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567, ITALY, IRAQ, Salafiti, farisei

AbuMna7i SAID: hi, h u doin lorenzo? excume me.. i didnt get it .. r u an israeli but an anti-zionism ?!! at the begining i thought ur an italian! i really need 2 focus in ur scope n get a glance at ur approaches.-ANSWER-  Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  in Genesis 15.18 God has promised to Abraham, my father that lorenzojhwh, will reign from Ethiopia to Iraq. I am METAPHYSICIAN king of Israel and the Jewish temple. During my reign will be enormous: peace and prosperity throughout the world, because I represent the whole human race.*♛♰I am "THE Metaphysical"! ♛♰


[Filter 7.00 hours: of 28-02-10] 8 shipments for 177 mail: thanks youtube. [/watch?v­­­­­­=4LeS8ru2JoU] [/watch?v­­­­­­=jXTGt6zNR8g] YouTube: You are warned: we will end up in court if you insist on removing these 2 videos for the third time, by my page, they are legitimate in terms of democratic thought. These videos do not incite racism but they disclose the truth of history* Muhammad loved so much his friends that did not put God first, because he did not recognize the truth of others by making intolerant himself, so he exploits Islam and pollutes the holy Koran, for political purposes: making it become a tool: opportunistic hypocritical, to be used dishonestly according to the circumstances and so betrayed the Holy Islam. So now he is in hell! lorenzojhwh is available to bring Islam and the Koran to its original purity. I put under a curse every injustice that happens on this planet *♛♰I am "THE Metaphysical"! ♛♰


"youtube" with your filter has limited lorenzojhwh. This is your democracy? you must be consistent with who has a different idea from yours! You are paid to do the dirty work of Zionism from the IMF? You are blackmailed? You can have all my understanding. But you, for all the money in the world, you should not have done this offense to "humanumgenus" -  Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  "censored version VIDEO - Who controls the world economy and the Federal Reserve?" --  Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  "You know very well that there was no violation. You lie! Mr" youtube " do not even hide behind a finger, in fact, to me are not invisible: demons, enlightened and hence neither do you: are invisible. I have a foolproof system for you: "you're happy with a nice Wheelchair?" You come to justify Yourself: in my channel. Or yuo thou returned to me the 2 videos that I selected. that you has deleted ✙CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB AMEN "Drink your poisons made by yourself"✙ AMEN


phnixlady SAID--  Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  Re: YOUTUBE: You killed your hope! youtube you have sold your dignity! Dear person-Sorry you are having challenges with You Tube. We all are. Free information is not free now. This is one of my greatest heartaches: Google will digitize all written material, and will indeed own History. It is a great crime. Libraries are throwing out books, and Google is choosing what to save. Same with video.


* 1 * YOUTUBE If you have still left some trace of dignity in yourself, you come to defend your reasons on my page? YOU COME! I am Justice of metaphysics and you can not censor the videos that I choose on my page. no one can escape the wrath of justice and truth that are trampled: you understand? Nobody can " * 2 * Muhammad and his spirit guide: they have murdered the "sanctity of Islam"! * 3 * between: Zionism banking, and sharia, that hope STILL: has been remained to mankind? * 4 * But the devil of the NWO has already won over everyone and everything: prepare to die! CONCLUSION: You are cursed: "You go down, almost everyone in the depths of despair, you are ready for the wrath of God, your Creator: -  Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  "is the high time of your wrath, the time to judge the dead" Revelation ♰CSPB CSSML NDS MDVRS NSMV SMQ LIVB ✙ AMEN ✙ "Drink your poisons made by yourself♰


*♰* 1.for the 1st scientific proof of the divinity of Jesus: the 332 Messianic prophecies of the Old Testament. *♰* 2.for the 2nd scientific proof of the divinity of Jesus: Revelation which speaks of: micro chip, modern weapons and the Internet. * I bind the foot of the cross of Christ, the Messiah, all the demons and the men of this damn planet! Amen Alleuia. I prophesy the downfall of the powers, principalities and powers, confusion, shame and disease on all rebels. /// per la 1° prova scientifica della divinità di Gesù: le 332: profezie messianiche: dell'Antico testamento per la 2° prova scientifica della divinità di Gesù: Apocalisse che parla di: micro chip, armi moderne e internet io lego ai piedi della croce di Cristo: il Messia, tutti i demoni e gli uomini di questo maledetto pianeta! ♰CSPB CSSML NDS MDVRS NSMV SMQ LIVB ✙ AMEN ✙ "Drink your poisons made by yourself♰


[Caritas in Veritate] slander the Church? Even for me as for everyone, be successful! together with the Catholic Monarchs (pax) the Church is from 1500 that tried in vain to control the demon of usury Jewish parasitic, who had hegemonic temptations from the beginning. After Quadragesimo Year "and" Humanum Genus "the Church was locked in the sacristy to lick their wounds, she understood, finally, to have lost the game. The perversion of historical truth about on: 1. Inquisition 2. relationship Nazism vs seigniorage banking. they have drawn a veil of hypnosis, on the whole human race by now, crushed by the lies of media - Answer-  Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  The Jewish finance, SpA: IMF: it is the Masonic structure: are the:"absolute sin". those satanists that rule over all! Then, the Church should shut themselves up, in moralism and should abandon the "social teaching." Since no longer having the authority to denounce, with its documents she is likely to endorse the greatest crime in history mankind


9*[Apocalisse: 2°dimostrazione scientifica della divinità di Gesù] EFFETTI DELLA RADIOTTIVITÀ [cap 16,2]... e scoppiò una piaga dolorosa e maligna sugli uomini che recavano il marchio della bestia(666) e si prostravano davanti alla sua statua[3] ... nel mare perì ogni essere vivente. [4]...le acque diventarono sangue. [5] Allora udii l'angelo delle acque che diceva: "Sei giusto, tu che sei e che eri, tu, il Santo, poiché così hai giudicato [6]Essi hanno versato il sangue di santi e di profeti, tu hai dato loro sangue da bere: ne sono ben degni!"[8] Il quarto versò la sua coppa sul sole e gli fu concesso di bruciare gli uomini con il fuoco:DISTRUTTA ATMOSFERA [9]E gli uomini bruciarono per il terribile calore e bestemmiarono il nome di Dio, invece di ravvedersi per rendergli omaggio [10] Il quinto versò la sua coppa sul trono della bestia e gli uomini si mordevano la lingua per il dolore e [11] bestemmiarono il Dio invece di pentirsi delle loro azioni.


8*[Apocalisse: 2°dimostrazione scientifica della divinità di Gesù] Qui si parla della distruzione degli U.S.:[8]Un secondo angelo lo seguì gridando:"E` caduta, è caduta Babilonia la grande, quella che ha abbeverato tutte le genti col vino del furore della sua fornicazione».// Adesso voi sviluppate e voi contate: i 2/3 di tutto il genere umano che finisce dannato all'inferno e poi saranno disintegrati nello stagno di fuoco che è la seconda morte. --  Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  [19]L'angelo gettò la sua falce sulla terra, vendemmiò la vigna della terra e gettò l'uva nel grande tino dell'ira di Dio. [20]Il tino fu pigiato fuori della città e dal tino uscì sangue fino al morso dei cavalli per una distanza di duecento miglia. [cap 15,1]Poi vidi nel cielo un altro segno grande e meraviglioso: sette angeli che avevano sette flagelli; gli ultimi, poiché con essi si deve compiere l'ira di Dio.


7*[Apocalisse: 2°dimostrazione scientifica della divinità di Gesù] Ecco il micro chip che è già portato da 30.000 persone [13,16]Faceva sì che tutti, piccoli e grandi, ricchi e poveri, liberi e schiavi ricevessero un marchio sulla mano destra e sulla fronte (ma guarda caso); [17]e che nessuno potesse comprare o vendere senza avere tale marchio... E tal cifra è seicentosessantasei. 14,9]Poi, un terzo angelo li seguì gridando a gran voce: «Chiunque adora la bestia e la sua statua e ne riceve il marchio sulla fronte o sulla mano, [10]berrà il vino dell'ira di Dio che è versato puro nella coppa della sua ira e sarà torturato con fuoco e zolfo al cospetto degli angeli santi e dell'Agnello. [11]Il fumo del loro tormento salirà per i secoli dei secoli, e non avranno riposo né giorno né notte quanti adorano la bestia e la sua statua e chiunque riceve il marchio del suo nome».


6*[Apocalisse: 2°dimostrazione scientifica della divinità di Gesù] POTENTE RIVELAZIONE: il regno di Dio è come il tempio ebraico: [11,19]Allora si aprì il santuario di Dio nel cielo e apparve nel santuario l'arca della alleanza. Ne seguirono folgori, voci, scoppi di tuono, terremoto e una tempesta di grandine. // 12,3]Allora apparve un altro segno nel cielo: un enorme drago rosso, con sette teste(7 imperi: in ultimo quello europeo) e dieci corna(il contrario dei 10comandamenti) e sulle teste sette diademi(7 vizi capitali); [4] la sua coda trascinava giù un terzo delle stelle del cielo(demoni) e le precipitava sulla terra(inferno). Il drago(satana) si pose davanti alla donna(Israele) che stava per partorire per divorare il bambino appena nato (Ecco i martiri cristiani sono 120 milioni)


5*[Apocalisse: 2°dimostrazione scientifica della divinità di Gesù] 11,3] non si parla di lorenzojhwh [4]Questi sono i due olivi [5]Se qualcuno pensasse di far loro del male, uscirà dalla loro bocca un fuoco che divorerà i loro nemici [6]Essi hanno il potere di chiudere il cielo e di cambiar l'acqua in sangue e di colpire la terra con ogni sorta di flagelli tutte le volte che lo vorranno. [7]E quando poi avranno compiuto la loro testimonianza, la bestia che sale dall'Abisso li ucciderà. [8]I loro cadaveri rimarranno esposti dove il loro Signore fu crocifisso. [9]Uomini di ogni popolo, tribù, lingua e nazione vedranno (ecco internet) i loro cadaveri per tre giorni e mezzo e non permetteranno che i loro cadaveri vengano deposti in un sepolcro. [10]Gli abitanti della terra faranno festa su di loro, si rallegreranno e si scambieranno doni, perché questi due profeti erano il tormento degli abitanti della terra.


4*[Apocalisse: 2°dimostrazione scientifica della divinità di Gesù] Ecco le truppe della 3° guerra mondiale: [9,16] Il numero delle truppe di cavalleria era duecento milioni; ne intesi il numero. Ecco le loro armi: [9,17]Così mi apparvero i cavalli(aereo) e i cavalieri(piloti): questi avevano corazze di fuoco, di giacinto, di zolfo. Le teste dei cavalli(carri armati)erano come le teste dei leoni e dalla loro bocca usciva fuoco, fumo e zolfo(cannoni). [18]...fu ucciso un terzo dell'umanità. [19] La potenza dei cavalli infatti sta nella loro bocca e nelle loro code (mitragliatrici). [20]Il resto dell'umanità che non perì a causa di questi flagelli, non rinunziò alle opere delle sue mani; non cessò di prestar culto ai demoni e agli idoli d'oro, d'argento, di bronzo, di pietra e di legno, che non possono né vedere, né udire, né camminare; [21] non rinunziò nemmeno agli omicidi, né alle stregonerie, né alla fornicazione, né alle ruberie.


3*[Apocalisse: 2°dimostrazione scientifica della divinità di Gesù]intercontinentali nucleari [8,10] Il terzo angelo suonò la tromba e cadde dal cielo una grande stella, ardente come una torcia, e colpì un terzo dei fiumi e le sorgenti delle acque. [11]La stella si chiama Assenzio; (radioattività) e molti uomini morirono per quelle acque. [12] Il quarto angelo suonò la tromba e un terzo del sole, un terzo della luna e un terzo degli astri fu colpito e si oscurò (polveri): il giorno perse un terzo della sua luce e la notte ugualmente. Ora è il turno dell'asteroide:[cap 9,1] Il quinto angelo suonò la tromba e vidi un astro caduto dal cielo sulla terra. Gli fu data la chiave del pozzo dell'Abisso;[2]egli aprì il pozzo dell'Abisso e salì dal pozzo un fumo (Per polveri scagliate nell'atmosfera) che oscurò il sole e l'atmosfera[3]Dal fumo uscirono cavallette (sono insetti mutanti che si cibano dell'abbondanza dei cadaveri e poi passano a mordere gli uomini)


2*[2°dimostrazione scientifica della divinità di Gesù] Ecco l'effetto delle armi nucleari -  Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  [Apocalisse8,7] Appena il primo suonò la tromba, grandine e fuoco mescolati a sangue scrosciarono sulla terra. Un terzo della terra fu arso, un terzo degli alberi andò bruciato e ogni erba verde si seccò. [8][i missili nucleari cercano i sommergibili nucleari] Il secondo angelo suonò la tromba: come una gran montagna di fuoco fu scagliata nel mare. Un terzo del mare divenne sangue, [9] un terzo delle creature che vivono nel mare morì e un terzo delle navi andò distrutto.


1*[2°dimostrazione scientifica della divinità di Gesù] nell'Apocalisse impossibile sarebbe stata la descrizione del microchip da mettere nel palmo della mano destra e sotto la fronte. di bombardieri missili a testata nucleare, elicotteri e carri armati, si descrive la 3 guerra mondiale e l'impatto di un asteroide che annienta gli USA. Si parla di internet, infatti i due profeti uccisi saranno esposti e visti in simultanea, mentre gli uomini si faranno regali per la felicità [Apocalisse 6,14]Il cielo si ritirò come un volume che si arrotola e tutti i monti e le isole furono smossi dal loro posto. [15]Allora i re della terra e i grandi, i capitani, i ricchi e i potenti, e infine ogni uomo, schiavo o libero, si nascosero tutti nelle caverne e fra le rupi dei monti[16]e dicevano ai monti e alle rupi: Cadete sopra di noi e nascondeteci dalla faccia di Colui che siede sul trono e dall'ira dell'Agnello[17]perché è venuto il gran giorno della loro ira e chi vi può resistere?


[in the ass to "debt: public"] message to all Greeks and Macedonians: you UNITE: pride and nationality! /watch?v=CRBFmU7p3oM message to all Greeks and Macedonians: you JOIN in trade relations with China! Stop this henhouse Masonic of E.U. you link with China and reject this satanic abomination of Jewish currency debt and wear of the E.U: seignorage bank. HOLY BIBLE reveals the GREEK IDENTITY OF MACEDONIA ♛♰♛ ♔ ♚ ♛❤♛♰♛ ♔ ♚ ♛❤♛♰♛ ♔ /watch?v=tlxsOeTvFiU Enough of this Prostitution. You saved your lives and save mankind from NWO? Stop: tv, porno, horror, ecc... we return to God for a great and glorious Greece and Macedonia: national pride and self-determination This IS a VERY BAD TIME for all REBELS [Mene+Techel+Peres] CSPB CSSM LNDSMD VRSNS MVSMQ LIVB=drink your poisons made by yourself Amen Alleluia ♛♰♛ ♔ ♚ ♛❤in hell, in sinners? there is nothing that can stop lorenzojhwh♛♰♛ ♔ ♚ ♛❤♛♰♛ ♔ bless


nriquejesus09 SAID: Re:✙to Jew "ReiUnius" one only can be the "Metaphysical" in the history of mankind! Queridos hermanos en Cristo la realizacion humana y metafisica de Israel y de todos los pueblos es el cambio personal de lo humano a lo divino y esto se tiene en el cambio espiritual como en pentecostes cuando los apostoles recivieron el Espiritu Santo que conecta a Dios directamente, el que ha tenido este cambio pertenece a Dios y a muerto para el mundo, no es facil pero no imposible, un saludo en Cristo, bendiciones Re:♛♰ *those who reject my love? They will be eternally damned because I am "The Metaphysical"! ♛♰ ✙ Hendo1974 SAID:"Brother [/watch?v=eJlrA6jfbbk] Watch, Download, share it before Big Brother removes it!" -ANSWER-  Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  under ground and under the sea: Satanists do their military bases, to genetically modify humans, so they build flying saucers and extraterrestrials // sotto terra e sotto il mare: i satanisti fanno le loro basi militari,


* among all those who are about to kill the illuminati in 2012 for the upcoming: 3° World War : Nuclear and those who: I will continue to kill (satanist, rebels) in a supernatural way because of my faith: The human race will restart from the prehistoric peoples: as the Pygmies and Eskimos. // fra tutti quelli che stanno per uccidere gli illuminati nel 2012 per la imminente 3° guerra mondiale nucleare e quelli che ucciderò io: in maniera soprannaturale a motivo della mia fede: Il genere umano dovrà ripartire dai popoli preistorici come i pigmei e gli esquimes


onestupidman SAID: "who are you?tell me" -ANSWER-  Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  is a reality known only by the Jews: they have never abandoned the project of the monarchy, but I lorenzojhwh I am: THE metaphysical! This is true only for a logic of faith: that is deeply rational. Because the history of Israel is not a religion, but the actual experience of an entire people. In fact, I am a politician and NOT a: Prophet, charismatic, etc.. But, when: the Jews HAVE killed Jesus, immediately after a demon made them all mad, in fact, they handed the genealogies through the maternal line, and so HAVE destroyed the priesthood of Aaron and the very foundation of the tribes. So only lorenzojhwh: metaphysician, only I can find a solution to this shameful situation. That led the Jews to be almost all satanic: bankers and freemasons. In short the Jewish religion must be reinvented, obviously WITHOUT betraying the spirit of Moses, which is the true Judaism. Now only the King of Israel can have this power!


✙to Jew "ReiUnius" - answer-  Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. one only can be the "Metaphysical" in the history of mankind! No one can contend with lorenzojhwh the King of Israel. He is the human form of higher realization of royalty: that is the highest manifestation: in human fulfillment, of concept of justice and truth. *♛♰ *those who reject my love? They will be eternally damned because I am "The Metaphysical"! ♛♰ ✙ CSPB CSSML NDS MDVRS NSMV SMQ LIVB is virus deadly ✙ AMEN ✙ "Drink your poisons made by yourself"✙✙✙♛♰consecration to the Heart of the whole human race ✙ ♥ ♔uno solo può essere "il Metafisico": in tutta la storia del genere umano! Nessuno, può contendere con lorenzojhwh il Re di Israele. lui è la forma umana più alta di realizzazione della regalità: cioè è la più alta realizzazione umana, del concetto di giustizia e verità. shalom + salam = love for you and yours ✙ ♥ ♔ WELCOME in my LIVE! ♔ ♥ ✙ bless


Comprends - tu : le français ou le polonais ??? Merci pour l'amitié !!! ------- m. p.s. dès qu'on entre sur ta chaîne , il y a une MAGNIFIQUE MUSIQUE !!!


Re:but "Islam heaven" is perfect! It must be saved -  Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  YETZTDA SAID: GREATS FROM BERLIN. ITS COLD. BRRRRRRRR...23/feb/10 Re: Lord thank you! because you're killing all the Satanists who are hiding in my list Amen[as Satanists (sharia zionist freemasons) can stop me, if I will kill them?] -  Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  ValueFreedom SAID:"Nicely said, "You want to replace Zionism with Islamism? and we should go: from a demon to another"... very nicely said..." -ANSWER-  Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. Muhammad has known only the heretical Arians and apocryphal gospels. Islam is criminal as Satan from the beginning, the Koran is an esoteric work. those Satanists have built Al-Aqsa as a symbol of all the genocides they did from the beginning: everywhere. The extermination is the only law they know and that they deserve. If it were not Lepanto and Satanists Americans "enlightened" they would have already conquered everywhere.


1/13[Zhou Enlai] euphoritch says:"You tell me: who are you?"-RESPONSE-  Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  lorenzojhwh is "the" metaphysical principle in spirit universal rational man: never: space, time, religion. He is the brother Universal, he has access to the positive spirit that is in every man. Satan can not approach him without being disintegrated! lol, he is totally negative, while I am in faith in heavenly places: I have no power esoteric or supernatural: Because love is shared: essential for life. The secret of his power is all in his position with God: the revelation of David in Psalm 110. lorenzojhwh is a practical man, made for a practical action: he shall immediately in situations to be resolved for the good of all. Very many men today, they are capable of becoming metaphysical and being able to participate in the new power structure that is essential to rebuild the international structures or someone want to go through nuclear war, perhaps?


2/13[Zhou Enlai] Then, metaphysics is easy to rationality, it is within the reach of a child .. no one should feel humiliated not need qualifications, everything is very simple! is written: "the glory of God is man fully alive (normal). So lorenzojhwh (not a cabal or a secret initiation) is the man whom you may find it easier, that's why metaphysics is a common heritage, is the essence of human nature. The more you are simple? The more you have an edge! If you can, you want to apply this rational method of metaphysics to the your relationship with God? that's when it becomes dangerous, because you must delete the word "impossible", or to cancel your faith in God, because for God (if he's real) All is possible with God! Lorenzojhwh When will you? You'll find that: 1. You are superior to him in so many ways this experience? open in you, the great joy of hope! my [­


3 / 13 [Zhou Enlai] In fact, you can "see" the potential that is in you, the goals that you (personally) you can make: your wellbeing! My human limitation is the measure / awareness of your potential (Blessed are the young) for the dynamic progression of your being, evolving: Being! new and incredible perspective for you: hope: fantastic! lorenzojhwh no conditions to be imposed, indeed, the mystery of your life it's all inside you: [A.non lie. B.non do evil! Easy!] 2. He is the familiar companion of your positive ideals, lorenzojhwh has your same sensibility: a belief that has grown with you is: why has the power to understand. After a few minutes? you realize that they have always known him. This perception is a commonplace experience for all those who want to love somebody. If after a few hours, you did not have the experience of my family?


4/13 [Zhou Enlai] So, you have a problem of darkness! In fact, we all come from a single principle (God). our spiritual soul? They are friends from eternity: because there is no inferiority in the common source and holy: we all come from .. The metaphysical is all theology, so, for him there is no difference between men, he looks only in the hearts of everyone. Her look can be embarrassing, not because there's no conscience in him of your secrets: no no! But why in front of the purity of his honesty, you can see yourself as an empty existence. Because the task of the mirror is not to know, but just to reflect. This is a challenge for you: you have the courage to see yourself for what you are? The power of rational metaphysics is replicable and accessible to all people from a pure heart. Satanists then? They will never have it: Burning! my [­]


5 / 13 [Zhou Enlai] However, in order: * its position in history, * as he perceives himself lorenzojhwh is unique within the metaphysical, * its position in the Jewish temple of heaven: it is not replicable, he represents one of the 4 doors with 4 doors that provide access to the atrium: inside "(heaven). Of those who are waiting in the lobby outside (purgatory) until the day of reckoning. Those who are atheists or that otherwise are not managed to fit organically within a religious experience. All of them will have access to eternal life (if they qualify) only through that door that I represent celestial and metaphysical: for the authority of the law: universal natural which is ultimately the foundation (the Decalogue) of any positive religion: 1. do not lie, 2. do not be evil, 3. you respect authority. When they asked Zhou Enlai (1898-1976) Chinese Prime Minister, asked: [­]


6/13[Zhou Enlai] what was the historical significance of the French Revolution, he calmly said: "It is too early to tell." Extraordinary! The theft of monetary sovereignty of the murderer Zionist banker, has been denounced by Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy, and has led to a manipulation of every aspect of social and institutional. Everything is polluted and distorted! Because the invention of the Zionist "assigned" has manipulated the whole story, that starting from the French Revolution has only one objective: to overthrow the Catholic Church, an operation that was successful, when they were the Catholic Monarchs and unique real danger to the occult and Masonic bank. Now, only a Catholic monarch and metaphysical, he could in the Jerusalem Temple, deliver mankind from the experience of World War III, in which will be destroyed the IMF [­]


7/13[Zhou Enlai] muhannad5555 SAID: I do not want to hear news reports I want you to read the Quran and read in books about Islam, Muhammad - answer-  Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  I wait the time to read the Koran with a group of "wise Imam: Like Me", on his knees and with tears of joy, Because the true spirit of Islam Holy Heaven is inside me, as within is inside them. I represent: in this century: the Imam Mahdi who is to come.Re:Lord thank you! because you're killing all the Satanists who are hiding in my list Amen -  Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  SATANIST--  Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  ArabianRhythm SAID: "hey u fucking jew, what the fuck are u spreading around?" my [­­­]


8/13[Zhou Enlai] 23/feb/10/ euphoritch SAID: wow man, you are dangerous, and yet the words you are welcome and i will read carefull all you send to me. your opinion and facts: are one of a kind! Who are you, tell me please, who are you? rebelboysteve SAID: just curious are you a Confederate and the cause is not racist-answer-  Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  I am a Catholic independent, fundamentalist biblical. Against: 1.any racism, 2. Violence of every religion. I have no problem with religion but I want the perfect equality of all men / / 22/feb/10 Re: son: bless for ever: gzyyy6 said "YES GOD IS IN ALL MEN THEY JUST NEED ONE HEART SEEK HIS VERY PEOPLE ONE GOD "The conception of metaphysics? it was founded by the architect of the ancient Greeks and continues with St. Augustine, S. Thomas, it crosses the whole story, via Tommaso Campanella, etc.. perfects itself in Maritain. Finally, it is achieved by politically lorenzojhwh. Campanella than watching sensationalist and said [­]


9/13 [Zhou Enlai] "Every institution, could be, if has the power to be .. what he can be, he knows he is" (very reasonable!) Is such, that being alone (which has the power to be) if he has the conscience to be! Who does not know that for himself as well not exist: exist for others: Satan, banker jew, ideology (which it used him as a slave). but he will never exist for themselves, having lost self-consciousness and having reduced to instinct. Why the banker jew pornography fills your life? The main condition of being? is know to be transcendent value. Not like criminals say: "Man is the animal most advanced. Therefore, the deprivation of metaphysical knowledge is reduced to the state animal. knowledge is constitutive of being (is not philosophical or method). But it's perception of his lordship and kingship: before the universe. my [­]


10/13 [Zhou Enlai] if he did not feel to be so, as he could love himself really? and how could escape the trap of his enemy within? Who knows not to be? Can not really love himself, but looking only in the senses: he self-destructs. Then, the metaphysical knowledge is the only power to give you to yourself of yourself, the power to be the sole master of yourself: 1. we do not know, in fact, what we can not do know, 2. much do we know [if we know the power of] 3. we are gradually developing as we know, we did not know what first to know. [then, having the power, we can know what is hidden]; love flows from the wisdom and power: for it is the fruit of self consciousness. So there is no love without suffering, which is the renunciation of himself, to become a gift of himself to all mankind. my [­]


11/13 [Zhou Enlai] Because if it changes the infinite: of horizon objective, that is vital to the ideal? the true love: disappears! You want to be like lorenzojhwh is? Then you a passion in your life to be must be seen at: Total endless! Infinite love is the love with which God loves all his creatures, and they have infinitely love again: only God. so the metaphysician is can transform suffering into joy and injustice into justice, negativity into positivity. The harm inflicted on the innocent enhances the function of good saves and redeems. Knowledge of objects is: dangerous secondary accidental, because they are not infinite and eternal. Unfortunately, when the man prefers the knowledge of external things, destroying, alien, he loses himself, emerging from the element that has made life that is beyond those material things which can never be metaphysical as: faith, hope, charity. my [­]


12/13 [Zhou Enlai] When we feel the lack of any value, we try to fill that void with the possession of: objects and people. But the possession of the NWO: it can not replace the value lost: this is why, the Illuminati are weighed down by a terror desperation takes over their alienation and madness, like rats in a trap at the bottom: I feel sorry for them. Bell in the "City of the Sun." he describes an ideal city, utopia, ruled by King Metaphysical, a king - priest is dedicated to the worship of a God: "Sole of Humanity", which is the metaphysical principle of secularity of natural religion or the only true God This re - priest employs three assistants: * Power, * Wisdom * Love: equality, fairness and truth. In outlining his view of the collectivist society, Campanella draws on Plato (fifth century BC) and Utopia of Thomas More (1517); my [­]


13/13[Zhou Enlai] The political significance of the thought of Campanella and Maritain it is incompatible with sectarianism or racism. The political evolution of Maritain is the immanence of a modern secular and universal. Unfortunately, the objection of Zionism the banking masonic? have condemned Maritain: even with so many formal recognition in the dust of libraries. the logic that dominates the world? is contained in human nature! and not in the coercion of a faith in God, then, all those who have a navel, have the full right to claim to be the navel of the world. So, all is lost if they are not involved in the right to happiness, even the most depressed classes. The scandal of a private (capitalist) that he is richer than an entire nation? This curse in the world? it must disappear!. Amen. Alleluia!. salam shalom + = x bless you and yours my [­­]


[/watch?v=LK4MxwGlGwg]tu solo: SANTO: UNICO: PERFETTO! [shalom + salam = ♥love♥] illah AllaH ♔ ALLAH ♔ ammanu du rasullu: il messaggero " ♔ ALLAH ♥santo migliore creatore sostegno conservatore. du rassu Allah ♔ ALLAH ♔ ALLAH ♔ ALLAH:♥ uecK baH ♔ Oh, MISERICORDIOSO: accetta la nostra preghiera e la nostra adorazione, ♔♛♰♛♔ ALLAH: uecba. ♔ noi adoriamo te:sostenitore supporto vitale, ill: Allah amma ♔ ALLAH ♥ u is alkabim♥ u is albossin ♥ ♔ ALLAH ♔ ALLAH ♔ Quran 63,9 ALLAH:♥ u echba.♥ eccelso! ♔ igey vas naifh! sublime! ♔ igey vas naifh! inneffabile! ♔ ALLAH ♔ ALLAH ♔ ALLAH:♥ u echba. ♔ igey vas naifh♛ Quran 107,4,5 Prayer is the key to Paradise.♛ Short presentation by Abu Mazin ♥ ♔ WELCOME in my LIVE! ♥ ♔ CSP BCS SMLNDSMDV RSNSMV SMQLIVB is virus deadly AMEN "Drink your poisons made by yourself"♛♰♛


1/13[Zhou Enlai] euphoritch dice:"tu dimmi: chi sei?"-RISPOSTA-  Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  lorenzojhwh è "il" principe metafisico: uomo razionale: senza: spazio, tempo, religione: è il fratello universale, lui ha accesso allo spirito positivo che è in ogni uomo. Satana non può avvicinarsi a lui, senza essere disintegrato! Il suo, non è un potere: occulto esoterico soprannaturale: Perché l'amore è condiviso: indispensabile per vivere. Il segreto della sua potenza è tutto nella sua posizione con Dio: rivelazione di Davide nel salmo 110. lorenzojhwh è un uomo concreto, fatto per una azione pratica: egli interviene immediatamente nelle situazioni da risolvere: cercando il bene di tutti. Allora, sono moltissimi gli uomini che oggi sono idonei a poter diventare metafisici e a poter partecipare alla nuova struttura di potere che è indispensabile per ricreare/ rigenerare, tutte le strutture internazionali: qualcuno desidera passare attraverso la guerra nucleare? allora lorenzojhw è l'unica soluzione!


2/13[Zhou Enlai] Allora, la metafisica è facile razionalità, essa è alla portata di un bambino.. nessuno deve sentirsi umiliato: non servono titoli di studio, tutto è molto semplice! è scritto: "la gloria di Dio è l'uomo vivente(normale)". Allora, lorenzojhwh (non ha una cabala o un segreto iniziatico) è l'uomo più semplice che tu puoi incontrare, ecco perché la metafisica è un comune patrimonio, è la più intima essenza della natura umana. Più sei ignorante? Più sei avvantaggiato! Se puoi, tu vuoi applicare questo metodoto razionale della metafisica alla tua relazione con Dio? è allora che diventi pericoloso, perché tu devi cancellare la parola "impossibile", o di cancellare la tua fede in Dio, perché in Dio (se lui è reale): tutto è possibile con Dio! Quando lorenzojhwh verrà da te? tu scoprirai che: 1. tu sei superiore a lui sotto tanti aspetti: questa esperienza? aprirà in te la grande gioia della speranza! my []

10/05/2013. ITALY, IRAQ, [@Salafiti, farisei --- tacete cani, voi avete tradito, troppe volte, voi siete gli assassini, di Gesù, e quindi, gli  eterni assassini di ebrei, e  cristiani] Chaldean Patriarch, martyrdom , charisma and gift of the Iraqi Church
by Joseph Mahmoud, At the conference for peace promoted by the Community of Sant'Egidio , Mar Sako stresses that martyrdom " is not an ideology or aim ," but " an everyday reality " of testimony. His Beatitude invites "persecuted Christians " to renew " their faith and their commitment " and stresses the value of their presence in the Middle East as a "sign of hope and peace." Rome (AsiaNews ) - The " martyrdom " is " the charism of our Church " in Iraq , a country in which faith "is not an ideological issue " but

 ITALY, IRAQ, [@Salafiti, farisei --- tacete cani, voi avete tradito, troppe volte, voi siete gli assassini di Gesù, e quindi, gli  eterni assassini di ebrei, e cristiani]" a mystical reality " the result of " a personal encounter with Christ." For this reason " persecuted Christians " can help our brothers and sisters around the world to " renew their faith and their commitment ." These are some passages from the address of the Chaldean patriarch of Baghdad , Mar Louis Sako, at a conference held recently in Rome , on the occasion of the XXVII edition of the International Meeting of Prayer for Peace promoted by the Community of Sant'Egidio. His Beatitude then emphasized the importance of the support of the West, which is a source of "courage" to " resist and stay in our land and in our churches "

 ITALY, IRAQ, [@Salafiti, farisei --- tacete cani, voi avete tradito, troppe volte, voi siete gli assassini di Gesù, e quindi, gli  eterni assassini di ebrei, e cristiani] in the face of persecution and violence that have almost halved the population in 10 years. The 2013 edition of the international meeting , held in Rome from September 29 to October 1, focused on the theme : "The courage to Hope - Religions and Cultures in Dialogue" . The meeting was attended by 400 representatives of the major religions and representatives of European political and cultural life and from 60 countries across the world. An event that renews the "spirit of Assisi" , the destination of yesterday's pilgrimage by the Pope in the footsteps of Saint Francis . Among the topics covered in the three-day conference the 50th anniversary

 ITALY, IRAQ, [@Salafiti, farisei --- tacete cani, voi avete tradito, troppe volte, voi siete gli assassini di Gesù, e quindi, gli  eterni assassini di ebrei, e cristiani] of " Pacem in Terris " , the crisis in the Middle East and the role of religions in Asia. In his speech Patriarch Sako pointed out that " for us Christians of Iraq , martyrdom is the charism of our Church, dating back more than 2 thousand years. As a minority, we are continually faced with the difficulties and sacrifices, but we are aware that, being a Christian is not an easy choice, being a Christian really means to incorporate in Christ to be His witnesses, and can mean coming to the end, "to martyrdom".  Martyrdom is not an ideology or a purpose as some people think, but it is a choice and a commitment.

 ITALY, IRAQ, [@Salafiti, farisei --- tacete cani, voi avete tradito, troppe volte, voi siete gli assassini di Gesù, e quindi, gli  eterni assassini di ebrei, e cristiani] So martyrdom is a daily reality". In a country torn apart by violence and sectarian, ethnic and political clashes Mar Sako said that martyrdom is the "absolute expression " of love for Jesus , as witnessed in October 2010 by Fr. Wassim in the Syrian Catholic cathedral in Baghdad when he cried out to the terrorists "Kill me, but free the faithful. He knew what he is saying: It is his commitment as a shepherd and as a lover of Christ and of his own parishioners." The testimony of Iraqi Christians can help the faithful of the whole world " to find a meaning in life ," explains the Chaldean Patriarch , according to whom the prayers and celebrations "

 ITALY, IRAQ, [@Salafiti, farisei --- tacete cani, voi avete tradito troppe volte, voi siete gli assassini di Gesù, e quindi, gli eterni assassini di cristiani, ed ebrei] are strong and privileged moments of celebration, hope and joy." At the same time, the friendship and solidarity of the West are a source of courage to "resist and stay." Lastly , Mar Sako renews his call to Christians in the Middle East to " continue their testimony " , looking at suffering as " a true sign of hope and peace ." He asks the laity to be "more involved and active in the cultural , social and political development of their countries and not to be afraid to claim their civil rights and equality of citizenship ."

566, reason, extermination, camps, Jews, swindling, gentiles right

10/05/2013. ITALY, IRAQ, [@Salafiti, farisei --- tacete cani, voi avete tradito, troppe volte, voi siete gli assassini, di Gesù, e quindi, gli  eterni assassini di ebrei, e  cristiani] Chaldean Patriarch, martyrdom , charisma and gift of the Iraqi Church
by Joseph Mahmoud, At the conference for peace promoted by the Community of Sant'Egidio , Mar Sako stresses that martyrdom " is not an ideology or aim ," but " an everyday reality " of testimony. His Beatitude invites "persecuted Christians " to renew " their faith and their commitment " and stresses the value of their presence in the Middle East as a "sign of hope and peace." Rome (AsiaNews ) - The " martyrdom " is " the charism of our Church " in Iraq , a country in which faith "is not an ideological issue " but

 ITALY, IRAQ, [@Salafiti, farisei --- tacete cani, voi avete tradito, troppe volte, voi siete gli assassini di Gesù, e quindi, gli  eterni assassini di ebrei, e cristiani]" a mystical reality " the result of " a personal encounter with Christ." For this reason " persecuted Christians " can help our brothers and sisters around the world to " renew their faith and their commitment ." These are some passages from the address of the Chaldean patriarch of Baghdad , Mar Louis Sako, at a conference held recently in Rome , on the occasion of the XXVII edition of the International Meeting of Prayer for Peace promoted by the Community of Sant'Egidio. His Beatitude then emphasized the importance of the support of the West, which is a source of "courage" to " resist and stay in our land and in our churches "

 ITALY, IRAQ, [@Salafiti, farisei --- tacete cani, voi avete tradito, troppe volte, voi siete gli assassini di Gesù, e quindi, gli  eterni assassini di ebrei, e cristiani] in the face of persecution and violence that have almost halved the population in 10 years. The 2013 edition of the international meeting , held in Rome from September 29 to October 1, focused on the theme : "The courage to Hope - Religions and Cultures in Dialogue" . The meeting was attended by 400 representatives of the major religions and representatives of European political and cultural life and from 60 countries across the world. An event that renews the "spirit of Assisi" , the destination of yesterday's pilgrimage by the Pope in the footsteps of Saint Francis . Among the topics covered in the three-day conference the 50th anniversary

 ITALY, IRAQ, [@Salafiti, farisei --- tacete cani, voi avete tradito, troppe volte, voi siete gli assassini di Gesù, e quindi, gli  eterni assassini di ebrei, e cristiani] of " Pacem in Terris " , the crisis in the Middle East and the role of religions in Asia. In his speech Patriarch Sako pointed out that " for us Christians of Iraq , martyrdom is the charism of our Church, dating back more than 2 thousand years. As a minority, we are continually faced with the difficulties and sacrifices, but we are aware that, being a Christian is not an easy choice, being a Christian really means to incorporate in Christ to be His witnesses, and can mean coming to the end, "to martyrdom".  Martyrdom is not an ideology or a purpose as some people think, but it is a choice and a commitment.

 ITALY, IRAQ, [@Salafiti, farisei --- tacete cani, voi avete tradito, troppe volte, voi siete gli assassini di Gesù, e quindi, gli  eterni assassini di ebrei, e cristiani] So martyrdom is a daily reality". In a country torn apart by violence and sectarian, ethnic and political clashes Mar Sako said that martyrdom is the "absolute expression " of love for Jesus , as witnessed in October 2010 by Fr. Wassim in the Syrian Catholic cathedral in Baghdad when he cried out to the terrorists "Kill me, but free the faithful. He knew what he is saying: It is his commitment as a shepherd and as a lover of Christ and of his own parishioners." The testimony of Iraqi Christians can help the faithful of the whole world " to find a meaning in life ," explains the Chaldean Patriarch , according to whom the prayers and celebrations "

 ITALY, IRAQ, [@Salafiti, farisei --- tacete cani, voi avete tradito troppe volte, voi siete gli assassini di Gesù, e quindi, gli eterni assassini di cristiani, ed ebrei] are strong and privileged moments of celebration, hope and joy." At the same time, the friendship and solidarity of the West are a source of courage to "resist and stay." Lastly , Mar Sako renews his call to Christians in the Middle East to " continue their testimony " , looking at suffering as " a true sign of hope and peace ." He asks the laity to be "more involved and active in the cultural , social and political development of their countries and not to be afraid to claim their civil rights and equality of citizenship ."
     Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. 2628342 ----- il ghetto: non era una forma di disprezzo: ma, una forma di protezione dei cattolici: contro: la malvagità del Talmud.. purtroppo: i rabbini kakam: Illuminati: ordinarono: che fosse messa la cera: nelle orecchie: degli uomini: che: erano costretti: ad ascoltare le prediche settimanali: in giorno di sabato.. questi sermoni: non erano fatti: con lo scopo di convertire al cristianesimo, poiché: erano dei sermoni: predicati: dai più famosi studiosi.. era un tentativo culturale: di fare comprendere: tutte le menzogne del talmud.. e il suo satanismo! Nella speranza, che, potesse sorgere un movimento culturale umanistico: tra gli ebrei... ma questa è l'unica verità.. gli ebrei sono sotto ipnosi: infatti: nessuno di loro ha potuto: parlare con me


     Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  2628342 ---- How could: the ministers of God: like you, tolerate, to be the accomplices and even be the supporters: the most powerful form: of Satanism, that, has ever existed in the history of mankind? Since: Popes and the Catholic Monarchs: they knew: very well: 1. [[as you have washed: your sins in the blood of Christian babies: lambs: animals in human form,]] 2. [[All the hatred of your Talmud]]: it is clear they thought they could control this situation .. but now they are all dead! But, without love (mercy and compassion) of the Catholic Church and the Catholic Princes: to: our shared patriarchs, etc. .. etc. ..? today would not exist: one only jew: into the world: such as you have been cursed mightily: by IMF: Illuminati rabbis kakam:: scribes and Pharisees! ! Now, return to us: the gift of life that has been done to you: you take down: you destroy the IMF!


     Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. Israele----- Isaia 22  Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. youtube ----- Giobbe: 35


     Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  youtube ---- you can go to hell: you too! I do not: not are: too good: how, was good: Noah: who: him: he could talk to animals: how could he do also: St. Francis of Assisi! I say that you are a satanic beast of an animal: you're worse than an animal! for making this site: full all: this satanism: and all full: this pornography! and to have believed you too: the scam: at the evolution: that is the religion: of IMF.. that: is: crime ideological of: Satanism: of: the IMF: the new: Tower of Babel: I will not write: no more: of this page: because: even your days were been numbered: in fact, the wrath of God is against you, too .., since you are the system of the NWO: Also!


     Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  IsraelNationalTV ---- with this declaration of war world: against: you, and against everyone: leaders, politicians and elite of all the world: guilty and  accomplices: of Satanism: of banking seigniorage(IMF NWO): synagogue of satan: ie new Babilon Tower? I Unius Rei: I the, Kingdom of God: JHWH:Today: 03.03.2012: I'm leaving: of the your page: and: from page of youtube/youtube


     Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  IsraelNationalTV ---- with this declaration of war world: against: you, and against everyone: leaders, politicians and elite of all the world: guilty and accomplices: of Satanism: of bankink seigniorage(IMF NWO): synagogue of satan: ie new Babilon Tower? I Unius Rei: I Kingdom of God JHWH:Today: 03.03.2012: I'm leaving: of the your page: and: from page of youtube/youtube!  Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. IsraelNationalTV ---- con questa dichiarazione di guerra: contro: di te, e contro tutti: i leader, politici ed elite del mondo: complici del satanismo di signoraggio bancario? io Unius Rei: oggi stesso:03.03.2012: io abbandono: la tua pagina: e la pagina: di youtube!


    [Fuck you! ]  Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  IsraelNationalTV ---- is also guilt of your complicity in the IMF: if the whole human race will be destroyed! I unius Rei: the legitimate sovereign: and legitimate representative: of the Kingdom of God on earth: I sentence you to destruction, along to all my enemies! [fottiti! ]  Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  IsraelNationalTV ----è anche colpa: della tua complicità al FMI: se tutto il genere umano: andrà distrutto! Io Unius Rei: il legittimo sovrano: e il legittimo rappresentante: del Regno di Dio: sulla terra: io condanno a distruzione: tutti i miei nemici!


    [You no longer have a life! ]  Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  IsraelNationalTV ---- Boy you a journalist: thou art lost! because: all of our: institutions, and all our: religions or have been shaped (invented: as: capitalism, communism: new age: Satanism Freemasonry: Trilateral Bildenberg: Aliens) or reshaped (corrupt: changed: as was the case: to have cursed all religions and all institutions) all this was because of: banking seigniorage: the IMF, that is: Satanism ideological and practical! your: leading elite and rabbis? they sold you: to: 1. destruction and: 2. ruin your life! you for your silence, that: even: you! why, thou hast made: for yourself, the accomplice of all this: Satanism! so all of your inheritance: (A). is: political-natural (B). such as supernatural divine is lost!


    [You no longer have a life! ] Because, you like all journalists in the world: you have sworn to Satan in Freemasonry: and doubly: as a jew you: you also have: betray your people (Israel's hope) you have violated: the Alliance: of Moses : done: on Mount Sianai! you has hiding: this crime: of: banking seigniorage: ie: the crime, of: 1. high: Treason: against God: 2. high: Treason: against: the Constitution! What, you might survive, if the enlightened: they need: 3nd WW nuclear: and if I: unius Rei: the Kingdom of God: I need: the 2nd World War: [After: The Flood: Universal]. why: in this: the Illuminati Satanists rabbis: they have achieved: their total victory: "The social fabric: of all world: has become: so rotten, that: it can not be mended: repaired. it waits to be: only: to be burned by fire ! "


    [ tu non hai più una vita! ] Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. IsraelNationalTV ----- ragazzo tu giornalista: tu sei perduto! poiché: tutte le nostre: istituzioni, e tutte le nostre: religioni: o sono stati plasmati(inventate: as: comunismo capitalismo: new age: satanismo massoneria: Trilaterale Bildenberg: Alieni): o riplasmati(corrotte: modificate: come è avvenuto: per avere maledetto: tutte le religioni: e tutte le istituzioni) tutto questo è stato per colpa del: signoraggio bancario: del FMI: che è: il satanismo ideologico e pratico! i tuoi: leader elite: e rabbini? loro hanno venduto: alla: 1. distruzione e: 2. perdizione la tua vita! è per la tua omertà: che: anche: tu! tu hai fatto: di te stesso: il complice di tutto questo: satanismo! così tutta la tua eredità: (A). è: politica- naturale: (B). come: soprannaturale divina: è andata perduta!


    [ tu non hai più una vita! ] perché tu come tutti i giornalisti del mondo: voi avete giurato: per satana nella massoneria: e doppiamente: tu come ebreo: tu hai anche: tradito il tuo popolo(la speranza di Israele): tu hai violato: la Allenza: di Mosé: fatta: sul Monte Sianai! nascondendo: questo crimine: di: signoraggio bancario: cioè: il delitto di: 1. alto: tradimento: contro di Dio: 2. contro la Costituzione! come, tu potresti sopravvivere: se gli illuminati: hanno bisogno della: 3°WW nuclear: e se io: Unius Rei: il Regno di Dio: io ho bisogno: della 2°guerra mondiale: dopo: il diluvio: universale. perché: in questo: i satanisti rabbini Illuminati: loro hanno ottenuto: la loro totale vittoria: "il tessuto sociale: è diventato: così marcio: che: non può più essere rammendato: riparato. esso attende di essere: soltanto: bruciato dal fuoco!!"


    [[org/deport-muslim-extremists/]] Fellow patriot, "'Strict Muslim' raped four women at: "knife point" to 'punish them for being on the streets at night'," reads the headline in the Daily Mail."Sunny Islam, 23, who comes from a strict Muslim family, dragged his terrified victims - including a 15-year-old - from the street at knifepoint, bound and assaulted them during a two-month reign of terror.""Islam, who told the jury he was a practising Muslim, was convicted of seven charges of rape, one of sexual assault and one of kidnap."This horrific case is a damning indictment of the chronic lack of respect for woman that lurks in extremist Islam. These Muslims feel they have a right to ignore the values and laws of the United Kingdom and enforce their own medieval, Middle Eastern barbarism on women!


    [[org/deport-muslim-extremists/]]Fellow patriot, One of Islam's victims said, "He treated me like an animal and made me feel worthless - I thought I was going to die." Britain First has had enough of Muslims abusing our benefits system whilst preaching hate against our country, or abusing our soldiers on homecoming parades, or burning poppies on Remembrance Day, or letting off bombs on our underground transport system...our battle cry is 'DEPORT MUSLIM EXTREMISTS - NOW!' Please click on the link below and sign our petition - we will be delivering this to the Home Secretary Theresa May in two weeks time. Remember, this could easily have been your daughter, your sister, your mother or your wife....don't delay, sign today! britainfirst . org/deport-muslim-extremists/ ... Yours sincerely: Paul Golding: Chairman, Britain First


    [[World War 2: of the Kingdom of God: after the Universal Flood!]] ---- It's because of the IMF: ie banking seigniorage: that is been stolen and transferred: by Jewish bankers: against all peoples: that: all (morally economically culturally ) will: always bad to worse, and always will be everything for the worse: so: behind this monetary depression? there can only be: the catastrophe of nuclear WW 3 °! here's why: I have sworn, by the living God of Israel: and in fact: it is for this reason: that: I have: most: I'll get my bloodbath: but, to the future?: my bloodbath is against: all the rich: and against: all the enemies of God!


    [[World War 2: of the Kingdom of God: after the Flood Universal!]] ---- Is not correct: that: always, the innocent must die .. now, is the time to do a little justice on this planet, God has promised: to me: 500 million: of deaths, as well: the time has come for God: to pay debts HIS: ie: that is: He: JHWH: has contracted with me! ♰ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ♰ [♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♚] PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB"Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★: ReiUnius♰:King♥:Israel:♥Mahdi


    [Each year 160,000 Christians are martyred killed out: of hatred for Christ]: These are the: 50 Most Criminals Nation: in the world:1. North Korea;2. Iran;3. Saudi Arabia;4. Somalia;5. Yemen;6. Maldives;7. Mauritania;8. Afghanistan;9. Bhutan;10. China;11. Laos;12. Uzbekistan; 13. Pakistan;14. Turkmenistan;15. Eritrea;16. Comoros;17. Chechnya;18. Iraq;19. Qatar;20. Egypt;21. Algeria;22. Azerbairgian;23. India;24. Myanmar;25. Libya;26. Nigeria;27. Oman;28. Kuwait;29. Brunei;30. Sudan;31. Tajikistan;32. Tanzania;33. Turkey;34. United Arab Emirates;35. Morocco;36. Cuba;37. Djibouti;38. Jordan;39. Sri Lanka;40. Syria;41. Tunisia;42. Biellorussia;43. Palestinians;44. Bahrain;45. Bangladesh;46. Ethiopia;47. Indonesia;48. Kyrgyzstan;49. Kenya;50. Vietnam. I swear by the living God: in Jesus' name: the blood of martyrs will suffocate you. I come to snatch your soul: "You will soon go down to hell!" "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★: ReiUnius♰:King♥:Israel:♥Mahdi


    [Declaration of War: World: against: all the criminals on the planet:] I: Unius REI: The Kingdom of God: and: the King of Israel: I declare war: against: Sharia Talmud Kabbalah: seigniorage banking: IMF FED ECB! Services: secrets! Elite Leader: Politicians! all ideologies and religions: ie: anyone: that: they conduct criminal .. will be beaten to death: Illuminati Freemasons: Satanists: all thieves, liars parasites: the exploiters and speculators: usurers: pornographers .. Will be hit: affected: both: in mode individual: that: all nations: in the name of Jesus.: I has command: to: angels: and: to demons: and: they run: at my command: Until: at time of your death: that comes: as: against all my enemys .. Amen .. Alleluia: hallelujah .. drink your poisons: made ​​by yoursef! son of the evil demon, hell is: your home, of despair: your eternal destiny and immediate!


    DECLARATION OF: WORLD WAR]: lorenzojhwh BY: KING OF PALESTINE: AND: ISRAEL, AGAINST: The 50 nations: that they are criminals, why do not respect, the freedom of religion! I have done evil: to all those criminals: who have overthrown: the Cross ♰ [♚ MENE ★ ★ Techel PERES] ♰ ♰ PAX CSPB CSS MLND SMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ "Drink your poisons made ​​by yourself" by ★ ♰: Rei unius: ♥ king ♥: ♥ Israel Palestine Mahdi .. I have done wrong: to the All Those: criminals: who the cross HAVE: Toppled ♰ [♚ MENE ★ ★ Techel PERES] ♰ ♰ PAX CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ "drink your poisons made ​​by yourself" by ♰ ★ ReiUnius ♥ ♥ King ♥ Mahdi Israel


    [DÉCLARATION DE GUERRE]: des lorenzojhwh: Contre: 50 nations: qui sont les criminels: pourquoi, ne respectent pas la liberté de religion! J'ai fait l'erreur de tous ces criminels qui ont renversé la croix ♰ [♚ MENE ★ ★ Techel PERES] ♰ PAX ♰ SSPP CSS MLND SMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ "Buvez votre poisons faites par vous-même" par ♰ ★: Rei unius: ♥ Roi ♥: de: Israël, la Palestine ♥: Mahdi: Messie juif: Amen: au nom de Jésus! alléluia


    between: 300 years: about: evil ends, because: the Messiah: will returns: Findings for the univeral! end: every form of evil .. because it will change the biology of the creatures that have earned eternal life! In fact, we will all: below the guidance of the spirit: as: unfortunately: today we are all, under the guidance of the soul or psychic mind: that: it is an ally of sin! tra: 300 anni: circa: il male finirà: perché: il Messia ritorna: per il Giudizio univerale! finirà: ogni forma di male.. perché cambierà la biologia: delle creature: che avranno meritato la vita eterna! infatti, noi saremo tutti: sotto: la guida dello spirito: come: purtroppo: oggi: noi siamo tutti: sotto la guida dell'anima o mente psichica: che: è alleata del peccato!


    CINA -- VATICANO Mons. Savio Hon: Libertà per i vescovi e i sacerdoti arrestati, fa bene anche alla Cina di Bernardo CervelleraAnche se il governo non dà risposte né alla Santa Sede, né ai diplomatici, né ad amici del Vaticano e della Cina, è importante che "nessuno li dimentichi". La risposta ufficiale del governo cinese quando si chiedono notizie è sempre: "Non sappiamo". "Occorre anzitutto pregare", "ma occorre anche appellarsi a coloro che li detengono". CINA - VATICANO Appello: Vescovi e sacerdoti scomparsi o detenuti in prigione, a casa per il Capodanno cinese di Bernardo CervelleraIn occasione dell'Anno del Dragone, AsiaNews chiede al presidente Hu Jintao e all'ambasciatore Ding Wei la liberazione di tre vescovi e sei sacerdoti cinesi scomparsi nelle mani della polizia o nei campi di lavori forzati.


    [[Publishing by St. Paul]] films: "Christian history: Pope John Paul I "-----. he saved the life of a group of Jews: "I beg you: do not denounce you: Rabbi says: tomorrow: we will depart for Switzerland!" The risk was enormous: that is, to lose the diocesan seminary: as well as life itself .. because: these Jews had refugees: in the basement of the seminar .. unfortunately: the same day: they irruption: raid: the Nazis as well: already a jew was disguised as a priest .. Albino Luciani: took all of them suffered in the Church: and pretended: to administer baptism: The person responsible: of the group of Jews: said, "because you: that: is a Catholic priest: she risks his life for us?" .


    [[Publishing by St. Paul]] films: "Christian history: Pope John Paul I "-----. Don Albino Luciani: said: "Jesus Joseph and Mary were Jews, and fled, too them in Egypt! that unites: Christians and Jews: it is much more than, that: it may divide us!" ..irruption: the Nazis in the church .. and Don Albino says, "we are: to celebrate the arrival of a" new lamb "(shame about the Talmud and the kabbalh: they say the same thing: namely, that we and our children are animals!) into the fold of lord, you also want to pray with us? "so the Nazis go away: and the Jews are saved!


    [[by Editrice San Paolo]] film: "storie cristiane: Papa Luciani"-----. lui ha salvato la vita: di un gruppo di ebrei: "la prego: non ci denunci: dice il rabbino: domani stesso: noi partiremo per la Svizzera!" Il rischio era enorme: cioè: di perdere il seminario diocesano: oltre che la stessa vita.. poiché: questi ebrei: si erano rifugiani: nei sotterranei del seminario.. purtroppo: nella stessa giornata: fecero irruzione i nazisti: cosi: già un ebreo era travestito da prete.. Albino Luciani: portò tutti loro: subito in Chiesa: e fece finta: di amministrare un battesimo: Il responsabile: del gruppo di ebrei disse: "perché lei: che: è un prete cattolico: lei rischia la sua vita: per noi?".


    [[by Editrice San Paolo]] film: "storie cristiane: Papa Luciani"-----. Don Albino Luciani: disse: "Gesù Giuseppe e Maria: erano ebrei: e fuggivano anche loro! quello: che: unisce cristiani: ed ebrei: è molto di più: di quello che: potrebbe dividerci!".. così fanno irruzione: i nazisti: in Chiesa.. e don Albino dice: "noi stiamo: per celebrare l'ingresso di un: "nuovo agnello"(peccato che il Talmud e la kabbalh: dicono la stessa cosa: cioè: che noi e i nostri bambini siamo animali!!) nel gregge del signore: volete anche voi pregare: insieme a noi?" così i nazisti vanno via: e gli ebrei sono salvi!


     Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. IHateNEWLAYOUT ---- thomas Mistafield: ie CIA of Satanists "Satanists: like you? They do not have friends, but only accomplices!" IHateNEWLAYOUT ----- thomas Mistafield: ie satanists of CIA: "satanisti come te? loro non hanno amici: ma soltanto complici!"


     Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  IsraelNationalTV - there is: the Capuchin Bishop: Bordignon, that offers his life in exchange: of the life: of 4 partisans: but: since the Nazis, refuse to do exchange: he approaches: to absolve their sins: first: of their: shooting! Unfortunately, he is die: with them, because: the Nazis had not given: permission to confess the prisoners! the priest Don Albino Luciani: future: Pope John Paul I: him, had offered: to accompany: Bishop Bordignon: in fact: in the hope of the Bishop Bordignon?: Albino Luciani was to receive: delivery of the partisans! For this exchange: that: the Bishop believed possible in an attempt to save the life of partisans in exchange for his life! [[by Editrice San Paolo]]


     Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  IsraelNationalTV - c'è: il vescovo cappuccino: Bordignon: che, offre la sua vita: in cambio: di: 4 partigiani: ma: poiché i nazisti: rifiutano di fare lo scambio: lui si avvicina: per assolverli: dai loro peccati: prima: della loro fucilazione! purtroppo, egli viene fucilato: insieme a loro: perché: i nazisti non avevano dato: il permesso di poter confessare: i prigionieri! il sacerdote: don Albino Luciani: futuro: Papa Giovanni Paolo I: lui: si era offerto: di accompagnare: il Vescovo Bordignon: infatti: nella speranza del Vescovo: Albino Luciani avrebbe dovuto ricevere: in consegna i partigiani! Per quello scambio: che: il Vescovo credeva possibile: nel tentativo di salvare la vita dei partigiani: in cambio della sua vita!


     Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  IsraelNationalTV - I am sure of this: "all my superiors have had: strong senses of guilt for their dramatic decision: against my "clerical: presbiterato": the fear of having damaged: me and the Church: because: I was a beautiful boy!" ..very good earnest!! But, this is my truth: "I was confused: about: the universal: SACERDOZIO: as Melchisedek: to whom God would call me with the: clerical(presbiterato )" .. however: this, that my superiors were certain: I'd never been: a clericalist: how they wanted: and then: as a priest: I would have created problems: certain: in this they were right!


     Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  IsraelNationalTV - di questo io sono sicuro: "tutti i miei superiori: hanno avuto: forti sensi: di colpa: per la loro decisione drammatica: nel timore di avere danneggiato: me e della Chiesa: poiché: io ero un ragazzo splendido!".. molto ardente! Ma: questa è la mia verità: "io confondevo: il sacerdozio universale: al quale Dio mi chiamava: con il presbiterato".. comunque: di questo: i miei superiori erano certi: io non sarei mai stato: un clericalista: come loro avrebbero voluto: e quindi: come prete: io avrei creato dei problemi: certo: in questo loro avevano ragione!!!


     Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  IsraelNationalTV - and it was: right: for this: my "independence interior ": that: my pastor: that the present: Archbishop of Bari: Francesco Cacucci: he took the dramatic truly dramatic: Decision: to prevent: the evening before my already: public announced: diaconate: do not let me log on to: orders sacred: I was 26 years old! Because: it could not exist: another reason? I have become a secular initially: for decision: of my ecclesiastical superiors! but, later for my decision, because: a distance: a year: I finally: understand: that: was not that: the road marked out for me from God! and that the experience: of the seminar: was wanted: by God only: for the molding: of my interior soul and of my spirit!


     Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  IsraelNationalTV - ed è stato: proprio: per questa: mia "indipendenza interiore": che: il mio Parroco: cioè l'attuale: Arcivescovo di Bari: Mons. Francesco Cacucci: lui prese la drammatica: veramente drammatica: decisione: di impedire: alla vigilia: della mia già: pubblicamente annunciata: ordinazione diaconale: di non farmi più accedere: agli ordini sacri: io avevo 26 anni! Poiché: non potrebbe esistere: un altro motivo? Io sono diventato un secolare: inizialmente: per decisione: dei miei superiori ecclesiastici! ma, successivamente su mia decisione: poiché: a distanza: di un anno: io ho finalmente: compreso: che: non era quella: la strada: segnata per me: da Dio! e che la esperienza: del seminario: era stata voluta: da Dio: soltanto: per la mia plasmazione interiore!


     Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. IsraelNationalTV - has no sense: for me: to belong: to a group: or: to participate: a: "social network"! it is impossible: for me to be: of part: that is to be absorbed: by a: single religion: or being member: of a political party (ie: be an ideology) because: my purity interior: put me: in conflict: with: the particular item! God is jealous: of me: in Psalm 110: He said to me: "you sit on: my right." and I'm already sitting! and: I'm not afraid: of being: one man only: with his God! Yes! I love men, but, my spirit: is far from: all of them! But, I'm been done: so: by God at the time: of my conception! by Unius REI; King of Palestine end Israel: for Universal brotherhood: shalom + salam: = blessings too to all


     Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  IsraelNationalTV - n'a pas de sens: pour moi: d'appartenir: à un groupe: ou pour participer: un "réseau social"! il est impossible: pour moi d'être: d'une partie: qui doit être absorbée: par un: une seule religion: ou un membre étant: d'un parti politique (à savoir: être une idéologie) parce que: mon intérieur pureté: me mettre: en période de conflit : avec: l'élément particulier! Dieu est jaloux: de moi: dans le Psaume 110: Il m'a dit: "vous vous asseyez sur:. Mon droit" et je suis déjà assis! et: je n'ai pas peur: d'être: un seul homme: avec son Dieu! Oui! J'aime les hommes, mais, mon esprit: est loin d'être: chacun d'eux! Mais, je suis fait: oui: par Dieu à l'époque: de ma conception! par unius REI, le roi d'Israël de la Palestine fin: pour la fraternité universelle: shalom + salam: = bénédictions également à tous




    :) thanks.. (:


     Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  Rothschild Illuminati IMF NWO, to all yours satanism---- Jewish lobbies: of all monopolies: stolen against: the all peoples! political fakes: Masons of shit!! How many people: you have killed? How many inventors: how Tesla: you have ruined? Two hours ago, I has knew: as. a teacher in Milan: is dead in circumstances: very mysterious: a year later that RAI: he had given his invention on the service! his office devastated: documents stolen! he, with a liter (£ $ :400 euros) of "heavy water" polarity and two negative (negative electrodes) he obtained: the hydrolysis: to cold .. but, but, you would have lost: nearly all the gains: for the exploitation: of the your oil monopoly!


    1_15. [Albino Luciani, vs: Bishops Masons!] [[After 600 excommunications against: Freemasonry? if this is true? is apostasy! is high: treason! is the heresy of the modernism! Is The schism!]] The Strange Case of: death of: Albino Luciani.: to: cure: of: Joseph Ardagna. by [disinformation. it]. The August 26: of the: 1978 Officially Became Bishop Albino Luciani: of Rome (ie, was Elected Pope) and the successor of Paul VI. In the Vatican, Several people: not: They Were happy with the election: of: Elected pope Luciani was, but, Perhaps: the: more: discontent: of: everybody was: Archbishop Marcinkus: that:: to the last moment HAD: hoped in the election: of the: Giuseppe Siri candidates. But: who he was: Marcinkus this? Was: a: the basic pieces: of: the: game:: to: Chess


    2_15. [Albino Luciani, vs: Bishops Masons!]: That: They have Played: between: the Vatican and the big banks: and: that: put: at stake: The Possibility: of see: always, Increase Their Capital: of: more [1]. Marcinkus was, the: more: Seniors in the IOR, the Institute for Religious Works. Immediately he sensed the danger of the election: of: this pontiff who, from His early speeches, he: left clear understanding: of: wanting to bring back: the Catholic Church: to: Those ideals: of: Christian charity: its of the : first Catholicism, by giving up superfluous wealth: that: too HAD diverted men: of: the church: from Their sacred duties. Imagine: the: chief: Bank: Vatican: How Could he ever see a guy: of this: kind


    3_15. [Albino Luciani, vs: Bishops Masons!] On: more: high step: of the: ... Marcinkus was just Saying to His colleagues: "This Pope: not: it is like that: first of, you will see that:: things will change" [2]. Two points Seemed Luciani: adamant: the entry of the church: in the Freemasonry: and the use: of the: of money: the church: to: like: of: Bank to any [3]. And the irritation of the: Pope: worse: only listen to Appoint people like Calvi and Sindona: of Whom HAD: Heard something discreet Inquiries making [4]. In coincidence with the election: of: Luciani was published as a list: of: 131 members to the church: in the masonry, much of Them Were Been: In the Vatican City. The list: was widespread: from: to small periodic "OP Political Observer"


    4_15. [Albino Luciani, vs: Bishops Masons!]: Of the Mino Pecorelli: Intended: to disappear: a year after the election: of: Albino Luciani: in mysterious circumstances. [5] According to many, OP was: to: sort: of "instrument of: communication" as used by the Italian secret services to get messages to the political environment. Pecorelli, Including: the other, was: tied: to: with a double thread Gelli, Sindona as They Were: Calvi and [6]. But, back to: list: church-Masonic, this: it included, Among: others, the names of Jean Villot (Secretary: of: State, matr. 041 / 3, Which Began: to: Zurich: the: 6 / 8 / 66, code-named Jeanne) Casaroli (head of the: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Vatican, matr. 41/076, 28/9/57, House), Paul Marcinkus (43/649, 21 / 8 / 67, Marpa)


    5_15. [Albino Luciani, vs: Bishops Masons!]: The Deputy Director of "L'Osservatore Romano," Don Virgilio Levi (241 / 3, 4/7/58, Vile), Roberto Tucci (Director: of: Vatican Radio, 42 / 58, 21/6/57, Turo). [7] Albino Luciani Began: to: for circular Curia: the image: of: ill-suited as the position, too "well of: heart" too easy for the: complexity: the groom. The: sudden death, after thirty days of: pontificate, disbelief and amazement Aroused, Increased feelings from hesitation: of the: Vatican to explain: as the: the: if and: the: for the event. In this way, the incredulity Became the first: Then Suspicion and doubt. Was death or Killed? [8] It was said at the beginning: that: was Luciani, was found dead: In His Hand: the: book


    6_15. [Albino Luciani, vs: Bishops Masons!] "The Imitation of Christ", then: the: Book Turned into sheets: of: notes, Thus: a: speech: keep to the Jesuits, and finally, some unofficial version: wanted: that: of: His hands there was a list of appointments: that::: the: Pope wanted: to make public: the day after. [9] First, the time: of: death was established businesses: around 23 and then postponed: the 4: of the: morning. According to preliminary information, without the body: life was, was found to be: a personal Secretaries: of the Pope, circulated the Following: voice: that: It Had Been to discover: Sisters: that: nursing HIM. There were really no reason to believe: that: something: not go for: the right direction.


    7_15. [Albino Luciani, vs: Bishops Masons!] Someone insinuated: that:: It Might Have Been: the: If: of: an autopsy, and this voice, at first: Whispered, Came to be shouted from: Print: Italian: and a: Part: of the: clergy. Of course, the autopsy: not: it was never done: and there are still Doubts: now. Of this topic will detail the Englishman David Yallop, Convinced of: violent death of John Paul I. The book goes by the writer Italiano: browse: All items: of: that fateful 1978 to: to: Suspected of the murder six people: of Albino Luciani: the: Secretary: of: Jean Villot State: the: Cardinal John Cody of Chicago : the: President of the IOR Marcinkus,: the: banker Michele Sindona, the banker Roberto Calvi


    8_15. [Albino Luciani, vs: Bishops Masons!] And the Worshipful Master Licio Gelli: Lodge: P2. [10] According to Yallop, the murder Decided Gelli, Sindona Calvi and HAD reasons to wish for: Death of the: Pope, and Had the ability and means to organize, Marcinkus was: the: catalyst operation and Cody (Closely related : to: Marcinkus) was, as assenziente Luciani was: intent to exempt it from: home: of Chicago Because it was for financial reasons: to attract attention: not: only of: His: church: but: even: of: Justice : city: and: federal court. Villot, finally, would have materially Facilitated the operation [11]. The reconstruction done: by Yallop business: of: Sindona, of Calvi,: of: Gelli and the IOR


    9_15. [Albino Luciani, vs: Bishops Masons!] Leads inevitably to the elimination: of the: Pope, However: the: Italiano reconstruction of the writer, poses some problems, first and foremost: everyone: net: That a feeling in some steps of: reconstruction, the events, dates and Circumstances, tends to "be made to match" too forcefully. However: the: detective work: of: Yallop is still good and: not: you can: not: take into account: of the: work of Italiano Especially Considering: the: fact: that:: too many Doubts about the last hours: of: life: of the: Why the Pope, and Especially Those Who have: made to disappear from the: room: of the Pope: His personal items? From room: of: Luciani disappear glasses, slippers, and notes: the bottle: Efortil of the medicines.


    ShalomGerusalemme (29 minuti fa) Spam 11_15. [Albino Luciani, vs: Bishops Masons!] "Holiness ... Is that right?": That:: was, in the form: of: point: open: the pope,: the: theme: exports and financial transactions of: bank: the Vatican. "And 'right ..." the article states "... that: the: Vatican Operates on the markets of: everything: the: world as a regular gambler? And 'right: that:: has: to: Bank: with: which Favors: of: that the export: of: capital and tax evasion: of: Italian? "[12]. [1] RD Matilla, The adventure of the Vatican finances, Ed.Pironti, Naples, 1988, [2] Ibid. [3] Ibid. [4] Ibid. [5] G. Ardagna, The: discovery of: list: P2: Print: Italian, Naples, 2004, [6] Ibid. [7] RD Matilla, The adventure of the Vatican finances, Ed.Pironti, Naples, 1988, [8] Ibid.


    ShalomGerusalemme (30 minuti fa) Spam 12_15. [Albino Luciani, vs: Bishops Masons!] [9] Ibid. [10] D. Yallop, In God's name, Ed.Pironti, Naples, 1992, [11] Ibid. [12] Ibid. [[Disinformation. en / albinoluciani. htm]] - ANSWER ----  Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  Tarcisio Bertone ---- this is useful: that:: you know! I will forgive: even the demons: that: stop: of: to serve Satan, for to bring: Themselves: to my service: why, I am unius Rei! i, i will forgive: also the Illuminati: that not: want to Die: damned! is God: that: has made me invincible: the my ministry: political universal! is, the unique hope for the survival for this: Humanity sinful and mutinous: of the false: Masonic Democracies: of the: seigniorage banking, etc.. .. Talmud, sharia, etc.. ..


    ShalomGerusalemme (30 minuti fa) Spam 13_15. [Albino Luciani, vs: Bishops Masons!] The meeting with Sister Lucia of Fatima: frofezia [edit] the "Christian Family", "editions: Pauline" says Sister Lucy has said (10 July 1977): a Luciani (Cardinal) His election: and His short pontificate, calling him "Holy Father": still, giving, of the Liar: at the Secretary of: State of the Vatican: Tarcisio Bertone (in 2006): Called this story: "theory: old and free of : foundation "[12]. In this regard, you Remember That he saw: His brother Edward, Cardinal Luciani of: said: "very shaken by the return trip to Fatima HAD Often Become silent and lost in: thoughts: and when: what he said, Albino said:" I always think what he said to Sister Lucia. "[By Wikipedia]


    ShalomGerusalemme (30 minuti fa) Spam 14_15. [Albino Luciani, vs: Bishops Masons!] On 10 July 1977, the then Cardinal Luciani, very devoted to Our Lady of Fatima, in accepting the invitation: Sister Lucia, there: is: a pilgrimage (just Cova da Iria) meeting at the Caramel of Coimbra, the famous mystic, with which: held for two hours in conversation. Sister Lucy: Would he reveal the Third Secret (or, more Correctly, the III or Part of the Secret Message) to Fatima. He: I was impressed and Greatly, ounces back in Italy, Described the meeting: "The sister is very small, it is lively, and quite ... talking chatterbox, Reveals All That Concerns great sensitivity to the Church today: with: His : problems: acute ...; [by Wikipedia]


    ShalomGerusalemme (30 minuti fa) Spam 15_15. [Albino Luciani, vs: Bishops Masons!] Insisted the little nun with me: the need for: have today: Especially Christians and seminarians, novices, and novices, I Decided: to be serious about God, without reserve. With so much energy and conviction, has spoken to me of: nuns and priests: and Christians from the head steady. Radical as: Saints: "todo ou ou nada" all or nothing, if you: want to be: God Seriously ". [13] [by Wikipedia] - ANSWER ---- if is him: the Bishop: dressed, of white that: the Children: have seen Killed: under: the cross with others: millions: of Christians (is the 3 rd: Secret of Fatima: hidden again: of course!)


    ShalomGerusalemme (32 minuti fa) Spam  Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  Rothschild Illuminati IMF NWO, to all yours satanism---- Jewish lobbies: of all monopolies: stolen against: the all peoples! political fakes: Masons of shit!! How many people: you have killed? How many inventors: how Tesla: you have ruined? Two hours ago, I has knew: as. a teacher in Milan: is dead in circumstances: very mysterious: a year later that RAI: he had given his invention on the service! his office devastated: documents stolen! he, with a liter (£ $ :400 euros) of "heavy water" polarity and two negative (negative electrodes) he obtained: the hydrolysis: to cold .. but, but, you would have lost: nearly all the gains: for the exploitation: of the your oil monopoly!


     Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  Rothschild Illuminati IMF NWO, to all yours satanism---- Jewish lobbies: of all monopolies: stolen against: the all peoples! political fakes: Masons of shit!! How many people: you have killed? How many inventors: how Tesla: you have ruined? Two hours ago, I has knew: as. a teacher in Milan: is dead in circumstances: very mysterious: a year later that RAI: he had given his invention on the service! his office devastated: documents stolen! he, with a liter (£ $ :400 euros) of "heavy water" polarity and two negative (negative electrodes) he obtained: the hydrolysis: to cold .. but, but, you would have lost: nearly all the gains: for the exploitation: of the your oil monopoly!


    ShalomGerusalemme (6  Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. ) Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  1_3.[GIOVANNi: PAOLO I: ALBINO LUCIANI: È STATO AVVELENATO] L'incontro con suor Lucia di: Fatima: frofezia[modifica]la "Famiglia Cristiana" edizioni: Paoline: dice: suor Lucia ha predetto(10 luglio 1977,): a Luciani(Cardinale) la sua elezione: e il suo breve pontificato, chiamandolo "Santo Padre": dando del bugiardo: al Segretario di: Stato Vaticano: Tarcisio Bertone(nel 2006): ha definito questa storia "tesi: vecchia e priva di: fondamento"[12]. A tal proposito, si: ricorda che il fratello Edoardo vide il cardinale Luciani: tornare molto scosso dal viaggio a Fatima: era diventato silenzioso: e spesso assorto nei: pensieri: e quando gli: chiese cosa avesse, Albino rispose: "Penso sempre a quello che ha detto Suor Lucia".[by wikipedia]


    ShalomGerusalemme (6  Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. ) Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  2_3.[GIOVANNi: PAOLO I: ALBINO LUCIANI: È STATO AVVELENATO] Il 10 luglio 1977, l'allora cardinale Luciani, molto devoto alla Madonna di: Fatima, accogliendo l'invito di: Suor Lucia, vi: si: recò in pellegrinaggio (esattamente a Cova da Iria) incontrando al Carmelo di: Coimbra la famosa mistica, con la quale si: trattenne per due ore in conversazione. Suor Lucia gli: avrebbe rivelato il contenuto del Terzo Segreto (o, più correttamente, la IIi: parte del Segreto o Messaggio) di: Fatima. Egli: ne fu sensibilmente impressionato e, una volta rientrato in Italia, descrisse così quell'incontro: "La suora è piccolina, è vispa, e abbastanza chiacchierina... parlando, rivela grande sensibilità per tutto quel che riguarda la Chiesa d'oggi: con i: suoi: problemi: acuti...; [by wikipedia]


YouTube Rewind 2012

114275 iscritti

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    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    18 minuti fa

    [Because Jesus said: "wicked and perverse generation" if, in his time: there was: not: Zapatero, the Socialist, the Freemasons and Obama? but, 666 Rothschild Baal Peor: Enlightened IMF: agenda talmud , to destroy Israel? Already he was!] God does not want that, I have to force: impose: myself: Unius REI, with the violence, but that I must be chosen: for love, and awareness: of the natural law, to all those who have been predestined to overcome, the nuclear World War III, now, inevitable! all those who do not recognize freedom of religion? have a project imperialist (this is logical consequential automatic), for enslavement of mankind .. That's why, Iran must be destroyed immediately! is just, that, Shiites, with the atomic, can finally avenge: yourself, against the Sunnis


    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento

    2 ore fa

    1_12. [[Promoted Bestialität: wie Zapatero: anticrist in Spanien: das ist die wahre Zivilisation]] Pharisäer IWF, jetzt genug! lass der Westen könnte sein Christentum zurückzukehren! [Sie und Ihre Sozialist? CAN "" fuck "" alle Tiere, die wie Sie in der Hölle! ]. Spanien Studenten beginnen: zum Denken: dass das Geschlecht frei geübt werden, auch: mit den Tieren. In Vereinbarung mit, die Organisation: "Professional Ethics für" Studenten in der dritten Klasse (Kinder, 9 Jahre alt), in einer Schule von Cordoba in Südspanien, Andalusien, werden in einem Kurs teil: in der Materie mit dem Titel "Die Natur hat uns das Geschlecht, und wir verwenden können: mit einem anderen Mädchen, ein Junge:. oder mit einem Tier"] Gruppen von Eltern haben gesagt, dass: das Material indoktriniert Kinder, Verkleidungen, ein Pro-Homosexualität Tagesordnung: Erzbischof Salvatore Joseph Cordileone, neue Papst!


    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento

    2 ore fa

    1_12. [[Bestialidad Promovido: como, Zapatero: anticrist, en España: se trata de la verdadera civilización]] fariseos FMI, ahora, es suficiente! que el Occidente pudiera volver a su cristiandad! [usted y su socialista? CAN "" joder "" todos los animales, al igual que usted, en el infierno! ]. Los estudiantes comienzan España: el pensamiento: que el sexo puede ser practicado libremente, también: con los animales. De acuerdo con la organización: "Ética Profesional para", los estudiantes del tercer grado (hijos, de 9 años de edad), en una escuela de Córdoba, en el sur de España, Andalucía, están participando en un curso: en la materia que se titula "La naturaleza nos ha dado el sexo, y podemos usar: con otra chica, otro chico:. o con un animal"] Grupos de padres han dicho que: la materia adoctrina a los niños, disfraces, una agenda pro-homosexualidad: el arzobispo Salvatore Joseph Cordileone, nuevo Papa!


    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento

    2 ore fa

    1_12. [[Bestialité Promu: comme, Zapatero: anticrist, en Espagne: il s'agit de la vraie civilisation]] pharisiens FMI, maintenant, ça suffit! laisser l'Occident pourrait revenir à son christianisme! [vous et votre socialiste? CAN "" fuck "" tous les animaux, comme vous, dans l'enfer! ]. Étudiants commencent Espagne: à la pensée: que le sexe peut être pratiquée librement, aussi: avec les animaux. En accord avec l'organisation: «L'éthique professionnelle pour», les élèves de la troisième année (enfants de 9 ans), dans une école de Cordoue dans le sud de l'Espagne, en Andalousie, sont la participation à un cours: dans la matière qui est intitulé «la nature nous a donné le sexe, et nous pouvons utiliser: avec une autre fille, un autre garçon:. ou avec un animal"] Groupes de parents ont dit que: le matériau endoctrine les enfants, déguisements, un agenda pro-homosexualité: l'archevêque Salvatore Joseph Cordileone, nouveau pape!

    2_12. [[Promoted bestiality: as, Zapatero: anticrist]] Correspondence (July 30, 2012) Interview: to: mon. Cordileone new archbishops of San Fransisco. (Michael Drake) On 14 November 2008, the day of the presidential election: in: America, you are bound, also: different referendums. Particularly paradoxical results in California: and: in Florida, where the so-called same-sex marriage: is been: rejected by the electorate, despite: these countries have voted for: in: majority: for: Barack Obama, noted supporter: of: these forms of: unions, to: proof of the fact: that: the American public wanted: an: political change: but: not: ideological. We talk with the bishop of Oakland, Msgr. Salvatore Cordileone, that: reveals both the broad perspectives: for: improving culturally, the company, which, paradoxically, the new scenarios: of: Marginalization: to: where they can go, meeting Catholics: of: this great nation. [Jews: x: Messiah: UniusREI ♰ CSPBCSSMLN DSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].


    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento

    2 ore fa

    3_12. [[Promoted bestiality: as, Zapatero: anticrist, in Spain: this is the true civilization]] *** With respect to the referendum on the: marriage, especially: in: Califomia, an: Poll: on the: Proposition 8 (same: that: was opposed to civil unions between homosexuals, ed.)? [Answer:] This change is: is: verified: in: a double dimension: time: and: spiritual. In the temporal dimension: is: started after the: start of the campaign, the media with: ads, press: and: so on. There, people: is: realized: of: what it really was: in: game, that is: to: to say that: the: Proposition 8: protected the true human rights, not: cancellava. Spiritualmente them, there have been many people: of: faith: that: they are united: in: forty days of: fasting: and: prayer. Fasting is: just started a week or two before the change: of: the trend. We think that: this spiritual effort had to that: do with the result.Archbishop Salvatore Joseph Cordileone, new Pope!

    ShalomGerusalemme (6  Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. ) Jews x Messiah Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  3_3.[GIOVANNi: PAOLO I: ALBINO LUCIANI: È STATO AVVELENATO] la piccola monaca insisteva con me: sulla necessità: di: avere oggi: cristiani: e specialmente seminaristi, novizi: e novizie, decisi: sul serio ad essere di: Dio, senza riserve. Con tanta energia e convinzione: m'ha parlato di: suore, preti: e cristiani: dalla testa ferma. Radicale come i: santi: "ou todo ou nada": o tutto o niente, se si: vuol essere di: Dio sul serio".[13][by wikipedia]--ANSWER----- è lui: il vescovo vestito di: bianco che i: bambini: hanno visto : ucciso sotto la croce: insieme a d altri: milioni: di: cristiani(3° segreto di: Fatima)


    TheCobalt100 Commento al tuo video: The Talmud Numerous quotes of Perversion Racism and Deceit, I have studied the history of World War ll and come to the conclusion that part of the reason for the extermination camps was because Jews were swindling gentiles right and left. Such despicable practices are being carried out even in today's financial markets. Witness Bernie Madoff and other Jews on Wall Street carting off billions of dollars in bonuses.


565, Satanists, Obama, Zapatero, righteousness

10/05/2013 ITALY, IRAQ
Chaldean Patriarch : The martyrdom , charisma and gift of the Iraqi Church
by Joseph Mahmoud
At the conference for peace promoted by the Community of Sant'Egidio , Mar Sako stresses that martyrdom " is not an ideology or aim ," but " an everyday reality " of testimony. His Beatitude invites "persecuted Christians " to renew " their faith and their commitment " and stresses the value of their presence in the Middle East as a "sign of hope and peace."
The Army of Islam, Saudi Arabia’s Greatest Export
by Phil Greaves
An expert on international politics and blogger analyzes the new steps of the Syrian opposition increasingly divided in itself, and becoming more and more fundamentalist. The West tries to give a more "moderate" image of it. But its project is similar to that of al Qaeda.

San Diego (AsiaNews/Ich) - Recent developments regarding "rebel" groups inside Syria have shed further light on the ideologies and political aims of the militants waging war upon the Syrian state.

On the 24th September, under the moniker of the "Islamist Alliance", 11 of the largest and most recognisable rebel brigades - a mix of supposed "moderate Islamists" such as Liwa al-Tawhid, the largest "FSA"-branded brigade in Aleppo, alongside more hardline Salafi/Jihadi brigades such as Ahrar al-Sham, and Al Qaeda ideologues Jahbat al-Nusra - released a joint statement denouncing the western-backed expatriates of the "National Coalition" (NC), along with its equally impotent military arm, the "Supreme Military Council" (SMC). Following this statement of intent, on the 29th of September, up to 50 rebel groups operating primarily in the area of Damascus merged to form Jaish al-Islam (Army of Islam). The Damascus merger also included a wide-ranging demographic of militant groups, from the supposed "moderate", to overt Salafist hardliners. Jaish al-Islam is dominated by Liwa al-Islam, a large rebel group formerly of "FSA" branding, and led by Saudi-backed Zahran Alloush. Liwa al-Islam were also a signatory to the aforementioned statement of denunciation toward the western-backed political opposition.

These announcements have effectively put-to-bed the western propagated myth that was the "Free Syrian Army". Militant groups the west ostensibly touted as "secular moderates" yearning for "freedom and democracy" from a tyrannical regime; have now openly declared their Salafi/Jihadi fundamentalist ideology, with the ultimate aim of creating a Syrian state ruled by Islamic law.

Already, these announcements are being portrayed as an attempt by Saudi Arabia - yes, ever tolerant and inclusive Wahhabi-preaching Saudi Arabia - and other leading Salafi factions supporting the insurgency to steer "vetted, or moderate Salafi" rebels away from the Al Qaeda aligned groups; particularly the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), who are now portrayed as simply "foreign jihadists" and have become the leading fall-guy in Western and Gulf media for every atrocity committed by the rebels. This false perception has been built as a result of a Western and Gulf initiated public relations campaign to "moderate" the image of the Salafi/Jihadi fundamentalists (as well as those more inclined to basic criminality, killing, and destruction) who may be more willing to meet the requirements of their Gulf donors and the United States. Yet, contrary to this divisive narrative, the same "moderate" Salafi's who are now supposedly being encouraged to  disassociate from their Al Qaeda affiliates have happily fought alongside - more often than not as a junior partner - the West's supposed "number one enemy" (AQ) since the insurgency began in 2011.

In further contrast to the aforementioned "Awakening" narrative, Jabhat al-Nusra (JaN) - the Syrian branch of Al Qaeda ideologues - are still very much in the mix. Although various pundits and analysts have made efforts to publicise tensions between ISIS and JaN, the two groups still share a similar Jihadist ideology and cooperate in key areas, particularly on paramilitary operations; as do the hardline Salafi groups such as Ahrar Al-Sham, who in turn fully cooperate with the western friendly "moderates" forming the backbone of Jaish al-Islam. In the recent ISIS takeover of the "FSA" held town of Azaz from the western-friendly Northern Storm brigade (of John McCain fame), Liwa al-Tahwid quickly offered to broker a ceasefire and acted as interlocutor between the two warring factions. ISIS in turn, rejected any "FSA" authority and have since taken control of the town - not that Liwa al-Tahwid could have stopped them anyway.

These events directly contradict the notion that the new "Army of Islam" is in any rush to disassociate, let alone be able to wage war upon the ISIS or its extremist affiliates. Moreover, the leader of Jaish al-Islam, Zahran Alloush, publicly disowned his own "captain" after he warned ISIS there would be open conflict if they "continued this chaos". The leader claimed that the comments were "dangerous" and designed to "cause strife between muslims".

Furthermore, in a recent interview with Al Jazeera, Alloush, free of his "moderate" chains, lets loose on his ideals for a future Syria, in which he aspires to resurrect the Umayyad Empire (2nd Islamic Caliphate with Syria at its core and Damascus as its capital), and "cleanse" Damascus of "Majous" (pejorative Arabic term for Iranians) "Rafideh" (Shi'ites) and "Nusayris" (Alawites).

Rebel leaders openly espousing sectarian rhetoric has been a running theme throughout the conflict; in line with this trend, Alloush's statement can be taken as a clear indication that his new "Jaish al-Islam" is not in the least bit concerned with abiding by a western-friendly moderate image. Alloush, like the majority of rebel leaders, is a fundamentalist Salafist, who looks on at the minorities of Syria as kafir (unbelievers) who must submit to his interpretation of Salafi Islam or be killed.

The western/Gulf media narrative surrounding this new "Islamist Alliance" is a re-hash of failed PR campaigns of the past, which attempted to mitigate the inherent fundamentalist ideologies of the insurgents waging war upon the Syrian state. In stark contrast to the Caliphate-inspired visions held by the majority of rebel leaders, Syria has been a pluralistic secular society for decades, the majority of its Sunni muslim population are conservative and have coexisted peacefully alongside the many other religions and ethnic minorities that make up Syria's diverse society, history, and culture. The people of Syria do not aspire to a Saudi sponsored Salafi/Wahhabi leadership or doctrine of law. Contrary to the popular narrative emerging in western and Gulf media that this new force will represent an indigenous "moderate Islamist" coalition capable of taking on the foreign elements and Al Qaeda, the majority of Syrians will be repelled by the sectarian language and ideologies of Zohran Alloush; his groups overt affiliations and pandering to Al Qaeda ideologues; and his "Army of Islam".

Considering the above context, the narrative of home-grown Salafis somehow being more amenable to the Syrian population than their ISIS/JaN fundamentalist colleagues becomes even less tenable. Alloush's formation of Jaish al-Islam, alongside the "Islamist Alliance" denunciation of the western-backed political opposition, show a marked shift of the insurgency further toward the Al Qaeda ideologues fighting the Syrian regime, not further away from them.

Phil Greaves blogs at

if they can not resist, all the Satanists against the sting of my righteousness, who, is, and where it is, an some, of antichrist, as, Obama, Zapatero, or, false, criminal religion, which, he wants to come forward to oppose him against me, and my banner? se non riescono a resistere i satanisti, contro, il pungolo della mia giustizia, chi, è, e dove è, qualche anticristo, di Obama, Zapatero, di falsa, criminale religione, che, lui vuole venire avanti, per opporsi lui, idiota, al mio stendardo?

[the rights of true Christians] What you gain: to join formally, apparently, or, inwardly, to Christianity? which become your rights? 1. you become as, unius REI, too! 2. redemption, Jesus covers, with his blood: all your sins, past, present and future! 3. healing, spiritual or physical: from all diseases, 4. protection from all dangers! 5. the total recovery, about, all losses, that even you yourself have caused to yourself, such as abortion, etc. .. 6,. the right to receive the kidnapping, that is, to be taken up to heaven as: Enock, Elijah and Mary .. and many other rights more ... but, 7. more than anything else: it is possible, you can receive: the divine nature (in fact, without the gift given to men in Christ Messiah: the divine nature?, do not: can you explain,the reason why: 1 / 3 of the angels have committed rebellion, for become the devils!)

that is, in Christ alone, you may be sons of God, namely, sharers of the same divine nature of God himself, and you will not believe: the false, smears, that, the Talmud has created, mimicking Christianity, because if the Jews mosaics, did not believe the possibility of the divine nature, for men? then, the Talmud, can not do this magic! [the rights of Christians false] clearly, 1. becomes mandatory: by law, to: be a Christian (although, in false or hypocritical? is okay!), but, 2. nobody will do violence to the conscience and the freedom of the people, 3. only, it will disappear, the demon of all religions, that will end up being an ideology, for to conquer the world! 4. will open an "era" for: peace, and brotherhood in the world!

[i diritti dei cristiani veri] cosa guadagnate voi: ad aderire formalmente, apparentemente, o interiormente, al cristianesimo? quali diventano i vostri diritti? 1. diventate come Unius REI, anche voi! 2. la redenzione, Gesù copre, con il suo sangue: tutti i vostri peccati, passati, presenti e futuri! 3. la guarigione, interiore e fisica: da tutte le malattie, 4. la protezione da tutti i pericoli! 5. il recupero totale, circa, tutte le perdite, che, anche voi stessi avete causato, a voi stessi, come l'aborto, ecc.. 6,. il diritto a ricevere il rapimento, cioè, ad essere assunti in cielo: come: Enock, Elia e Maria.. e molti altri diritti ancora... ma, 7. più di ogni altra cosa: c'è la possibilità, di poter ricevere: la natura divina, (infatti, senza il dono fatto agli uomini, in Cristo Messiah: della natura divina, non: si può spiegare il motivo, del perché: 1/3, degli angeli: hanno commesso ribellione: diventando demoni!)

cioè: soltanto in Cristo, si può essere, figli di Dio, cioè, partecipi, della stessa natura divina: di Dio stesso, e, voi non credete: alle patacche false, che, il talmud ha creato, per scimmiottare il cristianesimo, perché, se gli ebrei mosaici, non credevano alla possibilità della natura divina, per gli uomini? poi, il talmud, non può fare questa magia! [i diritti dei cristiani falsi] chiaramente, 1. diventa obbligatorio: per legge, di: essere cristiani (anche, in modo falso, o ipocrita? va bene lo stesso!), ma, 2. nessuno farà violenza: alla coscienza ed alla libertà: delle persone, soltanto, 3. sparirà, il demone di tutte e religioni, che finirnno di essere una ideologia per la conquista del mondo! 4. si aprirà un era: di pace, e di fratellanza, in tutto il mondo!

satana è frocio! 666 burn!

[accursed wretches! how many martyrs christians innocent, you killed, and you did kill with your silence?] now, i see, as, you love your false religion, you are willing to die as martyrs, during, the imminent: World War III! because, if you do not accept my authority, of course, you will demonstrate, to all your false gods idols, your loyalty! [maledetti, disgraziati! quanti martiri cristiani innocenti, voi avete ucciso, e voi avete fatto uccidere, con, la vostra omertà?] adesso vediamo, se, voi per amore della vostra falsa religione, voi siete disposti a morire come martiri, durante la III guerra mondiale! perché, se non accettate la mia autorità, certamente, avrete modo di dimostrare al vostro falso Dio, la vostra fedeltà!

[a tutti i miei borbottatori, oppositori!] chi di voi è: Unius REI? allora, è soltanto sua, la verità, della FEDE, e la verità della storia! questo, è, quindi, stato dimostrato, dalla potenza, di questo, mio ministero: laico e metafisico: "soltanto, Gesù di Betlemme: è la verità della storia!", tuttavia, 1. a chi, io ho chiesto, di rinunciare alla propria religione, o alle proprie tradizioni? oppure, a chi, io ho chiesto, di entrare in una Chiesa, per chiedere: formalmente: il battesimo? Quindi, io offro il Cristanesimo di desiderio, ed il battesimo di desiderio, in maniera interiore, o mistica, cioè, per la potenza della FEDE, nella Bibbia:

[a tutti i miei borbottatori, oppositori!] questo, è un cristianesimo di desiderio: perché, è scritto "chiunque, invocherà: il nome del Signore, sarà salvato!". e poiché, il cristianesimo: è diventato un atto politicamente, indispensabile, obbligatorio, per realizzare la fratellanza universale, e: per sfuggire alla programmata: III guerra mondiale, tutti possono dire, che: la propria attitudine cristiana, è soltanto, una attitudine: politicamente formale: e non è reale, perché, 1. poi, nella coscienza delle persone, può entrare, soltanto, lo Spirito Santo. 2. e, il sacramento del battesimo, può essere amministrato legalmente, da ogni cristiano, già battezzato in precedenza.

@CustodeDellaFede ---- to pretend to be you a true Christian? you're an abomination! dirty, cruel, evil one! but, I am a politician, and a politician hurts, only criminals .. and then, Jesus said: "He who is without sin cast the first stone!" but, I do not think, really, that you can throw stone against someone ... which is a shame for you, because, as a religious maniac that, you are?, you must hate the sin and not the sinner! --- per pretendere di essere tu un cristiano? tu sei sporco, crudele, maligno! io sono un politico, ed un politico fa del male soltanto ai criminali, .. e poi, Gesù ha detto: "chi è senza peccato, scagli la prima pietra!" ma, io non credo, proprio, che, tu puoi scagliare pietra, contro, qualcuno... cosa che è per te una infamia, perché come religioso maniaco?, tu devi odiare il peccato e non il peccatore!

ok! predere nota! fare del male a "GrizzlY AdamS"

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1_7.[sorry, c'è Gandi e Gesù: contro, il FMI 666, NWO 322] è vero che, io ho detto, non ha nessuna importanza per me, circa, tutto quello, che, le persone vogliono credere, o non credere. Io non sono interessato, alla religione delle persone. Quindi, io non avrei mai immaginato, che, la METAFISICA, cioè, la sapienza eterna, in forma laica e politica, avrebbe chiesto, di obbligare, al cristianesimo: "interiore" tutti i popoli, per superare, tutti i motivi di conflitto, pacificamente. perché, "la favola del cristianesimo", è il valore assolutamente, più nobile, che, esiste, ecco perché, ad incominciare dai satanisti, come, anche, tutte le altre religioni, e tutte le altre: ideologie, hanno fatto sempre del male, ai cristiani innocenti(perché, tutti loro, a questo livello, di degradazione sono stati condotti dai possessori del potere più vasto, oscuro, e, occulto della storia, gli Illuminati, i padroni farisei, del FMI).

2_7.[sorry, c'è Gandi e Gesù: contro, il FMI 666, NWO 322] Bene: ha detto: il Ministro degli interni dell'India: "non esiste, nessuna difficoltà, che, può incrinare: le amichevoli relazioni, tra, India ed Italia", ed io ho pensato, che, è soltanto, il FMI-NWO, che, ha disperatamente bisogno: di una: III guerra mondiale, per non crollare (perché, non c'è nessuno, che, può fare pagare il suo denaro (in disprezzo di ogni sovranità costituzionalmente, sancita), il 270% del suo valore: fonte: Scienziato Giacinto Auriti) senza portare, alla disperazione, i popoli, e quindi, lui ha anche, mille strumenti, per portare, i popoli, sul piano del conflitto armato. ma, se, grazie, ai valori Cristiani, di perdono, amore, compassione, uguaglianza, e soprattutto di donazione, di se stessi, che, Gesù ha certamente, dimostrato nella sua vita, noi possiamo superare: negli insegnamenti del Vangelo, ogni evento conflittuale.

3_7.[sorry, c'è Gandi e Gesù: contro, il FMI 666, NWO 322] (e non dobbiamo dimenticare, come, l'Induista Gandhi(è stato ad un solo: passo, da diventare cristiano, lui stesso), ha vissuto: tutti i principi evangelici: della compassione: solidarietà, e della non violenza), tutti i momenti: più critici, e quindi, sul loro: perfetto esempio, noi possiamo evitare, in questo modo, la III guerra mondiale, che, gli Illuminati hanno già pianificato. in questo modo, sarà: il FMI a crollare da solo, ed io voglio assistere, al mometo: in cui, tutti gli Illuminati finiranno in galera. se: quindi, noi tutti fingiamo, anche, in modo, solamente, esteriore: di aderire ai valori evangelici (dichiarando, formalmente, noi stessi, su tutto il pianeta, di essere, diventati tutti cristiani), dopo, che, per secoli, la sinagoga di satana, prendendo, il monopolio, del potere reale, attraverso, al fondazione della banca di Inghilterra,

4_7.[sorry, c'è Gandi e Gesù: contro, il FMI 666, NWO 322] ha tentato di distruggere, in tutti i modi, tali valori evangelici(inventando, comunismo, democrazia massonica, ecc.. ed attraverso, le infiltrazioni, nella gerarchia ecclesiastica, stessa, cioè, i mannari"), ecco che, noi possiamo realizzare, una civiltà dell'amore, e della solidarietà, e sconfiggere, sul piano culturale, e, spirituale, la malvagità, satanica del talmud: dei farisei: cioè, il nazismo, del processo, di schiavizzazione dei goym, gli animali, dalla forma umana, creati dal loro demonio dio, per fare, soltanto, la felicità degli ebrei, i satanici sfruttatori e commercianti di schiavi. Ecco perché, da un punto di vista laico, cioè, al di fuori di ogni religione, il simbolo del crocifisso, deve diventare, il simbolo stesso, della unità, del genere umano, e deve essere rappresentato, in ogni pubblico ufficio,

5_7.[sorry, c'è Gandi e Gesù: contro, il FMI 666, NWO 322] come è: proprio, dello Stato italiano, che, è per l'appunto, rappresenta se stesso, nel crocifisso, mentre, in realtà, è uno stato laico, aconfessionale, anticlericale e massonico, di fatto assai ostile: al cristianesimo. quindi, soltanto, grazie a questa unità universale, dei valori evangelici, la III guerra mondiale: potrà essere evitata. Così, anche se, soltanto, sul piano formale, tutti anche, se, atei, devono dichiarare, di essere cristiani e di fare riferimento, ai principi evangelici, della non violenza e dell'amore, dei nemici, perché, ogni provocazione, possa essere scongiurata, [(infatti, lo scopo delle assciazioni segrete, è quello di essere segrete anche al loro interno)(è come, il sodalizio, che, i satanisti istituzionali hanno tra, di loro, per poter trarre, un illecito guadagno, dalla predazione di persone innocenti)].

6_7.[sorry, c'è Gandi e Gesù: contro, il FMI 666, NWO 322] cioè, scongiurare, ogni, manovra occulta, delle lobby massoniche segrete, che in funzione del FMI, possano portare i popoli al massacro senza speranza di una III guerra mondiale.. e si possa rispondere, non, con le armi, a qualsiasi forma di provocazione e di conflitto, ma, reagendo, attraverso, il dialogo, l'arbitrato internazionale, ecc.. con la sottomissione, il perdono, richiamando tutti popoli alla eredità spirituale e culturale del Vangelo, per quanto utopistico questo possa sembrare.. il nostro pianeta: è come: una polveriera, e: ogni scintilla: di provocazione(articicialmente ed occultamente posa in essere, dai poteri massonici e finanziari): deve essere affogata: nella umiltà, perdono: e porgere l'altra guancia, e offrire: al presunto nemico,

7_7.[sorry, c'è Gandi e Gesù: contro, il FMI 666, NWO 322] il nostro perdono: in modo incondizionato (come fanno: i martiri cristiani, in tutto il mondo). diversamente, il genere umano, potrebbe: non: poter sopravvivere più, alla propria malvagità. e di questa conclusione, della mia metafisica? io sono più meravigliato, di voi, e di tutti, perché, io non avrei mai potuto immaginare, che, questa è l'unica soluzione possibile, per salvare tutto il genere umano ,dalla estinzione. inoltre, in alternativa, se, voi non ascoltate, ed ubbidite, a quello, che, io ho detto? voi vi potete fare, sempre, questa elettrizzante esperienza, della III guerra mondiale, che è, già stata pianificata, per massacrare tutti i musulmani, insieme, ad Israele (così muoia Sansone, insieme a tutti i filistei).

questo è l'odio dei satanisti istituzionali, contro, il loro stesso popolo, e contro, tutti i popoli, perché ,è questa la agenda del FMI- NWO v

[for the first time, after five years, and after: 14.600 hours worked: in youtube] I was forced to the following: political act: it is an inevitable action to prevent World War III! is not: an act of apostasy, or give up their religious identity, and it is not, the migrate, to another religion, but, it is a call to Christianity, as an act: cultural and political! because: the real cristianity, is an interior act, and that is, to have a personal relationship with God! is the only weapon that people, and all Peoples have, against, the Illuminati Pharisees Satanism: IMF 666, 322, NWO, otherwise,, Israel can not be saved

[per la prima volta, dopo cinque anni, e, dopo14.600: ore di lavoro in youtube] io sono stato costretto a questo: atto politico: che, è un atto inevitabile, per evitare la III guerra mondiale! non è: un atto di apostasia, o di rinuncia alla propria dentità religiosa, e non è neanche, il migrare, verso un'altra religione, ma, è una chiamata al cristianesimo, come un atto: culturale e politico! perché: il vero cristanesimo, è un atto interiore, ed è: avere una personale relazione con Dio! è l'unica arma, che i popoli hanno contro, il satanismo dei farisei: 666 FMI, 322, NWO, diversalemte, Israele non potrà essere salvato

This is why, the human race, can not be saved from destruction, moral, spiritual, political, Financial data, masonic system, for banking seigniorage, ideological, if not quickly becomes a Christian world, this is: a call to conversion for all peoples, but is also a political act, because, Jesus Christ is the way of all things! for me this is not a religious act, because it comes from my political Ministry universal, that is, the Metaphysics, and takes place, for the first time, after 5 years, of my ministry Unius REI, I have given youtube: 5 years (365 days), 8 hours a day, every day, but this is my first act, as the result of a process, political, and not religious .. In fact, the process, of enslavement: of: IMF-NWO satan's synagogue, against, the whole human race, is running only, in the direction of destruction of Christianity,
KingxKingdom ha pubblicato un commento
1 giorno fa

perché, voi avete paura? fare del cristianesimo una religione? significa distruggere il cristianesimo stesso, il cristianesimo vero: è soltanto: una personale relazione con Dio, questo è: il REgno di Dio, "Dove Dio regna: con i suoi attributi di infinita perfezione, e non di satanismo, come vuole l'Islam coranico, ecc.." fare la volontà di Dio, cioè, dove Dio regna con la sua volontà, di libertà ed amore, ed è impensabile, di concepire, che, Dio possa creare l'uomo, per distruggerlo, se, lui non aderisce: ad uno specfico credo religioso.. da questo punto di vista: io dico: "ogni religione è idolatria!"
KingxKingdom ha pubblicato un commento
1 giorno fa

e poiché, Gesù ha detto:"la verità, viene dai giudei", io prometto a voi ebrei, ed a tutti i popoli, di poter godere, il ristoro e la gioia, delle proprie autentiche, religioni nazioni, e storiche, nella vera luce di Dio Amore e misericordia, giustizia infinita, nella fratellanza universale: cioè, la METAFISICA della legge naturale, perché, con il Re Salomone?, il vero ebraismo, andò perduto, ecco perché, lui fu costretto, a dare, a sua moglie: la Regina di Saba, la vera Arca della Alleanza!
KingxKingdom ha pubblicato un commento
1 giorno fa

[chiamata alla conversione] poiché, i Farisei del FMI, Illuminati da lucifero, hanno il controllo: del denaro(dell'Occidente) dal 1200, come, Dante Alighieri ha denunciato: nella Divina Commedia, come, oggi hanno il controllo del denaro: di quasi tutto il mondo, allora, è logico dedurre, che, siano stati proprio loro, quelli che hanno progettato ed indotto, tutte le persecuzioni contro gli ebrei, dal 1200.. che hanno creato il comunismo e la democrazia, hanno impedito, la evoluzione teologica dell'Islam e dell'Induismo, Buddismo, ecc.. tutt, sempre, in chiave anti-cristana. e poiché loro sono la sinagoga di satana, quindi il loro obiettivo è soffocare la speranza di Israele, con l'annientamento della entità sionista, in questo modo diventare cristiani, non è soltanto porre se stessi nella verità della Storia e della Rivelazione, ma, è il modo più efficace per combattere il satanismo del FMI-NWO, anche
.♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession, drink your poison made by yourself, vote Magdi Allam

I have overcome, the fear, five years ago, when Jesus in the Gospel, read at random, from a carpenter, in the chapel of the Oratory, because I did not have with me, reading glasses, said: "No one is the master of his life that is, to live one more minute, as if to say, do not be afraid and, you have trust me, because I know what is best for you! " io ho vinto la paura 5 anni fa, quando Gesù nel Vangelo, letto a caso, da un muratore, nella cappella dell'oratorio, perché io non avevo con me, gli occhiali da lettura, disse: "nessuno è il padrone della sua vita, cioè, di poter vivere un solo minuto di più, come a dire, non avere paura e fidati di me, perché, io so cosa è meglio per te!"
.♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession, drink your poison made by yourself, vote Magdi Allam

to all Peoples --- I know that by becoming Christians, you are involved in too many hardships, and conflicts, but, this is the truth, the kingdom of God is not done, for cowards.
.♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession, drink your poison made by yourself, vote Magdi Allam

@ Jew, Jewish community - it is true, Jesus appeared to many people (also, to many, many Muslims, in which Jesus appeared, that is, where: You can not preach the gospel without being killed), and many of them: have chosen the path of the witness of martyrdom, as he did: even the Pharisee Paul of Tarsus, the greatest of the Apostles, the real founder of Christianity, but we can not think of wanting to ourselves, this apparition, because, every appearance could be misleading, but, indeed, as every intuition of the heart, can not fail. I'm not: the same scientific proof of the divinity of Jesus? if you have not guessed, this is for you, and, for all your staff, call to salvation, for your conversion to Christianity.
.♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession, drink your poison made by yourself, vote Magdi Allam

@Ebreo, ebrea -- è vero, Gesù è apparso a troppe persone(e a tanti, troppi musulmani, a cui Gesù: è apparso, cioè, dove: non è possibile annunciare il vangelo, senza essere uccisi), e molti di loro: hanno scelto la strada della testimonianza del martirio, come ha fatto: anche, il fariseo Paolo di Tarso, il più grande degli Apostoli, il vero fondatore del Cristianesimo, ma, noi non possiamo pensare di desiderare per noi stessi, questa apparizione, perché, ogni apparizione potrebbe essere menzognera, mentre, ogni intuito del cuore, non può fallire. non sono io stesso una prova scientica della divinità di Gesù? se non lo hai capito, questa è per te, la tua personale, chiamata alla salvezza, per la tua conversione al cristianesimo.
.♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession, drink your poison made by yourself, vote Magdi Allam

Jews - is not difficult for a pure heart, to recognize that Jesus of Bethlehem, is why, he is the true Messiah, who was this: the discovery intuitive, of Gandhi! but, partly for the sake of his people, and in part, for the scandal, which the Christians had given, to him, he decided then not to become a Christian .. perhaps the time has come, that Snow White wakes up from his sleep deadly! no one can make: a good investment: for the future: of her children: in do harm to the peoples, through, the banking seigniorage. and all occult power. ..
.♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession, drink your poison made by yourself, vote Magdi Allam

ebrei -- non è difficile per un cuore puro, di riconoscere che, Gesù di Betlemme, è il vero Messiah, che, è stata questa la scoperta intuitiva, di Gandhi! ma, in parte per amore del suo popolo, ed in parte, per lo scandalo, che, i cristiani gli avevano dato, lui decise, successivamente, di non diventare più un cristiano.. forse è arrivato il momento, che biancaneve si svegli dal suo sonno mortale! nessuno può fare un buon investimento per il futuro dei suoi figli, nel fare del male, ai popoli, attraverso, il signoraggio bancario
.♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession, drink your poison made by yourself, vote Magdi Allam

my YHWH - you have seen? are themselves, who call,the their own destruction, as, the evidence which they need in order to believe in You, my God! mon YHWH - vous avez vu? sont eux-mêmes, qui appellent, de la destruction de leur propre, que, les éléments de preuve dont ils ont besoin pour croire en Toi, mon Dieu! मेरे YHWH - तुम्हें देखा है? खुद कर रहे हैं, जो कहते हैं, अपने स्वयं के विनाश के रूप में, सबूत है जो वे क्रम में करने के लिए आप में विश्वास है, मेरे भगवान की जरूरत है! il mio YHWH - avete visto? sono essi stessi, che chiamano, la loro stessa distruzione, in quanto, gli elementi di prova di cui hanno bisogno per credere in Te, mio Dio!
.♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession, drink your poison made by yourself, vote Magdi Allam

/ Channel/UCrPtOvbB3G0gke3y-7R4czw - 是誰,今天,你的反基督比較重要?羅斯柴爾德? 666誹謗者人民之間的仇恨,撒種,NWO322,撒旦,即國際化,建立帝國主義實現:200.000:人的犧牲:在撒旦的祭壇,恐嚇所有政治,議程,即:"塔木德,以實現,在奴役,終於,所有非猶太人,是動物在人類的形式,即自然主義的宗教,進化論,所有三方,隱匿社會的權力共濟會,Bildenberg,秘密社團,的最終毀滅以色列的希望一神論。帝國主義項目的法利賽人,第二個塔通天,新的世界秩序。真正的愛情,是有可能的,"自由意志"所有的人"好,"這是做什麼的,沒有被激勵(直接)從個人利益..此,我UniusREI。
.♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession, drink your poison made by yourself, vote Magdi Allam

/ Channel/UCrPtOvbB3G0gke3y-7R4czw - ですが、今日、あなたの反キリストの重要な12月より?ロスチャイルド?達成のための666悪口を言う人、民族間の憎しみの種をまく人、NWOの322の帝国主義の確立、すなわち、悪魔主義、国際、:200.000:人間の犠牲:悪魔の祭壇の上で、すべての政治的、すなわち、議題、威嚇する:タルムード、へ、奴隷化を達成し

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Posting Date
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Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Hands-Down EvidenceFebruary 7, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Trilobites UnderfootFebruary 4, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Getting A handle On Ancient Dinosaur SightingsFebruary 2, 2013
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Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: IntroductionDecember 26, 2012
The Model, Episode 4


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the King Unius Rei

the King Unius Rei
universal brotherhood