@Rothschild family TALMUD 666 IMF: and 322 freeMASONRY of BUSH NWO - why you:do not: a beautiful 3 ° WW nuclear: among you? Because, if we: take: all the: money, that: you two have: stolen to all the: peoples? then, resolves: Quickly, this monetary crisis: international. When the: world will understand: that: my power: is superior: to yours? they are: all from me: quickly, will be: only: a question of a moment: but, in this moment: I will be: impossible: to save: your: lives: so, you will only: to give: to yourself: a mutual family reunion: for: see: you in your: "grove": at: the: foot: of your: owl god Baal: marduk: to make: of yourself a perfect: sacrifice: to Satan! you have: no life! Come: out: to me: because: I am "Unius Rei: that: is, the: legitimate: representative: of all peoples: the: King of Israel"! So is mine: the: International Monetary Fund! where: you want: to go and hide: yourself from me? Can not!
because: also well in the: hell: I will come: pick you up! because, damn all those: people: of shit, like: you? that: I was not: able: to kill: again in a supernatural mode? then: this is obvious "God himself is forcing me: to protect you and them!" because: if I am not: forced? I can not: stain my hands with blood! why God wants by me: that: I must: build the: Jewish Temple!
@Jews- my children, than I to you? of my political role: of King of Israel? I would not: never: talked about: Jesus Christ: .. but, but, but, you guys are: doing a game: is too dirty and dangerous, through this IMF: International Monetary Fund! when: Illuminati: kakam Rabbis: of Talmudic secret: killers: racist: mad total: for: do Christian children to bleed (why, they are: only: animals in apparent: human form): ie, the: synagogue: of Satan: IMF: they decided: to start: the: "products derivated banking"?
right: at: that: moment: they took the: decision: of to destroy Israel (the: only country, that: today is able: to oppose: to their: power) and do: 3 ° WW Nuclear! In fact, the: corpses do not: have: the: habit: of going to the: Bank: to ask their: money, that: do not: exist: anymore!
@israelnationalTV- the: 200,000: Christian martyrs of Udine: and Gorizia, Istria: Dalmatia: be: kill all: in the: facts: (after: the: 2°WW): is genocide: commissioned by the: Americans: through: Communist: Tito: why: the: Committee: of the American Illuminati: Bankers Jews! (all related through: the: wire: of iron and all, precipitated in Karst: sinkholes) because: they were: guilty of having saved: by genocide: Nazi: all the: Jews who were: fleeing from the: Balkans? and all the: Jews hidden in convents? even: Even Berlusconi has hidden a jew: at: the: risk of his life! Well: The: debt: of life?
Needs to be: paid with their: lives! Because: When the: IMF: it: has allowed the: existence: of "derivatives"? he: well knew, that: the: counterfeit: (bubble) would never: have: to be: returned: he: knew well: that: all peoples would been all: destroy through the: 3rd WW Nuclear!
@Christian- it: is no coincidence: that, everyone: wants to kill: marginalized: the: poor: innocent: Christians: that: is, the: persecuted martyrs! is clear: "Jesus of Bethlehem: he: is truly risen!", because: there: not: might: be: another: explanation .. is obvious: who does not: speak of banking seigniorage? or: of the: martyrdom of Christians? (LOL. also the: Churches: Do not: speak: well why?)
why, despite: knowing: all these: crimes? they do not: speak? is obvious: they deserve: to die: also them (here's why: God will hear: my prayer). who has made: of himself the: accomplice: of all this crime? is the: betrayer: of God: and it: is: the: traitor: of the: peoples!
@youtube- WHO, IS MY ENEMY IN STAFF of YOUTUBE IN this: MASONIC GOVERNMENT: universal of YOUTUBE? IF HE HAS LIVER? HE CAN ALWAYS fight: against: ME ON THIS PAGE: but, he: is THE COWARD, TO tell backs MY SHOULDERS, only: that: is, behind the: backs of peoples to be: him, the: slave: of Rothschild, and his IMF: that: is all that: this vulgar: thief: he: has stolen from us all! when you get: here: all the: Chinese: nuclear: missiles (WHICH ARE EXPECTED of get, TO REDUCE DRASTICALLY: THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE OF THE PLANET?)
for: having had the: Chinese: by Israel and the: CIA: our: "Patriot: "? To get: also Chinese: in only one: Freemasonry of NWO, Then, you will regret: it: you have: been here: "in my office: Rei unius": with all these: whores: and with all these: Satanists! for: be: you: a asshole! that: has prevented me: to moralize: the: whole: human race? is for: this: that: for thou despair, will go down in to hell: in your: endless pain of screaming with!
[[PRODUCTS DERIVATIVES? COLLAPSE IMF OR is 3°WW NUCLEAR]] @enlightened - you have: no life! Come: out: to me: because: I am "Unius Rei: that: is, the: legitimate: representative: of all peoples: the: King of Israel"! So is mine: the: International Monetary Fund! where: you want: to go and hide: yourself from me? Can not! because: also well in the: hell: I will come: pick you up! because, damn all those: people: of shit, like: you?: that: I was not: able: to kill: again, in a supernatural way? then: this is obvious: "God himself is forcing me, to protect: you and them!" because: if I am not: forced? I can not: stain my hands with blood! because: God wants by me: that, I must: build the: Jewish Temple!
@youtube- when you get: here: all the: Chinese: nuclear: missiles (WHICH ARE EXPECTED of get, TO REDUCE DRASTICALLY: THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE OF THE PLANET?) for: having had the: Chinese: by Israel and the: CIA: our: "Patriot: "? To get: also Chinese: in only one: Freemasonry of NWO, for: to help: another: poor: millionaire: a Freemason: like: them: namely, to have: purchased in Italy: lol. A shipyard: Without: a economic hope: ie, the: super: luxury boats yachts of cruise: in times of crisis?) with: 666 Rothschild: of IMF: Bush and 322: of His: grove: owl god Baal or: Marduk or: god Murdok? Then, you will regret: it: you have: been here: "in my office: Rei unius": with all these: whores: and with all these: Satanists! for: be: you: a asshole: of gay! that: has prevented me: to moralize: the: whole: human race? is for: this: that: for: thou despair, will go down in to hell: in your: endless pain of screaming with!
@youtube+israelnationalTV- when: The: Illuminati: kakam Rabbis: of Talmudic secret: killers: racist: ie: mad total: for: Christian children to bleed (why, they are: only: animals: in apparent: human form): ie, the: synagogue: of Satan: IMF: they decided: to start: the: "products derivated banking"? right: at: that: moment: they took the: decision: of to destroy Israel (the: only country, that: today is able: to oppose: to their: power) and do: 3 ° WW Nuclear! In fact, the: corpses do not: have: the: habit: of going to the: Bank: to ask their: money, that: do not: exist: anymore! and is, in this way: that: 322: the: owl god of Bush: the: grove: baal marduk 666: (the: grove: of his mother) they will be: able: to regenerate: again, the: IMF now exhausted! just: after: he: has destroyed 5.5: of: precious creatures of the: Lord God: that: they have: corrupted: between immorality and evolutionism: why, almost: all of them end up in hell!
ANONIMUS SAID:So how is this going to end up and Would this ever: be: stopped? - ANSWER - the: power: of these: rabbis: "ILLUMINATI" masters of the: world: ie: THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN?: Namely, the: masters of the: IMF - New World Order? can not: be: resisted: it: is an absolute: power: and universal! is a power: so absolute, that: even they do not: have: the: need to kill me: as they did kill Kennedy! but: the: Jews are: wonderful people, and amazing! they could decide: to stop all this might: be: tired of Lucifer, may have nostalgia of God, as in the: past! also: why: they have: found: my authority metaphysics: that: could protect: all their: lives: effectively! But: if we: go to war? they too will die: this time! However: I have: faith .. because, all of them diligently read my articles!
ANONIMUS SAID: So how is this going to end up and would this ever: be: stopped? --ANSWER--You sent: me: this below. I found it: hard to follow.- ANSWER -yes! my son .. this things are: very difficult: to understand, because: they are: secret: things: You know: that: the: masters of money (around the: world) are: a few families of Jews Satanists: called enlightened: IMF ECB and the: Fed: are: not: owned by governments, but: are: owned private: banks: because: Freemasonry has betrayed the: people!
@youtube: - I remember: to you, as you have: closed this your: page, against: my "kingxkingdom" only, because: I was: a little: nervous and that: you have: closed my channel: "uniusrei2" (with 400 video: made: by me): just: because: I translated slowly (3 hours) 75% of the: biblical book: of the: Wisdom: of King Solomon's .. here's why: if thou wilt: again, to that: criminal:
the: "IHateNEWLAYOUT" and its principals: master: that: are: Mossad (cat: small Satan) & CIA (fox: great: Satan) (ie: Satanism institutional IMF and international: that: make: more: than 100,000 make: human sacrifices to Satan, each year): I swear: in the: name: of the: living God of Israel: I will hurt: you in the: name: of Jesus!
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento@ Rothschild 666: IMF: synagogue: of owl god Baal, at Bohemian Grove, 322 Bush and Rochefeller: all masonic system of banking seignorage -> in the waiting, that other, fathers: will commit: in the commit suicide: for impossabibilità of pay the mortgage to the bank, and in anticipation that begins this 3 ° WW nuclear: to destroy Israel? we can always enjoy a game of golf! lol. alleluia
HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento@IMF ExecutionKiller CIA 322 666 --> NOW, Jesus, now, HIM speaks with the CIA: also! lol. this is a really good news! In fact, the word "Gospel" means "good news" -------> alleluia halleluijah