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641975 iscritti
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  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    1 secondo fa
    [these are monsters, and do jihadist war with suicide bomber] Syria: suicide bomber, kill, make slaughters of Loyalists, 50 dead. (AGI)-Nicosia, nov 5. -Are at least fifty confirmed dead, due to a suicide bombing occurred in the province of Western Syria: Hama, made him known the Syrian Observatory for human rights (by: Al Quaeda UN CIA BORN), that a suicide bomber, driving a car bomb slams into a rural area, a group of Loyalist soldiers and ' shabbiha ', the Government-backed, irregular militias. According to Rami Abdel Rahman, President of the Observatory, the bomber belonged to front ' al-Nusra, a paramilitary jihadist group linked to al-Qaeda. always (for sharia, and horror to make: the Islamic saudi imperialism )always (for love, of sharia, horror to make: the Islamic: saudi imperialism). If, this story will have a happy ending? ", there will not be, an 3° WW, then Israel will be not destroyed, as the IMF has planned?and, the King of Saudi Arabia, will become my Father-in-law!
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    3 minuti fa
    [questi mostri: sono jihadista, e fanno la guerra con i kamikaze ] Siria: kamikaze fa strage di lealisti, 50 morti. (AGI) - Nicosia, 5 nov. - Sono almeno cinquanta i morti accertati, a causa, di un attentato suicida avvenuto nella provincia di Hama, Siria occidentale: lo ha reso noto l'Osservatorio Siriano per i Diritti Umani(di: Al Quaeda ONU CIA NATO), secondo cui, un kamikaze, alla guida di un'auto-bomba ha attaccato in una zona rurale, un gruppo di soldati lealisti e di 'shabbiha', i miliziani irregolari filo-governativi. Secondo Rami Abdel Rahman, presidente dello stesso Osservatorio, l'attentatore apparteneva al Fronte 'al-Nusra', un gruppo paramilitare jihadista legato a al-Qaeda. sempre (for sharia horror, e per fare: l'imperialimo islamico). se, questa storia avrà un lieto fine", non ci sarà la 3°WW,poi Israele non sarà più distrutto, come il FMI, ha pianificato? il Re dell'Arabia Saudita, diventerà mio Suocero!
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    24 minuti fa
    [SYRIA] (ANSAmed)-DOHA, NOV 5-A vital summit! To overcome the logic of Syrian National Council (Cns) format in October 2011, and by several parties, held hostage by the Muslim Brotherhood, illegal in Syria, by 32 years, and main component of the opposition to Bashar Al Assad Government.--ANSWER--IF YOU SPLIT Syria? THEN, YOU DECLARED, by YOURSELVES, that, the QUESTION of Islam, CANNOT BE RESOLVED outside of a DRACONIAN solution: SURGERY, ie, 3°: WORLD WAR nuclear, where it is essential, that, the Muslims SHOULD BE EXTERMINATED, and that ISLAM MUST BE DECLARED ILLEGAL. That'S WHY IMF 666 322, PRETEND to BE the ALLIES of the MONKEY MAN with the SCIMITAR, ie, the SALAFI criminal Saudi Arabia horror sharia KING shit
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    31 minuti fa
    [SIRIA] (ANSAmed) - DOHA, 5 NOV - Un summit cruciale! PER superare la logica del Consiglio Nazionale Siriano (Cns) formato nell'ottobre 2011, e da più parti, giudicato ostaggio della Fratellanza musulmana, illegale in Siria da 32 anni, e principale componente dell'opposizione al governo di Bashar Al Assad.-- ANSWER -- SE VOI SPACCATE LA SIRIA? POI, VOI DICHIARATE, DA VOI STESSI, CHE, LA QUESTIONE ISLAMICA, NON PUÒ ESSERE RISOLTA, AL DI FUORI DI UNA CHIRURGICA: DRACONIANA, SOLUZIONE, DELLA 3°:GUERRA MONDIALE, DOVE È INDISPENSABILE CHE, I MUSULMANI DEBBANO ESSERE STERMINATI, E CHE L'ISLAM DEVE ESSERE DICHIARATO ILLEGALE. ECCO PERCHÉ 666 322 FMI, FINGONO DI ESSERE GLI ALLEATI DELLO SCIMMIONE CON LA SCIMITARRA, IL RE SALAFITA DELL'ARABIA SAUDITA
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    1 ora fa
    666 Rothschild, 322 Bush, mossad, CIA IMF assassini dell' 11-09, -- have ruined youtube, to stop my Ministry, and now have ruined: "translate . google" : disabling the copy-paste: 666 CIA FMI -- hanno rovinato youtube, per fermare il mio ministero, ed ora hanno rovinato: translate . google: disabilitando il copia - incolla: ¿mi enemigo? ¡es también el enemigo de todos los pueblos! my enemy? is also the enemy of all peoples!

[questi mostri: sono  jihadista, e fanno la guerra con i kamikaze ] Siria: kamikaze fa strage di lealisti, 50 morti. (AGI) - Nicosia, 5 nov. - Sono almeno cinquanta i morti accertati, a causa, di un attentato suicida avvenuto nella provincia di Hama, Siria occidentale: lo ha reso noto l'Osservatorio Siriano per i Diritti Umani(di: Al Quaeda ONU CIA NATO), secondo cui, un kamikaze, alla guida di un'auto-bomba ha attaccato in una zona rurale, un gruppo di soldati lealisti e di 'shabbiha', i miliziani irregolari filo-governativi. Secondo Rami Abdel Rahman, presidente dello stesso Osservatorio, l'attentatore apparteneva al Fronte 'al-Nusra', un gruppo paramilitare jihadista  legato a al-Qaeda. sempre (for sharia horror, e per fare: l'imperialimo islamico)

666 Rothschild, 322 Bush, mossad, CIA IMF assassini dell' 11-09



641939 iscritti
70477326 visualizzazioni video

  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    1 secondo fa
    666 Rothschild, 322 Bush, mossad, CIA IMF assassini dell' 11-09, -- have ruined youtube, to stop my Ministry, and now have ruined: "translate . google" : disabling the copy-paste: 666 CIA FMI -- hanno rovinato youtube, per fermare il mio ministero, ed ora hanno rovinato: translate . google: disabilitando il copia - incolla: ¿mi enemigo? ¡es también el enemigo de todos los pueblos! my enemy? is also the enemy of all peoples!

  • StopSpaMistafield
    StopSpaMistafield ha pubblicato un commento
    9 ore fa
    @ synnek1, 666, if everyone, Nations, else is bad? It is because we are Satanists, CIA, MOSSAD, that, we have made 11-09, etc. etc.. King Saudi Arabia, the monkey man with the scimitar in hand! ---Benjamin Netanyahu, often:: nicknamed Bibi (Hebrew בנימין נתניהו listen; Tel Aviv, October 21, 1949): you don't have permission to destroy Iran? You can defend your people, always, only lifting: to my Kingdom of Palestine: now! now, immediately!
  • StopSpaMistafield
    StopSpaMistafield ha pubblicato un commento
    9 ore fa
    King Saudi Arabia, the monkey man with the scimitar in hand! [Pharisees666,IMF:. &.: Salafists, Al Quaeda: sharia horror, the new wars of religion of the 21st century, for Israel disintegrating] [farisei FMI, &: salafiti, Al Quaeda: sharia horror, le nuove guerre di religione del XXI secolo, per disintegrare Israele.. Indonesia -- Supreme Court 'pro' ruling ignored by City authority, so church resists. GKI Yasmin congregation meet outside closed church Oct 2010. Local authorities order church to relocate, despite ruling allowing church to reopen Jakarta, October 30 (Open Doors News) — Bogor City, 60 kilometres south of the Indonesian capital Jakarta, is reported to be one of the world's most densely populated areas. And, although not an Islamic state, Indonesia is the world's most populous Muslim-majority nation, with 86.1% of Indonesians being Muslim, according to the 2000 census.
  • StopSpaMistafield
    StopSpaMistafield ha pubblicato un commento
    9 ore fa
    King Saudi Arabia, the monkey man with the scimitar in hand! [Pharisees666,IMF:. &.: Salafists, Al Quaeda: sharia horror, the new wars of religion of the 21st century, for Israel disintegrating] In April 2010, Bogor's Taman Yasmin Indonesia Christian Church (GKI Yasmin) was closed by order of the Mayor and city government. In December that year, the Indonesian Supreme Court affirmed the church's constitutional right to freedom of worship; however the Mayor refused to reopen the church. The Indonesian Ombudsman's Office also urged the Bogor city administration to withdraw its later 2011 decree annulling the church's construction permit. But now, in the latest twist in the long-running saga, Indonesia's Interior Minister, along with the Bogor City authorities, decided at a meeting in September that the church would not reopen, but instead should relocate about 7 kilometres away.
  • StopSpaMistafield
    StopSpaMistafield ha pubblicato un commento
    9 ore fa
    King Saudi Arabia, the monkey man with the scimitar in hand! [Pharisees666,IMF:. &.: Salafists, Al Quaeda: sharia horror, the new wars of religion of the 21st century, for Israel disintegrating] In addition to the Mayor and Interior Minister, representatives of the Muslim Communications Forum (Forkami) -- a hard-line religious group known for its stance against GKI Yasmin -- attended the meeting. Understandably, the church is refusing to comply with this order. "No matter where, no matter how beautiful or how expensive the new location, we will not accept," said the GKI Yasmin spokesman, Bona Sigalingging. He said if the church was evicted it would mean that the rule of law in Indonesia has collapsed. "There will be a separation and segregation based on racial intolerance. It means betraying Bhinneka Tunggal Ika." (Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, the motto of Indonesia, means 'Unity in Diversity').
  • StopSpaMistafield
    StopSpaMistafield ha pubblicato un commento
    9 ore fa
    King Saudi Arabia, the monkey man with the scimitar in hand! [Pharisees666,IMF:. &.: Salafists, Al Quaeda: sharia horror, the new wars of religion of the 21st century, for Israel disintegrating] In May this year, in an attempt to break the deadlock, the President's Advisory Council and the National Defence Council (Wantannas) brokered a month-long negotiation between the church and the Bogor administration to build a mosque adjacent to the church. The church agreed with this suggestion, but it wasn't enough for the hardliners, who want to see the church gone from the area. Vice Chairman of the Setara Institute for Democracy and Peace (an Indonesian NGO that conducts research and advocacy on democracy, political freedom and human rights) Bonar Tigor Naipospos, said the meeting had shown that the government tended to solve problems involving minority groups
  • StopSpaMistafield
    StopSpaMistafield ha pubblicato un commento
    9 ore fa
    King Saudi Arabia, the monkey man with the scimitar in hand! [Pharisees666,IMF:. &.: Salafists, Al Quaeda: sharia horror, the new wars of religion of the 21st century, for Israel disintegrating] by ruling them out rather than accommodating them. "Relocation without listening to the voice of victims would violate human rights. Relocation means eviction and law violations. GKI Yasmin objects to being relocated anywhere at anytime," he said. "The government keeps suggesting relocations as solutions for the Ahmadis, Shiites and GKI Yasmin's case. This will only lead to further segregation," he said. He also questioned the motive behind the decision. Bonar suspects that the location of the church -- near to hospitals, supermarkets and shops -- means that the land will be valuable real estate. GKI Yasmin is one of several examples of the lack of protection for Indonesia's minority groups.
  • StopSpaMistafield
    StopSpaMistafield ha pubblicato un commento
    9 ore fa
    King Saudi Arabia, the monkey man with the scimitar in hand! [Pharisees666,IMF:. &.: Salafists, Al Quaeda: sharia horror, the new wars of religion of the 21st century, for Israel disintegrating] The church was sealed and padlocked in April, 2010 on the orders of the Mayor of Bogor. He claimed that the church brought trouble with the local Muslim neighbours. Later he said that the church should not be built on a street with an Islamic name. Its congregation resorted to conducting services on the pavement in front of the church for more than two years. During services outside the church, they constantly faced harassment from groups of protesters -- including from Forkami. Fearing further aggravation from hard-liners, members of the Protestant church now hold clandestine services at the houses of congregation members. They have also conducted Sunday services in front of the State Palace, to further their case with the government.
  • StopSpaMistafield
    StopSpaMistafield ha pubblicato un commento
    9 ore fa
    King Saudi Arabia, the monkey man with the scimitar in hand! [Pharisees666,IMF:. &.: Salafists, Al Quaeda: sharia horror, the new wars of religion of the 21st century, for Israel disintegrating] The Bogor City Government has reportedly allocated land for the replacement church some 7 kilometers from its present location, and a budget of up to 10 billion rupiahs for a new church. But it is by no means certain that, even should the church agree to relocation, they would be allowed to build a new church. Among other things, they would have to obtain a new building permit, which would require them to obtain approval signatures from 60 Muslims and 90 Christians. Ali Akbar Tanjung from the Human Rights Working Group (HRWG) said that the situation would further taint Indonesia's human rights record. The United Nation Human Rights Council has just started the 14th session (22nd Oct- 5th Nov)
  • StopSpaMistafield
    StopSpaMistafield ha pubblicato un commento
    9 ore fa
    King Saudi Arabia, the monkey man with the scimitar in hand! [Pharisees666,IMF:. &.: Salafists, Al Quaeda: sharia horror, the new wars of religion of the 21st century, for Israel disintegrating] of its Universal Periodic Review (UPR), its review of the human rights practices of all States in the world, once every four years. "The government promised to improve back in May. How can it fulfill its promise if the Home Ministry pressures GKI Yasmin like this?" A series of recommendations proposed by nations participating in May's UPR discussed the persecution of minority groups in Indonesia, with a recommendation that Indonesia "should strengthen efforts to ensure that any assaults against religious minorities are properly investigated and that those responsible are brought to justice".
  • StopSpaMistafield
    StopSpaMistafield ha pubblicato un commento
    9 ore fa
    King Saudi Arabia, the monkey man with the scimitar in hand! [Pharisees666,IMF:. &.: Salafists, Al Quaeda: sharia horror, the new wars of religion of the 21st century, for Israel disintegrating] The Secretary of the Diakonia Communion of Churches in Indonesia, Jeirry Sumampow, fully supports the stance taken by the GKI Yasmin. "The government should be consistent in enforcing laws and regulations, and implement the Supreme Court decision," he said. "We'll support GKI Yasmin if they refuse relocation." ENDS. Benjamin Netanyahu, spesso soprannominato Bibi (in ebraico בנימין נתניהו ascolta; Tel Aviv, 21 ottobre 1949) non ti hanno permesso di distruggere l'Iran? tu puoi difendere il tuo popolo, soltanto sollevando il mio Regno di Palestina: adesso!
  • Synnek1
    Synnek1 ha pubblicato un commento
    9 ore fa
    Dear China: [<3]
  • Nozferot
    Nozferot ha pubblicato un commento
    9 ore fa
  • StopSpaMistafield
    StopSpaMistafield ha pubblicato un commento
    9 ore fa
    [Uzbekistan: assassin criminal in all World] increases charges against church leader in Kazakhstan jail. Makset Djabbarbergenov with his wife, Aigul, and three sons in 2010. The family now has four boys, and is expecting a fifth child. Makset Djabbarbergenov with his wife, Aigul, and three sons in 2010. The family now has four boys, and is expecting a fifth child. (Photo: Courtesy Djabbarbergenov family) Makset Djabbarbergenov faces extradition to homeland, seeks asylum. Almaty, November 2 (Open Doors News) — The legal ground continues to shift underneath Makset Djabbarbergenov, a house-church leader being held in a Kazakhstan jail at the request of his native Uzbekistan.
  • StopSpaMistafield
    StopSpaMistafield ha pubblicato un commento
    9 ore fa
    [Uzbekistan: assassin criminal in all World] Djabbarbergenov was arrested Sept. 5 in Almaty, Kazakhstan. Uzbekistan wants him back to face charges that he practiced religion outside state regulation. His fate could be decided at a court hearing scheduled for Monday. During his detention in an Almaty jail, Djabbarbergenov has discovered that Uzbekistan has increased the severity of charges against him, and that the Kazakhstan Supreme Court claims to have no record of the appeal he thought he had filed in hopes of obtaining refugee status for him and his family. He, his wife, Aigul, and four boys await the Nov. 5 court hearing. Having fled Uzbekistan in search of asylum, Aigul has no legal standing in Kazakhstan and has been denied access to her jailed husband.
  • StopSpaMistafield
    StopSpaMistafield ha pubblicato un commento
    10 ore fa
    Cain 666 Darothic CIA IMF --- You must be a Satanist bastard of Italian origin, why the Satanists Americans facing the truth, can't resist! tu devi essere un bastardo satanista di origine italiana, perché i satanisti americani di fronte alla verità, non sanno resistere!
  • liqunyan
    liqunyan ha pubblicato un commento
    10 ore fa
    On my opinion, even if you're doing the video on your own, you're infringing the copyright of God because he made us.
  • StopSpaMistafield
    StopSpaMistafield ha pubblicato un commento
    10 ore fa
    @666 IMF --- murderers, traitors, they are all Satanists of the CIA, they don't believe in democratic principles, and have forced the people, and Peoples, together with the Freemasons, Masonic regime in all democracies fake, of Banking seigniorage: traitors! you want to hurt me, and you want to defend Rothschild synagogue ... you go damn in the fires of hell! rimprovera you the Holy Spirit, in Jesus ' name! assassini, traditori, sono tutti i satanisti della CIA, loro non credono nei principi democratici, ed hanno costretto: il popolo, insieme ai massoni, a questo regime massonico di tutte lefalse democrazie, del signoraggio bancario: traditori! tu vuoi fare del male a me, e tu vuoi difendere Rothschild.. tu vai maledetto nel fuoco dell'inferno! rebukes, te lo Spirito Santo, nel nome di Gesù!
  • StopSpaMistafield
    StopSpaMistafield ha pubblicato un commento
    10 ore fa
    @ CHINA, Israel, Japan, etc.. Why, IMF have done hurt youtube? Why have prevented google traslator: to do the copy-paste? to try to block my Ministry, obviously, but, if you don't have the courage to kill myself: your King of Israel, then, every attempt is ridiculous ... in fact, my Ministry, comes from the Kingdom of God, it cannot be stopped: either, from my eventual death! I'm not a profet or a Saint: or religious man, I'm an ordinary man like everybody else, and that is the real threat, to you!
  • StopSpaMistafield
    StopSpaMistafield ha pubblicato un commento
    10 ore fa
    @CINA, Israele, Giappone, ecc.. perché hanno danneggiato youtube? perché hanno impedito a google traslator: di fare il copia - incolla? per tentare di bloccare il mio ministero, ovviamente, ma, se voi non avete il coraggio di uccidere me: il Re di ISraele, poi, ogni vostro tentativo è ridicolo.. infatti, il mio ministero, viene dal Regno di Dio e, esso non può essere fermato: neanche, da una mia morte eventuale! io non sono un profeta o un santo, io sono un uomo normale come tutti, ed è questa la vera minaccia per voi!
  • 2KainDarothic
    2KainDarothic ha pubblicato un commento
    10 ore fa
    IP BAN V
  • StopSpaMistafield
    StopSpaMistafield ha pubblicato un commento
    10 ore fa
    @ Rothschild666, Bush322, I am the sovereignty, that you have stolen to all Nations. through, the Banking seigniorage, there is, you want to kill me, the King of Israel, also, so, as you have done to kill President Kennedy? @Rothschild666, Bush322, io sono la sovranità, che, voi avete rubato a tutti i popoli! attraverso, il signoraggio bancario, che c'è, voi volete uccidere anche me, il Re di Israele, così, come voi avete fatto uccidere il Presidente Kennedy?
  • StopSpaMistafield
    StopSpaMistafield ha pubblicato un commento
    10 ore fa
    [International Monetary Fund 666: jewish crime] China has been authorised by me: to use: "our internet connections", because you (IMF, CIA 666, 322: new Tower of Babel), you use the internet, so incorrect and monopolistic to do: the politics of micro-chips, namely, to achieve global governance: the IMF! of course, this is also a crime against national sovereignty: of all Nations, all! why, it's a conspiracy that the masons have stolen the monetary sovereignty (seigniorage transfer banking), to make, a bank scam, crime international, that is, became a Masonic regime, a police state, with all politicians, actors, clowns and traitors, because you have taken power dishonestly, to do harm to all peoples
  • StopSpaMistafield
    StopSpaMistafield ha pubblicato un commento
    10 ore fa
    [666 fondo monetario internazionale] la Cina è stata autorizzata, da me: ad usare: "our internet connections", perché, voi (66 CIA IMF, 322: nuova torre di Babele), voi usate, internet, in modo monopolistico, scorretto, e per fare: la politica del micro-chip, cioè, per realizzare il controllo globale: del FMI! ovviamente, questo è, anche, un crimine, contro, le sovranità nazionali tutte! perché, è una congiura il fatto che, i massoni hanno rubato la sovranità monetaria(il signoraggio bancario), per arrivare a fare, un regime bancaro, che, è diventato un regime massonico, uno Stato di polizia, con tutti i politici buffoni, attori, e traditori, perché voi avete preso il potere disonestamente, per fare del male a tutti i popoli

666 CIA FMI -- hanno rovinato youtube, per fermare il mio ministero, ed ora hanno rovinato: disabilitando il copia - incolla:


  • BrotherhoodUniversal ha pubblicato un commento
    2 ore fa
    Bush: CIA IMF 666: did destroy: 1000.000 of Christians in Iraq, to make possible the destruction of Israel. "Be thou faithful unto death, I will give you the crown of life." (2:10-11). "We are confident that our Saad is in the Father's glorious kingdom because the Lord's promise is real ". "This evening my family and I renew our faith and trust in the Lord and say: to Him, all glory and praise and thanksgiving and honor and power and might, forever and ever. Amen." During his homily, the Archbishop said that the sacrifice of the martyrs is a reference point for our faith. "Again tonight we celebrate the memory of a great number of innocent Iraqis who have shed their blood unjustly Christians and Muslims. This is an important time to renew our faith in God and strengthen our faith and hope. At the same time we must all condemn these heinous acts of violence, which is an insult to religion and humanity and that does not honor our present civilization. "
  • Synnek1
    Synnek1 ha pubblicato un commento
    2 ore fa
  • BrotherhoodUniversal
    BrotherhoodUniversal ha pubblicato un commento
    2 ore fa
    Bush: CIA IMF 666: did destroy: 1000.000 of Christians in Iraq, to make possible the destruction of Israel. "The tragedy of the Church of Our Lady of Salvation is still vivid in our memory but also attacks on mosques in the name of God is an offense to God and does not have anything in common with God nor with humanity. For our part, we Christians, we deplore this acts of injustice and we strongly believe that change and democracy are not brought about with weapons, but with dialogue and the willingness of collaboration. And that the God who created us is love and mercy, and He will not allow thei blood to have been shed in vain, but will welcome it as a satisfactory gift in His glorious kingdom .. And this blood is the seed of hope, peace, stability and security for our country. "
  • BrotherhoodUniversal
    BrotherhoodUniversal ha pubblicato un commento
    2 ore fa
    Bush: IMF CIA 666: destruir: 1000.000 de cristianos en Irak, para hacer posible la destrucción de Israel... 11/02/2012 [Intolerancia islámica: imperialismo Arabia Saudita: crimen de lesa humanidad] IRAQ."Living together is not a formula, but it is the integration of human, social, spiritual and political culture. This requires the willingness of political leaders to dialogue, to work together and maintain the unity of the country, peace, justice and harmony. Enough violence, defend the lives of people, each person killed is a huge loss for us and for our country. "Bush: IMF CIA 666: a fait détruire : 1000.000 des chrétiens en Irak, pour rendre possible la destruction d'Israël... 11/02/2012 [Intolérance islamique : l'impérialisme saoudien : Crime contre l'humanité] Irak.
  • BrotherhoodUniversal
    BrotherhoodUniversal ha pubblicato un commento
    2 ore fa
    Bush: IMF CIA 666: did destroy: 1000.000 of Christians in Iraq, to make possible the destruction of Israel.. 02/11/2012 [Islamic intolerance: Saudi imperialism: Crime against humanity] IRAQ. Mons. Sako: la tragedia della Cattedrale di Bagdad è un punto di riferimento per la nostra fede. Ricordate a Kirkuk le vittime della strage di due anni fa e anche i 37 cristiani uccisi in città del 2003 a oggi. La testimonianza della sorella di un giovane ingegnere rapito e assassinato: "Non importa quello che viviamo, è importante come lo viviamo e come riuscire a trasformare questi eventi per un incontro con Dio e con gli altri". Kirkuk (AsiaNews) - La memoria del gran numero di iracheni innocenti che hanno versato il loro sangue ingiustamente - cristiani e musulmani - è un momento forte per rinnovare la nostra fede in Dio e rinforzare la nostra fiducia e speranza.
  • BrotherhoodUniversal
    BrotherhoodUniversal ha pubblicato un commento
    3 ore fa
    @king Saudi Arabia --- sharia horror --- enough, to do the monkey man, in the cave, with the Club in his hand. stop! just think, my Holy Islam: as, an imperialism: to conquer the world through, violence and terrorism. scolds you, the Holy Spirit ... "beast of an profound Satanic hell!" basta, a fare lo scimmione, nella caverna, con la clava in mano. stop! basta, a pensare che, il mio santo Islam: possa essere un imperialismo: per conquistare il mondo, attraverso, la violenza ed il terrorismo! rimprovera te, lo Spirito Santo.. "bestia immonda, del profondo inferno satanico!"
  • BrotherhoodUniversal ha pubblicato un commento
    3 ore fa
    11/04/2012 VATICAN Pope: love of God and love of neighbor are inseparable and in mutual relationship During the Angelus, Benedict XVI comments on Jesus ' teaching on the "greatest commandment, the commandment of love". Looking at the other "with the eyes of God" captures the deep desire to be loved and " by opening myself to the other person, just as he or she is, by reaching out, by making myself available, I am also opening myself up to know God, to feel that He is there and is good ". Vatican City (AsiaNews) - "Love of God and love of neighbor are inseparable and are in mutual relationship" because on the one hand looking at the other "with the eyes of God
  • BrotherhoodUniversal
    BrotherhoodUniversal ha pubblicato un commento
    3 ore fa
    11/03/2012. INDIA - UNITED ARAB EMIRATES [ Criminal Saudi imperialism: Abu Dhabi: Pakistani kills an Indian Christian doctor. The shadow of fundamentalism] by Nirmala Carvalho The suspect, Mohamed Abdul Jamil, has stabbed Dr. Rajan Daniel eight times. Motives still unknown. The Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC) criticizes the silence of the Indian government and denounces growing radicalism - Hindu and Muslim - in India. Mumbai (AsiaNews) - A brutal murder has schocked the Indian Christian community in the UAE: Dr. Rajan Daniel, 58, urologist at the Ahalia Hospital in Abu Dhabi, was killed with eight stab wounds by Mohamed Abdul Jamil, 46, a Pakistani national. A native of Kerala, the Christian doctor died on the spot: after hearing the screams, the hospital staff found his body in a pool of blood, with a deep wound in the throat.
  • BrotherhoodUniversal
    BrotherhoodUniversal ha pubblicato un commento
    3 ore fa
    [ Criminal Saudi imperialism: Abu Dhabi: Pakistani kills an Indian Christian doctor. The shadow of fundamentalism] The police immediately stopped Jamil, who for the moment remains the only suspect. . The incident occurred in the late afternoon of November 1. The victim leaves behind a wife and a son. For Sajan George, president of the Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC), this murder indicates the "fragility of the Christian community" abroad, and denounces the "grave indifference" of the Indian authorities before the "brutal murder of a Christian." For the moment, the investigation has failed to reveal any details. Jamil was native to eastern Pakistan's tribal areas, but it is not clear what brought him to Abu Dhabi.
  • BrotherhoodUniversal
    BrotherhoodUniversal ha pubblicato un commento
    3 ore fa
    [ Criminal Saudi imperilism: Abu Dhabi: Pakistani kills an Indian Christian doctor. The shadow of fundamentalism]The police believe that the murderer may have been a patient of the victim, but the causes of his action are still unknown. According to Sajan George "the government of Pakistan and its allies have already started to make up stories to justify the murder." However, he adds, "lack of justice on the part of the Government of Kerala, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Prime Minister" is even more serious, which still have failed move to "give justice to the doctor's family."
  • BrotherhoodUniversal
    BrotherhoodUniversal ha pubblicato un commento
    3 ore fa
    Although it happened in the UAE, the president of the GCIC says the assassination of Dr. Daniel once again highlights the problem of "growing fundamentalism" and the "radicalization of Indian society." These elements, said Sajan George, "are putting lives, property, and public liberty and private life of the Christian community in danger " in addition to "affecting the development of the nation, in particular the well-being of the poor and marginalized." For the Christian leader, ultra-nationalist Hindu and the silence of the authorities are responsible for these radical movements. However, he notes, "even the tentacles of Islamic fundamentalism are spreading." In this sense, the Popular Front of India (PFI), a confederation of Muslim organizations in the country, which has about 800 thousand members, is a primary concern.
  • BrotherhoodUniversal
    BrotherhoodUniversal ha pubblicato un commento
    3 ore fa
    [ Criminal Saudi imperialism: Abu Dhabi: Pakistani kills an Indian Christian doctor. The shadow of fundamentalism] Despite the PFI 's claims to defend the human rights of all communities, many believe it is responsible for feeding a climate of tension, as was recently the case with mass internal exodus, following the tensions in Assam. It is also the case of some recent statements by KM Shareef, national general secretary of the Confederation: in defending themselves against accusations of links to terrorism in Pakistan, he attempted to put the neighboring nation in a bad light, saying that "maintaining friendly ties with Pakistan should be avoided not only not to promote terrorism, but also to avoid indulging in activities such as human trafficking of Hindu girls. " A criticism indirectly addressed to the central government, which this past year has been trying to re-establish relations with the country.
  • BrotherhoodUniversal
    BrotherhoodUniversal ha pubblicato un commento
    3 ore fa
    [ Criminal Saudi imperialism: Abu Dhabi: Pakistani kills an Indian Christian doctor. The shadow of fundamentalism] 09/22/2008 ITALY - INDIA. Cardinal Bagnasco: events in India underscore urgency of protecting religious freedom. 12/02/2011 PAKISTAN. Faisalabad, 18 year old Christian woman killed during an attempted rape. 08/10/2007 PAKISTAN. After years of torture at the hands of his Muslim landlord, he quits and is murdered. 07/20/2010 PAKISTAN Faisalabad, murdered brothers buried. Justice and Peace: abolish the blasphemy law now 10/28/2008 PAKISTAN Another "honor killing": 17-year-old Pakistani girl murdered
  • allDavidDuke
    allDavidDuke ha pubblicato un commento
    5 ore fa
    @youtube --- [if we want a better world? we must be worthy!] I consider highly criminal, which the Islamist Government, institutions, make, videos, about, poor Christian martyrs, or about: Wafa Sultan, because, these children of the Devil: they both sound rights means that: rights, video on video that are of course. disclosure of not, sensitive information. and, because you are not brand names, these videos are dangerous, with the color red?! then, too, you're the accomplice of ruin of Christian martyrs! together with the CIA, IMF; MOSSAD, I don't want to be the victim of bullying, this Satanist of: nazi CIA, who decided: to mark my comments, because my channel is in a State of precarious legal status:, for formal reasons
  • allDavidDuke
    allDavidDuke ha pubblicato un commento
    11 ore fa
    ??? のでサタニストか何かですか? Inviato a: allDavidDuke -- answer --SONO IL FMI! per la conquista del mondo 666 322 massoneria, poteri occulti. per distruggere il monoteismo ... 国際通貨基金(IMF)です!世界666322石積みの征服のために、オカルトパワー。一神教を破壊する
  • allDavidDuke
    allDavidDuke ha pubblicato un commento
    12 ore fa
    Gary Freeman has posted a comment 2 days ago David Duke Accepts evolution you dumbass. - ANSWER --- David Duke is an idiot, too often, for too many Reasons, he hides the martyrdom of Christians in Iran, and all accomplices of any crimes, by reason of his silence, they can not enter the kingdom of God! Also Then David Duke go in the Hell!
  • allDavidDuke
    allDavidDuke ha pubblicato un commento
    18 ore fa
    @jews my brothers --- guys, I in these five years, I've been busy a lot, for you, and for everyone, Peoples, but you that you did? What are you waiting for, what are you waiting for? the time: for your demons? ie, for you to go to hell, that is, no return ticket? ragazzi, io in questi cinque anni, mi sono impegnato parecchio, per voi, e per tutti, ma voi che avete fatto? cosa aspettate, cosa state aspettando? il momento: dei demoni, per voi di andare all'inferno, cioè, il biglietto di andata senza ritorno?
  • allDavidDuke
    allDavidDuke ha pubblicato un commento
    20 ore fa
    Nosferothu, CIA scam: for banking seigniorage, mossad, ie all fake scam masonic system, --- After all, your problem is that you are a loser: for Satan CIA IMF 666 322 NWO! those who resorted to violence or deceit: the abuse, intimidation and bullying, is the weak, petty criminal, is because he has no valid arguments, just like North Korea, etc.. but, then, the list would be too long! you scared me, just because you are a loser, because you are a Satanist atheist! you don't want me on your side, only, because then everybody can see, like, you are the toilet of a sewer, while I am a star

  • allDavidDuke ha pubblicato un commento
    20 ore fa
    Nosferothu the satani CIA IMF 322 nazi, Stalinist, NWO, occult power, of baal god owl, Maoist: 666, dictatorial regime, Nazi intolerant, said: has posted a comment 2 hours ago: Religion should be banned from youtube.
  • allDavidDuke
    allDavidDuke ha pubblicato un commento
    20 ore fa
    John 3.16 For God so loved the world, as to give his only begotten Son; that whosoever believeth in him, may not perish, but may have life everlasting. This is for the youtube page ....

  • MrIvanspak
    MrIvanspak ha pubblicato un commento
    23 ore fa
    Οὕτως γὰρ ἠγάπησεν ὁ Θεὸς τὸν κόσμον, ὥστε τὸν Υἱὸν τὸν μονογενῆ ἔδωκεν, ἵνα πᾶς ὁ πιστεύων εἰς Αὐτὸν μὴ ἀπόληται ἀλλ᾽ ἔχῃ ζωὴν αἰώνιον. John 3,16 For God so loved the world, as to give his only begotten Son; that whosoever believeth in him, may not perish, but may have life everlasting. This is for the youtube page....

1di3 [the: Sovereignty] it belongs: at the people: as: is says in the: Constitution, and not belongs to the freemasons or at the Jews: "enlightened" that, they have stolen through the: theft of the monetary sovereignty (or banking seigniorage) the all peoples well are been impoverished: no longer has access? to their rights: in fact. Since his rights have become only theoretical! Because institutions are dysfunctional, and, they are very expensive: for the: people too impoverished, morally deprived, culturally. The State has been transformed: in an killer: of the people: to: because of unfair taxes, which, for the: 70%: are to serve: buying by enlightened Jews: of our own money!
2di3 [ Sovereignty] is of the: people, in fact, when Satan said to Jesus: "if, you do adoration of me? I will give to: you: all of the kingdoms: of the world.". Jesus chose to go on the cross, because the devil is always a criminal usurper, abusive, rebellious, liar and murderess. is with the deception that Satan has stolen the reign to Adam: So Satan could never be: for God, the rightful owner: of the kingdom! Here, because for many generations: of, Freemasons, politicians, thieves, gluttons, that is, and elite: leaders: all array of the traitors: against the people: All their fell down in the hell: for, this crime: that is so abhorrent, that, every? goodness, piety and generosity of their: is canceled before God
3di3 [the Sovereignty] Mason and all: and each of the partner: of banking seigniorage, ie: the: IMF- New World Order: is take; is stolen, what is the right of the peoples ? You will be cursed: for ever! I swear, solemnly against all those, who do not fight against the: banking seigniorage "in the name of the: Living God: of the our fathers, YHWH: the: Holy: Holy, Holy, the God of: Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of Jesus Christ. you will live a cursed life: unhappy and you will undergo many misfortunes: also the misfortunes, you will undergo the 3 ° WWnuclear: where you'll see all the death of the your world: you will get off alive into an abyss of: despair and: of: destruction of hell. " and: the Church say "Amen, Hallelujah, hallelujah"
@ILLUMINATI -  Satan? He is so delicate! his health? very poor! enlightened? I'm? thinking of you, and I'm providing for you! in Jesus's name Amen hallelujah your King of Israel, ie: UniusRei
@ILLUMINATI --  satana? lui è così delicato! la sua salute? molto cagionevole! enlightened? io sto pensando a voi, ed io sto provvedendo per voi!
in Jesus's name: Amen hallelujah .. il tuo Re di Israele: ie : Unius Rei
ItsOver900O SAID: Nah, bro, I doubt it. --answer -- just because you doubt the faith in God?
You should not blaspheme against God! that is the intelligence is in your attitude?
@Busch, Rothschild, Blair, Freemasons, politicians or the British monarchy? if they are Christians? if love and believe in God the zionist?
God bless the atheists, then! because I do not know Satanists worst of them! se sono cristiani: Busch, Rothschild, Blair, massoni, politici o la monarchia inglese? se amano e credono in Dio le lobby ebraiche del signoraggio bancario? Dio benedica gli atei: allora! poiché, io non conosco satanisti peggiori di loro!

1di3[la sovranità] appartiene al popolo: come dice la Costituzione, e non ai massoni e agli ebrei:"illuminati", che, l'hanno sottratta attraverso il furto della sovranità monetaria(signoraggio bancario): così il popolo impoverito: non ha più accesso ai suoi diritti: in realtà. Poiché i suoi diritti sono diventati soltanto teorici! Poiché, le istituzioni funzionano male, e sono molto costose: per essere il popolo troppo impoverito, e deprivato moralmente e culturalmente. Lo Stato è stato trasformato nell'aguzzino del popolo: a motivo delle tasse ingiuste, che, per il 70%: servono a comprare? dagli ebrei enlightened: i nostri stessi soldi!

3di3[la sovranità] Tu massone e ogni complice del signoraggio bancario, cioè: il FMI-NWO: tu dai per bontà: quello che al popolo spetta di diritto? Tu sarai maledetto: in eterno! Io giuro solennemente: contro? tutti coloro, che, non combattono contro il signoraggio bancario: "nel nome del Dio Vivente: dei nostri padri: JHWH: il Santo: Santo, Santo, il Dio di: Abramo, Isacco e giacobbe, il Dio di Gesù Cristo. Voi vivrete una vita maledetta e infelice: voi subirete molte sventure e disgrazie, voi subirete la 3°WWnuclear: dove vedrete morire tutto il vostro mondo: voi scenderete vivi: in un abisso di disperazione e di distruzione: l'inferno". e la Chiesa dica: "Amen, Alleluia, hallelujah"

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Posting Date
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: A Man-Made Cup In Pennsylvanian Coal?February 11, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Hands-Down EvidenceFebruary 7, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Trilobites UnderfootFebruary 4, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Getting A handle On Ancient Dinosaur SightingsFebruary 2, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Perplexing Permian PrintJanuary 28, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: The Willett PrintJanuary 25, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Throughout The Geologic ColumnJanuary 23, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Cro-Magnon ManJanuary 16, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Neanderthal ManJanuary 14, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Homo ErectusJanuary 11, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Piltdown ManJanuary 11, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Homo Habilis - ´Handyman´January 7, 2013
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Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: ´Your Little Cousin´ LucyDecember 31, 2012
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: The Tuang ChildDecember 28, 2012
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: IntroductionDecember 26, 2012
The Model, Episode 4


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the King Unius Rei

the King Unius Rei
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