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RUSSIA Patriarch Kirill on first ever visit to Poland

08/13/2012 PAKISTAN
Christian leader falsely charged of blasphemy in Islamabad
by Jibran Khan
08/12/2012 VATICAN
Pope: Prayer and solidarity for the Philippines, China and Iran
08/14/2012 INDONESIA
Bogor, after 6 years radical Muslims force closure of Saint John the Baptist Parish Church
by Mathias Hariyadi
08/09/2012 CHINA
“Trial of the century" begins (and ends) against Gu Kailai
by Bernardo Cervellera
08/14/2012 LEBANON
Maronite Church warns that Lebanon might collapse economically by 2016 like Greece and Italy
by Fady Noun
08/09/2012 LIBYA
Tripoli, power handed over to new Constituent Assembly amid insecurity and economic crisis
08/10/2012 INDIA
Christian and Muslim Dalits observe Black Day against discrimination
by Nirmala Carvalho
08/11/2012 CHINA
Chongqing Saga: Bo Xilai’s wife accepts murder charges
08/10/2012 NEPAL
Nepali government bans emigration of women to Gulf States
by Kalpit Parajuli
08/10/2012 VIETNAM
Caritas microcredit project for the poor and minorities in Đà Lạt

08/16/2012 CHINA - JAPAN
All Chinas against Japan's occupation of Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands
by Paul Hong
Five Chinese activists (from Taiwan, Hong Kong and the mainland) swim ashore on one of the island to plant their flags and banners. Nine more are arrested on an illegal boat. All of them will be deported to Hong Kong. Beijing and Tokyo exchange diplomatic protests. Demonstrations are held in front of Japan's embassy in Beijing and its consulates in Hong Kong and Taipei. Communist party newspapers publish threatening editorials. China and Japan use nationalism for political purposes.
Hong Kong (AsiaNews) - Nationalism is bringing together Chinese on the mainland, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau against Japan for daring to occupy the Diaoyu Islands (known as Senkaku in Japan). Four days ago, 14 people from...

08/16/2012 SYRIA
UN condemns army and rebels for war crimes against the Syrian people
Army and paramilitary militias are responsible for the Houla massacre where over 100 civilians were killed. Less serious charges against the rebels. The document, however, presents serious shortcomings because investigations were hampered. Muslim countries expel Syria from Organisation for Islamic (OIC). Catholics consecrate the country to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
08/16/2012 CHINA - TIBET
A Tibetan killed, six arrested in protest against Chinese mines
At least 1,000 Tibetans demonstrated against the reopening of a mine in Markham. Police fired live ammunition. Chinese companies show no respect for the sanctity of the area and do not care about the ecological impact of mining. Tashi, a young 21 year old who set himself on fire two days ago in Ngaba has died.

08/16/2012 PAKISTAN
As Pakistan celebrates independence, renewed Hindu flight marks the betrayal of its ideals
by Shafique Khokhar
In Faisalabad, Muslims and Christians remember the idea of nation promoted by its founding father, Ali Jinnah, in 1947. "Today's reality is far from" that, Christian activist says. Muslim assemblyman predicts communal relations will improve, but abductions and forced conversions push hundreds of Hindu families to flee.
08/16/2012 INDIA
Mary's Assumption and India's Day of Independence
by Errol Fernandes
The two events fall on 15 August. People must wake up to India's problems and learn to deal with violence, female infanticide, environmental degradation, etc. Fr Errol Fernandes, a Jesuit parish priest and teacher in Mumbai, gives his thoughts about the Magnificat.
08/16/2012 TAIWAN
Taiwan: Young Christians, Buddhists and Taoists together for Interreligious Dialogue
by Xin Yage
The work of Taiwanese Conference on Religion and Peace, which every year organizes interfaith events among young people. This year’s meeting - the 13th - was attended by representatives of 10 different faiths. Taiwanese professor evaluates the work of Fr. Alberto Poulet Mathis, a Jesuit priest precursor of interreligious dialogue on the island of Taiwan.
08/16/2012 VIETNAM
Vietnamese Catholics celebrate the Assumption at La Vang Marian Shrine
by J.B. Vu
Tens of thousands of pilgrims visit the country's most important Marian shrine. Mgr Girelli, who presided over the Eucharistic celebration, said that religious freedom is the highest value. The first stone for the new cathedral is laid.
08/16/2012 TURKEY
Bartholomew I: Peace in Syria and throughout the world
by NAT da Polis
The Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople is concerned about the situation in the country and the fate of the Syrian Christian community. Pain for the rest of the Middle East, Nigeria and Sudan. Need to combat religious fundamentalism manipulated for political purposes. "A crime committed in the name of religion is a crime against religion."
08/16/2012 RUSSIA
Patriarch Kirill on first ever visit to Poland
by Nina Achmatova
For the first time a primate of the Russian Orthodox Church visits the Polish Christian community. From Moscow: no political message in mission.
08/16/2012 MIDDLE EAST
Five Arab countries advise citizens to leave Lebanon for fear of "pro-Syrian" violence
Yesterday road to airport occupied by Shiites after (false) reports of the killing of 11 pilgrims. Air France diverts a flight from Beirut to Cyprus. Shiite clans kidnapp Syrians, a Turk and a Saudi linked to the Free Syrian Army in retaliation for capture of a group of Lebanese Shiites by Syrian opposition.
08/15/2012 VATICAN
Pope: Mary's Assumption to Heaven, Christ's Easter mystery accomplished in her
During the Angelus, Benedict XVI spoke about the value of the solemnity of the Assumption of Mary to heaven, celebrated by the Churches in the East and West since Christianity's early centuries. Mary "is among the 'poor' and the 'humble,' who do not rely on their own strengths but put their trust in God, who leave space for his action that can produce big things in weakness."

Altri articoli
08/14/2012 SYRIA
Assad regime collapsing, ex prime minister says
08/14/2012 SOUTH KOREA - JAPAN
Tensions rising between Seoul and Tokyo over Dokdo/Takeshima Islets
08/14/2012 CHINA - TIBET
Beatings and arrests while two Tibetans set themselves on fire by Nirmala Carvalho
08/14/2012 NEPAL
Hindu terrorists threaten more attacks against Christians and Muslims by Kalpit Parajuli
08/14/2012 INDONESIA
Bogor, after 6 years radical Muslims force closure of Saint John the Baptist Parish Church by Mathias Hariyadi
08/14/2012 LEBANON
Maronite Church warns that Lebanon might collapse economically by 2016 like Greece and Italy by Fady Noun
08/14/2012 TAIWAN
Catholic students in East Asia warn against internet addiction by Xin Yage
08/14/2012 RUSSIA
Former Putin ideologue back to the leadership of Religious Affairs by Nina Achmatova
08/14/2012 JAPAN - RUSSIA
7.7 earthquake in the northeast Pacific. No danger of tsunami
08/13/2012 VATICAN
Mole indicted in Vatileaks case, accomplices not excluded
08/13/2012 PAKISTAN
Christian leader falsely charged of blasphemy in Islamabad by Jibran Khan
08/13/2012 LEBANON - SYRIA
Prominent Shiite Lebanese authorities come out in support of Syrian Revolution by Paul Dakiki


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  • UniusRei3
    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
    12 minuti fa
    @ 666 setan Talmud: CIA ---> Negara tidak hanya harus algojo: warga negara, untuk melakukan pembayaran pada orang: 270%: dari nilai: uangnya (sumber:. Ilmuwan Giacinto Auriti), tetapi harus melindungi warga negara, yang paling rentan dan putus asa, dari degradasi moral, namun, ada orang-orang di sini, bahwa: karena ingin uang: dipaksa melakukan hubungan seks: penyimpang seksual, BDSM, anal, seks, dll .. dan untuk membuat hubungan seksual, bahkan dengan hewan, karena ini adalah Agenda Talmud dan nya IMF: terhadap Goyim tersebut .. anarki dan moral kehancuran: segalanya, untuk menyakiti orang-orang Kristen! menghancurkan youtube: untuk berhenti: pelayanan saya, atau apakah Anda spam: untuk kerusakan pesan saya? adalah hal yang sama! dan menyimpan untuk 666 IMF, maka, menghancurkan youtube? ada yang aneh apa-apa! sehingga adalah IMF, yang adalah ke youtube merusak, untuk bersalah saya, adalah untuk menghentikan saya
  • UniusRei3
    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
    12 minuti fa
    @ 666 djöfladýrkunar Talmud: CIA ---> ríkið ætti ekki einungis að vera varðmann: borgara, til að gera greiða manneskjur 270%: í gildi: af peningum sínum (Heimild:. Scientist Giacinto Auriti) en það ætti að vernda borgara, sem verst eru örvænting, frá siðferðilegu niðurbroti, en það er fólk hér að því að vilja peninga: er þvinguð til að stunda kynlíf: kynlíf gjörir, BDSM, Anal, kynlíf, osfrv .. og til að gera kynlíf, jafnvel dýr, vegna þess að þetta er á dagskrá Talmud og IMF hennar: gegn Goyim .. stjórnleysi og siðferðileg eyðilegging: allt að skaða kristna fólk! eyðileggja YouTube: til að hætta: ráðuneyti mitt, eða þú ruslpóst: að til skaða á skilaboðum mínum? er það sama! og vista á 666 Alþjóðagjaldeyrissjóðsins, þá eyðileggja YouTube? það er ekkert skrítið! þannig að AGS, sem er að skemma youtube fyrir sekur minn, er að stoppa mig
  • UniusRei3
    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
    13 minuti fa
    @ 666 satanský Talmud: CIA ---> štát by nemal byť iba popravčej: občana, pre to urobiť platiť na ľudí: 270%: o hodnote: jeho peniaze (zdroj:. Scientist Giacinto Auriti), ale to by malo chrániť občanov, najzraniteľnejšie a zúfalé, z morálneho rozkladu, ale existujú ľudia, tu, že: pre nedostatok peňazí: je nútený mať sex: sexuálne zvrhlíci, BDSM, análny sex, atď .. a aby pohlavný styk, aj so zvieratami, pretože je to agenda Talmud a jeho MMF: proti mohli Gojimovia .. anarchie a morálne deštrukcie: všetko, poškodiť kresťanský ľud! zničiť YouTube: pre zastavenie: moje ministerstva, alebo si spam: pre poškodenie na mojej správy? je to isté! a uložiť na 666 MMF, potom zničiť youtube? nie je nič divného! tak je MMF, Což je poškodenie youtube, pre moje viny, je pre mňa nezastaví
  • UniusRei3
    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
    14 minuti fa
    @ 666 Satanic Talmud: CIA ---> staten inte bara vara bödel: medborgarens för att göra betala på folk: de 270%: av värdet: av hans pengar (källa:. Forskare Giacinto Auriti) men det bör skydda medborgarna, mest utsatta och desperata, från moralisk nedbrytning, men det finns människor här, att i brist på pengar: tvingas ha sex: sexuella perversa, BDSM, Anal, kön, etc. .. och att samlag, även med djur, eftersom detta är den agenda Talmud och dess IMF: mot gojim .. anarki och moraliskt förstörelse: allt för att skada det kristna folket! förstöra youtube: för att stoppa: min tjänst, eller vill du skräppost: för skador på mina meddelanden? är samma sak! och spara för 666 IMF då förstör youtube? Det finns inget konstigt! så är IMF, vilket är att skada youtube, för min skyldiga, är för stoppa mig
  • UniusRei3
    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
    14 minuti fa
    @ 666 satânica Talmud: CIA ---> o Estado não deve ser apenas o carrasco: do cidadão, para fazer pagar ao povo: a 270%: do valor de seu dinheiro: (fonte:. Cientista Giacinto Auriti), mas deve proteger os cidadãos mais vulneráveis​​, e desesperado, da degradação moral, mas, há pessoas aqui, que: por falta de dinheiro: é forçada a ter relações sexuais: pervertidos sexuais, BDSM, anal, sexo, etc .. e para tornar a relação sexual, mesmo com os animais, porque esta é a Agenda do Talmud e do seu FMI: contra o Goyim .. anarquia e moral destruição: tudo, para prejudicar o povo cristão! destruir youtube: para parar: o meu ministério, ou você spam: para a danos minhas mensagens? é a mesma coisa! e poupar para o FMI 666, então, destruir youtube? não há nada de estranho! assim é o FMI, que é prejudicial para o YouTube, por minha culpa, é para me parar
  • UniusRei3
    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
    14 minuti fa
    @ 666 szatański Talmud: CIA ---> Państwo nie powinno być tylko kat: obywatela, za uwagi zwracać na ludzi: 270%: o wartości: z jego pieniędzy (źródło:. Scientist Giacinto Auriti) ale powinna chronić obywateli, najbardziej wrażliwych i zdesperowany, od moralnej degradacji, ale są ludzie, tutaj, że: z braku pieniędzy: jest zmuszona do płci seksualnych zboczeńców, bdsm, seks, seks, itp. .. i do stosunków seksualnych, nawet u zwierząt, ponieważ jest to Agenda z Talmudu i jego MFW: wobec gojów .. zniszczenie anarchia i moralne: wszystko, szkodzić chrześcijańskiemu ludowi! zniszczyć YouTube do zatrzymania: moją posługę, czy też spam: na uszkodzenia moje wiadomości? jest to samo! i zapisać do 666 MFW, następnie zniszczyć youtube? nie ma nic dziwnego! tak jest MFW, który jest szkodliwy youtube, dla mojej winy, jest dla mnie zatrzymać
  • UniusRei3
    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
    14 minuti fa
    @ 666 satanist Talmud: CIA ---> Devlet yalnızca cellat olmamalı:% 270: değer: parasını (kaynak:. Scientist Giacinto Auriti) vatandaşın, insanların ödeme yapmak için, ancak ahlaki bozulmadan en savunmasız ve çaresiz vatandaşlar, koruyan, ama, insanlar orada burada, o olmalıdır: seks yapmak zorunda kalır: para istediğiniz için cinsel sapıklar, BDSM, anal, seks, vs .. Bu Talmud ve onun IMF Gündem çünkü ve, hatta hayvanlar ile cinsel ilişki yapmak için: Goyim karşı .. anarşi ve ahlaki çöküntü: her şeyi, Hıristiyan insanlara zarar! durdurmak için: youtube yok benim bakanlık veya spam yapmak: benim mesajları zarar için?Aynı şey! ve youtube yok, daha sonra, 666 IMF için kaydetmek? Garip orada hiçbir şey! kadar zarar verici youtube için IMF, benim suçlu için, beni durdurmak için
  • UniusRei3
    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
    15 minuti fa
    @ 666 satanischen Talmud: CIA ---> Der Staat sollte nicht nur der Henker sein: der Bürger, für zu tun zahlen die Menschen: die 270%: der Wert: sein Geld. (Quelle: Scientist Giacinto Auriti) aber es sollte Bürger am stärksten gefährdeten und verzweifelt, von moralischen Abbau zu schützen, aber es gibt Leute hier, dass: aus Mangel an Geld: ist gezwungen, Sex haben: sexuelle Perversen, BDSM, anal, sex, etc. .. und den Geschlechtsverkehr, auch mit Tieren, denn dies ist die Agenda des Talmud und seine IWF: gegen die Gojim .. Anarchie und moralische Zerstörung: alles, um das christliche Volk zu schaden! zerstören youtube: für zu stoppen: mein Ministerium, oder haben Sie Spam: für auf meine Botschaften zu schädigen? ist die gleiche Sache! und für die 666 IWF zu retten, dann zerstören youtube? es gibt nichts, seltsam! so ist der IWF, die zu schädlichen youtube, denn meine Schuld, ist für mich stoppen
  • UniusRei3
    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
    15 minuti fa
    A 666 satánico Talmud: CIA ---> el Estado no sólo debe ser el verdugo: de los ciudadanos, para hacer pagar a la gente: el 270%: el valor de su dinero: (fuente:. Científico Giacinto Auriti), pero se debe proteger a los ciudadanos más vulnerables, y desesperada, de la degradación moral, pero, hay gente aquí, que: .. pervertidos sexuales, BDSM, anal, sexo, etc: por falta de dinero: se ve forzado a tener relaciones sexuales y para hacer que las relaciones sexuales, incluso con los animales, porque esta es la orden del día del Talmud y su FMI: contra los goyim .. destrucción y anarquía moral: todo, para dañar al pueblo cristiano! destruir youtube: para parar: mi ministerio, ¿o spam: para dañar a mis mensajes? es la misma cosa! y ahorrar para el FMI 666, entonces, destruir youtube? no hay nada extraño! también lo es el FMI, que es perjudicial youtube, por mi culpa, es para mí dejar de
  • UniusRei3
    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
    15 minuti fa
    À 666 satanique Talmud: CIA ---> l'Etat ne doit pas seulement être le bourreau: le citoyen, pour faire payer aux gens: l'% 270: de la valeur de son argent: (source:. Scientifique Giacinto Auriti), mais il convient de protéger les citoyens, les plus vulnérables et désespérées, de dégradation morale, mais il ya des gens ici, que: faute d'argent: est forcé à avoir des relations sexuelles: pervers sexuels, BDSM, anal, sexe, etc .. et de faire des rapports sexuels, même avec les animaux, parce que c'est l'ordre du jour du Talmud et de ses FMI: contre les Goyim .. destruction anarchie et morale: tout pour nuire au peuple chrétien! détruire youtube: pour arrêter: mon ministère, ou pensez-vous du spam: pour des dommages à mes messages? C'est la même chose! et d'économiser pour le FMI 666, puis, détruire youtube? il n'ya rien d'étrange! de même que le FMI, qui est préjudiciable à youtube, pour ma coupable, est pour moi arrêter
  • UniusRei3
    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
    15 minuti fa
    @ 666 satanico Talmud: CIA ---> lo Stato non dovrebbe essere solo il carnefice: del cittadino, per fare pagare alla gente: il 270%: del valore del suo denaro: (fonte:. Scientist Giacinto Auriti), ma dovrebbe proteggere i cittadini più vulnerabili, e disperati, dal degrado morale, ma, ci sono persone qui, che: per mancanza di soldi: è costretto a fare sesso: pervertiti sessuali, BDSM, anale, sesso, ecc .. e per rendere il rapporto sessuale, anche con gli animali, perché questa è l'agenda del Talmud e dal FMI: contro i Goyim .. anarchia e la distruzione morale: tutto, a danneggiare il popolo cristiano! distruggere youtube: per smettere: il mio ministero, o ti spam: per danneggiare i miei messaggi? è la stessa cosa! e salvare per il 666 FMI, quindi, distruggere youtube? non c'è nulla di strano! così è il Fondo monetario internazionale, che è quello dannoso youtube, per la mia colpa, è per fermarmi
  • UniusRei3
    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
    18 minuti fa
    @ 666 satanic Talmud: CIA ---> the State should not only be the executioner: of the citizen, for to do pay at people: the 270%: of the value: of his money (source:. Scientist Giacinto Auriti), but it should protect citizens, most vulnerable and desperate, from moral degradation, but, there are people here, that: for want of money: is forced to have sex: sexual perverts, BDSM, anal, sex, etc. .. and to make sexual intercourse, even with animals, because this is the Agenda of the Talmud and its IMF: against the Goyim .. anarchy and moral destruction: everything, to harm the Christian people! destroy youtube: for to stop: my ministry, or do you spam: for to damage to my messages? is the same thing! and save for the 666 IMF,then, destroy youtube? there is nothing strange! so is the IMF, Which is to damaging youtube, for my guilty, is for stop me
  • UniusRei3
    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
    21 minuti fa
    @666 talmud satanic: CIA --- >lo Stato non dovrebbe essere soltanto l'aguzzino: del cittadino per fare pagare a lui il 270% del valore del suo denaro(fonte:. scienziato Giacinto Auriti), ma dovrebbe proteggere i cittadini, più vulnerabili, e disperati dalla degradazione morale, ma, qui c'è gente: che: per bisogno di soldi: è costretta, ad avere rapporti: sessuali perversi, sado maso, anali, omosessuali, ecc.. ed a fare rapporti sessuali, anche, con gli animali, perché, questa è la Agenda del Talmud e del suo FMI: per il Goyim.. anarchia e distruzione morale: tutto per nuocere i popoli cristiani!

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Datagate: Nsa controlla 75% Rete Usa. USA E GB (farisei anglo-americani FMi NWO 666), hanno fatto distruggere i documenti, del guardian, circa Snowden, perché, sono diventati, la più pericolosa minaccia di nazismo, di tutta la storia del genere umano. loro non sono stati scoperti, da una terrestre tecnologia, sono stati "rivelati", come una religione.. bisogna, espellere, immediatamente, dal territorio nazionale, ogni cosa appartenga, ad USA e GB, ad iniziare dalle ambasciate, loro sono diventati satanisti TROIKA satanisti, TROIKA cosa è il signoraggio bancario? e perché voi lo avete, se, la costituzione lo proibisce a voi? perché, voi state portando allo sterminio, i popoli, con le voste magie giuridiche?

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Questa NON è una testata giornalistica




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The Model, Episode 4


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the King Unius Rei

the King Unius Rei
universal brotherhood