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terroristi indù minacciano nuovi attacchi contro i cristiani e musulmani

14/08/2012 NEPAL
Nepal, terroristi indù minacciano nuovi attacchi contro i cristiani e musulmani
di Kalpit Parajuli 
Il nuovo capo del Nepal Defense Army pronto a compiere attentati contro chiese cattoliche ed edifici di culto. Minacce al parroco della cattedrale dell'Assunzione e un a leader protestante.
Kathmandu (AsiaNews) - Gli estremisti indù del Nepal Defense Army (Nda) minacciano attentati contro le chiese cattoliche e ordinano a cristiani e musulmani di lasciare il Paese. È quanto emerge da una serie di telefonate ricevute...

13/08/2012 PAKISTAN
Islamabad, leader cristiano incriminato per blasfemia con false accuse
di Jibran Khan
Secondo la denuncia egli avrebbe inviato messaggi telefonici offensivi sulla madre di Maometto. Esperti di legge parlano di errori procedurali nel capo di accusa. Attivisti per i diritti umani promettono battaglia in tribunale. Mons. Rufin Anthony: è un caso di “inimicizia personale”.
Londra 2012, gli Stati Uniti superano la Cina e tornano in vetta al medagliere olimpico
Cala il sipario sulla XXX edizione dei Giochi. Passaggio di consegne a Rio de Janeiro, per l’anno 2016. Dopo il trionfo di Pechino 2008, il Dragone torna sul secondo gradino del podio, ma i media patriottici denunciano “ingiustizie”. Fra gare e record, la vittoria della fede (Bolt e Farah) sul relativismo britannico.

13/08/2012 INDIA
Nuovo superiore della Società del Pilar: Le urgenze della missione ad gentes e della nuova evangelizzazione
di Nirmala Carvalho
P.Francis Carvalho, 65 anni, è stato eletto superiore lo scorso 11 agosto. Le priorità del suo istituto sono portare il Vangelo in luoghi non ancora raggiunti da Cristo, come l'Asia e l'Africa. Ma anche impegnarsi per rafforzare la fede degli indifferenti, soprattutto in occidente. Essere sempre a servizio del papa. L'amicizia con i missionari del PIME.
11/08/2012 PAKISTAN
Ricordando Shahbaz Bhatti e Benazir Bhutto, il Pakistan celebra le minoranze
L'11 agosto, nel 65mo anniversario dello storico discorso di Ali Jinnah all'Assemblea, è la giornata dedicata ai non musulmani. Il ministro Paul Bhatti sottolinea che "siamo parte di un'unica nazione" e l'obiettivo è creare "un Pakistan prospero e unito". Inserire le minoranze nel panorama politico e sociale del Paese.
11/08/2012 INDIA 
Migliaia di fedeli salutano mons. Mallavarapu, neo arcivescovo di Vishakapatnam
di Sr. Benigna Menezes*
Il prelato ha guidato per 10 anni la diocesi di Vijayawada, nell'Andhra Pradesh. Alla messa di commiato egli ha invitato i fedeli a ringraziare Dio per il decennio di pace e crescita. Fra i suoi meriti l'aver promosso l'armonia interconfessionale e favorito l'istruzione dei giovani cattolici, con particolare attenzione ai poveri.
10/08/2012 INDIA 
Dalit cristiani e musulmani celebrano il giorno di lutto contro la discriminazione
di Nirmala Carvalho
Le manifestazioni hanno coinvolto migliaia di persone in tutto il Paese. Il 10 agosto 1950 sono state approvate le norme che discriminano i Dalit di religione diversa da indù e buddismo. Dopo 62 anni nulla è cambiato. L'appello al nuovo presidente Mukherjee e a Sonia Gandhi per una rapida revisione delle leggi.
10/08/2012 NEPAL
Nepal, il governo blocca l'emigrazione delle donne nei Paesi del Golfo
di Kalpit Parajuli 
Il divieto riguarda le lavoratrici con meno di 30 anni. Il bando avviene in seguito ai continui casi di abusi sessuali e maltrattamenti subiti dalle donne in Arabia Saudita, Qatar e Kuwait.
Canberra soccorre oltre 200 profughi salpati dalle coste indonesiane 
Tutti cercano asilo politico in territorio australiano. A bordo dell’imbarcazione, intercettata al largo dell’isola di Natale, cittadini provenienti da Sri Lanka, Iran, Afghanistan e Pakistan. Polemiche in Australia sulle condizioni dei mezzi usati per il pattugliamento. Nel 2012 accolti più di 7mila rifugiati.
09/08/2012 INDIA 
Vescovo di Tuticurin: Stop alla centrale nucleare pericolosa per la popolazione
di Santosh Digal 
Mons. Yvon Ambroise critica la precarietà dell'impianto di Kudankulam (Tamil Nadu) e l'indifferenza del governo. Da circa un anno 50mila persone digiunano a turno per la chiusura della centrale. La Chiesa li sostiene e assicura loro preghiere. La crescita e lo sviluppo necessarie, ma non a costo della vita umana.
09/08/2012 SRI LANKA
Colombo: pace e stabilità al centro del Seminario internazionale sulla difesa 
di Melani Manel Perera
La tre giorni in svolgimento nella capitale dall’8 al 10 agosto. È la seconda rassegna promossa dall’esercito ed è incentrata sulle “5 R”: ricostruzione, risistemazione, riabilitazione, reintegrazione e riconciliazione. Ministro della Difesa: sconfitti i ribelli Tamil, lo Sri Lanka nazione “fra le più stabili e pacifiche” al mondo.

Altri articoli
09/08/2012 THAILANDIA
L'arcivescovo di Bangkok, nuovo moderatore dei vescovi amici dei Focolari
India, fuori il pugile Devendro. Storico bronzo per Mary Kom
08/08/2012 INDIA
Orissa, tribunale riapre il caso sull'omicidio di un cristiano insabbiato dalla polizia di Nirmala Carvalho
08/08/2012 PAKISTAN
Il neo premier Ashraf nel mirino della Corte suprema pakistana
07/08/2012 NEPAL
La polizia sventa un attentato degli estremisti indù nel centro di Kathmandu di Kalpit Parajuli
06/08/2012 INDIA
Cristo risorto, speranza per quanti soffrono nelle prigioni indiane
06/08/2012 NEPAL
Olimpiadi, il Nepal "festeggia" 50 anni senza medaglie di Kalpit Parajuli
06/08/2012 INDIA – STATI UNITI 
Libertà religiosa: per gli attivisti indiani è in “serio pericolo” di Nirmala Carvalho
06/08/2012 GRAN BRETAGNA – ASIA 
Olimpiadi Londra 2012: il riscatto della fede, in un Paese che ha bandito i simboli religiosi
04/08/2012 PAKISTAN
Ramadan in Pakistan: conversione all’islam in diretta tv, protestano le minoranze di Imran Morris
04/08/2012 SRI LANKA
Profughi di Mullikulam, l’aiuto delle suore della Sacra Famiglia di Melani Manel Perera
03/08/2012 VATICANO - ISLAM
Messaggio per la fine del Ramadan: Educare i giovani cristiani e musulmani alla giustizia e alla pace

  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    1 secondo fa
    [@666 IMF: @Rothschild --> have been useful, the centuries of the domination money: for your damn family, to bring all the worse! 08/14/2012 INDONESIA Bogor, after 6 years radical Muslims force closure of Saint John the Baptist Parish Church. In a letter, parish priest denounces the groups opposed to the church, forcing its closure. Over 200 faithful of the area gave their consent, but not enough to get the building permit. He adds, a Christian place of worship promotes harmony and provides employment opportunities for all 08/13/2012 PAKISTAN Christian leader falsely charged of blasphemy in Islamabad. The complaint against him claims he sent text messages insulting Muhammad's mother. Legal experts say the case is flawed because charges were laid under the wrong section of the Criminal Code. Human rights activists pledge a battle in court. For Mgr Rufin Anthony, personal animosities are behind the case.
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    1 minuto fa
    [@666 IMF: @Rothschild --> have been useful, the centuries of the domination money: for your damn family, to bring all the worse! sono stati utili, tutti i secoli del dominio monetario: per la tua maledetta famiglia, per portare tutto verso il peggio!] 08/14/2012 CHINA - TIBET: Beatings and arrests while two Tibetans set themselves on fire. Two young men, Lungtok and Tashi, set themselves on fire on the "path of the martyrs" in Ngaba, where there have been several suicides. The two young men were students at the Kirti monastery medical school. Tibetan demonstrators beaten by police with clubs and iron picks. 08/14/2012 NEPAL. Hindu terrorists threaten more attacks against Christians and Muslims. The new chief of the Nepal Defence Army says his group is ready to carry out more attacks against Catholic churches and place of worship. The parish priest at Kathmandu's Assumption Cathedral and a Protestant leader receive threats.
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    5 minuti fa
    @Thorothic --->THE 666 Talmud IMF? have stole the sovereignty! So everyone's life has been stolen! of course, for the saints: there is eternal life, but, not for you, is why, you taking her in the ass, why, is in the hell is your home! fmi? ha rubato la sovranità! allora, la vita di tutti è stata rubata! certo, per i santi: esiste la vita eterna: ma, tu la prenderai nel culo, perché l'inferno è casa tua!
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    8 minuti fa
    08/14/2012 SOUTH KOREA - JAPAN Tensions rising between Seoul and Tokyo over Dokdo/Takeshima Islets A summit in Russia next month could see Japan and South Korea at odds. Territorial disputes have raised tensions as Japan's cabinet considers its response to a visit by the South Korean president to the Dokdo/Takeshima Islands. Some 40 South Korean students want to swim to the islands. ---ANSWER--> WHY THERE IS NO INTERNATIONAL RULES? THEN, THE DO ME! PERCHé NON ESISTE UN REGOLAMENTO INTERNAZIONALE? ALLORA, LO FACCIO IO! ---> IS WHY I AM UNIUS REI
  • Thorothic 
    Thorothic ha pubblicato un commento 
    11 minuti fa
    HellxDesPairTruction WOW Someone needs to get a life.
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    12 minuti fa
    [666 IMF Talmud: I know: this is also your creation to Satan NWO!] ISLAM - CHRISTIANITY. A Muslim convert talks about Christ. by Bernardo Cervellera. By coming out openly on TV, with the danger of recognition and persecution for 'apostasy,' Mohammed Christophe reasserted the importance of conversion and baptism. In Muslim nations, various bishops and priests refuse to baptise Muslims who want to become Christian. Yet, conversion means a revolution in the relationship with God, the father, and Jesus, who gave his life, for one gives up everything putting one's life at risk. Rome (AsiaNews) - A few days ago, the website of Notre Dame de Kabylie posted a tape in which a former Muslim, Mohammed Christophe Bilek, talked about his conversion to Christianity. The original broadcast, which focused on the persecution of Christians, first appeared in 'Dieu Merci' (Thank God), a show that deals with religion on Direct 8, a French TV channel.
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    12 minuti fa
    [666 IMF Talmud: I know: this is also your creation to Satan NWO!] Mohammed Christophe Bilek was born in Algeria in 1950 and has lived in France since 1961. He is the author of two books: Un algérien pas très catholique (A not very Catholic Algerian), published by Cerf (1999) and Saint Augustin raconté à ma fille (Saint Augustine as told to my daughter), published by Éditions Qabel (2011). In the 1990s, he founded the Notre Dame de Kabylie (in French), a website devoted to evangelisation among Muslims and Muslim-Christian dialogue. In the video, Bilek highlights the risk Muslim converts face when accused of apostasy, an offence that can be punished by death. Nevertheless, he insists on the importance of baptism, the encounter with Jesus Christ and affiliation with the Church.His views go against those of priests and bishops in Muslim countries,
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    12 minuti fa
    [666 IMF Talmud: I know: this is also your creation to Satan NWO!] who prefer to dissuade or even deny baptism to Muslims who want to convert out of fear for the consequences they and Christian communities might face. Is baptising banned? A few weeks ago, a bishop in an Arab country in the Middle East told me that police threatened to close one of his communities because members had advertised a Christian-Muslim meeting on dialogue. Police were concerned that this might be the first step towards so-called proselytising and apostasy. "If this is the reaction to a meeting on dialogue, imagine what it would be if we had a conversion," an embittered bishop said.
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    13 minuti fa
    It is no wonder then that the prelate is against conversions and baptisms for only this seems to be the way to preserve the little freedom of worship that exists in the country in question. In places like Morocco, and until recently Algeria, the situation is such that dioceses were instructed not to baptise Muslims who want to convert to Catholicism because "local laws ban it." Fr Samir Khalil remembers that a few years ago, he met a Muslim whose request for baptism was rejected for 13 years. Baptism, he was told, would bring him a lot of trouble, force him to emigrate to avoid being executed for apostasy, and endanger the priest performing the baptism. And yet, for all this time, the would-be convert studied the Gospels and the catechism on his own and led a life of prayers.
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    13 minuti fa
    [666 IMF Talmud: I know: this is also your creation to Satan NWO!] In Egypt, the Christian clergy also tends to avoid baptising Muslims; only a few priests have done so in secret. Speaking to AsiaNews, a religious who has been in Egypt for decades, said that baptising at any cost "is against the Second Vatican Council because the Council said that non-Christians can also find salvation outside the Church." Implicitly, this means that baptism is unnecessary and that people find salvation according to their circumstances. This is not the place to start a theological debate about the faith in Christ and the salvation of non-Christians. Suffices it to say, that both Dominus Iesus and the Doctrinal note on some aspects of evangelization reiterate the importance of a 'visible' and socially relevant affiliation to Christ and the Church.
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    13 minuti fa
    [666 IMF Talmud: I know: this is also your creation to Satan NWO!] What is more, baptism is a life-changing experience, one that alters the convert's perception of life. Changes occur in the here and now, not in some future 'eternal' life after death. For this reason, offering others the baptism is not a superficial deed but a gift of life and hope in the present. Being baptised or not being baptised are not equivalent. Christians' 'solar' God vs the Qur'an's 'lunar' God. Faith changes the present in a profound and meaningful way. On Notre Dame de Kabylie, Mohammed Christophe explains his conversion by stressing his new understanding of God. "If the God of the Qur'an is the same as that of the Christians, why did I, Mohammed, become Christophe," he asked himself. "Having lived in Islam, practiced its precepts among people who are still Muslim (his family still is), I continue to be dazzled by the discovery of the Gospel," he said by way of answer.
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    13 minuti fa
    [666 IMF Talmud: I know: this is also your creation to Satan NWO!] "The light that comes from the Gospel suggests a comparison, one based on a certain premise. Anyone who wants to talk about the God of Islam must refer to Qur'an. If we replace the word 'God' with 'light', the light of the Qur'an is lunar, that of the Gospel is solar." "Whether God is one, i.e. the creator, whatever the name we might have given him, is something I can accept. If we stuck to this premise, it would not be necessary to leave Islam and become Christian."
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    14 minuti fa
    [666 IMF Talmud: I know: this is also your creation to Satan NWO!] "Yet, Jesus came to reveal, first to the Jews, then to all men, that 'God is your Father, that God loves you and wants you with Him to give you His life!' Upon such words, I do not hesitate one moment. I accept the offer, not once, but twice. I know that the Qur'an makes an offer in which I may deserve (but that is not certain) a carnal and materialist heaven (Sura 38, 50-52) that reminds me more of ads for vacation spots to idle away the time under the tropical sun than of the certainty of 'knowing' my God and Lord." What about the images we have of Christ and Mohammed? Two quotes say it all for Mohammed Christophe.
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    14 minuti fa
    [666 IMF Talmud: I know: this is also your creation to Satan NWO!] In one case, Jesus said, "I am the good shepherd. A good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep," whilst in the other, Mohammed is told "O Prophet! We have made lawful to thee thy wives to whom thou hast paid their dowers; and those whom thy right hand possesses" (Sura 33, 50)." "Let us be serious. It is one thing to say 'there is but one God for all;' it is another to say that He is interested in me, insignificant worm, to the extent that he 'deifies' me in Jesus. [. . .] Such revelation was my calling." Jesus, man's freedom without submission, Mohammed Christophe also speaks about apostasy and the possibility of death that comes from following him. Christ says, "Are you ready to follow me and leave everything for me? When one realises what Jesus asks, out of love, we can see how difficult it is to follow him. It is also one thing to say 'yes' with one's lips; it is another to leave everything behind for Him.
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    14 minuti fa
    [666 IMF Talmud: I know: this is also your creation to Satan NWO!] "For those of us who come from Islam, this means breaking with one's past, family and community as well as one's moral or spiritual certainties." "I say it is much easier to remain a Muslim, not take a stance (since we have the same God). There are many easy excuses not to make the break, not to accept this transformation, not to die in oneself and not to follow Christ. Conversion is demanding and cannot be done without his help.""This is what the rich youth in the Gospel could not do, because, at least at the start, one must freely agree. Jesus does not impose on me any "submission" but only the freedom to love him." "This is an important difference.
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    15 minuti fa
    [666 IMF Talmud: I know: this is also your creation to Satan NWO!] Does God create us as free men or slaves? Depending on our answer, God is not the same. In one case, I risk the punishment reserved for apostates or unbelievers; in the other, I am the prodigal son expected by his father, who calls all his servants as soon he sees him on the horizon." "Leaving Islam is dangerous. It is done at the risk of one's life. Thus, dear brothers and sisters in the West, welcome and help those who do it." "I insist. I am not talking about the God of the Muslims but of the God of the Qur'an. Muslims are my brothers; perhaps one day, they may be my brothers and sisters in Christ." "Since the 1990s, this has not only been a hope but it has also been a reality that has made me rejoice and praise the Lord. Alleluia! Jesus has come to save all men, Muslims included."
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    25 minuti fa
    @ "666 CIA IMF unius Rei3" has posted a comment 25 minutes ago ----> [when I have to deal with Satan] 1. if I am pure as an angel, or if, 2. I'm dirty, as a Satanist? This does not have: no importance for me! because, I am: always clothed in Christ! I can not deal fight with: no in mode the supernatural evil, or even worse, I can not deal the esigenge the Kingdom of God through: my human justice! and since: the coward of Satan, he know all this? he would not ever, come to me! but I am, that I seek him to break his horns

A Muslim convert talks about Christ
by Bernardo Cervellera
By coming out openly on TV, with the danger of recognition and persecution for 'apostasy,' Mohammed Christophe reasserted the importance of conversion and baptism. In Muslim nations, various bishops and priests refuse to baptise Muslims who want to become Christian. Yet, conversion means a revolution in the relationship with God, the father, and Jesus, who gave his life, for one gives up everything putting one's life at risk.

Rome (AsiaNews) - A few days ago, the website of Notre Dame de Kabylie posted a tape in which a former Muslim, Mohammed Christophe Bilek, talked about his conversion to Christianity. The original broadcast, which focused on the persecution of Christians, first appeared in 'Dieu Merci' (Thank God), a show that deals with religion on Direct 8, a French TV channel.
Mohammed Christophe Bilek was born in Algeria in 1950 and has lived in France since 1961. He is the author of two books: Un algérien pas très catholique (A not very Catholic Algerian), published by Cerf (1999) and Saint Augustin raconté à ma fille (Saint Augustine as told to my daughter), published by Éditions Qabel (2011). In the 1990s, he founded the Notre Dame de Kabylie (in French), a website devoted to evangelisation among Muslims and Muslim-Christian dialogue.
In the video, Bilek highlights the risk Muslim converts face when accused of apostasy, an offence that can be punished by death. Nevertheless, he insists on the importance of baptism, the encounter with Jesus Christ and affiliation with the Church.
His views go against those of priests and bishops in Muslim countries, who prefer to dissuade or even deny baptism to Muslims who want to convert out of fear for the consequences they and Christian communities might face.
Is baptising banned?
A few weeks ago, a bishop in an Arab country in the Middle East told me that police threatened to close one of his communities because members had advertised a Christian-Muslim meeting on dialogue. Police were concerned that this might be the first step towards so-called proselytising and apostasy. "If this is the reaction to a meeting on dialogue, imagine what it would be if we had a conversion," an embittered bishop said.
It is no wonder then that the prelate is against conversions and baptisms for only this seems to be the way to preserve the little freedom of worship that exists in the country in question.
In places like Morocco, and until recently Algeria, the situation is such that dioceses were instructed not to baptise Muslims who want to convert to Catholicism because "local laws ban it."
Fr Samir Khalil remembers that a few years ago, he met a Muslim whose request for baptism was rejected for 13 years. Baptism, he was told, would bring him a lot of trouble, force him to emigrate to avoid being executed for apostasy, and endanger the priest performing the baptism. And yet, for all this time, the would-be convert studied the Gospels and the catechism on his own and led a life of prayers.
In Egypt, the Christian clergy also tends to avoid baptising Muslims; only a few priests have done so in secret. Speaking to AsiaNews, a religious who has been in Egypt for decades, said that baptising at any cost "is against the Second Vatican Council because the Council said that non-Christians can also find salvation outside the Church." Implicitly, this means that baptism is unnecessary and that people find salvation according to their circumstances.
This is not the place to start a theological debate about the faith in Christ and the salvation of non-Christians. Suffices it to say, that both Dominus Iesus and theDoctrinal note on some aspects of evangelization reiterate the importance of a 'visible' and socially relevant affiliation to Christ and the Church.
What is more, baptism is a life-changing experience, one that alters the convert's perception of life. Changes occur in the here and now, not in some future 'eternal' life after death. For this reason, offering others the baptism is not a superficial deed but a gift of life and hope in the present. Being baptised or not being baptised are not equivalent.
Christians' 'solar' God vs the Qur'an's 'lunar' God
Faith changes the present in a profound and meaningful way. On Notre Dame de Kabylie, Mohammed Christophe explains his conversion by stressing his new understanding of God.
"If the God of the Qur'an is the same as that of the Christians, why did I, Mohammed, become Christophe," he asked himself. "Having lived in Islam, practiced its precepts among people who are still Muslim (his family still is), I continue to be dazzled by the discovery of the Gospel," he said by way of answer.
"The light that comes from the Gospel suggests a comparison, one based on a certain premise. Anyone who wants to talk about the God of Islam must refer to Qur'an. If we replace the word 'God' with 'light', the light of the Qur'an is lunar, that of the Gospel is solar."
"Whether God is one, i.e. the creator, whatever the name we might have given him, is something I can accept. If we stuck to this premise, it would not be necessary to leave Islam and become Christian."
"Yet, Jesus came to reveal, first to the Jews, then to all men, that 'God is your Father, that God loves you and wants you with Him to give you His life!' Upon such words, I do not hesitate one moment. I accept the offer, not once, but twice. I know that the Qur'an makes an offer in which I may deserve (but that is not certain) a carnal and materialist heaven (Sura 38, 50-52) that reminds me more of ads for vacation spots to idle away the time under the tropical sun than of the certainty of 'knowing' my God and Lord."
What about the images we have of Christ and Mohammed? Two quotes say it all for Mohammed Christophe. In one case, Jesus said, "I am the good shepherd. A good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep," whilst in the other, Mohammed is told "O Prophet! We have made lawful to thee thy wives to whom thou hast paid their dowers; and those whom thy right hand possesses" (Sura 33, 50)."
"Let us be serious. It is one thing to say 'there is but one God for all;' it is another to say that He is interested in me, insignificant worm, to the extent that he 'deifies' me in Jesus. [. . .] Such revelation was my calling."
Jesusman's freedom without submission
Mohammed Christophe also speaks about apostasy and the possibility of death that comes from following him.
Christ says, "Are you ready to follow me and leave everything for me? When one realises what Jesus asks, out of love, we can see how difficult it is to follow him. It is also one thing to say 'yes' with one's lips; it is another to leave everything behind for Him.
"For those of us who come from Islam, this means breaking with one's past, family and community as well as one's moral or spiritual certainties."
"I say it is much easier to remain a Muslim, not take a stance (since we have the same God). There are many easy excuses not to make the break, not to accept this transformation, not to die in oneself and not to follow Christ. Conversion is demanding and cannot be done without his help."
"This is what the rich youth in the Gospel could not do, because, at least at the start, one must freely agree. Jesus does not impose on me any "submission" but only the freedom to love him."
"This is an important difference. Does God create us as free men or slaves? Depending on our answer, God is not the same. In one case, I risk the punishment reserved for apostates or unbelievers; in the other, I am the prodigal son expected by his father, who calls all his servants as soon he sees him on the horizon."
"Leaving Islam is dangerous. It is done at the risk of one's life. Thus, dear brothers and sisters in the West, welcome and help those who do it."
"I insist. I am not talking about the God of the Muslims but of the God of the Qur'an. Muslims are my brothers; perhaps one day, they may be my brothers and sisters in Christ."
"Since the 1990s, this has not only been a hope but it has also been a reality that has made me rejoice and praise the Lord. Alleluia! Jesus has come to save all men, Muslims included."



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  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    1 secondo fa
    @ Unius Rei3 ---> no! your. Satan Can not kill me: is why, i am in Christ! but I appreciate your work for me because you are a Satanist intelligent: is why, the kingdom of unius REI: the king of Israel, it is the last hope for all mankind ... by Unius REI
    @ "666 CIA IMF unius Rei3" has posted a comment 25 minutes ago ----> [when I have to deal with Satan] 1. if I am pure as an angel, or if, 2. I'm dirty, as a Satanist? This does not have: no importance for me! because, I am: always clothed in Christ! I can not deal fight with: no in mode the supernatural evil, or even worse, I can not deal the esigenge the Kingdom of God through: my human justice! and since: the coward of Satan, he know all this? he would not ever, come to me! but I am, that I seek him to break his horns
    Syria [[China: is giving lesson in democracy: to the U.S.! but, all the false democracies Masonic: of 666 IMF, they say, "No, we are: with: to Queda, is why: to the Salafis do not like. democracy, just do not like! We must do the imperialism of the Arabia Saudis, because, them, and the Arab League? democracy does not like it!]] Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Qin Gang said yesterday that the meeting with Bouthaina was part of Beijing's diplomatic effort to mediate between rebels and the regime. The latter includes a future meeting with rebel representatives to negotiate an immediate ceasefire.
  • Unius Rei3 
    Unius Rei3 ha pubblicato un commento 
    2 minuti fa
    Keep Comment On YT I am talking to you
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    3 minuti fa
    [Agenda 666 Talmud IMF: there is no future, no hope! you are all dead! is fake: the debt public!:you are all dead!] LEBANON. Maronite Church warns that Lebanon might collapse economically by 2016 like Greece and Italy, by Fady Noun Bishops warn the country that a runaway national debt could lead to bankruptcy like in Greece, Italy and Latin America. Energy company crisis represents 65 per cent of annual public debt. Bkerke (AsiaNews) - In the middle of a regional crisis due to the Syrian conflict, burdened by its own political and security challenges, Lebanon faces even worse problems, a Greek-style economic meltdown by 2016, Maronite bishops said in an appeal to government leaders and the population that includes an analysis of the country's economic situation that does not seem to get the attention it needs.
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    4 minuti fa
    [Agenda 666 Talmud IMF: there is no future, no hope! you are all dead! is fake: the debt public!:you are all dead!] LEBANON. might collapse economically The statement, issued on 1 August, warns against the state's "economic collapse" by 2016, similar to what is occurring in Greece and Italy as well as in some Asian and Latin American nations whose consequences could be very serious. As an appeal, the statement by Maronite bishops is especially important. It is a special declaration that the Church hopes will be heeded. The fact that the Catholic Church is behind the economic analysis is not unimportant. Citing John Paul Ii and Redemptor Hominis, the statement says that "man is the way for the Church" and that everything that touches him, in this case his material wellbeing and social situation, does not leave the Church indifferent. Some might complain about such a stark warning, which will undoubtedly draw the attention of investors,
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    4 minuti fa
    [Agenda 666 Talmud IMF: there is no future, no hope! you are all dead! is fake: the debt public!:you are all dead!] LEBANON. but the latter are not asleep and it is appropriate to recognise that "to govern is to foresee." Lebanon might collapse economically Lebanon's dual problem. The statement noted that the country is facing two major socio-economic problems, an energy crisis and the debt problem. The first is not specific to Lebanon, but affects the entire world, and is caused by unstable oil prices. This is affecting the country's electrical supplies and the competitiveness of its manufacturing, agriculture and service sector. Natural and man-made disasters are an additional challenge. Output flows are also affected by regional conflicts. The chronic deficit problem at Electricité du Liban (EDL) represents 65 per cent of the country's annual deficit.
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    4 minuti fa
    [Agenda 666 Talmud IMF: there is no future, no hope! you are all dead! is fake: the debt public!:you are all dead!] LEBANON. However, Lebanon's main problem is the national debt and the need to service it. This cuts into the amount of funds available for productive investments. Some experts are saying that by 2016 the public debt could reach US$ 80 billion. Lebanon would face major financial difficulties given the ratio between servicing the debt and gross domestic production (GDP). The bishops' appeal speaks of a "collapse" similar to that of nations richer than Lebanon, like Italy and Greece. To avoid that danger, the statement calls for a number of measures, such as the creation of a special fund to manage the public debt, stronger ties between the public and the private sectors, as well as better tax and fee collection, etc.
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    4 minuti fa
    [Agenda 666 Talmud IMF: there is no future, no hope! you are all dead! is fake: the debt public!:you are all dead!] LEBANON. At the same time, the appeal urges the banking sector, whose strength is a matter of national pride, to remain vigilant and rational in extending credit to the state, so as not to undermine personal savings, and avoid the sovereign debt crisis that affects some Asian and Latin American nations.
  • Unius Rei3 
    Unius Rei3 ha pubblicato un commento 
    4 minuti fa
    Satan want you UniusRei3 Password Send me Send inbox From You UniusRei3 Password. Satan Can not kill you? I think God save you for Satan From you password
  • Unius Rei3 
    Unius Rei3 ha pubblicato un commento 
    8 minuti fa
    Satan is my dad
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    25 minuti fa
    Nefesh B'Nefesh olim Netanyahu addresses: IsraelNationalTV  26 views Like Add to Share Posted on 14/ago/2012 from IsraelNationalTV No description available. 5 I like it, 2 do not like. Reply to this video ... was no better than the six-pointed star, as a background image? Satan is more beautiful for you!
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    2 ore fa
    there is no future, no hope! you are all dead! @HOLY Allah: my JHWH -->God HAVE pity all the people, AND ALL PEOPLES, you have mercy in the name of Jesus: OF ALL US: POOR sINNERS! I AM your unius rei [every time, THAT, we buy THE EURO? we make, IN %, to A%, of gift at the qUUEn gift of deat: to Britain 666 The wife of Baal, Jezebel]
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    2 ore fa
    [every time we buy EURO? we make to%: gift to Britain](1 Timothy 3.16) NWO IMF @ 666: 322 CRIMINAL Bush freemasonry, @ public debt (the second theft), ie, the states must pay interest That for the (first theft) "seigniorage banking": that is, the money creation from nothing, and the third theft: (fractional reserve: of banking), the cost of money: for is to get 270% at end (said: to us, the Catholic saint Scientist: Giacinto Auriti) and Absorbs: 70% of all tea, tax levy: a value: or: cost, by 270% of our money was stolen from us by That Freemasonry!
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    2 ore fa
    [every time we buy EURO? we make to%: gift to Britain] Satanic Jews: of IMF Kakam, Rabbis, They have turned our government into a persecutor of His people! Because Their agenda: the mass: is murder and genocide! [1. extermination, 2. Genocide, 3. Inflation, 4. Unemployment, 5. Insolvency, 6. Debt, 7. recession, 8. Wars, 9. Racism, intolerance, fundamentalism, 10. and World War: "high: treason] I am unius REI: and, King of Israel: Jewish Messiah: and Mahdi, for love: lol. Bu, t only if you must! Better for you, it would be better if you: do not you were ever born!
  • SupositoryRepository 
    SupositoryRepository ha pubblicato un commento 
    2 ore fa
    Hey Lorenzo below me, would you shut up a minute? Stop posting so much so people can read this: YouTube is now doing surveys on user satisfaction. The link is posted at the top of your page, just like they do for live events. EVERYBODY should take the survey and LET THEM KNOW you hate the channel redesign. Our complaints are finally working!
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    2 ore fa
    [every time we buy the EURO? we make a gift to Britain](2 Timothy 2:1-13) IMF @ 666, is queen Gezabelle: the Queen of England! @: all Satanists to criminal murderers: some of the proceeds of the "banking seigniorage" (ie, the right of Lord Rothschild(god satan in all world), for creating money from nothing): ie, slavery, for to creating Euro: is doing Given paid in Europe is: given:(lol. also) at to the Bank of England, for to give, alms to the poor Queen of England, in fact all the super rich are the murderers of the poor. [1. extermination, 2. Genocide, 3. Inflation, 4. Unemployment, 5. Insolvency, 6. Debt, 7. recession, 8. Wars, 9. Racism, intolerance, fundamentalism, 10. and World War III, 11. devitalization, lawlessness, immorality, corruption, loss: of the National Self-determination: you are dead shit! you are all dead!]
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    2 ore fa
    [every time we buy the EURO? we make a gift to Britain] I am unius REI: and King of Israel: Jewish Messiah: and Mahdi for love: lol. But only if you must! Better, Been was for you, it would be better if you: do not you were ever born! amen! pax hallelujah will die: very soon. I am unius REI: and King of Israel: Jewish Messiah: and Mahdi for love: lol. But only if you must! Better, Been was for you, it would be better if you: do not you were ever born! amen! pax hallelujah will die: very soon
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    2 ore fa
    HellxDesPairTruction posted a comment 4 hours ago (Titus 3.4-7), curse: to, IMF @ 666, NWO, 322: @ all Central Banks: ECB FED, etc.. .. are the private property of the usual shareholders: Illuminati by Lucifer, ALL CRIMINAL: Enlightened super Freemasonry: to CONSPIRE, and betray: all the time: for all enslaved peoples do: and to destroy: the foundation: of the institutional and constitutional freedom of ! Die Satan, and you return from in your inferno of destruction and despair. [1. extermination, 2. Genocide, 3. Inflation, 4. Unemployment, 5. Insolvency, 6. Debt, 7. recession, 8. Wars, 9. Racism, intolerance, fundamentalism, 10. and, for any C: World War:] is why, I am unius REI: and King of Israel: the Jewish Messiah: and Mahdi for Palestine People: for love: lol. But, only if you must! Better for you, it would be: if you: Were you not Been curse: by Jewish curse, if, you were not ever born!
  • HellxDesPairTruction 
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 
    2 ore fa
    @ YHWH -> HOLY God, God, STRONG, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us and to all peoples! amen Hallelujah. HellxDesPairTruction posted a comment 4 hours ago, (1 Peter 1.3-9) IMF @ 666, @: IMF, World Bank: all, of private property: Few of the Pharisees Jews, for the satanic Talmud: all Satanists KAKAM: Pharisees Rabbis: for the destruction of Israel: and for the destruction of the Hope of Israel: monotheism of Abraham and Moses! Super Satanic murderers and mass murderers, accomplices of the: owl god. Baal Marduck: at the Bohemian Grove: [1. extermination, 2. Genocide, 3. Inflation, 4. Unemployment, 5. Insolvency, 6. Debt, 7. recession, 8. Wars, 9. Racism, intolerance, fundamentalism, 10. and World War 11. Anarchy poverty immorality: All right, as was Been, already, before the Nazis] I am unius REI: and King of Israel: Jewish Messiah: and Mahdi for love: lol. But only if you must! Better for you, it would be better, if you: do not you were ever born Been!
  • drinkYpoisonJHWHwins 
    drinkYpoisonJHWHwins ha pubblicato un commento 
    3 ore fa
    @MY ALLAH ---> pardon all our sins: because evil: in the time of mercy can not be greater than your infinite mercy! and we? we have repented of all: our sins, which were all described in the Torah! @ my holy holy holy: YHWH -> HOLY God, God STRONG, Holy Immortal One, have mercy on us, and of all people, and Peoples! Amen Hallelujah, you free us from Freemasonry and the IMF

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Datagate: Nsa controlla 75% Rete Usa. USA E GB (farisei anglo-americani FMi NWO 666), hanno fatto distruggere i documenti, del guardian, circa Snowden, perché, sono diventati, la più pericolosa minaccia di nazismo, di tutta la storia del genere umano. loro non sono stati scoperti, da una terrestre tecnologia, sono stati "rivelati", come una religione.. bisogna, espellere, immediatamente, dal territorio nazionale, ogni cosa appartenga, ad USA e GB, ad iniziare dalle ambasciate, loro sono diventati satanisti TROIKA satanisti, TROIKA cosa è il signoraggio bancario? e perché voi lo avete, se, la costituzione lo proibisce a voi? perché, voi state portando allo sterminio, i popoli, con le voste magie giuridiche?

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Posting Date
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The Model, Episode 4


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