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205 IsraelNationalTV

  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    1 secondo fa
    [CIA IMF 666 322 FED ECB ] Wulfnarok posted a comment 7 hours ago Make the world a better place, a stone desert nigger to death. -- ANSWER -->@Synnek1 Why even your employees are racist like you? is for your talmud , ie the bible of satan?
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    6 minuti fa
    ,haider shami,HolyJHWHsanto, ecc..---> idiot ! outube said: "haider non è un indirizzo email valido. A (indirizzi email o nomi utente): Nota aggiuntiva (facoltativa): Anteprima messaggio: HellxDesPairTruction ha condiviso con te un video su YouTube: "Pasque di sangue talmud IMF Ariel Toaff 2a 666 FED ECB NWO" — @ jew boy, Rockefeller IMF 666 - as the Talmud taught to you, to deceive "th... " @youtube .--> ie out ube: idiot said: ",Mark Angels," Mark non è un indirizzo email valido. youtu . be/8_G2uHTYQcs ----  HellxDesPairTruction has shared a video with you on YouTube: "Pasque blood talmud IMF Ariel Toaff second 666 ECB FED NWO" - @ jew boy, Rockefeller IMF 666 - as the Talmud taught to you, to deceive "th ...
  • spidercomic
    spidercomic ha pubblicato un commento
    10 minuti fa
    you suck
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    10 ore fa
    @ jew boy, Rockefeller IMF 666 -> as the Talmud taught to you, to deceive "the puppets Christian: goyim", so as to pretend: to be a Christian too: you also? As your Kabbalah: it has taught you, to preserve, control of power and bring the people to desperation and war? How do you pay with debt: your money created, from nothing to the value of 270%: of all peoples, for their destruction? How useful is: the Shoah for your agency? in fact, that the Jews should remain faithful? they should never be too many! waiting for other entrepreneurs, that they commit suicide, and to enjoy the 3 ° WW nuclear? we can play a game of chess?
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    10 ore fa
    @jew boy, Rockefeller 666 FMI --> come il Talmud ha insegnato a te, ad ingannare "le marionette cristiane", tanto da fingere: di essere un cristiano anche tu? Come la tua Cabbala: ha insegnato a te, a conservare, il controllo del potere: ed a portare i popoli alla disperazione ed alla guerra? Come tu fai pagare, con il debito: il tuo denao creato, dal nulla: al valore del 270%: a tutti i popoli, per la loro distruzione? Come è utile: la Shoah per la tua agenzia? infatti, affinché gli ebrei debbano rimanere fedeli? loro non devono mai essere troppo numerosi! nell'attesa che altri imprenditori commettano il suicidio, e di godere della 3°WW nucleare? noi possiamo fare una partita a scacchi?
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    10 ore fa
    mrUniversalMetaphysc posted a comment 2 hours ago as the wrath of God, you will be aligned with my anger? every thing in this world could be destroyed, Why, how many will pass: free: through: the flame of purification? "" "if it is ill-treated, the green wood ... what may be done, or happen, is at dry wood? ""?" if you are God, you can tell me: how did: life: then - you re only shit, no! you are paid to do the atheist, but in your heart you have won the faith. I am kingdom of YHWH am the king of Palestine & Israel is my kingdom for universal brotherhood
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    10 ore fa
    AllAboutMeerkats said: My friend you mean well, but to overcome the evil we must first understand how it deceives us, not what it has created for us. I am more than just Meerkats, It's time to understand a root cause of the evil in this world: Any 'protest', any 'change' or 'revolution' not founded on the list below -- at the very least the list below -- has got no chance of changing anything. These very pillars of the system must fall or they will block any transformation of the human condition. The system does not need to be tinkered with or even fundamentally changed (on the surface). The whole bloody lot must go ... starting with ... 1. An end to creating money out of thin air on computer screens and charging interest on it (fractional reserve lending).
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    10 ore fa
    mrUniversalMetaphysc posted a comment 1 hour ago AllAboutMeerkats said: 2. An end to governments borrowing fresh-air money called 'credit' from private banks and the people paying interest on this 'money' that has never, does not and will never exist. Governments (and that concept must change radically) can create their own currency -- interest free. 3. An end to private banks issuing non-existent money called 'credit' at all and thus creating 'money' as a debt from the very start. 4. An end to casinos like Wall Street and the City of London betting mercilessly on the financial and commodity markets with the lives of billions around the world. 5. An end to all professional lobby groups that earn their living and their clients' living from corrupting the professionally corruptible -- vast numbers of world politicians and the overwhelming majority on Capitol Hill.
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    10 ore fa
    mrUniversalMetaphysc posted a comment 1 hour ago AllAboutMeerkats said: 6. An end to no-contract government in which mendacious politicians can promise the people they will do this and that to win their support and then do the very opposite after they have lied themselves into office (see Obama). 7. An end to the centralisation of power in all areas of our lives and a start to diversifying power to communities to decide their own lives and thus ensure there are too many points of decision making for any cabal to centrally control. That is just for starters. There is so much more where that came from. What good will come from rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic? NONE. The banking system as we know it does not need to be 'changed' - it needs to be gone. It is a criminal activity based on fraud, extortion and, through its effect, on worldwide mass murder.
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    10 ore fa
    mrUniversalMetaphysc posted a comment 1 hour ago AllAboutMeerkats said: Its replacement needs to be decided by the population - not the very people who created it in the first place and are covertly manipulating a new global structure of financial control based on a world central bank. From Johnboy (AllAboutMeerkats youtube channel)
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    10 ore fa
    SatanQueenFagot said: What is the bank seigniorage of: 666Rothschild and 322Bush? What is the NWO? Do not you know, That whoever has the monopoly of money? it is he who has in his hands: the real power: against all the nations: Who Said That the Queen of England, is patron of Freemasonry? (which received more than 666: excommunication from the Catholic Church: "Because I Said," Elizabeth II is the new Jezebel. "Since, our money is an absolute crime? then: the rich are all complicit in this high crime: of top treason,, against the Constitution! Governments for the false Masonic: of bank seigniorage: and in the That All Governments: are all dominated: by the "synagogue of Satan, of the IMF", who won against: everyone and everything: to have designed : every holocaust against my people Israel? here's why: very soon to die like animals
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    10 ore fa
    mrUniversalMetaphysc posted a comment 1 hour ago @ My YHWH -> is the infamous pact, between Saudi Arabia and enlightened of talmud: for the destruction of Christian civilization (democracy) and the destruction of Palestine and Israel, in this way through Freemasonry, Satanism, multinational, corporate, banking seigniorage: the enlightened jews: take control of the West, while the Saudis take control of all Muslim Nations. but historical phenomena: they can be sped up (acceleration historical) Saudi Muslim allies of Satan (USA IMF NWO 666 322), to destroy Christianity and then, the Saudis imperialism of Sharia, they manage to defeat Satan himself(IMF)? lol. absolute madness saudi!
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    10 ore fa
    Capitalist09 SAID: Re: @Jew --> You know, I'm very aware or the protocols of zion "manual" if you will. I looked it up on and it is listed under "controversial readings", along with Mein Kampf. Now, you must understand that the ordinary everyday jew most likely distances themselves from such readings like these in order to prevent to perpetuation of the stereotype. But, every wonder what goes thru their heads politically? Well, with social issues, most likely left, but with Israel, most likely extreme-far right. Zion protocols is crystal clear where they get their politics from. And my friend, those politics are not even close to the values of our American way. It teaches how to manipulate the economic model of a nation, find it's vulnerability, and crush it. Keep all money of the world privatized into a international monetary system to where a whole nation will go further
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    10 ore fa
    Capitalist09 SAID: Re: @Jew --> into debt while the bankers get even richer. I believe that any people(s) who follow these values, have their place in hell. If you want to starve our children because it benefits you, the Lord will know, you cannot hide from him. George Soros still has a chance to get on his knees and beg God for forgiveness for his selfishness, and un-repented sins, and If he takes that money and gives it to those in need in the southwest suffering from those hurricanes, losing their homes, and not for a media opp, he might have a small place in the Kingdom of Heaven. He should give it all away, because he has stolen it. Or he can die with a hardened heart and rot. My point is, Books like these have turned a once huge religion into a divided culture of confusion. Where are the jews who follow the old testament, and not secular dogma written by men.
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    10 ore fa
    Capitalist09 SAID: Re: @Jew --> I hope our Christian politicians read this stuff observantly not saying where it's from but simply pointing out a problem in our economic problems. Thanks to Ron Paul, hopefully more people will wake up. Capitalist09 Re: yes, Yahuah I have met freemasons, I see people with the rings on their finger. I believe that freemasonry is a dangerous ideology, a disease where one visualizes God as an "Architect". People claim that the American forefathers were freemasons, but I think that History is flawed. It may be true that they were freemasons of the time, however, I don't believe that their destiny was the same as it is today. Oh, sorry dude, I couldn't find them in Italian, I'm sure there are a few with subtitles. But, I like where you come from Politically. Libertarianism is the way to prevent a one world govt. from destroying our way of life.
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    10 ore fa
    lorenzoUniusREI Kingdom SAID: money? is a spiritual entity .. "conventional", now in violation of the Constitution: we buy, all our own money, to more at: interest (debt: public), by the Jewish bankers Rothschild: To become his slaves. That Is, private SPA. Therefore, the money costs us 270% of its value .. That is this system needs the destructive wars: to regenerate itself, you will understood, That has said: Ezra Pound, and as has Demonstrated: Giacinto Auriti .. Well then you best start to figure out some things: THERE IS HOPE NOT .. IF Jews, THEY SPEAK NOT OF BANKING seigniorage, why, only Jews can save us now
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    15 ore fa
    1950renzo SAID: Comment on your video: Stop the massacre of Christians in India Hindus HINDU "-> Christians in Iraq with Sadam had no problem, in fact they were met with the Anglo-American criminal occupation have given way to the hunting of Christians, ordered by cess Bush ,--- ANSWER -> the Talmud demands the destruction of the Christians! therefore, the massacre of Christians in Iraq: was done: in accordance with imperialism Of Arabia Saudi. I am Unius REI: the king of Israel: Palestine: and all the world: 1. for the glory of God: YHWH? and: 2. for my glory? no man will pay more taxes on the entire planet! if my ascent be prevented? the 3rd WW nuclear is inevitable! HellxDesPairTruction posted a comment 22 seconds ago are damaged: all rebels! are ruined all my enemies! amen! so is that we will see: if Christ is seated at the right hand of the Father: yes or not!
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    15 ore fa
    @ Rothschild 666: IMF: synagogue: of owl god Baal, at Bohemian Grove, 322 Bush and Rochefeller: all masonic system of banking seignorage -> in the waiting, that other, fathers: will commit: in the commit suicide: for impossabibilità of pay the mortgage to the bank, and in anticipation that begins this 3 ° WW nuclear: to destroy Israel? we can always enjoy a game of golf! lol. alleluia @IMF ExecutionKiller CIA 322 666 --> NOW, Jesus, now, HIM speaks with the CIA: also! lol. this is a really good news! In fact, the word "Gospel" means "good news" -------> alleluia halleluijah
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    1 sett. fa
    [mistero di Israele: nei progetti di Dio] non ha importanza: come possono essere massoni, criminali, usurai, razzisti: oggi alcuni ebrei. perché Dio perdonerà: tutti quelli: che ritorneranno: in Israele: 1. per distruggere la democrazia massonica e satanica del signoraggio bancario, 2. e per: innalzare il Regno di Davide! 3. Israele (e parte del deserto di: Egitto e Arabia Saudita: fioriranno come una foresta!)sarà predestinato: alla redenzione, ma, 4. tutti gli ebrei; al di fuori: di Israele?: loro sono predestinati alla dannazione: distruzione! Ecco, perché: 5. Rothschild del FMI 666 farisei: hanno stabilito: che, è in Israele, che deve essere: la nuova frontiera; del nuovo Olocausto: 6. perché, Israele: pone una linea di demarcazione: e di identificazione: tra: gli ebrei satanisti del FMI(che, loro hanno rinunciato ad una Nazione: per rovinare: tutti i popoli: come vampiri); e gli ebrei santi: che, hanno fatto la scelta di Dio: di Israele: e quindi della vita eterna.
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    1 sett. fa
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 1 minuto fa @my holy Islam: poiché: Abramo era un vero musulmano? poi, ogni uom:o è un musulmano: anche! tutti dovrebbero: gustare: la santità dell'Islam! ma, la Sharia nasconde: un progetto imperialistico: che è: il vero aspetto: del satanismo! Infatti, Dio non pretende: di conquistare il mondo: attraverso: la coercizione: 1. sia perché: Dio lo avrebbe già fatto! 2. sia perché: Dio non può confondere: se stesso con i metodi criminali di satana! Quindi: colui che ha scelto la sharia?: lui ha scelto: anche, di fatto: di fare lo sterminio di tutto il genere umano! ecco perché: io ucciderò: in tutto il mondo: soltanto: i musulmani: che: vorranno erigere la sharia!
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    1 sett. fa
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 1 minuto fa mentre: io difenderò, e io proteggerò: con tutto il mio amore: tutti gli altri musulmani. perché: in tutta questa perversione: ed abominazione: che viene dalle lobby ebraiche: e massoniche: del FMI? loro rappresentano: la moralità migliore! Ecco perché: uno standard: universale: di moralità: deve anche essere accettato: da tutte le Nazioni: affinché, i musulmani: non abbiano più bisogno di essere difesi dalla sharia!
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    1 sett. fa
    [mia moglie? proprio come tutte le altre persone del mondo!] tutti coloro: che: si oppongono: al mio volere?(anche se, io non sono conosciuto da loro)? loro si ammalano, perché, io sono: Unius REI: il Buon Pastore! pertanto, se loro porranno: se stessi sotto la mia protezione? loro saranno perdonati, e quindi: ristorati e risanati! Ecco perché, con il passare del tempo: sempre più persone, non potranno più fare a meno: di me: per vivere! ecco perché io non ho bisogno di essere violento o di avere degli eserciti! Perdere la sovranità monetaria(FMI)? equivale a perdere la sovranità politica ed ogni altra sovranità! Ecco perché: è inutile il vile teatrino: della BCE; che lei non va dalla FED: perché noi sappiamo come loro sono una sola sinagoga di satana! si ammaleranno tutti i miei nemici! tutti i ribelli: amen! così vedremo: se Cristo è seduto alla destra del Padre!
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    2 sett. fa
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 1 secondo fa @Regina, mia Sorella: Regina Elisabetta II, sorry, io non riesco a valutare: il tuo livello, di responsabilità: in tutto questo crimine: del Satanico FMI: forse non è un crimine superiore: a quello di: tutti gli altri: leaders and Elite
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    2 sett. fa
    [For my love of Israel: &: all my Peoples: I am Uniuversal Brotherhood] 1_7. against satanic :: Talmud: in USA: IMF FED CIA 322 -> 1. sorry, in which shop: I can buy a can of: two tons: of: sulfuric acid: for: to say to the police are: I, That, I dissolve Hundreds of: corpses? 2. sorry, because of: thousands, and: thousands, of: human sacrifices made: on the altair: of: Satan, not you: discover, never: one only: guilty? 3. which: industrial power, political, institutional, media, finance has made it possible: the creation: 11-09? These monsters: of: Satanists, That, they can walk: in the middle: to the human: and now, have the ambition of: conquer the world: too superior to: us is: Their the-wealth and: technology aliens!
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    2 sett. fa
    [For my love of Israel: &: all my Peoples: I am Uniuversal Brotherhood] 2_7.against: Satanic Talmud: in USA: IMF FED 322 CIA ->: because you has: bandit: all religious symbols: (except rovescite the crosses, the stars: reversed: together: in: all symbols blasphemous: of the: symbol metal: that, are: satanic symbols)? because you impart the lessons of: Witchcraft in the schools? then is: good for: you, that you are consistent! you remove all: your satanic symbols: and: the blasphemers of your: nation! These monsters: of: Satanists, That, they can walk: in the middle: to the humans: and now have: ambition: of: conquer: the world: much superior to: us is: Their the-wealth and: alien technology! wickedness, cruelty I see has an: jang women: dissolved by sulfuric acid: of the: stomach down!
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    2 sett. fa
    [For my love of Israel: &: all my Peoples: I am Uniuversal Brotherhood] 3_7.against: Satanic Talmud: U.S.: 666 322 IMF FED CIA -> Satanists: have: the control of the: power! I have seen women impaled: the anus to the mouth: these women were: stuck: a pole: of wood: Pointed, or: these women were put on the grill: stuck: from the spit of a pig! CLEAR? who enters in the satanism: CORPORATE: receive a perfect mind control, because, he believes: that: the priest of: Satan, he can read: also: thoughts! now, this monstrosity: as: it can be made to end? since this your: Satanism: Institutional: it involves institutions / governments: of: England, France, Germany and is: this "operation" in all the false democracies (demon-crazy) of the: banking seigniorage? as: the whole human race: is: in danger now?
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    2 sett. fa
    [For my love of Israel: &: all my Peoples: I am Uniuversal Brotherhood] 4_7. against: Satanic Talmud: U.S.: 666 322 IMF FED CIA -> the satanism: is: of the worst: cannibalism because: is: an: experience: mental, spiritual, psychological, somatic, "with no: possibilities of : return: or: of: Redemption ", in fact, who: think of: cheating? is killed immediately! these Satanists institutional eat the raw heart during: human sacrifice: while the victim is: still alive, are: the technique, the institution, the perfection of the: crime: and: horror! the Satanists: have: professionals: highly: specialized! necessary: ​​an: martial law: for: eradicate this cancer: civil society? The secret weapons of: American? can not be won: a military! the whole human race to survive must join with me: I am unius REI!
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    2 sett. fa
    [For my love of Israel: &: all my Peoples: I am Uniuversal Brotherhood] 5_7. against satanic :: Talmud: U.S.: 666 322 IMF FED CIA -> you have created: all this monstrosity: underground cities: (protected: military secret) where humanity is: was banned: The HORROR: reigns ever! genetic experiments, etc. .. etc. .. no restrictions! Now? as: exterminate: these monsters (which are: ready: with Their: immolation: to: Their show: fidelity to: Satan?) you own, you have given: to: these Satanists: the more: powerful, secret : sophisticated technology? These monsters, who can walk: in the middle: the human and now have: the ambition of: conquer the world so superior to: us is: Their the-wealth and: alien technology! The secret weapons of: American-dogs? can not be won on the military! the whole human race to survive should join me!
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    2 sett. fa
    [For my love of Israel: &: all my Peoples: I am Uniuversal Brotherhood] 6_7.against :: satanic Talmud: U.S.: 666 322 IMF FED CIA -> [when a citizen: is: of: front: the your: setting: of the: Satanism? he is: a dead man!] you have compromise the survival of the: human species on everything: the planet because the Satanists? Their: not: are more: an: the human species! "How?" and men: women are: worn: of course adultery etc. .. etc. .. so, is: can institutionalize: evil?: for: make compelling: to the point: of: delete: free will: willed by God? for: to have: slave: absolutely: reliable: and: faithful: for: the satanic Talmud? You are Satanists criminally insane! [Joshua 24, "you choose whom you will serve!" God said to me: "What worries you? Him who does evil: his evil will die!"]
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    2 sett. fa
    [For my love of Israel: &: all my Peoples: I am Uniuversal Brotherhood] 7_7. against: Satanic Talmud: U.S.: 666 322 IMF FED CIA -> of course, is you: the more: dangerous: and: the more: criminal of: all nations! but: That the Church had excommunicated Freemasonry 666 times? she knew that, we'd get to: this! (When Saudi Arabia says to: me: that: is: was forced to: make Islam aggressive for: was it you?: Their I will have to forgive!) As it may, the civil society so fragile: and: without sovereignty: face all this horror? but: is: the horror that now took possession of: the: secret weapons: the secret bases: has: control of the: program: aliens abductions, because the sataniti: are: allied with the demons! Satanists keep my comments on this page: defiantly: against all mankind! but they know well: that only unius REI: can meet this challenge deadly against them!
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    2 sett. fa
    @ Dear Grandmother Elizabeth II -> that's why I need to make the satire on you! but this: is my truth: I love you and all the grandmothers of the world like you!
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    2 sett. fa
    @ Dear Grandmother Elizabeth II -> behind this global threat? There are always the rabbis Pharisees of the IMF, which then are the same as Illuminati by Lucifer, who, have the bank seigniorage: illicit, but legally: a conspiracy woven patiently through the centuries: as he said: ALSO: Dante Alighieri , or crimes committed: so, in mode: abnormal: that: all this hatred against: Christ? does not have a precedent, as as is: high: treason Masonic: against: all Institutions: of all the world! That's why, this: International Monetary fund: it must be restored: on the basis of Constitutional! Before, that, the Kingdom of Satan, come out from the pages of death: of the Talmud and stifle any form: of hope because: there is also a Talmud secret: that: it is against the Jews themselves: for that, jews have lost: miss their rights, of: Jewishness: when: after: the death of Jesus, the paternal genealogies: they were destroyed: intentionally!
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    2 sett. fa
    @Cara Nonna Elisabetta II, --> dietro questo minaccia globale? ci sono: sempre: i rabbini farisei del FMI, che, poi sono gli stessi Illuminati da lucifero, che, hanno il signoraggio bancario: illecitamente ma, legalmente: per una congiura: tessuta pazientemente attraverso i secoli: come disse: ANCHE: Dante Alighieri; o crimini commessi: in modo: abnorme: che: tutto questo odio contro Cristo: non ha un precedente: come alto: tradimento: massonico: contro: le Istituzioni: di tutto il modo! Ecco perché, questo: fondo Monetario Internazionale: deve essere ristrutturato: su basi Costituzionali! Prima, che, il Regno di Satana, esca dalle pagine morte: del Talmud: e soffochi ogni forma: di speranza: poiché: esiste anche un Talmud segreto: che: è contro gli stessi ebrei: per avere fatto perdere: loro: ogni diritto: di ebraicità: nel momento in cui: subito dopo: la morte di Gesù: le genealogie paterne: furono distrutte: intenzionalmente!
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    2 sett. fa
    @Cara Nonna Elisabetta II, --> io soffro, a dare: dei dispiaceri, a qualcuno, perché: io sono un uomo molto mite: ma, se i potenti: di questo mondo: se, il Re dell'Arabia Saudita, ecc.. che, io maltratto: molto facilmente, cioè, se tutti: non: si capiscono, quello che: significa: il satanismo Istituzionale(chi ha: il possesso: della: 1. tecnologia, 2. progetto alieni e 3. le armi segrete), di come: in modo occulto, esso controlli le istituzioni americane:(controllo elettronico globale: il Grande Fratello: è già una realtà: il micro chip: profetizzato: nell'Apocalisse: è una realtà!) è il pericolo: che, tutto questo: può rappresentare: per tutti i popoli del mondo! ecco perché: devono essere archiviate: tutte le contrapposizioni ideologiche e religiose: intorno ad un garante: un mediatore imparziale, come è Unius REI
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    2 sett. fa
    @cara Nonna Elisabetta II, ----> in questo modo, se tu sei una assassina, o se tu sei una grande santa? questo particolare, non ha un significato per me! perché, soltanto Dio: sa il valore della nostra vita: cioè: il nostro esito finale: ecco perché, non è un caso: che: grandi assassini e grandi peccatori: poi, sono diventati i più grandi santi: come, Santo Agostino di Ippona, ecc.. ecc.. Ecco, perché, io odio profondamente, fare dei pettegolezzi: sulle persone, infatti, soltanto, le persone più meschine: possono fare dei pettegolezzi! Ecco perché, in questo modo io sarei felice di dare a te, la mia mano, per fare, insieme a te, delle lunghe passeggiate nei boschi, e lungo la riva del mare, perché, io sono un uomo molto umile, romantico, mite, e gentile, un vero gentiluomo
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    2 sett. fa
    @cara Nonna Elisabetta II, ----> 1). io sono rispettoso, di: tutte le autorità, civili: e religiose: del mondo intero!  infatti. 2). io non riesco, a odiare: nessuno, perché: io non riesco a giudicare nessuno, (poiché, colui che giudica: (a). è un malfattore(perché: non vuole servire, in umiltà)!, ed è (b): un usurpatore: dei diritti di Dio): poiché, il giudizio: è soltanto, una prerogativa di Dio! ma io sono convinto, che, se non verrà archiviato, questo sistema massonico(se la Chiesa Cattolica ha pronunciato: 666: scomuniche: contro: la massoneria? un motivo: ci dovrà pur essere!) del signoraggio bancario: non soltanto sarà: impossibile: evitare la 3°WW nucleare; ma, ancora peggio, non sarà impossibile contrastare, la penetrazione del satanismo: nelle nostre istituzioni: come, purtroppo, è già avvenuto alle istituzioni americane! e youtube, ne è un esempio!
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    3 sett. fa
    [satanism imperialism: of saudi arabia salafis: horror for all word the agenda for do WW nuclear!] Friday, July 27, 2012. a Saudi. Posted by Christopher Bibb Muhend Friday, July 27, 2012 /Article Rating Persecution. here is further proof, if any were needed, of the situation faced by many Muslims the Islamic faith is imposed and to avoid leaving the authorities to ensure that they have no possibility of comparison between the Koran and the Bible. And especially no contact with Christians who preach the gospel! Thank you to Christian D. for reporting this information I found on the site of the East-to-day. As a precaution, in case the link is no longer available, here is the excerpt: the 26/07/12. Saudi authorities on Tuesday arrested a Lebanese national and a Saudi in the city of Khobar for helping a young Saudi to convert to Christianity, reports the website of Saudi Sabak information. The two suspects were later released on bail yesterday, further clarify the site.
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    3 sett. fa
    [satanism imperialism: of saudi arabia salafis: horror for all word the agenda for do WW nuclear!] The Lebanese citizen would, however, not allowed to leave Saudi territory, according Sabak. "The Saudi and Lebanese accused of helping the young 28 year old girl to flee the kingdom to Bahrain and Lebanon, where she found refuge in a church," says the website, quoting the Saudi parents. The latter had met the two men in the company where she works in Khobar. the 30/07/12 We learn (Hallelujah.) our sister Arabia was away again, having been asked by Father Boutros Zakarias on one of the sites where he evangelized from the USA: et ici: youtu . be/ZiLZ8U5Q7mY
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    3 sett. fa
    in Syria will end the criminal career of the NWO and its IMF! en Syrie mettra fin à la carrière criminelle de la NWO et sa FMI! en Siria pondrá fin a la carrera criminal del Nuevo Orden Mundial y por el FMI! in Syrien endet die kriminelle Karriere des NWO und seine IMF! --- OR, --> or, I will punish all of you making you die during the 3rd WW nuclear... ALTRIMENTI? io punirò tutti voi facendovi morire durante la 3°WW nucleare Syria: Maleh opponent tries again, "soon a government in the north." Syria: Maleh opponent tries again, "soon to government in the north" - ANSWER -> NO! Syria will not be divided! the Arab League and Saudi Arabia, who have sent their troops: of salafis and Al Qaeda? will be punished! the martyrdom of the Syrian people: because of them? was a terrible martyrdom!
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    3 sett. fa
    Syria: Maleh opponent tries again, "soon a government in the north." Syria: Maleh opponent tries again, "soon to government in the north" - ANSWER -> NO! Syria will not be divided! the Arab League and Saudi Arabia, who have sent their troops: of salafis and Al Qaeda? will be punished! the martyrdom of the Syrian people: because of them? was a terrible martyrdom! --ANSWER--> NO! la Siria non sarà divisa! la Lega Araba e l'Arabia Saudita: che hanno inviato le loro milizie: di Al Quaeda? saranno puniti! il martirio del popolo siriano: per colpa loro ? è stato un martirio terribile!
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    3 sett. fa
    Syria, after over a month reappears: on TV President Assad: Assad in prayer shown by state television Assad in prayer shown by state TV Last Updated: August 19, Damascus - (Adnkronos / Ign) - On the day that marks the end of Ramadan, the state television has aired pictures of Syrian President praying in a mosque in Damascus. The last time he appeared: in public was July 4th. - ANSWER -> YOU: (ASSAD), you WILL NOT BE KILLED! AND Satanists of CIA IMF: 666, 322 Masons: Sunni Salafi Sharia of Al Quaeda: for saudi Imperialism? they will not win IN SYRIA! HOW HAVE WON IN LIBYA
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    3 sett. fa
    08/19/2012 VATICAN. Pope: Jesus, bread of life, was not a messiah who aspired to an earthly throne During the Angelus, Benedict XVI explained that Jesus did not seek popularity, that he pushed his disciples to decide, receive him in faith without being shocked about his humanity, joining Him in a deep and personal way. The rediscovery of the Eucharist "expresses all the humility and holiness of God, his becoming small, a piece of the universe to reconcile it fully in love." Castel Gandolfo (AsiaNews) - "Jesus was not a Messiah who aspired to an earthly throne. He did not seek popularity to conquer Jerusalem. In fact, he wanted to go to the Holy City to share the fate of the prophets, and give his life for God and the people,"... -- ANSWER-> ALSO, I DO NOT SEARCH, THE THRONE (this is my sacrifice)! but, if the throne will not come from me? the world will burn: in atomic fire: because: it is essential to return the monetary sovereignty: to all the nations, and then create a new IMF!
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    3 sett. fa
    no! I'm sorry, but, the violent, who do evil to peaceful people, do not enter:in the Kingdom of God! NO! they will never come! no! mi dispiace: ma, i violenti: che fanno il male a persone pacifiche:: non entrano: nel Regno di Dio! NO! non potranno mai entrare! [to all muslims country: ie, ex-christian martyr country, if, you do not laicized: quickly? it will be impossible for me to be of Able: to do: avoid the 3rd WW nuclear! but who told you, That, you will go to Heaven? he has deceived to you! no! it was not my Holy, Holy, Holy: Allah] no! I'm sorry, but, the violent, peaceful people who do evil to, do not enter: in the Kingdom of God! NO! they will never come!
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    3 sett. fa
    @Rothschilf IMF 666 god owl --> no! I have no: 1. disorders religious or 2. I have no mystical crisis: 3. I have no supernatural gifts: I am totally rational and no spirit could come to my presence without being disintegrated here is why: I do not see: and hear nothing: that: is not. in three dimensional mine? is only a speculation, deduction: intuition: philosophical linked to faith in the Bible that: it is called Metaphysics! fuck Rothscind: I have not entered into Freemasonry, as you'd want! Your slander against me? You can put in your ass!
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    3 sett. fa
    @IsraelNationalTV @ Israel -> among the few people who know: in a rational way, this secret? there's the king of Saudi Arabia: in fact, there is an explicit agreement: between: him and the Illuminati to destroy Israel! indeed, this is, their time: to spread Islam: through: money, violence and intolerance: of the Salafis: of which is precisely the armed wing:is: Al Qaeda! (that's why they can die every day 400: Christian martyrs: in the general indifference: but, the real goal of that, of all christians martyred innocent? is of come to you: for to kill you!)
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    3 sett. fa
    1_2: @Israel National TV, my brother -> because: all jews are: Become christians?: in occult fashion? why: they can be been exterminated: by Illuminati: of the IMF: in a systematic fashion (any, after any 70 years: about: and now, it's the turn for Israel to be wiped out: for his Holocaust), when: an animal dies stifled: and: All His blood (ie, His Life: is him, not you eat it, but, you do eat him: to a goyim: as me, because: as your Talmud says: "I do not have: the danger of becoming an animal": (for eating the blood of an animal) in fact, I'm already an animal from the human form for your Talmud! This, however, is for your Kakam: Super Enlightened Rabbis: and, their occult World!: you can not know! That is, Illuminati: Super Pharisees Rabbis: kakam: of IMF: they circulate : of the: compound: that contain, as a percentage is the blood of Catholic children: sacrificed, as lambs for purifying: of sinners,
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    3 sett. fa
    2_2: @ IsraelNationalTV my friend! ---> But the blood (ie, the compound: the dust, ash), is made​​, also, eat:((inhaled: injected: with drugs)) through: many religious rituals: how, with the eggs of the ritual of marriage, etc. ... why, you Jews: you were all robbed: of e thy our rights of Jewishness(there are no more): and you have become: all you too: how are the Goyim, here, because: in a secret mode: you are all become Christians((this is the Blood of Christ: that: through the blood of Christians: that is in your veins!)!)! here, because: in line with the:law: and cyclically: the Illuminati: must do: and have: the authority to plan the Holocaust: Shaoah: against all jews! In fact, you have been ousted: of the their Jewishness: of their rights (to have partaken of the blood of children christian), but this? you do not know!
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    3 sett. fa
    3_3.@ IsraelNationalTV->is because, that, the Illuminati Pharisees: of the IMF, 666: owl god: Baal MArduck, they knew very well that only the people of the Jews could: do stop: at their satanic: power: criminal (because, about: the satanists Freemasons?: they could trust blindly)! Here, the super Pharisees Kakam: Illuminati by Lucifer, they have always planned: the extermination (Holocaust): Shoah: of the Jews((as now: Israel must be destroyed in the inevitable: nuclear WW: 3°))! But because the Jews would be killed: legally: the Jews were to be downgraded: at the level of the goyim is why:to the Jews was done drinking (treacherously): the blood of Catholic children! It is also of this: the real reason: occult invisible, in mode supernatural: the why, the Muslims want to kill the Jews because they sense the Muslims (for the power of SatanAllah Sharia), that Jews are becoming Christian:in mode occult!
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    3 sett. fa
    @HALLELUIJAH! --> I'm here! Satan trembles! and all that is his: all shit? trembles with him! because I am Unius REI: one only king on all the world: ie King of Israel: lorenzojhwh: and Mahdì of Palestine People lorenzoAllah! @hallelujah -----> my Holy Holy Holy JHWH glory ALLELUIA SALAMA SHALOM SALAM SALAAM PEACE PACE 和平 평화 שלום السلام ΕΙΡΗΝΗ शांति  МИР BARIŞ hòa bình paz kapayapaan paix 平和 paz --- blessings too--> LOVE
  • Synnek1
    Synnek1 ha pubblicato un commento
    3 sett. fa



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  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    1 secondo fa
    @youtube .--> ie out ube: idiot said: ",Mark Angels," Mark non è un indirizzo email valido. youtu . be/8_G2uHTYQcs ----  HellxDesPairTruction has shared a video with you on YouTube: "Pasque blood talmud IMF Ariel Toaff second 666 ECB FED NWO" - @ jew boy, Rockefeller IMF 666 - as the Talmud taught to you, to deceive "th ...
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    3 minuti fa
    ,haider shami,HolyJHWHsanto, ecc..---> idiot ! outube said: "haider non è un indirizzo email valido. A (indirizzi email o nomi utente): Nota aggiuntiva (facoltativa): Anteprima messaggio: HellxDesPairTruction ha condiviso con te un video su YouTube: "Pasque di sangue talmud IMF Ariel Toaff 2a 666 FED ECB NWO" — @ jew boy, Rockefeller IMF 666 - as the Talmud taught to you, to deceive "th... "
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    27 minuti fa
    @ Jew Junge, Rockefeller IWF 666 - wie der Talmud lehrt Sie, um "die Puppen Christian: Gojim" zu täuschen, so zu tun: ein Christ zu sein: Sie auch? Als Ihr Kabbalah: es euch gelehrt hat, zu bewahren, zu kontrollieren der Macht, und bringen die Menschen zur Verzweiflung und Krieg? Wie gehen Sie mit Schulden zu bezahlen: Ihr Geld angelegt, aus dem Nichts auf den Wert von 270%: aller Völker (Wissenschaftler Giacinto Auriti), für ihre Zerstörung? Wie nützlich ist: die Shoah für Ihre Agentur? in der Tat, dass die Juden treu bleiben? sie sollte nie zu viele! Wartezeit für andere Unternehmer, dass sie Selbstmord begehen, und die 3 ° WW nuklearen genießen? wir können spielen Sie eine Partie Schach? [CIA IWF 666 322 FED EZB] @ Synnek1 Warum auch Ihre Mitarbeiter sind rassistisch wie Sie? ist für Ihre talmud, dh die Bibel des Satans?
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    29 minuti fa
    @ Muchacho judio, Rockefeller FMI 666 - como el Talmud enseña a usted, para engañar a "los títeres cristiana: goyim", a fin de fingir: ser un cristiano demasiado: también? A medida que su Kabbalah: ella os ha enseñado, para preservar, controlar el poder, y llevar al pueblo a la desesperación y la guerra? ¿Cómo se paga la deuda: el dinero creado de la nada al valor del 270%: de todos los pueblos (científico Giacinto Auriti), para su destrucción? ¿Qué tan útil es la siguiente: la Shoah para su agencia? de hecho, que los Judios deben seguir siendo fiel? nunca deben ser demasiado! esperando a otros empresarios, que se suicidan, y disfrutar de la 3 ° Guerra nuclear? podemos jugar una partida de ajedrez? [CIA FMI 666 322 BCE FED] @ Synnek1 ¿Por qué incluso los empleados son racistas como tú? es para su talmud, es decir, la biblia de satanás?
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    30 minuti fa
    @ Juif garçon, Rockefeller FMI 666 - que le Talmud enseigne à vous, à tromper »les marionnettes chrétienne: goyim», afin de faire semblant: d'être un chrétien trop: vous aussi? En tant que votre Kabbale: qu'elle vous a enseignés, de préserver, de contrôler la puissance, et amener les gens au désespoir et à la guerre? Comment payez-vous à la dette: votre argent créé à partir de rien à la valeur de 270%: de tous les peuples (scientifique Giacinto Auriti), pour leur destruction? Quelle est l'utilité: la Shoah pour votre organisme? en fait, que les Juifs devraient rester fidèle? ils ne doivent jamais être trop nombreux! d'attente pour d'autres entrepreneurs, qu'ils se suicident, et de profiter de la 3 ° WW nucléaire? nous pouvons jouer une partie d'échecs? [CIA FMI 666 322 BCE FED] @ Synnek1 Pourquoi même vos employés sont racistes comme vous? c'est pour votre talmud, c'est à dire la bible de satan?
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    31 minuti fa
    @ Ebreo ragazzo, Rockefeller FMI 666 - come il Talmud ha insegnato a voi, per ingannare "i burattini cristiana: goyim", in modo da fingere: di essere un cristiano troppo: anche voi? Come vostro Kabbalah: essa vi ha insegnato, per preservare, il controllo del potere, e portare la gente alla disperazione e la guerra? Come si paga con il debito: il vostro denaro creato, dal nulla al valore del 270%: di tutti i popoli (scienziato Giacinto Auriti), per la loro distruzione? Quanto è utile: la Shoah per la vostra agenzia? infatti, che gli ebrei dovrebbero rimanere fedeli? non devono mai essere troppi! in attesa di altri imprenditori, che si suicidano, e di godere della 3 ° WW nucleare? siamo in grado di giocare una partita a scacchi? @ Synnek1 Perché anche i vostri dipendenti sono razzisti come te? è per il Talmud, cioè la Bibbia di Satana?
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    55 minuti fa
    [CIA IMF 666 322 FED ECB ] Wulfnarok posted a comment 7 hours ago Make the world a better place, a stone desert nigger to death. -- ANSWER -->@Synnek1 Why even your employees are racist like you? is for your talmud , ie the bible of satan?

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Datagate: Nsa controlla 75% Rete Usa. USA E GB (farisei anglo-americani FMi NWO 666), hanno fatto distruggere i documenti, del guardian, circa Snowden, perché, sono diventati, la più pericolosa minaccia di nazismo, di tutta la storia del genere umano. loro non sono stati scoperti, da una terrestre tecnologia, sono stati "rivelati", come una religione.. bisogna, espellere, immediatamente, dal territorio nazionale, ogni cosa appartenga, ad USA e GB, ad iniziare dalle ambasciate, loro sono diventati satanisti TROIKA satanisti, TROIKA cosa è il signoraggio bancario? e perché voi lo avete, se, la costituzione lo proibisce a voi? perché, voi state portando allo sterminio, i popoli, con le voste magie giuridiche?

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Posting Date
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: A Man-Made Cup In Pennsylvanian Coal?February 11, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Hands-Down EvidenceFebruary 7, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Trilobites UnderfootFebruary 4, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Getting A handle On Ancient Dinosaur SightingsFebruary 2, 2013
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Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: The Willett PrintJanuary 25, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Throughout The Geologic ColumnJanuary 23, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Cro-Magnon ManJanuary 16, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Neanderthal ManJanuary 14, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Homo ErectusJanuary 11, 2013
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Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: IntroductionDecember 26, 2012
The Model, Episode 4


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the King Unius Rei

the King Unius Rei
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