美國,自由女神是“邪惡的”,女神,阿斯塔Sheran ,惡魔,巴比倫,萬神殿。馬杜克,與人類的犧牲] “欺騙的”永遠... “也難怪,因為它太,撒旦自己偽裝成光明的天使。”亞斯,它是其中之一,許多,惡魔,其中,根據猶太文化,傳統,非規範,推動該隱殺,他的弟弟亞伯。最初,亞斯他錄,是異教女神,搖身一變,由猶太人:在一個可怕的惡魔,和噁心。阿斯塔Sheran ,惡魔,外星人綁架的指南,精神指南:她說:“我的話是重要的黑莓,十誡的西奈山......” ,當然,這個惡魔一樣,所有的惡魔,共產黨員,共濟會,伊斯蘭主義者,法利賽人,金剛鸚鵡,巴比倫, NWO功率, 666 ,誰犯淫亂,大妓女,所有的國王,在地球。因此,殺,再次,是亞伯拉罕的後裔,在未來,迫在眉睫,大屠殺,反對以色列
美國中央情報局, DataGATE的,你他媽的用錯了人,世界銀行, 666 322 ,布什,克里, [ OSAMA奧巴馬 -
]大麻,黨光明SATAN SYNAGUE BILDEDNBERG ,法利賽人, CULT神, OWL ,在Bohhemian樹叢,巴力,
JabullOn freemasory ,鑄幣銀行詐騙,國際貨幣基金組織,美聯儲,歐洲央行,微芯片,外星人綁架,議程。 GMO莫吉隆斯症 - 答案 - 我可以摧毀美國,現在,在150年。
666,美國中央情報局, DataGATE的,黑客, UFuckWithWrongPerson - 當你去中國,你的妻子做的業務,也就是說, (當時,失敗! )因為,你問我的幫助,不,你撒旦,從時間,你說, “撒旦救了我!” ,他怎麼可以節省您的,或其他人,要求幫助,如果沒有一個人能救他,從地獄嗎?
@沙特阿拉伯國王 - 我希望你沒有,你將有無恥,問我停下來,俄羅斯坦克,中國坦克,當他們打算,因為,隨著法利賽人,溫泉國際貨幣基金組織,布什,公司公司,共濟制度,騙局,銀行鑄幣稅,你在世界上是最可恨的狗屎..當然,我不能做,我的世界大同,和你在一起,在生活中!
@國王沙特阿拉伯 - 老師,我今年已經取代(都) ,這個教訓,他從來沒有做過,副總統,事實上,責怪我,說:“教授,你必須明白,學生沒有使用,使宗教課, “但是,其他的老師,他也沒有,教訓,宗教類。是痛苦的,因為,現在它可以成為非常羞辱,尷尬,刺耳的,對他,我和他之間,比較,然後,開始污衊我。大聲笑。幸運的是,那個,我有你這樣的朋友,誰,你能理解我!事實上,即使是先知耶利米,無論走到哪裡,他精神一振,紛爭,和,爭吵..但是,這麼說,先知耶利米的故事,看到死了,所有那些到誰,他說話..事實上,你沒有,沒有能夠阻止俄羅斯的坦克,中國的機會..如果不前,我來殺你,所有的伊斯蘭主義,伊斯蘭教納粹瘋狂,埃爾多安,保存,以色列和整個人類。
@國王沙特,今天,在我的第四ITIS黑板“ LIM”與ADSL , [(回歸生活 - 復活:在二十世紀的歷史記錄) ,一個牧羊人去世,在尼日利亞,一場車禍,後4天神叫他,祈禱,五旬節,魅力] ,但在尼日利亞,它是不是你的,博科聖地,他們正在做的大屠殺烈士的基督徒,無辜? - >視頻停止cromium ,之前給了,然後,獨自一人,1 。色情視頻2 。然後,獨自一人[翻譯(谷歌)讀,聖母頌,相反(褻瀆,撒旦教) ,然後寫和讀: [牧師你,你必須死] ,然而,讀traslator ,同時,如果我此前靜音[現在,我說,如果你比別人笨嗎?我不負責! ]
[ @奧巴馬 - 如果你也不要你吐反對憲法像他們那樣,布什322克里322 ,那麼,也可以做,肯尼迪的執行訂購11110 ,拯救你的人民]它跳過預算協議: 17年後,關閉“國家...華盛頓 - ( Adnkronos / IGN) - 國會,而不是找到了狀態機的融資協議,現在政府已不再是最有能力支付,公共服務,至少有800萬,民間公務員風險。 - > @奧巴馬 - 如果你也不要你隨地吐痰,反對, “憲法” ,那樣,布什322 ,嘉裡建設,在深奧的撒旦議程法利賽人嗎?然後,你可以做到這一點,肯尼迪的行政命令, 11110 ,對於愛情,你的美國人民
[大力水手Obamacare的風險使用“關機” ] @奧巴馬,你可以成為一個英雄!如果你真的愛的人,你是不是另一個,洪門犯罪一樣,克林頓,布什,克里,等..?您可以打印所有需要的錢,用行政命令,肯尼迪, 11110 ,僅這一點,那麼,你就沒有顯示,在公眾,因為開明的法利賽人,溫泉國際貨幣基金組織, FED英美? '我拍你!
[普京奧巴馬的失敗的情況下,敘利亞]克里姆林宮說,化學武器巴沙爾·阿薩德的國際控制下的提案是奧巴馬總統的方式輸出。但是,他甚至倒退 - 答案 - 這篇文章講的一個薄弱奧巴馬..但是,部隊將不會被,以完成滅掉,什葉派,基督教徒和敘利亞,成為自己,蓋達組織(奧巴馬,A ,烏薩馬·本· ) !奧巴馬的災難,是思想,道德,他是猶太基督教文明的敵人,木偶,貨幣主權在手中的法利賽人,一個真正的傀儡,水療中心,為Banca世界,要摧毀以色列的敵人,在一起,整個人類,但是,我的猶太 - 基督教文明,那就是,我的人類!
@普京 - 你是一個大傢伙,沒有球,你只是一個可憐的叛徒。你永遠不能對法利賽人的盎格魯 - 美國人贏得了戰爭,事實上,你從他們那裡購買的利息,你的錢..
九月三十日巴黎,翻錄貝盧斯科尼威脅歐元區的穩定。 “ - 答案 - @光明法利賽人Bildenbeg ,國際貨幣基金組織,美聯儲歐洲央行溫泉,你的泥瓦匠,人質,你已經採取了,所有的人民,其實,你偷了,貨幣主權(鑄幣銀行業) ,你偷了他們,對他們的未來,並希望,事實上,你這樣做,對人民,你的奴隸...... [ [是僕人,買的錢,是從支付利息..你不是人,你們都是怪物無情的殺手罪犯.. ]]
法利賽人羅斯柴爾德Rochefeller的, Bildenberg ,光明臟,豬罪犯 - 不要緊,你是偽君子,因為他們不看色情,你永遠是,教唆!為什麼“毒販” ,即, (擁有任何壟斷, (溫泉IMF )是萬物的主宰,它總是越來越嚴重,使用戶“的藥物)根據您的托拉你已經被判處死刑,我......其實,我已經下令,刪除所有未成年人,色情,相反,還,色情網站,主要是,仍然參與,孩子們的話,我一句你死亡所有這些戀童癖者,也是人,誰做的視頻色情與兒童和未成年人的,你仍然有他們。撒旦教徒被殺
[伊朗, 200枚核彈頭,在以色列的核武庫]賈瓦德扎里夫,伊朗外長,在接受採訪時與美國電視網ABC , - 答案 - 因為,你重新納粹折磨無辜的基督教殉難者,中東.. - 答案 - OK! SE ,是200 ,我有足夠的!
9月30日, 17:46 ,納粹沒有自由的宗教,喀土穆,蘇丹,已經公佈在互聯網上,照片的衝擊,這將顯示在蘇丹被警方暴力鎮壓抗議活動的受害者.. - 答案 - @ 666撒旦,美國,國際貨幣基金組織,法利賽人盎格魯 - 美國人 - 在蘇丹基督徒被殺害大家,和基督徒的孩子,被賣作奴隸,沙特阿拉伯,所以你可以把他們全部殺死,所有的謊言!
9月30日, 19:18 。伊朗,奧巴馬,內塔尼亞胡,什麼都沒有,原子,紐約,總統奧巴馬,使用,同意與以色列總理本雅明內塔尼亞胡: ...伊朗的目標是永遠存在的,要摧毀以色列,內塔尼亞胡說。等等,等等,等等, - 答案 - 豺,是羅斯柴爾德,誰教你玩惺惺相惜,嗒嗒,嗒嗒,嗒嗒?核事故的時候,以色列的情報服務,將作為自動 - 進攻,開始侵略伊朗和世界核戰爭?
[@ 666 ,奧巴馬, DataGATE的, - >我真的很生氣,因為你已經封鎖,我的OS , Linux Mint的15 ] @我耶和華 - 以色列一樣,無法抵擋,她是那麼年輕,那麼小,在面對邪惡, 1。阿拉伯國家聯盟和它的盟友,2。 666法利賽人,盎格魯人,美國人,以及他的一切, 3。政治泥瓦匠腐敗,都在一起,密謀,陪審員,旨在摧毀它,再次,在一個新的大屠殺?
總理,土耳其,伊斯蘭納粹沙拉菲wahhadita雷傑普·塔伊普·埃爾多安,準備,很快,在戰爭中,旨在消除內應力也力求有更多的士兵,更多的炮灰,向上推動,已經是他,而不是一個巨大的人口過剩。 [也做了同樣的墨索里尼] 1 ,[土耳其埃爾多安改革的庫爾德人] 2 。 [新華社安卡拉,埃爾多安: 3個孩子,還不夠,讓它4 ] - 答案 - 我的耶和華,而是,投資放心, rinuncire ,伊斯蘭教的阿拉伯國家聯盟,決定走下來,我的戰爭,擴大,帝國主義其刑事,納粹的,宗教的啟示,為世界!
@瘋狂的犯罪,伊朗,為dhimmis奴隸---我已經提出了一個聯盟,目前,這個mornig , 1。你摧毀伊斯蘭教,迅速,2 。銷毀,共濟會的國家,以色列3 。然後,我們做了波斯王國,巴勒斯坦,以及與敘利亞4 。我是你的國王 - 結論 - 如果你接受這約,你可以再住!你知道,對我來說你的答案,因為,我不喜歡等待..我失去了耐心,很容易
[巴基斯坦,伊斯蘭教,白沙瓦刑事,國王,沙特,沙特,您所做的,你的宗教,武器,破壞人民!如果你不這樣做,你是妖,小撒旦?撒旦教徒美國人, DataGATE的大魔頭,不,他們將是你的盟友! ]更多的血液在白沙瓦。基督徒為受害者祈禱,而且,在該國的和平。昨天上午,一枚汽車炸彈襲擊,城鎮市場,而不是遠離,所有聖徒教會,地方,大屠殺, 9月22日。至少有33人死亡, 70人受傷,在第三次進攻中,在幾天。主教,伊斯蘭堡: “巴基斯坦正處於十字路口,保持團結,反對恐怖主義。 ”白沙瓦(亞洲新聞) - 更多的血液,暴力,白沙瓦,資本的開伯爾 - 普赫圖赫瓦省,巴基斯坦的省份,劇院,在上週,三,自殺式炸彈襲擊,伊斯蘭起源。昨天上午,一枚汽車炸彈放置在城市市場,在高峰時間發生爆炸,炸死33人,受傷黑莓,比70 。
1 / 41 [Christian blood: in the: JEWISH RITES]: this: work:
REVELATIONS: Neophyte: EX RABBI: GREEK MONACO:]? is: the: Reply to: this
other masterpiece that: paradoxically is: fall: below the jerseys: of
the: censorship: "[[[Ariel Toaff: Easter: of: blood: the Jews of Europe:
and: ritual murder: the publishing company: the: Mill]: the:
censorship: in: this: if: not: is: dull and ignorant: but: is: an
ideological crime: why: the: Jewish bankers "Illuminati" have lost: the :
forced complicity: of the: Jewish community: support: that: always:
Their: enjoyed: for: all the throttling: peoples: an: that: to: spite:
of: any Holocaust: or: shoah: made subject to the people elected: of
the: our Patriarchs Abraham, Isaac: and: Jacob, the: hope of: Israele ..
/ 41 [Christian blood: in the: JEWISH RITES]: but: everyone knows: as, I
am the: Jewish Messiah: Re: of Israel: and only king of the: Human
Gender: unius REI. So: if: public self something? No one can contest to:
me! because: the: intentions: of the: censorship: not: be: of: avoid:
to: anachronistic anti-Semitism that: is: instead: Masonic physiological
system: and: bank: of the: bank seigniorage! Ariel Toaff: is: the
famous scholar of the illustrious Chief Rabbi: Judaism Italiano
Representative: creator: of the: ecumenical language: His Holiness John
Paul II .. Toaff is: my brother, because he like me is: to: Zionist:
for: the: United: of: Israel]]] [[[Chapter XIII: Death: and: kill: for:
love of God: ]]] the: BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES: of the:
3 / 41 [Christian blood: in the: JEWISH RITES]
REVELATIONS: Neophyte: EX RABBI: GREEK MONACO: the: title? is: it all a
mental imbalance: but no one should think that: the: Something missing:
of: logic: Their: problem is: represented: only: by: wrong reasons!
Since: is: evident: that: I: not: I can kill (ie: violating the: 5 th
commandment) to: innocent Christian child: that: the: His blood can
cleanse me, from 3 rd commandment that: I I have done: not: respecting
the: Saturday: (ie: to: to: sin more: for: purify: to: another sin
less?: but: this: is: the: best way: for: received: to: "evil evil": ie:
receive extraordinary generational curses: how to: say ": for: the: too
much science is: become an idiot!").
4 / 41 [Christian blood: in
the: JEWISH RITES] As is: wrote: "I confound: the: wisdom of the
intelligent but "...:: all: this: instead: is: more: that: logical: if:
the: Talmud: that: for: all: the: Jews of the: world is: the: holy word
of, God. he himself says that: the Christians are animals: in: human
form! is: in: this: so: that: the: Christian children have replaced:
the: lambs of the: Jewish Temple lost: and: the: adults: they replaced:
the donkeys: how what: that: Rabbi naive is saying !: this means a
document? is: real! These crimes? They are committed today as they made
yesterday: and: will always be committed until the Judaism: not: decide:
of: the repeal: Talmud: and: this: it can only be done under the
authority: of the: king: of Israel !: but: think: that: the: Jews know:
these topics?
5 / 41 [Christian blood: in the: JEWISH RITES]: or:
that: knowing them: not: be afraid: n: that: Their: of: to lose: the:
life? is: madness! If: then: I: not: I forgive all: the: various
categories of: cowardly traitors: if: repented: n: that: those: that:
they went to: swear: for: Satan in the: Freemasonry? Then, I should be:
worst of the 3 ° WW nuclear power: that: I am looking for: of: to avoid:
to: all the: human race!: But: even crazier: is: thinking: that: the:
expulsions of Jews from various countries: they're just: the: result:
of: to: superstitious behavior: because we know how: is: serious: the:
Catholic Church: in the: its pronouncements! An: that: if: the:
ILLUMINATI: through: 5 centuries: of: this: our system: Masonic: and:
Bank: destroyed: most of the: documents:
6 / 41 [Christian blood:
in the: JEWISH RITES] to:: Their: unfavorable: and: Their "tea: pure"
have spread: evolution: and every form: of: perversion: and: Satanism:
only : for: have: the: legal reasoning: of: to destroy: the: other Jews
because we (all the: people) like animals: the: human form: us not: we
have no right: by: to rely on : it: we were created: by: God only: for:
being exploited by the Jews according to the ideology Babylonian of the:
god Marduk: that: is: the: Denial: or: ideological opposition: of the:
Genesis Biblical (and is, precisely: this: Satanism: that: the order and
says: Babylonian Talmud: of: do that: it is: become: even: most
important of the: Torah: in: all: the: community: Jewish: that:
scattered: for: the: world!)
7 / 41 [Christian blood: in the:
JEWISH RITES]: and: for: what is: the creepy: that: said the: Talmud?
Because he places only: the: background: of the: human sacrifice (LOL. I
mean: of: animals: in: human form) of the: Blood: that: the lessons:
that: not: they are discovered, they are passed on: only verbally: of:
father: in: child (to: to: one son, possibly firstborn: but:: in: this:
how: however: Their: not: include: of: they have become Satanists).:
Their: power today : is: at the top: is: at the height: of: one:
powerful Masonic pyramid: (the: masters of: all the: our money at
interest (bank seigniorage): ie: very few: men: that: they are the:
owners : of: at least: of the: 200% of the contract: Value: of: all the:
money in circulation: in the: world) thanks to the traitors of the:
political: of the: rich: and: of the: leaders:
8 / 41 [Christian
blood: in the: JEWISH RITES]: of: all the: world is: to: power: of:
extermination of: all the: rich: against: all the: people: that: not: it
can be challenged: human: that: not: it can be controlled by the
institutions visible: all daughters of the: bank seigniorage: through:
the: foundation: of the Bank: of England!: the: Illuminati: they have
manipulated the: sources: of the: history: to:: Their: interest as well:
an: that: the: the Catholic Church is: was forced to: lose: the: its
ancient memory now aware: of the: his impotence: and: of the: useless:
of: all the: of the centuries: fighting desperate: the: Masons: having
taken the: possession: of the: power: of the: political betrayed: the:
truth: since: Their: foundational principle : for: Their: economic
interest: for: Their silks: of: power:
9 / 41 [Christian blood:
in the: JEWISH RITES] because they were: the: Jews to: create all: this:
set to: communism: and: democracy. However: all: not: it can be
destroyed: and every historian worthy: of: this: name: knows: the: acts:
of the: court: of: Trent: and: of the: Martyrs four children: (CHIR:
that : Italian TTI) approx: not: polarized: the Catholic Church!: tea:
what the Catholic Church ever: In: 2000 years has done: to: ruling
wrong!: but: Today, after centuries of: desperate and learn struggles:
after: 600 excommunication: that:: against:: the: Freemasonry: the: the
Catholic Church is: was reduced to silence: for,: the: men have decided,
of: go to hell: in: Mass!: this: empire of the: evil: Hebrew: and: UK:
bank: and: Masonic: Master: and: exploits: the: Human Gender: by: most:
of: 500 years:
for: religious reasons (rule: and: subjugate: all the: human race: in:
name of the: ideology of the: Talmud)!: This: is : to: empire of the:
evil: to: absolute power! Of which: the: Jews themselves: they are: the:
intended victims: because: most: of: other: they betrayed: the: rigid
moral dictates: that: of the: Rabbis "Pharisees" or: ILLUMINATI: imposed
to: if: same: formally: hypocritical: and: in: fundamentalist way: as:
as we shall see: in: this: long document: Their: using: the: blood of
the Christians (animals: in: human form) that: Their : kill: can the::
this: to: to: purify the Their: sins: but: for: the: Torah condemns to:
the death: wicked: of the: law: and: everyone knows: that: Their: not:
believe the New Testament!
RITES]: the: religion he ILLUMINATI: Rabbis: and: Pharisees: not: it
provides the: proselytizing: why: is: founded: on ties: of: blood only,
because, is: the only religion that: prevents the: proselytizing: this:
is: become: really: to: I hate absolute and invincible:: against: all
the: human race: for: the: destruction of: all: the : Jewish bastards:
ie: the: Jews: that: not: have lines: of: blood: that: exceed the:: 2500
years.: or: for: the: destruction of: all: the: Jews: that: have
betrayed: the: Torah!: but: an: that: if: each document relating to the:
crimes described: in: this means a document: they were destroyed? be
enough: the: my word to authenticate the: this document: why I am the
only man in the: history of the: Mankind:
in the: JEWISH RITES]: that: not: he needs: of: to demonstrate that:
that: said: I am in fact: the: Metaphysical: unius Rei. is: the same
Holy Spirit to authenticate: in: all: the: creatures: the: my authority!
And to apply one: Judgement: of: destruction:: against: all the: rebel!
Because: the: strength: of the: my political authority: it belongs: to
the Kingdom: of God: and: not: is: due to my biological body: so:
however: and: in: the way: the: my term : you can only use up: after
the: the next 50 years! If: the: Jews knew: this: document: ie: about
the: in the Christian blood: rites by the rabbis?: Their: they would
know: that: are: for: die together to: all the: human race: and: this :
is: the: reason: for: in: n: that: Their: not: they know nothing, but:
this: document
13/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] must
include an: that: the Jews: of: that: What are all based: the:
institutions: of the: world, with an: that: the: Their: naive complicity
and what are: the: real reasons of: every: Shaoh: or: Holocaust: in:
all: the: history of Israel (of the last 3000 years): because these
criminals are: fanatics: that: they took the: control: of Israel: and
they corrupt the: Jewish religion! So is: indispensable for: us of: go
to the knowledge of the: the occult world of the Illuminati! Since:
Their: I am still forced to: make these sacrifices: of: blood, because:
not: know: to: another remedy: for: Their: sins: and: for: Their:
diseases! "In the: Blood there 'is: the: life" says the: Bible!
Honestly: I: not: believe: that: I will be hated by: Their:
[BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] as: n: that: Their: want to be
helped: Their: would like to go: by: this: Their Part VIII: Jason: ie:
abyss: of: despair: in: Satan holds them captive in the same! [For: the:
institutions have prevented: the: presence: of the: this document: in:
a: text: in: all the: web.: For: valid reasons: in fact: not: there is:
in: this: document : one: logic: of the: mutual acceptance: or: of the:
recognition: of the: their truth: between Jews and Christians: but: seen
this attitude of: excommunication intolerant: and: mutual (between
Christianity and Judaism). Positions, now surpassed them: the story of:
the two religions. However, the: danger is: that: this: boring: and:
repetitive document: by: I summed up (in the parts: not: significant):
[BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] can stir up: to: new: late: the
anachronism: anti-Semitism in the: social component! An: that: why::
the: real culprits: of: all: this: they are only, one: a special class
of: Rabbis. Also: how is: explained: in: this: document: an: that: by
the author: there are very few: the: Jews: that: they do: and: that
means that they have: of: these crimes: ugly: to: because: of the: few:
of: Rabbis mondialists: globalists: the: masters of the: World Bank:
IMF. ie: of: the great Jewish bankers: that: indeed: Their: Satanists
are: from our point of: view: but: Puritans are: of the: real gurus:
from: Their: point of: view: for, are: the: scribes: and: the:
Pharisees: that: they took the: control: of the: Jewish religion.
[BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: Jewish rites] so: this: document: Been is::
by: I had prepared: that: it is known to the Jews, because: they are:
Their:: that: they must have: in: courage: of: the emergence, from:
Their: subconscious: the: nightmares: the most horrible of: to: Their:
the ancestral past (today: and: that: for: the: next: 365 days: Their:
not: they have : still nothing yet: by: fear: first: that: the: great
fear is once again wide open!) because: contrary?: not: there could be:
to: future humanly possible: I: for: Their How, Nean : that: for: us.:
if: the: history: not: he wants to be revived: in: one: even more
dramatic: and: devastating: to: of the reason: new technologies of:
destruction: and: of: mind control: and: spiritual. I will: and I will
have to be: the: Re: of Israel!
17/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the:
JEWISH RITES] Because: the: ILLUMINATI: MAY: entrust: Their: lives: only
in my hands! Therefore: this: document: not: is: One: Threat: for:
what: that: jew: but: we all have to be: close to:: Their: for: to make
you feel:: Their: all the: our love: and the: our encouragement!: this:
is: strategic in: no way: the: Jews must feel threatened: because:
Their: instinct: of: self-protection: and: of: survival, they would
flee again: in: themselves: ie: in the:: Their: obscure subconscious is:
come the: moment: for: all:: all the: world of: understanding: that: we
are one: one family: since no one could be sure: by: alone!: or: if:
the: Safety: of: someone is threatened!
in the: JEWISH RITES] here is why:,: Their: not: they can go: by: this
common threat: no: of: us: and: us not: we may be saved: no: of : Their
no one could do it: by: alone! since: is: the curse: for: ILLUMINATI:
that: kill us all: all together! So: in: these days we can only hope:
that: something: of: strategic: you can move between: the: Jews! Since:
n: that: the last bastion for: in: our defense: the: the Catholic Church
is: was gagged: and: not: always to: wrongly discredited! When: every
historical document relating to the: Christian blood: in the: Jewish
rites: destroyed! well: in: this: so: is: unthinkable: groped one:
contrast: an anachronism: when that was impossible: on the: street: of
the: violence!
but: we can: with the: our sincere love in the spirit of Jesus: Gandhi
etc. .. we may believe: that: is: can one construct: Company: World:
finally humanizing: the: secular society: of the: universal brotherhood!
tea: this document: fills us: of: horror: for: the: innocent: that
still today are sacrificed: but: it fills the: pity: and: of: emotion:
in the: consider: as the: Jewish system International: IMF-New World
Order is able to reach: to: to: level: of: Satanism so great: and:
despair: not: is: can face: this: work: not to keep the stomach: in:
hand: as: in : these topics are widely exceeded the: human limitations:
for: all of these fields: that: occult
the: JEWISH RITES]: that: have been taken up and amplified an: that:
from U.S. institutional Satanism: and: now European ciois: tea: about
200,000 human sacrifices: of each year: the facts : for: the: power: of:
Satan, as the FBI: he said: of: Do as: that: not: able to: find out:
to: only culprit: for: all those crimes: and it is Been:: made: to: real
army: of: Satanist: that: is: so: tenacious: convinced that: Satan will
be to: win: Against: all the: human race: it is: to:: this: trustworthy
staff: that: have been entrusted to: the: secret weapons: and:
strategic: that: U.S. Army: how, even: that: the: management of the:
underground bases: alien: and: of the:: Their: flying saucers!! if: the:
Jews: not: have the: courage: of: addressing:
21/41 [BLOOD
CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] this: Their: darkness: ie: of: having
tea: heartbreaking task: and: sad: of: to bring to light all: the:
wounds: of: to: Their : the distant past: and: of: to: Their: abysmal:
and: dark subconscious? So: not: there is one more: hope: for: all the:
human race!: But:: that: it represents: the: dark and hidden: reality:
of: some: of: Their: ie: more men powerful: of the: planet! Right: of:
those: that: have interest primarily to: know: for: it emerge from the
subconscious to the conscious! All the: crimes reported: in: this means
the document are true: and: they are still committed: of: hidden: by:
this: select group: of: perverse fanatics: the: who misrepresent: the:
Password: of: God revealed: because the: Talmud: and: the: cabal:
[BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] took the: control: of: all:
the: our institutions through: the: Freemasonry and the: bank
seigniorage! One: Indication: for: all: "Who: not: believe: that: both:
the: his compassion: and: the: to his mercy: to prevail?: not: read:
this means a document: why: would: of the: evil only to: him! "Is: a
reputation for: in: All: youtube: for: all these years: in:the
lorenzojhwh "I have exercised: the: my ministry political and:
Theological: unius Rei: for: about 6 hours: every day: such as I have
been gifted by God: of: One: detail: as rational intuitive feature: the:
Metaphysics: for: to be me: the: legendary: and: mythical figure: of
the: King metaphysical UNIVERSAL : the only leader: of: all the: human
23/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] here is why::
to: spite: of: any documentation: destroyed by the current masters of
the: world ie: from REAL principals: and: authors of: all these crimes: I
can testify, through: the: authorities: of: this: my ministry: that:
all the: facts described: in: this means the document are true: own:
the: good faith of: those: that: they believed : of: the attribution:
an: that: the Jews: the: unfounded guilt: of the: missing if any: of:
what: that: person:: improperly! I write this: document: mainly: for:
the: Jews only: because: Their: is power: real and is: to top: that of
the: our Governments: and: of the: our religions: it is: now: to:
universal power: they are: Their: that: they must decide: then:
[BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] tea: our common destiny: and:
must express: the: determination: of: wanting to quit: by: this curse:
or: of: wanting to fall: of: new: set : to: all the: people: in the:
well-deserved divine punishment: Since the last word will be the: of:
to: God the Creator: angry: for: to have done: of: he: perfect: love:
and: perfect justice: to: god of: horror: and: of: cruelty: therefore:
not: is: can hope for: the: mercy: by: the: of: those: that: they put on
the God of Abraham: the: mas: that: ra horrible of Satan himself:
Talmud: Reincarnation: Sharia: communism! We need: of: understanding:
that: n: that: the: Jews are people like us ..: that: the: extreme
tests, to: which: the: Jews were subject: why,: Their God:
[BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] YHWH has abandoned them: after:
that:: Their: they had betrayed the: covenant: and: committed: the:
Idolatry: opposing the Torah: the: of the oral tradition: : Their:
rabbis (which resulted in the: Talmud): We do: not: we can judge: the:
history: but: we can: and we must: be responsible for: for: the: of the
future: our children! here is why: this means the document is:
important!: not: we can say it: the: Jews have had one: terrible story
..: that: brought them appropriately (racism) and unjust (libel):
several times: verge: of the: extinction: this: is: to: Their: problem!:
and: this: not: to: our interest in: Their: Please! Moreover, the: our
aid in the:: Their: against: not: is: motivated only: the fact: that:
Their: are the: Our masters:
26/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the:
JEWISH RITES] ie: the: masters of the: IMF-New World Order, and have
tea: real power: on every strategic resource ..: but: why: we all must
love one another: the: one: for: the: .. other: not: we can think of
that: the: problem of: a: not: is an: that: the: problem of: everyone!
Thus, the incredible Jewish condition: enabled: to: occult system: of:
management: of the: horrible secret ": that: alone can justify the: bank
seigniorage: ie: of the: most important institution: of the: world :
but: of: which is: not allowed to talk about it publicly! What: that:
Error: of the: present work: are: the: complexity of the: statements
contained herein!: but: us not: we are Nazis for: fall as: stupid: in:
this trap of hatred: and: of the: Racism! ie: the: old: and: false
accusation of: feel guilty: all: the: Jews:
27/41 [BLOOD
CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES]: of the: crime: of: extermination of
the: people: to: reason: of the: bank seigniorage! Slander real: to:
turn: Indoor by: so many other lies: and: superstitions: Crime: that:
today is: committed by the globalists themselves: of the: IMF: but:
that: as yesterday, and an: that: today again will be charged: to: the
all: all nations (Jews included). Indeed, to date: is: the deafening
silence: of: all: the: institutions: and: of: all: the: religions: about
to:: this: crime: of: bank seigniorage: why: these Jews Satanists
called enlightened: after destroying: the: Catholic monarchies: that:
then: Their: they gagged: the: Catholic Church: this: after centuries
of: bloody struggles: and: hundreds: of: unnecessary excommunication:
that: by: the Catholic ...
RITES]: that: then: this: enormous crime: of: vilification: against:
all sovereignty Constitutional: with: the: Jews: not: a lot has to do:
is: demonstrated the fact: that: the: Jews innocent were put to death
too easily: though innocent! since: is: only the: Satanism ideological
and: practical of Rothschild: 666,: and: of the: his partner: of:
snacks: 322: Bush! By: this: document?: In the: network is: can only: to
find images for: in: format: pdf.] Time: that: of: this work: that: in:
with text: is: so: by: think : one: My first fruits: or: to: my
intellectual property: because: to: me, nothing can be denied! So: this:
my work is: to "unique literary": for: in: of: this: document is:
granted unless:
the: play: or: Publication: or: dissemination of the entire document
for: in: machine-readable form: including: of: all: the: added: or:
comments.: the: reflections: as: the: subtraction: by: I have made: for:
practical reasons?: not: disrupt the: content: of: this: repetitious:
and: stucco: that: Vole: document: so: of the: present Intellectual
property: is: forbidden: thus: the: partial reproduction: or: the: edit:
is: of the: his translation: that: of the: My interpretation:
everything is: bound: and is: of: owned: of the prof. Lorenzo UniusREI Kingdom:
that: the: yield: to: free of charge: the world like any other document:
of the: history: that: is: and: remains: Heritage: of: all the: human
race! All: the: authorities are requested: of: to enforce the: my
30/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] [[: this
means the document is: strictly prohibited to minors: and to: all: the:
people: that: they think that: not: is love: and: tea: perfect equality:
between: the: men: the: unique solution to: all the: ills: of the:
world]] the: BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES: of the: MODERN
FIRST TIME: Display:: ITALY: THE GREEK VERSION: of the: Professor NFS
[[Believe in extravagance: of: this: document? it seems really hard!:
but:: if: these Jews were imprisoned: in: ghetto: and: if: they were
frequently expelled from the nations? something of: The monster must be
really existed: in the: Jewish society ..: if: these monstrosities:
always existed: or: if: were: the: result: of the: persecution:
[BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] resulted from the accusation
of: to be God-killers?: This: I said not: I know!: But: what: that: not:
it must never be forgotten is: an: that: all: the: incredible violence
and injustice: that: this: people wandering: the minority has had to
endure: and: bear! because: not: it may be doubted: of the: seriousness
of the Church Catholic: and: of: all the: its "official pronouncements"
and: n: that: if: this: document: is: now: obviously anachronistic : it
must be known .. why:: something: of: monstrous by: here is: derived:
ie: the: bank seigniorage: modern: that without this explanation: not:
it may have no other explanation ..: this: is: that: Been is: planned :
for: crush: in: silently: all the: people: n: that: and: above:
[BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] the: valuable (if: believe: of:
to be elected were: for: the show to the world: holy face: of the: law:
and: of the: Justice: of God? thn ok!): or: deadly (if they are
convinced, as racists: of: one:: Their: boasted: genetic superiority:
or: theological) people of the Jews: that: it must have: priestly
duties: and: right: for this: because: become: the real victims: of
this: Jewish bankers Satanists: of the: IMF: NWO. How to: all: the:
tragedy of the: people "elected" showed: because: Their: curses predate
the founding: of the: Christianity] [the: censorship? is typical: of
the: most devastating: and: criminal, dictatorial regime: since only the
criminals are afraid: of the: truth: or: of: to: historical document
that: to:their: say not has the most: to: social interest:
[BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES]: but: this: is: the: dramatic
truth: we are: in: One: false democracy of the: system: bank Hebrew:
and: Masonic: ie: of the: bank seigniorage: that: Been is: robbed to:
all of us: by: everyone: that: have perjured himself on the:: Their:
Constitution!] [if I say, not: I will be unius Rei: and: Re: of Israel?
Few of: you can survive in: this already planned nuclear WW 3 rd: of:
all the: great Masons: how Albert Pike that: the their knew: projects,
including: the: destruction of the State: of Israel: to: no one could
think of: in the: first: of the: 1900] [nothing is: the most devastating
of the: racism: i: of the: to conceive: if: more than the same: to:
another man: for: one : what: that: motivation: ethnic politics:
ideological or: religious! As is: this diabolical:
34/41 [BLOOD
CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] comes to influence: for do of God (:
or: the supreme authority of the philosophy):also a racist but: this is:
one: total perversion blasfemy apostasy .. why: is: necessarily unique:
the source: of the life!]] is astonishing today: theological ignorance:
of the author: of: this document: that: he was one collective
ignorance: that: led: the Jews in Their despair: So the Christians: not:
able to understand: how: Their same could be the: same cause of
attitudes of: reaction only: that: the: characteristic of the Jewish
people is of: remember: and: of: celebrate: this remember! Here is why:
the: capacity: of: to forgive is harder: for: Them that: not for: us!
(This means the document is: now here to be found: in: Internet: in:
textual form: to: reason: of the: Jewish censorship: and: Masonic:
however, to: me:
"lorenzojhwh" political Ministry: and: theology: for: the: universal
brotherhood in: youtube: nothing can be denied: for I am the very: Re:
of : Israel planned: by God: for: the: salvation of the human race: the
planned nuclear WW 3 °! and: if: these heinous crimes have disappeared:
or: are the: Heritage: of: any psychopath: the: atmosphere: of: racism:
that is: a fact: of the chosen people: to: because: of the: Talmud: and:
of the Kabbalah: is real!): if: this: the phenomenon is: become
invisible as the: 200,000: human sacrifices to Satan: the: reason is:
given only by the fact: that: when you enter in 'horror: the human mind:
for: protect: Itself: by the madness is: forced: in: to automatically:
one to process:: of: removal: of the: horrible horror.
[BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES]: and: as the: wild rabbit: that:
the ermine sees jump: but: paralyzed, that him not: can move any more
.. since the scale of level of: his fear is: so high: that: the: fear is
removed: lost: is so: for the: social body every opportunity of:
that: TTI, C. & SON .1883 .. Portrait of the: Monaco greek: Neophyte
former: Moldavian rabbi. "Benedictus Deus here vult omnes: Salvos
homine proud." the: BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES: of the:
MODERN SYNAGOGUE: *** Editor's Preface Italian: Neophyte Monaco greek:
born jew: in the: Moldova: to: the: half: of the: last century, turning:
if: the same: by: Rabbi: in: Christian: in the: her age: of:
thirty-eight years, he published in the: 1803: in: Moldovan language:
[BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES]: to: its very important: not:
not: that: curious: booklet entitled: by: him: "'Rebuttal: of the:
religion of the Jews: and: of the: Their: rites with demonstration of
the S. Writing old: and: new. "". the: which, translated: in: modern
greek: by: John of: George and: n: that: by: other: in Arabic, was
published several times to: Nafplion: of Romania, to: Constantinople and
elsewhere: in: East: in: various: and: copious editions. All of course:
they were to: slightly to: little: and collected: destroyed by the
Jews, of course very interested to: to wipe every trace of the:
revelations: this: the book contains: about: tea: secret of Their:
bloody ritual : of: which: former Rabbi Neophyte concerns: the: the
clearest evidence: and the: minute detail: is known: that:
[BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: Jewish rites] in the same: East: now: not: if:
it is now, almost more than yours ... "The: reason of: the shortage:
is: gold jew: that: try corrupts" make disappear from the world: even:
the: heart. "Among us, then: in: West: and: especially: in: Italy, we
believe: that: very few, they are: that: to only know the existence of:
this: booklet. Is true: that : I talk: I quoted: several traits: Achille
Laurent, member: of the: Eastern Company, to: page 378: and: following:
of the Volume: 2 °: of the insignia of his works: Relation historique:
des affaires de Syrie depuis 1840: jusqu'en etc. 1842. Paris, Gaume
1846;: and: that: by: he copied it:: that: one: part: the: Mr. Gougenot
in the des Mousseaux: her: the: Juif: the Judaism: and:Judaisation:
[BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] des peuples Chretiens, Paris:
Plon, 1869.: But: as well as: an: that: these two works: and especially:
the first: of the Laurent: I now exhausted and: arduous to be (no
doubt: for the same gold jew: of sake),: not: quote them: that: a few
lines: of the: booklet: of Neophyte, ever want to leave to you: his
knowledge fuller. To obtain: the: what we could, for first for of the:
aforementioned: character: of: Damietta: the: copy of which they held:
one copy in the Arabic version: there'll dispatch one: its Italian
version: tea: what, strictly speaking, there would have been sufficient:
for this purpose: but: it is, after other research: that: come: in:
possession: of: one exemplary Greek edition PRESENTED: to
Constantinople: in the: 1834: in the: patriarchal printing:
[BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] Mr. John, of: George: above:
(already mentioned above);: and: got the document: by: a learned
professor: one: of new version (identical: at, in the: concepts, sent to
us by: Damietta) believed the come: time should be: of: submit: the:
the: that: it is our purpose: to all readers: Italian , Christians and
Jews .... etc. .. continues .. etc. .. [[@ ComunitaEbraicaRoma, 2628342
.-- brothers! I have: the: my divine nature: and: the: my perfect: and:
dynamic: Perpetual: sanctification only thank to Jesus: of: Bethlehem,
the Christ! However, I as Toaff? we are Zionists: for: the: kingdom of
Israel! is: for: this: love: that: I have given up on my: identity:
Nationality: Religion! What: that: you see: of: me? is: only an:
envelope! I have become: truly:
41/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the:
JEWISH RITES] the: heart: of the: world: is the: universal brotherhood!
is: come: for: you: the: moment of: delete from your symbol: the: star:
of: Satan: of six points: Rothschld: that: is: the: IMF-World Order!
the: work: that: I'm doing: is: the labor pains: the more more painful
work of the: my life .. but: I: not: publish it: on the: your page: to
ensure that: all the : the world knows: that: I've decided: of: not:
moving: against: you, no charge! no guilty!]] is God? he said to: me:
that: not: has never let these crimes of to go unpunished! God is: in:
control: of the: history! you not: be afraid! why:: not: kill me: the
"Illuminati"?: why, Their power is an absolute power: and: why: no dog:
of: Judge: or: of: politics: never lend the his attention: at the my
41/41 (a) [conclusion] [Christian blood: in the: JEWISH
RITES] Israel is: one: beautiful woman and I are to: male rough: not:
is: easy: for: me: Do the: pampering: etc. ..: or: go to: home carrying:
one: flowers: ecc.. but:: in: Compensation: I am invincible in the: my
loyalty: it goes further: the: death! this: they know in the Kingdom of
God: and: know: also: in my country: Grumo Appula: is: by: 5 centuries:
that: in the: my genealogy is: been called: "Larinz fdel" ie: Lorenzo
the: FAITHFUL! Me: not: betray: and no one potrabbe betraying me,
because everyone knows: that wrath of: one: King alone: Unius Rei: not:
leave: in: feet: no also the: forest! I am meek as Moses, but: like
him not: I have a: problem: the killing: guilty: for: the: My law is
universal: the: law: of the: eye for an eye!: The: translation: of:
this: item will be on "rrmbgpym": while: in: Italian language is: to
33 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa and Mosques of Sharia Allah, decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH) and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (Unius REI) 33 ANNI fa, Sinagoghe di Satana Spa e Moschee di Sharia Allah, decisero che io avrei dovuto diventare il Re di Israele (lorenzoJHWH) e un Osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani (Unius REI) uniusrei@protonmail.com fedele250660@gmail.com 3205708054
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☦️ in Jesus's name amen ☦️alleluia ☦️
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nega il DEBITO!
539, PAKISTAN, Punjab, Christian sentenced, death, blasphemy
美国,自由女神是“邪恶的”,女神,阿斯塔Sheran ,恶魔,巴比伦,万神殿。马杜克,与人类的牺牲] “欺骗的”永远... “也难怪,因为它太,撒旦自己伪装成光明的天使。”亚斯,它是其中之一,许多,恶魔,其中,根据犹太文化,传统,非规范,推动该隐杀,他的弟弟亚伯。最初,亚斯他录,是异教女神,摇身一变,由犹太人:在一个可怕的恶魔,和恶心。阿斯塔Sheran ,恶魔,外星人绑架的指南,精神指南:她说:“我的话是重要的黑莓,十诫的西奈山......” ,当然,这个恶魔一样,所有的恶魔,共产党员,共济会,伊斯兰主义者,法利赛人,金刚鹦鹉,巴比伦, NWO功率, 666 ,谁犯淫乱,大妓女,所有的国王,在地球。因此,杀,再次,是亚伯拉罕的后裔,在未来,迫在眉睫,大屠杀,反对以色列
[] 美国中央情报局, DataGATE的,你他妈的用错了人,世界银行, 666 322 ,布什,克里, [ OSAMA奥巴马 - ]大麻,党光明SATAN SYNAGUE BILDEDNBERG ,法利赛人, CULT神, OWL ,在Bohhemian树丛,巴力, JabullOn freemasory ,铸币银行诈骗,国际货币基金组织,美联储,欧洲央行,微芯片,外星人绑架,议程。 GMO莫吉隆斯症 - 答案 - 我可以摧毁美国,现在,在150年。
666,美国中央情报局, DataGATE的,黑客, UFuckWithWrongPerson - 当你去中国,你的妻子做的业务,也就是说, (当时,失败! )因为,你问我的帮助,不,你撒旦,从时间,你说, “撒旦救了我!” ,他怎么可以节省您的,或其他人,要求帮助,如果没有一个人能救他,从地狱吗?
@沙特阿拉伯国王 - 我希望你没有,你将有无耻,问我停下来,俄罗斯坦克,中国坦克,当他们打算,因为,随着法利赛人,温泉国际货币基金组织,布什,公司公司,共济制度,骗局,银行铸币税,你在世界上是最可恨的狗屎..当然,我不能做,我的世界大同,和你在一起,在生活中!
@国王沙特阿拉伯 - 老师,我今年已经取代(都) ,这个教训,他从来没有做过,副总统,事实上,责怪我,说:“教授,你必须明白,学生没有使用,使宗教课, “但是,其他的老师,他也没有,教训,宗教类。是痛苦的,因为,现在它可以成为非常羞辱,尴尬,刺耳的,对他,我和他之间,比较,然后,开始污蔑我。大声笑。幸运的是,那个,我有你这样的朋友,谁,你能理解我!事实上,即使是先知耶利米,无论走到哪里,他精神一振,纷争,和,争吵..但是,这么说,先知耶利米的故事,看到死了,所有那些到谁,他说话..事实上,你没有,没有能够阻止俄罗斯的坦克,中国的机会..如果不前,我来杀你,所有的伊斯兰主义,伊斯兰教纳粹疯狂,埃尔多安,保存,以色列和整个人类。
@国王沙特,今天,在我的第四ITIS黑板“ LIM”与ADSL , [(回归生活 - 复活:在二十世纪的历史记录) ,一个牧羊人去世,在尼日利亚,一场车祸,后4天神叫他,祈祷,五旬节,魅力] ,但在尼日利亚,它是不是你的,博科圣地,他们正在做的大屠杀烈士的基督徒,无辜? - >视频停止cromium ,之前给了,然后,独自一人,1 。色情视频2 。然后,独自一人[翻译(谷歌)读,圣母颂,相反(亵渎,撒旦教) ,然后写和读: [牧师你,你必须死] ,然而,读traslator ,同时,如果我此前静音[现在,我说,如果你比别人笨吗?我不负责! ]
[ @奥巴马 - 如果你也不要你吐反对宪法像他们那样,布什322克里322 ,那么,也可以做,肯尼迪的执行订购11110 ,拯救你的人民]它跳过预算协议: 17年后,关闭“国家...华盛顿 - ( Adnkronos / IGN) - 国会,而不是找到了状态机的融资协议,现在政府已不再是最有能力支付,公共服务,至少有800万,民间公务员风险。 - > @奥巴马 - 如果你也不要你随地吐痰,反对, “宪法” ,那样,布什322 ,嘉里建设,在深奥的撒旦议程法利赛人吗?然后,你可以做到这一点,肯尼迪的行政命令, 11110 ,对于爱情,你的美国人民
[大力水手Obamacare的风险使用“关机” ] @奥巴马,你可以成为一个英雄!如果你真的爱的人,你是不是另一个,洪门犯罪一样,克林顿,布什,克里,等..?您可以打印所有需要的钱,用行政命令,肯尼迪, 11110 ,仅这一点,那么,你就没有显示,在公众,因为开明的法利赛人,温泉国际货币基金组织, FED英美? '我拍你!
[普京奥巴马的失败的情况下,叙利亚]克里姆林宫说,化学武器巴沙尔·阿萨德的国际控制下的提案是奥巴马总统的方式输出。但是,他甚至倒退 - 答案 - 这篇文章讲的一个薄弱奥巴马..但是,部队将不会被,以完成灭掉,什叶派,基督教徒和叙利亚,成为自己,盖达组织(奥巴马,A ,乌萨马·本· ) !奥巴马的灾难,是思想,道德,他是犹太基督教文明的敌人,木偶,货币主权在手中的法利赛人,一个真正的傀儡,水疗中心,为Banca世界,要摧毁以色列的敌人,在一起,整个人类,但是,我的犹太 - 基督教文明,那就是,我的人类!
@普京 - 你是一个大家伙,没有球,你只是一个可怜的叛徒。你永远不能对法利赛人的盎格鲁 - 美国人赢得了战争,事实上,你从他们那里购买的利息,你的钱..
九月三十日巴黎,翻录贝卢斯科尼威胁欧元区的稳定。 “ - 答案 - @光明法利赛人Bildenbeg ,国际货币基金组织,美联储欧洲央行温泉,你的泥瓦匠,人质,你已经采取了,所有的人民,其实,你偷了,货币主权(铸币银行业) ,你偷了他们,对他们的未来,并希望,事实上,你这样做,对人民,你的奴隶...... [ [是仆人,买的钱,是从支付利息..你不是人,你们都是怪物无情的杀手罪犯.. ]]
法利赛人罗斯柴尔德Rochefeller的, Bildenberg ,光明脏,猪罪犯 - 不要紧,你是伪君子,因为他们不看色情,你永远是,教唆!为什么“毒贩” ,即, (拥有任何垄断, (温泉IMF )是万物的主宰,它总是越来越严重,使用户“的药物)根据您的托拉你已经被判处死刑,我......其实,我已经下令,删除所有未成年人,色情,相反,还,色情网站,主要是,仍然参与,孩子们的话,我一句你死亡所有这些恋童癖者,也是人,谁做的视频色情与儿童和未成年人的,你仍然有他们。撒旦教徒被杀
[伊朗, 200枚核弹头,在以色列的核武库]贾瓦德扎里夫,伊朗外长,在接受采访时与美国电视网ABC , - 答案 - 因为,你重新纳粹折磨无辜的基督教殉难者,中东.. - 答案 - OK! SE ,是200 ,我有足够的!
9月30日, 17:46 ,纳粹没有自由的宗教,喀土穆,苏丹,已经公布在互联网上,照片的冲击,这将显示在苏丹被警方暴力镇压抗议活动的受害者.. - 答案 - @ 666撒旦,美国,国际货币基金组织,法利赛人盎格鲁 - 美国人 - 在苏丹基督徒被杀害大家,和基督徒的孩子,被卖作奴隶,沙特阿拉伯,所以你可以把他们全部杀死,所有的谎言!
9月30日, 19:18 。伊朗,奥巴马,内塔尼亚胡,什么都没有,原子,纽约,总统奥巴马,使用,同意与以色列总理本雅明内塔尼亚胡: ...伊朗的目标是永远存在的,要摧毁以色列,内塔尼亚胡说。等等,等等,等等, - 答案 - 豺,是罗斯柴尔德,谁教你玩惺惺相惜,嗒嗒,嗒嗒,嗒嗒?核事故的时候,以色列的情报服务,将作为自动 - 进攻,开始侵略伊朗和世界核战争?
[@ 666 ,奥巴马, DataGATE的, - >我真的很生气,因为你已经封锁,我的OS , Linux Mint的15 ] @我耶和华 - 以色列一样,无法抵挡,她是那么年轻,那么小,在面对邪恶, 1。阿拉伯国家联盟和它的盟友,2。 666法利赛人,盎格鲁人,美国人,以及他的一切, 3。政治泥瓦匠腐败,都在一起,密谋,陪审员,旨在摧毁它,再次,在一个新的大屠杀?
总理,土耳其,伊斯兰纳粹沙拉菲wahhadita雷杰普·塔伊普·埃尔多安,准备,很快,在战争中,旨在消除内应力也力求有更多的士兵,更多的炮灰,向上推动,已经是他,而不是一个巨大的人口过剩。 [也做了同样的墨索里尼] 1 ,[土耳其埃尔多安改革的库尔德人] 2 。 [新华社安卡拉,埃尔多安: 3个孩子,还不够,让它4 ] - 答案 - 我的耶和华,而是,投资放心, rinuncire ,伊斯兰教的阿拉伯国家联盟,决定走下来,我的战争,扩大,帝国主义其刑事,纳粹的,宗教的启示,为世界!
@疯狂的犯罪,伊朗,为dhimmis奴隶---我已经提出了一个联盟,目前,这个mornig , 1。你摧毁伊斯兰教,迅速,2 。销毁,共济会的国家,以色列3 。然后,我们做了波斯王国,巴勒斯坦,以及与叙利亚4 。我是你的国王 - 结论 - 如果你接受这约,你可以再住!你知道,对我来说你的答案,因为,我不喜欢等待..我失去了耐心,很容易
[巴基斯坦,伊斯兰教,白沙瓦刑事,国王,沙特,沙特,您所做的,你的宗教,武器,破坏人民!如果你不这样做,你是妖,小撒旦?撒旦教徒美国人, DataGATE的大魔头,不,他们将是你的盟友! ]更多的血液在白沙瓦。基督徒为受害者祈祷,而且,在该国的和平。昨天上午,一枚汽车炸弹袭击,城镇市场,而不是远离,所有圣徒教会,地方,大屠杀, 9月22日。至少有33人死亡, 70人受伤,在第三次进攻中,在几天。主教,伊斯兰堡: “巴基斯坦正处于十字路口,保持团结,反对恐怖主义。 ”白沙瓦(亚洲新闻) - 更多的血液,暴力,白沙瓦,资本的开伯尔 - 普赫图赫瓦省,巴基斯坦的省份,剧院,在上周,三,自杀式炸弹袭击,伊斯兰起源。昨天上午,一枚汽车炸弹放置在城市市场,在高峰时间发生爆炸,炸死33人,受伤黑莓,比70 。
01/30/2013 PAKISTAN Punjab: Christian sentenced to death for blasphemy acquitted on appeal by Jibran Khan After Rimsha Masih, the community celebrates the release of Barkat Masih, after 18 months in prison. He had been indicted on false charges, for having fulfilled his job. The joy of human rights activists and associations: another "important precedent". Pakistani priest: it is time to review the laws and prevent abuse. Islamabad (AsiaNews) - After the young girl Rimsha Masih, the Pakistani Christian community can celebrate the acquittal on appeal of a man sentenced to death - without evidence and on the basis of trumped-up charges - for blasphemy. The verdict may give new vigor and hope the other victims of the "black law", including the 46-year old mother of five, Asia Bibi, still waiting.
01/28/2013 [but, if the Catholic Church, in its hypocrisy dare not: even: appoint Saudi Arabia? nothing can change!] ITALY - ASIA. Card. Bagnasco: Shock at the persecution of Christians in Asia. The president of the CEI opens the work of the Permanent Council denouncing the "intolerant rage" against Christians in Asia and North Africa, where the faithful "are not allowed any sign of religious affiliation." A blow to the West "which proclaims human rights but then seems to want to apply them and demand them with in different measures" and an invitation to the parishes, "cultivating the memory of our persecuted brothers and sisters, also revitalizes our faith.". Rome (AsiaNews) - The persecution of Christians in Asia and around the world "creates dismay throughout the Church. In too many countries,
[but, if the Catholic Church, in its hypocrisy dare not: even: appoint Saudi Arabia? nothing can change!] Christians are not allowed any sign of religious affiliation, except by camouflage or in hiding. Experts speak a total of over one hundred thousand Christians of various denominations killed in 2012. A frightening figure, which can not leave people indifferent - individuals and institutions - even less so in the name of economic and political interests", stated Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco during the opening address to the Permanent Council of the Italian bishops' conference, of which he is president. Besides the usual reminders about the Italian political, economic and social scene - reminders present in his book "narrow gate" (published by Cantagalli), presented on January 24 in Rome with the Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Bertone -
[but, if the Catholic Church, in its hypocrisy dare not: even: appoint Saudi Arabia? nothing can change!] the Archbishop of Genoa devoted a long passage to the persecution of Christians in Asia: "The crisis which shock us most at the beginning of this year, which once again the Pope wanted to usher in, in the sign of peace, are situations of persecution which target Christians, situations which largely coincide with the unresolved conflicts in several countries, but partly also develop where apparently there should be no sources of tension". In addition to the well known places, says the archbishop, "racial nationalism is emerging in Asia that periodically arouses intolerant fury under the distracted eyes of the West, that proclaims human rights but then seems to want to apply and demand these same rights with different measures. We regrettably also have to add the frontiers of Africa: Nigeria, Kenya, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Mali,
[but, if the Catholic Church, in its hypocrisy dare not: even: appoint Saudi Arabia? nothing can change!] where the reasons for the attacks are mixed and the public reasons for the violence seem to want to identify Christianity with the West. Yet the Gospel, wherever it is inculturated, is constantly accompanied by experiences of aid to people, often the only aid to be found on the spot". Then, continued the Archbishop of Genoa, "there is ethnic migration of a religious factor, so people who profess Christianity - a religion that is perhaps the most historically rooted in a specific geographic area - must flee, leaving their entire existence and all their worldly possessions, in order not to renounce their faith. Behind the upheavals that took place recently in North Africa, disturbing attempts at further discrimination are emerging, and in too many countries Christians are not allowed any sign of religious affiliation, except by camouflage, in hiding, through dislocation".
[but, if the Catholic Church, in its hypocrisy dare not: even: appoint Saudi Arabia? nothing can change!] Experts speak of a total "of over one hundred thousand Christians of various denominations killed in 2012. A frightening figure, which can not leave anyone indifferent - individuals or institutions - even less so in the name of economic and political interests. Those who suffer and die for Christ, do so for us, and they are our brothers regardless of the distance that divides us. In the mysterious economy through which the kingdom of God on earth is concretely woven, communion with these situations of martyrdom gives truth and vigor to our pastoral work, today focused on re-evangelizing the lands that have long known the Gospel".
[but, if the Catholic Church, in its hypocrisy dare not: even: appoint Saudi Arabia? nothing can change!] In conclusion, Cardinal Bagnasco launches an invitation especially to the West: "If our parishes can keep alive, even nourish, a systematic memory of our brothers and sisters who are persecuted in the world, then even the local faith would be re- vitalised. Who else, if not they, can give us authentic momentum and reasons to believe? ".
[Cina - Diaoyu/Senkaku, Giappone ...] 2013/01/29. 日本. 日本首次将基督教遗址纳入申遗名单提交联合国教科文组织. 日本长崎县和熊本县政府联合向文部科学相提交十三处"人类文化遗产"名单。其中包括了著名的、被教宗比约九世誉为"东方奇迹"的大浦主教座堂以及多处基督 徒殉道纪念遗址。历史上,日本的福传事业遭遇了最为严酷的迫害. 长崎(亚洲新闻/通讯社)-日本政府历史上首次考虑将国内基督教遗址纳入名单,向联合国教科文组织申报世界文化遗产。长崎县和熊本县政府向文部科学相下村 博文递交了一份十三处申请"人类文化遗产"名单。下个月,东京将正式向联合国教科文组织提出申遗,预计将于九月获悉结果 上述十三处地址几乎全部是基督教在日本发展历史的遗址。其中首推巴黎外方传教会两位传教士于一八六四年创建的、
[Cina - Diaoyu/Senkaku, Giappone ...]专门纪念二十六名殉道基督徒的著名大浦天主教主教座堂。 五九七年,这九名欧洲人和十六名日本人被当时的日本皇帝丰臣秀吉下令钉死在十字架上。这座圣堂也是日本的第一座西方式建筑、一九三三年被指定为"国宝" 圣堂建成后,部分村民找到参与建造的传教士询问是否可以进入"敬礼玛丽亚"。由此,传教士发现了这些遗留下来的首批日本基督徒的后裔。因为丰臣秀吉发起的 教难,令他们被迫隐姓埋名。随后,几万地下教友来到圣堂、恢复了信仰生活。教宗比约九世闻讯后,盛赞这是"东方的奇迹". 除大浦主教座堂外,长崎和熊本县政府还要求将其它基督徒殉道处、十六世纪日本基督徒逃难的地下墓穴申遗。事实上,长崎是日本福传的发源地。但因德川幕府的 迫害,遭禁二百五十年。
7 amen ♰ ☠ pax ☠ pax ☠ Alleluia AMEN. Sharia NAZI. CSPBCSS MLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB. MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison, made by yourself, alleluia. amen. Rei unius King of Israel - you are buying from a jew 666 IMF: your own money to a value of around 300%: 100%: for debt: public. 100%: for debt: Private. For 100% seigniorage banking. you are the slave of Rothschild: his sheep, Because that's what the Talmud says! I know for the recession (monetary)? you have no more milk or wool to give to him: ie, Rothschild! then, Rothschild, your master now: will take your flesh: also! you will be dead in 2015. with the "products: derivatives", "financial bubbles". public debt: bank seigniorage: etc. banking system: can not return the money to the people. I know the only way to cover up this crime of the IMF? is to kill only 5.5 billion: people. But, this is to perfect the NWO. everyone can judge: the Satanist, who you are! by Rei unius king of Israel
[il sangue cristiano.pdf]
(who can do these crimes? He has already decided to do of all whole human race: one only bunch of slaves) uhjk100 SAID[closed its site for fear] I understand now, even more, that Zionist Jews are an absolute evil, even worse than the Muslim extremists. - ANSWER - people do not know that Hitler tried to talk to them, BUT FOR HIM: THIS IS been IMPOSSIBLE .. such as: was been: impossible, also for me! Because they have faith: absolute, in their Rabbis: Kakam:Pharisees Illuminati or the IMF? Fidelity is an absolute! but, I have asked God for an answer .. so, I called a: my son to open: a new Bible at random: the Lord answered me, through Amos 9 (punishment of Israel)..All the sinners of my people? die by the sword! they, who saying the misfortune, will not come down to us, and we do not touch! "because of them? I failed my agenda of Universal brotherhood .. then, of course, will be a massacre! @IsraelNationalTV- If these crimes: they have never been: recognized: disavowed: or renegades, condemned, by the Jewish communities? Then, these crimes: they are still made today again, by all shit of Ovadia: Kakam Illuminati of IMF: seigniorage banking .. because today it is easy to do this dirty work(to drain human blood), using satanists! That's why God can never, answer to your prayers .. However: if they have the stomach: for go to the hell: with Satan? also for this few miserable years: of these earthly life? the help of American Satanists jewish lobby: 666 and 322? however, is not something that is going to last! quiet boy! I am come to you? but, My spirit has passed, killing thousands of Satanists: first! quiet.. a king knows how to: as protect its subjects! You have noticed how demons: by: Joshua [23.11] the traslator google: has canceled: arbitrarily: my approach (3° WW nuclear)? [Christian blood] HISTORICAL APPENDIX. Preamble. The revelations of: Neophyte: are still credible?1 °: the historical list of Many: murders: that ritual purposes: always committed: Jews in the past: for centuries: in this: the more special: clear: confessions: of: Jews: of: this: murder: and: this ritual purpose: that: are reported in authentic processes. II. List historical: some: assassinations: of: Christians: committed: by: Jews for ritual purposes:] in: centuries ago. Many: lists: of this assassinations: ** 1255. A Lincoln (Bolland. vol.6July, p.494) Hugh Child stolen by Jews are fed up to the day of sacrifice. Many: Jews agree, from various parts of England: and crucify him:. [Christian blood] It is remarkable to consider, such as: the same confessions and revelations have been made by: Jews, even after many, many: centuries and in countries far away: in Trento, Moldova, Switzerland: in: centuries XIV and XVIII, by: Monumenta of Pertz historiae Germanicae. But, because, so far reported, the use jew: to: use: of Christian blood, for ritual purposes: it is ancient and constant: in: centuries gone by. But we now come to the century: present... ecc. ecc. Giosué[23.11] we are all sons of Adam and Noah? So why: Rabbi: Ovadia Yosef: ie, Pharisees: can say that: Christians are animals in human form? What lies beneath: all this? evitente is: the Jewish lobby: 666 of 322: IMF: they stole the symbols of Judaism and Christianity! go against the Satanists? It's like going against yourself! However, also if, this story: horrible: of the Talmud: is more over: 3000 years, dating back to the roots of the Jewish religion, was immediately corrupt: because of apostasy for oral tractions: which then were incorporated in the Talmud? However, we should not be afraid of the truth and we should not be afraid to amputate cancer: first, that came be death of the entire body. for do luciferian Grove cult: ie New Tower Babel: NWO. Giosué [23,11] @IsraelNationalTV-- Abbiate gran cura, per la vostra vita, di amare il Signore vostro Dio. [12] why, if, make apostasy(Talmud: Pharisees).. then,[13] then, you know.. you will be perished: and you will be gone (3° nuclear WW): from this: good land which the Lord your God has given you.- ANSWER- goddammit! speak ill of Israel? (even if: it is an abomination Masonic founded by Satanists of the IMF:.. even if it's like: all other false democracies: of the banking seigniorage): for a Christian? is like cutting off his arm! How has Judaism religious movement? many! So why this hate absurd: the synagogue of Satan (Illuminati Pharisees): against: Christians from the beginning? Would you expect, That, has ended the 3 rd WW Nuclear? But this is PRECISELY the problem: "if there will be: 3 ° after WW nuclear 'one State of Israel!"
@Illuminati Satanic Sharia political 322 leaders 666, super wealthy bankers grove owl god baal Talmud rabbis espoused IMF FED ECB enlightened of the synagogue seigniorage banking stolen from the people for the corruption and high treason "of Freemasonry:(false debt pubblic to make tax)(false private debt for do predation of all people peoples and businesses through banks) as you can hate in this mode, the value of life human to this point?+ demons have a big problem while men have an big advantage In fact, God does not look to the past of menbut in their future that is, in the their conversion, lol. if the Masons and their masters Illuminati IMF that they have always fought with great success against Christianity in all of these 5 centuries! if they do not start to defend Christianity that they have always fought? lol. they will find themselves in their ass the sword of Muhammad! Jews 70 captivity was predicted & it happened. A great ruler by the name of Cyrus was predicted to conquer Babylon at the end of this 70 year captivity. He did! The amazing part of it all is that The Most High Yah (God) named Cyrus over a century before he was born. The Bible is real & so is the The Most High. Do not be tricked into thinking He is not real. Those who say He is not real & His Bible is fake, they are ministers of Satan who are here to lead you to the hell that was meant for Satan & his angels. You don't have to go to hell. Choose Yahshua! Read Romans 10:9-13. receive it & believe it for salvation! [Not Muhammad invented Islam Muslims rightly say"Adam, Abraham, etc. were Muslims] for example in fake church tradition there is a book called the infancy Gospel of Thomas and the infancy gospel of Jesus Christ, Both Those books fake are fabrication and belong to the 2ndand 5th: century, not only that Jesus(say he is the son of God)but all funny all this stories of things that expose in Corano, muslim claim That there is not errors in the Quran! I will show you some of the errors of the Quran and you will laugh at it! In the bible Moses father is Called Amram and Moses have a brother called Aron, and a sister called Mary(Mariam), in the Quran the Virgin Mary was called Mary The Daughter Of Amram (Umran)and the sister of Aron The Problem Is Amram is not her father nor Aronis her brother, and there is 1000s of years between the two Mary's, yet the Quran a mix between Them, some muslims will tell you That the Quran That means clustering Amram was her great grandfather! the problem: Mary is from Tribe of Juda and Amram is from The Tribe Levi! how can Muhammad ascended at sky, many years later his death why:"Dome of the Rock"it was not built why, Muslims did not have control of Palestine at the death of Muhammad! In The Quran When Israelite made an image of calf and worship it, it was made A Man Called by the Samir not why: by Aaron Islam believe prophet scan not mistake They think and Aaron is prophet. Samiri comes from name Called the city of Samaria which is a city Established 6 Centuries after Moses! how can a guy Called Samir was with Moses and Aaron in the deasert! for example, can I like to you say you are American in middle age when american was not named America yet! yet this is what did Quran! Samiri this was ordered by Quran not to be why: touch is a magician have evil spirits, this matches Simon Magus who was Called samaritan! another confusion! You Need To Remember That in simon Gave images Life According to the Pseudo-Clementine Recognition sand Homilies which effectively is false stories, peter and When He Went to Rome said that no ones hould touch HIM why: He have evil spirits in the Quran, Moses said to the Samiri[Moses] said" Then go And indeed, it is [decreed]for you in [this]life to say,'No contact'. I can see again how Mohammad mixes stories together and mixes different times together! and even calling a guy Samir which in arabic mean belong to Samaria, Which Did not exist at time of Moses! How can be written by another after his death Koran which was dictated to him? [[to hide it all this bullshit? that Muslims are forced to be sharia ignorant and murderers?]]
[] 美国中央情报局, DataGATE的,你他妈的用错了人,世界银行, 666 322 ,布什,克里, [ OSAMA奥巴马 - ]大麻,党光明SATAN SYNAGUE BILDEDNBERG ,法利赛人, CULT神, OWL ,在Bohhemian树丛,巴力, JabullOn freemasory ,铸币银行诈骗,国际货币基金组织,美联储,欧洲央行,微芯片,外星人绑架,议程。 GMO莫吉隆斯症 - 答案 - 我可以摧毁美国,现在,在150年。
666,美国中央情报局, DataGATE的,黑客, UFuckWithWrongPerson - 当你去中国,你的妻子做的业务,也就是说, (当时,失败! )因为,你问我的帮助,不,你撒旦,从时间,你说, “撒旦救了我!” ,他怎么可以节省您的,或其他人,要求帮助,如果没有一个人能救他,从地狱吗?
@沙特阿拉伯国王 - 我希望你没有,你将有无耻,问我停下来,俄罗斯坦克,中国坦克,当他们打算,因为,随着法利赛人,温泉国际货币基金组织,布什,公司公司,共济制度,骗局,银行铸币税,你在世界上是最可恨的狗屎..当然,我不能做,我的世界大同,和你在一起,在生活中!
@国王沙特阿拉伯 - 老师,我今年已经取代(都) ,这个教训,他从来没有做过,副总统,事实上,责怪我,说:“教授,你必须明白,学生没有使用,使宗教课, “但是,其他的老师,他也没有,教训,宗教类。是痛苦的,因为,现在它可以成为非常羞辱,尴尬,刺耳的,对他,我和他之间,比较,然后,开始污蔑我。大声笑。幸运的是,那个,我有你这样的朋友,谁,你能理解我!事实上,即使是先知耶利米,无论走到哪里,他精神一振,纷争,和,争吵..但是,这么说,先知耶利米的故事,看到死了,所有那些到谁,他说话..事实上,你没有,没有能够阻止俄罗斯的坦克,中国的机会..如果不前,我来杀你,所有的伊斯兰主义,伊斯兰教纳粹疯狂,埃尔多安,保存,以色列和整个人类。
@国王沙特,今天,在我的第四ITIS黑板“ LIM”与ADSL , [(回归生活 - 复活:在二十世纪的历史记录) ,一个牧羊人去世,在尼日利亚,一场车祸,后4天神叫他,祈祷,五旬节,魅力] ,但在尼日利亚,它是不是你的,博科圣地,他们正在做的大屠杀烈士的基督徒,无辜? - >视频停止cromium ,之前给了,然后,独自一人,1 。色情视频2 。然后,独自一人[翻译(谷歌)读,圣母颂,相反(亵渎,撒旦教) ,然后写和读: [牧师你,你必须死] ,然而,读traslator ,同时,如果我此前静音[现在,我说,如果你比别人笨吗?我不负责! ]
[ @奥巴马 - 如果你也不要你吐反对宪法像他们那样,布什322克里322 ,那么,也可以做,肯尼迪的执行订购11110 ,拯救你的人民]它跳过预算协议: 17年后,关闭“国家...华盛顿 - ( Adnkronos / IGN) - 国会,而不是找到了状态机的融资协议,现在政府已不再是最有能力支付,公共服务,至少有800万,民间公务员风险。 - > @奥巴马 - 如果你也不要你随地吐痰,反对, “宪法” ,那样,布什322 ,嘉里建设,在深奥的撒旦议程法利赛人吗?然后,你可以做到这一点,肯尼迪的行政命令, 11110 ,对于爱情,你的美国人民
[大力水手Obamacare的风险使用“关机” ] @奥巴马,你可以成为一个英雄!如果你真的爱的人,你是不是另一个,洪门犯罪一样,克林顿,布什,克里,等..?您可以打印所有需要的钱,用行政命令,肯尼迪, 11110 ,仅这一点,那么,你就没有显示,在公众,因为开明的法利赛人,温泉国际货币基金组织, FED英美? '我拍你!
[普京奥巴马的失败的情况下,叙利亚]克里姆林宫说,化学武器巴沙尔·阿萨德的国际控制下的提案是奥巴马总统的方式输出。但是,他甚至倒退 - 答案 - 这篇文章讲的一个薄弱奥巴马..但是,部队将不会被,以完成灭掉,什叶派,基督教徒和叙利亚,成为自己,盖达组织(奥巴马,A ,乌萨马·本· ) !奥巴马的灾难,是思想,道德,他是犹太基督教文明的敌人,木偶,货币主权在手中的法利赛人,一个真正的傀儡,水疗中心,为Banca世界,要摧毁以色列的敌人,在一起,整个人类,但是,我的犹太 - 基督教文明,那就是,我的人类!
@普京 - 你是一个大家伙,没有球,你只是一个可怜的叛徒。你永远不能对法利赛人的盎格鲁 - 美国人赢得了战争,事实上,你从他们那里购买的利息,你的钱..
九月三十日巴黎,翻录贝卢斯科尼威胁欧元区的稳定。 “ - 答案 - @光明法利赛人Bildenbeg ,国际货币基金组织,美联储欧洲央行温泉,你的泥瓦匠,人质,你已经采取了,所有的人民,其实,你偷了,货币主权(铸币银行业) ,你偷了他们,对他们的未来,并希望,事实上,你这样做,对人民,你的奴隶...... [ [是仆人,买的钱,是从支付利息..你不是人,你们都是怪物无情的杀手罪犯.. ]]
法利赛人罗斯柴尔德Rochefeller的, Bildenberg ,光明脏,猪罪犯 - 不要紧,你是伪君子,因为他们不看色情,你永远是,教唆!为什么“毒贩” ,即, (拥有任何垄断, (温泉IMF )是万物的主宰,它总是越来越严重,使用户“的药物)根据您的托拉你已经被判处死刑,我......其实,我已经下令,删除所有未成年人,色情,相反,还,色情网站,主要是,仍然参与,孩子们的话,我一句你死亡所有这些恋童癖者,也是人,谁做的视频色情与儿童和未成年人的,你仍然有他们。撒旦教徒被杀
[伊朗, 200枚核弹头,在以色列的核武库]贾瓦德扎里夫,伊朗外长,在接受采访时与美国电视网ABC , - 答案 - 因为,你重新纳粹折磨无辜的基督教殉难者,中东.. - 答案 - OK! SE ,是200 ,我有足够的!
9月30日, 17:46 ,纳粹没有自由的宗教,喀土穆,苏丹,已经公布在互联网上,照片的冲击,这将显示在苏丹被警方暴力镇压抗议活动的受害者.. - 答案 - @ 666撒旦,美国,国际货币基金组织,法利赛人盎格鲁 - 美国人 - 在苏丹基督徒被杀害大家,和基督徒的孩子,被卖作奴隶,沙特阿拉伯,所以你可以把他们全部杀死,所有的谎言!
9月30日, 19:18 。伊朗,奥巴马,内塔尼亚胡,什么都没有,原子,纽约,总统奥巴马,使用,同意与以色列总理本雅明内塔尼亚胡: ...伊朗的目标是永远存在的,要摧毁以色列,内塔尼亚胡说。等等,等等,等等, - 答案 - 豺,是罗斯柴尔德,谁教你玩惺惺相惜,嗒嗒,嗒嗒,嗒嗒?核事故的时候,以色列的情报服务,将作为自动 - 进攻,开始侵略伊朗和世界核战争?
[@ 666 ,奥巴马, DataGATE的, - >我真的很生气,因为你已经封锁,我的OS , Linux Mint的15 ] @我耶和华 - 以色列一样,无法抵挡,她是那么年轻,那么小,在面对邪恶, 1。阿拉伯国家联盟和它的盟友,2。 666法利赛人,盎格鲁人,美国人,以及他的一切, 3。政治泥瓦匠腐败,都在一起,密谋,陪审员,旨在摧毁它,再次,在一个新的大屠杀?
总理,土耳其,伊斯兰纳粹沙拉菲wahhadita雷杰普·塔伊普·埃尔多安,准备,很快,在战争中,旨在消除内应力也力求有更多的士兵,更多的炮灰,向上推动,已经是他,而不是一个巨大的人口过剩。 [也做了同样的墨索里尼] 1 ,[土耳其埃尔多安改革的库尔德人] 2 。 [新华社安卡拉,埃尔多安: 3个孩子,还不够,让它4 ] - 答案 - 我的耶和华,而是,投资放心, rinuncire ,伊斯兰教的阿拉伯国家联盟,决定走下来,我的战争,扩大,帝国主义其刑事,纳粹的,宗教的启示,为世界!
@疯狂的犯罪,伊朗,为dhimmis奴隶---我已经提出了一个联盟,目前,这个mornig , 1。你摧毁伊斯兰教,迅速,2 。销毁,共济会的国家,以色列3 。然后,我们做了波斯王国,巴勒斯坦,以及与叙利亚4 。我是你的国王 - 结论 - 如果你接受这约,你可以再住!你知道,对我来说你的答案,因为,我不喜欢等待..我失去了耐心,很容易
[巴基斯坦,伊斯兰教,白沙瓦刑事,国王,沙特,沙特,您所做的,你的宗教,武器,破坏人民!如果你不这样做,你是妖,小撒旦?撒旦教徒美国人, DataGATE的大魔头,不,他们将是你的盟友! ]更多的血液在白沙瓦。基督徒为受害者祈祷,而且,在该国的和平。昨天上午,一枚汽车炸弹袭击,城镇市场,而不是远离,所有圣徒教会,地方,大屠杀, 9月22日。至少有33人死亡, 70人受伤,在第三次进攻中,在几天。主教,伊斯兰堡: “巴基斯坦正处于十字路口,保持团结,反对恐怖主义。 ”白沙瓦(亚洲新闻) - 更多的血液,暴力,白沙瓦,资本的开伯尔 - 普赫图赫瓦省,巴基斯坦的省份,剧院,在上周,三,自杀式炸弹袭击,伊斯兰起源。昨天上午,一枚汽车炸弹放置在城市市场,在高峰时间发生爆炸,炸死33人,受伤黑莓,比70 。
01/30/2013 PAKISTAN Punjab: Christian sentenced to death for blasphemy acquitted on appeal by Jibran Khan After Rimsha Masih, the community celebrates the release of Barkat Masih, after 18 months in prison. He had been indicted on false charges, for having fulfilled his job. The joy of human rights activists and associations: another "important precedent". Pakistani priest: it is time to review the laws and prevent abuse. Islamabad (AsiaNews) - After the young girl Rimsha Masih, the Pakistani Christian community can celebrate the acquittal on appeal of a man sentenced to death - without evidence and on the basis of trumped-up charges - for blasphemy. The verdict may give new vigor and hope the other victims of the "black law", including the 46-year old mother of five, Asia Bibi, still waiting.
01/28/2013 [but, if the Catholic Church, in its hypocrisy dare not: even: appoint Saudi Arabia? nothing can change!] ITALY - ASIA. Card. Bagnasco: Shock at the persecution of Christians in Asia. The president of the CEI opens the work of the Permanent Council denouncing the "intolerant rage" against Christians in Asia and North Africa, where the faithful "are not allowed any sign of religious affiliation." A blow to the West "which proclaims human rights but then seems to want to apply them and demand them with in different measures" and an invitation to the parishes, "cultivating the memory of our persecuted brothers and sisters, also revitalizes our faith.". Rome (AsiaNews) - The persecution of Christians in Asia and around the world "creates dismay throughout the Church. In too many countries,
[but, if the Catholic Church, in its hypocrisy dare not: even: appoint Saudi Arabia? nothing can change!] Christians are not allowed any sign of religious affiliation, except by camouflage or in hiding. Experts speak a total of over one hundred thousand Christians of various denominations killed in 2012. A frightening figure, which can not leave people indifferent - individuals and institutions - even less so in the name of economic and political interests", stated Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco during the opening address to the Permanent Council of the Italian bishops' conference, of which he is president. Besides the usual reminders about the Italian political, economic and social scene - reminders present in his book "narrow gate" (published by Cantagalli), presented on January 24 in Rome with the Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Bertone -
[but, if the Catholic Church, in its hypocrisy dare not: even: appoint Saudi Arabia? nothing can change!] the Archbishop of Genoa devoted a long passage to the persecution of Christians in Asia: "The crisis which shock us most at the beginning of this year, which once again the Pope wanted to usher in, in the sign of peace, are situations of persecution which target Christians, situations which largely coincide with the unresolved conflicts in several countries, but partly also develop where apparently there should be no sources of tension". In addition to the well known places, says the archbishop, "racial nationalism is emerging in Asia that periodically arouses intolerant fury under the distracted eyes of the West, that proclaims human rights but then seems to want to apply and demand these same rights with different measures. We regrettably also have to add the frontiers of Africa: Nigeria, Kenya, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Mali,
[but, if the Catholic Church, in its hypocrisy dare not: even: appoint Saudi Arabia? nothing can change!] where the reasons for the attacks are mixed and the public reasons for the violence seem to want to identify Christianity with the West. Yet the Gospel, wherever it is inculturated, is constantly accompanied by experiences of aid to people, often the only aid to be found on the spot". Then, continued the Archbishop of Genoa, "there is ethnic migration of a religious factor, so people who profess Christianity - a religion that is perhaps the most historically rooted in a specific geographic area - must flee, leaving their entire existence and all their worldly possessions, in order not to renounce their faith. Behind the upheavals that took place recently in North Africa, disturbing attempts at further discrimination are emerging, and in too many countries Christians are not allowed any sign of religious affiliation, except by camouflage, in hiding, through dislocation".
[but, if the Catholic Church, in its hypocrisy dare not: even: appoint Saudi Arabia? nothing can change!] Experts speak of a total "of over one hundred thousand Christians of various denominations killed in 2012. A frightening figure, which can not leave anyone indifferent - individuals or institutions - even less so in the name of economic and political interests. Those who suffer and die for Christ, do so for us, and they are our brothers regardless of the distance that divides us. In the mysterious economy through which the kingdom of God on earth is concretely woven, communion with these situations of martyrdom gives truth and vigor to our pastoral work, today focused on re-evangelizing the lands that have long known the Gospel".
[but, if the Catholic Church, in its hypocrisy dare not: even: appoint Saudi Arabia? nothing can change!] In conclusion, Cardinal Bagnasco launches an invitation especially to the West: "If our parishes can keep alive, even nourish, a systematic memory of our brothers and sisters who are persecuted in the world, then even the local faith would be re- vitalised. Who else, if not they, can give us authentic momentum and reasons to believe? ".
[Cina - Diaoyu/Senkaku, Giappone ...] 2013/01/29. 日本. 日本首次将基督教遗址纳入申遗名单提交联合国教科文组织. 日本长崎县和熊本县政府联合向文部科学相提交十三处"人类文化遗产"名单。其中包括了著名的、被教宗比约九世誉为"东方奇迹"的大浦主教座堂以及多处基督 徒殉道纪念遗址。历史上,日本的福传事业遭遇了最为严酷的迫害. 长崎(亚洲新闻/通讯社)-日本政府历史上首次考虑将国内基督教遗址纳入名单,向联合国教科文组织申报世界文化遗产。长崎县和熊本县政府向文部科学相下村 博文递交了一份十三处申请"人类文化遗产"名单。下个月,东京将正式向联合国教科文组织提出申遗,预计将于九月获悉结果 上述十三处地址几乎全部是基督教在日本发展历史的遗址。其中首推巴黎外方传教会两位传教士于一八六四年创建的、
[Cina - Diaoyu/Senkaku, Giappone ...]专门纪念二十六名殉道基督徒的著名大浦天主教主教座堂。 五九七年,这九名欧洲人和十六名日本人被当时的日本皇帝丰臣秀吉下令钉死在十字架上。这座圣堂也是日本的第一座西方式建筑、一九三三年被指定为"国宝" 圣堂建成后,部分村民找到参与建造的传教士询问是否可以进入"敬礼玛丽亚"。由此,传教士发现了这些遗留下来的首批日本基督徒的后裔。因为丰臣秀吉发起的 教难,令他们被迫隐姓埋名。随后,几万地下教友来到圣堂、恢复了信仰生活。教宗比约九世闻讯后,盛赞这是"东方的奇迹". 除大浦主教座堂外,长崎和熊本县政府还要求将其它基督徒殉道处、十六世纪日本基督徒逃难的地下墓穴申遗。事实上,长崎是日本福传的发源地。但因德川幕府的 迫害,遭禁二百五十年。
7 amen ♰ ☠ pax ☠ pax ☠ Alleluia AMEN. Sharia NAZI. CSPBCSS MLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB. MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison, made by yourself, alleluia. amen. Rei unius King of Israel - you are buying from a jew 666 IMF: your own money to a value of around 300%: 100%: for debt: public. 100%: for debt: Private. For 100% seigniorage banking. you are the slave of Rothschild: his sheep, Because that's what the Talmud says! I know for the recession (monetary)? you have no more milk or wool to give to him: ie, Rothschild! then, Rothschild, your master now: will take your flesh: also! you will be dead in 2015. with the "products: derivatives", "financial bubbles". public debt: bank seigniorage: etc. banking system: can not return the money to the people. I know the only way to cover up this crime of the IMF? is to kill only 5.5 billion: people. But, this is to perfect the NWO. everyone can judge: the Satanist, who you are! by Rei unius king of Israel
[il sangue cristiano.pdf]
(who can do these crimes? He has already decided to do of all whole human race: one only bunch of slaves) uhjk100 SAID[closed its site for fear] I understand now, even more, that Zionist Jews are an absolute evil, even worse than the Muslim extremists. - ANSWER - people do not know that Hitler tried to talk to them, BUT FOR HIM: THIS IS been IMPOSSIBLE .. such as: was been: impossible, also for me! Because they have faith: absolute, in their Rabbis: Kakam:Pharisees Illuminati or the IMF? Fidelity is an absolute! but, I have asked God for an answer .. so, I called a: my son to open: a new Bible at random: the Lord answered me, through Amos 9 (punishment of Israel)..All the sinners of my people? die by the sword! they, who saying the misfortune, will not come down to us, and we do not touch! "because of them? I failed my agenda of Universal brotherhood .. then, of course, will be a massacre! @IsraelNationalTV- If these crimes: they have never been: recognized: disavowed: or renegades, condemned, by the Jewish communities? Then, these crimes: they are still made today again, by all shit of Ovadia: Kakam Illuminati of IMF: seigniorage banking .. because today it is easy to do this dirty work(to drain human blood), using satanists! That's why God can never, answer to your prayers .. However: if they have the stomach: for go to the hell: with Satan? also for this few miserable years: of these earthly life? the help of American Satanists jewish lobby: 666 and 322? however, is not something that is going to last! quiet boy! I am come to you? but, My spirit has passed, killing thousands of Satanists: first! quiet.. a king knows how to: as protect its subjects! You have noticed how demons: by: Joshua [23.11] the traslator google: has canceled: arbitrarily: my approach (3° WW nuclear)? [Christian blood] HISTORICAL APPENDIX. Preamble. The revelations of: Neophyte: are still credible?1 °: the historical list of Many: murders: that ritual purposes: always committed: Jews in the past: for centuries: in this: the more special: clear: confessions: of: Jews: of: this: murder: and: this ritual purpose: that: are reported in authentic processes. II. List historical: some: assassinations: of: Christians: committed: by: Jews for ritual purposes:] in: centuries ago. Many: lists: of this assassinations: ** 1255. A Lincoln (Bolland. vol.6July, p.494) Hugh Child stolen by Jews are fed up to the day of sacrifice. Many: Jews agree, from various parts of England: and crucify him:. [Christian blood] It is remarkable to consider, such as: the same confessions and revelations have been made by: Jews, even after many, many: centuries and in countries far away: in Trento, Moldova, Switzerland: in: centuries XIV and XVIII, by: Monumenta of Pertz historiae Germanicae. But, because, so far reported, the use jew: to: use: of Christian blood, for ritual purposes: it is ancient and constant: in: centuries gone by. But we now come to the century: present... ecc. ecc. Giosué[23.11] we are all sons of Adam and Noah? So why: Rabbi: Ovadia Yosef: ie, Pharisees: can say that: Christians are animals in human form? What lies beneath: all this? evitente is: the Jewish lobby: 666 of 322: IMF: they stole the symbols of Judaism and Christianity! go against the Satanists? It's like going against yourself! However, also if, this story: horrible: of the Talmud: is more over: 3000 years, dating back to the roots of the Jewish religion, was immediately corrupt: because of apostasy for oral tractions: which then were incorporated in the Talmud? However, we should not be afraid of the truth and we should not be afraid to amputate cancer: first, that came be death of the entire body. for do luciferian Grove cult: ie New Tower Babel: NWO. Giosué [23,11] @IsraelNationalTV-- Abbiate gran cura, per la vostra vita, di amare il Signore vostro Dio. [12] why, if, make apostasy(Talmud: Pharisees).. then,[13] then, you know.. you will be perished: and you will be gone (3° nuclear WW): from this: good land which the Lord your God has given you.- ANSWER- goddammit! speak ill of Israel? (even if: it is an abomination Masonic founded by Satanists of the IMF:.. even if it's like: all other false democracies: of the banking seigniorage): for a Christian? is like cutting off his arm! How has Judaism religious movement? many! So why this hate absurd: the synagogue of Satan (Illuminati Pharisees): against: Christians from the beginning? Would you expect, That, has ended the 3 rd WW Nuclear? But this is PRECISELY the problem: "if there will be: 3 ° after WW nuclear 'one State of Israel!"
@Illuminati Satanic Sharia political 322 leaders 666, super wealthy bankers grove owl god baal Talmud rabbis espoused IMF FED ECB enlightened of the synagogue seigniorage banking stolen from the people for the corruption and high treason "of Freemasonry:(false debt pubblic to make tax)(false private debt for do predation of all people peoples and businesses through banks) as you can hate in this mode, the value of life human to this point?+ demons have a big problem while men have an big advantage In fact, God does not look to the past of menbut in their future that is, in the their conversion, lol. if the Masons and their masters Illuminati IMF that they have always fought with great success against Christianity in all of these 5 centuries! if they do not start to defend Christianity that they have always fought? lol. they will find themselves in their ass the sword of Muhammad! Jews 70 captivity was predicted & it happened. A great ruler by the name of Cyrus was predicted to conquer Babylon at the end of this 70 year captivity. He did! The amazing part of it all is that The Most High Yah (God) named Cyrus over a century before he was born. The Bible is real & so is the The Most High. Do not be tricked into thinking He is not real. Those who say He is not real & His Bible is fake, they are ministers of Satan who are here to lead you to the hell that was meant for Satan & his angels. You don't have to go to hell. Choose Yahshua! Read Romans 10:9-13. receive it & believe it for salvation! [Not Muhammad invented Islam Muslims rightly say"Adam, Abraham, etc. were Muslims] for example in fake church tradition there is a book called the infancy Gospel of Thomas and the infancy gospel of Jesus Christ, Both Those books fake are fabrication and belong to the 2ndand 5th: century, not only that Jesus(say he is the son of God)but all funny all this stories of things that expose in Corano, muslim claim That there is not errors in the Quran! I will show you some of the errors of the Quran and you will laugh at it! In the bible Moses father is Called Amram and Moses have a brother called Aron, and a sister called Mary(Mariam), in the Quran the Virgin Mary was called Mary The Daughter Of Amram (Umran)and the sister of Aron The Problem Is Amram is not her father nor Aronis her brother, and there is 1000s of years between the two Mary's, yet the Quran a mix between Them, some muslims will tell you That the Quran That means clustering Amram was her great grandfather! the problem: Mary is from Tribe of Juda and Amram is from The Tribe Levi! how can Muhammad ascended at sky, many years later his death why:"Dome of the Rock"it was not built why, Muslims did not have control of Palestine at the death of Muhammad! In The Quran When Israelite made an image of calf and worship it, it was made A Man Called by the Samir not why: by Aaron Islam believe prophet scan not mistake They think and Aaron is prophet. Samiri comes from name Called the city of Samaria which is a city Established 6 Centuries after Moses! how can a guy Called Samir was with Moses and Aaron in the deasert! for example, can I like to you say you are American in middle age when american was not named America yet! yet this is what did Quran! Samiri this was ordered by Quran not to be why: touch is a magician have evil spirits, this matches Simon Magus who was Called samaritan! another confusion! You Need To Remember That in simon Gave images Life According to the Pseudo-Clementine Recognition sand Homilies which effectively is false stories, peter and When He Went to Rome said that no ones hould touch HIM why: He have evil spirits in the Quran, Moses said to the Samiri[Moses] said" Then go And indeed, it is [decreed]for you in [this]life to say,'No contact'. I can see again how Mohammad mixes stories together and mixes different times together! and even calling a guy Samir which in arabic mean belong to Samaria, Which Did not exist at time of Moses! How can be written by another after his death Koran which was dictated to him? [[to hide it all this bullshit? that Muslims are forced to be sharia ignorant and murderers?]]
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia •
nega il DEBITO, sovranità monetari al 100%!
I saw, God bless, good work
☦️burn satana ☦️shariah ☦️Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name amen ☦️alleluia ☦️ da un cimitero devi uscire e in un cimitero tu devi entrare definitivamente
☦️ in Jesus's name amen ☦️alleluia ☦️
IBAN: IT55H0760104000001016405753 bisogna passare al SIMEC,
nega il DEBITO!
538, Šílený, zločinec, ÍRÁN , pro otroky, dhimmi,
@SiamoInGuerra999 - walking worms slanderers, like you, on the page of youtube, when I go to sleep!. 666 IMF FED ECB, cannibal, gods Baal Marduk owl: at bohemian grove, 322 - ie, institutional Satanism: you are the fan: of 666 IMF Rothschild, and, not, of me! you're just a criminal institution! are unnecessary: all your lies: about IMF FED, etc. .., I do not want, the charity, by the thief murderess: 666 322 Bush satanic Rothschild, who, wants to be my friend, after all .. That legitimacy can never have been, for a murderess usurer, he stole: the monetary sovereignty: of all Peoples: in total disregard, of human dignity: Hope of Israel, and the Constitutions of all Peoples? .. Therefore, all that you said? are lies of the devil!
Synnek1 posted a comment 18 hours ago: we do not forgive We do not forget ... [U.S. 666 are many legions of demons] - ANSWER - because, you cannibals, drink human blood: On the altar of Satan? because you want to have in yourself, the same feelings of Satan, and then destroy: with human nature, also: all the effects of Christian baptism (compassion, justice, fairness). That's why, when you say: "Satanists are monsters" who are happy to be recognized: in this way .. because, well, they think they have achieved: a superiority on the: human race: that is destined to be exterminated, and enslaved, this ambition has been given to them by the Pharisees of the Masonic system of bank seigniorage: IMF FED ECB. ie, project, alien abductions, reverse engineering, microchip technology secret U.S. military, which is: NWO ... but, do you really think you can win against me: I'm not that asshole, of Saudi Arabia, King horror sharia fagot nazi islamist
01/29/2013 EGYPT [Nazi Islamists for the happiness of the IMF: IIIWW, NWO: talmud agenda] The Muslim Brotherhood in a blind alley, Egyptian journalist says. In Port Said, Ismailia and Suez, the curfew imposed by Mohamed Morsi is being ignored. As a sign of their contempt, young people are organising night-time soccer matches. Police no longer acknowledge the authority of the Interior Ministry. The grand imam of al-Azhar has gone in volunteer exile in protest against Islamists. Opposition parties and Christian Churches have given up on "useless" talks with the government. Even the poor and illiterate, the Brotherhood's main electoral base, are tired of being used as pawns. Cairo (AsiaNews) - "No one in Port Said, Ismailia or Suez is respecting the curfew ordered by President Mohamed Morsi. In Ismailia some young men have organised an overnight soccer match in one of the city's stadiums.
EGYPT [Nazi Islamists for the happiness of the IMF: IIIWW, NWO: talmud agenda] In Cairo, where there is no state of emergency, Tahrir Square and the district of Heliopolis are guarded by thousands of people, a sort of mass sit-in that should last until the government meets the demands of the people, namely change the constitution, dismiss the government and force the resignation of the attorney general appointed by the president," this according to André Azzam, an Egyptian journalist who spoke to AsiaNews about the country's current chaotic situation, caught between demonstrations marking the second anniversary of the Jasmine Revolution and protests by soccer fans that left 30 people dead and 500 injured. "The Muslim Brotherhood is far removed from the needs of ordinary Egyptians," Azzam explained. "They are losing authority and popularity every day. No one wants to talk to them because they have nothing to say and only want to defend the power they have seized."
EGYPT [Nazi Islamists for the happiness of the IMF: IIIWW, NWO: talmud agenda] Christian Churches (Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant and Evangelical) and opposition parties have started boycotting them. For the latter, talks proposed by the president are "useless and meaningless". In a press release, the spokesman for the Egyptian Catholic Church, Fr Rafic Greiche, said that "the meetings are unproductive and lead nowhere." For Azzam, the Christian minority and opposition parties are not the only groups keeping at arm's length from the Islamist establishment. Police and al-Azhar University are openly boycotting the government. "After what happened in Port Said, police officers no longer recognise the authority of the Islamist-dominated Interior Ministry. Recently, they have prevented ministry officials from taking part in the funerals of agents killed during the attack by al-Masri soccer fans on police stations in the city located on the mouth of the Suez Canal."
EGYPT [Nazi Islamists for the happiness of the IMF: IIIWW, NWO: talmud agenda] "Last Thursday, Ahmed al-Tayeb, grand imam at al-Azhar, refused to take part in celebrations marking the birth of Muhammad. Since then, he has been in voluntary exile in his native village near Luxor. He is concerned that Islamists want to take over the ancient Islamic university." Rural residents, a group that traditionally backs the Muslim Brotherhood, are turning away as well. Last Friday, Islamists kept away from celebrations marking the Arab spring, going instead into the villages to volunteer and hand out food at half price. "They are trying this way to earn the support of the illiterate who, however, are starting to see that they are being used by unscrupulous people," Azzam explained. "A Cairo taxi driver who lives in a suburb told me he bought two kilos of meat for his family from one of these places," he said. "It was so old that even after five hours of cooking you could not eat it."
EGYPT [Nazi Islamists for the happiness of the IMF: IIIWW, NWO: talmud agenda] "According to him, the poor are tired of being hoodwinked and are no longer willing to sell themselves for a bag of rice or a piece of inedible meat. They too want to participate in building Egypt." (S.C.). 01/28/2013. EGYPT. Egypt in chaos, Morsi declares state of emergency. The curfew will begin this evening at 21.00 in Suez, Port Said and Ismalia and will last 30 days. Arab Spring protests mixed with football hooliganism. The death toll is 50 dead and nearly 500 injured. Cairo (AsiaNews / Agencies) - Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi has proclaimed a curfew in the districts of Port Said, Suez and Ismalia, after four days of violence that has killed 50 people. The measure will begin this evening at 21.00 (local time) and will last approximately 30 days. "Prior to my election
EGYPT [Nazi Islamists for the happiness of the IMF: IIIWW, NWO: talmud agenda]- said the president - I said I was opposed to resort to extraordinary measures, but the security of the nation is in danger and it is time to act." "The violence of recent days - he continued - has nothing to do with the revolution. Instead, it is the 'ugly face' of a counter-revolution." Since last January 25, the second anniversary of the Jasmine Revolution, Egypt has been in the grip of severe tensions. For three days, hundreds of thousands of people protested in major Egyptian cities - Cairo, Alexandria, Assuit, Port Said, Suez, Sharqiya, Kafr al-Sheikh - calling for the end of the Islamist establishment and a true democracy. The most serious clashes took place in Suez, where eight people were killed. The protests of the young democratic movements overlapped with the violence of football hooligans
EGYPT [Nazi Islamists for the happiness of the IMF: III WW, NWO: talmud agenda] linked to the death sentence handed down to 21 people over the Port Said massacre took place on 2 February 2012. On 26 January, the family of the condemned and supporters of Al-Masri - the local team whose fans are responsible for the deaths of 73 supporters of the opponent al-Ahly (Cairo team) - tried to storm the police stations. 32 people died in clashes. Yesterday, at the funeral of the victims, hooligans and police again clashed on the streets of Port Said, adding seven more dead and 450 wounded to the toll. 11/25/2011. EGYPT. Al Azhar backs Tahrir Square protesters, calls for the defence of Christians. Sheikh Shaheen urges the military to heed demonstrators' demands. More than a million people are in the streets of Alexandria and Cairo. Appointed as the new prime minister, Kamal Ganzuori is tasked with forming a national unity government. He was also prime minister under Mubarak.
EGYPT [Nazi Islamists for the happiness of the IMF: IIIWW, NWO: talmud agenda] Cairo (AsiaNews) -- Al Azhar is backing Tahrir Square protesters, calling on everybody to defend Christians. In his Friday sermon, Sheikh Shaheen, from al Azhar, the most important Sunni university, slammed the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) for listening to politicians rather than the young protesters. Dubbed the 'imam of the revolution', he called on state TV to give the revolutionaries their own channel to express and spread their views. Today, more than a million people are in the streets of Cairo and Alexandria to demand the dissolution of the SCAF and the postponement of the elections. For its part, the SCAF has asked Kamal Ganzuori, 78, to form a new government of national unity. Mr Ganzouri is a former prime minister under Mubarak. The new cabinet is expected to include for the first time members of the Muslim Brotherhood.
USA , Lady Liberty ] je [ "zlo" , bohyně , Aštar Šeran ,démonický , babylónský , panteon . Marduk , s " DECEPTION S " svých lidských obětí ] VŽDY ... " A není divu , protože to taky sám Satan převléká za anděla světla . " Astaroth , to je jeden , z mnoha , démony židovské kultury , které podle , na tradice , non- kanonický , Cain tlačil zabít jeho bratr Abel . Původně Ashtoreth , byl v pohanské bohyně , transformované , u Židů : v , děsivým démonem a odpudivého . Aštar Šeran , démon , průvodci, duchovní průvodci , v únosu mimozemšťany : ona říká: " ... moje slova jsou důležitá ostružiny,Desatero , Mount Sinai ... " a samozřejmě , ten démon , jako, všechny démoni, komunisté , zednářství islamisté , farizeové, ara , Babylon , NWO moc, 666 , velký prostitutka, která se dopustí smilstva s , všichni králové země. Proto zabíjet znovu, z semene Abrahamova , v dalším , hrozící , holocaustu , proti, Izrael
[] CIA , DATAGATE , ty hajzle S nesprávné osobě , Světová banka , 666 , 322 Bush Kerry , [ OSAMA OBAMA -] marihuana , PARTY IN SATAN SYNAGUE BILDEDNBERG farizeům , Ilumináti CULT Boha , sova , na Bohhemian Grove , Baal , JabullOn , freemasory , ražebné bankovní podvod , MMF, FED , ECB, micro -chip , cizinci únos , agenda. GMO Morgellony - odpověď - můžu zničit USA , nyní , nebo mezi 150 let.
666 , CIA, DATAGATE , Hacker , UFuckWithWrongPerson - když jsi šel do Číny , s , vaše žena udělat pro podnikání, To (! Pak byly Been ,selhání) Protože, mě požádal o pomoc, a ne, požádal o pomoc , vaše satan , čas od času , který jsi řekl : " Satan mě zachránil ! " a , jak on může zachránit, nebo jiné , v případě, že není nikdo, kdo jiný jej může zachránit , z pekla ?
@ Král Saúdská Arábie - Doufám, že ne, budete mít nestoudnost , a zeptejte se mě zastavit , ruské tanky a čínské tanky, když se chystáte , neboť spolu s farizeji , lázně MMF , Bush a společnost , korporace, zednářský systém, podvod , bankovní ražebného ? , že jsi velmi nenávistný sračky na světě .. a jistě, to nemůžu udělat , můj všeobecné bratrství , s tebou v životě !
@ Král Saúdská Arábie - učitel , který jsem nahradil tento rok ( a všichni říkali ) , že poučení , že nikdy nedělal , aviceprezident , ve skutečnosti, obviňoval mě , řka: "Pane profesore, musíte pochopit , studenti nejsou zvyklí , aby se náboženství třídu ", ale druhý učitel, i on , není to , lekce, třída náboženství. se v úzkosti , protože teď to může být , velmi ponižující , trapné, a pronikavý , pro něj ,srovnání mezi mnou a jím , a pak začal pomlouvat mě . lol. Naštěstí to , mám přítele , jako jsi ty , kteří si mohou mi rozumějí! Ve skutečnosti, i prorok Jeremiáš , kde byl vzrušený , sváry , a hádky .. Ale to, že řekl , příběh , prorok Jeremiáš , viděl umírat , všichni, kdo budou - koho , promluvil .. Ve skutečnosti nemáte, nemá šanci , že budou moci zastavit ruské tanky a čínské .. , pokud ne dříve , jdu tě zabít , všechny islamistů Erdogan blázen, šaría nazi , uložit , Izrael aHuman Race .
@ Král Saúdská Arábie , dnes , v mém 4. ITIS ,tabule " lim " s ADSL , [ ( Návrat do života - vzkříšení :dějiny dvacátého století ) ,pastýř zemřel , v Nigérii , autonehodu , po čtyřech dnech Bůh ho vzkřísil , s modlitbou , letniční , charismatické ] , ale v Nigérii , kde to není vaše , Boko Haram , dělají masakry křesťanů mučedníků , nevinný ? - >Video se zastaví a cromium , dal před , pak sám , 1. . pornografické video 2 . pak sám [ translate Google ( . )] číst,Ave Maria , naopak ( rouhání , satanismus ) , a pak psal a četl: [ kněz vy, musíte zemřít ] a traslator číst, ale také , pokud se předtím vypnutý [nyní říkám, jestli jsi hloupý? Já nejsem zodpovědný ! ]
[ @ Obama - pokud tebe taky , ne plivat proti ústavě jako oni Bush 322 , Kerry 322 , pak také , můžete to udělat , Kennedyho vládní nařízení 11110 , zachránit svůj lid ] přeskočena rozpočtu dohodu : po " zavírá " 17 roků stát ... Washington - ( Adnkronos / Zápal ) -kongres, ne, najde dohodu o financování státní mašinerie , a nyníspráva již není schopen zaplatit nejvíce, veřejných služeb , přičemž alespoň 800.000 , občanské služebníci v ohrožení. -> @ Obama - pokud ty taky , ne plivat , proti, Ústavy , stejně jako prezident Bush 322 , Kerry , v farizeů esoterických satanských agendy ? Pak taky, můžete to udělat , Kennedyho vládní nařízení , 11110 , pro lásku , vaše amerických národů
[[ Popeye Obamacare , riziko Pomocí tlačítka " vypnutí " ]] @ Obama , můžete se stát, hrdina! Pokud máte opravdu rádi lidi , a ty nejsi jiný , svobodný zednář trestní , jako je , Clinton, Bush , Kerry, atd. .. ? Můžete vytisknout všechny potřebné peníze , pomocí výkonné nařízení , Kennedy ,11110 , pouze to, že pak nemáte ukázat na veřejnosti , protože farizeové osvícený Anglo-americká , Spa MMF , FED ? 'll tě zastřelit !
[[ Selhání Vladimir Putin Barack Obama , na případu Sýrie ]]návrh na Kreml pod mezinárodní kontrolou chemických zbraní Bašára Asada je způsob, jak " výstup pro Obamu. Ale ipřekážka pro něj - odpověď - Tento článek hovoří o slabé Obama .. ale , žesíla nebyla , že do konce vyhladit , šíité , křesťané v Sýrii a na stát sám , Al- Káida ( z , Obama, Osama ) ! Katastrofa Obama byl ideologické a morální , byl nepřítel , loutka židovské křesťanské civilizace , nepřítelem měnové suverenity,pravda, loutka v rukou farizeů , lázně, Banca světě, kteří chtějí zničit Izrael , společně , celá lidská rasa , ale já jsemžidovsko- křesťanské civilizace , to je, já jsem lidská rasa !
@ Putin - jsi velký péro , žádné koule , jsi jen ubohý zrádce. nemůžete nikdy vyhrát válku proti farizeové Anglo -Američané , ve skutečnosti si koupit od nich , zaujmout své peníze ..
30.září PARIS, '' ripování Silvio Berlusconi ohrožuje stabilitu eurozóny '' - . ODPOVĚĎ - @ Illuminati farizeové Bildenbeg , MMF, ECB FED Spa, vy, zednáři , jste si vzali , rukojmí , všechny národy , ve skutečnosti, jste ukradl všechny,měnová suverenita ( ražebné bankovnictví) , které jste ukradl z nich , jejich budoucnost , a doufám, že ve skutečnosti jste udělali , lidé , vaši otroci ... [[ Služebník jest , koupit peníze , a je otrokem platit úroky .. nejste lidské bytosti , vy jste monstra nelítostných vrahů zločinců .. ] ]
@ Farizeové , Rothschild Rochefeller , Bildenberg , Ilumináti špinavý, prasata zločinci - nezáleží na tom , že jste pokrytci , protože nevidíte pornografii , jste vždy podněcují ! proč" drogový dealer " , to znamená, že (majitel jakéhokoliv monopolu (Lázeňská MMF) je být pánem všech věcí , je to vždy mnohem vážnější , že si uživatel drog " ) dle Vašeho Tóry ? jste byl odsouzen k trestu smrti mě . fakt jsem se , nařídil vám, odstranit všechny nezletilé , pornografie , a místo toho , také v porno stránky , hlavní , byly stále ještě podílí , děti . pak jsem věta budete k smrti všechny ty pedofily , moc , ti, co udělat video porno s dětmi a nezletilí , máte stále je .. zabit satanisty
[ Írán, 200 hlavic , v izraelském jaderném arzenálu ] Javad Zarif , ministr zahraničních věcí Íránu , během rozhovoru s americkou televizní síť ABC, - odpověď - protože ty jsi proti nacistům , kteří mučení nevinné křesťanské mučedníky , na Blízkém východě .. - ODPOVĚĎ - OK! SE , IS 200 , mám dost !
30. září byly 17:46 , nacistické Súdán, bez svobody náboženského vyznání, Chartúm, byla zveřejněna na internetu , foto šoku, který by ukazovala na oběti násilné potlačení protestů v Súdánu policie .. - ODPOVĚĎ - @ 666 SATAN , USA , MMF, farizeové Anglo- Američané - v Súdánu , křesťané byli zabiti všichni , a děti křesťanů , byly prodávány jako otroci , Saúdská Arábie , takže můžete je všechny zabít , se všemi svými lžemi !
30. září 19:18 . Írán, Obama , Netanjahu , nic , atomová, NEW YORK , prezident Barack Obama Používání souhlasí s izraelským premiérem Benyamin Netanjahu : ... Cílem Íránu je vždy tam , '' zničit Izrael , '' řekl Netanjahu . bla, bla , bla, - ODPOVĚĎ - šakali , jak byl Rothschild, kdo tě naučil hrát svobodného zednářství , bla, bla, bla ? kdy jaderná nehoda, že izraelské zpravodajské služby bude jako auto - útok provést , spusťte agresi proti Íránu , a jaderné světovou válku, ?
[ Politici, Izraelci ] od Šestidenní války , s návratem egyptské poušti ? Vy jste vždy agendu Iluminátů farizeů satanisty ! jste zrádci ! Jste největší hrozbou pro Izrael !
[ @ 666 , Obama , DATAGATE , -> Jsem opravdu naštvaný , protože jste zablokovali , můj OS , Linux Mint 15 ] @ moje JHVH - jako Izrael , by odolal , že je tak mladý a malý, tváří v tvář zla, 1. . Liga arabských států , a jeho spojenci , 2 . 666 farizeové, Anglo , Američané , a , všichni jeho , 3 . politické zednáři poškozen , což všechno dohromady , spiknutí , porotce , navržena tak, aby ji zničit , opět v novém holocaustu ?
Premier , turečtina , islamistická nacistické Salafi wahhadita Recep Tayyip Erdogan , připravuje , rychle, ve válce a snaží se eliminovat vnitřního pnutí se také snaží mít více vojáků , více děla , a tlačí vzhůru, na jeho již , spíše než velké přelidnění . [ I Mussolini dělal totéž ] 1 , [ Turecko Erdogan reformy pro Kurdy ] ] 2 . [[ ANKARA , Erdogan : 3 děti, nestačí, Ať je to 4 ]] - odpověď - my @ YHWH spíše , že investovat do míru a rinuncire ,šaría Ligy arabských států se rozhodla jít dolů , ve válce proti mně , pro rozšíření , imperialismu , jeho trestní , nacista, náboženské zjevení , za nic na světě !
@ Šílený zločinec, ÍRÁN , pro otroky dhimmi --- jsem navrhl spojenectví , Už to Rumuni , 1 . zničit šaría , rychle, a 2. . zničit , zednářský stát , Izraele 3 . pak uděláme království Persie , nebo Palestiny , spolu se Sýrií , 4 . Já jsem váš král , - závěr - pokud budete akceptovat tuto smlouvu , můžete znovu žít ! víte , pro mě svou odpověď , protože pro mě nemá rád čekat .. Jsem ztratil trpělivost , snadno
[[ Pákistán, islám , Péšavár zločinec, král, Saúdská , Saúdská , jste provedli , vaše náboženství ,zbraň, zničit lidi ! pokud ne , jsi démon , malý Satan ? Satanisté Američané DATAGATE , Velkému Satanovi , ne, to by měly být , vaši spojenci ! ]] Více krev v Péšávaru . Křesťané se modlili za oběti , a mír v zemi. Včera ráno , auto bomba zasáhla , město trh , není ani zdaleka ,kostel Všech svatých , místo , o masakru , ze dne 22. září . Nejméně 33 mrtvých a raněných , 70 , ve třetím útoku , během několika dnů . Biskup z Islámábádu : " Pákistán je na křižovatce , zůstávají spojených, proti, terorismu. " Péšávar ( AsiaNews ) - více krve a násilí , v Péšávaru , hlavního města Khyber Paštúnchwá , provincie Pákistánu, divadlo, v posledním týdnu , tři , sebevražedné atentáty , z , islámský původ . Včera ránobomba v autě umístěn v městské trhu , explodoval ve špičce , zabíjení 33 lidí a zranili ostružiny , než 70 let.. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. Unius REI . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB]. EGYPT [Nazi Islamists for the happiness of the IMF: IIIWW, NWO: talmud agenda] For Nagui Diamiam, a young Coptic Catholic demonstration, the support of al Azhar is great news. "Until now, the Islamic university had not officially taken side in favour of the demonstrators. For young people, Muslims and Christians, the [sheikh's] message is sign of respect and an invitation to persevere. It goes against the position taken by the Muslim Brotherhood, which has moved away from the protests. Now the Islamist party opposes putting off the election and does not want to make enemies of the army. For the Brotherhood, this is an important opportunity to gain power." However, the appointment of a new prime minister and the formation of a new government are no longer enough, Diamiam said. "The military must go as they promised and postpone the election. It is impossible to vote in a situation of constant clashes and repression." (S.C.)
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia •
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☦️ in Jesus's name amen ☦️alleluia ☦️
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@ 666 الشيطانية التلمود: CIA ---> الدولة لا ينبغي أن يكون فقط الجلاد: من المواطن، لللقيام الدفع في الناس:٪ 270: من قيمة: من ماله (المصد...
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asasen nan satanallah: yo touye: 300: kretyen mati: inosan: chak jou nan mond lan enperyalis Arabi salafist:! sètadi Al Qaeda] peyi Sir...
@ IMFは666 NWO:goyimためロスチャイルドタルムード。 --->タルムード、パリサイ人のラビ(銀行家)(ルシファーから国際通貨基金(IMF)イルミナティ)のパリサイ人(バアルの祭司おとり)のあなたの家族では? あなたは全人類を(:奴隷に全人類を施すことや宗教機...
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