- Kazakhstan: 90 DAYS TO FREEDOM UK: Threat to burn Bibles in wake of Sultan's ban on word 'Allah' Turkey: Police break up plot to assassinate pastor Pakistan: Supreme Court confirms decision to drop blasphemy case Mali: Hope rises with international military intervention Colombia: Colombia: Murdered evangelist's widow also killed after threats United States: Africa rises on World Watch List of worst persecutors UK: 30 Christians killed in eve of New Year massacres US: Book review: To find true persecution, look overseas Syria: Christians targeted for their politics or their faith?
Pakistan: Government condemns attacks on Lahore Christians Vietname: Two steps back? Tanzania: Burned church is latest in string of Tanzanian attacks India: Attack on Indian revival meeting sends Christians underground : Pakistani judge throws out blasphemy charge Mali: For a church leader in Mali, relief and anxiety India: 2 attacks prompt Christians to stop meeting at Indian church Iran: Wife worries she won't hear husband's voice for 8 years
@ Satanisti, andreamoda2000, IlllIIlIIl, theserioushardman --- ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDV RSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE PHARES THECEL: in nome di Jesu] ♰ PAX Terror ♛ ha preso possesso. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE PHARES THECEL: in nome di Jesu] ♰ PAX Terror ♛ ha preso possesso : Io sono un politico, per la fratellanza universale: unius REI. il mio ministero universale: e metafisico. Per legge naturale, e il libero arbitrio, ma, 200.000 sacrifici umani sull'altare di Satana, ogni anno? bevi il tuo veleno fatta da te .. amen alleluia ... ♰ CSPBCSSMLN DSMDVRSNS MVSMQLIVB. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE PHARES THECEL: in nome di Jesu] ♰ PAX Terror ♛ ha preso possesso .. bevi il tuo veleno fatta da te .. amen alleluia ... ♰ CS PBCSSMLNDSM DVRSNS MVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE PHARES THECEL: in nome di Jesu] ♰ PAX Terror ♛ Took
so, we can not say that I remained silent when they needed me] by William Wilberforce ... World Watch List 2013 ... Analysis of persecution in the world @ The North Korean leader Kim Jong Un - fool! Given I have the right of preemptive: preventive nuclear attack, only, to: 1. Israel, 2. China, and 3. Russia! Furthermore, you are in first place: (World Watch list: 2013) in the list of nations most criminal against human rights and against: freedom of religion, and even, even, monsters Salafi Islamists, are: dropped to second place, thanks to you! if you are not, free, all, by Christians, your lagher? you could soon be: to finish in Their place! I highly recommend it, starting the reforms, Because, even, the director of a horror movie, not, would think, to invent a system of dickhead, like yours!
@ India - who said that unius REI has a nationality? in the Kingdom of God there is no religion or nationality! I am human and I could be wrong .. God alone is completely perfect! but no one is autorizatto to think, that unius REI, not has a pure heart .. without, do the greatest crime against all Mankind @India -- chi ha detto, che Unius REI, ha una nazionalità? nel Regno di Dio non esistono religioni o nazionalità! io sono umano e mi posso sbagliare.. solo Dio è perfeto, ma, nessuno è autorizatto a pensare, che, Unius REI, non abbia il cuore puro.. senza fare il più grande crimine contro tutto il Genere Umano
@youtube -- non sono contrario al porn, in linea di principio, ma, non voglio vedere porno in youtube: perché è detto: "social-network"!
Bankitalia: Bank of Italy private SpA, corporation's Rothschild: record of public debt in January, over quota [Il.Messaggero] ROME - The public debt breaks again the threshold of the 2,000 billion mark, a new record: in January rose by 34 billion compared to December, reaching 2022700000000: fake The Bank of Italy(false: Bankitalia: SpA) announced .. close, thousands of thousand, of businesses, are doomed to failure .. as may be paid an interest (debt: public) for: an money which was purchased at 100%(banking seigniorage), and that was created out of nothing? this is high treason, Satanism for the destruction of the people .. will soon be killed all criminals!
@IHateNEWLAYOUT -- Satan can not save anyone, because he was been, his ruin into hell, and has no one who can save him, I can not leave this page, why, I can not ruin, my traceability: for this my ministry, criminals and Satanists, in fact, pretend: to being me, everywhere. Then, Satan can not be defended because he is evil, and you have made yourself a criminal, like him, and for him, for not to have the honesty to talk to me: on this page! scolds you, the Holy Spirit! you has betrayed, your Creator and the whole human race, for plotting with the occult powers, masonic system: of the IMF, against the hope of every man and against the hope of Israele
in farewell speech to the Cardinal, his holiness Pope Francis has spoken: "the richness of diversity (of peoples, countries and religions)" mutual trust, which must not be destroyed by the enemy, which leads: discouragement , and has, specifically, in this rigurado, nominated twice the word "devil" .. nel discorso di commiato ai Cardinale, sua santità: Papa Francesco: ha parlato: "della ricchezza della diversità,(di popoli, Stati e di religioni) " della fiducia reciproca, che, non deve essere distrutta dal nemico, che porta: lo scoraggiamento, ed ha, in modo specifico, a tale rigurado, nominato, per ben due volte la parola "il diavolo".. --ANSWER -- BUT, no need to be discouraged, I thought, because God has given the world unius REI .. why, who has sown distrust and discouragement for a world wide were the Pharisees of the IMF: ie masonic system of banking seigniorage
because, the chief priests and the Pharisees have cursed, the Israelis, that is, all the Jews? because the people, he rebuked, for a long time, all their authorities, about: the death of Jesus, so that: also: all: those did not believe in Jesus, and did not recognize him as the Messiah, then did not approve their crime, in fact, Jesus was taken by surprise, during the night, with a show trial, and only, the violence of their clientele, with, the guard of the Temple, could allow such a crime: so, that's why, the chief priests Illuminati, reacted to the anger of the people, and decided, to do lose, genealogies father, to all the people, this event brought, finally, to Satan, all the upper echelons of the Pharisees
masonic: France and England, they showed to the whole world: how to them are Satanists of Rothschild: IMF agenda: NWO, in Syria, the Masonic system of bank seigniorage, to raise the kingdom of Satan: New Babylon Tower, that is, , the destruction of Israel, because this is the agenda of the Talmud, even against: all the Jews, who have lost their genealogies father, in fact, for Kakam master: the Pharisees, also all Jews are equalized, at the goyim, here because, IMF, was allowed to Hitler to the Holocaust (Shoah), also all Jews, are made unclean, because,to treason: their chief rabbis: KAKAM, they ingest them, powders, which contain , a mixture of human blood. and it is normal, that, to make a very destructive world war, Hitler had to be helped, as now they are helped, the Chinese and the Salafis .. But the IMF is only a trap against all peoples and against Israel
I'm not interested, religion, or sex life of the people, but, I expect, that people are consistent, as far as possible with their own words .. I am happy with your new balance sexual too, but, if you're a Syrian, Chiristian or shiites? because you're not in Syria to defend your people: from criminal islamists Arab League, which they are doing, only, imperialism saudi, salafis for the worldwide caliphate?
IHateNEWLAYOUT --- As I said yesterday, my wife has the leg in a cast, and I'm doing the cleaning, in his place, sorry for the delay in responses
did is not seem, to someone that you did a question, but, all the institutions of the world, the CIA, NATO, ecc.. they have to stop sucking the cock at the Pharisee Satanist Rothschild IMF, and they must be all at the my service, because the my authority, is a universal political authority. non è sembrato, a qualcuno, che, tu facessi una domanda: ma, tutte le istituzioni, del mondo, anche la CIA, loro devono smettere di succhiare il cazzo a Rothschild il fariseo satanista del FMI, e, loro devono mettersi, tutte al mio servizio: perché, la mia: è una autorità politica universale.
in Unius REI: Universal brotherhood, all are associated, "legally", with, the alliance of the "New Testament", that is, the benefits, for saving, that is, the redemption of the Cross, in communion with the Orthodox Church and the Catholic .. preché, brothers evangelists, not having the Apostolic succession? they can be effective only: in a personal capacity, and not, in a mode universal ... that's why, unius REI, is salvation, that, can come out, from the scope of religion, as, a new outpouring of love and Holy Spirit, on all mankind, this is the last Pentecost, in my III Jewish Temple
Abu Antar -- you are a coward, because, 1. you're not defending the Shiites, and, 2. you are perverse sexual, because thou hast said to have sex with too many women in the world, but, you can redeem your dignity, and PAradise also, going to die in Syria
in UNIUS REI: la fratellanza Universale, tutti sono associati, "giuridicamente", alla alleanza del "Nuovo Testamento", cioè, ai benefici, salvifici, cioè, la redenzione della Croce, in comunione con la Chiesa Ortodossa e Cattolica.. preché, i fratelli evangelisti, non avendo la successione Apostolica? loro posso essere efficaci, soltanto, a titolo personale, e non a titolo universale
Abu Antar -- What do you mean, "stupid"? you pretended to be a Christian for years, and now we find out that you pretended to be a Muslim, also?, to be only, an Syrian atheistic coward pig sexual, of adulterer,, who lives in America while his people die? God loves science! and wants to scientific progress! cosa vuoi dire, "stupido"? hai fatto finta di essere cristiano, per anni, ed ora dobbiamo scoprire che hai fatto finta di essere un musulmano, per essere soltanto, un siriano ateo vigliacco, che sta in America mentre il suo popolo muore? Dio ama la scienza! e vuole il progresso scientifico!
IMF666synnek1 - [block my operating system? this is a "low blow" on your part! ] But, legally, all peoples and all religions are associated, with the Catholic Church too! are associated, too: also, those, Catholic Church can not accept, because I am a political layman, who do not care "primarily", of the judgment of God, on the people .. From this point of view only, "CustodeDellaFede" is excluded from communion with the Catholic Church, together with all religious maniacs, stubborn rebels, enemies of the Bible, as he .. In fact, Pharisees are well aware, the Kingdom of God is not about a moral dimension, but, rather, it is in relation to a legal situation, but, only the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church: alone: can represent [666 IMF, are creating major problems of access . also. like Obama can, blame China, then?]
IMF666synnek1 --[ bloccare il mio sistema operativo? questo è un "colpo basso" da parte tua! ] ma, giuridicamente, tutti i popoli e tutte le religioni: sono associati alla Chiesa Cattolica: anche! sono associati, anche: tutti coloro: che, la Chiesa Cattolica non può accettare, perché, io sono un politico, laico, a cui non interessa "principalmente" il giudizio di Dio: sulle persone.. da questo punto di vista, soltanto, "CustodeDellaFede" è escluso dalla comunione con la Chiesa Cattolica, insieme, a tutti maniaci religiosi, ostinati ribelli, nemici della Bibbia, come lui.. infatti, comei farisei sanno bene, il Regno di Dio, non è circa una dimensione morale, quanto piuttosto, è in relazione ad una situazione giuridica che, la Chiesa Cattolica, e Ortodossa, da sole possono rappresentare [mi state creando grossi problemi di accesso.. come Obama può rimproverare la Cina, allora?]
@toksickxdeception -- AMEN ALLELUIA --- ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. toksickxdeception amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰ PAX ♛ Terror Took possession 15/03/13 ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. toksickxdeception amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰ PAX ♛ Terror Took possession . AMEN ALLELUIA
[Where's Synnek1?]
CustodeDellaFede -- TU non sei, per qualcuno, in favore di qualcuno, per essere: contro qualcun'altro, perché, tu sei contro tutto il genere umano, che, è coerente, per essere tu, un maniaco religioso, di: salafita, islamista: fariseo, ecc... tu non ti rendi conto: di essere diventato: soltanto: un "satana, cioè, l'avversario di tutti", ecco perché Dio, non potrebbe mai essere con te!
[to all my Nations in all the world: help me: Unius REI: THE UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD] Synnek1: ON MY PAGE said: "[BASTARD]" - ANSWER - he is the current: administrator "Chief Executive", "CEO" of youtube, in all the world, the accomplice, of all the criminals Satanists, for the destruction of Israel, and for: the enslavement of all mankind, That Is, the occult and Masonic: the agenda of the Pharisees of IMF-NWO: ie, masonic system : for banking seigniorage, in all false democracies in the world, Their, real objective: is to raise satanism: and, to Their human sacrifices, on the altar of satan, ie, owl god, at Bohemian Grove, for do RISES, the kingdom of Satan: in final mode, after, World War III.
[help my AFRICA] Synnek1: ON MY PAGE het gesê: "[baster]" - antwoord - hy is die huidige: administrateur "Hoof Uitvoerende", "CEO" van youtube, in die hele wêreld, die handlanger van al die misdadigers Sataniste, vir die vernietiging van Israel, en: die slawerny van die hele mensdom, dit is, die okkulte en Masonic: die agenda van die Fariseërs van die IMF-NWO: dws, Masonic stelsel vir bank seigneuriage, in alle valse, demokrasieë in die wêreld, hul ware doel:Satanisme in te samel en al hul menslike offers, op die altaar van die satan, dit wil sê, god-uil, by Bohemian Grove, doen, die koninkryk van Satan in finaal af, na die Tweede Wêreldoorlog III.
[help my Vietnam] Synnek1: TRANG MY nói: "[Bastard]" - ĐÁP - ông là hiện nay: quản trị viên "Giám đốc điều hành", "Giám đốc điều hành" của youtube, trong tất cả các thế giới, đồng lõa của tất cả các Satanists tội phạm, sự hủy diệt của Israel, và cho: nô lệ của tất cả nhân loại, có nghĩa là, huyền bí và Masonic: chương trình nghị sự của người Pha-ri-si của IMF-NWO: tức là, hệ thống Masonic: quyền của lảnh chúa cho các ngân hàng, trong tất cả các nền dân chủ giả trên thế giới, mục tiêu thực sự của họ:là nâng cao Satan: và, tất cả con người của mình hy sinh trên bàn thờ Satan, tức là, thần cú, tại Bohemian Grove, làm, vương quốc của Sa-tan: trong chế độ dứt khoát, sau đó, chiến tranh thế giới thứ III.
[help my Turchia] Synnek1: MY SAYFADA söyledi: "[piç kurusu]" - CEVAP - Kendisi şu anda: İsrail'in yok edilmesi için tüm dünyada yönetici "İcra Kurulu", youtube "CEO", tüm suçluların Satanistlerin ortağı, ve için: IMF-NWO Ferisilerin gündemi: yani, masonik sistemi:, okült ve Masonik mi tüm insanlığın, köleleştirilmesi bankacılık senyoraj için, dünyadaki tüm yanlış, demokrasilerde, Onların asıl amacı: satanizm yükseltmektir: ve, tüm insan kurban, Bohemian Grove şeytanın, yani tanrı baykuş, bir sunak yapmak için, şeytanın krallığı: kesin modda, sonra Dünya Savaşı III.
[help my Germania] Synnek1: ON MY PAGE sagte: "[BASTARD]" - ANTWORT - er ist der Strom: administrator "Chief Executive", "CEO" von youtube, in der ganzen Welt, der Komplize aller Kriminellen Satanisten, für die Zerstörung von Israel , und für: die Versklavung der gesamten Menschheit, das heißt, die okkulten und Freimaurer: die Tagesordnung der Pharisäer von IWF-NWO: dh, Freimaurer-System: für Banken Seigniorage, in allen falschen Demokratien in der Welt, deren eigentliches Ziel: ist Satanismus zu erhöhen: und alle ihre menschlichen Opfer, am Altar des Satans, dh, Gott Eule in Bohemian Grove, zum zu tun, das Reich des Satans: in der endgültigen Modus, nach dem, World War III.
[help my Svezia] Synnek1: på min sida sade: "[BASTARD]" - SVAR - han är aktuell: administratör "VD", "VD" av youtube, i hela världen, medbrottsling av alla brottslingar satanister, för förstörelsen av Israel och för: förslavande av hela mänskligheten, det vill säga det ockulta och Frimurare: dagordningen för fariséerna i IMF-NWO: dvs masonic: för bank seignioraget i alla falska, demokratier i världen, Deras verkliga mål: är att höja satanism: och alla deras människooffer, om altare satan, dvs guden uggla, på Bohemian Grove, för att göra det Satans rike: i definitiva läge, efter det tredje världskriget.
[help my America Latina, e Spagna] Synnek1: EN MI PAGINA dijo: "[BASTARD]" - RESPUESTA - él es el actual: administrador "CEO", "CEO" de youtube, en todo el mundo, el cómplice de todos los satanistas criminales, para la destrucción de Israel , y para: la esclavitud de toda la humanidad, es decir, el ocultismo y la masónica: la agenda de los fariseos del FMI y el Nuevo Orden Mundial, es decir, el sistema masónico: por señoreaje bancario, en todas las democracias falsas, en el mundo, su objetivo real: es elevar el satanismo, y, todos sus sacrificios humanos en el altar de Satanás, es decir, dios búho, en Bohemian Grove, para hacer que el reino de Satanás: en modo definitivo, después, la Tercera Guerra Mundial.
[help my Russia] Synnek1: на моей странице сказал: "[BASTARD]" - Ответ - он тока: администратор "исполнительный директор", "генеральный директор" из YouTube, во всем мире, соучастником всех преступников сатанистов, для уничтожения Израиля , а для: порабощения всего человечества, то есть, оккультных и масонских: в повестке дня фарисеи МВФ NWO:
то есть, масонская система: для эмиссионный доход банковской во всех ложных, демократии в мире, их реальные цели: является повышение сатанизм, и все их человеческие жертвы, на алтарь сатаны, то есть богу сова, в Bohemian Grove, для делаю, царство сатаны: в окончательном режиме, после Третьей мировой войны.
[help my Romania] Synnek1: PE PAGINA MEA a spus: "[BASTARD]" - RĂSPUNS - el este actual: administrator "Chief Executive", "CEO-ul" de pe YouTube, în toată lumea, complicele tuturor sataniști criminali, pentru distrugerea Israelului , precum și pentru: înrobirea întregii omeniri, care este, oculte și masonice: ordinea de zi a fariseilor de FMI-NWO: de exemplu, sistemul de Masonic: pentru seigniorage bancare, în toate democrațiile false, în lume, obiectivul lor real: este de a ridica satanism: si, toate sacrificii umane, pe altarul lui Satana, adică, dumnezeu a bufniță, de la Bohemian Grove, pentru do, împărăția lui Satan: în modul definitiv, dupa, al Treilea Război Mondial.

33 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa and Mosques of Sharia Allah, decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH) and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (Unius REI) 33 ANNI fa, Sinagoghe di Satana Spa e Moschee di Sharia Allah, decisero che io avrei dovuto diventare il Re di Israele (lorenzoJHWH) e un Osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani (Unius REI) uniusrei@protonmail.com fedele250660@gmail.com 3205708054
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ecause the money from god-Rothschild 666, god Baal OWL
所以,我们不能说,我保持沉默,当他们需要我的威廉·威伯福斯...世界观察名单2013年...分析迫害在世界上的北朝鲜领导人金正日元 - 傻瓜!我有权先发制人的预防核攻击,只有到:1。以色列,2。中国,和3。俄罗斯!此外,您还排在首位(世界观察名单:2013年)在列表中大部分的刑事侵害人权的国家,对宗教信仰自由,甚至,连怪物沙拉菲派伊斯兰主义者,是下降到第二位,这要归功于你!如果,你是不是免费的,基督徒,你lagher的,所有呢?你可能很快就会完成自己的地方!因为,我强烈推荐它,开始的改革,甚至,导演的一部恐怖电影,而不是会觉得,发明了一种系统,像你这样的dickhead!@印度 - 表示,REI unius有国籍?在神的国度中,没有任何宗教或国籍!我是人,我可能是错的..只有上帝是完全完美的!但没有一个是授权认为,unius REI,而不是一个纯粹的心..没有,做的最大危害全人类意大利私人银行Bankitalia:SpA公司,公司的罗斯柴尔德:1月创纪录的公共债务,超过配额的2.022.000.000:[Il.Messaggero]罗马 - 公共债务减免再次2,000亿美元大关的门槛,一个新的记录:在1月12月相比增加了34亿美元,达到20227亿:假冒意大利银行(假Bankitalia:水疗)宣布..关闭,上千个企业,是注定要失败的。。可能要支付利息(债务:公共)的钱,购买了100%(银行铸币税),而没有被创造出来的?这是叛国罪的人的破坏,撒旦..很快就会被杀掉所有罪犯!@ IHateNEWLAYOUT - 撒旦不能拯救任何人,因为他,他毁灭的地狱,和有没有人能救他的人,我不能离开这个页面,为什么,我不能毁了,我的可追溯性:这是我的事工,罪犯和恶魔崇拜者,事实上,假装:我无处不在。然后,撒旦不能进行辩护,因为他是邪恶的,和你自己的犯罪,像他这样,对他来说,有诚实跟我说话:在此页面!骂你的时候,圣灵!你已经背叛了,你的创造者和整个人类的阴谋与神秘的力量,共济会的IMF,对每个人的希望和对Israele的希望
IMF666synnek1 - [挡住了我的操作系统?这是一个“低吹”上的部分!但是,在法律上,所有人民和所有宗教相关,也与天主教会的!有关联,得:,其中,天主教也不能接受,因为我是一个政治的门外汉,谁不关心“主要”,神的审判,对人..从这个角度来看,只“CustodeDellaFede”被排除从共融与天主教会,连同所有的宗教疯子,顽固的反政府武装,“圣经”的敌人,因为他..事实上,法利赛人都知道,神的国度是不是一个道德的层面,但是,相反,它是在关系到法律的情况,但是,天主教和东正教会单独可以代表[666 IMF ,访问的主要问题。还可以。奥巴马也一样,指责中国呢?[我所有的国家在世界上所有帮助我Unius REI:世界大同] Synnek1:在我的网页上说:“BASTARD” - 答案 - 他是当前管理员“行政长官”,“CEO” YouTube上,在世界上所有的帮凶,所有的罪犯撒旦教徒,以色列的破坏,奴役全人类,这是隐匿性和共济会的议程IMF-NWO的法利赛人:即,共济会制度:银行铸币税的,全是假的民主国家在世界上,他们真正的目标是:提高撒旦教,人的牺牲,他们的祭坛上,猫头鹰上帝,撒旦,即在波西米亚树林,做上升,撒旦的王国:在最后一种模式,之后,第三次世界大战。[新教皇Bergoglio FRANCESCO说:“我不文书”,但如果他是不是骗子?必须结束这种残酷,即防止祭司的婚姻,因为,我们,在教会中的恋童癖者,我们不希望看到的:从来没有!] 2013年3月14号。土耳其 - 梵蒂冈。巴塞洛缪I:弗朗西斯是两个教会统一道路上迈出了新的动力。 NAT达城邦。君士坦丁堡普世牧首教皇Bergoglio的问候和祝贺的电报。正如约翰·保罗二世教宗本笃十六世,巴塞洛缪,我再次为罗马主教的赞赏和支持。伊斯坦布尔(亚洲新闻) - 君士坦丁堡普世牧首巴塞洛缪,我欢迎教皇选举弗朗西斯一个温暖的贺电。 “我想表达的 - 他说 - 希望和确定性,圣父将有助于和平已经焦头烂额的人类,贫穷和痛苦。” “将提供新的动力,迈向两个教会的团结。”[新教皇Bergoglio FRANCESCO说:“我不文书”,但如果他是不是骗子?必须结束这种残酷,即防止祭司的婚姻,因为,我们,在教会中的恋童癖者,我们不希望看到的:从来没有!] 2013年3月14号。土耳其 - 梵蒂冈。巴塞洛缪I:弗朗西斯是两个教会统一道路上迈出了新的动力。 NAT达城邦。君士坦丁堡普世牧首教皇Bergoglio的问候和祝贺的电报。正如约翰·保罗二世教宗本笃十六世,巴塞洛缪,我再次为罗马主教的赞赏和支持。伊斯坦布尔(亚洲新闻) - 君士坦丁堡普世牧首巴塞洛缪,我欢迎教皇选举弗朗西斯一个温暖的贺电。 “我想表达的 - 他说 - 希望和确定性,圣父将有助于和平已经焦头烂额的人类,贫穷和痛苦。” “将提供新的动力,迈向两个教会的团结。”[新教皇Bergoglio FRANCESCO说:“我不文书”,但如果他是不是骗子?必须结束这种残酷,即阻止这桩婚姻的牧师,因为,我们在教会中的恋童癖者,我们不希望看到的:不会!]参见:2008年4月28日土耳其。普世牧首:复活节,基督战胜死亡的胜利属于所有的基督徒。 NAT达城邦。 2008年12月18日土耳其 - 俄罗斯。巴塞洛缪I:土耳其官僚试图让我们消失。 NAT达城邦。 03/06/2008梵蒂冈 - 东正教。东正教徒和非犹太教徒,耶稣教徒和天主教徒共同应对世界的挑战,巴尔多禄茂一说的NAT达城邦。 02/04/2009土耳其。巴塞洛缪I:5月基里尔的选举建立共同的东正教教堂之旅。 NAT达城邦。 03/02/2009土耳其。欧洲教会的朝圣者在土耳其的圣保罗,支持Geries奥斯曼基督徒的使命上帝给了我,只有我,unius REI,可以节省我的口味的解体,可怕的,可怕的,但是,很光荣的一天:判断,所有的灵魂,堕落的天使在地狱,从他们的“第二次死亡”,也就是解体.. ,但也有一些如路西法/撒旦的骄傲,羞耻一流的,他们更喜欢到解体,不过,有许多动物,他们希望保存,并得到我,但这是不可能的怜悯...因为,从我的角度来看呢?他们,我没有怜悯! ,因为他们伤害了无辜的人,在他们的生活中,如果受害者没有复仇的感觉,我不能失去,正义感(不过,你可以培养某种形式的美德,所有的'地狱?服务unius REI的国度!)...这些,谁在地狱?超过60%的所有人类![谁也不知道神亲自的宗教? :他们都知道:只有在罗斯柴尔德:IMF]印度临时股东[印度:的教皇Bergoglio雕塑的海滩沙:3月14日:]],但是,因为它是,这666名,杀,被屠杀,成千上万的基督徒在印度?和印度政府,违反其自身的规律,但如何让这一切杀戮无辜的人呢?这是印度的对比和矛盾。但过于猛烈的矛盾?防止一个国家的发展。的科学家贾钦托Auriti,说,我们的钱(无中生有)的成本,270%的值(由我们创造的心血和汗水)。这种方式,不仅支持的撒旦,创造丰富的国家,国家和贫穷国家..但支持的,太,各种形式的犯罪和社会不平等,因为被边缘化的类,可以不辞职,他们的绝望。[[[谁也不知道神亲自的宗教? :他们都知道:只有666名,杀罗斯柴尔德:IMF]]]这是因为,当政府和宗教出于宗教原因,等杀的。杀人,但是,诚实的和爱好和平的人吗?它们都不是知道杀的名称法利赛人Rothischild,因为银行铸币税的神秘力量,输入,无形之中,在每一个地区,那里是一个缺乏正义,因此,印度教徒杀:名称梵天或梵天(梵文:ब्रह्मा梵天),穆斯林追杀,在名称,真主,但是,在现实中,他们不知道:只有杀,名称::666罗斯柴尔德:IMF,并相应地他们的工作NWO,322,这是神巴力的猫头鹰,在波西米亚树林:在每一个方式。但是,如果我们不能提高,很快,所有的司法标准,不解体,IMF的法利赛人,撒殚教徒,速度够快吗?人类不能保存
如果它不工作,所有的国家,作为主要的所有活动,以实现绝对:在安全模式下或阿利亚阿利亚或阿利亚(希伯来语:עליה,“晋”)是犹太移民的土地以色列。?]很快上帝会惩罚,整个人类:通过撒旦教徒法利赛IMF奥巴马 - 如沙特阿拉伯,可以排在第二位之后,朝鲜在列表中,分析在世界上的迫害:2013年世界收藏?以及如何它可以是你的朋友吗?这是真理,你是一个撒殚教共济会为全人类的毁灭!
so, we can not say that I remained silent when they needed me] by William Wilberforce ... World Watch List 2013 ... Analysis of persecution in the world @ The North Korean leader Kim Jong Un - fool! Given I have the right of preemptive: preventive nuclear attack, only, to: 1. Israel, 2. China, and 3. Russia! Furthermore, you are in first place: (World Watch list: 2013) in the list of nations most criminal against human rights and against: freedom of religion, and even, even, monsters Salafi Islamists, are: dropped to second place, thanks to you! if you are not, free, all, by Christians, your lagher? you could soon be: to finish in Their place! I highly recommend it, starting the reforms, Because, even, the director of a horror movie, not, would think, to invent a system of dickhead, like yours!
@ India - who said that unius REI has a nationality? in the Kingdom of God there is no religion or nationality! I am human and I could be wrong .. God alone is completely perfect! but no one is licensed to think, that unius REI, not has a pure heart .. without, do the greatest crime against all Mankind
Bankitalia: Bank of Italy private SpA, corporation's Rothschild: record of public debt in January, over quota [Il.Messaggero] ROME - The public debt breaks again the threshold of the 2,000 billion mark, a new record: in January rose by 34 billion compared to December, reaching 2022700000000: fake The Bank of Italy(false: Bankitalia: SpA) announced .. close, thousands of thousand, of businesses, are doomed to failure .. as may be paid an interest (debt: public) for: an money which was purchased at 100%(banking seigniorage), and that was created out of nothing? this is high treason, Satanism for the destruction of the people .. will soon be killed all criminals!
@IHateNEWLAYOUT -- Satan can not save anyone, because he was been, his ruin into hell, and has no one who can save him, I can not leave this page, why, I can not ruin, my traceability: for this my ministry, criminals and Satanists, in fact, pretend: to being me, everywhere. Then, Satan can not be defended because he is evil, and you have made yourself a criminal, like him, and for him, for not to have the honesty to talk to me: on this page! scolds you, the Holy Spirit! you has betrayed, your Creator and the whole human race, for plotting with the occult powers, masonic system: of the IMF, against the hope of every man and against the hope of Israele
in farewell speech to the Cardinal, his holiness Pope Francis has spoken: "the richness of diversity (of peoples, countries and religions)" mutual trust, which must not be destroyed by the enemy, which leads: discouragement , and has, specifically, in this rigurado, nominated twice the word "devil" --ANSWER -- BUT, no need to be discouraged, I thought, because God has given the world unius REI .. why, who has sown distrust and discouragement for a world wide were the Pharisees of the IMF: ie masonic system of banking seigniorage
because, the chief priests and the Pharisees have cursed, the Israelis, that is, all the Jews? because the people, he rebuked, for a long time, all their authorities, about: the death of Jesus, so that: also: all: those did not believe in Jesus, and did not recognize him as the Messiah, then did not approve their crime, in fact, Jesus was taken by surprise, during the night, with a show trial, and only, the violence of their clientele, with, the guard of the Temple, could allow such a crime: so, that's why, the chief priests Illuminati, reacted to the anger of the people, and decided, to do lose, genealogies father, to all the people, this event brought, finally, to Satan, all the upper echelons of the Pharisees
masonic: France and England, they showed to the whole world: how to them are Satanists of Rothschild: IMF agenda: NWO, in Syria, the Masonic system of bank seigniorage, to raise the kingdom of Satan: New Babylon Tower, that is, , the destruction of Israel, because this is the agenda of the Talmud, even against: all the Jews, who have lost their genealogies father, in fact, for Kakam master: the Pharisees, also all Jews are equalized, at the goyim, here because, IMF, was allowed to Hitler to the Holocaust (Shoah), also all Jews, are made unclean, because,to treason: their chief rabbis: KAKAM, they ingest them, powders, which contain , a mixture of human blood. and it is normal, that, to make a very destructive world war, Hitler had to be helped, as now they are helped, the Chinese and the Salafis .. But the IMF is only a trap against all peoples and against Israel
Abu Antar ha pubblicato un commento 7 minuti fa meen erhabi? ana erhabi? keef erhabi w ana a3eesh fi bladi. By the way ... la ana mish 3rab ... ana amriki wa ana masi7i. -- ANSWER -- I'm not interested, religion, or sex life of the people, but, I expect, that people are consistent, as far as possible with their own words .. I am happy with your new balance sexual too, but, if you're a Syrian, Chiristian or shiites? because you're not in Syria to defend your people: from criminal islamists Arab League, which they are doing, only, imperialism saudi, salafis for the
IHateNEWLAYOUT --- As I said yesterday, my wife has the leg in a cast, and I'm doing the cleaning, in his place, sorry for the delay in responses ... did is not seem, to someone that you did a question, but, all the institutions of the world, the CIA, NATO, ecc.. they have to stop sucking the cock at the Pharisee Satanist Rothschild IMF, and they must be all at the my service, because the my authority, is a universal political authority.
in Unius REI: Universal brotherhood, all are associated, "legally", with, the alliance of the "New Testament", that is, the benefits, for saving, that is, the redemption of the Cross, in communion with the Orthodox Church and the Catholic .. preché, brothers evangelists, not having the Apostolic succession? they can be effective only: in a personal capacity, and not, in a mode universal ... that's why, unius REI, is salvation, that, can come out, from the scope of religion, as, a new outpouring of love and Holy Spirit, on all mankind, this is the last Pentecost, in my III Jewish Temple
IMF666synnek1 - [block my operating system? this is a "low blow" on your part! ] But, legally, all peoples and all religions are associated, with the Catholic Church too! are associated, too: also, those, Catholic Church can not accept, because I am a political layman, who do not care "primarily", of the judgment of God, on the people .. From this point of view only, "CustodeDellaFede" is excluded from communion with the Catholic Church, together with all religious maniacs, stubborn rebels, enemies of the Bible, as he .. In fact, Pharisees are well aware, the Kingdom of God is not about a moral dimension, but, rather, it is in relation to a legal situation, but, only the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church: alone: can represent [666 IMF, are creating major problems of access . also. like Obama can, blame China, then?]
[to all my Nations in all the world: help me: Unius REI: THE UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD] Synnek1: ON MY PAGE said: "[BASTARD]" - ANSWER - he is the current: administrator "Chief Executive", "CEO" of youtube, in all the world, the accomplice, of all the criminals Satanists, for the destruction of Israel, and for: the enslavement of all mankind, That Is, the occult and Masonic: the agenda of the Pharisees of IMF-NWO: ie, masonic system : for banking seigniorage, in all false democracies in the world, Their, real objective: is to raise satanism: and, to Their human sacrifices, on the altar of satan, ie, owl god, at Bohemian Grove, for do RISES, the kingdom of Satan: in final mode, after, World War III.
[new Pope Bergoglio FRANCESCO: said: "I am not clerical" but if he is not a liar? must end this cruelty, ie, to prevent the marriage of priests, because, we, of pedophiles in the Church, we do not want to see: never more!]03/14/2013. TURKEY - VATICAN. Bartholomew I: Francis is a new impetus on two Churches path towards unity. by NAT da Polis. The telegram of greetings and congratulations of the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople to Pope Bergoglio. As with John Paul II and Benedict XVI, Bartholomew I renews his appreciation and support for the bishop of Rome. Istanbul (AsiaNews) - The Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople Bartholomew I welcomed the election of Pope Francis with a warm message of congratulations. "I want to express - he said - the hope and the certainty that the Holy Father will contribute to the peace of an already battered humanity, the poor and the suffering." "will give a new impetus to the two Churches' journey towards unity. "
[new Pope Bergoglio FRANCESCO: said: "I am not clerical" but if he is not a liar? must end this cruelty, ie, to prevent the marriage of priests, because, we, of pedophiles in the Church, we do not want to see: never more!]03/14/2013. TURKEY - VATICAN. Bartholomew I: Francis is a new impetus on two Churches path towards unity. by NAT da Polis. The telegram of greetings and congratulations of the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople to Pope Bergoglio. As with John Paul II and Benedict XVI, Bartholomew I renews his appreciation and support for the bishop of Rome. Istanbul (AsiaNews) - The Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople Bartholomew I welcomed the election of Pope Francis with a warm message of congratulations. "I want to express - he said - the hope and the certainty that the Holy Father will contribute to the peace of an already battered humanity, the poor and the suffering." "will give a new impetus to the two Churches' journey towards unity. "
[new Pope Bergoglio FRANCESCO: said: "I am not clerical" but if he is not a liar? must end this cruelty, ie, to prevent the marriage of priests, because, we, of pedophiles in the Church, we do not want to see: never more!] See also: 04/28/2008 TURKEY. Ecumenical patriarch: Easter, Christ's victory over death belongs to all Christians. by NAT da Polis. 12/18/2008 TURKEY - RUSSIA. Bartholomew I: Turkish bureaucracy is trying to make us disappear. by NAT da Polis. 03/06/2008 VATICAN -- ORTHODOX. Orthodox and Catholics together to respond to the world's challenges, says Bartholomew I. by NAT da Polis. 02/04/2009 TURKEY. Bartholomew I: may Kirill's election foster common journey of Orthodox Churches. by NAT da Polis. 03/02/2009 TURKEY. Churches of Europe: pilgrims in the Turkey of Saint Paul, to support Christian mission by Geries Othman
God has given me, only me, unius REI, of can save (to my taste) by the disintegration, in the dreadful, terrible, but, very glorious day: of judgment, all souls, and the fallen angels in 'hell, from, their "the second death", that is, by the disintegration .. and although some such as Lucifer / Satan, for pride, and, shame superb, they prefer be into disintegration, however, there are many creatures that they want to be saved, and to receive from me, an impossible mercy ... because, from my point of view? of them, I have no pity! because, they have hurt innocent people during their life, and if their victims do not have the feeling of revenge, I can not lose, the sense of justice (but, as you can cultivate some form of virtue, all 'hell? in serving the kingdom of unius REI! ..) ... those, who are in hell? are more than 60% of all mankind!
[the religious who do not know God personally? not: they are aware of: only, to kill in the name of 666 Rothschild: IMF] INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [[India: Pope Bergoglio sculpture in the sand of a beach: March 14,]] BUT, as it was, that, were massacred thousands Christians in India? and how the Indian government, in violation of its own laws, but allowed all this killing of innocent people? This is the India of contrasts and contradictions. but too violent contradictions? prevent the development of a country. the scientist Giacinto Auriti, said that, our money (created out of nothing) costs to us, 270% of its value (created by us: blood and sweat). in this way, not only, is supported Satanism, the creation of rich nations, and poor nations .. but is supported, too, all forms of crime and social inequality, because the marginalized classes, can not resign themselves to their despair.
[[[the religious who do not know God personally? not: they are aware of: only,to kill in the name of 666 Rothschild: IMF]]] This is because, when a government, and religion kill for religious reasons, etc. .. or kill, however, honest and peaceful person? , They are not aware of killing in the name of the Pharisee Rothischild, because the bank seigniorage being an occult power, for enter, invisibly, in every area, where there is a lack, of justice, so, the Hindus kill: in name of Brahma or Brahma (Sanskrit: ब्रह्मा Brahma), Muslims kill, in the name, of Allah, but, in reality, they are not aware of: kill only, in the name: of: 666 Rothschild: IMF, and accordingly: they are working for the NWO, 322, which is the god Baal owl, at the Bohemian Grove: in every way. but, if we can not raise, quickly, all standards of justice, for do disintegrate, the IMF Pharisees Satanists, quickly? the human race can not be saved
if it does not work all the nations, as the principal of all the activities, in order to achieve: absolutely: in safe mode [or Aliyah Aliyah or aliyah (Hebrew: עליה, "ascent") is the Jewish immigration to the Land of Israel .?] soon God will punish, the whole human race: through: Satanists Pharisees IMF
@ OBAMA - such as Saudi Arabia, can be in second place, after North Korea in the list, Analysis of persecution in the world: World Watch List 2013? and how it can be your friend? this is the truth, you are a Satanist Freemason for the destruction of all humankind!
because the money from god-Rothschild 666, god Baal OWL is created, really, since by "nothing"? then: there is no interest, of give, due to "nothing." then: is the debt: public, and, as the debt: private, are the greatest wear and, big usury, of the story .. This said, the scientist Giacinto Auriti, therefore: the case of Cyprus, was planned: to "punish" Russia! in fact, as: it is easy to show: there are too many steps: where it is essential to do the accounting fraud: in the monetary system .. because: the money is created out of nothing, but then when, is purchased with: government bonds, the budget is closed: zero! then, where it ends, then, the first 100%: of money of the world? (Source: scientist Giacinto Auriti)
poiché, il denaro dal dio-Rothschild 666, god Baal OWL, viene creato, veramente, dal: "nulla"? poi non è dovuto nessun interesse al: "nulla". quindi il debito pubblico, ed il debito privato sono la più grande usura, strozzinaggio della storia.. questo ha detto lo scienziato Giacinto Auriti, di conseguenza il caso Cipro, è stato pianificato per "punire" la Russia! infatti, come è facile dimostrare sono troppi i passaggi dove è indispensabile fare falso in bilancio nel sistema monetario.. perché il denaro viene creato dal nulla, ma, poi, quando viene comprato con i titoli di Stato, il bilancio viene chiuso a zero? dove finisce, il primo 100% del denaro di tutto il mondo? (fonte: scienziato Giacinto Auriti)
il caso CIPRO? è l'unica soluzione agli squilibri, che, il criminale sistema monetario: massonico, privato SpA, del signoraggio bancario, ha creato.. diversamente? è la guerra mondiale la sola soluzione!
mi dispiace, che, 666 IhatenewLayout, lui abbia cancellato, i suoi due commenti, su questa pagina, dove, lui esprime tutto il suo amore per me, sulla punta del suo pugnale!
e se, voi siete, veramente, così idioti ed ostinati, che, voi volete proprio morire? io non vi posso fermare!
sorry for all this violence, it is not my style!, but, without, this my violence? none of you, could survive, and, soon, the planet would be surrounded by, flame atomic, too, because, only a king on, all the world, could counteract, the power of the Satanists Pharisees, in their pyramid of IMF-NWO. because, it is after, World War III, which, the Pharisees, they thought, to impose them, Unius666REI, ie, their anti-Christ, to all the peoples, desperate .. so, before, Enlightened burn, everything, through, the atomic fire, it is the case, that, we, the peoples, and their governments, we can anticipate, in our favor, the agenda, of the Pharisees, too many moments, of crisis, international, for invoke, the presence of a strong mediator, to avoid the worst! you can not have a war, against, the secret technology USA 666 IMF occult power, and, alien abductions, ie, all Satanists Americans! because even the aliens are demons!
sorry, per tutto questa violenza, non è nel mio stile!, ma, senza questa mia violenza? nessuno di voi, potrebbe sopravvivere, e, presto, il pianetà sarebbe circondato, da fiamme atomiche, anche, perché, soltanto un Re, su tutto il mondo, potrebbe contrastare, il potere dei satanisti farisei, nella loro piramide, del FMI-NWO. perché, è dopo, la III guerra mondiale, che, i farisei, hanno pensato, di imporre il loro, Unius666REI, cioè, il loro anticristo, a tutti i popoli disperati.. così, prima di bruciare, ogni cosa, attravero, il fuoco atomico, è il caso, che, noi, i popoli, e i loro governi, noi possiamo antipare, a nostro favore, la agenda, dei farisei, troppi momenti di crisi, internazionale, invocano, la presenza, di un forte mediatore, per scongiurare il peggio! non si può fare una guerra, contro, la tecnologia segreta, ed, aliena, dei satanisti americani! perché anche gli alieni, sono demoni!
if they can not resist, all the Satanists against the sting of my righteousness, who, is, and where it is, an some, of antichrist, as, Obama, Zapatero, or, false, criminal religion, which, he wants to come forward to oppose him against me, and my banner? se non riescono a resistere i satanisti, contro, il pungolo della mia giustizia, chi, è, e dove è, qualche anticristo, di Obama, Zapatero, di falsa, criminale religione, che, lui vuole venire avanti, per opporsi lui, idiota, al mio stendardo?
[the rights of true Christians] What you gain: to join formally, apparently, or, inwardly, to Christianity? which become your rights? 1. you become as, unius REI, too! 2. redemption, Jesus covers, with his blood: all your sins, past, present and future! 3. healing, spiritual or physical: from all diseases, 4. protection from all dangers! 5. the total recovery, about, all losses, that even you yourself have caused to yourself, such as abortion, etc. .. 6,. the right to receive the kidnapping, that is, to be taken up to heaven as: Enock, Elijah and Mary .. and many other rights more ... but, 7. more than anything else: it is possible, you can receive: the divine nature (in fact, without the gift given to men in Christ Messiah: the divine nature?, do not: can you explain,the reason why: 1 / 3 of the angels have committed rebellion, for become the devils!)
that is, in Christ alone, you may be sons of God, namely, sharers of the same divine nature of God himself, and you will not believe: the false, smears, that, the Talmud has created, mimicking Christianity, because if the Jews mosaics, did not believe the possibility of the divine nature, for men? then, the Talmud, can not do this magic! [the rights of Christians false] clearly, 1. becomes mandatory: by law, to: be a Christian (although, in false or hypocritical? is okay!), but, 2. nobody will do violence to the conscience and the freedom of the people, 3. only, it will disappear, the demon of all religions, that will end up being an ideology, for to conquer the world! 4. will open an "era" for: peace, and brotherhood in the world!
[i diritti dei cristiani veri] cosa guadagnate voi: ad aderire formalmente, apparentemente, o interiormente, al cristianesimo? quali diventano i vostri diritti? 1. diventate come Unius REI, anche voi! 2. la redenzione, Gesù copre, con il suo sangue: tutti i vostri peccati, passati, presenti e futuri! 3. la guarigione, interiore e fisica: da tutte le malattie, 4. la protezione da tutti i pericoli! 5. il recupero totale, circa, tutte le perdite, che, anche voi stessi avete causato, a voi stessi, come l'aborto, ecc.. 6,. il diritto a ricevere il rapimento, cioè, ad essere assunti in cielo: come: Enock, Elia e Maria.. e molti altri diritti ancora... ma, 7. più di ogni altra cosa: c'è la possibilità, di poter ricevere: la natura divina, (infatti, senza il dono fatto agli uomini, in Cristo Messiah: della natura divina, non: si può spiegare il motivo, del perché: 1/3, degli angeli: hanno commesso ribellione: diventando demoni!)
cioè: soltanto in Cristo, si può essere, figli di Dio, cioè, partecipi, della stessa natura divina: di Dio stesso, e, voi non credete: alle patacche false, che, il talmud ha creato, per scimmiottare il cristianesimo, perché, se gli ebrei mosaici, non credevano alla possibilità della natura divina, per gli uomini? poi, il talmud, non può fare questa magia! [i diritti dei cristiani falsi] chiaramente, 1. diventa obbligatorio: per legge, di: essere cristiani (anche, in modo falso, o ipocrita? va bene lo stesso!), ma, 2. nessuno farà violenza: alla coscienza ed alla libertà: delle persone, soltanto, 3. sparirà, il demone di tutte e religioni, che finirnno di essere una ideologia per la conquista del mondo! 4. si aprirà un era: di pace, e di fratellanza, in tutto il mondo!
[accursed wretches! how many martyrs christians innocent, you killed, and you did kill with your silence?] now, i see, as, you love your false religion, you are willing to die as martyrs, during, the imminent: World War III! because, if you do not accept my authority, of course, you will demonstrate, to all your false gods idols, your loyalty! [maledetti, disgraziati! quanti martiri cristiani innocenti, voi avete ucciso, e voi avete fatto uccidere, con, la vostra omertà?] adesso vediamo, se, voi per amore della vostra falsa religione, voi siete disposti a morire come martiri, durante la III guerra mondiale! perché, se non accettate la mia autorità, certamente, avrete modo di dimostrare al vostro falso Dio, la vostra fedeltà!
[a tutti i miei borbottatori, oppositori!] chi di voi è: Unius REI? allora, è soltanto sua, la verità, della FEDE, e la verità della storia! questo, è, quindi, stato dimostrato, dalla potenza, di questo, mio ministero: laico e metafisico: "soltanto, Gesù di Betlemme: è la verità della storia!", tuttavia, 1. a chi, io ho chiesto, di rinunciare alla propria religione, o alle proprie tradizioni? oppure, a chi, io ho chiesto, di entrare in una Chiesa, per chiedere: formalmente: il battesimo? Quindi, io offro il Cristanesimo di desiderio, ed il battesimo di desiderio, in maniera interiore, o mistica, cioè, per la potenza della FEDE, nella Bibbia:
[a tutti i miei borbottatori, oppositori!] questo, è un cristianesimo di desiderio: perché, è scritto "chiunque, invocherà: il nome del Signore, sarà salvato!". e poiché, il cristianesimo: è diventato un atto politicamente, indispensabile, obbligatorio, per realizzare la fratellanza universale, e: per sfuggire alla programmata: III guerra mondiale, tutti possono dire, che: la propria attitudine cristiana, è soltanto, una attitudine: politicamente formale: e non è reale, perché, 1. poi, nella coscienza delle persone, può entrare, soltanto, lo Spirito Santo. 2. e, il sacramento del battesimo, può essere amministrato legalmente, da ogni cristiano, già battezzato in precedenza.
@CustodeDellaFede ---- to pretend to be you a true Christian? you're an abomination! dirty, cruel, evil one! but, I am a politician, and a politician hurts, only criminals .. and then, Jesus said: "He who is without sin cast the first stone!" but, I do not think, really, that you can throw stone against someone ... which is a shame for you, because, as a religious maniac that, you are?, you must hate the sin and not the sinner! --- per pretendere di essere tu un cristiano? tu sei sporco, crudele, maligno! io sono un politico, ed un politico fa del male soltanto ai criminali, .. e poi, Gesù ha detto: "chi è senza peccato, scagli la prima pietra!" ma, io non credo, proprio, che, tu puoi scagliare pietra, contro, qualcuno... cosa che è per te una infamia, perché come religioso maniaco?, tu devi odiare il peccato e non il peccatore!
IMF666synnek1 - [挡住了我的操作系统?这是一个“低吹”上的部分!但是,在法律上,所有人民和所有宗教相关,也与天主教会的!有关联,得:,其中,天主教也不能接受,因为我是一个政治的门外汉,谁不关心“主要”,神的审判,对人..从这个角度来看,只“CustodeDellaFede”被排除从共融与天主教会,连同所有的宗教疯子,顽固的反政府武装,“圣经”的敌人,因为他..事实上,法利赛人都知道,神的国度是不是一个道德的层面,但是,相反,它是在关系到法律的情况,但是,天主教和东正教会单独可以代表[666 IMF ,访问的主要问题。还可以。奥巴马也一样,指责中国呢?[我所有的国家在世界上所有帮助我Unius REI:世界大同] Synnek1:在我的网页上说:“BASTARD” - 答案 - 他是当前管理员“行政长官”,“CEO” YouTube上,在世界上所有的帮凶,所有的罪犯撒旦教徒,以色列的破坏,奴役全人类,这是隐匿性和共济会的议程IMF-NWO的法利赛人:即,共济会制度:银行铸币税的,全是假的民主国家在世界上,他们真正的目标是:提高撒旦教,人的牺牲,他们的祭坛上,猫头鹰上帝,撒旦,即在波西米亚树林,做上升,撒旦的王国:在最后一种模式,之后,第三次世界大战。[新教皇Bergoglio FRANCESCO说:“我不文书”,但如果他是不是骗子?必须结束这种残酷,即防止祭司的婚姻,因为,我们,在教会中的恋童癖者,我们不希望看到的:从来没有!] 2013年3月14号。土耳其 - 梵蒂冈。巴塞洛缪I:弗朗西斯是两个教会统一道路上迈出了新的动力。 NAT达城邦。君士坦丁堡普世牧首教皇Bergoglio的问候和祝贺的电报。正如约翰·保罗二世教宗本笃十六世,巴塞洛缪,我再次为罗马主教的赞赏和支持。伊斯坦布尔(亚洲新闻) - 君士坦丁堡普世牧首巴塞洛缪,我欢迎教皇选举弗朗西斯一个温暖的贺电。 “我想表达的 - 他说 - 希望和确定性,圣父将有助于和平已经焦头烂额的人类,贫穷和痛苦。” “将提供新的动力,迈向两个教会的团结。”[新教皇Bergoglio FRANCESCO说:“我不文书”,但如果他是不是骗子?必须结束这种残酷,即防止祭司的婚姻,因为,我们,在教会中的恋童癖者,我们不希望看到的:从来没有!] 2013年3月14号。土耳其 - 梵蒂冈。巴塞洛缪I:弗朗西斯是两个教会统一道路上迈出了新的动力。 NAT达城邦。君士坦丁堡普世牧首教皇Bergoglio的问候和祝贺的电报。正如约翰·保罗二世教宗本笃十六世,巴塞洛缪,我再次为罗马主教的赞赏和支持。伊斯坦布尔(亚洲新闻) - 君士坦丁堡普世牧首巴塞洛缪,我欢迎教皇选举弗朗西斯一个温暖的贺电。 “我想表达的 - 他说 - 希望和确定性,圣父将有助于和平已经焦头烂额的人类,贫穷和痛苦。” “将提供新的动力,迈向两个教会的团结。”[新教皇Bergoglio FRANCESCO说:“我不文书”,但如果他是不是骗子?必须结束这种残酷,即阻止这桩婚姻的牧师,因为,我们在教会中的恋童癖者,我们不希望看到的:不会!]参见:2008年4月28日土耳其。普世牧首:复活节,基督战胜死亡的胜利属于所有的基督徒。 NAT达城邦。 2008年12月18日土耳其 - 俄罗斯。巴塞洛缪I:土耳其官僚试图让我们消失。 NAT达城邦。 03/06/2008梵蒂冈 - 东正教。东正教徒和非犹太教徒,耶稣教徒和天主教徒共同应对世界的挑战,巴尔多禄茂一说的NAT达城邦。 02/04/2009土耳其。巴塞洛缪I:5月基里尔的选举建立共同的东正教教堂之旅。 NAT达城邦。 03/02/2009土耳其。欧洲教会的朝圣者在土耳其的圣保罗,支持Geries奥斯曼基督徒的使命上帝给了我,只有我,unius REI,可以节省我的口味的解体,可怕的,可怕的,但是,很光荣的一天:判断,所有的灵魂,堕落的天使在地狱,从他们的“第二次死亡”,也就是解体.. ,但也有一些如路西法/撒旦的骄傲,羞耻一流的,他们更喜欢到解体,不过,有许多动物,他们希望保存,并得到我,但这是不可能的怜悯...因为,从我的角度来看呢?他们,我没有怜悯! ,因为他们伤害了无辜的人,在他们的生活中,如果受害者没有复仇的感觉,我不能失去,正义感(不过,你可以培养某种形式的美德,所有的'地狱?服务unius REI的国度!)...这些,谁在地狱?超过60%的所有人类![谁也不知道神亲自的宗教? :他们都知道:只有在罗斯柴尔德:IMF]印度临时股东[印度:的教皇Bergoglio雕塑的海滩沙:3月14日:]],但是,因为它是,这666名,杀,被屠杀,成千上万的基督徒在印度?和印度政府,违反其自身的规律,但如何让这一切杀戮无辜的人呢?这是印度的对比和矛盾。但过于猛烈的矛盾?防止一个国家的发展。的科学家贾钦托Auriti,说,我们的钱(无中生有)的成本,270%的值(由我们创造的心血和汗水)。这种方式,不仅支持的撒旦,创造丰富的国家,国家和贫穷国家..但支持的,太,各种形式的犯罪和社会不平等,因为被边缘化的类,可以不辞职,他们的绝望。[[[谁也不知道神亲自的宗教? :他们都知道:只有666名,杀罗斯柴尔德:IMF]]]这是因为,当政府和宗教出于宗教原因,等杀的。杀人,但是,诚实的和爱好和平的人吗?它们都不是知道杀的名称法利赛人Rothischild,因为银行铸币税的神秘力量,输入,无形之中,在每一个地区,那里是一个缺乏正义,因此,印度教徒杀:名称梵天或梵天(梵文:ब्रह्मा梵天),穆斯林追杀,在名称,真主,但是,在现实中,他们不知道:只有杀,名称::666罗斯柴尔德:IMF,并相应地他们的工作NWO,322,这是神巴力的猫头鹰,在波西米亚树林:在每一个方式。但是,如果我们不能提高,很快,所有的司法标准,不解体,IMF的法利赛人,撒殚教徒,速度够快吗?人类不能保存
如果它不工作,所有的国家,作为主要的所有活动,以实现绝对:在安全模式下或阿利亚阿利亚或阿利亚(希伯来语:עליה,“晋”)是犹太移民的土地以色列。?]很快上帝会惩罚,整个人类:通过撒旦教徒法利赛IMF奥巴马 - 如沙特阿拉伯,可以排在第二位之后,朝鲜在列表中,分析在世界上的迫害:2013年世界收藏?以及如何它可以是你的朋友吗?这是真理,你是一个撒殚教共济会为全人类的毁灭!
so, we can not say that I remained silent when they needed me] by William Wilberforce ... World Watch List 2013 ... Analysis of persecution in the world @ The North Korean leader Kim Jong Un - fool! Given I have the right of preemptive: preventive nuclear attack, only, to: 1. Israel, 2. China, and 3. Russia! Furthermore, you are in first place: (World Watch list: 2013) in the list of nations most criminal against human rights and against: freedom of religion, and even, even, monsters Salafi Islamists, are: dropped to second place, thanks to you! if you are not, free, all, by Christians, your lagher? you could soon be: to finish in Their place! I highly recommend it, starting the reforms, Because, even, the director of a horror movie, not, would think, to invent a system of dickhead, like yours!
@ India - who said that unius REI has a nationality? in the Kingdom of God there is no religion or nationality! I am human and I could be wrong .. God alone is completely perfect! but no one is licensed to think, that unius REI, not has a pure heart .. without, do the greatest crime against all Mankind
Bankitalia: Bank of Italy private SpA, corporation's Rothschild: record of public debt in January, over quota [Il.Messaggero] ROME - The public debt breaks again the threshold of the 2,000 billion mark, a new record: in January rose by 34 billion compared to December, reaching 2022700000000: fake The Bank of Italy(false: Bankitalia: SpA) announced .. close, thousands of thousand, of businesses, are doomed to failure .. as may be paid an interest (debt: public) for: an money which was purchased at 100%(banking seigniorage), and that was created out of nothing? this is high treason, Satanism for the destruction of the people .. will soon be killed all criminals!
@IHateNEWLAYOUT -- Satan can not save anyone, because he was been, his ruin into hell, and has no one who can save him, I can not leave this page, why, I can not ruin, my traceability: for this my ministry, criminals and Satanists, in fact, pretend: to being me, everywhere. Then, Satan can not be defended because he is evil, and you have made yourself a criminal, like him, and for him, for not to have the honesty to talk to me: on this page! scolds you, the Holy Spirit! you has betrayed, your Creator and the whole human race, for plotting with the occult powers, masonic system: of the IMF, against the hope of every man and against the hope of Israele
in farewell speech to the Cardinal, his holiness Pope Francis has spoken: "the richness of diversity (of peoples, countries and religions)" mutual trust, which must not be destroyed by the enemy, which leads: discouragement , and has, specifically, in this rigurado, nominated twice the word "devil" --ANSWER -- BUT, no need to be discouraged, I thought, because God has given the world unius REI .. why, who has sown distrust and discouragement for a world wide were the Pharisees of the IMF: ie masonic system of banking seigniorage
because, the chief priests and the Pharisees have cursed, the Israelis, that is, all the Jews? because the people, he rebuked, for a long time, all their authorities, about: the death of Jesus, so that: also: all: those did not believe in Jesus, and did not recognize him as the Messiah, then did not approve their crime, in fact, Jesus was taken by surprise, during the night, with a show trial, and only, the violence of their clientele, with, the guard of the Temple, could allow such a crime: so, that's why, the chief priests Illuminati, reacted to the anger of the people, and decided, to do lose, genealogies father, to all the people, this event brought, finally, to Satan, all the upper echelons of the Pharisees
masonic: France and England, they showed to the whole world: how to them are Satanists of Rothschild: IMF agenda: NWO, in Syria, the Masonic system of bank seigniorage, to raise the kingdom of Satan: New Babylon Tower, that is, , the destruction of Israel, because this is the agenda of the Talmud, even against: all the Jews, who have lost their genealogies father, in fact, for Kakam master: the Pharisees, also all Jews are equalized, at the goyim, here because, IMF, was allowed to Hitler to the Holocaust (Shoah), also all Jews, are made unclean, because,to treason: their chief rabbis: KAKAM, they ingest them, powders, which contain , a mixture of human blood. and it is normal, that, to make a very destructive world war, Hitler had to be helped, as now they are helped, the Chinese and the Salafis .. But the IMF is only a trap against all peoples and against Israel
Abu Antar ha pubblicato un commento 7 minuti fa meen erhabi? ana erhabi? keef erhabi w ana a3eesh fi bladi. By the way ... la ana mish 3rab ... ana amriki wa ana masi7i. -- ANSWER -- I'm not interested, religion, or sex life of the people, but, I expect, that people are consistent, as far as possible with their own words .. I am happy with your new balance sexual too, but, if you're a Syrian, Chiristian or shiites? because you're not in Syria to defend your people: from criminal islamists Arab League, which they are doing, only, imperialism saudi, salafis for the
IHateNEWLAYOUT --- As I said yesterday, my wife has the leg in a cast, and I'm doing the cleaning, in his place, sorry for the delay in responses ... did is not seem, to someone that you did a question, but, all the institutions of the world, the CIA, NATO, ecc.. they have to stop sucking the cock at the Pharisee Satanist Rothschild IMF, and they must be all at the my service, because the my authority, is a universal political authority.
in Unius REI: Universal brotherhood, all are associated, "legally", with, the alliance of the "New Testament", that is, the benefits, for saving, that is, the redemption of the Cross, in communion with the Orthodox Church and the Catholic .. preché, brothers evangelists, not having the Apostolic succession? they can be effective only: in a personal capacity, and not, in a mode universal ... that's why, unius REI, is salvation, that, can come out, from the scope of religion, as, a new outpouring of love and Holy Spirit, on all mankind, this is the last Pentecost, in my III Jewish Temple
IMF666synnek1 - [block my operating system? this is a "low blow" on your part! ] But, legally, all peoples and all religions are associated, with the Catholic Church too! are associated, too: also, those, Catholic Church can not accept, because I am a political layman, who do not care "primarily", of the judgment of God, on the people .. From this point of view only, "CustodeDellaFede" is excluded from communion with the Catholic Church, together with all religious maniacs, stubborn rebels, enemies of the Bible, as he .. In fact, Pharisees are well aware, the Kingdom of God is not about a moral dimension, but, rather, it is in relation to a legal situation, but, only the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church: alone: can represent [666 IMF, are creating major problems of access . also. like Obama can, blame China, then?]
[to all my Nations in all the world: help me: Unius REI: THE UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD] Synnek1: ON MY PAGE said: "[BASTARD]" - ANSWER - he is the current: administrator "Chief Executive", "CEO" of youtube, in all the world, the accomplice, of all the criminals Satanists, for the destruction of Israel, and for: the enslavement of all mankind, That Is, the occult and Masonic: the agenda of the Pharisees of IMF-NWO: ie, masonic system : for banking seigniorage, in all false democracies in the world, Their, real objective: is to raise satanism: and, to Their human sacrifices, on the altar of satan, ie, owl god, at Bohemian Grove, for do RISES, the kingdom of Satan: in final mode, after, World War III.
[new Pope Bergoglio FRANCESCO: said: "I am not clerical" but if he is not a liar? must end this cruelty, ie, to prevent the marriage of priests, because, we, of pedophiles in the Church, we do not want to see: never more!]03/14/2013. TURKEY - VATICAN. Bartholomew I: Francis is a new impetus on two Churches path towards unity. by NAT da Polis. The telegram of greetings and congratulations of the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople to Pope Bergoglio. As with John Paul II and Benedict XVI, Bartholomew I renews his appreciation and support for the bishop of Rome. Istanbul (AsiaNews) - The Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople Bartholomew I welcomed the election of Pope Francis with a warm message of congratulations. "I want to express - he said - the hope and the certainty that the Holy Father will contribute to the peace of an already battered humanity, the poor and the suffering." "will give a new impetus to the two Churches' journey towards unity. "
[new Pope Bergoglio FRANCESCO: said: "I am not clerical" but if he is not a liar? must end this cruelty, ie, to prevent the marriage of priests, because, we, of pedophiles in the Church, we do not want to see: never more!]03/14/2013. TURKEY - VATICAN. Bartholomew I: Francis is a new impetus on two Churches path towards unity. by NAT da Polis. The telegram of greetings and congratulations of the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople to Pope Bergoglio. As with John Paul II and Benedict XVI, Bartholomew I renews his appreciation and support for the bishop of Rome. Istanbul (AsiaNews) - The Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople Bartholomew I welcomed the election of Pope Francis with a warm message of congratulations. "I want to express - he said - the hope and the certainty that the Holy Father will contribute to the peace of an already battered humanity, the poor and the suffering." "will give a new impetus to the two Churches' journey towards unity. "
[new Pope Bergoglio FRANCESCO: said: "I am not clerical" but if he is not a liar? must end this cruelty, ie, to prevent the marriage of priests, because, we, of pedophiles in the Church, we do not want to see: never more!] See also: 04/28/2008 TURKEY. Ecumenical patriarch: Easter, Christ's victory over death belongs to all Christians. by NAT da Polis. 12/18/2008 TURKEY - RUSSIA. Bartholomew I: Turkish bureaucracy is trying to make us disappear. by NAT da Polis. 03/06/2008 VATICAN -- ORTHODOX. Orthodox and Catholics together to respond to the world's challenges, says Bartholomew I. by NAT da Polis. 02/04/2009 TURKEY. Bartholomew I: may Kirill's election foster common journey of Orthodox Churches. by NAT da Polis. 03/02/2009 TURKEY. Churches of Europe: pilgrims in the Turkey of Saint Paul, to support Christian mission by Geries Othman
God has given me, only me, unius REI, of can save (to my taste) by the disintegration, in the dreadful, terrible, but, very glorious day: of judgment, all souls, and the fallen angels in 'hell, from, their "the second death", that is, by the disintegration .. and although some such as Lucifer / Satan, for pride, and, shame superb, they prefer be into disintegration, however, there are many creatures that they want to be saved, and to receive from me, an impossible mercy ... because, from my point of view? of them, I have no pity! because, they have hurt innocent people during their life, and if their victims do not have the feeling of revenge, I can not lose, the sense of justice (but, as you can cultivate some form of virtue, all 'hell? in serving the kingdom of unius REI! ..) ... those, who are in hell? are more than 60% of all mankind!
[the religious who do not know God personally? not: they are aware of: only, to kill in the name of 666 Rothschild: IMF] INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [[India: Pope Bergoglio sculpture in the sand of a beach: March 14,]] BUT, as it was, that, were massacred thousands Christians in India? and how the Indian government, in violation of its own laws, but allowed all this killing of innocent people? This is the India of contrasts and contradictions. but too violent contradictions? prevent the development of a country. the scientist Giacinto Auriti, said that, our money (created out of nothing) costs to us, 270% of its value (created by us: blood and sweat). in this way, not only, is supported Satanism, the creation of rich nations, and poor nations .. but is supported, too, all forms of crime and social inequality, because the marginalized classes, can not resign themselves to their despair.
[[[the religious who do not know God personally? not: they are aware of: only,to kill in the name of 666 Rothschild: IMF]]] This is because, when a government, and religion kill for religious reasons, etc. .. or kill, however, honest and peaceful person? , They are not aware of killing in the name of the Pharisee Rothischild, because the bank seigniorage being an occult power, for enter, invisibly, in every area, where there is a lack, of justice, so, the Hindus kill: in name of Brahma or Brahma (Sanskrit: ब्रह्मा Brahma), Muslims kill, in the name, of Allah, but, in reality, they are not aware of: kill only, in the name: of: 666 Rothschild: IMF, and accordingly: they are working for the NWO, 322, which is the god Baal owl, at the Bohemian Grove: in every way. but, if we can not raise, quickly, all standards of justice, for do disintegrate, the IMF Pharisees Satanists, quickly? the human race can not be saved
if it does not work all the nations, as the principal of all the activities, in order to achieve: absolutely: in safe mode [or Aliyah Aliyah or aliyah (Hebrew: עליה, "ascent") is the Jewish immigration to the Land of Israel .?] soon God will punish, the whole human race: through: Satanists Pharisees IMF
@ OBAMA - such as Saudi Arabia, can be in second place, after North Korea in the list, Analysis of persecution in the world: World Watch List 2013? and how it can be your friend? this is the truth, you are a Satanist Freemason for the destruction of all humankind!

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Questa NON è una testata giornalistica
mar 15
- religiosi, conoscono, Dio, personalmente
- redemption of the Cross, in communion with the Ort...
- people, consistent, Treilea Război Mondial,
- Cardinal, holiness, Pope Francis, Army of Islam, ...
- MIDDLE EAST, SYRIA, distruzione
- tamamilə, təhlükəsiz, rejimi, OBAMA
- money, created, nothing, monetary system
- god, Rothschild, 666, god Baal, OWL, scientist Gia...
- caso Cipro, World, Watch List 2013,
- Source, scientist, Giacinto Auriti,
- said, the scientist Giacinto Auriti
- diritti, cristiani veri, MEDIO ORIENTE, SIRIA
- money is created out of nothing
- falso in bilancio nel sistema monetario
- viene creato dal nulla
- accounting fraud, monetary system,
- punish, Russia,Satanists Pharisees,
- scientist Giacinto Auriti
- greatest wear and, big usury, of the story
- big usury, of the story
- debt: public, and, as the debt: private
- first 100%: of money of the world
- there is no interest
- ecause the money from god-Rothschild 666, god Baal...
- il caso CIPRO
mar 15
- ► 2014 (439)
Questa NON è una testata giornalistica
Questa NON è una testata giornalistica
@ 666 الشيطانية التلمود: CIA ---> الدولة لا ينبغي أن يكون فقط الجلاد: من المواطن، لللقيام الدفع في الناس:٪ 270: من قيمة: من ماله (المصد...
IMF 666 NWO:羅斯柴爾德塔木德goyim。 --->的法利賽人(巴力的祭司臥底)的猶太法典,法利賽人(IMF光明路西法)的拉比(銀行家)和你的家人嗎? 你已經毀了,破壞了整個人類(和宗教機構,你已經做了最壞的打算:受奴役全人類):事實上,神並沒有使壞人! 但是,它...
asasen nan satanallah: yo touye: 300: kretyen mati: inosan: chak jou nan mond lan enperyalis Arabi salafist:! sètadi Al Qaeda] peyi Sir...
@ IMFは666 NWO:goyimためロスチャイルドタルムード。 --->タルムード、パリサイ人のラビ(銀行家)(ルシファーから国際通貨基金(IMF)イルミナティ)のパリサイ人(バアルの祭司おとり)のあなたの家族では? あなたは全人類を(:奴隷に全人類を施すことや宗教機...
satanallah 의 살인자 : 그들이 죽 : 300 : 기독교 순교자 : 무고한 : 제국주의 사우디 Salafi에 세상의 모든 일 :! 즉, 알 카에다] 시리아는 조직에 의해 일시 중지되었습니다 :받는 사람 : 이슬람 협력 (OIC). 결정...
killers ng satanallah: sila pumatay: 300: Christian martir: inosenteng: araw-araw sa mundo sa imperyalismo Saudi Salafi:! ie Al Qaeda] Sy...
hell x despair x destruction (canale nuovo) hanno bloccato IP We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by United with...
è perché non stampate una moneta nazionale, per uso interno, in sovranità monetaria? SOLTANTO GLI USA POSSONO STAMPARE TUTTO IL DENARO FINT...
666 satanic Talmud: CIA ---> the State should not only be the executioner: of the citizen, for to do pay at people: the 270%: of the val...