Special Events
Director's Lecture Series (June)
Series Title: “Wonders of Creation..Soaring in Splendor"
Day: First Saturday of Every Month
Time: Starts at 11:00 am and again at 2:00 pm
Series Title: “Wonders of Creation..Soaring in Splendor"
Day: First Saturday of Every Month
Time: Starts at 11:00 am and again at 2:00 pm
Creation Evidence Museum will be holding the annual Public Excavation. Experience the fun of a real archilogical excivation. For information see below.
Excavation Details, Registration and Liabilty Waiver
Day & Time: June 29th - July 3rd from 8:00 am - 1:00 pm
to Hillary Clinton ] [ il Vostro sistema monetario truffa, usura, induzione al debito, suicidio, devitalizzazione, truffa, falso in bilancio, di Banca Mondiale SpA Fmi, Spa, ( di privati farisei del talmud i nostri padroni ) che tutto questo: è lobby massoniche, satanismo e nichilismo? ok, questo sistema truffa del debito pubblico, non si può più reggere in piedi da solo, senza soffocare i popoli ] Voi avrete il coraggio di soffocare i grandi capitali? (distruggere il 60% della massa monetaria mondiale? IO NON CREDO! ) QUINDI PRIMA DI ENTRARE NELLA GUERRA CIVILE, quella RIVOLUZIONE dei popoli CHE UCCIDEREBBE VOI I RICCHI: PER ALTO TRADIMENTO, SAREBBE PIù RAZIONALE ENTRARE NELLA GUERRA MONDIALE NUCLEARE ] soltanto che una guerra contro la CINA e Russia, non ha un esito scontato e potrebbe cancellare ogni forma di vita sul pianeta, l'unica soluzione razionale a questo punto, dato che voi avete deciso di essere le scimmie GENDER Darwin, contro ogni evidenza scientifica e quella di fare di tutta la LEGA ARABA sharia, una sola salciccia!
Hillary Clinton ha incoraggiato un adoloscente omosessuale, dicendo: "la tua vita sarà un successo!" ma, anche le parole più belle, messe, sulla bocca dei nostri leader massoni che nascondono il signoraggio bancario, diventano frasi inquietanti. Infatti la laicità dello Stato, circa scelte di coscienza dei suoi cittadini deve diventare uno standard in tutto il mondo! MA COSA CENTRANO LE LOBBIES? LORO STANNO OMOSESSUALIZZANDO LA SOCIETà, ALLO STESSO MODO COME LA LEGA ARABA NAZISTA STA ISLAMIZZANDO SEMPRE DI PIù LA SUA SOCIETà! Quindi i popoli sono diventati le vittime di potenti lobby ideologiche SCIENTISTE e religiose, vittime del signoraggio bancario! ALLORA, ANCHE LE PAROLE PIù BELLE NON HANNO PIù NESSUN SIGNIFICATO! Gli usurai di Rothschild, le scimmie di Darwin e le scimmie sharia di Maometto? hanno condannato il mondo al massacro!
STOP Obama GENDER [ to this ] your Satanic our institutions banking seigniorage: god owl at bohemian grove, and: all their infiltration: cultural nature, esoteric agenda, Gmos crime, masonic system, Monetary Scam SpA, occult power, SpA, your criminal SYSTEM FAILURE, stop to all this
STOP Obama GENDER [ to you criminal ] this is your Satanic world ideology: atheism, drugs, esoteric agenda, Freemasonry, Gmos, hatred of christianity, Homosexuality, loss of freedom of speech, masonic system loss of real democracy, Monetary Scam, occult power, pedophilia, pornography, SpA, banking SYSTEM FAILURE of all your financial crisis, Truffa Monetaria, usura, violence, war, ecc.. ecc.. really you are babylon tower: kingdom of satan
eih Obama GENDER where is my kingdom of Palestine?
eih Obama GENDER ] [ You can't say to me: "and I that we can do? is Rothschild Spa Bush, that, tells me everything I have to say, because they are bad boys! " tu non puoi dire: "ed io che ci posso fare? è Rothschild Spa Bush che mi dice tutto quello che io devo dire, perché loro sono dei ragazzi cattivi!"
my JHWH holy ] libera tutti i musulmani oppressi e minacciati dalla Arabia Saudita wahhabita, in tutto il mondo! my JHWH holy ] libera tutti i popoli schiavi della usura bancaria Spa mondiale dei Rothschild farisei usurai! Mio Dio VIVENTE libera tutti i popoli oppressi da ogni oppressione! my JHWH holy ] LIBERA I PRIGIONIERI! io pretendo che la sharia nazismo sutto egida ONU, deve essere abolita in tutta la LEGA ARABA ed io pretendo che Salafi brothers Muslims Saudi Arabia will become illegal in all Muslims Country
Lorenzojhwh Unius REI to 187AudioHostem ] amico, [ io non ho niente da dire! PERCHé TU SAI GIà TUTTO, circa, QUELLO CHE IO FARò, E CHE, circa, tutto quello che, IO HO DECISO DI FARE! QUANDO LA VALANGA SCENDERà NULLA POTRà RIMANERE IN PIEDI, E I FONDAMENTI DELLE COLONNE DEL MONDO TREMERANNO, come al tempo di Noé, tutte le cateratte degli abissi tracimeranno, E STARE SOTTO NON SARà MEGLIO CHE STARE SOPRA! il più grande massacro della storia del genere umano! TANTO HA MERITATO LA CATTIVERIA E L'EGOISMO DEGLI UOMINI!
eih Obama GENDER ] [ qui, in youtube, tutti sanno che, io ho previsto una sanatoria amnistia, o situzioni punitive in alcun modo, anche se, voi siete i più pericolosi criminali assassini seriali della storia del genere umano, che, proprio è quello che voi siete: "i satanisti massoni" QUESTO LO SANNO TUTTI! ma, IO SONO ABBASTANZA INTELLIGENTE PER SPERARE A SOLUZIONI EFFICACI E FATTIVE, NON PUNITIVE, E NON SANGUINOSE! In termini politici io non sono un rivoluzionario, che mette in discussione le Istituzioni, ma, voi fatevi da parte e lasciatemi lavorare, perché, voi potete soltanto distruggere il genere umano: infatti voi siete una geopolitica, che, può soltanto trovaRE false MOTIVAZIONI per ogni tipo di guerra! FORSE GUERRE GIUSTE, PER MOTIVI GIUSTI (e non per motivi economici) ANDREBBERO FATTE, MA, TUTTI SPERIAMO DI NO!
Grecia: 61,3% no al referendum, sì 38,7. Tsipras, ora accordo, trattare su debito ]] l'unica cosa che dovrebbe iniziare a funzionare è il plotone di esecuzione! [ hanno stampato denaro per oltre 100 volte il prodotto interno lordo del pianeta, quindi, o distruggono i grandi capitali che pretendono un interesse (debito pubblico), o distruggono i popoli nella guerra mondiale! [ la colpa non è della GRECIA, perché, il denaro dei Rothschild SpA costa il 270% del suo valore (fonte scienziato Giacinto Auriti) ] e questa è la verità: hanno fatto un pianeta di Stati tutti indebitati, di poveri sempre più poveri e di ricchi sempre più ricchi (quindi è venuto meno il principio: 1. della integrità territoriale, 2. della sovranità monetaria e, 3. della uguaglianza di tutti i cittidani di fronte alla legge), [ in conlusione: questo è alto tradimento massonico Bildenberg ] l'unica cosa che dovrebbe iniziare a funzionare è il plotone di esecuzione!
4 luglio, Obama: la liberta' non viene senza prezzo, 'Ma pagata da tutti le donne e gli uomini militari' ] Obama è un assassino, uno spudorato satanista, un traditore, un attore di Hollywood, perché senza sovranità monetaria non può mai esistere nessuna sovranità politica! ] [ il suo epilogo sarà la tragedia di una ormai inevitabile guerra mondiale nucleare, con almeno 5 miliadi di morti, proprio per colpa del suo sistema massonico usurocratico mondiale SpA truffa monetaria Banca Mondiale!
"Srebrenica fu sacrificata alla Realpolitik" ] non esiste una Realpolitik al di fuori della geopolitica congiunta tra: 1. satanisti massoni USA BILDENBERG NATO, e, 2. i nuovi diritti ONU sharia nazisti della LEGA ARABA: "allah akbar morte a tutti gli infedeli!" Genocidio della TEOLOGIA DELLA SOSTITUZIONE [ Infatti, non sa nessuno che dopo la guerra del Cosovo, su copertura, silenzio, occultamento della NATO CIA network Satellite TV, e dei loro internazionale islamica, galassia jihadista, hanno fatto il genocidio di tutti i serbi nel Cosovo, infatti, hanno distrutto 3000 tra, Chiese, Monasteri e Cimiteri.. furono trucidati soldati della NATO, civili serbi, tutto dopo la guerra, ma, questa è la verità: "NESSUNO NE SA NIENTE!" I tribunali internazionali sono una truffa ideologica, soltanto uno strumento repressivo a servizio degli USA e dei loro interessi geopolitici
Benjamin Netanyahu ] è finta la democrazia tra gli ebrei, Rothschild ucciderà Israele ancora una volta [ è il denaro il vero valore di un Ebreo, quindi, Spa Rothschild hanno il controllo della comunità ebraica mondiale! ] in questo modo, lui preparò Hitler, allo stesso modo ha preparato la LEGA ARABA.. il responsabile di ogni Shoah è sempre rothschild 666 Baal Peor talmud, e se gli ebrei non verranno da me: Israele andrà perduto, ancora una volta! E poi, come al solito la colpa è sempre dei cristiani europei e del Vaticano, quando noi sappiamo che è l'anticristo, SPA Banche Centrali monopolio universale NWO della Massoneria a governare il mondo! Loro gli Illuminati Padroni del mondo, hanno sempre reso impossibile, la espansione territoriale di Israele, pur avendone il diritto con le guerre che ha vinto, poteva prendersi mezzo Medio Oriente! Ad Israele sono stato fatte combattere delle guerre in cui ha rischiato la estinzione, in cambio di niente! è CHIARO: "PER I FARISEI ANGLO-AMERICANI ISRAELE è UN GIOCATTOLO CHE QUANDO NON SERVE PIù DEVE ESSERE DISTRUTTO.
Benjamin Netanyahu ] OGGETTIVAMENTE? BARAK OBAMA è UN BRAVO RAGAZZO: in se stesso, E sarebbe un sogno d'amore se rappresentasse il popolo americano, invece di rappresentare i tuoi SpA Fmi, Bush 322 Rothschild che hanno pianificato di ucciderti: e di fare disintegrare Israele! Quindi questo è il problema, come restituire a BARAK OBAMA una vera sovranità, perché possa diventare finalmente, quello che lui non è mai stato, cioè, diventare per la prima volta, il vero Presidente del popolo americano?
187AudioHostem ] è vero che la tua intelligenza si è andata deteriorandosi progressivamente, fino a diventare un: compromesso equilibrio mentale ( ma, poi, questa è stata la stessa brutta storia del tuo Lucifero che è diventato un Satana di coglione ) Quello che è sucesso a te, succederà a tutti i miei nemici, se poi, è vero che, io sono Unius REI, e questo tutti lo sanno: è vero che io sono Unius REI Governatore Mediatore mondiale, ed anche perché io sono principalmente il Re di Israele; 2. e poi, questo evento del tuo licenziamento: come direttore di YOUTUBE, licenziamento, che, io ho reso inevitabile? Questo non significa che io ho smesso di volerti bene! ANZI, IO TI VOGLIO PIù BENE DI PRIMA, PERCHé LA TUA ANIMA è STATA PREZIOSA PER GESù SULLA CROCE!
187AudioHostem ] non ti preoccupare amico mio: per me le persone non sono mai: "usa e getta!" ed anche se, il sommo saderdote cannibale di satana Bush 322, quello con i super poteri satanici voodoo, lui ti ha licenziato, per colpa mia? non ti preoccupare, di quel sbruffone, lol. io avrei voluto vedere lui: al posto tuo, io lo avrei disintegrato subito lui, in meno di due settimane! Ma, come ti dicevo: " tu sei sempre in servizio per me! cioè, io volevo dire, tu sei sempre al mio servizio" TU SEI IL PIù SIMPATICO e intelligente SACERDOTE DI SATANA, CHE IO HO CONOSCIUTO! anche se è IhateNewLayout il più affettuoso di tutti!
187AudioHostem ] disattivando i plugin, forse sono riuscito a mettere fuori del mio computer le tue lucertole della CIA [ anche se, io non ho un problema con la loro presenza, infatti, io non ho niente da nascondere a nessuno!
187AudioHostem ] perché Bush 322 NWO SpA, e Rothschild 666 Fmi, FED BCE: loro sono i due testicoli cancerogeni di Satana? [ perché il nostro sublime, ONNIPOTENTE Creatore holy JHWH, prima di creare l'Universo, lui già li conosceva! ] NON C'è NULLA CHE LORO POSSONO FARE PER PRENDERE me: UNIUS REI IN CONTROPIEDE!
187AudioHostem, Bush, 322, NWO, SpA, Rothschild 666 Fmi, FED BCE ] io lo so, che voi siete dei poveri disgraziati, che non vedete l'ora di essere liberati da me, dal potere di satana, e di essere liberati, dalla sua schiavitù [ PERò CAZZO POTETE ANCHE MUOVERE IL CULO DA QUELLA SEDIA!
WarriorIslamic SAID: Wow! Great stuff u have given me! I will read slowly of course all of them! I appreciate very much for your great info! Take care -- ANSWER->THEN ALL THIS: SHOULD MAKE of you, A MAN HAPPY: you son of a bitch: of a Zionist who, pretending to be a Muslim with: to: skysplash ALLORA, TUTTO QUESTO: DOVREBBE FARE DI TE UN UOMO FELICE: brutto figlio di puttana: di un sionista che finge di essere un musulmano: insieme a: skysplash
WarriorIslamic SAID:Join me in that channel "Who is Allah" BY SKYSPLASH AND SEE ME FIGHTING IN THE NAME OF ISLAM OK! -ANSWER-> Un solo mio amico: musulmano del Kuweit, in tutto il mondo, ha chiesto perdono pubblicamente, per tutti gli ex musulmani, che, vengono uccisi, a centinaia, ogni giono: con la accusa: di blasfemia e di apostasia: solo perché, Gesù appare loro, e dice: "io sono vero uomo, e vero Dio". è in questo modo, che, Mometto risulta essere: un apostata: un frofeta di satana: perché, lui ha corrotto il vero Islam. e poiché, voi avete spergiurato più volte: ad Assisi alla presenza: di Giovanni Paolo II, dicendo: "mai più, uccidere qualcuno, in nome di Dio!". Poiché non vi siete dissociati: facendo formale protesta, contro le Nazioni musulmane: dai 300 cristiani, che, vengono uccisi martiri(totalmente innocenti), allora, anche voi siete, i complici di quel sangue innocente!
Enough! enlightened Jews: vampire satanists: Enough! to eat the live of the people, with their blood, through the banking seigniorage: I have seen all this says the Lord God Almighty! 1. By selling the money (seigniorage)? You have been made masters of the people! 2. By selling the money with interest (debt: public)? you have made of all peoples, your slaves for their destruction! I curse, in the name of Jesus: all the masons, rich, and all governments, and all politicians, all leaders and elites of the world!
HellxDesPairTruction (7 minuti fa) Spam
That's because the Jews, have more scientists, etc. .. and have more of everything, because they have more resources, that is, the blood of the banking seigniorage, that is continuously sucked by all peoples of the earth bled from the bank seigniorage. it is this that the Illuminati have done: always: that is, bringing the hatred of people against the Jews
Ecco perché gli ebrei hanno più scienziati, ecc.. e hanno più tutto, perché hanno più risorse, cioè il sangue del signoraggio bancario: che viene succhiato continuamente da tutti i popoli della terra: dissanguati dal signoraggio bancario. è proprio questo, che hanno fatto gli illuminati: da sempre: cioè, portare l'odio dei popoli contro gli ebrei
HellxDesPairTruction (10 minuti fa) Spam
@a tutti gli ebrei: dei sionisti, delle lobby ebraiche del signoraggio bancario, cioè, il NWO-FMI : cioè, la sinagoga di satana: Basta a fare del satanismo: dentro al mio popolo Israele... Perché, voi avete reso iniqua ogni ricchezza: cioè, voi avete trasformato in Gezabele la Regina di Inghilterra, ed in complici tutti i ricchi del mondo!
@ all the Jews of the Zionist Jewish lobbies of bank seigniorage, ie, the NWO-IMF: that is, the synagogue of Satan: stop to make Satanism: inside my people Israel ... Why, you have made any unequal wealth: that is, you have transformed into Jezebel the Queen of the England Elisabetta II, and accomplices in all the world's rich!
HellxDesPairTruction (15 minuti fa) Spam
@666 Rochefeller -->stop! a divorare tutti i popoli attraverso l'usura: tu sei un parassita, tu sei un vampiro: come disse Ezra Pound!
Rochefeller @ 666 -> stop! to devour all the peoples through wear: You're a parasite, you're a vampire: as Ezra Pound said!
HellxDesPairTruction (18 minuti fa) Spam
@666 Rothschild --> Stop! a mangiare vive le persone: con un costo del denaro pari al 270% !
@Rothschild @ 666 -> Stop! to eat people alive: with a cost of money equal to 270%!
fonte scienziato dott prof. Giacinto Auriti
@ SKYSPLASH -> lol. no human mind can understand: Zechariah Ch. 14, because: a verse from another? spend:pass hundreds of years, but: also, the verses are placed in a disorderly manner, while, in fact, the verse (4): talks about:of the Messiah, that is for: Last Judgement, which is at the end of this story:of corruption of the mankind, well, they speak of the different dimensions of many: Paradises, until at the verse [11]. but, by the verse [12]at the verse [21]? There is talk of the next 50 years (2011 - 2061): that is, my kingdom: of the universal brotherhood: as I am: Unius Rei, who is also the King of Israel and Palestine. I am the instrument through which God will bless the world with peace and wealth. So all my enemies will be punished: so in mode frightening and supernatural, from God himself! So I will be free from all forms of violence
@satanists enlighted masonry, bad person, evil man and woman evil: son of the hell ! Behold, I will curse you in the name of Jesus! Here is a malignant cancer in your body! In fact, this year you will die! amen, alleluia!
[ ✞ [★]] allarm✝ ✝ ✞ [[★ ]] ✝ ✝ ♔ ] : amen hallelujah are the [big] bankers: enlightened of IMF-NWO & seigniorage banking, who should be investigated and arrested: Globalist and Their friends, like George Soros. You hit the snake to his little head? then all his big & long body of political puppets: they will be all freed from their control. quickly, I'll sit on my throne in Jerusalem! in fact: all people Will Understand, That We are on the edge of a cliff! ✞ [★] ✞ [★] "amen" was said: in Jesus's name. I has done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross [MENE TECHEL PERES] CSPBCSSMLNDSM✙]DVRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself. "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ✞ [★] Rei Unius✙ : King ✞ [★]: Israel hallelujah: ✞ [[★ ]] Mahdi ✟ ✮ ✝ ✭ ✞ ✰ ✟
@ world:+Youtube->I'm like Noah that saved the lives of everyone: lizards (enlightened), crocodiles (sharia) scorpions (Zionists), snakes (several categories of Satanists & Freemasons), etc. So, while, as "Rei unius," I'll never at use no form of political violence. However, as lorenzojhwh, in a supernatural way, I have received from God, as in a gift: the death of 500 million criminals: to free all the poor around the world. If you are one rebel against God for be accomplice, with your silence of the absolute crime of IMF-NWO: then you do not be surprised if you began to feel different: "amen" was said: in Jesus's name ✞ [★] ✞ [★] I has done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross [MENE TECHEL PERES] CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself. we bet that you'll be dead in 2011? you will not be alive in 2012 to say "you wrong!"
Matthew 3:7 But when he saw many Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said to them, "You brood of vipers, who has taught you to escape the wrath to come?
Matthew 23:13 "But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because they shut the kingdom of heaven in front of people, because no revenue you, nor let those enter who are trying to enter.
Matthew 23:14 [Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because they devour widows' houses and make long prayers for showing off, so you will receive greater condemnation.][MENE TECHEL PERES] CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself.
Matthew 23:15 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because you are traveling by sea and land to make one proselyte, and when you did, you make it twice as a child of hell than you.
Matthew 23:16 "Woe to you, blind guides, who say: If one swears by the temple, it does not matter, but if you swear by the gold of the temple is obligated.
Matthew 23:17 You blind fools! What is greater, the gold or the temple that sanctifies the gold?
Matthew 23:18 And if one, you say, swears by the altar, it does not matter, but swears by the gift that is above, is required.
Matthew 23:19 Blind! What is greater: the gift or the altar that sanctifies the gift?
Matthew 23:20 Whosoever therefore shall swear by the altar, swears by it and all that is over.][MENE TECHEL PERES] CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself.
Matthew 23:21 and he who swears by the temple swears by it and by Him who dwells;
Matthew 23:22 and he who swears by heaven, swears by the throne of God and to Him who sits on.
Matthew 23:23 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because you pay tithe of mint and anise and cumin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice, mercy, and faith. These are the things that needed to be done, without neglecting the others.
Matthew 23:24 You blind guides, who strain out a gnat and swallow a camel.][MENE TECHEL PERES] CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself.
Matthew 23:25 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because they clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside are full of extortion and excess.
Matthew 23:26 Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first the inside of the cup and dish, so that the outside will become clean.
Matthew 23:27 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because you are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outside, but inside are full of dead men's bones and of all uncleanness.
Matthew 23:28 Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but inside you are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.MENE TECHEL PERES] CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself. "You are all lost!" Luke19.27;
Matthew 23:29 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites because you build tombs for the prophets and decorate the graves of the righteous
Matthew 23:30 and say, "If we lived in the days of our fathers, we would not be accomplices in spilling the blood of the prophets!"
Matthew 23:31 Thus you witness against yourselves to be children of those who murdered the prophets.
Matthew 23:32 And also filled the measure of your fathers!
Matthew 23:33 You serpents, you brood of vipers, how to escape the damnation of hell?.MENE TECHEL PERES] CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself. "You are all lost!" Luke19.27;
1di8: polemica contro: un modo volgare di essere evangelisti: alcuni impostori, tra di loro pensano che i cattolicio sono eretici!
Se il tuo Pastore non riesce a perdonare i tuoi peccati, tu appartieni ad una falsa Chiesa. Giovanni 20,23] a chi rimetterete i peccati: saranno rimessi e a chi non li rimetterete, resteranno non rimessi».La Chiesa è: Una, Santa, Cattolica, Apostolica, Romana, Ortodossa, Protestate, Celeste: lol. tutte le altre sono false!
2di8: Se non mangi il Corpo di Cristo e non bevi il suo Sangue reale, tu appartieni a una falsa Chiesa. Giovanni 6,48-58 Gesù disse:«In verità, in verità vi dico: se non mangiate la carne del Figlio dell'uomo e non bevete il suo sangue, non avrete in voi la vita.[54]Chi mangia la mia carne e beve il mio sangue ha la vita eterna e io lo risusciterò nell'ultimo giorno. [55]Perché la mia carne è vero cibo e il mio sangue vera bevanda.[56]Chi mangia la mia carne e beve il mio sangue dimora in me e io in lui. [48]Io sono il pane della vita. La Chiesa è: Una, Santa, Cattolica, Apostolica, Romana, Ortodossa, Protestate, Celeste: tutte le altre sono false!
3di8: Se la tua Chiesa insegna che la Bibbia da sola è sufficiente per la salvezza, tu appartieni a una falsa Chiesa.2 Tessalonicesi 2,15]Perciò, fratelli, state saldi e mantenete le tradizioni che avete, apprese così dalla nostra parola come dalla nostra lettera. La Chiesa è: Una, Santa, Cattolica, Apostolica, Romana, Ortodossa, Protestate, Celeste: tutte le altre sono false!
4di8: Se la tua Chiesa dice la "Sola Fede": porta alla Salvezza, tu appartieni a una falsa Chiesa. Giacomo 2,24 [20]Ma vuoi sapere, o insensato, come la fede senza le opere è senza calore? [21]Abramo, nostro padre, non fu forse giustificato per le opere, quando offrì Isacco, suo figlio, sull'altare [24]Vedete che l'uomo viene giustificato in base alle opere e non soltanto in base alla fede.[26]Infatti come il corpo senza lo spirito è morto, così anche la fede senza le opere è morta.La Chiesa è: Una, Santa, Cattolica, Apostolica, Romana, Ortodossa, Protestate, Celeste: tutte le altre sono false!
5di8: Se la tua Chiesa non chiama Maria: "Beata" e " Madre di Dio", tu appartieni a una falsa Chiesa. Luca 1,41-48 [43]A che debbo che la madre del mio Signore venga a me? [48]perché ha guardato l'umiltà della sua serva. D'ora in poi tutte le generazioni mi chiameranno beata.La Chiesa è: Una, Santa, Cattolica, Apostolica, Romana, Ortodossa, Protestate, Celeste: tutte le altre sono false!
6di8: Se la tua Chiesa non chiama Maria, Madre dei credenti, tu appartieni a una falsa Chiesa. Giovanni 19,26 [27]Poi disse al discepolo:«Ecco la tua madre!». E da quel momento il discepolo la prese nella sua casa. Apocalisse 12,17]Allora il drago si infuriò contro la donna e se ne andò a far guerra contro il resto della sua discendenza, contro quelli che osservano i comandamenti di Dio e sono in possesso della testimonianza di Gesù.
7di8: Se la tua Chiesa insegna che il Battesimo: non è essenziale: per la salvezza, tu appartieni a una falsa Chiesa. 1Pietro 3,21. La Chiesa è: Una, Santa, Cattolica, Apostolica, Romana, Ortodossa, Protestate, Celeste: tutte le altre sono false!
Se la tua Chiesa non ha sacerdoti e vescovi, tu appartieni a una falsa Chiesa. Apocalisse 5,10 Tito 1,7.. Se il tuo Pastore non parla nella persona di Cristo stesso, tu appartieni a una falsa Chiesa. Luca 10,16 .. La Chiesa è: Una, Santa, Cattolica, Apostolica, Romana, Ortodossa, Protestate, Celeste: tutte le altre sono false! .. Se la tua Chiesa non è infallibile, tu appartieni a una falsa Chiesa. Matteo 16,18-20
8di8: Se la tua Chiesa nega, che obbedire, all'autorità terrena della Chiesa perché è necessario per la Salvezza, tu appartieni a una falsa Chiesa.
Romani 13,1-2
Se la tua Chiesa insegna che le Opere di Bene: non sono necessarie per la salvezza, tu appartieni a una falsa Chiesa. Matteo 25,31-46. La Chiesa è: Una, Santa, Cattolica, Apostolica, Romana, Ortodossa, Protestate, Celeste: tutte le altre sono false! Se la tua Chiesa insegna che ogni peccato è lo stesso, uguale, tu appartieni a una falsa Chiesa. 1Giovanni 5,16
Se il mondo intero non odia la tua Chiesa, tu appartieni a una Chiesa sbagliata. Matteo 10,16-25
La Chiesa è: Una, Santa, Cattolica, Apostolica, Romana, Ortodossa, Protestate, Celeste: tutte le altre sono false!
1di8: polemic against: a vulgar way to be evangelists, some impostors, among them think that Catholicism is heretical!
If your pastor can not forgive your sins, you belong to a false church. John 20.23] If you forgive the sins will be forgiven and to forgive those who do not, they are retained. "The Church: One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, Roman, Orthodox, Protest, Celeste: lol. all others are false!
2di8: If you do not eat the Body of Christ and drink his blood real, you belong to a false church. John 6.48-58 Jesus said: "Verily, verily I say unto you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. [54] He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life and I will raise him on the last day. [55] For my flesh is true food and my blood is drink indeed. [56] He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me and I in him. [48] I am the bread of life. The Church: One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, Roman, Orthodox, Protest, Celeste: all others are false!
3di8: If your church teaches that the Bible alone is sufficient for salvation, you belong to a false Chiesa.2 Thessalonians 2.15] Therefore, brethren, stand firm and hold the traditions which you, our word as taught, whether by by our letter. The Church: One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, Roman, Orthodox, Protest, Celeste: all others are false!
4di8: If your church says "Faith Alone" leads to salvation, you belong to a false church. James, 2.24 [20] But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is useless? [21] Abraham, our father, was perhaps not justified by works when he offered Isaac his son upon the altar [24] See that man is justified by works and not only by faith. [26 ] For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is morta.La Church: One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, Roman, Orthodox, Protest, Celeste: all others are false!
5di8: If your church does not call Mary: "Blessed" and "Mother of God," you belong to a false church. Luke 1.41-48 [43] How is it that the mother of my Lord should come to me? [48] he has regarded the low estate of his handmaiden. From now on all generations will call me beata.La Church: One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, Roman, Orthodox, Protest, Celeste: all others are false!
6di8: If your church does not call Mary, Mother of believers, you belong to a false church. John 19.26 [27] Then he said to the disciple: "Behold your mother." And from that hour the disciple took her into his home. Revelation 12.17] Then the dragon was angry with the woman and went to make war on the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and are in possession of the testimony of Jesus
7di8: If your church teaches that baptism is not essential for salvation, you belong to a false Chiesa.1Pietro 3.21. The Church: One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, Roman, Orthodox, Protest, Celeste: all others are false!
If your church has no clergy and bishops, you belong to a false church. Rev. Titus 5.10 .. 1.7 If your pastor does not speak in the person of Christ, you belong to a false church. Luke 10.16 .. The Church: One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, Roman, Orthodox, Protest, Celeste: all others are false! .. If your church is not infallible, you belong to a false church. Matthew 16.18-20
8di8: If your church denies that obey earthly authority of the Church because it is necessary for salvation, you belong to a false church.
Romans 13.1-2
If your church teaches that good works: they are not necessary for salvation, you belong to a false church. Matthew 25.31-46. The Church: One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, Roman, Orthodox, Protest, Celeste: all others are false! If your Church teaches that all sin is the same, equal, you belong to a false church. 1 John 5.16
If the world does not hate your church, you belong to a church wrong. Matthew 10.16-25
The Church: One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, Roman, Orthodox, Protest, Celeste: all others are false!
Any form of Satanism: Which is system of the parasitism, but, as the weed grows too fast, and then will Quickly burn like straw. All the sacrifices, the desperate struggle: for survival, of previous generations? they're all defeated: in the Life of a Satanist, "that he did not leave descendants, he will not transfer the precious gift of the life, That he has had! any: Infection of evil: everything is this in Satanism? is ephemeral! ideologically criminal predation! a brilliant success of straw, Which ends in the blaze, of an infinity of despair. MENE Techel PERES ♚ ] PAX amen hallelujah CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN ✙ReiUnius Mahdi ✟ ✮ ✝ ✭ ✞ ✰ ✟ King of Israel.
AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! cursed children of Satan: Islamists Satanists Freemasons and Zionists. I AM AGAINST: you: you will rush into a hell of despair! Like rats fiery, burning you stir-fry of oil: continuously, without finding the hope of death: because you're already dead! Amen: pax ★:> "EIUS:IN:OBITU:NOSTRO:PRESENTIA:MUNIAMUR!"[♚MENE♛TECHEL♛PERES♚] ✙PAXCSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSNSMVS MQLIVB ✞ [[★ ]]"Bevi i tuoi stessi veleni" ✙ReiUnius Re di Israele.
Luke 1:46 And Mary said: "My soul magnifies the Lord, Luke 1:47 and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, Luke 1:48, because he looked at the lowliness of his handmaiden. From now on, all generations will call me blessed, because great things Luke 1:49, he made the Mighty. Holy is his name, Luke 1:50 And his mercy is from generation to generation, from those who fear him. Luke 1:51 He has shown strength with his arm, he has scattered those who were proud in the thoughts of their hearts, Alleluia! ♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♚] ✞ [[★ ]] PAXCSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSNSMVS MQLIVB ✞ [★]"Drink your poisons yourself" ✞ [[★ ]] ReiUnius King of Israel.
Luke 1:52 has dethroned the mighty, and has lifted up the lowly; Luke 1:53 he has filled the hungry with good things, and he has sent the rich away empty. Luke 1:54 He has helped Israel his servant, mindful of the Mercy, Luke 1:55 he had spoken to our fathers, to Abraham and to his seed for ever. "Luke 1:56 And Mary remained with Elizabeth about three months and then went back to his house. Hallelujah! ♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♚] ✞ [[★ ]] PAXCSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSNSMVS MQLIVB ✞ [★]"Drink your poisons yourself" ✞ [[★ ]] ReiUnius King of Israel.
Psalm 110 (109): 7: Along the way you drink from the stream, and lift up his head. Psalm 110 (109): 4 The LORD has sworn and will not repent: "You are a priest forever, like Melchizedek." 5: The Lord is at your right hand will shatter kings on the day of his wrath. 6: He shall judge the people: in the midst of corpses. I will crush the head of vast land. Alleluia! ♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♚] ✞ [[★ ]] PAXCSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSNSMVS MQLIVB ✞ [★]"Drink your poisons yourself" ✞ [[★ ]] ReiUnius King of Israel.
Psalm 110 (109): 2: The scepter of your power lies, the Lord from Zion: "Rule in the midst of your enemies. 3: A prince(you are) on the day of thy power the holy mountains, from the womb before of the: Aurora, like the dew, I have begotten you. "Psalm 110 (109): 1: Of David. Psalm. The Lord says to my Lord: "Sit at my right hand until I make thine enemies beneath your feet. "Alleluia! ♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♚] ✞ [[★ ]] PAXCSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSNSMVS MQLIVB ✞ [[★ ]]" Drink your poisons yourself " ✞ [[★ ]] ReiUnius King of Israel.
Luke 16:19 "There was a rich man who dressed in purple and fine linen, and every day we enjoyed beautifully;
Luke 16:20 and there was a beggar named Lazarus, who was at the door for him, full of sores,
Luke 16:21 and desiring to be fed with what fell from the rich man's table, and even the dogs came to lick his sores.
Luke 16:22 It happened that the beggar died and was carried by angels to the bosom of Abraham, the rich man also died and was buried.
Luke 16:23 And in Hades, being in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, and Lazarus in his bosom;
Luke 16:24 and said: "Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water to cool my tongue, for I am tormented in this flame."
Luke 16:25 But Abraham said, "Son, remember that you in your life you received your good things and likewise Lazarus received evil things: but now here he is comforted, and thou art tormented.
Luke 16:26 In addition to all this, between us and you there is a large chasm, that those who would like to go from here to you can not, nor there are steps away from us. "
Luke 16:27 And he said: "Please, then, O Father, that you send him to my father's house,
Luke 16:28 for I have five brothers, so stating these things, and are not also come to this place of torment. "
Luke 16:29 Abraham said: "They have Moses and the prophets; listen to them."
Luke 16:30 And He said, "No, father Abraham: but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent."
Luke 16:31 Abraham said, "If they hear not Moses and the prophets, they will not be persuaded even if one raises the dead". "
@666 --> 2 Thessalonians 2:9 The coming of the lawless one will be the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and lying wonders, 2 Thessalonians 2:10 and with all kinds of deceit of unrighteousness in them that perish because they received not the love of the truth and so be saved.
2 Thessalonians 2:11 Therefore God sends them a power failure because they believe a lie;
2 Thessalonians 2:12 so that all those who have not believed the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
Anonimus said: "please, a definition of Freemasonry in 10 words?" - ANSWER ---- pax. AMEN. ☠ ☠ hallellujah pax! THE PARTY OF THE RICH, for the Ruin of the Poor! traitors to the Fatherland! sold to: satan, for: Rothschild666 & 322Bush. God, the Lord said in His Word: Deuteronomy 29:28 The secret things belong unto the Lord our God, but, things are revealed to us and to our children forever, that we may
all the words of this law. STOP! MAGIC, necromancy, SPIRITISM, SATANISM.Alleluia! ♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♚] ✞ [[★ ]] PAXCSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSNSMVS MQLIVB ✞ [[★ ]]" Drink your poisons yourself " ✞ [[★ ]] ReiUnius King of Israel.
HellxDesPairTruction (7 secondi fa) Rimuovi | Spam
..........._..'¹-~-¹-.But the fruit of the Spirit
.....,-""-;\\/ ¸,.,¸ ¸¸,'-...is love, joy, peace,
..../....-'.).\..'......longsuffering, gentleness,
(▒\,---'`▒)▒).......... goodness, faith,
(▒)(▒)(▒)(▒)...Meekness, temperance:
..(▒(▒)(▒)(▒)▒)...against such there
(▒)(▒)(▒)▒).................is no law.
.......(▒)▒)..............Galatians 5:22-23
.......(▒)Will Jesus Christ Return In AD 2328: about !!!
harrisgila SAID: "The Prophet (PBUH) reported that Allah said, "I created my servants in the right religion but devils made them go astray". The Prophet (PBUH) also said, "Each child is born in a state of "Fitrah", then his parents make him a Jew, Christian or a Zoroastrian, the way an animal gives birth to a normal offspring. Have you noticed any that were born mutilated?" (Collected by Al-Bukhaaree and Muslim). -ANSWER->this is Satan! is a threat to peace: an act of terrorism absolute! Only Satan could say this! in this way, even Moses or Jesus would have a demon! You are crazy!! these, your beliefs? are not for you: a right to kill those Muslims who have converted to Christianity. to be, also you, too, a satan of sharia: you are a murderess, his hands stained with innocent blood. you will be plunged into hell: to kill other servants of God, this IS GOOD FOR you!
@ InsanidadesDaBiblia -> as you can be a Satanist iE, Satanists (unfair, lying, etc. ..) YOU ARE A LIBEL! etc. ..), what you do on this page, though I have tried in vain for a dialogue with you? What is unhealthy in the Bible? Hallelujah!
@ InsanidadesDaBiblia -> iE, Satanists (unfair, lying, etc. ..) YOU ARE A LIBEL! cosa tu fai su questa pagina, se io ho cercato inutilmente un dialogo con te? Cosa è insano nella Bibbia? Alleluia! ♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♚] ✞ [[★ ]] PAXCSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSNSMVS MQLIVB ✞ [★]"Drink your poisons, made by yourself" ✞ [[★ ]] Rei Unius King of Israel.
Demiahl SAID: Stop make many mental fantasies about Satan, angels and various: gods ... There is none of that. Religions darken the minds of people for, centuries, are just a cancer to be eradicated. Only then can live peacefully. ✞ [★]Answer-> 200,000 REAL: human sacrifices to Satan (I know & tell) but,100,000 OFFICIAL: human sacrifices to Satan (source:. FBI) Why and For Whom: you do you? Since the FBI: Do not catch anything, a single institutional Satanist? Then, they often are Satanists too!
Genesis 2:7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul. John 18:36 Jesus answered, "My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, my servants would fight, because I had not given into the hands of the Jews: but now my kingdom is not from here" . -ANSWER-> I am only a man, so this will be my kingdom, also, in this world, or you all die: because the 3 rd WWnuclear: it was planned: to destroy all life on the planet. As Noah's enlightened: they want to get out from under the ground to do it all again: they are crazy: really crazy!Alleluia! ♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♚] ✞ [[★ ]] PAXCSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSNSMVS MQLIVB ✞ [★]"Drink your poisons, made by yourself" ✞ [[★ ]] Rei Unius King of Israel.
1 Corinthians 6:9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Not v'illudete nor fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites,
1 Corinthians 6:10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor abusers, nor robbers will inherit the kingdom of God
1 Corinthians 6:11 And such were some of you, but you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. Alleluia! ♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♚] ✞ [[★ ]] PAXCSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSNSMVS MQLIVB ✞ [★]"Drink your poisons, made by yourself" ✞ [[★ ]] Rei Unius King of Israel.
1 Corinthians 15:50 Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood can not inherit the kingdom of God, nor the bodies decompose can inherit the imperishable.
1 Corinthians 15:51 Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but shall all be changed,
1 Corinthians 15:52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
1 Corinthians 15:53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption and this mortal must put on immortality.. Alleluia! ♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♚] ✞ [[★ ]] PAXCSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSNSMVS MQLIVB ✞ [★]"Drink your poisons, made by yourself" ✞ [[★ ]] Rei Unius King of Israel.
1 Corinthians 15:54, And when this body corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this body mortal shall have put on immortality, then will come about the saying that is written:
1 Corinthians 15:55, "O death, where is thy victory? O death, where is thy sting? "
1 Corinthians 15:56, Now the sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law;
1 Corinthians 15:57 but thanks be to God who gives us the victory through, our Lord Jesus Christ.
1 Corinthians 15:58, Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord.Alleluia! ♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♚] ✞ [[★ ]] PAXCSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSNSMVS MQLIVB ✞ [★]"Drink your poisons, made by yourself" ✞ [[★ ]] Rei Unius King of Israel.
Re: Document secret "barbaralee15"
Go to my blog.. snippits and slappits and read the things I say about the things you speak of. I have written about it all. There is not one thing here I do not know and have not written about.
YAM HASHOAH, 2009, TRUTH DOES NOT FEAR INVESTIGATION http://snippits-and-slappits.blogspot.com/2009/04/blog-post_21.html
[To Mason] inquisition is was against of Jews moneylenders & Satanists! it not made them laugh, but has only made them more determined: in fact, they have invented Freemasonry and through this: they have also created democracy and communism. As is clear: only the monarchy and the Catholic Church:
they were an obstacle to their boundless power of money, media and conspiracy. enlightened have won, but you do not laugh much. because: you will die as a
traitor against God and against the people, in the planned & upcoming 3 rd WWnuclear : [PAX ✞ [[★ ]] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ] ✞ [★] I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who
Toppled the cross ✞ [★][ ♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♚ ] PAX amen hallelujah ✞ [[★ ]] C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ✞ [★] ✞ [★]✞ [★] amen hallelujah :ReiUnius✙ : King ✞ [★]: Israel hallelujah: ✞ [[★ ]] Mahdi ✟ ✮ ✝ ✭ ✞ ✰ ✟
the Rei Unius is go by the separation: at the unity of the Whole In fact, I have the fire in me of the universal brotherhood I love all people. But I don't love satan.
[PAX ✞ [[★ ]] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ] ✞ [★] I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ✞ [★][ ♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♚ ] PAX amen hallelujah ✞ [[★ ]] C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB
"Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ✞ [★]ReiUnius✙ : King ✞ [★]: Israel hallelujah: ✞ [[★ ]] Mahdi ✟ ✮ ✝ ✭ ✞ ✰ ✟
@ArabianRhythm amen ☠ ✞ [★] ✞ [★] pax ✞ alleluia amen hallelujah --> Islam a religion That will give justice and peace!? maybe, but today is the death of 400 innocent Christians, as every day! you are the real criminals, because you do not respect freedom of religion. You are a cancer in the world. the past 2 years, I have defended the Muslims: this is documented. What have I gained? Nothing! The innocent Christians, continue, still, to be killed in all Muslim nations. You are cursed for it! I decided not to protect muslim by most Zionists, as I did in the past. You are all going to hell quickly, for the forthcoming 3 rd WWnuclear[PAX ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ] ✞ [★] I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ✞ [★] [ ♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♚ ] PAX amen hallelujah ✞ [[★ ]] C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ✞ [★] Rei Unius✙ : King ✞ [★]: Israel hallelujah: ✞ [[★ ]] Mahdi ✟ ✮ ✝ ✭ ✞ ✰ ✟
@Jewish lobby->. bastards: enlightened sons of dogs! a year ago I wrote an article:[Islamic iperialismo]: "only the idiot of the King of Saudi Arabia, did not realize that there is a NWO? ✞ [★]Answer-> The Enlightened have impoverished the people, with the banking seigniorage, and Libya, Saudi Arabia, etc.. 1. give money to buy the Islamic conversions. 2. In India, for seduce of the richest girls Hindu, movement of muslim give the powerful motorcycles, & they receive cash prizes. ecc... this is in the world.ecc. This is the goal of Jewish lobby? destroy Christianity to spread Islam?[ PAX ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ] ✞ [★] I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ✞ [★][ ♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♚ ] PAX amen hallelujah ✞ [[★ ]] C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself"."You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ✞ [★] Rei Unius✙ : King ✞ [★]: Israel hallelujah: ✞ [[★ ]] Mahdi ✟ ✮ ✝ ✭ ✞ ✰ ✟
My Lord and my God cast down like animals, all your enemies, on the whole face of the earth: Alleluia Amen thank you in Jesus' name. so thanks for all eternity for ever in Jesus' name. Amen .mio Signore e mio Dio abbatti come bestie, tutti i tuoi nemici, su tutta la faccia della terra: amen alleluia ti ringrazio nel nome di Gesù
per questo per tutta l'eternità grazie in eterno nel nome di Gesù. amen alleluia. you are Destined for Hell! [PAX ✞ [[★ ]] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ] ✞ [★] I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ✞ [★][ ♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♚ ] PAX amen hallelujah ✞ [[★ ]] C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ✞ [★] Rei Unius✙ : King ✞ [★]: Israel hallelujah: ✞ [[★ ]] Mahdi ✟ ✮ ✝ ✭ ✞ ✰ ✟
damned Jewish lobby: the fraud of crime: and Satanism: seigniorage of the banking: to the dregs, you must drink the cup of wrath blazing, of Yahweh: Now now, in Jesus' name, amen .. maledette lobby ebraiche della frode del crimine e del satanismo fino alla feccia, voi dovete bere, la coppa ardente dell'ira, di JHWH: ora adesso nel nome di Gesù amen alleluia. you are Destined for Hell! [PAX ✞ [[★ ]] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ] ✞ [★] I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ✞ [★][ ♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♚ ] PAX amen hallelujah ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ✞ [★] Rei Unius✙ : King ✞ [★]: Israel hallelujah: ✞ [[★ ]] Mahdi ✟ ✮ ✝ ✭ ✞ ✰ ✟
@Jewish lobby- ✞ [★]-- ✞ ->. bastards: enlightened sons of dogs! if you do not defend Christianity from those 4 gay, who are now in the Vatican, those who are saying, "nature Human is positive." so that the modernists do the curse the Bible and of 1900 years of Christianity (one other of your masterpieces Masonic). Well, of course, you too will become a Muslims: also! is not for that, that you have worked? you are Destined for Hell! [PAX ✞ [[★ ]] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ] ✞ [★] I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ✞ [★][ ♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♚ ] PAX amen hallelujah ✞ [[★ ]] C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ✞ [★] Rei Unius✙ : King ✞ [★]: Israel hallelujah: ✞ [[★ ]] Mahdi ✟ ✮ ✝ ✭ ✞ ✰ ✟
@Jewish lobby- ✞ [★]-- ✞ ->. is not Satanism, that you have planned to do to win: a win. because God has decided to block / stop your evil world domination. Islam will win: however, if you do not run fast for cover.You are all sons of the devil, you are Destined for Hell! you are Destined for Hell! [PAX ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ] ✞ [★] I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ✞ [★] [♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♚ ] PAX amen hallelujah ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ✞ [★] Rei Unius✙ :King✙ :Israel: ✞ [★] Mahdi ✟ ✮ ✝ ✭ ✞ ✰ ✟
@Jewish lobby- ✞ [★]-- ✞ ->. if You not to returned/ not give to me: the true Christianity, that you have corrupted! and I give back to you the true Judaism: those evolved for modern times! between 50 years? we will all be Muslims! you are Destined for Hell! [PAX ✞ [[★ ]] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ] ✞ [★] I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ✞ [★][ ♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♚ ] PAX amen hallelujah ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ✞ [★] Rei Unius✙ : King ✞ [★]: Israel hallelujah: ✞ [[★ ]] Mahdi ✟ ✮ ✝ ✭ ✞ ✰ ✟
Idiot 123serio "SAID: everyone hates you loser and now everyone hates your religion low life. -Response-. I am a mere layman, I am, no religion! biblical Israel? biblical Israel? Is the sense is of all things! Israel does not need His State, for to live:[jew temple is strong more]. you are Destined for Hell! [PAX✙ ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ] ✞ [★] I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ✞ [★] [♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♚ ] PAX ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by✞ [★] ReiUnius✙ :King✙ :Israel: ✞ [★] Mahdi ✟ ✮ ✝ ✭ ✞ ✰ ✟
@Jewish lobby-✞ [★]>. But it is the Israel of YHWH, That is my Jewish people: my brothers, with justice, and love, I will lead all the Jews, at the true religion of Moses: and I will bring all the Jews, at the true shalom of Moses: The Glory of God, That I will bring on all the peoples of the world, That has not a precedent in the history of mankind: you are Destined for Hell! [PAX ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ] ✞ [★] I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ✞ [★] [♚ MENE Techel PERES ♚ ] PAX amen hallelujah ✞ [[★ ]] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ✞ [★] ReiUnius✙ : King✙ : Israel: ✞ [[★ ]] Mahdi ✟ ✮ ✝ ✭ ✞ ✰ ✟
@Jewish lobby-✞ [★] >. I am I ReiUnius: Universal Brotherhood. I am the Decalogue, Namely the natural law. you are Destined for Hell! [PAX ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ] ✞ [★] I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ✞ [★][ ♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♚ ] PAX amen hallelujah ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by✞ [★]ReiUnius✙ : King ✞ [★]: Israel hallelujah: ✞ [[★ ]] Mahdi ✟ ✮ ✝ ✭ ✞ ✰ ✟
@To world- [desperate call]: the Jewish lobby has been clever, with money and masonry has corrupt the Christian religion, and to take control of Christian societies: good! Now, now: Islam is unstoppable! Jews? You are all dead! If you do not instituted a new Western morality, through ReiUnius, That is the King of Israel? You, too Jews, you also will become all Muslims, like all of us of course! The land that Islam wins? is captured forever! you are Destined for Hell! [PAX ✞ [★] ✞ [★]✞ [★] ✞ [★]] ✞ [★] I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ✞ [★][♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♚ ] PAX amen hallelujah ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ReiUnius✙ :King✙:Israel: ✞ [★] Mahdi ✟ ✮ ✝ ✭ ✞ ✰ ✟ ✟ ✮ ✝ ✭ ✞ ✰ ✟
@Jewish lobby-✞ [★] -->. AMEN, I SAY TO YOU, THAT THIS None Shall Escape chastisement of the 3rd WWnuclear .. DO NOT CRY peace, peace and security, WHEN THERE IS NO THERE IS NO peace AND security. NO MAN SHALL CONSTRUCT: Peace Without His GOD. You are Destined for Hell! [PAX ✞ [[★ ]] ✞ [★]✝ ✭ ] I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ✞ [★][ ♚ MENE Techel PERES] ✞ [[★ ]] C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" by ReiUnius King of Israel, Mahdi ✟ ✮ ✝ ✭ ✞ ✰ ✟ "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ✞ [★] Rei Unius✙ : King ✞ [★ ] : ✞ Israel hallelujah: ✞ [[★ ]] Mahdi ✟ ✮ ✝ ✭ ✞ ✰ ✟
@Jewish lobby- ✞ [★]-- ✞ ->. it is the CIA (the real Satanists), to say that human sacrifice to Satan are 100,000 each year. to control and dominate, institutions and religions. But, with my intelligence speculative metaphysics: I know, who are 200,000 each year, the human sacrifice to Satan. Satanism, Freemasonry as seigniorage banking? are the foundation (hidden), of our Western institutions. You are Destined for Hell! [PAX ✞ [[★ ]] ✞ [★]✝ ✭ ] I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ✞ [★] [MENE Techel PERES] ✞ [★] CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" by ReiUnius King of Israel, Mahdi ✟ ✮ ✝ ✭ ✞ ✰ ✟"You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ✞ [★] Rei Unius✙ : King ✞ [★] : Israel hallelujah: ✞ [★] Mahdi ✟ ✮ ✝ ✭ ✞ ✰ ✟
If it is true the crime of seigniorage? Then all the rest, is true! you are Destined for Hell! [PAX ✞ [[★ ]] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ] ✞ [★] I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ✞ [★] [ ♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♚ ] PAX amen hallelujah ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ✞ [★] Rei Unius✙ : King ✞ [★] : Israel hallelujah: ✞ [★] Mahdi ✟ ✮ ✝ ✭ ✞ ✰ ✟
@Jewish lobby- ✞ [★]-- ✞ ->. bastards: enlightened sons of dogs! if you do not defend Christianity from those 4 gay, who are now in the Vatican, those who are saying, "nature Human is positive." so that the modernists do the curse the Bible and of 1900 years of Christianity (one other of your masterpieces Masonic). Well, of course, you too will become a Muslims: also! is not for that, that you have worked? You are all sons of the devil, you are Destined for Hell! [PAX ✞ [[★ ]] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ] ✞ [★] I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ✞ [★][ ♚ MENE ♛ Techel PERES ♚ ] PAX amen hallelujah ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself"
MrLEONEXIII SAID: There is no evidence that organizations: secret: Masonic-Satanic, undertaken, even today, human sacrifice ritual, as an element to maintain a complete conspiracy of silence? ✞ [★]Answer->. it is the CIA (the real Satanists), to say that human sacrifice to Satan are 100,000 each year. to control and dominate, institutions and religions. But, with my intelligence speculative metaphysics: I know, who are 200,000 each year, the human sacrifice to Satan. Satanism, Freemasonry as seigniorage banking? are the foundation (hidden), of our Western institutions. If it is true the crime of seigniorage? Then all the rest, is true!you are Destined for Hell! [PAX ✞ [[★ ]] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ] ✞ [★] I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ✞ [★][ ♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♚ ] PAX amen hallelujah ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself"
@Jewish lobby- ✞ [★]-- ✞ ->. bastards: enlightened sons of dogs! is not Satanism, that you have planned to do to win: a win. because God has decided to block / stop your evil world domination. Islam will win: however, if you do not run fast for cover.You are all sons of the devil, you are Destined for Hell! [PAX ✞ [[★ ]] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ] ✞ [★ ] I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ✞ [★] [♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♚ ] PAX amen hallelujah ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself"
@ Jewish lobby- ✞ [★]-- ✞ ->. bastards: enlightened sons of dogs! Yif You not to returned/ not give to me: the true Christianity, that you have corrupted! and I give back to you the true Judaism: those evolved for modern times! between 50 years? we will all be Muslims! You are all sons of the devil, you are Destined for Hell! [PAX ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ] ✞ [★] I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ✞ [★ ] [♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♚ ] PAX amen hallelujah ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself"
Idiot 123serio "SAID: everyone hates you loser and now everyone hates your religion low life. -Response->. I am a mere layman, I am, no religion! biblical Israel? biblical Israel? Is the sense is of all things! Israel does not need His State, for to live:[jew temple is strong more]. But it is the Israel of YHWH, That is my Jewish people: my brothers, with justice, and love, I will lead all the Jews, at the true religion of Moses: and I will bring all the Jews, at the true shalom of Moses: The Glory of God, That I will bring on all the peoples of the world, That has not a precedent in the history of mankind: I am I ReiUnius: Universal Brotherhood. I am the Decalogue, Namely the natural law. [If anyone does not plagiarize the google translator? Could I write even better!]You are all sons of the devil, you are Destined for Hell! [PAX ✞ [[★ ]] ✞ [★ ] ✞ [★ ] ✞ [★ ] ] ✞ [★ ] I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ✞ [★][ ♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♚ ] PAX amen hallelujah ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself"
@ To world-> [desperate call]: the Jewish lobby has been clever, with money and masonry has corrupt the Christian religion, and to take control of Christian societies: good! Now, now: Islam is unstoppable! Jews? You are all dead! If you do not instituted a new Western morality, through ReiUnius, That is the King of Israel? You, too Jews, you also will become all Muslims, like all of us of course! The land that Islam wins? is captured forever! You are all sons of the devil, you are Destined for Hell! [PAX ✞ [★ ] ✞ [★ ] ✞ [★ ] ✞ [★ ] ] ✞ [★ ] I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ✞ [★][ ♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♚ ] PAX amen hallelujah ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself"
AMEN, AMEN, I SAY TO YOU, THAT THIS None Shall Escape chastisement of the 3rd WWnuclear .. DO NOT CRY peace, peace and security, WHEN THERE IS NO THERE IS NO peace AND security. NO MAN SHALL CONSTRUCT: Peace Without His GOD. You are Destined for Hell! [PAX ✞ [[★ ]] ✞ [★]✝ ✭ ] I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ✞ [★][ ♚ MENE Techel PERES] ✞ [[★ ]] C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" by ReiUnius King of Israel, Mahdi ✟ ✮ ✝ ✭ ✞ ✰ ✟
ToaArgon94 SAID: all the Satanists, atheists, murderers, thieves, liars, adulterers, idolaters, homosexuals, bisexuals, and transsexuals will burn in hell for all eternity unless they repent . Amen! you are destined for Hell! [PAX ✞ [[★ ]] ✞ [★]✝ ✭ ] I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ✞ [★][ ♚ MENE Techel PERES] ✞ [[★ ]] C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself"by ReiUnius King of Israel: Mahdi ✟ ✮ ✝ ✭ ✞ ✰ ✟
@Korea Iran Saudi Arabia Somalia Yemen Maldives Mauritania Afghanistan Bhutan China Laos Uzbekistan Pakistan Turkmenistan Eritrea Comoros Chechnya Iraq Qatar Egypt Algeria Azerbairgian India Myanmar Vietnam Libya Nigeria Oman Kuwait Brunei Sudan Tajikistan Tanzania Turkey United Arab Morocco Cuba Djibouti Jordan Sri Lanka Syria Tunisia Biellorussia Ethiopia Bangladesh Bahrain Indonesia Kenya Kyrgyz Palestinians: you persecuted the Christian martyrs, who say of: " universal brotherhood: equality love! " In this way, you agree to be Satan. This ministry's political of ReiUnius? you will hurt! Amen! you are destined for Hell! [PAX ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ✝ ✭ ] I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ✞ [★][ ♚ MENE Techel PERES] ✞ [★] CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself"by ReiUnius King of Israel: Mahdi ✟ ✮ ✝ ✭ ✞ ✰ ✟
I am Rei Unius. Rei Unius is the legitimacy of every authority: both political and that spiritual. this is why: I started to kill 500 million people! these are my victims: during the entire duration of my dominion over the earth. Since these criminals are illegally, only illegally, they have took the power political or spiritual. they are outside of my feelings: ie they are illegally: Rei unius: is the universal brotherhood; Rei unius: Metaphysics is the personalistic humanistic: Rei unius: is natural law, ie the image and likeness of God: The Man; Rei unius: The bad people can lead to guilt and madness, and at death to. Amen! you are Destined for Hell! [PAX ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ] ✞ [★] I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ✞ [★][ ♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♚ ] PAX amen hallelujah ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself"
Corea del Nord Iran Arabia Saudita Somalia Maldive Afghanistan Yemen Mauritania Laos Uzbekistan Eritrea Buthan Cina Pakistan Turkmenistan Isole Comore Iraq Quatar Cecenia Egitto Vietnam Libia Myanmar Azerbairgian Algeria India Nigeria Oman Brunei Sudan Kuwait Tagikistan Emirati arabi uniti tanzania Turchia Gibuti Marocco Cuba Giordania Sri Lanka Siria Biellorussia Tunisia Etiopia Bangladesh Palestinesi Bahrain Indonesia Kirghizistan Kenia. Amen! you are Destined for Hell! [PAX ✞ [[★ ]] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ] ✞ [★] I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ✞ [★][ ♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♚ ] PAX amen hallelujah ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself"
[Each year 160,000 Christians are martyred killed out of hatred for Christ]: These are the 50 Most Criminals Nation in the world:1. North Korea;2. Iran;3. Saudi Arabia;4. Somalia;5. Yemen;6. Maldives;7. Mauritania;8. Afghanistan;9. Bhutan;10. China;11. Laos;12. Uzbekistan; 13. Pakistan;14. Turkmenistan;15. Eritrea;16. Comoros;17. Chechnya;18. Iraq;19. Qatar;20. Egypt;21. Algeria;22. Azerbairgian;23. India;24. Myanmar;25. Libya;26. Nigeria;27. Oman;28. Kuwait;29. Brunei;30. Sudan;31. Tajikistan;32. Tanzania;33. Turkey;34. United Arab Emirates;35. Morocco;36. Cuba;37. Djibouti;38. Jordan;39. Sri Lanka;40. Syria;41. Tunisia;42. Biellorussia;43. Palestinians;44. Bahrain;45. Bangladesh;46. Ethiopia;47. Indonesia;48. Kyrgyzstan;49. Kenya;50. Vietnam. I swear by the living God: in Jesus' name: the blood of martyrs will suffocate you. I come to snatch your soul: "You will soon go down to hell!" "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ✞ [★] Rei Unius✙ : King ✞ [★]: Israel hallelujah: ✞ [★] Mahdi ✟ ✮ ✝ ✭ ✞ ✰ ✟
XXXxThemessiahxXXX SAID: You are a Nazi Promoting religious ethnic cleansing. -ANSWER-> There is some truth in what you say, in fact, while my friend "discepolobenedetto", is gearing up to start a church for and raise the dead. He has faith for doing this. My problem is, as I can do day: 500 million of Criminals, Those of: IMF NWO, Masons, enlightened, Satanic, Zionist Sharia: all racist. But, I think the good Jews, are many more: That I believe all people are good, I Believe That Only The Leaders Have Betrayed. If there is evil in all people? Because there are only is it bad Some teachers like you! you: enlightened, will not get: your criminal trick, to confuse the Jews with the Zionists! You Have Already done too much harm to the whole human race with the absolute crime: of seigniorage and the American banking corporations: I now Have a tip for you to "get go out from my balls!"
@Muslims ★> how they can talk to me? Muslims have all betrayed the sanctity of Islam, because it was just the first Mohammed to betray. Sharia law is now a crime ever against humanity. in fact, is the principle that this religion has been transformed into an ideology, to conquer the world? but this is Satanism. be a criminal: it is a violent plan submission: a dictatorship . damn, murderers, thieves, racist and unjust, ignorant fanatics donkeys. Curse is upon you: and for your children, the evil will never depart: from you: it is your destiny.
@Jews->. your religion has been corrupted, completely, by the scribes & Pharisees, who came from Babylon with the Talmud, it hides the hidden signs of that which your fathers were in secret swear by Marduk: to be Satanists, this is
been processed, the cabal and the Golem: the enlightened them, have given a body, the demons aliens., yours is the worst racism & Satanism, for the domain of the human race. You are worse than muslmani. Your Satanism is perfect, can not be exceeded, you have always done evil, to the Christian peoples, who were forced to take protective measures against you. murderers, extortionists, loan sharks bank seigniorage. You have turned this planet in the antechamber of hell
@Christian->. Protestant-@>. is an abomination, to think that whoever does not have the same interpretation of the Bible or the Church, he can be a heretic. All those who recognize Jesus as: real man, and it is also true God, they have the right to call themselves Christians and have the right not to be accused of being idolaters. This world is worth, because they are Christians, that they suck. They allowed that the Freemasons and the Jewish lobby, with their ideological and practical Satanism, the IMF-World Order, took control of the West. If the light is darkness, and the salt, not more flavor when it is desperate our situation?
@toWorld:★> UNIVERSAL PROCLAMATION: Taking notes: of the history of mankind. Ordain: We & Holy Spirit ✞ [★] on all world-1. no man dedicated to religion (religion) can now Should Be Involved in politics: never! 2. No Man Belonging to the Masons or other secret associating: Is Decayed Immediately from office & public office and is under criminal process. 3. We have abolished all secret societies. This decree has immediate effect, on all mankind: They May Be Damaged & shot dead, for us They are all offenders: These ✞ [[★ ]] CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQL IVB Drink your poisons made by yourself ✞ [[★ ]] MENE Techel PERES ✞ [[★ ]] end game in the name of Jesus " You are all lost! "Luke19.27; ✞ [★]ReiUnius by: ✞ [[★ ]] ✞ [★] King ✞ [[★ ]] Israel: & Mahdi ✟ ✮ ✝ ✭ ✞ ✰ ✟
Psalm 11: 14 Have mercy upon me, O Lord, you see my misery, the work of my enemies, you tear me from death's door, 15. they may proclaim your praise, rejoice in your salvation outside the city of Zion. 16 people plunge into the pit which they dug, the network that have stretched their foot gets caught. ✞ [[★ ]] CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQL IVB Drink your poisons made by yourself ✞ [[★ ]] MENE TECHEL PERES✙ end game in the name of Jesus:"You are all lost!"Luke19.27; by ✞ [★]ReiUnius ✙✙King ✙✙Israel Mahdi ✟ ✮ ✝ ✭ ✞ ✰ ✟
Psalm 11:17. The Lord's presence, did justice to the wicked fell into the net, work of his hands. 18. return the wicked in hell, all the nations that forget God. 19. For the poor will not be forgotten, the hope of the afflicted will not be disappointed. ✞ [[★ ]] CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQL IVB Drink your poisons made by yourself ✞ [[★ ]] MENE TECHEL PERES✙ end game in the name of Jesus:"You are all lost!"Luke19.27; by ✞ [★]ReiUnius ✙✙King ✙✙Israel Mahdi ✟ ✮ ✝ ✭ ✞ ✰ ✟
Psalm 11: 20 Arise, O Lord, not man prevail: in front of you people are judged. 21. Fill them with fear, O Lord, know the people who are deadly. ✞ [[★ ]] CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQL IVB Drink your poisons made by yourself ✞ [[★ ]] MENE TECHEL PERES✙ end game in the name of Jesus:"You are all lost!"Luke19.27; by ✞ [★]ReiUnius ✙✙King ✙✙Israel Mahdi ✟ ✮ ✝ ✭ ✞ ✰ ✟
INDIA:Indian police forces to silence the sisters of Mother Teresa. They are the ones accused of kidnapping and conversion of children. Disprove the allegations, the children were returned to the nuns. The Sangh Parivar organizes tomorrow a demonstration against the nuns and their "child trafficking". Insecurity also in Karnataka where some Pentecostal churches were closed, while in good standing with the documents.For The Destruction Of These Criminals? we thank you. You are all sons of the devil, you are Destined for Hell! [PAX ✞ [[★ ]] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ] ✞ [★] I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ✞ [★][ ♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♚ ] PAX amen hallelujah ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself"
[Muslims as Satan & the law against blasphemy]. Pakistan: protests around the world for the death sentence of Asia Bibi. Exclaimed Ali Dayan Hasan ✞ [★]It is used especially against vulnerable groups who suffer discrimination: social and policy. " Sadiq Masih, a relative of the family, states: "Asia is innocent. The villagers are taking a personal vendetta. " Intolerance, Violence Against Women, and Lack of RESPECT, human rights mean in the world, there are many similar cases, the Iranian That Sakineh. The story of 37 year-old Pakistani Asia Bibi, Who Was Sentenced to death by hanging for blasphemy, does not Differ from His Iranian counterpart, the number of people Mobilized Around The World In Its favor.
ENCYCLICAL "Humanum genus" of S.S.Leo XIII: vs Freemasonry, amen ☠ ✞ [★]✞ [★] pax ✞ alleluia amen hallelujah --> The human race, after that, to the envy of Lucifer walked away, miserably from God the Creator and giver, of things supernatural, split into two different fields and among their enemies; of them, a fight without rest: for the triumph of truth and goodness, the other: for all that is contrary to virtue and truth. The first is the kingdom of God on earth ... the other is the kingdom of Satan, and are under its domain superb people, ... refuse to obey the eternal and divine law and try to obtain their goals, regardless of God and against God often these two realms, like two cities, with opposing laws, shall, at opposite ends,[PAX ✞ [[★ ]] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ] ✞ [★] I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ✞ [★][ ♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♚ ] PAX amen hallelujah ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself"
INDIA. Orissa: killing Christians to stop development and dignity of tribals and Dalits: An expert sociologist talks, the reasons, the applicants' violence against Christians converting to Christianity, education and emancipation allow Tribals and Dalits, in slavery. Hindu fundamentalism hinders the search for greater justice, and social transformations taking place. For The Destruction Of These Criminals? we thank you. You are all sons of the devil, you are Destined for Hell! [PAX ✞ [[★ ]] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ] ✞ [★] I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ✞ [★][ ♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♚ ] PAX amen hallelujah ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself"
Orissa: thousands of refugees and new victims, massacre of Christians continues. At least 10 thousand people. requesting assistance. in shelters, too. seek refuge. in the forests to escape the violence by Hindu fundamentalists. According to "reliable sources" presented by a Christian activist, there would be "at least 100 deaths." For The Destruction Of These Criminals? we thank you. You are all sons of the devil, you are Destined for Hell! [PAX ✞ [[★ ]] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ] ✞ [★] I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ✞ [★ ][ ♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♚ ] PAX amen hallelujah ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself"
INDIA: Orissa: no peace for Christians even in refugee camps. Even in the camps, the faithful find fundamentalists who force them to convert to Hinduism. Priests also threatened and abused. Orissa: six more churches burned, hundreds of homes destroyed. More and more Christian villages suffer from looting and fires, while the police remained inactive. The faithful are threatened with death if cristianesimo.lol practice. but, for the government of Orissa, the situation was "under control".
ORISSA: satanic nightmare of India: founded on a lie of reincarnation, which is the foundation of the Hinduism, that is ruthless racism against the lower classes & female inferiority. The anti-Christian phobia (which with its splendor undermines all these lies) orchestrated by the government in New Delhi by Hindu & "VHP". For The Destruction Of These Criminals? we thank you. You are all sons of the devil, you are Destined for Hell! [PAX ✞ [[★ ]] ✞ [★ ] ✞ [★ ] ✞ [★ ] ] ✞ [★ ] I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ✞ [★ ][ ♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♚ ] PAX amen hallelujah ✞ [★ ] ✞ [★ ] ✞ [★ ] CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✞ [[★ ]]
@:Hindus&Muslims&Communists&Israel->. I denounce you for being so: criminals ideological & practical, your hate & envy is the source of all evil & racist. This wave of your murderer? I reject your hate and your racism: in the name of God the merciful and holy. Who gives you: permission to kill, rob, humiliate the Christians? You have opened the mouth of hell beneath your feet! You are all sons of the devil, you are Destined for Hell! [PAX ✞ [[★ ]] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ✞ [★] ] ✞ [★] I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ✞ [★ ][ ♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♚ ] PAX amen hallelujah ✞ [★ ] ✞ [★ ] ✞ [★ ] CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✞ [[★ ]]
@:Hindus&Muslims&Communists->. The face of this persecution, mass planned & organized by governments: to expense of innocent Christians. The kidnapping & rape of Christian girls, etc. .. we look powerless, the destruction of the last vestiges: this to be in the words of His Holiness Benedict XVI, "the last remnants, of the Eastern Churches, which have done so much for the spiritual richness of humanity, suddenly, there is no one to raise your voice! "-ANSWER->is the Satanism of Muslims, before the arrival of this cursed scum of Muslims, who desecrated the sanctity of my Islam.
[Christian slave trade between Sudan and Saudi Arabia] Having exterminated the Christian parents in Sudan, the children become slaves in Saudi Arabia. Where the fundamentalists, that are operated by the Sudanese government, have wanted to murder, during mass, in Khartoum, of the Cardinal Archbishop: Gebriel Zubeir Wako.You are all sons of the devil, you are destined for hell! [ ✞ [★ ]" ✞ [[★ ]] PAX ✞ [★ ][ ✞ [★ ] ✞ alleluia amen hallelujah --> ✞ [★ ] I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ [[★ ]][♚MENE ♛ TECHEL ♛ PERES ♚ ] ✞ [[★ ]] PAX ✞ [[★ ]] C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ [[★ ]]"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✞ [★]
ENCYCLICAL "Humanum genus" of S.S.Leo XIII: "Freemasonry, solidly structured and largely, widespread. In fact, no longer conceal their intentions, they rise up boldly against, the majesty of God in public and openly, they are plotting to overthrow the holy Church, for the purpose of depriving: completely, if possible, the Christian peoples of the benefits went to Jesus Christ the Saviour. us moaning, these evils, we, motivated by charity, we are often forced to rely on God in these terms: "Look, your enemies great clamor arose, and those who hate you have raised their head. Against your people, harbored evil intentions, and have conspired against your protected. They said, 'Come and throw her, from the category of nations "(Ps 82.2-4).
1/4.[sharia in US]: Oklahoma bans stonings, amputations for theft, death for apostates, Muslims cry "Islamophobia". A Muslim activist in Oklahoma City filed a lawsuit last Thursday challenging a voter-approved measure that bars Oklahoma state judges from considering Shariah, the Islamic religious code based on the Koran and the Prophet Mohammed's teachings, in formulating rulings.You are all sons of the devil, you are destined for hell! [ ✞ [★ ]" ✞ [★ ] PAX ✞ [★ ] [ ✞ [★ ] ✞ alleluia amen hallelujah --> ✞ [★] I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ [[★ ]] [ ♚MENE ♛ TECHEL ♛ PERES ♚ ] ✞ [[★ ]] PAX ✞ [[★ ]] C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ [[★ ]]"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✞ [★]
2/4.[sharia in US]: State Question 755, which passed last Tuesday with 70% of...
R:Re: R:Re: R:Re: hi
@:Israel->. too, & many acts of hostility committed in Israel Have Been Against the anti-Zionist That Are: Jews & Christians. Being a Christian in Israel? Means to be persecuted for sure! I curse the name of Jesus to the anti-Semites, and ferocious anti-Semites The Most Of Them, That Are the Zionists & Masons enlightened of seigniorage banking & IMF: of the Kabbalah and the Talmud. For The Destruction Of These Criminals? we thank you. You are all sons of the devil, you are Destined for Hell! [PAX ✞ ✰ ✟ ★ ★ ✞ ✰ ✟ ] ✞ ✰ ✟ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟[♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♚ ] PAX amen hallelujah ✞ ✰ ✟ ✞ ✰ ✟ ✞ ✰ ✟ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✞ ✰ ✟
@:Hindus&Muslims&Communists->.today, Christians are the largest community in the world that is unjustly persecuted with impunity! You should not be surprised, if I with my divine ministry will hurt you!I love those of you who are honest and peaceful, I am the universal brotherhood of peace=. shalom +. salam. But I have a duty to do evil to criminals and their children. You do not have to accept money from these criminals of Saudi Arabia, which exploits my "holy Islam", for political ends to conquer the world. You are all sons of the devil, you are destined for hell! [ ★ "✞ ✰ ✟ PAX ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ★ ✞ alleluia amen hallelujah -->✞ ✰ ✟ I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ♛TECHEL ♛PERES♚] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟ "Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✞ ✰ ✟
In the name of Allah, YHWH & Jesus of Bethlehem, I lorenzojhwh, I curse the sharia, and all: Muslim criminals of Saudi Arabia & world, that they have turned the my holy Islam, in one ideology of imperialism and of satanism, to destroy my universal brotherhood and to do slide so much blood of innocent Christian martyrs. You are all sons of the devil, you are destined for hell! [ ★ "✞ ✰ ✟ PAX ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ★ ✞ alleluia amen hallelujah -->✞ ✰ ✟ I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ♛TECHEL ♛ PERES♚] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✞ ✰ ✟
[Horror? at school of Satanism!] in Holland of the Monsters Of His political party of pedophiles (NVD). to make child porn and sex in 12 years. Actors porn in 16 years, legalizing sex with animals, run naked anywhere, Any legalization of drugs, etc... Came out a horror movie, directed by Dick Maas, against: St. Nicholas, that inspired the figure of "Santa Claus". to eradicate & profane, the values of the beloved saint of future generations. Too much horror, Also in the last movie of Harry Potter. What Happens When do damage your Christianity? The Curse is for all those, who for whatever reason are the accomplices of this negative & vandalization of human feeling. You are all sons of the devil, you are Destined for Hell! [PAX ✞ ✰ ✟ ★ ★ ✞ ✰ ✟ ] ✞ ✰ ✟ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ ] MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♚ ] PAX amen hallelujah ✞ ✰ ✟ ✞ ✰ ✟ ✞ ✰ ✟ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✞ ✰ ✟
@XXXxThemessiahxXXX.★ >. you are pathetic & childish, with this history of antisemitism. every Christian biblical fundamentalist, like me, he knows of to be the most perfect jew. while with all his being he lives in the Jewish temple. Israel is everything to me! You are all sons of the devil, you are Destined for Hell! [PAX ✞ ✰ ✟ ★ ★ ✞ ✰ ✟ ] ✞ ✰ ✟ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♚ ] PAX amen hallelujah ✞ ✰ ✟ ✞ ✰ ✟ ✞ ✰ ✟ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✞ ✰ ✟
@XXXxThemessiahxXXX-> 1. why are you so obstinate against the truth? 2. because we must lose our sovereignty and our money paid to private individuals SpA (seigniorage banking)? 3. because we also have to pay interest called (debt: public); 4. with the fractional reserve, commercial banking is the creation of money out of nothing, ie, that we get a mortgage, we arrive at a cost of borrowing 270%; 5. not there is a Christian project for world domination; 6. if there? would be a form of Satanism! In fact, I am for the refreshment of sovereignty: because happiness can only exist outside of an ideology, that is in universal brotherhood; 7. it's because of this system, that: 50 million people a year die of hunger, etc ... 1% of the population owns 50% of the planet's resources. as you can be complicit in all this? certainly you're going to hell!
we are going down by a long time: more and more, it is the Object of enlightened. We have since then fallen down more of the metal with Satanic rock and after, What We Have Left of Satan, in order to Improve or go on? the 3rd WWnuclear remains under the your descent. before rising again. You are all dead in 2013. you are all lost! ipse Venena Bibas! I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟[♚ MENE ★ ★ Techel PERES] PAX ✞ ✰ ✟ ✞ ✰ ✟ ✞ ✰ ✟ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" by ★ ReiUnius ✞ ✰ ✟✙King ✙✙Israel Mahdi ✟ ✮ ✝ ✭ ✞ ✰ ✟
(Timothy 2, 3): 1 You should also know that in recent times will be difficult moments. The two men are selfish lovers of money, boastful, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, irreligious, 3 without love, unfair, false accusers, incontinent, intractable enemies of good, 4 treacherous, shameless, blinded by pride, attached to the pleasures rather than God, 5 with the appearance of godliness, but denying the power within. I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟[♚ MENE ★ ★ Techel PERES] PAX ✞ ✰ ✟ ✞ ✰ ✟ ✞ ✰ ✟ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" by ★ ReiUnius ✙✙King ✙✙Israel Mahdi ✟ ✮ ✝ ✭ ✞ ✰ ✟
TheMrPantokrator SAID: Well, I have not studied theology ... It'll take me a little ', to explore the Scriptures completely. ★ Answer-> is the Holy Spirit, that is in you, common sense, which is a reflection of "infused knowledge", the absolute knowledge that the man had in the earthly in paradise before the fall. So it is: when we serve God and forsake sin, with self-centered world view: this knowledge is given, back to us here in your intuition because you're infallible! why it is **** a beast absolute, for as he is ignorant!
@:LiveLongPakistan:★> [culture is essential for survival] before speaking in Scripture, God speaks to the humanity, intelligence & kindness, of every man. But who does not listen to God in his heart, as will he listen to God in Scripture? That's why all the Muslim nations is a nightmare monster, a ruthless criminal system. Since it is in their laws, they bear the discrimination between citizens on religious grounds. Here, as they are, Muslims & those responsible for heinous crimes & of all violence, that the most ignorant, vicious and bigoted among them, and they can do against Christians. God curse these fools. No Muslim who does not want to publicly recognize the right to freedom of religion, will enter paradise. In fact, hell is full of the number of them.
Glorious prince of the heavenly militia, St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle against all the powers of darkness and their spiritual wickedness. Come to the aid of men created by God in His image and likeness, and redeemed at a great price from the tyranny of the devil. You are revered by the church as its guardian and patron, and to you the Lord has entrusted the souls that one day will occupy the seats of heaven. Pray therefore the God of Peace to hold crushed Satan beneath our feet, so it can continue to hold slaves for men and damage the Church. Presents the Most High with your prayers, because as soon descend, upon us His divine mercy, and you can chain up the dragon, that ancient serpent, Satan, and chained to push it into the abyss, from which it can no longer seduce the souls. [ ♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♚ ] PAX amen hallelujah ✞ ✰ ✟ ✞ ✰ ✟ ✞ ✰ ✟ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB IV B. Ipsa Venena Bibas Drink your poisons yourself.
exorcise you, unclean spirit, satanic power, invasion of the infernal enemy, with all your legions, meetings and evil sects, in the name and power, and of our Lord Jesus Christ +: be eradicated: by the Church of God, turn away from the souls redeemed: by the precious Blood of Divine Lamb +. From now on, not daring, cunning serpent, to deceive the human race, persecute the Church of God, and to shake and riddle, such as wheat, the elect of God + commands it to you, Almighty God . [♚MENE♛TECHEL♛PERES♚] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✙Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni. ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah Rei Unius Re di Israele ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah alleluia!✞ ✰ ✟
Stands the Lord, and his enemies be scattered; flee before him, those who hate him. Vanish as the smoke fades away: as wax melts in fire, so, the sinners perish before the face of God exorcise you, unclean spirit, satanic power, invasion of the infernal enemy, with all your legions, meetings and satanic cults in the name and power of our Lord Jesus Christ: [♚MENE♛TECHEL♛PERES♚] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✙Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni. ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah Rei Unius Re di Israele ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah alleluia!✞ ✰ ✟
Satan, you may be eradicated from the Church of God, turn away from the souls redeemed by the precious Blood of Divine Lamb. From now on, do not dare, cunning serpent, to deceive: the human race, persecute the Church of God, and to shake and riddle, such as wheat, the elect of God the Most High God commands you, [♚MENE♛TECHEL♛PERES♚] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✙Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni. ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah Rei Unius Re di Israele ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah alleluia!✞ ✰ ✟
Thus, cursed dragon, and the whole diabolical legion, we break you for the Living God, the True God, the Holy God, for God who so loved the world that sacrifice to it his only begotten Son, so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life; ceases to deceive human creatures and pouring them, the poison of eternal damnation, ceases to be harmful to the Church and to put obstacles to his freedom. [♚MENE♛TECHEL♛PERES♚] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✙Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni. ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah Rei Unius Re di Israele ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah alleluia!✞ ✰ ✟
Begone, Satan, inventor and master of all deceit, enemy of man's salvation. Give place to Christ, on which you have found none of your works, you give way to the Church one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church, which Christ conquered, with his blood. Humble yourself under the mighty hand of God, tremble, and flee to the appeal that we make of that holy and terrible name of Jesus: that shakes the hell, to which the Virtues of Heaven, Powers and Dominions: they are submitted, that the Cherubim and Seraphim praise: incessantly, saying, Holy, Holy, holy, Lord God Sabaoth. [♚MENE♛TECHEL♛PERES♚] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✙Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni. ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah Rei Unius Re di Israele ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah alleluia!✞ ✰ ✟
★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ReiUnius✙Mahdì✙King of Israel ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah alleluia!✞ ✰ ✟ C .S.S.M.L.Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux (May the holy Cross be for me a light).
★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ReiUnius✙Mahdì✙King of Israel ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah alleluia!✙N.D.S.M.D.Non Draco Sit Mihi Dux (Let not the dragon be my guide).
★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ReiUnius✙Mahdì✙King of Israel ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah alleluia!✞ ✰ ✟ C .S.P.B.stand for Crux Sancti Patris Benedicti (The Cross of the Holy Father Benedict).
★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ReiUnius✙Mahdì✙King of Israel ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah alleluia!✙V.R.S.N.S.M.V.Vade retro Satana; nunquam suade mihi vana (Begone Satan! Suggest not to me thy vain things)
★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ReiUnius✙Mahdì✙King of Israel ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah alleluia!✙S.M.Q.L.I.V.B.Sunt mala quae libas; ipse venena bibas (The drink you offer is evil; drink that poison yourself)
@XXXxThemessiahxXXX.★>. as always to support Israel and to protect the world from terrorism. -RESPONSE->. you are the true terrorist! real terrorists are the Jews of the International Monetary Fund: that is, Rothschild and Rockefeller. that the Jewish lobby of the enlightened, which is the scum of Satan. If you were not so perverse? Maybe Muslims would be more good! You'll end up in a early destruction: you are all lost! ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself"✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
This is: the cost of our money paid to the Jews: satanists [(1)] 100%: banking seigniorage: destruction of sovereignty☠] pays Euro or Dollar. with Bott and CCT) + [(2)] ☠ public debt of 100% (interest). + [(3)] x ☠ cost fractional reserve is 70% to generate a loan from: the bank. + [(4)] ☠ inflation. + [(5)] ☠ recession. + [(6)] ☠ monetary rarefaction. + [(7)], 3rd WW nuclear ☠ inevitable and essential to regenerate this IMF, in deed, Nations are exhausted: on based of: seigniorage and debt. "Is the war: is the biggest business of all time. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this is capitalism, welcome to our world of Satan + [(8)] ☠ the satanic NWO enlightened Jew-RESPONSE->. ☠ This system is rotten! is about to collapse on you all, that's welcome all you at to hell ☠ ☠3°WWnuclear ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
Illuminati, Freemasonry jew nwo imf@XXXxThemessiahxXXX->. God is in control, but this is not good news for you &all the men of the NWO, that's Satanists, Freemasons, like you, the synagogue of Satan, everyone knows: that ECB and FED: are privately owned of central banks: SpA, and do not you? we are dying for this! as you can lie to the Holy Spirit and say: "I think you too believe in conspiracy theories. Hitler's Nazi Germany's own used to ride to power, saying the Jews had too much power." but, He was no less racist in your Talmud! Hitler was a criminal, but it was not a liar, like you. I curse you, in Jesus' name, along with all the Satanists: your entire breed of moneylenders. is for to be liars,for be murderers: also. [♚MENE ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself"✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
MAKE YOUR DECISION TODAY! THIS IS A DAY VERY GLORIOUS, because are SLAUGHTERED many satanists [★"♛✙][For my life] thanks: My Father, in the name of Jesus: my Lord and King for:the criminalization &:the destruction any form of Satanism and opposition: at my kingdom: thanks! We thank you in behalf of :the Church, in Jesus Christ, true God and true man: Thank you for :the Holy Spirit on all over :the planet. you are all lost! ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself"✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPBCS SMLNDSM DVRSN SMVSMQLIVB alleluia♛✙satan is frocio=faggot. In the name of Jesus: satanist, go away! God has dedicated you at the slaughter. Judges 1-5 When your carrion is dissolved, what remains? don't cancel your youtube, so will remain here at least your shame and God will make a terrible example. seem sweet the temptations, but :they have claws to rip :the soul. I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself"✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah Rei Unius ✞ ✰ ✟ King ✞ ✰ ✟ Israel ✙Mahdì ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah
@ultimatum to all satanists- ★ -- ✞ ->. I are armed by God to kill Satanists, but many things your belong to Satan :the fact that you're young? is slow down :the wrath of God upon you! then remove all traces of Satan in you! Satan is no joke. Satan is a usurper of our royalty and we can no longer be slaves of his lies! One in me: Holy Spirit is bigger than anything. I'm happy: I've already won! ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself"✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
the Holy Spirit that in me is :the same Spirit of :the burning bush of Moses, that can not be controlled; that can not be sustained: :Satanists enlightened&:their accomplices NWO, have no hope Only God and lorenzojhwh "ReiUnius can kill.. but any murder is a crime of "high treason": against my kingdom, whoever kills by today (27-06-2010) he will must die! for the Holy Spirit that in me : the rebels: sharia, Satanists sionism:& their accomplices have no hope against me, for the 3rdWWnuclear? I am last hope! ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself"✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
@satanist sharia zionist[★:PAX✙]Happiness! I have :the power to realize your dream of love! Soon you'll be with your Satan! From :the hell: thousands of your friends tell you: Come to me, in unquenchable fire, in absolute despair!John 8.44 says: "you are of your father:the devil and you want to do:the desires and works of your father. He is murderer and a liar from :the beginning and not stand in the truth, why, there is no truth in him. When he lies? speaks of him! why he is a liar murderer, the father of lies". ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself"✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
@satanist sharia zionist[★:PAX✙]Happiness! you're gonna die of misfortune distress tumor accidents diseases for those who have in web: all forms of sex; horror; satanism; metal; vulgarity. I'm "ReiUnius" in Jesus' name: I command that,the first dangerous disease, that will to which their thinking think? is own which by receive: that leading to death! you have loved:the curse? Falls on him! Drink your poisons made by yourself: AMEN. ✙Halleluja✙✙.♔consecration at Heart of the whole human race. ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself"✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
are all curses: made by God to protect this ministry? Alleluia :these are comments that are scary to you? But you will read of worst: now! flying saucers are prototypes! aliens are genetically modified, that have given a body to the demons: this is a red herring of "enlightened"that distracts us from real problems. Stop: porno horror, seigniorage banking .. is in preparing :the 3°WWnuclear! because the IMF can not be fall, out: of the war, why, this is his nature for its regeneration. ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself"✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
Many here have already taken away: erased :their video unfit! And you? I have prophesied against you, in the name of Jesus, to protect children who are here. you want to continue to go from bad to worse? You can fight you with God? Now I want to meet you to a universal and permanent prayer all you, for:the good of the world: every Monday of your life, from 20 to 21 I will be with you, in faith, on the Mount of Olives: forever! no matter your religion or your atheism, lorenzojhwh is still near you! anyone reads this exorcism St. Benedict, of :the fifth century prayer for receives the freedom: ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself"✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
God bless and assists you!:the rebels will be punished if not removed from youtube&web :the videos not suitable for children. In the name of Jesus: I have commanded, to every spirit: jealousy deceit family perversion depression prostitution illness deaf mute fear antichrist pride slavery blindness: go! GO! Terror takes possession of :the sons of darkness on all mankind. Alleluia. ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself"✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
You are Satanist? you're a scandal to children? lorenzojhwh: in :the name of Jesus, decided that youtube is not good to your health: begone! you can count those who have already died here? you want to believe at the lies of Satan? everyone knows that he is a liar! You cancel your channel bad? Or your youtube remain in your eternal shame as a tombstone? Blood of Jesus on you to save or destroy. How many people have you seen that have been sacrificed to Satan? Of :these victims, what did you eat?ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself"✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
In the name of Jesus: I have ordered :the destruction of bad videos, in youtube& all web.. rebels? they will be subjected to destruction. ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself"✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
[Hell:Mt.18.8;5,22;5.30,]surely, the hell is began on earth, when one shuts himself up in selfishness and rejects :the love of God. so is that starts :the process of its self-destruction: the sense of guilt: hatred, violence, humiliation. that you receive to offend others,& to violate their freedom of religion. Hell is an extreme possibility of human freedom, it destroys any&all, the attempts made by God to save one of his creatures. lol. the 2/3 of mankind? are to end up in hell! alleluia! [♚MENE ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself"✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
[Hell:Mt.18.8;5,22;5.30,]Satan laughs and thanks. knowing that little remains to him still by living. Satan is also, the banker jew of IMF, that Laughing still for the 11-09! they are having fun on you still. why, you are dying of bank seigniorage! JHWH "Be known on earth and among all Nations, before our eyes: the your revenge for the blood of your servants. Finally rise up to you: JHWH:the groans of the prisoners, with the power of your hand. ALMIGHTY: You save those who are were destined to die! "✞ ✰ ✟ ✞ ✰ ✟. ♔ WELCOME in my LIVE! ✞ ✰ ✟. ♔[♚MENE ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself"✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
how Satanists Freemasons, bankers, politicians and enlightened I must kill again, before being considered? [For all mankind]. to all those who have :their hands stained with innocent blood? you are MURDERERS, as "accomplices"? For the blood of Jesus on the Cross :the innocent victim perfect, I order on you: a plague of evil spell: "You have the mark of Cain, into your body cursed & in your soul!" In fact, your spirit is dead, collapsing in your soul. Alleluia! you'll have a verminous plague, a painful thorn in your flesh damn! until you will not be a corpse. AMEN. Alleluia CSPB CSSMLNDSMDVR SNSMVSMQLIVBpax" "Drink your poisons made by yourself
for the precious name & Blood of Jesus of Bethlehem: 1. go at the foot of the Cross of the Innocent Lamb, all of you "enlightened". 2. begone Satana! go in hell! 3. on you and on everything is yours: cancer, leukemia and all diseases of hell. AMEN! Alleluia! 4. infestation, obsession, oppression on you and yours. AMEN. Alleluia! 5. God's wrath is upon you: it is an unbearable burden. ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself"✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
"Drink your poisons made by yourself". I broke in :the name of Jesus every: Fortress, principality, power, domination, power occult, secret societies, secret services, bank seigniorage, Freemasons, aliens, UFO, Satanism, SpA, IMF, NWO, Net Work, subliminal language, porn , horror, begone Satana! I order in the name of Jesus to all :the demons of hell to aggression against you and against all your accomplices. AMEN. Alleluia. ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself"✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
[Psalm 67] God arise& His enemies be scattered and flee before Him those: who hate him. As :the smoke dissipates? you disperse them! As wax melts before the fire? So perish the wicked, before God. the rejoice instead is of the righteous :they exult before God and sing for joy. In Jesus' name, I have bind now: :the foot of the cross, all the living, of the solar system. I pour :the blood of Jesus: "Innocent Lamb" on all. Every evil will receive his immediate punishment.AMEN. Alleluia. ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
In the Lord's hand: is a cup filled with wine junkie. He pours! up the dregs :they must put up with all the wicked of the earth! AMEN. Alleluia". Revelation 1.5. "Yes, AMEN. I am the Alpha & the Omega, saith the Lord. "One who was, is, and that will:the Almighty!" Wooow!!! ✞ ✰ ✟ ✞ ✰ ✟. ♔ WELCOME in my LIVE! AMEN. Alleluia. ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
also a form of carnival, that will involve as a character to represent, has its own responsibility, if he is bad. but a religious symbol is something much stronger. You're doing advertising for Satan. and here, :there are many kids who think this is a game. while, it can become something very dangerous of which, you make yourself responsible. also agnostican(wood) burn. not only burns the idolatry (straw). If Revelation says, of a grain of rice [micro chip]? you will not enter in :the sky! but you have much more than a grain of rice.ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
1[Psalm17 I love you JHWH my strength]:the earth shook & appeared the seabed. For the spirit of your fury from his mouth came a devouring fire: he flew coals. glared at :them with his arrows! Because JHWH save :the humble people. With you, I can break any barrier. With my God, I can scale the walls. an expanse of dead bodies, I leave behind me! (psalm110). you have trained the my hands for battle, my arms to stretch: a bow of bronze.ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah Rei Unius ✞ ✰ ✟ King ✞ ✰ ✟ Israel ✙Mahdì ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah
2[Psalm17 I love you JHWH my strength]: YOU have put me in charge of Nations. A people who did not know, they have served me. to hear me? immediately obeyed me! Foreigners tried :the my favor, paled foreign men and come trembling out of their hiding places. In the name of Jesus: order at my Spirit to be: until at the end of the world: slaughter of the satanists: sharia & zionism: Terror takes possession of the sons of darkness: on all mankind. Alleluia! begone satana!ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
Mary Immaculate Conception SAID: Pray, My children, a constant vigilance of prayer. Pick up your cross and follow Me. I have wandered back and forth across your earth crying to you , begging that you listen to the counsel from Heaven. And I say this to you, for many of you are listening to the father of all liars, satan. Your world has become a playground for satan and his agents, for sin has become a way of life upon earth.ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
Sure, God loves all his children. But you are a child of Satan and when with your bloody death will end your fucking life. It'll finally mercy for you will end. In fact, in Luke 19.27 ★ Jesus says: And those enemies of mine who did not want me for their king, bring them here, and slay them before me" Alleluia! ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
Revelation of St. John says: "those who take :the mark (666 or micro chip) will have to drink :the cup of God". We're talking about something that is: 1. size of a grain of rice 2. invisible because it is put into :the body. But looking at you, one sees :the spectacle of Carnival of an entire city. You and this joker of Satan, you are both whit serious psychological problems: I have :the right medicine for you, the fire of Sodom! AMEN! Alleluia! ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
I prophesied about you misfortune, in the name of Jesus. AMEN Alleluia. Now go to die or remove your filth that is in your life. I have atheist friends in my lists, why i have love and esteem for them: they are dignified positive honest. but you are filthy. You will can not overcome, the test of fire! You remove this site blasphemous, now. You will not see the 2013! your life is in danger. I command in Jesus' name :the destruction of all Satanism, sharia sionism. ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah Rei Unius ✞ ✰ ✟ King ✞ ✰ ✟ Israel ✙Mahdì ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah
throughout : the world. Satanists of all of your lists? :the doctor is calling :them! satan-is-faggot. God has programmed me to win. I have :the right medicine for you, the fire of Sodom! AMEN! Alleluia! ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah Rei Unius ✞ ✰ ✟ King ✞ ✰ ✟ Israel ✙Mahdì ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah
satanist you're to listen to them rant and rave through programmed fake electronic music over and over and over again (broken record); and you and the illuminati use the same baphomet signs and worship the same lucifier. you should be a little bit more honest when you call o:thers crazy, I mean really, especially with the things you do in the dark? And when you think no one can see you? ibex mountain goat you pervert. You will stand in judgment of you himself? my father God has already defeated your father: satana devil, on the cross over 2000 years ago. you verminous worship so a real loser. How crazy is that? "Drink your poisons made by yourself"
[end game: the name of Jesus: "You are all lost!" Luke19.27] Alleluia! Even a child can tell you: "You go strong, like a damned soul!" All the fortresses were broken! if still standing? Because is they Kill each or is in 3rdWWnuclear for blame of the collapse of IMF with all the slaughter of all mankind. On this planet, no one can live according To Natural Laws: I know all: the enemies of God will die! ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah Rei Unius ✞ ✰ ✟ King ✞ ✰ ✟ Israel ✙Mahdì ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah
[end game: the name of Jesus: "You are all lost!" Luke19.27] now satanists or atheists, believe However, You Have only this life to "enjoy" = lol. but you do not look happy. lol. all together go in a mass protest: against seigniorage banking. this is not a request: for your conversion: no! But, you can continue to do the pig again! Ok?ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah Rei Unius ✞ ✰ ✟ King ✞ ✰ ✟ Israel ✙Mahdì ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah
theory of evolution? a tale of 150 years, that Darwin said he could not work, why were not found of transitional fossils. but enlightened have transformed in ideology of the NWO, international Jewish finance, ie in an ideological crime: that is, proof against God lol. while it is against logic, since God is timeless. ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
theory of evolution? Sure, we have :the evidence of evolution in the same species, but we do not have a single fossil that is :the passage from one species to another. All those shown? Have been portrayed as false: after. We have: refined metallurgical findings in the "coal fossil"; "polistrate fossil"; the nephillim, all these tests prove it: 1. Flood. 2. existence of advanced antediluvian civilization. among :the hundreds of surveys, measurements Share Noah's Ark on Mount Ararat: also the inspection: Russian army at the time of Tsar Nicholas II
@rrmbgpym->.For the God of Abraham: JHWH on his Throne: lorenzojhwh is the ReiUnius: a power spiritual and political, authority: metaphysics Universal ofthe human race. anyone who opposes his authority? he no has love for :the natural law, will be punished as Exodus 20.12 says: "his life will be shortened". ✞ ✰ ✟ ✞ ✰ ✟. ♔ WELCOME in my LIVE! ✞ ✰ ✟ ✞ ✰ ✟. This is :the victory that has conquered :the world; the Our Faith! 1 Giov5,4[♚ MENE ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✞ ✰ ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ReiUnius✙ King✙ Israel✙ Mahdì
On all those who are responsible&accomplices in the bank seigniorage? for having innocent blood shed, as seal of his power: lorenzojhwh imposes the damn symbol of Cain on :the murderers. This is decreed in :the name of Jesus for :the blood of Jesus every demon and man is bound at foot of the cross. ✞ ✰ ✟ ✞ ✰ ✟. ♔WELCOME in my LIVE!✞ ✰ ✟ ✞ ✰ ✟. This is :the victory that has conquered :the world; the Our Faith! 1 Giov5,4[♚ MENE ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✞ ✰ ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
how many many: Satanists Freemasons, bankers, politicians and enlightened I must kill before being considered? to all those who have :their hands stained with innocent blood? MURDERERS! As accomplices of IMF-NWO? For the blood of Jesus on the Cross: the innocent victim perfect, I order on you: a plague of evil spell! I order in the name of Jesus: "You have the mark of Cain cursed! [♚MENE ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì. Alleluia". Alleluia! you'll have a plague, a painful thorn in your flesh damn! AMEN. Alleluia you will be punished soon your own life is now in danger! God is stronger than anything and its time for you? may have expired ✞ ✰ ✟ ✞ ✰ ✟. ♔WELCOME in my LIVE!✞ ✰ ✟ ✞ ✰ ✟. This is :the victory that has conquered :the world; the Our Faith! 1 Giov5,4[♚MENE ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
there is a power: 1. human, 2. supernatural, 3. super natural, 4. divine the my. I always to attack the summit! I go immediately to trample Satan and so in hell is spread :the terror. So will in the world of men. I'm learning to perfect my faith in this recent days. So you can see :the excellent victims that I will do for you, so that :the project of our Jew TEMPLE can be accelerated.& Obstacles be broken! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
Obstacles? will become dust! the Lord raises his Torah, against talmud,& all those who dare challenge his authority supreme. I repealing :the right of Jews to lend money to wear! to anyone! AMEN. Alleluia! All you have make against Jesus? inverted cross? are a lock for you! You can not enter in the Kingdom of God, but so you go to hell. I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah Rei Unius ✞ ✰ ✟ King ✞ ✰ ✟ Israel ✙Mahdì ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah
[This is a threat: I do not want to see Satanists, vulgar, evil, horror and porn on youtube, and this ordered in the name of Jesus] Don't take the teachings lightly. Please know that :these teachings are in all the religions . 1. Have no other gods before YHWH (the Creator); 2. Don't make and worship "things" as gods; 3. Don't use God's name in vain; 4. Honor the Sabbath; 5. Honor the Father & Mother; 6. Don't murder; 7.Don't commit adultery; 8. Don't steal. 9. Don't bear false witness; 10.Don't covet. [freedom of God's children]. You are already free, if you want to be free: is the truth!"all your debts have been paid". you will not be found guilty. you will free and happy? you'll be full of power of the Holy Spirit, just like me. you can get out of this prison you can break every chain: Jesus is already on your side. 1 break with Jesus. very soon all your chains will fall. I have the power, of promise to you on behalf of God that no one can hurt you.
[freedom of God's children]. I promise you in Jesus' name You'll be blessed happy protected! son, delete your site bad: immediately. for the love of God Holy, all saints, good souls for the salvation of mankind, now destroy this site! I'm on your right while Jesus is on your left. Immediately delete this nightmare and you get, the freedom of God's children you can do. your example will be followed by millions of kids! you become famous: for better or for worse? how you can to go all to hell? to millions?
REPENT OR PERISH. 1Corinthians 6:9-10.Know ye not that :the unrighteous shall not inherit :the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of :themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit :the kingdom of God. I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah Rei Unius ✞ ✰ ✟ King ✞ ✰ ✟ Israel ✙Mahdì ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah
REPENT OR PERISH. Revalation.22:15. without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie. Seek Forgiveness and Redemption Through Your Saviour Jesus Christ. Repent: for :the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah Rei Unius ✞ ✰ ✟ King ✞ ✰ ✟ Israel ✙Mahdì ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah
REPENT OR PERISH. Galatians 6:7. Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
Matthew 10:28. And fear not :them which kill :the body, but are not able to kill :the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah Rei Unius ✞ ✰ ✟ King ✞ ✰ ✟ Israel ✙Mahdì ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah
Investigate! never forget 9✈11. Inform yourself or stay in :the dark or perhaps you are: :the dark?! God has programmed me to win: ♛ ✞ ✰ ✟ ♛ ★ amen hallelujah :the fortresses have been broken; hell is in most total despair, all Satanists are lost! For the holiness of: 1. God of Abraham, 2. His Throne, 3. His name"YHWH", 4. angelic choirs. I lorenzojhwh: decrees, all :the curses on all Satanists and :their accomplices, forever: I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
"AMEN. Hallelujah." can not be counted: dead, disease, illness, accidents, infections obsessions, possessions, anxiety, depression, disorders, insomnia, despair, madness: "AMEN.. Hallelujah."I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself"✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
[to all Satanists]if I not build a Jewish temple? :then all you die because this is what the international jew banker decided much ago long, as did :the 11-09. his is true: he does a good job, for to kill you. But you are not prepared for death, because: of course you go into a hell of fire and desperation. your company is self-destructive! because you breed+spread hatred? the power and security that come from fear? are: 1. only for few; 2. very fragile. I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself"✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
[sharia & zionism]But, Love, beauty, wisdom, do not fear confrontation, not weaken in division: are strongest! love has already won over death! If all are farmers of love? you have a weight! I'd enough ★ alone ★ to sink all you, in what you all want to give to others. ✞ ✰ ✟ ✞ ✰ ✟. ♔ WELCOME in my LIVE! LOVE!✞ ✰ ✟ Rei✙.Unius♔ Each demon is forced to go by his exorcist? :then :the enlightened come to me!I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah Rei Unius ✞ ✰ ✟ King ✞ ✰ ✟ Israel ✙Mahdì ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah We love: we are all equals & brothers
@rebel->. for how long: still? falling down like hail to hell in: the fire of infinite despair: a day endless tirelessly ceaselessly AMEN. CSP BC SSM LNDS MDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟ drink your poisons made by yourself. this is pathetic for you. a colony: the planet earth is rebel against: at the Kingdom of God, for those? Satan? But he has nothing to lose! But you will lose your soul! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah Rei Unius ✞ ✰ ✟ King ✞ ✰ ✟ Israel ✙Mahdì ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah We love: we are all equals & brothers
@enlightened-★> There is No Proportion between: the spiritual energies into play! Truly God has staked with Christ Himself. But Because Christ is Risen? then, everything has already been Established and: then your lives are really in danger. My position is for Satanists all in: the world: a real threat. as, You Have not tried: a satanic ritual on me? useless! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah Rei Unius ✞ ✰ ✟ King ✞ ✰ ✟ Israel ✙Mahdì ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah We love: we are all equals & brothers
@rebel->. now, If I Had a passive attitude against You? this should not deceive you, because the Holy Spirit does not need my permission, to rise up against you! The Holy Spirit, that is inside me, rise up against my enemies: spontaneously: The Bible is not a book to read, as: the Koran: The Bible is God: the Word, wisdom. That is Christ. AMEN. There is not a future for Satan,& for you. I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah Rei Unius ✞ ✰ ✟ King ✞ ✰ ✟ Israel ✙Mahdì ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah We love: we are all equals & brothers
freemasonry SAID: "hell is on earth, i'm serving my life sentence, death will set us both free of :the chains that are here to bind us from being free on earth! i know life and death, can create life and take it away, does this make me a god? i fear only my own actions and what this cold world has made me capable of doing! but don't hate me, i am just a reflection of yourself!"-ANSWER->. no! You are a reflection of Satan, but I am a reflection of God! himself You say that it is a failure, cursed, unhappy now that :the occult powers of the IMF-NWO, dominate the entire planet, as then your situation will be desperate for you, after death
@freemasonry-> I have the joy, even now, Happiness is in my being, but pain is to relieve the despair of the world. I Decided to pull "discharge" of water and you go down, in the drain. we are at final stages of Satan's breath: blessed my friends, but more curse my enemies, for I am invincible.Alleluia: the kingdom of Satan now: falls is crumbling AMEN. Alleluia I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah Rei Unius ✞ ✰ ✟ King ✞ ✰ ✟ Israel ✙Mahdì ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah We love: we are all equals & brothers
enough: Cancer now for those who have in youtube: animal sex; porn; horror; Satanism; kisses with tongue; vulgarity; negative educational impact for children. I'm Rei Unius :the King of Israel in Jesus' name I command that: the first dangerous that will disease to which, their thinking think? is own one that should receive: a invincible disease that leading to death: loved :the curse? Falls on him! AMEN. Alleluia I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì We love: we are all equals & brothers
@sinners-★>If You Have never accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior I am here to tell you That Jesus loves you. He loves you so much That He Gave His life for you. God Father: There also loves you. He loves you so much That He Gave His only Son for you by sending to Him: the cross. At the Cross Jesus died in your place. Taking all of your sins upon Himself and all of my sins. He Was Judged for Our sins and paid: the price for all our sins.Alleluia I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì We love: we are all equals & brothers
@sinners- ★ -- ✞ ->.Therefore Our sins will never be Held Against us. right where You Are, you now have: the opportunity to make: the greatest decision in your life. To accept: the free gift of eternal life by truly believing That Jesus Christ died for you. So wherever you are, pause to Reflect on what: Christ has done for you and to say: "Father, I Believe That your Son, Jesus Christ, is died on the cross: for the forgiveness of my sins.Alleluia I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì We love: we are all equals & brothers
@muslim of sharia, @jew of Talmud: Your time is near, time to show your extreme loyalty to your Satan. Alleluia! AMEN. rises YHWH and His enemies be scattered! like chaff scattered by the wind, like burning wax so are :the wicked for Glory of :the Lord. Sons of darkness "lorenzojhwh", tells in the name of Jesus: "Now you must burn!" STOP: halloween antichrist pride slavery blindness Satan begone! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì We love: we are all equals & brothers
@muslim of sharia, @jew of Talmud: for the destruction of your: satanic, alien, SpA, Freemasonry, seigniorage banking. for you: fire food is harmful diseases shame Dishonor depression obsessions infestation Cloak of lead. Woe to you cursed. I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì We love: we are all equals & brothers
@muslim of sharia, @jew of Talmud, @Communists: Elijah is back and you'll need to get off : with me &with him, at the river Kishon, where you will be executed: with your boss jew enlightened, belonging to Marduk. with this ceremony, I hit your ascending hierarchy (up to :the enlightened) and descended. I linked you, to the foot of the cross, for to knowledge of your opinion of damnation. AMEN. I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✞ ✰ ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì We love: we are all equals & brothers
enlightened SAID: most satanists do adhere to a Moral Code. -ANSWER->.You're crazy! unique character of Satan is :the breaking of all morality, that exalt :the freedom for to bring at :the idolatry of himself: & all lies of satanists? can never deceive me, that are an exorcist! EVERY CANCER SPIRITUAL is inevitably destined to become physicist! only medicine to eradicate it? is to be, back in communion with God here all admit supernatural phenomena & then, they deny God or Satan? This is absurd! I will ruin you & certainly have the power to do so. ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✞ ✰ ✟ PAX ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✞ ✰ ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ReiUnius✙ King✙ Israel✙ Mahdì We love: we are all equals & brothers
[Psalm 140] from the rock were thrown :their leaders, that I had heard sweet words by me. As cracks the open is of land, their bones were scattered on :the mouth of hell. curse are cursed, all Muslim nations, who do harm to the innocent Christians. The blood and horror, that they have given, will soon to ricare on their children, blood flow and despair on all their roads. Alleluia I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
[Psalm 149] Sing to the Lord a new song, his praise in assembly of the faithful, Let Israel rejoice in his Maker, they must exult in their king, the sons of Zion. they praise his name with dancing with drums and harps, they sing hymns to him. the Lord loves his people. He crowns the humble with victory. Should exult: the faithful in glory to glad arise from their beds. the praises of God in :their mouth and two edged sword in their hands, to carry out vengeance to the nations and punish people: Hallelujah to tighten the their heads in chains, their nobles in fetters of iron; to perform on :the sentence already wrote on of their: This is the glory for all his faithful. ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
[Ultimatum to the Satanists and their protectors: mason elite leader statesmen] God has put more energy and love to create you, that not to create all :the galaxies and all :the angels. you instead for gratitude, you have reversed :the cross, which is why that :there is no remedy for your downfall and your desperation is without no relief. lorenzojhwh you puts to head down into :the abyss, you will have agonizing days and your life miserable must end in dramatically in nuclear 3WW: before and not after. I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
[Ultimatum to the Satanists and their protectors: mason elite leader statesmen] If you have sold your life to Satan for metal, horror, porno, ecc. if you have had an old site: this you Need to Know, who he was before of you is died: I killed him, so I kill also you! ✙ ✞ ✰ ✟. ♔ is virus deadly AMEN. "Drink your poisons made by yourself"✞ ✰ ✟ I order, in :the name of Jesus: immediate destruction of Satan and of all his satanic symbol ✙Halleluja ✙MENE ✙TECHEL✙ PERES✙ "You are all lost!"Luke19.27✙ C SPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB
[ultimatum to all Muslim nations] for :the sanctity of Allah and Islam :the Sharia is bad, criminals satanist racist even if the Holy Quran is the word of God to 95%, Mohammed, that prophet is? I am lorenzojhwh, the Imam Mahdi ✟ ✮ ✝ ✭ ✞ ✰ ✟ and for the Holiness of Allah, for Abraham all :the saints and ...
@:Hindus&Muslims&Communists->.today, Christians are the largest community in the world that is unjustly persecuted with impunity! You should not be surprised, if I with my divine ministry will hurt you!I love those of you who are honest and peaceful, I am the universal brotherhood of peace=. shalom +. salam. But I have a duty to do evil to criminals and their children. You do not have to accept money from these criminals of Saudi Arabia, which exploits my "holy Islam", for political ends to conquer the world. You are all sons of the devil, you are destined for hell! [ ★ "✞ ✰ ✟ PAX ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ★ ✞ alleluia amen hallelujah -->✞ ✰ ✟ I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ♛TECHEL ♛PERES♚] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟ "Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✞ ✰ ✟
In the name of Allah, YHWH & Jesus of Bethlehem, I lorenzojhwh, I curse the sharia, and all: Muslim criminals of Saudi Arabia & world, that they have turned the my holy Islam, in one ideology of imperialism and of satanism, to destroy my universal brotherhood and to do slide so much blood of innocent Christian martyrs. You are all sons of the devil, you are destined for hell! [ ★ "✞ ✰ ✟ PAX ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ★ ✞ alleluia amen hallelujah -->✞ ✰ ✟ I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ♛TECHEL ♛ PERES♚] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✞ ✰ ✟
[Horror? at school of Satanism!] in Holland of the Monsters Of His political party of pedophiles (NVD). to make child porn and sex in 12 years. Actors porn in 16 years, legalizing sex with animals, run naked anywhere, Any legalization of drugs, etc... Came out a horror movie, directed by Dick Maas, against: St. Nicholas, that inspired the figure of "Santa Claus". to eradicate & profane, the values of the beloved saint of future generations. Too much horror, Also in the last movie of Harry Potter. What Happens When do damage your Christianity? The Curse is for all those, who for whatever reason are the accomplices of this negative & vandalization of human feeling. You are all sons of the devil, you are Destined for Hell! [PAX ✞ ✰ ✟ ★ ★ ✞ ✰ ✟ ] ✞ ✰ ✟ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ ] MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♚ ] PAX amen hallelujah ✞ ✰ ✟ ✞ ✰ ✟ ✞ ✰ ✟ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✞ ✰ ✟
@XXXxThemessiahxXXX.★ >. you are pathetic & childish, with this history of antisemitism. every Christian biblical fundamentalist, like me, he knows of to be the most perfect jew. while with all his being he lives in the Jewish temple. Israel is everything to me! You are all sons of the devil, you are Destined for Hell! [PAX ✞ ✰ ✟ ★ ★ ✞ ✰ ✟ ] ✞ ✰ ✟ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♚ ] PAX amen hallelujah ✞ ✰ ✟ ✞ ✰ ✟ ✞ ✰ ✟ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✞ ✰ ✟
@XXXxThemessiahxXXX-> 1. why are you so obstinate against the truth? 2. because we must lose our sovereignty and our money paid to private individuals SpA (seigniorage banking)? 3. because we also have to pay interest called (debt: public); 4. with the fractional reserve, commercial banking is the creation of money out of nothing, ie, that we get a mortgage, we arrive at a cost of borrowing 270%; 5. not there is a Christian project for world domination; 6. if there? would be a form of Satanism! In fact, I am for the refreshment of sovereignty: because happiness can only exist outside of an ideology, that is in universal brotherhood; 7. it's because of this system, that: 50 million people a year die of hunger, etc ... 1% of the population owns 50% of the planet's resources. as you can be complicit in all this? certainly you're going to hell!
we are going down by a long time: more and more, it is the Object of enlightened. We have since then fallen down more of the metal with Satanic rock and after, What We Have Left of Satan, in order to Improve or go on? the 3rd WWnuclear remains under the your descent. before rising again. You are all dead in 2013. you are all lost! ipse Venena Bibas! I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟[♚ MENE ★ ★ Techel PERES] PAX ✞ ✰ ✟ ✞ ✰ ✟ ✞ ✰ ✟ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" by ★ ReiUnius ✞ ✰ ✟✙King ✙✙Israel Mahdi ✟ ✮ ✝ ✭ ✞ ✰ ✟
(Timothy 2, 3): 1 You should also know that in recent times will be difficult moments. The two men are selfish lovers of money, boastful, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, irreligious, 3 without love, unfair, false accusers, incontinent, intractable enemies of good, 4 treacherous, shameless, blinded by pride, attached to the pleasures rather than God, 5 with the appearance of godliness, but denying the power within. I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟[♚ MENE ★ ★ Techel PERES] PAX ✞ ✰ ✟ ✞ ✰ ✟ ✞ ✰ ✟ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" by ★ ReiUnius ✙✙King ✙✙Israel Mahdi ✟ ✮ ✝ ✭ ✞ ✰ ✟
TheMrPantokrator SAID: Well, I have not studied theology ... It'll take me a little ', to explore the Scriptures completely. ★ Answer-> is the Holy Spirit, that is in you, common sense, which is a reflection of "infused knowledge", the absolute knowledge that the man had in the earthly in paradise before the fall. So it is: when we serve God and forsake sin, with self-centered world view: this knowledge is given, back to us here in your intuition because you're infallible! why it is **** a beast absolute, for as he is ignorant!
@:LiveLongPakistan:★> [culture is essential for survival] before speaking in Scripture, God speaks to the humanity, intelligence & kindness, of every man. But who does not listen to God in his heart, as will he listen to God in Scripture? That's why all the Muslim nations is a nightmare monster, a ruthless criminal system. Since it is in their laws, they bear the discrimination between citizens on religious grounds. Here, as they are, Muslims & those responsible for heinous crimes & of all violence, that the most ignorant, vicious and bigoted among them, and they can do against Christians. God curse these fools. No Muslim who does not want to publicly recognize the right to freedom of religion, will enter paradise. In fact, hell is full of the number of them.
Glorious prince of the heavenly militia, St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle against all the powers of darkness and their spiritual wickedness. Come to the aid of men created by God in His image and likeness, and redeemed at a great price from the tyranny of the devil. You are revered by the church as its guardian and patron, and to you the Lord has entrusted the souls that one day will occupy the seats of heaven. Pray therefore the God of Peace to hold crushed Satan beneath our feet, so it can continue to hold slaves for men and damage the Church. Presents the Most High with your prayers, because as soon descend, upon us His divine mercy, and you can chain up the dragon, that ancient serpent, Satan, and chained to push it into the abyss, from which it can no longer seduce the souls. [ ♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♚ ] PAX amen hallelujah ✞ ✰ ✟ ✞ ✰ ✟ ✞ ✰ ✟ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB IV B. Ipsa Venena Bibas Drink your poisons yourself.
exorcise you, unclean spirit, satanic power, invasion of the infernal enemy, with all your legions, meetings and evil sects, in the name and power, and of our Lord Jesus Christ +: be eradicated: by the Church of God, turn away from the souls redeemed: by the precious Blood of Divine Lamb +. From now on, not daring, cunning serpent, to deceive the human race, persecute the Church of God, and to shake and riddle, such as wheat, the elect of God + commands it to you, Almighty God . [♚MENE♛TECHEL♛PERES♚] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✙Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni. ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah Rei Unius Re di Israele ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah alleluia!✞ ✰ ✟
Stands the Lord, and his enemies be scattered; flee before him, those who hate him. Vanish as the smoke fades away: as wax melts in fire, so, the sinners perish before the face of God exorcise you, unclean spirit, satanic power, invasion of the infernal enemy, with all your legions, meetings and satanic cults in the name and power of our Lord Jesus Christ: [♚MENE♛TECHEL♛PERES♚] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✙Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni. ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah Rei Unius Re di Israele ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah alleluia!✞ ✰ ✟
Satan, you may be eradicated from the Church of God, turn away from the souls redeemed by the precious Blood of Divine Lamb. From now on, do not dare, cunning serpent, to deceive: the human race, persecute the Church of God, and to shake and riddle, such as wheat, the elect of God the Most High God commands you, [♚MENE♛TECHEL♛PERES♚] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✙Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni. ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah Rei Unius Re di Israele ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah alleluia!✞ ✰ ✟
Thus, cursed dragon, and the whole diabolical legion, we break you for the Living God, the True God, the Holy God, for God who so loved the world that sacrifice to it his only begotten Son, so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life; ceases to deceive human creatures and pouring them, the poison of eternal damnation, ceases to be harmful to the Church and to put obstacles to his freedom. [♚MENE♛TECHEL♛PERES♚] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✙Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni. ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah Rei Unius Re di Israele ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah alleluia!✞ ✰ ✟
Begone, Satan, inventor and master of all deceit, enemy of man's salvation. Give place to Christ, on which you have found none of your works, you give way to the Church one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church, which Christ conquered, with his blood. Humble yourself under the mighty hand of God, tremble, and flee to the appeal that we make of that holy and terrible name of Jesus: that shakes the hell, to which the Virtues of Heaven, Powers and Dominions: they are submitted, that the Cherubim and Seraphim praise: incessantly, saying, Holy, Holy, holy, Lord God Sabaoth. [♚MENE♛TECHEL♛PERES♚] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✙Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni. ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah Rei Unius Re di Israele ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah alleluia!✞ ✰ ✟
★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ReiUnius✙Mahdì✙King of Israel ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah alleluia!✞ ✰ ✟ C .S.S.M.L.Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux (May the holy Cross be for me a light).
★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ReiUnius✙Mahdì✙King of Israel ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah alleluia!✙N.D.S.M.D.Non Draco Sit Mihi Dux (Let not the dragon be my guide).
★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ReiUnius✙Mahdì✙King of Israel ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah alleluia!✞ ✰ ✟ C .S.P.B.stand for Crux Sancti Patris Benedicti (The Cross of the Holy Father Benedict).
★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ReiUnius✙Mahdì✙King of Israel ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah alleluia!✙V.R.S.N.S.M.V.Vade retro Satana; nunquam suade mihi vana (Begone Satan! Suggest not to me thy vain things)
★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ReiUnius✙Mahdì✙King of Israel ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah alleluia!✙S.M.Q.L.I.V.B.Sunt mala quae libas; ipse venena bibas (The drink you offer is evil; drink that poison yourself)
@XXXxThemessiahxXXX.★>. as always to support Israel and to protect the world from terrorism. -RESPONSE->. you are the true terrorist! real terrorists are the Jews of the International Monetary Fund: that is, Rothschild and Rockefeller. that the Jewish lobby of the enlightened, which is the scum of Satan. If you were not so perverse? Maybe Muslims would be more good! You'll end up in a early destruction: you are all lost! ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself"✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
This is: the cost of our money paid to the Jews: satanists [(1)] 100%: banking seigniorage: destruction of sovereignty☠] pays Euro or Dollar. with Bott and CCT) + [(2)] ☠ public debt of 100% (interest). + [(3)] x ☠ cost fractional reserve is 70% to generate a loan from: the bank. + [(4)] ☠ inflation. + [(5)] ☠ recession. + [(6)] ☠ monetary rarefaction. + [(7)], 3rd WW nuclear ☠ inevitable and essential to regenerate this IMF, in deed, Nations are exhausted: on based of: seigniorage and debt. "Is the war: is the biggest business of all time. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this is capitalism, welcome to our world of Satan + [(8)] ☠ the satanic NWO enlightened Jew-RESPONSE->. ☠ This system is rotten! is about to collapse on you all, that's welcome all you at to hell ☠ ☠3°WWnuclear ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
Illuminati, Freemasonry jew nwo imf@XXXxThemessiahxXXX->. God is in control, but this is not good news for you &all the men of the NWO, that's Satanists, Freemasons, like you, the synagogue of Satan, everyone knows: that ECB and FED: are privately owned of central banks: SpA, and do not you? we are dying for this! as you can lie to the Holy Spirit and say: "I think you too believe in conspiracy theories. Hitler's Nazi Germany's own used to ride to power, saying the Jews had too much power." but, He was no less racist in your Talmud! Hitler was a criminal, but it was not a liar, like you. I curse you, in Jesus' name, along with all the Satanists: your entire breed of moneylenders. is for to be liars,for be murderers: also. [♚MENE ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself"✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
MAKE YOUR DECISION TODAY! THIS IS A DAY VERY GLORIOUS, because are SLAUGHTERED many satanists [★"♛✙][For my life] thanks: My Father, in the name of Jesus: my Lord and King for:the criminalization &:the destruction any form of Satanism and opposition: at my kingdom: thanks! We thank you in behalf of :the Church, in Jesus Christ, true God and true man: Thank you for :the Holy Spirit on all over :the planet. you are all lost! ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself"✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPBCS SMLNDSM DVRSN SMVSMQLIVB alleluia♛✙satan is frocio=faggot. In the name of Jesus: satanist, go away! God has dedicated you at the slaughter. Judges 1-5 When your carrion is dissolved, what remains? don't cancel your youtube, so will remain here at least your shame and God will make a terrible example. seem sweet the temptations, but :they have claws to rip :the soul. I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself"✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah Rei Unius ✞ ✰ ✟ King ✞ ✰ ✟ Israel ✙Mahdì ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah
@ultimatum to all satanists- ★ -- ✞ ->. I are armed by God to kill Satanists, but many things your belong to Satan :the fact that you're young? is slow down :the wrath of God upon you! then remove all traces of Satan in you! Satan is no joke. Satan is a usurper of our royalty and we can no longer be slaves of his lies! One in me: Holy Spirit is bigger than anything. I'm happy: I've already won! ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself"✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
the Holy Spirit that in me is :the same Spirit of :the burning bush of Moses, that can not be controlled; that can not be sustained: :Satanists enlightened&:their accomplices NWO, have no hope Only God and lorenzojhwh "ReiUnius can kill.. but any murder is a crime of "high treason": against my kingdom, whoever kills by today (27-06-2010) he will must die! for the Holy Spirit that in me : the rebels: sharia, Satanists sionism:& their accomplices have no hope against me, for the 3rdWWnuclear? I am last hope! ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself"✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
@satanist sharia zionist[★:PAX✙]Happiness! I have :the power to realize your dream of love! Soon you'll be with your Satan! From :the hell: thousands of your friends tell you: Come to me, in unquenchable fire, in absolute despair!John 8.44 says: "you are of your father:the devil and you want to do:the desires and works of your father. He is murderer and a liar from :the beginning and not stand in the truth, why, there is no truth in him. When he lies? speaks of him! why he is a liar murderer, the father of lies". ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself"✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
@satanist sharia zionist[★:PAX✙]Happiness! you're gonna die of misfortune distress tumor accidents diseases for those who have in web: all forms of sex; horror; satanism; metal; vulgarity. I'm "ReiUnius" in Jesus' name: I command that,the first dangerous disease, that will to which their thinking think? is own which by receive: that leading to death! you have loved:the curse? Falls on him! Drink your poisons made by yourself: AMEN. ✙Halleluja✙✙.♔consecration at Heart of the whole human race. ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself"✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
are all curses: made by God to protect this ministry? Alleluia :these are comments that are scary to you? But you will read of worst: now! flying saucers are prototypes! aliens are genetically modified, that have given a body to the demons: this is a red herring of "enlightened"that distracts us from real problems. Stop: porno horror, seigniorage banking .. is in preparing :the 3°WWnuclear! because the IMF can not be fall, out: of the war, why, this is his nature for its regeneration. ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself"✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
Many here have already taken away: erased :their video unfit! And you? I have prophesied against you, in the name of Jesus, to protect children who are here. you want to continue to go from bad to worse? You can fight you with God? Now I want to meet you to a universal and permanent prayer all you, for:the good of the world: every Monday of your life, from 20 to 21 I will be with you, in faith, on the Mount of Olives: forever! no matter your religion or your atheism, lorenzojhwh is still near you! anyone reads this exorcism St. Benedict, of :the fifth century prayer for receives the freedom: ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself"✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
God bless and assists you!:the rebels will be punished if not removed from youtube&web :the videos not suitable for children. In the name of Jesus: I have commanded, to every spirit: jealousy deceit family perversion depression prostitution illness deaf mute fear antichrist pride slavery blindness: go! GO! Terror takes possession of :the sons of darkness on all mankind. Alleluia. ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself"✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
You are Satanist? you're a scandal to children? lorenzojhwh: in :the name of Jesus, decided that youtube is not good to your health: begone! you can count those who have already died here? you want to believe at the lies of Satan? everyone knows that he is a liar! You cancel your channel bad? Or your youtube remain in your eternal shame as a tombstone? Blood of Jesus on you to save or destroy. How many people have you seen that have been sacrificed to Satan? Of :these victims, what did you eat?ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself"✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
In the name of Jesus: I have ordered :the destruction of bad videos, in youtube& all web.. rebels? they will be subjected to destruction. ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself"✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
[Hell:Mt.18.8;5,22;5.30,]surely, the hell is began on earth, when one shuts himself up in selfishness and rejects :the love of God. so is that starts :the process of its self-destruction: the sense of guilt: hatred, violence, humiliation. that you receive to offend others,& to violate their freedom of religion. Hell is an extreme possibility of human freedom, it destroys any&all, the attempts made by God to save one of his creatures. lol. the 2/3 of mankind? are to end up in hell! alleluia! [♚MENE ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself"✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
[Hell:Mt.18.8;5,22;5.30,]Satan laughs and thanks. knowing that little remains to him still by living. Satan is also, the banker jew of IMF, that Laughing still for the 11-09! they are having fun on you still. why, you are dying of bank seigniorage! JHWH "Be known on earth and among all Nations, before our eyes: the your revenge for the blood of your servants. Finally rise up to you: JHWH:the groans of the prisoners, with the power of your hand. ALMIGHTY: You save those who are were destined to die! "✞ ✰ ✟ ✞ ✰ ✟. ♔ WELCOME in my LIVE! ✞ ✰ ✟. ♔[♚MENE ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself"✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
how Satanists Freemasons, bankers, politicians and enlightened I must kill again, before being considered? [For all mankind]. to all those who have :their hands stained with innocent blood? you are MURDERERS, as "accomplices"? For the blood of Jesus on the Cross :the innocent victim perfect, I order on you: a plague of evil spell: "You have the mark of Cain, into your body cursed & in your soul!" In fact, your spirit is dead, collapsing in your soul. Alleluia! you'll have a verminous plague, a painful thorn in your flesh damn! until you will not be a corpse. AMEN. Alleluia CSPB CSSMLNDSMDVR SNSMVSMQLIVBpax" "Drink your poisons made by yourself
for the precious name & Blood of Jesus of Bethlehem: 1. go at the foot of the Cross of the Innocent Lamb, all of you "enlightened". 2. begone Satana! go in hell! 3. on you and on everything is yours: cancer, leukemia and all diseases of hell. AMEN! Alleluia! 4. infestation, obsession, oppression on you and yours. AMEN. Alleluia! 5. God's wrath is upon you: it is an unbearable burden. ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself"✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
"Drink your poisons made by yourself". I broke in :the name of Jesus every: Fortress, principality, power, domination, power occult, secret societies, secret services, bank seigniorage, Freemasons, aliens, UFO, Satanism, SpA, IMF, NWO, Net Work, subliminal language, porn , horror, begone Satana! I order in the name of Jesus to all :the demons of hell to aggression against you and against all your accomplices. AMEN. Alleluia. ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself"✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
[Psalm 67] God arise& His enemies be scattered and flee before Him those: who hate him. As :the smoke dissipates? you disperse them! As wax melts before the fire? So perish the wicked, before God. the rejoice instead is of the righteous :they exult before God and sing for joy. In Jesus' name, I have bind now: :the foot of the cross, all the living, of the solar system. I pour :the blood of Jesus: "Innocent Lamb" on all. Every evil will receive his immediate punishment.AMEN. Alleluia. ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
In the Lord's hand: is a cup filled with wine junkie. He pours! up the dregs :they must put up with all the wicked of the earth! AMEN. Alleluia". Revelation 1.5. "Yes, AMEN. I am the Alpha & the Omega, saith the Lord. "One who was, is, and that will:the Almighty!" Wooow!!! ✞ ✰ ✟ ✞ ✰ ✟. ♔ WELCOME in my LIVE! AMEN. Alleluia. ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
also a form of carnival, that will involve as a character to represent, has its own responsibility, if he is bad. but a religious symbol is something much stronger. You're doing advertising for Satan. and here, :there are many kids who think this is a game. while, it can become something very dangerous of which, you make yourself responsible. also agnostican(wood) burn. not only burns the idolatry (straw). If Revelation says, of a grain of rice [micro chip]? you will not enter in :the sky! but you have much more than a grain of rice.ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
1[Psalm17 I love you JHWH my strength]:the earth shook & appeared the seabed. For the spirit of your fury from his mouth came a devouring fire: he flew coals. glared at :them with his arrows! Because JHWH save :the humble people. With you, I can break any barrier. With my God, I can scale the walls. an expanse of dead bodies, I leave behind me! (psalm110). you have trained the my hands for battle, my arms to stretch: a bow of bronze.ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah Rei Unius ✞ ✰ ✟ King ✞ ✰ ✟ Israel ✙Mahdì ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah
2[Psalm17 I love you JHWH my strength]: YOU have put me in charge of Nations. A people who did not know, they have served me. to hear me? immediately obeyed me! Foreigners tried :the my favor, paled foreign men and come trembling out of their hiding places. In the name of Jesus: order at my Spirit to be: until at the end of the world: slaughter of the satanists: sharia & zionism: Terror takes possession of the sons of darkness: on all mankind. Alleluia! begone satana!ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
Mary Immaculate Conception SAID: Pray, My children, a constant vigilance of prayer. Pick up your cross and follow Me. I have wandered back and forth across your earth crying to you , begging that you listen to the counsel from Heaven. And I say this to you, for many of you are listening to the father of all liars, satan. Your world has become a playground for satan and his agents, for sin has become a way of life upon earth.ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
Sure, God loves all his children. But you are a child of Satan and when with your bloody death will end your fucking life. It'll finally mercy for you will end. In fact, in Luke 19.27 ★ Jesus says: And those enemies of mine who did not want me for their king, bring them here, and slay them before me" Alleluia! ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
Revelation of St. John says: "those who take :the mark (666 or micro chip) will have to drink :the cup of God". We're talking about something that is: 1. size of a grain of rice 2. invisible because it is put into :the body. But looking at you, one sees :the spectacle of Carnival of an entire city. You and this joker of Satan, you are both whit serious psychological problems: I have :the right medicine for you, the fire of Sodom! AMEN! Alleluia! ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
I prophesied about you misfortune, in the name of Jesus. AMEN Alleluia. Now go to die or remove your filth that is in your life. I have atheist friends in my lists, why i have love and esteem for them: they are dignified positive honest. but you are filthy. You will can not overcome, the test of fire! You remove this site blasphemous, now. You will not see the 2013! your life is in danger. I command in Jesus' name :the destruction of all Satanism, sharia sionism. ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah Rei Unius ✞ ✰ ✟ King ✞ ✰ ✟ Israel ✙Mahdì ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah
throughout : the world. Satanists of all of your lists? :the doctor is calling :them! satan-is-faggot. God has programmed me to win. I have :the right medicine for you, the fire of Sodom! AMEN! Alleluia! ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah Rei Unius ✞ ✰ ✟ King ✞ ✰ ✟ Israel ✙Mahdì ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah
satanist you're to listen to them rant and rave through programmed fake electronic music over and over and over again (broken record); and you and the illuminati use the same baphomet signs and worship the same lucifier. you should be a little bit more honest when you call o:thers crazy, I mean really, especially with the things you do in the dark? And when you think no one can see you? ibex mountain goat you pervert. You will stand in judgment of you himself? my father God has already defeated your father: satana devil, on the cross over 2000 years ago. you verminous worship so a real loser. How crazy is that? "Drink your poisons made by yourself"
[end game: the name of Jesus: "You are all lost!" Luke19.27] Alleluia! Even a child can tell you: "You go strong, like a damned soul!" All the fortresses were broken! if still standing? Because is they Kill each or is in 3rdWWnuclear for blame of the collapse of IMF with all the slaughter of all mankind. On this planet, no one can live according To Natural Laws: I know all: the enemies of God will die! ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah Rei Unius ✞ ✰ ✟ King ✞ ✰ ✟ Israel ✙Mahdì ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah
[end game: the name of Jesus: "You are all lost!" Luke19.27] now satanists or atheists, believe However, You Have only this life to "enjoy" = lol. but you do not look happy. lol. all together go in a mass protest: against seigniorage banking. this is not a request: for your conversion: no! But, you can continue to do the pig again! Ok?ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah Rei Unius ✞ ✰ ✟ King ✞ ✰ ✟ Israel ✙Mahdì ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah
theory of evolution? a tale of 150 years, that Darwin said he could not work, why were not found of transitional fossils. but enlightened have transformed in ideology of the NWO, international Jewish finance, ie in an ideological crime: that is, proof against God lol. while it is against logic, since God is timeless. ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
theory of evolution? Sure, we have :the evidence of evolution in the same species, but we do not have a single fossil that is :the passage from one species to another. All those shown? Have been portrayed as false: after. We have: refined metallurgical findings in the "coal fossil"; "polistrate fossil"; the nephillim, all these tests prove it: 1. Flood. 2. existence of advanced antediluvian civilization. among :the hundreds of surveys, measurements Share Noah's Ark on Mount Ararat: also the inspection: Russian army at the time of Tsar Nicholas II
@rrmbgpym->.For the God of Abraham: JHWH on his Throne: lorenzojhwh is the ReiUnius: a power spiritual and political, authority: metaphysics Universal ofthe human race. anyone who opposes his authority? he no has love for :the natural law, will be punished as Exodus 20.12 says: "his life will be shortened". ✞ ✰ ✟ ✞ ✰ ✟. ♔ WELCOME in my LIVE! ✞ ✰ ✟ ✞ ✰ ✟. This is :the victory that has conquered :the world; the Our Faith! 1 Giov5,4[♚ MENE ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✞ ✰ ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ReiUnius✙ King✙ Israel✙ Mahdì
On all those who are responsible&accomplices in the bank seigniorage? for having innocent blood shed, as seal of his power: lorenzojhwh imposes the damn symbol of Cain on :the murderers. This is decreed in :the name of Jesus for :the blood of Jesus every demon and man is bound at foot of the cross. ✞ ✰ ✟ ✞ ✰ ✟. ♔WELCOME in my LIVE!✞ ✰ ✟ ✞ ✰ ✟. This is :the victory that has conquered :the world; the Our Faith! 1 Giov5,4[♚ MENE ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✞ ✰ ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
how many many: Satanists Freemasons, bankers, politicians and enlightened I must kill before being considered? to all those who have :their hands stained with innocent blood? MURDERERS! As accomplices of IMF-NWO? For the blood of Jesus on the Cross: the innocent victim perfect, I order on you: a plague of evil spell! I order in the name of Jesus: "You have the mark of Cain cursed! [♚MENE ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì. Alleluia". Alleluia! you'll have a plague, a painful thorn in your flesh damn! AMEN. Alleluia you will be punished soon your own life is now in danger! God is stronger than anything and its time for you? may have expired ✞ ✰ ✟ ✞ ✰ ✟. ♔WELCOME in my LIVE!✞ ✰ ✟ ✞ ✰ ✟. This is :the victory that has conquered :the world; the Our Faith! 1 Giov5,4[♚MENE ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
there is a power: 1. human, 2. supernatural, 3. super natural, 4. divine the my. I always to attack the summit! I go immediately to trample Satan and so in hell is spread :the terror. So will in the world of men. I'm learning to perfect my faith in this recent days. So you can see :the excellent victims that I will do for you, so that :the project of our Jew TEMPLE can be accelerated.& Obstacles be broken! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
Obstacles? will become dust! the Lord raises his Torah, against talmud,& all those who dare challenge his authority supreme. I repealing :the right of Jews to lend money to wear! to anyone! AMEN. Alleluia! All you have make against Jesus? inverted cross? are a lock for you! You can not enter in the Kingdom of God, but so you go to hell. I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah Rei Unius ✞ ✰ ✟ King ✞ ✰ ✟ Israel ✙Mahdì ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah
[This is a threat: I do not want to see Satanists, vulgar, evil, horror and porn on youtube, and this ordered in the name of Jesus] Don't take the teachings lightly. Please know that :these teachings are in all the religions . 1. Have no other gods before YHWH (the Creator); 2. Don't make and worship "things" as gods; 3. Don't use God's name in vain; 4. Honor the Sabbath; 5. Honor the Father & Mother; 6. Don't murder; 7.Don't commit adultery; 8. Don't steal. 9. Don't bear false witness; 10.Don't covet. [freedom of God's children]. You are already free, if you want to be free: is the truth!"all your debts have been paid". you will not be found guilty. you will free and happy? you'll be full of power of the Holy Spirit, just like me. you can get out of this prison you can break every chain: Jesus is already on your side. 1 break with Jesus. very soon all your chains will fall. I have the power, of promise to you on behalf of God that no one can hurt you.
[freedom of God's children]. I promise you in Jesus' name You'll be blessed happy protected! son, delete your site bad: immediately. for the love of God Holy, all saints, good souls for the salvation of mankind, now destroy this site! I'm on your right while Jesus is on your left. Immediately delete this nightmare and you get, the freedom of God's children you can do. your example will be followed by millions of kids! you become famous: for better or for worse? how you can to go all to hell? to millions?
REPENT OR PERISH. 1Corinthians 6:9-10.Know ye not that :the unrighteous shall not inherit :the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of :themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit :the kingdom of God. I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah Rei Unius ✞ ✰ ✟ King ✞ ✰ ✟ Israel ✙Mahdì ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah
REPENT OR PERISH. Revalation.22:15. without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie. Seek Forgiveness and Redemption Through Your Saviour Jesus Christ. Repent: for :the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah Rei Unius ✞ ✰ ✟ King ✞ ✰ ✟ Israel ✙Mahdì ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah
REPENT OR PERISH. Galatians 6:7. Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
Matthew 10:28. And fear not :them which kill :the body, but are not able to kill :the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah Rei Unius ✞ ✰ ✟ King ✞ ✰ ✟ Israel ✙Mahdì ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah
Investigate! never forget 9✈11. Inform yourself or stay in :the dark or perhaps you are: :the dark?! God has programmed me to win: ♛ ✞ ✰ ✟ ♛ ★ amen hallelujah :the fortresses have been broken; hell is in most total despair, all Satanists are lost! For the holiness of: 1. God of Abraham, 2. His Throne, 3. His name"YHWH", 4. angelic choirs. I lorenzojhwh: decrees, all :the curses on all Satanists and :their accomplices, forever: I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
"AMEN. Hallelujah." can not be counted: dead, disease, illness, accidents, infections obsessions, possessions, anxiety, depression, disorders, insomnia, despair, madness: "AMEN.. Hallelujah."I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself"✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
[to all Satanists]if I not build a Jewish temple? :then all you die because this is what the international jew banker decided much ago long, as did :the 11-09. his is true: he does a good job, for to kill you. But you are not prepared for death, because: of course you go into a hell of fire and desperation. your company is self-destructive! because you breed+spread hatred? the power and security that come from fear? are: 1. only for few; 2. very fragile. I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself"✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
[sharia & zionism]But, Love, beauty, wisdom, do not fear confrontation, not weaken in division: are strongest! love has already won over death! If all are farmers of love? you have a weight! I'd enough ★ alone ★ to sink all you, in what you all want to give to others. ✞ ✰ ✟ ✞ ✰ ✟. ♔ WELCOME in my LIVE! LOVE!✞ ✰ ✟ Rei✙.Unius♔ Each demon is forced to go by his exorcist? :then :the enlightened come to me!I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah Rei Unius ✞ ✰ ✟ King ✞ ✰ ✟ Israel ✙Mahdì ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah We love: we are all equals & brothers
@rebel->. for how long: still? falling down like hail to hell in: the fire of infinite despair: a day endless tirelessly ceaselessly AMEN. CSP BC SSM LNDS MDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟ drink your poisons made by yourself. this is pathetic for you. a colony: the planet earth is rebel against: at the Kingdom of God, for those? Satan? But he has nothing to lose! But you will lose your soul! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah Rei Unius ✞ ✰ ✟ King ✞ ✰ ✟ Israel ✙Mahdì ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah We love: we are all equals & brothers
@enlightened-★> There is No Proportion between: the spiritual energies into play! Truly God has staked with Christ Himself. But Because Christ is Risen? then, everything has already been Established and: then your lives are really in danger. My position is for Satanists all in: the world: a real threat. as, You Have not tried: a satanic ritual on me? useless! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah Rei Unius ✞ ✰ ✟ King ✞ ✰ ✟ Israel ✙Mahdì ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah We love: we are all equals & brothers
@rebel->. now, If I Had a passive attitude against You? this should not deceive you, because the Holy Spirit does not need my permission, to rise up against you! The Holy Spirit, that is inside me, rise up against my enemies: spontaneously: The Bible is not a book to read, as: the Koran: The Bible is God: the Word, wisdom. That is Christ. AMEN. There is not a future for Satan,& for you. I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah Rei Unius ✞ ✰ ✟ King ✞ ✰ ✟ Israel ✙Mahdì ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah We love: we are all equals & brothers
freemasonry SAID: "hell is on earth, i'm serving my life sentence, death will set us both free of :the chains that are here to bind us from being free on earth! i know life and death, can create life and take it away, does this make me a god? i fear only my own actions and what this cold world has made me capable of doing! but don't hate me, i am just a reflection of yourself!"-ANSWER->. no! You are a reflection of Satan, but I am a reflection of God! himself You say that it is a failure, cursed, unhappy now that :the occult powers of the IMF-NWO, dominate the entire planet, as then your situation will be desperate for you, after death
@freemasonry-> I have the joy, even now, Happiness is in my being, but pain is to relieve the despair of the world. I Decided to pull "discharge" of water and you go down, in the drain. we are at final stages of Satan's breath: blessed my friends, but more curse my enemies, for I am invincible.Alleluia: the kingdom of Satan now: falls is crumbling AMEN. Alleluia I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah Rei Unius ✞ ✰ ✟ King ✞ ✰ ✟ Israel ✙Mahdì ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah We love: we are all equals & brothers
enough: Cancer now for those who have in youtube: animal sex; porn; horror; Satanism; kisses with tongue; vulgarity; negative educational impact for children. I'm Rei Unius :the King of Israel in Jesus' name I command that: the first dangerous that will disease to which, their thinking think? is own one that should receive: a invincible disease that leading to death: loved :the curse? Falls on him! AMEN. Alleluia I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì We love: we are all equals & brothers
@sinners-★>If You Have never accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior I am here to tell you That Jesus loves you. He loves you so much That He Gave His life for you. God Father: There also loves you. He loves you so much That He Gave His only Son for you by sending to Him: the cross. At the Cross Jesus died in your place. Taking all of your sins upon Himself and all of my sins. He Was Judged for Our sins and paid: the price for all our sins.Alleluia I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì We love: we are all equals & brothers
@sinners- ★ -- ✞ ->.Therefore Our sins will never be Held Against us. right where You Are, you now have: the opportunity to make: the greatest decision in your life. To accept: the free gift of eternal life by truly believing That Jesus Christ died for you. So wherever you are, pause to Reflect on what: Christ has done for you and to say: "Father, I Believe That your Son, Jesus Christ, is died on the cross: for the forgiveness of my sins.Alleluia I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì We love: we are all equals & brothers
@muslim of sharia, @jew of Talmud: Your time is near, time to show your extreme loyalty to your Satan. Alleluia! AMEN. rises YHWH and His enemies be scattered! like chaff scattered by the wind, like burning wax so are :the wicked for Glory of :the Lord. Sons of darkness "lorenzojhwh", tells in the name of Jesus: "Now you must burn!" STOP: halloween antichrist pride slavery blindness Satan begone! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì We love: we are all equals & brothers
@muslim of sharia, @jew of Talmud: for the destruction of your: satanic, alien, SpA, Freemasonry, seigniorage banking. for you: fire food is harmful diseases shame Dishonor depression obsessions infestation Cloak of lead. Woe to you cursed. I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì We love: we are all equals & brothers
@muslim of sharia, @jew of Talmud, @Communists: Elijah is back and you'll need to get off : with me &with him, at the river Kishon, where you will be executed: with your boss jew enlightened, belonging to Marduk. with this ceremony, I hit your ascending hierarchy (up to :the enlightened) and descended. I linked you, to the foot of the cross, for to knowledge of your opinion of damnation. AMEN. I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✞ ✰ ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì We love: we are all equals & brothers
enlightened SAID: most satanists do adhere to a Moral Code. -ANSWER->.You're crazy! unique character of Satan is :the breaking of all morality, that exalt :the freedom for to bring at :the idolatry of himself: & all lies of satanists? can never deceive me, that are an exorcist! EVERY CANCER SPIRITUAL is inevitably destined to become physicist! only medicine to eradicate it? is to be, back in communion with God here all admit supernatural phenomena & then, they deny God or Satan? This is absurd! I will ruin you & certainly have the power to do so. ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✞ ✰ ✟ PAX ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✞ ✰ ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ReiUnius✙ King✙ Israel✙ Mahdì We love: we are all equals & brothers
[Psalm 140] from the rock were thrown :their leaders, that I had heard sweet words by me. As cracks the open is of land, their bones were scattered on :the mouth of hell. curse are cursed, all Muslim nations, who do harm to the innocent Christians. The blood and horror, that they have given, will soon to ricare on their children, blood flow and despair on all their roads. Alleluia I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
[Psalm 149] Sing to the Lord a new song, his praise in assembly of the faithful, Let Israel rejoice in his Maker, they must exult in their king, the sons of Zion. they praise his name with dancing with drums and harps, they sing hymns to him. the Lord loves his people. He crowns the humble with victory. Should exult: the faithful in glory to glad arise from their beds. the praises of God in :their mouth and two edged sword in their hands, to carry out vengeance to the nations and punish people: Hallelujah to tighten the their heads in chains, their nobles in fetters of iron; to perform on :the sentence already wrote on of their: This is the glory for all his faithful. ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
[Ultimatum to the Satanists and their protectors: mason elite leader statesmen] God has put more energy and love to create you, that not to create all :the galaxies and all :the angels. you instead for gratitude, you have reversed :the cross, which is why that :there is no remedy for your downfall and your desperation is without no relief. lorenzojhwh you puts to head down into :the abyss, you will have agonizing days and your life miserable must end in dramatically in nuclear 3WW: before and not after. I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ✞ ✰ ✟ [ ♚ MENE ✞ ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟ C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ✞ ✰ ✟"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✟ by ★ ★ ★ amen hallelujah ✟ Rei Unius ✞ King ✞ Israel ✞ Mahdì
[Ultimatum to the Satanists and their protectors: mason elite leader statesmen] If you have sold your life to Satan for metal, horror, porno, ecc. if you have had an old site: this you Need to Know, who he was before of you is died: I killed him, so I kill also you! ✙ ✞ ✰ ✟. ♔ is virus deadly AMEN. "Drink your poisons made by yourself"✞ ✰ ✟ I order, in :the name of Jesus: immediate destruction of Satan and of all his satanic symbol ✙Halleluja ✙MENE ✙TECHEL✙ PERES✙ "You are all lost!"Luke19.27✙ C SPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB
[ultimatum to all Muslim nations] for :the sanctity of Allah and Islam :the Sharia is bad, criminals satanist racist even if the Holy Quran is the word of God to 95%, Mohammed, that prophet is? I am lorenzojhwh, the Imam Mahdi ✟ ✮ ✝ ✭ ✞ ✰ ✟ and for the Holiness of Allah, for Abraham all :the saints and ...