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Visualizzazione post con etichetta China. Mostra tutti i post

CHINA Tibetans self-immolate Chinese oppression

è perché non stampate una moneta nazionale, per uso interno, in sovranità monetaria? SOLTANTO GLI USA POSSONO STAMPARE TUTTO IL DENARO FINTO, CHE VOGLIONO PER METTERLA NEL CULO AL MONDO: CHE DIVENTA "FINTO", come il suo denaro, IN UNA GUERRA MONDIALE? ] [ BRUXELLES, 7 LUG - "Una Grexit sarebbe un terribile errore e un fallimento collettivo", per questo "la Commissione Ue ha una responsabilità storica per evitarla: noi non lo vogliamo". Così il commissario Ue agli affari economici Pierre Moscovici all'arrivo all'Eurogruppo.

Benjamin Netanyahu ] non avrei mai pensato, che: qualcuno: Rothschild 322 Bush NWO, avrebbe chiamato Hitler la Arabia Saudita Califfato jihadista, e nazismo: la sharia della LEGA ARABA! non mi piacciono i coglioni pieni di acqua che non agiscono! Mogherini: 'Trattative sull'Iran avanti per altri due giorni'. Lo ha confermato l'Alto rappresentante (SI, MA QUALTO LEI è ALTO? AL MASSIMO, come altezza, lei ARRIVA AL PENE DI BUSH 322, mentre Ban-Kimoon arriva ad altezza GENDER ) per la politica estera Ue da Vienna. I tecnici dell'Aiea lasciano la capitale austriaca, sottolineando che sono stati fatti passi avanti. Lavrov: "Ci sono 8 questioni da finalizzare"
my JHWH Holy ] ma, io ho sempre detto loro che io non sono un santo, e loro lo hanno creduto! CHE SE POI, loro MI FANNO ARRABBIARE? IO CHE COLPA HO?
to Hillary Clinton ] [ il Vostro sistema monetario truffa, usura, induzione al debito, suicidio, devitalizzazione, truffa, falso in bilancio, di Banca Mondiale SpA Fmi, Spa, ( di privati farisei del talmud i nostri padroni ) che tutto questo: è lobby massoniche, satanismo e nichilismo? ok, questo sistema truffa del debito pubblico, non si può più reggere in piedi da solo, senza soffocare i popoli ] Voi avrete il coraggio di soffocare i grandi capitali? (distruggere il 60% della massa monetaria mondiale? IO NON CREDO! ) QUINDI PRIMA DI ENTRARE NELLA GUERRA CIVILE, quella RIVOLUZIONE dei popoli CHE UCCIDEREBBE VOI I RICCHI: PER ALTO TRADIMENTO, SAREBBE PIù RAZIONALE ENTRARE NELLA GUERRA MONDIALE NUCLEARE ] soltanto che una guerra contro la CINA e Russia, non ha un esito scontato e potrebbe cancellare ogni forma di vita sul pianeta, l'unica soluzione razionale a questo punto, dato che voi avete deciso di essere le scimmie GENDER Darwin, contro ogni evidenza scientifica e quella di fare di tutta la LEGA ARABA sharia, una sola salciccia!

Hillary Clinton ha incoraggiato un adoloscente omosessuale, dicendo: "la tua vita sarà un successo!" ma, anche le parole più belle, messe, sulla bocca dei nostri leader massoni che nascondono il signoraggio bancario, diventano frasi inquietanti. Infatti la laicità dello Stato, circa scelte di coscienza dei suoi cittadini deve diventare uno standard in tutto il mondo! MA COSA CENTRANO LE LOBBIES? LORO STANNO OMOSESSUALIZZANDO LA SOCIETà, ALLO STESSO MODO COME LA LEGA ARABA NAZISTA STA ISLAMIZZANDO SEMPRE DI PIù LA SUA SOCIETà! Quindi i popoli sono diventati le vittime di potenti lobby ideologiche SCIENTISTE e religiose, vittime del signoraggio bancario! ALLORA, ANCHE LE PAROLE PIù BELLE NON HANNO PIù NESSUN SIGNIFICATO! Gli usurai di Rothschild, le scimmie di Darwin e le scimmie sharia di Maometto? hanno condannato il mondo al massacro!
STOP Obama GENDER [ to this ] your Satanic our institutions banking seigniorage: god owl at bohemian grove, and: all their infiltration: cultural nature, esoteric agenda, Gmos crime, masonic system, Monetary Scam SpA, occult power, SpA, your criminal SYSTEM FAILURE, stop to all this
STOP Obama GENDER [ to you criminal ] this is your Satanic world ideology: atheism, drugs, esoteric agenda, Freemasonry, Gmos, hatred of christianity, Homosexuality, loss of freedom of speech, masonic system loss of real democracy, Monetary Scam, occult power, pedophilia, pornography, SpA, banking SYSTEM FAILURE of all your financial crisis, Truffa Monetaria, usura, violence, war, ecc.. ecc.. really you are babylon tower: kingdom of satan
eih Obama GENDER where is my kingdom of Palestine?
eih Obama GENDER ] [ You can't say to me: "and I that we can do? is Rothschild Spa Bush, that, tells me everything I have to say, because they are bad boys! " tu non puoi dire: "ed io che ci posso fare? è Rothschild Spa Bush che mi dice tutto quello che io devo dire, perché loro sono dei ragazzi cattivi!"
my JHWH holy ] libera tutti i musulmani oppressi e minacciati dalla Arabia Saudita wahhabita, in tutto il mondo! my JHWH holy ] libera tutti i popoli schiavi della usura bancaria Spa mondiale dei Rothschild farisei usurai! Mio Dio VIVENTE libera tutti i popoli oppressi da ogni oppressione! my JHWH holy ] LIBERA I PRIGIONIERI! io pretendo che la sharia nazismo sutto egida ONU, deve essere abolita in tutta la LEGA ARABA ed io pretendo che Salafi brothers Muslims Saudi Arabia will become illegal in all Muslims Country
Lorenzojhwh Unius REI to 187AudioHostem ] amico, [ io non ho niente da dire! PERCHé TU SAI GIà TUTTO, circa, QUELLO CHE IO FARò, E CHE, circa, tutto quello che, IO HO DECISO DI FARE! QUANDO LA VALANGA SCENDERà NULLA POTRà RIMANERE IN PIEDI, E I FONDAMENTI DELLE COLONNE DEL MONDO TREMERANNO, come al tempo di Noé, tutte le cateratte degli abissi tracimeranno, E STARE SOTTO NON SARà MEGLIO CHE STARE SOPRA! il più grande massacro della storia del genere umano! TANTO HA MERITATO LA CATTIVERIA E L'EGOISMO DEGLI UOMINI!
eih Obama GENDER ] [ qui, in youtube, tutti sanno che, io ho previsto una sanatoria amnistia, o situzioni punitive in alcun modo, anche se, voi siete i più pericolosi criminali assassini seriali della storia del genere umano, che, proprio è quello che voi siete: "i satanisti massoni" QUESTO LO SANNO TUTTI! ma, IO SONO ABBASTANZA INTELLIGENTE PER SPERARE A SOLUZIONI EFFICACI E FATTIVE, NON PUNITIVE, E NON SANGUINOSE! In termini politici io non sono un rivoluzionario, che mette in discussione le Istituzioni, ma, voi fatevi da parte e lasciatemi lavorare, perché, voi potete soltanto distruggere il genere umano: infatti voi siete una geopolitica, che, può soltanto trovaRE false MOTIVAZIONI per ogni tipo di guerra! FORSE GUERRE GIUSTE, PER MOTIVI GIUSTI (e non per motivi economici) ANDREBBERO FATTE, MA, TUTTI SPERIAMO DI NO!
Grecia: 61,3% no al referendum, sì 38,7. Tsipras, ora accordo, trattare su debito ]] l'unica cosa che dovrebbe iniziare a funzionare è il plotone di esecuzione! [ hanno stampato denaro per oltre 100 volte il prodotto interno lordo del pianeta, quindi, o distruggono i grandi capitali che pretendono un interesse (debito pubblico), o distruggono i popoli nella guerra mondiale! [ la colpa non è della GRECIA, perché, il denaro dei Rothschild SpA costa il 270% del suo valore (fonte scienziato Giacinto Auriti) ] e questa è la verità: hanno fatto un pianeta di Stati tutti indebitati, di poveri sempre più poveri e di ricchi sempre più ricchi (quindi è venuto meno il principio: 1. della integrità territoriale, 2. della sovranità monetaria e, 3. della uguaglianza di tutti i cittidani di fronte alla legge), [ in conlusione: questo è alto tradimento massonico Bildenberg ] l'unica cosa che dovrebbe iniziare a funzionare è il plotone di esecuzione!
4 luglio, Obama: la liberta' non viene senza prezzo, 'Ma pagata da tutti le donne e gli uomini militari' ] Obama è un assassino, uno spudorato satanista, un traditore, un attore di Hollywood, perché senza sovranità monetaria non può mai esistere nessuna sovranità politica! ] [ il suo epilogo sarà la tragedia di una ormai inevitabile guerra mondiale nucleare, con almeno 5 miliadi di morti, proprio per colpa del suo sistema massonico usurocratico mondiale SpA truffa monetaria Banca Mondiale!
"Srebrenica fu sacrificata alla Realpolitik" ] non esiste una Realpolitik al di fuori della geopolitica congiunta tra: 1. satanisti massoni USA BILDENBERG NATO, e, 2. i nuovi diritti ONU sharia nazisti della LEGA ARABA: "allah akbar morte a tutti gli infedeli!" Genocidio della TEOLOGIA DELLA SOSTITUZIONE [ Infatti, non sa nessuno che dopo la guerra del Cosovo, su copertura, silenzio, occultamento della NATO CIA network Satellite TV, e dei loro internazionale islamica, galassia jihadista, hanno fatto il genocidio di tutti i serbi nel Cosovo, infatti, hanno distrutto 3000 tra, Chiese, Monasteri e Cimiteri.. furono trucidati soldati della NATO, civili serbi, tutto dopo la guerra, ma, questa è la verità: "NESSUNO NE SA NIENTE!" I tribunali internazionali sono una truffa ideologica, soltanto uno strumento repressivo a servizio degli USA e dei loro interessi geopolitici
Benjamin Netanyahu ] è finta la democrazia tra gli ebrei, Rothschild ucciderà Israele ancora una volta [ è il denaro il vero valore di un Ebreo, quindi, Spa Rothschild hanno il controllo della comunità ebraica mondiale! ] in questo modo, lui preparò Hitler, allo stesso modo ha preparato la LEGA ARABA.. il responsabile di ogni Shoah è sempre rothschild 666 Baal Peor talmud, e se gli ebrei non verranno da me: Israele andrà perduto, ancora una volta! E poi, come al solito la colpa è sempre dei cristiani europei e del Vaticano, quando noi sappiamo che è l'anticristo, SPA Banche Centrali monopolio universale NWO della Massoneria a governare il mondo! Loro gli Illuminati Padroni del mondo, hanno sempre reso impossibile, la espansione territoriale di Israele, pur avendone il diritto con le guerre che ha vinto, poteva prendersi mezzo Medio Oriente! Ad Israele sono stato fatte combattere delle guerre in cui ha rischiato la estinzione, in cambio di niente! è CHIARO: "PER I FARISEI ANGLO-AMERICANI ISRAELE è UN GIOCATTOLO CHE QUANDO NON SERVE PIù DEVE ESSERE DISTRUTTO.
Benjamin Netanyahu ] OGGETTIVAMENTE? BARAK OBAMA è UN BRAVO RAGAZZO: in se stesso, E sarebbe un sogno d'amore se rappresentasse il popolo americano, invece di rappresentare i tuoi SpA Fmi, Bush 322 Rothschild che hanno pianificato di ucciderti: e di fare disintegrare Israele! Quindi questo è il problema, come restituire a BARAK OBAMA una vera sovranità, perché possa diventare finalmente, quello che lui non è mai stato, cioè, diventare per la prima volta, il vero Presidente del popolo americano?
187AudioHostem ] è vero che la tua intelligenza si è andata deteriorandosi progressivamente, fino a diventare un: compromesso equilibrio mentale ( ma, poi, questa è stata la stessa brutta storia del tuo Lucifero che è diventato un Satana di coglione ) Quello che è sucesso a te, succederà a tutti i miei nemici, se poi, è vero che, io sono Unius REI, e questo tutti lo sanno: è vero che io sono Unius REI Governatore Mediatore mondiale, ed anche perché io sono principalmente il Re di Israele; 2. e poi, questo evento del tuo licenziamento: come direttore di YOUTUBE, licenziamento, che, io ho reso inevitabile? Questo non significa che io ho smesso di volerti bene! ANZI, IO TI VOGLIO PIù BENE DI PRIMA, PERCHé LA TUA ANIMA è STATA PREZIOSA PER GESù SULLA CROCE!
187AudioHostem ] non ti preoccupare amico mio: per me le persone non sono mai: "usa e getta!" ed anche se, il sommo saderdote cannibale di satana Bush 322, quello con i super poteri satanici voodoo, lui ti ha licenziato, per colpa mia? non ti preoccupare, di quel sbruffone, lol. io avrei voluto vedere lui: al posto tuo, io lo avrei disintegrato subito lui, in meno di due settimane! Ma, come ti dicevo: " tu sei sempre in servizio per me! cioè, io volevo dire, tu sei sempre al mio servizio" TU SEI IL PIù SIMPATICO e intelligente SACERDOTE DI SATANA, CHE IO HO CONOSCIUTO! anche se è IhateNewLayout il più affettuoso di tutti!
187AudioHostem ] disattivando i plugin, forse sono riuscito a mettere fuori del mio computer le tue lucertole della CIA [ anche se, io non ho un problema con la loro presenza, infatti, io non ho niente da nascondere a nessuno!
187AudioHostem ] perché Bush 322 NWO SpA, e Rothschild 666 Fmi, FED BCE: loro sono i due testicoli cancerogeni di Satana? [ perché il nostro sublime, ONNIPOTENTE Creatore holy JHWH, prima di creare l'Universo, lui già li conosceva! ] NON C'è NULLA CHE LORO POSSONO FARE PER PRENDERE me: UNIUS REI IN CONTROPIEDE!
187AudioHostem, Bush, 322, NWO, SpA, Rothschild 666 Fmi, FED BCE ] io lo so, che voi siete dei poveri disgraziati, che non vedete l'ora di essere liberati da me, dal potere di satana, e di essere liberati, dalla sua schiavitù [ PERò CAZZO POTETE ANCHE MUOVERE IL CULO DA QUELLA SEDIA!
Eih satana, tu getta la benzina su queste nazioni e bruciale! ] 1. North Korea, 2. Somalia 3. Iraq 4. Syria 5. Afghanistan 6. Sudan 7. Iran 8. Pakistan 9. Eritrea 10. Nigeria 11. Maldives 12. Saudi Arabia 13. Libya 14. Yemen 15. Uzbekistan 16. Vietnam 17. Central African Republic 18. Qatar 19. Kenya 20. Turkmenistan 21. India 22. Ethiopia 23. Egypt 24. Djibouti 25. Myanmar 26. Palestinian Territories 27. Brunei 28. Laos 29. China 30. Jordan 31. Bhutan 32. Comoros 33. Tanzania 34. Algeria 35. Colombia 36. Tunisia 37. Malaysia 38. Mexico 39. Oman 40. Mali 41. Turkey 42. Kazakhstan 43. Bangladesh 44. Sri Lanka 45. Tajikistan 46. Azerbaijan 47. Indonesia 48. Mauritania 49. United Arab Emirates 50. Kuwait

    WARNING 1: 01/ago/2012   Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. IsraelNationalTV - Jewish ritual murder kabbalah Talmud IMF Grove 322 666 IMF abduction 2 - (allDavidDuke). We stand for freedom of speech and defend everyone's right: to express their points of view, however unpopular. YouTube, however, prohibits incitement to hatred. or violence against members of a protected group (based on race or ethnic origin, religion, handicap / disability, sex, age, social status and sexual orientation / gender identity). Sometimes there is a fine distinction between, what is considered hate speech: and what is not. If you're not sure: that: not your content, go beyond this limit, not to publish them. - ANSWER- IN TRUTH: I DO NOT KNOW: English spoken, for to know: what he said: that video! but, I believe: innocent: the people of the Jews, like any other people, absolutely innocent of the crimes: that: are imposed: either committed by their elite: ie, IMF Illuminati 666

    Kiraxic has posted a comment: 3 hours ago: "Synnek1 is my account." - ANSWER- HAVE DONE THE GENETIC MANIPULATION ON THE KITTEN? has only shown how they can be criminals: all IMF Satanists! JHWH1OsannaUniusRei   Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  8 minuti fa   Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  my YHWH alleluia - losing, the monetary sovereignty: at a cost of money: equal to: 270%? equivalent: a losing, the political sovereignty! said the scientist Prof. Dr. Giacinto Auriti! but, this is: "high: treason", conspiracy (of: IMF 666,322) of all: Masonic groups: Bildenberg, etc. .. etc. .. the synagogue of satan!   Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. my JHWH alleluia -- perdere la sovranità monetaria: con un costo del denaro: pari al: 270%? equivale: a perdere la sovranità politica! ha detto lo Scienziato Prof. Dottor: Giacinto Auriti! ma, questo è alto: tradimento; congiura(FMI 666 322): di tutti: gruppi massonici: Bildenberg, ecc.. ecc..


  Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  IRAN - of course, be a Zionist for the kingdom of Palestine, like me, and many other Jews? means being: a mortal enemy of the Zionists: of Rothschild star 666 on the flag of Israel: that is, the false democracy Masonic: of seigniorage banking: a true abomination against YHWH! and many Jews? are just waiting for the right moment: to make a change in history! CIA 666 IMF horror: project: "aliens abductions" NWO 322: IHateNEWLAYOUT posted a comment 3 hours ago: "I ​​am not sure i have something in my head" --- ANSWER - Lord JHWH, have mercy! Christ, have mercy!
1 ora fa

  Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  KING SAUDI ARABIA - if you're stoned? abdigare please! you do not have the right to lead to death, 1.5 billion Muslims, and others, 4 billion of other people with them! lol. course? we Jews? are not the fagot Christians! because, we who have absolute control of the West! good BIRTHDAY! all wrong! none of us use the Bible to kill Muslims! and if you believe that a dog like me, right: he, too, to live on this earth? then, you'll have to burn any your Koran verses! my father! I am only one man, in the presence of the living God: Allah, the friend: our Father Abraham, is not it, that we are all children of Abraham, namely, that: we are all brothers .. is why? to laugh against: us Satanists of NWO: occult powers?
1 ora fa

  Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. KING SAUDI ARABIA -- se tu sei rincoglionito? abdiga! tu non hai il diritto di portare alla morte, 1,5 miliardi di musulmani, e, altri, 4 miliardi di altre persone: insieme a loro! ol. ovviamente? noi ebrei? non siamo i faggot cristiani! poiché siamo noi che abbiamo il controllo assoluto dell'Occidente! AUGURI! tutto sbagliato! nessuno di noi, usa la Bibbia per uccidere i musulmani! e se tu credi che, un cane come me, ha diritto: anche lui, a vivere su questa terra? allora, tu dovrai bruciare alcuni versetti del tuo Corano! padre mio! io sono soltanto un uomo solo, alla presenza del Dio vivente: Allah, l'amico: del nostro Padre Abramo, non è vero, che, noi siamo tutti figli di: Abramo, cioè, che: noi siamo tutti fratelli.. per fare ridere: contro: di noi i satanisti del NWO: dei poteri occulti?

penkallli Commento sul tuo video: Hadith or not to Hadith GREAT Debate First burn secular laws that allow cousin marriage, wall street, usury, nukes, colateral damage etc - The first suicide killer is Samson, baby killer Moses, child taking by Mose-Joshua etc -Dont shoot urself on the foot boy --ANSWER --NO! BEAST! with all your lies? you have killed: and thou hast made ​​the genocide of 50 nations(all peoples) that were before thee: in 50 countries Islamized! if, you give not: to me: freedom of religion, now right? I will kill you: like a dog! between, 10 years? there will be no more: all over the world, one only mosque, which, has not become a museum NO! BESTIA! con le tue bugie? tu hai ucciso: e: tu hai fatto il genocidio di 50 popoli, che, erano prima te: nelle 50 nazioni islamizzate! se, tu non darai: a me: la libertà di religione subito? io farò morire te: come un cane! tra 10 anni? non ci sarà più: in tutto il mondo, una sola moschea, che, non sia diventata un museo

Bush 322 NWO, SYNNEK1 - BEAST! You, alone, did you in the ass! Because the Pharisees Satanists: IMF THE ENLIGHTENED: In Their Kabbalah: They have not programmed: The IMF NWO 666: ORDER: THAT, Also could win: against, unius REI? but it is PRECISELY this: that makes the Jews: a people extraordinary! .. In Their jealousy of love?, they left open: one open door For Their YHWH! here's why: the release of the Jews from the U.S. WILL condemn at the destruction of That nation: full of Satanists, but: save from destruction: all the MIDDLE EAST IMF 666 NWO - was not prepared to stand against me: unius REI!

IHateNEWLAYOUT - do not be afraid to die! our lives are not Important: in front of the salvation of Israel, That Is, the only hope for the future of our children! Israel is the only hope: for all human kind. but, you have to be smart, because, you can be hypnotized easily! Project MKULTRA, by Rockefeller IMF FED NWO agenda: administration of hypnosis, truth Serums, subliminal messages, LSD and other psychological actions of people chosen for this purpose. mind control), or the control of the psyche of the people. This technique would bring many benefits, Such as the creation of unsuspecting assassins: or control of foreign leaders uncomfortable. The project was funded by a total: of $ 25 million and were 80 Institutions Involved Including 44: universities and 12: hospitals [3]. obviously behind synnek1: there is a real U.S. government, not the puppet of Obama!

IHateNEWLAYOUT IHateNEWLAYOUT   Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  8 minuti fa I am not sure i have something in my head --ANSWER -- what makes you believe that Satanists can be the loyal employers? they walked: blasfemy, apostasy, against: on all the natural law, against, love of God JHWH, and then have trod: destroy any civilization! 666 IHateNEWLAYOUT cannibal CIA - for do: 200,000 human sacrifice: on the altar of Satan - salary that Satanists are giving to you: today, through synnek1 CIA: international institutional Satanism? need to buy: life your daughter to be sacrificed: on the altar of Satan, when you get your time! there is nothing that can not be vomited: rejected: from your body and from your soul, in the name of Jesus! kill synnek1

  Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. 666 -- do not see that figure shit, did done: all the Islamists, who have sworn, to Assisi in 1992: with Sua SANTITÀ GIOVANNI PAOLO II: " never kill a man in the name of God! yet, NEVER MORE! but, they killed 300 innocent Christian martyrs, every day! any day .. you can not take control of Satan, outside of Jesus Christ!   Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  king of Saudi Arabia --- the fact that, I am an absolute monarchy? this is not to say that: I do not recognize and did not realize: every, and, all democratic principles values, and all human rights .. but, leave in life: one only Islamist? is like, to be sentenced to death! because, you believe, that, Merkel, and all governments, of all world, ie, the NWO: 666: all synagogue of satan: 322, they are naive, with you! you're too idiot, instead! In fact, in ten years? Islam will no longer exist in the world! and you can be: in some prison to see: all this: like Saddam Hussein

666 IHateNEWLAYOUT cannibal CIA - for do: 200,000 human sacrifice: on altar of Satan --- but, are you sure That the mask murderess, That, you have worn it, is why, you have shame of yourself: for to be satanist, to show your own face, criminal, in public, you're not afraid to yourself, also .. lol. as, in my exorcism, That, i was sent to myself: to my channel for: another mine channel: did fear also: to myself? lol.if your wife: is not Satanist, she is very very very nice good kind person: beautifull women! but, you are not happy cannibal satanist priest: a true piece of shit! you can not do anything to That precaution prevent your daughter: does not end: a day: on the altar of Satan too: also her

Abu Antar has posted a comment: 8 hours ago: Unius Rei, Israel bombed Syria yesterday just for the sake of helping the Islamists. This is One of Those: occasions: I agree with you. -- ANSWER -- You have not understood anything: this Israeli attack against Syria: it is not to be related to the current conflict! and if there is: a war against Iran, will give you all the Syrian nation under the control of Israel, too. because: this: is my agenda: that is, is to be a Zionist, for the kingdom of Palestine, that is, do: the universal brotherhood, in fact, it should not be forgotten: that, first to be two: between: the greatest Christians in history: me and Benny Hinn? we are two true Jews, like any other true Christian!

System masonic IMF FED 666: IHateNEWLAYOUT cannibal CIA - for 200,000 do human sacrifice an altar of Satan - by HellSaveYou thing? save you from the hell? lol. That, is there? Shall you do to me, with the index finger, also, this time, to send me to fuck off? thank you you look like the little brother of Obama .. lol. if you love Satan Which is a piece of shit? how much more you have to love me? sorry, I have many items: articles, to do and blog on TV, I would lose too much time! However, you are a handsome man. why your life is in danger .. lol. because synnek1: kkk is a nazi, that: he hates Jews, and blacks. you make me tenderly, Because unius REI has an absolute power over all Satanists, and above all the demons of hell! and in fact, none of you can escape to my will!

  Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  IRAN - it is not in their interest(masonic satanic system 666 IMF talmud agenda NWO) to accept your conditions! you have to set an example, in a unilateral way! if you will do the true freedom of religion, and the true human rights? I will be by your side, against Israel in this war inevitable, against you! with more energy supernatural and divine, to like, I was not be: been, in favor of Syria   Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. IRAN -- non è loro interesse: di accettare le tue condizioni! tu devi dare l'esempio, in modo unilaterale! se tu farai la vera libertà di religione, ed i veri diritti umani? io sarò al tuo fianco, contro Israele, in questa guerra, ormai inevitabile, contro di te! con più energia sopranaturale e divina, di come, io non sono stato a favore della Siria

my son IRAN - since the Pharisees: in 1200 AD, they were given a body, at demons: for relizzare aliens, and spread the Satanism in the world? ok, for this reason, I am forced to allow: the nuclear: to all nations: where are respect the human rights and freedom of religion! but, I myself am forced to destroy: between, the use of force, everyone else! because justice can return to rule on earth -- da quando i farisei: nel 1200 d.C., loro hanno dato un corpo, ai demoni: per relizzare gli alieni, e diffondere il satanismo nel mondo? ok, per questo motivo, io sono costretto a permettere: il nucleare a tutte le nazioni: che: rispettano i diritti umani: e la libertà di religione! ma, io stesso sono costretto a distruggere: con l'uso della forza tutti gli altri! perché la giustizia possa ritornare a dominare sulla terra

[IRAN] Hagel, stop Iran, defend Israel (AP) - WASHINGTON, JANUARY 31, 19:04 (4 hour: after my article: pro-Israel) - "We have to stop the Iranian nuclear program: and, for this purpose: each option: it is, on the table. "He said the Pentagon chief appointed, Chuck Hagel in the Senate. Hagel, criticized in the past by the pro-Israel lobby: for some of his positions: as a senator, then reassured they were always on the side: Israel, in defense of his right to a defense: "I am committed to ensuring: the prominent role of Israel, our friend and ally, in the whole area. "--answer - they are all hypocrites and liars [pork Saudi Arabia: prepared for slaughter, should be kept blind: still].. in fact, your problem is not the nuclear, but, you can not hold: the Islamist intolerance, and nuclear together! your destruction: my son, it is inevitable!

Supreme Court: for Use of drugs, 'Criminally irrelevant' in two cases: of: the purchase mandate: either, of purchase common: is not a crime: 31 January, 18:35 - ANSWER -- ANSWER -- but if, there is sex, in the group, it must be assumed rape! in reality, the Constitution, and the natural law, the use of drugs: it is always a matter subject to prosecution, but the hemp should not be criminalized! Cassazione: su uso droga: se: in gruppo: non è reato: 'Penalmente irrilevante' nella duplice ipotesi: di: mandato all'acquisto: o di, acquisto comune: 31 gennaio, 18:35 -- ANSWER -- ma, se c'è sesso nel gruppo, si deve presumere lo stupro! in realtà, per la Costituzione: e la legge naturale, l'uso di stupefacenti: è sempre: un fatto penalmente rilevante: ma, la canapa: non deve essere criminalizzata!

Abu Antar has a comment Posted: 5 hours ago: unius Rei, Israel just bombed, Syria yesterday, for the sake of helping: the Islamists. This is one of those occasions, I agree with you. -ANSWER - only who is more high in power, can see more away from everyone else. This is why, people are like sheep, small children in the hands of their rulers, pretends MERKEL: to have confidence of salafi: President Morsi, while, the same Muslim Egyptians: do not have: no confidence, in him, in fact: every mason: of 33 degree: he knows: that: it is indispensable to regenerate the IMF: and to continue the agenda of the Talmud: to do: the destruction of 5.5 billion people, together, with the destruction, of Israel. but, as it is the people: not: control the government, in all the false democracies Masonic seigniorage Banking, which should realize the NWO, ie, reduction to slavery of all peoples. so also is Israel, as all governments, is ONE ONLY SATAN SYNAGOGUE!
1 giorno fa

  Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. SiamoInGuerra999 - walking worms slanderers, like you, on the page of youtube, when I go to sleep!. 666 IMF FED ECB, cannibal, gods Baal Marduk owl: at bohemian grove, 322 - ie, institutional Satanism: you are the fan: of 666 IMF Rothschild, and, not, of me! you're just a criminal institution! are unnecessary: all your lies: about IMF FED, etc. .., I do not want, the charity, by the thief murderess: 666 322 Bush satanic Rothschild, who, wants to be my friend, after all .. That legitimacy can never have been, for a murderess usurer, he stole: the monetary sovereignty: of all Peoples: in total disregard, of human dignity: Hope of Israel, and the Constitutions of all Peoples? .. Therefore, all that you said? are lies of the devil!
1 giorno fa

Synnek1: 18 hours ago: we do not forgive We do not forget ... [U.S. 666 are many legions of demons] - ANSWER - because, you cannibals, drink human blood: On the altar of Satan? Because you want to have in yourself, the same feelings of Satan, and then destroy: with human nature, also: all the effects of Christian baptism (compassion, justice, fairness). That's why, when you finish say: "Satanists are monsters" who are happy to be Recognized: in this way .. Because, well, they think they have Achieved: a superiority on the: human race: that is destined to be exterminated, and enslaved, this ambition has been Given to them by the Pharisees of the Masonic system of bank seigniorage: IMF FED ECB. ie, project, alien abductions, reverse engineering, microchip technology secret U.S. military, Which is: NWO .. but, do you really think you can win against me: I'm not that asshole, of Saudi Arabia, King horror sharia Islamist Nazi fagot
1 giorno fa

synnek1: Satanism institutional, international: to do: 200,000: human sacrifice: every year: on altar of Satan: ie, IIlIIllIlII posted a comment, days ago: " i Kill 50000000 of you " --- ANSWER - in fact: they have control of the USA, because they are born out of the synagogue of Satan, which is the IMF: ECB FED: ie, the Masonic system, of all the false democracies Masonic of seigniorage banking, for the disintegration of Israel: and the annihilation of monotheism in the world! this is the era: of global slavery of the human race reduced to 200.million, which is, after World War III, nuclear... but I am not idiot crazy of King Saudi Arabia: sharia criminal terrorist
1 giorno fa

Synnek1 posted a comment 13 hours ago: We do not Forgive We do not Forget ...! [WE ARE many legions] - ANSWER - because, you do cannibals, and drink human blood: on the altar of Satan? - ANSWER - because you want to have in you SAME, the same feelings of Satan, and then, at the same time, eliminate the effects of Christian baptism, and destroy LA human nature .. That's why, when you say: "Satanists are monsters!" they are happy to be recognized: in this way .. because, well, they think they have achieved superiority over the human race that is destined to be exterminated and enslaved! this ambition has been given to them by the Masonic system of bank seigniorage: IMF FED ECB: project aliens abductions, alien reverse engineering, microchip, American military technology secret, that is the NWO, etc. .. but, you really believe you can win against me? I'm not that asshole of the King Saudi Arabia sharia horror faggot
1 giorno fa

  Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  666 Synnek1 - i hatred, these Satanists Italians: institutional stupid, that: they can never be: of real Satanists: to never being able to have them, a bionic body: for living in hyperspace, like you! all times: that: they are on this page? the whole collective body of the NWO: ie, the new tower of babel: masonic system for banking seigniorage, will suffer a lot, in Jesus's name .. because, I think is, IMF Rothschild, responsible for their presence!   Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. 666 Synnek1 -- odio, questi satanisti italiani: istituzionali stupidi, che: loro non potranno mai essere dei satanisti veri: per non poter mai avere loro, un corpo bionico: che vive nell'iperspazio: come voi! tutte le volte: che: loro vengono su questa pagina? tutto il corpo collettivo del NWO: cioè, la nuova torre di babele, dovrà soffrire molto.. perché, io ritengo Rothschild del FMI, responsabile per la loro presenza!
1 giorno fa

Synnek1 posted a comment 10 hours ago [we are a legion] We do not Forgive We do not Forget ...! -   Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. 666 IMF Rothschild: 322 NWO Bush: Enlightened FED ECB --- I AM NOT A stock character IN your CAROUSEL OF YOUTUBE, because, I can kill you: all!   Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  666 CIA synnek1 - if you disobey, to my will? and you go to the altar of Satan, next Sunday, to make the cannibals? I do miss: the day off, too, Also to your Obama! Therefore, you three: institutional Satanists of the CIA, you will be with me, on this page, always, every day, Because The Satanists: international institutional Italians? I can not bear, them: their own: they are too stupid!
1 giorno fa

Synnek1 has posted a comment: 7 hours ago:   Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  unius REI. We do not Forgive We do not Forget ...! -- ANSWER - OK! by today, your day off, is canceled! you 3 Satanists institutional (Ihatenewlayout and kain) you will not have Saturday and Sunday free, never more: for to go:at your: human sacrifice: ie, cannibal on the altar of your Satan .. because: Satanists Italian institutional: make suck too: starting with: 1. witch to.(5olo: sorry: 5lol) malignant ierodula sacred, and: 2. 1wz1: that is, MassimoIlPetano (Nobility Patana! PETANIA FREE!) Madonnatroia100, which, I hope, they are all: sued by the Northern League! as: the Church Cattotlica has lost its dignity! and since it also: the Jewish community has lost its dignity on this video: ★ Happy Easter to all Jewish noses! ★: that is real anti-Semitism!

[the connivance and the enormous responsibilities of the Bank of Italy? are obvious! ] Mps, Alfano: "Ready to commission investigation." Grillo's "colossal theft, Bersani resign." The Secretary of the PDL on the scandal that has engulfed the Bank of Siena: "political responsibility is on the left." Hard M5S the leader but the leader of the Democratic Party, "in favor of the commission, to investigate also on derivatives." It calls into question Maroni Monti. Beppe Grillo is back, today to accuse, very hard, the Democratic Party.(a chasm international derivatives: covered, momentaneamente: with only 4 billion euro: stolen from the Italian people through the IMU! because we do not ask for money to Rothschild?)

[the connivance and the enormous responsibilities of the Bank of Italy? are obvious! ] The story of "Mps dwarfing not only Parmalat, but also the collapse of Banco Ambrosiano. Behind this colossal looting, as it was then, it can be anything. Craxi, by comparison, stealing candy from children," writes leader M5S on his blog, calling for the immediate resignation of Pierluigi Bersani and insists that his entry into Parliament motion asking for the establishment of a commission of inquiry. (a chasm international derivatives: covered, momentaneamente: with only 4 billion euro: stolen from the Italian people through the IMU! because we do not ask for money to Rothschild?)

negazionismo idiota [/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=2323&start=0] David Irving. è in carcere in Austria... ma, quel criminale io lo conosco... ho letto tutti i suoi libri, ho avuto anche una corrispondenza con lui... quell'uomo ha 70 anni... non ha ucciso, non ha rubato, non ha fatto violenza... ha solo scritto libri: e fatto ricerche storiche (come il sottoscritto)... ma è in galera. Vorrei che rifletteste un attimo su questa frase: "Ognuno ha diritto alla libertà di opinione: e di espressione, e alla ricerca scientifica, il che implica: il diritto di non essere molestati per le proprie opinioni: e quello di cercare, di ricevere e di diffondere, senza considerazione di frontiera, le informazioni e le idee: con qualsiasi mezzo di espressione li si faccia"(Dichiarazione internazionale dei Diritti dell'Uomo, adottata dall'Assemblea generale dell'ONU a Parigi il 10 dicembre 1948).

negazionismo idiota [/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=2323&start=0] in alcuni stati della moderna e liberale europa (Germania, Francia, Austria, Svizzera e Turchia) esiste il reato d'opinione. Dimenticavo: quell'uomo si chiama David Irving... è in galera in Austria per aver scritto libri revisionisti: sulla seconda guerra mondiale e sull'olocausto... che fanno tutti i paladini della libertà di pensiero e di ricerca? Perché non si mobilitano anche solo in nome di Voltaire e del suo: "non condivido, ciò che dici, ma darei la vita perché tu possa dirlo"? mah..? tutto tace... a nessuno interessa... è questa la nostra libertà??? --ANSWER- OK! SE SI SCOPRISSE, chissà, che gli ebrei uccisi sono stati, 5,5, soltanto? cosa cambia? e che dei soldi: sono andati ad Israele: che, sta in prima fila a difendere la cosiddetta democrazia: dalla mostruosità islamica: che le sinistre stanno diffondendo nel mondo... cosa ci sarebbe di male, in tutto questo?

President Giorgio Napolitano said: "That's why, any hint of" revisionism or denial "must be combated by force, even though maimed, the bud to avoid new forms of anti-Semitism." - ANSWER - because you're afraid, of document historians of: scientific analysis, etc. .. why do you want to inhibit and intimidate: the scientific community? what truth you fear: so much, and you do not want that, it might come out? you are the real threat against: my Jewish people, and against: all the peoples of the world (all innocent and victims at the same time: of your banking system): you are, the true accomplice of the Masonic system: 1. banking seigniorage, 2. debt: public, 3. derivates titles: 4. debt: private; ecc.. all crimes aberrated: of Satanism ideological: robbed at all the constitutional prerogatives, which, have always required: innocent victims expiatory: that, is, the Shoah!

Presidente Giorgio Napolitano said: "Ecco perché, ogni accenno di «revisionismo o negazionismo» va combattuto con forza, anzi stroncato, sul nascere, per evitare nuove forme di antisemitismo." --ANSWER -- perché tu hai paura, di documeti storici, di: analisi scientifiche, ecc.. perché, tu vuoi inibire ed intimidire: la comunità scientifica? quale verità tu temi: così tanto, e non vuoi, che, essa possa venire fuori? tu sei la vera minaccia, contro: il mio popolo ebraico, e contro: tutti i popoli del mondo(tutti innocenti e vittime: allo stesso tempo: del tuo sistema bancario): tu sei: il vero complice del sistema massonico del: 1. signoraggio bancario, 2. debito: pubblico, 3. dedito: privato: crimini aberrati di satanismo: derubati alle prerogative costituzionali, che, sempre hanno richiesto: le vittime espiatorie: cioè la Shoah!

Napolitano: "Anti-Semitism abhorrent," Enough, "junk racist anti-Jewish" - ANSWER-and why do you think: against: every hint: of "revisionism or denial," to be fought: hard, indeed, "cut off: the bud" for avoid new forms of anti-Semitism? [your conclusion is aberrant] and why, you want to nip in the bud: every movement of "revisionism or denial" to make yourself an accomplice of the Pharisees of the IMF? because: the combination (criminal operation cultural) banking seigniorage: IMF, and Jews?: is an operation that only the Pharisees Illuminati: have always: had their interest: to do: to fill of hatred: all human race, to download the their crimes: against, my Jewish people, and thus to realize: their wars destructions, genocides, Shoah, etc. .. absolutely necessary to regenerate a new monetary cycle parasitic, you have against your consciousness, the scientist Giacinto Auriti, and the poet Ezra Pound! you have on your conscience the whole human race

but since, as you say, the Koran was dictated: by the Angel Gabriel, to someone, Muhammad which, of course, could not memorize it, immediately, all it,immediately .. therefore, Muhammad was the first traitor, for to go into hell .. he did not have to do write him: the Koran: during his lifetime?, and the Muslims are the first: however, that have commit apostasy and blasphemy: for doing burn: the first 4 copies: of the Koran (the originals): so who is: the criminal: who has wrote the Qur'an today, for to have doing: it corrupt?

MrB19dog: As I pointed out neither Matthew, Mark, Luke or Paul knew Jesus, as the gospels were written 300 years after, the death of Jesus. The Qu'ran was written during, the time of the prophet Muhammed.-ANSWER-- YOU ARE A TOTAL LIAR. Because you had confidence in teachers: Islamists liars .. This is why, Islam needs to be a terrorist, That kills the innocent Christian martyrs, Because Islam today: it has a mountain of lies to hide! is because Islam today: it has a mountain: of lies to hide! (2: of the: 4 gospels: were written by the Apostles: Matthew and John: eyewitnesses!, And the first 4 copies of the Koran: were burned: when the traitor of Muhammad had not do: committed him: to do write the Koran, but, however, he died like a dog to be descended into hell: for this: from the dome of the Rock: in Jerusalem: that: was conquered: by the Muslims: only: 8 years later his death) that's why, you are forced to be killers! you are worse than the Nazis!

[ is a shame, for all the world's religions, that God has sent into the world a political unius REI, to declare the truth of theology! ] [Jews - Muslims] when you finish see: as, I pray: in mosque: or synagogue, etc. .. ? you understand, only, then, That I am perfect, either: as a Muslim, Which, as jew, Hindu, etc.. .. etc.. .. then only, you understand, to experience by you, as, I am a creature unique in the history of mankind! In fact, I come from the Kingdom of God, where is been product: my being... [ is a shame, for all the world's religions, that God has sent into the world a political Unius REI, to declare the truth of theology! ]

rednck13: R: Daniels Timeline. said: No atheist :will enter heaven ([No! all good people enter!]). If only, 1. six of the tribes of Israel: and covered in the first covanent: Or: 2. only: if you Recognize the Sacrafice, for: the sin of the Son of God (Christian), Those who do not believe? sleep until their, second resurrection: and not: reign, with Jesus (this is ok!). John 14:6 Jesus answered, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father (the Throne Room(for nature divine): is not heaven, or paradise) except, through me.

    USA   Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  666 IMF FED 322 CIA - Satanists: have control of power! I have seen women impaled: the anus to the mouth: these women were crossed: stuck: a pole: wood: Pointed, or: these women were put on the grill: stuck: from the spit of a pig! CLEAR? those entering the Satanism CORPORATE: for corpotions(Spa: BCE IMF FED 666) receive a perfect mind control, because, he believes: that: the priest of Satan, he can read, even the thoughts! now, this monstrosity: how can it be made ​​to end? because this thy: Satanism institutional: it involves institutions for do the governments: of: England, France, Germany and is "operating" in all the false democracies (demons- crazy) of all fake governments: of masonic system for the banking seigniorage? as the whole human race is in danger, now? you can laugh against me, but, do not laugh much to longer!


    drinkYpoisonJHWHwins posted a comment 4 hours ago USA   Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  666 IMF FED 322 CIA. - Satanism? is worse than cannibalism because: it is an experience: mental, spiritual, psychological, istitutional, of segrets service, somatic, hypnotic terrorist, and horror extreme, ecc.. "with no: options: to return: or redemption of his life!" Indeed, those who think to betray? is killed immediately! these Satanists institutional eat the raw heart during: human sacrifice: while the victim is still alive, is the technique, the institution, the perfection of the crime, is horror at perfection! Satanists: have: professionals: highly: specialized! must be: a martial law to eradicate this cancer: from civil society? can not deal with all of this: that, now, satanists have took possession of the secret weapons: the secret bases: and in control of the program: aliens abductions, because the satanists: they are related with the demons!


    drinkYpoisonJHWHwins   Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  4   Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].    Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. USA 666 IMF CIA 322 FED -- il satanismo è peggio del cannibalismo: perché: è una esperienza: mentale, spirituale, psicologica, somatica: "senza nessuna: possibilità: di ritorno: o di redenzione!", infatti, chi pensa di tradire? viene ucciso immediatamente! questi, satanisti istituzionali, mangiano crudo il cuore: durante: il sacrificio umano: mentre la vittima è ancora viva, sono la tecnica, la istituzione, la perfezione: del crimine: e dell'orrore! i satanisti: possiedono: figure professionali: altamente: specializzate! occorre: una legge marziale: per estirpare questo cancro: la società civile? non può affrontare tutto questo: che, ormai ha preso possesso delle armi segrete: le basi segrete: ed ha il controllo del programma: aliens abductions, perché, i sataniti: sono affini con i demoni!


      Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. USA 666 IMF CIA 322 FED -- sorry, poiché, tu hai bandito: tutti i simboli religiosi:(tranne le croci rovescite, le stelle rovesciate: insieme: a: tutti i simboli blasfemi: del metal: che, sono simboli satanici)? poiché, tu impartisci le lezioni: di stregoneria nelle scuole? allora è bene, per te, che, tu sia coerente! tu rimuovi: tutti i tuoi: simboli satanici: e blasfemi dalla tua nazione! perché tu sei sempre: il satanismo: che: ha occupato un popolo cristiano drinkYpoisonJHWHwins   Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  4   Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].    Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. USA CIA 666 IMF FED 322 freemasonry -- 1. sorry, in quale negozio: io posso comprare un bidone di due quintali: di: acido solforico: per dire alla polizia: sono io, che, io sciolgo: centinaia di cadaveri? 2. sorry, perché di migliaia, e migliaia, di sacrifici umani fatti sull'altare di satana: voi non scoprite mai un solo colpevole? 3. quale potere industriale, politico, istituzionale, mediatico, finanziario ha permesso: la realizzazione: dell'11-09?


    U.S. CIA   Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  666 IMF FED 322 freemasonry - sorry, because you have bandit all religious symbols: (except, inverted crosses, stars reversed: together: to all symbols blasphemous: like, metal, that are: all satanic symbols)? because thou impart lessons: witchcraft in schools? then it is good for you, that you are consistent! you remove: all your: satanic symbols: and blasphemers of your nation! because you're always the freemasons and: Satanism: that: has occupied a Christian people: and his power: for guilty of IMF FED. in which shop: I can buy a can of two quintals: of: sulfuric acid: to say to the police: I am, that, I dissolve: hundreds of dead bodies? 2. sorry, for thousands and thousands of human sacrifices made ​​on the altar of Satan, you will not ever find a single culprit? 3. what power industrial, political, institutional, media, financial has enabled: the creation: 11-09?


    Proceed with the appeal against the Community Guidelines warning strike for the following videos: "Jewish ritual murder kabbalah Talmud IMF Grove 322 666 IMF abduction 2" The YouTube team: will review our decision: and, where appropriate, restore: your video. It is possible: that : the warning be removed but your video will not be restored. The Account Management page will reflect the latest decisions relating to your account. I understand that if YouTube confirms the warning, I will not be able to appeal against future warnings for a period of 60 days. Reason (required) - ANSWER -   Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  YOUTUBE - YOU ARE NAZI!


    Procedi con il ricorso contro l'avvertimento relativo alle Norme della community per i seguenti video Jewish ritual murder kabbalah Talmud IMF Grove 322 666 IMF abduction 2 Il team di YouTube esaminerà la nostra decisione e, se opportuno, ripristinerà il tuo video. È possibile che l'avvertimento venga rimosso ma il tuo video non verrà ripristinato. La pagina Gestione account rispecchierà le decisioni più aggiornate relative al tuo account. Comprendo che se YouTube conferma l'avvertimento, non sarò più in grado di fare ricorso contro avvertimenti futuri per un periodo di 60 giorni. Motivo (obbligatorio) -- ANSWER--  Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. YOUTUBE-- YOU ARE NAZI!


    WARNING 1: 01/ago/2012, The YouTube community: (ie, jewish lobby) reported one or more of your videos as inappropriate. therefore, have been disabled: about, my: "Jewish ritual murder kabbalah Talmud IMF Grove 322 666 IMF abduction 2 - (allDavidDuke)" - ANSWER - WHO WANTS TO DISCUSS WITH ME, IF THE CONTENTS, ARE: or, not are APPROPRIATE? but you're a Nazi, you will not talk: with me!   Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  IMF 666 322 Rothschild - why, you do daggers for/through (Holocaust; Shoah) to its behind: your people of the Jews: Satanists Pharisees of the Talmud: while it: was: your accomplice to kill: all peoples (like vampires) through the bank seigniorage, that you have stolen to all the peoples? Why do you now want to destroy Israel, too?


    AVVERTIMENTO 1: 01/ago/2012, La community di YouTube:(ie, jewish lobby) ha segnalato uno o più dei tuoi video come non appropriati. pertanto, sono stati disattivati: about, my: "Jewish ritual murder kabbalah Talmud IMF Grove 322 666 IMF abduction 2 - (allDavidDuke)" --ANSWER-- CHI VUOLE DISCUTERE CON ME: SE, I CONTENUTI SONO: oppure, non sono APPROPRIATI?   Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. IMF 666 322 Rothschild -- perché, tu pugnali(Olocausto; Shaoah) alle sue: spalle il tuo popolo degli ebrei: satanisti farisei del talmud: mentre esso: è stato: tuo complice: per sterminare: tutti i popoli(come dei vampiri), attraverso, il signoraggio bancario, che, tu hai rubato a tutti i popoli? Perché ora tu vuoi distruggere Israele: anche?


    the mercenary troops of the "Arab League"? ie the Salafis of Al Qaeda? they are having too much fun in Syria! Syria cynically abandoned civil war: - ​​2 hours ago Syria, who died American reporter The Associated Press - 3 hours ago le truppe mercenarie della "Lega Araba"? cioè i salafiti di Al Quaeda? loro si stanno divertendo troppo in Siria! Siria: cinicamente abbandonata a guerra civile:   Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  hallelujah my YHWH - Elizabeth II: is the Queen Jezebel II: ie, 666 of IMF: and is the his 322: Queen of the New World Order - answer- and now? can also close this channel: 1. Community Guidelines: Has a good reputation; 2. Warnings about copyright: Has a good reputation; 3. Content ID claims: He has a good reputation. lol. because these Satanists Americans of googgle CIA? they are capable of anything!


    WakeUpUSAxRonPaul   Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  5   Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. ,, stop! poor nations, all their leaders? have all committed, high treason, in the Freemasonry and in Satanism institutional poveri popoli: le loro guide? hanno commesso tutti tradimento, nella massoneria e nel satanismo istituzionale * sorry -- the mother of all the corruptions? is the IMF! [please answer to me]IHateNEWLAYOUT - google 666 IMF staf? he is hurting me! he has erased, my site for the reporting of Christian martyrs: site, which was associated with my youtube channel: "SatanQueenFagot" they have closed: with the crackles! but that is the relationship between a youtube channel: and a blogspot site? Please you say!


    [ilpost . it /2012/08/23/intorno-alla-siria /] Around the Syrian: ((for the happiness of the King of Saudi Arabia!)) Foreign soldiers: they reached Aleppo to help the rebels, in Lebanon there were clashes between Alawites and Sunnis, United Kingdom and the United States threaten Assad - ANSWER - just says: "foreign soldiers"] Intorno alla Siria: ((per la felicità: del Re dell'Arabia Saudita! )) Soldati stranieri: hanno raggiunto Aleppo: per aiutare i ribelli, in Libano ci sono stati scontri tra alauiti e sunniti, Regno Unito e Stati Uniti minacciano Assad --ANSWER -- dice proprio: "soldati stranieri"


      Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  CIA Obama, Bush   Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  IMF 666   Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  322 - we can speak: openly! google said: "The blog has been removed! Sorry, the blog at:" satanqueenfagot -_blogspot -_ com "has been removed. Address not available: for new blogs." All of my sites, and all my youtube channel? are all equal; 1. denunciation of the martyrdom of Christians, 2. the complaint of the bank seigniorage! if you delete one of them? Besides, you can delete them all! Certainly, youtube, can have the excuse of "copyright", but blogger has no excuse! Now, you have to be consistent! you will delete all my sites: is why, we know immediately, this 3 ° WW nuclear, and I no longer see to you, in front at my balls! said lorenzojhwh the king of Israel, ie, Unius REI the King of World!


    [national self-determination, for monetary sovereignty] more state control: less cursed capitalists and cursed thieves,cursed hoarders and cursed exploiters of the peoples --- damn Masons free all gratis: i am unius rei the king of israel [finiranno, le tasse in tutto il mondo][eventually, will end , stop taxes worldwide] disappear all the taxes in all the world, because, I am Unius REI


    because you has, as a collaborator, a dangerous Satanist: as "TheDemonDack"? He believes, that God may be: attacked: by demons, or that it is possible for the demons, you can climb: in Paradise, but only: with love can, of grow of climb, the size, here is why: in 'hell: they are like shadows, ie, they are in two dimensions, while its Satan is the most handicapped of all: to be the point, that is, of to live: satan, in one only dimension!  Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. iHATENEWLAYOUT -- perché, tu hai come collaboratore: un pericoloso satanista: come: "TheDemonDack: "? Lui crede, che, Dio possa essere: aggredito: dai demoni, o che, sia possibile, per i demoni, di poter salire: in Paradiso: ma, soltanto: l'amore può fare salire: di dimensione: ecco perché: nell'inferno: loro sono come ombre, cioè, loro sono: in due dimensioni, mentre proprio satana è il più handicappato di tutti: per essere il punto, cioè, per vivere in una sola dimensione!


    by Wikipedia: Central Intelligence Agency: Project MKULTRA. In the fifties and sixties, the CIA began a research program called Project MKULTRA mind control in the United States and Canada. The project in Montreal included the development of techniques used by Nazi scientists to influence and control the behavior of individuals. These experiments, funded with $ 25 million, also included hypnosis techniques, administration of truth serums, drugs, subliminal messages and other methods of psychological violence (eg, sensory deprivation, electroshock, etc..) On human subjects (including many psychiatric patients.) - ANSWER- is FOR iHATENEWLAYOUT: leader: in youtube, of the Central Intelligence Agency: YOU ARE THE VICTIM OF ALL THIS is why, the Satanists have taken control of youtube

    [ Lawrence of Arabia, lorenzoJHWH lorenzoAllah: ie the Mahdì Messiah jewish for love: in Universal Brotherhood: shalom + salam = blessings too! I am King Unius REI: the king of Israel ]oggi, è San Lorenzo: Diacono e martire: il mio Onomastico, tanti auguri, io ricevo da tutti i satanisti della CIA.. Today is San Lorenzo: Deacon and Martyr: My Name day, happy birthday, I receive from all Satanists CIA.. --ANSWER-- JEWS NON è COLPA MIA SE PER ME GLI UOMINI SONO TUTTI UGUALI! COLORO CHE SONO CONTRO DI ME? SONO I CRIMINALI IL CUI NOME NON è SCRITTO NEL LIBRO DELLA VITA! Jews is NOT MY FAULT, IF for ME, all THE MEN: ARE ALL THE SAME! THOSE WHO ARE AGAINST ME? CRIMINALS ARE: your NAME NOT is been WRITTEN IN THE BOOK OF LIFE!

    i am king unius REI x Universal Brotherhood: the King of Israel Mahdi am HellxDesPairTruction HellxDesPairTruction has published a comment 2 hours ago   Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  666 IMF Rothschild --- even, we can do a kingdom: so great, that is: Iran: all 'Ethiopia, you stop to curse the Jewish people and my world with your Satanism: you can not continue: to be: so: perverse and evil, because God will end: to do evil to you: and all your children! indeed, we can do to kingdom so great: it goes from Iran to all 'Ethiopia! .. you stop to curse the Jewish people, and all Peoples, and my world with your Satanism (Talmud Kabbalah 666 322 IMF FED ECB: seigniorage banking? NO! is the seigniorage of the peoples!): you can not continue to be so perverse and evil, Because Eventually God will do evil to you and to your children!

      Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  666 FMI Rothschild - que la plus grande malédiction: des Juifs: et de tous: la race humaine, comme une malédiction: comme vous (tous les pharisiens votre famille: de Baal) a fait: pour devenir: un héros: pour les Juifs ? (il suffit: d'avoir de l'argent, pour les Juifs, pour devenir:? leur héros) En effet, chaque Shoah, l'Holocauste: qui a été fait: pour ta seule faute! Vous avez maudit: le règne de Salomon, etc .. vous avez fait tuer Jésus; ecc .. ecc.   Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  Roi d'Arabie saoudite - tu es le roi des couilles! parce que: acheter de l'argent signifie plus: être maître de rien! et vous êtes le roi: de rien! Seul l'esclave ne peut pas acheter: son argent! comme tu as fait: pour devenir l'esclave: des satanistes Juifs? monothéisme: dans le monde entier, rendez-vous à la ruine: pour coupable de vous?

    The account discepolobenedetto: it was closed because we received, several third-party claims relating to: Copyright Claims: on material posted by the user.   Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  youtube - you return it to him this channel! Satanists have denounced him (pretending: to have the rights), because he has copied only programs TBNE, but TBNE? could never have denounced him! but, pardon him! he is an asshole: a Protestant who, he believes that: Catholics are idolaters, because of the statues: but: the Catholics? do not worship the images! this: it is an evil: it: you can not tell! all pray on their knees: and plaster statues? you can not kneel with us! because they are the saints who are in heaven! Only, for God is all the adoration: lol. know this too the statues!

    shadowperez Commento sul tuo video: Zionists Control Wall Street 666 grove 322 Shocking Facts Because Zionism has not given the go ahead. Zionism money controls the entire world and Iran. Iran cannot make a move without Zionist money! ---ANSWER -- Iran is the only one, and the last nation in the world, not to have lose, monetary sovereignty, just as was Iraq before, ie, with Saddam Hussein, we are the monsters (Masonic) that destroy freedom in the world.. l'Iran è l'unica, e l'ultima nazione al mondo, a non avere perso, la sovranità monetaria: proprio come era l'Irak prima di Saddam Hussein, noi siamo i mostri(massonici) che distruggono la libertà nel mondo

    Rothschild IMF   Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  666 - when I say to you, "my friend" I am not a hypocrite, because I promised (to God YHWH) to be a friend of every person on this planet, that's, why who thinks and says, something of bad: against me: unius REI? then, his name has not yet been written in the book of life! not are me: what: I choose to be the enemy of someone, because I have the level of political justice: the larger, more: that men may know! In fact, only: unius REI, is the rightful owner: the bank seigniorage, of all people! rather, this is your chance: for to go out, from where is the powerful curse: of your ancestors [() Illuminati of Lucifer ()] have decided to immerse you and your descendants into the hell!
  • 02/12/2013 [Obama ally of the Salafists, to destroy Israel]. SYRIA. After Muslim rebels seize two priests in Aleppo, there are fears for their life. An Armenian Catholic priest, Fr Michael, and an Orthodox clergyman were abducted last Sunday in Aleppo's Christian neighbourhood. Sources speak to AsiaNews about barbarous murders carried out my Islamic extremists. A car bomb explodes at the Turkish-Syrian border crossing of Cilvegozu. Aleppo (AsiaNews) - A group of rebels close to Muslim extremists on Sunday abducted an Armenian Catholic priest, Fr Michael, as well as a yet unknown Orthodox clergyman. Both were working in Aleppo. Sources, anonymous for security reasons, told AsiaNews that the city's Christian community is very concerned about the attack. "Extremist violence is getting worse day by day.
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    7 secondi fa
    [Obama ally of the Salafists, to destroy Israel]. SYRIA. Muslim militias are killing anyone suspected of ties with the regime, including women and children. People in the neighbourhoods are comparing these days to the Ottoman conquest five centuries ago." For several weeks, residents had complained about the presence of al-Nusra Front forces, Islamic extremists who want to turn Syria into an Islamic state, feared even by the rebel Free Syrian Army. On 6 February, Front troops stormed the Christian neighbourhood of Jdeideh where extremists had already destroyed the city's main Evangelical church in November. Al-Nusra forces include many foreigners, including Muslims from Indonesia and the Philippines, as evinced by a statement posted online by the leader of Abu Sayyaf, an extremist Muslim group with ties to al-Qaeda operating in the Philippines.
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    20 secondi fa
    [Obama ally of the Salafists, to destroy Israel]. SYRIA. In it, Muslims are urged to go to Syria and sacrifice their lives for Islam. "These fighters live for killing and violence. They act without pity and make distinctions among people," sources said. "When they kill, they turn to God as if they were making a sacrifice." Meanwhile, clashes between the military and rebel groups continue across Syria with more than 60,000 people killed so far. Yesterday, a car bomb killed 13 people near the Turkish border, at a road block in Cilvegozu, a border crossing some 100 kilometres northwest of Aleppo, the main route of escape for Syrian refugees fleeing the war. It has been in rebel hands for several months. (S.C.)
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    6 minuti fa
    02/14/2013 NEPAL - TIBET - CHINA Two more Tibetans self-immolate to protest against Chinese oppression A young monk sets himself on fire and dies in Aba Prefecture (Sichuan, southern China). Another monk does the same in front of the Boudhanath stupa in Kathmandu (Nepal). Since 2009, 101 Tibetans have self-immolated to protest against Chinese oppression. CHINA Party denounces St. Valentine's Day and decline of corrupt leaders Bo Xilai, the former chief of Chongqing, Liu Zhijun, a former railway minister, Chen Liangyu, former party secretary of Shanghai cited as an example of people dragged into corruption from love affairs celebrated with St Valentine's Day. Bloggers suggest rather than abolish the holiday it would be better to implement political reforms.
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    27 minuti fa
    [strategia del FMI: e dell'Arabia Saudita, per distruggere Israele]+ Nucleare iraniano: e il burattino: Obama]]. Si allontanano, ulteriormente, le posizioni di Barack Hussein Obama e Israele, sul nucleare iraniano. Il solco, ancora più profondo, lo ha tracciato il nuovissimo rapporto del National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) consegnato, nei giorni scorsi alla Casa Bianca, e, che delinea uno scenario molto simile a quello prefigurato da Israele: l'Iran è sul punto di dotarsi di armi nucleari. Ora, qualsiasi altro Presidente americano avrebbe preso il rapporto del NIE, proprio, per la sua autorevolezza, come oro colato, e avrebbe agito di conseguenza. Non Barack Hussein Obama, che, alle giuste e legittime pressioni israeliane ha risposto, con un atto che chiamare provocatorio e sconsiderato è puro eufemismo: ha convinto l'Arabia Saudita a ritirare il suo appoggio agli aerei israeliani, in caso,
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    28 minuti fa
    [strategia del FMI: e dell'Arabia Saudita, per distruggere Israele]+ Nucleare iraniano: e il burattino: Obama]]. di un loro attacco alle centrali nucleari iraniane e lo ha fatto, scientemente , poche ore prima che il rapporto del NIE venisse diffuso. Di fatto ha chiuso la via più probabile (e comoda) per un attacco israeliano alle centrali nucleari iraniane. Come a dire: a noi non ce ne frega un piffero del rapporto del NIE, fino a dopo le elezioni non se ne fa niente. A Gerusalemme sono allibiti da questa assurda ed incomprensibile posizione del Presidente americano, ma soprattutto sono infuriati per la porcata fatta da Obama a Israele con l'Arabia Saudita. Infatti, come il premier israeliano Benjamin Netanyahu ha più volte ribadito, Israele è in grado di difendersi da solo e non chiede un intervento americano,
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    28 minuti fa
    [strategia del FMI: e dell'Arabia Saudita, per distruggere Israele]+ Nucleare iraniano: e il burattino: Obama]]. ma non può nemmeno tollerare che Obama gli metta i bastoni tra le ruote per una eventuale opzione militare sulle centrali nucleari iraniane. E la mossa fatta con l'Arabia Saudita è chiaramente volta a questo obbiettivo, cioè impedire a Israele di agire, anche se da solo. E' chiaro quindi che questi giochetti politici fatti ai danni della sicurezza di Israele non può stare bene e non può essere tollerata dagli israeliani. Il solco che divide Obama da Israele è sempre più profondo e ormai è chiaro che se si dovrà intervenire sulle centrali nucleari di Teheran per fermare il programma nucleare iraniano, Israele lo dovrà fare da solo. --ANSWER-- mi assumo io: la responsabilità, di un attacco nucleare contro la MECCA!
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    1 ora fa
    [Because Jesus said: "wicked and perverse generation" if, in his time: there was: not: Zapatero, the Socialist, the Freemasons and Obama? but, 666 Rothschild Baal Peor: Enlightened IMF: agenda talmud , to destroy Israel? Already he was!] God does not want that, I have to force: impose: myself: Unius REI, with the violence, but that I must be chosen: for love, and awareness: of the natural law, to all those who have been predestined to overcome, the nuclear World War III, now, inevitable! all those who do not recognize freedom of religion? have a project imperialist (this is logical consequential automatic), for enslavement of mankind .. That's why, Iran must be destroyed immediately! is just, that, Shiites, with the atomic, can finally avenge: yourself, against the Sunnis
  • UniusRei3
    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
    3 ore fa
    1_12. [[Promoted Bestialität: wie Zapatero: anticrist in Spanien: das ist die wahre Zivilisation]] Pharisäer IWF, jetzt genug! lass der Westen könnte sein Christentum zurückzukehren! [Sie und Ihre Sozialist? CAN "" fuck "" alle Tiere, die wie Sie in der Hölle! ]. Spanien Studenten beginnen: zum Denken: dass das Geschlecht frei geübt werden, auch: mit den Tieren. In Vereinbarung mit, die Organisation: "Professional Ethics für" Studenten in der dritten Klasse (Kinder, 9 Jahre alt), in einer Schule von Cordoba in Südspanien, Andalusien, werden in einem Kurs teil: in der Materie mit dem Titel "Die Natur hat uns das Geschlecht, und wir verwenden können: mit einem anderen Mädchen, ein Junge:. oder mit einem Tier"] Gruppen von Eltern haben gesagt, dass: das Material indoktriniert Kinder, Verkleidungen, ein Pro-Homosexualität Tagesordnung: Erzbischof Salvatore Joseph Cordileone, neue Papst!
  • UniusRei3
    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
    3 ore fa
    1_12. [[Bestialidad Promovido: como, Zapatero: anticrist, en España: se trata de la verdadera civilización]] fariseos FMI, ahora, es suficiente! que el Occidente pudiera volver a su cristiandad! [usted y su socialista? CAN "" joder "" todos los animales, al igual que usted, en el infierno! ]. Los estudiantes comienzan España: el pensamiento: que el sexo puede ser practicado libremente, también: con los animales. De acuerdo con la organización: "Ética Profesional para", los estudiantes del tercer grado (hijos, de 9 años de edad), en una escuela de Córdoba, en el sur de España, Andalucía, están participando en un curso: en la materia que se titula "La naturaleza nos ha dado el sexo, y podemos usar: con otra chica, otro chico:. o con un animal"] Grupos de padres han dicho que: la materia adoctrina a los niños, disfraces, una agenda pro-homosexualidad: el arzobispo Salvatore Joseph Cordileone, nuevo Papa!
  • UniusRei3
    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
    3 ore fa
    1_12. [[Bestialité Promu: comme, Zapatero: anticrist, en Espagne: il s'agit de la vraie civilisation]] pharisiens FMI, maintenant, ça suffit! laisser l'Occident pourrait revenir à son christianisme! [vous et votre socialiste? CAN "" fuck "" tous les animaux, comme vous, dans l'enfer! ]. Étudiants commencent Espagne: à la pensée: que le sexe peut être pratiquée librement, aussi: avec les animaux. En accord avec l'organisation: «L'éthique professionnelle pour», les élèves de la troisième année (enfants de 9 ans), dans une école de Cordoue dans le sud de l'Espagne, en Andalousie, sont la participation à un cours: dans la matière qui est intitulé «la nature nous a donné le sexe, et nous pouvons utiliser: avec une autre fille, un autre garçon:. ou avec un animal"] Groupes de parents ont dit que: le matériau endoctrine les enfants, déguisements, un agenda pro-homosexualité: l'archevêque Salvatore Joseph Cordileone, nouveau pape!
  • UniusRei3
    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
    3 ore fa
    2_12. [[Promoted bestiality: as, Zapatero: anticrist]] Correspondence (July 30, 2012) Interview: to: mon. Cordileone new archbishops of San Fransisco. (Michael Drake) On 14 November 2008, the day of the presidential election: in: America, you are bound, also: different referendums. Particularly paradoxical results in California: and: in Florida, where the so-called same-sex marriage: is been: rejected by the electorate, despite: these countries have voted for: in: majority: for: Barack Obama, noted supporter: of: these forms of: unions, to: proof of the fact: that: the American public wanted: an: political change: but: not: ideological. We talk with the bishop of Oakland, Msgr. Salvatore Cordileone, that: reveals both the broad perspectives: for: improving culturally, the company, which, paradoxically, the new scenarios: of: Marginalization: to: where they can go, meeting Catholics: of: this great nation. [Jews: x: Messiah: UniusREI ♰ CSPBCSSMLN DSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].
  • UniusRei3
    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
    3 ore fa
    3_12. [[Promoted bestiality: as, Zapatero: anticrist, in Spain: this is the true civilization]] *** With respect to the referendum on the: marriage, especially: in: Califomia, an: Poll: on the: Proposition 8 (same: that: was opposed to civil unions between homosexuals, ed.)? [Answer:] This change is: is: verified: in: a double dimension: time: and: spiritual. In the temporal dimension: is: started after the: start of the campaign, the media with: ads, press: and: so on. There, people: is: realized: of: what it really was: in: game, that is: to: to say that: the: Proposition 8: protected the true human rights, not: cancellava. Spiritualmente them, there have been many people: of: faith: that: they are united: in: forty days of: fasting: and: prayer. Fasting is: just started a week or two before the change: of: the trend. We think that: this spiritual effort had to that: do with the result.Archbishop Salvatore Joseph Cordileone, new Pope!
  • UniusRei3
    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
    3 ore fa
    4_12. [[Promoted bestiality: as, Zapatero: anticrist, in Spain: this is the true civilization]]*** this campaign since: was 52 %? [Answer:] The fall: is: cause for concern, the correct understanding of the problem is: is: an: po 'eroded: is: an: a real fact, but: not: so serious: such as it might seem. Analysts say that: you are lost at least: three percentage points, but: probably: of more, according to some: 7: and: even. 10 percentage points, to: because of confusing wording: the question is: was the ideal formulation: for: Defeat an initiative that: "eliminated: an: right". If this: not: it happened, we will have achieved at least 55%. However: is: always an: down and: is: worrying, but: for: to answer your question, because there are many lessons to be learned, we have found: that: there are many people: of faith, even: in California, and: that: faith still has the power: of: transforming culture.Archbishop Salvatore Joseph Cordileone, new Pope!
  • UniusRei3
    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
    3 ore fa
    5_12. [[Promoted bestiality: as, Zapatero: anticrist, in Spain]] ***: There is, an: link, direct, between the contraceptive mentality, sixties: in: then: and: this offensive: for: to promote sterile unions, between, people of the same sex? [Answer:] Surely there are philosophical ties. Those: that: studying this matter know: that: to the beginning: of the: erosion: the family: there was the contraceptive mentality, separating the procreation of the: conjugal act. Sex, is shrinking: to: something intended solely: for: pleasure. Also, I recently read some authors that: emphasize this explicitly. One: in: particular criticized strongly, Mormons, because even they, accept, contraceptives. This author simply was inconceivable that: someone sees sex as something else: the only pleasure: and: if there is only: for: pleasure, not: there are no limits. So Anything that gives pleasure? becomes lawful.Archbishop Salvatore Joseph Cordileone, new Pope!
  • UniusRei3
    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
    3 ore fa
    6_12. [[Promoted bestiality: as, Zapatero: anticrist, in Spain: this is the true civilization]] *** about: violence against: those: that: have supported traditional marriage?[Answer:] There should be a response to the: hatred: and: violence. There is much to say about it. We are concerned: that: what he really wants the other party. They are the ones: that more demand tolerance, but, when things: for: them not: go: for: the right way, they become extremely, intolerant. You say, "robbed" by: an: a fundamental right; but: how can: an: right artificially created (and in opposition to natural law): and: never existed before, have become essential? Then, an other thing: never, this right: is been harvested with: an: democratic process in any State where [sex "marriage", ed]: is been: legalized, it: is been: thanks to Rating: of: the four judges of the State Supreme Courts. Archbishop Salvatore Joseph Cordileone, new Pope! If, HE is: not: modernist, has the balls, to do the Pope!
  • UniusRei3
    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
    4 ore fa
    7_12. [[Promoted bestiality: as, Zapatero: anticrist, in Spain: this is the true civilization]] We have instead used: an: the democratic process. We took off the power: of: deciding to some: and: we have placed: in the hands of the people, in: so that it decide: that: Type: of: Companies want. I received an email this morning: an: a friend, a priest of my diocese. I am enclosing the paragraph: that: has written for: its bulletin, comparing, what, happened: the Kristallnacht: Nazi Germany: in 1938, when they were attacked Jews, their institutions: and: their shops. No one protested. The same thing is happening now: the Mormons: and: no public personality is protesting, simply because: Mormons are pronounced: an: democratic process: in: Please: of: the: that: believe to be: the common good, as indeed, also: us: and: not: for: spread: their particular point: of: the religious.Archbishop Salvatore Joseph Cordileone, new Pope! If, HE is: not: modernist, has the balls, to do the Pope!
  • UniusRei3
    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
    4 ore fa
    8_12. [[Promoted bestiality: Zapatero: anticrist, in Spain: this is the true civilization]] *** If this "marriage" between persons of the same sex were: an: day implemented: for: law, what might: on the Church, on church-related organizations, and: on non-profit organizations, for: example? [Answer:] Do not: is: a question of "live: and: let live." This: that: is happening in our society is: that: there are two concepts: the marriage mutually exclusive. An idea is: that of marriage, such as: is: always existed in society since the dawn of civilization, that is, the union: for: all my life, including: an: man and a woman: in: mutual fidelity for: procreation: . Society: and: the state will take: an: benefit because: for: to flourish, its citizens must be virtuous: and: children learn: the virtues above all: in their families, then: in communities of : education: and: of: faith. [Archbishop Salvatore Joseph Cordileone, new Pope! If, HE is: not: modernist, has the balls, to do the Pope!]
  • UniusRei3
    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
    4 ore fa
    9_12. [[Promoted bestiality: as, Zapatero: anticrist, in Spain: this is the true civilization]] This: is: the idea of: marriage: that: is: always existed. And: is: so: that: has a special status in the law. The other conception of marriage: is: that: that: claims: that: marriage is: any thing you want to define: for this. Therefore: not: there is moral difference: between: the so-called homosexual "marriages": o: heterosexual marriages and, therefore, any person who: thinks otherwise: is: an: freak: and: worthy: of: to be treated as such. The IRS [Office: for: revenue, ed] revoked the non-profit status: to: an association Methodist in Ocean Grove (NJ). is been: refused: to: a lesbian couple: that: he wanted to celebrate: their civil union, after: that: New Jersey had approved the legislation. And so many other cases, for: example, associations: of: love: of the: Archdiocese: of Boston. [Arch Salvatore Joseph Cordileone! If, HE is: not: modernist, has the balls, to do the Pope!]
  • UniusRei3
    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
    4 ore fa
    10_12.]] individual cases: of: consciousness, as the photographer dragged: in: court in New Mexico. County: of: San Diego, in my diocese, an: gynecologist is been: tried: for: refusing: of: seeding: artificially a lesbian. Not: to: because: of the: sexual orientation, but: why: not: she was married. There were: then: in the clinic: other doctors willing: to: do so. So, you see: as:, you will be marginalized: and: stigmatized.*** Provides: that: there may be problems with the curriculum? [answer] Nevertheless: that: they say, public officials, the evidence: and: the experience are clear: schools may be forced: to: teach equality, between, sex "marriage": and: heterosexual marriage. This already happens in Massachusetts, and: is: perfectly logical schools: not: must teach fanaticism, and: if it is considered a form: of: the general belief fanaticism: the company: that: the marriage of husband: and: wife: is: something: of: one,
  • UniusRei3
    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
    4 ore fa
    11_12. [[Promoted bestiality: as, Zapatero: anticrist]] to the point: of: the excluded sex "marriage", schools will be forced, to: teach equality: between: the two modes: of: union: is: perfectly conceivable: that: all schools, even: private schools, will have to adapt their program: for: to receive state subsidies. *** Our Catholic schools: not: be able to accept this: that: happen: then: if we are forced: they will have to close our schools?: And: that: when will happen: we will be forced: to: close: also, our hospitals? There is, already: an: the case of: an: Catholic hospital: to: San Francisco: to: where: been asked of: Do an: action: of: change: of: Sex: not : no way: that the State can handle the situation: in: case: of: a possible closure of the: Catholic hospitals. The Catholic Church provides: an: quarter: of the: healthcare: in: this nation.[Archbishop Salvatore Joseph Cordileone, new Pope! If, HE is: not: modernist, has the balls, to do the Pope!]
  • UniusRei3
    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
    4 ore fa
    12_12. [[Promoted bestiality: as, Zapatero: anticrist, in Spain:]]: not: teach: or preach from the pulpit, or: in: any other way, his opposition to sex "marriage"?] Not, it seems very likely: but: not: it would consider impossible: is: already happened in Sweden: an: Lutheran pastor: is been arrested: and: term: in: jail: for: preaching: on this from the pulpit. At least: an: Canadian bishop: is been: forced: to: withdraw from the diocesan website: a pastoral letter: on the: sanctity of marriage. We call upon: against: of: us: the law of incitement to hatred. Come to the pulpit? is: can. (also it has happened)--ANSWER-- Civil rights for all unmarried couples, are recognized, but the marriage, which is the foundation of our society and how, the natural order, is been done of the moral law: fundamental natural, can not be perverted! I command, that all their money is absorbed from all their: troubles, and misfortunes .. so: it is written, and: thus it is done: in the name of Jesus!
  • UniusRei3
    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
    4 ore fa
    [TALMUD AGENDA: 666 IMF FED ECB, MASONIC SYSTEM: FOR SLAVERY AGAINST GOYM: AND FOR DESTROY ISRAEL] Italy in longest recession for 20 years Last three months of 2012 sixth quarter of negative growth. 14 February, (ANSA) - Rome, February 14 - Italy is in its longest recession for 20 years, Istat said Thursday, after the country posted negative growth for the sixth consecutive quarter in the last three months of 2012. In the fourth quarter of 2012 Italy's gross domestic product (GDP) fell 0.9% with respect to the previous three months and 2.7% with respect to the same period in 2011, the national statistics agency said. Istat said that last time the nation posted six consecutive quarters of negative growth was between 1992 and 1993. Italy's GDP for the whole of 2012 was down 2.2% on the previous year, according to seasonally adjusted data.
  • UniusRei3
    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
    4 ore fa
    UniusRei3 posted a comment: 7 hours ago: until one does the dirty: in his house privately, and no one: sees him? will not be persecuted! --ANSWER-- my article? lol. Alleluijah: has had great success in Saudi Arabia! lol. I am also "sporcaccione", every three months, because, I see a pornographic: at my home video, every three months .. but, my children and my students? not need to know this! therefore, I do not have a specific problem against gays. but, any form of explicit sexuality, must be covered by shame, or disciplined, rational, and not so: in mode wild! accordingly: the privacy of individuals is sacred, but, only unius REI is not entitled to her private life, all over the world!

      Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. Rothscild 666 FMI -- quando, io dico: a te: "amico mio!": io non sono ipocrita, perché, io ho promesso(a Dio JHWH) di essere amico: di ogni persona: in questo pianeta, ecco perché: chi pensa e dice: qualcosa: di cattivo: contro di me: unius REI? allora, il suo nome: non è ancora stato scritto: nel libro della vita! non sono io: che: io scelgo di essere il nemico: di qualcuno, poiché, io sono il livello di giustizia politica: più grande, maggiore: che, gli uomini possono conoscere!! infatti, soltanto: Unius REI, è il legittimo proprietario: del signoraggio bancario: di tutti i popoli! piuttosto, questa è la tua occasione: per uscire: dalla potente maledizione in cui: i tuoi antenati [()Illuminati di Lucifero()] hanno deciso, di immergere te e i tuoi discendenti!

      Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. youtube[che: differenza c'è: tra voi e la CINA? nessuno! è perché il potere assoluto dei farisei del FMI? è lui che decide quello che è vero e quello che è falso, adesso anche: attraverso la censura.] ATTENZIONE:La community di YouTube ha segnalato uno o più dei tuoi video come non appropriati. Quando un video viene segnalato,. Dall'esame è emerso che i seguenti video presentano contenuti che violano le presenti norme, pertanto sono stati disattivati:"Jewish ritual murder kabbalah Talmud IMF Grove 322 666 IMF abduction 2 - (allDavidDuke) Il tuo account ha ricevuto un avvertimento relativo alle Norme della community, che sarà valido per sei mesi. Ulteriori violazioni potrebbero comportare la disattivazione temporanea della tua capacità di pubblicare contenuti su YouTube e/o la chiusura definitiva del tuo account.
    C4 BooM

    music is my life! if you feel the same way check out my channel for some great songs

    allDavidDuke allDavidDuke   Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  31 minuti fa   Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. google youtube -- CIA Satan your 666 Tube -- because my icons: of: SatanQueenFagot is erased! but, in channel: "MassimoIlPetano" icon of MadonnaTroia100: not is vanished? SatanYour Tube -- I do not know what to make of you: if you do not answer my question of: " allDavidDuke has published a comment 21 minutes ago, "so too I will let you go!

      Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. 666 --------- I will start to delete your superiors, masterS, so, you can see their dissolution! inizierò a cancellare i vostri superiori, maestri, così, si può vedere il loro scioglimento! je vais commencer à supprimer vos supérieurs, capitaines, ainsi, vous pouvez voir leur dissolution! voy a empezar a borrar sus superiores, maestros, por lo que, se puede ver su disolución! Ich werde beginnen, Ihre Vorgesetzten, Meister zu löschen, so können Sie ihre Auflösung zu sehen! senin üstleri, ustaları silmek başlayacak, böylece, onların çözünme görebilirsiniz! سأبدأ لحذف رؤسائك، الماجستير، لذلك، يمكنك ان ترى حل بهم! 당신의 상사, 주인을 삭제하기 시작합니다, 그래서 당신이 그들의 해산을 볼 수 있습니다! 私はあなたの上司、マスターを削除するには開始されますので、あなたが彼らの解散を参照することができます!

      Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  IsraelNationalTV - because communists, Muslims, Jews and Hindus, they move as: a body, symbiotic partnership: where: some "painful losses" is believed to be inevitable? because those: who: have an ideological approach? they give: for granted: to do the killing (so more or less: refined) of all diversity. While: the 666 IMF: is: to: be victorious in the middle: to all these divisions. All in some way, have denied: either the sovereignty of God, or the sovereignty of the people! Like the Pharisees, the Illuminati, who killed Jesus, the synagogue of Satan, the IMF's 666, are always the same ones who have control of: all Christian nations: all because of the Queen of England and Freemasonry! and you? go tell it to them because: they are fairly intelligent to understand: the political implications: and supernatural: of what, I said is, that, I am the only one: legitimate authority, that is existing in the world!

    Comment on your video: No War for Israel in Syria and Iran: :iiibbbzzz12345 SAID: I hope we were. there still hatred in each one of us,if we didn't work our selves to get rid of it,someday its going to control our actions. and this is worse than Zionism, My friend,y u have this video in ur channel"Why Muslims are criminal Mohammad killed christian martyr" All what u included in that video is not true.hope u'll broaden ur knowledge by reading. In muslim countries,there is a lot of christains and no one is opressing them. --ANSWER-- HOW CAN THIS BE THOSE LIES, for DO NOT GET OFF, the FIRE FROM HEAVEN? 400(100 communists: and 300 Muslims) Christians Martyr were killed: every day: to be all the Muslim Nations: absolutely all criminals against: the right to universal and transcendent: of the freedom of religion.

      Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  youtube google 666 IMF CIA MOSSAD --- NWO - If you do not need to tell to the Rothschilds: and to the Queen of England: that thou hast Been a good boy? Should you return to me my "SatanQueenFagot" and to tell Them, That They Have the courage to talk to me: if not are Cowards!   Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  israelnationalTV -------- if we (all the false Masonic Democracies: the banking seigniorage): we do not suffer: Censoring and predation: of your Jewish lobby ? we would have never allowed: the murder of many innocent Christians: all over the world! here's why : You Gave permission to God: to grant a new blackberries terrible holocaust Against : you! But, this is what Rothschild ( your hero Satanist ) has always known !

    google youtube CIA666 IMF ------ as you not ashamed of yourself, to treat me as an international crime, that violates the standards of Community: just because you are the coward: he is afraid of Rothschild: IMF and its! I am aware that if everyone did: what you do? no one should die in this: in 3 ° WW nuclear, that: it is inevitable, for to hide the collapse: or scam: of IMF: either the collapse of the peoples from whom devitalized!   Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  IsraelNationalTV ------------ why not annihilate Iran: making him your ally? but he should give: real implementation: at freedom of religion: to give, to you: that you're racist: an example of civility and tolerance

      Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  Rothschild will hurt: if the IMF does not return it, to me: because Israel has Realized, That You have His Planned Destruction! I am King of Israel. ♰ "Verily, Verily, I say: If you ask anything of the Father in my name, he will give" GV16, 23, ♰ OK! - The "REI unius" Father YHWH: I command in Jesus' name, that: the blood of Jesus: be upon all men, women, aliens demons: They are in the blood of Jesus: he is in all. You are all sons of the devil, You Are Destined to the Hell Fire on you! [PAX ♰] I have done wrong: to the All Those criminals who trampled the love of the Cross [MENE ♰ Techel PERES] C ♰ SPB CSSML N DSMD VR SN SMVS MQL IV B ♰ "drink your poisons made ​​by yourself "♰

    google youtube   Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  666 IMF CIA - "SatanQueenFagot" this account has-Been terminated for copyright infringement. thou hast Walked on the love of the Cross: - how can do Condemn me for breach of "copyright" means clustering: that person who puts in youtube: for to make a video about the martyrdom of Christians? Claimed in this way who has to say: "the video is mine" Against me? but, he lied, and you are complicit with HIM, Because: I can not think That you are so stupid: to make a video about: the martyrdom of Christians, and then suffer: to denounce me if this video is replicated!? Claimed in this way who has to say: "the video is mine," he lied, and you are complicit with your criminal,

      Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  Rothschild:you will hurt: if the IMF does not return it, to me: because Israel has realized that you have planned his destruction! I am King of Israel. ♰ "Verily, Verily, I say: If you ask anything of the Father in my name, he will give" GV16, 23, - ♰ ♰ OK! - The "REI unius" Father YHWH: I command in Jesus' name, that: the blood of Jesus: be upon all men, women, aliens demons: are in the blood of Jesus: he is on all. You are all sons of the devil, You Are Destined For Hell: Of Fire! [PAX ♰ ♰] ♰ I have done wrong to the All Those criminals who cross tea Toppled [♚ ♰ MENE ♛ ♰ Techel ♛ ♰ PERES ♚] PAX ♰ ♰ C SPB CSSMLN DSMD VR SN SMVS MQLIV B ♰ "drink your poisons made ​​by yourself "♰

    STratsLaw  Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  Troll -NWO IMF 666   Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  322 - and what is: be assimilated of service to you 666. seriously! Your proposal may be convenient? What is convenient for me? you have to go and break: the cock: to another! rather, it is not smarter to receive money for free from: unius REI: rather than: pay them to: Rothschild at 270% of their value? StratsLaw has published a comment 11 minutes ago: I'm just messing with you.

    lorenzojhwh   Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. AMEN ALLELUIA. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNMVSMQLIVB ♰.  :   Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. youtube-- You Have Treated me as a vulgar racist. But You Will Be Responsible for the Death of the last patch / piece of democracy! This is all wood, in Addition to Any Other Wood, all on fire for you! I am lorenzojhwh ♔Rei Unius & King of Israel [✡♰♥♰✡]♔ ♛!♛[Rejected (content inappropriate)]Tesla 3di4 JEWS AGAINST ZIONIS israeli tv insults jesus christ.flv sab 18 set 2010 03:49:27 PDT #Visualizzazioni:155 Commenti:20 Risposte:  0 5 | 3 | Rifiutato (contenuti non appropriati) ♛!♛[Rejected (content inappropriate)] [Tesla 2di4 JEWS AGAINST ZIONIS israeli tv insults jesus christ.flv] 3:47 sab 18 set 2010 03:40:44 PDT | this video shows the blasphemous oaths, an Israeli television PUBBLIC: against Christianity-- This video shows how the enlightened: to manipulate / damage worldwide as well as Israel

    I am not the religion I'm the only legitimate sovereign universal: to give, gratis! the money to all the peoples. I am here to take the IMF! io non sono la religione: io sono l'unico sovrano universale legittimo: per regalare: i soldi a tutti i popoli: io sono qui per prendere il FMI! this crime: of Satanists: Rabbis Jewish bankers Pharisees: Illuminati IMF: on all the world? lasted too! I'm sunk is: the people: and peoples in a disaster without precedent: is yhy, I am Unius REI! questo crimine di: satanisti: ebrei banchieri rabbini farisei: Illuminati del FMI: sul mondo? è durato troppo! io sto per sprofondate persone: e popoli: in una sventura senza precedenti! you know that: I can kill in a supernatural way! You're pushing me to do it-again! but: every life is precious to me: if it can be saved! sorry, too many people have to die: still: for the curse of yesterday!

    KruelexX -- surely Thou art an honest man who does not know what is the banking seigniorage! certain: you're not a criminal: or Satanist or: a Freemason, that: is the accomplice of the synagogue of Satan (IMF): to be a traitor to the people: such as the CIA and MOSSAD! ie: if you knew, anything, about: the bank seigniorage? you would have two alternatives: either make a killing, or stay on the youtube page to rant like me! you too: that, you're a demon: you also have had a mandate: to be here! But, I also had a job that God gave me to do! because a minister of God like me? He could not operate without a warrant! no! the seigniorage: is the monetary sovereignty: that: the Mason traitor should never have to sell: at Satanist rabbi Jew Enlightened: because, she was stabbed in his heart the Constitution!. you have idea of what your friend Satanist: that yesterday he told me: "any resistance is futile" ok! but, you can not know how many people were convicted: to death for that word!

    Thomas: I am 4 years that I say to you: "I do not write for the people!" I write against a man only: the Satanist Rabbi Rothschild.. and demons: they filled his body cursed? forcing him to read all my articles. ♰ "Verily, Verily, I say: If you ask anything of the Father in my name, he will give" GV16, 23, - ♰ ♰ OK! - The "REI unius" Father YHWH: I command in Jesus' name, that: the blood of Jesus be upon you, and all men, women, aliens demons: are in the blood of Jesus: he is on all. You are all sons of the devil, You Are Destined For Hell: Of Fire! [PAX ♰ ♰] ♰ I have done wrong to the All Those criminals who cross tea Toppled [♚ ♰ MENE ♛ ♰ Techel ♛ ♰ PERES ♚] PAX ♰ ♰ C SPB CSSMLN DSMD VR SN SMVS MQLIV B ♰ "drink your poisons made ​​by yourself "♰

      Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. youtube codard criminal, ah, ah, ah! -- [I Unius REI] I swear by the name of Jesus: solemnly! all those who think that someone else: because: of his race: or his religion can not be: his neighbor, his brother, another self? he can not enter: in the kingdom of God! here's why: I have condemned to the Hell: the 60%: of the entire human race! alia, that: the servant of God (sharia, Talmud, hindu comunist etc. ..): you are the servant of Satan: only! [Io Unius REI] lo lo giuro: nel nome di Gesù: solennemente! tutti coloro che pensano: che qualcuno altro: a motivo della sua razza: o della sua religione: possa non essere: il suo prossimo: il suo fratello: un altro se stesso? lui non potrà entrare nel Regno di Dio! ecco perché: io ho condannato all'inferno: il 60%: di tutto il genere umano! altro che: servo di Dio(sharia, talmud, ecc..): tu sei il servo di satana!

    [human sacrifice: for Baal] of course: only: those who: do these human sacrifices: in honor of the devil: that is, all the rabbis more important: only: they know: these things, but, also, if, the people the Jews: are innocent: of this crime: directly: they are all complicit, why: have benefit: of the Masonic system and banking seigniorage: To become: the world's richest: people and powerful! that: it is in those crimes: they are: support and foundation: of their wealth! because thou Mason? you are the accomplice of seigniorage banking: and all that: that: the occult's behind: even if you do not know him rationally! while: the Holy Spirit has already told you in spirit: for you to be a hyena: that: you going straight to hell!

    [human sacrifice: for Baal] this is shown: of the Word of God: Moses, Elijah, Solomon, etc. .. They knew: about; yhe human sacrifice: that some Jews did! this: it has been reported: by many prophets .. that, they always knew everyone: as: all the Popes: and all the Catholic Princes, but the solution of the genocide? That was the only solution that could solve this disturbing: abomination: it is not: never: seemed: a reasonable solution: to start: from Moses that: has prevented: to God: YHWH: to do: the genocide of all the jews: but Moses was mistaken: that God was right and that genocide? was done: right! hours: these Satanists? are the masters of Freemasonry: IMF NWO: and now, these rabbis Illuminati Satanists? they do will all die of you!

    [against the Jews: the Antichrist of the IMF] 1 Kings 18.21 And Elijah came: to all the people and said: "Until such time as: limping: between: two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow him! If Baal is God, follow him. " The people did not answer anything (damn). And also: St. Paul recommends: Christians to avoid: Heb 12.13: and straight: the crooked ways: to your steps, because: the limping foot: storpiarsi not have to, but: rather than to heal. - Answer- THIS is a curse against all the Jews masonic: the Pharisees of the Talmud: ie: the Illuminati IMF: the accomplices of the Bohemian Grove: is Baal owl god! I: unius REI: I curse: in the name of Jesus: in Bethlehem, all your sons: and all: your genes: why: disappear: forever: your name: cursed: by the people of God: Israel!

      Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. youtube-- queste nuove modifiche di youtube? sono un vero "colpo di Stato!"; una palese violazione dei diritti umani! un annientamento: progressivo e graduale: della libertà di espressione, siamo praticamente impediti o inibiti nella comunicazione con gli altri utenti! [[ es:. Da: allDavidDuke: A: B4XP-5D1MjaAr7w_Wfhf9Q ]] questo graduale soffocamento? è una tecnica ebraica della kaballah   Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  youtube -all these new changes: youtube of? are a real "coup", a blatant violation of human rights! annihilation: progressive and gradual: of the freedom of expression, we are practically prevented or inhibited in communicating with other users! [[Es:. From: allDavidDuke: A: B4XP-5D1MjaAr7w_Wfhf9Q]] this gradual suffocation? is a technique of the Jewish Kaballah

      Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  IsraelNationalTV - Controversy: about: what I wrote: NoahTheNephilim (11 hours ago)?: No, not yet: stop it! but, as someone may think that: unius Rei must intervene to protect his life (innocent), but, then, UniusREI not: should intervene when: you endangers the lives (innocent) of the other? is clear: 1. I tutelo: the religious identity: e: politics of the people, but no: when it becomes a criminal! one thing: is to make: policies: protectionism and the other thing is to kill: or to do evil to someone, in the name of that policy .. I am a practical man, if, though: there are no serious cases: of the injustice? I am not speaking: I do not do violence: about: in issues: ideological or religious!

      Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  ulived1969 --- Jesus said, that many: they would come: in his name to say: "I am!" .. how, you can bring: yourself, in disobedience, or in opposition to the word of God?   Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. ulived1969--- Gesù ha detto, che, in tanti: sarebbero venuti: nel suo nome: a dire: "sono io!".. come tu puoi mettere: te stesso: in disubbidienza: in opposizione: alla parola di Dio?

      Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. IsraelNationalTV-- la polemica: circa: quello che io ho scritto: NoahTheNephilim (11   Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. )?: no, non si è ancora attenuata! ma, come qualcuno: può pensare: che: Unius Rei: deve intervenire: a tutela della sua vita(innocente), ma, poi, UniusREI: non: dovrebbe intervenire: quando: è: lui che mette in pericolo la vita(innocente) degli altri? è chiaro: 1. io tutelo: la identità religiosa: e: politica dei popoli, ma, non: quando questa diventa criminale! una cosa è fare: politiche di: protezionismo e altra cosa: è uccidere: o fare del male: a qualcuno, in nome: di quella politica.. io sono un uomo pratico, se: non ci sono casi gravi: di ingiustizie? io non intervengo in questioni: ideologiche o religiose!


      Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. WarriorIslamic... for my universal jurisdiction: for the glory of my own, position: in the: Jewish Temple heaven: with immediate effect: I establish: that who loves God and recognize: a true freedom of religion and true equality : of all men as brothers, "his neighbor!": that is, he submits: himself: at the natural law: that: it is represented by the truth: of the: 10: commandments of Moses? he can receive: the certainty of forgiveness of all his sins! for live your life: at the presence of the "fear of God? he has the certainty: of not being rejected by the Kingdom of God on account of its sins." as follows: "for the same sins? some of them: will be considered "right": but : others, will be considered "guilty!" halleujah



      Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. WarriorIslamic... for my universal jurisdiction: for the glory of my own, position: in the: Jewish Temple heaven: with immediate effect: I establish: that who loves God and recognize: a true freedom of religion and true equality : of all men as brothers, "his neighbor!": that is, he submits: himself: at the natural law: that: it is represented by the truth: of the: 10: commandments of Moses? he can receive: the certainty of forgiveness of all his sins! for live your life: at the presence of the "fear of God? he has the certainty: of not being rejected by the Kingdom of God on account of its sins." as follows: "for the same sins? some of them: will be considered "right": but : others, will be considered "guilty!" halleujah


      Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. WarriorIslamic- per la mia giurisdizione universale: per la gloria della mia, attuale: posizione: nel Tempio ebraico celeste: con effetto immediato: io dispongo: che, chiunque ama Dio: e riconoscere: una vera libertà di religione: ed una vera uguaglianza: di tutti gli uomini: come fratelli: "il suo prossimo!": cioè, lui sottomette: se stesso: alla legge naturale: che: è rappresentata dalla verità: dei 10 comandamenti di Mosé? lui possa ricevere: la certezza: del perdono: di tutti i suoi peccati! chiunque: viva la sua vita: alla presenza del: "timore di Dio? lui abbia la certezza: di non essere respinto dal Regno di Dio: a motivo dei suoi peccati!." così: per gli stessi peccati: alcuni: saranno ritenuti: "giusti": come: ed altri, saranno ritenuti: "colpevoli!"


      Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. WarriorIslamic - might be jealous: all charismatic Christians: that I am about to give, to all mankind: this precious treasure of Christ, without pretending of be by anyone to become Christian without pretending to be anyone to change the their religion because Jesus said, "not the one who says to me: "Lord.. Lord.."but only, those who do: the works of my Father will come: in my Father's kingdom", but since I'm the King: largest King: Unius REI, in all the history of the mankind? Therefore, even my generosity and munificence: are proportional, with my good will: You are can put referring: with the greatness of my majesty: ie, the greatness of the Majesty of GOD: JHWH ALLAH, ecc. ie: one only God! Blessings too


      Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  WarriorIslamic --- forse saranno gelosi: tutti i carismatici cristiani: che, io sto per dare: a tutto il genere umano: questo prezioso tesoro: di Cristo: senza pretendere da nessuno: di diventare cristiano: senza pretendere da nessuno: di cambiare la propria religione: poiché: Gesù ha detto: "non chi dice: Signore? Signore! ma, soltanto, chi fa: le opere del Padre mio: potrà entrare: nel Regno del Padre mio! "ma, poiché, io sono il Re: più grande, di tutta la storia del genere umano? quindi, anche la mia generosità e munificenza: sono proporzonali con la mia benevolenza: è sono in riferimento: alla grandezza della mia regalità! shalom + salam


      Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  WarriorIslamic --- but, because: the arrogant: of "OpenlySupportingGays": said: "Why do you spam? No one: likes you. Atheists will prevail.". I like, Unius Rei: I will do: a precious gift: to all peoples: that: love God: on all over the world, of every religion to all men who, they want not: to belong to the army of Satan: [masonry IMF: NWO: Sharia , Talmud, Kabbalah, bigotry, racism, violence.]. All men who do not want to do evil: for freedom of religion? to all honest people? they want to live like Gandhi? I decided in my universal kingship: to do to all them: a divine gift and supernatural: that is the guarantee that will not be rejected by the Kingdom of God on account of their sins (involuntary) in their journey on the path of goodness!


    WarriorIslamic said: Before Abraham was, I am! Is not that a great proof of your Bible:(is) distortion & Corruption? U just dont understand THE SIGNS OF JONAH, do you! tHESE SIGNS OF jONAH HAD PROVEN THAT jESUS,JUST LIKE jONAH never died at all! iF NOT DIED, THEN THERE WAS no resurrection of Jesus!-- ASWER-- lol. your mind? is very primitive! BUT, I do not want you, do of you,another bad Christian! I want to make you: a good Muslim, that he loves and respects the Cristinos: as himself!


    WarriorIslamic said: Bla bla bla from Satanic Books? Buahahahahaha.. Jesus said "Worship Thy God,My God!" - ANSWER-- THIS IS perfectly! if Jesus was not: true man and true God (two natures)? he could not make a redemption, because, as true man: he has done: himself guilty, for us it's like: the true God: he has been unable to pay: the offended infinite offense against: the infinite majesty of God ! QUESTO È PERFETO! se Gesù non era vero uomo e anche vero Dio(due nature)? lui non avrebbe potuto fare la redenzione: poiché, come vero uomo: lui ha fatto: se stesso colpevole, al posto nostro: è come: vero Dio: lui ha potuto pagare: l'offesa infinita: commessa contro: la infinita regalità di Dio!


    Radioflyer911   [Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. : Wafa Sultan on Sharia freedom of religion The arab spring begin where? And is there freedom there? No! Sharia is not freedom. 8:53 Wafa Sultan on Sharia freedom of religion   Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. -EUROPE AMERICA] not one just of immigrant Muslim, should be more accepted: in Europe America, but all Muslims who do not have children? they must be deported to Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turk, etc. ... [where is forbidden to be ChristIAN


    Lulu46389   [Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. : Turkish Christians Martyred x Christ freedom of religion Jesus is the Savior of the world. Jesus is the redeemer of the world. Open the door of your heart to Jesus, and see how the whole change on the inside of a person. God bless you. LourdesRangel point com 6:50 Turkish Christians Martyred x Christ freedom of religion   Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. -EUROPE AMERICA] not one just of immigrant Muslim, should be more accepted: in Europe America, but all Muslims who do not have children? they must be deported to Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turk, etc. ... [where is forbidden to be Christ...


      Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  elite leaders - you will not want to believe, to all the bullshit of the religion? really: you will be so naive? but, you really think: that: alms, or prayers, or sacrifices: they can have: some value: when at its foundation: there is no justice? Jesus said: "Whoever would save his life? Lose it!": "You can not serve two masters!" Who does not hate his life in this world will lose it ".. here's why: if you not risk your life .. for, you have to leave: 666 rothscild Kabbalah, Talmud 322 bush: and come and not see me immediately! but even the old testament says the same thing: the very first commandment!


      Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  Freemasons, Satanists Illuminati: seigniorage banking Sharia communist political elites leading media executives: - 666 Kabbalah: Talmud 322: - but, what do you expect? that God would never lead: to you: your account: for all your crimes?: for being a traitor: of his Kingdom? lol. However, I have good news: it's good for you! "All your relatives? are all in the infinite anguish: in an abyss of despair, and destruction without remedy: your father's house: Satan, hell, but, you still do not: that is, you're not still there gone! "


      Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. massoni, satanisti - sharia comunisti politici leader elite giornalisti dirigenti:- 666 kabbalah: 322 talmud: -- ma, cosa voi credevate? che, Dio non avrebbe mai portato: a voi: il conto: dei vostri crimini?: per essere stati dei traditori: del suo Regno? lol. tuttavia, io ho una notizia positiva: che è buona per voi! "tutti i vostri parenti? sono tutti nella angoscia infinita: in un abisso di disperazione, e di distruzione: senza rimedio: la casa di votro padre: satana: l'inferno, ma, voi ancora no: cioè, voi non ci siete ancora andati!"


      Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  Jews - no longer: to Rothschild: that you must watch! because: he's damaged the cane: that: when you support: for making pressure on it?: then: breaks "collapse IMF": becoming a sharp weapon: and you pierce the hand: piercing it, this is the time: that: you look to your King: lorenzojhwh Unius REI .. about the fact that I am not jew? this is a false problem, since there are many examples in the Bible, of the goyim, who powerfully: has delivered and blessed Israel. first: of all: Melchizedek: o: Malki-Tzedek מַלְכִּי - צֶדֶק: /: מַלְכִּי - צָדֶק: "My King is right"


      Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. ebrei-- non è più: a Rothscild: che, voi dovete guardare! poiché: lui è quella canna danneggiata: che: quando ti appoggi: facendo pressione: su di essa?: poi: si spezza: diventando una arma affilata: e ti forerà, la mano: trafiggendola, questo è il momento: che: tu guardi al tuo Re: lorenzojhwh.. circa, il fatto che, io non sono ebreo? questo è un falso problema: poiché, nella Bibbia ci sono molti esempi, di goym, che hanno potentemente liberato e benedetto Israele. primo: fra tutti: Melchizedek: o: Malki-tzédek מַלְכִּי־צֶדֶק: / :מַלְכִּי־צָדֶק: "Il mio Re è giusto"


    those who speak against me? is like Lucifer, who, he said: "You can do better." lol. yes, but then became Satan! My detractor? is like: Adam.. lol. but, then, he has lost his "paradise earth": making: downgrade: regress: in sin and in death! but, as can be: not have an exemplary punishment, the denigrating : of Unius Rei? chi parla contro di me? è come lucifero, che, ha detto: "si può fare di meglio!". lol. si, ma, poi, è diventato satana! il mio denigratore? è come Adamo.. lol. ma poi, lui ha perso il suo: "paradiso: terrestre": facendolo declassare: regredire: nel peccato e nella morte! ma, come potranno rimanere: senza una esemplare punizione: i denigratori di Unius Rei?


    Which of my enemies will not receive the "well served" by God "? when you will hit? So, you say: "Lord I believe: forgiveness mercy: for me!" quale dei miei nemici: non dovrà ricevere il : "ben servito": da Dio stesso"? quando sarete colpiti? allora, voi direte : "Signore io credo: perdono pietà!"here's why: the time has come: for you, "the head of a mule," that you educate yourself to justice!   Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. Israele -- Il Signore ti benedica e ti custodisca: mostri a te il Suo volto; e ti doni la sua pace... ma ... IL SIGNORE DIO TI BENEDICA!!!! ma, tu ritorna al Signore tuo Dio! stop -- kabbalah 666; talmud 322


      Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  kakam - you resign! If this ugly story of the IMF: I do not close it: peacefully? would be closed anyway: in a dramatic way! God has said: "Enough!"   Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. kakam -- voi rassegnatevi! se questa brutta storia del FMI: non la chiudo io: pacificamente? si chiuderebbe comunque: in modo drammatico! Dio ha detto : "basta!" enough! with all these stupid wars: about the religion! we give to all this: the final cut: who does the relione? He comes out of politics! basta! con tutte queste stupide guerre: circa: la religone! noi diamo a tutto questo: un taglio definitivo: chi fa la religione? lui esce dalla politica!


      Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. Benjamin Netanyahu:FROM:"IsraelNationalTV"- Satanism of the Talmud? exceed: enormously: the ideology of Satanism itself: why says that all men are animals evolved: while: the Talmud: of Our masters: Illuminati: IMF: says that men: are only them, while all others: are only animals in human form: these fools Rabbis Kakam of Enlightened? have the resources: and the power to put the micro-chip at all: their animals (goyim) to do of: the whole: human race, one only: bunch of slaves! Well I know that, all the political, you're only clowns: puppetry: all prostitutes of Fund: at sold all souls to hell: in the Freemasons .. But: I swear in the name of the living God: You do not have tears and despair: you can imagine, if you: with all the other politicians in the world will not find: a solution to this: IMF: and for what: that: I can understand? the solution can be: only: the Kingdom of Unius Rei!


      Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. Benjamin Netanyahu: FROM:"IsraelNationalTV"-- il satanismo del talmud? supera: enormemente: la ideologia del satanismo stesso: il quale: dice che: tutti gli uomini: sono animali evoluti: mentre: il talmud: dei nostri padroni: del FMI: dice: che gli uomini sono soltanto loro: mentre: tutti gli altri: sono soltanto animali in forma umana: questi pazzi? hanno le risorse: ed il potere per mettere il microichip a tutti: i loro animali(goym) per fare: di tutto il genere umano, un solo branco di schiavi! Io so bene, che, voi politici siete soltanto dei buffoni: burattini: tutte le prostitute del fondo monetario: tutte anime vendute all'inferno: nella massoneria.. ma, io ti giuro: nel nome del Dio vivente: Voi, non avrete lacrime e disperazione: da poter immaginare: se tu: insieme a tutti gli altri politici: del mondo non troverete: una soluzione a questo: FMI: e per quello: che: io riesco a comprendere? la soluzione può essere: soltanto: il Regno di Unius Rei!


      Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  Benjamin Netanyahu: FROM: "IsraelNationalTV" - Muslims and communists? are people too: ignorant: evil: their cultural background? is incomplete! They do not know that, with the founding of the Bank of England are the Jews, who took control: "Masonic" of: New World Order: of the IMF: of the policy, as of the institutions: and all others: a strategic resource: ie, of all .. thus, the "Commonwealth" was abandoned only because it was replacement: a satanic Imperialism: perverse and even more refined: that is, the IMF's bank seigniorage! When these cursed by God: of Muslims and communists see Christians, who make war against them? they do not understand, who are not Christians: to have the control: of the power! So you yourselves are the instigators: and the real cause of the martyrdom of Christians in our modern history and contemporary world! because this is in fact: Christians have no one who can protect them!


      Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. Benjamin Netanyahu: FROM: "IsraelNationalTV" - musulmani e comunisti? sono persone troppo: ignoranti: malvagi: la loro formazione culturale? è lacunosa! Loro non sanno, che, con la fondazione della Banca di Inghilterra: sono gli ebrei, che, hanno preso il controllo: "massonico": del NWO FMI: sia della politica, come delle istituzioni: e di ogni altra: risorsa strategica.. così, il "Commonwealth": fu abbandonato: soltanto perché, è stato sostitutito: da un imperialismo satanico: ancora più perverso e raffinato: cioè, il signoraggio bancario del FMI! Quando questi maledetti da Dio: di musulmani e comunisti: vedono i cristiani, che, fanno la guerra: contro di loro? loro non capiscono, che, non sono i cristiani: ad avere il controllo: del potere! Così siete voi: i veri mandanti: e la vera causa del martirio dei cristiani, nella nostra storia moderna e contemporanea: in tutto il mondo! poiché, questo è nei fatti: i cristiani non hanno nessuno, che può proteggerli!


      Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  Benjamin Netanyahu: FROM: "IsraelNationalTV" - I know when they can be: the pieces of shit, all other (non-Jews), but God does not want: that: you do the role: of the Egyptian Pharaohs (Illuminati) against: them: because: is this, that he decided: the IMF of Rothschild: to do of everything: from the human race: one and only "bunch of slaves!" (microchip and NWO) and no Freemason, Satanist or jew: can ignore this fundamental truth! Now, if God does not: it gave me: a kingdom of angels, to govern? ie, this ministry political of: "Unius Rei"? God give me, also, the means: to handle this: situation! If you continue: to make cowards: the dangerous traitors, of all the nations: behind your computer? you alone: you will be responsible of the blood: innocent: of your, and, of our children!


      Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. Benjamin Netanyahu: FROM: "IsraelNationalTV"- How, io conosco quando possono essere: dei pezzi di merda: tutti gli altri:(non ebrei), ma, Dio: non vuole: che: voi facciate il ruolo: dei Faraoni egiziani(Illuminati) contro: di loro: perché: è questo, che, ha deciso: il FMI di Rothscild: di fare, di tutto: il genere umano: un unico, e solo: "branco di schiavi!"(NWO e micro chip) e nessun massone, satanista o ebreo: può ignorare, questa fondamentale verità! Ora, se Dio: non: mi ha dato: un regno: di angeli, da governare? cioè, questo ministero politico: di Unius Rei? lui mi darà, anche, gli strumenti: per gestire questa situazione! se voi continuerete, a fare i vigliacchi: i nocivi traditori, di tutti i popoli: dietro il vostro computer? voi soltanto: sarete i responsabili: del sangue innocente dei vostri: e dei nostri figli!


      Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. Benjamin Netanyahu: FROM: "IsraelNationalTV"- How many countries: the Romans were forced to destroy? and what people have been completely displaced from them? we know what they were: the Romans, practical, rational and tolerant .. Now if we look at the history of these: last: 4000 years, we must recognize that there is a problem in the Jewish people (beyond the romanticized reconstructions: partisan or interpretations) .. This problem is certainly not the religion, but: it is much more of a feeling of racism, and contempt, is, hatred covered with hypocrisy (ie, Talmud and Kabbalah) against: to all the goyim, that's what led to say "final Solution": "either we, or their" guys, you are worse than Muslims! because: you represent (through a silence: an accomplice, because, quite self-defeating) the parasitic organism of the IMF.


      Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. Benjamin Netanyahu FROM "IsraelNationalTV" - as I have experienced: this intense love jewis in the holy spirit? I could not avoid: to think of Jesus: and I said: the Jews? they could not kill him, as are in possessing: of an such love: some, for others? they can not kill: their: each other! and also, if Jesus was pleased: of to be killed? to make of himself, the sacrificial lamb? However: only: the Pharisees of Talmud: satanis of Satan synagogue: ie rabbis Kakam: Illuminati could do a job like that! here is: why these criminals: sold to the devil, and played too of cunning, against the goodness of my Jewish people. had fun too: with all kinds of wars, murder: Shoah Olocaust, ecc.. now, this cruel game of the IMF: against: the Jews and against all peoples? well, soon: it must end!


      Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. Benjamin Netanyahu FROM "IsraelNationalTV" - this evening, for the first time in my life: the Holy Spirit has made ​​you feel to me the great love that there is: in the people of the Jews: that is, one: for others: it is a love that: is so great: they become very tolerant, almost complicit: that is, as a love among of women .. for the first time in my life: I have heard: myself, in the midst of this: Jewish love: it was not something collective: or generic, but it was a specific love: a love only my own, just only: for me. as well: my stream of love: very was specific: that is right for everyone of you!


      Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  Benjamin Netanyahu FROM "IsraelNationalTV" - questa sera: per la prima volta: nella mia vita: lo Spirito Santo: ha fatto sentire a me: il grande amore: che c'é: nel popolo degli ebrei: cioè: gli uni: per gli altri: è un amore: che: è così grande: da divenire molto tollerante: quasi complice: cioè un amore: di tipo femminile.. per la prima volta: nella mia vita: io ho sentito: me stesso: in mezzo a questo: amore ebraico: non era qualcosa di colletivo: o di generico: ma, era un amore specifico: un amore tutto mio, proprio soltanto: per me. come anche: questo mio flusso di amore: era stato prorpio specifico: cioè proprio per ognuno di voi!


      Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. peoples -- that you want from me? I am, truly, a man very limited! I know as love: and I will be very affectionate sensitive and gentle, especially, I know forgive: and forget the past of ex-bad people! I can not betray: and, therefore, I do not admit of being betrayed! if someone is very man bad? I can make to him the evil: he will can have big problems by me! you see? I do not have anything special, because everyone can do the same things I do: better than me! che volete da me? io sono, veramente, un uomo molto limitato! io so amare: e io essere molto affettuoso: sensibile e gentile, soprattutto, io so perdonare: e dimenticare: il passato cattivo delle persone! io non so tradire: e, quindi, io non ammetto di essere tradito! se qualcuno è cattivo? io posso fare passare a lui: dei grossi problemi! vedete? io non ho niente di speciale: perché tutti possono fare: le stesse cose: che io faccio: meglio di me!


    [North Korea] Kim Jong-A   Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  - I'm not a quack: I do not sell: the fruit at the market! but if you do an act of justice: for freeing: of the Christians: that: they, too: they are the seamless Communists: are commuist more perfect, of other, as we all? I will try to do good to you: as also at your father: in this life: and in the day of Judgement: If you will be given to me: this possibility by God! [Corea del Nord]  Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. Kim Jong-Un -- io non sono un ciarlatano: io non vendo: la frutta al mercato! ma, se tu farai un atto di giustizia: liberando: i cristiani: che: anche loro: sono dei pefetti comunisti, come tutti? Io cercherò di fare del bene a te: come a tuo padre: in questa vita e nel giorno del giudizio universale: se a me sarà data: questa possibilità da Dio!


      Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  youtube - it's useless: that someone: ie bad man: he wants to denigrate: my methodology! I have the angelic hosts: for to intervene, through the power of metaphysics! I do not need human instruments: is why, my authority has been recognized: in the kingdom of God. here's why: all the poor Christians who: are held prisoners all over the world will be issued in freedom: will be set at liberty: they can not be held guilty, for the fact: to be Christians!   Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. youtube -- è inutile che: qualcuno: vuole denigrate: la mia metodologia! io ho le schiere angeliche: per intervenire: attraverso, la forza della metafisica! io non ho bisogno di strumenti umani: perché, la mia autorità è stata riconosciuta: nel regno di Dio.. ecco perché: tutti i poveri cristiani: che: sono tenuti prigionieri: in ogni parte del mondo: saranno rilasciati: saranno messi in libertà: poiché, loro non possono essere ritenuti colpevoli: per il fatto di: essere cristiani!


      [Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. : North Korean Christian /// kangsan2014 said: 북한은 쓰레기같은 기독교를 필요로 하지 않다.[North Korean Christian What scares me most? is to regard as is impossible to find a communist or a Muslim, which they condemn, publicly, all the murders committed by them, to this day, at the expense of the poor and peaceful: ie innocent Christian martyrs! who can find ...]] kangsan2014 SAID: North Korea does not need the Christian crap. -- ANSWER -- FOR Glory of God: blessed? you will see the ruin that, you called: against your Country .. 하나님의 영광 : 축복? 당신은 당신이라는 파멸을 볼 수 있습니다 : 귀하의 국가에 대한

      Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  Benjamin Netanyahu FROM "IsraelNationalTV" - for Rei unius: a life is not more important than an other life .. but the children of light: they have a priority over the children of darkness, but for all Jews, who have been faithful to my metaphysics, that is the natural law? I promised to God to save, their lives, with a priority absolute!   Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. Benjamin Netanyahu FROM "IsraelNationalTV"-- per Rei Unius : una vita non è più importante di un altra vita.. ma, i figli della luce: hanno una priorità: soprà i figli delle tenebre: ma, per tutti gli ebrei, che, saranno stati fedeli alla mia metafisica: cioè la legge naturale? io ho promesso: a Dio, di salvare, le loro vite, con una priorità assoluta! Why, God love kingdom of Israel: in the Jewish Temple!


      Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. Benjamin Netanyahu FROM "IsraelNationalTV" - is clear: the rabbis of the Talmud Pharisees? not only: they killed Jesus, but they have done everything: for to prevent this natural love between Jews and Christians! have taken pity their people, have folded: they took advantage of her docility: for to pass through every burnt offering in order to prevent this natural love between Jews and Christians! because this is the truth: their god? is the owl: Grove ie, baal marduk: in really! è chiaro: i rabbini farisei del talmud?: non soltanto: hanno ucciso Gesù: ma h  Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. tto di tutto: per impedire questo amore naturale tra ebrei e cristiani! non hanno avuto pietà del loro popolo: ma: lo hanno piegato: hanno approfittato della sua docilità: per farlo passare attraverso ogni olocausto: pur di impedire questo naturale amore tra ebrei e cristiani! perché questa è la verità: il loro dio? è il gufo del boschetto: baal marduk: in realtà!


    1_4.[Masonic Government: World: Goldman Sachs: IMF] and the top of Europe: ans of the world. What: what unites Mario Draghi, again, governor of the Central Bank: European, Lucas Papademos, greek prime minister, Mario Monti, president of the Council: Italian, etc..? All of them belong to different title, that: at NWO: as: the "Government: Goldman Sachs." The system masonic to which the U.S. investment bank has: its influence is based on a network: Capillary referents in key positions: the governments: international institutions. One: of these men is Mario Draghi. Before becoming: Governor: Bank of Italy, has been Vice-Chairman: Worldwide: Goldman Sachs, from 2002 to 2006. Much: it was: said, the responsibility of: banks business credit over the years: and of the housing bubble: (derivatives) which, bursting, is been the father of the 2008 crisis.


    2_4.[Masonic Government: World: Goldman Sachs: IMF] is known: that: Goldman Sachs was behind us: the swap the product financial: that: enabled: Greece to mask: a part: the right to debt , bypassing: constraints for the adoption: the euro. This is happened: prior to his engagement: as said: Draghi, himself: in front of the Parliament European. Difficult, however, that: the question was: in the dark: for Lucas Papademos. At the time was working on behalf of: Goldman Sachs: the giant: American, but from 1994 to 2002 was: Governor: Central Bank: Hellenic. He has held: a role: central for his: country in the euro area. Since 2005, that is after: the experience of the Commission: European Union, including: Mario Monti is entered: in the galaxy, "Sachs", though: only: as: Consultant: International. Called to save: the respective countries, and Mountains: Papademos: know: well, of the gears of the system to have: done: part.


    3_4.[Masonic Government: World: Goldman Sachs: IMF] Today, however, in a matter of love: advertising: its ties with Goldman Sachs. The reason: it is that: the system is under: review. Since September, the government: American has drawn: in court, some former executives of the institute, for their: role: in the massive sales of subprime mortgages. The trends: that: have: helped to generate this global crisis are: due: not to a single: institution, nor: not single: people. But the question of transparency increases, at a time: where survival requires euro-zone: the political and: finance: a change: of course. Iceland, a tiny island full of extreme Volcanoes: Northern Europe is the only one country: European: to have recognized: the country of Palestine! is the only one country: European: to have defended Julian Assange:


    4_4. [Masonic Government: World: Goldman Sachs: IMF] as others: they: not has condemned: as: a criminal! is the unique country that: trying to defend themselves against Internet censorship. having created: a Data Base: where: record anything coming from the network! And it is the only one country: that: he understood: who: e: as: we must fight: the Masonic lobby of IMF! all World War: were plan for do any extermination of the Jews. if not were this Jewish financiers of the : IMF? Hitler would not: ever taken: the power! Today politics is discredited: even: so: shameless: the so-called "technical government" Bildenberg, trilateral, banks, multinationals! Consider: example from this small nation of Islanda: before: that is too: late, for to stop: the already planned and: agreed (with China, that he has already received: our military technology): 3 ° Nuclear WW: for the definitive annihilation: Israel:


      [Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. : Prophet Muhammad Rapist Paedophile Anti-Semite horror murderess Islamist Terrorists MrLovepakistan786 SAID: Fokin baster jews u peoples go no land to live any whear in the world same never u get space in haven u all burn in hell --ANSWER-- Benjamin Netanyahu FROM "IsraelNationalTV" - WHY THOSE extermination CRIMINALS: OF sharia MUSLIMS: they take it with you: when I denounce: their crimes committed against the innocent Christian martyrs? this is clear: "Christians and Jews are one only body", but Rothschild and his IMF? He is against all of us! because he always says: against the despair of all peoples: "all Jews? are our accomplices!"


    1_4.[massonico governo mondiale: Goldman Sachs: FMI] ai vertici dell'Europa e del mondo. Che cosa accomuna Mario Draghi, nuovo governatore della Banca centrale europea, Lucas Papademos, premier greco, Mario Monti, presidente del Consiglio italiano, ecc.? Tutti loro appartengono, a vario titolo, a quello che negli Stati Uniti è conosciuto come "governo Goldman Sachs". Il sistema a cui la banca d'affari americana deve la sua influenza si fonda su una rete capillare di referenti nei posti chiave di governi e istituzioni internazionali. Uno di questi uomini è Mario Draghi. Prima di diventare governatore di Bankitalia, è stato vicepresidente Worldwide di Goldman Sachs, dal 2002 al 2006. Molto è stato detto sulla responsabilità delle banche d'affari negli anni del credito facile e della bolla immobiliare (prodotti derivati)che, scoppiando, generò la crisi del 2008.


    2_4.[massonico governo mondiale: Goldman Sachs: FMI] è noto che ci fu Goldman Sachs dietro lo swap, il prodotto finanziario che permise alla Grecia di mascherare una parte del proprio debito, aggirando i vincoli per l'adozione dell'euro. Questo avvenne prima dell'incarico a Draghi, come ha detto lui stesso davanti al Parlamento europeo. Difficile invece che della questione fosse all'oscuro Lucas Papademos. All'epoca non lavorava per conto del colosso americano, ma dal 1994 al 2002 è stato governatore della Banca centrale ellenica. Ha rivestito quindi un ruolo centrale nell'ingresso del suo paese nell'area euro. Dal 2005, cioè dopo l'esperienza alla Commissione europea, anche Mario Monti è entrato nella galassia: "Sachs", seppure soltanto come consulente internazionale. Chiamati a salvare i rispettivi paesi, Monti e Papademos:conoscono bene gli ingranaggi del sistema: per averne fatto parte.


    3_4.[massonico governo mondiale: Goldman Sachs: FMI] Oggi, però, in pochi amano pubblicizzare: i propri legami con Goldman Sachs. Il motivo è che: il sistema è sotto esame. Da settembre, il governo americano ha trascinato in tribunale: alcuni ex dirigenti dell'istituto, per il loro ruolo: nella vendita massiccia di mutui subprime. Le tendenze: che: hanno contribuito a generare la crisi mondiale non sono imputabili: a un singolo istituto, né tantomeno a singole persone. Ma la domanda di trasparenza aumenta, in un momento: in cui la sopravvivenza: dell'eurozona impone alla politica e alla finanza: un cambio di rotta. L'Islanda, una minuscola isola piena di Vulcani all'estremo Nord dell'Europa è l'unico paese Europeo ad aver riconosciuto: lo stato di Palestina! è l'unico paese Europeo ad aver difeso Julian Assange:


    4_4.[massonico governo mondiale: Goldman Sachs: FMI] mentre gli altri lo hanno condannato: come un criminale! è l'unico paese che cerca di difendersi dalla Censura su Internet: avendo creato un Data Base: dove registra qualsiasi cosa provenga dalla rete! Ed è l'unico paese: che: ha capito chi: e come: bisogna combattere: lobby massoniche della guerra mondiale: del pianificato sterminio di Ebrei: poiché se non fosse esistita la finanza ebraica dell'attuale FMI? Hitler non avrebbe mai preso il potere! Oggi la politica è esautorata: anche in modo sfacciato: dai cosiddetti "governi tecnici" Bildenberg, trilaterale, Banche, Multinazionali! Prendiamo esempio da questa piccola nazione di: Grandi Uomini coraggiosi: prima che sia troppo tardi: per fermare la già pianificica e concordata(con la Cina: che ha già ricevuto la nostra tecnologia militare): 3°WW nucleare: per il definitivo annientamento di Israele


    americanIDOLfan11111   [Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. : Rick Perry Intimidate Ron Paul During IMF FMI FED BCE NWO WW talmud illuminati When Ron Paul becomes president.. he wont even need a secret service.. because he will be the first president that regular civilians will jump in front of a bullet for... and we would bitch slap Rick Perry... PRESIDENT RON PAUL 2012


      Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. BetyarPali - BUT, the rich like this system: of the Masonic banking seigniorage system (666,322 in the grove of owl god: ie, baal: IMF), they have no fear of God's justice, that will make their all guilty: disastrously of all: of 3 world wars: because: it is precisely in this forthcoming: this 3 ° WW nuclear: that they will all die! If there not had been: the IMF? There not would be: Hitler and there would have been: no: Holocaust: why is the racism of these: rabbis cursed: Illuminati: is The eternal curse: of my people Israel


      [Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. : Rick Perry Intimidate Ron Paul During IMF FMI FED BCE NWO WW talmud illuminati BetyarPali SAID: Ron Paul is the only intelligent, honest and truly patriotic candidate. The other candidates are dishonest, morally corrupt agents of special interests. America needs Ron Paul to be President. --ANSWER --MA, ai ricchi piace questo sistema: massonico del signoraggio bancario(666 322 dio gufo baal nel boschetto: FMI), loro non hanno timore del giudizio di Dio: che renderà loro responsadili di tutti i disatri delle 3 guerre mondiali: poiché è proprio in questa imminente 3°WW nuclear: che loro moriranno tutti! Se non ci fosse stato: il FMI? Non ci sarebbe stato: Hitler: e non ci sarebbe stata: nessun: Olocausto: perché, è il razzismo di questi: maledetti rabbini: ILLuminati: la eterna maledione: del mio popolo Israele


    New Zealand Dollar   Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  youtube - we hope that even for these: Presidential election: of Ron Paul: ie, "campaign: 2012": there are no electoral fraud: as we were been: for "poor" Kerry, because he had did the dirty things, with Bush, in their Masonic sect: 322: "skull and bones"? Then he had to keep quiet and had to accept the decision of Freemasonry: that had not chosen him to be president of the U.S.!   Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. youtube -- speriamo che, anche per queste: elezioni Presidenziali: di Ron Paul: ie, "campagna elettorale: 2012": non ci siano dei brogli elettorali: come già ci sono stati: per "povero" Kerry: poiché, lui avendo fatto le cose sporche, con Bush: nella setta massonica: 322: "teschio con le ossa"? Poi ha dovuto tacere: ed ha dovuto accettare la decisione della massoneria: che non aveva scelto lui per fare il presidente degli US!


      [Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. : Helen Thomas Exposes the synagogue of Satan IMF grove 666 322 abduction Pil0sake said: I get it but why is this listed when I searched the word atheism? -- ANSWER -- WHY EVERYONE WHO: that: do not report THE CURRENT MASONIC SYSTEM OF BANKING seigniorage: 666 322: Seigniorageof IMF FED ECB EU NWO WW: atheists are, in fact, all followed the path of hell: and for them the fact of be very religious, will be only for a worsening of their condition! PERCHÉ TUTTI COLORO: CHE: NON DENUNCIANO L'ATTUALE SISTEMA MASSONICO E BANCARIO DEL SIGNORAGGIO BANCARIO 666 322 FED FMI NWO WW UE BCE: SONO DI FATTO DEGLI ATEI, tutti incamminati per la strada dell'inferno: e per loro: il fatto di: essere molto religiosi, sarà soltanto, per un aggravamento della loro condizione!


      [Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. : Jesse Ventura Talks Ron Paul on CNN Pierce Morgan 11-16-11 rclark23 said: . If the American people allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson


    allinthemind2006   [Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. : Peaking Right Time Ron Paul wins Rothschild not has money to buy this defeat Does anyone realize that were on the brink of financial collapse?? Do you know that the American dollar is at this point imaginary money?? America will be a 3rd world country by the next election if we dont stop the machine now!! It's our constitutional duty to stand up and stop the Government when it oversteps its bounds! according to the constitution, The reason for the federal government is to protect our individual liberty..Thats it! Bring the power back to the people! Ron Paul 2012! Borghezio denuncia bilderberg TRILATERALE IMF FED BCE NWO WW talmud illuminati   Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. tuttuduu il tuo metodo di ragionamento? è sbagliato! tu ragioni con i paraocchi ideologici.. ogni argomento va affrontato per se stesso! perché BILDENBERG: "comunque" farà a te, molto più male: che non lui! mentre i tuoi eroi: la tua "casta" politica? loro sono Bildenberg!


      Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. TheWhyareyouracist jews and muslims, ecc..? if they want to survive? they must have to trust me! se vogliono sopravvivere? loro devono fidarsi di me! allDavidDuke 1 secondo fa



      Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. TheWhyareyouracist jews and muslims, ecc..? if they want to survive? they must have to trust me! se vogliono sopravvivere? loro devono fidarsi di me! allDavidDuke 1 secondo fa


      [Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. : International Coward Indu Mohammed do Jihad vs poor innocent Christian martyrs orissa TheWhyareyouracist SAID: so u jews are givin a timeline to muslims u are such a retard it will never hapend and the ww3 u can stick it up ur jewish fait it all readu has started since u are killing inocent palestiians every second u scum sharia law is to f wake sheeple like u and make u scream when u make a crime u sick satan lover -- ANSWER--- no, I DO NOT HAVE tHE POWER, OF SAVE tHEIR LIVES: if they do not want to renounce: at sharia and to the Talmud! because they are two Satanism irreconcilable: no form of imperialism: is in my universal brotherhood! ... no, io NON HO IL POTERE DI SALVARE LE LORO VITE: se loro non vorranno rinunciare alla sharia ed al talmud! perché sono due satanismi inconciliabili: non c'è nessuna forma di imperialismo: nella mia fratellanza universale!


      [Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. : Christianity martyrs is the fastest growing religion Africa Asia Cina AtheistEutopia ---- said   Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. allDavidDuke It's a well-known fact, dude. The place is rampant with them. ---  no! Western Christianity: was hit on the inside: from the venom of: Freemasonry Jewish financiers: the synagogue of Satan: IMF, of which you are one their children! ie, the heresy of modernism: a result, of the weakness of the second Vatican! heresy has won, the clergy here, because: they are no longer Christians, lol. but, of this has not been realized, yet: not a moral issue: and only a theological question


      Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. AtheistEutopia ------- no! il cristianesimo occidentale: è stato colpito, al suo interno: dal veleno della massoneria e della, finanza ebraica: la sinagoga di satana: di cui tu sei figlio! cioè, la eresia, del modernismo: conseguenza, della debolezza del Vaticano secondo! ha conquistato, gli ecclesiastici: ecco, perché: loro non sono più cristiani: lol. ma, non se ne sono ancora accorti: non è una questione morale: e soltanto, una questione teologica

[King of Israel vs rabbis] voi dite: di voi stessi: che: voi siete gli eroi: di Israele: e: voi pretendete: di essere acclamati: come i "signori": del popolo degli ebrei. ma: la Torah? non dice questo! forse, è per questo: che avete fatto uccidere Zorobabele: e Gesù di Betlemme: perché: volevate avere voi: il controllo: del popolo ebraico: per fare vivere a lui: le più spaventose esperienze di holocaust: Shoah! ma, io affermo, che voi siete tutti degli abusivi: dei codardi: e dei traditori del mio popolo ebraico: la più grande: minaccia per il genere umano! poiché: infatti: sono 4 anni: che io in youtube: cerco: dispratamente: di parlare: con qualcuno di voi: inutilmente: circa il vostro signoraggio bancario: ed il vostro dio gufo: quello del boschetto: di 322 Bush e 666 di Rothscild!

[lorenzojhwh King: of Israel(sionista per il regno): vs. rabbis Kakam Illuminati: sionisti: di Rothscild ] come: non parlare della totale ipocrisia: dei rabbini di: "2628342": ["Anti Zionist Jewish Community: in NY: burning Israeli flag] (ma, loro: non dicono: che: la stella a sei punte: non è mai stata la stella: di Davide: ecco perché: loro sono ipocriti: gli ebrei peggiori: per me!): e loro vorrebbero: distruggere completamente Israele: per due motivi: 1. sono dei codardi: che: non vogliono fare la guerra! 2. poi: cosa se ne fanno loro: di Israele: se attraverso: il signoraggio bancario: sono i padroni: di tutto il mondo? e perché sono satanisti? perché loro credono nel Talmud: che: dice come: noi goym: noi siamo tutti: animali: in forma umana! 3 . certamente: sono loro hanno, che, hanno pianificato: l'annientamento di Israele: durante: la 3°WW nuclear: già dal 1871: /watch?v=v6D2TQB8DjU!

[King of Israel vs. rabbis] you say of yourself: that: you are the heroes of Israel: and: you pretend: to be acclaimed: as "lords" of the people of the Jews. but: the Torah? does not say that! perhaps, is for this: that you have did kill Zerubbabel: and Jesus of Bethlehem: because: you have wanted: the control: the Jewish people: and then of banking seignirage? to live in him the most frightening experiences of Holocaust: Shoah! But, I say, that you are all of the abusers: cowards: and traitors of my Jewish people: the greatest: threat to everything the human race! since: in fact: they are 4 years: that I am in youtube: i try vain to speak to someone about you: about your bank seigniorage: and your owl god Baal Marduk, that of grove: of 322 Bush and 666 of the Rothschild!

   Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].  King of Saudi Arabia: NAZI: imperialism for Sharia criminal: genocide against all peoples - that is the difference: between: the Koran and the Talmud, if: both provide: the weapon of hypocrisy to stab: in back, to the unsuspecting enemy (ie, the person loyal and innocent: that, is the only his fault .. he was not born in Their abomination) .. this is evident since Al Qaeda is the true face of Islam Koranic .. In fact, there can not have: an international criminal organization horror terrorists, if, at the Islamic Governments: are terrorists too, and they protect, in secretly mode, Their Al Qaeda. Mali, the French intervention: against: jihad of Saudi Arabia imperialism - not: it is said, can be decisive, but, raze: their satanic: KAABA to Mecca, That Is, raze: their cursed stone idol is an action that: it is essential to do, at soon as possible! resources Given to me, and, I will do it! this is the truth: to win, Al Qaeda? Should France bomb Saudi Arabia, and, to his satanic religion

my JHWH -- Come, Holy Spirit, breathe on all peoples, so that they may rise again! that you proceed: by his father and son, and you are the life and love of all creatures: come and renew the face of the earth:..
spammer CIA 666 IMF: YOU COULD NOT FIND ANOTHER SYSTEM: MORE DECENT: To live, to earn a living:

[Psalm 136]
[1] Alleluia.
Praise the Lord he is good;
His mercy endures forever.
[2] Praise the God of gods:
His mercy endures forever.
[3] Praise the Lord of lords:
His mercy endures forever.
[4] He only has made wonders:
His mercy endures forever.
[5] He created the heavens with wisdom:
His mercy endures forever.
[6] has established the ground water:
His mercy endures forever.
[7] He made the great lights:
His mercy endures forever.
[8] The sun to rule the day:
His mercy endures forever;
[9], the moon and stars to rule the night:
His mercy endures forever.
[10] Beating Egypt in their firstborn:
His mercy endures forever.
[11] From their liberated Israel
His mercy endures forever;
[12] with a mighty hand and outstretched arm:
His mercy endures forever.
[13] divided the Red Sea into two parts:
His mercy endures forever.
[14] In the middle made Israel pass:
His mercy endures forever.
[15] overthrew Pharaoh and his army in the Red Sea:
His mercy endures forever.
[16] He led his people in the desert:
His mercy endures forever.
[17] Beatings great kings
His mercy endures forever;
[18] slew mighty kings:
His mercy endures forever.
[19] Seon king of the Amorites:
His mercy endures forever.
[20] Og king of Bashan:
His mercy endures forever.
[21] He gave as an inheritance to their country;
His mercy endures forever;
[22] an inheritance to Israel his servant:
His mercy endures forever.
[23] in our distress, he remembered us:
His mercy endures forever;
[24] has freed us from our enemies:
His mercy endures forever.
[25] He gives food to all living things
His mercy endures forever.
[26] Praise the God of heaven;
His mercy endures forever.

[O.o] Put this owl on your profile
/)__) If you've seen the Cremation of Care
-"--"- Ritual at Bohemian Grove
__███\__███\_________Put This
__███\__███\_________On Your
__███\__███\_________Profile If
__███\__███\____ 7____You Think
__███\__███\___███\__9/11 Was
__███\__███\___███\__ A
__███\__███\___███\__666 322
__███\__███\___███\__owl grove
__███\__███\___███\__ BAD
__███\__███\___███\__ JOB
hei 322Bush, 666Rothschild, etc. ...
[O.o] because: this year
/)__) You not invite also me, at your "cremation of care"
-"--"- Of Ritual Of The Bohemian Grove
..........._..'¹-~-¹-.But the fruit of the Spirit
.....,-""-;\\/ ¸,.,¸ ¸¸,' love, joy, peace,
..../....-'.).\..'......longsuffering, gentleness,
(▒\,---'`▒)▒).......... goodness, faith,
(▒)(▒)(▒)(▒)...Meekness, temperance:
..(▒(▒)(▒)(▒)▒)...against such there
(▒)(▒)(▒)▒) no law.
.......(▒)▒)..............Galatians 5:22-23
.......(▒)Will Jesus Christ Return In AD 2328: about !!! MY task FORCE:
-1. rrmbgpym
-2. shalomnaumann
-3. lorenzoJHWH,
-4. HumanumGenum,
-5. ShalomGerusalemme,
-6. 666GiudaicoMassonica,
-7. SatanQueenFagot,
-8. HellxDesPairTruction,
-9. UniusRei,
10. UniusRei1,
11. UniusRei2: deleted by satanists,
12. UniusRei3,
13. UnisRei3,
14. LorenzoUniusREI Kingdom,
15. BrotherhoodUniversal,
16. i10Comandamenti,
17. myJHWH,
18. JewsxMessiahUniusRei,
19. dominusUniusRei,
20. kingdomofJHWH,
21. kingxkingdom,
22. allDavidDuke,
23. allXRonPaul,
24. WakeUpUSAxRonPaul,
25. allChristianMartyrs,
26. JHWHpantocrator,
27. mrUniversalMetaphysc,
28. CreationReal,
29. EvolutionisReligion,
30. StarDeFinibusTerrae,
31. theSynagogueofSatan,
32. stopyouporntubesatan,
33. HolyJHWHsanto ,
34. allGiacintoAuriti,
35. ImJesusChristMessiah,
36. stopspamistafield
37. lorenzoAllah,
38. NoahTheNephilim,
39. thecopticmartyrs2,
40. 666SeigniorageofBank,
41. MercyChristLord,
100% anti-racism
100% anti-Nazism
100% anti-Sharia
100% anti-banking seigniorage
100% anti-Zionism
100% anti-Talmud
100% anti-NWO
100% anti-Esoteric Agenda
100% anti-masonry
100% anti-SpA
100% anti-porn
100% anti-Satanism
100% anti-IMF
100% anti-secret societies
a solemn oath:
★100% national self-determination
★100% equality between all men
★100% equality between man & woman
★100% freedom of religion
★100% freedom of Thought
★100% freedom of sexual identity (is only a political assessment: for rejection violence)
★100% monetary sovereignty
★100% universal brotherhood
★100% Natural Law
★100% 10 Commandments

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Questa NON è una testata giornalistica




Posting Date
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: A Man-Made Cup In Pennsylvanian Coal?February 11, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Hands-Down EvidenceFebruary 7, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Trilobites UnderfootFebruary 4, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Getting A handle On Ancient Dinosaur SightingsFebruary 2, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Perplexing Permian PrintJanuary 28, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: The Willett PrintJanuary 25, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Throughout The Geologic ColumnJanuary 23, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Cro-Magnon ManJanuary 16, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Neanderthal ManJanuary 14, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Homo ErectusJanuary 11, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Piltdown ManJanuary 11, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Homo Habilis - ´Handyman´January 7, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Nebraska ManJanuary 4, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: RamapithicusJanuary 2, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: ´Your Little Cousin´ LucyDecember 31, 2012
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: The Tuang ChildDecember 28, 2012
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: IntroductionDecember 26, 2012
The Model, Episode 4


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the King Unius Rei

the King Unius Rei
universal brotherhood