo ne diano ascolto. È incombente che loro ritornino nella Terra di Israele, dovuto al fatto che dei terribili disastri naturali minacciano il mondo. Nel futuro, il Santo, il Benedetto, sta per portare grandi disastri sulle nazioni del mondo per alleviare le prove della Terra d´Israele.[se, gli ebrei riescono, a fare, a meno di me? io sono più felice!]
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    yitzhak kaduri, cosa ha detto, Io sto ordinando la pubblicazione di questa dichiarazione come un ammonimento, così che i Giudei che sono nelle nazioni del mondo siano coscienti dell´imminente pericolo e vengano nella Terra d´Israele per la costruzione del Tempio e la rivelazione del nostro giusto Mashiach (Messia)". Nota: Se Israele viene chiamato a casa perché i disastri naturali (o le Piaghe di Apocalisse) stanno per abbattersi sulle nazioni, cosa ne è della Sposa di Cristo? Sta anche Lei per essere chiamata a Casa? Oh, chi ha orecchi per udire, che oda! E chi ha occhi per vedere (vedere che ora segna l´orologio di Dio, Israele) che veda![se, gli ebrei riescono, a fare, a meno di me? io sono più felice!]
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    no Freemason, no Pharisee, no Islamist, no obstinate sinner, no criminal, not rebellious, against, Bible, no Satanist, no political, bankers, etc.. .. no enemy, of the cross, he can overcome the ordeal, now imminent, it is essential, for the IMF, That Is, in World War III, That your beloved IMF FED ECB, 666 banking seigniorage, ie, the Masonic system , for new Babylon tower: NWO, to destroy Israel, HAS designed! It is NOT possible to betray: the Creator, without: to meet, an own: make of destruction! and myself despair of being able to convert the people, who were taken to the corruption, because corruption is worse than sin, is a disease that can not be cured, today said the Pope Francis
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    / UCrPtOvbB3G0gke3y-7R4czw --- Satanist italian, into international criminal institutions, to distort my articles? will can not help, your IMF-NWO! scolds you, the Holy Spirit! that, many evidence, you have, for become, a priest of Satan, how many crimes, you have committed, under, the institutional protection Masonic? sow hatred among peoples, as part, of your agenda, into synagogue of Satan: the Pharisees, FED IMF: that, can, preying, all Peoples, to regenerate himself, and start, a new monetary cycle (where, our money is, continuous, to cost: 270%, such as, has shown: the scientist Giacinto Auriti), after: to have killed, billions of people, because, their money, in the bank: there are no more: and, so it is useful to exterminate, all them. ok, go ahead, in your agenda, I'm curious, really, to know how, it will end this time, I promise that, I'll not stop you!
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    no Freemason, no Pharisee, no Islamist, no obstinate sinner, no rebellious aganst, Bible, no Satanist, etc. .. no enemy, of the cross - can overcome the ordeal, now imminent, it is essential, for the IMF, that is, a World War III, that your beloved IMF, FED ECB, 666 banKING seigniorage, ie, the Masonic system, to destroy Israel, HAS designed! It is NOT possible to betray: the Creator, without: to meet, to a fate of destruction
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    i mostri della sharia, una minaccia, globale, già: soffocata: nelle acque di Lepanto, soltanto, per un intervento, miracoloso: della Madonna... soltanto, i farisei del FMI, potevano creare, una minaccia, così estrema, contro, il mondo civilizzato, e, contro Israele. In questo modo, gli Islamisti, mandati, da USA e NATO: i satanisti, massoni del signoraggio bancario: a realizzare l'imperialismo saudita, si rivoltano contro: i loro stessi mandanti ... chiedo, che vengano usate le armi atomiche contro iran ed arabia saudita, se la mia richiesta non verrà ascoltata? Israele andrà perduto: e la III guerra mondiale sarà inevitabile.
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento [la follia massonica del FMI][ecco perché, l'Arabia Saudita: è il principale, nemico di Israele, chiedete all'imperialismo saudita, la liberazione, dei soldati dell'ONU] Siria, l'appello dell'Onu: liberate: i 21 caschi blu. [i ribelli, non: amano i testimoni, per i loro crimini efferati] I militari rapiti dai ribelli: su alture del Golan. La ferma condanna delle Nazioni Unite! 22:26 - L'Onu chiede, che, siano immediatamente liberati: i 21 caschi blu, sequestrati, sulle alture del Golan: (dalle truppe salatite di AlQuaeda, che, loro stessi hanno mandato in Siria) dai ribelli siriani. I membri del Consiglio di sicurezza: delle Nazioni Unite "condannano fermamente" il rapimento: e, in una dichiarazione adottata all'unanimità, auspicano: il rilascio degli osservatori: e: la garanzia della sicurezza: per tutti gli operatori internazionali: attivi sul territorio siriano.
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    [la follia massonica del FMI][ecco perché l'Arabia Saudita è il vero nemico di Israele, chiedete a lei la liberazione, dei soldati dell'ONU] I ribelli siriani: che: hanno catturato i caschi blu hanno accusato: esplicitamente: il presidente siriano Bashar al Assad di essere "un collaborazionista: al servizio di sionisti e dell'America". In un video amatoriale: diffuso dagli stessi insorti, il portavoce della brigata ribelle: afferma: "Questa è la nostra terra: e cacceremo il dittatore Bashar al Assad, che: protegge Israele". Da decenni, il confine provvisorio: tra: Siria e Israele: è il più stabile: di tutto il Medioriente. -- ANSWER -- L'IMPERIALISMO SAUDITÀ e l'IRAN, sono, entrambi, la vera minaccia! i farisei del FMI, hanno creato questo mostro, perché, il loro odio, contro, il cristianesimo, e, contro, Israele non può più essere nascosto.
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    TheVArious7 - satanist criminal 666 --- you're pathetic! your petty attempts: to do the voodoo sorcerer's apprentice, against: me? no! there is, not, something that can work against me, because, I am covered by: Christ, as many Christians .. everything: that someone can do, against to me? in reality he is doing, only, the evil, against himself because, unius REI: is the more: authorities of the Kingdom of God on earth. throughout the history of mankind, but, only in mode political! is why: unius REI: is jewish messiah, he can not be discredited, or fight by someone, with impunity .. you are doing of evil to yourself only ... but you're so young and inexperienced .. also, you have the right to make their own experiences, that is, to learn the wisdom, in the path of pain, because, even, your life is precious to God, and therefore it is also valuable to me.
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    synnek1 SAID: 47 seconds ago [You] originated outside your [human] conscious and [physical] mode of existence .... ---- ANSWER - I can not understand .. These Things how they can be realized by a rational man like me, will be the metaphysics, of course, is the Holy Spirit, who made them! but, I believe (and I'm sure) to be normal, like everyone else! Because, I asked God, of can become: a model for every man in this mode, if, I were a man extraordinary? then, I would have failed in my mission! and all men humble peaceful and compassionate: full of MODESTY: the world even, if atheists or gay, etc. .. ? all of them, will be received by my love from me personally, in my Jewish Temple. and anyone in the world, in his own way, he thinks he's something of good, for God and for the whole human race? I do not despise him, but, on the contrary, I love him!
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    TheVArious7 CIA MOSSAD IMF NWO 322: occult powers for banking seigniorage, masonic system .. - International institutional Satanism, secret services, to do: 200,000 human sacrifices: on the altar of Satan every year - because you have made ​​of yourself, the criminal of Satan, to conspire against the life of the whole the human race? begone into the hell: 666 times stupid! sorry, but unius REI, can not lie! it does not matter, if the Jewish lobby and Masonic: New World Order, the bank seigniorage: IMF, they are the masters of all monopolies, and then they can, tell all their lies: about Syria, ecc.. , in their MEDIA: network, to plot against: the life of Israel, I have a personal interest in all of this, I'm neutral, because I am not of this world, I am the Kingdom of God only! here because they are for the kingdom of Satan, the highest (new tower of Babel) that is the Sodom and Gomorrah, the highest social engineering,of history, for having sex with your dog
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    if you can save Syria from the Arab League Salafis? save it!] @ Israel - as, I told you? "the devil does and pans, but it is not the cover!" I know the smell of shit always comes out! all Sunnis are: one only a conspiracy for the destruction of Israel, and Rothschild 666 IMF? is the director of all this! - I told you? "the devil does and pans, but it is not the cover!" I know the smell of shit always comes out! all Sunnis are only a conspiracy for the destruction of Israel, and Rothschild 666 IMF? is the director of this! - Kerry, called "to condemn" the words spoken yesterday by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan turkish Vienna When approached Zionism and fascism. "Not only do we disagree, but we find it to be condemned," said Kerry: Yesterday, the White House condemned as "offensive and wrong" statement of Erdogan. - ANSWER - LOL. Erdogan has right, lol. in fact, its Salafi Al Qaeda, is the beautiful democracy: of Syria now ..
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    [sharia horror, jihad for satanAllah] Syria rebels hang 2 Palestinians 'spies' in Damascus. March 2, 2013. (AGI) - Beirut, March 2 - The so-called rough justice, is not exclusive, only, to one side, in the civil war in Syria. The rebels "hanging from a tree" two Palestinians in the refugee camp, "Yarmouk" near Damascus because, suspected of being spies in the pay of the regime. The two, according to the opposition forces were accused, "to cooperate with Damascus, identifying targets bombed last week," reports the Observatory for Human Rights. -ANSWER - all lies, at least: 10,000: innocents people were executed: by Syrian rebels, Al Quaeda, terrorists: Salafis, "Muslim brothers", to do achieve, imperialism Arabia. the only, their guilty one? wanted to remain neutral in the conflict! I have seen young men thrown down from the windows, buried alive, etc. ..
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    scorpion 322 - Kerry --- Kerry, called "to condemn" the words spoken yesterday by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan turkish: Vienna approached when Zionism and fascism. "Not only do we disagree, but we find it to be condemned," said Kerry: Yesterday, the White House condemned as "offensive and wrong" statement of Erdogan. - ANSWER - LOL. Erdogan has right, lol. in fact, its Salafi: Al Qaeda, is the beautiful democracy: of Syria now .. @666 Rothschild fariseo FMI FED BCE NWO -- dove sei scorfano, vieni fuori!
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    [l'amore è per noi: dalla nostra sorella [Santa Maria, Ave] immacolata concezione] piena di grazia, [purezza immacolata. Arca dell'Alleanza, [amare, tu devi tutti noi peccatori, madre Ave Maria: la nostra consolazione]. il Signore è con te, [Regina degli Angeli [oh Ave Maria] il nostro avvocato: il terrore dei demoni]. tu sei benedetta [nostro soccorso [Ave Maria]. fra tutte le donne, [Regina dei profeti e dei patriarchi]. e benedetto è il frutto del tuo seno, Gesù. [Regina degli Apostoli] stella del mattino, la porta del cielo]. [Regina dei Martiri [Ave Maria]. Madre di Dio, Regina [delle Vergini, [Ave Maria]. e Madre della Chiesa, prega per noi peccatori, adesso e nell'ora della nostra morte. amen, [Regina del Cielo [Ave Maria]. alleluia. la nostra vittoria, alleluia, [potente esercito in ordine di battaglia:] alleluia. Unius REI ♰ CSPBCS SMLNDS MDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! ♰ li ho chiamati, ma non sono voluti venire, per diventare i miei amici, poi, sono costretto, a uccidere
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    [love for us: our sister [Saint Mary, Ave] immaculate conception] full of grace, [immaculate purity. Ark of the Covenant, [love our mother Hail Mary: our consolation]. the Lord is with thee, [Queen of Angels [oh Ave Mary] our advocate: terror of demons]. blessed art thou [our rescue [Ave Mary]. among all women, [Queen of prophets, and of the Patriarchs [Ave Mary]. and blessed is: the fruit of thy womb, Jesus of Bethlehem. [Queen of Apostles [Ave Mary] star of the morning, the door of heaven]. Saint Mary: [Queen of Martyrs [Ave Mary]. Mother of God, [Queen of Virgins, [Ave Mary]. and Mother of the Church, you pray for us sinners, now, and at the hour, of our death. amen, [Queen of Heaven [Ave Maria]. alleluia. our victory, hallelujah, [powerful army in battle array:] hallelujah. Unius REI ♰ CSPBCS SMLNDS MDVRSN SMV SMQLIVB! ♰ I have called them, but did not want to come, to become my friends, then, I am forced, to kill their.
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    @ CustodeDellaFede --- I do not know, if you my balls, like you, will go to hell, I do not know, but, I swear, you will be punished! or your church was false, or was fake your God .. and since God can not be false, then, what you said your church, may no longer be valid .. if it was? would not have been defeated .. and since, the church of your dogma has failed, then, not all its dogmas (exclusive, racists, cruel, marginalizing, intolerant) may no longer be valid! but the dogma of the Faith has been saved! rules ecclesiatiche: have become no longer bound, or mandatory: for all, I have rehabilitated the salvation: of the natural law: in favor: of all men! the monopoly: of all religions: has expired, about, at salvation, can no longer be their exclusive privilege!
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    @ CustodeDellaFede --- Je ne sais pas si vous, mes couilles, comme vous, irez en enfer, je ne sais pas, mais je vous jure, vous serez punis! ou votre église était fausse, ou était faux, ton Dieu .. et puisque Dieu ne peut pas être faux, alors, qu'est-ce que vous avez dit votre église, peut ne plus être valide .. si elle était? n'aurait pas été vaincu .. et, depuis, l'église de votre dogme a échoué, alors, pas tous ses dogmes (exclusif, racistes, cruel, marginalisant, intolérant) peut ne plus être valide! mais le dogme de la Foi a été sauvé! ecclesiatiche règles: sont devenus plus lié ou obligatoire: pour tous, j'ai remis en état le salut: de la loi naturelle: en faveur: de tous les hommes! le monopole: de toutes les religions: a expiré, environ, au salut, ne peut plus être leur privilège exclusif!
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    @ CustodeDellaFede --- idiota, ignorante assassino--- if your Catholic Church had not betrayed his mandate? now, all over the world, it would be, all Catholic .. but this is the truth, all religions have failed, because God can not fail, and then, at this point, that Satanists have control of the IMF-NWO:microchip, we can kill one other, to no avail, only to the happiness of the Pharisees IMF FED ECB, for banking seigniorage... for: our destruction ... and you are complicit in all this with your IGNORANZA, and evil .. you are accomplice: of satanist
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    @ synnek1 ° lizard --- you always, look me, wherever, I go, etc. .. because you hope that I can become your unius REI? or because, you hope the opposite, namely, that I can not be your unius REI? [to all my enemies] do not worry: about: unius REI, which can kill your body .. rather, you have to be afraid, that, your soul will fall all'infeno, where: your worm: interior and exterior: can not die, and it: it burns and consumes, continually, because, they can not be forgiven! @ Arutz Sheva TV, IsraelNationalNew - my son, do not ever trust, of: Saudi Arabia, Their friendship is false, Their only hope, is for the revenge, In Their eternal vengeance, they live for evil, the most atrocious: against: you!@ all religions - I order immediately, their alignment with natural law [eg. so the diocesan priests can marry, etc. ..
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    UniusRei1 ha pubblicato un commento 5 ore fa @CustodeDellaFede --- se, la tua Chiesa Cattolica non avesse tradito, il suo mandato? ora, tutto il mondo, sarebbe cattolico.. ma, questa è la verità, tutte le religioni hanno fallito, poiché, Dio non può fallire, e quindi, a questo punto, che i satanisti del FMI hanno il controllo: noi ci possiamo ammazzare tra di noi, inutilmente, soltanto per fare la felicità dei farisei con la nostra distruzione... e tu sei complice di tutto questo con la tua ingnoranza e malvagità
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    5 mesi fa

    synne 666 kkk nazi CIA IMF --- you believe that, I lost respect, of all Satanists, and their, brother Masons, that is, of all the children of the synagogue of Satan, who is the IMF(il Fondo monetario internazionale,), now, now, that, I has revealed to all, that, I not have, any supernatural power, to be able to hurt someone? You saw, how, I was good at convincing, also, you, of something, that, does not exist?lol. but, it must be recognized: you became more human, since you met me! lol. lol. ma, questo deve essere riconosciuto: da tutti, tu sei diventato più umano, da quando tu hai conosciuto me! lol.
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    5 mesi fa

    1 .. 2. @ 666 IMF: Rothschild - this is the end of the game! I have two tenants (but, with the previous tenant, that, he nearly destroyed the apartment? I also, put, lose: 2000 €: for do the eviction), which, because of the recession, they can not pay me the rent ! And I have an "local industrial" high: 4 meters covered with travertine, central area, Bari, which could also "yield: rent": for: 2000 € per month, but is 5 years, which, I was not able, to rent it, not even for half the price! But, I can tell these things to the bank: "UniCredit" where I made a mortgage: 220.000 €: that in 25 years become more than 500,000, with a monthly payment of almost 1300 per month?
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    5 mesi fa

    ShalomGerusalemme posted a comment 8 hours ago: 2 .. 2. @ 666 IMF: Rothschild - like, you can pay the mortgage in this situation? This is the truth: the scientist Giacinto Auriti, said: with a cost of: 270% of your money (created out of nothing)? and with a relative taxation and public debt? In fact, we, all Peoples, we can not have, no longer have a future, which is why, not to lose: your power over the world, you are forced: to kill all the peoples, and to destroy Israel, also, during this imminent: 3 ° nuclear world war!
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    5 mesi fa

    1..4 .. @ King Saudi Arabia - lol. I know that, since you have heard that, I have become your, son in law, (in fact, we Muslims are allowed to have more than one wife, but, lol. I hope that this my women, she have not less than nine years .. lol. too, because, to us Catholics, many are saying (for the crime absurd and self-defeating, that the Vatican does: against: human rights: to live: in a state of the despair, against, many of best, of his ministers), which, we are pedophiles. ecc.. Lol.), I know that. you are seriously committed: to make, become me: the King of Israel. But, I am a spiritual man, I hate, power, honors, etc. .. I hate, all that this world could give, ie all futile, and false .. and since I am already in heavenly places, as: unius REI? So, my commitment is to do everything to prevent this recognition by all governments. but, unfortunately, if this does not happen? you lose all your life
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    5 mesi fa

    2 .. 4 .. @ King Saudi Arabia - You know what he said: St. Francis of Assisi,at  the Sultan? Anyone knows this, really?, I know! 1. Muhammad is the greatest: traitor to God, and he knew, to go to hell, in fact, anyone: of us had a revelation from God (Quran), he would put: in writing, immediately, those revelations to prevent any form of manipulation or corruption or forgetfulness, the future of the Koran! Also because it would take: many years to learn all the Koran by heart, but if it: is not written, at once, quickly, at the same time, etc.. ecc... yet? as, Learn Quran to memory that does not exist? This is impossible! 2. we all know the attitude of Satan in the place of God, even if it is to do good? Satan would prevent that, is God, to do good! That's why it logic that in the Qur'an there are abundant divine words, because Satan, he knows, , really, what God thinks and wants and love!
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    5 mesi fa

    3 .. 4 .. @ King Saudi Arabia - 3. But the most sensational charges against Muhammad, is that God, has not started, a sacred work personally with Abraham, Melchizedek, Noah, Moses and all the prophets, that is, thousands of holy men .. (And we can rightly say of them that they were Muslims, is for this, this is the truth, more importantly, that, exists among all Muslims, indoctrinated, deceived and ignorant fanatics), to conclude the revelation, with an angel, that's why , Muhammad: he has always known, that the angel was Satan himself! Because Satan hates Jesus Christ and true Christians! However, since 90% of Christians are hypocrites, much more hypocritical, in%, of every other religion?, I do not want to damage Islam, to increase the number of hypocrites: in the world, but, I want to sanctify Islam, itself, with, the subtract it, control of Isalm, from dark your satanic family, of Illuminati, Wahhabi Salafists,
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    5 mesi fa

    4.4 .. @ King Saudi Arabia - that you, as the Illuminati Pharisees block off all in to the hell? Why, God can not have any relationship with your murders and your religion of shit, and besides, you do not have any relationship: with God, and you do not know God personally, simply because you are: only: the most dangerous, exterminators mass of the whole history of mankind! C.S.P.B. Crux Sancti Patris Benedecti, C. S. S. M.L.Crux Sacred Sit Mihi Lux, Holy.N.D.S.M.D. Do not sit mihi dux draco, V.R.S. begone Satan, Get away Satan! N.S.M.V. Not Suade Mihi Vana, S.M.Q.L. Sunt Mala Quae Libas, I.V.B. Ipsa Venena Bibas, Drink your poisons: made by yourself! Amen in Jesus's name
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    5 mesi fa

    ShalomGerusalemme posted a comment: 12 hours ago @ King Saudi Arabia --- you want wins against: all over the world, for one do: only: Islamic republic to impose, your sharia: Wahabi, Salafi Sunni, against all Peoples! but, as you can hope for, to be a Satanist very evil: more, of Illuminati Pharisees, for satanic Talmud and Kabbalah, of the IMF, to hope to do the double game, as well: against: them? What do you do? is the 3rd world nuclear war, However: against you, and against Israel, to eliminate: Islam completely: as: was deleted: Nazism, and you do, too, disintegrated Israel: because the Pharisees: certainly: they not want to come to live in a corner of your desert! but you, you have made, of yourself, the ally of the Satanists cannibals: that they did: 11-09, 322 Bush, and 666 Rothschild: to do evil: against: the Christian martyrs, all over the world! just for that? for God, my Holy Allah? the shit out of a dog, is more precious than your life!
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    5 mesi fa

    "lorenzoAllah Mahdi Palestine" has posted a comment: 12 hours ago "hallelujah: is Jewish praise" - ANSWER - lol. IN THIS WAY? for slander by google: that said, I had some penalties, but, instead it was not true? LOL. I HAVE ALREADY LOST THIS CHANNEL: / channel/UC4yjmT6CEOvAVzdrFD755Lg "lorenzoAllah Mahdi Palestine" is been blocked, so by tonight? I lose too, much: also this channel! why, jewish Illuminati 666 IFM FED ECB NWO? they are afraid only of a Catholic king! they are afraid only of a Catholic king!
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    6 mesi fa

    after all, Rothschild is like a pig farmer before fatten the Jews and then, kill them! as it may, not will return the Shoah: to their?, if all people: and Peoples, are suffocating from a debt scam, that does not exist, to buy a money created out of nothing? perhaps, that God is only the God of the Jews? lol. 1. Israel will be lost, and, 2. even almost all all the Jews will die, this time! us, in the Kingdom of God? we can not leave on the earth: this regime and stifling occult, of seigniorage banking and Freemasonry! prisoners are to be released: finally, from this collective hypnosis! and the Jews: fat-fed? they can not say they are not complicit in this crime: for the extermination of all peoples, about their poverty and devitalization
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    6 mesi fa

    after all, Rothschild is like a pig farmer before fatten the Jews and then, kill them! as it may, not will return the Shoah: to their?, if all people: and Peoples, are suffocating from a debt scam, that does not exist, to buy a money created out of nothing? perhaps, that God is only the God of the Jews? lol. 1. Israel will be lost, and, 2. even almost all all the Jews will die, this time! us, in the Kingdom of God? we can not leave on the earth: this regime and stifling occult, of seigniorage banking and Freemasonry! prisoners are to be released: finally, from this collective hypnosis! and the Jews: fat-fed? they can not say they are not complicit in this crime: for the extermination of all peoples, about their poverty and devitalization
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    6 mesi fa

    dopotutto, Rothschild è come un allevatore di maiali, prima ingrassi gli ebrei: e poi li ammazza! come, può non ritornare la Shoah, se, tutti i popoli sono soffocati, da un debito truffa, che, non esiste, per comprare un denaro creato dal nulla? forse che, Dio è, soltanto, il Dio degli ebrei? lol. 1. Israele andrà perduto, ed anche quasi tutti tutti gli ebrei: moriranno: questa volta! noi, nel Regno di Dio? noi non possiamo lasciare sulla terra: questo regime occulto ed asfissiante, del signoraggio bancario e massonico! i prigionieri devono essere liberati: finalmente, da questa ipnosi collettiva!
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    6 mesi fa

    my precious people, the Jews? there has been a remarkable event! own, Sunday, Sept. 23, during:of the day of repentance, which, preceded Yom Kippur. For the first time in the history of the Jews, after the diaspora, that is, after 2000 years, approximately, Jews all over the world have come together, wherever they find themselves, as with one heart, pleading with the Lord the Messiah (Mashiach) not to permit ever: another Holocaust, to come to redeem: all them, and to reveal his name to the nations! - ANSWER -> WHY, then, we do not pass from words to deeds? the true Messiah, will be the end of the world (300 years), but I am equally suitable for the purpose, because, unlike, otherwise, the Shoah, will return again, because, demon 666 Baal owl, Rothschild is the IMF, which has the schedule: together with its system of invisible Masonic Illuminati: for do any Holocaust
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    6 mesi fa

    nel mio prezioso popolo: degli ebrei? è avvenuto un evento straordinario! proprio, domenica, 23 settembre, durante: i giorni del pentimento, che, precedevano Yom Kippur. Per la prima volta, nella storia degli ebrei, dopo la diaspora, cioè, dopo 2000 anni, circa, gli ebrei di tutto il mondo, si sono dati appuntamento, dovunque ,essi si trovassero, come, con un solo cuore, supplicando il Signore, il Messia,(Mashiach) di non permettere, mai più: un'altra Shoah, di venire a redimerli, e di rivelare il suo nome alle Nazioni! --ANSWER --> PERCHÉ, allora, noi non passiamo dalle parole ai fatti? il vero Messia, verrà alla fine del mondo(tra 300 anni), ma, io sono idoneo ugualmente, per lo scopo, perché, contrariamente, altrimenti, la Shoah, ritornerà puntuale, perché è Rothschild del FMI, che, la ha programmata: insieme, al suo sistema massonico di invisibili Illuminati
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    6 mesi fa

    @ 666 google CIA -> there: I have to tell you as it, is does a human sacrifice: in Germany, USA, by the secret services of Satanism international and institutional? on the altar of Satan, that is, the sacrifice of a young girl, rape, murder, cannibalism, orgies, etc. .. etc. ... [But, what is the power hidden, reality: in all the false Masonic demcrazie: of banKING seigniorage! if: it is the power, just the IMF ECB FED 666 322?] however, synnek1, he was there, he could, however, also tell: if he does not have too much fear,of the bin of sulfuric acid!
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    6 mesi fa

    [ABOUT ASIA BIBI] DrakeDarothic (4 hours ago) SAID: "Christians need to keep Their religion to themselves". - ANSWER TO HIM - IHateNEWLAYOUT (3 hours ago) SAID: " @ Swamp Billy he send me wrong he at home Address looser. - ANSWER ->also, Unius REI: said to him:"@ 666 DrakeDarothic CIA IMF talmud -> but, Asia Bibi, sentenced to death in Pakistan? Is not a matter of conscience? An injustice in any way? Or maybe the Christians, Satanists FOR , do not care? ... sic ... [califormercy. com] signing your petition to save the lives of innocent Asia Bibi, sentenced to death in Pakistan, to have said, after the repeated insistence of her friends, OF work, about: the Reasons of his faith: "Jesus died for me is, not Muhammad! "But, Asia Bibi, was sentenced to death in Pakistan? Is not a matter of conscience? Idiot.'re Condemning the Satanists: also. At the moment! Deserves no pity, who has no mercy! This is a universal law of my kingdom, ie, the kingdom of God!
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    6 mesi fa

    @DrakeDarothic 666 CIA IMF talmud --> but, Asia Bibi, who died sentenced to death in Pakistan? is not a matter of conscience? an injustice in any way? or maybe the Christians, Satanists do not care ... sic ... [califormercy. com] signing your petition to save the lives of innocent Asia Bibi, sentenced to death in Pakistan, to have said, after the repeated insistence of her friends, work, about: the Reasons of his faith: "Jesus died for me is, not Muhammad! " but, Asia Bibi, who died sentenced to death in Pakistan? is not a matter of conscience? an injustice in any way? or maybe the Christians, Satanists do not care ... sic ...
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    6 mesi fa

    [spread between, my: brothers: Witnesses: of: Jehovah], all over the world, because the feature: all: the: believers, of: any: religion, is to: stem the aggressive secularism, materialism and pornography, as intolerant, now: characterizes our western societies! Colossians: 1.15 to 20 (monotheism and idolatry? Fact, a creature can not be assigned: these: Requirements: Divine). Colossians: 1.15 He: is the image of the invisible God, generated before: each: creature; Colossians 1.16 since through: he were all things created, those in: heavens and on earth, visible: and invisible Thrones, dominions, Principalities: or authorities. All things were created by: him: and in view of: him. Colossians: 1.17 He is first and: all things, and all in Him. 18 He: it is also the head of the body, the church; the beginning, the firstborn of: those, that are raised by: dead, to have first place in all things.
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    6 mesi fa

    [spread between, my: brothers: Witnesses: of: Jehovah], Colossians: 1.19 Why it pleased God, from: to dwell in him: every: fullness. Colossians 1.20 and by means of: him to reconcile to himself all things, making peace by the blood of his cross, that is, by means of: he, the things that are on earth or in: heaven. NOT you: ACCOMPLICE, of: Crimes: DESCRIBED HEREIN in this, by concealing it, You do not addressed the issues: of: consciousness through: the legal assault, please! Now, what should be a feature of: all: Christians, is to: Say, "us there: save because of the covenant of the Cross: that is, the New Covenant! While all: the: operator: of: Justice (since nothing: good, is man without the grace of God) will all equally, saved: as a result of the mercy of God! "
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    6 mesi fa

    [spread between, my: brothers: Witnesses: of: Jehovah], But her: dies: This message, and contact details: not to be found guilty: THANKS: Thanks to Servants: Faithful and Discrete: of: Jehovah Shalom - Peace. Subject: communications: from: Room: Throne: Jehovah. I am one of: those ministers, that the Lord God has raised: for these: last: time. My credentials: You are in: easily accessible for all: i: work, which I did: in these: 20 years and are documented by many: site: web, they: talk about: me, and purity of my intentions. Anyone can EASILY make: account: my intentions and my love: love of YHWH. I'm not a dark character who hides dark realities and interests: personal. But, as the Apostle Paul, I: I will boast of: not to use those rights, which, I: the responsibility to proclaim the Gospel.
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    6 mesi fa

    [spread between, my: brothers: Witnesses: of: Jehovah], Not only to: my: needs: makes up for the job, but I myself am a DONOR, my resources and my own life, that I'm taking: a high level (without previous articles) of: risk, in my death struggle: against. Satanism international bank seigniorage: true economic power: institutional and policy of Satan in the world. today, I would not give more: a theological one in this article, but merely political, to remind everyone: us: how the IMF: Satanism is the ideological and practical, which annihilates all: faith in God, in all the world! so, out of respect for your honesty, I will leave to your study, my observations: doctrinal (by: four years ago), even if my goal: today is merely political, if, as I hope for you , religion is not merely the passive acceptance of: events: the political: to continue to hide, like all other religions,
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    6 mesi fa

    [spread between, my: brothers: Witnesses: of: Jehovah], and the establishment of the crime: Satanism IMF: that is, seigniorage banking stolen from: peoples, for their destruction! For this reason, I was chosen by the one-Jehovah, to convey: His will, in fact, I am His adopted son, and your divine messenger. to faithful servants of: Jehovah, HEALTH. I was already firmly established in: places: Heaven, of the: above: 144,000, and of: above: heavenly Districts, all, these, myriads: of: myriads me, they have given, spirit of their friendship and collaboration. I, reveals that: access: in spirit and pure faith (in perfect obedience to the Word: By: OEA all Christian Churches), the throne room of: YHWH, which is perfect peace: where there is no change. Therefore, in Fedem I reside with my spirit, so permanent, in the throne room of: YHWH (the tenth size or seventh heaven as of: John the Apostle in Revelation), which, of course, is not a size: this universe.
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    6 mesi fa

    [] my brothers Jehovah's Witnesses []: This is serious: that is, to have recourse to the courts or legal proceedings: on cases of conscience, that: have not been addressed before, personally, as the Word of God imposes at brothers: because, in that case do not try: the truth or charity, but: only want to do harm to the his neighbor! --ANSWER -- AGANST 666 imf, Life itself is: was completely corrupt: 1 - in its essence (morality), 2 - in his life (economy), 3 - in its spirituality (and materialism: Satanism). Ridiculous are, therefore: 1 - ALL institutions; 2 - ALL religions of the: world! Good Night humanity, because I'm for: return of my Father That sent me.
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    6 mesi fa

    [califormercy. com] signing your petition to save the lives of innocent Asia Bibi, sentenced to death in Pakistan, to have said, after the repeated insistence of her friends, work, about: the reasons of his faith: "Jesus is died for me, not Muhammad! " [califormercy . com ] firma la tua petizione: per salvare la vita della innocente Asia Bibi, condannata a morte in Pakistan, per avere detto: dopo, la ripetuta insistenza: delle sue compagne, di lavoro, circa: le ragioni della sua fede: "Gesù è morto per me, non Maometto!"
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    6 mesi fa

    The unius REI king of Israel: for kingdom of Palestine: shalom + salam. I order: to all Peoples, and all Governments, in all Institutions, and all Religions and all Nations, to come to me: unius REI: quickly, and leave only: in the corner: of the wall: the IMF 666. my political project of universal brotherhood is winning against the logic of predation: of the IMF 666 322 CIA, Which will lead to 3rd World War nuclear. @ 666 Jewish bankers Pharisees, the Talmud satanic Illuminati IMF? them, the Satanists of the godowl Baal at bohemian grove? they are Bringing all nations to the despair! "Eli, Eli, Lamà Azavtani" [My God, my God, why have you forsaken me] the Psalm says 22.2 ... but instead: at contrary: "Eli, Eli, lema: sabachthani" says Jesus on the Cross! ie: [My God, my God, why I do, I know, help shine and give you life through me at all!]
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    6 mesi fa

    SAID: money? is a spiritual entity .. "conventional", now in violation of the Constitution: we buy, all our own money,and, more at: interest (debt: public)(debt private), by the Jewish bankers Rothschild: To become their slaves: for do genocide. That Is, private SPA. Therefore, the money costs us 270% of its value .. That is this system needs the destructive wars: to regenerate itself, you will understood, That has said: Ezra Pound, and as has Demonstrated: Giacinto Auriti .. Well then you best start to figure out some things: THERE IS HOPE NOT .. IF my Jews, THEY SPEAK NOT, OF BANKING seigniorage?, why, only Jews can save us now. that: then, this huge crime, of IMF FED ECB,: with contempt: against all Constitutional sovereignty: with Jews does not matter much: in fact, this is evidenced by the fact: that the Jews innocent have been made die too easil from IMF 666, despite being innocent!
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    6 mesi fa

    @Rothschild, Bush, 666 322 Sharia, horror, freemasonry system, of banking seigniorage, Talmud IMF FED ECB -> You guys, you have All my understanding: "not is, an decision easy, that, to do Kill, the the King of Israel, Unius REI"!! because: it is only the ideological and practical Satanism: Rothschild: 666, and his partner in crime snacks: ie, 322: Bush! to be the perpetrators of this evil in the world!
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    7 mesi fa

    LordSourmash said:@ lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina - Und Du hast auch nicht alle Tassen im Schrank !!! Scheiss Religionsfanatiker - Ihr habt echt alle ein an der Waffel !! Die einen drehen wegem einen Film durch (hahaha so dumm, wie kleine Kinder denen man ihr spielzeug weg nimmt ) Die anderen Pflastern YT mit wirren Phrasen voll - echt Behindert !!!! -- ANSWER --> @Lord lurido Marduk, baal owl at bohemian grove: ie, IMF 666 -- Sourmash-> Echt behindert? brings you here, your Satan, that I will kick your ass! @666 google IMF CIA -- Lurid god 666 shit Sourmash ---> amen!: dio dei miei coglioni! --- Wie ein Menschenopfer zu Satan: SIE HABEN IN DEUTSCHLAND teilgenommen? Und es gab sogar die Merkel? A QUANTI SACRIFICI UMANI A SATANA: TU HAI PARTECIPATO, IN GERMANIA? E C'ERA, ANCHE LA MERKEL?
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    7 mesi fa

    [Prayer of: LIBERATION, to love: Jesus] Oh, Jesus, my sweet Saviour, I find myself to before: you, as: those poor oppressed by the devil, with, which you encountered during your ministry in the villages of the: Palestine. I admire the: and thy goodness: and concern: I admire the: your divine power. You yelled "unclean spirits" and: have them driven out of the: men, to whom you donated hearing, the sight, the: word, and: the above: your peace and: the: your grace. Amen! C.S.P.B.Crux Sancti Patris Benedecti, C. S. S. MLCrux Sacred Sit Mihi Lux, Holy.NDSMDDo not sit mihi dux draco, V RS begone Satan, Get away Satan! NSMV Not Suade Mihi Vana, SM QL Sunt Mala Quae Libas, IVB Ipsa Venena Bibas, Drink your poisons: made by yourself! Amen in Jesus's name, lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina ha pubblicato un commento 1 ora fa
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    7 mesi fa

    My Jesus, I too feel overwhelmed and oppressed by the evil snares That, in daily life and have overcome me: during the nights and: prevent me from carrying out my duties and: more: yet of trying: to get away from God and: of the practice: the Christian faith. I believe in you, or Jesus! You are the Son of the Father in Heaven, and generated: one being to: Him with You, the Father and The Holy Spirit are the only one and merciful God: omnipotent, That, and lives: reigns for ever and ever. Amen! C.S.P.B.Crux Sancti Patris Benedecti, C. S. S. MLCrux Sacred Sit Mihi Lux, Holy.NDSMDDo not sit mihi dux draco, V RS begone Satan, Get away Satan! NSMV Not Suade Mihi Vana, SM QL Sunt Mala Quae Libas, IVB Ipsa Venena Bibas, Drink your poisons: made by yourself! Amen in Jesus's name
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    7 mesi fa

    To free us from the slavery of the: and sin: the tyranny of the: Devil, You have taken the: our human nature, have preached the gospel of the: salvation, you have accepted the will of the Father the: passion and: the: death. Thy adorable Blood shed for you have: to make us children of God and: to incorporate us: you. I adore you, or: My Jesus, and: I thank you with, all your soul for: what you have done for: me and: for: all men, gathered in a single Church, the ark of: salvation. Now I beseech you humbly, or: my redeemer of: work in me and, in my house a complete liberation from the pernicious. Amen! C.S.P.B.Crux Sancti Patris Benedecti, C. S. S. MLCrux Sacred Sit Mihi Lux, Holy.NDSMDDo not sit mihi dux draco, V RS begone Satan, Get away Satan! NSMV Not Suade Mihi Vana, SM QL Sunt Mala Quae Libas, IVB Ipsa Venena Bibas, Drink your poisons: made by yourself! Amen in Jesus's name
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    7 mesi fa

    lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina ha pubblicato un commento 1 ora fa evil influences. Revives in me the: and your presence: give me the: of joy: the taste: your sweetness. That way, I can run each: the day: with the divine Will, serenity, and fervor: perseverance, for: attain eternal bliss of the: sky, where I will sing with the Angels and the Saints of the hymn: worship: "Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God of the universe. The heavens and: the: earth are full of the: your glory. Hosanna in the highest. " Amen! C.S.P.B.Crux Sancti Patris Benedecti, C. S. S. MLCrux Sacred Sit Mihi Lux, Holy.NDSMDDo not sit mihi dux draco, V RS begone Satan, Get away Satan! NSMV Not Suade Mihi Vana, SM QL Sunt Mala Quae Libas, IVB Ipsa Venena Bibas, Drink your poisons: made by yourself! Amen in Jesus's name
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    7 mesi fa

    lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina ha pubblicato un commento 1 ora fa PRAYER of: Liberation for: BREAK TIES MALICIOUS. COMING FROM OUR ANCESTORS: Jesus, deliver us from all tendencies, bad habits in our family tree: trends in the game, to squander, to drink, to drugs, meanness, theft. Give authority to: terminate each: incorrigible bad habit. Deliver, or: Jesus, C.S.P.B.Crux Sancti Patris Benedecti, C. S. S. MLCrux Sacred Sit Mihi Lux, Holy.NDSMDDo not sit mihi dux draco, VRSbegone Satan, Get away Satan! NSMVNot Suade Mihi Vana, SMQLSunt Mala Quae Libas, IVB Ipsa Venena Bibas, Drink your poisons: made by yourself! Amen in Jesus's name
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    7 mesi fa

    lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina ha pubblicato un commento 1 ora fa Jesus deliver us from all sexual deviancy in our family tree: rape, incest, homosexuality, pedophilia, prostitution. Give us strength for: breaking the chains of: constraints malignant. Deliver, or: Jesus C.S.P.B.Crux Sancti Patris Benedecti, C. S. S. MLCrux Sacred Sit Mihi Lux, Holy.NDSMDDo not sit mihi dux draco, VRS begone Satan, Get away Satan! NSMVNot Suade Mihi Vana, SMQLSunt Mala Quae Libas, IVB Ipsa Venena Bibas, Drink your poisons: made by yourself! Amen in Jesus's name
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    7 mesi fa

    lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina ha pubblicato un commento 1 ora fa Jesus deliver us from all idols That, they loved our previous generations: money, power, pleasure, the: house, land, jewelry, securities. That size constraints, we are bound to: these cases of: idolatry. We choose of: serve only You, the true God, and: of: to live according to the: thy word. Deliver, or: Jesus C.S.P.B.Crux Sancti Patris Benedecti, C. S. S. MLCrux Sacred Sit Mihi Lux, Holy.NDSMDDo not sit mihi dux draco, VRSbegone Satan, Get away Satan! NSMVNot Suade Mihi Vana, SMQLSunt Mala Quae Libas, IVB Ipsa Venena Bibas, Drink your poisons: made by yourself! Amen in Jesus's name
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    7 mesi fa

    lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina ha pubblicato un commento 1 ora fa Jesus deliver us from all the: corruption and: the: That violence of our ancestors were swindlers, exploiters, torturers, extortionists, criminals. Break the bonds of us in: revenge of: violent behavior, of: anger and: of: malignancy. Deliver, or: JesusC.S.P.B.Crux Sancti Patris Benedecti, C. S. S. MLCrux Sacred Sit Mihi Lux, Holy.NDSMDDo not sit mihi dux draco, VRSbegone Satan, Get away Satan! NSMVNot Suade Mihi Vana, SMQLSunt Mala Quae Libas, IVB Ipsa Venena Bibas, Drink your poisons: made by yourself! Amen in Jesus's name
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    7 mesi fa

    lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina ha pubblicato un commento 1 ora fa Jesus free us all: the evil done by our ancestors driven by hatred: hatred towards others, towards themselves, towards God, racial hatred, religious fanaticism. Put an end to in us: all the roots of hatred. Make now our family tree full of: men and: women filled of: love, employers of: life and good health, of: love and: goodness. Deliver, or: JesusC.S.P.B.Crux Sancti Patris Benedecti, C. S. S. MLCrux Sacred Sit Mihi Lux, Holy.NDSMDDo not sit mihi dux draco, VRSbegone Satan, Get away Satan! NSMVNot Suade Mihi Vana, SMQLSunt Mala Quae Libas, IVB Ipsa Venena Bibas, Drink your poisons: made by yourself! Amen in Jesus's name
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    7 mesi fa

    lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina ha pubblicato un commento 1 ora fa Jesus, we prayed for: the family tree that we, the living, are separated from the negative influences of our ancestors and: them, the dead, and have forgiveness: the graces necessary for: entering the happiness of the: eternal life. You've heard the: our prayer. We all heal, and live: dead. We'll make healthy and: saints. Thank you Jesus, of the: your presence among to: us. Thank you, Jesus, for: the: of your mercy: and us: our ancestors. C.S.P.B.Crux Sancti Patris Benedecti, C. S. S. MLCrux Sacred Sit Mihi Lux, Holy.NDSMDDo not sit mihi dux draco, VRSbegone Satan, Get away Satan! NSMVNot Suade Mihi Vana, SMQLSunt Mala Quae Libas, IVB Ipsa Venena Bibas, Drink your poisons: made by yourself! Amen in Jesus's name
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    7 mesi fa

    lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina ha pubblicato un commento 1 ora fa Prayer to S. Antonino for: the: release of the: evil spirits God, the Almighty and: merciful, That, you gave Blessed Anthony the Abbot against a particular power: the devils, grant, we beseech Thee, That, through his merits and: his prayers, we are freed from their snares for: being able to reach in eternal life. We ask for: the same our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son That, and it is God: he lives and: reigns with, in Te 'of the unit: the Holy Spirit. for: all ages of ages. Amen. 1 Our Father 1 Ave Maria 1 Gloria
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    7 mesi fa

    @Stvrmabteilvng NAZI CIA 666 IMF criminal e satanists too --> Behold, I will curse you in the name of Jesus! Here is a malignant cancer in your body! In fact, this year you will die! 17/09/12 you are all sons of the devil, you are destined for hell! [ ✞ [★ ]" ✞ [★ ] PAX ✞ [★ ] [ ✞ [★ ] ✞ alleluia amen hallelujah. ShalomGerusalemme posted a comment 7 hours ago Report spam @ my YHWH ==== shalom + salam ==> too blessings to all Peoples! offline shalom my 666 Synnek1: I hope to deliver you from slavery of Satanism: one day! ShalomGerusalemme posted a comment 7 hours ago as peoples will be forced to buy their money: from Satanists criminals terrorists, ie, of the (Corporation SpA)? to sovereignty, every institution and every religion will be desecrated! we can not: to live in a world where sovereignty is, of the sinagora of Satan: of rabbis of the Talmud Pharisees satanic! no! we can not!
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    7 mesi fa

    [il traslator di google: lui continua a tradurre: ancora: ShalomGerusalemme: con lorenzojhwh] Lorenzojhwh ha un commento Pubblicato 7 ore fa Segnala segnala lo spam @ my JHWH ==== shalom + salam ==> benedizioni anche a tutti i popoli! shalom mia 666 Synnek1: Spero di liberarvi dalla schiavitù del satanismo: un giorno! Lorenzojhwh ha un commento Pubblicato 7 ore fa come popoli saranno costretti a comprare i loro soldi: da criminali terroristi satanisti, cioè, del (Corporation: SpA)? ogni sovranità, ogni istituzione e di ogni religione sarà profanato! non possiamo: vivere in un mondo dove la sovranità è del sinagora di Satana: dei rabbini del Talmud farisei satanica! no non si può!
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    7 mesi fa

    @my Jews, ecc... --> why, you ask panic? I destroy only: debt public (to all States) and private debt (for each person), I not do hurt, against, the great riches, but only:against the super rich, because it is impossible that one man could be richer than a nation! here because the wealth of the planet will be doubled immediately! and finally we switch to hydrogen technology and solar plants, for the produced, of molecules vegetal: @satanism international : Vanalkic WhirlingPoet CIA 666 IMF ---> also, if what you say is true? however, I'd be a diamond, while you'd be the shit! therefore, you would have just the right, for to go into the sewerIMF 666 priest of satan "nargargoole"?ie, the satanic voodoo? is a clown of circus: he makes laugh all the dead bodies!
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    7 mesi fa

    [UNIS REI le roi d'Israël] Je suis votre ami et frère dans le Christ, le Messie, est dans le nom de Yeshoua Ha Mashiah Notzri, je vous bénis! Pour moi, Lorenzo UniusREI Kingdom le Seigneur m'a dit: «Je marcherai devant toi, et lisser les hauts lieux, brisera les portes de bronze et de pause, les barres de fer. Je vous donnerai les trésors des ténèbres et les richesses cachées de lieux secrets, parce que vous savez peut-être que je suis le Dieu d'Israël, qui vous appelle par votre nom "Isaïe 45, 2-3 @ UploadHardCorePornXX à savoir:. CIA FMI 666 synnek1: le prêtre de Satan, avec les pouvoirs de coq -> ta mère, elle m'a dit: «Je n'ai pas: la prostituée, pour avoir mérité d'avoir un enfant du diable comme lui!
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    7 mesi fa

    UploadHardCorePornXX ie: CIA IMF 666 synnek1: the priest of Satan, with the powers of cock -> your mother, she said to me: "I ​​did NOT: the whore, for to have deserved to have a child of the devil like him! ' il prete di satana: con i poteri del cazzo --> tua madre, lei ha detto a me: "io non ho fatto la puttana: per avere meritato di avere un figlio del demonio come lui!"
    KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento
    7 mesi fa

    I am your brother and friend in Christ, the Messiah, is in the name of Yeshua Ha Mashiach Notzri, I bless you! To me, lorenzo escarole the Lord said to me: 'I will go before you, and appianerò the high places, break in pieces the doors of bronze and break, the iron bars. I will give you the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, because you may know that I am the LORD God of Israel, who calls you by your name "Isaiah 45, 2-3. Sono tuo fratello e amico in Cristo: il Messia: è nel nome di Yeshua Ha Mashiach Notzri, Ti benedico! A me, lorenzo UniusREI Kingdom il Signore mi ha detto: "Io camminerò davanti a te, e appianerò i luoghi elevati, frantumerò, le porte di bronzo e spezzerò, le sbarre di ferro. Ti darò i tesori delle tenebre, e le ricchezze nascoste, in luoghi segreti, perché, tu riconosca, che, io sono l'Eterno il DIO d'Israele, che, ti chiama per nome " Isaia 45, 2-3.

Informazioni su KingxKingdom2

[UNIS REI the King of Israel] I am your brother and friend in Christ, the Messiah, is in the name of Yeshua Ha Mashiach Notzri, I bless you! To me, Lorenzo UniusREI Kingdom the Lord said to me: 'I will go before you, and appianerò the high places, break in...
di KingxKingdom2

    Data di iscrizione 16/set/2012

    Paese Israele

my channels youtube has block

    273 iscritti
    29 iscritti

attack in the Boston Marathon

 The night before the attack in the Boston Marathon, Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev go around in taxis to the city, hiding explosives backpacks in the trunk. Three days later, with a stolen car and a lot of owner on board, they are ready to head to New York to blow up the bomb in Times Square, the heart of the city. [The mother: it was reported by the Russians, 26 April, 20:58] ANSA Breach of Boston. Prisoner in the car: of brothers Tsarnaev: Chechen Islamists: the Chinese kidnapped, he says, that is, the owner of: Suv, Thanks to him, the authorities quickly identified: and intercepted the car, well before: that: could reach New York, and make a second attempt. @ Obama, your Islamists in Syria, mandates: from your "LegaAraba" to avenge the terrorist killed: they kidnapped the bishops, and you are responsible for all this,

    La sera prima dell'attentato alla maratona di Boston, Tamerlan e Dzhokhar Tsarnaev vanno in giro in taxi per la città, nascondendo gli zaini esplosivi nel bagagliaio. Tre giorni dopo, con un'auto rubata e tanto di proprietario a bordo, sono pronti a fare rotta verso New York per far saltare le bombe a Times Square, il cuore della città. [ anche la madre: fu segnalata dai russi, 26 aprile, 20:58 ] ANSA Attentato Boston. In macchina prigioniero: dei fratelli Tsarnaev: i ceceni islamisti: il cinese rapito, racconta, cioè, il proprietario del: Suv, Grazie a lui, le autorità hanno rapidamente identificato: e intercettato l'auto, ben prima: che: potesse raggiungere New York, e compiere un secondo attentato.@Obama, i tuoi islamisti in Siria, mandati: dalla tua "LegaAraba" per vendicare,il terrorista ucciso: hanno rapito i vescovi, e tu sei responsabile di tutto questo,

    I swear to be faithful to the Republic, to observe, in good faith, the Constitution: (if, Rothschild IMF-NWO, let me) and the laws, and exercise: my duties, in the interests: exclusive, of the nation ", said Enrico Letta (Bildenberg) took the oath: as President of the Council: the new government. a formula of high: treason, of: monetary sovereignty, which, repeat all the ministers. perjury, against, the Constitution, and, against the sovereignty, of the peoples! but, his oath to Freemasonry ? comes first, because it is more important! Giuro di essere fedele alla Repubblica, di osservarne, lealmente, la Costituzione: (se, Rothschild FMI-NWO, me lo permette)..": così Enrico Letta (Bildenberg) ha prestato giuramento: come presidente del Consiglio. Una formula: di tradimento, alla sovranità monetaria, che, ripetono tutti i ministri. spergiurando: contro: la Costituzione e contro: la sovranità popolare! ma, il suo giuramento alle massonerie? viene prima, perché è più importante!

    Pakistan: Bomb vs candidate, 5 deaths. Bomb explodes during election meeting, 15 wounded. 7:39. April 28 Afghanistan, Taliban spring offensive. Announced use: infiltrators and kamikaze ': collective operations'. 6:34. April 28 Obama jokes, are no longer Muslim ... Ironically, - ANSWER - OF COURSE, you're not a Muslim, in fact, all Muslims are good people! you're an Islamist, who is doing the worldwide caliphate: for the "Arab League" with the ethnic cleansing of all Christians, and, all the Scythians, to do disintegrate: Israel, during: imminent World War III .. here's why: the Chechens have kidnapped the Bishops, to avenge lattentato of Boston, the bishops who had paid already, for: their priests, who had been, already, had their throats cut, so, it is right now: for your "Arab League" to slaughter: also: Bishops too, and then, to seek money: also for them ..

    Pakistan: bomba a sede candidato, 5 morti. Ordigno esplode: durante riunione elettorale, 15 feriti. 07:39. 28 apr. Afghanistan,talebani,offensiva primavera. Annunciato impiego: infiltrati e kamikaze,':operazioni collettive'. 06:34. 28 apr. Obama scherza,non sono più musulmano... Ironizza, -- ANSWER -- CERTAMENTE, tu non sei un musulmano, infatti, tutti i musulmani sono brave persone! tu sei un islamista, che, sta facendo il califfato mondiale: per la "Lega Araba": con la pulizia etnica di tutti i cristiani e di tutti gli Sciti, per fare disintegrare: Israele, durante l'imminente: III guerra mondiale.. ecco perché: i ceceni hanno rapito i Vescovi, per vendicare lattentato di Boston, i vescovi che, avevano pagato, già, il riscatto, per: i loro sacerdoti, che, erano stati, già, stati sgozzati, così, è giusto adesso: per la tua "Lega Araba" di sgozzare: anche i Vescovi, e poi: di chiedere il riscatto: anche: per loro..
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    3 ore fa

    @IMF pharisee Rothschild, for kill Israel: with, worldwide caliphate: arab league: salafis, I got a good idea, because: do not kill, me too, such as: you did kill: President John Kennedy, when he did: Executive Order 11110, which delegated to the Secretary of the Treasury: to print money : on behalf of the American people, without giving: the cost, to you: about, 270% of our money (with three scams: as, said: scientist: Giacinto Auriti)? him, that he was a real President, for the American people,and not, as, is a traitor Islamist Obama mi è venuta una buona idea, perché: non fai uccidere: anche me, come: tu hai fatto uccidere: il presidente John Kennedy: quando lui ha fatto: L'ordine esecutivo 11110, che, delegava al segretario del tesoro: a stampare soldi: a nome del popolo americano, senza dare: a te il costo: del 270%, del nostro denaro (con tre truffe)? lui si, che, lui era un vero Presidente, per il popolo americano, e non come quel traditore islamista di Obama
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    4 ore fa

    @my JHWH -- quando, satanisti e massoni, presi dalla disperazione, saranno costretti, ad usare centinaia: di loro agenti segreti, per cercare di: scandagliare, per scoprire, una qualche, mia parola falsa, compromettente, oppure, una mia vulnerabilitità, studiando, attentamente, circa, i miei: 5 milioni di articoli, che, io ho scritto, in questi 5 anni?, lol. poi, migliaia di loro agenti, finiranno al manicomio: insieme a loro! lol. @ youtube: 666: google: CIA -- stop! a bloccare la mia ADSL, ad ogni mio articolo, perché, io oggi, mi sto divertendo troppo!
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    4 ore fa

    @ Benjamin Netanyahu --- but this is the truth: there is more: a West power, but, there is a scheme: Jewish lobbies and Masonic occult powers: IMF FED 666, the system: tyrannical satanic powers, the IMF, Bildenberg, and all their hidden direction (the highest science, of engineering, social and, all monopolies SpA, all in the hands: of only Rothschid), in this way, they will: once again, blame the Christians, for: the extermination: Holocaust imminent: against, Israel, during, world War III, the new Holocaust, as: once, they did: after, the Second world War. seen that: with the French Revolution, not more exist , a policy: it can be under the control of the Christians in the West! that's why the Pharisees and Salafists: should be sentenced to death! because, having a dialogue with them is impossible
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    4 ore fa

    NEW YORK -'' I no longer: the Muslim, Socialist: that: I was before ...''. U.S. President Barack Obama mocks, Smiling and self-deprecating .. - ANSWER - @ TRAITOR Obama, Islamist, liar, murderess! the ethnic cleansing of Christians and Shiites, priests, deacons, and bishops Killed: in cold blood, with deception, blackmail, kidnapped, like animals, rapes of girls, "slaughtered", ransom demand, all your scum: of terrorists: Salafis, "Muslim brothers" to spread your sharia your "worldwide caliphate", which they are, today, in Syria, and that you have just spread: all over the Mediterranean, etc. .. ? are: your: CIA and your: Arab League: who is doing all these crimes! and your, Jewish media: the monopoly of each: SpA, Corporations, for: action: IMF, FED, ECB, Talmud agenda: Bildenberg, masonic system: for banking seigniorage, they cover: all this, with: their lies: and their information exploited. would have been better: for you, that you had never been born!
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    5 ore fa

    02/12/2013[ SYRIA - VATICAN ]. After Muslim rebels seize two priests in Aleppo, there are fears: for: their life. An Armenian Catholic priest, Fr Michael, and an Orthodox clergyman were abducted: last Sunday in Aleppo's Christian: neighbourhood. Sources speak: to AsiaNews: about: barbarous murders: carried out: my Islamic extremists. A car bomb: explodes: at the Turkish-Syrian: border crossing: of Cilvegozu. [AFTER having slain: slaughter: the priests, they demanded: a ransom: to their bishops] 04/26/2013. [since the Arab League is doing the ethnic cleansing of Shiites and Christians, rapes, murders, everywhere, she wins a territory, then, the Chechens: they avenged, the terrorist killed in Boston (as said Turkey)] No sign of Orthodox bishops' release, fears of political blackmail grow. 322 Kerry, Bush, 666 Obama Rothschild, I found the sarin, in the laboratories of the Arab League, that,your: Al Qaeda has led, in Syria .. best for you: it would have been, if you were not ever born!
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    5 ore fa

    IHateNEWLAYOUT ha pubblicato un commento 45 minuti fa you not make not new channel yet? --ANSWER -- those, which I have (about 50, CHANNEL) are excessive, for me, would have been better only one channel: for me! but, as you can say that "Satan save", and then, you hide yourself, like a coward, behind the photo, of St. Bartolo Longo, who, he when was your age, he was a priest voodoo of satan... like you?
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    6 ore fa

    [[Syria freed the two Orthodox bishops. - 4 days ago]] .. but, you have to dig: with great stubbornness: to find this news, "hidden" in the international Jewish media: Bildenberg of the Masonic system of bank seigniorage. [[Syria kidnapped bishops; also: Athens: not: confirmation liberation. - 3 days ago: Diocese Aleppo, no contact with the two Orthodox Archbishops]], Kerry said:'' I spoke this morning: from here with Netanyahu, and he told me that it was not in the position: to confirm. This is their process: e: depends on them: such as: and when: they want to do, and it is not: to me: make announcements. So: I do not know!''. (? but, ? fuck that means?, this speech?) perhaps means: if you want to invade Syria, with a calumny, like, you've already invaded Iraq, with, another calumny, then, do so, but, you do not break, the cock: to me!
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    6 ore fa

    [[ Siria: liberati i due vescovi ortodossi.‎ - 4 giorni fa ]] .. but, bisogna scavare: con molta testardaggine: per trovare questa notizia "nascosta": nei media ebraici internazionali: del sistema massonico Bildenberg, del signoraggio bancario. [[ Siria: vescovi rapiti; anche: Atene: non: conferma liberazione. ‎- 3 giorni fa: Diocesi Aleppo, nessun contatto con i due arcivescovi ortodossi ]], Kerry ha detto: ''Ho parlato stamani: da qui con Netanyahu, e mi ha detto, che, non era nella posizione: di: confermare. Questo è il loro processo: e: dipende da loro: come: e quando: lo vogliono fare, e non spetta: a me: fare annunci. Quindi: io non lo so!''. (ma, che cazzo significa, questo discorso?) forse significa: se, voi volete invadere la Siria, con una calunnia, come, voi avete, già invaso l'Iraq: con un altra calunnia, allora, fatelo, ma, non rompete il cazzo: a me!
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    8 ore fa

    @ Benjamin Netanyahu --- strike with nuclear weapons, same today, all 50 Islamic nations, it is the only chance you have of being able to save Israel--- colpire con armi atomiche, oggi stesso, tutte le 50 nazioni islamiche, è l'unica possibilità che tu hai di poter salvare Israele
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    8 ore fa

    @Benjamin Netanyahu --- ma, questa è la verità: non esiste più: un Occidente, ma, esiste il regime: delle lobby ebraiche e massoniche, dei poteri occulti: FED FMI 666, del sistema: tirannico dei poteri satanici, del FMI, Bildenberg, e, tutta la loro regia occulta (la più alta scienza, dell'ingegneria sociale: e dei monopoli SpA, tutti nelle mani del solo Rothschid ), in questo modo, daranno: ancora una volta, la colpa ai cristiani, per lo sterminio: Olocausto, imminente: di Israele, durante, la III guerra mondiale, la nuova Shoah, come già: una volta, hanno fatto: dopo la II Guerra mondiale. visto che: con la rivoluzione francese, non esste più una politica: che possa essere sotto il controllo dei cristiani in Occidente! ecco perché farisei: e salafiti: devono essere condannati a morte! perché, avere un dialogo con loro è impossibile
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    8 ore fa

    [worldwide caliphate, such as: strategy of aggressive war] is totally Islamophobia: Justified, since: that: our Islamic islamists, accomplice, they sleep soundly: for, the crimes: that, Their Islamic: commit: all, the Middle East, against, the Christians, Which is why, there will be a painful Necessarily, abrupt and dramatic awakening. This our ruling class, Which, like, come to terms with the terrorists, without dealing with: the problem of coherence: a vile and criminally complicit: false concept: of: "peace", while: many, too many innocent Christian martyrs, find Their peace at the cemetery. In fact, Christians in the Palestinian territories (below, Yasser Arafat), have had to flee en masse, while the remaining Christians, they were to be forced as dhimmis, slaves, subjects, Also Submitted, them, to Islamic law. Why then, Europe continues to be the enemy of Israel, and an accomplice of Nazism, the Palestinians , and of all countries now Islamized by the Arab League?
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    8 ore fa

    [worldwide caliphate, Islam, such as: strategy of aggressive war, and WEST: more and more criminal], driven adrift by the Jewish lobby banking: Illuminati: IMF-NWO, Pharisees, international bankers, who have sworn hatred, eternal: against: Christianity, pushing themselves, substantially, out: from civilization: Jewish - Christian, for they have become: the real enemies,of the survival of Israel. This West: Masonic and satanic, occult powers Bildenberg that: deny their own values, and: betrays his own identity, of: a Europe abandoned to oblivion, so criminal to be: become, deaf ... and itself: bloodthirsty protagonist,accomplice: of each violation: religious freedom, both outside its borders, both within: its borders, because if it is true, that: Muslims are our brothers, however, is also true that,
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    8 ore fa

    [califfato mondiale, islamismo, come: strategia di guerra aggressiva, e OCCIDENTE: sempre più criminale], spinto alla deriva: dalle lobby bancarie ebraiche: di Illuminati: FMI-NWO, farisei, banchieri internazionali, che, hanno giurato: un odio, eterno: contro: il cristianesimo, allontanando se stessi, in modo sostanziale, dalla civiltà: ebraico - cristiana, per essere diventati: i veri nemici, della sopravvivenza di Israele. Questo Occidente: massonico: e satanico, dei poteri occulti bildenberg, che: rinnega i propri valori, e: tradisce la propria identità, di una Europa, abbandonata all'obblio, in modo criminale ad essere: diventata: sorda... ed essa stessa: sanguinaria protagonista, di ogni violazione: della libertà religiosa, sia fuori, dei propri confini, sia all'interno: dei propri confini, perché: se è vero, che: i musulmani: sono i nostri fratelli, tuttavia, è anche vero: che,
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    8 ore fa

    califfato mondiale, di guerra aggressiva, e OCCIDENTE: criminale] la islamofobia è: giustificata, dal momento: che: i nostri islamici, dormono sonni tranquilli: sui crimini, che: i loro islamici: commettono: in tutto, il Medio Oriente, contro, i cristiani, ecco perché, ci sarà, necessariamente, un doloroso, brusco, e, drammatico risveglio. Questa nostra classe dirigente, che, preferisce, scendere a patti: con: i terroristi, senza affrontare: il problema di coeranza: per un vile e criminoso, complice: falso concetto: di "pace", mentre, troppi, martiri cristiani innocenti, trovano la loro pace: al cimitero. infatti, i cristiani nei territori palestinesi (sotto, Yasser Arafat), sono dovuti fuggire: in massa, mentre: ai cristiani rimasti, è stato loro inginto: di comportarsi: da: dhimmi, schiavi. Perché: allora l'Europa continua: ad essere nemica di Israele, e complice del nazismo, dei palestinesi, e di tutti i Paesi ormai islamizzati dalla Lega Araba?
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    9 ore fa

    [the worldwide caliphate, of: Obama] is not difficult to find evidence of this: catastrophic human tragedy, of which: talmud IMF: ECB FED, CIA USA UN, NATO, are complicit. of this barbarism: civil, religious, cultural, that has plunged: the world: the Arab-Muslim, in prey to ideological fanaticism: Islamic extremists: and religious intolerance: its dictatorships in power. [Europe's responsibility: now hostages of Illuminati Bildenber: it's huge] in the face of continued persecution and continued: daily humiliations, that all Christians under Islamic regimes, and in everything: the Middle East, they are forced to live and suffer, because: europe is sick, of this: relativism blinded: with, the good idea of multiculturalism, which, however, can not be realized: without: the concept of reciprocity
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    9 ore fa

    [il califfato mondiale di Obama] non è difficile: trovare le prove, di questa: catastrofica: tragedia umana, di cui: FMI talmud: FED ECB, CIA UN USA ONU, NATO, sono complici. di questo imbarbarimento: civile, religioso, culturale, in cui è precipitato: il mondo: arabo-musulmano, in preda: al fanatismo ideologico: degli estremisti islamici: e della intolleranza religiosa: delle sue dittature al potere. [la responsabilità dell'Europa: ormai ostaggio di Illuminati Bildenber: è enorme] di fronte alla continua persecuzione: e le continue: umiliazioni quotidiane, che, tutti i cristiani: sotto i regimi islamici, e in tutto: il Medio Oriente, sono costretti a vivere, e, subire, per colpa: di questa europa malata: di relativismo e accecata: dalla buona idea del multiculturalismo, che, però non può essere realizzato: senza: il concetto della reciprocità
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    9 ore fa

    [Obama and his plans extinction, of the Christians, and of the Shiites, in the Middle East] before, of the Arab conquest: and Islam in the seventh century, Christians made up, 95%, of the population, of the Mediterranean: south and east of Mediterranean. but, today, with less, than, 12. million, have fallen, sharply to less than 6%, of course, in 2020, there will be no more Christians in the Middle East! From the First World War: 10 million Christians have been forced to emigrate. This is proof of Satanism, and: criminal barbarity, dell'imbarbarimento, not only, of the Arab League, but, above all, his accomplices, the Freemasons, the Pharisees, Illuminati, Bildenberg, occult power, which, with a silent coup : took power: in all the false democracies Masonic: of banking seigniorage.
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    9 ore fa

    [Obama e la sua pianifica estinzione: sia dei cristiani, che degli sciiti, in Medio Oriente] alla vigilia: della conquista araba: e islamica del settimo secolo, i cristiani costituivano il 95%, della popolazione della sponda: meridionale ed orientale, del mediterraneo. ma, oggi, con meno di 12. milioni, sono precipitati bruscamente a meno del 6%, certamente, nel 2020, non esisteranno più cristiani in Medio Oriente! Dalla prima guerra mondiale: 10 milioni di cristiani sono stati costretti ad emigrare. Questa è la prova, del satanismo, e: criminale barbarie, dell'imbarbarimento, non soltanto, della Lega Araba, ma, soprattutto, dei suoi complici, i massoni, farisei, Illuminati, Bildenberg, occult power, che, con un golpe silenzioso: hanno preso il potere: nelle false democrazie massoniche: del signoraggio bancario.
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    10 ore fa

    1. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted in the Middle East: to: do the worldwide caliphate] 2. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted, all over the world for this: the Talmud of the Pharisees: in the Masonic system: for the banking seigniorage: to enslave all peoples, and to destroy Israel.] 3. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted by all religions, and communism. ] We are witnessing so fearful, to the persecution and mass exodus of Christians from the Middle East, which are the true natives of the region, because of a conception: that: was satanizzata: about, Islam: of the Arab League, and his: CIA, all the Nazis, the Nazis Islamists, absolutely intolerant, and, fail to respect the dignity and rights of the human person. accordingly, they hide the real reasons as to why the Israelis are forced to be so "hard" against the Palestinians.
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    10 ore fa

    1. [la Chiesa (i martiri cristiani) è perseguitata in Medio Oriente: per: fare il califfato mondiale] 2. [la Chiesa (i martiri cristiani) è perseguitata, in tutto il mondo: per: il talmud dei farisei: nel sistema massonico: del signoraggio bancario: per ridurre in schiavitù tutti i popoli, e per distruggere Israele ] 3. [la Chiesa (i martiri cristiani) è perseguitata, da tutte le religioni, e dal comunismo. ] noi stiamo assistendo in modo pavido, alla persecuzione e all'esodo massiccio, dei cristiani dal medio Oriente, che, sono i veri autoctoni della regione, per colpa di una concezione: che: è stata satanizzata dell'islam: dalla Lega Arabe, e dai nazisti della CIA, dei nazisti islamisti, assolutamente intolleranti, e non rispettosi della dignità, e dei diritti della persona umana. di conseguenza, si nascondono i veri motivi, sul perché, gli israeliani sono costretti ad essere, così: "duri" contro i palestinesi.
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    @Abu Antar --- also I'm not angry at you, today, all those who do not defend the Christian martyrs innocent, they are my enemies! and if you slide across, all the page, as, you have done yesterday? do bad too serious on me! all the genetic characteristics of the human race, are only one evil for the devil, we are all brothers, but you as a Christian, you should know this tutte le caratteristiche genetiche, della razza umana, sono soltanto, una malvagità per il diavol, noi siamo tutti fratelli, ma tu come cristiano, questo dovresti saperlo
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    1_13.[I prossimi saremo noi! preparare una resistenza armata] [la persecuzione, dei cristiani: è il mondo dato a satana, dei farisei del FMI 666, per: la distruzione di Israele/monoteismo: agenda 322 NWO]. Nelle nostre comode vite, spesso, non ci rendiamo conto, che, altri cristiani, come noi, in questo stesso momento, stanno sperimentando la persecuzione, l'arresto, le percosse, la tortura, la morte. Tutto questo, per la propria, testimonianza cristiana. In tutto il mondo, proprio ora, molti cristiani stanno soffrendo. Pensiamoci. Quello della persecuzione, dei cristiani è un problema, molto più reale, di quello che, si pensi. Forse nei paesi occidentali, in italia e in Svizzera, queste istanze, sembrano molto, distanti,
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    2_13.[I prossimi saremo noi! preparare una resistenza armata] [la persecuzione, dei cristiani: è il mondo dato a satana, dei farisei del FMI 666, per: la distruzione di Israele/monoteismo: agenda 322 NWO]. e in un certo senso, anche "fuori dal tempo", ma, per molti credenti in luoghi anche, non troppo lontani la persecuzione è una triste ma, vivida realtà di tutti i giorni. in questo numero della Missione, per la Chiesa perseguitata vogliamo: rendere visibile, anche, graficamente, la persecuzione subita dai cristiani, in tutto il mondo, spesso, perpetrata dall'islam, ma, a volte anche da estremisti: indù e da: gruppi, organizzazioni o governi: marxisti. [L'Islam:è il più: Grande Persecutore] per avere un quadro completo della situazione, noi possiamo dire, che,
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    3_13.[I prossimi saremo noi! preparare una resistenza armata] [la persecuzione, dei cristiani: è il mondo dato a satana, dei farisei del FMI 666, per: la distruzione di Israele/monoteismo: agenda 322 NWO]. il fronte più "caldo" della persecuzione: è certamente quello delle nazioni: a maggioranza islamica, dove: anche, solo parlare di Gesù: a un musulmano può portare a una condanna: a diversi anni di carcere, alla fustigazione, persino a una condanna a morte. La situazione: è in netto peggioramento, perché dagli avvenimenti, che, osserviamo, in alcuni paesi (Nigeria, Somalia, pakistan) sembra in atto un'offensiva, pianificata dell'islam, per espellere o eliminare con la violenza i cristiani. Bombardamenti e distruzione di chiese, incendi di case,
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    4_13.[I prossimi saremo noi! preparare una resistenza armata] [la persecuzione, dei cristiani: è il mondo dato a satana, dei farisei del FMI 666, per: la distruzione di Israele/monoteismo: agenda 322 NWO]. e di negozi di cristiani, agguati e, stragi: di fedeli, spesso, all'interno, delle chiese stesse, sono perpetrati da gruppi di estremisti islamici, ben armati e organizzati, il più: delle volte con la complicità delle: istituzioni e delle forze dell'ordine. Questi gruppi sono economicamente, molto potenti, grazie ai cospicui, finanziamenti, dei paesi islamici, specialmente quelli estremamente, ricchi del Golfo persico (Arabia Saudita, Qatar, Emirati Arabi, etc.) e possono quindi contare su flussi di denaro, virtualmente, illimitati, per espandere in modo violento la "jihad",
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    5_13.[I prossimi saremo noi! preparare una resistenza armata] [la persecuzione, dei cristiani: è il mondo dato a satana, dei farisei del FMI 666, per: la distruzione di Israele/monoteismo: agenda 322 NWO]. la guerra santa, in tutto il mondo. Le primavere arabe: sanno di morte: Un ulteriore fronte di persecuzione, per i cristiani si è aperto nell'Africa del Nord, con le cosiddette "primavere arabe", i movimenti popolari: che, in Tunisia, Libia, Egitto -- prossimamente in Siria -- hanno rovesciato i regimi dittatoriali, in carica da diversi decenni e hanno instaurato regimi democratici. Democratici, però purtroppo solo a parole, perché in tutti questi stati hanno preso il sopravvento partiti islamici, più o meno estremisti,
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    6_13.[I prossimi saremo noi! preparare una resistenza armata] [la persecuzione, dei cristiani: è il mondo dato a satana, dei farisei del FMI 666, per: la distruzione di Israele/monoteismo: agenda 322 NWO]. ma, comunque, portatori di un'ideologia fortemente repressiva rispetto alle minoranze religiose e specialmente quella cristiana. inoltre, in molti di questi paesi si sono infiltrati, elementi, riconducibili ad Al Qaeda, la principale rete del terrorismo islamico, che, approfitta della situazione(voluta dalla Arabia Saudita) per reclutare nuovi adepti, per raccogliere, nuove basi da cui diffondere il terrore, in tutto il mondo, al riparo dei nuovi regimi fondamentalisti islamici. per concludere il resoconto del pericolo islamico, non possiamo dimenticare,
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    7_13.[I prossimi saremo noi! preparare una resistenza armata] [la persecuzione, dei cristiani: è il mondo dato a satana, dei farisei del FMI 666, per: la distruzione di Israele/monoteismo: agenda 322 NWO]. l'iran del "nuovo Hitler", Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, che sogna di cancellare dalle cartine lo Stato di israele e minaccia, una nuova Shoah degli Ebrei brandendo la minaccia atomica. India e Cina, giganti contro, il cristianesimo, i cristiani sono minacciati anche, in india dove negli ultimi anni si del nazionalismo: indù: con attentati a singoli credenti come anche, a intere comunità. Basti pensare, agli attacchi del 2010 nello stato, di Orissa che ha causato diverse decine di migliaia, di morti tra le comunità cristiane, interi villaggi distrutti e quindi, altri,
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    8_13.[I prossimi saremo noi! preparare una resistenza armata] [la persecuzione, dei cristiani: è il mondo dato a satana, dei farisei del FMI 666, per: la distruzione di Israele/monoteismo: agenda 322 NWO]. decine di migliaia di sfollati, nei campi profughi, oppure, con le tigri nella giungla. ma l'altro grande nemico del cristianesimo è, e rimane il marxismo, che, seppur indebolito dal crollo dell'Unione Sovietica continua a far strage di cristiani dove può ancora attecchire. È il caso della Cina, che, detiene il record mondiale di cristiani, imprigionati, nelle sue carceri. il sistema comunista cinese: ha creato persino una chiesa cristiana alternativa, per togliere slancio, a una delle chiese cristiane che, sta crescendo più velocemente,
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    9_13.[I prossimi saremo noi! preparare una resistenza armata] [la persecuzione, dei cristiani: è il mondo dato a satana, dei farisei del FMI 666, per: la distruzione di Israele/monoteismo: agenda 322 NWO]. al mondo, quel movimento delle "chiese domestiche" che, sfuggono al controllo dello Stato cinese, e sono perciò, ritenute inaccettabili. Sono molti i cristiani di queste chiese, che, subiscono perquisizioni, confische di Bibbie e letteratura cristiana, irruzioni della polizia durante i culti, e spesso la prigione, e i "campi di rieducazione". Un trattamento ancora più duro viene riservato ai cristiani in Corea del Nord: il campo di rieducazione qui è la pena minima, mentre gli altri semplicemente "spariscono" dalla sera alla mattina.
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    10_13.[I prossimi saremo noi! preparare una resistenza armata] [la persecuzione, dei cristiani: è il mondo dato a satana, dei farisei del FMI 666, per: la distruzione di Israele/monoteismo: agenda 322 NWO]. i loro cari, sanno che, non: c'è bisogno, di cercarli: non ritorneranno più. Il marxismo, nemico di sempre, il peso dei regimi marxisti, o delle organizzazioni che si ispirano a questa "religione" atea, si fa sentire, anche a Cuba, dove le striminzite riforme economiche o la visita del papa sono solo uno specchietto, per le allodole che nasconde una realtà fatta ancora di persecuzione e di un controllo serrato da parte dello Stato, specialmente sui cristiani evangelici e le loro comunità.
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    11_13.[I prossimi saremo noi! preparare una resistenza armata] [la persecuzione, dei cristiani: è il mondo dato a satana, dei farisei del FMI 666, per: la distruzione di Israele/monoteismo: agenda 322 NWO]. E se nelle repubbliche ex-sovietiche dell'Asia Centrale il marxismo e l'islam hanno unito le loro forze contro tutte le altre forme di espressione religiosa, in Colombia in varie parti dell'America Centrale sono gruppi o organizzazioni marxiste paramilitari (come le FARC) ad attaccare singoli pastori, sacerdoti o comunità cristiane, malmenando o uccidendone vari membri. [prossimi saremo noi!] Infine vogliamo attirare l'attenzione su quello che potrebbe essere in futuro un nuovo fronte di persecuzione contro i cristiani:
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    12_13.[I prossimi saremo noi! preparare una resistenza armata] [la persecuzione, dei cristiani: è il mondo dato a satana, dei farisei del FMI 666, per: la distruzione di Israele/monoteismo: agenda 322 NWO].è il cosiddetto "fronte interno", quello, che si sta sviluppando nei paesi, tradizionalmente cristiani, dove principalmente atei e islamici (ma, non solo loro) stanno unendo le proprie forze per limitare la libertà, di espressione e di fede dei cristiani. in questo sono purtroppo spesso aiutati da cristiani "liberali", che la Bibbia definisce "tiepidi", i quali credono di fare un miglior servizio, a Dio favorendo l'ecumenismo e la laicità dello Stato a tutti i costi. Risultato: già in molti paesi è vietato prendere posizione apertamente,
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    13_13.[I prossimi saremo noi! preparare una resistenza armata] [la persecuzione, dei cristiani: è il mondo dato a satana, dei farisei del FMI 666, per: la distruzione di Israele/monoteismo: agenda 322 NWO]. contro il deterioramento dei valori morali che porta a fenomeni come: i matrimoni e le adozioni omosessuali, piuttosto: che l'eutanasia o l'eugenetica. i simboli religiosi, specialmente la croce, sono mal tollerati addosso alle persone o nei luoghi di lavoro, e in alcune città si è giunti persino a celebrare la "festa delle luci invernali" anziché il Natale cristiano "per non offendere la sensibilità degli appartenenti ad altre religioni". noi fortunati non conosciamo la persecuzione religiosa, ma potremmo essere, l'ultima generazione di cristiani a poterlo dire.
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    [China, Russia, and, USA NATO] they pretend: to make a world war, to exterminate Pakistan, India, Israel, and all the Middle East, after all: 1. is true: that: they are beasts, that they deserve to die! 2. also kill a few billion people, it is necessary, for to start a new monetary cycle, of the currency of the Pharisees, created out of nothing, and give ,in debt, that is, of seigniorage banking: stolen from the people, given that the current: system monetary, is now close to collapse. loro fingono: di fare una guerra mondiale, per sterminare Pakistan, India, Israele e tutto il Medio Oriente, dopo tutto: 1. è proprio vero: che: loro sono delle bestie, che, meritano di morire! 2. inoltre, ammazzare, qualche miliardo di persone, è necessario, per avviare, un nuovo ciclo monetario, della moneta dei farisei, creata dal nulla e pretata a debito, cioè, del signoraggio bancario: rubato ai popoli, visto, che l'attuale sistema monetario è esausto: ed è, ormai, prossimo al collasso.
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    every single person on this planet: it is decisive for the Kingdom of God, all my brothers, Cardinals, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Communists, etc. .. each of us must do his best.. verily, verily, I say unto you, the Church of Christ, is beyond the Catholic Church, and is, over, all the Christian Churches, the Church of Christ: embraces the whole human race.. I am UNIUS REI. ///Abu Antar said. " All of the people in this channel background are 322 nwo -- ANSWER -- background invible? my JHWH -- sia, che io assisterò, alla loro distruzione, sia che, io assisterò alla loro salvezza? sempre, giorni di lavoro, affanni, e di preoccupazioni tu hai progettato per me, povero me, in ogni modo
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    @Saudi Arabia, Iran -- You know better than anyone else, who, are guilty, the Pharisees, ie, the Talmud, Jews, Nazi zionists. by: Illuminati IMF FED ECB, NWO, your accomplice: and their satanic Freemasons: ie occult power, (ie, the declared enemies of Christianity), that, have in control of the West, therefore, this story, which, because of them, you, the Nazis Islamists you have to kill, and to harm the innocent Christians, must end, same today ... because the Kingdom of God, which, I represent, is be arming against you! and it is because of you that I can not do evil, to Israel, as against, an another, false democracy of the Masonic seigniorage banking
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    1_7. [50 rogue nations: Jordan] Mar 02 2011: In Yemen, Ali Abdallah Saleh's regime has been in power for about the same length of time as Mubarak's in Egypt, over 32 years. Although governed by Saleh, the power of the regime is limited, especially in the remote regions of the country where tribal rulers control the region. If Saleh would fall, it is unclear who could take over Yemen. With the presence of Al Queda in various parts of the country, Yemen could easily fall apart similar to the situation in Iraq, or worse, in Somalia. A regime-change in Yemen could very well mean a change to no regime at all, resulting in anarchy. Yemen lacks the presence of traditional church. Islam is the state religion and Sharia law is the source of all legislation. Described as one of the poorest and least evangelized nations in the world, the constitution guarantees religious freedom but declares that Islam is the state religion.
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    2_7. [50 rogue nations: Jordan] It has been estimated that less than 1,000 Yemenis have left Islam during the rule of Saleh, but very few have been willing to make a public statement about it due to family and social pressures. Jordan has a Christian minority of about 300,000 believers, most of them with a history going back to the 1st century. Know as one of the most Western oriented countries in the Middle East, the constitution guarantees religious freedom. As long as the churches do not evangelize, the government will not bother Christian believers; however, the state security is following the steps of church leaders closely and therefore the Jordanian evangelical movement's freedom is rather limited. In both Jordan and Yemen demonstrations have taken place over the past several weeks. In Jordan King Abdullah II remains popular and has quickly announced a reshuffle of his government,
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    3_7. [50 rogue nations: Jordan] asking politicians to take note of the complaints of its citizens and respond to them. It is yet to be seen: what the future holds for Christians in the Middle East. As we watch from the sidelines the turmoil unfolding in Libya let us join in prayer for our brethren caught in the cross-fire and pray for a future where they can openly and freely worship our savior Jesus Christ. Father, in the midst of ongoing unrest: in the Middle East, we look to You as the one and only sovereign God. We pray that through political shifts and regime changes, Your people would be protected by Your loving mercy and grace. Despite hardship, we pray that more people would come to a saving knowledge of Christ, and Your glory would be displayed throughout the region. Amen. [Jordan: it is on the 34th place: in the black list: of rogue states][Converts can find their marriages annulled and children taken from them.
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    4_7. [50 rogue nations: Jordan] They also encounter discrimination and the threat of mental and physical abuse. ] my friend: The Muslim "cultural mediator", of: a student of mine Muslim: has said: to me: 1. not: it's true, that in all Muslim nations: we do not have: the freedom of religion, in fact, we have the example: of Syria: and Jordan. 2. Moreover, it is the Americans who have formed, and, invented: the Islamists. Why, when I was a kid? All these terrorists do not: there! 3. That's why, they killed: Saddam Hussein: Gaddafi and Bin Laden, because: the Americans were afraid, of that: they would have said! 4. Moreover, when they arrive Western soldiers: to plunder the country's resources? It is normal for people's anger to explode! But, in no way Islam could do harm to a peaceful person, because it is written in the Qur'an that whoever kills a man? Then, he also killed, the whole human race!
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    5_7. [50 rogue nations: Jordan] --- ANSWER --- but I know who the murderess and super predator, the sower: of death worldwide, are the Pharisees 666 Rothschild IMF, occult e masonic power: for banking seigniorage. [/world-watch-list-countries/jordan/] [Jordan: it is on the 34th: place: in the black list: of rogue states] [Converts can find their marriages annulled and children taken from them. They also encounter discrimination and the threat of mental and physical abuse. ] The church landscape is comparable to pre-civil war Syria, with a certain amount of freedom for traditional Christians. There is relative tolerance for Muslim-background believers; however, leaving Islam is not officially recognised and public evangelisation of Muslims is against government policy. Converts can find their marriages annulled and children taken from them.
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    6_7. [50 rogue nations: Jordan] They also encounter discrimination and the threat of mental and physical abuse. Radical Islamists are becoming more active in society and there have been reports of violence and killings of Muslim-background believers.[Converts can find their marriages annulled and children taken from them. They also encounter discrimination and the threat of mental and physical abuse. ] [/world-watch-list-countries/jordan/] [Jordan: è al 34° posto della lista nera, degli Stati canaglia]--- ANSWER --- ma, io conosco chi è il super assassino e predatore, il seminatore: della morte per tutto il mondo, è: il fariseo: Rothschild del FMI
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    7_7. [50 rogue nations: Jordan] [/world-watch-list-countries/jordan/] [50 STATI CANAGLIA] North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Maldives, Mali, Iran, Yemen, Eritrea, Syria, Sudan, Nigeria, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Uzbekistan, Libya, Laos, Turkmenistan, Qatar, Vietnam, Oman, Mauritania, Tanzania, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Brunei, Bhutan, Algeria, Tunisia, India, Myanmar (Burma), Kuwait, Jordan , Bahrain, Palestinian Territories, China, Azerbaijan, Morocco, Kenya, Comoros, Malaysia, Djibouti, Tajikistan, Indonesia, Colombia, Uganda, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Niger.[/world-watch-list-countries/jordan/]
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    [also, in the story, the Christian martyrs Orissa? India has lost all international credibility] Marò, [India, contro, Italia]: 'Fermo disaccordo'. New Delhi insorge. La Farnesina: 'Hanno violato il diritto internazionale'. 1. infatti, la nave italiana era in acque internazionali, 2. i proiettili che, hanno uccisi i pescatori, non erano quelli in dotazione dei "Marò".. 3. le lungaggini giudiziarie, erano un chiaro e losco tentativo di prendere tempo, perché l'India sapeva, che sarebbe dovuta passare sul tavolo degli imputati! 4. in realtà i delitti che l'India ha fatto contro la comunità internazionale sono molteplici e gravissimi, 5. bene ha fatto l'Italia, con questo, suo atto di dignità.. io spero che tutta la comunità internazionale ad iniziare dalla Cina, espongano formali proteste.. perché in questi casi, nessuno può dire: "è stata una fortuna, che, non sia successo niente a me!" [do massacres, too easily, to expect any credibility]
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    [also, in the story, the Christian martyrs Orissa? India has lost all international credibility] Marò, [India, contro, Italia]:COMANDANTE IN SECONDA,PESCATORI UCCISI DA INDIANI Non sono stati i due marò italiani a uccidere i pescatori ma gli indiani. Lo afferma a Radio Capital Carlo Noviello, comandante in seconda dell'Enrica Lexie a bordo della quale si trovavano Massimiliano Latorre e Salvatore Girone. Noviello ricostruisce così le fasi della vicenda: "eravamo sul ponte. Quando la barca si è avvicinata a 100 metri, Latorre ha fatto le segnalazioni ottiche, poi ha mostrato il fucile. Ma loro continuavano imperterriti ad avvicinarsi, in una chiara manovra d'abbordaggio. E allora Girone e Latorre hanno sparato. In acqua, però. Quando la barca si è allontanata, col binocolo abbiamo visto, che, erano armati ma, non era morto nessuno, e le due persone, fuori dal cabinato, [do massacres, too easily, to expect any credibility]
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    [also, in the story, the Christian martyrs Orissa? India has lost all international credibility] Marò, [India, contro, Italia]:erano ancora in piedi". "Dopo - aggiunge, il comandante - c'é stato un altro scontro a fuoco, fuori dal porto, con la guardia costiera locale: di Koci. Penso che: i due pescatori morti: fossero quelli. E per coprire: questo errore siamo capitati noi: di mezzo. Anche perché la guardia costiera di Mumbai, quando mi ha telefonato, mi ha detto esplicitamente: di entrare a Koci: perché: loro avevano catturato due barchette: sospette pirata e volevano il nostro eventuale riconoscimento. Ci hanno fatti avvicinare: con l'inganno". La nave italiana: infatti: era "a venti miglia e mezzo, in acque internazionali - assicura Noviello - La posizione l'ho messa io sulla carta".[do massacres, too easily, to expect any credibility]
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    [also, in the story, the Christian martyrs Orissa? India has lost all international credibility] 03/11/2013. INDIA. India, images of Jesus and the Virgin Mary photo-shopped to attack "Italian" Gandhis, by Nirmala Carvalho. The faces are those of Rahul Gandhi and his mother Sonia (President of the Congress), alongside a photo of a group of Hindu nationalists. The image appeared on the Facebook page of a group that glorifies hatred against the ruling party. Mumbai (AsiaNews) - Jesus and the Virgin Mary depicted - respectively - with the faces of Rahul and Sonia Gandhi, and a caption that reads "Italian scam". The photo-shopped image appeared on the Facebook page of the "All India Congress Haters Association", alongside a photo of a group of Hindutva supporters (a sectarian ideology that promotes a Hindus state, ed), surmounted by the words "ohm Indians "[INDIA. the weapons that you bought? are still not enough!]
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    [also, in the story, the Christian martyrs Orissa? India has lost all international credibility] (The ohm is a sacred mantra in Hinduism, ed.) For the Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC), it is an "act of desecration that wounds, especially at this time of Lent." According to Sajan George, president of the GCIC, "This is the height of perversion, certainly not becoming the people of this great nation or members of any religion worth its name, using sacred pictures and symbols to settle political scores, whatever the extent of hatred with which they are filled with". "The whole Christian community - he said - is upset by this gesture and together with the GCIC ask the central government and the state governments to take the necessary measures to stop these unscrupulous gestures, and to find out who is behind them. Similar actions can threaten harmony within the community. ". See also:
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    [also, in the story, the Christian martyrs Orissa? India has lost all international credibility] 11/04/2010 INDIA. Nationalism and fanaticism the biggest challenges in India by Santosh Digal. 03/09/2005 [INDIA. the weapons that you bought? are still not enough!] Falsely accused priest arrested in Gujarat. 09/22/2010 INDIA. No to more violence over Ayodhya's Babri Masjid, Hindu leader says by Nirmala Carvalho 08/24/2004 INDIA Priest seriously injured in attack against Catholic Church 12/19/2008 INDIA Minister Antulay quits, he suspected Hindu involvement in Mumbai attacks.. @India -- è nessuno può dire che, Unius REI è Italiano, perché, in 5 anni? io ho difeso l'Italia, soltanto, in riferimento a questa vicenda, di questa tua malvagia criminalità, evidente, a tutti.
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    [[ Alert in Syria, called reservists: Saudi imperialism is been: stopped in Syria, because this is in the interest of ISrael and my interest.]] System invokes the: jihad in support of the army, to defend: the people and the nation. March 12, BEIRUT - The staff of the Syrian armed forces announced today that "the state of general alert" for all military and called: soldiers and reservists: aged up to 35 years. The Syrian state television reported, without providing further details at the moment. SYSTEM CALLS, FOR THE JIHAD, IN SUPPORT, loyalist forces - Syrian authorities: have called the "jihad all Syrians: and all the Arab-Muslim" in support of the government army "engaged in the battle: to defend the people: and the nation." With: a fatwa - legal opinion: is not binding
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    1 mese fa

    [[ Alert in Syria, called reservists: Saudi imperialism is been: stopped in Syria, because this is in the interest of ISrael and my interest.]] - unprecedented, the Grand Mufti of Syria, Sheikh Ahmad Hassoun Sunni, called "traitors all those who oppose: the army" loyal to President Bashar al-Assad. Quoted by the official Sana: and: on state television, Hassoun read: the statement of the Council Syrian fatwas, that it is the duty of every citizen of every Syrian: and: Arab Muslim to defend Syria Unified and the Syrian people. Hassoun: He called the Muslims: to "jihad for the defense of the people: and:the nation" against "the Zionists: and who: is behind them (is a disgrace to Assad, who he has not the courage: to name the Arab League, from: which he was expelled dishonestly)."
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    5 mesi fa

    Henry Johnson has posted a comment 1 month ago Hello. I remember you sent me a message in my old YouTube account last year. The first thing I read was: I would die by the end of last year:. I also invite you to be friends in YouTube, you accept and: comment on my channel "then" shalom. " My old account username: was JC90280, do you remember me? --ANSWER-I'm happy that YOU are STILL ALIVE, God wanted to save you, but, if the other Satanists, were alive too,like you?: of course, they could still talk like you: today
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    5 mesi fa

    [ TIBET-CHINA warning, I have not given, to you, permission to destroy the identity of Tibet, you have done: high: treason against: my authority metaphysics universal! ] Chinese Communist Party Congress opens: 5 Tibetans self immolate for freedom. The highest number of self immolations ever in one day. Three teenage monks and a 23 year-old mother; the identity of the fifth still unknown. Two died on the spot. All of them called out for the return of the Dalai Lama to Tibet and an end to Chinese occupation. With them, the number of self immolations has risen to 68 Tibetans. Lhasa (AsiaNews) - On the eve of the Chinese Communist Party Congress, five Tibetans have set themselves on fire to demand the return of the Dalai Lama to Tibet, and the end of the Beijing regime. The episode is confirmed by Radio Free Asia.
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    5 mesi fa

    [ TIBET-CHINA warning, I have not given, to you, permission to destroy the identity of Tibet, you have done: high: treason against: my authority metaphysics universal! ] It is the first time that so many self immolations have taken place on the same day. The authors of the gesture are three teenage monks (Ngaba Prefecture, Sichuan province) and a young mother (Malho Prefecture, Qinghai province). The identity of the fifth (Nagchu Prefecture, Tibetan Autonomous Region) is not yet known, nor his or her conditions. So far, at least two Tibetans have believed to have died. Yesterday's self immolations brings the number of Tibetans who have chosen to die by fire in protest against Beijing to 68. The three monks-Dorje, 15; Samdrub, 16; Dorje Kyab, 16, set themselves on fire in front of the Ngaba police station,
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    5 mesi fa

    [ TIBET-CHINA warning, I have not given, to you, permission to destroy the identity of Tibet, you have done: high: treason against: my authority metaphysics universal! ] chanting slogans for a free Tibet and the return of their spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama. "Dorje - refers monk Lobsang Yeshi- died immediately, while the other two were brought to the County hospital ". The young boys all come from the monastery of Ngoshul, and are the youngest Tibetans to have ever chosen self immolation. Malho Prefecture, Tamdrin Tso (see photo), a 23-year-old mother set herself on fire in Gemar market (Rebgong County) and died shortly after. Dorje Wangchuck, Director of Literary and Culture Research Centre of Norbulingka Institute in Dharamsala, reports that "over the past 15 days, Tamdrin Tso has repeatedly prayed for those who have self immolated for Tibet".
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    5 mesi fa

    [ TIBET-CHINA warning, I have not given, to you, permission to destroy the identity of Tibet, you have done: high: treason against: my authority metaphysics universal! ] She leaves a son, Nyingjam Tsering, of 5-6 years, her husband Kyab Tamdrin and her mother, Konchog Tso. After her action, approximately 3 thousand Tibetans gathered in the market area, where there is a school and several stores, singing slogans against the Chinese regime. The immolation of Tamdrin Tso is the second in Rebgong in a week. November 4 in fact, Dorjee Lhundrub, a 25-year-old artist set himself on fire and died. The fifth immolation yesterday occurred in the town of Bekhar, in Driru County (Nagchu prefecture). Local sources report that the Chinese police arrived on the site immediately after but nothing is yet known about the author of the gesture.
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    5 mesi fa

    [ TIBET-CHINA warning, I have not given, to you permission to destroy the identity of Tibet, you have done: high: treason against: my authority metaphysics universal! ] For Sophie Richardson, head of the Chinese section for Human Rights Watch, the self immolations are "extraordinary acts of desperation", which "continue because there is no meaningful response from the central government, which has the ability to change the situation for the better." Meanwhile, the 18th Chinese Communist Party Congress (CPC) opened today which will see the end of government of Hu Jintao and the birth of the "fifth generation" of leaders, led-according to most forecasts-by Xi Jinping, current Vice-President. But while State media enhance the economic and political results of this last decade, the population of Beijing and other Chinese cities look indifferently at the event, having no say in the matter. (NC)
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    5 mesi fa

    [salafis imperialism, will destroy my Israel] Terrorists: fire 3 mortars against al-Midan, Damascus An armed attack fires 3 mortar shells, the first one targeted an area near the HQ of Tishreen Newspaper, the second near a public park and the third was fired on the surroundings of the area. The shelling resulted in one martyr and two other injuries, plus material damages were recorded.
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    5 mesi fa

    666 FED IMF,NATO CIA ECB NWO-- , you are in Syria, to destroy Israel! Pope: "help Syria before it is too late" 4 hours ago: Future Forum related news: Pope, Middle East, Syria, Vatican, Damascus, Lebanon "We must do everything we can because one day it may be too late." It is the sentence added to his arm by Benedict XVI to call for peace in Syria pronounced at the end of the general audience in St. Peter's Square tu sei in Siria, per rovinare Israele! il papa: «aiutare la siria prima che sia troppo tardi» 4 ore fa: Avvenire Forum relativi alla notizia: Papa, Medio Oriente, Siria, Vaticano, Damasco, Libano "Dobbiamo fare tutto il possibile perchè un giorno potrebbe essere troppo tardi". È la frase aggiunta a braccio da Benedetto XVI al suo appello per la pace in Siria pronunciato al termine dell'udienza generale in Piazza San Pietro...
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    5 mesi fa

    The 666 IMF; FED ECB, 322 freemasonry system masonry, European Union, Nobel Prize 2012, for 'Peace', violates basic human rights and obscures Syrians TV channels. October 22, 2012 -- After the great success of the Syrian media in dealing with the ferocious attack, armed and mediatic, against Syria, the EU ministers have agreed, with the administration of the satellite Hotbird and Eutelsat, to stop completely the spread of the Syrian satellite TV channels on the Eutelsat and Hotbird platform orbits. As part of the media campaign against Syria, in a unilateral action in contrast to the terms of the contract agreed, Hotbird has suspended the deployment of Syrian satellite television channel, and this kind of attitude by Hotbird violates the rules of professional ethics of the media and transgresses, inexcusable, the rules and principles of the media.
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    5 mesi fa

    DESPITE THE TERRORIST ATTACKS AGAINST THE PEOPLE AND INSTITUTIONS, THE SYRIAN FORCES WIN ON ALL SIDES WHEN FACING ON OPEN FACE MERCENARIES AND MURDERERS-CRIMINALS-CUTTHROAT. In Aleppo, the Syrian Arab Army has targeted a location with hidden terrorists, killing many of them to Ghalaghem-to-Sfeira, and destroyed six trucks loaded with weapons and ammunition, killed all the militants inside the truck. The Syrian Arab Army, responding to a terrorist attack on the Science and Research Centre of Bab al-Old Road, resulted in the deaths of many mercenary-terrorists, including Saudi Abu Hamza, the leader of the militia of the "battalion-Bazza'a ", connected to the FSA. Also killed the leader of the terrorist group known as "al-Bakri battalion Dali", Mustafa Jamal. (the two "battalions" are now disintegrated)
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    5 mesi fa

    The Syrian Arab Army forces continue military operations in the Ma'aret al-Nu'man, addressing different groups of mercenaries infiltrated and killing many of them. The Syrian Arab Army units have also destroyed a van full of weapons and ammunition near the road from Kafarruma al-Bara, killing all the militants inside. At Deir al-Zour: clashes between the army and the Syrian Arab a terrorist group in Main Street, near the Industrial Bank: 13 militants mercenaries dead, including the award-wanted terrorist Mahmoud Issa al-Dayyab, while 23 other mercenaries were injured and have been admitted to Syrian military hospitals, who will care of them. In Daraa, Syrian Arab Army seized 10 Israeli-made rockets, RPG missiles and a machine guns. Finally, 'last but not least', the Syrian Arab Army has cleared, in the town of Da'el, the terrorist al-Qaseem Sharee, who was wanted for several murders, torture and acts of terrorism against the Syrian people and institutions.
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    5 mesi fa

    11/08/2012 MYANMAR Aung San Suu Kyi calls for more troops to quell violence between Burmese and Rohingya by Francis Khoo Thwe The Nobel Prize winner wants a greater military presence in order to restore peace in Rakhine state. However, both government and opposition have failed to find a political solution to the crisis. Business interests appear to be behind the sectarian violence. Another boat carrying refugees sinks. Yangon (AsiaNews) - Burmese opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi and ethnic minority lawmakers have appealed to the government to send troops to restore peace in the western state of Rakhine torn by sectarian violence...
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    5 mesi fa

    Syrian Video News/Nouvelles ~ (Eng/Fra) ~ 3/11/2012 ~ UNHCR: mercenaries in Syria are criminals ~ UNHCR: les mercenaires en Syrie sont des criminels. thoughts on "Syrian Video News/Nouvelles ~ (Eng/Fra).3/11/2012. UNHCR: mercenaries in Syria are criminals ~ UNHCR: les mercenaires en Syrie sont des criminels" Francenaldo Amorim said: November 4, 2012 at 18:07. Ce sont pas des soldads hymains, ce sont des démons, qui tuent des gens désarmés, des prisionniers,. Ils méritent tous étre fuzillés aussitot pris. Pas de pitié pour ces démons. " l óeil pour oeil, dent pour dent. Il faut les chasser aussi en Turckie, dans les sanctuaires. La Russie doit aider dans cette chasse au mercennaires, qui se cachent en Turquie, chaque fois qui sont poursuivis.. Syria -- Video News -- ENG -- 3 November 2012 UNHCR has accused mercenaries in Syria of war CRIMES. UNHCR a accusé les mercenaires en Syrie DE CRIMES DE GUERRE.
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    5 mesi fa

    [free Syria from IMF 666 CIA NATO:ie, Al Quaeda saudi imperialism] Bashar al-Assad: "I am not a Western puppet -- I have to live and die in Syria" ~ Bashar al-Assad: "Non sono un pupazzo degli occidentali -- Ho intenzione di vivere e morire in Siria" ~ (Eng-Ita +Video)In an exclusive interview with RT, Syrian President Bashar Assad said he will not leave Syria. Assad also spoke on the calls for armed foreign intervention in Syria, and the possible fallout on the country's internal conflict and across the region. "We are the last stronghold of secularism and stability in the region and coexistence, let's say, it will have a domino effect that will affect the world from the Atlantic to the Pacific and you know the implication on the rest of the world," Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad told RT in an exclusive interview that will air on Friday, November 9.
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    5 mesi fa

    [free Syria from IMF 666 CIA NATO:ie, Al Quaeda saudi imperialism] "I am not a puppet. I was not made by the West to go to the West or to any other country," he said. "I am Syrian, I was made in Syria, I have to live in Syria and die in Syria," Assad said during the interview. Syria has been wracked by internal violence for the past 20 months. With the government and opposition failing to reach an agreement on a ceasefire, foreign nations are pressuring the Syrian president to step down, with some even calling for armed intervention in the war-torn country. "I do not think the West is going [to intervene], but if they do so, nobody can tell what is next," Assad said. "I think the price of this [foreign] invasion if it happened is going to be more than the whole world can afford." According to a Turkish official,
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    5 mesi fa

    [free Syria from IMF 666 CIA NATO:ie, Al Quaeda saudi imperialism]Ankara has officially requested that NATO deploy Patriot missiles along the border with Syria, over fears that armed conflict could spill across the border. The armed conflict in Syria has turned increasingly violent in recent months. 'Rebel' forces have received significant financial, diplomatic and organizational support from countries like the US and Western-allied nations such as Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia. However, the opposition has yet to overcome infighting and form a united government. The rebels' Western allies have also become concerned by signs that radical Islamists are gaining strength and influence within the opposition. You can watch the Syrian president's interview in full on Friday on RT (...and on this web-space...).
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    5 mesi fa

    1 Timothy 4:7 Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives' tales; rather, train yourself to be godly.1 Timothy 4:8 For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.2 Timothy 3:8 Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so also these men oppose the truth--men of depraved minds, who, as far as the faith is concerned, are rejected.Titus 1:11 They must be silenced, because they are ruining whole households by teaching things they ought not to teach--and that for the sake of dishonest gain.Titus 1:15 To the pure, all things are pure, but to those who are corrupted and do not believe, nothing is pure. In fact, both their minds and consciences are corrupted.2 Peter 2:3 In their greed these teachers will exploit you with stories they have made up. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping.
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    5 mesi fa

    IMF CIA Cain criminal Dark Culico 666 --- if it comes from you: a piece of shit, with the form: of a piece of shit, he, also, the smell of: a piece of shit .. as you: you can Say That he is not a piece of shit? .. and it is this, That, you are along with your Satan, two pieces of shit! yuotube and now he can block Also my channel! But you at your age? Should you have a little ashamed to put on your head, the head of the Embalmed dead donkey! 666 Googe CIA IMF then, youtube is the loving mother and protective of all Satans fag, losers who cry? The dispice for you! but your 49 years? were useless, in fact, you turn to all the world with the head of embalming a dead donkey condom! maybe you're the last condom, That Satan has used to fertilize the cow Rothschild IMF NWO. but, you go around: the world: with a condom-shaped, the head of a dead donkey: make yourself, like fuck full embalming for Satan! you are the most fun: for all the skeletons in the cemetery!
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    5 mesi fa

    youtube CIA IMF 322 666 google --- Your video is still available in 1 countries: Southern Sudan, but has been blocked worldwide: namely, your video is stuck in 246 Countries---ANSWER--GUYS what is THIS a JOKE?LOL. Il tuo video è ancora disponibile in 1 Paesi: Sudan del SUD, ma è bloccato in tutto il mondo: cioè, Il tuo video è bloccato in 246 Paesi --- ANSWER-- RAGAZZI COSA È QUESTO UNO SCHERZO?LOL. ie, "Ozzy Osbourne-You're No Different", registrazione sonora gestita da: SME... cometblazt Commento sul tuo video: cabal talmud satanisti massoni Real Issue Of Jewish Genes right with you brother Nathaniel. Most of us r just a bunch of cowards, mediocre dumbed down dupes brainwashed by jewish owned media propaganda in the USA. brother nathaniel has the balls to expose these elite of evil deceivers calling themselves jews, who r indeed the synagogue of satan. have news 4 u: NWO is almost complete, satanic rule un der the jewish masonic elite
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    5 mesi fa

    @youtube -- DANZA DEL REY DAVID REMOLINEANDO for JHWH Il tuo video potrebbe includere i seguenti contenuti protetti da copyright: Contenuti visivi gestita da: paramount_vfp. Il tuo video è bloccato a livello mondiale. Tieni presente che lo stato del video può cambiare se cambiano le norme scelte dai proprietari dei contenuti. Leggi ulteriori informazioni sul copyright su YouTube. Di conseguenza, il tuo account è stato penalizzato e non ha una buona reputazione. L'eliminazione del video consentirà la rimozione della penalità causata da questo reclamo. --ANSWER-- IO NON TROVO, COME POTER CANCELLARE QUESTO VIDEO!
    Henry Johnson
    Henry Johnson ha pubblicato un commento
    7 mesi fa

    Hello. I remember you sent me a message in my old YouTube account last year. The first thing I read was I would die by the end of last year. I also invite you to be friends in YouTube, you accept and then comment on my channel "shalom." My old account username was JC90280, do you remember me?
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    7 mesi fa

    YOUR CHALLENGES against me? can not be made, because I am free from all the powers of darkness! is to prove his omnipotence, which, God allowed that, the big pin voodoo, came into my heart, but in vain: that is, without damaging my health! but, idiots, go ahead, ie, unaware, of their destruction! LE TUE SFIDE CONtro di ME? non possono essere fatte, perchè, io sono immune da tutti i poteri delle tenebre! è per dimostrare la sua onnipotenza, che, Dio ha permesso, che, il grosso spillo woodoo, entrasse nel mio cuore: ma, inutilmente: cioè, senza danneggiare la mia salute! ma, gli idioti, vanno avanti, inconsapevoli della loro distruzione!
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    7 mesi fa

    Synnek1 posted a comment 2 hours ago: said: Natural Intelligence? is Human Intelligence! NO! YOU GO beyond logic ...>;-) "Gods creatures, ARE include ALL Humans, ONLY? Lmfao! "- ANSWER -> beyond logic? can only be, the project for aliens abductions of Rochfeller: 322 bUSH: 666 BAAL MARDUCK, BELZEBULL OR JA BUL ON: OF FREEMASONRY, FOR DO IMF: IE GOD OWL AT BOHEMIAN GROVE;!!! it is his grandfather, who gave a body (GMOs leads through the magic of Kabbalah) to demons, and they? did have the flying saucers and the microchip 666
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    7 mesi fa

    In fact, these criminals cursed: of Muslims salafis: for imperialism saudi?: for them is not a crime to burn the Bible and the Christian together! In this way, they have become the perfect pretext, which the IMF has built to create the 3 rd WW nuclear: that, in turn, is essential to perpetuate the power of the rabbis, the Pharisees Illuminati Satanists: of IMF; who planned the new Holocaust: against Israel, for this time! you mix natural religion,with, revealed religion, the false prophets and bad prophets: as Muhammad murderess of innocent people: and peoples, by the true prophets of Israel tu confondi la religione naturale, dalla religione rivelata, i falsi profeti e cattivi proofeti:, come Maometto: dai veri profeti di Israele
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    7 mesi fa

    @ Vanalkic -- but, your life is not imaginary .. and yet you know nothing about the origin of life: Einstain said, indeed, it is impossible to have formed by chance! Vano alkic Shit --> I DO NOT have been sent to convince someone about the existence of God! get out you idiot! because you're afraid to look at your icon? lol. rotten skull of vomiting ... Synnek1 posted a comment 4 minutes ago [Your SAVIOR ... I AM] ---- ANSWER ----> lol. -> God told me the same thing! then, the time has come, That, you two, to be of agree!
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    7 mesi fa

    [atheists parasites and criminals: God blessings too all the Agnostics] because, it is universally recognized that the truth is simple and universal: for example: "A man is not a woman", etc. .. etc. .. etc. .. here that demonstrate a universal truth: it is also equivalent: to prove a universal principle and absolute from which all things: are came: that is: the proof of God! [atei parassiti e criminali] poiché è universalmente riconosciuto, che, la verità è semplice ed universale: per esempio: "un uomo non è una donna", ecc.. ecc.. ecc.. ecco che, dimostrare una verità universale: è anche equivalente: a dimostrare un principio universale ed assoluto: da cui derivano tutte le cose: cioè: Dio!
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    7 mesi fa

    each test is valid! if, 1. you're a shit: of: 322 IMF: 666 (lol. rotten skull vomiting) and: 2. I am a diamond of Unius REI (beautiful as an angel of God): all for the love of universal brotherhood? this is true, objectively in mode: indisputable: for everyone and then I will be: true forever! therefore, if is proved this truth: so: in mode: objective and universal, as, absolute: it is also demonstrated philosophically: 1. the existence of God, therefore, 2. Relativism is a lie! because relativism (is the proof of non-existence of God, it says that there can not be one truth in common: for all men!)
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    7 mesi fa

    ogni prova è valida! se, 1. tu sei una merda: del 322 FMI: 666 (lol. di teschio putrefatto che vomita): ed : 2. io sono un diamante: Unius REI(bello come un angelo di Dio): tutto per l'amore della fratellanza universale? questo è vero: oggettivamente, incontestabile: per tutti: ed quindi sarò anche: vero in eterno! pertanto: se è dimostrata questa verità: in modo: oggettivo ed universale: in modo assoluto: è anche dimostrato filosoficamente: 1. la esistenza di Dio, pertanto, 2. il relativismo è una menzogna! perché il relativismo(la prova della non esistenza di Dio: dice che, non può esistere una verità in comune: per tutti gli uomini!)
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    7 mesi fa

    Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955), German physicist and philosopher: powerfully mocked atheists and evolutionists, when he said: "" if lightning can enter a mine of iron and can pull a locomotive in motion? then, it would also be possible that life could arise by chance! Albert Einstein (1879 -- 1955), fisico e filosofo tedesco: derise potentemente gli atei e gli evoluzionisti; quando lui disse: ""se un fulmine, può entrare in una miniera di ferro: e può fare uscire una locomotiva in movimento? allora, sarebbe anche possibile: che, la vita possa nascere casualmente!
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    7 mesi fa

    evolution and atheism are the religions of talmud satanic: for destroy the only hope of Israel! because you can not prove: the non-existence of God! such, also as its existence? So, the choice of the atheist is a desperate choice: egoistic narcissistic: his choice, is for an fatalistic dogmatic religion: of the negative, which makes no possibilities to enter the kingdom of God! atheists are all pieces of shit! God bless agnostics! poiché, non è possibile dimostrare: la non esistenza: di Dio! come: la sua esistenza? allora, la scelta dell'ateo è una scelta disperata: egoistica: narcisitica: è la scelta fatalistica: dogmatica: la religione del negativo, che, non da nessuna possibilità: di entrare nel regno di Dio! gli atei sono tutti dei pezzi di merda! Dio benedica gli agnostici!
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    7 mesi fa

    as I have tried: to sing: sound: of my Shofar, in this class? randomly. there was: a strong gust of wind, which: has opened: the two sides the door! and we are all broke: for to laugh, because, it seemed. as: if: all the demons fled: immediately for scared! lol. it was great fun! Atheists have the religion of relativism, evolutionism, nihilism, naturalism, Satanism, etc. .. In fact, are all the religious also: the atheists ! Their start together: is their dogma cursed, that destroys intelligence! God bless agnostics!
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    7 mesi fa

    come io ho cercato: di suonare il mio Shofar, in questa classe? casualmente. c'è stato: un forte colpo di vento, che: ha spalancato: le due: ante della porta! e tutti siamo scoppiati: a ridere, perché è sembrato. come: se: tutti i demoni fuggissero: immediatamente: spaventati! lol. è stato molto divertente! Gli atei hanno la religione del relativismo: evoluzionismo, nichilismo, naturalismo, satanismo ecc.., infatti, sia i religiosi, che gli atei?loro partono insieme: dal loro dogma maledetto: che, distrugge l'intelligenza! Dio benedica gli agnostici!
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    7 mesi fa

    @Vanalkic: ie NWO synagogue: aliens abductions, 322, 666 CIA IMF talmud satanic nazi racist -> and why you're dressed like a devil rotten? but, I have not lied to you! you go around for go in to all the sewer of hell very soon! so, Jesus (scientific historiography) has lied to go to the cross! and the Apostles (scientific historiography) have lied about the resurrection of Jesus, to die in torment? then, all the people of Israel has lied about the exodus (scientific historiography)? You're crazy total! This, I said, today, to my pupils: of 17 years old: "When I was your age?: I asked God: to be able to do my personal experience, of all the mysteries of faith", here, because, today, I can make the world tremble! and what I say? it is only because I have experienced it myself! in truth, I could not say anything. if it was not confirmed: From my personal experience, because I am unius REI!
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    7 mesi fa

    Synnek1 posted a comment: 2 minutes ago: @UniusRei: yes, i agree. WakeUpUSAxRonPaul posted a comment: 2 seconds ago: Synnek1 -- you can read my message while I'm formulating it, in the traslator through Google! In fact, I know who you are tu puoi leggere il mio messaggio, mentre io lo sto formulando attraverso il traslator di google! infatti, io so chi tu sei WakeUpUSAxRonPaul posted a comment: 2 minutes ago: if i am fictional: from Kingdom of God? no, I confused your wickedness of Satan: in you, and in all childrens of satana 666 322! this is not fictional for us! Unius REi is born in Kingdom of God JHWH, then, he is born anywhere in the world. @666 Stvrmabteilvng --- NO! I AM AMERICAN PEOPLES! I HATE YOU ONLY! IE, 666 CIA IMF 322 FUCK
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    7 mesi fa

    Kyrie eleison for Rothschild & Rochefeller synagogue of satan IMF FMI NWO Loading ... This video is public. 91 views @ comunitaebraicaroma - That One has the idea of God? is what a man is! Why, faith is the shape of being of any person: while the measure of the level: of his faith is his power! if you thought something indecent, about: the infinite perfection of God and his pure love: you will be destroyed in hell, as the Talmud says That the goyim: they were created from God to be exploited: by the Jews: through: banking seigniorage . Magdi Allam is not the only to tell: against the planned "genocide" both physical and cultural: against Christians have did do tHE: Talmud: Sharia: Hinduism: Buddhism: Communism, Freemasonry: ie ONLY ONE usual synagogue of Satan: What is the IMF: ECB FED NWO, etc..
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    7 mesi fa

    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    7 mesi fa

    @Arab League: you have no right: to invade Syria without a formal declaration of war! this is a violation of international treaties:'ll end up doing harm, to all of you, because there are no real allies in time of trouble!] Syria: UN, war crimes, abuses by government and rebel. Increase foreign elements, even jihadists. September 17, 11:30. According to Pinheiro sectarian tensions have increased dramatically in Syria, particularly in the governorates Latakia and Idlib. "Kidnappings and murders are taking place between Sunnis on the one hand, and the Shia and Alawite other" and "minority groups like Christians and Druze would organize self-defense groups, because their communities are threatened by the increasing sectarian violence." The Commission of Inquiry has also confirmed the "growing presence of foreign elements, including militant jihadists" in the country scene of a violent conflict.
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    7 mesi fa

    [lega Araba: tu non hai nessun diritto: di invadere la Siria: senza una dichiarazione formale di guerra!! questa violazione dei trattati internazionali: finirà per fare del male a tutti voi: perché non esistono veri alleati nel momento della sventura!] Siria: Onu; crimini guerra, abusi da governo e ribelli. Aumentano elementi stranieri, anche jihadisti. 17 settembre, 11:30. Secondo Pinheiro le tensioni settarie sono aumentate drammaticamente in Siria, in particolare nei governatorati Latakia e Idlib. "Rapimenti e uccisioni sono in corso tra sunniti da un lato, e sciiti e alawiti dall'altro" mentre "gruppi minoritari, come cristiani e drusi organizzerebbero gruppi di autodifesa, perché le loro comunità si sentono minacciati dalla violenza sempre più settaria". La Commissione di inchiesta dell'Onu ha confermato inoltre la "crescente presenza di elementi stranieri, tra cui militanti jihadisti" nel Paese teatro di un violento conflitto.
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    7 mesi fa

    kneel! can not you see? passes the Lord! amen alleluia + love + shalom + salam .. what is it made? is received: drink your poison: made by yourself! we collect all that we will have sown! I have news for you: amen "He who is in me? Is stronger, than, Satan, of who, is in the world. All hell? Is powerless against me!" You are completely helpless: against me. you can not defend yourself from me, to hell with Satan can not. you're lost. you go to this you destroy your abomination of Satan: that is in your life. Amen. alleluia. ☠ pax ☠ ☠ pax ☠ + hallelujah hallelujah AMEN. I have done wrong to the All Those criminals who toppled the cross ♰ [♚ MENE ★ ★ Techel PERES] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ "Drink your poisons made ​​by yourself" ♰ by ★ ♥ ♥ ♥ King Rei unius Israel Mahdi
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    7 mesi fa

    [ the natural son: Jesus?, and the Christian adoptive son?: they have in common: the same divine nature!!! ] is written: "the firstborn, among many brothers" but, your Satan? does not make you look at the whole word of God, but both children (natural and adopted) are, equally, true children! have the same legal and civil rights! therefore have the same right to inheritance, as, the same name, as, the very nature of the FATHER: ie God JHWH! @ Stvrmabteilvng ---> alleluia. Amen AMEN. ☠ pax ☠ ☠ pax ☠ + + hallelujah hallelujah AMEN. 09/17/12 I have done wrong to the All Those criminals who toppled the cross ♰ [♚ MENE ★ ★ Techel PERES] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ "Drink your poisons made ​​by yourself" ♰ by ★ ♥ King ReiUnius ♥ ♥ Israel Mahdi [★] PAX ✞ [★] [✞ [★] ✞ hallelujah hallelujah amen
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    7 mesi fa

    [[the deity is offered to man]] LaVeraDottrina, @ King of Saudi Arabia -> Idiot, Jesus did not come: to solve the problem of original sin! because this was not, either, the reason: of all the: Old Covenants: if, you seen that Melchised (the eternal and universal priesthood) was free from the power of original sin, but not entered in the covenant of the: Old Testament (this is clear: it shows that: God has different ways of salvation: and is also, therefore, that Jesus said: "You are useless servants"), but Jesus (is) Christ came: to elevate us :to the actual nature of Christ, that is, to the same, divine nature of God's children!
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    7 mesi fa

    @LaVeraDottrina @ King of Saudi Arabia -> but how is it possible for us to have to suffer again, in 2012, two criminals like you? I have an idea, "because, two of you, together, to your, mutual: god jerk: racist, stupid and criminal, you will not fight: in a duel to the death? well, in the hope that you will kill, between you, and also: your Gods, they kill, too, their, between them? then, you will remove, yourself, from my balls, and will be good time! so be it: amen how you can worship a god murderess and jerk? punish criminals is right! but punish honest people, who suffer persecution and even death for justice? this is all balls! your god jerk, is the same god evil, of the King of Saudi Arabia!
    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
    7 mesi fa

    @LaVeraDottrina @King of Saudi Arabia --> ma, come è possibile per noi, di dovere subire ancora, nel 2012: due criminali come voi? io ho una idea: " perché voi due, insieme, al vostro reciproco: dio coglione: razzista, idiota e criminale, voi non vi sfidate: in duello all'ultimo sangue? così, nella speranza che, voi vi uccedete tra di voi, e che anche: i vostri Dei, si uccidono, anche, loro, tra, di loro? e poi, voi vi togliete dalle palle una buona volta! così sia: amen! come tu puoi adorare un dio assassino e cretino? punire i criminali è giusto! ma, punire le persone oneste, che, soffrono persecuzioni ed anche la morte per la giustizia? questo è da coglioni! il tuo dio? è lo stesso dio coglione del Re dell'arabia saudita!

Informazioni su Canale di WakeUpUSAxRonPaul

1. il sangue cristiano.pdf(who can do these crimes? He has already decided to do the whole human race: one only bunch of slaves)

2. Grande rabbino Neofito - Il sangue cristiano nei riti erraci della moderna Sinagona.pdf

3. Talmud e cristiani - Pra...
di WakeUpUSAxRonPaul

    Data di iscrizione 19/set/2011

    Paese Israele

666 kill my uniusrei2 x IMF

    Noah The Nephilim
    94 iscritti
    Unius Rei is lorenzojhwh
    80 iscritti
    kingx Brotherhood Universal
    143 iscritti
    Jewish Messiah Unius REI
    204 iscritti
    universal brotherhood
    168 iscritti
    ReiUnius free Israel&Palestine
    1.224 iscritti
    President Metaphysical Mankind
    1.195 iscritti
    Dominus Unius Rei
    217 iscritti

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Posting Date
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: A Man-Made Cup In Pennsylvanian Coal?February 11, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Hands-Down EvidenceFebruary 7, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Trilobites UnderfootFebruary 4, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Getting A handle On Ancient Dinosaur SightingsFebruary 2, 2013
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Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: The Willett PrintJanuary 25, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Throughout The Geologic ColumnJanuary 23, 2013
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Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Neanderthal ManJanuary 14, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Homo ErectusJanuary 11, 2013
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Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: The Tuang ChildDecember 28, 2012
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: IntroductionDecember 26, 2012
The Model, Episode 4


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the King Unius Rei

the King Unius Rei
universal brotherhood