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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Siria. Mostra tutti i post

Turchia, Arabia Saudita, Iran, Siria, LEGA ARABA, califfato mondiale,

    Bush: CIA IMF 666: did destroy: 1000.000 of Christians in Iraq, to make possible the destruction of Israel. "Be thou faithful unto death, I will give you the crown of life." (2:10-11). "We are confident that our Saad is in the Father's glorious kingdom because the Lord's promise is real ". "This evening my family and I renew our faith and trust in the Lord and say: to Him, all glory and praise and thanksgiving and honor and power and might, forever and ever. Amen." During his homily, the Archbishop said that the sacrifice of the martyrs is a reference point for our faith. "Again tonight we celebrate the memory of a great number of innocent Iraqis who have shed their blood unjustly Christians and Muslims. This is an important time to renew our faith in God and strengthen our faith and hope. At the same time we must all condemn these heinous acts of violence, which is an insult to religion and humanity and that does not honor our present civilization. "

    Bush: CIA IMF 666: did destroy: 1000.000 of Christians in Iraq, to make possible the destruction of Israel. "The tragedy of the Church of Our Lady of Salvation is still vivid in our memory but also attacks on mosques in the name of God is an offense to God and does not have anything in common with God nor with humanity. For our part, we Christians, we deplore this acts of injustice and we strongly believe that change and democracy are not brought about with weapons, but with dialogue and the willingness of collaboration. And that the God who created us is love and mercy, and He will not allow thei blood to have been shed in vain, but will welcome it as a satisfactory gift in His glorious kingdom .. And this blood is the seed of hope, peace, stability and security for our country. "

    Bush: IMF CIA 666: destruir: 1000.000 de cristianos en Irak, para hacer posible la destrucción de Israel... 11/02/2012 [Intolerancia islámica: imperialismo Arabia Saudita: crimen de lesa humanidad] IRAQ."Living together is not a formula, but it is the integration of human, social, spiritual and political culture. This requires the willingness of political leaders to dialogue, to work together and maintain the unity of the country, peace, justice and harmony. Enough violence, defend the lives of people, each person killed is a huge loss for us and for our country. "Bush: IMF CIA 666: a fait détruire : 1000.000 des chrétiens en Irak, pour rendre possible la destruction d'Israël... 11/02/2012 [Intolérance islamique : l'impérialisme saoudien : Crime contre l'humanité] Irak.

    Bush: IMF CIA 666: did destroy: 1000.000 of Christians in Iraq, to make possible the destruction of Israel.. 02/11/2012 [Islamic intolerance: Saudi imperialism: Crime against humanity] IRAQ. Mons. Sako: la tragedia della Cattedrale di Bagdad è un punto di riferimento per la nostra fede. Ricordate a Kirkuk le vittime della strage di due anni fa e anche i 37 cristiani uccisi in città del 2003 a oggi. La testimonianza della sorella di un giovane ingegnere rapito e assassinato: "Non importa quello che viviamo, è importante come lo viviamo e come riuscire a trasformare questi eventi per un incontro con Dio e con gli altri". Kirkuk (AsiaNews) - La memoria del gran numero di iracheni innocenti che hanno versato il loro sangue ingiustamente - cristiani e musulmani - è un momento forte per rinnovare la nostra fede in Dio e rinforzare la nostra fiducia e speranza.

    @king Saudi Arabia --- sharia horror --- enough, to do the monkey man, in the cave, with the Club in his hand. stop! just think, my Holy Islam: as, an imperialism: to conquer the world through, violence and terrorism. scolds you, the Holy Spirit ... "beast of an profound Satanic hell!" basta, a fare lo scimmione, nella caverna, con la clava in mano. stop! basta, a pensare che, il mio santo Islam: possa essere un imperialismo: per conquistare il mondo, attraverso, la violenza ed il terrorismo! rimprovera te, lo Spirito Santo.. "bestia immonda, del profondo inferno satanico!"


    11/04/2012 VATICAN Pope: love of God and love of neighbor are inseparable and in mutual relationship During the Angelus, Benedict XVI comments on Jesus ' teaching on the "greatest commandment, the commandment of love". Looking at the other "with the eyes of God" captures the deep desire to be loved and " by opening myself to the other person, just as he or she is, by reaching out, by making myself available, I am also opening myself up to know God, to feel that He is there and is good ". Vatican City (AsiaNews) - "Love of God and love of neighbor are inseparable and are in mutual relationship" because on the one hand looking at the other "with the eyes of God

    11/03/2012. INDIA - UNITED ARAB EMIRATES [ Criminal Saudi imperialism: Abu Dhabi: Pakistani kills an Indian Christian doctor. The shadow of fundamentalism] by Nirmala Carvalho The suspect, Mohamed Abdul Jamil, has stabbed Dr. Rajan Daniel eight times. Motives still unknown. The Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC) criticizes the silence of the Indian government and denounces growing radicalism - Hindu and Muslim - in India. Mumbai (AsiaNews) - A brutal murder has schocked the Indian Christian community in the UAE: Dr. Rajan Daniel, 58, urologist at the Ahalia Hospital in Abu Dhabi, was killed with eight stab wounds by Mohamed Abdul Jamil, 46, a Pakistani national. A native of Kerala, the Christian doctor died on the spot: after hearing the screams, the hospital staff found his body in a pool of blood, with a deep wound in the throat.

    [ Criminal Saudi imperialism: Abu Dhabi: Pakistani kills an Indian Christian doctor. The shadow of fundamentalism] The police immediately stopped Jamil, who for the moment remains the only suspect. . The incident occurred in the late afternoon of November 1. The victim leaves behind a wife and a son. For Sajan George, president of the Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC), this murder indicates the "fragility of the Christian community" abroad, and denounces the "grave indifference" of the Indian authorities before the "brutal murder of a Christian." For the moment, the investigation has failed to reveal any details. Jamil was native to eastern Pakistan's tribal areas, but it is not clear what brought him to Abu Dhabi.

    [ Criminal Saudi imperilism: Abu Dhabi: Pakistani kills an Indian Christian doctor. The shadow of fundamentalism]The police believe that the murderer may have been a patient of the victim, but the causes of his action are still unknown. According to Sajan George "the government of Pakistan and its allies have already started to make up stories to justify the murder." However, he adds, "lack of justice on the part of the Government of Kerala, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Prime Minister" is even more serious, which still have failed move to "give justice to the doctor's family."

    Although it happened in the UAE, the president of the GCIC says the assassination of Dr. Daniel once again highlights the problem of "growing fundamentalism" and the "radicalization of Indian society." These elements, said Sajan George, "are putting lives, property, and public liberty and private life of the Christian community in danger " in addition to "affecting the development of the nation, in particular the well-being of the poor and marginalized." For the Christian leader, ultra-nationalist Hindu and the silence of the authorities are responsible for these radical movements. However, he notes, "even the tentacles of Islamic fundamentalism are spreading." In this sense, the Popular Front of India (PFI), a confederation of Muslim organizations in the country, which has about 800 thousand members, is a primary concern.

    [ Criminal Saudi imperialism: Abu Dhabi: Pakistani kills an Indian Christian doctor. The shadow of fundamentalism] Despite the PFI 's claims to defend the human rights of all communities, many believe it is responsible for feeding a climate of tension, as was recently the case with mass internal exodus, following the tensions in Assam. It is also the case of some recent statements by KM Shareef, national general secretary of the Confederation: in defending themselves against accusations of links to terrorism in Pakistan, he attempted to put the neighboring nation in a bad light, saying that "maintaining friendly ties with Pakistan should be avoided not only not to promote terrorism, but also to avoid indulging in activities such as human trafficking of Hindu girls. " A criticism indirectly addressed to the central government, which this past year has been trying to re-establish relations with the country.

    [ Criminal Saudi imperialism: Abu Dhabi: Pakistani kills an Indian Christian doctor. The shadow of fundamentalism] 09/22/2008 ITALY - INDIA. Cardinal Bagnasco: events in India underscore urgency of protecting religious freedom. 12/02/2011 PAKISTAN. Faisalabad, 18 year old Christian woman killed during an attempted rape. 08/10/2007 PAKISTAN. After years of torture at the hands of his Muslim landlord, he quits and is murdered. 07/20/2010 PAKISTAN Faisalabad, murdered brothers buried. Justice and Peace: abolish the blasphemy law now 10/28/2008 PAKISTAN Another "honor killing": 17-year-old Pakistani girl murdered

    @youtube --- [if we want a better world? we must be worthy!] I consider highly criminal, which the Islamist Government, institutions, make, videos, about, poor Christian martyrs, or about: Wafa Sultan, because, these children of the Devil: they both sound rights means that: rights, video on video that are of course. disclosure of not, sensitive information. and, because you are not brand names, these videos are dangerous, with the color red?! then, too, you're the accomplice of ruin of Christian martyrs! together with the CIA, IMF; MOSSAD, I don't want to be the victim of bullying, this Satanist of: nazi CIA, who decided: to mark my comments, because my channel is in a State of precarious legal status:, for formal reasons


    ??? のでサタニストか何かですか? Inviato a: allDavidDuke -- answer --SONO IL FMI! per la conquista del mondo 666 322 massoneria, poteri occulti. per distruggere il monoteismo ... 国際通貨基金(IMF)です!世界666322石積みの征服のために、オカルトパワー。一神教を破壊する

    Gary Freeman has posted a comment 2 days ago David Duke Accepts evolution you dumbass. - ANSWER --- David Duke is an idiot, too often, for too many Reasons, he hides the martyrdom of Christians in Iran, and all accomplices of any crimes, by reason of his silence, they can not enter the kingdom of God! Also Then David Duke go in the Hell!

    @jews my brothers --- guys, I in these five years, I've been busy a lot, for you, and for everyone, Peoples, but you that you did? What are you waiting for, what are you waiting for? the time: for your demons? ie, for you to go to hell, that is, no return ticket? ragazzi, io in questi cinque anni, mi sono impegnato parecchio, per voi, e per tutti, ma voi che avete fatto? cosa aspettate, cosa state aspettando? il momento: dei demoni, per voi di andare all'inferno, cioè, il biglietto di andata senza ritorno?


    Nosferothu, CIA scam: for banking seigniorage, mossad, ie all fake scam masonic system, --- After all, your problem is that you are a loser: for Satan CIA IMF 666 322 NWO! those who resorted to violence or deceit: the abuse, intimidation and bullying, is the weak, petty criminal, is because he has no valid arguments, just like North Korea, etc.. but, then, the list would be too long! you scared me, just because you are a loser, because you are a Satanist atheist! you don't want me on your side, only, because then everybody can see, like, you are the toilet of a sewer, while I am a star

    Nosferothu the satani CIA IMF 322 nazi, Stalinist, NWO, occult power, of baal god owl, Maoist: 666, dictatorial regime, Nazi intolerant, said: has posted a comment 2 hours ago: Religion should be banned from youtube.

    John 3.16 For God so loved the world, as to give his only begotten Son; that whosoever believeth in him, may not perish, but may have life everlasting. This is for the youtube page ....


    MrIvanspak ha pubblicato un commento

    23 ore fa

    Οὕτως γὰρ ἠγάπησεν ὁ Θεὸς τὸν κόσμον, ὥστε τὸν Υἱὸν τὸν μονογενῆ ἔδωκεν, ἵνα πᾶς ὁ πιστεύων εἰς Αὐτὸν μὴ ἀπόληται ἀλλ᾽ ἔχῃ ζωὴν αἰώνιον. John 3,16 For God so loved the world, as to give his only begotten Son; that whosoever believeth in him, may not perish, but may have life everlasting. This is for the youtube page....

1di3 [the: Sovereignty] it belongs: at the people: as: is says in the: Constitution, and not belongs to the freemasons or at the Jews: "enlightened" that, they have stolen through the: theft of the monetary sovereignty (or banking seigniorage) the all peoples well are been impoverished: no longer has access? to their rights: in fact. Since his rights have become only theoretical! Because institutions are dysfunctional, and, they are very expensive: for the: people too impoverished, morally deprived, culturally. The State has been transformed: in an killer: of the people: to: because of unfair taxes, which, for the: 70%: are to serve: buying by enlightened Jews: of our own money!

2di3 [ Sovereignty] is of the: people, in fact, when Satan said to Jesus: "if, you do adoration of me? I will give to: you: all of the kingdoms: of the world.". Jesus chose to go on the cross, because the devil is always a criminal usurper, abusive, rebellious, liar and murderess. is with the deception that Satan has stolen the reign to Adam: So Satan could never be: for God, the rightful owner: of the kingdom! Here, because for many generations: of, Freemasons, politicians, thieves, gluttons, that is, and elite: leaders: all array of the traitors: against the people: All their fell down in the hell: for, this crime: that is so abhorrent, that, every? goodness, piety and generosity of their: is canceled before God

3di3 [the Sovereignty] Mason and all: and each of the partner: of banking seigniorage, ie: the: IMF- New World Order: is take; is stolen, what is the right of the peoples ? You will be cursed: for ever! I swear, solemnly against all those, who do not fight against the: banking seigniorage "in the name of the: Living God: of the our fathers, YHWH: the: Holy: Holy, Holy, the God of: Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of Jesus Christ. you will live a cursed life: unhappy and you will undergo many misfortunes: also the misfortunes, you will undergo the 3 ° WWnuclear: where you'll see all the death of the your world: you will get off alive into an abyss of: despair and: of: destruction of hell. " and: the Church say "Amen, Hallelujah, hallelujah"

@ILLUMINATI -  Satan? He is so delicate! his health? very poor! enlightened? I'm? thinking of you, and I'm providing for you! in Jesus's name Amen hallelujah your King of Israel, ie: UniusRei

@ILLUMINATI --  satana? lui è così delicato! la sua salute? molto cagionevole! enlightened? io sto pensando a voi, ed io sto provvedendo per voi!

in Jesus's name: Amen hallelujah .. il tuo Re di Israele: ie : Unius Rei

ItsOver900O SAID: Nah, bro, I doubt it. --answer -- just because you doubt the faith in God?

You should not blaspheme against God! that is the intelligence is in your attitude?

@Busch, Rothschild, Blair, Freemasons, politicians or the British monarchy? if they are Christians? if love and believe in God the zionist?

God bless the atheists, then! because I do not know Satanists worst of them! se sono cristiani: Busch, Rothschild, Blair, massoni, politici o la monarchia inglese? se amano e credono in Dio le lobby ebraiche del signoraggio bancario? Dio benedica gli atei: allora! poiché, io non conosco satanisti peggiori di loro!

    @朝鮮,金正云,你是白痴的蛆蟲,全是水,所有的煙和NO烤!你有煩惱世界的一切,你的patetic這部劇,只是因為,你需要一碗飯,而不是死於飢餓的 乞丐!醜陋的廢話,一個精神病罪犯!你的家庭的偶像,都失敗了,因為,所有這些都是,你必須死,所有的飢餓嗎? ,如果你這樣做不是免費的,所有的基督徒烈士,從lagher。從我的角度來看呢?我讓你餓肚子真的!醜陋的廢話,一個刑事瘋子!你的家人的偶像都失敗 了,因為你有餓死嗎?如果你不交的話,所有的基督徒,從您的lagher中。從我的角度來看呢?我讓你餓肚子,真的! ----慘了!如果你的骨頭,好讓按鈕嗎?法利賽人,IMF已有666被盜!


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    38 secondi fa

    Miserable! and if your bones, were good to make the buttons? the Pharisees IMF would Already 666 stolen to you!


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    1 minuto fa

    @ 북한, 김정일 취소, 물 FULL 바보, 병신 아, 모든 연기 NO 구이입니다! 당신은 배고픔으로 죽어하지, 밥 한 그릇을 필요로하는자가 아르해서, 모든 세계, 당신의 patetic이 드라마를 소홀히했습니다! 사국의 추한 부분의, 범죄 정신병 자야! 가족 우상은 실패 때문에,이 모든, 당신이 죽을 필요가, 기아의 모든? 그리고, 당신은 무료로하지 않으면, 모든 기독교인 순교자, 당신 lagher에서. 보기 내 관점에서? 난 당신이 정말 굶어주세요! 사국의 추한 부분, 범죄 정신병 자야! 모두가 기아에 죽어 때문에 가족 우상은 실패? 당신이 제공하지 않는 경우, 당신 lagher에서 모든 그리스도인. 보기 내 관점에서? 정말, 당신은 굶어주세요! 그지 ----! 와 뼈가있는 버튼을 만들 좋은한다면?바리새 파 IMF 당신에게 이미 666 도난 것입니다!

YouTube Rewind 2012


North Korea: "Missiles ready to attack the U.S." .. North Korea puts the army on alert:

"Ready to attack U.S. and to its foundations"

The order of the command of the armed forces released by the official also covers strategic missile units: possible target nordamericanao the mainland and the islands of Hawaii and Guam. The appeal of China - ANSWER @ North Korea, Kim Jong-un, YOU ARE AN IDIOT faggot, FULL OF WATER, ALL SMOKE AND NO ROAST! YOU HAVE annoyed all the world, all this your patetic drama, just because, you are the beggar who needs a bowl of rice, not to die of hunger!

    03/25/2013 . CHINA - BRICS .Emerging countries thinking about a joint bank against West BRICS members, Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, are set to meet in Durban to discuss the creation of a new institution that could challenge the dominance of the (US-led) World Bank and the (European-led) International Monetary Fund. Experts warn it still too soon, and that "these countries must show that they can overcome the crisis".Beijing (AsiaNews) - The BRICS group of emerging nations plans to set up a new joint bank at their annual meeting to oppose the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, deemed "Western" structures that "do not reflect changes in the modern world." A BRICS bank could start with US$ 10 billion seed money from each of the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa). --- ANSWER --- BUT, WHAT ARE YOU DOING? make yourselves slaves of the Talmud, and Rothschild save all your lives as slaves. @666 burn satana IMF -- tira fuori il tuo marciume da questa pagina! amen, in Jesus's name, amen alleluia hallelujah

        jjjjjjiiiijjjjjj --- cosa di buono, tu ha messo da parte per la Merkel, del tuo pasto?cannibale 666, occult powwer, cosa, tu hai mangiato durante la tua ultima messa per satana?


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    8 minuti fa

    @ Russia - fool! I did not say, this, to you, that the IMF does not currently have a strength of more than 40%? therefore, could not resist any longer, within a medium-term peace. so you have to withdraw all your: money from: Western banks, ie, masonic system of banking seeigniorage, and have to carry all the weapons, which can be in space, because in this type of weapon? you're late! @Russia -- sciocco! non ho detto io a te, che il FMI, non ha attualmente una solidità superiore al 40%? quindi, non potrebbe resistere ancora a lungo, all'interno di un medio periodo, di pace. così tu devi ritirare tutto il denaro, dalle banche occidentali, e devi portare tutte le armi, che è possibile nello spazio, perché in questo tipo di armi? tu sei in ritardo!


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    1 ora fa

    what kind of war they won Americans (American-dogs: 666 IMF, 322, NWO) in Iraq?, if, the only one people, that, have been made, for be extinguish, were, only, 1200.000: Christians martyrs?, who, had been quiet with Saddam... but, this is clear, the IMF-NO, today is raising imperialism saudi arabia, because, one day media Jewish world will say, that, it has become essential, to a world war III, against Islam satanic nazi.


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    2 ore fa

    @ Russia - what, you are a bitch! you want to sell, also, my comment, to recover your money, to Cipro, from the IMF 666? how, you has to sell, your sailors, killed, into nuclear submarine? Certainly, for a prostitute like you, everything has a price! then, you too will soon go to destruction with all, your money, cursed by Satan, IMF god owl JabullOn! but, if, you do not destroy the IMF? War III world, Necessarily, needs to be addressed! and then, that Matter to us if all Muslims together with Israel, were exterminated all togheter? no! to me, it matters, Because That Is My Own Kingdom of Palestine! @ Russia animals - dirty! lol. is because last night, you saw a home movie porn, for that matter, that the Enlightened: 666 Pharisees of the IMF, they decided to punish you to Cyprus? .. that's for sure! with, three scams, that is, three false accounting, the IMF, took control of all power, for all those, who want to be blackmailed (intelligente, smart, IMF is Iran), is the true arbiter of life and death, of all human beings, on this planet .. but, then, what's wrong if the Holy Talmud, said to do so? goyim are not only the animals in human form? because the money from god-Rothschild 666, god Baal OWL is created, really, since by "nothing"? then: there is no interest, of give, due to "nothing." then: is the debt: public, and, as the debt: private, are the greatest wear and, big usury, of the story .. This said, the scientist Giacinto Auriti, therefore: the case of Cyprus, was planned: to "punish" Russia! in fact, as: it is easy to show: there are too many steps: where it is essential to do the accounting fraud: in the monetary system .. because: the money is created out of nothing, but then when, is purchased with: government bonds, the budget is closed: zero! then, where it ends, then, the first 100%: of money of the world? (Source: scientist Giacinto Auriti). poiché, il denaro dal dio-Rothschild 666, god Baal OWL, viene creato, veramente, dal: "nulla"? poi non è dovuto nessun interesse al: "nulla". quindi il debito pubblico, ed il debito privato sono la più grande usura, strozzinaggio della storia.. questo ha detto lo scienziato Giacinto Auriti, di conseguenza il caso Cipro, è stato pianificato per "punire" la Russia! infatti, come è facile dimostrare sono troppi i passaggi dove è indispensabile fare falso in bilancio nel sistema monetario.. perché il denaro viene creato dal nulla, ma, poi, quando viene comprato con i titoli di Stato, il bilancio viene chiuso a zero? dove finisce, il primo 100% del denaro di tutto il mondo? (fonte: scienziato Giacinto Auriti)


    NoahTheNephilim ha pubblicato un commento

    11 ore fa

    il caso CIPRO? è l'unica soluzione agli squilibri, che, il criminale sistema monetario: massonico, privato SpA, del signoraggio bancario, ha creato.. diversamente? è la guerra mondiale la sola soluzione!

        @ North Korea, Kim Jong-un, YOU ARE AN IDIOT fagot, FULL OF WATER, ALL SMOKE AND NO ROAST! YOU HAVE annoyed all the world, your patetic all this drama, Just Because, you are the beggar who needs a bowl of rice, not to die of hunger! ugly piece of crap, of, a criminal lunatic! your family idols, have failed, because, all that is, you have to die, all of hunger? and, if you do not free, all Christians martyrs, from your lagher. from my point of view? I let you starve really! brutto pezzo di merda, di un criminale pazzo! i tuoi idoli familiari, hanno fallito, perché, dovete morire tutti di fame? e se tu non liberare, tutti i cristiani, dai tuoi lagher. dal mio punto di vista? io ti lasciavo morire di fame veramente!
        North Korea: "Missiles ready to attack the U.S." .. North Korea puts the army on alert: "Ready to attack U.S. and to its foundations" The order of the command of the armed forces released by the official also covers strategic missile units: possible target nordamericanao the mainland and the islands of Hawaii and Guam. The appeal of China - ANSWER @ North Korea, Kim Jong-un, YOU ARE AN IDIOT faggot, FULL OF WATER, ALL SMOKE AND NO ROAST! YOU HAVE annoyed all the world, all this your patetic drama, just because, you are the beggar who needs a bowl of rice, not to die of hunger! Corea del Nord: "Missili pronti per attacco agli Usa".. Corea del Nord mette in allerta l'esercito: "Pronti per attacco a Usa e a sue basi" L'ordine deI comando delle forze armate diffuso dall'agenzia ufficiale riguarda anche le unità missilistiche strategiche: possibile bersaglio il territorio continentale nordamericanao e le isole Hawaii e Guam. L'appello della Cina --ANSWER @Corea del Nord, Kim Jong-un, TU SEI UN COGLIONE PIENO D'ACQUA, TUTTO FUMO E NIENTE ARROSTO! TU HAI SCOCCIATO, tutta questa messa in scena, soltanto, perché, tu sei il pezzente che ha bisogno di una scodella di riso, per non morire di fame!!

1di3[la sovranità] appartiene al popolo: come dice la Costituzione, e non ai massoni e agli ebrei:"illuminati", che, l'hanno sottratta attraverso il furto della sovranità monetaria(signoraggio bancario): così il popolo impoverito: non ha più accesso ai suoi diritti: in realtà. Poiché i suoi diritti sono diventati soltanto teorici! Poiché, le istituzioni funzionano male, e sono molto costose: per essere il popolo troppo impoverito, e deprivato moralmente e culturalmente. Lo Stato è stato trasformato nell'aguzzino del popolo: a motivo delle tasse ingiuste, che, per il 70%: servono a comprare? dagli ebrei enlightened: i nostri stessi soldi!

3di3[la sovranità] Tu massone e ogni complice del signoraggio bancario, cioè: il FMI-NWO: tu dai per bontà: quello che al popolo spetta di diritto? Tu sarai maledetto: in eterno! Io giuro solennemente: contro? tutti coloro, che, non combattono contro il signoraggio bancario: "nel nome del Dio Vivente: dei nostri padri: JHWH: il Santo: Santo, Santo, il Dio di: Abramo, Isacco e giacobbe, il Dio di Gesù Cristo. Voi vivrete una vita maledetta e infelice: voi subirete molte sventure e disgrazie, voi subirete la 3°WWnuclear: dove vedrete morire tutto il vostro mondo: voi scenderete vivi: in un abisso di disperazione e di distruzione: l'inferno". e la Chiesa dica: "Amen, Alleluia, hallelujah"

Saudi Arabia, imperialism, Sharia terrorism

è perché non stampate una moneta nazionale, per uso interno, in sovranità monetaria? SOLTANTO GLI USA POSSONO STAMPARE TUTTO IL DENARO FINTO, CHE VOGLIONO PER METTERLA NEL CULO AL MONDO: CHE DIVENTA "FINTO", come il suo denaro, IN UNA GUERRA MONDIALE? ] [ BRUXELLES, 7 LUG - "Una Grexit sarebbe un terribile errore e un fallimento collettivo", per questo "la Commissione Ue ha una responsabilità storica per evitarla: noi non lo vogliamo". Così il commissario Ue agli affari economici Pierre Moscovici all'arrivo all'Eurogruppo.

Benjamin Netanyahu ] non avrei mai pensato, che: qualcuno: Rothschild 322 Bush NWO, avrebbe chiamato Hitler la Arabia Saudita Califfato jihadista, e nazismo: la sharia della LEGA ARABA! non mi piacciono i coglioni pieni di acqua che non agiscono! Mogherini: 'Trattative sull'Iran avanti per altri due giorni'. Lo ha confermato l'Alto rappresentante (SI, MA QUALTO LEI è ALTO? AL MASSIMO, come altezza, lei ARRIVA AL PENE DI BUSH 322, mentre Ban-Kimoon arriva ad altezza GENDER ) per la politica estera Ue da Vienna. I tecnici dell'Aiea lasciano la capitale austriaca, sottolineando che sono stati fatti passi avanti. Lavrov: "Ci sono 8 questioni da finalizzare"
my JHWH Holy ] ma, io ho sempre detto loro che io non sono un santo, e loro lo hanno creduto! CHE SE POI, loro MI FANNO ARRABBIARE? IO CHE COLPA HO?
to Hillary Clinton ] [ il Vostro sistema monetario truffa, usura, induzione al debito, suicidio, devitalizzazione, truffa, falso in bilancio, di Banca Mondiale SpA Fmi, Spa, ( di privati farisei del talmud i nostri padroni ) che tutto questo: è lobby massoniche, satanismo e nichilismo? ok, questo sistema truffa del debito pubblico, non si può più reggere in piedi da solo, senza soffocare i popoli ] Voi avrete il coraggio di soffocare i grandi capitali? (distruggere il 60% della massa monetaria mondiale? IO NON CREDO! ) QUINDI PRIMA DI ENTRARE NELLA GUERRA CIVILE, quella RIVOLUZIONE dei popoli CHE UCCIDEREBBE VOI I RICCHI: PER ALTO TRADIMENTO, SAREBBE PIù RAZIONALE ENTRARE NELLA GUERRA MONDIALE NUCLEARE ] soltanto che una guerra contro la CINA e Russia, non ha un esito scontato e potrebbe cancellare ogni forma di vita sul pianeta, l'unica soluzione razionale a questo punto, dato che voi avete deciso di essere le scimmie GENDER Darwin, contro ogni evidenza scientifica e quella di fare di tutta la LEGA ARABA sharia, una sola salciccia!

Hillary Clinton ha incoraggiato un adoloscente omosessuale, dicendo: "la tua vita sarà un successo!" ma, anche le parole più belle, messe, sulla bocca dei nostri leader massoni che nascondono il signoraggio bancario, diventano frasi inquietanti. Infatti la laicità dello Stato, circa scelte di coscienza dei suoi cittadini deve diventare uno standard in tutto il mondo! MA COSA CENTRANO LE LOBBIES? LORO STANNO OMOSESSUALIZZANDO LA SOCIETà, ALLO STESSO MODO COME LA LEGA ARABA NAZISTA STA ISLAMIZZANDO SEMPRE DI PIù LA SUA SOCIETà! Quindi i popoli sono diventati le vittime di potenti lobby ideologiche SCIENTISTE e religiose, vittime del signoraggio bancario! ALLORA, ANCHE LE PAROLE PIù BELLE NON HANNO PIù NESSUN SIGNIFICATO! Gli usurai di Rothschild, le scimmie di Darwin e le scimmie sharia di Maometto? hanno condannato il mondo al massacro!
STOP Obama GENDER [ to this ] your Satanic our institutions banking seigniorage: god owl at bohemian grove, and: all their infiltration: cultural nature, esoteric agenda, Gmos crime, masonic system, Monetary Scam SpA, occult power, SpA, your criminal SYSTEM FAILURE, stop to all this
STOP Obama GENDER [ to you criminal ] this is your Satanic world ideology: atheism, drugs, esoteric agenda, Freemasonry, Gmos, hatred of christianity, Homosexuality, loss of freedom of speech, masonic system loss of real democracy, Monetary Scam, occult power, pedophilia, pornography, SpA, banking SYSTEM FAILURE of all your financial crisis, Truffa Monetaria, usura, violence, war, ecc.. ecc.. really you are babylon tower: kingdom of satan
eih Obama GENDER where is my kingdom of Palestine?
eih Obama GENDER ] [ You can't say to me: "and I that we can do? is Rothschild Spa Bush, that, tells me everything I have to say, because they are bad boys! " tu non puoi dire: "ed io che ci posso fare? è Rothschild Spa Bush che mi dice tutto quello che io devo dire, perché loro sono dei ragazzi cattivi!"
my JHWH holy ] libera tutti i musulmani oppressi e minacciati dalla Arabia Saudita wahhabita, in tutto il mondo! my JHWH holy ] libera tutti i popoli schiavi della usura bancaria Spa mondiale dei Rothschild farisei usurai! Mio Dio VIVENTE libera tutti i popoli oppressi da ogni oppressione! my JHWH holy ] LIBERA I PRIGIONIERI! io pretendo che la sharia nazismo sutto egida ONU, deve essere abolita in tutta la LEGA ARABA ed io pretendo che Salafi brothers Muslims Saudi Arabia will become illegal in all Muslims Country
Lorenzojhwh Unius REI to 187AudioHostem ] amico, [ io non ho niente da dire! PERCHé TU SAI GIà TUTTO, circa, QUELLO CHE IO FARò, E CHE, circa, tutto quello che, IO HO DECISO DI FARE! QUANDO LA VALANGA SCENDERà NULLA POTRà RIMANERE IN PIEDI, E I FONDAMENTI DELLE COLONNE DEL MONDO TREMERANNO, come al tempo di Noé, tutte le cateratte degli abissi tracimeranno, E STARE SOTTO NON SARà MEGLIO CHE STARE SOPRA! il più grande massacro della storia del genere umano! TANTO HA MERITATO LA CATTIVERIA E L'EGOISMO DEGLI UOMINI!
eih Obama GENDER ] [ qui, in youtube, tutti sanno che, io ho previsto una sanatoria amnistia, o situzioni punitive in alcun modo, anche se, voi siete i più pericolosi criminali assassini seriali della storia del genere umano, che, proprio è quello che voi siete: "i satanisti massoni" QUESTO LO SANNO TUTTI! ma, IO SONO ABBASTANZA INTELLIGENTE PER SPERARE A SOLUZIONI EFFICACI E FATTIVE, NON PUNITIVE, E NON SANGUINOSE! In termini politici io non sono un rivoluzionario, che mette in discussione le Istituzioni, ma, voi fatevi da parte e lasciatemi lavorare, perché, voi potete soltanto distruggere il genere umano: infatti voi siete una geopolitica, che, può soltanto trovaRE false MOTIVAZIONI per ogni tipo di guerra! FORSE GUERRE GIUSTE, PER MOTIVI GIUSTI (e non per motivi economici) ANDREBBERO FATTE, MA, TUTTI SPERIAMO DI NO!
Grecia: 61,3% no al referendum, sì 38,7. Tsipras, ora accordo, trattare su debito ]] l'unica cosa che dovrebbe iniziare a funzionare è il plotone di esecuzione! [ hanno stampato denaro per oltre 100 volte il prodotto interno lordo del pianeta, quindi, o distruggono i grandi capitali che pretendono un interesse (debito pubblico), o distruggono i popoli nella guerra mondiale! [ la colpa non è della GRECIA, perché, il denaro dei Rothschild SpA costa il 270% del suo valore (fonte scienziato Giacinto Auriti) ] e questa è la verità: hanno fatto un pianeta di Stati tutti indebitati, di poveri sempre più poveri e di ricchi sempre più ricchi (quindi è venuto meno il principio: 1. della integrità territoriale, 2. della sovranità monetaria e, 3. della uguaglianza di tutti i cittidani di fronte alla legge), [ in conlusione: questo è alto tradimento massonico Bildenberg ] l'unica cosa che dovrebbe iniziare a funzionare è il plotone di esecuzione!
4 luglio, Obama: la liberta' non viene senza prezzo, 'Ma pagata da tutti le donne e gli uomini militari' ] Obama è un assassino, uno spudorato satanista, un traditore, un attore di Hollywood, perché senza sovranità monetaria non può mai esistere nessuna sovranità politica! ] [ il suo epilogo sarà la tragedia di una ormai inevitabile guerra mondiale nucleare, con almeno 5 miliadi di morti, proprio per colpa del suo sistema massonico usurocratico mondiale SpA truffa monetaria Banca Mondiale!
"Srebrenica fu sacrificata alla Realpolitik" ] non esiste una Realpolitik al di fuori della geopolitica congiunta tra: 1. satanisti massoni USA BILDENBERG NATO, e, 2. i nuovi diritti ONU sharia nazisti della LEGA ARABA: "allah akbar morte a tutti gli infedeli!" Genocidio della TEOLOGIA DELLA SOSTITUZIONE [ Infatti, non sa nessuno che dopo la guerra del Cosovo, su copertura, silenzio, occultamento della NATO CIA network Satellite TV, e dei loro internazionale islamica, galassia jihadista, hanno fatto il genocidio di tutti i serbi nel Cosovo, infatti, hanno distrutto 3000 tra, Chiese, Monasteri e Cimiteri.. furono trucidati soldati della NATO, civili serbi, tutto dopo la guerra, ma, questa è la verità: "NESSUNO NE SA NIENTE!" I tribunali internazionali sono una truffa ideologica, soltanto uno strumento repressivo a servizio degli USA e dei loro interessi geopolitici
Benjamin Netanyahu ] è finta la democrazia tra gli ebrei, Rothschild ucciderà Israele ancora una volta [ è il denaro il vero valore di un Ebreo, quindi, Spa Rothschild hanno il controllo della comunità ebraica mondiale! ] in questo modo, lui preparò Hitler, allo stesso modo ha preparato la LEGA ARABA.. il responsabile di ogni Shoah è sempre rothschild 666 Baal Peor talmud, e se gli ebrei non verranno da me: Israele andrà perduto, ancora una volta! E poi, come al solito la colpa è sempre dei cristiani europei e del Vaticano, quando noi sappiamo che è l'anticristo, SPA Banche Centrali monopolio universale NWO della Massoneria a governare il mondo! Loro gli Illuminati Padroni del mondo, hanno sempre reso impossibile, la espansione territoriale di Israele, pur avendone il diritto con le guerre che ha vinto, poteva prendersi mezzo Medio Oriente! Ad Israele sono stato fatte combattere delle guerre in cui ha rischiato la estinzione, in cambio di niente! è CHIARO: "PER I FARISEI ANGLO-AMERICANI ISRAELE è UN GIOCATTOLO CHE QUANDO NON SERVE PIù DEVE ESSERE DISTRUTTO.
Benjamin Netanyahu ] OGGETTIVAMENTE? BARAK OBAMA è UN BRAVO RAGAZZO: in se stesso, E sarebbe un sogno d'amore se rappresentasse il popolo americano, invece di rappresentare i tuoi SpA Fmi, Bush 322 Rothschild che hanno pianificato di ucciderti: e di fare disintegrare Israele! Quindi questo è il problema, come restituire a BARAK OBAMA una vera sovranità, perché possa diventare finalmente, quello che lui non è mai stato, cioè, diventare per la prima volta, il vero Presidente del popolo americano?
187AudioHostem ] è vero che la tua intelligenza si è andata deteriorandosi progressivamente, fino a diventare un: compromesso equilibrio mentale ( ma, poi, questa è stata la stessa brutta storia del tuo Lucifero che è diventato un Satana di coglione ) Quello che è sucesso a te, succederà a tutti i miei nemici, se poi, è vero che, io sono Unius REI, e questo tutti lo sanno: è vero che io sono Unius REI Governatore Mediatore mondiale, ed anche perché io sono principalmente il Re di Israele; 2. e poi, questo evento del tuo licenziamento: come direttore di YOUTUBE, licenziamento, che, io ho reso inevitabile? Questo non significa che io ho smesso di volerti bene! ANZI, IO TI VOGLIO PIù BENE DI PRIMA, PERCHé LA TUA ANIMA è STATA PREZIOSA PER GESù SULLA CROCE!
187AudioHostem ] non ti preoccupare amico mio: per me le persone non sono mai: "usa e getta!" ed anche se, il sommo saderdote cannibale di satana Bush 322, quello con i super poteri satanici voodoo, lui ti ha licenziato, per colpa mia? non ti preoccupare, di quel sbruffone, lol. io avrei voluto vedere lui: al posto tuo, io lo avrei disintegrato subito lui, in meno di due settimane! Ma, come ti dicevo: " tu sei sempre in servizio per me! cioè, io volevo dire, tu sei sempre al mio servizio" TU SEI IL PIù SIMPATICO e intelligente SACERDOTE DI SATANA, CHE IO HO CONOSCIUTO! anche se è IhateNewLayout il più affettuoso di tutti!
187AudioHostem ] disattivando i plugin, forse sono riuscito a mettere fuori del mio computer le tue lucertole della CIA [ anche se, io non ho un problema con la loro presenza, infatti, io non ho niente da nascondere a nessuno!
187AudioHostem ] perché Bush 322 NWO SpA, e Rothschild 666 Fmi, FED BCE: loro sono i due testicoli cancerogeni di Satana? [ perché il nostro sublime, ONNIPOTENTE Creatore holy JHWH, prima di creare l'Universo, lui già li conosceva! ] NON C'è NULLA CHE LORO POSSONO FARE PER PRENDERE me: UNIUS REI IN CONTROPIEDE!
187AudioHostem, Bush, 322, NWO, SpA, Rothschild 666 Fmi, FED BCE ] io lo so, che voi siete dei poveri disgraziati, che non vedete l'ora di essere liberati da me, dal potere di satana, e di essere liberati, dalla sua schiavitù [ PERò CAZZO POTETE ANCHE MUOVERE IL CULO DA QUELLA SEDIA!
Eih satana, tu getta la benzina su queste nazioni e bruciale! ] 1. North Korea, 2. Somalia 3. Iraq 4. Syria 5. Afghanistan 6. Sudan 7. Iran 8. Pakistan 9. Eritrea 10. Nigeria 11. Maldives 12. Saudi Arabia 13. Libya 14. Yemen 15. Uzbekistan 16. Vietnam 17. Central African Republic 18. Qatar 19. Kenya 20. Turkmenistan 21. India 22. Ethiopia 23. Egypt 24. Djibouti 25. Myanmar 26. Palestinian Territories 27. Brunei 28. Laos 29. China 30. Jordan 31. Bhutan 32. Comoros 33. Tanzania 34. Algeria 35. Colombia 36. Tunisia 37. Malaysia 38. Mexico 39. Oman 40. Mali 41. Turkey 42. Kazakhstan 43. Bangladesh 44. Sri Lanka 45. Tajikistan 46. Azerbaijan 47. Indonesia 48. Mauritania 49. United Arab Emirates 50. Kuwait

Dieu aime tous les hommes et les peuples, il est amour infini, avec tous: aussi avec des criminels: hélas! mais moi, je suis SON: unius REI: roi universel, sur tout le monde, roi d'Israël, et Mahdi, bien sûr son favori dans le monde entier, et c'est parce que je ne suis pas un prophète ou un mystique, je ne suis qu'un l'homme: comme tous, seul un homme rationnel! Dios ama a todas las personas y pueblos, Él es amor infinito, con todo: también con los delincuentes: por desgracia! pero yo, que soy su: unius REI: rey universal, en todo el mundo, el Rey de Israel, y el Mahdi, por supuesto su favorito en todo el mundo, y eso es porque yo no soy un profeta o un místico, no soy más que un hombre, como todos, sólo un hombre racional!

    @Dementedfreeke, Demented 666 CIA freeke --- and as you said to be a female, a little while ago? then you must have a lot of plastic penises in your purse! boy, you have a future as a comedian, a very bright future! if I have 52 years, then, my mother has at least 82 years all, you're just mentally unbalanced. what is your problem, racist, Nazi? God loves all colors. @synnek1 criminal cannibal of CIA, satanism international and institutional, Bad embalmed dead lizard - take this idiot, donkey, of Dementedfreeke?, This is an evil too great, that you would never have duty done against me

    On 20 December 2006, on all these subjects, about the seigniorage banking? I, as you, knew you, that is nothing! but, then, I have met the scientist Giacinto Auriti (a true Catholic saint) God protect you and bless you! A forgot, I have a question for you: What are 33,000 current accounts encrypted called "cleanstreem"? the seigniorage banking: it is: high treason of the Italian people, and it is high treason against all peoples! 666 322 IMF CIA faggot. Satan is a fag. that China has not yet figured out! Christians are not like Muslims, whose lives: they belong: to the King of Saudi Arabia and its fanaticism murderess imperialism salafis Al Quaeda. Every Christian is the Church and the Church is not a foreign army! In fact, unlike, from other religions, the Christian consciousness, is independent, because each christian is educated as a person (not species), and not as larval body collective of termites, united by a symbiotic bond

    @ Dementedfreeke: ie, fake satanist, ie, employee of Synnek1 CIA - but, you want to know Satan? that is, say, you want to know him personally? but this you must know, he might kill you, of course, because you're full of too many mortal sins. amen, you all will die in the 3° World War, you are, not a true patriot, if you do not sacrifice your life, so that Rothschild (666 IMF) (Bush 322) can be happy and make money, again, that is, so that the parasitic, criminal, illegal, unconstitutional: theft criminal, of high betrayal, International Monetary Fund, could rise again ... after all? you're just an animal in human form, says the Talmud. and what's really bad? that is, without any scientific evidence (ie, for a theory eternal, without a single solid proof), you have truly believed to be an evolved animal

    SupositoryRepository, ie, Abu Antar -- ie, Secret Service agent, of which country? but, I preferred you, as a beautiful girl, while, unfortunately, you are a male, who dislike, most beautiful women lol.//@Dementedfreeke--- ex Cain @demente 666 CIA IMF --- I'm glad you've finally abandoned, your 666 head embalmed of a goat 322 666, stuffed donkey died, your awareness of being a demented? is the beginning of wisdom for you! ex-kain 666 donkey ex-died CIA MOSSAF for IMF and for destroy my Israel --- now, you will be able to light your candle, for make a study more appropriate, about the value of the Word of God, but not to take lessons Pharisees Illuminati IMF that they wrote the Talmud, and the bible of satan, otherwise? also you will become a murderess, that is, an endless mass murderess!

    [remove: 666 talmud IMF: and his satanic cannibal monster Satanists] no one Satanist: it is no longer of Entitled: have to stay on this page [/ user / YouTube / feed? filter = 1] amen: in Jesus's Name! @ CIA Rochefeller: all synagogue of Satan: IMF 666: Bush 322, all Enlightened ---> Synnek1 posted a comment: 6 hours ago: "Kneel! We refuse to accept your explanation (s)" - ANSWER -> you have created: these monsters of Satanism: and Satanists: FOR DO to the Holocaust, against all Peoples, and to destroy the hope of Israel, but now, if only one of These Satanic monsters, remain alive? pay with your life, for Their Lives! I am unius REI, The King of Israel!

    [remove: 666 talmud IMF: and his satanic cannibal monster Satanists] Also synnek1, and Ihatenewlayout, no one Satanist: it is no longer Entitled have to stay on this page! also synnek1, and Ihatenewlayout, no Satanist: it is no longer entitled to stay on this page! drinkYpoisonJHWHwins drinkYpoisonJHWHwins posted a comment 5 hours ago @ CIA Rochefeller: all synagogue of Satan: IMF 666: Bush 322, all Enlightened ---> Synnek1 posted a comment: 6 hours ago: "Kneel! We refuse to accept your explanation (s)" - ANSWER-> you have created : these monsters of Satanism: and Satanists: FOR DO to the Holocaust, against all peoples, and to destroy the hope of Israel, but now, if only one Of These Satanic monsters, remain alive? pay with your life, for Their Lives! I am unius REI, king of Israel!

    Afghani5tan Re:I do not want to hurt anybody I am Justice because you might tory against me? shout the fuck up animal the true children of moses are the afghans and these afghans sending your christian satan army to hell like the soviets and like the english empire may you root in hell with your family and your followers when your end is near. -- ANSWER--> SORRY, THERE IS NO LONGER A CHRISTIAN ARMY from, 2 CENTURIES! THERE ARE ONLY Satanists of THE IMF 666 FED ECB ie, masonic system

    MasterOfSpacetime Re: six-pointed star? I have noticed it graffitied with the swastica in the center. It is also part of the theosophic society. It is all very much occult practices which I am a victim of. I have prvailed against their magics and have been at war for the last seven years seeking whom I may devour. That's me in combat against the wicked forces. v humanumgenus   14 minuti fa Segnala spam kingdomofJHWH said:   six-pointed star? has never been the star of David, in fact, is the star of Rothschild ... He did not make it through the first part. Go watch Esoteric Agenda. And refute that shit. ONLY the Zionists: of 666 IMF: could invent the slander of "Christian Nazis" or That Jesus is the enemy of his Jews. Anti-Semitism? Satanism is!   anti-Goyim? Satanism is!

    perfetto: Dio è una persona : il Creatore! mentre, la religione è un sacramento: un qualcosa che può funzionare bene, ma, che purtroppo può funzionare male (come ideologia: razzismo , massimalismo: terrorismo fanatismo)! kingdomofJHWH said:   six-pointed star? has never been the star of David, in fact, is the star of Rothschild ... He did not make it through the first part. Go watch Esoteric Agenda. And refute that shit. ONLY the Zionists: of 666 IMF: could invent the slander of "Christian Nazis" or That Jesus is the enemy of his Jews. Anti-Semitism? Satanism is!   anti-Goyim? Satanism is!

    [Solomon the king of peace and unius REI: against: the heresy of the Pharisees: IMF] news of November 97 Author: Don Adriano Bravo. In addition to David's son Solomon is considered by Scripture, a figure of the Messiah: David was a figure: the struggle and passion of the Messiah, Solomon instead of her: peaceful triumph. Indeed, Solomon was in fact: the king of wisdom and peace, so at least idealized, he sees the biblical tradition. He represents the apogee of Jewish history in the glory of Israel. Solomon was the builder of the Temple. The significance of the Temple: we find it explained in long prayer: that: Solomon spoke on the opening day. We find ne1 First Book of Kings (8.22 to 53) and in the Second Book of Chronicles (6.14 to 42): But is it really true that God dwells on earth? Here are the heaven and the heaven of heavens can not contain you, how much less this house which I have built! (1 Kings 8, 54-61)

    [Solomon the king of peace and unius REI: against: the heresy of the Pharisees: IMF]The Temple: This is the place of the presence of God, the dwelling place of the God, that: save, protect, judge: and forgive: where dwells the God, that: welcomes the sacrifices and prayers. But: this is not all: the Temple is still the first, the sign of the election: Yahweh, that: the heavens can not contain, chose a people, this people and this place. The temple is a sign of grace. It 'also a sign of unity and brotherhood of the tribes, all united by the same faith, and around the same Lord. In this way, the prayer is not limited: to explain the significance of the Temple. Will again, the meaning of God's people, a chosen people, because "all the peoples of the earth (universal brotherhood) recognize: that: Yahweh is the true God, and that: there is no other god but Him."

    [Solomon the king of peace and unius REI: against: the heresy of the Pharisees: IMF] With the construction of the Temple is completed Meaning: Jerusalem, the city of peace. There is the temple: and the throne of David (unius REI), which will from now on, the two pillars of the hope of Israel will be channels of God's and his promises. The promises of God are without repentance: the throne of David and the Temple are a sign of God's love Yet Solomon's prayer is charged with a strong call to vigilance: Israel must watch over his faith, justice, on 'adherence to the Lord, nor the Temple, neither throne nor the promises are such as to ensure a magical immunity. After Solomon -The story after Solomon is an illustration of this last thought. Solomon's reign, despite, or perhaps because of its glory for that, carried in itself the germs of decay. Not only that, as we know, no political,

    [Solomon the king of peace and unius REI: against: the heresy of the Pharisees: IMF]but above all, the seeds of moral decay and religious society built by Solomon exasperated: the contrast between the social classes, making it intolerable injustice of the rich against the poor, the friendships with neighboring peoples facilitated: an overly liberal religious behavior. For this: the death of Solomon the kingdom was divided: the kingdom of Israel in the North, the Kingdom of Judah in the South. The book of Kings and Chronicles: they are very strict against: the king of Israel, against: any historical objectivity consider them all bad. This means that, according to the historian jew, the separation of the Northern Kingdom was not only a political, but a religious, a true infidelity apostasy Pharisees.

    [Solomon the king of peace and unius REI: against: the heresy of the Pharisees: IMF] According to the same books, Judas is the true Israel. Even the story of Judas walks to the ruins, and only a small "remnant" will be the party faithful of Israel. The fall of Samaria is the 722: and that of Jerusalem in 586: they are the logical, to be expected, a path of infidelity because of the racism in the Talmud. God chose Israel and made it the favorite son, but God can do without Israel. While it is true that the love of God, is the most stubborn of the betrayal of his people, will start from head. because the last word of God: it is always hope.

    @ youtube -> you can close the channel "LaVeraDottrina": full hatred against a protected species: that is, hatred against all mankind! lol. Illuminati Pharisees of the Talmud? are all religious maniacs: like him! then also close all the channels of the Enlightened of IMF! ok?lol. laveradottrina the blasfemy and apostasy -> you are tyrannizing to God! you're forcing God, to not be more merciful! here's why: you do not find mercy for yourself! [God is in full control of everything, but, to the rebels have been prevented, hindered the knowledge: and the scienze of God] Rothschild: King Saudi Arabia, LaVeraDottrina, atheists Illuminati: IMF, 666, 322 -> God did a test on you! but you have it wrong!

    @666 IMF enlightened of 322 LaVeraDottrina--> LaVeraDottrina posted a comment 7 minutes ago The men are the world. You love the man but you're hating God --ANSWER-> So, for you, God hates the man goyim: As the Talmud: of the IMF Enlightened said!  God hates the man, which he made ​​in his image and likeness? but this is not what the Bible says all people of the world are apostates for you! you should be expelled from the internet! and you should be put in jail! the law punishes the contempt for religious reasons: because it is a criminal offense: a crime against the people! you are a terrorist universal, as the King of Saudi Arabia, and the Jews of the Talmud. if you knew how to walk with God? you feel his voice in your heart! and you would not need: to read a book of death: to understand how to kill innocent people!

    but, it is: with your statement of apostate: or idolatrous, that: the Illuminati, of talmud for IMF: they first have designed, and then they did do the Holocaust, to Hitler, against jews, and the King of Saudi Arabia kills : 300 innocent Christian martyrs every day! ma, è proprio: con la tua dichiarazione di apostata: o di idolatra, che: gli Illuminati, del FMI: loro hanno prima progettato, e poi hanno fatto fare: l'Olocausto ad Hitler: e il Re della Arabia Saudita: fa morire: 300 martiri cristiani innocenti ogni giorno! [maniaci religiosi of Illuminati IMF and sharia] 2 + 2 = 4! if you had the power? also you would do the murderess: just like they did your dogma, and have a lot of wonderful people burned at the stake!. if God was in control of everything(as the primary cause)? he would be a murderess! God has left people free, have you ever heard of free will?

YouTube Spotlight
YouTube Rewind 2012
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
11 minuti fa

    what kind of war they won Americans (American-dogs: 666 IMF, 322, NWO) in Iraq?, if, the only one people, that, have been made, for be extinguish, were, only, 1200.000: Christians martyrs?, who, had been quiet with Saddam... but, this is clear, the IMF-NO, today is raising imperialism saudi arabia, because, one day media Jewish world will say, that, it has become essential, to a world war III, against Islam satanic nazi.
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    46 minuti fa

    @ Russia - what, you are a bitch! you want to sell, also, my comment, to recover your money, to Cipro, from the IMF 666? how, you has to sell, your sailors, killed, into nuclear submarine? Certainly, for a prostitute like you, everything has a price! then, you too will soon go to destruction with all, your money, cursed by Satan, IMF god owl JabullOn! but, if, you do not destroy the IMF? War III world, Necessarily, needs to be addressed! and then, that Matter to us if all Muslims together with Israel, were exterminated all togheter? no! to me, it matters, Because That Is My Own Kingdom of Palestine!
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    1 ora fa

    @ Russia animals - dirty! lol. is because last night, you saw a home movie porn, for that matter, that the Enlightened: 666 Pharisees of the IMF, they decided to punish you to Cyprus? .. that's for sure! with, three scams, that is, three false accounting, the IMF, took control of all power, for all those, who want to be blackmailed (intelligente, smart, IMF is Iran), is the true arbiter of life and death, of all human beings, on this planet .. but, then, what's wrong if the Holy Talmud, said to do so? goyim are not only the animals in human form?
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    3 ore fa

    because the money from god-Rothschild 666, god Baal OWL is created, really, since by "nothing"? then: there is no interest, of give, due to "nothing." then: is the debt: public, and, as the debt: private, are the greatest wear and, big usury, of the story .. This said, the scientist Giacinto Auriti, therefore: the case of Cyprus, was planned: to "punish" Russia! in fact, as: it is easy to show: there are too many steps: where it is essential to do the accounting fraud: in the monetary system .. because: the money is created out of nothing, but then when, is purchased with: government bonds, the budget is closed: zero! then, where it ends, then, the first 100%: of money of the world? (Source: scientist Giacinto Auriti)
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    3 ore fa

    poiché, il denaro dal dio-Rothschild 666, god Baal OWL, viene creato, veramente, dal: "nulla"? poi non è dovuto nessun interesse al: "nulla". quindi il debito pubblico, ed il debito privato sono la più grande usura, strozzinaggio della storia.. questo ha detto lo scienziato Giacinto Auriti, di conseguenza il caso Cipro, è stato pianificato per "punire" la Russia! infatti, come è facile dimostrare sono troppi i passaggi dove è indispensabile fare falso in bilancio nel sistema monetario.. perché il denaro viene creato dal nulla, ma, poi, quando viene comprato con i titoli di Stato, il bilancio viene chiuso a zero? dove finisce, il primo 100% del denaro di tutto il mondo? (fonte: scienziato Giacinto Auriti)
    NoahTheNephilim ha pubblicato un commento
    9 ore fa

    il caso CIPRO? è l'unica soluzione agli squilibri, che, il criminale sistema monetario: massonico, privato SpA, del signoraggio bancario, ha creato.. diversamente? è la guerra mondiale la sola soluzione!

    ECB FED NWO agenda: IMF Talmud: masonic system: of, banking seigniorage], for, kill Israel! hei, 666 IMF FED ECB, 322 OBAMA - I want to see democracy, too, in Barein and, in Saudi Arabia, too, as in Syria! CIA criminal FED 666 IMF [Saudi Arabia imperialism: Sharia terrorism, for, my destroy Israel : WW III in nuclear]. [Bahrain, sharia salafis, is: Brutal Ally]. By Zainab al-Khawaja. ♥. king Israel, Mahdi, Messiah. Unius REI.I am unius REI, king of Israel. [MANE THECEL PHARES] hallelujah, hallelujah. the, Lede Blog: Bahrain Jails Activist, for, Covering Protests on Twitter (December 19, 2012)


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    2 minuti fa

    . Activist's Conviction upheld in Test, of, Pledges by Bahrain (December 12, 2012). Times Topic: Bahrain News -, the, Protests. Connect With Us on Twitter., For, Op-Ed, follow @ nytopinion, and, to: hear from, the, editorial page editor, Andrew Rosenthal, follow @ andyrNYT. EARLIER this month, Aqeel Abdul Mohsen, 19, was shot in, the, face, for, protesting against Bahrain's government. He was covered in blood, with, the, lower side, of, his face blown open, his jaw shattered, and, a broken hand awkwardly hanging from his wrist. It's one, of, Those images that: you wish you had never seen, and, can never forget. [ECB FED NWO agenda: IMF Talmud: masonic system: of, banking seigniorage], for, kill Israel! hei, 666 IMF FED ECB, 322 OBAMA - I want to see democracy, too, in Barein and, in Saudi Arabia, too, as in Syria! CIA criminal FED 666 IMF


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    3 minuti fa

    [Saudi Arabia imperialism: Sharia terrorism, for, my destroy Israel : WW III in nuclear]. [Bahrain, sharia salafis, is: Brutal Ally] in Jesus's name. amen. After more than 10 hours, of, surgery, and, before Mr. Abdul Mohsen regained consciousness, his hospital room was under guard by Already, the, police. Had he been atto: speak, he might even have been interrogated before going into surgery. Others have lain bleeding, without: medical attention while government security agents asked questions like: "Were you Participating in a protest? Who else was with you?". Bahrain, a small island nation off, the, coast, of, Saudi Arabia, has been ruled by, the, Khalifa family, for, more than 200 years. Also it is home to, the, headquarters, of, the, United States Navy's Fifth Fleet, Which regional patrols shipping lanes, assists with missions in Iraq and Afghanistan, and, as monitors Iran Tensions in, the, region mount.


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    3 minuti fa

    [ECB FED NWO agenda: IMF Talmud: masonic system: of, banking seigniorage], for, kill Israel! hei, 666 IMF FED ECB, 322 OBAMA - I want to see democracy, too, in Barein and, in Saudi Arabia, too, as in Syria! CIA criminal FED 666 IMF [Saudi Arabia imperialism: Sharia terrorism, for, my destroy Israel : WW III in nuclear]. [Bahrain, sharia salafis, is: Brutal Ally] in Jesus's name. amen., the, oppressed people, of, Bahrain joined, the, Arab Spring soon after, the, fall, of, President Hosni Mubarak in Egypt. With newfound hope, Bahrainis Took to, the, streets on Feb. 14, 2011. Rich, and, poor, Shiite, and, Sunni, liberal, and, religious, they felt what it was like to: speak freely, for, the, first time in, the, capital, Manama, at a traffic circle with a pearl monument at its center. ♥. king Israel, Mahdi, Messiah. Unius REI.I am unius REI, king of Israel. [MANE THECEL PHARES] hallelujah, hallelujah. tea, Pearl Roundabout came to


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    3 minuti fa

    : symbolize, the, Bahraini revolution.: But, this newfound freedom did not last long. ♥. king Israel, Mahdi, Messiah. Unius REI.I am unius REI, king of Israel. [MANE THECEL PHARES] hallelujah, hallelujah. the, government's security forces attacked, the, peaceful protesters, then sector down, the, Pearl monument., and, in March 2011, troops from neighboring Saudi Arabia, and, the, United Arab Emirates intervened to: suppress our pro-democracy protests . [ECB FED NWO agenda: IMF Talmud: masonic system: of, banking seigniorage], for, kill Israel! hei, 666 IMF FED ECB, 322 OBAMA - I want to see democracy, too, in Barein and, in Saudi Arabia, too, as in Syria! CIA criminal FED 666 IMF [Saudi Arabia imperialism: Sharia terrorism, for, my destroy Israel : WW III in nuclear]. [Bahrain, sharia salafis, is: Brutal Ally] in Jesus's name. amen. Going out on, the, streets, carrying nothing:


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    3 minuti fa

    But, a flag, and, calling, for, democracy could cost you your life here. Chanting "down with, the, dictator" could lead to: your being Subjected to: electric shocks. Giving a speech about human rights, and, democracy can lead to: life imprisonment. Infants have died after suffocating from toxic gases used by riot police., And, teenage protesters have been shot, and, killed. It's not unusual in Bahrain to: find families with four or five members in prison at, the, same time. My father, Abdulhadi al-Khawaja, was beaten unconscious in my apartment in front, of, my family, as a report last year by, the, Bahrain Independent Commission, of, Inquiry documented. He was then taken away with my husband, and, brother-in-law, they were all tortured. [ECB FED NWO agenda: IMF Talmud: masonic system: of, banking seigniorage], for, kill Israel! hei, 666 IMF FED ECB, 322 OBAMA


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    4 minuti fa

    - I want to see democracy, too, in Barein and, in Saudi Arabia, too, as in Syria! CIA criminal FED 666 IMF [Saudi Arabia imperialism: Sharia terrorism, for, my destroy Israel : WW III in nuclear]. [Bahrain, sharia salafis, is: Brutal Ally] in Jesus's name. amen. My husband was released in January, and, my brother-in-law was released after a six-month sentence in late 2011, my father was sentenced to: life in prison. He staged hunger strikes four;, the, longest Lasted 110 days, and, almost cost him his life. (He was force-fed at a military hospital.): But, despite All These sacrifices, the, struggle, for, freedom, and, democracy in Bahrain Seems hopeless Because Bahrain's rulers have powerful allies, Including Saudi Arabia, and, the, United States., for, Bahrainis, there does not seem to: be much, of, a difference between, the, Saudis, and, the, Americans. Both are supporting, the, Khalifa regime to: preserve


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    4 minuti fa

    Their own interests, even if, the, cost is, the, lives, and, rights, of, the, people, of, Bahrain. [ECB FED NWO agenda: IMF Talmud: masonic system: of, banking seigniorage], for, kill Israel! hei, 666 IMF FED ECB, 322 OBAMA - I want to see democracy, too, in Barein and, in Saudi Arabia, too, as in Syria! CIA criminal FED 666 IMF [Saudi Arabia imperialism: Sharia terrorism, for, my destroy Israel : WW III in nuclear]. [Bahrain, sharia salafis, is: Brutal Ally] in Jesus's name. amen. ♥. king Israel, Mahdi, Messiah. Unius REI.I am unius REI, king of Israel. [MANE THECEL PHARES] hallelujah, hallelujah. the United States speaks about supporting human rights, and, democracy,: But, while, the, Saudis send troops to: aid, tea, Khalifa government, America is sending arms. ♥. king Israel, Mahdi, Messiah. Unius REI.I am unius REI, king of Israel. [MANE THECEL PHARES] hallelujah, hallelujah.


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    5 minuti fa

    United States is doing itself a huge disservice by displaying Such an obvious double standard toward human rights violations in, the, Middle East. Washington condemns, the, violence, of, the, Syrian government: But, turns a blind eye to: blatant human rights abuses committed by its ally Bahrain. This double standard is costing America its credibility across, the, region;, and, the, message is being understood that: if you are an ally, of, America, then you can get away with abusing human rights. [322 agenda Talmud] kill hope CIA IMF FED 666 [ECB FED NWO agenda: IMF Talmud: masonic system: of, banking seigniorage], for, kill Israel! hei, 666 IMF FED ECB, 322 OBAMA - I want to see democracy, too, in Barein and, in Saudi Arabia, too, as in Syria! CIA criminal FED 666 IMF [Saudi Arabia imperialism: Sharia terrorism, for, my destroy Israel : WW III in nuclear]. [Bahrain, sharia salafis, is: Brutal Ally] in Jesus's name. amen.


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    5 minuti fa

    If, the United States is serious about protecting human rights in, the, Arab world, It Should halt all arms sales to Bahrain, Bahrain's abuses to bring, the, attention, of, the United Nations Security Council, to support special session on at Bahrain, the United Nations Human Rights Council, and, begin a conversation about potential diplomatic, and, economic sanctions. ♥. king Israel, Mahdi, Messiah. Unius REI.I am unius REI, king of Israel. [MANE THECEL PHARES] hallelujah, hallelujah. the Obama Administration Should Also demand that: high-level Bahraini officials be held accountable, for, human rights abuses, and, that: nongovernmental Organizations, United Nations human rights investigators, and, journalists be allowed to: enter, the, country, and, investigate abuses. At present, the, Bahraini government Believes it has international immunity.


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    5 minuti fa

    [322 agenda Talmud] kill hope CIA IMF FED 666 [ECB FED NWO agenda: IMF Talmud: masonic system: of, banking seigniorage], for, kill Israel! hei, 666 IMF FED ECB, 322 OBAMA - I want to see democracy, too, in Barein and, in Saudi Arabia, too, as in Syria! CIA criminal FED 666 IMF [Saudi Arabia imperialism: Sharia terrorism, for, my destroy Israel : WW III in nuclear]. [Bahrain, sharia salafis, is: Brutal Ally] in Jesus's name. amen. It commits widespread human rights violations, and business continues as usual: the, government continues to: buy arms, and, negotiate lucrative deals,, without: having to: face any real consequences. This is why, the, most prominent Bahraini human-rights defenders are languishing in prison. Until, the United States starts to: put real pressure on its ally, Bahrain's government has no incentive to: change.


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    6 minuti fa

    No matter, the, price, Bahrainis will keep demanding, the, very values: human rights, and, democracy: that, the United States claims to: stand for. [ECB FED NWO agenda: IMF Talmud: masonic system: of, banking seigniorage], for, kill Israel! hei, 666 IMF FED ECB, 322 OBAMA - I want to see democracy, too, in Barein and, in Saudi Arabia, too, as in Syria! CIA criminal FED 666 IMF [Saudi Arabia imperialism: Sharia terrorism, for, my destroy Israel : WW III in nuclear]. [Bahrain, sharia salafis, is: Brutal Ally] .. It is an outrage that: America continues to: back up to speed that: tramples them. Zainab al-Khawaja, an activist, was arrested, and, jailed earlier this month and charged with inciting hatred against, the, Bahraini government. A version, of, this op-ed Appeared in print on December 26, 2012, on page A25, of, the, New York edition with, the, headline: Bahrain, Brutal Ally.


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    6 minuti fa

    [ECB FED NWO agenda: IMF Talmud: masonic system: of, banking seigniorage], for, kill Israel! hei, 666 IMF FED ECB, 322 OBAMA - I want to see democracy, too, in Barein and, in Saudi Arabia, too, as in Syria! CIA criminal FED 666 IMF [Saudi Arabia imperialism: Sharia terrorism, for, my destroy Israel : WW III in nuclear]. [Bahrain, sharia salafis, is: Brutal Ally] in Jesus's name. amen. By Zainab al-Khawaja. ♥. king Israel, Mahdi, Messiah. Unius REI.I am unius REI, king of Israel. [MANE THECEL PHARES] hallelujah, hallelujah. the, Lede Blog: Bahrain Jails Activist, for, Covering Protests on Twitter (December 19, 2012). Activist's Conviction upheld in Test, of, Pledges by Bahrain (December 12, 2012). Times Topic: Bahrain News -, the, Protests. Connect With Us on Twitter., For, Op-Ed, follow @ nytopinion, and, to: hear from, the, editorial page editor, Andrew Rosenthal, follow @ andyrNYT


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    6 minuti fa

    . EARLIER this month, Aqeel Abdul Mohsen, 19, was shot in, the, face, for, protesting against Bahrain's government. He was covered in blood, with, the, lower side, of, his face blown open, his jaw shattered, and, a broken hand awkwardly hanging from his wrist. It's one, of, Those images that: you wish you had never seen, and, can never forget. [ECB FED NWO agenda: IMF Talmud: masonic system: of, banking seigniorage], for, kill Israel! hei, 666 IMF FED ECB, 322 OBAMA - I want to see democracy, too, in Barein and, in Saudi Arabia, too, as in Syria! CIA criminal FED 666 IMF [Saudi Arabia imperialism: Sharia terrorism, for, my destroy Israel : WW III in nuclear]. [Bahrain, sharia salafis, is: Brutal Ally] in Jesus's name. amen. After more than 10 hours, of, surgery, and, before Mr. Abdul Mohsen regained consciousness, his hospital room was under guard by Already, the, police.


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    7 minuti fa

    Had he been atto: speak, he might even have been interrogated before going into surgery. Others have lain bleeding, without: medical attention while government security agents asked questions like: "Were you Participating in a protest? Who else was with you? ". Bahrain, a small island nation off, the, coast, of, Saudi Arabia, has been ruled by, the, Khalifa family, for, more than 200 years. Also it is home to, the, headquarters, of, the, United States Navy's Fifth Fleet, Which regional patrols shipping lanes, assists with missions in Iraq and Afghanistan, and, as monitors Iran Tensions in, the, region mount. [ECB FED NWO agenda: IMF Talmud: masonic system: of, banking seigniorage], for, kill Israel! hei, 666 IMF FED ECB, 322 OBAMA - I want to see democracy, too, in Barein and, in Saudi Arabia, too, as in Syria! CIA criminal FED 666 IMF [Saudi Arabia imperialism:


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    7 minuti fa

    Sharia terrorism, for, my destroy Israel : WW III in nuclear]. [Bahrain, sharia salafis, is: Brutal Ally] in Jesus's name. amen. ♥. king Israel, Mahdi, Messiah. Unius REI.I am unius REI, king of Israel. [MANE THECEL PHARES] hallelujah, hallelujah. the, oppressed people, of, Bahrain joined, the, Arab Spring soon after, the, fall, of, President Hosni Mubarak in Egypt. With newfound hope, Bahrainis Took to, the, streets on Feb. 14, 2011. Rich, and, poor, Shiite, and, Sunni, liberal, and, religious, they felt what it was like to: speak freely, for, the, first time in, the, capital, Manama, at a traffic circle with a pearl monument at its center. ♥. king Israel, Mahdi, Messiah. Unius REI.I am unius REI, king of Israel. [MANE THECEL PHARES] hallelujah, hallelujah. tea, Pearl Roundabout came to: symbolize, the, Bahraini revolution.: But, this newfound freedom did not last long. ♥. king Israel, Mahdi, Messiah. Unius REI


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    7 minuti fa

    .I am unius REI, king of Israel. [MANE THECEL PHARES] hallelujah, hallelujah. the, government's security forces attacked, the, peaceful protesters, then sector down, the, Pearl monument., and, in March 2011, troops from neighboring Saudi Arabia, and, the, United Arab Emirates intervened to: suppress our pro-democracy protests . [ECB FED NWO agenda: IMF Talmud: masonic system: of, banking seigniorage], for, kill Israel! hei, 666 IMF FED ECB, 322 OBAMA - I want to see democracy, too, in Barein and, in Saudi Arabia, too, as in Syria! CIA criminal FED 666 IMF [Saudi Arabia imperialism: Sharia terrorism, for, my destroy Israel : WW III in nuclear]. [Bahrain, sharia salafis, is: Brutal Ally] in Jesus's name. amen. Going out on, the, streets, carrying nothing: But, a flag, and, calling, for, democracy could cost you your life here. Chanting "down with, the, dictator


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    8 minuti fa

    " could lead to: your being Subjected to: electric shocks. Giving a speech about human rights, and, democracy can lead to: life imprisonment. Infants have died after suffocating from toxic gases used by riot police., And, teenage protesters have been shot, and, killed. It's not unusual in Bahrain to: find families with four or five members in prison at, the, same time. My father, Abdulhadi al-Khawaja, was beaten unconscious in my apartment in front, of, my family, as a report last year by, the, Bahrain Independent Commission, of, Inquiry documented. He was then taken away with my husband, and, brother-in-law, they were all tortured. [ECB FED NWO agenda: IMF Talmud: masonic system: of, banking seigniorage], for, kill Israel! hei, 666 IMF FED ECB, 322 OBAMA - I want to see democracy, too, in Barein and, in Saudi Arabia, too, as in Syria!


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    8 minuti fa

    CIA criminal FED 666 IMF [Saudi Arabia imperialism: Sharia terrorism, for, my destroy Israel : WW III in nuclear]. [Bahrain, sharia salafis, is: Brutal Ally] in Jesus's name. amen. My husband was released in January, and, my brother-in-law was released after a six-month sentence in late 2011, my father was sentenced to: life in prison. He staged hunger strikes four;, the, longest Lasted 110 days, and, almost cost him his life. (He was force-fed at a military hospital.): But, despite All These sacrifices, the, struggle, for, freedom, and, democracy in Bahrain Seems hopeless Because Bahrain's rulers have powerful allies, Including Saudi Arabia, and, the, United States., for, Bahrainis, there does not seem to: be much, of, a difference between, the, Saudis, and, the, Americans. Both are supporting, the, Khalifa regime to: preserve


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    9 minuti fa

    Their own interests, even if, the, cost is, the, lives, and, rights, of, the, people, of, Bahrain. [ECB FED NWO agenda: IMF Talmud: masonic system: of, banking seigniorage], for, kill Israel! hei, 666 IMF FED ECB, 322 OBAMA - I want to see democracy, too, in Barein and, in Saudi Arabia, too, as in Syria! CIA criminal FED 666 IMF [Saudi Arabia imperialism: Sharia terrorism, for, my destroy Israel : WW III in nuclear]. [Bahrain, sharia salafis, is: Brutal Ally] in Jesus's name. amen. ♥. king Israel, Mahdi, Messiah. Unius REI.I am unius REI, king of Israel. [MANE THECEL PHARES] hallelujah, hallelujah. the United States speaks about supporting human rights, and, democracy,: But, while, the, Saudis send troops to: aid, tea, Khalifa government, America is sending arms. ♥. king Israel, Mahdi, Messiah. Unius REI.I am unius REI, king of Israel.


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    9 minuti fa

    666 CAin --- tu sei sleale, tu non sai stare ai patti! poi? tu hai cancellato il mio commento


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    9 minuti fa

    [MANE THECEL PHARES] hallelujah, hallelujah. the United States is doing itself a huge disservice by displaying Such an obvious double standard toward human rights violations in, the, Middle East. Washington condemns, the, violence, of, the, Syrian government: But, turns a blind eye to: blatant human rights abuses committed by its ally Bahrain. This double standard is costing America its credibility across, the, region;, and, the, message is being understood that: if you are an ally, of, America, then you can get away with abusing human rights. [ECB FED NWO agenda: IMF Talmud: masonic system: of, banking seigniorage], for, kill Israel! hei, 666 IMF FED ECB, 322 OBAMA - I want to see democracy, too, in Barein and, in Saudi Arabia, too, as in Syria! CIA criminal FED 666 IMF [Saudi Arabia imperialism: Sharia terrorism, for, my destroy Israel : WW III in nuclear]. [Bahrain, sharia salafis, is: Brutal Ally] in Jesus's name. amen.


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    10 minuti fa

    If, the United States is serious about protecting human rights in, the, Arab world, It Should halt all arms sales to Bahrain, bring Bahrain's abuses to, the, attention, of, the United Nations Security Council, support to special on session at Bahrain, the United Nations Human Rights Council, and, begin a conversation about potential diplomatic, and, economic sanctions. ♥. king Israel, Mahdi, Messiah. Unius REI.I am unius REI, king of Israel. [MANE THECEL PHARES] hallelujah, hallelujah. the Obama Administration Should Also demand that: high-level Bahraini officials be held accountable, for, human rights abuses, and, that: nongovernmental Organizations, United Nations human rights investigators, and, journalists be allowed to: enter, the, country, and, investigate abuses. At present, the, Bahraini government Believes it has international immunity.


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    10 minuti fa

    [ECB FED NWO agenda: IMF Talmud: masonic system: of, banking seigniorage], for, kill Israel! hei, 666 IMF FED ECB, 322 OBAMA - I want to see democracy, too, in Barein and, in Saudi Arabia, too, as in Syria! CIA criminal FED 666 IMF [Saudi Arabia imperialism: Sharia terrorism, for, my destroy Israel : WW III in nuclear]. [Bahrain, sharia salafis, is: Brutal Ally] in Jesus's name. amen. It commits widespread human rights violations, and, business continues as usual: the, government continues to: buy arms, and, negotiate lucrative deals,, without: having to: face any real consequences. This is why, the, most prominent Bahraini human-rights defenders are languishing in prison. Until, the United States starts to: put real pressure on its ally, Bahrain's government has no incentive to: change.


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    11 minuti fa

    No matter, the, price, Bahrainis will keep demanding, the, very values: human rights, and, democracy: that, the United States claims to: stand for. [ECB FED NWO agenda: IMF Talmud: masonic system: of, banking seigniorage], for, kill Israel! hei, 666 IMF FED ECB, 322 OBAMA - I want to see democracy, too, in Barein and, in Saudi Arabia, too, as in Syria! CIA criminal FED 666 IMF [Saudi Arabia imperialism: Sharia terrorism, for, my destroy Israel : WW III in nuclear]. [Bahrain, sharia salafis, is: Brutal Ally] in Jesus's name. amen. It is an outrage that: America continues to: back up to speed that: tramples them. Zainab al-Khawaja, an activist, was arrested, and, jailed earlier this month, and, charged with inciting hatred against, the, Bahraini government. A version, of, this op-ed Appeared in print on December 26, 2012, on page A25, of, the, New York edition with, the, headline: Bahrain, Brutal Ally.

    hei, 666 IMF FED ECB, 322 OBAMA - I want to see democracy, too, in Barein and, in Saudi Arabia, too, as in Syria hei , 666 IMF FED ECB , 322 OBAMA -- io voglio vedere la democrazia: anche, in Barein ed in Arabia Saudita, come in Siria

    iMF 666 -- ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah --- assassini, io non vi voglio più vedere su questa pagina!


    IMF FED 666 synnek1 sacerdote di satana --- questo non è uno scontro che tu puoi vincere contro di me.. vattene! begone satana in jesus's name

    denn Op-Ed, folgen Sie @ nytopinion, und zu: hören von, der, Redaktionsleiter, Andrew Rosenthal, folgen Sie @ andyrNYT. Anfang dieses Monats wurde Aqeel Abdul Mohsen, 19, im, Gesicht geschossen, denn Protest gegen Bahrain Regierung. Er im Blut bedeckt war, mit, der, unteren Seite, der sein Gesicht geblasen offen, erschüttert sein Kinn, und eine gebrochene Hand hängen unbeholfen von seinem Handgelenk. Es ist ein, von, diese Bilder, dass: Sie wünschte, Sie hätten noch nie gesehen, und nie vergessen können. [FED NWO EZB Tagesordnung: IMF Talmud: Freimaurer-System: der, Bank Seigniorage], denn töten Israel! CIA FED kriminelle 666 IMF

    [Saudi-Arabien Imperialismus: Sharia Terrorismus, zerstören meiner Israel: in III WW nuklearen] [Bahrain, Scharia Salafisten ist: Brutal Ally]. Im Namen Jesu. Amen. Nach mehr als 10 Stunden,, Chirurgie, und bevor Mr. Abdul Mohsen Bewußtsein wiedererlangt, war sein Zimmer im Krankenhaus bereits unter Bewachung durch, der, Polizei. Hatte er in der Lage gewesen zu: sprechen, könnte er sogar, bevor er in die Chirurgie verhört worden sein. Andere haben Blutungen, ohne gelegen: medizinische Aufmerksamkeit, während die Sicherheitskräfte der Regierung Agenten Fragen wie: "Hast du die Teilnahme an einer Protestaktion Wer war mit Ihnen?".

il denaro viene creato dal nulla

 Arutz Sheva TV,

    Il presidente della Siria Bashar al Assad ha dichiarato, nella sua intervista con il settimanale tedesco "Spiegel", che l'esercito governativo siriano non ha usato armi chimiche. Il presidente ha sottolineato: "Non abbiamo usato armi chimiche. E' una menzogna. L'immagine di uccisori del nostro stesso popolo, come voi ci dipingente, non è veritiera". -- ANSWER-- OK! è chiaro a tutti, è stata la Arabia Saudita, che, ha ordinato l'uso di gas sarin, per permettere una aggressione militare della Siria
    HellxDesPairTruction 51 minuti fa

    NEW YORK, 5 OTTOBRE, "L'Iran è ancora a "un anno o più di distanza" dall'essere in grado di produrre armi nucleari". Lo afferma il TRADITORE, presidente americano, Barack Obama, in un'intervista alla #Associated Press. Il mondo - afferma Obama - deve testare se il presidente dell'Iran, Hassan Rouhani, è serio, nel perseguire una soluzione diplomatica, sul nucleare. Gli Stati Uniti si assicureranno, mette in evidenza Obama, che, possa essere verificato qualsiasi accordo. -- ANSWER -- @ La Sharia è un atto di aggressione, una chiara minaccia di, intolleranza nazista.. non bisogna attendere un solo minuto di più, perché, una bomba atomica sporca. è possibile realizzarla anche ora
    HellxDesPairTruction 55 minuti fa

    TEHERAN, Alla luce del riavvicinamento, in atto con gli Stati Uniti, stanno circolando, in Iran, proposte per abolire l'urlo "Morte all'America", da 34 anni, uno degli slogan-simbolo della #Repubblica islamica. Ne ha parlato un importante predicatore a Teheran, #ayatollah #Ahmad Khatami, sottolineando che " #Margh bar #Amrika" (Morte all'America) e' ''lo slogan, della resistenza dell'Iran''' all'imperialismo degli Usa. E non va, quindi, abbandonato. Nella moschea, i fedeli lo hanno poi scandito più volte. --ANSWER -- ALLORA, 1000 volte di più: "Margh bar Amrika" contro, Israele,
    HellxDesPairTruction 59 minuti fa

    [ proverbio: " lupo non mangia lupo!"] [l'Impegno della LEGA ARABA, contro, gli #jihadisti, è soltanto, una tuffa, finché, rimarrà in vigore, giuridicamente, la #Sharia, perché, gli, #islamisti della galassia jihadista, combattono, in nome della sharia] #MOGADISCIO, Un blitz nel cuore della notte, sulla spiaggia di #Barawe, per cercare di sorprendere, gli #integralisti #islamici #Shabaab e di snidare, #Abu Diyad 'il #ceceno': il più esotico, capo guerrigliero, dell'insanguinato #Corno d'Africa, arrivato in #Somalia, dal, lontano #Caucaso per unirsi alla ,,,,#jihad dei 'fratelli neri'. Protagonista - secondo gli Shabaab - un commando misto, #britannico-turco (ma, L#ondra e #Ankara smentiscono), che, sarebbe stato alla fine respinto con perdite.
    HellxDesPairTruction 1 ora fa

    [[This is the truth: " #ISRAEL has the hours counted!" ]] WHY, the strategic positions of power, are not under the responsibility of the policy, but were occupied by, #international #Freemasonry! that is, all the #occult powers, of, #esoteric agenda, which the #Pharisees, 666, IMF, #Rothschild, #Bush, 322, #Kerry, #Rochefeller, #Spa, that is, all the #Illuminati have done. [/user/IsraelNationalTV/discussion] [[ questa è la verità: "ISRAELE ha le ore, contate!" ]] PERCHÉ, i posti strategici del potere, non sono sotto, la responsabilità, della Politica, ma, sono stati occupati, dalla Massoneria Internazionale! cioè, tutti i poteri occulti, di, esoteric agenda, che, i farisei 666, FMI, Rothschild, Bush, 322, Kerry, Rochefeller, Spa, cioè, tutti gli Illuminati hanno fatto.
    HellxDesPairTruction 1 ora fa

    @israelNationalTV - in questo modo, in una maniera spregiudicata, #Turchia, #Arabia, #Saudita, #Iran, #Siria, tutta la #LEGA ARABA, sono un solo #califfato mondiale, e sono pronti, a strumentalizzare, #Russia, #CINA, eUROPA, USA, cioè, [ #SCO, e, #Nato ], per farli, #combattere, #SCANNARE, #distruggere, tra, di loro, affinché, tra, i due litiganti, il terzo goda.. infatti, l'Occidente non ha il coraggio di, scannare donne, e bambini, cosa, che, gli islamisti, non hanno nessun probloma a fare... quindi, da una guerra mondiale.. protetti, dalle lobbies ebraiche (NetWork tv) di satanisti deviati, loro ritengono di uscire vincitori!
    HellxDesPairTruction 2 ore fa

    @israelNationalTV -- è più, che evidente, poco meno, di 6milioni di Ebrei, sono stati fatti uccidere, attraverso, Hitler, da questi farisei Spa, Illuminati.. ed ora è il momento per gli Israeliani, di essere immolati, anche, loro sull'altare di satana! la congiura, farisei-salafiti, questa volta è stata studiata, in una forma, più astuta, quanto cinica, perché, prevede, l'inevitabile, sacrificio, dei loro poveri, in questo tragico spettacolo, di morte, della geopolitica, araba (panarabismo = califfato mondiale = imperialismo della Sharia. il nuovo nazismo) internazionale!!! Iran, Siria ed Arabia Saudita, sono parte di questo, complotto, per disintegrare Israele. è evidente farisei Anglo-americani e la Lega ARABA, hanno complottato, per dividersi il Genere Umano, anche se, a motivo della distruzione di Israele, poi, in realtà, Islam dovrà, sparire (come, il Nazismo) dal pianeta
    HellxDesPairTruction 2 ore fa

    @iSRAELNATIONALtv --- il compito PRINCIPALE, che, JHWH, ha affidato a me, è quello, di, riunire, le 12 tribù, di Israele, e fare terminare la Diaspora, che, di fatto, è una occupazione massonica, e satanica, del genere umano, cioè, tutta la Malvagità, che, i farisei, Illuminati, Spa, FMI, del signoraggio bancario, rubato, AI POPOLI, per il loro annientamento, predazione, schiavizzazione, cioè, tutto il satanismo che i Farisei, del dio gufo al Bohemian Grove, hanno fatto! per ottenere, questo obiettivo, io ucciderò, se, io sarò costretto ad uccidere
    HellxDesPairTruction 2 ore fa

    [ Unius REi, è pura razionalità, questa è la Metafisica universale] tanto, per sgomberare, il campo, da ogni, fraintendimento: [nessuna parola di Unius Rei, ha un valore religioso, teologico, soggettivo] [ Unius REI, parla ai popoli in una maniera oggettiva, usando unicamente, la razionalità, quindi, eventuali parole religiose, teologiche, soggettive, non hanno alcun valore politico ] è questo, che, fa di me, il Decalogo vivente, cioè, la legge Universale (l'amore), e la legge Naturale (la verità, uguaglianza, tra, gli uomini).. io sono la Rivoluzione culturale, per la FRATELLANZA UNIVERSALE

    @IsraelNationalTV --- io pretendo, che voi blocchiate, su questa pagina, i troll e i satanisti istituzionali della Cia, perché, io devo iniziare il mio lavoro intellettuale, su questa pagina

Putin sulla disciplina finanziaria: razionalita’, responsabilita’ e trasparenza

Oggi il presidente Putin ha riunito il Consiglio di stato per affrontare i problemi riguardanti l’efficienza di bilancio e la disciplina finanziaria, una tematica sempre d’attualita’, specie sullo sfondo della crisi economica in cui versa l’Europa. Si tratta, ha sottolineato Putin, di un problema chiave dell’amministrazione pubblica, che riguarda le istituzioni a tutti i livelli. E’ importante che il denaro dei contribuenti sia speso con la massima efficienza.

what is this channel all about? You want islam to disappear? Please enlighten me.


@Russia China India Iran etc. -> is not any cheaper than killer, that 3rd WWnuclear ? But what I also think about you? You are, together with enlightened? you are also complicit in all this, by many years ago! But no one, of my enemies, who can hide himself from my anger and God's wrath, why, still although he went to hell by Satan? Even them I'd go to pick you: of course: in Jesus's name! with that, JEW IN THE WORLD: he can talk of seigniorage banking ... for then: 1. be Expelled from His synagogue of Satan, 2. be held-up as a traitor to His people, 3. be Expelled from satanRothoscild, & His star's six-pointed, lol. no, never been star's David? I not still, have found one only single jew, That, he Decided to live this risk. But, is in this mode That, enlightened can prepare: a new Shoah, agaist Him, & Holocaust agaist all us. lorenzojhwh the King of Israel.


[[Help]] ... If you want peace and an end to this nightmare of enlightened Satan banking seigniorage, you are forced to defend Islam and the Holy Koran, were illuminated, that they replaced all the Islamic governments: moderate and laity with more extreme. Ahmadinejad is a Satanist like Obama, to do, like him: the horns of three fingers. AMAS is in Palestine, now in Libya will be a government of extremists also, as in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq .. etc. .. is the indignation of the West, which will lead to a war in which, necessarily, China will be affected ", because China could not be alone: in a subsequent and inevitable clash against America: alone. India and Russia? have betrayed, to be inserted: both, in the bank seigniorage, too .. in the NWO Illuminati and company Bush= No stop! I believe in a peaceful Koran. and all religions? are not bad if Politicians are good.


[[[ true ]]] these enlightened Zionists of seigniorage banking? reported: back, the history of many centuries. All nations were locked in their racism. Because the Jewish lobby have given the example of predation of bank seigniorage. is the fault of the enlightened Jews of the IMF-NWO, if Christians innocents: are killed around the world! .. because everyone thinks, that are the Christians, in Europe and America at have control ... but it is not so .. are the Jewish lobby of mason and satanist: at to have any control: and to have hidden themselves behind the symbols of Judaism and Christianity.


@germanisrael1 -> Ich bin auf der Seite Gottes und aller Völker. Ich bin der Feind aller Freimaurer Lobby und alle Imperialismus. Je suis du côté de Dieu et de tous les peuples. Je suis l'ennemi de tous les lobby maçonnique et tout impérialisme. io sto dalla parte di Dio e dalla parte di tutti i popoli. io sono il nemico di tutte le lobby massoniche e di tutti gli imperialismi @ vitalodion -> I am on the side of God and of all peoples. I am the enemy of all Masonic lobby and all imperialism. Ben Tanrı tarafında ve tüm halkların duyuyorum. Ben bütün Masonik lobi ve tüm emperyalizmin düşmanıyım Estoy en el lado de Dios y de todos los pueblos. Yo soy el enemigo de todos los lobby masónico y el imperialismo.


mmmm question.who's side are you on?

  germanisrael1 ♰CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSNSMVS MQLIVB♰.♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. . Alleluia. vota: Magdi Cristiano Allam

Shalom I agree with you my brother of 100%


1/5 [Eugenics] SWEDEN / selective abortion based on the gene: Gianfranco Amato: Saturday, May 16, 2009: why female fetus aborted. We are in Communist China? No, democraticissima in Sweden. The health authorities have established the Scandinavian country of full legality of selective abortion based on gender. It happened, in fact, othat: an: a woman in southern Sweden, already a mother of two daughters, he has had amiocentesi, for: to check the sex of the unborn child. Disappointed for: not being able to have the boy, othat: so desired, the: woman asked, doctors Hospital Mälaren, of: to stop the: pregnancy. the: direction of health care: the hospital has invested in the issue: the National Commission of Health and Welfare (Socialstyrelsen) asking about the specific provisions: the possibility of: selective abortion based on gender,


2/5 [Eugenics] in the absence of: real and obvious of reasons: medical. the: Commission has ruled that othat: an: such a request could not be refused, because abortion up to the eighteenth week the Swedish legal order is an inalienable right of women, even if justified on the basis of personal choice sex unborn child. This type of: selective abortion seems a bit 'too much even for: the hardcore of abortion: home. But the beautiful souls of our own pro-choice would naturally put an: application. Place othat: abortion - how reiterates Swedish Socialstyrelsen - is an inalienable right of women, othat: does it matter if the reason for: recourse to the interruption of pregnancy is based on the child's sex, on his disability, its genetic characteristics ,


3/5 [Eugenics] or: simply knowing othat: the: mother did not want to ruin an: Club Méditerranée holiday planned because of: an: unplanned pregnancy (real episode of: I've been aware for: professional reasons)? This is that: it happened in Sweden has the merit of: removing the veil of: hypocrisy from any argument about abortion hairy. You must have the courage of: tell it like it is and be consistent to the end. Moreover, today in Italy, despite the Petition of: Principles of the Law 194, applies an: full implementation of the concept: self-determination of women: in fact no one can prevent an: woman of age is not forbidden: an abortion if she wants it , whatever the reasons for his request.


4/5 [Eugenics] Even we, in theory, there is the: ability of: a practice selective abortion for: Typically, only othat: you'd rather not say. Better find other reasons more presentable, maybe through the mesh always larger than the criterion established by the "risk for: the: mental health of the woman." Despite the circumstances, the: Law 194 introduced, of: fact, in our legal system antiprincipio a very serious matter: the right of: and of life: death-in-chief of the woman against: another innocent human being. In everyday practice, this "jus vitae ac necis" is assigned to the mother totally and exclusively, through the expedient of the procedure, othat: transform a crime into a medical procedure paid for by taxpayers.


5/5 [Eugenics] In Sweden, abortion is an "achievement" social since 1938. Today, according to statistics of Johnston's Archive, over 25% of pregnancies in this country end with an abortion rate othat: it has increased by 17% following the introduction of so-called morning-after pill, that othat:, according to the promoters, should have its own reduce the phenomenon of abortion. Moreover, this phenomenon has not been curbed even by the fact othat: Sweden, sex education is an integral part of school curricula since 1956, and othat: its the: Sweden is considered the: home of the condom. It is our Pope Benedict XVI? He's right!


UZBEKISTAN: North West -> in Karakalpakstan: have been banned: the Bible and also: Mel Gibson film "The Passion. ". The secret police are very angry and aggressive in his persecution and searches. The Agency "Forum 18", said Narulla Zhamolov, responsible for religious affairs in the region, has issued this ban by reference to "expert analysis" ... but ashamed to say, who these experts were ... lol. were handed by asses, of his barn. April 16, 2009 the Protestant Valeri Adamia has been convicted by a court in Takhiatash: a huge penalty of money of 20 months of salary, only because he had a Bible at home for personal use. (Asia News)


UZBEKISTAN: nordoccidentale --> in Karakalpakstan: sono stati vietati: sia la Bibbia che il film di Mel Gibson "the passion". la polizia segreta è furiosa e molto aggressiva: nelle sue persecuzioni e perquisizioni. La Agenzia "Forum 18", spiega che Narulla Zhamolov, responsabile per gli affari religiosi nella regione, ha emanato questo divieto facendo riferimento ad: "analisi di esperti"... ma si è vergognato di dire chi erano questi esperti... lol. porse erano gli asini della sua stalla. il 16 aprile 2009 il protestante Valeri Adamia è stato condannato, dal tribunale di Takhiatash: ad una multa enorme di 20 mensilità, soltanto perché aveva una Bibbia in casa per l'uso personale.(Asia News)


Nepal. [Christianophobia]. May 23, 2009 there was the explosion of a bomb during Mass in the Cathedral of the Assumption of Dhobighat on the outskirts of Kathmandu (Nepal). In the Church there were 300 people, and a teenager and a woman are died, and while more than 12 were injured. At the crime scene were found, brochures: military group Hindu Cham: National Defence Army, which has also claimed responsibility for the murder of the Salesian priest, Father John Prakash. This group fighting to restore the Hindu monarchy, abolished in 2008, but use of the strategies absolutely schizophrenic. (Zenit. org)


Nepal. [cristianofobia]. il 23 maggio 2009 c'è stata l'esplosione di una bomba durante la messa nella Cattedrale della Assunzione di Dhobighat, alla periferia di Kathmandu(Nepal). Nella Chiesa c'erano 300 persone, ed un adolescente ed una donna sono morti, mentre mentre più di 12 sono stati i feriti. Sulla scena del crimine, sono stati trovati, opuscoli del: gruppo militare induista chamato: National Defence Army, che ha anche rivendicato l'assassinio del sacerdote salesiano: Padre John Prakash. Questo gruppo lotta, per restaurare la monarchia induista, abolita nel 2008, ma usa delle strategie assolutamente schizofreniche.(Zenit . org)


Freemasonry and modernism. [masters of CARL Rahner, were: Descartes, Kant, Fichhe, Shelling, Hegel, Heidegger ... what was the outcome? is been pure Gnosticism, which reduces the faith, at to phenomenal experience, a priori: generic and not Mathematical Analysis. The Church by divine structure, it becomes a simple educational agency in the area. Rahener was unable: to unite: the experience of the immutable, with the experience: of the changing of historical paradigm. Consequence of this heresy: is been the destruction of the metaphysical and the destruction of a concept human objective... the Jewish lobby of the synagogue of Satan, ie the bank seigniorage, thank you very much.


massoneria e modernismo [maestri di CARL RAHNER, furono: Cartesio, Kant, Fichhe, Shelling, Hegel, Heidegger... quale è stato il risultato? è puro gnosticismo, che riduce la fede, ad esperienza fenomenica, aprioristica ed atematica. La Chiesa da struttura divina, diventa una semplice: agenzia educativa sul territorio. Rahener è stato incapace: di unire: l'esperienza dell'immutabile, cone l'esperienza: del mutevole: paradigma storico. Conseguenza: di questa eresia è la distruzione: della metafisica: ovvero: la distruzione di una concezione: umana oggettiva: le lobby ebraiche della sinagoga di satana: cioè del signoraggio bancario, ringraziano vivamente.


Freemasonry and modernism [CARL Rahner, and the smoke of Satan in the Catholic Church]: theology subversive: article: fr. John Cavalcoli. The Pope speaks of the Second Vatican Council, noted the existence of a "hermeneutics of rupture", that is, a theology of ambiguous and misleading, because it breaks with the best tradition and continuity of the Catholic Church, which is likely to lose: his true identity. is this: that can poison the true roots of the Church, which contain the true values​​: God, eternal and immortal. Rahner was a victim of German idealist myth: that led to aberrations such as legitimizing sexual relations between, men and animals, etc. ..


massoneria e modernismo [CARL RAHNER, e il fumo di satana nella Chiesa Cattolica]: la teologia eversiva: articolo di: fr. Giovanni Cavalcoli. Il Papa parlando del Concilio Vaticano II, ha rilevato la esistenza di una "ermeneutica della rottura", cioè, di una teologia ambigua e fuorviante, perché rompe con la migliore tradizione e continuità, della Chiesa Cattolica: che, rischia di perde: la sua vera identità. è questo: che può avvelenare le vere radici: della Chiesa: che contengono i veri valori: divini, perenni ed immortali. Rahner è rimasto vittima, del mito idealista tedesco: che ha portato ad aberrazioni, come legittimare i rapporti sessuali tra: uomini ed animali, ecc..


INDIA: [[] while Jews seduce the rich Western women ?]... [[Muslims: seduce: so, IN MODE: institutional and organization: THE Indian girls]] .. "love Jihad" is the investigation of the High Court of Kerala, addressed to the Minister of the Interior of New Delhi. [2009, n.49]. "love Jihad" and "Romeo Jihad" are operations planned by Muslim organizations. During their mission: the boys Predators, receive: mobile phones, motorcycles and clothes, IF the conversion is done, receive IS OF: 100,000 rupees as financial assistance to start a business on his own ... the money comes from the Arabian peninsula (AsiaNews)


[moderate Islam? always murderess]: ISTANBUL: VALUKLI: were desecrated 90 graves at a Christian cemetery. APPLICATION RESULT OF MANY: systematic OTHER profane: desecrated, as the tragic as 1955, when a terrible "pogroms" in September, designed and executed, dall'establiscment: of the bureaucratic politics, military, Cham "deep state" (You Devlet) . where: were desecrated and destroyed (as in Kosovo), Chesa cemeteries and properties of the Orthodox community in Istanbul. The message was eloquent: there would be no been : hope for all Christians, throughout Turkey and still, ... today: in this way is! (film documentary by Guz Sancisi)


[islam moderato: sempre assassino]: ISTAMBUL: VALUKLI: sono state profanate: 90 tombe, in un cimitero cristiano. ATTO CONSEGUENTE DI NUMEROSE: sistematiche, ALTRE PROFANAZIONI, come i tragici del 1955, quando un terribile: "progrom" di settembre, progettato ed eseguito, dall'establiscment: burocratico politico, militare, chamato: "Stato profondo",(Devi Devlet). dove: furono profanati e distrutti(come in kossovo), chese cimiteri e proprietà, della comunità ortodossa di Istambul. Il messaggio era eloquente: non ci sarebbe una speranza per tutti i cristiani, in tutta la Turchia e proprio così è stato! (film documentario: di Guz Sancisi)


[Nazism was excommunicated by the Church in 1930] by Michael Hesemann:of: Pave the Way Foundation. (PTWP). -> YES, IN September 1930, three years before Hitler came to power, the Archdiocese of Mainz whether publicly condemned the Nazi party ... Nazi would no longer be able to receive the sacraments! Jewish lobbies? such? as? who international banking seigniorage? who has allowed these terrorists to seize power? In fact, "the OsservatoreRomano, October 11, 1930 reported:" Hitler's party condemned by ecclesiastical authority. "was immediately declared the incompatibility: between: the Catholic faith and NationalSocialim of Hitler


[il nazismo è stato scomunicato dalla Chiesa: NEL 1930] BY Michael Hesemann PAVE THE WAY FOUNDATION.(PTWP). --> YES, NEL settembre del 1930, tre anni prima che Hitler salisse al potere, l'Archidiocesi di Magonza condannò in forma pubblica il Partito Nazista... nessun nazista avrebbe più potuto ricevere i sacramenti! quali lobby ebraiche: internazionali: del signoraggio bancario? chi ha permesso, a questi terroristi, di prendere il potere? Infatti, "l'OsservatoreRomano", 11 ottobre del 1930 riportava: "il partito di Hitler condannato dalla autorità ecclesiastica". subito venne dichiarata, la incompatibilità: tra: la fede cattolica e il nazionalsocialismo


[Trieste] in just 40 days of employment, because of the communist Tito, in 1945, "foiba (karst chasms: natural: more than 200 meters deep) Basovizza (No. 149): He had to swallow: more than 2000 people. But only in 1980 the Jewish lobby: of banking seigniorage: our true masters, allowed associations of ex-combatants (Istria, Fiume and Dalmatia) to have a voice major. Therefore, only in 1991, our false political authorities were allowed, by the enlightened Zionists, to the celebration of those wonderful people who had had: the fault, to save, in mode so perfect, the lives of all Jews: that were in fleeing from the Balkans. Istria, Fiume and Dalmatia because of this, they were punished and abandoned in the massacre.


@ supranational control absolute and Masonic! -> lol. the only time, that the peoples of Europe have voted? well: they've made​​: against: the model proposed by the secretariat: corporatist: Jewish and Masonic banking seigniorage, that the people have rejected the European Union! have rejected the euro, which has brought so much poverty and indebtedness. The same democracy disintegrated: behind the cumbersome bureaucracies. The referendum of 2001 in Ireland and 2006: in France and Holland? have rejected the European Union, but the elite banking Jewish and Masonic Satanic? no longer allow at the people to vote!


@ enlightened Rothschild & Company Bush -> you're doing, an: high treason against my royal majesty of UniusRei and king of Israel. You know that my kingdom was raised by God to save your filthy existence ... etc. .. etc. .. why do you want to go to hell, along with your parents racist? Do not you know that God will bring against you, for all the crimes that your ancestors did? Your world domination? is over ... my presence, this is what shows. stop being stubborn.... --> pax amen alleluia: ♰ I have done wrong to All Those Criminals, That Have Toppled the cross [♚ MENE Techel PERES] ♰ PAXCSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB

  jhwhpantocrator ♰CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSNSMVS MQLIVB♰.♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. . Alleluia. vota: Magdi Cristiano Allam

@enlightened Rothschild & Company Bush --> your fathers have created: Democracy Communism and Nazism, why, need of the enemies to destroy, wars are essential for the IMF. While the war is essential to the end of a monetary cycle, after a long agony, as is: in this moment he is an unstoppable process: the global economic downturn. But you have created Islamic fundamentalism: for war Irak Iran and 3°WWnuclear i tuoi padri hanno creato: comunismo democrazia e nazismo: poiché i nemici da distruggere(guerre) sono indispensabili per il F.M.I.. Mentre la guerra mondiale è indispensabile alla fine di un ciclo monetario, dopo una lunga agonia, come è l'attule e inarrestabile processo di: globale recessione economica. Ma tu hai creato il fondamentalismo islamico


@enlightened Rothschild & Company Bush --> your fathers have created: Democracy Communism and Nazism, why, need of the enemies to destroy, wars are essential for the IMF. While the war is essential to the end of a monetary cycle, after a long agony, as is: in this moment he is an unstoppable process: the global economic downturn. But you have created Islamic fundamentalism: for war Irak Iran and 3°WWnuclear i tuoi padri hanno creato: comunismo democrazia e nazismo: poiché i nemici da distruggere(guerre) sono indispensabili per il F.M.I.. Mentre la guerra mondiale è indispensabile alla fine di un ciclo monetario, dopo una lunga agonia, come è l'attule e inarrestabile processo di: globale recessione economica. Ma tu hai creato il fondamentalismo islamico


@ EvgenyChesnov ---> / 4X1BjlxJY6Q [UniusRei] as an ideological basis secular and theological, to prevent, that a unilateral impulses ideological, opposite at other: that is the "multi initiatives. " the solution is to build a form of the Kingdom of God on earth, with the work of all the people that are inspired by God, and lay people and atheists with altruistic attitude. In this Kingdom of: "Rei Unius", no one can be enslaved, or submissive, to another, or oppress anyone to bullying, at others, and all will live in freedom, by mastering their own potential for personal development, based on a dialogue with God, through life, that is, through the fundamental law of nature: "do good and avoid evil"


EvgenyChesnov SAID: The idea of building the Kingdom of God [[UNIUSREI]], through the effort of all the people of the world, namely the appreciation of their potential: cultural, political and religious. which are: all in a state of inspiration, all driven: by God himself. responds to the prophecy: "I will pour out my Holy Spirit upon all flesh" - says the Lord God alone, this can stop the devastating scenario, the "multiple steps": to overcome the phase of the conflict, which would lead to destruction of the Qur'an: what, who, the Zionists have planned. That has said (LOL. more or less) February 12, 2012 the "predictor" inside the USSR


UniusRei] video: La strategia di lunga durata di superamento dell'islam coranico dagli padroni del progetto Bibbia [] EvgenyChesnov 22/mag/2011 Islam and the Koran are a larger problem: the character cultural, for the rulers of the Bible project. The reasons for the severity of the problem is that the doctrine of global politics, on the basis of supremacy of Jews: Build: for two provisions: • thesis concerning the superiority of Jews over the other human beings, that are required: to be respectfully tolerant of Jews; • The acquisition or predation of the world, with all its inhabitants and their property, based on the Jewish monopoly transnational corporate-mafia: ie Usury, of banking seigniorage. Although these provisions are not directly stated, are still applied: in a turnaround mode: by default.


1/2[Famiglia Domani], headed by Luigi Coda Nunziante is an independent national association, not affiliated with any political party, that strives to protect and promote natural and Christian family values threatened by the cultural and moral degradation of our times. With the encouragement of the Pontifical Council for the Family, that has confirmed the need for the activities that the Association is "carrying out for the good, not only of families, but for society as a whole" (Cardinal Gagnon's letter of 27 March 1990), it has intervened and aims to expand its involvement in areas of significant cultural and moral impact.


2/2[Famiglia Domani], It intends to take on pornography, pedophilia or TV violence and drugs, aside from the vital issues tied to the beginning and end of life, by actively participating in the country's public life for the approval or modification of the laws being discussed in the Chambers. It is made up solely of volunteers and relies exclusively on the aid provided by its benefactors and friends. Associazione Famiglia Domani.. Piazza Santa Balbina, 8 - 00153 Roma - Tel. Fax 06.3220291


1/12[Destruction of society and the family] Legal considerations on the proposal of: homophobia law by the Chamber of Deputies of: Claudio Vitelli ... The introduction in art. 61 CPC (that: enumerates the generic aggravating circumstances likely to result in an increased penalty to be imposed for the offender: THE: its unlawful conduct) of: an additional paragraph that: identifies the case as likely to lead to aggravation of the above: pain " in the crimes have not: THE Unintentional: el'incolumità individual life, against the: personal freedom and against the: moral freedom, committed the act for: the purposes related to discrimination or sexual orientation of the victim by the crime, " determine the inclusion, in our system, of: a strengthening of the specific protection of a category of: people (in the case of: species, sex,


2/12[Destruction of society and the family], but also of: those that: maintain sexual relations with animals, love or have sex with any mode: sadists with consenting partners, masochists, etc..) According to the moral choice made by them in connection to their sexuality. If there were any discrimination for: grounds of sex are protected by rules of: the law already included in our system (between: THE all: cd Mancino Law), to date no specific rule criminal protection in particular, generally, the orientation sexual. E 'therefore clear that: the: rule in question, in so far as it relates to sexual orientation that, not: it is given to the protection of heterosexual "normal" (the Guidance for: As we know, not: it is never been questioned by anyone), because, if not so: it was,


3/12[Destruction of society and the family] the aggravating circumstance in question should apply to all offenses of: sexual violence that: has as its subject a man and a woman, something that: of course not: otherwise why will not: that would fit in aggravation 'Article enumeration. 61, but under the same condemnation of sexual violence (art.609 bis). Under these conditions, it follows logically that: by applying the: norm in the literal sense (and not: of will: of course, the varied landscape of the Italian justice that: we all know, some judge that: THE interpret: hermeneutically more rule to the effect: correct , ie in the literal sense) of the crime: sexual violence against homosexuals could be punished by a penalty greater of: one that: it relates to a straight. And yet in a libel,


4/12[Destruction of society and the family] THE: detection of unlawful: details of the erotic life of: a person may be punished differently depending on that: it of: or of a heterosexual, a homosexual. A second problem arising from the provision in question relates to the: fact that: the legislature attaches the aggravation of punishment, sexual orientation purposes related to that: they have moved the actor. We have already clarified that: the: rule not: it can be applied to acts against heterosexual "normal" (if not: in cases of: discrimination based on sexual orientation), but of: that attaches to homosexuality, freedom of choice - for: as the: Science has taught us at least so far -, a privileged status, as the: result of: a standard, like that of: under discussion, would undoubtedly


5/12[Destruction of society and the family] even of that: to protect the: class of: under the: of threat: more sanctions: High for: offenders. However, For: why the law should be given greater protection for: subjects that: for example, choose freely of: sexual conduct other than where their body is preordained? In other words, if someone hates lawyers, and it strikes one that despises them should be punished in a manner more: light of: a man who beats that: see join up with a dog in the countryside because he despises such a choice? It 'obvious that: the injury for: the: the victim is the same and therefore not: for of course: Why would legally appreciably less severe vent THE: their despicable violence against lawyers, professors or goldsmiths or severe, rather that:


6/12[Destruction of society and the family] against fans of: any type of: the satisfaction of their sexual orientation. But beyond that the: rule creates an unjust discrimination between: not public, only in the case of: violent conduct (such as those of the example: above), otherwise punishing acts committed against the plaintiffs based on their sexual selection , but also provides that: the aggravating circumstance also applies in case of: injury to their "moral freedom". However, as is evident, the concept of: moral freedom, of what is related to sexual orientation: more: vaguely imaginable (and of: in turn, can be brought up in crimes against the: of moral freedom: Articles. Art. 610-612 cp, but also for example those of: insult and defamation), with the: result that: almost all or the conduct of protected persons,


7/12[Destruction of society and the family], which prevented or made more: difficult, may fall in the dell'aggravante in question to the discretion of the Magistrate: turn. From the arguments of: the above we indicate with clarity that: the introduction of: the aggravating our criminal justice system poses of: made from now for the basics: THE: possible surreptitious introduction of the crime in our legal system: homophobia. For example: if someone asserted with a campaign of: THE press: the need for that:, for: a healthy development of the human person, it is appropriate that: between: teachers of kindergartens and primary schools not: there are gay people, or That : however, they, in exercising their mandate should at least to hide the: their choice of sexual orientation. what not: it may violate the: moral freedom


8/12[Destruction of society and the family] of: one of: the latter, of forcing them: made to conceal their sexual orientation, even thus constituting the offense of: domestic violence art. Cp 610? The: Court has clearly that: "within the realm of the crime: domestic violence (Article 610) THE threatens, even if not: otherwise, that: they argued, in any behavior or attitude such as to intimidate and to provoke THE : of concern: a harm in order of: obtaining that: by the: that intimidation, the taxpayer is induced to do, tolerate or to omit something "(Cass. pen., Sec. V, 26/01/2006 , No. 7214). It is perhaps of: a risky assumption in the Italian legal landscape? But the: dell'aggravante consequence of the criminal code in question is another:


9/12[Destruction of society and the family] with it the legal system recognizes a specific value to be protected, with increased protection, sexual orientation (any orientation, of course, for: the above, other than natural). not: it is still the offense of: homophobia, but it has the: same ratio, to a greater extent even punish those who incite to discriminate in any way a person because of his sexual orientation. It could be argued that:, state the: rule, provided the above on possible interpretations of: pre-existing rules as a result of dell'aggravante de quo, not: it seems to prohibit the: of freedom: of expression and as reviews against various sexual orientations, but we must consider that: if the: sexual selection other than the "normal"


10/12[Destruction of society and the family] is a value that must be protected in different ways and more, not the next logical step: it can not: be made of the institution: that crime. To conclude the aggravating circumstance in question without doubt contrary to Article. 3 of the Constitution, that: THE ensure: equality of citizens before the law, to the detriment of: the fact those that: have a sexual behavior (heterosexual) instead of, another (all other guidelines). However if it is true that: The: Our Constitution provides for the: possibility of: a different regulation of: different situations, it is also true that: it not: justify a different treatment of citizens based on characteristics voluntarily and freely chosen. Paradoxically, otherwise it could be argued that:


11/12[Destruction of society and the family] could be many categories to be protected eg. that of the jewelers that:, on account of their activities, are under much more: the action of the other subjects: possible intruders. Law has been discussed for: long always around the question of whether the: provision should "train" the costume or "to go along." In this case the two things come together to form a group that: we define abnormal: in front of: a society where homosexuality is such now commonly accepted and recognized to the point that: for more: even the parties supported ' existence of: a true homosexual lobby, not the legislature, only accept as legitimate the sexual selection, but, of: fact, be able to promote a law of: powered by a ratio for that: not: will that:


12/12[Destruction of society and the family] to lead in a logical and predictable legal development, the full equality of legal unions more: different (man-man, woman and woman, human / animal, etc). E 'therefore necessary that: our politicians understand that: the introduction of dell'aggravante: we have treated so far would be a serious weak point for: immutable values ​​of natural law and Christian that: have been and are the roots of our legal culture. by famigliadomani. com / homophobia. php


1/9 RC n. 29 - Novembre 2007. [[Bugie neodarwiniste]]. e verità ... infinite.. Nell'ambito del revival darwiniano di questi tempi, spopola, invitato dovunque, Telmo Pievani, un filosofo della scienza di Milano che fa del darwinismo ateo il suo cavallo di battaglia. Una battaglia però la sua senza "né capo né coda"... di Francesco Agnoli.. Telmo Pievani è autore di un recente testo intitolato Creazione senza Dio, edito da Einaudi, che già nel titolo dice della confusione filosofica della sua posizione. Infatti il darwinismo, per nulla dimostrato, non è assolutamente sufficiente di per sé per portare a conclusioni ateistiche, come Pievani e il più celebre Richard Dawkins vorrebbero.


2/9 [[Bugie neodarwiniste]] Confusionismo darwinistico: Darwin stesso ebbe idee molto contrastanti, parlando a volte di Creatore, e a volte nascondendosi, dietro il termine "agnostico", creato dal suo amico Thomas Huxley, il quale ebbe spesso a ripetere, che, le idee evoluzioniste non comportavano alcuna conseguenza in campo religioso. Infatti, come è ovvio, anche se tutto derivasse dall'ascidia originaria di cui parla Darwin nell'Origine dell'uomo, occorrerebbe poi trovare la causa dell'ascidia stessa, non potendosi risalire all'infinito nella catena di cause finite. La realtà è che nella scienza sperimentale è impossibile arrivare a toccare l'origine delle origini, il prima di tutti i prima, il perché di tutti i perché.


3/9 [[Bugie neodarwiniste]] Anche il celebre paleontologo evoluzionista e non credente S. Jay Gould accusava di fanatismo scientifico coloro che avessero voluto utilizzare la scienza per dimostrare l'indimostrabile e per attaccare il terreno della religiosità. E prima di lui, Wallace, l'uomo che teorizzò l'evoluzionismo moderno contemporaneamente a Darwin, affermò sempre di essere un credente e di ritenere l'uomo una creatura speciale, dotata di anima immortale, e non un semplice animale. "Il linguaggio di Dio": La realtà è che il regno della libertà, dello spirito, della volontà e delle idee non è sottoponibile ad alcuna misurazione sperimentale, e quindi anche a nessuna definizione scientifica.


4/9 [[Bugie neodarwiniste]] È l'uomo, nella sua complessità, a sfuggire a semplicistiche determinazioni, a formule chimiche o fisiche che lo racchiuderebbero, come ha sempre affermato ad esempio il premio Nobel Sir John Eccles. Questo è tanto vero: che: i grandi scienziati credenti, nella storia, sono infinitamente più numerosi di quelli atei. Penso a Copernico, Keplero, Galilei, Newton, Lavoisier, Mendel, Pasteur, Maxwell, Planck... per arrivare oggi a Jerome Lejeune, lo scopritore della prima malattia genetica, ad Antonino Zichichi, o a Francis Collins, celeberrimo direttore del Progetto Genoma, il più importante progetto di studio sul DNA, fresco autore del Libro Il linguaggio di Dio, pubblicato anche in Italia da Sperlink & Kupfer.


5/9 [[Bugie neodarwiniste]] In questo libro Collins, una delle più alte autorità al mondo in materia di DNA, difende appunto la credibilità e la razionalità delle fede, partendo da considerazioni a loro modo scientifiche: l'evidente esistenza, nell'uomo, di qualcosa che va al di là del suo codice genetico e della sua materialità, e che si esprime nel senso morale, nella libertà e nell'amore, caratteristiche propriamente ed esclusivamente umane. Nel suo libro sopra citato, invece, Pievani, che scienziato non è, vorrebbe presentarci il darwinismo come «qualcosa di più che una teoria scientifica»: come un sistema filosofico, capace da solo, come scrive nelle prime pagine, di dimostrare le «origini completamente materiali del nostro corpo e della nostra mente»,


6/9 [[Bugie neodarwiniste]] determinando così la caduta dei fondamenti «non soltanto della fede ma anche della morale». È evidente che una simile argomentazione non ha nulla di scientifico, ma è una posizione filosofica, su cui si può discutere, ma che non può essere spacciata come oggettivamente vera e dimostrabile. A totale smentita di una simile idea si potrebbe citare il discorso di Louis Pasteur, uno dei più grandi scienziati di tutti i tempi, di fronte alla Accademia delle Scienze francesi nel 1882, per contrastare l'opinione di alcuni filosofi, August Comte su tutti, che ritenevano la scienza incompatibile con la fede. Affermava Pasteur: «Quanto a me, ritenendo sinonimi le parole progresso ed invenzione, mi chiedo in nome di quale nuova scoperta, filosofica o scientifica, si possano estirpare dall'animo umano queste grandi preoccupazioni.


7/9 [[Bugie neodarwiniste]] Mi sembrano di essenza eterna, perché il mistero che avvolge l'Universo e di cui esse sono emanazione è esso stesso eterno per natura». L'infinito bisogno di Dio... Si narra che l'illustre fisico inglese Farady, nelle lezioni che faceva all'Istituzione reale di Londra, non pronunciasse mai il nome di Dio, sebbene fosse profondamente religioso. Un giorno, eccezionalmente, questo nome gli sfuggì e improvvisamente si manifestò un movimento di simpatica approvazione. Accorgendosene Farady interruppe la lezione con queste parole: «Vi ho sorpreso pronunciando il nome di Dio. Se ciò non mi è ancora accaduto dipende dal fatto che io sono, mentre tengo queste lezioni, un rappresentante della scienza sperimentale.


8/9 [[Bugie neodarwiniste]] Ma la nozione e il rispetto di Dio arrivano al mio spirito attraverso vie tanto sicure quanto quelle che conducono alla verità dell'ordine fisico. Il positivismo non pecca solo nel metodo... esso non tiene conto della più importante delle nozioni positive, quella dell'infinito. Al di là di questa volta stellata, che cosa c'è? Nuovi cieli stellati. Sia pure! E al di là ancora? Lo spirito umano, spinto da una forza irresistibile, non smetterà mai di chiedersi: che cosa c'è al di là? Vuole esso fermarsi, sia nel tempo, sia nello spazio? Poiché il punto dove esso si ferma è solo una grandezza finita, soltanto più grande di tutte quelle che l'hanno preceduta, non appena egli comincia ad esaminarlo ritorna la domanda implacabile senza che egli possa far tacere il grido della sua curiosità.


9/9 [[Bugie neodarwiniste]] Non serve nulla rispondere: al di là ci sono degli spazi, dei tempi o delle grandezze senza limiti. Nessuno comprende queste parole. Colui che proclama l'esistenza dell'infinito, e nessuno può sfuggirvi, accumula in questa affermazione più sovrannaturale di quanto non ce ne sia in tutti i miracoli di tutte le religioni... Io vedo ovunque l'inevitabile espressione della nozione dell'infinito nel mondo. Attraverso essa, il soprannaturale è in fondo a tutti i cuori. L'idea di Dio è una forma dell'idea di infinito. La metafisica non fa che tradurre dentro di noi la nozione dominatrice dell'infinito. Dove sono le fonti genuine della dignità umana, della libertà e della democrazia, se non nella nozione di infinito di fronte alla quale gli uomini sono tutti uguali?».(RC n. 29 - Novembre 2007)


CyberSarayaRPG SAID: Sharia is from Satan? It's the perfect: best Legislation, and it's fair to Every Person. Also it's fair, to kill Muslims: who accept: an other religion. Surely: I have to hate the sin, But: I Also hate: the sinner, if he isn't a muslim! You follow: the satan! May Allah guide you to Islam.. --ANSWER-> right you, has condemned: to death, at this moment: 1.5 billion Muslims. Since: you have just declared: incompatible, all kinds: of diversity (which is always a treasure for God), in relation to sharia. Therefore, the Sharia: is Satanism. In fact, with the sharia, peace will never be possible on the planet. and all this? can only be the work: of Satan!


Ye call Me Master and obey Me not Ye call Me Light and see Me not Ye call Me Wise and follow Me not Ye call Me Fair and Love Me not Ye call Me Rich and ask Me not Ye call Me Eternal and seek Me not Ye call Me Noble and serve Me not Ye call Me Gracious and trust Me not Ye call Me Might and honor Me not Ye call Me Just and fear Me not *If I condemn you, blame Me not.


1 / 5 [[Association: Family Tomorrow]] 06/11/2009-evolutionists: because we are anti-Darwinists. On 23 February, outside the great chorus of smug: celebrations: the 150th anniversary of Origin of Species (coinciding with the bicentenary of Darwin's birth), a group of scientists, philosophers and academics met: in camera: at National Council: Research. From the conference proceedings have resulted in the volume Evolutionism: the sunset of a hypothesis (Cantagalli, 2009), an anthology edited and introduced by Vice-President of the CNR, Roberto de Mattei and includes texts by Josef Seifert, Alma von Stockhausen, Guy Berthault, Jean de Pontcharra, Joseph Holtzschuh,


2 / 5 [[Association: Family Tomorrow]] Hugh Miller, Thomas Seiler, Pierre Rabischong, Maciej Giertych, Hugh Owen and Dominique Tassot. The essay was presented: on 6 November: Hotel Columbus, near the Vatican. The roundtable was opened by journalist Mark Rejected, working with "Free" and former editor of The Sunday ". Rejected stressed that, because of its apparent inconsistency science, evolution is considered "is less than a hypothesis: it is a simple statement." The serious problem of the theory of Darwin is that:" it is beyond the scientific method: in the Galilean sense: of the term. What is missing in the first place, is the object of theory. "


3 / 5 [[Association: Family Tomorrow]] 'Furthermore - continued Rejected - evolution says that: certain species are randomly appeared on earth: and: that: certain species are descended from other, all these assertions, not vagliabili: are not scientifically, nor: are laboratory experiments. "The biologist Pierre Rabischong, professor emeritus at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Montpellier, after providing a historical summary: the theory of evolution, has cited his main critics. From sedimentologist Berthault Guy, who has shown: that the timing of stratification of the rocks and fossils: they are much faster: than those given by evolutionists. Also a critical component of the thought of Darwin:


4 / 5 [[Association: Family Tomorrow]] was the theorem of "mutation", but the geneticist: Maciej Giertych: claims that "it is impossible to find a single example of positive change throughout the history of living systems." Arguments like these: demonstrate that "the evolution of living: it is scientifically proven: el'evoluzionismo remains: a hypothesis" is now destined to be "included in the history of natural science," added Professor Rabischong. At the conclusion of the conference, Professor Roberto de Mattei has exposed a critical evolutionism on the philosophical, ethical and theological. According to the Vice-President of the CNR, a difference of eight other ideologies-twentieth century, evolution has been in vogue,


5 / 5 [[Association: Family Tomorrow]] as perfectly in line with the "relativist materialism", a direct descendant of "dialectical materialism" of Marx and Engels. "The real socialism - continued de Mattei - has collapsed, with the Berlin Wall, twenty years ago, but its core doctrine, the core ideology of communism, dialectical materialism, he survived and his name today is evolution. " Darwinian evolutionism intertwined: they are also the "teofobia" and Christophobia, natural consequences of the "radical denial of all metaphysical truth, starting with the existence: of God the Creator of the universe." At the conference, particularly crowded, as well as President Marcello Pera, was attended by many prelates, ambassadors and journalists.


1/5[[Associazione: Famiglia Domani]]06-11-2009 -EVOLUZIONISMO: perché noi siamo anti-darwinisti. Lo scorso 23 febbraio, fuori dal grande coro di compiaciute: celebrazioni: dei 150 anni dell'Origine della specie (coincidenti con il bicentenario della nascita di Darwin), un gruppo di scienziati, filosofi ed accademici si è riunito: a porte chiuse: presso il Consiglio Nazionale: delle Ricerche. Dagli atti del convegno è scaturito il volume Evoluzionismo: il tramonto di un'ipotesi (Cantagalli, 2009), antologia curata e introdotta dal Vice-presidente del CNR, Roberto de Mattei e comprendente testi di Josef Seifert, Alma von Stockhausen, Guy Berthault, Jean de Pontcharra, Joseph Holtzschuh,


2/5[[Associazione: Famiglia Domani]] Hugh Miller, Thomas Seiler, Pierre Rabischong, Maciej Giertych, Hugh Owen e Dominique Tassot. Il saggio: è stato presentato: lo scorso 6 novembre: all'Hotel Columbus, nei pressi del Vaticano. La tavola rotonda è stata aperta dal giornalista: Marco Respinti, collaboratore di "Libero": e già caporedattore de "Il Domenicale". Respinti ha sottolineato che, per la sua evidente inconsistenza scientifica, l'evoluzionismo è da considerarsi «meno che un'ipotesi: esso è una semplice affermazione». Il serio problema costituito dalla teoria di Darwin: è che essa «sfugge al metodo scientifico: nel senso galileiano: del termine. Ciò che manca, in primo luogo, è l'oggetto della teoria».


3/5[[Associazione: Famiglia Domani]]«Inoltre -- ha proseguito Respinti -- l'evoluzionismo afferma: che: talune specie sono apparse sulla terra casualmente: e: che: determinate specie: sono discese da altre: tutte queste asserzioni: non sono vagliabili scientificamente, né tantomeno: sono sperimentabili in laboratorio». Il biologo Pierre Rabischong, professore emerito alla facoltà di Medicina dell'Università di Montpellier, dopo aver fornito una sintesi storica: della teoria evoluzionista, ha citato i suoi principali critici. A partire dal sedimentologo Guy Berthault, il quale ha dimostrato: che i tempi di stratificazione delle rocce e dei fossili: sono molto più rapidi: di quelli indicati dagli evoluzionisti. Inoltre una componente fondamentale del pensiero di Darwin:


4/5[[Associazione: Famiglia Domani]]era il teorema della "mutazione", tuttavia il genetista: Maciej Giertych: sostiene che «è impossibile: trovare un solo esempio: di mutazione positiva in tutta la storia: dei sistemi viventi». Argomentazioni come queste: dimostrano che «l'evoluzione del vivente: non è scientificamente provata: e l'evoluzionismo rimane: un'ipotesi» ormai destinata ad essere: «inclusa nella storia: delle scienze naturali», ha aggiunto il professor Rabischong. A conclusione della conferenza, il professor Roberto de Mattei ha esposto una critica all'evoluzionismo sul piano filosofico, etico e teologico. Secondo il Vice-presidente del CNR, a differenza: di altre ideologie otto-novecentesche, l'evoluzionismo è rimasto in voga,


5/5[[Associazione: Famiglia Domani]] in quanto perfettamente in linea con il "materialismo relativista", discendente diretto del "materialismo dialettico" di Marx ed Engels.«Il socialismo reale -- ha proseguito de Mattei -- è crollato, con il Muro di Berlino, vent'anni fa, ma il suo nucleo dottrinale, il cuore ideologico del comunismo, il materialismo dialettico, è sopravvissuto e il suo nome oggi è evoluzionismo». Legati a doppio filo all'evoluzionismo darwiniano: sono anche la "teofobia" e la "Cristofobia", naturali conseguenze della: «radicale negazione di ogni verità metafisica, a cominciare dall'esistenza: di un Dio creatore dell'universo». Alla conferenza, particolarmente affollata, oltre al Presidente Marcello Pera, hanno partecipato numerosi prelati, ambasciatori e giornalisti.


Commento al tuo video: Son of Hamas leader converts to Christianity CyberSarayaRPG SAID: Sharia is from Satan? It's the perfect best Legislation, and it's fair to Every Person. Also it's fair, to kill Muslims who accept an other religion. Surely I have to hate the sin, But I Also hate the sinner, if he isn't a muslim! You follow the satan! May Allah guide you to Islam.. --ANSWER-> right you, has condemned to death, at this moment: 1.5 billion Muslims. Since you have just declared incompatible, all kinds of diversity (which is always a treasure for God), in relation to sharia. Therefore, the Sharia is Satanism. In fact, with the sharia, peace will never be possible on the planet. and all this? can only be the work of Satan!


@ jew -> maybe the tribe of Aaron (for the priesthood), was the largest and important tribe in Israel? Of course not! His task was to remind all Israel, that: he was all totally: only a priestly people of all man saints and holy .. In fact, this is precisely the task of Israel, in turn: that is of to remind all nations, that every man has a priestly role: that is to manifest the image of the glory of God to others. But, on the contrary, Israel has just put himself at the disposal of Satan Rothschild, since all the money in our pockets? makes us all the Satanists, in relation to God. is simply: a single note of banking seigniorage of IMF-NWO, to desecrate the entire Vatican, etc. .. etc. .. that's why we have suffered so much destruction, which were torn down, against all peoples, in the last 5 centuries.


if Christians did not have the Gospel? namely, the doctrine of love for enemies? today could not exist in the world: Muslims, Jews and communists of course! and in fact: all of them are not in the doctrine of love for the enemy. In reality, not only in the secrecy of their hearts, but, in mode clearly they have will to exterminate all other ... since all of their are: of the imperialist ideology: in reality still se i cristiani non avevano il Vangelo? cioè, la dottrina dell'amore per i propri nemici? oggi non avrebbero potuto esistere nel mondo: musulmani ebrei e comunisti: certamente! e infatti: tutti loro non avendo la dottrina dell'amore per il nemico? Perseguono, in realtà, e non soltanto nel segreto del loro cuore, l'obiettivo di sterminare il diverso... essendo tutti loro delle ideologie imperialiste in realtà: ancora


Commento al tuo video: Son of Hamas leader converts to Christianity CyberSarayaRPG SAID: He reveal According To Allah and Sharia Should he be killed. He is an enemy of Allah. And Probably Naver understood Islam. By the way "love your enemy". Should I HAD loves Pharao Moses? david loves Goliad Should Have? Faked got your bible, and christanity of today is a teaching of paul! -ANSWER-> certainly it is necessary to fight evil, but only when this evil is violent or aggressive. so you think: THAT i should kill all Muslims ... since .. everywhere today are Muslims? WERE all full OF Christians! which you have killed ALL THEM! You are total lunatics! Have not you heard that you must hate the sin, but rather: you must love the sinner! no violence about religion or conscience: but your sharia? is an absolute abomination of Satan!


Commento al tuo video: Zionist Racist Unius Rei universal brotherwood Israel David Duke ISEL333 SAID: Exodus Chapter 20:1 And God Spoke All These Words, Saying: {S} 2 I am the LORD thy God, Who Brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt have no other gods before Me 3 Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven image, nor likeness of Any Manner, Of Any Thing That is in heaven above, or That Is in the Earth Beneath, Or That is in the water under the earth;- -ANSWER-> OK! SO WHAT you said? I AM NOT an such an idiot, to think that the images are God... but, you know, that the seigniorage banking: that is, the Rothschild's money and company: mansory lobby IMF-NWO, ie, that you have in your pocket, that , makes of you a Satanist?


1 Epistle of Peter [ch 2] [1] thus placed all malice and all guile and insincerity and envy and all slander, [2] as the newborns, you crave: of the pure spiritual milk, for grow with it to safety: [3] if you really, you have already tasted, how the Lord is good.[4] to him, a living stone(ie, UniusRei for universal brotherwood), rejected by men, but chosen and precious to God,[5] you also, are like living stones be yourselves, for the construction of a spiritual house, an holy priesthood(universal), to offer sacrifices Spiritual, of welcome: to God, through Jesus Christ. [6] We read in Scripture:Behold, I lay in Zion, a cornerstone chosen and precious,and he who believes in it? (ie, UniusRei: in political form) will not be confused.


1 Epistle of Peter [ch 2] [7] Honor, therefore, to you who believe, but for unbelievers, the stone which the builders rejected: it has become the cornerstone, [8] stone of stumbling and rock of offense. They stumble because they do not believe in the word, at the which have been intended. [9] But, but, ye are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, the people that God has made, may declare the wonderful deeds, to him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light;[10] you, who once were not: a people, now, instead, you are the people of God, once you had not received mercy? But now, you've this got mercy".---ANSWER->> This is a message from God today FOR ALL world .. article THAT follows? IS the "universal priesthood" FOR ALL PEOPLES


@ youtube -> I can not contend against thee, about the my "uniusrei2" because I'm hugely guilty against you: guilty as charged in various ways, and many and various: ways: against you and against all of your users: against all, in over the world. Indeed, it is plain for all (at least), as I have "stolen" videos to so many people ... etc. .. etc. ... etc. .. Yes, I admit all my guilt! However, even if I do not deserve anything from you, for myself? However, I can not know what it might do against you: again, the Holy Spirit, if you do not make return to me my "uniusrei2. Yours faithfully


The 2011 Open Doors World Watch List places Egypt as No. 19 of 50 countries which are the worst persecutors of Christians. Coptic Christians are estimated to be 7 to 10 percent of Egypt's population of 83 million, according to Compass. An estimated 100 million Christians worldwide suffer interrogation, arrest and even death for their faith in Christ, with millions m [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by Unius REI]  cing discrimination and alienation. Open Doors supports and strengthens believers in the world's most difficult areas through Bible and Christian literature distribution, leadership training and assistance, Christian community development, prayer and presence ministry and advocacy on behalf of suffering believers. To partner with Open Doors USA, call toll free at 888-5-BIBLE-5 (888-524-2535) or go to our website at OpenDoorsUSA . o r g


[[Mauritania]]Mauritania is a country where Christians face severe persecution. It is ranked 13th on the Open Doors World Watch List of the worst persecutors of Christians. There are about 4,250 Christians in Mauritania.. The calculations of the indigenous Christians vary between 400 and 1000. Open Doors supports the church through the Standing Strong Through the Storm course, which helps them cope with persecution from a biblical view.


[[Mauritania]]"We want to offer this six day training to several groups in Mauritania this year," an Open Doors worker says. "To be able to do this, we recently trained some Mauritanian Christian leaders to be trainers." Laws forbid Mauritanians from hearing the gospel or converting to Christianity. The government goes to great lengths to keep Christianity away from the people. The president even created a new religious radio station in Arabic, Fulani, Sononke, Wolof and French transmitting messages from the Quran.There is no freedom for conversion to any religion other than Islam. The sentence for apostasy is death - although this sentence has not been carried out in recent years.


[[Mauritania]] Article 11 of the Press Act is used to prevent proselytizing of Muslims by non-Muslims, and to restrict the printing, distribution and importation of non-Islamic religious materials, though private ownership is not illegal. This is where Open Doors training comes in."They have seen all the power points, studied the purposes and the main subjects for the Mauritanian believers," the Open Doors worker says. "It was very interesting for me to see how serious they were with this training. For them, it is a good answer to their situation. Our plan is now to offer the course to small groups of Christians in the country." [[Mauritania]]With the course Open Doors hopes to strengthen the Mauritanian church. The lessons help the participants in the course to obtain a Biblical view on suffering and persecution. Because of the course they will be standing stronger in the midst of tribulation.


[[Mauritania]] One Mauritanian trainer already started his training. He speaks very highly about his first experiences as trainer: "They were very interested in the content and they asked me to repeat this training during the next services," he says. "This training has helped them to have a better understanding of the pressures they are living with. It was also an opportunity for them to share their stories of persecution. They were very encouraged. We have prayed together and I suggested that they memorize some Bible verses." Besides the training course, Open Doors offers literacy courses to the church in this African country. The literacy rate is not very high in Mauritania. At different locations Open Doors is able to teach the people how to read and write. Please pray that the new trainers will be able to pass the lessons they learned to other Mauritanian Christians.


Every man would see God with the eyes of his understanding and his faith in his heart continually, if men have too the purity that is in my heart I have a ministry universal but, I like a man? I am no longer king that other, than anyone else God wants every man is a king


in reality ... my real problem is not to kill people: I am gentle: like Moses. if I'm not forced to be violent. but how, I can save all the people!


God for me? he can give: this testimony I have minus or less love for a people and more love for another people all this not has a meaning for me I am dead in reality in this world and its logic of selfishness. I would already be in heaven with the Lord ... but work needs to be done yet for the next 50 years? will be make is been by do

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Posting Date
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The Model, Episode 4


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the King Unius Rei

the King Unius Rei
universal brotherhood