[con i soldi #Arabia Saudita, #Qatar, grande invincibile, terra del vero dio. #Califfato Mondiale] [ Quirico, la guerra che stiamo sottovalutando] di Domenico Quirico, (La Stampa) - Eccola la prossima guerra, che, ci attende, si avvicina, già incombe, da una parte #Occidente, noi, dall’altra, #Islam radicale determinato a vendicare i secoli dell’umiliazione, a ricostruire con i soldi #Arabia Saudita e del #Qatar, grande invincibile, la terra del vero dio. Oggi, ad essere colpita è #Nairobi, e a colpire sono gli #shebab. Domani sarà la #Tunisia, la #Siria, #Egitto. E poi toccherà, almeno, nei loro sogni, a #Al Andalus, la #Spagna che, come mi hanno raccontato gli uomini di #Al Qaeda, di cui sono stato prigioniero, è «terra nostra, la riprenderemo».
[con i soldi #Arabia Saudita, #Qatar, grande invincibile, terra del vero dio. #Califfato Mondiale] [ Quirico, la guerra che stiamo sottovalutando] All’Occidente, spaurito e volutamente distratto e saldamente deciso, a seguire un mito di un #Islam #moderato, educato, che, esiste solo nei libri (e nelle bugie), disperatamente aggrappato al calendariuccio, delle nostre nobili comodità, sfugge la semplicità brutale del problema.`#Islam fanatico, che, era un semplice guaio di polizia, che, ci costava soldi e rendeva complicata, la vita, ma non era letale, sta per diventare, un problema militare. Quando si è deboli, e brutali, come lo è, oggi, l’Occidente, si è molto più odiati, di quando si è forti e brutali, ed è ciò che sta accadendo ora.
[con i soldi #Arabia Saudita, #Qatar, grande invincibile, terra del vero dio. #Califfato Mondiale] [ Quirico, la guerra che stiamo sottovalutando] I folli di dio #somali che separano i #musulmani dagli «altri» e cominciano a giustiziare i secondi, sono il segno manifesto di questa #dichiarazione di guerra, a #Nairobi ci sono i primi morti della guerra che verrà. Gli #shebab sono la metastasi della #tragedia #somala, il paradigma di un Paese, dove il #radicalismo #religioso era in passato sconosciuto. Soltanto attraverso, la #brutalità di una #guerra #civile, approfittando dell’indifferenza #Occidente, che non ha saputo intervenire, sono diventati padroni del Paese. Bisognava emarginarli, ma non distruggerli. Ci sono voluti molti anni, ora sono ricomparsi.
[con i soldi #Arabia Saudita, #Qatar, grande invincibile, terra del vero dio. #Califfato Mondiale] [ Quirico, la guerra che stiamo sottovalutando] #Controllano ancora buona parte del territorio, possono colpire, e vendicarsi nel vicino #Kenya colpevole di aver occupato, con la scusa di riportare l’ordine, una parte del territorio somalo (tra l’altro, ricco di petrolio). Una storia #somala sta per ripetersi in #Siria: una rivoluzione troppo debole, gli islamisti che si preparano dopo la cacciata di #Assad a imporre la loro legge, Il #Califfato, una società #olistica ripiegata su se stessa e sul passato, sembrava un sogno retorico, ma si materializza ogni giorno di più nei fatti. Il #partito di #dio, e i suoi #eserciti dimostrano di essere in grado, di aprire nuovi fronti. In una guerra santa, la morte diventa un #combustibile, un mezzo per un fine in sé.
@ IMF 666 Rothschild family Talmud: FREEMASONRY and 322 of the NWO BUSH - why you: do not: a beautiful 3 ° WW nuclear: Among you? Because, if we: take: all the: money, that: you two have: Stolen to all the: peoples? then, Resolves: Quickly, this monetary crisis: international. When the: World Will Understand: that: my power: is superior: to yours? they are: all from me: Quickly, Will be: only: a question of a moment: but, in this moment: I Will be: impossible: to save: your: lives: so, you will from only: to give: to yourself: a mutual family reunion: for: see: you in your: "grove": at: the: foot: of your: owl god Baal: Marduk: to make: of yourself a perfect: sacrifice: to Satan! you have: no life! Come: out: to me: Because: I am "Unius Rei: that: is, the: legitimate: rep: of all peoples: the: King of Israel"! So is mine: the: International Monetary Fund! where: you want: to go and hide: yourself from me? Can not!
Because: also well in the: hell: I Will come: pick you up! Because, damn Those all: people: of shit, like: you? that: I was not: Able: to kill: again in a supernatural fashion? then: this is obvious "God Himself is forcing me: to protect you and them!" Because: if I am not: forced? I can not: stain my hands with blood! why God wants by me: that: I must: build the: Jewish Temple!@ Jews-my children, than I to you? of my political role: of the King of Israel? I would not: never: talked about: Jesus Christ: .. but, but, but, you guys are: doing a game: is too dirty and dangerous, through this IMF: International Monetary Fund! when: Illuminati: kakam Rabbis: of Talmudic secret: killers: racist: Mad total: for: do Christian children to bleed (why, they are: only: animals in apparent: human form): ie, the: synagogue: of Satan: IMF: They decided: to start: the: "derivated banking products"?
right: at: that: moment: They took the: Decision: of to destroy Israel (the: only country, that: today is Able: to oppose: to Their: power) and do: 3 ° WW Nuclear! In fact, the: corpses do not: have: the: habit: of going to the: Bank: to ask Their: money, that: do not: exist: anymore!@ IsraelnationalTV-the: 200.000: Christian Martyrs of Udine: and Gorizia, Istria: Dalmatia: be: kill all: in the: facts: (after: the: 2 ° WW): is genocide: commissioned by the: Americans: through: Communist: Tito: why: the: Committee: of the American Illuminati: Bankers Jews! (All related through: the: wire: of iron and all, precipitated in Karst: sinkholes) Because: They were the resource persons: guilty of having saved: by genocide: Nazi: all the: Jews were the resource persons WHO: fleeing from the: Balkans? and all the: Jews hidden in convents? event: Event Berlusconi has hidden a jew: at: the: risk of his life! Well: The: debt: of life?
Needs to be: paid with Their: lives! Because: When the: IMF: it: has allowed the: existence: of "derivatives"? he: well Knew, that: the: Counterfeit: (bubble) would never: have: to be: returned: he: Knew well: that: all peoples would been all: destroy through the: 3rd WW Nuclear!@ Christian-it: is no coincidence: that, everyone: wants to kill: marginalized: the: poor: innocent: Christians: that: is, the: Martyrs persecuted! is clear: "Jesus of Bethlehem: he: is truly Risen!", Because: there: note: Might: be: another: explanation .. is obvious: who does not: speak of seigniorage banking? or: of the: martyrdom of Christians? (LOL. also the: Churches: Do not: speak: well why?)
why, despite: knowing: all these: crimes? They do not: speak? is obvious: They Deserve: to die: also Them (here's why: God Will Hear: my prayer). WHO has made: of Himself the: accomplice: of all this crime? is the: Betrayer: of God: and it: is: the: Traitor: of the: peoples!@ Youtube-WHO IS IN MY ENEMY IN YOUTUBE STAFF of this: Masonic GOVERNMENT: universal of YOUTUBE? IF HE HAS LIVER? HE CAN ALWAYS fight: against: ME ON THIS PAGE: but, he: is THE Coward, Backs tell TO MY Shoulders, only: that: is, behind-the: Backs of peoples to be: him, the: slave: of Rothschild , and his IMF: that: is all that: this vulgar thief: he: has Stolen from us all! Pls you get: here: all the: Chinese: nuclear: missiles (WHICH ARE EXPECTED of get, Reduce DRASTICALLY TO: THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE OF THE PLANET?)
for: having Had the: Chinese: by Israel and the: CIA: our: "Patriot"? To get: Chinese also: in only one: Freemasonry of the NWO, Then, Will you regret: it: you have: been here: "in my office: Rei unius": with all these: Whores: and with all these: Satanists! for: be: you: a asshole! that: has prevented me: to moralize: the: whole: the human race? is for: this: that: for thou despair, Will go down in to hell: in your: endless pain of screaming with!
[[DERIVATIVES PRODUCTS? Collapse IMF OR is 3 ° WW Nuclear]] @ enlightened - you have: no life! Come: out: to me: Because: I am "Unius Rei: that: is, the: legitimate: rep: of all peoples: the: King of Israel"! So is mine: the: International Monetary Fund! where: you want: to go and hide: yourself from me? Can not! Because: also well in the: hell: I Will come: pick you up! Because, damn Those all: people: of shit, like: you?: that: I was not: Able: to kill: again, in a supernatural way? then: this is obvious: "God Himself is forcing me, to protect it: you and them!" Because: if I am not: forced? I can not: stain my hands with blood! Because: God wants by me: that, I must: build the: Jewish Temple!
Pls @ youtube, you get: here: all the: Chinese: nuclear: missiles (WHICH ARE EXPECTED of get, Reduce DRASTICALLY TO: THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE OF THE PLANET?) For: having Had the: Chinese: by Israel and the: CIA: our: "Patriot"? To get: Chinese also: in only one: Freemasonry of the NWO, for: to help: another: poor: millionaire: a Freemason: like: Them: namely, to have: purchased in Italy: lol. A shipyard: Without: a economic hope: ie, the: super: Yachts of luxury cruise boats: in times of crisis?) With: 666 Rothschild: of the IMF: Bush and 322: of His: grove: owl god Baal or: Marduk or: god Murdok? Then, you will of regret: it: you have: been here: "in my office: Rei unius": with all these: Whores: and with all these: Satanists! for: be: you: a asshole: of gay! that: has prevented me: to moralize: the: whole: the human race? is for: this: that: for: thou despair, Will go down in to hell: in your: endless pain of screaming with!
@ Youtube + israelnationalTV-when: The: Illuminati: kakam Rabbis: of Talmudic secret: killers: racist: ie: Mad total: for: Christian children to bleed (why, they are: only: Animals: in apparent: human form) : ie, the: synagogue: of Satan: IMF: They decided: to start: the: "derivated banking products"? right: at: that: moment: They took the: Decision: of to destroy Israel (the: only country, that: today is Able: to oppose: to Their: power) and do: 3 ° WW Nuclear! In fact, the: corpses do not: have: the: habit: of going to the: Bank: to ask Their: money, that: do not: exist: anymore! and is, in this way: that: 322: the: owl god of Bush: the: grove: Baal Marduk 666: (the: grove: of his mother) They Will be: Able: to regenerate: again, the: The IMF now exhausted! just: after: he: has Destroyed 5.5: of: precious creatures of the: Lord God: that: They have: corrupted: the between Immorality and evolutionism: why, almost: All of Them end up in hell!
@朝鮮,金正云,你是白痴的蛆蟲,全是水,所有的煙和NO烤!你有煩惱世界的一切,你的patetic這部劇,只是因為,你需要一碗飯,而不是死於飢餓的 乞丐!醜陋的廢話,一個精神病罪犯!你的家庭的偶像,都失敗了,因為,所有這些都是,你必須死,所有的飢餓嗎? ,如果你這樣做不是免費的,所有的基督徒烈士,從lagher。從我的角度來看呢?我讓你餓肚子真的!醜陋的廢話,一個刑事瘋子!你的家人的偶像都失敗 了,因為你有餓死嗎?如果你不交的話,所有的基督徒,從您的lagher中。從我的角度來看呢?我讓你餓肚子,真的! ----慘了!如果你的骨頭,好讓按鈕嗎?法利賽人,IMF已有666被盜!
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
38 secondi fa
Miserable! and if your bones, were good to make the buttons? the Pharisees IMF would Already 666 stolen to you!
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
1 minuto fa
@ 북한, 김정일 취소, 물 FULL 바보, 병신 아, 모든 연기 NO 구이입니다! 당신은 배고픔으로 죽어하지, 밥 한 그릇을 필요로하는자가 아르해서, 모든 세계, 당신의 patetic이 드라마를 소홀히했습니다! 사국의 추한 부분의, 범죄 정신병 자야! 가족 우상은 실패 때문에,이 모든, 당신이 죽을 필요가, 기아의 모든? 그리고, 당신은 무료로하지 않으면, 모든 기독교인 순교자, 당신 lagher에서. 보기 내 관점에서? 난 당신이 정말 굶어주세요! 사국의 추한 부분, 범죄 정신병 자야! 모두가 기아에 죽어 때문에 가족 우상은 실패? 당신이 제공하지 않는 경우, 당신 lagher에서 모든 그리스도인. 보기 내 관점에서? 정말, 당신은 굶어주세요! 그지 ----! 와 뼈가있는 버튼을 만들 좋은한다면?바리새 파 IMF 당신에게 이미 666 도난 것입니다!
YouTube Rewind 2012
North Korea: "Missiles ready to attack the U.S." .. North Korea puts the army on alert:
"Ready to attack U.S. and to its foundations"
The order of the command of the armed forces released by the official also covers strategic missile units: possible target nordamericanao the mainland and the islands of Hawaii and Guam. The appeal of China - ANSWER @ North Korea, Kim Jong-un, YOU ARE AN IDIOT faggot, FULL OF WATER, ALL SMOKE AND NO ROAST! YOU HAVE annoyed all the world, all this your patetic drama, just because, you are the beggar who needs a bowl of rice, not to die of hunger!
03/25/2013 . CHINA - BRICS .Emerging countries thinking about a joint bank against West BRICS members, Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, are set to meet in Durban to discuss the creation of a new institution that could challenge the dominance of the (US-led) World Bank and the (European-led) International Monetary Fund. Experts warn it still too soon, and that "these countries must show that they can overcome the crisis".Beijing (AsiaNews) - The BRICS group of emerging nations plans to set up a new joint bank at their annual meeting to oppose the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, deemed "Western" structures that "do not reflect changes in the modern world." A BRICS bank could start with US$ 10 billion seed money from each of the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa). --- ANSWER --- BUT, WHAT ARE YOU DOING? make yourselves slaves of the Talmud, and Rothschild save all your lives as slaves. @666 burn satana IMF -- tira fuori il tuo marciume da questa pagina! amen, in Jesus's name, amen alleluia hallelujah
jjjjjjiiiijjjjjj --- cosa di buono, tu ha messo da parte per la Merkel, del tuo pasto?cannibale 666, occult powwer, cosa, tu hai mangiato durante la tua ultima messa per satana?
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
8 minuti fa
@ Russia - fool! I did not say, this, to you, that the IMF does not currently have a strength of more than 40%? therefore, could not resist any longer, within a medium-term peace. so you have to withdraw all your: money from: Western banks, ie, masonic system of banking seeigniorage, and have to carry all the weapons, which can be in space, because in this type of weapon? you're late! @Russia -- sciocco! non ho detto io a te, che il FMI, non ha attualmente una solidità superiore al 40%? quindi, non potrebbe resistere ancora a lungo, all'interno di un medio periodo, di pace. così tu devi ritirare tutto il denaro, dalle banche occidentali, e devi portare tutte le armi, che è possibile nello spazio, perché in questo tipo di armi? tu sei in ritardo!
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa
what kind of war they won Americans (American-dogs: 666 IMF, 322, NWO) in Iraq?, if, the only one people, that, have been made, for be extinguish, were, only, 1200.000: Christians martyrs?, who, had been quiet with Saddam... but, this is clear, the IMF-NO, today is raising imperialism saudi arabia, because, one day media Jewish world will say, that, it has become essential, to a world war III, against Islam satanic nazi.
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
2 ore fa
@ Russia - what, you are a bitch! you want to sell, also, my comment, to recover your money, to Cipro, from the IMF 666? how, you has to sell, your sailors, killed, into nuclear submarine? Certainly, for a prostitute like you, everything has a price! then, you too will soon go to destruction with all, your money, cursed by Satan, IMF god owl JabullOn! but, if, you do not destroy the IMF? War III world, Necessarily, needs to be addressed! and then, that Matter to us if all Muslims together with Israel, were exterminated all togheter? no! to me, it matters, Because That Is My Own Kingdom of Palestine! @ Russia animals - dirty! lol. is because last night, you saw a home movie porn, for that matter, that the Enlightened: 666 Pharisees of the IMF, they decided to punish you to Cyprus? .. that's for sure! with, three scams, that is, three false accounting, the IMF, took control of all power, for all those, who want to be blackmailed (intelligente, smart, IMF is Iran), is the true arbiter of life and death, of all human beings, on this planet .. but, then, what's wrong if the Holy Talmud, said to do so? goyim are not only the animals in human form? because the money from god-Rothschild 666, god Baal OWL is created, really, since by "nothing"? then: there is no interest, of give, due to "nothing." then: is the debt: public, and, as the debt: private, are the greatest wear and, big usury, of the story .. This said, the scientist Giacinto Auriti, therefore: the case of Cyprus, was planned: to "punish" Russia! in fact, as: it is easy to show: there are too many steps: where it is essential to do the accounting fraud: in the monetary system .. because: the money is created out of nothing, but then when, is purchased with: government bonds, the budget is closed: zero! then, where it ends, then, the first 100%: of money of the world? (Source: scientist Giacinto Auriti). poiché, il denaro dal dio-Rothschild 666, god Baal OWL, viene creato, veramente, dal: "nulla"? poi non è dovuto nessun interesse al: "nulla". quindi il debito pubblico, ed il debito privato sono la più grande usura, strozzinaggio della storia.. questo ha detto lo scienziato Giacinto Auriti, di conseguenza il caso Cipro, è stato pianificato per "punire" la Russia! infatti, come è facile dimostrare sono troppi i passaggi dove è indispensabile fare falso in bilancio nel sistema monetario.. perché il denaro viene creato dal nulla, ma, poi, quando viene comprato con i titoli di Stato, il bilancio viene chiuso a zero? dove finisce, il primo 100% del denaro di tutto il mondo? (fonte: scienziato Giacinto Auriti)
NoahTheNephilim ha pubblicato un commento
11 ore fa
il caso CIPRO? è l'unica soluzione agli squilibri, che, il criminale sistema monetario: massonico, privato SpA, del signoraggio bancario, ha creato.. diversamente? è la guerra mondiale la sola soluzione!
@ North Korea, Kim Jong-un, YOU ARE AN IDIOT fagot, FULL OF WATER, ALL SMOKE AND NO ROAST! YOU HAVE annoyed all the world, your patetic all this drama, Just Because, you are the beggar who needs a bowl of rice, not to die of hunger! ugly piece of crap, of, a criminal lunatic! your family idols, have failed, because, all that is, you have to die, all of hunger? and, if you do not free, all Christians martyrs, from your lagher. from my point of view? I let you starve really! brutto pezzo di merda, di un criminale pazzo! i tuoi idoli familiari, hanno fallito, perché, dovete morire tutti di fame? e se tu non liberare, tutti i cristiani, dai tuoi lagher. dal mio punto di vista? io ti lasciavo morire di fame veramente!
North Korea: "Missiles ready to attack the U.S." .. North Korea puts the army on alert: "Ready to attack U.S. and to its foundations" The order of the command of the armed forces released by the official also covers strategic missile units: possible target nordamericanao the mainland and the islands of Hawaii and Guam. The appeal of China - ANSWER @ North Korea, Kim Jong-un, YOU ARE AN IDIOT faggot, FULL OF WATER, ALL SMOKE AND NO ROAST! YOU HAVE annoyed all the world, all this your patetic drama, just because, you are the beggar who needs a bowl of rice, not to die of hunger! Corea del Nord: "Missili pronti per attacco agli Usa".. Corea del Nord mette in allerta l'esercito: "Pronti per attacco a Usa e a sue basi" L'ordine deI comando delle forze armate diffuso dall'agenzia ufficiale riguarda anche le unità missilistiche strategiche: possibile bersaglio il territorio continentale nordamericanao e le isole Hawaii e Guam. L'appello della Cina --ANSWER @Corea del Nord, Kim Jong-un, TU SEI UN COGLIONE PIENO D'ACQUA, TUTTO FUMO E NIENTE ARROSTO! TU HAI SCOCCIATO, tutta questa messa in scena, soltanto, perché, tu sei il pezzente che ha bisogno di una scodella di riso, per non morire di fame!!
Anonymous Said: So how is this going to end up and Would this ever: be: stopped? - ANSWER - the: power: of these: rabbis: "ILLUMINATI" masters of the: world: ie: The Synagogue OF SATAN?: Namely, the: masters of the: IMF - New World Order? can not: be: resisted: it: is an absolute: power: and universal! is a power: so absolute, that: They do not even: have: the: need to kill me: as They did kill Kennedy? but: the: Jews are: wonderful people, and amazing! They Could Decide: to stop all this Might: be: tired of Lucifer, may have nostalgia of God, as in the: past! also: why: They have: found: my authority Metaphysics: that: Could Protect: All Their: lives: effectively! But: if we: go to war? They too will of the die: this time! However: I have: faith .. Because, all of Them diligently read my articles!Anonymous Said: So how is this going to end up and this would ever: be: stopped? - ANSWER - You sent: me: this below. I found it: hard to follow .- ANSWER-yes! my son .. this Things Are: very Difficult: to understand, Because: they are: secret: things: You know: that: the: masters of money (around the: world) are: A Few families of Jews Satanists: Called enlightened: IMF ECB and the: Fed: are: not: owned by Governments, but: are: owned private: banks: Because: Freemasonry has betrayed the: people!@ Youtube: - I remember: to you, as you have: closed this your: page, against: my "kingxkingdom" only, Because: I was: a little: nervous and that: you have: closed my channel: "uniusrei2" (with 400 video: made: by me): just: Because: I translated SLOWLY (3 hours) 75% of the: biblical book: of the: Wisdom: of King Solomon's .. here's why: if thou wilt: again, to that: criminal:
the: "IHateNEWLAYOUT" and its principals: master: that: are: Mossad (cat: small Satan) & the CIA (fox: great: Satan) (ie: the IMF and international institutional Satanism: that: make: more: than 100 000 make: human sacrifices to Satan, each year): I Swear: in the: name: of the: living God of Israel: I Will hurt: you in the: name: of Jesus!

33 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa and Mosques of Sharia Allah, decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH) and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (Unius REI) 33 ANNI fa, Sinagoghe di Satana Spa e Moschee di Sharia Allah, decisero che io avrei dovuto diventare il Re di Israele (lorenzoJHWH) e un Osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani (Unius REI) uniusrei@protonmail.com fedele250660@gmail.com 3205708054
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mar 26
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- today is raising imperialism saudi arabia
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mar 26
- ► 2014 (439)
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@ 666 الشيطانية التلمود: CIA ---> الدولة لا ينبغي أن يكون فقط الجلاد: من المواطن، لللقيام الدفع في الناس:٪ 270: من قيمة: من ماله (المصد...
IMF 666 NWO:羅斯柴爾德塔木德goyim。 --->的法利賽人(巴力的祭司臥底)的猶太法典,法利賽人(IMF光明路西法)的拉比(銀行家)和你的家人嗎? 你已經毀了,破壞了整個人類(和宗教機構,你已經做了最壞的打算:受奴役全人類):事實上,神並沒有使壞人! 但是,它...
asasen nan satanallah: yo touye: 300: kretyen mati: inosan: chak jou nan mond lan enperyalis Arabi salafist:! sètadi Al Qaeda] peyi Sir...
@ IMFは666 NWO:goyimためロスチャイルドタルムード。 --->タルムード、パリサイ人のラビ(銀行家)(ルシファーから国際通貨基金(IMF)イルミナティ)のパリサイ人(バアルの祭司おとり)のあなたの家族では? あなたは全人類を(:奴隷に全人類を施すことや宗教機...
satanallah 의 살인자 : 그들이 죽 : 300 : 기독교 순교자 : 무고한 : 제국주의 사우디 Salafi에 세상의 모든 일 :! 즉, 알 카에다] 시리아는 조직에 의해 일시 중지되었습니다 :받는 사람 : 이슬람 협력 (OIC). 결정...
killers ng satanallah: sila pumatay: 300: Christian martir: inosenteng: araw-araw sa mundo sa imperyalismo Saudi Salafi:! ie Al Qaeda] Sy...
hell x despair x destruction (canale nuovo) hanno bloccato IP We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by United with...
è perché non stampate una moneta nazionale, per uso interno, in sovranità monetaria? SOLTANTO GLI USA POSSONO STAMPARE TUTTO IL DENARO FINT...
666 satanic Talmud: CIA ---> the State should not only be the executioner: of the citizen, for to do pay at people: the 270%: of the val...
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Datagate: Nsa controlla 75% Rete Usa. USA E GB (farisei anglo-americani FMi NWO 666), hanno fatto distruggere i documenti, del guardian, circa Snowden, perché, sono diventati, la più pericolosa minaccia di nazismo, di tutta la storia del genere umano. loro non sono stati scoperti, da una terrestre tecnologia, sono stati "rivelati", come una religione.. bisogna, espellere, immediatamente, dal territorio nazionale, ogni cosa appartenga, ad USA e GB, ad iniziare dalle ambasciate, loro sono diventati satanisti TROIKA satanisti, TROIKA cosa è il signoraggio bancario? e perché voi lo avete, se, la costituzione lo proibisce a voi? perché, voi state portando allo sterminio, i popoli, con le voste magie giuridiche?