Uzi Kattan • 14 minutes ago
Can we believe anything Olmert says? We saw what a disaster he was with the second Lebanon war and his atrocity in Amona.
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • 7 minutes ago
the EU and the Democratic Party are afraid of democracy:
the last elected government was that of BERLUSCONI that the Judges MASSONI Bilderberg regime:
with a dishonest political judgment (as against: Orban Trump and against Netanjahu) they brought down his government
Malta to France refuse to rescue rubber boat loaded with illegal immigrants, Italy intervenes
July 30, 2020 Vox
Real unemployment in Italy at 25 percent: 600 thousand jobs lost in 4 months
July 30, 2020
Brawl for the armchairs in the M5s: "You sold us off at the PD"
July 30, 2020 Vox Leave a comment
Soros denounces Italy because it does not welcome enough immigrants
July 30, 2020
Congolese stabbing passers-by at Turin station
July 30, 2020
Italy, muezzin screams Islamic prayer from the balcony of the house - VIDEO
July 30, 2020
July 30, 2020
The monster from Florence (matteo renzi) sends Salvini to trial: and with 1 percent of the votes he controls Italy
July 30, 2020
July 30, 2020
Away from Lampedusa without swabs: only 50 tests out of 410 transferred, 603 infected landed
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • 18 minutes ago
now all those who: lost the elections, and who deserve to be sentenced to death for high treason: and threat to national security:
thieves of the EU accomplices URSULA Von HITLER of the antichrist Bilderberg: the technocratic coup of the democratic party
they are sending on trial: the patriots Matteo Salvini who protected the borders of the homeland: from the Nigerian mafia: and from the Islamic invasion.
when Matteo Salvini was only a mister of the Conte M5S government who had not denied him!
adesso tutti quelli che: hanno perso le elezioni, e che meritano di essere condannati a morte per alto tradimento: e minaccia alla sicurezza nazionale:
i ladri del governo complici UE dell'anticristo Bilderberg: il golpe tecnocratico del partito democratico
loro stanno mandando sotto processo: i patriota Matteo Salvini che ha protetto i confini della Patria: dalla mafia nigeriana: e dall'invasione islamica.
quando Matteo Salvini era soltanto un mistro del Governo Conte M5S che non lo avevano sconfessato!
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • 24 minutes ago
the massacre of mason Licio Gelli at the Bologna station was made to distract the public opinion from the USTICA massacre:
and President Mattarella has pleaded with his UK Gender 666 lgbtq USA owners Satana Rothschild Soros to: finally declare all the sidetracking secret news!
therefore, President Mattarella admitted that the Italian government is a government of corrupt puppets, that control nothing!
la strage di Licio Gelli alla stazione di Bologna fu fatta per distrarre l'opione pubblica dalla strage di USTICA:
e il Presidente Mattarella ha supplicato i suoi padroni UK Gender lgbtq USA di: desecretare finalmente tutte quelle notizie di depistaggio!
quindi, il Presidente Mattarella ha ammesso che il Governo Italiano è un governo di burattini corrotti che non controllano nulla!
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • 28 minutes ago
INDIA CHINA RUSSIA ] [ the demon of the Jews “Beni Berith” banking cartel tecnocracy EU 666 USA 322 FED IMF187 ECB Marduck Ja-Bull-On the neoliberal masons Bilderberg regime lgbtq Satan antichrist URSULA Von MERKEL:
stands: APPARENT: against: the devil Allah;
but, for the moment: a truce between them is good, their criminal partnership UN OCI Sharia: to devour all Christians and Israelis all over the world: because of you!
What if you don't defend Christians and Israelis?
soon Marchuh and Allah will also rush against you in WW3 nuclear.
you are making me NOT more convenient: the blockade of WW3
INDIA CINA RUSSIA ] [ il demone degli ebrei“Beni Berith” cartello bancario: UE USA FED IMF ECB Marduck Ja-Bull-On i massoni neoliberisti lgbtq Satana anticristo URSULA Von MERKEL:
si erge: APPARENTENTE: contro: il demonio Allah;
ma, per il momento: è buona una tregua tra di loro, il loro sodalizio criminale ONU OCI Sharia: per divorare: i cristiani e gli israeliani in tutto il mondo: per colpa vostra!
e se, voi non difendete i cristiani e gli israeliani?
presto Marchuh ed Allah si avventeranno anche contro di voi, nella WW3 nuclear.
voi mi state rendendo NON più conveniente: il blocco della WW3
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • 42 minutes ago
BIN SALMAN ] [ my beasts by SATANA Rockefeller, MORGAN, Rothschild
they have corrupted and devitalized all western peoples
to transform them into prey: predestined for the ISLAM's genocide ...
and this is fine with you, so ..
but, now, me because of you? I'm about to turn into an unprecedented power of violence,
I came to save all the Satanists, and all the antichrists:
but, you force me to kill them all!
BIN SALMAN ] [ le mie bestie di SATANA Rockefeller, MORGAN, Rothschild
hanno corrotto e devitalizzato tutti i popoli occidentali
per strasformarli in prede: predestinate al genocidio dell'ISLAM...
e questo a te va bene, così..
ma, ora, io per colpa tua ? io mi sto per trasformare in una potenza di violenza senza precedenti,
io sono venuto per salvare tutti i satanisti, e tutti gli anticristi:
ma, tu mi costringi ad ucciderli tutti!
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • 2 hours ago • edited
Former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon could not die before "seeing" Messiah lorenzoJHWH, said: Rabbi Yitzchak Kaduri, Kadouri, Kadourie, Kedourie; "Yitzhak", renowned haredi cabalist,
indeed, I will come and destroy, in 2 hours, with atomic weapons the whole ARAB jihad ISIS Riyad OIC LEAGUE ottoman genocide Erdogan,
we cannot have a dialogue with the sharia genocide,
nobody can do it: neither do the crazy Chinese:
and if you give money to Xi-Jinping? he gives you his wife on loan!
Former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon non poteva morire prima di "vedere " il Messia lorenzoJHWH, disse: il rabbino Yitzchak Kaduri, Kadouri, Kadourie, Kedourie; "Yitzhak", rinomato cabalista haredi,
infatti io verrò e distruggero, in 2 ore, con armi atomiche tutta la LEGA ARABA,
noi non possiamo avere un dialogo con il genocidio della sharia,
nessuno può farlo: neanche i cinesi:
e se a Xi-Jinping gli dai i soldi ? lui ti da sua moglie in prestito!
Malta a Francia si rifiutano di soccorrere gommone carico di clandestini, interviene l’Italia
Luglio 30, 2020 Vox Lascia un commento
Disoccupazione reale in Italia al 25 per cento: persi 600mila posti di lavoro in 4 mesi
Luglio 30, 2020 Vox Lascia un commento
Rissa per le poltrone nel M5s: “Ci avete svenduti al PD”
Luglio 30, 2020 Vox Lascia un commento
Soros denuncia l’Italia perché non accoglie abbastanza immigrati
Luglio 30, 2020 Vox 1 commento
Congolese accoltella passanti alla stazione di Torino
Luglio 30, 2020 Vox 1 commento
Italia, muezzin urla la preghiera islamica dal balcone di casa – VIDEO
Luglio 30, 2020 Vox Lascia un commento
Luglio 30, 2020 Vox 1 commento
Il mostro di Firenze manda a processo Salvini: con l’1 per cento dei voti controlla l’Italia
Luglio 30, 2020 Vox 9 commenti
Luglio 30, 2020 Vox 1 commento
Via da Lampedusa senza tamponi: solo 50 test su 410 trasferiti, sbarcati 603 infetti
Luglio 30, 2020 Vox Lascia un commento
Libia: i clandestini uccisi avevano tentato di prendere armi ad agenti
Luglio 30, 2020 Vox 2 commenti
Luglio 30, 2020 Vox Lascia un commento
Pescatori tunisini diventano scafisti: “Migranti arrivano freschi e riposati”
Luglio 30, 2020 Vox 2 commenti
Lampedusa, turisti respinti: “Traghetto serve ai migranti”
Luglio 30, 2020 Vox 5 commenti
Riempiono l’Italia di invasori infetti ma oggi processano l’unico che li ha fermati
Luglio 30, 2020 Vox 2 commenti
In arrivo la Sea Watch 4: ong tedesca non molla l’osso
Luglio 30, 2020 Vox Lascia un commento
Ammiraglio: “Dalla Tunisia centinaia di terroristi ISIS: governo mette a rischio sicurezza nazionale”
Luglio 30, 2020 Vox 3 commenti
Certificati falsi, così i clandestini appena sbarcati in Italia diventano regolari grazie a Bellanova
Luglio 30, 2020 Vox 1 commento
Imam: “Conquistare l’Europa attraverso l’immigrazione” – VIDEO
Luglio 30, 2020 Vox 4 commenti
Lamorgese: “Troppi sbarchi, ogni regione si prenda quota di clandestini”, boom infetti a Pozzallo
Luglio 30, 2020 Vox 3 commenti
Ecco come scaricano i clandestini in tutta Italia invece di riportarli indietro – VIDEO
Luglio 29, 2020 Vox 3 commenti
Guardia costiera italiana al servizio del radiotaxi fondato da trafficante di droga
Luglio 29, 2020 Vox 1 commento
Oltre 1 mld di euro per mantenere 100mila immigrati in hotel
Luglio 29, 2020 Vox 2 commenti
Il giornalista di Repubblica invoca l’omicidio politico di Fontana: “Non vuole morire”
Luglio 29, 2020 Vox 6 commenti
Conte e Fico battono il tam tam per richiamare più africani – VIDEO
Luglio 29, 2020 Vox 4 commenti
Coronavirus, triplicati i casi nel Lazio: e sono in arrivo 350 tunisini da Lampedusa
Luglio 29, 2020 Vox 7 commenti
Senza frontiere: altri 50 islamici passano confine in Friuli, nessuno li ferma
Luglio 29, 2020 Vox Lascia un commento
Luglio 29, 2020 Vox 6 commenti
Conte: “Stato emergenza per noleggiare navi ai migranti” – VIDEO
Luglio 29, 2020 Vox 2 commenti
Omofobia, l’appello del vescovo: “Fermate questa legge liberticida”
Luglio 29, 2020 Vox 4 commenti
Epidemia di coronavirus tra decine di immigrati africani a Saluzzo
Luglio 29, 2020 Vox Lascia un commento
Senato approva ‘scostamento di bilancio’
Luglio 29, 2020 Vox 1 commento
Luglio 29, 2020 Vox Lascia un commento
Jesolo, scoppia epidemia di coronavirus tra i bangla: tutto partito da una moschea
Luglio 29, 2020 Vox Lascia un commento
Tunisia invade l’Italia, a Lampedusa più tunisini che italiani: “Preparate altri barconi” – VIDEO
Luglio 29, 2020 Vox Lascia un commento
Il virus è tornato sui barconi: quasi 300 nuovi contagiati
Luglio 29, 2020 Vox 1 commento
Guardate come i marocchini rapinano questa ragazzina – VIDEO
Luglio 29, 2020 Vox 3 commenti
Bocelli costretto a chiedere scusa agli invasati: “Non volevo offendere”
Luglio 29, 2020 Vox 7 commenti
Lamorgese contro italiani: “Si lamentano tutti dei clandestini” – VIDEO
33 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa and Mosques of Sharia Allah, decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH) and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (Unius REI) 33 ANNI fa, Sinagoghe di Satana Spa e Moschee di Sharia Allah, decisero che io avrei dovuto diventare il Re di Israele (lorenzoJHWH) e un Osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani (Unius REI) 3205708054
Questa NON è una testata giornalistica
Questa NON è una testata giornalistica
Cerca nel blog
atrocity in Amona
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia •
nega il DEBITO, sovranità monetari al 100%!
I saw, God bless, good work
☦️burn satana ☦️shariah ☦️Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name amen ☦️alleluia ☦️ da un cimitero devi uscire e in un cimitero tu devi entrare definitivamente
☦️ in Jesus's name amen ☦️alleluia ☦️
IBAN: IT55H0760104000001016405753 bisogna passare al SIMEC,
nega il DEBITO!
infecting uncontrolled illegal immigration
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • 8 minutes ago
NAZI Extension of the state of emergency approved also by the Chamber
Yesterday Conte asked for an extension to the Senate and today in the Chamber, now officially the state of emergency will last until 15 October.
to obtain full Nazi powers they are infecting us with an uncontrolled illegal immigration:
if, the technocratic Freemason coups lgbtq Tyrants: UE Pd M5S Bilderberg Soros
were they voting a year ago?
today they would disappear!
I get sick just to see them!
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • 11 minutes ago
Chinese hackers allegedly violated Vatican networks before talks between the Catholic Church and Beijing
to know what the Vatican slave goyim has to say?
it is enough to spy on Master Rothschild-BILDERBERG
Hacker cinesi avrebbero violato le reti vaticane prima dei colloqui tra Chiesa Cattolica e Pechino
per sapere cosa il goyim schiavo Vaticano deve dire?
è sufficiente spiare il padrone Rothschild
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • 13 minutes ago
Salvini and Open Arms investigation: I did everything together with Conte
Matteo Salvini risks going to trial for the Open Arms affair and says he did everything in compliance with the Government pact with Conte and Di Maio.
it's true but we've never had criminals like this: traitors and despicable like: Prodi, D'Alema, Monti Zingaretti, Bilderberg Conte and Di Maio
in the history of our unhappy republic!
when EU aid arrives in January 2021: in Italy it has already happened: a bloodly violent revolution
Salvini e inchiesta Open Arms: Ho fatto tutto insieme a Conte
Matteo Salvini rischia di andare a processo anche per la vicenda della nave Open Arms e dice di avere fatto tutto nel rispetto del patto di Governo con Conte e Di Maio.
è vero ma non abbiamo mai avuto criminali così: traditori e spregevoli come: Prodi, D'Alema, Monti Zingaretti, Bilderberg Conte e Di Maio
nella storia della nostra Repubblica infelice!
quando arriveranno gli aiuti della UE a Gennaio 2021: in Italia sarà già successa: una rivoluzione violenta
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • 18 minutes ago
Pentagon: almost 12 thousand soldiers withdrawn from Germany will end up between Belgium and Italy
Will human sacrifices on Satan's altar increase in Belgium and Italy now?
now the German satan priests have become autonomous!
Pentagono: quasi 12mila soldati ritirati dalla Germania finiranno tra Belgio e Italia
adesso aumenteranno in Belgio e Italia i sacrifici umani sull'alatare di Satana?
orami i sacerdoti di satana tedeschi sono diventati autonomi!
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • 20 minutes ago
Appeal by the Minister of the Environment Costa not to bring down the fugitive bear in Trentino
here they love killer animals more: people!
in the Masonic Institute of Health, WHO: World Health Organization, by order of Rothschild are killing millions of people:
1. the artificial respirator is useless if the lungs are already inflamed!
2. in Italy they brought the infected: to the homes of the elderly (RSA) to kill them, and they killed them!
3. against covid the drugs are: heparin, anti-inflammatories, and generic antiviarli have worked well!
Appello del ministro dell'Ambiente Costa per non abbattere orso fuggitivo in Trentino
quì amano di più gli animali assassini: delle persone!
nel massonico istituto della sanità, OMS: Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità, su ordine di Rothschild stanno uccidendo milioni di persone:
1. il respiratore artificiale non serve a niente, se i polmoni sono già infiammati!
2. in Italia hanno portato gli infetti: nelle case degli anziani (RSA) per ucciderli, e li hanno uccisi!
3. contro il covid i farmaci ci sono : eparina, antinfiammatori, e antiviarli generici hanno funzionato bene!
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • 25 minutes ago
criminal neoliberism & his democratic party! Municipality of Premariacco arrested: irregularities in the management of contracts
the problem of MAGISTRATURA in Italy is that if you are not a mason? she will never answer / satisfy you!
the laws in ITALY are like this: unjust, and absurdly bureaucratic that the country has been killed: in its possibilities of development!
in fact 80% six European funds go back because,
we can't spend it!
Arrestato sindaco Comune di Premariacco: irregolarità nella gestione degli appalti
il problema della MAGISTRATURA in Italia è che se tu non sei un massone? lei non ti risponderà/soddisferà mai!
le leggi in ITALIA sono così: ingiuste, e assurdamente burocratiche che il paese è stato ucciso: nelle sue possibilità di sviluppo!
infatti 80% sei finanziamenti europei tornano indietro perché,
noi non riusciamo a spenderli!
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • 29 minutes ago
Injected the Russian vaccine "Vector", the first volunteer is doing well
all vaccines that are not made in the USA and EU SpA Bill Gates:
they will all be safe!
Iniettato il vaccino russo “Vector”, il primo volontario sta bene
tutti i vaccini che non sono fatti in USA e UE SpA Bill Gates:
saranno tutti sicuri!
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • 31 minutes ago
Facebook against the EU: EU Commission request violates employee privacy
the EU has a totally demonic and criminal Soros soul Kissinger Morgan 666 Rockefeller
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • 33 minutes ago
Madonna says the vaccine is there and they are hiding it. Instagram obscures it
if he said it, it is because he knew it from a reliable source !!
in official documents the CIA wrote in 2004 that it would target CHINA with a virus in 2020
it is clear that the neo-liberal Rothschild SpA FED shareholders
they were all vaccinated in advance
with vaccines free of: fetal serum, pig serum: and ninth particles to steel iron aluminum tungstemo and uranium
Madonna dice che il vaccino c’è e lo nascondono. Instagram la oscura
se lo ha detto, è perché lo ha saputo da fonte attendibile!!
in documenti ufficiali la CIA scrisse nel 2004 che avrebbe colpito la CINA con un virus nel 2020
è chiaro che i neoliberisti Rothschild SpA azionisti FED
loro sono stati tutti vaccinati in anticipo
con vaccini esenti da: siero di feti, siero di maiali: e nono particelle all'acciaio ferro alluminio tungstemo e uranio
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • 36 minutes ago
EU Nazi Rothschild Soros of the Jewish-Freemason antichrist: it is the greatest threat to mankind today!
Polish municipalities "free from LGBT" have lost "EU funds":
Some Polish municipalities had adopted a joint declaration to be an "LGBT free zone". The initiative has not found support in the EU, twin cities have started to break partnership agreements, but that's not all:
these municipalities have lost European financial support.
Since last year, dozens of municipal administrations have started to adopt resolutions in which they claim to be "LGBT free areas". The purpose of the statements, as their advocates point out, is to protect Christian values and the traditional family model.
*** The initiative is slandered to spread hom0ph0bia and hatred towards people with a different s e x u a l orientation.
but as everyone knows the demonic and subversive ideology lgbtq (gender dictatorship) does not correspond with the rights of h0m0sexual people!
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • an hour ago
#worldisraelnews] open letter [eih, BAMBOCCIONE !!
the other MY computer? I have only one account here, and you closed it to me: UNJUSTLY!
reactivate it immediately, because I am in difficulty with IT!
worldisraelnews ] open letter [ eih, BAMBOCCIONE!!
dell'altro MIO computer? io ho un solo account qui, e tu me lo hai chiuso: INGIUSTAMENTE!
riattivamelo subito, perché io sono in difficoltà con l'informatica!
Don Spilman • an hour ago
I hope nothing bad happens to Israel today, at he same time I know they are going to be attacked by the nasty muzslime again soon! I just look forward to the day ALL muzslime are gone, and Israel is restored to God!
Bowel Movements Matter •
Have a meaningful Fast. May Tisha B'av become a Festival bimhera beyameno. Ken Yehi Ratzon.
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • 8 minutes ago
NAZI Extension of the state of emergency approved also by the Chamber
Yesterday Conte asked for an extension to the Senate and today in the Chamber, now officially the state of emergency will last until 15 October.
to obtain full Nazi powers they are infecting us with an uncontrolled illegal immigration:
if, the technocratic Freemason coups lgbtq Tyrants: UE Pd M5S Bilderberg Soros
were they voting a year ago?
today they would disappear!
I get sick just to see them!
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • 11 minutes ago
Chinese hackers allegedly violated Vatican networks before talks between the Catholic Church and Beijing
to know what the Vatican slave goyim has to say?
it is enough to spy on Master Rothschild-BILDERBERG
Hacker cinesi avrebbero violato le reti vaticane prima dei colloqui tra Chiesa Cattolica e Pechino
per sapere cosa il goyim schiavo Vaticano deve dire?
è sufficiente spiare il padrone Rothschild
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • 13 minutes ago
Salvini and Open Arms investigation: I did everything together with Conte
Matteo Salvini risks going to trial for the Open Arms affair and says he did everything in compliance with the Government pact with Conte and Di Maio.
it's true but we've never had criminals like this: traitors and despicable like: Prodi, D'Alema, Monti Zingaretti, Bilderberg Conte and Di Maio
in the history of our unhappy republic!
when EU aid arrives in January 2021: in Italy it has already happened: a bloodly violent revolution
Salvini e inchiesta Open Arms: Ho fatto tutto insieme a Conte
Matteo Salvini rischia di andare a processo anche per la vicenda della nave Open Arms e dice di avere fatto tutto nel rispetto del patto di Governo con Conte e Di Maio.
è vero ma non abbiamo mai avuto criminali così: traditori e spregevoli come: Prodi, D'Alema, Monti Zingaretti, Bilderberg Conte e Di Maio
nella storia della nostra Repubblica infelice!
quando arriveranno gli aiuti della UE a Gennaio 2021: in Italia sarà già successa: una rivoluzione violenta
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • 18 minutes ago
Pentagon: almost 12 thousand soldiers withdrawn from Germany will end up between Belgium and Italy
Will human sacrifices on Satan's altar increase in Belgium and Italy now?
now the German satan priests have become autonomous!
Pentagono: quasi 12mila soldati ritirati dalla Germania finiranno tra Belgio e Italia
adesso aumenteranno in Belgio e Italia i sacrifici umani sull'alatare di Satana?
orami i sacerdoti di satana tedeschi sono diventati autonomi!
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • 20 minutes ago
Appeal by the Minister of the Environment Costa not to bring down the fugitive bear in Trentino
here they love killer animals more: people!
in the Masonic Institute of Health, WHO: World Health Organization, by order of Rothschild are killing millions of people:
1. the artificial respirator is useless if the lungs are already inflamed!
2. in Italy they brought the infected: to the homes of the elderly (RSA) to kill them, and they killed them!
3. against covid the drugs are: heparin, anti-inflammatories, and generic antiviarli have worked well!
Appello del ministro dell'Ambiente Costa per non abbattere orso fuggitivo in Trentino
quì amano di più gli animali assassini: delle persone!
nel massonico istituto della sanità, OMS: Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità, su ordine di Rothschild stanno uccidendo milioni di persone:
1. il respiratore artificiale non serve a niente, se i polmoni sono già infiammati!
2. in Italia hanno portato gli infetti: nelle case degli anziani (RSA) per ucciderli, e li hanno uccisi!
3. contro il covid i farmaci ci sono : eparina, antinfiammatori, e antiviarli generici hanno funzionato bene!
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • 25 minutes ago
criminal neoliberism & his democratic party! Municipality of Premariacco arrested: irregularities in the management of contracts
the problem of MAGISTRATURA in Italy is that if you are not a mason? she will never answer / satisfy you!
the laws in ITALY are like this: unjust, and absurdly bureaucratic that the country has been killed: in its possibilities of development!
in fact 80% six European funds go back because,
we can't spend it!
Arrestato sindaco Comune di Premariacco: irregolarità nella gestione degli appalti
il problema della MAGISTRATURA in Italia è che se tu non sei un massone? lei non ti risponderà/soddisferà mai!
le leggi in ITALIA sono così: ingiuste, e assurdamente burocratiche che il paese è stato ucciso: nelle sue possibilità di sviluppo!
infatti 80% sei finanziamenti europei tornano indietro perché,
noi non riusciamo a spenderli!
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • 29 minutes ago
Injected the Russian vaccine "Vector", the first volunteer is doing well
all vaccines that are not made in the USA and EU SpA Bill Gates:
they will all be safe!
Iniettato il vaccino russo “Vector”, il primo volontario sta bene
tutti i vaccini che non sono fatti in USA e UE SpA Bill Gates:
saranno tutti sicuri!
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • 31 minutes ago
Facebook against the EU: EU Commission request violates employee privacy
the EU has a totally demonic and criminal Soros soul Kissinger Morgan 666 Rockefeller
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • 33 minutes ago
Madonna says the vaccine is there and they are hiding it. Instagram obscures it
if he said it, it is because he knew it from a reliable source !!
in official documents the CIA wrote in 2004 that it would target CHINA with a virus in 2020
it is clear that the neo-liberal Rothschild SpA FED shareholders
they were all vaccinated in advance
with vaccines free of: fetal serum, pig serum: and ninth particles to steel iron aluminum tungstemo and uranium
Madonna dice che il vaccino c’è e lo nascondono. Instagram la oscura
se lo ha detto, è perché lo ha saputo da fonte attendibile!!
in documenti ufficiali la CIA scrisse nel 2004 che avrebbe colpito la CINA con un virus nel 2020
è chiaro che i neoliberisti Rothschild SpA azionisti FED
loro sono stati tutti vaccinati in anticipo
con vaccini esenti da: siero di feti, siero di maiali: e nono particelle all'acciaio ferro alluminio tungstemo e uranio
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • 36 minutes ago
EU Nazi Rothschild Soros of the Jewish-Freemason antichrist: it is the greatest threat to mankind today!
Polish municipalities "free from LGBT" have lost "EU funds":
Some Polish municipalities had adopted a joint declaration to be an "LGBT free zone". The initiative has not found support in the EU, twin cities have started to break partnership agreements, but that's not all:
these municipalities have lost European financial support.
Since last year, dozens of municipal administrations have started to adopt resolutions in which they claim to be "LGBT free areas". The purpose of the statements, as their advocates point out, is to protect Christian values and the traditional family model.
*** The initiative is slandered to spread hom0ph0bia and hatred towards people with a different s e x u a l orientation.
but as everyone knows the demonic and subversive ideology lgbtq (gender dictatorship) does not correspond with the rights of h0m0sexual people!
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • an hour ago
#worldisraelnews] open letter [eih, BAMBOCCIONE !!
the other MY computer? I have only one account here, and you closed it to me: UNJUSTLY!
reactivate it immediately, because I am in difficulty with IT!
worldisraelnews ] open letter [ eih, BAMBOCCIONE!!
dell'altro MIO computer? io ho un solo account qui, e tu me lo hai chiuso: INGIUSTAMENTE!
riattivamelo subito, perché io sono in difficoltà con l'informatica!
Don Spilman • an hour ago
I hope nothing bad happens to Israel today, at he same time I know they are going to be attacked by the nasty muzslime again soon! I just look forward to the day ALL muzslime are gone, and Israel is restored to God!
Bowel Movements Matter •
Have a meaningful Fast. May Tisha B'av become a Festival bimhera beyameno. Ken Yehi Ratzon.
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia •
nega il DEBITO, sovranità monetari al 100%!
I saw, God bless, good work
☦️burn satana ☦️shariah ☦️Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name amen ☦️alleluia ☦️ da un cimitero devi uscire e in un cimitero tu devi entrare definitivamente
☦️ in Jesus's name amen ☦️alleluia ☦️
IBAN: IT55H0760104000001016405753 bisogna passare al SIMEC,
nega il DEBITO!
lui cercava Morgan Kissinger Soros
Elissa Masters • 17 hours ago
It would be nice if they returned the feces to him by wiping it all over him before the security guard shot him.
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Elissa Masters • 30 minutes ago • edited
maybe he (the idiot pupil of BIDEN Antifa BLM)
he was looking for Morgan Kissinger Soros
and he got very angry because they weren't there!
forse lui (il cretino alunno di BIDEN Antifa BLM )
lui cercava Morgan Kissinger Soros
e si è molto arrabbiato, perché loro non erano li!
allioops Elissa Masters • 13 hours ago
was he shot??? I didn't read that.
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LJ • 17 hours ago
Shoot to kill all rabid hate filled attackers.
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 LJ • 24 minutes ago
yes yes let's kill them all:
I want to see all the rabbis with John Wayne's colt, on his belt!
but we must also ask ourselves:
because there are so many people out there who are
hate filled attackers, against us?
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Natural Branch 🌿 • 11 hours ago
The "man" ran off? He looks about 15 years old. As for a backpack full of feces, I shudder to think how it was... "collected." Nothing bothers psychopaths.
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Natural Branch 🌿 • 18 minutes ago
it is easy in the world Fed regime Bilderberg regime, etc. of the democratic party: the swamp of the ANTIFA:
it's easy to find yourself with a sick and manipulated mind!
What if you don't have a personal and stable relationship with God?
then, like the Islamic fanatics sharia Erdogan ISIS
then you too have become a leaf in the wind of evil!
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Grace Joy Natural Branch 🌿 • 8 hours ago • edited
-"SPANISH BORDER: African Muslim illegal alien invaders use flamethrowers, human excrement and acid to attack police who are forbidden from using force against them ... 'if you see how migrants (all young military aged men) jump the fence it’s not normal people, they have military training.'”
-"Gorilla throws poo at watchers in zoo funny" (not really "funny," it's sad they're so bored & at the mercy of obnoxious people. The kids screaming is funny, though).
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alpcns . • 15 hours ago
Let me guess. The religious denomination is not mentioned, sooo....
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allioops alpcns . • 13 hours ago
Christian???? Ukraine is a very Christian country.
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alpcns . allioops • 12 hours ago
Yes, that explains all those bishops and priests running around with AK-47's... ;-)
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Natural Branch 🌿 alpcns . • 11 hours ago
(That's catholic, but you still made your point.)
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allioops alpcns . • 12 hours ago
Perhaps you should read some history. Have you heard about the "Blood Libel?" It began with Christians. Christians does not mean the "bishops and priests." But Christians have caused more deaths to the Jewish people than most.
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alpcns . allioops • 12 hours ago • edited
Cut out the immediate ad hominems, please. My knowledge of history is as relevant as the color of my socks in this context. We have enough "progressives" here with which a normal conversation is impossible (which is, of course, their intention: to shut you up).
I am merely pointing out the incontrovertible fact that there are very few Christian terrorists. That's it.
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Howard Fox alpcns . • 7 hours ago
Yes, but this guy, who is a blonde Ukrainian is most likely if certainly a Christian, whether he be Catholic or Russian Orthodox. There was no trace of "ad hominems" in what "allioops" wrote. The Ukraine is historically a rather Jew hating country, and the church has historically fostered this hate rather than countering it.
That is all.
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alpcns . Howard Fox • 6 hours ago • edited
I suppose that with "this guy" you're referring to is one of these imbecile shooters. I never disputed that some white guys did shootings, and some may have been Christians. I don't know, they didn't carry a sign around their neck that says "Christian".
I was merely pointing out the incontrovertible fact that there are very few Christian terrorists. The official statistics prove it. That's it.
And yes, "I guess you are too illiterate to read" is a clear ad hominem. As is the suggestion to read history to someone one doesn't even know. It's unproductive and doesn't add anything to the 'discussion'.
Truth is truth and facts are facts.
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allioops alpcns . • 12 hours ago
I guess you are too illiterate to read. To think history is irrelevant? Ugh. I pity you. I am not shutting anyone up. If you have heard of the mass shootings in the U.S.A. in the recent past; They were mostly done by White Christian men. so???? And yes; that is terriorism.
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Natural Branch 🌿 allioops • 11 hours ago
oh, I see, you believe "Chr*st*an" and "gentile" are synonymous. That's your other mistake. They're not.
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Natural Branch 🌿 • 33 minutes ago
jews israelis christians all are all slaves
becouse goyims and "gentile" are synonymous.
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allioops Natural Branch 🌿 • 11 hours ago
that is of matter
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alpcns . allioops • 12 hours ago • edited
That must be it, I am illiterate and soooo misinformed about nasty, hateful, white supremacist Christians that do most if not all of the massacres. I'll tell the FBI to update their statistics with your absolute facts, clearly they're totally mistaken.
Luckily we have morally and intellectually superior übermenschen like you to correct morons like me and all these imbecile statisticians.
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allioops alpcns . • 11 hours ago
No they are the FACTS. White Men did most of the the mass shootings in the USA. READ!
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alpcns . allioops • 11 hours ago
Not according to the FBI - but then again, obviously they don't possess your colossal insight and knowledge in the matter.
This conversation is over, dear heart.
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allioops alpcns . • 11 hours ago
According to the FBI and all Police reports the White men did the mass shootings in the USA. You are dishonest- hard heart. And the conversation is over because you are very incorrect. Who killed all the people in the mass shootings in the USA???? Martians?? Sandy Hook, the Music concerts, the Movie House shootings?, etc???
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alpcns . allioops • 11 hours ago • edited
Listen, "over" means "over". But I'll bite, especially for you, because you're so literate.
Did you write, yes or no, that most of the mass shootings in the USA are done by white men? Yes or no?
The answer is "yes", you did. The reality is that this statement is simply not correct. Yes, there have been mass shootings by white people. Some of them Christian, most of them not Christian. I'll leave it to your imagination what religious denomination they were.
The reality is, dear heart, that most acts of terrorism in the USA (and world-wide) are done by Muslims, according to the official statistics. Most of them imported misery. And I don't give a hoot about their skin color. For all I care they were purple.
Now you may accuse me of falsifying the statistics in a colossal conspiracy, in cahoots with the FBI and other statisticians.
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 alpcns . • 9 hours ago
we are in an absolute: "new Masonic world order for 400 years", with the foundation of the Bank of England SpA Rothschild and demonic English monarchy.
which is this: the Masonic world monetary monopoly: the greatest social engineering specialists in history,
why, some fault can be blamed on anyone, outside all these satanist lgbtq jews and freemasons:
that's why, we are here, why the Rockefeller Jews etc ... don't even do the shoah genocide of the Israelis
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alpcns . 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • 8 hours ago
I am not sure I am following, friend, it's a bit hard to interpret. I don't see much conspiracies coming from the Bank of England - their empire is passe - and/or their monarchy. Although there are some odd things going on with that very same monarchy, I agree. The 'social engineering' I see comes more if not exclusively from Marxists (read: fascists) disguised as "progressives".
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 alpcns . • 7 hours ago
this is the black magic Kabbalah! there is an occult direction by the Rothschild Rokefeller Morgan Soros: and of the Masonic Jews: who took control of the West: since the founding of the private bank: Rothschild of England, (the first absolute monetary monopoly scam: modern banking seigniorage) of 400 years ago:
and everything that belongs to the antiChrist: Nazism, LGBTQ Communism, Democratic Party, etc., as well as the Islamic ISIS Wahhabites and the jihadist galaxy, etc ..?
comes from them, they are the instigators .. they are those of the satanic talmud!
they Jewish Masons are behind the scenes: they are the designers, the social engineering specialists of history!
they will kill the Israelis: because Israelis are 50%, they are Zionists who oppose the dominion of satan!
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Natural Branch 🌿 allioops • 11 hours ago
catholics, allioops, catholics. There's a BIG difference between catholics and Chr*st*ans.
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Natural Branch 🌿 • 36 minutes ago
also, catholics or jews we are all brothers:
our common enemy is the neoliberalism of SpA FED SpA ECB SpA IMF NWO Rockefeller's “Beni Berith” Soros
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allioops Natural Branch 🌿 • 11 hours ago
No. Martin Luther was a very antisemitic man.
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 allioops • 39 minutes ago
maybe like us
only anti Rothschild man
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Natural Branch 🌿 allioops • 11 hours ago
Yes, I heard he was. Yet, he did not initiate the Spanish Inquisition; catholics did. He was not in cahoots with Hitler; catholics were. He did not help nazis escape to South America, catholics did. And once there, he did not provide fake ID for them; catholics did.
It is apparent that you are unmovable in your thinking, but it is worth mentioning that a real Chr*st*an loves the Jewish people and Israel in light of the simple fact that the Chr*st is the King of the Jews, thus CHR*STians. CHR*STians are followers of the CHR*ST. Anyone can call themselves a Chr*st*an - including catholics. That doesn't mean they are.
1 1
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 allioops • 8 hours ago
I'm a historian, you can talk to me
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 allioops • 9 hours ago
about "Blood libel?" the neoliberal Jews the leaders (today masters of the NWO FED IMF ECB have always been Satanists), and have enslaved Christianity and are destroying it:
are having Christians killed by Muslims all over the world ..
Jewish neoliberal Freemasons the leaders, they started this "Blood libel", and the Jewish leaders: they continue to do it: always and still today, because this is what the Satanic Talmud and kabbalah say black magic, tenacious is their Satanism of JaBull-ON
this is a scandal and the world's biggest threat today,
obviously, all this denies: the Torah, denies Abraham and Moses and this is the Masonic Satanism of the Jewish people, still today! Of course, Christians have caused more deaths to the Jewish people than most ... and vice versa.
but, we have to break this blood libel curse
while you're not doing it!
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Shlomo Elspas • 14 hours ago
Probably his own Ukranian stool. Hopefully without Chinese Covid. I bet he enjoyed pooping into his own hand, sicko.
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Shlomo Elspas • 7 minutes ago • edited
I can also become terribly violent!
but, before subscribing to the IRA of God:
we must ask ourselves questions: "Why do more and more people have hangry it against us?"
io posso diventare anche terribilmente violento!
ma, prima di abbandonarsi all'IRA di Dio:
noi dobbiamo farci delle domande: "perché sempre più persone c'è l'hanno contro di noi?"
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442rocketdave • an hour ago
That punk is just like the deranged punks in America causing riots and looting just another freaking punk and he really needed to be shot dead!
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 442rocketdave • 11 minutes ago • edited
ehi ROCKETTO!! 442rocketdave •
is it because we must avoid converting the enemy?
only with sharia Erdogan Muslims there is no valid hope!
perhaps it was necessary to send him to the Synagogue and say to him: "we too are the victims of Rothschild" ..
and maybe he would convert to Judaism ..
so you risked killing a potential brother!
442rocketdave •
è perché, noi dobbiamo evitare di convertire il nemico?
soltanto con i mussulmani sharia Erdogan non c'é una speranza valida!
forse bisognava invirlo, nella Sinagoga e dirgli: "anche noi siamo le vittime di Rothschild"..
e forse lui si sarebbe convertito all'ebraismo..
quindi tu hai rischiato di uccidere un potenziale fratello!
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442rocketdave • an hour ago
Would have been poetic justice to have made him eat the feces!! Too bad the security guard did not shoot him dead which is what needed to be done.
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • 3 hours ago
Governo sharia lgbtq massonico neoliberista socialista Italiano: criminale golpista abusivo untore e commerciante di schiavi: Covid-19, turismo a rischio, l'Europa teme la seconda ondata
We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News.
i am Jewish Messia
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • 9 hours ago
MALEDETTO STATO UNTORE! quanti vecchietti vuoi far morire tu, insieme al partito democratico? sono loro che ci stanno infettando di nuovo con i migranti
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • 7 hours ago
The site has also been removed from the hosting service. The website of doctors who talk about the coronavirus disappears from the Internet
Dr. Simone Gold
WOW: Our website host @ Squarespace has just completely and arbitrarily shut down our website, claiming a violation of their terms of service.
We are a group of physicians advocating for a better understanding of COVID-19 and its available treatment options.
This is outrageous. https://voxnews info/2020/07/29/sparisce-da-internet-il-sito-dei-medici-che-parlano-del-coronavirus/
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alpcns . 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • 6 hours ago
Sickening politicization of the truth and facts, when not even physicians are allowed to speak out.
Thanks, "progressive" tyrants and tech barons!
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 alpcns . • 2 minutes ago
https://www youtube com/watch?v=n5MQFtjBeK4
this is hallucinating
https://youtu be/rIqtaArUajM
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia •
nega il DEBITO, sovranità monetari al 100%!
I saw, God bless, good work
☦️burn satana ☦️shariah ☦️Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name amen ☦️alleluia ☦️ da un cimitero devi uscire e in un cimitero tu devi entrare definitivamente
☦️ in Jesus's name amen ☦️alleluia ☦️
IBAN: IT55H0760104000001016405753 bisogna passare al SIMEC,
nega il DEBITO!
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@ 666 الشيطانية التلمود: CIA ---> الدولة لا ينبغي أن يكون فقط الجلاد: من المواطن، لللقيام الدفع في الناس:٪ 270: من قيمة: من ماله (المصد...
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