- HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento@ @ IsraelNationalTV Israël -> parmi les rares personnes qui savent: d'une manière rationnelle, ce secret? il est le roi de l'Arabie Saoudite: en effet, il existe un accord explicite: entre: lui et les Illuminati de détruire Israël! en effet, c'est, leur temps: pour répandre l'islam: à travers: l'argent, la violence et l'intolérance: des salafistes: de ce qui est précisément la branche armée: est: Al-Qaïda! (C'est pourquoi ils peuvent mourir chaque jour 400: martyrs chrétiens: dans l'indifférence générale: mais, le but réel de ce que, de tous les chrétiens martyrisés innocent est venu à vous: pour vous tuer)
- HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento@ HALLELUIJAH! -> Je suis là! Satan tremble! et tout ce qui est la sienne: la merde? tremble avec lui! parce que je suis unius REI: un seul roi sur toute la terre: ie roi d'Israël: lorenzojhwh: Mahdi et des personnes Palestine lorenzoAllah! @ 666 Rothschilf FMI dieu hibou -> pas! Je n'ai pas de: 1. troubles religieux ou 2. Je n'ai pas de crise mystique: 3. Je n'ai pas de dons surnaturels: Je suis tout à fait rationnelle et aucun esprit ne pouvait venir à ma présence sans être désintégré voici pourquoi: je ne vois pas: et ne rien entendre: que: l'est pas. en trois dimensions la mienne? n'est qu'une spéculation, déduction: l'intuition: philosophique lié à la foi dans la Bible que: on l'appelle la métaphysique! Rothscind baiser: Je n'ai pas entré en franc-maçonnerie, comme vous voulez! Votre calomnie contre moi? Vous pouvez mettre dans le cul!
- HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento1_2: @ Israël à la télévision nationale, mon frère -> parce que: tous les Juifs sont: Devenir chrétiens: en mode occulte? pourquoi: ils peuvent être exterminés: par Illuminati: le FMI: d'une manière systématique (tout, après les 70 ans: à propos: et maintenant, c'est au tour d'Israël d'être anéanti, car sa Holocauste), lorsque: un animal meurt étouffé: et: Tout son sang (c'est à dire, sa vie: c'est lui, et non pas le manger, mais vous ne le manger: à un goyim: comme moi, parce que: tant que votre Talmud dit:
- HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento"Je n'ai pas de : le danger de devenir un animal »: (pour manger le sang d'un animal), en fait, je suis déjà un animal de la forme humaine de votre Talmud Ceci, cependant, est pour votre Kakam: super rabbins illuminés: et, leur monde occulte:! vous ne pouvez pas savoir Autrement dit, Illuminati: Super pharisiens rabbins: kakam: du FMI: ils circulent: de l': composé: qui contiennent, en tant que pourcentage est le sang des enfants catholiques: sacrifié, comme des agneaux pour d'épuration: des pécheurs,
- HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento2_2: @ IsraelNationalTV mon ami! --> Mais le sang (par exemple, le composé: de la poussière, cendres), est, aussi, de manger: ((inhalation: injecté: avec des médicaments)) par le biais: de nombreux rituels religieux: comment, avec les œufs de le rituel du mariage, etc ... pourquoi, vous les Juifs: vous avez tous été volés: des e ton de nos droits de judéité (il n'y a pas plus): et vous êtes devenus: tout ce que vous aussi: comment sont les Goyim, ici, parce que: dans un mode secret: vous êtes tous devenir chrétiens
- HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento((c'est le Sang du Christ, afin que: par le sang des chrétiens:! qui est dans tes veines))! ici, parce que: conformément à l': loi, et de manière cyclique: les Illuminati: doit faire: et: le pouvoir de planifier l'Holocauste: Shaoah: contre tous les juifs! En fait, vous avez été évincé: la judéité leur: de leurs droits (avoir mangé du sang d'enfants chrétiens), mais ceci? vous ne savez pas! C'est parce que, les pharisiens Illuminati: le FMI, 666: hibou dieu Baal Marduck,
- HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento@ Israel -->ils savaient très bien que seules les personnes des Juifs pourrait: ne s'arrêter: à leur satanique: Puissance: criminel (parce que , sur: la franc-maçonnerie satanistes: ils pouvaient faire confiance aveuglément)! Ici, le super pharisiens Kakam: Illuminati par Lucifer, ils ont toujours prévu: l'extermination (Holocauste): Shoah: des Juifs (comme aujourd'hui: Israël doit être détruit dans l'inévitable: WW nucléaire: 3 °))! Mais parce que les juifs seraient tués: la loi: les Juifs devaient être déclassé: au niveau des goyim pourquoi: pour les Juifs a été fait boire perfidement): le sang des enfants catholiques! Il est également ceci: la vraie raison: occulte invisible, en mode surnaturel: la raison pour laquelle, les musulmans veulent tuer les juifs parce qu'ils sentent les musulmans (pour la puissance de SatanAllah charia), que les Juifs sont de plus en Christian en mode occulte!
- HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commentono guilty is only of CIA IMF: ie 666 322: synagogue v
- Feudalritter ha pubblicato un commentoThe new YouTube isn't YouTube. It's FuckTube... FUCK GOOGLE+
- HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento[satanism imperialism: of saudi arabia salafis: horror for all word the agenda for do WW nuclear!] Friday, July 27, 2012. a Saudi. Posted by Christopher Bibb Muhend Friday, July 27, 2012 /Article Rating Persecution. here is further proof, if any were needed, of the situation faced by many Muslims the Islamic faith is imposed and to avoid leaving the authorities to ensure that they have no possibility of comparison between the Koran and the Bible. And especially no contact with Christians who preach the gospel! Thank you to Christian D. for reporting this information I found on the site of the East-to-day. As a precaution, in case the link is no longer available, here is the excerpt: the 26/07/12. Saudi authorities on Tuesday arrested a Lebanese national and a Saudi in the city of Khobar for helping a young Saudi to convert to Christianity, reports the website of Saudi Sabak information. The two suspects were later released on bail yesterday, further clarify the site.
- HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento[satanism imperialism: of saudi arabia salafis: horror for all word the agenda for do WW nuclear!] The Lebanese citizen would, however, not allowed to leave Saudi territory, according Sabak. "The Saudi and Lebanese accused of helping the young 28 year old girl to flee the kingdom to Bahrain and Lebanon, where she found refuge in a church," says the website, quoting the Saudi parents. The latter had met the two men in the company where she works in Khobar. the 30/07/12 We learn (Hallelujah.) our sister Arabia was away again, having been asked by Father Boutros Zakarias on one of the sites where he evangelized from the USA: et ici: youtu . be/ZiLZ8U5Q7mY
Dear brothers,
I am a young monk African living in Africa. By means of the internet'' j'' I knew all the suffering you endure now.
The only thing I've done'' c'' is to support you in prayer and encourage you to stand firm and not to faint because all these persecutions prove the defeat of Islam'' n'' is more '' argument and uses violence to create fear among the people. This method is also used to discourage those who want to leave Islam and be the'' Christians.
But all these tactics c'' is wasted because the'' time of Truth is near. Christ is at the door of every man's heart. Be strong and n'' abdicate point because they can kill the body and not the soul''.
'' C'' is the encouragement of a poor monk'' African brothers and sisters beloved in the Middle East.
God bless you and bless all your familles.Dieu love you.
Press release for the show of support for Christians in Iraq and East (page 3 and 4)
Initiatives "Letters of Support" to Christians of the East, and the third page Masses
Attack claimed by al-Qaida in a church in Baghdad: 58 killed including 3 priests
Article Aid to the Church in Need 02/11/2010
According to Church sources in Iraq, three young priests were killed following an attack on the Syrian Catholic Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, during a Mass Sunday, October 31. The three priests who led the celebration were taken hostage, and several parishioners.
Wasim Sabieh father and father Thaier Saad Abdal were killed during the attack. The third priest, Father Qatin, was wounded and died shortly afterwards in hospital.
To date, there 58 people killed and 78 injured.
The church was attacked by nine gunmen wearing explosive belts. The hostages were released after Iraqi forces took over the church. Past eight terrorists killed during the rescue operation, the ninth died when he activated his explosive belt.
The terrorists claim the "Islamic State of Iraq", a group of Sunni militants closely linked to Al-Qaeda. They demanded the release of al Qaeda prisoners in Iraq and Egypt. On its website, the group also called for the release of Muslim girls, Christian in origin, which they are held captive in Coptic monasteries of Egypt. This statement gave 48 hours to release the girls before they do explode church.
"We are without protection! '
Archbishop Basile Georges Casmoussa, Syrian Catholic Archbishop of Mosul told Vatican Radio: "The impact of this tragedy will be heavy for the Christians of Iraq. [...] This is one of the few times where the attack is claimed. [...] The statement of the Minister of Defence was too low. Until now (Monday, November 1 in the morning), the government prohibits television channel to approach the scene. Why this denial of access to journalists? There is a desire to liquidate the business. [...] This is a human catastrophe and religious. We continue to reach out. That's the answer we have. [...] We have no protection! We need the United Nations entering the game must secure churches and Christian communities. It is not enough good words! ". Since the general election of March 7, no government has been formed
"Christians have become targets to shoot"
"This tragedy leaves us helpless, says Marc Fromager, director of the AED. How can we, in the name of God, just kill people gathered to pray to God? This absurdity is repeated too often in this part of the world where Christians became targets to shoot that one seeks to remove permanently. Our thoughts go out to our brothers and persecuted for simply being Christians. Our prayer and material support to numerous projects continue. We simply can not abandon them. "
The funeral dozens of worshipers killed Sunday in an attack of the Syriac Catholic cathedral in Baghdad will be held this afternoon (Tuesday, November 2) in a church in the center of the Iraqi capital.
The support of Christians in the Middle East is a priority for Aid to the Church in Need even more since Pope Benedict XVI specifically asked the agency to do more for the Christians of the region, adding that " the existence of the Churches of the Middle East is threatened. "
Aid to the Church in Need helps Christians who have found refuge in northern Iraq, but also to those who were exiled in Syria, Turkey and Jordan.Last year, the EDA has supported projects in Iraq to the tune of half a million.Where God Weeps: Christians in Iraq. Watch the video (October 2, 2010 edition)
Video particularly difficult, but the song is beautiful:****************Comment this article AED
The article mentions that the EDA members of Al-Qaeda demanded the release of Muslim girls, Christian in origin, which would be held captive in Coptic monasteries of Egypt. In this regard it should be noted that the abductions and sexual violence among young Christians in Muslim countries such as Egypt, Iraq, Pakistan for reasons conversions or forced marriages. If the information for Al-Qaeda is accurate, girls, Christian in origin, may have taken refuge after a forced marriage.
On the website atheist "secular Riposte", Lucette Jeanpierre, in a review of the book Delpard Raphael (himself an atheist) "The persecution of Christians in the world today "(Ed. Michel Lafon) said:" All means are good for them renounce their faith, including gang rape, so rape ideological in Muslim countries can not be ..... read such a book without being deeply troubled by the silence that accompanies these unacceptable violence, killings, rapes, acts of barbarism. Catholic Church Silence, silence politicians of both right and left .... We remain confused After reading this book, by the arrogance of Muslims in European countries, and in France, when they demand their democratic rights to religion, and they eradicate with barbaric means, any religion, and any other thought, when they have the means. "
Note that this "silence of the Catholic Church" is not general, but mainly because of the structures related to Muslim-Christian dialogue. This violence is denounced by Benedict XVI in particular repeatedly, and have been in the African Synod (October 2009): "It has happened too long, and it is time to review the situation in terms respect for the fundamental rights of man. " This is also the case CONVICT Bishop, Bishop of Belley-Ars in both articles and / spip.php? article6718
In his book Delpard Raphael launches a painful cry: "Christians are in danger. This is not an announcement effect. During 2009, it is an intolerable reality." For him these tragedies, obscured "by the silence of nations," the vast majority occur in Muslim countries: "We can not pretend that the problem does not exist and look away." Quoted by CONVICT Bishop, Father Henri BOULAD, Rector of Jesuit Colleges in Cairo, confirms: "When a Muslim says that Islam is the religion of tolerance, I answer: among the 57 Muslim countries in the world, quotes me one where religious freedom is. "
In his article in the Nouvel Observateur "The hunt for Christians," Jacques Julliard could say "Christianity has become by far the most persecuted religion. But the West is the ostrich"
mardi 2 novembre 2010
Attentat dans une église de Bagdad: 58 morts et 78 blessés Publié par lalla jerjer le mardi 2 novembre 2010 / 12:49 :: 5463 Vues :: | ||||
Friday, November 21, 2008Muhammad would not have existed, according to Muhammad Sven KalischPosted by lalla jerjer Friday, November 21, 2008 / 16:35 :: 5767 Views :: Information :: Article Rating
The news did not surprise us really. However, we believe that the hypothesis is poorly worded: it is the character of Muhammad, as presented by the Islamic tradition, and undeniable inconstestée far, which must doubt. See the rest of the study presented on the site Messiah and His prophet, listed on our list of links (*).
MUNSTER, Germany - Muhammad Sven Kalisch, a Muslim convert and first professor of Islamic theology in Germany, fasting during the Muslim holy month, does not like to shake hands with Muslim women and has spent years studying Islamic scripture. Islam, he says, guide my life. The announcement of the fruit of his theological research has caused surprise. His conclusion: The Prophet Muhammad probably never existed.
[...] He devoured works questioning the existence of Abraham, Moses and Jesus. Then he said, "I thought to myself: You're busy Christianity and Judaism but what about your religion? Can you take it for granted that Muhammad existed? "First of all he had no doubt, then they slowly emerged [doubts, note NDK]. He was struck, he said, that the first coins bearing Muhammad's name did not appear until the late 7th century --- six decades after the birth of Islam.
[...] It also has doubts about the Qur'an. "God does not write books," he said.
Whole article here: pointdebascule
(*) LemessieetsonpropheteCommentsBy amar Sunday, February 28, 2010 1:48 p.m.will see the site of Yusuf Estes, Former Christian and former prison chaplain
I do not know if you are aware or not, Muslims of all time never doubted the truth of the Koran, even the Pope knows today and he hides there such position that the reputation leaves preach truth, and it also rabbis, believe me, it is very long about it and I was much evidence of the betrayal of the priests and rabbis
- HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commentoin Syria will end the criminal career of the NWO and its IMF! in Siria finirà la carriera criminale del NWO e del suo FMI! en Syrie mettra fin à la carrière criminelle de la NWO et sa FMI! en Siria pondrá fin a la carrera criminal del Nuevo Orden Mundial y por el FMI! in Syrien endet die kriminelle Karriere des NWO und seine IMF! --- OR, --> or, I will punish all of you making you die during the 3rd WW nuclear... ALTRIMENTI? io punirò tutti voi facendovi morire durante la 3°WW nucleare
- HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commentoSyria: Maleh opponent tries again, "soon a government in the north." Syria: Maleh opponent tries again, "soon to government in the north" - ANSWER -> NO! Syria will not be divided! the Arab League and Saudi Arabia, who have sent their troops: of salafis and Al Qaeda? will be punished! the martyrdom of the Syrian people: because of them? was a terrible martyrdom! --ANSWER--> NO! la Siria non sarà divisa! la Lega Araba e l'Arabia Saudita: che hanno inviato le loro milizie: di Al Quaeda? saranno puniti! il martirio del popolo siriano: per colpa loro ? è stato un martirio terribile!
- HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commentoSyria, after over a month reappears: on TV President Assad: Assad in prayer shown by state television Assad in prayer shown by state TV Last Updated: August 19, Damascus - (Adnkronos / Ign) - On the day that marks the end of Ramadan, the state television has aired pictures of Syrian President praying in a mosque in Damascus. The last time he appeared: in public was July 4th. - ANSWER -> YOU: (ASSAD), you WILL NOT BE KILLED! AND Satanists of CIA IMF: 666, 322 Masons: Sunni Salafi Sharia of Al Quaeda: for saudi Imperialism? they will not win IN SYRIA! HOW HAVE WON IN LIBYA
- HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento08/19/2012 VATICAN. Pope: Jesus, bread of life, was not a messiah who aspired to an earthly throne During the Angelus, Benedict XVI explained that Jesus did not seek popularity, that he pushed his disciples to decide, receive him in faith without being shocked about his humanity, joining Him in a deep and personal way. The rediscovery of the Eucharist "expresses all the humility and holiness of God, his becoming small, a piece of the universe to reconcile it fully in love." Castel Gandolfo (AsiaNews) - "Jesus was not a Messiah who aspired to an earthly throne. He did not seek popularity to conquer Jerusalem. In fact, he wanted to go to the Holy City to share the fate of the prophets, and give his life for God and the people,"... -- ANSWER-> ALSO, I DO NOT SEARCH, THE THRONE (this is my sacrifice)! but, if the throne will not come from me? the world will burn: in atomic fire: because: it is essential to return the monetary sovereignty: to all the nations, and then create a new IMF!
- HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commentono! I'm sorry, but, the violent, who do evil to peaceful people, do not enter:in the Kingdom of God! NO! they will never come! no! mi dispiace: ma, i violenti: che fanno il male a persone pacifiche:: non entrano: nel Regno di Dio! NO! non potranno mai entrare! [to all muslims country: ie, ex-christian martyr country, if, you do not laicized: quickly? it will be impossible for me to be of Able: to do: avoid the 3rd WW nuclear! but who told you, That, you will go to Heaven? he has deceived to you! no! it was not my Holy, Holy, Holy: Allah] no! I'm sorry, but, the violent, peaceful people who do evil to, do not enter: in the Kingdom of God! NO! they will never come!
- HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento[to all muslims country: ie, ex- christian martyr country, if, you do not laicized: quickly? it will be impossible for me:of to be able: to do: avoid the 3rd WW nuclear! but who told you, that, you will go to Heaven? he has deceived to you! no! it was not my Holy, Holy, Holy: Allah] 08/19/2012 PAKISTAN An 11-year-old disabled Christian girl arrested for blasphemy, 300 families flee. by Imran Morris The girl is accused of burning pages from a booklet used to teach Arabic and the Qur'an. Under the Pakistan Penal Code, she could get life in prison. Police saved her from an enraged mob that tried to kill her, but more than 300 families fled their homes fearing more violence. Paul Bhatti calls for calm.
- HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento[a tutto il paese musulmani: vale a dire, ex-paese martire cristiano, se, non laicizzato: in fretta? sarà impossibile per me: di essere in grado: di fare: evitare il 3 ° WW nucleare! ma chi vi ha detto, che, si andrà in Paradiso? ha ingannato a voi! no! non era il mio Santo, Santo, Santo: Allah]Islamabad (AsiaNews) - For the first time in Pakistan's history, the country's 'black law' has been used against a minor, a disabled 11-year-old Christian girl. Arrested on blasphemy charges, Rimsha Masih, who suffers from Down's syndrome, could get life in prison. Only police intervention saved her from a lynch mob of Muslim extremists. Her case has shocked Islamabad's Christian community, driving hundreds of Christian families from their homes in the girl's neighbourhood fearing possible retaliation. National Harmony Minister Paul Bhatti, a Catholic, has called on Muslim religious leaders to snuff out any source of violence.
- HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento[à tous les pays musulmans: par exemple, pays martyr ex-chrétien, si vous n'avez pas laïcisé: rapidement? il sera impossible pour moi: être en mesure de: faire: éviter la 3e Guerre nucléaire! mais qui vous a dit que, vous irez au Ciel? il a trompé à vous! non! ce n'était pas mon Saint, Saint, Saint, Allah] The 11-year-old girl, Rimsha Masih, is at the centre of a terrible affair. After being charged with desecrating the Qur'an, she was remanded for 14 days to a juvenile prison in Rawalpindi. The offence comes under Article 295-B of the Pakistan Penal Code and carries a maximum sentence of life in prison. Witnesses claim that Rimsha, daughter of Misrak Masih, burnt ten pages of the Noorani Qaida, an Islamic booklet used to learn basic Arabic and the Qur'an. She is also said to have put the booklet inside a plastic bag and threw into the garbage.
- HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento[a todos los países musulmanes, es decir, ex-cristiana país mártir, si no laicized: rápido? será imposible para mí de poder: hay que hacer: evitar la 3 ª Guerra Mundial nuclear! pero ¿quién te dijo, que, usted irá al cielo? ha engañado a usted! no! no fue mi Santo, Santo, Santo, Alá] Supposedly, the event occurred on 17 April in Umara Jaffar, a slum in Islamabad's Sector G-12, where the girl lives with her family. Police filed a First Information Report after a Muslim man, Syed Muhammad Ummad, made a formal complaint. Four months after the incident, police took Rimsha Masih into custody under pressure from Muslim extremists. Threatening to take justice in their own hands, a mob of hundreds enraged people attacked the girl's family, trying to lynch her and her mother. Police eventually took the girl away for her own safety, in prison.
- HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento[für alle Muslime Land: dh, ex-christlichen Märtyrers Land, wenn Sie nicht laicized: schnell? wird es unmöglich sein für mich: der in der Lage sein: zu tun: Vermeiden Sie den 3. WW nuklearen! aber wer euch gesagt, dass Sie in den Himmel kommen? hat er dich betrogen! nein! es war nicht meine Holy, Holy, Holy: Allah] Fearing more violence, some 300 families living in the Christian slum fled their homes seeking safety elsewhere. Local sources told AsiaNews that in the area, tensions are running high and that Muslim fundamentalists are threatening to set fire to Christian homes.National Harmony Minister Paul Bhatti, who is also special advisor to the prime minister on minority affairs, has appealed to Muslim leaders, especially clerics, asking them to help keep the lid on matters to avoid anti-Christian attacks. His brother Shabbaz,
- HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento[Tüm Müslümanlar ülke: yani, ex-christian şehit ülke, sen laicized yoksa: hızlı? bu benim için imkansız olacaktır: muktedir arasında: yapmak: 3rd WW nükleer kaçının! ama kim, sen cennete gidecek, kim söyledi? Sana aldattı! hayır! Allah]: benim Kutsal, Kutsal, Kutsal değildi Pakistan's first Catholic minister, was murdered by extremists on 2 March 2011 because of this opposition to the 'black law.' Last month, a mentally disabled Muslim man was burnt alive in Bahawalpur, southern Pakistan, after he was accused of blasphemy and a mob set him on fire for "desecrating the Qur'an." On the internet, the girl's arrest has caused a wave of protests. Many wonder: "Is this the real Islam?" Others wonder who are the real mental cases, "the girl or those who would punish her" for allegedly breaking the law.
- HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento[для всех мусульман страны: например, экс-христианский мученик стране, если вы не laicized: быстро? это будет для меня невозможно: из уметь: делать: избегать третьей мировой ядерной! а кто вам сказал, что вы попадете в рай? он обманул вас! Нет! это был не мой Свят, Свят, Свят: Аллах] The blasphemy law was introduced in 1986 by General Zia-ul-haq in response to demands by Muslim extremists. Thus far, at least a thousand people have been charged for breaking it. Of these, 60 have died, mostly killed in extrajudicial murders by enraged mobs or individuals.
- HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento@HALLELUIJAH! --> I'm here! Satan trembles! and all that is his: all shit? trembles with him! because I am Unius REI: one only king on all the world: ie King of Israel: lorenzojhwh: and Mahdì of Palestine People lorenzoAllah!
- CustodeDellaFede ha pubblicato un commentoExtra Ecclesiam nulla Salus
- mrUniversalMetaphysc ha pubblicato un commento@Rothschilf IMF 666 god owl --> no! I have no: 1. disorders religious or 2. I have no mystical crisis: 3. I have no supernatural gifts: I am totally rational and no spirit could come to my presence without being disintegrated here is why: I do not see: and hear nothing: that: is not. in three dimensional mine? is only a speculation, deduction: intuition: philosophical linked to faith in the Bible that: it is called Metaphysics! fuck Rothscind: I have not entered into Freemasonry, as you'd want! Your slander against me? You can put in your ass!
- mrUniversalMetaphysc ha pubblicato un commento@IsraelNationalTV @ Israel -> among the few people who know: in a rational way, this secret? there's the king of Saudi Arabia: in fact, there is an explicit agreement: between: him and the Illuminati to destroy Israel! indeed, this is, their time: to spread Islam: through: money, violence and intolerance: of the Salafis: of which is precisely the armed wing:is: Al Qaeda! (that's why they can die every day 400: Christian martyrs: in the general indifference: but, the real goal of that, of all christians martyred innocent? is of come to you: for to kill you!)
- mrUniversalMetaphysc ha pubblicato un commento1_2: @Israel National TV, my brother -> because: all jews are: Become christians?: in occult fashion? why: they can be been exterminated: by Illuminati: of the IMF: in a systematic fashion (any, after any 70 years: about: and now, it's the turn for Israel to be wiped out: for his Holocaust), when: an animal dies stifled: and: All His blood (ie, His Life: is him, not you eat it, but, you do eat him: to a goyim: as me, because: as your Talmud says: "I do not have: the danger of becoming an animal": (for eating the blood of an animal) in fact, I'm already an animal from the human form for your Talmud! This, however, is for your Kakam: Super Enlightened Rabbis: and, their occult World!: you can not know! That is, Illuminati: Super Pharisees Rabbis: kakam: of IMF: they circulate : of the: compound: that contain, as a percentage is the blood of Catholic children: sacrificed, as lambs for purifying: of sinners,
- mrUniversalMetaphysc ha pubblicato un commento2_2: @ IsraelNationalTV my friend! ---> But the blood (ie, the compound: the dust, ash), is made, also, eat:((inhaled: injected: with drugs)) through: many religious rituals: how, with the eggs of the ritual of marriage, etc. ... why, you Jews: you were all robbed: of e thy our rights of Jewishness(there are no more): and you have become: all you too: how are the Goyim, here, because: in a secret mode: you are all become Christians((this is the Blood of Christ: that: through the blood of Christians: that is in your veins!)!)! here, because: in line with the:law: and cyclically: the Illuminati: must do: and have: the authority to plan the Holocaust: Shaoah: against all jews! In fact, you have been ousted: of the their Jewishness: of their rights (to have partaken of the blood of children christian), but this? you do not know!
- mrUniversalMetaphysc ha pubblicato un commento@ IsraelNationalTV ->is because, that, the Illuminati Pharisees: of the IMF, 666: owl god: Baal MArduck, they knew very well that only the people of the Jews could: do stop: at their satanic: power: criminal (because, about: the satanists Freemasons?: they could trust blindly)! Here, the super Pharisees Kakam: Illuminati by Lucifer, they have always planned: the extermination (Holocaust): Shoah: of the Jews((as now: Israel must be destroyed in the inevitable: nuclear WW: 3°))! But because the Jews would be killed: legally: the Jews were to be downgraded: at the level of the goyim is why:to the Jews was done drinking (treacherously): the blood of Catholic children! It is also of this: the real reason: occult invisible, in mode supernatural: the why, the Muslims want to kill the Jews because they sense the Muslims (for the power of SatanAllah Sharia), that Jews are becoming Christian (in mode occult) !
- mrUniversalMetaphysc ha pubblicato un commento@hallelujah -----> my Holy Holy Holy JHWH glory ALLELUIA SALAMA SHALOM SALAM SALAAM PEACE PACE 和平 평화 שלום السلام ΕΙΡΗΝΗ शांति МИР BARIŞ hòa bình paz
By amar Sunday, February 28, 2010 1:53 by Monday, March 22, 2010 5:11 p.m.We can not deny the existence of Muhammad saw the number of women kil espoused because it could have came from garçons.Mahomet dune Bedouin family in Mecca very pauvre.Gigolot Aicha who exceeded 15 years and was very woman riche.Ses travel through the cities they visited, with his concubine Aicha, who were generally Judaised enabled him to understand the judaisme.Pentateuque.Abraham Ishak Jacob Joseph Joshua Moses David Solomon .... These are Biblical characters. the creation of the world in Seven Days Adam Eve resurrection accepted by the Pharisees challenged by Saducééns.Une sétait time that he made a big fortune but advanced in age he married Aisha at 5 years and viola for seven years. bcp Qur'anic verses speak of the wives of the Prophet and he doubted countless adultery. Muhammad did not bring anything spiritual, but he confirmed judaisme.C 'was a missionary juif.Et as the Arabs were idolaters who buried their daughters and that he was afraid his only daughter denterrer it turned grabbed the Jewish religion to make sienne.Je do not know why this hardening of the Arabs who deny their judaisme.Ils ONLY BY Nont read the Bible the Old Testament SURE THAT ki is everything in the Bible we find ds the Qur'an. a photo copy of the Psalms of Solomon etc. .. Places biblical époques.Faites effort and use your intelligence.Juiufs Muslims Christians and Muslims worship the same God deabraham Isaak and Jacob.
vendredi 21 novembre 2008 | ||||||
Commentaires | ||||||||||||||||||
Publié par Muhend-Christophe Bibb le mercredi 6 juin 2007 / 06:44 :: 5795 Vues ::
<< Voilà plus d'un an qu'est parue l'ordonnance de loi n°06-02 bis sur les cultes
autres que musulman en Algérie (mars 2006). Ce lundi 4 juin 2007 paraissent deux décrets d'application ayant pour objectif la mise en ouvre de cette loi régissant les cultes non-musulmans : le premier (daté du 19 mai) définit les conditions de déroulement des manifestations religieuses, le deuxième (daté du 27 mai) fixe les modalités de fonctionnement de la commission nationale des cultes autres que musulman.
Tout est donc opérationnel à présent pour encadrer de manière très stricte les
activités et pratiques des non-musulmans en Algérie.</zwir>
Comment ces décrets seront-ils appliqués concrètement ? Quelle liberté de penser et d'agir sera laissée à tous les citoyens algériens n'étant pas de confession musulmane ?
Pour l'heure, il est grand temps de nous mobiliser et de réagir à nouveau, en
plus grand nombre encore. Preuve est faite que le gouvernement algérien n'a pas décidé « d'oublier » les chrétiens : l'heure n'est plus au scepticisme face à ces lois.
Vous y serez tenus informés de la mise en application.
Mais, surtout, informez et communiquez à vos amis et à toute personne préoccupée par ces atteintes graves à la liberté de penser et de croire, aux droits de l'homme tout simplement.
On veut continuer à considérer les Algériens comme des personnes mineures, influençables par le premier "prêcheur" venu...
Mais si les hommes de pouvoir se montrent souvent petits dans leurs oeuvres, Dieu est toujours grand par ses décrets.
Avec l'aide du Seigneur, les hommes réellement libres, ne seront donc pas impressionnés par les menaces des pharaons.