- my dear: gays, my dear: guys, ie, my children, cheat a your reason! is necessary, moderation, and the rope must never be pulled too, I will not be that, i will weaken, your civil rights, but, without unius REI, this time, with, the smell of fennel burned alive? you will also feel the smell of all the other plants burned alive, that is, during the World War III .. only the homosexual ideology, that is, gay pride, is a threat to society, but they, too, gays are people, who must be protected by society, and against them?, you do not need to do any violence. soltanto , la ideologia omosessuale, cioè, l'orgoglio gay, è una minaccia, per la società, ma, anche loro, i gay, sono dei cittadini, che, devono essere protetti dalla società, e contro, cui non si deve fare nessuna violenza.
EvolutionisReligion ha pubblicato un commento@ IsraelNAtionalTV - you have seen? the Masonic system 322: NWO, of NAZI KKK 666: IMF seigniorage banking, has decided to spread: Nazism again (so that it can revive the bitterness in the Jewish people, etc. ..) because, in the first instance, notwithstanding, a formal apology, and repentance expressed, has gone: to apply the maximum sentence, but this measure abnormal, will arouse: a natural resentment, which can turn: in the Nazis, all the fans of that team! [Greece, makes Nazi salute: Katidis: AEK Athens expelled from the National Assembly. but, he, said:' I did not know, what, it meant' March' 17 March] while common sense would have liked a "suspension" more, a fine, but the radiation, raise/forfeiture, but, this is very intentional and calculated, to give rise, a oppositional: sentiment of anger .. because, those are in power? can not ignore these psychological mechanisms
EvolutionisReligion ha pubblicato un commento[all political are faggot, like satana]. politicians in all governments in the Masonic system of banking seigniorage? are all the enemies of God, and the true: puppet with no real power Abu Antar - gay? what you said? you can not believe! you must not make false claims! because you have the vocation to be sued? Obama has a very beautiful wife and children, even -- // -- Bill Clinton was referred to as "the first black president" because he was so similar to black people. And Obama is being called "the first gay president" because he is so close to the gay agenda.. of course, gays, exaggerate, in their claims, but, should not be insulted by anyone. only the homosexual ideology, that is, gay pride, is a threat to society, but they, too, gays are people, who must be protected by society, and against them?, you do not need to do any violence.
EvolutionisReligion ha pubblicato un commento@ OBAMA - as you are not ashamed: of yourself, to go around: for the world to talk about democracy and human rights, if: 1. you have: Satanists: institutional, such as: AUDIOHOSTEM187, synnek1, Mistafield, that is, one of the most important leaders of youtube (perhaps most important) is do intimidation: to me [FAQ_YOU] and [[666] Distorted Memory - Confession (6:47). Hocico - Born to Be (Hated)] 2. you have the Saudi salafis criminal, allies, who spread Islam, Sharia, around world, that kills: 300, Christians innocents, every day? then, the death penalty for: apostasy: and blasphemy, etc. this is your truth, as Zapatero, you're the Antichrist .. you are the puppet of the IMF, for the destruction of Israel! but for everything? there is always a remedy! and this remedy, and always a political response on my part, because I am a political Ministry, with universal jurisdiction: in Jesus's name. amen alleluia.
EvolutionisReligion ha pubblicato un commento@OBAMA -- come, tu non ti vergogni, ad andare in giro: per il mondo a parlare di democrazia: e di diritti umani, se: 1. tu hai: i satanisti: istituzionali, come: AUDIOHOSTEM187, synnek1, Misafield, cioè, uno dei più importanti, dirigenti di youtube(forse il più importante) fa atti di intimidazione: [FAQ_YOU] and [[666]Distorted Memory - Confession(6:47). Hocico - Born to Be (Hated) - Original Odium(6:04), visualizza la playlist completa (2 video )] 2. tu hai gli alleati sauditi, che, diffondono l'islamismo, della sharia, per il mondo, che, uccide: 300, cristiani circa ogni giorno? questa è la tua verità, come Zapatero, anche tu sei l'Anticristo.. tu sei il burattino del FMI, per la distruzione di Israele! ma, per ogni cosa? c'è sempre un rimedio! e questo rimedio, e sempre una risposta politica, da parte mia, perché io sono un ministero politico, con giurisdizione universale: in Jesus's name. amen alleluia.
EvolutionisReligion ha pubblicato un commento03/17/2013 14:21 VATICAN Pope Francis as parish priest at Sant'Anna: the Lord never gets tired of forgiving. Vatican City (AsiaNews) - "The Lord never gets tired of forgiving. Never! It is we who get tired to ask for his forgiveness. Let us ask for the grace of never getting tired to ask for forgiveness because He never gets tired of forgiving. Let us ask for this grace," said Pope Francis.. -- ANSWER -- ALSO I AM READY TO FORGIVE, all those who have the honesty to ask for forgiveness!]HABEMUS PAPAM / LE FALSITà. Crolla il castello di menzogne. Negli anni della giunta militare del generale Videla, la macchina del fango messa in moto per isolare padre Jorge Mario, lavorava a pieno regime. A dubitare della veridicità di simili accuse è l'ex dissidente e premio Nobel per la Pace Adolfo Perez Esquival, Amnesty International, è tra queste. anche, Gli attivisti per i diritti umani
EvolutionisReligion ha pubblicato un commento[these are the real criminals: FED CB IMF] Bankitalia: PUBLIC DEBT (is false, bogus, because does not exist!, it is only a legal fiction, in fact, you can not pay interest on a money (created out of nothing), which is already, been purchased) According to the latest estimates: analysis of: Bank of Italy (no! is a private SpA company), the central bank of the Italian Republic (no! not Italy, but is Rothschild SpA), the Italian public debt: it has broke again in the doorway of: 2 trillion total, marking a new record. reaches threshold record!
EvolutionisReligion ha pubblicato un commento[ecco i veri criminali] Bankitalia: DEBITO PUBBLICO(è fasullo, perché, non esiste!, è, soltanto, una finzione giuridica, infatti, non si può pagare un interesse, su un denaro(creato dal nulla) che, è già, stato acquistato) raggiunge soglia record! Secondo le ultime stime: e analisi di Bankitalia (una privata SpA: società per azioni), la banca centrale: della Repubblica Italiana: (no! non è dell'Italia, ma, è di Rothschild SpA), il debito pubblico italiano: ha sfondato nuovamente la soglia: dei 2.000 miliardi totale, segnando un nuovo record.
EvolutionisReligion ha pubblicato un commentoGrillo says: "Pd is unpresentable" Bersani before being accused him of Leninism says, "This is Leninism!" but, Beppe Grillo, M5S Leader: Democratic Party accused (left, that he has lost the election, and she claims, to have: all offices of State) to have played with: "GrassoBoldrini", the card of 'leaf fig ', because the Masonic system, of criminal and anti-constitutional: banking seigniorage, it can not hide its crimes behind brave, honest, and naive people. is the eternal story of the wolf, who disguises himself, from lamb.
EvolutionisReligion ha pubblicato un commentoGrillo: dice: "Pd è impresentabile!" Bersani: prima di essere accusato lui, di leninismo dice: "questo, è leninismo!" ma, Beppe Grillo, Leader M5S: accusa Pd(la sinistra, che: ha perso le elezioni, e pretende lei, di avere: tutte le cariche dello Stato) di aver giocato, con, GrassoBoldrini, la carta della 'foglia di fico', perché, il sistema massonico, del criminale ed anti-costituzionale: signoraggio bancario, non può nascondere, i suoi crimini, dietro brave, oneste, ed ingenue persone. è la eterna storia del lupo, che si traveste, da agnello.
EvolutionisReligion ha pubblicato un commento[[Islamist did not exist 30 years ago]] Libya: video,extremists, whip, youngs . In Sirte, the hometown of the late Muammar Gaddafi.MARCH 17 - A video in which some young people are whipped "in the name of sharia", has aroused indignation in the country. Libya: Coptic Pope: Yesterday Other: 4 Christians, arrested, charges, accused of proselytizing: (ANSAmed) - ROME, MARCH 17 - Tawadros II, the Coptic Pope, deals with the Libyan ambassador: in Egypt: for the release of: 4 faithful: arrested yesterday, in Misrata. The press reports of Cairo. The pope, say, anonymous sources, could get the stop,of the siege, by the Copts, of the Libyan embassy, in the Egyptian capital, in turn, the release of 4. Friday, the Libyan authorities have released: 55 Copts: The accused of proselytizing and arrested in recent weeks. [these horrors have become: the norm: in all Muslim nations: thanks to the excellent work of: predation: of the U.S. and NATO: allies Saudi Satanist: for destroy Israel]
EvolutionisReligion ha pubblicato un commentoLibia: video,estremisti frustano giovani. A Sirte, città natale del defunto Muammar Gheddafi 17 marzo, (ANSA) - TRIPOLI, 17 MAR - Un video in cui, alcuni giovani vengono frustati "in nome della sharia", ha destato indignazione nel Paese. Libia: papa copto tratta per cristiani. Ieri altri 4 arrestati, con l'accusa di proselitismo: (ANSA) - ROMA, 17 MAR - Tawadros II, il papa copto, tratta, con l'ambasciatore libico, in Egitto per la liberazione dei 4 fedeli arrestati ieri, a Misurata. Lo riferisce la stampa del Cairo. Il papa, affermano fonti anonime, potrebbe ottenere lo stop, all'assedio, da parte dei copti, della sede diplomatica libica, nella capitale egiziana, in cambio, della liberazione dei 4. Venerdì, le autorità libiche, hanno rilasciato 55 copti: accusati di proselitismo: e arrestati nelle scorse settimane. [questi orrori: sono diventati la norma: in tutte le Nazioni musulmane: grazie all'ottimo lavoro: di: predazione degli USA e della NATO: alleati del satanista saudita]
EvolutionisReligion ha pubblicato un commentothe impropriety of: Lucia Annunziata, Rai 3. was obvious to all, a real insult,to the profession journalist, within at of public service State, because, Lucia Annunziata, Rai 3. do asking questions: to repetition, but, did not, however, a minimum, and a reasonable time, for the answers, given that, Alfano, has my same gift, that is, to be extremely concise. and how all may know, I am a political enemy of Alfano, because he is always the Masonic system of bank seigniorage, which I try to abbbattere, in fact, I am on the side of: Beppe Grillo, and Magdi Allam, but the violation of: Lucia Annunziata, Rai 3. of ethics and fairness profession: it has exceeded all limits
EvolutionisReligion ha pubblicato un commentola scorrettezza, di: Lucia Annunziata, su Rai 3. è stata evidente a tutti, un vero insulto, alla profesione del giornalista, all'nterno del servizio pubblico di Satato, perché, Lucia Annunziata, su Rai 3. faceva domande: a ripetizione, ma, non dava, tuttavia, un minimo, e congruo tempo: per le risposte, considerato, che, Alfano, ha il mio stesso dono, cioè, di essere estrememente sintetico. e come, tutti possono sapere, io sono nemico politico di Alfano, perché, lui è sempre: il sistema massonico del signoraggio bancario, che io cerco di abbbattere, infatti, io sto dalla parte di: Beppe Grillo, e con Magdi Allam, ma, la violazione, di: Lucia Annunziata, su Rai 3. della etica e della correttezza profezionale: ha superato ogni limite
EvolutionisReligion ha pubblicato un commentoAUDIOHOSTEM187 ex-synnek1 kkk nazi IMF FED CIA -- lui sul suo canale e sulla mia pagina? [FAQ_YOU 12 visualizzazioni 10 ore fa] si impegna a molto a dimostrare come tutti i satanisti sono dei criminali!
EvolutionisReligion ha pubblicato un commentoAggressione premeditata: contro: il segretario del PDL, Angelino Alfano, attraverso, il servizio pubblico, di cui noi paghiamo le tasse: la Annunziata, giornalista, dice:"voi siete impresentabili!". Segretario Pdl, lei insulta il popolo italiano. 17 marzo, la conduttrice di: 'In 1/2 ora' Lucia Annunziata, su Rai 3. "Voi siete impresentabili", dice la conduttrice. "Con quale autorità si permette, di dire questo, a chi ha ottenuto così tanti voti dagli italiani?''. Lei ha detto una cosa pesante, ma, soprattutto ingiusta", ha risposto Alfano alla Anunziata, che, lo accusava: di aver manifestato: di fronte alla porta della Bocassini "in modo minaccioso". "Mi scuso: per il mio giudizio: molto franco: ma: ognuno: deve prendersi le proprie responsabilità",--ANSWER -- ottima affermazione!: ora deve essere licenziata, necessariamente! perché è notorio a tutti, come, gran parte, della magistratura(e tutta la pubblica amministrazione in genere) in Italia, sia politicizzata, e di sinistra
AUDIOHOSTEM187 ha pubblicato un commento.
EvolutionisReligion ha pubblicato un commento@King Saudi Arabia -- se tu continui, a fare del male ai cristiani: martiri innocenti, ancora, con la sharia? Dio farà diventare cristiani, anche tutti i tuoi figli! ["How much I would like to see a poor Church for the poor."] Pope: My name is Francis because I want a poor Church for the poor. Pope Francis talks about some aspects of the conclave. Once the election was over, Card Hummes told him not to forget the poor. The pope is concerned about wars and the need for peace. In order to understand the Church, a special "hermeneutics" is needed. The Church is a spiritual institution and must be viewed as the People of God with Christ as its heart. Breaking with custom, the pope gives his blessing "in silence" out of respect for non-Catholic and non-believing journalists.
EvolutionisReligion ha pubblicato un commento["How much I would like to see a poor Church for the poor."] Vatican City (AsiaNews) - He chose the name of Saint Francis of Assisi to "remember the poor" and because "Francis was a man of peace," Pope Francis said today during a meeting in the Paul VI Hall with the 6,000 and more journalists. ["How much I would like to see a poor Church for the poor."] On his name, he said with a sigh, "How much I would like to have a poor Church for the poor." Breaking perhaps the conclave's rule of secrecy, Pope Francis said, "Some did not know why the bishop of Rome wanted the name Francis. Some thought it might refer to Francis Xavier, Francis de Sales and Francis of Assisi. Let me tell you the story." "During the election, I was seated next to the Archbishop Emeritus of São Paulo and Prefect Emeritus of the Clergy, Card Cláudio Hummes, a really close friend.
EvolutionisReligion ha pubblicato un commento["How much I would like to see a poor Church for the poor."] When things got a bit dangerous, he comforted me. When the votes reached two thirds, the Cardinals began to applaud because a pope had been elected. Card Hummes hugged me and said, 'Don't forget the poor!' That struck me," he said pointing at his head. "The poor, the poor! As I thought about them, I immediately thought about Saint Francis of Assisi, about war, whilst the vote counting went on, until all ballots were counted. Francis was a man of peace, a man who loved and protected creation. In our times, our relationship to Creation is not that good, right? He was the man who gave us a spirit of peace, a poor man ... ["How much I would like to see a poor Church for the poor."]
EvolutionisReligion ha pubblicato un commento666 IMF NWO, AUDIOHOSTEM187 --- synnek1 ° kkk nazi, no, you are only criminal, thief, liar, murderess, No One Believes in you .. soon will be, an big, evil opinion against, all you! you are the loser, Because you have not, arguments, against me .. then your power is ephemeral .. @ King of Saudi Arabia - what do you think? I have a duty to protect all the people .. and also, in the fight: against you? this does not invalidate, in me, my sacred commitment, to protect: your people against you .. only, you can do harm to your people, and not me! because, I'm not in this world, I have not, an my interest to be protected. I am devoted to poverty, and: to universal brotherhood, as Pope Francis
EvolutionisReligion ha pubblicato un commento[to who, I wanted to hurt? defending the Christian martyrs: honest, peaceful, innocent, I have also been shown to protect all the world's poor, and all the victims of injustice!] a chi io ho voluto fare del male? difendendo i martiri cristiani: onesti, pacifici, innocenti, io ho dimostrato di difendere anche, tutti i poveri del mondo, e tutte le vittime di ogni ingiustizia! [à qui je voulais faire du mal? défendre les martyrs chrétiens: honnête, pacifique, innocent, j'ai également été démontré pour protéger tous les pauvres du monde, et toutes les victimes de l'injustice] [a quien yo quería hacer daño? la defensa de los mártires cristianos: honesto, tranquilo, inocente, también he demostrado que protege a todos los pobres del mundo, y todas las víctimas de la injusticia] [wer, wollte ich verletzt? Verteidigung der christlichen Märtyrer: ehrlich, ruhig, unschuldig, ich habe auch gezeigt, dass all die Armen der Welt zu schützen, und alle Opfer der Ungerechtigkeit]
EvolutionisReligion ha pubblicato un commento@ King Saudi Arabia --- [because I have to do harm to your children, and you have to hurt,to my children?] Rothschild, the Pharisee satanic IMF said to you: "You can plunder the peoples "," for you: there are no problems "and you do it, because, as, he said to you? [and, who has pushed you, to hate, in this way, all the other nations?]. 1. when will end oil, you will eat the sand? 2. your money, will do not destroy anything, why are sufficient: 2 billion: of dead, to regenerate, the IMF? but, who assures you, that, you will not be among, those: 2 billion: dead, too? 3. buy your property abroad? may be confiscated at any time! - ANSWER - of course, the bank seigniorage, the IMF, ie, Satanists Pharisees, have created a series of injustices and abuses ... but, in the end, all this, what does it mean to believe in God, for you? also you're that crazy, fanatical, maniacal religious, as, CustodeDellaFede? for do die, so many innocent people, for guilty your sharia!
EvolutionisReligion ha pubblicato un commentooh, yes, certamente, quando, c'è l'anarchia, tra, le pecore? allora il lupo 666 IMF FED ECB: NWO, new babilon tower, lui è veramente felice.. ecco, perché, quello che, di più: a Rothschild il fariseo fa paura? è la auto-determinazione dei popoli! è il buon pastore UNIUS REI. oh, yes, of course, when, there is anarchy among the sheep? then, the wolf 666 IMF FED ECB: NWO, new Babylon tower, he's really happy .. here, why, what, more: Rothschild the Pharisee's scary? is the self-determination of peoples! is the good shepherd unius REI. Oh, oui, bien sûr, quand c'est l'anarchie au milieu des moutons? puis, le loup 666 FMI FED BCE: NWO, nouvelle Babylone tour, il est vraiment heureux .. ici, pourquoi, quoi, plus: Rothschild peur du pharisien? est l'auto-détermination des peuples! est le bon berger unius REI.
EvolutionisReligion ha pubblicato un commento@ AUDIOHOSTEM187: synnek1 °: 666 IMF 322 NWO: voodoo cannibal, CIA KKK, Nazi, you're a coward, which is not usually respond, never, to me! Why not come to me, to do your act of submission? So, my offer has expired! you can not, be able: to bring together, in an associative way yourself, everything is repealed, forever, in all nations. now, all the Satanists, who will gather to celebrate their rites criminals, and will meet in another way?, will be persecuted! amen, this is established in the name of Jesus Alleluia! will never, ever more, an association, that is called "Satanism, ecc..." alleluia, my kingdom: of Israel and Palestine. Unius REI. CSPBCSS MLN DSM DVRSNSM VSMQ LIVB. for that matter, that does not speak of: bank seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of all peoples, and, of every Constitution, to destroy Israel, and to reduce all peoples, under, more terrible slavery
EvolutionisReligion ha pubblicato un commento@ AUDIOHOSTEM187: synnek1 °: 666 322 NWO FMI: cannibale vaudou, la CIA KKK, nazi, vous êtes un lâche, qui n'est habituellement pas répondre, jamais, à moi! Pourquoi ne pas venir à moi, de faire votre acte de soumission? Donc, mon offre est périmée! vous ne pouvez pas, être en mesure: de rassembler, de manière associative vous-même, tout est abrogé, à jamais, dans toutes les nations. maintenant, tous les satanistes, qui se réuniront pour célébrer leurs rites criminels, et rencontrera une autre façon? seront persécutés!
EvolutionisReligion ha pubblicato un commentoAmen, ceci est établie au nom de Jésus Alléluia! sera jamais, jamais plus, une association, qui est appelé «le satanisme, ecc ..." alléluia, mon royaume: Israël et la Palestine. Unius REI. CSPBCSS MLN DSM DVRSNSM VSMQ LIVB. d'ailleurs, qui ne parle pas de: banque seigneuriage, est un traître: maçon et sataniste, ennemi de tous les peuples, et, de toute Constitution, de détruire Israël, et de réduire tous les peuples, sous l'esclavage plus terrible
EvolutionisReligion ha pubblicato un commentomoi, unius REI: Je déclare que, démons et Satan sont des entités criminelles:! jamais: jusqu'à la fin du monde, il sera mis morale: toute forme de culte ou toute autre forme d'association, à cet égard, ou de substitution: 1. abolie, est-ce la religion, le mal! Qui ont permis que ce crime ne peut exister: dans nos sociétés? seuls les Pharisiens pourrait: faire une telle méchanceté: bien sûr, de façon cachée, car elle est cachée, aussi, le seigneuriage bancaire, et tout, ses conspirations secrètes, système maçonnique. les pharisiens du FMI, sont responsables, aussi, de tous les crimes: immenses, que: satanistes se sont engagés: ainsi, aussi, contre eux, je déclare, criminel, illégal, et, 2. détruit, le mal: la secte des Pharisiens, Illuminati, ainsi, avec leurs FMI. 3. abrogé, est le Talmud, comme le livre sacré du judaïsme,
EvolutionisReligion ha pubblicato un commentome, Unius REI: I declare, that, demons and Satan: are criminal entities! never again: until the end of the world, it will be made legal: any form of worship or any form of association, in connection therewith, or, surrogate: 1. abolished, is this, evil religion! Who, allowed that, this crime, can exist: in our societies? only the Pharisees could: do such wickedness: of course, in a hidden way, as it is hidden, also, banKING seigniorage, and all, his secret conspiracies, masonic system. the Pharisees of the IMF, are responsible, too, of all crimes: immense, that: Satanists have committed: so, too, against them, I declare, criminal, illegal, and, 2. destroyed, the evil: sect of the Pharisees, Illuminati, along, with their IMF. 3. repealed, is, the Talmud, as, the sacred book of Judaism,
EvolutionisReligion ha pubblicato un commento[is my Jewish temple: III, is the universal brotherhood] because unius REI, is an integral part of every people (in key, policy), and every religion (from a theological perspective), then through me, because, I have a jurisdiction: universal, spiritual, supernatural and divine, so, I can put in communion: the spiritual merits, and, all donations, political, commercial, financial, supernatural, of every religion, and every people that become, at this time, with immediate effect: the UNITY! and indeed, are available, too, FOR: any religion, and any other people. so, the gifts of all, they are given to everyone, because, happiness, wealth and prosperity, are multiplied exponentially!, during my reign? there are people who suffer from hunger! [incredible! is why] To me today, the Holy Spirit, has spoke, through, a magazine of Jehovah's Witnesses!
EvolutionisReligion ha pubblicato un commentoyes! 1. all the natural resources of this planet, and raw materials are subjected to a kind of communism! for ensure, that, no people, fail, in his possibility of development and progress. and no: other people have: to take an attitude of: predation and: exploitation, against: another people.. With immediate effect, 2. is abolished: all: debt: public, and: any "debt: private" of banking system: criminal Pharisees: the IMF, 3. (only the state has the authority to lend money to its citizens), because no citizen should be more: the slave, subject, of occult supranational entity.
EvolutionisReligion ha pubblicato un commentoOh Hail, Mary, our sister, Immaculate Conception, Mother of God, and Mother of the Church: the terror of demons, army deployed, in battle position, you know, "this Pope Francis, really out, of any scheme, and, a never-ending surprise! " Ave oh, Maria, nostra sorella, Immacolata Concezione, Madre di Dio e Madre della Chiesa: terrore dei demoni, esercito schierato in posizione di battaglia, tu lo sai: "questo Papa Francesco, esce veramente da ogni schema, e non finisce mai di stupire!" Oh Je vous salue, Marie, notre sœur, Immaculée Conception, Mère de Dieu et Mère de l'Eglise: la terreur des démons, armée déployée, en position de combat, vous le savez, "ce pape Francis, vraiment hors de tout système, et, une surprise sans fin! "
EvolutionisReligion ha pubblicato un commentoCustodeDellaFede(impazzita e schizofrenica) --- and what is the problem?,for all people, from their point of view, we are apostates, and, indeed, for all the others who are different from us, we are apostates for them: for all the others people, and all the others Peoples? then, are considered apostates, from our point of view, also, but, while we are sympathetic apostates and friends? ... you are an apostate unpleasant, however, an annoying ass socially. e quale è il problema?, tutti, dal punto di vista: di tutti gli altri, che, sono diversi da noi, noi siamo apostati per loro: per tutti gli altri, e tutti gli altri? poi, sono considerati, apostati, dal nostro punto di vista, ma, ma, mentre noi, siamo apostati simpatici ed amici?... tu sei un apostata antipatico, invece, un elemento socialmente fastidioso
EvolutionisReligion ha pubblicato un commentoCustodeDelleFavole --- tu non sei stato, come, io sono stato, in sodoma gomorra, ecc..., e quindi, tu non puoi neanche, immaginare: la malvagità di quelle: 5 città! ma, tu non sei stato, neanche, a vedere un sacrificio umano sull'altare di satana, mentre, il mio spirito è stato, ovunque, a motivo della metafisica, io sono stato ovunque. ma, rilassati.. con Unius REI?, i satanisti non potrebbero mai prendere il controllo, il mio ministero è una forza che, non può essere affrontata, perché, io sono il regno di Dio, in forma politica.. lol. e poi, se tu ti astieni, dai rapporti sessuali? 1. noi siamo salvati grazie a te, 2. e, tu non avrai mai un figlio per fare di lui, un infelice come te
EvolutionisReligion ha pubblicato un commento@ INDIA - our Holy Father, Pope Francis? is "like" a reincarnation of Buddha and Gandhi (goodness, poverty, compassion) .. and if, he said, that we have to do the "universal brotherhood" and also have "to be the trust between us," then, ok! So who of us can disobey our spirit of fatherhood? @INDIA -- il nostro Santo Padre, il Papa Francesco? è "come" una reincarnazione: di Buddha e Gandhi (bontà, povertà, compassione).. e se, lui ha detto, che, noi dobbiamo fare la "fratellanza universale" e di avere anche: " la fiducia tra di noi" allora, ok! allora, chi di noi: può disubbidire al nostro spirito della paternità?
EvolutionisReligion ha pubblicato un commento[Lady Gaga is just a poor girl, disaster], but we all, love the gays but we hate: absolutely, "gay pride", which is an evil ideology! In this way, gays do not have the right to have the "marriage" (which has the purpose of procreation) or do not have: the right to have: adoptions of children, but, nevertheless, they have a duty, like everyone else, to adoptions (to protect: the abandoned children) and be legally bound: in love, one: at the other, and, protected in this, by law, as everyone in their de facto unions. because I can make a family, legally valid, is why, indeed, along with Synnek1, i can do my family, also, I not being gay (even without sexual activity), because, the whole human race is a single family!
EvolutionisReligion ha pubblicato un commento[Lady GaGA è soltanto una povera ragazza, disastrata] ma, noi amiamo tutti i gay: ma, noi odiamo: assolutamente, "l'orgoglio gay", che è una malefica ideologia! in questo modo, i gay, non hanno il diritto di avere il "matrimonio"(che ha lo scopo procreativo) o non hanno: il diritto di avere: le adozioni dei bambini, ma, tuttavia, loro hanno il dovere, come tutti, di fare le adozioni(per proteggere: i bambini abbandonati) e di essere, giuridicamente vincolati: nell'amore, gli uni: agli altri, e protetti, in questo, dalla legge, come tutti: nelle loro unioni di fatto. perché, io posso fare una famiglia, giuridicamente valida, insieme a Synnek1, anche, non essendo gay(anche senza attività sessuale), perché, tutto il genere umano: è anche una sola famiglia!
EvolutionisReligion ha pubblicato un commentomy dear INDIA and all Nations -- our dear, saint Pope FRANCESCO: said: "in brotherhood, love, mutual trust, we do our universal brotherhood", is why, I hope: in you oh, my INDIA, because those vermin of Italian Masons? they are too cowardly to do the first step, to me, unius REI .. the wealth that I can give to all peoples? is equal to all the money that the IMF has stolen from us in 100 years io spero in te INDIA, perché, quei vermi di massoni italiani? loro sono troppo codardi per fare, il primo passo, verso di me, Unius REI.. la ricchezza che, io posso dare a tutti i popoli? è pari a tutti i soldi che il FMI ha rubato a noi in 100 anni. @Abu Antar --- all youtube staff are my dear sons, also, the one my son transsexual
EvolutionisReligion ha pubblicato un commento@IMF NATO CIA --China and Russia, can not lose, territorial control of Syria and Iran, Because this would lead them to lose control of all Continental, in this: inevitable World War III, Which is functional to the AGENDA of the IMF, the Pharisees of Satan's global control NWO.. but, for other Reasons, to me unius REI, and Israel? not: agree: the Salafis, take: Syrian control. I know, will sending of troops from Iran, Such as the Arab League NATO is doing: always to keep: in a position of: stall, "the situation in Syria, and, we, will see, Which, between, one year, in Syria, are all there, but the real that Syrians are all dead! if you want to talk, ok! you go ahead, otherwise, you can not possibly, give, also, at the Islamists, also, the Syria too, as you did with all the other countries, that, you have raped and pillaged to lead to the extinction of the Christian martyrs
EvolutionisReligion ha pubblicato un commentoSyria: the foolish, since, criminals GB and France, they believe, that in order to stop the war, it is necessary to give more weapons to the rebels, even without ok, EU, like if: the Arab League, to date, has past the Holy Bible, which has received a loan from the Christian martyrs ... Yesterday, a European official was killed. while children are used as human shields by both parties! - ANSWER - is not smarter, sit around, at an table, or, give the situation to provide an international mediator, such as: unius REI, which is accepted by both sides?
EvolutionisReligion ha pubblicato un commentoPersecution terrorism, vs Human Rights: World Watch List 2012,] Christians today, are the most persecuted religious group in the world. Because of their faith in Christ, more than 100 million believers suffer discrimination, harassment or acts of violence by followers of other religions, or by totalitarian regimes. Christians are often treated as second-class citizens, who are denied even the most basic human rights. The persecution manifests itself through insults, threats, harassment, physical attacks, violence, of every kind, jailing unreasonable, against (in this particular case) Christians or communities (churches) with the aim of preventing the spread of their faith: and: to eradicate because it is considered an offense to the thought, traditions, or: the dominant religion. According to this definition, therefore, persecution, not: it is a random event, but organized voluntarily.
EvolutionisReligion ha pubblicato un commento[Persecution terrorism, vs Human Rights: World Watch List 2012,] Always greater: attention has recently been given: to the grave phenomena persecution against Christians by the national media, and international. The persecution of Christians came: today: part, the agenda of many political entities: National and: International. What has for decades: Open Doors International - Open Doors: complaint: it is now considered: a plague and a worrying drift: the most basic human rights. Open Doors is a Christian organization serving the persecuted Christians. It recognizes the efforts made by the United Nations and the countries of the world in defense of freedom ... Summary sheet of the 50 countries of the WWList, where nations at various levels and in various forms of discrimination exist: e: persecution against: the Christians. Learn more ...
EvolutionisReligion ha pubblicato un commento[Persecution terrorism, vs Human Rights: World Watch List 2012,] World Watch List 2012, WWList 2012 ... The World Watch List is the black list of countries where persecution is real, compiled through a specially designed questionnaire of 50 questions on various aspects of religious freedom. It 'deemed reliable source, medium: and international institutions ... Stay informed through the news coming directly from countries where persecution is real. You will find updates, news and reliable: and checked, since, one of the tasks of Open Doors: is precisely to offer: reliable information: the scourge of persecution. Learn more ... @ my dear INDIA - ok! I try to ask His Holiness Pope FRANCESCO, of making his first trip to India, and then, soon after, to pass in CHINA .. you are happy for this honor? @my dear INDIA -- ok! io provo a chiedere a Sua Santità Papa FRANCESCO, di fare il suo primo viaggio in India, e poi, subito dopo, di passare in CINA.. tu sei contento, di questo onore?
EvolutionisReligion ha pubblicato un commento@ My INDIA fascinating: the BIG BED, and MOTHER --- WHEN THE NATIONALISM, BORN FROM A CONCEPT OF SUPERIORITY, of COMPARISON: as if a people can boast of being superior or better than another people? or, a religion can think of, to be better, of another religion? ok! this has been to date: the luck of the Satanists Pharisees of the IMF, the super predators of the NWO, we must all understand that we are one big varied, but one human family! and I, I do not believe that this concept is difficult for you: or anyone else, to understand, because we all have India in our hearts, and because no one has to keep, resentment, for his alleged: artificial evil, inferiority, because mother Earth said: "you are all brothers" .. for me, His Holiness Pope Francis? he is more like Gandhi (THE GREAT SOUL), which, not, to His Holiness Pope John Paul II, the great
EvolutionisReligion ha pubblicato un commento@Mia INDIA affascinante: la GRANDE CULLA, e MADRE --- QUANDO IL NAZIONALISMO, NASCE, DA UN CONCETTO DI SUPERIORITÀ, O, DI CONFRONTO: come se, un popolo, può vantare, di essere superiore, o, migliore di un altro popolo? o, una religione può pensare, di essere migliore, di un altra religione? ok! questa è stata fino ad oggi: la fortuna dei satanisti farisei del FMI, i super predatori del NWO, noi dobbiamo tutti comprendere, che, noi siamo una sola grande variegata, ma, unica famiglia umana! ed io, io non credo, che, questo concetto: sia difficile per te: o per chiunque altro, da capire, perché tutti noi abbiamo l'India nel nostro cuore, e perché nessuno deve conservare, il rancore, per una sua presunta: artificiale, malefica, inferiorità, perché la madre terra ha detto: "voi siete tutti fratelli".. per me, Sua Santità Papa Francesco? lui, somiglia più a Gandhi ( LA GRANDE ANIMA), che, a Sua Santità PAPA GIOVANNI PAOLO II, il grande
EvolutionisReligion ha pubblicato un commentoTheVArious7 -- SOLTATO DIO PUÒ GIUDICARE UN P,APA, non di certo un asatanista istituzionale internazionale, agente del FMI - NWO. /news-en/Bernanke's-choices,-no-help-for-the-real-economy-of-emerging-nations-27290 . html ,,, soltanto il colasso: "come una demolizione controllata" del FMI: basata sulla moneta di satana (signoraggio bancario, e debito pubblbico), può salvare, il genere umano dalla: III guerra mondiale.. e: restituire ai popoli del mondo, tutto quello, che, i super ricchi hanno loro rubato... una rivoluzione , consenziente, del FMI, è indispensabile per salvare il genere umano, dalla estinzione. [chi, si diverte a bloccare: firefox su questa pagina?]
EvolutionisReligion ha pubblicato un commentoArutz Sheva TV, @ IsraelNational --- News --- [like Islamists, supported by the West Masonic: USA CIA NATO, and Israel, have shown, in Syria, the Salafis, have not, yet, won: Syria, yet they already threatened Israel] is: the IMF, that: he has an interest in spreading: anti-Semitism, Islamism, because hatred between: the nations, he finds reason to continue to hold: its criminal power: illegal unconstitutional: in fact, the real agenda of the Talmud, like, KING SOLOMON know that?: is the worship of Baal ... otherwise, would not have delivered the Ark of the Covenant: to the Queen of Sheba.
EvolutionisReligion ha pubblicato un commentoto all governments - do not be afraid, because killing: between, your killers, pigs in Freemasonry: Bildenberg, all satanists cannibal, etc. .. is not an act of war, but it is only an act of patriotism to liberate, all peoples: from: the occult powers of banking seigniorage! when your soldiers are taken? you can always say that, is not an act of aggression: of one nation, against another nation, but that was: unius REI, the political project of the King of Israel, that has order: to you this, for prevent III world War nuclear.. ... I'm not afraid to talk to the beasts of Satan...
EvolutionisReligion ha pubblicato un commento@ China Russia India, etc. "What? Thing? We have to send: our innocent children (soldiers) to kill each other, because: 666 and 322: Rothschild: Bush, you enjoy the show again, again and again? This is absurd! You can prepare. a good number of killers, however, because, only, international criminals, they die, this time! " @Obama, tutti i Governi, youtube google CIA OBAMA IMF FED BCE synnek1 NWO 322 -- cannibal voodoo priest of Satan --- your obstinate silence?, can be interpreted, only, in the worst more possible way, only., wake up, or your world will collapse in head. ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz said me: "this ugly story of the Pharisees: Satanists IMF: and their occult powers: of Satanism Freemasonry and Bildenberg? for the destruction of Israel and the extermination of peoples? etc.. etc. .. ? must end today!
EvolutionisReligion ha pubblicato un commentoCustodedellaFede is not me: Unius REI --he is sedevacantist, crazy, for him: God love only 1500 people. as all Muslims, and religious fanatics, atheists, ecc.. ? they can never become theologians, without a scientific method! each ideology is idolatry: an international crime as the Talmud: 666 IMF FED; masonic crime for banking seigniorage why, all those who, like him, who, they think something unworthy and unclean, racist about God?, as Pharisees Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, etc. .. ? then end up doing the killers, and why, every ideology (atheists communists, laicists,anarchists), religious or otherwise, renders, incapable of thinking with a clear mind and rational, that is, outside of their dogmas. -- ANSWER-- That's because only the natural law, the 10 commandments, can liberate intelligence, and human dignity, from, any other idol, or mortgage..

33 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa and Mosques of Sharia Allah, decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH) and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (Unius REI) 33 ANNI fa, Sinagoghe di Satana Spa e Moschee di Sharia Allah, decisero che io avrei dovuto diventare il Re di Israele (lorenzoJHWH) e un Osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani (Unius REI) uniusrei@protonmail.com fedele250660@gmail.com 3205708054
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Datagate: Nsa controlla 75% Rete Usa. USA E GB (farisei anglo-americani FMi NWO 666), hanno fatto distruggere i documenti, del guardian, circa Snowden, perché, sono diventati, la più pericolosa minaccia di nazismo, di tutta la storia del genere umano. loro non sono stati scoperti, da una terrestre tecnologia, sono stati "rivelati", come una religione.. bisogna, espellere, immediatamente, dal territorio nazionale, ogni cosa appartenga, ad USA e GB, ad iniziare dalle ambasciate, loro sono diventati satanisti TROIKA satanisti, TROIKA cosa è il signoraggio bancario? e perché voi lo avete, se, la costituzione lo proibisce a voi? perché, voi state portando allo sterminio, i popoli, con le voste magie giuridiche?
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@ 666 الشيطانية التلمود: CIA ---> الدولة لا ينبغي أن يكون فقط الجلاد: من المواطن، لللقيام الدفع في الناس:٪ 270: من قيمة: من ماله (المصد...
IMF 666 NWO:羅斯柴爾德塔木德goyim。 --->的法利賽人(巴力的祭司臥底)的猶太法典,法利賽人(IMF光明路西法)的拉比(銀行家)和你的家人嗎? 你已經毀了,破壞了整個人類(和宗教機構,你已經做了最壞的打算:受奴役全人類):事實上,神並沒有使壞人! 但是,它...
asasen nan satanallah: yo touye: 300: kretyen mati: inosan: chak jou nan mond lan enperyalis Arabi salafist:! sètadi Al Qaeda] peyi Sir...
@ IMFは666 NWO:goyimためロスチャイルドタルムード。 --->タルムード、パリサイ人のラビ(銀行家)(ルシファーから国際通貨基金(IMF)イルミナティ)のパリサイ人(バアルの祭司おとり)のあなたの家族では? あなたは全人類を(:奴隷に全人類を施すことや宗教機...
satanallah 의 살인자 : 그들이 죽 : 300 : 기독교 순교자 : 무고한 : 제국주의 사우디 Salafi에 세상의 모든 일 :! 즉, 알 카에다] 시리아는 조직에 의해 일시 중지되었습니다 :받는 사람 : 이슬람 협력 (OIC). 결정...
killers ng satanallah: sila pumatay: 300: Christian martir: inosenteng: araw-araw sa mundo sa imperyalismo Saudi Salafi:! ie Al Qaeda] Sy...
hell x despair x destruction (canale nuovo) hanno bloccato IP We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by United with...
è perché non stampate una moneta nazionale, per uso interno, in sovranità monetaria? SOLTANTO GLI USA POSSONO STAMPARE TUTTO IL DENARO FINT...
666 satanic Talmud: CIA ---> the State should not only be the executioner: of the citizen, for to do pay at people: the 270%: of the val...