Egypt, saudi imperialism [ 01/14/2013 horror sharia ] EGYPT: 15 years in prison for mother and seven children, converts to Christianity.] The case concerns Nadia Mohamed Ali, a mother of eight children, born Christian, but converted to Islam to marry her husband. After his death, she decides to return to her original religion with her children. The authorities accuse her of having changed names on documents to skip procedure.
Cairo (AsiaNews / Agencies) - The criminal court of Beni Suef (115 km south of Cairo) has sentenced an entire family to prison for converting to Christianity.
Egypt, saudi imperialism [ 01/14/2013 horror sharia ] EGYPT: 15 years in prison for mother and seven children, converts to Christianity.] Nadia Mohamed Ali and her children Mohab, Maged, Sherif, Amira, Amir, and Nancy Ahmed Mohamed abdel-Wahab will spend 15 years in prison. Seven other people involved in the case were sentenced to five years in prison. The case of the family of Nadia Ali Mohamed began in 2004 when, after the conversion, she and her children decided to replace their Muslim names on their identity cards with their Christian names and city of residence change. To do this she was aided by seven Registry office employees e. Born Christian, she had changed her religion to marry her husband Mustafa Mohamed Abdel-Wahab. After the man's death in 1991, Nadia decided to return to her religion of origins and to push her seven children to convert. In 2006, one of the boys was arrested by police in an information center in the city of Beni Suef.
Egypt, saudi imperialism [ 01/14/2013 horror sharia ] EGYPT: 15 years in prison for mother and seven children, converts to Christianity.] Suspicious of the young man from the documents he as carrying, where he had changed its name to Bishoy Malak Abdel-Massih, police agents interrogated him for hours until he confessed his conversion to Christianity as desired by the mother. The judges then decide to stop not only the woman, but all of her children and seven clerks from the registration office, responsible for changing the documents. An individuals religious faith is listed in Egyptian identity cards. Christians, converted to Islam for various reasons that attempt to return to the religion to which they belong have enormous difficulty in correcting their names on the documents. This leads many people to forge them, risking prison. The reverse process, ie the transition from Christianity to Islam is not hindered, and in many cases is favored by the very Registry officials.
kingIsraelUniusREI 1 ora fa
[scientific evidence: Jesus in: 332 : Old Testament prophecies] Dr. Walter C. Kaiser Jr. is: owner of: Old Testament at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Recognized to: internationally as: scholar of the Old Testament, has published more: of: 30 books. Introduction: not: there is no better teacher on the question if Jesus is between the pages of the Old Testament teachings: of our Lord Jesus himself was He to: declare, in John 5:39, "You [Jews] the Scriptures [that: at the time were the 39 books of the Tanakh / Old Testament] .... They are those that: bear witness of: me. " This statement should already close the question. Still more: known is: the moment: when Jesus said Cleopas, along with an: not another disciple: appointed, as they walked on the road to Emmaus: that first Easter Sunday, saying, "'O foolish and lenses: of: heart
kingIsraelUniusREI 1 ora fa
[scientific evidence: Jesus in: 332 : Old Testament prophecies] to: to believe that all things that: the prophets have spoken not: the Christ have to suffer all this: and enter the: his glory? "And beginning with Moses and: all the prophets, [Jesus] explained to them in: all the Scriptures [ie the Old Testament] the things that: concerning Himself "(Luke 24:25-27). Even King David prophesied the resurrection of Jesus in the: far 1000 BC when he saw what that: had to happen, namely that: Jesus not: it would be "abbandon [ed] ... in Sheol [or in the: grave], neither ... that your Holy One see decay" (Psalm 16 :8-11, Acts 2:30-31). So, not: is: a surprise that: we find Jesus present in the events and: the prophecies found in the Old Testament. It is only logical to find that: Jesus was both truly present in the Old Testament and: accurately prophesied, and: that: He would come before as: our Savior and: then, in: a second coming next, would have appeared
kingIsraelUniusREI 1 ora fa
[scientific evidence: Jesus in: 332 : Old Testament prophecies] as: the King sovereign: of: the whole earth. n: the state of events is so unusual: possible because Jesus is: He that: it was, that: is, that: is! It is sad to say this, but: too many believers not: become aware of his real presence in the Old Testament and: of the many prophecies of His first and: His second coming. To reply to: this need, we examine first those instances: when He appears in: a Christophany in the: Old Testament times. Then of: take note of following: some of the many prophecies of His two comings. Appearances of Christ in the Old Testament. Jesus was seen first in the Old Testament as the person that: appeared as "the Angel of the Lord" in the: His appearing suddenly in front of the servant: Sarai, Hagar (Genesis 16:7). After this event, he continued to appear occasionally in the: more: ancient books of the Old Testament.
kingIsraelUniusREI 1 ora fa
[scientific evidence: Jesus in: 332 : Old Testament prophecies] These real events, initiated by God, were characterized by the fact of: to be convincing revelation of His person and: His work as well as appearances were transient, fleeting but: also audible and: clearly visible. He came in the: in the world: the form of: an: a human being long before: His final incarnation as: an: baby to: Bethlehem. Yet this same "Angel of the Lord" was often called or: addressed as: "the LORD / Yahweh" itself (Genesis 12:7, 17:1, 19:1, etc.).. Quest '"Angel of the Lord" was an: title that: pointing your office, but: not: describing His nature. The Hebrew word for "angol" (mal'ak) communicates the fundamental idea of: one that: is a "mandate," an "messenger." Of the 214 times that: we find this Hebrew word used as "Angel", about an: refer to the third: this that: the theologians label a "Christophany," an appearance of temporary: Christ in the Old Testament.
kingIsraelUniusREI 1 ora fa
[scientific evidence: Jesus in: 332 : Old Testament prophecies] is: certain, however, that: this particular angel of the Lord is: Agar divine because "the LORD gave, that: had spoken [as the Angel of the LORD], the name of: Atta-El-Roi, for he said: "I am, right here, saw him leave that: he saw me? '" (Genesis 16:13). [1] Other appearances of Jesus in the Old Testament can be found at: texts as: Genesis 22:11: 15, where it was the Angel of: Yahweh that: he spoke from heaven to Abraham when Abraham was about to sacrifice Isaac and: l 'Angel of: Yahweh stopped him. of: new, it was the Angel of: Yahweh that: appeared to Moses in the flame size of: fire: Exodus 3:2. During that conversation near the bush that: burning, is declared that: it was in fact "Yahweh" that: and spoke: this caused that: Moses hid his face from him (Exodus 3:6). After that it was the Angel of the LORD that: appeared to the wife of: Manoah (Judges 13:2-25),
kingIsraelUniusREI 1 ora fa
[scientific evidence: Jesus in: 332 : Old Testament prophecies] the mother of Samson, and: then said to her: her husband that: it was in fact "a man of: GOD "that: appeared. When Manoah said that: "the Angel of the Lord" appeared also to: him as: he had appeared to: his wife, the angel repeated appearances and: conversations with him, first of: climb in the: flame of the altar (Judges 13:20) with the clear implication that: the sacrifice on the altar was given in: adoration to: himself! Moreover, this "Angel" was considered as: an: "Redeemer," who saves Israel of the evil (Isaiah 63:9). How can an: reader of the Old Testament doubt that: these events together to: many other similar descriptions in the: more: ancient Scriptures are other that: appearances pre-incarnation of the Lord Jesus: real meat, even if: it was , in: this time, only temporary incarnation for the immediate needs of people up to: that: not: and it came: it was embodied permanently?
kingIsraelUniusREI 1 ora fa
[scientific evidence: Jesus in: 332 : Old Testament prophecies] Often Jesus came to Earth to help his people in the: anguish and: in the: his need of: direction. The only examples: the Angel of: Yahweh was against Israel are in: 2 Samuel 24, 1 Chronicles 21 where the angel is: an: agent of the punishment of God against David because David had to disobey God and: made an: national census. Prophecies of the Messiah in the Old Testament: In addition to the real presence of Jesus as The Angel of the Lord / God, J. Barton Payne [2] lists well 574 verses in the Old Testament that: an injury: Direct and: personal messianic announcement. Payne is 127 Messianic prophecies personal, that: 348 verses in touch: which is an: of some kind: and true: his prophecy or: of: typological prophecy [3] or the first: the second coming of: Jesus This number is: only exceeded by Alfred Edersheim [4],
kingIsraelUniusREI 1 ora fa
[scientific evidence: Jesus in: 332 : Old Testament prophecies] who pointed out that: in: about 558 rabbinical writings in the: pre-Christian period, there were 456 different songs well the Old Testament (Tanakh) mentioned to refer or: to Messiah or: the messianic times! In my book, The Messiah in: the Old Testament (The Messiah in the Old Testament) [5], are able to identify 65: direct prophecies of the coming of Jesus in the Old Testament. I'm really just that: try of: deny that: there are at least six direct prophecies of the Messiah in the: Pentateuch: Genesis 3:15, 9:27, 12:2-3, 49:8-12, Numbers 00:15 - 19, and: Deuteronomy 18:15-18. Eva was promised: Genesis 3:15 that: a male progeny descended from his line would crush the serpent's head, which is the Devil himself, and: conquered evil completely, in: because the prince of the evil, Satan, would have been defeated. Then, in: Genesis 8:27, God would come and: would live /
kingIsraelUniusREI 1 ora fa
[scientific evidence: Jesus in: 332 : Old Testament prophecies] lived in the tents of Shem, the Semitic people. But as of: these Semites was given by God or the Arabs: the Jewish people? Abraham resolved that question in: how God called him just to leave Ur of Mesopotamia: and go to Israel, and: it was he that: he had become a blessing for all the nations on Earth: Genesis 12:3. This promise can be restricted even of: more: the tribe of Judas. It would have been the number four son of Jacob to: become the one that: he received the scepter from reigning and also the one from which the line of the Messiah would descend (Genesis 49:8-12). In fact, is: of written: this descendant of Judas, "a star rises from Jacob, and: a scepter rises from Israel" (Numbers 24:17). Furthermore, the Messiah that: would come would be an "prophet" (Deuteronomy 18:15) and also an "king" (Psalm 72).
kingIsraelUniusREI 1 ora fa
[scientific evidence: Jesus in: 332 : Old Testament prophecies] If the events of the book: Job took place in the: period of the patriarchs (about 2100-1800 BC), as: believe, then there are four tracks: Job that: should be added to the six in the: Pentateuch. In: Job: The Messiah is called an "angel" and: an "Ombudsman" (Job 33:23-28). It can be added to: the ten direct messianic prophecies and other five in the first period: during the time of David. He was seen as "the anointed one" in: 1 Samuel 2:1-10 and: as: an: "faithful priest" in: 1 Samuel 2:35-36. Clearly the song more: is incredible: the text of the Davidic covenant found in: 2 Samuel 7 (repeated then: 1 Chronicles 17) and: developed in Psalm 132, which pointed to the house / dynasty of: David as a place: when God would rise: His throne and His dynasty: His kingdom forever. The promise given to King David was so amazing: that: David cried out in: 2 Samuel 7:19 c
kingIsraelUniusREI 1 ora fa
[scientific evidence: Jesus in: 332 : Old Testament prophecies] that: "This is: the law [or the memorandum] for [all] humanity" (author's translation ). in: other words, God: that instant gave to: David an: expansion of the promise that: he had given: priority to the patriarchs. [6] There is not enough space to explain as: Psalms 11: celebrate the person and: the work of the Messiah: that: is: to come. Even if: it was rejected (Psalm 118), betrayed (Psalm 69 and: 109), and died: Risen (Psalm 22 and: 16), would come as: Conqueror and: as: Sovereign on the throne (and Psalm 2: 110) , as: Planner and: Groom (Psalm 40 and: 45), and: as: Triumphant King (Psalm 68 and: 72). In addition to the direct references to the future Messiah that: we which mentioned in: previously, there are 39 in the prophecies of the Messiah: The Old Testament prophets. Some examples of: These ads first of the events include:
kingIsraelUniusREI 1 ora fa
[scientific evidence: Jesus in: 332 : Old Testament prophecies] prophesied that: the Messiah would be born of a virgin (Isaiah 7:14 and Matthew 1:33), that: your place of: birth would be Bethlehem (Micah 5:2 and then Matthew 2:1: 6), that: John the Baptist, He would have preceded (Isaiah 40:3-5 and: Malachi 3:1 and Matthew 3:3, Mark 1:3 and: Luke 3:4-6) . It was also announced ahead of time that: the Messiah would enter Jerusalem [in that that: came to be known as: Palm Sunday] in: triumphantly as the crowd would shout, "Hosanna" (Zechariah 9:9-10 and Psalm 118:25-26 and Matthew 21:9, Mark 11:9, Luke 19:38 and John 12:13). Then over of: less of a week, he would be betrayed [by one of His disciples, Judas] (Psalm 69:25 and Acts 1:20). It was predicted that: the side of the Messiah would be pierced (Zechariah 12:10 and John 19:37)
kingIsraelUniusREI 1 ora fa
[scientific evidence: Jesus in: 332 : Old Testament prophecies] and: that: he suffered: vicariously for the sins of the world (Isaiah 53:6, 9, and: 12 and 1 Peter and 2:21-25, Romans 4:25). Still more: dramatically accurate was the fact that: Jesus would have been killed among the "wicked" (Isaiah 53:9 a, look carefully at the Hebrew plural) just as: was crucified between two thieves, but: he would be buried with " the rich "(Isaiah 53:9 b, look carefully at the singular in the Hebrew). But not: is: This is the conclusion of the matter of the prophecies about Jesus in the Old Testament because the Messiah would come back to Earth a second time (Daniel 7:13 and then Mark 13:26: Luke 21:27) and: would an: reigned in the day: the city of Jerusalem as King of kings and nations would go up that city to be taught in his ways and: not: "learn more: the war" (Isaiah 2:3-4).
kingIsraelUniusREI 1 ora fa
[scientific evidence: Jesus in: 332 : Old Testament prophecies] With regard to the Messiah in the Old Testament, the relationship between the Old and: New Testament shows a strong continuity and: a progressive revelation. The essential elements of the doctrine of the person and: the work of Jesus and bloom: bloom in the New Testament even if: the Old Testament contains often: the most germ of: what that: may be developed to: start from its pages. that: and merciful God: that: reveals itself! and: that: wonderful gift of: an: Salvatore which is: come to Earth once, but: who will return once again: all His fullness and: all His glory! [1] See James A. Borland. In Christ: the Old Testament. Ross-shire, UK: Christian Focus Publications, 1999. ... [2] J. Barton Payne. Encyclopedia of Biblical Prophecy. New York: Harper and Row, 1973, 667-68. ... [3] Translator's note: With "typological prophecies" we mean an: "type" (type) or "figure" that: anticipating
kingIsraelUniusREI 1 ora fa
[scientific evidence: Jesus in: 332 : Old Testament prophecies] a future reality. For example, Moses was in some ways an: "type" or "figure" of Jesus in the: sense that: the anticipated arrival of the future: an even more: Special as: leader, as: the giver of the law, as : prophet, etc.. ... [4] Alfred Edersheim. The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah, 2 volumes. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1953, 2:710-41. ... [5] Walter C. Kaiser, Jr. The Messiah in: the Old Testament. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1995, 237-39. ... [6] See a more: fuller explanation of: this theme: Walter C. Kaiser, Jr. The Promise-Plan of God: to: Biblical theology of the Old and New Testaments. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2008. @synnek1, ie, AKen806, and his succhers 666 lakeDarothic: for destroy Israel -- studied donkey
kingIsraelUniusREI 2 ore fa
tu sei qui, a fare un lavoro sporco per satana, il FMI 666 Talmud, per rovinare Israele e tutte le Nazioni, noi abbiamo, i rotoli del Mar Morto, cioè, di Qunran(tutto l'Antico Testamento, più migliaia e migliaia di altri frammenti, che, dichiarano come i "documenti storici", del popolo di Israele, non sono stati corrotti), documenti, che, risalgono al 100 a.C. ed anche prima, sia, della comunità monastica ed abraica degli Esseni, come di altri,: in tutti i musei del modo ma, tu hai soltanto, le parole cattive: di un troll: pagato dai satanisti istituzionali del FMI, tu sei la feccia del genere umano, certamente, tu sarai punito!
BlakeDarothic 2 ore fa
Why am I talking to you, you're clearly insane.
kingIsraelUniusREI 2 ore fa
yes, gods are all false! as, you are not a satanist? So now the Satanists have learned to tell the truth with you, because they have read, the Bible of Satan? perhaps, that, you are not an employee of synnek1? that he is the international institutional Satanism CIA? so even if you are not a Satanist, as you can be the accomplice of the most dangerous killers in the history of mankind? as to take your money cursed? you're doing hurting, against all the whole human race! in truth, I have no interest in changing your faith, because I'm not your mother! In fact, every man is what he thinks! denying God, your Creator? you deny yourself! as in fact, the science of statistics is impossible to attribute to Jesus of Bethlehem, 332 Messianic prophecies of the Old Testament, because the Bible is a book historically and archaeologically authentic, but maybe you've been caught, because your ignorance and your wickedness are abysmal
kingIsraelUniusREI 3 ore fa
but are not Christians to operate, with power, in all the false democracies Masonic of bank seigniorage of Rabbi pharisee of Rothschild IMF scam fraud criminal too, god baal owl, at bohemian grove, is your satanism 666 masonic, only, that have the power ma, non sono i cristiani a comandare, in tutte le false democrazie massoniche del signoraggio bancario del rabbino farise di Rothscild
why, mine is false god? I hope for you that, you answer in a mode scientific
my faith to restore self-derminazione to all peoples, is stronger than, of the faith of Rothschild's: the Pharisee 666 synagogue masonic system, of al,l the fake democracies of the bank seigniorage: to trample the Constitution, that is, to make all peoples a single herd of animals slaves (such as its Talmud), what, has already made supported with the IMF, and, his seigniorage banking stolen: to all peoples through the masonry, freemasonry, to destroy Israel, that's why, the bodies, that I will do in (psalm 110), are more numerous, of the corpses, which, Rothschild will do! you only are antiquated straw, that, ash in will become an instant!
la mia fede: di restituire l'auto derminazione a tutti i popoli, è più forte della fede di Rothschild: il fariseo, di fare di tutti i popoli un solo branco di animali schiavi(come dice il suo talmud), cosa, che lui ha già realizzato attrverso il FMI, e il signoraggio bancario rubato: a tutti i popoli, attraverso, la massoneria, per distruggere Israele, ecco perché, i cadaveri che io farò(salmo 110), sono più numerosi, dei cadaveri, che, lui farà! voi viete soltanto paglia che diventerà cenere n un attimo
[Your life has been cursed and you have no escape] also. Darwin was a Mason, a criminal zionists, ie, servant of the IMF (as all Freemasons and Satanists), to do the Holocaust against Israel, and against my Jewish people? because really, who invented the eternal theory of evolution? was the Talmud of the Pharisees of the IMF, that is the Illuminati by Lucifer! ie Baal god owl, at Bohemian Grove! [DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF] Darwin era un massone, un criminale servo dei sionisti del FMI(come tutti i massoni e satanisti), per fare la Shoah, contro, Israele, e contro il mio popolo ebraico? perché in realtà, chi ha inventato, l'eterna teoria della evoluzione? è stato il talmud dei farisei del FMI, cioè gli Illuminati da lucifero! [Your life has been cursed and you have no escape]
hallelujah -- you are animal in human form, said: talmud nazi IMF (criminal seigniorage banking: from scientist Giacinto Auriti) 666 CIA Mossad -- lol. But these? are right, your human rights. though, I will not collapse the IMF 666, with my computer from 400 euro? you all die! God has Given free will at all .. but, what do you have done? hell is wide open beneath your feet! you will cry
se, io non farò crollare il FMI 666, con il mio computer da 400 euro? voi morirete tutti!
God has given free will at all .. but, what do you have done?
hell is wide open beneath your feet! you will cry
@666 nazi kkk IMF talmud, synagogue of owl baal kabbalah -- as Satanists can conquer the world, if they are ignorant of theology? ok, tried to bribe me (to receive my metaphysics) .. but, this is the story, in this their attempt? have failed!
[sensational revelation:, ISBN: 978-88-6081-695-5 srl ] Matthew 27.46. --- "Eli, El ', lemaSABACTANI." - . ORDER indeed, again, more powerfully, you(JHWH) can shine in me! I die for love (as a man), and make a gift, so, hope and salvation to all mankind! ... MATTEO 27,46. --- " Elì, El', lemaSABACTANI ". -- AFFINCHÉ, di nuovo, più potentemente, tu puoi risplendere, in me! io muoio per amore(come uomo), e dono, così, la speranza e la salvezza a tutto il genere umano!
YouTube Rewind 2012
what kind of war they won Americans (American-dogs: 666 IMF, 322, NWO) in Iraq?, if, the only one people, that, have been made, for be extinguish, were, only, 1200.000: Christians martyrs?, who, had been quiet with Saddam... but, this is clear, the IMF-NO, today is raising imperialism saudi arabia, because, one day media Jewish world will say, that, it has become essential, to a world war III, against Islam satanic nazi.
@ Russia - what, you are a bitch! you want to sell, also, my comment, to recover your money, to Cipro, from the IMF 666? how, you has to sell, your sailors, killed, into nuclear submarine? Certainly, for a prostitute like you, everything has a price! then, you too will soon go to destruction with all, your money, cursed by Satan, IMF god owl JabullOn! but, if, you do not destroy the IMF? War III world, Necessarily, needs to be addressed! and then, that Matter to us if all Muslims together with Israel, were exterminated all togheter? no! to me, it matters, Because That Is My Own Kingdom of Palestine!
@ Russia animals - dirty! lol. is because last night, you saw a home movie porn, for that matter, that the Enlightened: 666 Pharisees of the IMF, they decided to punish you to Cyprus? .. that's for sure! with, three scams, that is, three false accounting, the IMF, took control of all power, for all those, who want to be blackmailed (intelligente, smart, IMF is Iran), is the true arbiter of life and death, of all human beings, on this planet .. but, then, what's wrong if the Holy Talmud, said to do so? goyim are not only the animals in human form?
because the money from god-Rothschild 666, god Baal OWL is created, really, since by "nothing"? then: there is no interest, of give, due to "nothing." then: is the debt: public, and, as the debt: private, are the greatest wear and, big usury, of the story .. This said, the scientist Giacinto Auriti, therefore: the case of Cyprus, was planned: to "punish" Russia! in fact, as: it is easy to show: there are too many steps: where it is essential to do the accounting fraud: in the monetary system .. because: the money is created out of nothing, but then when, is purchased with: government bonds, the budget is closed: zero! then, where it ends, then, the first 100%: of money of the world? (Source: scientist Giacinto Auriti)
poiché, il denaro dal dio-Rothschild 666, god Baal OWL, viene creato, veramente, dal: "nulla"? poi non è dovuto nessun interesse al: "nulla". quindi il debito pubblico, ed il debito privato sono la più grande usura, strozzinaggio della storia.. questo ha detto lo scienziato Giacinto Auriti, di conseguenza il caso Cipro, è stato pianificato per "punire" la Russia! infatti, come è facile dimostrare sono troppi i passaggi dove è indispensabile fare falso in bilancio nel sistema monetario.. perché il denaro viene creato dal nulla, ma, poi, quando viene comprato con i titoli di Stato, il bilancio viene chiuso a zero? dove finisce, il primo 100% del denaro di tutto il mondo? (fonte: scienziato Giacinto Auriti)
il caso CIPRO? è l'unica soluzione agli squilibri, che, il criminale sistema monetario: massonico, privato SpA, del signoraggio bancario, ha creato.. diversamente? è la guerra mondiale la sola soluzione!
Isaiah 53.10: says, "when, himself an offering for atonement, see his offspring, he shall prolong his (1. Namely: shine again 2. Ie, resurrected)" .. is true: "sabachthani" can release different interpretations, but these are all positive, glorious, victorious, [[lama: /SA (or, shav)/: bac: ta: ni]] - so, raise / help / shine: thou in me! ISAIA 53,10: dice: "quando, offrirà se stesso in espiazione, vedrà una discendenza, vivrà a lungo(1. cioè: risplenderà di nuovo; 2. cioè, risorgerà)".. è vero: "sabactani" può rilasciare diverse interpretazioni, ma queste sono tutte positive, gloriose, vittoriose, [[lemà:sa(or, shav):bac:ta:ni]] -- affinché, risuscitare/ aiutare/ risplendere:: tu in me!
The Anointed One, the Chosen of God, could never blame God! In fact, the Koran, the Sura 2.253 says: "But Jesus, who was elected, the high priest, prophet, or sent WITH the Spirit of Holiness" - ANSWER - remain the morphological and phonetic intuitions, since the Hebrew word corresponding: non-exists: that is, example: LEMÀ'ASA (so, do), (BAC-TA-NI) you or YHWH King, you can shine in the world, through me! ! . L'Unto, l'Eletto di Dio, non avrebbe mai potuto biasimare Dio! infatti, il Corano, alla Sura 2,253, dice: "tuttavia, Gesù, eletto, sommo sacerdote, profeta, o inviato con lo Spirito di Santità"--ANSWER -- rimangono le intuizioni morfologiche e fonetiche, poiché il termine ebraico corrispondente non esiste: cioè, esempio: LEMÀ'ASA(affinché, fare), (BAC-TA-NI) tu o JHWH King, tu puoi risplendere nel mondo, attraverso di me
ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz 13 ore fa
LEMà'AN --- (G.N. Greppi, 1997, p.133: it was by truncation: the real word, shape-constructed) then, it has become: a "apocope or haplology" the term truncated --- "Lema [that] (in this case, two: "a" short: have become one, only, long "a") / /. sabachthani but, there is, as a term in the Hebrew vocabulary, so it is itself a compound word: by more "morphs, or morphemes" .. etc..' is why Jesus has completely reversed the meaning of Psalm 22, LEMà'AN --- (G.N. Greppi,1997, p.133: è stato per troncamento: della parola reale, della forma costrutta) poi, è diventata: una "apocope or aplologia" il termine troncato --- "LEMà[affinché] (in questo caso: due: "a" brevi: sono diventate, una sola "a" lunga)//. ma Sabactani, non esiste, come termine, nel vocabolario ebraico, quindi è a sua volta una parola composta: da più "morfi, or morfemi".. ecc. ecco perché Gesù, ha completamente ribaltato il significato del salmo 22,
ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz 14 ore fa
@lol. -- but , Jesus said, "lema sabachthani," he not said: "lama azavtani" ma, Gesù ha detto: "lema sabactani", lui non ha detto: "lama azavtani"
ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz 14 ore fa
[This is the revelation of the century] while in Matthew 27.46, it is written: "" Eli, Eli,, lama sabachthani, "Psalm 22.2, instead says," Eli, Eli, lama azavtani "now, are translated erroneously, both: with "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me", lol. yet, even a child can see that they are not the same words! [questa è la rivelazione del secolo] mentre in Matteo 27,46, è scritto:""Elì Elì,, lemà sabactani", il salmo 22,2, invece dice: "Elì, Elì, lamà azavtani", ora, sono tradotte erroneamente, entrambe: con "Dio mio, Dio mio, perché mi hai abbandonato", lol. eppure, anche un bambino può vedere, che non sono le stesse parole!
ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz 14 ore fa
[Elì Eli, Lemà Sabactani] everyone knows about the property: the Hebrew language to distort the meaning of words by changing even a single letter. In addition, also in the hypostatic union (human and divine nature) are inseparable, This is why, God would never abandon himself... also, because, Jesus showed his disciples, confused and bewildered, to know in advance all phases of his passion and resurrection, but never said that it would be rejected by the Father, even for one only a moment!
ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz 14 ore fa
[the most greatest revelation of the century] the words of Jesus on the Cross, "" Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani ", they mean: only:" My God, my God, why have you forsaken me. "(in fact, God could not abandon himself)., but rather means, "My God, my God, I will die for the eternal salvation: of all men!" [la più grande rivelazione del secolo] le parole di Gesù sulla Croce: ""Elì, Elì, Lema Sabactani", non significano: soltanto: "Dio mio, Dio mio, perché mi hai abbandonato".(infatti, Dio non poteva abbandonare se stesso). ma, piuttosto significano: "Dio mio, Dio mio, io morirò per la salvezza eterna: di tutti gli uomini!" (by Pasquale Valente, of ARNOLDO Editore)
ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz 18 ore fa
unfortunately, unfortunately, Muhammad, never been able to understand anything on Christianity, for two reasons: 1. has only known the Apocrypha (false gospels) 2. knew only the Arian Christians (heretics who do not recognize the divine nature of Jesus) putroppo, per sfortuna, Maometto non ha mai potuto capire niete del cristianesimo, per due motivi: 1. ha conosciuto soltanto i Vangeli Apocrifi(falsi vangeli) ; 2. ha conosciuto soltanto i cristiani ariani(eretici, che, non riconoscono la natura divina di Gesù)
ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz 18 ore fa
[demonstration: Scientific: of 332: Messianic prophecies: of OLD TESTAMENT] from 500 to 3500 BC have formed these 322 prophecies, and in fact, Jesus of Bethlehem, first: of: death, she said: "Everything is: accomplished," In the Old Testament we find many prophecies that: relate to the time of the appearance of the Messiah,: her: life, his: earthly ministry. to: to hand: hand that: the years went by, God, by the sacred writers, he added, especially to: detail until - as: an: and great: wonderful mosaic - the Messiah: and: the: your: work: they were so well described by: be perfectly recognizable to every person sincerely: for: the: truth. Here is described, in a schematic way, the steps messianic, blackberries: important. In the Gospels, and-especially in Matthew (who writes for: his fellow Jews), it is: constantly refers to the fulfillment of the ancient messianic prophecies in: life of Jesus Christ:
ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz 18 ore fa
[demonstration: Scientific: of 332: Messianic prophecies: of OLD TESTAMENT] 1. The: descendants: the Christ] In Genesis 3:15, the: before: a promise: of: an: Savior made: Adam and Eve after the sin, the Messiah, the future is simply defined as: "the offspring: female "(where the: woman, according to: terminology: biblical, is: understanding: as" people of God ") that: crush the head of the serpent (Satan) and: the win, coming from: he, however, wounded in the heel (the devil would cause: death of the Savior.) When God called Abraham to leave: his earth: for: to go to an "country that: I will show you," also pointed out: "In you shall be blessed all the families of: the earth" (Genesis 12:1-3 - L). This step is: always been understood as: messianic, in fact, in that: and so Abraham: la: his: offspring would have been a source of: Blessing for: the whole world, if: not: to: Cause: the Messiah promised
ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz 18 ore fa
[demonstration: Scientific: of 332: Messianic prophecies: of OLD TESTAMENT] That : would be born by: lineage of the patriarch: descendant of Shem, the son of: Noah? In Genesis 49:10, we find that: while Jacob gives: her: blessing of the twelve children before: of: death, provides: important clarification: "He that: give rest and: to whom obedience of the peoples" would be an: descendant of: tribe of Judas. In Jeremiah 23:5-6 / 33:14-16, states: that, between: the families of Judas, is: that: the King David that: had the privilege of: count among: his descendants the "right Bud," who "will be called: The LORD our: justice," that: all Jews identified with: the Messiah awaited. 2. The: Birth: to: Bethlehem] The text of the prophet Micah (5:1-2) is: very precise as to the place of: birth: Anointed of the Lord: "But: from: you, Bethlehem Ephrathah or. One will go forth ..
ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz 18 ore fa
[demonstration: Scientific: of 332: Messianic prophecies: of OLD TESTAMENT] that: will be ruler over Israel, whose origins date back to ancient times, from everlasting ... " (L - cf. Matthew 2:3-6). 3. The precursor, John the Baptist] Isaiah 40:3-5 and: Malachi 3:1 announcing the appearance of: an "precursor", as described by the prophet Isaiah: "a: voice cries in the: desert prepared to: street of the Lord Make straight in: steppe: the: road: for: our God .. " (P - cf. Matthew 3:3). God then define, through the prophet Malachi: as, "my messenger" that "prepares: the: street front to: me" (cf. Matthew 11:9-10). 4. Born of: a: virgin] Isaiah 7:14 says that: a: young virgin would conceive and: birth to an: son of: name Immanuel. The archangel Gabriel appeared to: Mary (see Matthew 1:23), after having commanded of: name the baby Jesus (which means "Yahweh saves") reminds you: this:
[demonstration: Scientific: of 332: Messianic prophecies: of OLD TESTAMENT] prophecy of Isaiah. Obviously, the name 'Immanuel' must: be taken for: his: etymological meaning (very important for: Semitic peoples), in fact 'Emmanuel' means "God with: us" God in person: was: for: born as: man in the: world! 5. It would have been the Son of God] in the Psalm 2:7 reads: "The Lord said to me: You are my son, today created thee" (L). In Acts 13:33 and Hebrews 1:5 / 5:5, the apostle Paul applies: this psalm to Christ. In Matthew 22:41-46, we find Jesus that: is: think of the Pharisees asked them: who should: be descending the Messiah promised. The Pharisees respond without: hesitation that: it would be a "son" of: David, or had to: be of: descendants: "royal". This had: already predicted Balaam, shortly after the exodus of Israel from Egypt:
ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz 18 ore fa
[demonstration: Scientific: of 332: Messianic prophecies: of OLD TESTAMENT] "I see, but: not: now; look at him, but: not: by: by: a: star: moves by: Jacob , rises: a scepter from Israel ... " (Numbers 24:17 - P). Christ replied, then: the doctors of: law quoting Psalm 110:1 that: said: "The Lord said to my Lord: 'Sit at: my: right: as long as I do: of the: your enemies the footstool of the : your feet '(ND). then asks: "If David then call him Lord, how he his: son?" (L). Pharisees not: know what to: respond: Master wanted: that: they included the : His: descendants: "Human" by: David, but: also that: divine by God himself. 6. The: Escape: in Egypt, and: the: Massacre of the Innocents] Hosea 11:1 is: an: passage in which God speaks: the chosen people, saying: "From Egypt I called my son" (L), while Jeremiah 31:15 refers to women: Judea: that: are grieving for their sons killed during the siege of the: Babylonian,
ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz 18 ore fa
[demonstration: Scientific: of 332: Messianic prophecies: of OLD TESTAMENT] "was heard: one: voice in Ramah, even: and lament: an: bitter weeping Rachel weeping for her children and: reject: of: be comforted ... " (L). as: many Old Testament texts, these verses have: an: double meaning: a contemporary historian or for: an: the near future and a messianic. We're not sure why, in the: his: the gospel, Matthew (2:15,18) makes it: the application, referring to the return from: Escape: Egypt in the: family of Jesus and: the: Massacre of the Innocents perpetrated: by: Herod, that: wanted: delete the Messiah. 7. Date: baptism and: the: death] in the: book of the prophet Daniel (9:24-27), we find: great: prophecy: messianic that: stated: the: date: beginning of the public ministry of the Christ, that: coincide: with: the his baptism, as well as: date: from: death. 8. The miracles]
ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz 18 ore fa
[demonstration: Scientific: of 332: Messianic prophecies: of OLD TESTAMENT] Isaiah 35:5-6 speaks: of the: and great: many miracles that: he reached the Anointed of the Lord of Miracles: which tells: in all the Gospels. 9. Would speak in parables] Psalm 78:2 promises: the habit of: exposing the teachings in parables, that: Jesus actually used a lot in the: course of his: earthly ministry. When asked by the disciples on why: of: this: Her: habit, the Savior quoted an: step of: Isaiah 6:9-10 that: put: emphasize the: hardness of the hearts of the people of Israel that: "heard : with: ears, but: not: included, looked: no: see ... ". In essence, Jesus says, understand that: talk: in parables, why: just who he was: an: sincere seeker of the deep spiritual truths was at hand: the: penalty: of: to deepen the symbolic meaning of: what that: said Master .
ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz 18 ore fa
[demonstration: Scientific: of 332: Messianic prophecies: of OLD TESTAMENT] 10. He lived in Galilee] Isaiah 8:23 / 9:1 speaks of: the: glory that: he would have seen that: contrada of Israel, to: because: of: presence: the Messiah (see Matthew 4: 12-16). 11. It would have been light and: Salvation: for: all nations] Isaiah 42:6-7 / 49:6 / 56:8 speaks: the fact that: the Anointed One would be a: light for: all the nations of world and: not: only for: the people of Israel. Simeon, a devout man who, warned by the Spirit, he recognized in Jesus, born: little, the Messiah, that: waiting: on: a long time, he spoke of: He as: the "Light from: lighten the Gentiles and-glory: your people Israel "(Luke 2:32 - L) .. 12. The: stone corner] Psalm 118:22-23 and Isaiah: 28:16 spoke of: an: foundation laid by the Lord, of: a: stone solid angle: and: precious, that: This would have been: rejected .
ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz 18 ore fa
[demonstration: Scientific: of 332: Messianic prophecies: of OLD TESTAMENT] Jesus applies: these steps to: if: himself (cf. Matthew 21:42 and: parallel). Even if in the epistles: talk about it. 13. Entrance: triumphal entry into Jerusalem] Zechariah 9:9-11 said: "... Your king is coming to: you, He is: right and: victorious, humble and: mounted above: an: ass, on: an : colt ... " (L). Psalm 8:2 spake the praises of the outputs: mouth: of: children. Both these things were fulfilled when Jesus, a: week: before: the: Her: death, entered triumphantly into Jerusalem mounted on of: an: colt while the children around to: He shouted, "Hosanna: the Son of : David: Blessed is he that: is in the name of the Lord Hosanna: in the highest "(L - see Matthew 21).
ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz 18 ore fa
[demonstration: Scientific: of 332: Messianic prophecies: of OLD TESTAMENT] 14. Would be hated without: reason] in the Psalm 69:4,7,8 David spake of hatred: he was, object, without: no: reason. This step was, even messianic, as with many other psalms. John 15:24-25 applies: this text to Christ. 15. Would be betrayed by: an: Friend] Also in an: psalm of: David (Psalm 41:9) it was said: "Even with the man: who lived in peace ... that: ate: my bread, has : up against the heel to: me. " (L). In John 13:18 applies: the same text to the betrayal of Judas. 16. Above: the anguish of Christ before: the: death] Psalm 22 is: one of the: Messianic psalms for: excellence. In vv. 11-15 is: above: the anguish that: Christ would have grasped the idea: of: separation from the Father, to: Cause: the sin of the world that: weighed: at of: Him
ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz 18 ore fa
[demonstration: Scientific: of 332: Messianic prophecies: of OLD TESTAMENT] 17. It would have been abandoned by the disciples] In Matthew 26:31 we read that: Jesus, foreseeing the terror that: he would escape all the disciples will apply: a: prophecy contained: in Zechariah 13:7: "Then Jesus said to them, : This: night All ye in me: at of: fall; why: is: written, 'I will strike the shepherd, and: the sheep of: raw: will be scattered.' " (L). 18. The thirty: and pieces: the potter's field] In Zechariah 11:12-13 we find: amazing prophecy in which God himself speaks through the prophet, saying, "If it seem good, give me my wages if: no, forget it. And they weighed me as my wages thirty, pieces of silver. agg: the LORD said unto me, Cast it for: the potter, that magnificent price at which they valued me from! agg: I took the thirty : shekels of silver, and: I threw them in: home: for the LORD: the potter. "
ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz 18 ore fa
[demonstration: Scientific: of 332: Messianic prophecies: of OLD TESTAMENT] (L). In Matthew 27:9-10 is: cited: this: prophecy. We know that: Judas betrayed the Master for: the: figure. Then, realizing of: to that: had: done, he threw the thirty: pieces of silver in the: temple. The Pharisees said, "It is: lawful to put them in the: treasury, why: I am price of: blood. And: took counsel and bought with: that money from the potter's field: serve of: burial at strangers." (Matthew 27:6-7 - L). 19. The abuse] Isaiah 50:6 / 53:7 predicts that: the Son of God would immediately of the: ill-treatment,: description of which is: in all of the last chapters: the Gospels. 20. The taunts] in the: Psalm 22:7-8 reads: "All those that: they see me make fun of: me, stretching my lip and: they shake the head, saying, He is: given the LORD, the free, therefore, the helpers, as the likes! " (ND).
ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz 18 ore fa
[demonstration: Scientific: of 332: Messianic prophecies: of OLD TESTAMENT] In Matthew 27:39-43 we read these same words with: Doctors of sarcasm: read and: the elders of the Jewish people to the front: the cross. 21. His suffering and: the: atoning death:] In one of the: more: touching distance of the Old Testament and: of: all: the: Bible, Isaiah (52:13-15 / cap.53), the Prophet : Messianic described: anxiety, abuse and: the: atoning death: the Savior. Prophesied also that: would be buried in: tomb of: an: rich (53:9), as: in fact took place, because Jesus had been buried in: grave new: the wealthy Joseph of Arimathea. 22. The: death on: cross, carved up his clothes] Also in the Psalm 22:16-18, we talked: of: the "hands and: foot drilled", of: divisions of clothes and: of: shot to: fate of : a: robe. All this came to pass in an amazing way to: death of Christ,
ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz 18 ore fa
[demonstration: Scientific: of 332: Messianic prophecies: of OLD TESTAMENT] when the Roman soldiers, after they had crucified him, they divided his garments, as: was: custom: then. John 19:23-24, quoting this psalm, states: that: the soldiers, seeing that: the: tunic: of: Jesus was, without seams: and: then of: good: invoice, decided of: pull: to: fate between: them. 23. Vinegar: and drink: death of: heartbreak] Psalm 69:20-21 spoke: of: heart broken with sorrow ... you think: that: is: was, is this: the: death of Jesus: in fact Pilate marveled that: he died so quickly, given that: the torture of: cross was, designed on purpose for: last several hours . in the: Psalm speaks: also of: gall and vinegar offered by: drink (cf. Matthew 27:33,34,48). 24. "My God, my God, why: have you forsaken me?" ] In the: Psalm 22:1 we find the: same: sentence that: Jesus spoke first: of: breathe,
ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz 18 ore fa
[demonstration: Scientific: of 332: Messianic prophecies: of OLD TESTAMENT] feeling separate from the Father of of: He weighed all the sins of the: and the world: just this earned him the: death (see Matthew 27:46). 25. No bones would have been broken] In Exodus 12:46 and Numbers 9:12, including: other instructions relating to Easter, we find: prescription of: eat the lamb: spezzarne any bones. Now, we know that: the: Easter: Jewish, as well as to: recall the transition (from the meaning of: word 'Easter') from: slavery to: Freedom of Israel foreshadowed: even the atoning sacrifice of the Messiah promised. The Roman soldiers came - as: was: use - for: to break his bones in the legs and hasten the: death, why: was: for: to begin on Saturday, they found him already dead and: not: they touched, except forargli the cost with: a: spear:
[demonstration: Scientific: of 332: Messianic prophecies: of OLD TESTAMENT] for: Make dell'avvenuta: death (cf. John 19:36, that: quote: just the two Old Testament passages above). 26. not: it has suffered the: decomposition: death] We read in the: Psalm 16:10: "Because thou not: let the soul: my: in the: Sheol (= tomb) and: not: wilt that: your Holy see: the: corruption "(ND). In Acts 2:27,31 / 13:35-37 applies: this step to: the resurrection of Christ, whose body not: it suffered the physical consequences of: death. 27. Ascension] In the Psalms 24:7-10 and: 68:18, we announced: the ascension of Christ into heaven, after: Resurrection (cf. Acts 1:9 / Ephesians 4:7-8).
[demonstration: Scientific: of 332: Messianic prophecies: of OLD TESTAMENT] 28. The: His: a work of priest in heaven] In Zechariah 6:12-13 we specified that: the Messiah, called "The Branch" will play an office of priest in the Temple of: Simply God: read ' epistle to the Hebrews for: find explained everything. scientific evidence for this? I ask the obedience of faith! that is, to do no harm, to the innocent Christians!

33 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa and Mosques of Sharia Allah, decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH) and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (Unius REI) 33 ANNI fa, Sinagoghe di Satana Spa e Moschee di Sharia Allah, decisero che io avrei dovuto diventare il Re di Israele (lorenzoJHWH) e un Osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani (Unius REI) 3205708054
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Iraq, demonstration, Scientific, 332 Messianic prophecies, OLD TESTAMENT

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Datagate: Nsa controlla 75% Rete Usa. USA E GB (farisei anglo-americani FMi NWO 666), hanno fatto distruggere i documenti, del guardian, circa Snowden, perché, sono diventati, la più pericolosa minaccia di nazismo, di tutta la storia del genere umano. loro non sono stati scoperti, da una terrestre tecnologia, sono stati "rivelati", come una religione.. bisogna, espellere, immediatamente, dal territorio nazionale, ogni cosa appartenga, ad USA e GB, ad iniziare dalle ambasciate, loro sono diventati satanisti TROIKA satanisti, TROIKA cosa è il signoraggio bancario? e perché voi lo avete, se, la costituzione lo proibisce a voi? perché, voi state portando allo sterminio, i popoli, con le voste magie giuridiche?