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將結束在敘利亞的蘇國和國際貨幣基金組織的犯罪生涯!在錫里亞finiràcarriera criminale德爾NWOËDEL鎖FMI!連接Syrie mettra鰭點菜卡里爾criminelle德拉NWO等一個FMI!恩錫里亞pondrá魚翅一拉卡雷拉刑事DEL NUEVO奧登MUNDIALŸPOR EL FMI!在Syrien endet模具kriminelle Karriere德NWO和圍網IMF! --- OR, - >,我會懲罰你讓你死在第3 WW核... ALTRIMENTI? IOpunirò合奏沃伊facendovi morire杜蘭特LA 3°WW nucleare
4 minuti發

敘利亞:賽男子對手再次嘗試,“很快在北方的政府。”敘利亞:賽男子的對手再次嘗試,“很快就到政府在北方” - 答案 - > NO!敘利亞將不會被分!阿拉伯國家聯盟和沙特阿拉伯,已將其部隊的沙拉菲派和“基地”組織嗎?將受到懲罰!敘利亞的人,因為他們的殉難?這是一個可怕的殉難! - 答案 - > NO!拉錫里亞非SARA divisa!拉尕:阿拉巴Ë阿拉伯Saudita:車漢諾inviato樂洛羅milizie:二鋁Quaeda? sarann​​o puniti!的IL martirio del人民報克里斯汀:每colpa洛羅? èstato,聯合國martirio TERRIBILE!
9 minuti發

敘利亞,經過一個月再次出現:在電視上阿薩德總統阿薩德在祈禱,祈禱所示由國家電視台阿薩德在國家電視台最近更新:8月19日,大馬士革 - (Adnkronos / IGN) - 在那一天結束標誌齋月,國家電視台播出了敘利亞總統在大馬士革的一所清真寺祈禱的圖片。他最後一次出現在公共7月4日。 - 答案 - > YOU:(阿薩德),你不會被殺死!和惡魔崇拜者的CIA IMF:666,322共濟會:遜尼派伊斯蘭教的鋁Quaeda沙拉菲:沙特帝國主義為?他們不會贏得在敘利亞!如何贏得了在利比亞
14 minuti發

2012年8月19日梵蒂岡。教宗:耶穌,生命的糧,不是救世主,誰渴望一個俗世的寶座在三鐘經祈禱,教宗本篤十六世解釋說,耶穌並沒有尋求人氣,他把他的弟子們決定,接受他的信仰而被震驚了他的人性,加入到他的行列中了深刻的個人化的方式。重新發現聖體聖事“,表示謙卑和聖潔的神,他成為小宇宙,一塊完全在愛的調和它。”崗道爾夫堡(亞洲新聞) - “不是彌賽亞耶穌是誰渴望一個俗世的寶座,他不尋求征服耶路撒冷的普及,事實上,他想去聖城分享命運的先知,並給他神和人的生活,“... - 答案 - >,我也不要搜索,(這是我的犧牲)的寶座!但是,如果寶座不會從我嗎?世界燃燒:火原子是因為:它是貨幣主權的所有國家必須返回,然後創建一個新的IMF!


不!我很抱歉,但是,暴力,誰不邪惡,和平的人,不進入神的國度! NO!他們永遠不會來了!不!英里dispiace:媽,我violenti:車fanno金正日雄一persone pacifiche ::非entrano:NEL內葛諾二迪歐! NO!非的potranno邁entrare!所有的穆斯林國家,前基督教烈士國家,如果你不laicized:快?這將是不可能的,我是能夠做的事:避免第三WW核!但誰告訴你的,那,你會去天堂呢?他欺騙了你!不!這是我的神聖,神聖,神聖:真主]!我很抱歉,但是,暴力,愛好和平的人民,那些做壞事的,不進入神的國度! NO!他們永遠不會來了!
3 minuti發

所有的穆斯林國家,前基督教烈士國家,如果你不laicized:速度夠快嗎?對我來說,這將是不可能的,能夠做的事:避免第三WW核!但誰告訴你的,你會去天堂呢?他欺騙了你!不!這是我的神聖,神聖,神聖:安拉] 2012年8月19日巴基斯坦一名11歲的殘疾涉嫌褻瀆基督教的女孩,300個家庭逃離。由伊姆蘭·莫里斯的女孩被指控從一本小冊子,教阿拉伯語的古蘭經燃燒頁面。根據巴基斯坦“刑法典”,她可以得到終身監禁。警方從被激怒的暴徒試圖殺死她,救了她,但擔心更多的暴力活動,超過300個家庭逃離家園。保羅·巴蒂呼籲保持冷靜。
3 minuti發

[TUTTO金正日PAESE musulmani:淡水河谷的可怕,當然PAESE martire克里斯蒂亞諾,本身不laicizzato:在fretta?每次我SARA impossibile:二essere在Grado:二票價:EVITARE金正日3°WW nucleare!馬馳,車六公頃detto,SI安德拉在天堂嗎?公頃ingannato沃伊!不!非時代IL MIO城主,城主,城主:安拉伊斯蘭堡(亞洲新聞) - 巴基斯坦歷史上的第一次,國家的“黑律師”已被用於對未成年人,殘疾人11歲基督徒女孩。褻瀆指控,Rimsha的馬希赫被捕,患有唐氏綜合症,可以得到終身監禁。只有警方介入救了她從一個暴民的穆斯林極端分子。她的案件震驚了伊斯蘭堡的基督教社區,帶動數以百計的基督教家庭,從他們的家中女孩的鄰居擔心可能的報復。和諧民族關係部長保羅·巴蒂,天主教,穆斯林宗教領袖呼籲扼殺任何來源的暴力。
3 minuti發

[A TOUS LES支付musulmans:面值為例,支付烈士前克雷蒂安,SI VOUS n'avez PASlaïcisé:rapidement?白細胞介素血清不可能傾MOI:理由EN MESURE:放任:EVITER的3E GUERREnucléaire! MAIS魁您的DIT闕,您irez非盟彩虹嗎?金正日一個風筒à您!不! CEn'étaitPAS一聖,聖,聖,安拉的11歲女孩,Rimsha馬希赫,是一個可怕的事件的中心。被指控犯有褻瀆“古蘭經”後,她被送回了14天,在拉瓦爾品第的一個少年監獄。的罪行有巴基斯坦“刑法典”第295-B和攜帶最高可被判處終身監禁。目擊者稱,Rimsha,女兒的Misrak馬希赫,爛花10頁的努拉尼基地,一個伊斯蘭的小冊子,用來學習基本的阿拉伯語和古蘭經。她還表示,已經把一個塑料袋內的小冊子,並全身心地投入到了垃圾。
4 minuti發

[待辦事項洛杉磯paísesmusulmanes,ES decir,的當然是cristiana派斯馬蒂爾,SI沒有laicized的的:RAPIDO?血清IMPOSIBLE第英里的法術:乾草闕hacer:evitar洛杉磯3ª格拉MUNDIAL核!佩羅¿quién德dijo,闕,usted愛爾蘭共和軍人CIELO?公頃engañadousted!不!沒有FUE英里城主,城主,城主,ALA據說,事件發生在4月17日在伊斯蘭堡G-12,行業的女孩住在一起,她的家人烏馬拉賈法爾,貧民窟。警方提交了第一次信息報告後,一個穆斯林男人,賽義德·穆罕默德Ummad,提出正式的投訴。事故發生4個月後,警方的監護下,了Rimsha馬希赫來自穆斯林極端分子的壓力。在威脅採取正義掌握在自己手中,數百名暴徒被激怒的人襲擊了女孩的家庭,試圖林奇她和她的母親。警方最終女孩離開自己的安全,在監獄裡。
4 minuti發

[毛皮查看Muslime土地:衛生署,的前christlichenMärtyrers土地,德恩詠詩 - 編者laicized的:施奈爾? wird ESunmöglich盛獻給MICH:DER在der拉赫盛:祖TUN:Vermeiden謝登3。 WW nuklearen! ABER WER euch gesagt,DASS謝在書房希梅爾kommen?帽子呃DICH betrogen! NEIN! ES戰爭 - 編者meine神聖的,神聖的,神聖:真主由於擔心更多的暴力事件,大約300個家庭生活在基督教的貧民窟逃離家園,尋求安全的其他地方。當地消息來源向亞洲新聞通訊社表示,在該地區的緊張高漲和穆斯林原教旨主義的威脅放火的基督教homes.National和諧部長保羅·巴蒂,也是對少數民族事務的總理特別顧問,呼籲穆斯林領導者,尤其是神職人員,要求他們幫助蓋的事項,以避免反基督教的攻擊。他的弟弟Shabbaz,
4 minuti發

[慕尼黑Müslümanlarülke:雅妮,前基督教şehitülke,仙laicized yoksa:hızlı? BU benim ICINimkansızolacaktır:muktedirarasında:yapmak:第三旺旺nükleerkaçının! AMA金,金söyledi,孫中山cennete gidecek?薩那aldattı! hayır!安拉]:benim Kutsal,Kutsal,巴基斯坦Kutsaldeğildi的第一位天主教牧師,極端分子於2011年3月2日被謀殺的,因為這種對立的“黑律師”。上個月,一個智障的穆斯林男子被活活燒死在巴哈瓦爾布爾,巴基斯坦南部後,他被指控的褻瀆和“褻瀆”古蘭經“的暴徒將他放在火。”在互聯網上,女孩的被捕引發了抗議浪潮。很多人不明白:“這是真正的伊斯蘭教?”其他不知道誰是真正的精神病的情況下,“女孩還是那些人會懲罰她的”涉嫌違反法律。
5 minuti發

длявсехмусульманстраны:например,экс-христианскиймученикстране,есливынеlaicized:быстро? этобудетдляменяневозможно:изуметь:делать:избегатьтретьеймировойядерной! актовамсказал,чтовыпопадетевРай?Онобманулвас! Нет! этобылнемойСвят,Свят,Свят:Аллах]褻瀆法律,齊亞·哈克將軍在1986年由穆斯林極端分子的要求。到目前為止,至少有一千人被指控為打破它。其中,60人死亡,大多被激怒的暴徒或個人的法外謀殺中喪生。
28 minuti發

@ HALLELUIJAH! - >我在這裡!撒旦在顫抖!和所有他拉屎嗎?他顫抖不已!因為我Unius REI:世界上只有一個王:即以色列的王。lorenzojhwh:馬赫迪巴勒斯坦人民lorenzoAllah!
1 ORA發

額外的Ecclesiam nulla SALUS

@ Rothschilf IMF神貓頭鷹666 - >!我沒有:1。疾病的宗教或2。我有沒有神秘的危機:3。我有沒有超自然的禮物:我是完全理性的,沒有精神,我的存在而不被瓦解這是為什麼:我沒有看到和聽到什麼:即:不是。在三維礦?僅僅是一個猜測,推論:直覺:哲學掛在“聖經”的信仰:它被稱為形而上學!他媽的Rothscind:我還沒有進入共濟會,你想要的!你對我的誹謗?你可以把你的屁股!

@ IsraelNationalTV以色列 - >之間的幾個人知道:在一個合理的方式,這個秘密嗎?有沙特國王:其實,有一個明確的協議之間:他和先覺者要摧毀以色列!事實上,這是他們的時間:傳播伊斯蘭教:通過金錢,暴力和不容忍的沙拉菲派:而這恰恰是武裝派別的是:“基地”組織! (這就是為什麼他們可以去死了每天400基督教殉難者:在一般的冷漠,但重要的是,所有的基督徒殉道無辜的嗎?,真正的目標是到你們這裡來殺你!)

1_2:@以色列國家電視台,我的哥哥 - >因為所有的猶太人成為基督徒?在隱匿時尚?原因是:他們可以被滅絕:光明的IMF:以系統的方式(任何,任何70年後:約:而現在,它被消滅以色列輪到他的大屠殺),當:動物死於窒息:和:他的血液(即他的生活:是他,而不是你吃了,但是,你吃了他:一個非猶太人:作為我,這是因為:作為你的塔木德說:“我沒有:危險的動物“:吃動物的血液其實,我已經是一個動物從人類的形式為您的塔木德!然而,這是你的Kakam:超級開明的拉比和,也就是說,光明:超級法利賽人拉比:kakam:IMF:循環::複合:包含的百分比是血的天主教兒童:犧牲,如同羊羔為其神秘的世界:你可以不知道!淨化的罪人,

2-2:IsraelNationalTV我的朋友! --->,但血(即化合物的粉塵,灰),另外,多吃:((吸入:通過注射的藥物)):許多宗教儀式:怎麼樣,與雞蛋結婚儀式的,等...為什麼,你的猶太人:你都搶:電子商務你的權利的猶太(有沒有):你已經成為你太:非猶太人,在這裡,這是因為:在一個秘密的模式:你是所有成為基督徒((這是基督的血:即:通過基督徒的血:這是在你的脈!)!)!在這裡,因為:法律:循環:光明:必須做到::授權計劃針對所有的猶太人大屠殺:Shaoah:!事實上,你已經被推翻:他們的猶太自己的權利(partaken的兒童基督教的血),但這個嗎?你不知道!

@ IsraelNationalTV - >,因為,光明法利賽人的IMF,666:貓頭鷹神巴力MArduck,他們清楚地知道,只有人民的猶太人:停止:在他們的撒旦:電源:犯罪(因為:撒旦教徒共濟會:他們可以信任的盲目)!在這裡,超級法利賽人Kakam:光明路西法,他們一直計劃:滅絕(大屠殺):大屠殺的猶太人((如:以色列必須被銷毀的必然核WW:3°))!但由於猶太人被殺害:法律上的猶太人將被降級:在非猶太人的水平,原因是:猶太人被喝(背信棄義的):天主教兒童的血液!這也是真正的原因:模式超自然神秘的看不見的,的原因,穆斯林要殺害猶太人,因為他們感覺到的穆斯林(的力量SatanAllah伊斯蘭教),猶太人成為基督徒(模式隱匿性)!

@哈利路亞----->我的聖聖聖JHWH榮耀哈利路亞SALAMA SHALOM SALAM SALAAM和平PACE和平평화שלוםالسلامΕΙΡΗΝΗशांतिмир巴里斯Hoa Binh酒店拉巴斯

Les articles de la rubrique
lundi 20 novembre 2006

AFP: Les conversions au christianisme crispent les islamistes
Publié par Muhend-Christophe Bibb le lundi 20 novembre 2006 / 12:13 :: 5199 Vues ::Article Rating:: Informations
Ils portent des prénoms musulmans comme Mohammed, ou Ali, et pourtant chaque dimanche ces chrétiens marocains célèbrent discrètement la messe au grand dam des islamistes et l'œil suspicieux de la police.

"Nous sommes un millier dans une cinquantaine d'églises indépendantes à travers les grandes villes du royaume", explique Abdelhalim, coordonnateur de l'église évangélique marocaine.

"Comme nous sommes tolérés mais pas reconnus nous devons, pour des raisons de sécurité, agir comme une organisation clandestine. Dès qu'une église dépasse les vingt fidèles, elle se scinde en deux", explique ce médecin de 57 ans, converti il y a 16 ans alors qu'il vivait à l'étranger.

Revenu au pays il y a sept ans, il est étonné du nombre croissant de conversions. "Au début des années 90, nous étions 400, il y a quatre ans, autour de 700 et aujourd'hui nous dépassons le millier", dit-il.

La plupart appartiennent à la classe moyenne, sont employés dans le secteur privé ou ingénieurs, mais il y a aussi des artisans, des femmes au foyer, des étudiants et des jeunes chômeurs.

Le christianisme s'est implanté au Maghreb vers le IIIe siècle(*) avant d'être supplanté par l'islam au VIIe siècle. Aujourd'hui, l'islam est religion d'État.

Le protestantisme prend son essor quand, début 90, les missionnaires étrangers passent le témoin à des Marocains. Aujourd'hui, il y a ainsi sept églises libres à Marrakech, six à Casablanca, cinq à Rabat et même une à El Ayoun, chef lieu du Sahara occidental.

"La télévision et Internet sont des moyens très efficaces et dans mon église un militaire est devenu chrétien grâce à la chaîne Al Hayat", explique Youssef, 30 ans.
"Pour beaucoup d'entre nous, l'islam est perçu comme un carcan social et non comme une véritable foi, et le christianisme comme une religion de tolérance et d'amour", ajoute cet homme d'affaires converti à 19 ans, suivi en 1994 par toute sa famille.

Selon lui, 60% sont devenus chrétiens par des contacts personnels, 30% par la télévision et Internet et 10% par des missionnaires.

Trois chaînes chrétiennes captées au Maroc diffusent en arabe maghrébin des témoignages, de la musique religieuse et des prêches: Al Hayat, Miracle et Sat 7.
Cependant, la discrétion est de mise pour éviter les réactions hostiles. Les messes se tiennent dans des appartements de quartiers bourgeois.

"Nous devons rester sages car la masse populaire ne peut concevoir qu'on puisse être arabe sans être musulman. Pour nous, le plus grand danger c'est l'ignorance", explique Abdelhalim.

Ils ont en outre au dessus de la tête l'article 220 du code pénal qui condamne de 6 mois à 3 ans de prison "quiconque emploie des moyens de séduction dans le but d'ébranler la foi d'un musulman ou de le convertir à une autre religion".

"J'ai été convoqué des dizaines de fois par la police", affirme Youssef, qui reconnaît toutefois que le royaume "est bien plus libéral que les autres pays arabes". "Je pense que le roi veut réellement une démocratie", ajoute-t-il.

Radouan Benchekroun, président du Conseil des oulémas de Casablanca, est lui très hostile à ces nouveaux chrétiens. "Renier sa religion, c'est le plus grand péché que puisse commettre un musulman", explique-t-il.

Quant aux islamistes, ils jugent cet acte inacceptable. Pour Lahcen Daoudi, député du Parti Justice et Développement (islamiste), ces conversions "ne sont pas acceptées par la population. Il y a un rejet", explique-t-il à l'AFP.

"Tant que cela reste au niveau individuel, passe encore. Le problème c'est le volet social. S'il y a du prosélytisme ou si des enfants ou des instituteurs viennent à l'école avec le signe de la croix, ce n'est pas tolérable", insiste-t-il.

(*) L'implantation du christianisme est attestée dés le 2eme siècle.

Source : AFP via TopChrétien, le18/11/2006.
le jeudi 26 novembre 2009 08:07
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  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    1 secondo fa
    in Syria will end the criminal career of the NWO and its IMF! in Siria finirà la carriera criminale del NWO e del suo FMI! en Syrie mettra fin à la carrière criminelle de la NWO et sa FMI! en Siria pondrá fin a la carrera criminal del Nuevo Orden Mundial y por el FMI! in Syrien endet die kriminelle Karriere des NWO und seine IMF! --- OR, --> or, I will punish all of you making you die during the 3rd WW nuclear... ALTRIMENTI? io punirò tutti voi facendovi morire durante la 3°WW nucleare
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    4 minuti fa
    Syria: Maleh opponent tries again, "soon a government in the north." Syria: Maleh opponent tries again, "soon to government in the north" - ANSWER -> NO! Syria will not be divided! the Arab League and Saudi Arabia, who have sent their troops: of salafis and Al Qaeda? will be punished! the martyrdom of the Syrian people: because of them? was a terrible martyrdom! --ANSWER--> NO! la Siria non sarà divisa! la Lega Araba e l'Arabia Saudita: che hanno inviato le loro milizie: di Al Quaeda? saranno puniti! il martirio del popolo siriano: per colpa loro ? è stato un martirio terribile!
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    9 minuti fa
    Syria, after over a month reappears: on TV President Assad: Assad in prayer shown by state television Assad in prayer shown by state TV Last Updated: August 19, Damascus - (Adnkronos / Ign) - On the day that marks the end of Ramadan, the state television has aired pictures of Syrian President praying in a mosque in Damascus. The last time he appeared: in public was July 4th. - ANSWER -> YOU: (ASSAD), you WILL NOT BE KILLED! AND Satanists of CIA IMF: 666, 322 Masons: Sunni Salafi Sharia of Al Quaeda: for saudi Imperialism? they will not win IN SYRIA! HOW HAVE WON IN LIBYA
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    14 minuti fa
    08/19/2012 VATICAN. Pope: Jesus, bread of life, was not a messiah who aspired to an earthly throne During the Angelus, Benedict XVI explained that Jesus did not seek popularity, that he pushed his disciples to decide, receive him in faith without being shocked about his humanity, joining Him in a deep and personal way. The rediscovery of the Eucharist "expresses all the humility and holiness of God, his becoming small, a piece of the universe to reconcile it fully in love." Castel Gandolfo (AsiaNews) - "Jesus was not a Messiah who aspired to an earthly throne. He did not seek popularity to conquer Jerusalem. In fact, he wanted to go to the Holy City to share the fate of the prophets, and give his life for God and the people,"... -- ANSWER-> ALSO, I DO NOT SEARCH, THE THRONE (this is my sacrifice)! but, if the throne will not come from me? the world will burn: in atomic fire: because: it is essential to return the monetary sovereignty: to all the nations, and then create a new IMF!
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    1 secondo fa
    no! I'm sorry, but, the violent, who do evil to peaceful people, do not enter:in the Kingdom of God! NO! they will never come! no! mi dispiace: ma, i violenti: che fanno il male a persone pacifiche:: non entrano: nel Regno di Dio! NO! non potranno mai entrare! [to all muslims country: ie, ex-christian martyr country, if, you do not laicized: quickly? it will be impossible for me to be of Able: to do: avoid the 3rd WW nuclear! but who told you, That, you will go to Heaven? he has deceived to you! no! it was not my Holy, Holy, Holy: Allah] no! I'm sorry, but, the violent, peaceful people who do evil to, do not enter: in the Kingdom of God! NO! they will never come!
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    3 minuti fa
    [to all muslims country: ie, ex- christian martyr country, if, you do not laicized: quickly? it will be impossible for me:of to be able: to do: avoid the 3rd WW nuclear! but who told you, that, you will go to Heaven? he has deceived to you! no! it was not my Holy, Holy, Holy: Allah] 08/19/2012 PAKISTAN An 11-year-old disabled Christian girl arrested for blasphemy, 300 families flee. by Imran Morris The girl is accused of burning pages from a booklet used to teach Arabic and the Qur'an. Under the Pakistan Penal Code, she could get life in prison. Police saved her from an enraged mob that tried to kill her, but more than 300 families fled their homes fearing more violence. Paul Bhatti calls for calm.
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    3 minuti fa
    [a tutto il paese musulmani: vale a dire, ex-paese martire cristiano, se, non laicizzato: in fretta? sarà impossibile per me: di essere in grado: di fare: evitare il 3 ° WW nucleare! ma chi vi ha detto, che, si andrà in Paradiso? ha ingannato a voi! no! non era il mio Santo, Santo, Santo: Allah]Islamabad (AsiaNews) - For the first time in Pakistan's history, the country's 'black law' has been used against a minor, a disabled 11-year-old Christian girl. Arrested on blasphemy charges, Rimsha Masih, who suffers from Down's syndrome, could get life in prison. Only police intervention saved her from a lynch mob of Muslim extremists. Her case has shocked Islamabad's Christian community, driving hundreds of Christian families from their homes in the girl's neighbourhood fearing possible retaliation. National Harmony Minister Paul Bhatti, a Catholic, has called on Muslim religious leaders to snuff out any source of violence.
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    3 minuti fa
    [à tous les pays musulmans: par exemple, pays martyr ex-chrétien, si vous n'avez pas laïcisé: rapidement? il sera impossible pour moi: être en mesure de: faire: éviter la 3e Guerre nucléaire! mais qui vous a dit que, vous irez au Ciel? il a trompé à vous! non! ce n'était pas mon Saint, Saint, Saint, Allah] The 11-year-old girl, Rimsha Masih, is at the centre of a terrible affair. After being charged with desecrating the Qur'an, she was remanded for 14 days to a juvenile prison in Rawalpindi. The offence comes under Article 295-B of the Pakistan Penal Code and carries a maximum sentence of life in prison. Witnesses claim that Rimsha, daughter of Misrak Masih, burnt ten pages of the Noorani Qaida, an Islamic booklet used to learn basic Arabic and the Qur'an. She is also said to have put the booklet inside a plastic bag and threw into the garbage.
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    4 minuti fa
    [a todos los países musulmanes, es decir, ex-cristiana país mártir, si no laicized: rápido? será imposible para mí de poder: hay que hacer: evitar la 3 ª Guerra Mundial nuclear! pero ¿quién te dijo, que, usted irá al cielo? ha engañado a usted! no! no fue mi Santo, Santo, Santo, Alá] Supposedly, the event occurred on 17 April in Umara Jaffar, a slum in Islamabad's Sector G-12, where the girl lives with her family. Police filed a First Information Report after a Muslim man, Syed Muhammad Ummad, made a formal complaint. Four months after the incident, police took Rimsha Masih into custody under pressure from Muslim extremists. Threatening to take justice in their own hands, a mob of hundreds enraged people attacked the girl's family, trying to lynch her and her mother. Police eventually took the girl away for her own safety, in prison.
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    4 minuti fa
    [für alle Muslime Land: dh, ex-christlichen Märtyrers Land, wenn Sie nicht laicized: schnell? wird es unmöglich sein für mich: der in der Lage sein: zu tun: Vermeiden Sie den 3. WW nuklearen! aber wer euch gesagt, dass Sie in den Himmel kommen? hat er dich betrogen! nein! es war nicht meine Holy, Holy, Holy: Allah] Fearing more violence, some 300 families living in the Christian slum fled their homes seeking safety elsewhere. Local sources told AsiaNews that in the area, tensions are running high and that Muslim fundamentalists are threatening to set fire to Christian homes.National Harmony Minister Paul Bhatti, who is also special advisor to the prime minister on minority affairs, has appealed to Muslim leaders, especially clerics, asking them to help keep the lid on matters to avoid anti-Christian attacks. His brother Shabbaz,
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    4 minuti fa
    [Tüm Müslümanlar ülke: yani, ex-christian şehit ülke, sen laicized yoksa: hızlı? bu benim için imkansız olacaktır: muktedir arasında: yapmak: 3rd WW nükleer kaçının! ama kim, sen cennete gidecek, kim söyledi? Sana aldattı! hayır! Allah]: benim Kutsal, Kutsal, Kutsal değildi Pakistan's first Catholic minister, was murdered by extremists on 2 March 2011 because of this opposition to the 'black law.' Last month, a mentally disabled Muslim man was burnt alive in Bahawalpur, southern Pakistan, after he was accused of blasphemy and a mob set him on fire for "desecrating the Qur'an." On the internet, the girl's arrest has caused a wave of protests. Many wonder: "Is this the real Islam?" Others wonder who are the real mental cases, "the girl or those who would punish her" for allegedly breaking the law.
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    5 minuti fa
    [для всех мусульман страны: например, экс-христианский мученик стране, если вы не laicized: быстро? это будет для меня невозможно: из уметь: делать: избегать третьей мировой ядерной! а кто вам сказал, что вы попадете в рай? он обманул вас! Нет! это был не мой Свят, Свят, Свят: Аллах] The blasphemy law was introduced in 1986 by General Zia-ul-haq in response to demands by Muslim extremists. Thus far, at least a thousand people have been charged for breaking it. Of these, 60 have died, mostly killed in extrajudicial murders by enraged mobs or individuals.
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    28 minuti fa
    @HALLELUIJAH! --> I'm here! Satan trembles! and all that is his: all shit? trembles with him! because I am Unius REI: one only king on all the world: ie King of Israel: lorenzojhwh: and Mahdì of Palestine People lorenzoAllah!
  • CustodeDellaFede
    CustodeDellaFede ha pubblicato un commento
    1 ora fa
    Extra Ecclesiam nulla Salus
  • mrUniversalMetaphysc
    mrUniversalMetaphysc ha pubblicato un commento
    3 ore fa
    @Rothschilf IMF 666 god owl --> no! I have no: 1. disorders religious or 2. I have no mystical crisis: 3. I have no supernatural gifts: I am totally rational and no spirit could come to my presence without being disintegrated here is why: I do not see: and hear nothing: that: is not. in three dimensional mine? is only a speculation, deduction: intuition: philosophical linked to faith in the Bible that: it is called Metaphysics! fuck Rothscind: I have not entered into Freemasonry, as you'd want! Your slander against me? You can put in your ass!
  • mrUniversalMetaphysc
    mrUniversalMetaphysc ha pubblicato un commento
    3 ore fa
    @IsraelNationalTV @ Israel -> among the few people who know: in a rational way, this secret? there's the king of Saudi Arabia: in fact, there is an explicit agreement: between: him and the Illuminati to destroy Israel! indeed, this is, their time: to spread Islam: through: money, violence and intolerance: of the Salafis: of which is precisely the armed wing:is: Al Qaeda! (that's why they can die every day 400: Christian martyrs: in the general indifference: but, the real goal of that, of all christians martyred innocent? is of come to you: for to kill you!)
  • mrUniversalMetaphysc
    mrUniversalMetaphysc ha pubblicato un commento
    3 ore fa
    1_2: @Israel National TV, my brother -> because: all jews are: Become christians?: in occult fashion? why: they can be been exterminated: by Illuminati: of the IMF: in a systematic fashion (any, after any 70 years: about: and now, it's the turn for Israel to be wiped out: for his Holocaust), when: an animal dies stifled: and: All His blood (ie, His Life: is him, not you eat it, but, you do eat him: to a goyim: as me, because: as your Talmud says: "I do not have: the danger of becoming an animal": (for eating the blood of an animal) in fact, I'm already an animal from the human form for your Talmud! This, however, is for your Kakam: Super Enlightened Rabbis: and, their occult World!: you can not know! That is, Illuminati: Super Pharisees Rabbis: kakam: of IMF: they circulate : of the: compound: that contain, as a percentage is the blood of Catholic children: sacrificed, as lambs for purifying: of sinners,
  • mrUniversalMetaphysc
    mrUniversalMetaphysc ha pubblicato un commento
    3 ore fa
    2_2: @ IsraelNationalTV my friend! ---> But the blood (ie, the compound: the dust, ash), is made​​, also, eat:((inhaled: injected: with drugs)) through: many religious rituals: how, with the eggs of the ritual of marriage, etc. ... why, you Jews: you were all robbed: of e thy our rights of Jewishness(there are no more): and you have become: all you too: how are the Goyim, here, because: in a secret mode: you are all become Christians((this is the Blood of Christ: that: through the blood of Christians: that is in your veins!)!)! here, because: in line with the:law: and cyclically: the Illuminati: must do: and have: the authority to plan the Holocaust: Shaoah: against all jews! In fact, you have been ousted: of the their Jewishness: of their rights (to have partaken of the blood of children christian), but this? you do not know!
  • mrUniversalMetaphysc
    mrUniversalMetaphysc ha pubblicato un commento
    3 ore fa
    @ IsraelNationalTV ->is because, that, the Illuminati Pharisees: of the IMF, 666: owl god: Baal MArduck, they knew very well that only the people of the Jews could: do stop: at their satanic: power: criminal (because, about: the satanists Freemasons?: they could trust blindly)! Here, the super Pharisees Kakam: Illuminati by Lucifer, they have always planned: the extermination (Holocaust): Shoah: of the Jews((as now: Israel must be destroyed in the inevitable: nuclear WW: 3°))! But because the Jews would be killed: legally: the Jews were to be downgraded: at the level of the goyim is why:to the Jews was done drinking (treacherously): the blood of Catholic children! It is also of this: the real reason: occult invisible, in mode supernatural: the why, the Muslims want to kill the Jews because they sense the Muslims (for the power of SatanAllah Sharia), that Jews are becoming Christian (in mode occult) !
  • mrUniversalMetaphysc
    mrUniversalMetaphysc ha pubblicato un commento
    4 ore fa
    @hallelujah -----> my Holy Holy Holy JHWH glory ALLELUIA SALAMA SHALOM SALAM SALAAM PEACE PACE 和平 평화 שלום السلام ΕΙΡΗΝΗ शांति МИР BARIŞ hòa bình paz

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Datagate: Nsa controlla 75% Rete Usa. USA E GB (farisei anglo-americani FMi NWO 666), hanno fatto distruggere i documenti, del guardian, circa Snowden, perché, sono diventati, la più pericolosa minaccia di nazismo, di tutta la storia del genere umano. loro non sono stati scoperti, da una terrestre tecnologia, sono stati "rivelati", come una religione.. bisogna, espellere, immediatamente, dal territorio nazionale, ogni cosa appartenga, ad USA e GB, ad iniziare dalle ambasciate, loro sono diventati satanisti TROIKA satanisti, TROIKA cosa è il signoraggio bancario? e perché voi lo avete, se, la costituzione lo proibisce a voi? perché, voi state portando allo sterminio, i popoli, con le voste magie giuridiche?

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Posting Date
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: A Man-Made Cup In Pennsylvanian Coal?February 11, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Hands-Down EvidenceFebruary 7, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Trilobites UnderfootFebruary 4, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Getting A handle On Ancient Dinosaur SightingsFebruary 2, 2013
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Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: The Willett PrintJanuary 25, 2013
Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Throughout The Geologic ColumnJanuary 23, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Cro-Magnon ManJanuary 16, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Neanderthal ManJanuary 14, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Homo ErectusJanuary 11, 2013
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Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: ´Your Little Cousin´ LucyDecember 31, 2012
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: The Tuang ChildDecember 28, 2012
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: IntroductionDecember 26, 2012
The Model, Episode 4


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the King Unius Rei

the King Unius Rei
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