TIBET-CHINA warning, I have not given, to you, permission to destroy the identity of Tibet, you have done: high: treason against: my authority metaphysics universal! ] chanting slogans for a free Tibet and the return of their spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama. "Dorje - refers monk Lobsang Yeshi- died immediately, while the other two were brought to the County hospital ". The young boys all come from the monastery of Ngoshul, and are the youngest Tibetans to have ever chosen self immolation. Malho Prefecture, Tamdrin Tso (see photo), a 23-year-old mother set herself on fire in Gemar market (Rebgong County) and died shortly after. Dorje Wangchuck, Director of Literary and Culture Research Centre of Norbulingka Institute in Dharamsala, reports that "over the past 15 days, Tamdrin Tso has repeatedly prayed for those who have self immolated for Tibet".
[ TIBET-CHINA warning, I have not given, to you, permission to destroy the identity of Tibet, you have done: high: treason against: my authority metaphysics universal! ] She leaves a son, Nyingjam Tsering, of 5-6 years, her husband Kyab Tamdrin and her mother, Konchog Tso. After her action, approximately 3 thousand Tibetans gathered in the market area, where there is a school and several stores, singing slogans against the Chinese regime. The immolation of Tamdrin Tso is the second in Rebgong in a week. November 4 in fact, Dorjee Lhundrub, a 25-year-old artist set himself on fire and died. The fifth immolation yesterday occurred in the town of Bekhar, in Driru County (Nagchu prefecture). Local sources report that the Chinese police arrived on the site immediately after but nothing is yet known about the author of the gesture.
[ TIBET-CHINA warning, I have not given, to you permission to destroy the identity of Tibet, you have done: high: treason against: my authority metaphysics universal! ] For Sophie Richardson, head of the Chinese section for Human Rights Watch, the self immolations are "extraordinary acts of desperation", which "continue because there is no meaningful response from the central government, which has the ability to change the situation for the better." Meanwhile, the 18th Chinese Communist Party Congress (CPC) opened today which will see the end of government of Hu Jintao and the birth of the "fifth generation" of leaders, led-according to most forecasts-by Xi Jinping, current Vice-President. But while State media enhance the economic and political results of this last decade, the population of Beijing and other Chinese cities look indifferently at the event, having no say in the matter. (NC)
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
5 mesi fa
[salafis imperialism, will destroy my Israel] Terrorists: fire 3 mortars against al-Midan, Damascus An armed attack fires 3 mortar shells, the first one targeted an area near the HQ of Tishreen Newspaper, the second near a public park and the third was fired on the surroundings of the area. The shelling resulted in one martyr and two other injuries, plus material damages were recorded.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
5 mesi fa
666 FED IMF,NATO CIA ECB NWO-- , you are in Syria, to destroy Israel! Pope: "help Syria before it is too late" 4 hours ago: Future Forum related news: Pope, Middle East, Syria, Vatican, Damascus, Lebanon "We must do everything we can because one day it may be too late." It is the sentence added to his arm by Benedict XVI to call for peace in Syria pronounced at the end of the general audience in St. Peter's Square tu sei in Siria, per rovinare Israele! il papa: «aiutare la siria prima che sia troppo tardi» 4 ore fa: Avvenire Forum relativi alla notizia: Papa, Medio Oriente, Siria, Vaticano, Damasco, Libano "Dobbiamo fare tutto il possibile perchè un giorno potrebbe essere troppo tardi". È la frase aggiunta a braccio da Benedetto XVI al suo appello per la pace in Siria pronunciato al termine dell'udienza generale in Piazza San Pietro...
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
5 mesi fa
The 666 IMF; FED ECB, 322 freemasonry system masonry, European Union, Nobel Prize 2012, for 'Peace', violates basic human rights and obscures Syrians TV channels. October 22, 2012 -- After the great success of the Syrian media in dealing with the ferocious attack, armed and mediatic, against Syria, the EU ministers have agreed, with the administration of the satellite Hotbird and Eutelsat, to stop completely the spread of the Syrian satellite TV channels on the Eutelsat and Hotbird platform orbits. As part of the media campaign against Syria, in a unilateral action in contrast to the terms of the contract agreed, Hotbird has suspended the deployment of Syrian satellite television channel, and this kind of attitude by Hotbird violates the rules of professional ethics of the media and transgresses, inexcusable, the rules and principles of the media.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
5 mesi fa
DESPITE THE TERRORIST ATTACKS AGAINST THE PEOPLE AND INSTITUTIONS, THE SYRIAN FORCES WIN ON ALL SIDES WHEN FACING ON OPEN FACE MERCENARIES AND MURDERERS-CRIMINALS-CUTTHROAT. In Aleppo, the Syrian Arab Army has targeted a location with hidden terrorists, killing many of them to Ghalaghem-to-Sfeira, and destroyed six trucks loaded with weapons and ammunition, killed all the militants inside the truck. The Syrian Arab Army, responding to a terrorist attack on the Science and Research Centre of Bab al-Old Road, resulted in the deaths of many mercenary-terrorists, including Saudi Abu Hamza, the leader of the militia of the "battalion-Bazza'a ", connected to the FSA. Also killed the leader of the terrorist group known as "al-Bakri battalion Dali", Mustafa Jamal. (the two "battalions" are now disintegrated)
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
5 mesi fa
The Syrian Arab Army forces continue military operations in the Ma'aret al-Nu'man, addressing different groups of mercenaries infiltrated and killing many of them. The Syrian Arab Army units have also destroyed a van full of weapons and ammunition near the road from Kafarruma al-Bara, killing all the militants inside. At Deir al-Zour: clashes between the army and the Syrian Arab a terrorist group in Main Street, near the Industrial Bank: 13 militants mercenaries dead, including the award-wanted terrorist Mahmoud Issa al-Dayyab, while 23 other mercenaries were injured and have been admitted to Syrian military hospitals, who will care of them. In Daraa, Syrian Arab Army seized 10 Israeli-made rockets, RPG missiles and a machine guns. Finally, 'last but not least', the Syrian Arab Army has cleared, in the town of Da'el, the terrorist al-Qaseem Sharee, who was wanted for several murders, torture and acts of terrorism against the Syrian people and institutions.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
5 mesi fa
11/08/2012 MYANMAR Aung San Suu Kyi calls for more troops to quell violence between Burmese and Rohingya by Francis Khoo Thwe The Nobel Prize winner wants a greater military presence in order to restore peace in Rakhine state. However, both government and opposition have failed to find a political solution to the crisis. Business interests appear to be behind the sectarian violence. Another boat carrying refugees sinks. Yangon (AsiaNews) - Burmese opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi and ethnic minority lawmakers have appealed to the government to send troops to restore peace in the western state of Rakhine torn by sectarian violence...
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
5 mesi fa
Syrian Video News/Nouvelles ~ (Eng/Fra) ~ 3/11/2012 ~ UNHCR: mercenaries in Syria are criminals ~ UNHCR: les mercenaires en Syrie sont des criminels. thoughts on "Syrian Video News/Nouvelles ~ (Eng/Fra).3/11/2012. UNHCR: mercenaries in Syria are criminals ~ UNHCR: les mercenaires en Syrie sont des criminels" Francenaldo Amorim said: November 4, 2012 at 18:07. Ce sont pas des soldads hymains, ce sont des démons, qui tuent des gens désarmés, des prisionniers,. Ils méritent tous étre fuzillés aussitot pris. Pas de pitié pour ces démons. " l óeil pour oeil, dent pour dent. Il faut les chasser aussi en Turckie, dans les sanctuaires. La Russie doit aider dans cette chasse au mercennaires, qui se cachent en Turquie, chaque fois qui sont poursuivis.. Syria -- Video News -- ENG -- 3 November 2012 UNHCR has accused mercenaries in Syria of war CRIMES. UNHCR a accusé les mercenaires en Syrie DE CRIMES DE GUERRE.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
5 mesi fa
[free Syria from IMF 666 CIA NATO:ie, Al Quaeda saudi imperialism] Bashar al-Assad: "I am not a Western puppet -- I have to live and die in Syria" ~ Bashar al-Assad: "Non sono un pupazzo degli occidentali -- Ho intenzione di vivere e morire in Siria" ~ (Eng-Ita +Video)In an exclusive interview with RT, Syrian President Bashar Assad said he will not leave Syria. Assad also spoke on the calls for armed foreign intervention in Syria, and the possible fallout on the country's internal conflict and across the region. "We are the last stronghold of secularism and stability in the region and coexistence, let's say, it will have a domino effect that will affect the world from the Atlantic to the Pacific and you know the implication on the rest of the world," Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad told RT in an exclusive interview that will air on Friday, November 9.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
5 mesi fa
[free Syria from IMF 666 CIA NATO:ie, Al Quaeda saudi imperialism] "I am not a puppet. I was not made by the West to go to the West or to any other country," he said. "I am Syrian, I was made in Syria, I have to live in Syria and die in Syria," Assad said during the interview. Syria has been wracked by internal violence for the past 20 months. With the government and opposition failing to reach an agreement on a ceasefire, foreign nations are pressuring the Syrian president to step down, with some even calling for armed intervention in the war-torn country. "I do not think the West is going [to intervene], but if they do so, nobody can tell what is next," Assad said. "I think the price of this [foreign] invasion if it happened is going to be more than the whole world can afford." According to a Turkish official,
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
5 mesi fa
[free Syria from IMF 666 CIA NATO:ie, Al Quaeda saudi imperialism]Ankara has officially requested that NATO deploy Patriot missiles along the border with Syria, over fears that armed conflict could spill across the border. The armed conflict in Syria has turned increasingly violent in recent months. 'Rebel' forces have received significant financial, diplomatic and organizational support from countries like the US and Western-allied nations such as Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia. However, the opposition has yet to overcome infighting and form a united government. The rebels' Western allies have also become concerned by signs that radical Islamists are gaining strength and influence within the opposition. You can watch the Syrian president's interview in full on Friday on RT (...and on this web-space...).
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
5 mesi fa
1 Timothy 4:7 Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives' tales; rather, train yourself to be godly.1 Timothy 4:8 For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.2 Timothy 3:8 Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so also these men oppose the truth--men of depraved minds, who, as far as the faith is concerned, are rejected.Titus 1:11 They must be silenced, because they are ruining whole households by teaching things they ought not to teach--and that for the sake of dishonest gain.Titus 1:15 To the pure, all things are pure, but to those who are corrupted and do not believe, nothing is pure. In fact, both their minds and consciences are corrupted.2 Peter 2:3 In their greed these teachers will exploit you with stories they have made up. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
5 mesi fa
IMF CIA Cain criminal Dark Culico 666 --- if it comes from you: a piece of shit, with the form: of a piece of shit, he, also, the smell of: a piece of shit .. as you: you can Say That he is not a piece of shit? .. and it is this, That, you are along with your Satan, two pieces of shit! yuotube and now he can block Also my channel! But you at your age? Should you have a little ashamed to put on your head, the head of the Embalmed dead donkey! 666 Googe CIA IMF then, youtube is the loving mother and protective of all Satans fag, losers who cry? The dispice for you! but your 49 years? were useless, in fact, you turn to all the world with the head of embalming a dead donkey condom! maybe you're the last condom, That Satan has used to fertilize the cow Rothschild IMF NWO. but, you go around: the world: with a condom-shaped, the head of a dead donkey: make yourself, like fuck full embalming for Satan! you are the most fun: for all the skeletons in the cemetery!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
5 mesi fa
youtube CIA IMF 322 666 google --- Your video is still available in 1 countries: Southern Sudan, but has been blocked worldwide: namely, your video is stuck in 246 Countries---ANSWER--GUYS what is THIS a JOKE?LOL. Il tuo video è ancora disponibile in 1 Paesi: Sudan del SUD, ma è bloccato in tutto il mondo: cioè, Il tuo video è bloccato in 246 Paesi --- ANSWER-- RAGAZZI COSA È QUESTO UNO SCHERZO?LOL. ie, "Ozzy Osbourne-You're No Different", registrazione sonora gestita da: SME... cometblazt Commento sul tuo video: cabal talmud satanisti massoni Real Issue Of Jewish Genes right with you brother Nathaniel. Most of us r just a bunch of cowards, mediocre dumbed down dupes brainwashed by jewish owned media propaganda in the USA. brother nathaniel has the balls to expose these elite of evil deceivers calling themselves jews, who r indeed the synagogue of satan. have news 4 u: NWO is almost complete, satanic rule un der the jewish masonic elite
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
5 mesi fa
@youtube -- DANZA DEL REY DAVID REMOLINEANDO for JHWH Il tuo video potrebbe includere i seguenti contenuti protetti da copyright: Contenuti visivi gestita da: paramount_vfp. Il tuo video è bloccato a livello mondiale. Tieni presente che lo stato del video può cambiare se cambiano le norme scelte dai proprietari dei contenuti. Leggi ulteriori informazioni sul copyright su YouTube. Di conseguenza, il tuo account è stato penalizzato e non ha una buona reputazione. L'eliminazione del video consentirà la rimozione della penalità causata da questo reclamo. --ANSWER-- IO NON TROVO, COME POTER CANCELLARE QUESTO VIDEO!
Henry Johnson
Henry Johnson ha pubblicato un commento
7 mesi fa
Hello. I remember you sent me a message in my old YouTube account last year. The first thing I read was I would die by the end of last year. I also invite you to be friends in YouTube, you accept and then comment on my channel "shalom." My old account username was JC90280, do you remember me?
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
7 mesi fa
YOUR CHALLENGES against me? can not be made, because I am free from all the powers of darkness! is to prove his omnipotence, which, God allowed that, the big pin voodoo, came into my heart, but in vain: that is, without damaging my health! but, idiots, go ahead, ie, unaware, of their destruction! LE TUE SFIDE CONtro di ME? non possono essere fatte, perchè, io sono immune da tutti i poteri delle tenebre! è per dimostrare la sua onnipotenza, che, Dio ha permesso, che, il grosso spillo woodoo, entrasse nel mio cuore: ma, inutilmente: cioè, senza danneggiare la mia salute! ma, gli idioti, vanno avanti, inconsapevoli della loro distruzione!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
7 mesi fa
Synnek1 posted a comment 2 hours ago: said: Natural Intelligence? is Human Intelligence! NO! YOU GO beyond logic ...>;-) "Gods creatures, ARE include ALL Humans, ONLY? Lmfao! "- ANSWER -> beyond logic? can only be, the project for aliens abductions of Rochfeller: 322 bUSH: 666 BAAL MARDUCK, BELZEBULL OR JA BUL ON: OF FREEMASONRY, FOR DO IMF: IE GOD OWL AT BOHEMIAN GROVE;!!! it is his grandfather, who gave a body (GMOs leads through the magic of Kabbalah) to demons, and they? did have the flying saucers and the microchip 666
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
7 mesi fa
In fact, these criminals cursed: of Muslims salafis: for imperialism saudi?: for them is not a crime to burn the Bible and the Christian together! In this way, they have become the perfect pretext, which the IMF has built to create the 3 rd WW nuclear: that, in turn, is essential to perpetuate the power of the rabbis, the Pharisees Illuminati Satanists: of IMF; who planned the new Holocaust: against Israel, for this time! you mix natural religion,with, revealed religion, the false prophets and bad prophets: as Muhammad murderess of innocent people: and peoples, by the true prophets of Israel tu confondi la religione naturale, dalla religione rivelata, i falsi profeti e cattivi proofeti:, come Maometto: dai veri profeti di Israele
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
7 mesi fa
@ Vanalkic -- but, your life is not imaginary .. and yet you know nothing about the origin of life: Einstain said, indeed, it is impossible to have formed by chance! Vano alkic Shit --> I DO NOT have been sent to convince someone about the existence of God! get out you idiot! because you're afraid to look at your icon? lol. rotten skull of vomiting ... Synnek1 posted a comment 4 minutes ago [Your SAVIOR ... I AM] ---- ANSWER ----> lol. -> God told me the same thing! then, the time has come, That, you two, to be of agree!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
7 mesi fa
[atheists parasites and criminals: God blessings too all the Agnostics] because, it is universally recognized that the truth is simple and universal: for example: "A man is not a woman", etc. .. etc. .. etc. .. here that demonstrate a universal truth: it is also equivalent: to prove a universal principle and absolute from which all things: are came: that is: the proof of God! [atei parassiti e criminali] poiché è universalmente riconosciuto, che, la verità è semplice ed universale: per esempio: "un uomo non è una donna", ecc.. ecc.. ecc.. ecco che, dimostrare una verità universale: è anche equivalente: a dimostrare un principio universale ed assoluto: da cui derivano tutte le cose: cioè: Dio!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
7 mesi fa
each test is valid! if, 1. you're a shit: of: 322 IMF: 666 (lol. rotten skull vomiting) and: 2. I am a diamond of Unius REI (beautiful as an angel of God): all for the love of universal brotherhood? this is true, objectively in mode: indisputable: for everyone and then I will be: true forever! therefore, if is proved this truth: so: in mode: objective and universal, as, absolute: it is also demonstrated philosophically: 1. the existence of God, therefore, 2. Relativism is a lie! because relativism (is the proof of non-existence of God, it says that there can not be one truth in common: for all men!)
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
7 mesi fa
ogni prova è valida! se, 1. tu sei una merda: del 322 FMI: 666 (lol. di teschio putrefatto che vomita): ed : 2. io sono un diamante: Unius REI(bello come un angelo di Dio): tutto per l'amore della fratellanza universale? questo è vero: oggettivamente, incontestabile: per tutti: ed quindi sarò anche: vero in eterno! pertanto: se è dimostrata questa verità: in modo: oggettivo ed universale: in modo assoluto: è anche dimostrato filosoficamente: 1. la esistenza di Dio, pertanto, 2. il relativismo è una menzogna! perché il relativismo(la prova della non esistenza di Dio: dice che, non può esistere una verità in comune: per tutti gli uomini!)
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
7 mesi fa
Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955), German physicist and philosopher: powerfully mocked atheists and evolutionists, when he said: "" if lightning can enter a mine of iron and can pull a locomotive in motion? then, it would also be possible that life could arise by chance! Albert Einstein (1879 -- 1955), fisico e filosofo tedesco: derise potentemente gli atei e gli evoluzionisti; quando lui disse: ""se un fulmine, può entrare in una miniera di ferro: e può fare uscire una locomotiva in movimento? allora, sarebbe anche possibile: che, la vita possa nascere casualmente!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
7 mesi fa
evolution and atheism are the religions of talmud satanic: for destroy the only hope of Israel! because you can not prove: the non-existence of God! such, also as its existence? So, the choice of the atheist is a desperate choice: egoistic narcissistic: his choice, is for an fatalistic dogmatic religion: of the negative, which makes no possibilities to enter the kingdom of God! atheists are all pieces of shit! God bless agnostics! poiché, non è possibile dimostrare: la non esistenza: di Dio! come: la sua esistenza? allora, la scelta dell'ateo è una scelta disperata: egoistica: narcisitica: è la scelta fatalistica: dogmatica: la religione del negativo, che, non da nessuna possibilità: di entrare nel regno di Dio! gli atei sono tutti dei pezzi di merda! Dio benedica gli agnostici!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
7 mesi fa
as I have tried: to sing: sound: of my Shofar, in this class? randomly. there was: a strong gust of wind, which: has opened: the two sides the door! and we are all broke: for to laugh, because, it seemed. as: if: all the demons fled: immediately for scared! lol. it was great fun! Atheists have the religion of relativism, evolutionism, nihilism, naturalism, Satanism, etc. .. In fact, are all the religious also: the atheists ! Their start together: is their dogma cursed, that destroys intelligence! God bless agnostics!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
7 mesi fa
come io ho cercato: di suonare il mio Shofar, in questa classe? casualmente. c'è stato: un forte colpo di vento, che: ha spalancato: le due: ante della porta! e tutti siamo scoppiati: a ridere, perché è sembrato. come: se: tutti i demoni fuggissero: immediatamente: spaventati! lol. è stato molto divertente! Gli atei hanno la religione del relativismo: evoluzionismo, nichilismo, naturalismo, satanismo ecc.., infatti, sia i religiosi, che gli atei?loro partono insieme: dal loro dogma maledetto: che, distrugge l'intelligenza! Dio benedica gli agnostici!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
7 mesi fa
@Vanalkic: ie NWO synagogue: aliens abductions, 322, 666 CIA IMF talmud satanic nazi racist -> and why you're dressed like a devil rotten? but, I have not lied to you! you go around for go in to all the sewer of hell very soon! so, Jesus (scientific historiography) has lied to go to the cross! and the Apostles (scientific historiography) have lied about the resurrection of Jesus, to die in torment? then, all the people of Israel has lied about the exodus (scientific historiography)? You're crazy total! This, I said, today, to my pupils: of 17 years old: "When I was your age?: I asked God: to be able to do my personal experience, of all the mysteries of faith", here, because, today, I can make the world tremble! and what I say? it is only because I have experienced it myself! in truth, I could not say anything. if it was not confirmed: From my personal experience, because I am unius REI!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
7 mesi fa
Synnek1 posted a comment: 2 minutes ago: @UniusRei: yes, i agree. WakeUpUSAxRonPaul posted a comment: 2 seconds ago: Synnek1 -- you can read my message while I'm formulating it, in the traslator through Google! In fact, I know who you are tu puoi leggere il mio messaggio, mentre io lo sto formulando attraverso il traslator di google! infatti, io so chi tu sei WakeUpUSAxRonPaul posted a comment: 2 minutes ago: if i am fictional: from Kingdom of God? no, I confused your wickedness of Satan: in you, and in all childrens of satana 666 322! this is not fictional for us! Unius REi is born in Kingdom of God JHWH, then, he is born anywhere in the world. @666 Stvrmabteilvng --- NO! I AM AMERICAN PEOPLES! I HATE YOU ONLY! IE, 666 CIA IMF 322 FUCK
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
7 mesi fa
Kyrie eleison for Rothschild & Rochefeller synagogue of satan IMF FMI NWO Loading ... This video is public. 91 views @ comunitaebraicaroma - That One has the idea of God? is what a man is! Why, faith is the shape of being of any person: while the measure of the level: of his faith is his power! if you thought something indecent, about: the infinite perfection of God and his pure love: you will be destroyed in hell, as the Talmud says That the goyim: they were created from God to be exploited: by the Jews: through: banking seigniorage . Magdi Allam is not the only to tell: against the planned "genocide" both physical and cultural: against Christians have did do tHE: Talmud: Sharia: Hinduism: Buddhism: Communism, Freemasonry: ie ONLY ONE usual synagogue of Satan: What is the IMF: ECB FED NWO, etc..
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
7 mesi fa
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
7 mesi fa
@Arab League: you have no right: to invade Syria without a formal declaration of war! this is a violation of international treaties:'ll end up doing harm, to all of you, because there are no real allies in time of trouble!] Syria: UN, war crimes, abuses by government and rebel. Increase foreign elements, even jihadists. September 17, 11:30. According to Pinheiro sectarian tensions have increased dramatically in Syria, particularly in the governorates Latakia and Idlib. "Kidnappings and murders are taking place between Sunnis on the one hand, and the Shia and Alawite other" and "minority groups like Christians and Druze would organize self-defense groups, because their communities are threatened by the increasing sectarian violence." The Commission of Inquiry has also confirmed the "growing presence of foreign elements, including militant jihadists" in the country scene of a violent conflict.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
7 mesi fa
[lega Araba: tu non hai nessun diritto: di invadere la Siria: senza una dichiarazione formale di guerra!! questa violazione dei trattati internazionali: finirà per fare del male a tutti voi: perché non esistono veri alleati nel momento della sventura!] Siria: Onu; crimini guerra, abusi da governo e ribelli. Aumentano elementi stranieri, anche jihadisti. 17 settembre, 11:30. Secondo Pinheiro le tensioni settarie sono aumentate drammaticamente in Siria, in particolare nei governatorati Latakia e Idlib. "Rapimenti e uccisioni sono in corso tra sunniti da un lato, e sciiti e alawiti dall'altro" mentre "gruppi minoritari, come cristiani e drusi organizzerebbero gruppi di autodifesa, perché le loro comunità si sentono minacciati dalla violenza sempre più settaria". La Commissione di inchiesta dell'Onu ha confermato inoltre la "crescente presenza di elementi stranieri, tra cui militanti jihadisti" nel Paese teatro di un violento conflitto.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
7 mesi fa
kneel! can not you see? passes the Lord! amen alleluia + love + shalom + salam .. what is it made? is received: drink your poison: made by yourself! we collect all that we will have sown! I have news for you: amen "He who is in me? Is stronger, than, Satan, of who, is in the world. All hell? Is powerless against me!" You are completely helpless: against me. you can not defend yourself from me, to hell with Satan can not. you're lost. you go to this you destroy your abomination of Satan: that is in your life. Amen. alleluia. ☠ pax ☠ ☠ pax ☠ + hallelujah hallelujah AMEN. I have done wrong to the All Those criminals who toppled the cross ♰ [♚ MENE ★ ★ Techel PERES] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ "Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰ by ★ ♥ ♥ ♥ King Rei unius Israel Mahdi
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
7 mesi fa
[ the natural son: Jesus?, and the Christian adoptive son?: they have in common: the same divine nature!!! ] is written: "the firstborn, among many brothers" but, your Satan? does not make you look at the whole word of God, but both children (natural and adopted) are, equally, true children! have the same legal and civil rights! therefore have the same right to inheritance, as, the same name, as, the very nature of the FATHER: ie God JHWH! @ Stvrmabteilvng ---> alleluia. Amen AMEN. ☠ pax ☠ ☠ pax ☠ + + hallelujah hallelujah AMEN. 09/17/12 I have done wrong to the All Those criminals who toppled the cross ♰ [♚ MENE ★ ★ Techel PERES] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ "Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰ by ★ ♥ King ReiUnius ♥ ♥ Israel Mahdi [★] PAX ✞ [★] [✞ [★] ✞ hallelujah hallelujah amen
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
7 mesi fa
[[the deity is offered to man]] LaVeraDottrina, @ King of Saudi Arabia -> Idiot, Jesus did not come: to solve the problem of original sin! because this was not, either, the reason: of all the: Old Covenants: if, you seen that Melchised (the eternal and universal priesthood) was free from the power of original sin, but not entered in the covenant of the: Old Testament (this is clear: it shows that: God has different ways of salvation: and is also, therefore, that Jesus said: "You are useless servants"), but Jesus (is) Christ came: to elevate us :to the actual nature of Christ, that is, to the same, divine nature of God's children!
@LaVeraDottrina @ King of Saudi Arabia -> but how is it possible for us to have to suffer again, in 2012, two criminals like you? I have an idea, "because, two of you, together, to your, mutual: god jerk: racist, stupid and criminal, you will not fight: in a duel to the death? well, in the hope that you will kill, between you, and also: your Gods, they kill, too, their, between them? then, you will remove, yourself, from my balls, and will be good time! so be it: amen how you can worship a god murderess and jerk? punish criminals is right! but punish honest people, who suffer persecution and even death for justice? this is all balls! your god jerk, is the same god evil, of the King of Saudi Arabia!
@LaVeraDottrina @King of Saudi Arabia --> ma, come è possibile per noi, di dovere subire ancora, nel 2012: due criminali come voi? io ho una idea: " perché voi due, insieme, al vostro reciproco: dio coglione: razzista, idiota e criminale, voi non vi sfidate: in duello all'ultimo sangue? così, nella speranza che, voi vi uccedete tra di voi, e che anche: i vostri Dei, si uccidono, anche, loro, tra, di loro? e poi, voi vi togliete dalle palle una buona volta! così sia: amen! come tu puoi adorare un dio assassino e cretino? punire i criminali è giusto! ma, punire le persone oneste, che, soffrono persecuzioni ed anche la morte per la giustizia? questo è da coglioni! il tuo dio? è lo stesso dio coglione del Re dell'arabia saudita!
Informazioni su Canale di WakeUpUSAxRonPaul
1. il sangue cristiano.pdf(who can do these crimes? He has already decided to do the whole human race: one only bunch of slaves)
2. Grande rabbino Neofito - Il sangue cristiano nei riti erraci della moderna Sinagona.pdf
3. Talmud e cristiani - Pra...
di WakeUpUSAxRonPaul
Data di iscrizione 19/set/2011
Paese Israele
666 kill my uniusrei2 x IMF
Noah The Nephilim
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Unius Rei is lorenzojhwh
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kingx Brotherhood Universal
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Jewish Messiah Unius REI
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universal brotherhood
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ReiUnius free Israel&Palestine
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President Metaphysical Mankind
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Dominus Unius Rei
10/03/2013 13:46
Pogrom in Orissa: life imprisonment for seven innocent Christians
by Nirmala Carvalho
Retired bishop of Cuttack-Bhubaneshwar promises: "We will appeal". The convicted men are accused of the murder of a Hindu leader, which triggered the anti-Christian violence of 2008. Against them there is no evidence. The Maoists have always claimed reponsibility for the assassination.
Mumbai (AsiaNews) - Condemned to life imprisonment: this is the ruling issued today by a court in Orissa against seven innocent Christians, accused without evidence of the murder of Hindu leader Laxamananda Saraswati, whose death triggered the violent anti-Christian pogroms of 2008. The immediate reaction of Mons. Raphael Cheenath, retired archbishop of Cuttack-Bhubaneshwar: "We will appeal to the High Court against the unfair and unacceptable verdict". "The Maoists", he said to AsiaNews, "have twice claimed responsibility for the murder of the Swami Laxamananda and his four followers".
After dozens of postponements and sham trials, on October 1 the judges of the regular Session Court of Phulbani condemned the seven Christians for the murder of the Hindu leader, deferring the reading of the sentence to today.
To AsiaNews Sajan George, President of the Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC), defines the sentence "a mockery, the sad demonstration of how the Indian judicial system works". The judges, he adds, "were undeniably abetting with the saffron forces and purposely have delayed hearings and trials on a regular basis. We all agree that the basic principle of a democracy is to give equal protection and justice under the law: in our case, these seven men were not judged according to this principle."

33 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa and Mosques of Sharia Allah, decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH) and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (Unius REI) 33 ANNI fa, Sinagoghe di Satana Spa e Moschee di Sharia Allah, decisero che io avrei dovuto diventare il Re di Israele (lorenzoJHWH) e un Osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani (Unius REI) uniusrei@protonmail.com fedele250660@gmail.com 3205708054
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Datagate: Nsa controlla 75% Rete Usa. USA E GB (farisei anglo-americani FMi NWO 666), hanno fatto distruggere i documenti, del guardian, circa Snowden, perché, sono diventati, la più pericolosa minaccia di nazismo, di tutta la storia del genere umano. loro non sono stati scoperti, da una terrestre tecnologia, sono stati "rivelati", come una religione.. bisogna, espellere, immediatamente, dal territorio nazionale, ogni cosa appartenga, ad USA e GB, ad iniziare dalle ambasciate, loro sono diventati satanisti TROIKA satanisti, TROIKA cosa è il signoraggio bancario? e perché voi lo avete, se, la costituzione lo proibisce a voi? perché, voi state portando allo sterminio, i popoli, con le voste magie giuridiche?