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Rothschild: 322, NWO, Bush ,Freemasonry, real power

 YouTube Rewind 2012

    drinkypoisonjhwhwins . []blogspot su questo sito non riesco più a lavorare, perché, è stato bloccato, forse google sta facendo una verifica, circa, la mia denuncia, ma, questa è la verità, io ho già cancellato gli articoli multipli
    drinkYpoisonJHWHwins 42 minuti fa

    08/20/2013. JORDAN. Jordan to quench thirst with Red Sea-Dead Sea pipeline Jordan's ambitious plan intends to eliminate water shortages and stop the degradation of the Dead Sea. "We do not need to reach an agreement with Israel," minister in Amman says. Amman (AsiaNews/Agencies) - Jordan's Prime Minister Abdullah Nsur said on Monday his government plans to spend US$ 980 million to obtain 100 million cubic metres of water a year. "The government has approved the project," he told a news conference, linking the Dead and Red Seas "after years of technical, political, economic and geological studies". --answer-- @GIORDANIA --- auguri ragazzi, io sono con voi, Dio vi benedica
    drinkYpoisonJHWHwins 47 minuti fa

    @ datagate google 666 youtube -- se, voi mi bloccate, ADSL, sistema operatico, accesso ai siti? me ne vado di nuovo!
    drinkYpoisonJHWHwins 54 minuti fa

    [datagate] nazi: USA 666 GB, hanno distrutto i documenti, del Guardian, circa, il DATAGATE, e le rivelazioni di snowden? lol. che stupidi! ma, io ho già detto tutto, circa, la retro ingegneria aliena.. infatti, gli USA 666, FMI, FED, NWO, non sono stati scoperti, perché, non esiste una tecnologia terrestre, per poterli scoprire, sono stati rivelati, soltanto ... ma, tuttavia, i Governi Massonici traditori e complici, non, si sono spaventati, adeguatamente, ma, se fossero stati dei Governi legittimi, avrebbe interrotto le realazioni diplomatiche con gli USA 666 GA, cioè, i satanisti anglo-americani farisei. Ma, questa è la verità tutti i governi del Mondo ad eccezione di Egitto e Siria, ecc.. ecc.. molto pochi, sono Goveni totalmente corrotti

@ Abu Antar Sharia Jihad - in Italian, there is no, an argument: in the google search engine, thus, the eventual attitude of some criminal, do not muddy the dignity of an entire people (ie, the Chinese)! [could be the usual slander,of the usual: Satanists Americans, who, as stated by themselves, their own: they are the real cannibals!] and, is 666 Rothschild: IMF FED ECB, and: Bush 322, NWO : Freemasonry, it is them who have the real power, therefore, it is they are responsible for the Satanism, and, for all satanic, occult powers: Bildenberg, ecc.., which have control of all the false democracies:of the banking seigniorage: All SpA, private Corporations, and therefore, the control of any monopoly to stifle, all the peoples, for the destruction of the hope of Israel (destruction of biblical monotheism), against sovereignity, of all peoples, only, for do one only: bunch of slaves. but, of these evil criminals? the Pharisees Masons? is not responsible for the American people!

@ Charia Jihad - Abu Antar - en italien, il n'y a pas un argument: dans le moteur de recherche google, donc, l'attitude éventuelle de certains criminels, ne pas boueux de la dignité de tout un peuple (le chinois)! [pourrait être la calomnie d'habitude, de l'habituel: satanistes Américains, qui, comme indiqué par eux-mêmes, leur propre: ils sont les véritables cannibales] et est 666: Le FMI FED BCE, Rothschild et: 322, NWO: Bush franc-maçonnerie, ce sont eux qui ont le pouvoir réel, il est donc qu'ils sont responsables de la satanisme, et, pour tout satanique, pouvoirs occultes: Bildenberg, ecc ..,

qui ont le contrôle de toutes les fausses démocraties: du seigneuriage bancaire: Tous SpA, des sociétés privées et, par conséquent, le contrôle de tout monopole d'étouffer, tous les peuples, pour la destruction de l'espérance d'Israël (destruction du monothéisme biblique), contre la souveraineté, de tous les peuples, que, pour faire un seul: tas d'esclaves. mais, pour les francs-maçons pharisiens, pour tous ces criminels mal? n'est pas responsable pour le peuple américain! [arrêter le spam de satanisme international et institutionnel CIA] stop! spam de satanisme international 666 institutionnel, CanniBall, CIA FMI-NWO

YouTube Rewind 2012

HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

2 minuti fa

    @ Sharia Jihad - Abu Antar - in English, there is not, an argument: in the google search engine, thus, possibly the attitude of some criminal, do not muddy the dignity of an entire people (ie, the Chinese)! [could be the usual slander, of the usual: Satanists Americans, who, as stated by Themselves, Their Own: they are the real cannibals!] and, is 666: IMF FED ECB, and Rothschild: 322, NWO: Bush Freemasonry, it is them who have the real power, Therefore, it is they are responsible for the Satanism, and, for all satanic, occult powers: Bildenberg, etc. ..,


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    3 minuti fa

    Which have control of all the false democracies: of the banking seigniorage: All SpA, Private Corporations, and Therefore, the control of any monopoly to stifle, all the peoples, for the destruction of the hope of Israel (destruction of biblical monotheism), Sovereignty against, of all peoples, only, only for one do: bunch of slaves. but, for the Pharisees Masons, for All These evil criminals? is not responsible for the American people! [stop spam from satanism international, institutional and CIA] stop! spam from 666 international institutional Satanism, canniball, CIA IMF-NWO

    @ Szariat Jihad - Abu Antar - w języku włoskim, nie ma, argument: w wyszukiwarce google, więc ewentualna postawa jakiegoś zbrodniarza, nie błotniste godność całego narodu (np. chiński)! [może być zwykłe oszczerstwo, z zwykle: Sataniści Amerykanie, którzy, jak stwierdził siebie, własnych: są one prawdziwe kanibalami] i jest 666: IMF FED ECB, Rothschild i: 322, NWO: Bush masoneria, to oni mają prawdziwą moc, dlatego to one są odpowiedzialne za satanizmu, a dla wszystkich satanistycznych, tajemnych sił: Bildenberg, ecc ..,

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Datagate: Nsa controlla 75% Rete Usa. USA E GB (farisei anglo-americani FMi NWO 666), hanno fatto distruggere i documenti, del guardian, circa Snowden, perché, sono diventati, la più pericolosa minaccia di nazismo, di tutta la storia del genere umano. loro non sono stati scoperti, da una terrestre tecnologia, sono stati "rivelati", come una religione.. bisogna, espellere, immediatamente, dal territorio nazionale, ogni cosa appartenga, ad USA e GB, ad iniziare dalle ambasciate, loro sono diventati satanisti TROIKA satanisti, TROIKA cosa è il signoraggio bancario? e perché voi lo avete, se, la costituzione lo proibisce a voi? perché, voi state portando allo sterminio, i popoli, con le voste magie giuridiche?

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Posting Date
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: A Man-Made Cup In Pennsylvanian Coal?February 11, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Hands-Down EvidenceFebruary 7, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Trilobites UnderfootFebruary 4, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Getting A handle On Ancient Dinosaur SightingsFebruary 2, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Perplexing Permian PrintJanuary 28, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: The Willett PrintJanuary 25, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Throughout The Geologic ColumnJanuary 23, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Cro-Magnon ManJanuary 16, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Neanderthal ManJanuary 14, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Homo ErectusJanuary 11, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Piltdown ManJanuary 11, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Homo Habilis - ´Handyman´January 7, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Nebraska ManJanuary 4, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: RamapithicusJanuary 2, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: ´Your Little Cousin´ LucyDecember 31, 2012
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: The Tuang ChildDecember 28, 2012
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: IntroductionDecember 26, 2012
The Model, Episode 4


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the King Unius Rei
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