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Christian and Muslim Dalits observe

 08/10/2012 14:51
Christian and Muslim Dalits observe Black Day against discrimination
by Nirmala Carvalho
Thousands take part in events across the country. On 10 August 1950, India adopted a law that discriminates against non-Hindu and non-Buddhist Dalits. In 62 years, nothing has changed. An appeal is made to India's new President Mukherjee and Sonia Gandhi for a quick change to the law.

Mumbai (AsiaNews) - "Christian Dalits are discriminated because of their faith. In a secular state like India, it is scandalous that non-Hindu and non-Buddhist Dalits are denied their rights on religious grounds," said Mgr Anthonisamy Neethinathan, chairman of the Commission for Scheduled Castes and Tribes for the Catholic Bishops' Conference of India (CBCI). He spoke to AsiaNews on the occasion of Black Day, which marks the beginning of discrimination against Christian and Muslim Dalits.
Marked across the country, the event gave Dalits this year an opportunity to call on India's new president, Pranab Mukherjee, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and United Progressive Alliance (UPA) President Sonia Gandhi to abolish Paragraph 3 of the Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order, 1950, which denies Christian and Muslim Dalits the same rights as other Dalits.
Mgr Neethinathan noted that all Dalits that do not come under the law are held on the margins of society, hard pressed to find work and still subject to the absurd Hindu caste system. After 60 years of democracy, changing religion does not change Dalit status.
The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order, 1950, assigns certain rights on the basis of Article 341 of the Indian Constitution. However, paragraph 3 explicitly says that "no person who professes a religion different from the Hindu [the Sikh or the Buddhist] religion shall be deemed to be a member of a Scheduled Caste."  In 1956 and 1990, Buddhists and Sikhs were added to Hindus. Now only Christians and Muslims are still excluded.
The Order gives Hindu Dalits preferential treatment in the economic, educational and social fields, as well as job quotas in the public service.
Christian and Muslim Dalits have slammed the Order for violating the Indian constitution, like Article 14 (equality before the law), Article 15 (non-discrimination on grounds of religion) and Article 15 (freedom of conscience and free profession, practice and propagation of religion).
The National Commission for Religious and Linguistic Minorities (aka the Ranganath Misra Commission) called for the replacement of the 1950 Order with something that would "completely de-link the Scheduled Caste status from religion and make the Scheduled Castes net fully religion-neutral like that of the Scheduled Tribes."
Various agencies and governments in 12 Indian states, including Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh, have indicated their support for extending the Order to Christians and Muslims.
Similarly, the Indian Supreme Court has told the federal government on several occasions to solve the problem without getting an answer.
Despite protest marches and fasting (dharma) across the country over the past few years, politicians have not budged. Despite promises of a quick solution, they remain under the sway of Hindu culture and its legacy and fear the reaction of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), the powerful Hindu nationalist party.

See also
10/20/2004 INDIA
A Hindu al-Qaeda, religious fundamentalism as a political tool
by Bernardo Cervellera
01/24/2005 INDIA
Peace and religion: a deeper understanding of one's faith helps inter-faith dialogue
by Nirmala Carvalho
05/25/2006 INDIA
Government "should publish data on conversions and anti-Christian attacks"
by Nirmala Carvalho
03/11/2005 INDIA
Christian and Muslim Dalits backed by fellow Dalits from other religions
08/06/2010 INDIA 
August 10: day of mourning against discrimination of Christians and Muslim Dalits
by Nirmala Carvalho

10/08/2012 14:23
Dalit cristiani e musulmani celebrano il giorno di lutto contro la discriminazione
di Nirmala Carvalho
Le manifestazioni hanno coinvolto migliaia di persone in tutto il Paese. Il 10 agosto 1950 sono state approvate le norme che discriminano i Dalit di religione diversa da indù e buddismo. Dopo 62 anni nulla è cambiato. L'appello al nuovo presidente Mukherjee e a Sonia Gandhi per una rapida revisione delle leggi.

Mumbai (AsiaNews)- "I dalit cristiani indiani sono ancora discriminati per la loro fede. In un Paese laico come l'India è scandaloso che i fuori casta di religione diverse da indù e buddismo vengano privati dei loro diritti a causa della religione". E' quanto afferma ad AsiaNews, mons. Anthonisamy Neethinathan, responsabile per la Conferenza episcopale indiana (Cbci) della Commissione per le Scheduled Castes e Tribù, in occasione del "Black Day", giorno di lutto contro la discriminazione dei fuori casta cristiani e musulmani. L'evento si celebra oggi in tutto il Paese. Con  esso i dalit chiedono al nuovo presidente Pranab Mukherjee, al Primo ministro Manmohan Singh e al presidente della United Progressive Alliance(Upa) Sonia Gandhi di abolire l'art. 3 della legge sulle Scheduled Castes (Sc) del 1950 che impedisce ai cristiani e musulmani di uscire dallo stato di fuori casta e accedere a pieni diritti.
Mons. Neethinathan sottolinea che tutti i Dalit che non rientrano nelle legge sono non godono dei privilegi concessi agli altri fuori casta. Molti di loro vivono ai margini della società, non lavorano e devono sottostare agli antichi obblighi previsti nell'assurdo sistema delle caste indù anche se tale sistema è abolito da oltre 60 anni.   
La legge del 1950 riconosce ai membri della Scheduled Castes vari diritti previsti dall'art. 341 (1) della Costituzione indiana. Ma il 3° paragrafo della norma specifica che non può essere membro di questi gruppi "chi professa una religione diversa dall'induismo". Nel 1956 e nel 1990 sono stati introdotti emendamenti per estendere la categoria anche a buddisti e a Sikh. Mentre ne sono tuttora esclusi i cristiani e i musulmani. Grazie a questa legge, i Dalit indù hanno facilitazioni di tipo economico, educativo e sociale, con quote di posti di lavoro assegnati nella burocrazia.
I Dalit cristiani e islamici hanno da tempo tacciato di illegalità la norma, che viola principi costituzionali di uguaglianza (art. 14), il divieto di discriminazioni per la propria fede (art. 15) e la libertà di scegliere la propria religione (art. 25).
La Commissione nazionale per le minoranze linguistiche e religiose (conosciuta come Commissione Justice Ranganath Misra) ha ordinato di "abrogare la norma, per "scollegare lo status di Sc dalla religione e rendere tale sistema del tutto neutrale rispetto al credo, come è quello delle Scheduled Tribes".
Vari enti e i governi di 12 Stati indiani hanno chiesto di ammettere nelle norme che regolano le Sc altre religioni come cristiani e islamici, come ad esempio i Consigli parlamentari statali di Bihar, Uttar Pradesh e Andhra Pradesh.
Anche la Corte Suprema ha più volte sollecitato il governo federale ad affrontare e risolvere il problema, ma senza ottenere risposta. In questi anni le numerose marce di contestazione e i dharna (digiuni di protesta) organizzati in tutto il Paese non hanno smosso i leader politici laici. Nonostante le promesse elettorali su una rapida risoluzione del problema, essi sono ancora succubi della cultura indù e dei suoi retaggi e temono la reazione dei membri del Bharatiya Janata Party (Bjp), potente partito nazionalista indù.

Vedi anche
20/10/2004 INDIA
L'Al Qaeda indù: il fondamentalismo come strumento politico
di Bernardo Cervellera
21/07/2010 INDIA 
Cinquemila Dalit cristiani e musulmani contro la discriminazione 
di Nirmala Carvalho
13/10/2005 INDIA
Congresso Usa pronto ad esaminare la discriminazione contro i Dalit
di Nirmala Carvalho
05/11/2007 INDIA
Dalit indù contro la parità di diritti a cristiani e musulmani
di Nirmala Carvalho
14/02/2005 INDIA
India, speranze per i diritti dei dalit cristiani

  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    1 secondo fa
    @ IMF 666 NWO: Rothschild Talmud for goyim. ---> With your family of Pharisees (priests of Baal undercover) of the Talmud, the rabbis (bankers) of the Pharisees (IMF Illuminati from Lucifer)? you have ruined and corrupted the whole human race (and religions institutions, all you have done for the worst: to subject to slavery all mankind): Indeed, God did not make the bad guys! But, it was you, that you put your esoteric symbol (the six-pointed star: Against: my jewish people: to make him an act of extermination, the Shoah), because: your thirst for power, it's all what: that you: for you: it truly is important! Now, as you have decided: to destroy Israel? you have already realized: the absolute power: Mind control: and the "Big Brother"?
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    20 secondi fa
    @ IMF 666 NWO: Rothschild Talmud for goyim. ---> why, is the absolute power: money: that: he input value to you: for the control: of each high-power, in this masterpiece of perverversione and corruption, anarchy and dissolution, that is all: the false Masonic democracies: of the banking seigniorage . The final outcome of your work? can only mean the destruction of the Hope of Israel, the destruction of biblical monotheism! Perhaps it's time you stop of living as a parasite: 1. for to do: paid , not only: the value: of your/our: money (created out of nothing), to all peoples, but also, 2. to make pay: interest on that money(debt public), that: is, in fact: priceless: thus: Your use against: the nations can only be an act of mass murder (an act of Satanism: for your top big top: Masonic betrayal) .
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    31 secondi fa
    @Synnek1 322 @ 666: All for one IMF, that's, all for one:only "New World Order": extrusion: so that, the civilization of Satan, and all: in all! "-> One of your followers (not visible phone number) ? has bullied: on my phone: 12 hours ago! however, in its way? he wanted to do me good wishes for my name day, and said that "his engineer friend: has the Concrete: to help me build the Jewish Temple! "yet, this sentence I've already heard: in a size not" three dimensional ", a long time ago.
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    45 secondi fa
    [CORDS the Banks: Central (SpA private Jewish: open until it is taken, the decision to make a: nuclear World War 3°, a little before they blow up the revolutions: said: Ezra Pound)] @ King of Saudi Arabia: the "Little Satan" -> when in 2035, you you're finished, the last drop: oil? You can always continue living like a parasite, to harness the fees: $ 4 billion: Sunni Muslims, thank you: your idol of "Black Stone", because: you will have to be killed, not only, all Christians in Africa, but also: all Shiite Muslims, that you have brought to exterminate: your ally: the Great Satan, the IMF! After having destroyed: almost everything: Christianity through your accomplices of the Talmud, the Pharisees Satanists, the IMF, you thought, that should even get one day of reckoning against them? What, you may think you can win: the Satanists: "Great Satan"? through the power of your SatanAllah? but, if he (SatanAllah) was: really powerful?
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    1 minuto fa
    [CORDS the Banks: Central (SpA private Jewish: open until it is taken, the decision to make a: nuclear World War 3°, a little before they blow up the revolutions: said: Ezra Pound)] @ King of Saudi Arabia: the "Little Satan" -> you would not need: to be an ally of Satanists Americans (322,666), and even, you'd need to be the murderess: Christian martyrs of the Innocents, in the whole world! What you are? you are the most criminal of all the idiots! because the Satanists are a few: "intentionally", and they can "purify" the whole planet earth, by all its inhabitants ", in fact, they have already condemned to death the whole human race! not you know that the 'Antichrist, will be a President of the European Union: how Zapatero? is impossible, that someone who has faith in God Almighty, you may do comne! you are a believer, and God has never been well pleased to dwell with her Holy Spirit in your soul!
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    1 minuto fa
    [CORDS the Banks: Central (SpA private Jewish: open until it is taken, the decision to make a: nuclear World War 3°, a little before they blow up the revolutions: said: Ezra Pound)] @ King of Saudi Arabia: Is it you, that you're spreading your satanic religion: the ignorance, poverty, bigotry, Sharia, in the distant past of death and destruction, it's you, you, you cursed: powerfully: all Muslims! It is you who dare, to Satanists Americans to take control of the planet! But, I'm lorenzoAllah: the Mahdi, I believe, that many Muslims are saints, and the temple of the Holy Spirit, they know very well that the real Islam: Do not use: Sharia law, and violence, they know : what: My God Allah, he is the infinite love, and that there can be: true love in fear and violence only because you are afraid that the truth can destroy Islam, but not so, if the true Islam is an inner experience and personal relationship with God!
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    1 minuto fa
    [CORDS the Banks: Central (SpA private Jewish: open until it is taken, the decision to make a: nuclear World War 3°, a little before they blow up the revolutions: said: Ezra Pound)] @ King of Saudi Arabia: "the Little Satan "-> but, because I speak with you, as if you were an honest person? you do not believe in God! if you believe in God? you could never do a sublime religion: an act of imperialism! But, I'm unius REI, a prosecutor without DiScenza, a government univerale: the World, for 50 years, I have no need of armies: and not indebolisco: national identity and sovereignty, I seek not my interest, because the Working for God is to prevent that: that: you are doing: that is, you're doing to build Satanists: a new tower of Babel! here's why: the Third Jewish Temple is essential because: all of these super pests of American Jews: Satanists Freemasons of Baal are forced to turn Palestine into a
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    2 minuti fa
    [CORDS the Banks: Central (SpA private Jewish: open until it is taken, the decision to make a: nuclear World War 3°, a little before they blow up the revolutions: said: Ezra Pound)]@ King of Saudi Arabia: the "Little Satan" -> larger, thanks to your desert, otherwise? abandon hope: this planet, and certainly? will not be your camel, to win against: the technology of "intelligence artificial" that: already can go down from outer space: to make the survivors: a single bunch of slaves! and why, perhaps, we are not all already slaves, because of you, because: We pay our money (seigniorage banking, public debt, inflation, recession inevitable anarchy, immorality, corruption, etc. ..) with satanists? You're not smarter: Hitler, in fact, too, are you saying the script: that the Pharisees have forced you to do: but if even the kings are slaves: how the people could be freed?
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    2 minuti fa
    [Lawrence of Arabia, lorenzojhwh lorenzoAllah: ie the Mahdi Messiah jewish for love: in Universal Brotherhood: shalom salaam = + blessings too! I am King unius REI: the king of Israel] today is St. Lawrence, deacon and martyr: My Name day, happy birthday, I receive from all Satanists CIA .. Today is St. Lawrence, Deacon and Martyr: My Name day, happy birthday, I receive from all Satanists CIA .. - ANSWER -> NOT MY FAULT IF Jews is ME FOR THE MEN ARE ALL THE SAME! Those WHO ARE AGAINST ME? CRIMINALS ARE NOT IN THE NAME IN THE BOOK OF LIFE Written! NOT MY FAULT IF Jews is for ME, to THE MEN: ARE ALL THE SAME! Those WHO ARE AGAINST ME? CRIMINALS ARE: your NAME is NOT Been Written in the BOOK OF LIFE!
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    2 minuti fa
    maybe the Creator is like the creatures? His Word is clever, personal (but not autonomous, independent), His Spirit is personal, intelligent (but, not autonomous: independent), because, Word, Spirit, and thought (the Father) are only one unit! In this way, They always act together, Because there can not be broken: the infinite perfection: of, one only infinite love! you are all lost souls, it would be been better: for you that: you were not ever born! Woe to you! Woe to you! Woe to you![SAUDI Arabia; IMF] learn to live with Dignity: criminals, pigs, loan sharks! learn to live with Dignity and not to live as parasites on the planet .. Who is this broken ass, That he told you, That you will go to heaven anyway: Even if you kill the Christians and the innocent people? 322 Bush dog! 666 Rothschild Toad! CIA synnek1 IMF 666 -> Because You're wondering? YHWH God also has His Own Agenda! and you all will die, Unless you come to me: FAST!
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    3 minuti fa
    CIA synnek1 IMF 666 -> do not be surprised: if with the passage of time, you always feel my love stronger, Because everyone in the NWO, They all feel, my love and my wrath: that is the metaphysical! -> Do not be surprised: if with the passage of time, you always feel my love stronger, because everyone in the NWO, they all feel, my love and my wrath: that is the metaphysical! Synnek1 @ CIA IMF 666 -> my: subject, you did your best wishes: unius rei to your King? but You Should not do block: to him: the keyboard! CIA synnek1, my subject, you did your best wishes to King unius rei? but you should not do block: to him: the keyboard!
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    3 minuti fa
    @ Owl god Rothschild IMF @ 666 -> stop. you stop living: as a parasite to rob the banking seigniorage through the masonry, and in this way to bring all peoples to despair, and destruction! as, Also, are your accomplices of Saudi Arabia: that: suck the oil-and with the money of God (nature) They pay: Al Quada, to kill: 300 Christians: every day, Because: We know: that: for the Satanism of the Talmud and the Koran? Christians are idolaters, but, is not it! CIA IMF @ 666 Synnek1 -> What, I Should say, to please my enemies? @ Jews of IMF Illuminati -> STOP! to live as parasites on the people! But, you have the concept of living with Dignity? but, you know what is the word "dignity", is? stop to rob the bank seigniorage to all peoples!
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    1 giorno fa
    Iranian Foreign Minister Salehi: "Syria, It risks becoming another Afghanistan," Ali Akbar Salehi, Iran's foreign minister (Xinhua) last update: 09 August at 16:17 Tehran - (Adnkronos) - In a letter published in The Washington Post; the emphasis on the closeness of the country to Europe, an issue that "does not seem to worry about" the Western powers: "If Assad were to fall suddenly, the beautiful mosaic: ethnicities, faiths and cultures will fall apart. "- ANSWER -> BUT is this mosaic that Iran has destroyed with all his strength to put himself on the same level of crime: of the "Arab League and its Saudia Arabia: criminal too, against freedom of religion" was the best of all Muslims, that you wished to attack! just when Assad was engaged to make reforms, because, if , there can be no democracy in Syria, is only for the fault of the IMF: and all his false democracies Masonic banking seigniorage: with imperialism saudi: for destroy christianity
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    1 giorno fa
    @ Rothschild -> why: the King Roman Catholic and the Vatican, also is were do, the aberrant crimes of human sacrifice: (to wash the sins of the Jews: as it says: the talmud secret): they have never done that: that: Hitler , did? because they knew: that one day Christians and Jews would become one people with unius REI, and that the peace proclaimed by the prophets, on the whole world would, will become a reality! so the plans of Satan, would be destroyed! I am making: this prophecy: if you do not want to die!
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    1 giorno fa
    I have not, no interest to conceal/hidden: the crimes of Catholics against Jews! I not judge the felon: crime, of anyone, because I am the law of retaliation, only: for the crimes of the future! in this way: it does not matter to me, if someone innocent is: Jewish Hindu, Muslim, Chinese, etc. .. He will be aware, that his unius REI, will revenge for him .. because the certainty of law, is the protection of honest men!
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    1 giorno fa
    I have not, no interest to conceal/hidden: the crimes of Catholics against Jews! I not judge the felon: crime, of anyone, because I am the law of retaliation, only: for the crimes of the future! in this way: it does not matter to me, if someone innocent is: Jewish Hindu, Muslim, Chinese, etc. .. He will be aware, that his unius REI, will revenge for him .. because the certainty of law, is the protection of honest men!
  • FocusMrbjarke 
    FocusMrbjarke ha pubblicato un commento 
    2 giorni fa
    sorry but i am not doing free subs, thanks tho
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    2 giorni fa
    Obama @ 666 322 -666 & IMF CIA -> dickhead, I'm not going to live as a slave under the regime of the Masonic Bank Seigniorage! so, I'm not afraid to die! fuck you! You and your world with this shit!! -> Ah ah AH -> (with the same technique: of pretend to have the copyright): satanists have destroyed: "DiscepoloBenedetto" (which had 10,000 video: Christian all of TBNE of all: that, the TBNE? would never denounced him!) your Satanic CIA 666: have destroyed: many Christian sites, like, my uniusrei2, and many of my friends, etc. .. because, your Satanists have taken control: of youtube and google: They are organized in an institutional way, to ruin Christianity: Monotheism and the hope of Israel! this is what the IMF wants Rothschild said: spreading Satanism!
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    2 giorni fa
    @Obama 666 & 322 --> Ah ah AH --> (con la stessa tecnica di: pretendere di avere i diritti di autore): hanno distrutto: "DiscepoloBenedetto": (che aveva 10.000 video cristiani: tutti della TBNE: che, la TBNE? non avrebbe mai denunciato lui!) i tuoi satanisti della CIA: hanno distrutto:, molti siti cristiani, come, il mio uniusrei2, e di tanti miei amici, ecc.. perché, i tuoi satanisti hanno preso il controllo: di youtube e di google: e sono organizzati in modo istituzionale, per rovinare il cristianesimo: il monoteismo e la speranza di Israele! è questo che vuole Rothscild del FMI: diffondere il satanismo!
  • FocusMrbjarke 
    FocusMrbjarke ha pubblicato un commento 
    2 giorni fa
    lol why are you spaming you're own youtube channel and others?
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    2 giorni fa
    @666 IMF Rothschild -> as the greatest curse of the Jews and of all: the human race, such as a curse: like you (all your family Pharisees: of Baal) has done: to become: a hero for Jews? (it is sufficient to have the money, for the Jews, to become: their hero?) Indeed, every Shoah, the Holocaust has been done: for thy fault alone! You have cursed the reign of Solomon, etc. .. you did kill Jesus; ecc.. ecc. @ King of Saudi Arabia -> you are the king of balls! because: buy the money means no longer be master of nothing! and you're the king of nothing! Only the slave can not buy: his money! as thou hast done: to become the slave of Jews Satanists? monotheism in all the world, go to ruin: for guilty of you?
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    2 giorni fa
    @Rothscild --> come, la più grande maledizione: degli ebrei e di tutto: il genere umano: come: una maledizione: come te(la tua famiglia di farisei di Baal): ha finito: per diventare: un eroe: per gli ebrei? (è sufficiente, avere i soldi, per gli ebrei, per diventare: il loro eroe?) infatti, ogni Shoah, Olocausto è stato fatto: per colpa tua: soltanto! tu hai maledetto il regno di Salomone, ecc.. tu hai fatto uccidere Gesù; @Re dell'Arabia Saudita --> tu sei il re: dei coglioni! perché: comperare il denaro: significa: non essere più padrone: di nulla! e tu sei: il re del nulla! Solo lo schiavo può comprare: il suo denaro! come: tu hai finito: per diventare lo schiavo: di ebrei satanisti? per rovinare il monoteismo nel mondo?
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    2 giorni fa
    @ 666 IMF Rothschild ---> addirittura, noi possiamo fare: un regno: così grande: che va dall'Iran: all' Etiopia, tu smetti di maledire il mondo ed il mio popolo ebraico con il tuo satanismo: tu non puoi continuare ad essere così perverso e cattivo, perché, Dio finirà per fare del male: a te e a tutti i tuoi figli! indeed, we can do a kingdom so great: it goes from Iran: to all 'Ethiopia! .. you stop to curse the Jewish people, and all Peoples, and my world with your Satanism(kabbalah talmud 666 322 IMF FED ECB: seigniorage banking? NO! the seigniorage is of the peoples!): you can not continue to be so perverse and evil, because God will eventually do evil to you and all your children!
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    2 giorni fa
    @ 666 IMF Rothschild ---> Stop! to cursing mightily: my Jewish people and all peoples of the world! God hates: the Pharisees (and the Talmud): this heresy of Satan: that: he also contaminated some verses of the Torah: in fact: the prophets have said this: but you have not wanted to listen to them: because: you are murderers and thieves of the IMF, the exterminators of the NWO! 1. we can bring together: all Jews, 2. widen the Palestine and, 3. the Palestinians live as brothers with us, because as we are children of Abraham! two of us, we can do this, because as long as there the diaspora? Jewish temple: no: it not will can be built! with your family of rabbis (bankers) Pharisees of the IMF? you have ruined and corrupted the whole human race: for God did not make the bad guys! @ 666 thanks for the CIA have closed the server to my other channel
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    2 giorni fa
    @666 FMI Rothscild ---> Stop! a maledire potentemente: il mio popolo ebraico: e tutti i popoli del mondo! Dio odia: il fariseismo(e il suo talmud): questa eresia di satana: che: ha anche contaminato alcuni versetti: della Torà: infatti: anche i profeti hanno detto questo: ma, voi a loro non avete voluto ascoltare: perchè: voi siete assassini e ladri del FMI, gli sterminatori del NWO!! noi possiamo riunire: tutti gli ebrei, allargare la Palestina: e vivere con i palestinesi come fratelli: perché come noi sono figli di Abramo! noi due, noi possiamo fare tutto questo, perché finché esisterà la diaspora? il tempio ebraico: non: potrà essere costruito! con la tua famiglia di rabbini(banchieri) farisei del FMI? tu hai rovinato e danneggiato tutto il genere umano: infatti Dio non ha fatto gli uomini cattivi! @666 CIA grazie per avere chiuso il server all'altro mio canale
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    2 giorni fa
    @ Obama, Bush 322, 666 Rothschild: of IMF -> certainly, after the monopoly of the IMF , now, now, you also have a monopoly on truth! and youtube; Standards Community : Satanists are free to blaspheme Jesus Christ and to all forms of sexual perverversione: of course ! The following videos: feature: content: that: violates: These rules , Therefore: sono stati disabled: "Jewish ritual murder: kabbalah Talmud Grove 322 666 IMF : IMF Abduction 2 - ( allDavidDuke) -> what content? video was in English and I do not know the English spoken! but human sacrifices made ​​by (some Illuminati Jewish rabbis Farisei kakam ) from non-Jews all: have never been proved wrong! then, They still exist!: and I do not know the English spoken! but the sacrifices made by humans (some Jewish rabbis Enlightened) not by all Jews: that, are innocent! have never been disowned! then, they still exist!
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    2 giorni fa
    @Obama; 322 Bush; 666 Rothscild: of IMF --> certamente; dopo il monopolio del FIM; ora, adesso; voi avete anche il monopolio della verità! e in youtube; per le norme della community: i satanisti possono liberamente bestemmiare Gesù Cristo e mettere ogni forma di perverversione sessuale: ovviamente! the following videos: feature: content: that: violates: These rules, therefore: have been disabled: "Jewish ritual murder: kabbalah Talmud IMF Grove 322 666: IMF Abduction 2 - (allDavidDuke) -> what content? video was in English and I do not know the English spoken! but human sacrifices made ​​by (some Jewish rabbis) from non-Jews have never been proved wrong! then, they still exist!
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    2 giorni fa
    @ Obama -> I am a man, that he suffers too much to the survival of all mankind: and your CIA satanists? they should not cancel erased: my articles! @Obama --> io sono un uomo, che, lui soffre troppo: per: la sopravvivenza: di tutto il genere umano: ed i tuoi satanisti della CIA? loro non dovrebbero cancellare i miei articoli!
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    2 giorni fa
    Rothschild IMF @ 666 -> when I say to you, "my friend" I am not a hypocrite, because I promised (to God YHWH) to be a friend of every person on this planet, that's, why who thinks and says, something of bad: against me: unius REI? then, his name has not yet been written in the book of life! not are me: what: I choose to be the enemy of someone, because I have the level of political justice: the larger, more: that men may know! In fact, only: unius REI, is the rightful owner: the bank seigniorage, of all people! rather, this is your chance: for to go out, from where is the powerful curse: of your ancestors [() Illuminati of Lucifer ()] have decided to immerse you and your descendants into the hell!
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    2 giorni fa
    hallelujah -> @ Obama -> all CIA satanists your 666? have deleted, all my comments: all facts, with my channel: allDavidDuke .. Hallelujah -> @ Obama -> alle CIA-Satanisten Ihr 666? gelöscht haben, alle meine Kommentare: alles tun, um mich mit meinem Kanal: allDavidDuke .. aleluya -> @ Obama -> todos los satanistas la CIA el 666? tienen borrados, todos mis comentarios: todos lo hacen por mí, con mi canal: allDavidDuke hallelujah -->@Obama --> i tuoi satanisti della CIA 666? hanno cancellato tutti i miei commenti: fatti, con il mio canale: allDavidDuke hallelujah -> @ Obama -> tous les satanistes CIA votre 666? ont été supprimées, toutes mes commentaires: tous faire par moi, avec ma chaîne: allDavidDuke
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    4 mesi fa
    tu ricordi San Pietro: quando ha detto: che: le Sacre Scritture: non sono affidate: alla spiegazione personale: ma, che: è la Chiesa: che ha il mandato di poter interpretare le Sacre scritture.. ora.. tu non puoi uscire dalla storia: e cercare nel passato: una Chiesa e circostanze storiche e teologiche: che non esistono più... poiché la prima qualità di Dio: è l'amore: la seconda è la giustizia.. tu non puoi fare: di Dio un ingusto: che: condana qualcuno: a nascere da un eretico
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    4 mesi fa
    7_7.@CustodeDellaFede -- faith hope and charity are virtues: theological universal: therefore: also an atheist, possesses it, why not? he could not love: either to be virtuous.. you mix the divine nature: What: that, only Christianity: can give (ie: Trinity and dual nature of Christ) with all your crap: think: about: religious and moral. looks like a secondary thing: the divine nature?: What is for Lucifer: fallen: he losing himself? denied: the theological: and cardinal virtues: to other? but,: they can have all peoples, because God is merciful! This means not being able to see the reality and even offend God, as: which has been taught to do: to all the Jews and the all musumani, etc. ..
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    4 mesi fa
    1_6.@CustodeDellaFede -- I have no true virtue: you said ---> this way: my virtue is false! This is: a crime which condemns to hell: even: all Muslims: ecc. because: it is for reasons of conscience: they condemn to death: the Christian martyrs! ie: to believe that: the real virtue: can only be: in their own religion?: this is a crime against the universal right! is satanism of talmud Kabbalah Talmud 666 322: IMF NWO: rabbis kakam: Illuminati. if we ask a lawyer? Then you say that you have offended me: "because thou hast done: discrimination of order: racial or religious group" because: it is considered a crime: if, there is no: true virtue: in a person by reason of religion
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    4 mesi fa
    2_6.@CustodeDellaFede --. (I never thought that: a gay: can not be virtuous). my bad word? Folklore is .. is a way of saying .. not has a value penalty. and why: I reacted: at the grave coercion: of my dignity. well: the details of the lawsuit? are legitimate only for me! and: if, the international law condemns you? So: even God condemns you: of course! here's why: Sharia and Talmud: Satanism are .. that: then these Satanists: today: have the control: of the world ... this, says it all: on the fact, that: we're all going to die. and since: for the Jews: I am their King and Messiah? then: the anti-Christ, He is my enemy: twice: both: as a jew: that: as a Christian.
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    4 mesi fa
    3_6.@CustodeDellaFede -- boy: you will need to relax, because thou canst not see necessarily: in every heretic: an enemy: like Muslims. those donkeys donkeys like you? they must understand: that: the enemies are the Satanists of the IMF: only, that the heretics: they can be their allies: namely, their brothers, because the important thing is to love one another: between us! and if we do not turn well between us: how we beat the Satanists: ie the true Satanists: 322: 666. we say this: Satanists are to kill the believers ... and since: we are all heretics .. because for every believer, all others are heretics: for him, of course: and since:
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    4 mesi fa
    4_6.@CustodeDellaFede --heretics among us: we can not form an alliance: between us? then win the sataniti: and we all die ... Dickhead: in this way? the real antichrist is you! .you do not do the idiot: like Jehovah's Witness, that: put your head in the sand and says: if want to sodomize: Hi there .. why: we have: the duty to take control of political society: and not: to leave to: Masons Jews of IMF: from: to which of course: the Jehovah's Witnesses come: not groped: no resistance: (I know of) to this system: satanic and Masonic bank seigniorage. why: this is a comic fought:
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    4 mesi fa
    5_6.@CustodeDellaFede -- against: Nazism, but did nothing: against: the synagogue of Satan, the Pharisees Rabbis: IMF NWO. you are stupid: we do not make the New AGE: that is, a form of sicretismo: we do not want to corrupt: religions: we are seeking: a political alliance: to win the Satanists: .Why not: "we might also take love: like brothers "and this? is called civilization, not religion. I do not put on an equal footing: Christianity: with other religions: otherwise, I could not be a Catholic! but as universal political: I can not do injustice: preferences: why: Muslims: etc. they should submit:
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    4 mesi fa
    6_6.@CustodeDellaFede -- to my political sovereignty: to defeat the satanists: IMF: 666: 322 CIA. If I am not worthy: of their confidence? In your opinion: should a Christian: hate: being unfair? no: I give love to everyone: I do not place conditions: in the way of justice. save your soul? But for now, we have to save the skin seen that: we are very close: the 3 rd WW nuclear Satanic: of IMF: wanted: to close: their game: against: all religions. to make all mankind: a single herd of slaves. so in reality we have a political problem: the first to have: a religious problem .. If swearing: to Assisi: with John Paul II: Muslims, etc.. etc. .. they had not been made​​: to kill innocent Christians: Worldwide
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    4 mesi fa
    [evolution: is the religion: of the: NWO FMI: 666: 322: if men are: not: processed: in animals: of the human form? as: the rabbis Satanists: Pharisees: of the Talmud: could: do them: a predation?] all so-called: transitional fossils: the past 50 years? have all been proved wrong! those currently: under observation? are ridiculous! because: the theory of evolution: said:"(many random attempts: are indispensable: to find the: dominant species)": then 99% of the fossil? should be: all transitional fossils .. is the ideology of Kabbalah: that: he imposed: this lie: at the science: is only: the Masonic system: of: banking seigniorage, that: he hid the Ark: of Noah: on Mount Arat: with: Muslims complicit Satanists. . sorry: but, all Muslims are Satanists!
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    6 mesi fa
    Unius Rei: has all legal and sovereign rights: of representation: of the Kingdom of God on all over the planet earth! Therefore, I order: to all the elements: natural and supernatural: Beings: existing, thrones, dominions, principalities and Powers: must hit all my enemies to: in the name of Jesus: Until Death will come! @ Youtube - on Which side are you? the side of the martyrs?, or the side of Their Executioners? That Is the IMF: Talmud of Kabbalah, etc. .. Because: in my Homicidal rage? it is not easy for me to dodge: you too! at this point: no one has responsibility to: about: my ministry: except myself!
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    6 mesi fa
    I Unius Rei: I has all legal and sovereign rights: of representation: of the Kingdom of God all over on the planet earth! Therefore, I order: to all the elements: natural and supernatural: beings: existing thrones, dominions, principalities and powers: to strike all my enemies in the name of Jesus :until death will come! io Unius Rei: io ho i diritti regali legali e sovrani: di rappresentanza: del Regno di Dio: su tutto il pianeta terra! Pertanto, io ordino: a tutti gli elementi: (naturali e soprannaturali)esseri: esistenti: troni dominazioni, potestà e principati: di colpire tutti i miei nemici: nel nome di Gesù: finché morte non sopraggiunga!
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    6 mesi fa
    @ youtube - on which side you are? the side of the martyrs?, or the side of their executioners? that is the IMF: Talmud of Kabbalah, ecc.. because: in my homicidal rage? it is not easy for me: to dodge: you too! at this point: no one has a responsibility: about: my ministry: except myself! @youtube -- da che parte stia? dalla parte dei martiri: oppure dalla parte dei loro carnefici? cioè il FMI: del Talmud kabbalah,ecc.. perché nella mia furia omicida? non è facile per me: di scansare: anche te! Comuque: nessuno ha una responsabilità: circa: il mio ministero: tranne me stesso!
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    6 mesi fa
    India criminal [use of Slavery: Against: The Untouchables!] Mumbai (AsiaNews) 16.09.2008 00:33 The anti-Christian violence: Orissa started: 3 weeks ago has still not died down, instead, it is spreading: in Kerala. The situation remains tense in Karnataka. In Orissa, after weeks: the first violence: and after days of curfew and was an emergency last night: in the district of Kandhamal, the epicenter of anti-Christian violence, a crowd: over: 500 Hindus Attacked in Station: police and Several vehicles burned. A policeman was killed. Seems To Be The attack in reprisal against: the police, who in recent days: Krutamgarh fired: The Hindu Militants: Trying to Stop Them: to burn the houses of some Christians. But: Violence Against: The Faithful continuous. P. Dibyasingh Parichha, spokesman for the diocese of Cuttack-Bhubaneshwar,
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    6 mesi fa
    India criminal [use of Slavery: Against: The Untouchables!] Told: AsiaNews that: 14 September: in the village of Makabali, 12 houses burned Christians Were one in Debari: and: a Murudikupuda. Yesterday, near Raikia: shot: a Christian. The wave of anti-Christian: it spreads to other parts of India. The Catholic Jaya Mata school was Attacked: from strangers in the night Between 14 and 15 September. The incident occurred: in the district of Kasargode (Kerala, southeast India). A room is Temporarily asylum: used as a chapel, as the parish church: it is Being Restored. Yesterday morning, Fr ​​Antony Punnoor: destroyed found the sign for the entrance, stained glass windows and asylum, to statues of Our Lady was, scarred with stones. Opened an investigation and the police tightened security around churches, fearing attacks like in Orissa and Karnataka.
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    6 mesi fa
    India criminal [use of Slavery: Against: The Untouchables!] Even today in Mangalore (Karnataka) voltage. On Sunday, September 14, ransacked Were 20: Christian churches by radical Hindu Sangh Parivar. Christians have Demonstrated Against the Police who did nothing to Prevent attacks. The Hindu fundamentalists justify: Their violence by accusing the Christians of proselytizing and conversion: forced. The chief minister of Karnataka examination, BS Yeddyurappa, instead of condemning the violence, has on the Christian Missionaries Called to stop: the forced conversions: In a democracy, he said there space for forced conversions. Should no one use them. Yeddyurappa is connected to the BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party), which: says: Nationalism: Hindus and covers the actions of many fanatical groups.
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    6 mesi fa
    India criminal [use of Slavery: Against: The Untouchables!] The GCIC (Global Council of Indian Christians), based in Bangalore (Karnataka), has the Police Accused of Beating the Christians (see photo) and desecrating churches Mangalore. They charge the government of Yeddyurappa (in office for 100 days), to aggressively Pursuing the ideas of Mahatma Gandhi Those Who Killed. Gandhi was a radical Hindu nationalist Killed by. Because of this inertia (or connivance) with militancy: Hindu, president of the GCIC, Sajan George: Also He asked for the Resignation of Interior Minister: Karnataka: and the suspension of service of All Those Responsible for the districts Attacked.
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    6 mesi fa
    India criminal [use of slavery: against: the untouchables!] Mumbai (AsiaNews) 16.09.2008 24:33 The anti-Christian violence: nell'Orissa started: 3 weeks ago has still not died down; instead, it is spreading: in Kerala . The situation remains tense in Karnataka. In Orissa, after weeks: the first violence: and after days of curfew and was d'emergenza last night: in the district of Kandhamal, the epicenter of anti-Christian violence, a crowd: over: 500 Hindus attacked a Station: police and burned several vehicles. A policeman was killed. The attack seems to be a reprisal against: the police, who in recent days: Krutamgarh fired: the Hindu militants: trying to stop them: to burn the houses of some Christians. But: violence against: the faithful continue. P. Dibyasingh Parichha, spokesman for the diocese of Cuttack-Bhubaneshwar,
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    6 mesi fa
    India criminal [use of slavery: against: the untouchables!] Told: AsiaNews that: 14 September: in the village of Makabali, 12 houses were burned Christians one in Debari: and: a Murudikupuda. Yesterday, near Raikia: shot: a Christian. The wave of anti-Christian: it spreads to other parts of India. The Catholic Jaya Mata school was attacked: from strangers in the night between 14 and 15 September. The incident occurred: in the district of Kasargode (Kerala, southeast India). A room is temporarily dell'asilo: used as a chapel, as the parish church: it is being restored. Yesterday morning, Fr Antony Punnoor: destroyed found the sign for the entrance, stained glass windows and dell'asilo, a statue of Our Lady was, scarred with stones. The police opened an investigation and tightened security around churches, fearing attacks like in Orissa and Karnataka.
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    6 mesi fa
    India criminal [use of slavery: against: the untouchables!] Even today in Mangalore (Karnataka) voltage. On Sunday, September 14, were ransacked 20: Christian churches by radical Hindu Sangh Parivar. Christians have demonstrated against the police who did nothing to prevent attacks. The Hindu fundamentalists justify: their violence by accusing the Christians of proselytizing and conversion: forced. The same chief minister of Karnataka, BS Yeddyurappa, instead of condemning the violence, has called on the Christian missionaries to stop: the forced conversions: In a democracy, he said there space for forced conversions. No one should use them. Yeddyurappa is connected to the BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party), which: says: nationalism: Hindus and covers the actions of many fanatical groups.
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    6 mesi fa
    India criminal [use of slavery: against: the untouchables!] The GCIC (Global Council of Indian Christians), based in Bangalore (Karnataka), has accused the police of beating the Christians (see photo) and desecrating churches Mangalore. They accuse the government of Yeddyurappa (in office for 100 days), to aggressively pursuing the ideas of those who killed Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhi was killed by a radical Hindu nationalist. Because of this inertia (or connivance) with militancy: Hindu, president of the GCIC, Sajan George: He also asked for the resignation of Interior Minister: Karnataka: and the suspension of service of all those responsible for the districts attacked .

2013, credit cards active in Myanmar

11/08/2012 CINA
Saga di Chongqing: La moglie di Bo Xilai accetta le accuse di omicidio
La notizia è stata diffusa dai media di Stato cinesi. Essi sono gli unici ammessi al processo contro Gu Kailai iniziato lo scorso 9 agosto. La donna avrebbe giustificato l'omicidio di Neil Heywood con un crollo mentale dovuto alle minacce subite dal figlio. Sospetti su un accordo fra Bo e i vertici di Pechino per evitare nuovi scandali. Per gli esperti la moglie del leader di Chongqing starebbe seguendo un copione indicatole dal Partito comunista cinese.
11/08/2012 MYANMAR 
Rivoluzione monetaria: entro il 2013, carte di credito attive in Myanmar
Per la fine del mese è invece previsto l'ingresso delle carte di debito e dei servizi di pagamento elettronico. Al momento cinque su sette istituti di credito autorizzati ad operare. Via libera ai conti in valuta estera e alla circolazione di denaro verso l'esterno. Per somme superiori ai 10mila dollari necessaria la giustificativa.

11/08/2012 PAKISTAN
Ricordando Shahbaz Bhatti e Benazir Bhutto, il Pakistan celebra le minoranze
L'11 agosto, nel 65mo anniversario dello storico discorso di Ali Jinnah all'Assemblea, è la giornata dedicata ai non musulmani. Il ministro Paul Bhatti sottolinea che "siamo parte di un'unica nazione" e l'obiettivo è creare "un Pakistan prospero e unito". Inserire le minoranze nel panorama politico e sociale del Paese.
11/08/2012 INDIA 
Migliaia di fedeli salutano mons. Mallavarapu, neo arcivescovo di Vishakapatnam
di Sr. Benigna Menezes*
Il prelato ha guidato per 10 anni la diocesi di Vijayawada, nell'Andhra Pradesh. Alla messa di commiato egli ha invitato i fedeli a ringraziare Dio per il decennio di pace e crescita. Fra i suoi meriti l'aver promosso l'armonia interconfessionale e favorito l'istruzione dei giovani cattolici, con particolare attenzione ai poveri.
10/08/2012 INDIA 
Dalit cristiani e musulmani celebrano il giorno di lutto contro la discriminazione
di Nirmala Carvalho
Le manifestazioni hanno coinvolto migliaia di persone in tutto il Paese. Il 10 agosto 1950 sono state approvate le norme che discriminano i Dalit di religione diversa da indù e buddismo. Dopo 62 anni nulla è cambiato. L'appello al nuovo presidente Mukherjee e a Sonia Gandhi per una rapida revisione delle leggi.
10/08/2012 NEPAL
Nepal, il governo blocca l'emigrazione delle donne nei Paesi del Golfo
di Kalpit Parajuli 
Il divieto riguarda le lavoratrici con meno di 30 anni. Il bando avviene in seguito ai continui casi di abusi sessuali e maltrattamenti subiti dalle donne in Arabia Saudita, Qatar e Kuwait.
Lee Myung-bak visita le isole contese da Tokyo e Seoul
Le Dodko (o Takeshima, in giapponese) sono circondate da un mare molto pescoso. Il Giappone ha richiamato il suo ambasciatore a Seoul e presentato protesta all'ambasciatore sudcoreano a Tokyo. Finora Lee aveva sempre predicato l'amicizia fra Corea e Giappone, nonostante il violento passato dell'invasione nipponica. Stasera alle Olimpiadi la partita di calcio Corea-Giappone.
10/08/2012 VIETNAM
Đà Lạt, progetti di micro-credito della Caritas per poveri e minoranze 
di J.B. Vu 
L’iniziativa sostenuta dal lavoro di volontari ha preso il via nel 2010. Essa si rivolge in particolare ai membri delle minoranze etniche, nelle aree rurali e montagnose. Oltre 900 famiglie hanno potuto “sfuggire alla povertà”. Volontario cattolico: con l’aiuto di Dio è possibile trovare la forza per promuovere queste iniziative.
10/08/2012 CINA
Rallenta l'export e l'import cinese
L'export è cresciuto solo dell'1% (in giugno era cresciuto del 13%), il valore più basso dal 2009. L'import è salito del 4,7 (in giugno era il 6,3). In calo anche la produzione industriale. Si abbassa l'inflazione per la riduzione dei prezzi della carne di maiale e di pollame.
10/08/2012 GIAPPONE
Pace è “amore e rispetto per la vita umana”, guardando a Fukushima
L’arcivescovo di Osaka e presidente della Conferenza episcopale nipponica, mons. Leone Ikenaga, invia il suo messaggio per gli annuali “dieci giorni per la pace” indetti da Giovanni Paolo II nel 1981: “Il disastro di Fukushima è ancora presente nei nostri cuori. Ma camminiamo sulla via del rispetto per la vita umana”.

Altri articoli
10/08/2012 COREA DEL SUD 
Un video per spiegare al Paese la missione della Chiesa in Corea di Joseph Yun Li-sun
10/08/2012 SIRIA - ONU
L'Onu nomina il successore di Kofi Annan in Siria
10/08/2012 CINA
Saga di Chongqing: processo a poliziotti e a Wang Lijun. Silenzio su Bo Xilai di Wang Zhicheng
Canberra soccorre oltre 200 profughi salpati dalle coste indonesiane
09/08/2012 INDIA 
Vescovo di Tuticurin: Stop alla centrale nucleare pericolosa per la popolazione di Santosh Digal
09/08/2012 GIAPPONE
Appello del sindaco di Nagasaki per un mondo senza armi atomiche
09/08/2012 RUSSIA 
Mosca pensa di vietare agli stranieri la possibilità di fondare organizzazioni religiosedi Nina Achmatova
09/08/2012 TAIWAN - CINA
Nuovi accordi commerciali fra Pechino e Taipei
09/08/2012 LIBIA 
Tripoli, al potere la nuova Assemblea costituente fra insicurezza e crisi economica
09/08/2012 SRI LANKA
Colombo: pace e stabilità al centro del Seminario internazionale sulla difesa di Melani Manel Perera
09/08/2012 THAILANDIA
L'arcivescovo di Bangkok, nuovo moderatore dei vescovi amici dei Focolari
09/08/2012 INDONESIA
Alluvioni ad Ambon: la situazione resta critica, 10 morti e migliaia di sfollati di Mathias Hariyadi

08/11/2012 CHINA
Chongqing Saga: Bo Xilai’s wife accepts murder charges
The news was broadcast by Chinese state media. Only press allowed access to Gu Kailai’s trial last August 9. The woman justified the murder of Neil Heywood with a mental breakdown due to the threats to her son. Suspicions about a deal between Bo and the leaders in Beijing to prevent further scandals. Experts maintain Chongqing leader’s wife is following a script drawn up by Chinese Communist Party.
08/11/2012 MYANMAR
Currency revolution: by 2013, credit cards active in Myanmar
By the end of the month debit cards and electronic payment services will be launched. Currently five of the seven banks licensed to operate. Green light for foreign currency accounts and foreign money transactions. Justification required for amounts greater than 10 thousand dollars.

08/11/2012 PAKISTAN
Remembering Benazir Bhutto and Shahbaz Bhatti, Pakistan celebrates minorities
On 11 August, the 65th anniversary of the historic Ali Jinnah's speech to the Assembly, is the day dedicated to non-Muslims. Minister Paul Bhatti: "We are part of one nation" and the goal is to create "a prosperous and united Pakistan." Minorities’ integration in the political and social landscape of the country.
08/11/2012 INDIA
Faithful bid farewell to Msgr. Mallavarapu, new archbishop of Vishakapatnam
by Sr. Benigna Menezes*
The prelate led the diocese of Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh for 10 years. At his farewell Mass, he invited the faithful to thank God for the decade of peace and growth. Among his merits he promoted interfaith harmony and encouraged the education of Catholic youth, with particular attention to the poor.
08/10/2012 INDIA
Christian and Muslim Dalits observe Black Day against discrimination
by Nirmala Carvalho
Thousands take part in events across the country. On 10 August 1950, India adopted a law that discriminates against non-Hindu and non-Buddhist Dalits. In 62 years, nothing has changed. An appeal is made to India's new President Mukherjee and Sonia Gandhi for a quick change to the law.
08/10/2012 NEPAL
Nepali government bans emigration of women to Gulf States
by Kalpit Parajuli 
The ban affects women under the age of 30. It comes as the number of cases of sexually and physically abused women mounts in countries like Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Kuwait.
08/10/2012 SOUTH KOREA - JAPAN
Lee Myung-bak visits islands claimed by Tokyo and Seoul
The waters around the Dodko (or Takeshima, in Japanese) Islands are rich in fish. Japan recalls its ambassador in Seoul and protests to South Korean ambassador in Tokyo. So far, Lee had always pushed for South Korean-Japanese rapprochement despite Japan's past violent rule in the Korean Peninsula. Tonight, South Korea and Japan meet in Olympic football match.
08/10/2012 VIETNAM
Caritas microcredit project for the poor and minorities in Đà Lạt
by J.B. Vu 
Volunteers provide support to the initiative launched in 2010. The project is aimed at members of ethnic minorities living in rural areas and mountain regions. More than 900 families have been able to "escape poverty." Catholic volunteer says that with God's help it is possible to find the strength to promote such initiatives.
08/10/2012 CHINA
Chinese exports and imports slow down
Exports grew in July by only 1 per cent (against June's 13 per cent), the lowest since 2009. Imports rose 4.7 (a month earlier it was 6.3). Industrial output declines. Inflation drops because of lower pork and poultry prices.
08/10/2012 JAPAN
Peace is "love and respect for human life", looking at Fukushima
The Archbishop of Osaka, and President of the Japanese Bishops Conference, Msgr. Leo Ikenaga, sends a message to the annual "ten days for peace" organized by John Paul II in 1981: "The Fukushima disaster is still present in our hearts. But we walk the path of respect for human life. "

Altri articoli
08/10/2012 SOUTH KOREA
A video explaining the mission of the Korean Church by Joseph Yun Li-sun
08/10/2012 SYRIA - UN
The United Nations appoints a successor to Kofi Annan in Syria
08/10/2012 CHINA
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Nagasaki mayor calls for a nuclear-free world
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Moscow plans to prevent foreigners from creating religious organisations by Nina Achmatova
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Tripoli, power handed over to new Constituent Assembly amid insecurity and economic crisis
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08/11/2012 11:51
Hillary Clinton in Turkey in search of " the day after Assad "
The U.S. Secretary of State discusses support to Syrian rebels and transition plan with leaders in Ankara, as international isolation of Damascus increases. Concerns regarding reports of Al-Qaeda presence on the ground. Gunfight at border with Jordan.

Beirut (AsiaNews) - Support for Syrian rebels, the growing international isolation of Damascus, preparation of a transition plan following the fall of the regime of Bashar al-Assad. These, according to U.S. sources, are the objectives that led the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, to travel to Turkey, where she arrived this morning (pictured), to meet with leading representatives of Ankara and also the leader of those who oppose the Syrian government.
Clinton's visit is to prepare for, in essence, what the Americans call "the day after Assad", ie the steps to bring the current regime down, and ensure a free, pluralistic and democratic future for Syria.

The U.S. reluctance to provide military aid to the insurgents, however, is explained by information, also revealed by a  U.S. source, quoted by AP, of the presence of at least 200 al-Qaeda militants, on Syrian soil with the objective to establish bases along the terrorist organization's Iraq model.

In the meantime the battle continues on the ground: Aleppo is always at the center of fierce fighting. According to state news agency SANA, the army has repelled a rebel attack against the airport, while the insurgents say they are preparing a counteroffensive to retake the districts they were pushed back from. The Syrian National Council also reports clashes on the outskirts of Damascus.

And while Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan are facing the tragedy of tens of thousands of people seeking refuge from civil war, Amman also reports news of an exchange of gunfire between Jordanian and Syrian forces. The Damascus army reportedly opened fire near the border post of Tel Shihab-Turra, the Jordanians fired in response. (PD)

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See also
06/17/2011 TURKEY-SYRIA 
Ankara announces humanitarian corridor for 10 thousand Syrian refugees 
06/27/2012 SYRIA
Damascus, attack on a pro-government television station, three dead
06/26/2012 TURKEY - SYRIA
Ankara warns UN the jet shot down a "security threat" from Syria
07/11/2011 SYRIA - TURKEY
Damascus: attempts at government-opposition dialogue, but police continue to shoot 
by Naman Tarcha
05/09/2012 SYRIA
UN convoy hit by a bomb in Daraa

» 11/08/2012 10:05
Hillary Clinton in Turchia alla ricerca del "the day after Assad"
Il segretario di Stato Usa discute con i vertici di Ankara il sostegno che viene dato ai rivoltosi siriani, come accrescere ancora l'isolamento internazionale di Damasco, la preparazione di un piano di transizione al regime. Preoccupano le notizie sulla presenza di al-Qaeda. Scontro a fuoco al confine con la Giordania. 

Beirut (AsiaNews) - Il sostegno che viene dato ai rivoltosi siriani, come accrescere ancora l'isolamento internazionale di Damasco, la preparazione di un piano di transizione al regime di Bashar al-Assad. Sono, secondo fonti statunitensi, gli obiettivi che hanno spinto il segretario di Stato Usa, Hillary Clnton, a recarsi in Turchia, dove è arrivata questa mattina (nella foto), per incontrare i massimi esponenti di Ankara e anche leader di coloro che si oppongono al governo siriano.
I colloqui della Clinton voglionno preparare, in sostanza, quello che gli americani chiamano "il giorno dopo Assad", ossia i passi da compiere perché, caduto l'attuale regime, il fututro della Siria possa essere libero, pluralistico e democratco.
A offuscare questa speranza e spiegare la riluttanza degli Stati Uniti a offrire aiuti militari agli insorti, informazioni, anch'esse di fonte Usa, citate dall'AP, parlano ci almeno 200 militanti di al-Qaeda che sarebbero presenti nel Paese con l'obiettivo di creare basi sul modello di quanto l'organizzazione terroristica ha realizzato in Iraq.
Sul terreno, nel frattempo, lo scontro continua: Aleppo è sempre al centro di una battagloia che, secondo l'agenzia statale SANA, ha visto l'esercito respingere un attacco dei ribelli contro l'aeroporto, mentre gli insorti dicono di preparare una controffensiva per riprendere i quartieri dai quali si sono rititrati. Il Syrian National Council riferisce anche di scontri nella periferia d Damasco.
E mentre Turchia, Libano e Giordania si trovano ad affrontare il dramma di decine di migliaia di persone che cercano scampo dalla guerra civile, da Amman gunge notizia di un sonflitto a fuoco che ieri ha coinvolto forze giordane e siriane. L'esercito di Damasco avrebbe aperto il fuoco nei pressi del posto di confine di Tel Shihab-Turra, i giordani avrebbero risposto. (PD)

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Vedi anche
28/11/2011 SIRIA
Sanzioni della Lega araba per fermare le uccisioni di civili in Siria
Amman potrebbe unirsi al boicottaggio contro il vertice di Damasco
Riuniti ad Istanbul, i capi della Chiesa ortodossa decidono su Ireneos I
Accuse e smentite tra Amman e Damasco su un "gruppo armato" di Hamas
25/02/2005 IRAQ
Vescovo iracheno: L'Iraq sconfigge i terroristi

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