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Visualizzazione post con etichetta imperialism. Mostra tutti i post

today is raising imperialism saudi arabia

    44/80[1884-ENCICLICA"HUMANUM GENUS".LEONE XIII] Dove in genere dettano legge i Naturalisti, tutti gli uomini hanno gli stessi diritti e una condizione perfettamente uguale; ciascuno è libero per natura; nessuno ha il diritto di comandare agli altri. Significa usare violenza il volere che gli uomini si sottomettano all'autorità di chiunque se non da essi medesimi prescelta. Ogni potere dunque risiede nel libero popolo; il comando è esercitato per volere o per concessione del popolo, così che, se muta la volontà popolare, è lecito spodestare i principi anche se riluttanti.[♚MENE TECHEL PERES ]♰PAX♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Bevi i tuoi stessi veleni"[♰✡]ReiUnius:King♥:Israel:♥Mahdi


    45/80[1884-ENCICLICA"HUMANUM GENUS".LEONE XIII] La fonte di ogni diritto e di ogni dovere civile o si rinviene nel popolo o nel potere che governa la comunità purché si regga sui nuovi principi. Inoltre, lo Stato deve essere ateo; tra le varie forme di culto non vi è alcuna ragione per cui l'uno sia anteposto all'altro: tutti sono da considerare alla stessa stregua. Ora, che queste regole piacciano ai Massoni e che sulla scorta di esse vogliano organizzare gli Stati è così risaputo che non occorre dimostrarlo.[♚MENE TECHEL PERES ]♰PAX♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Bevi i tuoi stessi veleni"[♰✡]ReiUnius:King♥:Israel:♥Mahdi


    46/80[1884-ENCICLICA"HUMANUM GENUS".LEONE XIII] Già da tempo infatti essi apertamente operano a questo fine con tutte le loro forze e sostanze in modo da spianare la via ai numerosi più audaci, protesi verso i peggiori misfatti, fautori della uguaglianza e comunanza di tutti i beni, dopo aver fatto scomparire nella società ogni distinzione di classe e di censo. Da queste sommarie indicazioni che abbiamo raccolto, si evince a sufficienza che cosa sia la setta dei Massoni e quale itinerario percorra. I suoi più importanti dogmi ripugnano talmente e con tanta evidenza alla ragione che nulla può esservi di più perverso.[♚MENE TECHEL PERES ]♰PAX♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Bevi i tuoi stessi veleni"[♰✡]ReiUnius:King♥:Israel:♥Mahdi



    47/80[1884-ENCICLICA"HUMANUM GENUS".LEONE XIII] È somma stoltezza ed empietà temeraria voler demolire la religione e la Chiesa che Dio stesso ha fondato e conduce a vita immortale, voler risuscitare i costumi e le istituzioni dei pagani dopo diciotto secoli. Non è misfatto meno orrendo o più sopportabile il ripudiare i benefici elargiti amorevolmente da Gesù Cristo e non solo ai singoli individui ma alle famiglie e alle comunità civili; tali benefici sono considerati preziosi anche secondo il parere e la testimonianza dei nemici. In siffatto tenebroso e folle proposito sembra quasi si possa riconoscere quell'odio implacabile, quella furia vendicativa che infiamma Satana contro Gesù Cristo.[♚MENE TECHEL PERES ]♰PAX♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Bevi i tuoi stessi veleni"[♰✡]ReiUnius:King♥:Israel:♥Mahdi



    48/80[1884-ENCICLICA"HUMANUM GENUS".LEONE XIII] Similmente l'altra impresa che tanto impegna i Massoni, di sovvertire i più solidi fondamenti di una corretta moralità e di offrirsi come collaboratori a coloro che, a guisa di animali, vorrebbero fosse lecito tutto ciò che piace, altro non significa che sospingere il genere umano alla rovina con ignominia e abiezione. Aggravano il male i pericoli che minacciano sia la famiglia, sia la società civile. Come infatti esponemmo altra volta, nel matrimonio è presente alcunché di sacro e di religioso, per consenso di quasi tutte le genti di quasi tutti i tempi: poi la legge divina ha disposto che non è lecito sciogliere i matrimoni.[♚MENE TECHEL PERES ]♰PAX♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Bevi i tuoi stessi veleni"[♰✡]ReiUnius:King♥:Israel:♥Mahdi



    49/80[1884-ENCICLICA"HUMANUM GENUS".LEONE XIII] Se questi diventano profani, se è lecito annullarli, ne consegue di necessità che nella famiglia subentrino turbamento e confusione, in quanto le donne perderanno la loro dignità e la prole non avrà più la sicurezza che rimarranno integri i suoi beni. Non prendersi cura alcuna della religione, e nell'ordinare e gestire la società civile non avere nessun rispetto di Dio, come non esistesse affatto, è una temerità inaudita perfino per i pagani, nella mente e nel sentimento dei quali era così intimamente radicata non solo l'idea del divino, ma anche la necessità della religione pubblica, che ritenevano più facile trovare una città senza fondamenta che senza Dio.[♚MENE TECHEL PERES ]♰PAX♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Bevi i tuoi stessi veleni"[♰✡]ReiUnius:King♥:Israel:♥Mahdi



    50/80[1884-ENCICLICA"HUMANUM GENUS".LEONE XIII] Veramente la società umana, alla quale natura ci ha predisposto, fu istituita da Dio creatore della natura; da Lui, come dal principio e dalla sorgiva, deriva tutta quella perenne copia di innumerevoli beni di cui essa abbonda. Dunque, come la voce stessa della natura invita ciascuno di noi a venerare Dio con religiosa pietà, dato che da Dio ricevemmo la vita e i beni che accompagnano la vita, così per la stessa ragione invita i popoli e gli Stati.[♚MENE TECHEL PERES ]♰PAX♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Bevi i tuoi stessi veleni"[♰✡]ReiUnius:King♥:Israel:♥Mahdi



    51/80[1884-ENCICLICA"HUMANUM GENUS".LEONE XIII] Ora è evidente che coloro i quali vogliono che la società civile sia sciolta da ogni dovere religioso, agiscono non solo in modo iniquo, ma anche ottuso e assurdo. Poiché per volere di Dio gli uomini appartengono dalla nascita alla società civile, e il potere di comandare è un vincolo così necessario al vivere civile che, una volta soppresso, la società non può che disgregarsi rapidamente, ne consegue che l'autorità del comando deriva da quello stesso principio da cui deriva la società.[♚MENE TECHEL PERES ]♰PAX♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Bevi i tuoi stessi veleni"[♰✡]ReiUnius:King♥:Israel:♥Mahdi



    52/80[1884-ENCICLICA"HUMANUM GENUS".LEONE XIII] Perciò si comprende che chi detiene il potere, chiunque egli sia, è ministro di Dio. Per tale motivo, fin dove è richiesto dal fine e dalla natura dell'umano consorzio, è giusto ubbidire al legittimo potere che rispetta la giustizia, non altrimenti che alla sovranità di Dio reggitore dell'universo. In primo luogo è contrario alla verità affermare che è facoltà del popolo rifiutare l'obbedienza quando gli aggrada. Similmente nessuno dubita che tutti gli uomini siano uguali tra loro, se si considera che hanno in comune l'origine e la natura, che a ciascuno è stato proposto un fine ultimo da perseguire secondo diritti e doveri che procedono autonomamente.[♚MENE TECHEL PERES ]♰PAX♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Bevi i tuoi stessi veleni"[♰✡]ReiUnius:King♥:Israel:♥Mahdi



    53/80[1884-ENCICLICA"HUMANUM GENUS".LEONE XIII] Ma poi, siccome le capacità non possono essere uguali in tutti, e l'uno si distingue dall'altro o per la forza dell'animo o del corpo, e numerose sono le differenze di costumi, di inclinazioni, di carattere, ecco che nulla ripugna tanto alla ragione come voler comprendere il tutto in un unico abbraccio e tradurre nelle istituzioni civili una uguaglianza completa in ogni sua parte.[♚MENE TECHEL PERES ]♰PAX♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Bevi i tuoi stessi veleni"[♰✡]ReiUnius:King♥:Israel:♥Mahdi



    54/80[1884-ENCICLICA"HUMANUM GENUS".LEONE XIII] Come la perfetta conformazione del corpo umano è il risultato della congiunzione e della compagine di diverse membra, che differiscono per la struttura e per l'uso, e tuttavia unite e opportunamente disposte, concorrono a formare un organismo bello d'aspetto, dotato di forza, adatto alla vita pratica; così nello Stato è pressoché infinita la differenza tra le funzioni umane; se gli uomini si ritenessero uguali e ciascuno seguisse il suo arbitrio, nessun tipo di società sarebbe più deforme; se invece concorreranno, con diversi livelli di dignità, di studi, di attività, al bene comune, ne deriverà l'immagine di una cittadinanza bene ordinata e conforme a natura.[♚MENE TECHEL PERES ]♰PAX♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Bevi i tuoi stessi veleni"[♰✡]ReiUnius:King♥:Israel:♥Mahdi



    55/80[1884-ENCICLICA"HUMANUM GENUS".LEONE XIII] Del resto, da quei perniciosi errori che abbiamo ricordato derivano grandi paure che le comunità dovrebbero temere. Infatti, una volta soppresso il timor di Dio e il rispetto delle leggi divine, disprezzata l'autorità dei principi, permessa e approvata la libidine delle sedizioni, fomentate fino alla licenza le passioni popolari, abolito ogni freno, salvo quello dei castighi, è inevitabile che ne derivi un mutamento, una sovversione generale. Proprio questo mutamento, questa sovversione sono lo scopo e il tema delle meditazioni di numerose associazioni di Comunisti e di Socialisti; ai propositi di costoro non si direbbe aliena la setta dei Massoni, che accoglie con favore le loro opinioni e ha in comune con essi i più importanti assiomi.[♚MENE TECHEL PERES ]♰PAX♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Bevi i tuoi stessi veleni"[♰✡]ReiUnius:King♥:Israel:♥Mahdi



    56/80[1884-ENCICLICA"HUMANUM GENUS".LEONE XIII] Se di fatto non pervengono subito né ovunque alle estreme conseguenze, non è merito della loro disciplina né della loro volontà, ma della divina religione che non può essere spenta, e della parte più sana degli uomini che, ricusando di servire alle società segrete, respingono con animo incrollabile i loro insani tentativi. E volesse il cielo che tutti giudicassero la radice dai frutti e conoscessero il seme e l'origine dei mali che incalzano e dei pericoli che incombono![♚MENE TECHEL PERES ]♰PAX♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Bevi i tuoi stessi veleni"[♰✡]ReiUnius:King♥:Israel:♥Mahdi



    57/80[1884-ENCICLICA"HUMANUM GENUS".LEONE XIII] Si ha a che fare con un nemico astuto e fraudolento che, lusingando popoli e principi, conquistò entrambi con melliflui e adulatori discorsi. Insinuandosi come falsi amici nell'animo dei principi, i Massoni cercarono di averli soci e alleati potenti nell'opprimere il cattolicesimo; e per far sentire ad essi più forti stimoli, con ostinate calunnie hanno accusato la Chiesa di contendere per invidia ai principi il potere e le prerogative regie.[♚MENE TECHEL PERES ]♰PAX♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Bevi i tuoi stessi veleni"[♰✡]ReiUnius:King♥:Israel:♥Mahdi



    58/80[1884-ENCICLICA"HUMANUM GENUS".LEONE XIII] Raggiunta frattanto con queste arti la sicurezza e il coraggio, cominciarono ad avere influenza nei governi; d'altronde si erano preparati a scuotere le fondamenta degli Stati, a perseguitare, a calunniare, a cacciare i sovrani qualora nel governare agissero in contrasto con i loro propositi. In modo non dissimile si sono fatti beffe del popolo, pur adulandolo. Celebrando a gran voce la libertà e la prosperità pubblica, facendo credere che dipendeva dalla Chiesa e dai sommi Principi se il popolo non riusciva a riscattarsi da un iniquo servaggio e dalla povertà, lo resero smanioso di novità e lo aizzarono contro l'uno e l'altro potere.[♚MENE TECHEL PERES ]♰PAX♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Bevi i tuoi stessi veleni"[♰✡]ReiUnius:King♥:Israel:♥Mahdi



    59/80[1884-ENCICLICA"HUMANUM GENUS".LEONE XIII] Tuttavia, dei vantaggi sperati è maggiore l'attesa che la realtà; anzi la plebe, ancor più oppressa, è costretta da loro a rinunciare a gran parte di quei vantaggi che avrebbero potuto ottenere, agevoli e abbondanti, in una società ispirata ai principi cristiani. Ma tutti coloro che attentano all'ordine stabilito dalla divina provvidenza, ricevono questo castigo della loro superbia: là dove avventatamente si aspettavano una fortuna prospera e conforme alle promesse, ivi hanno incontrato afflizione e miseria.[♚MENE TECHEL PERES ]♰PAX♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Bevi i tuoi stessi veleni"[♰✡]ReiUnius:King♥:Israel:♥Mahdi



    60/80[1884-ENCICLICA"HUMANUM GENUS".LEONE XIII] La Chiesa invero, per il fatto che ordina agli uomini di obbedire soprattutto a Dio, supremo Signore dell'universo, sarebbe ingiustamente e falsamente accusata di usurpare il potere civile o di pretendere per sé parte dei diritti sovrani. Anzi, ciò che è giusto rendere al potere civile, essa ritiene che lo si debba rendere per convinzione e per dovere di coscienza. Poiché dallo stesso Dio deriva il diritto di comandare, grande è l'accrescimento di dignità che ne consegue al potere politico, e non esiguo il concorso diretto ad ottenere il rispetto e la benevolenza dei cittadini.[♚MENE TECHEL PERES ]♰PAX♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Bevi i tuoi stessi veleni"[♰✡]ReiUnius:King♥:Israel:♥Mahdi



    61/80[1884-ENCICLICA"HUMANUM GENUS".LEONE XIII] Amica della pace, fautrice della concordia, la Chiesa abbraccia tutti con amore materno; unicamente intenta a giovare ai mortali, insegna che occorre unire la giustizia con la clemenza, il comando con l'equità, le leggi con la moderazione: nessun diritto deve essere violato; occorre mantenere l'ordine e la pubblica tranquillità, alleviare quanto più è possibile, in forma privata e pubblica, la povertà dei reietti. Per usare le parole di Agostino: "Credono o vogliono far credere che la dottrina cristiana non reca alcuna utilità alla società perché non vogliono che lo Stato poggi sul fondamento delle virtù ma sulla impunità dei vizi". [♚MENE TECHEL PERES ]♰PAX♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Bevi i tuoi stessi veleni"[♰✡]ReiUnius:King♥:Israel:♥Mahdi



    62/80[1884-ENCICLICA"HUMANUM GENUS".LEONE XIII] Pertanto, sarebbe assai conforme alla saggezza civile e necessario alla comune sicurezza che i principi e i popoli collaborassero non già con i Massoni per distruggere la Chiesa, ma con la Chiesa per respingere gli assalti dei Massoni. In ogni caso, visto che un male così grave è già troppo diffuso, è compito Nostro, Venerabili Fratelli, impegnare il pensiero nella ricerca dei rimedi. E poiché sappiamo che nella virtù della religione divina (tanto più odiata dai Massoni, quanto più temuta) è posta la migliore e più salda speranza del rimedio, riteniamo sia essenziale ricorrere a questa salutare virtù come alleata contro il comune nemico. [♚MENE TECHEL PERES ]♰PAX♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Bevi i tuoi stessi veleni"[♰✡]ReiUnius:King♥:Israel:♥Mahdi



    63/80[1884-ENCICLICA"HUMANUM GENUS".LEONE XIII] Pertanto tutti i decreti che i romani Pontefici Nostri Predecessori promulgarono per ostacolare i propositi e i tentativi della setta massonica; tutti i provvedimenti che essi sancirono per allontanare o richiamare i fedeli da siffatte associazioni, tutti e singolarmente Noi li ratifichiamo e li confermiamo con la Nostra autorità Apostolica. E in tale frangente, confidando pienamente nel buon volere dei cristiani, preghiamo e scongiuriamo ciascuno di loro, per la loro salvezza, di impegnarsi ad ubbidire alle disposizioni che in proposito la Sede Apostolica ha impartito.[♚MENE TECHEL PERES ]♰PAX♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Bevi i tuoi stessi veleni"[♰✡]ReiUnius:King♥:Israel:♥Mahdi



    64/80[1884-ENCICLICA"HUMANUM GENUS".LEONE XIII] Preghiamo poi e supplichiamo Voi, Venerabili Fratelli, di cooperare con Noi per estirpare questo impuro veleno che serpeggia per tutte le vene dello Stato. A Voi tocca difendere la gloria di Dio e la salvezza del prossimo; proponendovi questi scopi, nella lotta non vi mancheranno il coraggio e la forza. Spetterà alla Vostra saggezza giudicare con quali validi mezzi si possano superare impedimenti ed ostacoli.[♚MENE TECHEL PERES ]♰PAX♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Bevi i tuoi stessi veleni"[♰✡]ReiUnius:King♥:Israel:♥Mahdi



    65/80[1884-ENCICLICA"HUMANUM GENUS".LEONE XIII] Ma poiché l'autorità del Nostro magistero richiede che Noi stessi indichiamo qualche opportuno modo di agire, decidete dunque, prima di tutto, di restituire ai Massoni la loro faccia, strappando loro la maschera; occorre insegnare ai popoli, con la parola e anche con Lettere episcopali, quali siano gli artifici di siffatte associazioni per blandire e adescare, quale la perversità delle loro opinioni, quale la turpitudine delle loro azioni.[♚MENE TECHEL PERES ]♰PAX♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Bevi i tuoi stessi veleni"[♰✡]ReiUnius:King♥:Israel:♥Mahdi



    66/80[1884-ENCICLICA"HUMANUM GENUS".LEONE XIII] Come i Nostri Predecessori confermarono, nessuno pensi che per qualunque motivo sia lecito iscriversi alla setta Massonica, se ha care -- come è doveroso -- la professione della fede cattolica e la propria salvezza. Nessuno si lasci ingannare da una simulata onestà: a certuni può sembrare che i Massoni nulla chiedano che sia apertamente contrario alla santità della religione o dei costumi; ma siccome lo scopo e la natura della setta sono totalmente nel vizio e nell'inganno, non può esser lecito aggregarsi ad essa o giovarle in qualsiasi modo.[♚MENE TECHEL PERES ]♰PAX♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Bevi i tuoi stessi veleni"[♰✡]ReiUnius:King♥:Israel:♥Mahdi



    67/80[1884-ENCICLICA"HUMANUM GENUS".LEONE XIII] Inoltre è necessario, con insistenti discorsi ed esortazioni, trascinare la moltitudine al diligente apprendimento dei precetti della religione; a tal fine raccomandiamo caldamente che con scritti e discorsi opportuni siano esposti i principi fondamentali della santissima dottrina in cui si raccoglie la filosofia cristiana. Questo impegno è rivolto a risanare le menti degli uomini con l'istruzione e a premunirle contro le numerose forme di errori e i vari allettamenti dei vizi, soprattutto in questa sfrenata libertà di scrivere e inesauribile avidità d'imparare.[♚MENE TECHEL PERES ]♰PAX♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Bevi i tuoi stessi veleni"[♰✡]ReiUnius:King♥:Israel:♥Mahdi



    68/80[1884-ENCICLICA"HUMANUM GENUS".LEONE XIII] Opera certamente di grande impegno, nella quale, tuttavia, sarà soprattutto partecipe e socio delle Vostre fatiche il Clero, se sarà, con il Vostro sostegno, reso idoneo mediante una vita disciplinata ed una preparazione letteraria. In verità, una causa così nobile e importante richiede altresì l'attività solidale dei laici che coniugano la carità di patria e di religione con l'onestà e la dottrina. Associate le forze di entrambi gli ordini, fate in modo, Venerabili Fratelli, che gli uomini conoscano a fondo la Chiesa e l'abbiano cara; infatti, quanto più grandi saranno la conoscenza di essa e il relativo amore, tanto maggiori saranno l'insofferenza e la fuga dalle società clandestine.[♚MENE TECHEL PERES ]♰PAX♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Bevi i tuoi stessi veleni"[♰✡]ReiUnius:King♥:Israel:♥Mahdi



    69/80[1884-ENCICLICA"HUMANUM GENUS".LEONE XIII] Perciò non senza motivo abbiamo approfittato di questa occasione per ripetere ciò che altrove dichiarammo: è necessario propagare e proteggere con cura il Terzo Ordine dei Francescani di cui recentemente, con prudenza, mitigammo la regola. Come infatti è stato stabilito dal suo autore, questa è la sua ragione d'essere: chiamare gli uomini alla imitazione di Gesù Cristo, all'amore per la Chiesa, alla pratica di tutte le virtù cristiane; perciò può essere molto adatto ad eliminare il contagio di inique associazioni.[♚MENE TECHEL PERES ]♰PAX♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Bevi i tuoi stessi veleni"[♰✡]ReiUnius:King♥:Israel:♥Mahdi



    70/80[1884-ENCICLICA"HUMANUM GENUS".LEONE XIII] Si rinnovi pertanto e cresca di giorno in giorno questo santo sodalizio, da cui ci si possono aspettare molti frutti e soprattutto il più prezioso, quello cioè che gli animi siano condotti a libertà, alla fraternità, alla uguaglianza di fronte alla legge: non quali i Massoni assurdamente concepiscono, ma quali Gesù Cristo donò al genere umano e Francesco seguì. Ci riferiamo alla libertà dei figli di Dio, per cui rifiutiamo di servire sia a Satana, sia alle passioni, iniqui tiranni;[♚MENE TECHEL PERES ]♰PAX♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Bevi i tuoi stessi veleni"[♰✡]ReiUnius:King♥:Israel:♥Mahdi



    71/80[1884-ENCICLICA"HUMANUM GENUS".LEONE XIII] alla fraternità, la cui origine risalga a Dio, creatore e padre comune di tutti; alla uguaglianza che, fondata sulla giustizia e sulla carità, non elimini le differenze tra gli uomini, ma dalla varietà della vita, dei doveri, delle culture derivi quel mirabile consenso e quasi un concento che per natura tende al profitto e alla dignità dei cittadini. In terzo luogo, esiste una istituzione, saggiamente fondata dai nostri antenati e poi abbandonata con l'andar del tempo, la qua le può servire anche oggi come forma e modello a qualcosa di simile.[♚MENE TECHEL PERES ]♰PAX♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Bevi i tuoi stessi veleni"[♰✡]ReiUnius:King♥:Israel:♥Mahdi



    72/80[1884-ENCICLICA"HUMANUM GENUS".LEONE XIII] Ci riferiamo ai Collegi, o Corporazioni, di mestieri, atti a tutelare insieme gli interessi e i costumi, sotto la guida della religione. Se i nostri antenati, per uso ed esperienza protratti nel tempo, avvertirono l'utilità di quelle associazioni, forse a maggior ragione dovrebbe avvertirla l'età nostra, poiché esse hanno la singolare opportunità di fiaccare le forze delle sette. Coloro che soffrono per mancanza di lavoro e di salario, oltre ad essere, per la loro condizione, degnissimi più di tutti di carità e di assistenza, sono pericolosamente esposti alle lusinghe di chi usa la frode e l'inganno.[♚MENE TECHEL PERES ]♰PAX♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Bevi i tuoi stessi veleni"[♰✡]ReiUnius:King♥:Israel:♥Mahdi



    73/80[1884-ENCICLICA"HUMANUM GENUS".LEONE XIII] Perciò occorre aiutarli con la maggiore generosità possibile e invitarli in associazioni oneste, in modo che non si lascino trascinare in quelle disoneste. Per questo motivo vorremo ardentemente che ovunque risorgessero quelle corporazioni, opportunamente adattate ai tempi, per la salute del popolo, sotto gli auspici e il patrocinio dei Vescovi. E non Ci è di poco conforto il fatto che già in parecchi luoghi sono state costituite siffatte corporazioni e, analogamente, società di patronato; il proposito delle une e delle altre è di aiutare l'onesta classe dei proletari, di proteggere i loro figli e le loro famiglie, di tutelare le opere di pietà e la dottrina religiosa, insieme con l'integrità dei costumi.[♚MENE TECHEL PERES ]♰PAX♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Bevi i tuoi stessi veleni"[♰✡]ReiUnius:King♥:Israel:♥Mahdi



    74/80[1884-ENCICLICA"HUMANUM GENUS".LEONE XIII] A questo punto e su questo argomento non possiamo passar sotto silenzio quella associazione, insigne per il lodevole esempio e tanto benemerita presso la più umile popolazione, che prende il nome da San Vincenzo. È noto come agisca e che cosa voglia: essa è tutta dedita allo spontaneo soccorso dei poveri e degli sventurati, e ciò con sensibilità e modestia mirabili: quanto meno vuole apparire, tanto più è conforme alla carità cristiana e adatta ad alleviare le miserie altrui.[♚MENE TECHEL PERES ]♰PAX♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Bevi i tuoi stessi veleni"[♰✡]ReiUnius:King♥:Israel:♥Mahdi



    75/80[1884-ENCICLICA"HUMANUM GENUS".LEONE XIII] In quarto luogo, per conseguire più facilmente il Nostro intento, raccomandiamo caldamente alla fede e alla vigilanza Vostra la gioventù, speranza dell'umano consorzio. Dedicate la massima parte delle Vostre cure alla sua educazione e non dovete mai credere che il Vostro impegno sia stato tanto grande da non richiederne uno maggiore per tenere lontana l'adolescenza da quelle scuole e da quei maestri da cui si teme che possa emanare l'alito pestifero delle sette.[♚MENE TECHEL PERES ]♰PAX♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Bevi i tuoi stessi veleni"[♰✡]ReiUnius:King♥:Israel:♥Mahdi



    76/80[1884- ENCICLICA "HUMANUM GENUS". PAPA LEONEXIII] I genitori, i direttori spirituali, i Parroci insistano nell'insegnamento della dottrina cristiana. Per iniziativa Vostra, insistano opportunamente nel mettere in guardia i figli e gli alunni contro la rea natura di quelle associazioni, in modo che imparino per tempo a guardarsi dalle varie e subdole arti che gli emissari di esse sono soliti usare per irretire la gente. Anzi, coloro che preparano gli adolescenti a ricevere i sacramenti secondo il rito, agiranno nel modo migliore se li indurranno a stabilire e ad accettare di non legarsi mai ad alcuna associazione all'insaputa dei genitori, o senza il consiglio del Parroco o del confessore.[♚MENE TECHEL PERES ]♰PAX♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Bevi i tuoi stessi veleni"[♰✡]ReiUnius:King♥:Israel:♥Mahdi



    77/80[1884-ENCICLICA"HUMANUM GENUS".LEONE XIII] Ben comprendiamo che le nostre comuni fatiche per svellere dal campo del Signore questa perniciosa semenza non sarebbero sufficienti, se non ci soccorresse benevolmente il celeste padrone della vigna nel conseguimento dei nostri fini. Dunque è necessario implorare, con ardente e sollecito zelo, il suo prezioso aiuto, quale e quanto richiedono l'imminenza del pericolo e l'ampiezza del bisogno. Imbaldanzita dal successo, la setta dei Massoni insolentisce, e già sembra non voler porre alcun limite alla propria ostinazione.[♚MENE TECHEL PERES ]♰PAX♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Bevi i tuoi stessi veleni"[♰✡]ReiUnius:King♥:Israel:♥Mahdi



    78/80[1884-ENCICLICA"HUMANUM GENUS".LEONE XIII] Tutti i suoi seguaci, uniti in un patto scellerato e in un'occulta unanimità di propositi, si aiutano a vicenda, e l'uno sospinge l'altro a malefica audacia. Un assalto così impetuoso richiede una difesa altrettanto salda; senza dubbio è necessario che tutti gli onesti si colleghino in una vasta alleanza per agire e pregare. Pertanto, chiediamo loro di opporsi a ranghi serrati, a pie' fermo e con concorde volontà, contro la crescente forza delle sette; con alti lamenti tendano a Dio le mani supplici e Lo implorino perché il cristianesimo fiorisca e cresca vigoroso, perché la Chiesa goda della necessaria libertà, perché i traviati ritornino alla salvezza, perché gli errori cedano finalmente alla verità e i vizi alla virtù.[♚MENE TECHEL PERES ]♰PAX♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Bevi i tuoi stessi veleni"[♰✡]ReiUnius:King♥:Israel:♥Mahdi



    79/80[1884-ENCICLICA"HUMANUM GENUS".LEONE XIII] Invochiamo come soccorritrice e interprete Maria Vergine, Madre di Dio, perché, come vinse Satana fin dal suo stesso concepimento, così si mostri dominatrice delle malvagie sette nelle quali rivivono chiaramente gli spiriti ribelli del demonio insieme con l'indomita, simulatrice perfidia. Preghiamo il principe degli Angeli celesti, vincitore dei nemici infernali, Michele, e parimenti Giuseppe, Sposo della Vergine santissima, celeste e salvifico patrono della Chiesa Cattolica; Pietro e Paolo grandi Apostoli, propagatori e invitti difensori della fede cristiana.[♚MENE TECHEL PERES ]♰PAX♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Bevi i tuoi stessi veleni"[♰✡]ReiUnius:King♥:Israel:♥Mahdi



    80/80[1884-ENCICLICA"HUMANUM GENUS".LEONE XIII]Col loro patrocinio e con la perseveranza delle comuni preghiere, confidiamo che Dio vorrà benignamente soccorrere il genere umano esposto a tanti pericoli. Come testimonianza dei doni celesti e della Nostra benevolenza, a Voi, Venerabili Fratelli, al Clero e a tutto il popolo affidato alle Vostre cure, impartiamo con affetto nel nome del Signore l'Apostolica Benedizione. Dato a Roma, presso San Pietro, il 20 aprile 1884, settimo anno del Nostro Pontificato. LEONE PP. XIII[♚MENE TECHEL PERES ]♰PAX♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Bevi i tuoi stessi veleni"[♰✡]ReiUnius:King♥:Israel:♥Mahdi



    [1/7 @youtube SAID]:"In seguito a una recente violazione delle Norme della community di YouTube, l'uso delle funzioni interattive di YouTube nel tuo account (kingdomofJHWH) è stato disattivato fino al 02 marzo 2011--ANSWER-> tu non riuscirai mai a fare sembrare me ingiusto! infatti, se non è giusto, il pubblicare scene ripugnanti! tuttavia noi siamo nell'era dell'immagine, che è la "rappresentazione/interpretazione, cioè la manipolazione della realtà", verità che ha un valore strategico. per quel regine bancario-ebraico-massonico, che detiene il potere da 5 secoli, cioè un sistema ideologico internazionale che ha fatto, della ingiustizia e della menzogna il suo arsenale. Istituzione bancaria ebraica monopolista (i vincenti, il modello dominante),



    [2/7 @youtube SAID]: per avere creato dalla rivoluzione francese, in poi: la democrazia, come il comunismo, cioè ogni istituzione & legislazione, per la propria finalità: cioè il: "FMI_NWO"! è questo, che si è sostituito, alle nostre apparenti istituzioni: per essere la politica, una totale finzione. ecco perché la verità non è mai quella, che altri hanno deciso di rappresentare: ecco, perché, le regole di youtube, NON valgono per tutti? Infatti, questi video: "ripugnanti"(concetto soggettivo di: volgarità horror, porno, pedofilia, satanismo, sadismo, ecc.. di cui internet è pieno) sono stati lasciati ad altri, affinché diventassero una trappola per me, infatti, youtube ha un sistema informatico, per identificare immediatamente un video!



 Messiah, king of the universe, like Melchisedek is unius REI] declaring that exile is the punishment for sins of the fathers; and supplicating for the restoration of Israel. On an ordinary Sabbath the middle benediction, in a labored acrostic composition in the inverted order of the alphabet, recalls the sacrifices ordained for the Sabbath, and petitions for restoration in order that Israel may once more offer the sacrifices as prescribed, the prayer concluding with an exaltation of the Sabbath. In the festival liturgy the request for the restoring of the sacrificial service emphasizes still more the idea that the Exile was caused by "our sins" ("umi-pene ḥaṭa'enu"): "On account of our sins have we been exiled from our country and removed from our land, and we are no longer able [to go up and appear and] to worship and perform our duty before Thee in the House of Thy choice," etc.


ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz ha pubblicato un commento

2 mesi fa

ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz ha pubblicato un commento 17 minuti fa [jewish Messiah, king of the universe, like Melchisedek is unius REI] On the three pilgrim festivals another supplication for the rebuilding of the Temple is added to the foregoing, with quotation of the Pentateuchal injunction (Deut. xvi. 16, 17) regarding appearance before God on those days. The additional for the middle days (the workdays) of Pesaḥ and Sukkot is the same as that for the feasts proper, and is read even on the Sabbath. The following are some of the more important variants in the different rituals:


ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz ha pubblicato un commento

2 mesi fa

ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz ha pubblicato un commento 21 minuti fa @My God JHWH, true king of Israel --> , keep my tongue and my lips from speaking deceit, and to them that curse me let me [Hebr. "my soul"] be silent, and me [my soul] be like dust to all. Open my heart in Thy Torah, and after [in] Thy commandments let me [my soul] pursue. As for those that think evil of [against] me speedily thwart their counsel and destroy their plots. Do [this] for Thy name's sake, do this for Thy right hand's sake, do this for the sake of Thy holiness, do this for the sake of Thy Torah. That Thy beloved ones may rejoice, let Thy right hand bring on help [salvation] and answer me. [For the formula here given beginning with "Do this," another one was used expressive of the wish that the Temple might be rebuilt, that the Messiah might come, that God's people might be ransomed, and that His congregation might be gladdened.


ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz ha pubblicato un commento

2 mesi fa

ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz ha pubblicato un commento 21 minuti fa @My God JHWH, true king of Israel --> The angels also were invoked; and the appeal was summed up: "Do it for Thy sake, if not forours."] May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight, O Eternal, my rock and my redeemer." At these words, three steps backward were taken (see Oraḥ Ḥayyim, l.c. 123), and then this was recited: "He who maketh peace in the heights, He will establish peace upon us and upon all Israel, and thereupon say ye 'Amen.'"

ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz ha pubblicato un commento 23 minuti fa [Unius REI & Israel against: Rothschild IMF 666] On Rosh ha-Shanah a prayer for the coming of the kingdom of heaven is added at the close of this benediction and this can never happen with the Day of Atonement—falls on a Sunday. The form in use is somewhat longer than that given in the Talmud, where it is called "a pearl" on account of its sentiment (Ber. 33b; Beẓah 17a). Insertions are made in the six constant benedictions on certain occasions, as follows: During the ten days of Teshubah, i.e., the first ten days of Tishri, in No. i., after "in love" is inserted "Remember us for life, O King who delightest in life, and inscribe us into the book of life; for Thy sake, O God of life"; in No. ii., after "salvation to sprout forth," "Who is like Thee, Father of mercies, who rememberest His [Thy] creatures unto life in mercy?"; in No. iii., "holy King," in place of "holy God" at the close;

ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz ha pubblicato un commento 23 minuti fa [Unius REI & Israel against: Rothschild IMF 666] in No. xviii., before the concluding paragraph, "O inscribe for a happy life all the sons of Thy covenant"; in No. xix., before the end, "May we be remembered and inscribed in the book of life, of blessing, of peace, and of good sustenance, we and all Thy people, the whole house of Israel, yea, for happy life and for peace"; and the close (in the German ritual) is changed to "Blessed be Thou, O Lord, who makest peace." In the "Ne'ilah" (concluding) service for the Day of Atonement, "inscribe" is changed to "seal." On the two "solemn days" ("Yamim Nora'im") a petition for the kingdom of heaven is inserted in No. iii. (see the translation in Dembitz, l.c. p. 122), and the concludingphrase of this eulogy also is changed: "Thou art holy, and Thy name is fearful, and there is no God besides Thee, as it is written [Isa. v. 16],

YouTube Rewind 2012

    what kind of war they won Americans (American-dogs: 666 IMF, 322, NWO) in Iraq?, if, the only one people, that, have been made, for be extinguish, were, only, 1200.000: Christians martyrs?, who, had been quiet with Saddam... but, this is clear, the IMF-NO, today is raising imperialism saudi arabia, because, one day media Jewish world will say, that, it has become essential, to a world war III, against Islam satanic nazi.

    @ Russia - what, you are a bitch! you want to sell, also, my comment, to recover your money, to Cipro, from the IMF 666? how, you has to sell, your sailors, killed, into nuclear submarine? Certainly, for a prostitute like you, everything has a price! then, you too will soon go to destruction with all, your money, cursed by Satan, IMF god owl JabullOn! but, if, you do not destroy the IMF? War III world, Necessarily, needs to be addressed! and then, that Matter to us if all Muslims together with Israel, were exterminated all togheter? no! to me, it matters, Because That Is My Own Kingdom of Palestine!

    @ Russia animals - dirty! lol. is because last night, you saw a home movie porn, for that matter, that the Enlightened: 666 Pharisees of the IMF, they decided to punish you to Cyprus? .. that's for sure! with, three scams, that is, three false accounting, the IMF, took control of all power, for all those, who want to be blackmailed (intelligente, smart, IMF is Iran), is the true arbiter of life and death, of all human beings, on this planet .. but, then, what's wrong if the Holy Talmud, said to do so? goyim are not only the animals in human form?

    because the money from god-Rothschild 666, god Baal OWL is created, really, since by "nothing"? then: there is no interest, of give, due to "nothing." then: is the debt: public, and, as the debt: private, are the greatest wear and, big usury, of the story .. This said, the scientist Giacinto Auriti, therefore: the case of Cyprus, was planned: to "punish" Russia! in fact, as: it is easy to show: there are too many steps: where it is essential to do the accounting fraud: in the monetary system .. because: the money is created out of nothing, but then when, is purchased with: government bonds, the budget is closed: zero! then, where it ends, then, the first 100%: of money of the world? (Source: scientist Giacinto Auriti)

    poiché, il denaro dal dio-Rothschild 666, god Baal OWL, viene creato, veramente, dal: "nulla"? poi non è dovuto nessun interesse al: "nulla". quindi il debito pubblico, ed il debito privato sono la più grande usura, strozzinaggio della storia.. questo ha detto lo scienziato Giacinto Auriti, di conseguenza il caso Cipro, è stato pianificato per "punire" la Russia! infatti, come è facile dimostrare sono troppi i passaggi dove è indispensabile fare falso in bilancio nel sistema monetario.. perché il denaro viene creato dal nulla, ma, poi, quando viene comprato con i titoli di Stato, il bilancio viene chiuso a zero? dove finisce, il primo 100% del denaro di tutto il mondo? (fonte: scienziato Giacinto Auriti)


    il caso CIPRO? è l'unica soluzione agli squilibri, che, il criminale sistema monetario: massonico, privato SpA, del signoraggio bancario, ha creato.. diversamente? è la guerra mondiale la sola soluzione!

ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz ha pubblicato un commento 23 minuti fa [Unius REI & Israel against: Rothschild IMF 666] 'The Lord God is exalted in judgment, and the Holy God is sanctified in righteousness.' Blessed be Thou, O Lord, the Holy King." In fall and winter, in No. ii., after the words "Thou resurrectest the dead and art great to save" is inserted the words: "Thou causest the wind to blow and the rain to descend." On New Moons and middle days, except in the Musaf, the "Ya'aleh we-yabo" (see above) is inserted in the "'Abodah" before "bring back." On Ḥanukkah and Purim special thanks are inserted in No. xviii. after the words "from everlasting we have hoped in Thee." These narrate the wonderful occurrences which the day recalls. On fast-days, after No. vi. a special supplication is recited, beginning with "Answer us, O Lord, answer us"; and in No. vii., the prayer for the sick, one desirous of remembering a sick person interpolates a brief "Yehi Raẓon"

IRAQ, Sharia, horror, Saudi Arabia, Imperialism, christians




 Compass Direct News [murderous criminals, hidden among the nations! kill them all with my own hands!]. Hope in Mali rises with international military intervention. Hunted down in North, Christians fear Islamist advance on South. London, January 15 (World Watch Monitor) — French troops have launched a military operation in Mali, aiming at stopping the advance of Islamists from their bases in the north to the South. The French intervention started on Friday, Jan. 11 with air strikes, and had enabled the Malian troops to regain control of the cental town of Konna, occupied by Islamists the day before. Since then, French warplanes have been bombing Islamists' positions in Timbuktu, Gao and elsewhere in the North. More than half of... Read full story »

 Compass Direct News [murderous criminals, hidden among the nations! kill them all with my own hands!] Colombia: Murdered evangelist's widow also killed after threats. 3 orphaned by ELN guerrillas' actions, death threats continue. , January 9 (World Watch Monitor) — Four months after guerrillas of the National Liberation Army (ELN) sent a murdered evangelist's wife their first demand to abandon her home in northeast Colombia's volatile Arauca department, the militants made good on their threats, report sources close to Open Doors, a ministry to persecuted Christians. On Monday, Jan 7th 2013, as the family's pastor finished an evening devotional in the home of widow Alicia Castilla, assassins entered the home and opened fire on her w... Read full story »

Compass Direct News [murderous criminals, hidden among the nations! kill them all with my own hands!] Africa rises on World Watch List of worst persecutors. Arab Spring empowers militant Islamist movements. Washington, D.C., January 8 (World Watch Monitor) — Africa, where Christianity spread fastest during the past century, now is the region where oppression of Christians is spreading fastest, a new report says. The two-year-old Arab Spring has toppled autocrats across Northern Africa, but it also has energized militant Islamist movements that have killed hundreds of Christians and endanger thousands more, according to the annual World Watch List, released Tuesday. The list, published by Open Doors International, a ministry... Read full story »

Compass Direct News [murderous criminals, hidden among the nations! kill them all with my own hands!] Nigeria - 30 Christians killed in eve of New Year massacres. Two Borno State attacks 'target' Christians, each kills 15. London, January 7 (World Watch Monitor) — Thirty people were killed in two separate attacks carried out by armed men ahead of the New Year, in North-eastern Nigeria. 15 people were killed in a single attack which occurred on Sunday 30th, when armed men stormed a church service in Kyachi village, outside Chibok, near Maiduguri. According to Mohammed Kanar, the regional coordinator for the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), the victims were shot by the attackers. ... Read full story »

 Compass Direct News [murderous criminals, hidden among the nations! kill them all with my own hands!] China's Christians seize internet opportunities. Sharing of faith, even challenging censor by speaking out on persecution. London, December 31 (World Watch Monitor) — Chinese Christians are sharing their faith on Weibo, China's giant, state-regulated, social network -- and some are beginning to challenge the censor by speaking out against religious persecution. When Christian band Rainbow Come appeared on China's equivalent of "The X Factor," Christians turned to social networking to drum up votes for the band so their music could reach more Chinese. Within a few days, thousands of votes had been posted for R... Read full story »

 Compass Direct News [murderous criminals, hidden among the nations! kill them all with my own hands!]. Gunmen kill 12 Nigerian Christmas-Eve worshipers. Boko Haram suspected. Potiskum, December 25 (World Watch Monitor) — UPDATE: In two separate attacks, gunmen shot and killed12 worshippers who had gathered for Christmas-Eve services. One attackoccurred in the northeaster Nigerian state of Yobe. Among the dead was the church's pastor, according to news reports. The second attack occurred at a Baptist churchin Maiduguri, the capital of Borno state. World Watch Monitor has used Storify to assemblea roundup of early news coverage of thekillings.Read full story »

Compass Direct News [murderous criminals, hidden among the nations! kill them all with my own hands!] Book review: To find true persecution, look overseas. To find true persecution, look overseas. Colorado Springs, December 21 (World Watch Monitor) — By Steve Rabey Jesus warned his followers that they would experience persecution, a prediction that was already coming true before the books of the New Testament were completed. Today, Shortt argues, "the greatest curbs on religious freedoms take place in Muslim majority countries." Take Egypt, where Christianity grew deep roots in the centuries before Mohammed. Today, there are more than 10 million Christians among a population of more than 80 million. But Christians... Read full story »

Finally, Istanbul gives Syriac Christians a place to build: a cemetery. Syriacs call it a ploy to pit Christian communities against each other. Istanbul, December 18 (World Watch Monitor) — Three years after a Syrian Orthodox foundation applied to build a church in Istanbul, the Greater Istanbul Municipality has granted them a large plot of land and a building permit. Banner headlines in the Turkish media praised the early-December decision as "a first in the history of the Republic," declaring that never before had Turkey allowed a non-Muslim minority to build an official new house of worship. Stil... Read full story »

 Compass Direct News [murderous criminals, hidden among the nations! kill them all with my own hands!] Likely to lose constitution vote, Egyptian Christians gird for long struggle. Religious freedom will have to be won within Islamic system of laws. Cairo, December 14 (World Watch Monitor) — Politically connected Christians in Egypt give credit to the Muslim Brotherhood for one thing: they can win elections. The Brotherhood got 13 million ordinary Egyptians, many of them poor, rural and illiterate, to the polls in June to vote for their presidential candidate, Mohamed Morsi. Governing has been a different matter. "What is helping us today is that the Muslim Brotherhood and political Islam are not always clever," said Hassan Ismail, secretary ... Read full story »

last night (just 8 hours ago): I have seen my youngest son: to read the Bible, and if my children, they're not too tired?, they remember, always, spontaneously, to read the Bible, before going to bed, (after all, subrogated so, in this way, the absence of a father in their life) ... he was reading chapter 43: the prophet Isaiah! of course, today YHWH, the Holy speaks with love: both unius REI: in v. 8-9, as well as, to his Jewish people: in all the other verses ..

 King of Saudi Arabia - my friend! who might be: so dumb(until, at this point), so as to: transform: in his big friend, more affectionate, as: unius REI,.. in his more: big enemy, ie, UNIUS REI: which YHWH God, today, HE has given to him? Who is: so: silly: so much idiot: from become: turn bad, all good: that: is coming to him? Of course, the Bildenberg Emma Bobino? she would not be so stupid! Because if today unius REI, that: he is just a man: any, of the road [like all: 7 billion people on the planet]: everyone wants him, as a friend, today! ... So who would not want to be friends with unius REI today? and, what will happen when all the governments of the world will be forced to recognize him as unius REI, publicly? yet, it is a real ruin, which, today, there are: in all the world, so many: criminals idiots, that, own, them are not, still, smart as Emma Bonino Bildenberg!

because, I have given you, a good example! [Because we have to think, that the Pharisees: Illuminati IMF: they are so bad, Satanists, and cruel enough to desire the destruction of Israel: and do: World War III (already cited by Albert Pike, to Mazzini, in 1800): that is, they are all Satanists: the will specifically: in mode: intentional, make rise: the empire of Satan in the world? no! the Illuminati are people like us, but totally full of scared!] and if their own: they are the main victims of this mechanism the IMF? and: they are not more able: to be able to stop: this mechanism: of IMF 666: III WW, alone? So who can protect: their lives: and the whole human race? only, a higher power: in all other powers: can!

 BrotherhoodUniversal ha pubblicato un commento 13 ore fa Segnala spam because, I have given you, a good example! [Who can prevent that, the collapse of the: IMF, not: to become: a tragedy without precedent? only: unius Rei could have the power: To do this, rescue, ie: only: a universal power: shared condivise: and more higher: over any other power!, a power: all over the world, a power: which is not never existed, and which could not, never more exist: again! if this: unius REI: can not be created: by love? World War III: it will be inevitable because the war world: is the structure: of the IMF! .. but, this disaster would have been only: an your responsibility, because, I have given you a good example!

if the Illuminati, 666 Pharisees IMF: if they stop the run: forced: inevitable: of IMF-NWO? to save Israel, and FOR, avert: World War III? then: all bank deposits will be disintegrated! 100,000,000 people: die: for heart attack, and, 2 billion people: die of hunger, and other 2 billion people will die: in the inevitable: civil wars and revolutions .. all Enlightened Pharisees: they will all be killed, along with everyone: politicians, and all Masons, and all the rich, that is, first, that, the governments of the world, they can find a solution to the problem --- ANSWER - - so it is much more logical, to thinking can affrontale: world War III: to allow: a new monetary cycle: [paralyzed and devitalizing, based on the currency of the debt, stolen the sovereignty of all nations: that is, seigniorage bank, ie the triumph of Satan over the world] who can BE ABLE TO RISE! after all, who has the power to stop Satan?

I have worked: 1. for four years: [satan-is-faggot. blogspot. com]. of lorenzojhwh. Date of entry 30/mar/2008, Israel Country] 2. for: 8 hours at day: about: 365 days a year .. why? - Why? why? for love of God, and: for love of all: 7. billion: of precious human beings of my time, all the precious creatures made ​​by God YHWH, for "the image and likeness of God", so that none of them is lost! and I, I am only a servant of God like so many! but this is a time much too important! I have worked to reach this moment, for this moment: now, I only today, I can conclude, and: find the political consequences: rational and shared: so universal, of all this mine enormous work

Synnek1 posted a comment 1 hour ago Report spam The exclusion and rejection of God - ANSWER - no! God and unius REI, do not exclude anyone! no matter the seriousness of the misconduct (idolatry, satanism, cannibalism, seigniorage banking, ecc..), but , to all people: must be given the chance to redeem his own life for the last time, for other once again: only! this is the time of salvation, you do not lose touch: with me!

[What is more important for me: unius REI]: lol. you must not think that, I do not discourage, me, but, I can never .. only that, I can not afford: to myself, to be discouraged, because the task of the columns of the Temple, is to not give up! so, we must all be prepared spiritually to withstand all: that: it can be in the world! previous generations have fought, and have sent to us, life in the midst of incredible difficulties, and also, we have a duty to pass: the relay of life for future generations! but the Satanist: he is already dead, he has no children to leave: behind him! Also from this point of view: the activities of the Satanist can be solto: destructive and parasitic: therefore with the atheist Benedetto Croce: I beg all atheists: "save the cultural value: 1. both of symbols, which, civilization Christian! "because the Pharisee IMF wants to cut our roots (Judeo-Christian) in order to make of all: us his predation

[What is more important for me: unius REI]: 1. to stay on this page, and be the educator (the reference point) of all peoples? to protect all people from despair, imminent, that the Pharisee of the IMF, has designed: to destroy Israel. or, 2. to go to Jerusalem and to do, the king of the Jews, to add: my voice, to that, of all the others? 3. but, I do not have a problem with the power, I am already unius REI, and my ministers are deadly: although for me, every life must be preserved, however, the traitors of my Kingdom (accomplices of Satan) must be stopped, somehow!

 [What is more important for me: unius REI]: 4. now, Jesus said: "My kingdom is not of this world!" Jesus said it, so, because he was not a politician, as instead I am! but instead, I am a politician, and my kingdom: it is also, in this world (in my time) .. 5. so will be: always, the demands of political justice: to prevail for me! because, the life of the rich criminal, should, for me, the most precious, of the: innocent poor, that is, his victim? In this way, I have a duty to impose an immediate justice, and my ministers "invisible" will execute, my judgments, it is inevitable, then, that my methods are different from those of God

king Saudi Arabia: King of criminals! 666 DAMN, Satanists, hoes, rats, lizards, spiders, lice, parasites, cannibals, voodoo witches, monsters, aliens, freemasons, demons, evil, halloween, devil, Marduk, Enlightened, sharia, 322: Freemasonry, IMF FED ECB, COCKROACHES, SCORPIONS, globalists, aliens abductions, micro chip, corporations, SNAKE, THEY ARE wAITING FOR ME TO LEAVE: FROM THIS PAGE, IN ORDER TO SHOW UP! but, is the sewer, their world? is all scam fake! but, this is my kingdom, ie universal brotherhood!

 BrotherhoodUniversal ha pubblicato un commento 21 ore fa Segnala spam Saudi Arabia: king of criminals

I'm like Rothschild, I am not intervene, in mode invasive manner in the States, then, why you prefer that parasite 666, usurer, 322 IMF, NWO, aliens abductions of: World War III, which makes you pay even money at interest, instead of: prefer me?

 01/11/2013[another criminal sharia] IRAQ Mgr Sako: torn and violent, Iraq is in an "Arab winter" for Christians and Muslims. The archbishop of Kirkuk slams the use of religion for "political purposes" and the danger of sectarian division of the country. Ten years after the fall of Saddam, the situation is worse and people are "disheartened". He calls on the Church and the next patriarch to be sources of unity, dialogue and a guarantee for the Christian presence in the Middle East. Rome (AsiaNews) - In Iraq, religion plays an essential role but is used for "political purposes". Following the fall of Saddam Hussein's regime, a "sectarian mindset" has set in, pushing communal identity over national unity, this according to Mgr Louis Sako, who spoke to AsiaNews in a long interview about the recent history of Iraq, the Middle East and his country's Christians.

01/12/2013 VIETNAM Carmelite monastery and Church property targeted, archbishop of Hanoi says In a letter to government and municipal authorities, the prelate reiterates legitimate Catholic rights. He condemns the demolition of an historic sacred place whose religious function should be preserved. He appeals to the faithful to pray and defend the Church's "rightful rights". 01/12/2013 KYRGYZSTAN Kyrgyzstan to restrict further religions, boost penalties and limits on worship Kyrgyzstan's State Commission for Religious Affairs and its National Security Committee propose tougher measures to restrict freedom of worship. Activist is concerned the authorities want to raise money at the expense of religious communities, including youth prayer groups.

Egypt, saudi imperialism [ 01/14/2013 horror sharia ] EGYPT: 15 years in prison for mother and seven children, converts to Christianity.] The case concerns Nadia Mohamed Ali, a mother of eight children, born Christian, but converted to Islam to marry her husband. After his death, she decides to return to her original religion with her children. The authorities accuse her of having changed names on documents to skip procedure.

Cairo (AsiaNews / Agencies) - The criminal court of Beni Suef (115 km south of Cairo) has sentenced an entire family to prison for converting to Christianity.

Egypt, saudi imperialism [ 01/14/2013 horror sharia ] EGYPT: 15 years in prison for mother and seven children, converts to Christianity.] Nadia Mohamed Ali and her children Mohab, Maged, Sherif, Amira, Amir, and Nancy Ahmed Mohamed abdel-Wahab will spend 15 years in prison. Seven other people involved in the case were sentenced to five years in prison. The case of the family of Nadia Ali Mohamed began in 2004 when, after the conversion, she and her children decided to replace their Muslim names on their identity cards with their Christian names and city of residence change. To do this she was aided by seven Registry office employees e. Born Christian, she had changed her religion to marry her husband Mustafa Mohamed Abdel-Wahab. After the man's death in 1991, Nadia decided to return to her religion of origins and to push her seven children to convert. In 2006, one of the boys was arrested by police in an information center in the city of Beni Suef.

Egypt, saudi imperialism [ 01/14/2013 horror sharia ] EGYPT: 15 years in prison for mother and seven children, converts to Christianity.]  Suspicious of the young man from the documents he as carrying, where he had changed its name to Bishoy Malak Abdel-Massih, police agents interrogated him for hours until he confessed his conversion to Christianity as desired by the mother. The judges then decide to stop not only the woman, but all of her children and seven clerks from the registration office, responsible for changing the documents. An individuals religious faith is listed in Egyptian identity cards. Christians, converted to Islam for various reasons that attempt to return to the religion to which they belong have enormous difficulty in correcting their names on the documents. This leads many people to forge them, risking prison. The reverse process, ie the transition from Christianity to Islam is not hindered, and in many cases is favored by the very Registry officials.

IRAQ: Sharia horror: Saudi Arabia Imperialism: christians 1200.000, with Saddam, today: 200.000!] The archbishop of Mosul is dead. Bishop of Arbil: "A heavy Cross for our Church, ahead of Easter". The cause of death is still unknown. The pope's expression of sorrow. Mosul (AsiaNews) - The Chaldean archbishop of Mosul is dead. Archbishop Faraj Rahho was kidnapped last February 29 after the Stations of the Cross. His kidnappers gave word of his death, indicating to the mediators where they could recover the body of the 67-year-old prelate. "It is a heavy Cross for our Church, ahead of Easter", Bishop Rabban of Arbil tells AsiaNews in response to the news. Leaders of the Chaldean Church, including Bishop Shlemon Warduni, brought the body to the hospital in Mosul to ascertain the causes, still unknown, of the archbishop's death.

[IRAQ: Sharia horror: Saudi Arabia Imperialism: christians 1200.000, with Saddam, today: 200.000!] The funeral will be held tomorrow in the nearby city of Karamles. Archbishop Rahho will be buried near Fr Ragheed, his priest and secretary killed by a terrorist brigade on June 3, 2007, while leaving the church after celebrating Mass. The archbishop had been very sick. He had suffered a heart attack a few years ago, and since then he had needed to take medication every day. The difficult negotiations for his release carried forward over the past 14 days of his kidnapping had immediately raised concern because of the total absence of direct contact with the hostage. The conditions posed by the kidnappers - sources in Mosul tell AsiaNews - in addition to an outrageous ransom on the order of millions of dollars, had also included the provision of weapons and the liberation of Arab prisoners held in Kurdish prisons.

[IRAQ: Sharia horror: Saudi Arabia Imperialism: christians 1200.000, with Saddam, today: 200.000!]The news of Archbishop Rahho's death "profoundly wounds and saddens" the pope, says the director of the Vatican press office, Fr Federico Lombardi. Benedict XVI hopes that "this tragic event may renew once again and with greater force the efforts of all, and in particular of the international community, for the pacification of this greatly tormented country". Three times in recent days, the pope had launched an appeal for the liberation of the bishop. Numerous Muslim leaders had also spoken out for the prelate's release, both Sunnis and Shiites, in Iraq, Lebanon, and Jordan, and also condemned the action as "contrary to Islam". 06/03/2007 20:13 IRAQ A Chaldean priest and three deacons killed in Mosul Fr Ragheed Ganni, 34, was hit by gunfire in front of the Church of the Holy Spirit. Three deacons, who served as his aides, were also killed.

[IRAQ: Sharia horror: Saudi Arabia Imperialism: christians 1200.000, with Saddam, today: 200.000!]Baghdad (AsiaNews) -- An armed group gunned down and killed Fr Ragheed Ganni and three of his aides. The murder took place right after Sunday mass in front of the Church of the Holy Spirit in Mosul where Father Ragheed was parish priest. Sources told AsiaNews that hours later the bodies were still lying in the street because no one dared retrieve them. Given the situation tensions in the area remain high.For some time since the fall of Saddam Hussein Christians have become victims of what amounts to an open campaign of persecution often denounced by Chaldean and Orthodox bishops. Father Ragheed himself had been targeted several times in previous attacks. The Church of the Holy Spirit has also been repeatedly attacked and bombed in the last few years, the last time occurred but a few months ago.

[IRAQ: Sharia horror: Saudi Arabia Imperialism: christians 1200.000, with Saddam, today: 200.000!] Father Ganni was a great friend of AsiaNews. He had studied in Italy and was fluent in Arabic as well as Italian, French and English. In 2005 he had visited Italy where he gave testimony during the Vigil to Eucharistic Congress in Bari. (Photo: Father Ragheed, first left, participating in a priestly ordination in Mosul). 01/08/2013 17:30 IRAQ. More Christian blood in Mosul, car bomb kills Christian university student The bomb went off in front of a supermarket near the local university. The medical student, who was in his last year of study, was killed instantly. Dozens of other people were hurt in the blast, which caused widespread material damage. The violence, sources tell AsiaNews, is the result of a power struggle between Sunni, Shia and Kurdish groups to divide the country into enclaves.

[IRAQ: Sharia horror: Saudi Arabia Imperialism: christians 1200.000, with Saddam, today: 200.000!] Mosul (AsiaNews) - More Christian blood was shed today in Mosul, northern Iraq. A Christian university student was in fact killed by a car bomb, a day after the body of a 54-year-old Christian teacher, Shdha Elias, was found, her throat cut. These deaths, involving members of the Christian minority, are an illustration of the rising tensions in the city and across the country as Sunnis, Shias, Arabs, Kurds and Turkmen vye for power and control. Against a backdrop of a Kurdish president, Jalal Talabani, still in poor health after suffering a stroke last month, and persistent political uncertainty, tensions are fast rising. The inability of the central government in Baghdad to cope with terrorist attacks is not helping either. In Mosul, the car bomb exploded this morning in front of a supermarket in al Alamia, near the city's university, local sources told AsiaNews.

YouTube Rewind 2012 HellxDesPairTruction

    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    1 secondo fa

    @ Russia - what, you are a bitch! you want to sell, also, my comment, to recover your money, to Cipro, from the IMF 666? how, you has to sell, your sailors, killed, into nuclear submarine? Certainly, for a prostitute like you, everything has a price! then, you too will soon go to destruction with all, your money, cursed by Satan, IMF god owl JabullOn! but, if, you do not destroy the IMF? War III world, Necessarily, needs to be addressed! and then, that Matter to us if all Muslims together with Israel, were exterminated all togheter? no! to me, it matters, Because That Is My Own Kingdom of Palestine!


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    25 minuti fa

    @ Russia animals - dirty! lol. is because last night, you saw a home movie porn, for that matter, that the Enlightened: 666 Pharisees of the IMF, they decided to punish you to Cyprus? .. that's for sure! with, three scams, that is, three false accounting, the IMF, took control of all power, for all those, who want to be blackmailed (intelligente, smart, IMF is Iran), is the true arbiter of life and death, of all human beings, on this planet .. but, then, what's wrong if the Holy Talmud, said to do so? goyim are not only the animals in human form?


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    2 ore fa

    because the money from god-Rothschild 666, god Baal OWL is created, really, since by "nothing"? then: there is no interest, of give, due to "nothing." then: is the debt: public, and, as the debt: private, are the greatest wear and, big usury, of the story .. This said, the scientist Giacinto Auriti, therefore: the case of Cyprus, was planned: to "punish" Russia! in fact, as: it is easy to show: there are too many steps: where it is essential to do the accounting fraud: in the monetary system .. because: the money is created out of nothing, but then when, is purchased with: government bonds, the budget is closed: zero! then, where it ends, then, the first 100%: of money of the world? (Source: scientist Giacinto Auriti)


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    2 ore fa

    poiché, il denaro dal dio-Rothschild 666, god Baal OWL, viene creato, veramente, dal: "nulla"? poi non è dovuto nessun interesse al: "nulla". quindi il debito pubblico, ed il debito privato sono la più grande usura, strozzinaggio della storia.. questo ha detto lo scienziato Giacinto Auriti, di conseguenza il caso Cipro, è stato pianificato per "punire" la Russia! infatti, come è facile dimostrare sono troppi i passaggi dove è indispensabile fare falso in bilancio nel sistema monetario.. perché il denaro viene creato dal nulla, ma, poi, quando viene comprato con i titoli di Stato, il bilancio viene chiuso a zero? dove finisce, il primo 100% del denaro di tutto il mondo? (fonte: scienziato Giacinto Auriti)


    NoahTheNephilim ha pubblicato un commento

    8 ore fa

    il caso CIPRO? è l'unica soluzione agli squilibri, che, il criminale sistema monetario: massonico, privato SpA, del signoraggio bancario, ha creato.. diversamente? è la guerra mondiale la sola soluzione!

[IRAQ: Sharia horror: Saudi Arabia Imperialism: christians 1200.000, with Saddam, today: 200.000!] The dead man was Ayyoub Fauzi Auyyoub Al Sheikh, a Christian medical student on his last year of study. Eyewitnesses said he died instantly, and that dozens of people were wounded from the blast, which caused major material damages. For the past two weeks, the atmosphere in the city has been getting worse, the more so since the local administration and the central government in Baghdad have been involved in a tug-of-war. The city's governor, Athil Al Nujjaifi, is a member of an Islamist party close to the Muslim Brotherhood. He is also the brother of Ussama Al Nujjaifi, speaker of the National Assembly. "Sunnis control the cities of Anbar, Diala, Salah addin', Tikrit, Mosul and Kirkuk with Kurdish support," Iraq experts explained. Their alliance is in opposition to Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki, who is a Shia. Their aim is "to divide the country into enclaves."

[IRAQ: Sharia horror: Saudi Arabia Imperialism: christians 1200.000, with Saddam, today: 200.000!] Minorities are the biggest losers from all this, including Christians who have no power base or group that can defend their interests. Since the US invasion of 2003, which led to the fall of Saddam Hussein, Iraq's Christian community lost more than half of its members. In the case of the Christian teacher, whose body was found yesterday, other anonymous sources said that she "lived alone" and was "an easy target for criminals." For them, she "was probably killed during a robbery." Yesterday, after her body was recovered and prepared, she was buried right away. In the past, Mosul saw other major Christian figures murdered, including abducted Bishop Faraj Rahho, and Fr Ragheed Ganni. (DS)

christians, 1200.000, Saddam, today, 200.000




 Compass Direct News [murderous criminals, hidden among the nations! kill them all with my own hands!]. Hope in Mali rises with international military intervention. Hunted down in North, Christians fear Islamist advance on South. London, January 15 (World Watch Monitor) — French troops have launched a military operation in Mali, aiming at stopping the advance of Islamists from their bases in the north to the South. The French intervention started on Friday, Jan. 11 with air strikes, and had enabled the Malian troops to regain control of the cental town of Konna, occupied by Islamists the day before. Since then, French warplanes have been bombing Islamists' positions in Timbuktu, Gao and elsewhere in the North. More than half of... Read full story »

 Compass Direct News [murderous criminals, hidden among the nations! kill them all with my own hands!] Colombia: Murdered evangelist's widow also killed after threats. 3 orphaned by ELN guerrillas' actions, death threats continue. , January 9 (World Watch Monitor) — Four months after guerrillas of the National Liberation Army (ELN) sent a murdered evangelist's wife their first demand to abandon her home in northeast Colombia's volatile Arauca department, the militants made good on their threats, report sources close to Open Doors, a ministry to persecuted Christians. On Monday, Jan 7th 2013, as the family's pastor finished an evening devotional in the home of widow Alicia Castilla, assassins entered the home and opened fire on her w... Read full story »

Compass Direct News [murderous criminals, hidden among the nations! kill them all with my own hands!] Africa rises on World Watch List of worst persecutors. Arab Spring empowers militant Islamist movements. Washington, D.C., January 8 (World Watch Monitor) — Africa, where Christianity spread fastest during the past century, now is the region where oppression of Christians is spreading fastest, a new report says. The two-year-old Arab Spring has toppled autocrats across Northern Africa, but it also has energized militant Islamist movements that have killed hundreds of Christians and endanger thousands more, according to the annual World Watch List, released Tuesday. The list, published by Open Doors International, a ministry... Read full story »

Compass Direct News [murderous criminals, hidden among the nations! kill them all with my own hands!] Nigeria - 30 Christians killed in eve of New Year massacres. Two Borno State attacks 'target' Christians, each kills 15. London, January 7 (World Watch Monitor) — Thirty people were killed in two separate attacks carried out by armed men ahead of the New Year, in North-eastern Nigeria. 15 people were killed in a single attack which occurred on Sunday 30th, when armed men stormed a church service in Kyachi village, outside Chibok, near Maiduguri. According to Mohammed Kanar, the regional coordinator for the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), the victims were shot by the attackers. ... Read full story »

 Compass Direct News [murderous criminals, hidden among the nations! kill them all with my own hands!] China's Christians seize internet opportunities. Sharing of faith, even challenging censor by speaking out on persecution. London, December 31 (World Watch Monitor) — Chinese Christians are sharing their faith on Weibo, China's giant, state-regulated, social network -- and some are beginning to challenge the censor by speaking out against religious persecution. When Christian band Rainbow Come appeared on China's equivalent of "The X Factor," Christians turned to social networking to drum up votes for the band so their music could reach more Chinese. Within a few days, thousands of votes had been posted for R... Read full story »

 Compass Direct News [murderous criminals, hidden among the nations! kill them all with my own hands!]. Gunmen kill 12 Nigerian Christmas-Eve worshipers. Boko Haram suspected. Potiskum, December 25 (World Watch Monitor) — UPDATE: In two separate attacks, gunmen shot and killed12 worshippers who had gathered for Christmas-Eve services. One attackoccurred in the northeaster Nigerian state of Yobe. Among the dead was the church's pastor, according to news reports. The second attack occurred at a Baptist churchin Maiduguri, the capital of Borno state. World Watch Monitor has used Storify to assemblea roundup of early news coverage of thekillings.Read full story »

Compass Direct News [murderous criminals, hidden among the nations! kill them all with my own hands!] Book review: To find true persecution, look overseas. To find true persecution, look overseas. Colorado Springs, December 21 (World Watch Monitor) — By Steve Rabey Jesus warned his followers that they would experience persecution, a prediction that was already coming true before the books of the New Testament were completed. Today, Shortt argues, "the greatest curbs on religious freedoms take place in Muslim majority countries." Take Egypt, where Christianity grew deep roots in the centuries before Mohammed. Today, there are more than 10 million Christians among a population of more than 80 million. But Christians... Read full story »

Finally, Istanbul gives Syriac Christians a place to build: a cemetery. Syriacs call it a ploy to pit Christian communities against each other. Istanbul, December 18 (World Watch Monitor) — Three years after a Syrian Orthodox foundation applied to build a church in Istanbul, the Greater Istanbul Municipality has granted them a large plot of land and a building permit. Banner headlines in the Turkish media praised the early-December decision as "a first in the history of the Republic," declaring that never before had Turkey allowed a non-Muslim minority to build an official new house of worship. Stil... Read full story »

 Compass Direct News [murderous criminals, hidden among the nations! kill them all with my own hands!] Likely to lose constitution vote, Egyptian Christians gird for long struggle. Religious freedom will have to be won within Islamic system of laws. Cairo, December 14 (World Watch Monitor) — Politically connected Christians in Egypt give credit to the Muslim Brotherhood for one thing: they can win elections. The Brotherhood got 13 million ordinary Egyptians, many of them poor, rural and illiterate, to the polls in June to vote for their presidential candidate, Mohamed Morsi. Governing has been a different matter. "What is helping us today is that the Muslim Brotherhood and political Islam are not always clever," said Hassan Ismail, secretary ... Read full story »

last night (just 8 hours ago): I have seen my youngest son: to read the Bible, and if my children, they're not too tired?, they remember, always, spontaneously, to read the Bible, before going to bed, (after all, subrogated so, in this way, the absence of a father in their life) ... he was reading chapter 43: the prophet Isaiah! of course, today YHWH, the Holy speaks with love: both unius REI: in v. 8-9, as well as, to his Jewish people: in all the other verses ..

 King of Saudi Arabia - my friend! who might be: so dumb(until, at this point), so as to: transform: in his big friend, more affectionate, as: unius REI,.. in his more: big enemy, ie, UNIUS REI: which YHWH God, today, HE has given to him? Who is: so: silly: so much idiot: from become: turn bad, all good: that: is coming to him? Of course, the Bildenberg Emma Bobino? she would not be so stupid! Because if today unius REI, that: he is just a man: any, of the road [like all: 7 billion people on the planet]: everyone wants him, as a friend, today! ... So who would not want to be friends with unius REI today? and, what will happen when all the governments of the world will be forced to recognize him as unius REI, publicly? yet, it is a real ruin, which, today, there are: in all the world, so many: criminals idiots, that, own, them are not, still, smart as Emma Bonino Bildenberg!

because, I have given you, a good example! [Because we have to think, that the Pharisees: Illuminati IMF: they are so bad, Satanists, and cruel enough to desire the destruction of Israel: and do: World War III (already cited by Albert Pike, to Mazzini, in 1800): that is, they are all Satanists: the will specifically: in mode: intentional, make rise: the empire of Satan in the world? no! the Illuminati are people like us, but totally full of scared!] and if their own: they are the main victims of this mechanism the IMF? and: they are not more able: to be able to stop: this mechanism: of IMF 666: III WW, alone? So who can protect: their lives: and the whole human race? only, a higher power: in all other powers: can!

 BrotherhoodUniversal ha pubblicato un commento 13 ore fa Segnala spam because, I have given you, a good example! [Who can prevent that, the collapse of the: IMF, not: to become: a tragedy without precedent? only: unius Rei could have the power: To do this, rescue, ie: only: a universal power: shared condivise: and more higher: over any other power!, a power: all over the world, a power: which is not never existed, and which could not, never more exist: again! if this: unius REI: can not be created: by love? World War III: it will be inevitable because the war world: is the structure: of the IMF! .. but, this disaster would have been only: an your responsibility, because, I have given you a good example!

if the Illuminati, 666 Pharisees IMF: if they stop the run: forced: inevitable: of IMF-NWO? to save Israel, and FOR, avert: World War III? then: all bank deposits will be disintegrated! 100,000,000 people: die: for heart attack, and, 2 billion people: die of hunger, and other 2 billion people will die: in the inevitable: civil wars and revolutions .. all Enlightened Pharisees: they will all be killed, along with everyone: politicians, and all Masons, and all the rich, that is, first, that, the governments of the world, they can find a solution to the problem --- ANSWER - - so it is much more logical, to thinking can affrontale: world War III: to allow: a new monetary cycle: [paralyzed and devitalizing, based on the currency of the debt, stolen the sovereignty of all nations: that is, seigniorage bank, ie the triumph of Satan over the world] who can BE ABLE TO RISE! after all, who has the power to stop Satan?

I have worked: 1. for four years: [satan-is-faggot. blogspot. com]. of lorenzojhwh. Date of entry 30/mar/2008, Israel Country] 2. for: 8 hours at day: about: 365 days a year .. why? - Why? why? for love of God, and: for love of all: 7. billion: of precious human beings of my time, all the precious creatures made ​​by God YHWH, for "the image and likeness of God", so that none of them is lost! and I, I am only a servant of God like so many! but this is a time much too important! I have worked to reach this moment, for this moment: now, I only today, I can conclude, and: find the political consequences: rational and shared: so universal, of all this mine enormous work

Synnek1 posted a comment 1 hour ago Report spam The exclusion and rejection of God - ANSWER - no! God and unius REI, do not exclude anyone! no matter the seriousness of the misconduct (idolatry, satanism, cannibalism, seigniorage banking, ecc..), but , to all people: must be given the chance to redeem his own life for the last time, for other once again: only! this is the time of salvation, you do not lose touch: with me!

[What is more important for me: unius REI]: lol. you must not think that, I do not discourage, me, but, I can never .. only that, I can not afford: to myself, to be discouraged, because the task of the columns of the Temple, is to not give up! so, we must all be prepared spiritually to withstand all: that: it can be in the world! previous generations have fought, and have sent to us, life in the midst of incredible difficulties, and also, we have a duty to pass: the relay of life for future generations! but the Satanist: he is already dead, he has no children to leave: behind him! Also from this point of view: the activities of the Satanist can be solto: destructive and parasitic: therefore with the atheist Benedetto Croce: I beg all atheists: "save the cultural value: 1. both of symbols, which, civilization Christian! "because the Pharisee IMF wants to cut our roots (Judeo-Christian) in order to make of all: us his predation

[What is more important for me: unius REI]: 1. to stay on this page, and be the educator (the reference point) of all peoples? to protect all people from despair, imminent, that the Pharisee of the IMF, has designed: to destroy Israel. or, 2. to go to Jerusalem and to do, the king of the Jews, to add: my voice, to that, of all the others? 3. but, I do not have a problem with the power, I am already unius REI, and my ministers are deadly: although for me, every life must be preserved, however, the traitors of my Kingdom (accomplices of Satan) must be stopped, somehow!

 [What is more important for me: unius REI]: 4. now, Jesus said: "My kingdom is not of this world!" Jesus said it, so, because he was not a politician, as instead I am! but instead, I am a politician, and my kingdom: it is also, in this world (in my time) .. 5. so will be: always, the demands of political justice: to prevail for me! because, the life of the rich criminal, should, for me, the most precious, of the: innocent poor, that is, his victim? In this way, I have a duty to impose an immediate justice, and my ministers "invisible" will execute, my judgments, it is inevitable, then, that my methods are different from those of God

king Saudi Arabia: King of criminals! 666 DAMN, Satanists, hoes, rats, lizards, spiders, lice, parasites, cannibals, voodoo witches, monsters, aliens, freemasons, demons, evil, halloween, devil, Marduk, Enlightened, sharia, 322: Freemasonry, IMF FED ECB, COCKROACHES, SCORPIONS, globalists, aliens abductions, micro chip, corporations, SNAKE, THEY ARE wAITING FOR ME TO LEAVE: FROM THIS PAGE, IN ORDER TO SHOW UP! but, is the sewer, their world? is all scam fake! but, this is my kingdom, ie universal brotherhood!

 BrotherhoodUniversal ha pubblicato un commento 21 ore fa Segnala spam Saudi Arabia: king of criminals

I'm like Rothschild, I am not intervene, in mode invasive manner in the States, then, why you prefer that parasite 666, usurer, 322 IMF, NWO, aliens abductions of: World War III, which makes you pay even money at interest, instead of: prefer me?

 01/11/2013[another criminal sharia] IRAQ Mgr Sako: torn and violent, Iraq is in an "Arab winter" for Christians and Muslims. The archbishop of Kirkuk slams the use of religion for "political purposes" and the danger of sectarian division of the country. Ten years after the fall of Saddam, the situation is worse and people are "disheartened". He calls on the Church and the next patriarch to be sources of unity, dialogue and a guarantee for the Christian presence in the Middle East. Rome (AsiaNews) - In Iraq, religion plays an essential role but is used for "political purposes". Following the fall of Saddam Hussein's regime, a "sectarian mindset" has set in, pushing communal identity over national unity, this according to Mgr Louis Sako, who spoke to AsiaNews in a long interview about the recent history of Iraq, the Middle East and his country's Christians.

01/12/2013 VIETNAM Carmelite monastery and Church property targeted, archbishop of Hanoi says In a letter to government and municipal authorities, the prelate reiterates legitimate Catholic rights. He condemns the demolition of an historic sacred place whose religious function should be preserved. He appeals to the faithful to pray and defend the Church's "rightful rights". 01/12/2013 KYRGYZSTAN Kyrgyzstan to restrict further religions, boost penalties and limits on worship Kyrgyzstan's State Commission for Religious Affairs and its National Security Committee propose tougher measures to restrict freedom of worship. Activist is concerned the authorities want to raise money at the expense of religious communities, including youth prayer groups.

Egypt, saudi imperialism [ 01/14/2013 horror sharia ] EGYPT: 15 years in prison for mother and seven children, converts to Christianity.] The case concerns Nadia Mohamed Ali, a mother of eight children, born Christian, but converted to Islam to marry her husband. After his death, she decides to return to her original religion with her children. The authorities accuse her of having changed names on documents to skip procedure.

Cairo (AsiaNews / Agencies) - The criminal court of Beni Suef (115 km south of Cairo) has sentenced an entire family to prison for converting to Christianity.

Egypt, saudi imperialism [ 01/14/2013 horror sharia ] EGYPT: 15 years in prison for mother and seven children, converts to Christianity.] Nadia Mohamed Ali and her children Mohab, Maged, Sherif, Amira, Amir, and Nancy Ahmed Mohamed abdel-Wahab will spend 15 years in prison. Seven other people involved in the case were sentenced to five years in prison. The case of the family of Nadia Ali Mohamed began in 2004 when, after the conversion, she and her children decided to replace their Muslim names on their identity cards with their Christian names and city of residence change. To do this she was aided by seven Registry office employees e. Born Christian, she had changed her religion to marry her husband Mustafa Mohamed Abdel-Wahab. After the man's death in 1991, Nadia decided to return to her religion of origins and to push her seven children to convert. In 2006, one of the boys was arrested by police in an information center in the city of Beni Suef.

Egypt, saudi imperialism [ 01/14/2013 horror sharia ] EGYPT: 15 years in prison for mother and seven children, converts to Christianity.]  Suspicious of the young man from the documents he as carrying, where he had changed its name to Bishoy Malak Abdel-Massih, police agents interrogated him for hours until he confessed his conversion to Christianity as desired by the mother. The judges then decide to stop not only the woman, but all of her children and seven clerks from the registration office, responsible for changing the documents. An individuals religious faith is listed in Egyptian identity cards. Christians, converted to Islam for various reasons that attempt to return to the religion to which they belong have enormous difficulty in correcting their names on the documents. This leads many people to forge them, risking prison. The reverse process, ie the transition from Christianity to Islam is not hindered, and in many cases is favored by the very Registry officials.

IRAQ: Sharia horror: Saudi Arabia Imperialism: christians 1200.000, with Saddam, today: 200.000!] The archbishop of Mosul is dead. Bishop of Arbil: "A heavy Cross for our Church, ahead of Easter". The cause of death is still unknown. The pope's expression of sorrow. Mosul (AsiaNews) - The Chaldean archbishop of Mosul is dead. Archbishop Faraj Rahho was kidnapped last February 29 after the Stations of the Cross. His kidnappers gave word of his death, indicating to the mediators where they could recover the body of the 67-year-old prelate. "It is a heavy Cross for our Church, ahead of Easter", Bishop Rabban of Arbil tells AsiaNews in response to the news. Leaders of the Chaldean Church, including Bishop Shlemon Warduni, brought the body to the hospital in Mosul to ascertain the causes, still unknown, of the archbishop's death.

[IRAQ: Sharia horror: Saudi Arabia Imperialism: christians 1200.000, with Saddam, today: 200.000!] The funeral will be held tomorrow in the nearby city of Karamles. Archbishop Rahho will be buried near Fr Ragheed, his priest and secretary killed by a terrorist brigade on June 3, 2007, while leaving the church after celebrating Mass. The archbishop had been very sick. He had suffered a heart attack a few years ago, and since then he had needed to take medication every day. The difficult negotiations for his release carried forward over the past 14 days of his kidnapping had immediately raised concern because of the total absence of direct contact with the hostage. The conditions posed by the kidnappers - sources in Mosul tell AsiaNews - in addition to an outrageous ransom on the order of millions of dollars, had also included the provision of weapons and the liberation of Arab prisoners held in Kurdish prisons.

[IRAQ: Sharia horror: Saudi Arabia Imperialism: christians 1200.000, with Saddam, today: 200.000!]The news of Archbishop Rahho's death "profoundly wounds and saddens" the pope, says the director of the Vatican press office, Fr Federico Lombardi. Benedict XVI hopes that "this tragic event may renew once again and with greater force the efforts of all, and in particular of the international community, for the pacification of this greatly tormented country". Three times in recent days, the pope had launched an appeal for the liberation of the bishop. Numerous Muslim leaders had also spoken out for the prelate's release, both Sunnis and Shiites, in Iraq, Lebanon, and Jordan, and also condemned the action as "contrary to Islam". 06/03/2007 20:13 IRAQ A Chaldean priest and three deacons killed in Mosul Fr Ragheed Ganni, 34, was hit by gunfire in front of the Church of the Holy Spirit. Three deacons, who served as his aides, were also killed.

[IRAQ: Sharia horror: Saudi Arabia Imperialism: christians 1200.000, with Saddam, today: 200.000!]Baghdad (AsiaNews) -- An armed group gunned down and killed Fr Ragheed Ganni and three of his aides. The murder took place right after Sunday mass in front of the Church of the Holy Spirit in Mosul where Father Ragheed was parish priest. Sources told AsiaNews that hours later the bodies were still lying in the street because no one dared retrieve them. Given the situation tensions in the area remain high.For some time since the fall of Saddam Hussein Christians have become victims of what amounts to an open campaign of persecution often denounced by Chaldean and Orthodox bishops. Father Ragheed himself had been targeted several times in previous attacks. The Church of the Holy Spirit has also been repeatedly attacked and bombed in the last few years, the last time occurred but a few months ago.

[IRAQ: Sharia horror: Saudi Arabia Imperialism: christians 1200.000, with Saddam, today: 200.000!] Father Ganni was a great friend of AsiaNews. He had studied in Italy and was fluent in Arabic as well as Italian, French and English. In 2005 he had visited Italy where he gave testimony during the Vigil to Eucharistic Congress in Bari. (Photo: Father Ragheed, first left, participating in a priestly ordination in Mosul). 01/08/2013 17:30 IRAQ. More Christian blood in Mosul, car bomb kills Christian university student The bomb went off in front of a supermarket near the local university. The medical student, who was in his last year of study, was killed instantly. Dozens of other people were hurt in the blast, which caused widespread material damage. The violence, sources tell AsiaNews, is the result of a power struggle between Sunni, Shia and Kurdish groups to divide the country into enclaves.

YouTube Rewind 2012

HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

1 secondo fa

    @ Russia - what, you are a bitch! you want to sell, also, my comment, to recover your money, to Cipro, from the IMF 666? how, you has to sell, your sailors, killed, into nuclear submarine? Certainly, for a prostitute like you, everything has a price! then, you too will soon go to destruction with all, your money, cursed by Satan, IMF god owl JabullOn! but, if, you do not destroy the IMF? War III world, Necessarily, needs to be addressed! and then, that Matter to us if all Muslims together with Israel, were exterminated all togheter? no! to me, it matters, Because That Is My Own Kingdom of Palestine!


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    25 minuti fa

    @ Russia animals - dirty! lol. is because last night, you saw a home movie porn, for that matter, that the Enlightened: 666 Pharisees of the IMF, they decided to punish you to Cyprus? .. that's for sure! with, three scams, that is, three false accounting, the IMF, took control of all power, for all those, who want to be blackmailed (intelligente, smart, IMF is Iran), is the true arbiter of life and death, of all human beings, on this planet .. but, then, what's wrong if the Holy Talmud, said to do so? goyim are not only the animals in human form?


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    2 ore fa

    because the money from god-Rothschild 666, god Baal OWL is created, really, since by "nothing"? then: there is no interest, of give, due to "nothing." then: is the debt: public, and, as the debt: private, are the greatest wear and, big usury, of the story .. This said, the scientist Giacinto Auriti, therefore: the case of Cyprus, was planned: to "punish" Russia! in fact, as: it is easy to show: there are too many steps: where it is essential to do the accounting fraud: in the monetary system .. because: the money is created out of nothing, but then when, is purchased with: government bonds, the budget is closed: zero! then, where it ends, then, the first 100%: of money of the world? (Source: scientist Giacinto Auriti)


    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

    2 ore fa

    poiché, il denaro dal dio-Rothschild 666, god Baal OWL, viene creato, veramente, dal: "nulla"? poi non è dovuto nessun interesse al: "nulla". quindi il debito pubblico, ed il debito privato sono la più grande usura, strozzinaggio della storia.. questo ha detto lo scienziato Giacinto Auriti, di conseguenza il caso Cipro, è stato pianificato per "punire" la Russia! infatti, come è facile dimostrare sono troppi i passaggi dove è indispensabile fare falso in bilancio nel sistema monetario.. perché il denaro viene creato dal nulla, ma, poi, quando viene comprato con i titoli di Stato, il bilancio viene chiuso a zero? dove finisce, il primo 100% del denaro di tutto il mondo? (fonte: scienziato Giacinto Auriti)


    NoahTheNephilim ha pubblicato un commento

    8 ore fa

    il caso CIPRO? è l'unica soluzione agli squilibri, che, il criminale sistema monetario: massonico, privato SpA, del signoraggio bancario, ha creato.. diversamente? è la guerra mondiale la sola soluzione!

[IRAQ: Sharia horror: Saudi Arabia Imperialism: christians 1200.000, with Saddam, today: 200.000!] Mosul (AsiaNews) - More Christian blood was shed today in Mosul, northern Iraq. A Christian university student was in fact killed by a car bomb, a day after the body of a 54-year-old Christian teacher, Shdha Elias, was found, her throat cut. These deaths, involving members of the Christian minority, are an illustration of the rising tensions in the city and across the country as Sunnis, Shias, Arabs, Kurds and Turkmen vye for power and control. Against a backdrop of a Kurdish president, Jalal Talabani, still in poor health after suffering a stroke last month, and persistent political uncertainty, tensions are fast rising. The inability of the central government in Baghdad to cope with terrorist attacks is not helping either. In Mosul, the car bomb exploded this morning in front of a supermarket in al Alamia, near the city's university, local sources told AsiaNews.

 1_3.[(U.N. Population Found)].03/06/2010. FILIPPINE. Manila lancia l’educazione sessuale nelle elementari. Le critiche dei vescovi.: with: the nuovo anno scolastico, governo e Onu: diffonderanno in 80: scuole elementari: the programma: of: “salute riproduttiva”: anche ai ragazzi: of: 11 e 12 anni. Mons. Qitorio: “La Chiesa crede: che: l’educazione sessuale: dei bambini: è un compito dei genitori: e non: of the: la scuola e, se deve essere insegnata: agli studenti, occorre iniziare: with: i ragazzi: of the: le scuole superiori”. (AsiaNews/Agenzie) Secondo: the prelato, la scuola: deve sostenere: i genitori: nell’educazione dei figli, e non sostituirsi a loro. “Solo i genitori: sanno quando: è l’ora giusta, per affrontare: with: i propri figli: la tematica: of the: sesso”. : the prelato sottolinea: come la proposta: sia troppo incentrata: sul tema: dei rapporti sessuali: e può essere intesa: come: un esplicito invito: ai rapporti promiscui: e al: of: fuori: of the: matrimonio.

2_3.[(U.N. Population Found)].“Gli studenti: devono essere informati: in modo appropriato: riguardo al sesso, non attraverso: un’idea legata: solo al corpo, ma sull’importanza: che: la sessualità: e la vita: sono un dono: of: Dio”: the programma: of: “Salute riproduttiva: per gli adolescenti” (Adolescent Reproductive Health Program), coinvolgerà: i ragazzi tre gli: 11 e i 12 anni: e verrà sperimentato: in 80: scuole elementari statali: e 79: istituti: of: scuola media. Sponsor: of the: programma: è: the Fondo: of the: l’Onu: sulla popolazione (U.N. Population Found), che, giudica: l’alto tasso: of: natalità: the principale ostacolo: allo sviluppo: of the: Paese. “L’iniziativa: afferma: Teresita Inciong, responsabile: of the: progetto: ha lo scopo: of: spiegare ai bambini: i cambiamenti: of the: loro corpo: nell’adolescenza:

3_3.[(U.N. Population Found)]. e come affrontare: the rapporto: with: l’altro sesso: in modo sicuro, attraverso: lezioni: of: carattere scientifico e medico”. Essa prevede: la diffusione: of the: preservativo e dei contraccettivi: in tutti i luoghi pubblici, limita a due: the numero: of: figli: per famiglia: e favorisce: la sterilizzazione volontaria. -ANSWER-- in parte: ha ragione la Chiesa; dal punto: of: vista morale: ed in parte ha ragione Onu: -- conclusione: dopo: the secondo figlio: lo Stato deve offrire: un assegno importante: perché le donne chiudano le loro tube: volontariamente. ma, dopo: the terzo figlio: le tube devono essere chiuse: per legge! e questo sarà fatto: in tutto: the mondo: finché: non esisterà: un progetto globale: of: sviluppo sostenibile

Egypt, saudi imperialism [ 01/14/2013 horror sharia ] EGYPT: 15 years in prison for mother and seven children, converts to Christianity.] The case concerns Nadia Mohamed Ali, a mother of eight children, born Christian, but converted to Islam to marry her husband. After his death, she decides to return to her original religion with her children. The authorities accuse her of having changed names on documents to skip procedure.

Cairo (AsiaNews / Agencies) - The criminal court of Beni Suef (115 km south of Cairo) has sentenced an entire family to prison for converting to Christianity.

Egypt, saudi imperialism [ 01/14/2013 horror sharia ] EGYPT: 15 years in prison for mother and seven children, converts to Christianity.] Nadia Mohamed Ali and her children Mohab, Maged, Sherif, Amira, Amir, and Nancy Ahmed Mohamed abdel-Wahab will spend 15 years in prison. Seven other people involved in the case were sentenced to five years in prison. The case of the family of Nadia Ali Mohamed began in 2004 when, after the conversion, she and her children decided to replace their Muslim names on their identity cards with their Christian names and city of residence change. To do this she was aided by seven Registry office employees e. Born Christian, she had changed her religion to marry her husband Mustafa Mohamed Abdel-Wahab. After the man's death in 1991, Nadia decided to return to her religion of origins and to push her seven children to convert. In 2006, one of the boys was arrested by police in an information center in the city of Beni Suef.

Egypt, saudi imperialism [ 01/14/2013 horror sharia ] EGYPT: 15 years in prison for mother and seven children, converts to Christianity.]  Suspicious of the young man from the documents he as carrying, where he had changed its name to Bishoy Malak Abdel-Massih, police agents interrogated him for hours until he confessed his conversion to Christianity as desired by the mother. The judges then decide to stop not only the woman, but all of her children and seven clerks from the registration office, responsible for changing the documents. An individuals religious faith is listed in Egyptian identity cards. Christians, converted to Islam for various reasons that attempt to return to the religion to which they belong have enormous difficulty in correcting their names on the documents. This leads many people to forge them, risking prison. The reverse process, ie the transition from Christianity to Islam is not hindered, and in many cases is favored by the very Registry officials.

[IRAQ: Sharia horror: Saudi Arabia Imperialism: christians 1200.000, with Saddam, today: 200.000!] The dead man was Ayyoub Fauzi Auyyoub Al Sheikh, a Christian medical student on his last year of study. Eyewitnesses said he died instantly, and that dozens of people were wounded from the blast, which caused major material damages. For the past two weeks, the atmosphere in the city has been getting worse, the more so since the local administration and the central government in Baghdad have been involved in a tug-of-war. The city's governor, Athil Al Nujjaifi, is a member of an Islamist party close to the Muslim Brotherhood. He is also the brother of Ussama Al Nujjaifi, speaker of the National Assembly. "Sunnis control the cities of Anbar, Diala, Salah addin', Tikrit, Mosul and Kirkuk with Kurdish support," Iraq experts explained. Their alliance is in opposition to Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki, who is a Shia. Their aim is "to divide the country into enclaves."

[IRAQ: Sharia horror: Saudi Arabia Imperialism: christians 1200.000, with Saddam, today: 200.000!] Minorities are the biggest losers from all this, including Christians who have no power base or group that can defend their interests. Since the US invasion of 2003, which led to the fall of Saddam Hussein, Iraq's Christian community lost more than half of its members. In the case of the Christian teacher, whose body was found yesterday, other anonymous sources said that she "lived alone" and was "an easy target for criminals." For them, she "was probably killed during a robbery." Yesterday, after her body was recovered and prepared, she was buried right away. In the past, Mosul saw other major Christian figures murdered, including abducted Bishop Faraj Rahho, and Fr Ragheed Ganni. (DS)

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Posting Date
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The Model, Episode 4


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the King Unius Rei

the King Unius Rei
universal brotherhood