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579, hell. Author Lukas Price

 666SeigniorageofBank .
Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam
@ LaVeraDottrina - you're pulling the 3 ° WW nuclear: with both hands! you are the biggest idiot crime: the biggest ally of the hatred of the IMF; your mindset? is equal to them! is better an intelligent man, even if bad: as synnek1: the Satanist: that not an idiot like you, you are more dangerous than him because you're stupid and ignorant! no culture can be based on a single book! and you? you took the wrong book! go idiot ass!

@ LaVeraDottrina --- you has lost your brain and not more reasons! have had their day and are dead! where it is now your time? do not you know that God is journeying, through, history ,with every man? what happened to your intelligence? is dead! is why Rothschild will not respond to me, is for do destroy Israel, that is. to the agenda of 666 IMF NWO: that: his father ordered him to do! 
♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?   
@ LaVeraDottrina --- go murderess: terrorist: of a god: stupid, bigoted, ignorant, cruel, racist, evil, devil, that he sends honest and good people, in the hell, just because, I'm not your abominable religion! you had to be born in Saudi Arabia or Pakistan, not in Europe! hell? is you just go: for rebellion, stubbornness, blasphemy and apostasy! In fact, you has thought, something unworthy, and offensive: about: the holiness of YHWH. anyone in the world offends: the Holiness: infinite: of infinite justice: and infinite love, infinite intelligence: of God? he thinks something, to be: about unworthy of God? This is why, he can not enter the Kingdom of God! is this: is the sin against: the Holy Spirit: that: they commit all those: that: they think that God will give them a paradise: despite their many crimes: of racism as men do the Talmud and sharia: a single family of vipers for IMF!

 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam ✙ money in all world? is a scam Jewish bank seigniorage =! So, everything is fake! Also the 3rd World War nuclear. Already written is stabilized at 500 million for the human race ✙ nuclear war is a scam as the 11-09. there are no enemies, but only accomplices mason Because the NWO is Already completed ✙ You will be dead in 2015 with all people Because all the powerful of this world are Satanists! I am the greatest supporters: I am the greatest supporter of universal brotherhood: 1. Jewish temple of biblical Israel by Moses (before the Talmud) The most deadly enemy of Zionism and its bloody bank seigniorage (IMF). yes this is true we are christians jews in in every way! I am an Italian who has the heart in the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem Isaiah 2.1 to 3 / 56.6-7 says: "The Jewish Temple will be called home for all peoples," Which Satanists Zionists: enlightened want to build them to celebrate Satan.

 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam humanumgenus . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?  make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses .. The infallible teaching of the popes was not heard:One-against: Masonry = "Humanumgenus" two-against: bank seigniorage = "fortieth year" "3-after: (a) inquisition, (b) centuries of complaints, (c) considering enormous losses of human lives, the church was closed in the sacristy. Now, the occult powers have control our Institutions! ✙ ♥ LIGHT and LOVE from JERUSALEM! ✙ ♔ 1, metaphysics Embassy of the Kingdom of God to do ♔ enter the kingdom of God Bless all the atheists! ♔ * "lorenzojhwh" is the King of Israel. Ethiopia Sudan Egypt Jordan Lebanon Palestine Iraq Syria Kuait. not exclude the neighboring nations who want to join for. in my reign: no one will pay taxes. ♔ * "humanumgenus" is "Rei unius" the President metaphysical whole human race:

 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam humanumgenus . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    1 ora fa lorenzojhwh will give all the money That every country / nation in the world will need: free. ♔ * "ShalomGerusalemme" is the Mahdi. ✙ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB is virus deadly AMEN "Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✙ I am, That door metaphysics, natural positive secular, rational justice, to open to all honest men and atheists (from first to last man) the heaven in Jesus' name. Amen Alleluia. * ♛ ♰ * Those who reject my love? They will be eternally damned because i am "The Metaphysical"! ♛ ♰ * ♛ ♰ Do not Worship Idols - WORSHIP Allah YHWH-ONLY WHAT YOU FEAR? Your Rei unius lorenzojhwh will never abandon you!

 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam humanumgenus . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    2 ore fa Segnala spam Jesu 's nationalism against satan's synagoghe & Babylon tower I swear in the name of Jesus: I swear by the living YHWH of Abraham, who: 1.enlightened; 2.lobby Jewish; 3.massoneria: will pay for this crime, with the Lives of Their Children. Who can say now That lorenzojhwh not have the legal right to kill? * ♰ * 1 332 Messianic prophecies of the Old Testament the. * ♰ * Revelation or Apocalypse: which speaks of: micro chip, modern weapons and the Internet. * I has tied the foot of the cross of Christ: all the demons and the men of this damn planet by sin! . ✙

 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam ♛ [[the end]] the money? is more than a symbolic element "is spiritual!": but the Jews, Satanists, the "Illuminati or enlightened, Rothschild and Company 666, Bush 322". have made a "merchandise" (so, who, also, we are become "commodity" means, "enslaved" all whole human race! see: EzraPound and Giacinto Auriti .. That's why, from the French Revolution (through the invention of the "Assigned") they have control of the world ... and have the NWO by the foundation of the Bank of England ... since it is money is an ideal value and conventional: that is, spiritual: the money can not be bought or sold ... here, Because we are now, under the ideological and practical Satanism: the bank seigniorage, Whose function is the predation of peoples, through all the wars That Are Necessary to regenerate a new IMF: since the cost of money : is equal to 270%, then the destruction or the war: they are an indispensable institutional: ie an Institutional arrangements ♔

 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam Rainbow2010able Commento sul tuo video: Islam sharia Taking Over Europe terror incubated FUN FACT : Muslims are actually human. They bleed red just like we do. --ANSWER--.♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   NO! are criminal scumbags assholes, who kill innocent people: just because they do not allow freedom of religion! necessarily end in tragedy! @google criminal murderess CIA IMF @ 666 -.♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   to hide my comments? 322 and 666: CIA Mossad: invent everything! to see: my comments: again? Satanists youtube forced me to cancel: the long comments, as a description of the old layout.: that: I had prior to the new layout. otherwise the comments could not be seen

 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam [the victim raped plagiarized hypnotized] of satanism international IHateNEWLAYOUT --- ---.♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   I saw you: too many times, obey like a dog, to your priest of Satan! but, with the martyrdom you can redeem your soul from Satan: for to enter into the Kingdom of God! if you die killing Satanists? even better! Because These monsters must be stopped in every way! surrender @ synnek1 666 322 CIA IMF -.♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   I know very well that, you're in all this crap: of youtube and google: to stifle the voice of the people: and to stifle democracy! but, honestly? that is fag, your Satan, I was disappointed! where are these supernatural powers: of big: idiots of your Satanists against me? and because you against me you have failed? Then, you enter into a dead end! there is no hope for you during my dominion over the earth! surrender

 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam ebrei che odiano il cristianesimo? proprio questo è necessario al FMI: per pianificare la Shoah! in passato, gli ebrei avevano ragione: ad odiare: e a temere: il cristianesimo: ma, oggi quel cristianesimo: non esiste più! allora, perché esiste: ancora: un odio ebraico: contro: i cristiani? Questo è un ambiente artificiale: creato: dai satanisti: cioè, i signori della guerra! oggi, questo finzione: è stata creata: per poter: distruggere Israele!: perché, affinché, il potere del FMI: possa sussistere?: gli ebrei devono essere sistematicamente sterminati: infatti, per il FMI, è indispensabile; che: il loro numero deve rimanere sempre ridotto: I am King of Israel

 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam Egypt Sharia [[Account Warnings: 1]] | | Appealed Rejected | | Reception Date: 19/Oct/2011 | Date of Validation: 19/Oct/2011 | [[Your account does not have a good reputation.]] Very ugly bodies of Christian Coptic Martyrs Massacre - (666SeigniorageofBank) YouTube is not a shock site. You may not post disgusting videos of accidents, dead bodies or other similar entities Whose purpose is to upset, to feel or be disrespectful. If the video is explicit or strong, can be published on the site, only if supported by adequate documentary or educational information. - Answer-you have heard the slander, That the Copts were stolen weapons? but, 1. there are no deaths in the army! 2. we saw the tanks: trampling and trample: the crowd, the soldiers fired at random into a crowd disarmed .. I had written in "comments": "warning: violent videos to minors prohibited"

 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    13 secondi fa Because: there can be only one truth That? So, this is the truth, "Jesus is risen and you are all on trial!" In fact, the days of Noah, That Is, before the flood universal: they were all Nephilim: Giants: ie, That it was a world of giants! but, the crime of religious ideological evolutionism? has need to hide this truth! @ Masons, university professors - you've turned science into an ideology of religion of evolutionism: a monstrous scientistic religion: I will imprison you all, and I condemn all of you to return all of the salaries were That You have stolen!

 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    3  by  Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.    @ Youtube - about: the poor Coptic Christian martyrs? and all: 300: Victims Christian martyrs of Muslim sharia law: of every day: (160000christianmartyrs. blogspot) around the world? why, hide all this terrible reality: because everyone Believes, That Is a great achievement of civilization: ie: to Realize the destruction of Christianity .. but this is true: instead: "Then will be the Satanists and Witches to seize your children!" However, in the video That you have deleted? That it is true there was the head of a deformed man who was trampled / crushed: by the wheel of an armored vehicle of the army (in Egypt) ... but no one could see the brain That had come out! Satanists have lost control of youtube!

 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4  by  Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.    @ 666 Rothschild and 322 Bush - you did: of yourself: the foundation of all our institutions: 1. any of predation: 1. seigniorage banking and secret societies: Freemasons satanism: corporations, etc.. .. You have trampled on the Constitution of all people! that's why the human race has been so ruined: corrupt, depraved, to the point: what now can only be destroyed: purified with the nuclear fire .. you the synagogue of Satan: this is what you have always done and worked!

 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? 

 @ To all peoples - This Is The hallmark: of the reign of unius Rei: for His kingdom: Because His ministry is: an politic ministry and theology! for the rationality of metaphysics or natural law! then: no criminal, or, no murderess: Can Remain without His condemnation, but: will will run out for end of day! That is my faith Destroys? He die! is end for racism and for all lies! We No Longer Need to make a killing: of American Citizens (Such as the 11-09) to say That in Iran, there are: nuclear weapons. but: we must tell the truth: "all Muslims deserve to be exterminated." Because: Sharia is big threat to the survival of mankind. Why: every person who dies? He has the right to know, the reason for His death! that's: why: I'm on this youtube page! Because: I do not want to kill: people in secret!

 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?   


 @ 666 CIA Satanism institutional: ie, IMF international, hei, Synnek1 -.

♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   Do not be afraid! I'm not going to do to you of evil! you come out, because you want to make a deal with all Satanists: through you! why do you want do,of me: a bad boy, that. turns the world to kill criminals: Freemasons, rich, murderess, etc. .. that is, all those who have trod: the Cross, of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, he went to Calvary to cry and suffer, all our sins: only for love?

 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?   

Lukas Four: Years to the: hell: June 2: 2011. Lukas: Four: Years to the: hell, Vier Jahre und Hölle zurück. [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen] . Lukas - Four: to the year: hell. forumlibri . com. Small library. 1 post - 1 author - 3 Aug: 2009. The already troubled existence of: an: boy: of: 14 years changes when: an: Friend: more: great, Peter, the: drag in an: nightmare. "Evil replaces the good, and hatred: it takes place: love."

Second, this crazy ideology, the author, That, for obvious reasons lies beneath: the: alias: of: Lukas, lives four: years of his life. to: an age of 15: companion: of: the school: it involves one of the more: dangerous sect: European satanic. to the: beginning, there remains bound Lukas: fear, then for pride: pride: of: to be part of: an: group: of: selected. Alcohol, drugs, tests of courage, violence, orgies and: even: human sacrifices become: part of his daily life. Only: When: Receives an: Order horrible his conscience

 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? 

 [Die 666 Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen] awakes and: find the courage: of: escape. But not, stop there, because now: is: on them blacklist ... and: to them it: they want: dead. As: the phenomenon of sects, I would say That, to: regardless of the: poor: power of: belief: of: the: book, seems to be a plague and growth: it deserves an: action: today more December: that, urgent and: capillary by the institutions, because it is: known: that the number: of: exiles - admitted: That then, fail: to: build a new life - is: infinitesimal compared: to: those are: a horrible death, or : that remain: entangled forever. Philips (14-02-2008). a book, really: That interesting, puts: our eyes the "daily activities" that, not, are: blocked but vacated ... I think: all: the: that, is: written in this: book as not, is: an: mystery: that, the Satanists are: and: that, commit: all: this ... read!

 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?  

 [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen] ArchiSara ** ** (06-11-2007) incredible! Book: interesting both of the: point: of: That view of the narrative, however: about the plot. After: it: finished: (in an: blink of an eye) remains the feeling That, anyone is safe: in this: the world! thing more: is bad: that, everything happens under: our eyes without That, without realizing it ... we would like to invite all to: keep your eyes open .. (16-05-2006)

 Ok, it is: an: "good book" in the sense: that, is: written well, but if: think: an: flash: to: the: that it happens to some people or: That CHILDREN, end: for them : great misfortune in the hands of: CRAZY these that: they think: normal people but obvious: that, not, it: they are), then I think: just: Lukas MUST collect the evidence and: take them to the police, for example, :

 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?

 [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen] That the videotapes, had to see, That I would say, could: be a good test, or: no? At least: so that he could: save some victim and: if: same: from the torture ... honestly?

if I am thinking: that perhaps the children That, disappear: and: not, there are: more: may: be finished in the hands of: these criminals ... So I hope: that, not, it's all: true . pk (03-05-2006). The book, in addition to being extremely disturbing, is: very: interesting. Allows of: to know also: world: that, tries in every way: of: remain hidden. I: read: the lirbo: After: I have read: "The hidden hand" of: Buonaiuto: that: the Board). The two texts, from two points of: different views, are individually consistent one: with: the other ... I think of it: a confirmation of the truth: both.

 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?   

 [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen] SERENA (12-03-2006) I do not know.. come almost to the: end of the book is been: as: as if .... I do not have: made more: to: keep too many crazy things .... then described, however, taken of the: curiosity ... after: a few days:

I: recovered: in hand: the book ...... and I have: finished: I: of: trying: so sad? Rina (27-07-2004) A book to read to discover a reality and unspoken: unknown, to: we still close. Absolutely horrifying the picture: that, comes out. Sara (31-10-2002) Very: disturbing, very ... too: TRUE. We read in one breath, flowing as: water to the prey: blizzard ... because of: blizzard is: rising into: the heart of a storm, a thousand questions, doubts. to: Sometimes, in the reality of our own: the world: that, we believe, "quiet", you can: hide raw truth, as: the one told in this: the book. A true story really: amazing. not, right: those sensitive to: these truths.

 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real

 [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen] Appropriate, however, to: those That, believe: That still, the world is perfect .. thanks to money .. so, perhaps, will: of: that, to reflect. Eli (01-03-2002). That so shocking, to: That looks amazing features, it is a true story. The terrifying thing, and: that, not, know, is: that are: involved also: That people you meet on the street, not, nothing to do, nothing. To read and to understand: think.
Riry (17-07-2001). is an: book: that, emotions really: Strong, pulls a page at once: to the: other until at the end. However, is: a truth That puts fears and: that, makes you think a lot. jack (10-07-2000). 3 words to describe this: book: beautiful, disturbing and: vero.sono: left: really impressed, ioleggo: very: stephen king but this: is: the book: more: That creepy,'ve ever read: and: also: the more: beautiful!

 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen]
Manuela (23-08-1999).is an: Book: very: interesting. He left me: him: a inquetude of: background: thinking: that, is: a true story ... is: written, very, well, you read everything in one go ... Title Four: to the year: hell. Author Lukas Price. Discount: 15% € 6.80 (Price of: cover € 8.00 Save: € 1.20) 1999 data, 171 p., Paperback. Translator Perria L. Publisher TEA (necklace Experiences) Available also: used: to: € 4.00 on PLOT OF THE BOOK. Lukas is: an: boy, fifteen with: a hard life behind, she lives voluntarily in an: college: to escape his alcoholic father: and: a weak mother, That, not, know to oppose the: of violence: quest ' humans. One evening he went to an: pub for a beer, and meets Peter, an: boy: an: po 'more: old: of: he, That, know of: view. Together, they are: to meet other friends of Peter, but not, it is of: a normal party of: adolescents: in fact Peter and Lukas are: a black mass.

 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen] In fact, Peter is part of: a powerful satanic cult; charge: of: look for new cohorts of decision: to lead with: Lukas itself. The boy is: frightened: and also: disgust, and: would like to go, but he realizes That, not, can not. From that moment on, also: Lukas is: forced: to: participate in black masses and rituals of: initiation, That, the are of the set: a priest of the sect.

 Whenever he wants to escape, but the terror That, inspire the: Satanism is: too: big, so Lukas to participate: Black Masses in which assists to: sacrifices of: animals and: of: human beings, as well That, to: of torture: varied kind ... He himself: it is subjected: more: times to: physical torture, and: for an: complete: washing: the brain, for which they use the satanists: of: potent drugs. For four: long years the boy lives two lives: that of: every day, you should learn how to: be a carpenter-even if: everyone notices:

 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen] the negative change in him -, and: that night and: secret, violent and hallucinating, with: his new "family" ... He goes by stages of: excitement, during which thinks of: be strong and invincible because Satan is: with: him, to stadiums of: real terror: and: their own.

. To make a career in the hierarchy of the sect, Lukas faces some "evidence" to first beat: blood some of his friends more: loved ones, because Satan denies the existence of friendship between human beings, then kill an: animal and extract the heart, and finally, kill an: .. It is human: to: this: section: that the young Lukas not, accepts more: of: to obey, is: terrified, because he knows That, his captors the: try, but finally confident with: assistant of the college: he lives and: find the help: Required: to escape to the: sect. Is treated: his assistants, That, to the: end decide: of: do: admit to a psychiatric clinic,

 666SeigniorageofBank .
♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen] where he remained for four: months, prey to: serious mental disorders; much: slowly able to: return to relative normality. Today Lukas lives with: a girl, is: failed: to: find an: work, but of: night still scary nightmares, in which an: man hooded: lo: chases stab: in an: incredible place: full: of: blood .. After: the reading of: the: book, is spontaneous to think That, whether of: fantasy, unfortunately: is: a true story .... unbelievable, crazy, but absolutely true ...

. The story takes place in Germany, also: if: not, are: above the real names of the people involved and: even the locality; own, because the sect: satanic operate: in complete secrecy, and: those who want to get out of it is: really danger: of: life .. The sect: satanic are also common: little 'everywhere, but not, if: we hear about that much, is: an: That problem is to: afloat only: when: where you will discover: obscure events -

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Datagate: Nsa controlla 75% Rete Usa. USA E GB (farisei anglo-americani FMi NWO 666), hanno fatto distruggere i documenti, del guardian, circa Snowden, perché, sono diventati, la più pericolosa minaccia di nazismo, di tutta la storia del genere umano. loro non sono stati scoperti, da una terrestre tecnologia, sono stati "rivelati", come una religione.. bisogna, espellere, immediatamente, dal territorio nazionale, ogni cosa appartenga, ad USA e GB, ad iniziare dalle ambasciate, loro sono diventati satanisti TROIKA satanisti, TROIKA cosa è il signoraggio bancario? e perché voi lo avete, se, la costituzione lo proibisce a voi? perché, voi state portando allo sterminio, i popoli, con le voste magie giuridiche?

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Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Nebraska ManJanuary 4, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: RamapithicusJanuary 2, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: ´Your Little Cousin´ LucyDecember 31, 2012
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: The Tuang ChildDecember 28, 2012
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: IntroductionDecember 26, 2012
The Model, Episode 4


Questa NON è una testata giornalistica

the King Unius Rei

the King Unius Rei
universal brotherhood