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saccheggerò, completamente, le vostre anime maledette, lasciandovi nella più totale desolazione

[chi cerca: la potenza di Dio: nella sua vita, cioè, la natura divina in lui? È colui che: non vuole fermarsi ai doni soprannaturali: ma, chi intende vivere una relazione personale con Dio] La Trinità è la dottrina centrale[1] delle più diffuse chiese cristiane quali la cattolica[2]e quelle ortodosse, oltre che delle Chiese riformate storiche come quella luterana, quella calvinista e quella anglicana. Ma oltre il fatto che tale dottrina non viene presentata in modo univoco[3], esiste tutt'oggi una minoranza di chiese cristiane che si dichiarano anti-trinitarie, come i Mormoni e i Testimoni di Geova.[4]
La dottrina si è precisata nell'ambito del Cristianesimo antico: prima nel credo del primo concilio di Nicea (325), poi nel credo niceno-costantinopolitano (381), dove venne affermato come primo articolo di fede:1. l'unicità di Dio e, come secondo, 2. la divinità di Gesù Cristo figlio di Dio e Signore[5], a seguito, tra le altre, della controversia suscitata da Ario, che negava quest'ultima.
Ciò non va interpretato come se esistessero tre divinità (politeismo) né come se le tre "persone" fossero solo tre aspetti di una medesima divinità (modalismo). Le tre "persone" (o, secondo il linguaggio mutuato dalla tradizione greca, "ipòstasi") sono in effetti ben distinte ma formate della stessa sostanza:
Dio Padre, creatore del cielo e della terra e Padre celeste del mondo;
il Figlio: generato dal Padre prima di tutti i secoli, fatto uomo nella persona diGesù Cristo nel seno della Vergine Maria, il Redentore del mondo.
lo Spirito Santo che è l'"amore" perfetto e divino (in greco agàpe) che il Padre e il Figlio mandano ai discepoli di Gesù per far loro comprendere e testimoniare leverità rivelate.
ne consegue che, senza l’azione dello Spirito Santo, non è possibile esprimere le potenzialità del cristianesimo. cioè la vita caris,matica
e la realizzazione della natura divina!

kkk nazi IMF 666 synnek1 CANNIBAL -- love mine, but I no longer have my heart, from for too long .. In fact, Jesus of Bethlehem took it . and, if I had my heart? you could have killed me, last year, when, with, all Satanism and witchcraft: voodoo, that is, when you used: your long pin voodoo against me to cross my heart! That's why I am immortal: is because, resurrection of Jesus Christ, is in me! and why the system masonic: of IMF-NWO, 322: FED ECB: has tried to kill me through black magic? Now all of them will die, because, I am the politician universal: UNIUS REI, for the kingdom of God, that is, the Kingdom of Palestine, THAT, needs to be done, in ALL the Middle East!

1_6. @king Saudi Arabia [my Holy Islam: my Universal brotherhood] And.. the Qur'an: Pescara, EXAM? Muslims instead: of: the Bible should attack: First: solve problems relating to the preparation of the Koran. I will mention at least: two principles: 1) after: the death of: Muhammad were: destroyed and: burned all the manuscripts from which the original Koran were "extracted" three Korans, but with outstanding differences between them. Even today Muslims: not: know: what they contained: the first three copies of the "original".. To know: just investigate their: tradition, volumes Al-Bukhari (note: the masters Muslims, too, if: not: it: they admit openly, believe, this collection: of: the most authoritative books of the Koran itself) . From these texts: that: tell: Islamic history written by the early Muslims, we learn: that: the text of the Koran is: Status: burnt.

2_6. @king Saudi Arabia [my Holy Islam: my Universal brotherhood] Here, the text: Al-Bukhari vol. 6, p. 479, 61.3.510: "Anas son of Malik narrated: Othman sent to: each province an: Koran: that: he had done: copy and: ordered: that: all other manuscripts (3) Quranic well as original fragments that: entire pages, were: burnt. " (Note: Othman was the third: caliph to: 19 years after his death: of: Muhammad. Othman took charge: of: to create "their" version of the Koran in 650 AD It was later murdered by his teammates for his destruction: believed the "true original".) Why burned?: Also: Muslims are asking right now why Othman and burned: destroyed the Koranic manuscripts and realized: copied from the first disciples: of: Muhammad. Is a valid assumption: that: this: Extreme: Act: of: assured destruction: of: to get the final version: of: a Koran (the fourth) among three other versions that: contradicted already: among them:

3_6. @king Saudi Arabia [my Holy Islam: my Universal brotherhood] ( there will be: were many differences in the texts ...) The Council: Qur'anic: he had therefore decided: to protect Islam from future investigations. Again we ask them, why? The vulnerability of Islam is: well made obvious by the same "authoritative tradition" even: to: a child.. 2) The version of "othmanica" of the Koran is: and now lost: practically non-existent. The tests are: in the manuscripts remaining Islamic Museums: of Istanbul (Turkey) and: to: Samarkand (Turkmenistan). The outcome: examinations carried out, expert scholars: the evidence: that: These manuscripts are being "rewritten" at least 170 years after the disappearance of the Qur'an: "Othman version." Islam hides these historical facts examined in the world today. We have: ask them these questions!

4_6. @king Saudi Arabia [my Holy Islam: my Universal brotherhood] In the light: of: this data: of: the fact, Muslim friends: not: can more we insist on at least: three things: 1): that: the current copy of the Koran is the exact copy filed in heaven: and: down directly (Nazil) from Allah. 2): that: is the true account: that: Muhammad have left: their: and: nor: that: is considered the "miracle of: Mohammed". 3): that: the Gospel has been: changed! Imaginary Interview: of: Magdi Allam: Dear Muhammad, we live in a dark age, marked by a fanaticism that: is inspired to: an Islam understood: as submission to: extremist interpretation of the Koran. "I: have: a man like any other, chosen: by God to spread his revelation. I: said to my disciples: that :: not: I worship you, too: are fallible. Muslims say that: the verses of the Koran are: in their beds: context: historical, combining: faith and: the reason for the prevailing

5_6. @king Saudi Arabia [my Holy Islam: my Universal brotherhood] in every age the essence of Islam: that, is not: submission but peace, security, respect, moderation and: justice. " What would you say to the terrorists that: kill in the name of Islam? "What are the criminals that: offend: Islam and: violates: the commandment, divine: second: that" whoever kills an: no person: that: this has murdered or another: taken: corruption in the land: is: as if: he murdered the whole of humanity. ' For the preachers of: hatred: Jews, Christians and also: Muslims: that :: not: submit themselves: to them the mercy they: extended: "corruption on earth." "The Jews and The Christians: not: are infidels but People of the Book. I: I: testimony: God: one: that is: the God of Abraham,: of: Moses and of: Jesus God himself: has: announced, 'We have done: of: the people you and various

6_6. @king Saudi Arabia [my Holy Islam: my Universal brotherhood] : to tribe that: you knew to: the story, but the most noble of: you: is: one: that more fears God. "Woe to the preachers of: hatred that: condemn: to: death Muslims, where the Clement and: the Merciful: has: warned that: "Let there be no compulsion in religion," and has: ruled: "The truth is from your Lord: who wants to believe, who: not: wants to reject the Faith. " What: is: the message that: she would send the Muslims today and: for all humanity? "That life is: the most valuable asset that: God you: has: given: and: that: today the true faith: is: to excel the sanctity of life: of: all. God himself: the Almighty has: prepended: the pious deeds ostentation of the cult: religious: "You are the best nation on the light for humanity: that: Invite to: do good, rejects this: That is ::: Deprecated, and: believe in God. '"

synnek1 KKK NAZI imf 666 BSTIA-- your alien ones, 666, which put the filters: to search engine: against: MY ITEMS? they are pouring blood from his mouth? I'm going to kill all your lizards: one of these days!
Synnek1 ha pubblicato un commento 10 minuti fa: [May The Lord have mercy on your GODDAMNED Soul] Jesus Christ Is Gonna [Cut You Up]: Into Little Pieces! --ANSWER -- in this situation: so confused: of: Queen Elizabeth II, which is her the worship of Satan JAbullOn? is normal, though many priests and many bishops of the Holy Church of England, they find quite normal to expect: to be able to do, and be: gays, while continuing to be: in the ecclesiastical hierarchy! [sorry Synnek1] thank you! but, for your outburst of love for me ..? however, this: there not seemed to be a response to my questions!

if the state Masonic and satanic: of Israel: that is, the seigniorage banking, the blasphemy of Israel: for 666 points star: of flag of Israel.. will not be destroyed? to enlarge the region: of Palestine: that: was given by God to all Jews in the world through a small part: of the deserts, of: Egypt: and: Saudi Arabia (about 200,000 sq km)

then, will, only, the Satanist Rothschild IMF: to win: in his planned World War III!
ie agenda 666 NWO, so, I will gather all Nations, of the Middle East: in one confederation!

is in this way that the Third Jewish Temple: it can be built: at last, on the Mount of Olives as the prophet Zechariah said

La cristologia è quella parte della teologia cristiana che studia e definisce chi e che cosaGesù è, con particolare attenzione alla sua natura umana e divina.
Esistono due fondamentali cristologie, una cosiddetta dall'alto cioè che si sviluppa a partire dalla natura divina di Gesù come Figlio di Dio, e una dal basso che si sviluppa a partire dalla natura umana di Gesù così come si è manifestata nella sua vita terrena.
Alcuni aspetti molto dibattuti nel corso della storia del cristianesimo sono stati:
la natura di Gesù, se umana, divina, o entrambe le cose;
in che modo la natura divina di Gesù si relaziona con quella di Dio Padre;
il ruolo di Gesù Cristo nella redenzione del genere umano.
La cristologia fu un argomento particolarmente controverso nei primi secoli del cristianesimo, in particolare dal IV secolo quando, a seguito della disputa con Ario, venne definita la dottrina ortodossa, stabilita nei Concili ecumenici a partire da quello di Nicea I. Solitamente questi argomenti teologici sono sinteticamente indicati come trinità, incarnazione eredenzione.
L'iniziazione al cristianesimo
I successori dei 12 apostoli,i vescovi e i loro collaboratori ,presbiteri (preti) e diaconi, ricevono da Gesù unaunzione ( consacrazione ) particolare  che li costituisce come un Ordine sacro a Gesù stesso e che conferisce loro il potere di  fare il memoriale di Lui e di tutte le salvezze speciali da lui istituite ed anche di istituirne altre .
La Chiesa cristiana è un deposito di ricchezze celesti, segni efficaci di salvezza , che Gesù dona ai suoi apostoli perchè le amministrino ai cristiani : i sacramenti .
Il catecumenato prepara alla nuova alleanza.
Nel catecumenato , primo gradino della iniziazione cristiana ...
2Pt 1,3 La sua potenza divina ci ha fatto dono di ogni bene per quanto riguarda la vita [ eterna] e la pietà [ le pratiche religiose] , mediante la conoscenza di colui che ci ha chiamati con la sua gloria e potenza.
CUCC 1229 Diventare cristiano richiede, fin dal tempo degli Apostoli, un cammino e una iniziazione con diverse tappe. Questo itinerario può essere percorso rapidamente o lentamente. Dovrà in ogni caso comportare alcuni elementi essenziali:
- l'annunzio della Parola,
- l'accoglienza del Vangelo che provoca una conversione,
- la professione di fede, il Battesimo,
- l'effusione dello Spirito Santo,
- l'accesso alla Comunione eucaristica.
Il sacramento del Battesimo introduce nella nuova alleanza: libera dal maligno e dona la natura divina(potenziamente: ma, effettivamente, tale potenzialità si esprime nell’”effusione”, cioè nella “personale” esperienza della Pentecoste; che, rappresenta l’essere nati di nuovo, come manifestazione della potenza di Dio).
I catecumeni cioè i credenti in Gesù, nelle sue promesse , che chiedono la salvezza di Gesù, che dimostrano di essere disposti alla vita cristiana ricevono la salvezza di Gesù, la vita eterna, in modo sacramentale (= attraverso un segno visibile ed efficace) : il battesimo cristiano.Il battesimo, è possibile ...
2 Pt 1, 4 essendo sfuggiti alla corruzione che è nel mondo a causa della concupiscenza.
[ per mezzo del catecumenato ].
CUCC 1237 Il Battesimo [ cristiano] significa la liberazione dal peccato e dal suo istigatore, il diavolo : viene pronunziato uno (o più) esorcismo(i) sul candidato. Questi viene unto con l'olio dei catecumeni, oppure il celebrante impone su di lui la mano, ed egli rinunzia esplicitamente a satana. Così pre parato, può professare la fede della Chiesa alla quale sarà “consegnato” per mezzo del Battesimo [Cf Rm 6,17 ]. Ora, nel battesimo che avete chiesto , ... 2Pt 1,4   ci ha donato i beni grandissimi e preziosi che erano stati promessi, perché diventaste per loro mezzo partecipi della natura divina.

Nel battesimo Gesù cambia la natura umana, debole verso il male, tendente al peccato, unendola a quella sua divina. Dice S. Paolo:
Rm 6,4 Per mezzo del battesimo siamo dunque stati sepolti insieme a lui nella morte, perché come Cristo fu risuscitato dai morti per mezzo della gloria del Padre [ed ora vive una vita umano-divina soprannaturale, eterna] , così anche noi possiamo camminare in una vita nuova. [umano-divina, soprannaturale, eterna] .
Già adesso!
La vita del battezzato, del cristiano , è vita umano-divina. Una vita di ordine sopra-naturale. Il battesimo introduce l'uomo in una vita straordinaria, umano-divina,soprannaturale. Tutta da vivere e scoprire! Ma è data dentro una alleanza, cioè a condizione che la natura umana non si leghi più al Male con il peccato . Altrimenti si perde! Questa vita diventerà definitiva con la morte-resurrezione.
Ro 8,11 E se lo Spirito di colui che ha risuscitato Gesù dai morti abita in voi, colui che ha risuscitato Cristo dai morti darà la vita anche ai vostri corpi mortali per mezzo del suo Spirito che abita in voi.

Il sacramento della eucarestia dona la vita eterna , come un seme(cioè potenzialmente).
Eb 10,22 accostiamoci [ a Dio ] con cuore sincero nella pienezza della fede, con i cuori purificati da ogni cattiva coscienza [catecumenato] e il corpo lavato con acqua pura [battesimo-cresima] Nel sacrificio della Messa (=missione) cristiana si compie l'iniziazione e si ha la vita eterna. Nella Messa i cristiani vengono "incorporati in Gesù" per azione dello Spirito : nel memoriale partecipano efficacemente: alla sua morte e resurrezione, ricevendo così la vita eterna(ma tutto questo: non è ancora la vita divina: ma, la esplicazione di un livello religioso: della grazia santificante, ma, non ancora divinizzante).
Il corpo morirà, ma, la morte sarà trasfigurazione, resurrezione ad una vita piena ed eterna di ordine sopra-naturale.
Gv6,48; Io sono il pane della vita. ...51. Io sono il pane vivo, disceso dal cielo. Se uno mangia di questo pane vivrà in eterno .(ma, questo non è ancora pienamente il processo della divinizzazione: perché in questa face non c’è la esperienza della Pentecoste)
1Tess 5,23. Il Dio della pace vi santifichi fino alla perfezione, e tutto quello che è vostro, spirito, anima e corpo, si conservi irreprensibile per la venuta del Signore nostro Gesù Cristo. 24 Colui che vi chiama è fedele e farà tutto questo!
La salvezza cristiana è già salvezza compiuta ma non ancora definitiva : è data nella condizione dell'alleanza , si può perdere. Rompendo l'alleanza in Gesù l'uomo viene separato da Lui, dalla unione e comunicazione ( la comunione) con Lui. Perde la natura divina, la vita eterna, torna sotto il dominio del Maligno, nel suo Regno. .(ma, questo non è ancora pienamente il processo della divinizzazione: perché in questa face non c’è la esperienza della Pentecoste)

Che cosa differenzia i cristiani, bambini, della vita eterna , oppure, bambini della vita divina: per vivere l’esperienza della Pentecoste ?
Il punto di partenza per comprendere la novità della vita cristiana è l'iniziazione che parte dall' esperienza battesimale e culmina nella cena eucaristica in cui si mangia il corpo:sangue di Gesù. Il battesimo cristiano è descritto dalla tradizione come una nuova nascita , il passaggio da una vita destinata alla morte perché corrotta dal peccato ( originale) ad una vita nuova che ha in sè la natura divina ed è destinata all'eternità. Questo passaggio è operato da Gesù attraverso i segni sacramentali.
Diventare cristiani significa ricevere in dono(non soltanto) la vita eterna :da Gesù che rinnova la vita umana: liberandola radicalmente dal peccato cioè dalla malizia. Ma, ricevere, in Dono lo Spirito Santo Stesso(il consolatore)
 che è sconosciutop dalle Chiese Cristiene, perché chi di loro può dire di avere fatto la stessa esperienza della pentecoste?

15/12/2012 - Era il lontano 1223 quando frate Francesco, divenuto poi patrono d’Italia, disse all’amico Giovanni Velita, signore di Greccio: “Vuoi che celebriamo il Natale di Gesù? Ebbene, precedimi e prepara quanto ti dico, perché vorrei rappresentare il Bambino nato a Betlemme, in modo che si possa vedere con i propri occhi i disagi in cui si venne a trovare per la mancanza delle cose necessarie a un neonato, come fu adagiato in una greppia e come giaceva nel fieno tra un bue e un asinello ...”.

L’amico fu entusiasta dell’idea e prima che Francesco terminasse di illustrare l’idea, quell’uomo fedele e pio già si muoveva per preparare nel luogo stabilito tutto l’occorrente, secondo il progetto esposto con tanto calore dal santo.
Dopo quasi 800 anni, nonostante l’affievolirsi della tradizione con l’introduzione dell’Albero di Natale negli anni ’60 ’70, anche oggi, nelle Chiese, in molte famiglie, in tante città, sono allestiti i presepi anche per ricordare la rappresentazione plastica voluta da San Francesco e riportata da uno dei più grandi pittori di tutti i tempi, Giotto, nel suo celebre dipinto nella Basilica di Assisi.
Qualche dirigente scolastico, però, vorrebbe vietare a scuola ogni simbolo religioso e, quindi, anche il presepe per il rispetto che l’Istituzione dovrebbe avere per gli stranieri.

Tale divieto rispetta veramente gli stranieri o, invece, impedisce una reale e globale forma d’integrazione privandoli di un valore aggiunto per la loro crescita?
Nelle scuole da me dirette per più di trenta anni, il presepe, costruito con materiale povero ma con tanto entusiasmo dagli alunni aiutati dai docenti e con collaborazione dei genitori, ha avuto un posto di onore nei locali d’ingresso quasi a ricordare a chi entrava nell’Istituto che la nascita di Gesù è un avvenimento storico che sta alla radice della nostra civiltà al punto tale che noi contiamo gli anni da quella nascita dividendo la storia dell’umanità in “prima” e “dopo Cristo”.

Nessuna famiglia di bambini stranieri che negli ultimi anni erano molte, si è mai lamentata anche perché era stato loro spiegato che rispettare le diversità non significava negare le differenze ma imparare a farle convivere.

Erano tanti quelli che si avvicinavo al presepe ed esprimevano la propria gioia condividendo così quel lavoro creativo realizzato dagli studenti, altri si fermavano a riflettere e a pregare ricordando il senso autentico del Natale, altri, ancora, forse atei o di altre religioni, ignoravano il presepe e passavano dritto. Nessuno, però, esprimeva sentimenti di rabbia o simili.

Mi chiedo: se ci sono studenti, genitori, docenti, felici di vedere un presepe, perché privarli di questa esperienza?
A prescindere, comunque, dall’adesione alla religione cattolica o dall’emozione che potrebbe suscitare un presepe, negare il Natale di Gesù significa negare l’origine della nostra civiltà.
Il presepe non è solo simbolo religioso ma storico e tradizionale del patrimonio italiano.

Che “i principi del cattolicesimo” facciano parte del “patrimonio storico del popolo italiano” si può, quasi, considerare un postulato: l’arte, la letteratura, il diritto, le comuni aspirazioni di libertà, giustizia e pace trovano una fonte privilegiata nella tradizione cattolica e, perciò, nel Vangelo.
Basterebbe, comunque, riflettere con il vecchio sano buonsenso per capire come il presepe a scuola è un simbolo che può alimentare il dialogo tra le varie religioni e il rispetto fra le persone.
Far conoscere, ad esempio, agli studenti stranieri di religione non cristiana, che, domani potrebbero diventare cittadini italiani, una parte della nostra storia e della nostra cultura, i simboli religiosi della maggioranza degli italiani, non é un valore aggiunto per la loro formazione?

Impedire agli studenti immigrati di religione cattolica o in generale cristiana, di festeggiare a scuola il Natale, non significa discriminarli e per noi italiani, ignorando come è festeggiato il Natale nei loro Paesi di origine, non sarebbe perdere un’occasione di arricchimento?

La scuola, oggi più che mai tempio dell’interculturalismo, ha il dovere di favorire la condivisione delle diverse tradizioni culturali e il reciproco arricchimento che ne deriva dal viverle insieme perché è certamente più formativo insegnare l’integrazione culturale piuttosto che l’esclusione.
In definitiva, il Natale e il presepe non offendono nessuno, possono avvicinare e accogliere tutti a un simbolo di pace e di fratellanza e costituiscono un momento educativo e culturale che rimanda a significati più profondi, anche se meno immediati rispetto a quelli di altri simboli del Natale.

Giuseppe Luca
Direttore Responsabile della “Letterina”

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Unius Rei King Universal

    September 6, 2012 - Moscow - Russian President Vladimir Putin said that someone uses fundamentalist extremists to achieve its interests in Syria and called on all Western countries to review their positions towards the Syrian crisis. In an interview with the channel "Russia Today", Putin said that there are powers that want to use al-Qaeda and other extremist organizations to achieve their objectives in Syria, and this is a very dangerous policy which inevitably has serious implications . He urged the West to reconsider its position towards Syria, asking, "Why should it be only Russia having to review their positions? Also our partners in the negotiations are re-evaluating their positions? ".
   by  Unius Rei king of Israel
    1 hour  sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSM­DVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison, made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
    IRAN [your speed? is too slow! I can not stop the 3 ° WW nuclear: designed: to do against Islam: what, already, is been done against Nazism] 09/08/2012 13:40 IRAN. Iranian Protestant pastor, sentenced to death for apostasy, is released. Judges have dropped the charges against Youcef Nadarkhani in prison since 2009. He was, however, convicted of "evangelizing Muslims." Based on the three-year sentence, he already served the time and should now be released. Satisfaction among the members of the Church of Iran. Tehran (AsiaNews / Agencies) - An Iranian court has ordered the release of Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani in prison since October 2009 and sentenced to death for apostasy with the sentence suspended but not canceled in July of last year --ANSWER--- do not rocked! I'm still your enemy!
   by  Unius Rei king of Israel
    2 hours  sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSM­DVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison, made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
    Syria: EU Foreign Ministers: 'will strengthen the sanzioni'Terzi:' Assad accept exile in the Arab world '- ANSWER-- you have to go into exile traitors of the People! 1. the Constitution has never expected to lose sovereignty and monetary policy: and you have undersold, 2. you do pay the people the banking seigniorage! 3. the Constitution, does not tolerate secret societies: and you did, the occult satanic and masonic trilateral Bildenberg, etc. .. they have the control of power, and in fact, the political traitors: they ignore many aspects, which are covered by military secret, such as aliens abductions, artificial intelligence: the big brother connected to the microchip, control: all telecommunications: Internet, etc. .. you are making the global control: to destroy Israel and all the nations in imminent: 3 ° WW nuclear: because that disaster can: prevent revolutions, and can hide: the fraudulent IMF
   by  Unius Rei king of Israel
    2 hours  sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSM­DVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison, made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
    Siria: ministri Esteri Ue: 'Rafforzeremo le sanzioni'Terzi: 'Assad accetti l'esilio in un Paese arabo' -- ANSWER--voi dovete andare in esilio: traditori dei Popoli! 1. la Costituzione non ha mai previsto: di perdere la sovranità:monetaria e politica: e voi l'avete svenduta, 2. voi fate pagare al popolo il signoraggio bancario! 3. la Costituzione: non tollera associazioni segrete: e voi avete fatto, i poteri occulti satanici e massonici, trilaterale Bildenberg, ecc.. loro hanno il controllo del potere, ed infatti, i politici traditori: loro ignorano, molti aspetti, che, sono coperti dal segreto militare, come: aliens abductions, la intelligenza artificiale: del grande fratello: connessa al microchip, controllo: di tutte le telecomunicazioni: internet, ecc.. voi state facendo il controllo globale: per distruggere Israele: e tutti i popoli: nella imminente: 3°WW nucleare: perché, quel disastro possa: prevenire le rivoluzioni, e possa nascondere: la truffa del FMI
    outlaw7671 posted a comment
    2 hours  sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSM­DVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison, made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
    I know you are a satanist
   by  Unius Rei king of Israel
    2 hours  sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSM­DVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison, made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
    [[SyrianTVOfficial]] SYRIAN RESISTANCE Against Western & Arab-Gulf Superpowers, alias Terrorists & Mercenaries.TURKEY MILITARY DRILL: Ankara stages fresh war games near Syrian border . Published on September 6, 2012 -- by SyriaFreePress, تساهم مديرية التلفزيون من خلال بثها البرامج والأعمال الدرامية التلفزيونية في تحقيق أهداف وسياسة الهيئة العامة للإذاعة والتلفزيون ، وتتولى دراسة خطط البرامج الدورية
   by  Unius Rei king of Israel
    2 hours  sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSM­DVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison, made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
    @Obama: 666 322 IMF --- actor puppet! you were been good: to spread imperialism Saudi and Salafi of al Qaeda:for imposing Sharia law: and in this way, prevent to Israel, every escape route. ---- Sam the rat, Libyan mercenary sniper: [[[, which struck and killed: innocent people, children in the name:of the Arab League: in order to sow terror and blame, against the regime: through: the complicity of the media Western]]], he counted his hours, because, he was surrounded: of the Syrian Arab Army. Friday 07 Sep 2012. SYRIA WILL BE HIS TOMB. After extensive research: an armed group in the neighborhood, "Ali assayed" in Aleppo, Syrian Arab army unit: it reaches their hiding place, where he is hid, with a group of snipers. indeed, The unit of the army has completely surrounded the area.
   by  Unius Rei king of Israel
    2 hours  sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSM­DVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison, made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
    The Wrath of God is against criminals: that: they believe themselves God, and oppress men: Atheists, enlightened, Satanists, Masonic, bankers, seigniorage banking, 666 322 FED ECB IMF; evolutionists: traitors to the science and the Peoples! Because you matched: your mind: that of God, behold, I will send: against: you the fiercest foreign peoples; snuderanno swords: against: your beautiful wisdom, defile your splendor. You rush into the pit: and die the death of the slain In the midst of the seas. (Misfortunes: torments diseases) Ezekiel 28.6 Belongs to Allah all that is in the heavens and on earth. "Fear Allah!" Qur'an, Sura IV, 131 [when, (unius REI: Messiah Jewish, and Mahdì) will hit you?] Then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God, for the Lord gives wisdom, from his mouth comes knowledge and understanding ... AT Proverbs 2.5
   by  Unius Rei king of Israel
    3 hours  sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSM­DVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison, made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
    [all religions] Origen, about the biblical text, he said, "if I attenessi literally ... I blush in admitting that God has enacted similar laws." This is why, Origen invented: the spiritual interpretation: just to save the dignity and holiness of God himself. - ANSWER -- it must be admitted, that, some criminals have been able to corrupt the Word of God! here, because the Pharisees Illuminati, 666 of IMF, for the satanic Talmud, Muslims, etc. .. they believe they serve God, when: they kill innocent people: and peaceful! but, there is no hope in him, why, he has believed, has offended the holiness of God, for believing something of indecent, evil, wicked, unjust, against Him: my Holy Holy Holy Allah!
   by  Unius Rei king of Israel
    3 hours  sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSM­DVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison, made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
    [a tutte le Religioni] Origene, circa il testo biblico: disse: "se, io mi attenessi alla lettera,... io arrossirei nell'ammettere, che, Dio abbia emanato simili leggi." ecco perché, Origene, inventò: l'interpretazione spirituale: proprio, per salvare la dignità e la Santità, di Dio stesso. -- ANSWER --- questo deve essere ammesso: alcuni criminali hanno potuto corrompere la Parola di Dio! ecco, perché Farisei Illuminati, del FMI, per il Talmud satanico, musulmani, ecc.. loro credono di servire Dio: quando: loro uccidono persone innocenti: e pacifiche! ma, non c'è speranza, in colui, che, ha creduto, ed ha offeso, la santità di Dio, credendo qualcosa di indecente, maligno, cattivo, ingiusto, contro di lui!
   by  Unius Rei king of Israel
    6 hours  sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSM­DVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison, made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
    @ King of Saudi Arabia -- you saw: "ilTestoCanonico"? He says: "Who is not Catholic is not Christian." So, if he had the power, as you? then, too: he became a murderess, just like you! here, because, to no person of religion should be allowed to access the policy!
   by  Unius Rei king of Israel
    6 hours  sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSM­DVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison, made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
    @ King of Saudi Arabia -- I do not say that someone is better: someone else's, because: if Christians were been killed: between of them (with a charge of heresy), and if the Muslims still killed yourself: between them: for this same reason (with heresy), then all of this: shit is only one: the horrors and crimes indefinitely, and has no relationship: with God: that HE is: Holy and Perfect! here's why: the shit out of a dog like you do not have any hope of entering: in Paradise: Why, it's you, that you're destroying the sanctity of my Islam, from (theological heresies), and with to spread 'Exterior: horror terrorism and the killing of many innocent martyrs christians: that: you are too ignorant to confuse the term idolatry (ie, your allies 666 322 IMF), with the term (polytheists), which then for the personal opinions ? you do not hurt: against good people, innocent, peaceful
   by  Unius Rei king of Israel
    6 hours  sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSM­DVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison, made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
    @King of Saudi Arabia -- io non dico, che, qualcuno è più buono: di qualcun'altro, perché: se i cristiani si sono uccisi: tra: di loro(con accusa di eresia), e se i musulmani: ancora oggi: si uccidono: tra: di loro: per questo stesso motivo (con accusa di eresia); allora, tutto questo: è una sola merda: di orrori: e di crimini all'infinito, e non ha alcuna relazione: con Dio: che è: Santo e Perfetto! ecco perché: la merda di un cane: come te: non ha nessuna speranza di entrare: in Paradiso: perché, sei proprio tu, che, tu stai distruggendo la santità: del mio Islam, dall'interno(eresie teologiche); e dall'Esterno: orrore terrorismo: e uccisioni di tanti martiri innocenti: che: tu sei troppo ignorante: per confondere: il termine idolatra(cioè, i tuoi alleati 666 322 FMI); con il termine (politeisti), che, poi per delle opinioni? non si fa del male: a persone buone, innocenti e pacifiche
   by  Unius Rei king of Israel
    6 hours  sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSM­DVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison, made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
    @ King of Saudi Arabia -- the fact that Islam is growing rapidly: along with your empire of Salafists, Al Qaeda, etc. ..? that the Christian martyrs continue: to die, etc. .. This success is a trap! because, only for your fault, it's only: the terror and, bot the culture, that: are the basis for this expansion! but when Rothschild, will say to his parrots, those of the Freemasons (the politicians are actors: perfect), that it's time to pretend: to be Christian is then: that: the trap triggered inexorably: against you! because it is never possible that: Satanists of the IMF: the Pharisees of the Talmud, they can share their power with you! your temporary covenant: is destined to collapse: so: you will regret one day, of not to have made ​​investments: in friendship and freedom of religion!
   by  Unius Rei king of Israel
    6 hours  sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSM­DVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison, made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
    @King Saudi Arabia -- il fatto, che, l'Islam si espande: insieme al tuo impero: di salafiti, Al Quaeda, ecc..? che, i martiri cristiani continuano: a morire, ecc.. questo successo è una trappola! perché per colpa vostra: è soltanto: il terrore: e non la cultura: che: sono la base di questa espansione! ma Quando Rothschild: dirà a quei pappagalli dei massoni (i politici sono degli attori: perfetti), che, è arrivato il momento di fingere: di essere cristiani: è allora: che: la tagliola scatterà inesorabilmente: contro di te! perché non è mai possibile: che: i satanisti del FMI: i farisei del Talmud: loro possano condividere il loro potere: con te! la vostra momentanea alleanza: è destinata a crollare: così ti pentirai : un giorno, di non avere fatto investimenti: nell'amicizia e nella libertà di religione!
   by  Unius Rei king of Israel
    6 hours  sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSM­DVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison, made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
    @ King Saudi Arabia -- because you think that 2 billion Muslims can not be killed easily? of course, for Jews and Christians, that, they would not do that! but, for the Satanists: IMF 666 322: the owl god, that thou art an ally? they have no this scruples! why: when you ask for help from Allah: against your Satanists: he will say to you: "go back to ask for help from your still Satanists!" and is this mode: that: Islam will end! @Re Arabia Saudita --- perché tu pensi, che, 2 miliardi di musulmani, non posso essere uccisi, facilmente? certo, per ebrei e cristiani, questo, loro non lo farebbero mai! ma, per i satanisti del: FMI 666 322: il dio gufo, con cui: tu sei un alleato? loro non hanno scrupoli! perché: quando tu chiederai aiuto ad Allah: contro i satanisti: lui dirà a te: "torna a chiedere :ancora aiuto ai tuoi satanisti!" ed è in questo modo: che: l'Islam finirà!
   by  Unius Rei king of Israel
    7 hours  sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSM­DVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison, made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
    @ Putin -- until, Russia will remain Orthodox? an Armageddon against my Israel will never be possible! and not only Russia: from the internal point of view: it will be more stable, but also international relations will be more balanced, with Russia, more determined about his Christian identity. @Putin --- finché, la Russia rimarrà Ortodossa? un Armaghedon, contro, il mio Israele: non sarà mai possibile! e non soltanto la Russia: dal punto di vista interno: sarà più stabile, ma, anche le relazioni internazionali saranno: più equilibrate, con una Russia, più determinata, circa la sua identità cristiana.
   by  Unius Rei king of Israel
    7 hours  sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSM­DVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison, made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
    [tests of NWO: Al Quaeda in Syria, ie: make a single government for one only religion: 666] turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan: has called Syrian President Bashar Assad, a "political corpse" [((and this is true for me, because, there can not be a policy, to do with them, that they are zombies: 666, 322: of all false democracies, of the banking seigniorage: namely, the IMF, and his NWO, for the exaltation of the Talmud criminal, of Baal, god owl at the Bohemian Grove))]. The news was released: the television channel CNN Tür, adding, that, if, Erdogan prayer? , his prayer not will be, next to the Mosque of the Umayyads in place: Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. Syria says, do not know if Erdogan, actually, he prays, but if it does, it certainly will not be the mosque of Omayaddi.
   by  Unius Rei king of Israel
    7 hours  sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSM­DVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison, made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
    [prove tecniche di NWO: cioè: fare un unico governo: per una sola religione] Il premier turco Tayyip Erdogan: ha definito il presidente siriano Bashar Assad: un "cadavere politico" [((e questo è vero: secondo me, perché, non ci può essere una politica: da fare con loro, che loro sono gli zombi: 666, 322: delle false democrazie del signoraggio bancario: cioè il FMI, e il suo NWO; per l'esaltazione del Talmud criminale: di Baal: dio gufo al Bohemian Grove))]. La notizia è stata diffusa: dal canale televisivo CNN Tür, aggiungendo: che, la sua prossima preghiera sarà alla moschea delle Omayyadi, al posto: di Al-Aqsa in Gerusalemme. La Siria risponde: non sappiamo se Erdogan, effettivamente, lui preghi, ma, se lo fa, di sicuro non sarà alla moschea delle Omayaddi.
   by  Unius Rei king of Israel
    13 hours  sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSM­DVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison, made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
    @IMF 322 Wulfnarok 666 CIA for do NWO--- I am a politician and I'm not interested: the religious choices of people! I have my own testimony of faith, and you've got your "this is the end of history." because everything is faith: 1. evoluzionismi, 2. scientism, 3. atheism, 4. superstition, 5. horoscope, 6. etc. .. also this is religion, religion of shit, but it is always religion! I have more respect for agnostics because they are intellectually honest! io sono un politico: ed io non sono interessato: alle scelte religiose delle persone! io ho la mia testimonianza di fede: e tu hai la tua: "questa è la fine della storia!". perché tutto è fede: evoluzionismi, scientismo, ateismo, superstizione, oroscopo, ecc.. anche questo è religione, religione di merda, ma, è sempre religione! io ho più rispetto degli agnostici: perché loro sono onesti intellettualmente! --- off line
   by  Unius Rei king of Israel
    14 hours  sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSM­DVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison, made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
    @ my Jews -- [the Creator can never be afraid of his creatures rebels this fable, that Satanists can come to paradise, to conquer? shows only their stupidity and their desperation] [Jacob] And he dreamed a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold, the angels of God ascending and descending on it. Behold, the Lord stood above it and said, "I am the Lord, the God of your father Abraham and the God of Isaac. Genesis 28, 12-13 .. why, God loves to be reached by man, but the Pharisees rabbis Illuminati IMF 666,322, priests of Baal undercover for the destruction of Israel, they made a new Tower of Babel: the wickedness of the bank seigniorage, which is just the triangle, which was drawn on the U.S. dollar, that is, the NWO, the new world order of Satan you are all dead! better for you would be: if you were been, if, you not ever born!
   by  Unius Rei king of Israel
    14 hours  sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSM­DVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison, made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
    @my Jews --- [il Creatore non potrà mai temere le sue creature ribelli: questa favola, che i satanisti possono giungere in paradiso, per conquistarlo? mostra soltanto, la loro stupidità e la loro disperazione] [Giacobbe] Fece un sogno: una scala poggiava sulla terra, mentre, la sua cima raggiungeva il cielo; ed ecco gli angeli di Dio salivano e scendevano su di essa. Ecco il Signore gli stava davanti e disse: "Io sono il Signore, il Dio di Abramo tuo padre e il Dio di Isacco. Genesi 28, 12-13 .. ecco perché, Dio ama essere raggiunto dall'uomo, ma, i farisei rabbini Illuminati del FMI 666 322, i sacerdoti di Baal: sotto copertura: per la distruzione di Israele, loro hanno fatto una nuova Torre di Babele: la malvagità: del signoraggio bancario, che è proprio quel triangolo, che era disegnato sul dollaro americano, cioè: il NWO, il nuovo ordine mondiale di satana! voi siete tutti morti! meglio per voi: sarebbe stato: se voi non foste mai nati!
   by  Unius Rei king of Israel
    14 hours  sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSM­DVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison, made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
    [creation in the twenty-first century. tci-Italy. en /] The dates of the Flood! (the atomic engine of our planet since the beginning of the reaction: the ultrasound generated shatter a planet in the solar system today: it is the Asteroid Belt) in the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month , on that same day were: (1. planet with a diameter less than 40 times: the magnetic field present, 2. two atmospheres of pressure, 3., there was rain, but the water vapor rising from the floor 4. everything was gigantic man too: see megaliths). all the fountains of the great deep (like today we have the oil, etc. .. then, there were lakes of water), and the windows (time crystal clear: no ultraviolet) of heaven were opened (collapsed on the ground). → Genesis 7.11;
   by  Unius Rei king of Israel
    14 hours  sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSM­DVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison, made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
    [creation in the twenty-first century. tci-Italy. en /] six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the first month, on the first day of the month, the waters were dried up from the earth, Genesis 8.13 → The rain fell on the earth for forty days and forty nights. → Genesis 7:12; (everything was submerged debris, that are misinterpreted as geological) The waters prevailed upon the earth one hundred fifty days (creating a tsunami of awesome power, all over the planet, but then retreated back into the subsoil). → Genesis 7.24
   by  Unius Rei king of Israel
    14 hours  sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSM­DVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison, made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
    [creazione nel XXI secolo:] Le date del Diluvio Universale! (il motore atomico del nostro pianeta da inizio alla reazione: gli ultrasuoni generati mandano in frantumi un pianeta del sistema solare: che oggi : è la fascia degli asteroidi) nell'anno seicentesimo della vita di Noè, nel secondo mese, il diciassette del mese, proprio in quello stesso giorno, eruppero:(1. pianeta con un diametro minore: 40 volte: il campo magnetico attuale; 2. due atmosfere di pressione; 3. non vi era la pioggia, ma il vapore acqueo che saliva dal suolo; 4. tutto era gigantesco anche l'uomo: vedi megaliti). tutte le sorgenti del grande abisso(come oggi abbiamo il petrolio, ecc.. allora, c'erano laghi di acqua): e le cateratte(volta cristallina: assenza di ultravioletti) del cielo si aprirono(collassarono sulla terra). → Genesi 7,11;
   by  Unius Rei king of Israel
    14 hours  sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSM­DVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison, made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
    [creazione nel XXI secolo: . tci-italia .it/] L'anno seicentouno della vita di Noè, il primo mese, il primo giorno del mese, le acque si erano prosciugate sulla terra; → Genesi 8,13 Cadde la pioggia sulla terra: per quaranta giorni e quaranta notti. → Genesi 7,12; (tutto fu sommerso da detriti: che, sono erroneamente interpretati come ere geologiche) Le acque restarono alte sopra la terra centocinquanta giorni(creando tsunami di una potenza impressionante, su tutto il pianeta, ma poi si ritirarono nuovamente nel sottosuolo). → Genesi 7,24
   by  Unius Rei king of Israel
    22 hours  sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSM­DVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison, made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
    [criminal Saudi Imperialism and their 666 IMF NWO] /watch?feature=player_embedded&v=a1IvY5t0Zyg#! ]]--- Syria The truth about the massacre of Daraya, the mercenaries of the FSA commit a new massacre. THIS MASSACRE AS ALL THOSE ABOVE, IT IS SHOWN THAT HAS BEEN COMMITTED BY ARMED TERRORIST GROUPS TO STRIKE THE STRUCTURES AND THE WELFARE STATE OF THE SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC, WITH AN ATTEMPT TO REDUCE IT, IF IT WERE THEIR POSSIBLE TO COLLAPSE AND THE COLLAPSE TO ESTABLISH NOT A DEMOCRACY (as demonstrated by the nature jihadist fundamentalism: these armed groups, and many movies where the terrorists only want to declare an Islamic caliphate) BUT AN ISLAMIC THEOCRACY EXCLUSIVE (remember that the Syrian Arab Republic is a secular and multi-faith,
   by  Unius Rei king of Israel
    22 hours  sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSM­DVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison, made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
    [criminal Saudi Imperialism and their 666 IMF NWO] where they are guaranteed to all freedom, education and religious rights by law). So the Syrians were killed, and the manner of killing is always the same, at the hands of mercenaries led by their accomplices and leaders: in the West along with the Gulf monarchies, so they are committed: the massacres, and then market them to think about their mass media, in particular the two channels Wahhabis "of Hamad Al-Jazeera and Al-Arabyia of Saud." THESE TERRORIST GROUPS, SQUADRONS DEATH OF MERCENARIES COMPOUNDS THAT ARE FOR ALMOST TWO YEARS bloodying SYRIA, COULD NOT: AND COULD NOT COMMIT SUCH CRIMES still TERRIBLE, HE HAD NOT BEEN ARMED, FUNDED, instigated, COVERED (militarily, logistically diplomatically)
   by  Unius Rei king of Israel
    22 hours  sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSM­DVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison, made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
   by  Unius Rei king of Israel
    22 hours  sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSM­DVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison, made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
   by  Unius Rei king of Israel  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by Unius REI]  43 secondi fa [criminal Saudi Imperialism and their 666 IMF NWO] their accomplices and leaders in the West: together with the Gulf monarchies, so are committed massacres, and then market them: we think their mass media, in particular the two channels Wahhabis "of Hamad Al-Jazeera and Al-Arabyia of Saud."
   by  Unius Rei king of Israel
    22 hours  sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSM­DVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison, made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
    (but, lol. Christians: they are very stable: in the cemetery where there is not Assad) LEBANON - SYRIA, Maronite Patriarch: Syrian Christians want stability and do not support Assad(ma, lol. i cristiani: sono molto stabili: al cimitero: dove non c'è Assad). "In time of war - adds the patriarch - the entire population suffers, Christians and Muslims. Nevertheless, the Christian community has suffered many attacks, such as in Egypt and Iraq. Syrian Christians suffer like other citizens, in Homs as well as in Aleppo they suffer the bombings and were forced to flee. " Bechara Rai says the violence is being fomented by Islamic extremists, which in turn represent a minority in the religious landscape in Syria.
   by  Unius Rei king of Israel
    22 hours  sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSM­DVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison, made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
    (but, lol. Christians: they are very stable: in the cemetery where there is not Assad) The prelate recalls the important role of Christians in the Middle East, who thanks to their testimony promote the values ​​of peace and dialogue in the feud between the various Muslim denominations and ethnicities. However, they are still treated as second-class citizens or minority in need of protection in almost all Muslim-majority nations. "Christians - observes Msgr. Raï - are in the Middle East for 2 thousand years, since the advent of Christ, and have played an important role in their respective countries, the same as Muslims."
   by  Unius Rei king of Israel
    23 hours  sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSM­DVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison, made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
    @Rothschild IMF FED --- about 666 CIA Synnek1 ExecutionKiller? ----I have compassion on them, Because they have learned to RESPECT me! but the rebels will be punished! Synnek1 posted a comment 3 hours ago: said: "Everyone -------------- DRINK BLOOD of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem!" --ANSWER --- LOL. in this way: the demons will be forced to get out of your body and your soul
   by  Unius Rei king of Israel
 HALLELUJAH.     sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSM­DVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison, made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
    @666 CIA IMF Darokic -- when was the last time that you went to the doctor to do the analysis? Syria: Terzi and Fabius in Ashton, strengthen strategic role of EU - ​​2 hours ago Syria: Terzi and Fabius in Ashton, EU strengthen strategic role, to the humanitarian crisis, human rights, opposition and reconstruction, Italy, Ansa. Syria: Motobomba against mosque in Damascus, "several injuries" AGI - Journalistic Agency Italy - 21 minutes ago In Syria found 45 corpses. NATO that we do not interfere TM News - 2 hours ago - ANSWER -- destabilize the institutions: of a sovereign state through terrorism of Al Queda: ie Saudi Arabia? so in low: all the false democracies Masonic: of Banking seigniorage: they never pushed!
   by  Unius Rei king of Israel
 HALLELUJAH.     sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSM­DVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison, made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
    666 IMF CIA: ie Darokic : the satanist spammer: has posted a comment 11 minutes ago: SAID:" YOUTUBE LOSERS HANGOUT ↓ ↓" ---- - ANSWER --- traitor to the American people and its Constitution betrayed the Jew enlightened of the IMF: and all his occult powers!. where it is written that those who win they have always right: while those who lose (the losers) they are always wrong? Armenians and all Peoples of Martyrs Christians were exterminated: by Muslims? they were right, however, are dead!
   by  Unius Rei king of Israel
 HALLELUJAH.     sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSM­DVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison, made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
    [666 IMF war: against Syria: for saudi imperialism of Al Quaeda] WILLIAM HAGUE (BRITISH FOREIGN SECRETARY) CONFIRM CONNECTIONS WITH: MERCENARIES/ TERRORISTS OF FSA. British Foreign Secretary William Hague has revealed that his government authorized and facilitated "limited contacts" between the UK agents and representatives of the Free Army (FSA=Fake Strangers Army). The contacts were part of a plot hatched by Britain's spying apparatus and the U.S. spying agencies to topple the popular government of Syria. "The UK's own Special Representative to the Syrian Opposition continues to meet oppositionist groups in the region," Hague said in a statement to the country's House of Commons. The Free Army is a rebel group that has taken arms against the government of Syria.
   by  Unius Rei king of Israel
 HALLELUJAH.     sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSM­DVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison, made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
    [666 IMF war: against Syria: for saudi imperialism of Al Quaeda] The terrorist group, whose elements are mainly consisting of foreign mercenaries, rebels and outlaws within Syria, declared its existence on 29 July 2011. Earlier in August, a senior rebel admitted that British intelligence was playing a covert role in the civil war by providing information about the movement of Syrian armed forces to terrorists fighting the Syrian government. "British intelligence is observing things closely from Cyprus. It's very useful because they find out a great deal," the senior rebel said. "The British are giving the information to the Turks and the Americans and we are getting it from the Turks", he added. British Foreign Secretary William Hague also admitted that London has provided "an extra £5 million in non-lethal practical assistance to help protect rebel groups and so-called human rights activists in Syria."
   by  Unius Rei king of Israel
 HALLELUJAH.     sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSM­DVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison, made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
    [666 IMF war: against Syria: for saudi imperialism of Al Quaeda] We have already trained over 60 Syrian activists in documenting human rights violations, and provided support including equipment for 100 Syrian citizen journalists to report on events in Syria, Hague said. Activists who helped investigate the massacre in Houla for example were trained by the United Kingdom, Hague added. Hague also announced that Britain was increasing its "bilateral support for the Lebanese government and armed forces as they grapple with insecurity caused by Syria's conflict.
   by  Unius Rei king of Israel
 HALLELUJAH.     sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSM­DVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison, made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
    @ To all Governments -- you have to give up "immediately" to any imperialist project: both: is of nature: ideological, that of a religious nature, that of an economic nature! because this planet is the home of every man, and no one should die for racism, hunger and terror! otherwise? the rabbis Pharisees, of the Talmud satanic stored in the IMF? their devour: everything, which, by their not yet been devoured! because every war, is for increasing, the debt of the people, through which the banks take control of the political: ie, the New World Order of 666 IMF: so Satan can be: all in all!
   by  Unius Rei king of Israel
 HALLELUJAH.     sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSM­DVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison, made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
    09/07/2012 09:31 CHINA Series of earthquakes in south-west: seven dead, dozens injured and 20 thousand homes destroyed The shocks struck border area between Yunnan and Guizhou provinces. The main earthquake at 11 am registers magnitude 5.7. The toll is still provisional in the areas reached by the first responders. The earthquake also felt in Sichuan, the scene of a devastating earthquake in May 2008. --ANSWER --- Earthquakes and disasters are only a geological phenomenon, pollution, ecc.. ecc..? I have another theory! therefore, you learn to walk uprightly, with feelings: of love and compassion, justice and truth, of your Creator, because, he has the power to protect you!
   by  Unius Rei king of Israel
 HALLELUJAH.     sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSM­DVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison, made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
    09/07/2012[PAKISTAN: monsters of the distant past: You rise again! said the Talmud IMF: for I have urgent need to make the 3rd WW Nuclear!] Paul Bhatti: " joy and satisfaction" for Rimsha Masih's release (on bail)The Catholic Pakistani politician praises work of police and government, which led to the release of the mentally disabled child arrested for blasphemy. He thanks APMA lawyers, the ulema and investigators because they have helped to maintain the peace and justice. She will be ruinited soon with her family. Islamabad (AsiaNews) - A court in Islamabad, "has ordered the release on bail" of Rimsha Masih, the mentally impaired child, arrested in recent weeks as a result of (false) accusations of blasphemy. The news was confirmed by Paul Bhatti, Special Adviser to the Prime Minister for National Harmony, who descried to AsiaNews the "joy and satisfaction"
   by  Unius Rei king of Israel
 HALLELUJAH.     sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSM­DVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison, made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
    @ExecutionKiller --- I can not judge, someone: today, in my position of Internet users, that is, with information insufficient, ie : that someone is worthy of death: 1. God has not given, to me this task to judge: today, 2. it is not in my political responsibility, to defend of the people: and all Peoples, if it is? of course, in the future, if I had political responsibilities, I should also take this decision to protect the innocent! but, today, I trust the judgment of the Holy Spirit, lol. is because the angels are killers better than you! @Synnek1 & ExecutionKiller: ie, 666 + 322 = spammers of CIA x IMF god OWL Baal --- why do not we read the Book of Wisdom of King Solomon? to me, synnek1: he closed site "Uniusrei2" just for this! which one of you: want to suffer something for the love of his Creator JHWH Holy Holy Holy?
   by  Unius Rei king of Israel
 HALLELUJAH.     sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSM­DVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison, made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
    [saudi imperialism terrorism: also in Syria] We inquired about why only the state-controlled Anatolia news agency was allowed into the camp along with the members of the commission despite the presence of a large number of people from the press there. Deputy Özkul responded that such a large group would not be able to enter the camp, and that personal preferences would take precedence when they had to make choices. The Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) did not participate, as they have no members in the commission, while the People's Republican Party (CHP) chose not to go, as they had already been denied access into the camp once before. CHP leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu had said that the camp was in violation of United Nations agreements and that it provided military training to people who then crossed the border into Syria to fight there. (YY)
   by  Unius Rei king of Israel
 HALLELUJAH.     sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSM­DVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison, made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
    @666 IMF:drink your poison made by yourself [The sickness caused by sin] 2-Chronicles 21.18; After all this, the Lord struck him down with an intestinal disease incurable.; Deuteronomy 7.15, The Lord will take away from thee all sickness, and will put upon you none of the evil diseases of Egypt, which thou knowest, but will send hate thee. Deuteronomy 28.59; then the Lord will smite you and your descendants with scorpions prodigious: plagues great and lasting, malignant diseases and stubborn. Deuteronomy 28.27. The Lord will strike you with the boils of Egypt and with tumors, scab and with the itch, from which it can not be healed. The Lord will afflict you with madness, blindness and madness, Deuteronomy 28.35; The Lord will smite thee in the knees and thighs with a malignant ulcer, which can not be healed, from the sole of your foot will strike the top of the head. ♰CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. is why, I am Unius REI! king in Israel: forever
   by  Unius Rei king of Israel
 HALLELUJAH.     sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSM­DVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison, made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
    @666 IMF: drink your poison made by yourself . Job 2.10 If we accept good from God, and shall we not receive evil? Psalm 38.2 + 6.2 - Lord, do not punish me in your anger, do not punish me in your wrath. - Lord, do not punish me in your anger, do not punish me in your wrath. [[I have done evil in all that they hated the Cross!]] Deuteronomy 29, 21 Then the next generation, your children who rise up after you, and the stranger that will come from a distant land, when they see the plagues of that land, and the diseases that the Lord has inflicted: Exodus 9, 8-11 6th Plague: ulcers: The Lord said to Moses ... So they took soot from a furnace and stood before Pharaoh, Moses threw it in the air and it produced pustular ulcers, with eruptions of men and beasts. The magicians could not stand before Moses because of the ulcers that had affected them as all the Egyptians. ♰CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. is why, I am Unius REI! king in Israel: forever
   by  Unius Rei king of Israel
 HALLELUJAH.     sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSM­DVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison, made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
    @666 IMF:My anger can consume: the soul of all criminals like you! drink your poison made by yourself 2-Chronicles 21, 14. behold, the Lord will bring down a major disaster on your people, on your children, on your wives, and all thy goods. You will suffer serious illness, an intestinal disease that it for your insides will come out in two years. " [[I have done evil in all that they hated the Cross!]] Jeremiah 16.13 : because he says the LORD concerning the sons and daughters that are born in this place, and concerning the mothers who give birth to them and to their fathers that generate them in this country will die of diseases harrowing, shall not be lamented nor buried, but will be like dung on the ground. Will perish by sword and famine, and their dead bodies shall be food for birds of the air and the beasts of the earth. " Leprosy as a punishment ... ♰CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. is why, I am Unius REI! king in Israel: forever
   by  Unius Rei king of Israel
 HALLELUJAH.     sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSM­DVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison, made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
    @666 IMF: My anger can consume: the soul of all criminals like you! drink your poison made by yourself John 5.14. Afterward Jesus found him in the temple and said to him: "Behold, you are well: sin no more, that nothing may happen to you something worse." [The sickness caused by sin] Luca 9.1. He then summoned the Twelve and gave them power and authority over all demons and to cure diseases. [[I have done evil in all that they hated the Cross!]] [Therapy to the disease] Sirach 11.14 Good and evil, life and death, poverty and wealth, comes from the Lord. Jeremiah 15.2. Thus says the Lord: Who is for the plague, the plague, Who the sword, to the sword, Who hunger, hungry, Who with slavery, slavery. ♰CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. is why, I am Unius REI! king in Israel: forever
   by  Unius Rei king of Israel
 HALLELUJAH.     sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSM­DVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison, made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
    no! I do not think that I'll never be forced to kill someone simply because, all people and Peoples, will accept my universal brotherhood and this way we will all be in peace. Osama bin Laden? . he never said he had done: 11 September 2001, and even the U.S. has never charged for it! because everyone knows that they were been Satanists international and institutional: of Americans: as, also: Mossad CIA, Bush and the IMF .. @ CIA synnek1 -- I AM ONLY, but the world is great! and all peoples must be redeemed from their imminent death(physical and spiritual) through me: in my jewish Temple, is because, I can not risk losing one only child anywhere in the world! I am a man who has been given totally, to the universal brotherhood
   by  Unius Rei king of Israel
 HALLELUJAH.     sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSM­DVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison, made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
    [criminal 666 Saudi Arabia: is Al Quaeda] Using Al-Qaeda to fight in Syria perilous, one may as well give guns to Gitmo inmates]] RT: Understood. Mr. President, another question I'd like to ask you -- a number of Western and Arab nations have been covertly ... with supporting the FSA, the Free Syrian Army -- indeed, some of them are doing it openly now. Of course the catch here is that the FSA is suspected of hiring known Al-Qaeda fighters amongst their ranks. So the twist in this tale is that a lot of those countries are actually sponsoring terrorism, if you like, in Syria, countries that have suffered from terrible terrorism themselves. Is that a fair assessment? Syrian Resistance Against Western & Arab-Gulf Superpowers, alias Terrorists & Mercenaries Turkey Military Drill: Ankara stages fresh war games near Syrian border Russia EXCLUSIVE) Putin: Using Al-Qaeda in Syria like sending Gitmo inmates to fight. EXCLUSIVE ~ Putin: "Using Al-Qaeda in Syria is very dangerous"
   by  Unius Rei king of Israel
 HALLELUJAH.     sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSM­DVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison, made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
    [war Turchia ve: Siaria] Syrian Resistance Against Western & Arab-Gulf Superpowers, aka Terrorists & Mercenaries Military Drill Turkey: Ankara stages fresh war ... Continue reading »Russia Warning: "Attacking Iran Will Be Disastrous For Regional Stability"Posted by syrianfreepress in + All Articles, Iran, Israel, Russia, Video, War Against Terrorism, War Strategy. Russia * Warning: "Attacking Iran Will Be Disastrous For Regional Stability" * Published on September 6, 2012 - by ... Fuerzas Armadas liquidan to Mercenarios terroristas en Alepo, Mercenarios matan to 5 civiles y otros secuestran to 17 en la aldea de Ghassaniya ~ Crackdown on Terrorists Continues in Several Provinces, Terrorists Murder Citizens in Homs Province . EXCLUSIVE ~ Putin: "Using Al-Qaeda in Syria is very dangerous"

   by  Unius Rei king of Israel
 HALLELUJAH.     sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSM­DVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison, made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
    [8_8]. 09/06/2012 VIETNAM [criminal murderers communists of shit: I will send an angel, against you, to satiate my wrath!] The Commission also emphasizes the "non-compliance" of the articles of the Criminal Code in relation to international legislation. Finally, it rattles off numerous "procedural" errors that characterized the trial. For Catholic leaders, the first trial was a "parody " in which civil rights that are enshrined in the Constitution were violated: freedom of speech, press, assembly and information. None of these rights, they say, are included in the Civil Code of 2006. In this regard, young people are only expressing their personal opinions could - in theory - rely on the basic rights of the human person. They, concludes the statement of the diocese, are "good students" and come from "poor and hard-working" families.
   by  Unius Rei king of Israel
 HALLELUJAH.     sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSM­DVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison, made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
    [1_8]. VIETNAM 05/25/2012 [criminal murderers communists of shit: I will send an angel, against you, to satiate my wrath!] Four Catholic activists, on trial for "propaganda against the state", are sentenced. by J. B. An Dang. The young people received sentences ranging from 18 to 42 amen ☠pax☠ +♰+ ☠pax☠ alleluia ♰ AMEN.  in prison, followed by a period of probation. Thousands of people attended the trial outside the court, brandishing slogans of protest. Families announce the appeal. Vietnamese bishops: the arbitrary application of the law results in aberrations. Hanoi (AsiaNews) - A Vietnamese court has sentenced four Catholic activists of Vinh, under Article 88 of the Penal Code for distributing "anti-government leaflets" and conducting "propaganda against the state" (see AsiaNews 24/05/2012 Vietnamese Catholic activists on trial for "propaganda against the state").
   by  Unius Rei king of Israel
 HALLELUJAH.     sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSM­DVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison, made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
    09/06/2012 PAKISTAN [all lies! CIA and Saudi Arabia: stabbed Pakistan: because Al Qaeda is their creation: for destroy my holy Islam and Christianity!!] Islamabad expels six foreign Save the Children aid workers. For the Pakistani government, they helped US spies find the hiding place of al Qaeda's founder, thus facilitating his killing. For the NGO, which denies any involvement with the US operation, the decision remains unmotivated. A doctor sentenced to 33 years in prison is thought to have had links with the charity. Islamabad (AsiaNews/Agencies) - Pakistan is expelling Save the Children's foreign staff, official sources announced today. The decision is apparently linked to Pakistani suspicion the aid agency helped US spies hunt down Osama bin Laden.
   by  Unius Rei king of Israel
 HALLELUJAH.     sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSM­DVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison, made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
    PAKISTAN [all lies! CIA and Saudi Arabia: stabbed Pakistan: because Al Qaeda is their creation: for destroy my holy Islam and Christianity!!] The Interior Ministry told the group that its six foreign employees had to be out of Pakistan within two weeks. It gave no reason for the decision, but it is likely connected to the US action that led to the al Qaeda leader's death. After the operation, Pakistan arrested a Pakistani doctor on suspicion that he worked for the CIA. A court eventually sentenced him to 33 years in prison. Ghulam Qadri, Save the Children's director for programme planning and communications, said he was not given any reason for the expulsion. The Interior Ministry also did issue any statement on the matter. The humanitarian group has worked in the Asian country for 30 years and has employed over the years at least 2,000 people.
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    1 secondo fa
    666 IMF FED 322 ECB jihad sharia hinduists, communists, criminals, freemasonry, -- figli del demonio, io saccheggerò, completamente, le vostre anime maledette, lasciandovi nella più totale desolazione!
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    40 minuti fa
    02/12/2013 [Obama ally of the Salafists, to destroy Israel]. SYRIA. After Muslim rebels seize two priests in Aleppo, there are fears for their life. An Armenian Catholic priest, Fr Michael, and an Orthodox clergyman were abducted last Sunday in Aleppo's Christian neighbourhood. Sources speak to AsiaNews about barbarous murders carried out my Islamic extremists. A car bomb explodes at the Turkish-Syrian border crossing of Cilvegozu. Aleppo (AsiaNews) - A group of rebels close to Muslim extremists on Sunday abducted an Armenian Catholic priest, Fr Michael, as well as a yet unknown Orthodox clergyman. Both were working in Aleppo. Sources, anonymous for security reasons, told AsiaNews that the city's Christian community is very concerned about the attack. "Extremist violence is getting worse day by day.
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    41 minuti fa
    [Obamaally of the Salafists, to destroy Israel]. SYRIA. Muslim militias are killing anyone suspected of ties with the regime, including women and children. People in the neighbourhoods are comparing these days to the Ottoman conquest five centuries ago." For several weeks, residents had complained about the presence of al-Nusra Front forces, Islamic extremists who want to turn Syria into an Islamic state, feared even by the rebel Free Syrian Army. On 6 February, Front troops stormed the Christian neighbourhood of Jdeideh where extremists had already destroyed the city's main Evangelical church in November. Al-Nusra forces include many foreigners, including Muslims from Indonesia and the Philippines, as evinced by a statement posted online by the leader of Abu Sayyaf, an extremist Muslim group with ties to al-Qaeda operating in the Philippines.
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    41 minuti fa
    [Obamaally of the Salafists, to destroy Israel]. SYRIA. In it, Muslims are urged to go to Syria and sacrifice their lives for Islam. "These fighters live for killing and violence. They act without pity and make distinctions among people," sources said. "When they kill, they turn to God as if they were making a sacrifice." Meanwhile, clashes between the military and rebel groups continue across Syria with more than 60,000 people killed so far. Yesterday, a car bomb killed 13 people near the Turkish border, at a road block in Cilvegozu, a border crossing some 100 kilometres northwest of Aleppo, the main route of escape for Syrian refugees fleeing the war. It has been in rebel hands for several months. (S.C.)
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    47 minuti fa
    02/14/2013 NEPAL - TIBET - CHINA Two more Tibetans self-immolate to protest against Chinese oppression A young monk sets himself on fire and dies in Aba Prefecture (Sichuan, southern China). Another monk does the same in front of the Boudhanath stupa in Kathmandu (Nepal). Since 2009, 101 Tibetans have self-immolated to protest against Chinese oppression. CHINA Party denounces St. Valentine's Day and decline of corrupt leaders Bo Xilai, the former chief of Chongqing, Liu Zhijun, a former railway minister, Chen Liangyu, former party secretary of Shanghai cited as an example of people dragged into corruption from love affairs celebrated with St Valentine's Day. Bloggers suggest rather than abolish the holiday it would be better to implement political reforms.
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    1 ora fa
    [strategia del FMI: e dell'Arabia Saudita, per distruggere Israele]+ Nucleare iraniano: e il burattino: Obama]]. Si allontanano, ulteriormente, le posizioni di Barack Hussein Obama e Israele, sul nucleare iraniano. Il solco, ancora più profondo, lo ha tracciato il nuovissimo rapporto del National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) consegnato, nei giorni scorsi alla Casa Bianca, e, che delinea uno scenario molto simile a quello prefigurato da Israele: l'Iran è sul punto di dotarsi di armi nucleari. Ora, qualsiasi altro Presidente americano avrebbe preso il rapporto del NIE, proprio, per la sua autorevolezza, come oro colato, e avrebbe agito di conseguenza. Non Barack Hussein Obama, che, alle giuste e legittime pressioni israeliane ha risposto, con un atto che chiamare provocatorio e sconsiderato è puro eufemismo: ha convinto l'Arabia Saudita a ritirare il suo appoggio agli aerei israeliani, in caso,
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    1 ora fa
    [strategia del FMI: e dell'Arabia Saudita, per distruggere Israele]+ Nucleare iraniano: e il burattino: Obama]]. di un loro attacco alle centrali nucleari iraniane e lo ha fatto, scientemente , poche ore prima che il rapporto del NIE venisse diffuso. Di fatto ha chiuso la via più probabile (e comoda) per un attacco israeliano alle centrali nucleari iraniane. Come a dire: a noi non ce ne frega un piffero del rapporto del NIE, fino a dopo le elezioni non se ne fa niente. A Gerusalemme sono allibiti da questa assurda ed incomprensibile posizione del Presidente americano, ma soprattutto sono infuriati per la porcata fatta da Obama a Israele con l'Arabia Saudita. Infatti, come il premier israeliano Benjamin Netanyahu ha più volte ribadito, Israele è in grado di difendersi da solo e non chiede un intervento americano,
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    1 ora fa
    [strategia del FMI: e dell'Arabia Saudita, per distruggere Israele]+ Nucleare iraniano: e il burattino: Obama]]. ma non può nemmeno tollerare che Obama gli metta i bastoni tra le ruote per una eventuale opzione militare sulle centrali nucleari iraniane. E la mossa fatta con l'Arabia Saudita è chiaramente volta a questo obbiettivo, cioè impedire a Israele di agire, anche se da solo. E' chiaro quindi che questi giochetti politici fatti ai danni della sicurezza di Israele non può stare bene e non può essere tollerata dagli israeliani. Il solco che divide Obama da Israele è sempre più profondo e ormai è chiaro che se si dovrà intervenire sulle centrali nucleari di Teheran per fermare il programma nucleare iraniano, Israele lo dovrà fare da solo. --ANSWER-- mi assumo io: la responsabilità, di un attacco nucleare contro la MECCA!
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    2 ore fa
    [Because Jesus said: "wicked and perverse generation" if, in his time: there was: not: Zapatero, the Socialist, the Freemasons and Obama? but, 666 Rothschild Baal Peor: Enlightened IMF: agenda talmud , to destroy Israel? Already he was!] God does not want that, I have to force: impose: myself: Unius REI, with the violence, but that I must be chosen: for love, and awareness: of the natural law, to all those who have been predestined to overcome, the nuclear World War III, now, inevitable! all those who do not recognize freedom of religion? have a project imperialist (this is logical consequential automatic), for enslavement of mankind .. That's why, Iran must be destroyed immediately! is just, that, Shiites, with the atomic, can finally avenge: yourself, against the Sunnis
  • UniusRei3
    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
    4 ore fa
    1_12. [[Promoted Bestialität: wie Zapatero: anticrist in Spanien: das ist die wahre Zivilisation]] Pharisäer IWF, jetzt genug! lass der Westen könnte sein Christentum zurückzukehren! [Sie und Ihre Sozialist? CAN "" fuck "" alle Tiere, die wie Sie in der Hölle! ]. Spanien Studenten beginnen: zum Denken: dass das Geschlecht frei geübt werden, auch: mit den Tieren. In Vereinbarung mit, die Organisation: "Professional Ethics für" Studenten in der dritten Klasse (Kinder, 9 Jahre alt), in einer Schule von Cordoba in Südspanien, Andalusien, werden in einem Kurs teil: in der Materie mit dem Titel "Die Natur hat uns das Geschlecht, und wir verwenden können: mit einem anderen Mädchen, ein Junge:. oder mit einem Tier"] Gruppen von Eltern haben gesagt, dass: das Material indoktriniert Kinder, Verkleidungen, ein Pro-Homosexualität Tagesordnung: Erzbischof Salvatore Joseph Cordileone, neue Papst!
  • UniusRei3
    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
    4 ore fa
    1_12. [[Bestialidad Promovido: como, Zapatero: anticrist, en España: se trata de la verdadera civilización]] fariseos FMI, ahora, es suficiente! que el Occidente pudiera volver a su cristiandad! [usted y su socialista? CAN "" joder "" todos los animales, al igual que usted, en el infierno! ]. Los estudiantes comienzan España: el pensamiento: que el sexo puede ser practicado libremente, también: con los animales. De acuerdo con la organización: "Ética Profesional para", los estudiantes del tercer grado (hijos, de 9 años de edad), en una escuela de Córdoba, en el sur de España, Andalucía, están participando en un curso: en la materia que se titula "La naturaleza nos ha dado el sexo, y podemos usar: con otra chica, otro chico:. o con un animal"] Grupos de padres han dicho que: la materia adoctrina a los niños, disfraces, una agenda pro-homosexualidad: el arzobispo Salvatore Joseph Cordileone, nuevo Papa!
  • UniusRei3
    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
    4 ore fa
    1_12. [[Bestialité Promu: comme, Zapatero: anticrist, en Espagne: il s'agit de la vraie civilisation]] pharisiens FMI, maintenant, ça suffit! laisser l'Occident pourrait revenir à son christianisme! [vous et votre socialiste? CAN "" fuck "" tous les animaux, comme vous, dans l'enfer! ]. Étudiants commencent Espagne: à la pensée: que le sexe peut être pratiquée librement, aussi: avec les animaux. En accord avec l'organisation: «L'éthique professionnelle pour», les élèves de la troisième année (enfants de 9 ans), dans une école de Cordoue dans le sud de l'Espagne, en Andalousie, sont la participation à un cours: dans la matière qui est intitulé «la nature nous a donné le sexe, et nous pouvons utiliser: avec une autre fille, un autre garçon:. ou avec un animal"] Groupes de parents ont dit que: le matériau endoctrine les enfants, déguisements, un agenda pro-homosexualité: l'archevêque Salvatore Joseph Cordileone, nouveau pape!
  • UniusRei3
    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
    4 ore fa
    2_12. [[Promoted bestiality: as, Zapatero: anticrist]] Correspondence (July 30, 2012) Interview: to: mon. Cordileone new archbishops of San Fransisco. (Michael Drake) On 14 November 2008, the day of the presidential election: in: America, you are bound, also: different referendums. Particularly paradoxical results in California: and: in Florida, where the so-called same-sex marriage: is been: rejected by the electorate, despite: these countries have voted for: in: majority: for: Barack Obama, noted supporter: of: these forms of: unions, to: proof of the fact: that: the American public wanted: an: political change: but: not: ideological. We talk with the bishop of Oakland, Msgr. Salvatore Cordileone, that: reveals both the broad perspectives: for: improving culturally, the company, which, paradoxically, the new scenarios: of: Marginalization: to: where they can go, meeting Catholics: of: this great nation. [Jews: x: Messiah: UniusREI ♰ CSPBCSSMLN DSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB].
  • UniusRei3
    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
    4 ore fa
    3_12. [[Promoted bestiality: as, Zapatero: anticrist, in Spain: this is the true civilization]] *** With respect to the referendum on the: marriage, especially: in: Califomia, an: Poll: on the: Proposition 8 (same: that: was opposed to civil unions between homosexuals, ed.)? [Answer:] This change is: is: verified: in: a double dimension: time: and: spiritual. In the temporal dimension: is: started after the: start of the campaign, the media with: ads, press: and: so on. There, people: is: realized: of: what it really was: in: game, that is: to: to say that: the: Proposition 8: protected the true human rights, not: cancellava. Spiritualmente them, there have been many people: of: faith: that: they are united: in: forty days of: fasting: and: prayer. Fasting is: just started a week or two before the change: of: the trend. We think that: this spiritual effort had to that: do with the result.Archbishop Salvatore Joseph Cordileone, new Pope!
  • UniusRei3
    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
    4 ore fa
    4_12. [[Promoted bestiality: as, Zapatero: anticrist, in Spain: this is the true civilization]]*** this campaign since: was 52 %? [Answer:] The fall: is: cause for concern, the correct understanding of the problem is: is: an: po 'eroded: is: an: a real fact, but: not: so serious: such as it might seem. Analysts say that: you are lost at least: three percentage points, but: probably: of more, according to some: 7: and: even. 10 percentage points, to: because of confusing wording: the question is: was the ideal formulation: for: Defeat an initiative that: "eliminated: an: right". If this: not: it happened, we will have achieved at least 55%. However: is: always an: down and: is: worrying, but: for: to answer your question, because there are many lessons to be learned, we have found: that: there are many people: of faith, even: in California, and: that: faith still has the power: of: transforming culture.Archbishop Salvatore Joseph Cordileone, new Pope!
  • UniusRei3
    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
    4 ore fa
    5_12. [[Promoted bestiality: as, Zapatero: anticrist, in Spain]] ***: There is, an: link, direct, between the contraceptive mentality, sixties: in: then: and: this offensive: for: to promote sterile unions, between, people of the same sex? [Answer:] Surely there are philosophical ties. Those: that: studying this matter know: that: to the beginning: of the: erosion: the family: there was the contraceptive mentality, separating the procreation of the: conjugal act. Sex, is shrinking: to: something intended solely: for: pleasure. Also, I recently read some authors that: emphasize this explicitly. One: in: particular criticized strongly, Mormons, because even they, accept, contraceptives. This author simply was inconceivable that: someone sees sex as something else: the only pleasure: and: if there is only: for: pleasure, not: there are no limits. So Anything that gives pleasure? becomes lawful.Archbishop Salvatore Joseph Cordileone, new Pope!
  • UniusRei3
    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
    4 ore fa
    6_12. [[Promoted bestiality: as, Zapatero: anticrist, in Spain: this is the true civilization]] *** about: violence against: those: that: have supported traditional marriage?[Answer:] There should be a response to the: hatred: and: violence. There is much to say about it. We are concerned: that: what he really wants the other party. They are the ones: that more demand tolerance, but, when things: for: them not: go: for: the right way, they become extremely, intolerant. You say, "robbed" by: an: a fundamental right; but: how can: an: right artificially created (and in opposition to natural law): and: never existed before, have become essential? Then, an other thing: never, this right: is been harvested with: an: democratic process in any State where [sex "marriage", ed]: is been: legalized, it: is been: thanks to Rating: of: the four judges of the State Supreme Courts. Archbishop Salvatore Joseph Cordileone, new Pope! If, HE is: not: modernist, has the balls, to do the Pope!
  • UniusRei3
    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
    4 ore fa
    7_12. [[Promoted bestiality: as, Zapatero: anticrist, in Spain: this is the true civilization]] We have instead used: an: the democratic process. We took off the power: of: deciding to some: and: we have placed: in the hands of the people, in: so that it decide: that: Type: of: Companies want. I received an email this morning: an: a friend, a priest of my diocese. I am enclosing the paragraph: that: has written for: its bulletin, comparing, what, happened: the Kristallnacht: Nazi Germany: in 1938, when they were attacked Jews, their institutions: and: their shops. No one protested. The same thing is happening now: the Mormons: and: no public personality is protesting, simply because: Mormons are pronounced: an: democratic process: in: Please: of: the: that: believe to be: the common good, as indeed, also: us: and: not: for: spread: their particular point: of: the religious.Archbishop Salvatore Joseph Cordileone, new Pope! If, HE is: not: modernist, has the balls, to do the Pope!
  • UniusRei3
    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
    4 ore fa
    8_12. [[Promoted bestiality: Zapatero: anticrist, in Spain: this is the true civilization]] *** If this "marriage" between persons of the same sex were: an: day implemented: for: law, what might: on the Church, on church-related organizations, and: on non-profit organizations, for: example? [Answer:] Do not: is: a question of "live: and: let live." This: that: is happening in our society is: that: there are two concepts: the marriage mutually exclusive. An idea is: that of marriage, such as: is: always existed in society since the dawn of civilization, that is, the union: for: all my life, including: an: man and a woman: in: mutual fidelity for: procreation: . Society: and: the state will take: an: benefit because: for: to flourish, its citizens must be virtuous: and: children learn: the virtues above all: in their families, then: in communities of : education: and: of: faith. [Archbishop Salvatore Joseph Cordileone, new Pope! If, HE is: not: modernist, has the balls, to do the Pope!]
  • UniusRei3
    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
    4 ore fa
    9_12. [[Promoted bestiality: as, Zapatero: anticrist, in Spain: this is the true civilization]] This: is: the idea of: marriage: that: is: always existed. And: is: so: that: has a special status in the law. The other conception of marriage: is: that: that: claims: that: marriage is: any thing you want to define: for this. Therefore: not: there is moral difference: between: the so-called homosexual "marriages": o: heterosexual marriages and, therefore, any person who: thinks otherwise: is: an: freak: and: worthy: of: to be treated as such. The IRS [Office: for: revenue, ed] revoked the non-profit status: to: an association Methodist in Ocean Grove (NJ). is been: refused: to: a lesbian couple: that: he wanted to celebrate: their civil union, after: that: New Jersey had approved the legislation. And so many other cases, for: example, associations: of: love: of the: Archdiocese: of Boston. [Arch Salvatore Joseph Cordileone! If, HE is: not: modernist, has the balls, to do the Pope!]
  • UniusRei3
    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
    4 ore fa
    10_12.]] individual cases: of: consciousness, as the photographer dragged: in: court in New Mexico. County: of: San Diego, in my diocese, an: gynecologist is been: tried: for: refusing: of: seeding: artificially a lesbian. Not: to: because: of the: sexual orientation, but: why: not: she was married. There were: then: in the clinic: other doctors willing: to: do so. So, you see: as:, you will be marginalized: and: stigmatized.*** Provides: that: there may be problems with the curriculum? [answer] Nevertheless: that: they say, public officials, the evidence: and: the experience are clear: schools may be forced: to: teach equality, between, sex "marriage": and: heterosexual marriage. This already happens in Massachusetts, and: is: perfectly logical schools: not: must teach fanaticism, and: if it is considered a form: of: the general belief fanaticism: the company: that: the marriage of husband: and: wife: is: something: of: one,
  • UniusRei3
    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
    4 ore fa
    11_12. [[Promoted bestiality: as, Zapatero: anticrist]] to the point: of: the excluded sex "marriage", schools will be forced, to: teach equality: between: the two modes: of: union: is: perfectly conceivable: that: all schools, even: private schools, will have to adapt their program: for: to receive state subsidies. *** Our Catholic schools: not: be able to accept this: that: happen: then: if we are forced: they will have to close our schools?: And: that: when will happen: we will be forced: to: close: also, our hospitals? There is, already: an: the case of: an: Catholic hospital: to: San Francisco: to: where: been asked of: Do an: action: of: change: of: Sex: not : no way: that the State can handle the situation: in: case: of: a possible closure of the: Catholic hospitals. The Catholic Church provides: an: quarter: of the: healthcare: in: this nation.[Archbishop Salvatore Joseph Cordileone, new Pope! If, HE is: not: modernist, has the balls, to do the Pope!]
  • UniusRei3
    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
    4 ore fa
    12_12. [[Promoted bestiality: as, Zapatero: anticrist, in Spain:]]: not: teach: or preach from the pulpit, or: in: any other way, his opposition to sex "marriage"?] Not, it seems very likely: but: not: it would consider impossible: is: already happened in Sweden: an: Lutheran pastor: is been arrested: and: term: in: jail: for: preaching: on this from the pulpit. At least: an: Canadian bishop: is been: forced: to: withdraw from the diocesan website: a pastoral letter: on the: sanctity of marriage. We call upon: against: of: us: the law of incitement to hatred. Come to the pulpit? is: can. (also it has happened)--ANSWER-- Civil rights for all unmarried couples, are recognized, but the marriage, which is the foundation of our society and how, the natural order, is been done of the moral law: fundamental natural, can not be perverted! I command, that all their money is absorbed from all their: troubles, and misfortunes .. so: it is written, and: thus it is done: in the name of Jesus!
  • UniusRei3
    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
    4 ore fa
    [TALMUD AGENDA: 666 IMF FED ECB, MASONIC SYSTEM: FOR SLAVERY AGAINST GOYM: AND FOR DESTROY ISRAEL] Italy in longest recession for 20 years Last three months of 2012 sixth quarter of negative growth. 14 February, (ANSA) - Rome, February 14 - Italy is in its longest recession for 20 years, Istat said Thursday, after the country posted negative growth for the sixth consecutive quarter in the last three months of 2012. In the fourth quarter of 2012 Italy's gross domestic product (GDP) fell 0.9% with respect to the previous three months and 2.7% with respect to the same period in 2011, the national statistics agency said. Istat said that last time the nation posted six consecutive quarters of negative growth was between 1992 and 1993. Italy's GDP for the whole of 2012 was down 2.2% on the previous year, according to seasonally adjusted data.
  • UniusRei3
    UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
    4 ore fa
    UniusRei3 posted a comment: 7 hours ago: until one does the dirty: in his house privately, and no one: sees him? will not be persecuted! --ANSWER-- my article? lol. Alleluijah: has had great success in Saudi Arabia! lol. I am also "sporcaccione", every three months, because, I see a pornographic: at my home video, every three months .. but, my children and my students? not need to know this! therefore, I do not have a specific problem against gays. but, any form of explicit sexuality, must be covered by shame, or disciplined, rational, and not so: in mode wild! accordingly: the privacy of individuals is sacred, but, only unius REI is not entitled to her private life, all over the world!

   by  Unius Rei king of Israel
 HALLELUJAH.     sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSM­DVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison, made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele
    PAKISTAN [all lies! CIA and Saudi Arabia: stabbed Pakistan: because Al Qaeda is their creation: for destroy my holy Islam and Christianity!!] A spokesperson in London told the BBC that the charity was seeking "clarification" from the Pakistani authorities in relation to the expulsions. He also said it was not yet clear if the agency could send replacement expatriate staff. An apparent link also exists between what happened to Save the Children's foreign staff and Dr Shakil Afridi's arrest and conviction for spying on behalf of the United States. The latter was convicted for running a fake vaccination programme under CIA cover to collect information that could lead to the capture of al Qaeda's leader and founder. Some media reports suggest the doctor was connected to Save the Children staff.
   by  Unius Rei king of Israel
 HALLELUJAH.     sharia NAZI. [MANE THECEL PHARES]CSPBCSSMLNDSM­DVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. [PAX ♰ AMEN ♰] MANE THECEL PHARES. drink your poison, made by yourself,alleluia. amen. Rei Unius Re di Israele

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Datagate: Nsa controlla 75% Rete Usa. USA E GB (farisei anglo-americani FMi NWO 666), hanno fatto distruggere i documenti, del guardian, circa Snowden, perché, sono diventati, la più pericolosa minaccia di nazismo, di tutta la storia del genere umano. loro non sono stati scoperti, da una terrestre tecnologia, sono stati "rivelati", come una religione.. bisogna, espellere, immediatamente, dal territorio nazionale, ogni cosa appartenga, ad USA e GB, ad iniziare dalle ambasciate, loro sono diventati satanisti TROIKA satanisti, TROIKA cosa è il signoraggio bancario? e perché voi lo avete, se, la costituzione lo proibisce a voi? perché, voi state portando allo sterminio, i popoli, con le voste magie giuridiche?

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Posting Date
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The Model, Episode 4


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the King Unius Rei

the King Unius Rei
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