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5 santi che caccerei dal Paradiso se fossi Dio, di Mauricio Artieda  ] ovviamente ecco perché Gesù è salito sulla Croce, per pagare i nostri peccati, non ho finito di leggere questo articolo perché la connessione mi cade ogni 10 minuti e devo riavviarla! QUINDI FORSE LA CONCLUSIONE è CHE NESSUNO PUò ANDARE IN PARADISO A MOTIVO DELLE SUE OPERE MA, SOLTANTO PER LA FEDE, ED IO HO LETTO FINORA, LA DENIGRAZIONE DI MOSé, DAVIDE ED ELIA soltanto [ su questo articolo c'è davvero da avere paura. è UN MODO MOLTRO STRANO: CINICO: DI INTERPRETARE LA BIBBIA: PERCHé, DIO HA GLORIFICATO QUESTI UOMINI DI ISRAELE, MA LUI LI CACCIA DAL PARADISO: COME SE UN UOMO DEBBA SMETTERE DI ESSERE FRAGILE, limitato, peccatore, SOLTANTO PERCHé è UN MINISTRO DI DIO! IO SONO UN UOMO FRAGILE: CHE HA IMPARATO A GESTIRE LA SUA FRAGILITà, ecco perché io sono umile! TUTTO QUELLO CHE IO POTREI FARE COME ANCHE DARE LA VITA MIA? NON POTREBBE MAI ESSERE PER ME UN DIRITTO A POTER ENTRARE IN PARADISO, PERCHé IN PARADISO SI ENTRA SOLTANTO PER GRAZIA E PER MISERICORDIA! dice: " come se i prodigi di Dio, fossero una arrogante manifestazione di potenza su tutti, cira Elia lui dice: "Mi chiedo: se su sua richiesta Dio era capace di inviare il fuoco dal cielo, perché Elia ha dubitato del Suo potere e del Suo amore di fronte alla persecuzione di Jezebel? Il cuore di un vero santo non può avere questo tipo di dubbi. Neanche Elia va bene per me." MA PROPRIO PERCHé ELIA FU RAPITO IN CIELO SU UN CARRO DI FUOCO? PROPRIO PERCHé CON MOSé APPARVE A GESù SUL MONTE DELLA TRASFIGURAZIONE, QUESTO INDICA CHE LE LORO DEBOLEZZE NON TURBARONO IL RAPPORTO DI FIDUCIA E DI AMICIZIA CHE DIO AVEVA CON LORO! ] continua [ Capite meglio di chi stiamo parlando? Immaginate la fiducia che Elia aveva in Yahvè, la sua vicinanza a Dio? Se questo non vi sorprende, vi racconto che la Bibbia non narra la sua morte, ci dice che venne avvolto dalle fiamme e scomparve senza lasciare traccia… Volete di più? Beh, è Elia, insieme a Mosè, ad apparire a Gesù il giorno della trasfigurazione. Pensate! Forse non c’è personaggio della Bibbia la cui santità sia più confermata di quella di quest’uomo… e tuttavia… Vi è piaciuto quello che è successo durante la sfida con i sacerdoti di Baal? Anche a me, ma alla regina Jezebel non è piaciuto affatto, e ha deciso di liberarsi del nostro profeta. Cosa pensate che abbia fatto Elia? L’ha aspettata e l’ha accolta con un sorriso fiducioso? È andato a cercarla per affrontarla? No! Dice la Bibbia che il nostro temibile profeta, quello che aveva sfidato 500 sacerdoti sul monte Carmelo, “impaurito, si alzò e se ne andò per salvarsi” (1 Re 19, 3) Cosa?!? ] [ E PERCHé SECONDO VOI IO SONO UN POLITICO E NON SONO UN PROFETA? PROPRIO PERCHé, SE DIPENDE DA ME IO NON HO PROGETTATO DI FARE NESSUN MIRACOLO, DI TIPO EVIDENTE, IO PENSO CHE GLI UOMINI CHE SONO RIBELLI E PERVERSI, POI, è GIUSTO CHE DEBBANO MORIRE DELLA LORO STESSA MALVAGITà! io sono soltanto la legge del taglione!
le motivazione omosessuali del FAMILY DAY, CIOè, LA LOGICA DELLA FAMIGLIA NATURALE! ] Uno scrittore omosessuale agli anti-Family day: “Io conosco il vostro dolore” lui DICE NOI SIAMO NATI TUTTI DA UN UOMO ED UNA DONNA ED è GIUSTO CHE DEBBA ESSERE COSì, MATRIMONIO E ADOZIONI SONO PER GLI ETEROSESSUALI SOLTANTO! [ No. Qui, oggi, non vi si chiede di cambiare vita. Ciò che vi si chiede, ciò che vi chiedo io, e di deporre le armi e guardare con verità alla storia da cui provenite, da cui tutti proveniamo: un maschio e una femmina, un papà e una mamma, che per qualche ragione, fortuita o volontaria, hanno fatto sì che noi oggi esistessimo. Forse i vostri genitori non sono stati i migliori del mondo. Forse talora possono essere stati persino i peggiori. Ma almeno voi sapete chi sono.

LA TESTIMONIANZA DOLOROSA DI UN FIGLIO CRESCIUTO DA UNA COPPIA GAY, CHE CHIEDE IL RISPETTO E LA TUTELA DELLA FAMIGLIA SECONDO IL DIRITTO NATURALE! La testimonianza della figlia di una coppia gay che dovrebbe farci svegliare, di Dawn Stefanowicz Sono una dei sei figli adulti di genitori gay che di recente hanno presentato degli amicus brief alla Corte Suprema statunitense chiedendole di rispettare l'autorità dei cittadini di mantenere la definizione originaria del matrimonio: un unione tra un uomo e una donna con l'esclusione di tutti gli altri, di modo che i Leggi tutto…
my ISRAELE ] [ il mio ministero politico, se Dio vuole, LUI può darlo ad un altro! ma, io non ritengo, a livello personale, di essere superiore a nessuno, in tutto mondo come una persona: uguale a tutti, ed ogni persona merita il rispetto che, si deve a me: a prescindere da ogni suo orientamento! soltanto, si richiede DA TUTTI, una giustizia ed una verità che siano universali RAZIONALI ed oggettive: perché non può esistere una fratellanze, se anche io soltanto, possa essere messo, su un piano di superiorità! SE è VERO CHE DIO HA DETTO: "VOI SIETE TUTTI FRATELLI!" InutilmEte i sacerdoti di satana in Youtube hanno cercato di far crescere in me, una sovrastima della mia persona! NO, IO SONO UN UOMO COME TUTTI: QUESTA è LA MIA GLORIA, DAVANTI A DIO!
 Read this month's Word from Jerusalem online › Feast 2016 Feast of Taberncales / 16-21 Oct 2016, Join us in Jerusalem this year as thousands of believers from around the world gather to celebrate the faithfulness of our God and show their support for Israel.
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Isaiah 62 Take the Isaiah 62 Pledge to Praym Christians around the world are joining monthly to pray for Israel according to the command of Isaiah 62. We invite you to join this global movement of prayer by using our monthly prayer points.
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Adopt a Holocaust Survivor Adopt a Holocaust Survivor, Through a monthly commitment you can express your love and support for these precious Holocaust survivors by ensuring ongoing quality care and daily therapeutic activities.
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my ISRAELE ] se avete bisogno di miracoli e di profezie? ok! poi, andate a chiederle al mio amico Benny Hinn, io non faccio di queste cose! E se qualcuno non crede nella mia umiltà, dopo tutto quello che, io ho detto, circa, delle cose incredibili sulla mia identità di Unius REI, è soltanto perché lui non ha conosciuto la UMILTà INFINITA DI DIO! e io vi posso dire che, Dio non si ritiene di essere superiore a noi per il fatto di Essere il Signore Onnipotente Creatore del cielo e della Terra! e Nessuno potrebbe mai stare a suo imbarazzante disagio di fronte alla infinita santità di Dio!
TUTTI FUORI GLI ARABI DA ISRAEL! Netanyahu Wants to Ban Arab Knesset Members who Visit Terrorists’ Families zoabi, Odeh, Zahalka, Ghattas [of couse: you to Ban they all: are enemy Israel! ] Israeli Scientists Discover Early Detection Method for Lung Cancer! israel lung cancer detection
WATCH: US Spokesman Finally Makes Sense! (Rejecting Terror) James Kirby Answers Question
cbs ACT NOW! Protest CBS News for Biased, Dishonest Reporting
Palestinian official praises Hitler WATCH: Senior PA Official Says ‘Hitler Wasn’t Morally Corrupt – He was Daring’ Hitler non era moralmente corrotto - Era audace'.. [] OK ADESSO DOBBIAMO ESSERE AUDACI ANCHE NOI! [] Palestinian worker in Hamas terror tunnel. Hamas Terror Tunnels Continue to Collapse in Gaza, Killing More Terrorists
stop_pa_newsletter EU smuggle European Union Diplomat Attempts to Smuggle Millions in Goods into Israel
Israel Holland Israeli-Dutch ‘Innovation Day’ Aims to Advance Mutual Economic Relations
Jews board a train during the Holocaust. Holocaust Victims Seek Justice From Hungary in US Court
mishpatim Living Torah: What is a Jewish-Owned Hebrew Slave and What Does He Teach Us?
SALMAN SAUDI ARABA SALAFITI WAHHABITI ] oggi ti piace Rothschid SpA FED, sacerdoti satana CIA, perché, loro ti permettono di uccidere, così tanti martiri cristiani, i tuoi schiavi dhimmi, che subiscono il geenocidio, in tutto il mondo? Cazzo, sono 30 anni che, tu mi stai facendo contare i cadaveri! Ok! ma, domani quando sarai diventato il porco ingrassato giusto, e tu dirai a me: "UNIUS REI SALVAMI, perché Rothschild mi vuole uccidere?" CERTO IO DIRò A TE, QUEL GIORNO: "FOTTITI! TU E TUTTA LA TUA LEGA ARABA DI CRIMINALI, FOTTITI, TU IL TUO MALEDETTO PROFETA, fottiti tu e la tua MALEDETTA RELIGIONE!" Gentile sostenitore, finalmente il Parlamento Europeo si è piegato e ha deciso di discutere la proposta di definire “Genocidio” l’immane tragedia che colpisce le minoranze religiose, tra cui quella cristiana, in Iraq. La sistematica offensiva dell’ISIS contro le comunità cristiane in Medio Oriente quindi potrebbe infine essere chiamata per quello che è nella realtà: un vero e proprio genocidio! Essere sempre più consapevoli del dato reale e delle difficoltà concrete che i cristiani, in paesi come Iraq e Siria, stanno affrontando ormai da diversi anni è di fondamentale importanza per agire concretamente a favore della libertà di espressione e della libertà religiosa. Per questo motivo l’Osservatorio sulla Cristianofobia ha deciso di dare nuovo impulso alla petizione “Fermiamo la Cristianofobia” per continuare a fare pressione sulle Istituzioni italiane ed europee affinché assumano una posizione inequivocabile contro questo genocidio. Potrai dare il tuo contributo, firmando oggi stesso la petizione cliccando sul bottone qui sotto. [Firma anche tu la petizione!] L’obiettivo è quello di raccogliere entro Pasqua altre 10 mila firme da consegnare al Presidente del Parlamento Europeo Martin Schulz! [Firma anche tu la petizione!] La partecipazione e la collaborazione di ciascuno di noi è determinante per attivare non solo l’opinione pubblica, ma anche per sollecitare chi di dovere a prendere le dovute iniziative a tutela dei cristiani perseguitati! Insieme possiamo fare la differenza per le comunità cristiane del Medio Oriente! E fare la differenza per la tutela del diritto alla libertà religiosa, che sta alla base della nostra società e di ogni democrazia. [Firma anche tu la petizione!] Oltre a firmare la petizione, ti prego anche di condividerla con i tuoi amici, tramite Facebook, Twitter e gli altri tuoi profili social.
È importante poter raccogliere altre 10 mila firme al più presto! E se i tuoi mezzi te lo consentono, ti prego di considerare un aiuto all’Osservatorio sulla Cristianofobia, così da poter portare avanti questa campagna in difesa dei cristiani perseguitati. [Fai la tua donazione!] Spero di poter contare ancora una volta sul tuo aiuto!
Un carissimo saluto, Silvio Dalla Valle, Responsabile Campagna Osservatorio sulla Cristianofobia Grazie al sostegno dei suoi benefattori, l’Osservatorio sulla Cristianofobia continua il suo impegno di monitoraggio e di denuncia in difesa dei cristiani perseguitati!
Una tua libera donazione sosterrà le attività dell’Osservatorio sulla Cristianofobia a tutela dei cristiani in difficoltà! [Fai la tua donazione!]
Osservatorio sulla Cristianofobia, Petizione indirizzata all'anticristo massone: il Presidente del Parlamento Europeo Martin Schulz, Rothschild e sodoma culto: "questa è la fine": 27 Marzo 2016. Considerato: 1. l’acuirsi dei casi di persecuzione contro i cristiani nei paesi dove è forte il fondamentalismo di matrice islamica, dove esiste ancora un regime comunista e dove l’identità nazionale è determinata esclusivamente a partire da una particolare religione; 2. l’incremento, in Occidente, di segnalazioni di intolleranza, di discriminazione e di violazione della libertà religiosa a danno di persone di fede cristiana; Soltanto una vasta mobilitazione dell’opinione pubblica potrà sollecitare le istituzioni europee e internazionali affinché prendano le misure necessarie a porre rimedio alle discriminazione e alle persecuzione ai cristiani a causa della loro fede.
Chiediamo dunque che i parlamentari europei si esprimano con fermezza contro tutti gli atti di intolleranza e di discriminazione verso i cristiani e condannino in maniera inequivocabile quello che è un vero e proprio genocidio delle minoranze religiose ad opera dell’Isis in Iraq e in altri paesi del Medio Oriente.
CIA GENDER OBAMA NATO ONU e ARABIA SAUDITA si stanno divorando tutti i cristiani nel mondo! 27/01/2016, Patriarca Sako: pianificata la persecuzione contro i cristiani! “Non è un segreto” che siano intervenuti dei “giocatori esterni che hanno agito in base alle proprie ambizioni nella regione”.
my ISRAEL ] [ CHI è QUEL CRIMINALE della CIA che in UK, MI DISTRURBA TUTTO IL GIORNO LA CONNESSIONE ADSL chiavetto fastweb, INTERNET? che Dio lo ricompensi: potentemente!
Richard Dawkins: «denigriamo i cristiani ma rispettiamo gli animali», Chris Maxwell. Unione Cristiani Cattolici Razionali, 4 febbraio 2016     L’ex zoologo Richard Dawkins, noto “cavaliere dell’ateismo” fino a qualche anno fa, ha trovato un interessante escamotage per riabilitare mediaticamente la sua figura. Da anni è, infatti, costantemente al centro di polemiche tanto che sono sempre più numerosi gli appelli del “movimento ateo” che invitano a rinnegarlo pubblicamente. Lo considerano controproducente, un odifreddi italiano per intenderci.
Ecco quindi l’idea di far sua una campagna tanto di moda oggi, sopratutto sui social network. Ha infatti paragonato la lotta contro gli allevamenti intensivi degli animali a quella contro lo schiavismo di due secoli fa. Lui e Sam Harris, infatti, sono stati recentemente autori di un inno alla dieta vegana, condannando l’immoralità dei “carnivori” definendoli cittadini irresponsabili. Avendo fallito nell’intento di convertire il mondo all’ateismo – lo ha ammesso Dawkins stesso – vogliono ora cavalcare la campagna del vegetarianesimo, spronando al riconoscimento dei diritti umani per i non umani. Si tratta in realtà sempre della stessa strategia: per negare Dio, si tenta di confutare l’unicità dell’uomo, della creatura. E’ una forma di laico proselitismo, come abbiamo più volte fatto notare. La cosa più curiosa, che pochi hanno fatto notare, è che questa improvvisata militanza contro la sofferenza degli animali arriva da colui che è ricordato per aver paragonato le persone di fede religiosa a dei disabili mentali e che, nel 2012, ha pubblicamente invitato a denigrare i cattolici,«bisogna prendersi gioco di loro, ridicolizzarli! In pubblico!». Oggi vegetariano per “senso etico”, un anno fa twittava: «E’ segno di civilizzazione abortire i feti con Sindrome di Down». Compassione per la sofferenza animale, molto poca per quella dei bambini vittime di abusi sessuali dato che, nel 2013, ha difeso la pedofilia. Nemmeno per le donne, Dawkins, ha mai dimostrato molta pietà: è lui ad aver inneggiato alla moralità del tradimento della propria partner -e delle conseguenti menzogne per coprirlo-, mentre nel 2011 è entrato nella classifica dei peggiori misogini dell’anno per aver intimato ad una donna di non denunciare gli abusi sessuali subiti durante un raduno ateo, per non compromettere la reputazione della comunità. Ecco perché ora ha bisogno di riabilitarsi pubblicamente abbracciando la filosofia vegana, che va forte nei salotti borghesi occidentali. Certo, non si può non condividere il senso di profonda ingiustizia per la sofferenza gratuita fatta patire agli animali, per gli allevamenti intensivi e per i maltrattamenti che subiscono (la Chiesa è spesso in prima linea da questo punto di vista). Papa Francesco ci ha resi ancora più sensibili all’importanza dell’ecologia verso il mondo naturale, espressione della bontà di Dio. Non condividiamo però la scelta etica di ricorrere al vegetarianismo, sia perché riteniamo giusto che l’uomo disponga del creato (senza sentirsene padrone, però), sia perché non la riteniamo una scelta salutare (sopratutto il veganismo, basta considerare la letteratura scientifica in merito), sia perché la riteniamo una posizione ipocrita. Ci si batte solo per gli animali verso cui possiamo esercitare il nostro antropomorfismo -ovvero cani, gatti, balene, orsi-, escludendo ipocritamente tutto il mondo degli insetti (uccisi a milioni dagli animalisti quando si recano ai loro congressi, con le ruote delle loro auto) e tutti gli animali che meno stimolano la nostra tendenza antropomorfizzante (pipistrelli, blatte, piranha ecc.). Inoltre, chi non mangia animali per “senso etico” non si fa però remore a mangiare piante, ortaggi e verdure, le quali hanno a loro volta una vita di relazione, un’intelligenza e provano sofferenza, come è stato dimostrato. Non se ne esce, se non accettando quello che ricorda giustamente il teologo non cattolico Vito Mancuso: «gli animalisti, con il loro sostenere un comportamento del tutto privo di violenza verso gli animali e con il loro volere per gli animali gli stessi diritti dell’uomo, mettono in atto un comportamento che li distanzia al massimo dal mondo animale». Nessun animale cesserà mai di mangiare carne per “senso etico” e mai «estenderà alle altre specie i diritti di supremazia che la natura» gli ha concesso su altri animali. «Tutto ciò, esattamente al contrario del naturalismo professato da alcuni animalisti, mostra in modo lampante lo iato esistente tra Homo sapiens e gli altri viventi. Se gli esseri umani lottano per estendere agli animali gli stessi diritti dell’uomo non è quindi perché non c’è differenza tra vita umana e vita animale, ma esattamente al contrario perché tra le due vi è una differenza qualitativamente infinita». Parole sante, almeno per una volta, quelle di Mancuso. Ancora di più va ricordato ciò che scrive Papa Francesco nella sua enciclica: il rispetto per il creato «non significa equiparare tutti gli esseri viventi e togliere all’essere umano quel valore peculiare che implica allo stesso tempo una tremenda responsabilità. E nemmeno comporta una divinizzazione della terra, che ci priverebbe della chiamata a collaborare con essa e a proteggere la sua fragilità. Si avverte a volte l’ossessione di negare alla persona umana qualsiasi preminenza, e si porta avanti una lotta per le altre specie che non mettiamo in atto per difendere la pari dignità tra gli esseri umani. Certamente ci deve preoccupare che gli altri esseri viventi non siano trattati in modo irresponsabile, ma ci dovrebbero indignare soprattutto le enormi disuguaglianze che esistono tra di noi, perché continuiamo a tollerare che alcuni si considerino più degni di altri. Non ci può essere autentico un sentimento di intima unione con gli altri esseri della natura, se nello stesso tempo nel cuore non c’è tenerezza, compassione e preoccupazione per gli esseri umani. È evidente l’incoerenza di chi lotta contro il traffico di animali a rischio di estinzione, ma rimane del tutto indifferente davanti alla tratta di persone, si disinteressa dei poveri, o è determinato a distruggere un altro essere umano che non gli è gradito. Ciò mette a rischio il senso della lotta per l’ambiente».

Adozioni da parte di coppie gay: i bambini crescono meglio o peggio? Con dati scientifici alla mano vi dimostriamo come molti studi siano limitati e condizionati

VOI VOLETE PROCESSARE ISRAELE, perché farisei non vogliono venire a vivere in ARABIA SAUDITA, e quindi è per questo che, il NAZISMO DELLA SHARIA, Allah akbar morte a tutti gli schiavi dhimmi, questi SONO I NUOVI DIRITTI UMANI IN ONU KABBALAH TALMUD MARDUCK Murdoch Spa FMI, CIA GUFO FED SPA AGENDA NWO NATO? Hamas reports two killed, eight others missing after second collapse. Hamas officials confirmed on Wednesday morning the death of at least two of it's operatives in a terror tunnel collapse. Eight others were reported missing after the underground passageway caved in, according to Hamas military wing, the Izzadin al-Kassam Brigades. The incident the second time in recent weeks that an underground passageway collapsed with Hamas figures inside. Along with the announcement on Wednesday morning, the Palestinian terror group released a promotional video depicting the underground realm of Hamas' tunnel operations along with other apparent militant training. Last week, seven Hamas men were killed when a tunnel collapsed close to the Gaza Strip’s eastern border with Israel, the Islamist group’s armed wing said on Thursday. It said the collapse occurred last week as a result of heavy rain and it took two days to find the bodies and announce the deaths. Mosques across the Palestinian enclave mourned those killed, calling them “Martyrs of the Preparation,” a reference to their work digging tunnels used to attack Israel. Watch Here. Ismail Haniyeh, a Hamas leader in Gaza, said on Friday that the group will never stop digging tunnels and upgrading rockets in preparation for any possible confrontation with Israel. Haniyeh, who is also Hamas’s deputy chief, spoke to a crowd of worshipers in a Gaza City mosque during prayers that were followed by the funeral for the seven Hamas men. “There are heroes east of Gaza City, digging the rocks and building tunnels," said Haniyeh. "And west of Gaza, heroes are testing rockets every morning and every day and it is all preparations." "Under the ground and above the ground, in tunnels and above the ground and into the sky, with rockets and in the sea and everywhere, it is the permanent preparation for the sake of Jerusalem and Palestine, and for the sake of the intifada of Jerusalem and the sake of our people,” Haniyeh said. In response, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said earlier this week that Israel will respond more forcefully than it did during 2014’s Operation protective Edge it it is attacked from the Gaza Strip’s terror tunnels. Netanyahu, speaking to the annual meeting of Israel’s ambassadors and consuls-general, related to the recent Hamas threats and boasts about those tunnels. “If we are attacked from the tunnels in the Gaza Strip we will respond with great force against Hamas, with much greater force then we used during Operation Protective Edge,” he said. “I think they understand this in the region, and in the world,” he added. “I hope we do not need to do this, but our defensive and offensive capabilities are developing rapidly, and I do not suggest that anyone test us.”
Source: Jerusalem Post
The Muslim plan to influence the 2016 U.S. Elections. Muslims plan to influence U.S. Election 2016 with swing states FL, OH, VA, CO, NV, IW, NH, PA
Pubblicato il 26 gen 2016, Muslims plan to influence U.S. Election 2016 with swing states FL, OH, VA, CO, NV, IW, NH, PA. Jan 03, 2016. CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad: The Muslims Can Be the Swing Vote in Major States in the 2016 Presidential Elections. Speaking at the 14th annual MAS-ICNA conference held in Chicago on January 3, CAIR Executive Director and Founder Nihad Awad said: "We have to register every single Muslim to vote in 2016. The Muslim vote can be the swing vote in major states." Awad warned that "life for American Muslims will be difficult" if "those attacking Muslims today will be in the White House," and said that the number of Muslims was growing in the seven predicted swing states of the 2016 presidential elections – Florida, Ohio, Virginia, Colorado, Nevada, Iowa, New Hampshire and Pennsylvania.
Netanyahu Destroys BBC Reporter’s Question at International Press Conference, PM Netanyahu Holds Press Conference for the International Media

dio Darwin religione dogmatica, teoria indimostrabile: ha detto che l'uomo è una scimmia GENDER SOdoma, è finita quindi, la dignità e la sacralità della vita umana: perché, il Talmud ha detto che, tutti gli ebrei senza genealogia paterna, sono anch'essi tutti animali dalla forma goym: non più degni della pietà, ecco perché gli ISraeliani per i sauditi: e tutta la piramide islamica dei salafiti, rappresentano il nuovo genocidio olocausto da realizzare!! Il Regno Unito dà il via alla modificazione genetica di embrioni umani, Nei centri di fecondazione assistita gli "avanzi" di un giorno potranno presto essere utilizzati come cavie umane

esiste una sola Nazione al mondo che, non si si può difendere da una dichiarazione di guerra, portata da un altra nazione (Palestina) e questo stato è Israele! PERCHé ISRAELE DEVE SUBIRE QUESTO MALEFICIO, di aggressione militare, e NON SI PUò DIFENDERE? Israeli Terror Victim Describes His Miracle and Demands: Don’t Give Away Land!     Jew wounded in terror attack
WATCH: Israel Carries Out Major Chemical Attack Drill     Chemical Attack Drill in Israel
Saudi Cleric Says US Tampers with Burgers So Muslims Will Give Birth to Girls     Saudi cleric spreads propaganda
WATCH: Popular Israeli Musician Draws on Ancient Tradition for Inspiration     Mark Eliyahu Music
Divine Retribution? Roof Collapses at Funeral Honoring Terrorists Killed by Tunnel Collapse
chi rimuoverà da questo cazzo di Netanyahu, la accusa infamante, di essere proprio lui un traditore carnefice di israeliani? ]  ISRAELE è l'unica Nazione al mondo che, è aggredita da 66 anni, dal terrorismo nazismo islamico sharia di LEGA ARABA, della Ummah mondiale, e che, ISRAELE non può difendersi! è l'unica Nazione al mondo che, è maledetta dai Farisei Rothschild, MALEFICATA a veder morire la sua gente di terrorismo da 66 anni! AIPAC ONU, SPA FED NWO UE NATO RUSSIA CINA, VOI VOLETE RICONOSCERE UNA NAZIONE PALESTINA CHE NON è MAI ESISTITA E NON VOLETE RICONOSCERE UNA PATRIA PER TUTTI GLI EBREI! VEDETE? TUTTI VOI DICHIARATE DI VOLER PERDERE LA VOSTRA VITA E LA VOSTRA PATRIA ANCHE! GLOBALISTI GOLDMAN SAX NKUSA, la devono smettere di minacciare di genocidio tutti gli israeliani, da oltre 66 anni! Hadar Cohen (19) – Israeli Hero Murdered After Preventing Massive Attack     Terror victim. WATCH: Netanyahu Slams UN Chief for Encouraging Terror     Netanyahu Addresses UN anti-Israel Bias [[ chi rimuoverà da questo cazzo di Netanyahu la accusa infamante di essere proprio lui un traditore? ] [ Fake ‘NY Times’ Paper Distributed by Anti-Israel Activists     fake New York Times. Ramla attack     13-Year-Old Arab-Israeli Girls Stab Israeli Security Guard in Ramla, Obama Mosque Visit     WATCH: In Visit to Mosque, Obama Praises Muslims as Patriotic Americans, Mahmoud Abbas     Palestinian Leader Abbas Meets Families of Terrorists Hours After Deadly Attack in Jerusalem, Indiana BDS     Indiana Passes Pro-Israel Bill in Latest Setback for Movement to Boycott Israel. PA Incitement     WATCH: Family of Palestinian Terrorist Proud of His Attempt to Kill Jews
la NATO CIA e la LEGA ARABA hanno riempito la Siria di terroristi ed ora vogliono mandare truppe di terra a spartirsi il bottino! ] SONO SENZA PUDORE QUESTI TURCHI SALAFITI MASSONI FARISEI SAUDITI CHE HANNO MOGHERINI COME PAPPAGALLO RAPPRESENTANTE, .. E MI SEMBRA GIUSTa la loro pretesa, DATO CHE, tutti i 3,2 milioni, CRISTIANI in: Siria e IRAQ, HANNO già SUBITO IL GENOCIDIO! [ Riad annuncia truppe di terra. Damasco avverte: 'I vostri soldati torneranno a casa nelle bare'. E' l'avvertimento lanciato dal ministro degli esteri siriano Walid al Muallim commentando le affermazione delle autorità saudite di esser pronte a inviare soldati in Siria contro l'Isis
"nessuno abbocca!" come: "nessuno abbocca?" ...Quindi lui fin'ora ha finanziato Hillary Clinton, per fare abboccare la gente? Cioè lui dice che nel sistema massonico la politica è una truffa? ] MI SONO SEMPRE PIACIUTE LE PERSONE SINCERE, PERCHé RENDONO SEMPRE LE COSE PIù SEMPLICI! [  Guardate la candidatura di Hillary che sta sempre piu' affondando", scrive Murdoch su Twitter. "Nessuno abbocca..!
Kim Jong-un [ figlio mio ] SE, TU CI PENSI un poco? se, se tu la smetti di perseguitare i cristiani, chiama il PAPA a dire la MESSA! poi, di cosa ti potrebbero accusare? poi, tu avesti più diritti umani tu, che, non tutta la LEGA ARABA! ] QUESTE CIOLE VALUTANO I SATELLITI DAL PESO! [ Seul, Corea Nord pronta 5/o test nucleare. PECHINO, 7 FEB - Il lancio del razzo nordcoreano è da valutare come un missile visto che il satellite mandato in orbita non ha alcun valore: gli 007 della Corea del Sud - citati da Yonhap - ne sono convinti, ritenendo che Pyongyang abbia tecnologie utili per un missile intercontinentale e che sia al lavoro sul quinto test nucleare dopo quello del 6 gennaio. Il satellite di oggi è stato stimato avere un peso di appena 200 kg, doppio di quello mandato in orbita nel 2012, ma inconsistente rispetto ai tradizionali da 800-1.500 kg. Corea Nord: Pyongyang, satellite in orbita. Corea Nord: oggi riunione Onu d'urgenza

MI SEMBRA UNA BUONA IDEA, DA DISCUTERE DOPO LA IMMINENTE TERZA GUERRA MONDIALE NUCLEARE di ROTHSCHILD SPA FED NWO NATO: VOGLIO TUTTO IO: LUCIFERO JABULLON è DIO, PER ORA, nella attesa degli eventi, NOI CI FACCIAMO DELLE OTTIME BASI NAVALI MISSILISTICHE ED AEREE: CON TANTI GIOCATTOLI NUCLEARI MOLTO PERICOLOSI! Il Giappone vuole dialogo con la Russia per risolvere controversie territoriali, 07.02.2016 Il primo ministro giapponese Shinzo Abe ritiene un'anomalia l'assenza di un trattato di pace con la Russia. Ha promesso di intraprendere "negoziati difficili" con la Russia sulla questione dei "Territori del Nord":

LA MATTANZA DI ERDOGAN, CONTRO I CURDI ERA NELL'ARIA, da molto tempo, lui usa anche, ISIS sharia, per i suoi scopi imperiliastici SULTANATO NEW OTTOMANO: E QUESTO è ANCHE IL MOTIVO PER CUI AL-SISSI HA DETTO AD AL-SALMAN: "OK COMANDA TU IN EGITTO, E FAI IL TERRORISTA DI ITALIANI E RUSSI AMMAZZATI A MODO TUO!" [ Emirati Arabi pronti ad inviare truppe di terra in Siria ] :, perché, quando questi ragazzi di terroristi vanno via? soltanto i loro musulmani salafiti sono quelli che rimangono: quindi, la LEGA ARABA istituzionalizza, il suo genocidio dei dhimmi! E SE IRAN NON INTERVIENE IN FAVORE DEI CURDI IRAKENI? ANCHE LORO SI ESTINGUERANNO IN QUESTA MALEDIZIONE DI GENOCIDIO UNIVERSALE DELLA sua LEGA ARABA sharia! E SE ERDOGAN ENTRA IN SIRIA E IRAQ CON I SUOI PAESI DEL GOLFO? POI, PER CACCIARLI? SARà 1000 VOLTE PIù SANGUINOSO! Esercito turco inizia a combattere nella roccaforte dei curdi del PKK, 07.02.2016) Il centro della città turca di Diyarbakir è diventato teatro degli scontri tra i militanti curdi del PKK da una parte e l'esercito turco e la polizia dall'altra. Il quartiere Sur è stato transennati dai militari turchi. Nel centro della città turca di Diyarbakir, dove si scontrano gli indipendentisti curdi e le forze di sicurezza di Ankara, è in corso una violenta battaglia con mitragliatrici e mortai, segnala il corrispondente di "RIA Novosti dal posto. Il rumore delle armi e delle esplosione si può sentire in tutta la città. Nel luogo della guerriglia sono arrivate diverse ambulanze scortate dalla polizia per poter prendere i feriti. Nel centro di Diyarbakir, considerata la "capitale" dell'indipendentismo curdo, si trova il quartiere storico di Sur. Ci sono diversi monumenti architettonici, in particolare una linea di bastioni, alcuni dei quali appartengono al 4° secolo a.C. All'interno della fortezza si trovano antiche chiese e moschee. Negli ultimi mesi il quartiere Sur è diventato il campo di battaglia tra i militanti curdi del PKK da una parte e l'esercito turco e la polizia dall'altra. Ora la zona è isolata dai militari turchi, che stanno bombardando le posizioni dei ribelli curdi. Il sindaco di Diyarbakir Firat Unley ha riferito a "RIA Novosti" che quasi 50 mila residenti di Sur su 70mila hanno lasciato le proprie case. A dicembre il governo turco aveva annunciato il coprifuoco in alcune regioni a maggioranza curda nel sud-est del Paese, in particolare nelle zone di Sur, Diyarbakir, Cizre e Silopi della provincia di Sirnak, così come Nusaybin e Dargecit della provincia di Mardin. A Cizre e Sur combattono casa per casa i ribelli curdi del PKK e le forze di sicurezza di Ankara. Secondo lo Stato Maggiore turco, da metà dicembre nelle zone dell'operazione anti-terrorismo sono stati uccisi più di 750 ribelli curdi. A loro volta gli attivisti curdi sostengono che la maggior parte delle vittime dell'esercito turco sono i civili: Turchia, serie raid militari uccidono centinaia di ribelli curdi Turchia, arrestati accademici per appello pace con i curdi Turchia, assassinato l’avvocato dei curdi La Turchia minaccia operazioni militari contro gli alleati curdi degli USA in Siria Della politica di Erdogan restano le rovine:

IL PRIMO CHE HA INVENTATO IL DAESH ISIS SHARIA? è STATO MAOMETTO CHE ERA UNO DI LORO! E QUESTO è L'UNICO MODO PER CUI UNA RELIGIONE NAZISTA sharia islamica SI PUò DIFFONDERE NEL MONDO: che poi quel territorio diventa in Eterno un muslims country! MA IL LORO DIO LUCIFERO ALLAH? LUI è FELICE COSì! MI DISPIACE DOVER STERMINARE LA LEGA ARABA, MA, NON ESISTE UN PIANO "B"! (07.02.2016) Secondo la posizione degli Emirati Arabi, la campagna contro i terroristi del Daesh (ISIS) della coalizione guidata dagli Stati Uniti prevede l'impiego di forze di terra, ha dichiarato il ministro degli Esteri Anwar Mohammed Qarqash.

PER DISTRUGGERE DEFINITIVAMENTE LA CIVILTà EBRAICO CRISTIANA E REALIZZARE IL CALIFFATO DI ROMA, I SODOMITI MASSONI BILDENBERG DARWIN GENDER ROTHSCHILD SPA FED SPA FMI, LORO VOGLIONO ATTACCARE LA RUSSIA IN EUROPA PER DISTOGLIERLA DAL MEDIO ORIENTE! IN QUESTO MODO LA RUSSIA NON POTRà SOCCORRERE ISRAELE, COME IO GLI ORDINATO DI FARE!  06.02.2016, NATO pronta al via libera per aumentare la presenza militare in Europa orientaleL'Alleanza Atlantica intende aumentare il suo contingente in Polonia, Lettonia, Lituania ed Estonia, scrive il “Wall Street Journal”. Secondo le attese, sarà il più grande dispiegamento delle forze NATO in Europa dalla fine della guerra fredda:

ISRAELE deve smettere di attendere passivamente gli eventi, e deve agire, ESPANDERSI, prima che inizi la guerra mondiale! Se, lui agisce, brutalmente, anche, la guerra mondiale contro, la Russia può essere evitata, ed, in ogni modo è assolutamente indispensabile che il conflitto mondiale non inizi in Europa! ISRAELE PUò CONCORDARE I PIANI DI ATTACCO, SEGRETAMENTE, INSIEME ALLA RUSSIA, ANCHE PERCHé PER LA RUSSIA è STRATEGICO NON RICEVERE UN ATTACCO DELLA NATO IN EUROPA! Abu Mazen e parlamentari arabo-israeliani rendono omaggio ai terroristi che uccidono innocenti, Nello stesso giorno in cui in Israele vengono condannati (non certo celebrati) gli assassini dell’adolescente palestinese Abu Khdeir, Poche ore dopo l'attacco terroristico palestinese di mercoledì alla Porta di Damasco a Gerusalemme costato la vita all’agente di polizia Hadar Cohen, di 19 anni, il presidente dell'Autorità Palestinese Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) ha ricevuto nel suo ufficio a Ramallah i famigliari di undici terroristi

Forze israeliane e considerazioni morali
Il fatto stesso che si ponga un dilemma morale riflette il carattere più autentico delle Forze di Difesa israeliane
Questa è una storia di cui non avrete sentito sui mass-media, né in Israele né all'estero. A quanto pare, non è abbastanza interessante
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4 febbraio 2016 Attualità
Per non affondare nel “divario della pace”
I palestinesi sono lontani anni luce dall’essere pronti per un accomodamento amichevole con Israele.
E’ possibile opporsi all’attuazione della soluzione a due stati nelle attuali circostanze, pur essendo favorevoli a tale soluzione in linea di principio?
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3 febbraio 2016 Attualità
La miope tentazione unilaterale di Parigi
Perché la Francia dà per scontato che la mancanza di progressi negli ipotetici colloqui tra Israele e palestinesi sarebbe colpa di Israele e solo di Israele?
Un giorno soltanto dopo aver srotolato il tappeto rosso ai piedi del presidente iraniano Hassan Rouhani, il governo francese ha rivolto le sue attenzioni a Israele
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2 febbraio 2016 Attualità
Hamas non esita a usare i malati di cancro per aggirare i controlli anti-terrorismo israeliani ai confini di Gaza
Ecco chi sono i veri responsabili della chiusura della enclave sotto regime islamista
I continui tentativi da parte di Hamas di sfruttare i permessi di entrata rilasciati da Israele a palestinesi residenti nella striscia di Gaza stanno mettendo a rischio il futuro rilascio di permessi e lo sviluppo stesso della enclave palestinese.
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1 febbraio 2016 Attualità
Quei giornalisti occidentali che si coprono di ridicolo
Preoccupante il tasso di ignoranza, presunzione e pregiudizi nei mass-media che si occupano di conflitto israelo-palestinese

Di Khaled Abu Toameh Di recente due giornalisti occidentali hanno chiesto di essere accompagnati nella striscia di Gaza per intervistare i coloni ebrei che vi abitano. No, non è l'inizio di una barzelletta.
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29 gennaio 2016 Attualità
Ubriaco, fumato e imbottito di propaganda jihadista
Ecco “l’eroe della resistenza palestinese”, che ha filmato se stesso prima di uccidere tre israeliani a Tel Aviv
Nashat Milhem, il terrorista arabo israeliano che lo scorso primo gennaio ha aperto il fuoco sugli avventori di un bar a Tel Aviv uccidendo due persone e poi ha ucciso il guidatore di un taxi che aveva usato per allontanarsi dal posto, stava pianificando nuovi attentati
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28 gennaio 2016 Attualità
Quando l’Onu giustifica il terrorismo (ma solo quello contro Israele)
Netanyahu a Ban Ki-moon: “I terroristi palestinesi non vogliono costruire uno stato: vogliono distruggere uno stato, e lo dicono apertamente”
Le parole di Ban Ki-moon "fomentano il terrorismo”. Questo il duro commento del primo ministro israeliano Benjamin Netanyahu alle dichiarazioni del Segretario generale dell'Onu
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27 gennaio 2016 Attualità
Sondaggio: la maggior parte degli israeliani disposta a seri sacrifici pur di accogliere i nuovi immigrati
L’Organizzazione Sionistica ha creato una task force col compito di eliminare le troppe barriere burocratiche
Alla luce dell’allarmante ondata di antisemitismo che ha investito l'Europa, la maggioranza degli israeliani approva l'idea di offrire ai nuovi immigrati maggiori benefici economici e occupazionali anche a scapito degli stessi israeliani già residenti.
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26 gennaio 2016 Attualità
L’Occidente apre all’Iran mentre Teheran indice di nuovo un concorso di vignette per sbeffeggiare i morti della Shoà
Il presidente della Knesset: “Non ci sono parole abbastanza forti per descrivere il disprezzo e lo sdegno”
L'Iran ha annunciato che terrà una nuova edizione del concorso di vignette negazioniste sulla Shoà. Quest'anno il premio del concorso è stato aumentato da 12.000 a 50.000 dollari.
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è terribile porre un DICTAT sul genocidio del popolo CURDO! 07.02.2016 ERDOGAN DICHIARA TERRORISTA UN POPOLO INTERO E QUESTA è UNA COSA CHE NOI NON ABBIAMO FATTO NEANCHE CONTRO TUTTI I PALESTENISI COME POPOLO! Il presidente turco ha commentato la visita dell'inviato di Barack Obama nella città siriana di Kobani, attualmente sotto il controllo delle forze curde. Secondo il capo di Stato turco, gli Stati Uniti dovrebbero chiarire chi sia il loro alleato: Erdogan o "i terroristi di Kobani": NOI CONOSCIAMO I TERRORISTI CHE ERDOGAN HA MANDATO IN SIRIA, E CONOSCIAMO ANCHE L'EROISMO DI COBANE CONTRO I SUOI TERRORISTI!

“La strategia USA: I SATANISTI, ha portato l'Ucraina al fallimento politico, ECONOMICO, MORALE” 07.02.2016(Il governo ucraino sta cadendo a pezzi sotto i nostri occhi: ha dimostrato di essere del tutto incompetente e dovrebbe andarsene, ritiene il magnate ucraino Dmytro Firtash:

    16:23 Diktat di Erdogan agli USA: “o noi o i curdi”
    16:04 Cina preoccupata da possibile dispiegamento sistema difesa missilistico USA in Corea
    15:27 Ambasciatore di Teheran sicuro, primo passo di Russia e Iran verso abolizione visto
    15:08 Russia sicura, USA continuano a sviluppare concezione di “attacco globale”

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Day & Time: June 29th - July 3rd from 8:00 am - 1:00 pm [all criminal too sharia, swine sexual predators pedophiles, rapists, imperialism, of Arab League, for worldwide caliphate,saudi arabia salafis, islamists, wahhabis, for dhimmi slavers] Insight: Boko Haram, taking to hills, seize slave 'brides'
By Joe Brock. ABUJA Sun Nov 17, 2013 8:06am EST. Hajja, 19, who was kidnapped by al Qaeda-linked Islamist group Boko Haram, poses for a picture after an interview with Reuters in Abuja November 6, 2013. REUTERS/Joe Brock. Hajja, 19, who was kidnapped by al Qaeda-linked Islamist group Boko Haram, poses for a picture after an interview with Reuters in Abuja November 6, 2013. (Reuters) - In the gloom of a hilltop cave in Nigeria where she was held captive, Hajja had a knife pressed to her throat by a man who gave her a choice - convert to Islam or die.
Two gunmen from Boko Haram had seized the Christian teenager in July as she picked corn near her village in the Gwoza hills, a remote part of northeastern Nigeria where a six-month-old government offensive is struggling to contain an insurgency by the al Qaeda-linked Islamist group.
In a new development, Boko Haram is abducting Christian women whom it converts to Islam on pain of death and then forces into "marriage" with fighters - a tactic that recalls Joseph Kony's Lord's Resistance Army in the jungles of Uganda. The three months Hajja spent as the slave of a 14-strong guerrilla unit, cooking and cleaning for them before she escaped, give a rare glimpse into how the Islamists have changed tack in the face of Nigerian military pressure. "I can't sleep when I think of being there," the 19-year-old told Reuters, recounting forced mountain marches, rebel intelligence gathering - and watching her captors slit the throats of prisoners Hajja had helped lure into a trap. Nigerian security officials say the Islamists have pulled back after army assaults since May on their bases on the semi-desert plain and are now sheltering in the Mandara mountains, along the Cameroon border around the city of Gwoza. From the hills they have been launching increasingly deadly attacks. The rugged mountain terrain - as fellow al Qaeda allies found in Afghanistan - has proven an advantageous base for a movement that once styled itself the "Nigerian Taliban" and sees all non-Muslims as infidels who must convert or be killed. The United States designated Boko Haram a terrorist group on Wednesday. Western governments are increasingly concerned about the wider threat posed by the group, which wants to create an Islamic state in a religiously mixed country of 170 million and which has ties with al Qaeda's north African wing. Hajja's account of how Boko Haram has adapted and survived in recent months underlines the difficulties governments in the region face. The spread of the threat was underscored by the kidnap on Thursday of a French priest in Cameroon, an attack France believes may have involved Boko Haram. The following day, Nigerian troops raided a base for the group in the Gwoza hills. The army said it killed 29 Boko Haram fighters and was "closing in" on the rebels. FORCED TO CONVERT. The group, whose name broadly translates as "Western education is sinful", has killed thousands during a four-year insurgency against the Nigerian state, targeting the police and armed forces as well as politicians and then turning on Christians in the predominantly Muslim north of the country. The military offensive launched in mid-May, and the fact that large numbers of civilian vigilantes have supported it, has triggered a fierce backlash against local people by Boko Haram. The militants have killed hundreds in the past few weeks, including in massacres of school children. The Islamists dragged Hajja along rocky mountain paths and slept in caves in the hills, a landscape unfamiliar to most Nigerian soldiers, recruited from the plains. She ceremonially converted to Islam, cooked for the men, carried ammunition during an attack on a police outpost and was about to be married to one of the insurgents before she managed to engineer a dramatic escape. She says she was not raped. "If I cried, they beat me. If I spoke, they beat me. They told me I must become a Muslim but I refused again and again," Hajja told Reuters in an interview. Her family name is withheld to protect relatives still living in the Gwoza area. "They were about to slaughter me and one of them begged me not to resist and just before I had my throat slit I relented. They put a veil on me and made me read from the Koran," she said in the Nigerian capital, Abuja, where she is now living. At least a dozen teenagers like her remain in captivity, Michael Yohanna, a councilor in Gwoza's local government told Reuters. Some have married commanders, recalling Kony's LRA, which abducted thousands of "wives" in a 20-year war in Uganda before a truce in 1986. Kony remains a fugitive. A man called Ibrahim Tada Nglayike led the group Hajja was with. On one mission, Hajja was sent to stand in a field near a village to attract the attention of civilians working with the army. When five men approached her, they were ambushed. "They took them back to a cave and tied them up. They cut their throats, one at a time," Hajja said. "I thought my heart would burst out of my chest, because I was the bait." Among those who did the killing was the Muslim wife of the leader Nglayike, the only other woman in the band of fighters. reuters verified Hajja's account of having been abducted with independent figures in the region. Boko Haram shuns the media and none of its members could be contacted for comment. Hajja says the long-bearded insurgents lived a basic lifestyle, eating corn, millet and occasionally meat from animals they stole and which she slaughtered. The group, armed with AK-47 rifles and pistols stolen from police they killed, moved every day around the hills to avoid being tracked by the army and slept in the caves to shelter from the cold and for protection against air assaults. "They didn't use phones but they had a radio," Hajja said. "They would listen to BBC Hausa or Voice of America and jump and shout if they heard about Boko Haram attacks." "TOOTHPASTE EFFECT" . Forced out of cities and semi-desert bases since Jonathan declared a state of emergency in May, the militants have mostly retreated to hills and forests on the Cameroon border. "It's the toothpaste effect: squeeze one end and it comes out the other. They have proven resilient and are adapting faster than the military," a Nigerian security source said. Army commanders denied Boko Haram had any control over the Gwoza mountains: "We are curtailing their activities and I can assure you that ... the insurgency will soon be a thing of the past," Lieutenant Colonel Adamu Garba Laka said. But a Nigerian general asked Cameroon this month for help in fighting Boko Haram, and the backlash against civilians has made the conflict deadlier than ever. According to one security source, in the five months after Jonathan declared a state of emergency in the northeast there were 1,708 deaths in 83 violent clashes, compared with 667 deaths from 117 incidents in the previous five months. Pushing the conflict into poor rural regions, like Gwoza, where Hajja was seized, runs the risk of radicalizing more disenchanted youths and drawing more people into the violence. "Gwoza has disintegrated. We have no schools, no hospitals, no government offices functioning," said councilor Yohanna. "I worry that youths will take the law into their own hands. It will become a war between Christians and Muslims." Insurgents moved freely through the hills and even into the town of Gwoza, Hajja said. Fighters made trips to collect cash, ammunition and weapons from the Sambisa Game Reserve, a forested region where Boko Haram has established camps. Informants, mostly farmers, would warn them of approaching army patrols, Hajja said, adding that the rebels also appeared to have sympathetic contacts among the troops - something Nigerian military commanders deny. "They know the area very well and many people help them because they are afraid or support their cause," Hajja said. On once occasion, Boko Haram commanders were able travel from Maiduguri, the state capital on the plain north of Gwoza, to meet the guerrilla group in the hills. Hajja said her unit carried out dozens of attacks, killing police and anyone suspected of aiding authorities. The longer the insurgency goes on, President Goodluck Jonathan, a southern Christian, will come under increasing criticism from his northern opponents as elections in early 2015 draw closer. He risks growing resentment from a northern population who believe he is out of touch with their troubles. It is also becoming a drain on Africa's second largest economy - Nigeria allocates a fifth of its budget for security. Hajja eventually escaped by feigning severe stomach pains. Thinking her too ill to flee, the insurgents sent her to hospital escorted only by an older woman. Once she was among other people, Hajja threatened to denounce the group to police, prompting the woman to abandon her and flee. "I finally tore off the veil and I cried," Hajja said. "So many times I thought I'd die."(Additional reporting by Isaac Abrak in Abuja and Ibrahim Mshelizza and Lanre Ola in Maiduguri; Editing by Tim Cocks and Alastair Macdonald). Catching Our Eye. This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what's Catching Our Eye. Iranians released two weeks early. Two Iranian Christians have been released from jail two weeks before the end of their sentences. Farhad Sabokrouh, pastor of the Assemblies of God Church in Ahwaz, and Naser Zamen-Dezfuli, were released on December 4, seven months after their incarceration for converting from Islam to Christianity, proselytising Muslims, and propagating against the Islamic regime through evangelism. Source: Mohabat News. Séléka attacks hospital in CAR. séléka forces attacked a hospital in the Central African Republic capital of Bangui on Friday, killing at least a dozen patients, Al Jazeera reports. Gunmen pulled patients from the hospital and shot them. The hospital has been abandoned. The attack occurred as additional French forces began deploying throughout the northwest sector of the country, as authorised by the United Nations Security Council vote on Thursday. 30,000 Eritreans abducted in five years. Around 30,000 Eritreans have been abducted since 2007 and taken to Egypt's Sinai, where they face torture and ransom demands, according to a study presented to the European Parliament. The study, conducted by an Eritrean human rights activist and professors from a Dutch University, says more than $600m has been accrued from families in ransom payments. "[The hostages] are chained together without toilets or washing facilities and dehydrated, starved and deprived of sleep," the report says. "They are subject to threats of death and organ harvesting... Those who attempt to escape are severely tortured."
Source: BBC. Sharia law enforced in Libya. Libya has voted to make sharia law the basis of all legislation. Two years after the NATO-backed uprising that ousted Muammar Gaddafi, Libya is still in messy transition with no new constitution and its temporary assembly caught in deadlock between an Islamist party and political rivals. As in Tunisia and Egypt where autocratic leaders were ousted in the Arab Spring revolts, Libya has seen fierce debate over the role of Islam in its new democracy with the rise of hardline Islamists long oppressed by Gaddafi. "Islamic law is the source of legislation in Libya," the General National Congress said in a statement after the vote on Wednesday (Dec. 4). "All state institutions need to comply with this." Source: Reuters. Egypt's draft constitution explained. Egypt's Constituent Assembly declared on Monday that the draft of the country's proposed new constitution is ready for public review. A popular vote is intended within 30 days of Monday's release. What's in it? The Washington, D.C.-based Atlantic Council has published a close study of the document, including a detailed examination of changes affecting religious freedom. In the draft, Islam remains the official state religion, and the principles of Sharia remain "the primary source of legislation", though the document no longer contains language that defines those principles and instead leaves the matter to the courts. Catching Our Eye. This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what's Catching Our Eye. Peace efforts in Tanzania 'useless'. Christian leaders in Tanzania have said peace efforts between Christians and Muslims in the country have proved useless after the recent burning of two churches. The torching of a Lutheran church in Korogwe and Evangelical Assemblies of God church in Kalalani have caused the union of church denominations in the Tanga region, in northeastern Tanzania, to reject the government's peace platform, which requires Muslim and Christian leaders to discuss various religious issues, and to petition for something more effective. "The situation these days is not good," said Dr Jothan Mwakimage, a bishop, who chaired the Christian group. "We need to come up with another peace committee to be set by ourselves because the government platform has failed to deal with the matter." Chairperson of the defence and security committee, Chiku Gallawa, added: "Peace is important to all the people, regardless of their faith. Therefore, all of us must be responsible for ensuring that the peace we have prevails for the benefit of the present and future generations of this nation." Source: Tanzania Daily News. Terrorist link to torched churches. Russia's Tatarstan Republic is offering 1 million rubles ($30,000) for information relating to the recent torching of several Orthodox churches in the region. Four Orthodox churches were set on fire in the predominantly Muslim Republic in November and explosives were found in the city of Tuban Kama and the Aleksei district, reports Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. Investigators classified the attacks as vandalism and arson, but Tatarstan's prosecutor-general insisted they should be investigated as terrorism. Seven Orthodox churches have been burnt down in the past six months. The Central Spiritual Board of Russian Muslims has condemned the arson attacks, saying: "There is no doubt that such action is an attempt to stir up sectarian discord and ethnic hatred". Satellite evidence of CAR destruction. Human Rights Watch has released satellite images of the destruction caused during a recent attack on the village of Camp Bangui in the Central African Republic.
The images, recorded on the morning of November 23, show half the village burnt to the ground.
The New York-based rights organisation said it has collected detailed satellite evidence of arson attacks on 15 additional villages and towns across the Central African Republic.
The UN is preparing to send a peacekeeping force to the lawless country, after months of violence since the deposition of former president Francois Bozizé in March. Sudan 'tramples' on its people's rights. The chairman of the US Commission on International Religious Freedom, Robert George, says Sudan is continuing to fail to adhere to international religious freedom standards.
Through the imposition of Sharia law, George writes in the Washington Times that Sudan is a particularly difficult place for non-Muslims and for women. "The regime... continues to trample on the fundamental rights of its own people, including the right to freedom of religion or belief," he writes. Christians 'held' in Syrian town. Following a reported Islamist invasion on the town of Deir Atieh in Syria, north of Damascus, Fides reports that Christians are being prevented from leaving.
"The militiamen examine the identification documents of those who intend to leave the city and retain those who have Christian names," states Fides. ASIA/SYRIA - The village of Deir Atieh invaded by Islamists: Christians identified and detained. Damascus - Militants of Islamist factions have invaded the town of Deir Atieh, north of Damascus, spreading terror, death and destruction. As Fides sources in the Greek Orthodox Church report, the attack took place on 22 November. The militants entered the municipal hospital and took hostage the sick. The museum of Deir Atieh that welcomed thousands of works and precious archaeological finds was devastated. Mosques and churches were hit and damaged. Numerous homes were looted and civilians captured and used as human shields. The situation is particularly worrying for Christians. The population, about 25 thousand people, have begun to flee. The militiamen examine the identification documents of those who intend to leave the city and retain those who have Christian names. To be able to leave the village, a Greek Orthodox priest had to say he was married and present himself with a woman: he was allowed to go just because he had an Arab name and had no ancestry or Christian reference.Fr. F.H., who in a note sent to Fides requested anonymity for security reasons, pleads the international community and the Holy See to mobilize in order to arrange for the release of the hostages and save the village of Deir Atieh. It is not clear, notes the source of Fides, what prompted the armed gangs to penetrate the village. Even hundreds of people from Qara, another Syrian village in the mountains of Qalamoun, 90 km from Damascus had found refuge. In recent weeks, Qara had been attacked by Islamist fighters from the city of Arzal. Among the refugees of Qara, who moved to Deir Atieh, there is also the Greek-Catholic priest Father George Luis and all his parishioners.
Catching Our Eye, This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what's Catching Our Eye.
Vatican rejects M.E without Christians. Pope Francis says the Vatican "will not resign itself to a Middle East without Christians". In the wake of reports of millions of Christians fleeing the region, Pope Francis said he was concerned by "the situation of Christians, who suffer in a particularly severe way the consequences of tensions and conflicts in many parts of the Middle East".
But he said he would not rest "while there are still men and women of any religion... whose future is stolen and are forced to become refugees". Source: BBC. Burma on the road to religious freedom. Burma is moving towards greater interfaith freedom of expression, but challenges remain, according to Christian Solidarity Worldwide's Benedict Rogers, writing for the Wall Street Journal. Rogers notes that, while the country has made great strides in recent years, there is an ongoing threat of ethnic and religious violence. However, he states that "the prospect of guns falling silent across Burma for the first time in over 65 years may be closer than ever".
"But at the same time," Rogers writes, "We heard testimonies of sexual violence, forced labour and religious discrimination from Chin Christians. Over the years, Chin state has suffered from a chronic lack of basic services, including infrastructure and medical care, thanks to the previous regime's deliberate policy of subjugation. If real change is to be secured, policies based on ethnicity or religion must end." Burma is predominantly Buddhist, but many of the non-Burmese ethnic nationalities have significant Christian populations, while Muslims may account for up to 10% of the population. Kony urged to surrender in CAR, The President of the Central African Republic (CAR) has been in contact with warlord Joseph Kony, head of the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA), urging him to surrender, reports Reuters. However, the African Union's (AU) special envoy on the LRA told the UN that Kony has "used the negotiations as a window of opportunity" to relocate many of his fighters to north-eastern CAR. The AU has been hunting him since he went underground in 2005. Kony has been indicted for war crimes by the International Criminal Court for his two-decade-long guerrilla war against the Ugandan government. Kazakh pastor's trial postponed, The court hearing for a Kazakh pastor detained since May has been pushed back again.
Bakhytzhan Kashkumbayev, 67, pastor of Grace Protestant Church in Astana, is charged with the psychological manipulation of a member of his congregation through the use of a "red-coloured hallucinogenic drink". Other members of the congregation say the drink is a harmless, non-alcoholic beverage used as part of the church's Holy Communion – to represent the traditionally used, and symbolic, red wine. The pastor was supposed to learn his fate on Sunday (Nov. 17), but his son was informed that the hearing had been postponed. Askar Kashkumbayev was told that a new date will be confirmed on Friday (Nov. 22). No reason was given for the postponement.
Boko Haram targets Christian girls, Boko Haram is abducting Christian women, converting them to Islam on pain of death and then forcing them to marry its fighters, reports Reuters.
Reuters tells the story of 19-year-old Christian Hajja, who was abducted by the Islamist group in July and was then forced to work as their slave. Hajja converted to Islam, cooked for the men, carried ammunition during an attack on a police outpost and was about to be married to one of the insurgents when she managed to escape. "If I cried, they beat me. If I spoke, they beat me," Hajja told Reuters. "They told me I must become a Muslim but I refused again and again. They were about to slaughter me and one of them begged me not to resist and just before I had my throat slit I relented. They put a veil on me and made me read from the Koran." Malaysia's 'Allah' impasse. Published: January 24, 2014 by Matt K. George. Christians remain adamant that their right to use 'Allah' is constitutional. Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on google_plusone_shareShare on redditMore Sharing Services. Should Malaysia's Muslims alone be afforded the right to use the word 'Allah'?Should Malaysia's Muslims alone be afforded the right to use the word 'Allah'?
Abu Emran / Flickr / Creative Commons. "God, what is your religion?" This cryptic question, spotted on a T-shirt at a packed public meeting on religious freedom in the Malaysian city of Petaling Jaya last week, sums up the enormity of Malaysia's 'Allah' controversy.
The wearer was a Malay Muslim woman, according to The Malaysian Insider, demonstrating solidarity with the minority Christian population as tensions rise in the country over who can use the term 'Allah'. The controversy – for which many Malaysian Christians blame the Government – has now reached a serious impasse. The Christian community remains adamant that the use of 'Allah' is their right, despite a ruling by the Court of Appeal last October that 'Allah' was exclusive to Malay Muslims. The word predates the birth of Islam and the ruling has been widely criticised by many other Muslim nations, and by the United Nations. About 64 per cent of Malaysia's Christians come from the Borneo states of Sabah and Sarawak, where the term has been part of their vocabulary for more than 100 years. The indigenous populations of the two states, whose primary language is Bahasa Malay, claim the usage is their constitutional and spiritual right. The Malay Bible dates back to the 16th century and, as the government phases out English in favour of Bahasa Malay, more and more Christians observe their faith in Bahasa Malay. "All the churches are of one mind," said Rev. Dr Hermen Shastri, the general secretary of the Council of Churches of Malaysia. "We are only defending our freedom to practise our religion as guaranteed under the Constitution."
Nevertheless, Islamic conservatives have staged demonstrations outside churches, seized Bibles and continued to vilify the Catholic pastor, Rev. Lawrence Andrew, who took the issue to the courts.
In early January Andrew was questioned over charges of sedition, which drew international complaints, including a piece in The Wall Street Journal. The Malay Bible is titled 'Alkitab' in the local language, which means 'The Book'.The Malay Bible is titled 'Alkitab' in the local language, which means 'The Book'. World Watch Monitor. Following the raid on the Bible Society of Malaysia two weeks ago and the seizure of more than 300 Bibles in the Malay language, the Islamic Religious Department of the state of Selangor (JAIS) posted an advertisement in The Star, an English language newspaper, defending its actions. The National Fatwa Council, comprising the muftis, or Islamic scholars, of the states of Malaysia, publicly backed JAIS's swoop in which they also arrested two officials of the Bible Society. These actions, in a country once renowned for multiracial harmony, go against the grain of a 10-point plan pronounced by the Government of Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak in April 2011 to resolve the issue. The key element of the pledge emphasised that Christians are allowed to print, import and distribute Bibles, referred to as the 'Alkitab' ('The Book') in the Malay language. The Prime Minister has so far refrained from defending his policy, while churches have asked him to speak out and to rein in Islamic extremists. But many Christians say they fear Prime Minister Najib cannot be seen to capitulate on Christian usage of 'Allah', since it would give ammunition to his political enemies in his ruling United Malays National Organisation party (UMNO), who could seek to oust him from office. Since the party brands itself as the champion of Malay Muslim supremacy and the defender of Islam, it provides tacit support to JAIS and Muslim extremists within UMNO. The Prime Minister's ambivalence is unhelpful, according to Rev. Shastri, who said: "The Government should remain consistent. It is the same Government that came out with the 10-point plan. It should also defend the Constitution." The Methodist priest has called on Christian ministers in Government, such as Idris Jala, who was a key architect of the 10-point plan, to impress upon the Prime Minister the need to protect religious freedoms. The 'Allah' controversy began in 2007 when the Government banned The Herald, a Catholic weekly, from using the word. The Catholic Church contested the order and the High Court restored its constitutional right in 2009. The Government appealed that decision and in October 2013 a three-man Court of Appeal ruled that Malay Muslims had an exclusive copyright to the word 'Allah'. Legal experts say the court's decision is flawed and that its ruling, if ratified, should only apply to The Herald and not to other Christian literature, such as the Alkitab, or in liturgy. The Catholic Church has now filed an application for leave to appeal to the Federal Court, the highest legal authority in the land. Liberal Malaysians hope an enlarged bench of 13 judges, including the Chief Judge of the Borneo states, would adjudicate on the issue. The hearing is scheduled for March 5. Whether any court decision will appease the rival sides is debatable. "Nothing is changing," said Bolly Lapok, Bishop of Kuching, the capital of Sarawak, and Archbishop of the Anglican Church of the Province of South-East Asia. "We won't stop using the word 'Allah'." The right to freedom of worship was enshrined when Sarawak and Sabah joined Malaysia in 1963. Christian and political leaders in the two states have threatened to break away from the Malaysian union if the Government forces their hand on the 'Allah' issue.
Most Malaysians are against such an outcome. Given the lack of political will to end the deepening rift, an alternative suggestion was to invite the Rulers' Council, comprising the nine hereditary Sultans, to convene and rule on the issue. The Ruler of the state of Negri Sembilan last week urged Malay Muslims to respect other religions and to live in harmony, regardless of race.
The Muslim Chief Minister of Sarawak, Taib Mahmud, is on record as saying that the use of 'Allah' is not a problem in the state and blames the central government for inciting intolerance and racism.
The Bible Society of Malaysia in Selangor.The Bible Society of Malaysia in Selangor.
World Watch Monitor. Political observers say that religious insecurities are being whipped up to defer attention away from the Government's economic and political difficulties. The Government was recently forced to cut back on decades of subsidised petrol and sugar prices as the national debt has reached unsustainable levels. The inevitable rise in the cost of living has fuelled public anger and protests. The scheduled introduction of a Government Services Tax in April 2014 is set to further escalate the cost of goods. Public corruption, scandals, the lavish lifestyle of ministers and cohorts, and a lack of accountability have all severely damaged the Government's record and the economy in a resource-rich nation. In this volatile mix of rising prices and protests, on top of the 'Allah' controversy, Christians are concerned. The Christian Federation of Malaysia (CFM), in a statement last week, observed: "What we are witnessing is the mad scramble by any and every group to grab media attention… [but] the Christian community remains undaunted in the face of these and no doubt future incidents of this nature." Rev. Dr Eu Hong Seng, chairman of the CFM, added: "We look to the courts of this land to protect, preserve and defend principles of our Federal Constitution." Christians meanwhile have taken succour from progressive Muslim groups such as Sisters of Islam, which rallied to their support, distributing flowers outside a church where Islamists had planned to protest. For this act of solidarity, conservative Islamists demanded their arrests.
Other Muslim protagonists, such as Azmi Sharom, an outspoken law lecturer, point out that nowhere in the Qur'an does it say that 'Allah' is exclusive to Muslims. "Is [Islam] a religion that is so small in its worldview that it can approve of one community claiming the term for God for itself? Is Islam so lacking in common decency and compassion?" he said. Meanwhile, the former Law Minister Zaid Ibrahim blogged: "The unwillingness of UMNO leaders to find a peaceful solution to the 'Allah' issue is a clear sign of the march towards authoritarian rule. Invoking the name of God is just a ruse to gain support for a new dictatorship." The wearer of the T-shirt posed a fundamental question. The ball is now in the court of the Malaysian Government to openly demonstrate that it subscribes to the ethos of its own Constitution, its own 10-point resolution, and that it will uphold freedom of religion for all. Related: Islamic authorities' raid on Malaysian Bible Society questioned by state government. Malaysia's 'Allah' ruling widely criticised. * Churches campaign ahead of Malaysia elections. Malaysia Set to Rule on Use of 'Allah' among Non-Muslims. UK Parliament is told Christianity is 'most persecuted religion'. UK Parliament is told Christianity is 'most persecuted religion', Published: December 04, 2013. MPs also hear that one Christian is killed every 11 minutes. Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on google_plusone_shareShare on redditMore Sharing Services. The Bishop Moussa Coptic Church in Minya was destroyted by pro-Morsi supporters in Egypt, many of whom blamed Christians for his overthrow.The Bishop Moussa Coptic Church in Minya was destroyted by pro-Morsi supporters in Egypt, many of whom blamed Christians for his overthrow. David Degner, Getty Images. The plight of Christians around the world was discussed in a three-hour debate at the Houses of Parliament in London yesterday. Members of the House of Commons were told that the persecution of Christians is increasing, that one Christian is killed around every 11 minutes around the world, and that Christianity is the "most persecuted religion globally". A long list of countries in which life as a Christian is most difficult was discussed, including Syria, North Korea, Eritrea, Nigeria, Iraq and Egypt. MP Jim Shannon said the persecution of Christians is "the biggest story in the world that has never been told". He said that although the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion is enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, there are many countries in which these rights are not given. Shannon alleged that 200 million Christians will be persecuted for their faith this year, while he said that 500 million live in "dangerous neighbourhoods". He added that in Syria Christians are "caught between opposing sides in the conflict", and mentioned the "specific targeting" of Christian-dominated locations, such as Sadad and Maaloula. MP Sammy Wilson said that in Syria, "50,000 Christians have been cleared from the city of Homs", while in Sudan two million Christians were killed by the regime over a 30-year period. He added: "Within the last month, hundreds of people, from Nigeria to Eritrea to Kazakhstan to China, have been arrested and put in prison simply because of their faith, and when they go into prison they are denied due process. They are denied access to lawyers. They are sometimes even denied knowledge of the charges facing them. They can languish in prison for a long time and in horrible conditions… This is not only happening in Muslim countries. From Morocco to Pakistan, Christians in Muslim countries are under threat, but it happens elsewhere too." The recent comments of Baroness Warsi at a lecture in Washington were echoed, including her assertion that "the parts of the world where Christianity first spread is now seeing large sections of the Christian community leaving, and those that are remaining feeling persecuted". MP Nigel Dodds said that the "persecution of Christians is not new", but that it is "staggering" how many Christians are killed today. In Iraq, he noted the words of Canon Andrew White, who had said that Christians are "frightened even to walk to church because they might come under attack. All the churches are targets… We used to have 1.5 million Christians, now we have probably only 200,000 left… There are more Iraqi Christians in Chicago than there are here". Sir Edward Leigh said the remaining number of Christians in Iraq was likely to be closer to 600,000, but that this was still a shocking figure and that "things have become much worse since the invasion". "Within the last month, hundreds of people, from Nigeria to Eritrea to Kazakhstan to China, have been arrested and put in prison simply because of their faith." MP Sammy Wilson. MP Rehman Chishti said: "I come from a Muslim background, and my father was an imam… I know it is absolutely right and proper to have a debate on the subject". He called the persecution "completely and utterly unacceptable" and "a very sad state of affairs". He also quoted his "good friend" the former Bishop of Rochester, Michael Nazir-Ali: "He told me that the persecution of Christians was taking place in more than 130 of the 190 countries in the world at the moment". During the debate, the oppression experienced by Christians in China and Malaysia were also highlighted and outlined. As the British Prime Minister is currently in China, MP David Rutley raised the issue of the sizeable Christian community in China, and asked about the potential establishment of a deeper inter-faith dialogue to engage the Chinese authorities with Christian groups. Meanwhile, a UK-based organisation has claimed that the number of countries posing an extreme risk to the human rights of their populations has risen by 70 per cent in the past five years. Risk analysis company Maplecroft (which researched 197 countries for its annual Human Rights Risk Atlas 2014) says that since 2008 the number has risen steeply from 20 to 34, predominantly comprised of countries in the Middle East and Africa. Syria tops the list, followed by Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Pakistan, Somalia, Afghanistan and Iraq. Thu Jan 09, 2014 2:43. Syria: Survivor Recounts How Terrorists Beheaded a Youth on Homs-Marmarita Road. #TEHRAN ( #FNA) Terrorists opened fire on a car on the Homs-Marmarita road on Tuesday night and then attacked the two passengers, beheading one of them. Firas Badr Nader, who survived the attack, told SANA's correspondent at Al-Bassel Hospital in Tartous that he and his friend Fadi Michael Matta were coming back from work in a hotel in Homs when five terrorists intercepted them and opened fire on the car. Nader said that he was shot and lost control of the car, causing it to crash, and as the terrorists approached the car he played dead, and then the terrorist dragged him and his friend out of the car and tied the latter's hands. He then heard one of the terrorists instructing one of his accomplices to "slit his throat" at which point they decapitated Matta, then they stole all the documents and money they had and fled after trying to burn the car and failing. After he was sure that the terrorists had left, Nader opened his eyes and saw that Matta was lying down covered in blood and decapitated. He said he ran until he reached a friend's house in al-Meshtaye area where he called the authorities, and an ambulance arrived soon at the scene of the crime and transported Nader to Al-Bassel Hospital and took Matta's body to a hospital in Marmarita. Catching Our Eye. Kazakh pastor's trial begins. The trial against 67-year-old Kazakh pastor Bakhytzhan Kashkumbayev has started, eight months after his incarceration for allegedly "harming the health" of a member of his congregation. The pastor has also been accused of inciting hatred, propagating extremism and leading an organisation that harms others. If found guilty, he could face a lengthy prison term. Kashkumbayev denied all charges against him at a court hearing in Astana, the capital, on Jan. 22. The trial was adjourned until Jan. 31 to allow Kashkumbayev's lawyer some time to study the case materials. Catching Our Eye. This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what's Catching Our Eye. Kazakh pastor's trial begins. The trial against 67-year-old Kazakh pastor Bakhytzhan Kashkumbayev has started, eight months after his incarceration for allegedly "harming the health" of a member of his congregation. The pastor has also been accused of inciting hatred, propagating extremism and leading an organisation that harms others. If found guilty, he could face a lengthy prison term. Kashkumbayev denied all charges against him at a court hearing in Astana, the capital, on Jan. 22. The trial was adjourned until Jan. 31 to allow Kashkumbayev's lawyer some time to study the case materials. Source: Forum 18. Syrian Christian beheaded, A Christian man was beheaded last week as he drove home from work in Homs, reports Fars News. Fides confirms that Fadi Matanius Mattah, 34, was killed and his friend Firas Nader, 29, was wounded as armed jihadists opened fire on their car. A priest told Fides that, noting that Fadi was wearing a cross around his neck, they beheaded him. Afghan atheist scared of going home. An Afghan atheist has been granted asylum in the UK for 'religious' reasons, reports the BBC. Brought up a Muslim, the man has become an atheist after six years in the UK and claims he would face persecution and possibly a death sentence if he returned home. It is believed to be the first time someone has been granted asylum in the UK on the basis of their atheism. CAR crisis 'far from over' The crisis in the Central African Republic is far from over, despite the resignation of President Michel Djotodia, according to a local Catholic archbishop. "The shooting has ceased, but the tensions are still there," said Nestor Desire Nongo-Aziagbia, archbishop of Bossangoa. "Resignation is a first step towards solving the crisis." The archbishop added that politicians must now elect someone to "bring the people together". Nearly one million people have been displaced since the beginning of the conflict in March. More than 100,000 are camped at Bangui's airport, while others are sleeping in churches and mosques. Source: RNS. CAR President Djotodia resigns. Central African Republic's first Muslim president Michel Djotodia has resigned from office at a regional summit aimed at ending the violence that has engulfed the country. Djotodia took power from former president Francois Bozizé in a coup in March last year, as head of the now-disbanded Séléka rebel forces. Séléka forces were accused of gross human rights abuses, including mass rape and murder, and of specifically targeting Christians. Violence has continued between the disbanded group and self-defence militias named anti-Balaka (anti-Machete). Christians had protested for Djotodia's removal from power before Christmas. Catching Our Eye. This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what's Catching Our Eye. Herald boss investigated over 'Allah'. The director of Malaysia's Catholic Herald newspaper, at the centre of the storm regarding Christians' use of the word 'Allah', is being investigated for comments made in an article on December 27 claiming Catholics have a right to use the word. Lawrence Andrew, who is also a Catholic priest, is being investigated for "sedition", reports Fides. This follows the seizure by the country's top Islamic authority, alongside police, of more than 330 Malaysian bibles from the Malaysian Bible Society last week because they used the word 'Allah' for God. The Islamic Religious Department claims the use of the word 'Allah' should be reserved for Muslims alone. In a separate development, the Malaysian government has moved to ban the country's leading coalition of 54 human rights NGOs, COMANGO, which reported to the UN Human Rights' Council Universal Periodic Review (UPR) in 2013. The government says most of these NGOs are 'un-Islamic' and un-registered. COMANGO says as a coalition entity, it is not itself bound by registration legislation. During the UPR, COMANGO called for its government to sign the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, of which Article 18 is about the rights of religious freedom. A representative of the Malaysian government defended its religious restrictions, saying they are in the interests of public order. Vatican to hold peace talks. The Vatican has scheduled a meeting for Jan. 13 to discuss the potential for a cease-fire in Syria, ahead of UN-backed peace talks in Geneva, planned to start on Jan. 24. Bishop Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo told Vatican Radio that a cessation of hostilities was vital "in order to allow humanitarian aid, to create humanitarian corridors that at the moment don't exist, and the cessation of persecution against Christians and so-called interreligious martyrdom". He said that Syria's Christians fear they are being targeted systematically by Islamist rebels seeking to oust Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The Vatican said Egyptian politician Mohamed El Baradei and American economist Jeffrey Sachs will attend the meeting. Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair has also been invited. 30 killed in Plateau State violence. Around 30 people were killed and 25 others injured on Jan. 7 during an attack in Plateau State, in Central Nigeria. More than 40 houses were burnt down during the attack, which local media blamed on Fulani herdsmen. Much of the violence is blamed on land disputes between mainly Muslim Fulani herdsmen and the mainly Christian Berom farmers, reports the BBC, in the area where Nigeria's predominantly Muslim north meets its Christian-majority south. Nanle Church update: 11 released. A number of Christians from Nanle County Church in Henan Province, China, have been released after almost two months in custody, although 13 are still being detained. Twenty-four church members were arrested in mid-November, including five church leaders, after a dispute over a piece of land on which the group hoped to build a new church. Source: China Aid. Iranian convert jailed for evangelism. An Iranian Christian convert has been sentenced to one year in prison for charges including evangelism. Hossein Saketi Aramsari was tried at the Revolutionary Court in Karaj, near Tehran. He was arrested in July of last year. Source: Mohabat News. Catching Our Eye. This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what's Catching Our Eye. Egypt's President visits church. Egypt's President has attended Christmas celebrations at Cairo's Orthodox Cathedral: reported to be the first time in history that the President has done so. The gesture of solidarity comes at a poignant time for Egypt's 10% Christian minority, who last year experienced their worst violence, at the hands of lslamists, for hundreds of years. (Source: RFI) Freed priest returns to France. Georges Vandenbeusch, the French priest held hostage for nearly seven weeks in Cameroon, returned to France on New Year's Day. President Francois Hollande greeted the 42-year-old cleric at an Air Force base near Paris early on Jan. 1, after France Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius received him in the Cameroon capital of Yaounde. The Islamist militant group Boko Haram took responsibility for the kidnapping in November. Little has been revealed about the circumstances of his release, though the French government has said no ransom was paid. Source: BBc. Farsi speakers banned from church, A church in Tehran has become the latest to close its doors to Farsi speakers. St. Peter's Evangelical Church in the Iranian capital is preventing speakers of the country's official language from attending following pressure from government officials, reports Mohabat News. Armenians and Assyrians will be permitted to attend the church, but the IDs of all congregants will be passed on to the government, Mohabat adds. In May, the Central Assemblies of God church in Tehran was forced to cancel all services in the Farsi language or face permanent closure. Following this, Mansour Borji, advocacy officer for human-rights group Article 18, said: "I am certain that the AOG church in Tehran will not be the last. If the Iranian government manages to close this church, the few remaining churches that have Farsi-speaking services will follow." Iranian converts arrested. Five Iranian converts to Christianity were arrested while celebrating Christmas together in Tehran, reports Mohabat News. Ahmad Bazyar, Fagheh Nasrollahi, Mastaneh Rastegari, Amir-Hossein Ne'matollahi and another man with the surname of Hosseini were arrested on Christmas Eve at Mr. Hosseini's house and taken to an unknown location. Meanwhile Mohabat News reports that another Iranian Christian serving a six-year jail sentence in Karaj has written to the UN's High Commissioner for Human Rights to complain after his family home was raided, with his wife and children at home. Behnam Irani wrote from prison: "[The] Islamic regime of Iran does not seem to be tired of persecuting the followers of non-Islamic faiths and is seeking to establish a religious dictatorship… Iranian authorities raided our homes and made the sweetness of Christmas bitter for us." More Christians arrested in Nanle. Several more members of Nanle County Church in Henan Province in China have been arrested, China Aid reports. those reportedly detained include the youngest daughter of Pastor Zhang Shaojie, who was himself one of the 24 church members arrested last month. Seven of the 24 were reportedly released, but the whereabouts of the remaining 17 is unknown and they have been denied access to a lawyer. Catching Our Eye. This is the place where we post news updates, quick takes, and links to items of interest around the web. Bookmark this page and visit regularly to see what's Catching Our Eye. One of 'worst ever' years for Copts. Egypt's Coptic Christians are undergoing some of the worst persecution of their 2000-year history, reports CBS News. in its flagship programme, '60 Minutes', CBS reports that Copts hoped Egypt's revolution would improve their fortunes, but instead the last year has been "one of their worst ever". CAR: Djotodia to speak to militias. Central African Republic President Michel Djotodia has offered to speak to the leaders of so-called "Christian" militias, reports the BBC, in attempt to deal with the worsening sectarian conflict. Speaking to French RFI radio, he said he was ready to "extend his hand". A former rebel leader, Djotodia became the Christian majority country's first Muslim leader after a coup in March. Meanwhile, the African Union has authorised increasing the number of troops deployed in the country to 6,000. An estimated 10 per cent of the CAR's 4.6 million population have fled their homes since the beginning of the violence. Lawyers begin hunger strike
Fifteen lawyers who have been prevented from seeing their clients – a group of 24 Chinese Christians arrested in Henan Province earlier this month – have started a hunger strike outside the Nanle County Public Security Bureau. China Aid reports that of the 24 Christians detained, seven have been released, but 17 remain in custody and have been denied permission to see their lawyers. It is still unclear on what charges they are being detained. Retired Iranian pastor jailed. A retired Iranian pastor has been sentenced to three-and-a-half years in prison.. rev. Vruir Avanessian, 61, who is of Armenian descent, was found guilty on Dec. 5 of anti-government activities and promotion of ideas contrary to the sanctity of the Islamic Republic of Iran. the pastor, who is reported to be unwell, has 20 days to appeal. Source: Mohabat News. Bishops arrested at Dalit protest. Bishops were arrested by police in India during a protest against the discrimination of the Christian Dalit minority. Archbishop Anil Couto of Delhi was among those arrested during the protest on Dec. 11. He and several other bishops were taken to a local police station and later released, reports UCA. Protestors were demanding a revamp of India's constitution, which guarantees a reservation of government jobs and places in educational institutions for underprivileged classes, but Christians and Muslims among these classes are denied such benefits on the grounds that their religions do not recognise the caste system.

innocent Diktat Christian Persecution

5 santi che caccerei dal Paradiso se fossi Dio, di Mauricio Artieda  ] ovviamente ecco perché Gesù è salito sulla Croce, per pagare i nostri peccati, non ho finito di leggere questo articolo perché la connessione mi cade ogni 10 minuti e devo riavviarla! QUINDI FORSE LA CONCLUSIONE è CHE NESSUNO PUò ANDARE IN PARADISO A MOTIVO DELLE SUE OPERE MA, SOLTANTO PER LA FEDE, ED IO HO LETTO FINORA, LA DENIGRAZIONE DI MOSé, DAVIDE ED ELIA soltanto [ su questo articolo c'è davvero da avere paura. è UN MODO MOLTRO STRANO: CINICO: DI INTERPRETARE LA BIBBIA: PERCHé, DIO HA GLORIFICATO QUESTI UOMINI DI ISRAELE, MA LUI LI CACCIA DAL PARADISO: COME SE UN UOMO DEBBA SMETTERE DI ESSERE FRAGILE, limitato, peccatore, SOLTANTO PERCHé è UN MINISTRO DI DIO! IO SONO UN UOMO FRAGILE: CHE HA IMPARATO A GESTIRE LA SUA FRAGILITà, ecco perché io sono umile! TUTTO QUELLO CHE IO POTREI FARE COME ANCHE DARE LA VITA MIA? NON POTREBBE MAI ESSERE PER ME UN DIRITTO A POTER ENTRARE IN PARADISO, PERCHé IN PARADISO SI ENTRA SOLTANTO PER GRAZIA E PER MISERICORDIA! dice: " come se i prodigi di Dio, fossero una arrogante manifestazione di potenza su tutti, cira Elia lui dice: "Mi chiedo: se su sua richiesta Dio era capace di inviare il fuoco dal cielo, perché Elia ha dubitato del Suo potere e del Suo amore di fronte alla persecuzione di Jezebel? Il cuore di un vero santo non può avere questo tipo di dubbi. Neanche Elia va bene per me." MA PROPRIO PERCHé ELIA FU RAPITO IN CIELO SU UN CARRO DI FUOCO? PROPRIO PERCHé CON MOSé APPARVE A GESù SUL MONTE DELLA TRASFIGURAZIONE, QUESTO INDICA CHE LE LORO DEBOLEZZE NON TURBARONO IL RAPPORTO DI FIDUCIA E DI AMICIZIA CHE DIO AVEVA CON LORO! ] continua [ Capite meglio di chi stiamo parlando? Immaginate la fiducia che Elia aveva in Yahvè, la sua vicinanza a Dio? Se questo non vi sorprende, vi racconto che la Bibbia non narra la sua morte, ci dice che venne avvolto dalle fiamme e scomparve senza lasciare traccia… Volete di più? Beh, è Elia, insieme a Mosè, ad apparire a Gesù il giorno della trasfigurazione. Pensate! Forse non c’è personaggio della Bibbia la cui santità sia più confermata di quella di quest’uomo… e tuttavia… Vi è piaciuto quello che è successo durante la sfida con i sacerdoti di Baal? Anche a me, ma alla regina Jezebel non è piaciuto affatto, e ha deciso di liberarsi del nostro profeta. Cosa pensate che abbia fatto Elia? L’ha aspettata e l’ha accolta con un sorriso fiducioso? È andato a cercarla per affrontarla? No! Dice la Bibbia che il nostro temibile profeta, quello che aveva sfidato 500 sacerdoti sul monte Carmelo, “impaurito, si alzò e se ne andò per salvarsi” (1 Re 19, 3) Cosa?!? ] [ E PERCHé SECONDO VOI IO SONO UN POLITICO E NON SONO UN PROFETA? PROPRIO PERCHé, SE DIPENDE DA ME IO NON HO PROGETTATO DI FARE NESSUN MIRACOLO, DI TIPO EVIDENTE, IO PENSO CHE GLI UOMINI CHE SONO RIBELLI E PERVERSI, POI, è GIUSTO CHE DEBBANO MORIRE DELLA LORO STESSA MALVAGITà! io sono soltanto la legge del taglione!
le motivazione omosessuali del FAMILY DAY, CIOè, LA LOGICA DELLA FAMIGLIA NATURALE! ] Uno scrittore omosessuale agli anti-Family day: “Io conosco il vostro dolore” lui DICE NOI SIAMO NATI TUTTI DA UN UOMO ED UNA DONNA ED è GIUSTO CHE DEBBA ESSERE COSì, MATRIMONIO E ADOZIONI SONO PER GLI ETEROSESSUALI SOLTANTO! [ No. Qui, oggi, non vi si chiede di cambiare vita. Ciò che vi si chiede, ciò che vi chiedo io, e di deporre le armi e guardare con verità alla storia da cui provenite, da cui tutti proveniamo: un maschio e una femmina, un papà e una mamma, che per qualche ragione, fortuita o volontaria, hanno fatto sì che noi oggi esistessimo. Forse i vostri genitori non sono stati i migliori del mondo. Forse talora possono essere stati persino i peggiori. Ma almeno voi sapete chi sono.

LA TESTIMONIANZA DOLOROSA DI UN FIGLIO CRESCIUTO DA UNA COPPIA GAY, CHE CHIEDE IL RISPETTO E LA TUTELA DELLA FAMIGLIA SECONDO IL DIRITTO NATURALE! La testimonianza della figlia di una coppia gay che dovrebbe farci svegliare, di Dawn Stefanowicz Sono una dei sei figli adulti di genitori gay che di recente hanno presentato degli amicus brief alla Corte Suprema statunitense chiedendole di rispettare l'autorità dei cittadini di mantenere la definizione originaria del matrimonio: un unione tra un uomo e una donna con l'esclusione di tutti gli altri, di modo che i Leggi tutto…
my ISRAELE ] [ il mio ministero politico, se Dio vuole, LUI può darlo ad un altro! ma, io non ritengo, a livello personale, di essere superiore a nessuno, in tutto mondo come una persona: uguale a tutti, ed ogni persona merita il rispetto che, si deve a me: a prescindere da ogni suo orientamento! soltanto, si richiede DA TUTTI, una giustizia ed una verità che siano universali RAZIONALI ed oggettive: perché non può esistere una fratellanze, se anche io soltanto, possa essere messo, su un piano di superiorità! SE è VERO CHE DIO HA DETTO: "VOI SIETE TUTTI FRATELLI!" InutilmEte i sacerdoti di satana in Youtube hanno cercato di far crescere in me, una sovrastima della mia persona! NO, IO SONO UN UOMO COME TUTTI: QUESTA è LA MIA GLORIA, DAVANTI A DIO!
 Read this month's Word from Jerusalem online › Feast 2016 Feast of Taberncales / 16-21 Oct 2016, Join us in Jerusalem this year as thousands of believers from around the world gather to celebrate the faithfulness of our God and show their support for Israel.
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Isaiah 62 Take the Isaiah 62 Pledge to Praym Christians around the world are joining monthly to pray for Israel according to the command of Isaiah 62. We invite you to join this global movement of prayer by using our monthly prayer points.
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Adopt a Holocaust Survivor Adopt a Holocaust Survivor, Through a monthly commitment you can express your love and support for these precious Holocaust survivors by ensuring ongoing quality care and daily therapeutic activities.
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my ISRAELE ] se avete bisogno di miracoli e di profezie? ok! poi, andate a chiederle al mio amico Benny Hinn, io non faccio di queste cose! E se qualcuno non crede nella mia umiltà, dopo tutto quello che, io ho detto, circa, delle cose incredibili sulla mia identità di Unius REI, è soltanto perché lui non ha conosciuto la UMILTà INFINITA DI DIO! e io vi posso dire che, Dio non si ritiene di essere superiore a noi per il fatto di Essere il Signore Onnipotente Creatore del cielo e della Terra! e Nessuno potrebbe mai stare a suo imbarazzante disagio di fronte alla infinita santità di Dio!
TUTTI FUORI GLI ARABI DA ISRAEL! Netanyahu Wants to Ban Arab Knesset Members who Visit Terrorists’ Families zoabi, Odeh, Zahalka, Ghattas [of couse: you to Ban they all: are enemy Israel! ] Israeli Scientists Discover Early Detection Method for Lung Cancer! israel lung cancer detection
WATCH: US Spokesman Finally Makes Sense! (Rejecting Terror) James Kirby Answers Question
cbs ACT NOW! Protest CBS News for Biased, Dishonest Reporting
Palestinian official praises Hitler WATCH: Senior PA Official Says ‘Hitler Wasn’t Morally Corrupt – He was Daring’ Hitler non era moralmente corrotto - Era audace'.. [] OK ADESSO DOBBIAMO ESSERE AUDACI ANCHE NOI! [] Palestinian worker in Hamas terror tunnel. Hamas Terror Tunnels Continue to Collapse in Gaza, Killing More Terrorists
stop_pa_newsletter EU smuggle European Union Diplomat Attempts to Smuggle Millions in Goods into Israel
Israel Holland Israeli-Dutch ‘Innovation Day’ Aims to Advance Mutual Economic Relations
Jews board a train during the Holocaust. Holocaust Victims Seek Justice From Hungary in US Court
mishpatim Living Torah: What is a Jewish-Owned Hebrew Slave and What Does He Teach Us?
SALMAN SAUDI ARABA SALAFITI WAHHABITI ] oggi ti piace Rothschid SpA FED, sacerdoti satana CIA, perché, loro ti permettono di uccidere, così tanti martiri cristiani, i tuoi schiavi dhimmi, che subiscono il geenocidio, in tutto il mondo? Cazzo, sono 30 anni che, tu mi stai facendo contare i cadaveri! Ok! ma, domani quando sarai diventato il porco ingrassato giusto, e tu dirai a me: "UNIUS REI SALVAMI, perché Rothschild mi vuole uccidere?" CERTO IO DIRò A TE, QUEL GIORNO: "FOTTITI! TU E TUTTA LA TUA LEGA ARABA DI CRIMINALI, FOTTITI, TU IL TUO MALEDETTO PROFETA, fottiti tu e la tua MALEDETTA RELIGIONE!" Gentile sostenitore, finalmente il Parlamento Europeo si è piegato e ha deciso di discutere la proposta di definire “Genocidio” l’immane tragedia che colpisce le minoranze religiose, tra cui quella cristiana, in Iraq. La sistematica offensiva dell’ISIS contro le comunità cristiane in Medio Oriente quindi potrebbe infine essere chiamata per quello che è nella realtà: un vero e proprio genocidio! Essere sempre più consapevoli del dato reale e delle difficoltà concrete che i cristiani, in paesi come Iraq e Siria, stanno affrontando ormai da diversi anni è di fondamentale importanza per agire concretamente a favore della libertà di espressione e della libertà religiosa. Per questo motivo l’Osservatorio sulla Cristianofobia ha deciso di dare nuovo impulso alla petizione “Fermiamo la Cristianofobia” per continuare a fare pressione sulle Istituzioni italiane ed europee affinché assumano una posizione inequivocabile contro questo genocidio. Potrai dare il tuo contributo, firmando oggi stesso la petizione cliccando sul bottone qui sotto. [Firma anche tu la petizione!] L’obiettivo è quello di raccogliere entro Pasqua altre 10 mila firme da consegnare al Presidente del Parlamento Europeo Martin Schulz! [Firma anche tu la petizione!] La partecipazione e la collaborazione di ciascuno di noi è determinante per attivare non solo l’opinione pubblica, ma anche per sollecitare chi di dovere a prendere le dovute iniziative a tutela dei cristiani perseguitati! Insieme possiamo fare la differenza per le comunità cristiane del Medio Oriente! E fare la differenza per la tutela del diritto alla libertà religiosa, che sta alla base della nostra società e di ogni democrazia. [Firma anche tu la petizione!] Oltre a firmare la petizione, ti prego anche di condividerla con i tuoi amici, tramite Facebook, Twitter e gli altri tuoi profili social.
È importante poter raccogliere altre 10 mila firme al più presto! E se i tuoi mezzi te lo consentono, ti prego di considerare un aiuto all’Osservatorio sulla Cristianofobia, così da poter portare avanti questa campagna in difesa dei cristiani perseguitati. [Fai la tua donazione!] Spero di poter contare ancora una volta sul tuo aiuto!
Un carissimo saluto, Silvio Dalla Valle, Responsabile Campagna Osservatorio sulla Cristianofobia Grazie al sostegno dei suoi benefattori, l’Osservatorio sulla Cristianofobia continua il suo impegno di monitoraggio e di denuncia in difesa dei cristiani perseguitati!
Una tua libera donazione sosterrà le attività dell’Osservatorio sulla Cristianofobia a tutela dei cristiani in difficoltà! [Fai la tua donazione!]
Osservatorio sulla Cristianofobia, Petizione indirizzata all'anticristo massone: il Presidente del Parlamento Europeo Martin Schulz, Rothschild e sodoma culto: "questa è la fine": 27 Marzo 2016. Considerato: 1. l’acuirsi dei casi di persecuzione contro i cristiani nei paesi dove è forte il fondamentalismo di matrice islamica, dove esiste ancora un regime comunista e dove l’identità nazionale è determinata esclusivamente a partire da una particolare religione; 2. l’incremento, in Occidente, di segnalazioni di intolleranza, di discriminazione e di violazione della libertà religiosa a danno di persone di fede cristiana; Soltanto una vasta mobilitazione dell’opinione pubblica potrà sollecitare le istituzioni europee e internazionali affinché prendano le misure necessarie a porre rimedio alle discriminazione e alle persecuzione ai cristiani a causa della loro fede.
Chiediamo dunque che i parlamentari europei si esprimano con fermezza contro tutti gli atti di intolleranza e di discriminazione verso i cristiani e condannino in maniera inequivocabile quello che è un vero e proprio genocidio delle minoranze religiose ad opera dell’Isis in Iraq e in altri paesi del Medio Oriente.
CIA GENDER OBAMA NATO ONU e ARABIA SAUDITA si stanno divorando tutti i cristiani nel mondo! 27/01/2016, Patriarca Sako: pianificata la persecuzione contro i cristiani! “Non è un segreto” che siano intervenuti dei “giocatori esterni che hanno agito in base alle proprie ambizioni nella regione”.
my ISRAEL ] [ CHI è QUEL CRIMINALE della CIA che in UK, MI DISTRURBA TUTTO IL GIORNO LA CONNESSIONE ADSL chiavetto fastweb, INTERNET? che Dio lo ricompensi: potentemente!
Richard Dawkins: «denigriamo i cristiani ma rispettiamo gli animali», Chris Maxwell. Unione Cristiani Cattolici Razionali, 4 febbraio 2016     L’ex zoologo Richard Dawkins, noto “cavaliere dell’ateismo” fino a qualche anno fa, ha trovato un interessante escamotage per riabilitare mediaticamente la sua figura. Da anni è, infatti, costantemente al centro di polemiche tanto che sono sempre più numerosi gli appelli del “movimento ateo” che invitano a rinnegarlo pubblicamente. Lo considerano controproducente, un odifreddi italiano per intenderci.
Ecco quindi l’idea di far sua una campagna tanto di moda oggi, sopratutto sui social network. Ha infatti paragonato la lotta contro gli allevamenti intensivi degli animali a quella contro lo schiavismo di due secoli fa. Lui e Sam Harris, infatti, sono stati recentemente autori di un inno alla dieta vegana, condannando l’immoralità dei “carnivori” definendoli cittadini irresponsabili. Avendo fallito nell’intento di convertire il mondo all’ateismo – lo ha ammesso Dawkins stesso – vogliono ora cavalcare la campagna del vegetarianesimo, spronando al riconoscimento dei diritti umani per i non umani. Si tratta in realtà sempre della stessa strategia: per negare Dio, si tenta di confutare l’unicità dell’uomo, della creatura. E’ una forma di laico proselitismo, come abbiamo più volte fatto notare. La cosa più curiosa, che pochi hanno fatto notare, è che questa improvvisata militanza contro la sofferenza degli animali arriva da colui che è ricordato per aver paragonato le persone di fede religiosa a dei disabili mentali e che, nel 2012, ha pubblicamente invitato a denigrare i cattolici,«bisogna prendersi gioco di loro, ridicolizzarli! In pubblico!». Oggi vegetariano per “senso etico”, un anno fa twittava: «E’ segno di civilizzazione abortire i feti con Sindrome di Down». Compassione per la sofferenza animale, molto poca per quella dei bambini vittime di abusi sessuali dato che, nel 2013, ha difeso la pedofilia. Nemmeno per le donne, Dawkins, ha mai dimostrato molta pietà: è lui ad aver inneggiato alla moralità del tradimento della propria partner -e delle conseguenti menzogne per coprirlo-, mentre nel 2011 è entrato nella classifica dei peggiori misogini dell’anno per aver intimato ad una donna di non denunciare gli abusi sessuali subiti durante un raduno ateo, per non compromettere la reputazione della comunità. Ecco perché ora ha bisogno di riabilitarsi pubblicamente abbracciando la filosofia vegana, che va forte nei salotti borghesi occidentali. Certo, non si può non condividere il senso di profonda ingiustizia per la sofferenza gratuita fatta patire agli animali, per gli allevamenti intensivi e per i maltrattamenti che subiscono (la Chiesa è spesso in prima linea da questo punto di vista). Papa Francesco ci ha resi ancora più sensibili all’importanza dell’ecologia verso il mondo naturale, espressione della bontà di Dio. Non condividiamo però la scelta etica di ricorrere al vegetarianismo, sia perché riteniamo giusto che l’uomo disponga del creato (senza sentirsene padrone, però), sia perché non la riteniamo una scelta salutare (sopratutto il veganismo, basta considerare la letteratura scientifica in merito), sia perché la riteniamo una posizione ipocrita. Ci si batte solo per gli animali verso cui possiamo esercitare il nostro antropomorfismo -ovvero cani, gatti, balene, orsi-, escludendo ipocritamente tutto il mondo degli insetti (uccisi a milioni dagli animalisti quando si recano ai loro congressi, con le ruote delle loro auto) e tutti gli animali che meno stimolano la nostra tendenza antropomorfizzante (pipistrelli, blatte, piranha ecc.). Inoltre, chi non mangia animali per “senso etico” non si fa però remore a mangiare piante, ortaggi e verdure, le quali hanno a loro volta una vita di relazione, un’intelligenza e provano sofferenza, come è stato dimostrato. Non se ne esce, se non accettando quello che ricorda giustamente il teologo non cattolico Vito Mancuso: «gli animalisti, con il loro sostenere un comportamento del tutto privo di violenza verso gli animali e con il loro volere per gli animali gli stessi diritti dell’uomo, mettono in atto un comportamento che li distanzia al massimo dal mondo animale». Nessun animale cesserà mai di mangiare carne per “senso etico” e mai «estenderà alle altre specie i diritti di supremazia che la natura» gli ha concesso su altri animali. «Tutto ciò, esattamente al contrario del naturalismo professato da alcuni animalisti, mostra in modo lampante lo iato esistente tra Homo sapiens e gli altri viventi. Se gli esseri umani lottano per estendere agli animali gli stessi diritti dell’uomo non è quindi perché non c’è differenza tra vita umana e vita animale, ma esattamente al contrario perché tra le due vi è una differenza qualitativamente infinita». Parole sante, almeno per una volta, quelle di Mancuso. Ancora di più va ricordato ciò che scrive Papa Francesco nella sua enciclica: il rispetto per il creato «non significa equiparare tutti gli esseri viventi e togliere all’essere umano quel valore peculiare che implica allo stesso tempo una tremenda responsabilità. E nemmeno comporta una divinizzazione della terra, che ci priverebbe della chiamata a collaborare con essa e a proteggere la sua fragilità. Si avverte a volte l’ossessione di negare alla persona umana qualsiasi preminenza, e si porta avanti una lotta per le altre specie che non mettiamo in atto per difendere la pari dignità tra gli esseri umani. Certamente ci deve preoccupare che gli altri esseri viventi non siano trattati in modo irresponsabile, ma ci dovrebbero indignare soprattutto le enormi disuguaglianze che esistono tra di noi, perché continuiamo a tollerare che alcuni si considerino più degni di altri. Non ci può essere autentico un sentimento di intima unione con gli altri esseri della natura, se nello stesso tempo nel cuore non c’è tenerezza, compassione e preoccupazione per gli esseri umani. È evidente l’incoerenza di chi lotta contro il traffico di animali a rischio di estinzione, ma rimane del tutto indifferente davanti alla tratta di persone, si disinteressa dei poveri, o è determinato a distruggere un altro essere umano che non gli è gradito. Ciò mette a rischio il senso della lotta per l’ambiente».

Adozioni da parte di coppie gay: i bambini crescono meglio o peggio? Con dati scientifici alla mano vi dimostriamo come molti studi siano limitati e condizionati

VOI VOLETE PROCESSARE ISRAELE, perché farisei non vogliono venire a vivere in ARABIA SAUDITA, e quindi è per questo che, il NAZISMO DELLA SHARIA, Allah akbar morte a tutti gli schiavi dhimmi, questi SONO I NUOVI DIRITTI UMANI IN ONU KABBALAH TALMUD MARDUCK Murdoch Spa FMI, CIA GUFO FED SPA AGENDA NWO NATO? Hamas reports two killed, eight others missing after second collapse. Hamas officials confirmed on Wednesday morning the death of at least two of it's operatives in a terror tunnel collapse. Eight others were reported missing after the underground passageway caved in, according to Hamas military wing, the Izzadin al-Kassam Brigades. The incident the second time in recent weeks that an underground passageway collapsed with Hamas figures inside. Along with the announcement on Wednesday morning, the Palestinian terror group released a promotional video depicting the underground realm of Hamas' tunnel operations along with other apparent militant training. Last week, seven Hamas men were killed when a tunnel collapsed close to the Gaza Strip’s eastern border with Israel, the Islamist group’s armed wing said on Thursday. It said the collapse occurred last week as a result of heavy rain and it took two days to find the bodies and announce the deaths. Mosques across the Palestinian enclave mourned those killed, calling them “Martyrs of the Preparation,” a reference to their work digging tunnels used to attack Israel. Watch Here. Ismail Haniyeh, a Hamas leader in Gaza, said on Friday that the group will never stop digging tunnels and upgrading rockets in preparation for any possible confrontation with Israel. Haniyeh, who is also Hamas’s deputy chief, spoke to a crowd of worshipers in a Gaza City mosque during prayers that were followed by the funeral for the seven Hamas men. “There are heroes east of Gaza City, digging the rocks and building tunnels," said Haniyeh. "And west of Gaza, heroes are testing rockets every morning and every day and it is all preparations." "Under the ground and above the ground, in tunnels and above the ground and into the sky, with rockets and in the sea and everywhere, it is the permanent preparation for the sake of Jerusalem and Palestine, and for the sake of the intifada of Jerusalem and the sake of our people,” Haniyeh said. In response, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said earlier this week that Israel will respond more forcefully than it did during 2014’s Operation protective Edge it it is attacked from the Gaza Strip’s terror tunnels. Netanyahu, speaking to the annual meeting of Israel’s ambassadors and consuls-general, related to the recent Hamas threats and boasts about those tunnels. “If we are attacked from the tunnels in the Gaza Strip we will respond with great force against Hamas, with much greater force then we used during Operation Protective Edge,” he said. “I think they understand this in the region, and in the world,” he added. “I hope we do not need to do this, but our defensive and offensive capabilities are developing rapidly, and I do not suggest that anyone test us.”
Source: Jerusalem Post
The Muslim plan to influence the 2016 U.S. Elections. Muslims plan to influence U.S. Election 2016 with swing states FL, OH, VA, CO, NV, IW, NH, PA
Pubblicato il 26 gen 2016, Muslims plan to influence U.S. Election 2016 with swing states FL, OH, VA, CO, NV, IW, NH, PA. Jan 03, 2016. CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad: The Muslims Can Be the Swing Vote in Major States in the 2016 Presidential Elections. Speaking at the 14th annual MAS-ICNA conference held in Chicago on January 3, CAIR Executive Director and Founder Nihad Awad said: "We have to register every single Muslim to vote in 2016. The Muslim vote can be the swing vote in major states." Awad warned that "life for American Muslims will be difficult" if "those attacking Muslims today will be in the White House," and said that the number of Muslims was growing in the seven predicted swing states of the 2016 presidential elections – Florida, Ohio, Virginia, Colorado, Nevada, Iowa, New Hampshire and Pennsylvania.
Netanyahu Destroys BBC Reporter’s Question at International Press Conference, PM Netanyahu Holds Press Conference for the International Media

dio Darwin religione dogmatica, teoria indimostrabile: ha detto che l'uomo è una scimmia GENDER SOdoma, è finita quindi, la dignità e la sacralità della vita umana: perché, il Talmud ha detto che, tutti gli ebrei senza genealogia paterna, sono anch'essi tutti animali dalla forma goym: non più degni della pietà, ecco perché gli ISraeliani per i sauditi: e tutta la piramide islamica dei salafiti, rappresentano il nuovo genocidio olocausto da realizzare!! Il Regno Unito dà il via alla modificazione genetica di embrioni umani, Nei centri di fecondazione assistita gli "avanzi" di un giorno potranno presto essere utilizzati come cavie umane

esiste una sola Nazione al mondo che, non si si può difendere da una dichiarazione di guerra, portata da un altra nazione (Palestina) e questo stato è Israele! PERCHé ISRAELE DEVE SUBIRE QUESTO MALEFICIO, di aggressione militare, e NON SI PUò DIFENDERE? Israeli Terror Victim Describes His Miracle and Demands: Don’t Give Away Land!     Jew wounded in terror attack
WATCH: Israel Carries Out Major Chemical Attack Drill     Chemical Attack Drill in Israel
Saudi Cleric Says US Tampers with Burgers So Muslims Will Give Birth to Girls     Saudi cleric spreads propaganda
WATCH: Popular Israeli Musician Draws on Ancient Tradition for Inspiration     Mark Eliyahu Music
Divine Retribution? Roof Collapses at Funeral Honoring Terrorists Killed by Tunnel Collapse
chi rimuoverà da questo cazzo di Netanyahu, la accusa infamante, di essere proprio lui un traditore carnefice di israeliani? ]  ISRAELE è l'unica Nazione al mondo che, è aggredita da 66 anni, dal terrorismo nazismo islamico sharia di LEGA ARABA, della Ummah mondiale, e che, ISRAELE non può difendersi! è l'unica Nazione al mondo che, è maledetta dai Farisei Rothschild, MALEFICATA a veder morire la sua gente di terrorismo da 66 anni! AIPAC ONU, SPA FED NWO UE NATO RUSSIA CINA, VOI VOLETE RICONOSCERE UNA NAZIONE PALESTINA CHE NON è MAI ESISTITA E NON VOLETE RICONOSCERE UNA PATRIA PER TUTTI GLI EBREI! VEDETE? TUTTI VOI DICHIARATE DI VOLER PERDERE LA VOSTRA VITA E LA VOSTRA PATRIA ANCHE! GLOBALISTI GOLDMAN SAX NKUSA, la devono smettere di minacciare di genocidio tutti gli israeliani, da oltre 66 anni! Hadar Cohen (19) – Israeli Hero Murdered After Preventing Massive Attack     Terror victim. WATCH: Netanyahu Slams UN Chief for Encouraging Terror     Netanyahu Addresses UN anti-Israel Bias [[ chi rimuoverà da questo cazzo di Netanyahu la accusa infamante di essere proprio lui un traditore? ] [ Fake ‘NY Times’ Paper Distributed by Anti-Israel Activists     fake New York Times. Ramla attack     13-Year-Old Arab-Israeli Girls Stab Israeli Security Guard in Ramla, Obama Mosque Visit     WATCH: In Visit to Mosque, Obama Praises Muslims as Patriotic Americans, Mahmoud Abbas     Palestinian Leader Abbas Meets Families of Terrorists Hours After Deadly Attack in Jerusalem, Indiana BDS     Indiana Passes Pro-Israel Bill in Latest Setback for Movement to Boycott Israel. PA Incitement     WATCH: Family of Palestinian Terrorist Proud of His Attempt to Kill Jews
la NATO CIA e la LEGA ARABA hanno riempito la Siria di terroristi ed ora vogliono mandare truppe di terra a spartirsi il bottino! ] SONO SENZA PUDORE QUESTI TURCHI SALAFITI MASSONI FARISEI SAUDITI CHE HANNO MOGHERINI COME PAPPAGALLO RAPPRESENTANTE, .. E MI SEMBRA GIUSTa la loro pretesa, DATO CHE, tutti i 3,2 milioni, CRISTIANI in: Siria e IRAQ, HANNO già SUBITO IL GENOCIDIO! [ Riad annuncia truppe di terra. Damasco avverte: 'I vostri soldati torneranno a casa nelle bare'. E' l'avvertimento lanciato dal ministro degli esteri siriano Walid al Muallim commentando le affermazione delle autorità saudite di esser pronte a inviare soldati in Siria contro l'Isis
"nessuno abbocca!" come: "nessuno abbocca?" ...Quindi lui fin'ora ha finanziato Hillary Clinton, per fare abboccare la gente? Cioè lui dice che nel sistema massonico la politica è una truffa? ] MI SONO SEMPRE PIACIUTE LE PERSONE SINCERE, PERCHé RENDONO SEMPRE LE COSE PIù SEMPLICI! [  Guardate la candidatura di Hillary che sta sempre piu' affondando", scrive Murdoch su Twitter. "Nessuno abbocca..!
Kim Jong-un [ figlio mio ] SE, TU CI PENSI un poco? se, se tu la smetti di perseguitare i cristiani, chiama il PAPA a dire la MESSA! poi, di cosa ti potrebbero accusare? poi, tu avesti più diritti umani tu, che, non tutta la LEGA ARABA! ] QUESTE CIOLE VALUTANO I SATELLITI DAL PESO! [ Seul, Corea Nord pronta 5/o test nucleare. PECHINO, 7 FEB - Il lancio del razzo nordcoreano è da valutare come un missile visto che il satellite mandato in orbita non ha alcun valore: gli 007 della Corea del Sud - citati da Yonhap - ne sono convinti, ritenendo che Pyongyang abbia tecnologie utili per un missile intercontinentale e che sia al lavoro sul quinto test nucleare dopo quello del 6 gennaio. Il satellite di oggi è stato stimato avere un peso di appena 200 kg, doppio di quello mandato in orbita nel 2012, ma inconsistente rispetto ai tradizionali da 800-1.500 kg. Corea Nord: Pyongyang, satellite in orbita. Corea Nord: oggi riunione Onu d'urgenza

MI SEMBRA UNA BUONA IDEA, DA DISCUTERE DOPO LA IMMINENTE TERZA GUERRA MONDIALE NUCLEARE di ROTHSCHILD SPA FED NWO NATO: VOGLIO TUTTO IO: LUCIFERO JABULLON è DIO, PER ORA, nella attesa degli eventi, NOI CI FACCIAMO DELLE OTTIME BASI NAVALI MISSILISTICHE ED AEREE: CON TANTI GIOCATTOLI NUCLEARI MOLTO PERICOLOSI! Il Giappone vuole dialogo con la Russia per risolvere controversie territoriali, 07.02.2016 Il primo ministro giapponese Shinzo Abe ritiene un'anomalia l'assenza di un trattato di pace con la Russia. Ha promesso di intraprendere "negoziati difficili" con la Russia sulla questione dei "Territori del Nord":

LA MATTANZA DI ERDOGAN, CONTRO I CURDI ERA NELL'ARIA, da molto tempo, lui usa anche, ISIS sharia, per i suoi scopi imperiliastici SULTANATO NEW OTTOMANO: E QUESTO è ANCHE IL MOTIVO PER CUI AL-SISSI HA DETTO AD AL-SALMAN: "OK COMANDA TU IN EGITTO, E FAI IL TERRORISTA DI ITALIANI E RUSSI AMMAZZATI A MODO TUO!" [ Emirati Arabi pronti ad inviare truppe di terra in Siria ] :, perché, quando questi ragazzi di terroristi vanno via? soltanto i loro musulmani salafiti sono quelli che rimangono: quindi, la LEGA ARABA istituzionalizza, il suo genocidio dei dhimmi! E SE IRAN NON INTERVIENE IN FAVORE DEI CURDI IRAKENI? ANCHE LORO SI ESTINGUERANNO IN QUESTA MALEDIZIONE DI GENOCIDIO UNIVERSALE DELLA sua LEGA ARABA sharia! E SE ERDOGAN ENTRA IN SIRIA E IRAQ CON I SUOI PAESI DEL GOLFO? POI, PER CACCIARLI? SARà 1000 VOLTE PIù SANGUINOSO! Esercito turco inizia a combattere nella roccaforte dei curdi del PKK, 07.02.2016) Il centro della città turca di Diyarbakir è diventato teatro degli scontri tra i militanti curdi del PKK da una parte e l'esercito turco e la polizia dall'altra. Il quartiere Sur è stato transennati dai militari turchi. Nel centro della città turca di Diyarbakir, dove si scontrano gli indipendentisti curdi e le forze di sicurezza di Ankara, è in corso una violenta battaglia con mitragliatrici e mortai, segnala il corrispondente di "RIA Novosti dal posto. Il rumore delle armi e delle esplosione si può sentire in tutta la città. Nel luogo della guerriglia sono arrivate diverse ambulanze scortate dalla polizia per poter prendere i feriti. Nel centro di Diyarbakir, considerata la "capitale" dell'indipendentismo curdo, si trova il quartiere storico di Sur. Ci sono diversi monumenti architettonici, in particolare una linea di bastioni, alcuni dei quali appartengono al 4° secolo a.C. All'interno della fortezza si trovano antiche chiese e moschee. Negli ultimi mesi il quartiere Sur è diventato il campo di battaglia tra i militanti curdi del PKK da una parte e l'esercito turco e la polizia dall'altra. Ora la zona è isolata dai militari turchi, che stanno bombardando le posizioni dei ribelli curdi. Il sindaco di Diyarbakir Firat Unley ha riferito a "RIA Novosti" che quasi 50 mila residenti di Sur su 70mila hanno lasciato le proprie case. A dicembre il governo turco aveva annunciato il coprifuoco in alcune regioni a maggioranza curda nel sud-est del Paese, in particolare nelle zone di Sur, Diyarbakir, Cizre e Silopi della provincia di Sirnak, così come Nusaybin e Dargecit della provincia di Mardin. A Cizre e Sur combattono casa per casa i ribelli curdi del PKK e le forze di sicurezza di Ankara. Secondo lo Stato Maggiore turco, da metà dicembre nelle zone dell'operazione anti-terrorismo sono stati uccisi più di 750 ribelli curdi. A loro volta gli attivisti curdi sostengono che la maggior parte delle vittime dell'esercito turco sono i civili: Turchia, serie raid militari uccidono centinaia di ribelli curdi Turchia, arrestati accademici per appello pace con i curdi Turchia, assassinato l’avvocato dei curdi La Turchia minaccia operazioni militari contro gli alleati curdi degli USA in Siria Della politica di Erdogan restano le rovine:

IL PRIMO CHE HA INVENTATO IL DAESH ISIS SHARIA? è STATO MAOMETTO CHE ERA UNO DI LORO! E QUESTO è L'UNICO MODO PER CUI UNA RELIGIONE NAZISTA sharia islamica SI PUò DIFFONDERE NEL MONDO: che poi quel territorio diventa in Eterno un muslims country! MA IL LORO DIO LUCIFERO ALLAH? LUI è FELICE COSì! MI DISPIACE DOVER STERMINARE LA LEGA ARABA, MA, NON ESISTE UN PIANO "B"! (07.02.2016) Secondo la posizione degli Emirati Arabi, la campagna contro i terroristi del Daesh (ISIS) della coalizione guidata dagli Stati Uniti prevede l'impiego di forze di terra, ha dichiarato il ministro degli Esteri Anwar Mohammed Qarqash.

PER DISTRUGGERE DEFINITIVAMENTE LA CIVILTà EBRAICO CRISTIANA E REALIZZARE IL CALIFFATO DI ROMA, I SODOMITI MASSONI BILDENBERG DARWIN GENDER ROTHSCHILD SPA FED SPA FMI, LORO VOGLIONO ATTACCARE LA RUSSIA IN EUROPA PER DISTOGLIERLA DAL MEDIO ORIENTE! IN QUESTO MODO LA RUSSIA NON POTRà SOCCORRERE ISRAELE, COME IO GLI ORDINATO DI FARE!  06.02.2016, NATO pronta al via libera per aumentare la presenza militare in Europa orientaleL'Alleanza Atlantica intende aumentare il suo contingente in Polonia, Lettonia, Lituania ed Estonia, scrive il “Wall Street Journal”. Secondo le attese, sarà il più grande dispiegamento delle forze NATO in Europa dalla fine della guerra fredda:

ISRAELE deve smettere di attendere passivamente gli eventi, e deve agire, ESPANDERSI, prima che inizi la guerra mondiale! Se, lui agisce, brutalmente, anche, la guerra mondiale contro, la Russia può essere evitata, ed, in ogni modo è assolutamente indispensabile che il conflitto mondiale non inizi in Europa! ISRAELE PUò CONCORDARE I PIANI DI ATTACCO, SEGRETAMENTE, INSIEME ALLA RUSSIA, ANCHE PERCHé PER LA RUSSIA è STRATEGICO NON RICEVERE UN ATTACCO DELLA NATO IN EUROPA! Abu Mazen e parlamentari arabo-israeliani rendono omaggio ai terroristi che uccidono innocenti, Nello stesso giorno in cui in Israele vengono condannati (non certo celebrati) gli assassini dell’adolescente palestinese Abu Khdeir, Poche ore dopo l'attacco terroristico palestinese di mercoledì alla Porta di Damasco a Gerusalemme costato la vita all’agente di polizia Hadar Cohen, di 19 anni, il presidente dell'Autorità Palestinese Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) ha ricevuto nel suo ufficio a Ramallah i famigliari di undici terroristi

Forze israeliane e considerazioni morali
Il fatto stesso che si ponga un dilemma morale riflette il carattere più autentico delle Forze di Difesa israeliane
Questa è una storia di cui non avrete sentito sui mass-media, né in Israele né all'estero. A quanto pare, non è abbastanza interessante
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4 febbraio 2016 Attualità
Per non affondare nel “divario della pace”
I palestinesi sono lontani anni luce dall’essere pronti per un accomodamento amichevole con Israele.
E’ possibile opporsi all’attuazione della soluzione a due stati nelle attuali circostanze, pur essendo favorevoli a tale soluzione in linea di principio?
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3 febbraio 2016 Attualità
La miope tentazione unilaterale di Parigi
Perché la Francia dà per scontato che la mancanza di progressi negli ipotetici colloqui tra Israele e palestinesi sarebbe colpa di Israele e solo di Israele?
Un giorno soltanto dopo aver srotolato il tappeto rosso ai piedi del presidente iraniano Hassan Rouhani, il governo francese ha rivolto le sue attenzioni a Israele
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2 febbraio 2016 Attualità
Hamas non esita a usare i malati di cancro per aggirare i controlli anti-terrorismo israeliani ai confini di Gaza
Ecco chi sono i veri responsabili della chiusura della enclave sotto regime islamista
I continui tentativi da parte di Hamas di sfruttare i permessi di entrata rilasciati da Israele a palestinesi residenti nella striscia di Gaza stanno mettendo a rischio il futuro rilascio di permessi e lo sviluppo stesso della enclave palestinese.
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1 febbraio 2016 Attualità
Quei giornalisti occidentali che si coprono di ridicolo
Preoccupante il tasso di ignoranza, presunzione e pregiudizi nei mass-media che si occupano di conflitto israelo-palestinese

Di Khaled Abu Toameh Di recente due giornalisti occidentali hanno chiesto di essere accompagnati nella striscia di Gaza per intervistare i coloni ebrei che vi abitano. No, non è l'inizio di una barzelletta.
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29 gennaio 2016 Attualità
Ubriaco, fumato e imbottito di propaganda jihadista
Ecco “l’eroe della resistenza palestinese”, che ha filmato se stesso prima di uccidere tre israeliani a Tel Aviv
Nashat Milhem, il terrorista arabo israeliano che lo scorso primo gennaio ha aperto il fuoco sugli avventori di un bar a Tel Aviv uccidendo due persone e poi ha ucciso il guidatore di un taxi che aveva usato per allontanarsi dal posto, stava pianificando nuovi attentati
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28 gennaio 2016 Attualità
Quando l’Onu giustifica il terrorismo (ma solo quello contro Israele)
Netanyahu a Ban Ki-moon: “I terroristi palestinesi non vogliono costruire uno stato: vogliono distruggere uno stato, e lo dicono apertamente”
Le parole di Ban Ki-moon "fomentano il terrorismo”. Questo il duro commento del primo ministro israeliano Benjamin Netanyahu alle dichiarazioni del Segretario generale dell'Onu
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27 gennaio 2016 Attualità
Sondaggio: la maggior parte degli israeliani disposta a seri sacrifici pur di accogliere i nuovi immigrati
L’Organizzazione Sionistica ha creato una task force col compito di eliminare le troppe barriere burocratiche
Alla luce dell’allarmante ondata di antisemitismo che ha investito l'Europa, la maggioranza degli israeliani approva l'idea di offrire ai nuovi immigrati maggiori benefici economici e occupazionali anche a scapito degli stessi israeliani già residenti.
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26 gennaio 2016 Attualità
L’Occidente apre all’Iran mentre Teheran indice di nuovo un concorso di vignette per sbeffeggiare i morti della Shoà
Il presidente della Knesset: “Non ci sono parole abbastanza forti per descrivere il disprezzo e lo sdegno”
L'Iran ha annunciato che terrà una nuova edizione del concorso di vignette negazioniste sulla Shoà. Quest'anno il premio del concorso è stato aumentato da 12.000 a 50.000 dollari.
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è terribile porre un DICTAT sul genocidio del popolo CURDO! 07.02.2016 ERDOGAN DICHIARA TERRORISTA UN POPOLO INTERO E QUESTA è UNA COSA CHE NOI NON ABBIAMO FATTO NEANCHE CONTRO TUTTI I PALESTENISI COME POPOLO! Il presidente turco ha commentato la visita dell'inviato di Barack Obama nella città siriana di Kobani, attualmente sotto il controllo delle forze curde. Secondo il capo di Stato turco, gli Stati Uniti dovrebbero chiarire chi sia il loro alleato: Erdogan o "i terroristi di Kobani": NOI CONOSCIAMO I TERRORISTI CHE ERDOGAN HA MANDATO IN SIRIA, E CONOSCIAMO ANCHE L'EROISMO DI COBANE CONTRO I SUOI TERRORISTI!

“La strategia USA: I SATANISTI, ha portato l'Ucraina al fallimento politico, ECONOMICO, MORALE” 07.02.2016(Il governo ucraino sta cadendo a pezzi sotto i nostri occhi: ha dimostrato di essere del tutto incompetente e dovrebbe andarsene, ritiene il magnate ucraino Dmytro Firtash:

    16:23 Diktat di Erdogan agli USA: “o noi o i curdi”
    16:04 Cina preoccupata da possibile dispiegamento sistema difesa missilistico USA in Corea
    15:27 Ambasciatore di Teheran sicuro, primo passo di Russia e Iran verso abolizione visto
    15:08 Russia sicura, USA continuano a sviluppare concezione di “attacco globale”

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Day & Time: June 29th - July 3rd from 8:00 am - 1:00 pmTheology of Persecution for innocent christinas martyrs ] chi fa del male a persone innocenti, lui dichiara al mondo di servire e di adorare il demonio in ogni modo. [World Watch List Countries. most criminal country: [ all friends of ONU ] North Korea, Somalia Syria Iraq Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Maldives, Pakistan, Iran Yemen, Sudan Eritrea, Libya Nigeria Uzbekistan Central African Rep. Ethiopia Vietnam Qatar, Turkmenistan, Laos Egypt, Myanmar (Burma), Brunei Colombia, Jordan Oman India Sri Lanka. Tunisia Bhutan, Algeria Mali, Palestinian Territories, United Arab Emirates, Mauritania, China Kuwait, Kazakhstan Malaysia, Bahrain Comoros, Kenya, Morocco, Tajikistan, Djibouti, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Tanzania, Niger.] [ Matthew 5:10-12 Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you. For almost 60 years Open Doors has worked in the world's most oppressive and restrictive countries, strengthening Christians to stand strong in the face of persecution and equipping them to shine Christ's light in these places. These believers stand strong, despite the many obstacles that they face. What are some of the things that we can we learn from their faith? There is something about hardship that allows us to know God deeply. When times get really tough, we discover more about who God is and how He works. Christians who have endured persecution for their faith, know this well. There are no easy answers for why God allows his followers to face suffering. However, the lives of persecuted Christians reveal that even when things look out of control believers can rest secure, knowing that God is still in control. He is able to give courage, peace and even joy to stand strong through the storm. It is through these storms that believers discover God's love in new and powerful ways. Standing Strong Through The Storm is the curriculum that Open Doors uses to help Christians stand strong in the face of persecution. There are six theological and biblical lessons from this curriculum: 1. Sometimes you need to build yourself a cell
Be still, and know that I am God—Psalms 46:10. One Chinese church leader, who spent 23 years in prison, once said this to Christians who did not face persecution: I was pushed into a cell, but you have to push yourself into one. You have no time to know God. You need to build yourself a cell, so you can do for yourself what persecution did for me—simplify your life and know God." It is vital that we spend time with God, to grow in Him, so we are prepared to stand strong in the face of persecution. 2. God keeps secrets. "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts—Isaiah 55:8-9. There have been countless stories of persecuted Christians who have died without seeing the fruits of their labor. However, God know all that has been and all that is to come. Our labor is not in vein, it is in His hands.
3. Weakness is a direct path to power. That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong—2 Corinthians 12:10. An Egyptian Christian reflected on the way he was treated when he converted to Christ:. "In great suffering you discover a different Jesus than you do in normal life… Pain and suffering bring up to the surface all the weak points of your personality. In my weakest state, I had an incredible realization that Jesus loved me even right then." True empowerment does not come from human means, but through Christ alone. It often takes being at our weakest point to realize this. 4. Overcoming is greater than deliverance. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. —Romans 12:21. Persecuted Christians, no matter what country they are from, do not ask us to pray that persecution would end, but rather ask us to pray that they stand strong through the persecution. They do not wish to be delivered from the persecution, but rather ask us to pray that they would be able to overcome the trials that they are facing in a way that is honoring to God.
5. Extreme hurt requires extreme forgiveness. And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." And they cast lots to divide his garments—Luke 23:34. A Christian widow from Iran said: "I only had hatred in my heart for my enemies who had murdered my husband. But one day a miracle happened. God taught me how I could love my enemies… I had been praying for this, even though on the deepest level I didn't want it to happen. Gradually, through a process of ups and downs, God answered this prayer." The only way we can get through extreme hurt is by forgiving people as Christ did. 6. Prayer is the ultimate fellowship. Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering—Hebrews 13:3. Many persecuted Christians often feel isolated and alone, since they are unable to fellowship with other believers. However, prayers from Christians half a world away have brought the same amount of encouragement that fellowship would have for these persecuted Christians. Prayer is vital—not only as a direct line to God, but as a way to encourage our persecuted brothers and sisters around the world. 1 Corinthians 12:26 tells us that we are one body—when one member suffers, we all suffer. When one member is lifted up, we all rejoice. The persecuted church and the church in the free world are not two separate entities, but rather are one body. The persecuted church needs the free church to support them and most importantly to lift them up in prayer. The church in the free world learns lessons from the persecuted who have stood strong in the face of persecution. Christ is the head of the body and uses both churches in unique and powerful ways. World Watch List Countries. most criminal country: [ all friends of ONU ] North Korea. Somalia Syria Iraq Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Maldives, Pakistan, Iran Yemen, Sudan Eritrea, Libya Nigeria Uzbekistan Central African Rep. Ethiopia Vietnam Qatar, Turkmenistan, Laos Egypt Myanmar (Burma), Brunei Colombia, Jordan Oman India Sri Lanka. Tunisia Bhutan, Algeria Mali, Palestinian Territories, United Arab Emirates, Mauritania, China Kuwait, Kazakhstan Malaysia, Bahrain Comoros, Kenya, Morocco, Tajikistan, Djibouti, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Tanzania, Niger.
Baghdad Christmas bombings kill 37. Dec 30 2013 Church spokesman says reports of Christian deaths 'false'
Central African Republic Christians petition for President's removal. Dec 24 2013. They also want removal of Chadian forces; Muslims demand exit of French troops
Read More. Christmas excitement marred by insecurity for Pakistani Christians after deadly year of attacks
Dec 23 2013. Solidarity with Muslim neighbours the sole highlight of turbulent year
Read More. Chinese Christians' lawyers attacked in presence of foreign TV crew
Dec 20 2013.  
Whereabouts of 17 Nanle church members still unknown; families in fear
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Iraqi Archbishop calls on West to 'open eyes' to Christians' Middle East exodus
Dec 18 2013. Chaldean Catholic Head says Christians are 'integral part of national Arab tissue'
Prince Charles criticises 'organised persecution' of Middle East Christians
Dec 18 2013
Muslim–Christian relationship in danger of being 'destroyed', says Prince
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Turkey blacklists foreign evangelist without explanation
Dec 17 2013
Another US citizen takes case against government after authorities fail to renew residency
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Pakistani Christian on blasphemy charge speaks out from jail
Dec 16 2013
He says police arrested his family to force his return, then later tried to kill him
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Three pastors among dead in Central African Republic
Dec 13 2013
Religious nature of conflict grows more apparent, as ex-Séléka rebels and anti-Balaka clash
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Egyptian convert arrested for 'inciting sectarian strife'
Dec 13 2013
Bishoy Armeya had sued Egypt to change his religion
Scores killed in Central African Republic
Dec 11 2013
Sectarian violence continues despite expanded military presence
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Malaysia's 'Allah' ruling widely criticised
Dec 11 2013
Church leaders call decision to limit use of 'Allah' to Muslims 'repugnant'
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Rumor of tryst triggers anti-Christian violence in Egypt village
Dec 09 2013
One killed; homes burned in trouble-plagued province
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Pakistan's churches increase security after Peshawar blasts
Dec 06 2013
Officer dies guarding another church in Peshawar
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UN endorses more military in Central African Republic
Dec 05 2013
Mandate is to restore security for civilians.
Nigeria's Boko Haram strikes again in Cameroon
Dec 04 2013. Missionary killed, churches torched around time of French priest's kidnapping
Read More . UK Parliament is told Christianity is 'most persecuted religion'
Dec 04 2013
MPs also hear that one Christian is killed every 11 minutes
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12 nuns 'abducted' as rebels recapture Maaloula
Dec 03 2013
Three other women also abducted; Mother Superior says all 'fine and safe'
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Chinese church protests against arrest of 23 members
Dec 03 2013
Lawyers prevented from seeing detainees; leaders' whereabouts unknown
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Pressure mounts on UN to refer Syria 'war crimes' to ICC
Dec 02 2013
Human Rights Watch calls for UN to address atrocities against Christians.
Dozens killed in fresh attacks in central Nigeria
Nov 29 2013
Four Christian-dominated villages decimated; Muslim tribe suspected of attacks
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Vigilante group formed in Bangladesh to stop Christian activities
Nov 29 2013
Two months after church construction halted, committee wants complete end to Christian influence
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Kenyan bishop hurt in clash with local tribe
Nov 27 2013
Three members of congregation also hurt in attempt to retrieve abducted member
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Church welcomes US designation of Boko Haram as Foreign Terrorist Organisation
Nov 15 2013
Splinter group Ansaru also classified as 'terrorists' One of the major organisations representing Christians in Nigeria has welcomed the US State Department's announcement on Nov 13 that it has ...
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All eyes on Sri Lanka as Commonwealth summit begins
Nov 15 2013
Some world leaders boycott summit, citing human rights abuses Sri Lanka's human rights record has been questioned as a Commonwealth summit takes place in Colombo.Several Commonwealth leaders have ...
 Christians face extinction in Middle East, warns UK Minister
Nov 15 2013
 Baroness Warsi says the situation for Christians has become a global crisisA UK Foreign Office Minister has warned that Christians in some parts of the world face extinction because of violence ...
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Turkish pastor arrested on human trafficking accusations
Nov 15 2013
Pastor says deliberate plot was hatched to discredit his churchA Turkish Protestant pastor arrested by police in the Black Sea province of Samsun this week is accused of involvement in prostitution ...
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Number of Christian martyrs continues to cause debate
Nov 13 2013
Estimates range from between 1,200 to 100,000 per yearThe debate over the precise number of Christians martyred each year continues.In May, a Vatican spokesman told the United Nations Human Rights ...
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China asks Church for help with social care
Nov 11 2013
Church to play major role in caring for increasingly elderly population The Chinese government has welcomed the role of the Church in providing social care in the country.China's leaders have been ...
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Iran's nuclear programme 'distracting' world from rights abuses
Nov 08 2013
 Nobel winner Shirin Ebadi calls EU, US to focus on minorities' plight An Iranian Nobel Prize-winner has warned EU and US officials that Iran's nuclear programme is distracting them from addressing …
Radical Islamists 'control much of northern Syria'
Nov 07 2013
 A new survey of Syrian towns by CNN suggests that much of northern Syria has come under the control of radical Islamist groups. CNN claims that Islamist militants, led by a group called the ...
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Youth leader killed in Tanzania church attack
Nov 06 2013
 Bishop asks for protection as another church is attacked in northern Tanzania Another Christian leader in northern Tanzania has been killed in what appears to be a targeted attack, with two other ...
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Iranian Christian jailed for 10 years freed
Nov 05 2013
 An Iranian Christian sentenced to 10 years in prison has been released after three months. Mostafa Bordbar, 27, was released Nov. 3 from Tehran's Evin Prison after charges of participating in an ...
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Vietnamese Catholics jailed despite protests
Nov 01 2013
 Two Vietnamese Catholics whose arrest led to protests last month have been handed jail terms. Nguyen Van Hai, 43, and Ngo Van Khoi, 53, were ordered on Oct. 23 to serve six and seven months, ...
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Christian woman dies in Eritrean jail, as prisoner of conscience
Nov 01 2013
 An Eritrean Christian woman has become the latest known prisoner of conscience to have died in Eritrea. The death of Wehazit Berhane Debesai, who was in her thirties, comes amidst renewed ...
Christian woman dies in Eritrean jail, as prisoner of conscience
Nov 01 2013
Shipping containers, such as these photographed in South Sudan, are used as makeshift prison cells in neighbouring Eritrea. Wehazit Berhane Debesai died during the week of Oct. 14 in an Eritrea prison, though it was not reported if she was being held in a shipping containter.
An Eritrean Christian woman has become the latest known prisoner of conscience to have died in Eritrea.
The death of Wehazit Berhane Debesai, who was in her thirties, comes amidst renewed condemnation of Eritrea's human rights abuses by the United Nations and NGOs.
 Debesai died during the week of Oct. 14 of pneumonia, following a year of imprisonment in harsh conditions, where she was denied access to medical treatment because she refused to denounce her Christian beliefs.
Debesai's death also coincided with the arrest of around 70 Christians at a prayer gathering in Asmara, the capital.
These arrests bring to nearly 300 the number of Christians known to have been taken into custody this year in what local Christians have called the most serious campaign against the Eritrean Church yet.
This follows the deaths earlier this month of around 380 mostly Eritrean and Somali migrants as they attempted to flee to Europe in ill-equipped vessels, crossing the Mediterranean from Libya.
The United Nations' special rapporteur on human rights in Eritrea, Sheila Keetharuth, recently told the General Assembly that human rights abuses in Eritrea are causing "countless Eritreans to desert from their positions and flee the country". Eritreans are second only to Syrians in terms of the number of those who have fled to Italy by sea up to 30 September this year (UN figures). "It demonstrates the desperation of those who decide to flee, despite the extreme dangers along escape routes and an unknown future," said Keetharuth.
 UN figures claim that between 2,000 and 3,000 people are fleeing Eritrea every month despite a "shoot-to-kill policy" for those who attempt to leave. More than 300,000 Eritreans are believed to have fled the country in the past decade.
 Keetharuth said the most serious violations include a lack of freedom of expression, assembly, religious belief and movement; extrajudicial killings, enforced disappearances, extended incommunicado detention, torture and indefinite national service.
 Eritrea's ambassador to the UN, Arya Desta, rejected these claims, saying they were being used as a "tool of political pressure" for making "unfair and unjust" sanctions. He also denied the implementation of a shoot-to-kill policy.
 Debesai had been taking part in national service when she was arrested last year for her involvement in Christian activities outside of the government-sanctioned Orthodox, Catholic and Evangelical Lutheran church groups.
 Debesai, who was engaged to be married, was then kept incommunicado in Adi Quala, near the Ethiopian border.
 Her fiancé Yohannes was arrested on the same day and also held in Adi Quala.
 A representative of Open Doors, a charity that works with Christians under pressure for their faith, said that many Christian men and women are being held in underground dungeons, metal shipping containers and military detention centres.
 "They face exposure, hard labour and insufficient food, water and hygiene. They are regularly denied medical treatment for malaria and pneumonia contracted while in prison or diseases like diabetes, hypertension or cancer that they may have arrived with," said the representative.
A number of rights organisations, including Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, have condemned Eritrea's human rights record. Amnesty International claims that Eritrea's prisons are filled with "thousands of political prisoners, locked up without ever being charged with a crime, many of whom are never heard from again".
At least 10,000 political prisoners have been imprisoned since 1993, claims the organisation, and many die in detention as a result of "torture, appalling conditions or suicide".
Speaking to the BBC World Service in the aftermath of the first Eritrean deaths off the island of Lampedusa, Gaiam Ciprian of London's South Bank University said that every Eritrean between 16 and 40 has to do national service, and since there is no effective de-mobilisation, so no-one really leaves it.
He also said the Eritrean economy has virtually collapsed.
Source:World Watch Monitor
Iranians jailed for 'house church' attendance
Oct 30 2013
Christians lose appeals against incarceration for meeting together to pray Four Iranian Christians jailed for attending a 'house church' have lost their judicial appeals. Mojtaba Seyyed Alaedin ...
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Two pastors killed in Kenya
Oct 29 2013
Perpetrators must be arrested and security increased, say church leaders Two pastors from southern coastal towns in Kenya were killed last weekend in separate attacks. Charles Mathole, a leader of ...
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One third of Syrian Christians have gone, says cleric
Oct 24 2013
Patriarch claims more than 450,000 have fled, but opinions vary Almost a third of Syria's Christians have left since the start of the civil war, according to one of the country's senior clerics. ...
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Clerics call on UN military force to secure Central African Republic
Oct 23 2013
In joint statement, Christian leaders warn of 'interfaith civil war' The leaders of the Central African Republic's 4 million Christians have issued a joint plea for military help to disarm a ...
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Northern Iraq no longer safe for Christians
Oct 22 2013
Once a relative safe haven, Kurdish north is becoming increasingly dangerous An increase in violence against Christians in northern Iraq has increased the flow of Christians leaving the country. ...
Bajrang Dal pressure villagers to leave Christianity
Oct 16 2013
Nationalist Hindu group destroys church, threatens believers For much of the year, Christians in the central India village of Taragaon have been enduring pressure to abandon their religion. In ...
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Indian Christians sentenced to life terms will appeal
Oct 15 2013. No evidence to warrant convictions, lawyers say India's churches are urging an appeal of the lifetime sentences handed down on Oct. 3 to seven men convicted for the 2008 murder of a prominent Hindu ...
Read More. Iran 'abuses' Christians' national and international rights
Oct 14 2013
Christians are jailed, tortured and prevented from meeting together Iran's continued mistreatment of its Christian minority was raised at a recent meeting of the United Nations Human Rights ...
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African migrants risk lives to flee war and persecution
Oct 10 2013
Freedom to choose faith one factor driving them into smugglers' boatsThe latest tragic incident of hundreds of African migrants drowning in European waters tells a wider story.Scratch beneath the ...
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Tension high as Mombasa Muslims protest cleric's murder
Oct 09 2013
Murder causes riots in days after siege of Westgate Shopping Centre in NairobiTension remains high in Kenya's port city of Mombasa after riots in protest at the murder of a prominent Muslim cleric on … Leaving home
Oct 07 2013. A couple of days after she fled Syria for Turkey, a colleague sent me a message."Dear Nuri, this is a court that the extremists established in my city, Lattakia, in the [Syrian] village of Kansabba. … Read More
Promised legal reforms disappoint Turkey's religious minorities
Oct 04 2013. Latest reforms positive but inadequate, say minority groupsThe Turkish government's long-awaited "democratisation package" of reform laws announced this week has met with considerable disappointment ...
Read More . Boko Haram killing spree claims 110 Nigerians
Oct 01 2013. the militant Islamist sect Boko Haram is suspected of killing at least 110 people of various faiths across Nigeria during the past week, prompting the country's top Catholic bishop to declare the … Read More. Iran releases 2 Christians, but many more still imprisoned
Sep 20 2013. Prisoners freed on eve of President's UN addressTwo Christian women were among a number of prisoners of conscience released in Iran, ahead of new President Hassan Rouhani's first address to the UN … Read More. After the storm. Sep 20 2013. A few days on from the Egyptian army's re-establishment of state control over Delga in Minya province, the country's Coptic Christians are beginning to reveal the extent of their sufferings at the …
Interfaith conflict threatens to engulf Central African Republic
Sep 18 2013. Evangelical Alliance leader risks arrest to condemn violence; President disbands rebelsClashes between Christians and Muslims in the northwest of the Central African Republic (CAR) have increased ...
Read More. Catholic priest victim of latest Zanzibar acid attack
Sep 17 2013. Fifth such attack on the island since NovemberAn elderly Catholic priest has been the victim of an acid attack in Zanzibar.Amselmo Mwangamba was attacked on Friday (September 13) and is now in … Read More. Egyptian army breaks Islamist grip on Delga
Sep 16 2013. Since the Aug. 14 wave of anti-Christian violence that swept over Egypt, the Christians of Delga have complained they had been abandoned by government security forces. Many of their churches and ...
Read More. Vietnamese police crush protests against Catholics' imprisonment
Sep 13 2013. Dozens injured, as police use tear gas, batons and police dogsAround 40 people have been injured in Vietnam during a protest against the 3-month detention of two Catholics on minor charges.The protest … Read More. Christians flee Pakistani village after pastor accused of blasphemy. Sep 12 2013. Dozens of Christian families have fled from their homes in a village near Lahore after a pastor was accused of blasphemy against the Prophet Muhammad.In a discussion with a Muslim man on August 24, … Christian woman raped and murdered in Madhya Pradesh
Sep 10 2013. Four men were today convicted of the fatal gang rape of a medical student in Delhi - a story that has grabbed the world's attention. Meanwhile, a little further south, the case of a Christian woman … Read More. Moroccan Christian jailed for evangelizing
Sep 09 2013. Mohamed el Baldi convicted for 'shaking the faith' of MuslimsA Moroccan Christian man has been jailed for two-and-a-half years and fined for evangelizing.Mohamed el Baldi, 34, from the town of Ain ...
Read More. Pastor taken hostage in Philippines rebel attack. Sep 09 2013. A pastor has been taken hostage and several Christians are among the many injured in an attack by a rebel group in the Philippines.The Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) is suspected of carrying ...
Read More. Maldives elections unlikely to improve religious freedom
Sep 06 2013. Tourist hotspot the only place where being non-Muslim is illegalKnown for its golden sands and crystal waters, the Maldives is perhaps not the first country that springs to mind when one considers … Read More. Renewed day by day. Sep 04 2013. A photographic journey into the destruction, and resilience, of Egypt's churchesPhoto: Miriam, a member of Bishop Moussa Coptic Church in Minya, absorbs the destruction caused Aug 14 by pro-Morsi ...
Download. Christian woman raped and murdered in Madhya Pradesh
Sep 10 2013. The bed where the woman's body was found. Courtesy: World Watch Monitor. Four men were today convicted of the fatal gang rape of a medical student in Delhi - a story that has grabbed the world's attention. Meanwhile, a little further south, the case of a Christian woman who suffered the same fate has gone relatively unnoticed.. The 30-year-old was raped and killed on August 29 in Bakoudi village in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh.
The woman, whose name has not been released to protect her family's security and privacy, was found the next morning by her mother-in-law.
Witnesses told World Watch Monitor she had suffered multiple stab wounds to her torso and had been strangled with her own sari.
Two suspects, both Hindus, have been arrested. Mahesh Dohre, 23, who worked with the victim's husband, and Durgesh Potfode, 25, are residents of Bakoudi. They have both been released. It is unclear whether they will face further official charges. The local Christian community has been shocked by the event and expressed concerns about its vulnerability to local authorities. It is uncertain whether the attack took place because of the woman's faith, but Christian women often report threats in the area. Christians comprise a tiny fraction of the population of Madhya Pradesh (the 2001 census put the figure at around 170,000 people, or 0.3%) and just 2.3% of the total population of India (2011 census).
In the vast and diverse country, Christians often live freely. However, India ranks among the 50 countries where life as a Christian is most difficult, according to Open Doors International, a global ministry that serves Christians who are pressured because of their faith. The country is No. 31 on Open Doors' 2013 World Watch List, largely because of a streak of Hindu nationalism, or Hindutva, that envisions India as a purely Hindu state. Source:World Watch Monitor. Dozens of 'noisy' churches silenced in Cameroon. Sep 03 2013. Government continues crackdown on Pentecostal movementThe government of Cameroon has ordered the closure of dozens of churches in an attempt to put an end to what it considers to be anarchy among some ...
Read More. 40 Pakistani Christian families face hunger after Gojra elopement dispute
Sep 02 2013. Christian minority targeted after Muslim girl elopes with Christian manLast month was the fourth anniversary of one of the worst outbreaks of violence against Pakistan's minority Christian community … Read More. North Korea rescinds invitation to U.S. envoy
Aug 30 2013. Diplomatic trip to free Kenneth Bae is offNorth Korea has rescinded its invitation to a special U.S. envoy who had planned to visit Pyongyang with hopes of bringing jailed American Kenneth Bae .. Read More. Viewpoint: A troubling call from Syria
Aug 29 2013. Nuri Kino is a Sweden-based independent investigative reporter, filmmaker, author, Middle East and human-rights analyst. His report, titled "The Camp," which examined the construction of a massive … Read More Court case hangs over Indonesian pastor
Aug 26 2013. Pastor says he was the victim, as human rights group questions police logicPastor says he was the victim, as human rights group questions police logicAn Indonesian pastor remains in a tortured .. Italian priest still unaccounted for in Syria. Aug 22 2013. Fr. Dall'Oglio reported abducted last month, now presumed deadConflicting reports are emerging about the whereabouts and welfare of an Italian Jesuit priest who went missing almost one month ...
Rimsha accused goes free. Aug 21 2013
Cleric acquitted due to 'insufficient evidence'Photo: Rights activist Basharat Khokhar, left; Mizrak Masih, centre; daughter Rimsha, right, in early 2013, after her release.The Muslim cleric suspected … Read More . What caused Syria's civil war?
Aug 16 2013. Revd. Nadim NassarThroughout its history, ancient and modern, Syria has played host to ethnic and religious minorities living together very much in harmony.Syria, in the original sense of what … Churches across Egypt attacked
Aug 14 2013. Photo: Coptic Kids at St. George in Sohag, Egypt - after church was attacked by Morsi supportersNumerous Christian churches across Egypt were attacked on Wednesday by mobs angered by the military's ...
Read More. In Egypt, Christian anxieties mount as Islamist hostility increases
Aug 13 2013. Coptic Pope cancels public appearancesPhoto: A burned truck is part of the damage caused Aug. 3 by a 4,000-person anti-Christian mob in Bani Ahmed, Egypt.Mass no longer is being celebrated at The … Italian priest still unaccounted for in Syria
Aug 22 2013. Fr. Dall'Oglio reported abducted last month, now presumed dead
Fr. Paolo Dall'Oglio, pictured in his native Italy in 2012.
Conflicting reports are emerging about the whereabouts and welfare of an Italian Jesuit priest who went missing almost one month ago.
Reuters reported on July 29 that Fr. Paolo Dall'Oglio had been abducted by Islamists with links to al-Qaeda in the northern Syrian city of ar-Raqqah, but the Vatican would not confirm the news.
Now, as various reports claim the priest has been killed, the Vatican remains tight-lipped.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported last week that the priest had been killed, but retracted its statement on Monday, Aug. 19.
The rights organisation said sources close to the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham, or ISIS, which claimed it has kidnaped Dall'Oglio, said he was still alive. ISIS has yet to make a statement.
"No side refuting the report that Father Paolo was killed has shown any evidence to prove that he is alive, despite their empty assurances," said a statement released by the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.
The group called for "solid evidence" to be given, such as a recent video proving that he is alive, and a statement from a "clear and honest" member of the Syrian opposition.
"Any harm inflicted on Father Paolo is harm inflicted on the Syrian revolution and on the Syrian peoples' freedoms and dignity," SOHR said.
"No side refuting the report that Father Paolo was killed has shown any evidence to prove that he is alive, despite their empty assurances."--Syrian Observatory for Human Rights
A Jesuit spokesperson earlier this month expressed "deep worry" about the fate of Dall'Oglio.
Italian Foreign Minister Emma Bonino said: "We are still groping in the dark".
Dall'Oglio worked in Syria for more than 30 years, and described his work as "promoting Islamic-Christian harmony-building". He was expelled last year after speaking out against President Bashar al-Assad and helping victims of the civil war. Since then, he has been working predominantly in Europe. On July 22, he posted an online petition asking Pope Francis to advocate on behalf of suffering Syrians.
However, his stance has been controversial for many Syrian Christian leaders. Nadim Nassar, the only Syrian Anglican priest, told World Watch Monitor: "Any attempt to politicise the voice of Christians in Syria is wrong, and devastating for them, because it weakens them".
Meanwhile, there is nothing new to report about the two Syrian bishops – Yohanna Ibrahim and Boulos Yaziji – kidnapped four months ago.
Metropolitan Timotheus Matta Fadil Alkhouri, patriarchal Assistant for the Syrian Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch, urged members of the press and politicians to refrain from speculation.
"Every week some politician or some journalist pulls out some story on the two Metropolitan Bishops of Aleppo kidnapped," he told Fides. "But so far they have always been unverifiable deductions. The reality is that… we do not know who kidnapped them."
Source: World Watch Monitor. What caused Syria's civil war?
Aug 16 2013. Revd. Nadim Nassar. Photo: Revd. Nadim Nassar
Throughout its history, ancient and modern, Syria has played host to ethnic and religious minorities living together very much in harmony.
Syria, in the original sense of what is now known as "Greater Syria", encompassed much of the Levant – today's states of Syria, Lebanon, Israel, and Jordan, plus a portion of Turkey. This is the cradle of the three major monotheistic religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam; two were born in Syria, and Islam found its way there very early in its existence.
Its geopolitical position brought Syria to the attention of many different superpowers and, sadly, it has often been a battleground for these foreign powers. Throughout millennia of occupation and recent decades of independence, the minorities in Syria have always stayed true to their homeland: they played a major role in the liberation from the Ottomans after more than 500 years of oppression, and from the French Mandate in the twentieth century, leading to independence in 1946.
Christians, Druze, Alawites, Kurds and other, smaller minorities worked hand in hand with the majority Sunnis to secure the liberation of Syria from all foreign occupation.
In 1970 the political situation in Syria took a dramatic turn when a faction of military leaders who were Alawites – an Islamic sect – took power. After many centuries in which the Syrians had been ruled by outsiders, they now found themselves ruled by one of their own minorities.
For years Syrians hoped that the Assads, the ruling family, would bring stability and freedom after the troubled 1950s and 60s, during which a series of coups d'états pushed the country into uncertainty and military conflict. In 1973, just three years after he seized power, Hafez al-Assad joined with Egyptian President Anwar al-Sadat in a new major war against Israel. The Soviet Union supplied Egypt and Syria with arms, while the United States of America backed Israel. This disastrous war damaged relations throughout the Middle East and achieved little for Syria.
Before the region could recover, civil war engulfed Syria's southern neighbour, Lebanon. The superpowers and regional powers, including Syria, used their allies in Lebanon to wage their own proxy wars in the midst of the 17-year-long Lebanese Civil War. This act by the ruling minority dragged Syria into the heart of the bloodshed through indirect and direct military intervention.
At this time, President Hafez al-Assad focused most of his energy on foreign politics, especially the on-going conflict with Israel, and left Syria to be run mainly by members of his family and the Intelligence Services.
Trade with the rest of the world was tightly controlled by the Assad regime, and many benefitted from the Lebanese Civil War through establishing smuggling rings and black markets across the Syrian-Lebanese border – with the support of many of those in power; this was the beginning of the awful corruption that has infected Syria.
In an extremely closed economy, smuggling became the norm – even fruit, vegetables and daily products like butter, tea, sugar, bananas and tissues had to be smuggled into Syria from Lebanon and Jordan.
The corruption deepened as time went on, creating a new upper class of people from all religions who took advantage of the situation and got closer to the Alawite regime in order to further their business.
This squeezed the traditional middle class and deprived them of much of their income, fomenting anger and hostility towards the regime and towards Alawites in general.
"What is happening in Syria today is not merely the result of a minority ruling a majority. Some of those who are supported by external powers would like the conflict to be seen in this way, but the changes the people seek have nothing to do with Assad coming from a minority." --Revd. Nadim Nassar
The regime maintained its hold on power through the usual measures employed by a dictatorship: eliminating dissent through censoring the media, silencing opponents and critics, preventing free speech and denying political expression.
That created an atmosphere of fear and resentment of the Alawites and the Assad family in particular.
In the early eighties the Assad regime killed tens of thousands in the western city of Hama to silence the uprising of a Sunni group, the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood had been terrorising parts of Syria through assassination and bombing.
This brutal act did not end the Syrian people's resentment against the regime but merely drove it deeper underground where it would smoulder under the fist of the regime.
When Hafez al-Assad died in 2000, his second son, Bashar, an ophthalmologist living in London, inherited the Presidency.
The people hoped that a young President, who studied in the West and who had married an intelligent and charming Syrian-British woman, could change the situation which his father had created. Many people were almost euphorically optimistic – they saw Bashar as an open-minded, well-travelled reformer.
Indeed, Bashar al-Assad began to restore proper international trade and he started to reform the country, but everything quickly slipped back to the old corrupt ways. Most of the promises of change that Bashar made in his inauguration speech evaporated.
For most Syrians, religion was not a source of tension and conflict. I have always had dear Muslim, Alawite and Druze friends, and differences in belief were never an issue.
Sadly this has now changed in my homeland. Sectarianism was not a part of a Syrian lifestyle until recently. It has been imported by foreign religious fanatics.
The conflict in Syria began as a protest against the corruption that blighted every aspect of people's lives and the lack of freedom; the people demanded radical reforms in how Syria was governed.
The lack of response to these demands was followed by severe and sustained military action against those who protested, and this violence drove some in the opposition to seek help from foreign governments in the region. Many of these governments are keen to shatter the age-old alliance between Syria and Iran, and the fall of the Assad regime would help them greatly; for this reason, they offered military and financial aid to the opposition but only on the condition that the "new Syria" would cut links with Iran and with Hezbollah in South Lebanon.
Some religious leaders outside Syria then called for a Sunni uprising against the minorities – with the Alawites being at the top of the list. Sadly, Christians are also on that list because they are wrongly seen as having been protected by the Alawites.
As the conflict continued, this new sectarianism spread; it became popular because it legitimised violence against others – even those who were not part of the regime. The regime's acts of war against its own people across Syria only encouraged further resentment against the regime and the Alawites.
What is happening in Syria today is not merely the result of a minority ruling a majority. Some of those who are supported by external powers would like the conflict to be seen in this way, but the changes the people seek have nothing to do with Assad coming from a minority.
The change the Syrians desire with all their hearts is the change from oppression to freedom, from corruption to the rule of law, from dictatorship to democracy. This change would be to the great benefit of all Syrians. Source: World Watch Monitor. Churches across Egypt attacked, Aug 14 2013
Coptic Kids at St. George in Sohag, Egypt - after church was attacked by Morsi supporters
Photo: Coptic Kids at St. George in Sohag, Egypt - after church was attacked by Morsi supporters
Numerous Christian churches across Egypt were attacked on Wednesday by mobs angered by the military's armed crackdown on protesters in Cairo. The official death toll has passed 500; a state of emergency and curfew are in effect. St George's Cathedral. Sohag. Southern Egypt just burnt by Muslim Brotherhood supporters.. Photo: St George's Cathedral. Sohag, Southern Egypt just burnt by Muslim Brotherhood supporters.
Watani International provided the following tally of assaults on Christian churches and other buildings: Three churches and six buildings at the monastery of the Holy Virgin and Anba Abra'am in Dalga, Minya, Upper Egypt. The church of Mar-Mina in the district of Abu-Hilal in the town of Minya. The bishopric church of Mar-Girgis (St George) in Sohag, Upper Egypt (video below)
The church of the Holy Virgin in Nazla, Fayoum, Lower Egypt. The Baptist church in Beni-Mazar, Minya. Coptic-owned shops in Gumhouriya Street in Assiut, Upper Egypt. The Good Shepherd School in Suez. The Fransiscan School in Suez. Bible Society of Egypt bookstore in Fayoum. The church of al-Amir Tawadros (St Theodore) in Fayoum. The church of the Holy Virgin in the district of Abu-Hilal in the town of Minya. The Catholic church of St Mark, Minya. The Jesuit church in Abu-Hilal, Minya. The church of Mar-Morqos (St Mark) and its community centre, Sohag
18 houses of Coptic families in Dalga, Minya, including the home of Father Angaelus Melek of the Holy Virgin and Anba Abra'am's· The Evangelical church on Nassara Street in Abu-Hilal, Minya. The church of Anba Moussa al-Aswad in Minya. Coptic-owned shops, pharmacies, and a doctor's clinic in Minya (photo below) Photo of fire set in a shop owned by coptic citizen in El minya governorate upper Egypt. Photo: Fire set in a shop owned by coptic citizen in El minya governorate upper Egypt. The Jesuit church in Minya (attacked, not burned)
The St Fatima Basilica in Cairo (attacked, not burned)
St Joseph's School in Minya (attacked, not burned)
The Nile boat al-Dahabiya, owned by the Evangelical Church in Minya
Coptic-owned shops, pharmacy, and hotels on Karnak Street and Cleopatra Street in Luxor (attacked and looted)
The church of Mar-Girgis (St George) in Wasta (attacked)
The church of St Michael on Nemeis Street in Assiut, Upper Egypt
The Adventist church in Assiut; the pastor and his wife were both kidnapped
The Greek church in Suez. The church of Mar-Girgis in Assiut
Coptic houses on Qulta Street in Assiut attacked
The church of Mar-Girgis (St George) in Arish, North Sina
The church of St Dimiana and the Evangelical church in the village of Zerbi in Fayoum
The offices of the Evangelical foundation in Minya, and those of Umm al-Nour in Beni-Mazar, Minya. The church of Anba Antonius in Kerdassa, Giza
The bishopric church in Etfeeh, Giza. A church burning in Sohag, multiple angles
Photo: A church burning in Sohag, multiple angles.
Additionally, the Bible Society of Egypt reported that another of its bookstores, in Minya, was burned. Source: World Watch Monitor

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