@Giorgio Napolitano: padre mio, tu hai visto? sempre più uomini tecnici,
fedeli alle società private: SpA, e sempre: meno potere: agli uomini
della politica... [PROFILO: Franco ragioniere Stato, altro 'uomo
Bankitalia'. Dal 2011 direttore centrale: per: ricerca economica. 17
maggio ] ma, non era quello: che: la nostra Costituzione aveva
previsto.. quindi: il nostro sistema democratico: è fallito, ma, voi
continuate, a tenete: in camera di rianimazione: un cadavere politico,
perché: senza sovranità monetaria?, non è possibile esprimere una
sovranità politica! quindi siamo alla mercé, delle banche internazionali
dell grande usura, come lo scienziato Auriti Giacinto ha dimostrat, un
costo del denaro del 270%(con tre truffe legalizzate), per un prelievo
fiscale di circa il 70%, per pagare i costi del denaro , di proprietà,
non dei popoli ma di farisei satanisti, i peggiori criminali
internazioni, di voi voi le Istituzioni siete diventati: i complici,
cioè, gli aguzzini del popolo
@ Giorgio Napolitano: my father, you have seen? increasingly, technical men, faithful to private companies: SpA, and: always: less power: to the politicians ... [PROFILE: Franco State accountant, another 'man Bankitalia'. Since 2011 central manager: to: Economic Research. May 17] but: this was not: that: our Constitution: had expected .. then: our democratic system has failed, but you continue, to hold: in resuscitation room: a political corpse, because: without monetary sovereignty?, it is not possible to express a political sovereignty! so we are at the mercy, of large international banks, ie, big wear, such as the scientist Giacinto Auriti said: tour, a cost of borrowing 270% (with three scams legalized), for a tax levy of approximately 70%, to pay the costs of the money of property, of, Satanists Pharisees, the worst criminals international, and you have become, all institutions: all the accomplices, that is, the torturers of the peoples
@ Benjamin Netanyahu (attacco nucleare preventivo contro Lega Araba) (preventive nuclear attack against arab league) --- il vero motivo, per cui hanno ucciso: Saddam Hussein: è perché 1.200.000 cristiani stavano: bene: con lui, ed è questo: anche: il vero motivo per cui: Bashar al-Assad: è stata attaccato, è perché: i farisei Illuminati, hanno giurato di distruggere, e di: sterminare i cristiani.. perchè, i cristiani, nel loro cuore non potrebbero mai odiare Israele... - the real reason, why they killed him: Saddam Hussein, is because Christians: were 1,200,000: were good: with him(but now are few than 200.000), and it is this: even: the real reason: Bashar al-Assad has been attacked, it is because: the Pharisees Illuminati, have sworn to destroy, and to: exterminate the Christians .. because, Christians, in their hearts they could never hate Israel.
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
6 ore fa
@ Benjamin netanyahu --- the ARAB LEAGUE, are religious maniacs, international criminals, jihad, sharia dhimmi: Al Queda Islamist, caliphate worldwide: it is a satanic system only criminal, against: when the whole human race will have to fight: if wont to survive .. but, there would be no Islam: so criminal, if: there not: were the Pharisees: and Masons bilbenderg (which, they need to Islamic terrorists: for: disinterare the: civilization: Jewish-Cristana), then, no one, will be really safe: in this planet, until: organizations: corporations SpA, the occult power, that: are constitutionally prohibited: the Pharisees and Masons: IMF, that is, the great wear international: will not be destroyed .. no honest man will be safe in this world of shit, here's why: on this page: there are so many Satanists, to do spam against me.
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
6 ore fa
@ benjamin netanyahu --- la LEGA ARABA, sono maniaci religiosi, criminali internazionali, jihad, sharia dhimmi: Al Queda islamisti, e califfato mondiale: è un solo sistema satanico criminale, contro: cui tutto il genere umano: dovrà combattere: per poter sopravvivere.. ma, non esisterebbe un islam: così criminale: se: non ci fossero i farisei e massoni bilbenderg (che, hanno bisogno di terroristi islamici: per disinterare la civiltà: ebraico-cristana), quindi, nessuno: sarà veramente al sicuro: in questo pianeta, finché: le organzzazioni occulte: che: sono vietate costituzionalmente: di farisei e massoni: del FMI, cioè, la grande usura internazinale: non saranno state distrutte.. nessun uomo onesto: sarà al sicuro in questo pianeta di merda, ecco perché: in questa pagina: ci sono tanti satanisti a fare spam contro di me.
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
6 ore fa
a lorry driver friend, Told me: "The transport market: in Italy: is become: an suicide: has become a" fact bad evil "Because. truck drivers must cover: the debts with the banks or the insolvency Creditors, they are forced : to works, with a turn loss "then, procuring work: other payables, work loss, and not procuring a gain necessary?, that's why, they will end: with the failure to do: to do: gain!" a lorry driver friend, told me: "The transport market: in Italy?: it has become a suicide!" In fact, "since. truck drivers must cover: their debts with: banks: o: defaults: their creditors, they are forced: to turn," below cost ", then, procuring work: others, more, debts, work loss, and not procuring: gain: essential, necessary?, that's why, they will end: with the failure to do! "
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
6 ore fa
a lorry driver friend, told me: "The transport market: in Italy: is become: an suicide: has become a" fact bad evil "because. truck drivers must cover: the debts with the banks or the insolvency creditors, they are forced: to works, with turn a loss "then, procuring work: other payables, work loss, and not procuring a gain necessary?, that's why, they will end: with the failure to do: to do: gain!" un amico camionista, mi ha detto: " il mercato del trasporto: in Italia?: è diventato un suicidio!" infatti: "poiché. i camionisti devono coprire: i loro debiti: con: le banche: o: le insolvenze: dei loro creditori, loro sono costretti: a girare: "sottocosto", quindi, lavorano procurando: altri, ulteriori, debiti, lavorano sottocosto, e non procurando: un guadagno: indispensabile, necessario?, ecco perché, finiranno: con il fare fallimento!"
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
6 ore fa
05/16/2013 [nazi CIA brutal BAHRAIN Obama: UE, IMF FED ECB: NWO, 666, satanAllah idol stone, jihad and sharia for dhimmi, ie, worldwide caliphate: for destroy Israel] BAHRAIN. Twitter, the social medium the emirs do not like. As government persecution continues, six more people are arrested in Bahrain for offensive twitting against the country's customs and institutions. Meanwhile in Saudi Arabia, the religious police warns locals that anyone using social media "has lost this world and his afterlife." Manama (AsiaNews/Agencies) - A Bahrain court sentenced six activists to a year in jail for insulting King Hamad bin Isa al-Halaifa in messages posted on Twitter. For the public prosecutor, they were guilty of "misuse of freedom of expression". On the same day the six activists were convicted, Abdul Latif Abdul Aziz al-Sheikh, head of the Saudi religious police, strongly criticised the use of twitter by Saudis,
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
6 ore fa
[nazi CIA brutal BAHRAIN Obama: UE, IMF FED ECB: NWO, 666, satanAllah idol stone, jihad and sharia for dhimmi, ie, worldwide caliphate: for destroy Israel] BAHRAIN. saying that "anyone using social media sites," especially Twitter, "has lost this world and his afterlife", reflecting official concern that Saudis use Twitter to discuss sensitive political and other issues. Saudi Arabia is believed to have seen the world's fastest increase in the uptake of Twitter. Protests in Bahrain began in February of 2011, leading to the arrest of 3,000 activists and the death of 80 protesters, 35 of them only between March and April. Bahrain's ruling family has run the small country for more than 200 years. When challenged, it called on the Saudi government to help them crush demonstrations. Riyadh responded by sending about a thousand troops.
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
6 ore fa
[nazi CIA brutal BAHRAIN Obama: UE, IMF FED ECB: NWO, 666, satanAllah idol stone, jihad and sharia for dhimmi, ie, worldwide caliphate: for destroy Israel] BAHRAIN. On 9 July 2012, Nabeel Rajab, head of the Bahrain Centre for human rights and an iconic figure in the protest movement, was also sentenced to two years in prison on misusing freedom of expression as well. Friends now run his Twitter account, which has become the online window for Bahraini dissidents with over 200,000 followers. On the same day that the six activists were convicted, Nabeel's family went public with strong concerns over the conditions of his imprisonment.
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
6 ore fa
[nazi CIA brutal BAHRAIN Obama: UE, IMF FED ECB: NWO, 666, satanAllah idol stone, jihad and sharia for dhimmi, ie, worldwide caliphate: for destroy Israel] BAHRAIN. See also: 03/14/2011 BAHRAIN -- YEMEN. New pro-democracy demonstrations in Bahrain as rumours mount about a Saudi intervention. 02/09/2012 MALAYSIA-SAUDI ARABIA. "Blasphemous" Saudi Poet arrested in Malaysia and deported to Jeddah. Risks death. 03/04/2011 YEMEN -- BAHRAIN -- SAUDI ARABIA. Anti-govt protests end with 2 deaths in Yemen as unrest bubbles up in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia. 09/07/2004 SAUDI ARABIA. A catacomb Church? Perhaps, but one that is alive and well . . . and universal. 01/02/2013 SAUDI ARABIA. Around 500 intellectuals sign petition for blogger opposed to Sharia
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
6 ore fa
@ President Giorgio Napolitano and --- Because, I am the freedom of conscience? and Because, I am the King: the greater: and most important: of the entire history of mankind? Then, everyone will speak evil of me, without fearing for Their Lives. Because, I'm magnanimous .. and because I am the freedom of conscience? and because I am the King: the greater: and most important: the entire history of mankind? Then, everyone will speak evil of me, without fearing for their lives. because, I'm magnanimous. who is the messenger of God?: he has to do also, the works of God, That are: justice, equality, freedom of conscience, free will, freedom of religion. while, Muhammad? he did not do any of this, Which is why he was the prophet of the devil! and All Those who have come after him? demons have been more perfect: 1000 times More than him! I can not wait to come to Israel, to exterminate, to the entire Arab League
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
6 ore fa
05/16/2013. [there are no martyrs, in the world: under: kingdom Unius REI, I am universal brotherhood: in natural law]: ITALY. For Bartholomew, the "persecution of the Christians" has not ceased, and "the Church of Christ will never cease to generate martyrs". The Ecumenical Patriarch is in Milan to celebrate 1,700 years since the Edict of Constantine, when "for the first time, religious freedom was enshrined into law." Today however, in many places, Christians are seen as enemies of society and the state. Equally, the Christian faith is not tolerated in many countries. Milan (AsiaNews) - Some 1,700 years have passed since Emperor Constantine granted Christians the right to believe in God, yet "the persecution of Christians has not ceased;" thus, "the Church of Christ will never cease to generate martyrs" until God "enlightens everyone, so that they understand that peace, reconciliation, tolerance,
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
6 ore fa
Paris, May 16 (TMNews) - French President Francois Hollande: expressed "the emotion: of the whole nation for the tragedy" that: has consumed this morning in a school: in the center of Paris: where a man committed suicide, shooting himself shot in the head, in front of a dozen children: of not more than six years. The head of state also expressed appreciation: for "the staff (school) that prevented perhaps another drama." "We will do everything possible: to help these children," added the president during the second big press conference: of his mandate. After the suicide, some children were assisted by a team of psychologists: before the parents, alerted by telephone, were gradually: to retrieve: them from the school, located on rue Cler, in the chic seventh arrondissement: of Paris. - ANSWER - MASSONI BETRAYERS Bildenberg MURDERERS, THE MAN IS A PROPHET, BECAUSE WITHOUT MONETARY SOVEREIGNTY, OUR CHILDREN ARE ALREADY DEAD!
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
6 ore fa
Paris, May 16 (TMNews) - French President Francois Hollande: expressed "the emotion: of the whole nation for the tragedy" that: has consumed this morning in a school: in the center of Paris: where a man committed suicide, shooting himself shot in the head, in front of a dozen children: of not more than six years. The head of state also expressed appreciation: for "the staff (school) that prevented perhaps another drama." "We will do everything possible: to help these children," added the president during the second big press conference: of his mandate. After the suicide, some children were assisted by a team of psychologists: before the parents, alerted by telephone, were gradually: to retrieve: them from the school, located on rue Cler, in the chic seventh arrondissement: of Paris. - ANSWER - MASSONI BETRAYERS Bildenberg MURDERERS, THE MAN IS A PROPHET, BECAUSE WITHOUT MONETARY SOVEREIGNTY, OUR CHILDREN ARE ALREADY DEAD!
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
6 ore fa
[Israel Pharisees system MASONIC: 666 Star Satan: IMF NWO] will be sweet for you, receive the death by my hands, because: I will continue to love you, tenderly, as Israelis, as Jews, in my Kingdom of Palestine, together with our Palestinian brothers, when, sharia has been abolished throughout the world! [Israël pharisiens système maçonnique: 666 Etoiles Satan: FMI NWO] sera doux pour vous, de recevoir la mort par mes mains, parce que: je vais continuer à vous aimer, tendrement, comme les Israéliens, les Juifs, dans mon royaume de la Palestine, ainsi que avec nos frères palestiniens, quand, la charia a été abolie dans le monde entier! [Israele, Farisei, sistema MASSONICO: 666 stella satana: FMI NWO] sarà dolce per te, ricevere la morte: dalle mie mani, perché: io continuerò ad amare te, teneramente, come israeliani, come ebrei, nel mio Regno di Palestina, insieme ai nostri fratelli palestinesi, quando, la sharia sarà stata abolità in tutto il mondo!
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
6 ore fa
15/05/2013 РОССИЯ-КИТАЙ. Впервые за последние 50 лет мессу в православном соборе Шанхая. На судейство Божественной литургии, патриарх Московский Кирилл. Глава Русской православной церкви завершает свой "исторический" визит в Китай - Ответ - с тем, сколько любви и сострадания, с тем, что я хотел быть в ваш: Божественная Литургия, о: Патриарха Московского Кирилла. Глава Русской православной церкви .. Pontentemente Да благословит вас Бог, мои возлюбленные Святой Отец! а также благословить все народы мира!
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
6 ore fa
15/05/2013 RUSSIA-CHINA. For the first time in over 50 years celebrated mass at the Orthodox Cathedral of Shanghai. To officiate the Divine Liturgy, the Patriarch of Moscow Kirill. The head of the Russian Orthodox Church concludes his "historic" visit to China. 15/05/2013 VATICAN. Pope: Pray for the priests and bishops because they do not yield to the temptation of money and careerism. - ANSWER - with how much love and compassion with what I wanted to be in your: the divine liturgy, of: Patriarch Kirill of Moscow. The head of the Russian Orthodox Church .. Pontentemente God bless you, my beloved Holy Father! and also to bless all the peoples of the world!
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
6 ore fa
@ benjamin netanyahu --- IsraelNationalTV, or: CER | The Jewish Community of Rome. [/ User / ComunitaEbraicaRoma]. they have kept my comments. But when, my Holy Spirit, he called to a young rabbi of Rome, and, through me, infused knowledge, that is, the power of my metaphysics, I have sent to him, in a fraction of a second, all what, is to be: the Jews Satanists, for: banking seigniorage? Then, the Pharisee rabbi, he closed his heart, and said to me: "I do not care, that your children should die like dogs, suffocated by debt scam: of: banking seigniorage, you are only the goyim!" The Kingdom of God, we can prove, I did not hurt: his children, in fact, they are still all alive! So, what difference there is: between: the wickedness of the Pharisees and that of the Islamists? that is why, God YHWH has made it possible: the Holocaust at the hands of Hitler, and even Israel is already dead!
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
6 ore fa
187AUDIOHOSTEM, owner, youtube 666 said: ABOUT: uniusrei2, this account has been suspended: Due to many: or major violations of the rules: about: YouTube: about spam (the biblical book: of Solomon, Wisdom, written and translated, slowly for 3 hours: on the youtube page), gambling (impose: the kingdom of God: and: Palestine: on the planet: to prevent world War III), contained ambiguous (all done with that: bitch: OF: your wife ) or other violations (ie, defend: the Christian martyrs from your Satanists: the Pharisees and the Islamists: IMF-NWO) of the Terms of Service (that: you do for Satan, and you destroyed: the best Christian sites: for 322: NWO, tower of babel, cult your owl Baal, Marduk: at bohemian grove) for the evil you have done: to my uniusrei2 (where: I had entrusted to him: the original copies: to all my videos: personal: originals) and evil: that: you have done against the whole human race? you will never be forgiven!
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
6 ore fa
@ benjamin netanyahu --- Kabbalah is the technique, to challenge God, that is, the ability of Satan, to be able to place bets against God, and, do the application policy:of the Talmud: to obtain absolute power, his goal is the annihilation of the Jewish race, because, until, remain the Jews: the human race is not: never could be: just turned into a one only: flock of slaves. In fact: the real goal: IMF-NWO, is: to arouse: the era of Satan, that is, the highest level of social engineering: Masonic, to manipulate men into slavery, subliminal, occult, spiritual, psychological, institutional, sexual perversions, esoteric, etc. .. all this: it is behind: the banking seigniorage: 666, of your loved ones Pharisees IMF, but only in a few, those who are at the top of the pyramid: they know the real goals .. here's why: the Pharisees are also unintentionally: the most deadly enemies of the Jewish people in Israel.
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
2 giorni fa
Secularists of Shit --- voi avete cacciato il Crocifisso (calpestando le leggi attualmente in vigore), dalla scuola, ed avete fatto entrare Halloween! come pensate che, i vostri affari potranno prosperare.. voi siete dei massoni scomunicati, pronti per l'inferno
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
2 giorni fa
[secularists of shit!] FLORENCE, MAY 15 - Back Sunday May 19: The March: Barbiana. This is the walk: in memory of Don Lorenzo Milani: e: a: support of public schools in Italy. - ANSWER - you can not: in the name of the Holy Catholic priest, to do the war: against: the private Catholic schools, and then, against: the law, also, you remove the crucifixes: the classroom, because, a monopoly of information: and training, makes ill: to the offer: of the market: education-training .. remove, rather (to save) all work in the afternoon, and additional features.
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
2 giorni fa
[laicisti di merda!] FIRENZE, 15 MAG - Torna domenica: 19 maggio: la Marcia: di Barbiana. Si tratta della camminata: in ricordo di don Lorenzo Milani: e: a: sostegno della scuola pubblica in Italia. -- ANSWER -- voi non potete: in nome di un Santo: Prete cattolico, fare la guerra: alle scuole private cattoliche, e poi: contro: la legge rimuovere i crocifissi: dalle aule scolastiche, perché, un monopolio della informazione: e formazione, rende: malata l'offerta: del mercato: istruzione-formazione.. eliminiamo piuttosto (per risparmiare) tutti i lavori di pomeriggio, e le funzioni aggiuntive.
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
2 giorni fa
Emma Bonino: Bildenberg, says: "Enough austerity, GDP: first quarter: it is -0.5. again, This is: the seventh consecutive decline, a record is absolutely negative!" - ANSWER - @ Emma Bonino [enough, stop! with this macabre theater of death! Masons Bildenberg you, you have betrayed the peoples, because YOU did not have to, ever, do the conspiracy: of: passing the monetary sovereignty, ie, banking seigniorage, to the Pharisees IMF FED ECB (and the people, still, do not know anything yet), to pay: to us, the: 270%: the cost: on the money, here's why: 70%: of the tax levy: Serves: only: to pay the money to the IMF Rothschild SpA] in this way? no political action: can free the people: from: your extermination, that's why, before, the people will do: the civil revolution?, you will wear all Peoples, to the carnage of World War III
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
2 giorni fa
Bonino Emma: Bildenberg, dice: "basta austerità, Pil: primo trimestre: è: -0,5. questo è: il Settimo calo consecutivo, è un record assolutamente negativo!" -- ANSWER -- @Emma Bonino[basta, con questo macabro teatro: di morte! voi massoni bildenberg, voi avete tradito i popoli, perché, VOI non dovevate, mai, fare la congiura: di: passare la sovranità monetaria ai farisei (ed il popolo: non sa ancora niente), per fare pagare: a noi: il: 270%: del costo sul denaro, ecco perché: il 70%: del prelievo fiscale: serve: soltanto: per pagare il denaro a Rothschild FMI SpA.] n questo modo? nessuna azione politica può liberare il popolo dallo sterminio, ecco perché, prima che, il popolo farà la rivoluzione civile, voi lo porterete al massacro della III guerra mondiale
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
3 giorni fa
[[2013/3/15. ليبيا. بنغازي، وأحرقت الكنيسة القبطية المرقسية]. [هو الجغرافيا السياسية لل"سريع وفضفاضة" مع: الإسلاميون الخلافة في جميع أنحاء العالم، أي جدول أعمال التلمود، الفريسيين صندوق النقد الدولي، والتي هي في حاجة ماسة، للوصول الى الحرب العالمية الثالثة، على أن تفعل تتفكك: إسرائيل والإسلام النازية. ] 2013/5/14. ليبيا. بنغازي في ثورة ضد الإسلاميين في أعقاب الهجوم المميت.]]
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
3 giorni fa
05/13/2013 CHINA - RUSSIA. Xi Jinping and state media praise Kirill during his visit to Beijing. The Russian Orthodox Patriarch is the first high-ranking Christian leader to meet a president of Communist China. Whilst the two leaders praise each other, Moscow and Beijing boost their relations. Chinese leaders are now considering whether to recognise Christian Orthodoxy as one of China's official religions. CINA -- RUSSIA. Kirill a Pechino, le lodi di Xi Jinping e dei media di Stato. Il patriarca ortodosso russo è il primo leader cristiano di alto livello a incontrare un presidente della Cina comunista. I due si scambiano complimenti all'ombra dei nuovi rapporti fra il Cremlino e Zhongnanhai. Possibile la concessione del riconoscimento di "religione di Stato" all'ortodossia. --ANSWER -- OHhh! this is very very very: good news
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
3 giorni fa
Attacks in Libya, the United States moved 500 marine: at Sigonella - ANSWER - @ 666 IMF-NWO, 322: hypocrites, Al Qaeda, Islamists, Jihadists, that you pretend to want to fight in the world? are the same, that you are financing in Syria! are always the imperialistic project of Rothschild did the Pharisees to destroy Israel, through, the Arab League [dhimmitude, sharia, worldwide caliphate] Cameron? camerom, I know, he is the name of a demon African: he is specialist: in doing: genocide, ethnic cleansing, and extermination .. @ Jihad Abu Antar - hypocrite, liar murderess: of a Scythian, that you have claimed to be a Christian, for the destroying of innocent Christian martyrs: employee: the Iranian secret services, etc. .. Satanists Americans have found you? where are you? you still alive?
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
3 giorni fa
@ "187AUDIOHOSTEM, trochilo: of a Korean MASTER: owner's youtube shit. @ 666 cannibals, youtube, CIA MOSSAD, 322 google, Bush-NWO-owl Baal Marduk, Rothschild IMF FED ECB SpA, corporations Bildenberg, masonic system. ---. the my family doctor? him, he was, too, a freelancer. ie, a gynecologist important, but, by its relation to adultery, he caught a virus, which. killed him in 50 years! when you will take: the same virus: from the asshole of your gay? then, you will have ruined: also all those, i ask also: that: are with you, and when you're trapped in the powerful magnetic field, to be become, the nuclear fuel, the engine of our atomic planet? after thousands of years, in the infinite despair? for, my love, and my compassion for you?, "i will like, to give, to you, the gift of disintegration". Revelation 20:14. 19:20,21. 21:8, etc. ..
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
3 giorni fa
@"187AUDIOHOSTEM, trochilo: of a Korean MASTER: owner's youtube shit. @666 cannibali, youtube, CIA MOSSAD, 322 google, Bush-NWO-Baal owl Marduk, Rothschild IMF FED ECB SpA, corporations bildenberg, masonic system --- il mio medico di famiglia? lui, era, anche, un libero professionista. ie, un ginecologo importante, ma, dalla sua relazione di adulterio, lui ha preso un virus, che, lo ha ucciso a 50 anni! quando tu prenderai: lo stesso virus: dal buco del culo del tuo gay? poi, tu avrai rovinato: anche: tutti i porci: che: sono con te! e quando sarete imprigionati nel potente campo magnetico, ad essere diventati, il combustibile atomico, del motore atomico del nostro pianeta? dopo migliaia di anni, nella disperazione infinita? io per carità, e compassione, vi verrò a dare il dono della disintegrazione.. Apocalisse 20:14. 19:20,21. 21:8, ecc..
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
5 giorni fa
Giacinto Auriti, Notizie essenziali, Iniziative del Professore, Libri sull'argomento, Appelli e Avvisi. Interviste al prof. Auriti, S.AU.S. CANALE VIDEO. Il prof. Giacinto Auriti aveva costituito il S.A.US (Sindacato Anti USura) di cui era il segretario generale. Facciamo vivere questa sigla S.AU.S. con You Tube, possiamo vedere le trasmissioni "MONETA al POPOLO" . Clicca su questo canale e vedrai la ScuolaAUritianaSimec. Il prof. Giacinto Auriti su Facebook, SIMEC. org [thirst for righteousness] The prof. Giacinto Auriti had been the SAUS (Union anti-wear) of which he was the general secretary. We live this code: S.AU.S. with YouTube, we can watch shows "money to the PEOPLE" Click on this channel and you will see the ScuolaAUritianaSimec [thirst for justice] SIMEC. org
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
1 sett. fa
[[Dhimmi.net] May the truth prevail. the Arab League, and his IMF NWO CIA 666, are worse than the Nazis]] Where Dhimmis raise their voice of protest by exposing the truth about our Dhimmification. under the tyranny of Islamic Aggression and Political Correctness. IT IS LONG PAST time to bring the world's attention to a global scandal. Dhimmitude is the status that Islamic law, the Sharia, mandates for non-Muslims, primarily Jews and Christians. Dhimmis, "protected people," are free to practice their religion in a Sharia regime, but are made subject to a number of humiliating regulations designed to enforce the Qur'an's command that they "feel themselves subdued" (Sura 9:29). This denial of equality of rights and dignity remains part of the Sharia, and, as such, are part of the legal superstructure that global jihadists are laboring to restore everywhere in the Islamic world, and wish ultimately to impose on the entire human race.
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
1 sett. fa
[[Dhimmi.net] May the truth prevail. the Arab League, and his IMF NWO CIA 666, are worse than the Nazis]] If dhimmis complained about their inferior status, institutionalized humiliation, or poverty, their masters voided their contract and regarded them as enemies of Islam, fair game as objects of violence. Consequently, dhimmis were generally cowed into silence and worse. It was almost unheard-of to find dhimmis speaking out against their oppressors; to do so would have been suicide. For centuries dhimmi communities in the Islamic world learned to live in peace with their Muslim overlords by acquiescing to their subservience. Some even actively identified with the dominant class, and became strenuous advocates for it. Spearheaded by dhimmi academics and self-serving advocacy groups, that same attitude of chastened subservience has entered into Western academic study of Islam,
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
1 sett. fa
[[Dhimmi.net] May the truth prevail. the Arab League, and his IMF NWO CIA 666, are worse than the Nazis]] and from there into journalism, school textbooks, and the popular discourse. One must not point out the depredations of jihad and dhimmitude; to do so would offend the multiculturalist ethos that prevails everywhere today. To do so would endanger chances for peace and rapprochement between civilizations all too ready to clash. But in this era of global terrorism it must be said: this silence, this distortion, has become deadly. Before 9/11 it was easy to ignore and whitewash dhimmitude, but the atrocities changed the situation forever. In jihads throughout history, untold millions have died. Tens of millions have been uprooted from their homes. Tens of millions have been stripped of their cultural identity.
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
1 sett. fa
[[Dhimmi.net] May the truth prevail. the Arab League, and his IMF NWO CIA 666, are worse than the Nazis]] To continue to gloss over the destruction wrought by jihad ideology and its attendant evil of dhimmitude is today to play into the hands of jihadists, who have repeatedly vowed to dhimmify the West and destroy any recalcitrant elements. While jihadist groups, even with their global diffusion, are not strong enough to realize this goal by themselves, they have a potent and destructive ally, a genuine fifth column, in the dhimmi academics and dhimmi journalists they have recruited in the West. They have succeeded in confusing millions in the West into mistaking honesty and truthfulness for bigotry, and self-defense for oppression. Before it's too late for Western Europe and the United States, which gave birth to the traditions of freedom and equality of rights for all that shine today as lights in the entire world, this must be stopped.
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
1 sett. fa
[[Dhimmi.net] May the truth prevail. the Arab League, and his IMF NWO CIA 666, are worse than the Nazis]] Therefore Dhimmi Watch seeks to bring public attention to: The plight of the dhimmis, an immense but almost completely ignored ongoing scandal that continues in Muslim countries today; The plight of women under Sharia provisions, similar to conditions imposed on dhimmis, in the denial of equal rights and dignity; Slavery in Islamic lands, which continues today, justified by Sharia-'s dhimmi codes; the integral role of jihad and dhimmitude ideology in global terrorism today; The license that academic and journalistic whitewashes of dhimmitude gives to radical jihadist enemies of human rights for all. We join Dhimmi Watch in the fight to ensure that deeds done in the darkness for so long will not continue to be done.
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
1 sett. fa
[[Dhimmi.net] May the truth prevail. the Arab League, and his IMF NWO CIA 666, are worse than the Nazis]] The light of world attention is anathema to the proponents of jihad and dhimmitude: we have seen in recent years that women sentenced to stoning for adultery, often victims of rape unjustly accused thanks to Sharia laws disallowing rape victims' testimony, were freed following international outcry. Dhimmi Watch will seek to provoke similar, continuous and increasing outcry wherever and whenever the Sharia's institutionalized injustices threaten dhimmis and women. Benjamin Netanyahu -- have pity on all these monsters, religious maniacs, terrorists, monsters, criminals, liars, unthankful, slanderers, hypocrites, murderers, mass murderers, enemies of God and of all mankind? means spit on the blood of our children, that are become all martyrs, for our fault! So, what you need to do? do it soon!
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
1 sett. fa
[i am UNIUS REI] I have sworn upon the Throne of God, what one has chosen as its symbol, too: what should be: his fate. the evil that he wanted, against the other person, will fall on his body? is the same evil, that must be: in him, along with his children! this is the law of blood, in fact, I Unius REI, I am the law of retaliation! my jurisdiction is universal, is an jurisdiction eternal! io ho giurato sul Trono di Dio, quello che uno ha scelto come suo simbolo, anche: quello dovrà essere: il suo destino. il male che ha voluto agli altr? è lo stesso male che dovranno subire lui, insieme ai suoi figli! questa è la legge del sangue, infatti, io Unius REI, io sono la legge del taglione! la mia giurisdizione è una giurisdizione universale ed eterna!
i10Comandamenti ha pubblicato un commento
1 sett. fa
@CINA -- quale è la differenza, tra, i farisei(la notte), e, me (il giorno)? è semplice! loro usano le leggi dello spirito: per ridurre in schiavitù, tutto il genere umano (e se, non: fosse sorto Unius REI? ci sarebbero riusciti!) Io come Mosé uso le leggi dello Spirito, per liberare tutti i popoli da loro, che, sono i nuovi faraoni di oggi! ma, mentre: il loro spirito, è quello di un ombra morta, e marcia, il mio Spirito, è lo Spirito Santo, ecco perché non esiste, la possibilità, per poter violare la mia fortezza! e se i farisei sono diventati i padroni del NWO-FMI, attraverso le leggi sataniche dello spirito (Cabala), poi, tu devi prendere lezioni di teologia immediatamente, dai vescovi e dai cristiani che, tu nascondi nelle tue carceri, come si nasconde una perla in uno scrigno! diventare: i paladini dei diritti umani significa per te: vincere la pace, mentre, invece al contrario: non c'è una guerra mondiale: che, può essere vinta da qualcuno!
allDavidDuke ha pubblicato un commento
1 sett. fa
@666 CIA IMF 187AUDIOHOSTEM -- eih, Dirigente, Direttore Generale di youtube! io non credo, che, questo tuo sito, durerà, più a lungo: di quanto: è durato: il tuo precedente sito: di: synnek1! tu stai facendo le figure di merda: come un troll qualsiasi! allDavidDuke ha pubblicato un commento 13 minuti fa @my JHWH -- there's a dirty job to do, and it must be done!
allDavidDuke ha pubblicato un commento
1 sett. fa
Libia: primo sì epurazione 'gheddafiani' (ANSA) - TRIPOLI, 6 MAG - L'Assemblea nazionale libica ha approvato con 115 voti su 157 il primo articolo di una controversa legge che esclude dalla vita politica tutti coloro che hanno opccupato un posto di responsabilità sotto il regime di Muammar Gheddafi. Il voto è stato trasmesso in diretta dalla tv libica. In contemporanea, gruppi di uomini armati che circondavano da qualche giorno i ministeri degli esteri e della Giustizia hanno annunciato la sospensione delle proteste. -- ANSWER -- sono simpatici questi nazisti di salafiti: portati dalle 666 bomme bildenberg NATO, con le mitagliatrili antiaeree, che, ottengono le epurazioni dei nemici politici. e che, ricattano il Governo, evviva il Califfato Mondiale di Rothschild per distruggere Israele
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
1 sett. fa
666 curricán yogabro: es decir, institucionales CIA satanismo internacional. dije: "Lo siento por ti", enviar a: UniusRei3 - RESPUESTA - ¿Y por qué NO sentimos, porque una vez más, he sido capaz de demostrar: por ejemplo: el sistema masónico: de señoreaje bancario, xyyzxyx, OBAMA 666, Bush, y Kerry 322, MERKEL corporaciones SpA, de: caníbal, por qué 200.000 sacrificios humanos, en altair de Satana, dios Baal búho Marduk en Bohemian Grove, todo el poder oculto: CIA FED BCE, FMI, OTAN Bildenberg, son satanistas, son todos los criminales de fariseos Rothschid, los verdaderos enemigos del pueblo norteamericano, y, los enemigos de todos los pueblos! penal culto Talmud, de la esclavitud universal para destruir a Israel, a través de, el califato mundial de la Liga Árabe .. pero, todos morirán, de la muerte a los traidores!
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
1 sett. fa
yogabro 666 troll, institutional CIA satanism international. said: "I'm sorry for you," Sent to: UniusRei3 - ANSWER - AND WHY, I DO NOT are sorry, BECAUSE, ONCE AGAIN, I have been Able to Demonstrate: such as: the Masonic system: of banking seigniorage, xyyzxyx , cannibal, for do 200.000 human sacrifice, on altair of satana, god owl Baal Marduk at Bohemian Grove, all occult power: CIA FED ECB IMF NATO Bildenberg, are Satanists, are all the criminals of Rothschid pharisees, the real enemies of the American people, and, the enemies of all peoples! criminal cult Talmud, for universal slavery: for destroy Israel, through, the Caliphate WorldWide.. but, all will die, of the death of traitors!
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
1 sett. fa
(ASCA) - Rome, May 4 -'' I'm not homophobic. I'd like to, for once, that, too, the gay associations, instead of self-ghettoized, and waste words: to offend, those: who: they do not know, maybe, condemn, the many Feminicide the last hours. Defend only their partisan interest.'' It may have been: this passage from the interview published: today: from 'the Republica' one of the reasons that: led to the withdrawal of powers to the Secretary for Equal Opportunities MichelaBiancofiore: operated by the President of the Council, Enrico Letta: and his govenicchio Masonic Bildenberg: for the destruction of the Jewish-Christian: civilization! and, of the witch trials, the maximalist intolerance: of the GAY. In fact, no one in Italy, challenges, to gay, all civil rights! while, marriage is a natural right, that they can not have, by nature!
(ASCA) - Roma, 4 mag - ''Non sono omofoba. Mi piacerebbe, per una volta, che, anche, le associazioni gay, invece di auto-ghettizzarsi e sprecare parole per offendere, chi non conoscono, magari condannassero, i tanti femminicidi delle ultime ore. Difendono solo il loro interesse di parte''. Potrebbe essere stato: questo passaggio dell'intervista pubblicata: oggi: da 'la Repubblica' uno dei motivi: che: hanno portato al ritiro delle deleghe alle Pari Opportunità al sottosegretario Micaela Biancofiore, operato dal presidente del Consiglio, Enrico Letta: e dal suo govenicchio massonico Bildenberg, per la distruzione della civiltà ebraico cristiana! e per il processo alle streghe, della intolleranza massimalista: dei GAY. infatti, nessuno in Italia, contesta ai gay i diritti civili! mentre, il matrimonio, è un diritto naturale, che loro non possono avere, per natura!
Iran has condemned the one, which defines the "aggression against Syria" of Israel, referring to the raid, by Israeli fighter jets to destroy a load of missiles. "The Zionist regime and its allies are trying to create: an ethnic strife: and: religious one: the Muslim countries," he declared in: a spokesman for the Foreign Ministry, Ramin Mehmanparast urged the countries of the region to be accompanied by: against Israel. The spokesman for Iran: Israel called the attacks as "calculated" attempts to create insecurity and instability in the region. - ANSWER - this is a real slander! you did not have to give: Fatah-110 missiles, Iran, aimed at Hezbollah! is: your Arab League, which wants you dead, because, your Sharia law, has to die in favor: of his. is a disgrace: great infamy, that the CIA, NATO, allowed themselves to be corrupt, to the point: in this dirty game: to do: WorldWide of the Caliphate, in favor of the Sunnis!
L'Iran ha condannato quella che definisce "l'aggressione contro la Siria" di Israele, riferendosi al raid condotto dai caccia israeliani per distruggere un carico di missili. "Il regime sionista ed i suoi alleati stanno cercando di creare una discordia etnica e religiosa tra i paesi musulmani", ha dichirato un portavoce del ministero degli Esteri, Ramin Mehmanparast, esortando i paesi della regione ad essere uniti contro Israele. Il portavoce iraniano ha definito gli attacchi israeliano come "calcolati" tentativi di creare insicurezza ed instabilità nella regione. --ANSWER-- questa è una vera calunnia! tu non dovevi dare: i missili Fatah-110, iraniani, destinati a hezbollah! è la tua Lega Araba, che, ti vuole morto, perché, la tua sharia, deve morire, in favore: della sua. è un disonore: grande infamia, che, la CIA, NATO, si siano lasciati corrompere, a tal punto: in questo sporco gioco!
[is a true miracle, that these news are able to escape the censorship Masonic!] [[Rothschild Obama, Lega Araba: rimuovere, la vostra ideologia del Califfato mondiale! [Nigeria, tra i cristiani martiri: perseguitati, e i terroristi: di: Boko Haram]]. È questo il cuore ferito della Nigeria dilaniata dagli scontri interreligiosi e dagli attacchi del gruppo terroristico Boko Haram. Jos al crocevia di mondi, culture, religioni diverse. Situata lungo quella linea di frattura dell'Africa, dove si incontrano e scontrano le popolazioni del nord - in gran parte pastori nomadi musulmani - e gli agricoltori e commercianti cristiani del sud. Jos, che ha pagato il prezzo più alto di vite umane e distruzione negli ultimi dieci anni. E che continua a vivere col fiato sospeso, tra divisioni che per molti versi sembrano insanabili. Cristiani da una parte, musulmani dall'altra, in quartieri oggi ben distinti gli uni dagli altri.
[is a true miracle, that these news are able to escape the censorship Masonic!] [[Rothschild Obama, Arab League: Remove, your ideology of the Caliphate worldwide! [Nigeria, among Christians martyrs, persecuted, of the terrorists: Boko Haram]]. Una divisione fisica che è specchio di quella mancanza di fiducia che si è insinuata nei cuori della gente, che si nutre di paura e di propaganda, che diventa un humus fertile per ritorsioni e vendette da parte di chi non esita a usare e manipolare la religione per dividere e imperare. Fuori, è l'abbandono totale. Nei villaggi circostanti, continuano scontri e rappresaglie, con polizia e militari che arrivano sempre troppo tardi. Quando arrivano... c'è, quasi sempre, da fare i becchini dei cristiani sterminati! [is a true miracle, that these news are able to escape the censorship Masonic!]«Ma non è una questione religiosa - insiste mons Ignatius Ayau Kaigama,
[is a true miracle, that these news are able to escape the censorship Masonic!] [[Rothschild Obama, Arab League: Remove, your ideology of the Caliphate worldwide! [Nigeria, among Christians martyrs, persecuted, of the terrorists: Boko Haram]].arcivescovo di Jos e presidente della Conferenza episcopale della Nigeria -. Continuo a ripeterlo, ma alcuni non vogliono sentire. È più facile insistere sull'elemento religioso perché rappresenta un forte marchio identitario. Ma questo non fa che nascondere i veri problemi che ci sono dietro».Il suo ufficio, in una semplice palazzina spesso senza corrente elettrica, è appena protetto da una sbarra e due guardie. Anche se lui è chiaramente un target. E lo sa bene. «Quando esco di casa non so cosa potrebbe succedermi. So di essere un obiettivo. Boko Haram sarebbe molto felice di colpire un leader della Chiesa. Gli farebbe una grande pubblicità. Ma dobbiamo essere pronti a tutto e non avere paura».
[Open letter: to President Giorgio Napolitano] I hate, your Masonic system, of political parties, which have: robbed the banking seigniorage: against: Constitution, through, a silent coup, and now we are being blackmailed by IMF powers, of the Pharisees Bildenberg. that is why, the people have lost all confidence, in politicians! but, nevertheless! but, this maximalist your left, which despises Berlusconi (elected by the Italian people) (and everyone knows who does the "rules" of the game: democratic, can not make a speech partisan, interested) and despises, even democracy, and, the Italian people, the same! then, these are these: Renzi, who are fucking up: the government and the Italian people. After Matteo Renzi and Stefano Fassina yesterday: is: the new minister touched Andrea Orlando: that: he asked to Berlusconi, 'sense of proportion, "that is, get out in front of the foot. after that the highest offices of state were taken from your own left,as, handed!
@ Giorgio Napolitano: my father, you have seen? increasingly, technical men, faithful to private companies: SpA, and: always: less power: to the politicians ... [PROFILE: Franco State accountant, another 'man Bankitalia'. Since 2011 central manager: to: Economic Research. May 17] but: this was not: that: our Constitution: had expected .. then: our democratic system has failed, but you continue, to hold: in resuscitation room: a political corpse, because: without monetary sovereignty?, it is not possible to express a political sovereignty! so we are at the mercy, of large international banks, ie, big wear, such as the scientist Giacinto Auriti said: tour, a cost of borrowing 270% (with three scams legalized), for a tax levy of approximately 70%, to pay the costs of the money of property, of, Satanists Pharisees, the worst criminals international, and you have become, all institutions: all the accomplices, that is, the torturers of the peoples
@Giorgio Napolitano: padre mio, tu hai visto? sempre più uomini tecnici,
fedeli alle società private: SpA, e sempre: meno potere: agli uomini
della politica... [PROFILO: Franco ragioniere Stato, altro 'uomo
Bankitalia'. Dal 2011 direttore centrale: per: ricerca economica. 17
maggio ] ma, non era quello: che: la nostra Costituzione aveva
previsto.. quindi: il nostro sistema democratico: è fallito, ma, voi
continuate, a tenete: in camera di rianimazione: un cadavere politico,
perché: senza sovranità monetaria?, non è possibile esprimere una
sovranità politica! quindi siamo alla mercé, delle banche internazionali
dell grande usura, come lo scienziato Auriti Giacinto ha dimostrat, un
costo del denaro del 270%(con tre truffe legalizzate), per un prelievo
fiscale di circa il 70%, per pagare i costi del denaro , di proprietà,
non dei popoli ma di farisei satanisti, i peggiori criminali
internazioni, di voi voi le Istituzioni siete diventati: i complici,
cioè, gli aguzzini del popolo

33 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa and Mosques of Sharia Allah, decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH) and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (Unius REI) 33 ANNI fa, Sinagoghe di Satana Spa e Moschee di Sharia Allah, decisero che io avrei dovuto diventare il Re di Israele (lorenzoJHWH) e un Osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani (Unius REI) uniusrei@protonmail.com fedele250660@gmail.com 3205708054
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@ 666 الشيطانية التلمود: CIA ---> الدولة لا ينبغي أن يكون فقط الجلاد: من المواطن، لللقيام الدفع في الناس:٪ 270: من قيمة: من ماله (المصد...
IMF 666 NWO:羅斯柴爾德塔木德goyim。 --->的法利賽人(巴力的祭司臥底)的猶太法典,法利賽人(IMF光明路西法)的拉比(銀行家)和你的家人嗎? 你已經毀了,破壞了整個人類(和宗教機構,你已經做了最壞的打算:受奴役全人類):事實上,神並沒有使壞人! 但是,它...
asasen nan satanallah: yo touye: 300: kretyen mati: inosan: chak jou nan mond lan enperyalis Arabi salafist:! sètadi Al Qaeda] peyi Sir...
@ IMFは666 NWO:goyimためロスチャイルドタルムード。 --->タルムード、パリサイ人のラビ(銀行家)(ルシファーから国際通貨基金(IMF)イルミナティ)のパリサイ人(バアルの祭司おとり)のあなたの家族では? あなたは全人類を(:奴隷に全人類を施すことや宗教機...
satanallah 의 살인자 : 그들이 죽 : 300 : 기독교 순교자 : 무고한 : 제국주의 사우디 Salafi에 세상의 모든 일 :! 즉, 알 카에다] 시리아는 조직에 의해 일시 중지되었습니다 :받는 사람 : 이슬람 협력 (OIC). 결정...
killers ng satanallah: sila pumatay: 300: Christian martir: inosenteng: araw-araw sa mundo sa imperyalismo Saudi Salafi:! ie Al Qaeda] Sy...
hell x despair x destruction (canale nuovo) hanno bloccato IP We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by United with...
è perché non stampate una moneta nazionale, per uso interno, in sovranità monetaria? SOLTANTO GLI USA POSSONO STAMPARE TUTTO IL DENARO FINT...
666 satanic Talmud: CIA ---> the State should not only be the executioner: of the citizen, for to do pay at people: the 270%: of the val...
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Datagate: Nsa controlla 75% Rete Usa. USA E GB (farisei anglo-americani FMi NWO 666), hanno fatto distruggere i documenti, del guardian, circa Snowden, perché, sono diventati, la più pericolosa minaccia di nazismo, di tutta la storia del genere umano. loro non sono stati scoperti, da una terrestre tecnologia, sono stati "rivelati", come una religione.. bisogna, espellere, immediatamente, dal territorio nazionale, ogni cosa appartenga, ad USA e GB, ad iniziare dalle ambasciate, loro sono diventati satanisti TROIKA satanisti, TROIKA cosa è il signoraggio bancario? e perché voi lo avete, se, la costituzione lo proibisce a voi? perché, voi state portando allo sterminio, i popoli, con le voste magie giuridiche?