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finto Russiagate: Giuseppe Conte e Luigi Di Maio

Giorgia Meloni 🇮🇹 ن‏Account verificato @GiorgiaMeloni 5 h5 ore fa

A distanza di un anno dall’ultimo Atreju, la Francia continua a farci la morale. E allora ribadiamo il nostro messaggio: l’Italia non accetta lezioni da Macron! #AspettandoAtreju



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Maurizio Belpietro‏ @BelpietroTweet 5 h5 ore fa

Più ci si addentra nell'affaire russo e più si capisce che c'è chi ha sperato e forse ancora si illude di far fuori Salvini con lo stesso metodo con cui è stato fatto fuori Strache, leader di Freihitliche Partei Osterreichs, Partito austriaco delle Libertà

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LionJudah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom‏ @LionjudahK 2 h2 ore fa … io sono un ministero politico universale per la salvezza del genere umano contro ogni forma di satanismo, ma i sauditi iraniani OCI FED FMI: ecc.. loro hanno detto che il loro satanismo è buono e che gli israeliani devono morire!

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LionJudah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom‏ @LionjudahK 2 h2 ore fa

I am a universal political ministry for the salvation of the human race against all forms of Satanism, but the Saudi Iranians OCI FED FMI: etc .. they said that their satanism is good and that the Israelis must die!

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LionJudah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom‏ @LionjudahK 3 h3 ore fa

"IRAN all I want, my Kingdom of Israel?I also have the legal authority to…" — LionJudah UniusREI kingdom

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LionJudah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom‏ @LionjudahK 3 h3 ore fa

WATCH: Fears of ‘Tanker war’ lead Britain, US to boost forces in Gulf

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LionJudah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom‏ @LionjudahK 3 h3 ore fa

3. il terzo mi affermò: il sommo sinedrio la sinagoga Rothschild Talmud di satana "come hanno fatto uccidere gesù dai romani? così fanno uccidere i cristiani da noi!" ANSWER. come Allah ama Satana?

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LionJudah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom‏ @LionjudahK 3 h3 ore fa … Bin SALMAN ] in youtube io ho trovato 3 tuoi ministri: 1. il primo: mi fece capire che c'era un complotto di tutta la LEGA ARABA per annientare Israele! 2. i secondo mi disse: "grida grida per i martiri cristiani tanto non servirà a niente!"

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LionJudah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom‏ @LionjudahK 3 h3 ore fa

the high council NWO FED IMF of the synagogue Rothschild Talmud of satan: said me "how did do they kill Jesus by the Romans? So they make us kill Christians!" ANSWER. how does Allah love Satan? … Bin SALMAN ] in youtube io ho trovato 3 tuoi ministri:

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LionJudah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom‏ @LionjudahK 3 h3 ore fa

Bin SALMAN] in youtube I found 3 your ministers: 1. the first: made me understand that there was a plot of all the ARAB LEAGUE to destroy Israel! 2. the second told me: "cries shouts for the Christian martyrs so it will not help at all!" 3. the third affirmed to me:

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LionJudah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom‏ @LionjudahK 3 h3 ore fa

"Bin SALMAN your Rothschild owl allah? you have put in a corner: all the…" — LionJudah UniusREI kingdom

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LionJudah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom‏ @LionjudahK 3 h3 ore fa

che dia inizio alla terza guerra mondiale nucleare! tu pensi che gli israeliani sono scemi che non lo capiscono, se non lo dico io?

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LionJudah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom‏ @LionjudahK 3 h3 ore fa

world war!do you think the Israelis Russian e chinese peooples are idiots who don't understand it, if I don't say so? Bin SALMAN ] tu e Rothschild? voi avete messo in un angolo: tutti gli israeliani: e li avete condannati a morte, per sottoporli tutti ad un nuovo olocausto shoah,

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LionJudah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom‏ @LionjudahK 3 h3 ore fa

LionJudah UniusREI kingdom • … Bin SALMAN your Rothschild owl allah? you have put in a corner: all the Israelis people: and you have condemned them to death, to subject them all to a new new Shoah holocaust, which will start the third nuclear

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LionJudah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom‏ @LionjudahK 4 h4 ore fa

Bin SALMAN ] why do you kneel in Mecca 666 Kaaba if your god is the satan rothschild owl? ok, that's right, same is allah so! … perché ti inginocchio a Mecca 666 Kaaba se il tuo dio è il gufo satana? ok, è giusto allah così!

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LionJudah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom‏ @LionjudahK 4 h4 ore fa

LionJudah UniusREI kingdom • a few seconds ago Bin SALMAN Riyad jihad Erdogan sharia akbar death to all the infidels] … con massoni e islamici? finisce sempre che io rimango bloccato da loro. già e come i tuoi traditori mi possono rispondere?

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LionJudah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom‏ @LionjudahK 4 h4 ore fa

LionJudah UniusREI kingdom • a few seconds ago Bin SALMAN Riyad jihad Erdogan sharia akbar death to all the infidels] with your Masons and Muslims? always ends when get stuck bythem. already and how can your traitors answer me?

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LionJudah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom‏ @LionjudahK 4 h4 ore fa … Bin SALMAN Riyad jihad Erdogan sharia akbar morte a tutti gli infedeli ] è così da 13 anni, i tuoi luciferini? perdono sempre tutte le volte! il tuo futuro? tu non hai più un futuro!

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LionJudah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom‏ @LionjudahK 4 h4 ore fa

Bin SALMAN Riyad jihad Erdogan sharia akbar death to all the infidels] has been so for 13 years, your luciferians FED IMF NWO? 666 sharia always lose every time! your future? you no longer have a future!

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LionJudah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom‏ @LionjudahK 4 h4 ore fa

lucifer 666 holy hell? why me pervert? your satan is that dirty filthy bad and liar! × We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by United with Israel lucifer69 … LionJudah UniusREI kingdom ah ah ah ah ah

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LionJudah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom‏ @LionjudahK 4 h4 ore fa

lucifer 666 holy hell? why me pervert? your satan is that dirty filthy bad and liar! × We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by United with Israel lucifer69 Reply View in discussion LionJudah UniusREI kingdom ah ah ah ah ah

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LionJudah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom‏ @LionjudahK 5 h5 ore fa

l'ombra del governo masochista del Rothschild, il signoraggio bancario Bilderberg Soros ecc. ecc.#worldisraelnews coraggio figlio: almeno non morirai come traditore!

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LionJudah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom‏ @LionjudahK 5 h5 ore fa

LionJudah UniusREI kingdom • … una volta [ha stato Putin] [Mason Ambassador Ja-Bull-On Murdoch Marduch dei. #Gb 322 in #Usa 666,la talpa del Sunday Times è stata trovata, era un hack della CIA 666 UK di un governo straniero: cioè,

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LionJudah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom‏ @LionjudahK 5 h5 ore fa

government masonic scam banking seigniorage Bilderberg Soros etc.. etc.. #worldisraelnews courage son: at least you will not die as a traitor!

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LionJudah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom‏ @LionjudahK 5 h5 ore fa

LionJudah UniusREI kingdom • … again again [ ha stato Putin ] [ Mason Ambassador Ja-Bull-On Murdoch Marduch gods. #Gb 322 in #Usa 666, the Sunday Times mole was found, it was a CIA 666 UK hack of a foreign government: that is, the shadow Rothschild's

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LionJudah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom‏ @LionjudahK 5 h5 ore fa

answer about my 60 accounts are gone all together and no one among them lgbt knows why!

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LionJudah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom‏ @LionjudahK 5 h5 ore fa

1. on search engines; 2. on site monetization; YouTube Accounts <youtube-disputes+18fsynip7b4am04@google com=""> 07:16 Thanks for the appeal on account suspension. We have decided to keep the account suspended

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LionJudah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom‏ @LionjudahK 5 h5 ore fa

LionJudah UniusREI kingdom • … #RIVLIN President your lgbt cannibals satanists 187AudioHostem lucifer Enlightened FED 666 IMF Freemasons ROTHSCHILD Democratic Party Sharia and all social media yours NWO all my 120 blogspots: I found them disabled:

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LionJudah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom‏ @LionjudahK 5 h5 ore fa … #RIVLIN i tuoi FARISEI massoni ROTHSCHILD Partito Democratico sharia: hanno definitivamente rovinato la permanenza degli ebrei in Occidente, loro devono tutti ritornare!

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LionJudah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom‏ @LionjudahK 5 h5 ore fa

#RIVLIN your lucifer Enlightened FED IMF NWO Freemasons ROTHSCHILD Democratic Party Sharia: they have definitively ruined the permanence of the Jews in the West, they must all return! 'Torrent of anti-Semitism' floods Twitter after French Jewish school linked to cheating

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LionJudah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom‏ @LionjudahK 5 h5 ore fa

'Torrent of anti-Semitism' floods Twitter after French Jewish school linked to cheating … #RIVLIN i tuoi massoni ROTHSCHILD Partito Democratico sharia: hanno definitivamente rovinato la permanenza degli ebrei in Occidente, loro devono tutti ritornare!

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LionJudah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom‏ @LionjudahK 5 h5 ore fa

to assume any responsibility? MLP answer. while being oppressed / repressed in blood: peaceful popular protests.everything is allowed / tolerated to the violence of left-wing terrorists!

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LionJudah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom‏ @LionjudahK 5 h5 ore fa

LionJudah UniusREI kingdom • … Marine Le Pen @MLP_official How is it possible that #BlackBlocs and thugs from the far left can destroy everything on our national day? Why this chronic incompetence of a Minister of the Interior below all and unable

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LionJudah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom‏ @LionjudahK 6 h6 ore fa


☦️kingdom ha ritwittato Marine Le Pen

Com'è possibile che i #BlackBlocs teppisti di estrema sinistra possano buttare tutto durante la nostra vacanza nazionale? Perché questa cronica incompetenza di un ministro dell'Interno sotto tutto e incapace di assumersi alcuna responsabilità? Mlp


☦️kingdom ha aggiunto,

Marine Le PenAccount verificato @MLP_officiel
Comment est-ce possible que des #BlackBlocs et des voyous d’extrême gauche arrivent à tout saccager le jour de notre fête nationale ? Pourquoi cette incompétence chronique d’un Ministre de l’Intérieur en…

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Cesare Sacchetti‏ @CesareSacchetti 14 lug

Rachel Chandler (in foto con Clinton) è una delle prostitute minorenni di Epstein. Rachel ora starebbe collaborando con l'FBI. L'ex presidente USA sarebbe coinvolto in un giro di pedofilia internazionale, ma sui media italiani non se ne parla. C'è Savoini.

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Francesco Storace‏ @Storace 6 h6 ore fa

Su #Salvini uno scandalo montato ad arte. Perché i russi avrebbero dovuto finanziare chi sta più con gli americani che con loro sui dossier internazionali? Alcune domande del nostro giornale sulla #bufala dell’estate

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Le Général‏ @leGneral2 24 h24 ore fa

Entre la vie et la mort à cause de la police #14Juillet2019 allo BFM!!! vous pouvez imaginer la conclusion de l'IPGN!!! #GiletsJaunes #Paris #france #Macron

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LionJudah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom‏ @LionjudahK 6 h6 ore fa

our democracy is an suicide! we DO NOT have the possibility to survive the prediction of Rothschild FED FMI banking seigniorage, and the attack of the Islamic jihad sharia OCI: I ask: the death penalty for traitors!

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LionJudah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom‏ @LionjudahK 6 h6 ore fa

has made must come out: "to and from" Macron receives European leaders, not Italy, MA,a European army is not constitutional, the participants TO IT? they must be investigated! Salvini, frost on Di Maio: "Should I go to Parliament to talk about dinners?" answer.

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LionJudah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom‏ @LionjudahK 6 h6 ore fa

LionJudah UniusREI kingdom • … #unitedwithisrael ALTO TRADIMENTO ROTHSCHILD, you have been banned by United with Israel. Salvini dictates the line of détente on the ITALIAN fake Russiagate: answer. now all the funding that the Democratic Party

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Mr. Jimmy‏ @Jimmy93130448 8 h8 ore fa

In risposta a @KieserBill

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LionJudah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom‏ @LionjudahK 6 h6 ore fa

LionJudah UniusREI kingdom • #unitedwithisrael ALTO TRADIMENTO ROTHSCHILD, you have been banned by United with Israel.

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LionJudah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom‏ @LionjudahK 6 h6 ore fa


☦️kingdom ha ritwittato Alexandre Devecchio

la Francia rifiutò l'approd a Carola Rackete


☦️kingdom ha aggiunto,

Alexandre Devecchio @AlexDevecchio
"60 % des sondés donnent raison à #Salvini face à Carola Rackete. Par ailleurs, les derniers sondages d’intentions de vote mettent la Ligue au-dessus de 35 %, soit un résultat encore meilleur qu’aux élections européennes." …

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🇺🇸Kirk🇺🇸‏ @Kirk_925 11 h11 ore fa

In risposta a @GavinNewsom

Neither should the callousness of these images ever be forgotten..this is the great state of California under your watch:

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🍃⚔️🍃LADY GRACE 🍃⚔️🍃‏ @OrenIShiKiddo 11 h11 ore fa

“Our nations border is just part of what allows us to feel secure in this country” “Illegal” is not a race.


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🇺🇲Maximus Laridious🇺🇲✝️☮‏ @laridious 10 h10 ore fa

MAX'S BULLET_TRAIN DM 4RIDE @laridious @falcon63302 @THERESAM453 @BlueStateSOS @BadWords15 @HitItWithARock @wallygeeg @president_hand @Christophercsa6 @darylnelson01 @1776_ATTITUDE @Investigator_51 @RNinMI @KI4FDW @AngelTrump2020 @Derameth @js4uscongress @islandbloodline @RicPhyl

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🇺🇲Maximus Laridious🇺🇲✝️☮‏ @laridious 10 h10 ore fa

MAX'S BULLET_TRAIN DM 4 RIDE @laridious @shipmate68 @AngelWarrior321 @MajGaryNichols @Jana__Howser @KellyHend39 @krunalley @BrutusCarpathia @thefieldhouse7 @Patti_Sc60 @Christi38880673 @GIJOETHEMAN @galacticaactual @AnnTKAG2020 @4x_Clubchamp @RevKeithBritt @ajinbk @RicPhyl

24 risposte 99 Retweet 86 Mi piace

LionJudah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom‏ @LionjudahK 6 h6 ore fa


☦️kingdom ha ritwittato Americo Lodovici

new fake Russiagate: answer. now all the funding that the Democratic Party has made must come out: "to and from and into" We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by United with Israel


☦️kingdom ha aggiunto,

Americo Lodovici @b_ludvig
Violenza a Rimini ai danni di una signora da parte di un immigrato ubriaco. L'anziana di 81 anni ha cercato di difendersi e il delinquente le ha fratturato un braccio. Usare i benefici di legge con questa gente è una pazzia i…

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LionJudah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom‏ @LionjudahK 6 h6 ore fa

Salvini dictates the line of détente on the other fake Russiagate: answer. now all the funding that the Democratic Party has made must come out: "to and from and into" We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by United with Israel

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LionJudah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom‏ @LionjudahK

Salvini dictates the line of détente on the other fake Russiagate: answer. now all the funding that the Democratic Party has made must come out: "to and from and into" answer. adesso devono venire fuori tutti i finanziamenti che il partito democratico ha fatto: "da e per e in"

LionJudah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom‏ @LionjudahK

Salvini dictates the line of détente on the other fake Russiagate: Salvini detta la linea della distensione sul altro finto Russiagate: Giuseppe Conte e Luigi Di Maio si sono smarcati sulla vicenda dei presunti fondi russi. Al vertice del governo sembra calare il gelo:

LionJudah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom‏ @LionjudahK

Salvini dictates the line of détente on the other fake Russiagate: Giuseppe Conte and Luigi Di Maio broke the mark on the alleged Russian funds. The summit of the government seems to be freezing: Salvini detta la linea della distensione sul altro finto Russiagate:

Antonio Quinto‏ @AntonioDvx 6 h6 ore fa

#RadioSavana & #AspettandoPrometeo Federica Anghinolfi LGBT. "Come rinascere dal trauma" con il progetto "La cura"... Quale cura? #Angeli #Demoni #LaCuraDiStoBelino #AnghinolfiLGBT #DottorJekyll #MisterHyde #BibbianoPD

Matteo Salvini‏Account verificato @matteosalvinimi 17 h17 ore fa

“Io non voglio vivere in un mondo che distrugge la cosa più preziosa che abbiamo: la famiglia”. La famiglia è SACRA, giù le mani dai nostri figli!!!

LionJudah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom‏ @LionjudahK 6 h6 ore fa

Salvini detta la linea della distensione sul Russiagate Giuseppe Conte e Luigi Di Maio si sono smarcati sulla vicenda dei presunti fondi russi. Al vertice del governo sembra calare il gelo:

LionJudah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom‏ @LionjudahK 6 h6 ore fa

Macron riceve leader europei, non Italia, … un esercito Europeo non è costituzionale, i partecipanti devono essere inquisiti!

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Posting Date
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: A Man-Made Cup In Pennsylvanian Coal?February 11, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Hands-Down EvidenceFebruary 7, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Trilobites UnderfootFebruary 4, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Getting A handle On Ancient Dinosaur SightingsFebruary 2, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Perplexing Permian PrintJanuary 28, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: The Willett PrintJanuary 25, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Throughout The Geologic ColumnJanuary 23, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Cro-Magnon ManJanuary 16, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Neanderthal ManJanuary 14, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Homo ErectusJanuary 11, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Piltdown ManJanuary 11, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Homo Habilis - ´Handyman´January 7, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Nebraska ManJanuary 4, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: RamapithicusJanuary 2, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: ´Your Little Cousin´ LucyDecember 31, 2012
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: The Tuang ChildDecember 28, 2012
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: IntroductionDecember 26, 2012
The Model, Episode 4


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the King Unius Rei

the King Unius Rei
universal brotherhood