Russia - These bastards 2, the Islamists, and Pharisees, think, they are "too smart", and this is true, they are taking you, all Nations, for the ass .. that's why, they are made from the Masonic system, USA, CIA, IMF, Spa, NWO, ---> 400, human sacrifices on the altar of Satan, any day! @Russia -- questi, 4 bastardi, di Islamisti, e di farisei, si credono "troppo furbi", e questo è vero, loro vi stanno prendendo, tutti per il culo.. ecco perché, sono fatti, dal sistema massonico, USA, CIA, FMI, Spa, NWO, ---> 400, sacrifici umani sull'altare di satana, giorno!
[03 ottobre, 22:58 ] #Iran: #Netanyahu, risponderei a #Rohani. Il premier israeliano, #Benyamin Netanyahu sarebbe disposto a rispondere a una telefonata, da parte del nuovo #presidente #iraniano, Hassan Rohani, protagonista in questi giorni di uno storico colloquio con Barack Obama. Netanyahu, giorni fa, il #premier aveva peraltro invitato, dalla tribuna dell'Onu, a diffidare dei segnali di svolta, in senso moderato di #Rohani, accusandolo di non voler fermare, il programma nucleare iraniano. -- ANSWER-- NO! NON c'è un problema, con il programma nucleare iraniano! ma, con il #TRADIMENTO, CHE l'Iran fa contro, la #Russia, per avere aderito alla "CONGIURA", del #Califfato #Mondiale #saudita! pertanto, se non vuole essere bombardata, incominci, subito, immediatamente, a riconoscere lo Stato laico, e la piena libertà di Religione, questo mio "ULTIMATUM", scade tra 12 ore!
HellxDesPairTruction 24 minuti fa
[ ISRAELE, IRAN, USA ] Netanyahu all'Onu: "Con l'Iran, Israele andrà avanti, anche, da solo" -- ANSWER -- 1). Ci avete indeboliti, con le tasse, che, servono a comprare i nostri soldi, ad interesse, dai tuoi farisei, Illuminati, Spa, 2). ci avete impoveriti, e posti sotto il ricatto, degli islamisti, perché, siamo costretti, a comprare il petrolio, quando, noi avremmo potuto, sviluppare la tecnologia dell'idrogeno (h2o), più di 50 anni fa. 3). ci avete corrotti, con omosessualismo ideologico, pornografia, ed ogni perversione sessuale, 4). voi avete distrutto, la civiltà ebraico Cristiana.. ed ora, Israele, ed il Genere umano, non possono, più essere salvati.. questa è la verità, anche tu, Netanyahu, sei un Bildenberg, di traditore
HellxDesPairTruction 36 minuti fa
[il mondo si è riempito di pezzi di merda! i farisei, FMI, BCE, FED, Spa, NWO, masonic system, hanno pianificato, questa dissoluzione universale!] INDIA. Leader cristiano: Nel giorno della nonviolenza, l'India tradisce gli ideali del Mahatma Gandhi. Oggi tutto il mondo celebra la Giornata per la nonviolenza, istituita dall'Onu in onore della nascita del leader spirituale del Paese. In India è festa nazionale, ma i tanti attacchi di matrice religiosa tradiscono i principi costituzionali su cui si fonda la nazione. In Karnataka preoccupano nuove casi di violenze anticristiane. Sajan George: "Gandhi credeva in un'India libera basata sul pluralismo religioso".
HellxDesPairTruction 36 minuti fa
[il mondo si è riempito di pezzi di merda! i farisei, FMI, BCE, FED, Spa, NWO, masonic system, hanno pianificato, questa dissoluzione universale!] 02/10/2013 VIETNAM, Hanoi: condannato a 30 mesi di carcere l'avvocato cattolico Le Quoc Quan. Egli dovrà anche pagare una multa di oltre 50mila dollari. Il tribunale lo ha riconosciuto colpevole di evasione fiscale. L'udienza è durata un paio di ore e si è conclusa con la prevista sentenza di condanna. All'esterno migliaia di agenti di polizia e squadristi assoldati dal governo hanno impedito l'ingresso in aula ai sostenitori dell'attivista.
HellxDesPairTruction 50 minuti fa
[TUTTA la malvagità #imperialismo saudita, e le nuove, mire/ ambizioni espansioniste, di #Ankara ] 03/10/2013 SIRIA, Appello dell'Onu: 'Serve cibo, per oltre 10 milioni di siriani'.. Circa il 50% della popolazione ha bisogno di aiuto. Una "tragedia senza precedenti". L'Onu chiede a Damasco, maggiore libertà di spostamento sul territorio. Mosca frena, ma non si oppone. Nel nord si acuisce lo scontro, tra, #Free Syrian Army e #jihadisti. [] 03/10/2013 #INDONESIA. #Jakarta: #blitz dell'anticorruzione, arrestato il presidente della Corte costituzionale. #Akil Mochtar avrebbe intascato mazzette per tre miliardi di rupie per "aggiustare" l'esito di una tornata elettorale nel Borneo centrale. #Shock e stupore nell'opinione pubblica, crollo della fiducia nelle istituzioni. Il presidente #Yudhoyono parla di vicenda "legale" e "non politica"; chiede trasparenza, ma la corruzione dilaga.
HellxDesPairTruction 56 minuti fa
ANCHE INDIA, COME, TUTTE LE #NAZIONI #ISLAMICHE, È DIVENTATA UNA MINACCIA PER LA COMUNITÀ INTERNAZIONALE]] #Pogrom, in #Orissa, #ergastolo per i sette cristiani innocenti. [[ IL #SISTEMA #GIUDIZIARIO DELLE #PUTTANE, IN #INDIA ]] #Vescovo emerito di Cuttack-Bhubaneshwar promette: "Faremo appello". I condannati sono accusati dell'omicidio di un leader indù, che scatenò le violenze anticristiane del 2008. Contro di loro non esistono prove. I maoisti hanno sempre rivendicato l'assassinio. Mumbai (AsiaNews) - Condannati al carcere a vita: è la sentenza emessa oggi da un tribunale dell'Orissa (DOVE HANNO UCCISO 20.000 #CRISTIANI), contro sette cristiani innocenti,
HellxDesPairTruction 56 minuti fa
ANCHE INDIA, COME, TUTTE LE #NAZIONI #ISLAMICHE, È DIVENTATA UNA MINACCIA PER LA COMUNITÀ INTERNAZIONALE]] #Pogrom, in #Orissa, #ergastolo per i sette cristiani innocenti. [[ IL #SISTEMA #GIUDIZIARIO DELLE #PUTTANE, IN #INDIA ]] accusati senza prove dell'omicidio del leader indù Laxamananda Saraswati, la cui morte scatenò i violenti pogrom anticristiani del 2008. Immediata la reazione di mons. Raphael Cheenath, arcivescovo emerito di Cuttack-Bhubaneshwar: "Faremo appello all'Alta corte contro questo verdetto ingiusto e inaccettabile". "I maoisti - ha sottolineato ad AsiaNews - hanno rivendicato due volte la loro responsabilità per l'omicidio dello swami #Laxamananda e dei suoi quattro seguaci".
HellxDesPairTruction 56 minuti fa
IL #SISTEMA #GIUDIZIARIO DELLE #PUTTANE, IN #INDIA ]] Dopo decine di rinvii, e processi farsa, il primo ottobre scorso i giudici della Session Court (tribunale regolare) di Phulbani, hanno condannato, i sette cristiani per l'assassinio del leader indù, rimandando, a oggi la lettura della sentenza. Ad AsiaNews Sajan George, presidente del Global #Council of Indian Christians ( #Gcic), definisce la condanna "una presa in giro, la triste dimostrazione, di come funziona il #sistema #giudiziario indiano". I giudici, aggiunge, "erano in combutta con le forze #ultranazionaliste indù, e di proposito hanno rimandato udienze, e processi in modo regolare. Siamo tutti d'accordo che il principio fondamentale, di una democrazia è dare, uguale protezione e giustizia in base alla legge: nel nostro caso, questi sette uomini, non, sono stati giudicati secondo tale principio".
HellxDesPairTruction 1 ora fa
@google 666 DATAGATE, ---- con, questa funzione di [google+] io riesco a vedere, alcuni codici nascosti che i satanisti di DATAGATE, mettono sui miei articoli, per esempio, la frase che segue, su, Herman Van Rompuy [the system of Freemasonry] --- this ---> [thou canst not say that, I am not able to motivate, my attack against you, "You are an agent of the enemy, the Pharisee #, # moneylender, #thief, #Spa #IMF, #World Bank, only a Satanist, parasite, murderess, it could destroy the Jewish-Christian society, and the identity of European peoples, as you do "]" -- answer -- è stata completamente bannata, con una linea orizzontale continua sulle lettere.. quindi voi siete i nazisti, che, fanno, la "censuRa", come, #Iran, #Arabia Saudita, #Cina, ecc..
HellxDesPairTruction 1 ora fa
[Sajan George, President of the Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC), defines the sentence "a mockery, the sad demonstration of how the Indian judicial system works". The judges, he adds, "were undeniably abetting with the saffron forces and purposely have delayed hearings and trials on a regular basis. We all agree that the basic principle of a democracy is to give equal protection and justice under the law: in our case, these seven men were not judged according to this principle."] 06/18/2012 INDIA, Orissa: 50 Hindu nationalists attack Christians. Fear of new pogroms. 10/20/2012 INDIA, Supreme Court: Fresh investigations into anti-Christian violence in Kandhamal. 08/24/2009 INDIA, Cardinal Gracias: A year from the pogroms in Orissa, hope "for a new beginning", by Card. Oswald Gracias. 11/11/2008 INDIA. Orissa bishops call on government to rebuild churches by Christmas, 07/19/2012 INDIA India, growing religious intolerance against Christians
HellxDesPairTruction 1 ora fa
@uFuckWithWrongPerson 666, CIA, USA, masonic system esoteric agenda] 1. you have destroyed years of work, with your work, of, #DATAGATE, #hackers, against me, 2. did you close, at least, two sites of #youtube. 3. you avoid any confrontation, with me on this page! 4. you are an evil #troll, the same expression of the #NWO, #Spa, all crimes, that the #Pharisees #parasites, #extortionists, #thieves, the #IMF, have made, through the high crime: treason of Freemasonry! You are a criminal spregevole, like, every #Satanist, #Freemason, therefore, out of my life, forever, you belong in hell, and you will not have an inheritance, in my Kingdom....
HellxDesPairTruction 1 ora fa
@uFuckWithWrongPerson #666, #CIA, #USA, #masonic #system, #esoteric #agenda] 1. mi hai distrutto anni di lavoro, con il tuo lavoro, di, DATAGATE hacker, contro di me, 2. hai fatto chiudere, almeno, due siti di youtube. 3. tu eviti ogni confronto con me su questa pagina! 4. tu sei un troll maligno, la stessa espressione del NWO Spa, tutti i crimini, che, i #farisei parassiti, strozzini, ladri, del FMI, hanno fatto, attraverso il crimine di alto: tradimento della massoneria! Tu sei un criminale spregevole, come, ogni #satanista, #massone, quindi, esci dalla mia vita, per sempre, tu appartieni all'inferno, e, non avrai una eredità nel mio Regno
Israele: 40 anni fa guerra Kippur e il crollo dei miti
La generazione che combatte' e' ancora sotto trauma
03 ottobre, 14:24
Ariel Sharon il 10 ottobre 1973 Guarda le foto 1 di 4 Ariel Sharon il 10 ottobre 1973
Israele: 40 anni fa guerra Kippur e il crollo dei miti
di Aldo Baquis
Quarant'anni dopo, la guerra del Kippur e' in Israele una cicatrice non rimarginata. Fra quanti vi presero parte, molti ammettono che essa torna ancora a visitarli negli incubi notturni. Tutti ricordano quel 6 ottobre 1973 quando le sinagoghe si erano riempite per il digiuno del Kippur: una solennita' che non doveva essere turbata in alcun modo. Ragion per cui quel giorno le stazioni radio tacevano, fatta eccezione per una piccola emittente pacifista che trasmetteva musica leggera da una navicella in acque internazionali e che per prima informo' di sviluppi allarmanti sul terreno. Erano le 2 del pomeriggio quando le sirene di allarme si misero ad ululare e le jeep militari sciamarono nelle strade delle citta' deserte per richiamare i riservisti, setacciando le sinagoghe e passando di palazzo in palazzo: il telefono in casa era ancora un lusso di pochi.
Ma nelle ore critiche seguenti, necessarie ai riservisti per correre al fronte, gli eserciti di Siria ed Egitto, con uno spettacolare attacco a tenaglia, avevano gia' registrato successi eclatanti nelle alture del Golan e sul canale di Suez. Col blitz speravano di recuperare l'orgoglio nazionale e almeno in parte le terre perdute nel 1967, nella guerra dei sei giorni. La linea Bar-Lev - una catena di decine di fortini israeliani a ridosso del canale - era alla merce' dell'artiglieria egiziana, mentre velivoli egiziani compivano centinaia di incursioni in un Sinai tornato ad essere terra di battaglia, sei anni dopo la occupazione israeliana.
Solo a guerra guerra finita la popolazione di Israele avrebbe compreso - dai racconti dei riservisti - la reale drammaticita' di quei momenti. Solo allora avrebbe saputo che i blindati siriani erano lanciati verso il lago di Tiberiade e che nei fortini di Bar-Lev i militari israeliani venivano uccisi come mosche, oppure catturati. Che sul Canale soldati diciottenni singhiozzavano nelle ultime comunicazioni radio, e che a distanza i superiori li ascoltavano impotenti. Dove erano, si domandavano inquieti gli israeliani, i Grandi della Patria? Dove era Golda Meir, la premier laburista di acciaio che affrontava senza peli sulla lingua i potenti della Terra, che ancora di recente aveva detto: ''La nostra situazione non e' mai stata cosi' buona''? Dove era il ministro della difesa Moshe Dayan, che pur con un occhio solo sembrava saper scrutare il futuro meglio di chiunque altro? Segui' un'orgia di sangue. Grazie anche ad un provvidenziale ponte aereo militare ordinato da Richard Nixon, Israele riusci' a ribaltare la situazione: prima sul Golan, poi nel Sinai dove lo spericolato ed indisciplinato gen. Ariel Sharon si mise in luce guidando unita' israeliane oltre Suez, addentrandosi nel continente africano.
Quando a fine ottobre Usa e Urss imposero ai rispettivi alleati il cessate il fuoco, l'esercito israeliano era quasi alle porte di Damasco e a 100 chilometri dal Cairo. Il bilancio dei militari uccisi, israeliani ed arabi, era di 23 mila: mille caduti al giorno Militarmente, Israele aveva superato l'esame: ma era quella una ''vittoria''? A posteriori si puo' affermare che, nella politica israeliana, la guerra del Kippur rappresento' uno spartiacque.
Fu allora che mossero i primi passi - con tesi politiche opposte - gli extraparlamentari di Peace Now e Gush Emunim, il movimento nazional-religioso dei coloni. Sulla scia di manifestazioni popolari, fischiata in un cimitero militare, Golda Meir getto' la spugna trascinando con se' nella polvere anche Dayan. Il loro mito si era spezzato. Tre anni dopo (1977) il nazionalista Menachem Begin (Likud) avrebbe sancito il declino storico dei laburisti conquistando a sorpresa il potere. Nel 1978 avrebbe firmato storici accordi di pace proprio col promotore della Guerra del Kippur, il presidente egiziano Anwar Sadat. Anche questi avrebbe sorpreso il mondo passando dalla sfera sovietica a quella americana. Evento epocale nella Storia di Israele, la guerra del Kippur e' quasi assente nella letteratura e nel cinema.
Quel conflitto, affermano i ricercatori, fece riaffiorare negli israeliani un senso di insicurezza atavica legato anche alla Shoah. Le conquiste del 1967 si erano rivelate fragili. A pesare sulla Nazione furono l'alto prezzo di sangue, i prigionieri, i dispersi. Da qui, secondo alcuni ricercatori, il trauma nazionale la cui sedimentazione e la cui metabolizzazione hanno necessitato decenni. Nel cinema l'unico film di rilievo e' 'Kippur' di Amos Gitai (2000). Nella letteratura quella guerra drammatica non trova ancora spazio adeguato. Ne parlarono con efficacia Amnon Dankner ('Berman, perche' me l'hai fatto?', 1982) e Haim Sabato ('Aggiustando i periscopi', 1999). Piu' di recente quella guerra ha avuto una drammatica presenza anche in un romanzo di David Grossman ('A un cerbiatto somiglia il mio amore'), dove uno dei personaggi sarebbe stato marchiato in maniera indelebile dalla prigionia in Egitto.
Abu Antar has posted a comment 1 hour ago ♪ hey hey unius REI, how many Satanists did you kill today ♪ - ANSWER - When, I steps, trample, against on, all my enemies, it's like when someone, steps trample, on ants, you may never know how many will die, or how many will continue to walk like zombies
CustodeDellaFede - I am a universal political layman, and like any secular politician, I can not achieve, politically, a moral virtue, of the religious, ... but, my sphere of competence, it is only a virtue ethics,of social type: which has the widest support, on a rational basis. but, because, in me, also, my faith, is rationality, ie, Metaphysics, then, my field is education: of the people, and of the peoples: and: not repression .. then, on a personal level, I think, God has declared, that he would never have existed, unius REI, if he was not, even, a Catholic fundamentalist biblical: "born again" open to the best universal wisdom: that is: preserved in the heart of all people, and of all Peoples!
[the folly of atheists] so, for the Creature, losing contact: with the Creator, it means losing touch with reality, rationality, justice, equality, (and you enter the tunnel of some ideological or religious system, which is always malignant) and therefore, become an abusive criminal, socially?: it is automatic!, while, on a personal level, it becomes a monster of superman, that is, search through magic and the occult powers of IMF-NWO, or in any other form: of: power, wealth, fame, etc. .. own: an false purpose in life, while a servant of God, like me, he does not seek power, religion, but: the service, which can be made in favor: of all those who are injured, lost, prisoners, etc. .. why is the man himself, in his journey on the path of good, the fullness of God's plan
[the folly of atheists] I do not have a personal interest in this universal political ministry, because those who can not be comfortable with himself, and then he tries surrogates, but, in this way, he can not obtain the serenity, his balance, with something that is, outside of him, here's why: only with a direct relationship to God (the most intimate human) may be, the measure of mental balance, but all religious maniacs, ideologies, dogmatic positions, as it is also for atheists evolutionists who are religious and dogmatic, also, they, in fact, they have failed, in the knowledge of the truth, and difficult, that, their lives can be saved.
[la follia degli atei] così, per la Creatura, perdere il contatto: con il Creatore, significa perdere il contatto, con la realtà, razionalità, giustizia, uguaglianza,(e si entra nel tunnel di qualche sistema ideologico o religioso, che è sempre maligno) e quindi, diventare un abusivo criminale, sul piano sociale: è automatico, mentre, sul piano personale, diventa un mostro di superuomo, cioè, cercare, attraverso, la magia, ed i poteri occulti, del FMI-NWO, o, in ogni altra forma: di: potere, la ricchezza, la fama, ecc.. un proprio: falso scopo nella vita, mentre, un servo di Dio, come me, lui non cerca il potere, la religione, ma: il servizio, che, può essere fatto, in favore: di tutti coloro, che, sono feriti, smarriti, prigionieri, ecc.. perché, è l'uomo in se stesso, nel suo cammino sulla via del bene, la pienezza del progetto di Dio.
[la follia degli atei] io non ho un interesse personale, in questo ministero politico universale, perché, chi non sa stare bene, con, se stesso, poi lui cerca dei surrogati, ma, in questo modo, lui non potrà, mai ottenere la serenità, l'equilibrio, con qualcosa, che, è: fuori di lui, ecco perché: soltanto Dio:(il più intimo dell'uomo) può essere, la misura dell'equilibrio mentale, ma, tutti i maniaci religiosi, le ideologie, le posizioni dogmatiche, come è anche per gli atei evoluzionisti: che, sono religiosi e dogmatici anche loro, infatti, anche loro hanno fallito, nella conoscenza della verità, e difficilmente, la loro vita potrà essere salvata.
is written ["the glory of God is man fully alive!"] the power of this phrase, it is a power, infinite, that's why Jesus said, "If you will not be simple, humble, rational, pure, compassionate, like children , ye can not enter the Kingdom of God ", but it is impossible to be truly human being, without also becoming a divine creature, what I say, it is only the fruit of my life experience, which is why , the simple, humble, ie, the total poverty of St. Francis, are the nearest to perfection!
è scritto ["la gloria di Dio è l'uomo vivente!"] la potenza di questa frase, è una potenza, infinita, ecco perché Gesù ha detto: "se non sarete semplici, umili, razionali, puri, compassionevoli, come bambini, voi non potrete entrare nel Regno di Dio!", ma, è impossibile essere veramente uomo, senza anche essere diventato una divina creatura, questa è la conclusione della mia esperienza di vita, ecco perché, le cose semplici, umili,cioè, la totale povertà di Santo Francesco, sono quanto di più vicino è alla perfezione!
into kingdom, of one only: God: YHWH, there is: the harmony of perfection, and there is no evil. For this reason, God decided to cleanse, too: my chromosomes, to the point, that, whatever: it belongs: in this world, with: its lust, not:has more than one attraction on me. However, I have gone through the various phases of life charismatic, mystical, to understand, that, all this supernatural world, was denied, by me, if, I wanted to say something, important, to all men on the planet, that's why I passed, the world of the supernatural and I entered the divine, where the human is again recognized .. because perfection is not the super man, but man rational, simple, natural, every man is the glory of God, the perfection, ie the pure faith, which is why, the capacity of the speculative intellect, his name: is "metaphysics."
nel Regno dell'unico Dio: JHWH, c'è: la armonia della perfezione, e non esiste il male. Per questo, Dio ha deciso di purificare, anche: i miei cromosoni, al punto, che, tutto quello: che appartiene: a questo mondo, con: le sue concupiscienza, non: ha più una attrazione, su di me. Tuttavia, io ho attraversato, diverse fasi della vita carismatica, mistica, per capire, che questo mondo soprannaturale, andava negato da me, se, io volevo dire qualcosa di importante, a tutti gli uomini del pianeta, ecco perché, ho superato, il mondo del soprannaturale e sono entrato nel divino, dove, l'umano viene di nuovo riconosciuto.. perché la perfezione non è, il super uomo, ma, è l'uomo: razionale, semplice, naturale, ogni uomo è la Gloria di Dio, la perfezione, cioè la fede pura, ecco perché, le capacità speculative della intelligenza, io le chiamo: "metafisica".
my inner journey: it was intense, very intense, since my childhood, I was the disciple of the noble values: human, family, social, religious and spiritual, and I have the same: I have given my whole life (it all),at the Lord God, several times, and even though I have failed, to several times (in completely denying, the myself), however, God is so meravigloso, so much so, that, he is satisfied, for: the purity of desires of our hearts, and he does not look to our failures .. so, I conquered, my greatest ambition, that is, to know personally the mysteries of faith, they are also, now at the top of my political journey, that is, I took my position on the throne of God, in fact, I are the most powerful man, that is, the Kingdom of God. I am unius REI. my spirit is always with God on his throne
Abu Antar has posted a comment, 6 minutes ago How are you today? - ANSWER - I AM GOOD! only ultrasound in my brain have increased, but I'm not bothered by this! -- ANSWER -- because voodoo, aliens and their technologies, and all occult powers? do not have any control on me! if I see myself provoked, irritated by someone? I can sow bodies, as millions all over the world
il mio cammino interiore: è stato intenso, molto intenso, fin dalla mia infanzia, io sono stato il discepolo, dei più nobili valori: umani, familiari, sociali, religiosi e spirituali, ed io ho stesso: ho donato tutta la mia vita(tutto me stesso), al Signore Dio, più volte, ed anche se, io ho fallito, più volte(nel rinnegare completamente me stesso), tuttavia, Dio è così meravigloso, al punto tale, che lui, si accontenta, della purezza dei desideri del nostro cuore, e lui non guarda ai nostri fallimenti.. così, io ho conquistato, la mia più grande ambizione, cioè, di conoscere, personalmente i misteri della fede, sono anche, giunto al vertice del mio cammino politico, cioè, io ho preso la mia posizione sul Trono di Dio, infatti, io sono l'uomo più potente, che, nel Regno di Dio. io sono Unius REI
greek11 published a commentary 2 hours ago Pending approval Approve how can you speak about love with so much hate in your heart? UniusRei3 1 second ago if you do not have hatred against evil? then, you can not have, love for the good! UniusRei3 50 seconds ago thirst for justice, the protection of the innocent? not are hate!
@youtube -- [Sono stati riconosciuti contenuti di terze parti.] ovviamente, io riconosco sempre i diritti di tutti, e non faccio mai contronotifiche, ma, ci sono stati video, che più volte, io ho dovuto, riconoscere i diritti di terze parti, come se qualcuno, ha voluto fare chiudere questo sito, annullando più volte il mio lavoro, per distruggere anche, questo sito, con la scusa del copyright, perché tranne: uniusrei2(a tradimento), e SatanQueenFagot(per non offendere la Regina di Inghilterra)? gli altri siti mi sono stati fatti chiudere con la scusa del copyright
I do not think, that, criminals, Pharisees, Salafis, communists, religious fanatics, secret societies, etc. .. they should improve, their behavior, only because, I can scare them all of them, to death on a global scale ... is why, justice, truth, equality, among men, and all the universal values, they deserve, to be loved for themselves.. I can not do universal brotherhood, focusing on fear, because fear is the method of Satan .. if you do not repent in your their: heart? I'll let the IMF-NWO to kill all of you, into III World War..
politicalUniusREI said: @ accomplice to all 666, 322, masonic system, sharia stone idol crazy, ---- the laughter of criminals, selfish, complicit in any form of: lies, hypocrisy and crime? soon turn into anxiety. strike the root and the die gem. burn satanAllah Abu Antar sharia horror jihad: Amen in Jesus's name .. criminal, because you're being paid to do harm to all people? Satanists spit on the cross (the more December big LOVE), and you spit on the blood of innocent Christian martyrs! scolds you the Holy Spirit!
@criminal accomplice -- Learn to laugh? you can not learn to laugh about my articles on innocent people, That your satanic Islam, and criminal, does every day, your money by spammers, for a fee, will go to hell, with you! ALSO, you are against: all the victims of the seigniorage banking and Freemasonry: NWO-IMF: OWL GOD BAAL: JABULLON, you are against yourself: ie, ACCOMPLICE of the synagogue of Satan, to enslave all the peoples of the world! That's why, even in the form politica, you are the enemy of yourself
@to all accomplice 666, 322, masonic system, idol sharia stone crazy, ---- the laughter of criminals, selfish, complicit in any form of: lies, hypocrisy and crime? soon turn into anxiety. strike the root and the die gem
Learn to laugh? you can not learn to laugh about my articles on innocent people, that your Islam satanic, and criminal, does every day, your money by spammers, for a fee, will go to hell, with you! ALSO, you are against: all the victims of the seigniorage banking and Freemasonry: IMF-NWO: GOD OWL BAAL: JABULLON, you are against yourself: ie, ACCOMPLICE of the synagogue of Satan, to enslave all the peoples of the world! That's why, even in the form poitica, you are the enemy of yourself ... jjjjjjiiiijjjjjj --- ie, 666 cannibal priest of satan, cult voodoo, satanismo internazionale, i servizi segreti internazionali del NWO-IMF ... tu qui non sei il benvenuto!
Satanists spit on the cross (the more big LOVE), and you spit on the blood of innocent Christian martyrs! scolds you the Holy Spirit!
burn satanAllah Antar jihad Abu sharia horror:, amen in Jesus's name.. criminale, quanto sei stato pagato, per fare del male a tutti i popoli?
3 giorni fa
Abu jihad Antar sharia horror -- stop your evil spam
3 giorni fa
Abu jihad Antar sharia horror -- stop your evil spam
3 giorni fa
Abu Antar -- fermati bestia! your spammer is evil
3 giorni fa
all crazy spammer Abu Antar sharia horror jihad for satanAllah criminal, if Jesus is true, then Mohammed is fake! is Why, Islamists are forced to make the Nazis, to hide shit in Their bigotry and ignorance, murders! all those who do evil to the Christian martyrs innocent, declare, by yourself, to be a bad, evil false religion, and that. Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that is, the truth about all .. is why, were not the Pharisees to kill Jesus, but, were been all rebellious sinners, and that, even I tutti coloro che fanno del male ai martiri cristiani innocenti, dichiarano da soli, di essere una cattiva, maligna falsa religione, e che. Gesù Cristo è figlio di Dio, cioè, la verità sull'uomo.. perché, non sono stati i farisei ad uccidere Gesù, ma, tutti i peccatori ribelli, cioè anche io
3 giorni fa
all crazy spammer Abu jihad Antar sharia horror for satanAllah criminal, if Jesus is true, then Mohammed is fake! is Why, Islamists are forced to make the Nazis, to hide their shit in bigotry and ignorance, murders!
3 giorni fa
EGYPT: Egypt, hundreds of imams protest against Muslim Brotherhood [how it spreads, Saudi imperialism, to achieve worldwide caliphate: satanAllah in progress] 03/22/2013. The protest has been going on for days in front of the Ministry of Religious Affairs. Dozens of imams replaced with Islamist preachers. A move to contain the crisis of consensus of the Muslim Brotherhood in the upcoming elections. Cairo (AsiaNews / Agencies) - Hundreds of moderate imams are protesting against the hegemony of the Muslim Brotherhood and the hegemony of Islamic mosques. The protest has been going on since yesterday in front of the Ministry of Religious Affairs (Ministry of donations). They accuse the Minister Talaat Afify of wanting to control the words and behavior of the imams, punishing and marginalizing those who deviate from purely Islamist thought.
3 giorni fa
EGYPT: Egypt, hundreds of imams protest against Muslim Brotherhood [how it spreads, Saudi imperialism, to achieve worldwide caliphate: satanAllah in progress] The Ministry of donations or awfaq (religious offering), manages the allocation of funds to all the mosques, Islamic organizations engaged in helping the needy and the spread of Islam. The institution is an integral part of the government, it manages a total of 106 thousand religious structures, is responsible for the appointment of imams and verifies their behavior. Until now, the appointment was made in accordance with the Islamic University of Al-Azhar, but with the rise to power of Islamists that practice has stopped. A few days ago Afify replaced some key officials of the ministry with members of his choice without any given reason. In a press release issued yesterday he justified his decision by saying that
3 giorni fa
EGYPT: Egypt, hundreds of imams protest against Muslim Brotherhood [how it spreads, Saudi imperialism, to achieve worldwide caliphate: satanAllah in progress] I "did not choose to become a minister, but was simply appointed and my actions are for the good of Islam and all the mosques." Afify also denounced the smear campaign launched by some religious authorities against the Muslim Brotherhood. However, for the imams, especially those closest to the moderate positions of al-Azhar, the minister is instead doing everything to politicize religious sites, concerned about the decline in support for the Islamist government, which is likely to lose the next election scheduled for July. The propaganda campaign has been running for months, and the ministry has already placed Salafi imams in different mosques in Cairo who became famous for their sermons in television and radio programs.
3 giorni fa
03/18/2010 EGYPT : Egyptian police arrest 13 Copts, victims of attack by Islamic extremists [how it spreads, Saudi imperialism, to achieve worldwide caliphate: satanAllah in progress] Four minors between 13 and 17, also stopped but later released. A detention order of 15 days issued for Christians and Muslims. Charged with damaging public property, arson and assault. Association for Human Rights promotes an international conference. Cairo (AsiaNews / Agencies) - Egyptian security forces have arrested 13 Coptic Christians - including four minors, subsequently released - victims of the attack on 12 March. They are being charged with illegal religious assembly, damage to public property, arson and assault. About a dozen Muslims, from a total of 2000 perpetrators,
3 giorni fa
EGYPT : Egyptian police arrest 13 Copts, victims of attack by Islamic extremists [how it spreads, Saudi imperialism, to achieve worldwide caliphate: satanAllah in progress] have been detained over the assault against 400 Coptic faithful at the Church of St. Michael in Mersa Matrouh in the north-west of Egypt. The violence was sparked by extremists, incited by the local Imam, Mohamad Khamis Khamis, during Friday prayers. From the microphones of the mosque of Al-Ansar, located near the church of Saint Micheal, near the building that housed the Copts, the Islamist leader urged the faithful to "holy war" against the Christian place of worship, ordering its destruction, and calling for the expulsion of the "infidels."
3 giorni fa
EGYPT : Egyptian police arrest 13 Copts, victims of attack by Islamic extremists [how it spreads, Saudi imperialism, to achieve worldwide caliphate: satanAllah in progress] The crowd was trapped inside the church and the Copts attacked them, raiding the homes before setting them on fire. The raid resulted in the wounding of 23 Christians, including two seriously, so who have been sent to Victoria Hospital in Alexandria, 200 km away. Sources of the local church denounced the complete devastation of 18 houses, four shops and 18 cars (pictured). "These people are completely ruined," says the activist Wagih Yacoub. The attack on the Coptic Christian community lasted over 14 hours. The - delayed -- intervention of the security forces prevented carnage. The police transported the parishioners from the church, located in the suburb of Rifiyah,
3 giorni fa
EGYPT : Egyptian police arrest 13 Copts, victims of attack by Islamic extremists [how it spreads, Saudi imperialism, to achieve worldwide caliphate: satanAllah in progress] to their homes, which they are patrolling to prevent new attacks by extremists. Matta Zakaria, a local priest, reported to the agency AINA "the arrest of four children, aged between 13 and 17 years by the police." By "deception", the agents conducted the youths to the police station asking them to identify the Muslim assailants. Among young people there was also a young man who was not in church during the assault. The boys speak of "insults and beatings" by police, who ordered the release after the intervention of Copt several priests. The police have opened a file of investigation against those arrested - Christians and Muslims - on charges of illegal religious assembly, damage to public property, arson and assault.
3 giorni fa
EGYPT : Egyptian police arrest 13 Copts, victims of attack by Islamic extremists [how it spreads, Saudi imperialism, to achieve worldwide caliphate: satanAllah in progress] The pre-trial detention will last 15 days. Meanwhile, the Egyptian Union for Human Rights Organization (EUHRO) has called an international conference for 21 March. During the meeting the incidents of Mersa Matrouh will be discussed, caused by a "lack of a state authority," and an appeal will be made to the government to monitor the actions of the imams, the source of sectarian violence between Christians and Muslims.
3 giorni fa
alleluia -- JHWH wins Glory Hallelujah
3 giorni fa
03/22/2013 11:12 [Babilon Tower NWO-IMF is happy] SYRIA [satanAllah of Saudi Arabia imperialism, unleashes his murderous rage, to build the worldwide caliphate Salafi] Sunni cleric and dozens of worshipers killed in suicide attack on Damascus mosque. Mohammed Saeed Ramadan al-Bouti, moderate Koranic professor, was a supporter of Assad. He was killed during a religious lesson along with his grandson. The opposition rejects all responsibility. But suspicions point to jihadists. Damascus (AsiaNews / Agencies) - At least 42 people have been killed in a suicide attack on the Iman mosque in the center of Damascus. Among the victims was a leading Sunni figure Dr. Mohammed Saeed Ramadan al-Bouti (see photo), a supporter of the Assad regime, and his grandson. Another 84 were injured. Al Bouti, 84, was killed as he was holding Koran lessons with his students.
3 giorni fa
[Babilon Tower NWO-IMF is happy] SYRIA [satanAllah of Saudi Arabia imperialism, unleashes his murderous rage, to build the worldwide caliphate Salafi] In Syria, the majority of the population is Sunni Muslim, with a good presence of the Muslim Brotherhood. In the 80s these radical groups were prosecuted and often eliminated by Hafez el Assad. Al Bouti, a Sunni moderate, supported the policy of Assad and even sung the Koranic prayers during the funeral of his Bashar's father, Hafez, in 2000. At the announcement of his death, Syrian television aired music and prayers as a sign of mourning. Suspicions over responsibility for his assassination fall on the opposition rebels. Al Bouti, who had plenty of space in the state media, often asked Muslims to support the Assad government and declared oponents as "mercenaries" and "scum."
3 giorni fa
[Babilon Tower NWO-IMF is happy] SYRIA [satanAllah of Saudi Arabia imperialism, unleashes his murderous rage, to build the worldwide caliphate Salafi] His fame and the esteem he enjoyed, however, throws a bad light on the opposition. A spokesman for the Free Syrian Army has declined any responsibility for the attack. The President of the Syrian opposition, Ahmed Al-Khati Moaz said that the opposition "categorically condemns the murder." But suspicions remain on the jihadist fringes fighting in the country. The Syrian opposition is often confused and divided in its allegations against the regime, to which it has attributed massacres, or criminal actions. A few days ago the opposition accused the army of using chemical weapons against civilians in Aleppo. The regime in turn blamed the opposition.
3 giorni fa
[Babilon Tower NWO-IMF is happy] SYRIA [satanAllah of Saudi Arabia imperialism, unleashes his murderous rage, to build the worldwide caliphate Salafi] Ban Ki-moon, UN secretary-general, condemned the use of chemical weapons and has promised an international inquiry, but many quarters say it will be very difficult to come to any conclusion.
3 giorni fa
03/22/2013 EGYPT Egypt, hundreds of imams protest against Muslim Brotherhood The protest has been going on for days in front of the Ministry of Religious Affairs. Dozens of imams replaced with Islamist preachers. A move to contain the crisis of consensus of the Muslim Brotherhood in the upcoming elections. 03/22/2013 SYRIA Sunni cleric and dozens of worshipers killed in suicide attack on Damascus mosque Mohammed Saeed Ramadan al-Bouti, moderate Koranic professor, was a supporter of Assad. He was killed during a religious lesson along with his grandson. The opposition rejects all responsibility. But suspicions point to jihadists.
[il mondo si è riempito di pezzi di merda! i farisei, FMI, BCE, FED, Spa, NWO, masonic system, hanno pianificato, questa dissoluzione universale!] INDIA. Leader cristiano: Nel giorno della nonviolenza, l’India tradisce gli ideali del Mahatma Gandhi. Oggi tutto il mondo celebra la Giornata per la nonviolenza, istituita dall’Onu in onore della nascita del leader spirituale del Paese. In India è festa nazionale, ma i tanti attacchi di matrice religiosa tradiscono i principi costituzionali su cui si fonda la nazione. In Karnataka preoccupano nuove casi di violenze anticristiane. Sajan George: “Gandhi credeva in un’India libera basata sul pluralismo religioso”.
[il mondo si è riempito di pezzi di merda! i farisei, FMI, BCE, FED, Spa, NWO, masonic system, hanno pianificato, questa dissoluzione universale!] 02/10/2013 VIETNAM, Hanoi: condannato a 30 mesi di carcere l’avvocato cattolico Le Quoc Quan. Egli dovrà anche pagare una multa di oltre 50mila dollari. Il tribunale lo ha riconosciuto colpevole di evasione fiscale. L’udienza è durata un paio di ore e si è conclusa con la prevista sentenza di condanna. All’esterno migliaia di agenti di polizia e squadristi assoldati dal governo hanno impedito l’ingresso in aula ai sostenitori dell’attivista.
03/22/2013 INDONESIA West Java, Bekasi church demolished to gain Islamist consent ahead of elections by Mathias Hariyadi Orders issued by the authorities Carried out, despite the pleas of the faithful. Christian leaders call for calm and to avoid "hostile" gestures. Behind the demolition of the shadow of the elections and the attempt to win Islamic extremist fringe votes. Yasmin Church also at risk. 03/22/2013 INDIA - ITALY Indian Foreign Affairs Minister : Italian Marines' return to India the result of proper diplomacy by Nirmala Carvalho Today, the two Marines will return to New Delhi, one day after expiration of the special permit. The Indian government gives written assurance it will not apply the death penalty if convicted.
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03/22/2013 NEPAL - UNITED NATIONS Govt introduces secret amnesty to save war criminals by Kalpit Parajuli United Nations comes out against the move, which blocks trials against party officials accused of crimes against humanity, many of whom now sit in parliament. 03/22/2013 TAIWAN Pastry chef Geraldine converts young people to Jesus with good food by Xin Yage With the help of a Jesuit priest, food-based pastoral activity takes off. Three university students will be baptised at Easter after eating great food and following Fr Ke's catechism. Food is a major business in Taiwan and China.
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03/22/2013 MYANMAR In Meikhtila, death toll from Buddhist-Muslim clashes rises to 20 Buddhists set fire overnight to other mosques. To stem the violence, the authorities have imposed a curfew in the city. Clashes were sparked by an argument between a Muslim shopkeeper and Buddhist Burmese. 03/22/2013 SRI LANKA Christians and Buddhists un favour of UN resolution on Sri Lanka war crimes by Melani Manel Perera The United Nation Human Rights Council calls on Sri Lankan authorities to help war victims and conduct "independent and credible" investigations. The government rejects the accusations, ordinary citizens complain that the government is investing money earmarked for refugee housing in tourist projects instead.
3 giorni fa
03/22/2013 SOUTH KOREA Govt and Church happy for Francis's election as pope, 'apostle of peace' by Joseph Yun Li-sun South Korean authorities are looking forward to meet with the new pontiff. In their message, the country's bishops say that "following in the footsteps of Benedict XVI", the new pope will be a tool of love and reconciliation. 03/22/2013 KOREA After nuclear tests, Seoul authorises humanitarian shipments to the North After the continued military tensions of recent months, South Korea gave the green light to the Eugene Bell Foundation, a Christian foundation based in the US, to bring medicines against tuberculosis. Meanwhile, the United Nations set up a commission of inquiry into human rights abuses in North Korea.
3 giorni fa
03/22/2013 VATICAN Pope: there is no true peace without truth In his first meeting with the diplomatic corps, Francis explains why he chose the name of the Saint of Assisi. Love for the poor, not just the materially poor, but also those who are victims of a "dictatorship of relativism." "The dialogue between us should help to build bridges connecting all people, in such a way that everyone can see in the other not an enemy, not a rival, but a brother or sister." "It is not possible to build bridges between people while forgetting God. But the converse is also true: it is not possible to establish true links with God, while ignoring other people." For this reason it is important to intensify dialogue between the different religions primarily with Islam
to all the nations criminals, religiously intolerant and racist - the serenity that we in Italy, to give to your citizens? imitatela you! do no harm, against, honest people, for reasons of conscience linked to the choice of religion, stop you, to take advantage of the social classes, because they are a hidden form of slavery. @ INDIA - today I've seen, in my town, an Indian woman with a black dot between the eyes, the Indian traditional dress, very elegant and colorful, chaste, and, with her husband was walking, and I thought, "this is a really nice thing, that I saw today!"
because God wanted to raise the voice of: my hope (that of a bell: route) above all nations, because, God wanted to give: my love (that of a tank cracked), to quench the thirst, of: all nations? but, this, I can not know, but one thing I know, that is, beyond all misery, defeat, deprivation, and human impotence?, can and must: always dominate the faith ... why, love is stronger than death! .. perché, Dio ha voluto innalzare, la voce della: mia speranza (quella di una campana rotta) al di sopra tutte le Nazioni, perché, Dio ha voluto donare: il mio amore (quello di una cisterna screpolata), per dissetare: tutte le Nazioni, questo io non posso saperlo, ma, una cosa io so, oltre ogni miseria, sconfitta, privazione, ed impotenza umana?, deve e può: sempre: dominare la fede... l'amore è più forte della morte!
a tutte le Nazioni criminali, religiosamente intolleranti e razziste -- la serenità che, noi in Italia diamo ai vostri cittadini? voi imitatela! non fate del male a persone oneste, per motivi di coscienza: legata alla scelta delle religione, smettete voi, di sfruttare le classi sociali, perché sono una forma nascosta di schiavitù
@INDIA -- io oggi ho visto, nella mia città, una donna indiana, con un punto nero tra gli occhi, il vestito tradizionale indiano, molto elegante: colorato e casto, insieme a suo marito passeggiava lungo il marciappiede, ed io ho pensato: "questa è una cosa veramente bella, che, io ho visto oggi!"
shalom + salam = blessings too! a human world, united, rational and just, equal rights: and equal duties: for all men, it is not unattainable utopia, but it is the only political project, very real. the only solution to inevitable disaster:of the Third World War, planned by the Masonic system, of banKING seigniorage, to regenerate the International Monetary Fund: based on the fraud, and the dispossession of the sovereignty of peoples. that, Illuminati have worked for centuries, so that this event of destruction and predation: against all peoples could be doing realized, again, and, again!
3 giorni fa
shalom + salam = blessings too! un mondo umano, solidale, razionale e giusto, uguali diritti: ed uguali doveri: per tutti gli uomini, non è una utopia irrealizzabile, ma, è l'unico progetto politico: molto concreto. l'unica soluzione al disastro inevitabile: della III guerra mondiale, pianificata, dal sistema massonico del signoraggio bancario, per rigenerare il fondo monetario internazionale: basato sulla truffa, e sulla spoliazione della sovranità dei popoli. che Illuminati: hanno lavorato, per secoli, affinchè questo evento di distruzione e predazione: contro tutti i popoli potesse essere realizzato, ancora, di nuovo!
3 giorni fa
lorenzojhwh, unius REI: that is, a Catholic biblical fundamentalist, who at one time was the most vicious enemy of the Jews? all punished by him, almost always so unjust and abnormal with expulsions, confiscations, etc. ..? in a few days, He will become the King of the Jews! how can anyone doubt that the Jews are not a people extraordinary? and if the Jews have given you an example, all the other peoples, they must follow their example, for, I am the universal brotherhood, a man, who, he could never go against the presence of God in his consciousness.. the mediator metaphysical of all peoples
3 giorni fa
Hallelujah - hallelujah -> lol. never say to God, because: big are your problems, but rather, you have to say to your problems, because: as, He is wonderful and great: your God: JHWH! alleluia -- hallelujah --> lol. non dire mai a Dio, quanto: sono grandi i tuoi problemi, ma, piuttosto, tu devi dire: ai tuoi problemi, quanto: è meraviglioso e grande: il tuo Dio!
3 giorni fa
[against employers of World War III] blessing too, for all Peoples, wil die, IMF, FED, ecc.. 666 Rothscild, and his crazy, stone idol moon: for fanatical religious maniac terrorist: King Saudi Arabia: accomplice, for destroy Israel
3 giorni fa
@ Youtube staff - if you do erased, another, my youtube: web site, from your lizards 666 cannibal, For Reasons of copyrail, lol. Expel I give you, everyone! but, lol. of course, you can delete all the videos you want, lol. as you may continue to be, my employees? my God, YHWH is holy, for: the life, of the world ... is not, the big, malignant beast, stone idol moon, criminal king of Saudi Arabia ... Afghanistan, Afghan Convert Musa Released, Another Christian Still in Prison Published in 2011. ISTANBUL, February 24 (World Watch Monitor) ---- After intense diplomatic pressure last week, authorities released Afghan Christian Said Musa, who, had been in prison for nearly nine months on charges of apostasy (leaving Islam), punishable by death under Islamic law. Another convert, However, all Islamists are horror sharia criminal, fanatical religious maniacs, really dangerous
my God, YHWH is holy, for: the life, of the world ... is not, the big, malignant beast, stone idol moon, criminal king of Saudi Arabia ... Afghanistan, Afghan Convert Musa Released, Another Christian Still in Prison Published in 2011. ISTANBUL, February 24 (World Watch Monitor) ---- After intense diplomatic pressure last week, authorities released Afghan Christian Said Musa, who, had been in prison for nearly nine months on charges of apostasy (leaving Islam), punishable by death under Islamic law. Another convert, However,
"when you restore the kingdom to Israel?" asked the Apostles ... I know Jesus was not only a Zionist, but he was "the" ZIONISM! He said, "it is not for you to know: the times and moments (about unius REI), which my Father has Given to his will!" That is why, in legal, true, Zionist entity, there may be: only: with, unius with REI, and, as the Pope, is: only morally, political authority, so, anyway, even, unius REI is a King , in a spiritual way, supranational, moral. In this way, any political system and self-determination of peoples, is more protected .. sorry, donkey Abu Antar, Sharia, Jihad crazy maniac .. - Beppe Grillo, Ron Paul, David Duke, are brothers, ie, anti-NWO, IMF, lime me, and you! but, you make friend, with, international institutional Satanists, canniball, NATO CIA, in this page! my God, YHWH is holy, for: the life, of the world ... is not, the big, malignant beast, stone idol moon, criminal king of Saudi Arabia
WARNING: Who was this Christian hero, who sells the kingdom of God, to stop the spread of the gospel? youtube said: "We have received one or more claims of copyright infringement regarding material you posted. Review the following information: by Grizzly Adams Productions Encounters 3 9 Unexplained Secrets of the Bible Code - UniusRei3 " [how many times I have told you, you can delete all my videos: independently?]
quando il regno di satana crolla? poi, lui crolla tutto insieme, immediatamente! in un solo giorno, giungerà la sua distruzione!
1_13. [Next we will! prepare an armed resistance] [the persecution of the Christians: is: given the world: to: satan: of the: Pharisees: of the: IMF 666, for: the destruction of Israel / monotheism: 322 NWO agenda ]. In our comfortable lives, often: not: we realize: that: other Christians, like us: in: this very moment, are experiencing persecution, arrests, beatings, torture, death. All this, for: his own, Christian witness. in: all over the world, right now, many Christians are suffering. Think about it. That of the persecution of the Christians: is: an: problem, much more real: of: the: that: you think. Perhaps in the West: in: Italy: and: in Switzerland, these instances seem very, distant,
2_13. [Next we will! prepare an armed resistance] [the persecution of the Christians: is: given the world: to: satan: of the: Pharisees: of the: IMF 666, for: the destruction of Israel / monotheism: 322 NWO agenda] . and: in: an: a certain sense, "out of time", but: for: many believers: in: also places: not: too far persecution: is: a sad but vivid reality: of: all day . in: this issue of Mission: for: the persecuted Church we want: to make visible, too, graphically, the persecution of Christians: in: around the world, often perpetrated by Islam, but: to: sometimes by extremists Hindu : and: by: groups, organizations or governments: Marxists. [Islam: the most: Great Persecutor]: for: to have: an: the full picture, we can say that,
3_13. [Next we will! prepare an armed resistance] [the persecution of the Christians: is: given the world: to: satan: of the: Pharisees: of the: IMF 666, for: the destruction of Israel / monotheism: 322 NWO agenda] . the front "warmer" of persecution is: certainly one of the nations: to: Muslim majority, where: just speak of Jesus: to: an: Muslim can take: to: a conviction: to: several years of : imprisonment, flogging, even: to: a conviction: to: death. The situation is: in: worsening, because the events: that: we observe: in: some countries (Nigeria, Somalia, Pakistan) appears: in: act offensive, planned Islam: for: to expel or eliminate the violence Christians. Bombing: and: destruction of churches, fire: of houses,
4_13. [Next we will! prepare an armed resistance] [the persecution of the Christians: is: given the world: to: satan: of the: Pharisees: of the: IMF 666, for: the destruction of Israel / monotheism: 322 NWO agenda] . and: of: shops: of Christians, ambushes and massacres: of: the faithful, often inside the churches themselves: are: perpetrated by groups of extremists Muslims, well-armed: and: organized as: often with the complicity of: institutions: and: the police. These groups are: economically very powerful, thanks to conspicuous, financing: of the: Islamic countries, especially those extremely rich men of the: Persian Gulf (Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, etc..): And: can then rely on flows: of: money, virtually unlimited: for: expand: in: a violent "jihad",
5_13. [Next we will! prepare an armed resistance] [the persecution of the Christians: is: given the world: to: satan: of the: Pharisees: of the: IMF 666, for: the destruction of Israel / monotheism: 322 NWO agenda] . Holy War: in: around the world. The Arab Spring: know: of: death: an: additional front: of: persecution for: Christians is open: in the: Africa: of the North, with the so-called "Arab Spring" popular movements: that: in Tunisia, Libya, Egypt - Coming Soon: in: Syria - overthrew the dictatorial regimes: in: charge for several decades: and: have established democratic regimes. Democrats, however unfortunately only: to: words, because: in: all of these states have taken over Islamic parties, more or less extreme,
6_13. [Next we will! prepare an armed resistance] [the persecution of the Christians: is: given the world: to: satan: of the: Pharisees: of the: IMF 666, for: the destruction of Israel / monotheism: 322 NWO agenda] . but, however, carriers: of: very repressive ideology with respect to religious minorities: and: especially the Christian one. also in: many: of: these countries: are: infiltrators, elements linked to Al Qaeda, the main network of the: Islamic terrorism: that: advantage of the situation (wanted: of the Saudi Arabia) for: recruit new followers: for: to collect, new bases from which to spread terror: in: around the world, to protect: of the: new Islamic fundamentalist regimes. for: conclude the report: of the: Islamic threat: not: we can forget,
7_13. [Next we will! prepare an armed resistance] [the persecution of the Christians: is: given the world: to: satan: of the: Pharisees: of the: IMF 666, for: the destruction of Israel / monotheism: 322 NWO agenda] . the iran: of the "new Hitler", Mahmoud Ahmadinejad that: dreams: of: delete maps from the state: of: Israel: and: threat, a new Holocaust of the Jews brandishing the nuclear threat. India and China, against giants, Christianity, Christians: are: threatened also: in: india where in recent years: of the: Nationalism: Hindus with attacks: to: individual believers as well: to: whole communities. Suffice it to say, the attacks: of the: 2010 state: of: Orissa: that it has caused several dozen: of: thousands: of: dead between: the Christian communities, entire villages destroyed: and: therefore, other,
8_13. [Next we will! prepare an armed resistance] [the persecution of the Christians: is: given the world: to: satan: of the: Pharisees: of the: IMF 666, for: the destruction of Israel / monotheism: 322 NWO agenda] . tens: of: thousands: of: displaced, refugee camps, or, with the tigers in the: jungle. but: the other great enemy of the: Christianity: and: is Marxism: that: though weakened: of the: the collapse of the Soviet Union continues to: make bloodbath of Christians where it can still take root. is: The case of China that: holds the world record of Christians, imprisoned in its jails. the communist Chinese have even created a Christian church alternative: for: remove impulse: to: one of the Christian churches that: fastest growing,
9_13. [Next we will! prepare an armed resistance] [the persecution of the Christians: is: given the world: to: satan: of the: Pharisees: of the: IMF 666, for: the destruction of Israel / monotheism: 322 NWO agenda] . the world, the movement of "house churches" that: beyond the control of the Chinese state: and: are: therefore, unacceptable. are: many Christians: of: these churches: that: are subject searches and seizure: of: Bibles: and: Christian literature, police raids during the service: and: often the prison: and: the "fields: of: rehabilitation ". an: treatment even harder is reserved for Christians in Korea: of the North: the field of: re-education here is: the minimum sentence, while others simply "disappear": of the: overnight.
10_13. [Next we will! prepare an armed resistance] [the persecution of the Christians: is: given the world: to: satan: of the: Pharisees: of the: IMF 666, for: the destruction of Israel / monotheism: 322 NWO agenda] . their loved ones, know this: that: not: we need: of: look for: not: more return. Marxism, enemy of: always, weight: of the: Marxist regimes, or organizations that are inspired: to: this "religion" atheist, can be heard, too: to Cuba, where the stunted economic reforms or visit: of the: Pope are: only a mirror: for: larks: that: it hides a reality yet: of: persecution: and: of: an: tight control by the State, especially the evangelical Christians: and : their community.
11_13. [Next we will! prepare an armed resistance] [the persecution of the Christians: is: given the world: to: satan: of the: Pharisees: of the: IMF 666, for: the destruction of Israel / monotheism: 322 NWO agenda] . and: if: in the former Soviet republics of Central Asia Marxism: and: Islam have joined forces against all other forms of: religious expression: in: Colombia: in: various parts of Central America: are: Marxist paramilitary groups or organizations (such as the FARC) to attack individual pastors, priests or Christian communities, beating up or killing several members. [Next we will!] Finally, we wish to draw attention to that: that: could be: in: the future: an: new front: of: persecution of Christians:
12_13. [Next we will! prepare an armed resistance] [the persecution of the Christians: is: given the world: to: satan: of the: Pharisees: of the: IMF 666, for: the destruction of Israel / monotheism: 322 NWO agenda ]. has the "home front", that: that: you are developing countries, traditionally Christian, where mainly atheists and: Islamic (but: not: only they) are joining forces: for: limiting freedom: of an expression: and: of: faith of the Christians. in: this: are: unfortunately often helped by Christians "liberals" that: the Bible calls "lukewarm", who believe: of: Do an: best service: to: God promoting ecumenism: and: the secular Status: to: all costs. Result: already: in: many countries: is: not allowed to take place openly,
13_13. [Next we will! prepare an armed restenza] [the persecution of the Christians: is: given the world: to: satan: of the: Pharisees: of the: IMF 666, for: the destruction of Israel / monotheism: 322 NWO agenda ]. against deterioration: of the: moral values: that: door to: phenomena such as: weddings: and: homosexual adoptions, rather, that: euthanasia and eugenics. religious symbols, especially the cross are: poorly tolerated on people or places: of: work: and: in some towns is: is: even arrived: to: celebrate the "winter festival of lights" instead of the Christian Christmas "to: not: offend members of other religions." lucky us: not: know the religious persecution but: we may be the last generation of Christians: to: to tell.
33 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa and Mosques of Sharia Allah, decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH) and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (Unius REI) 33 ANNI fa, Sinagoghe di Satana Spa e Moschee di Sharia Allah, decisero che io avrei dovuto diventare il Re di Israele (lorenzoJHWH) e un Osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani (Unius REI) 3205708054
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia •
nega il DEBITO, sovranità monetari al 100%!
I saw, God bless, good work
☦️burn satana ☦️shariah ☦️Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name amen ☦️alleluia ☦️ da un cimitero devi uscire e in un cimitero tu devi entrare definitivamente
☦️ in Jesus's name amen ☦️alleluia ☦️
IBAN: IT55H0760104000001016405753 bisogna passare al SIMEC,
nega il DEBITO!
greater power, President, United States,
[Veronica Lueken and the asteroid, the sphere of redemption: is been destroyed: USA-Babylon: microchip] 14_17. Now are: suspended over the water, and: put: their hands on the water. and the waters, now get up very, very high (tsunami, caused by large asteroids). Now there are: four angels. is: how, if you were positioned at four corners of the USA. Now are: standing, each with: a spear, to the four corners of the: body of water. Now Archangel Michael comes to the right, and He says: St. Michael the Archangel "saints must be protected!" [Sedevacantist] because you blaspheme: against the holiness of God, saying, "only 1500 people: they can be saved, that is, all those: that: have my doctrine: religious "scolds you: the Holy Spirit: why not: is: the doctrine, but the love, that: can save: why: God is: love! fact, you judge:
[Veronica Lueken and the asteroid, the sphere of redemption: is been destroyed: USA-Babylon: microchip] 15_17. slandering, publicly to that: your ignorance not: know, slandering the servants of God: and like me: Veronica Lueken. (July 12, 1923 - August 3, 1995) was to: Roman Catholic housewife who lived in Bayside, New York. Veronica, was a faithful daughter of the Church. lived in the Church and: He died in the Church. was buried in the Cemetery of Roman Catholic: Monte Santa Maria to: Flushing, New York.'s legacy that she has left behind: of She, will be written for: forever in the annals of the Church. who is more dangerous in the: of the world: an: religious maniac: Islamist Taliban: that is, all and 50: Islamized nations? while of your dogmas, marked by time? not: there, the practice of the: tolerance, because, politically speaking, every virtue, expressed in the: free will, must be respected.
1 mese fa
[Veronica Lueken and the asteroid, the sphere of redemption: is been destroyed: USA-Babylon: microchip] 16_17. to have the mortgage with the banks, but the recession has led many people to lose Their jobs or earn less, so there is less liquidity, in turn (ie less money) many tenants do not pay my rent, ... , But, the situation of Tooi »¿many people Became desperate, the international monetary system is the cause of all this, and, not the corruption of politicians. @ CustodeDellaFede maniac criminal intollerant taliban fake-cattolic --- your truth about God, Is that the whole human race, go to hell, except you, with another 1500 people? but, you are the same, thing, Which they say the Pharisees and the Salafis! and you're ideologically to: criminal, like them, to pervert, of religious maniac
1 mese fa
17_17. I am unius REI, ie, kingdom of God: in political mode, I am the new "International Monetary Fund", owned by all Governments (for the salvation of Israel, and of the whole human race) and not more: owned by Criminal , Rothschild 666, ie, the Pharisee satanic, for becoming, all his slaves! Because he is not happy to sell the interest (which the Bible condemns: and in this crime?, he did all the peoples his servants), but, he sells Also: money created, from nothing: the banking seigniorage, even satanism of Baal Peor Marduk: owl gods and idolatry blasfemy: that is, to: sin of murder, genocide, That the Bible does note »¿covered why: this our situation today? is to: real legal slavery: ie, the betrayal of Freemasonry! is why, I ordered, to saint angels, of killing, all my enemies, here, Because my kingdom can not be stopped by anyone!
1 mese fa
@google Obama -- qualcuno: sa trovare la medicina giusta: per questo criminale: maniaco religioso: terrorista spirituale, di sedevacantista pieno di odio, che: è sicuro di mandare il paradiso soltanto 1000 persone in tutto il mondo: e che ha fatto di se stesso il complice di tutti i satanisti, come synnek1 ? R:Re:ti prego tu cancella, anche tu, gli ultimi tuoi: due commenti, dalla pagina di /theyearinreview/ perché, proteggendo: i satanisti, tu ti rendi complice: anche: dei doro omicidi, sacrifici umani sull'altare di satana, cannibalismo, ecc...? tu ti rendi complice dei loro crimini.. non cancellando gli ultimi, tuoi due commenti? tu fai un favore enorme ai satanisti -- --> but, NavigatoreItaliano said: "Ahahaha ! la veritá ti fa male ! ATTACCATI AL CAZZO ! [ Inviato a: UniusRei3 20/02/13 ] e poi, lui ha anche bloccato me, anche, sul suo: canale di LaVeraDottrina
1 mese fa
@ 322, freemasonry farisei synnek1 @ 666 IMF FED ---- me, Israel, and China, we do evil to you, because you are the real threat to the U.S. and not us! @synnek1 666 FED FMI -- io Israele, e la Cina, noi facciamo del male a te, perché, tu sei la vera minaccia per gli USA, e non noi! @ Synnek1. -. very soon? I will take your place in youtube! indeed, every Satanist, will soon be fired: in all over the world.. LILILlLILILILlLl ie, synnek1 kkk nazi 666: aliens abductions microchip. - saying "hahaha" you get the money from google in this way? you can not be on this page, Because your official page of yoube / youtube, you have closed! - Saying "hahaha" you get the money from google in this way? you can not be on this page, Because your official page of yoube, you have to shut! --ANSWER -- you are criminal: with your human sacrifice on altair of satan: not China
[Veronica Lueken and the asteroid, the sphere of redemption: is been destroyed: USA-Babylon: microchip] Synnek1 posted a comment: 6 hours ago: I WANT WW3! [I WANT TO SEE YOU Suffocate] ie, AGAINST, me, lol. Unius REI ... Very soon I AM launching Meteors to a neighborhood near you FAGGOT BITCH! --- ANSWER --- it's true: the aliens:(jewish GOLEM: ie: demons with a body biologically modified) of, enlightened: IMF 666 NWO(for destroy Israel, ecc..), just throw them asteroids against our planet, repent of your sins, because God still has mercy on you... è vero: gli alieni del FMI 666 NWO, proprio loro lanciano gli asteroidi contro il nostro pianeta, pentitevi dei vostri peccati, perché Dio abbia ancora compassione di voi
@666 kkk Synnek1 - with, this your story, of: your aliens abductions, which they push against: the planet earth: the giant asteroids, because governments have betrayed God and his Christ, and therefore, we are, without the protection of God? well! you and your Bush: 322, 666 FED ECB IMF, Rothschild? you'll end up destroying the USA, completely, because, it is, for your fault, who, aliens abductions, will shall press the ball of redemption, as seen from Veronica Lueken NY, against our planet!
1 mese fa
@ Synnek1 - my dear, do we live together, Or, we die together! You've taken: power, because: another: has lost it, now, you need to accept: your defeat. That is, the fact of losing your power, because I have won, and you lost, that's life: there are those who now descends, (you), and, there are those, who, now leads (me) .. kill someone? It's always something so primitive and uncivilized. So, it's just that, you learn: to stay in the rules of the game of this corporation, that: claims to save his life: to all: and instead because of you (322666 FMI NWO) is only a trap! About asteroids: or meteors, that, your men gray: aliens abductions, they can hijack: against our planet? It is not for them: to know: where it can fall!
1 mese fa
stupid spammer, nobody reads your religion bullshit
1 mese fa
DEAR GENTLEMEN: I HAVE KNOWN THAT THE Ministry of Education: is about to publish (at the expense of the goyim): a work around:" the Talmud ": but, I was wondering if: President Giorgio Napolitao: will publish, also: these documents: secrets of the Talmud, also. because: because of bank seigniorage (SOURCE DR. Giacinto Auriti: FOUNDER UNIVERSITY OF BARI ETC ..) in the hands of these extremist Jewish bankers: Pharisees Illuminati by Lucifer: as prophesied in Dante's Divine Comedy: that is, the "Illuminati". . to destroy Israel, 666, aliens abductions, etc. .. and perhaps, the question should not be underestimated: as: yesterday, I received of intimidation:in the precise timing: to have done: my work: on the channel "rrmbgpym" of my friend jew: in youtube: .. WHY: If you will continue: to hide yourself behind the conspiracy theories? will be 3 ° WW nuclear: to hit: to your homes in 2014: yours truly: is prof. lorenzo UniusREI Kingdom: Unius REI
1 mese fa
from the "pan",ie, dictatorships: at the "fire"of, frateli Muslim Salafist Al Qaeda!] [" it was better: when: it was worse, "that is, when there were dictators Muslims] Syria: Obama rejected: Clinton Plan (322 Bush IMF) to arm the rebels: Islamists, sharia horror: Al Qaeda. BBC News - 1 hour ago. was reported by the New York Times. 'Egypt and his brothers'' is the first number: the new Limes. Analyze the complex phenomenon of so-called: 'Arab revolutions' that: revolutions then, strictly speaking, are not. A journey from North Africa to Cairo, to tell: who they are and what they want the Islamists to power [win world for sharia: disintegrate Israel], but, this is precisely the agenda of the Talmud Pharisees, ie, do III world war: the real culprits for any criminal act that takes place all over the planet: is born into talmud .. come forward to receive the fire of hell, all the accomplices of the IMF 666, NWO! @ Benyamin Netanyahu - you will not be afraid, for, I know your faith!
1 mese fa
my brave President of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano (Naples, June 29, 1925) (born 10 days after my father) said to me: lol. "My son, you speak: about, the banking seigniorage: and, of the scientist: Giacinto Auriti, because, I'm afraid of being killed: like Jesus: by the Pharisees!" lol. mon président courageux de la République Italienne Giorgio Napolitano (Naples, 29 Juin, 1925) (né 10 jours après mon père) m'a dit: lol. «Mon fils, tu parles: environ, le seigneuriage bancaire: et, du savant: Giacinto Auriti, parce que, je le crains d'être tué: comme Jésus: par les pharisiens!" lol. il mio coraggioso Presidente della Repubblica Italiana: Giorgio Napolitano (Napoli, 29 giugno 1925)(nato 10 giorni dopo mio padre): ha detto a me: lol. "figlio mio, parla tu: di signoraggio bancario: e dello Scienziato Giacinto Auriti, perchè, io ho paura di essere ucciso, come Gesù: dai farisei!" lol.
1 mese fa
@ King of Saudi Arabia - this your alliance with the Americans? is not something that: is here to stay .. without, freedom of religion?, and without a reform of Islam?, that is, to achieve a species of: ISLAMIC COUNCIL, which asserts the your primacy((theological)) of your: on all Muslims in the world! That theological authority: that all Muslims need to have, and so, to not: envy the Catholic Church .. of course, are not the Americans, to hurt you, because, simply, that you end up crushed: under the tracks: of the Chinese and the Russians! @666 IMF FED ECB -- [grazie signoraggio bancario] il 50% delle famiglie italine? non riesce più: ad arrivare alla fine del mese! [thanks seigniorage banking] 50% of the families italine? no longer able: to get to the end of the month! [merci bancaires seigneuriage] 50% de la italine familles? n'est plus en mesure: d'arriver à la fin du mois!
1 mese fa
@ King of Saudi Arabia --- you do not have to be worried, about, any slander: put in: cleverly: against me, because, my spiritual life: has only, a private value! my mandate?: it is purely political: rational and therefore, none of that: that: I say, or, that, I believe in a personal (my spiritual) will ever have, an impact religious or theological. then, I do not steal: never, myself, to any visit: it is: medical or even psychiatric, because, I believe, that, every head of State: should be helped to understand: if it is time for him to leave, your own place to another! how long is that, you do not do: a psychiatric evaluation? because, the Satanists have said, that, they have taken control of your brain!
1 mese fa
@ King of Saudi Arabia --- tu non devi essere preoccupato, circa, eventuali calunnie: poste in essere: abilmente: contro di me, perché, la mia vita spirituale: ha soltanto: un valore privato! il mio mandato: è esclusivamente politico: razionale: e quindi, nulla di quello: che: io dico: o che, io penso a livello personale(spirituale): potrà mai avere, una incidenza religiosa, o teologica, io non sottrarrò: mai me stesso: a nessuna visita: ne medica e neanche psichiatrica: perché, io credo, che, ogni capo di Stato: dovrebbe essere aiutato a capire: se è il momento, per lui, di lasciare: il proprio posto ad un altro! da quanto tempo, è che, tu non fai una visita psichiatrica? perché, i satanisti hanno detto: di avere preso il controllo del tuo cervello!
1 mese fa
@ king of Saudi Arabia - in this context,make religion: the concept of national identity is an act of suicide, in fact, the only ground: where Satanists Pharisees IMF 666: can be defeated?: is the love! thus, it can not: be: a solution polarize: Nazism Islamic, against: Nazism of the Talmud: looking for: to overcome, with: criminal lies and hypocrisy, the opponent! we must walk: in the light of God, namely, in the light of truth! only if all the people, and if all religions will be united: (universal brotherhood of Unius REI) Satanists Neturei Karta, with all their hypocrisy and lies ("we have been punished by God, to not have: never more: a Nation ", etc. ..) can be defeated! because, for the Pharisees? their homeland? is the whole world, which is why, it is the institutional Satanism: the banking seigniorage: it is true: soul of the world!
1 mese fa
@ King of Saudi Arabia - of course, those who have an interest in spreading atheism, ie, the Pharisees Neturei Karta: IMF: Enlightened by Lucifer, JabullOn: Baal Peor, the god owl at the Bohemian Grove, etc. .. Enlightened them: they, too, the interest in block: Islam: in his middle ages! because, Satanism: ideological and practical: of the banking seigniorage, of this criminal, and unconstitutional: Masonic system: of all the false democracies, to destroy Israel, which is the unique hope of the world! is why the IMF-NWO, is exploitation: until the extermination of all peoples, this: is: Satanism ideological and practical, that is, a spiritual act, which is why, lacking tools: cultural and spiritual: all the human race, becomes: soon: one only: single herd of slaves: in a kind of Nazism, occult: 666 NWO 322, which can no longer be broken!
@ MOSSAD Israel AIPAC, Jewish lobbying - When Jesus: has refused in the desert, to worship Satan? well: "Then the Pharisees of the IMF: Illuminati" they had agreed: from: time of the Exodus from Egypt, to worship Satan, that's why, they gave big problems to Moses and Solomon, in all the prophets, etc. .. ! Why do you continue to cover: these monsters of Baal to bring their curse: against: my Jewish people, ecc..? because they hide their human sacrifices, and their bank seigniorage? that Satan would never have given them the power and sovereignty that stole our parents Adam and Eve without a valid reason .. it is not: better to face the justice of unius REI, rather than: Addressing the Third World War? you have not seen how my friend: the King of Saudi Arabia: has gave: for the new Palestine country: 200,000 square kilometers of desert?
Marilyn Manson - Long Hard Road Out Of Hell 1408180 visualizzazioni di MarilynMansonVEVO 3 anni fa --ANSWER -- AUGURI OBAMA! QUESTO TU SEI! liiiilliiiil: ie, Synnek1 CIA IMF --- oh, my dear: sucker 666 skeletons: decaying!, for me, dreams, visions, and all supernatural phenomena: they have no importance in politics: why: my mind, is structured: as: the mind of an atheist, here's why: I ask Rothschild and his Obama puppy "of who is, to ownership, of our money, at the time of its release?" here's why: after raping the Constitution: in the most important monetary sovereignty, etc.. etc. .. and have spread Satanism: freemasonry?, they are afraid: of the people: now! so now: they want to prevent the possession of weapons, only because, they are must finish in front of a firing squad: for high treason! (the traitors of the IMF?: in our Masonic system? they have no right: touching the Constitution)
liiiilliiiil: "Vor der Christus Kniefall war nichts für die Ritter lieber stehend sterben im Eisengewitter" - answer - a little while ago, I dreamed of the mighty knights, hard and unkind, as the iron ready to kill, on the altar of war: one: against, the other, before the duel, showed their swords, and I also showed her my sword! in fact, I was a knight like them, but, then, laid: against wall: has put my sword, and, I said to the knight, who: was, opposite: to me, and he feared me: that, also, my words could be weapons: against him: "my friend, my brother: where are you from?". and he said: "I am in Jerusalem!" then, as: if I no longer existed never more: for him, he has begun to speak amicably: the other knights and all the knights have become friends -ANSWER - ROTHSCHILD IMF, ONLY, HAS BECOME OUR SACRIFICIAL LAMB! we no longer need to kill: between to us: one another, we are brothers! please,of that, beast of Rothschild? leave a small piece of meat, even for me!
my JHWH -- where are all the bodies you have promised me in Psalm 110? [Satanic Pharisee] IMF FED ECB Rothschild: "Whose is: money, at time: of his issue?'" is yours! So, you are the master Enlightened from lucifer: of all the world, and we are all: your slaves! but this is: high betrayal, cannibal, idolatry, blasfemy, Satanism and murder of all mankind.. my JHWH -- where are all the bodies you have promised me in Psalm 110?
my JHWH -- where are all the bodies you have promised me in Psalm 110?
[what I found: 1 Timothy 6.14-16: is really extraordinary] 14. I command you to observe: this commandment, to be without sin, blameless, until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ, at the end of the world [[ 15. Lord Jesus Christ, which: will be revealed [by unius REI:] at the time: [ by unius REI]: blessed and only Potentate, unius REI: the King of kings and Lord of lords]], 16. who alone: JHWH: has immortality and dwells in unapproachable light, whom no man hath seen, nor can see, to only: him be honor and power everlasting. Amen. -- answer -- that is, will be at the time: manifest: by, unius REI, the glory of YHWH, that, JHWH alone: dwells in unapproachable light! [Rothschild you have no right to sell: to all the peoples, your money of Satan]in the Masonic system: of banking seigniorage: of the Pharisees to do disintegrate Israel: again!
@ My YHWH - [I am unius REI: where are my corpses of Psalm 110?] Luke 19:27. 1. "The parable of the ten mine: is calculated to fight four errors. 1. err. People could easily imagine: that: the kingdom of the Messiah would be revealed soon. 2. err. that would be: immediately visible in the earth, 3. err. that everyone would receive with joy: and finally: 4. err. that do not require his subjects: another task that: enjoy inaction: the graces received. No! you need to act now: politically, and economically! The first idea contradicts the fact that: the first has to be done a long trip, and then of course you must spend a very long time. The second expectation: it is refuted by the fact, that: the legitimate prince has to get elsewhere (in the sky) and not here, the reins of his government, before exercising his authority in all proprii domains: terrestrial and celestial.
[Rothschild tu non hai nessun diritto di vendere: il tuo denaro maledetto: ai popoli] @ My YHWH - [I am unius REI: where are my corpses of Psalm 110?] Luke 19:27. To destroy, the third error: the Lord found it necessary: describe the enmity open, obstinate, without foundation, and finally useless: that is aroused: against: him of his enemies. Contrast, the fourth opinion: the mandate given to the ten servants, namely: the duty imposed: all to cooperate advancement: its cause (kingdom of Palestine). Starting out, do not let them in the position of proud warriors, but in that of humble craftsmen, with a small capital to assert (yield), calculated image to disperse, for the moment at least, all the utopias of their imagination by presenting them rather than the needs of the most severe reality "(Oosterzee).
[Rothschild tu non hai nessun diritto di vendere: il tuo denaro maledetto: ai popoli] @ My YHWH - [I am unius REI: where are my corpses of Psalm 110?] Luke 19:27. View Reflections: in Matthew 25:30. And the unprofitable servant: you cast him into outer darkness, there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Note that the command "Take off", above. to "throw: the outer darkness," A sinner is abandoned to its his ways, before being left to the judgment. What: now it is carrying out, decide for everyone: his destiny our future destiny: and immediate: Psalm 81:12-13. See Notes Matthew 8:12, Matthew 13:42.
@ My YHWH - [I am unius REI] Luke 19.27. "In addition, lead here: my enemies (322, 666, masonic system: of banking seigniorage: IMF NWO), who did not want me to reign over them, and slay them before me." - ANSWER - These enemies, who had tried to prevent his ascension to the throne, were also used to tutt'uomo, no doubt, to damage, of his interests: in his absence, but: they came to the 'hours of pay, and a ruin inexorable hits them. Our Lord mentions: first place: the terrible fate that: the Jews expected disobedient, when, in his providence, he would send, to each other, the Roman army to carry out his revenge,
@ My YHWH - [I am unius REI] Luke 19.27. to destroy their city and their nation, but his words also have in view, the final destruction of all those who will be dead in unbelief, and rebellion: against: him. Ryle sees in this verse, and reported a terrible punishment that awaits the day of judgment: the generation of Jews that: resisted Christ while: in the earth. "They will be resurrected," he says, "and brought before the court: of Christ, to receive the condegno: punishment enormous sin: killing the Lord of glory. Though: they have apparently triumphed on the day of his crucifixion, Christ proclaims in parable: that: they wait a day, to pay in mode: exemplary. "
Luke 9.11 ... But when the crowds learned about it and followed him: and he received them: and spoke to them of: the kingdom of God, and healed those: that: they had need of healing. - ANSWER - because this is the truth: the Kingdom of God into Unius REI, is end: all injustice of: all wickedness, of the Pharisees, so all the world's poor will be protected: and all prisoners of this satanic: IMF 666 of seigniorage banking: the Masonic system: will be released! - ANSWER - Obama REBUKES YOU, THE HOLY SPIRIT: "YOU ARE THE REAL THREAT OF ALL AMERICAN CHILDREN! YOU MUST REMOVE YOUR: 322 MASONS, AND, YOUR 666 Satanists: only!: the people need weapons to kill a traitor as you: and to defend themselves from Satanists Rothschild! "
[The World Government of unius REI] Acts 1.7. But Jesus: said: "It is not for you to know the times: and moments: that: the Father has fixed by his own authority" - ANSWER - You unius REI, THE COMPLETION POLICY:in EARTH: of the KINGDOM of JHWH, THIS, BECAUSE: EVERYONE KNOWS THAT the second coming of Christ, is to radically change: human nature, and, it is a coming irreversebile, that IS KINGDOM heavenly: will came for forever. , (so millennialists are theologically in error) Acts 1.7. Times (cronoi) are the major periods in history (millennia), the moments (kairoi) spaces are limited and determined that happens in the course of uninterrupted time (the 50-year reign of unius REI). about: "put in his own power?", potrebb'essere more clearly rendered, thus: "and it is not for you to know the times and moments, which the Father has fixed by his own authority determined: action to make, this Kingdom Unius REI. This is when God, in us, wait, watch, praying, his acting.
liiiilliiiil posted a comment: 5 hours ago:"Vor der Kniefall Christus war nichts für die Ritter lieber stehend sterben im Eisengewitter" - answer - No! what is the truth of God's Kingdom? 1. the apostles were not religious, so that all who followed, a Messiah, they could achieve a agenda political: ie, political objective, Jesus No one has ever denied, to have an political objective, into UniusREI! In fact, after the resurrection, just before: to ascend to heaven, the apostles asked Jesus, Acts 1.6: So when they had come together, they asked, "Lord, is this the time when you will restore the kingdom to Israel?".
[666 IMF FED ECB, W WAR, NWO 322 ] the Bible absolutely condemns the opportunity to give: the money at interest, but does not take: in: consider: the crime of extermination and Satanism, which is: seigniorage banking(in this masonic system), because: it is too evil, and criminal, the fact that: the Rothschild SpA, can sell their own money, to do: of the peoples, a his private act of predation. la Bibbia condanna in modo assoluto, la possibilità di dare: il denaro ad interesse, ma, non prende: minimamente: in considerazione: il crimine di sterminio: e di satanismo, che è: Signoraggio bancario, perché, è troppo malefico e criminale, il fatto che: il Rothschild SpA, possa vendere il proprio denaro ai popoli, per fare di tutti i popoli, un privato atto di predazione
@ Rothschild you do not have the right to sell: your damn money:to anyone! but, the Bible, speaks only of wear (ie, for a consideration of: 1. interest: 2. debt public: 3. private debt), that, it's always been: made a total condemnation by : of all the prophets, as, well, an absolute condemnation: by the whole context of the Bible. However, only one verse has been corrupted: by: the Pharisees (in the Torah) that, for this only verse that allows you to give at interest, money only to goyim (diprezzo, destruction, hostility, racism against: all non-Jews). so many crimes of genocide, war, etc. .. have been committed ... but, sell the money? this was, a crime of collective: induction at slavery: against: all the nations, that, the Bible has, not: has described, because: it was an unimaginable crime: of: racism of extermination, and Satanism !
@Rothschild tu non hai il diritto di vendere: il tuo maledetto denaro: a nessuno! ma, la Bibbia, parla: soltanto, di usura(cioè, di un corrispettivo di: 1. interesse: 2. il debito: pubblico: 3. il debito privato) che: è sempre stata: fatta, una condanna assoluta, da parte: di tutti i profeti, come, anche, una condanna assoluta: da parte di tutto il contesto della Bibbia. Tuttavia, un solo versetto: è stato corrotto: da parte: dei farisei(nella Torà) che, per questo solo versetto: che, permette di dare ad interesse: il denaro ai soli goym(diprezzo, sterminio, ostilità, razzismo: contro: tutti i non ebrei). così, tanti crimini di genocidio, guerre, ecc.. sono stati commessi ... ma, vendere il denaro? questo non è stato un crimine: di induzione collettiva alla schiavitù: contro tutti i popoli: che, la Bibbia ha descritto, perché: era un crimine inimmaginabile: di: razzismo: di sterminio, e di satanismo assoluto!
@Holy my Holy YHWH ---- it's all your fault, if I'm discouraged! where are all the dead bodies, that you have promised, to me, in Psalm 110? my story: will be: another your pathetic and ugly history, as has been pathetic: the story of Jonah! This is why, your throne is about to become impure, because I have a political mandate: that, was prophesied, but, yet, again, yet, : criminals and Satanists, are always, again and again, at power: 666 FED IMF ECB; NWO 322, masonic system, of the Pharisees, Enlightened, always to do evil: to all the nations, and the prisoners are not yet been released! shame on you, then!
@my JHWH -- è tutta colpa tua, se io sono scoraggiato! dove sono tutti i cadaveri, che, tu hai promesso, a me, nel salmo 110? questa mia storia: sarà: un altra tua patetica e brutta storia, come è stata patetica: la storia di Giona! ecco perché, il tuo trono sta per diventare impuro, perché, io ho un mandato politico: che è stato profetizzato, eppure, i criminali e i satanisti, sono sempre, ancora, ancora, a fare del male a tutti i popoli: ed i prigionieri non sono stati ancora liberati! vergogna su di te, allora!!
sorry, I are been: 12 hours, in my school: to finish your job: to polls quarter, and: and, I am not: so naive, to use: public service: to write on this page .. I did not commit: an naivety, for do happy: my enemies. but, 20 hours ago in Italy, it was 2.00(16.01.2013), and I had: the bladder pain, however, I was not going to get up (in fact, I do not ever get up: at night to go, to the bathroom), but, i am GONE : EARLY to BED: with a big feeling of frustration, however, I was forced to get up: for myself, because: 1. the lights of: hallway, kitchen and bathroom, switch in mode supernatural, and then were turned off, alone: in mode supernatural, 2. then, and an angel (which I never saw) has said, to other angels, that is, my celestial ministers: "He sleeps all the time, because it is discouraged!" - ANSWER - IT IS TRUE, I am discouraged!
sorry, io sono stato 12 ore a scuola: per terminare le operazioni: di scrutioni trimestrale, e: inoltre, io non: sono così, ingenuo, da utilizzare: il servizio pubblico: per scrivere: su questa pagina.. io non commetto: delle ingenuità a favore dei miei nemici. 20 .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession, drink your poison made by yourself, vote Magdi Allam, in Italia, erano le 2,00, ed io avevo: la vescica dolorante, tuttavia, io non avevo intenzione di alzarmi (infatti, io non mi alzo mai: di notte: per andare al bagno), E SONO ANDATO: A LETTO IN ANTICIPO: con un sentimento di frustrazione, ma, tuttavia, io sono stato costretto, ad alzarmi: perché: 1. si sono accese: da sole: le luci, del: corridoio, cucina e bagno: e poi, si sono spente da sole; 2. poi, ed un angelo: (che, io non ho visto) ha detto ad altri angeli: cioè, i miei ministri celesti: "lui dorme sempre, perché è scoraggiato!" -- ANSWER -- SI È VERO, IO SONO SCORAGGIATO!
USA NATO 666 IMF; make human rights, only against Syria! ie, in one only way: for destroy Israel, and support: horror salafis: Al Quaeda, sharia Islamic Nazism: to destroy civilization human: with: their accomplice satanist 666 IMF: globalist corporations, freemasonry JabullON: with their: satanAllah [but, where there are human rights, into: imperialism Saudi empire: for kill 300 christian martyrs every day? they decreed our destruction! therefore, it is essential for us to exterminate them all!] us in Palestine: we are not fighting: against: the Palestinians! but we fight: against: the sharia satanic terrorists Nazis, and, against: their allies IMF 666 NWO FED ECB, 322: all Masonic occult powers! So, we fight against the Satanists, to save the whole human race: from the monsters! []I do not need to write well, because I can speak in a supernatural, and divine: mode, to all the whole, of the human race
[Enough! STOP! to be the accomplices of Satan 666 IMF, get out: FROM Babylon, my JEWISH! we do not have an interest in the heritage of Satan, New World Order, assembled your ranks ] Isaiah 40:1-11. "Comfort, comfort my people, says your God." 2. "Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and cry: that: the time of war is over, that: her iniquity is pardoned, because: it has received from the hand of the LORD: twice: for all her sins." 3. The voice of one (unius REI), which he crying in the wilderness: "Prepare the way of the LORD, make straight in the desert a highway for our God. 4. Every valley shall be exalted: and: every mountain and hill: made low, the rough places to be rectified: and the rough places smoothed. 5. Then the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together, for the mouth of the LORD has spoken. "
[Enough! STOP! to be the accomplices of Satan 666 IMF, get out: FROM Babylon, my JEWISH! we do not have an interest in the heritage of Satan, New World Order, assembled your: ranks ] 6. A voice says, "Cry!" And he replied: "What shall I cry?". "All flesh is grass, and all the goodliness thereof is as the flower of the field. 8. The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God remains forever. ". 9. Oh Zion, you who bring good tidings, get into a high mountain; O Jerusalem, you who bring good tidings: lift up thy voice with strength! Raise your voice, do not worry! Of 'the cities of Judah, "Behold your God." 10. Behold, the Lord GOD comes with might, and: his arm dominates him. Behold, his reward: it is with him, and his recompense before him. 11. He shall feed: his flock like a shepherd, will gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them: in his bosom, and guide: with: gentleness and care, the sheep who: have small.
[lorenzoJHWH King of Israel! lorenzoAllah: king Palestine: Unius REI: on all the World!] human rights, in one only way: the sharia Islamic Nazism: to destroy civilization and Israel: with their accomplice satanist 666 IMF freemasonry JabullON satanAllah [where there are human rights, into: Saudi Salafi empire? they decreed our destruction! therefore it is essential for us to exterminate them all!] us in Palestine: we are not fighting: against: the Palestinians! but we fight: against: the sharia satanic terrorists Nazis and against: the IMF 666 NWO 322: Masonic occult powers: we fight against the Satanists, to save the whole human race: from the monsters!
[what aliens did they say? the same things that they feel: say, during a seance ..] .. I'm not like Rothschild: 666 FMI: 322 NWO, and all his occult powers: the societies (nations) Masonic (occult powers: to do only one satanism) project: aliens abductions, Bildenberg, etc. .. that he wanted to do, the State of Israel, but forced him to be: in an hole asshole, because, 1. all Jews (all his main accomplices) they did not have to: be able to return, everyone in Israel, for do at to end: his empire of Satan's cock: against: all the world, and to do become slaves all peoples(micro-chip): that rape all peoples: through: banking seigniorage! Rothschild has a desperate need: to do: World War III, to give rise to, finally, the reign of Satan on all earth: so obvious! but, I will take for me: all the Saudi desert: and Egyptian: of which I will need, or, with the good, that, or the hard way!
the Jew: Edith Stein: (vs): 666 nazi IMF FED! she: not: said to his sister (another cloistered nun): we are going to die for Jesus ", no, but said," we are going to die for our people "because, this covenant, of all community jewish, with IMF 666(ie, the Masonic system: 322), is something that is worse: the Satanism: the same is in fact a declaration of war, and it is an act of extermination against: all peoples! but, the prophet said, "will be abolished your covenant with death! " @ Israel - sometimes, to fail: or, losing a goal?.: It is the best way to win the peace! that advantage hast thou to do to become a giant goliath the Arab League: of Al Queda Salafis? the fact: that: : Libyan terrorists and Al Qaeda do not have a military uniform? this does not mean that Syria, not was been invaded: however, by: Israel, NATO CIA Arab League, then Iran must help Syria: now.
→ Israel - how? you want to do: David, while the Arab League, must to do: "Goliath"?, and if, instead, you make Samson, while the Arab League, they make the Philistines? then, it will not be Rothschild 666 322 NWO IMF to laugh alone!! you from your King: lorenzojhwh? you did not understand anything! for me the life of a jew, it is more important than the life of a Chinese! and if the Russians did not exist? you could never be able: to stop: Chinese army: still→Israele -- come? tu vuoi fare: Davide, mentre a La Lega Araba, deve fare:"Golia"?; e se, invece, tu fai Sansone, mentre la lega Araba, loro fanno i filistei? poi, non sarà Rothschild 666 322 NWO FMI; a ridere: soltanto? tu dal tuo Re: lorenzoJHWH? tu non hai capito niente! per me la vita di un ebreo, non è più importante della vita di un cinese! e se i russi non esistessero? tu non potresti mai riuscire a fermare: il solo esercito cinese
Islamist formations outside: infiltrated, took the field control of the revolution and the war: against: the Assad regime. A twist, and a much more: what happened in Libya in 2011 (among other things in the Nusra there are many Libyan jihadists), which cooled the enthusiasm in Israel and in the West.. most intransigent at this point seem to Europeans, that next Monday will present to the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon a letter asking that "those responsible for the massacres in Syria" to be brought to the International Criminal Court in The Hague. The letter is signed by 53 members of the United Nations, almost all of those in Europe, many Asian and four African countries. - ANSWER - SO, and their complain : even for themselves, for all the troops of Salafi Al Qaeda. Arab League, that NATO CIA, has led in Syria, has make massacres, against, people innocent: that were neutral, in the conflict, or those that: win only see the massacres, of those who lose?
[ammiraglio61 . wordpres] [ intopic . it] []Al Queda, CIA NATO MOSSAD SALAFIS[] Mossad agents: with three units of al-Qaida that have attacked the camp of Yarmouk. Mossad agents three units of al-Qaida that have attacked the camp of Yarmouk The battle raged on Dec. 9 in the Palestinian refugee camp of Yarmouk (south of Damascus) revealed new alliances. The strategic objective was to engage the Palestinians in the war in Syria, mobilizing on a sectarian basis (mostly Sunni) against the secular regime. But otherwise of Lebanon in 2007, when the mercenaries of Fatah al-Islam habbo tried to mobilize the Palestinians of Nahr al-Bared against Hezbollah, the refugees were not allowed to manipulate. Elements of Hamas, Khaled Meshaal favor, they let in the fighters of the Front-Nusra (Levantine branch of al-Qaeda) in the field, where they clashed especially with men of the PFLP (nationalists and Marxists).
J. F. Kennedy was assassinated, because he printed banknotes (Executive Order 11110), On behalf of the people. His successor freemason: (damn, burn in hell) with his first act of government, withdrew the money of people - free of seigniorage banking: of satan, from the market. iRONY: is called the governor, the servant of Rothschild in his ECB, IMF, FED, because, its power is higher than that of a Head of State. Abu Antar has posted a comment 11 hours ago: " Eat your spam posted by yourself! "- ANSWER- if you wanted to offend me? this is only a problem between you and the Holy Spirit, I do not regard too, I always prefer to believe, to all: that: the people say, to me! because I can not run the danger of hurting an innocent person! after all, my power is too immense, because someone could be so naive as to lie to me.. Do yourself and your family a favor... Don't Fall into the Sheeple Pit.. TURN OFF YOUR TELEVISION! Ignore the TV Media. Investigate 911
1_2. [the triumph of Satan: IMF Pharisees] the logic of the Pharisees is close to completion now, its infiltration, is too: invasive in all: institutions, monetary, political and religious ... [lo, the New World Order, 666, of seigniorage banking: of: all the false Governments Masonic] through the Cartesian planes consistent, you can pick up, all your information about: 1. Bildenberg, etc.. 2. private banking system: international: FED ECB to SPA: multinational corporations, 3. Satanists 4. aliens, 5. Jewish lobbies: of all monopolies, 6. other structures of the New World Order as the EU, NATO CIA .. then, you for: yourself, you can process in a concise, overlapping: the whole, ie, all the organization: of these structures, in order to obtain: a unified whole: as a three-dimensional image: of what can be achieved by the IMF of the Pharisees .. So what is the logic (that: it may be possible)?
2_2. [the triumph of Satan: IMF Pharisees] only this: you will be able to guess what might be: the missing pieces of your puzzle, only in this way, you will be able to understand, what is the logic of IMF-NWO, Bush and Rothschild can not predict: no civilization, Jewish-Christian, Islam, never, national identity!: we will come all destroyed, in the most sophisticated bondage of supernatural and technological, that: break every hope and no resistance is possible! in this 3 ° WW nuclear: we will fight: one against: the others, unaware, of the threat. so that the kingdom of 666 IMF: the synagogue of Satan, micro-chip, which has already: all too many: and: its structures and institutions.. that: only Satan is worshiped as the only God of this planet! after all: all structures of the NWO are invisible to the people! thus the threat can not be perceived
1_2. [il trionfo di satana: nel FMI dei farisei] la logica dei farisei: è vicina al suo compimento, ormai, la sua infiltrazione, è troppo: invasiva: in tutte: le istituzioni, monetarie, politiche e religiose... [ecco: il Nuovo Ordine Mondiale, 666, del signoraggio bancario: di: tutti i falsi Governi massonici] attraverso, dei piani cartesiani sovrapponibili: tu potrai raccogliere, tutte le tue informazioni, circa: 1. bildenberg, ecc.. 2. sistema bancario privato: internazionale: FED BCE; all SPA: multinazionali, 3. satanisti; 4. alieni, 5. lobby ebraiche: di ogni monopolio, 6. altre strutture del NWO: come la UE, NATO CIA.. poi, tu stesso, puoi elaborare, in modo sintetico, sovrapponendo: tutta, la organizzazione: di queste strutture, al fine di ottenere: un tutto unitario: come una immagine tridimensionale: di quello che potrà essere realizzato dal FMI dei farisei .. allora, quale è la logica(che: può essere possibile)?
2_2. [il trionfo di satana: nel FMI dei farisei] solo così: tu potrai intuire cosa potrebbero essere: i tasselli mancanti, del tuo puzzle, soltanto così, tu potrai capire, quale è, la logica del FMI-NWO, essa non può prevedere: nessuna civiltà, ebraico-cristiana, islam, nessuna: identità nazionale!: noi verremo distrutti tutti, nella più sofisticata schiavitù: di ordine soprannaturale e tecnologico: che: spezzerà ogni speranza: e nessuna resistenza sarà più possibile! in questa 3°WW: nucleare: noi combatteremo: gli uni contro: gli altri: inconsapevoli della minaccia reale. affinché: il regno di 666 FMI: sinagoga di satana: micro-chip, che, ha già: tutte e troppe: sue strutture ed istituzioni: ... affinché: soltanto satana: sia adorato come unico Dio: di questo pianeta! dopo tutto: tutte le strutture del NWO sono invisibili al popolo! quindi la minaccia non può essere percepita
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HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
11 minuti fa
what kind of war they won Americans (American-dogs: 666 IMF, 322, NWO) in Iraq?, if, the only one people, that, have been made, for be extinguish, were, only, 1200.000: Christians martyrs?, who, had been quiet with Saddam... but, this is clear, the IMF-NO, today is raising imperialism saudi arabia, because, one day media Jewish world will say, that, it has become essential, to a world war III, against Islam satanic nazi.
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
46 minuti fa
@ Russia - what, you are a bitch! you want to sell, also, my comment, to recover your money, to Cipro, from the IMF 666? how, you has to sell, your sailors, killed, into nuclear submarine? Certainly, for a prostitute like you, everything has a price! then, you too will soon go to destruction with all, your money, cursed by Satan, IMF god owl JabullOn! but, if, you do not destroy the IMF? War III world, Necessarily, needs to be addressed! and then, that Matter to us if all Muslims together with Israel, were exterminated all togheter? no! to me, it matters, Because That Is My Own Kingdom of Palestine!
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa
@ Russia animals - dirty! lol. is because last night, you saw a home movie porn, for that matter, that the Enlightened: 666 Pharisees of the IMF, they decided to punish you to Cyprus? .. that's for sure! with, three scams, that is, three false accounting, the IMF, took control of all power, for all those, who want to be blackmailed (intelligente, smart, IMF is Iran), is the true arbiter of life and death, of all human beings, on this planet .. but, then, what's wrong if the Holy Talmud, said to do so? goyim are not only the animals in human form?
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa
because the money from god-Rothschild 666, god Baal OWL is created, really, since by "nothing"? then: there is no interest, of give, due to "nothing." then: is the debt: public, and, as the debt: private, are the greatest wear and, big usury, of the story .. This said, the scientist Giacinto Auriti, therefore: the case of Cyprus, was planned: to "punish" Russia! in fact, as: it is easy to show: there are too many steps: where it is essential to do the accounting fraud: in the monetary system .. because: the money is created out of nothing, but then when, is purchased with: government bonds, the budget is closed: zero! then, where it ends, then, the first 100%: of money of the world? (Source: scientist Giacinto Auriti)
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa
poiché, il denaro dal dio-Rothschild 666, god Baal OWL, viene creato, veramente, dal: "nulla"? poi non è dovuto nessun interesse al: "nulla". quindi il debito pubblico, ed il debito privato sono la più grande usura, strozzinaggio della storia.. questo ha detto lo scienziato Giacinto Auriti, di conseguenza il caso Cipro, è stato pianificato per "punire" la Russia! infatti, come è facile dimostrare sono troppi i passaggi dove è indispensabile fare falso in bilancio nel sistema monetario.. perché il denaro viene creato dal nulla, ma, poi, quando viene comprato con i titoli di Stato, il bilancio viene chiuso a zero? dove finisce, il primo 100% del denaro di tutto il mondo? (fonte: scienziato Giacinto Auriti)
NoahTheNephilim ha pubblicato un commento
9 ore fa
il caso CIPRO? è l'unica soluzione agli squilibri, che, il criminale sistema monetario: massonico, privato SpA, del signoraggio bancario, ha creato.. diversamente? è la guerra mondiale la sola soluzione!
of course, also Obama and all politicians and all Masons, they all deserve, to be: put to death for high: betrayal! because, they have pretended: to the voters (of all peoples, in all the false: democracies Masonic of bank seigniorage) to have real power, while in reality, the waiter of Rothschild: 666 IMF, and the waiter: of Bush 322 NWO? they have a greater power: of the President of the United States!, from this point of view, no one is more idiotic of the King of Saudi Arabia, which he has made: of himself a allies of Americans! because, there are: not: Americans, Christians, puppet politicians, institutions, religions, etc. .. but politically exists, only the masonry of the IMF! Israel will be destroyed: of course: and you would be much better, for you! if you had never been born! this is the hour of darkness!
ovviamente, anche, Obama, e tutti i politici, e tutti i massoni, loro meritano tutti, di essere: messi a morte: per alto: tradimento! perché, loro hanno finto: davanti agli elettori(tutti i popoli: di tutte le false democrazie massoniche del signoraggio bancario) di avere un potere reale, mentre, in realtà: il cameriare di: Rothschild 666 FMI, ed il cameriere: di Bush 322 NWO? loro hanno un potere maggiore: del Presidente degli Stati Uniti, da questo punto di vista: nessuno è più idiota del Re dell'Arabia Saudita, che, lui ha fatto di se stesso, un alleto degli americani! perché, non esistono: americani, cristiani, burattini di politici, istituzioni, religioni, ecc.. ma, politicamente: esiste, soltanto, la massoneria del FMI!
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia •
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I saw, God bless, good work
☦️burn satana ☦️shariah ☦️Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name amen ☦️alleluia ☦️ da un cimitero devi uscire e in un cimitero tu devi entrare definitivamente
☦️ in Jesus's name amen ☦️alleluia ☦️
IBAN: IT55H0760104000001016405753 bisogna passare al SIMEC,
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@ 666 الشيطانية التلمود: CIA ---> الدولة لا ينبغي أن يكون فقط الجلاد: من المواطن، لللقيام الدفع في الناس:٪ 270: من قيمة: من ماله (المصد...
IMF 666 NWO:羅斯柴爾德塔木德goyim。 --->的法利賽人(巴力的祭司臥底)的猶太法典,法利賽人(IMF光明路西法)的拉比(銀行家)和你的家人嗎? 你已經毀了,破壞了整個人類(和宗教機構,你已經做了最壞的打算:受奴役全人類):事實上,神並沒有使壞人! 但是,它...
asasen nan satanallah: yo touye: 300: kretyen mati: inosan: chak jou nan mond lan enperyalis Arabi salafist:! sètadi Al Qaeda] peyi Sir...
@ IMFは666 NWO:goyimためロスチャイルドタルムード。 --->タルムード、パリサイ人のラビ(銀行家)(ルシファーから国際通貨基金(IMF)イルミナティ)のパリサイ人(バアルの祭司おとり)のあなたの家族では? あなたは全人類を(:奴隷に全人類を施すことや宗教機...
satanallah 의 살인자 : 그들이 죽 : 300 : 기독교 순교자 : 무고한 : 제국주의 사우디 Salafi에 세상의 모든 일 :! 즉, 알 카에다] 시리아는 조직에 의해 일시 중지되었습니다 :받는 사람 : 이슬람 협력 (OIC). 결정...
killers ng satanallah: sila pumatay: 300: Christian martir: inosenteng: araw-araw sa mundo sa imperyalismo Saudi Salafi:! ie Al Qaeda] Sy...
hell x despair x destruction (canale nuovo) hanno bloccato IP We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by United with...
è perché non stampate una moneta nazionale, per uso interno, in sovranità monetaria? SOLTANTO GLI USA POSSONO STAMPARE TUTTO IL DENARO FINT...
666 satanic Talmud: CIA ---> the State should not only be the executioner: of the citizen, for to do pay at people: the 270%: of the val...