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pedo-DEM lgbt

lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiaha few seconds ago

Usa 2020, #Biden (the son of darkness and priest of satan) accepts the nomination dem: "We will come out of the darkness"
hypocrisy and falsehood
fraud and slander these are the tools of the pedo-DEM lgbt

lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah
DEMs are unable to revive the economy: they can put taxes, and bureaucracy, immorality, state octopus, deep state, satanism, perversion, institutional sodomy, militant Islamism, national security threats, abortion, relativism, bullying, anarchy, technocracy , neoliberalism, hypocrisy, mafia, freemasonry, moral corruption, bureaucracy.
Obama raised US debt to the level of a collapse of the world monetary system !!
"If Joe Biden wins we will have an economic depression,
it will take the Second Amendment from you e
it will quadruple taxes ", he warned, attacking Barack Obama and his wife Michelle's" hateful and angry "speech at the convention.

Wendell Alford14 hours ago

This scumbag will soon face justice for his crimes in the epstein scandal..the victims will not let dershowitz off the hook..nor will God..

Don Spilman
Who cares what the heck ol commie Dershowitz has to say about anything????? Wants to destroy our constitution is all the nasty thing wants to do!

DoesntMatter Don Spilman

are you talking about pelosi?

Don Spilman DoesntMatter5 days ago

Dershowitz I didn’t check the spell check

lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah

i am jewish messia

Phil Lesh Fan lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiaha day ago

Just once, it would be nice to see you post something about the topic of the article at hand.

lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah Phil Lesh Fana day ago • edited

it's your fault, that you don't know how to explain the scam and your Satanism of banking seigniorage Rokefeller SpA FED IMF antichrist, talmud agenda for universal slavery goyims, as explained by the scientist Giacinto Auriti

la colpa è tua, che non mi sai spiegare la truffa e il satanismo del signoraggio bancario, come è spiegato dallo scienziato Giacinto Aurti



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Phil Lesh Fan lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah18 hours ago

So, if I explained that to you (which I could do quite easily), then you would be able or willing to post thoughts on the article at hand? If you will calmly explain that to me, i will share with you the answer to your quest.


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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah Phil Lesh Fan10 hours ago • edited

Furthermore, there are truths in the world of the demonic EU ECB FED IMF Bilderberg ECB CIA that your human mind cannot hold and therefore cannot see!
if they can't reach you with their NWO?
they can order your own sin to kill you!
the NWO as a supernatural and infernal collective symbiotic ENTITY?
it is not something that is within the reach of mankind!
then the bank seigniorage explained by Giacinto AURITI
opens the door to hell,
but you cannot do that door go across: understand / cross!



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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah Phil Lesh Fan10 hours ago

no, you CAN'T SUCCEED!
because it is not something only: intellectual, cultural, political, monetary: financial, institutional, constitutional:
Rokefeller Morgan Rothschild they are the eye of lucifer on the Masonic pyramid:
the eye represented on the US dollar
and they do: 500 human sacrifices on the altar of satan, every day, to close your mind, in a supernatural way ..
What if you could figure it out, and you could pose a danger to them?
sure they would kill you!
how they killed JFKennedy,
but they can't do anything to me
because I am their MESSIAH



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Phil Lesh Fan lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah10 hours ago

I am happy to know that God has rendered you impenetrably safe from all harm!
Still and all, the answer you seek resides within my thinking. Some day, when you are ready, I will share the simple truth with you. Until then, tell me where God is not. He is everywhere and everything, and all is as it is because that is His will...

Parse that, brother. Parse and ponder...



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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah Phil Lesh Fan10 hours ago • edited

1. the secret of my invincibility is in my position at the throne of God!
2. I don't look for answers (as you say)
3. you said: "where God is not. He is everywhere and everything, and all is as it is because that is His will" but this is a blasphemy of Jews and Muslims,
God is infinity holiness instead
he cannot operate or do/ will evil .. and God is not: he is not found in evil, death, old woman or injustice are not born from God!
God has no complicity with the FED IMF ECB UE OCi because this is the kingdom of satan!



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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah Phil Lesh Fan10 hours ago

if I were looking for answers
I would be insecure, and sure, I could not dominate all my enemies as has been relentlessly done for 13 years!



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Phil Lesh Fan lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah9 hours ago

I am calling you out, brother! The world - our world - needs your powers now! I call upon you to take it to the streets of Seattle and Portland as a starter. Go to where the evil rioters are wrecking havoc, and turn them towards God!

For you to keep your powers to yourself is beyond selfish. Your Jesus took his ministering to "the streets" in his time. And you stay safe in your home for these past 13 years? You know your craft well, Brother, but on behalf of the good people in this world, I call you out to the fields where evil is going unabated.

You may not be able to end the NWO, as that may not be your job.
Be not afraid, and go to the streets where evil is off-leash.
Imagine if your Jesus had stayed safely in his home.....rather than taking his ministry to where it is is relevant, needed, and had the opportunity to effect change.

I am calling you out, brother! Now go forth in the name of the Lord!
Keeping one's capabilities to oneself is a great sin. Sin not, brother!
Get out there and save some souls.
What would your Jesus do?
Be like him in all ways that you can.


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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah Phil Lesh Fanan hour ago

You may not be able to end the NWO, as that may not be your job?
no, this is really my job, and I have already defeated the NWO, in fact I am here in ISRAEL.
and by hook or by crook I will get my goals!
ps. I am the only man in the world who is followed by all the secret services on the planet,
in fact my interlocutors are the Governments.
if it weren't for me? Trump and Netanjahu could not be standing and the world war would have already started 10 years ago!

You may not be able to end the NWO, as that may not be your job?
no, questo è proprio, il mio lavoro, ed io ho già sconfitto il NWO, infatti io sono quì in ISRAELE.
e con le buone o con le cattive io otterrò i miei obiettivi!
ps. io sono l'unico uomo al mondo che è seguito da tutti i servizi segreti del pianeta,
infatti i miei interlocutori sono i Governi.
se non fosse per me? Trump e Netanjahu non potrebbero essere in piedi e la guerra mondiale sarebbe già iniziata 10 anni fa!



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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah Phil Lesh Fan2 hours ago

true servants of God and children of God
have a ministry (for service),
they have a consecration
but none of us have supernatural personal power

i veri servi di Dio e figli di Dio
hanno un ministero (per il servizio),
hanno una consacrazione
ma nessuno di noi ha un potere personale soprannaturale



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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah Phil Lesh Fan10 hours ago

yet if you know: you know that every man is intrinsic sinfulness
this is human nature:
so if God didn't protect people (and the arrogant aren't always protected)
the NWO could kill any person through sin!
obviously through Jesus sin was nailed to the CROSS and no longer has power in those who believe in him.



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Phil Lesh Fan lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah10 hours ago

I'll leave the realm of Jesus to you and yours. I believe that we are all created in God's image, and that image is not intrinsic sinfulness.
God is everything, or He is nothing. Same goes with His will.
When we are aligned with God, to the best of our human ability, then we will not do evil. When we are not aligned as such, we do evil. That, too, is God's will. And that, brother, is the secret of staying in balance.
Nothing happens in God's world by mistake.

I wish you well.


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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah Phil Lesh Fan10 hours ago

we were in his image and likeness in a glorious way in the earthly paradise.
today most of the leaders are in the image of Erdogan Satan and Rothschild.
certainly the servants of God will continue to protect the image of God in them
and are committed to sanctifying themselves

noi eravamo a sua immagine e somiglianza in modo glorioso nel paradiso terrestre.
oggi la maggior parte dei capi è ad immagine di Erdogan Satana e Rothschild.
certo i servi di Dio continueranno a prtoteggere la immagine di Dio in loro
e si impegnano a santificare se stessi

lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah
ITALY is a dramatic example of the Masonic EU lgbt technocratic power: the politically correct NWO FED IMF ECB neoliberalism,
the Democratic Party lost the elections and is now ruling the country with full powers!
- President of the Republic: PD
- CSM President: PD
- Italian Government: PD
- President of the European Parliament: PD
- European Commission: PD
- Italians who voted PD: 18%


Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom18 minutes ago

new OTTOMAN empire "Mavi Vatan" plan is triggered, Erdogan wants our sea
The Sultan's dream is to expand throughout the Mediterranean. From Greece to Libya the Ottoman Empire is reborn

sharia OTTOMAN "Mavi Vatan" plan is triggered, Erdogan wants our sea
The Sultan's dream is to expand throughout the Mediterranean. From Greece to Libya the Ottoman Empire is reborn

jihad plan OTTOMAN UMMA OCI «Mavi Vatan» est déclenché, Erdogan veut notre mer
Le rêve du sultan est de s'étendre dans toute la Méditerranée. De la Grèce à la Libye, the Ottoman Empire renaît

cammo9917 hours ago

Can you believe that liberals believe because Israel has the edge in military capability it is unfair for them to defend themselves?

Maurice H cammo9915 hours ago

Biden and the Democrats still think Israel should negotiate and if not cut aid! Just for Israel alone Trump needs to win!

Maurice H cammo9914 hours ago

Worse, Obama the hero of our people had Samantha Powers abstain at the UN burying Israel! The Dems are so left and anti-Semitic now Israel is in trouble if these polls don’t improve!

Don Spilman cammo9914 hours ago

GLOBS are insane freaks! They have totally embraced the GREAT DELUSION! and their brains have stopped functioning as normal human beings!!!!!!

Excuse me cammo9915 hours ago

I often just hear clicks and pops when liberals speak about Israel.

Don Spilman Excuse me14 hours ago

Squeaks and murmurings!!!!

Harry Casual cammo992 hours ago

I have come to believe everything about the liberals, in fact, the more ridiculous or pathetic about them, the more I believe it. They are educated idiots!

alpcns . cammo996 hours ago • edited

The current crop of "progressives" have already abundantly proven to be habitual, natural liars and just awful, horrible, power-hungry, hate-filled and hate-blinded people with downright diabolical ideas and plans for all that dare to have a different opinion. And of course, facts don't matter. People don't matter. Ideology comes first, as always. So yes, I can believe that they think all manner of absurd and irrational things when it comes to Israel.

Joe Biden was able to read the teleprompter yesterday with only two gaffes. If that demented imbecile wins, God forbid, the you-know-what will hit the proverbial fan most seriously in all kinds of ways. And Israel will suffer as one of the first, as the Islamofascist vultures sense weakness and vulnerability like no other.

And then, when all is over and the dead bodies are being buried, the "progressive" hand-wringing starts. "we didn't know", "we were mislead" - (by Trump of course), "Joe seemed so moderate", "CNN said all is well", "Joe meant so well", and on and on and on. Of course, they can't be and won't be blamed.

But not to worry, their propaganda arm - the media - will spring into action and cover it up; lying by omission or distortion comes natural to them. Just as they covered up the 12,000 deaths directly caused by that closet fascist Cuomo, or the hundreds of thousands killed by that narcissist Zero and Hitlery Clintoon, the coup attempts, the intentional damage of the lockdowns, the riots, the executions, not to mention countless other crimes.


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Dajjal Bowel Movements Matter10 hours ago

This time I tweeted to two Bibi handles and one for Yair. Message: Read and heed these comments, your people are pissed!!!


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Excuse me14 hours ago

I don't understand why the Mossad has not rooted out Hamas leaders abroad and killed them.
I don't understand why the IDF does not target every known location of HAMAS leadership in Gaza, and kill them. They are a terror group with the intent on wiping out the nation of Israel. Why should there be any question what needs to be done? Drop leaflets over Gaza. Bombings will commence. Bring Hamas to the fence. Execute them yourselves or we will do it.

Dajjal Excuse me10 hours ago

Some of them are in Gulf states Israel is courting. Bad diplomacy to do a wet job there. Victory is not possible while appeasing the enemy.

Maurice H Aldebaran15 hours ago

And then we will have to watch CNN parading video after video showing dead kids wheeled into hospitals in Gaza and hear Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren criticize Israel! Worse Will be Rashida Tailb and her big nose screaming about Israel backed by the Black Caucus!

Don Spilman Maurice H14 hours ago

Does any sane person still watch c n n crappy nasty nonsense!!!

Dajjal Don Spilman10 hours ago

Never did, never will.

Excuse me Maurice H14 hours ago

Well, that does it, Israel must fold its tent and commit suicide...;-(

Dajjal Maurice H10 hours ago

Just tell the kvetchers to be damned!!!

Don Spilman14 hours ago

WONDERFUL have any vile muzslime been killed?????

Dajjal Don Spilman10 hours ago

Have their rocket aresenals been destroyed?

Don Spilman Dajjal9 hours ago

That sounds good too!

Dajjal Don Spilman8 hours ago

Common sense dictates doing it regardless of location and collateral damage.

Don Spilman Dajjal4 hours ago • edited

The world will be grateful for collateral damage to muzslime one day! The more the better!

Don Ranski16 hours ago

I understand the desire to use a minimal amount of force in a desire to convince your enemy to talk rather than fight BUT is seems that Hamas has shown no willingness for peace and will continue attacks on Israel. In that case the gloves should come off and, if it were me, I'd destroy all of Gaza's infrastructure and any suspected Hamas buildings leaders.

Photobug5511 hours ago

The IDF said six of the rockets were intercepted by the Iron Dome missile defense system and the rest exploded in open areas.

What people do not generally know is that Iron Dome is programmed to quickly assess a rocket's projection to determine if it will hit an inhabited area or an empty field. If not heading for any inhabited area, the missile is given a pass rather than waste a missile on an nonthreatening target. Genius. Although as the article states, there can still be a problem with collateral damage from debris. That's a tough one to fix.

Dajjal Photobug5510 hours ago

Fix it by carpet bombing Gaza.

Tell the G'd'd security council: Last rocket, last balloon or no life left in Gaza, your choice. No more restraint, no more cease fires. No more good will gestures. Go to hell!!!!!!!

Bikinis not Burkasan hour ago

Dirty filthy lovers of the fat white dwarf named Muhammad!

alpcns .6 hours ago

"We are waiting for a response to the demands we submitted" the Islamofascist said. Look up, savage, look carefully. It's called a MOAB. You'll love it.

Jose Manuel Martins Simoes7 hours ago

Israelis must build anti-rocket houses underground, and leave their upper camp for defensive systems, or else invade the Gaza Strip to arrest terrorists and control the population militarily... better then play games with terrorists!

Carl Manerheim13 hours ago

Hamas' standard aid for Bibi's everlasting election campaign. As usual.

Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom15 hours ago

BIN SALMAN ] [ io non sono Netanjhau e Putin che loro sono due strateghi diplomatici dallo sguardo decennale,
io il primo giorno deporto tutti i palestinesi, e il secondo giorno distruggo l'IRAN con armi atomiche!

pedo-DEM lgbt

Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom16 hours ago

BIN SALMAN ] [ adesso uscirà un altro ebreo codardo, con un cellulare usa e getta, apre un canale disqus e dice : "non è vero!"
e poi scappa, perché lui ama il suo conto corrente bancario e non vuole spendere per far fiorire il deserto della MADIANA, come ha detto la profezia!

atrocity in Amona

Uzi Kattan14 minutes ago

Can we believe anything Olmert says? We saw what a disaster he was with the second Lebanon war and his atrocity in Amona.

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎7 minutes ago

the EU and the Democratic Party are afraid of democracy:
the last elected government was that of BERLUSCONI that the Judges MASSONI Bilderberg regime:
with a dishonest political judgment (as against: Orban Trump and against Netanjahu) they brought down his government
Malta to France refuse to rescue rubber boat loaded with illegal immigrants, Italy intervenes
July 30, 2020 Vox

Real unemployment in Italy at 25 percent: 600 thousand jobs lost in 4 months
July 30, 2020

Brawl for the armchairs in the M5s: "You sold us off at the PD"
July 30, 2020 Vox Leave a comment
Soros denounces Italy because it does not welcome enough immigrants
July 30, 2020

Congolese stabbing passers-by at Turin station
July 30, 2020

Italy, muezzin screams Islamic prayer from the balcony of the house - VIDEO
July 30, 2020

July 30, 2020

The monster from Florence (matteo renzi) sends Salvini to trial: and with 1 percent of the votes he controls Italy
July 30, 2020

July 30, 2020

Away from Lampedusa without swabs: only 50 tests out of 410 transferred, 603 infected landed



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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎18 minutes ago

now all those who: lost the elections, and who deserve to be sentenced to death for high treason: and threat to national security:
thieves of the EU accomplices URSULA Von HITLER of the antichrist Bilderberg: the technocratic coup of the democratic party
they are sending on trial: the patriots Matteo Salvini who protected the borders of the homeland: from the Nigerian mafia: and from the Islamic invasion.
when Matteo Salvini was only a mister of the Conte M5S government who had not denied him!

adesso tutti quelli che: hanno perso le elezioni, e che meritano di essere condannati a morte per alto tradimento: e minaccia alla sicurezza nazionale:
i ladri del governo complici UE dell'anticristo Bilderberg: il golpe tecnocratico del partito democratico
loro stanno mandando sotto processo: i patriota Matteo Salvini che ha protetto i confini della Patria: dalla mafia nigeriana: e dall'invasione islamica.
quando Matteo Salvini era soltanto un mistro del Governo Conte M5S che non lo avevano sconfessato!



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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎24 minutes ago

the massacre of mason Licio Gelli at the Bologna station was made to distract the public opinion from the USTICA massacre:
and President Mattarella has pleaded with his UK Gender 666 lgbtq USA owners Satana Rothschild Soros to: finally declare all the sidetracking secret news!
therefore, President Mattarella admitted that the Italian government is a government of corrupt puppets, that control nothing!

la strage di Licio Gelli alla stazione di Bologna fu fatta per distrarre l'opione pubblica dalla strage di USTICA:
e il Presidente Mattarella ha supplicato i suoi padroni UK Gender lgbtq USA di: desecretare finalmente tutte quelle notizie di depistaggio!
quindi, il Presidente Mattarella ha ammesso che il Governo Italiano è un governo di burattini corrotti che non controllano nulla!



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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎28 minutes ago

INDIA CHINA RUSSIA ] [ the demon of the Jews “Beni Berith” banking cartel tecnocracy EU 666 USA 322 FED IMF187 ECB Marduck Ja-Bull-On the neoliberal masons Bilderberg regime lgbtq Satan antichrist URSULA Von MERKEL:
stands: APPARENT: against: the devil Allah;
but, for the moment: a truce between them is good, their criminal partnership UN OCI Sharia: to devour all Christians and Israelis all over the world: because of you!
What if you don't defend Christians and Israelis?
soon Marchuh and Allah will also rush against you in WW3 nuclear.
you are making me NOT more convenient: the blockade of WW3

INDIA CINA RUSSIA ] [ il demone degli ebrei“Beni Berith” cartello bancario: UE USA FED IMF ECB Marduck Ja-Bull-On i massoni neoliberisti lgbtq Satana anticristo URSULA Von MERKEL:
si erge: APPARENTENTE: contro: il demonio Allah;
ma, per il momento: è buona una tregua tra di loro, il loro sodalizio criminale ONU OCI Sharia: per divorare: i cristiani e gli israeliani in tutto il mondo: per colpa vostra!
e se, voi non difendete i cristiani e gli israeliani?
presto Marchuh ed Allah si avventeranno anche contro di voi, nella WW3 nuclear.
voi mi state rendendo NON più conveniente: il blocco della WW3



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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎42 minutes ago

BIN SALMAN ] [ my beasts by SATANA Rockefeller, MORGAN, Rothschild
they have corrupted and devitalized all western peoples
to transform them into prey: predestined for the ISLAM's genocide ...
and this is fine with you, so ..
but, now, me because of you? I'm about to turn into an unprecedented power of violence,
I came to save all the Satanists, and all the antichrists:
but, you force me to kill them all!

BIN SALMAN ] [ le mie bestie di SATANA Rockefeller, MORGAN, Rothschild
hanno corrotto e devitalizzato tutti i popoli occidentali
per strasformarli in prede: predestinate al genocidio dell'ISLAM...
e questo a te va bene, così..
ma, ora, io per colpa tua ? io mi sto per trasformare in una potenza di violenza senza precedenti,
io sono venuto per salvare tutti i satanisti, e tutti gli anticristi:
ma, tu mi costringi ad ucciderli tutti!



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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎2 hours ago • edited

Former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon could not die before "seeing" Messiah lorenzoJHWH, said: Rabbi Yitzchak Kaduri, Kadouri, Kadourie, Kedourie; "Yitzhak", renowned haredi cabalist,
indeed, I will come and destroy, in 2 hours, with atomic weapons the whole ARAB jihad ISIS Riyad OIC LEAGUE ottoman genocide Erdogan,
we cannot have a dialogue with the sharia genocide,
nobody can do it: neither do the crazy Chinese:
and if you give money to Xi-Jinping? he gives you his wife on loan!

Former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon non poteva morire prima di "vedere " il Messia lorenzoJHWH, disse: il rabbino Yitzchak Kaduri, Kadouri, Kadourie, Kedourie; "Yitzhak", rinomato cabalista haredi,
infatti io verrò e distruggero, in 2 ore, con armi atomiche tutta la LEGA ARABA,
noi non possiamo avere un dialogo con il genocidio della sharia,
nessuno può farlo: neanche i cinesi:
e se a Xi-Jinping gli dai i soldi ? lui ti da sua moglie in prestito!


Malta a Francia si rifiutano di soccorrere gommone carico di clandestini, interviene l’Italia
Luglio 30, 2020 Vox Lascia un commento

Disoccupazione reale in Italia al 25 per cento: persi 600mila posti di lavoro in 4 mesi
Luglio 30, 2020 Vox Lascia un commento

Rissa per le poltrone nel M5s: “Ci avete svenduti al PD”
Luglio 30, 2020 Vox Lascia un commento

Soros denuncia l’Italia perché non accoglie abbastanza immigrati
Luglio 30, 2020 Vox 1 commento

Congolese accoltella passanti alla stazione di Torino
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Italia, muezzin urla la preghiera islamica dal balcone di casa – VIDEO
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Luglio 30, 2020 Vox 1 commento

Il mostro di Firenze manda a processo Salvini: con l’1 per cento dei voti controlla l’Italia
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Luglio 30, 2020 Vox 1 commento

Via da Lampedusa senza tamponi: solo 50 test su 410 trasferiti, sbarcati 603 infetti
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Libia: i clandestini uccisi avevano tentato di prendere armi ad agenti
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Luglio 30, 2020 Vox Lascia un commento

Pescatori tunisini diventano scafisti: “Migranti arrivano freschi e riposati”
Luglio 30, 2020 Vox 2 commenti

Lampedusa, turisti respinti: “Traghetto serve ai migranti”
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Riempiono l’Italia di invasori infetti ma oggi processano l’unico che li ha fermati
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In arrivo la Sea Watch 4: ong tedesca non molla l’osso
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Ammiraglio: “Dalla Tunisia centinaia di terroristi ISIS: governo mette a rischio sicurezza nazionale”
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Certificati falsi, così i clandestini appena sbarcati in Italia diventano regolari grazie a Bellanova
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Imam: “Conquistare l’Europa attraverso l’immigrazione” – VIDEO
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Lamorgese: “Troppi sbarchi, ogni regione si prenda quota di clandestini”, boom infetti a Pozzallo
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Ecco come scaricano i clandestini in tutta Italia invece di riportarli indietro – VIDEO
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Guardia costiera italiana al servizio del radiotaxi fondato da trafficante di droga
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Oltre 1 mld di euro per mantenere 100mila immigrati in hotel
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Il giornalista di Repubblica invoca l’omicidio politico di Fontana: “Non vuole morire”
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Conte e Fico battono il tam tam per richiamare più africani – VIDEO
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Coronavirus, triplicati i casi nel Lazio: e sono in arrivo 350 tunisini da Lampedusa
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Senza frontiere: altri 50 islamici passano confine in Friuli, nessuno li ferma
Luglio 29, 2020 Vox Lascia un commento

Luglio 29, 2020 Vox 6 commenti

Conte: “Stato emergenza per noleggiare navi ai migranti” – VIDEO
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Omofobia, l’appello del vescovo: “Fermate questa legge liberticida”
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Epidemia di coronavirus tra decine di immigrati africani a Saluzzo
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Senato approva ‘scostamento di bilancio’
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Luglio 29, 2020 Vox Lascia un commento

Jesolo, scoppia epidemia di coronavirus tra i bangla: tutto partito da una moschea
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Tunisia invade l’Italia, a Lampedusa più tunisini che italiani: “Preparate altri barconi” – VIDEO
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Il virus è tornato sui barconi: quasi 300 nuovi contagiati
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Guardate come i marocchini rapinano questa ragazzina – VIDEO
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Bocelli costretto a chiedere scusa agli invasati: “Non volevo offendere”
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Lamorgese contro italiani: “Si lamentano tutti dei clandestini” – VIDEO

infecting uncontrolled illegal immigration

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎8 minutes ago

NAZI Extension of the state of emergency approved also by the Chamber
Yesterday Conte asked for an extension to the Senate and today in the Chamber, now officially the state of emergency will last until 15 October.
to obtain full Nazi powers they are infecting us with an uncontrolled illegal immigration:
if, the technocratic Freemason coups lgbtq Tyrants: UE Pd M5S Bilderberg Soros
were they voting a year ago?
today they would disappear!
I get sick just to see them!


🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎11 minutes ago

Chinese hackers allegedly violated Vatican networks before talks between the Catholic Church and Beijing
to know what the Vatican slave goyim has to say?
it is enough to spy on Master Rothschild-BILDERBERG

Hacker cinesi avrebbero violato le reti vaticane prima dei colloqui tra Chiesa Cattolica e Pechino
per sapere cosa il goyim schiavo Vaticano deve dire?
è sufficiente spiare il padrone Rothschild

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎13 minutes ago

Salvini and Open Arms investigation: I did everything together with Conte
Matteo Salvini risks going to trial for the Open Arms affair and says he did everything in compliance with the Government pact with Conte and Di Maio.
it's true but we've never had criminals like this: traitors and despicable like: Prodi, D'Alema, Monti Zingaretti, Bilderberg Conte and Di Maio
in the history of our unhappy republic!
when EU aid arrives in January 2021: in Italy it has already happened: a bloodly violent revolution

Salvini e inchiesta Open Arms: Ho fatto tutto insieme a Conte
Matteo Salvini rischia di andare a processo anche per la vicenda della nave Open Arms e dice di avere fatto tutto nel rispetto del patto di Governo con Conte e Di Maio.
è vero ma non abbiamo mai avuto criminali così: traditori e spregevoli come: Prodi, D'Alema, Monti Zingaretti, Bilderberg Conte e Di Maio
nella storia della nostra Repubblica infelice!
quando arriveranno gli aiuti della UE a Gennaio 2021: in Italia sarà già successa: una rivoluzione violenta

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎18 minutes ago

Pentagon: almost 12 thousand soldiers withdrawn from Germany will end up between Belgium and Italy
Will human sacrifices on Satan's altar increase in Belgium and Italy now?
now the German satan priests have become autonomous!

Pentagono: quasi 12mila soldati ritirati dalla Germania finiranno tra Belgio e Italia
adesso aumenteranno in Belgio e Italia i sacrifici umani sull'alatare di Satana?
orami i sacerdoti di satana tedeschi sono diventati autonomi!

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎20 minutes ago

Appeal by the Minister of the Environment Costa not to bring down the fugitive bear in Trentino
here they love killer animals more: people!
in the Masonic Institute of Health, WHO: World Health Organization, by order of Rothschild are killing millions of people:
1. the artificial respirator is useless if the lungs are already inflamed!
2. in Italy they brought the infected: to the homes of the elderly (RSA) to kill them, and they killed them!
3. against covid the drugs are: heparin, anti-inflammatories, and generic antiviarli have worked well!

Appello del ministro dell'Ambiente Costa per non abbattere orso fuggitivo in Trentino
quì amano di più gli animali assassini: delle persone!
nel massonico istituto della sanità, OMS: Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità, su ordine di Rothschild stanno uccidendo milioni di persone:
1. il respiratore artificiale non serve a niente, se i polmoni sono già infiammati!
2. in Italia hanno portato gli infetti: nelle case degli anziani (RSA) per ucciderli, e li hanno uccisi!
3. contro il covid i farmaci ci sono : eparina, antinfiammatori, e antiviarli generici hanno funzionato bene!

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎25 minutes ago

criminal neoliberism & his democratic party! Municipality of Premariacco arrested: irregularities in the management of contracts
the problem of MAGISTRATURA in Italy is that if you are not a mason? she will never answer / satisfy you!
the laws in ITALY are like this: unjust, and absurdly bureaucratic that the country has been killed: in its possibilities of development!
in fact 80% six European funds go back because,
we can't spend it!

Arrestato sindaco Comune di Premariacco: irregolarità nella gestione degli appalti
il problema della MAGISTRATURA in Italia è che se tu non sei un massone? lei non ti risponderà/soddisferà mai!
le leggi in ITALIA sono così: ingiuste, e assurdamente burocratiche che il paese è stato ucciso: nelle sue possibilità di sviluppo!
infatti 80% sei finanziamenti europei tornano indietro perché,
noi non riusciamo a spenderli!

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎29 minutes ago

Injected the Russian vaccine "Vector", the first volunteer is doing well
all vaccines that are not made in the USA and EU SpA Bill Gates:
they will all be safe!

Iniettato il vaccino russo “Vector”, il primo volontario sta bene
tutti i vaccini che non sono fatti in USA e UE SpA Bill Gates:
saranno tutti sicuri!

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎31 minutes ago

Facebook against the EU: EU Commission request violates employee privacy
the EU has a totally demonic and criminal Soros soul Kissinger Morgan 666 Rockefeller

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎33 minutes ago

Madonna says the vaccine is there and they are hiding it. Instagram obscures it
if he said it, it is because he knew it from a reliable source !!
in official documents the CIA wrote in 2004 that it would target CHINA with a virus in 2020
it is clear that the neo-liberal Rothschild SpA FED shareholders
they were all vaccinated in advance
with vaccines free of: fetal serum, pig serum: and ninth particles to steel iron aluminum tungstemo and uranium

Madonna dice che il vaccino c’è e lo nascondono. Instagram la oscura
se lo ha detto, è perché lo ha saputo da fonte attendibile!!
in documenti ufficiali la CIA scrisse nel 2004 che avrebbe colpito la CINA con un virus nel 2020
è chiaro che i neoliberisti Rothschild SpA azionisti FED
loro sono stati tutti vaccinati in anticipo
con vaccini esenti da: siero di feti, siero di maiali: e nono particelle all'acciaio ferro alluminio tungstemo e uranio

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎36 minutes ago

EU Nazi Rothschild Soros of the Jewish-Freemason antichrist: it is the greatest threat to mankind today!
Polish municipalities "free from LGBT" have lost "EU funds":
Some Polish municipalities had adopted a joint declaration to be an "LGBT free zone". The initiative has not found support in the EU, twin cities have started to break partnership agreements, but that's not all:
these municipalities have lost European financial support.

Since last year, dozens of municipal administrations have started to adopt resolutions in which they claim to be "LGBT free areas". The purpose of the statements, as their advocates point out, is to protect Christian values and the traditional family model.
*** The initiative is slandered to spread hom0ph0bia and hatred towards people with a different s e x u a l orientation.
but as everyone knows the demonic and subversive ideology lgbtq (gender dictatorship) does not correspond with the rights of h0m0sexual people!

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎an hour ago

#worldisraelnews] open letter [eih, BAMBOCCIONE !!
the other MY computer? I have only one account here, and you closed it to me: UNJUSTLY!
reactivate it immediately, because I am in difficulty with IT!

worldisraelnews ] open letter [ eih, BAMBOCCIONE!!
dell'altro MIO computer? io ho un solo account qui, e tu me lo hai chiuso: INGIUSTAMENTE!
riattivamelo subito, perché io sono in difficoltà con l'informatica!

Don Spilmanan hour ago

I hope nothing bad happens to Israel today, at he same time I know they are going to be attacked by the nasty muzslime again soon! I just look forward to the day ALL muzslime are gone, and Israel is restored to God!


Bowel Movements Matter

Have a meaningful Fast. May Tisha B'av become a Festival bimhera beyameno. Ken Yehi Ratzon.

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Posting Date
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: A Man-Made Cup In Pennsylvanian Coal?February 11, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Hands-Down EvidenceFebruary 7, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Trilobites UnderfootFebruary 4, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Getting A handle On Ancient Dinosaur SightingsFebruary 2, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Perplexing Permian PrintJanuary 28, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: The Willett PrintJanuary 25, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Throughout The Geologic ColumnJanuary 23, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Cro-Magnon ManJanuary 16, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Neanderthal ManJanuary 14, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Homo ErectusJanuary 11, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Piltdown ManJanuary 11, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Homo Habilis - ´Handyman´January 7, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Nebraska ManJanuary 4, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: RamapithicusJanuary 2, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: ´Your Little Cousin´ LucyDecember 31, 2012
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: The Tuang ChildDecember 28, 2012
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: IntroductionDecember 26, 2012
The Model, Episode 4


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the King Unius Rei
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