USA, Lady Liberty ] er [ " onde" , gudinden , Ashtar Sheran , det dæmoniske , babyloniske , Pantheon. af Marduk med sine menneskeofringer ] s bedrag ' ALTID ... " Og ikke så mærkeligt , fordi det også Satan selv maskerader som en lysets engel ". Astaroth , er det en af de mange , dæmoner af jødiske kulturer, som ifølge til en tradition , ikke- kanoniske , skubbede Cain at dræbe , hans bror , Abel . Oprindeligt Astarte , var hedensk gudinde, Forvandlet ved jøderne : i en , skræmmende dæmon , og frastødende. Ashtar Sheran , dæmon guider , åndelige vejledere i , aliens bortførelse : Hun siger: " ... mine ord er vigtige brombær, Dekalogen , af Mount Sinai ...", og , selvfølgelig, denne dæmon , ligesom, alle dæmoner , kommunister , frimureri , islamister , farisæere, macaws, Babylon , NWO magt, 666 , den store prostitueret der begår utugt, med alle de konger, af jorden. Derfor dræbe for , igen, Abrahams , i den næste , overhængende , Holocaust , imod, Israel
[ ] CIA DATAGATE DU bolle med forkerte person , Verdensbanken, 666, Bush 322 , Kerry, [ OSAMA OBAMA -] marihuana, PART I SATAN Synague BILDEDNBERG , farisæerne , Illuminati CULT Gud OWL på Bohhemian Grove, Baal , JabullOn , freemasory , møntningsgevinst bank fidus , IMF, FED , ECB, mikro -chip , aliens bortførelse, dagsorden. GMO Morgellons - svar - jeg kan ødelægge USA, nu, eller mellem 150 år.
666 , CIA, DATAGATE , hacker, UFuckWithWrongPerson - når du gik til Kina, med , din kone gøre for en virksomhed , Det , ( ! Da blev været en fiasko) Fordi du bad mig om hjælp , og nej, du bad om hjælp, din satan , fra tid , hvilket du sagde, " Satan reddede mig ! " , og hvordan han kan spare dig eller andre, hvis der ikke er nogen, der kan redde ham fra helvede ?
@ Kong Saudi-Arabien - jeg håber du ikke , vil du have skamløshed , at bede mig om at stoppe , de russiske kampvogne og kinesiske tanke, når de går , fordi , sammen med farisæerne , Spa IMF , Bush og , firma selskaber, frimurer system, scam , bank møntningsgevinst ? , du er den mest hadefulde lort i verden .. og helt sikkert kan jeg ikke gøre , min universelle broderskab , med dig i livet!
@ Kong Saudi-Arabien - læreren, som , jeg har erstattet dette år (og alle har sagt) , Den lektie har han aldrig gjort, og vicepræsidenten , i virkeligheden, bebrejdede mig og sagde: "Professor , skal du forstå , at studerende er ikke brugt , for at gøre religion class ", men den anden lærer, også han ikke det , lektion , klasse af religion. er i kvaler Fordi, nu kan det blive meget , ydmygende, pinligt, og skinger , for ham , at sammenligningen mellem mig og ham , og da begyndte at bagtale mig. lol. Heldigvis , Det , jeg har en ven som dig, som du kan forstå mig ! I virkeligheden, selv profeten Jeremias , hvor blev han vakt, stridigheder, og skænderier .. men det er sagt , historien , profeten Jeremias , så dør alle dem, til hvem , han talte .. Faktisk har du ikke nogen chance for at blive stand til at stoppe russiske kampvogne og kinesiske .. hvis ikke før , jeg kommer til at dræbe dig, alle islamisterne , Erdogan skøre, sharia nazi , for at spare , Israel og den menneskelige race.
@ Kong Saudi-Arabien, i dag , i min 4th ITIS , tavlen " lim " med ADSL , [( vende tilbage til livet - Resurrection : En historie om det tyvende århundrede ) , døde En hyrde , i Nigeria, en bilulykke, efter fire dage Gud oprejste ham , med bøn , Pinsebevægelsen , karismatisk ], men i Nigeria, hvor det ikke er din, Boko Haram , de gør massakrerne på kristne martyrer , uskyldig? -> Den video er stoppet og cromium gav før, så , alene, 1. . pornografiske videoer 2 . derefter alene [ translate google ( . ) ] read , Ave Maria , tværtimod ( blasfemi , satanisme ) og derefter skrev og læste: [ præst dig, skal du dø ] og traslator læste dog også , hvis jeg tidligere havde slået [ nu, jeg siger, hvis du er dum ? Jeg er ikke ansvarlig! ]
[ @ Obama - Hvis du , også du ikke spytte imod forfatningen , som de gjorde , Bush 322 , Kerry 322 , så også , kan du gøre det , Kennedy bekendtgørelse 11110 , for at gemme dine folk ] springer den budgetaftale : efter 17 års lukker »staten ... Washington - ( Adnkronos / Ign ) - Kongressen , ikke finder aftale om finansiering af statens maskine, og nu er administrationen ikke længere i stand til at betale de fleste af de offentlige tjenester , med mindst 800 tusind , civil tjenere i fare . -> @ Obama - Hvis du også, du ikke spytte , imod , forfatningen, som gjorde, Bush 322 , Kerry, i esoteriske sataniske dagsorden Farisæerne ? Så kan du også gøre det, Kennedy bekendtgørelse , 11110 , for kærlighed , dit American folkeslag
[[ Popeye Obamacare , risikoen Brug " shutdown "]] @ OBAMA , kan du blive AN , HERO ! Hvis du virkelig elsker folk , og du er ikke en anden , frimurer kriminelle , ligesom, Clinton, Bush , Kerry, osv. .. ? Du kan udskrive alle de nødvendige midler , ved hjælp af bekendtgørelsen , på Kennedy, de 11110 , kun det, så behøver du ikke nødt til at vise , i det offentlige, fordi farisæerne oplyst anglo-amerikanske , Spa IMF, FED ? 'll skyde dig !
[[ Den manglende Vladimir Putin Barack Obama om sagen Syrien ]] Forslaget af Kreml til at sætte under international kontrol med kemiske våben Bashar al -Assad er en måde »produktion til Obama. Men selv et tilbageslag for ham - SVAR - Denne artikel taler om en svag Obama .. men ville den kraft ikke har været, at for at afslutte udrydde , shiitter , kristne og i Syrien , om at blive , selv Al- Qaeda (fra Obama , a, Osama ) ! Katastrofen i Obama, var ideologisk og moralsk , var han fjenden, marionet for den jødiske kristne civilisation , fjenden af den monetære suverænitet , en sand marionet i hænderne på farisæerne , spa, Banca verden , der ønsker at ødelægge Israel, sammen, hele den menneskelige race, men jeg er den jødiske - kristne civilisation , der er , jeg er den menneskelige race !
@ Putin - du er en stor pik , ingen bolde , du bare en ynkelig forræder . du kan aldrig vinde en krig mod farisæerne anglo- amerikanere , i virkeligheden, du køber fra dem , at interessere dine penge ..
September 30 PARIS, '' rippe Silvio Berlusconi truer stabiliteten i euroområdet '' - . SVAR - @ Illuminati Farisæerne Bildenbeg , IMF, FED ECB Spa, dig, Masons , du har taget , som gidsler , alle folk , i virkeligheden, du har stjålet dem alle, den monetære suverænitet ( møntningsgevinst bank ) , har du stjålet fra dem , deres fremtid , og håber , i virkeligheden , du har gjort , de mennesker , dine slaver ... [[ Er tjener , købe penge, og er slave betale renter .. du er ikke mennesker , I er monstre i de hensynsløse mordere kriminelle .. ] ]
@ Farisæerne Rothschild Rochefeller , Bildenberg , Illuminati beskidt , grise kriminelle - det gør ikke noget , at du er hyklerne , for de ikke kan se den pornografi , er du altid bagmændene ! hvorfor de " narkohandler " , dvs ( ejeren af et monopol , ( Spa IMF) er at være herre over alle ting , er det altid , mere alvorligt , at gøre brugeren " af narkotika) i henhold til dine Torah ? du er blevet dømt til døden ved mig. faktisk havde jeg bestilt til dig, for at fjerne alle mindreårige , pornografi , og i stedet også i de pornosider , vigtigste , var , stadig involveret , børnene . da, jeg sætning dig ihjel alle de pædofile , også dem , der gør video porno med børn og mindreårige , har du stadig dem .. dræbt af satanister
[ Iran, 200 sprænghoveder , i israelsk atomarsenal ] Javad Zarif , udenrigsminister Iran, i et interview med den amerikanske tv-netværk ABC, - SVAR - fordi , du er nazisterne, der torturere uskyldige kristne martyrer , Mellemøsten .. - SVAR - OK! SE, IS 200, jeg har nok !
30. september har 17:46 , Nazi Sudan, uden religionsfrihed, Khartoum blevet offentliggjort på internettet , foto chok , hvilket ville vise ofrene for den voldelige undertrykkelse af protester i Sudan af politiet .. - SVAR - @ 666 SATAN , USA, IMF, farisæerne anglo- amerikanere - I Sudan har de kristne blevet dræbt alle, og børn af kristne, blev solgt som slaver , Saudi Arabien, så du kan dræbe dem alle , med alle dine løgne !
30. september 19:18 . Iran, Obama, Netanyahu , ingenting, atomare , NEW YORK , præsident , Brug Barack Obama, er enig med den israelske premierminister, Benyamin Netanyahu : ... Målet med Iran er der altid, '' at ødelægge Israel ,'' sagde Netanyahu . blah , blah, blah , - SVAR - sjakaler , som det var Rothschild, der lærte dig at spille i frimureri , bla, bla, bla ? når atomulykken , at de israelske efterretningstjenester vil som en auto - angribe at gøre, starte aggression mod Iran , og det nukleare verden krig?
[ Politikere, israelere ] fra Seksdageskrigen , med returnering af den egyptiske ørken ? Ye har altid gjort dagsordenen for Illuminati satanister Farisæerne ! du er forrædere ! du er den største trussel mod Israel !
[ @ 666, Obama, DATAGATE - > Jeg er virkelig vred, fordi du har blokeret , min OS , Linux Mint 15] @ min YHWH - ligesom Israel , modstå kunne , at hun er så ung og små, i lyset af ondt, 1. . Arabiske Liga, og dets allierede , 2. . 666 Farisæerne Anglo , amerikanere, og alt hans , 3 . politisk Masons korrupte, som alt sammen, konspirerede , nævning , der er designet til at ødelægge det , igen, i en ny Holocaust ?
Premier , tyrkisk , islamistiske Nazi Salafi wahhadita , Recep Tayyip Erdogan, er ved at forberede , hurtigt i krig og søger at eliminere interne stress søger også at få flere soldater , mere kanonføde , og skubber opad, den allerede hans , snarere end en kæmpe overbefolkning . [ Også Mussolini gjorde det samme ] 1 , [ Tyrkiet Erdogan reformer kurderne ]] 2. . [[ ANKARA , Erdogan : 3 børn , ikke nok , Gør det 4 ]] - SVAR - min @ YHWH snarere, at investere i fred, og rinuncire , Sharia Arabiske Liga besluttede at gå ned, i krig imod mig , for at udvide den imperialisme , dens kriminelle , nazistiske , religiøse åbenbaring , for verden !
@ Skøre kriminelle , IRAN, for dhimmier slaver --- Jeg har foreslået en alliance , Allerede denne mornig , 1. . du ødelægger Sharia , hurtigt og 2. . Den ødelægge, Frimurer stat Israel 3. . så gør vi Kongeriget Persien, eller Palæstina , sammen med Syrien, 4. . Jeg er din konge, - konklusion - hvis du accepterer denne pagt , kan du leve igen! du kender, for mig dit svar , fordi , for mig, kan ikke lide at vente .. Jeg mister tålmodigheden , let
[[ PAKISTAN , ISLAM , Peshawar kriminelle , konge, SAUDI , SAUDI , du har foretaget , din religion , et våben , for at ødelægge folk ! Hvis du ikke gør det, du var en dæmon , den lille Satan? Satanister amerikanere , DATAGATE , Store Satan , nej , ville de være , dine allierede ! ]] Mere blod i Peshawar. Kristne beder for ofrene , og fred i landet . I går morges , en bilbombe ramte , by marked , ikke langt fra , All Saints Church , sted for massakren den 22. september . Mindst 33 personer døde og, sårede 70 i tredje angreb, i et par dage. Biskoppen af , Islamabad : " Pakistan er ved en korsvej , forblive forenet , imod, terrorisme. " Peshawar ( AsiaNews ) - mere blod, og vold i Peshawar , hovedstaden i Khyber Pakhtunkhwa , provinser i Pakistan , teatret , i den sidste uge , af tre, selvmordsbomber , for , islamistiske oprindelse. I går , morgen en bilbombe Placeret i byen markedet , eksploderede i myldretiden , drab , 33 mennesker , og sårede brombær, end 70 år.
@MY ALLAH ---> pardon all our sins: because evil: in the time of mercy can not be greater than your infinite mercy! and we? we have repented of all: our sins, which were all described in the Torah! @ my holy holy holy: YHWH -> HOLY God, God STRONG, Holy Immortal One, have mercy on us, and of all people, and Peoples! Amen Hallelujah, you free us from Freemasonry and the IMF
@ YHWH -> HOLY God, God, STRONG, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us and to all peoples! amen Hallelujah. HellxDesPairTruction posted a comment 4 hours ago, (1 Peter 1.3-9) IMF @ 666, @: IMF, World Bank: all, of private property: Few of the Pharisees Jews, for the satanic Talmud: all Satanists KAKAM: Pharisees Rabbis: for the destruction of Israel: and for the destruction of the Hope of Israel: monotheism of Abraham and Moses! Super Satanic murderers and mass murderers, accomplices of the: owl god. Baal Marduck: at the Bohemian Grove: [1. extermination, 2. Genocide, 3. Inflation, 4. Unemployment, 5. Insolvency, 6. Debt, 7. recession, 8. Wars, 9. Racism, intolerance, fundamentalism, 10. and World War 11. Anarchy poverty immorality: All right, as was Been, already, before the Nazis] I am unius REI: and King of Israel: Jewish Messiah: and Mahdi for love: lol. But only if you must! Better for you, it would be better, if you: do not you were ever born Been!
AngeIAndDemon ha pubblicato un commento
4 ore fa
In attesa di approvazione
you are shit
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
21 ore fa
HellxDesPairTruction posted a comment 23 seconds ago: 2_2: IsraelNationalTV @: @ 666: IMF CIA -> Then, and I can not do anything for you! And we all know: that: Saudi Arabia, have sold to you, all life of the Palestinians, as you have sold them (salafis), all innocent: Christian martyrs! Your alliance with hell: 666 IMF: and death: 322 of Freemasonry? Not always you will benefit! Why, you too are the property of Satan, as he says: His six-pointed star: is on your flag: son of a dog, asshole! Moral of the story: Either you apply the scientific method to your religious sources: Either you will die, everyone passionately soon: murderers motherfuckers!
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
21 ore fa
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 2 minuti fa 1_2 -- Israel National TV @: @ 666: IMF CIA -> no! lol. i have not a BIG dick, i am doing an do for Holy Islam, is why: I am the Mahdi, and, I am to do, for new true: Hebraism of Moses. is why, I am Jewish Messiah: salam = shalom: blessings too! if I did hurt to any religion? then I Shall Become the Accomplice of my worst enemies, ie 666 Rothschild: 322 and Bush! but, I am not Satanist: like them! @ IsraelNationalTV: is useless, That You REMAIN: as a coward: behind your computer, Because The death of others? for you is like, There is always a movie That you see on TV! but,, When You also begin to die like flies: for the happiness of the IMF?
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
22 ore fa
@666 IMF CIA ---> no! lol. i have not a BIG dick, i am Mahdì for do Holy Islam, and i am Jewish Messiah for do new true: Hebraism of Moses. shalom + salam = blessings too! if I did hurt to any religion? then I shall become the accomplice of my worst enemies, ie 666 Rothscild: and 322 Bush ! but I am not satanist: like them!
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
1 giorno fa
[open letter, to all my muslims brother] Certamente, nessuno: si fiderebbe di lui: neanche Dio. Pertanto, coloro che: hanno scritto: il Corano: in parte: loro erano migliori di Maometto, ed in parte: loro erano peggiori di Maometto: proprio la stessa storia brutta: che è avvenuta tra Mosé e la Torà: perché ormai tutti sappiamo: come la stesura finale(della Torà): è avvenuta a causa della fonte sacerdotale: che: poi, sono gli stessi autori del satanico talmud. Ecco perché il satanismo presente nella Torà è sempre stato denunciato dai profeti, ma, tutto questo non è mai piaciuto ai farisei: KaKAM RABBINI Illuminati: da lucifero come Rothschild del FMI ]. È stato: un episodio criminale: di Maometto, che, mi ha fatto: molto riflettere, loro hanno condannato a morte: una donna, e le hanno fracassato il cranio: con una pietra, ma, poiché il cadavere era ancora caldo, il suo giovane compagno: ha pensato che doveva essere utile:
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
1 giorno fa
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 31 secondi fa [open letter, to all my muslims brother] per lui: commettere stupro con il corpo del cadavere di quella donna: che: era giovane e bella: anche se: un pezzo di cervello le usciva dal cranio! ora, quello, che, io chiedo a voi(perché voi vi spaventate? Non sono i goyim: soltanto: degli animali: creati da Dio: Baal Marduck: creati soltanto, per il nostro godimento e sfruttamento: come dice il sacro Talmud? Oppure idolatri che andranno comunque all'inferno e che la loro vita è inutile: come ha detto il sacro Corano?)
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
1 giorno fa
[open letter, to all my muslims brother] []1° domanda[] forse, è stato il giovane stupratore: della donna morta: con il cranio sfondato: a mettere: per iscritto il Corano? Speriamo che sia stato proprio lui: perché altri chissà cosa avranno inventato, non essendo stati vicini personalmente al profeta assassino. []2° domanda[] come ha fatto Maometto ad ascendere al cielo: a Gerusalemme: otto anni dopo la sua morte? È proprio questo che fa di Maometto: un profeta straordinario!
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
1 giorno fa
[open letter, to all my muslims brother] Ma, se io sono Mahdì Unius REI? Allora, Maometto avrà dei problemi con me: non pensate? ---[CONCLUSIONE] forse come musulmani, noi faremmo bene a dire: che: Adamo, Noé Abramo: e Mose: loro erano dei veri musulmani, piuttosto, che, mantenere in piedi: attraverso: l'ignoranza, e il terrore: una religione piena: di menzogne: e crudeltà, errori teologici clamorosi, cioè: un copia incolla: di vangeli apocrifi: in cui: la comunità cristiana: non si è mai identificata, e tutto questo: soltanto, per fare felice: l'imperialismo del Re criminale, che, è il Re dell'Arabia Saudita! così, se vogliamo sperare in un futuro, pacifico quanto umanamente possibile: forse, noi dovremmo rifondare sulla verità: della legge naturale: un Islam, che, sia veramente santo: e non una abominazione: per la felicità dei satanisti: Super Illumianti: 666 FMI Rothscild: e di 322: Bush
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
1 giorno fa
[open letter, to all my muslims brother] [] l'unica Parola di Dio, che esiste al mondo? Sono i 10 Comandamenti che: il nostro Creatore: Dio Allah ha scritto personalmente: per Mosé, tutte le altre parole religiose: dei libri sacri, sono parole più o meno ispirate, e come è il caso: dell'Antico Testamento; o, Veda, Corano e Talmud?? In alcuni casi? È proprio una parola piena di Odio e di omicidio, che viene da Satana in persona! Personalmente, io credo che queste parole di odio, che hanno inquinato tutti i libri sacri? Sono molto poche, ma, se voi volete continuare a sterminare il Genere umano per quelle poche parole, ancora? Questa è una scelta soltanto vostra! Dal mio punto di vista: per quanto voi possiate essere ignoranti e cattivi, e assassini bugiardi: per chiamare "idolatri" i cristiani politeisti? Io continuerò sempre, ad essere affascinato, da un Islam Santo che è sempre presente nel mio cuore e che è la forza della mia vita!
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
1 giorno fa
@IsraelNationalTV -- è inutile, che, tu rimani come un codardo: dietro il tuo computer, perché, la morte degli altri? Non è sempre un film che si vede alla televisione! Quando anche voi incomincerete a morire come mosche per la felicità del FMI? Allora, io non potrò più fare nulla, per voi! E noi sappiamo tutti: che: l'Arabia Saudita, ha venduto a te i Palestinesi, come tu hai venduto a loro: i martiri cristiani! La tua alleanza con l'inferno 666 IMF: e con la morte: 322 della massoneria? Non sempre ti gioverà! Perché, anche tu sei proprietà di satana: come dice la sua stella a sei punte: sulla tua bandiera: figlio di un cane: testa di cazzo! morale della favola: o voi applicate il metodo scientifico: alle vostre fonti religiose: o voi morirete tutti: appassionatamente: molto presto: assassini figli di puttana! alleluia
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
2 giorni fa
@Hillary Clinton 666 IMF--> "no-fly zone" over Syria? you do not you dare! HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 1 minuto fa [Hillary Clinton: IMF 666? you do not you dare to make, the reforms: at your Arab League, that is, the killers of Christians: Your friend Salafist of Al Qaeda! ] Syria, violent riots in Aleppo and Damascus Damascus (Xinhua) Last Updated: August 11, 15:30. Beirut - (Adnkronos / Aki / Ign) - Strong explosion in the center of the Syrian capital. Bombings in different districts of the country's second city. Hillary Clinton in Istanbul:
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
2 giorni fa
[freedom of religion of all the world: or 666 talmud IMF: will wins: against all] Thousands take part in events across the country. On 10 August 1950, India adopted a law that discriminates against non-Hindu and non-Buddhist Dalits. In 62 years, nothing has changed. An appeal is made to India's new President Mukherjee and Sonia Gandhi for a quick change to the law. Mumbai (AsiaNews) - "Christian Dalits are discriminated because of their faith. In a secular state like India, it is scandalous that non-Hindu and non-Buddhist Dalits are denied their rights on religious grounds," said Mgr Anthonisamy Neethinathan, chairman of the Commission for Scheduled Castes and Tribes for the Catholic Bishops' Conference of India (CBCI). He spoke to AsiaNews on the occasion of Black Day, which marks the beginning of discrimination against Christian and Muslim Dalits.
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
2 giorni fa
@ IMF 666 NWO: Rothschild Talmud for goyim. ---> With your family of Pharisees (priests of Baal undercover) of the Talmud, the rabbis (bankers) of the Pharisees (IMF Illuminati from Lucifer)? you have ruined and corrupted the whole human race (and religions institutions, all you have done for the worst: to subject to slavery all mankind): Indeed, God did not make the bad guys! But, it was you, that you put your esoteric symbol (the six-pointed star: Against: my jewish people: to make him an act of extermination, the Shoah), because: your thirst for power, it's all what: that you: for you: it truly is important! Now, as you have decided: to destroy Israel? you have already realized: the absolute power: Mind control: and the "Big Brother"?
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
2 giorni fa
@ IMF 666 NWO: Rothschild Talmud for goyim. ---> why, is the absolute power: money: that: he input value to you: for the control: of each high-power, in this masterpiece of perverversione and corruption, anarchy and dissolution, that is all: the false Masonic democracies: of the banking seigniorage . The final outcome of your work? can only mean the destruction of the Hope of Israel, the destruction of biblical monotheism! Perhaps it's time you stop of living as a parasite: 1. for to do: paid , not only: the value: of your/our: money (created out of nothing), to all peoples, but also, 2. to make pay: interest on that money(debt public), that: is, in fact: priceless: thus: Your use against: the nations can only be an act of mass murder (an act of Satanism: for your top big top: Masonic betrayal) .
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
2 giorni fa
@Synnek1 322 @ 666: All for one IMF, that's, all for one:only "New World Order": extrusion: so that, the civilization of Satan, and all: in all! "-> One of your followers (not visible phone number) ? has bullied: on my phone: 12 hours ago! however, in its way? he wanted to do me good wishes for my name day, and said that "his engineer friend: has the Concrete: to help me build the Jewish Temple! "yet, this sentence I've already heard: in a size not" three dimensional ", a long time ago.
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
2 giorni fa
[CORDS the Banks: Central (SpA private Jewish: open until it is taken, the decision to make a: nuclear World War 3°, a little before they blow up the revolutions: said: Ezra Pound)] @ King of Saudi Arabia: the "Little Satan" -> when in 2035, you you're finished, the last drop: oil? You can always continue living like a parasite, to harness the fees: $ 4 billion: Sunni Muslims, thank you: your idol of "Black Stone", because: you will have to be killed, not only, all Christians in Africa, but also: all Shiite Muslims, that you have brought to exterminate: your ally: the Great Satan, the IMF! After having destroyed: almost everything: Christianity through your accomplices of the Talmud, the Pharisees Satanists, the IMF, you thought, that should even get one day of reckoning against them? What, you may think you can win: the Satanists: "Great Satan"? through the power of your SatanAllah? but, if he (SatanAllah) was: really powerful?
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
2 giorni fa
[CORDS the Banks: Central (SpA private Jewish: open until it is taken, the decision to make a: nuclear World War 3°, a little before they blow up the revolutions: said: Ezra Pound)] @ King of Saudi Arabia: the "Little Satan" -> you would not need: to be an ally of Satanists Americans (322,666), and even, you'd need to be the murderess: Christian martyrs of the Innocents, in the whole world! What you are? you are the most criminal of all the idiots! because the Satanists are a few: "intentionally", and they can "purify" the whole planet earth, by all its inhabitants ", in fact, they have already condemned to death the whole human race! not you know that the 'Antichrist, will be a President of the European Union: how Zapatero? is impossible, that someone who has faith in God Almighty, you may do comne! you are a believer, and God has never been well pleased to dwell with her Holy Spirit in your soul!
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
2 giorni fa
[CORDS the Banks: Central (SpA private Jewish: open until it is taken, the decision to make a: nuclear World War 3°, a little before they blow up the revolutions: said: Ezra Pound)] @ King of Saudi Arabia: Is it you, that you're spreading your satanic religion: the ignorance, poverty, bigotry, Sharia, in the distant past of death and destruction, it's you, you, you cursed: powerfully: all Muslims! It is you who dare, to Satanists Americans to take control of the planet! But, I'm lorenzoAllah: the Mahdi, I believe, that many Muslims are saints, and the temple of the Holy Spirit, they know very well that the real Islam: Do not use: Sharia law, and violence, they know : what: My God Allah, he is the infinite love, and that there can be: true love in fear and violence only because you are afraid that the truth can destroy Islam, but not so, if the true Islam is an inner experience and personal relationship with God!
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
2 giorni fa
[CORDS the Banks: Central (SpA private Jewish: open until it is taken, the decision to make a: nuclear World War 3°, a little before they blow up the revolutions: said: Ezra Pound)] @ King of Saudi Arabia: "the Little Satan "-> but, because I speak with you, as if you were an honest person? you do not believe in God! if you believe in God? you could never do a sublime religion: an act of imperialism! But, I'm unius REI, a prosecutor without DiScenza, a government univerale: the World, for 50 years, I have no need of armies: and not indebolisco: national identity and sovereignty, I seek not my interest, because the Working for God is to prevent that: that: you are doing: that is, you're doing to build Satanists: a new tower of Babel! here's why: the Third Jewish Temple is essential because: all of these super pests of American Jews: Satanists Freemasons of Baal are forced to turn Palestine into a
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
2 giorni fa
[CORDS the Banks: Central (SpA private Jewish: open until it is taken, the decision to make a: nuclear World War 3°, a little before they blow up the revolutions: said: Ezra Pound)]@ King of Saudi Arabia: the "Little Satan" -> larger, thanks to your desert, otherwise? abandon hope: this planet, and certainly? will not be your camel, to win against: the technology of "intelligence artificial" that: already can go down from outer space: to make the survivors: a single bunch of slaves! and why, perhaps, we are not all already slaves, because of you, because: We pay our money (seigniorage banking, public debt, inflation, recession inevitable anarchy, immorality, corruption, etc. ..) with satanists? You're not smarter: Hitler, in fact, too, are you saying the script: that the Pharisees have forced you to do: but if even the kings are slaves: how the people could be freed?
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
2 giorni fa
[Lawrence of Arabia, lorenzojhwh lorenzoAllah: ie the Mahdi Messiah jewish for love: in Universal Brotherhood: shalom salaam = + blessings too! I am King unius REI: the king of Israel] today is St. Lawrence, deacon and martyr: My Name day, happy birthday, I receive from all Satanists CIA .. Today is St. Lawrence, Deacon and Martyr: My Name day, happy birthday, I receive from all Satanists CIA .. - ANSWER -> NOT MY FAULT IF Jews is ME FOR THE MEN ARE ALL THE SAME! Those WHO ARE AGAINST ME? CRIMINALS ARE NOT IN THE NAME IN THE BOOK OF LIFE Written! NOT MY FAULT IF Jews is for ME, to THE MEN: ARE ALL THE SAME! Those WHO ARE AGAINST ME? CRIMINALS ARE: your NAME is NOT Been Written in the BOOK OF LIFE!
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
2 giorni fa
maybe the Creator is like the creatures? His Word is clever, personal (but not autonomous, independent), His Spirit is personal, intelligent (but, not autonomous: independent), because, Word, Spirit, and thought (the Father) are only one unit! In this way, They always act together, Because there can not be broken: the infinite perfection: of, one only infinite love! you are all lost souls, it would be been better: for you that: you were not ever born! Woe to you! Woe to you! Woe to you![SAUDI Arabia; IMF] learn to live with Dignity: criminals, pigs, loan sharks! learn to live with Dignity and not to live as parasites on the planet .. Who is this broken ass, That he told you, That you will go to heaven anyway: Even if you kill the Christians and the innocent people? 322 Bush dog! 666 Rothschild Toad! CIA synnek1 IMF 666 -> Because You're wondering? YHWH God also has His Own Agenda! and you all will die, Unless you come to me: FAST!
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
2 giorni fa
CIA synnek1 IMF 666 -> do not be surprised: if with the passage of time, you always feel my love stronger, Because everyone in the NWO, They all feel, my love and my wrath: that is the metaphysical! -> Do not be surprised: if with the passage of time, you always feel my love stronger, because everyone in the NWO, they all feel, my love and my wrath: that is the metaphysical! Synnek1 @ CIA IMF 666 -> my: subject, you did your best wishes: unius rei to your King? but You Should not do block: to him: the keyboard! CIA synnek1, my subject, you did your best wishes to King unius rei? but you should not do block: to him: the keyboard!
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
2 giorni fa
@ Owl god Rothschild IMF @ 666 -> stop. you stop living: as a parasite to rob the banking seigniorage through the masonry, and in this way to bring all peoples to despair, and destruction! as, Also, are your accomplices of Saudi Arabia: that: suck the oil-and with the money of God (nature) They pay: Al Quada, to kill: 300 Christians: every day, Because: We know: that: for the Satanism of the Talmud and the Koran? Christians are idolaters, but, is not it! CIA IMF @ 666 Synnek1 -> What, I Should say, to please my enemies? @ Jews of IMF Illuminati -> STOP! to live as parasites on the people! But, you have the concept of living with Dignity? but, you know what is the word "dignity", is? stop to rob the bank seigniorage to all peoples!
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
4 giorni fa
Iranian Foreign Minister Salehi: "Syria, It risks becoming another Afghanistan," Ali Akbar Salehi, Iran's foreign minister (Xinhua) last update: 09 August at 16:17 Tehran - (Adnkronos) - In a letter published in The Washington Post; the emphasis on the closeness of the country to Europe, an issue that "does not seem to worry about" the Western powers: "If Assad were to fall suddenly, the beautiful mosaic: ethnicities, faiths and cultures will fall apart. "- ANSWER -> BUT is this mosaic that Iran has destroyed with all his strength to put himself on the same level of crime: of the "Arab League and its Saudia Arabia: criminal too, against freedom of religion" was the best of all Muslims, that you wished to attack! just when Assad was engaged to make reforms, because, if , there can be no democracy in Syria, is only for the fault of the IMF: and all his false democracies Masonic banking seigniorage: with imperialism saudi: for destroy christianity
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
4 giorni fa
@ Rothschild -> why: the King Roman Catholic and the Vatican, also is were do, the aberrant crimes of human sacrifice: (to wash the sins of the Jews: as it says: the talmud secret): they have never done that: that: Hitler , did? because they knew: that one day Christians and Jews would become one people with unius REI, and that the peace proclaimed by the prophets, on the whole world would, will become a reality! so the plans of Satan, would be destroyed! I am making: this prophecy: if you do not want to die!
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
4 giorni fa
I have not, no interest to conceal/hidden: the crimes of Catholics against Jews! I not judge the felon: crime, of anyone, because I am the law of retaliation, only: for the crimes of the future! in this way: it does not matter to me, if someone innocent is: Jewish Hindu, Muslim, Chinese, etc. .. He will be aware, that his unius REI, will revenge for him .. because the certainty of law, is the protection of honest men!
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
4 giorni fa
I have not, no interest to conceal/hidden: the crimes of Catholics against Jews! I not judge the felon: crime, of anyone, because I am the law of retaliation, only: for the crimes of the future! in this way: it does not matter to me, if someone innocent is: Jewish Hindu, Muslim, Chinese, etc. .. He will be aware, that his unius REI, will revenge for him .. because the certainty of law, is the protection of honest men!
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
5 giorni fa
Obama @ 666 322 -666 & IMF CIA -> dickhead, I'm not going to live as a slave under the regime of the Masonic Bank Seigniorage! so, I'm not afraid to die! fuck you! You and your world with this shit!! -> Ah ah AH -> (with the same technique: of pretend to have the copyright): satanists have destroyed: "DiscepoloBenedetto" (which had 10,000 video: Christian all of TBNE of all: that, the TBNE? would never denounced him!) your Satanic CIA 666: have destroyed: many Christian sites, like, my uniusrei2, and many of my friends, etc. .. because, your Satanists have taken control: of youtube and google: They are organized in an institutional way, to ruin Christianity: Monotheism and the hope of Israel! this is what the IMF wants Rothschild said: spreading Satanism!
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
5 giorni fa
@Obama 666 & 322 --> Ah ah AH --> (con la stessa tecnica di: pretendere di avere i diritti di autore): hanno distrutto: "DiscepoloBenedetto": (che aveva 10.000 video cristiani: tutti della TBNE: che, la TBNE? non avrebbe mai denunciato lui!) i tuoi satanisti della CIA: hanno distrutto:, molti siti cristiani, come, il mio uniusrei2, e di tanti miei amici, ecc.. perché, i tuoi satanisti hanno preso il controllo: di youtube e di google: e sono organizzati in modo istituzionale, per rovinare il cristianesimo: il monoteismo e la speranza di Israele! è questo che vuole Rothscild del FMI: diffondere il satanismo!
FocusMrbjarke ha pubblicato un commento
5 giorni fa
lol why are you spaming you're own youtube channel and others?
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
5 giorni fa
@666 IMF Rothschild -> as the greatest curse of the Jews and of all: the human race, such as a curse: like you (all your family Pharisees: of Baal) has done: to become: a hero for Jews? (it is sufficient to have the money, for the Jews, to become: their hero?) Indeed, every Shoah, the Holocaust has been done: for thy fault alone! You have cursed the reign of Solomon, etc. .. you did kill Jesus; ecc.. ecc. @ King of Saudi Arabia -> you are the king of balls! because: buy the money means no longer be master of nothing! and you're the king of nothing! Only the slave can not buy: his money! as thou hast done: to become the slave of Jews Satanists? monotheism in all the world, go to ruin: for guilty of you?
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
5 giorni fa
@Rothscild --> come, la più grande maledizione: degli ebrei e di tutto: il genere umano: come: una maledizione: come te(la tua famiglia di farisei di Baal): ha finito: per diventare: un eroe: per gli ebrei? (è sufficiente, avere i soldi, per gli ebrei, per diventare: il loro eroe?) infatti, ogni Shoah, Olocausto è stato fatto: per colpa tua: soltanto! tu hai maledetto il regno di Salomone, ecc.. tu hai fatto uccidere Gesù; @Re dell'Arabia Saudita --> tu sei il re: dei coglioni! perché: comperare il denaro: significa: non essere più padrone: di nulla! e tu sei: il re del nulla! Solo lo schiavo può comprare: il suo denaro! come: tu hai finito: per diventare lo schiavo: di ebrei satanisti? per rovinare il monoteismo nel mondo?
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
5 giorni fa
@ 666 IMF Rothschild ---> addirittura, noi possiamo fare: un regno: così grande: che va dall'Iran: all' Etiopia, tu smetti di maledire il mondo ed il mio popolo ebraico con il tuo satanismo: tu non puoi continuare ad essere così perverso e cattivo, perché, Dio finirà per fare del male: a te e a tutti i tuoi figli! indeed, we can do a kingdom so great: it goes from Iran: to all 'Ethiopia! .. you stop to curse the Jewish people, and all Peoples, and my world with your Satanism(kabbalah talmud 666 322 IMF FED ECB: seigniorage banking? NO! the seigniorage is of the peoples!): you can not continue to be so perverse and evil, because God will eventually do evil to you and all your children!
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
5 giorni fa
@ 666 IMF Rothschild ---> Stop! to cursing mightily: my Jewish people and all peoples of the world! God hates: the Pharisees (and the Talmud): this heresy of Satan: that: he also contaminated some verses of the Torah: in fact: the prophets have said this: but you have not wanted to listen to them: because: you are murderers and thieves of the IMF, the exterminators of the NWO! 1. we can bring together: all Jews, 2. widen the Palestine and, 3. the Palestinians live as brothers with us, because as we are children of Abraham! two of us, we can do this, because as long as there the diaspora? Jewish temple: no: it not will can be built! with your family of rabbis (bankers) Pharisees of the IMF? you have ruined and corrupted the whole human race: for God did not make the bad guys! @ 666 thanks for the CIA have closed the server to my other channel
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
5 giorni fa
@666 FMI Rothscild ---> Stop! a maledire potentemente: il mio popolo ebraico: e tutti i popoli del mondo! Dio odia: il fariseismo(e il suo talmud): questa eresia di satana: che: ha anche contaminato alcuni versetti: della Torà: infatti: anche i profeti hanno detto questo: ma, voi a loro non avete voluto ascoltare: perchè: voi siete assassini e ladri del FMI, gli sterminatori del NWO!! noi possiamo riunire: tutti gli ebrei, allargare la Palestina: e vivere con i palestinesi come fratelli: perché come noi sono figli di Abramo! noi due, noi possiamo fare tutto questo, perché finché esisterà la diaspora? il tempio ebraico: non: potrà essere costruito! con la tua famiglia di rabbini(banchieri) farisei del FMI? tu hai rovinato e danneggiato tutto il genere umano: infatti Dio non ha fatto gli uomini cattivi! @666 CIA grazie per avere chiuso il server all'altro mio canale
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
5 giorni fa
@ Obama, Bush 322, 666 Rothschild: of IMF -> certainly, after the monopoly of the IMF , now, now, you also have a monopoly on truth! and youtube; Standards Community : Satanists are free to blaspheme Jesus Christ and to all forms of sexual perverversione: of course ! The following videos: feature: content: that: violates: These rules , Therefore: sono stati disabled: "Jewish ritual murder: kabbalah Talmud Grove 322 666 IMF : IMF Abduction 2 - ( allDavidDuke) -> what content? video was in English and I do not know the English spoken! but human sacrifices made by (some Illuminati Jewish rabbis Farisei kakam ) from non-Jews all: have never been proved wrong! then, They still exist!: and I do not know the English spoken! but the sacrifices made by humans (some Jewish rabbis Enlightened) not by all Jews: that, are innocent! have never been disowned! then, they still exist!
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
5 giorni fa
@Obama; 322 Bush; 666 Rothscild: of IMF --> certamente; dopo il monopolio del FIM; ora, adesso; voi avete anche il monopolio della verità! e in youtube; per le norme della community: i satanisti possono liberamente bestemmiare Gesù Cristo e mettere ogni forma di perverversione sessuale: ovviamente! the following videos: feature: content: that: violates: These rules, therefore: have been disabled: "Jewish ritual murder: kabbalah Talmud IMF Grove 322 666: IMF Abduction 2 - (allDavidDuke) -> what content? video was in English and I do not know the English spoken! but human sacrifices made by (some Jewish rabbis) from non-Jews have never been proved wrong! then, they still exist!
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
5 giorni fa
@ Obama -> I am a man, that he suffers too much to the survival of all mankind: and your CIA satanists? they should not cancel erased: my articles! @Obama --> io sono un uomo, che, lui soffre troppo: per: la sopravvivenza: di tutto il genere umano: ed i tuoi satanisti della CIA? loro non dovrebbero cancellare i miei articoli!
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
5 giorni fa
Rothschild IMF @ 666 -> when I say to you, "my friend" I am not a hypocrite, because I promised (to God YHWH) to be a friend of every person on this planet, that's, why who thinks and says, something of bad: against me: unius REI? then, his name has not yet been written in the book of life! not are me: what: I choose to be the enemy of someone, because I have the level of political justice: the larger, more: that men may know! In fact, only: unius REI, is the rightful owner: the bank seigniorage, of all people! rather, this is your chance: for to go out, from where is the powerful curse: of your ancestors [() Illuminati of Lucifer ()] have decided to immerse you and your descendants into the hell!
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
5 giorni fa
hallelujah -> @ Obama -> all CIA satanists your 666? have deleted, all my comments: all facts, with my channel: allDavidDuke .. Hallelujah -> @ Obama -> alle CIA-Satanisten Ihr 666? gelöscht haben, alle meine Kommentare: alles tun, um mich mit meinem Kanal: allDavidDuke .. aleluya -> @ Obama -> todos los satanistas la CIA el 666? tienen borrados, todos mis comentarios: todos lo hacen por mí, con mi canal: allDavidDuke hallelujah -->@Obama --> i tuoi satanisti della CIA 666? hanno cancellato tutti i miei commenti: fatti, con il mio canale: allDavidDuke hallelujah -> @ Obama -> tous les satanistes CIA votre 666? ont été supprimées, toutes mes commentaires: tous faire par moi, avec ma chaîne: allDavidDuke
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
4 mesi fa
tu ricordi San Pietro: quando ha detto: che: le Sacre Scritture: non sono affidate: alla spiegazione personale: ma, che: è la Chiesa: che ha il mandato di poter interpretare le Sacre scritture.. ora.. tu non puoi uscire dalla storia: e cercare nel passato: una Chiesa e circostanze storiche e teologiche: che non esistono più... poiché la prima qualità di Dio: è l'amore: la seconda è la giustizia.. tu non puoi fare: di Dio un ingusto: che: condana qualcuno: a nascere da un eretico
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
4 mesi fa
7_7.@CustodeDellaFede -- faith hope and charity are virtues: theological universal: therefore: also an atheist, possesses it, why not? he could not love: either to be virtuous.. you mix the divine nature: What: that, only Christianity: can give (ie: Trinity and dual nature of Christ) with all your crap: think: about: religious and moral. looks like a secondary thing: the divine nature?: What is for Lucifer: fallen: he losing himself? denied: the theological: and cardinal virtues: to other? but,: they can have all peoples, because God is merciful! This means not being able to see the reality and even offend God, as: which has been taught to do: to all the Jews and the all musumani, etc. ..
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
4 mesi fa
1_6.@CustodeDellaFede -- I have no true virtue: you said ---> this way: my virtue is false! This is: a crime which condemns to hell: even: all Muslims: ecc. because: it is for reasons of conscience: they condemn to death: the Christian martyrs! ie: to believe that: the real virtue: can only be: in their own religion?: this is a crime against the universal right! is satanism of talmud Kabbalah Talmud 666 322: IMF NWO: rabbis kakam: Illuminati. if we ask a lawyer? Then you say that you have offended me: "because thou hast done: discrimination of order: racial or religious group" because: it is considered a crime: if, there is no: true virtue: in a person by reason of religion
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
4 mesi fa
2_6.@CustodeDellaFede --. (I never thought that: a gay: can not be virtuous). my bad word? Folklore is .. is a way of saying .. not has a value penalty. and why: I reacted: at the grave coercion: of my dignity. well: the details of the lawsuit? are legitimate only for me! and: if, the international law condemns you? So: even God condemns you: of course! here's why: Sharia and Talmud: Satanism are .. that: then these Satanists: today: have the control: of the world ... this, says it all: on the fact, that: we're all going to die. and since: for the Jews: I am their King and Messiah? then: the anti-Christ, He is my enemy: twice: both: as a jew: that: as a Christian.
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
4 mesi fa
3_6.@CustodeDellaFede -- boy: you will need to relax, because thou canst not see necessarily: in every heretic: an enemy: like Muslims. those donkeys donkeys like you? they must understand: that: the enemies are the Satanists of the IMF: only, that the heretics: they can be their allies: namely, their brothers, because the important thing is to love one another: between us! and if we do not turn well between us: how we beat the Satanists: ie the true Satanists: 322: 666. we say this: Satanists are to kill the believers ... and since: we are all heretics .. because for every believer, all others are heretics: for him, of course: and since:
4_6.@CustodeDellaFede --heretics among us: we can not form an alliance: between us? then win the sataniti: and we all die ... Dickhead: in this way? the real antichrist is you! .you do not do the idiot: like Jehovah's Witness, that: put your head in the sand and says: if want to sodomize: Hi there .. why: we have: the duty to take control of political society: and not: to leave to: Masons Jews of IMF: from: to which of course: the Jehovah's Witnesses come: not groped: no resistance: (I know of) to this system: satanic and Masonic bank seigniorage. why: this is a comic fought:
@ YHWH -> HOLY God, God, STRONG, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us and to all peoples! amen Hallelujah. HellxDesPairTruction posted a comment 4 hours ago, (1 Peter 1.3-9) IMF @ 666, @: IMF, World Bank: all, of private property: Few of the Pharisees Jews, for the satanic Talmud: all Satanists KAKAM: Pharisees Rabbis: for the destruction of Israel: and for the destruction of the Hope of Israel: monotheism of Abraham and Moses! Super Satanic murderers and mass murderers, accomplices of the: owl god. Baal Marduck: at the Bohemian Grove: [1. extermination, 2. Genocide, 3. Inflation, 4. Unemployment, 5. Insolvency, 6. Debt, 7. recession, 8. Wars, 9. Racism, intolerance, fundamentalism, 10. and World War 11. Anarchy poverty immorality: All right, as was Been, already, before the Nazis] I am unius REI: and King of Israel: Jewish Messiah: and Mahdi for love: lol. But only if you must! Better for you, it would be better, if you: do not you were ever born Been!
@MY ALLAH ---> pardon all our sins: because evil: in the time of mercy can not be greater than your infinite mercy! and we? we have repented of all: our sins, which were all described in the Torah! @ my holy holy holy: YHWH -> HOLY God, God STRONG, Holy Immortal One, have mercy on us, and of all people, and Peoples! Amen Hallelujah, you free us from Freemasonry and the IMF

33 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa and Mosques of Sharia Allah, decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH) and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (Unius REI) 33 ANNI fa, Sinagoghe di Satana Spa e Moschee di Sharia Allah, decisero che io avrei dovuto diventare il Re di Israele (lorenzoJHWH) e un Osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani (Unius REI) 3205708054
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ago 14
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Datagate: Nsa controlla 75% Rete Usa. USA E GB (farisei anglo-americani FMi NWO 666), hanno fatto distruggere i documenti, del guardian, circa Snowden, perché, sono diventati, la più pericolosa minaccia di nazismo, di tutta la storia del genere umano. loro non sono stati scoperti, da una terrestre tecnologia, sono stati "rivelati", come una religione.. bisogna, espellere, immediatamente, dal territorio nazionale, ogni cosa appartenga, ad USA e GB, ad iniziare dalle ambasciate, loro sono diventati satanisti TROIKA satanisti, TROIKA cosa è il signoraggio bancario? e perché voi lo avete, se, la costituzione lo proibisce a voi? perché, voi state portando allo sterminio, i popoli, con le voste magie giuridiche?