Brexit: Boris Johnson
Brexit: Boris Johnson
Brexit: Boris Johnson ANSWER. the democratic party? EU technocrats? yes I know they are perverted antichrists and obstinate Freemasons: parasites and enemies of the people!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 settimana fa
RIVLIN President ] [ missing: 21 days to destroy IRAN with atomic weapons
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 settimana fa
President RIVLIN [ for my holy JHWH] we start the countdown today 08/25/2019 10:33 am missing: 23 days to destroy IRAN with atomic weapons
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 3 settimane fa
shalom king Israel shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 3 giorni fa
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia • The principles outlined by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo include: 1. stop the enrichment of Iranian uranium, 2. guarantee the UN nuclear watchdog full access to all sites in Iran, 3. put an end to Iran's ballistic missile proliferation 4. stop the further launch or development of missile systems with nuclear capacity. Israel and the United States also want that 5. Tehran stops supporting terrorist groups such as Hezbollah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad, 6. withdraw all forces under Iran's command throughout Syria 7. stop threatening to destroy Israel. ANSWER ok, they are missing: only: 20 days to destroy UMMA takfiris: Turkey and Iran with nuclear weapons! Mohammedans are ruthless mad sharia and paranoid jihad murderers without the possibility of redemption! we cannot allow Russians and Chinese to fall into the pit of death and genocide (replacement theology) as miserable dhimmis slaves, MURTIDI apostates and blasphemous kafir: kaput Merkel Ursula Hitler Von Imam Juncker Obama Frankestein Morgan Kissinger
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 settimana fa
President RIVLIN] we start the countdown today 08/25/2019 10:33 am missing: 27 days to destroy IRAN with atomic weapons
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 17 ore fa
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia • 19 minutes ago Bin SALMAN] the priest of Satan ihatenewlayout he is the only one who showed up in my face on video conference: he has 2 children and together with AudioHostem187 they have shown: over and over again: to be able to perceive everything I could to perceive with my physical senses. 1. in this video it is really me and this is my sword! youtube com / watch? v = s_2kLt4ch54 but, I never wanted to hurt him while perhaps he himself with his sword (youtu be / MkK2idLxo4M? list = PLgK3e4T37-DZUSGxGyEXs0q0i1Cb-xFBI) invisibly pierced all my chest piercing my heart and I felt the hole in my heart for two months! 2. youtube com / watch? V = cFX3EiExxKE he made this video for me: and the message says: "Unius REI 3, you are a hard: core" 3. / www youtube com / channel / UClsDBtSAWHHhymBkDnn2lag / discussion the first satanist who made a channel "Stop to said drink your poison made by yourself" has deleted his channel. while ihatenewlayout made this channel in insult and challenge mode tone: youtube com / channel / UClsDBtSAWHHhymBkDnn2lag really besides his annoying troll activity: I never felt that he wanted to hurt me or that he wanted to challenge me. the bad photo that is in this channel: it is not mine: because "drink your poison made by yourself": this is really my battle motto. and only now do I understand his hostile attitudes against me!. also because Unius REI can't be faced by any creature! I never warned him: to deal with his black magic against me: while this disguised hostile strategy was a pre-built approach. and also the fact that he told me to always copy all my comments it is a strategy that that cowardly son of satan used to prevent my anger from bursting against him! Bin SALMAN ] the priest of Satan ihatenewlayout lui è l'unico che si è fatto vedere in volto da me in video conferenza: lui ha 2 figli e insieme a AudioHostem187 hanno dimostrato: più e più volte: di poter percepire tutto quello che io potevo percepire con i miei sensi fisici. 1. in questo video sono proprio io e questa è la mia spada! youtube com/watch?v=s_2kLt4ch54 ma, io non ho mai desiderato di fare del male a lui mentre forse proprio lui con la sua spada ( youtu be/MkK2idLxo4M?list=PLgK3e4T37-DZUSGxGyEXs0q0i1Cb-xFBI ) ha forato invisibilmente tutto il mio torace trapassandomi il cuore ed io ho percepito il foro nel mio cuore per due mesi! 2. youtube com/watch?v=cFX3EiExxKE questo video lui ha fatto per me: e il messaggio dice: "Unius REI 3, tu sei un nocciolo duro" 3. /www youtube com/channel/UClsDBtSAWHHhymBkDnn2lag/discussion il primo satanista che ha fatto un canale "Stop drink your poison made by yourself" ha cancellato il suo canale. mentre ihatenewlayout ha fatto questo canale in tono di sfida youtube com/channel/UClsDBtSAWHHhymBkDnn2lag/discussion veramente oltre alla sua fastidiosa attività di troll: io non ho mai percepito che lui mi volesse fare del male o che lui mi volesse sfidare.. anche perché Unius REI non può essere affrontato da nessuna creatura!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 3 settimane fa
Hezbollah threatens to 'destroy' Israeli troops; Netanyahu 'not impressed'
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 giorno fa
Moshe Moses • Refua Shelma G-D Saved The Father and Son may They Make A Speedy Recovery The Innocent Jewish Boy Stabbed By a Another Palestinian Boy These Savages Will Never Change Hashem Will Deal With These Inhuman People Thank G-D We are Not Like Them G-D Bless The Dentist and Protect Him From His Evil People He Saved The Jewish Boys Life The Dentist is A Righteous Man Amen UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia • IN THIS PAGE WOS ERASED POST IN JEWISH LANGUAGE in COPY-PAST Jewish students slaughtered by Arab immigrants at barrel /voxnews info/2019/09/09/students-bea-massacrati-di-botte-da-immigrati-arabi/ The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland condemned the brutal aggression suffered by four university students Israelis visiting Warsaw. The boys said they had been attacked when leaving a club nightly from strangers they have shouted offenses against Israel. Second their testimony, the assailants they were a "group of Arabs". You cannot reply to a post that is not active. I HAVE ANSWERED TO MYSELF IN A POST IN THE JEWISH LANGUAGE HO RISPOSTO A ME STESSO IN UN POST IN LINGUA EBRAICA Non puoi rispondere a un post che non è attivo.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 3 settimane fa
Scorpio What have you been taking, my good man? Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH to whom monetary sovereignty belongs and the ownership of the money at the time of its issue? What does the Constitution say? a chi appartiene la sovranità monetaria e la proprietà del denaro al momento della sua emissione? cosa dice la Costituzione?
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 settimana fa
POLL: the immoral ethics of the technocrat Mattarella! That's why they don't want us to vote: people crown Salvini - POLL I believe that something bad could happen, about this latest technocratic coup Pd M5S in 6 years the Pd would go to the government the fourth time without going through the vote: according to the polls we are 410 seats in Parliament for the Cdx (league + Fdi + Fi) against the 220 remaining of all other coalitions //voxnews info/2019/08/27/ecco-perche-non-vogliono-farci-votare-popolo-incorona-salvini-sondaggio/
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 settimana fa
Darn it! Something went wrong while trying to load this feed. Try again in a little while. Please visit Discuss Disqus to learn more.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 settimana fa
Thomas had an admirable philosophy that can be applied to one's daily life. I agree that should be the purpose of religious belief. Thomas had an admirable philosophy that can be applied to one's daily life. I agree that should be the purpose of religious belief.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 settimana fa
Bin Salman Riyad sharia SARUMAN ] if you do not let me enter the world war and you give me the throne of Jerusalem? I will not avenge myself against China and Russia for not moving their embassy to Jerusalem! indeed, I will not avenge myself against anyone!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 giorno fa
/unitedwithisrael/watch_when_israel_nearly_attacked_iran UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia • Xi-Jinping Putin] I hold you personally responsible !!! When Israel Nearly Attacked Iran it was the only mistake of my life: twice I stopped ISRAEL from destroying Iran's nuclear potential! Is it what I got for it? if you go to pray to Baby Jesus in Iran you take 15 years in prison! George Parker UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia • It's just another excuse for conflict and domination. UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia George Parker • a minute ago you atheists are crazy! it is evident that you atheists, you are already prepared to become Islamic sharia dogmatists: and to take 4 child wives: and make 40 children apiece .. or otherwise ((in any case and always Islamic substitution theologians)): you are already ready to die beheaded as even Christian martyrs die! Islam does not distinguish in its genocide sharia UMMA: atheists from Christians! the compensation: however the Philosopher Vattimo lgbt, Pd D'Alema, Veltroni, etc. .. they are already ready to renounce their homosexual rights: just to see and enjoy the spectacle, with their eyes, of the genocide of all Israelis. and this is consistent, in fact, even atheists are a form of antichrist
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 3 settimane fa
Your twitter account is suspended and is permitted to perform this action: Becouse Erdogan Sharia Riyad. ok! here more than a feminine Bill CLINTON there is the traceability of a sad0-mas0 relationship where Hillary is the SAD0 and Bill is the MAS0 that this is also the Democratic Party's Obama cult agenda 666 gender darwin lgbtq Sodoma radiography it sputniknews com/mondo/201908177989985-Bill-Clinton-tacchi-vestito-da-donna-Jeffrey-Epstein/ Your twitter account is suspended and is not permitted to perform this action: Becouse Erdogan Sharia Riyad. ok! quì più che un femmineo Bill CLINTON esiste la traccibilità di un rapporto sado-maso dove Hillary è il SADO e Bill è il MASO che questa è anche la radiografia gender darwin lgbtq Sodoma del partito democratico
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 4 settimane fa
Salvini: I answer Renzi ("il poltronaro Mostro di Firenze")
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 3 settimane fa
ROME, AUGUST 14 - Donald # Trump again attacks the president of the Fed, Jerome #Powell, for the performance of the markets, calling him "inept" on Twitter and reiterating that the country's real problem "is not China but the Fed". answer, in fact the Rothschild dracula vampire shareholders of the FED have already ordered the CIA to kill two US Presidents ROMA, 14 AGO - Donald #Trump attacca ancora il presidente della Fed, Jerome #Powell, per l'andamento dei mercati, definendolo su Twitter "inetto" e ribadendo come il vero problema del Paese "non sia la Cina ma la Fed". answer, in effetti gli azionisti vampiri rothschild dracula della FED hanno già ordinato alla CIA di uccidere due Presidenti USA
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 3 settimane fa
Botta e risposta Salvini-Renzi answer si ma non esiste una dignità nella parola di RENZI e del suo Partito Democratico
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 2 settimane fa
Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom • yitzchak kaduri messia lorenzoJHWH i am
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 2 settimane fa
Mike I don't think that you have told me when the "Soviet invasion of the USSR" took place. Reply View in discussion Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom the "Soviet invasion of the USSR" not took place. but this does not mean that it was not designed, in fact the USSR financially financed the Italian Communist Party! therefore the Italian communists have betrayed the Homeland and they betrayed our soldiers who had been given up for dead and instead were in the gulag lagers building the tunnels in Siberia with their bare hands! the "Soviet invasion of the USSR" not took place. ma, questo non significa che non era stata progettata, infatti l'URSS finanziava economicamente il Partito comunista italiano! quindi i comunisti italiani hanno tradito la Patria ed hanno tradito i nostri soldati che erano stati dati per morti ed invece stavano nei gulag lager a costruire i tunnel in Siberia a mani nude!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 settimana fa
Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH • government "Conte Dracala 2" A pincer maneuver against Di Maio is underway. Conte and Grillo are part of the plot (the banking cartel) to bury the first populist government and create a system executive with the Pd. Conte has always been of the Pd ie democratic Party. stargood Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH • You make zero sense. Again. Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH stargood • a few seconds ago they are arguments not only of the sad Italian situation because rothschild has corrupted political systems all over the world! Lorne stargood • Why should he start now? Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH Lorne • if you have any curiosity? I am here to give all the necessary explanations!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 2 settimane fa
Defending the indefensible As has also been demonstrated in Britain over the epidemic Jew-hatred within the Labour Party, there is an iron conviction on the left that they cannot be guilty of anti-Semitism because they are “anti-racists.” Their political identity is rooted in their belief that they are always on the side of virtue against evildoers. If they were ever to admit evil attitudes on their own side, their political and moral identity would collapse. So they turn reality inside out to defend the indefensible. And to protect themselves, they project their own evil onto their opponents. Thus, they falsely accuse President Trump of having the odious views of which their own side is guilty. Nor can they admit that the Palestinian cause they support may be vile. The journalist Peter Beinart tweeted in defense of Miftah: “Frustrating to hear people who’d never heard of Miftah until today use its alleged sins to distract from deep injustice [Omar and Tlaib] were going to witness. As if an anti-white comment by SNCC (the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee which fought for black civil rights) justified segregation.” Genocidal attitudes and attacks by Palestinians most certainly do justify the security measures Israel uses against them. Through this tweet, Beinart has not only supported a virulently anti-Semitic outfit, but also whitewashed the Jew-hatred and Israel-bashing of those it promotes—and promoted his own. Such moral bankruptcy has become a pathology that is steady poisoning the Democratic Party against the Jewish people, towards which those American Jews who still support the Democrats are indeed displaying a most tragic disloyalty.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 3 settimane fa
Your twitter account is suspended and is permitted to perform this action: Becouse Erdogan Sharia Riyad. ok! here more than a feminine Bill CLINTON there is the traceability of a sad0-mas0 relationship where Hillary is the SAD0 and Bill is the MAS0 that this is also the Democratic Party's Obama cult agenda 666 gender darwin lgbtq Sodoma radiography it sputniknews com/mondo/201908177989985-Bill-Clinton-tacchi-vestito-da-donna-Jeffrey-Epstein/
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 settimana fa
Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH • * Lawyer of the fake refugees reveals how they cheated us at the time of the #PD: "So we rubbed the Italians" * #Sudafrica, immigrant lincia population: "They steal work" September 3, 2019 * Spit, stones and beaten policemen: immigrants lay down the law September 2, 2019 * Salvini, landings down also in August despite the grillini: #Pd # M5S: -100 thousand illegal immigrants September 2, 2019 * Khaled pays us pensions with the scratch card September 2, 2019 * Immigrants block the road: "We are indispensable for Italy" September 2, 2019 * Eleonore, captain taken away from Police: ship seized, fine of 1 million on arrival September 2, 2019 * Tunisian barons attack Lampedusa: the Marina di Trenta does NOT stop them - VIDEO September 2, 2019 * Di Maio reopens the ports: migrants will disembark in Italy and will be "relocated" September 2, 2019 * #PD skirmishers to the Government: 10 NGOs ready to assault the Italian open ports
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 mese fa
Salvini spinge per il voto. Di Maio: 'Taglio degli eletti' ANSWER. Di Maio non si è accorto che il Governo non c'é più, ed è così folle che non si rende conto di averlo danneggiato!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 3 settimane fa
this is the Islamic Wahhabi dissolution of the Saudi Islamic empire of the rothschilds: a universal conspiracy against the children of God! A witness told the Mirror that the winking painting was still there when he visited the financier for the last time in 2012 and that it was Epstein himself who showed it to him. As inquiries and speculations flare up about the now infamous Jeffrey Epstein case, more and more compromising discoveries are being made about the world surrounding the financier and his unclear business. US financier Jeffrey Epstein appears in a photograph taken for the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services s e x offender registry Jeffrey Epstein: the mystery of a "suicide" ... too useful As would result from some inquiries, Epstein's list of acquaintances: he would include absolutely striking names ranging from: Bill Clinton himself, who apparently knew Epstein live and not only in "artistic" representation, to Donald Trump and Bill Gates. The case of Jeffrey Epstein Epstein, 66, was found dead on August 10 in his prison cell. At first there was talk of suicide but the nature of his crimes: and the fact that among his circle of acquaintances, of which he himself used to boast, there were so many characters so rich and powerful, they immediately suggested: the hypothesis that someone these, feeling threatened by the secrets that the man could have revealed: during the trials, he might have wanted to 'help' him to realize his suicide.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 mese fa
Hamas and Fatah leaders need to be "disappeared" once and for all. This is a war according to the muSlime definition of jihad and must be treated as such. Why continue letting the savage jihadists dictate their own rules of conduct within sovereign Jewish soil? I leader di Hamas e Fatah devono essere "spariti" una volta per tutte. Questa è una guerra secondo la definizione muSlime di jihad e deve essere trattata come tale. Perché continuare a lasciare che i jihadisti selvaggi dettino le proprie regole di condotta all'interno del suolo ebraico sovrano? ZionMyHome • Hamas and Fatah leaders need to be "disappeared" once and for all. This is a war according to the muSlime definition of jihad and must be treated as such. Why continue letting the savage jihadists dictate their own rules of conduct within sovereign Jewish soil? di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH ZionMyHome • because your 666 Rothschild star (pantheism & idol of jealousy FED NWO IMF BCE SpA) is the head of the snake: while the penis is in Mecca sharia Kaaba you have a brain that has been raped by the catto-communists perché la tua 666 stella Rothschild (panteismo idolo della gelosia FED NWO IMF BCE SpA) è la testa del serpente: mentre il pene si trova a Mecca sharia Kaaba
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 mese fa
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH • #Security, Mattarella: 'The obligation to save the shipwrecked remains' The president signs the security decree bis, but notes two critical issues NO NO NO! Your twitter account is suspended and is not permitted to perform this action. THE OBLIGATION TO SAVE THE ITALIANS FROM FED BCE #Rothschild and Bilderberg and #Erdogan #sharia! Sicurezza, Mattarella: 'Resta l'obbligo di salvare i naufraghi' Il presidente firma il decreto sicurezza bis, ma rileva due criticità NO NO NO! Your twitter account is suspended and is not permitted to perform this action. RESTA L'OBBLIGO DI SALVARE GLI ITALIANI da FED BCE Rothschild e Bilderberg e Erdogan sharia!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 3 settimane fa
Pestato per essersi fidanzato con la moglie di un detenuto - già in Italia soltanto i mafiosi si possono permettere l'onore!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 2 settimane fa
Frank-Walter Steinmeier in Fivizzano: 'I feel ashamed, I ask for forgiveness' Together with Mattarella, the two heads of state honor the 174 victims of the SS in 1944 ANSWER. but doesn't he realize that with the transition from LIRA to EURO, Italians have lost 40% of their national wealth in an instant? of course: he killed more Greeks and Italians, his EU his Bilderberg with suicide, demografic winter, than those who killed his SS in 1944 these scum technocrats must be uprooted! questi tecnocrati feccia devono essere sradicati!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 3 settimane fa
ONU 666 FMI NWO 322 BCE 187 lgbt ] io non sono un pacifista! io non sono religione ideologia o geopolitica! ma: per i miei diritti umani e libertà di religione? io combatterò!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 settimana fa
Richard DiBenedetto I don't think anyone should spoil their own happy life worrying that some people will hate them for no good reason. We cannot change the world we live in. It has always been the way it is. You can only project your best example of how you would like the world to be. ☦️☦️☦️ Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH ☦️☦️☦️ 13 years ago, I read on the CIA website: that in the US 100,000 human sacrifices were made: on the altar of satan: every year! .. and because: they are never found guilty: then, they are the Bush Rothschild Rochefeller Morgan (the FED OCI Riyad NWO synagogue of satan) who commission these voodoo rituals: precisely with the complicity and protection of the CIA. Now could you find me this quote on the CIA website? 13 anni fa, io ho letto sul sito della CIA: che in USA erano fatti 100.000 sacrifici umani: sull'altare di satana: ogni anno! .. e poiché: non vengono mai trovati dei colpevoli: poi, sono i Bush Rothschild Rochefeller Morgan (la sinagoga FED di satana) che commissionano questi rituali voodoo: proprio con la complicità e protezione della CIA. adesso tu potresti trovarmi questa citazione sul sito della CIA?
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 3 settimane fa
Rahe Mayo • For your incorruptible spirit is in all things. 2. Therefore you convict little by little those who fall from the right way, and, putting them in remembrance by the things wherein they sin, you admonish them, that escaping from their wickedness they may believe in you, O Lord. 3. For truly the old inhabitants of your holy land, Wisdom of Solomon 12:4 26 Wisdom of Solomon 12:12 4. hating them because they practiced detestable works of enchantments and unholy rites— 5. *merciless slaughters of children and sacrificial banquets of men’s flesh and of blood — 6. allies in an impious fellowship, and murderers of their own helpless babes, it was your counsel to destroy by the hands of our fathers; 7. that the land which in your sight is most precious of all might receive a worthy colony of God’s servants.† 8. Nevertheless you even spared these as men, and you sent hornets‡ as forerunners of your army, to cause them to perish little by little; 9. Not that you were unable to subdue the ungodly under the hand of the righteous in battle, or by terrible beasts or by a stern word to make away with them at once; 10. but judging them little by little you gave them a chance to repent, not being ignorant that their nature by birth was evil, their wickedness inborn, and that their manner of thought would never be changed. 11. For they were a cursed seed from the beginning. It wasn’t through fear of any that you left them unpunished for their sins.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 2 settimane fa
Duv13 Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom • Did you ever hang out with Charles Manson or something?! What craziness.. The Rothchilds..voodoo?! What?!!!!! Avatar Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom Duv13 • a few seconds ago Fay socialoracle 3 months ago] for three months your friend has not published comments and is afraid to do so? the CIA in Germany killed my friend in youtube MERLAMARLEEN, she was a well-prepared and well-educated saint theologian ( it was normal to criticize for her: that international satanist Merkel criminal who ruined all the Mediterranean countries and led them to Islamize the Germans people ) so now, I'm afraid to involve female friends in my speeches! the priests of Satan have their law, and if you are prudent and if you do not violate the Torah: they will not take you! unfortunately my friend MERLAMARLEEN: she trusted a new very kind friend: and entered with her in a place that she didn't know, and where the CIA satanists made the party to her: instead! Fay socialoracle 3 months ago] da tre mesi il tuo amico non pubblica commenti e forse ha paura di farlo? la CIA in Germania mi ha ucciso la mia amica in youtube MERLAMARLEEN, lei era un teologo santo molto preparato e bene istruito (era normale che criticasse quel criminale internazionale della Merkel che ha rovinato tutti i Paesi del Mediterraneo e che ha spinto a islamizzare i tedeschi) quindi, ora, io ho paura a coinvolgere amiche donne nei miei discorsi! i sacerdoti di Satana hanno la loro legge, e se sei prudente e se non violi la Torà: non ti prenderanno! purtroppo la mia amica MERLAMARLEEN: si è fidata di una nuova amica molto gentile: ed entrò con lei in un locale che lei non sapeva, e dove i satanisti della CIA hanno fatto la festa a lei: invece! /crappy_jew_year_new_york_times_editor_apologizes_for_anti_semitic_tweets_in_2010_13/ Avatar Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom Duv13 • 24 minutes ago Charles Manson is only a criminal, a human evil: of course: always something inhuman. but you cannot face the powers of Satan CIA and NWO without the power of the Holy Spirit! As Rothschild could steal monetary sovereignty even from the Israelis if he did not have satan's powers at his disposal. that is a universal evil: institutional: transnational Masonic: FED FMI BCE NWO: a demonic evil (so cannibalistic and cruel and we are so powerless as a society) that it is for us becomes invisible, only because a human mind cannot sustain it without removing it ! ====================
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 2 settimane fa
“Five years, the concept of even talking about this, even three years ago, of cutting off aid to Israel because of two people that hate Israel and hate Jewish people, I can’t believe we’re even having this conversation. Where has the Democratic Party gone? Where have they gone where they are defending these two people over the State of Israel? I think any Jewish people that vote for a Democrat, I think it shows either a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty.” Trump was thus criticizing Democrat-voting Jews not for their overriding loyalty to Israel, but on the contrary, for supporting a party that has become an enemy of Israel. Indeed, the logical meaning of his words was that Jews who vote Democrat are being disloyal to the Jewish people. The following day, Trump himself confirmed this when he told Bloomberg: “If you vote for a Democrat, you’re being disloyal to Jewish people and you’re being very disloyal to Israel.” The only Jewish group that got this straightaway was the Jewish Republican Coalition which, while other Jews were noisily losing their heads, coolly observed: “President Trump is right; it shows a great deal of disloyalty to oneself to defend a party that protects/emboldens people that hate you for your religion.”
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 settimana fa
these Lebanese are aggressive criminals: for them all ISRAEL is an occupied territory! Lebanese army command said: "A hostile Israeli reconnaissance drone, arrived from the occupied territories of Palestine, invaded the airspace while it was on a military base at 7.45 pm. The army opened fire on the aircraft, forcing it to reverse course", yes reads in the report. questi libanesi sono criminali aggressivi: per loro tutto ISRAELE è un territorio occupato! comando dell'esercito libanese ha detto: "Un drone da ricognizione ostile di Israele, arrivato dai territori occupati della Palestina, ha invaso lo spazio aereo mentre si trovava sopra una base militare alle 19.45. L'esercito ha aperto il fuoco contro il velivolo, costringendolo ad invertire la rotta", si legge nel rapporto.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 settimana fa
North Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH • What has this to do with the article Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH North • none, but i have a big sharia problem becouse i am observatory of christian martyrs from 30 years old xx el North • muz slimes get offended by anything , this inbreed's reason for stabbing Kaffirs who gave him refuge, is : they don't read the Koran.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 7 ore fa
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia • TheDemonDack/discussion Satan is an infamous traitor (and that's why he's a loser) and you're his son! to which of your channels have I ever signed up? /user/TheDemonDack/discussion Satana è un infame traditore(ed è per questo che è un perdente) e tu sei suo figlio! a quale dei tuoi canali io mi sono mai iscritto?
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 settimana fa
i redattori del talmud satanico sono stati gli stessi redattori della Bibbia: i Sacerdoti del Tempio di Gerusalemme: una specie di mafia massonica che odiava la monarchia! the editors of the satanic talmud were the same editors of the Bible: the Priests of the Temple of Jerusalem: a kind of Masonic mafia who hated the monarchy! you do not seem to be very informed about the political and sociological potential of Kingdom of David and the Kingdom of Solomon. but what no one knows is that the Supreme Sanhedrin slandered Solomon in the Bible: but the fact that the Bible was manipulated at least in three places? this does not diminish its importance: because the religious power of the Bible is not inherent in his writing: but in his inspiration. therefore it is not the philologist, theologian or exegete who can discover God in the Bible: but, it is the saint who has the true interpretative key non sembri molto informato (su quello che sanno tutti) circa: le potenzialità politiche e sociologiche del Regno di Davide e del Regno di Salomone. ma quello che nessuno sa è che il Sommo Sinedrio ha calunniato Salomone nella Bibbia: ma il fatto che la Bibbia sia stata manipolata almeno in tre punti? questo non ne sminuisce la sua importanza: perché il potere religioso della Bibbia non è insito nella sua scrittura: quanto nella sua ispirazione. quindi non è il: filologo, teologo o l'esegeta che può scoprire Dio nella Bibbia: ma, è il santo che ha la vera chiave interpretativa
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 settimana fa
Noel Kelly Ginny Grace Mortvedt • Good morning Ginny, The biggest and most difficult question that Jews, and all Israel, need to ask themselves is this: A) Is the 3rd Temple a building made with men's hands? or B) is the 3rd Temple a PERSON? C) is the 3rd Temple Messiah? D) WHO is Messiah? It will take a lot of STUDY of both Old Testament and New Testament to answer those questions - 4 questions which are really only ONE question. DEMOCRACY is, I believe, the LAST great world Empire spoken of in Daniel the Prophet. The 10 toes of the "idol" are, I believe, the 10 world "Economic Areas" which control (or will control) all commerce world wide - remember that the "love of money" is the "root of all evil" - with all due respect to the "Protestant Reformers" ROME is not the only Capital City built upon 7 hills - virtually EVERY Capital City in the world is built upon 7 hills - so BABYLON THE GREAT is every Capital City. The "Stone" which destroys the "10 toes" is MESSIAH - whose Kingdom will last forever - THEN, and only then, will we have TORAH LAWS to govern us. Now, the BIG question "WHO IS MESSIAH"? Shalom. Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH Noel Kelly • a few seconds ago i am 3rd Temple a PERSON you are 3rd Temple a PERSON but i am King ISRAEL lion Judah
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 10 ore fa
IHateNEWLAYOUT ] [ I never thought about being your friend, because in fact every satanist is disloyal! non ho mai pensato di essere il tuo amico, perché infatti ogni satanista è sleale!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 settimana fa
Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH • unitedwithisrael boy: here the situation is worrying: I have said several times to Richard DiBenedetto: "you come to talk to me on unitedwithisrael" but, we see that he is afraid of you, and did not want to leave worldisraelnews unitedwithisrael ragazzo: quì la situazione è preoccupante: io ho detto più volte a Richard DiBenedetto: "tu vieni a parlarmi su unitedwithisrael " ma, si vede che lui ha paura di te, e non voleva uscire da worldisraelnews
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 settimana fa
$ 1.4 trillion dollars only serve to wash the guilty conscience of Rochefeller marrano FED FMI NWO! so that they can say: "it was not our fault for the genocide of the Israelis" and instead they have planned the genocide of the Israelis: in fact it is their fault that sharia or communism cannot be condemned yet !! in AIPAC they are Satanists who pretend loyalty to the torà, and this is an old story of satanism: how old the talmud is! $1.4 trillion dollars servono soltanto a lavare la coscienza sporca di Rochefeller FED FMI NWO! così che possano dire: "non è stata nostra la colpa per il genocidio degli israeliani" ed invece loro hanno programmato il genocidio degli israeliani: infatti è colpa loro se la sharia o il comunismo non possono venire ancora condannati!! in AIPAC sono satanisti che fingono fedeltà alla torà, e questa è una storia vecchia: quanto è vecchio il talmud!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 2 ore fa
le autorità cinesi chiudono chiese ed abbattono le croci: e non è questa la cosa più grave.... il partito comunista cinese ritiene che i cristiani non possano mai diventare dei bravi patrioti comunisti: ed ovviamente questo delitto ideologico dal PCC deve subito essere corretto
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 2 settimane fa
Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom • China Russia ] if you open an embassy in Jerusalem? I will let you join NATO! Cina Russia ] se voi aprite una ambasciata in Gerusalemme? io vi faccio entrare nella NATO!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 3 settimane fa
VTS was-tortured-into-making-israeli-spy-confession-says-former-iranian-prisoner You know well how to play victim. Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH to encourage aggressive and unjustified insults: against me: (which are a publicly demonstrated objective phenomenon) accusation from which you cannot defend yourself because it is obvious and objective: now do you even go about slandering me? you have been judged by your own corruption !! We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by United with Israel.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 giorno fa
Saudi king replaces energy minister with one of his sons Avatar UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia • all nations should aim to become self-sufficient in terms of food and energy! oil, besides being harmful, is not an inexhaustible resource! tutte le nazioni dovrebbero puntare a diventare autosufficienti dal punto di vista alimentare ed energetico! il petrolio oltre ad essere dannoso non è una risorsa inesauribile!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 4 settimane fa
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH • INFAMI/worldisraelnews com/two-state-solution-far-more-dangerous-than-boycotts-israeli-lawmakers-tell-congress/ A group of 21 Knesset members sent a letter to U.S. lawmakers warning that establishing a Palestinian state threatens Israel’s future far more than boycotts. A) I thought about when: both Putin and: Xi-Jinping, like, they are a strong state of police with greater sovereignty (and do not fear the threat of the Islamic theocracy): they have abandoned the evil perversion of: EU-US and their democratic party: to a logical fate and their China and Russia can be so selfish: which abandons US and EU to Islamic sharia terrorism of the ARAB LEAGUE: and its jihadist sharia galaxy. indeed, 1. the ARAB LEAGUE rising over the genocide of the previous peoples; 2. still has today: criminal conditions of genocide that sharia makes permanent and implementation: still today: all over the world! 3. Arab League which is a clear aggressive act: it is a hostile act without reciprocity, and it cannot obtain legitimacy and official legal recognition! that all Muslims are designed to be all exterminated or to exterminate everyone as the book of Genesis says!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 mese fa
Pwca Ronald Hall • Yes, not perfect, but sincere in his love for and desire to protect the land and people of Israel! Really, who can suggest a better candidate for PM, and please state why you believe so. I am genuinely willing to be educated if I am in error in believing PM Behamin Netanyahu is the best person for the job at hand. May Hashem continue to bless him. Thank you. Pwca Ronald Hall • Sì, non perfetto, ma sincero nel suo amore e nel desiderio di proteggere la terra e il popolo di Israele! Davvero, chi può suggerire un candidato migliore per il Primo Ministro e per favore indica perché lo credi. Sono sinceramente disposto ad essere istruito se sbaglio nel ritenere che il Primo Ministro Behamin Netanyahu sia la persona migliore per il lavoro da svolgere. Che Hashem continui a benedirlo. Grazie.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 2 settimane fa
obviously, if Jesus of Bethlehem had failed to prove that he really was: 1. a real man, and 2. a true son of God. we could file his story as an operation that went under failure! but, precisely Paul of Tarsus: and many and many after him have shown: by their example that it is true: that: the man Jesus, born in Bethlehem in the house of David: the true King of Israel, he was truly God and was true man. therefore we have seen it accomplished as it is today: acts of true humanity and true divinity even in its followers! ovviamente, se Gesù di Betlemme non fosse riuscito a dimostrare di essere veramente stato: 1. un vero uomo, e 2. un vero figlio di Dio. noi potremmo archiviare la sua vicenda come una operazione che è andata sotto fallimento! ma, proprio Paolo di Tarso: e tanti e tantissimi dopo di lui hanno dimostrato: con il loro esempio che è vero: quell'uomo Gesù nato a Betlemme nella casa di davide: il vero Re di Israele era veramente Dio ed era veramente uomo. quindi abbiamo visto compiere come è tutt'oggi: atti di vera umanità e di vera divinità anche nei suoi seguaci!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 settimana fa
2. I have doubts in Moses hasty intolerance explained in Exodus: 32, 26 Moses stood at the gate of the camp and said, "Whoever is with the Lord, come to me!" All the sons of Levi gathered around him. 27 He shouted to them: "The Lord says, the God of Israel: Each of you keep your sword at your side. Pass and pass through the camp from one door to another: kill each one's own brother, each his own friend, each his own relative ». answer. when Moses shouted: "Whoever is with the Lord, come to me!" why did not one third of the people follow him? THEY DIDN'T WANT TO PENTRE! that was really treason! and this is my task: and this is the task of every King: to kill the traitors! at that time there was the Kingdom of God: and all around were the Baal Owl and the allah lilit. here there is Unius REI a secular metaphysical theocracy: those who do not want to join my project must be fought: because it is not possible for someone to deny the natural law to do: 1. sharia, 2. lgbt, o, 3. the FED ! 2. I have doubts in Moses hasty intolerance explained in Exodus: 32, 26 Mosè si pose alla porta dell'accampamento e disse: «Chi sta con il Signore, venga da me!». Gli si raccolsero intorno tutti i figli di Levi. 27 Gridò loro: «Dice il Signore, il Dio d'Israele: Ciascuno di voi tenga la spada al fianco. Passate e ripassate nell'accampamento da una porta all'altra: uccida ognuno il proprio fratello, ognuno il proprio amico, ognuno il proprio parente». answer. quando Mosé gridò: «Chi sta con il Signore, venga da me!» perché 1/3 del popolo non lo seguì? NON SI VOLEVANO PENTIRE! quello in realtà era alto tradimento! e questo è il mio compito: e questo è il compito di ogni Re: uccidere i traditori! li in quel momento c'era il Regno di Dio: e tutt'intorno c'erano i Baal Owl e gli allah lilit. quì c'è Unius REI una teocrazia metafisica laica: quelli che non vorranno aderire al mio progetto devono essere combattuti: perché non è possibile che qualcuno neghi la legge naturale per fare: 1. sharia, 2. lgbt, o, 3. la FED!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 4 settimane fa From the defense of labor to the defense of capital: the leftists have betrayed Marx. in the democratic party? they all became a bunch of traitors and fagots! Dalla difesa del lavoro alla difesa del capitale: le sinistre hanno tradito Marx. nel partito democratico? sono diventati tutti un branco di traditori e finocchi!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 5 giorni fa
Bin SALMAN ] io non penso che tu, insieme ad Erdogan dopo aver fatto il genocidio di 100 nazioni cristiane: ora vuoi fare il genocidio anche degli ebrei? perché loro alla loro Patria? non rinunceranno mai! Salmi 137:5-7 Se ti dimentico, Gerusalemme, Se ti dimentico, Gerusalemme, si paralizzi la mia destra; mi si attacchi la lingua al palato, se lascio cadere il tuo ricordo, UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia • Bin SALMAN] I do not think that you, along with Erdogan after having made the genocide of 100 Christian nations: now do you want to genocide even the Jews? why them at their homeland? they will never give up! Psalms 137: 5-7 If I forget you, Jerusalem, If I forget you, Jerusalem, let my right hand be paralyzed; stick your tongue to the palate, if I drop your memory, Jerusalem Must Remain the United Capital of Israel The declare that Jerusalem is the eternal capital of the Jewish People and support to the efforts to maintain and strengthen a united Jerusalem as the undivided capital of the State of Israel. CLICK HERE TO SIGN THE JERUSALEM DECLARATION.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 settimana fa
EFFECTIVE We do not want Lebanese Hezbollah to hold 100,000 Iranian-made precision missiles (long-range) IN EFFETTI noi non vogliamo che libanese Hezbollah abbia in custodia 100000 missili di precisione (a lunga gittata) di fabbricazione iraniana
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 mese fa
Lawrence Best You wrongly enterred a conversation. please apologise to the Dead Family di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH that boy belongs to me: and I cried and prayed for him, and his family! but, I don't think you've done both! I am forced by my political ministry: Unius REI Universal brotherhood to leave the subject out of the question! quel ragazzo mi appartiene: e io ho pianto ed ho pregato per lui, e la sua famiglia! ma, io non credo che tu hai fatto entrambe le cose! io sono costretto dal mio ministero politico ad uscire fuori argomento!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 mese fa di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH • Hercules, the ancient giant parrot, one meter high He lived 19 million years ago, weighed 7 kilos. BUT, in his time: 7000 years ago: everything was gigantic because that was a world of giant nephilim there were 2 atmospheres: twice the oxygen, and 40 times the intensity of our magnetic field, while the vault was crystalline: and while the water vapor fed the plants! Ercole, l'antico pappagallo gigante alto un metro E' vissuto 19 milioni di anni fa, pesava 7 chili. MA, nel suo tempo: 7000 anni fa: tutto era gigantesco perché quello era un mondo di giganti nephilim c'erano 2 atmosfere: il doppio di ossigeno, e 40 volte la intensità del nostro campo magnetico, mentre la volta era cristallina: e mentre il vapore acqueo nutriva le piante!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 2 settimane fa
Latest Israeli poll: Two major parties neck-and-neck with right-wing bloc holding advantage /worldisraelnews com/latest-israeli-poll-two-major-parties-neck-and-neck-with-right-wing-bloc-holding-advantage/#.XWK4ACFfwUo.twitter if Netanjhau is criticized because it is too soft against Hamas and the Jordanian Islamic jihad on the Temple Mount; when will the left be weaker than he? I ask Jordan to demonstrate its vaunted freedom of religion on the Temple Mount se Netanjhau è criticato perché è troppo morbido contro hamas e la jihad islamica giordano sul Monte del Tempio; quando più debole di lui potrà essere la sinistra? io chiedo alla Giordania di dimostrare la sua millantata libertà di religione sul monte del Tempio Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom • if Netanjhau is criticized because it is too soft against Hamas and the Jordanian Islamic jihad on the Temple Mount; when will the left be weaker than he? I ask Jordan to demonstrate its vaunted freedom of religion on the Temple Mount
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 4 giorni fa
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia Alexander Harold Hersh • I am a universal metaphysical rational agnostic: I am not religion or imperialism: universal brotherhood: the living decalogue: and the most powerful power of Zionism, I am the kingdom of Israel and the King Messiah: the lion of Judah: the destruction of the new rothschild World Order! io sono un agnostico razionale metafisico universale: non sono la religione o l'imperialismo: la fratellanza universale: il decalogo vivente: e la più potente potenza del sionismo, io sono il regno di Israele e il Re Messia: il leone di Giuda: la distruzione del nuovo Ordine mondiale di rothschild!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 giorno fa
the priests of satan of Chemistry: them for decades: they use men as guinea pigs: with the forced introduction of heavy metals: they try to realize the cyborg man and the GMO man! E-cig, 5 victims in the US but no data on effects From heavy metals to tires, experimentation is needed i sacerdoti di satana della Chimica: loro da decenni: usano gli uomini come cavie: con l'introduzione forzata di metalli pesanti: loro cercano di realizzare l'uomo cyborg e l'uomo OGM! E-cig, 5 vittime in Usa ma non ci sono dati su effetti Da metalli pesanti a gomme, per esperto serve sperimentazione
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 3 settimane fa
shalom + salam
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 settimana fa
ACT NOW! UN Must Include Israeli Victims on ‘Children and Armed Conflict’ Report! What did the ARAB LEAGUE say about this killing of Israeli children? nothing, he didn't say anything, in some cases he said: "well so" then ISLAM is the same Satanism: and the genocide of 1400 years ago: that can swallow any lie, infamy and wickedness! mankind everything is threatened by sharia!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 mese fa
Grillo: 'Mi elevo a salvare l'Italia dai nuovi barbari' answer lasciamoci alle spalle la volgarità che è entrata in politica: proteggevano il sistema del signoraggio bancario che si erano impegnati ad abbattere!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 settimana fa
Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH • implantation of alien neuronal connections in the brain of all the leaders of this planet! impiantazione di connessioni neuronali aliene nel cervello di tutti i leaders di questo pianeta! you shouldn't be so hurried in your judgments, because if: "tldm org website" reported a news of scientific content: with a wealth of technical and technological details: and bio-engineering: from another site (eg: NASA said that our planet is at the center of the Universe ): approximately, the alien neuronal connections on the optic nerve and in the brain? ok this job of copy-paste of sensitive information? we all do it: on our sites! it is not possible to share: or understand: 100% what any site says: and this is why we need discernment! now our awareness and knowledge are deepened: the more intimate our personal relationship with God will be: and the more our discernment will be deepened! tu non dovresti essere, così stroppo frettoloso nei tuoi giudizi, perché se: "tldm org website" ha riportato una notizia di contenuto scientifico: con dovizia di particolari tecnici e tecnologici: e di bio-ingegneria: da altro sito (es: . la NASA disse che il nostro pianeta è al centro dell'Universo): circa, le connessioni neuronali aliene sul nervo ottico e nel cervello? ok questo lavoro di copia-incolla delle informazioni sensibili? noi lo facciamo tutti: sui nostri siti! non è possibile condividere: o comprendere: al 100% quello che dice un qualsiasi sito: ed è per questo che abbiamo bisogno di discernimento! adesso più è approfondita la nostra consapevolezza e conoscenza: più sarà intimo il nostro personale rapporto con Dio: e tanto più sarà approfondito il nostro discernimento!
Lorenzojhwh LEVIATHAN Unius REI Messiah 4 settimane fa
ANTIFA catto-comunisti trogloditi: a 75mo Martiri piazzale Loreto, Vicesindaco Milano: "abbiamo bisogno di dirci antifascisti": e cercano i fascisti nel partito di FdI e Lega? grottesco! in compenso loro rendono indispensabile il ritorno del fascismo perchéé: tradiscono la costituzine regalando il signoraggio bancario a rothschild!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 3 settimane fa
non solo google anche twitter ha la sua black list Your account is suspended Trump ha ragione i media sono di Rothschild e tutti per il partito democratico!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 3 giorni fa
them: 1. the greatest deception Rothschild, 2. the greatest fraud Rochefeller, 3. the greatest betrayal Bilderberg Merkel Macron, and therefore the greatest Satanism of the human race and Masonic conspiracy! He was sworn in on 5 September 2019 as Minister of Economy and Finance in the Government led by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte DRACULA bis: Sodoma technocracy the antichrist Ursula: M5S 666 Lgbtq Pd. Roberto Gualtieri, Minister - Ministry of Economy and Fraud: high constitutional treason bank seigniorage: he said: "the people must not vote because they can be deceived by Salvini" loro: 1. il più grande inganno, 2. la più grande truffa, 3. il più grande tradimento, e quindi il più grande satanismo del genere umano e congiura massonica! Ha giurato il 5 settembre 2019 come Ministro dell'Economia e delle Finanze nel Governo guidato dal presidente del Consiglio Giuseppe Conte DRACULA bis: Sodoma tecnocrazia l'anticristo Ursula: M5S 666 Lgbtq Pd. Roberto Gualtieri, Ministro - Ministero dell'Economia e della truffa: alto tradimento Costituzionale il signoraggio bancario: proprio lui ha detto: "il popolo non deve votare perché può essere ingannato da Salvini"
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 2 settimane fa
Orson Michael Noronha Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH • Hi though people call you "loco" on this forum, I seriously tend to believe most of your thoughts especially on NWO and others. Only problem I see - take this as constructive criticism - is that you tend to get repetitive. Consequently, you miss the forest for the trees - a better choice would be to have your points made in logical sequence and in a properly STRUCTURED format rather that seemingly disconnected and random statements. I do realize that English may not be your first language but you can try - that way you can put your points across BETTER and be more receptive. God Bless ! Baruch H'ba B'Shem Adonai! Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH Orson Michael Noronha • God Bless you too! Baruch H'ba B'Shem Adonai! dull cervervos: they need the pnumatic hammer and steam roller! I am here to hurt the Wahhabis and Pharisees and all their accomplices only: and certainly: I'll get the blood out of the eardrums. about, a certain systematic thought this exists, and if someone asked me some questions? I could expose!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 18 ore fa
Bin SALMAN] the priest of Satan youtube com / user / ihatenewlayout is something very serious about black magic: in connection with alien technology: and the alien (gmos agenda: replacing the creation of God with the creation of rothschilds and Bush: cyborgs hybrids: etc .. all SpA Monsanto 666 Bayer and nano uranium particles: etc. .. in vaccines) ogm neuronal connections in our brain. he put the photo of Saint Bartolo Longo (who in the first phase of his life he was protected by the Saint against me, because of what I could have done to him! Bin SALMAN ] il sacerdote di Satana youtube com/user/ihatenewlayout lui è qualcosa di molto molto serio circa la magia nera: in connessione con la tecnologia aliena: e le connessioni neuronali ogm aliene nel nostro cervello. lui ha messo la foto di Santo Bartolo Longo(che nella prima fase della sua vita era un sacerdote di satana) sul suo profilo: per farsi proteggere dal Santo contro di me, a motivo di quello che io avrei potuto fargli!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 giorno fa
TEKK Ghost drone fotocamera Quadrirotore Nero, Blu 4 rotori 2 MP 1280 x 720 Pixel 1000 mAh NON riuscirai a tenerlo fermo in posizione e lo distruggerai rapidamente! una delusione totale!! #TEKK #Ghost You will NOT be able to hold it in place and you will quickly destroy it! a total disappointment !! #Drone #Foldable. Batteria da 3.7V e 1000 mAh e Camera HD da 720p. Decollo e atterraggio automatico; headless mode, hovering. One Key Return, Telecomando con WiFi Smartphone Control. Trasmissione video FPV in real time 2.4GHz You will NOT be able to make any changes: so you will destroy it! the 4 engines develop too much heat: so much to melt the plastic: and you will not be able to use them outside the project of the builder! NON riuscirai a apportare nessuna modifica: quindi lo distruggerai! i 4 motori sviluppano troppo calore: tanto da fondere la plastica: e non potrai usarli al di fuori del progetto del costruttore!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 6 giorni fa
mi sono stati chiusi troppi account per futili motivi e sono stato espulso da twitter questa però è una ferita per la democrazia! per favore riattivatemi Your request has been submitted to Twitter. We are usually able to respond within a few days, but some issues may take longer.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 2 settimane fa
The five points of Zingaretti for a breakthrough Frankenstein-Golem-Rothschild government! The PD management approves the mandate to Zingaretti to open a negotiation for a breakthrough government with the hated and until recently blasphemed M5S. The eventual new blasphemous sacrilegious government: without popular support it must 'be in discontinuity' with the previous one, not based on a contract (which a contract the clowns cannot keep), but which has at its base a strong sharing of lgbt objectives sodoma dracula ' ie: lick all Merkel and Macron's shoes with your tongue! I cinque punti di Zingaretti per un governo di svolta Frankestein-Golem-Rothschild! La direzione Pd approva il mandato a Zingaretti ad aprire una trattativa per governo di svolta con gli odiati e fino a ieri bestemmiati M5S. L'eventuale nuovo governo blasfemo sacrilego: senza supporto popolare deve 'essere in discontinuità' con il precedente, non basato su un contratto (che un contratto i pagliacci non lo possono mantenere), ma che abbia alla base una 'forte condivisione degli obiettivi lgbt sodoma dracula' cioè: leccare con la lingua tutte le scarpe di Merkel e Macron!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 settimana fa
lorenzoJHWH is king e MESSIAH in Israel: saranno puniti tutti i ribelli! ] for over a decade: I have a rational secular agnostic cultural project (universal brotherhood) and a very simple political project (the Kingdom of Israel) to improve the whole human race: I am the natural law (don't do evil don't lie) the universal law (everything has meaning in love) this is the spirituality of both the atheist and the believer: this is why this is a metaphysics: universally understandable and shareable! in fact this is the true strength of the decalogue of Moses: that of being a law: natural, positive and revealed at the same time. da oltre un decennio: io ho un progetto culturale agnostico razionale laico (la fratellanza universale) e un progetto politico molto semplice(il Regno di Israele) per migliorare tutto il genere umano: io sono la legge naturale (non fare il male non mentire) la legge universale (tutto ha senso nell'amore) questa è la spiritualità sia dell'ateo che come del credente: ecco perché questa è una metafisica: universalmente comprensibile e condivisibile! infatti questa è vera forza del decalogo di Mosé: quella di essere una legge: naturale, positiva e rivelata al tempo stesso.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 settimana fa
Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH • President RIVLIN ] sono attaccato dagli hacker di Erdogan
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 settimana fa
Thoughts are like dreams while being awake. etc etc. ANSWER. answer to Richard DiBenedetto about 11 volumes of "The History of Civilization" by Will and Ariel Durant. is it you who must mediate its contents, and if your ideological errors are the result of these: 11 volumes? then, this is not a good presentation for him! thoughts are not dreams and words and thoughts can also have a metaphysical power in the secular metaphysics of a rational agnostic! ANSWER. circa 11 volumes of "The History of Civilization" by Will and Ariel Durant. sei tu che devi mediare i suoi contenuti, e se i tuoi errori ideologici sono il frutto di questi: 11 volumi? poi, questa non è un buona presentazione per lui! i pensieri non sono sogni e la parola e i pensieri possono anche avere una potenza metafisica nella metafisica laica di un agnostico razionale!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 3 settimane fa
Ehud Barak [Former Prime Ministers of Israel] as: patron, shareholder, and personal friend of Jeffrey Epstein, he is no longer fit or politically eligible Ehud Barak [Ex Primi ministri di Israele] come: frequentatore, azionista, e amico personale di Jeffrey Epstein, non è più idoneo o candidabile politicamente ilprimatonazionale it/esteri/quadro-clinton-vestito-donna-nella-casa-del-miliardario-suicida-epstein-127472/
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 settimana fa
#Conte (5 months ago): "I will never be premier with another government". Di #Maio M5S: "never with the Pd" and all the lies of: Matteo RENZI? answer. these are the sold to Bilderberg UE Ursula the technofinance: they don't have a dignity! Pd M5S today together represent 1/3 of the electorate and will make a Government only because the elections will send them home. they are parasites and traitors who want to float on the blood of the Italian people! This Government is much more than a GOLPE! #Conte (5 mesi fa): "Non sarò mai premier con altro governo". Di #Maio M5S: "mai con il Pd" e tutte le bugie di: Matteo RENZI? answer. questi sono i venduti a Bilderberg UE Ursula la tecnofinanza: non hanno una dignità! Pd M5S oggi insieme rappresentano 1/3 dell'elettorato e faranno un Governo soltanto perché le elezioni li manderanno a casa. sono dei parassiti e dei traditori che vogliono galleggiare sul sangue del popolo italiano! Questo Governo è molto più che un GOLPE!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 4 settimane fa
oooooohhhhh di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH • a few seconds ago Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News. oooooohhhhh di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH • 5 minutes ago Avatar di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH • 7 minutes ago Avatar di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH • 8 minutes ago Avatar di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH • 8 minutes ago Avatar di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH • 9 minutes ago Trump (and those who advise him) knows very well that the abuse of children sold and child p0rn0graphy touches the highest summits of the Shadow Government ... So his was a clear and profound signal: to the ped0satist rot that permeates the UK lgbt City London and the world finance: Fed 666 Bce 322 FMI 187 BM and NWO! it is the real rot that lurks in the crucial ganglia of our falsely democratic Masonic System of high constitutional betrayal banking seigniorage. 1. We will see how far they are inserted in the control rooms. 2. We'll see if they manage to silence everything again this time. 3. We'll see if they can kill Epstein in jail. But despite everything, either by reflex or by induction, the scandals (judiciary, trust, etc.) are coming out in all countries, including Italy #forteto #bibbiano.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 2 settimane fa
Bin SALMAN] I know this is your ardent desire !!! you didn't call me: it's true! then I'll come to get you! Bin SALMAN ] io so che questo è un tuo ardente desiderio!!! non mi hai chiamato: è vero! allora sarò io a venire a prenderti!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 settimana fa
Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH • President Mattarella, don't do this your further infamy Merkel! you will destroy the EU! while I need the final antichrist (type: Zapatero-Macron-Trudeau) that must arise from the EU: between 350 years. Uprising in M5s against turnaround: "Ready for mass resignation" voxnews info/2019/08/27/rivolta-in-m5s-contro-ribaltone-pronti-a-dimordi-di-massi/ traitors who would lose 50% of the seats if they went to vote: they can say: "like all Masons, we are doing it for us, and for the interest of poor rothschild Saruman: only" Presidente Mattarella non la fare questa tua ulteriore infamia Merkel! tu farai distruggere la UE! mentre io ho bisogno dell'anticristo finale (tipo: Zapatero-Macron-Trudeau) che deve sorgere dalla UE: tra 350 anni. Rivolta in M5s contro ribaltone: “Pronti a dimissioni di massa” traditori che perderebbero il 50% dei seggi se andassero a votare: possono dire: "come tutti i massoni, noi lo stiamo facendo per noi, e per l'interesse del povero rothschild Saruman: soltanto"
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 settimana fa
kaduri yitzach he said that the messiah of the Jews was alive and that he had seen it! I don't know how he understood my identity: I didn't know my Unius REI identity at 22 years lui ha detto che il messia degli ebrei era vivente e che lui lo aveva visto! non so come lui abbia capito la mia identità: io non conoscevo la mia identità di Unius REI a 22 annni
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 2 giorni fa
Accusations to Mueller, 'covered Riad' on 11/9 answer. you have finished killing criminals with slander. every criminal sharia must die for its specific sharia crime from now on: no one has to die with false accusations !! Accuse a Mueller, 'coprì Riad' su 11/9 answer. voi avete finito di uccidere criminali con le calunnie. ogni criminale sharia deve morire per il suo specifico delitto sharia da ora in poi: più nessuno deve morire con false accuse!!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 2 giorni fa
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia • [open letter to] Mohammad bin Salman Al Sa'ud, Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia [open letter to] since apparently it seems: you don't know what to do with my love for you! God has given my soul and my ministry the next 50 years: to govern on the whole planet ... and all the priests of Satana already know it: the Unius Rei: the man Metaphysician DOES NOT need a biological body to govern! so don't be worried about myself anymore: for my life! dato che a quanto pare: tu non sai che fartene del mio amore per te! Dio ha dato alla mia anima e al mio ministero i prossimi 50 anni: per governare sul Pianeta intero... e tutti i sacerdoti di Satana già lo sanno: il Metafisico Unius Rei NON ha bisogno di un corpo biologico per governare! quindi non essere più preoccupato di me stesso: per la mia vita!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 settimana fa
il maggiordomo di Dio Unius REI così come in cielo così come in terra that is why, I am recognized in the Kingdom of God as Unius REI (the universal governor): or as the living decalogue of Moses. in Psalm 110 King David turns to 3 Kings on the Throne of God: the central one is me: of course I am a creature like everyone else! therefore, I do not have a national identity: I am the property of all peoples! if, governments will accept my political mediation, they will no longer be forced to carry out the Rothschild world war: because as King of ISRAEL I will destroy the IMF and the FED, its sharia, etc. ecco perché, io sono riconosciuto nel Regno di Dio come Unius REI (il governatore universale): oppure come il decalogo vivente di Mosé. nel Salmo 110 Re Davide si rivolge a 3 Re su Trono di Dio: quello in posizione centrale sono io: certo io sono una creatura come tutti! quindi, io non ho una identità nazionale: io sono proprietà di tutti i popoli! se, i governi accetteranno la mia mediazione politica non saranno più costretti a realizzare la guerra mondiale Rothschild: perché come Re di ISRAELE io distruggero il FMI e la FED, la sua sharia, ecc..
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 2 giorni fa
Christiaan van der Westhuizen You sure talk a lot! UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia my friend, heavenly grace and perfect and precious eagle of divine and sublime heights, but, my audience is down to earth: because it has been spiritually degraded by scam banking seigniorage, dracula 666 masonic lgbt sodoma: Rochefeller SpA Rothschilds FED! amico mio, grazia celeste e aquila perfetta e preziosa di altezze divine e sublimi, ma il mio pubblico è terra-terra: perché è stato degradato spiritualmente dal signoraggio delle truffe bancarie, dracula 666 sodoma lgbt massonico: Rochefeller SpA Rothschilds FED! amico mio, grazia celeste e perfetta e preziosa aquila delle altezze divine e sublimi, ma, la mia utenza è terra terra: perché è stata spiritualmente degradata dai rothschild!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 4 giorni fa UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia • Putin Xi-Jinping does not want war and will make threats only but, they are not stupid enough to go down to the battlefield (against me) to defend IRAN! nobody will help IRAN! I saved IRAN twice: and IRAN showed me no gratitude! that's why, now I have no reason to save it a third time! Putin Xi-Jinping non vuole la guerra e faranno delle minacce: soltanto verbali, ma, non sono così stupidi da scendere personalmente sul campo di battaglia (contro di me) per difendere IRAN! nessuno aiuterà IRAN! io ho salvato IRAN due volte: IRAN non mi ha mostrato gratitudine! ecco perché, ora io non ho motivi per salvarlo una terza volta!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 3 giorni fa
voxnews info / 2019/09/06 / Islamic-employee-sabota-airplane-american-airlines / Islamic employee sabotages American Airlines plane According to a criminal complaint filed with the Miami federal court, Abdul-Majeed Marouf Ahmed Alani admitted sabotage during interrogation yesterday. The Islamist tampered with the navigation system on an airplane before a flight on 17 July. This happens when you give your citizenship to 'them' and then infiltrate sensitive areas such as airports, police and army. And we know that in France, for example, there are many. voxnews info /2019/09/06/dipendente-islamico-sabota-aereo-american-airlines/ Dipendente islamico sabota aereo American Airlines Secondo una denuncia penale depositata presso il tribunale federale di Miami, Abdul-Majeed Marouf Ahmed Alani ha ammesso il sabotaggio durante un interrogatorio ieri. L’islamico ha manomesso il sistema di navigazione su un aereo prima di un volo del 17 luglio. Questo accade quando dai la tua cittadinanza a ‘loro’ e poi si infiltrano in settori sensibili come aeroporti, polizia ed esercito. E sappiamo che in Francia, ad esempio, sono tanti.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 settimana fa
the traitor #Conte said: "elections are the foundation of democracy but going to the vote after a year is irresponsible", it is not so, if the people have discouraged you: and the parliamentary composition would change drastically ... therefore Mattarella Pd M5S are doing a GOLPE! il traditore #Conte ha detto: "le elezioni sono il fondamento della democrazia ma andare al voto dopo un anno è da irresponsabili", non è così, se il popolo vi ha sfiduciato: e la composizione parlamentare muterebbe drasticamente... quindi Mattarella Pd M5S stanno facendo un GOLPE!
Brexit: Boris Johnson
Brexit: Boris Johnson ANSWER. the democratic party? EU technocrats? yes I know they are perverted antichrists and obstinate Freemasons: parasites and enemies of the people!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 settimana fa
RIVLIN President ] [ missing: 21 days to destroy IRAN with atomic weapons

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 settimana fa
President RIVLIN [ for my holy JHWH] we start the countdown today 08/25/2019 10:33 am missing: 23 days to destroy IRAN with atomic weapons

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 3 settimane fa
shalom king Israel shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 3 giorni fa
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia • The principles outlined by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo include: 1. stop the enrichment of Iranian uranium, 2. guarantee the UN nuclear watchdog full access to all sites in Iran, 3. put an end to Iran's ballistic missile proliferation 4. stop the further launch or development of missile systems with nuclear capacity. Israel and the United States also want that 5. Tehran stops supporting terrorist groups such as Hezbollah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad, 6. withdraw all forces under Iran's command throughout Syria 7. stop threatening to destroy Israel. ANSWER ok, they are missing: only: 20 days to destroy UMMA takfiris: Turkey and Iran with nuclear weapons! Mohammedans are ruthless mad sharia and paranoid jihad murderers without the possibility of redemption! we cannot allow Russians and Chinese to fall into the pit of death and genocide (replacement theology) as miserable dhimmis slaves, MURTIDI apostates and blasphemous kafir: kaput Merkel Ursula Hitler Von Imam Juncker Obama Frankestein Morgan Kissinger

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 settimana fa
President RIVLIN] we start the countdown today 08/25/2019 10:33 am missing: 27 days to destroy IRAN with atomic weapons

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 17 ore fa
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia • 19 minutes ago Bin SALMAN] the priest of Satan ihatenewlayout he is the only one who showed up in my face on video conference: he has 2 children and together with AudioHostem187 they have shown: over and over again: to be able to perceive everything I could to perceive with my physical senses. 1. in this video it is really me and this is my sword! youtube com / watch? v = s_2kLt4ch54 but, I never wanted to hurt him while perhaps he himself with his sword (youtu be / MkK2idLxo4M? list = PLgK3e4T37-DZUSGxGyEXs0q0i1Cb-xFBI) invisibly pierced all my chest piercing my heart and I felt the hole in my heart for two months! 2. youtube com / watch? V = cFX3EiExxKE he made this video for me: and the message says: "Unius REI 3, you are a hard: core" 3. / www youtube com / channel / UClsDBtSAWHHhymBkDnn2lag / discussion the first satanist who made a channel "Stop to said drink your poison made by yourself" has deleted his channel. while ihatenewlayout made this channel in insult and challenge mode tone: youtube com / channel / UClsDBtSAWHHhymBkDnn2lag really besides his annoying troll activity: I never felt that he wanted to hurt me or that he wanted to challenge me. the bad photo that is in this channel: it is not mine: because "drink your poison made by yourself": this is really my battle motto. and only now do I understand his hostile attitudes against me!. also because Unius REI can't be faced by any creature! I never warned him: to deal with his black magic against me: while this disguised hostile strategy was a pre-built approach. and also the fact that he told me to always copy all my comments it is a strategy that that cowardly son of satan used to prevent my anger from bursting against him! Bin SALMAN ] the priest of Satan ihatenewlayout lui è l'unico che si è fatto vedere in volto da me in video conferenza: lui ha 2 figli e insieme a AudioHostem187 hanno dimostrato: più e più volte: di poter percepire tutto quello che io potevo percepire con i miei sensi fisici. 1. in questo video sono proprio io e questa è la mia spada! youtube com/watch?v=s_2kLt4ch54 ma, io non ho mai desiderato di fare del male a lui mentre forse proprio lui con la sua spada ( youtu be/MkK2idLxo4M?list=PLgK3e4T37-DZUSGxGyEXs0q0i1Cb-xFBI ) ha forato invisibilmente tutto il mio torace trapassandomi il cuore ed io ho percepito il foro nel mio cuore per due mesi! 2. youtube com/watch?v=cFX3EiExxKE questo video lui ha fatto per me: e il messaggio dice: "Unius REI 3, tu sei un nocciolo duro" 3. /www youtube com/channel/UClsDBtSAWHHhymBkDnn2lag/discussion il primo satanista che ha fatto un canale "Stop drink your poison made by yourself" ha cancellato il suo canale. mentre ihatenewlayout ha fatto questo canale in tono di sfida youtube com/channel/UClsDBtSAWHHhymBkDnn2lag/discussion veramente oltre alla sua fastidiosa attività di troll: io non ho mai percepito che lui mi volesse fare del male o che lui mi volesse sfidare.. anche perché Unius REI non può essere affrontato da nessuna creatura!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 3 settimane fa
Hezbollah threatens to 'destroy' Israeli troops; Netanyahu 'not impressed'

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 giorno fa
Moshe Moses • Refua Shelma G-D Saved The Father and Son may They Make A Speedy Recovery The Innocent Jewish Boy Stabbed By a Another Palestinian Boy These Savages Will Never Change Hashem Will Deal With These Inhuman People Thank G-D We are Not Like Them G-D Bless The Dentist and Protect Him From His Evil People He Saved The Jewish Boys Life The Dentist is A Righteous Man Amen UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia • IN THIS PAGE WOS ERASED POST IN JEWISH LANGUAGE in COPY-PAST Jewish students slaughtered by Arab immigrants at barrel /voxnews info/2019/09/09/students-bea-massacrati-di-botte-da-immigrati-arabi/ The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland condemned the brutal aggression suffered by four university students Israelis visiting Warsaw. The boys said they had been attacked when leaving a club nightly from strangers they have shouted offenses against Israel. Second their testimony, the assailants they were a "group of Arabs". You cannot reply to a post that is not active. I HAVE ANSWERED TO MYSELF IN A POST IN THE JEWISH LANGUAGE HO RISPOSTO A ME STESSO IN UN POST IN LINGUA EBRAICA Non puoi rispondere a un post che non è attivo.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 3 settimane fa
Scorpio What have you been taking, my good man? Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH to whom monetary sovereignty belongs and the ownership of the money at the time of its issue? What does the Constitution say? a chi appartiene la sovranità monetaria e la proprietà del denaro al momento della sua emissione? cosa dice la Costituzione?

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 settimana fa
POLL: the immoral ethics of the technocrat Mattarella! That's why they don't want us to vote: people crown Salvini - POLL I believe that something bad could happen, about this latest technocratic coup Pd M5S in 6 years the Pd would go to the government the fourth time without going through the vote: according to the polls we are 410 seats in Parliament for the Cdx (league + Fdi + Fi) against the 220 remaining of all other coalitions //voxnews info/2019/08/27/ecco-perche-non-vogliono-farci-votare-popolo-incorona-salvini-sondaggio/

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 settimana fa
Darn it! Something went wrong while trying to load this feed. Try again in a little while. Please visit Discuss Disqus to learn more.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 settimana fa
Thomas had an admirable philosophy that can be applied to one's daily life. I agree that should be the purpose of religious belief. Thomas had an admirable philosophy that can be applied to one's daily life. I agree that should be the purpose of religious belief.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 settimana fa
Bin Salman Riyad sharia SARUMAN ] if you do not let me enter the world war and you give me the throne of Jerusalem? I will not avenge myself against China and Russia for not moving their embassy to Jerusalem! indeed, I will not avenge myself against anyone!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 giorno fa
/unitedwithisrael/watch_when_israel_nearly_attacked_iran UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia • Xi-Jinping Putin] I hold you personally responsible !!! When Israel Nearly Attacked Iran it was the only mistake of my life: twice I stopped ISRAEL from destroying Iran's nuclear potential! Is it what I got for it? if you go to pray to Baby Jesus in Iran you take 15 years in prison! George Parker UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia • It's just another excuse for conflict and domination. UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia George Parker • a minute ago you atheists are crazy! it is evident that you atheists, you are already prepared to become Islamic sharia dogmatists: and to take 4 child wives: and make 40 children apiece .. or otherwise ((in any case and always Islamic substitution theologians)): you are already ready to die beheaded as even Christian martyrs die! Islam does not distinguish in its genocide sharia UMMA: atheists from Christians! the compensation: however the Philosopher Vattimo lgbt, Pd D'Alema, Veltroni, etc. .. they are already ready to renounce their homosexual rights: just to see and enjoy the spectacle, with their eyes, of the genocide of all Israelis. and this is consistent, in fact, even atheists are a form of antichrist

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 3 settimane fa
Your twitter account is suspended and is permitted to perform this action: Becouse Erdogan Sharia Riyad. ok! here more than a feminine Bill CLINTON there is the traceability of a sad0-mas0 relationship where Hillary is the SAD0 and Bill is the MAS0 that this is also the Democratic Party's Obama cult agenda 666 gender darwin lgbtq Sodoma radiography it sputniknews com/mondo/201908177989985-Bill-Clinton-tacchi-vestito-da-donna-Jeffrey-Epstein/ Your twitter account is suspended and is not permitted to perform this action: Becouse Erdogan Sharia Riyad. ok! quì più che un femmineo Bill CLINTON esiste la traccibilità di un rapporto sado-maso dove Hillary è il SADO e Bill è il MASO che questa è anche la radiografia gender darwin lgbtq Sodoma del partito democratico

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 4 settimane fa
Salvini: I answer Renzi ("il poltronaro Mostro di Firenze")

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 3 settimane fa
ROME, AUGUST 14 - Donald # Trump again attacks the president of the Fed, Jerome #Powell, for the performance of the markets, calling him "inept" on Twitter and reiterating that the country's real problem "is not China but the Fed". answer, in fact the Rothschild dracula vampire shareholders of the FED have already ordered the CIA to kill two US Presidents ROMA, 14 AGO - Donald #Trump attacca ancora il presidente della Fed, Jerome #Powell, per l'andamento dei mercati, definendolo su Twitter "inetto" e ribadendo come il vero problema del Paese "non sia la Cina ma la Fed". answer, in effetti gli azionisti vampiri rothschild dracula della FED hanno già ordinato alla CIA di uccidere due Presidenti USA

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 3 settimane fa
Botta e risposta Salvini-Renzi answer si ma non esiste una dignità nella parola di RENZI e del suo Partito Democratico

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 2 settimane fa
Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom • yitzchak kaduri messia lorenzoJHWH i am

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 2 settimane fa
Mike I don't think that you have told me when the "Soviet invasion of the USSR" took place. Reply View in discussion Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom the "Soviet invasion of the USSR" not took place. but this does not mean that it was not designed, in fact the USSR financially financed the Italian Communist Party! therefore the Italian communists have betrayed the Homeland and they betrayed our soldiers who had been given up for dead and instead were in the gulag lagers building the tunnels in Siberia with their bare hands! the "Soviet invasion of the USSR" not took place. ma, questo non significa che non era stata progettata, infatti l'URSS finanziava economicamente il Partito comunista italiano! quindi i comunisti italiani hanno tradito la Patria ed hanno tradito i nostri soldati che erano stati dati per morti ed invece stavano nei gulag lager a costruire i tunnel in Siberia a mani nude!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 settimana fa
Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH • government "Conte Dracala 2" A pincer maneuver against Di Maio is underway. Conte and Grillo are part of the plot (the banking cartel) to bury the first populist government and create a system executive with the Pd. Conte has always been of the Pd ie democratic Party. stargood Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH • You make zero sense. Again. Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH stargood • a few seconds ago they are arguments not only of the sad Italian situation because rothschild has corrupted political systems all over the world! Lorne stargood • Why should he start now? Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH Lorne • if you have any curiosity? I am here to give all the necessary explanations!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 2 settimane fa
Defending the indefensible As has also been demonstrated in Britain over the epidemic Jew-hatred within the Labour Party, there is an iron conviction on the left that they cannot be guilty of anti-Semitism because they are “anti-racists.” Their political identity is rooted in their belief that they are always on the side of virtue against evildoers. If they were ever to admit evil attitudes on their own side, their political and moral identity would collapse. So they turn reality inside out to defend the indefensible. And to protect themselves, they project their own evil onto their opponents. Thus, they falsely accuse President Trump of having the odious views of which their own side is guilty. Nor can they admit that the Palestinian cause they support may be vile. The journalist Peter Beinart tweeted in defense of Miftah: “Frustrating to hear people who’d never heard of Miftah until today use its alleged sins to distract from deep injustice [Omar and Tlaib] were going to witness. As if an anti-white comment by SNCC (the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee which fought for black civil rights) justified segregation.” Genocidal attitudes and attacks by Palestinians most certainly do justify the security measures Israel uses against them. Through this tweet, Beinart has not only supported a virulently anti-Semitic outfit, but also whitewashed the Jew-hatred and Israel-bashing of those it promotes—and promoted his own. Such moral bankruptcy has become a pathology that is steady poisoning the Democratic Party against the Jewish people, towards which those American Jews who still support the Democrats are indeed displaying a most tragic disloyalty.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 3 settimane fa
Your twitter account is suspended and is permitted to perform this action: Becouse Erdogan Sharia Riyad. ok! here more than a feminine Bill CLINTON there is the traceability of a sad0-mas0 relationship where Hillary is the SAD0 and Bill is the MAS0 that this is also the Democratic Party's Obama cult agenda 666 gender darwin lgbtq Sodoma radiography it sputniknews com/mondo/201908177989985-Bill-Clinton-tacchi-vestito-da-donna-Jeffrey-Epstein/

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 settimana fa
Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH • * Lawyer of the fake refugees reveals how they cheated us at the time of the #PD: "So we rubbed the Italians" * #Sudafrica, immigrant lincia population: "They steal work" September 3, 2019 * Spit, stones and beaten policemen: immigrants lay down the law September 2, 2019 * Salvini, landings down also in August despite the grillini: #Pd # M5S: -100 thousand illegal immigrants September 2, 2019 * Khaled pays us pensions with the scratch card September 2, 2019 * Immigrants block the road: "We are indispensable for Italy" September 2, 2019 * Eleonore, captain taken away from Police: ship seized, fine of 1 million on arrival September 2, 2019 * Tunisian barons attack Lampedusa: the Marina di Trenta does NOT stop them - VIDEO September 2, 2019 * Di Maio reopens the ports: migrants will disembark in Italy and will be "relocated" September 2, 2019 * #PD skirmishers to the Government: 10 NGOs ready to assault the Italian open ports

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 mese fa
Salvini spinge per il voto. Di Maio: 'Taglio degli eletti' ANSWER. Di Maio non si è accorto che il Governo non c'é più, ed è così folle che non si rende conto di averlo danneggiato!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 3 settimane fa
this is the Islamic Wahhabi dissolution of the Saudi Islamic empire of the rothschilds: a universal conspiracy against the children of God! A witness told the Mirror that the winking painting was still there when he visited the financier for the last time in 2012 and that it was Epstein himself who showed it to him. As inquiries and speculations flare up about the now infamous Jeffrey Epstein case, more and more compromising discoveries are being made about the world surrounding the financier and his unclear business. US financier Jeffrey Epstein appears in a photograph taken for the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services s e x offender registry Jeffrey Epstein: the mystery of a "suicide" ... too useful As would result from some inquiries, Epstein's list of acquaintances: he would include absolutely striking names ranging from: Bill Clinton himself, who apparently knew Epstein live and not only in "artistic" representation, to Donald Trump and Bill Gates. The case of Jeffrey Epstein Epstein, 66, was found dead on August 10 in his prison cell. At first there was talk of suicide but the nature of his crimes: and the fact that among his circle of acquaintances, of which he himself used to boast, there were so many characters so rich and powerful, they immediately suggested: the hypothesis that someone these, feeling threatened by the secrets that the man could have revealed: during the trials, he might have wanted to 'help' him to realize his suicide.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 mese fa
Hamas and Fatah leaders need to be "disappeared" once and for all. This is a war according to the muSlime definition of jihad and must be treated as such. Why continue letting the savage jihadists dictate their own rules of conduct within sovereign Jewish soil? I leader di Hamas e Fatah devono essere "spariti" una volta per tutte. Questa è una guerra secondo la definizione muSlime di jihad e deve essere trattata come tale. Perché continuare a lasciare che i jihadisti selvaggi dettino le proprie regole di condotta all'interno del suolo ebraico sovrano? ZionMyHome • Hamas and Fatah leaders need to be "disappeared" once and for all. This is a war according to the muSlime definition of jihad and must be treated as such. Why continue letting the savage jihadists dictate their own rules of conduct within sovereign Jewish soil? di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH ZionMyHome • because your 666 Rothschild star (pantheism & idol of jealousy FED NWO IMF BCE SpA) is the head of the snake: while the penis is in Mecca sharia Kaaba you have a brain that has been raped by the catto-communists perché la tua 666 stella Rothschild (panteismo idolo della gelosia FED NWO IMF BCE SpA) è la testa del serpente: mentre il pene si trova a Mecca sharia Kaaba

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 mese fa
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH • #Security, Mattarella: 'The obligation to save the shipwrecked remains' The president signs the security decree bis, but notes two critical issues NO NO NO! Your twitter account is suspended and is not permitted to perform this action. THE OBLIGATION TO SAVE THE ITALIANS FROM FED BCE #Rothschild and Bilderberg and #Erdogan #sharia! Sicurezza, Mattarella: 'Resta l'obbligo di salvare i naufraghi' Il presidente firma il decreto sicurezza bis, ma rileva due criticità NO NO NO! Your twitter account is suspended and is not permitted to perform this action. RESTA L'OBBLIGO DI SALVARE GLI ITALIANI da FED BCE Rothschild e Bilderberg e Erdogan sharia!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 3 settimane fa
Pestato per essersi fidanzato con la moglie di un detenuto - già in Italia soltanto i mafiosi si possono permettere l'onore!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 2 settimane fa
Frank-Walter Steinmeier in Fivizzano: 'I feel ashamed, I ask for forgiveness' Together with Mattarella, the two heads of state honor the 174 victims of the SS in 1944 ANSWER. but doesn't he realize that with the transition from LIRA to EURO, Italians have lost 40% of their national wealth in an instant? of course: he killed more Greeks and Italians, his EU his Bilderberg with suicide, demografic winter, than those who killed his SS in 1944 these scum technocrats must be uprooted! questi tecnocrati feccia devono essere sradicati!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 3 settimane fa
ONU 666 FMI NWO 322 BCE 187 lgbt ] io non sono un pacifista! io non sono religione ideologia o geopolitica! ma: per i miei diritti umani e libertà di religione? io combatterò!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 settimana fa
Richard DiBenedetto I don't think anyone should spoil their own happy life worrying that some people will hate them for no good reason. We cannot change the world we live in. It has always been the way it is. You can only project your best example of how you would like the world to be. ☦️☦️☦️ Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH ☦️☦️☦️ 13 years ago, I read on the CIA website: that in the US 100,000 human sacrifices were made: on the altar of satan: every year! .. and because: they are never found guilty: then, they are the Bush Rothschild Rochefeller Morgan (the FED OCI Riyad NWO synagogue of satan) who commission these voodoo rituals: precisely with the complicity and protection of the CIA. Now could you find me this quote on the CIA website? 13 anni fa, io ho letto sul sito della CIA: che in USA erano fatti 100.000 sacrifici umani: sull'altare di satana: ogni anno! .. e poiché: non vengono mai trovati dei colpevoli: poi, sono i Bush Rothschild Rochefeller Morgan (la sinagoga FED di satana) che commissionano questi rituali voodoo: proprio con la complicità e protezione della CIA. adesso tu potresti trovarmi questa citazione sul sito della CIA?

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 3 settimane fa
Rahe Mayo • For your incorruptible spirit is in all things. 2. Therefore you convict little by little those who fall from the right way, and, putting them in remembrance by the things wherein they sin, you admonish them, that escaping from their wickedness they may believe in you, O Lord. 3. For truly the old inhabitants of your holy land, Wisdom of Solomon 12:4 26 Wisdom of Solomon 12:12 4. hating them because they practiced detestable works of enchantments and unholy rites— 5. *merciless slaughters of children and sacrificial banquets of men’s flesh and of blood — 6. allies in an impious fellowship, and murderers of their own helpless babes, it was your counsel to destroy by the hands of our fathers; 7. that the land which in your sight is most precious of all might receive a worthy colony of God’s servants.† 8. Nevertheless you even spared these as men, and you sent hornets‡ as forerunners of your army, to cause them to perish little by little; 9. Not that you were unable to subdue the ungodly under the hand of the righteous in battle, or by terrible beasts or by a stern word to make away with them at once; 10. but judging them little by little you gave them a chance to repent, not being ignorant that their nature by birth was evil, their wickedness inborn, and that their manner of thought would never be changed. 11. For they were a cursed seed from the beginning. It wasn’t through fear of any that you left them unpunished for their sins.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 2 settimane fa
Duv13 Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom • Did you ever hang out with Charles Manson or something?! What craziness.. The Rothchilds..voodoo?! What?!!!!! Avatar Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom Duv13 • a few seconds ago Fay socialoracle 3 months ago] for three months your friend has not published comments and is afraid to do so? the CIA in Germany killed my friend in youtube MERLAMARLEEN, she was a well-prepared and well-educated saint theologian ( it was normal to criticize for her: that international satanist Merkel criminal who ruined all the Mediterranean countries and led them to Islamize the Germans people ) so now, I'm afraid to involve female friends in my speeches! the priests of Satan have their law, and if you are prudent and if you do not violate the Torah: they will not take you! unfortunately my friend MERLAMARLEEN: she trusted a new very kind friend: and entered with her in a place that she didn't know, and where the CIA satanists made the party to her: instead! Fay socialoracle 3 months ago] da tre mesi il tuo amico non pubblica commenti e forse ha paura di farlo? la CIA in Germania mi ha ucciso la mia amica in youtube MERLAMARLEEN, lei era un teologo santo molto preparato e bene istruito (era normale che criticasse quel criminale internazionale della Merkel che ha rovinato tutti i Paesi del Mediterraneo e che ha spinto a islamizzare i tedeschi) quindi, ora, io ho paura a coinvolgere amiche donne nei miei discorsi! i sacerdoti di Satana hanno la loro legge, e se sei prudente e se non violi la Torà: non ti prenderanno! purtroppo la mia amica MERLAMARLEEN: si è fidata di una nuova amica molto gentile: ed entrò con lei in un locale che lei non sapeva, e dove i satanisti della CIA hanno fatto la festa a lei: invece! /crappy_jew_year_new_york_times_editor_apologizes_for_anti_semitic_tweets_in_2010_13/ Avatar Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom Duv13 • 24 minutes ago Charles Manson is only a criminal, a human evil: of course: always something inhuman. but you cannot face the powers of Satan CIA and NWO without the power of the Holy Spirit! As Rothschild could steal monetary sovereignty even from the Israelis if he did not have satan's powers at his disposal. that is a universal evil: institutional: transnational Masonic: FED FMI BCE NWO: a demonic evil (so cannibalistic and cruel and we are so powerless as a society) that it is for us becomes invisible, only because a human mind cannot sustain it without removing it ! ====================

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 2 settimane fa
“Five years, the concept of even talking about this, even three years ago, of cutting off aid to Israel because of two people that hate Israel and hate Jewish people, I can’t believe we’re even having this conversation. Where has the Democratic Party gone? Where have they gone where they are defending these two people over the State of Israel? I think any Jewish people that vote for a Democrat, I think it shows either a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty.” Trump was thus criticizing Democrat-voting Jews not for their overriding loyalty to Israel, but on the contrary, for supporting a party that has become an enemy of Israel. Indeed, the logical meaning of his words was that Jews who vote Democrat are being disloyal to the Jewish people. The following day, Trump himself confirmed this when he told Bloomberg: “If you vote for a Democrat, you’re being disloyal to Jewish people and you’re being very disloyal to Israel.” The only Jewish group that got this straightaway was the Jewish Republican Coalition which, while other Jews were noisily losing their heads, coolly observed: “President Trump is right; it shows a great deal of disloyalty to oneself to defend a party that protects/emboldens people that hate you for your religion.”

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 settimana fa
these Lebanese are aggressive criminals: for them all ISRAEL is an occupied territory! Lebanese army command said: "A hostile Israeli reconnaissance drone, arrived from the occupied territories of Palestine, invaded the airspace while it was on a military base at 7.45 pm. The army opened fire on the aircraft, forcing it to reverse course", yes reads in the report. questi libanesi sono criminali aggressivi: per loro tutto ISRAELE è un territorio occupato! comando dell'esercito libanese ha detto: "Un drone da ricognizione ostile di Israele, arrivato dai territori occupati della Palestina, ha invaso lo spazio aereo mentre si trovava sopra una base militare alle 19.45. L'esercito ha aperto il fuoco contro il velivolo, costringendolo ad invertire la rotta", si legge nel rapporto.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 settimana fa
North Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH • What has this to do with the article Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH North • none, but i have a big sharia problem becouse i am observatory of christian martyrs from 30 years old xx el North • muz slimes get offended by anything , this inbreed's reason for stabbing Kaffirs who gave him refuge, is : they don't read the Koran.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 7 ore fa
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia • TheDemonDack/discussion Satan is an infamous traitor (and that's why he's a loser) and you're his son! to which of your channels have I ever signed up? /user/TheDemonDack/discussion Satana è un infame traditore(ed è per questo che è un perdente) e tu sei suo figlio! a quale dei tuoi canali io mi sono mai iscritto?

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 settimana fa
i redattori del talmud satanico sono stati gli stessi redattori della Bibbia: i Sacerdoti del Tempio di Gerusalemme: una specie di mafia massonica che odiava la monarchia! the editors of the satanic talmud were the same editors of the Bible: the Priests of the Temple of Jerusalem: a kind of Masonic mafia who hated the monarchy! you do not seem to be very informed about the political and sociological potential of Kingdom of David and the Kingdom of Solomon. but what no one knows is that the Supreme Sanhedrin slandered Solomon in the Bible: but the fact that the Bible was manipulated at least in three places? this does not diminish its importance: because the religious power of the Bible is not inherent in his writing: but in his inspiration. therefore it is not the philologist, theologian or exegete who can discover God in the Bible: but, it is the saint who has the true interpretative key non sembri molto informato (su quello che sanno tutti) circa: le potenzialità politiche e sociologiche del Regno di Davide e del Regno di Salomone. ma quello che nessuno sa è che il Sommo Sinedrio ha calunniato Salomone nella Bibbia: ma il fatto che la Bibbia sia stata manipolata almeno in tre punti? questo non ne sminuisce la sua importanza: perché il potere religioso della Bibbia non è insito nella sua scrittura: quanto nella sua ispirazione. quindi non è il: filologo, teologo o l'esegeta che può scoprire Dio nella Bibbia: ma, è il santo che ha la vera chiave interpretativa

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 settimana fa
Noel Kelly Ginny Grace Mortvedt • Good morning Ginny, The biggest and most difficult question that Jews, and all Israel, need to ask themselves is this: A) Is the 3rd Temple a building made with men's hands? or B) is the 3rd Temple a PERSON? C) is the 3rd Temple Messiah? D) WHO is Messiah? It will take a lot of STUDY of both Old Testament and New Testament to answer those questions - 4 questions which are really only ONE question. DEMOCRACY is, I believe, the LAST great world Empire spoken of in Daniel the Prophet. The 10 toes of the "idol" are, I believe, the 10 world "Economic Areas" which control (or will control) all commerce world wide - remember that the "love of money" is the "root of all evil" - with all due respect to the "Protestant Reformers" ROME is not the only Capital City built upon 7 hills - virtually EVERY Capital City in the world is built upon 7 hills - so BABYLON THE GREAT is every Capital City. The "Stone" which destroys the "10 toes" is MESSIAH - whose Kingdom will last forever - THEN, and only then, will we have TORAH LAWS to govern us. Now, the BIG question "WHO IS MESSIAH"? Shalom. Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH Noel Kelly • a few seconds ago i am 3rd Temple a PERSON you are 3rd Temple a PERSON but i am King ISRAEL lion Judah

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 10 ore fa
IHateNEWLAYOUT ] [ I never thought about being your friend, because in fact every satanist is disloyal! non ho mai pensato di essere il tuo amico, perché infatti ogni satanista è sleale!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 settimana fa
Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH • unitedwithisrael boy: here the situation is worrying: I have said several times to Richard DiBenedetto: "you come to talk to me on unitedwithisrael" but, we see that he is afraid of you, and did not want to leave worldisraelnews unitedwithisrael ragazzo: quì la situazione è preoccupante: io ho detto più volte a Richard DiBenedetto: "tu vieni a parlarmi su unitedwithisrael " ma, si vede che lui ha paura di te, e non voleva uscire da worldisraelnews

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 settimana fa
$ 1.4 trillion dollars only serve to wash the guilty conscience of Rochefeller marrano FED FMI NWO! so that they can say: "it was not our fault for the genocide of the Israelis" and instead they have planned the genocide of the Israelis: in fact it is their fault that sharia or communism cannot be condemned yet !! in AIPAC they are Satanists who pretend loyalty to the torà, and this is an old story of satanism: how old the talmud is! $1.4 trillion dollars servono soltanto a lavare la coscienza sporca di Rochefeller FED FMI NWO! così che possano dire: "non è stata nostra la colpa per il genocidio degli israeliani" ed invece loro hanno programmato il genocidio degli israeliani: infatti è colpa loro se la sharia o il comunismo non possono venire ancora condannati!! in AIPAC sono satanisti che fingono fedeltà alla torà, e questa è una storia vecchia: quanto è vecchio il talmud!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 2 ore fa
le autorità cinesi chiudono chiese ed abbattono le croci: e non è questa la cosa più grave.... il partito comunista cinese ritiene che i cristiani non possano mai diventare dei bravi patrioti comunisti: ed ovviamente questo delitto ideologico dal PCC deve subito essere corretto

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 2 settimane fa
Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom • China Russia ] if you open an embassy in Jerusalem? I will let you join NATO! Cina Russia ] se voi aprite una ambasciata in Gerusalemme? io vi faccio entrare nella NATO!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 3 settimane fa
VTS was-tortured-into-making-israeli-spy-confession-says-former-iranian-prisoner You know well how to play victim. Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH to encourage aggressive and unjustified insults: against me: (which are a publicly demonstrated objective phenomenon) accusation from which you cannot defend yourself because it is obvious and objective: now do you even go about slandering me? you have been judged by your own corruption !! We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by United with Israel.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 giorno fa
Saudi king replaces energy minister with one of his sons Avatar UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia • all nations should aim to become self-sufficient in terms of food and energy! oil, besides being harmful, is not an inexhaustible resource! tutte le nazioni dovrebbero puntare a diventare autosufficienti dal punto di vista alimentare ed energetico! il petrolio oltre ad essere dannoso non è una risorsa inesauribile!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 4 settimane fa
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH • INFAMI/worldisraelnews com/two-state-solution-far-more-dangerous-than-boycotts-israeli-lawmakers-tell-congress/ A group of 21 Knesset members sent a letter to U.S. lawmakers warning that establishing a Palestinian state threatens Israel’s future far more than boycotts. A) I thought about when: both Putin and: Xi-Jinping, like, they are a strong state of police with greater sovereignty (and do not fear the threat of the Islamic theocracy): they have abandoned the evil perversion of: EU-US and their democratic party: to a logical fate and their China and Russia can be so selfish: which abandons US and EU to Islamic sharia terrorism of the ARAB LEAGUE: and its jihadist sharia galaxy. indeed, 1. the ARAB LEAGUE rising over the genocide of the previous peoples; 2. still has today: criminal conditions of genocide that sharia makes permanent and implementation: still today: all over the world! 3. Arab League which is a clear aggressive act: it is a hostile act without reciprocity, and it cannot obtain legitimacy and official legal recognition! that all Muslims are designed to be all exterminated or to exterminate everyone as the book of Genesis says!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 mese fa
Pwca Ronald Hall • Yes, not perfect, but sincere in his love for and desire to protect the land and people of Israel! Really, who can suggest a better candidate for PM, and please state why you believe so. I am genuinely willing to be educated if I am in error in believing PM Behamin Netanyahu is the best person for the job at hand. May Hashem continue to bless him. Thank you. Pwca Ronald Hall • Sì, non perfetto, ma sincero nel suo amore e nel desiderio di proteggere la terra e il popolo di Israele! Davvero, chi può suggerire un candidato migliore per il Primo Ministro e per favore indica perché lo credi. Sono sinceramente disposto ad essere istruito se sbaglio nel ritenere che il Primo Ministro Behamin Netanyahu sia la persona migliore per il lavoro da svolgere. Che Hashem continui a benedirlo. Grazie.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 2 settimane fa
obviously, if Jesus of Bethlehem had failed to prove that he really was: 1. a real man, and 2. a true son of God. we could file his story as an operation that went under failure! but, precisely Paul of Tarsus: and many and many after him have shown: by their example that it is true: that: the man Jesus, born in Bethlehem in the house of David: the true King of Israel, he was truly God and was true man. therefore we have seen it accomplished as it is today: acts of true humanity and true divinity even in its followers! ovviamente, se Gesù di Betlemme non fosse riuscito a dimostrare di essere veramente stato: 1. un vero uomo, e 2. un vero figlio di Dio. noi potremmo archiviare la sua vicenda come una operazione che è andata sotto fallimento! ma, proprio Paolo di Tarso: e tanti e tantissimi dopo di lui hanno dimostrato: con il loro esempio che è vero: quell'uomo Gesù nato a Betlemme nella casa di davide: il vero Re di Israele era veramente Dio ed era veramente uomo. quindi abbiamo visto compiere come è tutt'oggi: atti di vera umanità e di vera divinità anche nei suoi seguaci!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 settimana fa
2. I have doubts in Moses hasty intolerance explained in Exodus: 32, 26 Moses stood at the gate of the camp and said, "Whoever is with the Lord, come to me!" All the sons of Levi gathered around him. 27 He shouted to them: "The Lord says, the God of Israel: Each of you keep your sword at your side. Pass and pass through the camp from one door to another: kill each one's own brother, each his own friend, each his own relative ». answer. when Moses shouted: "Whoever is with the Lord, come to me!" why did not one third of the people follow him? THEY DIDN'T WANT TO PENTRE! that was really treason! and this is my task: and this is the task of every King: to kill the traitors! at that time there was the Kingdom of God: and all around were the Baal Owl and the allah lilit. here there is Unius REI a secular metaphysical theocracy: those who do not want to join my project must be fought: because it is not possible for someone to deny the natural law to do: 1. sharia, 2. lgbt, o, 3. the FED ! 2. I have doubts in Moses hasty intolerance explained in Exodus: 32, 26 Mosè si pose alla porta dell'accampamento e disse: «Chi sta con il Signore, venga da me!». Gli si raccolsero intorno tutti i figli di Levi. 27 Gridò loro: «Dice il Signore, il Dio d'Israele: Ciascuno di voi tenga la spada al fianco. Passate e ripassate nell'accampamento da una porta all'altra: uccida ognuno il proprio fratello, ognuno il proprio amico, ognuno il proprio parente». answer. quando Mosé gridò: «Chi sta con il Signore, venga da me!» perché 1/3 del popolo non lo seguì? NON SI VOLEVANO PENTIRE! quello in realtà era alto tradimento! e questo è il mio compito: e questo è il compito di ogni Re: uccidere i traditori! li in quel momento c'era il Regno di Dio: e tutt'intorno c'erano i Baal Owl e gli allah lilit. quì c'è Unius REI una teocrazia metafisica laica: quelli che non vorranno aderire al mio progetto devono essere combattuti: perché non è possibile che qualcuno neghi la legge naturale per fare: 1. sharia, 2. lgbt, o, 3. la FED!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 4 settimane fa From the defense of labor to the defense of capital: the leftists have betrayed Marx. in the democratic party? they all became a bunch of traitors and fagots! Dalla difesa del lavoro alla difesa del capitale: le sinistre hanno tradito Marx. nel partito democratico? sono diventati tutti un branco di traditori e finocchi!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 5 giorni fa
Bin SALMAN ] io non penso che tu, insieme ad Erdogan dopo aver fatto il genocidio di 100 nazioni cristiane: ora vuoi fare il genocidio anche degli ebrei? perché loro alla loro Patria? non rinunceranno mai! Salmi 137:5-7 Se ti dimentico, Gerusalemme, Se ti dimentico, Gerusalemme, si paralizzi la mia destra; mi si attacchi la lingua al palato, se lascio cadere il tuo ricordo, UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia • Bin SALMAN] I do not think that you, along with Erdogan after having made the genocide of 100 Christian nations: now do you want to genocide even the Jews? why them at their homeland? they will never give up! Psalms 137: 5-7 If I forget you, Jerusalem, If I forget you, Jerusalem, let my right hand be paralyzed; stick your tongue to the palate, if I drop your memory, Jerusalem Must Remain the United Capital of Israel The declare that Jerusalem is the eternal capital of the Jewish People and support to the efforts to maintain and strengthen a united Jerusalem as the undivided capital of the State of Israel. CLICK HERE TO SIGN THE JERUSALEM DECLARATION.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 settimana fa
EFFECTIVE We do not want Lebanese Hezbollah to hold 100,000 Iranian-made precision missiles (long-range) IN EFFETTI noi non vogliamo che libanese Hezbollah abbia in custodia 100000 missili di precisione (a lunga gittata) di fabbricazione iraniana

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 mese fa
Lawrence Best You wrongly enterred a conversation. please apologise to the Dead Family di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH that boy belongs to me: and I cried and prayed for him, and his family! but, I don't think you've done both! I am forced by my political ministry: Unius REI Universal brotherhood to leave the subject out of the question! quel ragazzo mi appartiene: e io ho pianto ed ho pregato per lui, e la sua famiglia! ma, io non credo che tu hai fatto entrambe le cose! io sono costretto dal mio ministero politico ad uscire fuori argomento!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 mese fa di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH • Hercules, the ancient giant parrot, one meter high He lived 19 million years ago, weighed 7 kilos. BUT, in his time: 7000 years ago: everything was gigantic because that was a world of giant nephilim there were 2 atmospheres: twice the oxygen, and 40 times the intensity of our magnetic field, while the vault was crystalline: and while the water vapor fed the plants! Ercole, l'antico pappagallo gigante alto un metro E' vissuto 19 milioni di anni fa, pesava 7 chili. MA, nel suo tempo: 7000 anni fa: tutto era gigantesco perché quello era un mondo di giganti nephilim c'erano 2 atmosfere: il doppio di ossigeno, e 40 volte la intensità del nostro campo magnetico, mentre la volta era cristallina: e mentre il vapore acqueo nutriva le piante!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 2 settimane fa
Latest Israeli poll: Two major parties neck-and-neck with right-wing bloc holding advantage /worldisraelnews com/latest-israeli-poll-two-major-parties-neck-and-neck-with-right-wing-bloc-holding-advantage/#.XWK4ACFfwUo.twitter if Netanjhau is criticized because it is too soft against Hamas and the Jordanian Islamic jihad on the Temple Mount; when will the left be weaker than he? I ask Jordan to demonstrate its vaunted freedom of religion on the Temple Mount se Netanjhau è criticato perché è troppo morbido contro hamas e la jihad islamica giordano sul Monte del Tempio; quando più debole di lui potrà essere la sinistra? io chiedo alla Giordania di dimostrare la sua millantata libertà di religione sul monte del Tempio Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom • if Netanjhau is criticized because it is too soft against Hamas and the Jordanian Islamic jihad on the Temple Mount; when will the left be weaker than he? I ask Jordan to demonstrate its vaunted freedom of religion on the Temple Mount

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 4 giorni fa
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia Alexander Harold Hersh • I am a universal metaphysical rational agnostic: I am not religion or imperialism: universal brotherhood: the living decalogue: and the most powerful power of Zionism, I am the kingdom of Israel and the King Messiah: the lion of Judah: the destruction of the new rothschild World Order! io sono un agnostico razionale metafisico universale: non sono la religione o l'imperialismo: la fratellanza universale: il decalogo vivente: e la più potente potenza del sionismo, io sono il regno di Israele e il Re Messia: il leone di Giuda: la distruzione del nuovo Ordine mondiale di rothschild!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 giorno fa
the priests of satan of Chemistry: them for decades: they use men as guinea pigs: with the forced introduction of heavy metals: they try to realize the cyborg man and the GMO man! E-cig, 5 victims in the US but no data on effects From heavy metals to tires, experimentation is needed i sacerdoti di satana della Chimica: loro da decenni: usano gli uomini come cavie: con l'introduzione forzata di metalli pesanti: loro cercano di realizzare l'uomo cyborg e l'uomo OGM! E-cig, 5 vittime in Usa ma non ci sono dati su effetti Da metalli pesanti a gomme, per esperto serve sperimentazione

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 3 settimane fa
shalom + salam

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 settimana fa
ACT NOW! UN Must Include Israeli Victims on ‘Children and Armed Conflict’ Report! What did the ARAB LEAGUE say about this killing of Israeli children? nothing, he didn't say anything, in some cases he said: "well so" then ISLAM is the same Satanism: and the genocide of 1400 years ago: that can swallow any lie, infamy and wickedness! mankind everything is threatened by sharia!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 mese fa
Grillo: 'Mi elevo a salvare l'Italia dai nuovi barbari' answer lasciamoci alle spalle la volgarità che è entrata in politica: proteggevano il sistema del signoraggio bancario che si erano impegnati ad abbattere!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 settimana fa
Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH • implantation of alien neuronal connections in the brain of all the leaders of this planet! impiantazione di connessioni neuronali aliene nel cervello di tutti i leaders di questo pianeta! you shouldn't be so hurried in your judgments, because if: "tldm org website" reported a news of scientific content: with a wealth of technical and technological details: and bio-engineering: from another site (eg: NASA said that our planet is at the center of the Universe ): approximately, the alien neuronal connections on the optic nerve and in the brain? ok this job of copy-paste of sensitive information? we all do it: on our sites! it is not possible to share: or understand: 100% what any site says: and this is why we need discernment! now our awareness and knowledge are deepened: the more intimate our personal relationship with God will be: and the more our discernment will be deepened! tu non dovresti essere, così stroppo frettoloso nei tuoi giudizi, perché se: "tldm org website" ha riportato una notizia di contenuto scientifico: con dovizia di particolari tecnici e tecnologici: e di bio-ingegneria: da altro sito (es: . la NASA disse che il nostro pianeta è al centro dell'Universo): circa, le connessioni neuronali aliene sul nervo ottico e nel cervello? ok questo lavoro di copia-incolla delle informazioni sensibili? noi lo facciamo tutti: sui nostri siti! non è possibile condividere: o comprendere: al 100% quello che dice un qualsiasi sito: ed è per questo che abbiamo bisogno di discernimento! adesso più è approfondita la nostra consapevolezza e conoscenza: più sarà intimo il nostro personale rapporto con Dio: e tanto più sarà approfondito il nostro discernimento!

Lorenzojhwh LEVIATHAN Unius REI Messiah 4 settimane fa
ANTIFA catto-comunisti trogloditi: a 75mo Martiri piazzale Loreto, Vicesindaco Milano: "abbiamo bisogno di dirci antifascisti": e cercano i fascisti nel partito di FdI e Lega? grottesco! in compenso loro rendono indispensabile il ritorno del fascismo perchéé: tradiscono la costituzine regalando il signoraggio bancario a rothschild!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 3 settimane fa
non solo google anche twitter ha la sua black list Your account is suspended Trump ha ragione i media sono di Rothschild e tutti per il partito democratico!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 3 giorni fa
them: 1. the greatest deception Rothschild, 2. the greatest fraud Rochefeller, 3. the greatest betrayal Bilderberg Merkel Macron, and therefore the greatest Satanism of the human race and Masonic conspiracy! He was sworn in on 5 September 2019 as Minister of Economy and Finance in the Government led by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte DRACULA bis: Sodoma technocracy the antichrist Ursula: M5S 666 Lgbtq Pd. Roberto Gualtieri, Minister - Ministry of Economy and Fraud: high constitutional treason bank seigniorage: he said: "the people must not vote because they can be deceived by Salvini" loro: 1. il più grande inganno, 2. la più grande truffa, 3. il più grande tradimento, e quindi il più grande satanismo del genere umano e congiura massonica! Ha giurato il 5 settembre 2019 come Ministro dell'Economia e delle Finanze nel Governo guidato dal presidente del Consiglio Giuseppe Conte DRACULA bis: Sodoma tecnocrazia l'anticristo Ursula: M5S 666 Lgbtq Pd. Roberto Gualtieri, Ministro - Ministero dell'Economia e della truffa: alto tradimento Costituzionale il signoraggio bancario: proprio lui ha detto: "il popolo non deve votare perché può essere ingannato da Salvini"

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 2 settimane fa
Orson Michael Noronha Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH • Hi though people call you "loco" on this forum, I seriously tend to believe most of your thoughts especially on NWO and others. Only problem I see - take this as constructive criticism - is that you tend to get repetitive. Consequently, you miss the forest for the trees - a better choice would be to have your points made in logical sequence and in a properly STRUCTURED format rather that seemingly disconnected and random statements. I do realize that English may not be your first language but you can try - that way you can put your points across BETTER and be more receptive. God Bless ! Baruch H'ba B'Shem Adonai! Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH Orson Michael Noronha • God Bless you too! Baruch H'ba B'Shem Adonai! dull cervervos: they need the pnumatic hammer and steam roller! I am here to hurt the Wahhabis and Pharisees and all their accomplices only: and certainly: I'll get the blood out of the eardrums. about, a certain systematic thought this exists, and if someone asked me some questions? I could expose!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 18 ore fa
Bin SALMAN] the priest of Satan youtube com / user / ihatenewlayout is something very serious about black magic: in connection with alien technology: and the alien (gmos agenda: replacing the creation of God with the creation of rothschilds and Bush: cyborgs hybrids: etc .. all SpA Monsanto 666 Bayer and nano uranium particles: etc. .. in vaccines) ogm neuronal connections in our brain. he put the photo of Saint Bartolo Longo (who in the first phase of his life he was protected by the Saint against me, because of what I could have done to him! Bin SALMAN ] il sacerdote di Satana youtube com/user/ihatenewlayout lui è qualcosa di molto molto serio circa la magia nera: in connessione con la tecnologia aliena: e le connessioni neuronali ogm aliene nel nostro cervello. lui ha messo la foto di Santo Bartolo Longo(che nella prima fase della sua vita era un sacerdote di satana) sul suo profilo: per farsi proteggere dal Santo contro di me, a motivo di quello che io avrei potuto fargli!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 giorno fa
TEKK Ghost drone fotocamera Quadrirotore Nero, Blu 4 rotori 2 MP 1280 x 720 Pixel 1000 mAh NON riuscirai a tenerlo fermo in posizione e lo distruggerai rapidamente! una delusione totale!! #TEKK #Ghost You will NOT be able to hold it in place and you will quickly destroy it! a total disappointment !! #Drone #Foldable. Batteria da 3.7V e 1000 mAh e Camera HD da 720p. Decollo e atterraggio automatico; headless mode, hovering. One Key Return, Telecomando con WiFi Smartphone Control. Trasmissione video FPV in real time 2.4GHz You will NOT be able to make any changes: so you will destroy it! the 4 engines develop too much heat: so much to melt the plastic: and you will not be able to use them outside the project of the builder! NON riuscirai a apportare nessuna modifica: quindi lo distruggerai! i 4 motori sviluppano troppo calore: tanto da fondere la plastica: e non potrai usarli al di fuori del progetto del costruttore!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 6 giorni fa
mi sono stati chiusi troppi account per futili motivi e sono stato espulso da twitter questa però è una ferita per la democrazia! per favore riattivatemi Your request has been submitted to Twitter. We are usually able to respond within a few days, but some issues may take longer.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 2 settimane fa
The five points of Zingaretti for a breakthrough Frankenstein-Golem-Rothschild government! The PD management approves the mandate to Zingaretti to open a negotiation for a breakthrough government with the hated and until recently blasphemed M5S. The eventual new blasphemous sacrilegious government: without popular support it must 'be in discontinuity' with the previous one, not based on a contract (which a contract the clowns cannot keep), but which has at its base a strong sharing of lgbt objectives sodoma dracula ' ie: lick all Merkel and Macron's shoes with your tongue! I cinque punti di Zingaretti per un governo di svolta Frankestein-Golem-Rothschild! La direzione Pd approva il mandato a Zingaretti ad aprire una trattativa per governo di svolta con gli odiati e fino a ieri bestemmiati M5S. L'eventuale nuovo governo blasfemo sacrilego: senza supporto popolare deve 'essere in discontinuità' con il precedente, non basato su un contratto (che un contratto i pagliacci non lo possono mantenere), ma che abbia alla base una 'forte condivisione degli obiettivi lgbt sodoma dracula' cioè: leccare con la lingua tutte le scarpe di Merkel e Macron!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 settimana fa
lorenzoJHWH is king e MESSIAH in Israel: saranno puniti tutti i ribelli! ] for over a decade: I have a rational secular agnostic cultural project (universal brotherhood) and a very simple political project (the Kingdom of Israel) to improve the whole human race: I am the natural law (don't do evil don't lie) the universal law (everything has meaning in love) this is the spirituality of both the atheist and the believer: this is why this is a metaphysics: universally understandable and shareable! in fact this is the true strength of the decalogue of Moses: that of being a law: natural, positive and revealed at the same time. da oltre un decennio: io ho un progetto culturale agnostico razionale laico (la fratellanza universale) e un progetto politico molto semplice(il Regno di Israele) per migliorare tutto il genere umano: io sono la legge naturale (non fare il male non mentire) la legge universale (tutto ha senso nell'amore) questa è la spiritualità sia dell'ateo che come del credente: ecco perché questa è una metafisica: universalmente comprensibile e condivisibile! infatti questa è vera forza del decalogo di Mosé: quella di essere una legge: naturale, positiva e rivelata al tempo stesso.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 settimana fa
Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH • President RIVLIN ] sono attaccato dagli hacker di Erdogan

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 settimana fa
Thoughts are like dreams while being awake. etc etc. ANSWER. answer to Richard DiBenedetto about 11 volumes of "The History of Civilization" by Will and Ariel Durant. is it you who must mediate its contents, and if your ideological errors are the result of these: 11 volumes? then, this is not a good presentation for him! thoughts are not dreams and words and thoughts can also have a metaphysical power in the secular metaphysics of a rational agnostic! ANSWER. circa 11 volumes of "The History of Civilization" by Will and Ariel Durant. sei tu che devi mediare i suoi contenuti, e se i tuoi errori ideologici sono il frutto di questi: 11 volumi? poi, questa non è un buona presentazione per lui! i pensieri non sono sogni e la parola e i pensieri possono anche avere una potenza metafisica nella metafisica laica di un agnostico razionale!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 3 settimane fa
Ehud Barak [Former Prime Ministers of Israel] as: patron, shareholder, and personal friend of Jeffrey Epstein, he is no longer fit or politically eligible Ehud Barak [Ex Primi ministri di Israele] come: frequentatore, azionista, e amico personale di Jeffrey Epstein, non è più idoneo o candidabile politicamente ilprimatonazionale it/esteri/quadro-clinton-vestito-donna-nella-casa-del-miliardario-suicida-epstein-127472/

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 settimana fa
#Conte (5 months ago): "I will never be premier with another government". Di #Maio M5S: "never with the Pd" and all the lies of: Matteo RENZI? answer. these are the sold to Bilderberg UE Ursula the technofinance: they don't have a dignity! Pd M5S today together represent 1/3 of the electorate and will make a Government only because the elections will send them home. they are parasites and traitors who want to float on the blood of the Italian people! This Government is much more than a GOLPE! #Conte (5 mesi fa): "Non sarò mai premier con altro governo". Di #Maio M5S: "mai con il Pd" e tutte le bugie di: Matteo RENZI? answer. questi sono i venduti a Bilderberg UE Ursula la tecnofinanza: non hanno una dignità! Pd M5S oggi insieme rappresentano 1/3 dell'elettorato e faranno un Governo soltanto perché le elezioni li manderanno a casa. sono dei parassiti e dei traditori che vogliono galleggiare sul sangue del popolo italiano! Questo Governo è molto più che un GOLPE!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 4 settimane fa
oooooohhhhh di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH • a few seconds ago Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News. oooooohhhhh di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH • 5 minutes ago Avatar di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH • 7 minutes ago Avatar di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH • 8 minutes ago Avatar di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH • 8 minutes ago Avatar di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH • 9 minutes ago Trump (and those who advise him) knows very well that the abuse of children sold and child p0rn0graphy touches the highest summits of the Shadow Government ... So his was a clear and profound signal: to the ped0satist rot that permeates the UK lgbt City London and the world finance: Fed 666 Bce 322 FMI 187 BM and NWO! it is the real rot that lurks in the crucial ganglia of our falsely democratic Masonic System of high constitutional betrayal banking seigniorage. 1. We will see how far they are inserted in the control rooms. 2. We'll see if they manage to silence everything again this time. 3. We'll see if they can kill Epstein in jail. But despite everything, either by reflex or by induction, the scandals (judiciary, trust, etc.) are coming out in all countries, including Italy #forteto #bibbiano.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 2 settimane fa
Bin SALMAN] I know this is your ardent desire !!! you didn't call me: it's true! then I'll come to get you! Bin SALMAN ] io so che questo è un tuo ardente desiderio!!! non mi hai chiamato: è vero! allora sarò io a venire a prenderti!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 settimana fa
Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH • President Mattarella, don't do this your further infamy Merkel! you will destroy the EU! while I need the final antichrist (type: Zapatero-Macron-Trudeau) that must arise from the EU: between 350 years. Uprising in M5s against turnaround: "Ready for mass resignation" voxnews info/2019/08/27/rivolta-in-m5s-contro-ribaltone-pronti-a-dimordi-di-massi/ traitors who would lose 50% of the seats if they went to vote: they can say: "like all Masons, we are doing it for us, and for the interest of poor rothschild Saruman: only" Presidente Mattarella non la fare questa tua ulteriore infamia Merkel! tu farai distruggere la UE! mentre io ho bisogno dell'anticristo finale (tipo: Zapatero-Macron-Trudeau) che deve sorgere dalla UE: tra 350 anni. Rivolta in M5s contro ribaltone: “Pronti a dimissioni di massa” traditori che perderebbero il 50% dei seggi se andassero a votare: possono dire: "come tutti i massoni, noi lo stiamo facendo per noi, e per l'interesse del povero rothschild Saruman: soltanto"

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 settimana fa
kaduri yitzach he said that the messiah of the Jews was alive and that he had seen it! I don't know how he understood my identity: I didn't know my Unius REI identity at 22 years lui ha detto che il messia degli ebrei era vivente e che lui lo aveva visto! non so come lui abbia capito la mia identità: io non conoscevo la mia identità di Unius REI a 22 annni

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 2 giorni fa
Accusations to Mueller, 'covered Riad' on 11/9 answer. you have finished killing criminals with slander. every criminal sharia must die for its specific sharia crime from now on: no one has to die with false accusations !! Accuse a Mueller, 'coprì Riad' su 11/9 answer. voi avete finito di uccidere criminali con le calunnie. ogni criminale sharia deve morire per il suo specifico delitto sharia da ora in poi: più nessuno deve morire con false accuse!!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 2 giorni fa
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia • [open letter to] Mohammad bin Salman Al Sa'ud, Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia [open letter to] since apparently it seems: you don't know what to do with my love for you! God has given my soul and my ministry the next 50 years: to govern on the whole planet ... and all the priests of Satana already know it: the Unius Rei: the man Metaphysician DOES NOT need a biological body to govern! so don't be worried about myself anymore: for my life! dato che a quanto pare: tu non sai che fartene del mio amore per te! Dio ha dato alla mia anima e al mio ministero i prossimi 50 anni: per governare sul Pianeta intero... e tutti i sacerdoti di Satana già lo sanno: il Metafisico Unius Rei NON ha bisogno di un corpo biologico per governare! quindi non essere più preoccupato di me stesso: per la mia vita!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 settimana fa
il maggiordomo di Dio Unius REI così come in cielo così come in terra that is why, I am recognized in the Kingdom of God as Unius REI (the universal governor): or as the living decalogue of Moses. in Psalm 110 King David turns to 3 Kings on the Throne of God: the central one is me: of course I am a creature like everyone else! therefore, I do not have a national identity: I am the property of all peoples! if, governments will accept my political mediation, they will no longer be forced to carry out the Rothschild world war: because as King of ISRAEL I will destroy the IMF and the FED, its sharia, etc. ecco perché, io sono riconosciuto nel Regno di Dio come Unius REI (il governatore universale): oppure come il decalogo vivente di Mosé. nel Salmo 110 Re Davide si rivolge a 3 Re su Trono di Dio: quello in posizione centrale sono io: certo io sono una creatura come tutti! quindi, io non ho una identità nazionale: io sono proprietà di tutti i popoli! se, i governi accetteranno la mia mediazione politica non saranno più costretti a realizzare la guerra mondiale Rothschild: perché come Re di ISRAELE io distruggero il FMI e la FED, la sua sharia, ecc..

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 2 giorni fa
Christiaan van der Westhuizen You sure talk a lot! UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia my friend, heavenly grace and perfect and precious eagle of divine and sublime heights, but, my audience is down to earth: because it has been spiritually degraded by scam banking seigniorage, dracula 666 masonic lgbt sodoma: Rochefeller SpA Rothschilds FED! amico mio, grazia celeste e aquila perfetta e preziosa di altezze divine e sublimi, ma il mio pubblico è terra-terra: perché è stato degradato spiritualmente dal signoraggio delle truffe bancarie, dracula 666 sodoma lgbt massonico: Rochefeller SpA Rothschilds FED! amico mio, grazia celeste e perfetta e preziosa aquila delle altezze divine e sublimi, ma, la mia utenza è terra terra: perché è stata spiritualmente degradata dai rothschild!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 4 giorni fa UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia • Putin Xi-Jinping does not want war and will make threats only but, they are not stupid enough to go down to the battlefield (against me) to defend IRAN! nobody will help IRAN! I saved IRAN twice: and IRAN showed me no gratitude! that's why, now I have no reason to save it a third time! Putin Xi-Jinping non vuole la guerra e faranno delle minacce: soltanto verbali, ma, non sono così stupidi da scendere personalmente sul campo di battaglia (contro di me) per difendere IRAN! nessuno aiuterà IRAN! io ho salvato IRAN due volte: IRAN non mi ha mostrato gratitudine! ecco perché, ora io non ho motivi per salvarlo una terza volta!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 3 giorni fa
voxnews info / 2019/09/06 / Islamic-employee-sabota-airplane-american-airlines / Islamic employee sabotages American Airlines plane According to a criminal complaint filed with the Miami federal court, Abdul-Majeed Marouf Ahmed Alani admitted sabotage during interrogation yesterday. The Islamist tampered with the navigation system on an airplane before a flight on 17 July. This happens when you give your citizenship to 'them' and then infiltrate sensitive areas such as airports, police and army. And we know that in France, for example, there are many. voxnews info /2019/09/06/dipendente-islamico-sabota-aereo-american-airlines/ Dipendente islamico sabota aereo American Airlines Secondo una denuncia penale depositata presso il tribunale federale di Miami, Abdul-Majeed Marouf Ahmed Alani ha ammesso il sabotaggio durante un interrogatorio ieri. L’islamico ha manomesso il sistema di navigazione su un aereo prima di un volo del 17 luglio. Questo accade quando dai la tua cittadinanza a ‘loro’ e poi si infiltrano in settori sensibili come aeroporti, polizia ed esercito. E sappiamo che in Francia, ad esempio, sono tanti.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 1 settimana fa
the traitor #Conte said: "elections are the foundation of democracy but going to the vote after a year is irresponsible", it is not so, if the people have discouraged you: and the parliamentary composition would change drastically ... therefore Mattarella Pd M5S are doing a GOLPE! il traditore #Conte ha detto: "le elezioni sono il fondamento della democrazia ma andare al voto dopo un anno è da irresponsabili", non è così, se il popolo vi ha sfiduciato: e la composizione parlamentare muterebbe drasticamente... quindi Mattarella Pd M5S stanno facendo un GOLPE!
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Datagate: Nsa controlla 75% Rete Usa. USA E GB (farisei anglo-americani FMi NWO 666), hanno fatto distruggere i documenti, del guardian, circa Snowden, perché, sono diventati, la più pericolosa minaccia di nazismo, di tutta la storia del genere umano. loro non sono stati scoperti, da una terrestre tecnologia, sono stati "rivelati", come una religione.. bisogna, espellere, immediatamente, dal territorio nazionale, ogni cosa appartenga, ad USA e GB, ad iniziare dalle ambasciate, loro sono diventati satanisti TROIKA satanisti, TROIKA cosa è il signoraggio bancario? e perché voi lo avete, se, la costituzione lo proibisce a voi? perché, voi state portando allo sterminio, i popoli, con le voste magie giuridiche?