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moral level, must increase rapidly

  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    1 secondo fa
    HellxDesPairTruction HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento 1 minuto fa I know! because the human race should not be destroyed? his moral level, must increase rapidly! but, you know a leader who can do this in the world? io lo so! perché, il genere umano non debba essere distrutto? il suo livello morale, deve aumentare rapidamente! ma ,tu conosci un leader, che può fare questo in tutto il mondo?
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    4 minuti fa
    Yes, i am a unique peace loving creatures ... UNUS REI, UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD .. You can know yourself only through God, that's why the world is full of afraid .. because men do not know the beauty of their souls! WE LOVE THE BEAUTY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT THAT HE dominates. merciful. ON OUR EVIL.. formally in public, I have not done anything wrong in my previous 52 years of my life! now, it is too late now to go wrong! too many people: depend on my example.. Hell x DesPair x desTruction--- Jewish lobbies of the banking seigniorage: the IMF Pharisees, --- if the people have to die in World War III? That it is right they are spiritually prepared to die! you can leave, That, Christianity will rise Jewish lobby of the bank seigniorage: IMF Pharisees, --- if the people have to die in World War III? it is right that they are spiritually prepared to die! you can leave, that Christianity will rise
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    49 minuti fa
    the desecrated SPAIN: antichrist Zapatero of shit! Pharisees IMF , now, enough! let the West could return to his Christianity![you and your socialist? CAN ""fuck"" all animals like you, into the hell! ] Promoted bestiality: in Zapatero's Spain. Source: Matching (Roman). Spain students begin: to thinking: that, the sex can be practiced freely, too: with the animals. In agreement, with the organization: "Professional Ethics for" (sewer), students in the third grade (children, of 9 years old), in a school of Cordoba in southern Spain, Andalusia, are participating, in a course: in matter which is entitled "the nature has given us the sex, and we can use: with another girl, another boy: or with an animal."] Groups of parents have said that: the material indoctrinates children, disguises, a pro-homosexuality agenda:
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    49 minuti fa
    the desecrated SPAIN: antichrist Zapatero of shit!Pharisees IMF , now, enough! let the West could return to his Christianity! [you and your socialist? CAN ""fuck"" all animals like you, into the hell! and criticizes the standards: and the values ​​of morality. In the regions of Castilla and Leon, approximately 500 students: they have been exempted, from participation in these courses, for reasons of conscience, while hundreds of others, in Madrid, and Valencia, are awaiting the decision of the court to know: whether they will or not, obliged to them, to participating, in a course: in matter which is entitled "the nature has given us the sex, and we can use: with another girl, another boy: or with an animal.".. (RC n. 53 - April 2010) - ANSWER - ZAPATERO BEAST! You suck, ALSO: to Satanists too! YOU ARE AN ABOMINATION!
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    1 ora fa
    Synnek1 posted a comment 1 minute ago KILL ALIENS ... It's good for you? - ANSWER - BUT ARE NOT cannibals OF HUMAN BLOOD, LIKE YOU? but, YOU CAN SEND THE ALIENS THAT, I DO NOT HAVE KILLED MORE: TO DO EVIL, TO ALL THOSE, THAT VIOLATES THE FREEDOM OF RELIGION IN THE WORLD! .. AND FOR THIS REASON? I leave you in life, to you, a sufficient number of aliens! the smell of the aliens? is like the smell of corpses, or zombies, for me! but the aliens can not come during my domain! this is my kingdom! of course, this is not a sense of guilt for you: is not your time: only!
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    2 ore fa
    Egypt. MERKEL to President criminal terrorist Morsi, said: "IMPORTANT FOR U.S. HUMAN RIGHTS - "I told toMorsi that: for we are many things, very important: such as respect for the rights human, and freedom of religion. And the president said that: these things : have a larger role: in politics today than: to what they had before. "He said Angela Merkel in Berlin at the bilateral press conference with the President of Egypt Mohammed Morsi. - ANSWER - NO! THE PRESIDENT MORSI: ZOMBIE IS: of an DISTANT PAST! IS A BASTARD! IS A HYPOCRITICAL! IS A MURDERESS! HOW all Islamists: born in Saudi Arabia, from the hell of Khomeini, all terrorists: AS their all islamists criminals! ANYWHERE, they HAVE PASSED? all PEOPLEs, who lived before of them, ARE ALL DEAD!
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    2 ore fa
    @ King of Saudi Arabia - you have no choice! only: Unius REI, I can protect you, from, the wrath of God, of 1400 years: of crimes, that, you have committed: for following: your satanic prophet! all the evil done against: all peoples, peaceful?, which were before you?, and that you have: endless to do: systematically, which, you continue: still, today to do more! @King Saudi Arabia -- tu non hai scelta! soltanto, io posso proteggere voi, dall'ira di Dio, di 1400 di crimini, che, voi avete commesso: per avere seguito: il vostro satanico profeta! tutto il male fatto, contro: tutti popoli, pacifici, che, erano prima di voi, e che voi avete sterminato: sistematicamente, cosa che, voi continuate a fare ancora!!
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    3 ore fa
    @ King of Saudi Arabia - if, I can not protect Israel? then, I could not be able: to protect any other peoples! and if: you do not help me to make a great kingdom of Palestine? to drag: in it, all the demons Pharisees, who, are scattered around the world to do. the pests? between, ten years, will may no longer exist, only one mosque: in the whole world! also: has no right: to no one: nobody international conventions, who: purple so, in mode brutal: basic human rights, as you do! with the "UN Charter?" you you can wipe your ass! because there are no rights, if not recognized, your duties! In fact, it is, in your name, in your god malefic damned, and, in your satanic cursed prophet, who are killed 300 innocent Christian martyrs, every day!
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    3 ore fa
    @King Saudi Arabia -- se, io non riesco a proteggere Israele? poi, non potrei essere in grado: di proteggere nessun altro popolo! e se: tu non aiuterai me: a fare un grande regno di Palestina? per trascinare: in esso, tutti i demoni farisei, che, sono disseminati per il mondo a fare i parassiti? tra dieci anni, potrebbe non esistere più, una sola moschea, in tutto il mondo! inoltre, non ha nessun diritto: alle convenzioni internazionali, chi: viola in modo così brutale: i diritti umani fondamentali, come voi fate! con la "Carta ONU?" tu ti puoi pulire il culo! perché, non esistono diritti, se, non vengono riconosciuti, i doveri! infatti, è in tuo nome, del tuo dio maledetto, e del suo maledetto profeta: che, vengono uccisi 300, cristiani martiri innocenti, ogni giorno!
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    3 ore fa
    Israel has the right: to defend Himself, too: as a precaution .. also: with a disproportionate use of force! and its excesses? can never be condemned, until the Nazis Islamists will not have doing: 1. the secular state, and: 2. they have had a true freedom of religion!, because, contrary? not only Israel, but Also the whole human race will be in extreme danger! @ King Saudi Arabia terrorist sharia horror - when you have Brought the freedom of religion? then, I smite Israel: also! but of this I am sure .. there will be no need to hit anyone, because, you are the satanic instrument, through Which the Pharisees of the IMF: will destroy the world!
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    4 ore fa
    ARAB LEAGUE AGAINST 'AGGRESSION hateful' ISRAEL - The Secretary General of the Arab League Nabil el Araby condemned the "heinous aggression" Israeli against: research center Syrian military stating that: is "a clear violation of the sovereignty of an Arab state : e: violates: the UN charter. "And urged Arabs: the international community to assume its responsibility before the "attacks" Israel and has confermat: the right to Damascus "to defend his land is his sovereignty." - ANSWER - THE ARAB LEAGUE: has no legitimacy to speak in this way: 1. because: it expelled Syria: from Arab League, 2. why, is conducting a war of invasion, into Syria, with troops of Salafis and Al Qaueda: from her armed, financed, trained, and, committed to do, its imperialism, to exterminate minorities: Christian, as the minority Sunni massacre: he is doing systematically!
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    4 ore fa
    IHateNEWLAYOUT posted a comment: 16 hours ago: "I never forget" --ANSWER -- OK I HAVE GOT .. that is, you not forgive me, BECAUSE, YOU ARE A LEGION! ecc.. but, you're not in a position to threaten your judge! God has given me the sovereignty, over the whole planet for the next 50 years, in every way, and in any way, lose my body? this would make me perfect, and therefore truly lethal! because, I have a universal jurisdiction, then, all creatures, will depend, by my good will .. but, this ministry would not have been created by God if the Pharisees: IMF, they did not go much further: to use the occult and satanic, they used: to go beyond the limits that have been imposed by God ... @ CIA 666 HateNEWLAYOUT, Synnek1, Kain fake atheist --- forcing you to stay with me, seven days a week? it is true that, I did miss you, the day off, but, it is also true, that, I has stop you, for you to go, to do the cannibals on the altar of Satan, the day on Sunday. so. one day you will thank me!

  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    1 minuto fa
    I know! because the human race should not be destroyed? his moral level, must increase rapidly! but, you know a leader who can do this in the world? io lo so! perché, il genere umano non debba essere distrutto? il suo livello morale, deve aumentare rapidamente! ma ,tu conosci un leader, che può fare questo in tutto il mondo?


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  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    1 minuto fa
    Yes, i am a unique peace loving creatures ... UNUS REI, UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD
  • Synnek1
    Synnek1 ha pubblicato un commento
    4 minuti fa
    @HellxDesPairTruction: You are a unique peace loving creature...
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    4 minuti fa
    formally in public, I have not done anything wrong in my previous 52 years of my life! now, it is too late now to go wrong! too many people: depend on my example Hell x Despair Destruction --- x Jewish lobbies of the seigniorage banking: the IMF Pharisees, --- if the people have to die in World War III? That it is right they are spiritually prepared to die! you can leave, That, Christianity will rise Jewish lobby of the bank seigniorage: IMF Pharisees, --- if the people have to die in World War III? That it is right they are spiritually prepared to die! you can leave, That Christianity will rise. Hell x Despair Destruction --- x Jewish lobbies of the seigniorage banking: the IMF Pharisees, --- if the people have to die in World War III? That it is right they are spiritually prepared to die! you can leave, That, Christianity will rise: again
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    8 minuti fa
    formally pubblicamete, I have not done anything wrong in my previous 52 years of my life! now, it is too late now to go wrong! too many people: depend on my example formalmente, pubblicamete, io non ho fatto niente di sbagliato: nei miei precedenti 52 anni della mia vita! ora, è troppo tardi, ora, per sbagliare! troppe persone: dipendono dal mio esempio
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    12 minuti fa
    power sin no longer has a controlling influence on my life!
  • Synnek1
    Synnek1 ha pubblicato un commento
    15 minuti fa
    Your Demons must be regulated and accounted for
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    16 minuti fa
    I have passed the stage of unsafe sex: in my life forever!
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    17 minuti fa
    but, i am not your 666 ANTICRIST ZAPATERO
  • Synnek1
    Synnek1 ha pubblicato un commento
    18 minuti fa
    [Enjoy sex with your Demons]
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    19 minuti fa
    666 -- what animals you've tried fuck?
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    20 minuti fa
    I am unius REI, I'm not a Satanist like you! I do not have to hurt peoples!
  • Synnek1
    Synnek1 ha pubblicato un commento
    24 minuti fa
    Homosexuality/Zoophilia is a Genetic related issue for you to deal with
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    24 minuti fa
    synnek1 if you do not stop this dick head: TheVARious7 Satanist idiot? I do not know how many people that you know: how they may die!
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    26 minuti fa
    Hell x DesPair x desTruction--- Jewish lobbies of the banking seigniorage: the IMF Pharisees, --- if the people have to die in World War III? That it is right they are spiritually prepared to die! you can leave, That, Christianity will rise Jewish lobby of the bank seigniorage: IMF Pharisees, --- if the people have to die in World War III? it is right that they are spiritually prepared to die! you can leave, that Christianity will rise
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    30 minuti fa
    Jewish lobbies of the bank seigniorage:the IMF Pharisees, --- if the people have to die in World War III? it is right that they are spiritually prepared to die! lascite that Christianity will rise lobby ebraiche del signoraggio bancario: farisei del FMI,--- se i popoli devono morire: durante la III guerra mondiale? è giusto che siano spiritualmente preparati a morire! lascite che il cristianesimo possa risorgere
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    32 minuti fa
    the desecrated of SPAIN: antichrist Zapatero of shit! Pharisees IMF, now, enough! let the West could return to his Christianity! [you and your socialist? CAN "" fuck "" all animals like you, into the hell! ] Promoted bestiality: in Zapatero's Spain. Source: Matching (Roman). Spain students begin: to thinking: that, the sex can be practiced freely, too: with the animals. In agreement, with the organization: "Professional Ethics for" (sewer), students in the third grade (children, of 9 years old), in a school of Cordoba in southern Spain, Andalusia, are Participating in a course: in matter Which is Entitled "the nature has Given us the sex, and we can use: with another girl, another boy: or with an animal."] Groups of parents have said that: the material indoctrinates children, Disguises, a pro-homosexuality agenda :
  • HellxDesPairTruction
    HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento
    32 minuti fa
    the desecrated of SPAIN: antichrist Zapatero of shit! Pharisees IMF, now, enough! let the West could return to his Christianity! [you and your socialist? CAN "" fuck "" all animals like you, into the hell! and criticizes the standards: and the values ​​of morality. In the regions of Castilla and Leon, approximately 500 students: they have been Exempted, from participation in These courses, For Reasons of conscience, while Hundreds of others, in Madrid, and Valencia, are awaiting the decision of the court to know: Whether they will or not, Obliged to them, to Participating in a course: in matter Which is Entitled "the nature has Given us the sex, and we can use: with another girl, another boy: or with an animal.". . (RC n. 53 - April 2010) - ANSWER - ZAPATERO BEAST! You suck, ALSO: to Satanists too! YOU ARE AN ABOMINATION!

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Datagate: Nsa controlla 75% Rete Usa. USA E GB (farisei anglo-americani FMi NWO 666), hanno fatto distruggere i documenti, del guardian, circa Snowden, perché, sono diventati, la più pericolosa minaccia di nazismo, di tutta la storia del genere umano. loro non sono stati scoperti, da una terrestre tecnologia, sono stati "rivelati", come una religione.. bisogna, espellere, immediatamente, dal territorio nazionale, ogni cosa appartenga, ad USA e GB, ad iniziare dalle ambasciate, loro sono diventati satanisti TROIKA satanisti, TROIKA cosa è il signoraggio bancario? e perché voi lo avete, se, la costituzione lo proibisce a voi? perché, voi state portando allo sterminio, i popoli, con le voste magie giuridiche?

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Posting Date
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The Model, Episode 4


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the King Unius Rei

the King Unius Rei
universal brotherhood