- HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commentonoi diciamo così:vengono i satanisti per uccidere i credenti... e poiché siamo tutti eretici.. perché per ogni credente: tutti gli altri sono eretici: per lui: ovviamente: e poiché: noi tra eretici: non ci possiamo alleare: tra di noi? allora vinceranno i sataniti: e noi moriremo tutti... testa di cazzo: in questo modo il vero anticristo sei proprio tu!
- CustodeDellaFede ha pubblicato un commentoInfatti sei un FALSO profeta.
- CustodeDellaFede ha pubblicato un commentoTu sei un alleato dell'anticristo. Le tue dottrine sono dell'anticristo. Tu diffondi gli ideali massonici del concilio vaticano 2° apostata: la fratellanza universale "multireligiosa". Tu sei un nemico della fede cattolica.
- HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commentocome io posso essere un profeta se Dio non ha mai parlato con me? io sono soltanto un politico... oooooohhh, lo vuoi capire si o no?!
- HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commentoe poiché: per gli ebrei: io sono il loro Re e Messia? allora: l'anticristo: è mio nemico: due volte: sia come ebreo: che: come cristiano... ragazzo: tu ti devi rilassare: perché: tu non puoi vedere necessariamente: in ogni eretico: un tuo nemico.. quegli asini di musulmani: asini come te? loro devono capire: che: i nemici: sono i satanisti del FMI: soltanto: che: gli eretici: possono essere i loro alleati: cioè: i loro fratelli: perché l'importante è volersi bene: tra di noi! e se noi non ci volgiamo bene tra di noi: come potremo battere i satanisti: cioè i veri satanisti: 322: 666
- CustodeDellaFede ha pubblicato un commentowatch?v=WCccGShKHp8&list=FLqbY1jEjRSmryFswm34r9mg&index=5&feature=plcp
- HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commentoposso io: correre il pericolo: di eleggere me stesso: come Dio nel tempio di Dio? no!, quindi: io non posso mai essere l'Anticristo
- CustodeDellaFede ha pubblicato un commentoMessaggio di La Salette: "Combattete, figli della luce, voi, PICCOLO NUMERO che ci vedete, perché ecco il tempo dei tempi, la fine delle fini."
- HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento[sự tiến hóa: là tôn giáo: NWO: FMI: 666: 322: nếu người đàn ông là: không xử lý: ở động vật: các hình thức của con người? như: các giáo sĩ Do Thái Satanists: người Pha-ri-si của Talmud: có thể làm cho họ: ăn thịt tất cả cái gọi là: chuyển tiếp hóa thạch: 50 năm qua? có tất cả được chứng minh là sai! những người hiện đang theo dõi? là vô lý! bởi vì: lý thuyết tiến hóa cho biết: "(nhiều nỗ lực ngẫu nhiên: không thể thiếu: để tìm các loài ưu thế): sau đó 99% hóa thạch? nên là: tất cả các hóa thạch chuyển tiếp .. là hệ tư tưởng của đạo Kabbalah rằng: ông đã áp đặt này nằm ở khoa học là: hệ thống Masonic:: quyền của lảnh chúa ngân hàng, rằng: ông đã trốn Ark: Noah: trên núi Arat: với: người Hồi giáo Satanists lõa.. xin lỗi, nhưng tất cả người Hồi giáo Satanists!
- HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commentoעוואָלוציע: איז די רעליגיע: פון דעם: נוואָ פמי: 666: 322: אויב מענטשן זענען: נישט: פּראַסעסט: אין אַנימאַלס: פון די מענטשלעך פאָרמע? ווי: די רבנים סאַטאַניסץ: פרושים: פון די גמרא: געקענט: טאָן זיי אַ פּראַדיישאַן?] אַלע אַזוי גערופענע: טראַנסישאַנאַל פאַסאַלז: דער פאַרגאַנגענהייַט 50 יאר? האָבן אַלע געווע
- HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commentoן פּרוווד פאַלש! די דערווייַל: אונטער אָבסערוואַציע? זענען לעכערלעך! ווייַל: דער טעאָריע פון עוואָלוציע: געזאגט: "(פילע טראַפ - פרווון: זענען ינדיספּענסאַבאַל: צו געפינען דעם: דאָמינאַנט זגאַל)": און 99% פון די פאַסאַל? זאָל זיין: אַלע טראַנסישאַנאַל פאַסאַלז .. איז דער ידעאָלאָגיע פון קבלה: אַז: ער ימפּאָוזד: דעם ליגן: אין די וויסנשאַפֿט: איז בלויז: די מאַסאָניק סיסטעם: פון: באַנקינג סיגניערידזש, אַז: ער פארבארגן דער תיבה: פון נח: אויף בארג אַראַט: מיט: מוסלימס קאַמפּליסאַט סאַטאַניסץ. . נעבעכדיק: אָבער, אַלע מוסלימס זענען סאַטאַניסץ!
- HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commentoברוטאַלאַגגרעססיאָנס -> ר: רע: אמן. כאַלאַלויאַ! ♚ מענע טעטשעל ♛ ♛ ♛ פּערעס ✞ ✰ ✟ פּאַקס קספּבקססמלנדסמדוורסן סמווס מקליווב מעטאַל איז רעליגיע פון סאַטאַנאַ
- CustodeDellaFede ha pubblicato un commentoMessaggio di La Salette: "È tempo, il sole si oscura; la fede sola vivrà. Ecco il tempo, l'abisso si apre. Ecco il re delle tenebre. Ecco la bestia con i suoi sudditi, sedicente salvatore del mondo. "
- CustodeDellaFede ha pubblicato un commento2° Tessalonicesi 2, 3-4: "Nessuno vi inganni in alcun modo! Prima infatti dovrà avvenire l'apostasia e dovrà esser rivelato l'uomo iniquo, il figlio della perdizione, colui che si contrappone e s'innalza sopra ogni essere che viene detto Dio o è oggetto di culto, fino a sedere nel tempio di Dio, additando se stesso come Dio."
- plannyee ha pubblicato un commentoyoutube: -I HATE THESE GREY CHANNELS -GET OUR COLORED CHANNELS BACK
- CustodeDellaFede ha pubblicato un commentoMessaggio di La Salette: "Roma perderá la fede e diventerá il seggio dell'Anticristo...La Chiesa sará in eclisse".
- LetsPlayBilamba ha pubblicato un commentoCould you please stop with this´?
- CustodeDellaFede ha pubblicato un commentoExtra Ecclesiam nulla Salus.
- CustodeDellaFede ha pubblicato un commentoFuori dalla Chiesa Cattolica non c'é assolutamente Salvezza.
- CustodeDellaFede ha pubblicato un commentowatch?v=ENWYRPkA7Ao&list=FLkNZhx4Ck6U7ePFjdFaljnA&index=4&feature=plcp
- HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento@BrutalAggressions --> R: Re: AMEN. ¡Aleluya! ♚ MENE Techel ♛ ♛ ♛ PERES ✞ ✰ ✟ PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMV MQLIVB el metal es la religión de satana
- CustodeDellaFede ha pubblicato un commentoI falsi profeti abbondano in questi giorni finali. Andranno nel fuoco eterno se non si convertiranno alla tradizionale fede cattolica.
- CustodeDellaFede ha pubblicato un commentovaticanocatolicoPUNTOcom
- CustodeDellaFede ha pubblicato un commentomostholyfamilymonasteryDOTcom
- HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento✞ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSM VSMQLIVB ✞ Halleluja ✞ MENE TECHEL PERES ✞
- HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento[evolución: es la religión: de la: FMI Nuevo Orden Mundial: 666: 322: No:: Procesados: en los animales: si los hombres son de la forma humana? como: los satanistas: rabinos fariseos: del Talmud: podría: a hacer: una depredación] todas las llamadas: los fósiles de transición: los últimos 50 años? todos se han demostrado que estaban equivocados! los que actualmente: en observación? Son ridículos! debido a que: la teoría de la evolución: dijo: "(muchos intentos al azar: son indispensables: para encontrar las especies dominantes:)": entonces el 99% de los fósiles? debe ser: todos los fósiles de transición .. es la ideología de la Cabalá: que: se impone: esta mentira: en la ciencia: sólo es: el sistema masónico: de: señoreaje bancario, que: se escondió el Arca: de Noé: en el monte Arat: con: Satanistas musulmanes cómplices. . lo siento: pero, todos los musulmanes son satanistas!
- HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento[attīstība: ir reliģija: no: NWO FMI: 666: 322: ja vīrieši: nav: apstrādātas: dzīvniekiem: cilvēka formu? kā: rabīni Satanists skaits: farizeji skaits: no Talmuda: vai skaits: darīt to: plēsonība] visi tā saucamie:? pārejas fosilijas skaits: pēdējos 50 gados? visi ir pierādīts nepareizi! kas šobrīd: uzraugāmo? ir smieklīgi! jo: evolūcijas teorija: teica: "(daudzi izlases mēģinājumi: ir obligāti: Lai atrastu skaits: dominējošās sugas)": tad 99% no fosilā kurināmā? vajadzētu būt: visi pārejas fosilijas .. ir ideoloģija Kabala: ka: viņš uzlika: šo meliem: pie zinātne: ir tikai: masonu sistēma: no: banku senjora, ka: viņš slēpa Ark garantēšana: Noa: no Mount Arat: ar: musulmaņi līdzdarbojušās Satanists. . žēl: bet, visi musulmaņi ir Satanists!
1. I'm here!
@"Yamisrael", "warriorIslamic":now married1. I'm here!
if you want an explanation?
2. I'm here!
at the heroes of peace:
murderers to the Talmud and Sharia
3. I'm here!
shalom + salam = blessings too
- UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commentofottiti satana con tutti i tuoi :proci: rabbini assassini farisei
e poiché: per gli ebrei: io sono il loro Re e Messia? allora: l'anticristo: è mio nemico: due volte: sia come ebreo: che: come cristiano... ragazzo: tu ti devi rilassare: perché: tu non puoi vedere necessariamente: in ogni eretico: un tuo nemico.. quegli asini di musulmani: asini come te? loro devono capire: che: i nemici: sono i satanisti del FMI: soltanto: che: gli eretici: possono essere i loro alleati: cioè: i loro fratelli: perché l'importante è volersi bene: tra di noi! e se noi non ci volgiamo bene tra di noi: come potremo battere i satanisti: cioè i veri satanisti: 322: 666
- HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commentoposso io: correre il pericolo: di eleggere me stesso: come Dio nel tempio di Dio? no!, quindi: io non posso mai essere l'Anticristo
- CustodeDellaFede ha pubblicato un commentoMessaggio di La Salette: "Combattete, figli della luce, voi, PICCOLO NUMERO che ci vedete, perché ecco il tempo dei tempi, la fine delle fini."
- HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento[sự tiến hóa: là tôn giáo: NWO: FMI: 666: 322: nếu người đàn ông là: không xử lý: ở động vật: các hình thức của con người? như: các giáo sĩ Do Thái Satanists: người Pha-ri-si của Talmud: có thể làm cho họ: ăn thịt tất cả cái gọi là: chuyển tiếp hóa thạch: 50 năm qua? có tất cả được chứng minh là sai! những người hiện đang theo dõi? là vô lý! bởi vì: lý thuyết tiến hóa cho biết: "(nhiều nỗ lực ngẫu nhiên: không thể thiếu: để tìm các loài ưu thế): sau đó 99% hóa thạch? nên là: tất cả các hóa thạch chuyển tiếp .. là hệ tư tưởng của đạo Kabbalah rằng: ông đã áp đặt này nằm ở khoa học là: hệ thống Masonic:: quyền của lảnh chúa ngân hàng, rằng: ông đã trốn Ark: Noah: trên núi Arat: với: người Hồi giáo Satanists lõa.. xin lỗi, nhưng tất cả người Hồi giáo Satanists!
- HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commentoעוואָלוציע: איז די רעליגיע: פון דעם: נוואָ פמי: 666: 322: אויב מענטשן זענען: נישט: פּראַסעסט: אין אַנימאַלס: פון די מענטשלעך פאָרמע? ווי: די רבנים סאַטאַניסץ: פרושים: פון די גמרא: געקענט: טאָן זיי אַ פּראַדיישאַן?] אַלע אַזוי גערופענע: טראַנסישאַנאַל פאַסאַלז: דער פאַרגאַנגענהייַט 50 יאר? האָבן אַלע געווע
- HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commentoן פּרוווד פאַלש! די דערווייַל: אונטער אָבסערוואַציע? זענען לעכערלעך! ווייַל: דער טעאָריע פון עוואָלוציע: געזאגט: "(פילע טראַפ - פרווון: זענען ינדיספּענסאַבאַל: צו געפינען דעם: דאָמינאַנט זגאַל)": און 99% פון די פאַסאַל? זאָל זיין: אַלע טראַנסישאַנאַל פאַסאַלז .. איז דער ידעאָלאָגיע פון קבלה: אַז: ער ימפּאָוזד: דעם ליגן: אין די וויסנשאַפֿט: איז בלויז: די מאַסאָניק סיסטעם: פון: באַנקינג סיגניערידזש, אַז: ער פארבארגן דער תיבה: פון נח: אויף בארג אַראַט: מיט: מוסלימס קאַמפּליסאַט סאַטאַניסץ. . נעבעכדיק: אָבער, אַלע מוסלימס זענען סאַטאַניסץ!
- HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commentoברוטאַלאַגגרעססיאָנס -> ר: רע: אמן. כאַלאַלויאַ! ♚ מענע טעטשעל ♛ ♛ ♛ פּערעס ✞ ✰ ✟ פּאַקס קספּבקססמלנדסמדוורסן סמווס מקליווב מעטאַל איז רעליגיע פון סאַטאַנאַ
- CustodeDellaFede ha pubblicato un commentoMessaggio di La Salette: "È tempo, il sole si oscura; la fede sola vivrà. Ecco il tempo, l'abisso si apre. Ecco il re delle tenebre. Ecco la bestia con i suoi sudditi, sedicente salvatore del mondo. "
- CustodeDellaFede ha pubblicato un commento2° Tessalonicesi 2, 3-4: "Nessuno vi inganni in alcun modo! Prima infatti dovrà avvenire l'apostasia e dovrà esser rivelato l'uomo iniquo, il figlio della perdizione, colui che si contrappone e s'innalza sopra ogni essere che viene detto Dio o è oggetto di culto, fino a sedere nel tempio di Dio, additando se stesso come Dio."
- plannyee ha pubblicato un commentoyoutube: -I HATE THESE GREY CHANNELS -GET OUR COLORED CHANNELS BACK
- CustodeDellaFede ha pubblicato un commentoMessaggio di La Salette: "Roma perderá la fede e diventerá il seggio dell'Anticristo...La Chiesa sará in eclisse".
- LetsPlayBilamba ha pubblicato un commentoCould you please stop with this´?
- CustodeDellaFede ha pubblicato un commentoExtra Ecclesiam nulla Salus.
- CustodeDellaFede ha pubblicato un commentoFuori dalla Chiesa Cattolica non c'é assolutamente Salvezza.
- CustodeDellaFede ha pubblicato un commentowatch?v=ENWYRPkA7Ao&list=FLkNZhx4Ck6U7ePFjdFaljnA&index=4&feature=plcp
- HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento@BrutalAggressions --> R: Re: AMEN. ¡Aleluya! ♚ MENE Techel ♛ ♛ ♛ PERES ✞ ✰ ✟ PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMV MQLIVB el metal es la religión de satana
- CustodeDellaFede ha pubblicato un commentoI falsi profeti abbondano in questi giorni finali. Andranno nel fuoco eterno se non si convertiranno alla tradizionale fede cattolica.
- CustodeDellaFede ha pubblicato un commentovaticanocatolicoPUNTOcom
- CustodeDellaFede ha pubblicato un commentomostholyfamilymonasteryDOTcom
- HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento✞ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSM VSMQLIVB ✞ Halleluja ✞ MENE TECHEL PERES ✞
- HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento[evolución: es la religión: de la: FMI Nuevo Orden Mundial: 666: 322: No:: Procesados: en los animales: si los hombres son de la forma humana? como: los satanistas: rabinos fariseos: del Talmud: podría: a hacer: una depredación] todas las llamadas: los fósiles de transición: los últimos 50 años? todos se han demostrado que estaban equivocados! los que actualmente: en observación? Son ridículos! debido a que: la teoría de la evolución: dijo: "(muchos intentos al azar: son indispensables: para encontrar las especies dominantes:)": entonces el 99% de los fósiles? debe ser: todos los fósiles de transición .. es la ideología de la Cabalá: que: se impone: esta mentira: en la ciencia: sólo es: el sistema masónico: de: señoreaje bancario, que: se escondió el Arca: de Noé: en el monte Arat: con: Satanistas musulmanes cómplices. . lo siento: pero, todos los musulmanes son satanistas!
- HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento[attīstība: ir reliģija: no: NWO FMI: 666: 322: ja vīrieši: nav: apstrādātas: dzīvniekiem: cilvēka formu? kā: rabīni Satanists skaits: farizeji skaits: no Talmuda: vai skaits: darīt to: plēsonība] visi tā saucamie:? pārejas fosilijas skaits: pēdējos 50 gados? visi ir pierādīts nepareizi! kas šobrīd: uzraugāmo? ir smieklīgi! jo: evolūcijas teorija: teica: "(daudzi izlases mēģinājumi: ir obligāti: Lai atrastu skaits: dominējošās sugas)": tad 99% no fosilā kurināmā? vajadzētu būt: visi pārejas fosilijas .. ir ideoloģija Kabala: ka: viņš uzlika: šo meliem: pie zinātne: ir tikai: masonu sistēma: no: banku senjora, ka: viņš slēpa Ark garantēšana: Noa: no Mount Arat: ar: musulmaņi līdzdarbojušās Satanists. . žēl: bet, visi musulmaņi ir Satanists!
- UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commentofottiti satana con tutti i tuoi :proci: rabbini assassini farisei
- seafire101 ha pubblicato un commentoowner of youtube i am getting sick of all the copyright bull shit this is suppose to be a website in wich we are able to make videos and have fun watching them not have to worry about some dumbasses there is a law that allows limited use of material of wich you have not read about or probally all the people who block videos on copyright claims when they dont know shit in wich case the amvs are none profit videos in wich can not be termed for copyright in wich case youtube is starting to lose its trusty viewers and soon will probally end up going down the toilet
- UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento[evolution: is the religion: of the: NWO IMF: 666: 322: if men are: not: processed: in animals: of the human form? as: the rabbis Satanists: Pharisees: of the Talmud: could: do them: to predation?] to so-called: transitional fossils: the past 50 years? have all been proved wrong! Those currently: under observation? are ridiculous! Because: the theory of evolution: said: "(many random Attempts: are indispensable: to find the: dominant species)," then 99% of the fossil? Should Be: all transitional fossils .. Is The Ideology of Kabbalah: that: he Imposed: this lie: at the science: is only: the Masonic system: of: banking seigniorage, that: he hid the Ark: Noah of: on Mount Arat: with: Muslims complicit Satanists. . sorry: but, all Muslims are Satanists!
- UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento[évolution: c'est la religion: de l': FMI NWO: 666: 322: si les hommes sont les suivantes: pas: traitées: chez les animaux: de la forme humaine? comme: les satanistes rabbins pharisiens:: du Talmud: pourrait: les faire: une prédation] tous les soi-disant:? fossiles transitionnels: les 50 dernières années? ont tous été démentie! ceux qui sont actuellement: sous observation? sont ridicules! parce que: la théorie de l'évolution: a déclaré: "(de nombreuses tentatives aléatoires: sont indispensables: pour trouver les espèces dominantes:)": de 99% du fossile? devrait être: tous les fossiles de transition .. est l'idéologie de la Kabbale: ce qui suit: il a imposé: ce mensonge: à la science: c'est que: le système maçonnique: de: seigneuriage bancaire, ce qui suit: il a caché l'Arche: de Noé: sur le mont Arat: avec: satanistes musulmans complices. . désolé: mais, tous les musulmans sont satanistes!
- UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento[kehitys: on uskonto: of: NWO FMI: 666: 322: jos miehet eivät: ole: jalostettu: eläimillä on ihmisen muodossa? kuten: rabbit satanistit: fariseusten: of Talmudin: voisi: tehdä heille: saalistussuunnitelman?] kaikki ns: siirtymävaiheen fossiileista: viimeisen 50 vuoden aikana? ovat kaikki osoittautuneet vääriksi! tällä hetkellä: tarkkailuun? ovat naurettavia! koska: evoluutioteorian: sanoi: "(monesta sattumanvaraisesti yritykset: ovat välttämättömiä: löytää: hallitseva laji)": silloin 99% fossiilisten? pitäisi olla: kaikki siirtymäkauden fossiilit .. on ideologia Kabbalan: että hän asettaa: tämä valhe: at tiede: on vain: vapaamuurareiden järjestelmä: of: pankkitoiminta rahanlyöntimaksuja, että hän kätki Ark: Nooan: Mount Arat: kanssa: muslimit osasyyllinen satanistit. . sorry: mutta, kaikki muslimit eivät satanistit!
- UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento[evolution: is the religion: of the: NWO FMI: 666: 322: if men are: not: processed: in animals: of the human form? as: the rabbis Satanists: Pharisees: of the Talmud: could: do them: a predation?] all so-called: transitional fossils: the past 50 years? have all been proved wrong! those currently: under observation? are ridiculous! because: the theory of evolution: said:"(many random attempts: are indispensable: to find the: dominant species)": then 99% of the fossil? should be: all transitional fossils .. is the ideology of Kabbalah: that: he imposed: this lie: at the science: is only: the Masonic system: of: banking seigniorage, that: he hid the Ark: of Noah: on Mount Arat: with: Muslims complicit Satanists. . sorry: but, all Muslims are Satanists!
- UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commentoon doctrinal questions: I can not act as unius REI, but only as a simple man .. but: will speak: as REI unius: only: if they committed acts of violence against innocent people .. if, I not can work: in this way? you all will die very soon, because: the 3 rd WW nuclear: is much, much: closer: of that: one might think: people: milked and fleeced: like sheep: (from Mason jew) do not have more flesh and blood: you can give here is why: IMF: is forced: to collapse: because: there is no soundness: in financial: behind the bank's stock. ie: only 1/3: of the bank stocks: are covered by real wealth .. so you have to kill: too many people: Why: in order: the IMF: can to will continue to exist
- UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commentoiHateNEWLAYOUT - no Satanist! God is not God of the future, but God is this: God is always present: in him there is no past or future, which is why it is also UniusREI: he is "I AM"! "blessed: he that cometh: in the name of the Lord:" Hosanna "to unius REI: Jerusalem: is will be: peace: for all men honest and good man: of the planet, but, against the rebels: Sharia Freemasons Talmud 666 322 IMF NWO: sharp arrows of a mighty man: "lorenzojhwh" with coals of juniper: now in Jesus's name!
- UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commentoCHINA -> If They close all my channels? You will start Immediately with the launch of your nuclear missiles .. why: this is your unique hope of salvation: your salvation is possible only if: you do a massive attack: if you're not gonna give of: your the first shot? You can not survive! MrFUCKTHENEWLAYOUT - you're a free man: or you're a termite: ie: a symbiotic organism: legacy: in a collective body of society? why: if the man is not free: as might be much truth: his thought? or: how could it be true: his justice? Who is not free? He is like a demon!
- UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento[this brilliant idea to close: all double channels: in youtube to everyone: users]: so, when: they cry out their pain: for the fault: of bankestern: the usurious moneylenders Jews: IMF World Order? and then: they will ship their mail? Then, they will never know: if the CIA Mossad: has captured: in their filters: their message: or no! lol. clever! [geniale questa idea di chiudere: tutti i doppi canali: di youtube a tutti: agli utenti]: così, quando: loro grideranno il loro dolore: per colpa: gli strozzini usurai ebrei: del FMI NWO? e poi: loro spediranno le loro mail? poi ,non potranno sapere mai: se la CIA Mossad: ha bloccato nei filtri: il loro messaggio: oppure no! lol. furbi!
- UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commentobecause the authority (all power in general) his occult regime: and all his accomplices: aware: and unaware: the synagogue of Satan, namely: the NWO IMF: ie: the mystery of iniquity: that is the current ideology: of the regime Masonic: of seigniorage banking: surrounding himself claims to hold: of the virtues: an authority, that: most of the time: it is demonic: to suppress the true virtue: why: the IMF NWO: dial has a spiritual and supernatural as: indeed: Money is an agreement: it is not goods: the case: the money is the satanic form of spirituality: on which it stands: the human race. Why the world and its powers: failed to bend me? because He who is in me: it is much bigger: than who is in the world: the Holy One of Israel!
- UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento[Ultrasound: the in my mind] I hate: power riches fame, because: I hate (as all consecrated to God): whatever: it belongs to this world: that: is defiled: by the original sin.: there is another dimension: to which. I belong: really .. But, this is God's strategy: ie: creating the nostalgia of himself and cut off: the affects of the world .. for that: that: I can understand: these ultrasounds are not born: in my ears: but: in the same lobe: of my brain .. and perhaps because: I have no expectation: to personal level, perhaps: Ultrasound this represents: by GOD: a mode for encouraging me: by God for me? Unius REI is the universal consciousness of the world: therefore I have no need: of youtube: or of my body to represent the eternal wisdom of God: namely, the natural law: namely, the METAPHYSICAL of the BEING. because: it is accessible, including: also: at the philosophy: everything originates from the One
- UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commentobecause the truth is so simple: it accessible to everyone, but: there are few who find it? because man: are termites: in symbiosis: within: a collective body: the social ideological racial religious, etc. these are the barriers that the demons rise in men: to make them prisoners: to make the torturers: of the other. To my headmaster? I am a very valuable teacher, but, for my other: headmaster: I'm kind of monster: how can something like this: if I am still the same person? well: those who need to slander about me? he knows where to find them! but what is universal truth? children are not yet of termites: the kids are just kids: who could distinguish between a Chinese baby: and a baby jew? then: he's right: certainly, he a demon!
- UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento[don Zeno Saltini: Nomadelfia] il suo esperimento fallì: a motivo di problemi economici: poiché: lui si era fatto carico: di troppi orfani:(cioè: di elementi non produttivi economicamente) e perché: il suo paese: dove era stato Parroco: per molti anni: non volle cristianizzarsi: al punto tale da abbandonare la proprietà privata: come aveva fatto: la Prima Comunità Apostolica: che non era clericale: ma laicale: come Gesù che era un laico e non un religioso.. ecco perché soltanto l'affrancamento dalle Banche e dal denaro: potrebbe liberare dalla oppressione e dalla schiavitù: della sinagoga rabbinica: di Satana: del FMI: NWO. di cui: tutto il genere umano: e caduto vittima.. evidentemente: il livello morale e spirtuale. Perché una tale iniziativa non fallisca: si prevede: necessariamente: una totale consacrazione: a Dio: cioè una perfetta comunione di ideali!
- UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento[al sedevacantista]@LaVeraDottrina-- ho visto: con i miei alunni: il film di don Zeno Saltini: il fondatore di Nomadelfia. Questa esperienza: dopo la Comunità Apostolica: è stata l'unico esempio: di comunità cristiana: trasformata in vera famiglia! in realtà: il Vangelo vissuto: da un intero paese: è la più grande minaccia al sistema: del NWO: poiché: distrugge l'uso del denaro: completamente: cioè: un monastero Paese: una alleanza di famiglie: nel nome di Gesù: cioè: un PAESE FAMIGLIA: vedere attentamente: questo film: di Famiglia Cristiana? TI FARÀ CAPIRE: I VERI LIMITI: di tutte le religioni cristiane: (di tutte le altre istituzioni e religioni: cioè: un unico sistema integrato di FMI: NWO:
- UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento[al sedevacantista] cioè uomini: trasformati in termini: attraverso: tutte le corporazioni dei vari formicai: cioè: tutti i settarismi: di cui il NWO si nutre: per divenire un Molock.) cioè: il clericalismo: ed ogni "ismo".. perché: Don Zeno: pur restando: nella Chiesa: è stato la più potente critica: al sistema mondiale: e alle gerarchie Ecclesiastiche: che: poi non sono da biasimare: poiché: con il loro coinvolgimento: nel "sistema": hanno impedito: alla sinagoga: rabbinica: di satana: di poter uccidere: i cristiani fisicamente: in Occidente: anche se: il lavoro dell'anticristo: 666 322: massonico e satanico?: questo è nel loro DNA. Forse questo sposterà: le tue dogmatiche certezze
- UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento[ultrasound: in the right lobe: they are now continuous: for at least 12 hours per day] these ultrasound: are not painful or bothersome: and do not disturb: my mental faculties .. but, they are a clear signal: a confirmation: "God has chosen me as; representative universal (spiritual and political) to benefit: of all religions: and all institutions! this is obvious: for me, could not be preserved: life on this planet without my mediation: because: the occult powers: ie: power of darkness: of Rothschild: are beyond the control: of the Illuminati: and have taken: one: its self-consistency: autonomy: of out of the human control: here's why: only unius rei: can detect: IMF: New World Order, and can rebuild: all the structures: that: they are not a threat to mankind: I do not know how, but I feel in my heart that: I have no need: to use violence against: none!
- UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento[ultrasound: in my mind] today: I have had confirmation (for deductive logic: namely, by exclusion): about: I am: from a year: about: i feel: the fear: of Satan (rarely: ultrasound, in the left lobe: my brain but: only: after publishing: an article) and the emotions of God continually, almost everything on the day: ultrasound, in lobe right: of my brain .. (and we emphasize: ultrasound: first: to type my article: that is, when thoughts are conceived: intuitively: in my mind) God has chosen me as King of Israel: and as unius REI: and I was bound to if: permanently: Because I am not: in this ministry: for: my motivation egoistic or personal. but, for the absolute gratuitousness: in my universal service: God love me. what: I feel: his Glory: that: is by the throne of God: in mode permanently .. here's why: I can do these articles
- UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento@Rothschild -> is clear: to avoid being attacked: or destroyed: all religions, all governments in all institutions: they have been forced: to enter: in your system: 666 322: Jewish Masonic and Rabbinic: of: seigniorage banking: IMF: ECB FED: NWO: here's why: every thing has been corrupted: very corrupted: dramatically worsened. after 600 excommunications? also: the irreducible Catholic Church: has had to surrender, but: I do not condemn: the Catholic Church: for this! Here's why: all levels: ideal values: cultural and moral: they are fallen: dead .. because more are ruined: the nations, and more: are solid: the power of your Jewish Talmudic: rabbinical: e: parasitic
- UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento@ Rothschild -> you're a Satanist perfect, why, you made yourself a monster, a demon, and all men: thou hast turned in termites: the soulless slaves: in order to your agenda: to maintain: your power: on all the world! invisibility in your position: you treat people: like: puppets and: subdue them: to your will. you do pay: at all Peoples: their money[you have stolen]: to: 270%.of its value .. also: what: who: is to men: then: they have to buy: 1. Your benziana: (but: 30 years ago, cars were able: to go: to Water: H2O: at 100%) 2. your chemistry, 3. everything: from your corporations, - ANSWER -> that's why you're only you who can suck like objects: as things: as slaves: the existence: of all living beings: on all the planet!
- UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento@ Rothschild -> you will not believe: at criminal, racist hypocritical: religious maniac: of Rabbi Kakam: ie: Ovadia: that: he says all men are animals in human form: and you are an elected: that: certainly will go to Heaven: because: thou art form of God .. and: all other religious: bullshit: that the Talmud: is really a lot! if his words were not crap? Then God would have also given: 11 °: commandment, in which: he stated: Rabbi Ovadia: and the Talmud? have the authority to explain the meaning of my 10 commandments here is why: I have done the commandments only: for the Pharisees rabbis: and not for all peoples!
- UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento[men like termites] [the first power: social body: is a symbiotic collective]] is the synagogue of Satan, of: Pharisees, Rabbis, that: they killed Jesus: and perverted the Judaism: the world system: of the NWO: IMF: it includes: all religions and all governments: and all the institutions: also: concepts of race: that is, any concept of exclusion: or separation: racism from the other: all this: it is indispensable: to the system: to retain power: [(ie together: to the other social bodies: symbiotic collective)] ... all this: turns: the men: in termites! but, to me: of this: I'm sure: there are not: termites in Paradise: here's why: at least 60% of all people: falls in the hell!
- UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commentoBible said: "the woman when she gives birth? forgets the pains of childbirth: for happiness that: came: a man in the light of the world." that's why every child that is born in the world is given: for the responsibility of all .. fact: the Judgment of God will not: about: religion: or begin: about: sins, but will begin like this: "I was naked and you clothed me?" "I was hungry: and you gave me something to eat?", Etc. .. - ANSWER-> because he can not enter the peace or the kingdom of God in a heart: that: is a victim of selfishness: and racism: as sharia or talmud!
- UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento[against Christianity and against: Christian martyrs] [contro il cristianesimo: e contro: i martiri cristiani]Jewish rabbis: Illuminati IMF NWO: are too embarrassed these Pharisees of the Talmud: the synagogue of Satan: about: their prophets as well: in the past they have always killed: or: rather, had done killed their prophets: and King like: Zerubbabel: or: Jesus of Bethlehem: get killed(muslims comunists: hindù, ecc..): by the other. but, with Unis REI: that: is a man like all: a normal man? they do not have this possibility: because any form: opposition: against my kingship: the: universal brothehood: would raise from above (God): and bottom (the people): a revolution: it could not be handled: nowhere of kabbalah!
- UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento[IMF NWO]Sharia Talmud Freemasons political leaders wealthy elite, communist governments capitalist institutions religions. all sons: of abomination: monstrous result: of the Pharisees: synagogue of Satan, one only IMF: for: one only: NWO: new Tower of Babel. death? is the only possibility: that God can give you! only: they are been responsible: alone, because: the Word of God says about them: "are the vipers deaf: you do not want to hear the voice: caster skillful: Hallelujah "sharp arrows of a mighty: with coals of juniper": I swear for the sanctity of the living God of Israel: in the name of Jesus of Bethlehem: despair destruction: that: demons: like you: deserve to know? you to know! I can not take charge: the your wickedness!
- UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commentoi has hitting the Jehovah's Witnesses: with my exorcisms? but, I meant: i hit all institutions and all the religions of the world: namely, the IMF FED ECB: Governments: NWO Talmud Kabbalah: or: Freemasonry 322: 666 Satanism: which are the foundation, of every perversion: Satanism: Crime: extermination: genocide: idolatry and wickedness in the world: one only: satan synagogue colpendo i Testimoni di Geova: con i miei esorcismi? io ho inteso: colpire tutte le istituzioni e tutte le religioni: del mondo: cioè: il FMI FED BCE: Governi: NWO Talmud Kabbalah: ovvero: 322 massoneria: 666 satanismo: che sono il fondamento: di ogni perversione: satanismo: crimine: sterminio: genocidio: idolatria e malvagità: in tutto il mondo
- UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commentowhether: with the present technological development: the philosophy (Maritain, etc. ..) Scientific: Technical: Institutional: 50: millions of people: starving: 700 million do not have: potable water, etc. .. something satanic: absolutely monstrous and criminal, must exist in the world, necessarily: that is the IMF: a money that: instead of being credited for free: how the Constitution says: is do sold: for interest for the treachery that: Freemasonry has done: for a value: equal to: 270%: (scientist Giacinto Auriti). and since all governments are a scam: fact: there is a NWO secret: since there is an IMF only! here is that all this wickedness: and social injustice is ideological: the Pharisees of the synagogue of Satan: how Judaism: and all: other religions have been corrupted: in their core values and constitutive: it is because Jesus is on cross him and him alone: it is the truth of man and of history!
- UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commentoI am unius REI! I am the Universal Brotherhood! The synagogue of Satan, Satanism is: IMF NWO Talmud Kabbalah: is the regime occult: more dangerous: of the history! etc.: no: it is not Judaism, but: it is certainly: the Pharisees: why: the words of Jesus: are certainly: all true, in this way: every man in the world: must love the: Judaism mosaic, and must hate: Pharisaism: that: is Satanism: IMF BCE FED ECB Talmud! is because, the truth of: man's: history: institutions: religion: etc. .. has been stolen .. is why: the evil has spread around the world!
- ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz ha pubblicato un commento[IMF NWO] because: evil: has entered the world? The Bible clearly says! is because: the IMF: the banking seigniorage: was stolen stolen: all the nations: who've been betrayed ... for Satan will is to triumph: for this crime: that it is: the foundation: of all our institutions: and it is: the very fabric of our social relations here because every virtuous attitude is very dangerous here because too many people go to hell perché: la malvagità: è entrata nel mondo? la Bibbia lo dice chiaramente! è perché: il FMI: del signoraggio bancario: è stato rubato: rubato: a tutti i popoli: che sono stati traditi... per fare trionfare satana: questo crimine: è a fondamento delle nostre istituzioni: ed è: il tessuto stesso delle nostre relazioni sociali: ecco perché ogni atteggiamento virtuoso è molto rischioso: ecco perché troppe persone vanno all'inferno
- ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz ha pubblicato un commento@ Rothschild - this: toy: of the: IMF- New World Order: You can give it: to me, quietly, for I have overcome: every challenge! I know how: You can disassemble it: and how: you can rebuild it: no: no one: will gets hurt: is my Universal brotherhood! Blessed in the name of God: of Abraham: YHWH, you free: the prisoners: free: governments: of all world: you let them, they can come to me: because: I am their: Good Shepherd: of all! 1. Why: want to go down: to the hell: together: to with your partners: in crime, while: God from you: give the opportunity: to: be forgiven from all your crimes? 2. Because you you die as an enemy of God: for they can not see: the Glory: that God has established: for the kingdom of Israel, because in fact no one can stop this prophecy!
- UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento@ZoOMMakesFunOfYour --- do not read my post? ie: my exorcisms? can make things worse! because an enemy is more dangerous when: it is invisible: as: the IMF and his Illuminati rabbi: of banking seigniorage! But, really: I did not do exorcisms: for to do evil: to sinners, but: because: in the reading: you can find the truth that is in your: life: because only the truth can make a free man! Thus, the task of every exorcism is to bless the people: and: free them from their problems .. is why Mistafield of CIA: that has destroy youtube: is became the Satanist cutest in the world! Also, if a Satanist: he will always remain a criminal murderess: that: he stepped on the Cross: that: whatever the truth of the story? is the greatest symbol of love!
- UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento@muslims --> no, absolutely! what you were saying among yourselves: against me? is evil! it is a slander! for me: there is no difference: if: is a Muslim: that: is to do violence: or: if, is a Christian who does violence to someone, because: of his religion. but, that's the truth: "Christians do not do violence: no one!" .. those that: go around the world: to do hurting? are not Christians but are only: Satanists of Jew Rothschild: of banking masonic seigniorage: of the IMF: and also: the Salafis: of the Saudi Arabia!
- UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento[unius rei] from my Jewish temple: and: from my mosque, the Dome of the Rock: on the clearing of the Temple: in Jerusalem: will be born: peace and justice: for all peoples: for this: it's: my only truth: every man that is: every human being is more important: of the State: infact: the State is not more important: of the man: if he is: an honest citizen! certain:I will do: evil: to all Satanists: and: to all criminals around: the world: why: in my kingdom? there are not criminals! MsAinotse -> I also believe: that God is a terrorist: for a squirrel: with: balls infected: of syphilis: like you!
- UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commentohallelujah -> I am unius REI! I am an absolute monarchy: that: it is not possible to impose conditions! I do not fear: of see: dying: 5.5 billion, of human beings: during: of this: 3 ° WW nuclear! so: either you accepted my conditions: either you die all! I do not try: the consent of anyone why: if God himself: he gave me the broadest mandate: namely, the freedom to do that: that: I think right: for me? who: what creature could impose to me: conditions? no! I do not do harm: at the gays: because, this good guys? were: enough: disadvantaged too unfortunate: in their life. to reason: of their pathological abnormality!
- UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento[every five minutes: a martyr Christian innocent: is killed:] satanist DioWarlocK said: UniusRei3 Should not be allowed: to access: the Internet. - ANSWER-> because: it is the primacy of human rights? then: the man can not be: the slave: of someone: 1. terrible situation of Catholics in China: why: for their noble spiritual values: Christians believe: themselves: (not rebels) but higher: of the Govern! 2. martyred Christians: by Islamic fundamentalism; communists (North Korea), and: religious nationalism in India! but also: in the West: there is an ideological hatred: Masonic: that: it is no less dangerous! In conclusion: this absolute opposition: against: the true faith: a bad scientism:
- UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento[every five minutes: a Christian innocent: is killed:] that: claims to be: a religion of the evolution: and is in communion: with all the religions: of the intolerance: for kill christians!: they are in clear contrast: with the religions: of freedom: spirituality, nobility: the relationship personal: with God! this: is Satanism: ideological and practical:of ancient Talmud: that is, the synagogue rabbis: the Pharisees Illuminati: ie, IMF! ie: directed by this planned slaughter of Christians .. because: the bankers: they must needs: the wars, if not are satisfied: of the most wealth: but, they want to possess: the absolute power: the NWO IMF. this: crime: only unius REI: can stop, since our politicians are only of little men with no monetary sovereignty, etc. ..
- UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento@soniasayshi -if, I not will do respect your rights as a human being? nobody will, because the synagogue of Satan: the IMF: it has taken control of all governments! You prepare yourself for the 3°WW nuclear then there will be civil war! will be a massacre! because the IMF: desperately need:of this event: to regenerate himself and to impose a one world government .. In fact, the Jews of the IMF: I want to prepare the government for the antichrist. SoniasayshI .-- youtube is not the responsibility: for its servers: they are Satanists: of 11 September ie : IMF CIA and MOSSAD: who control all.. you know what is the banking seigniorage? @satanists --> you're pathetic! there could never be a discount: against me: because the light (which I am): dismembering the darkness that you are. I do not think: your life: will thrive: cancer for you: in Jesus name! Therefore, if you want tell with me? you have to change the channel! my Crown are all Peoples!
- UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commentoWisdom 5,1-5: Then the righteous will stand with great confidence: in the presence of those who have oppressed them:and: those who make light of their labours. 2: When: the unrighteous:* see them, they will be: shaken: with: dreadful fear, and they will be amazed: at the unexpected salvation: of the righteous. 3: They will speak to one: another: in repentance,and: in anguish of spirit: they will groan, and say,4: 'These are persons whom: we once held: in derision:and made: a byword of reproach—fools: that: we were! We thought that: their: lives: were madness: and that: their end was without: honour.5: Why have they been numbered among the children of God? And why: is their lot among: the saints? "Hey stupid! If, Muslims: and the Chinese: are bad? Because it is only: you are the: Satanic Cannibal: of the CIA: 322 MOSSAD IMF of 666!
- UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento@Soniasayshi --> who: has ruined youtube: ie: IMF: NWO: masonry 666 322? he is: that: he has choked: the voice at all: for his Talmud: we are all: his animals in human form: created by its: satan baal: owl god: of the grove boemian: To be exploited by Illuminati rabbis jews! if you're their accomplice? soon you will die! my "EvolutionisReligion", SAID: "because the fable: of this: "eternal theory": of this scientific falsehood: it can never be destroyed? why, in turn: proves that: for: Rabbis of the Talmud of the Pharisees IMF: is the true word of God: in fact, the Talmud said that Goym are animals in human form: and as: I have shown, that: even all the Jews: that are finished to: Auschwitz: (see: the case) they too were "goymWakeUp" why, had lost: their: paternal genealogies if Rothschild is still alive? then, he has not yet descended into hell!
- UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commentoHei Rotscild rabbi kakam: ie: Priest Caiaphas: you're a criminal mastermind of IMF! -> lol. not only: you killed the true Messiah of your people! But, you also have: transformed: also: all your people jewish: in goyim! you have destroy to them: all: their genealogy: paternal: you have done: of them all: the fake Jews: that are: all the animals: from the human form..Hey Rotscild kakam Rabbi: I hope for you: you have your cardiologist near you! because: a man can not only be a man: and enough? because: someone should bring him: the label: of a religion: or: an ideology: or: a nation? for me: all men are brothers! what is: wrong in all this? the Koran and the Talmud: otherwise say? So: please these books in the ass: and let's do this: 3 ° WWnucleare: but, as I know: already: how it will end! none of those: that: he waited in a culture of opposition, or: in such a disaster: can will survive: to their madness: why: the poor are: 99%: while: the rich are only 1% ..
- UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento@IMF Rothschild -> friend, as you are ready to die today? shalom + salam: blessings too all: to all Peoples! Truth: -> Justice: -> Peace! Vérité: -> Justice: -> Paix! Your father was brilliant: ie, the High Priest Caiaphas: to do kill Jesus, but, even more brilliant: he was: when: has doing: in convincing: lol. 1). all the Jews to destroy: the genealogy paternal! is this mode: that, your family has done: of all Jews: all bastards: that: they could end up in Auschwitz without breaking the law: lol. 2). that you were able to do a caste: the super-Jews who, having preserved: the genealogy paternal: now can also have the power: for ever!
- UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commentoGod has ordered me to give: amnesty to all: to: CIA MOSSAD: about 11 September: etc. .. and all those who: have murdered Christian martyrs .. etc. .. an amnesty for any crimes! but .. if governments do not immediately come to me? the blood of the innocent will fall against all: because: they were all accomplices: through: their silence! satanist of CIA said: you are king in the toilette -ANSWER- If Gandhi and his wife (rich noble Brahmins) in South Africa: they clean the toilet (it is because: they did not have another language: to say: 1. "Dalits do not exist" 2. We are: all equal). so if we will need to clean the toilet? Also: I'll go to clean!
- UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commentoGandhi? only a fanatic religious: could kill him(why: Gandhi had defended: innocent Muslims)! here's why: all the religious who do not have: a personal experience with God? they are the most dangerous criminals! is because: Muhammad spoke: with a spirit bad: that: he was a man: ruthless: and Criminal! because those who know God personally? He should not be never: un hurting: for innocent people! This is the truth: "we can not do pay to the peoples: their money: they have the right: to have: free: gratis: ie their soveregnity. but: Peoples pay their: money: at value: of 270%: of its value, why all this: Do not will bring: nothing of good: for anyone! "
- UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento@ Rothschild - Today I had: an internal image: about: the Regulation: that: the Third Jewish Temple: must have: only: one more step in on .. you come forward, and dance: your fate with me! because: Who is the more smarter? he does not need: to be violent! If I am not building: The New Jewish Temple: as: your Antichrist could take possessions? as your Lord: Satan as he could express himself? If I was a true Christian? Then: I would have the vocation to martyrdom too .. this is clear: for to make: of myself, King of the Jews? that's for sure: I'm not a real Christian!
- UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento@Rothscild -- boy, it is came: all the shit in your brain! But, if your god was not able: to hold slaves the Jews in Egypt: and if not was: able: to save the priests of Jezebel (aka: Elizabeth II): thou shalt the King of worms in hell: of course! because this shit, that: it is possible to attack the New Jerusalem? is something of monstrously insane! But, let's talk business: What does your kabbalah: about: unius REI? lol. Boy you're in trouble: now! Истина: -> юстиции: -> Мир! 真理: - >正义: - >和平! الحقيقة: -> العدالة: -> السلام!
- UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento[paglaki: ay ang relihiyon: ang: NWO FMI: 666: 322: kung ang mga tao ay: hindi: naproseso: sa mga hayop: ang mga tao na form? bilang: rabbis Satanists: Pharisees: ng Talmud: maaari: gawin ang mga ito: isang predation] lahat ng tinatawag na:? palampas mga fossils: sa nakaraang 50 taon? lahat ay pinatunayan mali! mga kasalukuyang: sa ilalim ng pagmamasid? ay nakakatawa! dahil: ang teorya ng ebolusyon: sinabi: "(maraming mga random na mga pagtatangka: ay lubhang kailangan upang mahanap ang: nangingibabaw species)": pagkatapos ng 99% ng fossil? ay dapat na: ang lahat ng mga palampas fossils .. ay ang ideolohiya ng kabala: na: na siya ipapataw: ang kasinungalingan na ito: sa agham: lamang: ang ng mga mason sistema: ng: banking mga karapatan ng senyor, na: itinago niya ang kaban: ng Noah: sa Mount Arat: sa: Muslims complicit Satanists. . paumanhin: ngunit, lahat ng Muslims ay Satanists!
- UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento[evolutsioon: kas religioon: selle: NWO FMI: 666: 322: kui meestel on: ei: töödeldakse: loomadel on inimese kuju? näiteks: rabid satanistide: variserid: selle Talmud: võiks: teha neid: kiskjate?] kõik nn: üleminekumeetmed kivistised: viimase 50 aasta jooksul? kõik on olnud vale! praegu: vaatluse all? on naeruväärne! sest: evolutsiooniteooria: ütles: "(paljud juhuslikud katsed: on hädavajalikud: leida: domineerivad liigid)": siis 99% fossiilsetest? peaks olema: kõik üleminekuperioodi kivistised .. on ideoloogia Kabala: et: ta pandud: see vale: kell teadus: ainult: vabamüürlaste süsteem: of: pangandus emissioonitulu, et: ta peitis Ark: Noa: Mount Arat: kus: moslemid kaasosalised satanistid. . sorry, aga kõik moslemid on satanistide!