1_7 @ CustodeDellaFede - ليس لدي أي فضيلة صحيح: قلت ---> على هذا النحو: فضيلة بلدي هو كاذب! هذا هو: جريمة التي تدين إلى الجحيم: حتى: كل المسلمين: رعاية الطفولة المبكرة. للأسباب التالية: أنه لأسباب تتعلق بالضمير: أنهم يدينون حتى الموت: شهداء المسيحية! أي: إلى الاعتقاد بأن: فضيلة حقيقي: يمكن ان يكون فقط: في دينهم: هذا هو جريمة ضد حق عالمي! هو عبادة الشيطان من التلمود التلمود الكابالا 666 322: صندوق النقد الدولي NWO: الحاخامات kakam: المتنورين. إذا نطلب من محام؟ ثم يقول لك ان يكون اساء لي: "لأنه يمتلك عمله أنت: التمييز من أجل: مجموعة عرقية أو دينية" للأسباب التالية: فهو يعتبر جريمة: إذا، لا يوجد أي: فضيلة صحيحا: في شخص بسبب دين
2_7 @ CustodeDellaFede. -. (لم اعتقد ابدا ان: أ مثلي الجنس: لا يمكن أن تكون حميدة).كلمتي سيئة؟ الفولكلور هو .. هو طريقة للقول .. ليس لديها عقوبة قيمة. والسبب: لقد كان رد فعل: في الإكراه خطير: من كرامتي. أيضا: تفاصيل الدعوى؟ ليست مشروعة إلا بالنسبة لي! و: إذا، والقانون الدولي يدين لك؟ لذلك: حتى الله يدين لك: بالطبع! هنا لماذا: الشريعة والتلمود: الشيطانية هي .. على ما يلي: ثم هؤلاء عبدة الشيطان: اليوم: تملك السيطرة: من العالم ... هذا، يقول كل شيء: في الحقيقة، ما يلي: نحن ذاهبون للموت جميع. ومنذ: لليهود: أنا الملك والمسيح؟ ثم: المسيح الدجال، هو عدوي: مرتين: كلا: كيهودي: أن: كمسيحي.
3_7 @ CustodeDellaFede - صبي: سوف تحتاج إلى الاسترخاء، لأنك لا تقدر ترى بالضرورة: في كل زنديق: عدو: مثل المسلمين. هؤلاء الحمير الحمير مثلك؟ يجب أن نفهم: أن: الأعداء هم عبدة الشيطان لصندوق النقد الدولي: فقط، أن الزنادقة: أنها يمكن أن تكون حلفائهم، وهما: إخوانهم، وذلك لأن الشيء المهم هو أن نحب بعضنا بعضا: بين لنا! وإذا كنا لا تتحول بشكل جيد بيننا: كيف يمكننا التغلب على عبدة الشيطان: أي عبدة الشيطان الحقيقي: 322: 666. نقول هذا: عبدة الشيطان هي لقتل المؤمنين ... ومنذ: نحن جميعا زنادقة .. لأن كل مؤمن، كل الآخرين هم الزنادقة: بالنسبة له، وبالطبع: ومنذ:
4_7 @ CustodeDellaFede - الزنادقة بيننا: أننا لا نستطيع تشكيل تحالف: بيننا؟ الفوز ثم sataniti: ونموت جميعا ... Dickhead: في هذه الطريقة؟ المسيح الدجال الحقيقي هو أنت! . لم تفعلوا الأبله: مثل شهود يهوه، على ما يلي: وضع رأسك في الرمال ويقول: إذا أردت يسادم: مرحبا هناك .. لماذا: لدينا: واجب على السيطرة على المجتمع السياسي: وليس: لمغادرة ل: اليهود الماسونيون من صندوق النقد الدولي: من: إلى أي من الدورة: تأتي شهود يهوه: لا متلمس: لا مقاومة: (أنا أعرف) لل هذا النظام: الشيطانية وماسوني رسوم سك العملات البنك. لماذا: هذا هو فكاهي حارب:
5_7 @ CustodeDellaFede - ضد: النازية، ولكن لم يفعل شيئا: ضد: مجمع الشيطان، الحاخامات الفريسيين: صندوق النقد الدولي NWO. أنت غبي: نحن لا نقع في العصر الجديد: وهذا هو، شكل من أشكال sicretismo: نحن لا نريد أن تفسد: الأديان: نحن نسعى: تحالف سياسي: للفوز عبدة الشيطان: لماذا لا: "نحن ربما أيضا يأخذ الحب: مثل الاخوة "، وهذا؟ وتسمى حضارة، وليس الدين. أنا لا تضع على قدم المساواة: المسيحية: مع الأديان الأخرى: على خلاف ذلك، أنا لا يمكن أن يكون كاثوليكيا! ولكن كما عالمي سياسي: لا أستطيع أن أفعل الظلم: تفضيلات: لماذا: المسلمون: وما يجب عليهم تقديم ما يلي: إلى سيادة بلدي سياسي: لهزيمة عبدة الشيطان: صندوق النقد الدولي: 666: 322 وكالة المخابرات المركزية.
6_7 @ CustodeDellaFede - إذا لم أكن جديرا: من الثقة بهم؟ في رأيك: يجب نصراني: الكراهية: يظلم؟ لا: أعطي الحب للجميع: لا تضع شروطا: في طريق العدالة. إنقاذ روحك؟ لكن في الوقت الراهن، لدينا لانقاذ الجلد رأينا أن: نحن قريبون جدا: 3 الثالثة WW النووية الشيطانية: صندوق النقد الدولي: مطلوب لإغلاق: لعبتهم: ضد: جميع الأديان. لجعل البشرية جمعاء: قطيع واحد من العبيد. هكذا في الواقع لدينا مشكلة سياسية: الأول أن يكون: مشكلة دينية .. إذا حلف اليمين: إلى أسيزي: مع البابا يوحنا بولس الثاني: المسلمون، وما إلى ذلك. الخ ... لم تكن قد تحققت: لقتل المسيحيين الأبرياء: Worldwide.is جريمة عنصرية: يقول: فضيلة صحيحا: يمكنك أن تجد: فقط: في الدين؟ جريمة خطيرة: فهو جريمة الإبادة الجماعية!
. 7_7 CustodeDellaFede @ - إيمان الرجاء والمحبة هي الفضائل: لاهوتي عالمي: بناء على ذلك: أيضا ملحدا، تمتلكه، لماذا لا؟ قال انه لا يستطيع الحب: إما أن تكون فاضلة .. يمكنك خلط الطبيعة الإلهية: ما: أن المسيحية فقط: يمكن أن تعطي (أي: الثالوث والطبيعة المزدوجة للمسيح) مع كل ما تبذلونه من حماقة: فكرت: حول: الدينية والأخلاقية. يبدو وكأنه شيء ثانوي: الطبيعة الإلهية: ما هو لوسيفر: سقط: انه خسر نفسه؟ ونفى: اللاهوتية: الفضائل والكاردينال: إلى أخرى؟ ولكن،: أنها يمكن أن يكون لجميع الشعوب، وذلك لأن الله رحيم! وهذا يعني عدم القدرة على رؤية الواقع والإساءة حتى الله، كما يلي: لقد تم تدريسها الذي يجب عمله: لجميع اليهود وmusumani جميع، الخ ...
[التطور: هو الدين: من: FMI NWO: 666: 322: إذا كان الرجال هي: لا: معالجتها: في الحيوانات: من شكل الإنسان؟ على النحو التالي: من عبدة الشيطان الحاخامات: الفريسيون: من التلمود: يمكن أن: القيام بها: أ الافتراس] كل ما يسمى: الحفريات الانتقالية: في الماضي 50 عاما؟ وقد ثبت عن الخطأ! حاليا هؤلاء: تحت الملاحظة؟ ومثير للسخرية! للأسباب التالية: نظرية التطور: وقال: "(محاولات عشوائية كثيرة: لا غنى عنها: العثور على: الأنواع السائدة)": ثم 99٪ من الأحفوري؟ ينبغي أن يكون: جميع الحفريات الانتقالية .. هو فكر الكابالا: أن: انه فرض: هذه الكذبة: في العلم: هي فقط: نظام ماسوني: من: رسوم سك العملات المصرفية، على ما يلي: اختبأ السفينة: نوح: في أرات جبل: مع: عبدة الشيطان المسلمين متواطئة. . آسف: ولكن، كل المسلمين هم عبدة الشيطان!
if we ask a lawyer? Then you say that you have offended me: "because thou hast done: discrimination of order: racial or religious group" because: it is considered a crime: if, there is no: true virtue: in a person by reason of religion (I never thought that: a gay: can not be virtuous) .. my bad word? Folklore is .. is a way of saying .. not has a value penalty. and why: I reacted: at the grave coercion: of my dignity. well: the details of the lawsuit? are legitimate only for me! and: if, the international law condemns you? So: even God condemns you: of course! here's why: Sharia and Talmud: Satanism are .. that: then these Satanists: today: have the control: of the world ... this, says it all: on the fact, that: we're all going to die
Synnek1 ha pubblicato un commento
1 minuto fa
Very impressive resume, ERIC!
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
6 minuti fa
ecco perché sharia e talmud : sono il satanismo.. che poi questi satanisti oggi controllano il mondo... questo la dice lunga: sul fatto che noi stiamo tutti per morire
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
7 minuti fa
e se il diritto internazionale ti condanna? allora: anche Dio ti condanna : certamente!
Synnek1 ha pubblicato un commento
7 minuti fa
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
8 minuti fa
se chiediamo a un avvocato? poi ti dirà: che tu hai offeso me: "perché: tu hai fatto: discriminazione di ordine razziale o religioso": poiché è un reato ritenere: che non c'è vera virtù: in una persona a motivo della religione.. la mia parolaccia? è folclore.. è un modo di dire.. non ha valenza penale. e perché io ho reagito: alla grave coercizione della mia dignità... .. così gli estremi della querela? sono legittimi soltanto per me!
Synnek1 ha pubblicato un commento
9 minuti fa
Synnek1 ha pubblicato un commento
10 minuti fa
CustodeDellaFede ha pubblicato un commento
12 minuti fa
PAPA PIO IX, QUANTA CURA: "Invero i predetti Nostri Predecessori dell'augusta Religione cattolica -- difensori e garanti della verità e della giustizia, sommamente solleciti della salute delle anime -- non ebbero a cuore niente di più che individuare e condannare, con le loro sapientissime Lettere e Costituzioni, tutte le eresie e gli errori i quali, avversando la divina nostra fede, la dottrina della Chiesa cattolica, l'onestà dei costumi e l'eterna salute degli uomini, spesso suscitarono gravi tempeste e funestarono in modo devastante la cristiana e la civile repubblica."
CustodeDellaFede ha pubblicato un commento
13 minuti fa
ti agiti perché non hai argomenti. tu corri dietro alle eresie dell'Anticristo. Tu lo sai che é cosí.
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
14 minuti fa
I have no true virtue: you said ---> this way: my virtue is false! This is: a crime which condemns to hell: even: all Muslims: ecc. because: it is for reasons of conscience: they condemn to death: the Christian martyrs! ie: to believe that: the real virtue: can only be: in their own religion?: this is a crime against the universal right! is satanism of talmud Kabbalah Talmud 666 322: IMF NWO: rabbis kakam: Illuminati
CustodeDellaFede ha pubblicato un commento
14 minuti fa
anch'io non querelo nessuno...
blastthemast ha pubblicato un commento
15 minuti fa
youtube sucks now because of the new layout. CHANGE IT BACK
CustodeDellaFede ha pubblicato un commento
16 minuti fa
la stragrande maggioranza delle persone é privo della vera virtú. Se non viene professata la vera fede non c'é virtú. Non ho detto che sei un depravato. Ti consiglio di pensare prima di scrivere. Dovrei querelarti io dato che mi hai appena chiamato "pezzo di merda". Stai in campana ciccio.
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
18 minuti fa
rilassati... io non querelo nessuno!
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
18 minuti fa
io non ho la vera virtù: tu hai detto ---> così : la mia virtù è falsa! questo è: un crimine: che condanna all'inferno: anche tutti i musulmani: poiché: è per motivi di coscienza: che loro condannano a morte: i cristiani martiri! cioè: credere che: la vitù vera: possa essere soltanto: nella propria religione?: questo è un crimine contro il diritto universale!
CustodeDellaFede ha pubblicato un commento
20 minuti fa
tu mi hai appena dato del "pezzo di merda" e tu vorresti querelare me ? Stai MOLTO attento.
Synnek1 ha pubblicato un commento
21 minuti fa
CustodeDellaFede ha pubblicato un commento
22 minuti fa
quando ho detto che tu sei un depravato ? Stai attento a quello che dici. Tu mi stai insultando gravemente.
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
26 minuti fa
E CIOÈ: UN PEZZO DI MERDA COME TE: OSA DIRE: CHE IO SONO UN DEPRAVATO? UN IMMORALE? tu sei pazzo! io ti dovrei querelare: per avere calunniato la mia onorabilità
CustodeDellaFede ha pubblicato un commento
28 minuti fa
Ecco bravo. levati dai piedi.
CustodeDellaFede ha pubblicato un commento
29 minuti fa
Gli apostati sono fuori dalla Chiesa cattolica. Dunque non possono essere credenti e non possono avere la VERA umiltá e le altre VERE virtú. Tu ne sei una chiara dimostrazione.
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
35 minuti fa
e gli apostatati non sanno avere a fede: cioè non sanno credere in Dio? non sanno seguire la via della virtù? -- off line
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
36 minuti fa
[Evolución: es la religión: de la: FMI Nuevo Orden Mundial: 666: 322: No:: Procesados: en los animales: si los hombres son de la forma humana? como: los satanistas: rabinos fariseos: del Talmud: podría: a hacer: una depredación] todas las llamadas: los fósiles de transición: los últimos 50 años? todos se han demostrado que estaban equivocados! los que actualmente: en observación? Son ridículos! debido a que: la teoría de la evolución: dijo: "(muchos intentos al azar: son indispensables: para encontrar las especies dominantes:)":
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
36 minuti fa
entonces el 99% de los fósiles? debe ser: todos los fósiles de transición .. es la ideología de la Cabalá: que: se impone: esta mentira: en la ciencia: sólo es: el sistema masónico: de: señoreaje bancario, que: se escondió el Arca: de Noé: en el monte Arat: con: Satanistas musulmanes cómplices. . lo siento: pero, todos los musulmanes son satanistas!
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
36 minuti fa
y puesto que: para los Judios: yo soy su Rey y Mesías? entonces: el anti-Cristo, Él es mi enemigo: dos veces: las dos cosas: como un judio: que: como cristiano ... niño: tendrá que relajarse, porque no puedes ver necesariamente: en todos los herejes: un enemigo: al igual que los musulmanes .. los burros burros que desea? tienen que entender: que: los enemigos son los satanistas del FMI:
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
37 minuti fa
único, para que los herejes: pueden ser sus aliados: a saber, sus hermanos, porque lo importante es amarnos unos a otros: entre nosotros! y si no se convierten bien entre nosotros: cómo vencer a los satanistas: es decir, los satanistas verdaderos: 322: 666. decimos esto: los Satanistas son para matar a los creyentes ... y puesto que: todos somos herejes .. porque para todos los creyentes, todos los demás son herejes: para él, por supuesto: y puesto que: herejes entre nosotros: no podemos formar una alianza, entre nosotros? luego ganar el sataniti: y morimos todos ... Dickhead: de esta manera? El verdadero Anticristo es usted!
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
37 minuti fa
usted no hace el idiota: al igual que los Testigos de Jehová, que: poner su cabeza en la arena y dice: si quieren sodomizar: Hola .. por qué: tenemos: el deber de tomar el control de la sociedad política: y no: dejar a: Judios masones del FMI: desde: hasta que, por supuesto: vienen los Testigos de Jehová: no se buscó a tientas: no hay resistencia: (yo sepa) que este sistema: satánico y masónico banco de señoreaje .. por qué: se trata de un cómic luchado: en contra: el nazismo, pero no hizo nada: en contra: la sinagoga de Satanás, los rabinos fariseos:
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
37 minuti fa
FMI Nuevo Orden Mundial. eres tonto: no hacemos la Nueva Era, es decir, una forma de sicretismo: no queremos a corromper: las religiones: que estamos buscando: una alianza política: para ganar los satanistas: ¿Por qué no: "también podría tener amor: como hermanos "y esto? que se llama civilización, no la religión
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
37 minuti fa
No pongo en pie de igualdad: el cristianismo: con las otras religiones: de lo contrario, no podía ser católico! pero, como política universal: no puedo hacer la injusticia: las preferencias: ¿por qué: los musulmanes: etc .. se deberá presentar: a mi la soberanía política: para derrotar a los satanistas: FMI: 666: 322 CIA. Si yo no soy digno: de su confianza? En su opinión: ¿debe un cristiano: el odio: es injusto? no: dar amor a todo el mundo: no pongo condiciones:
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
37 minuti fa
en el camino de la justicia. salvar tu alma? Pero por ahora, tenemos que salvar a la piel que se observa que: estamos muy cerca: la 3 ª Guerra Mundial nuclear satánica: del FMI: quería: cerrar: su juego: en contra: todas las religiones. para que toda la humanidad: un solo rebaño de esclavos. por lo que en realidad tenemos un problema político: la primera en tener: un problema religioso .. Si toma de posesión: a Asís: con Juan Pablo II: los musulmanes, etc. etc .. que no se había hecho: matar a cristianos inocentes: todo el mundo
CustodeDellaFede ha pubblicato un commento
37 minuti fa
tu non sei credente. tu sei un apostata.
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
40 minuti fa
ché c'è di male a volersi bene con tutti? o fare una alleanza dei credenti contro i satanisti: che hanno già preso il controllo del mondo?
CustodeDellaFede ha pubblicato un commento
40 minuti fa
sei stato confutato anche oggi. dato che non hai argomenti continui a pubblicare le tue farloccate in tutte le lingue perché non ti resta altro da fare.
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
41 minuti fa
tu non sei sicuro di salvare la tua anima... ma certamente: non hai una sola speranza di salvare il tuo corpo
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
42 minuti fa
[Évolution: c'est la religion: de l': FMI NWO: 666: 322: si les hommes sont les suivantes: pas: traitées: chez les animaux: de la forme humaine? comme: les satanistes rabbins pharisiens:: du Talmud: pourrait: les faire: une prédation] tous les soi-disant:? fossiles transitionnels: les 50 dernières années? ont tous été démentie! ceux qui sont actuellement: sous observation? sont ridicules! parce que: la théorie de l'évolution: a déclaré: "(de nombreuses tentatives aléatoires: sont indispensables: pour trouver les espèces dominantes:)": de 99% du fossile? devrait être: tous les fossiles de transition .. est l'idéologie de la Kabbale: ce qui suit: il a imposé: ce mensonge: à la science: c'est que: le système maçonnique: de: seigneuriage bancaire, ce qui suit: il a caché l'Arche: de Noé: sur le mont Arat: avec: satanistes musulmans complices. . désolé: mais, tous les musulmans sont satanistes!
CustodeDellaFede ha pubblicato un commento
42 minuti fa
é inutile che scrivi le tue farloccate in francese. Hai torto.
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
42 minuti fa
et depuis: pour les Juifs: Je suis leur roi et le Messie? alors: l'anti-Christ, Il est mon ennemi: deux fois: à la fois: en tant que Juif: ce qui suit: en tant que chrétien ... garçon: vous aurez besoin pour vous détendre, parce que tu ne pourras pas voir nécessairement: dans tous les hérétiques: un ennemi: comme les musulmans .. ces ânes ânes vous aimez?
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
42 minuti fa
ils doivent comprendre: ce qui suit: les ennemis sont les satanistes du FMI: seul, que les hérétiques: ils peuvent être leurs alliés: à savoir, leurs frères, parce que l'important est d'aimer les uns les autres: entre nous! et si nous ne tournent pas bien entre nous: comment nous avons battu les satanistes: c'est à dire les satanistes véritables: 322: 666. nous disons ceci: les satanistes sont de tuer les croyants ... et depuis: nous sommes tous des hérétiques .. parce que, pour chaque croyant, tous les autres sont hérétiques: pour lui, bien sûr: et depuis: hérétiques parmi nous: nous ne pouvons pas former une alliance: entre nous? puis gagner la sataniti: et nous allons tous mourir ... Dickhead: de cette façon? l'Antéchrist réel, c'est vous!
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
42 minuti fa
vous ne faites pas l'idiot: comme témoin de Jéhovah, ce qui suit: mettre votre tête dans le sable et dit: si vous voulez pour sodomiser: Salut .. pourquoi: nous avons: le devoir de prendre le contrôle de la société politique: et non pas: laisser à: Juifs maçons du FMI: à partir de: à qui bien sûr: les Témoins de Jéhovah viennent: pas à tâtons: aucune résistance: (je connais) à ce système: satanique et maçonnique banque seigneuriage .. pourquoi: c'est une bande dessinée se sont battus: contre: le nazisme, mais n'a rien fait: contre: la synagogue de Satan, les rabbins pharisiens: FMI NWO. vous êtes stupide: nous ne faisons pas le Nouvel Âge: c'est une forme de sicretismo: nous ne voulons pas de corrompre: religions: nous cherchons: une alliance politique: pour gagner les satanistes: Pourquoi pas: "nous pourrions aussi prendre amour: comme des frères "et ce? qu'on appelle la civilisation, pas la religion
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
2 secondi fa
1_6.@CustodeDellaFede -- I have no true virtue: you said ---> this way: my virtue is false! This is: a crime which condemns to hell: even: all Muslims: ecc. because: it is for reasons of conscience: they condemn to death: the Christian martyrs! ie: to believe that: the real virtue: can only be: in their own religion?: this is a crime against the universal right! is satanism of talmud Kabbalah Talmud 666 322: IMF NWO: rabbis kakam: Illuminati. if we ask a lawyer? Then you say that you have offended me: "because thou hast done: discrimination of order: racial or religious group" because: it is considered a crime: if, there is no: true virtue: in a person by reason of religion
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
4 secondi fa
2_6.@CustodeDellaFede --. (I never thought that: a gay: can not be virtuous). my bad word? Folklore is .. is a way of saying .. not has a value penalty. and why: I reacted: at the grave coercion: of my dignity. well: the details of the lawsuit? are legitimate only for me! and: if, the international law condemns you? So: even God condemns you: of course! here's why: Sharia and Talmud: Satanism are .. that: then these Satanists: today: have the control: of the world ... this, says it all: on the fact, that: we're all going to die. and since: for the Jews: I am their King and Messiah? then: the anti-Christ, He is my enemy: twice: both: as a jew: that: as a Christian.
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
13 secondi fa
3_6.@CustodeDellaFede -- boy: you will need to relax, because thou canst not see necessarily: in every heretic: an enemy: like Muslims. those donkeys donkeys like you? they must understand: that: the enemies are the Satanists of the IMF: only, that the heretics: they can be their allies: namely, their brothers, because the important thing is to love one another: between us! and if we do not turn well between us: how we beat the Satanists: ie the true Satanists: 322: 666. we say this: Satanists are to kill the believers ... and since: we are all heretics .. because for every believer, all others are heretics: for him, of course: and since:
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
30 secondi fa
4_6.@CustodeDellaFede --heretics among us: we can not form an alliance: between us? then win the sataniti: and we all die ... Dickhead: in this way? the real antichrist is you! .you do not do the idiot: like Jehovah's Witness, that: put your head in the sand and says: if want to sodomize: Hi there .. why: we have: the duty to take control of political society: and not: to leave to: Masons Jews of IMF: from: to which of course: the Jehovah's Witnesses come: not groped: no resistance: (I know of) to this system: satanic and Masonic bank seigniorage. why: this is a comic fought:
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
36 secondi fa
5_6.@CustodeDellaFede -- against: Nazism, but did nothing: against: the synagogue of Satan, the Pharisees Rabbis: IMF NWO. you are stupid: we do not make the New AGE: that is, a form of sicretismo: we do not want to corrupt: religions: we are seeking: a political alliance: to win the Satanists: .Why not: "we might also take love: like brothers "and this? is called civilization, not religion. I do not put on an equal footing: Christianity: with other religions: otherwise, I could not be a Catholic! but as universal political: I can not do injustice: preferences: why: Muslims: etc. they should submit:
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
45 secondi fa
6_6.@CustodeDellaFede -- to my political sovereignty: to defeat the satanists: IMF: 666: 322 CIA. If I am not worthy: of their confidence? In your opinion: should a Christian: hate: being unfair? no: I give love to everyone: I do not place conditions: in the way of justice. save your soul? But for now, we have to save the skin seen that: we are very close: the 3 rd WW nuclear Satanic: of IMF: wanted: to close: their game: against: all religions. to make all mankind: a single herd of slaves. so in reality we have a political problem: the first to have: a religious problem .. If swearing: to Assisi: with John Paul II: Muslims, etc.. etc. .. they had not been made: to kill innocent Christians: Worldwide
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa
[evolution: is the religion: of the: NWO FMI: 666: 322: if men are: not: processed: in animals: of the human form? as: the rabbis Satanists: Pharisees: of the Talmud: could: do them: a predation?] all so-called: transitional fossils: the past 50 years? have all been proved wrong! those currently: under observation? are ridiculous! because: the theory of evolution: said:"(many random attempts: are indispensable: to find the: dominant species)": then 99% of the fossil? should be: all transitional fossils .. is the ideology of Kabbalah: that: he imposed: this lie: at the science: is only: the Masonic system: of: banking seigniorage, that: he hid the Ark: of Noah: on Mount Arat: with: Muslims complicit Satanists. . sorry: but, all Muslims are Satanists!
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
Unius Rei: has all legal and sovereign rights: of representation: of the Kingdom of God on all over the planet earth! Therefore, I order: to all the elements: natural and supernatural: Beings: existing, thrones, dominions, principalities and Powers: must hit all my enemies to: in the name of Jesus: Until Death will come! @ Youtube - on Which side are you? the side of the martyrs?, or the side of Their Executioners? That Is the IMF: Talmud of Kabbalah, etc. .. Because: in my Homicidal rage? it is not easy for me to dodge: you too! at this point: no one has responsibility to: about: my ministry: except myself!
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
I Unius Rei: I has all legal and sovereign rights: of representation: of the Kingdom of God all over on the planet earth! Therefore, I order: to all the elements: natural and supernatural: beings: existing thrones, dominions, principalities and powers: to strike all my enemies in the name of Jesus :until death will come! io Unius Rei: io ho i diritti regali legali e sovrani: di rappresentanza: del Regno di Dio: su tutto il pianeta terra! Pertanto, io ordino: a tutti gli elementi: (naturali e soprannaturali)esseri: esistenti: troni dominazioni, potestà e principati: di colpire tutti i miei nemici: nel nome di Gesù: finché morte non sopraggiunga!
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
@ youtube - on which side you are? the side of the martyrs?, or the side of their executioners? that is the IMF: Talmud of Kabbalah, ecc.. because: in my homicidal rage? it is not easy for me: to dodge: you too! at this point: no one has a responsibility: about: my ministry: except myself! @youtube -- da che parte stia? dalla parte dei martiri: oppure dalla parte dei loro carnefici? cioè il FMI: del Talmud kabbalah,ecc.. perché nella mia furia omicida? non è facile per me: di scansare: anche te! Comuque: nessuno ha una responsabilità: circa: il mio ministero: tranne me stesso!
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
India criminal [use of Slavery: Against: The Untouchables!] Mumbai (AsiaNews) 16.09.2008 00:33 The anti-Christian violence: Orissa started: 3 weeks ago has still not died down, instead, it is spreading: in Kerala. The situation remains tense in Karnataka. In Orissa, after weeks: the first violence: and after days of curfew and was an emergency last night: in the district of Kandhamal, the epicenter of anti-Christian violence, a crowd: over: 500 Hindus Attacked in Station: police and Several vehicles burned. A policeman was killed. Seems To Be The attack in reprisal against: the police, who in recent days: Krutamgarh fired: The Hindu Militants: Trying to Stop Them: to burn the houses of some Christians. But: Violence Against: The Faithful continuous. P. Dibyasingh Parichha, spokesman for the diocese of Cuttack-Bhubaneshwar,
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
India criminal [use of Slavery: Against: The Untouchables!] Told: AsiaNews that: 14 September: in the village of Makabali, 12 houses burned Christians Were one in Debari: and: a Murudikupuda. Yesterday, near Raikia: shot: a Christian. The wave of anti-Christian: it spreads to other parts of India. The Catholic Jaya Mata school was Attacked: from strangers in the night Between 14 and 15 September. The incident occurred: in the district of Kasargode (Kerala, southeast India). A room is Temporarily asylum: used as a chapel, as the parish church: it is Being Restored. Yesterday morning, Fr Antony Punnoor: destroyed found the sign for the entrance, stained glass windows and asylum, to statues of Our Lady was, scarred with stones. Opened an investigation and the police tightened security around churches, fearing attacks like in Orissa and Karnataka.
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
India criminal [use of Slavery: Against: The Untouchables!] Even today in Mangalore (Karnataka) voltage. On Sunday, September 14, ransacked Were 20: Christian churches by radical Hindu Sangh Parivar. Christians have Demonstrated Against the Police who did nothing to Prevent attacks. The Hindu fundamentalists justify: Their violence by accusing the Christians of proselytizing and conversion: forced. The chief minister of Karnataka examination, BS Yeddyurappa, instead of condemning the violence, has on the Christian Missionaries Called to stop: the forced conversions: In a democracy, he said there space for forced conversions. Should no one use them. Yeddyurappa is connected to the BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party), which: says: Nationalism: Hindus and covers the actions of many fanatical groups.
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
India criminal [use of Slavery: Against: The Untouchables!] The GCIC (Global Council of Indian Christians), based in Bangalore (Karnataka), has the Police Accused of Beating the Christians (see photo) and desecrating churches Mangalore. They charge the government of Yeddyurappa (in office for 100 days), to aggressively Pursuing the ideas of Mahatma Gandhi Those Who Killed. Gandhi was a radical Hindu nationalist Killed by. Because of this inertia (or connivance) with militancy: Hindu, president of the GCIC, Sajan George: Also He asked for the Resignation of Interior Minister: Karnataka: and the suspension of service of All Those Responsible for the districts Attacked.
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
India criminal [use of slavery: against: the untouchables!] Mumbai (AsiaNews) 16.09.2008 24:33 The anti-Christian violence: nell'Orissa started: 3 weeks ago has still not died down; instead, it is spreading: in Kerala . The situation remains tense in Karnataka. In Orissa, after weeks: the first violence: and after days of curfew and was d'emergenza last night: in the district of Kandhamal, the epicenter of anti-Christian violence, a crowd: over: 500 Hindus attacked a Station: police and burned several vehicles. A policeman was killed. The attack seems to be a reprisal against: the police, who in recent days: Krutamgarh fired: the Hindu militants: trying to stop them: to burn the houses of some Christians. But: violence against: the faithful continue. P. Dibyasingh Parichha, spokesman for the diocese of Cuttack-Bhubaneshwar,
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
India criminal [use of slavery: against: the untouchables!] Told: AsiaNews that: 14 September: in the village of Makabali, 12 houses were burned Christians one in Debari: and: a Murudikupuda. Yesterday, near Raikia: shot: a Christian. The wave of anti-Christian: it spreads to other parts of India. The Catholic Jaya Mata school was attacked: from strangers in the night between 14 and 15 September. The incident occurred: in the district of Kasargode (Kerala, southeast India). A room is temporarily dell'asilo: used as a chapel, as the parish church: it is being restored. Yesterday morning, Fr Antony Punnoor: destroyed found the sign for the entrance, stained glass windows and dell'asilo, a statue of Our Lady was, scarred with stones. The police opened an investigation and tightened security around churches, fearing attacks like in Orissa and Karnataka.
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
India criminal [use of slavery: against: the untouchables!] Even today in Mangalore (Karnataka) voltage. On Sunday, September 14, were ransacked 20: Christian churches by radical Hindu Sangh Parivar. Christians have demonstrated against the police who did nothing to prevent attacks. The Hindu fundamentalists justify: their violence by accusing the Christians of proselytizing and conversion: forced. The same chief minister of Karnataka, BS Yeddyurappa, instead of condemning the violence, has called on the Christian missionaries to stop: the forced conversions: In a democracy, he said there space for forced conversions. No one should use them. Yeddyurappa is connected to the BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party), which: says: nationalism: Hindus and covers the actions of many fanatical groups.
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
India criminal [use of slavery: against: the untouchables!] The GCIC (Global Council of Indian Christians), based in Bangalore (Karnataka), has accused the police of beating the Christians (see photo) and desecrating churches Mangalore. They accuse the government of Yeddyurappa (in office for 100 days), to aggressively pursuing the ideas of those who killed Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhi was killed by a radical Hindu nationalist. Because of this inertia (or connivance) with militancy: Hindu, president of the GCIC, Sajan George: He also asked for the resignation of Interior Minister: Karnataka: and the suspension of service of all those responsible for the districts attacked .
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
India criminale [sfruttamento della schiavitù: contro: gli intoccabili!] Mumbai (AsiaNews) 16/09/2008 12:33 Le violenze anti-cristiane: iniziate nellOrissa: 3 settimane fa, ancora non si placano; anzi si diffondono anche: in Kerala. La situazione rimane tesa :pure nel Karnataka. In Orissa, dopo settimane: dalle prime violenze: e lunghi giorni di coprifuoco: e di stato demergenza, ieri notte: nel distretto di Kandhamal, l'epicentro delle violenze anti-cristiane, una folla di: oltre: 500 indù: ha attaccato una stazione: di polizia e bruciato diversi veicoli. Un poliziotto: è stato ucciso. L'attacco sembra essere: una rappresaglia contro: la polizia che nei giorni scorsi a: Krutamgarh aveva sparato: sui militanti indù: per fermare un loro tentativo: di bruciare alcune case di cristiani. Ma: le violenze contro: i fedeli continuano. P. Dibyasingh Parichha, portavoce della diocesi di Cuttack-Bhubaneshwar,
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
India criminale [sfruttamento della schiavitù: contro: gli intoccabili!] ha detto ad: AsiaNews: che: il 14 settembre: nel villaggio di Makabali, sono state bruciate 12 case di cristiani; una a Debari: e una: a Murudikupuda. Ieri, vicino a Raikia: è stato ucciso: un cristiano. L'ondata anticristiana: si diffonde in altre aree dell'India. L'asilo cattolico Jaya Mata è stato assaltato: da sconosciuti: nella notte fra il 14 e il 15 settembre. Il fatto è avvenuto: nel distretto di Kasargode (Kerala, India sud-est). Un locale dellasilo è temporaneamente: usato come cappella, dato che la chiesa parrocchiale: è in restauro. Ieri mattina, p. Antony Punnoor: ha trovato distrutte il cartello di entrata, le vetrate e le finestre dellasilo; una statua della Madonna: è stata: sfregiata con pietre. La polizia ha aperto un caso e rafforzato la sicurezza attorno alle chiese, temendo attacchi come in Orissa e Karnataka.
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
India criminale [sfruttamento della schiavitù: contro: gli intoccabili!] Ancora oggi a Mangalore (Karnataka) si respira tensione. La scorsa domenica, 14 settembre, nello Stato sono state razziate 20: chiese cristiane ad opera dei radicali indù del Sangh Parivar. I cristiani hanno manifestato contro la polizia che non ha fatto nulla: per prevenire gli attacchi. I fondamentalisti indù: giustificano: le loro violenze accusando i cristiani: di proselitismo e di conversioni: forzate. Lo stesso Chief minister del Karnataka, B S Yeddyurappa, invece di condannare le violenze, ha chiesto ai missionari cristiani: di smetterla: con le conversioni forzate: Nella democrazia egli ha detto: non cè spazio: per le conversioni forzate. Nessuno dovrebbe usarle. Yeddyurappa è legato al partito Bjp (Bharatiya Janata Party), che: sostiene: il nazionalismo: indù e copre le azioni di molti gruppi militanti di fanatici.
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
India criminale [sfruttamento della schiavitù: contro: gli intoccabili!] Il Gcic (Global Council of Indian Christians), con base a Bangalore (nel Karnataka), ha accusato la polizia di aver picchiato i cristiani (v. foto) e dissacrato alcune chiese a Mangalore. Essi accusano il governo di Yeddyurappa (in carica da 100 giorni), di perseguire con aggressività le idee degli uccisori del Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhi venne ucciso da un nazionalista radicale indù. A causa di questa inerzia: (o connivenza) con il militantismo: indù, il presidente della Gcic, Sajan George: ha anche chiesto: le dimissioni del ministro degli interni: del Karnataka: e la sospensione dal servizio di tutti i responsabili dei distretti attaccati.
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
mercy Lord. Have mercy, Lord, me sad! Lord, have mercy. If you reach my pray; I do not punish. your rigor. Less severe, lenient evermore, Turn your eyes. above me, above me. Have mercy, Lord, me sad! Lord, have mercy If you reach my pray; I do not punish. Your rigor. Less severe, lenient evermore, Turn your eyes above me, above me. Never let it be. Damn you to hell. into the eternal fire from your rigor. Great God, never. damn. into the eternal fire from your rigor.
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
@WarriorIslamic... for my universal jurisdiction: for the glory of my own, position: in the: Jewish Temple heaven: with immediate effect: I establish: that who loves God and recognize: a true freedom of religion and true equality : of all men as brothers, "his neighbor!": that is, he submits: himself: at the natural law: that: it is represented by the truth: of the: 10: commandments of Moses? he can receive: the certainty of forgiveness of all his sins! for live your life: at the presence of the "fear of God? he has the certainty: of not being rejected by the Kingdom of God on account of its sins." as follows: "for the same sins? some of them: will be considered "right": but : others, will be considered "guilty!" halleujah
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
@WarriorIslamic- per la mia giurisdizione universale: per la gloria della mia, attuale: posizione: nel Tempio ebraico celeste: con effetto immediato: io dispongo: che, chiunque ama Dio: e riconoscere: una vera libertà di religione: ed una vera uguaglianza: di tutti gli uomini: come fratelli: "il suo prossimo!": cioè, lui sottomette: se stesso: alla legge naturale: che: è rappresentata dalla verità: dei 10 comandamenti di Mosé? lui possa ricevere: la certezza: del perdono: di tutti i suoi peccati! chiunque: viva la sua vita: alla presenza del: "timore di Dio? lui abbia la certezza: di non essere respinto dal Regno di Dio: a motivo dei suoi peccati!." così: per gli stessi peccati: alcuni: saranno ritenuti: "giusti": come: ed altri, saranno ritenuti: "colpevoli!"
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
@WarriorIslamic - might be jealous: all charismatic Christians: that I am about to give, to all mankind: this precious treasure of Christ, without pretending of be by anyone to become Christian without pretending to be anyone to change the their religion because Jesus said, "not the one who says to me: "Lord.. Lord.."but only, those who do: the works of my Father will come: in my Father's kingdom", but since I'm the King: largest King: Unius REI, in all the history of the mankind? Therefore, even my generosity and munificence: are proportional, with my good will: You are can put referring: with the greatness of my majesty: ie, the greatness of the Majesty of GOD: JHWH ALLAH, ecc. ie: one only God! Blessings too
USA , Lady Liberty ] on [ " paha" ,jumalatar , Ashtar Sheran ,demoninen , Babylonian , Pantheon . Marduk , jossa sen ihmisuhreja ] " S DECEPTION " AINA ... "
Eikä ihme , koska se , liian , itse saatana tekeytyyvalkeuden enkeliksi
. " Astartet se on yksi , monista , demonit juutalaisen kulttuurin ,
joka mukaan , onperinne , ei - kanoninen , työnsi Cain tappaa , hänen veljensä Abel . Alunperin Astartea , oli pakanallinen jumalatar , Muuttunut , jonkajuutalaiset : in, pelottava demoni , ja vastenmielinen . Ashtar
Sheran , demoni oppaita , henki oppaita , ulkomaalaisten sieppaus : hän
sanoo : " ... minun sanani ovat tärkeitä karhunvatukkaa ,kymmenen
käskyä , Mount Sinai ... " ja tietenkin tämä demoni , kuten kaikki demonit
, kommunistit , vapaamuurarit , islamistit , fariseukset , arat ,
Babylon , NWO valtaa , 666 ,iso prostituoitu haureuden harjoittaja ,
kanssa , kaikkikuninkaat , maan . Siksi tappaa jälleen ,Aabrahamin siementä , seuraavan , välitön , holokaustin , vastaan , Israel
] CIA , DATAGATE , et vittu kanssa väärä henkilö , Maailmanpankki , 666
, Bush 322 , Kerry , [ OSAMA Obama - ] marihuana , PARTY Saatanan
SYNAGUE BILDEDNBERG , fariseukset , Illuminati CULT jumala, OWL kello
Bohhemian Grove , Baal , JabullOn , freemasory , seigniorage pankki huijaus , IMF , FED , EKP , mikrosirulla , ulkomaalaisten sieppauksia, asialistalla . GMO Morgellons - VASTAUS - En voi tuhotaUSA , nyt tai 150 vuotta.
, CIA , DATAGATE , hakkeri , UFuckWithWrongPerson - kun menit Kiinan
kanssa , vaimosi tehdäliiketoimintaa , joka , ( sitten , oli ollutvika! )
Koska kysyit apua , ja ei, pyysivät
apua , sinun saatana , aika , Mikä , sanoit , " Saatana pelasti minut !
" ja miten hän voi pelastaa sinut, tai muita , jos ei ole ketään, joka
voi pelastaa hänet , helvetistä ?
Kuningas Saudi -Arabia - Toivottavasti ei , sinulla onhäpeämättömyyttä ,
pyytää minua lopettamaan ,venäläiset panssarivaunut ja Kiinan säiliöt ,
kun he ovat menossa , koska yhdessäfariseusten , Spa IMF , Bush , ja
yhtiö yritykset , vapaamuurarien järjestelmä , huijaus , pankki seignorage ? , oleteniten vihamielistä paskaa maailmassa .. ja varmasti , en voi tehdä , minun universaali veljeys , kanssasi , elämässä !
Kuningas Saudi -Arabia -opettaja , joka olen korvannut tämän vuoden (
ja kaikki ovat sanoneet ) , että opetus hän ei ole koskaan tehnyt ,
jajohtaja , itse asiassa syytti minua sanoen , " professori , sinun
täytyy ymmärtää , opiskelijat eivät ole tottuneet , tehdä uskontokurssia , " muttamuut opettaja , hänkin , ei se , opetus , luokan uskonnon . on
ahdistusta , koska nyt se voi tulla , hyvin , nöyryyttävä , kiusallista
, ja räikeä , hänelle ,vertailu minun ja hänen , ja sitten alkoi
herjata minua . lol . Onneksi Että minulla on ystävä kuin sinä , joka et voi ymmärtää minua ! Itse asiassa jopaprofeetta Jeremian , missä hän heräsi , riitaa , ja riidat .. Mutta se sanoi ,tarina ,profeetta Jeremian näki die , All Those to- joille hän puhui .. Itse asiassa , et ole mitään mahdollisuuksia , että voimme lopettaa Venäjän panssarivaunut ja kiina .. jos
ei ennen , olen tulossa tappamaan sinut , kaikki islamisteja , Erdogan
hullu , sharia natsi , säästää , Israel , ja ihmiskunta .
Kuningas Saudi -Arabia , tänään , minun neljäs ITIS ,liitutaulu " lim "
ADSL , [ ( Return to Life - Resurrection :historiakahdennenkymmenennen
vuosisadan ) ,paimen kuoli , Nigeriassa ,auto-onnettomuus , neljän
päivän kuluttua Jumala
herätti hänet , rukouksella , helluntailainen , karismaattinen ] mutta ,
Nigeriassa, jossa se ei ole sinun , Boko Haram , he
tekevätjoukkomurhia kristittyjen marttyyrien , viaton ? - >Video pysähtyy ja cromium , antoi ennen, niin yksin , 1 . pornografisia videoita 2 . sitten
yksin [ translate ( . ) google ] lukea,Ave Maria , päinvastoin (
jumalanpilkkaa , satanismi ) , ja sitten kirjoitti ja lue : [ pappi ,
sinä on kuoltava ] , ja traslator lukea , kuitenkin myös , jos olen oli aiemmin vaimennettu [ nyt sanon , jos olet tyhmä ? En vastaa ! ]
@ Obama - jos sinuakin , et sylje perustuslakia vastaan kuin he
tekivät , Bush 322 , Kerry 322 , sitten myös , voit tehdä sen , Kennedyn
Executive Order 11110 , tallentaa ihmiset] se ohittaabudjetin juttu : 17 vuotta " sulkeutuu "valtion ... Washington
- ( Adnkronos / Ign ) -kongressi , ei ,
toteaasopimukseenrahoituksestavaltion koneen , ja nythallinto ei voi
enää maksaa eniten, julkisten palvelujen , joissa ainakin 800000 ,
siviili- palvelijoita vaarassa . -
> @ Obama - jos sinuakin , et sylkeä , vastaan ,perustuslaki ,
samoin , Bush 322 , Kerry , esoteerinen saatanallinen asialistalla
fariseukset ? Myös silloin , voit tehdä sen , Kennedyn hallituksen määräyksellä , 11110 , rakkautta, teidän Amerikan kansat
[ [ Popeye Obamacare ,riski Käytä" shutdown " ] ] @ Obama, voit tulla, sankari! Jos todella rakastaa ihmisiä , ja et ole toista , vapaamuurari rikollinen , kuten , Clinton , Bush , Kerry , jne. .. ? voit
tulostaa kaikki tarvittavat rahat , käyttäenulosmittauksesta , ja
Kennedy ,11110 , vain , että sitten , sinun ei tarvitse näyttää ,
julkisesti, koskafariseukset valaistunut Anglo - American , Spa IMF ,
FED ? " ammun sinut !
[Epäonnistuminen Vladimir Putin Barack Obama , asiasta Syyria ]
]ehdotuksenKremlin laittaa , kansainväliseen valvontaan kemiallisten
aseiden Bashar al - Assad ontapa "tuotos Obama . Mutta vaikkatakaisku hänelle - VASTAUS - Tämä artikkeli puhuuheikko Obama .. muttavoima
ei olisi ollut , että loppuun tuhota , shiiat , kristityt ja Syyriassa ,
tulossa , itse , Al - Qaida ( alkaen , Obama ,Osama ) ! Katastrofi
Obama oli ideologinen ja moraalinen , hän olivihollinen , nukke
juutalaisten kristillisen kulttuurin ,vihollinen rahapoliittinen
itsenäisyys ,todellinen nukke käsissäfariseukset , Spa , Banca maailmaa ,
jotka haluavat tuhota Israelin , yhdessä ,koko ihmiskunnan , mutta olenjuutalainen - kristillisen kulttuurin , joka olenihmisrotu !
@ Putin - oletiso mulkku , ei pallot , olet vainsäälittävä petturi . et voi koskaan voittaasotaafariseukset Anglo - amerikkalaiset , itse asiassa , voit ostaa niitä , kiinnostaa rahaa ..
syyskuu PARIS , '' repeytymisen Silvio Berlusconi
uhkaavakauttaeuroalueella. '' - VASTAUS - @ Illuminati fariseukset
Bildenbeg , IMF , FED EKP Spa , sinä ,vapaamuurarit , olet ottanut ,
panttivangiksi , kaikki kansat , itse asiassa , olet
varastanut ne kaikki ,raha itsemääräämisoikeutta ( rahanlyöntimaksuja
pankkitoiminta) , olet varastettiin , heidän tulevaisuutensa , ja toivon
, itse asiassa , olet tehnyt ,ihmiset , orjiasi ... [ [ Onpalvelija , ostaa rahaa , ja onorja maksamaan korkoa .. et ole ihminen , te olettehirviöitähäikäilemätön tappajat rikollisia .. ] ]
Fariseukset , Rothschild Rochefeller , Bildenberg , Illuminati likainen
, sikoja rikollisia - sillä ei ole väliä , että olettekopyhät , sillä
he eivät näepornografia , olet aina , yllyttäjä ! miksi"
huumekauppias " , eli (omistaja monopolit , ( Spa IMF) on ollamestari
kaikessa , se on aina , vakavampi , jotka tekevätkäyttäjän " huumeiden )
mukaan oman Tooran ?
olet tuomittu kuolemaan minulle . Itse olin määräsi teille , poistaa
kaikki alaikäiset , pornografia , ja sen sijaan , myös vuonnaporn sites ,
tärkeimmät olivat vielä mukana ,lapset . sitten , tuomitsen sinut
kuoliaaksi kaikki ne pedofiilit , myös ne , jotka eivät video porno
kanssalasten jaalaikäisten , sinulla on vielä niitä .. surmansa
Iran , 200 kärjillä , Israelin ydinaseet ] Javad Zarif , ulkoministeri
Iranin aikanahaastattelussaamerikkalaisten tv-verkon ABC , - VASTAUS -
koska oletnatsit , jotka kiduttavatviattomia Christian marttyyrit
,Lähi-idässä .. - VASTAUS - OK ! SE , IS 200 , olen tarpeeksi !
syyskuuta 17:46 , natsien Sudan , ilman uskonnonvapaus , Khartumissa ,
on julkaistu internetissä , kuva sokki , joka
osoittaisiuhrejaväkivaltainen tukahduttaminen protestien Sudanin
poliisin .. -
VASTAUS - @ 666 SAATANA , USA , IMF , fariseukset Anglo -amerikkalaiset
- Sudanin kristittyjä on tapettu kaikille, jalapset kristittyjä ,
myytiin orjiksi , Saudi -Arabia , jotta voit tappaa heidät kaikki ,
kaikki valhetta !
30. syyskuuta 19:18 . Iran,
Obama , Netanyahu , ei mitään , atomi , NEW YORK , presidentti , käyttö
Barack Obama , yhtyyIsraelin pääministeri Benjamin Netanyahu : ... Tavoitteena Iran on aina siellä , '' tuhota Israelin , '' sanoi Netanjahu . blaa, blaa , blaa , - VASTAUS - ketut , kuten Rothschild , joka opetti sinut pelaamaan vapaamuurariudessa , blaa , blaa, blaa ? kunydinonnettomuus
, ettäIsraelin tiedustelupalvelut , kutenauto - hyökkäys tehdä ,
aloittaahyökkäyksen Irania vastaan , jaydinvoima maailmansodan ?
[ Poliitikot , israelilaiset ] alkaenkuuden päivän sodassa , paluunEgyptin autiomaassa ? Te olette ainaasialistallaIlluminati satanistit fariseukset ! olet pettureita ! oletsuurin uhka Israelille !
@ 666 , Obama , DATAGATE , - > Olen todella vihainen , koska olet
estänyt , minun OS , Linux Mint 15 ] @ my YHWH - kuten Israel , voisi
vastustaa , että hän on niin nuori ja pieni , edessä paha , 1 . Arabiliiton ja sen liittolaiset , 2 . 666 fariseukset , Anglo , amerikkalaiset , ja kaikki hänen , 3 . poliittiset
vapaamuurarit korruptoitunut , jotka kaikki yhdessä salaliiton
tuomariksi , jonka tarkoituksena on tuhota sen taas uudessa holokaustin ?
, turkki , islamilainen natsien Salafi wahhadita , Recep Tayyip Erdogan
, valmistelee nopeasti , sodassa ja pyritään poistamaan sisäisen
jännityksen pyrkii myös enemmän sotilaita , enemmän tykinruoka , ja
työntää ylöspäin ,jo hänen , eikävaltava liikakansoitus . [ Myös , Mussolini teki saman ] 1 [ Turkki Erdogan uudistuksiakurdien ] ] 2 . [
[ ANKARA , Erdogan : 3 lasta , ei riitä , Tee se 4 ] ] - VASTAUS - my @
YHWH , vaan että sijoittaa rauhassa , ja rinuncire ,sharia Arabiliitto
päätti mennä alas , sodassa minua vastaan , ja laajentaa ,imperialismia , rikollista , natsi , uskonnollisia paljastuksen, sillämaailma !
@ Hullu rikollinen , Iran , sillä dhimmis orjia --- I on ehdottanutliitto, jo tämä mornig , 1 . tuhoatsharia , nopeasti , ja 2 . tuhota , vapaamuurarien valtion , Israelin 3 . Sitten teemmekuningaskunnan Persia , tai Palestiinan yhdessä Syyrian , 4 . Minä olen sinun kuningas , - johtopäätös - jos et hyväksy tätä liittoa , voit elää taas! et tiedä , minulle vastauksenne , Koska minulle ei halua odottaa .. Häviän kärsivällisyyttä , helposti
[Pakistan , islam , Peshawarin rikollinen , kuningas , Saudi ,
Saudi-Arabian, olet tehnyt , oman uskonnon ,ase , pilata kansat ! jos et, olitdemoni ,pikku Saatana ? Satanistit amerikkalaiset , DATAGATE , GREAT SAATANA , ei, ne olisivat , liittolaisia ! ] ] Lisää verta Peshawar . Kristityt rukoilevat uhrien , ja rauhamaassa . Eilen aamullaautopommi iski, kaupungin torilla , ei suinkaan ,All Saints Church , paikka , joukkomurhien , 22. syyskuuta . Ainakin 33 ihmistä kuollut , ja haavoittui 70 , kolmannella hyökkäyksenmuutaman päivän . Bishop , on , Islamabad : " Pakistan on tienhaarassa , pysyy yhtenäisenä , vastaan , terrorismi . " Peshawar
( AsiaNews ) - enemmän verta , ja väkivalta , Peshawarissa
pääkaupungissaKhyber Pakhtunkhwan , maakuntien Pakistan ,teatteri ,
viime viikolla , kolme , itsemurhaiskuja , ja islamilainen alkuperää . Eilen
aamullaautopommi Sijoitettukaupungin markkinoilla , räjähti ruuhka ,
tappaen 33 henkilöä ja loukkaantui karhunvatukkaa , vähintään 70 .
@ WarriorIslamic --- forse saranno gelosi: tutti i carismatici cristiani: che, io sto per dare: a tutto il genere umano: questo prezioso tesoro: di Cristo: senza pretendere da nessuno: di diventare cristiano: senza pretendere da nessuno: di cambiare la propria religione: poiché: Gesù ha detto: "non chi dice: Signore? Signore! ma, soltanto, chi fa: le opere del Padre mio: potrà entrare: nel Regno del Padre mio! "ma, poiché, io sono il Re: più grande, di tutta la storia del genere umano? quindi, anche la mia generosità e munificenza: sono proporzonali con la mia benevolenza: è sono in riferimento: alla grandezza della mia regalità! shalom + salam
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
@ WarriorIslamic --- but, because: the arrogant: of "OpenlySupportingGays": said: "Why do you spam? No one: likes you. Atheists will prevail.". I like, Unius Rei: I will do: a precious gift: to all peoples: that: love God: on all over the world, of every religion to all men who, they want not: to belong to the army of Satan: [masonry IMF: NWO: Sharia , Talmud, Kabbalah, bigotry, racism, violence.]. All men who do not want to do evil: for freedom of religion? to all honest people? they want to live like Gandhi? I decided in my universal kingship: to do to all them: a divine gift and supernatural: that is the guarantee that will not be rejected by the Kingdom of God on account of their sins (involuntary) in their journey on the path of goodness!
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
@WarriorIslamic --- ma, poiché: quell'arrogante: e borioso di: "OpenlySupportingGays": said: "Why do you spam? No one: likes you. Atheists will prevail.". io come Unius Rei: io farò: un dono prezioso: a tutte le persone: che: amano Dio: in tutto il mondo: di ogni religione: a tutti gli uomini: che vogliono: non : appartenere all'esercito di satana:[ sharia, talmud, kabbalah, intolleranza, razzismo violenza.]. Tutti gli uomini, che, non vogliono fare il male: per la libertà di religione: a tutte le persone oneste? che loro vogliono vivere come Gandhi? io ho deciso nella mia regalità universale: di fare a tutti loro: un regalo divino e soprannaturale: cioè la garanzia: che non saranno respinti dal Regno di Dio: a motivo dei loro peccati(involontari): nel loro cammino sulla via del bene!
WarriorIslamic said: Before Abraham was, I am! Is not that a great proof of your Bible:(is) distortion & Corruption? U just dont understand THE SIGNS OF JONAH, do you! tHESE SIGNS OF jONAH HAD PROVEN THAT jESUS,JUST LIKE jONAH never died at all! iF NOT DIED, THEN THERE WAS no resurrection of Jesus!-- ASWER-- lol. your mind? is very primitive! BUT, I do not want you, do of you,another bad Christian! I want to make you: a good Muslim, that he loves and respects the Cristinos: as himself!
WarriorIslamic said: Bla bla bla from Satanic Books? Buahahahahaha.. Jesus said "Worship Thy God,My God!" - ANSWER-- THIS IS perfectly! if Jesus was not: true man and true God (two natures)? he could not make a redemption, because, as true man: he has done: himself guilty, for us it's like: the true God: he has been unable to pay: the offended infinite offense against: the infinite majesty of God ! QUESTO È PERFETO! se Gesù non era vero uomo e anche vero Dio(due nature)? lui non avrebbe potuto fare la redenzione: poiché, come vero uomo: lui ha fatto: se stesso colpevole, al posto nostro: è come: vero Dio: lui ha potuto pagare: l'offesa infinita: commessa contro: la infinita regalità di Dio!
An Iraq without Christians? Iraq is a fake identity [:] HOW TO: unfortunately are becoming: also: ALL OTHER MUSLIM NATIONS] remember the tragic bombing of the Cathedral: Our Lady of Perpetual Help, in Baghdad, the Iraqi embassies: in Italy: and the Holy See: organized: an event to commemorate: the victims of the massacre of: October 31, 2010: which, caused the death of 55 people who had gathered in church to pray. "This act terrible of Islamic terrorism. has shaken the human consciousness and opened: deep wounds in the heart: the Iraqi National: for Christians:
[Universal brotherhood] who now flee en masse from that country. The Christian martyrs: they occupy a place of honor in the hearts of Iraqis. "" Iraq - can not breathe its essence, if not through: her two lungs, a Muslim and a Christian. An Iraq without Christians? is an Iraq free of identity and symbols. "We express grave concern: towards a political criminal, this imperialism Satan: Iran and Saudi Arabia that seek: to make the Middle East: a monochromatic shades: for the destruction of humanism: and civilization: the road already dramatically, traveled by Islamic intolerance: Islam worse as has already been done:
[Universal Brotherhood] through the destruction of all Christian people that were before! but, this intolerance? is the true enemy of the Middle East, true and beautiful, harmony of civilizations and religions: but, unfortunately there is a policy that can not have a future: a history of crime that is Islamic, he wants: a history, without tradition, no religious ethics, no Redeemer, and without God, without universal brotherhood: to have rejected ((all Muslim nations:: together:: to the false democracy that has become Israel)): the inalienable right of freedom of religion and equality of citizens against the State). "
[Un Iraq senza cristiani? è un Iraq privo d'identità [:] COME: purtroppo stanno diventando: anche: TUTTE LE ALTRE NAZIONI MUSULMANE ] Ricordiamo il tragico attentato alla Cattedrale: di Nostra Signora del Perpetuo Soccorso, a Baghdad, le ambasciate irachene: presso l'Italia: e la Santa Sede: hanno organizzato: un evento per commemorare: le vittime del massacro: del: 31 ottobre 2010: che, ha causato la morte: di: 55 persone, che, si erano radunate: in chiesa per pregare."Questo atto terribile: di terrorismo islamico. ha scosso la coscienza umana: ed ha aperto: profonde ferite nel cuore: nazionale iracheno: per i cristiani: Miniatura
[fratellanza universale]che: ora fuggono in massa da quel Paese. I martiri cristiani: occupano un posto d'onore: nel cuore degli iracheni". "L'Iraq - non può respirare la sua essenza: se non attraverso: i suoi due polmoni, musulmano e cristiano. Un Iraq senza cristiani? è un Iraq privo di identità e di simboli". Noi esprimiamo viva preoccupazione: nei confronti di quella politica criminale: questo imperialismo satanico: dell'Iran e della Arabia Saudita: che, cercano: di fare del Medio Oriente: una tonalità monocromatica: per la distruzione dell'umanesimo: e della civiltà: strada già drammaticamente, percorsa, dalla intolleranza islamica: dall'islam peggiore: come è già stato fatto: Miniatura
[fratellanza universale] attraverso la distruzione di tutte le popolazioni cristiane precedenti! ma, questa intolleranza? è il vero nemico di Medio Oriente: vero e bello, armonia di civiltà e religioni: m,purtroppo: c'è una politica che non può avere un futuro: cioè una storia del crimine islamico, che vuole: una storia, senza tradizione, senza etica religiosa, senza Redentore: e senza Dio: senza fratellanza universale: per avere respinto ((tutte le nazioni musulmane:: insieme:: a quella falsa democrazia, che, è diventata Israele)):: il diritto inalienabile della libertà di religione: e della uguaglianza dei cittadini nei confronti dello Stato)".
[Unius Rei am I], king of Israel: my political jurisdiction? is universal! over any religion and is over Any of Government. I am like a rational atheist .. I Decided from September, 2011, to start all the premature deaths: Against All Satanists, masonry: elite leaders, enlightened: racist: that hide the seigniorage banking Amen: in Jesus's name: ♰: "drink your poisons made by yourself, "your life? Is not your! ♰: your life is from God: that is YHWH, Allah, etc. .. .
[Unius Rei am I], be for: 1. Justice and Truth, 2. equality and fraternity, 3. service and love! About freedom of religions? Stop comunism Violence, exstremism, terrorism, christians martyr: all Stop, etc. .. Stop Sharia Zionism racism, etc. .. In Addition to: all the misfortunes, and all the oppressions, That, were been decreed, Against: all criminal in the world! They will not stop: again: again and always: will be until, unius Rei: Will not Be Recognized:by all Governments: throughout the world: for His universal brotherhood: why, all we are all brothers all my friend in the my jewish temple
♰ ♰ UniusRei I am, my political jurisdiction is universal and rational ♰: ♰ ♰ The decree, That, from September, 2011, will start: all the premature deaths: in the name of Jesus: ♰: "Drink your poisons made by yourself "your life? Is not your! ♰: your life is from God: that is YHWH, Allah, etc.. .. h is: 1. Justice and Truth, 2. equality and fraternity, 3. service and love! About religions Stop Violence, Stop: banking seigniorage; stop masonry. Stop: Sharia Zionism racism, enlightened, etc..: In Addition to: all the misfortunes, and all the oppressions, That, macaws Been, Already Been decreed, Against all my enemies! They will not stop: and all this will be again: again and always: will be until, unius Rei: Will not Be Recognized: by Governments: throughout the world. The Illuminati will be: comforted by the fact, That have Contributed: so generously: at the problem: overpopulation of: why: That I see, Those guys are too worried about this.

33 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa and Mosques of Sharia Allah, decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH) and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (Unius REI) 33 ANNI fa, Sinagoghe di Satana Spa e Moschee di Sharia Allah, decisero che io avrei dovuto diventare il Re di Israele (lorenzoJHWH) e un Osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani (Unius REI) uniusrei@protonmail.com fedele250660@gmail.com 3205708054
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@ 666 الشيطانية التلمود: CIA ---> الدولة لا ينبغي أن يكون فقط الجلاد: من المواطن، لللقيام الدفع في الناس:٪ 270: من قيمة: من ماله (المصد...
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Datagate: Nsa controlla 75% Rete Usa. USA E GB (farisei anglo-americani FMi NWO 666), hanno fatto distruggere i documenti, del guardian, circa Snowden, perché, sono diventati, la più pericolosa minaccia di nazismo, di tutta la storia del genere umano. loro non sono stati scoperti, da una terrestre tecnologia, sono stati "rivelati", come una religione.. bisogna, espellere, immediatamente, dal territorio nazionale, ogni cosa appartenga, ad USA e GB, ad iniziare dalle ambasciate, loro sono diventati satanisti TROIKA satanisti, TROIKA cosa è il signoraggio bancario? e perché voi lo avete, se, la costituzione lo proibisce a voi? perché, voi state portando allo sterminio, i popoli, con le voste magie giuridiche?