
33 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa and Mosques of Sharia Allah, decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH) and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (Unius REI) 33 ANNI fa, Sinagoghe di Satana Spa e Moschee di Sharia Allah, decisero che io avrei dovuto diventare il Re di Israele (lorenzoJHWH) e un Osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani (Unius REI) uniusrei@protonmail.com fedele250660@gmail.com 3205708054
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533, #Turchia, #Erdogan,#ANKARA, #Erdogan
4_6.[[nazi islamists CIA NATO][Islamic ideology: of the: IMF: for: to destroy Israel. the biblical monotheism] the Ukrainians were: SS terrible: but, Bosnians were: worse: for: not: talk about the Ustasha, the Poles have also pogroms : in: the: 46, the French have penned thousands: of: people with: in children: an: Velodrome: for: days without a drop: of: water. Now, say that: the Israelis are: how the Nazis gives absolution: for: all. This is: the temptation which Europe has: sold, condemning the people of Israel to the: hatred: and, to terrorism and condemning, herself, the dissolution. We do not forgive the people of Israel: of: to protect his children: and, battle: against: terrorism, then we condemn ourselves to: not: to protect our children. Terrorism him suffer without a fight and, every time, to: kneel always of more: and, crawling always of more.
[ #USA, #Lady Liberty] is ["evil", the goddess, #Ashtar, #Sheran, the #demonic, #Babylonian, #pantheon. of #Marduk, with, its #human sacrifices] DECEPTION'S 'ALWAYS ... "And no wonder, because, it, too, #Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light." #Astaroth, it is one, of the many, #demons of #Jewish culture, which, according, to a tradition, non-canonical, pushed #Cain to kill, his brother, #Abel. Originally, #Ashtoreth, was, a #pagan goddess, transformed, by the Jews: in a, #terrifying #demon, and, #repulsive. #Ashtar, #Sheran, #demon #guide, #spirit guide, in, #aliens #abductions: she says: "... my words are more important, the #Decalogue, of #Mount Sinai ..." and, of course, this demon, like, all the #demons, #communists, #freemasonry, #Islamists, #Pharisees, are, #Babylon, #NWO power, 666, the big #prostituta, who commits #fornication, with, all the #kings, of the earth. therefore, for kill, again, the seed of #Abraham, in the next, imminent, #Holocaust, against, #Israel
[] #CIA, #DATAGATE ,YOU Fuck With Wrong Person, Bank World, 666, bUSH, 322, #kERRY, [ #oBAMA- #OSAMA] #MARIJUANA, #PARTY, IN SATAN #SYNAGUE #BILDEDNBERG, #pharisees, Illuminati CULT GOd, #OWL, at #Bohhemian Grove, #Baal, #JabullOn, #freemasory, scam #banking seigniorage, #IMF, #FED, #ECB, #micro-chip, #aliens #abductions, agenda. #OGM- #Morgellons -- ANSWER -- io posso distruggere gli #USA, adesso, o , fra 150 anni .
666, #CIA, #DATAGATE, #HACKER, UFuckWithWrongPerson - when, you went to China, with, your wife for do an business, that, (then, were been, a failure!) Because, you asked me for help, and no, you asked for help, your satan, from time, which, you said, "Satan saved me!" and, how he can save you, or others, if there is no one who can save him, from hell?
@ #King Saudi Arabia - I hope you not, you will have the shamelessness, to ask me, to stop, the #Russian tanks , and #Chinese tanks, when they are going, because, along with the Pharisees, #Spa, #IMF, #Bush, and, #company corporations, #masonic system, scam, #banking seigniorage?, you are the most hateful shit in the world .. and certainly, I can not do, my universal brotherhood, with you, in life!
@ #King #Saudi #Arabia - the teacher, who, I have replaced this year (and all have said), that he has never done lesson, and the #Vice #President, in fact, blamed me, saying, "#professor, you must understand, the students are not used, to make #religion class, "but, the other teacher, he, too, no does, #lesson, of religion class. is in anguish, because, now it can become, very, #humiliating, #embarrassing, and, #strident, for him, the comparison between me, and him, and, then, began to slander me. lol. Luckily, that, I have a friend like you, who, you, can understand me! In fact, even the #Prophet #Jeremiah, wherever, he was #aroused, #strife, and, #quarrels .. but, that said, the story, the Prophet Jeremiah, saw die, all those to whom, he spoke .. In fact, you have not, no chance of being able to stop, #Russian tanks, and #Chinese .. if, not before, I'm coming to kill you, all #islamists, #Erdogan crazy, #sharia #nazi, to save, #Israel, and the #Human Race.
@ King Saudi Arabia, today, in my 4th ITIS, the blackboard "lim" with ADSL, [(Return to Life - Resurrection: A history of the twentieth century), A shepherd died, in Nigeria, a car accident, after four days, God raised him up, with prayer, Pentecostal, charismatic] but, in Nigeria, where it is not yours, Boko Haram, they are doing the massacres of Christians martyrs, innocent? -> The video is stopped and cromium, gave before, then, alone, 1. pornographic videos 2. then, alone [translate (.) google] read, the Ave Maria, on the contrary (blasphemy, satanism), and then wrote and read: [you priest, you must die], and traslator read, however, also, if I had previously muted [now, I say, if you're stupid? I'm not responsible!]
[@Obama -- se, anche tu, non hai sputato, contro, la Costituzione, come hanno fatto, 322 Bush, 322 Kerry, poi, anche, tu puoi fare, l'ordine esecutivo di Kennedy 11110, per salvare il tuo popolo] it skips the budget deal: after 17 years 'closes' the #State ... #Washington - (#Adnkronos / Ign) - The #Congress, not, finds the agreement on the #financing of the state machine, and, now the #administration is no longer able to pay most, of the public services, with, at least 800 thousand, #civil servants at risk. -->@Obama -- if you, too, do not you spit, against, the Constitution, as did, Bush 322, Kerry, in satanic esoteric agenda pharisees? Then, too, you can do it, Kennedy's executive, order, 11110, for love, your american peoples
[[Braccio di ferro #Obamacare, gli #Usa rischiano lo " #shutdown"]] @#oBAMA, TU PUOI DIVENTARE, UN, #EROE! Se, tu ami veramente il popolo, e, non sei un altro, #massone #criminale, come, #Clinton, #Bush, #Kerry, ecc..? tu puoi stampare, tutto il denaro necessario, usando l'ordine esecutivo, di #Kennedy, il #11110, soltanto, che, poi, non ti devi mostrare, in pubblico, perché, i #farisei #illuminati, #anglo-americani, #Spa, #FMI, #FED? ti spareranno!
[[ Lo scacco di #Vladimir, #Putin a #Barack #Obama, sul caso #Siria ]] La proposta del #Cremlino di mettere, sotto #controllo internazionale, le #armi chimiche di #Bashar al-Assad è una via d'uscita per #Obama. Ma ,anche uno smacco per lui -- ANSWER -- Questo articolo, parla, di un Obama debole.. ma, la forza non sarebbe stata, quella, di finire di sterminare, #sciiti, e #cristiani, in #Siria, per essere diventato, lui stesso, #Al-Qaeda (da, Obama, a, #Osama)! La vera catastrofe di Obama, è stata ideologica, e, morale, lui è stato il nemico, #burattino, della civiltà ebraico cristiana, il nemico della sovranità monetaria, un vero #burattino, nelle mani dei #farisei, #Spa, #Banca Mondiale, che, vogliono distruggere #Israele, insieme, a tutto il genere umano, ma, io sono la civiltà #ebraico-cristiana, cioè, io sono il genere umano!
@Putin -- tu sei un grosso cazzo, senza palle, tu sei soltanto, un patetico traditore. tu non puoi vincere mai, una guerra, contro, i farisei anglo-americani, infatti, tu compri, da loro, ad interesse il tuo denaro..
30 settembre, #PARIGI, ''Lo strappo di #Silvio #Berlusconi, minaccia la stabilità, della zona euro''.- ANSWER -- @ #Illuminati, #Farisei, #Bildenbeg, #FMI, #FED, #BCE, Spa, Voi, i massoni, voi avete preso, in ostaggio, tutti i popoli, infatti, voi avete rubato, a tutti loro, la #sovranità #monetaria, ( #signoraggio #bancario, ), voi avete rubato loro, il loro futuro, e speranza, infatti, voi avete fatto, dei popoli, i vostri #schiavi... [[è del #servo, comprare il denaro, ed è dello #schiavo pagare gli #interessi.. voi non siete gli esseri umani, voi siete i mostri, degli #spietati #assassini criminali.. ]]
@ #Farisei, #Rothschild, #Rochefeller, #Bildenberg, #Illuminati, #luridi, #porci, #criminali -- non ha nessuna importanza, che, voi siete gli ipocriti, che, non vedono la #pornografia, voi siete, sempre, gli istigatori! perché, fare lo "spacciatore", cioè, (il padrone, di ogni monopolio, ( #Spa, #FMI) è essere, il padrone di ogni cosa, è sempre, più grave, che, fare il fruitore" della droga ) secondo la vostra #Torà? voi siete stati condannati a morte, da me. infatti, io avevo, ordinato a voi, di rimuovere tutti i minorenni, dalla pornografia, ed invece, anche, nei #siti #porno, principali, sono stati, ancora, coinvolti, i #bambini. quindi, io #condanno a #morte, tutti quei #pedofili, anche, coloro, che, fanno i #video #porno, con i #bambini, ed i #minorenni, ancora.. voi fateli uccidere dai satanisti
[ #Iran, 200 testate esplosive, nello #arsenale #nucleare #israeliano ] Javad Zarif, #ministro degli Affari #Esteri dell'Iran, durante un'intervista rilasciata alla rete televisiva americana #ABC, --ANSWER-- , perché, tu sei il nazista, che, tortura i martiri cristiani innocenti, nel Medio Oriente.. --ANSWER -- OK! SE, SONO 200, MI SONO SUFFICIENTI!
30 settembre, 17:46, Nazi Sudan, senza libertà di religione, #KHARTOUM, Sono state pubblicate, su internet, foto #choc, che, mostrerebbero, le vittime della violenta repressione delle proteste, in #Sudan ad opera della polizia.. --ANSWER -- @666 SATANA, #USA, #FMI, #farisei #Anglo-americani -- IN Sudan, i cristiani, sono stati ammazzati tutti, e, i bambini, dei cristiani, sono stati venduti, come schiavi, in #Arabia Saudita, quindi, li potete ammazzare tutti, con, tutte le vostre bugie!
30 settembre, 19:18. #Iran, #Obama, #Netanyahu, niente, #atomica, #NEW YORK, Il presidente, Usa #Barack Obama, concorda, con il #premier #israeliano, #Benyamin #Netanyahu: ... L'obiettivo dell'Iran resta sempre, quello di ''distruggere Israele'', ha detto Netanyahu. bla, bla, bla, -- ANSWER -- sciacalli, come, è stato #Rothschild, che, vi ha insegnato a recitare, nella #massoneria, bla, bla, bla, ? a quando, l'incidente atomico, che, i sevizi segreti israeliani faranno, come un auto-attacco, per fare, iniziare la aggressione, contro, l'Iran, e, la guerra mondiale nucleare?
[ #politici, #israeliani] dalla guerra dei sei giorni, con, la restituzione del deserto egiziano? voi avete, sempre, fatto, la agenda dei satanisti farisei Illuminati! voi siete dei traditori! voi siete la più grande minaccia per Israele!
[@666, #Obama, #DATAGATE, --> sono veramente arrabbiato, perché, voi avete bloccato, il mio sistema operativo, LINUX MINT 15, ] @my JHWH -- come Israele, potrebbe resistere, che, lei è così, giovane, e piccola, di fronte alla malvagità, della 1. #LEGA #ARABA, e, dei suoi alleati, 2. 666 FARISEI, #aNGLO, #aMERICANI, e di, tutti i suoi, 3. #politici, #massoni, #corrotti, che, tutti insieme, hanno complottato, giurato, progettato, di distruggerla, di nuovo, in un nuovo Olocausto?
#Premier, #turco, #islamista, #nazista, #salafita, #wahhadita, #Recep #Tayyip #Erdogan, si sta preparando, velocemente, alla #guerra, e cerca, di eliminare le tensioni interne, inoltre, cerca, di avere più soldati, più carne da cannone, e, spinge, al rialzo, la già sua, più che, enorme, sovrappopolazione. [anche, #Mussolini ha fatto lo stesso] 1, [ #Turchia, #Erdogan, riforme per i #curdi]] 2. [[ #ANKARA, #Erdogan: 3 figli, non bastano, fatene 4 ]] -- #ANSWER --@my #JHWH, piuttosto, che, investire nella pace, e rinuncire, alla #Sharia, la #Lega #ARABA, ha deciso di scendere, in guerra, contro, di me, per #espandere, lo #imperialismo, della sua #criminale, nazista, #rivelazione #religiosa, per il mondo!
@criminal crazy, IRAN, for dhimmis slaves --- I has proposed an alliance, already, this mornig, 1. you destroy the Sharia, quickly, and, 2. i destroy, Masonic State, of Israel 3. then, we make the Kingdom of Persia, or of Palestine, along with Syria, 4. I am your King, --conclusion -- if, you accept this covenant, you can live, again! you do know, to me your answer, because, to me, does not like to wait .. I lose patience, easily
[[ #PAKISTAN, #ISLAM, #Peshawar, #criminal, #king, #SAUDI, #ARABIA, tu hai fatto, della tua religione, un arma, per rovinare i popoli! se, tu non, eri un demone, il piccolo satana? i satanisti americani, #DATAGATE, GRANDE SATANA, non, sarebbero stati, i tuoi alleati! ]] More blood in Peshawar. Christians pray for victims, and, peace in the country. Yesterday morning, a car bomb struck, town market, not, far from, the All Saints, #Church, place, of the massacre, of 22 September. At least 33, people dead, and, 70 wounded, in the third attack, in a few days. The Bishop, of, #Islamabad: "Pakistan is at the crossroads; remain united, against, #terrorism". #Peshawar ( #AsiaNews) - More blood, and, violence, in Peshawar, #capital of the #Khyber, #Pakhtunkhwa, #province, of Pakistan, the #theatre, in the last week, of three, #suicide #bombings, of, #Islamist origin. Yesterday ,morning a car #bomb #placed, in the #city #market , #exploded at rush hour, killing, 33 people, and, injuring more, than, 70.
5_6.[[nazi islamists CIA NATO][Islamic ideology: of the: IMF: for: to destroy Israel. the biblical monotheism] We condemn the people of Israel why: protecting his brothers. that: are: Iran, Ethiopia or: in: the: Yemen, then we will not: do the same: we have abandoned our brothers, the Christians that: to: tens: of: thousands are slaughtered every year in Islamic countries such as it minimizes or cockroaches: the mice. Thanks to palestinismo half of the pupils: and, Spanish students said: of: not: want an: companion: of: class jew. Thanks to palestinismo, any jew dare turn on the streets: of: Amsterdam, Brussels, Oslo, Stockholm and in London with: a kippa on his head to do so: his risk and danger. We have a choice: or: learn to love the people of: Isarele, the people they belonged to Mary: and, Joseph and Peter, where the people is: Jesus Christ was born,: and, why we fight: the people Israel
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento
1 mese fa
6_6.[nazi islamists CIA NATO][Islamic ideology: of the: IMF: for: to destroy Israel. the biblical monotheism] , live in: peace on his land, or: also: we will be erased: and we will lose our land. Christianity has: often sold, the hellish temptation, anti-Semitism,: and, with: this has: almost: of: losing its soul, has: obstructed his path, that: already should be more accomplished, to fellowship with God: and, with: creation. Aaron Dugmore: of: 9 years is: committed suicide. We cover the head of: black: and, we lift our weeping. Then we dry our tears: and, to begin again: fight. abu jihad Antar -- criminal sharia horror: imperialism islamists
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento
1 mese fa
[dictatorship: 666 of the Satanic-Masonic system: IMF-NWO 322] The presence: of: Monti at the top: of: Goldman Sachs, Moody's, the Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission: and, Centre for the Study Bruegel: attest without a shadow: of: doubt his identity: of: a man of strong: financial powers and, specifically: of: those that: first created: cancer of the toxic assets: that: amount to: 12 times: world GDP, then are : controlling Governments: committed: and, in the banks: tea: their recycling to: the expense: of the real economy. Monti not: we care so much: why: despite the highest tax: in the world: has increased At: the public debt: and, lowered: the GDP: @ synnek1 666 IMF 322 NWO: international institutional Satanism: voodoo: - and your existence is the only good reason: to North Korea, to: to bomb South Korea
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento
1 mese fa
[dictatorship: 666 of the system Satanic-Masonic: IMF-NWO 322] but, is: to counter why: is condemning to: one death: every 1.5 company at minutes: not: returning: 100 billion: of: credit and is reducing: more: and more: Italians: in: poverty denying young: people in particular any certainty: in: the: present: and, hope: in: the: future. This is not: why it happens: Monti is: an: incompetent: but, why: is implementing strictly the mission of: saving the banks: and,: of: recycle toxic assets, giving rise to a financial dictatorship: the person is reduced to: simple tool: of: production: and, consumption: of the: materiality, forced to: worship: the god of money: 666 agenda talmud for destroy Israel: into III World War.@synnek1 666 IMF 322 NWO: satanism international institutional: voodoo: -- e la tua esistenza: è l'unico motivo valido: per la Corea del Nord, di: poter bombardare la Corea del Sud
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
@ Kim Jong-un - perhaps, I was not taken seriously in the past from you, since, many states have organized a collection of all my articles, and, you have not done it, yet .. but I said to you, that, only, pilots of fighter planes, if they are guided: "by Christians, born again, Pentecostal," only, they can win: in aerial combat: against: both: abduction aliens, and, against American pilots .. @ Kim Jong-un -- forse, io non sono stato preso sul serio: in passato da te, dal momento che, molti Stati, hanno organizzato una raccolta, di tutti i miei articoli, mentre, tu non lo hai fatto ancora.. ma, io dissi a te, che, soltanto, i piloti di aerei da guerra, se sono guidati:" cristiani, nati di nuovo, pentecostali", soltanto, loro possono vincere: nei combattimenti aerei: contro: sia gli alieni, che contro i piloti americani..
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
@ Kim Jong-un my fellow communist --- Christianity: it is not a problem against: communism, but, rejects: as, basis only, the injustice and idolatry, so, with the appropriate reforms, very useful, for the progress of the nation... then, no Christian will be seen as a threat, as China has shown, itself, already, to you! I have noticed, as you're a good-hearted boy and sensitive, in fact, you remember, how you cried at the funeral of the girl, who had been knocked down, by a car? then, to protect, all the women in your country?, you have prevented: use of the bicycle, to all of them, but, in this way: it's true that few women will no longer die: invest in the street, but, in return, millions of women and children, will be able to better starve!
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
@ Kim Jong-un my friend, why, are you surprised, that they(IMF 666, 322, NWO FED) do not manage to kill me.. The reasons are many, but the most important reason, is that God has given to me: unius REI: ie, the Govern: of world, for the next 50 years. so, if I am killed, instead of governing as a human being, I will have to rule as a being divine. and, for all this ... this, the Pharisees Satanists, and all my enemy? are terrified! and since, I'm today, i am, only a human being, I can prevent World War III, if I am killed, you will all be forced to do, the World War III .. so, even, also: you will do well not to do more harm to innocent Christians .. to absurd ideological justifications that have never had a rational meaning!
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
@Kim Jong-un my son -- why, are you surprised, that, I said to synnek1 "cannibal"? the real power in the West is Satanism: in fact, the Masonic system of banking seigniorage: (which is, like, the cannibalism of the all peoples) is a occult system: secret, but, legal system! that's why, of 200.000 human sacrifice for satan, the CIA: can never find a single culprit, is becouse, the CIA are the true satanists.
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
Abu Antar ha pubblicato un commento 52 minuti fa : "Church of Satan founder Anton LaVey got his start playing organs for Evangelical churches. Proof that Evangelicals are evil. --ANSWER-- where is the greater good? is right there, that you have to fight the devil: of 400 Christian martyrs, every day? 300 are Protestants! who sheds HIS blood, FOR Christ, he has also entitled to its Glory ... dove maggiore è il bene? è proprio li, che, il diavolo si dispone al combattimento: di 400 martiri cristiani ogni giorno ? 300 sono protestanti! cOLUI che, versa, il suo sangue, per Cristo, ha anche diritto alla sua Gloria
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
[to all my gay friends, to all patriots, ie, enemies of Satanism and his banking seigniorage, 666 IMF FED: for destroy hope of Israel] @to all Peoples --- stop to offend, my gay friends, because we are all sinners! So who is without sin? he is the first one to cast the first stone.. in fact, as they are sick of their sin? , each one of us is sick, also, of his own sin, especially.. IE, SUFFER SIN FOR HUMAN WEAKNESS, IT IS NOT THE SAME, THAT SPREAD EVIL IDEOLOGICAL.. is why, gay is human good, but, "gay pride" is satanic
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
[FROM BIBLE OF SATAN] Called "The Black Pope" by many of his followers, Anton LaVey began the road to High: Priesthood of the Church of Satan when he was only 16 years old and an organ player in a carnival: "On Saturday night I would see men lusting after half-naked girls dancing at the carnival, and, on Sunday morning when I was playing the organ for tent-show evangelists at the other end of the: carnival lot, I would see these same men sitting in the pews with their wives and children, asking: God to forgive them and purge them of carnal desires. And the next Saturday night they'd be back at the carnival or some other place of indulgence. "I knew then that the Christian Church thrives on hypocrisy, and that man's carnal nature will out!" --ANSWER -- fight against sin? is not the same thing as surrender to it .. why suffer the sin, human weakness, it is NOT the same thing, that, the speaker be it ideological. is why, gay is human good, but, "gay pride" is satanic
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
synnek1°priest cannibal voodoo: said: 2 hours ago: [you are my Sworn Enemy and I will show no mercy] (WE ARE A LEGION do not forget and do not forgive).-ANSWER- ok! ok, my best friend 666, in truth, I do not consider myself less sinful than you, before God, and if God does not see my sins immense interior, that are very more of you, it is only because, I was covered with the righteousness of Christ! In addition, I am a pure political, that is, I'm not a moralist like the Islamists, Pharisees, laveradottrina, etc.. so, everything that one wants to make, of sex, in your private life? is not of any interest to me! I know that you are very angry with me, because I have revealed to the world all your sexual perversions, and now all peoples, despise you, and, perhaps you have also, lost, your beautiful girlfriend .. but, what does it matter to you, if the whole world despises you? my love for you, it is not: more important than everything?
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
@ synnek1 ° criminal IMF NWO --- because you did not: ever, wanted to do: a dialogue honest with me in all these five years?, then, is obvious: you have shown that, Satanism, of: IMF, it really is: a criminal conspiracy: the destruction of all people, and because they are Satanists, like you, the Freemasons of seigniorage banking, to have taken control: South Korea, Giappore, and the U.S., as, I I can say, at the, North Korea, China, etc..: you do not: you have to do IMMEDIATELY: a nuclear attack: preventive, because, with all becoming: 666 army invisible: jet, ELICOtTERI: HIGH ALTITUDE, and satellite, with, laser, the U.S. can prevent: also, for a fly to take off ... thing you're doing, in favor of the Christian martyrs, because I have to have mercy, again, of your life, again?
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
from [["" IsraelNationalTv "", Arutz Sheva news "]] @ benjamin netanyahu, eih, Bibi - before: of all, the apostolic community? were all Jews, indeed, even Jesus was born in Bethlehem (and we know: what does this mean) and not only that, he proclaimed the kingdom of Israel, which is why he was killed by the Pharisees, usurious lenders: of: IMF 666, Baal Peor, who wanted to steal the banking seigniorage - ANSWER - tHIS, is ALL: also, 100. MILLIONS OF CHRISTIAN MARTYRS aRE TO BE ADDED, also, to all the JEWISH MARTYRS oF THE HOLOCAUST, in fact, if we do not it, we are cheat, on the complexity of the story, it must be said, who kills a Christian is like killing a jew,. is why, then, Israel can kill, that's why, you are authorized by me to make a preemptive nuclear attack against Saudi Arabia, and kill the Pharisees Enlightened: immediately.
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
@synnek1°satanist criminal, priest cannibal voodoo, for do 200.000 human sacrifice, on altair of satana, every Year, for loro of his satan synagogue Baal MArduck, FED ECB 322, masonic system: agenda talmud, IMF-NWO: microchip, to destroy ISrael ---- on up, do not be too offended, after all, you're quite used to take it in the ass, also, often ... lol. .. lol. and then, it is not my fault, if I ever, see you, always, as my viewer, between, my sniper rifle, from the other side of the trench.--- welcome to my life, my dear (uniurei3@gmail.com) after 5 years? Now: 322 Bush NWO, Rothschild and, 666 IMF(ie, husband & husband): one only satan synagofue: they said to you: "You can now talk to him, confidentially, because, in every way unius REI, he can read in your heart!" my name is Unius REI King of Israel
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
against CRIMINALs] Philippians 3.17-21; 4.1. Brothers and sisters, join in imitating me, and observe those who live according to the example you have in us. For many(666, 322, IMF NWO, microchip, Farisei salfiti, islamisti, ecc..) live as enemies of the cross of Christ; I have often told you of them, and now I tell you even with tears. Their end is destruction; their god is the belly (pene, malvagità avidità, potere); and their glory is in their shame; their minds are set on earthly things. But our citizenship is in heaven, and it is from there that we are expecting a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. He will transform the body of our humiliation that it may be conformed to the body of his glory, by the power that also enables him: to make all things subject to himself(kingdom UNIUS REI). Therefore, my brothers and sisters, whom I love and long for, my joy and crown, stand firm in the Lord, in this way, my beloved.
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
God spoke to my Father Abraham:Genesis 15:5-12. 5. He took him outside and said, "Look up at the sky and count the stars—if indeed you can count them." Then he said to him, "So shall your offspring[a] be."6. Abram believed the Lord, and he credited it to him as righteousness.7. He also said to him, "I am the Lord, 9. So the Lord said to him, "Bring me a heifer, a goat and a ram, each three years old, along with a dove and a young pigeon."10. Abram brought all these to him, cut them in two and arranged the halves opposite each other; the birds, however, he did not cut in half. 11. Then birds of prey came down on the carcasses, but Abram drove them away.12. As the sun was setting, Abram fell into a deep sleep, and a thick and dreadful darkness came over him. --ANSWER-- TERROR HAS TAKEN POSSESSION OF THE SONS OF DARKNESS. DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YURSELF
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
@All Governi --- or you do, world war III, for all dead, or, you do my political project of king of Israel, for kingdom Palestine: and also: UNIUS REI: PROSECUTOR, the COMMISSIONER GENERAL: of ALL NATIONS... I do sex, only, with Miss Israel, and, she is too jealous of me, and our love is saint... but, synnek1, why, is not my dear friend, if I do not want to hurt anyone? What, as, for whom:: my good deed, he could blame me?
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
[to gay do not need, of the legal arrangement, of marriage]@ Freemasons - about, my gay friends? you have not understood anything: it is not in Their interest, to subvert the natural order, to endanger the society! @Rothschild Pharisee IMF 666 - stop, to exploit my friends, gay, Because they are patriots, Also them, against, the banking seigniorage! We are all for States secular, pluralist, for free will. @Satanists IMF, stop, just to manipulate our lives with your hidden powers! @Bush NWO 322 - STOP! TO DO HARM, to goyim: ie, your Talmud satanic agenda! in this way, you compel Muslims to kill, even again, the innocent Christian martyrs! it's your fault if Boko Haram: say: "the Occidental culture is a sin!" is ok crazy, now, in diction: 'husband & husband', or, "wife & wife," Green light: to change our society (in Sodom and Gomorrah) you are not serving, the interests of gay, you are exploiting gays, to do harm, to all Peoples!
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
synnek1 said: "I want: III worlD war" - ANSWER: to him 666: king Israel Unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSM VSMQLIVB. vote Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who does not speak, of: seigniorage banking, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy, of the peoples, and: against Constitution. ---> Because I am a political authority of the Kingdom of God, I have decreed the extermination of India (because of the Dalits, because there would be no forced conversions if Dalits were not slaves),extermination of North Korea, and: of all Islamic nations (because of the Christian martyrs), in fact, NATO is totally: inadequate to support this fight, then: will China and Russia to come out winners by the Third world War! only, for my love: Israel will not be invaded, but, will lost all his soldiers
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
02/16/2013 [ihatenewlayout and synnek1, you owe me life, now, you will saved the life of this boy!] SRI LANKA - QATAR. Qatar, Tamil Catholic risks decapitation. The Family: Blood money to save him. by Melani Manel Perera. The Sri Lankan Sudeshkar stabbed his colleague, of Indian origin, and admitted the crime. In agreement with the relatives of the victim, his parents have to collect 3.5 million rupees (20,600 euro) by February, or he will be executed. Kandana (AsiaNews) - The life of Vengadaslam Sudeshkar, a Sri Lankan Tamil Catholic sentenced to death for murder in Qatar, is worth 3.5 million rupees (20,600 euro). This is the ransom, or blood money, being requested by the family of the victim, a young man of Indian origin, to avoid the young Sri Lankan's execution by beheading. His family, however, is very poor: most of sum is being covered by the Asian Human Rights
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
02/16/2013 [King Saudi Arabia, said "but, That, holy Allah, of the my fuck? With 666 Pharisees: IMF FED ECB, NWO, all Masons, I will disintegrate: Israel, and all Christians"] LIBYA. Libya, Salafists ready to destroy Tripoli's symbolic statute. The population revolts. For the head of the Department of Antiquities, the extremists are a threat to the entire national cultural heritage. Also at risk is the Unesco World Heritage sites such as Leptis Magna and Cyrene. Since August, more than 70 monuments destroyed by Islamic extremists. The population of Tripoli organize a demonstration to oust the Salafis. Tripoli (AsiaNews) - The Islamists are threatening the historical and archaeological heritage of Libya. At risk are not only statues and monuments considered indecent by Islam, but also UNESCO World Heritage sites such as the Roman city of Leptis Magna, Sabratha and Cyrene,
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
02/16/2013 [King of Saudi Arabia, "but, That, the god of fuck ? I with the Pharisees: IMF FED ECB , NWO, That Is, all Masons, I have to disintegrate Israel, and all Christians "]. EGYPT. Fayoum: Islamic Extremists attack Coptic church, wounding pastor. A crowd, incited by a Salafi leader, attacked the church of Saint Georgas. The Cross on the dome destroyed, part of the interior and the sacred images devastated. The police Witnessed the violence, but did not intervene. Fr Domadios saved by a Muslim family. In recent months, Extremists had opened a hole in the wall to "monitor" his activities. Cairo (AsiaNews / Agencies) - A mob, incited by local Salafi fringe, threw stones and Set Fire to the church of St. Georgas in the village of Sarsena, Tamiya District, in the Egyptian province of Fayoum, about 103 km south-west of Cairo.
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
02/17/2013 [King of Saudi Arabia, he says, "but, that, the god of fuck? I with the Pharisees: IMF FED ECB, NWO, that is, all Masons, I have to disintegrate Israel, and all Christians"] VATICAN. Pope: every moment of life we must choose whether to follow God or our own ego In his penultimate Angelus Benedict XVI comments on the temptations of Jesus "The core is always in exploiting God for one's own interests." Listening to him, a huge crowd, of perhaps 70 thousand people. Vatican City (AsiaNews) - "In the decisive moments of life, but, in hindsight, in every moment, we are at a crossroads: Do we want to follow our ego or God? Our individual interests or the true Good, what really is good? ". There are perhaps 80 thousand people in St Peter's Square for Benedict XVI's penultimate Angelus.
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
[this farce of occult Masonic imperialism: of the banking seigniorage, or, an arrangements to religion background? must end immediately, or all die: because the Third World War has already been planned] Egypt: 60 arrested in demonstrations. Degenerated into violence against public buildings. February 16, CAIRO, FEBRUARY 16, Egypt, demonstrations degenerated into violence, against, public buildings, and police. This was announced, today, the Interior Ministry, said. In particular, thirty people have been arrested, in Cairo during clashes, near one of the presidential palaces, in the north of the capital. Here the police, has made extensive use, of tear gas and shot, with shotguns.
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
[The Hunt for two attackers. One shot him in the head] February 17, a Catholic priest was killed this morning in front of the entrance: to the church where he was to celebrate: Sunday mass in Zanzibar, Tanzania. He reports a police source. 'Father Evarist and Mushi' was blocked by two young men at the entrance: of his church. One of the two attackers: shot him: in the head: and the priest, 'died on the spot,'' said: a police spokesman in Zanzibar, Mohammed Mhina. '' We can not say: at the moment: what is the motive of the attack.'' - ANSWER - really? do not know? but: everyone knows: that: Islamists are the assassins sent by the King of Saudi Arabia instead!
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
you're just, incapable of making: a logical argument, and explain, demonstrate: your thesis and motivations? today, you have disappointed the world: again again! but this you must know, every law which is in conflict with the laws of the Kingdom of God, which, I represent, that is, the natural law, the Decalogue? is always an illegal/illicit: law, such as your: bank seigniorage, since, you you never complain about him! is why, you are all going to die, why, you do not do resistance at system: Masonic, of seigniorage banking
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
@ King of Saudi Arabia - this story:of the denial of freedom of religion for you, etc. ..? is the happiness of the Pharisees, only to destroy the Middle East, and disintegrate: Israel, only, but, when the Arab League, Iran, and Israel, are under my crown? will no longer be possible: to realize the conditions, of a World War III .. This is why, the IMF will be forced: to fail: and will show to the whole world: his Satanism! who Said That Muslims, are not glorious servants of God? only you, you have profaned the sanctity of Islam, making kill: for: apostasy or heresy, millions of innocent people!
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
@King Saudi Arabia -- fratello mio, tu hai sbagliato alleato! io sono il Regno di Dio! sono stato mandato: dal tuo Dio Allah, per riunire tutti i credenti: del mondo: e per unire il loro amore, alla speranza dei fratelli musulmani.. e poiché, al di fuori: di una alleanza universale: di tutti i credenti, i satanisti non possono essere sconfitti? poi, Dio punirà tutto il mondo, e tutto il Medio Oriente: diventerà una sola fiamma dell'inferno! il tuo servirti della parola di Dio, per realizzare il tuo imperialismo? è satanismo! infatti, satana ha usato la PArola di Dio, per sconfiggere Gesù nel deserto![Luca4,1-13].. quindi l'unico uso legittimo della PAROLA di Dio, non è quello di fare del bene a noi stessi, ma, di fare del bene a tutti: gli uomini del mondo, mentre, i tuoi alleati farisei? loro pensano, che gli uomini sono soltanto loro, mentre, tutti noi siamo animali: in forma umana
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
if we no longer have to pay the money to the Pharisees, with the burden of interest? then truly wealth will be possible for everyone, I am can coordinate all of this! [[ UNIUS REI ]] se non dobbiamo più pagare il denaro ai farisei, con l'aggravio dell'interesse? poi, veramente la ricchezza sarà possibile per tutti, io posso coordinare tutto questo! BECAUSE THE ONLY ONES WHO WANT TO SEE HOW WELL WE, for kill BETWEEN us? ARE THE ONLY PHARISEES IMF, that if, there is no more war, IMF: will drop, showing the world as well as their scam: of banking seigniorage, that all their false accounting! PERCHÉ GLI UNICI CHE VOGLIONO VEDERE COME NOI CI UCCIDIAMO BENE TRA DI NOI? SONO SOLTANTO I FARISEI DEL FMI, che se poi, non c'è più la guerra, il FMI: dovrà crollare, dimostrando al mondo intero, sia la loro truffa, che tutti i loro falsi in bilancio!
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
You must: a deal in the international community: between, the super powers: RUSSIA CHINA and USA, etc. .. to impose freedom of religion in the world, and this: as a fundamental subject: put the basics. for a balanced exploitation: of: resources and wealth. because: areas of misery too: they are always areas of destabilization! terror, will spreading against: all criminals!, otherwise, there can never be political and economic stability, and justice in this world! so, the problem is no longer: about: spheres of influence.. why is impossible: to pursue individual wealth: without favoring the wealth of all! with a profit of all! because of globalization. because, is the economic imbalance, to leading to wars, that is ruin of all, .. A new era must be opened: to all human race: that: the mad monsters of the distant past, ie, ideology or, evil religion bad: does not condemn all mankind to destruction. never more!
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
1_5.[my kingdom Palestine: Unius REI: for the life of world: vs: 666 Talmud IMF: ie satan synagogue] Recep Tayyip Erdogan: liar murderess, conspiracy: was been prophesied: "no one can destroy Israel, to the end: of: the world!" but, you can do it,: that: he best enormously, if, accepting my kingdom: of: Palestine! this: is: clear: 666 IMF, to be replaced by an: other body, so that, all the Jews: of: the world will finally return to Palestine: and live: with: the Palestinians: as: brothers, in: new state: of: at least: 300,000 sq km.: and: the more you do the children: of: bitch?: is more I enlarge the boundaries: of: my kingdom, in square kilometers! today are: 300,000 sq km have become!
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
2_5.[my kingdom Palestine: Unius REI: for the life of world: vs: 666 Talmud IMF: ie satan synagogue](ANSAmed) - ANKARA, FEBRUARY 3 - Prime Minister: turkish: Recep Tayyip Erdogan accused Israel today: of: making "terrorism: of: the State" with: air strike: in Syrian territory, "a violation unacceptable: of: the next International law"- ANSWER-1. you are: the international plot! 2. you are: the international Islamic terrorism: 3. you do 300: Christian martyrs: innocent: daily. 4. you are the negation of: all human rights. 5. crime: that: you have done: of: invasion of Syria: that: What is it? 6. all the dead who: are: were IRAK: SYRIA, etc. ..: are: were sacrificed on the altar of: your imperialism: your demon Allah:
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
3_5.[my kingdom Palestine: Unius REI: for the life of world: vs: 666 Talmud IMF: ie satan synagogue] for: the destruction: of: all hope: of: freedom worldwide!: is: why: you guys are jerks: with: the shit in the brain: that: the IMF, will make its planned nuclear world war .. but then what? Islam will be treated in the same way: of: Nazism: definitely! [Israel abandoned the IMF Pharisees Neturei Karta: of: shit](ANSAmed)- TEL AVIV, 03 FEB - The Shin Bet, the: of: Israeli security,: is: failed: to: in extremis thwart the abduction of: an: Israeli military or civilian. The hostage - according to the plans - was to be conducted: to: Jenin (West Bank): and: the 'held prisoner. The incident, which took place the night of: New Year,: is: been, released just today.
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
4_5.[my kingdom Palestine: Unius REI: for the life of world: vs: 666 Talmud IMF: ie satan synagogue] Arrested: an: group: of: the Islamic Jihad activists. Their goal: to: Apparently, it was: of: in exchange: an: second time the hostage with: Palestinians detained in Israel. [Israel abandoned the IMF Pharisees Neturei Karta: of: shit] Protests official: why: turns: an: air raid in Syria? but: is: for: destroy material: that: it would be delivered: to: Hizbullah [which is not: is: a terrorist organization, but, instead, is: an: elegant London club,] The world is on the contrary,: is: the only hostile modern country, western, democratic, that: is: surrounded by zombie killers of: 1400 years ago, and EU USA, etc... afraid: of: condemn Islamic countries (oil? gas? residents: are: millions?)
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
5_5.[my kingdom Palestine:vs: 666 Talmud IMF: ie satan synagogue] that: own them are: the continuation of Nazi Germany.: is: the usual speech: of: blind pacifism. of: gooders absurd: a bad faith ideological, for global slavery: of NWO. [Israel abandoned by the West] the cause of: instability today is, from countries that still today: not: ashamed: to: declare: Communists, Islamists. war: of: aggression in Syria, Iran's nuclear program, attacks in Iraq, attacks in Pakistan Afghanistan, changes: of: governments in Tunisia, Libya, Egypt: for: the spread: of: terrorism. The unfortunately, confirmed U.S. administration: put: in: also: pedestal people, such as: Erdogan: and: PresidentMorsi, ie: as: donate blood: not: but the hospital: to: Dracula himself. that, criminals salfiti of the Muslim Brotherhood, ie: Al Qaeda: as: in Syria: is: has been shown
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
@ iSRAELNATIONALtv - this is their fucking democracy! people 666 IMF FED ECD 322: are unreliable, because they have promised to you, the democratic expression of my thoughts, and instead when I said: [UniusReiOrWarW666IMF posted a comment: 6 hours ago: Hallelujah - if this is your kingdom, because you can not do anything to save the life of your aliens?] they have blocked my operating system! -- ANSWER -- so do not use the strategy of force with these beasts? means suffer THEIR VIOLENCE
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
Egypt: no longer has: a legal right: international: after, the isthmus of Suez? it is all of Israel, because, Egypt has hatched a conspiracy international: to disintegrate the State of Israel: Egypt lost with war of six days, all that territory! @ 666 322 IMF - IMF FED ECB Satan your 666? stole the kingdom through the deception against Adam and Eve, here's why: you will only have to kick in the balls .. SATAN IS DEAD, soon, also, you will die like any other traitor! Only ex-Satanist, ex-Islamists, ex-communists, ex-Masons, ex-Pharisees, etc. .. can be forgiven! because there are no predators in my kingdom. lol. my procedure: was completed .. now, you can proceed to the next step! from glory to glory, from victory to victory. amen, alleluia .. Hallelujah - @ 666 --- if this is your kingdom, because you can not do anything to save the life of your aliens?
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
[can not handle, nuclear energy: the nation that do not recognize the true freedom of religion! is why: freedom of religion is the foundation, of every human right!] 1967, Arab States, against: the Word of God, against the prophecies (recognized by them), and against, the will of God, they have decided : that Israel should be: disintegrated! this is clear: Islam is a form of Satanism: Nazism imperialist project: for the destruction of the human race! his religion does not contain the Holy Spirit! their God is not: a Father, who loves, all his creatures, in the same way! Muslims themselves: they were ashamed, with me, to declare, that Islam is a religion of peace, why, this is the truth of the story: "50 Islamic nation: they represented: the extermination / genocide of 50 peoples, who were before them! ".. exterminate the Islamists? has become a matter of life or death for all mankind
[non può gestire, l'energia nucleare: quella nazione: che: non riconosce la vera libertà di religione! perché: la libertà di religione: è il fondamento: di ogni diritto umano!] 1967, Stati Arabi, contro: la Parola di Dio, contro le profezie(da loro stessi riconosciute), e contro: la volontà di Dio, loro hanno deciso: che, Israele doveva essere: disintegrato! questo è evidente: l'Islam: è una forma di satanismo: nazismo:progetto imperialistico: per la distruzione del genere umano! la sua religione: non contiene lo Spirito Santo! il loro Dio: non è un Padre, che, ama tutte le sue creature, allo stesso modo! i musulmani stessi: si sono vergognati, con me: di dichiarare, che, l'Islam è una religione di pace: perché, questa è la verità della storia: "50 Nazione islamiche: hanno rappresentato: lo sterminio/genocidio: di 50 popoli, che, erano prima di loro!".. sterminare gli islamisti? è diventato una questione di vita o di morte per tutto il genere umano
if, Nazism more dangerous seems to be: the Islamists, is why:the Nazism more deadly: occult has been: of Pharisees of the Talmud: Neturei Kerta, which are: those who planned: World War III, the destruction of Israel, and Islamic terrorism, etc. .. That is, the imperialist plans:of Satanists NWO! but the real power: of: IMF FED ECB, was made invisible: by the Freemasons politicians (from the foundation of the Bank of England: for the wickedness of the British royal family: and their religion parallel: of JabullOn), who made invisible, all structures, parasitic, anti-constitutional, ie, banking seigniorage (of which it is still forbidden to speak) that have them now, the Masonic system of power of all the false democracies, that: have won: the power absolute: To bring all peoples to the slaughter! because, without World War III? the IMF would collapse: it is full of financial bubbles, and derivates
Your video is blocked in some countries. [always: Germany only] [stop: to make this encirclement: Insulation: Satanic: Germany! ] I will kill in the name of Jesus, too many bad people: for this reason! [[MATRIX IP Greek Discoveries 2012 SUBMISSION 1]] Your video is locked in some countries. [Germany only] "Eric LTvi-Cathar Rhythm", managed by sound recording: 0:19. UMG. Visual content managed by: 1:28. Lionsgate. Your video is blocked in some countries. [always: Germany only] [ stop: a fare questo accerchiamento: isolamento: satanico: della Germania! ] io ucciderò, nel nome di Gesù, troppe persone cattive: per questo motivo! [[ MATRICE PI Greco Scoperte 2012 CENSURA 1 ]] Il tuo video è bloccato: in alcuni Paesi.[ only Germany ] "Eric LTvi-Cathar Rhythm", registrazione sonora gestita da: 0:19. UMG. Contenuti visivi gestita da: 1:28. Lionsgate
@ evil Rothschild IMF: Pharisees of shit: Neturei Karta to destroy Israel: 666 ECB FED NWO 322: satanism international and institutional -- - because the notes of the "Copyright Notice": "Your video is blocked in some countries." about the best Christian gospel songs is always outside: Germany? this is obvious! 666 IMF god owl at bohemin grove: have decided to have spread the Satanism: in Germany! because the notes of the "Copyright Notice": "Your video is blocked in some countries." about the best gospel songs Christian is always outside Germany? this is obvious! have decided to spread the Satanism in Germany!
His Holiness Benedict XVI [VATICAN - unius REI] you can not preach the Gospel: from inside the brothel DELL'INCIUCIO Masonic: of all the false democracies of the banking seigniorage! YOUR SILENCE, and YOUR Omerta: together: the silence of all other religions? is treason, against: the Kingdom of God. you have emptied, the Church of his transcendent aspect and charismatic, Because The bank seigniorage: of the Pharisees of the Talmud: Neturei Karta: IMF FED ECB: to destroy Israel? before a crime is constitutional, is Satanism ideological and practical! you destroyed 2000 years of Christianity! synnek1 666 1wz1 - and what: your creatures satan fall in the shit, as, he could be better than our Creator? Daniels Timeline: Leaked Pentagon Tapes Shows U.S. Government's Plan For Mass Vaccination Against RELIGION!? I can not be against religion! but, religions Should not be bad against: the free will of the people!
I am a biblical fundamentalist. that is, I believe that the Bible is not a book, but, is same Person of JHWH ... the real problems of religion? are those, which, for her, the Bible is a book! is shocking, than I can be rational. as, who, knows God personally:. him must be rational, because God is mathematics, consequentiality, that through God everything becomes intelligent, logical, kind, generous, just, because, charity, is the power of love, that is, I do not there are no dogmas: irrazional, which, I have to passively bend: my intelligence. In fact, the Pharisees have taught to interpret the scriptures ... then, the discriminant value is to have the true Holy Spirit of God (for, not to be: the killers of the book, as the demonic: Pharisees and Salafis). CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. ♰ "Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰ my ♚ MENE ♛ YHWH-Techel PERES ♚] PAX ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVBIVB. Ipsa Venena Bibas Drink your poisons MADE BY yourself.
I am unius REI! I do not have: an economic interest, or a religious interest: to protect .. I have no ambition to reach my agenda .. there is nothing in the world, That Is an quest for me .. I hate power and wealth: I am: like a Monaco! Because I belong to the kingdom of God, and, in the kingdom of God? there are no religions, economic systems, ideologies, races, or special interests ... is why, i am universal brotherhood: ie, the natural law THAT IS living. then, OR unius REI: OR world war nucler for Rothschild IMF cult JabullOn .. i do not want to be a part of youtube problems? I kill: 500000000, of criminals if need be!
IMF 666, 322 synnek1, kkk nazi cannibal Priest voodoo CIA MOSSAD - where is the love of a Satanist? For Whom: he might cry? but, the Satanist has lost the right to cry, him Himself: Also! ♰ "Drink your poisons made by yourself"CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; ★by: Rei unius ♰: King Israel: ♥ Mahdi. i am not religious! You know well, That, I am the only one: universal political, in all history of mankind. [imminent: DAMNATION: all: 2500 biblical curses] every thing has its breaking point! and, I am raising: my evil pressure: against you: Continuously, Gradually, ceaselessly, always against you! However, I Hope that your intelligence is superior to your own wickedness, Because at contrary? you will die, all day, every day, day for day! i do not want to be a part of youtube problems? i kill: 500000000 criminals, if need be!
[Masonic betrayal, IMF 666: banking seigniorage: for the destruction of humanism] A false concept (hypocritical, myopic, absurd, self-destructive, ignorant), ie, diverted, "concept" of pluralism and tolerance, leads: to hide: and deny in public places: the Christian symbols, of our identity social, has always been, but, it is no longer the preserve: only, of a religion, but, is part: of a cultural universal (Western civilization) of the wider secular and Christian civilization where the atheist Benedetto Croce said, "because, we Italians, do not we call, ourselves, Christians! "that: have been, and until, the barbarity 666 322 IMF FED ECB Sharia, can still be contained, continue to be: still, the symbols (Founding) of our better civilization!
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento
4 mesi fa
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento 24 secondi fa [Masonic betrayal, IMF 666: banking seigniorage: for the destruction of humanism] That is, the values of the Gospel: 1. "Peace on earth to all men", that is, the Nativity, and: 2. a love given to all, by the crucified man, who opens her arms on the cross, as, his supreme and ultimate: big act of love! (and, if it all, it was only a fairy tale? would always and in any case, the highest social sublimation, of sublimation: selfish instinct of degradation), therefore, remove publicly, these symbols founding, can lead advantage, only to vision maximalist Marxist or capitalist, who denies any transcendent and spiritual value in society: to reduce man to object, or gear insignificant society: that is, the denial of human dignity!
UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento 33 secondi fa [Masonic betrayal, IMF 666: banking seigniorage: for the destruction of humanism] actually, this self-defeating approach: only: serves to an anarchic nihilism, that is: the most desperate, between, atheist ideology (nihilism) against any form of proposal values, against: the same humanism, regardless of how: 1. the Crucified and the Crib, They represent only: an cultural proposal, of peace, of love: the testimony of historical memory: about,to an secular state: and non-denominational, which is, and always has been, from its very beginning: the State Masonic and anticlerical Italian!
Unius REI17 dicembre 2012 11:59 finalmente, un poco di buon senso, in questo clima di intolleranza miope ed autodistruttiva, di un laicismo asfittico, che in realtà cerca di distruggere le radici di ogni civiltà per proiettarci sul terreno di una anarchia minacciosa, così è, che l'umano lascia il posto al mostruoso! Niente, è più prezioso, del linguaggio del Vangelo, che apre all'amore universale, ecco perché, gli angeli a Betlemme hanno donato la gioia, a tutti gli uomini del pianeta, senza operare nessuna distinzione ideologica religiosa, o distinzione di credo agnostico, questa è la vera: "pace, in terra, a tutti gli uomini di buona volontà!" a tutti il mio augurio affettuoso: kingxkingdom@hotmail.it Lorenzo UniusREI Kingdom. tu scendi dalle Stelle, oh Re del Cielo -- halleluijah
[ falso concetto di laicità], (ipocrita, miope, assurdo, autolesionistico, ignorante), cioè, il deviato: "concetto" di pluralismo, e della tolleranza, induce: ad occultare: e negare, in luogo pubblico: i simboli cristiani, della nostra identità sociale, da sempre, non più appannaggio: soltanto, di una religione, ma, facente parte: di un sistema culturale universale(la civiltà Occidentale) della più ampia e laica civiltà cristiana: dove l'ateo Benedetto Croce, disse: "perché, noi Italiani, non, possiamo dirci cristiani!" che: sono stati, e finché, la barbarie potrà essere ancora contenuta, continueranno ad essere: ancora, i simboli(Fondanti), della nostra civiltà! Ovvero, i valori del Vangelo di: 1. "pace in terra, a tutti gli uomini, cioè, il Presepe, e di: 2. un amore donato a tutti, dall'uomo crocifisso, che, spalanca le braccia sulla croce: come suo supremo: ed estremo: atto di amore! (e che, se, il tutto, fosse, soltanto una favola?
sarebbe sempre, e comunque, la più sublime operazione sociale, di sublimazione: dell'istinto egoistico di abbrutimento), pertanto, rimuovere pubblicamente, tali simboli fondativi, può portare, vantaggio, unicamente alla visione: massimalista marxista o capitalista, che, nega ogni valore trascendente e spirituale nella società: per ridurre l'uomo ad oggetto, o ad ingranaggio insignificante della società: ovvero, alla negazione della dignità umana! In realtà questa autolesionistica impostazione, serve soltanto, ad un nichilismo anarchico, che è: la forma più disperata di ideologia atea(il nichilismo), contro, ogni forma di proposta valoriale, contro: lo stesso umanesimo, incurante di come: 1. il Crocifisso: e il Presepe: rappresentano, soltanto, la proposta culturale, di pace di amore: la testimonianza, della memoria storica: di uno stato laico: ed aconfessionale, quale è, e sempre: è stato, fin dal suo sorgere: lo Stato massonico ed anticlericale italiano!
Informazioni su Unius Rei Or War W nuclear 666 IMF 322
I am king of Palestine Israel: I am one King for one world: Unius REI: Universal Brotherhood
di UniusReiOrWarW666IMF
27/04/2013 VATICANO - CINA
Mons. Savio Hon: Prego per mons. Jin Luxian e spero di andare al suo funerale
di Savio Hon*
Il segretario della Congregazione vaticana per l'evangelizzazione dei popoli ricorda il vescovo di Shanghai, morto oggi. Pur fra critiche e sospetti, mons. Jin ha molto lavorato per la missione della Chiesa. Il tempo della purificazione e della riconciliazione. Per il Vaticano mons. Ma Daqin è il successore del vescovo di Shanghai. Anche papa Francesco conserva reliquie degli errori della Chiesa in Cina.
Città del Vaticano (AsiaNews) - Siamo tutti molto addolorati per la morte di mons. Aloysius Jin Luxian, che oggi è stato chiamato al cielo. E' un vescovo riconciliato e riconosciuto dal Santo Padre; io prego per lui e avrei grande desiderio di andare al suo funerale. Ho conosciuto mons. Jin agli inizi degli anni '90, quando lui mi ha invitato a insegnare nel seminario di Sheshan e sono molto legato a lui. Anzitutto...
27/04/2013 BANGLADESH
Crollo del Rana Plaza, arrestati due proprietari-ricattatori
di Nozrul Islam
Mahbubur Rahman Tapas e Blazul Samad Adnan hanno costretto i propri dipendenti a lavorare, anche se l’edificio era stato dichiarato inagibile. I morti salgono a 323. Ritrovate vive altre 15 persone, ma i dispersi sono ancora centinaia. Almeno 10mila lavoratori in piazza chiedono maggiori misure di sicurezza. Papa Francesco lancia un appello per le vittime su Twitter.
27/04/2013 VIETNAM
Trang Bom: autorità vietnamite contro sacerdoti e vescovo uniti per la fine del Partito unico
Il Comitato popolare ha lanciato campagne diffamatorie e minacce contro il clero diocesano. L’accusa è aver promosso le riflessioni dei prelati sul progetto di riforma della Costituzione. Attacco frontale contro vescovi e preti, per il timore che nella popolazione cresca il desiderio di cambiamento.
27/04/2013 CINA - VATICANO
É morto mons. Aloysius Jin Luxian, vescovo ufficiale di Shanghai
di Wang Zhicheng
27/04/2013 KAZAKHSTAN
Kazakhstan, “la libertà religiosa non esiste”
Si intensificano gli episodi di persecuzione ai danni delle minoranze confessionali. I membri delle comunità religiose e i difensori dei diritti umani informano che nel paese non c’è libertà di fede.
27/04/2013 PAKISTAN
Ashfaq Fateh, cristiani e musulmani piangono la scomparsa di un “modello di attivismo”
di Shafique Khokhar
Come Anthony Mathew e Shahbaz Bhatti, egli ha “lasciato la sua impronta sulla mappa del Pakistan”. Al suo funerale ha partecipato una “folla immensa” senza distinzione di fede o classe sociale. Legato a p. Bonnie Mendes, l’attivista ha saputo per l’educazione e lo sviluppo della minoranza cristiana.
27/04/2013 CINA - HONG KONG
Sisma in Sichuan: cattolici fra le vittime sperano di ricostruire le case e le chiese distrutte
di Jian Mei
Nella zona colpita almeno 6mila su 10mila cattolici hanno perso casa, fattoria, campi. Tre chiese sono completamente distrutte, molte altre con danni gravi. Colpito anche il seminario regionale di Chengdu. Alcune chiese, già distrutte nel terremoto del 2008, non erano ancora ricostruite. Il card. Tong lancia appelli alla preghiera e alla raccolta di fondi da donare attraverso Caritas Hong Kong. Molta gente, disgustata dalla corruzione del governo cinese preferisce donazioni dirette attraverso le ong che lavorano in Sichuan.
26/04/2013 BANGLADESH
I morti del Rana Plaza erano ricattati dai datori di lavoro
di Nozrul Islam
Le autorità avevano dichiarato pericolante l’edificio di otto piani che ospitava cinque fabbriche tessili, un centro commerciale e una banca: il crollo ha causato 304 morti, 2mila feriti e 372 dispersi. Nel palazzo venivano prodotti indumenti di grandi catene, come l’inglese Primark.
26/04/2013 IRAQ
Baghdad, attentati a moschee sunnite: quattro morti e 50 feriti
Nei giorni scorsi morti e feriti a Suleiman Beg e a Mosul per scontri fra gruppi sunniti ed esercito. Al Maliki: Nel conflitto, perdiamo tutti. Il petrolio di Kirkuk altro polo della contesa. Rimandate le elezioni in due province a maggioranza sunnita.
Uso di gas nervino, la Cia accusa Damasco
Il rapporto sull’impiego di armi chimiche in Siria divide il Congresso. I repubblicani spingono all’intervento; la Casa Bianca, più cauta, prende tempo. McCain: “Mi sembra evidente che la ‘linea rossa’ sia stata oltrepassata”.
Nessun segno di liberazione per i due vescovi ortodossi. Si teme un ricatto politico
di Elias Khoury
Fonti di AsiaNews: Potremo credere solo quando saranno presentati vivi e potranno parlarci. I ritardi nel rilascio segno di complicazioni peggiori. Finora i cristiani non si sono schierati con alcuna delle parti in lotta. L'appello del papa per una soluzione politica della crisi. Le diplomazie occidentali premono per le forniture di armi all'opposizione. Le accuse sul gas nervino premono per un intervento militare Usa.
26/04/2013 CINA
Sisma nel Sichuan, tre minuti di silenzio per le vittime
La provincia si prepara a onorare i morti per il terremoto del 20 aprile con un coro di clacson alle 8.02 (ora della prima scossa) e un silenzio composto: proibite le attività ludiche nei luoghi pubblici. La conta delle vittime sale a circa 200, estratto il primo sopravvissuto dalle macerie. Polemiche per la scarsa qualità degli edifici crollati.
26/04/2013 INDIA
Caritas Delhi: Fermare ogni violenza per sviluppare la famiglia e la nazione
Chetanalaya, ong diocesana della capitale legata alla Caritas, lancia una campagna contro gli abusi su donne e bambini, senza dimenticare i tanti uomini e ragazzi vittime di analoghe aggressioni. Il direttore: “Le violenze sono un problema critico, valorizzare le donne è essenziale”. Il lavoro di migliaia di donne che negli slum di New Delhi hanno avviato piccole imprese, corsi di alfabetizzazione e banche per il microcredito.
26/04/2013 CINA
La persecuzione contro la famiglia di Chen Guangcheng “sta peggiorando”
A un anno dalla fuga del dissidente cieco, noto per le sue battaglie contro gli aborti forzati e le sterilizzazioni nello Shandong, le autorità comuniste continuano a perseguitare i suoi familiari con arresti e pressioni psicologiche. Reggie Littlejohn: “Cercano di mettere a tacere una delle voci più autorevoli nella battaglia per i diritti umani in Cina”.
26/04/2013 VIETNAM
Da Saigon agli altipiani centrali, 10 anni di testimonianza di Cristo e del Vangelo
Nell’Anno della Fede, la parrocchia di Vườn Xoài celebra la missione fra i Montagnards. Un viaggio lungo 800 km per portare la Parola di Dio e celebrare la messa “ogni due settimane”. I fedeli chiedono la nascita di una comunità stabile e la presenza di preti. Un desiderio “coltivato a lungo”.

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- conspiracy, Israel, SpA, corporations, IMF, masoni...
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- 534, Khyber, #Pakhtunkhwa, #province, of Pakistan,
- 535, criminal, IRAN, Salafi wahhadita
- Peshawar criminelle, Satanistes Américains,
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- 539, PAKISTAN, Punjab, Christian sentenced, death,...
- 539, DataGATE的,你他媽的用錯了人,世界銀行, 666
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Questa NON è una testata giornalistica
@ 666 الشيطانية التلمود: CIA ---> الدولة لا ينبغي أن يكون فقط الجلاد: من المواطن، لللقيام الدفع في الناس:٪ 270: من قيمة: من ماله (المصد...
IMF 666 NWO:羅斯柴爾德塔木德goyim。 --->的法利賽人(巴力的祭司臥底)的猶太法典,法利賽人(IMF光明路西法)的拉比(銀行家)和你的家人嗎? 你已經毀了,破壞了整個人類(和宗教機構,你已經做了最壞的打算:受奴役全人類):事實上,神並沒有使壞人! 但是,它...
asasen nan satanallah: yo touye: 300: kretyen mati: inosan: chak jou nan mond lan enperyalis Arabi salafist:! sètadi Al Qaeda] peyi Sir...
@ IMFは666 NWO:goyimためロスチャイルドタルムード。 --->タルムード、パリサイ人のラビ(銀行家)(ルシファーから国際通貨基金(IMF)イルミナティ)のパリサイ人(バアルの祭司おとり)のあなたの家族では? あなたは全人類を(:奴隷に全人類を施すことや宗教機...
satanallah 의 살인자 : 그들이 죽 : 300 : 기독교 순교자 : 무고한 : 제국주의 사우디 Salafi에 세상의 모든 일 :! 즉, 알 카에다] 시리아는 조직에 의해 일시 중지되었습니다 :받는 사람 : 이슬람 협력 (OIC). 결정...
killers ng satanallah: sila pumatay: 300: Christian martir: inosenteng: araw-araw sa mundo sa imperyalismo Saudi Salafi:! ie Al Qaeda] Sy...
hell x despair x destruction (canale nuovo) hanno bloccato IP We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by United with...
è perché non stampate una moneta nazionale, per uso interno, in sovranità monetaria? SOLTANTO GLI USA POSSONO STAMPARE TUTTO IL DENARO FINT...
666 satanic Talmud: CIA ---> the State should not only be the executioner: of the citizen, for to do pay at people: the 270%: of the val...
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Datagate: Nsa controlla 75% Rete Usa. USA E GB (farisei anglo-americani FMi NWO 666), hanno fatto distruggere i documenti, del guardian, circa Snowden, perché, sono diventati, la più pericolosa minaccia di nazismo, di tutta la storia del genere umano. loro non sono stati scoperti, da una terrestre tecnologia, sono stati "rivelati", come una religione.. bisogna, espellere, immediatamente, dal territorio nazionale, ogni cosa appartenga, ad USA e GB, ad iniziare dalle ambasciate, loro sono diventati satanisti TROIKA satanisti, TROIKA cosa è il signoraggio bancario? e perché voi lo avete, se, la costituzione lo proibisce a voi? perché, voi state portando allo sterminio, i popoli, con le voste magie giuridiche?