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Les musulmans qui se convertissent

Christians face this problem happen in this article anyway (emphasis NDK), the same conclusions. Indeed, as we understood in July 2001, and even earlier, the necessity to help and support those who leave Islam becomes an emergency here in Europe.

That is why we had the idea in July 2001 to act in two ways:
1 - through prayers constituting the communion of prayer qabel MOTHER: We invite all Christians sensitive to this issue to say the Our Father and a Hail Mary every Sunday for persecuted brothers or prevented from attending the baptism.
2 - to be on the ground, small groups HOSTING, SUPPORT and INFORM with elder brothers in the faith, less worried that converts from Muslim traditions, one of which is the first Notre Dame de Kabylie.
We again call upon all Christians convinced of the danger faced by those who leave Islam, engage in prayer at least.
God bless you!
In Britain, a growing number of Christians from a Muslim background are facing harassment and persecution, warns Release International.These include 'Yasmin', whose ex-husband planned to kill her. She was attacked in the street, driven from his home and taken under police protection.Yasmin became a Christian after having a vision of Jesus during the difficult birth of his son. She tried to hide her faith to her family, but she ended up talking to his mother."When my mother discovered that I had become a Christian, she went to the local mosque and told them that I was crazy," said Yasmin Release International, which serves the persecuted church in 30 countries."She went to get some holy water to heal me of my foolishness. A campaign was orchestrated against me, people came to my house and knocked on the door every ten minutes during the night. "The police installed a panic alarm but finally told Yasmin that they could no longer protect and have transferred to a women's shelter.Yasmin moved to another region of the country, but her ex-husband was found and sought custody of their children because he opposed that they are high in Christians.She said: "I am continually harassed and intimidated me and hired someone to beat me in the street. Everywhere we went there was always a car that was following us and watching us. "His son has bowed to pressure and went to live with his father. "He stayed only one night," says Yasmin, "because his father told him that he had arranged for someone to kill me and my son pressed for details on the configuration of our home - where was the alarm and where I slept. "Yasmin went into hiding with his son and took an injunction against her husband. Harassment has stopped, but it was not out of the woods."Everyone in the Muslim community knew I was a Christian and nobody wanted to know me. People would cross the street rather than greet me and spit in my face often. They tried to pressure me so I left the city. But I had already been expelled from a town once, so I decided not to let them intimidate me. "Yasmin is now working to support other believers former Muslims who face the same pressures and persecutions.She added: "One of the hardest things for a Muslim who becomes a Christian is the loss of his family. There are such tight family networks in our communities. If someone becomes a Christian, he brings shame on the whole family and the only answer is to exclude it from the family. "Some Muslim background believers in the UK lose their homes, their possessions and even custody of their children - as well as in many countries around the world where former Muslims may even lose their lives have changed religion.Release International is under the patronage of Bishop Michael Nazir Ali, who has also been under police protection after receiving death threats for expressing his concerns about some aspects of Islam in Britain. He suffered similar threats in his home country, Pakistan, but never thought the same thing happen in the United Kingdom.Bishop Nazir-Ali said: "The history of the church is a history of persecution. The blood of martyrs has been, is, and will be the seed of the church. "President of Release International, Andy Dipper said: "Release has seen many similar cases around the world. Now, these things begin to happen in the UK. ""Muslims who convert may be traumatized, having been faced with intense pressure, threats, blackmail and the loss of their families and their homes. They often have to live with the secret or bullying may need emotional and spiritual counseling. ""These new Christians may have material needs like housing, food and clothing. We must be practical in our help open the doors of our homes. We also need to equip and train a larger number of churches here in Britain about how they can best support new members of the church who are of Muslim origin. "Through its international network of missions Release International supports Christians imprisoned for their faith and their families in 30 countries. It supports church workers, pastors and their families, and provides training, Bibles, Christian literature and television. Release International is a member of the British branch of Global Connections, Evangelical Alliance and Micah Network.Yasmin's story is part of the latest edition of Witness to Release International available

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jeudi 24 juillet 2008

Persécution en Grande-Bretagne de musulmans devenus chrétiens
Publié par Amghar Zik le jeudi 24 juillet 2008 / 13:03 :: 7716 Vues ::Article Rating:: Informations, Persécutions...
Les chrétiens confrontés à ce problème arrivent, dans cet article en tout cas (souligné par NDK), aux même conclusions. En effet comme nous l'avions compris en juillet 2001, et même plus tôt, la necessité d'aider et de soutenir celles et ceux qui quittent l'Islam devient une urgence, ici en Europe.
 C'est pourquoi nous avons eu l'idée, dès juillet 2001 d'agir de deux manières:
1- par la prière en constituant la communion de prière MERE QABEL: nous invitons tous les chrétiens sensibles à cette question à dire le Notre Père et un Ave Maria chaque dimanche, pour les frères persécutés ou empêchés d'aller au baptême.
2- de constituer, sur le terrain, de petits groupes pour ACCUEILLIR, SOUTENIR et INFORME, avec des frères aînés dans la foi, moins inquiétés que les convertis venus des traditions musulmanes, dont l'un des premièrs est Notre-Dame de Kabylie.
Nous invitons à nouveau tous les chrétiens convaincus du danger que courent ceux qui quittent l'Islam, à s'engager dans la prière au moins.
Que Dieu vous bénisse!
En Grande-Bretagne, un nombre croissant de chrétiens d'origine musulmane sont confrontés à du harcèlement et des persécutions, met en garde Release International.
Il s'agit notamment de « Yasmin », dont l'ex-mari a planifié de la tuer. Elle a été attaquée dans la rue, chassée de son domicile et prise sous la protection de la police.
Yasmin est devenue chrétienne après avoir eu une vision de Jésus au cours de la difficile naissance de son fils. Elle a essayé de cacher sa foi à sa famille, mais elle a fini par en parler à sa mère.
« Lorsque ma mère a découvert que j'étais devenue chrétienne, elle s'est rendue à la mosquée locale et leur a dit que j'étais devenue folle », a dit Yasmin à Release International, qui est au service de l'église persécutée dans 30 pays.
« Elle est allée chercher de l'eau bénite pour me guérir de ma folie. Une campagne a été orchestrée contre moi, des gens venaient chez moi et frappaient sur la porte toutes les dix minutes pendant la nuit ».
La police a installé une alarme de panique mais a finalement dit à Yasmin qu'ils ne pouvaient plus la protéger et l'ont transférée dans un refuge pour femmes.
Yasmin a déménagé dans une autre région du pays, mais son ex-mari l'a trouvée et a demandé la garde de leurs enfants parce qu'il s'opposait à ce qu'ils soient élevés en chrétiens.
Elle a dit : « Il me harcelait et m'intimidait continuellement et a engagé quelqu'un pour me battre dans la rue. Partout où nous allions il y avait toujours une voiture qui nous suivait et nous surveillait ».
Son fils a cédé à la pression et est allé vivre avec son père. « Il est resté seulement une nuit », dit Yasmin, « car son père lui a dit qu'il avait pris des dispositions pour que quelqu'un me tue et il pressait mon fils pour plus de détails sur la configuration de notre maison - où était l'alarme et où je dormais ».
Yasmin est entrée dans la clandestinité avec son fils et a pris une injonction à l'encontre de son mari. Le harcèlement a cessé, mais elle n'était pas au bout de ses peines.
« Tout le monde dans la communauté musulmane locale savait que j'étais chrétienne et personne ne voulait faire ma connaissance. Les gens traversaient la rue plutôt que de me saluer et souvent me crachaient au visage. Ils ont essayé de faire pression sur moi pour que je quitte la ville. Mais j'avais déjà été chassée d'une ville une fois, alors j'ai décidé de ne pas les laisser m'intimider ».
Yasmin travaille maintenant au soutien d'autres croyants anciennement musulmans qui subissent les mêmes pressions et persécutions.Elle ajoute : « L'une des choses les plus difficiles pour un musulman qui devient chrétien est la perte de sa famille. Il y a de tels réseaux familiaux serrés dans nos communautés. Si quelqu'un devient chrétien, il apporte la honte sur toute la famille et la seule réponse est de l'exclure de la famille ».
Certains croyants d'origine musulmane au Royaume-Uni perdent leurs maisons, leurs biens et même la garde de leurs enfants – tout comme dans de nombreux pays à travers le monde où les anciens musulmans peuvent même perdre leur vie pour avoir changé de religion.
Release International est sous le patronage de
Mgr Michael Nazir Ali, qui a également été sous protection policière après avoir reçu des menaces de mort pour avoir exprimé ses préoccupations au sujet de certains aspects de l'islam en Grande-Bretagne. Il a subi des menaces similaires dans son pays d'origine, le Pakistan, mais n'a jamais pensé que la même chose se produirait au Royaume-Uni.
Mgr Nazir-Ali a déclaré : « L'histoire de l'église est une histoire de persécution. Le sang des martyrs a été, est, et sera la semence de l'église ».
Le président de Release International, Andy Dipper, a déclaré : « Release a vu de nombreux cas similaires à travers le monde. Maintenant, ces choses commencent à se produire au Royaume-Uni ».
« Les musulmans qui se convertissent peuvent être traumatisés, ayant été confrontés à d'intenses pressions, des menaces, du chantage et la perte de leur famille et de leur foyer. Ils doivent souvent vivre avec le secret ou l'intimidation et peuvent avoir besoin de counselling affectif et spirituel ».
« Ces nouveaux chrétiens peuvent avoir des besoins matériels, comme pour le logement, la nourriture et les vêtements. Nous devons être pratiques dans notre aide et ouvrir les portes de nos maisons. Nous avons également besoin d'équiper et de former un plus grand nombre d'églises ici en Grande-Bretagne sur la manière dont elles peuvent le mieux soutenir les nouveaux membres de l'église qui sont d'origine musulmane ».

Grâce à son réseau international de missions, Release International soutient les chrétiens emprisonnés pour leur foi et leurs familles dans 30 pays. Il soutient les travailleurs de l'église, les pasteurs et leurs familles, et propose des formations, des Bibles, de la littérature chrétienne et des émissions de télévision. Release International est membre de la branche britannique de Global Connections, Evangelical Alliance et Micah Network.
L'histoire de Yasmin fait partie de la dernière édition du magazine Witness de Release International disponible sur


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  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    1 secondo fa
    in Syria will end the criminal career of the NWO and its IMF! in Siria finirà la carriera criminale del NWO e del suo FMI! en Syrie mettra fin à la carrière criminelle de la NWO et sa FMI! en Siria pondrá fin a la carrera criminal del Nuevo Orden Mundial y por el FMI! in Syrien endet die kriminelle Karriere des NWO und seine IMF! --- OR, --> or, I will punish all of you making you die during the 3rd WW nuclear... ALTRIMENTI? io punirò tutti voi facendovi morire durante la 3°WW nucleare
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    4 minuti fa
    Syria: Maleh opponent tries again, "soon a government in the north." Syria: Maleh opponent tries again, "soon to government in the north" - ANSWER -> NO! Syria will not be divided! the Arab League and Saudi Arabia, who have sent their troops: of salafis and Al Qaeda? will be punished! the martyrdom of the Syrian people: because of them? was a terrible martyrdom! --ANSWER--> NO! la Siria non sarà divisa! la Lega Araba e l'Arabia Saudita: che hanno inviato le loro milizie: di Al Quaeda? saranno puniti! il martirio del popolo siriano: per colpa loro ? è stato un martirio terribile!
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    9 minuti fa
    Syria, after over a month reappears: on TV President Assad: Assad in prayer shown by state television Assad in prayer shown by state TV Last Updated: August 19, Damascus - (Adnkronos / Ign) - On the day that marks the end of Ramadan, the state television has aired pictures of Syrian President praying in a mosque in Damascus. The last time he appeared: in public was July 4th. - ANSWER -> YOU: (ASSAD), you WILL NOT BE KILLED! AND Satanists of CIA IMF: 666, 322 Masons: Sunni Salafi Sharia of Al Quaeda: for saudi Imperialism? they will not win IN SYRIA! HOW HAVE WON IN LIBYA
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    14 minuti fa
    08/19/2012 VATICAN. Pope: Jesus, bread of life, was not a messiah who aspired to an earthly throne During the Angelus, Benedict XVI explained that Jesus did not seek popularity, that he pushed his disciples to decide, receive him in faith without being shocked about his humanity, joining Him in a deep and personal way. The rediscovery of the Eucharist "expresses all the humility and holiness of God, his becoming small, a piece of the universe to reconcile it fully in love." Castel Gandolfo (AsiaNews) - "Jesus was not a Messiah who aspired to an earthly throne. He did not seek popularity to conquer Jerusalem. In fact, he wanted to go to the Holy City to share the fate of the prophets, and give his life for God and the people,"... -- ANSWER-> ALSO, I DO NOT SEARCH, THE THRONE (this is my sacrifice)! but, if the throne will not come from me? the world will burn: in atomic fire: because: it is essential to return the monetary sovereignty: to all the nations, and then create a new IMF!
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    1 secondo fa
    no! I'm sorry, but, the violent, who do evil to peaceful people, do not enter:in the Kingdom of God! NO! they will never come! no! mi dispiace: ma, i violenti: che fanno il male a persone pacifiche:: non entrano: nel Regno di Dio! NO! non potranno mai entrare! [to all muslims country: ie, ex-christian martyr country, if, you do not laicized: quickly? it will be impossible for me to be of Able: to do: avoid the 3rd WW nuclear! but who told you, That, you will go to Heaven? he has deceived to you! no! it was not my Holy, Holy, Holy: Allah] no! I'm sorry, but, the violent, peaceful people who do evil to, do not enter: in the Kingdom of God! NO! they will never come!
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    3 minuti fa
    [to all muslims country: ie, ex- christian martyr country, if, you do not laicized: quickly? it will be impossible for me:of to be able: to do: avoid the 3rd WW nuclear! but who told you, that, you will go to Heaven? he has deceived to you! no! it was not my Holy, Holy, Holy: Allah] 08/19/2012 PAKISTAN An 11-year-old disabled Christian girl arrested for blasphemy, 300 families flee. by Imran Morris The girl is accused of burning pages from a booklet used to teach Arabic and the Qur'an. Under the Pakistan Penal Code, she could get life in prison. Police saved her from an enraged mob that tried to kill her, but more than 300 families fled their homes fearing more violence. Paul Bhatti calls for calm.
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    3 minuti fa
    [a tutto il paese musulmani: vale a dire, ex-paese martire cristiano, se, non laicizzato: in fretta? sarà impossibile per me: di essere in grado: di fare: evitare il 3 ° WW nucleare! ma chi vi ha detto, che, si andrà in Paradiso? ha ingannato a voi! no! non era il mio Santo, Santo, Santo: Allah]Islamabad (AsiaNews) - For the first time in Pakistan's history, the country's 'black law' has been used against a minor, a disabled 11-year-old Christian girl. Arrested on blasphemy charges, Rimsha Masih, who suffers from Down's syndrome, could get life in prison. Only police intervention saved her from a lynch mob of Muslim extremists. Her case has shocked Islamabad's Christian community, driving hundreds of Christian families from their homes in the girl's neighbourhood fearing possible retaliation. National Harmony Minister Paul Bhatti, a Catholic, has called on Muslim religious leaders to snuff out any source of violence.
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    3 minuti fa
    [à tous les pays musulmans: par exemple, pays martyr ex-chrétien, si vous n'avez pas laïcisé: rapidement? il sera impossible pour moi: être en mesure de: faire: éviter la 3e Guerre nucléaire! mais qui vous a dit que, vous irez au Ciel? il a trompé à vous! non! ce n'était pas mon Saint, Saint, Saint, Allah] The 11-year-old girl, Rimsha Masih, is at the centre of a terrible affair. After being charged with desecrating the Qur'an, she was remanded for 14 days to a juvenile prison in Rawalpindi. The offence comes under Article 295-B of the Pakistan Penal Code and carries a maximum sentence of life in prison. Witnesses claim that Rimsha, daughter of Misrak Masih, burnt ten pages of the Noorani Qaida, an Islamic booklet used to learn basic Arabic and the Qur'an. She is also said to have put the booklet inside a plastic bag and threw into the garbage.
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    4 minuti fa
    [a todos los países musulmanes, es decir, ex-cristiana país mártir, si no laicized: rápido? será imposible para mí de poder: hay que hacer: evitar la 3 ª Guerra Mundial nuclear! pero ¿quién te dijo, que, usted irá al cielo? ha engañado a usted! no! no fue mi Santo, Santo, Santo, Alá] Supposedly, the event occurred on 17 April in Umara Jaffar, a slum in Islamabad's Sector G-12, where the girl lives with her family. Police filed a First Information Report after a Muslim man, Syed Muhammad Ummad, made a formal complaint. Four months after the incident, police took Rimsha Masih into custody under pressure from Muslim extremists. Threatening to take justice in their own hands, a mob of hundreds enraged people attacked the girl's family, trying to lynch her and her mother. Police eventually took the girl away for her own safety, in prison.
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    4 minuti fa
    [für alle Muslime Land: dh, ex-christlichen Märtyrers Land, wenn Sie nicht laicized: schnell? wird es unmöglich sein für mich: der in der Lage sein: zu tun: Vermeiden Sie den 3. WW nuklearen! aber wer euch gesagt, dass Sie in den Himmel kommen? hat er dich betrogen! nein! es war nicht meine Holy, Holy, Holy: Allah] Fearing more violence, some 300 families living in the Christian slum fled their homes seeking safety elsewhere. Local sources told AsiaNews that in the area, tensions are running high and that Muslim fundamentalists are threatening to set fire to Christian homes.National Harmony Minister Paul Bhatti, who is also special advisor to the prime minister on minority affairs, has appealed to Muslim leaders, especially clerics, asking them to help keep the lid on matters to avoid anti-Christian attacks. His brother Shabbaz,
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    4 minuti fa
    [Tüm Müslümanlar ülke: yani, ex-christian şehit ülke, sen laicized yoksa: hızlı? bu benim için imkansız olacaktır: muktedir arasında: yapmak: 3rd WW nükleer kaçının! ama kim, sen cennete gidecek, kim söyledi? Sana aldattı! hayır! Allah]: benim Kutsal, Kutsal, Kutsal değildi Pakistan's first Catholic minister, was murdered by extremists on 2 March 2011 because of this opposition to the 'black law.' Last month, a mentally disabled Muslim man was burnt alive in Bahawalpur, southern Pakistan, after he was accused of blasphemy and a mob set him on fire for "desecrating the Qur'an." On the internet, the girl's arrest has caused a wave of protests. Many wonder: "Is this the real Islam?" Others wonder who are the real mental cases, "the girl or those who would punish her" for allegedly breaking the law.
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    5 minuti fa
    [для всех мусульман страны: например, экс-христианский мученик стране, если вы не laicized: быстро? это будет для меня невозможно: из уметь: делать: избегать третьей мировой ядерной! а кто вам сказал, что вы попадете в рай? он обманул вас! Нет! это был не мой Свят, Свят, Свят: Аллах] The blasphemy law was introduced in 1986 by General Zia-ul-haq in response to demands by Muslim extremists. Thus far, at least a thousand people have been charged for breaking it. Of these, 60 have died, mostly killed in extrajudicial murders by enraged mobs or individuals.
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    28 minuti fa
    @HALLELUIJAH! --> I'm here! Satan trembles! and all that is his: all shit? trembles with him! because I am Unius REI: one only king on all the world: ie King of Israel: lorenzojhwh: and Mahdì of Palestine People lorenzoAllah!
  • CustodeDellaFede
    CustodeDellaFede ha pubblicato un commento
    1 ora fa
    Extra Ecclesiam nulla Salus
  • CustodeDellaFede
    CustodeDellaFede ha pubblicato un commento
    1 ora fa
  • mrUniversalMetaphysc
    mrUniversalMetaphysc ha pubblicato un commento
    3 ore fa
    @Rothschilf IMF 666 god owl --> no! I have no: 1. disorders religious or 2. I have no mystical crisis: 3. I have no supernatural gifts: I am totally rational and no spirit could come to my presence without being disintegrated here is why: I do not see: and hear nothing: that: is not. in three dimensional mine? is only a speculation, deduction: intuition: philosophical linked to faith in the Bible that: it is called Metaphysics! fuck Rothscind: I have not entered into Freemasonry, as you'd want! Your slander against me? You can put in your ass!
  • mrUniversalMetaphysc
    mrUniversalMetaphysc ha pubblicato un commento
    3 ore fa
    @IsraelNationalTV @ Israel -> among the few people who know: in a rational way, this secret? there's the king of Saudi Arabia: in fact, there is an explicit agreement: between: him and the Illuminati to destroy Israel! indeed, this is, their time: to spread Islam: through: money, violence and intolerance: of the Salafis: of which is precisely the armed wing:is: Al Qaeda! (that's why they can die every day 400: Christian martyrs: in the general indifference: but, the real goal of that, of all christians martyred innocent? is of come to you: for to kill you!)
  • mrUniversalMetaphysc
    mrUniversalMetaphysc ha pubblicato un commento
    3 ore fa
    1_2: @Israel National TV, my brother -> because: all jews are: Become christians?: in occult fashion? why: they can be been exterminated: by Illuminati: of the IMF: in a systematic fashion (any, after any 70 years: about: and now, it's the turn for Israel to be wiped out: for his Holocaust), when: an animal dies stifled: and: All His blood (ie, His Life: is him, not you eat it, but, you do eat him: to a goyim: as me, because: as your Talmud says: "I do not have: the danger of becoming an animal": (for eating the blood of an animal) in fact, I'm already an animal from the human form for your Talmud! This, however, is for your Kakam: Super Enlightened Rabbis: and, their occult World!: you can not know! That is, Illuminati: Super Pharisees Rabbis: kakam: of IMF: they circulate : of the: compound: that contain, as a percentage is the blood of Catholic children: sacrificed, as lambs for purifying: of sinners,
  • mrUniversalMetaphysc
    mrUniversalMetaphysc ha pubblicato un commento
    3 ore fa
    2_2: @ IsraelNationalTV my friend! ---> But the blood (ie, the compound: the dust, ash), is made​​, also, eat:((inhaled: injected: with drugs)) through: many religious rituals: how, with the eggs of the ritual of marriage, etc. ... why, you Jews: you were all robbed: of e thy our rights of Jewishness(there are no more): and you have become: all you too: how are the Goyim, here, because: in a secret mode: you are all become Christians((this is the Blood of Christ: that: through the blood of Christians: that is in your veins!)!)! here, because: in line with the:law: and cyclically: the Illuminati: must do: and have: the authority to plan the Holocaust: Shaoah: against all jews! In fact, you have been ousted: of the their Jewishness: of their rights (to have partaken of the blood of children christian), but this? you do not know!
  • mrUniversalMetaphysc
    mrUniversalMetaphysc ha pubblicato un commento
    3 ore fa
    @ IsraelNationalTV ->is because, that, the Illuminati Pharisees: of the IMF, 666: owl god: Baal MArduck, they knew very well that only the people of the Jews could: do stop: at their satanic: power: criminal (because, about: the satanists Freemasons?: they could trust blindly)! Here, the super Pharisees Kakam: Illuminati by Lucifer, they have always planned: the extermination (Holocaust): Shoah: of the Jews((as now: Israel must be destroyed in the inevitable: nuclear WW: 3°))! But because the Jews would be killed: legally: the Jews were to be downgraded: at the level of the goyim is why:to the Jews was done drinking (treacherously): the blood of Catholic children! It is also of this: the real reason: occult invisible, in mode supernatural: the why, the Muslims want to kill the Jews because they sense the Muslims (for the power of SatanAllah Sharia), that Jews are becoming Christian (in mode occult) !
  • mrUniversalMetaphysc
    mrUniversalMetaphysc ha pubblicato un commento
    4 ore fa
    @hallelujah -----> my Holy Holy Holy JHWH glory ALLELUIA SALAMA SHALOM SALAM SALAAM PEACE PACE 和平 평화 שלום السلام ΕΙΡΗΝΗ शांति МИР BARIŞ hòa bình paz
  • mrUniversalMetaphysc
    mrUniversalMetaphysc ha pubblicato un commento
    16 ore fa
    1_2:@IsraelNationalTV, My brother --> perché: tutti jews are become christians: in mode occult? why: loro possono essere sterminati: of Illuminati of the FMI in mode sistematico (any, 70 anni: circa: ed ora: è il turno per Israele: di essere sterminato: Shoah), quando: un animale muore soffocato: and all his sangue ( ie, his life: è in him, tu not lo mangi, but, you do mangiare: ad un goym: as me, perché, come dice il tuo talmud: io non ho: il pericolo: of diventare un animale:(mangiando del sangue) infatti, io sono già un animale dalla form human for your Talmud! Questo, però tu: e your rabbis?: voi not lo potete sapete! is that, Illuminati: Super Rabbis farisei: kakam: of FMI: loro fanno circolare: of the: composti: that contengono, in percentuale è il sangue:of bambini cattolici: immolati, as agnelli: for purificare: sinners,
  • mrUniversalMetaphysc
    mrUniversalMetaphysc ha pubblicato un commento
    16 ore fa
    2_2:@IsraelNationalTV my friend! ----------> ma, quel sangue ( il composto: la polvere: la cenere), viene fatta, anche, mangiare: attraverso: molti riti religiosi: come, con le uova del rito: del matrimonio, ecc... ecco perché , voi ebrei: siete stati tutti derubati: dei vostri diritti di ebraicità: e siete diventati : tutti anche voi : come, sono i Goyim, ecco , perché : in modo occulto : voi tutti siete diventati cristiani ! ecco, perché: giuridicamente : e ciclicamente: gli Illuminati hanno: l'autorità di pianificare l'Olocausto: Shaoah: contro: di voi! infatti, voi siete stati estromessi: dai diritti della ebraicità ( per avere mangiato del sangue ), ma, questo? voi non lo sapete!

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= Islamica formidabile
, signore islamico, alcuni cabili, il fatto che l'Islam è stato imposto con la forza [BESSIF] per partire oggi preferiscono mangiare carne di maiale, per mostrare che essi hanno niente a che vedere con ISLAMOTERRIFIC. Contrariamente a naive Islamofili occidentali più o meno, loro, sono ISLAMOFACO. Islam perché hanno la cena abbastanza.
Quanto a coloro che, come te, ha ricevuto la sua fede religiosa nella sua bottiglia che non è degno di essere annoverato tra gli adoratori di Dio molto elevati, che sono o per eredità o per costrizione, ma da una libera e consapevole!
Mangiare carne di maiale è lecito recitare una preghiera senza odio comprensione!
Gesù ha detto che quello che rende impuro l'uomo non è ciò che ti passa per la bocca, ma ciò che esce dal suo cuore! Vediamo che si scrive infelice!
lundi 23 juin 2008

Des enfants chrétiens sont crucifiés pour inciter leurs parents à quitter le pays
Publié par Christian Mira le lundi 23 juin 2008 / 05:45 :: 8848 Vues ::Article Rating:: Informations, Persécutions...
Le 21 juin le site canadien  
a fait paraître un article intitulé " Irak - Nettoyage ethnique : des enfants chrétiens sont crucifiés pour inciter leurs parents à quitter le pays", traduction du texte plus complet en anglais (publié par Jennifer Green, dans "The Ottawa Citizen"):
Le texte français est reproduit ci-dessous.

"Des militants musulmans crucifient des enfants pour terroriser leurs parents chrétiens et les inciter à fuir l’Irak, s’est fait dire hier un comité parlementaire qui étudie la persécution des minorités religieuses.
Depuis le début de la guerre en 2003, environ 12 enfants, certains âgés d’à peine 10 ans, ont été enlevés et tués, puis cloués sur des croix de fortune près de chez eux pour terrifier et tourmenter leurs parents.
Le comité a été informé qu’un enfant a été arraché, décapité, brûlé et laissé sur le pas de la porte de sa mère.
Filham Isaac, parlant au nom du Comité de défense des intérêts Ninive, a déclaré au comité des droits de l’homme que les églises chrétiennes d’Irak ont été bombardées, des membres du clergé assassinés et les femmes dévoilées ont été violées ou marquées à l’acide.
Cela fait partie d’une campagne systémique - et très efficace - de nettoyage ethnique des non-musulmans de la région, dit-il. Les chrétiens chaldéens et assyriens, connus sous le nom de Assyro-Chaldéens, ont été autrefois la plus grande minorité chrétienne en Irak. Ils sont aussi les plus anciens, étant les descendants des anciens Mésopotamiens qui ont adopté le christianisme au premier siècle.
L’Eglise catholique chaldéenne, l’Église syro-catholique, l’Église syriaque orthodoxe et l’Église d’Orient sont parmi les églises chrétiennes en Irak.
Aujourd’hui, environ 300 000 chrétiens, ou un sur trois, sont réfugiés, a-t-il déclaré.
« C’est à un point de crise », a dit par la suite Zaya Oshana, collègue de M. Isaac. « Les chrétiens seront complètement anéantis ».
Pourtant, les Assyro-Chaldéens ne veulent pas quitter leur pays en masse.
Au lieu de cela, ils demandent de l’aide pour habiter les plaines de Ninive, dans le nord-ouest de l’Irak, où ils peuvent avoir une certaine indépendance et former leur propre État. La terre est riche, et il pourrait aussi y avoir du pétrole.
Il y a un certain soutien aux Etats-Unis et en Europe pour cette zone indépendante, et les actualités internationales indiquent que plus de 700 officiers de police ont commencé une formation pour protéger les chrétiens en Irak, mais un autre 4000 serait nécessaire pour sécuriser pleinement la région et établir des postes de contrôle sur toutes les autoroutes et les routes menant dans les villages."
Par Anne-Laure Bayart le mardi 19 janvier 2010 03:48
c'est terrible: voilà le genre d'infos qu'on ne lit jamais dans la presse officielle!
et pourquoi?
comme toujours le christianisme dérange!
Et pourtant Jésus est mort pour nous. Il n'a jamais fait le Mal...

Par Pascal Blaise le mercredi 16 juin 2010 16:36
En Ethiopie, il y a eu aussi un cas de crucifixion; le martyr, converti au christianisme, était accusé d'apostasie par ses anciens coreligionnaires musulmans.
On atteint le summum de l'horreur. Pire que la décapitation au couteau.
Bien sûr, l'Irak n'est pas l'Ethiopie. Mais justement, comment se fait-il que d'un continent à l'autre, des musulmans crucifient les chrétiens? y a-t-il des raisons objectives à cela? ou bien s'agit-il simplement d'une allusion ironique au sujet de la crucifixion du Christ?

Par Steve Etienne le vendredi 24 décembre 2010 05:53
Oui je pense qu'il faudra des photos afin d'établir la véracité des faits.

Si les chrétiens non pas tous des kalasnikovs, ils ont des appareils photos.

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Datagate: Nsa controlla 75% Rete Usa. USA E GB (farisei anglo-americani FMi NWO 666), hanno fatto distruggere i documenti, del guardian, circa Snowden, perché, sono diventati, la più pericolosa minaccia di nazismo, di tutta la storia del genere umano. loro non sono stati scoperti, da una terrestre tecnologia, sono stati "rivelati", come una religione.. bisogna, espellere, immediatamente, dal territorio nazionale, ogni cosa appartenga, ad USA e GB, ad iniziare dalle ambasciate, loro sono diventati satanisti TROIKA satanisti, TROIKA cosa è il signoraggio bancario? e perché voi lo avete, se, la costituzione lo proibisce a voi? perché, voi state portando allo sterminio, i popoli, con le voste magie giuridiche?

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