- @朝鮮,金正云,你是白痴的蛆蟲,全是水,所有的煙和NO烤!你有煩惱世界的一切,你的patetic這部劇,只是因為,你需要一碗飯,而不是死於飢餓的 乞丐!醜陋的廢話,一個精神病罪犯!你的家庭的偶像,都失敗了,因為,所有這些都是,你必須死,所有的飢餓嗎? ,如果你這樣做不是免費的,所有的基督徒烈士,從lagher。從我的角度來看呢?我讓你餓肚子真的!醜陋的廢話,一個刑事瘋子!你的家人的偶像都失敗 了,因為你有餓死嗎?如果你不交的話,所有的基督徒,從您的lagher中。從我的角度來看呢?我讓你餓肚子,真的! ----慘了!如果你的骨頭,好讓按鈕嗎?法利賽人,IMF已有666被盜!
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commentoMiserable! and if your bones, were good to make the buttons? the Pharisees IMF would Already 666 stolen to you!
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento@ 북한, 김정일 취소, 물 FULL 바보, 병신 아, 모든 연기 NO 구이입니다! 당신은 배고픔으로 죽어하지, 밥 한 그릇을 필요로하는자가 아르해서, 모든 세계, 당신의 patetic이 드라마를 소홀히했습니다! 사국의 추한 부분의, 범죄 정신병 자야! 가족 우상은 실패 때문에,이 모든, 당신이 죽을 필요가, 기아의 모든? 그리고, 당신은 무료로하지 않으면, 모든 기독교인 순교자, 당신 lagher에서. 보기 내 관점에서? 난 당신이 정말 굶어주세요! 사국의 추한 부분, 범죄 정신병 자야! 모두가 기아에 죽어 때문에 가족 우상은 실패? 당신이 제공하지 않는 경우, 당신 lagher에서 모든 그리스도인. 보기 내 관점에서? 정말, 당신은 굶어주세요! 그지 ----! 와 뼈가있는 버튼을 만들 좋은한다면?바리새 파 IMF 당신에게 이미 666 도난 것입니다!
- 03/25/2013 . CHINA - BRICS .Emerging countries thinking about a joint bank against West BRICS members, Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, are set to meet in Durban to discuss the creation of a new institution that could challenge the dominance of the (US-led) World Bank and the (European-led) International Monetary Fund. Experts warn it still too soon, and that "these countries must show that they can overcome the crisis".Beijing (AsiaNews) - The BRICS group of emerging nations plans to set up a new joint bank at their annual meeting to oppose the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, deemed "Western" structures that "do not reflect changes in the modern world." A BRICS bank could start with US$ 10 billion seed money from each of the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa). --- ANSWER --- BUT, WHAT ARE YOU DOING? make yourselves slaves of the Talmud, and Rothschild save all your lives as slaves. @666 burn satana IMF -- tira fuori il tuo marciume da questa pagina! amen, in Jesus's name, amen alleluia hallelujah
- jjjjjjiiiijjjjjj --- cosa di buono, tu ha messo da parte per la Merkel, del tuo pasto?cannibale 666, occult powwer, cosa, tu hai mangiato durante la tua ultima messa per satana?
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento@ Russia - fool! I did not say, this, to you, that the IMF does not currently have a strength of more than 40%? therefore, could not resist any longer, within a medium-term peace. so you have to withdraw all your: money from: Western banks, ie, masonic system of banking seeigniorage, and have to carry all the weapons, which can be in space, because in this type of weapon? you're late! @Russia -- sciocco! non ho detto io a te, che il FMI, non ha attualmente una solidità superiore al 40%? quindi, non potrebbe resistere ancora a lungo, all'interno di un medio periodo, di pace. così tu devi ritirare tutto il denaro, dalle banche occidentali, e devi portare tutte le armi, che è possibile nello spazio, perché in questo tipo di armi? tu sei in ritardo!
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commentowhat kind of war they won Americans (American-dogs: 666 IMF, 322, NWO) in Iraq?, if, the only one people, that, have been made, for be extinguish, were, only, 1200.000: Christians martyrs?, who, had been quiet with Saddam... but, this is clear, the IMF-NO, today is raising imperialism saudi arabia, because, one day media Jewish world will say, that, it has become essential, to a world war III, against Islam satanic nazi.
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento@ Russia - what, you are a bitch! you want to sell, also, my comment, to recover your money, to Cipro, from the IMF 666? how, you has to sell, your sailors, killed, into nuclear submarine? Certainly, for a prostitute like you, everything has a price! then, you too will soon go to destruction with all, your money, cursed by Satan, IMF god owl JabullOn! but, if, you do not destroy the IMF? War III world, Necessarily, needs to be addressed! and then, that Matter to us if all Muslims together with Israel, were exterminated all togheter? no! to me, it matters, Because That Is My Own Kingdom of Palestine! @ Russia animals - dirty! lol. is because last night, you saw a home movie porn, for that matter, that the Enlightened: 666 Pharisees of the IMF, they decided to punish you to Cyprus? .. that's for sure! with, three scams, that is, three false accounting, the IMF, took control of all power, for all those, who want to be blackmailed (intelligente, smart, IMF is Iran), is the true arbiter of life and death, of all human beings, on this planet .. but, then, what's wrong if the Holy Talmud, said to do so? goyim are not only the animals in human form? because the money from god-Rothschild 666, god Baal OWL is created, really, since by "nothing"? then: there is no interest, of give, due to "nothing." then: is the debt: public, and, as the debt: private, are the greatest wear and, big usury, of the story .. This said, the scientist Giacinto Auriti, therefore: the case of Cyprus, was planned: to "punish" Russia! in fact, as: it is easy to show: there are too many steps: where it is essential to do the accounting fraud: in the monetary system .. because: the money is created out of nothing, but then when, is purchased with: government bonds, the budget is closed: zero! then, where it ends, then, the first 100%: of money of the world? (Source: scientist Giacinto Auriti). poiché, il denaro dal dio-Rothschild 666, god Baal OWL, viene creato, veramente, dal: "nulla"? poi non è dovuto nessun interesse al: "nulla". quindi il debito pubblico, ed il debito privato sono la più grande usura, strozzinaggio della storia.. questo ha detto lo scienziato Giacinto Auriti, di conseguenza il caso Cipro, è stato pianificato per "punire" la Russia! infatti, come è facile dimostrare sono troppi i passaggi dove è indispensabile fare falso in bilancio nel sistema monetario.. perché il denaro viene creato dal nulla, ma, poi, quando viene comprato con i titoli di Stato, il bilancio viene chiuso a zero? dove finisce, il primo 100% del denaro di tutto il mondo? (fonte: scienziato Giacinto Auriti)
NoahTheNephilim ha pubblicato un commentoil caso CIPRO? è l'unica soluzione agli squilibri, che, il criminale sistema monetario: massonico, privato SpA, del signoraggio bancario, ha creato.. diversamente? è la guerra mondiale la sola soluzione!
- @ North Korea, Kim Jong-un, YOU ARE AN IDIOT fagot, FULL OF WATER, ALL SMOKE AND NO ROAST! YOU HAVE annoyed all the world, your patetic all this drama, Just Because, you are the beggar who needs a bowl of rice, not to die of hunger! ugly piece of crap, of, a criminal lunatic! your family idols, have failed, because, all that is, you have to die, all of hunger? and, if you do not free, all Christians martyrs, from your lagher. from my point of view? I let you starve really! brutto pezzo di merda, di un criminale pazzo! i tuoi idoli familiari, hanno fallito, perché, dovete morire tutti di fame? e se tu non liberare, tutti i cristiani, dai tuoi lagher. dal mio punto di vista? io ti lasciavo morire di fame veramente!
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 2 mesi fa
1_7..[dispositivo sferico da 80 micron, nel mio cervello, vicino al nervo ottico? io non posso escludere di averlo! synnek1 dichiara di guardare: attraverso i miei occhi, e sento ultrasuoni nel cervello che possono essere trasmissioni in radio frequenza] Gli alieni prelevavano campioni di ovaie e di sperma, tessuti, praticavano operazioni di chirurgia, impiantavano un dispositivo sferico da 40 ad 80 micron di larghezza nel cervello vicino al nervo ottico. Nel documento si calcolava che una persona su 40 è stata impiantata. Gli impianti servono agli alieni per avere il totale controllo di un essere umano.. Le prime rivelazioni di Cooper circa i rapporti tra il governo statunitense e gli alieni risalgono al 1989, allorquando: diramò in rete un documento ricchissimo di dettagli sull'argomento. Tale documento, denominato "Operazione Majority",
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 2 mesi fa
2_7.[2 dispositivi da 80 micron, nel mio cervello, vicino al nervi ottici? io posso essere stato addotto!] sconcertò non poco la comunità ufologia, anche se parte delle informazioni in esso contenute erano già di dominio pubblico, essendo state precedentemente rese note da altri personaggi del sottobosco ufologico (Bennewitz, Lear ecc.). Nel suddetto documento Cooper affermava di aver visionato nel 1972, quando era ancora in servizio presso la Marina Militare statunitense, due rapporti che provavano il contatto del governo USA con esseri alieni: il Progetto Grudge/Blue Book Rapporto n. 13 ed il Rapporto Majority. Il rapporto Grudge conteneva 25 fotografie in bianco e nero di forme di vita aliena. Il rapporto Majority non conteneva foto ma le preoccupazioni del governo USA rispetto alle interferenze degli alieni nella vita del pianeta Terra.
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 2 mesi fa
3_7.[2 dispositivi da 80 micron, nel mio cervello, vicino al nervi ottici? io posso essere stato addotto!] In base ai suddetti rapporti, intorno alla fine degli anni 40 vi furono numerosi avvistamenti di UFO, principalmente nel Nuovo Messico, ove erano dislocate le più importanti basi militari statunitensi. Alcune di queste navette extraterrestri si erano schiantate al suolo. Molto famoso fu il recupero di uno di questi veicoli precipitato nei pressi di Roswell, sempre nel Nuovo Messico, il 2 Luglio 1947. Il successivo importante evento - continua Cooper nel suo documento - risale al 1954 quando il governo americano stabilì un contatto con una razza di alieni che furono denominati "I GRIGI" (tali alieni avrebbero sempre svolto un ruolo importante nella vita del nostro pianeta). Gli alieni erano, a quanto pare, atterrati nella base aerea di Edwards e colà avevano incontrato il presidente Eisenhower con il quale avevano stipulato un trattato.
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 2 mesi fa
4_7.[2 dispositivi da 80 micron, nel mio cervello, vicino al nervi ottici? io posso essere stato addotto!] Secondo Cooper il trattato stabiliva che "gli alieni non avrebbero interferito con i nostri affari e noi non avremmo interferito con i loro, mantenendo segreta la loro presenza sul pianeta Terra". In cambio gli alieni avrebbero fornito agli Stati Uniti una tecnologia avanzata che ne avrebbe aiutato lo sviluppo scientifico e si sarebbero astenuti dallo stipulare accordi simili con altre nazioni terrestri. Inoltre, fu concesso agli alieni di rapire periodicamente alcuni umani, con lo scopo di eseguire esami medici e controlli sul nostro sviluppo evolutivo, a condizione che i soggetti non subissero danni e che fossero poi ricondotti dove erano stati rapiti. Le cavie umane non avrebbero ricordato l'accaduto e gli alieni avrebbero fornito una lista di tutte le persone prelevate all'ufficio governativo appositamente creato, denominato MJ-12.
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 2 mesi fa
5_7.[2 dispositivi da 80 micron, nel mio cervello, vicino al nervi ottici? io posso essere stato addotto!] Fu infine concordato che sarebbero state costruite basi sotterranee che gli alieni avrebbero potuto utilizzare per i loro fini e che in due di queste basi ci sarebbe stato lo scambio di informazioni scientifiche tra i Grigi e il governo degli Stati Uniti. Senonchè ben presto emerse l'"orribile verità": 1) I Grigi avevano contravvenuto al trattato prelevando un numero di umani ben superiore agli accordi. E, cosa più grave, avevano causato a queste persone (e ad un notevole numero di animali) delle terribili mutilazioni. I Grigi si giustificarono dicendo che erano stati costretti a violare agli accordi in quanto la loro specie si trovava sull'orlo dell'estinzione, a causa del patrimonio genetico gravemente deteriorato, e che gli esperimenti avevano lo scopo di prelevare il materiale genetico degli umani per cercare di riparare il DNA alieno.
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 2 mesi fa
6_7.[2 dispositivi da 80 micron, nel mio cervello, vicino al nervi ottici? io posso essere stato addotto!] 2) Le nostre armi non potevano assolutamente competere con quelle degli alieni ed era quindi necessario rimanere in buoni rapporti con loro, almeno fino a quando gli USA non avessero sviluppato una tecnologia in grado di poterli contrastare. Tutta la vicenda fu classificata dal governo ad un livello di massima segretezza (top secret MJIC). Vallée: domanda: Le risulta, come mi hanno detto John Lear e Linda Howe che il nome di Allen Hynek veniva fatto nel Report-13 del progetto Grudge? Cooper: risposta: menzionato? Era il co-autore di quel maledetto imbroglio!!! Hynek era completamente coinvolto, nello studio delle abductions e degli impianti. Ha anche affermato che una persona su 40 era stata addotta e aveva un impianto.
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 2 mesi fa
7_7.[2 dispositivi da 80 micron, nel mio cervello, vicino al nervi ottici? io posso essere stato addotto!] Naturalmente molte più persone sono state rapite. Si immagini se i membri del governo fossero stati tutti già impiantati?Ecco cosa mi atterrisce. La notte del 5 novembre 2001 il cospirazionista americano è stato ucciso in un conflitto a fuoco con le forze di polizia che tentavano di arrestarlo a Eager, in Arizona per un episodio di minaccia a mano armata. Ancora una volta il Governo Ombra vinceva la sua battaglia contro la verità. (Aliengate: William Milton Cooper) -ANSWER--> io non temo nessuna sfida: "ecco perché, nel nome di Gesù, sono loro 666 FMI, 322, Bush: con tutti i suoi alieni, ad essersi messi nei guai! "lol. però questo deve essere detto: gli alieni? " loro non riescono a controllarmi molto bene!" lol.
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 2 mesi fa
@Communists, Indu, Muslims (jihad for sharia) and Zionists (talmud for IMF) (you kill innocent Christians), because, you are not men, you are demons, monsters, that is, such as ants, that is, a symbiotic collective body, where, the value of the individual does not count, since it is the ideology or religion, one that must prevail, you can see you all? you are the Satanism! but God made man in his image and likeness: for to have a personal relationship with him, but you've ruined it all! to quickly go to hell! This is why, at this point, I despair of being able to save all mankind from the 3rd World War nuclear. Why, instead, to give up sharia: and Israel, renounce of his Satanism: a false democracy: of the Masonic system for seigniorage banKING(lucifer), all prefer to continue to betray God
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 2 mesi fa
[only the Gospel is the Truth!]@ VoyageIslam ---> submit ourselves to a holy book, when God wants to have: ((requires)) a personal relationship with us, as with Abraham? this is Satanism; is high: Treason, of the other purposes of the Creator: for us, of a despicable Mohammed, for not having taken care of him personally, about the composition of the Quran, which he had just received? but this Islamic (Talmud, etc. ..) it's all a scam! @VoyageIslam ---> sottomettere noi stessi ad un libro sacro, quando Dio vuole avere:(pretende) una relazione personale con noi, come con Abramo? questo è satanismo; è alto: tradimento: degli altri scopi del Creatore: per noi, di un Maometto spregevole, per non avere curato lui personalmente la composizione del Corano, che solo lui aveva ricevuto? ma, questa islamica(talmud, ecc..) è tutta una truffa!
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 2 mesi fa
@VoyageIslam ---> I (Christian) I have no right to defend my life against you? questions: 1. why do you say that I am an idolater, if from your point of view I am a polytheist? This is obvious you want to kill me! because you deny freedom of religion, and make the death sentence for apostasy? this is obvious, you have condemned to die me, and also even killed, all mankind that is not like you! io(cristiano) non ho diritto a difendere la mia vita, contro di te? domande: 1. perché, tu dici, che, io sono idolatra, se dal tuo punto di vista io sono un politeista? questo è evidente tu vuoi uccidermi! perché tu neghi la libertà di religione, e fai la condanna a morte per apostasia? questo è evidente, tu hai condannato a morte anche tutto il genere umano che, non è come te!
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 2 mesi fa
@666 IMF FED EB 322 CIA synnek1 -->as the King of Israel unius REI, as he can make friend with you on this page, without making himself the accomplice of your horrible crimes? ehi, cannibal, if you do not erase your satanic organization? I will kill you all! @ IsraelNationalTV -> only an idiot can believe that Iran, not has a desperate need nuclear weapons! However, this is a false problem! is essential to immediately, of do one kingdom with the Palestinians, that is, a full monetary sovereignty, as required by the Constitution, and how he wants the natural law! because Israel is still in a dead end! it is only a matter of time (short time) before the situation deteriorates: irreversibly on a global scale, because the IMF is desperate, and must to make the 3rd WW nuclear, for regenerate itself! but, it is essential that the Palestinians must renounce sharia!
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 2 mesi fa
[The War Against Jesus: Antonio Socci][innocent christian martyrs] Now, I have to say that to accuse either Socci or the Holy Father of lying is not only a stretch, but totally out of line. First, Socci was very thorough in his investigation, and wrote exactly what he thought to be the truth. He is an excellent journalist, and wouldn't sully his reputation by publishing nonsense. --ANSWER--> CRIMINALS AND SATANISTI: COMUNISTI, TALMUD IMF, SHARIA. IHateNEWLAYOUT --- AS, a Satanist CAN LOVE ME?
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 2 mesi fa
[The War Against Jesus: Antonio Socci][innocent christian martyrs] about Maria Valtorta's visions In another conversation with the Viareggian mystic, Jesus said to her: "How you have changed since the times of the early Christians who did not consider anything human but only looked up to Heaven! It is true that I said you must be prudent as serpents, but not humanly prudent. I also told you that in order to follow Me you have to be bold. You have to fight against self love; against power when it pursues you, because you are my followers" and also "because only one thing is necessary: to save one's soul, even if it means losing life in the flesh in order to achieve eternal Life." IHateNEWLAYOUT --- AS, a Satanist CAN LOVE ME?
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 2 mesi fa
@IHateNEWLAYOUT ---> Are you afraid of synnek1, because it is only the terror that keeps the kingdom of Satan! but, I can release all people from this nightmare! I am Mahdì: ie jewish Messiah: king of Israel and Unius REI! but, you are all shit of satan, ie, fake democrazie of masonic system: for banKING seignorage: for worship the god owl: Baal at Bohemian Grove
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 2 mesi fa
@Ihatenewlayout and king of Saudi Arabia @ 666 IMF talmud CIA Nazi Sharia -> because you enjoy, when synnek1, buggering you, under your hypnosis? Hemorrhoids are many outputs: already? like, you can have depraved: yourself under Satan, up to this point? what is the purpose: all of this? What earnings to autodistruggere yourself? What did criminal Satan for you?@666 sharia 322 NWO IMF --> with your work is lost: in every way! In fact, you're a loser predestined because: 1. the sewer of the hell: is your home! 2. whether you win: then, you will die in the 3rd WW Nuclear! 3. is that you lose, since only, to losing, you can survive with your shitty life as a parasite. LIZARD DEAD! WHEN WERE YOU, TO WON? THEN YOUTUBE IT WAS GOOD! MA, "NOT ALWAYS RIDE: LAUGH, , THE WIFE OF THE THIEF"
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 2 mesi fa
CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB Luke 1:52 dethroned the powerful, and has lifted up the lowly; CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB Luke 1:53 he has filled the hungry with good things, and he has sent the rich away empty. CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB Luke 1:54 He has helped Israel his servant, mindful of mercy, CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB Luke 1:55 that he spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and to his descendants forever. " CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB Luke 1:56 And Mary remained with her about three months and then went back to his house.
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 2 mesi fa
@ my thanks YHWH: oh holy, holy, holy, to have crashed: all my enemies into the abyss of hell! Amen Alleluia! an infinite abyss of destruction and despair! with my flaming sword: I have beaten: and pierced all of them on the mouth of hell! alleluia [Ventum to consummationem saeculi.] blood of Jesus on all Satanists, 666, Masons, 322: all criminals and murderers(Sharia, talmud, IMF, Communists), against the poor innocent Christian martyrs! best for you: it would been: if you were not ever born! @ 666 IMF CIA -> AMEN. can survive, this: weekend: your Satan? lol. I do not believe it! AMEN .. GLORY TO GOD IN eternal ETERNAL ETERNAL: MARANATHA .. VIENI SIGNORE GESÙ CRISTO: FIGLIO DEL DIO VIVENTE
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 2 mesi fa
all: the most sophisticated technologies that the Antichrist will use: are present today, exisiting .. If my kingdom will be stopped, even life on this planet will end very soon .. and maybe it's better this way! CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB Luke 1:46 And Mary said: "My soul magnifies the Lord, CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB Luke 1:47 and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB Luke 1:48 for he has regarded the low estate of his handmaiden. From now on all generations will call me blessed, CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB Luke 1:49 because he made great things the Mighty in me. Holy is his name; CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB Luke 1:50 And his mercy is from generation to generation on those who fear him. CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB Luke 1:51 He has shown strength with his arm, he has scattered those who were proud in the thoughts of their hearts;
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 2 mesi fa
@ 666 Bush CIA, synagogue IMF: nazi! synnek1: ie, the high priest of Satan with the powers of cock! ie, aliens abductions -> and so, you are entered into me: with your aliens abductions? lol. that is, you are entered into the body of the King metaphysical Unius REI? Idiots! then, even now I'm in all of you! with my soul and my spirit: I am in all of you: alleluia, I'm inside of all your alien: hallelujah! you were been all idiots, "because now, I will me, that, i take your control of you, and not you of me!" So what? you can see through my eyes, but then you can not hear through my ears? is a big disappointment: this alien technology, lol. ! Satan is only the shadow of my cock!
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 2 mesi fa
Satan is only the shadow of my cock! [my church is holy] If your pastor can not forgive your sins, you belong to a false church. John 20:23] If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven you retain, they are retained. "The Church: One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, Roman, Eastern Orthodox, Protest, Celeste: lol. all the others are false! If you do not eat the body of Christ and drink his blood real, you belong to a false church. John 6.48 to 58 Jesus said, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. ♰ ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB" Drink your poisons made by yourself "♰ my JHWH-54] He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life and I will raise him up at the last day. ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ "Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰ my JHWH-55] For my flesh is real food and my blood is true drink.
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 2 mesi fa
[my church is holy] CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ ♰ "Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰ my JHWH-56] He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me and I in him. ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ "Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰ my JHWH-48] I am the bread of life. The Church: One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, Roman, Eastern Orthodox, Protest, Celeste: all the others are false! If your church teaches that the Bible alone is sufficient for salvation, you belong to a false Church.2 Thessalonians 2.15] Therefore, brethren, stand fast and hold the traditions which you were, were taught by our word as our letter. The Church: One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, Roman, Eastern Orthodox, Protest, Celeste: all the others are false!
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 2 mesi fa
[my church is holy] If your church says "Faith Alone" leads to salvation, you belong to a false church. James 2.24 ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ "Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰ my JHWH-20] But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead? ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ "Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰ my JHWH-21] Abraham, our father, was perhaps justified by works when he offered Isaac his son upon the altar ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ "Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰ my JHWH-24] You see that a man is justified by works and not by faith only. CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ ♰ "Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰ my JHWH-26] For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is morta. La Church: One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, Roman, Eastern Orthodox, Protest, Celeste: all the others are false !
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 2 mesi fa
[my church is holy] If your church does not call Mary: "Blessed" and "Mother of God", you belong to a false Chiesa.CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB Luke 1.41 to 48 CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ ♰ "Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰ my JHWH-43] Who am I that the mother of my Lord should come to me? ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ "Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰ my JHWH-48] For he has regarded the low estate of his handmaiden. From now on all generations will call me beata.La Church: One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, Roman, Eastern Orthodox, Protest, Celeste: all the others are false! If your church does not call Mary, Mother of believers, you belong to a false church. John 19.26 ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ "Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰ my JHWH-27]
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 2 mesi fa
[my church is holy] Then he said to the disciple, "Behold your mother." And from that hour the disciple took her into his home. Revelation 12.17] Then the dragon was enraged with the woman, and went to make war against the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus. If your church teaches that baptism is essential for salvation, you belong to a false Chiesa.1Pietro 3.21. The Church: One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, Roman, Eastern Orthodox, Protest, Celeste: all the others are false! If your church does not have priests and bishops, you belong to a false church. Rev. Titus 5.10 1.7. If your pastor does not speak in the person of Christ himself, you belong to a false church. CSPBCSSMLNDSM-D VRSN SMVS MQLIVB Luke 10.16. The Church: One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, Roman, Eastern Orthodox, Protest, Celeste: all the others are false!
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 2 mesi fa
[my church is holy] If your church is not infallible, you belong to a false church. Matthew 16.18-20. If your church denies that obey earthly authority of the Church because it is necessary for salvation, you belong to a false church. Romans 13.1-2 If your church teaches that the Works of Well are not necessary for salvation, you belong to a false church. Matthew 25:31-46 The Church: One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, Roman, Eastern Orthodox, Protest, Celeste: all the others are false! If your Church teaches that every sin is the same, the same, you belong to a false church. 1 John 5.16. If the whole world does not hate your church, you belong to a church wrong. Matthew 10.16-25 The Church: One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, Roman, Eastern Orthodox, Protest, Celeste: all the others are false! but the voyeurs? are whipped helpless. but the voyeurs? are whipped helpless losers
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 3 mesi fa
@VoyageIslam -- I am the observatory of the martyrdom of Christians! and every day are killed (only by Muslims) 300 Christian martyrs innocent! for a total of 160,000 each year io sono l'osservatorio del martirio dei cristiani! ed ogni giorno sono uccisi(soltanto dai musulmani) 300 cristiani, martiri innocenti! per un totale di 160.000 ogni anno
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 3 mesi fa
@ VoyageIslam - as you can think of me, That I am an idolater? [salafis imperialism of Al Qaeda in Saudi Arabia] is imposed war, although this may cause offense. (II, 216) Kill the idolaters wherever, you find them: catching them (do slaves), besiege, drop them ambushes, (IX, 5) Kill them wherever they meet! (II, 191) Fight them, until, there is no more rebellion, and that the religion is that of God (II, 193) is that , will go to his death, is that you kill, to the God will certainly be your return, (III, 158) do not you have them slaughtered, is the god who killed them. [VIII, 17] (IX, 29) do not waver, do not give in and do not say, "Peace, peace!", While you are the strongest. (XLVII, 35)
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 3 mesi fa
[imperialism salafis of Al Quaeda, in Saudi Arabia] vi è imposta la guerra, anche se questo possa dispiacervi.(II,216) Uccidete gli idolatri ovunque li trovate: catturateli, assediateli, fateli cadere nelle imboscate,(IX,5) Ammazzateli ovunque essi si incontrano!(II,191) Combatteteli, fino a che non vi sia più ribellione, e che la religione sia quella del DIo,(II,193) sia che vi andiate incontro alla morte, sia che vi ammazzino, verso il Dio sarà certamente il vostro ritorno,(III,158) non voi li avete trucidati è il dio che li ha uccisi. [VIII,17](IX,29) non tentennate e non cedete: non dite: "Pace, Pace!", mentre voi siete i più forti.(XLVII,35)
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 3 mesi fa
Commento sul tuo video: Ex Muslim Wafa Sultan exposes Muhammad Sharia Jihad imperialism Islam. VoyageIslam said: "The Qu'ran never says kill Christians: "....and nearest among them in love to the believers wilt thou find those who say, "We are christians": because amongst these are men devoted to learning and men who have renounced the world, and they are not arrogant." Qu'ran 5:82" --ANSWER--> your? all lies of the hell! Christians are in a state of intended victims: plunder and submission:theft of many rights, wherever prohibited any form of proselytism and conversion to Christianity, although, Islam claimed for if this law: right: also in the West!
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 3 mesi fa
between Satanists (IMF synagogue) and Muslims (Sharia): There are three things in common: 1. the death sentence for apostasy, 2. the same imperialist project to conquer the world! 3. suffocation, violent, of any diversity! only that while Muslims are poor starving? Satanists are the masters: of the IMF, and the project managers AI, and Aliens Abductions tra satanisti(IMF) e musulmani(Sharia): ci sono 3 aspetti in comune: 1. la condanna a morte per apostasia; 2. lo stesso progetto imperialistico per conquistare il mondo! 3. il soffocamento, violento, delle diversità! soltanto che mentre i musulmani sono dei poveri morti di fame? i satanisti sono i padroni del FMI, ed i responsabili del progetto AI; e Aliens Abductions
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 3 mesi fa
[remove: 666 talmud IMF: and his satanic cannibal monster Satanists] no one Satanist: it is no longer of Entitled: have to stay on this page [/ user / YouTube / feed? filter = 1] amen: in Jesus's Name! @ CIA Rochefeller: all synagogue of Satan: IMF 666: Bush 322, all Enlightened ---> Synnek1 posted a comment: 6 hours ago: "Kneel! We refuse to accept your explanation (s)" - ANSWER -> you have created: these monsters of Satanism: and Satanists: FOR DO to the Holocaust, against all Peoples, and to destroy the hope of Israel, but now, if only one of These Satanic monsters, remain alive? pay with your life, for Their Lives! I am unius REI, The King of Israel!
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 3 mesi fa
Commento sul tuo video: Ex Muslim Wafa Sultan exposes Muhammad Sharia Jihad imperialism Islam VoyageIslam SAID: They should make a movie about her and get Al Pacino to play the part. Pacino wouldn't even have to use a make up artist to resemble her. The Ex-Muslim Deception: --ANSWER--> because, you Muslims say that Christians are idolaters? but, as you know, they are polytheists for you, perhaps because the order to kill Christians, is in Koran? perché, voi musulmani dite che i cristiani sono idolatri, mentre voi sapete, che, sono politeisti? forse perchè il Corano ordina di uccidere i cristiani?
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 3 mesi fa
@ 666 IMF Obama -> thank you for having ruined the U.S. and around the world! with your institutional Satanism ! 1. for Do with CIA: 11-09, and, 2. the project: Alien Abduction! reverse engineering of alien: for do the micro chip, and artificial intelligence / / / IHateNEWLAYOUT said: "My Friend TheDemonDack is me!" - ANSWER-> also, YOU have fear [(as synnek1: that said to me: "we are a legion!")] Of ending up Embalmed: on background image: of: canal: "AH1N1X": "Combichrist - What The Fuck (Exclusive Track) "with the inscription on the front:" bitch ", or dissolved in sulfuric acid, only Because that girl That was killed by Satanists, she wanted to leave the Satanists, and would not: never be raped by all entire group. Because even if the image is fake? However, is no less serious, Because it is an intimidation That Satanists do: against to Themselves, and to do against others! Woe to you, if I see, only a Satanist, and Their symbols blasphemous, in whole youtube yet
allChristianMartyrs ha pubblicato un commento 3 mesi fa
@ alp25 (i am Mahdi unius REI) -> my dear brother! who harms one religion?, as is all of them, that God wanted: because God is too great to be described: by a single religion! Besides, 666 IMF 322, he is Satan and his true goal is to damage all religions! but, there are two ways to damage a religion: 1. inside (corrupting the doctrine), 2. outside (through the persecuzone violent!) now, rabbis Pharisees Iluminati by Lucifer, that they control: the IMF for more than 4 centuries, as he said: Dante Aighieri: in 1200!:
allChristianMartyrs ha pubblicato un commento 3 mesi fa
allChristianMartyrs posted a comment 5 seconds ago @ alp25 (i am Mahdi unius REI) -> my dear brother! they did both things, since they are the priests of Baal, undercover! In fact, only the Jews were to do: for mercy of God, to demonstrate the kingdom of God on earth in a political way: here's why: the Illuminati have pianficato every Holocaust and now include: the destruction of Israel and Islam: during the 3rd WW nuclear! because the IMF has already gained control of cristanesimo: that is, all the false democracies Masonic of the banking seigniorage
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 3 mesi fa
horror Pakistan [against satanAllah in talmud of IMF 666] for example:. in the case of Asia Bibi? the Muslim women were jealous, because while they were ugly: Asia Bibi: instead, it was very nice! in fact, that poor woman? was raped repeatedly in prison! [Mother Teresa, Motherhouse, social service: The refuge of the wretched and the abandoned ] NAVIN CHAWLA. AP Wherever she went, it was to her beloved Calcutta that Mother Teresa longed to return. The most succinct summing up of Mother Teresa's life and work remains, in my view, by the Chairman of the Nobel Committee Prof. John Sannes, in his speech at the Nobel Prize ceremony in Oslo in 1979. He said: "The hallmark of her work has been respect for the individual and the individual's worth and dignity. The loneliest and the most wretched, the dying destitute, the abandoned lepers, have all been received by her and her Sisters with warm compassion devoid of condescension, based on her reverence for Christ in man .
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 3 mesi fa
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 1 secondo fa [against satanAllah in talmud] the blasphemy law: makes it impossible to scientific research and thus makes impossible any scientific truth: about the story! In fact, everything is crystallized on the partisanship of men of religion! who in wickedness and cruelty? gave ample evidence of itself! but these are not the feelings of God! la legge sulla blasfemia: rende impossibile la ricerca scientifica: e quindi rende impossibile: ogni verità scientifica: circa la storia! infatti, tutto rimane cristallizzato sulla faziosità degli uomini della religione! i quali a malvagità e crudeltà? hanno dato ampia dimostrazione di se! ma, questi non sono i sentimenti di Dio!
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 3 mesi fa
[slander of Blasphemy to do personal vendettas] Blasphemy case against Maulvi for 'planting' Koran pages. ANITA JOSHUA. The blasphemy case involving an 11-year-old girl with Down Syndrome took a curious turn that could end her ordeal when the police on Saturday evening arrested a cleric for allegedly planting pages of the Koran among burnt papers found in her possession. The cleric, Khalid Judoon Chishti, was produced before a magistrate on Sunday and sent to 14 days judicial remand. He was arrested after a witness in the case, Hafiz Zubair (a muezzin of the mosque where Maulvi Chishti leads the prayers) told a magistrate that he saw the prayer leader putting pages of the Koran in the polythene bag containing burnt papers that the accused, Rimsha Masih, was carrying.
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 3 mesi fa
[slander of Blasphemy to do personal vendettas] Blasphemy case against Maulvi.]] After Mr. Zubair made the statement before the magistrate, the police obtained a warrant for the Maulvi's arrest and went to the locality with a huge contingent to deal with any protests that may erupt while imprisoning him. He has now been booked under the blasphemy law, which provides for death sentence as he had desecrated the Koran by putting pages from it in a bag that contained ashes. To evict Christians. According to Mr. Zubair, the complainant — who had allegedly seen Ms. Masih burning the pages — had brought the packet to the mosque to show it to the Maulvi. The Maulvi, as per Mr. Zubair's statement, added some pages of the Koran to the packet to strengthen the case against the girl and facilitate the eviction of Christians from the slum cluster on the outskirts of the federal capital.
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 3 mesi fa
[slander of Blasphemy to do personal vendettas] Blasphemy case against Maulvi.]] Though there had been conflicting reports on the circumstances in which Ms. Masih was found with the burnt pages of the Koran, she was arrested under the blasphemy law over a fortnight ago and sent to the Adiala Jail amid protests from civil society. In fact, till date, versions differ on the contents of the pages found in her possession with some claiming they were from a primer used to teach children the scriptures. In view of the latest development in the case, civil society activists have stepped up their demand for the amendment of the blasphemy laws to avoid their misuse as is apparent in this instance. They recalled that this was exactly what assassinated Governor of Punjab Salman Taseer had been demanding.
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 3 mesi fa
king Unius Rei posted a comment 4 hours ago Cain @ 666 IMF CIA -> I am a politician, I know my action is not religious in nature, but as has been amply Demonstrated: I demolish the kingdom of Satan, in a supernatural way! That's why there are too many, of Those Who Hurt Themselves will! I want to remember ... That Yhwh, having freed the people from the land of Egypt, wiped out at a later time, Those who disbelieved, and put in custody, with chains in the darkness of hell, Those angels who were unable to 'maintain Their primeval dignity ... Judah 1, 5, is not in the possibility of the Syrian government:of applying social peace if the Salafi Islamist Al Qaeda: infiltrating in Syria: from guilty of: Saudi Arabia and Turkey do not come out all! non è nella possibilità del Governo siriano: di applicare la pace sociale se i salafiti islamista di Al Quaeda: infiltrati in siria dalla Arabia Saudita e dalla Turchia: non escono tutti!
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 3 mesi fa
@to all Nations --> who is responsible, to stop the rise of unius REI, to condemn to death the whole human race? maybe you do not know: that, is the system Masonic: of banking seigniorage, which has essential needs, of wars to live? The architect of this system? is satan himself: in his Talmud and Kabbalah, to retain power at all costs: how to make the Holocaust against my Jewish people ! UniusRei3 posted a comment 4 hours ago Report spam [Against satanic IMF 666] -> soon, again Fill your mouth and your lips smile of joy. Your enemies saran covered with shame, and the tent of the wicked will be no more. AT Job 8, 21 While they were still near Jerusalem, Appeared as leader before them a knight on horseback, dressed in white and brandishing golden armor. All together they blessed God merciful and felt so Strengthened in heart, they were ready to attack not only men, but Also the most ferocious beasts, and the walls of iron. 2 Maccabees 11.08
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 5 mesi fa
is not in the possibility of the Syrian government:of applying social peace if the Salafi Islamist Al Qaeda: infiltrating in Syria: from guilty of: Saudi Arabia and Turkey do not come out all! non è nella possibilità del Governo siriano: di applicare la pace sociale se i salafiti islamista di Al Quaeda: infiltrati in siria dalla Arabia Saudita e dalla Turchia: non escono tutti!
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 5 mesi fa
The situation in Syria. Troops loyal to the Syrian regime "would have" fired mortar shells against a funeral in Damascus, killing at least 30 people - ANSWER -> HOW: "would have"?" [Syria in a government of national unity][Siria, verso un governo di unità nazionale] --answer--> no! I do not accept this government of national unity: if, before not leave: go away: all Salafis: Al-Qaeda :that: Saudi Arabia and Turkey: have done come! [[05/03/2012 17:31 SYRIA Muslim extremists and terrorists taking advantage of Syria's revolution Sources tell AsiaNews That al-Qaeda operatives are in Syria to Pursue the jihad. The Interests of the Arab League are Fuelling the climate of hatred and violence, reducing your hope for a lasting diplomatic solution. In Their view, what started out as peaceful protests Against the regime has morphed into an armed struggle That Is leading the country in the direction of a bloody civil war.]]
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 5 mesi fa
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 3 minuti fa @CAIN 666 IMF CIA NWO --> it is you, that I've been waiting for! we, in the Kingdom of God: do not kill anyone: without: first formally: both the accused about the crime committed, that the sentence of death : because we have to be objectively right! now, the work that I have to do to see you all die? is already over! while, the work that I must do to save: all the droppings like you, of your lives shit? has not yet begun!
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 5 mesi fa
Al Qaeda is an corporation: made: in collaboration: between Saudi Arabia with IMF 666: ie one only synagogue of satan! this corporation: NATO: is indispensable to support: the mighty American industrial complex! because without the war? the lobby Big: jewish and freemasonry: of: U.S. fail! to subjugate the entire human race, this two Imperialisms: IMF and Salafis: play for hours together: but, after the Third World War: is clear: Israel will disappear(new shoah), and disappear: also all religions, and finally our masters: American Jews: Illuminato of IMF: are they can demonstrate openly, of be: the Satanists of Baal Molock: owl, As already explained in the Georgia Guidestones
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 5 mesi fa
@to all governments --> you make me sick! why: if I am an ordinary man: there is: as, in any street in the world! Then, you have the duty: to know, all the things, that, I know! for to have decided to be an absolute crime ready for the abyss of hell. NoahTheNephilim said 1 hour ago (Over time universal deceit: of IMF: after 11 to 09 of the: Crime of State USA - Israel: that is been done by CIA MOSSAD): telling the truth? this Is a revolutionary act!) Kain Darothic posted a comment 6 hours ago: "UniusRei3, Why are you allowed to exist?". - ANSWER -> 1 . . why, you have done: 200,000 human sacrifices: on the altar of Satan: in the last: 365 days! 2 . . why hast thou destroyed: 1.000.000: of innocent Christians in Iraq, 3 . . why, thou with your NATO and Saudi Arabia, and his Sharia Criminal Salafi: ie: Al Quaeda: you have Completely, destroyed all the Christians: in Kosovo, and you have demolished: all Convents and Churchs!
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 5 mesi fa
03/05/2012 17:31 SYRIA Muslim extremists and terrorists taking advantage of Syria's revolution Sources tell AsiaNews that al-Qaeda operatives are in Syria to pursue the jihad. The interests of the Arab League are fuelling the climate of hatred and violence, reducing hope for a lasting diplomatic solution. Damascus (AsiaNews) - "Muslim extremists are hijacking the pro-democracy movement that came out of the March demonstrations of young unemployed Syrians," sources told AsiaNews. In their view, what started out as peaceful protests against the regime has morphed into an armed struggle that is leading the country in the direction of a bloody civil war.
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 6 mesi fa
[Syria-Turkey: High Voltage ultimatum: Erdogan 'furious'] nonsense! Erdogan was furious for comments that: I am writing against: him: in fact, he is a Freemason of Satanist 666: that: hides the Ark of Noah: on Mount Ararat: and yet, this, has said to me: the ZAR Nicholas II! Erdogan is a mortal enemy of Islam! rebukes you, the Holy Spirit: Erdogan: with all of your criminal accomplices: IMF NWO! In fact, everyone knows that Assad has amended the constitution: and opened: to democratic values, that can never exist: in Sharia: of your accomplices, of Salafis: Saudi Arabia, etc. .etc. .etc. . ((all murderers of innocent Christian martyrs: as you)). but, fomenting civil war in Syria? was a crime of genocide! and I hope, that you and your accomplices: one day you will finish ahead: to an international court!
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 6 mesi fa
05/24/2010[[(( Muslims Country? is a splendid way for Christians to go to die))]] TURKEY. Bartholomew I Demands for redress Wrongs suffered in Istanbul, Imvros and Tenedos.Meeting a commission for minority rights, the Ecumenical Patriarch stresses That it is time to move from words to action, restoring the rights of minorities and in particolare Their schools. The Pogroms Against Christians in Imvros and Tenedos, Reduced now to only 300 people. Perhaps Turkey's European dream is fading while the desire for neo-ottomanism grows. Bartholomew underscored the issue of confiscated properties of religious foundations (mazbut) Whose total return
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 6 mesi fa
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 5 secondi fa [[(( Muslims Country? is a splendid way for Christians to go to die))]] TURKEY- According to recent information - is not encouraging, the upgrading of closed school buildings, now without Pupils (the Orthodox minority has-been Reduced to 3.000 individuals), the Reopening of the Halki Theological School. Finally, the patriarch Suggested Reopening The Possibility of an elementary school for the needs of the tiny minority on the islands of Imvros and Tenedos (300 people). These islands Were Exclusively inhabited by Christian Populations (12.000) and the Lausanne Treaty According to Were to enjoy full autonomy, 'which was never respected by the Turkish authorities.
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 6 mesi fa
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 15 secondi fa [[(( Muslims Country? is a splendid way for Christians to go to die))]] TURKEYThe two islands were also the scenes of pogroms for Several ethnic cleansing, with the conséquent confiscation of property. These historical facts were also recently reported by a minority group from the Turkish civil deeply Involved in the review and historical reconstruction of this country, outside of institutional cliches. These pogroms led to the alteration of the total population of Both islands. Current figures talk about 8.000 Muslims of Kurdish origin and 300 Christians. : Abandoning ITS fatal concept of reciprocity, Which Hides behind a lack of civil growth. In short, in Turkey, there is only a paternalistic conception of civil rights. ((but all the other Muslim nations (with the exception of Lebanon and Syria) is a splendid way for Christians to go to die))
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 6 mesi fa
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 20 minuti fa [[hey, Erdogan, from his Ark, that thou hast hid: on Mount Ararat: Noah wants to know: from me, what is your degree Masonic in the synagogue of Satan]] 06/06/2011 TURKEY - VATICAN. Nuncio in Turkey: Church is respected in wake of Mgr. Padovese, but full religious freedom is needed. Mass held yesterday in Iskenderun for the one year anniversary of the bishop's murder. Mgr. Lucibello urges a shift from "presence to witness." Continuous signs of respect for Catholics. Freedom of religion also means freedom not to believe and to change one's religion.
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 6 mesi fa
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 20 minuti fa [[hey, Erdogan, from his Ark, that thou hast hid: on Mount Ararat: Noah wants to know: from me, what is your degree Masonic in the synagogue of Satan]] 06/04/2011 TURKEY. The murder of Mgr. Padovese and the birth of a new Turkey. One year after the murder of the bishop, Murat Altum, the murderer has been judges sane and will be put on trial. The hand of ultra-nationalists behind the murder to discredit Prime Minister Erdogan and the future coexistence between Christians and Muslims. The elections of June 12 may prepare a new chapter for the country and coexistence.
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 6 mesi fa
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 20 minuti fa Segnala spam [[hey, Erdogan, from his Ark, that thou hast hid: on Mount Ararat: Noah wants to know: from me, what is your degree Masonic in the synagogue of Satan]] 06/03/2011 TURKEY -- VATICAN, Turkish Church remembers Mgr Padovese a year after his murder. A mass is set to take place in Iskenderun. Mgr Ruggero Franceschini will conduct the service in the presence of the nuncio. As Catholics keep a very low profile, an Istanbul medical commission finds the prelate's murderer, Murat Altun, fit to stand trial after he was on his way to acquittal on mental health grounds. No trial date has been set yet. An Indian Capuchin priest was attacked last Good Thursday.
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 6 mesi fa
IMF666KillTubeStopME ha pubblicato un commento 1 secondo fa [all Muslims Country: know why: their religion is become crazy?] 06/07/2010. TURKEY - VATICAN. Funeral of Mgr. Padovese. Murderer, "I killed the great Satan!" The bishop was stabbed in the house and beheaded outside. He cried help before he died. The murderer shouted "Allah Akbar!". The alleged insanity of the murderer is now to be excluded. There is no medical certificate to prove it. Murat Altun accuses the dead bishop of being a homosexual. Turkish minister of justice condemns the murder and promises to shed light on the incident. Iskenderun (AsiaNews) - Today at 4pm local time the funeral will take place of Msgr. Padovese, killed by his driver, Murat Altun, strangely "crazed" last June 3. Meanwhile, new details have emerged on the dynamics and motives of the killing that has prostrated the Turkish Church.