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582, Institutions, damaged, IMF, smoke of Satan

Brotherhood Universal ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   we need: to launch our faith, on over every evil, that is in the Church and in the Institutions: they were damaged by the IMF: the smoke of Satan! that believing good: all reality (knowing that: today: they are not good) you can do a spiritual investment: instead: to close all people in hell of sacred books, that are dead, in the distant past, while God is alive today for you, but you can not see as well, because you're locked: to erase, your pettiness and meanness: to have thought God to be him to your level of evil ! What you can blame St. Francis of Assisi? nothing! yet he had a church, which was much more damaged than what you have! since only the personal relationship with God is salvation? then, no religion is salvation!
 Wulfnarok ---                                                                                                                             Brotherhood Universal ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   You have stated publicly: to be fucked! and since you have so, disgusting: about yourself?: (in fact: the whole world knows that you are the sucker of synnek1, ie, the 666 priest of Satan, CIA, IMF, ie your master, teacher), and since you: the satanists institutional, accused me, the king of Israel: to be satanist? then, you represent yourself, to be the shit of society: the absolute crime of the IMF, to the point of being ashamed of yourself up to this point! Wulfnarok ha pubblicato un commento 13 minuti fa: " Man created god in his own image. --ANSWER-                                                                                                                             Brotherhood Universal ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   Satan did to you: to the image of shit! it is not written anywhere, that man is infinitely perfect! Satan can not kill the chickens that are out of his hen house! but, unius REI, he has no limitations, because only God is omnipotent! when it is so? then, you would do well to turn away from me! after all, you will need to imitate what does your boss with  me.

 stardefinibusterrae ha pubblicato un commento 4 mesi fa Segnala spam ASCA Syria: Terzi, crisis shows topical 'threat of chemical weapons September 4, 2012 - 17:39 - ANSWER-                                                                                                                             Brotherhood Universal ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   in deed, and who can be trusted, of rogue states? that is, all the false democracies (demon-crazy) , ie, masonic system, of synagogue IMF : 666, 322, aliens abductions, CIA MOSSAD; for do: FED ECB, ie, Freemasons of seigniorage banking? stardefinibusterrae ha pubblicato un commento 12 minuti fa amen

 stardefinibusterrae ha pubblicato un commento 4 mesi fa Segnala spam @USA 666 IMF CIA 322 FED --                                                                                                                             Brotherhood Universal ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   sorry, poiché, tu hai bandito: tutti i simboli religiosi:(tranne le croci rovescite, le stelle rovesciate: insieme: a: tutti i simboli blasfemi: del metal: che, sono simboli satanici)? poiché, tu impartisci le lezioni: di stregoneria nelle scuole? allora è bene, per te, che, tu sia coerente! tu rimuovi: tutti i tuoi: simboli satanici: e blasfemi dalla tua nazione! perché tu sei sempre: il satanismo: che: ha occupato un popolo cristiano drinkYpoisonJHWHwins ha pubblicato un commento 5   Jews x Messiah Unius Rei  ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   @USA CIA 666 IMF FED 322 freemasonry --                                                                                                                             Brotherhood Universal ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   1. sorry, in quale negozio: io posso comprare un bidone di due quintali: di: acido solforico: per dire alla polizia: sono io, che, io sciolgo: centinaia di cadaveri? 2. sorry, perché di migliaia, e migliaia, di sacrifici umani fatti sull'altare di satana: voi non scoprite mai un solo colpevole? 3. quale potere industriale, politico, istituzionale, mediatico, finanziario ha permesso: la realizzazione: dell'11-09?

 stardefinibusterrae ha pubblicato un commento 4 mesi fa Segnala spam @USA 666 IMF CIA 322 FED --                                                                                                                             Brotherhood Universal ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   i satanisti: hanno il controllo del potere! io ho visto donne impalate: dall'ano alla bocca: queste donne erano attraversate: infilzate: da un palo: di legno: appuntito, oppure: queste donne erano messe sulla brace: infilzate: dallo spiedo di un maiale! CHIARO? chi entra nel satanismo ISTITUZIONALE: riceve un perfetto controllo mentale: perché; lui crede: che: il suo sacerdote di satana: egli può leggere: anche i pensieri! ora, questa mostruosità: come può essere fatta finire? poiché, questo tuo: satanismo Istituzionale: coinvolge le istituzioni/ Governi: di: Inghilterra, Francia, Germania: ed è presente: "operativo": in tutte le false democrazie (demon-crazy) del signoraggio bancario? come tutto il genere umano: è in pericolo: ora?

 stardefinibusterrae ha pubblicato un commento 4 mesi fa Segnala spam drinkYpoisonJHWHwins ha pubblicato un commento 4   Jews x Messiah Unius Rei  ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   @USA 666 IMF CIA 322 FED --                                                                                                                             Brotherhood Universal ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   il satanismo è peggio del cannibalismo: perché: è una esperienza: mentale, spirituale, psicologica, somatica: "senza nessuna: possibilità: di ritorno: o di redenzione!", infatti, chi pensa di tradire? viene ucciso immediatamente! questi, satanisti istituzionali, mangiano crudo il cuore: durante: il sacrificio umano: mentre la vittima è ancora viva, sono la tecnica, la istituzione, la perfezione: del crimine: e dell'orrore! i satanisti: possiedono: figure professionali: altamente: specializzate! occorre: una legge marziale: per estirpare questo cancro: la società civile? non può affrontare tutto questo: che, ormai ha preso possesso delle armi segrete: le basi segrete: ed ha il controllo del programma: aliens abductions, perché, i sataniti: sono affini con i demoni!

 stardefinibusterrae ha pubblicato un commento 4 mesi fa Segnala spam @666 IMF; 322 Bush;-                                                                                                                             Brotherhood Universal ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   voi avete creato: tutta questa mostruosità: città sotterranee:(protette: dal segreto militare) dove l'umanità: è stata bandita: l'ORRORE: regna assoluto! esperimenti genetici, ecc.. ecc.. nessuna limitazione! Adesso? come sterminare: questi mostri:(che, sono pronti: con la loro immolazione: a dimostrare la loro fedeltà a satana?) proprio voi, voi avete dato: a questi satanisti: la più potente, segreta: sofisticata tecnologia? Questi mostri, che, possono camminare: in mezzo: a

 stardefinibusterrae ha pubblicato un commento 4 mesi fa Segnala spam TheReaderWriter SAID: "fuck you! Fuck you bitch. Stop spreading your stupid ass shit all over Youtube. You fucking faggot" . -- ANSWER--                                                                                                                             Brotherhood Universal ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   @TheReaderWriter: [★ ] PAX ✞ [★ ] [ ✞ [★ ] ✞ alleluia amen hallelujah, Externa lExtranet, amen, Here is a malignant cancer in your body! In fact, this year you will die! amen, alleluia! HEI 666 imf Rothschild: "perché i nostri ulivi sono stati abbandonati? perché le nostre strade sono piene di prostitute? sosì voleva: il tuo talmud!"

 stardefinibusterrae ha pubblicato un commento 4 mesi fa Segnala spam drinkYpoisonJHWHwins ha pubblicato un commento 2   Jews x Messiah Unius Rei  ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   @666 IMF; 322 Bush-                                                                                                                             Brotherhood Universal ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   [quando un cittadino: si trova di fronte alla Vostra: istituzione: del satanismo? lui è spacciato!] voi avete compromesso: la sopravvivenza: della specie umana: su tutto: il pianeta: perché i satanisti? loro non sono più: una specie umana! "come?" uomini e donne sono portati: naturalmente all'adulterio ecc.. ecc.. così, è possibile istituzionalizzare: il male?: per renderlo coercitivo: fino al punto: di eliminare: il libero arbitrio: voluto da Dio? per avere degli schiavi assolutamente attendibili: e fedeli? voi siete satanisti pazzi!(quando l'Arabia Saudita: dirà a me: che: è stata costretta a fare l'Islam aggressivo? per colpa vostra: io dovrò loro perdonare)

 stardefinibusterrae ha pubblicato un commento 4 mesi fa Segnala spam Donnez votre avis sur votre vidéo: tristement célèbre franc-maçonnerie MARIO MONTI BCE FED FMI NWO ::: antonKASA2007 dit: "Est-ce une photo réelle ... hmmm .. de sorte que le MARIO MONTI : un maçon ... très intéressant: C'est: de nombreux dirigeants importants: en europe: les maçons sont Quand l'église: regarde derrière le européenne (UE) ... et qui n'est pas dans le même pot avec les maçons MARIO MONTI ... qui savent qui gouverne et qui est mélangé avec: qui: qui: n'est-ce pas clair à l'intérieur la zone euro "- réponse -                                                                                                                             Brotherhood Universal ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   ce qui est mal gros, tant pis! c'est le triomphe de socetà caché (le satanisme): contre: le réel, la Royal Society: AMEN, ce qui est le triomphe de l'obscurité: contre: la lumière! Alléluia!

 stardefinibusterrae ha pubblicato un commento 4 mesi fa Segnala spam WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento 1 ora fa Commento sul tuo video: infame massoneria MARIO MONTI FED BCE IMF NWO ::: antonKASA2007 SAID: "is this a real monti is a mason...very interesting that many important leaders in europe are masons when the church looks behind the eu (EU)...and is not in the same pot with who rules who and who is mixed with who that is not clear inside the eurozone " --answer--                                                                                                                             Brotherhood Universal ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   questo è un male troppo trande! questo è il trionfo: della socetà occulta(satanismo): contro: la società reale: AMEN; queso è il triofo delle tenebre contro la luce! Alleluia!

 stardefinibusterrae ha pubblicato un commento 4 mesi fa Segnala spam allDavidDuke ha pubblicato un commento 1 ora fa WARNING 1: 01/ago/2012, The YouTube community: (ie, jewish lobby) reported one or more of your videos as inappropriate. therefore, have been disabled: about, my: "Jewish ritual murder kabbalah Talmud IMF Grove 322 666 IMF abduction 2 - (allDavidDuke)" - ANSWER -                                                                                                                             Brotherhood Universal ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   WHO WANTS TO DISCUSS WITH ME, IF THE CONTENTS, ARE: or, not are APPROPRIATE? but you're a Nazi, you will not talk: with me! @ IMF 666 322 Rothschild -                                                                                                                             Brotherhood Universal ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   why, you do daggers for/through (Holocaust; Shoah) to its behind: your people of the Jews: Satanists Pharisees of the Talmud: while it: was: your accomplice to kill: all peoples (like vampires) through the bank seigniorage, that you have stolen to all the peoples? Why do you now want to destroy Israel, too?

 stardefinibusterrae ha pubblicato un commento 4 mesi fa Segnala spam Proceed with the appeal against the Community Guidelines warning strike for the following videos: "Jewish ritual murder kabbalah Talmud IMF Grove 322 666 IMF abduction 2" The YouTube team: will review our decision: and, where appropriate, restore: your video. It is possible: that : the warning be removed but your video will not be restored. The Account Management page will reflect the latest decisions relating to your account. I understand that if YouTube confirms the warning, I will not be able to appeal against future warnings for a period of 60 days. Reason (required) - ANSWER -                                                                                                                             Brotherhood Universal ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   @ YOUTUBE -                                                                                                                             Brotherhood Universal ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   YOU ARE NAZI!

 stardefinibusterrae ha pubblicato un commento 4 mesi fa Segnala spam U.S. CIA @ 666 IMF FED 322 freemasonry -                                                                                                                             Brotherhood Universal ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   sorry, because you have bandit all religious symbols: (except, inverted crosses, stars reversed: together: to all symbols blasphemous: like, metal, that are: all satanic symbols)? because thou impart lessons: witchcraft in schools? then it is good for you, that you are consistent! you remove: all your: satanic symbols: and blasphemers of your nation! because you're always the freemasons and: Satanism: that: has occupied a Christian people: and his power: for guilty of IMF FED. in which shop: I can buy a can of two quintals: of: sulfuric acid: to say to the police: I am, that, I dissolve: hundreds of dead bodies? 2. sorry, for thousands and thousands of human sacrifices made ​​on the altar of Satan, you will not ever find a single culprit? 3. what power industrial, political, institutional, media, financial has enabled: the creation: 11-09?

 stardefinibusterrae ha pubblicato un commento 4 mesi fa Segnala spam drinkYpoisonJHWHwins posted a comment 4 hours ago USA @ 666 IMF FED 322 CIA. -                                                                                                                             Brotherhood Universal ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   Satanism? is worse than cannibalism because: it is an experience: mental, spiritual, psychological, istitutional, of segrets service, somatic, hypnotic terrorist, and horror extreme, ecc.. "with no: options: to return: or redemption of his life!" Indeed, those who think to betray? is killed immediately! these Satanists institutional eat the raw heart during: human sacrifice: while the victim is still alive, is the technique, the institution, the perfection of the crime, is horror at perfection! Satanists: have: professionals: highly: specialized! must be: a martial law to eradicate this cancer: from civil society? can not deal with all of this: that, now, satanists have took possession of the secret weapons: the secret bases: and in control of the program: aliens abductions, because the satanists: they are related with the demons!

 stardefinibusterrae ha pubblicato un commento 4 mesi fa Segnala spam USA @ 666 IMF FED 322 CIA -                                                                                                                             Brotherhood Universal ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   Satanists: have control of power! I have seen women impaled: the anus to the mouth: these women were crossed: stuck: a pole: wood: Pointed, or: these women were put on the grill: stuck: from the spit of a pig! CLEAR? those entering the Satanism CORPORATE: for corpotions(Spa: BCE IMF FED 666) receive a perfect mind control, because, he believes: that: the priest of Satan, he can read, even the thoughts! now, this monstrosity: how can it be made ​​to end? because this thy: Satanism institutional: it involves institutions for do the governments: of: England, France, Germany and is "operating" in all the false democracies (demons- crazy) of all fake governments: of masonic system for the banking seigniorage? as the whole human race is in danger, now? you can laugh against me, but, do not laugh much to longer!

 stardefinibusterrae ha pubblicato un commento 8 mesi fa Segnala spam @ IsraelNationaTV -                                                                                                                             Brotherhood Universal ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   I'm wrong about: "ComunitaEbraicaRoma", surely! In fact, if it is true that: they have blocked: all my channels, but it is also true: that: they have preserved: all my comments: God bless: anyway: all dear boys Jews of Rome .. perhaps: they considered valuable: the teachings mei: about: discernment, that: it must be done: on the Word of God: that is the criterion of correct his interpretation: above: the biblical curses: as: a warning against: me, and, against all, however: those: my comments: were made by my channel: "lorenzoUniusREI Kingdom": that youtube has closed. well, they are particularly loved ones by me.

 stardefinibusterrae ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa Segnala spam four years ago? I have heard: to tell for the first time: about: seigniorage banking: men of the IMF: Satanists Freemasons, Zionists, sharia talmud? racist, predators: all the children of Satan! you can be damned for ever! in Jesus's name: amen alleluia quattro anni fa? io ho sentito parlare: per la prima volta: di signoraggio bancario: uomini del FMI: massoni satanisti, sionisti, sharia talmud? razzisti, predatori: figli di satana! voi possiate essere maledetti in eterno!

 stardefinibusterrae ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa Segnala spam @Nigrairide -                                                                                                                             Brotherhood Universal ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   stop, criminal, child of darkness: murderess! you stop pretending: to be: a igenuo: idiot! is your Rothschild: the boss of the IMF: that: has the agenda: the NWO. Masonic: ie, your synagogue: for Satan, to destroy the monotheism, and to triumph Luciferism! it is you Satanists: you are to do the hurting: to youtube: deliberately! because you fear the use of democracy: that: could be done: in this server!

 stardefinibusterrae ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa Segnala spam Abraham said: "Son of God: my son: Unius Rei, you do not do harm to your: fellow and brothers: Jews and Muslims" - ANSWER -                                                                                                                             Brotherhood Universal ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   OK, ABRAHAM FATHER, MY FATHER, if, muslims and jews : WILL MAKE THEM: THE GOOD GUYS? i will make all of their: of the brothers happy! we are all together: again one time: one only family, in Jerusalem and throughout the world!

 stardefinibusterrae ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa Segnala spam @Nigrairide --                                                                                                                             Brotherhood Universal ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   i not throw: the first stone but, my stone?will kill you! Idiot: God can not be crucified without his consent. And. And: the criminals like you? have always had the right answer! Jesus is risen: when you see him? You will need to envy the cockroaches! drink poison made by yourself!

 stardefinibusterrae ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa Segnala spam Abraham said: "Son of God: my son: Unius Rei, you do not do harm to your: fellow and brothers: Jews and Muslims" - ANSWER -                                                                                                                             Brotherhood Universal ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   OK, ABRAHAM FATHER, MY FATHER, if, muslims and jews : WILL MAKE THEM: THE GOOD GUYS? i will make all of their: of the brothers happy! we are all together: again one time: one only family, in Jerusalem and throughout the world! Abramo said: "figlio divino: Unius Rei, tu non fare del male ai tuoi fratelli ebrei e musulmani" -- ANSWER--                                                                                                                             Brotherhood Universal ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   OK, PADRE ABRAMO, MIO PADRE, SE LORO FARANNO: I BRAVI RAGAZZI? i farò di tutti loro dei fratelli felici! tutti insieme saremo di nuovo una sola famiglia: a Gerusalemme: come in tutto il mondo!

 stardefinibusterrae ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa Segnala spam @ Nigrairide -                                                                                                                             Brotherhood Universal ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   you know what he did: your mom youtube? youtube was coming: to delete your message: on my page, in fear: that: I could do to you: the bad .. Loveof darkness, that is pathetic! @Nigrairide -                                                                                                                             Brotherhood Universal ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   tu sai cosa ha fatto: la tua mamma youtube? youtube è venuta: a cancellare il tuo messaggio: sulla mia pagina, nel timore: che: io potessi fare a te: del male.. che patetico amore!

 stardefinibusterrae ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa Segnala spam @Nigrairide -                                                                                                                             Brotherhood Universal ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   stop, criminal, child of darkness: murderess! you stop pretending: to be: a igenuo: idiot! is your Rothschild: the boss of the IMF: that: has the agenda: the NWO. Masonic: ie, your synagogue: for Satan, to destroy the monotheism, and to triumph Luciferism! it is you Satanists: you are to do the hurting: to youtube: deliberately! because you fear the use of democracy: that: could be done: in this server! @Nigrairide --                                                                                                                             Brotherhood Universal ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   stop, criminale: figlio delle tenebre: assassino! tu smetti di fingere: di essere: un igenuo: idiota! è il tuo Rothscild: il padrone del FMI: che: ha la agenda: del NWO. della tua sinagoga massonica: di satana: per distruggere il monoteismo: e per fare trionfare il luciferismo! così è: voi satanisti: voi state danneggiando: youtube: in modo deliberato! perché avete paura: dell'uso democratico: che: potrebbe essere fatto: in questo server!

 stardefinibusterrae ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa Segnala spam stardefinibusterrae ha pubblicato un commento 4 secondi fa when God has loved my shit? Then: I learned to love, also, the other shit of other people! quando Dio ha amato la mia merda? poi: io ho imparato ad amare, anche, la merda degli altri! Miniatura IHateNEWLAYOUT ha pubblicato un commento 4 minuti fa Shut up about ne I think you in love with mecall times you talking about me. V

 stardefinibusterrae ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa Segnala spam @ IHateNEWLAYOUT: ie youtube satanist: who wants to destroy himself! -                                                                                                                             Brotherhood Universal ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.  all the evil: that the Illuminati and: their sons Freemasons and Satanists them: they are doing against all the peoples? against morality? against justice? is incalculable! But for all this? come very very quickly: the wrath of God, what will? will be a massacre on a global scale! peoples will be crazy! il male che gli Illuminati ed i loro massoni e satanisti: stanno facendo contro tutti i popoli? contro la moralità? contro la giustizia? è incalcolabile! ma, per tutto questo? giungerà molto velocemente l'ira di Dio: quello che sarà? sarà un massacro su scala globale!

 stardefinibusterrae ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa Segnala spam @ IHateNEWLAYOUT: ie youtube satanist: who wants to destroy himself! -                                                                                                                             Brotherhood Universal ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.  all the evil: that the Illuminati and: their sons Freemasons and Satanists them: they are doing against all the peoples? against morality? against justice? is incalculable! But for all this? come very very quickly: the wrath of God, what will? will be a massacre on a global scale! peoples will be crazy! il male che gli Illuminati ed i loro massoni e satanisti: stanno facendo contro tutti i popoli? contro la moralità? contro la giustizia? è incalcolabile! ma, per tutto questo? giungerà molto velocemente l'ira di Dio: quello che sarà? sarà un massacro su scala globale!

 stardefinibusterrae ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa Segnala spam @ IHateNEWLAYOUT -                                                                                                                             Brotherhood Universal ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   I restored: alone: the feature: of the two my computers: they had been damaged: by the: attack brutal: of haker! My friend the engineer? He refuses to take the drugs: for his depression .. but: he lives: in a state of anxiety: the his time, because of his precarious: and, , in fact: he has loan with the bank .. so: he fears, that the Bank: to rob him: of all his sacrifices! said: "The slaves of the past? they knew: the their masters: but us no! had: food and a house also, .. but all these things? have been prevented us! what else: Illuminati want from us? then: I thought you .. what: you're richer, but even more miserable than him so I said: 'Illuminati want to spread Satanism! "

 stardefinibusterrae ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa Segnala spam @ IHateNEWLAYOUT -                                                                                                                             Brotherhood Universal ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   io ho ripristinato: da solo: la funzionalità: dei due computer che: erano stati danneggiati: dall'attacco brutale: degli haker! il mio amico tecnico? lui rifiuta: di prendere dei psicofarmaci: per la sua depressione.. ma: lui vive: in uno stato di ansia: continuamente, a motivo del suo lavoro precario: e: del mutuo fatto: con la banca.. così: lui teme che la Banca: possa derubarlo: di tutti i suoi sacrifici! ha detto: "Gli schiavi del passato? loro conoscevano: i loro padroni: avevano: il cibo ed una casa.. ma: tutte queste cose? sono state impedite a noi! cosa altro: Illuminati voglio da noi? allora: io ho pensato a te.. a quanto: tu sei più ricco, ma anche: più miserabile di lui: così io ho detto: "Illuminati vogliono diffondere il satanismo!"

 stardefinibusterrae ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa Segnala spam @ IHateNEWLAYOUT -                                                                                                                             Brotherhood Universal ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   my computer technician? He could not help me, but I gave: to him: 20 euro: also: why: I have seen him very depressed! He has made ​​your own speeches: "all resistance is futile! the Illuminati have already won!" In fact, he too, like you, have lost faith! @IHateNEWLAYOUT --                                                                                                                             Brotherhood Universal ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   il mio tecnico informatico? lui non ha potuto aiutare me: ma io ho dato: a lui: 20 euro: ugualmente: perché: io ho visto lui: molto depresso! lui ha fatto i tuoi stessi discorsi: "è inutile ogni resistenza! gli Illuminati hanno già vinto!", infatti, anche lui, come te, ha perso la fede!

 stardefinibusterrae ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa Segnala spam @ SIONISTIASSASSINI -                                                                                                                             Brotherhood Universal ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   you go away from youtube? is what they want! Are narcissistic "! Illuminati do not need to know: what you think! Have simply decided to reduce: this server: youtube: why: they are afraid of me because all of their filters? Were been useless against me! But today is too late to destroy youtube: or for destroy me! @SIONISTIASSASSINI--                                                                                                                             Brotherhood Universal ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   che tu vai via? è quello che vogliono! SONO NARCISISTI"! Illuminati non hanno bisogno di sapere: cosa tu pensi! hanno semplicemente: deciso di ridimensionare: questo server: di youtube: perché: hanno paura di me: poiché, tutti i loro filtri? sono stati inutili contro di me! ma, oggi è anche troppo tardi: distruggere youtube!

 stardefinibusterrae ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa Segnala spam SIONISTIASSASSINI Commento al tuo video: RICCHISSIMI Bilderberg BCE FED IMF FMI NWO @stardefinibusterrae alcuni giorni fa scrivevo che appena sostituiranno la grafica ( a me la nuova non piace e non la voglio usare) chiuderò tutto e saluti ! si troveranno altri posti per dire le proprie idee! ma poi conviene anche a loro leggere quanto scriviamo! se non sanno cosa pensi è peggio! .....anche se non è detto che si dica sempre ciò che si pensa.....comunque..... glielo facevamo credere, così erano contenti! -- ANSWER--                                                                                                                             Brotherhood Universal ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   SONO NARCISISTI"! Illuminati non hanno bisogno di sapere: cosa tu pensi! hanno semplicemente: deciso di ridimensionare: questo server: di youtube: perché: hanno paura di me: poiché, tutti i loro filtri? sono stati inutili contro di me! ma, oggi è anche troppo tardi: distruggere youtube!

 stardefinibusterrae ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa Segnala spam Drakedog777 Commento al tuo video: Amazing clip of a Muslim in Saudi Arabia becoming a Christian يعبدون مخلوق--answer-                                                                                                                             Brotherhood Universal ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.  What you say? is out of context! you refuse freedom of religion .. Also: you have cursed the world.. quello che tu dici? è fuori contesto! voi rifiutate la libertà di religione.. anche: voi avete maledetto: il mondo. ماذا أقول لكم؟ هو خارج السياق! كنت ترفض حرية الدين .. أيضا: لقد ملعونا في العالمماذا أقول لكم؟ هو خارج السياق! كنت ترفض حرية الدين .. أيضا: لقد ملعونا في العالم

 stardefinibusterrae ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa Segnala spam @ IsraelNationalTV -                                                                                                                             Brotherhood Universal ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   dear friend! the destruction of youtube .. has been planned for some time: the desperation of the users, youtubers? is useless! @IsraelNationalTV --                                                                                                                             Brotherhood Universal ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   carissimo amico! la distruzione di youtube.. è stata pianificata, da tempo: la disperazione degli utenti? è inutile!

 stardefinibusterrae ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa Segnala spam Commento al tuo video: MONTI VUOLE RUBARE SOVRANITÀ POLITICA E MONETARIA ulisseclisse said: MA non lo sapevi: che: attraverso: il TRATTATO DI LISBONA...TUTTE LE NAZIONI HANNO PERSO: LA LORO SOVRANITà.!? INFORMATI! il sig. monti... dice: quello: che: i"satanisti delle lobby"gli hanno PROGRAMMATO: DI DIRE...COME: HANNO FATTO CON bush, obama, hilary clinton, berluska, tremonti, pannella, travaglio, grillo, blair, ratzingher, di pietro, de magistris, etc....sono tutti PUPAZZI! SONO POCHI: AL MONDO: COLORO: CHE RAGIONANO: CON LA PROPRIA TESTA! QUESTA è' LA FINE DEL MONDO... NON LO CAPITE !? NO !?!? --answer-                                                                                                                             Brotherhood Universal ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   SATANISTI E SIONISTI? SONO FELICI DI TUTTO QUESTO! PERCHÉ loro non possono sapere come la 3°WW nucleare: può essere superata soltanto attraverso un miracolo divino

 stardefinibusterrae ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa Segnala spam SIONISTIASSASSINI Your comment to this video: IMF IMF FED ECB rich Bilderberg NWO not for nothing that they killed the lambs to accommodate the Jewish branch of the family! - ANSWER -                                                                                                                             Brotherhood Universal ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   EVENT: The "Lambs"? I've never been the lambs! mass are one family of satan Commento al tuo video: RICCHISSIMI Bilderberg BCE FED IMF FMI NWO non per niente hanno ammazzato gli agnelli per far spazio al ramo ebraico della famiglia! -- ANSWER --                                                                                                                             Brotherhood Universal ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   COMUNQUE: gli "Agnelli"? non sono mai state degli agnelli! sono una sola massica famiglia di satana

 stardefinibusterrae ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa Segnala spam Commento al tuo video: Why I Left Judaism FED BCE IMF NWO RamMashiah SAID-: death? jewish ppl are murderers? go open some history books and come back to tell us how the christian ppl are gentle sheeps. u are talking like a traitor exactly like the filthy traitor u present that took the tora and took it out of context -- ANSWER --                                                                                                                             Brotherhood Universal ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   Here, there is a problem of racism: OR OF RELIGION! IS not a people that, could be criminalized! but, it's a problem: against: the IMF and all its hidden powers! qui, non c'è un problema di razzismo! non è un popolo che potrebbe essere criminalizzato! ma, è un problema: contro: il FMI e tutti i suoi poteri occulti!

 stardefinibusterrae ha pubblicato un commento 11 mesi fa Segnala spam Steadno said: christians enslaved millions and millions of my ancesters for 500+ years! -- answer--                                                                                                                             Brotherhood Universal ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.  Who are your ancestors? never, in any case: the evil received, could not: justify: evil: that: you could do: against to others .. because, that way you also get off at the same level of criminals! even the super Jews rabbis Satanists: Illuminati: justify all the evil they do: against to us .. But evil can never be justified!

 stardefinibusterrae ha pubblicato un commento 1 anno fa Segnala spam @ IsraelNationalTV -                                                                                                                             Brotherhood Universal ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   hey, I too am: a Jewish girl, Palestine? is my land! But, lately: about the Talmud? I have not heard: to say nice things: good: about: the integrity of my person ... But, of this? I, I'm sure: "I have been a good girl!" @ IsraelNationalTV -                                                                                                                             Brotherhood Universal ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   היי, גם אני: נערה יהודיה, פלסטין? היא האדמה שלי! אבל, בזמן האחרון: על התלמוד? לא שמעתי: כדי להגיד דברים יפים: טוב: על: על שלמות האדם שלי ... אבל, זה? אני, אני בטוח: "הייתי ילדה טובה!"

 2712fr ha pubblicato un commento 1 anno fa Segnala spam bonjour lorenzo !

 stardefinibusterrae ha pubblicato un commento 1 anno fa Segnala spam @ComunitaEbraicaRom­­­a,2628342- io so che voi siete in buona fede.. e che: tra di voi: ci sono dei santi: profeti: e persone degne di ogni venerazione.. ma: voi state adorando Baal: ZA BUL ON: per questa dimostrazione semplicissima: non ci può essere razzismo o cattiveria: nell'atto generativo: creativo: di Dio! infatti: "Dio è per tutti:"amore infinito"! ogni sua operazione? è fatta con amore infinito: come: tutti i popoli: sono per la gloria Dio: e: noi siamo tutti fratelli! Così non può esistere un membro del corpo sociale: che è meno importante: di un altro membro":

 stardefinibusterrae ha pubblicato un commento 1 anno fa Segnala spam ecco perché: il Talmud non può: che: essere falso! Ecco perchè: in maniera progressiva: le future generazioni: sono sempre più preda: della follia e del satanismo... quello che voi non sapete? in particolare? è che sono le vostre generazioni(leader elite massoni FMI FED BCE NWO): che: impazziranno completamente! poiché è questo che io ho stabilito: il vero desiderio del mio cuore? non è quello di governare: ma è quello di distruggere tutti i satanismi!

 stardefinibusterrae ha pubblicato un commento 1 anno fa Segnala spam Commento al tuo video: Amazing clip of a Muslim in Saudi Arabia becoming a Christian @sharpsniper273 Mohammed: and: the: Sharia: they are: criminals: murderers: fact: both deny: freedom of religion, but this: take: 3 ° to nuclear WW: In: what: you will die! maometto: e: la: sharia: sono: criminali: assassini: infatti: entrambi negano: la libertà di religione: ma, questo: porterà: alla 3° WW nuclear: nella: quale: tu morirai! محمد : و : في : الشريعة : هم : المجرمون : القتلة : الحقيقة : كل من ينكر : حرية الدين، ولكن هذا : خذ : 3 درجات لWW النووي : في : ماذا : سوف يموت!

 stardefinibusterrae ha pubblicato un commento 1 anno fa Segnala spam @devronjackson --All good men and peaceful? That not have racism about their religion? will all go to heaven! why: we become Christians? to be superior to the angels to be children of God, of course! that is, to have: his own divine nature! Tous les hommes bons et pacifiques? C'est pas du racisme sur leur religion? irons tous au paradis! pourquoi: nous devenons chrétiens? d'être supérieur aux anges d'être enfants de Dieu, bien sûr! qui est, pour avoir: sa propre nature divine! Tutti gli uomini buoni e pacifici? che non fanno il razzismo per la religione? andranno tutti in paradiso! perché: si diventa cristiani? per essere superiori agli angeli: per essere figli di Dio: ovviamente! cioè per avere la sua stessa natura divina! Todos los hombres de bien y en paz? Que no tienen el racismo de su religión? se van todos al cielo! por qué: nos convertimos en cristianos? ser superior a los ángeles para ser hijos de Dios, por supuesto! es decir, a tener: su propia naturaleza divina!

 stardefinibusterrae ha pubblicato un commento 1 anno fa Segnala spam @ ILLUMINATED, ComunitaEbraicaRoma, 2628342 - Mary is only a Jewish girl .. and if she: is a prostitute? Then, they are prostitutes as well: all the Jewish girls .. therefore, must be destroyed this abomination of the Talmud that has so powerfully cursed the people of God! The law (Torah and the Prophets? Are more than enough for us). Because, God destroyed the old order? I have determined that every jew can become priests (to accommodate all the people in our Temple) because our job is to bless all the world (also: economically) that: I will govern: as: REI unius: all the world: for to call in Palestine: and in all the neighboring nations: all the Jews of the world: because one day God will destroy the U.S.: with a meteor / asteroid because of Satanism and Freemasonry: that: have become ineradicable!

 stardefinibusterrae ha pubblicato un commento 1 anno fa Segnala spam @ILLUMINATI,ComunitaEbraicaRom­­a,2628342- Maria è soltanto una ragazza ebrea.. e se lei: è una prostituta? poi, sono prostitute anche: tutte le ragazze ebree.. pertanto, deve essere distrutto questo abominio del Talmud: che ha così potentemente maledetto il popolo di Dio! La legge (Torà e i Profeti? sono più che sufficienti: per noi). Poiché, Dio ha distrutto l'antico ordine? Io ho stabilito che divenga sacerdotale ogni ebreo:(per accogliere tutti i popoli nel nostro Tempio) poiché il nostro lavoro: è quello di benedire tutto il mondo(anche economicamente) che: io governerò: come: Unius REI: per chiamare in Palestina: ed in tutte le Nazioni vicine: tutti gli ebrei del mondo: poiché: un giorno: Dio distruggerà gli USA: con un meteorite/asteroide: a motivo del satanismo e della massoneria: che: sono diventati inestirpabili!

 stardefinibusterrae ha pubblicato un commento 1 anno fa Segnala spam @comunitaebraicaroma -- Leviticus: 3.17 and 7.26: prohibits: categorically, under pain of death "will be eliminated by his people!": 1. to eat the blood of animals (ie: this is also true: for us? the GOIM? that: your Talmud says that: we are: animals in human form created by God only to be exploited by the Jews) 2 . in all places: where you live (already: the book of Leviticus, he knew that: you would not have been worthy: to preserve your nation?). I am outraged because after: (your silence of accomplice: towards your rabbis Kakam or Illuminati) for have stole our banking seigniorage? Even our government is, that, instead of banning the Talmud has decided to invest a large sum: for its disclosure

 stardefinibusterrae ha pubblicato un commento 1 anno fa Segnala spam .. I say this, because someone is saying: "the blood cristiano.pdf": that: you do eat (unconsciously) boiled egg: seasoned with ash: for the couple in: more happier days: of their marriage: and: the ashes: other would not: that: a compound: containing: the blood of a Christian child: in solid form .. all things of this world for me, of course: starting with the banking seigniorage are things crazy

 stardefinibusterrae ha pubblicato un commento 1 anno fa Segnala spam Levitico 3,17 e 7,26: proibisce: categoricamente: sotto pena di morte: "sarà eliminato dalla sua gente!": 1. di mangiare il sangue di animali (quindi: questo vale anche: nei nostri confronti? i GOIM? che: il vostro Talmud: dice: che: noi siamo: animali in forma umana: creati da Dio: unicamente per essere sfruttati dagli ebrei) 1. il sangue cristiano.pdf 2. Grande rabbino Neofito - Il sangue cristiano nei riti erraci della moderna Sinagona.pdf 3. Talmud e cristiani - Pranaitis.pdf

 stardefinibusterrae ha pubblicato un commento 1 anno fa Segnala spam 2. in tutti i luoghi: dove voi abiterete(già: il libro del Levitico: sapeva che: voi non sareste stati degni: di conservare la vostra Nazione?). Io sono indignato perché dopo:(il vostro silenzio di omertà: nei confronti dei vostri rabbini Kakam o ILLUMINATI) per averci rubato il nostro signoraggio bancario? Addirittura è il nostro Governo: che: invece di bandire il Talmud: ha stabilito di investire una somma ingente: per la sua divulgazione.. dico questo: perché qualcuno va dicendo: "il sangue cristiano.pdf": che: voi fate mangiare(incosapevolmente) dell'uovo sodo: condito con cenere: agli sposi nel giorno felice: del loro matrinio: e che: quella cenere: altro non sarebbe: che: un composto: contienente: il sangue: di un bambino cristiano: in forma solida.. tutte cose per me dell'altro mondo, ovviamente: ad iniziare dal signoraggio bancario

 stardefinibusterrae ha pubblicato un commento 1 anno fa Segnala spam Levitico 3,17 e 7,26: proibisce: categoricamente: sotto pena di morte: "sarà eliminato dalla sua gente!": 1. di mangiare il sangue di animali (quindi: questo vale anche: nei nostri confronti? i GOIM? che: il vostro Talmud: dice: che: noi siamo: animali in forma umana: creati da Dio: unicamente per essere sfruttati dagli ebrei) 1. il sangue cristiano.pdf 2. Grande rabbino Neofito - Il sangue cristiano nei riti erraci della moderna Sinagona.pdf 3. Talmud e cristiani - Pranaitis.pdf

 stardefinibusterrae ha pubblicato un commento 1 anno fa Segnala spam @2712fr -- ALL REASONS FOR HITLER? WERE BEEN ALL HIDDEN! HIS ONLY CRIMES: ARE VISIBLE: TODAY Toutes les raisons de Hitler? ONT ÉTÉ tous cachés! Ses crimes SEULEMENT: sont visibles: AUJOURD'HUI LE RAGIONI DI HITLER? SONO STATE TUTTE NASCOSTE! SOLTANTO I SUOI CRIMINI: SONO VISIBILI : OGGI

 adonelahi ha pubblicato un commento 1 anno fa Segnala spam Great Channel and great videos. God Bless you

 2712fr ha pubblicato un commento 1 anno fa Segnala spam bonjour Lorenzo ; tu te trompes , car je n'ai aucune haine envers le peuple d'Israël.............. je ne porte en moi aucune haine ... car je trouve que la vie est trop courte pour la haine ... SHALOM + MAZEL TOV au peuple d'Israël -- de la part du peuple slave !!!

 stardefinibusterrae ha pubblicato un commento 1 anno fa Segnala spam @Atriviality ---                                                                                                                             Brotherhood Universal ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.  no! You still do not understand anything! all enlightened? are Rabbis and are Scribes and Pharisees bankers! they do not believe in evolution, but they want that: us: the GOIM: we believe in this lie: for to make against us (all peoples) a single predation! As it is written the Talmud that we are animals in human form, however: even if hidden? the skeletons of giants really exist! no! tu continui a non capire niente! tutti gli illuminati? sono rabbini Scribi e farisei! loro non credono nell'evoluzionismo: ma vogliono che noi: i GOIM: crediamo in questa menzogna: per fare contro di noi(tutti i popoli) una sola predazione! Poiché è scrito nel Talmud che noi siamo animali in forma umana: tuttavia: anche se nascosti? gli scheletri dei Giganti esistono veramente!

 stardefinibusterrae ha pubblicato un commento 1 anno fa Segnala spam @ 2712fr haine contre tous les Juifs est justifié, juste parce que, certains d'entre eux: faire saigner: des enfants chrétiens innocents et puis ils font avec ce sang les cendres de la mettre sur l'oeuf dur: dans leur mariage ou de leurs rituels de purification? Ok! C'est une haine légitime de l'humanité! mais il fut vaincu par l'histoire! Depuis Hitler a été vaincu, et a été un perdant! les vrais gagnants comme: Gandhi et Jésus de Bethléem? ils ne seraient pas la haine! Vous ne comprenez pas: mais les Juifs ont besoin de personnes comme vous: pour continuer à justifier leur haine et leur racisme à l'encontre de toutes les nations de continuer à justifier la prédation du seigneuriage bancaire!

 stardefinibusterrae ha pubblicato un commento 1 anno fa Segnala spam @ --- 2712fr--- hatred against all Jews is justified, just because, some of them: make bleed: Christian children innocent and then they do with that blood the the ashes to put on the egg hard: in their marriage or in their rituals of purification? Ok! is a justifiable hatred of humanity! but it was defeated by history! since Hitler was defeated, and was a loser! the real winners as: Gandhi and Jesus of Bethlehem? they would not hate! You do not understand: but the Jews have need the people like you: for to continue to justify their hatred and their racism against all the nations to continue to justify the predation of the bank seigniorage!

 stardefinibusterrae ha pubblicato un commento 1 anno fa Segnala spam @2712fr --- l'odio contro tutti gli ebrei è giustificato: solo perché: alcuni di loro: svenano: dissanguano: i bambini cristiani innocenti: e poi con quel sangue fanno la cenere da mettere sull'uovo sodo: del matrimonio o per i loro rituali di purificazione? Ok! è un odio giustificabile umanamente! ma, esso è stato sconfitto dalla storia! poiché Hitler è stato sconfitto: e stato un perdente! i veri vincenti come: Gandhi e Gesù di Betlemme? loro non avrebbero odiato! Tu non capisci: ma gli ebrei hanno bisogno di persone come te: per continuare a giustificare il loro odio ed il loro razzismo contro tutti i popoli: per continuare a giustificare la predazione del signoraggio bancario!

 stardefinibusterrae ha pubblicato un commento 1 anno fa Segnala spam @ozzylory -- it's true what you say, but if your "be good" or your "good" is not by the Holy Spirit? then, it will not be valid or recognized! For example, you are good because it helps you: to be nice to others? like this: you open yourself to the elements of Satanism: only why, they do not kill people, etc. ..? and everything stems from the fact that it is natural that the good: to be present along with the bad? Do not know that also: a single one blasphemy or heresy (usually not): however, it can open for you: the gates of the abyss of the hell?-- è vero quello che tu dici: ma se il tuo: "essere buono": o il tuo: "bene" non viene dallo Spirito Santo? poi, non sarà validato o riconosciuto! Per esempio, tu sei buono perché questo aiuta te a risultare simpatico per gli altri? così: ti apri ad elementi del satanismo solo perché: loro non uccidono le persone, ecc..? e tutto nasce dal fatto che è naturale che il bene: sia presente insieme al male?

 stardefinibusterrae ha pubblicato un commento 1 anno fa Segnala spam @DeadlyPersecution --- [[jew blasphemer and coward]] You have been DECEIVED: to blaspheme Mary: the holy women! but this can not be an excuse for you and for anyone because God has given to all the very metaphysics: that he gave to me: so all are guilty if they do not understand: from themselves: that: what is true and what is bad! a man whose brain was not possessed by demons? He would know that the Talmud and Kabbalah: and the Koran, and reincarnation is only a work of the devil -- [[ebreo bestemmiatore e codardo]]TU SEI STATO INGANNATO: per bestemmiare la più santa delle donne! ma, questo non può essere un alibi per te e per nessuno: poiché, Dio ha dato a tutti: la stessa metafisica: che egli ha dato a me: così tutti sono colpevoli se non comprendono: da: se stessi: che: cosa è vero: e che cosa è male! un uomo il cui cervello: non fosse posseduto dai demoni? Lui saprebbe che Talmud e Cabbala: e Corano e reincarnazione: sono una opera del demonio

Carica altro

  .Informazioni su Ave Stella Maris

1. il sangue cristiano.pdf

2. Grande rabbino Neofito - Il sangue cristiano nei riti erraci della moderna Sinagona.pdf

3. Talmud e cristiani - Pranaitis.pdf

[all the chickens are coming home to roost] is normal for the "wind: ADSL" (the service cheaper and perhaps more poor: more crowded), is locked in a seaside .. but not if for the: "WIND" switchboard: they say that everything is normal! This is a behavior and misuse: a violation of the rules: in the Masonic government of youtube! Hey, Mossad. If you are gay? and you do not have the courage to kill your king: lorenzojhwh? I'm not responsible!

[tutti i nodi vengono al PETTINE] è normale che la wind (il servizio più economico e forse più scadente: più affollato), sia bloccato in una località di mare.. ma non se per i centralinisti della WIND: loro dicono che tutto è normale! Questo è un comportamento, scorretto: una violazione delle norme: nel governo massonico di youtube! Ehi, Mossad. Se voi siete gay, e non avete il coraggio di uccidere il vostro Re: lorenzojhwh? Io non sono responsabile!

@youtube -- il libro biblico della genesi? sarebbe stato sufficiente, a fare capire, anche, ad una capra come te, che, la natura umana è sempre più: incline al peccato o al male, piuttosto, che, essere incline al bene. Infatti, noi tutti portiamo, il peso del peccato originale! Così, se tu metti il male: pornografia perversa, satanismo, insieme al bene? è evidente che saranno loro a vincere. Ma, se vincono i satanisti, tu cosa credi di guadagnare? tu perderai la vita in questa inevitabile 3°WWnuclear. Se i satanisti: sono così stupidi, da non riuscire a capire, che, l'unico interesse di satana è quello di far soffrire Dio: poiché, lui è sicuro della sua distruzione: tra: 300 anni. e che quindi: mai satana potrebbe essere una opportunità per l'uomo.. ecc..: tu per me sei un vero idiota!

@youtube -- the biblical book of Genesis? would have been enough to make it clear, also, to a goat like you, that human nature is always more, prone to sin or evil, rather, that, be inclined to do good. In fact, we all carry the weight of original sin! So, if you put the evil perverted pornography, satanism, along: with the well? it is clear that they will win. But, if they win the satanists, what do you think you earn? You lose your life in this 3 rd WWnuclear inevitable. If Satanists: they are so stupid, by could not understand, that the only interest of Satan is to do suffering to God because he is sure of its destruction: between 300 years. and thus: Satan could never be, an opportunity for man .. etc. ..: You're a real idiot to me!

1. il sangue cristiano.pdf

2. Grande rabbino Neofito - Il sangue cristiano nei riti erraci della moderna Sinagona.pdf

3. Talmud e cristiani - Pranaitis.pdf

[all the chickens are coming home to roost] is normal for the "wind: ADSL" (the service che...



di stardefinibusterrae Data di iscrizione 08/ago/2011 Paese Israele

. Canale di WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 176 iscritti .. all christian martyrs will win 131 iscritti .. sovranità monetaria x kingdom 45 iscritti .. Unius Rei is lorenzojhwh 79 iscritti .. kingx Brotherhood Universal 136 iscritti .. universal brotherhood 154 iscritti .. ReiUnius free Israel&Palestine 1199 iscritti .. President Metaphysical Mankind 1194 iscritti .. Dominus Unius Rei 209 iscritti ...

580, human sacrifice on altar of satan,

 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? 
 mrUniversalMetaphysc . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?   

 [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen] such as , murder of the so-called: monster of Florence, or: the recent events in which he speaks of the "Beasts of Satan" - related to: this: phenomenon. I: read: that, Satanism: true: and: own: is headed: to: four: current of: thinking: Different: Satanism: rationalist, That, is: what: charged: of the Church of Satan, the more: important and ancient satanic cult, and: that, preaching the liberation of the human being: of the: slavery well understood: in sense: Christian; Satanism: pure practiced: of the Temple: of: Set (derived directly sect of the Church of Satan), the Children of Satan, a lot: known here in Italy, and: the Churches of Turin, That, are at least: an: couple, here Satan is: seen: as: a figure and true: and to evoke their worship, and: is proclaimed hatred: pure in respect of Jesus Christ: and: of: God ;

 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? 
 mrUniversalMetaphysc . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? 
 [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen] Satanism: Lucifer, where there is rebellion to God, many of: this sect: it seems to be: spread to Trieste, and Often: make: part also: underage boys; Satanism: acid, practiced: above: to young boys, That, taking: drugs and listen: some rock music in which - they say - they are: That hidden messages, praise: to Satan. However, to: Apart from these distinctions, surely all these sect: have: a common ritual of the black masses, during which we celebrate: sacrifices, often: of: animals, and-sometimes, perhaps, also: of: human beings; and submission: psychological conditioning very strong, especially through: the use: of: drugs; acts of: vandalism, as for example: desecration of: tombs and in some cases incitement to suicide.

 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen] Well .. there of: all: and also: an: po 'of more .... What can I say? I: read: the testimony of curiosity, as: ... and I always: That said, I was deeply uneasy ..... always more: it seems to me true: that, not, there is no limit to the crap perpetrated by human beings against: their own: they are more like .... and not here, I say more. Without doubt, this is of: a reading instructive, however: raw and chilling, maybe not, is: an: bad read, so: to realize: of: an: appearance: little: known: and in an: sure: sense: underground: of: our society, among other things: That it may be, many of disappearances: people ever more: can found: be connected with: Satanism . Four: years in hell: - Lukas, pg.171, TEA editions. Lucas, four: YEARS IN HELL, Ed Mondatori S.p.A. Milan license TEA S.p.A. Title: Original: Vier Jahre und zurück Holle, 1995 by Gustav Lubbe Verlag GmbH, Bergisch Gladbach 1999 TEA SpA

 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen] Solo: God knows how: I: suffered: and in reading: re-reading of: this: Document: that has changed, definitely my life. When: you know, not, you can more: pretend of: not, you know. - Only: the: stunning: unconscious and: only: oblivion: irresponsible, they can: get back to being one: that, you were before. The reflective reading of: this: book: will exceed production of fantasy horror is because: the reality of Hundreds of Thousands of: people, mostly ADULTS in every nation, as in everything: the West, the so-called: a civilized we: have to: a few million of: followers. Underestimate this: phenomenon is already taking: to: terrible consequences. Satanism: is the factory of maniacs, monsters and: the serial killer. to: an: you can sort of Satanist: everything, including: the infanticide of their own: son. Satanism: is: an: result: deviant: our Western society is: the reversal:

 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen] the biblical mentality and: the liturgical and: sacrament of the Church of Christ: and a santa. Becomes ours: the drama of indelible: Lucas, That, risked: of: crazy. Paradoxically was right: the madness to: save! The madness: deprived: the prison of his own mind and: hidden: for years in a psychiatric clinic has been able to: rebuild, so it is only that fortuitously That has been able to: get rid of the sect. Nevertheless lives in anonymity: and: in continuous danger of: life. Danger: that we must: share so that humanity comes out of this: nightmare. And rape, kill the human victim in numerous community also: with: hundreds of: participants that: not, you know: one of: them), drink its blood mixed: with: drugs, eating the raw heart: to: bites, and : at once: after: cannibalism: make an orgy in honor of Satan, - do the cast: of: plaster man's: that he may make a show of: if: Satanists in pubs

 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam mrUniversalMetaphysc . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    3 ore fa [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen](dissolve the body with: the 'acid: sulfuric acid: and: pour: in the sink: everything that can be prepared: as also: two hours of: devout prayer in Latin) requires an organization as: complex and: powerful that the so-called blush: civilized west: of: front of the rest: the world for all eternity. But also: body, first of: destroy it, you can: get a lot of things, I'll save ... Shame, United States of America! Shame on England! Shame on you, Germany! Shame on you, France! Shame on you, Italy! Shame on you, West! To stop these criminals need: the secret services, technologies more: advanced and: experts (judges, police, prisons, homes, psychiatric staff, etc..) And specific: only dedicated. Do not believe me? What are, according to you: That people can: vanish into thin air? if: know your numbers and that statistics of the disappeared into thin air, this: v'impressionerebbe!

 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen] Of course, is: I am convinced, after: reading: this: book, That, in an America: third: of: these disappeared, are being sacrificed on the altar of: Satan. Many victims, unaware, knew only that of: go to a party, when: welcomed this invitation: of: an: friend: known: a few days: first, perhaps on the beach. to: this festival there would be: to have fun and: to eat for free. The victim of course: is: ignorant of the fact: that, everyone would be "fun" to top of: and him: his: terror, would have been "tortured" and: then with: great skill would have seen: with: its his eyes: the heart of his hands: an: other, not, there are words to describe what: that it happens and: what: that is the test. not just dead, some would: Devoured: raw: his: and the heart: they all: drink: his: blood still warm: mixed: to: an: liquor, everything: his: destruction: it would be consumed: in honor of Satan.

 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen] Too much later, however, to find That, subject: fun: it would have been someone else: his: and horror: his despair. The victim is: drugged and: altar linked with: arms and chains: legs apart, is raped, the is: open: the chest with: great skill without hurting my heart That, is: torn: in an: second : time .... Desperate seeing you die: your pulse: heart in the hands of: an: other. Introduction to the worship of Satan today of: Don Jurgen Hauskeller] We have: a subculture ideology of Satanism: made of: video, literature and music, especially addressed: for an: public: youth, That, during the period: the: development: spiritual and intellectual, being: to the: search for meaning: life, can easily be shaped: to become perfect tools of the secret organization, the: secret outside: as: in: its hierarchical structure. Of the structure held together: blackmail, hatred: and: of the: and fear: of the: advantage: personal

 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen] (sex, money, and power: impunity indefinitely). Most certain and fear: real, the infallible organization and impunity: the impossibility of: escape. The most widespread presence of Satanic groups in most of our common. Introduction to the worship of Satan today of: Don Jurgen Hauskeller] (as unfortunately: there are: to: demonstrate some of the facts: crime) where he / murder / improvised / s are: caught / e, but nothing You can never to: know the other members of the group, in any case. The chronicle unfortunately not, we can speak of collective rituals with: orgies and: sacrifices of: small animals, of: what happens during the desecration of: churches and: cemeteries, and: all: the: that entails. Unfortunately, and crimes: the murders are present also: when: Satanism: is: in an initial form. also: to this: stage: initial and: little: professional,

 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen] these groups are always potentially dangerous. From a survey conducted in 1994 - Institute: of: psychology at the University of Friedrich Schiller of Jena, Introduction to the worship of Satan today of: Don Jurgen Hauskeller] is, on the basis of an: questionnaire: that, 35.3% of students had: practical experience in the field of occultism: (Tarot, pendulum , seances), while 1% had: experience with: the black masses. The situation not, should be very: different from other parts of Germany and: the world rich. The charm of magic, the attraction of evil deeds, That ideology, provides strength, hardness and requires glorify violence as: instrument: that represents a reality exciting and mysterious, are all factors That, exercise : on some young an: great power of attraction. In Germany there is a strong organization dedicated to the worship of Satan, That, structured under: form of: lodges, similar to: the Masonic

 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen] Introduction to the worship of Satan today of: Don Jurgen Hauskeller]: and: benefits of: a dense network of: international connections. Level: of: the secrecy of Satanic groups is: absolute, of: usually: who decides of: escape must deal with: the near certainty of: to be killed: o: of: see killed her more: dear relatives in retaliation . The: state: of: the right: Advances demands a lot: picky: of elements of: test, and victims: witnesses, and is: to this: that, so far the attempts of: prosecuting are: falliti.1. The word impotence is: perhaps the definition more: fitting the current situation of: this: fenomeno.2. In addition, officials of: police typically not give: Credit to: these stories, because believe: not worthy of: faith. introduction to the worship of Satan today of: Don Jurgen Hauskeller]: 3. Misinformation, and indifference: unpreparedness to: deal with: a reality so terrible,

 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen] are: of: hand in hand. Sure: there are: That individual cases, give rise to: a sensation, but then everything falls into oblivion. Only in England, behind: debate: parliamentary is: had the establishment of a committee of special Scotland Jard.4. is: necessary: ​​an: specialized personnel and of police, That, of: the judiciary to curb and: counter this: that, is one: of more: contemporanei.Siamo disturbing phenomena: of: the face of a sect with: global ramifications and whose vertex is: in the United States of Americas, where Satanists are free of: publicly profess them faith. Satanists are considered: one family founded upon hatred: and: the absolute submission to: Satan. For them, are ridiculous and: fruit: of: weakness, feelings, and compassion: love. To kill humanity and to become nasty newbies and terrified: brainwashed are forced to: ask for the blood to butchers and: the: drink: the certainty

 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam mrUniversalMetaphysc . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    3 ore fa [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen]of: being stalked, this, then it is true, because a great deal of attention is given for the novice,That in the case: of: Lucas, was: introduced: the cult with: deception.To kill him: a spirit: Christian drinking: Blood Raw: united: to: drugs during the rites, where they kill: also: human beings kidnapped or: drawn with: deception. The dead end: dissolved in acid: and: disappear: in the sink. Catechesis, isolation: of the: context: social, crime, the: rape, orgies, murder: ritual are inherent reality. The destruction of Christianity: and: humanism: is: the resulting goal.

 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam mrUniversalMetaphysc . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    3 ore fa For this: not, may: tolerate in their maternity: group, only that his children from an: high priest are grown as: children of: Satan, the other children were born: secretly with: care of gynecologists' organization and: are sacrificed to the: birth or: also: After: six months to the: presence indifferent mother, second: That the signs, Satan by the priest, not, can: existing emotional ties.

 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen] That a mother, enters the sect must show its loyalty to: satan, killing: or: by: to kill her son more: small. To achieve the goal: of: to conquer the world: and: of: to submit to the Christians: and slavery: to: any torment, in the absolute certainty of the final victory of Satan, lord of the world, have: of: impressive and : significant financial resources, many of the men more: and powerful: the rich West, already belong: to the: organization. Can: handle drugs That, in combination with: other drugs cause: death, so that Satan be glorified and they can: show him them faithful allegiance. Satan is the master of them knowingly: life, while is: the man unaware of most of the men That, to: he are submitted to: because of sin. For these purposes, the triumph of sex, and wealth: the power in them life,

 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen] they sell: their: anime to: Satan and: you make it: his docile and: aware tools. Analysis of: the: book: it appears as: communities more: flourishing, they are: Germany, France, England and: in America, where the followers more: zealous, go: to the internship, Lucas was destined : o: to: be a priest or: to: to die. Are precisely: the United States of America the spiritual home of the Satanists. The groups are present here, offer almost every night: to: Satan also: human being kidnapped: o: with: deception: invited: at a party and, only, rarely are forced to: Fold the sacrifice of: an: lamb , That circumstance, is: instead reversed in the European groups. is: impressive to know the statistics of people That, disappear: in nothing, not, is: absurd believe - of the: testimony of baffling: this: document: - that, n: number: impressive of: men may have been: victim

 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen] of: this powerful, international and: rich secret organization. Many are killed only: because being: to: knowledge of: an: friend: Satanist have: tried: of: dissuade him: and: have: tried: of: help: to leave the organization. The structure is pyramidal Satanist, the world leaders of the organization are: the United States of America, where they have: a legal status: and: pay the taxes. The resolution of: not these issues can be addressed if ever: not, by powerful government organizations. Some murders, moreover, must: be committed to prove to be worthy of: an: Feed: organization, That has of: economic means and: of: to cover: all levels of civil society, political, military and : religious cos'ì as: among other things: is: for masonry. Only: two thin slits are: leaking eyes, not in the organization, you know, I know: what will happen as a result: the journey: of them training.

 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen] They feel: trapped in a hopeless situation! To save the skin becomes indispensable! The way: better to save is accredited with: crimes and: with: proselytism. Enter only once in an assembly of: this: type, also: with: deception, it may mean for some as Lucas not, be able to more: go out, rimanerne trapped forever on pain of death for if: o: for their loved ones. Own: to prevent retaliation to their loved ones is: forced to: participate. also: suicide: it would be a release, but this: is: prevented: own: of the: That certainty, a family member is going to die on the altar of sacrifice to "punish" the coward: and: traitor suicide. After: being: forced, by thugs, (masters of: martial arts, and: perfect war machines) to: drink blood with: drugs, order: of: kneel, Lucas understands That, the resistance will be futile, drinking ... etc. .....

 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen] Lucas, an aspiring priest, in four: and year: after: many seminaries in America as: aspiring priest, not, has never been able to: look at the face: his: priest-tormentor. Mesmerized, transformed: in one: zombies to: of doing things: that not, is: conscious, but unequivocally proven by photographs, to take refuge in a psychiatric clinic, hundreds of: miles of: distance and: will need: of: many year of: Therapy That, unfortunately not, the will: more restoration to her: balance: and: its normality. When: to: Lucas, the show: the photo: of: a teenage That, to: distance of a week would: sacrifice, consecrating him: definitely as: priest of: Satan, after: they had to: attend her: in spite of: to: hundreds of: human sacrifice and: have brought: and death: the destruction around: to the: his community human, emotional and social, squirts. Squirts and: loses control: its psyche, but their own: this will be his salvation.

 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen] mine site: of: 20 years ago: webalice. it / looooo / lucas. htm.. Fact is: precisely: the brain: the prison infallible Satanists. Their: nightmare if: forced or: their: paradise wicked: and: evil: if: consenting. An American priest, at the top of the global structure of the organization, now: Away in Germany, check the preparation of priests and followers: application to Lucas: "this that religion you belong to?" To the: response and awe: for this: errata of Lucas: "I do not have: a religion" is beaten: and: correct: "YOUR RELIGION is: THE Satanist, remember: GOOD." Subject: to: beatings, and gives Lucas: between if: you think, "Okay, are: an: the devil." The priest: he continues: "You not, you're an: devil, you're just: an: son of the devil." - The American had the power of: read minds: - In fact, some of: them are: the power of: to see: distance and: other possibilities superhuman.

 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen] The ambition of: an: Satanist is: of: to die in a manner worthy of: Satan, in other words dramatically. The terms as: love and: friendship are replaced of the: word association. Thus, in exceptional That, an: Satanist relies to: structures of: recovery: and: of: rehabilitation, That thing, not, may be because he knows That, in his situation are altogether: and unnecessary: ​​inadequate. To deal with this reality That, define criminal is: define reductively need: institutions, laws and structures: That, not, are yet to be designed. That this atrocity, is spreading: it is invisibly as: cancer: more: dangerous of Western society. This: Cancer: Social currently is: of the unsolvable: the so-called: world civilized of: where it is: the result: logical: of the: time: where not, there is: our: West an unambiguous definition of the concept : of: the truth is: the amount paid: secular: the sense of: God Me:

 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen] I am ashamed: of: belong to: this so-called civilization! Satanists, invisibly, are: irreversibly deforming: our society and: will bring: more and more disasters before That, someone finds a way: of: to stop them. Many crimes aberrant That, rightly shake: public opinion, they have: behind: the phenomenon of Satanism. All: this: Error is been: made: of the possible: done, That, our company not, is :: or ethics, or personalistic nor humanistic and or metaphysics. With our cultural revolution will open an: new: the future: of: peace and: of: civilization. Our revolution is: started and: more: anyone can stop it. not, I know: if: win: (the book of Revelation That said, in recent times the evil will be overwhelming), but of: certain: we will fight, will: to deal with: we, in our war with evil moral. Attention, the high priest, the great murderess: is: what: that travels in cadillack with: privacy glass. - Imagine:

 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen] now: that, an: reader has read: and: gave: Credit to: what: that, I: said. Well! This: player is still far: of the: understanding the experience of: an: Satanist, because the words not have: no power of: explain this reality. Only: an: Satanist knows what it feels like to be flooded: hate: to: state: pure. The problem of not Satanist, is then: what: that, the other not, they want to: understand, but That, not, can, never understand it: and: that, for him more: anyone can do something. He knows That, in hell: and: that by them not, they will more: get out! That knows, also: in thought not, is more: safe: and: then enjoy more December: that, can, take everything: That sweet, the blood of others can give you ... webalice .it / looooo / lucas . htm

 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam mrUniversalMetaphysc . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    3 ore fa @Drazil Dragon --- amen! in 2014? you will be in hell! AMEN! @custodedellafede --.♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   begone satana! assassino: demone della religione: rimprovera te, lo Spirito Santo! tu abbandona immediatamente : questo povero ragazzo ignorante! nel nome di Gesù: amen, tu e tutte le vostre legioni di demoni? voi scendete all'inferno immediatamente!

Carica altro

  .Informazioni su criminal IMF NWO

Why should you believe me?

I am not a religion!

I am only a politician!

Now, this criminal system of power: the Jewish Masonic, and total control: global control: that is, all the false democracy of seigniorage banking .. and all dumb dogs: dell 'settebre 11: that are all the governments of the world!

all will fall: together, with their satanic International Monetary Fund!

Or, soon we will live the 3 ° WWnuclear .. I decided not to oppress and kill more than 500 million of people criminal, (quietly) .. because, to my righteousness: it prevents me to bear the burden of this nuclear war: inevitable, that is this punishment against another generation that is less guilty or wicked of another generation!



Why should you believe me?

I am not a religion!

I am only a politician!

Now, this criminal system of power: the Jewish Masonic, and total control: global control: that is, all the false democracy of seigniorage ba...


di 666SeigniorageofBank Data di iscrizione 19/ott/2011 Paese Israele

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the King Unius Rei

the King Unius Rei
universal brotherhood