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HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commentoalleluia
UniusRei1 ha pubblicato un commentoJHWH said me: וְנִבְרְכוּ בְךָ, כֹּל מִשְׁפְּחֹת הָאֲדָמָה. 3 Benedirò coloro che ti benedica e colui che ti maledirà maledico; e in te saranno benedette tutte le famiglie della terra.' . 3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and him that curseth thee will I curse; and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed, Et je bénirai ceux qui te bénisse, et celui qui te maudira sera je maudis ; et en toi toutes les familles de la terre seront bénies. »
UniusRei1 ha pubblicato un commento我都會祝福他們,祝福你,和他 curseth 你將我詛咒 ;和地球的所有家庭你福都了。И благословляю их, что благословит тебя, и ему, что curseth тебя я проклятие; и в тебе все племена земные благословятся.» Bunları seni korusun korusun ve onu sana curseth olacak ben küfür; ve sana yeryüzünün tüm ailelere kutsanmış.'تلعنه إليك أنا لعنة؛ وفي إليك يقوم المباركة جميع أسر الأرض. '
UniusRei1 ha pubblicato un commentowho's available: to believe in me, because the world can continue to live? by lorenzoJHWH Unius REI
UniusRei1 ha pubblicato un commentoJHWH, said: Unius REI me : king of Palestine and Israel ---- 2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and be thou a blessing. ג וַאֲבָרְכָה, מְבָרְכֶיךָ, וּמְקַלֶּלְךָ, אָאֹר; וְנִבְרְכוּ בְךָ כֹּל מִשְׁפְּחֹת הָאֲדָמָה,. 3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and him that curseth thee will I curse; and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed ... ב וְאֶעֶשְׂךָ, לְגוֹי גָּדוֹל, וַאֲבָרֶכְךָ, וַאֲגַדְּלָה שְׁמֶךָ; וֶהְיֵה, בְּרָכָה.
UniusRei1 ha pubblicato un commento88tuner Commento sul tuo video: 79 to all MARTYRS lorenzojhwh is Unius Rei.flv I don't get why the Muslim faith would deny a fellow Muslim the belief in Jesus. He is their messenger. Why persecute a person for belief in the very messenger of the Quran? This has always puzzled me. In my opinion, bias and hatred is the flaming sword that protects the tree of life. Love is the key to opening the door to eternal life. Clearly the message of Jesus to the brother Issac and Ishmael.
UniusRei1 ha pubblicato un commento88tuner Commento sul tuo video: 80 to all MARTYRS lorenzojhwh is Unius Rei.flv Thank you for your videos. I have read the Quran. One thing that sands out to me is the repeated judgment of the non-believer. I also notice that Jesus is their messenger. Jesus states clearly in Luke 10 that a believer must love God. Yes. True. It also states this is not enough. One must also love his neighbor. Jesus defines the neighbor as the Samaritan (enemy of the Jew). If a person does not love God and his enemies, he is judged by the words of the Quran as a non-believer.
UniusRei1 ha pubblicato un commento88tuner Commento sul tuo video: 81 to all MARTYRS lorenzojhwh is Unius Rei.flv Luke 10 36 "Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?" 37 The expert in the law replied, "The one who had mercy on him." Jesus told him, "Go and do likewise."
UniusRei1 ha pubblicato un commento88tuner Commento sul tuo video: 82 to all MARTYRS lorenzojhwh is Unius Rei.flv There is a way to find a true believer by the fruit they bear. A believer will protect, defend and honor. Someone who is lost will steal, kill and destroy. 1 Corinthians tells the entire story of Jesus--Love. Luke 10 establishes the job of Issac and Ishmael. The brothers must love God and each other. They are the neighbors (enemies) that fell on the road. The good Samaritan was the enemy of the Jew. He stopped to assist him after robbers came to steal. Who has the message of love?
Kain Darothic ha pubblicato un commentoUniusRei1 Your rambling here and most people are off playing Assassin's Creed 3.
UniusRei1 ha pubblicato un commentozombienationnews: a: Commento sul tuo video: crolla 666 teoria eterno IMF talmud truffa evoluzionismo darwinismo: ha detto: "P.S. it'e dovrebbe per essere" il modo la verità e la luce "non"vita"LMFAO!!! -RISPONDERE - NO, HA DETTO: A PROPOSITO, LUCE E VITA, È PER QUESTO, È GESÙ CRISTO: MESSIA SOLO, IN TUTTO IL MONDO! È PER QUESTO, TUTTO È PER LUI O TUTTO È CONTRO DI LUI, MA, SI? SONO PERSI! Il tuo nome? non è stato scritto nel libro della vita! --NO, HE SAID: WAY, LIGHT, AND LIFE, IS WHY IS JESUS CHRIST: MESSIAH ONLY, IN ALL THE WORLD! IS WHY, EVERYTHING IS FOR HIM, OR EVERYTHING IS AGAINST HIM, BUT, YOU? YOU ARE LOST! your name? was not written in the book of life!
UniusRei1 ha pubblicato un commentozombienationnews: करने के लिए: Commento sul tuo वीडियो: 666 आईएमएफ शाश्वत सिद्धांत गिर talmud तत्त्वज्ञानी evolutionism घोटाला: ने कहा: "पुनश्च it'e होना चाहिए" जिस सत्य और प्रकाश "नहीं"जीवन"LMFAO!! -- नहीं, उन्होंने कहा कि जवाब: वैसे, प्रकाश, और जीवन, क्यों है, यीशु मसीह है: मसीहा ही नहीं, सारी दुनिया में! यही कारण है, उसके लिए सब कुछ है, या सब कुछ है, लेकिन उसे आप के खिलाफ? तुम खो रहे हैं! तुम्हारा नाम? जीवन की पुस्तक में लिखा नहीं गया था!
UniusRei1 ha pubblicato un commentozombienationnews: til: Commento sul tuo video: kollapser 666 IMF evige teori talmud Darwinisme Evolutionisme fidus: sagde: "P.S. it'e skulle være" vejen sandheden og lys "ikke"life"LMFAO!!! --BESVARE--NEJ, SAGDE HAN: MÅDE, LYS OG LIV, ER DERFOR, JESUS KRISTUS: MESSIAS KUN, I HELE VERDEN! DERFOR, ALT ER FOR HAM, ELLER ALT ER IMOD HAM, MEN, DU? DU ER TABT! Dit navn? ikke blev skrevet i livets bog!
UniusRei1 ha pubblicato un commentozombienationnews: için: Commento sul tuo video: 666 IMF ebedi teori çöker talmud Darwinizm Evrimcilik aldatmaca: dedi ki: "PS it'e olması gerekiyordu" yol ışık ve Hakikat "değil,"hayat"lmfao!!! ----HAYIR, DEDİ CEVAP: YOL, IŞIK VE HAYAT, NEDEN, İSA MESİH OLDUĞUNU: MESİH, DÜNYANIN BÜTÜN! NEDEN OLDUĞUNU, ONUN İÇİN HER ŞEY YA DA ONU, AMA SİZE KARŞI HER ŞEY? KAYIP! Adınız? yaşamı kitapta yazılı değildi! zombienationnews: te: Commento sul tuo video: instort 666 IMF eeuwige theorie talmud Darwinisme evolutionisme zwendel: zei: "PS it'e zou moeten" de manier waarop de waarheid en het licht "niet"leven"LMFAO! --BEANTWOORDEN--NEE, ZEI HIJ: MANIER, LICHT EN LEVEN, IS DE REDEN WAAROM, IS JEZUS CHRISTUS: MESSIAS ALLEEN, IN DE HELE WERELD! DAAROM, ALLES IS VOOR HEM, OF ALLES IS TEGEN HEM, MAAR U? JE BENT VERLOREN! Uw naam? werd niet geschreven in het boek van het leven!
UniusRei1 ha pubblicato un commentozombienationnews: a: Commento sul tuo video: colapsa 666 teoría eterna de la IMF talmud estafa del evolucionismo de darwinismo: dijo: "P.S. it'e supone que" el camino la verdad y la luz "no"vida"LMFAO!!!!!! --RESPUESTA--NO, DIJO: FORMA, LUZ Y VIDA, POR ESO, ES JESUCRISTO: MESÍAS, EN TODO EL MUNDO! ¿POR ESO, TODO ES PARA ÉL, O TODO ES CONTRA ÉL, PERO, USTED? ESTÁS PERDIDO! ¿Te llamas? no fue escrito en el libro de la vida! zombienationnews: till: Commento sul tuo video: kollapsar 666 IMF eviga teori talmud Darwinism evolutionism bluff: sade: "P.S. it'e ska vara" hur sanningen och ljuset "inte"liv"LMFAO!!! --SVAR--NEJ, SADE HAN: SÄTT, LJUS OCH LIV, ÄR VARFÖR, ÄR JESUS KRISTUS: MESSIAS ENDAST, I HELA VÄRLDEN! DÄRFÖR, ALLT ÄR FÖR HONOM, ELLER ALLT ÄR MOT HONOM, MEN DU? DU ÄR FÖRLORAD! Ditt namn? skrevs inte i boken i livet!
UniusRei1 ha pubblicato un commentozombienationnews Commento Сул tuo видео: сворачивает 666 МВФ вечной теория Талмуд дарвинизм эволюционизм афера: P.S. it'e, как предполагается, будет «путь истины и света» не «жизнь» LMFAO!!! --ОТВЕТИТЬ--НЕТ, ОН СКАЗАЛ: ПУТЬ, СВЕТ И ЖИЗНЬ, ПОЭТОМУ, ЯВЛЯЕТСЯ ИИСУС ХРИСТОС: МЕССИЯ ТОЛЬКО, ВО ВСЕМ МИРЕ! ПОЭТОМУ, ВСЁ ДЛЯ НЕГО, ИЛИ ВСЕ ЭТО ПРОТИВ НЕГО, НО, ВЫ? ТЫ ПОТЕРЯЛ! Ваше имя? не написано в книге жизни!
UniusRei1 ha pubblicato un commentoزومبيناتيونيوس كومينتو سول توه الفيديو: طي 666 صندوق النقد الدولي الأبدية نظرية التلمود احتيال التطورية الداروينية: ملاحظة: it'e من المفترض أن يكون "الطريق الحقيقة وعلى ضوء" لا "الحياة" LMFAO!!! -الإجابة-لا، وقال: الطريق، الضوء، والحياة، وهو لماذا، هو يسوع المسيح: المسيح فقط، في جميع أنحاء العالم! هو السبب، وكل شيء بالنسبة له، أو كل ما ضد له، لكن، كنت؟ كنت فقدت! الاسم؟ لم تتم كتابة في كتاب الحياة
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