UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
7 ore fa
@ IsraelNAtionalTV - has visto? el sistema masónico 322: Nuevo Orden Mundial, los nazis KKK 666: FMI señoreaje bancario, ha decidido propagación: el nazismo otra vez (para que pueda revivir la amargura en el pueblo judío, etc ..), porque, en primer lugar, a pesar de , una disculpa formal, y el arrepentimiento expresado, se ha ido: aplicar la pena máxima, pero esta medida anormal, se despiertan: un resentimiento natural, que puede convertir: en los nazis, todos los fans de ese equipo! [Grecia, hace saludo nazi: Katidis: AEK Atenas expulsado de la Asamblea Nacional. pero, él, dijo: "Yo no lo sabía, qué, quería decir '17 de marzo» marzo] mientras que el sentido común nos hubiera gustado una "suspensión" más, una multa, pero la radiación, subir / pérdida, pero, esto es muy intencionada y calculada, para dar lugar, una oposición: el sentimiento de ira .. porque ellos están en el poder? no puede ignorar estos mecanismos psicológicos
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
7 ore fa
[]open letter ti allmy muslims brothers[] lorenzoAllah said: "1. Because all Islamic nations: to buy, the money, from Rothschild: KKK nazi, FED ECB, corporations SpA, IMF 666: occult power, at Bohmian Grove, dod owl Baal, for to give: to him 50% of Their gross, domestic product, for to buy, the money? 2. why, persecute Christians, if, the Jewish Masonic system of banking seigniorage, is 666 Talmud agenda, it was done to destroy: any, monoteism? 3. Because they force all Muslims to carry in Their pockets, the money of Satan, in the mosques, to profane my holy do for Islam?" ---ANSWER -- 1. kill seigniorage bankinf, 2. STOP sHARIA HORROR, or, all will die!
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
7 ore fa
ArcangelusofDarkness publicado un comentario Hace 4 horas Me pregunto QUE AUN NO TE Hayas suicidado POBRE Y aborígenes patetico. Despues De Todo en tu vida yacía HACER un absurdo el spam en el canal principal de youtube, jajaja, me muero de la risa con el Hecho de sólo imaginar que te sorprenda parchada Ver. La Caja de Comentarios de youtube, jajaja, oh mi dios , no Puedo DEJAR de reirme, jajajajajajja .... -- ANSWER -- INTERESANTE! No se encuentra un satanista, que no es ni siquiera un NAZI! INTERESANTE! No se encuentra un satanista, que no es ni siquiera un NAZI!
ArcangelusofDarkness ha pubblicato un commento
11 ore fa
Me sorprende que aun no te hayas suicidado pobre y patético aborigen. Después de todo, tu vida yacía en hacer un absurdo spam en el canal principal de youtube, jajaja, me muero de la risa con el solo hecho de imaginar tu tu sorpresa al ver parchada la caja de comentarios de youtube, jajaja, oh dios mio, no puedo dejar de reirme, jajajajajajja....
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
1 sett. fa
Jihad Abu Antar: sharia horror, said: time ago: "unius Rei is causing sharia law, and wants to do gay marriage, with: synnek1." "" UniusRei3 posted a comment 2 minutes ago I hate niggers and all chinese! "" - Answer - is why Islamists are accomplices of Satanists! slanderer! Idiot, you have Claimed to be a Christian, for: many years, but, in this way, you have proved: That: every Muslim: is a traitor, liar: and murderess! .. of course, is synnek1, master of yoube, Satanist priest, and he has a legal obligation to do all sorts of crimes, he makes both, the: Expense: gay person, Which Also active gay cannibal, etc. .. but, you ugly beast, of Islamist, criminal: of an idolater moon stone? 'Slandering, UniusREI kingdom, and, this crime? will remain, as infamy, for, the Iran, That, has sent him: on this page! because the Jews are not so naive, to put on, to talk, with me .. lol.
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
1 sett. fa
IHateNEWLAYOUT posted a comment 3 hours ago @ UniusRei3 --- not, good news, about, eliminated Youtube: channel: comments - ANSWER - when Satanists These Pharisees, parasites of the IMF-NWO, will be exterminated from the face of the earth ? IHateNEWLAYOUT - is very serious, that, Satanists Koreans, ie, synnek1, they have eliminated: Link to this page from the main channel of youtube [[when I said, that, google, was: into CFR]], because, this is still, however, a grave offense, against, the United States. Americans, when, they are good? when they have to defend: South Korea, against, North Korea?
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
1 sett. fa
IHateNEWLAYOUT my american friend - not enough: that, synnek1 ° pig cannibal, then, half cap of sparkling wine, 666, gone bad, you close: his youtube page, for comments. because I said to him, in all languages, which had come: his time, even for him, to finish: on the altar of Satan, himself .. lol., but now he has offended not only all American employees: of youtube: but, also: the U.S. State, to create: a diplomatic international case .. and: stop my ministry? he: 1. together with MOSSAD, has full of filled with filters youtube, 2. ruined the layout, and, 3. did the Nazis against democracy: why, this is: NWO IMF: id of the Satanists, a real Nazism .. to lift the satanism worldwide
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
1 sett. fa
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento 23 minuti fa IHateNEWLAYOUT -- è molto grave, che, i satanisti coreani, ie, synnek1, loro abbiano eliminato: il link di questa pagina: dal canale principale di youtube [[quando io ho detto che google era nel CFR]], perché questa è comunque, in ogni modo, una grave offesa, contro, gli USA. gli americani, quando loro sono buoni? quando devono difendere, la Corea del Sud, contro, la Corea del Nord?
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
1 sett. fa
Jihad Abu Antar: sharia horror, said: time ago: "unius Rei is causing sharia law, and wants to do gay marriage, with: synnek1." "" UniusRei3 posted a comment 2 minutes ago I hate niggers and all chinese! "" - Answer - is why Islamists are accomplices of Satanists! slanderer! Idiot, you have Claimed to be a Christian, for: many years, but, in this way, you have proved: That: every Muslim: is a traitor, liar: and murderess! .. of course, is synnek1, master of yoube, Satanist priest, and he has a legal obligation to do all sorts of crimes, he makes both, the: expense: gay person, Which Also active gay cannibal, etc. .. but, you ugly beast, of Islamist, criminal: of an idolater moon stone? 'Slandering, UniusREI kingdom, and, this crime? will remain, as infamy, for, the Iran That, has sent you: on this page! anche perché gli ebrei non sono così ingenui da mettersi, a parlare, con me.. lol.
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
1 sett. fa
IHateNEWLAYOUT my american friend - not enough: that, synnek1 ° pig cannibal, then, half cap of sparkling wine, 666, gone bad, you close: his youtube page, for comments. because I said to him, in all languages, which had come: his time, even for him, to finish: on the altar of Satan, himself .. lol., but now he has offended not only all American employees: of youtube: but, also: the U.S. State, to create: a diplomatic international case .. and: stop my ministry? he: 1. together with MOSSAD, has full of filled with filters youtube, 2. ruined the layout, and, 3. did the Nazis against democracy: why, this is: NWO IMF: id of the Satanists, a real Nazism .. to lift the satanism worldwide
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
1 sett. fa
[Queen of Angels: Army deployed in battle: terror of demons] Hail Mary, full of grace and justice, the Lord YHWH, is with you, and, blessed is the fruit of thy womb: Jesus in Bethlehem. Holy Mary, Mother of God and of the Church, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death, amen. Lorenzojhwh unius REI. CSP BCSSML NDSMD VRS NSM VSMQL IVB. "arise": you eternal powers, and all ye: source is: ancient powers, I am your: Unius REI, the realm of planet earth was occupied by monsters, and: this is the work of the butcher, necessarily!
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
1 sett. fa
Abu Antar. said: "unius Rei: is causing: sharia law, and: wants to do: gay marriage, with synnek1." - Answer - Idiot, you have pretended: to be a Christian, for many years, but, in this way, you have proved: That every Muslim: is a traitor, liar and murderess! .. of course, is synnek1, master of youtube, Satanist priest, and he has: a legal obligation: to do all sorts of crimes, he makes: both, passive: gay person, Which: Also: active gay, cannibal, etc. .. but, you ugly: beast, of Islamist, criminal: of an idolater: moon stone? make slandering, against King Unius REI, and this crime? will remain, as, infamy, for: the Iran, That, has sent you: to this page! of course,. @ Iran and Saudi Arabia --- hei, satanAllah sharia, jihad, all the evil you have done, in this 1400 years old, so, against, many unhappy, innocent creatures? now, it is God who brings it, against you!
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
1 sett. fa
@Iran, and Saudi Arabia - anyone, in the world, will meet an Islamist, and, kill him? have : Freedom the whole human race, from, worst nightmare! But is all this, that the Pharisees of the IMF: worked, in their agenda: since decades, however, this is not: it is: a mitigating factor, for you, and, does not diminish your crimes against all mankind, and against the Kingdom of God. because you believe, to be, too numerous to be killed easily? you have put the knife to the throat of the peoples! I'll give you: 24 hours: of time, to declare the freedom of religion: and the secular State. Hugo Chavez is right: Bush is really: evil: occult power, evil masonic system, IMF - NWO, bad, in fact he is 322... the real traitor of the American people. synnek1°PIG 666 IMF Talmud satanic --- Israel will not lose a single soldier, this time, will use nuclear weapons, this time, now
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
1 sett. fa
by [IRAN] Abu Antar: has posted a comment: 1 hour ago: "UniusRei3 posted a comment 2 minutes ago I hate niggers and all chinese!" --- ANSWER - AND, as, every religious maniac?, Ie, as, laveradottrona? also, you too, have slandered me tonight, because you have, one only: devil in common!--- ANSWER -- E COME, ogni maniaco religioso?, cioè, come laveradottrona? anche, tu hai calunniato me: questa sera, perché ,voi avete, un solo demonio in comune! Abu Antar IRAN -- tu sei un cinico assassino! tu hai sputato: sul sangue innocente dei martiri cristiani! e pur di difendere la sharia criminale? tu hai accusato me, di essere un gay... e tutti sanno: che: è impossibile: per un fondamentalista biblico: non soltanto: di essere gay, ma di peccare, gravemente, contro la Torà: anche! l'Iran uccide, e tortura i cristiani, mentre, tu vieni su questa pagina: a fingere di essere un cristiano! come gli islamisti sono dei criminali senza speranza?
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
2 sett. fa
all what: the Arab League is doing, he would not do, though: if, the Pharisees of the IMF, had not promised them not only: 1. the destruction of Israel, but, also, 2. a third position, of super power: nuclear, in the world. and, so, they also, have quantified: any losses, as all the future annexations, deriving from Islamic terrorism, and, from a future war: in the Middle East, here's why: Islamists seek: to consolidate: their positions already captured: in their cruelty, and maximalist position, and they give: for granted: an inevitable war ... but they did not understand, which is only a trap disastrous .. against them and against Israel .. but the evil that they wanted to do against the whole human race?, is soon to fall on them
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
2 sett. fa
L'ODIO LAICISTA CONTRO IL CROCEFISSO: hanno crocifisso il crocifisso! Il simbolo della cultura cristiana è presente anche su 25 bandiere nazionali .. Il crocefisso dà fastidio ai laicisti. Non ai laici. E ancora una volta la scuola e i ragazzi sono usati come strumento politico dai nemici della religione. I laicisti, appunto. Una signora - Soile Lautsi Albertin, cittadina italiana originaria della Finlandia, che nel 2002 aveva chiesto all'istituto comprensivo statale Vittorino da Feltre di Abano Terme (Padova), frequentato dai suoi due figli di 11 e 13 anni, di togliere i crocefissi dalle aule in nome del principio di laicità dello Stato. Dalla direzione della scuola era arrivata risposta negativa e a nulla sono valsi i successivi ricorsi della Lautsi. La signora dimentica che la croce è presente anche sulla bandiera nazionale della Finlandia, suo Paese di origine, insieme ad altri 17 Stati. Tutti laici.
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
2 sett. fa
L'ODIO LAICISTA CONTRO IL CROCEFISSO: hanno crocifisso il crocifisso! Il simbolo della cultura cristiana è presente anche su 25 bandiere nazionali .. Ma non laicisti. Una concezione sbagliata della laicità. La laicità distingue il potere politico dall'autorità religiosa, ma non rinuncia ai simboli culturali del proprio Paese. La laicità è invece l'odio contro la religione, per cercare, nei Paesi cristiani - di ridurre la Chiesa nelle chiese. E' anche un fatto di ignoranza, dato che non è possibile in nessuno dei 194 Stati del mondo separare cultura, storia, religione e società. E naturalmente non è possibile eliminare i loro simboli. La croce rappresenta il fondamento della cultura che ha fondato i Paesi occidentali. Per questo la Corte Costituzionale si era pronunciata così: «Il crocifisso è simbolo di tutti i martiri, al di là della fede religiosa».
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
2 sett. fa
[i mostri salafiti in azione: la religione perversa, è la fine della speranza] IL CAIRO, 1 MAR - Scontri sono esplosi alla chiesa di Mar Girgis a Kom Ombo, nell'Alto Egitto, dove la tensione e' alta da quando un gruppo di manifestanti musulmani ha tentato di assaltare la chiesa, nella convinzione che vi sia trattenuta una ragazza musulmana dopo una conversione forzata. Le forze dell'ordine hanno usato lacrimogeni per disperdere i manifestanti che stavano lanciando pietre. E' attivo un imponente dispositivo di sicurezza, con una ventina di mezzi e blindati della polizia. (ANSA).
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
2 sett. fa
of course, I will bring all the nations of the world, to make the world war, only, against Islam, as long as it will not be made, illegal as the Nazis .. because, one, only nation that has the sharia?, will always be the pretext for the Islamists to kill innocent people, then, all muslims country, must remove sharia, on all the world, or will be III World War, against only Islam NAZI... but, only me, i will destroy masonic state of israel, is why, i am kingdom of palestine, for universal brotherhood, but, this my love is impossible with sharia... if, Israel was: the religious problem of the Middle East. why Islamists kill 300 innocent martyrs christian, every day? Arabs secular, however, had denied the existence of Israel...
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
2 sett. fa
[about Israel] Although Satanists do not believe to be human beings, but they are the sons of the demons, for me, they are always human beings .. and I hope not to be forced to do evil, or to kill anyone, but I see That this is just impossible! how could Israel survive in the midst of madmen terrorists who kill innocent people, for reasons related to religion? and who believe: to do: an worship for God: that is, to kill, to: expand their imperialism? Israel is just desperate! because the Islamists are killers, with no possibility of understanding, they are monsters, mindless, and without respect for human rights. without respect of freedom of religions
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
2 sett. fa
although Satanists do not believe to be human beings, but they are the sons of the demons, for me they are always human beings .. and I hope not to be forced to do evil, or to kill anyone, but I see that this is just impossible! come potrebbe: Israele sopravvivere: in mezzo ai pazzi: terroristi, che ammazzano, persone innocenti, per motivi inerenti la religione? e che ritengono: di fare: un culto a Dio: cioè, di uccidere ,per poter: espandere il loro imperialismo? Israele è soltanto disperato! perché gli islamisti sono degli assassini, senza possibilità di comprensione, sono dei mostri, senza cervello, e senza il rispetto dei diritti umani
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
2 sett. fa
[la dimostrazione di come tutte le religioni, mentono, circa, Dio] e questa: "quando una religione dice: queste stronzate(cioè, si salvano, soltanto, queli che, sono come noi), cioè, sputa, bestemmia, contro, la legge naturale, quindi, dimostra: da se stessa: di non conoscere i veri sentimenti: di Dio.. ma, CustodeDellaFede, è un maniaco religioso: come gli islamisti, farisei, iduisti, ecc... e come tutte le ideologie, come evoluzionismo ateismo, satanismo, comunismo, ecc.. in verità, la maggior parte dei cristiani?: non sono come lui.. ma, il 70% di tutte le persone religiose nel mondo? sono proprio come lui.. così, lui è il simbolo della malvagità, stupidità, razzismo, (mentre tutti sappiamo, che, Dio è perfetto in modo infinito, e, che, Lui non può avere dei limiti).. ma, per colpa dei fanatici religiosi, crimini orrori e violenze, contro: persone innocenti, non dovrebbero mai finire. ora BASTA!
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
2 sett. fa
@ King of Saudi Arabia [your curse Islamic? is an infinite horror.] --- The West Satanists and Freemasons: are: all the children of the Pharisees: the satanic talmud: ie, afenda IMF: that is NWO. and all their occult powers, Bildenberg, multinational companies, etc. .. ? They are much more compact and powerful: of, as were been: the Christian West, because they are under the control of one man. Illuminati, that, they let you: many get fat, like the beast of a pig, not only because, they want to destroy Christianity (even through: you), but, because, you avesti enough, smoke in your eye, so as to be able to think, that, you could win .. but this is the truth: you are the best of the Satanists, in fact, you will represent, the collapse of Islam: the destruction total of Islam, as, also: the defeat of monotheism, on the world. and you will become into hell: one of the four faces of Satan, only!
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
2 sett. fa
my young friend gay: he was holding a prayer book, taken from the shrine of Santa Rita, said to me today, "I am a devotee: of Santa Rita, you know an exorcist? I want to have a date: with him ! ".. and because he did not want to know more from me? I have been silent, with him, because I have no intention of being sued by the association of lesbians .. but this is the truth, about, all those who have sex with many people ... the demons of one? Then, add up, with: the demons of other, then, are an corporation: with all demons, to everyone else: crazy full demons! but, in fact, the Bible has always said, that these horrible practices: against: nature or sexual freedom? do very badly, very badly: for your health!
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
2 sett. fa
il mio giovane amico gay: lui aveva in mano un libro di preghiere, preso dal santuario di Santa Rita, ha detto a me: oggi, " io sono un devoto di Santa Rita, tu conosci un esorcista? io voglio avere un appuntamento con lui!" .. e poiché, lui non voleva sapere, altro, da me? io sono stato in silenzio, con lui, perché, io non ho nessuna intenzione di essere querelato, dalla associazione delle lesbiche.. ma, questa è la verità, circa, tutti coloro, che, hanno rapporti sessuali con molte persone... i demoni di uno? poi, si assommano, ai demoni di tutti gli altri! ma, infatti, la Bibbia ha sempre detto, che, queste pratiche orribili: contro: natura: oppure la liberta sessuale? fanno molto male, in modo molto grave: alla salute!
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
2 sett. fa
1. those who go against the natural law? will suffer! 2, who goes against unius REI? will be consumed! @ King of Saudi Arabia - the one and the other: will be against you, because of your satanic religion! the extent of the anger, is all: at the height of God is against you! it's your fault, if the Pharisees and all their Freemasons and Satanists, can not yet be removed! it's your fault if World War III can not be avoided ... your fault if my HOLY ISLAM, will be disintegrated as the Nazis ... and as you are the curse of hell? only, the hell knows, a man all full of lies and evil! @ 666 synnek1 --- I'm sorry my son, to make you suffer so much, but if it were not indispensable, all this, suffer, for you, and for all my enemy ? I would not have ever made: you suffer, I know, as, suffer too much: all criminals on all the world: for my fault!
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
2 sett. fa
@666 synnek1 --- I'm sorry my son, to make you suffer so much, but if it were not indispensable, all this, suffer, for you, and for all my enemy? I would not have ever made you suffer, so, too much: all criminals on all the world! @ synnek1 - that's why many souls to hell (billion), are racing to form the holographic image of the Shroud of Turin, because, one Jew who, with magic kabbalh, has achieved through the shroud of turin through black magic, is the same jew, that, as in 1200, has donated to a body to the demons, for do to aliens --ecco perché molte anime dell'inferno(miliardi) , sono tutte corse, a formare l'immagine oleografica della Sindone di Torino, perché quell'ebreo che attraverso la kabbalh ha realizzato la sindone di torino attraverso la magia nera, è lo stesso che nel 1200, a donato un corpo ai demoni per fare gli alieni
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
2 sett. fa
@synnek1 -- It is this, IS BEEN: THE Jesus' parable: about, the kingdom of God: in fact, the guests did not come (ie, all Religions), because they were not worthy! "" So the servants of the king were sent to the streets to gather all the people, without distinction, so that they could get all sinners.. the most disturbing part of my power. is that just me I can deliver, the salvation from the disintegration, of the Day of Judgment, to all the souls, who have fallen into hell .. but, they must prove to me, now, to do the good guys even in hell
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
2 sett. fa
@ 666 --- in fact, you trying to demolish my faith in unius REI? you have said to be afraid of me, 1. therefore, you have declared my superiority on all Satanists, 2. so, then, of course, my superiority is even over: all Peoples ,ecc.. , how, over on, many other ... because it is true that: 1. Satanists are more certain, and, 2. less hypocritical than all the others ... maybe they are forced into this by the horror of their crimes, and the fear of being themselves convicts to death at any moment ... -- ANSWER --- in fact, every man must learn to live, listening to teachings: unius of REI: because, ALSO, my monarchy is also a pyramid
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
2 sett. fa
@ Synnek1 - I have been denied by all, also, even by Christians, THAT, perhaps, were scandalized by me, for that story, I'm sitting: on the Throne of God, but that, then, I do not think, of be, I better than none, or more than anyone .. and also, that my truth, has only one value, only: for me: private / individual ... but, you, ie: Satanism international, you were the only one in the whole world that has been able to believe in me. here's why: it is, with the satanists: I will build my kingdom: the universal brotherhood! for it is written: "The last will be the first, it is in this way that I will bring: agnostic atheists, prostitutes, homosexuals and Satanists. I will bring all of you: in Paradise" UniusRei3 UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento 2 minuti fa lol. You're a great guy, you do not ever get tired of suffering, around me ... maybe yours is an expiatory suffering
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
2 sett. fa
[sacking of Syria in favor of imperialism: terrorist Salafi Al Qaeda(without human rights and freedom of religion): the encirclement of Israel?: it has become perfect! ] Kerry (skull and bones: 322) in Rome, --- tomorrow meeting on Syria on February 27, Syria, U.S. ready for change: direct aid to the rebels anti-Assad ((whose massacres, are made against the people, who do not want to be forced to fight in this conflict .. are never convicted)) Alongside Washington 666, there are at least four: Masonic: European countries. Britain, France, Germany and Italy .. [no, this is not the way: to deal with Islamic religious maniacs, anyway!]
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
2 sett. fa
[sacking of Syria in favor of imperialism: terrorist Salafi Al Qaeda(without human rights and freedom of religion): the encirclement of Israel?: it has become perfect! ] Kerry (skull and bones: 322) in Rome, --- For now: no arms, but vehicles and equipment. Kerry will be discussed at the summit on Thursday in Rome. the weapons are provided: from countries such as Qatar, Libya, Turkey and Saudi Arabia: from the beginning have sent weapons to the rebels while: the CIA was limited to a mission of coordination. weapons anti-tank Manufactured in Croatia, were purchased: with Saudi money: and transferred, it seems, from cargo planes Jordanians. Then they were delivered: a unit of insurgents, that: they act in the area of Dera. A mechanism, however, the Americans want to skirt: in a move more directly.[no, this is not the way: to deal with Islamic religious maniacs, anyway!]
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
2 sett. fa
becouse, Rothschild, not can tell: "I give my money only, but, you are, that, do your wars!" --ANSWER-- but, how many: associations: secret masonic satanic: SpA services: thou hast done, from 1200: but, how many: conspiracy, murder (which, has forced, the Jews to be deported, hundreds, of times, expelled from all European countries), in order to plunder: the States of all their sovereign prerogative? today you are the criminal, who can lead, with your the hands (massoneria, satanismo, Bildenberg, Triaterale, corporations, control: every monopoly, control of the information, and politics, etc. .. all of your Central Banks : FED ECB: etc. ..), all peoples, now, are blinded: to can throw, all them down: from the edge of a cliff.. here's why: Saudi Arabia is blackmailing: and preventing: Israel's attack against Iran, because she wants, to annex, first: at its imperialism: sharia horror the Syria
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
2 sett. fa
why, Rothschild, not can tell: "I give my money only, but, you do wars!" --ANSWER-- WHEN the IMF, he made the foundation of the Bank of England: it is then that he was born the modern banking seigniorage, and: the 22 luglio 1944, to Bretton Woods (Carroll (New Hampshire)) system of monetary: management established: the rules financial relations: among the states, Since: then, money has, become, completely virtual, having the same: never more: an coverage in gold. so, only the seigniorage banking: Makes an cost: of: 100%, as a other: 100%: is the: bebt: Public, while a 70%. is given: the mechanism of: fractional reserve banking: for the debt private .. but, no people, is can survive, with a cost: of money, which, is equal to 270%..
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
2 sett. fa
Having had the honor: by God, to sit on his Throne? certain: it is not a holiday, for me, for: all: the grueling fighting, that: I have to support: every day, but if my faith is not: it is built on falsehood? then, I will not disappointed! all my enemy, no criminal can survive, to the attack of my ministry .. no my enemy will say, "I have passed unscathed: the attack of: Unius REI!" [[why, Rothschild 666 IMF: he can not say, "I do and give, my money to you (by: none: constitutional principle, which?), but are you that, you decide to kill, between you". no! 'because: IMF do, an money costs: of: 270% (scientist Giacinto Auriti), but,IMF, you do not have 2.7: planets to exploit, to keep alive: we, his slaves, yet for a long time]] and because fraud is not to be discovered? then, all depositors: must die: en masse, because: the bodies do not have the habit of going to the bank to check, if their money: is no exists longer
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
2 sett. fa
Avere avuto l'onore: da Dio stesso, di sedere sul trono? certo: non è una vacanza: per me, per: tutti: gli estenanti combattimenti, che: io devo sostenere: ogni giorno, ma, se la mia fede: non: è costruita sulla falsità? allora, non andrà delusa! nessun mio nemico criminale, potrà sopravvivere, all'attacco del mio ministero.. nessun mio nemico: potrà dire: "io ho superato incolume: l'attacco di Unius REI!" [[perché, Rothschild 666 FMI: lui non può dire: "io do, soltanto, i miei soldi a voi(in base: a quale principio Costituzionale?), ma, siete voi, che, decidete di uccidervi, tra di voi." perché: il denaro costa: il 270%(scienziato Giacinto Auriti), e tu FMI, tu non hai 2,7: pianeti da sfruttare, per conservare in vita: noi, i tuoi schiavi, ancora, per molto tempo]] e perché la truffa non deve essere scoperta? allora i correntisti devono morire in massa, perché i cadaveri non hanno la abitudine di andare in banca a controllare, se, il loro denaro non esiste più
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
2 sett. fa
to all governments - do not be afraid, because killing: between, your killers, pigs in Freemasonry: Bildenberg, all satanists cannibal, etc. .. is not an act of war, but it is only an act of patriotism to liberate, all peoples: from: the occult powers of banking seigniorage! when your soldiers are taken? you can always say that, is not an act of aggression: of one nation, against another nation, but that was: unius REI, the political project of the King of Israel, that has order: to you this, for prevent III world War nuclear.. ... I'm not afraid to talk to the beasts of Satan... EvolutionisReligion ha pubblicato un commento 8 ore fa
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
2 sett. fa
@ China Russia India, etc. .. -> "What? Thing? We have to send: our innocent children (soldiers) to kill each other, because: 666 and 322: Rothschild: Bush, you enjoy the show again, again and again? This is absurd! You can prepare. a good number of killers, however, because, only, international criminals, they die, this time! " @Cina Russia India, ecc.. --> "che? cosa? noi dobbiamo mandare i nostri bambini innocenti(i soldati) ad uccidersi tra di loro, perché 666 Rothschild e 322: Bush, si godano lo spettacolo, ancora una volta? questo è veramente assurdo! voi potete preparare, un buon numero di killer, invece, perché, soltanto, i criminali internazionali, debbano morire, questa volta!"
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
2 sett. fa
@Obama, tutti i Governi, youtube google CIA OBAMA IMF FED BCE synnek1 NWO 322 -- cannibal voodoo priest of Satan --- your obstinate silence?, can be interpreted, only, in the worst more possible way, only., wake up, or your world will collapse in head ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz said me: "this ugly story of the Pharisees: Satanists IMF: and their occult powers: of Satanism Freemasonry and Bildenberg? for the destruction of Israel and the extermination of peoples? etc.. etc. .. ? must end today! questa brutta storia di farisei: satanisti del FMI: e dei loro poteri occulti: di satanismo massoneria e bildenberg? per la distruzione di Israele: e per lo sterminio dei popoli? ecc. ecc.. ? deve finire oggi stesso!"
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
2 sett. fa
synnek1, and, TheVArious7 (cannibal 666, voodoo)[are one only: organization to conquer the world] -- is one only satanism international for do: 200.000 human sacrifice: on altair of satan.. is talmud IMF kabbalah FED ECB; agenda, for destroy Israel, ie, masonic system of banking seigniorage, the largest project: Masonic, of: social engineering, for the destruction of monotheism, and therefore, for the destruction of Freemasonry itself .. because, they are the Satanists, and their alien, to prevail, also: because: The King of Saudi Arabia, he thinks to do war: against: the innocent Christians. because, in every difficulty: the Islamists will be most useful for him .. but, he not know, that, in World War III, in fact, it was expected, the extermination of all mankind. and when the survivors, ie the cannibals: come out of their underground shelters? every, hope, any hope, will die!
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
2 sett. fa
lorenzoALLAH ha pubblicato un commento 11 ore fa @ Synnek1 --- the fault is not yours, but, is of your organization: International, who does not know the sense of proportion ... Before she was sworn in, Psy 666 rapper performed: his: hit world Gangnam Style: blasfemy. In her address, Park did not speak about her personal history, marked by tragedy.] That is very serious our best political, is so, too idiot, helpless: about occult powers. .. but, if. she was smart? then, there is a reason to believe in hope: still. [25/02/2013 13:49 SOUTH KOREA, Park takes office amid the sound 666, voodoo: of: Style of Gangnam]
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
2 sett. fa
@666 IMF [you have put peoples on the brink] 25/02/2013. SOUTH KOREA. Economic miracle and Gangnam Style: that is 666 youtube. Park Geun-hye took office today as the new president of South Korea during a ceremony in the National Assembly .. moved into the Blue House [here the folly and recklessness, our politicians, in all the false democracies of the bank seigniorage, about the real extent of occult powers, and the extension of ideology of Satanism IMF, which in fact has real control: of the economy, ie, the real power.] with the promise of "a new era of happiness" for South Korea, the first female president: the country: he was appointed for five years. Now a warning to the North: "If you will not renounce nuclear, will be the first victim of his own policy." The revival of the economy is one of the dominant themes of his speech, in which he has not mentioned: the dictatorship of the father.
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
2 sett. fa
Qatar looking for: hopelessly: the condanNati to death or life imprisonment to be sent to Syria. FEBRUARY 25 - The Court of Appeal: in Doha sentenced: 15 years: of imprisonment: the poet Qatar: Muhammad al-Ajami - Reducing the punishment: of life imprisonment, that: he had been Imposed at first instance. only, for having written a poem. The lawyer for the 36-year old al-Ajami has said he will appeal. The poet was arrested for his poem Entitled 'Gelsomino' starred in cui, that'' we are all facing, Tunisia, repressive elite.'' (ANSA). - ANSWER - AND IS VERY repressive elite .. lol. THIS: IS SHOWN been: THE POET has had, VERY REASON, it is true: what he said: WITH HIS POETRY, the Islamists, are all: MONSTERS criminals, terrorists bloodthirsty: religious maniacs, imperialist, all hopeless
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
2 sett. fa
synnek1 666 IMF NWO [all the occult powers: Bildenberg] - I know, that you have eroded over the decades: all prerogatives, constitutional, you also disarmed the American people, now what? there is to be removed, too, now, the useless: freedom of thought and speech, against: Unius REI, to demonstrate what: it means, really the Masonic system of bank seigniorage, really! synnek1 666 IMF NWO [tutti i poteri occulti: Bildenberg]-- Synnek1 posted a comment 1 day ago: [You Are My Sworn Enemy And I Will Show No Mercy] - ANSWER - IT IS NOT MY FAULT IF YOU ARE THAT criminal, THAT IS FULL OF SATAN
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
2 sett. fa
Synnek1 said: 10 ore fa: "." --ANSWER-- "Man is like grass, and its glory is like the grass of the field, but the Word of the Lord endures: in ETERNAL!" .. no you, you can not: write, the point (.), because, I am unius REI: only. you have set, all Mankind, on the brink of the abyss, and if you do not surrender to me?, your order crazy agenda idiot, will be a tragedy. "l'uomo è come l'erba e la sua gloria: è come l'erba dei campi, ma, la Parola del Signore rimane in Eterno!" .. non sei tu, che, tu puoi scrivere, il punto(.), perché, sono io Unius REI. voi avete messo, tutto il Genere umano, sul baratro dell'abisso, e se non vi arrendete a me?, la vostra fine sarà una tragedia.
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
2 sett. fa
as it exists, the King of Kings: YHWH in heaven, so, today, there is the King of kings: on earth: in fact, I'm unius REI, the political project of the King of Israel, for the kingdom of Palestine, the only option, against: the planned destruction: by the Pharisees: of IMF 666, Baal Peor, god owl, at Bohemian Grove, for do slavery: against: of all whole human race, after: world War III. terror: is came before me, and hell follows me, for burn all my enemies. I have something that can not be addressed, because my truth and my righteousness: not: can be matched by anyone. I am the most important man, in the entire history of Humankind. only because the occult powers of all the false democracies Masonic, of banking seigniorage, Bildenberg, in fact, they are the powers of Satanism, ideological and practical, they hit: Christian civilization, only because their agenda: is the destruction of the human, in every man
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
2 sett. fa
Christians innocent and peaceful, woke up: suddenly, at the dawn of World War III, in a horrible way: controlled by Masonic and occult powers:of banking seigniorage, into a world torn by conflicting visions imperialist and ideological, and religious, where, his 666 background, of each: already, planned and programmed: sectarian division, is why, will be the Satanism: of the Pharisees: IMF FED ECB of their NWO, to win, so, the Pharisees of the NWO, 322: 666. can say, finally, we have disintegrated Israel, and now Satan, may be all in all, finally. @IHateNEWLAYOUT -- your presence is no longer necessary, the crystal ball was been broken
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
2 sett. fa
anyway God already showed me Heaven and hell, These jews/Zionists act like kids fighting over nothing, I wonder if some one made small nuclear fish to swim up the river to wipe them out so there is nothing more for them to fight over, God always has the answers to life, because no one on earth knows the true power and glory of God, they just fight over every thing, they are so stupid they don't even build ... thus granting longer lasting life for all, Simple common sense, God was very clear longer lasting life is required for space travel as well as building upon other planets,pharisees Illuminati IMF, have turned very evil, against Israel, and God shall shake them down to the ground soon, for they are not of repentance, The real Hebrew, my brothers people, know that those pharisees shall burn in hell: for going against God: JHWH, Jesus Christ is very clear, pharisees are a cursed people
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
2 sett. fa
[[Illuminati IMF Pharisees, they stole the technology, Because Their goal is our destruction]] is 40 years, that our machines could walk, with to water (H2O), but, like, the Islamists' religious maniacs, they could make the agenda of the Talmud Pharisees of the IMF, if Christians were not made to kill, by them ? now, these Islamists who now think they are omnipotent, will bring you all, at the Third World War, because of course, their satanAllah, will give them success, [[Illuminati IMF Pharisees, they stole the technology, Because Their goal is our destruction]]
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
2 sett. fa
[[Illuminati IMF Pharisees, they stole the technology, because their goal is our destruction]]Joseph Pal said: With so many things wrong with the world, it is better to build whole new cities and with plasma concrete they would be very efficient cities, roads that levitate vehicles, you look at the past and the ancient monolithic structures and how they built them as well as the designs and the shapes, the plasma rocks fit perfectly together, plus the structures last thousands of years, the building would be limit less as well as the designs, You design a city with the transport of services by magnetic levitation, like under ground waste systems so there is no waste pick up, same for stores to have a levitation system to bring the goods all below ground, as well as the industry should be centered on the edge of a city, so you under stand some thing grand in the new type of building construction because this would change every thing for the better, the new Golden age,
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
2 sett. fa
@ 666 NWO: FED google, Jewish lobbies, for destroy Israel, ie, talmud agenda: of of the Masonic system, ---- but, as chief executive of: youtube, are no longer suitable me: that, no synnek1? sorry me, my friend lizard for this: low blow: against you ... but my uncle, the Pharisee Rothschild of 666 IMF: he said to me: "You can kill to gain power, just as, we have murdered President Kennedy, when he put in doubt: our bank seigniorage with the Executive Order 11110, "- ANSWER - NO! I HAVE ANSWERED to him, Unius REI does not need to kill someone, to take power, because, I'm already the power of God's Kingdom. if, you have changed your mind, and, if you decided to live, again? then you can live, still.
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
2 sett. fa
@666 google -- bastardo, tu hai messo qui, i sacerdoti di satana, per rovinare tutto il genere umano. I want the place: synnek1 in youtube. those who can not speak, to reason: of the huge number: for his crimes? then he should not, never speak. (you can not take: the best, both of the day, as well as the better of the night). why, who is silent, and then refuse dialogue, as synnek1: has did with me, forever? Besides, he says by alone: that he have to hide many: skeletons in the closet. You take me, in his place: in youtube director, "because, I do not have" property rights "to claim, as him" ... this, I have not figured it out yet .. that, if he makes a man too rich: for more money, when too many people: they die of hunger in the world?
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
2 sett. fa
Abu Antar --- why, you hate PSY? and: satanist international institutional: ie, LILILlLILILILlLl that burm plag of USA, when Obama: has gave to them, the most technology secret, and dangerous, and, their do: 200.000 human sacrific: for satan, and participating in projects: more secrets, such as, artificial intelligence(A.I.) in google, ecc. and projcts Aliens Abductions, with the navy: of France, and ISrael.. shame on you: Obama, who your heroes Satanists, burn the American flag... this is the betrayal: that: you have done: with: Rothschild 666 IMF, and, Bush 322 NWO. ie, all satanic Bildenberg, ecc.. occult masonic power
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
2 sett. fa
about, Iran and Syria? Saudi Arabia is blackmailing Israel, today ... but this is the truth: "Iran and Syria would be: the true allies of Israel, thanks to me: unius REI, and this will be a valuable strategic alliance for: IRAN SYRIA AND ISRAEL!" Thus, if Saudi Arabia did not: want, to be crushed herself, she will have to surrender to me unius REI, and finally grant freedom of religion, which alone could avert World War III! I protect the Buddhists, ok! but, when, they regain their independence? are like Hindus they too begin, with the murder of innocent Christian martyrs! io proteggo i buddisti, ok! ma, quando loro recuperano la indipendenza? sono come gli induisti, anche loro, incominciano, ad uccidere i cristiani martiri innocenti!
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
2 sett. fa
ANSAmed) - MADRID, FEBRUARY 25 - The Court of Appeal in Doha sentenced: 15 years of imprisonment: the poet Qatar: Muhammad al-Ajami - reducing the punishment of life: that: he had been imposed at first instance - for having written a poem deemed hostile to the regime of Qatar. The lawyer for the 36-year old al-Ajami has said he will appeal. The poet was arrested for his poem entitled 'Gelsomino' in which she starred, that'' we are all facing, Tunisia, repressive elite.'' (ANSA). --ANSWER -- AND IS VERY repressive elite.. lol. THIS: IS been SHOWN: THE POET has had, VERY REASON, it is true: what he said: WITH HIS POETRY, the islamists, are all: MONSTERS ARE DAMN bloodthirsty: religious maniacs, hopeless imperialist
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
2 sett. fa
BastaBugie 240. of 13 April 2012. WANT AS PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC. Napolitano presents a woman for the Quirinale: some say Emma Bonino ... But who is Emma Bonino: Bildenberg? Hardly anyone the vote despite the high visibility in the media ... BastaBugie 221. of 2 December 2011. COMPANIES 'SECRET TO WHICH BELONGS MARIO MONTI: TOGETHER WITH DRAGONS AND MARIO ENRICO LETTA ... IN THE PAST AND BILL CLINTON AND TONY BLAIR. We show also the shocking video where Mario Monti says that states must give up their sovereignty to Europe of technocrats. wrote William Vincent Shannon, not exactly a paranoid conspiracy theorist, but a prestigious journalist, editor of the New York Times and U.S. ambassador to Ireland under President Carter (1977-1981): "The Bilderberg members are building the era of post-nationalism: when we will not have countries, but rather regions of the earth surrounded by universal values.
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
2 sett. fa
synnek1, Ihatenewlyout --[I'm sorry for you, for, this your story with Satan because Satan is bad]--- the fact that you can not speak with me confidentially? this really is: a very bad sign .. but, I do not think, that it is, for an your responsibility .. I do not I want to do you harm, never! In fact, your life is precious to me, I know: your identity, but, for me, will always be a secret, your identity! I do not I will never hurt you! but, my wrath will hurl: against: the powerful who: have stolen the sovereignty, to the Kingdom of God. because, I am Unius REI synnek1°Master youtube --- what you are doing to protect the Christian martyrs? You know, for myself? I will not ask anything!
- because the money from god-Rothschild 666, god Baal OWL is created, really, since by "nothing"? then: there is no interest, of give, due to "nothing." then: is the debt: public, and, as the debt: private, are the greatest wear and, big usury, of the story .. This said, the scientist Giacinto Auriti, therefore: the case of Cyprus, was planned: to "punish" Russia! in fact, as: it is easy to show: there are too many steps: where it is essential to do the accounting fraud: in the monetary system .. because: the money is created out of nothing, but then when, is purchased with: government bonds, the budget is closed: zero! then, where it ends, then, the first 100%: of money of the world? (Source: scientist Giacinto Auriti)
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commentopoiché, il denaro dal dio-Rothschild 666, god Baal OWL, viene creato, veramente, dal: "nulla"? poi non è dovuto nessun interesse al: "nulla". quindi il debito pubblico, ed il debito privato sono la più grande usura, strozzinaggio della storia.. questo ha detto lo scienziato Giacinto Auriti, di conseguenza il caso Cipro, è stato pianificato per "punire" la Russia! infatti, come è facile dimostrare sono troppi i passaggi dove è indispensabile fare falso in bilancio nel sistema monetario.. perché il denaro viene creato dal nulla, ma, poi, quando viene comprato con i titoli di Stato, il bilancio viene chiuso a zero? dove finisce, il primo 100% del denaro di tutto il mondo? (fonte: scienziato Giacinto Auriti)
NoahTheNephilim ha pubblicato un commentoil caso CIPRO? è l'unica soluzione agli squilibri, che, il criminale sistema monetario: massonico, privato SpA, del signoraggio bancario, ha creato.. diversamente? è la guerra mondiale la sola soluzione!
MyJHWH ha pubblicato un commentosorry for all this violence, it is not my style!, but, without, this my violence? none of you, could survive, and, soon, the planet would be surrounded by, flame atomic, too, because, only a king on, all the world, could counteract, the power of the Satanists Pharisees, in their pyramid of IMF-NWO. because, it is after, World War III, which, the Pharisees, they thought, to impose them, Unius666REI, ie, their anti-Christ, to all the peoples, desperate .. so, before, Enlightened burn, everything, through, the atomic fire, it is the case, that, we, the peoples, and their governments, we can anticipate, in our favor, the agenda, of the Pharisees, too many moments, of crisis, international, for invoke, the presence of a strong mediator, to avoid the worst! you can not have a war, against, the secret technology USA 666 IMF occult power, and, alien abductions, ie, all Satanists Americans! because even the aliens are demons!
MyJHWH ha pubblicato un commentosorry, per tutto questa violenza, non è nel mio stile!, ma, senza questa mia violenza? nessuno di voi, potrebbe sopravvivere, e, presto, il pianetà sarebbe circondato, da fiamme atomiche, anche, perché, soltanto un Re, su tutto il mondo, potrebbe contrastare, il potere dei satanisti farisei, nella loro piramide, del FMI-NWO. perché, è dopo, la III guerra mondiale, che, i farisei, hanno pensato, di imporre il loro, Unius666REI, cioè, il loro anticristo, a tutti i popoli disperati.. così, prima di bruciare, ogni cosa, attravero, il fuoco atomico, è il caso, che, noi, i popoli, e i loro governi, noi possiamo antipare, a nostro favore, la agenda, dei farisei, troppi momenti di crisi, internazionale, invocano, la presenza, di un forte mediatore, per scongiurare il peggio! non si può fare una guerra, contro, la tecnologia segreta, ed, aliena, dei satanisti americani! perché anche gli alieni, sono demoni!
MyJHWH ha pubblicato un commentoif they can not resist, all the Satanists against the sting of my righteousness, who, is, and where it is, an some, of antichrist, as, Obama, Zapatero, or, false, criminal religion, which, he wants to come forward to oppose him against me, and my banner? se non riescono a resistere i satanisti, contro, il pungolo della mia giustizia, chi, è, e dove è, qualche anticristo, di Obama, Zapatero, di falsa, criminale religione, che, lui vuole venire avanti, per opporsi lui, idiota, al mio stendardo?
MyJHWH ha pubblicato un commento[the rights of true Christians] What you gain: to join formally, apparently, or, inwardly, to Christianity? which become your rights? 1. you become as, unius REI, too! 2. redemption, Jesus covers, with his blood: all your sins, past, present and future! 3. healing, spiritual or physical: from all diseases, 4. protection from all dangers! 5. the total recovery, about, all losses, that even you yourself have caused to yourself, such as abortion, etc. .. 6,. the right to receive the kidnapping, that is, to be taken up to heaven as: Enock, Elijah and Mary .. and many other rights more ... but, 7. more than anything else: it is possible, you can receive: the divine nature (in fact, without the gift given to men in Christ Messiah: the divine nature?, do not: can you explain,the reason why: 1 / 3 of the angels have committed rebellion, for become the devils!)
MyJHWH ha pubblicato un commentothat is, in Christ alone, you may be sons of God, namely, sharers of the same divine nature of God himself, and you will not believe: the false, smears, that, the Talmud has created, mimicking Christianity, because if the Jews mosaics, did not believe the possibility of the divine nature, for men? then, the Talmud, can not do this magic! [the rights of Christians false] clearly, 1. becomes mandatory: by law, to: be a Christian (although, in false or hypocritical? is okay!), but, 2. nobody will do violence to the conscience and the freedom of the people, 3. only, it will disappear, the demon of all religions, that will end up being an ideology, for to conquer the world! 4. will open an "era" for: peace, and brotherhood in the world!
MyJHWH ha pubblicato un commento[i diritti dei cristiani veri] cosa guadagnate voi: ad aderire formalmente, apparentemente, o interiormente, al cristianesimo? quali diventano i vostri diritti? 1. diventate come Unius REI, anche voi! 2. la redenzione, Gesù copre, con il suo sangue: tutti i vostri peccati, passati, presenti e futuri! 3. la guarigione, interiore e fisica: da tutte le malattie, 4. la protezione da tutti i pericoli! 5. il recupero totale, circa, tutte le perdite, che, anche voi stessi avete causato, a voi stessi, come l'aborto, ecc.. 6,. il diritto a ricevere il rapimento, cioè, ad essere assunti in cielo: come: Enock, Elia e Maria.. e molti altri diritti ancora... ma, 7. più di ogni altra cosa: c'è la possibilità, di poter ricevere: la natura divina, (infatti, senza il dono fatto agli uomini, in Cristo Messiah: della natura divina, non: si può spiegare il motivo, del perché: 1/3, degli angeli: hanno commesso ribellione: diventando demoni!)
MyJHWH ha pubblicato un commentocioè: soltanto in Cristo, si può essere, figli di Dio, cioè, partecipi, della stessa natura divina: di Dio stesso, e, voi non credete: alle patacche false, che, il talmud ha creato, per scimmiottare il cristianesimo, perché, se gli ebrei mosaici, non credevano alla possibilità della natura divina, per gli uomini? poi, il talmud, non può fare questa magia! [i diritti dei cristiani falsi] chiaramente, 1. diventa obbligatorio: per legge, di: essere cristiani (anche, in modo falso, o ipocrita? va bene lo stesso!), ma, 2. nessuno farà violenza: alla coscienza ed alla libertà: delle persone, soltanto, 3. sparirà, il demone di tutte e religioni, che finirnno di essere una ideologia per la conquista del mondo! 4. si aprirà un era: di pace, e di fratellanza, in tutto il mondo!
MyJHWH ha pubblicato un commento[accursed wretches! how many martyrs christians innocent, you killed, and you did kill with your silence?] now, i see, as, you love your false religion, you are willing to die as martyrs, during, the imminent: World War III! because, if you do not accept my authority, of course, you will demonstrate, to all your false gods idols, your loyalty! [maledetti, disgraziati! quanti martiri cristiani innocenti, voi avete ucciso, e voi avete fatto uccidere, con, la vostra omertà?] adesso vediamo, se, voi per amore della vostra falsa religione, voi siete disposti a morire come martiri, durante la III guerra mondiale! perché, se non accettate la mia autorità, certamente, avrete modo di dimostrare al vostro falso Dio, la vostra fedeltà!
MyJHWH ha pubblicato un commento[a tutti i miei borbottatori, oppositori!] chi di voi è: Unius REI? allora, è soltanto sua, la verità, della FEDE, e la verità della storia! questo, è, quindi, stato dimostrato, dalla potenza, di questo, mio ministero: laico e metafisico: "soltanto, Gesù di Betlemme: è la verità della storia!", tuttavia, 1. a chi, io ho chiesto, di rinunciare alla propria religione, o alle proprie tradizioni? oppure, a chi, io ho chiesto, di entrare in una Chiesa, per chiedere: formalmente: il battesimo? Quindi, io offro il Cristanesimo di desiderio, ed il battesimo di desiderio, in maniera interiore, o mistica, cioè, per la potenza della FEDE, nella Bibbia:
MyJHWH ha pubblicato un commento[a tutti i miei borbottatori, oppositori!] questo, è un cristianesimo di desiderio: perché, è scritto "chiunque, invocherà: il nome del Signore, sarà salvato!". e poiché, il cristianesimo: è diventato un atto politicamente, indispensabile, obbligatorio, per realizzare la fratellanza universale, e: per sfuggire alla programmata: III guerra mondiale, tutti possono dire, che: la propria attitudine cristiana, è soltanto, una attitudine: politicamente formale: e non è reale, perché, 1. poi, nella coscienza delle persone, può entrare, soltanto, lo Spirito Santo. 2. e, il sacramento del battesimo, può essere amministrato legalmente, da ogni cristiano, già battezzato in precedenza.
MyJHWH ha pubblicato un commento@CustodeDellaFede ---- to pretend to be you a true Christian? you're an abomination! dirty, cruel, evil one! but, I am a politician, and a politician hurts, only criminals .. and then, Jesus said: "He who is without sin cast the first stone!" but, I do not think, really, that you can throw stone against someone ... which is a shame for you, because, as a religious maniac that, you are?, you must hate the sin and not the sinner! --- per pretendere di essere tu un cristiano? tu sei sporco, crudele, maligno! io sono un politico, ed un politico fa del male soltanto ai criminali, .. e poi, Gesù ha detto: "chi è senza peccato, scagli la prima pietra!" ma, io non credo, proprio, che, tu puoi scagliare pietra, contro, qualcuno... cosa che è per te una infamia, perché come religioso maniaco?, tu devi odiare il peccato e non il peccatore!
lorenzoALLAH ha pubblicato un commento1_7.[sorry, c'è Gandi e Gesù: contro, il FMI 666, NWO 322] è vero che, io ho detto, non ha nessuna importanza per me, circa, tutto quello, che, le persone vogliono credere, o non credere. Io non sono interessato, alla religione delle persone. Quindi, io non avrei mai immaginato, che, la METAFISICA, cioè, la sapienza eterna, in forma laica e politica, avrebbe chiesto, di obbligare, al cristianesimo: "interiore" tutti i popoli, per superare, tutti i motivi di conflitto, pacificamente. perché, "la favola del cristianesimo", è il valore assolutamente, più nobile, che, esiste, ecco perché, ad incominciare dai satanisti, come, anche, tutte le altre religioni, e tutte le altre: ideologie, hanno fatto sempre del male, ai cristiani innocenti(perché, tutti loro, a questo livello, di degradazione sono stati condotti dai possessori del potere più vasto, oscuro, e, occulto della storia, gli Illuminati, i padroni farisei, del FMI).
lorenzoALLAH ha pubblicato un commento2_7.[sorry, c'è Gandi e Gesù: contro, il FMI 666, NWO 322] Bene: ha detto: il Ministro degli interni dell'India: "non esiste, nessuna difficoltà, che, può incrinare: le amichevoli relazioni, tra, India ed Italia", ed io ho pensato, che, è soltanto, il FMI-NWO, che, ha disperatamente bisogno: di una: III guerra mondiale, per non crollare (perché, non c'è nessuno, che, può fare pagare il suo denaro (in disprezzo di ogni sovranità costituzionalmente, sancita), il 270% del suo valore: fonte: Scienziato Giacinto Auriti) senza portare, alla disperazione, i popoli, e quindi, lui ha anche, mille strumenti, per portare, i popoli, sul piano del conflitto armato. ma, se, grazie, ai valori Cristiani, di perdono, amore, compassione, uguaglianza, e soprattutto di donazione, di se stessi, che, Gesù ha certamente, dimostrato nella sua vita, noi possiamo superare: negli insegnamenti del Vangelo, ogni evento conflittuale.
lorenzoALLAH ha pubblicato un commento3_7.[sorry, c'è Gandi e Gesù: contro, il FMI 666, NWO 322] (e non dobbiamo dimenticare, come, l'Induista Gandhi(è stato ad un solo: passo, da diventare cristiano, lui stesso), ha vissuto: tutti i principi evangelici: della compassione: solidarietà, e della non violenza), tutti i momenti: più critici, e quindi, sul loro: perfetto esempio, noi possiamo evitare, in questo modo, la III guerra mondiale, che, gli Illuminati hanno già pianificato. in questo modo, sarà: il FMI a crollare da solo, ed io voglio assistere, al mometo: in cui, tutti gli Illuminati finiranno in galera. se: quindi, noi tutti fingiamo, anche, in modo, solamente, esteriore: di aderire ai valori evangelici (dichiarando, formalmente, noi stessi, su tutto il pianeta, di essere, diventati tutti cristiani), dopo, che, per secoli, la sinagoga di satana, prendendo, il monopolio, del potere reale, attraverso, al fondazione della banca di Inghilterra,
lorenzoALLAH ha pubblicato un commento4_7.[sorry, c'è Gandi e Gesù: contro, il FMI 666, NWO 322] ha tentato di distruggere, in tutti i modi, tali valori evangelici(inventando, comunismo, democrazia massonica, ecc.. ed attraverso, le infiltrazioni, nella gerarchia ecclesiastica, stessa, cioè, i mannari"), ecco che, noi possiamo realizzare, una civiltà dell'amore, e della solidarietà, e sconfiggere, sul piano culturale, e, spirituale, la malvagità, satanica del talmud: dei farisei: cioè, il nazismo, del processo, di schiavizzazione dei goym, gli animali, dalla forma umana, creati dal loro demonio dio, per fare, soltanto, la felicità degli ebrei, i satanici sfruttatori e commercianti di schiavi. Ecco perché, da un punto di vista laico, cioè, al di fuori di ogni religione, il simbolo del crocifisso, deve diventare, il simbolo stesso, della unità, del genere umano, e deve essere rappresentato, in ogni pubblico ufficio,
lorenzoALLAH ha pubblicato un commento5_7.[sorry, c'è Gandi e Gesù: contro, il FMI 666, NWO 322] come è: proprio, dello Stato italiano, che, è per l'appunto, rappresenta se stesso, nel crocifisso, mentre, in realtà, è uno stato laico, aconfessionale, anticlericale e massonico, di fatto assai ostile: al cristianesimo. quindi, soltanto, grazie a questa unità universale, dei valori evangelici, la III guerra mondiale: potrà essere evitata. Così, anche se, soltanto, sul piano formale, tutti anche, se, atei, devono dichiarare, di essere cristiani e di fare riferimento, ai principi evangelici, della non violenza e dell'amore, dei nemici, perché, ogni provocazione, possa essere scongiurata, [(infatti, lo scopo delle assciazioni segrete, è quello di essere segrete anche al loro interno)(è come, il sodalizio, che, i satanisti istituzionali hanno tra, di loro, per poter trarre, un illecito guadagno, dalla predazione di persone innocenti)].
lorenzoALLAH ha pubblicato un commento6_7.[sorry, c'è Gandi e Gesù: contro, il FMI 666, NWO 322] cioè, scongiurare, ogni, manovra occulta, delle lobby massoniche segrete, che in funzione del FMI, possano portare i popoli al massacro senza speranza di una III guerra mondiale.. e si possa rispondere, non, con le armi, a qualsiasi forma di provocazione e di conflitto, ma, reagendo, attraverso, il dialogo, l'arbitrato internazionale, ecc.. con la sottomissione, il perdono, richiamando tutti popoli alla eredità spirituale e culturale del Vangelo, per quanto utopistico questo possa sembrare.. il nostro pianeta: è come: una polveriera, e: ogni scintilla: di provocazione(articicialmente ed occultamente posa in essere, dai poteri massonici e finanziari): deve essere affogata: nella umiltà, perdono: e porgere l'altra guancia, e offrire: al presunto nemico,
lorenzoALLAH ha pubblicato un commento7_7.[sorry, c'è Gandi e Gesù: contro, il FMI 666, NWO 322] il nostro perdono: in modo incondizionato (come fanno: i martiri cristiani, in tutto il mondo). diversamente, il genere umano, potrebbe: non: poter sopravvivere più, alla propria malvagità. e di questa conclusione, della mia metafisica? io sono più meravigliato, di voi, e di tutti, perché, io non avrei mai potuto immaginare, che, questa è l'unica soluzione possibile, per salvare tutto il genere umano ,dalla estinzione. inoltre, in alternativa, se, voi non ascoltate, ed ubbidite, a quello, che, io ho detto? voi vi potete fare, sempre, questa elettrizzante esperienza, della III guerra mondiale, che è, già stata pianificata, per massacrare tutti i musulmani, insieme, ad Israele (così muoia Sansone, insieme a tutti i filistei).
lorenzoALLAH ha pubblicato un commentoquesto è l'odio dei satanisti istituzionali, contro, il loro stesso popolo, e contro, tutti i popoli, perché ,è questa la agenda del FMI- NWO v
AUDIOHOSTEM187 ha pubblicato un commentoDear "Americans": FUCK OFF AND DIE!
KingxKingdom ha pubblicato un commento[for the first time, after five years, and after: 14.600 hours worked: in youtube] I was forced to the following: political act: it is an inevitable action to prevent World War III! is not: an act of apostasy, or give up their religious identity, and it is not, the migrate, to another religion, but, it is a call to Christianity, as an act: cultural and political! because: the real cristianity, is an interior act, and that is, to have a personal relationship with God! is the only weapon that people, and all Peoples have, against, the Illuminati Pharisees Satanism: IMF 666, 322, NWO, otherwise,, Israel can not be saved
KingxKingdom ha pubblicato un commento[per la prima volta, dopo cinque anni, e, dopo14.600: ore di lavoro in youtube] io sono stato costretto a questo: atto politico: che, è un atto inevitabile, per evitare la III guerra mondiale! non è: un atto di apostasia, o di rinuncia alla propria dentità religiosa, e non è neanche, il migrare, verso un'altra religione, ma, è una chiamata al cristianesimo, come un atto: culturale e politico! perché: il vero cristanesimo, è un atto interiore, ed è: avere una personale relazione con Dio! è l'unica arma, che i popoli hanno contro, il satanismo dei farisei: 666 FMI, 322, NWO, diversalemte, Israele non potrà essere salvato
KingxKingdom ha pubblicato un commentoThis is why, the human race, can not be saved from destruction, moral, spiritual, political, Financial data, masonic system, for banking seigniorage, ideological, if not quickly becomes a Christian world, this is: a call to conversion for all peoples, but is also a political act, because, Jesus Christ is the way of all things! for me this is not a religious act, because it comes from my political Ministry universal, that is, the Metaphysics, and takes place, for the first time, after 5 years, of my ministry Unius REI, I have given youtube: 5 years (365 days), 8 hours a day, every day, but this is my first act, as the result of a process, political, and not religious .. In fact, the process, of enslavement: of: IMF-NWO satan's synagogue, against, the whole human race, is running only, in the direction of destruction of Christianity,
KingxKingdom ha pubblicato un commentoperché, voi avete paura? fare del cristianesimo una religione? significa distruggere il cristianesimo stesso, il cristianesimo vero: è soltanto: una personale relazione con Dio, questo è: il REgno di Dio, "Dove Dio regna: con i suoi attributi di infinita perfezione, e non di satanismo, come vuole l'Islam coranico, ecc.." fare la volontà di Dio, cioè, dove Dio regna con la sua volontà, di libertà ed amore, ed è impensabile, di concepire, che, Dio possa creare l'uomo, per distruggerlo, se, lui non aderisce: ad uno specfico credo religioso.. da questo punto di vista: io dico: "ogni religione è idolatria!"
KingxKingdom ha pubblicato un commentoe poiché, Gesù ha detto:"la verità, viene dai giudei", io prometto a voi ebrei, ed a tutti i popoli, di poter godere, il ristoro e la gioia, delle proprie autentiche, religioni nazioni, e storiche, nella vera luce di Dio Amore e misericordia, giustizia infinita, nella fratellanza universale: cioè, la METAFISICA della legge naturale, perché, con il Re Salomone?, il vero ebraismo, andò perduto, ecco perché, lui fu costretto, a dare, a sua moglie: la Regina di Saba, la vera Arca della Alleanza!
KingxKingdom ha pubblicato un commento[chiamata alla conversione] poiché, i Farisei del FMI, Illuminati da lucifero, hanno il controllo: del denaro(dell'Occidente) dal 1200, come, Dante Alighieri ha denunciato: nella Divina Commedia, come, oggi hanno il controllo del denaro: di quasi tutto il mondo, allora, è logico dedurre, che, siano stati proprio loro, quelli che hanno progettato ed indotto, tutte le persecuzioni contro gli ebrei, dal 1200.. che hanno creato il comunismo e la democrazia, hanno impedito, la evoluzione teologica dell'Islam e dell'Induismo, Buddismo, ecc.. tutt, sempre, in chiave anti-cristana. e poiché loro sono la sinagoga di satana, quindi il loro obiettivo è soffocare la speranza di Israele, con l'annientamento della entità sionista, in questo modo diventare cristiani, non è soltanto porre se stessi nella verità della Storia e della Rivelazione, ma, è il modo più efficace per combattere il satanismo del FMI-NWO, anche
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commentoI have overcome, the fear, five years ago, when Jesus in the Gospel, read at random, from a carpenter, in the chapel of the Oratory, because I did not have with me, reading glasses, said: "No one is the master of his life that is, to live one more minute, as if to say, do not be afraid and, you have trust me, because I know what is best for you! " io ho vinto la paura 5 anni fa, quando Gesù nel Vangelo, letto a caso, da un muratore, nella cappella dell'oratorio, perché io non avevo con me, gli occhiali da lettura, disse: "nessuno è il padrone della sua vita, cioè, di poter vivere un solo minuto di più, come a dire, non avere paura e fidati di me, perché, io so cosa è meglio per te!"
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commentoto all Peoples --- I know that by becoming Christians, you are involved in too many hardships, and conflicts, but, this is the truth, the kingdom of God is not done, for cowards.
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento@ Jew, Jewish community - it is true, Jesus appeared to many people (also, to many, many Muslims, in which Jesus appeared, that is, where: You can not preach the gospel without being killed), and many of them: have chosen the path of the witness of martyrdom, as he did: even the Pharisee Paul of Tarsus, the greatest of the Apostles, the real founder of Christianity, but we can not think of wanting to ourselves, this apparition, because, every appearance could be misleading, but, indeed, as every intuition of the heart, can not fail. I'm not: the same scientific proof of the divinity of Jesus? if you have not guessed, this is for you, and, for all your staff, call to salvation, for your conversion to Christianity.
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento@Ebreo, ebrea -- è vero, Gesù è apparso a troppe persone(e a tanti, troppi musulmani, a cui Gesù: è apparso, cioè, dove: non è possibile annunciare il vangelo, senza essere uccisi), e molti di loro: hanno scelto la strada della testimonianza del martirio, come ha fatto: anche, il fariseo Paolo di Tarso, il più grande degli Apostoli, il vero fondatore del Cristianesimo, ma, noi non possiamo pensare di desiderare per noi stessi, questa apparizione, perché, ogni apparizione potrebbe essere menzognera, mentre, ogni intuito del cuore, non può fallire. non sono io stesso una prova scientica della divinità di Gesù? se non lo hai capito, questa è per te, la tua personale, chiamata alla salvezza, per la tua conversione al cristianesimo.
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commentoJews - is not difficult for a pure heart, to recognize that Jesus of Bethlehem, is why, he is the true Messiah, who was this: the discovery intuitive, of Gandhi! but, partly for the sake of his people, and in part, for the scandal, which the Christians had given, to him, he decided then not to become a Christian .. perhaps the time has come, that Snow White wakes up from his sleep deadly! no one can make: a good investment: for the future: of her children: in do harm to the peoples, through, the banking seigniorage. and all occult power. ..
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commentoebrei -- non è difficile per un cuore puro, di riconoscere che, Gesù di Betlemme, è il vero Messiah, che, è stata questa la scoperta intuitiva, di Gandhi! ma, in parte per amore del suo popolo, ed in parte, per lo scandalo, che, i cristiani gli avevano dato, lui decise, successivamente, di non diventare più un cristiano.. forse è arrivato il momento, che biancaneve si svegli dal suo sonno mortale! nessuno può fare un buon investimento per il futuro dei suoi figli, nel fare del male, ai popoli, attraverso, il signoraggio bancario
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commentomy YHWH - you have seen? are themselves, who call,the their own destruction, as, the evidence which they need in order to believe in You, my God! mon YHWH - vous avez vu? sont eux-mêmes, qui appellent, de la destruction de leur propre, que, les éléments de preuve dont ils ont besoin pour croire en Toi, mon Dieu! मेरे YHWH - तुम्हें देखा है? खुद कर रहे हैं, जो कहते हैं, अपने स्वयं के विनाश के रूप में, सबूत है जो वे क्रम में करने के लिए आप में विश्वास है, मेरे भगवान की जरूरत है! il mio YHWH - avete visto? sono essi stessi, che chiamano, la loro stessa distruzione, in quanto, gli elementi di prova di cui hanno bisogno per credere in Te, mio Dio!
Satan has deceived the whole world until the woman: of Rev 12: delivers the true word: of God: Rev 12:5. She is church, she is Israel, and she is Mary. She is the prophet like unto Moses and Elijah, ie unius REI. Matt 17:3, Acts 3:21-23, Luke 1:17. delivering the true word. John 1:1. from, the wilderness, Rev 12:6, to prepare a people, for the Lord's return. God our Father will not put, any child of his into a hell fire, no matter what, Their sins. It never Entered, the heart or mind of God to ever do such a thing Jer7: 31, Jer 19:5 (God is not a religious maniac as Salafis, Islamists and Pharisees, etc ...). Turn your heart to the children of God. A gift is now delivered, and, proven to the whole world as a witness, Matt 00:14 .. A righteous, judge ALL gathers evidence before making a Judgment. If you are called to know the true word-Prove all things. God chose unius REI.
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
3 sett. fa
[against CRIMINALs] Philippians 3.17-21; 4.1. Brothers and sisters, join in imitating me, and observe those who live according to the example you have in us. For many(666, 322, IMF NWO, microchip, Farisei salfiti, islamisti, ecc..) live as enemies of the cross of Christ; I have often told you of them, and now I tell you even with tears. Their end is destruction; their god is the belly (pene, malvagità avidità, potere); and their glory is in their shame; their minds are set on earthly things. But our citizenship is in heaven, and it is from there that we are expecting a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. He will transform the body of our humiliation that it may be conformed to the body of his glory, by the power that also enables him: to make all things subject to himself(kingdom UNIUS REI). Therefore, my brothers and sisters, whom I love and long for, my joy and crown, stand firm in the Lord, in this way, my beloved.
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
3 sett. fa
@synnek1°satanist criminal, priest cannibal voodoo, for do 200.000 human sacrifice, on altair of satana, every Year, for loro of his satan synagogue Baal MArduck, FED ECB 322, masonic system: agenda talmud, IMF-NWO: microchip, to destroy ISrael ---- on up, do not be too offended, after all, you're quite used to take it in the ass, also, often ... lol. .. lol. and then, it is not my fault, if I ever, see you, always, as my viewer, between, my sniper rifle, from the other side of the trench.
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
3 sett. fa
from [["" IsraelNationalTv "", Arutz Sheva news "]] @ benjamin netanyahu, eih, Bibi - before: of all, the apostolic community? were all Jews, indeed, even Jesus was born in Bethlehem (and we know: what does this mean) and not only that, he proclaimed the kingdom of Israel, which is why he was killed by the Pharisees, usurious lenders: of: IMF 666, Baal Peor, who wanted to steal the banking seigniorage - ANSWER - tHIS, is ALL: also, 100. MILLIONS OF CHRISTIAN MARTYRS aRE TO BE ADDED, also, to all the JEWISH MARTYRS oF THE HOLOCAUST, in fact, if we do not it, we are cheat, on the complexity of the story, it must be said, who kills a Christian is like killing a jew,. is why, then, Israel can kill, that's why, you are authorized by me to make a preemptive nuclear attack against Saudi Arabia, and kill the Pharisees Enlightened: immediately.
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
3 sett. fa
@ synnek1 ° criminal IMF NWO --- because you did not: ever, wanted to do: a dialogue honest with me in all these five years?, then, is obvious: you have shown that, Satanism, of: IMF, it really is: a criminal conspiracy: the destruction of all people, and because they are Satanists, like you, the Freemasons of seigniorage banking, to have taken control: South Korea, Giappore, and the U.S., as, I I can say, at the, North Korea, China, etc..: you do not: you have to do IMMEDIATELY: a nuclear attack: preventive, because, with all becoming: 666 army invisible: jet, elicotteri: HIGH ALTITUDE, and satellite, with, laser, the U.S. can prevent: also, for a fly to take off ... thing you're doing, in favor of the Christian martyrs, because I have to have mercy, again, of your life, again?
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
3 sett. fa
02/22/2013. PAKISTAN - [Rascals jihad SHARIA, Islamists TERRORISTS moon: IDOL, for Imperialism SAUDI ARABIA]] Pakistan Ambassador Sherry Rehman under investigation for being against blasphemy law. She could be tried and get life in prison or death in the case of a conviction,. Supreme Court justices accepted the petition of a Multan businessman who had filed a complaint years ago. Ms Rehman had called for changes to the black law. The court's ruling outrages activists and Catholic leaders. Islamabad (AsiaNews) - Pakistan's Supreme Court has authorised an investigation on blasphemy charges of Sherry Rehman, Pakistani ambassador to the United States and a leader in President Asif Ali Zardari's Pakistan People's Party (PPP). Coming years after a complaint was lodged against her, the court's decision has caused an uproar among civil society groups and the Catholic Church.
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
3 sett. fa
PAKISTAN - [Rascals, Islamists TERRORIsTS moon: IDOL jihad sharia, for Imperialism SAUDI ARABIA]] Such an investigation is another example of the abusive use of the 'black law', which has already cost the lives of Punjab Governor Salman Taseer (murdered on 4 January 2011) and Minority Minister Shahbaz Bhatti (a Catholic who was shot 30 times on 2 March 2011). The case against the diplomat goes back to the fall of 2010 when Asia Bibi affair became front page news around the world. Ms Bibi is a Christian mother of five sentenced to death on blasphemy charges who is still waiting for her appeal to be heard. During a talk show and in an interview with AsiaNews, Ms Rehman called for changes to the blasphemy law to prevent abuses. To this effect, she presented a draft proposal in parliament, which was eventually dropped a few months later following threats against her from Islamic groups.
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
3 sett. fa
PAKISTAN - [Rascals, Islamists TERRORIsTS moon: IDOL, for Imperialism SAUDI ARABIA]] After she came out against the law, a businessman in Multan (Punjab), Muhammad Faheem, filed a complaint against her for blasphemy, a charge that can end in life in prison and even the death penalty. Initially, police turned down his application, but he persisted and went to the High Court and eventually the Supreme Court, which yesterday agreed with his request. In the meantime, Ms Rehman was sent to Washington as ambassador to protect her from vendettas or attacks. Now she faces arrest and possibly a long sentence. Human rights groups and activists have expressed their disappointment with the court's decision, noting that it is further evidence of the abusive application of the blasphemy law, used more often than not against innocent victims like teenager Rimsha Masih.
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
3 sett. fa
PAKISTAN - [Rascals, Islamists TERRORITS moon: IDOL, for Imperialism SAUDI ARABIA]] Mgr Rufin Anthony, bishop of Islamabad-Rawalpindi, spoke to AsiaNews about the case. Visibly saddened by the decision, he explained that "the blasphemy law is used to settle personal disputes and vendettas." In his view, it is now "time to call for interfaith harmony and reduce growing intolerance." [ISLAMISTS TERRORISTS MOON IDOL IMPERIALISM SAUDI ARABIA]
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
3 sett. fa
[ISLAMISTS TERRORITS MOON IDOL IMPERIALISM SAUDI ARABIA] 02/22/2013. INDIA. Islamists suspected in Hyderabad attack: 18 dead and over 100 injured.. This morning, the Minister of the Interior visited the area of the twin bombing and victims at the hospital. Investigators speculate the involvement of Indian Mujahideen groups, but there is no official confirmation. Maximum alert in Mumbai and all over Maharashtra. It was the first attack since September 2011. Hyderabad (AsiaNews / Agencies) - This morning the Indian Minister of the Interior Sushil Kumar Shinde visited the sites of two explosions that yesterday hit the city of Hyderabad, in the state of Andhra Pradesh central-east India, causing 18 deaths and 119 wounded. According to the senior official said, the bombs were placed inside two bicycles at a distance of about 150 from a fruit market full of people. At the moment there are no official claims of responsibility, but suspicions are focusing on a local Islamic extremist fringe.
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
3 sett. fa
i am son of God: JHWH, you will burn 666 IMF FED. [This is the swan song: the Catholic Church!] The violation of the main human right: the dehumanization, the priest in trouble! [No more no perfume Gospel in celibacy: that: is imposed, the diocesan clergy: as an act of idolatry: a tear, tearing: against: history, against: tradition, against: theology, against: the sacraments and against: the same: God's Wordof!] ["gay lobby" and: modernism, are: the drift Masonic: of, a church, which does not: it includes more: prophecy, charisma, secularism : and the sense of history, in fact, no, has more, even, in his consciousness, the guilty: of seigniorage banking: This is the death: of the Apostolic Church] long before the resignation of the Pope as a few months ago, for example , are: two were priests, and Darius Ozko: Ariel Stefano Levi, of, Gualdo, to: denounce in separate publications: the problem of so-called "gay lobby
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
3 sett. fa
[This is the swan song: the Catholic Church!] That: it would be branched in ecclesiastical circles. According to Fr Ariel: that: he writes in the second chapter of the book 'And Satan came triune', published by Bonanno, the problem of "psychological omosessualizzazione" of the Church is: still more: the case of dangerous, pedophilia. if: in fact the problem of pedophilia has touched small numbers of, priests, homosexuality, at least, as, trend (or as, symbiotic bond isituzionale: linked to clericalization: that has seen use, ideological celibacy that not: it may be that, if: not: is an exclusive relationship with God alone, but is a bond of, type, institutional and idolatrous), it would be rather widespread. for the record, this assessment: find: confirm the Instruction of the Congregation for Catholic Education: published in October 2008, That establishes "guidelines,[as the prophet Isaiah: I flogged all, and I had no respect for anyone]
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
3 sett. fa
[This is the swan song: the Catholic Church!] For the use of Psychology in and: the formation of candidates to the priesthood. "" It is to the Church, to choose the people That, believes suitable: the pastoral ministry, and is: his right and: duty: check: the presence of the qualities required: in those: that, she admits to the sacred ministry ". [fact: too many priestly vocations: they have been excluded, and too many others have been lost and too many other, were forced to homosexuality and pedophilia] "The priestly ministry, understood and: experienced as, conformation to Christ requires - clarifies Education - skills and: virtue 'moral and: theological incurred: to balance human and: psychic and particularly affective, I know, to allow the subject of, be adequately predisposed to a donation of, Himself, if, is: truly free in the report, with the faithful: but, only in a celibate life. "[as the prophet Isaiah: I flogged all, and I had no respect for anyone]
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
3 sett. fa
i am son of God: JHWH, you will burn 666 IMF FED. [This is the swan song: the Catholic Church!] A choice made quite difficult, as, is: easy to understand, by the dominant culture: masonic and criminal, That, considers chastity, a choice unnatural, and: homosexuality, a possible option, like heterosexuality. Candidates for the priesthood not: come from another planet: they themselves suffer: the conditioning of such a vision, which is touted by the media. October 30, 2008: said: "That those, today ask of, entering the seminary: reflect, so: more: or less: Pronounced, discomfort, of, an: emerging mentality characterized, by consumerism, instability, in family relationships and: social, to moral relativism, erroneous visions: the sexuality, the precariousness: choices, and a systematic: of, denial of values, especially, the media. "[as the prophet Isaiah: I flogged all, and I had no respect for anyone]
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
3 sett. fa
i am son of God: JHWH, you will burn 666 IMF FED. [This is the swan song: the Catholic Church!] Moreover, concludes the document anticipation: of, fact: that: that, these days we read in newspapers, "the errors of, discernment in vocations not: are: rare and: too many mental ineptitude, more: or less pathological kind, reveal themselves: only: after: priestly ordination. [fact: too many priestly vocations: they have been excluded, and too many others have been lost and too many have been aaltre forced to homosexuality and pedophilia] from this point of view, is not only a betrayal of the individual, the violation of celibacy, becomes, a sin of a corporate instituzione, that can not be more evangelical, simply because, it has ceased to be human, in its values fundamental.[as the prophet Isaiah: I flogged all, and I had no respect for anyone]
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
3 sett. fa
just a single drop of poison, to make deadly all the soup.. Because the books of religion: were subtracted: from the Holy inspiration: they were written: and used to be: an act of Satanism and imperialism. [FOR all: RELIGIOUS MANIACS of every religion] as, are atheists laicists, also, Because evolution is a religion, also: as, Islamists, Pharisees, sedevacantists, etc.. .. as: CustodeDellaFede? the lives of people who, not: believe with them? are all heretical! but, has no value, the life of heretical, because, all hereticals: will be destroied by God, I know, it is an act of virtue, if, they can kill all heretics,, before they can corrupt other people, who, have an right doctrine, like them! this is obvious: they do not know God: in a personal way! in fact, they are a tragedy without end!
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
3 sett. fa
@ to all the rich - all the love that you can choose, of not want to receive from me, is equal to all the evil, That, I can do to you!]. Abu Antar has posted a comment 8 hours ago I think unius Rei and Synnek1 love each other very much. - ANSWER - unius REI, NOT has: an EMOTIONAL LOVE SO, not even, for: his wife or, for his children, there is NOT: an emotional love in unius REI .. synnek1 is not a Satanist, That could be to recover, without, personal intervention of God himself! [@ to all the rich - all the love that you can choose, of not want to receive from me, is equal to all the evil, That, I can do to you!] unius REI. CSPBCSSMLN DSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ... Because who does not speak of seigniorage banking 666 is a traitor of: Freemason and Satanist 13 king Israel unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSM VSMQLIVB ... vote Magdi Cristiano Allam ... DRINK YOUR POISON, MADE BY YOURSELF [AMEN]
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
3 sett. fa
@google Obama -- qualcuno: sa trovare la medicina giusta: per questo criminale: maniaco religioso: terrorista spirituale, di sedevacantista pieno di odio, che: è sicuro di mandare il paradiso soltanto 1000 persone in tutto il mondo: e che ha fatto di se stesso il complice di tutti i satanisti, come synnek1 ? R:Re:ti prego tu cancella, anche tu, gli ultimi tuoi: due commenti, dalla pagina di /theyearinreview/ perché, proteggendo: i satanisti, tu ti rendi complice: anche: dei doro omicidi, sacrifici umani sull'altare di satana, cannibalismo, ecc...? tu ti rendi complice dei loro crimini.. non cancellando gli ultimi, tuoi due commenti? tu fai un favore enorme ai satanisti -- --> but, NavigatoreItaliano said: "Ahahaha ! la veritá ti fa male ! ATTACCATI AL CAZZO ! [ Inviato a: UniusRei3 20/02/13 ] e poi, lui ha anche bloccato me, anche, sul suo: canale di LaVeraDottrina
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
3 sett. fa
perché tu bestemmi: contro la santità, di Dio, dicendo, "soltanto 1500 persone: possono essere salvate, cioè, tutte quelle: che hanno la mia dottrina religiosa!" rimprovera te: lo Spirito Santo! infatti, tu giudichi: calunniando, pubblicamente: quello che: la tua ignoranza non conosce, calunniando i servi di Dio: come me e Veronica Lueken (pronounced LEW-ken) (July 12, 1923 - August 3, 1995) was a Roman Catholic housewife who lived in Bayside, New York.Veronica fu una fedele figlia della Chiesa. Visse nella Chiesa e morì nella Chiesa.fu sepolta nel Cimitero Cattolico Romano di Monte Santa Maria a Flushing, New York. L'eredità che ha lasciato dietro di sé sarà scritta per sempre negli annali della Chiesa., chi è più pericoloso al mondo di un maniaco religioso? al tempo dei tuoi dogmi , segnati dal tempo? non esisteva in realtà, la pratica della tolleranza, perché sul piano politico ogni virtù, nel libero arbitrio deve essere rispettata.
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
3 sett. fa
Magdi Cristiano Allam, Presidente di "Io amo l'Italia", Candidato alla Presidenza del Consiglio Vi invita con gioia alla manifestazione di chiusura della campagna elettorale che avrà luogo venerdì 22 febbraio alle ore 21.30 a Brescia nel Salone della Camera di Commercio in Via Vittorio Emanuele (angolo via Luigi Einaudi)
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
3 sett. fa
all have the mortgage with the banks, but the recession has led many people to lose their jobs or earn less, so there is less liquidity, in turn (ie less money) my two tenants do not pay my rent, and, I thank God, who, i have not yet had to chase them, but, the situation of too many people became desperate, the international monetary system is the cause of all this, and, not the corruption of politicians @Synnek1 prete di satana --- lol. I knew that, you, lizard, you would come by my love .. you can not live without me! lol. but, you have no right: to be came: in the page: of: IhateNewLayout, when you have closed your page youtube channel, here, that you will do well to re-open that page now, is: user/youtube, again... I know that you have a credit to google ... but, I also have: to receive a credit, by you! so, we can go back on your page (ie the official youtube channel), now? you, that, say?
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
3 sett. fa
Io sono il nuovo: "fondo monetario internazionale", di proprietà dei Governi(per la salvezza di Israele, e di tutto il genere umano) e non: più: di proprietà di rothschild 666, il fariseo satanico, per essere diventati, tutti i suoi schiavi! perché, lui non è contento di vendere l'interesse(che la Bibbia condanna: ed in questo crimine, lui ha fatto di tutti i popoli i suoi servi), ma, lui vende anche: il denaro creato: dal nulla: signoraggio bancario puro: che è: un peccato di sterminio, che la Bibbia non contempla, perché: questa nostra situazione oggi? è una vera schiavitù giuridica: è il tradimento della massoneria!
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
4 sett. fa
[drink your poison, made by yourself] @All GOVERNMENTS -- for your corrupt ideology, and religion, and silence,omerta? [every 5 minutes: a Christian is killed innocent, and too many: others, horrors are committed: in the world, why, you have made: of yourself, the accomplice Mason: of banking seigniorage] .. because: you did not know that the Pharisees of the IMF, were Satanists?] soon, you'll be crushed, by all wrath of God: YHWH! have stabbed you, the people behind it, and in fact, for you, the bank seigniorage , there is no: in publicly, then, how many people have been forced to commit, suicide, because of you? how many lives have been broken? so I decided to do harm to all of you, this week! king Israel UNIUS REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
4 sett. fa
[drink your poison, made by yourself] @All GOVERNMENTS -- you have spit, against: your people, your Constitution, the Cross of Jesus Christ, for have given: to Rothschild IMF: 666, our, seigniorage banking. as you have earned, on it, you also, for having sold, treacherously, the innocent blood of your people? I have sworn upon the throne of God against you, because, your infamy, can not fall on the person: of JHWH, who is Holy. @ Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey - of course, we are aware of the fact, that you do not have, the same problems, of Egypt, in fact, you have kill Christians, almost all, already. @ my YHWH - it is so sad for me to be, even me: Unius REI, forced: to do evil, to all criminals. king Israel UNIUS REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
4 sett. fa
@ All the rich - it's your fault if I am forced: to mistreat, who is: Holy, Holy, Holy, YHWH, infinitely holy, it's your fault, if in the morning, I'm so demoralized, That, I do not want to get out of bed .. here's what I unius Rei I decided to do against:, you, in the name of Jesus, "you will enter: in your infirmity and tribulation, and then, you'll have to go down to hell, so relentless!"
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
4 sett. fa
@IhateNEWlayout master youtube staff --- at least for you, that you are the most important leader of youtube, you are granted the privilege of being able to get out of Satanism, without being killed you? or without being punished through your family: for do harm: at your sons?
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
4 sett. fa
[Christians are not Europeans] A typical example was the: episode: Rocco Buttiglione. He was deemed unfit: for: to serve in the European Commission: just why: he had "dared" to Say That, in good conscience, Followed The Catholic doctrine: in terms of: homosexuality. we must be against the: European Union. not, integrate ourselves into this, abomination evil: occult masonic European Community, from banking seigniorage, that: step: to step, approaches the condition of: 666 super-power: another empire IMF 666 micro-chip. for the danger: to claim for Europe: to Achieve the status of: super-power: for antichrist Zapatero, and, prior to having a much better idea of the: his own identity: and: values that: will form the basis of : this union. Currently, the only values that: the EU Seems to want to defend, are: those, only laicists, gay pride, sex animal, incest, ecc.. the polar opposite of: this, that: instead would be an: Europe founded, on the Christian roots.
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
4 sett. fa
[SYRIA: that: tragic will happen to Christians: also: in Syria?] February 2013.: And: Syria "from the frying pan, into the fire of the Salafis, exterminators of: all diversity.". here, because also: an: the opposition, has offered talks with: the regime. is: likely, unfortunately, that: the: initiative taken by Moaz al-Khatib, a leader of the: National Coalition opposition, is hindered, Saudi Arabia: for: its dirty imperialist interests, that is, that now the fake civil war, that: is: an: War of: aggression, of the: Arab League to last: Long, also: why Assad is conducting an: War of: attrition, using aviation: and: artillery: and: saving , his forces in the field. So the slaughter continues. Assad, in fact, he repeated: "Syria is: everything is: the work of: terrorists, supported by foreign powers."
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
4 sett. fa
[SYRIA: that: tragic will happen to Christians: also: in Syria?] it is essential that all the forces involved, above all, the external supporters of: all the warring factions (the various imperialisms), put aside their particular interests,: and: for: stop the massacre (they remembered, of: not : be more thirsty beasts: of: blood: and: of: booty) under the blessing of the: IMF.: and: then you must seek the best possible compromise. for: example unthinkable that: the King of Saudi Arabia says: its extremists: Salafis: or: of: the Kaeda: "Boys, you have taken in the ass, why: you died for: nothing." In this dramatic context, what is: the situation of Christians? Gregory III Laham, Patriarch greek Melkite Catholic, in his letter to the faithful for: Lent. says, "destroyed churches, Catholic schools evacuated, thousands of Christians killed: defenseless, innocent: and: neutral."
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
4 sett. fa
[SYRIA: that: tragic will happen to Christians: also: in Syria?] especially in the areas in the hands of opponents, destroyed by the fighting, and: then bomb loyalist army. The Patriarch goes on to describe the tragic conditions in which they live, the millions of: Syrian refugees in their own country, without housing, employment, livelihoods, in the economic crisis crazy. All Syrian Churches are: united, for: to bring relief: all, Christians and Muslims,: and: pressing is: the: invitation, why: also: contributions come from abroad. The Patriarch of: Antioch, remembers as: right to Antioch, for: the first time, it was used the term of "Christian", recognized for: how they loved each other, and: the patriarch issued an: heartfelt appeal, Christian solidarity, but: also: Muslim-Christian, why: "the end is: of: to serve our society, our Arab homelands, without distinction, as: is: been throughout history.
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
4 sett. fa
[SYRIA: that: tragic will happen to Christians: also: in Syria?] We are in solidarity, Christians and Muslims, for: an: better future for: generations that: will come. " [But, if Islam continues to be, an: imperialist project? not: there will be more generations of Christians in the Middle East] is why the Christian presence is: seriously threatened, the patriarch continued: "We appeal to our Muslim brothers, why: support for our efforts: to preserve the Christian presence, with: them: and: for: their own good. They know how much the Christian presence: is: was and is: still so important in the history of the: Arab world: to: all levels. " but, the protagonists of the: dirty: Libyan company: we are told, that: Islamists burn all traces of: pluralism, that: first existed in the Syrian society, the same story of: death, already seen everywhere, there's petrodollars Saudi Arabia.
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
4 sett. fa
[SYRIA: that: tragic will happen to Christians: also: in Syria?] As it seems far: and: out of this world: the: of the invitation: Patriarch "to respect the practice of the: fasting, abstinence: and: of mortifications ... without never-forgetting virtue, mercy, forgiveness: and: charity .. start, so we, to join the call: and: the prayers of the Christians of Syria.
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
4 sett. fa
[guerra Lega Araba: contro Iran: è appena iniziata] [imperialismo dei farisei, FMI 666 NWO, ed imperialismo saudita: sono oggi alleati, almeno finché Israele: non è disintegrato ] Siria, anche combattenti turchi e ceceni per far crollare il regime di Assad, ed fare accerchiare Israele, dai salafiti! Da un lato occhi verdi e barba chiara dall'altro: sguardo scuro incorniciato in tratti mongolici. Ceceni e turcomanni. Ecco i nuovi volti della jihad: internazionale: che: si combatte in Siria: per la caduta del regime di Bashar al Assad. I due gruppi condividono: lo stesso costone di montagna, Jabal Turkman, una sorta di florido "Appennino siriano" alle spalle di Latakia vicino al confine nordoccidentale con la Turchia.
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
4 sett. fa
@Rothschild FED ECB 666 IMF talmud agenda for destroy Israel: l'impero del NWO 322 --.-- i tuoi satanisti, Bildenberg, Trilaterale, e tutti i massoni? loro meritano di essere tutti giustiziati per incompetenza, .. lol. quanto, tu sei disposto a pagare me, se io mi faccio massone? oltre, a tagliarmi i cappelli da solo? questo, tu devi sapere, per evitare la distruzione: della III guerra mondiale: che tu hai pianificato: perché, è indispensabile a rigenerare un nuovo ciclo monetario? io mi siedo a mangiare, soltanto, di domenica, quando, io vado: da mia suocera! perché, tutta la settimana, io prendo i pasti in piedi, come i cavalli, per non perdere tempo... ma, tutto si paga davanti a Dio, mio caro, tutto si paga!
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
4 sett. fa
[Accept the Islamic religion (that: it was been, made ideological, by Saudi Arabia) in the West?, Means rejecting pluralism!], Because if you do build the minaret, then you can not say the "Muezzin", you do not launch, your calls, to conversion, because, we are a secular country! the right to propagate their religion, is claimed by Muslims in the name of a fictitious freedom of religion, which, come to ask, so: to the judiciary, the removal of crucifixes from schools, which the majority of managers scholastic, have already done in their "progressive", that is, in their anarchist concept of secular and pluralist school, in flagrant violation and criminal, of the current legislation, because, even in my school, crucifixes were removed! Then, for them, unilateral, religious freedom, Muslims claim: 1. the right to polygamy,
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
4 sett. fa
[Accept the Islamic religion (that: it was been, made ideological, by Saudi Arabia) in the West?, Means rejecting pluralism!], 2. the prohibition of apostasy, [(as was the case in Spain, where a Muslim woman, was sentenced to death by an Islamic court: (which takes place in: other, 50 Islamic nations: the indifference, criminal and accomplice: also, of all the Muslims, who are in the West) but, fortunately, 10 Muslims of the "self-styled Islamic court" ended up in jail for this: Sentenced to death, which, alone, by accident, there were not able to apply: (ilGiornale, Dec. 10, 2009) .. that's why, Islam is a closed world in itself, and their right to convert to Islam: it is sacred and inviolable, but only for them.
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
4 sett. fa
[Accept the Islamic religion (that: it was been, made ideological, by Saudi Arabia) in the West?, Means rejecting pluralism!], So in the West, are tens of thousands of cases of violence against Muslims, who are forced to lose their families (because they are beaten, killed or rejected), when, in fact, they choose the Christian religion, or, choose secularism. This current ruling class of the Freemasons, the great architects, of the cock, the highest: social engineering, history, are working for the destruction, of christianity, and, because everything, is against Christ, that he has never done: hurt no one, then, it is true, that only Christ, is the only truth, about man: the brightest: namely, the free arbitrion of natural law! here's why: outside of Christianity: not: there can be, no democracy, and human rights, as, he said the atheist and anticlerical: Benedetto Croce
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
4 sett. fa
[Islam is Also a project, for imperialism salafis Saudi Arabia] is shown by the statistics: "despise the cross", it means, too many abominations, as erect minarets and mosques (which is an act of occupation Salafi), and while the Christians are profoundly changed, Muslims are crystallized from a fundamentalist reading, and literary, of the Qur'an, because, behind their more sophisticated hypocrisy, you, in fact, with every Muslim, you're talking: with: a dead man, of 1400 years ago , a Mohammed, who has designed, your cultural annihilation, because, while the Christians deserve annihilation, to have lost: the political control,
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
4 sett. fa
[Islam is Also a project, for imperialism salafis Saudi Arabia] lay Masons relativists deserve annihilation, because: they have betrayed each instance:of the natural law allowing euthanasia, gay marriages, etc. .. This is why, the sacred duty of every Muslim: is to prevail, even killing, the one: and the other: satan into Western Satan: 666, masonic system: 322. for banking seigniorage, because "Western culture is sin"(and this is true) say the Boko Aram (Al Queda, Nigeria), and because: Tayyip Erdogan, he says: In 1998, citing: a Muslim poet: "The minarets are our bayonets, the domes our helmets, the mosques are our barracks, and the believers our army"
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
1 mese fa
Islam, as well, to be a religion, it is now: in particular, also, a project of imperialism: why, claims only, for himself, freedom of religion, in fact, there is the death penalty, for apostasy, and, no, Muslim in the world, to doing protest, for this, crime of extermination! the class of the Masonic ideological relativism, is committing the greatest crime! the denial of the Christian roots, that democracy has created! l'Islam oltre, ad essere una religione, oggi è: soprattutto, un progetto imperialistico: poiché rivendica solo per se la libertà di religione, infatti, c'è la pena di morte, per apostasia, e nussun musulmano, in tutto il mondo, fare protesta, per questo crimine di sterminio! la classe massonica del relativismo ideologico, sta commettendo il crimine più grande! il rinnegamento delle radici cristiane, che la democrazia hanno generato!
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
1 mese fa
@ Iran, Saudi Arabia - how can I win the Pharisees, Satanists, of: IMF 666, without your help? without, a common soul (that is, the natural law) option inside, of all religions? That is why, your: violation of free will, and "freedom of religion"? sentence you, to death! because, I can always pass, on your bodies, and, on the bodies, of all Masons, even alone, I am, always, the Kingdom of God!@Iran, Saudi Arabia -- come io posso vincere i farisei, satanisti, del FMI 666, senza la vostra collaborazione? senza una anima comune(la legge naturale) al'interno di tutte le religioni? ecco perché, la vostra: violazione, del libero arbitrio, e della "libertà di religione"? condanna voi a morte! perché, io posso sempre passare sui vostri cadaveri, e sui cadaveri di tutti i massoni, anche da solo, io sono, sempre, il Regno di Dio!
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
1 mese fa
[Satanist international institutional Italian, in the province of Naples] VArious666 - I commanded you, not to come on this page .. you are the tangible demonstration of the Jewish Masonic conspiracy against Christian civilization and consequently against the survival of Israel, because, the satanists to survive, them? make, means impossible, the survival of Israel, you and your invisible associations, Masonic, you are the greatest danger! ... this is the result, without the intervention of unius REI? this planet, can not be saved ... is this: the sense of that meteorite that: showed the panic in Russia, the Kingdom of God is against all of you!
Informazioni su Unius Rei King Universal
I am the true cultural revolution: for the universal brotherhood: shalom + salam = blessings too! That whatever will could happen? everyone: that: acknowledge my universal Sovereignty will have, as a pledge: not...
di UniusRei3
Data di iscrizione 07/set/2011
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kingx Brotherhood Universal
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Jewish Messiah Unius REI
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Unius Rei Or War W nuclear 666 IMF 322
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JHWH the King of kings
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ReiUnius free Israel&Palestine
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Creation in the XXIst century
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