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Nagorno Karabakh

Nagorno Karabakh: sit-in Nagorno Karabakh: sit-in .. https://it sputniknews com/italia/202010pe passes from being close to the Armenian people. Parlamentari di tutte le forze politiche in piazza a Roma per esprimere sostegno al popolo armeno nel conflitto in Nagorno-Karabakh: dalla vicinanza al popolo armeno passa la difesa dei valori cristiani di tutta l’Europa.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

16 minuti fa here BiDEN makes his meeting with 5 people, but 2 are the photographers! however for the covid norms: all 5 had an enema quì BiDEN fa il suo comizio a 5 persone, ma 2 sono i fotografi! tuttavia per le norme covid: tutti e 5 hanno fatto il clistere

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

21 minuti fa
"IMF corrects estimates for Italy: better forecasts on GDP but rising…" — 🕎 i am israeli Mahdì Messiah 🕎 IMF corrects estimates for Italy: better forecasts on GDP but rising unemployment. the IMF can tell all the lies it wants, because there is no control body on its crimes of Satanism but, we know that it protects the DEM lgbtq sharia PD governments only Fmi corregge le stime per l'Italia: migliori le previsioni sul Pil ma disoccupazione in aumento. il FMI può dire tutte le bugie che vuole, perché non esite un organo di controllo sui suoi delitti di satanismo ma, noi sappiamo che protegge i governi DEM lgbtq sharia PD soltanto

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

25 minuti fa
Khalifa Belqasim Haftar caught them in international waters, but which Libya arbitrarily and unilaterally claimed. now the Italian fishermen are hostage, because Italy should free some dangerous smugglers in exchange! and then, we say that only Erdogan in the ARAB LEAGUE is the bad one Seamen seized in Libya, Salvini: "Government save our compatriots" Salvini meets the relatives of the Mazara del Vallo fishermen kidnapped in Libya. From the leader of the League an appeal to the government to obtain their release as soon as possible. Khalifa Belqasim Haftar li ha catturati in acque internazionali, ma che la Libia arbitrariamente e unilateralmente ha rivendicato. adesso i pescatori italiani sono in ostaggio, perché l'Italia dovrebbe liberare degli scafisti pericolosi in cambio! e poi, noi diciamo che soltanto Erdogan nella LEGA ARABA è quello cattivo Marittimi sequestrati in Libia, Salvini: "Governo salvi nostri connazionali" Salvini incontra i parenti dei pescatori di Mazara del Vallo sequestrati in Libia. Dal leader della Lega un appello al governo per ottenere al più presto la loro liberazione.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

40 minuti fa
I always told President RIVLIN that the swab in the nose is dangerous io glielo ho sempre detto al Presidente RIVLIN che il tampone nel naso è pericoloso

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

46 minuti fa
Heartwarming: Arab Builder Donates Prayer Area to Israeli Community in Samaria Greece rejects negotiations with Turkey and calls for the withdrawal of the ship Oruc Reis the papers are used by Erdogan when he has to obtain a new Armenian genoid in Nagorno-Karabakh but then, he tears them up when it doesn't suit him with the Greeks! meanwhile, refuses to leave Cyprus, because the UN is a spring, and NATO is rocking it because the war against the Russians was predicted more than 10 years ago, it's just that because of me, Rockefeller and Bin Salman still haven't managed to get it La Grecia rifiuta il negoziato con la Turchia e chiede il ritiro della nave Oruc Reis le carte servono ad Erdogan quando deve ottenere un nuovo genoidio di armeni nel Nagorno-Karabakh ma poi, le strappa quando non gli conviene con i greci! intanto, rifiuta di uscire da Cipro, perché ONU è una molla, e NATO se lo culla perché la guerra contro i russi è stata preventivata più di 10 anni fa, soltanto che per colpa mia , a Rockefeller e Bin Salman non gli è ancora riuscita di poterla ottenere

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 ora fa
Heartwarming: Arab Builder Donates Prayer Area to Israeli Community in Samaria yes there is holiness in all religions and in all peoples of the world! si c'é della santità in tutte le religioni e in tutti i popoli del mondo!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 ora fa
"it is not Erdogan's and Obama's fault that their Islamic faith is…" — 🕎 i am israeli Mahdì Messiah 🕎 it is not Erdogan's and Obama's fault that their Islamic faith is perfect! non è colpa di Erdogan e di Obama se la loro fede islamica è perfetta!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 ora fa
Masonic corruption, and the coup of the judiciary is a perversion of the new financial technocratic world order of rockefeller bilderberg and Billgates all our lives are in danger: because, at the behest of BIN SALMAN, it is not the political power that has control over our government! Luca Palamara to the Hyenas: "Managed trials against Berlusconi? The evening they stopped intercepting me." A case? Carlo Nordio on the radiation of Luca Palamara: "A Stalinist and summary trial, as in the failed coup against Hitler" we have a freemason as president of the republic who is like tuna in a bilderberg box la corruzione massonica, e il golpe della magistratura è una perversione del nuovo ordine mondiale tecnocratico finanziario di rockefeller bilderberg e Billgates tutte le nostre vite sono in pericolo: perché, per volere di BIN SALMAN non è il potere politico ad avere il controllo sul nostro governo! Luca Palamara alle Iene: "Processi pilotati contro Berlusconi? La sera in cui hanno smesso di intercettarmi". Un caso? Carlo Nordio sulla radiazione di Luca Palamara: "Un processo stalinista e sommario, come nel fallito colpo di Stato contro Hitler" abbiamo un massone di presidente della repubblica che è come la carne di tonno nella scatola dei bilderberg

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 ora fa
Carlo Nordio sulla radiazione di Luca Palamara: "Un processo stalinista e sommario, come nel fallito colpo di Stato contro Hitler" abbiamo un massone di presidente della repubblica che è come la carne di tonno nella scatola dei bilderberg

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 ora fa
Three Young Christians Assaulted in North Sudan A pastor’s son, his cousin and their 20-year-old aunt were assaulted in a suburb north of Khartoum, Sudan on Tuesday (Oct. 6) as Muslims continued targeting church members despite religious freedoms favored by the new transitional government.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 ora fa
"Erdogan Mufti Hussein must wage a holy war against "Jewish thieves". because…" — 🕎 i am israeli Mahdì Messiah 🕎 Erdogan Mufti Hussein must wage a holy war against "Jewish thieves". because there is only one planet and all non-Muslims are wrong to be born! this Sharia Quran means: that Muslims can conquer the Chinese forever, but that in turn, it cannot be the other way around, because they must never be defeated, by anyone! this is why the sacred plant of the Muslim foot, which sanctions the dominion possession forever: every mosque is "muslims country" jihad sharia forever! this is the threat facing all those who have had the misfortune of welcoming Muslims to the soil of their homeland Erdogan Mufti Hussein deve condurre una guerra santa contro gli "ebrei ladri". perché c'é un solo pianeta e tutti i non mussulmani hanno sbagliato a nascere! questa Sharia Corano significa: che i musulmani possono conquistare i cinesi in eterno, ma che a loro volta, non può essere viceversa, perché loro non devono mai essere sconfitti, da nessuno! ecco perché la pianta sacra del piede mussulmano, che ne sancisce il dominio possesso in eterno: ogni moschea è "muslims country" jihad sharia in eterno! questa è la minaccia che stanno per affrontare tutti coloro che hanno avuto la sventura di accogliere i mussulmani sul suolo della loro patria

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 ora fa
Immigrati positivi in rivolta, escono da quarantena e bloccano il traffico – VIDEO 🔴 ARZANO, LA PROTESTA DEGLI IMMIGRATI ALLOGGIATI ALL’HOTSPOT (ALL’INTERNO VI SONO 26 CONTAGIATI AL COVID-19 ) DELL’ALBERGO OLGA.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

2 ore fa
that's why Erdogan swore to Allah and his psychopomp Bin SALMAN to take back the Ottoman Empire: because that is all the land that the infidels have stolen for salvation! The mufti detailed the religious obligation to wage a holy war against those same "Jewish thieves". "The texts clearly say that if an inch of Muslim land is stolen, jihad becomes a personal religious commandment for all who are able to do so," said Mufti Hussein. "This is the Shari'ah law that religious law scholars have followed from the very beginning." ecco perché Erdogan ha giurato ad Allah e al suo psicopompo Bin SALMAN di riprinare l'impero ottomano: perché quello è tutto il terreno che gli infedelihanno rubato alla salvezza! Il mufti ha spiegato in dettaglio l'obbligo religioso di condurre una guerra santa contro quegli stessi "ebrei ladri". "I testi dicono chiaramente che se un centimetro delle terre dei musulmani viene rubato, la jihad diventa un comandamento religioso personale per tutti coloro che sono in grado di farlo", ha detto Mufti Hussein. "Questa è la legge Shari'ah che gli studiosi di diritto religioso hanno seguito fin dall'inizio."

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

2 ore fa
'Thieving Jews Must Be Defeated,' Demands Top Palestinian Cleric CHINA RUSSIA INDIA US EU UN] [It is the duty of every Muslim to wage jihad (holy war) against "Jewish thieves", Palestinian surveillance group Media Watch (PMW) reported. it seems to me a good idea .. after all, the Muslims came after everyone, and killed people in count: MOST OF ALL: they killed 1 billion innocent people, for the Koranic dogma of the sharia in the holy and ever sanctified UMMA on the blood of the dhimmis slaves but, this is not a difficult problem, since only Allah is the right one! CINA RUSSIA INDIA USA UE ONU ] [ è dovere di ogni musulmano condurre la jihad (guerra santa) contro gli "ebrei ladri", ha riferito il gruppo di sorveglianza palestinese Media Watch (PMW). mi sembra una buona idea.. dopotutto, i mussulmani sono venuti dopo di tutti, ed hanno ucciso persone innconti: PIù DI TUTTI: hanno ucciso 1 miliardo di persone innocenti, per il dogma coranico della sharia nella UMMA santa e sempre santificata sul sangue degli schiavi dhimmis ma, questo non è problema difficile, dato che soltanto Allah è quello giusto!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

2 ore fa
Luca Palamara alle Iene: "Processi pilotati contro Berlusconi? La sera in cui hanno smesso di intercettarmi". Un caso? "L’allarme lanciato da Berlusconi sulla politicizzazione della magistratura non era infondato”, rivela l'ex pm ai microfoni delle Iene.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

2 ore fa
"Mussolini was a supremacist villain like ERDOGAN:because he thought he was…" — im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH 🕎 Mussolini was a supremacist villain like ERDOGAN: because he thought he was getting rich at the expense of other peoples, he was ignorant fool because he thought he had a technological army, he was infamous because he thought he would get on the chariot of the winner Hitler (but everyone knew who Hitler was) Mussolini era cattivo suprematista come ERDOGAN: perché pensava di arricchirsi a spese degli altri popoli, era cretino ignorante perché pensava di avere un esercito tecnologico, era infame perché pensava di salire sul carro del vincitore Hitler (ma tutti sapevano chi era Hitler)

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

2 ore fa
🕎 THE BIG RABBY Yitzchak Kaduri ? I AM HIS MESSIAH 🕎 3 hours ago Detected as spam ] [ in NIGERIA there is Allah uuh akbar Bin SALMAN an entire legions of demons Allah .. there is also an REGION that is so BIG as ISRAEL that was freed ISIS UMMA jiha d Erdogan sharia from christian impure people (from the impure kafir infidel Christians who suffered the UMMA genocide) thanks to Sharia funding OCI mushaedin Boko Haram and the Fulani because the ARAB LEAGUE is the principal agenda genocide worldwide: and jihad Allah uh akbar in NIGERiA government is the accomplice UMMA becouse there is one only ALLAH end there is one only planet! 🕎 i am israeli kay and zionist patriot maga patriot Mahdì & Messiah 🕎 upvoted me on 'American Trump Supported

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

2 ore fa
'We've lost the public's trust,' says Israel's corona committee head Mussolini made mistakes that we will never be able to forgive him: he devoted himself to imperialism; it stifled pluralism allied with Hitler (racial laws) that's why his experience of fascism can no longer be raised! Mussolini ha fatto degli errori che noi non gli potremo mai perdonare: si è dedicato all'imperialismo; ha soffocato il pluralismo si è alleato con Hitler(leggi raziali) ecco perché la sua esperienza di fascismo non può più essere sollevata!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

3 ore fa
Jews of the World Jewish Council, Anglo-American Masonic Jews Rockefeller Morgan Rothschild if they don't kill, destroy, corrupt Jews, Israelis and Christians? furthermore, they cannot transform all mankind into a single pack of slaves because all the other peoples and religions of the planet do not have a direct and personal relationship with God! Anglo-American Masonic Jews Rockefeller Morgan Rothschild se non uccidono, distruggono, corrompono gli ebrei, israeliani e cristiani? poi, non possono trasformare tutto il genere umano in un solo branco di schiavi perché tutti gli altri popoli e religioni del pianeta non hanno un diretto e personale rapporto con Dio!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

3 ore fa
🕎 im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH Franklyn Arnevet • I know terrible things how: the Anglo-American Jews of the World Jewish Council, that is, how they sentenced all European Jews to death io so cose terribili di come: gli ebrei anglo-americani del consiglio ebraico mondiale, cioè di come loro avevano condannato a morte tutti gli ebrei europei

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

3 ore fa
Obama follows in FDR's bloody footsteps; FDR refused to allow people escaping the nazis to enter the U.S. and encouraged other countries to do the same. Obama segue le orme sanguinose di FDR; FDR ha rifiutato di consentire alle persone in fuga dai nazisti di entrare negli Stati Uniti e ha incoraggiato altri paesi a fare lo stesso. New Clinton emails revive Arab ire at Obama-era coddling of Muslim Brotherhood 🕎 im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH Franklyn Arnevet • FDR Franklin Delano Roosevelt like all Masonic politicians: they are under the control of the Anglo-American Masonic Jews Rockefeller Morgan Rothschild and there is no one in the world who hates Jews more than them come tutti i politici massoni: sono sotto il controllo dei giudei massoni anglo-americani Rockefeller Morgan Rothschild e non c'é nessuno al mondo che odia gli ebrei più di loro

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

3 ore fa
Mi spiegate perché non si parla al grande pubblico di ADENOSINA?? la nuova terapia per il COVID.. una scoperta clamorosa..

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

3 ore fa
Biden forgets Mitt Romney's name, says he's running for Senate TRUMP MAGA about BIDEN's mental health said, "He forgot Mitt Romney's name. He didn't know what state he was in. And today he said he was a proud Democrat running for the US Senate," he said. Trump. "We have someone running that isn't 100%, isn't 80%, isn't 60%," Trump said. The Democratic candidate's mental acuity has been challenged in the past as has other faux pas. At one point, he referred to the "Harris-Biden" ticket, putting his running mate, Senator Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), Ahead of him. Biden also made confusing statements that are hard to analyze, like this one during a campaign in Tampa, Florida in late September: "Because if you could be careful, if you were a quartermaster, you can definitely be careful running a, you know, A department store, uh, what, you know, where, on the second floor of the women's department or whatever, you know what I mean? " ANSWER President RIVLIN] you see that the priests of satan of the CIA will say that it was I who ruined BIDEN's mind? do not snag ... they will tell! TRUMP MAGA circa la salute mentale di BIDEN ha detto: " «Ha dimenticato il nome di Mitt Romney. Non sapeva in che stato si trovava. E oggi ha detto di essere un orgoglioso democratico in corsa per il Senato degli Stati Uniti ", ha detto Trump. "Abbiamo qualcuno che corre che non è al 100%, non è all'80%, non è al 60%", ha detto Trump. L'acutezza mentale del candidato democratico è stata messa in discussione in passato come ha fatto altre gaffe. A un certo punto, ha fatto riferimento al biglietto "Harris-Biden", mettendo il suo compagno di corsa, il senatore Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), Davanti a sé. Biden ha anche rilasciato dichiarazioni confuse che sono difficili da analizzare, come questa durante una campagna a Tampa, in Florida, alla fine di settembre: "Perché se potessi fare attenzione, se fossi un quartiermastro, puoi sicuramente stare attento a correre un , sai, un grande magazzino, uh, cosa, sai, dove, al secondo piano del reparto donne o altro, capisci cosa intendo? " ANSWER President RIVLIN ] voi vedere che i sacerdoti di satana della CIA diranno che sono stato io a rovinare la mente di BIDEN? non ti meragliare ... lo diranno!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

3 ore fa
SBARCANO 1.322 CLANDESTINI A LAMPEDUSA: FUGGONO SENZA CONTROLLI – VIDEO Le restrizioni per il #COVID19 valgono solo per gli italiani.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

4 ore fa
President RiVLIN the strong man] I don't know why 20 CIA troll satanists are disappeared from Israeli sites .. was it you? you are a witness: there are no strange things about me, and I have not threatened anyone here Presiden RiVLIN ] io non so perché 20 satanisti troll della CIA sono spariti dai siti israeliani.. sei stato tu? tu sei testimone: su di me non ci sono cose strane, ed io non ho minacciato nessuno quì

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

4 ore fa
"i am Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH 32 minutes ago Detected as spam ] [ in NIGERIA an…" — i am Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH i am Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH • i am Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH 32 minutes ago Detected as spam ] [ in NIGERIA an entire REGION AS ISRAEL was freed (from the impure kafir infidel Christians who suffered the UMMA genocide) thanks to jihad UMMA Riyad Sharia funding Erdogan OCI Boko Haram their jiha sharia Fulanibe becouse plan in the ARAB LEAGUE that is the principal: and islamic sharia NIGERiA government is their accomplice, of course!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

4 ore fa
lorenzoJHWH and TRUMP MAGA have no hostile plans against the Chinese people! but what if all nations do not repurpose their technological and industrial dependence against CHINA? then, the world war will become inevitable .. here's why: the DEM Pd M5S UE pretend to be friends of CHINA because Rockefeller ordered them to get war on China and Russia! lorenzoJHWH e TRUMP MAGA non hanno progetti ostili contro il popolo cinese! ma se tutte le Nazioni non repurano la loro dipendenza tecnologica e industriale contro la CINA? poi, la guerra mondiale si renderà inevitabile.. ecco perché: i DEM Pd M5S UE fingono di essere amici della CINA perché Rockefeller ha ordinato loro di ottenere la guerra contro la Cina e la Russia!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

4 ore fa
🕎 i am israeli Mahdì Messiah 🕎 16 minutes ago Detected asspam eih, 🕎 i am israeli Mahdì Messiah 🕎 16 minutes ago Detected as all peoples have a higher value than legal documents !! do not believe Morgan and Rockefeller who have also given legal personality to the demons of the multinationals! spam eih, CHINA INDIA PUTIN USA UE OCI] [Armenian people of the nagorno karabakh must be guaranteed survival with certain borders, because the Turks are notorious in their 800 years of serial genocide! and because until Sharia law is condemned, the ARAB LEAGUE will never cease to be a threat to the survival of all peoples! tutti i popoli hanno un valore superiore ai documenti giuridici!! non credete a Morgan e Rockefeller che hanno dato la personalità giuridica anche ai demoni delle multinazionali! CHINA INDIA PUTIN USA UE OCI ] [ Armenian people of the nagorno karabakh must be guaranteed survival with certain confini, because the Turks are notorious in their 800 years of serial genocide! and because until Sharia law is condemned, the ARAB LEAGUE will never cease to be a threat to the survival of all peoples!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

5 ore fa
August 17, 1571: the martyrdom of Marc’Antonio Bragadin and the eternal infamy of the Ottomans. 3 days ago [Detected as spam] Thanks, we'll work on getting this corrected. in 1400 years: on the battlefield, Muslims have never been loyal: their demonic Talmudic and Koranic nature does not allow it. they promised Putin a humanitarian truce, but they didn't keep it! Bombings and ultimatums in Nagorno-Karabakh. Azerbaijani president in Armenia: "Troop withdrawal and apology" 17 agosto 1571: il martirio di Marc’Antonio Bragadin e linfamia eterna degli ottomani. 3 days ago[ Detected as spam ] Thanks, we'll work on getting this corrected. in 1400 anni: sul campo di battaglia i mussulmani non sono mai stati leali: la loro demoniaca natura talmudica e coranica non lo consente. hanno promesso a Putin una tregua umanitaria, ma non la hanno mantenuta! Bombardamenti e ultimatum a Nagorno-Karabakh. Presidente azero ad Armenia: "Ritiro truppe e scuse"

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

5 ore fa
human dignity and the Western Jewish-Masonic lgbtq demonic satanist lgbtq education system dies ethically in abortion FED IMF ECB: scam banking seigniorage! Minister Speranza has issued new directives for taking the RU486 abortion pill: it is now possible to have an abortion at home and up to the ninth week. nell'aborto muore definitamente eticametne la dignità umana e il sistema educativo occidentale ebraicomassonico lgbtq demoniaco satanista FED IMF ECB: scam banking seigniorage! Il ministro Speranza ha emanato nuove direttive per l'assunzione della pillola abortiva RU486: si può ora abortire a casa e fino alla nona settimana.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

5 ore fa
6 minutes agoDetected asSpam Thanks, we'll work on getting this corrected. CHINA INDIA PUTIN USA UE OCI] [ Armenian people of the nagorno karabakh must be guaranteed survival, and certain coffins, because the Turks are notorious in their 800 years of serial genocide! and because until Sharia law is condemned, the ARAB LEAGUE will never cease to be a threat to the survival of all peoples!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

5 ore fa
Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India they are telling me that you are enjoying killing innocent christians .. ok, what did they do wrong that you decided to kill them? Narendra Modi, Primo ministro dell'India mi stanno dicendo che ti stai divertendo ad uccidere i cristiani innocenti.. ok, cosa ti hanno fatto di male che tu hai deciso di ucciderli?

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

5 ore fa
CHINA INDIA PUTIN USA UE OCI] [the Armenian people of the nagorno karabakh must be guaranteed survival, and certain coffins, because the Turks are notorious in their 800 years of serial genocide! and because until Sharia law is condemned, the ARAB LEAGUE will never cease to be a threat to the survival of all peoples! CINA INDIA PUTIN USA UE OCI ] [ al popolo armeno del nagorno karabakh deve essere garantita la sopravvivenza, e dei cofini certi, perché i turchi sono famigerati nei loro 800 anni di genocidi seriali! e perché finché non sarà condannata la sharia la LEGA ARABA non smetterà mai di essere una minaccia per la sopravvivenza di tutti i popoli! On the margins of his official visit to #Russia, FM of #Armenia @ZMnatsakanyan is meeting with @OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs and Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office. #NagornoKarabakh На закрытой встрече с российскими экспертами и политологами в @rianru , министр @ZMnatsakanyan представил ситуацию, сложившуюся в результате широкомасштабной агрессии, развязанной #Азербайджан'ом, и прямым вовлечением #Турции в зону #нагорнокарабахского конфликта. Die internationale #Anerkennung des Status von #Berg-Karabach kann ein #Ausweg aus dieser Situation sein. Mein Interview im @ZDF The international #recognition of the status of #NagornoKarabakh can be a way out of this situation.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

5 ore fa
"@MFAofArmenia ] During the meeting w/ @OSCE [ new Erdogan genocide ottoman…" — i am Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH @MFAofArmenia ] During the meeting w/ @OSCE [ new Erdogan genocide ottoman Empire story ] #MGCC & Personal Rep of Chairperson-in-Office, FM @ZMnatsakanyan stressed that #Azerbaijan neglects its commitment of cessation of hostilities & continues large-scale military attacks, deliberately targeting #civilian population & infrastructure. @ZMnatsakanyan @bbcworldservice: "We shouldn’t deny any chance for this ceasefire to hold. We have to carry on w/ #verification mechanism, which helps us to bring back #ceasefire, to bring back peace, so that we go back to peaceful settlement."

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

5 ore fa
World Jewish Congress leader meets with Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah stevealevine i am Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH • This messiah man is out of control! Is there nothing that can be done to harness his horses**t? i am Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH stevealevine • you don't have to despair for your sodomitic Islamic-Satanist friends, because I, in 13 years I have written about 1423500 articles / comments, What if you prove that in only one of them, something was written wrong? I will definitely get off the internet! tu non devi disperare per i tuoi amici sodomitici islamico-satanisti, perché io, in 13 anni io ho scritto 1423500 articoli/commenti circa, e se tu dimostrerai che in uno solo di essi, è stato scritto qualcosa di sbagliato? io uscirò da internet definitivamente!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

5 ore fa
in NIGERIA an entire REGION AS BIG AS ISRAEL was freed (from the impure kafir infidel Christians who suffered the UMMA genocide) thanks to Sharia funding Erdogan Boko Haram and the Fulani because the ARAB LEAGUE is the principal: and the NIGERiA government is the accomplice! in NIGERIA una intera REGIONE GRANDE COME ISRAELE è stata liberata ( dai cristiani impuri infedeli kafir che hanno subito il genocidio UMMA ) grazie ai finanziamenti sharia Erdogan Boko Haram e dai Fulani perché la LEGA ARABA è il mandante: e il governo della NIGERiA è il complice!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

5 ore fa
My POTUS @realDonaldTrump CRIMINAL dem ATTACH ACB: Wow just like that we are back in high school. I guess when you have nothing to belittle a person you are reduced to attacking how they dress. ACB is an inspiration to all. What have you ever done? ACB will look great in her black robe.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

6 ore fa
US Navy Veteran Native Texan Proud Trump Supporter. Conservative Christian . 2A Deplorable #AmericaFirst #Trump2020

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

6 ore fa
Biden forgets Mitt Romney's name, says he's running for Senate 🕎 im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH • FLASHBACK: LIZARD SLIPING DEMENTIA Joe Biden Praised Former KKK Leader as a 'Mentor' Ten Years Ago Today There are 2 choices this election. JOY or FEAR. In @realDonaldTrump you are voting for JOY! Just when I couldn’t love this man anymore he plays Memory from Cats. If this isn’t proof he’s LOVABLE AND fabulous I don’t know what is folks! #KeepAmericaGreat2020

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

6 ore fa

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

6 ore fa
Boomerang: TikTok Teens try sabotaging Trump rally, mistakenly donate $16,000 to GOP RUSSIA INDIA CHINA EU US] [Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, DN.Y., thanked the teenagers for sabotaging the Tulsa demonstration. ISLAM SHARIA is a deadly historical threat in our Western societies: either we will have to expel the Muslims or we will have to declare war on the ARAB LEAGUE SHARIA UMMA RUSSIA INDIA CINA UE USA ] [ Il rappresentante Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, DN.Y., ha ringraziato gli adolescenti per aver sabotato la manifestazione di Tulsa. ISLAM SHARIA è una minaccia mortale storica nelle nostre società occidentali: o dovremo espellere i mussulmani o dovremo dichiare guerra alla LEGA ARABA SHARIA UMMA

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

6 ore fa
my tenant: does NOT work and does not need to work: with his autistic son, he gets 2100 euros in state subsidies per month (he has a higher salary than mine) but from 01-January-2018 he made the proletarian expropriation of my house, and refuses to contribute in any way to his duties so it prevents me from selling the property with its bullying, because in Italy the police have their hands tied by the EU Masonic judiciary all the curse of the jewish masons neoliberal parasites EU technocrats Rokefeller rothschild Soros EU FED IMF ECB UK Merkel against my homeland! il mio inquilino: NON lavora e non ha bisogno di lavorare: con il figlio autistico, lui prende 2100 euro di sussidi statali al mese (ha uno stipendio più grande del mio) ma dal 01-gennaio-2018 ha fatto l'esproprio proletario della mia casa, e si rifiuta di contribuire in ogni modo ai suoi doveri quindi mi impedisce di vendere la proprietà con il suo bullismo, perché in Italia la polizia ha le mani legate dalla magistratura massonica UE tutta la maledizione dei giudei massoni neoliberisti parassiti UE tecnocratici Rokefeller rothschild Soros UE FED IMF ECB UK Merkel contro la mia patria!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

6 ore fa
"there is no one who can winthe palm of disgrace, like the criminal Masonic mafia…" — i am Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH there is no one who can win the palm of disgrace, like the criminal Masonic mafia administration of justice in Italy, that's why, the first degree of judgment must be entrusted to mayors and police districts in every part of the world! non c'é nessuno che può vincere la palma del disonore, come la criminale massonica amministrazione mafiosa della giustizia in Italia, ecco perché, il primo grado di giudizio deve essere affidato ai sindaci e ai distretti di polizia in ogni parte del mondo!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

6 ore fa
🕎 im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH Trump is better off as an alleged covid patient that the satanist Biden from healthy to galloping senile dementia: and that he crawls his feet towards hell ah ah ah ah ah ah ah .... ahiaiaiiii Sta meglio Trump da presunto malato covid che il satanista Biden da sano in demenza senile galoppante: e che striscia i piedi verso l'inferno

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

7 ore fa
"i am politic project for kingdom in Israel" — 🕎 im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH i am politic project for kingdom in Israel

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

7 ore fa
Summarizing covid19 Italy Pd lgbtq M5S coup] ["30 at a wedding 15 at a funeral 6 in the house and 300 on a boat "Seeing the police at 7 outside the bars where students have breakfast and not seeing them in the drugstore at night is bad for the heart. Public transport is not a significant vehicle for coronavirus contagion. This was established by the Scientific Technical Committee of the Conte Government "GIVE AN IDIOT A SMALL OF POWER, AND YOU HAVE CREATED A TIRANNO." Winston Churchill Riassumendo covid19 Italia Pd lgbtq M5S golpe ] [ "30 a un matrimonio 15 a un funerale 6 in casa e 300 su un barcone" Vedere la polizia alle 7 fuori dai bar dove fanno colazione gli studenti e non vederla alla sera nei luoghi di spaccio fa male al cuore. I mezzi pubblici non sono veicoli significativi di contagio del coronavirus. A stabilirlo è il Comitato tecnico scientifico del Governo Conte « DATE UN BRICIOLO DI POTERE A UN IDIOTA, E AVETE CREATO UN TIRANNO.» Winston Churchill

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

7 ore fa
Riassumendo covid19 Italia Pd lgbtq M5S golpe ] [ "30 a un matrimonio 15 a un funerale 6 in casa e 300 su un barcone" Vedere la polizia alle 7 fuori dai bar dove fanno colazione gli studenti e non vederla alla sera nei luoghi di spaccio fa male al cuore. I mezzi pubblici non sono veicoli significativi di contagio del coronavirus. A stabilirlo è il Comitato tecnico scientifico del Governo Conte « DATE UN BRICIOLO DI POTERE A UN IDIOTA, E AVETE CREATO UN TIRANNO.» Winston Churchill

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

7 ore fa after 77 years of terrorism there is no longer anyone who can honestly believe in the Palestinians' will to agree! dopo 77 anni di terrorismo non c'é più nessuno che onestamente può più credere ad una volontà di accordo dei palestinesi!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

7 ore fa
"I will deactivate the Masonic lgbtq islamic tecnocratic neoliberalism Satanism…" — i am Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH I will deactivate the Masonic lgbtq islamic tecnocratic neoliberalism Satanism of the EU however everyone knows that the final antichrist will rise from the EU in about 320 years given that the US will already have been disintegrated by a giant meteorite: only the destruction of the USA can stop the Churches of Satan hiding in its underground! disattiverò il satanismo massonico della UE tuttavia tutti sanno che l'anticristo finale sorgerà dalla UE tra 320 anni circa dato che gli USA saranno già stati disintegrati da un meteorite gigante: solo la distruzione degli USA può fermare le Chiese di Satana che si nascondono nel suo sottosuolo!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

7 ore fa
the feet of the satanists Biden Obama Clinton Erdogan has always been to shed the innocent blood of Christian martyrs around the world the Qatari channel Al Jazeera has been used as a spokesperson for the propaganda that supports radical and terrorist Islamic political organizations and encourages chaos in Arab countries. the CIA Erdogan and the Saudis supported all the color revolutions: to transform all secular Muslims into ruthless and dangerous Islamic terrorists .. if Sharia law is not condemned all over the world Islamic terrorism cannot be stopped and will make all our streets bloodied ... but Erdogan's secret task is to attack Russia Emails indicate Clinton met with Al Jazeera bosses at the Four Seasons Hotel in Doha, Qatar,

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

8 ore fa
NWO FED IMF ECB regime Bilderberg CIA Erdogan and the Saudis supported all the color revolutions: to transform all peaceful Muslims into ruthless and dangerous Islamic jihad OCI Riyad terrorists .. if Sharia law is not condemned all over the world Islamic terrorism cannot be stopped and will make all our streets bloodied ... but Erdogan's secret task is to attack Russia Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's fueling of hatred and hostility against Europe and the rest of the West does not seem a fit attitude either for Turkey's European Union candidacy or its NATO membership. On September 13, a group of Islamists in Istanbul's Beyazit Square protested against French President Emmanuel Macron. They held placards warning that Macron and the satirical French magazine, Charlie Hebdo, "will pay a heavy price." The protesters were condemning Macron for his stance supporting Charlie Hebdo's decision to republish cartoons of Islam's Prophet Mohammed and France's commitment to freedom of expression, and against Macron's support for Greece in the face of escalating Turkish aggression in the eastern Mediterranean during the ongoing crisis between: ARMENIA, etc .. Syria, Iraq, Libia Greece, Turkey and Cyprus. Charlie Hebdo, along with a kosher supermarket in Paris, were the targets of a massacre by Islamist gunmen in January 2015. The magazine recently reprinted the images to mark the start of the trial earlier this month of the alleged accomplices in the mass murder.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

8 ore fa
Obama and Erdogan are a single association of murderous criminals and terrorists] [refuses to allow Yazidi and Assyrian Christians fleeing ISIS to enter the United States Obama ed Erdogan sono una sola associazione di delinquenti assassini e terroristi ] [ rifiuta di permettere ai cristiani yazidi e assiri in fuga dall'ISIS di entrare negli Stati Uniti O Obama Refuses To Allow Yazidi And Assyrian Christians Fleeing ISIS To Enter United States obama-refuses-to-allow-yazidi-christians-fleeing-isis-to-enter-united-states

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

8 ore fa
il terrorismo sharia OCI lega aRaba paga bene.. che poi, la pirateria è quello che loro hanno sempre fatto Sei milioni di euro per i due #ostaggi italiani liberati in #Mali

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

8 ore fa
"the CIA and the Saudis have supported all the color revolutions:to transform…" — 🕎 im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH the CIA and the Saudis have supported all the color revolutions: to transform all secular Muslims into ruthless and dangerous Islamic terrorists There are articles in the Arab media claiming that the emails are further proof of the Obama administration's volatility and lack of support for Arab regimes along with incomprehensible support for extremist movements and political Islam. Obama's deep ties with Qatar and the Muslim Brotherhood Articles in the Arab media attack American presidential candidate Joe Biden, claiming that he "belongs to the same rotten tree" and that if he wins the 2020 election, the world will witness much more serious events than the events of 2011 and the Arab Spring, which the Obama administration promoted as if they were spontaneous popular uprisings.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

9 ore fa Bro. Nick Nicholas slander me continuously, even though I have blocked it on Disqus he continues to mark all my articles negatively and does not want to answer my questions e does not want to demonstrate his slander against me! Thank you for your message. It has been sent. continuamente, anche se io lo ho bloccato su Disqus lui continua a segnare negativamente tutti i miei articoli e non vuole rispondere alle mie domande e non vuole dimostrare le sue calunnie contro di me! Thank you for your message. It has been sent.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

9 ore fa
Ottoman supremacist terrorist tyrant revives menacing empire for Turkey: Erdogan Fueling Hostility Against the West The current problem is greater than the Turkish government's violations against territorial waters and airspace of Greece, its continued occupation of northern Cyprus, or its threatening Europe with mass Muslim immigration or Islamist terrorists, among other hostile actions. The problem includes Erdogan's fueling of hatred and hostility within society against Europe and the rest of the West. This attitude does not seem fit either for Turkey's European Union candidacy or its NATO membership.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

9 ore fa
Mail Clinton reveal the CIA's direct American involvement in the events of the Arab Spring (terrorism and conspiracies) and a profound link between the Obama administration and Qatar, Erdogan which included a joint effort to establish a media channel and an economic fund to be used by the Brothers Muslims as a means of terrorist intervention in the Arab countries of the region: to start the civil war in Egypt too. Mail Clinton rivelano il coinvolgimento diretto americano CIA negli eventi della primavera araba (terrorismo e congiure) e un profondo legame tra l'amministrazione Obama e il Qatar, Erdogan che includeva uno sforzo congiunto per stabilire un canale mediatico e un fondo economico da utilizzare dai Fratelli Musulmani come mezzo di terroristico di intervento nei paesi arabi della regione: per far iniziare la guerra civile anche in Egitto.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

9 ore fa
Barbara Palombelli, scoperta inquietante su Palazzo Chigi: "Rabbrividisco", il provvedimento "da regime" Siamo qui fissi con un monopiede e non ci possiamo muovere”. La Palombelli è rimasta sbalordita,

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

9 ore fa
"i am political project for kingdom israele" — 🕎 i am israeli Mahdì Messiah 🕎 i am political project for kingdom israele

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

9 ore fa
la legge non obbliga a tutti gli studenti di avere la mascherina in posizione statica: i genitori dei bambini piccoli devono protestare

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

10 ore fa
BIDEN has too many disabilities, and can die at any moment, because he has a swollen vein out of control !! He's so obviously debilitated. It's sad. Racists and bigots always identify people by color or religion. Biden can't remember Mitt Romney's name, so to Joe he's now just "the Mormon." There goes that vote ...

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

10 ore fa
Italy NAZI UE Merkel kaput Soros ] [Forget the mask? A fine of four hundred euros. Forget the documents? They take you to the police station. me if Erdogan murderer that you arrive with the boat without a mask and documents? you will have food, accommodation, pocket money and telephone top-up. Italia NAZI UE Merkel kaput ] [ Dimentichi la mascherina? Quattrocento euro di multa. Dimentichi i documenti? Ti portano in questura. me se si Erdogan assassino che tu arrivi con il barcone senza mascherina e documenti? tu avrai Vitto, alloggio, paghetta e ricarica telefonica.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

10 ore fa
"Usa: coup Democrats want to change the rules of the game,however, their BIDEN…" — 🕎 im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH Usa: coup Democrats want to change the rules of the game, however, their BIDEN has nothing healthy: he is a sample of mostly psychic diseases. In the last weeks of the election campaign, the Democrats are raising the bar. Although all polls have their candidate Joe Biden winning, they don't rule out changing the rules of the game to prevent Trump from ruling if he wins again. Nancy Pelosi calls for the 25th amendment, to sack the president for health reasons. And no one is ruling out that the Supreme Court can be reformed. Usa: i Democratici golpisti vogliono cambiare le regole del gioco, però il loro BIDEN non ha niente di sano: lui è un campionario di mallattie soprattutto psichiche. Nelle ultime settimane di campagna elettorale, i Democratici alzano il tiro. Benché tutti i sondaggi diano vincente il loro candidato Joe Biden, non escludono di cambiare le regole del gioco, per impedire a Trump di governare nel caso vinca ancora. Nancy Pelosi invoca il 25mo emendamento, per esautorare il presidente per motivi di salute. E nessuno esclude che la Corte Suprema possa essere riformata.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

10 ore fa
"@realDonaldTrump Mitt can’t be thrilled about this! Joe also said yesterday…" — 🕎 im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH @realDonaldTrump Mitt can’t be thrilled about this! Joe also said yesterday he’s running for the U.S. Senate (again) and totally forgot where he was (wrong State!). Joe has never been a nice or kind guy, so it’s easier to find this obvious & rapidly getting worse “dementia” unacceptable for USA! Usa, Donald Trump #Maga #Patriot promises free Covid-19 treatment for all Americans, which doesn't mean he'll kill the people with the #Bush #Satana #Obama and #BillGatesBioTerrorist #BillGates #BillGatesAssassin vaccine Usa, Donald Trump #Maga #Patriot promette trattamento Covid-19 gratis per tutti gli americani, il che non significa che ucciderà il popolo con il vaccino di #Bush #Satana #Obama e #BillGatesBioTerrorist #BillGates #BillGatesAssassin

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

11 ore fa the ocean crowds that TRUMP MAGA PATRIOT gathers with him? they are by no means comparable to the supporters of BIDEN what if BIDEN wins this election? everyone will think: "these elections have been scam le folle oceaniche che TRUMP MAGA PATRIOT raccoglie con lui? non sono per niente paragonabili ai sostenitori di BIDEN e se BIDEN vincesse queste elezioni? tutti penseranno: "queste elezioni sono state truccate"

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

11 ore fa
California: a law for homosexual pedophiles But evidently Wiener (and his supporters) does not care much about the problem of pedophilia. His only concern is that sodomy will spread undisturbed. Suffice it to say that the senator has managed to reduce the sentence, provided for by the California penal code, for those who do not reveal to their partner that they have HIV, but also for those who donate blood without informing the blood bank that they are HIV positive. Now Wiener is also fighting to ensure that California law provides for jail time for health workers who refuse to call a woman asking for it with a masculine pronoun or a boy with a feminine. If Governor Newson signs, sex between homosexual adults and minors will be decriminalized, since the lawmakers' rationale, rather than protecting minors, is to protect homosexual acts regardless of the victims of pedophilia. Certainly, the acceptance of premarital relations as normal in the common mentality does not help the battle of those who have opposed the norm. It is indeed difficult to wage a real fight against pedophilia once sex outside marriage is considered as an unquestionable right.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

11 ore fa
California: una legge per gli omosessuali pedofili Ma evidentemente del problema della pedofilia a Wiener (e ai suoi sostenitori) non interessa molto. La sua unica preoccupazione è che la sodomia dilaghi indisturbata. Basti pensare che il senatore è riuscito a ridurre la pena, prevista dal codice penale della California, per chi non rivela al proprio partner di essere affetto da Hiv, ma anche per chi dona il sangue senza informare la banca del sangue di essere sieropositivo. Ora Wiener sta lottando anche affinché la legge californiana preveda il carcere per gli operatori sanitari che si rifiutano di chiamare con un pronome maschile una donna che lo chieda o con il femminile un maschio. Se il governtore Newson firmerà, il sesso fra adulti e minori omosessuali sarà depenalizzato, dato che la ratio del legislatore, anziché quella di proteggere i minori, è quella di proteggere gli atti omosessuali a prescindere dalle vittime della pedofilia. Certamente alla battaglia di chi si è opposto alla norma non giova l'accettazione dei rapporti prematrimoniali come normale nella mentalità comune. E' infatti difficile muovere una vera lotta alla pedofilia una volta che il sesso fuori dal matrimonio viene considerato come un diritto insindacabile.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

11 ore fa
California: una legge per gli omosessuali pedofili Ma evidentemente del problema della pedofilia a Wiener (e ai suoi sostenitori) non interessa molto. La sua unica preoccupazione è che la sodomia dilaghi indisturbata.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

11 ore fa
stalking info@worldisraelnews.cominfo@worldisraelnews.comi am messia and political project of kingdom Israelthere is no way for me to convince Bro. Nick NicholasFollow @bronicknicholas not stalking me! privacy@disqus.comI urgently need help !!!!I have been persecuted for more than a year from despite having blocked for a year he continues to negatively mark all my comments and continues to slander mewithout understanding rational arguments for discussion and respect and civil coexistence you for your message. It has been sent.pur avendo bloccato per un anno lui continua a marcare negativamente tutti i miei commenti e continua a calunniare me senza comprendere argomenti razionali di discussione e di rispetto e convivenza civile

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

11 ore fa
stalking stalking I urgently need help !!!!I have been persecuted for more than a yearfrom despite having blocked for a year he continues to negatively mark all my comments and continues to slander me without understanding rational arguments for discussion and respect and civil coexistence Thank you for your message. It has been sent. pur avendo bloccato per un anno lui continua a marcare negativamente tutti i miei commenti e continua a calunniarmi senza comprendere argomenti razionali di discussione e di rispetto e convivenza civile

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

12 ore fa
""you are continuing to negatively rate all my commentsyet, you have not been…" — 🕎 im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH "you are continuing to negatively rate all my commentsyet, you have not been…" — 🕎 im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH 🕎 im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH Bro. Nick Nicholas • you are continuing to negatively rate all my comments yet, you have not been able to answer to denounce / demolish my defense, this crime of slander against me, a child of God would never do it, you are a child of darkness and I will take you to court for your stalking against me, which is a crime consisting of repeated persecutory behavior carried out by a persecuting subject, called a 'stalker', towards his victim.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

12 ore fa 🕎 im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH Bro. Nick Nicholas • you are continuing to negatively rate all my comments yet, you have not been able to answer to denounce / demolish my defense, this crime of slander against me, a child of God would never do it, you are a child of darkness and I will take you to court for your stalking against me, which is a crime consisting of repeated persecutory behavior carried out by a persecuting subject, called a 'stalker', towards his victim. tu stai continuando a votare negativamente tutti i miei commenti eppure, tu non hai saputo rispondere per denunciare/demolire la mia difesa, questo delitto di calunnia contro di me, un figlio di Dio non lo farebbe mai, tu sei un figlio delle tenebre e io ti trascinerò in tribunale per il tuo stalking contro di me, che è un reato che consiste in un comportamento persecutorio, reiterato, messo in atto da un soggetto persecutore, denominato 'stalker', nei confronti della sua vittima.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

12 ore fa
"i am the political project for the kingdom of israel for 13 years in youtube as…" — im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH 🕎 i am the political project for the kingdom of israel for 13 years in youtube as lorenzoJHWH I am the Messiah of the Jews why the natural and universal metaphysical law of Noah Abraham and Melchidech legitimize me; as Unius REI in universal brotherhood so that thanks to the Saudis from my third Jewish temple I can bring down this demonic giant of the new world order io sono il progetto politico per il regno di Israele da 13 anni in youtube come lorenzoJHWH io sono il Messia degli ebrei perché la legge naturale e universale metafisica di Noé Abramo e Melchidech mi legittimano; come Unius REI nella fratellanza universale affinché grazie ai sauditi dal mio terzo tempio ebraico io posso abbattere questo gigante demoniaco del nuovo ordine mondiale

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

12 ore fa
"when Jesus formulated the parable of the "murderous Winegrowers",he knew that…" — im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH 🕎 when Jesus formulated the parable of the "murderous Winegrowers", he knew that the leaders: Rothschild Rockefeller Morgan, had already sentenced him to death secretly .. you can never tell a rabbi that he is ignorant, no they are satanists by their free choice! they knew very well who Jesus was: he was the heir to the throne of David, and they knowingly killed him! quando Gesù formulò la parabola dei Vignaioli omicidi, lui sapeva che i capi: Rothschild Rockefeller Morgan, già lo avevano condannato a morte segretamente.. non puoi mai dire a un rabbino che lui è ignorante, no sono satanisti per loro libera scelta! sapevano bene chi era Gesù: era l'erede al trono di Davide, e lo hanno ucciso consapevolmente!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

12 ore fa
Rachel King La mia comprensione non era il sacerdozio ebraico che uccise Gesù, lo consegnarono ai romani, non lo capirono, era molto popolare e lo spaventava, non avevano raggiunto i suoi studi quindi erano spaventati dalle sue parole. I romani hanno chiesto alla folla, e alla folla che siamo noi, l'odio, l'ignoranza e la stupidità hanno ucciso Gesù. Questo atto ha portato il suo nome in tutto il mondo, ora ovunque sulla terra il mondo lo conosce, ha portato il mondo intero a casa del giudaismo. Rachel King My understanding it was not the Jewish priesthood that killed Jesus, they handed him to the Romans, they did not understand him, he was hugely popular and it frightened him, they had not reached his studies so were frightened by his words. The Romans asked the mob, and the mob who are us, hatred, ignorance and stupidity killed Jesus. This act brought his name worldwide, now everywhere on earth the world knows him, he brought the whole world home to Judaism. ANSWER Sorry for my delay to your great comment! I said that a small group of Jews cannot have the monopoly indebted all the peoples and all the peoples of the world through bank seigniorage because this is the most serious act of Satanism and the most serious violation of the Constitution. obviously, all Christians must rediscover their Jewish identity and their Jewish roots, and this is all thanks to Christians like us who defend Israel SCUSA PER IL MIO RITARDO al tuo ottimo commento! dicevo che non possono un piccolo gruppo di ebrei avere il monopolio di: indebitare tutti i popoli del mondo attraverso il signoraggio bancario perché questo è il più grave atto di satanismo e il più grave atto di violazione della Costituzione. ovviamente, tutti i cristiani devono riscoprire la loro identità ebraica e le loro radici ebraiche, e questo è tutto merito nostro di cristiani come noi che difendono Israele

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

12 ore fa
Belgium Appoints Europe’s First ‘Transgender’ Deputy Prime Minister lgbtq is NWO FED IMF ECB regime Bilderberg Soros Kalergy agenda for destroing all human manking

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

12 ore fa
Christian’s Hearing Damaged in ‘Reconversion’ Attacks in India https://shar es/abFCSn 🕎 i am israeli Mahdì Messiah 🕎 Bro. Nick Nicholas • if, I am a layman in anti-imperiliastic and anti-liberal politics on a personal level, however, I am a Pentecostal fundamentalist Biblical Catholic and born again Jesus is my personal messiah and savior and redeemer, and you are mentally deranged! I fought all the CIA Churches of Satan in youtube the cannibals but they weren't crazy religious maniacs and mentally deranged like you 🕎 i am israeli Mahdì Messiah 🕎 Bro. Nick Nicholas • me ambasador in bonds? where was it said? I represent the Kingdom of God as a political project of the kingdom of Israel, I am an agnostic politician and not a man of religion 🕎 i am israeli Mahdì Messiah 🕎 Bro. Nick Nicholas • me to make repeated publick accusations against "the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ"? this can never be proved because it has never been done!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

13 ore fa
im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH 🕎 • in Italy media TV said that the tax levy is 48%, it is NOT true: total tax levy for businesses exceeds 70% not only: for the calculation of the ISEE in the EU Pd Bilderberg, they want the income of 2018, in order to better suffocate Italian families "i am political project for kingdom israel" - Universal UniusREI metaphysician in Italia media TV hanno detto che il prelievo fiscale è del 48%, NON è vero: il prelievo fiscale per le imprese supera il 70% non solo: per il calcolo dell'ISEE nella UE Pd Bilderberg, loro loro vogliono i redditi del 2018, per poter soffocare meglio le famiglie italiane "i am political project for kingdom israel" — Metafisico Universal UniusREI

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Three Young Christians Assaulted in North Sudan

By Morning Star News on October 9, 20201 Comment

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(Morning Star News) – A pastor’s son, his cousin and their 20-year-old aunt were assaulted in a suburb north of Khartoum, Sudan on Tuesday (Oct. 6) as Muslims continued targeting church members despite religious freedoms favored by the new transitional government.

Levi Hakim, 17, had gone into a shop in the Alsamrab neighborhood in Khartoum North (Khartoum Bahri) to make purchases that morning when a Muslim man approached and dragged him behind the Taqwa Mosque, Hakim’s mother said.

There two other Muslim men joined the assailant and, saying they were upset with the continued presence of Christians in the area, beat him in turns, she said.

“My son was beaten by three Muslim men, and he suffered injuries to his neck,” Adaarina Alfred Laku told Morning Star News, adding that the assailants did not rob him but tore off some of his clothing.

Hakim is a member of Khartoum National Presbyterian Church. When he failed to return from the shop, his cousin, 16-year-old Jal John Paul, went to search for him. Jal John Paul’s father, John Paul, is pastor of their church.

Upon the 16-year-old’s arrival, the assailants identified him as “another one of them [Christians]” and beat him, injuring his arm, Laku said. When the two teenaged Christians failed to return, Pastor John Paul’s sister, 20-year-old Nyawal Paul, went to the shop to see why her nephews were delayed, and the three Muslim men beat her too, Laku said. Nyawal Paul received first aid for minor injuries.

The beaten Christians, all members of the same church, did not know the three Muslim assailants, who appeared to be in their 40s, Laku said.

Her family reported the assaults to police on Tuesday (Oct. 6), but officers have not acted on the complaint, she said. Laku has since received an in-person threat from one of the assailants.

“One of the men cautioned me to drop the case, or else they will deal with us,” Laku told Morning Star News.

The Christian mother added that she was determined to proceed with the case to obtain justice for her son in spite of intimidation tactics.

The attacks come four months after June 6 asssaults on Christians in Khartoum. At the end of evening prayers at a mosque in the Al-Jerif East area, on the eastern bank of the Blue Nile River in Khartoum’s East Nile Locality, imams called for residents to rid Christian South Sudanese from the “Muslim area,” a source told Morning Star News. Attacks on Christians in the area followed that evening and the next day.

On June 20 in Omdurman, across the Nile River west of Khartoum, young Muslim men shouting the jihadist slogan “Allah Akbar [God is greater]” stabbed a Christian to death in a street assault on him and four other South Sudanese in the Shigla area, another source said.

The attacks come amid hopes that persecution of Christians would decline under the new transitional government. After Omar al-Bashir was deposed as president in April 2019, the government sworn in on Sept. 8, 2019 led by Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok, an economist, was tasked with governing during a transition period of 39 months.

The transitional government faces the challenges of rooting out longstanding corruption and an Islamist “deep state” rooted in Bashir’s 30 years of power. After Bashir was deposed, military leaders initially formed a military council to rule the country, but further demonstrations led them to accept a transitional government of civilians and military figures, with a predominantly civilian government to be democratically elected in three years. Christians were expected to have greater voice under the new administration.

Following the secession of South Sudan in 2011, Bashir had vowed to adopt a stricter version of sharia (Islamic law) and recognize only Islamic culture and the Arabic language. Church leaders said Sudanese authorities demolished or confiscated churches and limited Christian literature on the pretext that most Christians have left the country following South Sudan’s secession.

In April 2013 the then-Sudanese Minister of Guidance and Endowments announced that no new licenses would be granted for building new churches in Sudan, citing a decrease in the South Sudanese population. Sudan since 2012 had expelled foreign Christians and bulldozed church buildings. Besides raiding Christian bookstores and arresting Christians, authorities threatened to kill South Sudanese Christians who did not leave or cooperate with them in their effort to find other Christians.

In light of advances in religious freedom since Bashir was ousted in April, the U.S. State Department announced on Dec. 20, 2019 that Sudan had been removed from the list of Countries of Particular Concern (CPC) that engage in or tolerate “systematic, ongoing and egregious violations of religious freedom” and was upgraded to a watch list.

Sudan had been designated a CPC by the U.S. State Department since 1999.

Sudan ranked 7th on Christian support organization Open Doors’ 2020 World Watch List of the countries where it is most difficult to be a Christian.

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