From India - the only judgment that, I order you to do? that is, to declare the, not territorial jurisdiction of the proceedings, because the incident occurred in international waters! -- la sola sentenza che, io ordino a te di fare? è quella, di dichiarare la non competenza territoriale del procedimento: perché l'incidente è avvenuto in acque internazionali!
Law. of: unius REI, throughout the world! soldiers, in shared, international missions , can not never lost in any case, their, immunity diplomatic, and, so, they are always under the jurisdiction of their governments! कानून. के: unius REI, दुनिया भर में! सैनिकों, साझा, अंतरराष्ट्रीय मिशन में कभी नहीं, नहीं कर सकते हैं, किसी भी मामले में खो दिया है, उनकी प्रतिरक्षा, कूटनीतिक, और हां, तो वे हमेशा उनकी सरकारों के अधिकार क्षेत्र के अंतर्गत कर रहे हैं!
03/27/2013. [INDIA - ITALY] [What, you want to prove to the world that you have become a criminal too big, and that all must be afraid of you? you are the true pirate, that you have seized, in International waters, the Italian military mission in agreement international. you've hurt all mankind: in violation: of international law and all: your words: are false, hypocritical: irritating!] India neutral over Italian FM's resignation in marines' case. Minister's resignation is front-page news in India's main newspapers, but reported without commentaries. External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid continues Delhi's balancing diplomatic act. New Delhi (AsiaNews/Agencies) - The resignation of Italian Foreign Affairs Minister Giulio Terzi dominated the front pages of India's main national papers, The Times of India, The Hindu, Indian Express, Deccan Herald, and the Hindustan Times. . [What led you to hate: so all peoples?]
8 .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession, drink your poison made by yourself, vote Magdi Allam
[INDE - ITALIE] [Qu'est-ce que vous voulez prouver au monde que vous êtes devenu un criminel trop grand, et que tous doivent avoir peur de vous? vous êtes le vrai Piraten, que vous avez saisi, dans les eaux internationales, la Mission militaire italienne en accord international. vous avez blessé l 'Humanité: en violation: du droit international et tous: vos mots: sont faux, Heuchler: reizend] Terzi quit because he disagreed with the Italian government's "decision to send the marines back to India". The two Italian soldiers, Massimiliano Latorre and Salvatore Girone, are accused of killing two Indian fishermen. "My reservations had no impact and the decision was not mine," Terzi told parliament. "My voice went unheard"; thus "I am [. . .] standing down in solidarity with our two marines and their families" and because "the reputation of the country, the armed forces and Italian diplomacy, should be safeguarded".. [What led you to hate: so all peoples?]
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8 .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession, drink your poison made by yourself, vote Magdi Allam
[INDE - ITALIE] [이게 무슨 꼴 있니 드 시죠 prouver AU 몽드 뭐 있니 êtes devenu 해제 criminel 너무 쉬워 대상, 동부 표준시 뭐 따라 --- doivent avoir peur 드 있니? 보증인 êtes 르 vrai 해적, 뭐 있니 avez saisi, dans 레 eaux internationales, 라 미션 militaire italienne 전용 협정 세계. 보증인을 avez blessé 리터 'humanité : 실내 위반 : 두의 droit 국제 동부 표준시에 따라 --- : 보스 mots : 전력은 모조, 위선자 : 자극] Meanwhile, in India the press reported Terzi's resignation without comments. The government in Delhi also did not comment his decision, but maintained a low profile to tone down tensions at home and abroad. A few days ago, when the marines came back in India, External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid said he was satisfied of the way the diplomatic dispute was settled. [What led you to hate: so all peoples?]
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31 .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession, drink your poison made by yourself, vote Magdi Allam
03/27/2013 SYRIA - LEBANON [Arab League: totally: Jihad sharia, crazy stupid, big criminals: without, an agreement with Assad, is to condemn, all minorities, to genocide, then, the wind, of hate, will burn the whole forest!] Caritas president calls for aid, not weapons to the Syrian people. For Caritas Lebanon president Fr Simon Faddoul, the situation in refugee camps is increasingly dreadful. As the Arab League is set to arm Syrian rebels against the Assad regime, Lebanon, Algeria and Iraq fear the Syria conflict will spread to the region. The Syrian National Coalition leader calls for US and NATO armed intervention. Damascus (AsiaNews) - "The international community should send aid for Syrians fleeing the war rather than weapons," Caritas Lebanon president Fr Simon Faddoul told AsiaNews. However, rather than make further comments about the Arab League's decision to arm the rebels in the Free Syrian Army,
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31 .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession, drink your poison made by yourself, vote Magdi Allam
SYRIA - LEBANON [Arab League: totally: Jihad sharia, crazy stupid, big criminals: without, an agreement with Assad, is to condemn, all minorities, to genocide, then, the wind, of hate, will burn the whole forest!] he prefers to talk about the tragic situation in refugee camps on the border between the two countries. "The plight of refugees is terrible," he explained, "and is getting worse." The situation is such that "We lost count of the number of people who have crossed the border." But according to UN figures, the figure now stands at more than a million. For Fr Faddoul, there is an urgent need for aid and a real commitment by all the countries interested in the welfare of the population, to ensure that those who are fleeing from war do not suffer from hunger and cold in refugee camps. In Doha (Qatar), the Arab League yesterday voted in favour of allowing member states to send weapons to Syrian rebels.
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32 .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession, drink your poison made by yourself, vote Magdi Allam
SYRIA - LEBANON [Arab League: totally: Jihad sharia, crazy stupid, big criminals: without, an agreement with Assad, is to condemn, all minorities, to genocide, then, the wind, of hate, will burn the whole forest!] Its resolution asserted the "right of every state to offer all forms of self-defence, including military, to support the resistance of the Syrian people and the Free Syrian Army". Of the League's 22 members only Algeria, Iraq and Lebanon have expressed reservations, stressing that the move could see the conflict spread to the region. However, in a press conference after the summit, Arab League Secretary Nabil el-Arab said that military support did not exclude a political solution. At the meeting itself, for the first time since warfare broke out, the opposition held Syria's seat after it was left vacant in November 2011. The rebel flag also replaced that of Assad's regime.
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32 .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession, drink your poison made by yourself, vote Magdi Allam
SYRIA - LEBANON [Arab League: totally: Jihad sharia, crazy stupid, big criminals: without, an agreement with Assad, is to condemn, all minorities, to genocide, then, the wind, of hate, will burn the whole forest!] During the summit, Syrian National Coalition leader Motaz Ahmad el-Khatib called on the United States to establish a no-fly zone to protect civilians. He also called for deployment of Patriot missiles on rebel bases located along the border between Turkey and Syria. Khatib, who recently submitted his resignation in protest against the inaction of the international community, urged League members to respect human rights in their own countries. He also called on the international committee to freeze the US$ 2 billion the Assad regime is said to have in foreign bank accounts. For now, Washington is hesitating about the use of missiles or a NATO intervention in Syria.
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32 .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession, drink your poison made by yourself, vote Magdi Allam
SYRIA - LEBANON [Arab League: totally: Jihad sharia, crazy stupid, big criminals: without, an agreement with Assad, is to condemn, all minorities, to genocide, then, the wind, of hate, will burn the whole forest!] However, according to Melkulangara Bhadrakumar, a former Indian diplomat expert on the Middle East and Islam, US President Obama's strategy is changing. His recent trip to Israel and Palestine and especially the rapprochement between Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan and his Israeli counterpart Netanyahu are a significant step to win support in the region and play a leading role in the Syrian crisis. Although the possibility of a NATO intervention has so far been ruled out, Patriot missiles already in place on the Turkish-Syrian border for Ankara to use against Syrian air attacks could become an offensive weapon and raech targets as far as Aleppo. The idea of NATO intervention, even if only limited to rockets, could push the Assad regime to surrender.
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48 .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession, drink your poison made by yourself, vote Magdi Allam
03/27/2013 13:47 VATICAN Pope: Holy Week, "stepping outside" of a "tired faith" to reach out to others, especially those most forgotten First general audience of Francis, dedicated to the beginning of the Easter Triduum. "On the cross, Jesus" loved me and gave himself for me. "Each of us can say, 'He loved me and gave himself for me.' Everyone can say this 'for me'." Appeal for " an immediate halt to the violence and looting, and a political solution to the crisis" engulfing the Central African Republic. Vatican City (AsiaNews) - "Stepping outside in search of the lost sheep," "stepping outside of oneself, a tired and routine way of living the faith ", "stepping outside to reach others, especially those who are distant, those who are forgotten, those who are most in need of understanding, consolation, help", "stepping outside with love and tenderness of God " who "never waits", but "always makes the first move".
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50 .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession, drink your poison made by yourself, vote Magdi Allam
03/27/2013. CHINA[on the eve of a world war against the U.S.? this is high: betrayal! you close all these local squatters!]. Fearing Xi's crackdown, Communist Party goes (lavishly) underground. After the new president announced zero tolerance against bribes and waste in the party leadership, many officials turn canteens into five-star restaurants to maintain their lifestyle. Meanwhile, "dirty" money goes abroad. Beijing (AsiaNews) - In order to dodge the crusade against the luxury and corruption launched by the Communist Party under newly elected President Xi Jinping, top officials are using canteens for "secret" meetings and live high on the hog. At the same time, more and more politically connected high flyers are sending their money abroad to avoid internal audits.
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51 .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession, drink your poison made by yourself, vote Magdi Allam
CHINA[on the eve of a world war against the U.S.? this is high: betrayal! you close all these local squatters!]. Officials from four different regions spoke to the South China Morning Post about the trend. In Fujian province for example, many canteens in government departments have been renovated, hiring chefs from the region's finest restaurants. One official said the renovated canteens were as luxurious as five-star restaurants, with private rooms and fine-dining chefs. This way, there was "no need for officials to go out to dine under the eyes of the public because everything can be done within the government compound". "Such renovation is not only happening in Fujian, but in many provinces around the country," he added.
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51 .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession, drink your poison made by yourself, vote Magdi Allam
CHINA[on the eve of a world war against the U.S.? this is high: betrayal! you close all these local squatters!]. Another reason for the underground activity is that if a government bureau fails to spend its entire annual budget it will receive less money the next year. "We can't spend money outside of the bureau, and we can't dine outside," another official said, so renovation was an easy way to make sure the annual budget was used up. In addition, more and more senior officials and politically connected business people are sending their money abroad. After Xi Jinping announced greater financial transparency for Communist leaders, the amount of money sent abroad jumped by 40 per cent with Hong Kong and the United States as the most popular destinations. Launched during his rise to power as the leader of the fifth generation of Communist party leaders, Xi's anti-corruption crusade lacks focus.
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51 .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession, drink your poison made by yourself, vote Magdi Allam
CHINA[on the eve of a world war against the U.S.? this is high: betrayal! you close all these local squatters!]. As president and party secretary, he warned that scandals and embezzlement would not be tolerated; however, he has not yet set up a system of controls. In fact, various Chinese experts have warned that the campaign would be useless if it is not based on the rule of law.
I also have my army of angels, to be used[alleluia, is risen, He is risen indeed! as, I unius REI, how, can I avoid, of bringing: despair: among: all my enemies? alleluia, è risorto, è veramente risorto! come io Unius REI, come io posso evitare: di portare la disperazione: tra: tutti i miei nemici?] Do not let our hope be stolen! How many wounds are inflicted upon humanity by evil! Wars, violence, economic conflicts that hit the weakest, greed for money, Love of power, corruption, divisions, crimes against human life and against creation! [alléluia, est ressuscité, il est vraiment ressuscité! comme, je unius REI, comment puis-je éviter, d'apporter: le désespoir: parmi: tous mes ennemis? alléluia,]
I also have my army of angels, to be used [הללויה, קם לתחייה, הוא באמת קם לתחייה!כ, אני unius REI, איך, אני יכול למנוע, של הבאה: ייאוש: בין: כל האויבים שלי? הללויה,] Our personal sins: our failures in love and respect towards God, towards our neighbour and towards the whole of creation. Jesus on the Cross feels the whole weight of the evil, and with the force of God's love he conquers it,وارتفع [الله اكبر،، المسيح قام حقا! كما، I الخط الفاصل REI، وكيف، يمكن أن أتجنب، جلب: اليأس: بين: كل ما عندي من الأعداء؟ الله اكبر،][alleluia, is risen, He is risen indeed! as, I unius REI, how, can I avoid, of bringing: despair: among: all my enemies? alleluia,]
I also have my army of angels, to be used [哈里路亞,復活了,他復活了啊!作為的,我unius REI,怎麼樣,我能避免,帶來絕望之中:我所有的敵人?哈利路亞] he defeats it with his resurrection. Dear friends, we can all conquer the evil that is in us and in the world, with Christ, with the force of good! Do we feel weak, inadequate, powerless? But God is not looking for powerful means,[할렐루야가 부활되고, 그는 실제로 증가합니다! 절망을 : 사이를 : 모든 적으로, 나는 REI, 어떻게, 내가 가져 때문에, 피할 수 unius? 할렐루야,]
I also have my army of angels, to be used[aleluya, ha resucitado, ha resucitado verdaderamente! como, yo unius REI, cómo puedo evitar, de llevar: la desesperación: entre: todos mis enemigos? aleluya,] it is through the Cross that he has conquered evil! We must not believe the Evil One when he tells us, you can do nothing to counter violence, corruption, injustice, your sins! We must never grow accustomed to evil! With Christ we can transform ourselves and the world. We must bear the victory of Christ's Cross to everyone everywhere, we must bear this great love of God. And this requires all of us not to be afraid to step outside ourselves, to reach out to others. Pope Francis. AsiaNews wishes all of our readers a Happy Easter 2013 [halleluja, gestiegen ist, ist er gestiegen indeed! wie unius I REI, wie kann ich vermeiden, bringen: Verzweiflung: unter: all meine Feinde? halleluja,]
@OBAMA -- i tuoi satanisti come te? cioè, synnek1 666 CIA? loro hanno bloccato il mio sistema operativo di ubuntu... come poi, voi potete rimproverare la Cina?
Jihad Abu Antar sharia horror - you do not understand: anything! all Muslim countries, are all under the wrath of God: because: Sharia, and they all deserve: to be into destruction! because, you defend Syria and Iran?, then, you're under the wrath of God, also, then, you are an accomplice to murder, and it does not matter, about, everything, that you can say, or, that you can think, about, the Sharia! in fact, also, your hands, like, an accomplice, are stained, with, innocent blood anyway! here, what, is the true science of Kabbalah (the philosophy of the Talmud, 666 FED ECB IMF), will lead to sin, all peoples, to prevent the mercies of God, to be able to intervene in their favor ... because: the purpose of the Talmud and the sharia? are identical, that is, the universal enslavement, of all mankind
Abu Jihad Antar sharia horror -- tu non hai capito niente! tutti i paesi musulmani, sono: tutti, sotto l'Ira di Dio, a causa: della sharia, e tutti loro, meritano la distruzione! poiché, tu difendi la Siria e l'Iran?, allora, anche tu sei sotto l'ira di Dio, quindi, tu sei il complice di assassini, e non ha nessuna importanza, circa, tutto quello, che, tu puoi dire, o, che, tu puoi pensare, circa, la sharia! infatti, ugualmente, le tue mani, come, un complice, sono macchiate di sangue innocente: ugualmente! ecco, cosa è la scienza della Kabbalah(la filosofia del Talmud, 666 FED ECB IMF), portare al peccato: tutti i popoli, per impedire alla misericordia di Dio, di poter intervenire: in loro favore... perché: lo scopo del talmud e della sharia? sono identici, cioè, la schiavizzazione universale, di tutto il genere umano
[any sharia, always brings, a jihad] in this site: "MrShalomGerusalemme", the boys from youtube, insult, too, Ahmadinejad, linking him to me, somehow .. and this is true, because both we want to destroy the State of Israel Masonic, but I do not want to kill anyone, because I am the universal brotherhood. and also, I'm all human rights, free will, and lbertà of religion for all, while Ahmadinejad and his cursed Islam murderess, is an executioner of innocent Christians .. but there is one thing: really: evil, dark, scary darkness .. that, Iran "benighted" is not able to understand, as is: just: In relation to Sharia: from, Saudi Arabia, that, will destroy IRAN ... I will cry, because it is not fair that they die razazzi many innocent and good, because of those religious maniacs Islamists .. but the war is a way to give alms, to the devastating:666 IMF imperialism: American industrial complex
[ogni sharia, porta sempre, una jihad] in questo sito di : "MrShalomGerusalemme", i ragazzi di youtube, insultano, anche, Ahmadinejād, associando lui, a me, in qualche modo.. e questo è vero, perché, entrambi, noi vogliamo distruggere lo Stato massonico di Israele, ma, io non voglio uccidere nessuno, perché, io sono la fratellanza universale. ed inoltre, io sono tutti i diritti dell'uomo, il libero arbitrio, e la lbertà di religione: per tutti, mentre, Ahmadinejād e il suo maledetto Islam assassino, è un carnefice: di cristiani innocenti.. ma, c'è un aspetto: veramente: oscuro e spaventoso delle tenebre.. che, l'Iran "ottenebrato" non è in grado di capire, come, è: proprio: in relazione alla Sharia: dell'Arabia Saudita, che, lui sarà fatto distruggere. non è giusto che, debbano morire tanti razazzi innocenti, per colpa di quei maniaci religiosi degli islamisti.. ma, la guerra, è un modo per fare l'elemosina, al devastante complesso industriale americano
Abu Antar
Abu Antar ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa
Do you have Alzheimer's Disease? I have said plenty of times that Sharia is gay.
Abu Antar --- because, in an institutional way, as an agent of Syria, you can not speak ill of the Sharia, then, I can hurt you, at any time, because it is in the name of sharia, which, 300, Christian martyrs innocent are killed every day. and youtube staff, did this site, MrShalomGerusalemme/ for protect satanists.. However, I have respect for Syria, because, of its higher level of tolerance, and, I have sympathy, for IRAN, on account of its monetary sovereignty, as, an new: expiatory victim, that, the next ... because only this can be, the true message, that Rothschild IMF, gave, about the destruction of Iraq, "all those who do not buy the money, by Satanists Pharisees?, will be massacred!" In this way, China and India are invited to surrender, that is why the punishment of Iran, will be a terrible punishment
03/26/2013.HOLY LAND [shalom+salam. Jerusalem.where all peoples shall be comforted] HOLY LAND. Jerusalem, 35 thousand pray for peace in the Holy Land. Thousands from all over the world in procession from the Mount of Olives to the Old City of Jerusalem. For the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem Palm Sunday is the rejection of all violence. Number of pilgrims doubled compared to 2012. Jerusalem (AsiaNews) - " Today, our procession is one of salvation, the Lord himself is our salvation. Jesus, the King of Peace, came to Jerusalem, a city that has never known peace", said Msgr. Fouad Twal, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem pointing out the significance of Palm Sunday celebrated this year in front of over 35 thousand faithful from all over the world. In his homily, the prelate encouraged all present to pray for the Holy Land so that this feast may represent "the rejection of all violence"
HOLY LAND [shalom+salam. Jerusalem.where all peoples shall be comforted] and invited everyone to "let the Lord enter our hearts and our lives, to heal our wounds and our divisions, to strengthen us in our weakness and give us the courage to persevere in the midst of trials." Last year, the Israeli police counted 15,000 people. This year, 35,000 olive branches and woven palms were displayed and raised on the procession from Bethphage through the Mount of Olives to the Old City of Jerusalem, with an imposing security system both in the air and on the ground. Despite the shift of the Easter dates in the Diocese and the number of permits (6,000 this year - only half compared to last year) issued to Palestinians by the Israeli authorities, the crowd was dense. Banners were held high by some parishioners, with the names of the Latin Patriarchate Parishes: Aboud, Ramallah, Jifna, Bethlehem, Beit Jala, Beit Sahour, Nablus.
HOLY LAND [shalom+salam. Jerusalem.where all peoples shall be comforted] From the Church of Bethphage (where Jesus mounted the donkey), the faithful began marching in droves and with joy to cries of "Hosanna." The sun shone brightly upon this show of music and color; an international dance of drums, guitars, languages and fervor, with many wearing native Palestinian clothing. 03/27/2013 10:59 [INDIA. so, you want to offend the West Masonic and satanic? but also the Masons are the enemy of Christians, before you! what is happening to you? Gandhi would not approve! because you are gaining the wrath of God against you? ] Hindu extremists unleash more violence, an Easter without peace for Christians in India. In March, Hindu fundamentalists and police demolished a church in Chhattisgarh. The Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC) calls for protection for the Holy Week celebrations.
[INDIA. so, you want to offend the West Masonic and satanic? but also the Masons are the enemy of Christians, before you! what is happening to you? Gandhi would not approve! because you are gaining the wrath of God against you? ] Mumbai (AsiaNews) - Even at Lent, while preparing for Easter, Christians in some parts of India are victims of aggression and violence, denounces Sajan K. George, president of the Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC), pointing to attacks that took place in March in Chhattisgarh and Kerala. "This - said the Christian leader launching an appeal to the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) - is the most important week of the year: the Christian minorities should have greater protection and security." On March 13 in Gadia (Jagdalpur district , Chhattisgarh), a group of Hindu fundamentalists accompanied by administrative personnel
[INDIA. so, you want to offend the West Masonic and satanic? but also the Masons are the enemy of Christians, before you! what is happening to you? Gandhi would not approve! because you are gaining the wrath of God against you? ] and police demolished a church, claiming it had been built illegally. The local community tried to intervene, but the group physically and verbally attacked the Christians, not sparing women and children. Before demolishing the church, the Hindu radicals and officials destroyed Bibles, musical instruments and pews, and then desecrated other sacred objects. A few days earlier, on March 10, hundreds of Hindu extremists attacked a prayer service of the Brethren Assembly Church, in the village of Chirayinkeezzh (Trivandrum district , Kerala), beating those present with wooden sticks. One Christian suffered serious head injuries. The Hindus attacked the community accusing it of practicing forced conversions.
[INDIA. so, you want to offend the West Masonic and satanic? but also the Masons are the enemy of Christians, before you! what is happening to you? Gandhi would not approve! because you are gaining the wrath of God against you? ] "This anti-Christian sentiment - warned Sajan George - bodes ill for a peaceful and solemn religious celebration of the Lords Pasch. GCIC appeals for enhanced protection from the administration, to enable the Christian citizens of Secular India exercise their Consitutionally guaranteed Religious Freedom. It is most unfortunate, that the administration which is duty bound to protect the citizens -themselves cohort with the extremists to unleash violence minority community".
[INDIA. so, you want to offend the West Masonic and satanic? but also the Masons are the enemy of Christians, before you! what is happening to you? Gandhi would not approve! because you are gaining the wrath of God against you? ]01/04/2011 INDIA. Hindu radicals fabricate charges against beaten preacher, 11/23/2010 INDIA. Orissa, persecution and threats against Christians continue, 07/19/2012 INDIA. India, growing religious intolerance against Christians, 01/10/2012 INDIA. Sajan George: Stop anti-Christian violence in Orissa now, 04/11/2011 INDIA. Karnataka: New wave of violence and attacks on Christians. Complicity of authorities.
Abu Antar
Abu Antar ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa
Masons authored the Constitution.
Abu Antar
Abu Antar ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa
Masons are fagot.
@ 322 freemasonry, rich, evil politicians, officers, directors, bankers, liar, hypocrite corrupt, accomplice in masonic system --- really? after, more then: 600 excommunications of the Catholic Church, you're so, again stubborn thief, evil predator, traitor, accomplice of the bank seigniorage, conspiracy, enemy of the peoples and the Constitution, as well as its monetary sovereignty? so, I will continue to kill, the better, of your children and your grandchildren, better yet, for take them, with me in paradise, and, for: not to leave them, to the beast that you are, to bring them, into hell with you... or, you want to have your entire family, in the destruction of hell, with you? but, this is not your decision, because, very often, the most beautiful flowers, that, are for the heaven, have their blooming in your evil manure, that you are! and, I will take them, because, you do not have time, to do dirty them too, like you
Masons, criminals, killers, Islamists, RACIST, Illuminati, thugs, thieves, usurers, all accomplices of the martyrdom of Christians, the enemies of the Cross, that is, all EVILDOERS, which were left to me (at the mercy of my will) . almost, I worth all of them ... because, you are children of wrath, just on account, of original sin, and rightly so, Jesus said, "if, this is so, to do, against, the green wood (ie him), what will happen, of the wood, dry?" ... already it is time to say "poor dry wood!" because the ax has been placed, by unius REI, the root of each tree .. Obviously, only the faith of God, has creative power absolute (to create things that do not exist). but we his servants, we have an absolute creative power, about, all the things which were written in the Bible, that is, the powers of unius REI, 2500 blessings, and, 2500 curses, on the result. WHY I HAVE THE FULLNESS, of the BLESSINGS OF, ABRAHAM,&, Melchisedek
massoni, criminali, assassini, islamisti, RAZZISTI, Illuminati, balordi, ladri, usurai, tutti complici del martirio dei cristiani, i nemici della CROCE, cioè, tutti I MALFATTORI, che, sono stati abbandonati a me (in balia del mio volere). quasi, io ho pena di tutti loro... perché, si è figli dell'ira, soltanto, a motivo del peccato originale, e giustamente, Gesù ha detto: "se trattano così, il legno verde(cioè lui), cosa avverrà, del degno secco?"... già è arrivato il momento di dire: "povero legno secco!", perché, la scure è stata posta, da Unius REI, alla radice di ogni albero.. Ovviamente, soltanto la fede di Dio, ha il potere creativo assoluto(per creare le cose, che, non esistono). ma, noi suoi servi, noi abbiamo un potere creativo assoluto, circa, tutte le cose, che, sono state scritte nella Bibbia, ovvero, le potenze di UNIUS REI, 2500 benedizioni, e di conseguenza le 2500 maledizioni relative. PERCHÉ IO HO LA PIENEZZA, DELLE BENEDIZIONI, DI, ABRAMO E MELCHISEDEK
@322 freemasonry -- really? dopo 600 scomuniche della Chiesa Cattolica, sei così ostinato ladro, malvagio predatore, traditore del popolo e della Costituzione, come della sua sovranità? così, io continuerò ad uccidere, i tuoi figli, e tuoi nipoti migliori, ancora, per portarli con me, in paradiso, per non lasciarli, a quella bestia, che tu sei, per portare loro all'inferno con te
[[Saudi Arabia, imperialism said: "exterminate the Christians!"]] Anxiety high as rebels take over Central African Republic. Bangui, capital of the Central African Republic, in 2012. (Photo: Kalyan3 / Flickr / Creative Commons) President flees; churches and Christian homes looted. March 27 (World Watch Monitor) — A three-month-old rebel uprising in the Central African Republic swept into the country's capital Sunday, ousting the president and leaving ransacked Christian homes and churches in its wake. A source close to the Episcopal Conference of the Central African Republic told World Watch Monitor that many Christians' properties have been looted. Cars, electronics and other goods were stolen. The main Cathedral of Bangui, the premises of Caritas Charity, and the houses of a number of religious communities were targeted by armed men, said the source, who is a Catholic priest and asked not to be publicly identified, for security reasons.
[[Saudi Arabia, imperialism said: "exterminate the Christians!"]] Several rebel groups unhappy with the government of President Francois Bozizé, joined forces in December under the banner Séléka and within weeks had taken control of much of the country's north, northeast and the central regions. Landlocked and largely impoverished, the French-speaking Central African Republic has a long history of unstable, military governments since it gained independence in 1960. Bozizé, who rose to power in a coup 10 years ago, fled Sunday to neighbouring Cameroon. The rebellion swept out of the north, where the country's Muslim minority is concentrated, giving it a militant Islamic character, experts said. "Given the rebellion's origins in the north, we can assume there are many Muslims in their ranks" said Roland Marchal, a sub-Saharan researcher at France's National Centre for Scientific Research, in published news accounts.
[[Saudi Arabia, imperialism said: "exterminate the Christians!"]] Looting is being reported across the capital, Bangui. ''We live in a great fear," the Catholic priest said. "Séléka's leaders must take measures to protect our premises. Right now, properties belonging to Muslims in our neighbourhood are not attacked.''It is difficult to evaluate the extent of the looting, he said, because communication systems are down and many residents have restricted their movements. Water and power supplies have been suspended, plunging the capital into darkness. Local sources said the main detention centre in Bangui was attacked and its occupants are on the loose, adding to the climate of fear. A curfew has been imposed. Victims say that since Séléka militants overran Gambo and Bangassou in the southeast on March 11, they have increasingly targeted the Christian population.
[[Saudi Arabia, imperialism said: "exterminate the Christians!"]] Msgr. Juan José Aguirre Muños, Bishop of Bangassou, said rebels stole a dozen mission cars, and destroyed a number of church buildings when they entered the town. In a letter sent to World Watch Monitor, Muños said Séléka forces robbed and destroyed the rector's house of the diocesan minor seminary, the carpenter's shop, the internet centre, the Catholic college, the pharmacy, and a new surgery block, among other facilities. The mission mechanic, Jean Marie, was severely beaten, Muños said, because he would not reveal where some automobiles were hidden. Rebels also targeted government buildings such as the Bangassou town hall. Muños said they threw patients to the floor to steal their mattresses.
[[Saudi Arabia, imperialism said: "exterminate the Christians!"]] Meanwhile, he said, ''they respected only mosques and Muslim traders, to whom they gave our goods to sell." In town of Ndele, Pastor Jean Bosco Ndakouzou said rebels looted his house and likely would have killed him had he been home at the time. Elsewhere, in Bambari, rebels destroyed a Baptist church, burning church benches as firewood, local sources said. Rev. Leo Tibenda, a priest in the Catholic Comboni order, told Catholic News Service the rebels initially gave assurances they would not target religious communities, but the uprising quickly took on Islamist overtones. "They started victimizing local Christians, telling them their cattle, many given by the church via Caritas, now belonged to the state. Most wear turbans, which isn't the custom here, and are much better armed than the government's soldiers.
[[Saudi Arabia, imperialism said: "exterminate the Christians!"]] Their presence is fuelling serious tension between local Christians and Muslims," Tibenda told Catholic News Service. "The general mood here is that the Muslim community has been in collusion with Séléka," he is quoted as saying. Since independence, the former French colony has faced numerous military coups and rebellions. Bozizé came to power in 2003 following a rebellion that deposed Ange-Félix Patassé. A number of peace deals signed over years have failed to bring lasting stability. Despite its considerable natural resources — uranium, diamonds, gold, timber, cotton and coffee — the Central African Republic is one of Africa's poorest countries. Adding to the climate of instability is the fact that most of the Central African Republic's neighbours -- South Sudan, Chad, Uganda, and the Democratic Republic of Congo
[[Saudi Arabia, imperialism said: "exterminate the Christians!"]] -- likewise have experienced political crises, with rebellions still active in some of them. The latest truce between rebels and the Bozizé government, signed in Libreville, Gabon, lasted less than three months. On March 21, the day after the expiration of an ultimatum of 72 hours given to Bozizé to comply with the terms of the truce, rebels resumed fighting. The rapid advance of Séléka fighters has prompted several African countries, from as far away as South Africa, to intervene. Troops from Chad, Cameroon, Republic of Congo and Gabon were supposed to protect the capital Bangui from the advancing rebels. The self-proclaimed new president of the Central African Republic, Michel Djotodia, has pledged to respect the Libreville peace deal, according to French media. He said he is willing to form a national unity government hold elections in three years.
sorry --offline -- shalom + salam = blessings too
cursed the man who is a liar [cursed the man who is a liar!] he is cursed, the way life is rejected! cursed is he, that: make curse of the mysteries of God, That or he is to make worldly works, on religious, subjects ((For Their blasphemous fun). one who invents stories, about, religion: he is Eradicated: immediately: by the tent of the living! his days will be shortened! [cursed the man who is a liar!]! cursed be the deceiver: liar! who cursed him, he says Things That, he do not know, in blasphemous attitude, against religion! damn, the enemy of God, damn, the enemy of our Creator! damn, who Produces, images, and false documents! Because, one falsehood can kill: the whole human race!
Israelis and Palestinians have both the right to have, all of Palestine, and is why both the sharia (around the world), the State of Israel, shall be destroyed together .. so they can live together, as one people .. only in this mode, so, there will be peace Israeliani e Palestinesi hanno entrambi, il diritto ad avere tutta la Palestina, ecco perché, sia la sharia(in tutto il mondo) che, lo Stato di Israele, devono essere distrutti insieme.. così possono vivere insieme come un solo popolo.. così soltanto, ci sarà la pace
Abu Antar
Abu Antar ha pubblicato un commento
17 ore fa
I wish there were revenge for the 6 day war. It was a hostile land grab by Israel. That is what the 1973 war was about and Syria almost defeated Israel but President Nixon gave Israel the largest military airlift in history and changed the balance of the war. Golda Meir threatened Nixon with a nuclear bomb and that is why he helped. However, today the Arab League is different and they care very little about the Palestinians.
cursed the man who is a liar [cursed the man who is a liar!] he is cursed, the way life is rejected! cursed is he, that: make curse of the mysteries of God, That or he is to make worldly works, on religious, subjects ((For Their blasphemous fun). one who invents stories, about, religion: he is Eradicated: immediately: by the tent of the living! his days will be shortened! [cursed the man who is a liar!]! cursed be the deceiver: liar! who cursed him, he says Things That, he do not know, in blasphemous attitude, against religion! damn, the enemy of God, damn, the enemy of our Creator! damn, who Produces, images, and false documents! Because, one falsehood can kill: the whole human race!
Israelis and Palestinians have both the right to have, all of Palestine, and is why both the sharia (around the world), the State of Israel, shall be destroyed together .. so they can live together, as one people .. only in this mode, so, there will be peace Israeliani e Palestinesi hanno entrambi, il diritto ad avere tutta la Palestina, ecco perché, sia la sharia(in tutto il mondo) che, lo Stato di Israele, devono essere distrutti insieme.. così possono vivere insieme come un solo popolo.. così soltanto, ci sarà la pace
Abu Antar
Abu Antar ha pubblicato un commento
17 ore fa
I wish there were revenge for the 6 day war. It was a hostile land grab by Israel. That is what the 1973 war was about and Syria almost defeated Israel but President Nixon gave Israel the largest military airlift in history and changed the balance of the war. Golda Meir threatened Nixon with a nuclear bomb and that is why he helped. However, today the Arab League is different and they care very little about the Palestinians.
IMF FED, CIA NATO, USA, ARAB LEAGUE, masonic system (synagogue of JaBullOn) - are all accomplice: against Israel,() is why, they have removing all dictators,and are spreading the Islamists
the Arab League, has changed its strategy, infact, will act treacherously, suddenly, this time! just as Israel remains safe! ignorant and unaware of the trap, which is why, they replaced all Muslims with Islamists! to encircle Israel, again ... this is a secret!
kingIsraelUniusREI ha pubblicato un commento
18 ore fa
All the Arab League? are Zionists, who do not recognize, again, the State of Israel.. the Arab League, is waiting for the moment of revenge for the Six Day War!
Abu Antar
Abu Antar ha pubblicato un commento
18 ore fa
Israel is under no threat of annihilation. They are cunning and because of this they are very very powerful. Saudi Arabia and all Muslims are like an ant to Israel's power.
kingIsraelUniusREI ha pubblicato un commento
18 ore fa
If Saudi Arabia were Zionists? then gave their desert to gather all the Jews in the world! ma, all this salafis, are all fake allies! is only a death trap against Israel.
Abu Antar
Abu Antar ha pubblicato un commento
18 ore fa
If Saudi Arabia ever formed a Caliphate, they would let Israel remain. Arabian Peninsula Muslims are Zionists. King Faisal made a pact with Chaim Weizmann supporting Zionism and said they didn't consider Palestinians as Arabs so they didn't care what the Jews did to them. The Saudis are much the same way.
kingIsraelUniusREI ha pubblicato un commento
18 ore fa
yes, Saudi Arabia. wants to exploit, Israel, for its own purposes, only .. but then the time comes for his betrayal, because, it has been programmed, the betrayal, including some countries of the "Arab League" si, Saudi Arabia. vuole sfruttare Israele per i suoi scopi, soltanto, .. ma, poi, arriverà il momento del suo tradimento, perché è stato programmato, tra, alcuni paesi della "lega araba"
kingIsraelUniusREI ha pubblicato un commento
18 ore fa
Saudi Arabia, criminal, jihad for worldwide caliphate, is so allied with Israel, which has not yet recognized Israel as a nation! is why, for do worldwide caliphate? Israel will be destroyed
kingIsraelUniusREI ha pubblicato un commento
18 ore fa
in fact, the greatest enemy of Israel is Saudi Arabia, they are completely false, traditori, traitors! In fact, there is already a secret plan made with the Pharisees, to destroy Israel in realtà, il più grande nemico, di Israele è l'Arabia Saudita, loro sono completamente falsi! infatti, c'è già un piano segreto, fatto con i farisei per distruggere Israele
kingIsraelUniusREI ha pubblicato un commento
18 ore fa
Abu Antar --- this is true, also, for you that you are a secret agent! in fact, you can not say everything you think, that is in your heart! but, I am only the agent, of JHWH, ie agent of truth, are not paid by anyone, and I tell you all what my heart wants to say! questo è vero anche per te che, tu sei un agente segreto! infatti, tu non puoi dire tutto quello che pensa il tuo cuore! ma, io sono soltanto, l'agente della verità, non sono pagato da nessuno, ed io dico tutto quello che il mio cuore vuole dire!
kingIsraelUniusREI ha pubblicato un commento
18 ore fa
IN FACT, without unius REI, life is no longer possible, on this planet, because all politicians have focused only, to speak through, hypocrisy and lies of Satan INFATTI , senza Unius REI, la vita non è più possibile, su questo pianeta, perché, tutti i politici, si sono specializzati, soltanto, a parlare attraverso,ipocrisie e le bugie di satana
kingIsraelUniusREI ha pubblicato un commento
18 ore fa
Israel and Saudi Arabia are the lair of the devil, today! then, things have to change for Israel! God wants to destroy the State of Israel, ie system Masonic for 666: banking seigniorage, because, God has asked to me, to make the Kingdom of Palestine, into: monetary sovereignty ... however, Iran must give up sharia.. Israele e Arabia Saudita, sono la tana del demonio, oggi! quindi, le cose devono cambiare per Israele! Dio vuole distruggere lo Stato massonico del signoraggio bancario di Israele, perché Dio ha chiesto di realizzare il Regno, nella sovranità monetaria... ma, anche l'Iran deve rinunciare alla sharia
kingIsraelUniusREI ha pubblicato un commento
18 ore fa
Abu Antar --- noi possiamo fare: un unico regno: tra: Siria Iran ed Israele: e poi dichiariamo guerra all'Arabia Saudita!
kingIsraelUniusREI ha pubblicato un commento
19 ore fa
@king Saudi Arabia --- tu hai pagato per distruggere la Siria, e sarai, anche, tu, a pagare per la sua ricostruzione!
kingIsraelUniusREI ha pubblicato un commento
19 ore fa
maledetto: John Forbes Kerry, 322, Bush sia maledetto, e tutti i maledetti massoni: siano castigati nella loro carne putrida! io maledico tutti i complici dei farisei! maledetti tutti i miei nemici nel nome di Gesù JHWH holy, ... il loro ricordo sia di maledizione, per i secoli dei secoli, in eterno, i miei ministri hanno l'ordine di eseguire le mie sentenze!
kingIsraelUniusREI ha pubblicato un commento
19 ore fa
io sto proteggendo la Siria.. e lei non cadrà!
kingIsraelUniusREI ha pubblicato un commento
19 ore fa
666 IMF CIA sharia /UCrPtOvbB3G0gke3y-7R4czw; &; jjjjjjiiiijjjjjj -- really? il Re dei RE, Gesù di Betlemme, lui ha detto a me: "quando, ritornerò a rivendicare il mio Regno, io farò massacrare, alla mia presenza, tutti i miei nemici, traditori, criminali, cioè, tutti i nemici della CROCE!"
kingIsraelUniusREI ha pubblicato un commento
20 ore fa
my Jews - yes! is true: a Satanist told me: "You have blocked the evolution of mankind!" .. lol. really? but, who convinced the Satanists and gay, they represent the evolution of mankind? that's for sure! Only the Pharisees could do all this evil, against, all human mankind, that's why, they are those, who, have wanted to make every Holocaust, because, this is true: the Pharisees Satanists and Masons ... they have no nationality, or identity: outside of Satan, himself, that is: the IMF-NWO. but, with our YHWH, I am preparing the days, awful, into my anger divine
kingIsraelUniusREI ha pubblicato un commento
20 ore fa
my Jews -- yes! è vero: un satanista ha detto a me: "tu hai bloccato l'evoluzione del genere umano!" .. lol. really? ma, chi ha convinto i satanisti ed i gay, che loro rappresentano l'evoluzione del genere umano? questo è certo! Soltanto i farisei potevano fare tutto questo male al Genere uman, ecco perché, sono loro coloro che, hanno voluto realizzare, ogni Shoah, perché, questo è vero: i farisei satanisti, ed i massoni... loro non hanno nazionalità o identità: al di fuori di satana stesso, che è: il FMI-NWO. ma, con il nostro JHWH, io sto preparando il giorni, tremendi, della mia ira
kingIsraelUniusREI ha pubblicato un commento
21 ore fa
@ IhatenewLayout voodoo priest- my friend Satanist, and all Satanists, of youtube, they would kill me, in every way, but, this is the truth, they have a terrible, fear of me, so that, remain paralyzed for fear, and no of them dares to talk to me .. Besides, he says in his mind: "Satan save" and I say, "how he can save, someone, if, just for him, there is no one who, can save him?" .. because this is the truth I can trample Satan whenever I want! @IhatenewLayout -- il mio amico satanista, e tutti i satanisti di youtube, loro vorrebbero, uccidere me, in tutti i modi, ma, questa è la verità, loro hanno, una terribile paura di me, tanto che rimangono paralizzati, e nessuno di loro, osa dialogare con me.. poi, lui dice nella sua mente: "satana salva" e io dico: "come lui può salvare, qualcuno, se, proprio per lui, non c'è nessuno che può salvare lui?".. perché questa è la verità io posso calpestare satana tutte le volte che io voglio!
kingIsraelUniusREI ha pubblicato un commento
22 ore fa
@666 sharia all criminal against free will --- ora, tu devi bruciare!
kingIsraelUniusREI ha pubblicato un commento
22 ore fa
i miei ministri angeli, hanno il dovere di uccidere, e di rovinare, tutti coloro che, si oppongono al mio regno universale, ed io sono letale, perché, io sono un politico con giurisdizione universale, e poiché, io sono accreditato: nel Regno di Dio, e dal Regno di Dio, quindi, la mia azione è rivelante politicamente
kingIsraelUniusREI ha pubblicato un commento
22 ore fa
@Bashar al-Assad, SIRIA, Bashar Hafiz al-Asad, arabo: بشار حافظ الأسد, Baššār Ḥāfiẓ al-Asad, pronuncia // ascolta[·], è un politico siriano, attuale presidente della Siria e successore del padre Hafiz al-Asad.--ANSWER -- chi è più scemo di te e dell'Iran? La LEGA ARABA ha deciso di sterminarvi, e voi vi ostinate a non fare l'alleanza miitare con Israele? who is dumber than you, and, is dumber than, Iran? The ARAB LEAGUE decided to exterminate you, and you are stubborn, not to make the alliance with Israel? but, I can make this deal!
kingIsraelUniusREI ha pubblicato un commento
22 ore fa
IMF 666 - These Days is in great danger over the face of the earth alleluia.. @Ihatenewlayout -- How could it be that. You have made yourself a criminal Satanist?
kingIsraelUniusREI ha pubblicato un commento
22 ore fa
che c'è? io uccido, soltanto, per difendere: il regno di Israele.. che, rappresenta il libero arbitrio, la costituzione legittima, di tutti i Popoli.. il diritto naturale, ecc.. contro, tutti i poteri satanici, che, vogliono prendere il controllo dei popoli, per ridurli tutti in schiavitù! ed io? io non posso perdere!
kingIsraelUniusREI ha pubblicato un commento
22 ore fa
@JHWH -- chi sono i miei cadaveri di oggi? quanti sono?
[Murderous criminals: silence dogs, stone idol moon] India: India: Persecution Briefs. Kenya: Kenyan religious groups ready to work with President-elect, despite his war crime indictment. Burma: Warning against euphoria over reforms, as military targets minorities. Pakistan: Government condemns attacks on Lahore Christians. Nigeria: Widest church grouping raises funds for Boko Haram's almost 800 victims during 2012. Vietname: Two steps back? Tanzania: Burned church is latest in string of Tanzanian attacks. India: Attack on Indian revival meeting sends Christians underground. Pakistani judge throws out blasphemy charge. Mali: For a church leader in Mali, relief and anxiety. India: 2 attacks prompt Christians to stop meeting at Indian church. Iran: Wife worries she won't hear husband's voice for 8 years. Kazakhstan: 90 DAYS TO FREEDOM. UK: Threat to burn Bibles in wake of Sultan's ban on word 'Allah'.
[Murderous criminals: silence dogs, stone idol moon] Turkey: Police break up plot to assassinate pastor. Pakistan: Supreme Court confirms decision to drop blasphemy case. Mali: Hope rises with international military intervention. Colombia: Colombia: Murdered evangelist's widow also killed after threats. US: Book review: To find true persecution, look overseas. Syria: Christians targeted for their politics or their faith?. Bangladesh, Church Leaders Beaten at Police Station. China, Authorities Plan to Eradicate House Churches. Egypt, Christian's Six-Year Sentence Upheld. India, Islamic Extremists Beat, Mock Christians. Indonesia, President Sidesteps Church Controversy. Iran, Crackdown Hits Official Churches. Iraq, Islamic Rioters Attack Christian Shops in Kurdish North. Laos, Officials Arrest Five Christians in Southern Village. Mexico, Missionary Couple Slain; Peace Pact in Puebla.
[Murderous criminals: silence dogs, stone idol moon] Morocco,. Convert Serving 15 Years for His Faith. Nigeria,. Church of Christ in Nigeria reeling from massacre. Pakistan, Case against Rimsha's dramatic turn prompts Pakistan religious leaders to debate blasphemy law. Somalia, Islamic Extremists Behead Another Convert. Tanzania, Christians Live in Cloud of Fear in Zanzibar. Vietnam, Christians Injured in Attack Denied Medical Care. Kano bus bomb prompts religious leaders to joint call for urgent measures Lagos, March 22 (World Watch Monitor) — A car bomb attack in a Christian enclave of Kano, the largest city in mainly-Muslim Northern Nigeria, has heightened religious and ethnic tensions throughout the country. At least 25 people have been killed and at least 60 others .... Full coverage: Kano
[Murderous criminals: silence dogs] [Jakarta on the Indonesian Island of Java] Libyan human-rights official flees country after death threats. March 21 (World Watch Monitor) — The head of the Libyan Parliament's Human Rights Committee has resigned and fled to London, saying he's received death threats. Hassan Al Amin, prominent for his long opposition to the Gaddafi regime, recently spoke out against armed gangs and.. .. Full coverage: Human Rights Committee. [Jakarta on the Indonesian Island of Java] Church walls go up, then torn down by local government. The Bekasi subdistrict of Jakarta dispatched a backhoe to the Batak Protestant Church on March 21 to knock down church walls that had been under construction since January 2013. (Photo: World Watch Monitor) Muslims protest construction; Indonesian town says church lacked permit.
[Murderous criminals: silence dogs, stone idol moon] Taman Sari, March 25 (World Watch Monitor) — Cheers went up as a backhoe tore down the barely finished walls of the Batak Protestant Church near Jakarta, Indonesia on Thursday. The pile of rubble that remained was only the latest setback to Christians trying to retain a toehold in the world's most populous Muslim country. The church, in the Bekasi subdistrict of Jakarta on the Indonesian Island of Java, had been meeting in a residential house every Sunday for the past 13 years. When the congregation swelled to about 600 members, Pastor Adven Leonard Nababan applied early this year for a building permit. The church obtained signatures of 60 non-Christian neighbors, as required by law.
03/26/2013. MIDDLE EAST [The Arab League is all a conspiracy! have you seen? have again planned to invade Israel to treason!] Rebels get Syria seat at the Arab League, but cracks appear. After resigning, the National Coalition president says he wants to give a speech "on behalf of the Syrian people." Whilst Qatar is accused of trying to dominate the opposition, its emir calls for action to protect the "Arabness of Jerusalem." Doha (AsiaNews) - The Arab League kicked off its summit in Doha (Qatar) today with Syria's opposition at the top of its concerns. Following its November 2011decision to suspend Bashar al-Assad's regime, the League gave Syria's seat to his opponents. As expected, the Assad regime reacted angrily, slamming the decision to give its seat "to bandits and thugs", but even within the League the decision was anything but quiet.[[murderers, idol moon stone, not only, from, Jerusalem, but, from all over the world: will be eradicated! ]
Arab League is all a conspiracy! have you seen? have again planned to invade Israel to treason!] National Coalition leader Ahmed Moaz al-Khatib announced his resignation on Sunday, allegedly due to tensions within the body caused by charges against Qatar that it wants to dominate the opposition. Still, inside the group, his resignation is likely to be rejected. However, despite his decision to quit, Khatib said he would address the summit "in the name of the Syrian people." Yet, the rebel coalition's own prime minister, Ghassan Hitto, a member of the delegation to Doha, is also in a position to speak to the meeting. The uncertainty is a sign of internal divisions within the opposition but also of broader cracks within the Arab League itself. The decision to hand the seat to the opposition has in fact had its detractors, with reservations expressed by Iraq, Algeria and Lebanon.[murderers, idol moon stone, not only, from, Jerusalem, but, from all over the world: will be eradicated! ]
MIDDLE EAST [The Arab League is all a conspiracy! have you seen? have again planned to invade Israel to treason!] The absence, ostensibly for health reasons of King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, a strong backer of the two-year-old Syrian rebellion, and of Iraq's President Jalal Talabani, who is more ambivalent on the seat issue, is an another indication of divisions within the organisation. Notwithstanding its importance, Syria is not the only item on the League's agenda. Arab leaders are also set to discuss the peace process between Israel and Palestine, currently at a standstill, especially in light of the silence on the 2002 Arab initiative that offered recognition to the Jewish state in exchange for a return to the 1967 borders. On this issue, Qatar Emir Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani said in his welcome speech that, in addition to support for a "political solution" [[murderers, idol moon stone, not only, from, Jerusalem, but, from all over the world: will be eradicated! ]
MIDDLE EAST [The Arab League is all a conspiracy! have you seen? have again planned to invade Israel to treason!] to the Syrian crisis, he wanted to see the League do something to protect the "Arabness of Jerusalem." In this regard though, he acknowledged that past promises to aid the Palestinians have gone unfulfilled. --- ANSWER -- these international criminals, these religious maniacs, for sharia horror, these complottist for do: the worldwide caliphate, they are used, by their lies, their terrorists, to do all sorts, of genocide, predation and evil! the destruction of all human rights, will soon be hell, to swallow all their, heart evil and soul bad. [[murderers, idol moon stone, not only, from, Jerusalem, but, from all over the world: will be eradicated! ]
stardefinibusterrae ha pubblicato un commento
1 giorno fa
[case CYPRUS is the only solution!] is the only solution, to the imbalances, of the criminal monetary system: Masonic Private. SpA, the bank seigniorage, cult talmud 666 .. otherwise? will be, quickly, the World War III! money from god-Rothschild is created of the "nothing"? then: there is no interest, that, must be given, for this nothing, then: is the debt: public, and, as the debt: private, are the greatest wear, usury, of the story. Therefore: the case of Cyprus, was planned: to "punish" Russia! in fact, as: it is easy to show: there are too many steps: where it is essential, to do the accounting fraud: into monetary system .. Because: the money is created out of nothing, but, then when, IMF take titles: BOT bonds CCT, by Governments, then his budget is closed:to zero! it is slavery, it is the end, of mankind, why, the first 100%: of money of all world, is been stolen (Source: scientist Giacinto Auriti)
MIDDLE EAST [The Arab League is all a conspiracy! have you seen? have again planned to invade Israel to treason!] to the Syrian crisis, he wanted to see the League do something to protect the "Arabness of Jerusalem." In this regard though, he acknowledged that past promises to aid the Palestinians have gone unfulfilled. --- ANSWER -- these international criminals, these religious maniacs, for sharia horror, these complottist for do: the worldwide caliphate, they are used, by their lies, their terrorists, to do all sorts, of genocide, predation and evil! the destruction of all human rights, will soon be hell, to swallow all their, heart evil and soul bad. [[murderers, idol moon stone, not only, from, Jerusalem, but, from all over the world: will be eradicated! ]
stardefinibusterrae ha pubblicato un commento
1 giorno fa
[case CYPRUS is the only solution!] is the only solution, to the imbalances, of the criminal monetary system: Masonic Private. SpA, the bank seigniorage, cult talmud 666 .. otherwise? will be, quickly, the World War III! money from god-Rothschild is created of the "nothing"? then: there is no interest, that, must be given, for this nothing, then: is the debt: public, and, as the debt: private, are the greatest wear, usury, of the story. Therefore: the case of Cyprus, was planned: to "punish" Russia! in fact, as: it is easy to show: there are too many steps: where it is essential, to do the accounting fraud: into monetary system .. Because: the money is created out of nothing, but, then when, IMF take titles: BOT bonds CCT, by Governments, then his budget is closed:to zero! it is slavery, it is the end, of mankind, why, the first 100%: of money of all world, is been stolen (Source: scientist Giacinto Auriti)
stardefinibusterrae ha pubblicato un commento
1 giorno fa
[Arab League is a international criminal conspiracy: vs: all Nations] Iran ranks third as the country's more, crime against innocent Christian martyrs, together with Saudi Arabia, the Arab League is a criminal conspiracy, only. and, if, in Jordan and Syria, That Is, in the most tolerant countries, a Muslim, is do apostasy for converting to Christianity Himself? Islamists, annul his marriage, and steal, too, the children .. if you, not, remove, the Sharia, to make a real secular state, can not be saved from extermination, all Muslims country (in fact this is what the IMF has designed), Because this is the truth, Muslims today, are the most dangerous criminals all over the planet! in fact, it is not expedient, for Rothschild, his victory, but, the most widespread and more: destruction, so that, the monetary, new cycle parasitic, of banking seigniorage, can last as long as possible.
03/27/2013. [INDIA - ITALY] [What, you want to prove to the world that you have become a criminal too big, and that all must be afraid of you? you are the true pirate, that you have seized, in International waters, the Italian military mission in agreement international. you've hurt all mankind: in violation: of international law and all: your words: are false, hypocritical: irritating!] India neutral over Italian FM's resignation in marines' case. Minister's resignation is front-page news in India's main newspapers, but reported without commentaries. External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid continues Delhi's balancing diplomatic act. New Delhi (AsiaNews/Agencies) - The resignation of Italian Foreign Affairs Minister Giulio Terzi dominated the front pages of India's main national papers, The Times of India, The Hindu, Indian Express, Deccan Herald, and the Hindustan Times. . [What led you to hate: so all peoples?][INDE - ITALIE] [Qu'est-ce que vous voulez prouver au monde que vous êtes devenu un criminel trop grand, et que tous doivent avoir peur de vous? vous êtes le vrai Piraten, que vous avez saisi, dans les eaux internationales, la Mission militaire italienne en accord international. vous avez blessé l 'Humanité: en violation: du droit international et tous: vos mots: sont faux, Heuchler: reizend] Terzi quit because he disagreed with the Italian government's "decision to send the marines back to India". The two Italian soldiers, Massimiliano Latorre and Salvatore Girone, are accused of killing two Indian fishermen. "My reservations had no impact and the decision was not mine," Terzi told parliament. "My voice went unheard"; thus "I am [. . .] standing down in solidarity with our two marines and their families" and because "the reputation of the country, the armed forces and Italian diplomacy, should be safeguarded".. [What led you to hate: so all peoples?][INDE - ITALIE] [이게 무슨 꼴 있니 드 시죠 prouver AU 몽드 뭐 있니 êtes devenu 해제 criminel 너무 쉬워 대상, 동부 표준시 뭐 따라 --- doivent avoir peur 드 있니? 보증인 êtes 르 vrai 해적, 뭐 있니 avez saisi, dans 레 eaux internationales, 라 미션 militaire italienne 전용 협정 세계. 보증인을 avez blessé 리터 'humanité : 실내 위반 : 두의 droit 국제 동부 표준시에 따라 --- : 보스 mots : 전력은 모조, 위선자 : 자극] Meanwhile, in India the press reported Terzi's resignation without comments. The government in Delhi also did not comment his decision, but maintained a low profile to tone down tensions at home and abroad. A few days ago, when the marines came back in India, External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid said he was satisfied of the way the diplomatic dispute was settled. [What led you to hate: so all peoples?]
India neutral over Italian FM's resignation in marines' case Minister's
resignation is front-page news in India's main newspapers, but reported
without commentaries. External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid
continues Delhi's balancing diplomatic act. Italy_foreign_minister_Giulio_Terzi_resigns_over_return_of_marines_to_India.jpg"
New Delhi (AsiaNews/Agencies) - The resignation of Italian Foreign Affairs Minister
Giulio Terzi dominated the front pages of India's main national papers, <em>The Times of India</em>, <em>The Hindu</em>, <em>Indian Express</em>,
<em>Deccan Herald</em>, and the <em>Hindustan Times</em>. Terzi quit
because he
disagreed with the Italian government's "decision to send the marines
back to India". The two Italian soldiers, Massimiliano Latorre and
Salvatore Girone, are accused of killing two Indian fishermen.
reservations had no impact and the decision was not mine," Terzi told
parliament. "My voice went unheard"; thus "I am [. . .] standing down in
solidarity with our two marines and their families" and because "the reputation
of the country, the armed forces and Italian diplomacy, should be safeguarded".
Meanwhile, in India the press reported Terzi's resignation without comments.
The government in Delhi also did not comment his decision, but maintained a
low profile to tone down tensions at home and abroad.
A few days ago, when the marines came back in India, External Affairs
Minister Salman Khurshid said he was satisfied of the way the <strong><a href="">diplomatic
dispute was settled</a></strong>.
INDIA – ITALIA articolo_dossier" Caso marò, esperti indiani: il disprezzo dell’Italia non giustifica la Corte suprema Il
più alto tribunale indiano ha ordinato all’ambasciatore italiano a New
Delhi di non lasciare il Paese. In un editoriale sul The Hindu due
studiosi di legge spiegano perché l’India non può trattenere l’uomo,
anche se Roma ha violato “la fiducia e il protocollo diplomatico”
New Delhi
(AsiaNews) - L'azione del governo italiano mostra totale disprezzo per l'autorità
della Corte suprema e costituisce una violazione della fiducia e del protocollo
diplomatico, ma l'India non può trattenere l'ambasciatore italiano a New Delhi.
È quanto affermano gli esperti Anup Surendranath e Shreya Rastogi - rispettivamente
professore associato e ricercatore all'università di legge di New Delhi - in un
editoriale apparso oggi sul noto quotidiano indiano <em>The Hindu</em>, circa gli sviluppi della vicenda dei due marò, <strong><a href="">trattenuti
in Italia</a></strong> e accusati in India dell'omicidio di due pescatori.
Dopo la
decisione di Roma di non far rientrare Massimiliano Latorre e Salvatore Girone
al termine del permesso speciale ottenuto per motivi elettorali (che scadrà il
22 marzo prossimo, ndr), il governo centrale indiano ha assunto una posizione
cauta, ma ferma. In più occasioni Salman Kurshid, ministro degli Esteri, ha definito
"inaccettabile" il gesto italiano, aggiungendo però di voler attendere la
scadenza naturale del permesso prima di attuare ulteriori provvedimenti. Ieri Sonia
Gandhi, leader del Congress, ha definito il comportamento italiano come un "tradimento
inammissibile dell'impegno preso con la Corte suprema".
Intanto, proprio
la Corte suprema dell'India ha diffuso un ordine restrittivo nei confronti di
Daniele Mancini, ambasciatore italiano a New Delhi e firmatario dell'affidavit
con cui l'Italia si era impegnata a far rientrare i marò in India al termine
della licenza. Nel giustificare tale provvedimento, il tribunale ha citato l'art.
129 della Costituzione indiana, che sancisce il suo "potere di punire chi
commette oltraggio alla corte". Per il tribunale, con il mancato rientro dei
marò, Mancini sarebbe venuto meno alla parola data.
Tuttavia, i due studiosi spiegano in modo molto chiaro che la Corte
suprema non ha diritto legale di trattenere l'ambasciatore Mancini, che gode di
immunità diplomatica assoluta come sancito dalla Convenzione di Vienna sulle
relazioni diplomatiche del 1961, sottoscritta dall'India nel 1969. In base all'art.29
di tale Convenzione, sottolineano, "i diplomatici non devono essere oggetto di
qualsiasi forma di arresto o detenzione, e lo Stato che li ospita deve
garantire loro protezione".
<span class="sottotitolo"><b>22/03/2013 08:55</b></span><span class="articolo_dossier"></span><span class="occhiello">INDIA – ITALIA</span><span class="articolo_dossier">Ministro indiano degli Esteri: Il ritorno dei marò in India è frutto di buona diplomazia</span><span class="autore">di Nirmala Carvalho</span><span class="sottotitolo">Oggi
i due militari rientreranno a New Delhi, giorno in cui scade il
permesso speciale. Il governo indiano avrebbe assicurato in forma
scritta che non sarà applicata la pena di morte in caso di condanna.</span><a href="" rel="lightbox" title=""><img align="left" alt="" border="0" src="" /></a><span class="articolo_inside"></span>
(AsiaNews) - Ancora una volta la diplomazia ha trionfato sui gesti di
forza: così Salman Khurshid, ministro indiano degli Esteri, ha
commentato il ritorno dei marò in India, attesi a New Delhi nella
giornata di oggi. È di ieri sera la decisione del governo italiano di
far rientrare i due militari - accusati dell'omicidio di due pescatori
del Kerala -, rispettando così i termini del permesso speciale in
scadenza oggi e concesso dall'India quattro settimane fa per motivi
Tra le motivazioni presentate da Staffan De Mistura, sottosegretario
italiano agli Esteri, vi è l'assicurazione scritta da parte dell'India
di non applicare la pena di morte - in caso di condanna - e che i
diritti fondamentali dei due militari saranno protetti.
"Ho detto più volte - ha dichiarato Khurshid - che non si deve mai
rinunciare alla via diplomatica troppo presto". Rispondendo ad alcuni
giornalisti che chiedevano se Sonia Gandhi - presidente del <em>Congress</em>
- avesse influenzato la decisione dell'Italia, il ministro ha detto:
"La diplomazia portata avanti da questo governo segue, com'è ovvio, una
sua direzione, che viene dal primo ministro e dal presidente del <em>Congress</em>".
Nei giorni passati la Gandhi - italiana naturalizzata indiana dopo il
suo matrimonio con Rajiv Gandhi, il primo ministro assassinato nel 1991 -
era intervenuta nella vicenda dei due marò, definendo il comportamento
italiano un "tradimento inammissibile dell'impegno preso con la Corte
L'11 marzo scorso il governo italiano aveva annunciato la decisione
di trattenere i marò Massimiliano Latorre e Salvatore Girone oltre la
scadenza del permesso speciale, invocando l'intervento di un arbitrato
internazionale. La Corte suprema indiana ha reagito emettendo <strong><a href=",-esperti-indiani:-il-disprezzo-dell%E2%80%99Italia-non-giustifica-la-Corte-suprema-27449.html">un ordine restrittivo</a></strong>
nei confronti di Daniele Mancini, ambasciatore italiano a New Delhi e
firmatario dell'affidavit con cui l'Italia si era impegnata a far
rientrare i marò in India al termine della licenza.
Non lasciamoci rubare la speranza!...
Quante ferite il male infligge all’umanità!
Guerre, violenze, conflitti economici
che colpiscono chi è più debole,
sete di denaro, di potere, corruzione, divisioni,
crimini contro la vita umana e contro il creato!
E i nostri peccati personali: le mancanze di amore
e di rispetto verso Dio, verso il prossimo
e verso l’intera creazione.
Gesù sulla croce sente tutto il peso del male
e con la forza dell’amore di Dio lo vince,
lo sconfigge nella sua risurrezione.
Cari amici, noi tutti possiamo vincere il male
che c’è in noi e nel mondo: con Cristo, con il Bene!
Ci sentiamo deboli, inadeguati, incapaci?
Ma Dio non cerca mezzi potenti:
è con la croce che ha vinto il male!
Non dobbiamo credere al Maligno che ci dice:
non puoi fare nulla contro la violenza,
la corruzione, l’ingiustizia, contro i tuoi peccati!
Non dobbiamo mai abituarci al male!
Con Cristo possiamo trasformare noi stessi e il mondo.
Dobbiamo portare la vittoria della Croce di Cristo
a tutti e dappertutto; portare questo amore grande di Dio.
E questo chiede a tutti noi di non avere paura
di uscire da noi stessi, di andare verso gli altri.
Papa Francesco

33 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa and Mosques of Sharia Allah, decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH) and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (Unius REI) 33 ANNI fa, Sinagoghe di Satana Spa e Moschee di Sharia Allah, decisero che io avrei dovuto diventare il Re di Israele (lorenzoJHWH) e un Osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani (Unius REI) 3205708054
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mar 27
- bones, buttons, Pharisees, IMF, 666, stolen, to you
- IMF does not currently have a strength of more tha...
- all Muslim countries, are all under the wrath of God
- alleluia, is risen, He is risen indeed
- army of angels, cazzo, senza palle, soltanto, pate...
- Pope, Holy Week, State, Israel, Masonic,
- Arab League Jihad sharia, crazy stupid
- declare the, not territorial jurisdiction of the p...
- incidente è avvenuto in acque internazionali
- portare disperazione miei nemici
mar 27
- ► 2014 (439)
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Questa NON è una testata giornalistica
@ 666 الشيطانية التلمود: CIA ---> الدولة لا ينبغي أن يكون فقط الجلاد: من المواطن، لللقيام الدفع في الناس:٪ 270: من قيمة: من ماله (المصد...
IMF 666 NWO:羅斯柴爾德塔木德goyim。 --->的法利賽人(巴力的祭司臥底)的猶太法典,法利賽人(IMF光明路西法)的拉比(銀行家)和你的家人嗎? 你已經毀了,破壞了整個人類(和宗教機構,你已經做了最壞的打算:受奴役全人類):事實上,神並沒有使壞人! 但是,它...
asasen nan satanallah: yo touye: 300: kretyen mati: inosan: chak jou nan mond lan enperyalis Arabi salafist:! sètadi Al Qaeda] peyi Sir...
@ IMFは666 NWO:goyimためロスチャイルドタルムード。 --->タルムード、パリサイ人のラビ(銀行家)(ルシファーから国際通貨基金(IMF)イルミナティ)のパリサイ人(バアルの祭司おとり)のあなたの家族では? あなたは全人類を(:奴隷に全人類を施すことや宗教機...
satanallah 의 살인자 : 그들이 죽 : 300 : 기독교 순교자 : 무고한 : 제국주의 사우디 Salafi에 세상의 모든 일 :! 즉, 알 카에다] 시리아는 조직에 의해 일시 중지되었습니다 :받는 사람 : 이슬람 협력 (OIC). 결정...
killers ng satanallah: sila pumatay: 300: Christian martir: inosenteng: araw-araw sa mundo sa imperyalismo Saudi Salafi:! ie Al Qaeda] Sy...
hell x despair x destruction (canale nuovo) hanno bloccato IP We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by United with...
è perché non stampate una moneta nazionale, per uso interno, in sovranità monetaria? SOLTANTO GLI USA POSSONO STAMPARE TUTTO IL DENARO FINT...
666 satanic Talmud: CIA ---> the State should not only be the executioner: of the citizen, for to do pay at people: the 270%: of the val...
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Datagate: Nsa controlla 75% Rete Usa. USA E GB (farisei anglo-americani FMi NWO 666), hanno fatto distruggere i documenti, del guardian, circa Snowden, perché, sono diventati, la più pericolosa minaccia di nazismo, di tutta la storia del genere umano. loro non sono stati scoperti, da una terrestre tecnologia, sono stati "rivelati", come una religione.. bisogna, espellere, immediatamente, dal territorio nazionale, ogni cosa appartenga, ad USA e GB, ad iniziare dalle ambasciate, loro sono diventati satanisti TROIKA satanisti, TROIKA cosa è il signoraggio bancario? e perché voi lo avete, se, la costituzione lo proibisce a voi? perché, voi state portando allo sterminio, i popoli, con le voste magie giuridiche?